#i have many many lists on letterboxd lol
zackthebrown2 · 11 months
because i have an incessant need to curate lists....
i feel like short films, in general, get sort of overlooked. so for halloween, here are some horror/horror-adjacent recommendations. i split the list between animation and live action, and i ordered them by length. also, a general tw: blood, gore, etc... not all of them have any of that, but just a heads up.
Animation: Perihelion (2013) - dir. Nick Cross (2:51) [Nick Cross was the art director on Over the Garden Wall] There's a Man in the Woods (2014) - dir. Jacob Streilein (3:35) Teeth (2015) - dir. Tom Brown & Daniel Gray (6:02) Winston (2017) - dir. Aram Sarkisian (6:24) 100.000 Acres of Pine (2020) - dir. Jennifer Alice Wright (7:13) The Backwater Gospel (2011) - dir. Bo Mathorne (9:32) Coyote (2021) - dir. Lorenz Wunderle (9:55) Ghost Dogs (2022) - dir. Joe Cappa (10:45) Jack Stauber's OPAL (2020) - dir. Jack Stauber (12:30) [this one's a mix of live action and claymation]
Live Action: The Cat with Hands (2001) - dir. Robert Morgan (3:31) Portrait of God (2022) - dir. Dylan Clark (7:30) Creep Box (2022) - dir. Patrick Biesemans (9:16) Curve (2016) - dir. Tim Egan (9:51) Unedited Footage of a Bear (2014) - dir. Alan Resnick & Ben O'Brian (10:28) Eyes of Eidolon (2020) - dir. Davi Pena (11:02) This House Has People in It (2016) - dir. Alan Resnick (11:55) Angel (2022) - dir. Dicky Chalmers (16:10) Moshari (2022) - dir. Nuhash Humayun (22:05) Zygote (2017) - dir. Neill Blomkamp (22:23) The Chair (2023) - dir. Curry Barker (24:22)
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doctorcurdlejr · 9 months
Hello there
I'm a big fan of your blog and Riverdale. I'm trying to do a presentation on it for a thing with friends and I'm currently trying to gather stuff. Its not so much about plot as its about meta, Riverdale genre theory, homage, Archies weird adventures..... I was wondering if you could point me to any blogs or posts I could kinda use as a jumping off point.
Many Thanks
okay sorry for sitting on this for a couple of days but i've been trying to look through the archives and gather some things that may be of any use so hopefully it's not too late. unfortunately i'm sooo horrific at keeping up with Riverdale meta discussions but here are my main recommendations for starting off:
genre theory
@tibby's posts about genre theory and comic rules, and this post that explains a bit more about the specifics behind it
i also think @trappedinthenarrative's #haunted house town tag has some really good posts about riverdale meta
and less genre theory more general meta and critical analysis, but @archietransdrews's #syllabus tag also great!
these are helpful for the homages, but i think they can also be really useful entry points to the genre theory when we're thinking about the ways Riverdale is in conversation with the genres it makes use of
The Riverdale Reference Masterlist by @archangelarchie
Referencedale letterboxd list by @fizzlehead
archie's weird fantasy
tbh i think the first time i ever heard about archie's weird fantasy was through this jarchie longcon article so have at it
The Weird History of Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa touches on weird fantasy and traces some other potential influences
and when all else fails archie's weird fantasy wiki LOL
these are my main recs for starting off, but if other people want to shoot off other helpful posts/resources in the replies or in reblogs that would be super dope, whether it's somebody else's or your own :)
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carefulfears · 4 months
As someone fascinated by David Duchovny’s movie filmography from a distance, I have to ask what it’s like for you in the trenches. What’s been your favorite and least favorite movies he’s been in? Did you watch the secret? Were there any movies you thought were bad that he was inexplicably good in? You’re gods bravest soldier.
OMG this is like my favorite question i've ever gotten, thank you so much for asking me this. i was just saying privately that i feel kinda bad coming back on tumblr rn when i've spent so so much time and energy studying duchovny's work (i could write a literal dissertation. might.) that it's really the lens i see everything through right now and all i wanna talk about lol...so y'all please feel free if there's anything you're ever curious about or want me to expand on, to ask.
i started this little project after receiving a difficult medical diagnosis, when i really needed a project in the midst of doctor appointments and painful, traumatizing life changes. i didn't tell anyone what i was going through for 4 months, so i couldn't really talk about what my days were like, and really just needed something else...i started watching californication 3 days after finding out, and just really loved it. that show means so much to me, in so many ways, and i didn't expect it to.
and it just kind of went from there, i loved seeing him work in cali. it was something so crazy and brilliant and almost electrifying to see this performer really in it, and plugged in, and interested, and invested, in a way that you can see on the x-files but not at the same consistency and intensity. everywhere that he was sometimes indifferent or bored or inexperienced as mulder, he's doubly hitting every mark as hank moody. it's more than a series-defining performance and it's just great to watch someone excel at what they do like that.
and as i kept watching his work i became really fascinated with this dynamic i was seeing where he could either be hitting it that hard, one of the best you've ever seen, transcending the material....or he could just kind of be there....and it seemed to depend on very little more than his mood. or whether he was interested. or whether he was well-cast? i ran into this phenomenon eventually where it seemed like directors/producers were casting him for the name without really utilizing or playing to his strengths, or even understanding what those were.
i have rankings of his films on my letterboxd: you can check my lists for my ultra specific ones, but this is my general ranking. my favorite is still and forever the rapture, which i wrote an essay about last summer. as far as the worst...full frontal and new years day suck ass. phantom is just boring, and odd in a dull way. you people is netflix's most unfunny and uncomfortable original. and house of d...is what it is.
i adore the secret. i've seen it 3 times and have it on DVD. i don't expect any person alive other than me to like it, but i'm just obsessed with it. i've tried to write about it so many times and never make it past the obvious discomfort, i just feel like i've lost every reader before i even say anything. but i find it to be a really interesting look into family and self and marriage and actualization and, yes, sex, and i love it.
movies that are bad but he's good in them.....probably louder than words. that movie is insufferable to watch, i'm sorry. i did write about it once for a newsletter that i never published. it's like this pseudo-hallmark feel-good philanthropic dead kid movie (based on a real dead kid and family which is why i'm sorry for trashing it) but it's so cheaply made and flat. duchovny plays the grieving dad, the character that the story revolves around, because he's the person that the family revolves around. including the three older children that his wife (played beautifully by hope davis, this movie really should be better than it is) had before they were married.
after the loss of his only biological child to a rare case of rabies, "dad" goes from strong and silent to "a zombie." and the family really struggles without both their "glue" of a baby sister, and dad.
he's great in it!! hope davis is great in it!! and it has a lot of really interesting roots about grief and blended families and fatherhood. one letterboxd review pointed out that "duchovny has always been great at playing fathers," and the movie really plays on that. it just isn't a good movie, the editing and the script aren't there.
otherwise, some of my favorite performances, in films that i love:
/ julia has two lovers
i love this movie so much but i'll keep it to the point and say that if they'd made 5, 10, or 20 movies like this- david duchovny would have been a movie star. i have this joke, that i've seen a lot of david duchovny movies and never once been like "you know who was great in that movie? david duchovny."
julia has two lovers is my "you know who was great in that movie?" movie.
he is so delicious in that film and it isn't just sexuality, it's vulnerability and gentleness and suavity.
the entire first hour, that's just the 2 characters on the phone, feels so special to me and is one of my favorite moments in film ever...but the scene that i always go back to in terms of his performance is when daphna kastner's julia has been assaulted by her fiancé and she's in the bath crying- still on the phone with duchovny's daniel. and he wants to cheer her up, and he looks like a nervous little boy trying to (as he describes) make his mother feel better. but he tells her this story from his childhood until she starts laughing and the tension breaks, and i just love this quiet hesitation in both that scene and that character. there is a vulnerability to it, with them both in various states of undress, both sharing pieces of themselves with a wrong number phone call stranger, and it plays out beautifully.
the film was sexual in a way that was extreme at the time, and very focused on women's sexuality. it was so low-budget (cost less to make than a tv commercial), and it was never released on DVD or digital. and it plays to his strengths, in a way that's rare to see in a lot of these films. i see a lot in julia has two lovers of what would go on to sky-rocket the x-files, and ground californication.
/ connie and carla
this movie is a riottttt it is literally never not fun and entertaining but there is one ultra quick and specific moment that stands out to me.
connie and carla revolves largely around a gay community in los angeles (specifically the drag community), and peripherally a performer named robert's struggles to reconnect with his brother, david duchovny's jeff, after the estrangement and homophobia in their family.
duchovny is great in this movie, it's the kind of comedic work that he excels in, and it literally has me howling every time. i have videos somewhere from the first time i watched it of me just falling apart hysterically laughing at some of his scenes.
but the emotional peak is when jeff goes to robert's apartment to tell his brother that he's sorry. that he should have stood up for him, he should have accepted him, he should have just loved him. and they discuss their parents, and the truth of what happened in their family.
there's this moment afterwards where he goes to leave and robert thinks that he's walking out, but he kind of doubles back and leans down to hug him quickly, very awkwardly.
i just loved that and i think it's dd at some of his best, this kind of uncomfortable effort.
it also always reminds me of californication's slow happy boys, the episode where hank moody's high school best friend comes to visit and he's a total fucking nightmare. there's a similar moment in the end where hank drops his friend off at the airport and hugs him clumsily while stammering "i love you. i love you."
again, connie and carla plays to his strengths!! i've written about before how duchovny is at his best playing men with good intentions. with their heart in the right place, and a lot complicating that. and i think that movie is a great wacky comedy that lends to it.
/ the tv set
this movie is like cocomelon to me i love it. and i honestly won't talk about it much because there isn't a lot to discuss, you kind of just have to see it. it's very funny, with a great cast (justine bateman!! judy greer!! two californication guest stars that i would've loved to see him work with a million times) and i always just enjoy watching it.
duchovny really grounds this movie in a way that i find to be so subtle and compelling, he carries the comedy as far as it can go but also holds 100% of the dramatic burden. everything serious or weighted in it you have to get just from watching his face and body language, and you can.
the look on his face in the last scene, with television set by joel plaskett playing over him, is exceptional!! one of those moments where i feel that he's just on the top of his game, understanding a character and what is happening to him, and following through. that final moment changes the tone of the film and it's all in the look on his face.
/ the joneses
another movie that i love that i also find to be a prime example of smart casting...i've intended for a long time to write at length about this one (and i still might) but in simple terms, the joneses wants to sell you something. the family that it's about, the joneses, want to sell you something. and it's the only film that i feel took advantage of one thing i mentioned earlier: casting for the name. while also playing to the strengths of each performer.
the joneses positions demi moore, david duchovny, amber heard, and benjamin hollingsworth as walking and talking advertisements. influencers before a truly digital age. i won't go too far into it, because there are several twists that you just have to see for yourself, but it positions itself on the premise that everyone wants what these 4 people have.
and it wants to sell you david duchovny, just as much as every movie poster does. as demi moore's character says: "when you want to, you can be quite handsome. and extremely charming."
the movie depends on that, just as much as the characters do. the movie is relying on the fact that you will go see a david duchovny picture, just as much as the characters rely on those around them buying david duchovny's life.
i think it's perfectly cast, well acted, and extremely meta in a way that's wildly culturally relevant. but it also exploits a factor that i feel had previously held him back: the idea that you will just want whatever this person has.
there is so much that could be said on this topic because i find it to be so rich, and have loved exploring it, but there's a bit of what i've learned!! thanks again for the question, love u!!
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thighzp · 19 days
WAIT i have so many questions for the film ask list…i love talking about movies please feel free to answer as many or as few as you want
7, 10, 13, 28, 30, 34, 41, 44
bonus question: do you have a letterboxd account
obviously I'm gonna answer all of them because it's you ILY
7. name a movie you're emotionally attached to
listen... I'm not even gonna say it because there is not another movie in the world that I could possibly be more emotionally attached to
10. most recent movie you saw in theaters
omg it's been so long... it was probably the Eras Tour (don't shame me I'm a movies at home kind of gal!)
13. do you have a favorite film in another language?
this is a great question and I'm actually surprised to have an answer! I haven't seen tons of movies in other languages but when I do they're usually horror lol so I'll go with The Platform (Spanish) or Martyrs (French)
28. have you ever been to a midnight showing?
this was my PERSONALITY as a pre-teen! lmfao I went to midnight showings for most of the Twilight movies, I think at least one of the Hunger Games movies, Justin Bieber Never Say Never, the Jonas Brothers concert movie, and the Hannah Montana movie (yes I am giving away my young millennial-ness)
30. are you looking forward to any upcoming releases?
I will not be able to be excited for any movie coming out until we have a release date for RWRB 2
34. which film is the most visually beautiful?
I think Luca Guadagnino films are some of the most beautiful cinematography. so obviously Call Me By Your Name, also Challengers in such a different way, and in a different way still from Bones and All
41. name three movies you consider "classics"
these are just my opinion dont @ me My Big Fat Greek Wedding (always and forever), How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days (winking at u), and (of all things?) Little Women 1994 version with Winona Ryder it is simply the only one
44. do you like to watch the same movie more than once?
I am a person with ADHD and anxiety. comfort movies are real and they are out there. just ask how my husband how often he's heard me say "I just need to watch rwrb"
ask me about movies
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bathroomtrapped · 4 months
ohmygod i literally just made an account on letterboxd bc i watched saw (2004) and loved it so much and ur interview was so inspiring to me and ive been on an absolute craze trying to reblog like every single saw post on tumblr and i somehow found your account what the heck?!!?!?! ur art is AMAZING and i absolutely love ur takes on saw as a franchise and its significance to the queer community. i hope to be as knowledgeable of this franchise as you are one day despite me only being a baby saw fan!!
i had a quick question; i found on the saw heritage post blog that they thought leigh/james/someone else confirmed that saw (2004) did not actually occur the day before 9/11 despite the phone given to them being set to that date. however, when i asked them if they knew where this source was from (bc im so curious!!! i want to know everything!!!!!!) but neither they nor i could find the actual source for that so i was wondering if maybe u knew??? just curious :3
regardless ty for taking the time to read this and dedicating so much time to this fandom!! i love that horror fans like you exist in a fandom that i previously thought would be weird and slightly disturbed film bros (i had a lot of incorrect preconceived notions about saw that have been quickly resolved i promise)
thank you!! im glad that people feel the same way about it as i do but even if people thought i was some crazy transexual making everyone else woke and pronouns, i wouldnt care. the story, especially lawrences but adams as well, really resonates with me as a trans person for so so many reasons, more than i listed in the interview. to me, i cant read his character without filling in the gaps with trans subtext. it not only explains but also enriches the personal experiences of these characters as well as their dynamics with each other. theyre both characters that are defined primarily by how theyre seen by other people, themselves, and eventually each other. the narrative is soooo focused on perception and masks and who u truly are, i find it hard to separate any kind of queer theory from that.
as for the 9/11 question thats such a dumbass pet peeve of mine. its one of the things that makes me shout UMMMM ACTUALLY at the top of my lungs. my blood pressure sours to inhuman levels when someone confidently says the movie takes place not just in 2001 but the day before 9/11. not because of some interview or confirmation from any of the crew because my knowledge of old fandom history is incredibly spotty. old sites and interviews r a mystery to me for the most part BUT! the reason it is for sure not before 9/11 is because during the flashback of pauls trap (during lawrences monologue about jigsaw) kerry tapp and sing are all at the scene with other officers and i believe its kerry who holds up an evidence bag thats labeled 2004. the scene takes place 5 months before the events of saw 1 so its not possible that it takes place 3 years before that. it just seemed like a funny (but insanely bold considering how 9/11 was only 3 years before) joke and easter egg for people to catch on to, not actual lore meant to be taken seriously.
if u want to look for the interview, i would honestly just listen to the commentary tracks bc it mightve been said there. i know in the one with leigh, james, and cary they discuss plot holes fans complained about, questions fans had online, the fanfic they read (briefly LOL). ive only seen that one (and once) but theres at least 2 other commentary tracks with different people that i havent gotten around to for fear of like. completing saw? idk i cant bring myself to watch all of the commentary tracks but theres a chance they discuss it there! i can only speculate on the reason, all i know is that saw 2004 takes place in 2004 based on actual evidence from the media itself
if u have any other questions let me know. i still have the original draft of the interview which had more questions and longer responses bc i couldve gone on for days abt the lore and saw queer theory and ill never shut up about it
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daemondaes · 4 months
name: che
height: 5'3-ish. close enough to average. i can reach the top shelf, and at the end of the day, that's what matters.
nickname / s: chebureki, chechival, cheeble, chevalier, jam.
nationality: californian. 😎
favourite fruit: peach. 🥹🙏 strawberry is second. grape is third.
favourite season: spring? the benefits of summer hours with less of the summer heat. fall is nicer for layering tho
favourite scents: gasoline, bread, vanilla, citrus, books.
favourite animals: baby hippos (only baby), small dogs (esp chihuahuas), cows.
tea, coffee, hot cocoa: green tea, or else coffee with milk and, if i've been good, a sprinkle of cocoa powder.
average hours of sleep: uh. probably like 4-5 if i have to be somewhere in the morning, 8-10 if i don't.
when my blog was created: this incarnation? my earliest post was apparently 23 may 2020, so we're coming up on that 4 year anniversary 😏 but the first standalone cherry blog was from 2016? the oldest muse on here to originate on tumblr (ciel) emerged in late 2011. the oldest oldest muse on here originated off-tumblr in like 2008/9 on gaiaonline (talking abt u, naux).
# of followers: i normally wouldn't answer this, but i will tell u now that it is 365 just because that's such a satisfying number? got a buddy here for every day of the year 😎 that's a lie tho bc the number is broken and doesn't really fluctuate no matter how many people i gain or lose LOL i'm pretty sure like 4/5 people on the list are inactive tho, so please help me make more friends
random fact: my bedroom is ridiculously girly, soft pinks and pale greys and whites with gold accents, loads of pillows and plushes and decorative doodads, but i myself dress almost entirely in black. it's a little like putting wednesday in enid's room. not quite sure what that says about me.
favourite food: the humble tuna sandwich. i'm counting lemonade as a food here, just so i can add it in. i like lemonade even more than i like tuna.
favourite t.v. shows: flcl, dead boy detectives, good omens, i love lucy, king of the hill, the simpsons, lupin iii.
favourite movie: my letterboxd top 4 are some like it hot (1959), ghostbusters (1984), mad max: fury road (2015), and back to the future (1985)...but if i could have a fifth, it would be austin powers (1997).
sexuality: i like girls a lot more than i like guys, but i'm too busy and too broke to even think about that 😤
pronouns : she/they/any? idc abt labels and boxes, but it's weird that u're talking about me when i'm not there /:
favourite book series: howard the duck 😏 did you think i'd really make it to the end of this without mentioning him? this is also my chance to plug fly by night by frances hardinge, and its sequel, fly trap (or twilight robbery in the UK). there's also the monster blood tattoo trilogy by d.m. cornish that i desperately wish i'd held on to because it's apparently out of print now! my blood boils every time i remember. it would be remiss if i didn't mention a series of unfortunate events, just because i do think it was very influential for me. i'm about to reread the saga of darren shan/cirque du freak for the first time since middle school, so wish me luck 😤
favourite video game/s: god, fuckin...idk, tetris? roblox??? i'm not a gamer at all. i can't play anything unless i'm playing with a friend. that's a lie, i played baldgate3. the only thing i play is the sims 4. i'm trash
favourite subject: [scuttles around on all fours, twitching and foaming at the mouth] school bad! school BAD! (my three passions are history and fashion and film, but i don't love the academic system. Cs get degrees, etc. my own degree was in creative writing, and now i'm trapped in retail hell, so be smarter than me, kids! except also i hear even stem is useless these days? society is crumbling so bad, i—)
guys or girls: i prefer drawing guy faces and girl bodies. idk what u're getting at here
last time I cried: last night, conveniently
what I should be doing: taking out the trash, cooking up curry, cleaning the bathroom, polishing my spanish and diving into mandarin, writing, drawing, job hunting. continuing my goal of watching 365 movies this year. sweeping up the feathers of my cockatiel, galileo, because it's Moltin' Time. the usual 🤷‍♀️
favourite fandoms: i actually don't participate in fandom LOL i just lurk. chat about stuff in discord—DMs, not servers. i have so much art and music in my head, but i don't have the mobile dexterity and stamina for it anymore. maybe one day...
tagged by: @hatchetsfield (thanks, pidge!) tagging: anyone who learned a thing about me from this
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meowmeowirena · 1 year
i keep forgetting about this blog lol
anyway been watching a lot of romances lately because I'm making a silly little indulgent video featuring movies i think have the most impactful romances. and there are of course movies that affect others but not me. and im not sure whether to include really well known ones that other ppl love but which i dont?
like, ppl love carol but i feel nothing about the romance in it. or moulin rouge. considering im making it mainly for me, ill probably omit famous ones if i dont vibe with them
im also trying to expand beyond the us and europe. which is hard, like i can name many famous beloved american movies even if i havent seen them bc i grew up hearing about them. osmisis and all. but like bollywood movies for ex? i have no context for them and have to go by like letterboxd ratings or lists i find. it's kind of like how i feel about a lot of music, like im lacking a foundation to jump off of.
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shesnake · 11 months
I can’t believe bottoms didn’t make your list of best movies of 2023 :(
that was just a text post about my 2 faves not many people have seen/been able to see yet! I don't have to tell people to watch bottoms lol. it IS number 9 on my real list so far though! ❤️
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souvlakigasstation · 6 months
About me
Howdy, I'm Photon, I'm from India, I have no idea what heinous crimes you committed in some previous life that you ended up on my page but here we are!
Some of my interests
Favourite artists: Arctic Monkeys, Beach House, Alvvays, Porter Robinson, Slowdive, Radiohead and many more
This topster(the albums are not ranked) should probably give you a better idea of what kind of music I'm into
Tumblr media
Last.fm: Photon139
Rate Your Music: Photon139
Favourite films: Gangs of Wasseypur, Ratatouille, The Social Network, Submarine, Portrait of a Lady on Fire and others
More comprehensive list on Letterboxd
Video games
Favourite games: The Uncharted franchise, both of the Last of Us games, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Bioshock games and others
Currently in my first year of B. Tech and being an academic victim
Main goal in life: Pretend I'm in a Wong Kar-wai film
I guess those are my main interests, hit me up if you have similar brainrots lol
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forest-hashira · 5 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! <33333 (if u wanna, no pressure!)
aaaahhhhhh hi lin!!! oh god there are so many things i could say i have lived kind of A Lot in my 24 short years on this planet lol
i've lived in three countries on 3 continents & visited (for more than one night) four more, so i've spent at least 10 days on four of the seven continents!
i had a horse for a few years when i was a kid. her name was Dream Girl, she was a retired therapy horse, and i adored her.
i am a very messy person but i'm kind of obsessed with organizing things into lists??? like i use goodreads, letterboxd, serializd, i have like 160+ playlists on spotify, etc etc etc.
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mifhortunach · 9 months
2023 'overview'
The standard end of year post of course!
This year has both breezed by and felt absolutely endless, personally at least, and i feel like i accomplished nothing(!), but still, here's a round up of some stuff i enjoyed!?
MOVIES: as ever as always! I'm writing this a bit in advance, but i've deffo seen less movies this year than i did last year, tho i believe that i did manage to get out to the cinema way more than usual (tho, tbh, most often on my lonesome i think). I think i've felt the most divided on them this year; i liked a lot of stuff very VERY much! i also have felt so SO bored with a lot more things. i think i talked about having like. a matrix moment last year, nothing like that this year, tho a lot more of being like, 'well yeah, of course', or finally being able to recognise what a shot is, lol. Regardless, here are the movies i probably loved the most this year:
aftersun: all i talked about jan thru feb, need to watch it again. it looks great, its both fun & heartbreaking, and you KNOW i love the found footage side of it all - especially when it addresses that even when you have footage of 'objective reality' you just really cant know it all operation avalanche: as w aftersun, this shit gets at like ALL my interests! OpAv isn't a perfect movie, and i think the more u know about the production/etc the more obvious that becomes [i genuinely WOULD love to see/know more about the version that really did have the mole/romance plotline integrated, but lbr, that doesnt really exist]. ANYWAY!! i do think this is such an exciting film to watch, especially the movie making sequences, and i think the feeling of it all comes across so truly iygm. also, obvs, bc i love conspiracies unfortch the dirties: im sorry there's so much MJ on this list, short tho it is! but hey, these really took over my life for a month there lol. i still havent listened to the commentary w the real film critic, but i truly find this to be an airtight movie, the found footage stuff is so well integrated, justifying everything while also calling all intent/'reality' into question.. i do think someone could spend forever with it - its also funny & miserable! what more could u want (watch my fancam please) my house walkthrough: i genuinely just really like this!! ive said it before, but i genuinely just find it such an exciting watch, the bts just makes it so much cooler - what's sicker than repetition Hon Noms: la confidential: heat walked so this could run ! thirst: so much fun, i love vampire lovers who hate each other beau is afraid: too long, but i really liked most of this, v funny black tower: great example of doing smth so cool w very little
francis spufford, new sun series, chandler, mauretania
sfultra!!!: sean L@TDF finally returns to talk about sci-fi books! sean is one of the few critics i'll always keep up with even when i dont agree w him, & this show has been a real treat all this year - the patreon stuff is great as well - its introduced me to a lot of new stuff & crit, and its been good to hear from him again. if u listen to any of these, listen to this shelved by genre: really good, tho often we have different interests - got me to read a fair few more books this year! im not a games guy, and im mad behind on fatt, so its super nice to get to hear some austin biweekly anyway, lol. twioat (as ever): i was a bit trepidatious about this season starting off, but it's been so much fun, the fellas really knocked it out of the park. i loved hearing from some guests that we havent heard from in ages. this season on AJLT was also fuckin amazing, truly & really adored their coverage; possibly highlight of my summer?? toxic podcast: i almost certainly shouted this out last year, but it was nice to have this around again in the top half of the year!! ale has a letterboxd now & its fun to get to see just how many truly atrocious horror movies he does watch all the time. a true connoisseur
ntbts: its a such good show!! i've watched more tv than usual this year, but i love how this is done on almost every level. i apologised before for having so much MJ on this list & i stand by that!, but i do think that one of the best (practical) traits in his work is making difficult stuff look not only easy, but genuinely both fun & achievable. whens the movie going to drop??? (lol) getting into shirts: this genuinely was more of an accidental year long thing, starting w the ones i printed for lizzie back in jan/feb, but its been fun! finally got back some screenprinting experience, and i think u can really see some amping up of ambition & basic skill/practice. i do wanna do more in the new year, but am trying to engage with actual intended outcomes (and lbr, the storage issue lol), so we'll see
the sopranos!!: sometimes they really were right about good tv being good, who knew! so much funnier, weirder & depressing than i wouldve expected- honestly undersung at this point. also, it introduced me to a tonne of music lol
the blackberry soundtrack: unfortch i continue to be kinda mixed on the film, as much as i think on a technical level it's so super cool & well-made. i do really like the soundtrack tho!! i'm kinda iffy on some of its application in the actual film, but im a hater, so what can u do lol. the actual thing DOES rip tho
this whole thing makes it look like i got a lot more done this year than i feel like i did lol. i feel like i had plans up the top but they really all came out in the wash//
i read an okay amount of books, but failed to get thru any piles
i watched more tv than usual this year, and saw id say, a midtier amount of movies, but way more new movies than usual
i moved for a bit! then moved back & got a worse job lol
there was a lot of work i didnt get finished.. i have stuff ive been meaning to edition since this time last year that i still havent gone back to.. that said, i think i did get some stuff done, finally actually did some stone litho(!!!!) & had some stuff up in a show or two
who knows,,, maybe ill finally get my shit together & 2024 could be my year - people say good things about being 26 right??? 😭😭😭
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celiastjamesoscar · 1 year
Lol "because I hate old people" that's me with children!! Every horror movie with children disgusts me. So I totally feel you.
Your letterboxd account is amazing! You're freaking hilarious, the reviews made me laugh out loud. My favorites are:
God forbid women have hobbies
Gay thoughts about Mila Kunis
Roasted by a 12 year old, you'd never hear from me again
I need Cate Blanchett to beat the unholy hell out of me. Your humor is unmatched!!
The autopsy of Jane Doe, You're next and Ready or not are fucking amazing! You have to watch these first. Plus, if you haven't seen Malignant then I also recommend that one! I was like "what the fuck".
These stupid videos always find me, no matter how many sexy women/Sam videos I like. I guess we just attract weirdness 🤷🏻‍♀️
That’s also me with children! Children and old people are my worst nightmares
Honestly though, god forbid women have hobbies!! Like it’s not my fault women want to occasionally murder people 🙄 and she looked hot doing it (cough* Sam *cough)
I will definitely watch those next!! I will also add Malignant to the list!! Are there any others I also need to see? I’m always looking for movie recommendations
Honestly same here. The weirdness will always find me no matter how hard I try to get rid of it
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lonchart · 1 year
Please visit my letterboxd page for an actual list
The chart will be updated periodically as I watch more films. This is the 3rd version I've made, more versions will be posted whenever I run out of space or just want it to look better
The placement rules I've set for myself are as follows -
only lon chaney's characters are being considered
if he plays more than one role in a film any extraneous characters will be disregarded and only the main role will be considered* (only black mike has been ranked in outside the law, his other character is pointless and horrible and I don't want to think about him lmao)
any unknown categories will be sorted based on vibes whenever possible unless too much of the film is lost
*unsure how many this will apply to but we'll find out lol
The categories are as follows -
Poor Little Meow Meow - must be sad and pathetic, mostly likeable 
Bad Bastard - must be nasty, nastiness will trump any sad/pathetic traits if placed in this section 
Gets No Bitches - can have an ex partner/wife/whatever, but must currently be maidenless. dead wives do not count towards not getting bitches
Gets Bitches - this is self explanatory lmao 
Unknown - films will only be placed here if there isn't enough information in the film to make a call. will probs only use this for partially lost films, complete films will be sorted based on vibes if possible
Films watched so far
The Phantom of the Opera 1925
He Who Gets Slapped 1924
The Penalty 1920
The Unknown 1927
Outside the Law 1920
The Unholy Three 1930
The Shock 1923
The Blackbird 1926
Alas and Alack 1915
The Ace of Hearts 1921
Laugh Clown Laugh 1928
West of Zanzibar 1928
The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1923
Where East is East 1929
The Monster 1925
Flesh and Blood (1922)
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corvus-pictor · 2 years
17 Questions 17 People
Tagged by @deadgeisha thank u :) <3
Nickname: I don't have, I think?
Sign: Pisces
Height: 1,54 or 5'1"
Last thing I googled: Honey Claws (band from Texas)
Song stuck in my head: Charli xcx - Pink Diamond
Number of followers: 4849, sometimes I don't understand why so many people follow me lol
Amount of sleep: it depends if I have to work, I sleep 5 or 6 hours, but in general I sleep a lot, I'm always sleepy
Lucky number: 2
Dream job: something to keep me in touch with art
Wearing: a t-shirt from the cure and sports shorts
Movies/books that summarize me: I love movies that deal with the hell of life, when I was little I came back from a vacation with my parents, which I didn't enjoy very it much, and when we got back home my parents left "american beauty" on tv, it changed my life FOREVER, I was 12 yo and that movie summed up how I felt at that moment, very confused and sad. so here is a small list of movies that I carry in my heart: American Beauty, Cinema Paradiso, Autumm Sonata, Woman in The Dunes, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, 3-Iron, or just go to my letterboxd and see my liked movies 😬
Favorite song: too many songs
Favorite instrument: bass
Aesthetic: A.J Soprano smoking and wearing a Pantera t-shirt
Favorite author: I don't read much to have a favorite author but I really like Alejandra Pizarnik. I'm reading William Burroughs and I'm really enjoying it.
Favorite animal noise: any sound my cat makes, his name is Miski💜 (it means sweet in Quechua, not the singer)
Random: I already told something random in movies/books that summarize me, I'm annoying affffffff
I tag @farisdilton @nixthehomunculus @jean-a-labiere @artetheconcretedevil @akasirene @jeffament @yunvvitch @mustybooksmelll @velocidaixxtor @dedicatedfollowerofrock @babybluepill @tool-album and whoever wants to do it.
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hetakiba · 2 years
Tagged by @marley-manson thank you 😊
Favorites of 2022::::
Favorite books: all systems red by martha wells! Very short, very up my alley. I have not finished but I'm enjoy secret history by donna tart, dead silence by t.a. barnes, and we spread by iian reid
Favorite movies: so many good ones, looking on letterboxd I realize I found sooo many new favorites this year, the collector, gonjiam, lost city was pretty good (not horror), creep, sinister, saw 6, watcher!! The hitcher! And most recently, "there will be blood", the only other non horror on this list lol
Favorite songs: my god... terror in the depths of the fog by akira yamaoka, do you wanna come over by britney spears, lots of glass animals songs, dragula by rob zombie, I wanna be your slave by måneskin and 🤔 sacrifice by the weeknd
Favorite shows: I think I started Succession this year, very good, I may have even finished Hannibal this year, beyond evil! Oh shit... cobra kai. Midnight mass!! Wellington paranormal. A few anime but I can't think of anything that really got me
Favorite memories: 🤔 I really enjoyed digging my car out of the really deep snow last January and helping out my family with theirs, our neighbors even helped push peoples cars out to the main road so they could work :') Finally committed to cutting my hair super short, going fishing with my family!! Hanging out with some coworkers for the first time, going on vacation... carving a pumpkin for halloween... here are some pictures:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
A rainbow I saw and my pumpkin. Not a terrible year!
Like usual, tagging @sleepydane, otherwise mutuals @geislieb @inklingg @moonjuicewiththepresident if any of you wish to partake!
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lazzarella · 2 months
It's now been six months since I started my journey into Asian BL series*, and there's nothing I like more than making lists and procrastinating (with a dash of navel gazing), so I'm here to ramble a bit haha (okay this got really long 😅)
*I did realise later that I had watched the movie cut of Wish You some time back, but I'm not counting it :P
I posted an overall top 10 when I hit 40, I think, but here's my updated version:
1. My Personal Weatherman and Moonlight Chicken tied for first place :P
2. KinnPorsche
3. Cherry Magic (Thailand)
4. Wandee Goodday
5. Boys Be Brave!
6. Old Fashion Cupcake
7. A Tale Of Thousand Stars
8. Cherry Magic (Japan)
9. We Are
10. Only Friends and Jack O' Frost tied for 10th place because I can't decide
Now for the navel gazing:
So, I had heard of some of these shows for a while, but I was dumb and couldn't figure out how to watch them XD then, someone on Reddit asked for recs for gay period dramas, and another person recommended I Feel You Linger in the Air to them (I still haven't finished this) and that sent me down a rabbit hole, which eventually led to me watching Moonlight Chicken at the end of January. I was super anxious and depressed at the time (compared to my usual levels of depression and anxiety) and it was exactly the balm I needed! And then I proceeded to watch 49 more shows in the following six months lmao
Also, as much as I sometimes love a sad love story, I was getting frustrated that so many queer romance movies were ending with the main couple apart—maybe everyone wants to make their own version of Weekend, I don’t know haha (Sidenote: I swear there were more HEA in 90s/00s queer films but maybe that was selection bias) Like, don't get me wrong, they're basically all made by queer creators, and I don't want to police what they make (I have a whole rant about this, but I'll save it for another day...or my drafts lol) But as a rom-com lover I was getting bored of watching the same 10 movies/shows over and over for my HEA lmao so, delving into Asian BL series where the majority seem to have happy endings??? Omg, it's been HEAVEN!
As far as adjusting, there wasn't really much to do. I only note this, because a few people I've chatted to elsewhere seemed to treat it like I was delving into completely new territory or something??
Anything that isn't just your standard rom-com or romance trope, I was probably familiar with due to many years in transformative fandom. And the things I wasn't familiar with were mostly cultural things (which I'm still learning about) or different stylistic choices (like the sound effects, which I love). The fandom culture, though, has been a little more of an adjustment, especially the fan service and fixed couples (I think this is a super cute idea, tbh—it feels like watching the gay Fred and Ginger or Myrna Loy and William Powell et al, you know? By the by, Loy and Powell made 13 films together!)
I think overall I'm more drawn to Thai series, but the Japanese ones, when they hit emotionally, they hit like nothing else. Like nothing I've ever watched really. I think it's the way they do longing and yearning combined with feelings of low self worth that's just sooooooo good and delicious to me. But, yeah, there's something about the Thai series that I'm really drawn to! I've started watching more Thai movies in general and listening to Thai music and, I don't know, I enjoy it all. I still need to delve into Taiwan and other countries, though
I've had so much fun with the series I've watched and learning little bits of different cultures and I'm excited to keep going and make my way through my intimidatingly long watchlist lol It's been hard not to let other people's opinions get me down, though—I've felt less embarrassed about enjoying rom coms on Letterboxd than I have since poking my head into BL spaces, but... I don't think I'll dwell on that XD
Anyway, here are all of the series I've watched ranked by country under the cut(an idea I borrowed from @/dramalets)
Thailand (average rating: 8.4)
1. Moonlight Chicken
2. KinnPorsche
3. Cherry Magic
4. Wandee Goodday
5. A Tale of Thousand Stars
6. Only Friends
7. We Are
8. Cupid's Last Wish
9. Manner of Death
10. Laws of Attraction
11. Vice Versa
12. Last Twilight
13. Enchanté
14. A Boss and a Babe
15. Lovely Writer
16. The Sign
17. Hidden Agenda
18. Bad Buddy
19. Not Me
20. Theory of Love
21. To Be Continued
22. Sky In Your Heart
Japan (average rating: 8.2)
(Using the English titles)
1. My Personal Weatherman
2. Old Fashion Cupcake
3. What Did You Eat Yesterday?
4. Jack O' Frost
5. Cherry Magic etc
6. My Beautiful Man
7. Love is Better the Second Time Around
8. Ossan's Love
9. Perfect Propose
10. My Love Mix-Up
11. Candy Color Paradox
12. I Cannot Reach You
13. Mr Unlucky Has No Choice But to Kiss
South Korea (average rating: 7.6)
1. Boys Be Brave
2. Blueming
3. Semantic Error
4. Love for Love's Sake
5. Choco Milk Shake
6. The New Employee
7. Love Tractor
8. Our Dating Sim
9. Bon Appetit
10. Roommates of Poongduck 304
11. The Director Who Buys Me Dinner
12. Love Class
13. Cherry Blossoms After Winter
14. Kissable Lips
And I'm currently watching:
Love Sea; Meet You at the Blossom; Only Boo!; The Trainee; This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans
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