#i have seen some beautiful artworks on pinterest and got inspired
i-ate-a-crayon-lol · 10 months
【☆】★【☆】★【☆】Phosphoric green【☆】★【☆】★【☆】
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heyovivi · 3 years
Nothing like being a hypocrite...
Okay, I haven't been an artist for the ACOTAR fandom for a long time, and I certainly don't post enough to make a business out of any of my works either. Even so, I do consider myself an artist as I work very hard to commit to pieces and share them with you.
Being an artist is difficult for many of us because it's like sharing our soul with the community. It's an insight into our world and our minds. It's how we view things and how we appreciate them. Through my art you can tell what I like, what I love, and what I appreciate.
And this week I have already addressed the problems with false accusations and plagiarism when it comes to art. Like I said in a previous post, a specific part of this fandom has made it their jobs to intoxicate the community we have built with their negativity. They accused an artist of plagiarism by stealing works of art from a user on Instagram named Jess.
It was already proven multiple times that this artist did not steal the idea form Jess and that it was instead a trend that artists were welcome to try out in their own styles. Despite that, the E/riels (because who else?) decided to bash all us Gwynriel artists for copying Jess and "stealing" her ideas.
Claiming that we are "lacking" and that we continue to steal from E/riel artists.
Now, the funny thing is that this same person also said this, and I quote:
"If you're going to steal a design from any artist, for the love of god give them the credit they deserve..."
"It just looks pathetic when a gwynriel "artist" releases a plagiarized artwork..."
"It’s like they’re either trying to one up elriel every time their artists release anything or they are so jealous at the creativity our artists show that they steal their work out of spite. Pathetic."
And of course, as an artist this hurt. Not only did they lack to research the trend they immediately hopped on their high horse to call us pathetic or put into question whether we were true artists.
Now, these quotes above came from an anonymous questioner here is what the person who originally posted actually said:
"This is unacceptable, and as another artist, it makes my skin crawl. Plus, I have a feeling it was done maliciously. I don’t need to get into the ins and outs of why you don’t steal someone’s work, I’m sure you get it."
"And I completely agree - It’s sad they can’t just come up with stuff for their own ship. If the ship is as beautiful and perfect as you claim it is, shouldn’t it inspire you all on its own? Like, they have to steal it from Elriels? 😔 it’s the vindictiveness for me."
Now I have never accused another artist of stealing my work, and I have never seen another Gwynriel artist steal or plagiarize another artists' work. But what was interesting to me was that this week, Jess was accused of plagiarism making all the texts I provided above seem pretty fucking ironic.
Although instead of reacting the way they did (like they would to Gwynriels), they bashed the messenger with hate comments about her looks, her art--they completely teared down an artist on Instagram, Isabellaamhsmith, stating that she was jealous and hateful and just seeking attention. They all stated that this was all simply about ship wars and it has been made very clear that this has nothing to do with ship wars, it's about the integrity of an artist and how plagiarism shouldn't be tolerated and it especially shouldn't be tolerated when the said plagiarizer is making a profit off of stolen work.
Now, what Jess did is not okay. From what I can tell she swiped through Pinterest, took the things she liked, inverted them to suit her "art" then gave no credit to the designers, artists, or organizations she stole from.
And here are what some of her supporters have to say:
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A real artist's mind is full of color and imagination. Yes, we do refer to references when we work but we don't go and steal from other artists--it's just not done. In order to do what we do we have to imagine it. Sometimes it does just come out of no where that's how it works.
Ever here that sound on TikTok where he says, "isn't amazing how an artist can take a blank sheet of paper and just blah blah blah..."
Jess didn't do that. She took a blank sheet of paper and probably stuffed it with photoshopped photos from Pinterest.
And who is getting the brunt of it? Not Jess.
Instead Isabellaamhsmith is getting spammed by haters, most notably, E/riels.
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Only truly ugly people go for the looks. No one should be told to go un-alive themselves or be judged on their looks. We put ourselves out there on social media, we are bold for sharing our art and Isabella was simply stating the facts. Jess is no real artist if she's just stealing ideas from other people.
Don't kill the messenger, it's not her fault she's got her facts straight.
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isimp4hawkz · 4 years
The Apothecary
(Hawks x Reader)
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100% inspired from this beautiful artwork I found on pinterest ^^
This is my first time publishing any of my fics. I hope it’s enjoyable.
*Skimmed for any mistakes but I may have missed a few*
Words: 2.5k
"Tell me something birdbrain. Did you come here in search of a remedy or did you come here to snuggle with my owls?" You scold aloud, brow lifted at the scene before you. It temporarily drew your attention away from the herbs you were blending for the person in question. If he really even needed them that is.
The man was bent over, hovering over the counter and barely burying his entire face into the soft plumage of Gamma's snowy collar, rubbing his nose into its depths, small chuckles resounding from him in his own apparent delight. Simultaneously, Thaddeus perched himself daintily onto the golden locks of his hair, managing to keep himself in place as the man's head moved about beneath him.
What shocked you is that they seemed to be genuinely enjoying his company, whereas they hardly acknowledge your existence throughout the day. It was much unlike how they'd usually act whenever someone walked into the shop. As soon as they heard that little bell chime from the entrance, both birds would take off towards their high perches on opposite ends of the room, making it in their best interest to avoid anyone new.
You didn't mind, nor question their habit. They only preferred your lone company either way, though they'd hardly show it. Much like you'd rather be with their company rather than some other person.
On that slow, peaceful evening, you'd discovered that maybe you don't know your beloved companions as well as you thought. For some reason, Hawks was some sort of an exception to them. Much more than an exception, at that.
For crying out loud, he was snuggling into Gamma and cuddling her as if she were a puppy! And she was letting him.
And Thaddeus. Thaddeus' behavior baffled you on an entirely different level. That was a bird who never permitted you any petting privileges, any time you'd insinuate a head rub, he'd screech at you and fan his wings. Very territorial, he was. At least you thought he was.
Yet here he was, God damn nesting in the hair of a complete stranger as if he'd known the man for years. As if you weren't the one who took him in when he was but a weak, fraile hatchling on the brink of death.
"I think your owls like me." Hawks chuckled, his huge crimson wings ruffling giddily when Gamma had begun to coo at his nuzzles, adoringly.
Jealousy. Blatant jealousy is what you felt. You weren't even going to attempt to hide it. You've tried endless times to get those birds to see you as their loving caretaker, showering them with love and treats and sating their every need, but to no avail. If anything, you think they see you the way a caged tiger would view its neglectful keeper, just a source of food.
You huff out a breath, subconsciously putting in more effort to mash the herbs together with the mortar and pestle than you wished.
Hawks noticed your subtle change in behavior. The way you slammed a small jar onto the counter, flicked off the cap, and aggressively shook out whatever was inside onto the cutting board. Or maybe it was the way you were mashing those herbs with a force that made him wonder if they'd somehow wronged you.
Of course; being him, he'd jumped to a brash conclusion. "Oh? Are you jelly that I'm giving the birds more attention than you?"
You stop your relentless mashing of compounds, staring ahead blankly for a moment before shaking your head. "Don't be ridiculous, I-"
"Awoh, it's nothing to be ashamed of, I completely understand."
"I'm jealous of you, actually."
Hawks blinked in confusion, lifting his head away from the owl's downy feathers and looking over at you.
"Seems like they fancy you more than they could ever me." A half-hearted smile tugged at your lips, the morose tone in your voice was inevitable.
Gamma's wide, intelligent eyes shifted to stare at you. It was like she understood every word you said. Her wings lifted, and with a few swift flaps, she was in the air. You flinched when she landed gracefully into your hair, her sharp talons clenching your head as gently as she could.
Hawks chuckled at how frozen you were in that moment, bringing up a hand to scratch Thaddeus on the chin as he stared. He marveled at the way your cheeks faintly turned a darker shade when Gamma had cooed. She'd began to pick at your head softly in a grooming mannerism.
Thaddeus shifted in Hawks' hair, suddenly growing restless.
"Wanna get closer?" Hawks asked him aloud, rhetorically, obliging to the small hoot he received in response and carefully sauntering over to you, wary of the unstable balance Thaddeus had while being on his head.
By the time he got close, you'd managed to settle Gamma down onto your outstretched bicep, but the stubborn owl only flapped back onto your head. The look on your face almost made Hawks laugh out loud, you were distraught. Torn between salvaging the rare chance at bonding with your companion, and continuing the preparation of a remedy for a paying customer.
He knew how much you cared for those birds, so much that he was willing to let you relish in the moment completely.
The smile on his face was somewhat solemn. "Don't fret witchy. I'm sure I can find some other witch who can cook up what I need."
Your brow ticked at the way he addressed you. "Excuse you. I am not a witch. I'm an Apothecary."
Hawks blinked. "Same difference."
You ignored that. "And even if you could somehow find another suitable Apothecary in the general area, I've been told by several patrons that I am the best of the best." You stated proudly, chin held up high in accordance. "The odds of finding someone more skilled than I are low to say the least."
He always enjoyed how confident you were in your craft. That confidence stemmed from true experience and skill, mastery even. You were right for claiming your profession to be deemed that high of a level, there hasn't been a single time in the past where your restoratives had let him down, no matter what their purpose served. He's glad that your clientele have spread the word of your little place, though they're restricted to hushed exchanges of whispers and secret notes passed in inconspicuous areas, out of the sight of any authorities.
The way you obtained some of your ingredients could be considered illegal if thorough investigation was to prosper, but luckily for you, that was yet to happen. No one was dubious of the little flower shop secluded between two towering office buildings at the farthest corner of the longest street in Kyushu. Hawks wouldn't dare run his mouth about its true nature to anyone, he would much rather heal his battle wounds naturally with one of your blends rather than the harsh steroids they'd stick into his body back at the commission.
"Can't deny that fact." Hawks chuckled, looking at you with apparent appreciation gleaming through his hooded eyes. "You've helped me through some tough calls, I don't think I-" He cut himself off in realization of something.
"I...I don't think I've ever thanked you."
You were quick to bring up the fact that he in fact spoiled you. Tipping you thousands over whatever price you'd ask for, as if money was nothing but a nuisance to him and he needed to get rid of as much of it as possible, it had you wondering if he would flaunt it around so carelessly wherever.
"That's different. Of course I'm gonna pay you in exchange for your meds, I'm not some shitbag. But I've never thanked you before."
Now that you think about it, it's true. The majority of times times he's come here, it's been in an urgent burst through the door, with little time on his hands to so much as greet you. You really can't recall a single time where he's thanked you, since he's usually in such a rush. Here one second, gone the next. His reputation stands firm.
Rarely have there ever been situations like this, where he's able to hang around the shop and wait patiently for you to get his order ready firsthand. You'd looked over your shoulder at him while he was appeasing the owls earlier. He had looked so calm, so sweet and tender in that moment, totally relaxed. It warmed your heart to see him like that.
His concern brought a smile to your face, how adorable to think that it would trouble him this much. "Hawks, trust me, you're fine. I know you're thankful. The proof is in the way that you pay literally five times as much as I could ever ask you for—more than that at times!"
Yup. That sounds like something he'd do, even he'll admit it. He distinctly recalls throwing a fat stack of cash at you in several of his hurried instances, not even bothering to ask for the price, or check how much was in the stack. He tilted his head aside and stuck out his lower lip in consideration of his own antics.
But that doesn't stop him from genuinely thinking that you deserve way more than what you make. You're taking one hell of a risk every time you sell another product to some shady person. He thinks you deserve to be appreciated more for that fact alone.
"Well, for what it's worth, thank you Y/n. Really, I mean it. What you do means a lot to me, more than I can put into words." He held your gaze with an adoration in his eyes that you didn't quite understand.
You've never seen seriousness cross that man's expression as well as it did right then.
He's perpetually cheerful and carefree, flirty more oftentimes than he should be. It surprised you seeing him so lacking in that notorious, glowing charisma. Maybe you'd go as far to say that in that moment, it looked like true joy was something he'd never experienced before. You couldn't even form words, rendered a gaping fish.
And maybe you would've actually taken his word for it, if it wasn't for you being reminded of the fact that the two of you had two big ass birds on your heads when Gamma and Thaddeus unexpectedly hooted in unison.
You and Hawks simultaneously broke eye contact to glance up at each other's birds, locking eyes with one another again.
It went silent for a few seconds.
Hawks' hard expression wavered hesitantly, his lip twitching in a futile attempt to remain serious. You then snorted quietly, biting your lip, and that's all it took for the two of you to burst out into a laughing fit that made you to bend over to clutch your sides, causing Gamma to flee from your head hastily and settle on her perch, Thaddeus following suit towards his respective stand when Hawks stumbled backwards a bit.
They'd managed to both ruin the moment and save it all the same, made it into something you didn't quite know you needed until it happened. A good laugh, one that had your face heating up and your cheeks beginning to hurt as the two of you only grew breathless with glee, struggling to keep your balance as you pressed your weight onto nearby objects to avoid toppling over.
The old Grandfather clock at the back of the shop had begun to chime, signaling the passing of another hour.
The sound caused Hawks to gradually come back down from his laugh-high. He submitted to that professional state of mind that subconsciously clawed at his back at times like these, once he was reminded of where he was supposed to be.
It was like someone snapped their fingers and all happiness was wiped from his face. Other than the faint pink still dusting his cheeks, it looked like the laugh that the two of you shared had never transpired.
You didn't even need to hear him say it. After you'd wiped a tear of joy from your eyes and regained your breath, you'd whirled around, right back to where you'd left off before.
A strange atmosphere settled into the shop. It grew peacefully silent, the rays of the setting sun stretched generously into the stop, accentuating gliding specs of dust in their path and lighting the room in a warm honey glow.
Hawks rolled his shoulders, wings reaching out to their maximum length in a comfortable stretch, as you bagged his things.
He'd requested a strong set of numbing-based remedies and other blends crammed with sedatives. It reminded you of the prep for some sort of illegal surgery, but you weren't one to meddle in the business of your customers.
You'd turned to hand him his bag, but were surprised when there was no sight of the man where he'd previously been.
It took a few glances around the room, you almost missed him at first, but there he was, standing before the display window, gazing distantly at the outside world under the evening glow.
Sometimes you'd catch a deep-rooted hardship in his eyes that was nearly impossible to detect. A flicker of something more, something lost long ago that he longs to have again. At times it looked like he was carrying the weight of the world in his wings and nobody knew it.
Or maybe your seclusion in your craft has run you crazy and you're just imagining it all. That's way more believable, anyway.
You'd walked up to his side, eyes trained on the lively cityscape. The city never slept, always bustling with some sort of commotion, but it was oddly calm on that evening. Nothing but nature in all its shapes and forms, like the gentle autumn breeze that shook the trees, like the songbirds softly jittering in a musical dialect only they understood, plus the ocasional car that would stroll by barely exceeding fifteen miles per hour.
Your gaze drifted back on Hawks, who has yet to notice your presence beside him.
Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that man’s mind, what challenges the relentless day brings him, and how he manages to come out smiling in the end.
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
hi! are there any where one of them works at a grocery store and the other keeps coming in?
Try these:
A Particularly Phallic Vegetable by the_genderman (oneshot | 1,281 | E)
Written for the AO3 Tag Generator (@ao3taggenerator on Twitter) prompt:
shameless supermarket blowjobs
I think this counts as ShrunkyClunks? Steve and the Hot Cashier accidentally find out they're both Thirsty in the Grocery Store, and I'm not talking about for the drinks in the checkout lane coolers.
Sugar by thbrkdwn (complete | 6,829 | M)
Bucky’s sweet on the pretty blue-eyed cashier who works last shift most days at Donnelly’s.
Bees and Sunflowers by irond0rkness (oneshot | 619 | G)
Bucky can't keep his eyes off the cashier working in his local flower shop.
An accident happens.
an old western movie by wttlpwrites (oneshot | 2,067 | not rated)
Steve has a favorite cashier and Bucky has a favorite customer and it'll all work out in the end
The Way You Show Me I'm Yours by 21caps (complete | 3,636 | not rated)
“You know what’s on the menu? It’s me-n-u.”
Steve visibly cringed at the cheesiest pick-up line that he had ever heard. Steve was about to scoff when he looked up from the cashier.
And holy moly, if the guy that stood in front of him with the huge grin painted onto his face was not the most beautiful man he had ever seen, then he was a lunatic.
A Matter of Convenience by bustybarnes (oneshot | 5,357 | T)
This was never meant to be his career, but here Bucky was, lead cashier at the OneStop. It wasn’t so bad. He was the only guy in a store full of women, so, yeah he did his fair share of chasing off creeps who wouldn’t (or just downright refused) to take no for an answer. In return, he pretty much got to work whenever he wanted to, which was mainly overnight and into the early morning rush. Bucky was a night owl mostly. That way he could hide not only from the harsh light of day but also from all the nightmares that hid in the dark whenever he tried to sleep. And it’s not like he had many options between his PTSD and not wanting to draw attention to his arm.
Or Bucky's a convenience store clerk who meets Steve when he comes in for coffee.
Part 1 of Scenes From A Convenience Store
Práta Love by park3rborn (complete | 5,115 | T)
When you try to ask the bae out with potatoes, featuring James Barnes being an absolute fool, Sam Wilson being an excellent friend, and Steve Rogers being a very poor employee.
7-Eleven Protein Bars Are a Very Important Part of Steve Roger's Daily Nutrition Plan by doctorenterprise (oneshot | 2,508 | M)
Bucky works at a 7-Eleven. Steve comes in for a protein bar after his morning run. Then he comes back every day.
Pet Parents Welcome! by Jester85 (WIP | 15,512 | G)
On the whole, Steve Rogers figures a cashier at the most trusted name in pet retailers isn't so bad. Sure, the hours could be better, some of the animals play havoc with his asthma, and there are days when every third customer seems to have taken their Extra Strength Douchebag pills, but his co-workers are nice and blessedly free of drama, and he gets to pet people's dogs all day.
It's not where he pictured himself a few years ago, when he was a promising art student at the local branch of the most prestigious college in the state, and sure, his epic sci-fi/fantasy novel ("a cross between Star Wars and Game of Thrones", is the basic sales pitch) is still in an ever-expanding mountain of copious notes and "inspiration" artwork collected on feverish Pinterest marathons, and sure maybe he doesn't really know where his life is going and is terrified of dating, but he's got his roommates, and his dog, and he's just about resigned himself to not really expecting a whole lot more.
Until one day a certain customer might make Steve realize how much he's missing.
Part 1 of The Truth About Cats and Dogs
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sewgeekmama · 5 years
“When you need a miracle, just look at your child and realize you created one.” This is the quote wrapped around the edges of a beautiful piece of art known as a Spiritile, gifted to me for review by the Giving Tree Gallery. I don’t normally do full review posts involving just one item, but this one inspired me with its message. It’s a heartfelt reminder that I sometimes need after a very long day of parenting.
If you’ve read my blog for some time, or follow my Facebook, you may have noticed I’m not one of those mushy “every moment is a gift” kind of moms. If I’ve had a rough day because my kid has had one long extended tantrum, I’m going to be blatantly honest and not sugarcoat it under some motherly love sentiment about how I’ll supposedly miss this one day.
And I can also guarantee that one day in the future I’ll be eating those words, and you’re going to read about how much I miss my son being a tiny little boy that needed me for everything.
Because that’s how this motherhood thing works. Deep down under all the stress of being a parent, there’s always going to be a whole lot of love. And for my husband and I, after many frustrating years of trying to start a family and eventually turning to IVF, our little boy really is a miracle. We tried everything from acupuncture to intrauterine insemination, and even after turning to an aggressive round of in-vitro, we only got one egg. We had one shot. We knew it was going to take a miracle.
And next thing you know, that little miracle is peeing on the floor or laughing as he shoots you in the butt with a Nerf gun. He’s making messes and refusing bath time. He’s screaming his head off because you opened the door for him when he wanted to do it himself. And it gets to a point that it’s a miracle you aren’t wringing his little neck.
So that’s when I have to stop. Breathe. And take a minute to gather myself. Because really I guess every moment IS a gift. Just sometimes I wish those moments came with a return option.
The Giving Tree Gallery – Artisan Jewelry and Home Decor
And that leads me into this very nice item I definitely won’t be wanting to return – this unique art piece made of molten glass on copper. Every Houston Lllew Spiritile is designed to “connect to a motivation of the self,” and every image has an inspiring story wrapped around its edges.
The Giving Tree Gallery has tons of beautiful jewelry and artistic home decor. If you’ve seen the cool butterfly chairs at the St. Johns Town Center, they have those on their website too! It was incredibly hard to narrow down a choice because there are so many pretty things in their gallery, but this artwork and its message leaped out at me as I was having a particularly rough day and having a hard time mustering up those feelings of unconditional motherly love.
If you are looking for a unique and special gift, I highly recommend checking out the Giving Tree Gallery. Their product collection is gorgeous and high quality, and even their packaging and presentation is done beautifully.
And next time you see me complaining about my little monster, oops I mean miracle, just know that its all from a place of love. Crazy, heartfelt, unconditional motherly love. ❤
A Reminder of My Little Miracle from Giving Tree Gallery "When you need a miracle, just look at your child and realize you created one." This is the quote wrapped around the edges of a beautiful piece of art known as a…
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lingeriewholesale · 3 years
Today I'd share the best indoor plants that you can get for your home that will look beautiful,
aesthetic, but will also purify the air in your home, so it's a win-win situation.
I just did some basic research and handpicked some of the best-looking ones, in my opinion,
and easy-to-take-care-of ones because I'm still a plant beginner.
Most of these are on NASA'S list for the best houseplants to purify the air, and the other ones I
chose just because they're so aesthetic.
Please not that some of these plants may be toxic, so it's not recommended if you have pets or
small children who might eat them.
In this article,I'll be sharing some basic info on the plants,Alright, so let's start with my fiddle leaf fig.
The fiddle leaf fig is known for its large, glossy violin-shaped leaves.
It's an interior design favorite.
Mine is a small one, but these grow really tall, and I love that they look like a whimsical tree out of
a Dr. Seuss story.
These fiddle leaf figs love bright and indirect sunlight,and you know when to water it when you
stick your finger in the soil and the top one inch is dry.
I usually water mine once or twice a week, depending on the season.
I also take a microfiber cloth to wipe any dust off of the leaves, maybe once a week or so, so that
the leaves can absorb the sunlight better.
Fiddle leaf figs love humidity, so because it's dry in California, I take the time to mist the leaves
every morning.
If you have a humidifier, you can also use that to regulate the humidity in your room.
The leaves will grow towards the light, so if you want your plant to grow evenly, you should rotate
it whenever you notice it's leaning in one direction.
Proper drainage is also very important to prevent root rot, which is when the roots sit in the water
for too long.
I just got this self-watering planter from Target, so if there's any extra water, it just flows into the
reservoir on the bottom, but if you have a pot without holes, I recommend putting rocks or
pebbles at the bottom of the pot under the soil.
so that any extra water will flow into the rocks and not stay in the soil.
I decided to go to a local plant shop that is the cutest place.
The first plant that caught my eye is another one of my favorites.
It is the Monstera Deliciosa.
This plant also goes by other names such as "Window Leaf" or "Swiss Cheese" plant.
And of course you see it's known for its unique leaves. with those beautiful cut outs and splits.
I actually have an artwork of this plant in my living room,because I love the shape so much.
This one's a younger one but these plants can grow up to be so beautiful and make a big
statement in your home.
Similar to the fiddle leaf fig, they like indirect sunlight and you'll also have to mist the plant and
wipe dust off of its leaves occasionally.
Then let's talk about Peace Lilies.
The Peace Lily is a super easy-to-care-for medium-sized plant known for its fresh lily flower and
beautiful leaves.
They're on NASA's top list of plants that purify the air, because they're known to reduce the levels
of toxins in the air.
My mom actually has one of these plants.
Peace Lilies do well in shade and cooler temperatures, and they also tolerate low humidity.
This makes them great for dry areas or apartments that get less natural lighting.
What's cute and convenient is that their leaves will droop, if they're thirsty and perk up again after
Next is the snake plant, also known as "Mother-in-Law's Tongue".
These plants are so popular.
You've probably seen them on Pinterest or Instagram.
They have this clean structure, so it goes really well with the minimalist vibe.
Snake plants don't need much light or water to survive,so they're great for beginners.
They basically grow anywhere.
They're an easy choice for any corner of your home. They're also on NASA's list of air-purifying
This plant absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen during the night, while most plants do that
during the day,so you could put one in your bedroom for an oxygen boost at night.
The Next one is "Devil's Ivy".
These are a fast-growing vine, so they're great for hanging baskets. But if you don't want to hang
them, you can also put them on a shelf and let the leaves hang down.
Or put them on a table and let the leaves spill over onto the table.
I love the cute, heart-shaped leaves and the different varieties of variegated leaves, which means
the marbling on the leaf. It's so beautiful.
Next is this Chinese Evergreen plant with its beautiful leaves.
These plants are also very easy to take care of.
They thrive in low light and will grow in places where other plants won't grow.
Because they're tropical, they do like humid air.
So if your air is too dry, their tips might start turning brown,so you want to mist the leaves
They also do a great job filtering out a variety of air pollutants,and if you care for them right, they
can live for ten years or more.
Next we have the Spider Plant, another very common, very easy-to-grow plant.
Most of the plants on this list are toxic for pets and small children.
The Spider Plant is not, so this is a safe houseplant, if you have pets or children in the house.
Spider Plants thrive in cool to average home temperatures and prefer dry soil.
They also like bright and indirect sunlight, so keep them close to a window.
Now let's talk about the Rubber Tree.
This tree has big, dark green shiny leaves that definitely make a statement.
To me, they're like the perfect minimalist, structured plant to have in your home, especially if you
don't want things to be too colorful.
They also like bright and indirect light. And keep in mind: These trees can also grow pretty large.
Here we have Aloe Vera, another one of NASA's top air-purifying plants.
This is an easy-case succulent that has elongated leaves.
Aloe vera actually has a history of being used for medicinal purposes, dating back to ancient Egypt.
The gel inside of the aloe plant can help heal cuts and burns and has multiple other benefits too.
Aloe vera loves full sunlight, so it's a great choice for a sunny kitchen window.
Lastly, succulents are super cute and super easy plants to bring into your home.
There are so many different varieties, so I'm just going to be general here.
Succulents love bright and direct sunlight, and you barely need to water them.
They're the lowest maintenance plants on this list.
You could basically neglect them and they'll still be okay.
I hope you enjoyed this article about plants.
I hope it inspired you to bring some life into your home.
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vsionvry · 4 years
Something Good Will Come With Time: 3D Artist Grace Casas on Futurism, Inspiration and Taking Time Away From Creating
Grace Casas is undeniably, effortlessly chill. Cool-headed and easy to talk to, the digital artist was a delight to speak to on all things nostalgia, Disney World, Animal Crossing, and becoming an artist at the wee age of five. Casas tackled balancing the demands of working as a full-time artist and having time to create works for herself that transport her and her viewers to other, more positive, and hopeful worlds.
ME: How’s your morning been going?
GC: It’s been going alright. Just a little bit of work here and there and prepping for this. 
ME: Oh nice, the work that you create, that’s your main job right?
GC: Well, not necessarily. I have a full-time job as a CG Generalist, so I still do 3D work, but the personal stuff you see on Instagram that’s all on my own.
ME: Wow, that’s amazing.
GC: Yeah. Thank you!
ME: Is it difficult balancing your full-time work and your personal work?
GC: Absolutely. I struggle with that all the time—especially when quarantine started over here. I work a lot and try to make time to do my personal work.
ME: Do you sleep well? [chuckles]
GC: [laughs] I try. I try. 
ME: [laughs] Nice. Where is here? Florida right?
GC: Well, I did live in Florida but I actually moved to New York a year and a half ago. Now I’m living in Brooklyn. 
ME: Oh shoot. Me too!
GC: Oh hey! Which part?
ME: I’m in Bushwick.
GC: [gasp and laughter] Oh My God. Me too!
ME and GC: [laughing]
ME: Wow, that’s crazy. Small world. I listened to part of a podcast you did with someone and I remember you talking about Miami so I just decided that you lived there.
GC:  I mean, hey, Florida is my hometown. I was born and raised there so it will always be home to me. 
ME: Do you think moving from Florida to New York has affected what kind of work you’re making?
GC:I think so. For sure. A lot of my work is based in nostalgia and architecture that I grew up around which is very mid-century, space-age inspired stuff. Then I come to New York and it’s a totally different vibe. The environment is very concrete and very old school. 
ME: That’s real. How do you feel about nostalgia as a concept and a feeling?
GC: I think it’s a really important feeling that everybody can relate to. I think it’s important that people and especially artists take a look at their roots because it really influences different people’s styles and paths.
ME: I agree. What are some of your favorite moments from childhood that has drifted into some of your artwork? Are there any Easter eggs or things like that?
GC: Yeah, my favorite parts of my childhood that influenced the work that I do now is definitely going to the beach and going to Disney a lot. I grew up right next to Disney World in Florida and it was always a place of wonder and magic of course. There was also this sense of futurism that Walt Disney himself really got influenced and inspired by. You see a lot of that in the architecture and his vision for Disney as a whole and the future. I saw it too and it blew my mind.
ME: Were you a big fan of Epcot then?
GC: Yeah, Epcot is just a source of pure inspiration. The aesthetic is so good to me.
ME: That’s so cool. I went to Disney World one time when I was fifteen and I had just read Fast Food Nation. I thought Disney was evil and in all the pictures I’m just frowning and it’s full of pure teenage angst [laughter]. I was like, “Hmph I don’t want to be here,” but I couldn’t deny that Epcot was really cool in all my rebellion. 
GC: [laughs] I feel that. 
ME: So, I’d like to hear more about architecture since it’s something you keep saying. What is it about architecture and buildings that speaks to you so much?
GC: I’m a very visual-feeling person and the whole “I have to see it to believe it,” sentiment really resonates with me. I think the best way to get immersed in any experience is the environment that you’re in; if you go to an art gallery that has a really interactive exhibition where it puts you in what seems to be a different world— I feel like that’s the best way to experience the feeling of being in another world or a different state of mind.
The best example of this sentiment is Yayoi Kusama and her installations and exhibitions. I can relate to that and I’m just trying to create that feeling in 3D and virtually rather than real life. 
ME: Do you ever work with any traditional mediums or do you only do digital?
GC: So, I started out as an illustrator. Actually, I wanted to be a tattoo artist, but for some reason, digital design and seeing other 3D artists really inspired me. I think that’s where I found myself and my medium.
ME: Wow. I feel like a lot of your landscapes are very comforting especially since the [world’s] landscape is very doom, gloom, and chaos. Do you also feel like the works that you’re creating can offer a source of escape for people?
GC: That’s kind of why I do it. I made work mainly as an escape for myself— as selfish as that sounds—I made work for myself to escape to the good feelings, vibes, and nostalgia that I had as a kid where I just felt fascinated by everything.
Then I started noticing that people were also feeling the same way. They found a sense of comfort and nostalgia. Even as I move toward the future in my work, I think it offers a sense of hope for the future. Right now, everything seems like it’s going down the toilet.
“Honestly, it’s nice to think about a world in our distant future where we’re not bound by doom and gloom but inspired to move forward.” 
ME: Does your use of color and shape directly relate to that mission? You use a lot of bright and bold colors, sometimes even neon.
GC: The bright and bold colors is definitely a mix of Florida as a whole— Florida is very bright and overexposed. Baby pinks end up being bright pinks and bright blues are just bright. There’s that sense of midcentury there and use of light and bright colors to paint a happy future and neons are definitely from when Florida turns off at night. It’s still bright in a different way.
ME: What are some of your favorite textures?
GC: Textures?
ME: Yeah, I know that’s kind of a weird question.
GC: No! Honestly I’ve never been asked that before its kind of a cool question. I think my favorite textures are anything that looks or feels soft or cozy.
ME: Mmmm.
GC: Or pretty basic texture, nothing too rough. Actually, I really like tiles a lot. [laughs]
ME: I do too! They’re so cool and refreshing. Cool to the touch.
GC: Yeah, exactly.
ME: Do you have a favorite artist?
GC: Yes I have a few favorite artists. Are you referring to classical artists or artists that exist now?
ME: All of them, just tell me all about your favorites and what you like about them.
GC: Okay, so I’ll start with what’s coming up to my head right now. There are two artists that I am heavily inspired by on Instagram right now: Andrés Reisinger, he’s another 3D artist and his work is so clean and wonderful. It inspired a bit of my textures and what I hope to be better at in the future in terms of technical work. There is also Alexis Cristodoulou, he’s another 3D environment render artist and I like him for the same reason why I like Andrés. They just have beautiful outcome of their work: the rendering, the output, the quality, its all just beautiful and it does inspire a lot of my composition.
When it comes to classical work that is a very interesting question. I think Pablo Picasso is one of my favorites in terms of classical. Mainly because he really thought outside of the box and he learned the traditional way to paint and draw and is a master of the principles and the elements but then he was like,
“I’m not bound by this; let’s experiment, let’s explore, let’s create something new.”
That something “new” I carry with me a lot in my own work. I’m an artist, I can make anything I want. [laughter]
ME: Yeah. I can definitely see that in your work. 
GC: I shouldn’t be bound by what I see outside my window. I can really push the envelope in 3D. 
ME: What’s inspiring you right now? Is there anything you’ve been seeing or watching that has you excited to make stuff?
GC: Yeah, I’ve been finding a lot of vintage architecture on Pinterest and vintage, space-age technology. There’s a lot of interesting ways that they built fancy tvs that we don’t really use anymore, but I’m trying to envision them as an environment rather than a piece of technology. I’m expanding old, space-age technology and blowing it up into a whole world.
ME: Do you watch a  lot of tv?
GC: I do. I watch a lot of Netflix. [laughter]
ME: Have you heard of this show called LoveCraft Country?
GC: Yes. I watched the first episode and it was pretty insane. 
ME: Yeah! It’s so good though! When you were talking about surrealism and futurism I was thinking about how, later on in the show you start seeing a lot of those elements in the show. So, I was curious as to whether you had seen it.
GC: Ohh. It’s on HBO right? I don’t have HBO yet so I kind of have to mooch of somebody.
ME: Alright, alright. I feel that. But when you do get it you need to watch it!
GC: I love Black Mirror. Damn, that show is so cool.
ME: It is. What’s your favorite episode?
GC: I think it was the dating app one. So the dating app makes two people go into a virtual world where they essentially play out their romance in a simulation.The simulation lays out how compatible they will be personality-wise by playing out different scenarios. When you’re watching it, it doesn’t tell you that its all a simulation, but you’re just seeing these two people trying to escape it and like try and find each other. At the end when you find out its a dating app you’re like whoa! The technology is just so out there. I feel like it’s very realistic though.
ME: Yeah that’s crazy. I feel like a lot of your work has this Black Mirror, light sci-fi whimsy to it. There’s a little humor and cheekiness in it. Would you say that’s part of your personality? Are you a funny person?
GC: I would definitely say I’m a fun person. Even though I work a lot and tend to stay indoors a lot, you invite me out for a party and I will dance my ass off. I love to go have fun with friends, drinking, partying whatever. I’m fun once you get to know me.
ME: What’s your sign?
GC: I’m a Gemini.
ME: AHHH me too! [laughter]
GC: AHHH [laughter]
ME: When’s your birthday?
GC: May 28th.
ME: Oh you’re a May Gemini. Wowww. I’m a June Gemini. June 17. 
GC: Ayee look at that!
ME: What excites you the most about life right now?
GC: Right now, its hard to say. [laughter]
ME: [hard laughing]
GC: Mainly because, its like hmmmm maybe going outside [laughter] but I think in terms of like a year timeline, is things turning up and getting out of this slump as they say. I feel like this pandemic and this whole economic collapse doesn’t happen all the time. It doesn’t happen every few years. It feels like a very unique experience that we’re going through and will, maybe once we’re out of it, usher us into a new age of technology and innovation and serve a mini-Renaissance if you will.
“With a lot of bad times comes a lot of good times because progress isn’t stagnant.”
ME: I definitely agree. My mom always told me that things get like ten times worse before they get any better. So, like as much bad shit is happening right now, it can only be great after this. 
GC: It’s going to be great. 
ME: It’s going to be so great. What excites you the most about your creative process?
GC: Ooo what excites me the most? I think seeing everything come together and also getting like a Eureka moment where I’m like ‘Oh my god, this would look good!’ and then I experiment with it and its like ‘Oh my god, it does!’ and it ends up being totally incredible. I get inspired and get that fire to go to my computer and start clacking away and just doing what I do. It excites me to create in general.
ME: Do you create your work from references or is a lot of it just off the dome?
GC: 90% of it is off the dome.
ME: Whoa.
GC: And then the other 10% of it is that I will go outside and take a picture and experiment with how I can make something of my own or I’ll look at another artist’s piece and I’ll pick parts that I really like and like before, make it my own and experiment. 
ME: Is the second part more of what you do when you’re lacking inspiration or can’t come up with something?
GC: Oh yeah. Yeah [laughs]
ME: So that’s your go-to move? Are there any other things you do when you’re not motivated?
GC: It’s not my go-to. Everyone has their creative blocks where they can’t make anything, but I feel like when I do get creative blocks I take my time. To overcome a block I take my time and I don’t force myself to make anything rushed. I look at other art and consume inspiration before I start getting inspired again and it usually ends up working out that way.
ME: Yeah, I’m the same way. One time, I had a writing block for like two years, but honestly everything that happened in that time was stuff that— I kind of just lived a little. Everything that I’ve written since then is some of the best stuff I’ve ever done you know?
“Exactly. People forget that creative blocks doesn’t mean it lasts for like two weeks or a month. It can last for years before you start to find yourself again.”
ME: Yeah! Sometimes it means you need to pay a little more attention to what’s going on around you in your life. 
GC: For sure. 
ME: So do you take days off from your art?
GC: Oh, absolutely. Especially when I’m feeling burnt out from my own job. Which tends to happen a lot because I work pretty intense hours. I take breaks. I play video games. I don’t focus on the need to make something for anyone else and I focus on the need to create something inspirational. Something good will come with time. 
ME: Yeah I feel that. What kind of video games do you play?
GC: Oh, I love Animal Crossing.
ME: Ah! Me too!
GC: I love Mario.
ME and GC: [laughter]
ME: You have a Switch?
GC: Yeah I have a Switch and its amazing. Nintendo for life.
ME: Oh I know. Oh my god. That’s what I do when I’m stressed out too. I just play Animal Crossing until I feel better.
ME and GC: [laughter]
GC: I feel that. Oh man.
ME: When you’re burnt out, do you do any like— people are really into journaling and meditation or sound baths or whatever—
GC: [laughs]
ME: Do you find any of that stuff useful?
GC: Okay. I have ADD. I find that meditation is basically like a mental prison sometimes. I used to do a lot of journaling and it does help me get my thoughts out there when I’m feeling really low and burnt out. I do it every now and then, but sometimes all I need is a good shower or a walk around my block. A walk to the park honestly helps so much because you can get really tied up with how you’re feeling when you’re constantly working in one place and sometimes a change of pace is just what I need. It’s like okay, I exerted all this mental energy and now I can just focus on what’s important.
ME: Okay, I have one more question. At what age did you begin to feel like an artist?
GC: Oh when I was born honestly. I just remember a very specific memory where I was 5 or 6 years old. I wasn’t even in kindergarten yet. I was in like preschool. One day, in my room I decided to draw all of my classmates. It’s a really shitty drawing. I’m telling you.
Everyone is triangular and it’s a crayon mess. Some people are like pink or blue or green and it just looks chaotic. When I showed my parents, I remember everyone was so ecstatic. They were like, look at what you did! You made this artwork and its so beautiful! She’s drawing from reality! To this day, we still have that picture in a frame. Ever since then I was an artist. 
With that, Grace laughs and we exchange pleasantries and well-wishes to each other— each of us ending the call, turning to our computer screens, and getting to work. We stare at the screen searching for inspiration, searching for hope, and mining for ores of progress in other worlds.
0 notes
dlkardenal · 4 years
Behind the Scalpel #2 - Dar’s journey with cover design
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Hey there, traveler!
Today I’d like to share a personal story concerning both the woes of being a writer, my mentality on self-publishing, and our current project. This is the story of how I created the cover for our WIP.
To tackle a few things heads up, I’m not a complete amateur when it comes to graphic design, however, I am only scraping the surface. I’ve never received any education in graphic design but it became a kind of guilty pleasure for me as soon as I found the magic of MS Paint, so I’ve got some years of self-education, reading up on the topic and long hours of just d*cking around with graphic software behind my back.
Given that, I’d only recommend doing the cover yourself if you know what you are doing or you don’t have any other options – me personally falling in the latter category. We are trying to self publish with little to no funds, to begin with, and thus have to make some tough decisions. One of them is the fact that we can’t afford to hire a professional cover designer, so I either do it myself or not at all. Since giving up is not an option, I decided to do it or die trying. Here’s how I did it.
Basically, I created the first version of the cover before we finished the first draft (not the first English draft, the first draft in our native tongue.) All I knew that it’s shaping up to be a desert fantasy, so I need something with that feeling. So as every newbie would, I hit up google, typed „desert fantasy art” and clicked images. I found a nice looking art, added a black border, slapped a title onto it and this is what arose from that witches’ brew of a design:
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So, there are a couple of problems with this. First, it is boring. You look at it, admire the art for a splinter of a second, and go on about your business. Second, which keeps coming back, is the genre. This one looks like a Jane Austen romance when it should scream epic adventure and magic and stuff. The third problem was the method I acquired the art because Google Images is rarely a place to browse for royalty-free stuff you’d use on a book cover. But I was content with this for a while, shoved it into a folder on my laptop, and kept writing the book.
Months pass by and we both started to lose enthusiasm and needed something to fire us up once more. I remembered the rush of excitement when I designed the first cover, so I got on my trusted laptop to do it all over again – this time trying to follow the law and use royalty-free images. But learning from the first cover, I wanted to do something exciting, something someone would click on out of curiosity, so I started browsing digital artworks on Pinterest. This is actually good advice for anyone looking for inspiration – but inspiration only. Don’t go wildly right click-saving things from there, or you run into the royalty thing again.
What I found were fractals. If you’re not familiar with the term, fractal arts are procedurally generated, mostly geometrical images which look trippy as fuck and if an artist gives their personal touch, they can look spectacular. To give a great example, I searched for royalty-free (see? I’m smart :3 ) fractal images and found this:
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As you can see it is really eye-catching and I haven’t seen this style used as cover before, so I thought I can make something different. I got to work, added shaded borders, and a more fancy title and created cover v2.0.
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Way to go! But there were still problems with this. We realized that one of our strong suits as writers is painting a vibrant world that’s easy to imagine yourself into. By using a lot of different senses in the descriptions one could almost feel the heat of the desert, the cooling sea breeze from the port, or the smell of roasting shashlik – but this cover didn’t give off this vibe. It felt cold, brittle (hence the silver) so it still needed a few changes. That was pretty easy to fix, I just tampered with the color temperature and voile! Cover design v2.1 was born:
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Now, this was hinting at the right vibe, it looked almost like a quicksand swallowing the title which was all nice and good, but this was about the time we run into a bit of advice we then saw everywhere – research the market. Now, dear readers, what the fuck does that mean? It took me a while to figure out, but what people mean by that is to go on Amazon or Barnes&Noble or wherever you satiate your bibliophile thirst and look at other successful book covers in your genre. So I did, browsed Amazon best-selling fantasy books for hours, and noticed a few trends. First, most fantasy books didn’t use a fancy font, those were mostly for romance novels. The second is, pretty much every fantasy (by that I mean the myriad of Brandon Sanderson, George R.R. Martin and Anthony Ryan books) used some kind of image in the middle instead of just the title. Armed with this knowledge I jumped back on GIMP and got to work once again.
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Now it was looking more like the big names, an epic but simplistic font, a thing in the middle (in our case a two-headed viper bracelet, a piece of important jewelry from the book) and even a quote. Now was the time for me to send it to my taste-testers: my younger sisters, both book nerds in their own genre.
And they told me they liked the previous font better. They found the snake and the quote a nice touch, but the font was too bland. Because at this point I had no idea who to trust with advice, I rushed to correct it and come up with a new, better version combining those two elements. So after a bit of designing again, cover v2.3 got birthed into this shining world.
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Looking fancy, eh? This was the time I learned how to create a golden text effect without photoshop (yeah, I forgot to mention, photoshop would eat up, chew, and spit out the 4 GB ram in my 6 years old laptop, so I use GIMP instead). This was almost perfection… almost. We were content with this for a few weeks, right before we ran into several niche fantasy covers we quite liked that were more on the simplistic side, with a dark background, a fancy title and a beautiful border frame. We thought if it caught our eyes, it would catch other people’s attention too, so the designing bug bit me again and I opened GIMP for the umpteenth time.
The idea was simple: create a black background with the fractal as a border, an artistic title and maybe some extra touches. This was the point we regressed back into the black and silver style because black and gold was too mainstream. It was more difficult to get right, but eventually I came up with this:
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This time I was sure I hit perfection. It reminded me somewhat to Game of Thrones, it had two viper heads and a simplistic style. Around this time we found our first somewhat useful beta-readers, so I was brave enough to show them. The answer was in line with our reoccurring theme of being unable to paint a clear genre image: they thought it looked like a contemporary girl novel with some spooky snakes for a bizarre cavalcade effect. I’m gonna admit it, it felt like shit but being an author is about constant growth and learning from bitching beta-readers, so I decided to do some more research. I found a couple of useful resources, to be precise, a blogpost from Neha Yazmin (link here: https://nehayazmin.blogspot.com/2020/05/Book-cover-design-tips.html ) and a youtube video by Just Angus (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SgJV8wGkcI). They’re both useful and entertaining, so go give them a look. We realized looking beautiful to us means nothing if people pick up the book and think about the wrong genre, thus they will be disappointed by the book by default. We had to make it look like an adventurous fantasy set in a magical desert, so I had to change my entire mindset.
I was browsing Pinterest one evening and found the magical looking Arabic calligraphy, precisely Take the Leap by Everitte Barbee. With a rush of enthusiasm, I grabbed the image and ran away with it, not thinking about some important things, and created this.
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Now things were shaping up to be almost pitch-perfect. The font was fancy but fantasy-esque, the style was eye-catching but minimalistic, it screamed middle-eastern and it was unique. But remember the important things I shrugged off? One of them was the royalty-thing again. Turns out this image (or to be precise the ink and paper version of it) was already used in another book cover. Also, Arabic calligraphy uses words from the Quran. Now, I’m not a very religious person and I know next to nothing about Islamic religion. As much as I adore ancient Arabic aesthetics, I think it’s common courtesy to leave things you don’t understand a word of alone and not use them obliviously in commerce. But I believe I hit something on the head with this silhouette filled with fractal art, so I searched for some free stock images until I found what I was looking for. So, at the end of this surprisingly long wall of text about almost a year of redesigns and trial-and-error style approaches, I’ll leave you with our final cover (for now at least). I hope you found it entertaining and somewhat useful, if you have any questions or even critique, please, let me know in any way you prefer. Bah, it was nice to get this off my chest. Stay sharp, travelers!
 The current version of our cover:
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0 notes
gd512676 · 5 years
Seeking Inspiration
Video games
Cuisine - Restaurant posters / food packaging ect
Are the three main areas that I have found particular interest in. I have started a Pinterest board for each of these units and have been gathering my own photos and internet images from all over the internet. 
I have been looking at the overlap between graphic design and all of these above points. I looked at the blogs provided and found myself falling down a rabbit hole or two.
Below are the sections and some interesting examples of each.
Video games
Looking at video games in particular, I feel that there is a lot of contrast between older and newer graphic design. Especially in magazine layouts. There aren’t as many video game magazines these days, as many sites now cover developments. But Japan still releases them, maybe not as frequently. Weekly Famitsu is something that I have several copies of an I enjoyed looking through the advertisements and layouts for this exercise. These images below are an example of vintage video game adverts from both American/English and Japanese magazines. These are scans from the internet archive and they always seem to provide an great deal of images from the past. 
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UI design
Modern day video game graphic design is mostly web or in game based, either though UI design or Video game Journalism.
I have been reading “The design of everyday things” and this has led me to think about everything design wise, and UI design is a very important part of video games. The thing that binds everything else together is a well designed attractive system. 
Some examples of excellent UI design in games are:
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Tomb Raider
“Tomb Raider is another good example of a UI staying quiet until you need it. And when it does pop up, it doesn’t distract you.” Its an excellent use of design that lets you access information, all the while letting you be immersed in the title screen.
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Assassins creed
The menus on this game are so beautifully designed and implemented. All of it feels like a moving work of art.The colour scheme is minimal and clean and it pulls together all of the images and information in an attractive way.
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Persona 5
I found this excellent quote from a medium article: 
Persona 5 has by far the most stylish, chaotic, insane, over-the-top UI to ever grace a video game. It oozes personality and visual spectacle in every menu, every animation, and every screen transition. The interface is such a big attraction of the game that it keeps players going just to see what the UI for a new gameplay feature looks like. 
There’s a very strong thematic tie-in to the game’s lore with the menus. A large part of the gameplay takes place in an alternate dimension, where everything is a manifestation of the distorted and twisted desires of a person’s mind. The menus to reflect this sense of disorder and chaos perfectly, with its punk-frenzy aesthetic morphing and streaking across the screen with extreme visual flair and elegance.
Another article I found on this games UI was https://ridwankhan.com/the-ui-and-ux-of-persona-5-183180eb7cce - this is a deep dive into why and how this games UX/XI is so important and why it was designed in such a way.
I learned tons from this deep dive, here are some parts and quotes  I found interesting. 
Style and usability are not in a zero-sum conflict. One of the UI/UX lessons I’ve learned from Persona 5 itself is that “usable” doesn’t mean dull...
UI and UX are a part of storytelling, and can reinforce a product’s overall narrative and themes. Designers are storytellers. 
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I could write forever about the design of the game. Its one of the most eye-catching uses of UI design I have ever seen. Most video games try to incorporate the text, and make it as minimal and no intrusive as possible. However Persona 5 really lets you know that it is there, Its bright and bold and beautiful to look at. 
I feel like this is a really important in Game UI design history, there is rarely anything this impactful. it has a clear design path, looking into the inspirations for this game really helped me to understand the decisions that they made. 
Both the red/white/black color scheme and the punk-influenced English font seems to recall both ransom notes (the Phantom Thieves) and amatuer punk magazines (individuality and anarchy). 
This use of integrated design is something that I will be coming back to into the future, as I feel that it is a masterclass on design.
Game Covers 
Then there are the game covers themselves. The aesthetic of Nintendo games is one of my favourites, the designs, the company message. It’s all something that already appeals to me. Then there is like a subsection of their games. The crafted games, like yoshi or Kirby. They feature video game characters that feel like a child’s play world.
There are so many different subsections of video game design and I have only scratched the surface. I will continue to look at different areas of video game designs and update my Pinterest as such as I can. 
Travel is a huge section of graphic design and illustration in general. I will break down travel into a few sections that I have categorised my research into. I have placed a few images that I have collected from a larger Pinterest archive and selected a few that caught my eye and turned them into mood boards. Below are some images that I found interesting.
Deciding on the place you want to travel to 
There are a huge amount of amount of advertisements telling you to visit and travel the world. They come in a majority of different forms, I looked at a lot of tv advertisements and magazine advertisements showing you the benefits of visiting them. I find these pieces of design to be so varried and interesting. Below are some that I found impactful.They are from a range of time periods and different countries, but they all aim to show their location in the best light possible and draw your eye to them.
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Getting there 
Then there is getting there, this section is all about travelling, travelling on planes and train and looking at the airline services and train services. I am really drawn to the Air France advertisements, I feel like their layout and general design is so attractive and minimal. Really makes me want to incorporate this into my own artwork.
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Designs for travel 
The final section is design on public transport while in the place you are travelling to. There are a lot of these in Japan, they have manner posters on display to encourage good behaviour. I adore the yellow Japanese designs, they are simplistic and charming and they communicate a sense of fun but also responsibility.
I feel the same for the ones based around the underground. They are simplistic and actually quite beautiful, easy to read from a distance and yet they tell you all of the information that you need to know.
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There is so much more to learn about travel design, this has just scratched the surface and I can't wait to keep collecting and documenting what I see around me when I travel out and about. 
Cusine is my last area of interest and just like before I have divided this subject into smaller units that I feel represent different areas of culinary design. 
Menus are a subsection that we don't really look at all that often, yet we use them more than we think. I really liked looking at the designs of Wagamama and yo sushi. they have this minimalistic vibe that I really like. 
They are mainly executed with typography and minimal imagery. below are a few examples that I just liked the design of. I have a few other menus collected, but I just liked these ones the best. They convey information so concisely and clearly I want to take simplicity into my work. 
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Food advertisements 
Food advertisements are a huge one. There are so many advertisements for every type of food you can imagine. I complied a few that I liked a lot. They are either quirky, memorable or just good design. I really love the deconstructed burger and the Nutella advertisements. These designs are something that I like to look at from time to time as they seem to combine a lot of photography with typography. This is something that I would like to work on more. I don't feel confident with using photography in my designs as I feel like its not “my work”. This is something that I need to abandon as I work further into this degree. 
All of these posters and advertisements are similar, they all “Show the product” but they manage to create different feelings and emotions. I have a lot to learn from advertisements like this. 
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Food packaging 
Finally for the areas that I have put emphasis into there is food packaging. I love food packaging, looking at all the different designs on shelves is really fun, I love walking around the super market looking at all of the well designed packaging. Below are some that caught my eye, apparently I really like colourful packaging as these are all bright and bold images. 
Food packaging is designed to be bright and colourful and draw you to them and I think that this is something I will try and incorporate into future pieces.
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I haven't really got a concussion to this exercise, I did so much research for this part and I have collected hundreds of images for each part, and will continue to do so. 
All through this exercise I found it hard to separate all these areas, I have a lot of image that are both food and travel combined. There is also a whole selection of illustrations, photographs. (These are all provided in a link to my Pinterest account, which I will post up here)
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Pick Up Wall Storage Ideas
Create your own storage with these easy-to-make geometric wall shelves! ¤♡¤ ♡♡♡♡ The way they painted the inside of the shelves! Damn I love these Shelves! Uggggh I need a miter saw! cuz I suck at angle configuration soooo bad! Right now, this is Bedroom Storage Ideas for your Small Room Spaces in your Home. . 10+ Marvelous Bedroom Storage Ideas for Small Spaces for Your Perfect Home Inspirations. Make Nice Crate E-book Storage for Unused Wall Area. Discover ideas about Wall Mounted Shoe Storage. Interior, : Marvelous Floating Boot Rack Ideas With 5 Level Wooden Shelves Concept For Shoe Storage In Closet Ideas. Wall Mounted Shoe StorageShoe Storage ShelfShoe ShelvesStorage . Nice wall storage Wall Storage, Storage Organization, Storage Ideas, Organizing, Shabby Chic · Wall StorageStorage . bois scandinave Plus”. See more. 33 Gorgeous DIY Projects To Decorate Your Grown Up Apartment;; Sisal rope to a . Right now, this is Bedroom Storage Ideas for your Small Room Spaces in your Home. You are going to receive much better ideas as soon as you see what fits. Findi. Chair · Table · Sofa&Bed · Floor · Light · Decorations · Gadgets · Storage items · Wall; Close . When you will walk in the room you will feel the grandiosity of the bookshelf wall. Make your home look classy and elegant with bookshelf wall. . Tags: bookshelf, bookshelf walls, home library, marvelous bookshelf walls . Ultra Modern Home Library Design IdeasIn order to create an . Right now, this is Bedroom Storage Ideas for your Small Room Spaces in your Home. You are going to receive much better . 30+ Modern Wall Bookcase Design And Decor Ideas Office Bookshelves, Bookshelf Wall, Vertical. More information. 2016/05/12 – These insanely clever bedroom storage hacks and solutions will make your tiny room feel like an organized palace. . We’ve seen many gorgeous bike storage solutions that hang your bike from the wall, but don’t forget about . We’ve collected some of the best toy storage ideas from around the web to help spark your imagination. . Organization ideas – Toy storage for kids. diy bookcase ledges for our nursery, bedroom ideas, shelving ideas Diy Bookcases, Diy . Toys can get out of control fast and if you don’t have a dedicated space, managing toy organization can feel impossible. Here’s one solution! . 48 Awesome Playroom Design Ideas For Kids – Trendehouse. More information. More information . We’ve collected some of the best toy storage ideas from around the web to help spark your imagination. . Garage van wc papierrolletjes Diy Storage With Cardboard Boxes, Storage For Toys, Bra Storage. More information. More information . Love this way of organizing big toys! SUPER . These are great ideas for how to organize a playroom! She has a few . Book Storage Wall by Project Nursery Playroom Ideas, Kids Bedroom Organization, Living Room Storage · Playroom . 2015/01/30 – A Storage Solution for Big Toys and an IKEA Hack JustAGirlAndHerBlog.com . We ended up bringing home two GORM shelving units, which were technically from the pantry section but were a great size for the toys we had . 2018/11/12 – Yes, it is possible to have kids and a clean house — and these clever DIY storage and organization ideas are proof. Give your . In a small room, they can be used as book shelves, or a place to hold tiny toys. . Look for fun pieces that’ll add a little bit of interest to storage, like this asymmetrical shelving unit. However, storing the toys can be a real challenge sometimes: this is where this amazing wall of built-in toy storage ideas step in and make everything easy and effortless! Chic, modern-looking and very easy to implement, this is a DIY storage . Playroom Design: DIY Playroom with Rock Wall . ikea playroom ideas – Google Search Toy Room Organization, Organization Station, Household Organization, . Super simple DIY idea to make an art gallery wall out of the kids artwork. Try these 34 toy storage ideas & kids room organization hacks to transform your kids’ messy room. . Here are some creative ideas to store your kids’ toys and other stuff: . This car garage is another ingenious way of organizing small toys. 2018/02/01 – Create your own custom storage solution with SVALNÄS, a hard-wearing, space-saving wall-storage and workspace system made of bamboo. Storage · A children’s room with pine furniture and lots of building blocks · Get creative. Come check out our interior designer Anna hack the IKEA KNAGGLIG wooden box · A VARIERA plastic bag container, when attached to a wall, can . 2018/10/16 – We’ve never met an IKEA hack we didn’t like—especially when storage is involved. . amazed by this blogger’s DIY: She used IKEA’s RAST dresser and two bookshelves to turn a blank wall into the ultimate clothing organizer. Jul 23, 2018- Explore IKEA Canada’s board “Organization Ideas” on Pinterest. See more . Storage solution with ALGOT shelves, wire baskets, trouser hanger, rods and wall uprights – IKEA — attic closet hanging rack under shelf. Find this Pin . . solutions. See more ideas about Home, Ikea boxes and Organization ideas. . from IKEA · The IKEA FJÄLLBO shelving unit is a mix of metal and solid wood which is perfect . all your things. The IKEA KALLAX shelving unit is open storage which can adapt to your needs. Links to IKEA brochures for kitchens, wardrobes, living room storage and curtains and panels are also included. Sneak . Jun 28, 2018- Explore Nicole Pinkston- Etchegoyen’s board “IKEA office ideas” on Pinterest. . White Home Office Wall Unit: Fresh Home Office Layout Design With Center White Office Table Small Design Style . Use IKEA shelves SIZE – Small: x 30 USD – Large: x 62 USD – Large+: x 69 USD – Custom sizes and colors are available on request INCLUDED – Your ordered wallpaper (as many. 2014/11/09 – The Bekväm spice rack is a colorful way to hold books you want to display in a kids’ room. Ikea’s kitchen wall storage systems are also useful in a nursery. Hack your Ikea kitchen cabinets to include a toe-kick drawer. 2017/11/13 – We’ve compiled a short list of some of the handiest and most versatile IKEA products for small space living. . seat when you have company over — and when you don’t need it you can fold it and hang it up on the wall with a special bracket, which is included. . Wall-mounted storage is essential for small spaces, and these shoe storage boxes are good for far more than just storing shoes. 2016/04/21 – 2. Mount a dish drying rack to the wall. cheap kitchen storage hack: use an ikea bygel rail, bygel wire baskets, and IKEA Hackers/Jules Yap. If you’re feeling crafty, which you probably are since you’re reading this list of kitchen . 2018/09/06 – Make your bathroom the cleanest — and tidiest — room in the house with these easy and genius storage ideas. 2017/01/23 – We’ve already done the work for you when it comes to finding and curating small bathroom storage ideas. . Imagine a shelf made by turning baskets on their sides and mounting them to the wall. . Attaching shelves to an old picture frame creates a sort of shadow box for storing toiletries or displaying . Unique Storage Ideas for a Small Bathroom Decorating Small Bathrooms, Sinks For Small Bathrooms, . Home improvement bathroom wall effect pictures Small bathroom ideas remodel Guest bathroom ideas Bathroom decor apartment . Nov 23, 2018- Different ways to maximize the space in a small bathroom, from shelving to DIY storage solutions and also . diy bathroom shelf for a razor and beard trimmer bathroom diygifts, bathroom ideas, diy, shelving ideas, woodworking projects DIY use a picture frame as a towel bar. i love this idea & how the collage of frames decorates the wall. so much cooler than just . 12 Clever Bathroom Storage Ideas. Wall Cabinet. Storage Tower. Storage Ladder. Vintage-Inspired Storage. Vanity Niches. Sink Skirt. Custom Armoire. Stacked Wicker Baskets. Stacked wicker baskets are a simple, efficient way to add storage and visual interest to a small bathroom. 2018/08/22 – But the good news is that small bathrooms can be quaint and beautiful, and they give you an opportunity to use your creative juices. If you don’t want to give up your precious floor space for storage, look to the walls. 2018/05/22 – We’ve got 20+ easy storage and styling solutions that’ll make you forget how small your bathroom actually is. View Gallery 25 . Incorporate built-in shelves into the wall behind the bathtub for towels and products. BUY NOW Glass Shelf, $20, BUY NOW Picture Ledge, $32, amazon.com. 22 of 25. image. Find unique ideas and clever solutions for creating extra storage in the bathroom. Pinterest; Facebook · Twitter · Email. By: Jacquelyn McGilvray. Related To: Bathroom Organization Bathroom Storage Bathroom Organizing Storage. Photo By: . 2018/04/22 – When you are short on space in your bathroom, you have to turn to a less obvious storage spot: the wall. Check out these savvy wall-mounted solutions. We share 19 genius bedroom storage ways to make your life much easier. . 19 Space-Saving DIY Bedroom Storage Ideas You Will Love. By Lauren Robertson. As a student, I had my fair share of questionable living quarters. really cool ideas for built-in storage, like hiding it behind a mirror that then opens to store all your beauty items, or covering it with a poster or a piece of wall . “Before you turn your bedroom into a battleground, there are ways to divvy up the storage so everything stays fair and tidy.” . $130; by garage entry – HEMNES Shoe cabinet with 2 compartments IKEA Helps you organize some boards!” Living in a shoebox 14 great ways to store your shoes Shoe Storage Ideas Bedroom . Lanyard display ideas. Lanyard display ideas Necklace Organization, Organizing Jewelry, Organization Ideas, Diy Necklace Organizer, FREE SHIPPING! Jewelry Organizer Necklace Holder Earring Storage Display Wall Hanging Rack/ Reclaimed Wood . Hooks for necklaces. Bedroom or closet organization /storage. 15 Fun DIY Ideas For Your Home. 15 Fun DIY Ideas For Your Home Pegboard Display, Pegboard Garage, Display Wall, . the bedroom Wall idea to steal. DIY Inspiration bedside table and storage board for the bedroom Wall idea to steal. 2016/04/07 – These small space decorating ideas, storage solutions, and smart finds will help you maximize each square foot, . Country Living Fair · Newsletter; Follow . Just outfit a utilitarian shelving system with breathable baskets that can corral everything from various types of produce . everywhere you look, the Beadboard Storage Bed from Pottery Barn Teen adds ample storage to a bed . Amplify your home’s storage capacity by optimizing wall space. Check out these storage solutions — from capacious cabinets to inventive constructions — that stow copious amounts of all kinds of stuff. 2017/09/28 – There are various storage ideas for small bedrooms that will help conceal and even display things so that they don’t . A corkboard wall or arrangement of pins stuck right into the drywall can be used to hang up your favorite . 2017/05/26 – A new title from Gestalten has inspired us with storage ideas for small spaces—or for big spaces when you just feel . be trying to find inventive ways to delineate the bed “room” from the living “room” without putting up a wall. See more. DIY Home Office Decor Ideas – DIY Instagram Gallery Wall – Do It Yourself Desks, . Ideas, you might love these ideas. Maximize Space in a Small Bedroom Organization For Small Bedroom, Clothes Storage Ideas For Small 25 Exquisite Corner Breakfast Nook Ideas in Various Styles. Corner Bench Kitchen . 99 Genius Apartement Storage Ideas For Small Spaces (44) Easy Home Decor, Elegant. Easy Home DecorElegant Home . Small Bedrooms. One Shelf, 5 Ways: The Endlessly Versatile LACK Wall Shelf Unit (Apartment Therapy Main) . Different ways to maximize storage space in a small apartment or home, from shelving to under the stair storage ideas and many Imagine impressing family and friends with your exquisite décor and have them wondering how you did it. 2017/05/26 – A new title from Gestalten has inspired us with storage ideas for small spaces—or for big spaces when you just feel . be trying to find inventive ways to delineate the bed “room” from the living “room” without putting up a wall. 2016/05/12 – 53 Insanely Clever Bedroom Storage Hacks And Solutions. Install shelves along the perimeter of your bedroom walls. Clip binder clips onto your desk and store cords in their arms. Hang a clothes rack in the corner. Use crown molding as a shoe rack. Opt for a headboard with storage. Hang your laundry hamper on the back . 2018/02/10 – Floating furniture is an excellent choice for small spaces. It helps to open up the space visually, and in a pinch, you can store other things underneath. Above, a painted Ivar cabinet, spotted on Livet Hemma, mounts to the wall. 2017/10/27 – Your walls can hold more than you think they can. (Think: pots, pans, and even canisters that can hold utensils.) Instead of hanging a couple of more limiting shelves, try a pegboard, which adds very flexible storage space that . 2018/09/05 – Here are a few brilliant storage ideas for small kitchen that you might not have seen before. (Image credit: . Turns out, there’s usually just enough space in between the studs of your wall for a tall, narrow cabinet. Use it to hold . . in your home? If there’s a nook or cranny not being used, then there’s plenty of room to expand. Get creative ideas on how to maximize storage by making the most of your home’s existing space. 17 Clever Ideas for Small Baths 17 Photos . See more ideas about Home decor, Decorating kitchen and Kitchen Storage. . This seat project looks so pleasant and can come up to be the lounge area of room as well. This does Corner shelving for unused space between doorways. . board “Wall storage” on Pinterest. See more ideas about Diy ideas for home, Design interiors and House decorations. . See more. Nice wall storage Wall Storage, Storage Organization, Storage Ideas, Organizing, Shabby Chic Pocket French doors and built in bookshelves create a cozy living room or reading room. Always imagining ways to reinvent the multipurpose living room. . ideas about Storage Room. We’re always on the look out for cool media set-ups. We’re big fans of decorating around a flat screen mounted on the wall. . IKEA Hackers: Big Besta Built-ins good for my ikea cabinets in basement recroom. Natalia Marfil. See more ideas about Accent furniture, Living Room and Organization ideas. . This room isn’t terribly small, but the idea of hanging kid’s clothes on wall mounted brackets is a great idea for a small room or a room with a small closet. I like the . 2017/06/01 – If your room hasn’t the floor space to accommodate a bookcase or a freestanding unit, opt for a wall-hung shelving unit instead. . If you have lots of dinner party items and equipment, have a look at our dining room storage ideas. Living . A glass-fronted cupboard is a great way to display stylish belongings. 2018/02/14 – Whether you have a small or large living room, these budget-friendly organization tips and storage hacks will help you . If you’re limited on space in your living room, it’s a good idea to utilize furniture that can serve multiple purposes. . Consider using dividers to keep everything in your coffee table drawers organized, too! If you’re lucky enough to have built-in shelving . 6 日前 – The key is choosing pieces that offer as much storage potential as possible, so a coffee table with a shelf and drawers, shelving solutions that are built in or box cabinets that can be wall mounted make great options. Look out . 2018/08/14 – Refresh your storage by taking the jackets off old books (load up at yard sales) to expose the stitching or covering your collection with coordinating papers. . For a laid-back look on your mantel, rest a sturdy style against the wall – no hammering required. . Mix metallic accents (we see you, adorable end table) with traditional wood pieces for added depth to your living room . 2017/08/28 – So get organized and clutter-free by scrolling through our list of seven stylish living room storage ideas below. . Instead, think about ways to use your walls and ceilings to make your living room feel larger and more organized. . As you can see in this living room, a simple, cubby-like shelf can function as a great storage solution without taking the spotlight away from the . Nov 22, 2018- Explore yvette casarez’s board “Office & Storage Ideas” on Pinterest. See more ideas . Form meets function in this gorgeous space, a combination craft room and feminine home office. beautiful craft rooms and feminine workspaces. . What if we did this with natural finish wood wall, no soffit – in the office. lateral filing on the bottom drawer and modular/supply  . Create a home office anywhere with these ideas for streamlined storage and efficient organization. . Adding wood to bookcase backing Home Office Space, Home Office Shelves, Office Wall Organization . Pretty Sure This Is My Dream Office Love The Dark Blue Gray Lower Desk Cabinets Wood Top And White Uppers Beautiful Home Office Idea Arctic Home Office Corner Computer Desk In . Get organized! Our favorite home offices show how working from home can be functional and beautiful. (Tip: Think lots and lots of baskets) See more ideas about Office ideas, Home decor and Desk ideas. . ideas!” See more. Off white walls make the perfect backdrop to layer your creativity in this office space from . Kids storage: Creative home office organization ideas. See more. Desk Drawer Organization Tips-image Desk Drawer Organisation, Office Storage Ideas, Home Office . A home office makeover with Something Beautiful and Elfa Shelving! 2018/01/31 – These creative office organization ideas will help keep your office space clean and tidy, so you can be more productive than ever. . Get out of here with that bag of hot nonsense. Who gave you the Use it to free up precious real estate on your desk by storing mail, office supplies, or electronics on the wall. 2016/06/25 – . kind will you chose. Below you’ll find a bunch of creative storage ideas showing how you can organize your home office. . Of course, you can hang one or two cabinets on a wall, but that won’t look as good as it should. Although you need to There are so many beautiful shelving units nowadays that your storage could become an interesting part of your decor. Built-ins might be a . 2018/11/15 – A Beautiful Mess . Tiny houses are chock-full of space-saving solutions like this custom designed home office in a fun-size abode . A floating desk and wall-mounted storage unit transform the odd corner into a home office. Behind this desk, a large bookcase fulfills all the storage needs of this work area in one simple system. For more storage, hang floating shelves along the wall. When planning your home office, make sure there are adequate outlets nearby for . 2018/09/26 – Get organised in your home office with these home office storage ideas from clever filing solutions, shelving, drawers and desks. . A lick of paint and labels or stencils can then turn them into something beautiful. Or you could . Killer Kitchens. Collection by Lisa Mende Design. Kitchen Inspiration for remodeling & designing awesome kitchens. Board owner. Follow . See more. A dramatic accent wall of cabinets in sage blue/green with matching subway tiles anchors . . Storage Solutions” on Pinterest. See more ideas about Kitchen storage solutions, Butler pantry and Kitchen Storage. . Cupboard OrganizationKitchen Rack. Reclaim never-used space (like the walls of a cupboard) with vertical storage. 10 DIY fruit storage ideas that you can make in order to make your kitchen more practical and organized. . out to find one spice.” See more. Fruit and Veggie Hanging Wall Baskets Fruit Storage, Produce Storage, Fruit And Vegetable Storage . Lowes Toolbox converted into a kitchen island complete with seating for 4 Toolbox houses all my plates bowls and serving dishes. Silverware , utensils, towels and trivets. Even a bread drawer I do not have any upper cabinets only a pantry a . 2015/08/17 – 35 Killer Ways to Use Your Empty Vertical Space. You probably . It’s time to take on those unused walls and corners, with some amazing DIY ideas. By Hometalk . 12. Put a cookbook rack on the side of your kitchen cabinets 2018/08/21 – Glass shelving, tucked underneath cabinets, gives you a space to stow glassware — and since the glasses match the shelf, the effect is nearly invisible. BUY NOW Glass Shelf Kit, $22, amazon.com. 3 of 24. Kitchen Storage . 2018/06/04 – . room left in the garage for actual cars. A few smart space tricks are all you need to help you regain some extra square-footage. Get organized (and find the weed killer when you need it) with these ingenious storage ideas. 2017/10/27 – Squeeze out a bit more room by taking your cutlery to the walls with a magnetic knife strip. We like that this kitchen, featured on The Everygirl, has the knife rack running vertically, proving that you don’t need a ton of free wall . Killer Combos – Space Savers – Organization – Design Combination appliances for the countertop can be particularly useful for those with very limited space in their kitchen-think studios or apartments or condos with low square footage or galley kitchens. . More in this category: « Collapsibles Wall Storage ». — Select . 2018/10/17 – Garage organizing isn’t a one-size-fits-all project, so we’ve compiled some of our best garage storage ideas. . Unfortunately, they usually get stacked against a wall somewhere, which makes getting to the bottom bins difficult, especially for your household’s Check out these amazing space-saving ideas. Go from cluttered to organized with the top 100 best garage storage ideas for men. . Once you have gathered all of your hardware into suitable categories, the real fun can ensue. . Cool Custom Garage Wood Wall And Bar Storage Ideas. Garage organization is not difficult nor is it expensive. . Schoenenmuur Shoe Wall, Wall Shoe Rack, Shoe Shelf Diy, Diy Shoe Rack, Creative Southern Home ~ Recipes ~crafts ~DIY ~ fun things to do with the family ~East Tennessee. . Space-Saving Ideas. awesome garage organizing ideas, ways to not waste floor space – this would be my dream garage space! . 16 Amazing tips and techniques for organizing your garage Hometalk Clean Garage, Organized Garage. 2018/03/03 – 16 Amazing tips and techniques for organizing your garage Hometalk Clean Garage, Organized Garage See more. Utility Shelving System – Garage Storage Products – Bob Vila Keller, Organized Garage, Clean. Need organization ideas? . smartness best garage shelving ideas 17 storage – Jennies Site – easy diy garage shelving hometalk, best garage ideas for storage Last year we made amazing progress on a few of our storage areas and I was . 2016/01/07 – Your garage can provide valuable storage, but only if you know how to make the most of the space you have. . If you are limited on floor and wall space, consider getting some heavy duty clips to hang from your garage door . 2018/06/04 – Make your garage work harder with these storage and shelving solutions for your tools, bikes, gear and more. . Steal this idea from a mudroom: Accenting a wall in a fun color livens up the space, making it a room you actually . 2018/01/10 – Fortunately, with a few simple storage ideas and clever tips, you can keep your garage clean and organized. . are considerably heavier than paper towels, you’ll want to make sure the towel holder is secured well to the wall. 2017/10/20 – In this guide, we show you the easy steps to use Storage sense to free up space on your hard drive via the new options available in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. 2018/04/26 – Storage sense monitors your system for old and unused files and actively removes them on a regular schedule. For example, if you have files lying in your Recycle Bin for more than 30 days you won’t have to delete them . 2018/10/02 – The Windows 10 October 2018 Update includes new features for Storage Sense that make it even better. . Dehydrated files will still appear to be installed on the machine but are there in shortcut only—opening them will . 2018/08/30 – Starting with Windows 10, Storage Sense has embarked on a path to keep your storage optimized. We’re making continuous improvements in every update. In the next Windows 10 feature update (build 17720 and later), . 2018/02/23 – A new feature in Windows 10 called Storage Sense helps solve this issue by automatically deleting temporary files and content from your recycle bin. It’s not enabled by default so let’s jump in and review hot to enable and . 2018/04/20 – Storage Sense is a relatively new feature of the Windows 10 operating system that users may enable to free up disk space by having Windows 10 . Use the keyboard shortcut Windows-I to open the Settings application. 2018/01/17 – Storage Sense in Windows 10 allows you to automatically empty your Recycle bin and delete temporary files to free up disk space. You can make Storage Sense run automatically on a schedule. Quickly see what is using your disk space in Windows 10. . A. Windows 10 includes Storage Sense which was first available for Windows Phone that makes it easy to see how disk space is being used. To access this information perform the . Windows 10では、Fall Creators Update以降、新たにストレージセンサー(Stroage Sense)というデバイス上のスペースを自動的に監視して解放するツールが含まれています。 不要なファイルを削除し、ディスクの空き領域を自動的に増やす機能があります。 #IdeasForDiwaliParty #IdeasForLiving #IdeasForDinnerTonight #IdeasForChristmasBazarAtSchool #WallStorageIdeasForOffice
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/pick-up-wall-storage-ideas
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talonted · 7 years
Today’s post is a little bit different to my usual content but I hope you find it interesting and/or useful. I’m going to tell you all of my tips for gaining more followers on Pinterest and also introduce you to an incredible little tool called Tailwind which can help you to really boost your Pinterest following.
If you are just a casual user of Pinterest then getting to your next follower milestone may not be a huge concern, but if you’re a blogger or a business then your following and engagement are of the utmost importance. Hopefully the tips and advice in this post will give you all the information you need to start building more followers on Pinterest. This information is partly formed from my own experiences, and partly from attending training provided by Pinterest.
So why should you use Pinterest?
If you are sharing your content on the internet (whether that’s a blog post, artwork, or selling your hand-whittled aardvark figurines) then Pinterest is a fantastic way to share it and get you noticed. It’s a beautiful site that combines the most inspirational, fantastical images (Impossibly clean homes! Impossibly clean children!) with the most down to earth, relatable tutorials and tips.
It’s great for inspiration: whether that’s fashion, home decor, make up, blog tips… you will find it all here. Interestingly, Pinterest do not see themselves as a social media site – they class themselves as a search engine. If I’m looking for a recipe or tutorial or inspiration I will always search on Pinterest before Google, which is a pretty interesting shift when you think about how much Google used to dominate internet search.
Finally, the best thing about Pinterest is that it’s ridiculously fun! If you love Pinterest as much as me, you can follow me HERE.
Here are my tips on how to maximise your Pinterest content and use:
Don’t just spam your own content. Pinterest really likes diverse content sources, so if you only post your own blog/business content they essentially see you as a spammer and will treat you accordingly. The 80:20 rule is a good one to go by when it comes to Pinterest: your pinned content should be 80% content from other people and 20% from you.
Name your boards intelligently. When I started out on Pinterest, I tried to think of hilariously clever, pun-filled names for my boards. But when you think about the way that people search for content, no one will ever be searching for ‘N A I L E D  I T’, they’ll be searching for ‘easy nail art’. You can still have fun with your titles, but just think about what people will be searching for.
The above tip also applies for the description box. This is your chance to kill many birds with one stone. For example, if you have a selfie of you in a great lipstick, your description box should name the lipstick and brand. But it should also cover anything else that might appeal to people looking at that picture: blunt fringe, checked shirt, pearl earrings, neon pink lipstick, freckles… think about every way that that photo could be described and be relevant to others. Think of it as Pinterest SEO. But remember that RELEVANCE is key – no one likes a keyword stuffer!
You can have as many boards as you like. Unlike many other content sharing sites, it’s rare that someone comes to your profile and decides to follow you based on that (compare that to Instagram, where your feed and profile are very important). So don’t worry if you have a lot of boards that aren’t cohesive and aren’t well laid out… it really doesn’t matter.
That last tip is also linked with this one: Split up some of your bigger, more generic boards. I have seen better results since I split boards into smaller, more niche ones. For example, I had a huge board called ‘street style’ which I have now split into ‘spring/summer’ and ‘autumn/winter’.
A board should have a minimum of 40 images on it in order for Pinterest to see it as a ‘real/worthwhile’ board. I get around this by making my boards private until I have 40+ pins and then I publish it once it’s ready.
Keep an eye on emerging trends. In the past, certain trends have spread like wildfire mainly down to Pinterest (mermaid hair, flower walls, watercolour tattoos) so keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground to get a board up quickly and ride that popularity wave!
Lastly, you should be pinning regularly. It’s like with any content sharing site: your content can’t be seen by potential followers if you’re not posting the content…
…And this is where Tailwind comes in. Since I started using Tailwind, at the end of the last year, I have gained over 6,000 Pinterest followers – almost doubling the number of followers I had when I started! But more importantly, the traffic to my blog has drastically increased. In fact, Pinterest is now consistently listed as my second biggest traffic source (just after Google) which is incredible! Read on to hear how Tailwind helped me to get more followers on Pinterest.
Before we get into the nitty gritty of Tailwind, if you click THIS LINK*, you can get a free month of Tailwind and – full disclosure – I get a small credit on my account for referring you. So it’s a win-win! This is not a sponsored post: I have used Tailwind since November ’16, I pay for it myself, and I genuinely love it.
I’ve put some screenshots below from my Pinterest analytics, showing how my average monthly views/engagement (left) and my website visits (right) have increased drastically since I started using Tailwind. I don’t like to toot my own horn but a 313% increase of average monthly views of my pins and a 650% increase of daily clicks is seriously impressive! So, toot toot!
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Between November ’16 and March ’17, I was pinning ~20 images a day. Then at the beginning of March I bumped it up to ~40 pins a day. And you can clearly see the jump in the graphs above. I might do an experiment and go up to 60 pins a day and see if there’s another bump. I’ll update this post if I decide to do that. Now that you’ve heard about the results, let’s backtrack for a minute…
What on earth is Tailwind?
It’s a website that connects to your Pinterest account and allows you to schedule pins – it’s as simple as that! It suggests time slots that fit with your audience and even suggests similar pins to the ones you’re posting.
How do you schedule pins?
I downloaded the Tailwind Chrome browser extension which means that any time I’m on a blog/website/article, I can click the little button in the bottom left corner (left hand image below). When you’re on Pinterest, a little Tailwind bird appears in the top corner of each image (as you can see in the screenshot on the right, below). Once you click those buttons a box pops up, allowing you to schedule that image into your timeline. Both of these additions make it really easy for you to schedule on the go. But more about scheduling later…
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
(BTW that beautiful palette photo above is taken from Hayley’s blog)
Tailwind’s free account lets you schedule up to 100 pins a month, so you can try it out to see if you like it without parting with any money. I used the free account for about a month or so before upgrading to the ‘Plus’ plan, which is $9.99 a month (if you pay yearly).
I would recommend starting by scheduling ~5 pins a day to see how you get on and then build up if you want to! At the moment, Tailwind pins 40 images a day for me and it happens automatically at evenly spaced time periods so that I can just forget about it. I’ve put an image below that shows my current schedule: the opaque green slots are my existing ones, and the white, dotted-line ones are further slots being suggested by Tailwind to best fit with my audience. This is so helpful as a large number of my audience are based in the US, and obviously I can’t be awake all night pinning in order to target them!
It should go without saying that you still need to actually spend the time scheduling to fill your slots. I probably spend about an hour a week setting up my pins for the following week – but as I love using Pinterest I don’t really mind it. Plus, having a schedule means that Tailwind can be pinning for you while you’re on holiday or if you have a really busy period coming up.
Posting 40 pins a day may seem excessive, but when you consider the 80:20 rule that’s eight pins of my own content per day… which is the content from an average blog post for me! Plus, I’ll often pin one image to several boards – e.g. a single image could fit on my Dream Handbags board, my neon make up board, and my spring/summer fashion board – so your schedule often fills up a lot quicker than you’d expect.
Another thing I have found really helpful about Tailwind is that it also offers much better analytics than the Pinterest back-end. The analytics are a great way to tweak and target my content better and therefore grow my following. Knowing your audience is key to gaining more followers on Pinterest and so you should be checking your analytics at least once a month to make sure you are on track.
Lastly – in case you heard the same horror stories as me and were wondering – Tailwind is approved by Pinterest so you don’t have to worry about your account being suspended for using it!
*Breaaaaathe* And that’s how I got more followers on Pinterest! I hope you have found this post helpful, and I hope you try out Tailwind and love it as much as me. Please leave me your Pinterest links in the comments – I always love finding fresh blood for my timeline! Don’t forget that if you sig up using THIS LINK* you can get a free month of Tailwind to see if you like it (and I also get a referral credit) so we both get a treat!
Here are my current favourite boards of mine if you’d like to come follow me: Editorial Make Up ; Beautiful Women ; Nail Art & Manicure Inspiration ; Yellow & Grey Home ; Kate Moss
*As mentioned above, this is not a sponsored post. I paid for my own Tailwind subscription and will continue to do so. However, if you sign up using my affiliate link, we both get a bonus so yay!
== PIN ME!! ==
How To Get More Followers On Pinterest (PLUS An Introduction To Tailwind) Today's post is a little bit different to my usual content but I hope you find it interesting and/or useful.
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templified · 6 years
Best WordPress Grid Themes, Masonry, Isotope Portfolio Themes
New Post has been published on https://www.templified.com/best-wordpress-grid-themes/
Best WordPress Grid Themes, Masonry, Isotope Portfolio Themes
More and more people are turning to WordPress grid themes to showcase their artwork and products, as well as to attract potential customers or clients. Some just want to show off their amazing artwork to the world, no matter what your need is, you’ll need a very strong and professional presence to attract the attention of your target audience and to out rank the competition. With this collection of masonry themes or grid-style templates, you give your content a little extra something to set yourself apart from normal portfolio sites. What masonry is, is a plug out based on jQuery code and it allows your images to seamlessly float in the position and position themselves in a natural, attractive grid. You don’t have to do any of the work, the plug-in does it all for you.
I think that masonry grid themes are a particularly trendy and attractive layout style, because they make your website look so organized and clean. Your images will look better together than they do separate. The result is a clean and well-organized layout that makes your images really pop, giving your readers a pleasant user experience. If you’re just getting started with a brand new website or your revamping an old site, it’s always a great idea to have the most attractive and clean-cut layout possible. I think that’s what masonry grid WordPress themes do for you.  If you’d like to see more themes for portfolios, check out our collection of WordPress portfolio themes.  There’s something for everyone in that collection.
Overton is a multi concept WordPress theme for agencies, Freelancers, artists of all kinds and the Beautiful metro-style gridlayout pictured above, is one of the most attractive things I’ve seen in 2018. This well-documented, responsive agency and branding theme is perfect for digital agencies, photographers, portfolios and projects of all kinds and it creates an online showcase to highlight all of your content professionally and beautifully. If you employ the Overton WordPress theme, you won’t have to juggle the images yourself, the plugins do all the hard work for you behind the scenes. If you want an invincible WordPress theme, with bullet proof styling and a sassy and deeply futuristic style, I think the Overton theme could be a good choice for you
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TeslaThemes made Cre8or to be an attractive and minimal portfolio theme that can work to help you sell products of All Sorts. It’s got a great attention to detail and beautiful typography, this is a modern portfolio theme that can showcase all sorts of creativity and a charming grid layout. Built for creative first and foremost, Cre8or is great for personal websites, creative agencies or studios. Show off photos, videos or project with style. There are five different single portfolio item layouts, or responsive design and a bunch of neat animations. Customization is simple and effective, I think Cre8or is an outstanding choice for a grid portfolio theme.
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Sugarland is a sweet and delicious WordPress grid theme that can really accentuate the visual content that you produce. There are a lot of grid themes out there, most of them are responsive and most do a really good job of highlighting your content, but I really do appreciate some of the features that Sugarland offers to help set it apart from the other themes in this collection. This creative theme is perfect for design agencies, portfolios, creative artists and others who want to have a stylish and beautiful layout to really attract attention. This theme uses the bootstrap grid system to create a perfect-looking layout every time, it’s optimized for Mobile touch and swipe gestures as well. With attractive CSS3 animations, filterable portfolios and almost unlimited Gallery Styles, this homepage grid WordPress theme is a great way to go and can truly help make your content stand out.
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Theme Trust’s Ink WordPress theme is a veteran template that’s been around the block a few times, but it still has enough design style and features to prove worthy of inclusion on this list of the top WordPress grid themes. The structure of Ink is highly adaptable and responsive, the grid layout is attractive and easy to use and the zesty style is only surpassed by the plentiful features and the elastic, organic and user-friendly method of customizing this template.  Simple, elegant and clean, this theme makes your content the star of the show and with it’s perfect responsive design, it makes your content shine on every single device out there, no matter the screen size.
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Mellow is a remarkable and minimalist WordPress portfolio theme that uses an advanced grid layout to make your content look perfect. To run a successful portfolio, you need to make a great first impression on every visitor to your website. It’s not a question of whether they will enjoy it with the Mellow WordPress theme, this template has a light and Airy style that displays flawlessly on all screen sizes, thanks to perfect responsive-design. It’s impossible to understate how important that factor is, responsive themes deliver a positive user experience on all devices. Considering how many people will a light on, it’s more important than ever that you deliver a marvelous experience for all users, no matter what device they choose.
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A beautiful WordPress portfolio theme can help you create a fantastic first impression. With a top quality WordPress theme, it is possible to swiftly and very easily establish a stylish, functional site for your design work. This WordPress portfolio theme is flexible, spectacular, feature filled, well built and user-friendly, it’s feature filled, adaptive and SEO optimized, ideal for photographers, graphic designers, promotion businesses, advertising businesses or interior decorators. This theme is very easy to use with lots of fantastic documentation, stylish and beautiful to look at, responsive so that it looks perfect on virtually any screen, one that delivers a lot of useful, popular abilities and extremely flexible so it’s possible to utilize it on any kind of web site.
The leading WordPress plugin for making drag and drop websites is Visual Composer, which is an exceptionally compelling and particularly flexible method to design the style of site that you want with the look and features you want. Visual Composer works with the leading premium plugins such as Sliders like Revolution or Layer Sliders, WooCommerce, Contact Form 7, Essential Grid and popular forms plugins like Gravity Forms or Ninja Forms. That helps make this beautiful theme incredibly flexible. You’ll really love the levels of compatibility, the low cost, the incredible powerful features, the overall flexibility to create any kind of site and the simplicity of the interfaces. Visual Composer offers the gigantic template library, highly detailed documentation, popular front end editor, responsive layout and dozens of content elements, and tons more.
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Ridge is a grid portfolio and Blog theme that was designed with professionals in mind. This portfolio template makes your work the center of attention, delivering a harmonious and hunting experience. This theme is powerful and glamorous, it’s as in chanting to use on the front end as it is on the back. It’s very simple to adapt this template to fit your sights branding, whether you are website is very glamorous or more blue collar. If you’re curious about the features of the Ridge WordPress theme, take a look at the demo sites below and I think you’ll like what you see.
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Huntt is a simple and professional WordPress blog theme that has sort of a Pinterest inspired style about it. This magazine theme is all about bringing visual content to the widest audience possible. Huntt is a beautiful and minimalist blog and magazine theme that is highly visually oriented and there’s no clutter to get in the way of your content. I think the Huntt WordPress theme is ideal for online magazines, no matter what topic they are about. Huntt creates a hospitable environment for reader and bloggers alike, there are numerous helpful features to allow you to optimize and customize your website, there are beautiful single page layouts with portrait or landscape orientation, it’s fully scalable no matter how the site is viewed and you can quickly and easily switch up colors and fonts with just a handful of clicks.
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MF, Creative WordPress Grid Portfolio Theme
MF is a premium quality multipurpose theme that has a handful of demo styles that can only be described as photography grid portfolios, so I’ve included it in this theme collection.  This theme has the distinction of being one of the highest rated portfolio themes around, it’s received well over 100 perfect 5 star reviews on ThemeForest and nobody has had anything negative to say about it so far.  The customer support is fantastic, the features are powerful and user friendly and this theme is totally responsive as well.  With more and more people accessing websites via their smart phones, that’s a critical component of success.  With MF, you get to see the future of web design with the revolutionary WP Bakery Page Builder, but that’s not the only addon included with MF.  There’s the SLider Revolution, Massive Addons for Page Builder, The Grid plugin is inlcuded as is Essential Grid.  I think you can’t go wrong with this theme, so have a look at it below.
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Solar is a very popular blog theme with a beautiful grid-style. This theme boasts of A youthful look, it’s got a roomie design and this theme is very even tempered. If you want to bring the public your content, you will need the proper framework to get the job done and solar is a theme that fits the bill. This theme is suitable for any topic, since it’s got a highly adaptable flat style and you’ll really set the scene with plenty of white space and simple navigation tools.
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Universe is a multi-purpose steam with an attractive grid layout to help create an amazing portfolio, agency, business site, photography portfolio or blog. That’s just the beginning, this multi-purpose WordPress theme is incredibly responsive and powered by the Tesla Framework, which makes it load fast and look great on all devices. In terms of customization, Tesla has provided all the tools needed to create a sophisticated WordPress website that is relatively inexpensive to build. If you want to entertain the largest crowds possible on your website, this Placid and full-featured theme is a highly effective way to deliver a great user experience to every visitor on your website.
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Vulcano is a grid WordPress theme from Tesla Themes, who happen to be one of my favorite theme producers. This theme is strong in its style, the grid layout is supple and responsive and it makes for a great way to display all of your content. This remarkable WordPress theme has an elastic style that works for nearly any type of portfolio and with it, you can deliver the kind of user experience you’ve always wanted to. No matter what device your visitors use, this theme looks fantastic.  If you’re starting up a brand new website or you are choosing to rebrand an older site, this theme can produce tangible benefits thanks to its responsive design and plenty of great features that make your blogging experience a positive one.
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Shape is one of the most popular themes that TeslaThemes has ever released. Maybe the most popular.  It’s close anyway.  This template is ideal for Creative agencies, whether it’s a digital production house or an advertising agency, perhaps even a PR firm, as well as photography websites, portfolios and blogs. Shape is meant to Showcase all of your work and projects through liberal use of beautiful images. You can see in the example website provided, this template is clear and enjoyable for all readers. And for webmasters, it’s been painstakingly crafted to be incredibly user-friendly and never clumsy and its ability to allow for a tailor-made look for your website.  If you want to shape your readers experience and make it a positive one, this theme is a great way to go. I simply adore the amount of customization that is possible with this team and highly recommend it.
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Ukiyo is one of my favorite seems to come out in the last year. I guess I’m not the only one, it has been downloaded over 600 times and still has a perfect five star rating on themeforest. People really love the ability to control colors, typography and just about anything else on the page. No matter what design choices you make, you will get a responsive and SEO optimized theme that looks fantastic and loads quickly on all devices. With one click import, you don’t need to know a thing about coding to produce a fantastic and clean, flat WordPress grid portfolio. It’s not just about portfolios though, Ukiyo is an amazing blog template as well. There are plenty of other features at your fingertips to help you craft a fresh and functional website that people are going to love.
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The Rex
With a clean design and one of the highest ratings ever amassed on ThemeForest, The Rex WordPress theme knows that it’s good to be King.  This is a blog and magazine theme that has a perfect 5 star rating, excellent design options for masonry grid layouts, as well as more traditional blog layouts.  The clean look makes it well suited for all kinds of blogs or magazine websites.  Looking for a theme that’s flexible and simple to use?  Well, that’s The Rex too.  It’s got tons of custom widgets, which I find to be the best way to add functionality to your website.  The Rex doesn’t rely on an external page builder as a short cut, though it does give you the ability to work with any page builder of your choice, even Gutenberg.  The Rex has Ajax load posts, mega menu support, it’s totally responsive and has an integrated reviews system.  Great choice for beginners and more seasoned WordPress veterans alike.
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hatbowtie · 7 years
I’ve long been an admirer of artists’ line drawings. The minimalism has such an elegance to it. Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse are known for the abstract approach, Picasso used to practise drawing his own little sausage dog, Lump, with one continuous line.
The line drawings feel magnanimous and inventive; there’s an accessibility to the style, anyone can pick up a marker pen and have a go. Christiane Spansberg is the new queen of the two-dimensional style and initially got into one-line drawings by joking at how easy Picasso’s line drawings look. Now she’s hooked by the challenge, even drawing some of her pieces blind.
With a sophisticated aesthetic and addictive Instagram page, Spangsberg has been interviewed by both Australian Vogue and Harpers Bazaar, despite the fact that she lives and works across the world in an attic studio in Copenhagen. Forming a fashion collaboration with J.V. Reid, you can now wear one of her prints on a plain white, cotton t-shirt.
It’s not hard to find artists inspired by one-line drawings at the moment. I’ve seen minimal designs populated by tattoo artists and jewellers. This Stella & Sebastian earring is such a beautiful way to pay homage to Matisse’s artwork. The fact it’s a single earring makes it feel more unique, a piece of wearable art. I love the way that the inherently two-dimensional design looks when it’s transformed into a metal thread.
Sarah & Sebastian
You can imagine my delight when I realised that a local art student, someone from my hometown, has turned one of her own line drawings into a t-shirt. Another example of a unique piece of wearable art. 
Wearing a genderless face, an interview with Clarice Elliott
Clarice Elliott has just graduated from Falmouth Uni with a BA in fashion marketing, emerging as a talented photographer, stylist and creative design student too. I asked for a t-shirt and came away with an interview and photographs in tow.
What I’ve found really interesting, is the way that Clarice picks up on the genderless quality of these line drawings. Her design seems neither feminine nor masculine and the t-shirt matches with a boxy, unisex fit.
Here are some of Clarice’s photographs of her offbeat t-shirt design.
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with the face drawing it is simple and neutral… the audience make their own interpretations as to the gender and characteristics of the individual.
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Hattie Bottom: Please tell me more about this drawing, where did you find inspiration for the design?
Clarice Elliott: At Art Foundation, before my degree, we were always told to take a sketchbook with us, to record anything intriguing that we found. As a result, I have frequently ended up creating linear sketches, which often take place when I am away from home and tend to focus on people.
HB:  What is it about the style that you like?
CE: It has to be its minimal quality, whilst also allowing the viewer to make a contribution. For example, with the face drawing it is simple and neutral, allowing the audience to make their own interpretations as to the gender and characteristics of the individual.
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HB: What’s the story behind your logo?
CE: This linear drawing actually stems from a photograph I took in the Tate Modern. At the time, I was also inspired by the work of Thomas Struth, looking into one’s interaction with their surroundings.
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HB: After your final year at Falmouth, [congratulations on getting a first!], what will you miss?
CE: That’s a tough question, I think it’s got to be the frequent sea swimming.
HB: You’ve had some amazing internships, including a showroom assistant role at JOSEPH last September. What area of fashion are you most interested in?
CE: Thank you! I am extremely interested in styling and visual merchandising, although more recently it would have to be creative direction, branding and graphics.
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Model: Ice Charuwimonul, Instagram: iceecharuwimonkul
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HB: What are your favourite three items in your wardrobe at the moment?
CE: My trusty, light blue, denim mom jeans, my yellow long sleeved Stüssy t-shirt and my black snakeskin docs.
And now I have a new favourite t-shirt…
Clarice Elliott
  Website: Clarice Elliott Instagram: Clarice.e_ Model: Ice Charuwimonul
  Collage of Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse line drawings compiled from Pinterest. 
Wearing a genderless face I've long been an admirer of artists' line drawings. The minimalism has such an elegance to it. 
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chocdono · 8 years
Real Life Rooms: Decorating Around a Fireplace with Built-ins
Hey there Remodelaholic readers! Dawn here, from AD Aesthetic, and I'm back this month with another reader question mockup to hopefully inspire some creative ideas for your space. If you've missed any of my previous reader question mockups, you can always see all my posts here.
If you follow Remodelaholic on Facebook, you’ve probably seen several of the reader questions that are submitted every month. Well each month here on Remodelaholic, I choose one reader submitted photo to offer my two cents on, and I create a Photoshop mock up of what I would do if I were in your shoes! (Pssssst— you can submit your reader questions by messaging Remodelaholic on Facebook!)
First though, my standard disclaimer: While I can recommend ideas that I think look nice, I have never seen this house in real life and don’t have accurate measurements. I am also not an architect or landscaper and do not know the planting recommendations for your area- I just like to make things look nice. I can’t guarantee that any of the items I put in my ‘virtual’ design will actually work in real life (or that they’ll fit your design style for that matter), and this is not intended to be a professional design consultation. So think of this as a just-for-fun rendering that hopefully gets your wheels turning and provides some inspiration!
On to the fun!
READER QUESTION from Chaeli — We recently moved into this house and I am struggling to find out what to do with the wall around the fireplace. I was considering built ins but any suggestions would be so helpful! I also painted the green marble white this pic is a little older.
Fireplace walls can be a challenge for sure, but they are also a great opportunity to create something eye catching that really makes a statement!
Beautiful Fireplace Built-in Shelves
Before I got started on Chaeli's design dilemma, I went in search of some fireplace built-in inspiration from around the web:
Image Source: Inspired by Charm | Photo Credit: Michael Wurm, Jr.
Image Source: Thrifty Decor Chick | Photo Credit: Sarah @ Thrifty Decor Chick
Image Source: Design & Build By Sicora via Houzz | Photo Credit: Andrea Rugg
Image Source: Home Bunch | Photo Credit: John Cornegge 
Image Source: The Lily Pad Cottage | Photo Credit: Kelly @ Lily Pad Cottage
Sufficiently inspired, here is one more look at what we were working with, followed by what I came up with to flank the fireplace in Chaeli's new home:
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Rug | Basket | Blanket | Hanging Plant Lamp | Artwork | Faux Succulent | Blinds
Tips for Designing Fireplace Built-Ins
The small high windows on either side of the fireplace are a feature I really love in this room. So to make them stand out and feel intentionally placed, surrounding them with built in storage is a great option. A beefed up mantle and closed cabinets with wooden tops brings some warmth and visual interest to the built in, as well as making it look very custom. To balance out the windows and add some much needed height, I would create floor to ceiling bookcases in the corners of the room.
The combination of open and closed storage, as well as plenty of mantel display areas, really gives you a lot of options for decor and storage, making this solution functional and pretty too!
So what do you think? What would you do if this were your home?
As always, thank you to Cassity and the Remodelaholic team for having me back each month. If you like this post, and have a design dilemma you’d like me to mock up some ideas for, you can ask your questions by sending Remodelaholic a message over on Facebook, or checkout my mockup design services over on my site adaesthetic.com. And be sure to follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram and say hello! Have a great day, friends!
  The post Real Life Rooms: Decorating Around a Fireplace with Built-ins appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from mix1 http://ift.tt/2mI6whr via with this info
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sherlocklexa · 8 years
Real Life Rooms: Decorating Around a Fireplace with Built-ins
Hey there Remodelaholic readers! Dawn here, from AD Aesthetic, and I'm back this month with another reader question mockup to hopefully inspire some creative ideas for your space. If you've missed any of my previous reader question mockups, you can always see all my posts here.
If you follow Remodelaholic on Facebook, you’ve probably seen several of the reader questions that are submitted every month. Well each month here on Remodelaholic, I choose one reader submitted photo to offer my two cents on, and I create a Photoshop mock up of what I would do if I were in your shoes! (Pssssst— you can submit your reader questions by messaging Remodelaholic on Facebook!)
First though, my standard disclaimer: While I can recommend ideas that I think look nice, I have never seen this house in real life and don’t have accurate measurements. I am also not an architect or landscaper and do not know the planting recommendations for your area- I just like to make things look nice. I can’t guarantee that any of the items I put in my ‘virtual’ design will actually work in real life (or that they’ll fit your design style for that matter), and this is not intended to be a professional design consultation. So think of this as a just-for-fun rendering that hopefully gets your wheels turning and provides some inspiration!
On to the fun!
READER QUESTION from Chaeli — We recently moved into this house and I am struggling to find out what to do with the wall around the fireplace. I was considering built ins but any suggestions would be so helpful! I also painted the green marble white this pic is a little older.
Fireplace walls can be a challenge for sure, but they are also a great opportunity to create something eye catching that really makes a statement!
Beautiful Fireplace Built-in Shelves
Before I got started on Chaeli's design dilemma, I went in search of some fireplace built-in inspiration from around the web:
Image Source: Inspired by Charm | Photo Credit: Michael Wurm, Jr.
Image Source: Thrifty Decor Chick | Photo Credit: Sarah @ Thrifty Decor Chick
Image Source: Design & Build By Sicora via Houzz | Photo Credit: Andrea Rugg
Image Source: Home Bunch | Photo Credit: John Cornegge 
Image Source: The Lily Pad Cottage | Photo Credit: Kelly @ Lily Pad Cottage
Sufficiently inspired, here is one more look at what we were working with, followed by what I came up with to flank the fireplace in Chaeli's new home:
contains affiliate links; see our full disclosure policy here
Rug | Basket | Blanket | Hanging Plant Lamp | Artwork | Faux Succulent | Blinds
Tips for Designing Fireplace Built-Ins
The small high windows on either side of the fireplace are a feature I really love in this room. So to make them stand out and feel intentionally placed, surrounding them with built in storage is a great option. A beefed up mantle and closed cabinets with wooden tops brings some warmth and visual interest to the built in, as well as making it look very custom. To balance out the windows and add some much needed height, I would create floor to ceiling bookcases in the corners of the room.
The combination of open and closed storage, as well as plenty of mantel display areas, really gives you a lot of options for decor and storage, making this solution functional and pretty too!
So what do you think? What would you do if this were your home?
As always, thank you to Cassity and the Remodelaholic team for having me back each month. If you like this post, and have a design dilemma you’d like me to mock up some ideas for, you can ask your questions by sending Remodelaholic a message over on Facebook, or checkout my mockup design services over on my site adaesthetic.com. And be sure to follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram and say hello! Have a great day, friends!
  The post Real Life Rooms: Decorating Around a Fireplace with Built-ins appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from car2 http://ift.tt/2mI6whr via as shown a lot
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Pick Up Wall Storage Ideas
Create your own storage with these easy-to-make geometric wall shelves! ¤♡¤ ♡♡♡♡ The way they painted the inside of the shelves! Damn I love these Shelves! Uggggh I need a miter saw! cuz I suck at angle configuration soooo bad! Right now, this is Bedroom Storage Ideas for your Small Room Spaces in your Home. . 10+ Marvelous Bedroom Storage Ideas for Small Spaces for Your Perfect Home Inspirations. Make Nice Crate E-book Storage for Unused Wall Area. Discover ideas about Wall Mounted Shoe Storage. Interior, : Marvelous Floating Boot Rack Ideas With 5 Level Wooden Shelves Concept For Shoe Storage In Closet Ideas. Wall Mounted Shoe StorageShoe Storage ShelfShoe ShelvesStorage . Nice wall storage Wall Storage, Storage Organization, Storage Ideas, Organizing, Shabby Chic · Wall StorageStorage . bois scandinave Plus”. See more. 33 Gorgeous DIY Projects To Decorate Your Grown Up Apartment;; Sisal rope to a . Right now, this is Bedroom Storage Ideas for your Small Room Spaces in your Home. You are going to receive much better ideas as soon as you see what fits. Findi. Chair · Table · Sofa&Bed · Floor · Light · Decorations · Gadgets · Storage items · Wall; Close . When you will walk in the room you will feel the grandiosity of the bookshelf wall. Make your home look classy and elegant with bookshelf wall. . Tags: bookshelf, bookshelf walls, home library, marvelous bookshelf walls . Ultra Modern Home Library Design IdeasIn order to create an . Right now, this is Bedroom Storage Ideas for your Small Room Spaces in your Home. You are going to receive much better . 30+ Modern Wall Bookcase Design And Decor Ideas Office Bookshelves, Bookshelf Wall, Vertical. More information. 2016/05/12 – These insanely clever bedroom storage hacks and solutions will make your tiny room feel like an organized palace. . We’ve seen many gorgeous bike storage solutions that hang your bike from the wall, but don’t forget about . We’ve collected some of the best toy storage ideas from around the web to help spark your imagination. . Organization ideas – Toy storage for kids. diy bookcase ledges for our nursery, bedroom ideas, shelving ideas Diy Bookcases, Diy . Toys can get out of control fast and if you don’t have a dedicated space, managing toy organization can feel impossible. Here’s one solution! . 48 Awesome Playroom Design Ideas For Kids – Trendehouse. More information. More information . We’ve collected some of the best toy storage ideas from around the web to help spark your imagination. . Garage van wc papierrolletjes Diy Storage With Cardboard Boxes, Storage For Toys, Bra Storage. More information. More information . Love this way of organizing big toys! SUPER . These are great ideas for how to organize a playroom! She has a few . Book Storage Wall by Project Nursery Playroom Ideas, Kids Bedroom Organization, Living Room Storage · Playroom . 2015/01/30 – A Storage Solution for Big Toys and an IKEA Hack JustAGirlAndHerBlog.com . We ended up bringing home two GORM shelving units, which were technically from the pantry section but were a great size for the toys we had . 2018/11/12 – Yes, it is possible to have kids and a clean house — and these clever DIY storage and organization ideas are proof. Give your . In a small room, they can be used as book shelves, or a place to hold tiny toys. . Look for fun pieces that’ll add a little bit of interest to storage, like this asymmetrical shelving unit. However, storing the toys can be a real challenge sometimes: this is where this amazing wall of built-in toy storage ideas step in and make everything easy and effortless! Chic, modern-looking and very easy to implement, this is a DIY storage . Playroom Design: DIY Playroom with Rock Wall . ikea playroom ideas – Google Search Toy Room Organization, Organization Station, Household Organization, . Super simple DIY idea to make an art gallery wall out of the kids artwork. Try these 34 toy storage ideas & kids room organization hacks to transform your kids’ messy room. . Here are some creative ideas to store your kids’ toys and other stuff: . This car garage is another ingenious way of organizing small toys. 2018/02/01 – Create your own custom storage solution with SVALNÄS, a hard-wearing, space-saving wall-storage and workspace system made of bamboo. Storage · A children’s room with pine furniture and lots of building blocks · Get creative. Come check out our interior designer Anna hack the IKEA KNAGGLIG wooden box · A VARIERA plastic bag container, when attached to a wall, can . 2018/10/16 – We’ve never met an IKEA hack we didn’t like—especially when storage is involved. . amazed by this blogger’s DIY: She used IKEA’s RAST dresser and two bookshelves to turn a blank wall into the ultimate clothing organizer. Jul 23, 2018- Explore IKEA Canada’s board “Organization Ideas” on Pinterest. See more . Storage solution with ALGOT shelves, wire baskets, trouser hanger, rods and wall uprights – IKEA — attic closet hanging rack under shelf. Find this Pin . . solutions. See more ideas about Home, Ikea boxes and Organization ideas. . from IKEA · The IKEA FJÄLLBO shelving unit is a mix of metal and solid wood which is perfect . all your things. The IKEA KALLAX shelving unit is open storage which can adapt to your needs. Links to IKEA brochures for kitchens, wardrobes, living room storage and curtains and panels are also included. Sneak . Jun 28, 2018- Explore Nicole Pinkston- Etchegoyen’s board “IKEA office ideas” on Pinterest. . White Home Office Wall Unit: Fresh Home Office Layout Design With Center White Office Table Small Design Style . Use IKEA shelves SIZE – Small: x 30 USD – Large: x 62 USD – Large+: x 69 USD – Custom sizes and colors are available on request INCLUDED – Your ordered wallpaper (as many. 2014/11/09 – The Bekväm spice rack is a colorful way to hold books you want to display in a kids’ room. Ikea’s kitchen wall storage systems are also useful in a nursery. Hack your Ikea kitchen cabinets to include a toe-kick drawer. 2017/11/13 – We’ve compiled a short list of some of the handiest and most versatile IKEA products for small space living. . seat when you have company over — and when you don’t need it you can fold it and hang it up on the wall with a special bracket, which is included. . Wall-mounted storage is essential for small spaces, and these shoe storage boxes are good for far more than just storing shoes. 2016/04/21 – 2. Mount a dish drying rack to the wall. cheap kitchen storage hack: use an ikea bygel rail, bygel wire baskets, and IKEA Hackers/Jules Yap. If you’re feeling crafty, which you probably are since you’re reading this list of kitchen . 2018/09/06 – Make your bathroom the cleanest — and tidiest — room in the house with these easy and genius storage ideas. 2017/01/23 – We’ve already done the work for you when it comes to finding and curating small bathroom storage ideas. . Imagine a shelf made by turning baskets on their sides and mounting them to the wall. . Attaching shelves to an old picture frame creates a sort of shadow box for storing toiletries or displaying . Unique Storage Ideas for a Small Bathroom Decorating Small Bathrooms, Sinks For Small Bathrooms, . Home improvement bathroom wall effect pictures Small bathroom ideas remodel Guest bathroom ideas Bathroom decor apartment . Nov 23, 2018- Different ways to maximize the space in a small bathroom, from shelving to DIY storage solutions and also . diy bathroom shelf for a razor and beard trimmer bathroom diygifts, bathroom ideas, diy, shelving ideas, woodworking projects DIY use a picture frame as a towel bar. i love this idea & how the collage of frames decorates the wall. so much cooler than just . 12 Clever Bathroom Storage Ideas. Wall Cabinet. Storage Tower. Storage Ladder. Vintage-Inspired Storage. Vanity Niches. Sink Skirt. Custom Armoire. Stacked Wicker Baskets. Stacked wicker baskets are a simple, efficient way to add storage and visual interest to a small bathroom. 2018/08/22 – But the good news is that small bathrooms can be quaint and beautiful, and they give you an opportunity to use your creative juices. If you don’t want to give up your precious floor space for storage, look to the walls. 2018/05/22 – We’ve got 20+ easy storage and styling solutions that’ll make you forget how small your bathroom actually is. View Gallery 25 . Incorporate built-in shelves into the wall behind the bathtub for towels and products. BUY NOW Glass Shelf, $20, BUY NOW Picture Ledge, $32, amazon.com. 22 of 25. image. Find unique ideas and clever solutions for creating extra storage in the bathroom. Pinterest; Facebook · Twitter · Email. By: Jacquelyn McGilvray. Related To: Bathroom Organization Bathroom Storage Bathroom Organizing Storage. Photo By: . 2018/04/22 – When you are short on space in your bathroom, you have to turn to a less obvious storage spot: the wall. Check out these savvy wall-mounted solutions. We share 19 genius bedroom storage ways to make your life much easier. . 19 Space-Saving DIY Bedroom Storage Ideas You Will Love. By Lauren Robertson. As a student, I had my fair share of questionable living quarters. really cool ideas for built-in storage, like hiding it behind a mirror that then opens to store all your beauty items, or covering it with a poster or a piece of wall . “Before you turn your bedroom into a battleground, there are ways to divvy up the storage so everything stays fair and tidy.” . $130; by garage entry – HEMNES Shoe cabinet with 2 compartments IKEA Helps you organize some boards!” Living in a shoebox 14 great ways to store your shoes Shoe Storage Ideas Bedroom . Lanyard display ideas. Lanyard display ideas Necklace Organization, Organizing Jewelry, Organization Ideas, Diy Necklace Organizer, FREE SHIPPING! Jewelry Organizer Necklace Holder Earring Storage Display Wall Hanging Rack/ Reclaimed Wood . Hooks for necklaces. Bedroom or closet organization /storage. 15 Fun DIY Ideas For Your Home. 15 Fun DIY Ideas For Your Home Pegboard Display, Pegboard Garage, Display Wall, . the bedroom Wall idea to steal. DIY Inspiration bedside table and storage board for the bedroom Wall idea to steal. 2016/04/07 – These small space decorating ideas, storage solutions, and smart finds will help you maximize each square foot, . Country Living Fair · Newsletter; Follow . Just outfit a utilitarian shelving system with breathable baskets that can corral everything from various types of produce . everywhere you look, the Beadboard Storage Bed from Pottery Barn Teen adds ample storage to a bed . Amplify your home’s storage capacity by optimizing wall space. Check out these storage solutions — from capacious cabinets to inventive constructions — that stow copious amounts of all kinds of stuff. 2017/09/28 – There are various storage ideas for small bedrooms that will help conceal and even display things so that they don’t . A corkboard wall or arrangement of pins stuck right into the drywall can be used to hang up your favorite . 2017/05/26 – A new title from Gestalten has inspired us with storage ideas for small spaces—or for big spaces when you just feel . be trying to find inventive ways to delineate the bed “room” from the living “room” without putting up a wall. See more. DIY Home Office Decor Ideas – DIY Instagram Gallery Wall – Do It Yourself Desks, . Ideas, you might love these ideas. Maximize Space in a Small Bedroom Organization For Small Bedroom, Clothes Storage Ideas For Small 25 Exquisite Corner Breakfast Nook Ideas in Various Styles. Corner Bench Kitchen . 99 Genius Apartement Storage Ideas For Small Spaces (44) Easy Home Decor, Elegant. Easy Home DecorElegant Home . Small Bedrooms. One Shelf, 5 Ways: The Endlessly Versatile LACK Wall Shelf Unit (Apartment Therapy Main) . Different ways to maximize storage space in a small apartment or home, from shelving to under the stair storage ideas and many Imagine impressing family and friends with your exquisite décor and have them wondering how you did it. 2017/05/26 – A new title from Gestalten has inspired us with storage ideas for small spaces—or for big spaces when you just feel . be trying to find inventive ways to delineate the bed “room” from the living “room” without putting up a wall. 2016/05/12 – 53 Insanely Clever Bedroom Storage Hacks And Solutions. Install shelves along the perimeter of your bedroom walls. Clip binder clips onto your desk and store cords in their arms. Hang a clothes rack in the corner. Use crown molding as a shoe rack. Opt for a headboard with storage. Hang your laundry hamper on the back . 2018/02/10 – Floating furniture is an excellent choice for small spaces. It helps to open up the space visually, and in a pinch, you can store other things underneath. Above, a painted Ivar cabinet, spotted on Livet Hemma, mounts to the wall. 2017/10/27 – Your walls can hold more than you think they can. (Think: pots, pans, and even canisters that can hold utensils.) Instead of hanging a couple of more limiting shelves, try a pegboard, which adds very flexible storage space that . 2018/09/05 – Here are a few brilliant storage ideas for small kitchen that you might not have seen before. (Image credit: . Turns out, there’s usually just enough space in between the studs of your wall for a tall, narrow cabinet. Use it to hold . . in your home? If there’s a nook or cranny not being used, then there’s plenty of room to expand. Get creative ideas on how to maximize storage by making the most of your home’s existing space. 17 Clever Ideas for Small Baths 17 Photos . See more ideas about Home decor, Decorating kitchen and Kitchen Storage. . This seat project looks so pleasant and can come up to be the lounge area of room as well. This does Corner shelving for unused space between doorways. . board “Wall storage” on Pinterest. See more ideas about Diy ideas for home, Design interiors and House decorations. . See more. Nice wall storage Wall Storage, Storage Organization, Storage Ideas, Organizing, Shabby Chic Pocket French doors and built in bookshelves create a cozy living room or reading room. Always imagining ways to reinvent the multipurpose living room. . ideas about Storage Room. We’re always on the look out for cool media set-ups. We’re big fans of decorating around a flat screen mounted on the wall. . IKEA Hackers: Big Besta Built-ins good for my ikea cabinets in basement recroom. Natalia Marfil. See more ideas about Accent furniture, Living Room and Organization ideas. . This room isn’t terribly small, but the idea of hanging kid’s clothes on wall mounted brackets is a great idea for a small room or a room with a small closet. I like the . 2017/06/01 – If your room hasn’t the floor space to accommodate a bookcase or a freestanding unit, opt for a wall-hung shelving unit instead. . If you have lots of dinner party items and equipment, have a look at our dining room storage ideas. Living . A glass-fronted cupboard is a great way to display stylish belongings. 2018/02/14 – Whether you have a small or large living room, these budget-friendly organization tips and storage hacks will help you . If you’re limited on space in your living room, it’s a good idea to utilize furniture that can serve multiple purposes. . Consider using dividers to keep everything in your coffee table drawers organized, too! If you’re lucky enough to have built-in shelving . 6 日前 – The key is choosing pieces that offer as much storage potential as possible, so a coffee table with a shelf and drawers, shelving solutions that are built in or box cabinets that can be wall mounted make great options. Look out . 2018/08/14 – Refresh your storage by taking the jackets off old books (load up at yard sales) to expose the stitching or covering your collection with coordinating papers. . For a laid-back look on your mantel, rest a sturdy style against the wall – no hammering required. . Mix metallic accents (we see you, adorable end table) with traditional wood pieces for added depth to your living room . 2017/08/28 – So get organized and clutter-free by scrolling through our list of seven stylish living room storage ideas below. . Instead, think about ways to use your walls and ceilings to make your living room feel larger and more organized. . As you can see in this living room, a simple, cubby-like shelf can function as a great storage solution without taking the spotlight away from the . Nov 22, 2018- Explore yvette casarez’s board “Office & Storage Ideas” on Pinterest. See more ideas . Form meets function in this gorgeous space, a combination craft room and feminine home office. beautiful craft rooms and feminine workspaces. . What if we did this with natural finish wood wall, no soffit – in the office. lateral filing on the bottom drawer and modular/supply  . Create a home office anywhere with these ideas for streamlined storage and efficient organization. . Adding wood to bookcase backing Home Office Space, Home Office Shelves, Office Wall Organization . Pretty Sure This Is My Dream Office Love The Dark Blue Gray Lower Desk Cabinets Wood Top And White Uppers Beautiful Home Office Idea Arctic Home Office Corner Computer Desk In . Get organized! Our favorite home offices show how working from home can be functional and beautiful. (Tip: Think lots and lots of baskets) See more ideas about Office ideas, Home decor and Desk ideas. . ideas!” See more. Off white walls make the perfect backdrop to layer your creativity in this office space from . Kids storage: Creative home office organization ideas. See more. Desk Drawer Organization Tips-image Desk Drawer Organisation, Office Storage Ideas, Home Office . A home office makeover with Something Beautiful and Elfa Shelving! 2018/01/31 – These creative office organization ideas will help keep your office space clean and tidy, so you can be more productive than ever. . Get out of here with that bag of hot nonsense. Who gave you the Use it to free up precious real estate on your desk by storing mail, office supplies, or electronics on the wall. 2016/06/25 – . kind will you chose. Below you’ll find a bunch of creative storage ideas showing how you can organize your home office. . Of course, you can hang one or two cabinets on a wall, but that won’t look as good as it should. Although you need to There are so many beautiful shelving units nowadays that your storage could become an interesting part of your decor. Built-ins might be a . 2018/11/15 – A Beautiful Mess . Tiny houses are chock-full of space-saving solutions like this custom designed home office in a fun-size abode . A floating desk and wall-mounted storage unit transform the odd corner into a home office. Behind this desk, a large bookcase fulfills all the storage needs of this work area in one simple system. For more storage, hang floating shelves along the wall. When planning your home office, make sure there are adequate outlets nearby for . 2018/09/26 – Get organised in your home office with these home office storage ideas from clever filing solutions, shelving, drawers and desks. . A lick of paint and labels or stencils can then turn them into something beautiful. Or you could . Killer Kitchens. Collection by Lisa Mende Design. Kitchen Inspiration for remodeling & designing awesome kitchens. Board owner. Follow . See more. A dramatic accent wall of cabinets in sage blue/green with matching subway tiles anchors . . Storage Solutions” on Pinterest. See more ideas about Kitchen storage solutions, Butler pantry and Kitchen Storage. . Cupboard OrganizationKitchen Rack. Reclaim never-used space (like the walls of a cupboard) with vertical storage. 10 DIY fruit storage ideas that you can make in order to make your kitchen more practical and organized. . out to find one spice.” See more. Fruit and Veggie Hanging Wall Baskets Fruit Storage, Produce Storage, Fruit And Vegetable Storage . Lowes Toolbox converted into a kitchen island complete with seating for 4 Toolbox houses all my plates bowls and serving dishes. Silverware , utensils, towels and trivets. Even a bread drawer I do not have any upper cabinets only a pantry a . 2015/08/17 – 35 Killer Ways to Use Your Empty Vertical Space. You probably . It’s time to take on those unused walls and corners, with some amazing DIY ideas. By Hometalk . 12. Put a cookbook rack on the side of your kitchen cabinets 2018/08/21 – Glass shelving, tucked underneath cabinets, gives you a space to stow glassware — and since the glasses match the shelf, the effect is nearly invisible. BUY NOW Glass Shelf Kit, $22, amazon.com. 3 of 24. Kitchen Storage . 2018/06/04 – . room left in the garage for actual cars. A few smart space tricks are all you need to help you regain some extra square-footage. Get organized (and find the weed killer when you need it) with these ingenious storage ideas. 2017/10/27 – Squeeze out a bit more room by taking your cutlery to the walls with a magnetic knife strip. We like that this kitchen, featured on The Everygirl, has the knife rack running vertically, proving that you don’t need a ton of free wall . Killer Combos – Space Savers – Organization – Design Combination appliances for the countertop can be particularly useful for those with very limited space in their kitchen-think studios or apartments or condos with low square footage or galley kitchens. . More in this category: « Collapsibles Wall Storage ». — Select . 2018/10/17 – Garage organizing isn’t a one-size-fits-all project, so we’ve compiled some of our best garage storage ideas. . Unfortunately, they usually get stacked against a wall somewhere, which makes getting to the bottom bins difficult, especially for your household’s Check out these amazing space-saving ideas. Go from cluttered to organized with the top 100 best garage storage ideas for men. . Once you have gathered all of your hardware into suitable categories, the real fun can ensue. . Cool Custom Garage Wood Wall And Bar Storage Ideas. Garage organization is not difficult nor is it expensive. . Schoenenmuur Shoe Wall, Wall Shoe Rack, Shoe Shelf Diy, Diy Shoe Rack, Creative Southern Home ~ Recipes ~crafts ~DIY ~ fun things to do with the family ~East Tennessee. . Space-Saving Ideas. awesome garage organizing ideas, ways to not waste floor space – this would be my dream garage space! . 16 Amazing tips and techniques for organizing your garage Hometalk Clean Garage, Organized Garage. 2018/03/03 – 16 Amazing tips and techniques for organizing your garage Hometalk Clean Garage, Organized Garage See more. Utility Shelving System – Garage Storage Products – Bob Vila Keller, Organized Garage, Clean. Need organization ideas? . smartness best garage shelving ideas 17 storage – Jennies Site – easy diy garage shelving hometalk, best garage ideas for storage Last year we made amazing progress on a few of our storage areas and I was . 2016/01/07 – Your garage can provide valuable storage, but only if you know how to make the most of the space you have. . If you are limited on floor and wall space, consider getting some heavy duty clips to hang from your garage door . 2018/06/04 – Make your garage work harder with these storage and shelving solutions for your tools, bikes, gear and more. . Steal this idea from a mudroom: Accenting a wall in a fun color livens up the space, making it a room you actually . 2018/01/10 – Fortunately, with a few simple storage ideas and clever tips, you can keep your garage clean and organized. . are considerably heavier than paper towels, you’ll want to make sure the towel holder is secured well to the wall. 2017/10/20 – In this guide, we show you the easy steps to use Storage sense to free up space on your hard drive via the new options available in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. 2018/04/26 – Storage sense monitors your system for old and unused files and actively removes them on a regular schedule. For example, if you have files lying in your Recycle Bin for more than 30 days you won’t have to delete them . 2018/10/02 – The Windows 10 October 2018 Update includes new features for Storage Sense that make it even better. . Dehydrated files will still appear to be installed on the machine but are there in shortcut only—opening them will . 2018/08/30 – Starting with Windows 10, Storage Sense has embarked on a path to keep your storage optimized. We’re making continuous improvements in every update. In the next Windows 10 feature update (build 17720 and later), . 2018/02/23 – A new feature in Windows 10 called Storage Sense helps solve this issue by automatically deleting temporary files and content from your recycle bin. It’s not enabled by default so let’s jump in and review hot to enable and . 2018/04/20 – Storage Sense is a relatively new feature of the Windows 10 operating system that users may enable to free up disk space by having Windows 10 . Use the keyboard shortcut Windows-I to open the Settings application. 2018/01/17 – Storage Sense in Windows 10 allows you to automatically empty your Recycle bin and delete temporary files to free up disk space. You can make Storage Sense run automatically on a schedule. Quickly see what is using your disk space in Windows 10. . A. Windows 10 includes Storage Sense which was first available for Windows Phone that makes it easy to see how disk space is being used. To access this information perform the . Windows 10では、Fall Creators Update以降、新たにストレージセンサー(Stroage Sense)というデバイス上のスペースを自動的に監視して解放するツールが含まれています。 不要なファイルを削除し、ディスクの空き領域を自動的に増やす機能があります。 #IdeasForDiwaliParty #IdeasForLiving #IdeasForDinnerTonight #IdeasForChristmasBazarAtSchool #WallStorageIdeasForOffice
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