#i have to be awake at 3am because my mom and i are going to be driving my dad to the hospital for surgery and ive decided
myokk · 2 months
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eddiediazismyhusband · 4 months
Buddie Headcanons bc i forgot to take my meds today and it is too late to take them now bc if i did i would be up all night but im somehow still wide awake at 3am anyway so eh what the hell 🤷
- Eddie bought Buck a journal that he keeps in his bedside table drawer, so that if he wakes up in the middle of the night with some sort of information running through his brain, he can write it down as an outlet to gush about the information so he doesn’t toss and turn the rest of the night bc he feels bad waking up eddie to info-dump
- Buck went all out on the cheesey newly-wed merch: matching his & his throw pillows for the bed, matching Mr. & Mr. Diaz coffee mugs, pun-y couple t-shirts, etc. Eddie pretends to find it annoying, but he can’t hide the smile he always has when he holds the Mr. Diaz mug.
- They both leave sticky notes to each other around the house with little sweet nothings written on them; Chris eventually got annoyed with them and started writing things like “you two are gross” or “get a room” and leaving them in the usual spots
- Buck is a swiftie, Eddie claims he doesn’t like her music, but Buck constantly hears Eddie humming her music around the house as he carries out daily tasks
- They watch Drag Race together, and Buck info-dumps about the queens as Eddie just listens not comprehending a word of it bc he’s too busy watching Buck be so entertained
- Eddie learns how to make omelets and starts making them for Buck; they aren’t good at all, but Buck always eats them bc he sees how proud of himself Eddie is and he refuses to make Eddie sad
- When Eddie and Buck’s daughter gets into dance/theatre, Buck immediately turns into the Dance/Theatre Mom, learning how to see to make costumes, getting in arguments with other moms, sitting front row and filming every performance, etc.
- Buck sets their alarm an hour early intentionally so they have time to cuddle in bed every morning; waking each other up with soft kisses (Eddie loves to kiss the tip of Buck’s nose first thing in the morning bc it makes Buck blush), and whispered “i love you”s until their second alarm goes off and they start their day
- Eddie always does the dishes since Buck cooks, but Buck keeps him company by drying snd putting them away
- As a wedding gift to Buck, Eddie got Bobby’s help to track down the scrap yard where decommissioned LAFD vehicles go and got a peice of scrap from an old 118 engine that he had melted down to make their wedding bands
- Eddie asked for Bobby and Athena’s blessing before he proposed to Buck
- Buck (who was simultaneously preparing a proposal) visited Shannon’s grave with Chris to ask for her blessing to propose; promising to take care of her boys for her
- Buck (and Chris) begged Eddie to get a cat, but Eddie always said no… until Eddie found a stray in their backyard one day and started to feed it. The cat never left, and now spends most nights curled up on Eddie’s lap, and he would protect that cat like it was his own baby.
- Buck didn’t know Eddie wears contact lenses, and one of their days off when Eddie ran out, he wore his glasses to the breakfast table and Buck was speechless for most of the morning (Chris teased him relentlessly afterwards)
- Eddie started wearing his glasses more often after that because he thought it was cute the way Buck got all flustered and blushy
- Late at night on overnight shifts, if one of them has a nightmare, they sneak out of the bunkroom to go lay on the roof— they would call it stargazing, but there is too much light pollution from LA to see anything other than faint specks, but they still love to hold each other in silence to calm the other one down
- One of Buck’s favorite photos of Eddie was taken long before they got together; it was at a Grant-Nash barbecue shortly after Jee had been born, and Eddie was lounging in a lawn chair with a sleeping baby Jee curled up in his arms— he has a small smile on his face as he looks down at her, and it’s one of the first times Buck remembers looking at Eddie and thinking “He is so beautiful”
- When Eddie asked Buck to move in with him and Chris, Buck teased him by saying “you’re not gonna kick me out after a day, are you?”
- Eddie got him back when he jokingly kicked Buck out after a day, Buck believing he meant it for a solid 45 seconds before Eddie started laughing and pulled him into a tight hug, telling him he was joking
- They were initially going to replace Eddie’s bed with Buck’s, but when they were moving things in, they were playfully shoving each other around and both accidentally fell onto the bed before it was fully set up, breaking the supports meaning they had to buy a new bed
- Chimney (who witnessed this happen) now teases them relentlessly about how they “broke the bed” when Buck moved in
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goldfish-afterhours · 9 months
Genshin Characters During Finals Season (College AU)
Characters: Zhongli, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Albedo, Bennett, Childe, Kaeya
Type/Genre: Bulleted headcanons, comedy
Warnings: Foul language, slightly suggestive humour/for comedic purposes
Calm and collected at first
As the days go by, Zhongli would start looking more and more like a tired dad
Walks around slightly frowning, bags under his eyes from all nighters, and clutching a mug of coffee so hard that people are afraid it’s gonna break, but even more afraid to tell him to be careful
Has heat compresses on the back of his neck and forehead to ease the headaches from the lack of sleep
Probably told Childe to shut the fuck up and mind your own business when he warned him about his cup
“Childe, if I do not kill this final I will kill you in its stead. Leave me be.”
Probably part of one of those student care organizations that makes care packages for other students
His smile when he hands out the packages is so bright and healing it could bring back the dead
Always motivating his peers and tries to keep everyone’s spirits up
Offers to get everyone in the study group coffee
He’s not the best at school but he has a lot of friends that are willing to tutor him and do his assignments help him with his work
Likes to snack while he’s studying
“No giving up yet! Let’s take a snack break, you’ll think better with something in your belly.”
Chills at a coffee shop with a big friend group to “study”
They do jack shit
Probably spends more time staring at the drink menu than his exam notes
Grade A procrastinator, does all his homework the night before it’s due and studies for exams the morning of
Due tomorrow do tomorrow amiright
Always seems to do okay tho?? People wanna scold him for his bad study habits but he actually does okay in school so they can’t really say anything
Doesn’t study hard but parties 100x harder
“Come on, live a little! If your exam is at 2pm, you can just start studying at 9 tomorrow morning and you’ll be fine.”
Pulls all nighter after all nighter after all nighter after all nighter after-
No one can ever find him during the day on campus or in his dorm—it’s like he despawned and just does not exist
Only time he is spotted by others is always at 3am in the morning like a cryptid and he looks like a zombie
He’s actually working a part time job along with going to classes and helping others with their work. An angry looking good boy.
Studies in the lecture halls by himself, blasting music as loud as he can on his headphones to keep himself awake
Mf going to go deaf is2g lower ur volume boi
“…hey. I’m getting a coffee, do you want one?”
Plans his time meticulously. Has an extremely organized planner where he writes out exactly what he’s going to do at every hour of the day so he can maximize his week
Includes mealtimes, breaks, and poop times relaxation periods
Usually studies in his room, but for some reason people keep barging in on him to ask for study help so he has to find different hiding places to work in peace
So far, the best place has been the graduate students lounge. No he does not belong there, but no one questions him because it looks like he does
“If you really need my help, I have twenty seven and a half minutes between lunch and my bathroom break this Thursday. Come find me then.”
(Rejected quote: “What’s my masters in? No no, the only thing I’m a master of is your mom.”)
The type of person to have the “please don’t talk to me I have work to do and if you talk to me I won’t stop” sign on his back while working in the library
Fell asleep while completing an assignment
Missed the midnight deadline for said assignment
Slept through the exam the next morning
At this point just let him sleep at least he won’t have to deal with it then
“That was a good nap…now I got the energy for my assignment and the exam!”
Would be a good student if he wasn’t bothering other people so often
Probably bakes when he’s stressed. His roommates are always awoken at 4 in the morning to the sound of the oven beeping and the heavenly smell of freshly baked cookies
Has a friendly rivalry with Zhongli. He always asks when Zhongli will be turning in an assignment, and what mark he’s aiming for for the final exam
Turns in the final paper at least a week before it’s due and aims for ten percent higher than Zhongli on the exam
If he needs bonus marks to reach that then so be it
Otherwise slacks off a bit
He’d be a really good student if he wasn’t so competitive with Zhongli all the time
“You good, Zhongles? You trying to squeeze a better grade out of that mug?”
This man probably used red bull as the liquid for his instant coffee
An absolute menace and loves messing with people
Tells them that the exam is on a whole other different thing than what they were studying for, or that the due date of a big assignment was changed
Nobody goes to him for help
If you do genuinely need help with a concept, though, he’s more than willing to help
Just make sure to provide adequate compensation for him ;)
By compensation I mean more red bull this man has drank 3 cans in ten minutes please stop him
“What? If they do shit, that only helps with our bellcurve, right? Their fault for trusting me anyways~”
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shinobusupremecy · 10 months
Shinobu with an s/o or friend that sleep talks
Modern au
Can be seen as romantic or platonic (friends). Idk how to write it as a mix of both so I just wrote together/friends. 
A/N: Hiiii! Been a while hasn’t it? Anyways I do apologize, I have no idea what more to say but I hope you have all been doing well <3
I will probably not be changing my ”hiatus” status because who knows?
Thank you anon for requesting this was so much fun to write!
I guess this will be a mix of oneshot and headcannon 
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🦋- You and Shinobu have been together/friends for long, the only ironic thing is not once you had a sleepover. Mostly because you two have different schedule and hobbies so you really never got the time to. Except now
🦋- It was you two’s first sleepover and you were excited to say the least. You decided to sleep at her house
🦋- You guessed she felt more comfortable that way. Shinobu’s mom said Shinobu hasn’t been to a sleepover at someone else’s house often at all. Probably like 2 three times when she was in middle school. 
🦋- Anyways when night time came around you two watched a series before going to bed. 
“Alright, good night Shinobu!”
“Goodnight Y/N” She said and closed the lights. The room turned dark and you both fell asleep without problems. 
“The chicken can wear a dishwasher” Shinobu woke up to someone murmiring about something. She thought her mind was playing tricks on her so she ignored it and went to sleep. 
She’s sure she didn’t even get to sleep in 5 minutes before she heard you yell
“THE BUTTERFLIES DRIVE A BUS” She turned over and looked at you still sleeping. It was so dark so she didn’t know if you were awake or not, only that you were there. 
“Y/N, if you really think it’s funny to yell weird stuff at 3am then you got another thing coming” 
“Nooooooooooo” You replied.
“Yes, I mean it!” She said sternly, not having the energy for this shit at 3am. 
“Not my children. Anyone but my children. They just sprouted wiiiiingggsss” Now Shinobu was really creeped out. She quickly understood you were sleep talking. 
But then her smile turned devilsih and amused, what more can you say?
“My dog will alert the authorities....YOU SHALL BE DAMMNED”
She quickly grabbed her phone and started recording.
“And why should they be dammned?” Shinobu asked. 
“They taught my cat to play the tombone...”
“Ohh, is that so bad?”
“They made my roach deaf” Shinobu had to hold in her giggle, this was way too amusing not to mess around with.
”So uh, do you know sign language for your roach?”
”Noooo…the man in the corner does though” Shinobu’s smile faded and she quickly turned around only to see nothing there. She saw your cheeky smile and wondered if you really were asleep or not.
”Hm, cheeky bastard” Shinobu whispered before she continued on having conversation with your half-concioused self.
After 15 minutes she thought she had enough footatge and she went to sleep.
🦋- Next morning rolled around and she showed the footatge to you in the morning. Depending on if you were aware that you could sleep talk or not your reaction would be kinda different.
🦋- If you knew you just laughed it off and told Shinobu ”I forgot to tell you”
”Y/n. We have been friends for several years, how could you forget to tell me!?” Shinobu would say. She would still keep the footatge though, as blackmail material🥰
🦋- If you did NOT know then you would be in for quite the shocker
”I can sleeptalk?”
”Apperantly hahha! Didn’t you know?” Shinobu’s expression slightly frowned to confusion
Awkward silence ensues..slightly.
🦋- Shinobu would probably ask if you want to maybe get that treated some way and if you’re comfortable with her recording when you do sleep talk.
🦋- If you do wanna get help then obviosuly Shinobu tries to treat you. She looks up ways to treat it and what causes sleeptalking.
🦋- If you don’t however then Shinobu and her sisters will atleast know how to entertain themself when they can’t sleep or when you go asleep early. Shinobu just gathers her sisters to talk to you when you sleep talk, each taking their own turn to talk, one records and later show you the next morning.
Shinobu had been noticing you were laying still for many minutes. She schooched over and listened to your slow but ateady breathing.
”Pst! Hey, hey, are you awake?” No response from you. Shinobu smiled and sneaked away, knocking on each of her sisters rooms.
”Hm? Is Y/N asleep again?” Kanao asked, trailing behind Kanae.
”Mhm, they are. From what I know they should be start talking soon” Shinobu said as she sat down on her knees, Kanae and Kanao each took their own seat on the floor forming a circle almost of 3 people and well, you in the middle of it.
They sat their in silence for a little but before you began to murmur something and Shinobu smiled knowing she was right.
”Noo…noo…don’t go in there, the tuna is dancing” Shinobu nudged Kanao to say something while Kanae just quietly snickered.
”U-uhmm…what dance did the tuna-? Ahem, tuna dance”
”Chicken dance. I think. I can’t seee….” Your worlds trailed off. Kanae thought about what she was gonna say, she scooted closer to say it when she finally got something.
”Is the dance good?”
”Mmmm maybeeeee, I don’t- wanna be meaan” Kanae had to cover her mouth with her hand to prevent herself from laughing.
”It’s amazing how we can have a conversation with them asleep like this” Kanao commented which Kanae agreed to and nodded.
”Well this will certainly not be the end of it” Shinobu said, pulling out her phone.
🦋- We can all just say that the butterfly sisters will be having you over for more sleepovers <3
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shipskicksandgiggles · 3 months
dialogue prompts
hi! I'm ellis, and for the past 4 years I've been a college student and have had a very normal time about it, evidenced by the very normal collection of sentences I have heard and said during my time in college that make for fantastic fic prompts for me and anyone else to use as inspiration. this list was delayed because while school has been over with for a month now, this is my last college list since I graduated, but I realized it will very likely not be my last list, because people say insane shit to me all the time and I am never at a loss for material. anywhom, yall know the drill, pick a number, a fandom, and a ship or dynamic and send them my way!
“My life is so weird, I just wrote an email with the subject line ‘Eggs’.”
“I know I texted you at 3am but this is on brand for me. Why are you awake?”
“Yeah we went and picked up six dozen eggs and pet five dogs. It was a good day.” “What the hell are you doing?”
“Hey I have a soup related question.”
“He’s like if a shitty hot water heater was a person.”
“Do you think my students know that I have a personal life? I don’t think they even realize I’m a person.”
“Is this like, your big girl job?” “No, it’s a job in my field and I want to move closer to it, but it’s not my ‘big girl job’. Yes, it’s my big girl job, why wouldn’t it be?”
“I’m invested in drama from my town that happened over a hundred years ago. Like I want to know what the ice cream incident of the mid-1880s was.”
“I’m actively crying in the parking lot of a gas station but it’s okay because it’s funny.” “How?” “Don’t think about it, life is a cosmic joke.”
“I’m known as the egg guy now.” 
“I sort of called my mom a bad parent and now I think she’s actually reevaluating how she’s treated me and it’s kind of wild.” 
“I don’t want to be a baby cop.”
“I’m having a weird day.” “You don’t have normal days.”
“I’m all for gut feelings, but this is a man we’re talking about, not your education or your job.”
“So good news, we got a new fridge. Bad news, it’s small.”
“Maintenance introduced me to the new guy which concerns me. Like hey, come meet the guy who hasn’t had a normal problem ever!”
“Oh shit.” “Did you just get a bloody nose?” “Yeah.”
“My mom loves you more.” “That’s because I’m delightful.”
“Did I ever tell you about the time I physically moved a guy because he didn’t want to listen to me?”
“What do you mean you've never done this before?” “Why would I lie?”
“Hey are you mad at me?” “No, should I be mad at you?” “I don’t think so, our boss just said you were.” “If I was, I forgot why, so you’re good.”
“The security guy keeps asking if I’m okay. I swear, you cry in front of a man one time.”
“You just have to tell people how it is sometimes. Wait, is that why people are scared of me?” “Oh I’m absolutely terrified of you.”
“I need to call them back. Oh nevermind, speak of the devil!” “Are you kidding? Was that a joke?”
“I’ll meet you there, I just need to go cry in my car for a minute first.” “Why are we crying?”
“Listen, I invited you because I knew you were going to be the conversational one.” “And then I had a mental breakdown 20 minutes before we showed up?” “Yeah, that was scary. Don't do that again please.”
“I think when people see you cry it’s like seeing an adult man cry. Like no one knows what to do and something is obviously very wrong because that never happens.”
“I would not trust a single one of you to drive my car. Except maybe you.” “I’m a great driver, that’s a solid call.”
“I’m going to bleed out through my nose.”
“Aww, that’s so gay.” “Honey, we are gay.”
“I think we keep saying things without saying them. And I think I’m going to actually say it.” “You’re going to get killed.” “That’s okay.”
“Is your kid going to be there?” “Maybe. Would you come if I said yes?” “Yes.”
“Hey the power’s out.” “What? Mom, I need to call you back.”
“I don’t think that’s your autism, I think that’s your OCD.” “My what? I’m not OCD.” “Oh honey, are you in a headspace to learn something about yourself?”
“I think today is just unlucky. You’re getting a trial by fire moment just like I did last year.” 
“Are we taking the ramp?” “I’m in a wheelchair, do you want me to take the stairs?”
“My sister texted me to see if you’re okay.” “Your sister has my number.”
“You good?” “I’m going to go home and take an ibuprofen.”
“I think you committed too hard to the bit.” “I definitely committed too hard to the bit.”
“Please tell me you also don’t like Taylor Swift.” “Are we about to become best friends?”
“Oh yeah, the one testicle, six toes, and he’s related to Hitler incident. I remember that.”
“Are you in a place emotionally where I can be sappy?” “No.” “When will you be?” “Never.”
“Wait, I have something for you.” “Is it a knife?”
“I’m going to cancel this trip if you don’t get it together, you’re all terrible people.”
“Why do none of the grown adult men in this room know how to tie a tie?”
“Can you come pick me up?” “It’s 1:30 in the morning, where are you?” “Downtown, I found a cat.”
“How did you fall asleep with the lights on?”
“I don’t know shit about fuck.”
“The era of country music a person listens to can tell you a lot.” “I listen to a lot of Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson.” “Stoner country, I respect it.”
“You know a lot of Taylor Swift lyrics for someone who hates Taylor Swift.” “Don’t talk to me.”
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kamryn1963 · 2 months
My headcanons about the Chicago PD old timers trio (Al, Hank and Trudy)
Some of these I've had for a while and have used in my fics, and some of these I came up with a couple hours ago in the shower. Ya know balance...
Anyhow, if anyone has any of their own if love to hear them. This is just my thoughts/opinions of course <3
• Al was the best at both baking and cooking. Trudy was good at cooking and Hank... had made some editable stuff in his life
• Al was the youngest of the three of them
• Hank's the most talkative and the one who usually starts conversations as Trudy and Al would be okay just to sit in silence for hours
• Camille was close with both Al and Trudy
• Trudy tried to talk to Meredith after Al died and get her to change her mind about not wanting Hank there, but she didn't push that hard as she knew Meredith was grieving
• After Al's funeral, Hank and Trudy went to Trudy's place and just looked at photos and shared memories and stories of Al
• Trudy and Hank frequently visit Al and Lexi's graves
• Trudy told Makayla about Al
• Hank stays in regular touch with Olive and Daniel and when Daniel was old enough, him and Olive told Daniel about Justin. Hank also told his grandson about Camille, Al and Lexi. So he knew all his family
• Justin and Lexi called Trudy "aunt"
• Sometimes, especially as she got older, Trudy regretted not having kids and wondered if she'd even of been a good mom
• Trudy and Hank are still in regular contact with Michelle and Trudy's in contact with Meredith
• Al and Erin were close
• Hank blames himself for Al's death everyday
• After the events of 11x13, Trudy's the only one Hank told about him hallucinating Al that day
• Hank always wanted kids and so did Camille
• Al never wanted kids and was convinced he wouldn't be a good dad due to his less than stellar childhood. That all changed when Lexi was born and Al held her for the first time
• Al named Lexi after Trudy
• They had all spent countless hours at each other's sides in hospitals when one of them was hurt/sick
• Nobody knew them as well as they did
• Al was Justin's godfather and that's what partially led him to taking the blame for Kevin Bingham's murder. Partially because Al was tired and didn't really care what happened to him at that point
• Hank, Trudy and Al, all grew really close to each other after losing people within a year of each other (Justin, Trudy's dad, Lexi)
• Hank and Al attended Trudy's dad's funeral to support Trudy
• Part of Trudy always resented Hank (and Al) for not keeping her in the loop when Al was being investigated for the murder of Bingham
• In 5x21, Trudy had to bring the detectives up to the bullpen that were there to arrest Al (that one's a fact. Just thought I'd remind everyone)
• One Christmas, Al bought all three of them one of those trio friendship necklaces as a joke (Hank and Trudy still have there's)
• Al did track in high school
• Trudy used to steal both Hank and Al's clothes
• Al was a blanket hog
• None of them had the best childhoods. They all needed therapy
• Hank had the most pictures of any of them (a lot of them are collecting dust in his attic because he can't get himself to go through them)
• Al was the most accident prone of the three of them and had the most hospital visits
• Trudy had the least, Hank was somewhere in the middle
• Trudy wishes a lot that they could go back to their patrol days when everything was easier and they were all alive and well
I may make a part 2 at some point. It's almost 3am here, so more will definitely pop into my head when I'm more awake, lol.
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It's been a while. Life is hard. Rogues of your choice with sleep-walking s/o? I just told stories to my coworkers about me going out of house in the middle of the night, dressing up at 3am, reading a book, suddenly coming to my friend spilling nonesense and talking bs or waking up my mom crying because I dreamed I broke my arm and I apparently walked to her bedroom mumbling how it's bad etc. I would love to see Rogues dealing with odd strange night adventures of their s/o, whatever their odd things would be
Hope it gets better.
When he heard they're sleepwalking he didn't take it seriously, he can handle it; he doesn't sleep that good so he can retrieve them to bed
That was until he realized they opened the door and walked out on street, the man was running like he was chased by Batman
Puts on special locks so S/O can't open it
If he doesn't sleep he checks on them every 10 minutes
When they started reading a book he just gave them a long look before asking what's it about, when they're anserw he just sits and watches them; the way that they do all this stuff while sleep walking is fascinating
Especially if they have a nightmare and are talking like it's really happening, he needs to restrain himself to not explore it
Mr Freeze
When he saw them putting on clothes he thought they're awake until he realized their eyes didn't seem to watch anything, need to put them back in bed
Asks after that what happened and S/O explains their sleep walking
VERY worried
Sometimes stays for longer yo have eye on them, he might need to find a way of them getting out of the house
When they walk to him crying he is scared until realizing they're dreaming; tries to calm them, saying to image something nice
Man can't take a break even at night
Black Mask
Very fucking confused when S/O comes to his office in the middle of the night when they were supposed to be sleeping, asked what happened
Red lights flashes in his head when they cry about being hurt but everything seems right so he gets confused
Calls a doctor to take a look and that's how he learned about their condition
How the fuck are they able to open doors while sleeping?
Leaves his guards with them to look after, S/O will not leave the building unless they can actually communicate
Because of what happened he isn't suprised by anything else
They're reading book? Sure
Doesn't take it seriously until they come to his workshop just talking nonsense, he does look and just thinks S/O wanted attention so listens to them
Ask if they can go get him something from the store and they do, thanks them but then he sees their eyes aren't exactly there
Asks if everything is alright but their anserw isn't clear so he shakes them and their eyes shot wide open
"Huh? Oh, hey, did I sleep walked?"
... Did they bought stuff from store while sleep walking?
He just puts stuff down and puts his hands together
He's both impressed and worried
From that moment he takes it seriously
Whenever they walk around when it's late he comes to see their eyes, if they're asleep he gets them to bed
Got really scared when S/O started crying about injury, wasn't sure what to do? Wake them up? Let them sleep?
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I’ve picked at my skin all my life and I’ve never been able to stop. I have a few target “picking spots” and whenever one gets too inflamed or broken, I immediately find another to wreck. As in sink my nails into it, pulling, prodding, twisting, squeezing, peeling, digging in. I don’t know how it started.
I compulsively pick at every scab/insect bite I get, but more often than not, I just start clawing at random areas of pristine, intact skin, and before I know it, I’ve drawn fresh blood or created some new, glaring deformity.
My skin is just an accumulation of scars at this point. There are so many nice clothes I can’t wear anymore because I have to hide them. They’re the first thing people notice about my face. I cant high-five anyone without them seeing, touching the raw holes in my hand. My mom tells me to stop, I know it makes me look ugly, and I want so badly to look normal, but I can never stop picking for more than two days. Believe me, I’ve been trying for almost two decades.
I’m going to college soon. I really want to stop and I don’t know how. I had surgery to fix an infected spot and now I pick at the fucking scar till it’s swollen. I’ve tried fidget toys and sticky tack, but some perverted part of me likes, maybe even needs, the pain of nails sinking into flesh, again and again and again.
I hate to say it…but it feels like a release. It’s almost cathartic.
And I don’t post here at all, but this is keeping me awake at 3am, in front of the mirror, transfixed by my own self-ruination. I just don’t know what to do anymore.
It’s all I’ve ever known, and I don’t know how to forget it.
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a-moment-captured · 1 year
I have had a day for the record books that is for sure! What started yesterday about 7pm with my mom throwing up bright red blood. My dad takes her to the ER and then she gets transferred to the hospital I work at about 3am. Well I finally get to bed at 4am and awake at 6am when my dad calls me to let me know he is on the way to the hospital.
Coit is up at 7am so there is no more sleeping. My sister calls me at 10am to tell me they told her to come in so they could monitor her because her blood pressure was running high. So I get my niece and nephew and her and my brother in law head to the hospital.
At 1pm my mom gets taken up for a procedure.Well at 2pm he calls to tel me they are going ahead with the c section today instead of waiting til Monday! So my mom doesn’t know they will be doing the c section soon!
5 pm gets here and Dakota is finally here and my mom is finally back from her procedure so my dad can tell her about her new granddaughter. 6pm my brother in law FaceTimed so Addy and Noah could see their new sister and Coit could see his new cousin. They have all been a big ball of excitement today!
7pm I finally talk to my sister and FaceTime her. 8pm I give all kids baths and get them ready for bed. 9pm I FINALLY talk to my mom and she is doing okay and is awake and very alert. Found the issue and she has some ulcers in her esophagus plus some varices needed to be banded in her stomach.
My stress level was at an all time high and so was my anxiety level. But we ended the day with a new family member and my mom is doing better!
But as promised, here is the newest member of our family, Dakota:
(The joke in our family group chat is who is whiter: My mom, My brother in law, Coit at birth, or Dakota)
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notasweetnightingale · 8 months
It was 2am. How the hell was it already 2am? How the hell was it only 2am? Deziree should have been asleep at least 4 hours ago! Beauty sleep was a highly valued commodity when you could no longer afford Botox and the 111SKIN Celestial Black Diamond Eye Cream. Why wasn't she sleeping?!?!
Ah, that's right. She couldn't. Her stupid brain would not shut the fuck up. Every time she closed her eyes, something else reminded her of another something else, and another, and another, until her whole brain was very, very, very loud and oh-- were those tears?
The 111SKIN Celestial Black Diamond Eye Cream couldn't even save you from those. Not from the tears, or the necklace, or the kiss, or Charlotte La Bouff, or that other blonde, or--or-- Maybe she should dye her hair? Go Kardashian blonde or something. Oh my God, but the box dye! Ew! God, her life was so over!!
What would her mom say? Did it matter what mom would say? Eugh, of course it matter. It had been so long, and still, as ever, Deziree did not know who she was without mom's heavy stare and marked words.
She was basically a failure, if mom could call her something. All that practise to get a man, get money, have status, and here she was barely making her car payments and hung up on a no-name boy who was (at least in Deziree's eyes) interested in everyone and anyone. God forbid mom finds out about the buttons...
The truth was, despite her personal failings, she couldn't stop thinking about stupid Travis Montgomery in amongst how absolutely desperate she was to just fall asleep.
She couldn't help but think about that kiss, hidden beneath a dark veil in the corner of a party, or the necklace that was stuffed in a box at the back of a drawer. She couldn't help but think about the coffee, or the car ride, or... Anastasia puking in the back of said car. Ew! Way to ruin the moment again, Stas!
Deziree could only hope there wasn't another phone call to go pick her sister up tonight, because tiredness and driving wasn't a good combo, even if she could use someone's shoulder to cry on. She sure as shit wasn't going to wake up Ella at this hour.
It was 2am and Deziree was exhausted. She was hysterical. She was delirious okay?! Deziree did the unthinkable.
She picked up her phone, found his name, and hit record on what was only supposed to be a short, to the point voice note. "Hey, this is--"
"--This is gonna sound really stupid, but, like, um, do you remember that, uh, that one time that you came by to pick me up because Stas was a riot and you were like hey, anytime, no problem bestie? And there was coffee and you saw my-- nevermind! Not that point. The point is-- I don't know what the point is. The point is! That-- Look, I know it's like 3am and you're probably sleeping or off, I don't know, like making out with someone or fixing a car or something but I can't stop-- I can't-- I can't sleep."
Just enough pause for a deep inhale.
"I can't sleep and it's driving me nuts and I don't even know what I'm saying or why I'm even making this voice note or-- no. No, I do. You said if I needed you I should call you and... I know this isn't technically a call but..."
And an exhale.
"But if you're awake, I wouldn't mind..."
And thus, the voice note went on for a further 3 minutes, becoming no clearer as time went on.
Turns out, holding your thumb on the record button for 5 minutes is quite tiring and... whoosh! The message sent the moment her too-tired finger was released.
The post-send clarity was a bit too real...
Oh no! Oh no, no, no! That wasn't supposed to send! Shit!! Shit, shit, shit, delete, delete, please del-- It's fine, he's not online! It's fine, this is-- wait-- he's online, why is he online?! Why is he online at 3 in the morning?! Deleeeeete!!
Deziree's heart-rate spiked well above safe levels when the read receipt lit up blue. The only thing she could possibly do was send another voice note to make it absolutely clear that he should not listen to the first voice note! (He'd seen it, she couldn't delete it yet. Then he'd know something was wrong!!)
And another.
"You can just ignore it. Seriously! Everything is actually fine. Go back to sleep or fixing your car or whatever, just pretend you didn't even see anything. Bye! Goodnight! Fu--"
If her life wasn't already over, it certainly was now...
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izzyspussy · 7 months
[Roller skate emoji], 🥤, 🧃, 🔪, 🪲, 🧩
For the ask game
Describe your latest WIP with five emojis.
Recommend an author or fanfic you love.
Share some personal lore you never posted about before.
In high school my friends and I all took an astronomy class together, and the final was to go to a class meeting to watch a meteor shower at 3am on a school night and we were not excused from anything the next day which was wack. Anyway, my house was the closest to the school, so we all decided to crash there - without the knowledge or permission of my parents, because we all perfectly well knew that the answer would be no if we asked no matter how reasonable a request that was and the fact that everyone else's parents were cool with it. So I snuck in seven people, one of whom was my girlfriend and half of whom were (at the time) the opposite sex which I guess is a Big Deal or whatever, and we crashed all together in my tiny bedroom. And then when my mother came to wake me up (even though I was 17 at the time and could do that myself perfectly well, she- well actually let's not get into it), they all hid. I had two guys underneath my bed, one in my closet, my girlfriend curled up underneath me in my bed, somebody under my desk, and one who couldn't find a hiding spot and just tried to hide under a blanket in my bean bag chair like Frodo hiding under an Elven cloak. My mom didn't notice any of them. And THEN. We had to all sneak back out of the house to go to school, this time while the 'rents were awake. Somehow managed that too.
What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Answered here.
Add 50 words to your current WIP and share the paragraph here.
"Don't worry about it." The phrase automatically comes out in a comically thick New York accent. "Okay, if you're doing the fucking Voice at me I'm gonna assume you're fine." Steve exits from the bathroom and, with only constant bitching, out Richie's front door. "I'm barfin' here," Richie despondently tells the bowl of his toilet.
from the loving needs the bleeding (working title), currently 100 words lol
What will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
A great many things! I generally won't read first or second person POV, and I also have a pretty low threshold of tolerance for things poorly written or out of character.
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hello sunshine!! Please take as much time as you need with this, thank you for such a wonderful event.
My pronouns are they/them. Fandoms are haikyuu, tears of themis and txt. I would prefer a romantic matchup and my MBTI is ENFP. I am a Sagittarius (sun,mercury &venus) Leo Moon and Aquarius (Rising & Mars). What I value most in a relationship is emotional support, teamwork and communication. I always liked people with gentle eyes or eyes that are the most noticeable part of someone. Anyone with an aura that comes off shy and introverted but still sure of themselves is very attractive to me. Personality would be someone who’s kindness + sincerity + integrity shines through even if they are a bit apprehensive towards people or situations. Big heart energy, if I must say.
My personality is I am a good balance of emotions and logic. I love making people laugh and loosen up and I’m always ready to lend an ear. Sincerity is my favourite attribute in someone so it’s what I try to be everyday. The therapist friend and mom of the group most times. Troubles can weigh on me for days but I always remain optimistic despite. I am an ambivert with more introverted hobbies like writing, watching new shows and finding new music, reading poetry & non fiction, taking long walks and learning new languages.
Currently I am in a degree studying Cognitive Science with a minor in Computer Science. Random things that are very dear to me are my dogs, early mornings, my dark blue windbreaker, fruits and the 2001 movie, Artificial Intelligence. The quote I always live by is, “Follow your heart but take your brain with you.”
For the scenario, I would like a scenario about 3am late night talking, giggling under the covers about stupid jokes and talking about the most random topics. Thank you so much for doing this, take care of yourself. ❤️
1000 Follower Matchup Event #13
My event is now CLOSED but I will be doing more events like these in the future. You can check out the masterlist to this event here.
Note: 100000 years late, but it's finally here. Hope you enjoy. Also side note to anyone looking through my masterlist, I need to fix all the links on my account so they don't go straight to google (on mobile) and some just don't work so I'll need to work on that soon. In the meantime if you can't find your matchup that I've already posted you can try searching for it like Matchup #1 or something. idk. or send me an ask and I'll try and find it for you
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I match you with SUGAWARA, SOOBIN, and LUKE
Runner-ups were Asahi, Taehyun, and Vyn
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I instantly thought Suga was a great match for you because you said you like someone with gentle eyes and I just LOVE Sugawara’s eyes. They look so comforting, like you can just open up to him about your deepest darkest secrets and he’d listen unconditionally. 
Study dates are in your future with Suga, I’m not sure if he’s incredibly smart, but I’m pretty sure he isn’t failing like our beloved Tanaka or Kageyama lol. So you’d both have tons of study dates, though he does get distracted MANY times by your beauty and just stares at you with loving eyes until you catch him and make him focus on his work again. Cute~ He appreciates how intelligent you are, but also how laid back you can be. You’re the only person who’s ever really there for him so the fact that you can also listen to his worries and make him feel better on his bad days is so so special to him. He’d go out of his way to show you little signs of his thanks–nothing crazy, just things like bringing you flowers, buying you breakfast in the morning before your classes, little things to show he was thinking of you!
3am’s with Sugawara:
For some reason, I headcanon that this man can’t stay up late for the life of him
So 3am’s with Suga are delirious; he’s just rambling on about something and isn’t fully making sense, so you’re just laughing at him and he gets pouty because his half-awake self thinks you’re making fun of him
You had proposed the idea of a sleepover to him, and he was really trying his best to stay awake
Cue him jolting up and running to the bathroom to throw cold water over his face every few minutes
You do try and tell him that it’s okay for him to just fall asleep, but he refuses, he NEEDS to stay awake
Mission failed though because he does end up falling asleep as you just admire his sleeping face, deciding to end your attempt at an all nighter and just sleep with him as well
He does wake up early though and uses the time to admire you as you sleep
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Okay so I had originally had Taehyun as my first choice, but after months of letting this matchup sit, I thought Soobin would be a better choice. Now excuse me if any of this is wrong, it’s been a long time since I delved into anything-txt-related, but I do still keep up with their music. I just haven’t had time to watch their other stuff SIGH. But again the eyes part made me choose him. Soobin has the cutest, most gentlest eyes in the whole world. Literally if he ever looks at me and asks me for anything, I’d have to give it to him, how can you say no? And let me just say, he definitely uses that to his advantage.
With the boys he’s a cheeky menace, but with you, he’s just so incredibly sweet (but still has his playful moments whenever he isn’t being shy). I’d like to think he’d be a gentleman with his s/o and treat them with so much love and care. He loves how intelligent you are and likes to watch you study instead of doing any studying himself lol. Really soft with you.
3a.m’s with Soobin:
I think he’s used to staying up late so being up at this time is no issue for him
He’ll think of something fun for the two of you to do together, whether it be playing games, or making a late night meal if you’re craving it
I picture cute convenience store runs as you both giggle in the dark of the night, as if only the two of you exist in the world–not a worry in sight
Soobin is more of a listener, so when you return to the comfort of your bed, he looks in awe at everything you tell him, listening to every little detail and jumping in to respond whenever it feels right to do so
It’s like staying up late with your best friend
You both make a bet on who can stay up the longest, whoever falls asleep first has to buy the other food the next day–something cute like that
Overall, it’s a fun night
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Your very own golden retriever, protective boyfriend. Shy, yet confident Luke, he’s perfect for you. He’d love your dogs, since I’m pretty sure he’s a dog person–love that. He’s a detective (and very in-shape) so he loves going on morning walks with you and your dogs. Early mornings are his favorite time of day to spend with you, seeing your face each morning is like the equivalent of drinking coffee for other people.
He’s typically busy with work, but whenever he’s free, he loves watching movies with you and just staying home to spend lots of time with you doing all your favorite things. He’s fascinated that you love learning different languages so he probably asks you to teach him a new word each day just so he can be included in that part of your life. In return he’ll let you in on some detective secrets (nothing classified though, sorry).
Best partner you could have really.
3a.m’s with Luke:
I need to replay every chapter of tot i swear
But I think Luke is the type to stay up late doing detective work (research and thinking things through) so he’s used to staying up
On the rare free nights that he gets, he’d feel super relaxed finally not having any work to do so he might feel a little drowsy as he listens to you chat about your day and other little things that come to your mind
He listens to every word though, refusing to fall asleep and leave you speaking to yourself
Use this opportunity to get him to say cute things without a filter, he’s usually not as confident with his words of affection when he’s wide awake (even though he does really care for you, he’s not fully used to it yet)
Throws the covers over the two of you and cuddles into you
Doesn’t fall asleep until you do first, no matter how tired he is
Not that thrilling, but definitely still tons of fun
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Posted: 5/25/2023
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I wish I felt real.
I know I am. In fact, I am overwhelmed with the constant fact that I exist. In an uncontrollable and unrelenting world, where there are billions of perceptions of life, I understand that I exist and that my presence has the ability to change the course of several lives. Yet, I can’t get this idea out of my head that if I left right now and walked until I physically dropped, nothing would be different. I’d be farther away and a lot more tired, but after I walked back it would be like nothing happened at all.
That doesn’t add up. It should make a difference. Of course, I am actually sitting in bed writing this. If I started to walk nothing could happen but I could also be hit by a car, abducted by a stranger, make a wrong turn get lost and never find my way back. There are endless possibilities of what could happen and where. I could die in my sleep without every knowing what was coming.
So why is it so important to feel real if I know that I am? Why so I seek long term happiness if I can cloud myself in constant reoccurring bursts of dopamine? Is the pause in between too much to handle or am I afraid that if I were to truly experience happiness I’d realize I’ve never felt it before?
I told my girlfriend I wanted to go on a drive but that I would get upset because my brain would question whether or not we could afford to use that gas. She agreed and went to sleep thinking I was going with her. I am awake now, wishing she would have talked me into going on that drive. Yet I am unable to be upset or even disappointed because I provided both the suggestion and the rejection.
Typically I rant about these things on Snapchat but I have a fear of being heard at the moment because I know that I believe everything I say. Not to sound stuck up but I am usually right. Not about everyday little things but I get these gut feelings that I’ve learned to trust and they tell me I don’t have friends. That those who are listening are not hearing me and it hurts. Every ignored cry leaves a scar within me that itches every time I yearn to cry out.
I can’t make noise when I cry. I have been practicing alone in the bath but sound won’t leave my throat. It burns to stay quiet, cremating my screams and scattering the ashes over my childhood. I want to be heard. When I’m laughing and when I’m crying.
I want my best friend to talk to me again. I want my mom to acknowledge she hurt me. I want my grandpa to forgive himself and my grandma to give herself room to be whoever she wants to be. I want my aunt to treat herself like a human being and not a medical file. I want my sister to be safe. I want my girlfriend to be happy. I want to feel alive.
I want someone to tell me they know that I am not ok. I want someone to hit me with a reality check in some fleeting hope that my head will reattach to my shoulders and tel me what to do. I need to be me again.
I can’t even remember what I typed… I think I need to see a therapist. Work some of this out. Just in case I actually go through with that thought, my goal is to feel real. To feel alive. I don’t want to think about why I replied “No worries” to the cashier but “Of course” to the lady I opened the door for. It’s a useless thought that overtook a memory of whatever I was doing in the moment. I remember how hard I was breathing when I kissed my girlfriend for the first time, but I can’t remember kissing her. My childhood memories consist of the photos I’ve seen in passing. I used to walk through 5 towns everyday after school because it was better than being at home. I would stay up all night after school, sneak out at 3am walk around until 6am sneak back in then go to school. I would drain my body of any energy all in effort to feel alive and it worked. I really wish it didn’t because it’s all I can think about now and I am pleading to my future self that I show this to my therapist.
I know this is a mess.
This is my cry for help. This is as loud as I can be.
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 2988
todays only been a long day because it's almost 3am and im still awake.
i have a cut on the knuckle of my thumb and it hurts. i have the intense need to scratch it a lot.
worked this morning and did papier-mâché with the kiddos. one was doing it for school, the other just wanted to do it too. but i realized last night that i didn't have all of the things i needed. that i didn't have any of the things i needed. so i got up early to hit the craft store for things. i ended up going to walmart bc mom asked me to get a couple other things too.
after work was the meeting and i got to give somewhat of a run-down to ben about what i expect to happen. i'm happy i have a staff member.
after that i went inside because it was quiet, and i sat and talked to daniel and joel for a while. i was tired so i went to take a nap, but joel was leaving so i gave him a hug before he headed out. i had to be up at a certain point so i could go with papa to pick up dinner, so i fell asleep probably around quarter past 2 and woke up two hours later.
got up, packed my stuff, headed to panera, waited with papa for the food, and brought it home.
of course, the whole reason for the panera was that it was my family birthday party. because we have those for every person in our family around their birthdays. like this one, they usually occur the weekend after. it was nice.
aunt wendy made the cake - it was chocolate mousse cake again, which is excellent because it was just delicious. the decorations were cute - they were put up nicely but you could tell momma wasn't feeling great. but also she's the shortest one besides grandma, so she had a hard time putting things up anyway. but it was really nice.
aunt wendy got me a two-parter, the first of which hasn't arrived but the other was in a big bag - it's a queen sized red fleece blanket. it's beautiful and i love it.
papa got me a new sewing machine!! i'm so excited about it. i can make things without the machine snapping the thread and/or fucking up the tension! i'm honestly so excited about it.
and the eggies got me something i totally didn't expect: an apple watch, with cellular. the model i wanted, the size i wanted, and the color i wanted for both the external case and the band. and they got the right kind of screen protector, which i wound up fucking up almost immediately bc there was a speck of something and i thought i could get it off - i was wrong. rip. but at least i can get a new one for almost nothing! it's fine how it is right now though. the band is a little itchy, but i'll get used to it. it's so cool.
after the party, i said my thank-yous and took myself to the pumpkin festival. it was almost 8 at that point, so i went downtown and walked around for a while, just absorbing the atmosphere and buying things without going over my limit (i used cash). i was looking for a new tote bag, and i found one by a lady who works with african women who are mothers of children with disabilities, and all the proceeds of the things they make go directly back to them to help them get care and therapy for their children. i got an orange bag with elephants, and i love it a lot. i'm lucky i found it, too, especially because of who it goes to. as someone with several disabilities, it's important to me to be able to help people like me however i can. and even though my disabilities are only mental, being able to help kids with mental and physical disabilities is important to me. being different is okay, good even. but we live in a world that's not made for us. so being able to help people live better means a lot.
i walked around for a while downtown. it was nice. warm enough to walk around comfortably for me, but cool enough that walking around wasn't uncomfortable. i didn't wear my sweatshirt i'd brought.
i got some earrings and some candy and i eventually played a darts game and i got a little pink octopus from it. i smiled and cradled her all the way back to my car.
i went to mcnaldos after, stopping for ice cream and juice, and i went home to work on some homework. i got the last of this week's work done, and finished watching a movie with papa. when i was finally done and ready to go to bed, i got upstairs and the octopus family i have told me to go get my new friend, so i did. i went downstairs and got her and brought her up so she could spend the night with her new friends and family and not all alone.
i totally didn't cry about her being lonely. nope.
also it's now quarter past 3, my thumb still itches, and i need to finish my routine. i'm a disaster.
but at least i can track my sleep better.
also i'm looking for a recommendation of a discord access app for my watch because there's a few but i don't know which to use, or if i should at all. eh.
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catblgog · 10 days
Topic: Wings (week 2)
Found an interesting tumblr post I had saved before (link here). Not gonna detail every moment of it here but I liked the idea that an echo could be an angel. What else could be an angel? I read an article on radar angels too. Then I found some random articles on jstor that weren't too helpful. And I tried to find things that could be angels but just got weird boring stuff. The intelligent slime was a cool find though. And I looked at poems on the poetry foundation. And I tried to figure out why people liked flying / dreamed about flying but it was weirdly speculative and was all worded like it was lying to me. Quote on the desire to fly-- "I think flying like a bird represents freedom for us. It’s a freedom of movement which lies only in our imagination." (link to source). There's more notes and details on a Google Doc of notes I have as well.
Reflection on research
Yeah I guess it was fine. I just followed some random rabbit holes. I somehow feel less sure of what my topic might be now though. I liked writing the short story because it was kind of silly, but I also at the same time I didn't like writing it because I had this feeling like I was doing a bad job. And it feels so much shorter for the time it took to write.
Make a thing
Short Story (journal entry format)
May 11th
It’s been about 3 months since The Blink and only 2 months since my 12th birthday. It was 3AM on February 3rd for me, so I was asleep and my eyes were shut. But for the people who were awake and looking around, when they opened their eyes, everyone on earth had a set of wings. It felt like a bad dream when I first woke up, but then I figured out it meant I didn’t have to go to school that day or go to basketball practice with Mary, who I really hate, so it turned out to be a good dream very quickly. It only lasted a week though, once all the people who were scared realized it wasn’t going away and all the people who were excited figured out if they could fly or not. And then everyone had to go back to work so that means I had to go back to school too. For some people it was really easy to fly, like Trey who’s in my class. He lives down my street and was out flying all day long every day until school started again. Now he can’t fly as much and when I see him in the lunchroom he looks sad. But sometimes I see him in the sky at dawn. I always liked to get up early so I could smell the early morning air and watch TV when I shouldn’t be and now I can see Trey flying too. He does really big loops and looks like he was born to be there. My mom doesn’t like when I go flying because she thinks I’ll get lost or kidnapped, but I can still go anyway sometimes because Kim invites me. She’s one year older and lives on the other side of my neighborhood and my mom thinks it’s safer with her. My mom also makes me promise that we won’t fly over the ocean in case I fall in and drown, but I think that if I fall on water or land it won’t make a difference because no matter where I fall I’ll get hurt anyway. She doesn’t like when I say that very much, but she didn’t ever even try to fly so I don’t think she understands. But neither of us read all the news stories of all the ways people are getting hurt flying like my dad does, so maybe I don’t understand either. But flying is a lot more fun than riding penny boards with Kim to the mall because we can go really fast without worrying about hitting a rock or a crack in the sidewalk. 
June 20th
The other day I saw that the scientists were saying that since the blink, humans don't dream more about flying any more than they used to. And I never dreamed about flying before, and I still don’t now, so maybe they’re right about that. For a long time I thought I was going to get more flying dreams because I kept seeing this one new dumb Dove advertisement where they’re trying to sell a wing deodorant spray. Maybe it’s my own fault for using my summer vacation for watching TV. Kim and I can hang out a lot more now since there’s no school and I think a lot of kids are like us are using their wings to go places too because we never used to see anyone at the mall when we went last year but now there’s a lot. The mall also got a new flight goggle store and a bubble tea place. The goggles are nice because they don’t fall off like sunglasses and can even stop bugs from being in your eyes. The bubble tea drinks are only ok but we still like to get them because they’re sweet and we’re bored. The other day Kim didn’t finish her drink before we left so she tried to bring it with us in the air and we almost got all the way back to my house before she accidentally dropped it on Mr. McMackin’s red truck and it spilled everywhere. I thought it was the funniest thing ever, but I didn’t laugh at all because Mr. McMackin was there and he was not very happy and we had to apologize a lot. I don’t ever see Trey at the mall. I only see him in the early morning when he leaves his house. I think maybe if he had a good friend like Kim he wouldn’t have to be flying alone all the time. 
Sept. 8th
School started again and that means I got to play soccer again because it’s the fall and I don’t get to see Kim as much because it all makes me busy. It’s weird trying to run around with wings but everyone else on my team thinks it’s weird too. We can see the younger kids practicing on the field next to us and I wonder if they think it’s weird because what if they don’t remember life before wings? And I can’t ask them because there’s never a good time to go over and ask since we’re all flapping around playing soccer. I didn’t see Trey in my classes or in the lunchroom yet, and since school started I haven’t seen him flying in the mornings either. I think he might have become one of the “flyaways” where all these kids become runaways because it’s a lot easier since they don’t need a car or train ticket or anything to leave and get far away from home. I don’t think I’d want to fly away because I like hanging out with Kim and my parents and I want to go on an exchange program when I get to high school. But I think maybe Trey will be happier as a flyway. I think I will remember watching the dawn sunlight dancing on his wings and golden hair for a long time. 
0 notes
winwintea · 1 month
okay more more life lore because i actually love talking and i already talked to my girlfriend and my brother’s boyfriend about everything in my life they are literally part of the family now and i have no one to talk to anymore i only have you london so please bare with me😞😞😞
Also it is so frustrating me because my keyboard keeps changing to my mandrin keyboard every second like i don’t press that world globe thing that changes languages it just changes itself to mandrin I’M NOT TALKING TO MY MOM FOR GOD’S SAKE STOP CHANGING TO MANDRIN💀💀💀
anyways quick lore because it is like 3am and i didn’t sleep🤓🤓
i was born raised and studied 4 years of elementary school in shanghai then we moved to london i studied there till freshman year in highschool then we had to move back to china after the divorce i studied there then graduated and now i’m in new york but i will unfortunately move back to china after a year😞😞😞😞
And my brother’s unemployed ass dropped out of uni so he can live this year at the fullest (his words not mine) and i wish i can but unfortunately i’m the future doctor in the family and i need to study or i will be the bad influence in the family😿😿 sigh i dont wanna be Asian anymore😞😞
the korean cousin 🤭🤭
anyways quick lore because it is like 3am and i didn’t sleep🤓🤓// fun fact i was actually up all night and did not sleep either (it be like that sometimes... but usually really rare, i go to bed around 10:30ish on a daily basis) and so i watched your two asks get sent in at like 4-5am in the morning for me and was like... "girl wdym go to sleep now..." ALSO ARENT YOU SAME TIMEZONE AS ME RN???
wait wait wait do you speak shanghaiese 👉👈 my chinese teacher also would yap away in shanghaiese so i know how to speak a few words but i can fully understand the dialect if you were speaking to me in it. (speaking is hard guys i just cracked down on my mandarin pronunciation)
but when i visited shanghai this year it was so fun watching these people find out that i'm actually korean and i can speak a bit of shanghaiese too. convinced i was lowkey born in the wrong family, pls adopt me nerdsungie's mother and step-mom 🙏
also.. how does your dad's side and your mom's side interact like im gen curious... with the amount of queers this family has it seems so sweet like... im also a child of divorce but brooooooooooooooooo my parents hate each others guts ( i mean they're also straight. but..)
med student gang 😜😜 lowkey i wanted to be a doctor on my own, my parents hate going to doctors they like refuse to see a doctor in any emergency istg my mother is going to be in a fucking coma and she'll awake to tell me that she will not see a doctor and then go back into her damn coma.
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