#pinterest for beginners
tommyomarketing · 10 months
Pinterest For Beginners I Step By Step Pinterest Tutorial
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kitdiefly · 1 year
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theleotarot · 11 months
The Relationship Between You And Your Future Spouse - Tarot Reading ❤️
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Choose the image that you feel most drawn to... The piles are from pile 1, pile 2, and pile 3. (one tree hill edition)
-In addition to the tarot cards chosen, I also had some oracle cards and oracle love messages as clarifiers for those cards-
Pile 1
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(Tarot cards: 5 of Wands, The Wheel, Justice, & Temperance)
Pile 1, both you and your future spouse mirror each other by feeling the same for one another. Both of you feel like you are each other’s lucky charms and good karma. It feels like the both of you were fated to be together, and maybe some of you have waited a long time to be together. In the past, one or both of you may have had negative experiences with past relationships, and when the both of you come together, you both bond with each other by being open and honest about those experiences. Not only do you and your future spouse get closer to each other by being openly communicative, but the both of you also have learned to let go and move on from the negativity of the past. The both of you also enjoy playfully teasing and making fun of each other. Sometimes, both of you may even playfully wrestle with one another. Maybe the masculine or the stronger one in your relationship loves to show how tough they are, and they do this by playfully picking a fight with you. You two may even do competitive activities together to see who is “better.” Maybe both of you verse each other at games or verse each other at sports for the fun of it. The both of you are also always on the go and enjoy traveling together everywhere. There is a lot of flying around the world. Maybe the both of you will go on hot air balloon or lantern festival dates, or wants to. Your future spouse is the person who you want to call when something good or bad happens, the person you go to when you need a laugh, and the person that you want by your side when you go on a quick trip to the grocery store. Both of you are each other’s favorite people. You or your future spouse may have a physically or mentally absentee father, and it’s had an immense impact on the mental health. Sometimes the troubles of struggling with family can transfer onto your relationship. For instance, if there are children that the two of you have, you or they may not feel good enough to take a role as a father or mother figure because you weren’t properly shown how to be one growing up. This is where conflict comes in and it may create arguments. Although there is conflict, not feeling good enough is a problem within the mind only, and both of you are able to to look past the situation and continue on with your relationship. Both of you do this by having lots of patience and compromising with each other. Patience plays a key role into the success of your relationship after arguments. Overall, your relationship feels like destiny, and the both of you reflect each other emotionally. There is so much trust and open communication between the two of you. The both of you are best friends and lovers in one. ♡
Pile 2
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(Tarot cards: 8 of Pentacles, 7 of Swords, King of Pentacles, & The Emperor)
Pile 2, you and your future spouse are extremely committed to each other, and the both of you are financially stable as a couple. Your relationship is more on the traditional side where there is a masculine role and there is a feminine role. Maybe the masculine in the relationship is the provider, and the feminine is the caretaker of your children, pets, or your home. Both of you may also have qualities of being a parental figure to each other. If you’re a woman, you may be similar to a mother, and if you’re a man, you may be similar to a father in your relationship. There is a lot of flirting between the two of you. Maybe there is lots of physical touching and funny pick up lines that are shared together. You and your future spouse may be very gifted in skills or talents as well. For instance, on the days that are not busy, your future spouse may show you their new dance choreography, and you may show them the new song on the piano you learned. Your life with your future spouse is also structured. Maybe in the early morning, you both like to take a walk outside, eat breakfast, go to work, and then at night you both come home to each other. At the end of the night, both of you love to relax and cuddle on the couch to watch a show or movie with your pets or children. You and your future spouse are very hardworking individuals and dedicated to work. Since you both are very work driven and focused too much on your own lives sometimes, it may be difficult to have quality time together, and it may impact the relationship. One or both of you may be non-expressive of feelings, but this may be due to the fact that both of you are working hard to pay bills. Eventually this conflict from lack of quality time is overridden, and the both of you work extra hard together to make the relationship proceed smoothly. Sometimes the way that you and your future spouse get in your quality time is by disappearing from the world, like taking a getaway weekend trip to the lake or a cabin. You or your future spouse may also have struggled with being able to show your relationship in public (but I really feel like it’s mostly to family), but overtime both of you do not care about other people’s opinions and enjoy showing each other off. You both are not afraid of holding hands in public, sitting closely together, or any form of public display of affection. Pile 2, overall, you and your future spouse know how to maintain your relationship in love, intimacy, money, career, and family. Your relationship is built through commitment and dedication with one another. ♡
Pile 3
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(Tarot cards: 7 of Pentacles, King of Cups, The Hermit, & 10 of Wands)
Pile 3, your relationship with your future spouse is built through mutual effort, time, and patience. Both of you are emotionally invested into each other and are very loving, caring, and understanding of one another. Every day, both of you learn something new about each other and fall deeply in love more and more. Your relationship has an aura of calmness. Maybe both of you enjoy doing meditation or yoga together and love the privacy that you share. Both of you may also try to stir away from drama and arguments to keep the peace between you. The two of you may do gardening or have a garden together. You might grow trees, plants, flowers, or fruits. Both of you love giving each other gifts like flowers, chocolate, jewelry, clothes, and luxury items. Maybe some days after work, you come home to a nice dinner with lit candles from your future spouse. You both also love to make each other’s bucket list dreams come true. For instance, if you have always wanted to go skydiving, your future spouse will move their way into taking you to do it so you can fulfill your dreams. You both may enjoy going to the beach together, swimming, or love sea animals, but mostly, the two of you enjoy being alone together in the comfort of your own home. Before meeting your future spouse though, you or your future spouse may have went through an extremely difficult period of time in life, and because of this past experience of difficulty, you or they may be in their heads a lot when life is tough. It is a traumatic response, and it is not done on purpose, but this may still cause conflict between the two of you. Through arguments, both of you always overcome the challenges and grow together through them. You and your future spouse are continuously learning to be more opened and receptive to one another, regardless of having fears from trauma. You or they have already reached rock bottom in life, and when you two are together, things can only improve. Both of you are each other’s stones, and with each other, you feel whole. Both of you are always looking for ways to improve the relationship by making it more enjoyable and exciting. There are also lots of planning for your future together and focusing on making each other happy. Pile 3, overall your relationship with your future spouse is built through romance, love, and patience. Even when things are difficult between the two of you, remember that you both love each other deeply, and you must be able to open up about how you feel to one another in order to grow. Only the greatest things are built with patience and perseverance. ♡
• I hope you all enjoyed this reading! Please let me know how you liked it… your feedback is very much appreciated. Take care! ❤️ •
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astroloverblog · 2 years
Saturn in the signs pt.1
Saturn in Aries:
You probably feel that you are more capable than those around you, hence you may end up doing all the work others telling you what to do. Having this placement can make you self-sacrificing. The lesson you have to learn in your life is to take charge of your own destiny, stand up for what you believe in and start loving yourself. If you create enough self discipline you could get great success. Because personal goals are that important to you, teamwork might get blocked. The stress that comes from trying to achieve too much could make you prone to headaches. Their often thoughtless and unscrupulous/risky actions bring them numerous rivals and enemies. If Saturn is poorly aspected, fate is not kind to these people. Getting ahead is very difficult, which creates strong inner tensions. As a result of their assertiveness, these people also find it difficult to fit into the community. Many struggles and worries are the result. Might also struggle with loved ones, having unstable relationships. Marriage also harbors potential for conflict and is a problem in many cases. As a result, you could be a very capable leader who knows what needs to be done and isn't afraid to go out and make things happen no matter what the cost or how long it takes. Consequently, you run the risk of interfering in the affairs of others and trying to influence them. You may just be ignoring them and trying to get them to follow your ideas instead of their ideas. Obstacles, disappointments and constraints may stand in the way of your unconventional, confident commitment. Impatience can undo all your efforts so be as careful as possible in implementing your plans. You’re determined, self-confident to arrogance and able to remain humble. Success brings diligence and efficiency, contemplation and discretion. Over the years, you get used to creative work. The people around you consider you a self-centered and unwilling person, headstrong and willful, prone to sadness and melancholy. But perhaps the development of aggression, cruelty and ruthlessness, sometimes leading to destructive behavior and tragic consequences. There is a great desire for meaningful, goal-oriented activity. Likely business creation and efficiency. Versatile interests, great opportunities, great functionality and consistency in approaching the solution of big and small problems. Such a person, despite your tyrannical nature, always has many connections in society. You are easily excited by new ideas, strict on yourself and on others, readily springs into action in the presence of an external impulse of sufficient strength. Many people love your creative restlessness. For such a person is very dangerous loneliness, the lack of a field of free action and immersion in revolution and rebellion - you will almost certainly be evil under these circumstances. Only alone depends on the development of numerous skills and strengthening of the character. You might have difficulty realizing that those around you are entitled to independent conduct and personal judgment. Using the energy properly, you can display wonders of endurance through the combination of initiative and discipline. In this case, you innate enthusiasm and resourcefulness is shown positively and constructively. Due to the many subconscious fears, such a person often feels an need for security. It is possible to communicate with a jealous partner or the development of a "paternal complex". With negative character development, it is possible to generate impatience, superficiality, a tendency to self-justification and blaming others in all difficulties and misfortunes that catch your eye due to your own miscalculations, mistakes and inaccuracies. Such a person should constantly learn tact and cooperation with people. Often a good emotional discharge is brought on by physical activity. A determined person, easy to climb, easily angered, and surprisingly surly in situations where others are forced to disagree with.
Saturn in Taurus:
You are a tireless worker and have patience, caution, determination, discipline, organizing ability and can go the distance when those around you fall. Hard work is your forte. Your feelings are serious, well-controlled and not easily changed, although at times it may be hard for you to forgive and forget. Loyalty and money is a important thing to you. You may be stubborn and materialistic but you can also be a methodical realist. You desire a stable social status, the feeling to be adored and accepted by society. If the saturn is bad aspected, then jealousy might be a thing. You take things slowly, but with thought and perseverance. Outwardly outgoing and reserved, they are polite and kind with other people, which greatly increases their chances of success in life. The will of these people is extremely tough and persistent. Failure only spurs them on to redouble their efforts. The desired goals in life are usually achieved through hard work and discipline. You tend to associate your sense of security very closely with having possessions and money, and overdoing it could make you stingy and unhappy for temporary. Because then you keep thinking about what might happen tomorrow and whether you will have enough money to pay for everything. You should consider your personal values ​​and learn what real security is. You take your feelings seriously and know how to control them. Saturn in Taurus dramatically increases a person's responsibility in the circumstances and situations in which this sign is active. In the negative version of Saturn in Taurus there is an extreme lack of trust in any constructive session, feeling the enmity of the material world, mystical depression, anger and crystallization in a complete alienation from the world. This person will never really be comfortable. With a negative development of nature, you’re inclined to do everything only on your own. Form tape type, prone to intrigues even for the sake of small profits and basically incapable of any cooperation. In the positive development of this placement, there can be artistic interests. This person becomes wise pragmatist, has enviable patience and rare exposure. Wisdom might be the key you need in life. You’re realistic and thrifty, reliable and solid, constantly striving for property, showing a rigid, unyielding will and working virtuously in the methodical plan. You’re very afraid of fate, because you suspect the movement of the deep energies of karma in your own soul, but you do not tend to study yourself. You show enviable patience in building projects and consistent implementation of real programs. You are able to give up personal pleasures in favor of an unrelenting movement toward future security. Because a person is always characterized by a "far-sightedness", you might shy away from extravagance and unfoundedness in thoughts, in speech and in deeds. The picture of thinking is extremely realistic, the art of living is extremely practical. Such a person thinks consistently, weighing all the pros and cons. In conversation you’re polite and friendly, in cooperation honest and conscientious. There is a certain reluctance that is associated with the fear of losing the chance of gaining personal benefit through over-informing others. Perhaps the development of self-will and resentment, over-materialistic thinking and feelings of cold, sadness and darkness, cruelty and recklessness, over-ambitiousness and ostentatious arrogance to implement in one's goals, plans and intentions. You’re inclined to take collective norms and do not represent your point of view. You have developed a high sense of duty and the gift of self-organization. Always feeling strict self-discipline from myself and others, firmly convinced that the path I have taken is the right one. Your seriousness is manifested outwardly in the form of patient work in the field of wealth creation, as well as a rare stability and solidity in difficult situations. You possess fantastic resilience and an enviable firmness of character and convictions.
Saturn in Gemini:
This is a good position for Saturn, but you may need to develop faith in the future. The will to learn new things can be very helpful for claiming success. The lesson you have to learn in your life is learning how to trust yourself and your intuition. Avoid self-doubting and don’t get too pessimistic. Your mindset is practical and logical. You might find things like science, physics as well as mathematics or mechanical engineering interesting. Don’t get too attached to details, or else you’ll loose the big picture. You’re very flexible especially when it comes to new situations. The quick grasping intellect of these people enables them to penetrate quickly and deeply into the most diverse problems and to solve them. Your particularly profound thinking motivates you to delve deeper and deeper into things. Many researchers and inventors can be found under this placement. Your lungs need a lot of oxygen, so it's best for you to sleep in a well-ventilated room. If you want to be successful at something, it is important that you discipline your mind and learn to think and act methodically. The complete lack of confidence in the reliability of the coming Gemini and outgoing information from them and stability in communication Saturn does not make them their life is sweet, but compensatory measures bring such fruits that the envy of most particularly harmonious Gemini are through Saturn not easier, especially in youth. It is helpful in overcoming the obstacles, insufficiently adaptable, anxious and prone to depression. In the positive development of this person's placement they can become smart, quick and able to do several things at once. You have a cultivated mind, can work well with numbers and usually show enviable skill in work that requires intelligent hands and a good head, for example in business or as a magician. Such a person is zealous in his studies, likes to solve the contradictions and solve problems. You’re reserved, conscientious and have an amazing talent in the field of literature and the exact sciences. Contacts bring you real pleasure, because you feel a constant need for communication. This placement is great when it comes to learning a new language. He is big on advertising and extremely successful in propaganda campaigns. Such a person is in a good mood more often than in a bad mood, you’re smart and skill full both in work and in communication, but tend not to notice your fatigue and therefore often leads to exhaustion from overwork and overexertion. Such a person can adapt to any situation. You’re systematic and logically consistent, and therefore, being self-acquired, being able to think through real-life problems to the end. It generally refers to the type of successful "problem solvers" who combine literary, technical, and artistic skills. A particularly successful career is possible in the areas of teaching, science and technology. This person loves to learn - and learns throughout life. However, it often shows disrespect for others, which is why you can be considered as flighty, moody and a argumentative person. When you have taken on too many duties and responsibilities, you can quickly become overwhelmed and health risks. Sometimes shyness arises, combined with an exaggerated responsibility for expressing one's thoughts in words. This is a very resourceful and skillful in all people, ignoring the frequent fear and sadness. You show interest in modern and progressive thinking, you like deep reflections and studies complicated questions.
Saturn in Cancer:
Because you might feel unloved at times, you can get moody and fearful or even overdramatic. Your unconscious fear of being hurt by others can cause you to withdraw from too close an emotional involvement with others. Might lack empathy. Family life is always difficult, as is the relationship with parents. Its important that you accept yourself and let others know how you feel. In relationships you might not be able to give warmth, because you always seem to hide your emotions to your partner. Thats mostly the reason why you feel lonely or unloved. Abandonment and the future are definitely one of your biggest fears. If the Saturn is bad aspected, this could mean your hypersensitive. Since the free expression is getting blocked, you might isolate or alienate yourself from family members. When it comes to partnership, family or career, you have the ability to give emotional security. The will of these people is tough and strong, but often unbalanced on the mental level. Own goals and plans are vehemently pursued, but their emotional conflict makes them divided internally. This often results in worries and difficulties in fate. You can be so busy protecting yourself from hurt that you don't see the hurt of others. It is important to keep your appetite under control, otherwise you may develop health problems. This person enjoys working at home, managing and cleaning the premises. It is persistent, direct, frank, in the course of performance of tasks often there is a surprising difference and the periods of a recession of enthusiasm. Negative development of this placement creates a type of person who is untrustworthy, tends to evade and procrastinate, and blames others. Such a person comes into contact with great difficulties, tends to isolate and become isolated. He often turns out to be lazy and idle, often complains to everyone, is extremely unhappy with life and extremely sensitive even to minor troubles. With positive character development, this is a diligent and conscientious worker who works best alone. Such a person is distinguished by restraint in the expression of feelings, seriousness in the perception of life, a clear sense of duty, frugality and a tendency to cling to what has already been achieved and formed. Such a person needs guarantees that one receives when buying a house or a job, although you may not have a high, but permanent social status. You might seem a bit cold emotionally, as if alienated from real life. Sometimes you overemphasizes the role of tradition and show cruelty in dealing with subordinates. The material interests of such a person are more often associated with the desire to grow to a quiet, comfortable old age. In the course of fate, slowness and inhibition are clearly expressed, which often leads to the formation of constant deep dissatisfaction with life. Develops increased sensitivity, excessive receptivity, and acute crushability. There are very serious problems in understanding the ideals of this person and the life and the parents and ancestors. At the same time, a painful dependence on the past. Thirst at home, garden, garden and real estate in general is very strong. Perhaps a hobby in the field of applied and decorative arts. The ability to self-organize is difficult to recognize. Discipline to such a person is not easy. Strong emotional vulnerability of feelings are combined with external coolness, dryness and strength. Almost constantly this person is in a defensive position, mysterious, suspicious and cautious. Perhaps the development of a tendency to replace real life with dreams about them, which is why it cannot be a question of satisfaction with what has been achieved. But a person perfectly understands all your hidden desires and quickly feels like physically the weight and value of material acquisitions. You cling wholeheartedly to existing property, at the deepest level of psychic life, and therefore applies very deeply to the breaking of ties with property or the destruction of the latter.
Saturn in Leo:
You’re proud but insecure, and this combination can limit your opportunities. You may feel that you had to grow up too fast and were prevented from having that carefree time we all deserve. You need love, but may not know how to go about giving or receiving it, thus you may isolate yourself from others. Saturn don’t feels well in this sign because leo is known for his ego. People with this placement are either humble and loving or battling their ego. One strives upwards with great activity and wants to attain a powerful position in life. These people demand attention and respect. Your personal ambition drives you constantly. It gives enormous willpower, capable of removing all resistance and obstacles. The interests of others are usually ignored. People tend towards self-aggrandizement and arrogance. On the other hand, they are reliable, outgoing and warm in their affection for others. Qualities which in turn are favorable for relationships in love and friendships. Stop overthinking cause others are not worth your time, you have better things to do in life. You creatively approaches the decision of a power problem, in particular the clarification of questions of justification of rights, structuring and delimitation of restrictions. Such a person longs for a firm, stable and constant power. You care a lot about your looks. You take yourself very seriously and is able to efficiently perfect matter and finance. You try not to substitute primitive individualism for a meaningful approach to reality, as you subconsciously know that looping about yourself will unleash your creativity and deprive you of rich opportunities. Such a person feels a tremendous reserve of strength and talent for the depths of your own soul, and your psychological complexes are most often associated with the impossibility of full disclosure of inner gifts in the current situation. It is difficult for you in general to manifest your abilities creatively, it is not easy to recognize yourself, it is very difficult to realize your potential. Even in the presence of great talent, you can forever remain "high hopes". You prefer everything to your own ideas, a brilliant autodidact who does not ask for help but can do everything himself. You try to translate your unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled plans into your own children and quickly force them into their educational tyranny. So you subconsciously try to compensate for the failures in your life by demonstrating your children's outstanding multi-faceted talents. These people usually show a deep and abiding interest in the problems of creativity and the task of developing people's skills. You might be very hardy and independent but sometimes tend to overdo others, especially children. You’re often rejected by society, like dying to focus on small, but concrete, tangible achievements, instead of respecting a person for not yet revealed, but in potency great talent. The main thing for such a person is refusal to dictate, paying attention to promoting the development of the talents of others and the deepest humility - not only in dealing with colleagues, but also in dealing with children. Such a person openly rushes to power, recognition and fame. You tend to neglect the pleasures of life in order to achieve set goals. Your passions are strong, irritability is great, and jealousy knows no bounds. You are a bright person who doesn't often get the chance to be successful in every respect.
Saturn in Virgo:
Life can be stressful or unlucky sometimes. You can be really perfectionistic and there can be a fear of criticism and making mistakes. Getting things done is not your best strength. There may be a desire for solitude. Its common for these people to feel like they are not good enough, especially if saturn is bad aspected. You have a really good sense of organisation and analytical abilities. Don’t overwork yourself and stop worrying over the smallest things that aren’t even necessary. This connection is unfavorable for love and marriage. Due to their strongly developed intellectual orientation, these people mostly neglect the emotional level. The feelings are sometimes deep but never passionate. Thinking is concentrated and goes deep. These people are never superficial, but shaped by a very serious view of life. Your expectations can be low, if you want to change your low self esteem than start setting your standards higher. This placement is good for someone wanting to be a psychologist, therapist or anything in this way. You’re characterised by a deep sense of personal responsibility, a critical attitude towards mastering the new and the ability to delve deep into the essence of the topics covered. The person can be totally focused on work and like to outsmart their commitments. Subordinates see you as a serious and aloof leader. The intellect is concentrated and perceptive, the person is chaste and reserved in all manifestations. Discretion and prudence can be combined with a desire for high spirituality. In the worst case, unhealthy pragmatism, persistent distrust and blandness develop. The mind clearly rules over feelings. In work, such a person shows sober analysis, considerable greed and attention to details and trifles. You’re aware of the secret of self-discipline, self-restraint and self-restraint. The inclination to a strict way of life can reach extreme manifestations of asceticism and fanaticism. This person is hidden, cautious, vigilant and always doubts everything. The character is stubborn and power-hungry, but personal initiative and enterprise are small. You’re as great as a performer, because a worker inspires trust among others. Success in business and in literary theater criticism is possible. Careful detailed elaboration of specific internal difficulties is used to gain stable confidence in one's actions. Very strong sense of duty, patience and perseverance in attention to detail. Sometimes this person gives more importance to details than the main idea and follows the main line of development. Through patience and obedience one can successfully learn from the experiences of others. Works itself well and looks wondrous in the surrounding working ability. The most important wish in life is to become a master, a professional in your field. Excessive attention to a smaller one can cause psychological overload and expressed in nervous exhaustion and sustained internal dissatisfaction. Outside of work a person feels his own uselessness, retirement can die of boredom. In general, the attitude towards work is biased and extremely interested. Orderliness can go to the extreme. Such a person feels uncomfortable in an unstable, extreme situation. For the flowering of all their abilities there is a comfortable home and no complaints from neighbors and employees. Feelings are clearly suppressed by the mind, the mind is analytical, algorithmic., but such a person can serve as an excellent connoisseur of the practical usefulness of technical inventions and commercial proposals - you feel useless and unnecessary things in your heart. Everyone regards this person as a clear, moral and hardworking pragmatist.
@ 2022 Copyright astrolover
part. 2: >>click here<<
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techutones · 7 days
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im-civy · 3 months
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Got myself my first ever sketchbook! Time to ruin it with its First Drawing™️
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Here's The Girl <3 My aqua pen died right as I was about to color her hair tho :(
Reference via 1639 on Pinterest
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sameerakarter · 27 days
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I tried journaling. 230824.
Source: Mine.
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greatrox · 23 days
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this is a sketch of a cute dog i found on pinterest :)
should i color it in?
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neildrawn · 6 months
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another attempt at some portraiture/painting practice! featuring model Ling Chen
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sketchysktchs · 1 month
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2.52am: Thursday, August 15th
can’t sleep
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clarityroses · 5 months
We do not discuss my attempt at the painted version
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Ref from Pinterest
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kitdiefly · 1 year
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theleotarot · 11 months
The Personality Of Your Future Spouse - Tarot Reading ❤️
Choose the image that you feel most drawn to… The piles are in order from Pile 1, Pile 2, and Pile 3.
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Before you begin reading your pile, I just want to ask you that after you’re done reading, can you please give me feedback if you enjoyed your reading or not through my ask box… Please be kind though! I am still a beginner at tarot reading, so your input will be very much appreciated! Thank you, and you may carry on to your reading now!
Pile 1
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(Tarot cards: The Emperor, Knight of Wands, The Lovers, The Hanged Man, & at the back of the deck The Chariot)
There are lots of fire energy, some of water energy, and a bit of air energy. Your future spouse may have these signs in their chart. I see your future spouse as someone who is a natural leader, commanding, authoritative, extroverted, and very confident as an individual. They enjoy orderliness and leadership. This is someone who you can look up to for advice, and they aren’t afraid of showing you tough love when they need to. I can see your future spouse working in a career field that they have authority over. They can work in the military, law enforcement fields, be the CEO of a company, or any type of career field that they hold the power. I can also see that your future spouse is a very outdoorsy person! They may enjoy going out on hikes, swimming, skiing, biking, and all fun activities! Pile 1, if you love to travel, you will be so happy because this person loves to travel as well. They are so active and courageous, they are willing to do any type of exploring you want to do. When it comes to dating or talking with people, I can see that your future spouse is a flirtatious and passionate charmer. They may be the type of person to talk around a lot for fun, but when it comes to someone who they feel is the right person for them, they take them extremely seriously. Your future spouse is in love with love itself. This is why they aren’t afraid of pursuing in a partner. They are a person who is very humorous, talkative, and romantic, and that’s why people around them enjoy their presence so much. I can also see that when your future spouse is having a disagreement with someone or when they have trouble in their lives, they are able to look at things from a different viewpoint, and act fairly on it. They want to keep the balance of peace in their lives. Overall, pile 1, your future spouse’s personality is a fierce, passionate, loving, and understanding individual. They are a person who makes people feel safe, secure, and that everything is under control. They also see the good in everyone even when they do encounter with people who might have a negative reputation, but this is because they are a great listener to different viewpoints and always open to understanding the other side of arguments. (Pile 1, your future spouse is so fun, adventurous, confident, and passionate! These are definitely amazing traits that they have! You are all very fortunate)!
Pile 2
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(Tarot cards: 4 of Swords, 2 of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, & at the back of the deck The Magician)
There are lots of earth energy and some air energy here. Your future spouse may have these elements in their chart. The first traits I see that your future spouse has is that they are a homebody and more on the introverted side. They are a very calm person who dislikes drama, prefers comfort more than style, and has an excellent self-care routine. I can see that they always try to get in a good night’s sleep, does skin care routines, keeps their home organized, and makes sure that they are cleaned up as a person. They may enjoy doing lots of meditation or yoga to maintain the peace in their life. Your future spouse has also mastered the definition of self-love and independence. They don’t rely on a romantic partner to feel complete, they already know that they are worthy of their life while being by themselves only. They are also an extremely hardworking individual, and I can see that they may take their education or job very seriously. Regardless if people are being unsupportive of them, they continue to strive for achievements. They accomplish their goals according to their terms, and they don’t let negative comments interrupt their success. I can see that they are also very abundant and satisfied with their money income. To sum it up, your future spouse feels adequate about who they are and what they have accomplished in life. Your future spouse is excellent at balancing the different areas in life. Whether it be making time to spend with family versus working very often in their job, or maintaining money while having to pay bills, your future spouse knows how to keep the balance in their life. For career, I can see that your future spouse may work in a quiet environment like the library, secluded area in a building, or work from home. If they don’t work in a quiet environment, then I can see that they may work as being a writer, artist, an advocate, or they can work in marketing. Pile 2, overall, your future spouse is a very calm, peaceful, determined, hardworking, balanced, organized, and independent individual that is always on the go to improve themselves. They are always on the go to create more accomplishments. They don’t need to show off or please anyone, the only person that they are trying to make happy is themselves. As long as they believe in themselves and have their own approval, they can make magic happen in any area they wish to. (I’m so happy for you all Pile 2!! To have a partner who loves themselves AND is very determined in their work is rare to have! This is wonderful for you all <3).
Pile 3
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(Tarot cards: 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, 7 of Cups, & at the back of the deck The Fool)
There is a mix of all the elements of earth, fire, water, and air energy here. Your future spouse may have these signs in their chart. I can see that your future spouse is a nurturing and selfless individual. They can even have the traits of an ideal “parent type.” They are always making sure that others around them feel cared and loved. Whether it be them donating money to charity, babysitting children, or doing volunteer work for the community, they always want to give selflessly out to people in all ways. I also see that your future spouse enjoys taking care of their body! They eat delicious foods while also eating healthy foods, and they do outdoor activities such as walking and hiking to keep up their physical health. I can also see that they may play an instrument or music plays a big role in their life. For career, I can see them working as a fashion designer, baker, the art scene, or they can work in the entertainment industry. They are also very abundant with money, and they never show it off or think of themselves as more superior than anyone else. Your future spouse’s aura is more relaxing and peaceful because they have an outstanding amount of self-acceptance and self-love. They feel very satisfied with their personal life areas as well as their career and money. Although your future spouse is satisfied with who they are, I can see that they have many ideas and dreams that want to make come true. They might actually have too many goals or tasks that many of them aren’t fulfilled yet. I can see them as someone who feels like they’re all over the place. Maybe one moment they want to go to school to deepen their education, but another moment they want to move out of the city to explore more with their life. I see your future spouse as someone who has a lot of dreams at hand, and this is what makes them a very organized person in planning. With every goal they have in mind and whatever they do, they are always steps ahead with planning. They are very courageous and exploring when they want to take action, but they are never too quick and naive. Overall, your future spouse displays a mature individual with young energy as well. Their life is content with money and success, but they also want to explore more because that’s who they are as a person! They always strive for more and want to explore as much as they can, and they do this through planning and taking risks. (Pile 3, this is great for you! It’s a great balance that your future spouse is mature but still has a young energy to them! Also, when I say that they may feel “all over the place” it’s not a bad thing because it just means that they are very exploring! It’s a great thing that they have a lot of desires actually)!
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kabhi-kabhi-aditii · 10 months
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she is me fr<3
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carpes-dms · 8 days
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Old commission I did a while back!!! Please follow, I'm trying to boost my account!!
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izzy-the-bug · 10 months
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I drew some thing I saw on Pinterest-
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