#i have my reasons but wgatever
you-hate-time-travel · 10 months
So sorry if i don't answer your ask... 👍 raaagh
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suffercerebral · 4 years
: )
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ask-these-fantrolls · 5 years
[For the literal sake of my own health this blog will from today forward be entirely discourse and drama free. In the past I have commented on topics when asked or made statements regarding happenings as they come and if they got to me, but for the sake of my own mental and physical health I really need to try focusing on things that do not do me unnecessary stress. I don't like talking about my health or everything that is wrong with me so I will not, but will suffice it to say that keeping up with whatever the week's latest Tumbkr Drama is has had an undoubtedly negative effect on my health and it needs to stop.
So, from this point onward, I will not answer any "what is your opinion on" or "what do you think of" type questions and will not be reblogging or posting any statements or takes on drama of any kind. This is supposed to be a (please excuse the cringy word) safe space for me to relax and have fun and that it how I intend to keep it! Thank you for your understanding and continued support of this blog going forward.]
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gogomarinette · 5 years
What kind of a human being looks at an eight-year-old girl and thinks, 'it's ok to casually discuss violence and assault in front of her, I'm just teaching her about the real world.'
Like, what the fuck? What the absolute fuck?? I may be oversimplifying it but that's literally how our 'discussion' just went and I am actually shaking with anger and disgust right now. I told him my 20year+ younger brother he should watch how he talks in front of my niece, like maybe cool it with the mentions of that recent nine-year-old murderer news story (and especially not in jokey way about it), and he accuses me of "treating her like a baby" and how he sees her "as a teenager" already,  even ordering her to wash the dishes earlier. Like ok, yeah, of course I want to protect her because she is literally a CHILD??? She doesn't need to know about that sort of stuff yet and it literally is, as an adult, your responsibility to protect her from that sort of stuff??? Like ok, she's gonna grow up and learn about that sooner or later, but it doesn't need to be now and in such an awful way???? 
The way I see it, it's not even about "teaching her about real life/how hard it is", it's literally he doesn't care to fucking control himself and curb his behaviour/words. Because then I asked him "what, are you gonna discuss assault in front of her too?" and he was like, all defiantly glaring, "yeah, why not, she'll eventually learn about that too. " Like, does he actually hear himself?? What the actual fuck is this!!! She shouldn't need to be know and be worried about that sort of thing already, children are literally not emotionally or mentally equipped to deal with it?? Then I tried to point out our childhood, and he goes "well, no one protected me, people swore and did bad shit in front of me" - and well, yeah you turned out right fantastic didn't you, to be now thinking that's fucking ok to talk to a kid about!! 
Then I said, you wouldn't talk like that in front of her mother, would you? And he said, he's already okay-ed it with her, in 'teaching her about real life'. So now, I'm gonna have to phone her up! ! !
#applerants#hve i falken into tge twilight zone what kinda awful nightmare fuckery is this?!!!#i had to walk away cuz i was so pissed; my inner thought rn is just an endless cycle of 'what tge fuck!!! wgat the fuck!!'#i should've seen the warning signs when he literally teased me 'oh how do you know he's not gonna do anything' about her bday party dj#after i'd oreviously warned my niece's parents to more closely moniter her interactions with adult strangers just in case#he is literally the type to think sexism doesn't exist and tgat if you raise your voice in an argument you automatically lose#'becayse you can't duscyss thus in a calm rational manner' nevermind thus is literally my life#so then i have one horribly conservative brother; this... wgatever the fuck he is ; abd another i'm on the thinnest ice with#if you ask me why i hate men; i will unironically answer 'my brothers'#i do not EVER want to know what is going on in his mind; thus is bad enough wtf#if anything i would be tge most qualified here to talk about assault considering#but i'd rather not; there's a reason i did not want to 'talk' to anyone in my famiky about such things#iwoukdn't want to accidentally blurt things out and isn't that such a shame you can never feel safe enough in your own famiky#lterally i have not felt more unsafe in this house than right niw#knowing he orobably wouldn't care ir dismiss or even add to his own nasty argument; all my awful experiences#to name a few - being catcalled by a truck of grown man for undoing tge top button of my school unifirm because it was a hot day#being followed for three streets outside my home and only escaping by dashing onto a bus#a drunk relative at the door when i was home alone and refusing to leave#like hell do i want my niece to ever feel the way i've felt during those times; fuck you#as a child i never fucking asked to know about those sorts of things and it was tge adults' responsibility to shelter me from it#like do you want to give the child mental health issues??? because this is how you guve a child mental health issues!!!!#i am looking at my sleeping niece right now; she is so sweet and innocent his coukd you not want to protect her?#i just can't imagine....#men are goddamn psychopaths holy shit#listen i am a bisexual asian lady who can never come out to her family abd i've thought about killing myself at least twice a day#every day since i was twenty years old#...more info tgan i've ever put on this website about myself but there you go... i'm fucking exhausted#it's 5am rn and my heart won't stop racing from sheer rage jfc
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hitomishiga · 7 years
went and saw my old high schools production 2nite... God am I Feeling Things...good things...bad things............i miss it i miss playing i miss being in the band i miss performing the final concert smh i only did it once why
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hunnyb-san · 5 years
"Miraculous season 3 ep 26: Miracle Queen" reaction
Ok, there is really too mucg to be said.
This episode made me cry more than the last one, if that's possible.
Anyway, it's late and I'm tired because I've studied all day, and this episode took all my energy away.
So, there are soo many point... I think it will take a lot. This is not the Miraculous we all knew. This is a new, beautiful thing full of angst.
I need fanfictions.
Anywya, let's start.
1) Kagami and Adrien
I've chosen to talk about them first so then i can go ahead and forget about this.
And here, let's consider two different cases:
Objectively: Kagami never had friends, she just started hang out with them and actually she has only Adrien and Marinette, and for the first she developed feelings that go over simple friendship. Yes, she said that love is more important than friendship for her, and she acted like a bit-
But, we have to consider that she has never had people of her same age if not to fight.
But I think that this "relationship" will help Adrien waking up because everyone in this episode understood that he his SO MUCH CONFUSED AND TIRED THAT I'M conflicted... I love Adrien and god, that poor baby got rejected so many times from Ladybug, but how can he be SO confused? Didn't he love Ladybug? Is he giving her up? Why is he trying with... with the ice queen (Mari named her this)?
2) Luka and Marinette
Ahhhhh these two. They deserves the entire world!!!
Luka is a wonderful boy, because even if he fall in love with Marinette, he's okay with staying near her like just a friend.
He is there to comfort her when she cried, knowing it was because of Adrien. And he is even Adrien's friend. Luka never blamed him or Marinette, and even if his feelings are strong, she always come first for him.
He is amazing because when she was hurt, he didn't try to take a step forward, he just stayed there, hugging her.
Not like Kagami, who see Adrien confused and try to persuade him anyway.
And Mari... well, after I've seen her cry in the last episode, I can't stop thinking about what she said, about having too many responsibilities, not beeing able to be herself.
Beeing Ladybug is not only a positive thing, and she can't even talk about it with her friends. Especially now, that Master Fu lost his memories, she'll have to count only on Tikki.
This will be so much stressful for her.
Anyway, even if right now I want the both of them to be happy, I'll never stop shipping Marinette x Adrien because they are perfect for each other.
3) LadyNoir
Well, their relationship is a bit cracked right now because of that... that shitty little brat and many other things.
Chat Noir is spacing out from her because he is hurt, confused and wgatever, and she noticed it. She got jealous, cause yeah, that was jealousy, over him not calling her My Lady (OMG they are so DUMB) and flirting with... Ryuko?
Well, her name is not important right now (and it will never be).
But she has noticed it and tryed to understand why. At the end, nothing was clarified.
In this episode, Ladybug and Chat Noir had one of the most beautiful moment until now.
Because really, this is SO much going on here.
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This is a totally wholehearted and beautiful hug. So beautiful that it makes me cry.
Behind everything, they trust each other, they are a team, they love each other unknowingly - and they'll laugh/cry so hard when they'll find out each other's identity - and this scene makes you understand all that.
They don't have to love each other - but they'll do - to be in sync, they are perfect, you can absolutely see that fron the FIRST episode of the FIRST season.
They don't need words, they complete each other and they'd do everything to make the other happy.
Why are they so dumb???? 😭
4) Papillion and Mayura
Who is Emilie?
Okay no, I'm just joking. But how can you not ship these two after everything? The way Mayura passed out between Papi's arms! I've laughed so hard at that.
When I see them, miraculous become a drama.
"Gabriel, I'm ready."
"Are you sure, Nathalie?"
"Never been so sure. I'd do anything for you, my love."
Ok no, seriously, I ship them, but I need Emilie back, because Gabriel will just keep friendzoning her.
5) Master Fu and Ladybug (guardians)
Ok, I know that I said I have cryed in every sentence of this post, but gosh, who didn't cry when Master Fu gave up is power as guardian to not reveal Ladybug and Chat Noir's identity?
He made many mistakes and WE know it, he is possibly the reason why Emilie got hurt or whatever so that Gabriel used the Miraculous of the Butterfly.
But, let's just say, that with this, he proved the affection he feel towards Marinette and Adrien.
He lost his memories to save them, to protect them.
And Marinette is now the new guardian!! I'm so happy!!
And about this: that thing in which there are all the miraculous, is she going to hide it in her room? Because, well, good luck.
6) Chloe and Papi
I hate both of them.
Chloe disappointed me so much, you can say she had her reason, she was unhappy, Ladybug's attitude towards her didn't help, but she betrayed her anyway.
Ladybug gave HER the possibility to change things, to prove herself, she trusted her more than a time, but she left her side to go to Papillion's (that I'll just call papi).
Papi is mean, so freaking mean. He is a really good antagonist.
Who else would be ready to sacrifice all Paris and ignore his only family member left, to save his wife?
I know he is suffering... but does he know that if he use ladybug and chat noir's miraculous to save Emilie, he will end up losing someone near him? Or maybe not, but I highly doubt that.
And I bet that this someone will be Adrien.
7) Adrinette
After this episode, I saw everyone comment videos with the same words "Lukanette is gone".
And I'm totally against it.
This is the perfect final no one wanted because it hurted too much, but it is perfect to give a new start point.
Marinette fall in love with Adrien because he gave her an umbrella to excuse himself, and she understood he is sweet, caring, kind, selfless and blah. But WE know that Adrien, the Adrien we and she see in every or so episode, isn't totally the real one. Because if he was, then who is Chat?
Chat is someone nearer its true self than Adrien, because with that mask, he feels free to do and act as he pleases without being constantly judged.
Even if he has the worst villain father, he tryes to not disappoint him.
Same goes for Adrien: he fall in love with Ladybug because he saw how beautiful, strong, bold and badass she was. But she isn't always like that. She is clumsy and she can't even talk with her crush because she gets flushed, awkward and begins to stutter.
He doesn't even know her that well, so its just good if he starts to know Marinette a bit better.
If it didn't end up like this, with the wonderful Luka and the shitty little bitch, they'd have kept loving just a part of the other self.
We have to be patient (like the song "The Wall Between Us", that I know they published now for this. Astruc likes to play with our hearts.) and wait until they love each other entirely.
They'll have to show us things like "Marinette or Ladybug?" And "Adrien or Chat Noir?" Or I won't be happy.
Just kidding.
So, my friends, let's not forget that Adrien and Marinette, just like Ladybug and Chat Noir, are meant to be together.
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toogayformyowngood · 3 years
naw cause i didnt even mention it
znas sta me fascinira kod njega . momenat moje posvecene paznje i on je. gotov. down bad. skroz u zemlji snova
jer dok je bio ignorisan ignorisao i on mene i sad kao pitao me nesto za matematiku valjda neam pojma ni ja (nije ko da sam slusala)
btw in serbian ill sometimes use she/her so like its fine abdjahdn
i sad. ja mu objasnila sta vec nesto izmislila tamo nzm ni ja i od tad. ceo dan jebeni nije se odlepio od mene al znas ono sedim sad s drugom najboljim jer neka mala ucionica nas smestili da radimo projekat i mi naravno nismo to radili jer zasto bi i sad on lik dovlaci stolicu stavlja je izmedju mene i njega i seda i kaze e a ovo mozes ovo da mi objasnis jos ne kontam i ja kao. HELLO AHHSJAHDHSB
so im sitting there. and mind you im small as fuck so hes kinda hovering over me even though hes sitting on a chair next to me and we're like. Really close like my chin almost touching his arm and im like bullshitting my way through as in idek what im talking abt but im smort™ so im explaining and he just. keeps looking back at me
you know when in like movies one of them is doing something and the other is ignoring that completely and just staring at the other welp that was pretty much it
also i realized he for some reason wonder why not like im obvious likes to flex his arms and hands around me (im fucked im gone im dead)
and like. this went on throughout the day and i dont think he gives a fuck abt math ^_-
also the thing that killed me. he fucking. placed his hands on mine to like stop me from talking or some shit and my brain short circulated
hes NEVER been this touchy before EVER
bestie says he was ignoring me cause he was jealous but like max edition cause idk i am kinda close with the male bestie currently and it does very much look like im in love w him from an outsider pov but like
hes the last person id be in love with no offense to him hes my shining star
no, no, im in love with this FUCKING BITCH
who apparently actually missed me, hello
tho i do get him like srs rn it does look like we're dating or smth and id get sad/pissed too if i was him
so like. not gonna stop hanging out with besties but hopefully cu mu staviti do znanja da je on taj idiot zbog kojeg mi nema pomoci a ne niko drugi
according to his friend, he was "so much more relaxed and somehow happier" after he, literally, snuggled against me so i just afedjfnfufje yknow
so like i am gonna talk to him eventually i just dk when but i have (probably less than) 10 days to think abt it so we'll see
I mean i dont doubt the man is in love with you but he did mess up very much and you didnt ignore him for no reason at all.
But then. That is fucking adorable like the part gdje gleda samo u tebe a ni ne sluša sta je pitao and its fucking cute
I get jealousy like okay sure but you two went out, you talked like its not likr you just one day decided oops i dont wanna do you i wanna be with my bestie sorreh also he couldve done better with some communication about his jealousy.
Good luck with the talk i hope he gets it and doesnt want you to stop hanging out with your bestie because that would be disgusting of him
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