#i have to watch the vods to see
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gremnda ¡ 25 days ago
Oh my gosh, if you do decide to go back and watch BBH vods of his QSMP pov, I super recommend it, two things though. 1) a majority of them are really long, not all of them are things that have major lore, there's a lot with a lot of filler space and he just yaps and stuff like that, but it's a great time regardless I think lol. 2) be prepared for feeling lots of emotions, good and bad, he tends to put you through the ringer.
thank you so much for the heads up, Bee! i've been watching his realms vods and it's so nice to put his streams in the background while i draw, i really love listening to him talk about whatever. he's literally becoming one of my comfort streamers ahgahghga
ohhh i heard about the feels :,,) but it's absolutely alright, i will cope with it by making more angst art lmaooo
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mcytegg ¡ 5 days ago
subz is doing all this to make everyone in the server hate him irl as if the violence in this server doesn't go hand in hand w the love each member holds for each other. like,,, nothing he could do in game could ever make any of the lsers hate him or want him gone bc he will always matter more than a minecraft server to them. always. if he doesnt want to be here then that's okay; but it can only be His Choice in whether or not he lets go bc the other lsers love him too much to be the ones to allow him to fall while they desperately try to clutch at his hand in the hopes that it'll get him to stay even if its only for a moment longer
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mostlyghostlyy ¡ 7 months ago
"I think..... I miss my wife" but it's me talking about a 60y/o man named Dale
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crowskullls ¡ 11 months ago
Zam wants to be ♠️ with Minute SOOOOO bad. And Minute has no idea why. He’s so confused by it. Reluctant and honestly pretty tame Kismesissitude
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lunar-halos ¡ 21 days ago
idk how u can play dbd and accuse everything of cheating like wdym ur gna accuse the nurse of cheating for using her blinks. thts like… the whole point…. she can double blink….. thts literally her whole thing….. thts her power…… thts…. like….. common knowledge…..
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gooperts-gunk ¡ 1 year ago
brain exploded as im currently thinking about acau and chunsik, acau loooves doing dungeons, i swear he's ALWAYS dungeoning, and i think chunsik also has a hunger for them because dad loves them, it's so cute... chunsik is like a little sidekick. just a little fighter. follows in dad's footsteps dutifully. the type of kid to inherit the family business. just like papa! :) but much less out of pocket than his father, chunsik is so polite and sweet, meanwhile acau throws crazy left hooks of roasts like he did with quackity's house LOL chunsik could never, he's just a little baby. maybe he'll grow into it, imagine that, that'd be crazy omg
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svtskneecaps ¡ 2 years ago
took advantage of what may apparently be the last quiet qsmp night for a WHILE to watch through some day 1 vods, since i didn't hop on the train until mid april. holy SHIT there is gold in those metaphorical hills. one day i gotta make a compilation fr but it is so tedious the way i get clips.
anyway here's a collection of highlights:
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boygirlctommy ¡ 1 year ago
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leafatlaw ¡ 3 months ago
Okay okay gonna go watch s4 vods so I can finally get it.
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midnightmarev ¡ 9 months ago
Was rewatching Phil’s QSMP streams, specifically Deathduo streams (because they never got to see each other after the reset and qMissa doesn’t know his family went to Rose’s sanctuary and did a long sleep ueueue), and what better place than to start with that first day he and Missa had Chayanne? Something I noticed when they gave him a sword and he went after Spreen was, lightning stuck. On a sunny day. Multiple times. On Chay. Or rather, close by him and towards his targets, Charlie and Mariana being one of them, when he one time was looking down below them where they lived at the time and lightning kept striking, as if Chayanne was trying to hit them with it. So… that’s where this AU came from. Yes, I am actually gonna write this out into a proper story. Have a title and starting sentence and everything. Pls don’t steal this, it’s one of my babies. I have so many wips in my folder lmao. Anyway, happy reading!
Chayanne has the power of lightning at his disposal. He doesn’t know it’s not normal until he’s adopted by his dads, Philza and Missa, and sees their reactions to him summoning lighting at Tio Spreen when he hit him the first day. They don’t know it was him, the men too stressed about being thrust into parenthood to really think about what happened, probably chucking it up to the weird things happening on the island. He sees how scared they are for him when lightning strikes close to him, to protect himself, how protective they get and fuss to get him home, that he realises it might be better if he just… keeps it in. Doesn’t let them know it was actually him.
After a few months of having been adopted by his dads, he slowly works up the courage to tell his Dad Phil about what he can do. Chay’s a little warrior, after all, and he wants to protect his siblings the best he can, and his powers would help him with that goal, surely Dad Phil, the seasoned warrior he is, will recognise this and not be scared of Chay, or start hating him, right?
And then the binary entity starts attacking his siblings who still have two lives. And he realises something. The monster summons lightning storms every time it attacks. Lightning striking with too much precision to be a coincidence. That revelation scares him. He’s too much like the creature that is a danger to his siblings. If he tells Dad Phil now, surely the man will start despising him. Everyone will, even Lullah, once they know because Dad Phil will surely tell them about the monster living under his roof.
So Chayanne keeps it in.
Keeps a big secret that no one knows about, not even his other half, his little Lullah. He doesn’t want her to be scared of him. What if he actually was a code, just disguised as a kid, and that was the reason he could summon lightning? He would be such a danger to everyone!
But keeping it in for too long serves him no good. He starts sleeping more. Sometimes days at a time with no one able to wake him up. Dad Phil is worried. He doesn’t know what’s happening with his son. Chayanne doesn’t either. Not until he wakes up groggily, alone, during the afternoon while Dad Phil is out with Lullah doing her tasks. There’s static in the air, and when he looks at his hands after rubbing sleep from his eyes, little electric lines appear between his fingers and suddenly he’s wide awake.
Keeping his powers in, burying them deep, made them bottle up. He hurts. He can’t keep them in for much longer. He has to leave!
And he runs away.
When he’s far enough away from where anyone lives or has little bases, he lets go.
One massive lightning bolt summons on him and many smaller ones strike the ground around him.
It doesn’t hurt, not really. Not anymore. But the buildup that just got released was too much for his little body and he passed out from the exertion.
The rest of the islanders see the lightning in the distance and start bringing their children home to safety. Lightning equals code attack, after all. Better safe than sorry.
Every child is accounted for. Well, at least until Philza returns home with his daughter and sees an empty bed where his son was sleeping when they left that morning. He frantically looks around the bunker, the kitchen, and the side room. Nothing. No sign of Chayanne.
Immediately he goes outside again, making sure Lullah stays inside, worried as she is, and pulls out his communicator.
He asks around if Chayanne may have gone to them after he woke up sometime during the day, but with no luck. No one has seen the little boy all day. They ask if everything’s alright. Phil doesn’t want to worry them and doesn’t want to fear the worst. He says they are just playing hide and seek. They’re not.
Phil looks into the distance where all the lightning came from and steels himself. If the code has his son, he is going on a rampage. The Angel of Death will take to the skies once more.
But first, he needs proof that something’s happened. So, he goes in the direction the lightning struck. No rain happened, just the lightning, which is odd. Something at the back of his mind tucks at that, something familiar that he can’t place. There was also no ping in the communicators that someone was downed or killed, so Chayanne has to still be alive.
What is happening?
Eventually, he arrives at a clearing far away. Scorch marks litter the ground, but his focus is solely on the biggest one. Because in the middle of that, lies his son.
Phil runs to his side, listening for his heartbeat, and quickly finding it. It’s not beating as strongly as it usually is. Phil is worried. What happened to his son?
Phil wants to bring him home, but it is far, and Phil doesn’t know what happened, and doesn’t know if moving him would hurt him, so he stays. He gently combs through the little boy’s hair with his taloned hand as if he were grooming delicate feathers.
He stays like that for hours, just waiting until his boy would wake up. He shoots a message to Fit asking if he could check on Lullah and if she has gone to bed, saying something came up that he had to take care of, so he had to leave in a hurry. Fit complies easily with his request, his old friend not even questioning him about the urgent matter.
Eventually, Chayanne wakes up. And he is not alone. He instantly recognises the hand combing through his hair and chokes up.
“Chayanne? Are you awake?” his dad whispers hesitantly, and Chayanne just starts sobbing, launching himself into his Dad Phil’s arms, hiding his face in the man’s chest. “Oh, Chayanne. What happened?” Dad Phil’s voice is so gentle as he hugs him, trying to soothe the crying boy, too gentle than anyone should be to a monster.
Chayanne just shakes his head. He knows he’ll have to answer his dad’s questions eventually, but he is selfish. He wants comfort, warmth and kindness just this one last time until his dad realises what a monster he is.
What the boy doesn’t know is how his dad won’t care about what he can do. He doesn’t care that it is similar to the creatures that kill children. Because that is not how Chayanne is. His powers don’t make him a monster. Actions do. And Chayanne would never do anything that would make him a monster.
But all that is for later. For now, a father is comforting his son.
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mcytegg ¡ 17 days ago
"thank you for everything, ro. i wish we got to work together."
"oh same, but y'know, some things just don't work out."
i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics i hate drastics
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yoki-loves-stars ¡ 1 month ago
one day like a year ago i woke up and i just randomly became a huge charlie slimecicle fan and i have zero recollection of how or why or when
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invinciblerodent ¡ 5 months ago
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yes, the location or the lighting aren't the greatest, but, little Iona is done now! they're sitting in my yarn bowl ❤️
(which is something of an issue because I kinda don't have the heart to take them out of there so that i can use the bowl)
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duskuntilthedawn ¡ 23 days ago
i think i might start posting my fav subz clips alongside purple duo bc of him leaving as he is very dear to me even outside of duos, andi am very excited to see what he has planned for ls s6 ending. im happy that he cares enough to put effort into his plans even tho it is mental anguish to hear him repeat over n over again how much he hates the server
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theregardedminecrafter ¡ 1 year ago
I have seen some people on tumblr asking for context as to q!Charlie Slimecicle’s glitches and wondering what exactly is going on.
And sincerely from someone who has not missed a qsmp stream of his, I have to tell you that not one written post would be able to truly and completely sum up the culmination of the slimecicle qsmp streams that have led up this point.
Probably a me problem though cause I end up worrying about missing details or leaving out something important.
But the thing I am getting at is that q!charlie lore goes hard and absolutely nuts and is far more thought out then what it might initially seem to the outside eye. This man has gone through so many arcs and he references things that have happened months ago.
And honestly this is just me gushing at this point because Charlie Slimecicle has a way with improv and storytelling that has the hamster wheels of my mind whirring.
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apollos-boyfriend ¡ 1 year ago
i know a lot of people have issues with watching vods but i’ve coke to realize i have the opposite issue. i’ve gotten so used to livestreams and vods that i get sad at edited videos. i want to see every tech issue i want all the silly clips and quips that got cut i want to see every single second down to the detail no matter how long or boring the process may have been
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