#i have ranted here long enough and i do hope this post gets where it needs to go
richardsondavis · 2 months
The reason why some in the Devil May Cry fandom refer to the Switch ports as a travesty is because the dips in frames on handheld and the input lag (I'm assuming if docked and are using a Bluetooth controller) is a few frames then playing Devil May Cry, especially the third entry as how it's meant to be played i.e, like a fighting game, is very very bad when you're comboing till kingdom come and that's how it's meant to be played.
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jjenthusee · 7 days
Woven Hands
jason todd x reader
A/N: thank u to @heavysighing-dreamyeyes for their post linked here for their jason headcanons, they got me dancing and swinging my feet while I wait for my classes. 🤭 ENJOY my small drabble, tell me ur thoughts in the comments :D
also small rant but tell me why i never undated my tumblr app and i was struggling for so long and everything didn’t look like how it was supposed to? 😀 please don’t be like me and update yo shiz like responsible human beings
“Don’t make me do this.” You muttered, standing on top of the couch cushions, water gun hoisted in your pocket, filled completely with sink water.
You felt the weight of the water droop in your pants, you squinted, trying to frighten your opponent. You didn’t have a holster, so your sweatpants pocket was the next best thing.
The couch increased your height, made you stand tall, allowed your voice to be more direct. You wanted to overpower Jason, part-time Red Hood, full time smack talker.
“And what are you gonna do if I don’t listen?” Jason’s eyes lowered, voice deepening to a menacing tone. Invisible cowboy hat tilted on his head.
He stood tall, spreading his legs shoulder width apart, letting muscle memory place him in an opposing stance that’s proven effective each time someone has tried to stupidly test the Red Hood.
He lowered his hands, fingers dancing in the air as he waited to reach for his water gun in his holster.
Lucky fucker was wearing a holster because he’s the Red Hood. Not only does he get a cheat, but he has two water guns?
Completely absurd.
“You might not live long enough to find out.” You tilted your chin up, trying to attempt to be arrogant, but the smirk on Jason’s face was telling you it wasn’t as effective as you hoped.
Maybe if you could actually be taller than him, it would make you sound tough, but looking from just above his eye-level was the best you were going to get.
Jason’s shook his head, slowly, calculating your moves as he never took his eyes off of you.
You met his stare, never blinking as you watched.
You could feel your eyes wavering, shaking the longer you looked.
Jason was calm, his stare locked onto you. Countless interrogations under his belt, aiding him the experience you didn’t have.
“You know we both can’t walk away from this. We have too much history.” He spoke, letting the words settle between your showdown.
You firmly frowned.
“I stand by what I said and if you can’t live with that…I guess you leave me with no other choice.” You quickly grabbed your water gun, angling it to your partner.
By the time you could pull the trigger, water was hitting your shirt. Soaking into your skin as you looked down, watching the fabric darken.
Like in slow motion, you fell to your knees, watching Jason also get his shirt soaked, but not nearly enough as yours.
“No, no, it wasn’t supposed to end like this.” You dropped your plastic water gun, reaching up with your free hands to grab your shirt.
You plopped down onto the couch, letting your body go limp as you laid there.
“I told you, only one of us would walk away from this.” Jason walked over, kneeling next to the couch, where your body lay.
You reach up, feigning shaking hands as you reached for the muscular man with his imaginary cowboy hat.
You gestured for Jason to lean closer, following along with your antics.
You carefully lowered your voice to a whisper, a final wish.
“Delete my search history.”
You closed your eyes, arms going limp as you stuck your tongue out in a bad rendition of fake dying.
Jason laughed, reaching out to grab your hands in between his warm ones.
You never moved, zeroing in on the feeling of your fingers.
Soft caresses. A small peck before Jason littered your knuckles in kisses. Kissing down to your finger tips, then repeating down to your wrists.
“I should’ve chosen a sword fight, how could I choose water guns of all things?” You opened your eyes, shaking your head as Jason continued to worship your skin.
“You’re just pouting.” He said in between kisses, nose pressed into your palm.
“Come on, you always get to kiss my hands, when can I hold yours?” You watched carefully, thoughts slowly lost to the repeated warmth from Jason’s lips.
“Wanna sword fight to find out?” Jason smiled into your hands.
end a/n: serial hand kisser jason changed my life, thank u pooks for ur headcanons and restructuring my brain. and thank u 🫵 for reading my drabble, i just thought this was a silly idea :D
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moonsaver · 2 months
Good day moon! Okay I normally don't do asks when it comes to yandere cause it's not my usual thing but seeing the last post you made of Yan!Sunday and his darling, that one where he just desperately wants to have that normalcy in their relationship but couldn't ever have it because of what he's done, made me think of something rather angsty; like how the darling's backlashes against his affections would probably go turn for the worst as time passes on, they don't hate him in a sense because he's really trying hard to not make them hate him and they can see that his love is real (just really fucked up) but that deep urge to hurt the person who took their freedom away is still there, it wouldn't just go away just because he loves them so much that he wouldn't dare to break them. Oh that satisfaction on seeing Sunday looking so hurt after yelling at him, they know it doesn't make them any better than him but at that point, what else is there for them to lose? Maybe in hurting him so subtly, they may find some pity in themselves for him to actually give him some semblance of love but until then, all Sunday ever receives from them are either silent treatment or backlash
Such relationship could only thrive in the worst way possible and maybe Sunday knows that but even then, he still holds out that little (delusional) hope that maybe his darling will still love him someday
Sorry for the rant, it's just that I feel for Sunday but his method will never work and it'll just deeply hurt him and his darling in the end asgfjgsfg also if it's alright, I'd request this but I'll leave it to you with how you write it, be it an imagine or anything else since I'm fine with it!
- Elys
Hello Elys! Im so sorry it took a long time for me to get to your request lol, tons of things got in the way but I remembered this request for a while.
In any case, I feel you've summed it up quite well!
Sunday isn't harsh or as brutal as I imagine him. Unlike my [i have to self advertise here, sorry HAHA] soft yan!blade, Sunday most likely wouldn't even need a bit of working around to be a softer yandere.
He's so loving, it's painful. His love is like despaired poetry for a lover who is still alive, just further than their reach. I imagine his love to be very tender, even as a yandere, if he doesn't become even softer.
And it's hard to convince him he's wrong – mainly because he already knows. But rather that's a bit distorted in his view; instead he thinks it's a wrongdoing against your nature as someone who wants to be free, but correct in the context of the situation rather than actually understanding it is absolutely wrong in general. And he doesn't budge. He's stubborn, almost infuriatingly. And instead of getting angry, I imagine he rather looks disappointed or disgruntled, which somehow does more damage/strikes more fear than anger.
And it's still heartbreaking; frustratingly for both of you, not just yourself.
You lash out, you scream, cry, wail, argue, relentlessly push and resist against him. it's your only way of getting back at him, you're sure as hell you're going to strike the hardest that way. And you relish the hurt you see in the eyes of your captor, but something more sympathetic tugs at you when you see his lovingly sad eyes. It's this cacophony of guilt, frustration, anger, and utter despair at the loss of your freedom. Sunday feels all of it, aswell, and you want to be relieved that he does – if it weren't for the fact he still wasn't letting you go.
He continually withholds your freedom from you. That single injustice to you is enough to weather your patience over time – your anger only burns hotter and hotter, pushing away any semblance of sympathy or reasoning, and it only hurts Sunday more, until you realise what you're doing, and quietly give in to sooth him for the time being. Just a little. Until that little injustice starts bothering you again. It's a toxic cycle.
And it hurts even more when Sunday tries to find normalcy in your relationship; he's trying so hard to be your lover, to hold you gently and bathe you with care, to dry you off and still love you after seeing you bare. He wants to come home and see you smile, be happy, elated that he's there, just as he feels when he sees you. But that's not what happens. His delusions and flimsy expectations are shattered the moment he steps into the dimly lit room, your form refusing to even look at him. The silence is strangely stronger than his hopes.
Anyways, that's all i can think of at the moment. I love angst yandere sunday time.
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yandere-sins · 1 year
The Orcas' Tale - Lyr's Story I
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And here he is, our sweetest, craziest, loveliest boy ♥ Honestly, it was fun giving Lyr a bit more personality than he had in the original story, and I am also glad to have provided him with a cute little darling of his own. I hope you guys enjoy slipping into the role of a mermaid, and ehem look forward to a different kind of spice (;
Fandom: Original Content   Pairings: Yandere!Orca Merman x GN!AFAB!Reader   Warnings: Yandere, Sexual Content (Non-Con Kissing/Touching/Fingering, Bondage kind of), Violence (Threats to kill/harmm reader, Sharp teeth/claws, Almost tearing off reader's jaw), Monsters/Non-Human reader, Animalistic behavior, Mention of blood/claws/sharp teeth, Hinting at death/non-con, Feeding the reader seal meat, Being caught in a net, Long post
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"They just won't stop bugging! Like, I get it, Mom, bringing a human into the pod was stupid and dangerous, but it's not our fault that Nerrocan left!"
Heaving a deep sigh, Lyr looked up at the water's surface through the holes in the ceiling of the cove he had found. Light was shimmering into the mostly calm water, a few tiny fish slipping in and out of the cave-like structure while he rested on his back, ignoring any wildlife of the ocean as he had no interest in small fry. They didn't get close enough to be caught, wary of the superior predators of the sea, who, unbeknownst to anyone's eyes, looked more like friends hanging out than what they really were—captor and captive.
Despite his annoyance and loud complaining, he looked tired. You had witnessed many a mood of his ever since he decided to hide you away for his own enjoyment, but as of late, every time Lyr visited you, he looked more exhausted than the last. As usual, his eyes were dull, and his dorsal fin collapsed. For an orca in his best years, he looked like he'd been dragged through the blue hell, but it invoked no sympathy inside you. All you could do was listen and observe, but knowing he was the merman responsible for your misery, you felt no pity for your clearly mentally unstable captor. Reaching to his left, Lyr picked another piece of meat from the seal carcass he had hunted, slipping the food into his mouth before continuing his rant.
"Who'd have known that guy had it in him. Can't help but respect him getting the fuck out of the pod, and I'm glad I don't have to see his wannabe goody two-fin face anymore. It's been getting harder to put him in his place with how aggressive he suddenly got."
"Won't they miss him?"
Lyr stopped chewing, his head falling to the side, facing you. Muddy purple eyes sprang to life, reflecting the light as brilliant as rare corals. With one big gulp, he devoured what had been left of his meal, a toothy grin spreading over his lips. "Look who decided to talk! Who's gonna miss him? His mommy? Sure. It's not like she has a dozen more just like him."
For a moment, you held his stare, watched the grin stretch wider, and twisted his expression into a grimace before you lowered your eyes, settling on drawing swirls into the sand. It wasn't like you wanted to have a conversation with him, but listening day in and day out to his crazy rambles and complaints was just as bovine as engaging with the madman. 
"That's not very nice. I'm sure his mom loves them all equally. You've got a big family, after all."
"Nah," he retorted, shaking his head. Picking out a bone from the seal's body, he used it as a toothpick, cleaning out the sharp-edged teeth he loved flashing you. "Orcas aren't like yours. We don't love each other just because we share the same blood or come from the same mother. Either you're useful to the pod and do what you're told, or you're at the very bottom of the food chain. I could never be the same as Krill, no matter how hard I tried. He was always Mom's favorite, so now I just don't try anymore. It doesn't even matter to them where I am, but it suits me. Now I got a lot more time to spend with ya!"
Now it was your time to grimace while Lyr flopped onto his side and closer to you, surely noticing the tension growing in your body as you felt appalled by the ever-closing distance. He tossed the bone carelessly into the water while your movements abruptly stopped. You wished it was as easy as the flap of your fin to get away from him, but you were rendered helpless to his touch, unable to get away from his pointed finger dragging over your forearm, his claw teasing your softer skin. He didn't just have the advantage of size, but you knew that no matter how haggard he might appear, you'd be no match against him in a scuffle. Much less now that you were trapped.
And your growling stomach wasn't helping.
While you let out an exasperated groan, Lyr laughed loudly about your misery, finding your dependency on him to not starve hilarious. As much as you despised being at his mercy, you had no choice but to humor him if you wanted to survive, even when he enjoyed your reluctant behavior so much that he held his stomach aching from laughter. 
"You could have just told me you're hungry!" he teased, grinning from ear to ear at you while you gave him an ashamed glare, staying silent as a stone in your spot, belly-down in the sand. "I don't mind sharing, ya know? There's still so much of this yummy seal left, it would be a shame to give it to the fish. You know what you gotta do to earn it, right?"
Gritting your teeth, you watched the smugness wash over his expression as he sent you into yet another predicament. You even considered eating a heap of sand instead of bowing to his will. As if being trapped wasn't enough, he just had to exploit you at every chance he got, and you hated how easily your survival instinct made these reckless decisions for you, which he'd never let you live down. The hole in your stomach didn't get any smaller. Lyr's last visit had been a few days already, and you were in no condition to hunt efficiently for yourself. So aside from small, stupid fish that came too close to you, you hadn't eaten outside of his visits, and it was starting to show. 
You knew what you had to do. Unfortunately.
No matter how much your brain screamed at you not to, your body knew it instinctively, propping itself onto your forearms while you sighed inwardly, feeling defeated by your needs. Moving was the hardest part about being caught in a net. It was an unusual heavy net with clunky weights that had slung around your fin and lower body, dragging you to the ground where Lyr had found you. Even he had been surprised by the sturdiness of this net when he first inspected it but quickly had taken advantage of the situation, dragging you to this much more hidden place and out of plain sight so he had you all to himself. At least he didn't kill you; that's what you told yourself. But death was more merciful than Lyr, that much you knew by now. 
He had no problem being patient when it meant watching you struggle as you dragged yourself toward him. Lyr didn't even mind you digging your meager claws into his skin when you grabbed onto him, using his body to support yourself while you lifted off the ground, close enough to feel his watery breath ghost against your face. Placing your lips over his, you flinched away in reluctance before forcing yourself to keep going, counting to three this time before twisting your head to the side. 
Lyr hummed, sounding dissatisfied as you felt his hand brush up your spine. Nesting his palm at the nape of your neck, you refused to look forward again until he twisted his own head to find your lips, his much sharper, much more dangerous claws only curling into place the second he got what he wanted. Now, with an appreciative chortle, he relished in stealing another kiss, tongue swiping over your pursed lips until he found a hole in your defense, worming into your mouth. 
You were no stranger when it came to mating habits, but compared to your fellow dolphins, Lyr was surprisingly gentle. He relished in your defiance but seemed to enjoy enticing little moans and gasps from you just as much. His tongue was a choking hazard in a mouth that wasn't fit to house it. Though you had gills, you could barely concentrate on breathing while you fought against him as best as you could. Still, he took his sweet time exploring every inch, letting air flow out of his mouth and into yours, never not considering you while doing what he wanted. He even softened his hold on you, rubbing his palms down your back in a spine-tingling motion when you stopped struggling against him. It was almost like he was rewarding you for good behavior, and it was sickeningly pleasurable.
But the taste of flesh and blood lingering on his tongue made your stomach growl, your body eagerly moving towards him, hoping to find food. All you gained was a chuckle before he nicked your lower lip with his sharp teeth in warning. Your fangs probably wouldn't be able to bite through his thick tongue, but despite this weird obsession he had with you, he was almost more wary of you than you of him. It seemed like he could never cut himself loose completely despite having nothing to fear from an easy target like you. He seemed so relaxed and unbothered whenever he visited you, but it was almost as if he was plagued by invisible ghosts whispering into his ears. 
Despite his warning, you found his arms wrapping around your body, pulling you on top of him before you two rolled over to the other side, Lyr resting you gently down in the sand. He didn't care that the net that had trapped you to the ocean floor also got dragged over his tail, unbothered by possibly getting stuck like you were. Perhaps he simply didn't mind that thought as much as you did. To be fair, considering he was much stronger and the material had yet to wrap around and get stuck on his fins like it had with yours, it posed no threat to the orca. And yet, it was infuriating to you, who wanted nothing more than to swim away and reunite with your own kind. 
Propping his arm in the sand next to your head, he looked down at you with a satisfied smile and a mischievous spark in his eyes but reached over you, grabbing a piece of seal meat. He brought it up to your lips, dabbing it against them, though you refused to open for him. "I can feed myself just fine," you reminded him, wiggling your hands in the air to demonstrate your ability to hold things before trying to take the food from him.
"Now, don't be ungrateful, or I'll bring you a turtle shell to gnaw on next time."
You could feel your face contort in disgust at his suggestion, reluctantly parting your lips to nib at the food dangling in front of your face. Once you had a taste of meat, your body couldn't resist, gobbling up every last bite hungrily while Lyr kept providing it for you with a smile. If he wasn't fast enough, your teeth would drag over his fingers, but he wouldn't even flinch or scold you, his fin slapping against the sand instead, almost as if he enjoyed your nibbles. 
Seal wasn't your preferred food, but in times of food scarcity—like it has ever since getting holed up with Lyr—it was as good as any. The rest of the carcass was devoured faster than your excited stomach wanted, and you still didn't feel satisfied after eating every last piece. Had you been free, you'd have gone hunt for more without a moment of rest. But the gnawing hunger had subsided at least, and if Lyr came back again soon, you'd at least not have to endure it for too long until the next meal. 
Pausing your thoughts, you realized you had just longed for Lyr to provide for you again soon, immediately turning the hunger into nausea as you pondered on it. 
You were too quiet, too long for his taste as he sought out your lips again after your meal. Brushing his thumb over them, your instinct mistook his finger for more food. You could barely stop yourself from biting into his gnarly claw as the urge to eat won over again. However, your mouth was open long enough as realization dawned on you of what you were doing, for him to cup your face instead, turning it slightly to him so his tongue could lick over your lips and dip in again. Lyr hummed merrily as he tasted the seal on you, unashamed, unbothered by you struggling to keep him out, fingers wrapping around his throat—unsuccessful in deterring him. He was waiting for your breath to run out before taking the chance to deepen the kiss again, ever so patient with you. 
"I think I get it now," he mumbled, breaking the kiss before leaving some more superficial brushes of his lips against yours. "Nerrocan was onto something. We just didn't know it."
"Why didn't you go with him then?" you mumbled back, turning your face away to avoid any more unwanted affection, even if it meant resting it in his palm. 
To your surprise, Lyr scoffed loudly, and you flinched away as you could feel his mood shift. His palm didn't grow stiff and rigid. However, you still forced yourself away from it, too afraid he might—possibly on accident, but much more likely intentionally—rake his claws over your face, leaving wounds deep and painful. It was useless, however, as he used the same hand to collect your floating hair instead, forcing you to look at him while his gaze drilled into you with fury swirling in his eyes. 
"Listen, I might not remember how we got to that place, but I know all the shit they did to us!" 
You whimpered as he pulled your hair back, your neck struggling to keep up with his demands from your position. Lyr took a sharp breath, pausing the angry flashing of his fangs as he watched you cowering in front of him, ever so slightly calming down at the sight of fear flashing in your eyes. You hated him when he mocked you and also when he was delighted in your suffering. But you hated his anger more, his haggard body still crushing and his fangs and claws sharp despite whatever he went through. One bite into your throat, and you were a goner, especially with how exposed the soft flesh was to him now.
"I'll never go back there! Never! They cut us open, prod inside us with their disgusting hands, and inject strange fluids into me! They… They changed us. Changed me. And now I don't even know–"
His hand was trembling in your hair as he let out a shuddering breath. You caught his eyes for only a split second, watching the brilliant purple turn into mushy darkness. Lyr shook his head as if confused while his voice trailed off, his free hand rising as he hid his face from you for a moment. You weren't sure if you were supposed to say anything, and even if, what could you say to that? You had no idea what he's been through, and even though you had your fair share of struggles in your life, you never experienced something quite as dramatic as he described. Then again, why would you try to comfort him? Lyr was perfectly able to help you in your time of need but had refused cutting the net for you again and again. Why would you give him kindness if he refused to do the same for you?
Being free of his attention, your eyes fell lower on his body. Just shy of where your tail rested over his. With his tail flipped over, you had a clear view of his collapsed dorsal fin, a pitiful sight for any creature like you. It made you think that something was wrong with him in the first place, as this was an unusual sight on any of your kinds. If what he said was true, maybe this experience had done this to him, understandably so, as it sounded awful. You couldn't bring yourself not to pity him despite your negative feelings towards him. 
Next to you, Lyr took a deep breath, pushing his short hair out of his face before he searched for your gaze. Desperately. Needy. Somewhere to ground him. You weren't sure what you saw in the darkened violet, but his features looked drained of vitality, as if the moment of silence had exhausted him completely. It made him look… vulnerable. But then he smiled again, his eyes lit up, and the strange feelings swirling in his irises were covered by excitement as he found yours, soaking in the sight before him.
"I really do get it now," he admitted, grin parting his lips, revealing his protruding upper left fang, the sharpest of them all. "I was so confused about the strange looks Nerrocan gave the human, but I realize I've been the same with ya—whatever it means. I keep coming back here just to see you. I want to stay right here with you, forever. Just us two. I'll hunt for us and make this cave pretty. Whatcha think, lil' dolphin?" 
"N-No, I don't think that will work," you mumbled, averting your eyes again as his gaze became too intense to keep up the eye contact. He seemed to drill into you as if to excavate your soul and lay it bare for him to tease and enjoy. You didn't like it one bit when he looked at you so intensely. 
You could tell by now that he was working himself into another ramble, but you didn't like how much it focused around you. Usually, he was complaining about his situation in his pod and how much his mom hounded him with expectations. Lately, his rants focused more on the human and Nerrocan and the waves their arrival and disappearance caused in their family. But while he was always strange when it came to you, being the sole focus of his attention felt uncomfortable. 
"I'm not sure I understand, but my pod is probably searching for me, and I've been away for so long already. They probably miss me terribly! If- If only I could get the net off, I wouldn't have to bother you at all! I'd be gone before you know it, and you wouldn't have to look after me! I'd be fine! Maybe you can try cutting it again with your claws, or… or maybe--"
Lifting your torso from the ground, you grabbed the net at its highest point, tugging at it and trying to loosen it up. You realized it was you who was rambling this time, but the conversation had taken a turn that you didn't want to make reality at all cost. You couldn't imagine yourself being this guy's pretty little cave warmer for all eternity, preferring the roughness of your own kind over his madness. Orcas weren't known to be gentle housemakers, no matter how much Lyr tried to sell it to you. Not even when he handled you gently, yet never did what you wanted. 
However, you were surprised when he reached down to the net, yanking at it with you. A yelp escaped you as he pulled your tail over his, the net cutting into your flesh painfully as he twisted and pulled until you had to fold up your tail, getting more and more caught. Nets usually weren't as much of a problem to sirens, but this one was sturdier and heavier than any fishing net you had encountered in your long life. 
So when Lyr caught your hands in it, you began to panic. 
"Wait! I'm getting wrapped up in it! Please stop, this isn't helping!" Your plea was ignored as Lyr slung the grating material over your wrists a few more times, ignoring your thrashing and panic with the calm of someone who had all the time in the world. Who had nothing to fear, especially not you. Tears welled up in your eyes as you tried to make him understand you wanted to get out of the net and not strung up in it more until he was done messing with you, flipping you over and pulling you close against him.
"That's not what I meant," you sobbed as he rested his head on top of yours, only cushioned by the arm he lent you as a headrest. 
"Isn't this so much better?" he asked, feigning innocence. But you couldn't believe his audacity to make you even more miserable. It was as if he wanted to make you as miserable as he was. "This way, you can't leave without my help. And I doubt your little pod will find you here."
"I just want to go home," you mumbled, anger slowly overtaking as the panic subsided. Your hands were bound tightly, your fin being the one hurting when you tried to lift them and vice versa. You felt truly trapped, and that made you angry rather than sad. It was strange, considering how, just a few minutes ago, you had almost pitied this male, but now, all you felt was rage.
"It's your home, now. Our home. We'll live here, unbothered by others. Just the two of us."
"It's not my home! Let me go!" you snapped, lips pulled back in a snarl. Dolphins were by far not the scariest predators, but your teeth were sharp and threatening as well! 
Or so you thought.
Lyr laughed at your display of a threat, seemingly amused that you were still fighting him. Without warning, he raised his hand to your face, squeezing both sides of your jaw until the pressure forced you to open it, and stuck his pointer and middle finger inside. He only needed these two to press your tongue down, your mouth wide agape with his claws scarily close to the back of your throat. You tried to close your jaw, bite down until he'd retract his hand, but Lyr didn't care. He didn't even mind your teeth digging into his flesh, leaving cute little cuts against his slick skin. 
"Careful, lil' dolphin. You're not in a position to make such scary demands of me, don't you know that already? I could kill ya." 
Unafraid of getting hurt, the pressure on your lower jaw increased, fingers purposely impaling themselves on your teeth while pain made you jolt as you felt your jaw dislodging slowly. You wiggled your trapped body, gurgling against his fingers before finally looking up at him as best as possible from your position, noticing the smug grin on his face. 
"I won't, of course."
Pulling his fingers out of your mouth, dragging out the motion until the last moment, you coughed, the taste of his blood on your tongue. There was no time to recover as Lyr nuzzled his face into the side of yours, oblivious to the thrumming in your jaw as you tried to relax it while the blood flow resumed. 
"You're too much fun alive, so I won't kill you," he admitted, grabbing your hands that rested against your chest and pulling them down, elevating some of the strain on your tail, and you finally breathed out. "But if you want to get rid of the net, maybe we can find a way to make this even more fun?"
You felt his lips sink to your cheek, your jawline, then trailing down your neck. A kiss for every one of your gills. The water around you was gentle and warm, but at that moment, it was like jumping into the ice-cold ocean after sunbathing on the surface, shocking and shivering through every bone of yours. 
While the arm your head rested on wrapped around your collarbones, holding on to your shoulder, the other hand started to wander lower. His fingers played around with the net, cutting through some of the squares until he could stick his hand through it, placing his palm on your stomach before sinking it dangerously low and pulling your hands down with it. So you wouldn't be able to grasp his arm on top, trying to make him stop as Lyr nibbled on your earlobe, the protruding fang drawing blood that he licked up without hesitation.
"Stop that!" you complained as his touch grew uncomfortably intimate, the pain in your jaw reverberating as you spoke. It had long dawned on you what his definition of 'fun' was, but you weren't as naive as to believe he'd actually stick to his word and cut you loose after getting what he wanted. It was better not to risk it than risk it for nothing. Your kind wasn't known to be gentle to their chosen lovers, but you never thought about mating with an orca. It wasn't normal! Wasn't what you were made to do! And if you were to survive it… you didn't want to think of the carnage that all of him would leave behind on your body. 
If his size was any indication, you were sure you couldn't take him without getting absolutely ruined in the process—and not the pleasurable kind of destroyed. More the ripped apart and bleeding out type. 
His hand found your slit, fingertip brushing lightly yet incessantly over it, leaving a tingling trail in its wake. You whimpered, ashamedly so, but instead of the expected mockery, you felt his chest rumble, a purr reaching your ears. It was soothing, relaxing, his body warming you from behind even as you desperately tried to deny feeling anything from his touch. 
But Lyr wasn't stingy with his surprises.
A chirp so oddly familiar resounded behind you, yet you were sure you had never heard that voice before. It took you a moment of complete stillness to realize it had been Lyr making that sound, yet it wasn't orca. It was dolphin. "How did you…?" you gasped, ignoring his inquisitive fingers prodding at your entrance, begging to be let in without having to use force.
"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, lil' dolphin," he hummed, imitating some more whistles and clicks that were perfect and comforting, like the calls of your pod, yet were spoken by an uncanny voice. You felt the tears well up in our eyes again, as you couldn't help but gasp, following it with a moan, his finger slipping into you, teasing the soft, warm flesh awaiting him there. Lyr let out an appreciative sound that made your core clench with desire, all praise and all dolphin for letting him in. 
"You don't even like me," you gasped, hands wringing in the net. You were completely and utterly caught in this trap, and he had free range to your body while slowly gaining access to your very soul by imitating your own kind's calls of desire and adoration. Lyr's mouth pulled taut in a big grin as he felt you unwillingly relax and shudder in his arms, your tail buckling into his hand. You looked up to see the madness dance with satisfaction and need in his eyes before he leaned down to kiss you.
"That's where you're wrong, lil' dolphin," he chuckled, kissing you one more time, long and with relish, his fingers playing with you, adding one after the other as you loosened up to him, exploring the depths not meant for an orca.
"I like you very, very much."
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fullsunised · 10 months
nct dream reaction when you get drunk (i’m drunk rn watching a movie and giggling) i thought this would be cute
❝ 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 ❞
genre: fluff
trigger warnings: swearing, mentions of sex
a/n: welp inspiration randomly struck me yesterday and here it is. apologies for the inactivity, hope yall doing well!
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┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗟𝗘𝗘 ❞
he's laughing his ass off the whole time. the infamous giggles never leave him, all while he's taking care of you. he always complains about you drinking over thr limit but bro does he adore this side of you.
honestly I only see him do the laughing his ass off part more than the taking care of you and putting you to bed part. is sending videos of you being stupid to his family.
during your hangover tho, you're basically defending yourself in the family groupchat while mark is yet again laughing at your cute ass.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗝𝗨𝗡 𝗛𝗨𝗔𝗡𝗚 ❞
sighs and sighs. bro is frustrated icl. he's always telling you to not drink more than what you can take but obviously when did you ever listen to him. is complaining under his breathe, while taking care of you.
makes sure to remove your makeup off, your shoes off, your clothes off and change you into something comfortable. but at a point he'd grow so tired of it, he just let's you figure your shit out the next morning.
which is basically you sitting on the kitchen stools groaning due to the pain in your head, while he watches you suffer (makes you hangover soup)
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗝𝗘𝗡𝗢 𝗟𝗘𝗘 ❞
he most likely would stop you from drinking before you get worse, but on those days where he thinks you deserve to get drunk asf, he's a sweetie.
does every single thing for you and honestly doesn't say no to anything your drunk self asks him.icecream? yes. shower? yes. sex? yes. kisses and cuddles? yes. literally anything. bro just let's you live while he's there taking care of you, making sure you don't hurt yourself. puts you to bed, and admires your passed out self.
morning would be waking up to his kisses, going to get breakfast together or maybe going on a run to wake your brain up.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗛𝗔𝗘𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡 𝗟𝗘𝗘 ❞
bro is drinking with you man. he thinks it's unfair only one of you gets drunk, and the other stuck taking care of the other. both of you would be long gone messes, messing about on the streets- but there are times you come home drunk from work.
then he's honestly just letting you pass out. of course, he let's you wrap your arms around him like a koala, and snore to death. also, he's gonna click funny asf pictures, like from every angle, legit makes an album as well.
morning comes and both of you are groaning, him because his hand is sore and you because your head. you take your pills and go on about your day, except his teasing is increased.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗝𝗔𝗘𝗠𝗜𝗡 𝗡𝗔 ❞
absolute sweetheart </3 literally picks you up from the door, drops you onto the bed, brings hot water to clean you up, gives you water to drink, listens to you rant about everything and anything. is like prepared for it because you warn him first hand lol.
just like jeno, he too would agree to anything. movie watching, game playing, cooking- anything literally. coos at you the whole time, mentally saves this image of you in his head because no matter how many sides of you he's seen, this would be his favourite.
breakfast in bed, princess ;)) would get you pills, some soup, some good food all at your service. bro get me a jaemin :(
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗟𝗘 𝗭𝗛𝗢𝗡𝗚 ❞
literal menace. all he does half of the time is record. atp his phone doesn't have enough storage due to the shit ton of video and photo content he has on you. his top priority would be to laugh at your stupidity and maybe post it online.
his second poa probably would be to put you to sleep. he legit finds you so adorable and so annoying both at the same time. literally shoves your face onto the pillow and forces you to sleep. has his airpods on, scrolling and you're next to him snoring. comfort fr.
boy doesn't do shit in the morning, or so he complains but still does it for you anyways cause he loves you too much.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗝𝗜𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗞 ❞
literally looses his mind. didn't know you had this side in you, and honestly he loves it, but the stress dominates the love- the stress of taking care of you perfectly. literally googles shit every single time even if he has done that before.
follows every step, does everything you ask and when you finally fall asleep blud just releases the longest sigh of his life. falls next to you his arm draped over figure. kisses your forehead, and drifts off to sleep himself.
bro googles how to make hangover soup, but gives up and orders it. literally does his best every time.
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soobrat · 2 years
one way; cbg
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part i | part ii | part iii
🖱️⤻ pairing; afab!reader x beomgyu 🖱️⤻ word count; 5.4k 🖱️⤻ genre; enemies 2 enemies PLUS, smut, & angst 🖱️⤻ synopsis; beomgyu has come to retrieve his clothing... as if he didn't just do the unthinkable 🖱️⤻ warnings; hate sex, really mean!gyu, slut shaming, dubcon (more than last time, proceed with caution), beomgyu got you good this time, mc is in shambles, unhealthy... relationship?, solo masturbation, cunnilingus, more pain play, biting, hair pulling, post orgasm torture (mc receiving), piv, I think that's all
⌨️⤻ I couldn't just make it "Beomgyu getting his clothes back" that would be too simple!!111!! I like the way this ended so there will be no part three, I like where they are.
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Nestled into your dirty hamper are a solid grey cotton t-shirt and loose pair of black sweats. Not unlike some of your own clothes in your closet other than being a touch larger. The articles of clothing get buried deeper and deeper without you even noticing. You wash and dry them before finally discovering them while folding. You set them to the side for the next time you journey to the boys’ dorm.
That day never comes.
“All I ever do is stick my neck out for you, you know? The department heads raise suspicion about how much time you spend with them and I make an excuse. And now I find this out?”
Your manager rants and raves while pacing your apartment. You remain motionless on your couch, staring at nothing, drowning out all her words. You just can’t believe he went through with it. 
“Did you at least use a condom?” She asks exasperatedly, clapping in front of your face when you don’t answer. “You’re not that reckless, I hope. You have to know your punishment will be more severe. Certain actions against Beomgyu could be a huge liability but they can do more to you no problem.”
Of course. Of course that’s the case. You curl forward and clutch your head. He was okay throwing himself under the bus because he’d get a slap on the wrist and you’d be royally fucked. Maybe you shouldn’t have let your emotions get the best of you. You embarrassed him and boasted about your “success”. You even rubbed it in on the days to come. You made it your mission to subtly throw jabs at him in the presence of his members. It’s what he put you through for so long, it was only fair. That fucking asshole.
“Well, I can’t help you anymore. You’ll attend a disciplinary meeting to determine where we go from here. I hope you have a future at HYBE.”
Her words echo in your mind in an attempt to make sense of them. After failing you look up at her in shock. “There’s a chance I get kicked out?!” You were a trainee, but a valued one. They sought you out specifically and fought all the other companies trying to snatch you up. You thought maybe your debut would get delayed and you’d definitely get banned from the dorm, just like he wanted. But he fucked you over even further than you thought he had the balls to. 
Your manager sighs, the pity in her eyes not easing the dread bubbling in your stomach. You can feel bile climb up your throat then and now as you’re standing outside the conference room. You take a long shuddering breath, deciding to just live with the disorienting fog clouding your brain as you walk in. As the meeting progresses the fog gets more and more treacherous with the news being hinted at. 
“This is just temporary until everything is sorted out. I hope you understand.”
They barely let you get a word in, just recounting everything Beomgyu told them and discussing amongst themselves. They automatically believed him.
The fog stuck around. It was a safety measure deployed to keep you from fully processing how dire the situation was. Soon enough you’d have to understand the gravity of the situation. After a week and three days of waiting in limbo with no news, you were forced to face the truth. Trainees rarely come back after a suspension, and if they do, they’d be back by now. Through all the insanity your brain still has room to worry about Soobin. What lies he’s being fed and if he’ll ever speak to you again.
You pull at your hair, sinking to the ground with your eyes clenched shut. You couldn’t even cry or scream. You just grit your teeth as the frustration gets too strong for you to cope with. A knock on the door sends you immediately walking to answer it, intending to hurriedly send the person away.
You pull the door open and immediately your frustration washes away. 
“Are you just gonna stare at me?”
You don’t even realize how long you’ve been doing it but you’re not sure what else to do. An alarming level of anger builds inside you until you can feel your chest constrict. You’re so enraged you can’t move or speak, so you just look at him as tears pool and threaten to spill. Tears that had been building up for the past week and three days.
“I’m here for the clothes you stole. I’ve been looking for them and can’t find them.”
“Do you know what you’ve done, Beomgyu?” You ask genuinely. Maybe there’s a chance he only thinks you got banned from the dorm. Perhaps his audacity wasn’t quite as boundless as to possibly get you kicked out and still show up to your apartment over two easily replaceable articles of clothing.
“Relax. You were already famous. You can easily get into another company, maybe even the big three.” He says dismissively as if it’s so obvious and the tears streaming down your cheeks were foolish. It was like a siren was blaring in your ears, piercing your eardrums until there was no other noise as you scream at him. Shouting obscenities in between accusations that he just ruined your life and doesn’t even care. You don’t spare a glance at the neighbors who open their doors to see what the hell was going on. 
Beomgyu shoves you into your house and slams the door shut. “Are you fucking crazy?!” He spits with a sharp glare. As if you’re supposed to care about his image after what he did.
“You’re the one making me crazy! You’re provoking me and getting surprised when I react? I’ve been just sitting here in my house losing my mind because I could get the news any day now, and you expect me to have a civil conversation with you?” The veins in your neck bulge as you rush more words out at him.
“Look, I’m just here for my clothes and then I’ll be on my way.” He’s infuriatingly calm, not bothered by bringing you to hysterics once again. Not bothered by your tears or the situation he’s put you in.
“Oh, you want your clothes?” You raise your eyebrows, anger painfully evident in your eyes. You stomp off to your room, finding the neatly folded clothes sitting atop your dresser before searching for a pair of scissors. You step back into your living room with the clothes in one hand and the scissors in the other, making him watch as you cut through the fabric. You hold the scissors open, ignoring the way the other half of the blade digs into your fingers as you stab into his clothing and rip large holes into them.
“What are you doing?!” Beomgyu rushes over and attempts to rip the scissors from your hand before the situation escalates. After a brief struggle you drop the scissors and clothes to the ground and wrap your hands around his throat. You squeeze hard as you look into his eyes, pushing him toward the couch until he falls on top of it. He tries to pry your hands away and you resist as much as you can, feeling tingling in your toes as his face turns redder. “You fucking waste of space.” You mutter as you kneel over him with one leg.
The rage labors your breathing, or maybe it was the pleasure you derived from seeing him suffer. Just as he starts to wheeze he finally pries your hands away and roughly grabs your face. You try to pull at his forearm but he grips your jaw tighter until he’s painfully digging into the bone. “You’re not doing this shit again. Do you actually want to be kicked out?” 
“I don’t care anymore.” You whisper through ragged breaths, trying to grab onto him but he restrains your arms behind your back.
“If you want me just say so.” He smirks. You spit on him and his expression immediately sours. “Suit yourself.”
He familiarly grabs both your wrists in one hand while the other unzips his pants. He pulls his hardening cock out through the hole in his boxers and begins pumping it as he stares at you. “I’ll just jerk off until I cum all over you and make you watch.” He groans as he squeezes precum from his tip.
You grunt, trying to free yourself but he just tightens his fist until it starts to hurt. You wince but never dull your glare. The more worked up you get, the more it seems to turn him on. “Little baby is crying because she’s about to get fired.” He pouts, precum rolling from his slit over his knuckles watching you seethe.
“I love seeing you cry. I jerk off and cum over and over imagining you sobbing because of me.” He breathes, slowing the drag of his fist as he drinks you in. Your heaving chest and glare. You look so sexy when he pisses you off. He wonders if he could get you to cry more.
“They told me it’s unlikely they’ll trust you again, you know.”
“Shut up.” You grit, trying to tug your arms apart.
“Because only pathetic whores get into a potential sex scandal before their idol career even starts. Who knows how many dicks you’ll let inside you before you even step foot on stage.” He laughs in your face, belittling your emotions and getting off to them just to add insult to injury. You strain your hand to dig your nails into any of his flesh you can reach. He hisses, before his smile is back in place, taunting you. You dig them deeper until he squeezes your aching wrists again. You let go with a huff as your frustration translates to tears. 
“That’s right. Fuck— you’ll make me cum, baby.” He exaggerates his moans in his efforts to taunt you. Feigning a wanton expression as he fucks his fist. All his salacious noises make your core ache but there’s nothing you can do to stimulate it. Real and sexual frustration mixed together is a dangerous combo. You were already starved of social interaction, locking yourself in your house waiting for the news. You were banned from the only place you got it from outside of staff, and now the first interaction you’re getting isn’t satisfying your need in the slightest.
If you couldn’t get a shoulder to cry on, the least you wanted was to get fucked until you couldn’t think. Beomgyu is just wicked enough to know how to torture you. 
“Come on. All you have to do is ask for it nicely and I’ll fuck you.” Beomgyu strains, close to cumming. It’s now or never before you’re left with frayed emotions and a mess to clean up. Your stubbornness prevails as you just let out a defeated noise, clenching your eyes shut and squeezing more tears free. Real moans seem to break through as Beomgyu’s hips jerk, pointing his cock at you as he covers you in his cum. He loosens his grip on your wrists and you rip yourself free, shoving him pathetically once he finishes. He stands with a cocky grin, fixing himself before making his exit.
“You can keep the clothes.” He casts a disinterested look back at you and you lose it. Flipping furniture and throwing anything you can carry across the room, just missing him as he shuts your door. You continue your rampage, turning your entire living room upside down as you sob violently. When it subsides you look at the mess and clutch at your hair.
You collapse to the ground, hugging your knees as you cry until you can’t cry anymore. 
From behind your crusted lids, you watch the sun rise from the large window to the left of you. You don’t get up as it slowly goes higher and higher, indicating how long you’ve stayed there. Your doorknob turns and you still don’t look up. Maybe the burglar will think your house already got ransacked and leave.
“You’re almost making me feel bad.” Beomgyu nudges you with his foot and you sit up. You gawk at him and he just smiles back. 
“What are you doing in my house?” He was a lot less welcome than the burglar.
“You left your door unlocked.” He shrugs.
“You’re crossing a dangerous line.” You warn in a low voice, rising to your feet. 
“What’re you gonna do? Have sex with me again? Scary.”
“I’m not in the mood. Get out of my house.” You try to push him but he stays rooted in his spot, smiling down at you. He was clearly still high off fucking with you last night. ��Fine. You can stay.”
His smile stretches wider before trying to smooth his knuckles down your cheek which you dodge. “Only if you eat me out.”
He snorts, instantly dismissing you. “That’s not happening.”
“Then leave.”
“And if I don’t?” He leans closer to your face and you’re transported to the day that potentially ruined all your hard work in one fell swoop. Your blood pressure rising around him had become customary, along with the urge to mutilate him somehow. You wordlessly pull out your phone, typing in three numbers dramatically until he snatches the phone out of your hand. “Give it back. I’m trying to report the intruder in my home.” He hurls your phone to the floor before regarding you once more.
“You really are dense.” His face is serious suddenly as he closes in on you. “There’s something seriously wrong with you. Soobin dodged a bullet.” There was potent malice in his eyes, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Leave. Now.”
The two of you stare at each other as if you’re trying to kill the other with your eyes alone. He grasps the end of the shirt he sullied before pulling it up and forcing it off your body. He moves to your ratty shorts with streaks of his cum, shoving them down and almost tripping you to get them off.
He kneels on the floor, the only clean circle of space surrounded by the wreckage, keeping his eyes on you. He moves your underwear to the side and starts sucking on your clit. There was nothing left for interpretation for either of you. There was no denying the hatred in both your eyes or the arousal you make each other feel. Your glare falters once he starts to suck harder, your brows slanting upward as you swallow hard. He growls into your cunt, making your legs wobble. You grab a tuft of hair at the top of his head, yanking him closer. He tries to pull away and protest but you shove him back in. “Don’t stop–” Your moans are a little embarrassing but you can’t hold back how desperate you are. Fuck, did you need this bad. 
He keeps your legs pried apart just as they start closing around his head. Even when he’s doing what you demanded, he still feels as though he’s getting his way. Every flick and drag of his tongue has you at his will. He pulls away, tugging your fist from his hair and watching the disbelief form on your face. 
He looks up at you with his brown eyes blown and hair messy, licking you off his lips before smirking. There was that urge again. To sink to your knees and scratch, slap, kiss– do something to his infuriating face. You clench your teeth and try to push him back but he dodges you, pulling back completely and enjoying your protests. 
“Fine I’m calling–” You gasp, hands flying to his hair as he grabs your thighs and runs his tongue between your folds. His tongue catches your hole, threatening to slip in only to run to your clit and back. Your knees buckle, balance getting screwy but Beomgyu holds you steady. He curls his tongue into your heat, repeatedly scooping out your essence that’s gushing for him.
Then he pulls back again and you whimper, two actions that have you deeply disappointed. “What the fuck.” You shout at him. He makes a show of licking his lips. “I bet you would beg for my tongue, wouldn’t you?”
“Do it. Say please and I’ll make you cum.”
You go to deny him but he brushes the tip of his nose against your clit and sends the most violent shiver through your body. You whimper again, unable to deny the clawing need to cum anymore. “Fuck! Fine! Please, Beomgyu make me cum.” You’re too exasperated to put on a pleading tone but it’s enough for him.
He reattaches his mouth with a cocky grin, surveying your needy expressions closely as he sucks and licks your clit. Obscene noises fill the air along with your unrestrained moans. You clutch at him desperately, practically riding his face in your pursuit of release.
Beomgyu lets go of your thighs to free his cock. He pumps as you roll your hips against his face, holding his head steady. Your legs get progressively less reliable until your pussy is throbbing. With a moan of his name you cum on his tongue, stomach caving as his tongue continues to ravish you. His eyes are wild as he carries you through your trembling climax. You tug at his hair but he just hums. Not even that can bring him down as he squeezes and tugs on his hard cock, not intending to stop tonguing you until he’s finished himself. You pull his hair harder but he just grabs your leg with one hand and pushes in closer. Shoving his face deep within your folds, lapping at your sensitive nub and forcing a scream out of you. “Beomgyu! Enough!” You try but he only wiggles his face against you. Your stomach feels completely hollow, squeezing as another orgasm is forced out, gushing against his face until you have nothing else to offer. You suck in a large whoosh of air, holding it in before releasing it with a guttural groan.
With that, Beomgyu moans against your mound and shoots cum out his cock. Some streams reach far enough to hit your bare legs, most just ribbon over his fist. He stands up, completely disheveled and still jerking his cock. He breathes a laugh. “Please, Beomgyu make me cum!”
You roll your eyes at his childishness and shove at him, nearly pushing him over. “Shut up and get out.”
“Good morning, hyung.”
“Don’t talk to me.” Soobin responds breezily like it’s normal conversation, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Beomgyu watches Soobin maneuver around the kitchen. He rarely looks him in the eyes unless it’s to drive home an insult. 
“I did you a favor.”
“You refuse to listen so I refuse to talk to you.” He finally looks up at him during the last three words before brushing past him. 
“Just drop it. She’s been gone for a while now. You got what you wanted.” Yeonjun grumbles as he groggily enters the kitchen. 
“I’m not the one who needs to drop it.” Beomgyu responds, a hint of annoyance peeking through his cocky facade. 
“Soobin will talk to you on his own time.” He answers simply. Both of them were sat in the living room as if nothing was wrong. As if there wasn’t tension in the dorm now. Beomgyu scoffs.
“You know she’s more worried about her career than you.”
“That’s normal, Beomgyu.” Yeonjun turns on the tv but Beomgyu catches Soobin’s quick expression change. His brows drop, hanging heavy over his eyes as he thinks it over.
“Has she asked about me?” Soobin asks, looking up to reveal the vulnerability glinting in his eyes. Beomgyu finally untenses, moving to pour his own cup of coffee. He sets the cup down and sighs, pressing his hands to the counter before regarding his leader.
“Not even once.”
Your brain is desperate to focus on anything else than the lack of news, so you always notice when his footsteps are coming. You stand from your couch and open the door before he can. You expect a quip about how eager you are but are met with desperate lips. He moves inside your house before shutting the door with his foot. He’s frustrated today, you can feel it in the way he kisses you. His jacket is nothing but a disturbance so you push it over his shoulders and he lets it fall to the floor. Each time he pulls away and comes back he’s hungrier than before. There has been a comfortable, quiet acceptance established of what the other needs by now. 
Too bad you have to ruin it.
You reach for your phone in your pocket, cracking an eye open to open your camera. You position it to get both of you, deciding to snap a picture when his hands snake up to your neck. A place they’ve seemingly gotten comfortable. You snap another when he bites your lip. Another when he nips and kisses your jaw. Only then does he realize that you’re distracted. 
He opens his eyes, following your eye line until he spots the phone. His heart drops and he immediately reaches for it. You back away, quickly snatching the pepper spray from your coffee table and aiming it at him with your finger hovering over the button. A sense of hopelessness washes over him as he stops moving toward you. 
“You’re making a huge mistake.” His threat is dulled by the panicked look in his eyes and you resist the primal urges screaming at you. “This is going too far.”
“No, Beomgyu. You went too far when you got me fired.”
“You haven’t been fired yet–”
“You’re right.” You interrupt his dramatics and hold up a picture you took. “Because you’re going to tell them you lied.”
“And if I don’t you’re gonna show them proof that I wasn’t lying? Great plan.” Beomgyu is eased for a moment as more holes form in your plan. 
“No. I’m not showing this to them.” You lower the phone and hurriedly send the pictures to a trusted contact, shaky fingers reminding them of the plan right after as you mutter, “Someone else will post the picture publicly when I tell them to.”
“You’re willing to fuck yourself over too?!” Beomgyu erupts, racing toward you and only halting when you lay your finger on the trigger. 
“Beommie. You already fucked me. I’m fucked either way.” Your words slowly garner more venom, clenching your mouth shut when you see his resolve crumble. You chuckle bitterly. “You really think I would’ve just let you have your way with me with no consequences after what you did?”
“I didn’t mean for you to get kicked out. I only meant for them to ban you from the dorm.” Beomgyu admits regrettably. Like he was ashamed he wasn’t attempting to ruin your career.
“Well. Guess you really fucked up then. Get it done quick and make it believable for your sake.”
You keep your arm raised as he starts to walk away. He has this look of sarcastic acceptance on his face and you panic for a moment. Did he have something else up his sleeve? Was he going to snitch instead? You would still post the picture anyway, ruin the fantasy for his fangirls and his idol image. You had to do something other than wait in this damn apartment. And he had to understand you weren’t forgetting about the torment he put you through.
You heard nothing from Beomgyu for twelve days. Twelve days of radio silence and being cooped up in your apartment. You were borderline stir crazed but you were too scared to do anything. You found yourself holding your breath at times. 
He doesn’t show up at your house, but social media is blowing up. “Get well soon Beomgyu” is trending on Twitter. Turns out he’s on a “mental health hiatus”. Either that’s true and he’s chickening out or he’s on a temporary suspension as well. You don’t find out until the next day. 
“We would like to apologize and we hope you can forgive us and begin preparing for your debut again.” 
Your face lights up and you thank the executive profusely. You stand up and bow to everyone in the room, thanking them through your tears.
Whether or not Beomgyu showed up at your house hadn’t occurred to you nor did you care. You were rarely at home and busy rehearsing day in and day out. You were utterly exhausted, trudging home with sore legs one night when you saw him. He was waiting by your door, looking shocked when he notices you. 
“I already know you did your part. You don’t have to come here anymore.” You brush past him and push your keys into your door.
“We’re even now.”
You turn the keys and then the doorknob before stopping to spare him a glance. “I know.”
“You left me with blue balls last time and never made up for it.” He doesn’t even try masking the entitlement in his voice. You shove the door open, tonguing your cheek as you turn to face him.
“I don’t owe you anything and I still haven’t forgiven you.”
“Oh come on.” He rolls his head back dramatically. “Don’t make this difficult. What we have is fun and easy. We don’t have to tiptoe around each other, wondering if we said the wrong thing or whatever. We already know we hate each other.”
You sigh, already agitated mere minutes into the conversation. You enter your house and try to shut him out but he keeps it pried open with his hand. You turn to scowl at him to find he’s scowling back. You tug him in by his shirt and shove the door closed. 
“What we have isn’t mutual. It’s not “I hate you, you hate me”. You’re a terrible person and I–” Your rant loses steam as you take a step back and realize that this man is yet again in your home. “I keep subjecting myself to it.” You mutter under your breath regrettably. 
Beomgyu huffs a short laugh. “And what does that say about you?”
His words go down like shards of glass. Mostly because he’s right. He was right before, too. You don’t have to guess what’s going on in his head or what any of this means. You could kiss him right now and not have to worry about what it will mean tomorrow, what the next step for you two is. None of this will lead to mailing wedding invitations and discussing how you’ll split your income. It’s certain.
“Doesn’t really matter now does it?” You smirk as he pushes your jacket off and tosses it away. “No. Now let’s get on with this, Soobin’s getting on my fucking nerves again.”
“Wait.” You distance yourself from him. “Is something wrong with Soobin?”
“As if you care.” He cups the back of your neck and crushes your lips together. You hum a pitiful protest, wanting to continue the conversation but he tastes so fucking good. You finally gather the willpower to pull away. “He’s my friend, of course I care.” Your fingers tangle into his hair as he moves to mark up your neck. 
“You’re only asking about him now?” He mutters between nipping your neck just a little too hard. He’s amazing at pissing you off. You hiss, getting annoyed by his teeth and his words. “You really think I trust you enough to believe anything you say? You’re probably still turning them against me.”
“Lucky for you,” Beomgyu sinks his teeth into the apex of your shoulder and neck, intending to leave a reminder, “they’re on your side.”
“Huh,” You bite your lip and arch into him. The upper hand, you think. Always feels good.
“Don’t even say anything.�� He growls into your neck. Before you could do just that he was pulling you to your kitchen and bending you over the counter. “We never make it to the bedroom.” You chuckle. The glee in your voice was sickening. “What did I say.” He warns.
“Aw, what’re you gonna do? Have sex with me? Scary.” You laugh, gasping in delight when he rips a hole in your leggings. “Not gonna shut up?” He grits, seething at your neverending smugness. You hear him behind you, angrily undoing his jeans and shoving them to his ankles. What you don’t see coming is him shoving you full of his cock in one fierce thrust. You gasp harshly this time, reaching back to push at his legs. “So fucking annoying.”
He thrusts you into the counter, banging your pelvic bone against it repeatedly. You fall forward onto the cool material but get lifted back up when he grabs you by your hair. He holds you at that awkward angle and keeps you there as he hammers into you. “Sh-shit!” You try to push back on him and attempt to regain your upper hand but he never ceases. With his other hand he lashes his palm over your ass, dick aching with each yelp you let out. He keeps going until your flesh feels red hot.
But it doesn’t matter. None of this tantrum of his matters. At the end of the day you still deflected each of his attempts to screw you over. They all failed. “Give it to me Beommie.” You mewl obnoxiously. He keeps spanking you until his own hand starts to hurt and curses under his breath.
God, does it feel good. Hate fucking is one thing, but nothing makes your cunt purr like successfully getting under Beomgyu’s skin. He should’ve never told you that. You squeeze around him teasingly, humming when he groans. You’re distracted from your teasing when he readjusts, aiming right for your g-spot. Your resolve melts and you wish for nothing more than to lie forward, go completely limp. Your back and neck start to ache and you whine.
Beomgyu growls again, egged on by your sniveling. The things he’d do to hear you beg for him to let go of your hair are endless. He wouldn’t do it, of course, but it’s your suffering that matters. You whimper, “Beomgyu,”
“What?” He tugs your head back and you release another sweet noise. 
“Right there… that feels good. Don’t stop.” Your voice is so quiet, much different than how you usually are. Not to mention what you said, which took quite a while to register. Beomgyu stops for a moment and you protest, but he needed a moment. He shuffles his feet awkwardly before letting go of your hair. You flop to the counter, welcoming the return of your mobility. He grabs your hips and starts stimulating your sweet spot again. You dissolve into the pleasure and he does too. Without the constant bickering and trying to show each other up you could just… relax.
Your body still aches a bit from the straining and spanking but it’s slowly recovering as your high approaches. Beomgyu moans and leans forward, curling his hands around your wrists as his hips continue to smack against yours. An intricate knot loops in your belly and is pulled tighter and tighter with each genuine sound of pleasure from Beomgyu. He’s actually kinda bearable when he isn’t blabbering a bunch. You rest your cheek against the cool counter as the pleasure practically incapacitates you. Placating all your defenses and strong emotions until you’re a numb blob melting onto the counter. Your debut song is way out of your register and you have practice again in the morning but no one couldn’t tell any of that was the case if they looked at you right now. 
All that mattered was the smooth dick easing in and out of you and the tightening knot and his grip tightening around your wrists and his body moving against you and–
“I’m cumming!” You gasp out before pushing your ass against him as a gush of arousal floods around him. He pulls you up abruptly, holding your body against him as he pumps into you for the last few times. He sees the blinding light of the first of many climaxes for the next month or so. He holds you there until his own climax subsides, yours flickering out a while before. Then he lets you go. You were going to be seeing each other a lot, so there was no need to stay after the deed was done. It didn’t need to be complicated.
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iamknicole · 3 months
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Flashback #2
A/N: Hey yall! I been missing for quite some time but I just can't seem to finish this upcoming chapter (I've been tryna finish it since I dropped ch. 12) so I'm probably gonna start the chapter over. And some stuff happened that quite frankly made me a lil apprehensive to even continue this fic but ima keep going. In the meantime, I was able to write this flashback for yall. Let me know how yall like it. ⭐⭐LIKE, REBLOG, COMMENT, SHARE⭐⭐
Warnings: Cursing, arguing, typos, 18+ MINORS DNI
Do not copy my shit & post it anywhere else or take credit for my hard work!
Chapter Twelve
Hassan rubbed his throbbing temple as he listened to his ex-wife go on and on. From the moment Nadine picked him up from the airport, all she had done was rant about Moriah sneaking out with Zilla, wanting to find out how long the two of them had been doing so and exactly what the two of them had been doing together. Knowing that if he said anything, he would lose his temper and that was something he didn’t like to do and rarely did. All he wanted was to get his daughter.
“I hope her little ass enjoyed herself because it’ll be a cold day in hell before I let her go out without me again,” Nadine sassed as she eased into a turn.
Hassan looked around then at her. “Where are you going?”
“Home, Hassan. Did you hear what I said?”
“I heard you, I’ll get to that in a minute.” He answered quickly. “Why are we going to the house?”
Nadine glanced at him from the road, a confused look on her face. “Are you not staying at the house?”
“We need to go get Moriah, Nadine. You know that.”
She scoffed. “It’s damn near midnight, Hassan. They are not gonna let her out right now and even if they would, her ass would still be sitting in there until the morning.”
Leaning his head back against the headrest, Hassan took slow deep breaths trying to calm his nerves. Once he found out that Moriah hadn’t been abducted, he was relieved but it didn’t last long. His ex-wife waited until he informed her that he’d switched his flight for a later one to tell him that she had their daughter sitting at the detention center.
“Nadine,” he called out to her in a soft tone, “If you knew they wouldn’t let her out this late, you should have gone and got her sooner.”
“And what would she have learned? Nothing.”
“Being put in handcuffs, riding in the back of a police car and being booked did enough. Do you know what kind of kids you put her in there with?”
She chuckled. “I sure do. That was the point. She’ll learn that jail isn’t where she wants to be.”
Opening his eyes, Hassan turned to look at her trying to keep his anger at bay. “You know like I know that sneaking out with Zilla is the extent of everything. She hasn’t done anything else.”
“And that is supposed to make it okay? That bad ass boy is rubbing off on her. I need to nip it in the bud right now.”
“What if somebody does something to her in there?” He asked.
She shrugged. “The girl knows how to fight so she better fight back.”
His brows rose in shock. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Wow,” he scoffed, “And what if this does the opposite of what you want? You know she starts actually doing bad things. What then?”
“Hassan, just drop it. She is going to learn her lesson this time and that’ll be it.”
“For your sake, you better hope she isn’t harmed while she’s in there.”
“No, she better hope that the judge goes easy on her and just gives her community service.”
Those words triggered Hassan and got his blood boiling. He couldn’t contain his anger anymore. 
“Nadine, we are not pressing charges! She is our daughter for fucks sake! Just like I told you when we spoke earlier, charges are not an option! Am I being clear here?”
“She’s my child, I have custody of her so if I wanna press charges then that’s exactly what the hell I’m gonna do, Hassan! I am not a little girl, I do not need your permission to discipline our child!” She screamed pulling into the driveway. 
She snatched her seatbelt off after killing the engine then jumped out with her purse and keys trying to get to the door before him. Choosing to get his bag later, Hassan followed closely behind his ex-wife and rushed in behind her, slamming the door closed. 
“She lives with you but I have sole custody of her! Or did you forget? I let her stay because I did not want to uproot her so yeah, you do need my permission!”
Nadine tossed her things aside, going to get in his face. “I don’t need a got damn thing from you, Hassan! I am her mother and I will decide what’s best for her!”
“Don’t piss me off, Nadine. You don’t wanna do that.” He firmly stated in an eerily calm voice. 
Taking a chance, Nadine leaned up on her toes to kiss him, catching him off guard. He pulled away, taking a step back from her giving her an incredulous look.
That was all he said before going back outside to retrieve his belongings. 
The next morning, Hassan and Nadine went to pick their daughter up. He insisted on driving, not wanting her to make unnecessary stops or the long route. Their drive was silent aside from Nadine trying to make small talk.
While they waited for Moriah to be brought out to them, the officer from the prior day approached them.
“Good morning. Am I to assume that I can close this out?” He asked looking more to Hassan than Nadine.
“Yeah. Get rid of it. We not doin that.” Hassan informed him.
Nadine sucked her teeth. “How long can we think on it?” She ignored Hassan staring at the side of her face, keeping her eyes on the uncomfortable officer. “Well?”
“24 hours but ma’am, I don’t think that’s a good idea. She seems like a good kid and she had a really rough day and night yesterday. I think she gets the point.” He explained. He hoped she listened or Hassan would make her listen. 
“Rough, you say? What happened?” She pushed with a small smirk.
Before he could elaborate, another officer came from the back with Moriah. She looked worn out, her hair was a mess and there were tear stains on her face. Seeing her made the smirk on Nadine’s face grow
“Daddy,” Moriah sobbed softly. She walked into his arms, breaking into a full blown sob as soon as her head hit his chest. 
Fire rose in his chest feeling his daughter’s sobs shake her body as well as his own. This was something that he wasn’t going to let go as easily as he knew Nadine was hoping. The officer took Hassan’s answer as the final answer and handed Nadine some paperwork before bidding them a good day. 
“Are you hurt? Are you okay? Did they bother you?”
Upon getting back to the house, Hassan carried his daughter to her room and sat on the side of the bed talking to her. She moved around her room to get a change of clothes so that she could shower.
“My side and back hurts,” she answered softly, trying not to cry. “They wouldn’t leave me alone. They took my pillow and my blanket too.”
“I’m so sorry, Rye. What happened to your side and back?”
“They had these bunks in there for us and they put me on the second. The girl under me,” she paused to wipe her tears, “She wanted to be on that bunk and told me to move. I told her no because I didn’t wanna get in trouble and because Zay said not to let them punk me.”
Hassan chuckled a bit at that. “I’m listening.”
“She kept telling me to move and I kept telling her no then she pushed me off the bunk to the floor.”
His brows furrowed. “What? What did the officers do?”
“Nothing,” she cried, “They just said to stop playing around. One girl in there was nice to me though. They bothered her too.”
Hassan tried to hide his anger from his daughter, not wanting to upset her more. “I’m glad you’re outta there. And don’t worry about nothing, I’m not gonna let your mama press charges. Okay?”
Moriah nodded solemnly.
“Good. You shower and take a nap. When you get up, I’ll take you to see Isayah and get you some food. Sounds good?”
“Yeah. Thank you, Daddy.”
“You’re my babygirl. You never have to thank me.”
As soon as he heard the shower running, Hassan went to the master bedroom where Nadine was lying across the bed on the phone and watching television. She rolled her eyes, muting the television.
“Can I help you, Hassan?”
“Hang up the phone.” He demanded calmly.
“For what? I’m talking to my sister.”
Hassan took a deep breath. “Unless you want your sister to hear me chew yo ass out, I suggest you hang it up.”
Nadine’s frown deepened hearing her sister laugh which was the only reason she hung the phone up. She sat up, moving to the side of the bed. “If you think you’re gonna chew me out about the charges then you’re mistaken. Might as well turn back around and leave my room. I don’t give a damn what you say, I’m doing it.”
“So you think I’m gonna let you do that to her? Is that what you think?”
“It's not what I think,” she sassed with a smirk, “It’s what I know. She’s gonna learn her lesson.”
“At what cost, Nadine? They pushed her off the top bunk! They took her shit and would not leave her be! That was only 24 hours in there!”
“Good!” She screamed jumping up. “Good! And I hope they lock her ass up for a whole year so them girls can do worse! Her ass deserves it!”
Hassan’s nostrils flared and his heart sunk at her words. He started to pace back and forth, keeping his eyes on his ex-wife. He took notice of her trembling hands and the way she nervously switched her weight from hip to hip.
“Just cause she cried to you, you think she learned her lesson and she didn’t. She just knows that a few tears will get you to lay off but that don’t work on me!”
“You pushing it, Nadine! You really pushing it!”
Nadine approached him, jabbing her finger into his chest. “Yeah and what are you gonna do about it, huh? What is Hassan gonna do about it? I do what the hell I want and there’s nothing that you can do or say about it!”
He grabbed her hand, roughly pushing her away from him. “If you press charges after I told you not to, I’m gonna take her with me and you’ll never see her again. I’ll make sure of it.”
“You can’t take her!”
Hassan caught her hand just as it came up to slap him. “I can and I will. If I have to move back here or fly her back and forth to see her friends every other weekend then I will if it means she’s away from your ass. Try me.”
“You’re really gonna take her away from me?” She asked with tears in her eyes. “She’s my baby. All I have left since you left me.”
Hassan again roughly let her hand go. “Oh now you care? You only want her for selfish reasons so keep the water works to yourself.”
“The only reason I did any of this is because I care about her well-being and how she turns out, Hassan!” She cried. “I care unlike the rest of you!”
“Bullshit,” he spat. “But you heard what I said, if you do that I’m taking her with me and you know I will.”
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While their parents spoke, Zilla and Moriah went to his bedroom to talk. As soon as he closed and locked his door, he went to his best friend wrapping his arms around her tightly, letting her cry on his chest. He never knew what to say in these situations but he knew that giving her physical comfort was the next next thing. They stood in their embrace for a few minutes before she pulled away, he pulled her to sit on his bed with him. 
“You ain’t let them hoes bother you, did you?” He asked, making her smile a little.
“I tried not to. It was hard.” She admitted softly.
He sucked his teeth. “You know what I told you, Fat. What they do?”
Moriah told him the same thing she had told her father earlier. “But I’m okay, Zay.”
Ignoring her words, he lifted the sides of her shirt and the back to check her out. Gingerly, he touched the small bruise on her left side making his hiss and move away from his touch.
“You ain’t okay, that shit hurt, Fat. You ain’t beat they ass?”
“No,” she frowned, “I didn’t wanna get in any more trouble and have to stay even longer.”
He sighed heavily. “I get that but if your mom stay on that bullshit then you goin back in there and they gon remember that you ain’t do shit about them fucking with you.”
“My dad said she’s not gonna.”
“But we both know how she is, Fat.”
She huffed lying back on his bed. “I trust him, you need to trust him too. I’ll be fine.”
He rubbed her thigh trying to comfort her. “Aight, Fat. You gon call your new friend? What was her name?”
“Her name is Dreka. I gave her my number to call me. She’s a runaway too.”
“Too?” He asked, laughing. “You get caught sneakin out one time and now you a runaway. Yeah aight, Fat.”
She pushed at his back laughing. “Shut up. I been locked up, Ima thug now. I’ll shank you.”
“Ooooh, I’m so scared.” He joked.
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“Hassan, I really am sorry about this. Don’t worry, if I have to make him sleep in my bed I will make sure they don’t do that again.”
Hassan waved her off taking a drink of his soda. “No, no. You don’t gotta apologize. It was Rye’s choice too. The person that should be apologizing is Nadine.”
“Can’t argue with that,” she chuckled. “‘Please tell me that she’s not thinking of pressing charges still.”
“She’s not and if she does, she knows what’ll happen.”
Leata raised a brow, interested. “And what’s that?”
“I’m gonna take Rye with me and she’ll never see her again.” He answered with a straight face. 
Leata was conflicted. She would be glad to get Moriah away from Nadine but she’d miss the girl and knew her son would. And she wouldn’t want Hassan in any trouble.
“You think she’d let you just take her like that?”
He smiled at her. “She doesn’t have to let me do anything. As far as the courts and the system is concerned, I have sole custody of Moriah. Not joint, not none of that. Sole custody.”
“Wait … what?” She laughed. “How the hell did you pull that off? When were you gonna tell me? And why the hell is she not with you?”
He laughed heartily at her reaction, giving her a shrug. “She wanted certain things in the divorce and I had a counter for each of them. In this case, she wanted to keep living in the house and I got sole custody of Rye. She’s not with me because she didn’t want to leave her friends, school and Zay. She said she could handle four more years with her. So that’s why I didn’t tell anybody. But Nadine knows so she should act accordingly.”
“Wow … gave up custody for a house.” Leata shook her head, thinking. “Albeit a nice house but you said live in, not own.”
“Yup,” he grinned, going to take another sip, “She wanted me to keep paying the bills and figured if I gave it to her outright I wouldn’t pay them.”
“She thought she was playing you but she played herself cause there’s no way you wouldn’t pay the bills if Moriah was still there.”
“Exactly but here we are.”
“I always told her that she was too smart for her own good,’ she chuckled, “So where do we go from here?”
Hassan rubbed through his beard. “I’m gonna talk to Zay, you’re gonna talk to Rye and hopefully get them both on the same page with us about everything so that we can all have some sort of peace. Cause I’m getting too old for this shit with her.”
“I hear that but okay good plan. Also, I wanted to share something with you.”
“What’s up?”
“After we got home yesterday, I talked to Isayah to see how long the two of them had been sneaking out and everything,” she explained in a low tone, “He said it’s been about four or five months. I asked him if they were having sex, he told me no and he didn’t get an attitude or anything when I asked so I believed him. He said they only kissed one time.”
Hassan could sense the other thought lingering in the air.
“I’m not entirely sure how long that’s gonna last. They’re coming around to the fact that they like each other and find each other attractive. If you don’t mind, I was going to have a little talk with Rye because I know Nadine isn’t and if she does it won’t be helpful.”
Hassan nodded thinking about her offer. “Yeah, yeah … that’s fine with me. I’ll slide that into my talk with Zay. You think we’ll make it outta these high school years without a baby?” He joked.
Leata laughed so hard she started to cough. “Hassan, I hate you but honestly we’re probably not getting out of them without a baby or a baby scare and God help us all if there’s an actual baby.”
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Can Anybody See Me? Part 21
Executive dysfunction is a bitch and can go to hell. I had something I could have posted yesterday while I was working on this, but no...
I am starting to wonder if maybe I shot myself in the foot with my tag rant as engagement for the last Reconnect AU was WAY down. But oh well. I can only continue to move on and hope I find new people who like my stuff.
All righty, my lovelies. We have gotten to the part where I was going to end it originally before you absolute menaces said you wanted me to continue it through season 4.
But here’s the deal, this story has reached nearly novel length of 40k. So what I’ve decided to do is call this the end of book one. And then I will start up book two, which will be through to the end of the school year and probably through the events of season 3. And then book 3 should take us the rest of the way.
I hope that’s acceptable to all of you. I want to continue it, but I think from here on out the title doesn’t fit Steve anymore and he needs a new one.
Now if you’ve followed me long enough, you know that I don’t start putting out a story until it’s done (if it’s short enough) or if I’m three to four chapters deep. So hopefully by the end of the month (if not sooner) you should start seeing book two.
I will run a poll on how you think I should do the tag list for it. But thank you all for coming with me on this absolutely wild ride. And hope you’ll stick around for the next two parts.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Word had been handed down, Mindy Jones, Ollie Anderson, and Kyle Carver had been suspended with word that Kyle being the instigator might be expelled. For sure he wasn’t going to be able to walk in his cap and gown at graduation.
Steve felt a sense of relief and strangely justice too. Yes, all right suspension wasn’t getting expelled, but the kids had been punished. They didn’t try to hand wave it away.
Steve had heard that Mr Vinke, the math teacher, Mr Cole, Miss Lucy, and Chief Hopper had all gone to the principal and superintendent for all three of them to be expelled.
The suspension was a given, but the school district wanted to do their own investigation and then expulsions might be handed out after it was complete.
Steve didn’t have much hope.
Marty, Gethin, and Janice all sat with the Corroded Coffin boys at lunch, something they didn’t normally do.
“Fuck,” Janice swore. “Why I am more nervous about tonight than I have all week?”
Steve nodded, poking at his food. “I haven’t been this queasy since I took a plate to the head.”
Everyone winced and murmured sympathetic platitudes and other noises of sympathy.
“I think it’s because it’s your last performance,” Gethin murmured. “Your last chance to completely biff it on stage.” Steve and Janice looked at him in wide-eyed fear. He waved his hands placatingly. “Not that I think you will. Just that your brain thinks you will.”
Steve and Janice looked at each other and then nodded.
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “That tracks.”
Eddie slid his hand under the table and gripped Steve’s knee. Steve covered his hand with his own and gave it a squeeze of thank you.
Steve scanned the crowd the second night. He spotted Jeff and all his family, Gareth and Gethin and their parents, Brian and all of his younger siblings, and what looked like his dad. Wayne shuffled in his seat nervously, having never been to a musical before. But still no sign of his parents.
His mom promised that at least she would be there, even if his dad refused to come. And he held on to that. He managed to make it through the show and held it together.
He went out to be congratulated by his friends and their families. Wayne brought him flowers.
“You did good, boy,” he said gruffly, after giving him a hug. “I looked it up and flowers are the gift you give someone after a well-done performance.”
Steve looked down at the bouquet of wild flowers and smiled. “Thank you. I love them.”
Jeff clapped him on the shoulder. “They might be a tad wilted by the time we’re done, because we’re taking you out to eat in celebration.”
Steve teared up a bit. “Thanks, guys.”
Gareth smiled. “You deserve it, man. That was awesome!”
Gethin nudged his shoulder. “We’re just waiting for Janice and Eddie to get done.”
Steve nodded. Eddie had to reset the stage for tomorrow and Janice had to get out of a corset and that took some time.
“Yeah, no problem!” he enthused.
Eddie finished first and came out to meet them.
“Hey, Steve!” he said. “Feeling famous yet?”
Steve laughed. “I’m going to get fat if this keeps up. First ice cream last night and then dinner tonight.”
They all laughed. “It’s impossible for you to gain weight, man,” Brian huffed. “I’ve seen you eat a whole pizza and didn’t even get bloated.”
Steve laughed. “Playing three sports does that to you. Hell, I still life guard at the rec center every summer.”
Brian eyed his lean form skeptically. “I suppose so.”
“Swimming’s fun,” Steve said. “And it’s not just for us jock types.”
Janice finally came out. “Sorry to keep you waiting guys. Sharing with Tammy Thompson is hell let me tell you. I don’t know how someone so tiny can take up so much room.”
“At least you don’t have to share the choir room with twenty sweaty dudes that wouldn’t know deodorant if it bit them in the ass,” Steve grumped.
Gethin shook his head. “Shouldn’t you be used to that from sports?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “At least there are showers after basketball. Can’t say the same here.”
Gethin’s lips curled. “Fair.”
Wayne clapped his hands. “All right, I’ve got us a place reserved, so we need to hustle. Eddie and Steve are coming with me.”
Eddie and Steve filed out with the rest of them and followed Wayne out to his truck.
Steve slid into the middle between Eddie and Wayne.
“Thanks for this, Wayne,” he murmured. “And the flowers, too.”
“You’re welcome, Stevie,” he said. “I didn’t see your parents. Did they show up last night?”
Steve shared a glance with Eddie and then shook his head. “There’s still tomorrow.”
Wayne and Eddie shared a glance of concern over Steve’s head.
“I’m sure that’s the case,” Wayne agreed.
An uneasy silence settled on them as they drove to the restaurant. Wayne parked and turned to Steve.
He pulled him in for a great big hug and then opened the door. “It’ll be all right.”
Steve nodded and slid out after Eddie.
The dinner was just as ruckus as the ice cream parlor the night before. With just as many people. Steve looked around and smiled.
Yeah, 1985 was his year and it was just getting started.
Steve looked out to the audience and knew, even in the dimmed lights his parents weren’t there.
“Tell me, Mr Thomson, out of curiosity, do you stand with Mr Dickinson, or do you stand with me?” Vince asked.
Steve could feel the sting of tears in his eyes. He held up the dispatch. “I stand with the General. Lately–I’ve had the oddest feeling that he’s been–writing to me…”
He slowly rose to his feet as he sang,
“I have been in expectation Of receiving a reply On the subject of my last fifteen dispatches. Is anybody there?”
His voice cracked with emotion as he stepped half out of the spotlight.
“Does anybody care? Does anybody care? Y’r humble & ob’d’t–”
The drum rolled and Steve looked up into the eagle’s nest where Eddie was doing the spotlight. A single tear ran down his cheek.
Steve looked down at the paper in his hand and then back up at Eddie. And then he exited the scene on cue.
Eddie swore he saw more tears in that moment then for ‘Mama Look Sharp’ that night.
But that performance of Steve’s brought out something in Vince in that moment. Vince’s John Adams bid Hancock good night, but then it changed. All the emotion and fear of not being seen or heard. The loneliness that Adams must have been feeling in that moment, borrowed from the loneliness of both Washington and Thomson.
“Is anybody there–”
“Does anybody care–?”
Again, nothing.
“Does anybody see–what I see?”
And then Kenny came on and delivered the line with a sharpness that hadn’t been there before.
“Yes, Mr Adams, I do.” As if to banish all the fears and insecurities that John was having in that moment.
And Steve could almost hear it as though it was coming from Eddie. As if it was coming from his friends. The party. Wayne.
Yes, his parents weren’t there. They never were. And probably never were going to be. But that didn’t mean that no one was listening to Steve. That no one cared.
They all cared. Every last one of the dozens of people that showed up the last two nights. They cared. They brought their families. Brought flowers. Thought he was worthy of celebrating. Worth treating.
For the boy with the bat.
The boy that never knew what love really was until he looked up from a god damned garbage can into those warm and friendly brown eyes. A warm hand on his back and a gentle ‘Are you okay?’
In that moment, Steve’s life had become changed. Different. Better. All because a teacher took pity on Steve and chose Eddie Munson of all people to be Steve’s protector.
And he looked up at Eddie in the rafters and though he couldn’t see him, he knew that Eddie was looking back at him. Smiling back at him. Loving him for all his worth.
And if you had asked Steve what his worth was back in December he would have told you nothing. He wasn’t worth anything but being the baby-sitter. But now?
Now Steve was a baby-sitter, chauffeur, groupie, actor, chef, swimmer, friend, brother, and most importantly boyfriend. And maybe if he was really lucky, someone’s son.
Fuck, rereading this to add back in the formatting made me cry. My apologies if it makes you cry too.
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @garden-of-gay @anaibis @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites   @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @lovelyscot @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @jinxjinn @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @estrellami-1 @dangdirtydemons @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread
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lorimnnn · 1 year
Vincent the voyeur. The second you come into town you can feel eyes on you but you don't know who they belong to, and you can't shake the feeling of being watched. But he's everywhere. He's sneaking peaks at you hiding in plain sight, shuddering as he completes his sketch, pencil moving frantically over every inch of the page. He can't move fast enough.
You're in awe of all the effort he takes into making the wax sculptures and beg to meet the artist himself, and he's scared shitless that the mask will bother you but you're just impressed it's molded so accurately to his face. Let's you touch it and guides your fingers over the contours of his mask, shaking at the miniscule tingles he can feel against his weathered skin.
obviously you're attracted to him
Bo the flirt, of course. The second he sees you he knows you'll be fun. Heat licks up your spine every time he looks at you and it's a burrowing, soul-squirming, slow and steady kind of stare that makes it feel like he's looking at every part of you, not just the parts that they all usually like.
And obviously you're this sweet, shy thing emboldened by his attraction. You can't get enough of it and he can't get enough of you. It really will be a shame to kill you.
All your friends are terrified of the goofy, scraggly driver and kind of dicks to him, and you're frowning and he's feeling his heart stutter at someone finally standing up for him and appreciating him the way he deserves. Lester giggles when you ask him more questions, normal questions, almost like you're trying to get to know him. Calls you a 'pretty thing' and gives you a little pendant made from a squirrels skull for good luck, knowing what lies ahead.
And he's falling all over himself too to be the perfect gentleman. Holding your hand to help you out the truck, the touch lingering a tad too long (he's not extending this gesture to your dick head friends of course) leaning against said truck to talk to you and missing like a complete dork, falling on his face. Embarrassed but it's all worth it when you laugh
and then all three of them when you're still roaming around and you can't find your friends, not knowing they're already dead and you're the only one left. You go to the gas station to ask around and they're all there and pretending they have no idea, smirking at your flustered expression when Bo flirts to redirect the conversation, backing you into Vincent as he does. Now you're a bit intimidated. Why are they cornering you like this? Even Lester isn't doing anything apart from an occasional 'knock it off, eh?" when you're too flustered to speak
Hehe you're in for a ride
Mini rant:
No because immediately what struck me watching it is that Carly and her friends are kind of asses??? Like yes I'm all for character flaws but just being an idiot is basically your death sentence. It was karma. The only one I feel bad for is Paige. Tell me why I had hope that they would deserve to live when it was a bunch of college kids - - - you can never trust them to be protagonists of a horror movie because WHERE IN UR RIGHT MIND DOES IT BECOME ACCEPTABLE TO TRESPASS INTO AN AREA THAT CLEARLY SAYS 'CLOSED' OR KEY A WALL FOR PROOF??? like what if I went to ur house and saw it was locked and was like "oh, that's just a decoration" and to prove your window was real glass I threw a brick at it??? Same energy really Carly's boyfriend had it coming.
p.s. i've started writing a reverse harem novel based on house of wax--- it's gonna be a slow burn that's kind of romantic and has a lot of sexual tension hehe. would any of you be interested if I posted it on ao3, or posted updates here so you know when you can perhaps... buy it? i feel like it's going to be around 150,000 - 200,000 words
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xxstrangermusicatxx · 1 month
DBD fans, this is (maybe) how we win
I put “maybe” there as a precaution because this whole post is purely theoretical. There are many times where I know exactly what something means and if it means something or if it means absolutely nothing regarding a renewal, however, although not fully strong enough in my eyes for me to consider it solid confirmation or proof, this news is giving me a good feeling about the show getting renewed.
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As of Wednesday, August 14, The Gentlemen was renewed by Netflix for a season 2, now you might wonder, what does this have to do with Dead Boy Detectives getting renewed?
Now stay with me here, this is about to be a very long rant but all will be explained and make sense in the end.
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From following Netflix’s renewal and cancellation decisions closely for a couple of years now, I’ve started to be able to predict whether a show will be cancelled or renewed, and in this situation, my belief has lately been “this show has been out for over 100 days now with no news whatsoever and low viewing numbers, Netflix is simply ignoring it right now and will inevitably cancel it at some point” since Netflix seems to usually renew shows generally quickly if they are going to renew it (the most recent example of this being Supacell which was just renewed 3 days ago, 47 days post-release), although The Gentlemen has proved me wrong.
With how long The Gentlemen was taking to get renewed, I was starting to wonder if despite the show’s success with its viewing numbers and its completion rate in the first 30 days (63%), maybe Netflix still decided to cancel it (because while I can predict this stuff from a mile away usually, Netflix sometimes does have its moments where they make absolutely no sense whatsoever and cancel shows that you wouldn’t necessarily expect them to cancel).
While this could easily be a special case (because those do exist as we all know, such as Survival of the Thickest which took 215 days, and the more well known and more obvious example to this fandom, The Sandman, which took 90 days), it’s still giving me hope that despite how long we’ve been waiting for any news at all, maybe all hope is not lost as I initially thought.
Usually, especially with a show in the YA fantasy genre like DBD (as a lot on Netflix fall victim to this unfortunately), like I said, I would just assume Netflix is ignoring the show because of low numbers and is going to inevitably end up cancelling it one day (which could still very much be happening, there’s still another whole month until Geeked Week starts, you never know), however, with this show being in The Sandman Universe, a part of me wants to believe Netflix wouldn’t just ignore it since it is tied to such a big show that they so clearly want to make a universe out of.
(Unless it’s just The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance all over again where they want to make a franchise for their streaming platform then they ignore the spin-off they made for a year and then cancel it, killing off their franchise, I doubt they’d do this because of the fact that the original media that DBD is spinning off of is a successful Netflix series unlike The Dark Crystal movie which isn’t a Netflix original and a movie from the 80s, but who knows, it’s Netflix, they are confusing sometimes, but I don’t think Netflix would do that with DBD with the Sandman connect)
With the fact that The Sandman is going to be one of the shows featured in Geeked Week, they could easily pair DBD renewal news up with that since they share a universe. At this point, I’m just simply confused on why Netflix still hasn’t said anything despite this show being in the same universe as The Sandman (a successful show), because Netflix isn’t afraid to quickly cancel shows that get bad viewing numbers, even if the parent/original shared universe show was successful (as proven with Freeridge, the On My Block spin-off series which got cancelled after 69 days due to low viewing numbers). It is lost on me why they are ignoring it since it is attached to The Sandman.
On My Block was successful, yet they still quickly cancelled Freeridge due to bad numbers, so why aren’t they doing the same with Dead Boy Detectives right now? Dead Boy Detectives didn’t get high viewing numbers at all, the numbers it got are quite similar to Freeridge’s numbers in fact, so why haven’t they just straight up cancelled it yet? Why drag it out and stay quiet for so long? Especially when you are a month out from what is basically your streaming platform’s comic-con-esque week where you are confirmed to be announcing news about said show’s parent show?
So to connect my points here, with the fact that The Gentlemen just got renewed after 160 days post-release proving shows can get renewed after that long (which would put DBD 144-148 days post-release if renewed during Geeked Week, the week of September 16-20), Geeked Week (which will include news/new content for season 2 of The Sandman) upcoming in exactly a month from now (while we still have no news of if DBD was cancelled or renewed despite it being over 100 days now), and DBD’s Sandman Universe tie-in/connection, I think we could possibly get a renewal during Geeked Week!
For anyone who has read to this point (probably no one but hello if you are still here!), thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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choccy-milky · 6 months
Hi babe, just read what u published about getting hate on Clora from your latest chapter.
I just wanted to say that there’ll always be people that will throw HATE - on your oc - story- decisions u make for your fanfic-story-character. The important thing here is to know where you stand, what u like, how u want your characters-story to be headed. I knoooow for a fact that is jealousy, towards you, your creativity, your imagination, and they just wanna be “cool”.
I’ve followed u for a time now ( and sorry I’ve always wanted to message you saying how awesome u are 🥲 but didn’t have the courage to do so… but this drew the line! ) and how you manage to portray the feelings, story and the character’s personalities is truly unique. U👏KEEP👏DOING👏THAT👏.
In my country we say “take the things from who says them” ( poor translation sorry ) it basically means take the comments and opinions from the people who know about the topic, from people that are important to you, from people you admire, etc. Not from those kind of people who CLEARLY have NO CLUE about the HP plot 😅 which like u said, it revolves about sacrifice and love, or just for the art of hating an -awesome- OC. Like, c’on we’re too old for this hating on one and other 😒.
I know it’s upsetting. BUT: Keep on shining. Keep on giving Clora her vibrant and wonderful personality that u both share. Keep working hard. Keep creating.
I’m sending all my love and support from a remote corner of Earth. 💖🫶
PS. Sorry for the long AF message. Toodaloo!😘
AWW TY BABE SRSLY💖💖💖 im so happy youve been enjoying my art/story/following me for so long!!!😭💖💖
and you're 100000% right, i need to just focus on the positive and people who enjoy my content and who are kind to me and whose opinions i respect 😭💖LIKE YOU!!💖💖and ik people might just then accuse me of surrounding myself in an echo chamber of yes men who just are nice to me bc i cant take criticism BUT HEY!! what else am i supposed to do for my mental health? if you dont like clora or my story/art or w.e else, just block me and curate your feed and move on and dont think about me anymore, the same way im trying to do for my own wellbeing. im lucky enough to have lot of ppl like my art and story but that doesnt mean i signed some agreement to have people be rude to me and i just have to take it with a smile. like naw my guy, i have ANXIETY UP THE WAZOO!! and im allowed to block and delete and respond to stuff like that when it upsets me too ALSO THANK YOU AS WELL @jodiswiftle 💖💖im so happy youre enjoying my fic sm. i got your ask but i hope you dont mind me just addressing it here, bc i dont wanna keep drawing attention to this and keep making separate posts about it/the negativity and i want this to be the last one. but IT REALLY DOES MEAN A LOT, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PASSIONATE RANT OF AFFECTION BAHAHA IT RLY CHEERED ME UP TOO 💖💖🥹
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hestzhyen · 1 month
Chapter 45 Uh, Seriously?! Posting
So! Full speed ahead it is, internet void! What a dense chapter.
First up, John Hishaku and the Samurai Murderer Guy that was at Chihiro's house in chapter 2.
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Guess we'll see more of him soon, how fun! It's not quite clear how many people are talking here, but Hishaku scheming is afoot and the game is on. The only question is how fucked the Kamunabi is going to be by the end of the arc IMO.
And don't think I missed that vase reappearing. My nemesis. The spiky boi on the mid-left drove me insane as soon as the raws dropped but I would like to tentatively propose that it is a kiku (chrysanthemum). Different colors have very different meanings so I still admit defeat on that front. But kiku are usually associated with mourning or Imperial imagery, so that's cool. I demand a treat if this flower arrangement turns out to be the world's subtlest hint that the Hishaku are related to an old regime or breakaway faction of the government.
But yeah... so much cuteness this week. Very welcome after the rich drama from the past few chapters.
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Boys who commit patricide together fall asleep mid-conversation wake up together, apparently. And for all the fan artists/fanfic writers out there, it's now canon that both of them are wearing long-sleeved shirts under the other layers. I was kind of hoping for Chihiro to be wearing one of his dad's shirts but this is more in character...
Fine, okay, it's probably for convenience's sake since apparently these guys can only rest for one night before jumping into the lion's den. But I'm flabbergasted by their soulmate coding. I kind of expected Hakuri to pass out, but Chihiro conking out at the same time in the same pose is too damn cute! Barely over a week together and they've already perfectly synced their sleep schedules and postures lol.
I find it deeply amusing that the entire flashback sequence at the end of chapter 44 was purely for the reader's benefit though. Seriously! Hakuri asked Chihiro "So... what comes next?" and then they both immediately passed out sitting up. So the last four pages were there just to spare us from even more infodumping in this chapter, which is much appreciated.
That's something that Hokazono-sensei also did at the end of the vs. Sojo arc in chapter 18. 10 pages to him exploding, 7 to the situation at the Kamunabi (which will now come into play! EXCELLENT LAYERING OF DETAILS!). I don't know if I'm smart or educated enough to do a full analysis on the techniques he's using, but I love the style. He doesn't let the emotional points linger too long or waste a single goddamn panel in this manga. Yeah, I want more time with the characters outside of serious plot moments, but there's not much else for me to complain about. The need isn't particularly dire anyway since every scene is efficient in giving us characterization and info at the same time (example later this rant).
So yeah. Thanks to that excellent pacing decision, we get to witness this crowning moment of heartwarming:
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LOOK AT THESE DORKS. LOOK AT THEM. I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE. Thank you for this moment of Team Goldfish x Hiyuki and Tafuku bliss.
And look at the food on the table! Hiyuki and Tafuku have earned a measure of trust with Team Goldfish! Just a bit, but Shiba definitely wouldn't have let them stay the night and eat with them if he felt they were dangerous.
It's also so sweet that Char's comfortable sitting in big bro Tafuku's lap... she's come a long way since her debut as a scared, scruffy orphan. Wonder where the gang is hanging though. Someone's apartment, I guess? A nearby hotel? More insignificant details this annoying reader wants to know...
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TW for SF5-era tournament enthusiasts: That Stage appears in the first panel.
Did anyone have bets on Shiba wrecking Hiyuki in Street Fighter while waiting for Hakuri and Chihiro to wake up? I didn't, but I love it. And this scene highlights something I've really come to appreciate about Kagurabachi's writing: it's incredibly efficient. Almost every scene has more than one thing being conveyed at a time. For instance, here we learn that Hiyuki sucks at Street Fighter compared to Shiba but is too stubborn to quit (comedy & character consistency) and still doesn't know he's ex-Kamunabi (serious). This in turn tells us that Shiba's probably got something to hide from active Kamunabi personnel. After all, it's not like the org itself is a secret, and we wouldn't see Hiyuki questioning him twice if his circumstances weren't suspicious. So Shiba's subplot thickens while we laugh at the gag- peak efficiency.
The cuteness, though... the sweetness of this chapter, man!
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Chihiro respecting Yuu's nickname and correcting Hakuri with such a gentle expression is incredibly adorable. He's so relaxed here... but oh wait, there's... chibi Hakuri and Chihiro apologizing for worrying Uncle Shiba?!
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Chihiro and his new #1 enabler owe more than an apology but it's good enough for now.
This break wasn't quite long enough to reset the tension in my opinion, but it absolutely delivered on character moments. We definitely needed this after all the big feels from the previous few chapters. I wish there was more time devoted to letting us calm down before ramping up again but what we got here is pretty good.
And so we jump feet-first into laying the groundwork for the Kamunabi arc. A nice, efficient recap of the situation leads us into some additional context and a surprising bit of Shiba characterization. Whatever beef he's got with the Kamunabi feels quite personal for a guy who plays it cool and loose most of the time. We know he's glad he quit because they're too uptight, but there's gotta be more to it than that- he's subtly trying to steer Chihiro away from them while Hiyuki is having none of it here. I want to gently snap this man in half to make him spill his secrets...
At the end of the day, though, Shiba's not going to stop Chihiro from joining the Kamunabi. That's been his thing since Chapter 1: if Chihiro makes up his mind to do something, Shiba will offer advice and make suggestions but ultimately leave the decisions up to him. I wonder how much of his guilt over Kunishige's death plays into that...
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PFFT. "I know what I'm doing here seems risky and unwise but It's fine, trust me. I've got Hakuri." OKAY BUDDY. You've been able to do a hell of a lot since you met this kid haven't you? It's like meeting him changed the trajectory of your life as much as you changed his.
Shiba's expression is very interesting to me. He's like "ah, I get it..." and he's not thrilled in the slightest. Adding Hakuri to the team means Chihiro can be even more reckless than ever before; what little influence he had over Chihiro's safety is all but gone now. And Hakuri himself won't try to stop Chihiro from putting his life on the line- he'll risk his own to help him do it! All this while they're poised to go somewhere he probably can't follow... poor Mr. Shiba.
And then!! AND THEN!!!
Chapter 32: Smile Unlocked (once has no meaning...)
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Chapter 36: Smile Lost (twice is a coincidence...)
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Chapter 38: Locked In (three times is a pattern...)
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Chapter 45: Smile Restored (four times is fate)
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The one pulling the other forward is always on the right, leading the reader as well.
When one calls, the other answers. What one starts, the other finishes. A and Un. And this time Hakuri echoes Chihiro's "you got it" catchphrase back to him! I hope this is their thing now, like the "How's my timing?/Perfect" bit that Shiba and Chihiro had.
I'm going absolutely insane over this interaction though. It's the first time Chihiro's gotten to hear someone affirm that they'll see things through with him at his own request (on-screen at least). The first time he's outright said he needs someone, even. And of course Hakuri responds so enthusiastically- he's finally wanted. Just a few days ago he thought he'd never amount to anything. But he's got so much hope thanks to Chihiro's faith in him now.
"What I need in my life is a samurai! THAT'S YOU!" is finally answered with "I'm going to need your help again." hnnnngh what in the hell is this chapter.
Platonic, familial, romantic- however you want to see their relationship, these guys are meant to be together. If I ever start to doubt Hakuri's importance again just smack me right upside the head- he's truly Chihiro's other half now. Let's cheer them on and hope nothing horrible happens to Hakuri ever again! Protect the smile of the boy who would die for you on command, Chihiro. You've been warned.
Protected Bearers
Cool stuff ahead, and tough times to go with them. I doubt things will be as simple as Chihiro successfully making his case and being allowed to start trying to Talk no Jutsu the former wielders. This arc seems like it could easily be longer and more complicated than the previous two combined. I kind of hope it is, just to get more time with everyone. I've never loved a cast of characters this much.
That said... In another series I'd be sure Chihiro would visit each area one by one in their own mini arc, but Kagurabachi is probably going to subvert the expectation somehow. We got previews of the areas so we'll be seeing all of them. Probably (we goddamn better after that gorgeous spread showing them off.), but not in the way we'd expect. This story is so fast I kind of expect us to blitz through all of them in a handful of chapters each... guess it depends on how in-depth we get with the bearers themselves.
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As we originally saw them in chapter 18. The slightly updated designs from this chapter are pretty nifty.
I'm 100% sure the order they're presented here corresponds with the areas shown on the spread immediately afterwards. So eye scars is stuck in a temple, the girl is stuck in an onsen, kabuki monk guy is stuck in what looks like a floating shrine, and sushi chef is in... a sushi restaurant. Wow shocker.
I'm going to make the assumption that they got to choose where they were imprisoned for the rest of their lives. Maybe it was the government's way of expressing gratitude for helping the war effort? Which makes Magatsumi's wielder (the Sword Master) being sealed up like a nasty curse all the more intriguing... he's clearly fucked up but was he always that way or did the sword corrode his mind? Is there more to the lifelong contract with these swords than just being the only person who can use them? I better get some answers!
So Kunishige personally knew and chose these people... I wonder how meeting them will deepen Chihiro's understanding of his father's legacy. I sincerely doubt that all of them will make it easy for him to recover the blade they're tied to, but we'll hopefully learn a lot while Chihiro makes his attempts. Really seems like we are set up for Kunishige and Seitei War backstory so I am hype. Dead DILF lore! DEAD DILF LORE!
Hiyuki and Kamunabi Thoughts
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Hiyuki also had some interesting moments this chapter. She understands that the current stalemate with the Hishaku has tied the Kamunabi's hands for the most part, forcing them to do less than savory things (like bidding on the Shinuchi) to keep the peace. And despite her hotblooded outburst before the auction, she still has rock solid faith in her org's mission. So I don't think she'll defect easily so as long as she believes the mission is doable under better circumstances.
And it seems like she thinks Chihiro might be the right catalyst for change... hmm. She's essentially using him as a chaos agent to shake up the status quo because he proved himself to her. She finds him worthy of deciding how to handle the blades, so now she's giving him and Hakuri the opportunity prove themselves to her leaders. Very cool. There's some rather deep stuff going on with her.
Hiyuki's much more establishment-oriented than her personality and actions suggest. I get the sense that she's there as an idealist who is willing to upset the status quo to see the mission through. A true believer in a bureaucratic institution- love that type of conflict. Can't wait to see more of her in this arc!
So now we're set to see Chihiro's philosophy and methods on trial. Super intriguing stuff and I'll definitely be looking at the questions each Kamunabi leader is asking to try and suss out their allegiance. Playing Guess the Traitor this arc is gonna be a lot of fun (I hope)!
Speaking of which... Azami as the traitor allegations don't move me, but I do think he'll be restricted this arc due to the ongoing investigation into his clandestine activities. Chihiro could well be on his own without an adult to watch out for him. At least he and Hakuri will be there for each other. ...With no one to try and stop them from doing reckless stunts. Uh oh.
So that's a wrap on this fuckhuge ramble. Hope the breakneck pace slows down just a smidge but I'm still very onboard with whatever is coming next. Thanks for allowing me to ramble as always, void.
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fancifulplaguerat · 1 year
I have a light rant/appreciation post for Eva Yan because I have been thinking about her a lot recently. I find her character concept compelling, being a utopian in love with utopia itself; with miracles, love, and dreams. All the utopians (excluding perhaps Vlad and Mark) desire miracles, and seemingly resolve that desire through an obsession and commitment to their respective utopias, i.e. the Polyhedron or defeating death. It’s interesting how Eva fits in here, as a utopian utterly “in love with her own dream,” as Clara describes her. I don’t think her aspirations are completely directionless, though—they’re centered on the Cathedral, and I have thoughts (derogatory) about how the game handles this. 
I will say that I actually like Daniil and Eva’s similarities, and what their dynamic communicates about the two of them. I particularly want to dissect this conversation Eva has with Clara:
Eva Yan: Is [the chasm between us] that great? Not really. He longs for miracles; he needs living evidence of the impossible... Yet was this not what I used to brood on daily and nightly? Was this not the reason I shed so many tears over our useless Cathedral?
> Look at me, Eva. I can work miracles. I can sense their nature. Mark my words: neither you nor he will get any miracles for as long as you're expecting them with such greed and entitlement!
Eva Yan: Those who watched Scarlet Nina build the town, who watched Simon play with our children, would never say it's futile to demand a miracle... One can, and in a way, one must!
It strikes me how Eva claims that she and Daniil need ‘living evidence of the impossible,’ like it’s not enough for them to merely dream about utopia—they want proof that it’s achievable, and to enact miracles themselves. Eva’s rebuttal to Clara also shows a similar adherence to hope that Daniil expresses, and in my opinion runs through all the utopians. After all, they are described as “those who believe in the power of the human spirit and the infinite scope of creativity.” The utopians are ultimately about humanity, even if they are often careless towards others; it’s all in service to an idealistic greater good. Daniil and the Kains likewise claim to be motivated by love, which is central to Eva’s character; this is why I don’t inherently hate Eva becoming infatuated with Daniil. It makes sense in that she is a Romantic and Daniil embodies many of her ideals, but at the same time, I hate how her obsession with Daniil is treated, especially how it comes into play on Day 7.  
Eva says that she didn’t sacrifice for Daniil: “Don’t torture yourself... Do not assume I’ve done it for you. Not at all. I just wanted to inhabit this place. To bring the Cathedral to life a bit... so that there were at least something miraculous here.” And likewise Daniil writes that, “All she wanted was to put a miracle into practice and become the living soul of the lifeless Cathedral.” With this context, I was willing to put my side-eye away and entertain that her choice was the consequence of her being so eager for a miracle. 
But then the game makes it explicit that she did in fact do this for Daniil. It’s especially damning in Clara’s Route, where Eva asks her, “Will you take care of him when I die? Maria let slip that he has three days left to win; it's a commitment he is bound by. I will have to give my own life so he may survive...” which contextualizes the murmurs about Maria somehow convincing Eva to do it. Clara alludes to this in the Bachelor Route, writing, “I know why Eva did what she did. Would you like me to tell you? [...] The true blasphemy is your negligence. You were meant to achieve victory yesterday. You did not.” And there’s more: Eva tells Daniil, “You know... I’m almost happy now, my dear Daniil... I’ve found a way to help you! But hush... for now it’s a secret!” and tells Clara “I’m sure that the Cathedral will spring back to life very soon—for his sake. And I will help...” And besides all this, Eva makes constant comments about how she wants to help Daniil, how she would turn herself inside out for him, and there’s this fucking line, which makes me bite and scratch: “The moment his boots stepped on the dusty soil of our roads, the moment he took a deep breath of our air, the moment his shadow fell on the cobbles of our town, I knew that my life had changed, and that it was approaching its acme. He has come, and now I live for his sake...” like good god I’m sorry I hate it. 
To offer a tepid defense, I do think this fits into a larger pattern in Patho about one person giving their life for another, which is particularly prevalent with the Utopians/Humbles. But I still really dislike Eva making this choice for Daniil’s sake, it takes away from it being her personal, if tragic, way to resolve her utopian desire for the miraculous, and does a disservice to her characterization—instead of her motivation resting in her inner conflict, it again becomes “she’s obsessed with Daniil.” And obviously this is complicated, but the entire thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I just think they did her dirty and I hate it because I really enjoy her dialogues, like I love her perspective about the disease and the events of the game. I’m so sorry for what they did to you ms yan 
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florestmoon · 2 years
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ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ʀᴀᴅɪᴄᴀʟɪᴢᴇᴅ…
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɢʜᴏsᴛғᴀᴄᴇ!ᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ x F!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Summary: You’ve always turned a blind eye to that dark shroud that followed behind your best friend like a shadow. But as killings begin to plague Hawkins, it’s not long until that darkness swallows you as well.
Warnings: This is a dark fic with dark themes: Mentions of Violence and Blood. Depiction of murder. Dark&Mean!Eddie. Naive!Reader. Kinda. Manipulation. Corruption. Possessive!Eddie. NSFW. Degradation. Dark thoughts and ideas. Crying. Noncon elements. Choking. More in other parts.
ᴀ/ɴ: Not only do I love angst, I love writing some dark shit. This will probably be 2 or 3 parts as I’m just testing the waters right now with this idea. It was originally going to be a very long stand alone but I felt like posting something for y’all ! Enjoy <33 please remember this is fiction. I’m not saying any of the shit that happens here is correct obviously.
You never cared for what others have said about your best friend. All those labels of ‘Freak’ and ‘Satanist’ that was branded on Eddie never held heavy weight on you.
You never cared for what others have said about your best friend. All those labels of ‘Freak’ and ‘Satanist’ that was branded on Eddie never held heavy weight on you.
You didn’t even care that by building a friendship with him from a young age had made you an outcast too, because no matter what, you cared for him deeply.
But that doesn’t mean you don’t see that there was something different with him. That there was a darkness that he often had reserved in quiet moments where you both were alone. His usual rants about how cursed Hawkins was having a darker tone that you tried to decipher.
You told yourself that you didn’t care, that you didn’t need to play close attention to this darkness that followed you both because it wouldn’t be a problem at all. You knew him unlike anyone else, so you always brushed it aside.
Even when that darkness begin to slip through the cracks more and more..
“What happened?” Eddie hisses from the other side of the bathroom door. Robin’s attempt to keep it open enough to hide your disheveled self was proven feeble.
“Cant you give her a few minutes ?” She sighs, keeping a tight grip on the door handle as she returns the same harsh stare. “You do know this is the girls bathroom, so you can’t just —“
“I don’t fucking care.” He snaps, and you could see in the corner of your eye Robin head flinching back.
The shock clear on her face pushed for you to quickly drop your camera to hang around your neck, napkin tossed in the sink that did nothing to fully wipe off the sticky substance, and you turned around before she could retort back.
You knew you had no other option but to give in, unless you wanted Robin to see the side of Eddie that you both kept hidden.
“Robin..” you say softly, putting on your best smile as she turns to you with curious eyes. “It’s fine. just..can you leave us alone please?”
You can tell the second of hesitation she has, looking from you to Eddie who looked like he was a second away from shoving the door open, before she resigned and opened it fully.
Eddie wasted no time in storming inside, Robin’s annoyed groan completely deaf to his ears as he takes in your appearance. Your reddened eyes shifting back to the sink, body twisting in hopes to hide the wet patches on your sweater. But Eddie notices and he grabs your arm, fully turning you to face him.
“What the fuck happened??” He asks again, racking his eyes over the stains before flicking up to the top of your head. Strands of hair wet and sticking together from the juice that you were desperately trying to get rid of with water.
You don’t answer at first, shame tugging at you from inside but his grip on your hand tightens, and you knew his patience was wearing thin.
“Carol..” you mumble sadly, still avoiding his eyes as you look in the mirror. You tug on your skirt, trying to smooth it out before noticing that some juice managed to stain the ends of it.
You could feel that some dripped onto your thighs. The sensation of a sticky spot against your skin was getting hard to ignore. “She uh..‘tripped’ when they were walking by our table..”
Eddie tenses and you finally build the courage to look at him. You regret it when you’re met with that dark look that you begin to see more and more often.
“I-it was an accident. It’s uh fine.” You try, pulling your arm away and grabbing the napkin. Hurriedly scrubbing on your sweater to keep him from noticing how your hands were shaking.
“‘Accident’ my ass. That bitch didn’t trip, you know that.”
You knew.
Carol and Tommy had begun to laugh uncontrollably when it occurred, spewing out half apologies as the rest of the cafeteria watched. The amused glances your classmates had thrown your way as you sat there drenched in orange juice still burned on your skin.
Burned your cheeks as you felt them flush in humiliation, shaking your head when you begin to feel those tears build again. Shit.
“Don’t cry.” Eddie voice snaps suddenly, and your bottom lips begin to quiver.
That was the difference between you two. Despite years of dealing with assholes like Carol and Tommy, you found it hard to hold in your emotions. It always got to your head. And Eddie hated it. He made it clear in times like this.
He grips your chin when you try to look away as a tear escapes the corner of your eye, voice more gentle but still holding tension in it. “What did I say?”
“I know, Eds. I know.” You sniff, more tears following the first one. You weren’t sure anymore if they were the product from Carols actions or from the tone in his voice. A pathetic whimper escapes you as you whisper weakly, “Can you…take me home please?”
And like every other time—when you use those same teary eyes that angered him before, to gaze up at him sadly—his expression softens and that darkness is wiped clean from his eyes.
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“We’re different from them.” He rambles, placing your camera on top of his dresser.
You’re sat on the edge of his bed as he rummages around his room looking for your favorite pair of sweats that you always borrow from him.
He managed to convince you to come over to his trailer instead of driving you straight home, with promises of putting on your favorite movie and keeping you company. You were content with the idea, unsure if you would be able to handle being alone.
You play with the soft material of one of his band tees that’s on your lap, watching him through eyelashes curiously as he curses. He pulls open one of his drawers and reaches inside. “That’s why that bitch, and everyone else in this goddamn town thinks they can treat us like this— simply because we aren’t brainless sheep that follow this concept of normality.“
He slams his drawer shut, his own rant getting him worked up. You don’t flinch when he makes his way to you, sweats in hand and he crouches in front of where you’re sat.
Eddie sighs when you look up from your attention on the shirt, hand coming up to rub your eyes to get rid of the tears that were trying to breakthrough again.
You stay quiet, always listening when he gets like this.
He takes in your appearance. Scanning your face for a moment.
“Look what they did to you..” He whispers sadly. He licks his thumb and reaches out, slowly wiping a spot you missed on your cheek. Heat warms your cheeks and you frown when he continues. That sadness transforming into disdain. “Look at you..”
“I know, I’m all sticky.” You pull your head away when he attempts to cup your cheek, and huff. “It got all over my favorite skirt and thighs too — and my camera! — Ugh, I’m going to take a quick shower, I really hate the smell-“
Hands are on your thighs in an instant and you yelp when he forces you to sit back down again. He looks down, pinching the end of your skirt between two fingers and lifting it.
You bite your lip nervously as he smacks his lip in annoyance, “I bought you this skirt too..what a shame.”
Eddie let’s go of your skirt, but not before he moves his hand underneath it. Brushing against the top of your thigh and moving inwards, his fingers touching the spot you noticed earlier. Your breath hitches at the feeling, the coldness from his rings sending shivers along your skin as you watch him carefully.
Eddie was always so touchy with you. Narrowing down to fleeting touches that never go on for long, as though testing the waters. Nights when you felt him brush his hand along your side when he thought you were asleep, often pushing his fingers past the waistband of your pjs bottoms. Just a little bit. Or when he would play with your hair, at times pulling a little too hard. The act leaving you breathless and he would simply smile innocently before apologizing.
It was constant but you never said anything. It wasn’t like you hated it. But as much as you try to ignore it—the insecure part of your brain telling you to not look into it—it was difficult to not react to it.
He continues to stroke your thigh, tilting his head at you when your eyes flutters, tingles erupting between your inner thighs. He takes this as an invitation to slowly itch his fingers up, causing you to absently shift your feet apart. Thighs spreading slowly.
“They got you all dirty baby..” he whispers, rings digging into your plush skin as his touch turns rough, gripping your thigh. He looks up at you, soft gaze slowly fading into something else.
You gulp and shrug your shoulders, biting down that feeling that was rising in your stomach. “‘S okay Eddie..”
“It’s not okay.” He scolds, his fingers moving and barely brushing the side of your panties. You hold in the small whimper that nearly escapes, as you will hips to stay in place. You focus on the rising anger in his voice to ignore the way you felt down there.
“None of it is okay. People like them..” he scoffs. “They know they can get away with whatever. And they have, because this town is full of conformist who think anyone a little different is deserving to be beat down.”
The grip on your thigh suddenly turns painful and you yelp, jolting from the pain. “Eddie!”
You grab onto his wrist, squeezing before he lets up the pressure. “I-it doesn’t matter okay? You’re right, nothing will happen and I don’t care, I just want to forget about it, please can we—“
“But what if something does happen?” He asks, rubbing your thigh as a small apology. You tilt your head at him, furrowing your eyebrows.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean..what if something did happen to them? To Carol?”
The tone and the darkness that you always pretended wasn’t present in moments like these, makes your whole being turn cold and your fingers tighten around his wrist.
“Like..karma?..” You attempt. He nods slowly, smoothing his hand down your thigh and places it in your knee instead, spreading your legs again.
“Mhm..wouldn’t that nice? To see her finally get karma?” He leans closer to you, practically putting himself between your thighs. The corner of his lips twitching when you inhale shakily. “Wouldn’t you like that?”
You grip onto the sheets beneath you and shrug, blinking at him a few times. “I don’t know, I mean..I guess.” You look away and clear your throat, heart racing against your chest. A thought comes to mind and you smile weakly. “Ha..maybe we can dump some milk on her ? That’ll be karma, right Eds?”
Eddie watches you for a few seconds, his face going blank. A beat passes. Two. You begin to squirm underneath his gaze. Then he pulls away and chuckles. That soft smile back on his lips as he pats your knee.
“You’re right. Maybe I can put a few bugs in her locker, imagine the look on her face. You can take a few pictures too ”
You relax, the tension dissolving between you two as you stare at the dimple on his cheek. That feeling in your stomach disappearing along with it. You squeeze your thighs together as you let out a small giggle and play with the string of the sweats.
“Y-yeah, it would be funny.”
Eddie stands up and pats your head, before making his way to his bedroom door. “Go get cleaned up sweetheart, and I’ll make us some popcorn yeah? I have a bag of gummy bears that has your name on it!”
You wait for him to fully leave the room before letting out a quiet sigh. Hands shakily touching the skin marked, you could see the red marks his rings left, the spot throbbing from the momentarily abuse.
You hug his clothes to your chest as you get up, making your way to his bathroom. Even when you shower and you scrub your skin to get rid of the remaining orange juice, you continue to feel that darkness that latched onto Eddie’s staple on your thigh. Expanding slowly like dark vines up your thigh, branching off and..
Spreading…and spreading..
✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ✁✃✁✃
The word echoes in your mind as you stare out the car window, body tensing when you register the number of police cars that were lined up the street. Flashes of red and blue paint your face while Eddie drives by. His humming to the music becoming white noise in your ears when you recognize the home that was surrounded by yellow tape.
“Isn’t that where Carol lives?” You ask. You twist your body to continue to stare as Eddie makes a turn towards your street, catching a glimpse of a stretcher being pulled across the lawn.
You’re forced to turn to Eddie with wide eyes when the house is out of sight. The lights fading away and the image of a white sheet that covered a large lump, a body, burned into the back of your eyelids.
His spares you a quick glance, eyes lowered in disinterest when he shrugs. You feel a bit embarrassed that he didn’t match your own curiosity. Shrinking into your seat as you fiddle with your sleeve.
He turns his attention back to the road and he pushes the knob on the radio up. The volume nearly distracting you from the way his mouth turns up, contradicting the boredom in his voice. “‘M not sure, is it? ”
It was. Carol was found by her parents stabbed to death in her back yard, with about 10 stabs wounds that decorated her back and chest. It was speculated that she was attacked inside her home first, the popcorn that was left unsupervised and nearly burning the kitchen down was proof of that.
The kicker was that she wasn’t the only one, Tommy was tied to a chair in the backyard, suffering his own fair share of stab wounds. One particular dragged along his abdomen that left his organs piling out.
It was all vivid in your head. Your imagination running wild as the police reports along with other students own stories spread like wild fire throughout Hawkins. Different accounts on what happened and who would do such a thing. Your mind couldn’t stop conjuring up the images of their fate.
All you could think as you stare at the multiple flowers that decorated her locker, that was right across from yours was—
Karma. Karma. Karma. Karma.
Is this karma?
Karma was suppose to be something that matched their own actions. Like humiliating her the same way she did you all these years. She was suppose to feel that cold feeling wash over her skin that stemmed from deep shame, the same way that juice box drenched yours.
It wasn’t suppose to be blood that stained her skin instead. Tommy’s insides being carved outside of his body instead of them twisting in embarrassment the way his bullied victims endure when faced by his cruel words.
Was that karma?
“Funny huh. We were just talking about that, weren’t we?” Eddie shifts between leaning against one foot to the other. His response to the question you accidentally said out loud snapping you out of your daze.
Your ears catch a hint of amusement in his voice. A lightness that you’ve noticed since that night he picked you up 30 minutes past the original time he told you.
“A drug deal came up last minute. A real chatterbox.” He told you, tugging a strand of hair behind your ears and lowering his hand, fingers grazing your neck as you peered up at him . The excuse easily rolling off his tongue and you thought nothing of it, accepting it despite his lunch box not being seen in his van.
His hands are stuffed in his pockets, head leaned against the cold metal of a locker as he waits for you to finish grabbing a textbook from yours.
“Hopper came by last night.” He says after you kept your silence. “Says he’s questioning everybody and where they were that night. Told him I was with you.”
Something sparked in your stomach. Eddie’s eyes digging into the side of your head. You close your locker and turn towards him, meeting that stare.
The stare was audible. Isn’t that right?
You tug your backpack over your shoulder and nod.
“I mean, it’s true.”
Yes. I’ll tell him the same thing.
Eddie grins as his hand grasps yours, and he pulls you along with him through the hall, leading you through the sea of students to your next class.
His hand tugging and tugging you along as your body simply follows him with no other thought, staring at the back of his head. You hear fleeting comments from students that were hidden underneath a stairway.
“I heard that Tommy was murdered before her and she was like..forced to watch him die.”
“No way”
“Dude he was tied up and gutted. He was basically tortured. Then she was killed after !”
“They must have been so scared..”
Scared. They were scared, knowing that their time was running up. That dread that would stick in ones chest when they were being toyed with. It was probably what they felt that night, the same thing they made others feel when they were the tormentors.
Eddie glances back at you as you walk up the stairs. His hand squeezing yours, and you feel something spread down your fingers to latch onto your wrist.
You stare back, one thought in your mind.
Maybe it was karma after all.
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“Hawkins Chief of Police, Jim Hopper, has not spoken yet about whether these two horrific murders, occurring just a week a part, have any connections. Many speculate it’s not due to the pictures that were left in the recent crime scene. Jason Carver was posed in his bed surrounded by these gruesome photos when he found late last night..”
You twirl a strand of hair around your fingers before pulling it between your lips. Wetting it with your saliva as you stare at the tv screen. Leg bouncing nervously as your mother begins to whisper to your father, their worried tones only increasing your anxiety.
You glance at the clock on the wall.
10:35 pm.
The strand of hair is finally left alone, falling against your shoulder as you excuse yourself. You bid goodnight to your parents before you make you way to your bedroom. News reporter grim voice disappearing as you walk down the narrow hallway, pushing your bedroom door open.
Eddie sits on the edge of the bed, your camera propped up against his knee. He looks up as you enter.
“Got your camera all cleaned up and fixed.” He grins, shaking it in his hand.
Your back presses against door when you shut it close, hands gripping the doorknob behind you. Your heart was beating harshly against your chest when you make eye contact with him.
“Eddie..” you say softly, taking a moment before you walk across the room and stand in front of him, hands gripping onto his shoulders as you feel all that anxiety begin to tip over. Jason’s picture on the tv screen still stuck in memory.
“You know, I’ve been waiting for 5 minutes.” His mouth sets in a hard line. “So rude of you sweetheart.”
“Im sorry, i was watching the news..” You answer, squeezing his shoulders gently and it prompts him to place your camera on your bed.
Eddie looks up, curiosity swimming on that darkened stare. His hands come up to grab your waist, a gentleness that didn’t match his dilated eyes and you glance down at them.
There was a red stain that glinted off one of his rings. You felt yourself grow still and Eddie takes note of that.
“What’s wrong..” he mutters, fingers rubbing the exposed skin that your tank top couldn’t cover. “C’mon. Use your words, you know I hate when you get all quiet on me.”
You shut your eyes, inhaling through your nose before you shake your head. His touch grounding you only a little bit. “The news..they’re talking about Jason and how he was murdered last night.”
Eddie hums, his calm expression unchanging . His posture completely relaxed and you frown at the lack of care. “A lot of people think that there’s a pattern, that the murders last week is connected to it.”
“But there was a bunch of photos of someone wearing a mask posing with his body.” He clicks his tongue. “I mean, that’s different from what happened with Carol and Tommy right?”
“Eddie..they still think it’s like some deranged serial killer.”
“Really?” He muses, raising an eyebrow and he squeezes your waist. “I think it’s just good old karma biting these assholes in the ass for once. Nothing more nothing less ”
You pull away from his touch, ignoring the flash of frustration that crosses his features and you cross your arms. You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything to that.
“Deranged though? ” He speaks mostly to himself, leaning back on your bed and holding himself up by his arm. He lazily tilts his head up at your ceiling, feigning boredom but you can see the tension in his arm. Veins making themselves known as his hand tightens in a fist.
“Wanna hit up the corner store and grab a few snacks?” He says, drifting your attention from the image of black veins covering his arms. Snapping out of it, you look back to his face.
“What? There’s a curfew.” You say softly. “They’re placing a curfew starting tonight..”
“So what?Since when do we care about that?” He snaps and you feel your anxiety tip over the edge.
“It means that it’s dangerous out there!” You frown and nervously pull on your fingers, already regretting raising your voice as you glance at your closed door. Your parents were still downstairs. “I mean..you sneaking into my room this late is already bad enough Eddie.”
You can pinpoint the second he throws out that nonchalant aura around him, no longer holding back that murkiness that wraps itself around his shoulders, hovering over between you both as he levels you with a stare. You hold your breath, silently counting the seconds that pass by.
“Christ, what is this about? You know I hate when you get like this.” He narrows his eyes at you when you don’t respond right away, your eyes beginning to sting. The frown tugging on your lips and you refrain from shutting your eyes to escape that darkening look.
The slightest shift in his voice, the disapproval is enough to unnerve you, that sinking feeling in your stomach from the past week etching itself deeper.
“I..” You bite your lips and look down, wishing you could hide under your blankets, away from that shame that building again.
“y/n..” he murmurs in a demanding tone and you force yourself to meet his eyes. His breathing hitching when he notices the way your eyes glistened with tears. You quickly push yourself to speak before he could scold you for them.
“I’m just scared Eds.” You rub your cheeks, your voice cracking in the end.
He sighs, his defensive posture relaxing and he reaches for your hand. You allow him to intertwine your fingers with his and pull you forward, slightly stumbling as he makes you stand between his legs. Your hands are back on his shoulders, twisting the material of his black hoodie between your fingers.
“Why are you scared?” He asks.
“You know...” You swallow hard and move one of your hands to the nape of his neck. Soft curls wrapped around your finger. “All the things they are saying on tv, this whole thing. it’s starting to get to me. They’re labeling it as some..revenge killing. That they were targeted for a reason.”
He finds it amusing, voice turning light. “Hm I see. What? You think something will happen to you ?”
You look away from his curls and catch his gaze, brown eyes glinting with mischievous. You scrunch your nose, trying to catch anything else lurking in them. “I don’t know..maybe.”
“But you’re such a good girl..” Your stomach warms at the praise, despite his tone bordering mocking. Or maybe its that mocking element that has your stomach twist in excitement. You push that thought away quickly.
“Nothing will happen to you. Not like them..” He reassures, voice sweet like honey. “You’re nothing like them.”
“You promise ?” You say weakly, holding your finger out like a small child. His smiles and cups your cheek, nodding , and uses his other pinky to wrap with yours. You relax against his hold.
You continue to play with his curls as he watches you. A pondering look crosses his face as you continue to worry your lips between your teeth, some apprehension clear. His eyes light up.
“Hey..” His hand lowers to your waist again, fingers playing with the end of your tank top. Rubbing your soft skin a few times before he cautiously slips it underneath the silk material. Something curls in your stomach at the touch.
“I don’t want that pretty head of yours to worry so much..” he begins, voice slow and calculated. “How bout I take your mind off it, ya?”
Large hand stretching the material as his thumb brushes just below your breast. That anxiety slowly dissipating as your body flushes, eyes blinking rapidly as you process what he’s doing.
“Do you trust me?”
Yes. You’ve always trusted him, since the moment you met him. Even when many others tried to warn you about his behavior, the way he never seemed to leave your side. Looming over your shoulder practically your whole friendship, his rough demeanor often getting the best of him and you were the only one witnessing that shadow.
But you never cared, choosing to continue to trust him. It was him being protective, the way best friends always are. Best friends could be touchy even if Robin had pointed out that there was a line that he crossed that went against that belief.
Besides, you liked how his hands printed your skin in moments when he would make simple excuses to touch you.
Like how his hand that wasn’t beneath your shirt, had moved itself to your lower back right now. Pressing his palm against your spine, printing itself on your skin as he pushes you against him.
You nod slowly, not trusting your voice to speak. Still taking in what was happening.
“Then let me take care of you.” He whispers into your ear, kissing the bottom of it that spreads shivers throughout your whole body.
“But..” you try, closing your eyes. Unsure of what you wanted to say anymore. Eddie pushes his hand further up, brushing over your nipple and you gasp. That line and Robins criticism coming to mind.
You shouldn’t be doing this. You knew you shouldn’t take your mind off on the matter at hand, on everything that’s been looming over Hawkins like a dark cloud. But Eddie touches never gone this far before, this unspoken line between you two threatened as he roughly gropes one of your breast and your breathy whine follows it .
The part of you that always craved this was beginning to win over any other rational thought.
“Say it. Tell me you trust me.” His voice takes a hint of desperation. “You know I’ll take care of everything. Let me take care of you.”
Whether he was talking about the topic you tried breaching before, or the current boundaries that were being threatened , it didn’t matter because his other hand slides down your waist, over your tight shorts. Giving you no time to properly answer before he’s cupping you through them.
Your clit throbs from his two fingers pressing against it.
That line is broken the moment the pathetic whimper that you were holding in finally escapes, as he circles them experimentally. Your hips rolling forward against his hand as the news report becoming a distant memory.
Do you trust me?
“Yes, yes, yes.” You shut your eyes when he begins to trace your lips over your shorts. He stops and quickly forces you to turn around, pulling you to sit on his lap. You whine out from the brief loss, hands gripping onto his thighs beneath you. “Eddie”
“I know baby.” He spreads your legs apart with his knees, his hands back to where you desperately needed it to be. He circles his fingers against your clit once and your head rolls back, lolling against his shoulder as you whine.
“God, you been needing this huh? “ He huffs drinking in your soft whimpers and pants as he continues to rub your clit. He could feel that wet patch beginning to grow and show through your shorts. His other hand grips your left thigh, pulling it farther apart and the pleasure increases from the cold touch of his rings.
Sparks erupt through you when his fingers skim over your folds for a brief moment, slow and agonizing in his movement. You were growing frustrated by it, trying to grind your hips against his hand to add pressure.
He clicks his tongue against his cheek, pulling your shorts to the side as a response to your impatience. A squeak filling the air as the cold air hits your pussy.
“You have to be quiet.” He scolds, beginning to prod your hole with one finger slowly. “You don’t want your parents finding you in here with your legs spread open like this right?”
“I-I’m trying.” You slur around your pants , shame biting your skin as you feel yourself no longer wanting to disappoint him. But his finger slowly sinks into you, stretching your hole as his thumb pressing hard on the nub. A high pitch moan is forced out of you at the sudden intrusion. “Ah—f-fuck.”
He hums, carefully pushing it deeper and reveling in the way your chest rises in quick pants, your eyes squeezing shut as you try to get use to the feeling.
“Imagine how they will feel..seeing their daughter letting her best friend—Hawkin’s own ‘Freak’ playing with her cunt like this..” His condescending tone making your face flush as he begins placing kisses along your neck. Teeth slightly digging into skin has your whole body jolting, your hips grinding against his hand and forcing him in deeper.
He hisses as he watches his finger disappear into you. “Shit. Look how well you’re taking my finger. This whole time I was meant to do this, be the first one to touch you like this.”
God, he wanted you to be quiet yet he was saying things like that. You can feel your eyes begin to water as his movements become more rough, another finger pushed inside. The feeling of him stretching you simply by his two fingers, pumping them with no remorse only increased the pathetic sounds that fumbled past your lips.
“O-oh god, eddie..” you babble as he curls his fingers inside you. A sob racks through you with out your permission, the tears flowing as you feel the tightness in your gut increase. You’re unable to stop them, the sloppy noises and his own shaky breathing next to your ear was becoming too much.
. Your thighs attempt to close but he digs his nails into them, forcing them to stay in their place. You cry, hiccuping and sniffing as you feel yourself get closer to the edge, your sobs increasing despite your efforts to swallow it down.
Your afraid he’ll see your tears and put a stop to it, his spoken hatred for your tears ruining the intense moment.
Instead, when he catches sight of the way your face is broken and feel the tears against his cheek and chin , Eddie groans into your ear, startling you.
“Jesus— fuck. Fuck fuck.” He nuzzles his face into your shoulder. His fingers faltering for a split second and his hand shoots up to your throat , your heart leaping when—
He whines. His hips pushing up in a quick thrust and his fingers wrap tightly around your neck. Squeezing the sides as he continues to buck up into you. A wet patch in his jeans sticking to your bottom as he humps sloppily.
All of it triggers for the orgasm to hit you. You struggle to keep your eyes open as your mouth falls open, the pleasure crashing over you as your thighs shake from the intensity of it. Your hands desperately clawing at his wrist as you pussy spasms around his fingers that continued to move inside you, you squeeze your thighs around them from the overstimulation.
Eddie catches his breath as you continue to let out small noises, pulling his face away from your neck and releasing his grip on your throat. You let out a breathless sob as your able to breath fully and slump back into him, panting harshly as he pulls his fingers out.
He says nothing, only pushing himself farther back in the bed. Pulling you along with him as he lays you both down, arms wrapping around your waist as he pulls you closer to his chest.
Exhausted, you allow him to hold you and for your mind to slowly drift off, any thought on what this meant being put on hold for the night.
That lurking darkness slowly grows from being Eddie shadow and crawls along his arms that held onto you. You catch a quick glance at the stained ring on his hand that was holding yours in front of you.
Your finger hesitantly wiping over it, before you find yourself falling asleep.
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itsmeelenoryayy · 4 months
This is kind if a rant post but i just have to get this off my chest what ive seen in the creepypasta/marble hornets fandom is how much some people write Tim/masky as like this very toxic and rude person who just dosent gives a shit about anyone and thats where you can really see who acually watched marble hornets and who didn't i get it not some people acually have the time the watch the whole thing but hey am here to help with that and talk about his caracter a bit
So Tim basicly grew up in a mental hospital and took medication for a long time he had seizures hallucinations and just really bad stuff honesly and hes been tormented by the Operator from a very young age and the hospital he was staying at as a kid burnt down but he goes back to the place pretty offen (he even haves a panic attack and halucinates that the Operator is there wich was honesly way too realistic and scary) he and Brian are frends but Masky and Hoobie are NOT frends Hoobie does everything in his powers to work aginst the Operator and aginst Tim, Hoobie even takes away Tims medication once and we can see him having a seizure (wich was also very scary pls give this man a break)
Now that we kinda got his backstory out of the way lets talk about his personality he comes off as very rude and sassy to people at first and he just seems to hate when people try to get closer to him wich let me tell you something thats a trauma respons my dear people who ware treated badly and got blamed for everything in ther childhood offen push people away in order not to hurt them since Tim blames himself for everything that hapened to Alex Brian and Jay (wich something i do not belive to be true) hes like those people who would rather have you hate him then be disapointed in him but if you somehow manage to spend more time with him you can kinda see how caring he can be its hard to see it but i still see it in him he cares very deeply for the people he loves (he literally give half of the pills he had to Jay when thats basicly what keeps Tim alive and away from a possible seizure) even tho he pushes everyone away he hates begin alone and on his own but i think if you know him enough he will finaly show his true caring self even if he lets somebody get somewhat close to himself he does some things that he wievs as "the best for them" but ends up accidentaly hurting people while trying to protect them he also smokes i forgot to say that
Now for the caracter of Masky we don't acually know much about him we never acually hear anyone calling him Masky in mh i don't know if the creators said it or its a fandom thing hes very agressive but still somewhat smart and hes not on anyones side but dosent nececarrly works aginst the Operator hes very agressive and we never acually hear him talk i like that headcannon that Hoobie is selectively mute and i think that Masky isint hes just an asshole and sees no reason to speak
Also a random fun fact about his caracter he can play the fucking banjo and he haves something what Alex calls "the music room" wich is just a room with instruments pluss one of the creators said that all of them have myspace account wich is super cool i would wanna see what Tims Myspace account looks like
Yeah thats it let me know if i sould add anything also there is this creator rabbit or rib who i think portraits him very well go check her content out shes very awsomesauce i hope that helped byeee
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My Merthur (Merlin) fics masterlist:
Decided to redo this list from scratch because I hadn’t updated the original in an age. Listed from my newest works to my oldest. All fics are linked to via the title. Should just be able to click to open them.
-Bleeding Gold (T | 3,865)
Merlin bleeds gold. Every time he is injured he has to hide it from any prying eyes.
Small excerpt: It's a simple cut that wouldn’t require more than a few stitches. If it were on one of the knights it would be no big deal. But on Merlin… The problem is, Merlin isn’t quite human in the way the others are. He’d been aware of this for a long time and it always irked him. But now it was especially apparent. As blood dripped from his arm in the shallow cut. It dripped gold.
-The servant god (G | 3,275)
When Merlin and Arthur get into an argument, Merlin reaches his wit's end. He blows up and confesses to Arthur before storming off. Now it is Arthur's turn to try and win him back
Based off of a post I had drafted on Tumblr but never actually published. Not used entirely verbatim in here but almost the same lines are there: Merlin gets frustrated one day and explodes into a rant about how Arthur treats him. Merlin: Do you even know who I am?! I am Emrys, Arthur! I am a God! Arthur: (scoffs and crosses arms) God of ineptitude maybe. Merlin: (glares then storms out leaving a trail of flames behind him)
-Becoming a god (G | 6,367)
The knights and Merlin stumble upon a shrine to Emrys in the woods. Merlin realizes, too late, that it may be more than just a simple shrine.
-How to pick a fight with your soulmate (G | 2,353)
Soulmate AU where your soulmate shares your pain every time you get hurt. This is how I imagine the market fight in the first episode would have gone had soulmates existed.
Small excerpt: “Do you want to give up?” Merlin yells. “To you?” Arthur asks as he backs away. Hoping sooner rather than later that this foolish man would hit himself with the mace he is swinging so wildly. “Do you? Do you want to give up?”
-Till death do us part (E | wip currently 50k+)
Stuck in an arranged marriage contract, struck before either were old enough to have a say, can Merlin and Arthur find any happiness in their inevitable partnership? With one being a sorcerer prince, and the other raised to despise sorcerers it seems doubtful.
This one is my baby, my love, my passion. But she is currently on a little hiatus. Will be back once I quit getting distracted.
-To know all of him (T | 4,307)
When Merlin and the knights get captured by a sorceress, Merlin is forced to take a truth serum. After revealing his secrets, will Merlin be able to regain the trust of the king and his knights?
Short excerpt: The sorceress growled, “Enough games, now answer! What is your biggest secret?” Merlin frowned, trying to fight off the serum, after several long moments of silence Merlin looses the battle and says quietly, “I have magic.” Anthea grins, “there now, was that so hard?” Lancelot winces but Arthur looks puzzled. Arthur, who had been observing the interaction with confusion finally chimes in with a cut off laugh.
-Hidden Talents (T | 19,755)
Modern with magic - Aithusa/dragonlord fic. Merlin and Arthur are roommates in uni. Arthur likes to complain about Merlin's appalling lack of a social life, using this as an excuse to take Merlin with him everywhere he goes. This is convenient for when Merlin is needed to protect Arthur from his own misfortune, but it does make it difficult to keep certain parts of himself hidden.
I definitely tend to write for myself and this is a prime example. I reread this one often, it makes me happy :)
-A Grain of Truth (M | 12,179)
Merlin and Arthur travel to an outlying village in Camelot seeking a stolen amulet. What they find is a thriving magical community with druids wandering the town's market freely. Unfortunately for Merlin, he is recognized as Emrys. How will Arthur respond when he finds out? Set somewhere in the midst of season 3.
-Camelot’s Protector (T | 5,632)
Camelot is forced to battle Essetir when Cenred's men invade. Merlin does his best to stay at Arthur's side when the battle begins, but Arthur is insistent that Merlin get to safety. Both refusing to cooperate, they get themselves into trouble and end up revealing more than they'd planned.
-The Role of Servants and Masters (G | 3,476)
Thomas is a new servant in Camelot's castle. Before today, he had only heard stories of the prince and his manservant. He had thought them to be the result of the castles working rumor mill, blowing them out of proportion. He will soon find out first hand just how true those stories were.
Small Excerpt: So far, Thomas knew that the Prince, Arthur, and his manservant, Merlin, were a bit of an oddity in the castle. Their relationship could not be described as that of a servant and his master. Instead, people described it as… well no one was quite sure. Prince Arthur gave Merlin orders, but those orders were either ignored or done begrudgingly. From what Thomas gathered, Merlin did follow the law, he just didn’t seem to adhere to the spirit of it.
Another one I reread often :)
-The Trouble with Soulmates (T | 17,774)
Arthur Pendragon is a famous actor, Merlin Emrys is a maths teacher. The chances of their paths crossing are slim to none. That is until Arthur sets them on a rather frustrating journey. Who knew that soulmates could be so troublesome.
-Not According to Plan (T | 2,294)
While out on patrol, Merlin, Arthur, and Elyan are ambushed by bandits. In order to fight them off, Merlin must use his magic. When one of the bandits cries 'Sorcerer', Merlin is faced with a tough decision. Caution is thrown to the wind, and Merlin is a badass.
-The Legend of Emrys (G | 4,801)
As the king of Camelot, Arthur is seeking to undo his father’s laws against magic and right his wrongs. As the final step in this process he seeks an alliance with the druids. They inform him that he already has their allegiance because Emrys is at his side. There is only one problem with that, Arthur doesn’t know who Emrys is.
-Once and Future Merthur (T | 11,832)
While escaping from bandits, Merlin and Arthur find themselves transported to a different version of their lives. Throughout their journey secrets are revealed and emotions are uncovered. Will they be able to handle the truth once it is unveiled?
This one is a bit out there admittedly, but I stand by it.
-The Unwanted Gift (G | 5,649)
Merlin is, by his nature, a kind and gentle hearted person. When a young sorceress sees this in the warlock, she seeks to help others to be able to see this in Merlin as well. She gifts him with an enchantment that bears Merlin’s soul to the world, which leads to some rather unintended consequences for the warlock. Inspired by this artwork from 2018 by tumblr user @cypress-ess: https://cypress-ess.tumblr.com/post/177981059209/snow-white-au
-Visiting Home (T | 3,016)
Arthur and Merlin travel to Ealdor to take part in a harvest celebration. Arthur has known about Merlin’s magic for a while, and Merlin has been named the Court Sorcerer. Wanting to get to know more about young Merlin, Arthur asks Hunith for some stories. OR – tooth rotting domestic fluff
This is 2 years worth of my writing/my life which is quite crazy for me to think about. Hope y’all like some of these, I love this fandom so much!
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