#i have to actually make thoes friends
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poppet-seed · 6 months ago
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SO, I've been exploring mixed media's and indulging in multiple fandoms as of recently!
I wanted to show my small art work of the super mario bros!
I'm currently experimenting to find a style I love for them both! So you'll see some inconsistencies till I nail down the way I wanna draw them!
Yes more traditional doodles, digital art is hard sometimes-
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hollowed-theory-hall · 10 months ago
what's the one harry potter pairing u like that u mentioned in the tags of your hinny post?
Anonymous: Can I ask who that minor character you ship with Harry is? For some absurd reason my mind jumped to Stan Shunpike lol but it's probably not him.... Or is it?
Okay, so this is kind of a funny story. Like, my pipeline through hp pairings was a weird one. Like, I used to read a lot of Harry pairings, still do on occasion (some make more sense than others). None of them were ones I would point at and say: "that should've happened in the books"
One day, I was innocently writing a fic (canon divergence of GoF), and it was just for me, for funnsies, never posted it anywhere and not planning to. And I planned to pair Harry with someone there (honestly, I don't remember who because I didn't write the plan down) but when writing, Harry ended up with a different character. And it was so strange to me because that never happened.
Like, how do you write a ship accidentally?
But I did. I wrote Harry into a ship by accident. So I went back to the books to try and figure out why the hell would my subconscious decide that's the way to go.
I'll also preface it by all this being my subjective opinion and I do read other Harry ships in fics, this one just quickly became my favorite to write (and the only one I write). Also, I don't actually think this is a pairing that should've happened in the books, it's place is in fic and that's where I like it.
So, the character I accidentally shipped with Harry is... *drumroll*
Stan Shunpike!
Not really, it's:
Theodore Nott
Now, you might look at the name and go: "Who the fuck is that?"
And you'll be correct. Theo has 0 speaking lines in the entire book series. His name appears twice. He, himself, as a person, only appeared on page, like, 3 times in the background. The scene that gives the most information about him is other characters talking about him. He isn't even present.
That being said, I'm very good at extrapolating a lot of information from very little evidence. So allow me, to walk you through who is Theodore Nott and why I ship him with Harry.
Basic Information
So, let's start with the most basic overview before I pull out the quotes and go any deeper.
We know Theo is a Slytherin student in Harry's year. So he likely shares a dorm with Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle.
Theo's father is both at the graveyard at the end of GoF and in the Department of Mysteries at the end of OotP, so we know he is a Death Eater. We also know Thoe's father was one of the first and closest Death Eaters to Voldemort, who waited for him during his interview with Dumbledore in 1967:
“Then if I were to go to the Hog’s Head tonight, I would not find a group of them — Nott, Rosier, Mulciber, Dolohov — awaiting your return? Devoted friends indeed...”
(HBP, page 444)
We also know the Nott family is "as pure-blooded as the Malfoys" according to JKR in an interview. We also know Theo's great-grandfather (maybe? the family relation isn't clear), Cantankerus Nott, is suspected to be the one who wrote the Pure-Blood Dictionary, the book that coined the term "Sacred 28" and made that list (which the Nott family are on).
The name Nott is potentially to be derived from the name Nótt, which is the personification of the night in Norse Mythology. So it has been theorized the Nott family have a Nordic origin. Possible, but it doesn't really matter for this post.
What does, is that he comes from a dark, Death Eater, blood-purist family similar to the Malfoys. Even so, Theo never took the Dark Mark and never joined Voldemort in the books.
Now, that we have the basic information out of the way, let's look at Theodore as a person.
All the details I could gather from the books
Alright, now we get to the fun part. That is, me going through all the relevant scenes that mention Theodore Nott and actually creating a character psychoanalysis out of basically nothing.
So, the quotes aren't organized in a particular order. I'm just going to explain Theo and then explain why all this makes me ship him with Harry.
“Well, I pity Slughorn’s taste. Maybe he’s going a bit senile. Shame, my father always said he was a good wizard in his day. My father used to be a bit of a favorite of his. Slughorn probably hasn’t heard I’m on the train, or —” “I wouldn’t bank on an invitation,” said Zabini. “He asked me about Nott’s father when I first arrived. They used to be old friends, apparently, but when he heard he’d been caught at the Ministry he didn’t look happy, and Nott didn’t get an invitation, did he? I don’t think Slughorn’s interested in Death Eaters.” Malfoy looked angry, but forced out a singularly humorless laugh.
(HBP, page 150)
This is a part of the conversation between Draco, Pansy, and Blaise, Harry overhears when he is hiding in their compartment at the beginning of HBP. I have a few things to note regarding this scene.
Firstly, throughout this conversation, Pansy, Blaise, and Draco all call each other by their first name. This shows closeness, they are all friendly and familiar enough to use their first names with each other. Theo, though, is referred to as "Nott" by all three in the compartment.
He doesn't actually sit in their compartment which is in itself a sign about how he isn't really friendly with Draco's group. Considering the group is most of his year from his house, Theo is likely very lonely, and it will be apparent from other scenes I bring up later.
Secondly, Theo's father is in Azkaban. We know Draco is bothered about his own father's predicament. He mentions it to Harry and bothers him over it, Theo doesn't though. Theo doesn't seem to be bothered by Harry or his father's incarceration.
The only conclusion I can draw from this is that the relationship between Theo and his father is not a good one.
(I know some fics like to have Lucius be abusive towards Draco, for some reason. But the books really don't back this up. Lucius loves Draco and Draco adores his father)
Theo, though, Theo seems to be the one with a very strained relationship with his father. Strained enough that he isn't bothered the man is in Azkaban. What I'm saying is that Theo's father likely abuses or mistreats him in some capacity.
If anything more was needed to complete Harry’s happiness, it was Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle’s reactions. He saw them with their heads together later that afternoon in the library, together with a weedy-looking boy Hermione whispered was called Theodore Nott. They looked around at Harry as he browsed the shelves for the book he needed on Partial Vanishment, and Goyle cracked his knuckles threateningly and Malfoy whispered something undoubtedly malevolent to Crabbe. Harry knew perfectly well why they were acting like this: He had named all of their fathers as Death Eaters
(OotP, page 583)
This is a scene at the end of OotP after Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Theo's fathers were caught at the ministry and sent to Azkaban because they are Death Eaters. There are a few important notes about this scene.
The first, Hermione knows Theo, while Harry and Ron don't really. This means she likely knows him from the classes she takes and Harry and Ron don't — Arithmancy and/or Ancient Runes.
The second, he is sitting with other Death Eater children, but I don't think it's by choice. I mentioned in the previous quote how he isn't close to Draco and his crew. He sits with them here mostly because he doesn't have another choice. Theo doesn't seem to really have any friends, so he sits with the closest people he has to friends — kids he has known since he was young because their fathers were in the same circle.
The other note about this is that Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco are all mentioned as being threatening and malicious towards Harry because they don't like that their fathers are in Azkaban. Theo, though, Theo doesn't threaten Harry, he isn't part of their whisperings. As I mentioned above, he's likely happy his father is in Azkaban.
A pair of blank, white, shining eyes were growing larger through the gloom and a moment later the dragonish face, neck, and then skeletal body of a great, black, winged horse emerged from the darkness. It looked around at the class for a few seconds, swishing its long black tail, then bowed its head and began to tear flesh from the dead cow with its pointed fangs. A great wave of relief broke over Harry. Here at last was proof that he had not imagined these creatures, that they were real: Hagrid knew about them too. He looked eagerly at Ron, but Ron was still staring around into the trees and after a few seconds he whispered, “Why doesn’t Hagrid call again?” Most of the rest of the class were wearing expressions as confused and nervously expectant as Ron’s and were still gazing everywhere but at the horse standing feet from them. There were only two other people who seemed to be able to see them: a stringy Slytherin boy standing just behind Goyle was watching the horse eating with an expression of great distaste on his face, and Neville, whose eyes were following the swishing progress of the long black tail.
(OotP, page 445)
“The only people who can see thestrals,” she said, “are people who have seen death.”
(OotP, page 446)
The stringy Slytherin boy mentioned here is Theo. This scene proves that:
He takes Care of Magical Creatures
He saw someone die
Let's explore the second one for a moment. The fact Theo can see Thestrals means he watched someone die and was old enough to comprehend what he was seeing. We also know Theo's mother is dead. So it's likely the person he watched die was his mother.
I also want to draw attention to Theo's distaste towards Thestrals. He could likely see them carrying the carriages every year since 2nd year, it's not his first time seeing them. But it doesn't stop his displeasure with their sight from showing. Which says something about him. It means he likely recalls his mother and her death whenever he looks at the Thestrals. and these are memories Theo rather not experience.
We don't know how his mother died, but I'd hazard a guess it wasn't natural. After all, wizards have long life spans, they are more durable to illness and injury, and don't usually die from accidents unless very extreme or magical. And there was no epidemic of dragonpox (a disease that does tend to kill wizards) in the time since 1980 and the books. So, she was more likely killed at some point between 1985(ish) and 1991.
“No, I don’t think so, sir. I’m Muggle-born, you see.” Harry saw Malfoy lean close to Nott and whisper something; both of them sniggered, but Slughorn showed no dismay; on the contrary, he beamed and looked from Hermione to Harry, who was sitting next to her.
(HBP, pages 185-186)
First, Theo is an O student in potions since he is in the potions NEWT class, and was probably meant to be there even if Snape was the teacher.
Second, again, Theo doesn't really have friends. He sits next to Draco as the only other Slytherin in the class. Also, they share the circumstances of being sons of Death Eaters currently in Azkaban. Although both of them seem to deal with it quite differently.
Third, Theo joins Draco in making fun of Hermione's blood status, but he does not initiate it. Considering the environment he was raised in and is in, it makes sense he would make fun of it. Whether he's a blood-purist or not, he would want to keep his image considering he doesn't have many allies. Hanging out with Draco is survival, not friendship. They aren't even on a first-name basis with each other.
“Amortentia doesn’t really create love, of course. It is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. No, this will simply cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. It is probably the most dangerous and powerful potion in this room — oh yes,” he said, nodding gravely at Malfoy and Nott, both of whom were smirking skeptically. “When you have seen as much of life as I have, you will not underestimate the power of obsessive love. . . .
(HBP, page 186)
The final quote I have about Theo is from the same potions class as above. Both he and Draco are portrayed here as underestimating amortentia and its potential damage. It makes sense for their upbringing in the Wizarding World, which has no real laws or regulations regarding love potions that are seen as harmless fun more often than not.
I'll add Theo likely didn't witness a healthy romantic relationship. Considering his father is a Death Eater who is likely abusive and may or may not have killed his mother. With this as his reference to a marriage, it's clear why he'd look down on love and love potions.
Why I think Theo and Harry have potential
Okay, so now that we know who Theodore Nott is, let's talk about why I ship him with Harry.
I think Harry, in general, would get along best with a clever partner with the ability to be ruthless (Slytherins or Ron fall into this category). Because Harry isn't some golden savior; he casts unforgivables, and is very willing to poison Umbridge or Crocio Snape if he could get away with it. He needs a partner that won't be horrified by these thoughts.
Also, Theo literally never speaks on page. Even when spoken to, his reactions are silent. I think this quiet and no need to talk, the ability to be comfortable in silence, is something that would be comfortable for Harry. Harry in the books finds himself annoyed with Ron and Hermione's constant banter on occasion, so I think it fits well.
Theo would also be comfortable around Harry without a need to play a certain part. Because Harry wouldn't care about that. He would honestly rather Theo forgo the pure-blood Slytherin act.
I feel like Harry and Theo, have a good potential to understand each other. Theo lost his mother and likely experiences abuse from his father. It makes them very likely to trauma bond over their crap life and shared experience. Two out of three only ones who could see the Thestrals in the entire class.
The other thing I feel they could connect over is being lonely. Harry spent all his childhood until Hogwarts basically being on his own. Theo stayed on his own. Draco at least has his parents, he has other students he's closer to, not that he shares everything with them, but he has some support network. Theo has none. And this is something Harry knows well.
Theo, I think, wouldn't expect anything specific from Harry. He doesn't even interact with him, not to mock him, and not to idolize him, he doesn't care at all. And we know how much Harry appreciates being thought of as Harry and not as the Boy-Who-Lived. Theo would allow Harry to be himself without some mold he wants him to fit in.
The fact Theo never becomes a Death Eater, even though he was in Draco's year and his father was a Death Eater before Lucius (and in better standing than Lucius with Voldemort) is so interesting. It's somewhat surprising Theo wasn't marked. It means he didn't want to be. It means that Theo Nott didn't want to torture and kill muggleborns or blood traitors, or anyone really. And he didn't want to swear his allegiance to Voldemort. This is just a fascinating fact to me and something I enjoy considering. What life experience made him come to that conclusion? Was it just his dislike of his father that pushed him away? Could he have been another Sirius Black (Gryffindor in a Slytherin family) under slightly different circumstances? I mean, Voldemort likely wouldn't force him to become a Death Eater, but would his father? I don't know what at all went down there, but I like that potential story.
We also know he wasn't part of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad, even though some minor Slytherins were mentioned to be part of it. He just seems to be an actually decent guy (I don't care what Cursed Child says about him, I know he's there but I avoided almost anything to do with Cursed Child so I barely know the plot).
Finally, this is a character Harry doesn't have as much drama to get over with. Yes, sometimes I want to read overcoming drama between characters before it becomes a romance, but sometimes I want something chiller than that. And Theo is a really chill, safe, Slytherin option for Harry.
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triptychgardener · 11 months ago
Hello sorry if this is a bother but I am asking in good faith where is the reading for transmasc nepeta. I’m asking this cuz of your last ask (the June one) and I see aradia Dirk and Jane. Thoes all I have seen post and analysis about. But I have not really seen anything about nepeta.
Okay so first thing you gotta understand is that gender in Homestuck, for lack of a better way to say it, can be understood in how characters reflect and relate to each other. That being said to understand Nepeta's gender, we gotta understand the gender of at the very least one other person.
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And more specifically.
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Davepeta, Homestuck's very own first(ish) trans character.
Davepeta is noted to be a sort of platonic ideal of existence for both Dave and Nepeta. Somehow, through a strange series of cosmic coincidences, these two end up making an odd sort of parallel. Both having a strange relationship to a man who loves him some goddamn horses. The whole Akwete Purrmusk thing. I mean, Dave canonically engaged in semi-nonironic furry roleplay with Nepeta offscreen, and given what we know about what becoming a furry in Homestuck means, it's not a leap to describe this as their ideal form.
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But, although we don't see a lot of Nepeta's character arc, we do see a lot of Dave's. He struggles his whole life under an incredibly oppressive masculine force (both of Bro and, indirectly, Lord English), and once the game is over ends up deconstructing and largely rejecting that.
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So when Davesprite, who's also probably been thinking about this for even longer, bereft of purpose or identity, finds a kindred soul in a spunky catgirl... well the rest is Davepeta.
And similarly, there are points in the story where Nepeta acts kind of uncomfortable with how others see her as exclusively something to be protected. The whole "Dear, sweet, precious Nepeta" grates on her early on, as Equius uses it as an excuse to control her actions. The whole of moiraillegience as it is originally explained (i.e. one party helps to calm down an especially brutal and violent person from outbursts of anger, and in turn that person will protect the more docile, even-tempered soul from external harm) even kind of FEELS like the way heterosexual relationships are portrayed in a lot of conservative spaces, where women are nuturers and caretakers while men are protectors. And Nepeta is supposed to, in this situation, be the person who helps Equius manage his emotions, which she feels some consternation at!
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Now, over the course of Hivebent, their relationship appears to evolve and get a bit more balanced, but it still carries these overtones of "I will protect you, and you will handle my outbursts." Notably, when Equius goes to seek the Highb100d, and leaves Nepeta behind.
And of course not after roleplaying as each other.
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Which. I mean come on.
But notably, Nepeta doesn't just stay put! She doesn't really want to be protected all the time! And when push comes to shove, she leaps out to defend, or at the very least avenge, her best friend.
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And then, we don't really see Nepeta for a while!
Until we get to the end of the comic.
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During their whole "date", Nepeta seems a little uncomfortable with Jasprose's affections. She may be a bit flattered, but Jasprose also fully admits later that she was frankly looking for any girl she could fall in love with after the tragic death of her girlfriend and possible more tragic untimely resurrection.
But then the pivotal handshake happens, and we get to see who is perhaps the most happy being in all of Homestuck.
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Then we get into some of the only actual discussion of gender in Homestuck. We don't get much besides that, for both of their lives, Dave and Nepeta both felt something was missing. Something felt wrong that they couldn't quite place that made them both miserable. I don't think it's a massive stretch to say this could be gender dysphoria.
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And when they combine, they feel the fullness of the gendered experience they were missing, melded together like a two-piece puzzle.
Now while the abovementioned "strong identities as a boy and a girl" might throw you off, I would point to what Victoria Lacroix said about this passage: note the lack of the word "respectively." I rest my case.
Now full disclosure, my personal headcanon for Nepeta is genderfluid transmasc. The whole affinity for roleplaying lends itself to a more shifting identity and I just think Nepeta, given more time, would love exploring the little nooks and crannies of gender.
This isn't going into the more complicated shit with Gender when it comes to Equius and Dirk and all that other stuff. Here's a quick summary so you can see exactly how my brain is broken.
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Anyways, thanks for the question! I hope I answered my thoughts on the topic adequately! If other people have more to say about this, please feel free to add on!
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teaandmilk101 · 30 days ago
foaming at the mouth thinking abt thoes eps in tfa where prime looses his memory and thinks he and megs are still friends and megs tricks him into becoming a con..
in thr actual show its pretty boring but IN MY HEADCANNONS??? oh boy
just imagine op waking up and blearly asking megatron, “Where are we Megatronus?” and for a moment megatron has his friend back. He extends a servo to help op up and it sparks eons old memories of a boyhood crush he long deemed impossible to have, but orion is here, right here again, and his nemisis looks at him with soft optics he’d never thought he’d see again.
Megatron has to remind himself at every turn op is a prisoner, an asset nothing more but every word he speaks, every movment he makes, every glance thrown megs way brings him right back to Iacon, and maybe, just for a few moments he can play pretend with orion, just long enough to have his friend back
But optimus is lost in an unfamiliar future. He has no idea why his friend is so diffrent, so distant. Well, Megatron is a general now, he’s much to busy for hanging out with Optimus, he supposes, but that doesnt explain the fondess and longing always there in megs voice when he talks to him, or why he’s been hidden away in a corner, doing busywork.
The truth is that megs didnt put op away just for security, he cant stand to be around him, he cant stand being reminded of all he lost.
When Prime finally calls megs out for lying, when his memories are returned megatron is not only angry he lost a valuble archivist but distraught he lost orion pax all over again.
i wonder what op must think. i wonder if he reflected back on his experinces, on how, his worst enemy was so kind to him. how violating the lie must have been but at the same time exilrating to once again be with him. if only just for a little while.
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marie76 · 1 year ago
Season 2 Final | A through analysis on Aziraphale's behaviour in the last 20 minutes
Hi!!! Hope you're doing great. So I finished good omens a few days ago. Wanted to talk about it somewhere so I logged back into tumbler. Please forgive my broken English.
I kept thinking about the last minutes of the s2 final. My very first reaction was wtf? I usually don't look into details on my first watch and naturally I miss some important things. That's why in my second and third and forth rewatch of some certain scences Aziraphale's expressions and words kept surprising me.
Let's have a chinwag
At first, when Metatron asks him to talk, he says "there is nothing left to be said, I've made my position quite clear" It's clear he doesn't want to deal with the highee ups But the Metatron kept insisting and offers him a coffee. Aziraphale asks if he should drink it, And the Metatron says yes. Something clicked here for me. He got the coffee from the coffee shop across the street. What's the name? Give me coffee or give me DEATH. Now I don't think Aziraphale really takes it as threat. Not at that moment. But In my opinion It's the Metatron's way of saying that you don't have a choice if you want to stay intact. Remeber what he said to Nina? He asked if people really ask for death? So thoes who go to the shop don't have a choice but to buy a drink. They dont want death obviously.
Back to the shop
Before going back we see him have a brief chat with the Metatron. He is clearly nervous. He is definitly scared. He keeps looking away and doesn't make long eye contacts with him and have fake short smiles. Then he comes to the shop and I think he becomes a bit calmer. Which is kinda cute if you think It's because Crowley is there.
He manages to keep his shit together just before him and Crowley start talking. At first I thought that he was really happy. But he was not. We know how he really looks like when he's truely happy. When he wanted to be a magician or when he was dancing in the gentelmen club or when he was talking about taking the Bently. There were real joy inside his eyes, a bit cocky even. He didn't keep his eyes off Crowley. Actually, he didn't have any problem eating him out with his eyes in public. While talking about the Metatron's offer, he smiles but thoes are not smiles of joy. He keeps eye contact but there are times that he still looks away.
From now on some speculations are mixed with the analysis. You can call them delulu as well cause I'm delusional.
The Offer and The Good News
Well I think that Aziraphale takes the possibility of the Metatron listening to their converisation into consideration. That would explain why he was harsh on Crowely that much. He can't seriously think that Crowley would go to heaven without absolute urgency, hell, HE HIMSELF didn't want to go back to heaven.
As soon as Crowely's name comes out of the Metatron's mouth he tensed a bit.
The Metatron say you can make your friend an angle again. We know Aziraphale doesn't want to change Crowley. He loves him the way he is. He never tried to change him (atleast not that I remember) they talked and drinked together without trying to change eachother FOR 6000 YEARS.
(That can be the case but I also think It's possible that Aziraphale thought if they are both angles then no one would bother them like they did in the past-This part was said by a friend so Credit to my lovely Dora)
but he can't explain things to Crowely then and there because the Metatron might be listening.
Confession | The Beginning of the End
Crowley starts confessing. That's when Aziraphale starts losing his cool again. He looks the other way which I assume is the window but I may be wrong. He also look away from Crowley a few times.
When Crowley says "Just the two of us" (45:05) for a really really short time his right lower eyelid goes up a little. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it but I think he's like "are we really doing this NOW?" Which is kinda funny lol. As Crowely was saying "heaven and hell are toxic" he shakes his head nervouslly multiple times. As if he wants him to stop saying thoes. Why? The fucking Metatron
"Come with me"
Well this part is really interesting because I see it in everyday life pretty often specially during the argument. When, you ask? Well, in the middle of an argument, when things get heated, some people tend to get closer to the other person,Talking closely to another with a lowered voice with words coming out calmly is usually used to convince the other, as if to believe that if articulate calmly, the other will undrestand your point better. I think that's what Aziraphale was doing there.
When Crowley wants to leave he begs him to go with him because Aziraphale needs him, because he's scared.
" I don't think you undrestand what I'm offering you" means "You dont undrestand what I'm trying to say in codes to you" "I undrestand it a whole lot better than you" "Then there is nothing left to say" That's where Aziraphale gave up.
There is anger, desperation and sadness on his face but there is nothing else he can do.
The Kiss
"You idiot, we, could've been us" as soon as Crowely said that Aziraphale looks away and when Crowely pulls him to a desperate kiss we can see he was about cry.
This part is my favorite. He is obv shocked, but after a few seconds he closes his eyes, his hands move up to hold Crowely for a very short while but then he removes them. After the kiss is broken he still looks like he want to cry.
"I forgive you"
I legit thought he was going to say I love you, his lips movement and the sound that came out sounded like "I l..." I think a "get out" would've hurt less💀✨. It can mean I forgive you for leaving me or I forgive you for confessing now, I forgive you for npt choosing heaven (remember, the Metatron is listening) or It's his way of saying I love you because we know forgivness is Aziraphale's favorite thing (delulu)
The Aftermath
After Crowley left the shop his eyes are full of tears, he touches his lips like a little virgin receiving his first kiss but It's a painful one.
The Metatron comes back to the shop. During their short convo Aziraphale looks away multiple times, again, and where does he look at? The window, probably to see if Crowley is still out there. The Metatron asked if he's ready to go and ✨Aziraphale still tries to stay✨"But.... My bookshop" "I entrusted it to Muriel" "but..." "Anything you need to take with you?"
Oh the Metatron is not letting him stay.
That's for sure.
"We call it the Second Coming"
Lmao there is a big "fuck" written all over Aziraphale's face. He shortly looks at Crowely before going to the elevator.
So now he has a heaven to fix and a Second Coming to stop.
The Smile
Well I have to say that smile is creepy one💀 his lips moves up and down many times as if he can't control his feelings. If you look at his shoulders you can see he is breathing rapidly. I see sadness, anger, confusion, pain and "what the fuck am i supposed to do" on his face but at the end I also see determination. The determination of a man who is so done lol.
Why Aziraphale wants to make things right? Because he knows if this system stays, the earth, Crowely and himself will always be in danger ans It's only a matter of times either heaven or hell mess things up on earth. They can run away all they want but heaven and hell won't leave them alone forever. Crowley would probably say it doesn't matter, we will run again which is a cute plan but not permenantly functional.
I didn't check the theories myself but my friend shared some of them with me. I hate the coffee theory andI don't think Aziraphale is thirsty for heaven's love like an abused child. Like I said he seemed pretty determinded about staying, he didn't want to go, even when he got to elevator he didn't want to, his heart was somewhere else but he needed to stand up and do something before thoes angles mess things up.
Well, that was my analysis + delulu's. Hope you all enjoyed it. Please share your theories and thoughts cause I love reading theories.
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yanderepuck · 1 year ago
Kat! Hi! This is me pretending I'm not in class because I cannot be bothered with ethical dilemmas 💫today 💫
So I'm going to talk about random ikevamp stuff because I want today to at least let me have some serotonin!
I know you love Will and Charles and dislike Arthur...
But I'm wondering...other then continuously stating my love and devotion for my (and Scummy, Jekyll, and Katelyn's) Arthur...
Have I ever mentioned who's the vampire that I wouldn't exactly get along with much? 🤔 I wouldn't say hate just not mix well...
It's actually a tie between two...
I don't hate them! I just don't think I'd hangout with them much due to some personal icks of mine...
I'd still be thankful to have them in my life and treat them like family as I would all the vampires but I feel like if someone unintentionally made me sad it would be them...
And thoes two are Theo and Jean...yes odd pair but still XD
As much as a simp for Theo, I'm honestly not sure if I'd really get along with him either. Man is really just a hot beef cake to me and I want him in my bed.
But I do agree with the Theo and Jean. I wouldn't vibe with Jean at all. He's probably irritated me more than anything. I honestly would probably dislike so many of the residents in actuality.
Is Mozart and Napoleon aren't a bitch to me immediately we'd get along. Vincent is waaay too positive it's almost toxic, he'd make me want to throw up
But in actuality I would be besties with Arthur and Dazai, and probably slowly become friends with Theo by going to the bar
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Can we meet your Friends? Or your family? (If you have them)
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"Oh! Why sure I can talk about my friends and family ain't used to important questions like this."
((this will be a long post)) click the read more
"On the family side no actual people."
"But I do consider Toof the *walrus* to be my child! Granted I guess you can say all the walrus my family. I love thoes bastards, I used to consider Richard my daughter but... well after she passed away and came back to life, she's both literarily and figuratively DEAD to me."
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"As for my friends? well I got at least 6 of them, I could call close friends! and I have many more but these are the ones I'd say I'm closest with and have the most history."
"Let's see there's Moth Man, though we only get to hang out a few times per year. Like mentioned in the past I paid for his top surgery so I do care for that funky moth quite a bit."
"There's Doom Slayer which is quite the fella! Usually when we hang out together I join him during one of his hunts killing demons, we play poker at least once per year. And there's also fun fishing trips where he puts a hook into my back and uses me like bait. We don't talk much but let me tell you great guy, always calls me a freak and abomination he's got a fun way of showing love like constantly trying to rip and tear me in half!"
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"And of course I have plenty of fellow phone headed friends but let's start with one that's related thanks to my business!"
"Gemni The Phone Guy, ((owned by @gemnis-trash-fazbenders / @sorrowful--owl ))"
"Gemni has been pretty busy for quite awhile, so haven't had much time to actually spend with him, he opened his own Fazbender restaurant in 2020 and is housed in Australia.
He's the one who supplies me with kangaroo tails, he's an absolute goober always making necklaces out of bones which he calls *clicky clacks* due to the sound they make.
He's a sweet guy though has his own dark past, pretty sure he was one of the workers working in Abel's location... Before uh the incident yeah his mind is all scrambled poor fella I feel bad for him, he's not really able to feel much in terms of emotion but he seems genuinely happy and I hope to spend more time with him in the future!"
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"Speaking of Gemni that brings me to my next friend who you all should know very well the one and only..."
"Robert The Cannibalistic Phone Guy, ((owned by @not-robert / @clownsuu ))"
"I met him back in December of 2019 it's around the time Gemni first started getting his restaurant getting set up and started sending me shipments of kangaroo tails, it was nearing Christmas so I wanted a big shipment and when it arrived the only thing in the box was a big buff cannibalistic zombie man who was drunk."
"Let me tell you he was confused as hell also very angry when he woke up, strangled me till my head popped off! Yeah Robert's a real fella just seeing me for the first time confused the hell out of him, though I don't know everything about his origins he's been around a VERY long time."
"Of course after he found out he couldn't kill me that just made him even more pissed and we had a little bit of a fight, eventually managed to calm him down and explained who I was. And ever since that day we've been buds!"
"I feed him all the meat products he could ever need and he dosen't kill my customers and also I can make him do whatever I want, like dressing up in costumes or promoting the restaurant hell it's because of him I have a karaoke bar!"
He also gave me the idea for the bowling alley, he might be an asshole but he's fun to have around. Plus if he wanted to leave he always could but he sticks around because I know he likes me to. That or I'm so cursed it just keeps drawing his attention and he can't help but see what I do next."
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"Ah, and of course we have... ugh he's gonna freak out once he sees this post... the little nightmare child known only as..."
"Chuck The Fanboy ((owned by @chuck-the-fanboy / @lazy-charlie ))
"Look, I don't wanna feed into his little obsession but I guess, I will admit ... I care for the little guy. He's just a kid after all even if he's no longer alive, I might treat him like shit sometimes but thats because the kids obsessed with me no idea why honestly."
"I met him for the first time in I think 2017 and he was still alive back then, poor kid walked into my restaurant wearing ripped and torn clothes he looked like he was basically starving. I can't really remember what he looked like but I think he did have orange hair? his skin was also very pale."
"He wanted so badly to buy some food for himself, but he only had a pocket full of pennies... I don't know why but I felt bad for him so I gave him a large soda, a small pepperoni pizza and some french fries to eat... Kid looked at me like I saved his life, like I said I can't fully remember his face but let me tell you he looked so excited."
"I stayed and watched him eat and then he left... I didn't see him again untill 2020 when he walked back in one day with Robert, when he walked back into my restaurant that day... His skin was a green color, and he had one of thoes new chatter phones for a head."
"The kid had drowned in a pond that's all he remembers, he has no idea how he got his new head. All he does remember is waking up and suddenly having a duck trying to warm him up, he calls the duck queen and he treats it like his mother."
"Ever since that day when he came back, he's basically refused to leave and he's became obsessed with me, to the point he calls himself my biggest fan, kinda why he's known as **chuck the fanboy.** He's an annoying little brat and despite all the times I kick him, yell at him and such he dosen't lose any of his feelings towards me."
"He's too innocent for this cruel world, let me tell you but on the good side of things at least he can't die again, though there is something about that Queen duck that's strange it dosen't seem like a normal duck sometimes I wonder why? But yes I consider him... A friend EVEN IF IT PAINS ME TO SAY IT BECAUSE I KNOW IT WILL DRIVE HIM UP THE WALL."
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"And my last friend worth mentioning has gotta be the one that matches me the most, someone who's chaotic but could never be my level of cursed."
"Bedlam The Chaos God ((owned by @weirdozjunkary ))
"My timeline and universe itself only really has one god and yes sadly it's the Christian one we also have a Satan."
"Bedlam himself is from another universe enterally full of gods for just about everything that exists, there's even an actual PARTY god there, They are a hoot let me tell you."
"But yeah how did I meet Bedlam then? well I met him back in February this year infact! He was feeling pretty bored that day and decided to check out a new universe and discovered mine by accident, once here he had heard about my existence by ease dropping on some people."
"My guess is he thought I was a chaos god like himself, and was keen on meeting me because of it. Should have seen his face when he first walked into my restaurant and layed his eyes upon me, guy was shocked to say the least!"
"He's a pretty intresting fella, he often changes voices seemingly unable to decide what voice fits him properly, I'm sure he'll find his perfect voice one day. He's basically like a living cartoon I swear when we properly got to know eachother we basically reenacted a tom and jerry episode."
"Don't even get me started on the time we robbed a bank he turned the whole place upside down, and smashed the large vault open with a massive cream pie! We didn't even keep the money we just gave it back like an hour later and we had lunch together after."
"Guy, defiantly is weirded out by me, which is surprising since well he's the god of chaos but fair enough I'm alot more cursed then I am chaotic, but we get along fairly well! Though we don't hang out all the time, I'm a little to overstimulating for him, to hang out for long periods of time."
"Let me tell you though? Despite how little time we've known eachother, he's defiantly one of the most fun people I know, he's also great taste in fashion both litearly and figuratively, don't tell him this but last time we hung out I was chewing on one of his horns while he was talking about another god in his world named Llios."
"I will admit, I have a bit of a teething issue sometimes and I like to bite things though he didn't seem to notice."
"I wonder what he's up to? I gotta see if he'd be interested in joining one of my poker games! Next one is coming up real soon, Count Dracula, Sugar Crisp Bear, Santa Claus, Moth Man are gonna be there. And we're short one member since Slender Man's busy and I can't get in contact with Eyeless Jack I think he blocked my number."
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"But yes thank you for the question! Hope this answer satiates your curiosity, feel free to ask more questions about my friends, I'm sure I got more fun stories I can tell about them. I just didn't wanna drag this on for too long."
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years ago
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Hello and it is the last Sunday of February. Wild. Thanks @you-remind-me-of-the-babe​, @thnxforknowingme​ and @cerriddwenluna​ for the tags. I was actually going to do one of thoe “nothing to share ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” ones, since I have nothing to share apart from my thesis (lol). I mean, I handed in a draft Friday but yesterday I was too busy going to Amsterdam, seeing Dan Howell and meeting @justgleekout​!
But today I did the Fic Line guessing game and I lost three times, which means three new WIPs! Have 2 sentences of each, so that there are 6 sentences.
For @1908jmd​, a Klaine in the Netherlands fic. Kedeng, kedeng, choo choo, I guess. Look, I just watched Abigail Thorn’s amazing video on the NHS and trans healthcare and she had a lot of very poignant things to say about systematic inequality BUT it was also a weird way to learn that other countries do not have double decker trains, so it’s going to be Klaine travelling through the country by train.
“Okay, so we need these blue cards to check in, right?” Kurt asks while inspecting the so-called OV chipkaart.
“Yes, and this online guide also says we need to make sure we check in with the right train provider or whatever it’s called,” Blaine reads from his phone.
For @cerriddwenluna​, I picked the diner prompt, where Blaine always sits in Kurt’s section of the diner, but one day he looks very upset and Kurt gives him free dessert.
“Eyebrows looks sad.”
“Do not call him Eyebrows, Santana!” Kurt hisses, but his friend is right, because the attractive guy with the triangle shaped eyebrows looks like he’s been crying.
And for @quizasvivamos​... Klaine and Broadway. Not gonna lie, Beth, I am not sure what to do for this one yet. Might bring back The Street, because I am me, but yeah I did rewatch Bernadette Banner’s video on how Broadway costumes are made.
“Are you... sure?”
“Yes, Kurt, he was very clear that he wanted a bow tie in his costume.”
When will these be finished? Who knows! Hopefully soon, though, so that Jen, Gwen and Beth don’t have to wait for long. They’re not going to be super long (famous last words?) and I might also post them to AO3 as one entry and then it’s be my 69th work in the Glee fandom, so, uh, nice!
By the way, feel free to send me more asks with lines ;)
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @captain-aralias @takitalks @justgleekout @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist @whogaveyoupermission @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @aroace-genderfluid-sheep @ionlydrinkhotwater @1908jmd @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen​ @cutestkilla​ @nausikaaa​/@wellbelesbian​ @artsyunderstudy​ @martsonmars​ @facewithoutheart​ @boyinjeans
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aidontdraw · 5 months ago
Its definitely exaggerated, and if it wernt for the samurai, all of Sasuke's murders would be justified.
Orochimaru (man's not allowed 200ft near an elementary school)
Itachi (bassicly committed suicide)
Danzo (is the reason Sasuke's family is dead)
Which is why the samurais murder is so important to showing Sasuke's mental state at the time. Even when working with Orochimaru, Sasuke took down an entire army with out landing a single fatal blow. Shortly after making new friends with Taka, he instructs them not to murder people, and they don't. It's not until Sasuke joined "Madara" did he start killing randos. Their death is to showcase he is not in his right mind. (it was also a way to move the plot forward)
However, he did still murder innocent people in a neutral state. Which is not the best thing to do. Even thoguh they were specifically faceless unnamed unknown characters.
AND, Sasuke didn't murder as many people as he wanted to. Not because he didn't want to kill people, but because he lacked the skill to do so. (or the other character had plot armor)
So obviously the first contender is Naruto himself. If Naruto didn't have Kyuubi, he would have been dead at the Valley of the End fight. There's no question about that one, a Chidori to the chest is a finishing move on anyone who's not a main character.
Then there is Killer Bee, if everything went to his plan, Killer Bee would have been dead when he gave the man to the Akatsuki. He failed that mission, so it didn't happen.
You can also put the entire Gokage Summit, or even just the Kazekage and Raikage, in this catagory. He is trying to murder the Raikage and Kazekage for interference. Every move did was a killing blow for anyone with out plot armor. Sasuke opts for a tactical retreat when he realized he couldn't. Especially if he still wanted to kill Danzo.
Then there's also Karin, Sasuke instructed Sakura to murder her if she wanted to join him. He also didn't care for her life when it came to killing Danzo. (If Sakura wasn't an med-nin, Karin probably would have died.)
Then there's also Sakura, when she hesitates murdering Karin, Sasuke tries to kill her.
You can also assume he was trying to kill Kakashi for interference, before he and Naruto had a gay moment.
I think there are a few other people that fall under this catagory, where Sasuke clearly tired to kill them himself... It just didnt happen.
Then there's the Valley of the End, again. He is trying to kill Naruto, again. Sasuke failed, again. This is also where he says his own crazy plan for the earth if he successed at killing Naruto.
You could technically also count the entire ninja world for his attempted murder list, because Sasuke was aiding in the Akatsuki's plan. Honestly thoguh he wasn't that great help in their plan, and was more of a hindrance. Although, he was kinda the reason Kabuto joined. So he was a help there.
While both Sasuke and the Akatsuki wernt successful, thousands of unknown ninja did die from the war. Sasuke's involvement was minimal, I'll put a few of thoes bodies on his tab. He is inadvertently responsible for their death.
So it's not really that Sasuke didn't have the desire to kill people, he just lacked the ability to do so. Kishimoto wanted to keep him in the realm of redemption. So he kept Sasuke's actual murder count down as much as possible. But a lot of fans still count the attempts of murder for Sasuke's Murder Rampage, because it's not his fault they all had plot armor.
I kinda wished Sasuke did kill more people. It would be so intresting to see what would have happened.
It's actually insane to me that he wasn't invited to join the Pain Assult on Konoha. Honestly, it's almost a plot hole to me that Sasuke wasn't there.
Sasuke did "capture" Killer Bee before the Pain Assult happened, and he was promised if he did that they would help him destroy Konoha. So, imagine if Pains plan was successful, and he didn't bring all thoes people back to life, and Sasuke found out.
I'd be pissed, like, "What do you mean you couldn't wait for me to join you? I was promised I could destroy Konoha if I brought you this guy. Well here's this guy. And where's Konoha, already destroyed." *Killer Bees body poofs away* "Okay well my point still stands."
But imagine if Sasuke was there, and Naruto had to fight Sasuke and Pain at the same time. If Sasuke was genuinely apart of a plot to destroy Konoha, instead of just the one guy. That's drama. That's hard to come back from.
is it just me or are the rumours of sasuke's murderous nature quite literally greatly exaggerated?! 😭☠️ like my boy only licked down them samurais fr 😭 like am i missing something? if im forgetting some shit lemme know but can't basically every other kill be explained away with illness, suicide or that cockroach orochimaru simply coming back?? i personally would still count them all cuz i love him getting his lick back but let's be so serious. he was never offing niggas on a massive scale like ppl pretend. he didn't kill enough if you ask me 😹 like omg don't fight me cause ik how you girls like to tussle...he gets so much flack but wasn't gaara technically a serial killer lowkey at first? and don't @ me fr i genuinely adore gaara im just looking at the material djshsjsjj
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lilac--sun · 3 years ago
Idk what this is but i had some freetime so :) some are longer then others like at one point i just started to write a damn storyline because i could
Since the truce NMs gang has been hanging around Dreams mansion because Nightmare and Dream have a lot od catching up to do and the gang likes to be around Nightmare to know hes safe so the council still has meetings but with the gang around
Ink leads most of the meetings and since the gang has started sitting around the table they have input, mostly Killer making fun of him but sometimes its actually helpful
Sometimes the different papyrus' come to the meetings and Dust sits back and watches them interact with everyone/eachother and he sometimes smiles and when someone points it out he denies it, Classic has noticed when Original papyrus is around Dust is super calm and has even fallen asleep at the table before so when Original pap gave him a hug for his birthday, Dust almost started crying right there
Fell has major respect for Horror just because he was starved as a kid(underfell gaster was horrible in my opinion) and he didn't think he could handle it and couldn't even imagine dealing with it everyday
Dust almost killed Classic frisk when they grabbed onto Dusts scarf because they were curious, thanks to Cross, Error and Nightmare, Dust was didn't kill them but damn was he close to it... Dust didn't come to anymore meetings if Classic frisk was there
Sci runs tests on the gang and when he mentioned therapy they literally almost fell over laughing at the suggestion..Sci was super confused and worried
Horror often cooks for everyone and Ccino makes coffe/tea for everyone so they work pretty well together but when Horror tries to care for Ccino to much Ccino freaks out a little bit
Cross makes sand castles in Piratetale and a few of the other council members join him and nobody knows about it besides thoes few
Since Nightmare is a neat freak and Dream doesn't really care Nightmare almost screamed when he saw how messy Dreams room was and went on a 4 hour cleaning streak of the whole mansion and when he was done the whole mansion and was forced to take a break by Killer
Killer was made Nightmares right-hand-man because 1. Dust didn't wanna be and 2. He was able to beat him in a fight with no magic and Nightmare was extremely impressed, and Killer has literally taken bullets for Nightmare even tho Nightmare scolded him for doing it and he ends up defending Nightmare in meetings if anyone says anything rude
Mafia and Dust got into an argument and Mafia pointed his gun at Dust to intimidate him, But to his surprise Dust put his head on the gun and told Mafia, to pull the trigger while starting at him and Mafia was so stunned that he just put it away and didn't say another word...Dust had a smug grin ons his face for the rest of the day.
Killer and Ink are actually pretty good friends and are so mean to each other at the same time "hey souless whatcha doing" "nothing much, just thinking about how horrible you are" "aww if had a crush on me you could've just said something" "shut up, murderer."
Edge was pushing Fell around and Nightmare told him to knock it off, Edge responded with "like you know anything about being a good brother!" Before he could even think about what he had said, he was pinned down by the gang with sharpened bones inches from his face and a axe to his throat. Fell was to stunned to move and Nightmare was quiet before he told his gang to settle down, they did but not after telling edge to think before he speaks. The fell brothers left after that but Fell came to apologize but Nightmare just told him it was fine and words like that don't mean anything to him.
When Passive Nightmare showed up for the first time Reaper laughed for a splid 5 minutes about the "grumpy cat face" Nightmare had on
Passive Nightmare and Dream fell asleep leaning on eachother while Nightmare was reading and everyone took a photo and when they both woke up neither of them said anything about it but were both extremely relieved that their family was back together
Error doesn't usually join the meetings since he hates large crowds of people but when he does join he sits next to Blue or Nightmare without fail. One time Blue was walking around and he tripped, so Error grabbed him with his strings... right as Stretch walked out of a portal and when he saw Blue in his strings he threw Error against a wall with magic and sent a few dozen blasters his way knocking him out before he was held down by Nightmare who looked FURIOUS. After Stretch had what happened explained to him he felt a little bad for knocking him out and after Error woke up he carried on like nothing happened "tHaat waS a NnicE nApp" "are you hurt??" "MeNtallY orr phYysiicallYy?" "Yeah hes fine" "sorry.." "nAh yoU're gOod" "you're not mad?" "Ooh I'Mm pisSeD buUt I'm tTo laZzzy tO dOo annYythiing abouUt iit" "oh-"
Blue talks to the gang like they're family and at first people thought of Blue as a traitor but when they saw the gang fight to protect Blue when people wouldn't listen to him they quickly learned that Blue had them no matter what and he was also extremely smart in battle tactics and glad they finally started listening to him
Dream swore he never gets mad so Killer made it his goal to have Dream snap at him, Cross warned him not to do it but Killer never listens, so it started out by Killer ""accidentally'" spilling stuff on Dream which only gave a positive response, then tripping him, once again Dream didn't react then right as he was about to give up he noticed Dream was having a bad day so he was clicking his pen extra loud and tapping it on the table thats when Dream absolutely lost his shit. Dream took a deep breath and when Killer clicked the pen again Dream teleported over and grabbed him by the collar and started screaming at him "GOD DAMNIT WILL YOU STOP THAT. I'VE PUT UP WITH YOUR SHIT FOR WEEKS NOW IS THIS THE REACTION YOU WANTED?? WELL HERE YOU GO!" Killer proceeded to get tossed down as Dream stormed out of the meeting room and Cross ran after him, He laughed and turned to Nightmare who was reading a book, unimpressed "he looks like you when hes mad, his eyes even turned a bit purple" "we are twins afterall, don't forget that" "Right Right"
Cross treats his giant knife like its no big deal and waves it around like it weighs nothing but it weighs a solid 80-90 pounds of solid metal, he can also do tricks with it(imagine like the color guard people but instead of flags its a giant knife?)
Horror pranks people but since he usually doesn't do it all the blame gets put on Killer so he gets away with a l o t of stuff because of Killer being the fall man, Horror is more chaotic then the other he just doesn't let that side show at all
Nightmare seems to be in a better mood since making truces with Dream and Error was the first to notice because when Error dropped something and it made a big mess instead of the heavy sigh and eye roll he actually handded Error some paper towel to clean it up and Error was so freaked out he almost fought him
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•••~♥︎♥︎What's in my ask box♥︎♥︎~•••
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(requested)Isagi x yandere fem reader:I Will Catch You Before You Know(title).Theres nothing wrong with be attached to your lover.Theres nothing wrong with having their location on your phone,Your just taking processions.There's nothing wrong with eliminating thoes you think will take them away hurt them,you should always protect your man. There's nothing wrong with wanting to know who he's texting,you can't trust these hoes. There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep your lover safe even if it mean to lock him in atic.
(requested)Noa x girly girl reader:Noel Noa's Pretty Little Bitch(Title):Your the girly type,Starbucks coffee at hand,nail appointment every three weeks, pink contact lenses,pink floaty dresses, hair appointments,glitter pen,mini skirts n lipgloss,new hand bag every week, pink Lambo,you like doing makeup and crafty things,preppy and he pays for it all,He does a lot of stuff for you despite your bratty personality. That includes paying for all your appointments and weekly new hand bags.
(requested)Playboy Oliver x innocent reader:You knew who he was,everyone did. Hes known for being an amazing football player,That you knew,But he's also known for leaving a trail of broken hearts were ever he step foot,Now that you didn't know.And you figured that out but you still took a chance your not exactly sure why you'd be any different form the rest of the girls,who were much prettier then you.Maybe you thought you could fix him. No,no wait it wasn't your fault. It was his,for being so damn perfect,he came up to you knowing you wer fresh out the boat,You were so shy and cute and easy to manipulate. And the fact that you weren't from around here!,Sheesh bonus point for him.He knew how to sweet talk you and what buttons to press.It started off small like he would wait for you by your locker or classroom. Then he'd carry your stuff. Then he'd walk you home. Hed ask you to tutor him.Hed spend his money on you to make you feel special.He knows what to do to get to a girls heart no matter how empty she is. He's been around the block,he knows the drill.Oliver Aiku a natural at manipulating stupid and naive little girls,quite like yourself,Love wasn't as sweet as you thought it would be huh?. Sweet Gasoline (title).
(requested)Rin x bimbo reader:Damn you were so annoying.Cant you find someone else to bother.You were so happy and energetic,So why would you wanna be friends with him. Your classmates warned you about Rin itosi and how cold and overly rude. But you really wanted to be his friend and maybe a little more then that . You were determined to be his friend not matter what!. Sweet as sugar as cold as ice (title).
lavinho x a tsundere reader where she acts like she hates/ finds him annoying but shes actually is just a tsundere. Gets super jealous when she see his fangirls getting to comfortable. But what can she do, it's not like he belongs to her , she has no right to be angery. "Well it's not like I want to be with him, anyway!".
Barou x reader whos a soft girl.
Dating Nagi is as complicated as it looked form when he dating others girls. But you gave it a shot!. He just needs someone who is patient with him... But not too patient.
Julian Loki x a "Basic white girl".(As requester puts it)You two probably met at some young up coming stars ceremony thingy. I mean how was he gonna ignore the girl who was bouncing around the room taking selfies of herself and every fancy looking food that was for the invited.
This is just a glimpse of what I'm working on .
Hope you guys like these.
reblogs are highly appreciated.
Of course more will be added. And If u dont see your request up there it just means that I'm still working on it.
Good night💝💝💝💝 💤💤💤
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avariciouss · 11 months ago
"Ah but a leader they like will make life easier for ya, kid." He hummed with a prideful smile as he wrapped his arms around his underlings as they smiled with honesty towards him. "A happy underling means for better control. Without that. They're more than likely going to attack. Or even turn your back on yah." He let them go. Some advice but knowing this kid. Thoes underlings are more than likely just a group and someone else was the leader. But the kid had spunk.
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"Ahh whatever. I'm sure the boar king has it." He smirked before stretching his legs. And getting to his feet." Common kid. I'm in the mood for a walk." He said as he waved his hand. Beckoning Inoske to follow. To think the kid just barhrd into his bar one day smelling him. Only to be distracted by plate after plate of food.
Becoming friends with the very thing that was trained to hunt him down was simply impossible. Well..impossible did not make it improbable. He opened the door as the sent if finely adorned perfume from the maidens assaulted his nostrils. Nevertheless it was his home. Had been for two hundred years now.
He actually had to move to his secondary establishment from the entertainment district because of that fight." I remember that fight." He chortled as he rolled his head. The night time air hitting his face as he thought about it. Taking shelter in the basement. He remembered vividly..
"Let's just say. Watching you get stabbed..just.." he paused. Seriousness coating his voice as he spoke."Be..more careful next time." He said as he placed a hand on his head. That scene broke his heart beyond belief. He couldn't help because the building had collapsed on his people. He had to get them out.
If he did help, it would have been a not so pretty sight.
"Underlings?" Was he literally him, just a boar boy and a wild demon slayer? This made him glance at his own loyal companions and with a moment. Shook his head." No no no. Kid. Its..you know. A mate? Like how a mommy boar, and a daddy boar.." he paused. Explaining this would be impossible.
The kid took things too literally. To describe a girlfriend is like trying to explain why walls are incapable of movement. His shoulders went lax as he sighed." Okay. Girl talk is not exactly the best thing to talk about. Shit." He thought. His fingers gently caressing his chin." I tried" he shrugged. He'd take no offense to it. But the underlings made his intrest peek a mountain.
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"So these 'underlings' of yours. They got names? They loyal to ya?" The smile was sharp. He was genuinely interested in this kid's life. He was different. Had the apitite of a crazy person and a personality of one to. Not that the kid meant it in any way. He was justified in his ways of acting like he did. Justification? Raised by animals. Unlike him who was raised by a crazy man who took his humanity away so long ago he can't remember his real name anymore.
Taking a seat at the bar he kicked back in the stool and looked at him. A beer tossed to him by the large ox sized man as he huffed in acknowledgement." They like you? Demon slayers?" He hadn't really heard of them from this kid until now. How...amusing. this was a life he knew. Took person after person in. Thoes with no home, no hope of living a good life. Living on the streets. The homeless, the sad. The weak.
But he despised slavery. He gave the men and women a choice. Everyone had one. The could stay. And they could leave when they wished. They left free. They stayed free. They worked for him he'd treat his people with respect. His own silent kingdom in the middle of the entertainment district. 'The Devil's Nest'.
Though..Demons have been proving to be a pain in his ass lately regarding their master, muzan. Just as persistent as father. But nevertheless no more than a minor pain in his ass.
"Can't wait to hear all about them."
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lilyrachelcassidy · 4 years ago
Summer Nights (3)
Warnings: alcohol, language, sexual alludes, and... that’s it??
Word Count: 3.7k
Tags: @war-sword @paradigmax @winnsmills @idkatee @bforbroadway @okaydraco
So her name was Y/N.
Draco couldn't help himself but wonder about her for the past few days, after their encounter in the restaurant. As he thought more and more of her, he decided she was more of a changeable person, judging on what he had learned about her; timid and coy one day in the lobby when he first arrived, and plainly confident on another when she approached him to return his fucking wand.
And did she believe in that fictive tale about him playing a magician? Did she sense his sudden abashment when she started to question him on the subject?
He blamed himself for the whole situation, which could have never happened if he only were more careful. He assumed he had lost the wand when his mother furiously dragged him back to his hotel room from the bar he had stopped by for a while. Perhaps, it was when he had handed the receptionist, Y/N, the letter, and it just dropped out of his pocket as he was taking an envelope out.
Fortunately for him, it found its way back. So he didn't have to trouble his head with that now, right?
One issue, however, stuck to his thoughts and vividly came back every time he glanced at his hand, only to see blurry words written with a hard-to-efface ink. Of course, by none other than Y/N.
A few days back, she had scribbled her name and a number on his palm, and since then, he tried to figure out what it was for. He knew he couldn't walk out to the city and stop people in the middle of the pavement to ask for an explanation for the note because it would be as irrational and bizarre as it sounds. The second thought was to ask his mother for an additional conjecture about that by sending an owl. But then he quickly remembered, he didn't have access to any of owls here and -- so and so -- he didn't know the address Narcissa was staying at.
So both options were excluded.
Soon enough, however, the situation cropped up. Someday around six in the morning, still sound asleep and immersed in the dreams, the strange, alarming sound rang up in his bedroom, echoing off the walls and waking half of the death of him as he heard it. He flopped off his bed with the sheets falling along with him, and he began looking for the source of the noise. Then he noticed: a white handset and a set of ten digits next to it; he picked it up -- it was only a hotel checking up if he needed anything.
From then on, everything lined up and made a perfectly logical sense in his head -- it was a muggle device to communicate with each other. If you were desperate enough not to meet up with somebody in the real-life, you were likely to click nine digits and either meet with the receiver's voice or voicemail on the other side. So here was a purpose of the number.
Draco also discovered these things were so-called phones. And they were sold in various forms and types like the models of brooms in the Wizarding World -- from less to most exclusive ones. Little did his consciousness helped him, but after an hour, he was already out in the city and walking next to the shops' exhibitions and searching for an electronics store to buy himself one of those.
Why did he want to buy the phone? He could lie and say that it was only in case of emergency. But admitting truthfully to himself, he felt a nagging curiosity about those devices and wanted to understand this part of the muggle world. And something, more of a hunch than reasoning, told him that he soon might be needing one of those.
Later that day, after wandering for almost an hour and stepping into some cafeteria for lunch, he was finally holding a fucking iPhone in his hand. It had a lot of fancy shining buttons and a small, black partly-bitten apple on the back, and some kind of virtual assistant (at least that's what he had heard from a salesman) Siri with a very posh British accent. Having been advised to purchase it, Draco did so even without a second thought.
He paid for it with some muggle money his mother provided him before her departure, and walked out of the store, having it packed in a nice paper bag with a receipt and a SIM card. He decided on opening it when he reaches his room, and meanwhile, look around the area for some entertainment or something in those terms, to preoccupy himself.
Actually, Draco hadn't been too much in foreign countries, and hauling him out to Muggle London was a miracle, much more to Muggle Paris. He could find a similarity, but it was much different here -- cars honking at each other at the traffic jam; countless shops with clothes; restaurants with delicious food; people babbling at one another in French but also in Italian and German, and English. It was chaotic; it was loud, and he had to watch his feet in order to not trip over by someone else.
Draco felt lost in that mess. Random people encouraging him to visit the shops he would never intend to drop by, strangers pushing him in a rush and mumbling indistinct 'Sorry' for stepping on his shoes, some even too bothered to even look at him. Partly, he wished he had never listened to Narcissa and instead spending time with Thoe, Blaise, or whosoever and talking about irrelevant stuff like the score of the last Quiddich match (Banchory Bangers against Falmouth Falcons) or about the latest affairs with the Ministry of Magic.
And what was he even doing here?
In mere seconds, he decided on changing a route back again to the hotel instead of meandering aimlessly and optimistically, waiting for some godsend to find.
What he wasn't, however, considering was actually finding some godsend in front of the revolving doors of the hotel building.
Yet again, as if some supernatural powers brought them to the same place every time, he was standing on the opposite side of the door where Y/N. It was the late afternoon, so instead of wearing the usual white shirt in the composition of black jeans, she had a green top and striped, yellow shorts with a small watch on her wrist.
She was turned, slightly to the side, so it was her profile he saw as she waved probably at one of her friends, smiling broadly. Draco never really paid much attention to the girl, especially to her looks, but now as his eyes roamed over her standing figure in those a little too revealing clothes, he felt a gulp forming in his throat. Her hair was falling on her shoulders, the beam plastered to her face, and she seemed to be a radiating sphere of positivity.
For the last time, she blew her friend a kiss, and then she was looking at him, infinitely shocked at the sight of him behind the window, staring at her. Draco blinked, snatching out of thoughts.
Y/N made her way out, gripping her big handbag and throwing it hastily on the shoulder and a glowing grin waving over her face again. "Nice to see you again," she said. "I thought you would call."
He furrowed his brows, detecting the faint trace of hope in her voice and feeling his heart take up on the speed. "Well... I was just about to. In the room. I bought a phone..." He lifted the sack in his hand. "...and was about to dial your number."
"Really?" she asked, slightly startled and happy at the same time. She brushed some of her hair behind the ear. "Didn't you have the phone?"
"I left it at home." It was the quickest lie he could conceive. He playfully rolled his eyes, indicating the slight amusement at his alleged absentmindedness. "Just heading back from the shop."
She laughed at that. "Right." Suddenly, her cheeks were covered in a light scarlet, and she dropped her gaze at her feet for three seconds, as if she was about to share something very, very secretive with him. Then she was eyeing him again. "Listen... I've just ended a shift. Maybe you would like to go somewhere? I promised I'll show you around the most interesting spots. Are you up to that?"
Draco contemplated, taking in a small breath. Some part of him really lingered to give it a shot and go out with her, seeing where it carries them, as spontaneous as it was. It wasn't a date, and she was practically a stranger, but... what kind of a stranger! A quiet voice in his head told him this was what kept him away from the idea; disclosing his doubts -- her sparkling with joy eyes and the effect she had on him. A mere fact of him pondering the question was pure evidence it mattered to him, and he definitely tried to kick in with a good impression.  
That left him with no more answer than: "Yeah, sure."
For some reason, Y/N let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a little, looking as if she was about to hear bad news but heard the contrary instead. "Great!" she exclaimed cheerfully. A little too cheerfully, she realized, as soon as she spoke up because the embarrassment welled up on her face. Yet another blush brushed her cheeks, and she chuckled at herself. "Sorry. Bad habits from the reception."
Now it was his turn to chuckle. He liked it, actually, but obviously wasn't going to say that out loud. "Don't mind," he assured her. "Shall we--"
"Before we do," Y/N cut him in, already guessing the upcoming rest of the sentence. "I suggest you leave that stuff..." She pointed her finger at the bag he was carrying. "...in the room. We might be wandering some hours in the heat. So it might not be the best idea."
Draco nodded, silently agreeing with her pertinent advice. "I'll meet you downstairs in... five minutes, then."
She shifted a little, still grinning like a maniac and watching him with sparkling eyes. "Okay," she said, as Draco was making to walk past her, feeling the strangest hint of excitement creeping in his chest. As he was nearing the doorway, he heard her shouting behind his back, "I'll be waiting here!" And the tiniest of his rare smiles formed on his lips.
"So tell me something about yourself, Draco." Y/N looked at him, a light of interest entering her eyes.
As decided, they had met up a few minutes later in front of the entrance to the hotel and then took on the route. Draco had asked her about any potential propositions of where there should go, to which Y/N only smiled mysteriously and said it was a surprise.
So now they were walking hand-in-hand, taking almost the same pace as they strolled in the rhythm of the roads. The buzz still could be heard, and people prattling loudly, but this time -- as Draco noted -- instead of crowding in the center of the noise, Y/N led him through some stealthy alleys only a real dweller could know about. There were still laughs and talks coming, but much quieter.
"What do you want to know?" he asked, not quite comprehending how he should answer her question. He had been in some relationships, some successful and some not, but no one had really paid much interest in him. Not really him.
"Uh, you know. Where do you hail from, what are your hobbies, why did you come to France? Whatever you want, actually." Y/N chortled, offering him a small smile of encouragement. The sun rays were smoothly emphasizing her beauty; skin glistening under the daily light. Draco couldn't help himself but think of how her hands would feel on his shoulders and--
'Focus Draco,' he scolded himself for drifting far, far away with his imagination.
"Well," he started. "I'm from England, what you can guess by my accent. I play piano, learned Italian and Spanish, and...you know, basic stuff." He omitted the part he was a captain of his Quidditch team at school for almost five years which was his biggest pride. "My mother forced me to come here."
"Oh," Y/N seemed to be a little surprised by his confession because she made a fish-like face. "Didn't you want to come?"
"Not quite," Draco admitted truthfully. Before she was able to ask him for a reason for that, he outstripped her. "Had a tough time lately. My friend...died."
Y/N stared at him, mouth slightly agape, and in an instant, her expression turned from cheerful to a regretful one. "I'm sorry," she said, massive uncomfortableness visible on her face.
He shrugged, making his faultless poker face to the game as if it didn't affect him at all -- blank and uncaring. But it hit him. Always did. He didn't like to talk about his post-war experience; even recalling it in his mind was torture.
'If she only knew,' Draco thought. 'She wouldn't be so eager to get acquainted.'
Before he could pay off with as much interest as she did to him, Y/N was gesturing excitedly to the name on the corner of the building, located right next to the extensive, artificial beach with impeccably clean water. There were quite a few people enjoying themselves and sitting on the warm sand, but not throng as Draco could expect from a place like that. "Here we are!"
Not only the sand, but a minibar was there as well: a small deckhouse in the midway of the shore and pavement; a few wooden stools; and the bartender who was shaking a cocktail mixer in his hands.
Shortly after, however, the man behind the counter noticed them approaching. He shot Draco a brief look, and then his gaze landed straight at Y/N, who also perceived him glancing at her. He seemed to be happy at the sight of her, and his eyes swept momentarily over her figure, perhaps identifying if it really was a person he thought it was, and then he gestured for her to come closer. Y/N seized Draco's forearm, tugging him to come along with her, and Draco, left without any other choices, followed.
Y/N began speaking something French with him, and he heatedly answered her back in a sort of enthusiastic voice. Apparently, they must have known each other because, after seconds, they started joking around, laughing, and patting each others' shoulders like old friends. It took quite a moment, but the bartender eventually focused his attention on Draco, who was standing next to Y/N and was trying to make any sense out of the conservation. The man asked something, curiously arching his brow yet again at Y/N, who flushed suddenly. Clearly flustered with his question, she playfully smacked him at the top of his head and turned to face Draco.
"Sorry for that," she said, putting both of her elbows on the countertop and making a slight pout of guiltiness. "It's just an old friend of mine. I used to come here a lot in the past, so we know each other... pretty well, I guess."
That arose Draco's curiosity, and he didn't miss a chance to ask her. "Don't you come here anymore?"
"No." The readiness of this reply surprised him a little bit. She bit her lip and let her eyes drift at her shoes, which -- Draco noticed -- was her typical reaction when she was nervous. "I... I used this place to meet up with my boyfriend. My father didn't approve of our relationship -- he assumed there was something iffy about him and that he had bad intentions." Chuckling dryly, she tried to cover up her emotions, though the sadness was hitched to her voice. "He was right. He used me and then dumped me, saying it meant nothing."
Although he felt an urge to hug her, he held it back and stared at her, not really knowing what to say. Should he console her by telling her the man was a pig and she clearly deserved better? Or should he keep silent, only proving himself to be a good listener? It was very confusing for him to be around girls who cry and complain and expect reassurance in their words. He witnessed Pansy weeping a lot of times, but she was the one to instruct him what to do by throwing herself at him and lingering in the embrace. But Y/N was new to him, and it was no easy way to find out what she wanted him to say.
"Sucks," he uttered under his breath before the awareness kicked in.  
What the fuck, you dolt?! Is it how you want to comfort her?
Fortunately, Y/N didn't receive his words as critically as he because her eyes lighted up, and she giggled softly. "Yeah... But I learned from that. I try to be warier now."
The bartender poked her suddenly on the shoulder, making some mumbling and incomprehensible sound. Y/N nodded and slightly tilted her head to have a better view of Draco. "Jean asks if you want a drink. He recommends Brave Bull. Brags that he can do the best one in the country."
"Mhm... Let it be it," he agreed, giving up on his usual liquor and dipping into more muggle-like specials. He attempted to force a smile on the lips, trying to give it more of a tone of a request than a demand.
She reciprocated the gesture, and then she turned to her friend, leaning casually against the bar and expertly translating the conversation. He only nodded, smiling, and grabbed the nearest bottle of some booze to pour the contents into the glass along with some other ingredients.
"Here you go," the bartender, Jean, tried out his amateur English, but remnants of French accent could be heard. He laid two glasses of alcohol -- one fiercely brown; the other one, blue with a cocktail umbrella inside -- on the countertop and grinned. Before Draco could take out some cash to pay, Jean's voice echoed again, still with a little stammering accent. "Free!"
Y/N and Draco made their way to a nearby bench, both calmly sipping their drinks and looking at the horizon as the sun set down, disappearing out of your sight. It was strange for Draco how comfortable he felt in her presence; the comfort he hadn't experienced for years in anyone's company. Although he was aware you had met a few days ago, something in your relationship gave him enough space to be himself. And he liked it.
Draco chanced to glance at Y/N, and she was already looking.
"I like coming here," she started hastily, as to conceal she was staring. "It's calming."
As an excuse to tear their eye contact, Draco scanned the beach again, and he could definitely get her point. The place was nothing but charming. "Agree."
"You know... It was my inspirational area when I drew. I first found it when I got into a huge fight with my father. Since then, I have used it as an escape from the outer world. It was a mistake that I shared it with my ex, but... you seem to be a proper person."
Draco didn't miss the compliment, and a barely visible blush danced on his cheeks. He felt his pulse speeds up, heart pounding at the sudden realization of their proximity. "You drew? Is it past tense?"
"Yes." Y/N nodded swiftly, grunting. "I love to capture the moments I find beauty in: people, places, specific objects. I even aspired to go to art studies. But..." She exhaled deeply, preparing herself to continue. "...they are too costly. My father says so... I don't blame him; I know he tries. But I stopped myself from having hopes."
Draco listened, and the pity churned his stomach. Taking a nip of his drink, an idea popped up in his head. "Do you have those drafts?"
"Right now?" Y/N asked, shocked, to which Draco responded only with a short nod.  "Yes, I usually carry them --er-- in my bag. I had to throw them away... but I just couldn't."
"Can I see?"
Surprisingly, for the first time, as Draco saw, reluctance appeared on her face. She deflated, apparently battling with doubts. "Ummm... Yes." And then she slipped her hand into her motley bag, rummaging intensely. After mere seconds, she finally found what she was looking for -- the set of papers bound neatly around by a fine twine and clip, to the additional perseverance.
Y/N passed him, what seemed to be many hours of her solid work, and he examined them closely. What Draco could say is that he wasn't an expert in the field, but he unconditionally believed that those sketches required a lot of talent to draw as precise as they were. He was in awe, really -- the accurate contours given the best preciseness; the attention paid even to the smallest details; gradings made with soft touches of a pencil. The drawings presented a lot: random people walking in a rush, natural landscapes, some sculptures lined up in front of a building, even the least relevant objects like shoes or an apple. That, of course, didn't discourage Draco from watching further -- he flipped the pages, soundlessly, and a little too fascinated to utter a thing.
"And what do you think?" asked Y/N, nervously tapping her fingers on her thigh and (unnecessarily) preparing herself for a flow of criticism. Her gaze darted between Draco's face and the sketches.
"I... think you have a gift," he complimented her, weighing the great truth in his words.
"Really?" Y/N asked him in disbelief, blushing profusely. "Thanks! But --er-- you can take them if you want. It'd be easier for me to know I give them in the good hands than throwing them away."
The 'good hands' comment flattered Draco, and he felt almost honored to accept the offer. "Yes. Thank you." He buried the works deeply in his pocket.
He would definitely make good use of those. He had a plan.
A/N: Okay, hi everyone! It was supposed to be longer, but I decided to divide it into more chapters with less word count instead. Nothing is happening yet, but you can already feel some tension, right? :D The next chapter is going to be super, super short. So I might be posting it within two days or so??? Idk yet, and it’s not a promise because I have a nice surprise (spoiler! a new one-shot) coming and a few requests to answer, so it might also take a moment. But please, stick with me :D If anyone wants to appear on the tag list, write in comments, DM, or wheresoever!
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wallgirl · 3 years ago
The Little Nereid Part 9
Record of Ragnarok fanfiction
Poseidon x OC
Word count: 2,800
Dynamene, youngest of the 50 Nereids, has lived most of her adolescence as a servant alongside her sisters at Poseidon’s palace. But with her coming-of-age birthday and other developments, what she initially thought was just admiration of her master blossoms into something stronger and more passionate… and painful.
Categories and warnings: Romance, angst, unrequited love, coming-of-age, earn-your-happy-ending, slow-burn (ish); no sexual content. There will be some graphic violence in the future.
Updated regularly, multiple times a week; will have about ?15? parts total.
"Dynamene," a soft voice nudged her hours later. "Dynamene, wake up, we're almost there."
Dynamene opened her eyes groggily and looked up at Eione, whose shoulder she was still leaning against. "Huh?"
"Home; we're almost home." Eione smiled and drew back the carriage curtains to show her, letting in the bright sunshine. Dynamene sat up, quickly awoken by the warmth of the sunlight, and pressed herself to the window.
The rocky terrain and stormy weather had completely disappeared, giving way to rolling green hills lined with thick forest and sandy bluffs. The sky was clear without a cloud in sight, and Dynamene drank in the view of the pristine ocean under the bright blue sky. The gentle waves broke with crests like diamonds in the bright sun, before fading back into the cerulean waters. Dynamene's face lit up and she turned back to Eione, beaming. "It's just as beautiful as I remember."
"Isn't it?" Eione grinned. "We're nearly there. Just around this bend..."
The line of carriages rattled down the well-worn dirt road, turning around a thick grove of fig trees before beginning the final descent down a steep hill.
At the bottom was a sandy delta, flanked on the far side by a gorgeous palace made of sandstone and marble. The palace looked as if it had grown out of the bluffs as a natural extension of it, the exterior asymmetrical and rough but pleasing in a busy way. Sea glass in every color wrapped in whimsical patterns around the pillars and windows before winding down to the ground and forming a mosaic walkway to the entrance.
The ocean flowed into a cerulean lagoon before the palace, where the mouths of several small rivers met. Around the lagoon were large tide pools in which Dynamene could spot people and merfolk playing and basking.
There was a sudden shout from the distance, and the people began to stop what they were doing, looking towards the carriages. Then there was a loud chorus of calls and cheer, and the people scrambled in every which way. A trumpet sounded; now everyone knew that the Nereids were nearly home.
Before Dynamene could say anything, a booming voice came from the oceanside. "Greetings, Nereids!" She turned towards the other window to see a parade of merpeople headed by a handsome merman keeping pace with the carriage, leisurely leaping out of the water to speak to them. "Welcome home!"
Eione leaned over Dynamene and threw the window up. "Aye, merfolk! I thought I smelled fish!"
"Nay, Nereid," the merman replied smoothly. "It is yourself, I reckon." He gave Eione a mischievous wink.
Eione feigned a gasp of offense and flicked her hand. A spray of ocean water splashed the merman's face, but he laughed easily. "We will tell your parents of your arrival. Welcome home!" With that, he and the rest of the group sped ahead down along the beach, their tails glimmering in reds and greens under the surface of the water.
"Ah, that slimy fish," Eione tutted, but she tossed her hair in amusement. "It's so good to be back." She took in a deep breath before exhaling dramatically. "I can breathe here, you know?"
"Yes. Yes, I do," Dynamene whispered, unpinning her travel cloak. It was if the weight of the world had fallen off her shoulders with the fabric, and she began to help Eione get their bags sorted.
Minutes later, they had arrived before the palace. Beings of all sorts had gathered to greet their arrival with much a-do; fresh-water nymphs, dryads, fauns, satyrs, and merfolk. Familiar faces were on every side, and Dynamene lost track of the number of hugs she'd clasped with people she hadn't seen since goodness knows when. Old jokes were exchanged, and new ones made, as the crowd helped the Nereids unload their luggage from the carriages.
"Dynamene!" Actaea called from where a dryad was helping her lift down a trunk. "Look who it is!"
Dynamene turned and erupted once again into a wide smile. A boy with messy chestnut hair and freckles like hers was running down the path from the palace towards the group. "Dynamene!" He shouted. "Actaea! Eione! Everyone!" He flung himself into Dynamene's arms, and she squeezed him tight, rocking from side to side.
"Nerites," she whispered happily, taking the scent of seawater in her little brother's hair. "It's so good to see you again."
He pulled back to look at her with a frown. "You've gotten taller again. But I thought I would get taller than you someday?"
Dynamene laughed and ruffled his hair lovingly. "I think you have a few more centuries yet, little brother."
"That's fine," he replied. "As long as it happens someday." He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards one of the inlets. "I can't believe you're finally here! Even Elasippus came to greet you all today, too!"
Dynamene knelt down at the edge of the small bluff. Basking in the shallow water of the pool was a young merman, barely out of boyhood, with strawberry blond hair strung with ocean droplets and a shimmering green tail. He looked up in surprise at Dynamene. "Hello, Dynamene."
"Elasippus!" She smiled at her brother's friend warmly. "It's been too long. Your tail's gotten longer, hasn't it?"
"Um, yes," he answered shyly, fins curling back and forth. "I just thought I'd come and say hello, since I've known you all for so long..."
"Don't be awkward, Elas," Nerites sighed. "We've been best friends for ages; it's okay to talk to my sisters."
Dynamene laughed. "It's okay, it's been a few years. It's still weird to see that you two have gotten bigger, though," she sighed. "I guess I still remember when you were both little tadpoles, crying when the sand got in your eyes."
"Hey, we're not crybabies anymore!" Nerites protested. "Actually, me and Elas have been exploring a lot recently. We found this underwater cave that's full of oysters, and we've been collecting them to harvest. Some of them even have pearls. We're gonna go again today, actually. If you want, you should come with us!"
"When? Now?" She asked in disbelief as Nerites pulled on her hand.
"Yeah! Come on!"
"Well..." She looked back at her other sisters, who were still bringing the luggage in.
"Go ahead, Dyna," Ianeira called. "We'll join you in a little bit."
"Scratch that," Eione jumped in, boldly tossing off her peplos and chiton. "I'm going with now. Come on, Dynamene! Last one into the water is rotten caviar!" She took a running start and dove head-first into the rippling water.
"Well, if it's alright with everyone else," Dynamene sighed dramatically, undoing her own peplos. "I suppose..."
And bolstered on by the happy exclamations of her brother, she dove in.
Hours later, Dynamene pulled herself back up onto shore, breathless from laughter. "Here," she tossed a pearl to Nerites. "Almost dropped that one."
The other Nereids broke the surface close-by, laughing and wringing out their hair. "Did you see how fast Thoe dissipated when that ray went by?" Eione teased. "I thought she was a cloud of silt for a moment."
"Hey, those things have barbs, you know," Thoe sniffed as she smoothed her wet bangs away from her forehead.
"I wish we could've seen some whales," Callianassa sighed as she finished reforming her hands. She gave her fingers a graceful wiggle. "It's been forever since I've heard a whale call."
"There are a lot of whales at the next cove down. They came here for the birthing season," Elasippus told her as he carefully pulled a strand of seaweed from his hair. "We can show you later if you want."
"We gave a few of them nicknames," Nerites added, looking up from where he was admiring his satchel full of freshly harvested pearls. "Two babies have been born so far; we named one Fig and the other Olive."
"That's so... unimaginative," Dynamene teased him good-naturedly, and he splashed her with water.
"You come up with better names, then!"
"I will," she replied, sticking her tongue out at him.
"I bet I can come up with better names than both of you," Ianeira said, splashing them both. "Just give me until after supper."
"Speaking of supper, I'm starving," Eione groaned. She pulled her sandy chiton back on over her head before giving her hair one last shake. "What's on the menu?"
"Why don't we go inside and find out?" Ianeira said. "It must be nearly time to eat, anyways."
"Sounds good to me," Dynamene affirmed, gathering her clothes back up to get dressed. She paused for a moment, scouring the sand.
"Looking for something, Dynamene?" Elasippus asked.
"No, it's fine, just found it!" Dynamene sighed with relief. She brushed the sand away from where it had lightly blown over her bracelet. "False alarm." She quickly drew it back onto her wrist, carefully dusting any remaining sand off.
"That's pretty," Nerites said in awe. "Where did you get it?"
"Oh, um," Dynamene blushed, smoothing her wet hair away from where it clung to her neck. "Lord... Lord Poseidon gave it to me not long ago, as a birthday present."
"Really?" He asked in surprise. "Wow. He didn't get you guys jewelry, did he?" He asked the other sisters tactlessly.
The sisters exchanged a silent look for half a moment before Ianeira cleared her throat. "Come on, everyone! I'm sure Mother and Father would like to see us at long last as well."
The rest of the girls finished dressing and began to make their way up the beach towards the glittering palace. Nerites said goodbye to Elasippus and ran after them.
"Dynamene, are you coming?" Actaea asked, pausing to look back at her younger sister. Dynamene was still carefully braiding her hair.
"I'll be there in a moment!" Dynamene called back, waving her on. "I just want to finish braiding my hair before it dries again. I'll meet up with you guys at the palace."
"Alright, don't be too long!" Actaea disappeared over the sandy hill, leaving Dynamene alone with Elasippus.
Elasippus remained for a moment, watching in fascination as Dynamene wove her hair back into two braids. "Beautiful," he whispered.
"Mm?" Dynamene looked up.
"The bracelet," he said hastily. "Lord Poseidon was very thoughtful. It's gorgeous."
"Isn't it?" Dynamene sighed and held out her hand so the merman could take a better look. "It's mother-of-pearl, my favorite."
"So it sounds like you get along with him, huh?" Elasippus swam in an idle circle. "That's good. I hear he's not so easy to be around."
"No, he's not," Dynamene admitted. "But, you know..." She remembered the times on the beach with him, and the way he had brushed her hair back. "He's not so bad, deep down." She began to blush.
"I see," Elasippus said slowly, watching Dynamene's face turn pink. "If you say so." He turned to look at the setting sun. "You and your sisters are really brave, you know. I don't think I could ever live with him. Not after what happened with his brother."
Dynamene stared at him for a moment blankly. Then she realized what he was referring to - Poseidon's killing of Adamas.
She stared back down at the ocean. "I suppose so. I guess I can see how that would make people... uncomfortable."
"Does it bother you?" Elasippus asked earnestly, tail flicking.
Dynamene bit her lower lip. What happened with Adamas was justified, wasn't it? I don't know all that was said between them, but Adamas did want to start a civil war, right? So... Is Poseidon really in the wrong for what he did? "No. I... I think he did the right thing," she said, but her voice was shaky.
Elasippus sensed her discomfort and frowned apologetically. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make things awkward. It's none of my business. I shouldn't have asked."
"No, it's alright," Dynamene said quickly. "It's an honest question. I suppose I just don't really think about it much. We'd only been at the palace for a century when it happened, and I was still just a child, so my sisters didn't say much about it around me." Her thoughts went back to that day; what little she remembered of it, that was.
The Nereids had left the palace to picnic on the beach that fateful afternoon. They didn't want any part of Adamas's visit; he was nothing but a jealous troublemaker, and they wanted no part of whatever ill-will he brought.
But when the sound of marble breaking echoed out from the palace, they had rushed back out of concern for their master. Dynamene remembered tagging along behind Actaea, barely able to see past the rest of her sisters as they crowded into the great hall where Poseidon had received Adamas...
"No, don't look," Actaea had said suddenly, covering Dynamene's eyes with her hands. "Don't look, Dynamene." Her sister's voice had wavered in horror. She had immediately steered Dynamene back out of the room, rushing her as fast as she could go. But Dynamene's ears were free, and she heard the rest of her sisters gasp and scream at the sight that greeted them in the great hall.
They hadn't been expected to clean up the mess. Poseidon had ordered them to leave the body where it lay, and continue on with their day as if nothing had happened. The other unseen servants of the palace took care of Adamas's body and the wreckage, and the following day, the great hall was spotless. The wall had been repaired, the table replaced, and no sign remained of the gory mess that Poseidon had made out of his older brother.
Dynamene shuddered at the memories. "Even now, no one speaks of it, especially at Lord Poseidon's palace. That's what he wanted, so we must obey. I don't think we would talk about it even if we could, though. It was so brutal." She swallowed. No one likes remembering that day. That was the first time we truly realized how powerful, and dangerous, Poseidon was.
"That's awful," Elasippus sympathized. "I hope it doesn't haunt you too much."
"No," Dynamene sighed. "No, I guess I owe Actaea for that. I never saw the... aftermath of Poseidon and Adamas's argument. I hear it was a horrible sight."
The two of them sat in silence for a while longer, neither of them knowing what to say. "I'm sorry," Dynamene said finally, getting to her feet. "I didn't mean to make things so dreary."
"No, not at all," Elasippus said quickly. "It's good to talk about things like that sometimes, right? If you ever want to talk about it, I'll listen. It doesn't bother me too much."
Dynamene smiled at him gratefully. "Thank you, Elas. I'm glad my brother is friends with you."
Now it was Elasippus whose face was pink. "It's... It's nothing much, we just have fun together. I'm glad I got to see you all again today."
"Me too. We should all meet again before we go back to the palace," Dynamene beamed. "I had a lot of fun today."
"I'm glad," Elasippus smiled back. "See you later." He sank back under the amber waves.
"Bye," Dynamene called after him. She watched his tail splash through the surface for a ways before he dove deeper into the water, returning to his underwater home. Left alone with her thoughts once more, she sighed.
I'm sure what Poseidon did was justified, even if it was violent. Over the top, even. Terrifying. But I guess that's just how Poseidon is; why would someone like him hold back? I know he'd never hurt us, at the very least.
She stared out at the setting sun, lost in thought, twisting the bracelet around her wrist.
Poseidon... I hope things are okay back at the palace. I hope the visit with Hades went as well as can be expected.
If you were here, I wonder... What would you say to me? She looked away from the sun's burning orange rays to the ocean. The dark hue of the water brought to mind Poseidon's eyes, so beautiful, yet so often cold and empty. Lately, though... Was it just her imagination, or was there truly life in them when he looked back at her?
 Would you tell me that you don't regret what you did? Even if you'd never harm me, surely there are still times that you hurt others. Or was Adamas an isolated event?
 She sighed before turning to make the journey back to the palace. This trip was meant to be relaxing, and worrying over the past did no good. Surely everyone was wondering where she was by now.
Author’s Notes: Another chapter that took on a life of its own. I think it'll work okay, though.
Next chapter is one I've been waiting to write almost since I started this fanfic. So much angst. I can't wait.
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aidontdraw · 1 year ago
The BEST thing about Sakura is she has regular-ass parents.
She doesn't have to be a ninja. She didn't have to enroll in the academy. She could have been some girl in the background. She chose to be a ninja.
Not only that. She lucked into being apart of the year that all of the influential ninja children were apart of.
Side note, the family planning in the Leaf Village nobility class, top notch. All of the nobel families had (pretty much) one kid and that child happened to make it into the same classroom? I think not. Thoes bitches planned that shit.
Anyways, while that makes her incredibly lucky to be in the same class as the nobel families of the leaf village. It also means Sakura is also competing in a class, where every parent can help their kid with their homework, and hers can't. When we see that she is one of the top students in her class room, she has every right to be smug about that because she's doing that with no outside help.
A lot of people like to bring up the life switching movie to prove Sakura is a bitch. While I think its stupid to bring up that movie, because the whole point of her saying that stuff about her parents to Naruto, was to set up what the movie was about and the lesson she was going to learn. Like its essentially a body switching movie, so of course shes going to say something over the top, so she can learn to appreciate her parents. And she learns to appreciate what Naruto went thoguh because she walked a mile in his shoes(kinda).
That movie is the few times we get to see her regular parents, and they genuinely dont understand the life of a ninja. They fundamentally don't understand her goals. Because of that, they are restricting her abilities to advance in her CAREER.
In that same scene, Sakura saw that everyone else in their graduating class(besides Naruto) have an advantage, because their parents are ninja. Not only ninja, elite ninja who actually have pull in their society. So when her former classmates parents are saying, after a huge win agaisnt the Akatsuki, "we'll write recommendations for you to become jonin." and hers are saying, "we don't understand why you wanna be a ninja."
She has every right to be upset.
Her regular parents also explain why she was probably bullied at a young age. She doenst come from a family of ninja. The bullying stops when YAMANAKA Ino, a girl from a prestigious ninja family, became her friend.
It also can explain (part of) her obsession with Sasuke. Marrying Sasuke, becoming an Uchiha, gave her access to a prestigious family name. Something she didn't have growing up around a bunch of prestigious ninja families. Its also something she can give to her daughter.
Making her an orphan like Sasuke & Naruto would take away a lot of her character. It would also make cerain scenes have to be re-writen entirely, because a lot of the interpersonal conflict in team seven does come from the fact she has a (regular) family at home.
There's something about the "I hate Sakura Haruno" crowd that completely perplexes me. They always say "she's trash" or "the most useless character in all of fiction" (have you looked at Blake Belladonna?) that they're not open to anyone challenging that opinion of theirs.
I will admit, there are things about Sakura that I dislike the most, but its mostly due to her treatment of both Naruto and Sasuke but I will never go as far as calling her useless.
I am also not keen on the idea of making team 7 a team of orphans, as some have been saying, by killing off Sakura's parents because that's just mean.
And frankly, Sakura in the early days of Naruto was a child, easily influenced by what her parents and the populace around her as opposed to her being totally malicious to Naruto.
Her liking Sasuke was a way to fit in, and maybe its actually her trying to score with the boy she likes in any case she was a kid.
Shippuden Sakura has improved by leaps and bounds and its not fair to hold her tween actions to when she was a teen, a time when she took shinobi training seriously.
Anyway, that's my spiel about Sakura.
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fanfics4all · 4 years ago
Boyfriend For The Night
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Request: Yes / No  heyy can you write a draco x reader where they don’t know each other at all but draco theo and blaise are spending some time in the muggle word (maybe with 16/17 years old) and they are casually smoking hanging around and the reader is passing by and is being shouted sexually and followed by some guys and the boys (draco theo and blaise) pretend to be her best friends or brothers and draco her bf so they stoop bothering her and then she sobs and thanks them thanksss Anon
Request are open but ONLY if they’re Halloween <3 Have a nice day/night
Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 1401
Warnings: Sexual assault, that should be it, but please let me know if I forgot something! 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
A/N: Not tagging anyone because of the warnings! 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Draco’s POV
It was Halloween night and Theo, Blaise, and myself decided to go to the Muggle world for the night. It was Blaise’s idea and we just went along with it. He said the Muggle world was very interesting this time of the year, which made the two of us curious. 
“So what do you mean the Muggle world is interesting?” Theo asked. 
“They dress up other people, or things, or animals and go around to people’s houses to get candy.” Blaise explained as we entered the Muggle world. 
“Really? Why?” I asked confused. 
“I don’t know, it’s just a tradition they have.” He shrugged. As soon as we walked down the street we saw exactly what Blaise said. There were so many children dressed as weird things, parents walking with them to different houses, and even some people our age dressed up. 
“How strange.” I said as we continued walking down the street. 
“Let’s get some drinks and ciggies.” Thoe said and we nodded in agreement. We found a small corner shop and each got some sort of alcohol and a pack of ciggies to share. We walked to the opposite corner and just leaned against the wall, minding our own business. There was another group of guys, they looked a few years older than us, about a block or so away. They very clearly have been drinking, maybe not drunk but pretty close to. They were very rowdy and annoying, but they were a bit away so we didn’t really care. That was until a girl who was dressed up as an angel walked by them and their eyes were only on her. 
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“Damn sexy, am I dead? Because those wings are heavenly!” One of them called to her. 
“Baby, somebody better call God, because he’s missing an angel!” Another said. She ignored them and kept walking, but they rushed in front of her. 
“Can I get a picture to prove to all my friends that angels really do exist?” One asked. 
“Better yet, just come with us! I can promise we’ll give you a great time.” Another said and grabbed her by her waist, pulling her into his chest. 
“Get off me!” She said and tried to get out of his grip. 
“Come on baby, we just wanna make an angel like you happy.” Another said as she struggled in the other one’s grip. 
“Stop! Don’t touch me!” She cried as they started getting very handsy. 
“Stop struggling, I promise you’ll love it.” One said. 
“Please! Someone help!” She shouted. 
“Come on.” I said and pulled Theo and Blaise in the direction of the scene. 
“Oi! What are you doing to our girl?” Theo asked as we stormed up to them. 
“Your girl?” One of them asked. 
“She happens to be our best friend and my girlfriend.” I said annoyed.
“Oh really?” One asked with a smirk. 
“Really, now you better get your hands off her or you’re going to regret it.” I growled and reached back, clutching my wand. 
“Whatever, bitch aint even worth it.” The guy holding her said and pushed her into me. I held her close and the group ran off. I felt a spark as I held her to my chest. 
“Thank you so much.” The girl said and pulled away from me, the feeling disappearing with her. 
“No problem.” I smiled. 
“I’m Y/N by the way.” She introduced herself. 
“I’m Draco, that would be Theo, and that’s Blaise.” I introduced the three of us. 
“What unique names, well thank you so much for saving me again.” She said. 
“Why were out here all on your own?” Blaise asked. 
“I was on my way to a party, my best friend is meeting me there.” She answered with a slight blush. 
“Maybe we should escort you there.” I offered. 
“You three could come to the party if you’d like.” She said with a smile. 
“A party sounds fun.” Theo said. 
“Yeah, better than just hanging around.” Blaise nodded in agreement. 
“You got yourself a deal, love.” I said with a smirk and she blushed. 
“Well, then follow me boys.” She said and led the way to the party. On the way we got to know each other a bit more and she was actually very sweet. God my parents would kill me if they knew I was hanging out with a Muggle. 
When we got to the party it wasn’t much different to the ones in our world, except there weren’t magical drinks or things flying around. So it was a bit boring. 
“Y/N/N! There you are, you were supposed to be here like half an hour ago!” A girl dressed as a devil said walking up and hugging Y/N.
“Yeah, sorry, I got into a little trouble.” Y/N said and then the girl looked at the three of us. 
“Who are these guys?” She asked, looking us up and down. 
“Oh, these guys are my best friend and boyfriend apparently. This is Theo, Blaise, and Draco.” She introduced us. 
“Sorry, what?” Her friend asked. 
“Long story short, these three saved me from a bunch of guys that were trying to do things.” She said and I noticed her shiver. 
“What? I knew I should have just gone with you!” Her friend said with wide eyes. 
“It’s fine, really, I’m lucky they were there.” She said and flashed us a smile. 
“Oh sorry, this is my best friend Ella.” Y/N introduced her to us. 
“Lovely to meet you, Ella.” Theo said, immediately starting to flirt. 
“Oh, I’m assuming you were the boyfriend to Y/N?” Ella asked. 
“No actually, Draco was.” Y/N said with a giggle that made my heart skip a beat. 
“Lovely.” Ella smirked. 
“Come, let’s get you all drinks!” She added and dragged Theo with her. Y/N grabbed my hand and pulled me along while Blaise followed behind. 
It's been about two hours since we got to the party and it was actually more enjoyable than I thought it would be. Y/N and Ella were very fun to be around and Theo especially though Ella was fun. Blaise was enjoying his time just dancing and drinking. Y/N was drinking quite a bit and I’m pretty sure she was already drunk. 
“You know Draco, you’re very very cute.” She said with a slur. 
“I think you’ve had enough to drink, love.” I said and tried to take her cup from her. 
“But it sooo good!” She said with a cute giggle. 
“Maybe we should get you home.” I said. 
“Awww, you’re leaving?” Ella pulled away from kissing Theo to ask with a frown. 
“Draco’s probably right, maybe we should get you home too.” Theo said to her. 
“I’m staying here tonight, Y/N has to go home though.” Ella said with a small giggle. 
“Perfect.” Theo smirked. 
“Right, well I’ll take you home.” I said standing up and offering Y/N my hand. 
“I’d love that!” She said and stood up. She lost her balance and fell into my chest. 
“Careful, love.” I said and she giggled. 
“Why? I’m completely safe in your arms!” She said and I shook my head with a smile. 
“Come on.” I said and pulled her out of the rowdy house. 
“Where do you live?” I asked and she smiled. 
“45 Guild Street.” She answered. 
“So Dracy, how long are you in town?” She asked. I smiled at the nickname that I would normally grimace at since Pansy is the only one that ever called me that, but it felt nice coming out of her mouth. 
“Theo, Blaise, and myself go back tonight, a few hours actually.” I answered and she frowned. 
“When will you be back?” She asked. 
“Not sure, honestly.” I said and she bit her lip. 
“Maybe next time you’re back we could go on a date?” She asked and I blushed slightly. 
“Alright, next time I’m back I’ll take you on a proper date.” I agreed and she smiled so bright. 
“I’ll be waiting, boyfriend.” She giggled and kissed my cheek as we reached her house. 
“Now, go get some rest, love.” I said and kissed her forehead. 
“I’ll try, see you in my dreams.” She giggled and winked as she went inside. What in the World did I just agree to? Date with a Muggle girl? I must be going mad...
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