#i have no elaborate plans for him but i did want to make an info post hehe
nobully · 3 months
empatheorem event guide
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Wang Yi
magical wig (changes his looks to 1 specific blond-haired girl) 10min/day
mind control (no memory manipulation) 30min/day
ice manipulation (weak ice attacks) 5x/day
mental connection with S-0 ("Sao Ling"), his Villain System taken on the form of a pudgy black cat [he's...somewhere in the city]
varies between very formal and relaxed body language depending on who he's with, naturally fluid/graceful due to years of swordfighting and training, excellent balance and reflexes. speech is straightforward and blunt, tends to ask people about things he doesn't understand because communication is the only hope he has of "getting it."
lies as naturally as he breathes, smiles as naturally as he lies.
lacks the ability to properly experience feelings, but does a freakin' good job acting like he does; must work hard very consciously to retain "normal reactions" (and it works better with closer friends, e.g. eiden/nicolette/zhilan); without effort he just comes off as cold
knows sarcasm, tries not to overuse it.
tends to panic when things/events/dialogue goes beyond his control/expectations, or when people misunderstand him, or when anyone gets too intimate/physically close, but is also experienced at reining his reactions back in. when temper triggered, gets very loud and yell-y. may be a different, more visual way of expressing his "panic" instead.
has a specifically complicated attitude towards xerxes break that isn't quite pity, but also isn't dislike. for now it borders on resigned indifference (will still save him w/o reservations if dude's in danger though). 80% of his sarcasm output now goes here.
closet sadist who enjoys seeing people in pain. he's quite self-conscious about this and tries to hide it whenever he can.
original life - digital System in charge of overseeing transmigrators' lives in novels (very vague and mostly incoherent)
human life - college student majoring in chemistry. witnessed his classmates die in a horrific accident, currently trying to reverse that.
novel 1 - sadistic big brother of a rich family
novel 2 - heartless city lord of a zombie apocalypse world + death
novel 3 - genius scientist of a secret underground lab + death
novel 4 - prodigy disciple of an aloof cultivation master (in progress)
i can give u the ones he's using for his current look (long hair) tho there's a few short-haired ones mixed in that you can ignore hehe
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
!The BSD Cast With A Reader Who Has A Stalker!
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Scenario:- what the bsd characters would do if their s/o had a stalker
Characters included:- dazai,chuuya,kunikida,atsushi,yosano,ranpo,akutagawa (romantic pairings) kenji,kyouka and the tanizakis(platonic pairings)
Tw:- mentions of bein stalked and well,a stalker,Teeny bit of cussing
A/N:-yes this is inspired by my real life no i will not elaborate~
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↪️Osamu Dazai
If you tell dazai that you have a stalker,he’d probably joke about it at first.
But when you tell him how serious it had gotten and how stressed and scared it makes you,
He takes it way more seriously.
He obviously has a plan,our little manipulator.
And soon enough he’s threatened the stalker with an entire stack of private and compromising information.
They stop after that.and youre finally at peace.
When you thank dazai he first brushes it off as it havin been nothing at all,but ends it with a serious statement of how no one messes with the people he cares about.
As we know,the worst decision dazai’s enemies could make is making themselves his enemies.
And That stalker realized that the hard way.
↪️Chuuya Nakahara
Chuuya,unlike dazai is a little less calculated.
He has absolutely no issue with using force to make his point clear when he’s pissed(or not.) and you having to live in a constant state of fear because of this asshole is WAY more than enough to piss him off.
He finds the bastard(being a port mafia exec. Really did have its fair share of perks) and pays them a visit himself~
He comes home later that day looking rather pleased with himself and when you ask what he did,
He just says that he took care of it.
You know chuuya like the back of your hand,so you also know that he definitely has no problem with defending what matters to him,no matter what the cost.
So to protect your subconscious,you don’t question him further.
But he sees that youre a little uneasy so,he clarifies that the person isn’t dead.
Theyre just… permanently out of commission and chuuya’s slight look of annoyance tells you that he really didn’t kill the stalker.
You run into his arms and thank him and he hugs you back while pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.
You unwind with wine and dinner and enjoy your first carefree night in quite a while.
↪️Doppo Kunikida
Kunikida is outraged!
How dare these delinquents disrupt your daily life schedule like this!
He MUST do something about it.
Kunikida obviously doesn’t want it to turn into anything too confrontational(not because he wouldn’t fight for you,but because the clean up would require more energy and time than this bastard deserves)
So he calls up katai and has him dig up anything about this stalker of yours.
Soon kunikida has more than enough information to come up with the perfect plan of action.
Blackmail really isn’t his style so he goes for a little something different.
He calls up the stalker and while the bitch is scared shitless,he drops little bits of the info he’s gathered in conversation.(okay yh I lied.blackmail it is.we stan petty kunikida in this house~)
At this point he’s having a conversation with himself so he knows the stalker is definitely shaking with fear.
So he ends the call with a final statement,
“I suggest you leave y/n alone  if you know whats good for you.you wouldn’t want to ruin your entire life now would you?not that you haven’t already by sinking to the level you are already at, of course.”
And he’s met with a shakey “yes,sir…” before the line goes silent permanently.
He let you know you can stop living in fear and you two go over your next days routine.(mans had only allocated a certain amount of time to solve that entire thing okay :’))
↪️Atsushi Nakajima
Atsushi is a gentle soul,bless him,really.
But he was worried af when you told him about your stalker.
He’s determined to keep his s/o safe!
He asks ranpo for help,and is turned away(‘not botheredddd’ ßRanpo’s reply)
So he goes to dazai next.
Dazai obviously suggests blackmail.
Atsushi doesn’t wanna pull a dazai on this one.
So he just calls the number(dazai has it tapped and is using ranpo{he was bribed with candy} to track it) you’d blocked and when he gets a rude response tauting him;daring him to ‘actually do something about it’ he loses it!
Who does this asshole think he is?!
Atsushi fires back saying that he really will and when the stalker cuts the line laughing and repeating that atsushi wouldn’t do shit, he really is ready to go deal some damage.
He walks out into the main area of the ADA to see dazai sitting at his desk with a shit eating grin oh his face,a piece of paper with an address scrawled across it between his middle and pointer fingers.
“here you gooo atsuuushiiiii~~~” he says
Atsushi thanks him and takes off to take care of it.
He comes back in about 2 hours and when you ask him what he did,he simply says that he taught the asshat a lesson on respect!
You get a letter the next day from your stalker and to your surprise,it’s an apology letter which specifies that they’ll never bother you again.
You thank atsushi with a little peck to the lips and hes a complete blushing mess.
We love this fluffy puddy tat(that’s tweety for pussy cat {wan atsushi in the background :- IM A TIGER!})
↪️Ranpo Edogawa
Absolutely obliterates the stalker.
He was bored anyway and you bein in distress was definitely enough to get him to try something.
He too calls up the stalker,but instead of airing out current or recent dirty laundry , he goes straight for their most sensitive and embarrassing childhood and adolescent memories.
How he knows all of this baffles you
But such is the wonder that is ranpo edogawa.
And finally he ends his call with.
“oh and say hi to all the people I put in jail! You’ll be goin there in 3….2….1” and sure enough the police were at the stalker’s door.and they were taken away.
Your praise and thanks have ranpo beaming because as we know,he lives for the applause :”)
Serves em right for not knowing who they were messing with tbh.
↪️Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Akutagawa is peeved to say the least.
Why were such vermin even allowed to live on the same earth as him??
he definitely takes care of it.
Swiftly and elegantly might I add~
Rashoumon leaves the stalker permanently disabled once aku pays them a little visit.
What a waste of space.
He totally roasts the stalker on how useless and pathetic they are.
And finally leaves them with a last threat for initiative “leave y/n alone,or else ill come back and finish what I started.i cannot guarantee that you will survive.but it will certainly be painful.am I making myself clear?”
He’s met with a very petrified piece of shit and he finally kicks said piece of shit away from himself before leaving  swaggering away with his hands in his pockets and a bored look in his eyes.
When he arrives back at your apartment he tells you that you’ll be fine. And if they dare inconvenience you again,to let him know.
You really are grateful for your Mafioso boyfriend
↪️Akiko Yosano
Yosano is pissed
But also delighted!
She’s not delighted cos you have a stalker btw!
Shes delighted cos now she can use her ability on someone….or not ;3
Whatever it is,she gets to play mad scientist with someone she has absolutely no remorse for
Comes back home covered in blood and reassures you that she took care of it,with a shit eating(and slightly concerning ) grin on her face.
You know akiko wouldn’t have killed the stalker…but um youre not totally sure.
When you ask her she sadly says that theyre alive,but when she turns to walk away she whispers a muffles “barely” under her breath.
Either way,shes satisfied with herself~
Very slay of her tbh ;3
↪️Michizou Tachihara
Goes after em.
Buddy grabs his pistols and goes to take care of business himself!
He doesnt care abt protocol in that moment,but he also knows that mori wont give a shit cos its a personal matter
So he’s technically in the clear.
Once at the stalkers door,he knocks twice to get their attention and when her hears the sound of a hand landing on the handle,he shoots and gets em right in the hand!
And in the process of doing so,hes shot through the lock,so he kicks the door open{effortlessly} and confronts the stalker who recognises him immediately (i mean obvs)
Tachihara is a part of the port mafias elite kill squad so he’s no stranger to a messy job,but for the sake of your subconscious, he keeps it comparatively clean,shooting through the stalker’s limbs and beating the shit outta them too!
He cleans up into new clothes at gin and ryunosuke’s before comin back home to you(he knows that if you see him all bloodied up the questions will start)
And let me clarify that mans did this without your knowledge so while you’re watchin a movie that night,you do not know what he did but you find out the next day and immediately know it was him
His thank you was a little kiss on the lips that somehow managed to convey your total appreciation for him in only 3 seconds~
↪️Higuchi Ichiyou
With the way she is when it comes to akutagawa,we know that higuchi would be protective of the ones she loves
So when her s/o is bein terrorised by a stalker,you bet your ass shes gonna take action
Step one: identify the stalker
She covertly follows you around and when she sees the person you’d described to her,she begins to tail them.
When they get home she calmly and quietly walks upto their door and knocks
She then winds back her arm and waits until-
BAM the stalker is met with a face full of fist!
She then takes advantage of their confused state and tackles them to the ground
She bends one arm behind their back and when they try harder to resist,a sickening crunch and a howl of pain is let out
And now that she has their attention,she makes her threat: “leave y/n alone or else you’ll have to deal with the entirety of the port mafia next!”
Ofc this threat doesnt mean anything~
like I mentioned earlier,mori doesn’t give a shit about personal matters so theres no way anyone (else) from the pm would be knocking on ur stalkers door.
But they didnt know that~
So they beg and promise not to bother you anymore.they promise to leave you alone forever.
Higuchi knows that they’re being honest,the fear in their voice is a dead giveaway
So she gets up but then shoots two bullets On either side of the stalkers face,barely missing.
“I hope ive made myself clear” are the last words she mutters before disappearing into the night
And just like that,you were never bothered again.
↪️Yukichi Fukuzawa
President fukuzawa isnt really confrontational unless he has to be
So when you tell him that you have a stalker terrorising you,
He knows what to do
He asks ranpo to deduce the location of said stalker and withink seconds,he does
Then,fukuzawa writes a letter.
A very threatening letter
Your stalker knows all about him
Ofc they would he’s your significant other !
So when they see the letter addressed to them from fukuzawa,they are immediately intrigued
And after reading the letter,theyre fuckin FILLED with fear
They know how powerful and skilled the president of the GODDAM armed detective agency is
So they immediately decide to leave you alone
Death by katana wasnt something they wanted to experience.
So when you tell him how the stalker wasn’t bothering you anymore and how you knew he had to have done something about it,he just replied with
“All i did,
Was write a letter.”
↪️Kenji and kyouka(platonic.i aint writin romantic stuff for them yall.)
↪️Kyouka Izumi
Demon snow to the rescue.
One visit from kyouka’s ability and you’re sure to be okay for the remainder of your life.
The threat of being cut up by a katana wielding demon really does deter people from being creeps~
↪️Kenji Miyazawa
Finds them by using his many connections around town and beats em shitless.
They cant even tell which way’s up when he’s done with em.
Remember, his family motto is "If a cow defies you, strike it with something handy."
Suffice to say you were NEVER bothered by that stalker ,or any other stalker, after that!
↪️Tanizaki Naomi and Tanizaki Junichirou
You were best friends with naomi and thereby junichirou,and while their relationship weired out a lot of new people at the agency,you’d really never cared much abt it
So when you told them abt your stalker issue they were both worried.
This wasnt good for you or your mental health
So junichirou took it upon himself to take care of the situation
Naomi had you distracted the entire day with a whole day out of shopping and just FUN
Meanwhile junichirou had found the stalkers address and confronted them himself
As we all know,a pissed off junichirou is a SCARY junichirou
So you can bet the stalker tried to run
But as usual,
After the stalker thinks they’ve gotten away he appears behind them,with a gun pointed straight at their temple.
He threatens to pull the trigger (he wouldn’t)
And when the stalkers begs him not to,promising to leave you alone.
He scoffs and fires a bullet that just manages to graze their cheek.
He then lets the illusion break away as he disappears himself
After that,youre happy and you feel so FREE
You’re back to your old self again and the tanizakis fist bump to their success!
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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cairavende · 8 months
Worm Arc 16 second half thoughts (after Defiant interlude, 16.7 to end):
I'm very glad I split this arc where I did cause WHAT THE FUCK
Tattletale . . . the entire time . . . in secret!
And Coil's whole crazy plan at the town hall debate!
And and and Rachel held Taylor's hand and it was gay BUT IT WAS SAD GAY!
And the bug box (I'm sorry, "The Famine Engine") what the fuck
And Taylor was shot and almost lit on fire and she become a fucking terror demon scary bug monster and got away from all the people and set off some grenades and and
passes out
Taylor sees her dad and argues with his friends a little and realizes that things aren't as clear as she thought they were maybe but whatever I just want to get to know Lacey better. For reasons.
I knew something would happen at the town hall. Once Dragon was taken care of I figured it would be Coil but I wasn't sure what he would do and I didn't expect this. I thought he would mostly be trying to take out Skitter or something.
Happy to see Uber and Leet again, even if they are working for the asshole. They are fun.
Getting more info on Leet's power and I'm even more fascinated then I was before. He couldn't make the teleporter work if it was putting the target into instant danger, like a bomb or a vat of acid. Wild. I wanna know more.
He really did go full supervillain right at the end. Monologuing, using cheesy lines, stopping the execution of his enemies when one of them yells "Wait!" and letting them talk. Crazy elaborate plans. Good for him I guess.
The Wards new "teleport without swapping matter" tech is quite fancy and it can apparently do a heck of a lot of people at once! Which I could see becoming a big deal. I had initially assumed it was Kid Win who made it (since he did the same with is guns before) but with how stuff has bounced around I'm legit not sure.
I had fully called Coil being Thomas Calvert by now, so that itself wasn't a surprise. But I hadn't expected Thomas to have gotten back to working with the PRT. Makes sense if he can make it work, that is a wonderful source of power.
Too bad Tattletale pulled the fucking rug out from under you Thomas!
Taylor leaving her dad at the hospital without stopping to see him is unfortunate I guess, but not really unexpected. I've kinda given up on their relationship getting repaired. Besides who needs Danny when shes got me!?
Oh and I guess Taylor can't really see now. Cool. I'm sure that will just get better right away with no issues! /s
I mean it isn't really a huge deal for her vs most people. But still.
Oh and Skitter's deal with Coil to turn off the dead man's switch included "Take care of Bitch's dogs!" GAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
And "Tattletale gets to live!" like ya ok sure it was all so she could get Tattletale here and such I get that but whatever, it is also GAY! GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY!!!!!!!!!!
But for real Tats has been coming in with the fucking long con OH MY GOD. I legit didn't see it coming. Coil losing this arc? Sure, maybe not likely but possible. Coil dying? Again, was surprising but not shocking. But Tattletale having payed off have the mercs in a carefully planned coup in the works since Arc 3 at a minimum? Blindsided me. Just hit by a bus. HOLY SHIT!!!
Fake Skitter shot Bitch!!!! AHHHHH!!! But she was ok. And the speed of her accepting that real Skitter didn't do it and not staying mad at her!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
Seriously though Skitter breaking out of the house she was teleported into and getting past all those troops? God. Using the swarm speech for physiological warfare? Chef's kiss
I wonder how Cauldron is feeling with Coil dead? I don't know exactly what they needed him for but he sure ain't doing it now.
And Dinah at the end!! Just me sobbing.
I'm sure the whole thing with Noelle (or should I use my cape name for her when she's on a rampage - Traveler in a Vault, or TiaV) will just blow over and won't be a bigger deal than arc 8 in the end. Everything is fine.
Marquis interlude thoughts:
TINY PRISON! I love tiny prison.
Look I'm sorry I don't make the rules but Marquis and Lung are totally gay for each other. They are both terrible people. I don't ship them because I want to, I ship them because there is no other option. I do what I have to do.
Glaistig Uaine is my new favorite. She is terrifying and I love her. Forget Bonesaw's passangers or Coil's agents, they're called head fairies now.
I'm sure Amy and Glaistig Uaine working together in the future won't be bad at all.
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tea-coven · 1 month
I've been kinda hesitant to share this because I don't want to leak any personal info of anyone or myself, but I think I formatted it in a way that's respectful :>
About a year ago I attended my pediatrician, a lovely older woman who always made me feel really comfortable and I had a lot of fun talking with (which is rare for a doctor!). I was in my senior year of high school and she began asking typical college questions near the end of the appointment. Eventually she got to the expected, "-and what are you planning on majoring in?", I told her "2D animation!" I began to elaborate, as a lot of people I talked to about it usually needed me to explain what that meant, like cartoons, princess and the frog, etc. Eventually she spoke up in an "Ah!" manner, and excitedly said "Like Disney channel!".
This is went the story goes insane for me. And lead me to nearly passing out.
She states "you can make a lot of money off of those, very lucrative, congrats!". I was...confused. Most animators aren't known for their salaries and I wanted to know where she got the idea. She said "well my best best friend's kid, basically my godson haha, makes a lot off of it. He actually made a show on Disney!" (It was really sweet how proud she seemed, while still casual) I was pretty intrigued about this, and since I knew a good amount of animated shows and am really passionate about the subject, asked "what show? I probably have seen or heard of it!" (Especially since she said "made" and not "worked on"). She begins to go on about how she isn't sure if it's super well known or anything, but after more prodding (not malicious, I just was curious/ wanted learn about how he started), she goes
"Well I don't remember the name or much about it, but I do know that it stars twins, cause he himself is one." She began to go on about him, wanting to visit, and general stories about her and her friend. Small talk!
Unfortunately, I had froze, and also became increasingly grateful that I was in a doctors clinic.
I paused, and gently asked "is he...Alex Hirsch?"
"Oh you know him!"
"His show is gravity falls...it like, is the reason I'm so passionate about animating, story telling, etc. he's the reason I'm going to school for this."
She began to look a little confused while I talked, as I think she started realizing that this was not a small show. I speak up (albeit a little starstruck) telling her about how most my friends also really love the show. She had seen some of my work before, and began discussing how she was "sure he'd be as big a fan as her". (I don't say this in a parasocial, or bragging way btw, i just again found her really sweet and fun, and this a cute interaction)
The appointment was pretty much over by this point, but before I left she said "I'll give him a call and tell him about you! I'm sure he'd be flattered." I, as any 18 year old aspiring animator, go into a RATIONAL fugue state.
As my dad and I were leaving, and he finished signing some paperwork, she came out of a room down the hall waving, and called my name
"I just called and told him about you! He was very flattered! Good luck!"
And I, as any 18 yo aspiring animator, did the rational response
And passed out in the car
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ecogirl2759 · 10 months
I reblogged this post earlier, and I wanted to elaborate on my stance since I messed up my reblog and my message didn't show up :(
LONG ramble about Taka and Ishida under the cut :)
(Spoilers and death and all that good stuff, as well as a couple screen caps)
Heads up:
Just real quick, I'm gonna make a couple points based on this snapshot from an old interview. Here's the source. (I will translate some parts of this below, too.)
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For starters, I don't think Taka was ever meant to survive.
I really think he should have, but I don't believe he was ever going to. Hot take, ik lol
As basically everyone knows by now, Taka was meant to kill himself in Distrust. That ended up being changed since the whole suicide plot would've been revealed too early for people's liking, so that point was given to Sakura. So even before the game was refined and shipped, Taka was going to die. (Edit: OKAY this info is actually false. Leaving it in so that people can read what I had originally said, but this part is NOTTTT ACCURATEEEEE okay thanks)
Taka's FTEs also stopped when he changed into Ishida, and while Ishida had one unused FTE, it was only one. I doubt there was ever much planned for Taka past Chapter 4 (maximum), so they decided to just kill him in Chapter 3.
Kodaka did speak a little bit about what he had wanted Taka's death to feel like, so I think that's pretty solid evidence that he was always going to die.
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Kodaka: You could say that. However, even in a sad situation, I didn't want to make it [his death] cruel/brutal, so when it comes to it, it was on purpose.]
Ishida was also not a very well-received character lol.
Apparently, when the game first came out, Ishida was one of the least liked characters in the whole game. The staff also didn't care for him much, so they probably wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible.
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Komatsuzaki: I felt like the characters were weaker when combined (laughter).] [Kodaka: That [Ishida's FTE] was also scrapped, and almost all of his appearances were lost. For that reason, Ishimaru himself was very popular although Ishida wasn't popular in the slightest. It's unfortunate... (laughter).]
The wordage here makes me think that there were originally going to be more chances for Ishida to appear, but that was thrown out in the earliest stages of planning. [ボツ roughly means "rejection (of a manuscript, etc.)]
Kodaka DID want to dive deeper into Ishida's character, though! He said so here:
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Kodaka: I wanted to dig a little deeper regarding Ishimaru and Oowada's union, "Ishida," though...]
However, not even the interviewers really cared for Ishida lol.
Also, just to bring it up, here's where the claim for Taka's nonexistent backstory comes from, as far as I can tell:
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Kodaka: I thought about depicting that [his experience in junior high] a little more in his Free Activity part, but that was becoming too dark/gloomy, so it was retired.]
So it's not that he had one that was scrapped after he died. He never had one to begin with.
The staff do agree that he was rushed, though. Kodaka admitted that he probably rushed his death a little at the end, but he was trying to achieve a certain feel with it.
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Sugawara: Ishimaru's facial expressions were fairly abundant, but I felt like his time to die seemed too quick to carry out.] [Kodaka: Be that as it may, I feel I was too quick regarding Ishimaru. But, I really wanted the event when Ishimaru died to be like Robert Rodriguez's "Desperado".]
Now, I haven't seen Desperado, so I have no idea what this reference means lol. If anyone has seen it, lmk! (Defo going on my Must Watch list hehe)
Taka was likely always meant to die, but his character was incredibly rushed and shallow that he ended up dying without much to his backstory or personality.
It's really unfortunate, though. I've always felt like Fuyuhiko was kinda like what could have been for Taka, even on my first playthrough of the second game. Taka's character did and still does have SO much potential, including the fact that his percent chance of surviving his death is MUCH higher than any other character that has died thus far.
If there's ever a new Dangan installment, I want a Taka cameo where he didn't actually die because the freezer room basically acted as a life support system for him and slowed his circulation of blood, letting his head injury heal just enough to escape Hope's Peak some time after all the survivors are already out but before anyone comes back, but because he has severe untreated head trauma he's kinda crazy.
Sorry for the ramble hehe
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suffarustuffaru · 2 months
What is your opinion on arc 8? For me its such a mess (probably bc tappei improvised arc 7 and 8, they werent in the original plan), i hope it will end soon
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i do agree with you there on otto development but im definitelyyy biased *sweats in becoming an otto blog someone save me from the hyperfixation* but in my defense otto arc 8 development was the result of a slow burn since arc 3-4 and otto's various side stories but even without the side stories it feels like the logical conclusion that his arc was leading up to, which feels pretty solid to me for the most part (side eyes otto apologizing to the girl who sent assassins after him.... side eyes tappei's fixation on shipping otto's brothers and then not even elaborating on how that'd even work as dynamics) but. anyway i digress
arc 7-8 ive followed since their conception via reading it chapter by chapter. unfortunately i did also get kinda busy with irl stuff while the middle of arc 7 was happening so i had to do catchup and also my memory is Pretty Bad. if youre wondering how i remember certain lore so well its only bc i have to reread/rewatch/use that info for writing things a lot which is the only reason why i remember it HAH. so. all in all. my memory of arc 7-8 is pretty shaky. i did read the beginnings of arc 7 and 8 via the polished translations though on WCT a while back while the rest was mostly like as each chapter came out.
rn ive started rereading arc 6 and i have several side stories i need to finish (ana camp side stories, the wilhelm-theresia trilogy, and ex 5 are top of my list right now). and then eventually ill get to reading arc 7-8 in their entirety so that i can 1. have more knowledge of it and 2. so i can have more fully formed opinions on it. so definitely i could try answering this question again once im done with that. no idea when that is bc im kinda a slow reader but ill do my best HAH. but i do have some thoughts now!!
(arc 7-8 stuff under cut + a single arc 9 mention)
arc 7-8 i do have a few mixed feelings about, namely louis's arc so far, but im really trusting the process here bc tappeis writing is just like that sometimes. you really need to be patient and definitely while i have things to criticize about louis's arc particularly i do hope that the catharsis of her character kicks in hard later so !! im interested in that.
but generally like. arc 7-8 are pretty solid. as expected of tappei. there were a lot of really really fascinating stuff brought up, a lot of interesting characters that we got to know (and im a really big fan of how much love tappei puts into a lot of the side characters, it really makes the world of rezero fleshed out). subarus arc continues to be interesting even if i personally really dont like that he adopts louis as spica While he looks like hes the exact same age as her, it really broke my immersion a bit.
but anyway yeah like. arc 7-8 was pretty good. like objectively, in my opinion, theres a lot to love, even though personally it did take me a bit to warm up to it in the beginning. i definitely think though that they do feel a bit messy as arcs. with arcs 1-6 they flow really nicely into each other - you can tell they were really planned out and tightly knit. arc 7-8 does something really new - throwing us right into vollachia - which is interesting, but i do think it does feel a bit less planned out, which makes sense bc according to tappei vollachia was a change in his original plans. this isnt bad on its own and we got two giant arcs out of it that were pretty fun. but there are points i feel that you can kinda Tell that it wasnt planned out. the slight reliance on the teleportation throughout arc 7 was like the first thing i noticed haah.
and my big worry after arc 8 is that like. tappei doesnt strike that perfect balance of still keeping vollachia and its cast relevant but like not letting them overshadow other matters that tappei needs to get to before finishing rezero. like i want vollachia to continue to matter after we've spent two really big and complex and busy arcs with vollachia, but i do want the focus to shift a little away from them gradually / bring up vollachia again later.
arc 9 so far in its 2 chapters at the time of me answering this ask has been really really good so far with wrapping up arc 7-8 while building up future conflicts. i do think however that since we spent time with vollachia this now comes with the expectation of branching out into kararagi and gusteko possibly - just bc we already know we're gonna spend a Lot of time in lugunica, as we have for a lot of rezero already, and we've spent a lot of time with vollachia, so narratively there probably needs to be some equality in that we should at least get a glimpse of other nations in the main route. so !! im interested in that possibility too and i think it would fit rezero well.
so yeah thats like. my personal opinion on arc 7-8 and i think reading through the whole entire thing wont change much of my opinions on the above besides me probably falling in love some more with the cast and understanding the story during this time period more deeply (and probably having more thoughts on louis and rem). i do hope that you reconsider your stance on arc 7-8 though anon!!! but if not thats totally fair too.
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tmntxthings · 1 year
Hi, me again, the one with the future donnie and leo ideas with more cause why not
Just wanted to jot down some UC (unnamed child/character) and Casey Jr cousin behavior as they’re raised by different “dads” (Leo being Casey’s and Donnie being UC’s)
(Again, do whatever you want with this info)
The two deciding to put on a performance so their dads will let them have a sleep over despite literally living with each other (they leaned from April cousins used to dance in order to get what they want)
UC bringing back trinkets they get from going on scavenger hunts with Donnie and Casey keeping them all in a box
Casey bringing back any books he’s able to find while going on patrols with Leo for UC (sometimes they’re a little you know ripped and muddy but psh book is book)
Apocalypse training! The cousins are a deadly duo and the twins couldn’t be more proud, almost seeing themselves in their kids (#theygrowupsofast #soonthey’llbekillingsomemonsters #couldntbemoreproudofthekids)
Elaborating more on that, they sometimes can’t train in the same room, especially when they were younger and couldn’t grasp the severity in training so they’d goof when the adults weren’t looking (some angst possibilities here). Either that or they did manage to grasp their situation fairly quickly and adapted their mindsets to learn the techniques they were being taught faster (#childhoodGONE)
Almost never go on patrols separately. You will have to PULL them apart if you want to take one and leave the other (only exception if it’s with one of their family members but if they’re assigned to different groups the two HAVE to go together)
Tried making a blood pact once (“its a blood pact, we go down together”) *cue the twins scooping up their respective kid before they can actually go through with it*
I imagine UC asking Donnie for help to make a music box for Casey Jr after he lost his mom (April helped)
Them actually getting better at dancing and sometimes they’ll be dancing around their rooms despite there not being any music because they’re cool like that
Sneaking into Donnie’s lab in order to see what kinds of shenanigans he’s doing in there
Getting caught sneaking into Donnie’s lab in order to see what kinds of shenanigans he’s doing in there (#worthit)
UC imagining making the weirdest shit only to actually put those thoughts into action and drags Casey Jr along too
UC, holding a blueprint: So, I have an idea for a new weapon. It's a combination of a laser gun and a grenade launcher.
Casey Jr: That sounds dangerous.
Cousin: Exactly! It's perfect for taking out a whole group of Kraang soldiers at once!
Casey Jr: *raises an eyebrow* And what if we accidentally blow ourselves up?
Cousin: *holding up a wrench like it’s a sword* Then we'll go out in a blaze of glory!
Casey Jr: I prefer to not go out at all, thank you very much…
The two doing their best to sneak up on Leo despite him catching them everytime (literally. He’d probably turn around last second and grab them scaring them instead of the other way around like the two planned)
Ganging up on people. Like what do you mean UC is not getting taller? You’re wrong! Yeah tell em Casey Jr! (No one is safe)
UC rambling about more in depth science stuff and Casey Jr just 🧍👍 (I have a feeling that he is good at science because..Donnie, but since UC is mechanically inclined and was raised directly by Donatello they’re just WOOO you know?)
April and Mikey setting up little forts for them and the four just hang around giggling and rolling around like four puppies
Casey Jr doing his best for his cousin after Donnie died, leaving behind all his work to be carried on by his kid, and reminds them that they can share the burden of being the backbone of the resistance
Getting into petty fights with each other over something small like, who gets the last piece scrap metal idk
Thinking about angst scenarios where one of them is too far to reach the other (who is in danger) and they get hurt badly and then having to quickly get them back home and explain what happened
Another angsty scenario eating away at me is one of them is forced to take a different route than expected when patrolling and they lose contact with the base. The panic and chaos that would happen…
Wowwwwww!!! I’m in shock, future anon you sent me hcs 😍🤭
Honestly though UC sounds so cool/cute scenarios where Casey Jr. has someone around his age and Donnie basically has his own kid 😘🤌 just mwah, love it!!! I just had to post this even though I don’t have much to add just tot this was super duper cute ❤️❤️❤️
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Assassination Classroom romantic concept for Asano Gakushu please? He's underrated qwp
I'll see what I got for you :) I'll write about him the best I can based on what I've seen of him, sorry if he's OOC, just let me know how to improve.
Yandere! Asano Gakushu Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Controlling behavior, Stalking mention, Threats, Obsession, Implied violence, Jealousy, Egotistical yandere, Forced relationship, Possessive behavior.
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Based on what I've seen of Gakushu, he is one of those yanderes who loves complete and utter control.
He's capable of it with his charismatic tongue and skills, too.
Fittingly enough his yandere traits are very similar to Karma's.
He's less sadistic than Karma, Gakushu is more calculated with manipulation rather than doing it for fun.
Gakushu is Obsessive, Manipulative, Controlling, Possessive, and very Persistent.
Gakushu is a man who likes to win.
He likes to get what he wants.
That includes his darling, whom he no doubt feels is lower than him.
Gakushu is a foil character to Karma I believe, which makes him share some similarities in behavior.
Although Karma doesn't usually see his darling as lower than him.
Gakushu feels like the type of guy to 'kabedon' his darling... y'know? The Japanese trope of pinning someone to a wall?
He likes to control and intimidate his darling, but he does it with such a sweet smile.
He's under the impression it should be easy to get you to fall for him.
After all, he's charismatic, smart, and a natural born leader thanks to his father.
Would you really turn down a guy such as him?
Even if you did, it just makes Gakushu try harder to obtain your heart.
Not only does getting you to like him stroke his ego, but deep down he really does love the chase.
What would make Gakushu obsessive over his darling is the fact you make him work for your affection.
In reality you just don't like him like that, no matter what others say about it.
Gakushu seems like he'd fit the stereotype of the spoiled popular boy who expects to get what he wants, then when he can't get who he wants, he freaks out because they hurt his ego.
You know the trope.
Gakushu is a hard man not to fall for, however.
Every word and action of his exudes charisma.
But he's always planning something.
Gakushu likes to research about his darling.
He gathers info about you like you're yet another subject he studies.
He likes to get others to spy on you then report to him.
Sometimes he himself likes to follow you before cornering you like a hungry beast.
Gakushu, like Karma, knows you've got to be something special to make him so obsessive about you.
He's determined, with all his research, to find it out.
Obviously Gakushu is manipulative.
Others listen to him as though he's a cult leader.
He doesn't mind lying, he doesn't mind breaking a few rules, as long as he wins it's fine.
Winning your heart is his goal and he'll do anything to accomplish it.
After all, the moment his purple irises saw you he knew you had to be his in the end.
Gakushu talks to you in a tone that makes it seem like you're friends.
When he does manage to get you alone he talks to you like he's here to help.
He's all smiles and laughs, gazing at you like a treasure he wants.
He wants to make you drop your guard.
He wants you to trust him so he can keep you to himself.
Gakushu sees nothing wrong with some lies here and there to gain your trust.
He isn't one for physical violence most of the time but he will send others to sabotage rivals.
He doesn't mind verbally taunting others, either.
Gakushu can be nasty with his manipulation.
He'll put together an elaborate plan to keep you to himself, then order others to execute it.
Soon... he'll make you feel alone.
Then you'll have to turn your attention to him.
He hates that you are insistent on refusing his offers.
Don't you realize how much power he has over you? He could outsmart you in an instant!
Just like he's doing now, bribing and blackmailing his way to you.
Gakushu is so controlling.
The moment he forces you to be in a relationship he wants to be your puppeteer.
He guides you with a deceptive tongue and cunning smile.
He claims he loves you, every touch and word more calculated than genuine.
He's more in love with the idea of control at first before genuinely falling for you.
He treats you like his little toy, a doll to kiss and hold all his own.
Gakushu is possessive.
He is a yandere who definitely feels an ownership towards his darling.
When he catches someone trying to get near you, he shuts it off quickly.
The nerve to touch what's his.
Safe to say, whoever talks to you is ruined in any way Gakushu feels like.
Maybe it's their reputation... maybe it's their appearance.
As long as everyone around you is out of the picture, he's happy.
Gakushu is someone who expects constant attention from you.
If he doesn't get it, he'll force it.
He likes to emphasize the fact you're still under him.
Passive comments... cornering you... it thrills him.
Even if you're dating, even if you stand up to him, one thing never changes...
You'll always be his... you're only his, no matter what happens.
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phoenix-flamed · 4 months
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Another headcanon post? From me??? No way. (Just kidding, I'm predictable :tm: )
Let me preface this one with the fact that I, as always, and obviously, can't speak to what was intended for the actual in-game Elwin. I don't know his actual reasons for doing what he did, if there is anything to elaborate on with them -- and the writers as far as I know haven't expanded on the subject. (Unless there's mention of it somewhere in the Ultimania, or tidbits of info in one of the other non-English versions of the game, in which case omg please tell me because I desperately want to know more about it.)
This is purely my headcanons for my Elwin, specifically. And it's also worth noting that I still don't agree with his decision on this matter; I probably never will agree with it, although I understand theoretically why he did it and why it was a smart move politically.
Now then, onto the actual subject of the post: bringing Jill back to Rosalith with him after the war with the Northern Territories was ended.
My Elwin's big thing is, and always will be, building a better future, one carefully laid brick at a time. A large chunk of the decisions he makes, for better or worse, positive or painful, are driven by this goal.
It's no secret to anyone that Rosaria and the Northern Territories have been at odds for decades or more before the game takes place. Hell, the reason Rosaria lost control of Drake's Breath for the last time to the Iron Kingdom fifty years prior was because Rosaria was preoccupied with fending off the Northern Territories, and the Iron Kingdom took advantage of the situation to take the Mothercrystal for themselves while Rosaria was distracted. My Elwin doesn't particularly like war, despite being a soldier, and despite taking part in or leading many military campaigns across his lifetime. He tries to avoid engaging the duchy in conflicts whenever able, preferring to find peaceable methods of resolution instead of jumping straight to force, and in general displays of power.
War is, and always will be, a last resort during his reign. It's not just for the sake of Rosaria -- it's for the sake of their opposition, too.
When it comes to putting an end to the conflicts with the Northern Territories once and for all, it's about more than simply quelling the fighting. It's also, and perhaps far more importantly, about establishing a relationship with the North. Elwin knows that King Warrick and his people are in dire straights. He understands why they chose to march on Rosarian soil, understands that they are desperate and riled up. Their Mothercrystal is dead, their Eikon hasn't Awakened again as far as anyone is aware, the Blight has consumed most of their land and is still creeping onward...
In spite of the fact that yes, the North is, and historically has been, enemies to Rosaria, Elwin nonetheless refuses to turn his back on them and leave them to suffer and die. Instead, he offers them resources and supplies, and opens the duchy's borders to refugees trying to escape the Blight. (A decision that yes, has negative repercussions over time for the duchy, in that it starts to spread their resources for themselves thinner and thinner, as revealed at the start of the game in the throne room scene.) Regardless of whether or not this is a good or bad decision on his part, he wants a better future for everyone, not just Rosaria -- and I can't overstate that fact. While his political reach only extends as far as Rosaria's borders, that doesn't mean he isn't going to do everything within his power for others in need too.
Now, how does this relate to Jill? I don't know what the canon exchange was like between Elwin and King Warrick, so again, this is all just specific to my muse. He didn't take Jill to Rosalith solely as a means of ensuring that King Warrick wouldn't attack Rosaria again -- there was another reason, a more important reason, or so I would argue.
It was a plan for the future.
My Elwin isn't a fan of arranged marriages, so the intention wasn't to have Jill wed either of the boys -- at least, not unless they themselves chose it. But it was his hope that through forming a friendship and bonds, the children would bring Rosaria and the Northern Territories closer together than he and The Silvermane ever could have. The children are, after all, the future; when it comes time for Joshua to take the throne, it will be their generation's opinions, perceptions, desires, etc. that influence Joshua's decisions and ambitions, and these things will be -- perhaps largely -- shaped by the relationships that he has established on a personal level as well. Jill, too, will have political influence when she is older, albeit on the side of the North, and thus can the same be hoped with her.
His intention was, in short, to start laying down bricks for a foundation for a better relationship between the North and the duchy, and a better future for both nations, with the hope being that the children would pick up on building where he leaves off for them.
The concept of Jill losing her identity as princess of the North, losing touch with her peoples' cultures and traditions, etc., is not Elwin's intention, but yes, it may happen as a consequence of his choice. In truth, though, he personally would encourage her to hold onto those things -- because she is a princess of the North, the daughter of King Geir Warrick. If there are traditions and customs that are valuable to her people, or religious practices that they carry out, or beliefs that they hold onto, then they should all be respected, at least in his eyes.
He does not, by any means, agree that the peoples of the Northern Territories are "savages". And he would very much like to see that opinion of them change, and see their peoples come together in respect and friendship.
It should be noted, though, that no, I still don't agree that he should have forced this on Jill by taking her to Rosalith without her consent, regardless of the nature of the agreement between himself and her father. (Humorously enough, I feel similarly to him with Clive and Joshua, too. His intentions were good! But he placed such a heavy burden on their shoulders by signing them up to continue on his work after he's gone, regardless of whether or not it's what they would want to do. But this is also me being nitpicky. I do get why he did it and why it's such an important legacy to carry on, and I agree with the ambition!)
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pink-tonic · 8 months
A New Week and a New Treat🔪
All Chapters
Warnings: None
Text message labels:
Bold - Ayato
Red text - Info-Chan
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It's Sunday, and I've decided to work an extra shift at the Café. Sundays are quite busy, and that means more money in my pockets. Luckily, there were no odd costumers this time around to bother me. I carry on with my work, and I'm able to earn a few tips as well.
My shift ends, and I go to the back to take off my uniform. As I take off the baby blue vest, one of the workers comes up to me.
"Great job out there, Aishi!"
"You have a certain charm that makes people come back, you know?"
"Do I?"
"Yeah! And we really need it! Recently, a new place has opened up, and they're rivaling us with sweets."
"Yeah, it's the Odayaka Bakery."
"I've heard of it."
"Yeah, it's grown popular, but we've got cute waiters, so we at least beat them at something."
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Aishi."
He walks away as I fold my vest and put it in my bag. I grab my bag and walk out the entrance with it. When I leave the restaurant, I'm met with the bright lights of the shopping strip. It's crowded like always, but it is Sunday, so it's expected. I walk down the sidewalk, but as I walk out of the area and into a more residential area, I notice an alleyway filled with men.
I stop in my tracks and look towards the dark alleyway. Within the alley, I see a few men dressed in suits. They are talking with one another, but the one closest to the entrance of the alley notices me.
"What do you want?" He asks me in a gruff voice.
I don't respond and carry on walking. I wonder if they are what I think they are?
It's Monday, and I regret taking the extra shift. I'm tired, and I can barely pay attention to anything. I sit in the courtyard with Taro. He's reading some type of book, and I'm just looking at the cherry blossom petals rain down from the trees. I would use this time to watch over Taeko, but I know she's with (Y/N). Ever since I told Osano to back off from Taeko, she's been hanging out with (Y/N) more than ever. I guess my plan backfired on me, but at least I gained a new friendship.
From the corner of my eye, I see a boy walking with a tray. He walks up to me and Taro, and I get to have a better look at him. He has short light brown hair, a mint green handkerchief on his head, with a matching apron, he doesn't have the school jacket on but he is wearing a white long-sleeved button up, he also has a red armband indicating that he is a club leader.
"Would you like one?" He asks us, as he shows us a tray filled with mini cakes.
"Sure," Taro says as he reaches to get one. I reach out to get one, too. The boy walks off once we take one.
He must be the cooking club leader.
As I eat the mini pastry, I feel a vibration coming from my pocket. I take out my phone, and I see it's a message from Info.
I see that you already talked with him.
With who?
Amao Odayaka.
What about him?
I saw something on Friday.
And you're telling me now?
I wanted you to know who he was first.
What did you see?
I saw him getting close with your Senpai.
Your poor Senpai was saddened at Osano's behavior, and Amao noticed this as he passed by her. He sat down with her and gave her a few of his pastries.
So what about it?
He loves her. I listened in on a few of his conversations this morning, and he seems to have taken a liking to her. He is going to confess to her this Friday, so take care of it.
My eyes widen at the last message. Do I really have another rival already? I clench my phone in frustration, and Taro takes notice.
"What happened, Ayato?" He asks me as he looks away from his book.
"Nothing," I bluntly reply.
I'll need to figure this out soon.
During class time, I was figuring out a plan to take down Odayaka. I decided that I won't harm him. I'm not going to kill him, but I am going to hurt him in a different way.
It's lunchtime and I went straight to the first floor. As I reach the last step, I see (Y/N) going into the nurse's office. I go past it since he isn't my target at the moment. I turn the corner where the cooking club is, and I take a look inside. Inside of the club, I see Odayaka making more mini cakes. I see this as an opportunity.
I walk inside of the club, and he turns around.
"Oh! Hi, there agian!" He says with a bright smile and small wave.
"Hey, I was wondering if you're the cooking club leader?" I ask even though I already know the answer to the question.
"Yup! I'm the leader. Is there anything you need?" He asks me.
"Yeah, I've been meaning to join a club, but I'm not sure which one yet. I was just wondering if you could introduce me to this club so I can know it better?" I ask, setting my plan into motion.
"Of course! I'll show you what the cooking club is all about!"
Odayaka ushers me over to where he is making the mini cakes.
"You can help me make these mini cakes and give them out to other people! Let's get started!" He says with the same bright smile from earlier.
He starts to instruct me on what to do, and I grab all the items I need. I start to make the mini cakes with him, but as we work, I decide to ask him a few questions.
"Your name sounds familiar. Are you connected with the local bakery?" I ask him.
"Yes! My family runs that bakery. We just opened up recently, and we are already having great success! The reason I didn't show up to school right away after the break was because I was helping them with the opening," he explains to me.
As he speaks about his family's bakery, I notice a glimmer in his eyes and how happy he sounds to be talking about the bakery. That's when it hits me, I've found what I've been looking for.
"The bakery is still new, so our security system really isn't the best. But with all the money we're making, I'm sure that we can get a new one soon," he rambles on.
"That sounds great..," I tell him,"I'm all done. What do I do now?"
"Start giving them to people, I'm sure everyone would enjoy an extra snack!"
I nod before taking the tray and walking out of the club room. I start to give the mini sweets to everyone I see, and not before long, the tray is empty. I go back to the club room.
"Oh! You're back!" He happily tells me.
I hand the trey back to him.
"How did you like it?" He asks me with hope in his eyes.
"I thought it was fun," I lie to him.
"That's great. Do you want to join?"
"I first want to go to the sports club and see what they have."
"That's fine! I'm just happy you enjoyed yourself."
I nod at him before turning around and walking out of the club room.
After school, I go to the hardware store. I have a list of what I need, and I go around the store getting each one of them. When I leave the store, I have bolt cutters, wire cutters, a pair of gloves, and a hammer.
I'm ready to hurt Odayaka.
I go home and change into the same outfit I wore when I broke into the stalker's home. I grabbed a backpack from my closet and dump all the items inside. I make sure to grab my lock pick from Info, and I then leave my house and head to the bakery.
When I make it to the bakery, I see that the street is empty. It isn't as busy as I thought it would be, but in the distance, I see the bakery. I walk over to it, and I start to examine it.
How do I get inside?
I need to be sneaky, and I need to shut off the weak security, too. I should start there first.
I make my way towards the building and go to the back of it. When I make it to the back, I can see the breaker box. It's locked up so no one can tamper with it, but that won't be a problem for me.
I take off my backpack and take out the bolt cutters. I line up the lock with the bolt cutters and press down on the handle of the bolt cutters. The lock falls to the ground with a thud. I kick the lock to the side and pop open the breaker box. When I open up the box, I'm meet with different wires.
I don't know what to do at this point, so I take out my hammer. I start to smash the inside of the breaker box, I even rip the wires out with hands and throw them to the floor. I smash the box until it's beyond repair.
Once I'm happy with my destruction, I go over to the back door, that's next to the breaker box, and I pick the lock. The door opens up, and I step inside with my backpack.
When I make it inside, I can't help but to smile. The bakery is now in my hands, and nobody can stop me. I look towards the two security cameras. One is pointing at the entrance, and the other is pointing at the cash register. I know that the cameras aren't recording, but I'll take them down first. I step on a nearby chair, and I take down both of the cameras. Their destroyed remains lay on the ground.
I go to the glass display cases, and I grab my hammer. I grip the hammer and swing it down on the display cases. The display shatters into pieces onto the floor, and the glass even lands on the cake that it was supposed to protect. It's just a display cake, but I grab it and throw it to the ground. I continue to break the rest of the cases and trash anything else I find.
I stand in the middle of my destruction. I'm surrounded by glass and destroyed cakes. I smile at my work. This should be enough to hurt him.
I leave the bakery out the way I entered.
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
Also: Whiskey boy needs to chill, seriously. Are we sure Doug is the one with the problem?
Welcome back dear readers. Thanks again for your patience. Excited to continue with my season 3 reactions!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 38: Happy Endings
I'm gonna be doing chores while I listen to these three episodes, so sorry if the notes get a bit brief.
This Hilbert and Doug morality debate is funny because it's literally one actor debating with himself.
I'm sad Hera can't be a part of the group.
"2am"? How is it 2am? You're...you're not on earth. I understand keeping up with a schedule, but it's still a little weird, what time zone are they following?
The way Hilbert talks about Sam... it's like he has this shred of humanity left inside him that he's just gotten used to ignoring.
And Hilbert, I have a clear answer to your little "trolley problem": the decima virus is CUTTER'S property. He put that in your contract, or have you forgotten? Do you seriously think that man will be using it for the good of humanity? Because I don't.
I also feel like the "No one gets a happy ending/ there are no happy endings" think is foreshadowing. But I hope I am wrong.
"This wasn't here last time"
IS THIS THAT WEIRD DOOR???? FINALLY! Bah-ha just shove him in! At least it’s not the airlock which is what I was expecting.
Hm. Do not like the dark. Uh what. Also. Isn’t he supposed to be alone? Totally alone? And shouldn’t it be an emergency?
Dentist chair from hell? Nope. Don’t like it.
Recorded message? Oh gosh not the slow claps…Cutter no doubt. Of course he does a dramatic dark room, and the lights go up on an evil chair...he was one of those kids in school who at recess would find insects and torture them for fun, wasn't he?
Easter egg? Cutter, this is the worst easter themed scavenger hunt I've ever heard of. Where are the chocolate bunnies? The jellybeans? The message of hope, love, and rebirth? But I suppose I should expect nothing else from the man who ordered the killing of three people on Christmas. Makes you wonder what Cutter has against holidays. Did mommy and daddy not give someone enough presents?
“The other crew has... gone away like last time” Cutter you suck. Seriously his villain mode does not have an off switch.
What does Cutter want with his brain? An old friend made this for him?? Is it the dude he killed or is it the Pryce person he wrote the book with? Makes me wonder where his mysterious friend is hiding. In the shadows at Cutter's right hand or six feet underground with a knife in the back? Not sure which is worse. I guess we'll see.
THEY CAN SCAN HIS BRAIN AND GET THAT KIND OF INFO? That...but...I...as someone who knows slightly more than average about how the brain works, Cutter needs to learn how to make better use of his tech. I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how much better his evil plans would go, if he focused on THAT instead of...oh I don't know...investing his money into elaborate dark rooms with evil dentist chairs and slow clap videos?
Also "Hera can't detect these secret rooms" HOW. HOW CAN SHE NOT THAT'S AN AWFUL IDEA: She flies the ship, she has to calculate for its size. It's science fiction, so let me be 100% clear, I'm not dumping on the creators or writers, I'm dumping on Cutter the character. You idiot.
Oh he’s just leaving him in space. Oh...Hilbert will come around in the hopes that he’ll use decima to help people. That's cruel. “Thanks for all the memories” Cutter. DUDE. Too much.
Do not give him your memories. Do not Hilbert.
Haha… hee hee… why is he laughing?
Brilliant? Chance for work to continue? NO. HILBERT YOU DUM-DUM. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO USE IT FOR GOOD. CUTTER WILL NOT USE IT FOR GOOD. BECAUSE HE IS NOT A GOOD MAN. The reason you shouldn't do this has nothing to do with sacrifices for the great good...it's that the greater good IS NOT GUARANTEED AND LIKELY DOESN'T EXIST BASED ON CUTTER'S BEHAVIOR!
Don’t call her Isabel. You are in the wrong here Hilbert. And there is a very clear difference between what she is doing and what you are doing. She knows better than to count on a killer for benevolence.
Good. Smart. Don’t get in the chair. It would probably slice off your head or something.
Something about Eiffel? Minkowski… Doug is your friend. Just because he served time doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy.
Well Lovelace and Hilbert...it's an unusual alliance. Hope it works out.
Episode 39: All Things Considered
"It's a bottle…"
👎🙅‍♂️🤬❌ WRONG!
Oh it's the Whiskey isn't it.
Wrong! Cancelled! 🤬👎🙅‍♂️❌
Oh my gosh Kepler shut up.
Of course duck boy knows the boss’s drinks. Teacher's pet.
“YOU VILLAGE IDIOTS!…🤬... but points to you Jacobi 😏🥰👍" okay… clearly discount Cutter has his own discount Kepler.
oh I love these stories. Why do I feel like Minkowski's is gonna be the most realistic. Like, I can see Doug making lightsaber noises, and I can see Jacobi being a little arrogant. Just...maybe a little exaggerated.
Oh my gosh Jacobi's story. 😂😂😂 The way he's portraying Doug is way too much.
“But the button is so shiny! 🥺” PFFT- the way Jacobi portrays Doug... I'm sorry for laughing but it's too funny😂
He’s doing Minkowski dirty. Why is he making her talk like a valley girl?
“I’m sorry Jacobi you were right!” / “I’m just gonna lean against this big red button!”
Duck boy who do you think you’re fooling with this one 😂
I cannot wait for Doug's story.
Yes, Doug I am ready for the truth. I am so ready. I AM READY!
I love Hera’s announcement: "Uh...yeah some stuff is happening today for sure"
“The innocent victim stepped in to help” why is Doug me telling a story.
“We’ve never high-fived!” “We’re headed to truth town!”
Heck yeah we are! All aboard to truth town Doug, this is the best story yet!
Why are they like fighting elementary school children? I love this. Dang Doug is roasting them!
“Oh thank goodness Doug you saved us 🥰”
"Minkowski decked him!" "I did not!" "Duck boy passed out" "I did not!" "But then Hilbert came. Russian's are drawn to loud noises and he wanted to experiment on Jacobi's brain."
Doug, if you made a fictional podcast about your time in space I would listen to it. It sounds amazing.
Why is Minkowski doing a different accent now? WHY IS HERA THE VILLAIN SUDDENLY DOING A ROBOT UPRISING? 😂
"Is there any truth to your story?" Um...yeah? I'm pretty sure there were donuts in multiple stories Kelper 🙄
"But... but truth town! 🥺"
I agree. Doug was taking them straight to truth town and Whiskey boy shut down the railways. All because discount Cutter can't handle the truth. Big surprise.
“As I've mentioned...I like the feel of it IN MY HAND 😡”
Geez man okay.
And Doug's story was not a time waste. It was delightful. Just because discount Cutter is evil doesn't mean he has to be the fun police.
“Until your idiocy stretches all the way around back to half-way competent” dang I really am like Doug. 😔
Episode 40: Limbo
"Lob of meat" well you don't have to say it like that Hera.
"I can't think of a single way to prank everyone else" Doug. Jacobi is afraid of ducks. You are sitting on a gold mine.
Ugh this is awful because I can't tell if Hera's compliance with Maxwell is programmed or not! It's so scary that her free will can just be...programmed out.
Maxwell. Why are you interrogating her? Hera. Do not turn on your friends. Maxwell. You BETTER be trying to help.
I'm very worried about Hera. Is Kepler going to shut her down?
Good on you Hera. She deserves to know the truth.
...oh no.
Maybe I'm misremembering this, but was it Maxwell or Lovelace who said "if only Hera knew the truth" a few episodes back? I'm really suspicious about how Cutter and co. treat the AIs and what they want with them.
Hera. Talk to Doug about it. Just let him know you're scared. He'll be there for you.
Hera please let your friends help you. Please let them help you. AND LEAVE HERA ALONE STOP OVERWHELMING HER! She clearly has...whatever the AI equivalent of anxiety is.
I feel so bad for Hera. I swear. Whatever Cutter has planned for her...he will pay for this.
Hera offline? NOOOOOO...
Maxwell you kinda got in her head.
But everyone has problems. And Hera is more than a robot computer. She's a friend. You can't just shut her down!
I KNEW IT. A panic attack. She has anxiety 🥺. Poor Hera.
What's dummy program? Would they destroy Hera's freewill? Neanderthal version of AI? No. Maxwell no. You don't get it. Hera is a friend. Oh they don't get it. They think it's a companion to her, not a replacement for her.
I need Whiskey Boy to drown in his own whiskey. And I need Hera to be okay. You can't do this to me. You already took Blessie you monsters. YOU ALREADY TOOK BLESSIE!
Maxwell stand up to discount Cutter! "Don't forget what she is Maxwell. She went rogue and tried to escape. There's a reasons she's up here. She's expendable. Make sure that doesn't become you." YOU better make sure it's not YOU whiskey boy. Hera just wanted freedom! She didn't ask to be born!
Minkowski just tell him. Please tell him.
Minkowski don't make him go through this. Please stop.
Kidnapping isn't the worst part? That's...this doesn't sound like a fun story. This doesn't sound like a trip to truth town.
Right. His daughter. Baby Ann 🥺
Doug would make a good dad. Oh no. I predict that he had drug and alcohol issues!!! Oh he gets clean. Good for him. Oh no... Doug...relapse is bad.
Oh he loses Ann. HE KIDNAPS HER? Doug bad idea. People get put away for stuff like that.
NO HE CRASHED INTO SOME TEENS. ...Model UN president in a wheelchair?
The way he says "I was fine...the driver's always fine..." yikes. He made her deaf? He hasn't seen her since? How old was she?
Hera needs to be okay. And I'm sorry if they have the tech for sentient AI, decima viruses, space travel, and who knows what else, that weird brain transmitting machine, then deafness should be totally curable by now, Cutter's just hogging the tech to himself like a psychopath. I hate him. I hate him so much. Cutter is the worst. I hope HE loses his senses. Almost all his senses. Except for pain. That's the only one he deserves to keep.
I hope Maxwell can save Hera. She has to! Hera can't die now. We already went through that, and she deserves to be happy.
But I do get the feeling that might not happen. For anyone.
You know, as I go back and edit this, I gotta say, in some ways Kepler is like an evil version of Doug. They both clearly like alcohol and substances (Kepler's "I like the feel of it in my hand" and Doug's "I just want to hold the cigarette"), but Doug wants to get better while Kepler clearly doesn't. "You're like this Whiskey see? I'd be sad without it but I'd be okay." And then he risks the life of his crew for it. You sure you don't have a bit of problem Whiskey boy? 👀
And that's all folks! Thanks dear readers for coming along on my journey. Sorry for the delays in reactions. Life gets busy, but I try to do at least once a week for you guys.
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fireflyaurora · 1 year
(LONG POST WARNING: this post is literally just gonna be me rambling my unorganized thoughts about qsmp, sorry for the lack of consistence)
i don't understand what is happening with the eggs anymore so i'm just gonna put some stuff here that i think is related. i know the current theory is that the codes and feds are acting independently of another but honestly it could all just be the federation playing 4D chess with the islanders since we don't have any actual concrete info on what the federation is or why they are doing what they do.
so, to recap, the eggs disappeared. after that, black concrete started to appear in various places, often containing a message from the egg together with some items related to them. there have also been other things related to the color black, e.g. the shulkers and chests Cellbit got that contained clues that were given to him by an unknown source. more recently, giant alien structures have appeared that also use a lot of black concrete. a small one of these structures contained a picture of what seems to be Dapper's hat.
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when BBH, Pierre and Max met Code (?) Juanaflippa a few days ago, she led them to the maze again which also had black concrete. what i find most interesting tho is the entrance to the room with the button.
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this seems to be a abandoned fed building. you can't see it here, but i'm pretty sure there was a cactus and some sand in this room somewhere. it was here that they found a button which teleported them to a room with this book:
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as people have pointed out before, we have seen the name "AB" before. after killing Egg A1, elquackity went into a room (MADE OF BLACK CONCRETE), titled AB. in it, we saw a small glass container with a cactus and sand, as well as weird screen with the area around lucky ducks and some players.
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we never found out what elquackity did after the elections, and this room and egg a1 were never further elaborated upon.
what i find most interesting is that this room was revealed way before the eggs disappeared. at first i thought it may be a coincidence that it uses black concrete (maybe they just wanted it to look mysterious idk) but i think it may be very intentional. we don't know what project AB is yet BUT we may have been seeing it manifest in the last few weeks.
i think it may be related to the new tickets the players have been getting. all of the tickets were obtained by playing some sort of luck based game, which should go against the feds whole "order" principle. but i think it may still be them who planned all this. Bagi and Carre were frozen, like the other newcomers, and then unfrozen (most likely by the federation). i recently re-watched Bagi's rescue and one thing stood out to me.
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there was black concrete in the arena everywhere. now, the federation may have been "hacked", since Walter Bob mentioned that Bagi shouldn't be there. but i think it's still hella suspicious.
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i also wanna talk about this. whoever is making these new tests really likes fun. their whole thing seems to be games and luck and entertainment. which just gives me a whole different vibe to how the federation normally talks to the islanders.
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something i've also noticed is that this seems pretty official. like, this is 100% made by the federation. but i don't think they've even acknowledged that the players have been getting them. if they were being distributed by a foreign entity, don't you think cucurucho would have shown up at every players front door demanding they give it the ticket by now?
AAhhhrg, i can't even put everything here, it's just so much stuff. i don't know where it will all lead. the most important questions right now are: What do the tickets do? Where are the eggs? Did they run away or were they kidnapped? Who could have kidnapped them? How much control does the federation actually have over the island? Are there outside forces intervening with whatever is going on? What even are the codes and are they truly against the federation?
i do want to say that i think the fed is behind this. i know this is not their usual style, but honestly, we know fuck all about them. assuming the players are on the island as some sort of lab rats, who knows what the federation has planned for them? who is to say that they aren't just building up their image in one way in order for the players to not suspect them when something happens that seems out of character for them?
as for the eggs, the most popular theory right now is that they are stuck in some sort of alternative dimension. this is backed by the fact that they can only communicate through what seem to be leaks in reality. also, the first alien structure appeared behind Luzu's house, who is the first one the experience some sort weird dimension leak thing (Arin).
my god, i probably forgot a lot of stuff here. if you have any ideas or more screenshots feel free to give them to me, we need all the brainpower we can get to solve this lmao
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Moodboard by @softhecreator
Mr. Chalamet
chapter three: famous last words
AO3 info one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven epilogue
All my work is 18+.
I’m sorry, but I fell in love tonight. I didn’t mean to fall in love tonight. You’re looking like you fell in love tonight. Can we pretend that we’re in love?- Halsey, Is There Somewhere
She hadn’t seen him hardly at all in the week or so since what she now thought of as The Incident. Sure, he’d come to pick up Elle from her apartment a few times, so she’d caught glances of him then, and he’d always wave (in one instance, she’d had to come up with an excuse as to why she absolutely could not come out to say hi, no matter how quick Elle told her that he had promised to be), but she hadn’t actually spoken to him. Which was, of course, all according to plan. She wouldn’t go over to his house for the foreseeable future.
Elle had questioned it once or twice, but she was good about not pushing if Lea didn’t feel up to sharing. The guilt was… difficult. She’d never had a secret of such magnitude before. She should probably come clean about it to Elle, but how did you even tell someone like that? The more she thought about it, the guiltier she felt.
Lea’s last final was on May 14th, and when she exited the building and made her way towards the sidewalk to head down to the subway, the sight of an all too familiar car stopped her in her tracks.
As soon as its driver saw her, he got out of the car and strolled over to her.
Mr. Chalamet was wearing a hoodie and sunglasses, the way he usually did when he didn’t want to be noticed, but a few people whose brains hadn’t been completely fried from finals just yet still turned to look at him.
Lea took several steps back, her fight or flight response rising and fast. It was definitely gonna be flight, too.
He must’ve seen the look in her eyes, because he lifted his hands placatingly and said, “Don’t freak out. I just wanna talk.”
People knew her there. It wasn’t a very big school. Everybody in the drama department knew who she was, and if there was one thing Lea hated, it was making a public scene, especially in front of people she knew.
Glaring fiercely at him, she marched over to his car, opened the door, and got in. He followed after her.
“You’re making this very difficult for me,” she snapped.
He glanced over at her as he pulled out onto the street, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. “It doesn’t have to be difficult.”
“Being around you at all is difficult,” she informed him, “and there’s really no way to avoid that except to avoid you.”
“Yes, well,” he sighed, “I’m afraid that doesn’t work for me. We’re going to discuss this like adults.”
“That doesn’t work for me,” Lea grumbled.
“Tough shit.” Despite his words, his voice was cheerful.
“What are you so damn happy about?” she griped.
“I think it’s normal to be happy about getting to spend time with the girl you like.”
Lea bristled, flushing and shifting uncomfortably in her seat. “…You shouldn’t say things like that, Mr. Chalamet,” she grumbled.
“Would you prefer I lie to you instead?” he asked as they turned into a driveway on the outskirts of the city.
“Where are you taking me?” she said instead of answering him.
“You like old stuff, right?” he questioned, knowing her penchant for history. “You must, since you like me.”
She whipped her head around, glaring at him again.
“Sorry, sorry,” he said with a laugh. “I’m legally obligated to make dad jokes. It’s in my contract.”
Lea rolled her eyes and was about to say something snarky when she caught sight of the house, and then she understood what he meant about her liking it. It was a beautiful Victorian mansion of red brick with a wraparound porch.
She was shocked, astonished by the gorgeousness of the house even as they walked up to the porch. He unlocked the set of double doors that must’ve been twice her height, and they stepped inside.
Her jaw dropped.
The walls and ceilings were handpainted—elaborately, at that—and the floors were hardwood. The furnishings were of the time period, it looked like, which she thought was a nice touch.
“Do you like it?” he asked gently from behind her as she stepped hesitantly further into the house.
Lea had forgotten that she was upset with him forcing a discussion she didn’t want to have on her, marveling at the work of art she was standing in.
“It’s even more gorgeous than the other one,” she breathed in amazement. “Why did you bring me here?”
“I’ll tell you in a minute. C’mon, let’s go to the living room.”
She followed him through an archway to the right into a baroque style room with two fireplaces—yes, two—and a large fresco on the ceiling that had a chandelier hanging from the center of it.
“Is this house yours?” she wanted to know, looking up at the fresco, noting baby angels painted amongst the white clouds against a soft blue sky.
“Yeah,” Mr. Chalamet said, pulling her by the hand to sit next to him on a loveseat. “Elle doesn’t know about it. I’m glad you like it, though.”
“It’s… really nice,” she told him, scooting as far away from him as she could manage, “but again: why did you bring me here?”
He frowned at her choosing to put distance between them, but didn’t comment on it. “I’ll explain that in a minute. I’d like to tell you about my feelings for you first.”
She tensed. “I’d rather not hear about your feelings for me.”
“Why not?” he asked with a confident grin. “Are you concerned they’ll make you want me even more than you already do?”
Lea glowered at him, scrunching her nose up with displeasure, but remained silent.
He laughed then, and although her frown deepened, he still informed her, “Whatever the reason, I’m sorry you don’t want to hear them. It’s necessary, however, so just listen to me, please.”
“Fine.” She crossed her arms over herself and looked at him expectantly.
“I meant it when I told you I couldn’t get you out of my head,” he began. “I remember meeting you, and you had the cutest braid in your hair. You blushed when you saw me for the first time, and you didn’t stop until you left that night. I remember thinking you were adorable, that you looked so soft. I had to keep telling myself it wasn’t appropriate, that you wouldn’t be interested in me for a number of reasons. That I shouldn’t be interested in you, either.” He took a deep breath. “I was, though. And then as I got to know you, it just got worse and worse.”
“Mr. Chalamet—“ she tried to interject.
“Let me finish,” he pleaded gently. “I need you to understand.” She nodded reluctantly, and he continued. “I had a girlfriend when we first met, y’know. I broke up with her after a few weeks of knowing you. I can sleep with other women, sure, but it turns out I can’t date them. There’s no point.”
“You had a wife when we first met,” she corrected firmly. “As for the other stuff, that sucks, and I’m sorry, but it doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter,” he corrected. “And I thought it might end up with me telling you this,” he sighed. “Lola and I… well. We haven’t been involved with one another romantically—or even sexually—for a long time now. We weren’t very serious about each other before we got married—we weren’t exclusive; both of us were seeing other people when we found out she was pregnant—and we did try after the wedding, for Elle’s sake more than our own, but neither of us were happy. I’m not going to lie and say there were never any feelings there, but I was never in love with her, and she was certainly never in love with me.”
“So what, you just cheat on her?”
“No,” he said patiently, “I don’t cheat on her. She did, however, cheat on me. Elle was two, and I… well. I caught Lola with someone else. After that, she suggested we see other people, but stay married for Elle’s sake. Lola lived with us more often than not until Elle hit her teens. Since then, she’s usually been in LA. If Elle sees her at all, it’s generally because she goes over there for her breaks.”
“So…” Lea furrowed her brows. “You have her permission to sleep around? Have you ever even been in love?”
“I have been in love,” he nodded. “Not with her, like I said, but I have felt it before. I have her permission to be with anyone I want,” Mr. Chalamet corrected, “and I want to be with you.”
She looked down at her lap, wringing her hands. “I don’t want to be somebody’s side chick.”
“You wouldn’t be my side chick, sweetheart,” he assured her with a gentle smile. “You’d be my girlfriend.”
“It’s not a good idea,” she mumbled. “It’s already beyond fucked up that I feel this way about you, that we…” She didn’t finish her sentence, taking a deep breath instead. “You’re too old for me, Mr. Chalamet. You’re married. You have a kid who’s my friend—yeah, she’s two and a half years younger than I am, but I’m still closer to her in age than I am to you, and by over a decade, no less, sixteen years is a hell of an age difference—and I feel guilty enough as it is about last week. I’ll get over you eventually, I’m sure, I just need time.”
“I don’t want you to get over me, and I don’t want to get over you, either,” he told her flatly. “I want to kiss you again.”
“That is also a bad idea.”
“I like you, Lea,” he said quietly. “I like you a lot.”
“You shouldn’t,” she whispered. “Not that way, at least.”
“But I do,” he insisted, reaching out to take her hand. “I do like you that way.”
“You’re married,” Lea reminded him, snatching her hand away. “To the mother of one of my friends, no less.”
“Yes,” he agreed, “and I want to be with you anyway. I can tell that you want to be with me, too. And I promise you, she wouldn’t care.”
“You don’t get it,” she snapped. “Next to your marriage, anything with me would just be— it’d be a hookup, meaningless sex and nothing more, and I don’t want that. Not with anyone.” Then, she admitted, “Especially not with you.”
“How could you think—“ he sputtered before taking a deep breath and saying, “I don’t want that, either. I’m not going to tell you I don’t want you that way—of course I want you that way—, but it would be so much more than that. It could never be just sex between us. Not for me.” Another pause. “It would be about more than just pleasure; it would be about intimacy and affection and a physical expression of what we mean to each other.”
She wanted what he was offering more desperately than she’d ever wanted anything in her life. She yearned for him, ached for him, but she couldn’t have him. Tears slid down her cheeks, and she shook her head, looking away from him. 
“Lea,” Mr. Chalamet began gently, “I meant it when I said I’d worship you. All you have to do is let me. I’ll take such good care of you, sweetheart.”
“I don’t understand,” she confessed tearfully. “Take care of me? I can take care of myself, I—“
“Of course you can,” he agreed with a nod, “but I’d give you anything you wanted, plus anything I wanted to give you.”
“What are you talking about?”
He took her hand in his, and this time, she couldn’t bring herself to pull away. “Anything you want,” he repeated. “Clothes, jewelry, cars, trips wherever you like. I could get you any job you wanted the second you graduate. If you don’t want to work, you don’t have to.”
“I’d be your mistress, then,” she observed, her voice flat. “A kept woman, so to speak.”
“I don’t care what you call it,” Mr. Chalamet informed her. “As long as you’re mine, the label is irrelevant.” 
She narrowed her eyes. “Why did you bring me here?” she wanted to know. “You said you’d tell me why.”
He was silent for a moment before saying, “So you can see what I want to give you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Lea,” he began, “if you agree to this, I’ll give you anything you want. Including this house or any other.”
“You’d give me a house?” she asked shrilly, astonished at this declaration.
“It’s safer than your apartment,” he pointed out, “and we could be together in peace here. I wouldn’t have to hide how I feel about you.”
Her mind was reeling, trying to process this bizarre piece of information. “I… I can’t afford a mortgage,” she finally managed to squeak.
He smiled at her indulgently. “I paid cash for it, angel. I’m paying off a place in France and that’s it. Everything else was low enough for me to pay cash. And anyway, I wouldn’t expect you to pay for anything ever again. I’d rather you didn’t, in fact.”
Just how rich was this guy?
Lea stared at him miserably. “For what it’s worth, I wish I could.”
“You’re saying no, then?”
She nodded tearfully. “It’s not that I don’t want to be with you.”
He nodded his understanding. “I know you do.”
“I just…” She sighed. “I can’t. We can’t.”
“We can,” Mr. Chalamet corrected. “We absolutely can. I understand your feelings, and I’ll do my best to back off if that’s what you need, but don’t say we can’t when we can.” 
She was silent, unable to formulate the words to respond.
After several seconds, he added, “All I ask is that you stop avoiding me. We can be just friends, I’ll accept that. But please don’t shut me out. Especially not because of how you feel about me.”
Lea got the sense that he wouldn’t budge on that, so she nodded. “Yeah, alright. Just friends.”
He examined her face closely. “May I kiss you again?”
She jolted in surprise at this request. “What?”
He smiled sadly at her. “A farewell to what could have been. Please?”
She nodded again, shocked at her own response, but then he was cupping her cheek and leaning in, pressing his lips to hers. It was soft and sweet, the same way their first kiss had been before things had escalated, and Lea shifted closer to him so as to kiss him back.
It was intense, but relatively chaste as far as such things went. Still, there was passion bubbling under the surface, and she could almost taste it.
When he finally pulled away, he leaned his forehead against hers, exhaling slowly. “If you change your mind, say the word and I’m yours.”
“I wish you could be,” Lea confessed quietly. “I really, really do.”
“I can be,” he promised. “I want to be. I hope you do change your mind so I can show you what you mean to me. What we could have.”
“This little piece of heaven was enough,” she whispered. “I’m content.”
He nuzzled her nose with his. “It’s not enough for me. Nothing with you could ever be enough. Not if I don’t possess your heart. Your soul.”
Lea took a deep, shuddering breath. “Us being together would have no impact on that.”
He smiled, and she knew he understood.
“If you change your mind,” he repeated, “tell me. For now, though, friends?”
She nodded. “Just friends.”
He grinned that overconfident grin of his. “Famous last words.” When he spoke, his lips brushed against hers, and her skin was tingling. Or maybe it was her blood thrumming through her veins, she wasn’t sure. “Can we pretend?” he breathed. “Just for tonight. I’ll— I’ll take you home, and we can act like nothing happened, but…”
“Pretend?” Lea asked, confused.
He nodded. “Pretend we’re together. I just…” A sigh, his shoulders slumping a bit. “If I can’t have you, will you at least let me pretend for awhile?”
Her eyes widened as his meaning clicked into place in her mind. “What, um.” She gulped. “What would that entail?”
“Nothing we haven’t already done,” he assured her gently. “Let me just… just treat you like you’re mine. Hold you like you’re mine. I want to hear you you say my name the way you did before.”
Her heart ached, but… oh, he was so close, and he smelled so good, like cologne and cigarettes and man and she was becoming increasingly aware of the fact that she would die if she didn’t kiss him again.
“Okay,” Lea murmured.
He smiled, though there was sadness in his gaze when he looked at her. “I’m going to kiss you now,” he warned, “and when I do, if you say my name, do not call me Mr. Chalamet.”
Nodding wordlessly, she tilted her head up just enough to press her lips to his, and he was frozen momentarily in surprise at her taking initiative, but then he smiled into the kiss and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer and kissing her back.
Just this once, she promised herself. Let me have this just once and then I’ll never touch him again, I swear.
Threading her fingers into his hair and pressing her body against his, she did her best to move her mouth over his the way he was doing with her, and then he was sucking her bottom lip.
He trailed kisses down the column of her throat, and she leaned her head back, whimpering softly. “Timothée,” she exhaled.
“God, Lea, I—“ he cut himself off briefly, his hands bunching up her shirt at the small of her back. “I want to take you upstairs.”
“What’s upstairs?” she wondered breathlessly. 
“Our bedroom,” he—Timothée; just for now, he could be Timothée again—said into her neck. “I want to lay you down on the bed, on our bed, and kiss you until I can’t breathe. I want to make love to you until the sun comes up.”
Her fingers tightened in his hair. “You want to what?”
“I want every part of you,” he insisted, trailing kisses down to her collarbones. “I want to feel your skin against mine. I want you to belong to me. I want us to belong to each other.”
“Timothée, I—“ She was cut off by his lips on hers again, kissing her desperately. “I do belong to you,” she panted into his mouth, and he responded by groaning into hers. “I will always belong to you.”
“Can I touch you?” he demanded abruptly.
“Where?” Lea breathed, butterflies filling her stomach.
He looked at her breasts pointedly.
“If— if you want,” she stuttered, feeling terribly anxious. “And, um.” She gulped. “You can touch my, uh… my butt, too. If you want.”
“Do I ever,” he grunted, reaching down with one hand to grab a fistful of her ass, squeezing the flesh roughly through her purple plaid skirt, his other hand grasping her breast and kneading it. 
Lea drew a sharp intake of breath, gasping, “Timothée—“
He resumed mouthing at her neck at that, his kisses wet and hungry. “Been thinking about touching you like this for so fuckin’ long, baby. The way this ass moves when you walk, these tiny fucking skirts that damn near show me your asscheeks when they swish up behind you.” He took the skin of her neck between his teeth and nibbled gently. “And this,“—he emphasized the word with a squeeze of her breast—“that doesn’t even fit in my fucking hand it’s so big, fuck—“
Lea kissed him then, yearning for more of his touch. She turned further towards him, her hand accidentally brushing against his crotch as she did so. “S— sorry,” she gasped in surprise, beginning to pull her hand away. She wanted to touch him there, if she were honest with herself, but she didn’t want to overstep or anything.
Tim grabbed her wrist then, guiding her hand back so it was hovering just over where it had been. She wasn’t quite touching him, but almost. He held her hand there. 
“It’s alright if you don’t want to,” he murmured against her lips, “but I want you to feel what you do to me. The effect you have on me. If you want to touch me there, I would love that.”
With that, he released her wrist, and she slowly, ever so slowly, lowered her hand to brush her fingertips over the fabric of his sweatpants, and—
And he was hard. Very much so. He inhaled sharply at her touch before kissing her hungrily. “Feel me, sweetheart,” he groaned, twitching beneath her fingers and resuming kneading her breast. “Feel what you do to me.”
“I did that?” she asked disbelievingly.
“Damn right you did,” Tim growled in her ear, mouthing at her neck. “That unseasonably warm day last month where you went swimming, and I saw you in that polka dot bikini with water dripping between these,” he continued, squeezing her breast for emphasis. “Do you have any idea how badly I wanted you then? God, I wanted to…” he trailed off, clenching his jaw and kissing her neck again.
“Wanted to what?” she breathed, continuing to hesitantly touch him through the fabric of his sweatpants.
“Wanted to bend you over the side of the hot tub and show you what wearing things like that does to your boyfriend who already can’t get enough of you.”
“Boyfriend,” Lea exhaled in a blissful daze, full on cupping his erection now. “My boyfriend. My Timothée.”
“That’s right, angel,” he encouraged, continuing to kiss her neck. “I’m yours, and you’re mine. All mine.”
They made out for awhile longer before he insisted they stop before he lost control of himself entirely, deciding to take her home.
The entire drive, he held her hand on the center console, leaning over to kiss her at every red light. 
Their time together was ending, she knew, and she knew she’d never have this with him again. The thought made her tighten her fingers around his hand, and he glanced over at her, a sad smile gracing his too-perfect lips.
Finally, they were in the parking garage of her apartment building, but she couldn’t bring herself to let go of his hand.
She was nearly crying when Tim looked over at her, his expression immediately becoming one of concern. “Oh, my angel,” he murmured, reaching over to unbuckle her seatbelt the way he’d done with his own, pulling her up and over into his lap. She nestled herself against his chest, breathing him in one last time as he wrapped his arms around her.
“I don’t want this to end,” Lea confessed tearfully.
“I know you don’t, sweetheart,” he said with a kiss to her hair. “I don’t, either.”
“I hate that it has to.”
“It doesn’t have to,” Tim reminded her, his voice gentle. Soft. “You can have this all the time if that’s what you want.”
“Of course I want that,” she insisted, “but…”
“But you can’t,” he finished for her. “So you’ve said.” She nodded into his shirt, and he sighed. “Kiss me again, then.” Lea looked up at him in surprise, so he explained, “You’re my girlfriend until you leave the car. I want to kiss my girlfriend.”
Smiling shakily and wiping the tears from her eyes, she tilted her head up and pressed her lips to his.
Before she knew it, she was straddling his lap as they kissed desperately. He palmed her breasts, squeezed her ass, kissed her neck. Her hands were in his hair and his tongue was in her mouth when she shifted slightly in his lap, her core brushing against his, right over her clit, and she pressed against him harder on instinct alone.
“Fuck,” Tim grunted out. “D’you want me to show you how to—“ he cut himself off, choosing to reach down and grasp her ass through her skirt. “If you wanna do that again, roll your hips forward,” he encouraged.
She did so, moaning at the sensation. “God, Timothée,” she whimpered, repeating the motion with her hips, stimulating her clit further.
“Feel good?” he asked darkly.
“Mhm,” she exhaled with an emphatic nod, watching his eyes. “Feels so good, fuck—“
“God, you’re wet,” he grunted, listening to the soft squelching sounds that were filling the front seat. “Wanna feel you, touch you, kiss all over this delicious little body, worship you the way you deserve.”
She shook her head. “I worship you,” she corrected. “You look like some kind of— some kind of god or something, fuck—“
He laughed softly. “Definitely not that. Just a guy wanting to hold the woman he wants to be with.”
“I wanna be with you, too,” she insisted, rocking her hips faster. Was… was she going to cum from this? It sure felt like she was going to.
Her breath was coming in short little pants, and he must’ve noticed, because he squeezed her ass firmly. “You’re about to, aren’t you?” he murmured in awe. “Just from this?”
“It feels so good,” Lea whined. He was right where she needed him, his clothed length rubbing against her soaked panties, stimulating her throbbing clit.
“There you go,” he encouraged gently. “God, you’re so beautiful like this. Feel me, Lea.”
“I do,” she insisted. “You’re so hard, it feels so good—“
He cupped her cheek, pulling her down to kiss him. “Every inch is for you, babydoll. I’m aching for you, needing to be inside you, to fill you up.”
She gasped, tilting her head back as he showered her breasts with kisses, pulling the hemline of her shirt down just a bit so as to access more of her skin. “I— I’m going to—“
“There you go,” he encouraged. “Cum for me, sweetheart. C’mon.”
“Timothée,” she moaned, her fingers clutching his hair as she came.
He pulled her in close then, wrapping his arms around her, humming with delight when she buried her face in his neck, panting softly.
He stroked her back, kissing her hair every once in awhile.
“Do… do you want to…?”
“Don’t worry about me, angel,” Tim assured her gently. “I just wanna hold you like this for as long as you’ll let me.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck then, inhaling his scent deeply. He had made her feel better than she’d ever felt in life, and he hasn’t even needed to touch her properly to do it.
She sniffled a few times, and after the third instance, he finally decided to speak up. “Lea,” he began.
“I don’t think I can be very respectful of your wishes to not pursue anything with you,” Tim confessed. “I’m sorry. I want you too much. You feel too good, too perfect in my arms. I won’t pressure you, but, well. I can be patient.”
She was silent for a moment, considering. “If I tell you something,” she began, “do you promise not to laugh at me?”
“Of course, baby.” He kissed her scalp again.
“I never intended to have any sort of romantic relationship. Not ever.”
“Like ever ever?” Tim clarified.
Lea nodded against his neck.
“Why not?”
“You remember what I said about my dad?”
“He was a dick, yes,” Tim recalled.
“Falling in love makes you vulnerable. That’s what happened to my mom.” She took a deep breath. “I never intended to have these feelings for anyone, and I especially never intended to act on them.”
“Everyone’s afraid of being hurt, Lea,” he told her gently, kindly, rubbing her back all the while. “That doesn’t mean you should deny yourself something that could make you happy.”
She shrugged. “Seems like a wasted risk to me.”
“This, what we could have, it could never be wasted,” he insisted fervently. “If— if that’s why you’re saying no, I can show you we’re worth the risk, that I won’t hurt you, I—“
“That’s not why,” she told him softly, her lips brushing against his neck as she spoke. “If that was why, I wouldn’t be sitting in your lap right now.”
Tim’s arms tightened around her. “What you said before?”
“Okay,” he sighed. “Just let me hold you, then?”
Lea clenched her hands in his shirt. “I never want you to stop holding me.”
“I know.” He kissed her hair again.
He did stop, though. Eventually, he had to. And when he did, just before she got out of the car with tears in her eyes, he grabbed her hand, pulling her back to him.
“I need to kiss you again,” he said urgently.
Lea smiled shakily up at him, almost wishing he didn’t feel as strongly about her as he seemed to, because that made it so much harder. Still, though, she leaned forward and kissed him.
She reminded herself that this kiss was their last, that they would never—could never—have another. It was slow and intense, his fingers in her hair and her hands on his shoulders as their lips moved over one another. They kissed for several minutes, and she wondered if he couldn’t bring himself to pull away, either.
When he spoke, it was against her mouth, his breath meeting hers with every syllable. “I’m not giving up on you. I’m having this. I’m not giving up.”
“You should,” she exhaled. “For everyone’s sake, you should.”
“No,” Tim murmured, “what I should do is not suppress how I feel. I’m not one to disregard what I want, and I want you.”
“You’ll always have me, in a way,” she admitted.
“I want you more than just metaphorically,” he insisted. “I… I want a future with you.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I expect we’ll be friends for awhile yet.”
“Friends,” he began slowly, “do not do this.” With that, he kissed her again, this time so hungrily, so desperately, that she whimpered into his mouth. “Friends don’t make each other feel the way you make me feel.”
“You’ll get over it,” Lea insisted, even as she arched into his kiss.
“If I don’t, what then? If I still ache for you this way years from now, will you agree then?”
“I shouldn’t.”
“I’ll convince you eventually,” he decided. “I can be very persuasive.”
Lea wished his confidence weren’t so attractive. It was, though. It very much was.
“However,” he added, “if you aren’t ready for us yet, that’s okay. I can wait.”
“Timothée…” she sighed. “You shouldn’t… you shouldn’t.”
“I love it when you call me that,” he breathed, kissing her again. “I love hearing you say my name.”
“I’m not going to do it again,” she reminded him.
“I know. That’s why I’m cherishing it.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb, his eyes flitting between hers. “Will you say it again for me, angel?”
Lea took a slow, shaky breath, then pressed her lips to his again. “Timothée,” she exhaled against his mouth.
They kissed for awhile longer. She was crying again by the time she finally pulled away from him. He stroked her cheek, smiling sadly at her.
“I’ll see you soon,” he promised as she opened the car door.
Lea took a shuddering breath. “Goodbye, Timothée.”
With that, she got out of the car, walked away, and tried very hard not to look back. 
She did, though.
He watched her as she stood in the doorway, looking over her shoulder at his car, and then…
Then she turned back around and went upstairs, and that was that.
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I forgot to post this yesterday my baaaaaaad
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becauseimanicequeen · 7 months
DFF Ending Scenarios
Since we’re closing in on the last 2 eps of DFF, I have a couple of scenarios of how I would want this series to end. I’ll be elaborating on them below.
I don’t necessarily think DFF will end in any of these ways, but it’s always fun to speculate... And later see how wrong I was...
1st scenario
My 1st scenario is that the truth about what happened to Non comes out as everyone in the house kills each other off, except White who lives to tell the tale.
And since I feel like we need a twist at the end, it could be that White is related to Keng somehow. In trying to find out what happened to Keng, White (who is the smartest kid here) found Non, helped Non escape from Tee’s uncle (leading the uncle to mysteriously die), and now they’re working together to find out what happened to Keng (even though I think he’s dead).
That could be why White is with Tee, since Tee seems to be sitting on all the answers.
And the reason Non hasn’t reached out to anyone after his escape might be because he doesn’t expect his parents to help him (or they’re already dead), he doesn’t care about the “friends” (because why would he?), he didn’t contact Phee because Phee told him to get lost and die, and he was never really close with his brother (and might think he’s still in England).
How likely is it that this will happen? Not very. But, when it comes to White, I feel like he’s more involved than he seems, so he might have an ulterior motive. But it remains to be seen what that is.
2nd scenario
My 2nd scenario end is that White and Tan/New are working together (without Phee knowing) because White is somehow related to Keng (perhaps a brother) and both of them want to find their family members.
Tan might’ve sensed that he could no longer trust Phee to help him (understandable), so he tried to find someone from Keng’s family to help him and, by doing so, found White.
Or, perhaps White searched for Non’s family to find out if they knew where Keng and Non had gone and, thereby, White found Tan.
Even though White acts innocent and naive, he might go to great lengths to find out what happened to Keng for a similar reason Tan wants to find out what happened to Non. Perhaps Keng was the only family White had, and so, he lost everything when he lost Keng, similar to Tan losing everything.
The only difference between them is that Tan was, from the beginning, going to be the one who did all the “dirty work” to protect White from it, so that White could still claim his innocence later on.
And Tan is also the one who manipulates Phee to continue gathering info from Jin (even though Tan is willing to deal with Phee as soon as he becomes useless to Tan’s plans).
Also, instead of killing off everyone, they spare the key witnesses of what happened to Non and how he was treated (Tee and Fluke) and the person who exposed Keng (Jin, who might’ve been saved by Phee when someone tried to kill him) to serve them up to the police.
As the police do forensics at the house and surrounding area, they find evidence of the drug as well as Non who has been hiding nearby after escaping from Tee’s uncle. He’s badly hurt, but alive.
Tan is then arrested for what he’s done, but he’s content in finally having found his brother and doesn’t mind paying for his actions.
Again, the likelihood of White being more involved than he seems is quite high. But the likelihood of these many characters making it out alive is (hopefully) low. I mean, it’s supposed to be horror.
3rd scenario
My 3rd scenario is that they’re all just hallucinating this whole thing and no one is actually dead. Tan/New and Phee might’ve chained them down (way better than they did with Top who easily came loose) and drugged them to get to the truth.
Tan and Phee might be suggesting scenarios to the group when they’re high, which makes them think that what’s happening is actually true, and they start to confess their sins.
How likely is it that this will happen? Not very. But it is possible since they’ve introduced the drugs.
This isn’t my favorite scenario. Especially not since this is supposed to be horror and an ending like this wouldn’t be as satisfying for me considering the genre.
4th scenario
My 4th scenario is that Fluke kills all the remaining characters and then covers it all up (maybe with the whole curse or cult thing, or nothing at all since he “never” sees or hears anything).
This might've actually been his plan all along (his own revenge plan). Perhaps as a revenge for what they did no Non (since Fluke might've been able to see himself in Non's shoes). I mean, he did seem rather nervous in the car ride there (he even threw up).
And if it comes up that Non is still alive, Fluke, wanting to redeem himself for not helping him before, finds Non and helps him now.
And then (because I'm delulu) it turns out they used to have a thing for each other but Fluke was too afraid the others in the group would find out (and start treating him the way they did Non).
But now, with all the others gone, he can finally be himself and spend the rest of his life trying to make Non forgive him 
How likely is this? Absolutely, ZERO fucking percent. No question about it. But I would LMFAO if it turned out this way 
5th scenario
My 5th scenario is that Non and Phee have been working together all along ever since Phee told him to always tell him the truth. They planned their revenge on the group and the destruction of Tee’s uncle (since Non was already in debt at that point) like a masterful screenplay.
Tan and White might also be in on this (especially if White is Keng’s brother). The plan was just to spook these mofos (or fafos, cuz, you know...) and watch them self-destruct without getting their own hands dirty (well, except Tan drugging them all).
And so, everyone in the group of “friends” dies and the survivors can either blame it on the cult or curse or the drugs, which they could argue everyone was willing to take (and since they have video evidence of the group doing drugs before, this won’t be a surprise).
Or they can have Phee’s dad and the police cover it up (because we all know the authorities are corrupt as fuck).
And then it ends with Non and Phee being victorious over Non’s tormentors and Non spends the rest of his life writing stories that have HIS name on them.
How likely is this? Well, I think some of it is possible. But there are some holes in this scenario.
6th scenario
My 6th scenario is that the only ones surviving the house are Phee and Jin. And, as they leave the chaos of the house, they find Non in hiding nearby, badly injured after he escaped (and killed) Tee’s uncle.
Driven by guilt of what they did to Non, and the relief of finding him alive, Phee and Jin vow to never leave Non again, ending with them living happily ever after as a threesome. And so, my lovely chemistrying trifecta is complete!
I’m delulu here, aren’t I?
7th scenario
My 7th scenario is that Keng is the actual masked person at the house (the one using the crutch, which is different from the one in the hallucinations). Since he was hit by a car, his injuries make sense.
And, so, Keng aimed to kill everyone there but held back when he saw how self-destructive they were. Or, perhaps he just wanted to figure out who made and posted the video to kill that specific person.
Either way, he makes sure every last one of them dies and no one would ever suspect him because, according to the authorities, Keng is already nowhere to be found.
Honestly, the only thing that makes sense here is that Keng might be the masked person at the house considering the crutch and limp and how he was hit by a car. But I doubt he’s still alive (unless he was the one who killed Tee’s uncle).
8th scenario
My 8th scenario is that everyone dies. And then the genre to which this series is connected is fulfilled and the series would live up to its name.
A series promoted as horror that ends with too many people alive and well and living happily ever after is a big failure in my eyes.
9th scenario
The 9th scenario (and the last one because I need to move on) is probably the one I see as the most possible of all my scenarios. Let’s first point out a few things that are key for this to be plausible:
Non escaped from Tee’s uncle and is injured but alive.
There is a masked person at the house, probably Non (since Tan/New saw someone in the 2nd ep that then left without doing anything, probably because Non was surprised seeing his brother there).
Keng is White’s brother and guardian, meaning that White lost everything when Keng disappeared.
So, let’s dive into this.
Non escaped from Tee’s uncle before the events at the house (considering the newspaper article that seems to state that the uncle is dead). Non hasn’t contacted any of the others to tell them he’s okay, because he still believes everyone abandoned him.
He’s been in hiding ever since the escape (perhaps near that house) biding his time and planning his revenge. Perhaps his initial victim was just Por (since Non probably still sees Por as the biggest bully of them all since he stole Non's screenplay) and that’s why he’s hiding near that house.
However, when he saw all of them come back, he decided to go back to the script he wrote. And since there is definitely one masked person different from the others (the one using a cutch and limping), that could be Non.
But, after Por accidentally ran into the stake, killing them might've become too real for Non, and so he decided to observe and scare them rather than kill them (which could explain the bathroom scene with Top as well, because I feel like Non would’ve killed him then and there if his motive was to kill everyone).
On the other side, Tan, Phee, and White are working together to find out what happened to Non (for White, finding out what happened to Non means there’s a big possibility of finding out what happened to Keng).
The reason Phee ratted on Tan was because it makes more sense to the others that the two of them are working together considering they’re going to the same school (White doesn't). And it would let White continue to work under the radar and keep his hands clean.
It might be that White (who always finds things and figures them out, btw), had already gotten close to his target (Tee) before he realized who Tan was.
And the reason White targeted Tee was because he knew Keng had tried to expose Tee’s uncle’s criminal organization before he disappeared (he might’ve found this out from the reporter Keng was in contact with).
But it might not have taken White very long to realize Tan was a cover for Non’s brother when he started hanging out with the group, and then he reached out to Tan so they could work together to find out what happened. And so, this trio was established (even though they're keeping up appearances that they're not too familiar with each other in case the others would overhear).
Since White has a talent for technology, he helped with some vital things. He might’ve traced that video of Non and Keng back to Jin (which could be a reason Phee was so adamant about getting close to Jin again after hurting his feelings, because it's clear that neither he nor Tan knew this before Phee slept with Jin).
White might’ve also been the one who set up the cameras and stuff Phee talked about when he “confessed” to Jin so that they could use that as evidence later on.
Their plan was just to get the others to confess their sins. And if something bad happened, Tan was willing to take the blame because he’d already lost everything (which is why it makes sense that Phee exposed Tee/New after things were getting even more out of hand).
But, whatever happened at the house, they needed to make sure that:
They were drugged and hallucinating.
Phee got close to Jin again (Non’s biggest betrayer).
And that White could be used as a way to get Tee (the one with almost all the answers) to tell the truth.
What they didn’t expect, though, was the actual masked person on site. Tan (who is the least likely to hallucinate since he has the antidote) even saw a masked person in ep 2 for a short moment before they disappeared (probably because Non was surprised to see his brother there).
Also, if Tan were to hallucinate, he would see Non as he is (as we’ve already seen in ep 9) and not some masked person. So, there’s definitely at least one more person around.
What happened to Por and the uncle on the scooter was unexpected for the trio (and it might be why the trio agreed to investigate with the others to find out what was going on at the house), but it still played into their plan, causing the others to go into self-destruction mode.
And since they are in self-destruction mode, the trio just stands by and watches it unfold, sometimes adding stuff to the conversation to steer it in the direction they want.
So, I definitely think that Fluke will be killed (perhaps by Tee) and then Tee will be killed after the trio has gotten all the answers they need from him. But, not until after he finds out that White is Keng’s brother.
(This last part is mainly because I was disappointed that we never got the chance to see Por react to finding out Top was actually the one who broke the camera and that Tee helped him cover it up.)
And, then, lastly is Jin. I’m not sure he will be killed. Instead, there might be a moment at the house when everything has come out in the open and Tan is ready to kill Jin (since he, most likely, sees Jin as Non’s biggest betrayer).
But before he has the opportunity to kill Jin, the masked person enters the house, removes the mask, and it’s revealed that it’s Non, alive but chronically injured (the limp).
As soon as Jin sees Non, he begs Non for forgiveness. Non agrees because he thinks that killing Jin would be too easy of a punishment for what he did.
Phee, being so relieved to see Non alive, drops everything to be by his side, having forgiven him long ago.
Then, the survivors can blame all the deaths on the drugs that made them go bonkers, which they could argue everyone was willing to take (and since they have video evidence of the group doing drugs before, this won’t be a surprise).
Or they can have Phee’s dad and the police cover it up (because we all know the authorities are corrupt as fuck).
Or Tan could be willing to take the blame for it all and doesn’t mind going to prison considering he did what he had to to find out what happened to Non, which he did.
Jin might also go to prison for the video (if the trio + Non decides to turn him in). Or they could let him go so he could move to America.
And then Non gets to write as many stories as he wants, all with HIS name on them.
As I mentioned before, I feel like this could be the most likely one of all my scenarios. If it actually turns out to be this way, though, is doubtful.
For one, the masked person with a limp might be Keng instead (since he was hit by a car) and he might’ve been the one that put up the wire and made sure Por “accidentally” ran into the stake (the latter, perhaps, because Keng wanted to redeem himself for what he did to Non).
And if this is the case, Keng might be nursing Non back to health in a place near the house, since I feel like Non would be affected by his time in the criminal organization on several levels (mentally, emotionally, physically, etc.)
Or, it could be that they’re both taking turns being the masked person in the house (because I don't think the masker person Tan saw on the stairs had a limp).
But other than this, I feel like:
The trio working together makes sense (even though it might be a bit predictable).
That Phee is getting closer to Jin again to get more info also makes sense (especially since he called the other assholes their “friends” and that whole scene just gave me the feeling Phee was manipulating Jin).
That Non is alive makes sense to me because Sammon is one of the writers of this series, and she’s no stranger to faking the deaths of her characters or killing them off (some over and over and over again...).
The possibility that Keng is still alive is possible. And instead of going to the authorities (because they’re corrupt as fuck), Keng killed Tee’s uncle to save Non (again, perhaps to redeem himself) and then nursed him back to health before they went to the house to set in motion another revenge plan.
How likely is it that Phee will dump Jin and go back to Non, though? Probably zero since I feel like most bl creators would rather surrender to the shipping culture than give us the unexpected or something that could be more satisfying to the actual story.
But if I just go off of what I’ve seen in the series so far, I still believe it’s possible that Phee will dump Jin as soon as he sees Non alive. This is based on a feeling I have about these relationships…
The relationship between Phee and Non felt like actual love (especially from Phee’s side since Non is more guarded, probably based on previous experiences) while Phee and Jin’s relationship is more sexual (which is fine by me, btw) and somewhat manipulative (which is not fine by me, btw). Oh, and let's not forget it’s based on a lie!
And my biggest hope here is that Phee will keep his word to Non and forgive him (since he told Non he would forgive Non if Non got lost and died, which he, kind of, did).
But I’m doubtful that everything in this scenario of mine will happen. One or two aspects, maybe… Either way, I can’t wait to find out how this will end.
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ceilingfan5 · 2 years
#2 for the prompts for fun and profit if you're so inclined? :0
To be honest, Kravitz has been home all day. Hasn’t even opened the blinds. So when he sees the text, he kind of thinks it’s one of Taako’s dumb pranks. 
“Hey I know you’re pretty busy but would you like to defeat the invading aliens with me, please answer quickly things are kind of time-sensitive???” 
Kravitz re-reads the text several times, and finds it making no more sense the seventh go round. So, tentatively, he replies, after he’s finished practicing the cello for today. 
Taako’s reply is quicksilver slick and doesn’t give a lot more information:
“You, me, aliens, destruction of humanity avoided?”
Kravitz puzzles as he digs through the fridge for a snack. Maybe it’s an invitation…to…something. Laser tag, maybe. A date? Kravitz’s stomach flutters. They haven’t been on a proper date yet, even though they’ve been making eyes at each other for weeks. They went on half of a double date. Is this another one of those? He’s been aching to make it up. And especially to have time after, for a goodbye kiss, or more. 
“Is this a date?”
“Well shit Krav I dunno,” Taako replies, which is not exactly encouraging. And following that, “Dude have you or have you not looked out the fucking window today???????????”
That’s an excessive amount of question marks, even for Taako, and Kravitz frowns in the middle of checking to see if his grapes have gone yucky or nah. He plomps them in the sink and re-reads the texts. 
That would be crazy, wouldn’t it? Surely he’d notice fuckin’ War of the Worlds 2: 2 Electric 2 Boogaloo? He almost doesn’t want to look. But he probably should, right? What’s the worst that could happen, one of Taako’s dorky friends there with a whipped cream pie or something? That idiot would have been standing there for a while, probably would have fallen asleep. 
So like, the worst possibility would be embarrassing himself. Or, you know, actual aliens raining death from the sky, no biggie. 
Kravitz looks at the grapes, some of which are leaning decidedly toward yucky. He looks at the drawn blinds. 
He doesn’t want to make a fool of himself, though, is the thing. He certainly doesn’t want Taako to laugh at him. What’s he supposed to do, play along with Taako, or call him on it? It’s always so hard to tell. Taako is so handsome and weird and goofy and clever in the strangest way, and Kravitz wants to laugh with him, not be the butt of the joke. Put it on a t-shirt. I am not the butt. Please do not make me the butt. Thank you. 
You know, Kravitz thinks, as his phone buzzes with more texts from Taako, that t-shirt would probably be entirely counterproductive. 
He opens the blinds.
He shuts the blinds. 
He sits on the floor, forgetting the yucky grapes and the butt shirt entirely. 
“So did you have like an anti-alien plan or are we like winging this one pretty severely?”
“Oh nah we super are winging this so like, now that you’re on the same fucking page, dweebus, are you going to help or no?”
“In my defense,” Kravitz huffs quietly to himself, even though Taako won’t hear it. He sends the energy along with the text and hopes it reads regardless. “I was playing the cello.”
“You’ve got me there. How about I meet you at the corner, and if we survive this, you kiss me?”
“Yeah why the FUCK not. Alien date. You’re payin.”
Yeah, okay, he deserves that one. 
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koscheicore · 8 months
(imagine that one random time-lord in The Autons, floating mid-air)
Greetings once again,
Some more questions for you, because THOSCHEI, THOSCHEI, THOSCH-…..
Prepare yourself for a barrage of questions! (No pressure ofc)
Commencing in three, two, one..
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 17
21 - Headcanons for your favourite ainley pairing
24 – gimme more info about the thoschei fan incarnations that occasionally pop up on your feeds. It is vital information!!!
*looks around at the impact caused by the questions*
Have a good day/week! :)
SO IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG, THAT TIMELORD... That makes sense! Thank you so much for all the quest- (loud explosion) AAAAH!
(sooo prepare for a very long post 🤣)
1. How did you get into thoschei?
(gets out from under the table) Uhhh has the noise stopped? Yea. Okay. So it all started when I heard a rhythm of four beats?? And then I think my brain got infected. All I could think about is some sad pathetic aliens hugging each other and I guess one was dead and??? then he wasn't? Yeah so I saw tensimm and I got obsessed. That was, if my calculations are correct, about 8 years ago.
2. What is your favourite thoschei flavour?
At the moment it's fiveainley! Or sevencrispy...
3. What is, in your opinion, the most toxic thoschei dynamic?
Why did I even make this question. All of them there's no salvaging the toxicity. Uhh imma go with tensimm or spydoc though
5. Any fan content recommendations?
Honestly THBU it's just. Sublime. Okay so I might have been about to cry just one chapter in? Yeah??
Also Please Attend Carefully if you want podcasts abt the Master because who doesn't.
Now, that's all sfw but on the spicy smut side, here's a fiveainley fic that plays with hypnosis. I found it interesting how the author wrote it in first person, and their Ainley voice is just fantastic. Make sure to read the tags first though!
Do also check the ppl I reblog from's profiles some of them have AO3 accts I plan on munching on when I can!
8. Favourite thoschei story?
Honestly the Master audio atm. Or the Five Doctors cuz it's really funny to see Ainley TRY... just really try... Btw 1st Doctor x Ainley!Master when
Ngl I have to rewatch all the nuwho episodes w the master on it so my thoughts might change. These two stories are consuming my brain rn
9. Favourite thing they have said canonically to each other?
"Wonder what I'd be without you"
And this
11. Song that reminds me of them?
I want to make an animatic with this so badly
12. Any thoschei headcanons?
My most heartfelt headcanon for them is this if it even counts as one 🤔
17. What's an underrated thoschei pairing?
21. Headcanons for your favourite Ainley pairing
No I'm not picking just one >:0
-In my head the Master contacted Fivey after the whole cheetah stuff in hopes he could help him. Not talking abt how good or bad that went but Fivey can't remember anyways.
-The Master loves the smell of Fivey's sweaters. Anytime he's entered his TARDIS he's stolen a few. Fivey still doesn't know where they went.
-Oh it's definitely Ainley!Master's fault the Doctor's regenerations became weirder. Yeah after what he did to Fivey he just messed them up. Like Fivey's legs. Hey, if the Master is having trouble being in a Trakenite body it's only fair, right?
-The most likely pair to do spicy stuff actually. They're both into BDSM although probably not in a sexual context exactly. No I won't elaborate
-The cat pin? Yeah that's something the cheetah Master left in the TARDIS during that Fivey visit. Six just doesn't know. The Master finds it amusing.
-The Rani has tried to block all contact with the Master because he keeps calling her to talk about his latest plan to kill the Doctor. She's so tired.
-The Master actually visited 1 on a few occasions during the Doctor's past after the events of the Five Doctors, wearing disguises of course so he wouldn't recognise him later.
-He invited him to lunch and they conversed. The Master finds this Doctor kind of endearing in a way, he's the closest he has to things being alright between them anyways. Just some quiet conversations, no mention of the Master or Gallifrey. No murder intent, they just were. Two "strangers" sharing lunch having candid intellectual conversations.
-Eventually, he stopped. Why? I leave that to your imagination.
24. Talk abt your fan Doctor and Master incarnations
OKOK IM GLAD YOU ASKED... So I met this classmate who's a dw fan and as we became friends he told me he had his own fan Doctor incarnation. Eventually we started LARPing for fun and I made my own Master, then we started making up tons of stories and that's how they came to be!
ONE DAY HOWEVER... He said. What if the Master and the Doctor were bigenerated?? Yeah from the same entity but the Time Lords erased their memories. And Dhawan!Master knew this but that one bit he never told, the Doctor never uncovered it, and this is part of why Dhawan wanted to become the Doctor. And boy this broke my heart because thE IMPLICATIONS. That'd mean the Master is ALSO the Timeless Child. So now that's canon for my Master and surprise, it's been selfcest all this time except not exactly because they are not the same anymore and they can never be.
So based off that, my Master loves to make a point on how different they are whilst his Doctor searches for similarities instead when he learns this. My Master is convinced that they're destined to be the worst parts of the Doctor forever, whilst the Doctor got "the better part". So why would they make it easy for him? Gallifrey is gone anyways so let's prove they can never be the same. Let's prove they're DONE. And they're immortal too I guess so why conform with having nothing no. They're owed the Universe and they're not sharing. Meanwhile the Doctor is wondering what would be of the Master if they had lived anything similar than what they did, if they're actually the same, if there's any kindness left on them, if they could have become the Master... He's stuck on his past in a way, too, missing companions and simpler times and stuff. And I intend to destroy his hopes of truly enjoying his current self you know?
...so yeah uh we also have companions we're making and we're slowly developing all of this + some random "episodes" (plots. that is) and one of them is Dak. Dak is well, kind of a Dalek kind of not. I have no idea how this happened he hasn't told me yet but apparently Dak has the genes of one of his companions? His mind when he was a child. So he's like a curious kid travelling with the Doctor except he's got Dalek Issues (tm) and I have such awful plans for him I'm so sorry little Dak ily but Daleks can never be good you know ☺️☺️ And I also have my subconscious eating beings that hate the Master for reasons but shhh. My friend doesn't know yet.
Anyways here's my Master treating the Doctor with love as usual
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Hey... hey. Wait. Don't go! *looks around* Uh... who will help me pay for all the repairs??? 😭
ALSO thank you so much for that twogado recommendation I will proceed to scream
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