#i have nothing to add cuz I forgot
starppleb · 1 year
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"You gotta dig up that Liquid Gold" - Liquid Gold - PARANOiD DJ
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hana-the-ghostieee · 1 year
hey! so um apparently bots keep following me???? assuming it's the same for everyone else
so if you're a person that's following me (why. what prompted you to make a stupid decision) and you have default... everything um maybe try changing your banner, write something in the desc (like pronouns and sexuality and stuff) and reblog a couple of stuff??? unless you'd like to get blocked. which is fine i guess (i question your motives but you do you)
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idledearest · 2 months
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Nightmare Time: Watcher World - WELCOME TO THE SHOW!! 💜👁️💜👁️💜👁️💜
He's eager to see how you fight your friends and family to the death in his beloved amusement park, you generously came here to entertain him. It isn't called an Amusement Park for nothing after all. 💙💜💛🩷💚 James Tolbert's Blinky will always have a special place in my heart 💕 Another costume/outfit design for Blinky's human form if James had to play as him in a live-action Watcher World stageplay. Since it's set in an amusement park I wanted him to have a showman/ringleader vibe to his overall design since he owns and runs the entire Watcher World amusement park so he's got that air of authority in the form of a (highly insane and unhinged) carnie host. And of course I added the fuzz cuz it's a necessity for these guys 🤭 (ps: i suck at rendering fur so just ignore how bad it looks HAHAHA) forgot to add font used: Quench by Alpaprana! (bc i suck at typography so i just used a font online :"))) - Idle
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ifimdreaming · 7 months
i don’t deserve you
Luke Hughes x Reader
authors note: i wrote this super quick and also on my phone so idk the word count or if this even makes sense because it is unedited lmaooo but I hope you enjoy it!
You had just hopped out of the shower and were putting on uour leggings and one of lukes hoodies to wear for the day.
You hadnt really been wearing anything besides for lukes hoodies when you have a day at home since you two started dating so honestly it was nothing new.
Going back to your room after cleaning up the rest of your stuff in the bathroom, you remembered you forgot to text Luke back last night. he always gets on you about that but you always forget how worried he gets when you don’t reply to his calls or texts.
And when you head to look at your phone that’s plugged into the charger on your bedside table, you see many missed notifications from your worried boyfriend.
(4 missed called from: Lukey @ 10:37am)
Lukey: hey you said you’d call me at 10?
Lukey: call me back pls
it was now nearing 12:00pm and you knew he would be more than a little bit pissed off that you weren’t answering him.
and you felt terrible about forgetting so you unplug your phone and called him back right away, sat on your bed with a towel around yojr hair as the phone rings in suspense.
“baby? ...let me guess? you forgot to check your phone again?..” he quickly says as you are getting more comfortable on the bed, relieved he had answered your call.
You just hum in response as he pours out his concern to you, knowing that all he’s saying is true.
“i’m so so sorry. i completely forgot. i know you’re looking out for me but i fell asleep without texting and i literally just got out of the shower.” You say and hear him sigh at your words.
“Luke i promise i’ll try to keep my phone close by cuz i know you worry...but i’m fine i promise” you say apologetically .
“i didn’t get murdered or anything..” you add jokingly but quickly follow up with an “i’m kidding...” before luke gets a chance to be a smart ass and tell you not to joke about that.
You laugh a little hearing him sigh with an unamused tone in his voice.
“anyway, how are you?” You ask trying to move on from the subject knowing he is already annoyed about you not answering his calls.
“i really miss you...” he sighs out and you hear the little bit of sadness in his voice and instantly feel exactly how he’s feeling.
“i miss you more bubs...trust me time will fly by way faster than you know it…we’ll see each other soon..i promise.” You reassure him, not trying to sound too cheesy but also trying to lift his spirits somewhat.
it’s been over 2 months since you’ve seen each other last. School has picked up and made it impossible to be able to visit him in jersey, even just for a weekend.
You were starting to forget a time where it actually was easy to see each other.
And you were getting so used to late night phone calls to one another, and luke sending you random long ass text messages about how much he misses you at random hours of the night. and you being so fed up with everything that you cave and just call him even when you know he’s busy or at practice, because you miss hearing his voice so much.
“it’s just been so long since i’ve seen your face. ugh i hate this shit so much. i’m just... so fucking over it.” Luke continues pouring out and his words are laced with a bit of anger, causing his voice to have a scratchy and dark quality.
he’s clearly getting more and more frustrated about the current situation the longer it goes on and you know he’s getting irritated with only being able to talk on the phone and over facetime. we both are.
“Luke i understand... i miss you and i love you so much. And look, i know you’re upset but there’s really not much we can do about it right now is there?” You say before luke interrupts you with a loud sigh.
“hey what can i do though? huh? ...how can i help you feel better?” You ask with as much reassurance in your voice as possible, trying hard to keep your voice high and uplifting even though youre feeling just as down and unhappy as he is right now.
he doesn’t answer and you are sat in silence for too long to still be expecting him to answer your question.
“what’s on your mind? Will u just talk to me?” You ask innocently.
“ugh. fuck! i don’t know! nothing i guess.” Luke sighs out, raising his voice and catching you off guard.
“i’m just trying to help … can you calm down a little..” you say quietly because you know he was probably wound up about a lot of stuff on his mind and you can tell that he is putting his anger in the wrong places.
“you don’t need to tell me to calm down...there’s nothing you can do ok? it’s fucking awful. i hate this...fuck..” he spits out at me. “can we just talk about something else?” he asks with his voice still raised.
“look, im not trying to force you to talk to me if you don’t want to but you called me and clearly something is on your mind..whether it’s the fact that we can’t be together right now or something else but you can’t just get angry with me for no reason.” You say sternly and hear him about to say something more but you interrupt him “just please lower your voice...” you add.
“i’m not getting angry. i’m just really fucking annoyed and you’re not helping” he says exasperatedly and you are taken by surprise with his words and a little pissed off that he’s taking out whatever he is angry about at you.
You stay silent on the other end of the phone as his words instantly put tears into yohr eyes and you don’t say anything because he is being so unnecessarily rude to you.
“i’m sorry, i’m just having a really fucking bad day...” he adds and you hold your breath trying to not make your shaky breathing noticeable as he keep talking.
You begin to feel the tears slowly start to stream down your face but you quickly blink them away knowing he’s only mad about the situation and not worth yours tears. but his words made you feel so so hurt.
there’s silence between the both of you for a few seconds as you try to get yourself together and acknowledge that he hurt you.
“Ok. Im not gonna sit here and listen to you complain about something that i literally cannot fix or change right now. i’m sorry you’re feeling upset and angry with what’s going on but you can’t just call me and take all your fucking anger out on me. it’s just not fair. i really miss you too ok? ...i’m sorry we can’t be together right now but i can’t do anything to help if you’re not going to tell me what’s actually wrong...just...call me back when you calm down a little” you say trying your hardest to not raise your voice and lash out exactly like he just did to you.
he’s quiet on the other side of the phone and you hear him about to reply as you hang up the phone before he has the chance to respond, knowing you are probably not going to like or want to hear what he has to say to you at this moment anyway.
this isn’t the first conversation that’s went like this recently. this past week luke has been getting more and more pissed off and angry rather than just upset about you not being able to see each other right now and it’s not doing you any good.
Youve been trying your hardest to just hear him out and be there for him but today’s conversation was different, usually you share a mutual sadness about not being able to see each other and talk about all the things you miss and then it cheers you both up hearing all the fun things you can do together once exams and the hockey season ends.
but today luke wouldn’t even tell you what was bothering him without getting mad and it didn’t help that he was putting his anger towards you.
Feeling really frustrated about that conversation, you plug your phone back into the charger and start to feel a slight sinking in your stomach.
You hated the fact that you just hung up on him and didn’t resolve your discussion. And you knkw it was his fault for getting angry at you but can’t help but feel a little guilty for just hanging up the phone without saying goodbye.
to get your mind off of it for a while you start tidying up your room and play some music to drown out the silence.
Now it’s almost nearing 2pm and luke hasn’t called back or even texted and it’s been almost an hour.
You begin to get more and more pissed off that he hasn’t said anything and consider just sending him a text but you remember the things he said to you . so you ignore the feeling and continue waiting for him to call you back.
After deciding to lay down and read a book to distract yourself, you accidentally fell asleep for a few hours. Waking up to see that it’s around 6pm...you definitely slept longer than you should have.
Surprisingly, you see that luke tried calling back and left a few texts as well.
Lukey: hi
Lukey: i’m really sorry about earlier
Lukey: can you call me back please? i need to apologize...i didn’t mean to get upset at you. i know none of this is your fault
Lukey: please call me back
You decide not to answer him right away and start making yourself some mac and cheese and sitting at the dining room table waiting as you wait for the water to boil.
You were beginning to get so impatient. Impatient with everything, but especially with luke. You wanted him to call you again. Do something, say something. Try harder.
Your thoughts were spiraling and you knew calling him back was really the only way to stop them.
After finishing making and eating your dinner you sit down at the couch to finally call luke back. at this point your stupid argument definitely didn’t feel worth all this and you felt a little guilty for ignoring him all day long.
You ultimately decide to facetime him so you can see his face and he answers you on the second ring.
immediately you see him laying down in his bed wearing no shirt and his wet hair hanging down his face on one side and his face slightly smushed against his pillow.
he smiles at you knowingly and waits for you to say something so that he knows if i’m still angry at him or not.
“why are you staring at me?” You blush a little, ignoring your anger for a moment. he just smiles back at you with his pretty little face and completely ignores the question.
Luke sees you awkward laugh a little feeling a bit insecure with the way he’s staring at you, but he continues. and he laughs lightly as he sits up and turns the light on so that you can see him better.
“i’m really really sorry baby...” he starts “i’m sorry for getting upset at you. I shouldn’t have done that. i was just so fed up and tired of not being able to see you and i let my feelings get the best of me, i also was just having a really shitty day. Practice fucking sucked today and you already know how shitty our game has been lately.” He says with honest sincerity and regret in his voice.
“i took my anger out at you which i should not have done...and im really not trying to make any excuses because I know i hurt you. And i promise i won’t get mad at you about this ever again, especially since you did absolutely nothing wrong...” he spills out apologetically.
You say nothing at first and just wait for him to continue his apology. making it clear to him that he was completely out of hand and you are not gonna put up with his bitchy attitude. And he continues,
“... to be honest i’ve been feeling like you don’t miss me as much as i miss you which sounds stupid but i just got so angry because i didn’t understand. When you forget to call or text i just…i take it hard..” he says trailing off at the end.
“what? luke i’ve been trying so hard to keep it together for you because i know how upset this makes you. trust me when i tell you i miss you more than anything...i suck at remembering things like texting goodnight and stuff because I’ve just been so exhausted with work and school. You’re on my mind all the time and i promise you that i will try harder to not forget those things.” you quickly reply, making sure he understands just how much you mean it.
“i love you so much.” You add and smile at him as uou see his small smile on your phone screen.
“i love you too baby. i’m so sorry for getting mad..” he says quietly and puts his head down a little.
“it’s ok...i understand your frustration.” You add with a little laugh letting him know you’re over it.
“i saw your instagram story..” you change the subject and he smiles at you with his face getting a bit red.
“You posted us?” You say knowingly as he smirks at you and runs his hands through his hair.
Luke had posted a slightly blurry photo of the two of you on the boat last summer saying he misses both the summer and you. It made you melt to see him gush about you, especially because he was typically such a private person.
“You are so cute..” you say honestly. and youstart to laugh a little remembering that night on the boat together and how it was the night luke asked you to be his girlfriend.
Luke wasnt always the most romantic person but he put so much thought into that night, his words, every little thing he planned he put so much care into and it was such a beautiful moment.
You would never forget it.
“im glad you saw it. i wanted to show you how much you mean to me..and how sorry i was.” he chuckles and it makes you softly laugh, knowing the world would have no idea that post was technically an apology to you.
“will you stay on FaceTime with me tonight? i miss falling asleep with you…” you ask politely and luke nods his head and smiles at you.
“of course...” he replies.
“i’m glad you’re not mad at me anymore baby” He says quietly.
“I could never stay mad at you..” you say knowing how true of a statement it honestly was.
“...and I don’t deserve you” luke says almost in a whisper, seemingly more to himself as opposed to you
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ameliiwa · 1 month
Gang going on a plane cuz I just had the craziest travel experience ever 💪❤️
- god help us
- let’s ignore the fact that this is so out of character cause how tf are they getting money for the tickets
- but literally nothing is going as planned
- poor Darry who probably organized everything to have a break is not going be able to relax for a single second
- everyone is either overpacking or underpacking
-I wouldn’t be surprised if both Steve and twobit forgot under where or something
- meanwhile Ponyboy is packing his entire house. Would be that one friend that literally has EVERYTHING. “Man I have the worst stomach ache rn” “oh dw bro i gotchu!!”
- they all get stopped at security
- twobit tried taking his favorite switchblade. When tsa took it away he was lowk holding back tears
- dally accidentally had a bullet in his bag. Took security at least an hour to find it
- Johnny gets stopped cause he looked suspicious somehow. Lil bro didn’t do anything wrong 😔🙏
- they also all get SO GRUMPY because they can’t smoke. They didn’t even have nicotine gum because that stuff is lowk expensive asf (and also not invented until the 70s)
- especially Ponyboy he is getting irritated at every single syllable the gang says
- “I’m kinda hungry-“ “SHUT THE ACTUALL FUCK UP STEVE DIE”
- sodapop on the other hand is so happy and excited. They’ve never been out of Tulsa before and he’s doing cartwheels around the airport
- Darry is actually soooo stressed out. He’s trying to find the gate. Arguing with random employees. Screaming at the gang as they fight in the middle of the airport
- when they actually get on the plane, soda can barely sit down for more than 20 minutes. Bro is walking up and down the aisles until the flight attendants tell him to stop. He’s talking to random people around him and somehow made a baby stop crying by making silly faces at them
- Darry sleeps the whole ride. Good for him
- pony is watching movies or reading the whole time. Him and Johnny try to start the same movie at the same time so they can watch it together. He’s also reading to Johnny
- twobit dally and Steve are flirting with flight attendants. Soda too
- dally probably snuck in some cigarettes and went to the bathroom the smoke one, not knowing they had smoke detectors in there. The alarm went off and they did an emergency landing. Bro received the biggest scolding of his life by the whole gang
That’s all I got lmao feel free to add more
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oceanspray5 · 2 years
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Anthony being touch starved and Lucy touching him so tenderly like that affects him so much from the get-go obviously cuz it fulfills that need. It also highlights their quickly burgeoning feelings/connection with each other but in the CRUELEST way cuz the reason she's touching him is not because she wants to but because she's possessed.
But, its not only just that she is acting in love with him (making the connection between them so hard to ignore) when its not really her that hurts but she's acting as if she loves him while he (his role) is HURTING her. With Anthony's past being so traumatic, you just KNOW he internalizes that shit even though its not really even Lucy talking and its not even him she's talking about. It hurts him to have Lucy act in love with him but also she's acting as if she has to FIGHT to believe he's not hurting her. She's acting as if loving him is causing her physical pain and that's horrifying for him cuz the one thing Anthony absolutely believes is that he hurts the people he loves. So to be slapped in the face with his growing feelings for Lucy but in a way that pulls at all of his trauma strings in the harshest soul twisting way?
Right after that you have Lucy reliving how Annabel choked to death to seal the traumatic incident with a cherry on top, finalizing Lockwood's internal fear that he kills the people he loves and is left alone.
Not to mention as the series goes on we see that Anything absolutely cannot STAND the idea of having hurt Lucy or her being unhappy with him even though he makes stupid decisions. Almost as if this incident triggered in him a crippling desire to never hurt her... So she'd never look at him like that again. Like he's everything... But also as if he destroyed everything in her to the point she fears him.
So in quick summation we have:
Lucy acting in love with Anthony under possession of a ghost while he very much does have growing feelings for her; and the love the ghost in her playing out being an abusive kind, the kind you have to convince yourself isn't harmful, forcing Anthony to relive his trauma and self-depreciate even more about the fact that it's hard to love him because all he can leave behind for his loved ones is hurt. Combine that with the traumatic way she relives Annabel's death and Anthony's genuine worry of Lucy's possession being... well... dangerous as is.
This scene is so beautifully acted. Ruby and Cameron's chemistry is insane. The way they portrayed that much range of emotion in such a short but impactful scene early on.
EDITED TO ADD: I also forgot to talk about the costuming cuz its the softest we've seen Lockwood in the whole series. All three characters are in their pajamas but Lockwood specifically is in a simple gray hoodie. Something that invokes comfort and relaxation. He's tense during the scene because of the situation but he's completely vulnerable as well. There's absolutely nothing for him to hide behind. No witty quips will work when Lucy can't hear him and he's fearing for her life, no physical force can be used to fight her either... And his emotional barriers are all down too. Not only because of the unexpectedness from the multi-targeted assault on his emotions but because he didn't exactly have time to prepare for such a thing occurring either. @locklyleiscanon pointed this out i think but Lockwood uses his suit as an armor. And he's not wearing it. There's no weapons near him. He's completely defenseless when it comes to Lucy in this moment as well as all the warring emotions that are overtaking him.
The first time I watched the scene my first thought was literally how soft and vulnerable Anthony looks. I didn't even have reference for the rest of the show (that he wears suits almost always) but it was a striking detail. Not just the vulnerability on Lockwood's face but in his body language and clothing as well.
Here's an edit I saw that made it all easiest to visualize and word for me:
Props to the person who made the edit cuz the close up scene and the slow motion at Just the right moment makes this so plainly visible to see.
This incident is simultaneously the best and worst thing to happen to Lockwood regarding his feelings for Lucy. It shows him early on just how much he needs her, but reminds him of all the reasons why he can't have her.
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xxkiller-muffinxx · 9 months
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A kiss from a rose
John Dory x mute! 1/2
Summary: (takes place after the band split up, and on) John Dory shows up out of nowhere, but with that he brings trouble, the trouble of the mind and the heart.
Words: 1746
Warnings: one moment of violence, no color coding because JD is the only one who talks in this fic
A/N: Goodbye 2023: Hello 2024! First oneshot of the year and seriously so tired after new years. I thank you all for the support on my Floyd oneshot, you guys make writing worth it! Also I imagine you live in a small house, and not a pod. Just cuz I like the idea. (Side A/N: I wrote half of this at 1 am after new years and I have more written it just turned to gibberish after a while and I had to sleep lmao. So stay tuned for a part 2!) I FORGOT TO ADD TAGS 😭😭😭
The mysterious man showed up out of nowhere, which honestly startled you and your father. He showed up in an armadillo bus that was way out of whack. You were an only child and a quiet one at that. So from a distance, your dad told you to be his danger surveillance.
Upon further examination, you managed to grip your dad's shirt and send him a message that the strange man needed help. With his kindest heart, he goes to lend a hand to him.
You never understood how your father can comprehend what you're saying, you’ve been mute since birth. Nobody knew why, but you just haven’t spoken a word. In fact, your first “word” was you writing on a piece of paper for the first time.
When your dad came back, all he did was make another plate of food and walk out. This time you watched, and paid close attention. Your dad gave the man food and that’s when you realized. He wasn’t a man at all! He seemed to be around your age. It was strangely exciting to see.
You pulled away from the window and sat down to finish your food. You then heard your dad reenter and he mentioned nothing of the exchange, but you didn’t care. It was your dad, he was almost just as quiet as you were.
Then a year went by, and your dad made sure to take care of you just right. You were a bit older now, and a bit taller. Your little small town was growing smaller with each passing day, and now you knew everything like the back of your hand. However, a certain someone didn’t.
You walk out of your home to begin delivering your dad’s trinkets around town. Use your roller skates to travel from door to door. Handing in tiny things like keychains, dream catchers, or even shoelaces. Your dad was quite the tinker.
Then your heart dropped when you realized you’d have to give food to the armadillo bus inhabitant. So you rolled in front of his bus and pet the lovely creature a few times, before anxiously heading toward the door.
It only took a few knocks when suddenly out popped a guy wearing goggles and a jacket far too thick for the summertime. You handed him his trinket. Which was a keychain with the word “BROZONE” across the small crocheted add-on.
You were about to leave when his voice cut through the silence. “Woah! This looks even cooler than I thought it would! Thanks!” He grins at you, expecting a response, but when silence follows he pushes his goggles onto his head. “Uh…did I come across too strong there? Or are you stunned into silence because you’re looking at a former member of Brozone?”
Your social ticking time bomb was ticking, it was a common small-town rule to not talk to you because you’d start crying or something, but this is new. This is just discomfort. His words turned to mumbles as you began to go on autopilot.
Suddenly a hand touches your shoulders. A billion thoughts run through your head, you look up at him and see his face coming closer. Instincts kick in and you wind up punching him in the face. Straight knock out right hook into the nose.
The crack made you snap back into reality. He’s on the ground, groaning in pain. you don’t like consequences. So instantaneously, who does? So You run off. Your feet pitter-patter in the ground below, scared of what your father would do if you found out.
You hide away after that moment, your dad did find out, but geez did he find it funny. That was the first time you’d heard him laugh in ages. So he put the shop on hold and decided to teach you how to make trinkets instead. So that event never happens again.
You were in your mid-20s when you started delivering again. However, you made an effort to avoid the armadillo bus with all your being. However, you caught glimpses of Bus-man looking out at you while you worked. Your nerves nearly get the best of you every time you catch it.
When the end of the day came around the corner you made it home and sat on your porch swing. You swung until the sun went down, but in the meantime, you were looking ahead, then caught sight of the man lazily sitting outside too. But when he caught sight of you he suddenly puffed out his chest and grinned. Wiggling his eyebrows.
You shot him a weird look and looked away. What was that? Was he…flirting with you? You punched him in the face! Why was he flirting? After about an hour you felt something hit your shoulder. When you looked, it was a crude paper ball, you opened it. It said: “My name is JD, John, the leader, John Dory, what's yours?”
You laughed when you saw the crossed-off names, you pulled a pencil out of your hair and wrote your name on the paper. You looked up and looked around. Eyes closed in on him as he tried to act natural. You smirked and threw it back at him, hitting him in the head. You gasped and looked away. Your cheeks become red like fire.
The game of toss continued. You and him having a nice conversation about flowers. Which led to him calling you Buttercup. You didn't know why this made you blush, but a nickname was new for you.
Eventually, you told him goodnight and waved to him. He waved too, but you could've sword-he punched the air in excitement before going inside.
It became routine. Every night you two would be outside neighbors, talking to one another on paper. You’d share one fact about yourself, and he'd share several. He was far more open than you were, and he was fine with it.
Until one night it came to the subject of verbal communication.
You explained to him your situation and he started asking so many questions. It made you sort of uncomfortable. Then in a shocking turn of events, he changed the subject to something debatably worse.
“Why did you punch me?”
Your eyes widened and you turned red again. You heard his loud boisterous laughter at your reaction and you felt a knot tie in your stomach. Your heart fluttered and all your hairs stood on end. What was going on?
He then yells out to you, as his first time communicating verbally. “It's alright buttercup! I forgive you!” His grin was infectious, leaving you wanting to see it more often.
When you started visiting his bus, the two of you became inseparable. Seeing as you were nonverbal you'd usually listen to him spout pure nonsense half the time. Sometimes he'd just break out into song.
Your favorite nights are when he'd break into song and ask you to dance with him. You'd always decline. Which always disappointed him but he was just fine dancing all by his lonesome.
“Baby! I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey!” he'd fall to his knees and outstretched his arms to you “come on! Ooh, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels, yeah!” he’d continue singing even as you shook your head.
When he kept dancing, on rare occasions you giggled, very quietly. He'd catch it and make a big deal out of it, causing you to blush and quietly giggle yourself into oblivion.
He'd leave you alone for a while, eventually getting back to telling stories. You explored the but a little while he spoke, he watched you, explaining some messes and creating excuses for others. That is until you stopped in a corner, picking up a vinyl. John shot up. Stumbling over to you.
“That uh. That's-” you looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Which may have been the first time he understood what you were saying without you writing on a piece of paper.
He sighed heavily and slumped onto the couch “it’s a pretty boring story.” he huffed out a laugh, crossing his arms as he leaned into the corner of his couch. “You wouldn't like it.”
You frowned, carrying the vinyl over to him. You sat down beside him and looked him in the eyes. Silently asking him to go on, when your hand landed on his knee. He looked at your hand then at you. “Well buckle up because this is gonna be a long one.”
He tells you everything, you don't flinch, make a face, nor do you judge. His story is depressing. He seems so angry and frustrated about it. Something about the way he talks about his brothers made you want to hug him and comfort him with every bone in your body.
His anger rises as he reaches the end. His nose flaring and his eyes widened. “I just wanted us to be great! To be the best boyband there ever was but no! They kept complaining and-” he was cut off by the look you were giving him. His breath hitched at the sight of your eyes so sincere and caring, it was different for him.
He tore his eyes away and crossed his arms. “I just wish. I just wish we were still brothers.” you gripped his hand squeezing it tight and he seemed to get the message. “I know I know. They're my brothers whether they like it or not.”
You nodded, running your fingers through his tall hair then looking him in the eye. There was a moment of clarity there. Your cheeks turned 6 shades of red, when his eyes snapped lower on your face. You stood up and took a deep breath. You awkwardly pointed at the door. A shy smile on your face as you gravitated to the bus door.
You felt bad at the look of disappointment he had, but also you were still friends at this point. You couldn't ruin that. Not because you would hate being with him, but it's too good to lose. His expression changed back to his regular one and he stood up to help you out.
“After you M’lady Buttercup,”
You rolled your eyes, but stopped for a minute to look at him, thinking about what you should do. In your fear and anxiety. You waved him goodbye. Leaving him wanting much more from you.
To be continued…
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taffycandyqt · 8 months
hey so how do you think the 2003 tmnt would deal with having a s/o who they’ve not seen all month. They’ve only been texting. The turtles ask about it. And s/o messages that s/o has been injured all month and the turtles can come over if they want too. S/o forgot to mention they were injured. When they get to s/o place, s/o is moving around but they’re slow and struggling to do stuff, in a lot of pain, but is able to do it, but s/o is sick of laying down cuz that’s what they have been doing all month. They’re stubborn about not staying in bed, but they are not going to over exert themselves either. They are half way through healing clearly?
I haven't gotten many requests for the turtles and I love this prompt so much. All the boys are such worry warts it's honestly kinda funny. In my personal opinion there aren't enough 03' fics in the world so thank you!
Your Broken?!
TMNT 2003 turtles x gn reader
You got injured and haven't been able to see your boyfriend for a while. You tell them that they can come over for a visit but forget to mention a very tiny oh so important detail about your... injury.
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Oh he is so concerned, like WHAT DID YOU DO!?
Will not let you do literally anything.
You want water? No. Stay put I'll get it for you
Want a book from your shelf across the room. LAY THE FRICK BACK DOWN!
Now which one do you want?
If you tell him that your tired of doing nothing and you want to be able to at least walk around, he will still be very hesitant.
Of course he wants you to be happy but your still healing and he just doesn't want you to get hurt again.
Your making him nervous.
You'll compromise on him basically spotting you while walking around or do anything.
Bro is literally watching you like your life depends on it because in his eyes, it kinda does.
When you said Leo could come over to see you he wasn't expecting you to have a cast around your torso with a walker in your hands. For context, you had been hanging out with your friends when you made a small 'oopsie'. Now your back feels like someone hammered a nail into each one of your vertebrae. Then to add insult to injury, the walker makes you look like an old lady.
Regardless, you've been alone for a while now and figured your boyfriend would be some good company. He entered through your bedroom window right as you were coming back from the kitchen with a snack.
"Oh, hey!"
Leo walked to you quickly as he spoke, "What happened to you?"
You were quick to respond as he looked like he wanted to continue his questioning.
"I was just reckless with some friends a little while back, nothing to worry about." You smiled up at him hoping to distract Leo from your injury.
"If your hurt that bad you shouldn't be standing up come on."
He led you back to your bed and layed you down while he placed your snack on your nightstand.
"Leo please, the doctor said I'm fine to walk as long as I'm careful and use the walker."
"Just because you can walk doesn't mean it's good for you to be walking around."
"Oh, so your a doctor now?" You snarked jokingly.
"Y/n." Leo looked at you as to say, don't push it you know I'm right. You thought it was sweet how much he cared but you've been 'resting' for weeks. Your allowed to walk to the kitchen. And you told him so.
"PUH-leeeease, I'm so tired of laying in my bed and doing nothing. I want to walk around at least a little bit."
Leo sighed, "I-I don't know y/n, your hurt-"
"Leo, how bout' you walk with me to make sure nothing goes wrong? I get to do something and you get to mother me. Everybody's happy!"
"I'm not mothering you." Leo retorted while folding his arms like a pouty toddler.
"Of course not." You smiled back at him. He looked back at you and sighed, he then went and held your hand for a little bit. Maybe you you could walk around, just a little bit, with his help.
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When he sees you in pain his heart breaks, how could he let this happen to you?!
Spends the rest of the day hovering you.
On the inside is is just as panicked and convinced you could die as Leo.
On the outside however he's sitting and talking with you like normal.
If you want to get up and walk around he'll act like he's okay with it but you can tell by the look on his face that bro is cringing on the inside watching you move.
You so much as stutter on a step and he is right next to you, balancing you, and checking you like your broken all over.
He knows you can handle yourself its just, do you gotta walk around a do stuff when your still healing?
What if you do something and make it worse?!
Highkey dying on the inside.
However, because he feels the need to hide his real feelings about the situation, he inadvertently starts a fight with you instead.
Please just let him mother hen you, he's legit so scared for you.
He'll do whatever you want just please stay in bed.
"So... how'd this happen again?"
You were cleaning up your room a bit when Raph payed you a visit. You had been living in your bed for a good month at this point and your bedroom was starting to feel more like a cave. Raph sat on your desk chair as he watched you like a hawk and tapped his foot on the floor.
"Fell down the stairs and fractured my hip. Just a hairline fracture though, nothing too serious" as you said that you ended up bending your body the wrong way and irritated your wound resulting in you grunting at the pain.
Raph hopped off the chair in seconds flat and quickly made his way over to you.
"Hey, don't over do it, jeez. Don't wanna make it worse than it already is."
"Thanks, just bent the wrong way is all. I'll be fine."
"Right." His response sounded strained and his lips formed a thin line as he pretended to be calm about this.
"Maybe you should lay down for a bit. Ya know, just to rest your hip and all."
"No that's okay, I my doctor said as long as I'm careful it should be fine for me to be up for a bit." With that you continued to walk around your room and tidy up.
"Well you did just tweak your hip just then didn't you? You don't seem to be being very careful to me." He folded his arms.
"Well lucky for you, you're not me and I know I'm being careful."
"Right, cuz being careful gets you falling down the stairs."
"Are we gonna have a problem Raph? Cuz you can go if you don't wanna be here."
"Wh- well maybe I will then!"
"There's your exit!" You gestured to the window were your boyfriend entered. Just then you tweaked your hip real bad and almost fell if it weren't for Raph's fast reflexes. He led you to your bed to sit you down as the pain subsided.
"This is stupid." He sighed, "listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean- I j-just wanted to. Uuuug."
He put his face in his hands as he tried to piece together what it was that he wanted to say.
"Hey," you gently grabbed his wrist and moved his hands from his face, "I'm sorry too. I should have heard you out better."
"N-No! I shouldn't have gotten snappy with ya, I just want you to be careful. I don't know what I would do with myself if you got worse."
This made you smile. Though it may not always be obvious, Raph really did care about you and wanted the best for you.
"You know what? I have been up and about for a while now. I'm probably due for a break anyways. What do you think about ice cream?"
"I'll grab it for ya."
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Dude is legit gonna look over your injuries himself.
He's gonna act like a professional doctor didn't already look this over and patch you up the best they could.
You got a cast? SUCKS cuz he's got all the materials to take it off and get you a new one so he is looking at that injury to make EXTRA sure your okay.
For your sake you better pray it doesn't look that bad cuz bro will put you on a healing regimen.
If you're already doing physical therapy he won't want you to over do it. He also wont try to get you to do it if it's not that type of injury.
But if you need physical therapy and for some reason you can't get it? He will have you doing it religiously.
He will bring you foods that will help with the healing process and do whatever he can to make you happy.
Afterall, studies have shown that the chemical reaction of happiness helps support the healing process both external and internal.
No other reason.
On the other side of it though he just really wants to spoil you.
He loves spending time with you, and if he can make you happy while your bored and in pain he gladly will.
Donny had told you that he was going to leave and be right back. You said "okay" and didn't think much of it. That is till he came back with a whole freaking duffle bag full of medical tools and supplies.
"whatcha got there Don?" You sweat dropped. You had just gotten back from the bathroom to find Donny setting up a five year olds worst nightmare of medical tools in your bedside table.
"Oh, I got you a smoothie!" He smiled at you, "Here come sit down."
You made your way to you bed and placed your crutches to lean against the wall as Donny helped you lay in bed and handed you your smoothie.
"Thank you D but I was actually referring to the evil scientist starter pack you've graciously organized right next to me."
Donny laughed at that, "You're funny y/n. I'm just gonna to take a look at you leg and see if your okay."
"Don I've already been to the doctor. It's broken but it was a clean break and if I'm careful it should heal up quickly."
"That's good, but I'll believe it when I see it." With that he held a mini buzz saw in his hand and faced you, "Do you mind?"
"This is all standard procedure y/n, I promise you won't get hurt. As for the cast, I have that covered too so there really isn't anything to worry about."
"How about I just show you my X-rays? You can see exactly what happened without having to go through all the trouble of taking off my cast yeah?" You spoke quickly, hoping to convince him of the alternative. You didn't think he would actually hurt you but having him stand over you with a saw was a bit intimidating. On top of that you'd prefer to keep your cast on.
"Hm... okay. Where are they?" He set the mini buzz saw down with the rest of the supplies and looked around to where they might be.
"Here I can get them for you." You began to reach for your crutches again. Donny, however, stopped you.
"That's okay, just tell me where they are and I can take it from there."
After he looked over the X-rays and concluded that you were actually fine he began to make you some food. It was supposed to "accelerate the healing process" but it was good food so you didn't care. Donny then spent the rest of the night talking and taking care of you. He got you any snacks you wanted and watched any show you wanted to turn on. Even ones you couldn't previously convince him to watch.
Whenever you moved to get up Donny was quick to try and coerce you back to bed with cuddles and kisses. The only times he couldn't was when you had to go to the bathroom. He couldn't really stop you then, so he would walk you there and back.
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Mikey will panic, it's unavoidable.
However, unlike his brothers, his panic isn't helpful in the slightest.
Remember his iconic girly scream? Yeah. That happens
Instead of trying to get you to take care of yourself better or helping you himself bro will just scream you ear off.
"What happened?! Why are you standing?! Are you okay?!... Ect"
You legit have to pretend to fall over so bro will catch you and stop talking long enough for your to tell him your fine.
It takes a little bit to convince him that you are okay, and that you just healing.
When he does believe you he'll get a bunch of his favorite movies and just binge with you all day.
If you don't like horror you better tell him fast because Mikey is a horror fanatic and more than have the flicks in his collection are horror.
If you don't tell him you're in for a nightmare.
If you do like them however, y'all are gonna have a TIME.
You guys have so much fun ngl
Honestly he's the most chill out of all of them.
Just wants you to vibe while you heal.
And with that you were going down. Could you stand just fine? Yes. Was the only way to get Mikey to shut up long enough for you to explain by taking a nose dive to your bedroom floor? Also yes.
Lucky for you he was quick enough to catch you but not without a another short scream as he moved to do so.
Right as he was about to start speaking again you covered his mouth with your hand.
"I'm fine Mikey. I twisted my ankle but I would be right as rain in a couple more weeks."
"You just fell."
"You were just screaming."
"So you fell over?!"
"It's the only method I know that works." You shrugged.
He gave you a face that could only be described as 'wtf' but ultimately helped you over to you bed to sit down. And by 'helped' I mean, picked you up bridal style and dropped you like a ragdoll.
You looked at him confused and a little displeased with how he basically manhandled you. Mikey however was inspecting you ankle as carefully as he could manage.
"Are you sure your okay. You've got a cast and everything. How do I know your not downplaying your injury like you always do?"
He got you there. You don't like causing people stress so when you get hurt you tend to play it off like it's not as bad as it is, to your own detriment usually. Since dating Mikey however, he has been trying to get you out of that mindset. Honestly, it's been working. Especially since he has a tendency to worry more after finding out the truth than he would have if you had told it to him from the start. And Mikey always finds out.
"Mikey, I promise, it's not bad. I've been on bed rest for like a month. I may not be completely healed but I'm getting there."
He got close to you and stared you down with a scrunched up face trying to see if you were lying. When he decided he'd seen enough he stood up.
"I believe you, but even though your doing fine you should still stay off that ankle."
"Okay, but I do actually need to grab my laptop. I have some things to work on. I'll stay off of it for a while after that."
You moved to get up and grab your crutches only to be pushed back on the mattress.
"No no no," he wiggled his finger at you, "you can work on your own time. Now though, your being treated to the Mikey super awesome boyfriend entertainment special!"
"The Mikey super awesome boyfriend entertainment special?"
"Yup! Stay right there, don't move. I'll be back faster then you can say Silver Sentry!"
When he came back his hands were full of microwave popcorn, a large assortment of candy, and his whole movie collection.
He put the candy on your bed next to you and placed the box of movies in your lap.
"You pick our first flick, I'll go pop us some of this popcorn!"
"I'm sorry, our first?"
"Well yeah, you may be hurt but it's still not fair for you to choose all the movies during a marathon."
And with that Mikey left the room to head to the kitchen. You chuckled, what were you gonna do with that boy.
_______________________________________________Before you kill me, it's actually cannon that Donny's nickname in 2003 is spelled with a 'y'. I will not be spelling it that way with any of the others unless it is canonized. That being said, you can put your spears down.
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amxrany · 1 month
Ya'll thought I forgot? Nah I was just busy (Floyd's Dream):
Ok so we start off at the ocean, where Ortho's carrying everyone, but Jamil and Silver create a boat and oar using ice. They all get in, Silver mentions how cold it is and Grim agrees. Grim also proceeds to get closer and snuggle with Yuu (like the bitchass mf he is /j) then Sebek's just mad on how much Yuu spoils Grim. Everyone's wondering who's dream they entered, and Jamil proceeds to get starting apprehensive; because they're only a few people we can associate with the ocean (and he does not take to them too kindly)
Then the boat gets attacked and everyone panics, Ortho assumes it's a shark and the gang proceeds to get thrown off the boat. We all end up under the sea with the scene changing to the sunken ship that Ariel explored in from The Little Mermaid
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Being thrown out of their boat, everyone starts freaking out because they're gonna drown; but it never comes. Turns out that Idia gave them bubble shields using STYX's technology to make them breathe underwater. But Ortho senses someone close by, he senses that it's an eel that is 4 meters in length.
That's when Floyd finds us, we find out it's his dream because Silver's bird surrounds him. It turns out Floyd doesn't recognize the group, because the moment he finds out that they were humans, he sighs (very dramatically i might add) of boredom. Everyone's confused cuz this isn't the Floyd they're used to, as the Floyd right now sounds very depressed and emotionless.
It turns out that Floyd left the land because he wasn't interested in it anymore. When Silver asks him about Azul and Jade, he mentions that they're still in land; with Azul opening another Mostro Lounge with and Jade being Azul's right hand man. Apparently, Floyd felt that the land got too boring as everything was going a little too perfect. With everyone falling for Azul's contracts and Mostro Lounge having multiple branches, he just found it too boring and decided to start traveling around the world instead.
First, he lands in Vil's hometown where he was offered a modeling gig from a famous brand because of how handsome he is (even Silver thinks he's handsome too), but declined because it would get boring to wear clothes of the same brand. Next, he traveled to Sunshine Land where he was hired as a chef by a famous restaurant. For that, the chef really liked the meal that Floyd threw together on a whim and served it in the menu, it instantly became a popular hit. But when the chef asked for the recipe, Floyd can't give it cuz he just made it spontaneously so he just quitted on the spot 😭.
Then he went to Scalding Sands to check out their desert, in which he found a cave. He went in and found a supposedly "black teapot" inside, he took it and wiped the dust and accidentally summons a black ghost, this being a reference to Jafar being trapped in the genie's lamp. When asked about his three wishes, he proceeded to use all of them on food 💀. He also traveled to Sunset Savannah, Queendom of Roses and Briar Valley but still nothing was keeping entertained, as he found all of them weak and boring.
Of course at the mention of Briar Valley, Sebek immediately got defensive; stating that Queen Maleficia and Malleus wouldn't lose to someone like him. Then Floyd just goes "bruh I can't just go fistfight royalty" and Sebek's like "You only get common sense now?!". That's when Idia comes in with his take that Floyd isn't the type of person to go fight people to build up his reputation nor is he the type to seek out things to get stronger...
Floyd also tells us that he literally just threw us off the boat out of curiousity, but it turns out it was all just for nothing as he's getting bored again. That's when Idia mentions that Malleus' magic isn't working for Floyd, because the magic was set to give people infinite happiness; but because Floyd likes things difficult, the magic won't work right.
Jamil then mentions that Floyd likes strong opponents, like during a tournament in basketball where the team was losing; but the only who was motivated to win was Floyd. He relies heavly on his moods, as he sometimes like tormenting the weak but also going up against the strong.
Malleus' magic simply eliminates all negative emotions, which isn't really Floyd's style. But because Floyd can't escape, he became depressed in his own dream. Ortho also says that that would have also been the case for Idia if he never woke up. That's when Silver suggests giving Floyd a "strong shock" (or in other words fight him) and everyone's just like "Why is that always your idea?" like he's just trying my guys 😭.
But then Floyd starts getting suspiscious when they tell him that everything's just a dream. Until Jamil and Silver mentioned what happened during their first year orientation, where Silver was about to fall asleep but woke up to Riddle flinging Floyd around the room because Floyd touched Riddle's hair and Jade laughing his ass off in the background
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It apparently got so bad that Riddle had to be restrained by the teachers 😭 (but Silver was grateful for that incident cuz he stayed awake)
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This causes Floyd to start waking up, so they remind him of his past failures as well. Where he lost to Cater in a battle, as his unique magic is not capable of hitting multiple targets. He also battled Malleus and Leona AT THE SAME TIME and obviously lost
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The final straw was Grim and Yuu tell him that they defeated him during Azul's overblot, this causes Floyd to start remembering what happened during that incident, but then the darkness creates fake versions of Jade and Azul that try to convince that everything he heard was all false
(Also Azul merform reveal ayeeee)
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The fakes tell him to forget about the people from the land because the three are always together, but that causes Floyd to fully wake up cuz he knows that Azul and Jade would not say that. The fight starts and Floyd wins, but he's now throwing a fit and just hitting the sunken ship out of anger. Idia got scared and asked Jamil to do something, that's when Jamil's like "why me?" and Ortho replies with "well you don't want us first years to get hurt right?"
When Jamil tries to approach Floyd, he immediately asked if Jamil wanted to get strangled. But thankfully Yuu yells at him to listen to them as Ortho shows Floyd the video. Now that Floyd knows he's in a dream, he proceeds to abuse the crap out of the dream by teleporting to random places
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Sebek's just yelling at him to stop it because it's gonna be obvious that he's awake. That's when Floyd goes "this means I can summon Malleus right?" and everyone's like "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT" 😭😭😭
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Floyd is offered to join the group to go into Jade's dream, in which he agrees because he's curious about what his brother is dreaming about, probably a lot of mountains he assumes. Since they're still dreaming, Floyd could simply change his form and off to Jade's dream we go
Holy fuck why was this so long lmao, but yeah guys I'm still alive and no college hasn't eaten me alive yet, but stay tuned!
Next: Jade's Dream
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withnofreetime · 7 months
Hetalia ☆ World Stars (513)
I feel concerned, France changed... I like him now? Not too much tho
Translation notes at the end: ‘cuz I took a lot of “creative freedoms(?)” and sometimes I forgot the meaning of words ("kanji"). Warning: I don’t know Italian, German (my sister knows) and French (a bit). And sorry for the bad words...
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Page 2.
"Coglione" is... balls? Is an insult, but to my knowledge it is usually used among close friends, if an Italian ministerial candidate uses it, I am right. This is my way of differentiating the times when Italy is vulgar with the others (always), between "BIG5" and "Germany/Japan". (+wiki)
"Verstanden", "Understood". German, in this case. In their informal use, because, again, the're allies.
"Chiario", the literal translation, is "clear", but it is also used as an affirmation.
"99 trillion in health", I looked to see if there was a reference to a nation, but nothing. Although America and England were the ones who supported the change, it's worth remembering that America is the country that spends the most on health care in the world.
"99 quadrillions in cost", I have nothing more to say than: "Zimbabwean dollar", more specifically, the 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar banknote.
Page 3. 
"Blagen!", is a German slang for "annoying kids" or to sarcastically call a place a "kindergarten" either because of how messy or chaotic it is.
"Già l'ora suonò!", "the time has come!" (Rough translation)
"Inter arma enim silent leges!", I decided to add a Latin phrase because of the same origin (historical places, mostly) of the "special" card used by Italy and because Cicero is related. Translation: "For among arms, the laws are silent" (wiki).
"Ludi", I don't think I can explain it as well as Wikipedia, but it was kind of like a "party/games" wherein one of the main shows presented gladiators, and… well, we all know the final fate of most of them.
Page 5.
Tourism ranking. (Wikipedia) In 2022, the table goes as follows:
1) France, 2) Spain, 3) USA, 4) Turkey and 5) Italy.
So Italy's card doesn't work so well against France.
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danieyells · 2 months
Hi! So, which characters do you think have the worst post nut clarity? (Yes I was bored, can you tell?(?) I need the new chapter to release alreadyyy...).
I think Yuri would be around the top, even more if he was so into the moment that he called Mc (or his partner, yey multishipping) "mamma" or something. Dude would be pulling the surprise lobotomy on the table (or bed).
Ren also gives me the vibes of having it bad. Like, dude would be having a full on monologue of "How did he behave in such an ooc way, this didn't happen, yada yada". So like, good luck dealing with him(?).
Romeo... I think it would depend (Yet I wanna add him cuz I love him <3 so let me delulu myself). I like headcanning (is that a word? I forgot how headcannon was used as a verb lmao) him as a bottom, so I like to think that he would be embarassed as fuck of having acted submissive. He is the proud owner of the casino, his name terrifies any student of the Sinostra house, and several from another houses, he did not whimper like a common horny off-brand idiot, and no, he didn't cry. Ah, you say he looked beautiful? Well, maaaybe he did then.
Hello! I mean I think it'd depend a lot on like. What kind of sex they were having and why and with who lmao LIKE YOU CAN'T HAVE POST NUT CLARITY IF IT WAS SOMETHING YOU'D DO REGARDLESS RIGHT?
Jin probably wouldn't get into a sexual situation he wasn't particularly into in the first place. He kinda gets post nut clarity in that once he's done there's a good chance he doesn't wanna be around the person anymore and tells them to leave lmao. Of course if it's a beloved partner or someone he trusts he's. . .a little clingier.
Tohma similarly wouldn't be in a situation where he regrets his sexual choices I think.
Kaito's post nut experience is entirely euphoric. Mostly because the guy probably wouldn't end up in a one night stand or something where he'd be questioning his life choices. Any clarity is in the moment, directly before, or hours afterwards, and it's usually questioning his relationship status or sexuality.
Luca also would be very sure about his sexual interactions and what they are and their meaning. No post nut clarity, but he's very attentive after the fact. You'll get aftercare after the most vanilla sex with him. (Which, realistically, isn't a bad thing!)
Alan might have some in the form of realizing how dangerous that interaction could have been. He'd probably check on his partner just to be sure nothing went wrong that he didn't realize. He'd feel bad about being reckless and possibly careless until he's sure his partner's alright.
Leo is a lot like Jin in this way in that he wouldn't be in a situation where he slept with someone he wasn't sure about in the first place, even as a fling. If he wasn't into it he'd stop everything midfuck. Also like Jin the closest he gets to post nut clarity is probably "okay, we're done, get out" with someone he's not so close to lmao. Everyone else gets post-fuck bathtime. May or may not result in more sex.
Sho is a bit of a player(you think Leo's the slut but it's not! It's Sho!) but he's pretty good about figuring out who he is and isn't gonna regret a night with. Sometimes post nut clarity with Leo because he gets a little caught up in Leo--but it's not a bad post nut clarity, it's a "everything about that was great it was just stupid/extreme and i wouldn't've done it with most anyone else" post nut clariry
Haru's post nut clarity is 100% oh my god i have so much work to do i should not have done that jdbdudidn. That or "this is what life is about and i work way too hard". Like, he goes back to overworking anyway because he needs to make sure none of the animals die and it's his responsibility and all but he bounces between 'that was amazing and also took up so much valuable work time' and 'wtf am i doing i could be doing this way more if i wasn't working myself so hard'
Towa has no concept of post nut clarity. Towa gets post nut infatuation in which he is instantly in love with whoever just made him come, if he wasn't already. May or may not be temporary.
Ren. . .I think Ren would have a high chance kf being in shock and wondering how the hell he got here and let himself be in this situation. Even if he's in a relationship. Like, sex is a lot of work to start with. Being convinced into having sex or getting seduced. . .like, the likelihood that he'd bring it up himself is kinda slim. It just goes against everything relating himself he's used to--he's not angry or anything, he's just. . .confused. He knows himself, he's a total tsundere, he hates being around people, how did he somehow get laid anyway???? He plays the events back in his head and it makes sense but he's still confused. No, wait, don't leave he's just. . .pulling himself together. All sex, even in a relationship, will end like this for a while until he comes to terms with it and starts to sleep it off because a lot of effort and feelings happened just then okay he needs a nap. He is the worst about it for a while, I agree. He's just not used to putting in that kind of work and there being an actual payout, or feeling so many good things at once.
Taiga wouldn't have post nut clarity. He knows what he did. However if he hadn't eaten enough beforehand he might have post-nut brainfog and wander off in a daze to find food, barely putting his pants back on in the process. Otherwise? If anyone's getting post nut clarity it's whoever he fucked. Because why did they make this decision? They're probably in a lot of pain and Taiga's just laughing and cheerful and telling them how good it was.
Romeo. . .Romeo's careful about his sexual choices, but he can definitely have some bad post nut clarity if he's not with someone he adores or is really comfortable with. He's sticky and sweaty and smells and it's awful. Was it worth the pleasure? Sure a shower will fix it but ugh his skin. . . . He might feel some embarrassment at having sex with someone 'below' him if felt like he wasn't in control of the situation and wasn't highly attached to them, and he might chew them out if he wasn't totally satisfied or wasn't being treated appropriately(read: worshipped and praised and thanked and apologies for any discomfort or mess) but for the most part I think the worst of it that they would see would be him complaining about being sticky or dirty before he dismisses them from the room. He's a lot calmer with someone he likes I think. And if he adores you well. He'll endure being dirty if it means being close for a little longer.
Ritsu simply would not be having casual sex I think. Casual sex would absolutely be met with post nut clarity and embarrassment. He's got little to no experience and would think it's inappropriate and unprofessional for him to be fucking around and would procure an NDA for them to sign. This never happened.
Subaru would have a ton of post nut clarity simply because along with the sex he got a whole serving of the other person's feelings and memories and he is utterly exhausted. There's so much to go through and unpack mentally and. . .he's drained from his stigma activating and the orgasm. He would have post nut clarity after his post sex nap. And by 'nap' i mean he's asleep for like two hours. Like you cannot fuck him without him conking out right after, i am sorry.
Haku is too casual about sex for post nut clarity. He wanted it if only in the moment, it felt good, what else is there to think about?
Zenji has post nut inspiration. He very well might immediately move away from his partner to start penning up a song or story or something right after he comes. For best results, they should come first.
Ed laughs in the face of post nut clarity. He's 400 years old, please. What is there for him to think about besides whether or not he wants to feed off of whoever he fucked and go another two or three hours.
Rui. . .assuming you can't have sex directly and you're idk masturbating together or using toys he might have a post nut feeling of 'oh i'm kind of touch staved and lonely actually and i don't know if this helped or hurt that feeling'. He'd bottle it up though. No need to see him feeling bad when you did something good right? He has time to process those feelings later, it's not like he'll be sleeping.
Lyca is a very simple guy. It felt good right? Nothing more to think about. No worries to be had unless you had sex in a non-vanilla way, in which case his mind may be a little blown and he might be processing it still. In the moment he's just following instinct--do whatever feels good and seems interesting and makes his partner smell the most pleasured. Afterwards there's more to consider.
Yuri losing control in any situation has him very shaken up and humiliated and panicky unless he trusts the person he was with a lot(and even then he still may need some form of aftercare, he gets flustered over the thought of your exposed back after all--). Not to mention how much time was just spent that could have been spent elsewhere! If he was in control it's not nearly as bad but if he wasn't. . .oh he's freaking out. Oh he's kicking his partner out of the room. "And do not speak of this to anybody!" like he didn't yell it out into the dorm hallway. And then he's gonna freak out a little on his own time. But he might have some sort of drug for that. On the other hand, post nut breakthrough where he immediately abandons his partner to run to the lab because he just had the most amazing idea and he has to go test it out right now--
Jiro. . .yeah, Jiro is another person who doesn't see the point in stressing about this kind of thing. What is there to clarify?
SO YEAH I DEFINITELY AGREE WITH YOU ON REN AND YURI AND MAYBE ROMEO. I think Subaru would too, if he could stay awake long enough--he'd just be feeling so much he'd be an absolute wreck. I feel like Romeo has more room for recovery before any sort of dread or confusion or disgust kicks in--you can divert his attention with compliments and he'll calm down pretty fast. You still might get a gun/knife to the neck and a threat to not speak of what just happened if he was bottoming/subbing though. You were given the great pleasure of pleasuring Romeo Scorpus Lucci, and you will take that 'performance' to your grave. If he so much as catches a whisper of that you talked, some truly awful things will be done to you.
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samfosho · 3 months
I hate to do this, but not asking for help is how I ended up with tens of thousands in medical debt to begin with and I'm getting desperate.
So, hi. I'm Sam. I'm a queer, autistic & ADHD living with mountains of medical debt that has accrued after working a decade at a job I believed in for just pennies, with nothing to show for it but burnout and depression. (Yes, I know there are charities that buy medical debt. I did not know about them before I took advice from An Adult That I Trusted and Thought Was Smart years ago now, who said just put it on a credit card. I have learned and suffered for that mistake)
Fortunately, I've got a good job now. Unfortunately, that doesn't solve all my problems overnight. Currently, I have about $36 to my name, which isn't even mine if you think about it (see: debt), and I don't get paid for a week. I'm working on the Big Shit, but there are two things I really need help with:
Immediate: I have a car payment coming out today for $156 that I can't cover
Less Immediate, but still looming: I NEED to have my wisdom teeth out. I've put them off for a long time, and I'm currently dealing with a lot of pain as I wait for the appointment next month. Insurance came back with them covering half, but that still leaves $1400 out of pocket.
I thought I had everything budgeted a little better this month, and all I had to worry about was the upcoming wisdom teeth appointment. I had a small car issue (tires needed replaced) and I forgot my rent went up this month and not next.
This is a huge ask, and I know we're all struggling, so I'm not asking for that full amount.
That dental appointment is the soonest I can get in, at the least expensive office that takes my insurance, so moving to a different doc isn't an option. They DO offer payment plans, however they only offer 6 months, and the full amount is too much of a monthly payment for me to make and still pay rent/make car payments/feed my cats.
If I can make that first payment on the day as big as I can, and cut the monthly payments, that would be an immense relief.
SO, my goal is $600, if at all possible, in the long run, so I don't lose everything
But my immediate, PLEASE if you can, so I don't lose my car or miss rent or get hit with overdraft fees that will just hit me even harder goal is:
This would get my car payment and a little extra to get as many cheap, non perishable groceries as I can so I don't have to worry about what I'll eating the next few months.
If possible, literally anything is a huge help and amazing. If not possible, a little boost would be amazing.
If you would like to receive an actual, physical thing—like, say, a cussy piece of embroidery—you can go buy something from my Etsy store. Stock is limited, cuz I have been working enough that I haven't had time to make a lot of things or get new supplies, but I have some stupid mushroom earrings I can add to the shop, too, when I get a moment, and some stone jewelry that I made and have been meaning to sell for YEARS.
I also have a comic that I haven't updated in forever, because of the aforementioned busyness, burnout and stress. So I will draw you a little robot or something if you donate if you want
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Here is a pic of my cats, they would also appreciate eating
Thanks for taking the time to read, I greatly appreciate that, too 💚
I put my links under the cut, so they're not just out there in case this post travels past my need of it
Venmo @ SamFoShoBro
cashapp $SamFoShoBro
Message for paypal. I have it, I just don't like using it.
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f4iryxt · 2 years
How different 1a students would act like in public
(Dating edition)
Remember that this is only my opinion!
Feel free to request anything or to add stuff <3
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He's more of a private guy, so don't expect too much of affection in public. I feel like he wouldn't want to hold hands, but if you'd insist, the most he would do is let you hold on to his arm. Yk not too much but enough to make you happy.
He wouldnt lash out on you in public, but in class it's different. He would complain to you just like to his friends, but if he'd accidentally really hurt you're feelings, he'd cook you you're favorite food. (He'll never apologize with words)
if he's feeling nice he'd whisper things in you're ear to make you a blushing mess and he'd just grin there proud of himself. He would also pull you aside when nobody's watching and have make out sessions and then go back to the group like nothing happened, while you're still trying to figure out what just happened.
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Now this man right here. He would have no idea how to act in public. He'd just be a blushing mess tryna think what to do.
He'd be too scared to make you uncomfortable by asking to as an example. hold hands. When he finally has the courage to ask and you happily accept,of course he would just fall more and more in love with you.
Holding hands would become hes favorite thing. Everywhere you went, you would be holding hands. At winter times he puts his hand in his pocket while still holding hands with you, to keep your hands warm.
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He'd be so sweet and gentle with everything. I feel like he thinks that showing affection in public is manly. Small kisses on the cheek while waiting in the line to the cafeteria, making sure you're not cold while walking to class, warming your hands with his own, cuz his hands are so much bigger then yours etc.
He would notice immediately if you're uncomfortable and would back up instantly apologizing a lot and asking was there anything he did wrong and so on. When you'd finally say he didn't do anything wrong, saying you just remembered and upcoming exam you had forgot, kiri would visibly relax, telling you off for scaring him like that.
(He's the sweetest tho:'))
That's all for now hope you enjoyed♡
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struggling-author · 8 months
Hey what are your avatar otps besides azulaang?
oh umm… I wouldn’t call them OTPs since that is exclusively Azulaang, but my bi Azula headcanon lives in a variety of ships. Azutara, Azuki, Maizula… not Tyzula tbh because that feels like… imbalanced? and not Tophzula because they are menace-besties but not romantic, but with any of the other girls I think it could be great. Azutara has the enemies to lovers from Azulaang but with more spice and less forgiveness, they‘d tear eachother apart first but that makes it even sweeter if they eventually fall in love. Azuki is kind of different because Suki is more rational and holds less of an emotional grudge, it‘d be difficult for Azula to earn her trust but she would not be openly hostile to her unless necessary. I imagine this one could only happen if Azula is already in the middle or post redemption though, because Suki would not put up with any EtL shit. I guess that is exactly why it intrigues me too, I feel Suki would be more willing to give Azula a chance, more than Katara for example, but at the same time it would be impossibly hard to win her trust and I‘d like to see if Zula can manage it. Lastly Maizula, and I prefer this one over Tyzula because I feel Mai is more capable of holding her own against Azula in a relationship. It’s a complicated version of childhood friends to lovers and I‘m kind of here for it. No idea how it would work though lol.
Aside from Azula ships, I think Zutara is pretty cool and works well alongside Azulaang. Kataang is kinda cool in theory too, but I don’t like shipping Aang with anyone except Azula, it feels wrong 🤷‍♂️ The only other Aang ship I can imagine liking is Zukaang, but I don’t talk about it much.
Oh and I have to give a shoutout to Sokkla, I don’t particularly vibe with it but they’re the sister ship to Azulaang and I do see the potential of the two genius strategists, so if Aang didn’t exist I would definitely ship Sokkla instead. Nothing but love to the comrades over there. 🫶🏼
edit: totally forgot this but I actually also love Tylaang aka Ty-Lee and Aang, it just has absolutely no fandom so it’s hard to get the ball rolling. I just feel they would be such a wholesome bubbly cute ship, and I dig the Ty-Lee airbender ancestry theory so she‘d love to learn all about airbender customs and they‘d have so much fun and probably a huge family 😅 anyway I think party of why I ship this is just because I think these two deserve the world and it represents my wish for them to be totally carefree and happy. you can also add Azula and make this a throuple, I think that would work because you have Tyzula as the polar opposites and Aang in the middle to bridge the gap.
speaking of throuples I enjoy the idea of… Azutaraang? (Azula/Katara/Aang) but it is very difficult to make work. The only way I can see it is if Azula and Katara fall in love first because nothing good could come of them fighting over Aang. or maybe I could see like a stranded on a deserted island AU where the three of them have to work together and learn to rely on eachother… idk, difficult but not impossible.
Oh and I love Zuki too (Zuko x Zuki) …damn I guess I do have quite a few non-Azulaang ships. anyway this is essentially a bodyguard AU and it’s actually my favorite Zuko ship (sorry Zutara) not much to say about it cuz I’ve barely engaged with it, but I love the idea and think they would just work really well together. I also can see this as a throuple with Sokka again. I don’t really vibe with Zukka on their own but if you add Suki then I love it, because Suki deserves two good boys and it’s more fun for everyone involved if those two good boys are in love with eachother too.
final edit hopefully: Sokka Azula Aang is good too, for the same reasons listed for Zuko Suki Sokka, I swear that’s it now. goodbye lol.
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I remember there was a headcanon about Luis attending a school that had secret connections with Umbrella. Now I can't help but think if Leon and Luis have a kid, they would do extensive background checks on schools their kid would attend, because they'll want to make sure none of those schools were associated with Umbrella/have ties to corrupt companies/organizations.
Thank you so much for sending in an ask!!!!!!! But yesyesyesyesyes I know the headcannon you’re talking about!!!!!! From memory I think either @geddy-leesbian or @hamartia-grander made some pretty extensive posts going into this idea??? Either way its really fascinating to think about!!!!
For those of you who don’t know, the headcannon/theory basically revolves around the fact that Luis was able to graduate school seemingly pretty quickly/was considered a ‘child prodigy’, and that in-universe theres a few characters who attended schools created specifically by Umbrella to essentially indoctrinate them; one of the most notable being the Umbrella Executive Training School that William and Wesker attended.
Umbrella has a few random facilities like this (like the Rockford Prison) And considering the fact that Europe seemed to be a relatively big hub for Umbrella, it DEFINITELY wouldn’t be much of a stretch to say that they’d have a similar school with the intent of training/indoctrinating ‘child prodigies’ to work for them in the future, and it’d be even less pf a stretch to assume that Luis, who came from a VERY sheltered religious background, would be a very easy subject to pick (cuz! yippee!! capitalist grooming am i right or am i right!!) It’d also absolutely lend a hand to why Luis grabbed as many items as he could and just BOOKED IT immediately after finding out what their plans for Nemesis REALLY were (I could talk about that part of his life/that realisation for HOURS oh my GOD)
EDIT I FORGOT TO ADD: Umbrella on some level does work quite like a cult. I’ll link a post that does a MUCH better job explaining it than I could in the replies of this post, but creating facilities for the sole purpose of indoctrinating already vulnerable young people into being on board with your project and isolating them from friends and family is like. Cult behaviour 101 BFNEHENDJDJ which is VERY painful to think about how Luis got roped into cults THREE times. Valdelobos before Saddler showed up wasn’t EXPLICITLY a cult, but considering it was isolated from modern society and heavily Catholic theres a strong argument to be made- then of course theres Umbrella- then of course he was blackmailed into working with Los Illuminados. I’ll make a post going deeper into that SOMEDAY, but like,,,, just the tragedy of his life being one big cycle he cant break is just. So devastating man are you KIDDING ME
I’m not like. SUUUUUPER knowledgeable on super obscure lore stuff like locations/facilities etc, so if you have a question about that specifically @highball66 would probably be a better person to ask!!!!
But again we know like. NOTHING about the inbetween time between Luis running away from Valdelobos as a child and him popping up as one of Umbrella’s top scientists other than the fact that he was a child prodigy and he excelled in college- hell even the dates/ages get kinda wonky at times BHFNEHENEUDNSIS but also this is Resident Evil where things get wonky a lot of the time so!!! Eh!!!!!!!
I have my own personal theory on what he did during that time inbetween I would be SO MORE THAN HAPPY to ramble about HDNEHENDJDN
BUT TO THE POINT OF YOUR QUESTION!!! YES!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!! Plus just in general with Leon having a lot more enemies than friends, doing background checks on teachers or whatever would probably seem like paranoia to an outsider but to them?????? Nah you can NEVER be safe. Plus Leon’s like, a government agent- he obviously doesn’t have a TON of autonomy but I can imagine he at least has SOME power to dig up information on people. AND, the both of them literally went through hell and back to save Ashley, who was kidnapped right under the presidents nose- So like!! Hell yeah they’d be paranoid abt where their kids going man!!!!!!!! Rightfully so I think!!!
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mostdisconcerting · 6 months
Bad Day=Binging ScarNash
I had an interesting day today. Not in a good way. So as one does in such a situation, I went back to rewatch ScarNash. Cuz they’re my comfort ship.
This is just me reviewing almost every scene of the episode so I can forget that life exists for a little while🙃
Today I picked 4x04. And goodness I do not regret it one bit.
Starting with Patrick and the fat goose line. I’m sorry but why did that have to be so damn funny. “My fellow punters…” and “copious amounts of whiskey”, with his very Frank expression shifted my mood from stressed to joyful immediately. And I only now noticed that as Patrick and Eliza leave to meet Carter, Eliza yeets a paper in Clarence’s direction (or at least she tried).
I applaud Clarence’s “shit the parents are gonna argue if I don’t step in” senses. We love him for them.
I’m gonna make a rare mention of William, but I felt so bad for him when Ivy started talking about her mom’s gout. If I was eating anything resembling her description, I would gag to no end. Ruined the poor dudes snack.
Watching Patrick panic is probably my favorite part of this episode. Bros just pacing up, down, round and round, trying to think of what to do. (He’s literally just me but toned down and with an adult brain 😂)
That scene at Fallons was perfect. That unanimous “who?”, and the cover up that “we do love a little gossip now and then.”. It’s adorable and funny to see these to be in such sync and in such odds as they are.
Also, idk if anyone else noticed but she’s holding his ARM in the stables scene?! How-wha-why did I not notice that?
Poor Fitzroy. He could’ve had a much nicer career with his father out of the way. He’s known for being his father’s son, this way he could learn to be his own man.
We gotta talk about that cab scene. Literally, Patrick was trying to make things better by saying “it’s not your fault they left”, and just made it worse by adding “it’s mine, I should’ve never left you in charge”. She looked so genuinely offended by what he said, only to be shut down cuz they were literally in the middle of investigating.
Then they just break into Fallon’s office like it’s nothing and start bickering about the resignations again. She said she didn’t fire any of them. And then she admitted to firing multiple. Which is great I guess. So… we have that. Then they just hop through the office when someone comes in. Like. They have no right to be this adorable. Why are they literally my grandparents on steroids.
Turns out the lines about Eliza sulking started in this episode, which clearly adds to why she’s pissed when he spends the entirety of 4x05 just telling her she’s sulking and she should not sulk.
Then we have scene where Patrick’s pacing again. And I don’t blame him for making Eliza nervous too. Like he said “good I don’t see why I should suffer alone” (which is a quote I’ve been using way to much in real life recently lol)
Clarence makes his grand entry with some food and the info that Gibson is here. 🙃
And I’m finally going to end on those last two scenes of them together (cuz I skipped William kissing Eliza)
Them blackmailing Carter was hilarious. I mean, we know both of them were hella nervous cuz he could’ve just gunned both of them down there but that’s whatever. I love the little voice moderations and the expressions Eliza and Patrick pass each other basically saying “he’s agreed, now let’s get the hell out of here before he changes his mind and kills us”
Then we got Patrick praising Eliza. That could’ve played out to be an even more heartfelt scene had Eliza not seen the time and ran off. He looked disappointed, but he seemed to let it go (unlike William would’ve as we know) , understanding she probably forgot to do something .
Makes me sad seeing potential like this being flushed down a toilet.
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They’re an old married couple and I love that for them🙃
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