#i have no time for zarry
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haechvn · 2 years
Sit Down Please (Headcanon) (18+ NSFW)
Pairing: Shuri x F!Reader
Warning: Nasty whoreish good for nothing filth..
Summary/Request: Am I the only one that thinks Shuri would love when reader sits on her face 👀🥵
Word Count: 0.7k+
Author’s Note: Just read you whores. Thank you Anon! <3
Taglist :  @melodykisses, @blackhottie25, @tonakings, @coalmistyy, @szalipcombo, @prettyluhlaiiii, @yelenabelovasgf, @callmeoncette, @clqrosmgc, @beautybyfire, @homelessmicechild, @shurisbitch
Translations: Sthandwa = My love
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The S in Shuri also stands for seat in case you didn’t know
Her facial structure is so pristine and clean cut. Why you may ask? IT’S BC THAT’S WHERE YOUR COOCHIE IS DESIGNED TO BE
Wants to eat you out in her lab, the throne room (ON THE THRONEEEE), on a ship. Literally everywhere
Don’t think about how Shuri practically begs you every morning to eat you as a part of her breakfast
“Sthandwa, as Princess of Wakanda, I decree that you must place yourself on my face in order for me to truly be able to guide my country in the best way possible. I cannot go without it. ”
Just the thought of her tongue circling your clit gives her more strength than the heart-shaped herb
She loves when you choke her with your pussy, constantly moaning into your pussy and rubbing both of her hands over your ass
Breathing isn’t that important anyways
You could see your juice fall down on the sides of her face and make her jaw glitter omg
She would ask you to wipe it off with your fingers and stick them in your mouth I—
Tugging you further and further into her mouth as if she is treasure hunting up your insides
Shuri would force you to always keep your eyes on her
But other times, she would shut her eyes so tight and just focus on how soft and luscious you feel in her mouth and she wouldn’t be able to stop moaning i promise
Being the kinky fuck she is, she may or may not put a finger up your a—
She wouldn’t let you go until you’ve cum at least twice and she would want you to watch her gulp your cum down her throat OMG AH
Constantly shaking her head north south east and west, wanting to catch every part of you in her mouth
I think she would also have a thing for biting your clit
Like when you feel like you are going to explode and want to run away, she would teasingly bite you and pull you down even closer or wrap your legs around her head even tighter bc she could care less if she died between your thighs or not
I feel like when she goes down on you, she’s more of a munch vs a fingering kinda gal buttt
Every time she fingers you, it's always three fingers bc she needs you to feel her in all her glory
She likes doing the infamous ‘come here’ motion but at any extremely slow place so you would feel her fingers on your g spot for AT LEAST five seconds at a time
while doing that, Shuri would move her whole head in circles going in one direction (#zarry) and have her tongue moving in the opposite direction!!!!
Would force you to sit on her during zoom calls and phone conversations
“You better bounce this pussy on my face Princess before I punish you for not being slutty enough for me” !!!!!!
Loves when you grab her hair and force her head up and just GRIND THE FUCK OUT OF THAT STUNNING FACE
You would always be seeing her eyes roll to the back of her head and fuck does she look amazing
Would completely blow down to you when you reach back and start stroking her pussy bc your Queen needs attention too &lt;3
Rubbing on her clit or fingering her would literally bring growls out of Shuri likee
She would deliver the hardest and loudest slaps to your ass, and groan like the little bitch she is bc truth be told, SHE LIKE BEING HANDLED LIKE A WHORE
She would grind her hips up to meet your fingers and just whore herself out
I can see her wanting to eat you out for an entire hour but “baby you have an entire country to rule”
“yea and somehow this pussy is still more important” 
I rest my case
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whumpbump · 8 months
A Danger to Yourself and Others
Cw: needle, injection, drugged whumpee, lab setting, medical whump
“P-plea-ease, I-I-I didn’t m-mean to,” Whumpee had snot bubbling at their nose, drooling from the effort of crying so hard.
The doctor clucked their tongue in disapproval of the waterworks as they slid a needle into Whumpee’s arm.
“You should know better by now than to look out the windows. It gets your hopes up. And then we have the questions ‘when will I get to go outside?’ ‘when can I go home?’ well you can’t. And you know this. And you work yourself up into a tizzy every time. I’m literally wasting medication on you because you can’t calm down enough for me to work.”
“Buh- *gasp* -but why can’t I go home?”
“I told you. You’re a danger to yourself and others. You don’t know how to control yourself.”
Pulling the needle out with little care of discomfort, the doctor stood impatiently over Whumpee as their crying quieted and eyes fluttered closed.
“‘m zarry.”
“Go to sleep. I have ultrasounds to do.”
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louisisalarrie · 20 days
there’s quite the convo that was going on on twitter today, which is super interesting to me, because it’s brought up often and usually from newer members to the fandom, particularly solos. we’ve been talking about this for years. so… idk, let’s talk.
this convo is of the gist that Larries made Harry and louis stop interacting due to our interest in them being together. we, apparently, are the ones who made either mgmt, or Harry and Louis themselves, entirely separate and go from best friends to absolutely nothing. and when I say absolutely nothing, like… they were so distanced it was ridiculous.
but here’s the thing… if you weren’t around at the time (there’s no issue with that btw!), ziam was the second biggest ship after larry. A bunch of Larries shipped ziam, and a lot of larry antis shipped ziam, as well as ziam having their own following regardless of larry. And yes, I was there, so im fully aware ziam wasn’t as big as Larry, but they were definitely a close second as far as “ships” go. there was also narry, zarry, lilo, and all the others, but larry and ziam dominated.
But… funnily enough, ziam weren’t separating due to a large speculation of them being in a relationship. it was printed and posted in multiple formats that zayn had said in an interview he told Liam to kiss him and he did (early days, yes), and they really gave off relationship vibes for a long time there, but they were still close and interacting very lovingly throughout the entirety of 1d. and regardless of your stance on ziam, they were clearly very close.
The thing with this is, is that gay rumours can be harmful to a fanbase with a demographic of young women, who the idea is to make the band desirable for women to be with to keep them interested etc., we’re all aware of that, but why wasn’t ziam separated? why weren’t all the boys asked to be super straight with each other? why was it so intense with larry?
Because if you don’t have anything to hide, you don’t hide anything. ziam still were carrying on in front of our faces while larry went through a multitude of stunts (that antis and now some solos also believed were stunts), and were so strictly kept apart that it was blindingly obvious something was going on. To make it seem the most real, you’d have all the boys being laddy bro pals with one another. but it was specifically larry who were extremely drastically pushed apart. of course there was no public “fight” printed to give us a reason as to why they became so far apart (that would signal an end to the band and worry etc.) to make sense of it, but they just were forced in their own lanes. anyone with two eyes can see that, and you could easily tell if they hated each other or not. but the small moments they did interact, showed us otherwise.
anyway, it’s very important to note that ziam did not stop being ziam regardless of the rumours, but larry did stop being larry drastically. they’re not homophobes, they weren’t scared of encouraging the rumours (AIMH and all the playful tweets and interactions), but they were clearly separated when larry kept being talked about further down the track. and if you can’t see that, well you may need to reevaluate and use some critical thinking. it’s happened before 1d too, it’s not rocket science.
anyway, sorry for the rant. it’s just frustrating when I see this convo when we’ve had it over and over again. so, for all the newer larries,if you haven’t already, take this into consideration as one of the very biggest pieces of larry evidence we have. because, well, it is. it may seem insignificant as it’s not a “moment”, but rather it’s a long and ongoing piece of evidence that there was something to hide, so they hid it. and they still do.
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
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Categorized by each of Harry’s Eras
LHH | Frat Boy Harry | Prince Harry | Bandana Harry | Dunkirk Harry | HS1 Harry | Fine Line Harry | Man Bun Harry | Mustache/Quarantine Harry | Harry’s House/ Current Harry | Narry | Zarry
All of these are SMUT one shots unless they say fluff beside them.
The list will be updated as one shots are written.
Niall Horan Smut One Shots -> @wastedonhoran
Louis Tomlinson Smut One Shots -> @holdinonto-heartache
Temporary Fix  
Lights, Camera, Action.
Lights, Camera, Action. Part 2
Lights, Camera, Action. Part 3
Tattooed Harry
Your Brother Will Kill Me
Not A Free Show
You Like That?
Becky’s So Hot
Was It Worth the Wait?
Frat House
Game On.
Model For Me
Cherry Pop
What Happens on the Tour Bus, Stays on the Tour Bus.   What Happens on the Tour Bus, Stays on the Tour Bus Part 2
Can I Take You Somewhere?
Isn’t Your Mom Home?
I Love Being in the Band.
And Scene.
Visiting Home
Visiting Home Part 2
A Friend of Harry’s [Zarry]
Riding the High
Best Tutor Ever
You Got Me
Make Up
Matter of Time apart 2
Under My Skin
Spill or Fill
Spill or Fill Part 2
Spill or Fill Part 3
One & Done?
Assistant C.E.O
Tensions Are High
Teacher’s Lounge
Glad You Passed By
Live in Studio
Live in Studio Part 2
Red Cuffs
Show Me How You Do It
Kiwi. Part 1 and Part 2
It Pays To Be A Harry Girl
Just A Girl in the Bar
Still the One
Still the One Part 2
Loved You First  
Staying Focused
Staying Focused Part 2
To Be So Lonely
When You Know, You Know.
A-hole to Everyone but You
Late Night Talking
Three Plus One fluff blurb
Next Room Over
So, You’re Mr..  
So, You’re Mr.. Part 2
Showered with Love fluff blurb
Iced Vanilla Latte  
We Should[n’t] Be Alone Together 
We Should[n’t] Be Alone Together Part 2
You Think Of Me When Exactly?
Say That Again, Baby
Just Like the Movies?
Just a Guitarist?
Come On, You Got It.
When In Rome [Narry]
To Niall, From Harry  
Now, Imagine That With Two
Guess who [Harry, Niall, Zayn]
Touch Each Other
Two Ghosts [hs]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
I take requests and my anon is on.
I am open to writing anything your filthy little hearts desire, all you have to do is send them here!
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twopoppies · 7 months
I'm sorry if you've discussed this already, I searched your blog and didn't find anything about it.
This is making the rounds again but I do not remember Harry ever posting and then deleting this photo, and I've been here from the beginning. What I do remember is this photo being used time and time again in fics and moodboards and the overall understanding that it looks like baby boyfriends, but it wasn't even. Do you know if this has been debunked or not?
(Also, there's a fun debate over if it's Larry or Zarry 🙃)
Thanks, Gina! Hope you're having a good day!
Hi, darling. I’ve literally never seen that photo. @tommosgun @hannabec2 @betterstllbemywindingwheel any of you know the details on this one? Anyone else?
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sunrrrys · 11 days
To whomever it may catch the eye of,
Hello. If you’re reading this, that means you’ve come across a humble post fishing out into the mysterious abyss of the wonderful community of roleplay for roleplay writing partners from a writer that hasn’t tried tumblr roleplay in years. Coming back from a much needed break with the real world, I’m full of muse and creativity and yearning for a building a juicy plot.
Without further ado, if you’re interested, feel free to read over these very few need-to-knows and reach out to me. I’m shy when it comes to messaging first, but feel welcomed to interact with me, heart this post/reach out to write!
- I am in the 21+ age group. (M.D.N.I)
- Chemistry is an important part to me when it comes to pairings. I prefer to build a storyline and see where it goes and how a pairing turns out.
- I write as Harry Styles, both canonically celebrity-verse and any AU. I prefer to write as his celebrity identity.
- Comfortably writes descriptive novella length, but I’m more than happy to match reply lengths — just give me something to work with and I’ll match.
- I welcome mxm and fxm. Only pairings I don’t personally ship romantically would be lirry, narry and Zarry. I’m open to writing them as platonic plots though! Seeing as Harry is unlabeled, any romantic pairings for him are very open minded.
- no double rps. Nothing against them, I just don’t have any experience in that department and I wouldn’t want to disappoint!
- I do work a full-time job so replies might fluctuate, slow replies might be a possibility from time to time, but they will be delivered no matter what. Time management and open communication are two of my very top priorities. If I’m unable to reply for a day or two, or real life does get in the way of having time to write, I will let you know so no worries of ghosting will be had. (Everybody leads a busy life, so this goes the same for you — if you’re busy, there won’t be any worries! Reply when you’re able to.)
So if you’re looking for someone to write as Harry Styles opposite to a character of your choosing, feel free to shoot me a message or message my Discord!
Discord: dvydreaming
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colorisbyshe · 20 days
every time i mention red white and royal blue or rwrb is mentioned i remember how a friend and i accidentally got casey mcquiston to delete 99% of their tweets because we figured out that they wrote larry rpf and my friend directly asked them in their insta dms if it was one specific fic and they panicked
so we just through their twitter and would like random tweets about one direction (andthey tweeted much more about zarry, to be fair) and hten SECONDS later the tweet would be gone before every tweet was nuked
i'm sure some have survived but like... we did that
completely by accident but #ourimpact
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harryrarepairfest · 1 month
Prompt Submissions
This is a masterpost of the prompts that have been submitted. You can sign up to write one of these prompts or sign up with your own. Prompts will be crossed off when claimed.
1 Daniel Ricciardo’s colleagues and friends tease him after Harry is photographed wearing this t-shirt. When his manager passes along a message from Harry, he thinks it’s another joke. But it’s not. Canon/canon compliant.
2 Harry bakes when he’s had a bad day. He finds out that his roommate has been texting his friend Character B to let them know on those days that free baked goods are available. But he doesn’t mind because Character B does a better job of cheering him up than baking ever could.
3 Harry is visiting Paris for the first time and can’t speak the language. Character B is staying in the same hostel and takes pity on Harry, so they go sightseeing together. Harry falls for the way French sounds in Character B’s voice.
4 Harry is an actress and her first job is in a movie with Jennifer Aniston, who just happens to have been her gay awakening. Cue awkward flirting and age gap romance.
5 Harry has been casually hooking up with Character B for months and is very happy with the situationship. There’s just one problem: Character B’s pet hates Harry.
6 Harry is an amateur astrologer and has a crush on new neighbor Ryan Gosling. They flirt and start to get to know each other. Harry thinks things are going great until Ryan Gosling mentions being a Scorpio and how people always react badly (“I guess I better watch out for that tail”). Harry has always believed that Scorpios are not compatible with Aquarians and vowed never to date one. Harry really likes Ryan Gosling and doesn’t know what to do. AU or canon compliant. 
7 Harry is part of a knitting circle. Character B joins and starts suggesting changes to how the knitting circle operates. It drives Harry crazy that everyone is going along with the changes when things were perfectly fine before. But when Harry finally gives Character B a chance, they have more in common than Harry thought. 
8 Character B is an entertainment reporter who’s about to interview Harry Styles for the first time. Their roommate is a fan and helps with their research. Character B thinks they are prepared, but during the interview Harry dodges every question. They run into Harry later in a coffee shop and can’t help confronting Harry about being difficult during the interview. Harry is very apologetic and sends flowers. Then Character B keeps running into Harry. Canon compliant.
9 Harry and Character B both have partnerships with Lime bikes. They begin to compete over who can look more ridiculous in their paparazzi photos without anyone catching on. 
10 Harry is an introvert working in the Chicago Sky organization. When Angel Reese is drafted, Harry admires her assertiveness and wishes to be more like her. It takes Harry’s coworker and friend gently pointing it out for Harry to realize they want to be with Angel, not be more like her.
11 Girl Harry is inducted into Stevie Nicks' coven of musical witch women, which can include as many women singers/performers as you like
12 Harry and Character B are painting each other's nails when a discussion about hand/finger size and dexterity happens. Things turn sexual.
13 Sunshine Harry and nighttime Zayn
14 Harry dating everyone but Louis in 1D – so, zarry, nirry and lirry, or as zainrry
15 Harry/David Dawson. On set of My Policeman and they fall in love!
Please remember that no matter how your characters identify, they are welcome here. If the prompt submission does not specify pronouns, feel free to write those characters however you wish. When the prompt submission specifies "Girl", my interpretation is that means non cis male.
Submit a prompt here.
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alarrytale · 1 month
I’m ashamed to say it but I’m on Twitter quite often over the years and the homophobia allegations haven’t been a thing on there for a while now. Even with the denials, the comments were that they knew he was gay anyways. So many people commented that he didn’t actually deny it lol. His efforts just created more Larries from what I’ve seen there.
Harries hijack his articles or posts and say all kinds of things but that’s expected from them. There’s this breed of Zarries that are also particularly nasty. How people genuinely believe H & Z were and are currently in a relationship is mind boggling. But they’re there posting their “proof” under Larries comments every chance they get. It’s very odd.
The general public was very much involved in the grey hair debate & the Glastonbury articles but I didn’t see homophobia remarks about him, just that they didn’t know him or didn’t know that he was a soloist now. I think that is his biggest struggle, people don’t know him or they don’t know he’s still singing on his own. But you’re absolutely correct also when you say how he’s torn with this 1/2 indie & 1/2 pop music. And unfortunately the stigma of being a previous boy band member doesn’t exactly fit that type of indie audience, no matter how good his music is. Unfortunately, it’a going to be an uphill battle if he chooses the indie route.
Hi, anon!
I'm on twitter too, and i see it from time to time. It's always worse after the "denials" and i agree that most of the people who pull the homophobia card are people who don't like him for one reason or another. Having said that, i read the comment section on a Buzzfeed article after his last "denial" and the categories of comments from people (that i considered to not be in fandom) were;
"He's still on about larry? That's so 2013"
"Wait, there are still larries? Hahaha"
"He's so jealous of Harry’s success and he's namedropping him for clout, meanwhile Harry probably hates him because he's homophobic"
"Why can't people leave him alone about this already, he's obviously uncomfortable with it".
"Why is he so bothered? Someone explain"
"They obviously must have broken up, move on already"
I think most people do recognise that his "denials", straight confirmations and lashing out at fans is overcompensation, most likely from insecurity or from being closeted. I think the number of people who thinks L is actually homophobic is not a lot of people. Most of them are members of the queer community or have it out for him already because he's connected to H. Also, even if people don't talk about it as much anymore, doesn’t mean that they're not of that opinion. His past comments and denials is homophobic, even if he's gay and closeted.
About the indie/pop topic. I wonder how his next era will be in terms of picking a side or keep trying to be both at the same time. Do they have a goal, a plan and a strategy? We'll have to wait and see.
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ladyaj-13 · 1 year
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Spring 2023 - 28th Appreciation
Welcome to my spring 2023 rec list! Covering February to May because time flies and I’ve been distracted. But I think that shows you how much I enjoyed these fics, for them to break through. There are definitely others I enjoyed just as much which I didn’t manage to note down, damn disorganisation.
Featuring what I’m terming OT7, Lilo, Zarry, Stylinshaw and Larry.
Poly (OT…7?)
We Need Nothing More - reminiscingintherain - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] - E, 9k, 2022 - multiple pairings, series, everyone loves Louis including the radio 1 DJs - because of course they do :) One of last year’s Wordplay creations, this series is a delight for a Louis polyamory/multishipper like me.
Not the Jealous Type - loudicrous - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] - T, 2k, 2022 - tour shenanigans, OT5 friendship, truth or dare. This is super cute, canon, and oblivious!Liam. WHAT MORE COULD I ASK FOR??
Zarry / Lilo
Heart Skips A Beat - harriet_vane - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] - T, 27k, 2012 - This author is always a safe bet, she has such a particular style which I enjoy so much. Unfortunately (sob!), I think this was the last fic of hers I hadn’t yet gotten around to reading. I’ve put it in a dual category because although Lilo is the first listed relationship, the Zarry is in no way background. 
Quite the Pickle - lululawrence - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @lululawrence - NR, 1k, 2023 - AU, mpreg, meet cute, crack. I’ll read anything Sus writes and new Stylinshaw?! Double win. This is so sweet and funny but also I’m 100% with Harry here, pickles are delicious.
Maid in the A.M. - Lainy122 - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] - E, 9k, 2015 - AU, famous/non-famous, cleaner Louis. This one is a lot of fun - I love the humour :D
Once The Dark Divides - zanni_scaramouche - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @zanniscaramouche - E, 14k, 2023 - kink exploration, friends to lovers, AU. Okayyyyy. Hot. Haha, I was tempted to leave it there but this fic is so well-written, and the relationship and bond between Harry and Louis and how it mutates throughout the extended scene is just great. 
Cool Cats - FallingLikeThis - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @fallinglikethis - 2018, T, 16k - Louis/Marcel, high school AU, hybrids, D&D. This fic is adorable, Marcel is adorable, his tail especially is completely adorable.
like a bastard on the burning sea - vashtaneradas - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] - NR, 22k, 2013 - infidelity, angst, AU. I think almost everyone in the fandom will have read this, but if you’ve been putting it off it’s time to get around to it. It hurts, but it’s beautifully written and if you’re in the right mindset it’s a wonderful read.
all this devotion - princelouisau - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @princelouisau - E, 38k, 2022 - omegaverse, fake relationship, friends to lovers. I’m such a sucker for pining/platonic sex tropes and this fic has them in spades! 
yeah, he's a looker (but i really think it's guts that matter most) - devilinmybrain (venomedveins) - One Direction (Band) [Archive of Our Own] @thedevilinmybrain - E, 40k, 2022 - outsider (Oli) POV, canon, friendship. Honestly, I completely loved this. So intricate, so well written, so realistic - it tugs at the heartstrings and sweeps you up into it entirely.
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Thank you @hellolovers13​ and @neondiamond​ for tagging me! I loved reading your answers to these questions.
1. Number of stories posted to AO3 this year: 11
with love on the line
i get so lost inside your eyes
still, somehow
like sun on the rise
subverting expectations
Darling, so it goes
baby, you’re the end of june
The Referral
something to dream about
enough to make a girl blush
make you mine this season
2. Word count posted for the year: 288,979
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction
4. Pairings: Nick/Harry/Louis, Niall/Zayn, Liam/Louis, Nick/Harry, Harry/Louis, Louis/Harry/Tom Hardy, Niall/Louis, Zayn/Harry, Nick/Louis
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: baby, you’re the end of june
Bookmarks: Darling, so it goes
Comments: make you mind this season
the rest under the cut!
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): Darling, so it goes. I’m proud of myself for finishing it, because it took about three years to research and write and I had about three bouts of horrible writer’s block on it during that time. And I’m proud that it’s exactly what I wanted to write and that I posted it even though I wasn’t sure if people would respond to it. It has the heart and warmth that I try to infuse my writing with. It’s me, on a page. 
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): something to dream about. I still feel like reworking it, even though it posted in October. I don’t think it’s bad, but I think it could be better.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: I would say this year it was the experience of posting make you mine this season and getting comments and reactions every day. I’ve never had people engaging with a fic that way because I’ve never posted a wip before. I gave myself some anxiety a few times (Will people be mad I didn’t write the scene with Louis’ family?? Is this zarry ending the kind of happy people want???) but everyone was so kind and lovely and it really made my heart grow three sizes.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: It’s kind of hard right now. I don’t feel very motivated or excited about writing, even though I really like my current wip. I think it’s because I’m having a hard time at work, it’s kind of killing my motivation to do anything, I just want to curl up on the couch and self soothe all day.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: In enough to make a girl blush, I thought it would be more of a slow burn before I got to the smut, but truly the first time the Louis and Niall characters hung out, they wanted to hook up right away, so that’s what they did!
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: from like sun on the rise
“I don’t know if like is a strong enough word,” she confesses, continuing to open boxes so she doesn’t have to look at Louis while she spills her guts. “Like… if that was anyone else trying to talk to me about casting a circle, whatever that means, I would think they were full of shit. But with Harry, it’s like I can tell she really means it, you know? And I start to think, oh, maybe it’s not so bad, I guess I get how that might be comforting to believe in.”
“Whoa.” Louis stops unpacking the box and just looks at Nick.
“I know! It’s like, who am I?” Nick stops working too and sits on one of the unopened boxes. “With every other girl I’ve had a crush on, I’ve always kind of mentally edited out the stuff I didn’t like about them. You know? Like remember Ariana?”
“Yeah, she was hot.”
“So hot, and funny and cool and smart and–”
“So fucking pretentious,” Nick agrees, running a hand through her hair. “So I kind of just ignored that part. That way, I could still have a crush on her.”
Louis shrugs, laughing. “Been there.”
“But Harry.” Nick blows out a breath. “Harry is different. All of her weird stuff, like auras and spells and whatever – that’s exactly the type of thing that I would usually just ignore. I do this all the time, I get a crush for a few weeks, I ignore some stuff, maybe we go out a couple of times, and then it ends because they were all wrong for me. But with Harry, everything I learn about her just makes me like her more. It’s… intense. And I know I haven't known her that long, but I’m starting to think that maybe this isn’t just a crush.”
“So why do you look sick to your stomach? Isn’t this a good thing?”
“But what if she doesn’t like me back?”
“Nick.” Louis levels her with a look. “Are you serious?”
“Is that a rhetorical question, or–”
“Of course she fucking likes you back,” Louis says, turning back to the opened box next to her and unearthing a bag of filters. “She’s been coming here to study every time you have a shift. You text constantly when you’re not together. You speak in shorthand, you two don’t even need to finish sentences around each other.”
“So you think–”
“I know she likes you. And listen, Nick,” Louis says, looking over her shoulder, “don’t fucking hurt her, okay? Or you’ll have me to deal with.”
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: By trying different things! I love challenging myself that way. I wanted to see if I could good alpha/omega girl direction smut (and I think I did!). And I wrote my first advent fic! After I came up with the basic idea, I had to think about how to pace two stories and interconnect them and keep each chapter short enough so people could read along if they wanted to, and I’m really happy with how it turned out.
13. How do you hope to grow next year: By continuing to try new things!
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): I have SO MANY positive influences, truly my little community is an embarrassment of riches. I’m going to say @queenofquiet17​ who doesn’t even go here but always cheerleads my fics and helps me when I need it. She gave me a lot of suggestions for queer literature to include in make you mine this season, and then for my birthday she went to the bookstore from the fic and bought three of the books for me! When I opened the package, I cried. She always makes me feel like I’m part of the queer community and like I’m enough, and that means so much to me. 
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: I wrote still, somehow after my husband trimmed my split ends for me. I was in the middle of a depressive episode and I didn’t realize until I was writing in Liam’s voice that I felt guilty about it, even though it’s not something my husband would ever resent me for.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Take each piece of writing advice with a grain of salt. Something that works for one person might not work for another. If you want to use adverbs, use adverbs. Write for yourself. 
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I definitely feel more excited about the american tragedy au idea after posting about it, so I might actually attempt it this year even though it’s a darker idea and my fics always end up being nicer than I think they will.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
@uhoh-but-yeah-alright​ @homosociallyyours​ @louandhazaf​ @kingsofeverything​ @wabadabadaba​ @littleroverlouis​ @onesweetworld18​ @brightgolden​ @absoloutenonsense​ @allwaswell16​
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somedovesfly · 10 months
also i am so so soooo exited for book 4!! is there anything you can tease? 👀
I'm so happy you enjoyed it! If I had all the time in the world, I'd give Zouis a prequel full fic, ha!
Ohhh I have SO much I can tease. Let's see.
We are going to test some limits next book with Zarry. All the neglected duos will get some time together, starting with Nouis. And I think you will all be pleased with the end of the book 🤭
Also there will definitely be a book 5, too :)
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tracegf · 10 months
thanks for the tag @lewispullsman mwah <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? six <3
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 35060 hehe
3. What fandoms do you write for? at the moment i write for top gun and call of duty but previously ive written for sw, football rpf, nct rpf, criminal minds, etc, lol.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
just wanna be yours (soapghost and injury tending)
fleeting (cobb vanth/din djarin)
freestyle (sambucky my beloveds)
hand in unlovable hand (my pride and joy!)
deep dive (sambucky again!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i try my best to reply to every single one! sometimes a few slip through the cracks and i feel awkward replying after a while but all comments are loved and reread over and over!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? it was in my kpop rpf days and it had a major character death in the end.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? id say none of my fics end unhappily but if i had to pick then hand in unlovable hand!
8. Do you get hate on fics? no god bless!!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i try to! im working towards including it in my writing more so really, anything that sounds exciting to me is something im willing to explore and write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? no, im not big on crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? hopefully no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i have but a long long time ago and we never completed it.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? its hard to pick but at the moment i read the most sereshaw and soapghost!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? an arranged marriage fic i wrote for nct!
16. What are your writing strengths? i love bickering and i love flowery descriptions so probably those <3
17. What are your writing weaknesses? smut </3 and also the fact that i write at a pace of a dying snail
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i tend to avoid it because i dont want it to be awkward and i don't really enjoy reading lots of dialogue in another language especially if it isnt translated either!
19. First fandom you wrote for? one direction on wattpad, a long long time ago lol (#zarry supremacy!)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? based off of the fics on my current ao3 id say i love all of them! i try not to post stuff im not 100% satisfied with anymore.
tagging @gearshifted and if anyone else wants to do it, consider yourself tagged! :)
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twopoppies · 1 year
Let me start with saying that I don't believe in zarry and it's so laughable..but I've seen the engagement post, I've seen posts zayn wearing same peace ring as harry, is it true does he also have peace ring? so can it be really a promise or Engagement ring?? Is it like golden ring thingy where, harry, niall, zayn and I guess liam has. Something as a band they did together as their first tattoo??
But it's also confusing that harry did put in effort to throw light on the speciality of the ring.. in an interview when asked if they're single, harry pointed towards the ring.. couple of times actually.. another question, Why a promise ring would say peace?? May be because initial days there was chaos everywhere around them, so maybe he bought that as a sense to find peace in all that??
OK, one last question - also the photos where they show that harry had gone to dinner with louis on valentines day and got photographed with ring on his finger way out, that was a black ring thingy right and not peace ring??
Sorry for toooo many questions.. it's just uhhh that HL got us invested in their love🥰 and they won't give us any crumbles to prove what we think is right or wrong...
Hi love. Let me just say that I know nothing about Zayn’s rings. But I’ve never seen anyone say he has the same peace ring, nor have I ever seen any matching ring among the 4 or 5 of them.
I don’t know why that ring says peace on it, but my guess is that it was just a placeholder until he could wear a “real” ring and then it just became a sentimental special thing to him. It’s not unusual for people to do things like that. I don’t know if the word has any significance, but it’s a sweet idea. Maybe it just means being together brings them peace.
Yes, after the valentines dinner he had a black ring. It’s not the same peace ring.
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Hello, Sabine. Sorry for this ask. Maybe it’s because I’m 16 and I’m still immature, but I can’t explain why he was at the brits? Why harry invited him/told him to go? I’m already seeing many theories from other harries that at this point harry wants the fans to connect the dots. There are already update accounts, blogs dedicated to bradrry. It makes me so sad. I wish I was stronger and smarter. I wish I could explain why certain things happen. Like you or other larries. Sorry for this rant. I don’t have friends that I can talk to about this. 😑
Hi nonnie, happy to rant with you. LOL.
I think first of all, Brad is around because he's got a job as a fitness coach - possibly project focused to getting Harry ready and in shape for Eros/Star Fox.
Knowing Harry, he makes friends easily and I'm sure now that Brad travels around with the crew, (like Louis with his crew) Harry will make sure it's a good time for everybody. I think it's pretty cool that Harry invited all of his entourage to the Brits.
But apparently Brad has a certain attractiveness that makes people wonder. As far as I know, Brad has a girlfriend. I even saw a picture of them together a while ago. If people want to ship Harry with dudes they find hot (hi zarries), I mean, whatever floats your boat I guess.
I just think in this (hi bradrries) case it's antis/rads/assholes (hi xarries) in disguise who want to mock Larries. I wished we could ignore these people, who will be gone in a couple of months as most have come and gone in the last 12 years.
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