#i have made birdie take this test three times already and i still have not added straight people
cptnpike-a · 2 years
i’m making an interest tracker in the format of a uquiz and i apparently forgot straight people are... an option
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bluestar22x · 5 months
Never Forgotten
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Summary: Light pink carnations represent love and gratitude, appreciation of a mother, and never forgetting someone. That's why Marcus gifts them to both his wives on Mother's Day.
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x OFC!Elena (Current Wife), Marcus Moreno x OFC!Reina (Past Wife)
Rating: 18+ Series
Word Count: 2,800(ish)
Warnings: Romance, sexual tension, flashbacks, pregnancy, family life, mentions of cancer, sickness, death, mourning, angst, love, joy - it's a rollercoaster
Author’s Note: This takes place in my Second Chances verse, but you do not need to read the series to enjoy this! This was created for the Moth and Birdie's Mother's Day Fic Challenge by @mothandpidgeon and @ezrasbirdie. Went with something both sweet and angsty, but true to Mother's Day.
"Mommy, mommy get up!"
An excited young voice drew you from a peaceful night's sleep, leaving you drowsy and a bit mopey about not being able to wake up on your own terms that morning. It was rare you had a day off where you could do so. You had thought on Mother's Day you'd have a better chance.
Still, you smiled when your three and a half year old son (almost four, he insisted) ran into your view, looking as lively as ever.
"Morning, Teo," you mumbled at him.
"Morning, mommy," he greeted you back, beaming. "We have a present for you!"
"Oh? You do?" You and your husband Marcus had decided last year that outside of Christmas presents weren't really going to be a part of your holidays anymore, so you were curious what was in store for you.
Teo nodded at you enthusiastically. "Yeah! Daddy sent me up here to get you!"
"Well," you said as you sat up in bed and rubbed your eyes, "Tell daddy I'll be down in a minute. I've got to brush my teeth first."
And use the bathroom, but that was a given.
"Okay!" And just like that the young boy with wild curls left your room, flying off like superman, whose image was printed many times over on his cotton pajamas.
You made your way after him as soon as you could, having smelled your "present" before you even made it out of the master bedroom.
Marcus was making breakfast, and the kids were helping out, you could only assume. Knowing them, Teo probably came up with the idea, and Missy probably insisted Marcus not do it on his own. She knew very well how easily distracted he could get sometimes.
"Smells like burnt eggs," you joked as you strolled into the kitchen, stopping to pet Ginger, your Chihuahua, who was laying on her side on the bare floor, basking in the warmth of the morning sun.
"Not on my watch," Missy told you from her position by the stove, alongside Marcus.
"Hey," he protested. "I can and have cooked eggs just fine on my own!"
"So long as the TV's not on," you added, grinning. "So this is my present? Breakfast?"
"Brunch," Marcus corrected you as he shut off the stove top burner he'd been using. "It's ten-thirty, honey."
"I slept that long?" You gaped. "Why didn't you wake me earlier?"
"Part of your gift," Missy said, nodding towards the table. "We're also going out for supper. You're not allowed to cook today."
"Sounds good to me," you told her, going to sit at the kitchen table with Teo, who was already chowing down on a syrup covered pancake. "Can I steal a piece?"
"Of course mommy," he answered, pushing his plate towards you more willingly than you'd expected. The kid loved his food. "It's your special day."
"Just testing you," you declared, winking as you plopped a fresh pancake from the stack in the middle of the table onto the plate in front of you. "I can take my own."
Marcus and Missy placed more food on the table, eggs and bacon and breakfast potatoes as you poured a ton of syrup on yours, more than even Teo liked. You preferred your pancakes drowned in it.
As they both sat down with you and Teo, you took a moment to sniff the large bouquet of light pink carnations that were in a thin dark green vase in front of your spot at the table. "Mmm, these smell lovely."
Marcus smiled. "I'm glad you like them. Happy Mother's Day, Elena."
You covered his hand with yours and grinned back. "Thanks for all of this. Though the flowers could technically be considered a gift."
"I get some for Reina every year," he reminded you. "Didn't feel right not to give some to you too when you're not getting anything else."
"Are you visiting her this afternoon?" you asked him quietly.
"On the way to the restaurant, after we visit mom," he confirmed, squeezing your fingers with his.
Reina had been Marcus' first wife. The original Mrs. Moreno. She had passed away years before you'd even met Missy in the school library. You'd encouraged Marcus to keep up the tradition he had of visiting her grave around Christmas, her birthday, and Mother's Day, along with Missy, even when things got hectic.
Sometimes you hung back, giving them their privacy, other times you joined them in solemn silence.
You didn't know Reina outside pictures, stories Missy retold of her mother, mentions Marcus made of her, but you felt a kind of connection to her through them. A comradery of sorts, having both shared your lives with them.
There had never been a time where you'd even considered being jealous of her ghost. You knew Marcus loved you both, equally and differently at the same time, neither able to replace the other. And you were grateful to her even, after all, you wouldn't have Missy in your life if she'd never given birth to her. You couldn't imagine what the last five years or so of your life would've looked like if Reina had never existed.
A coworker had once asked you if you could bring Reina back if you would do it, and you'd said of course without hesitation. Even though it was a loaded question, the answer was easy because you knew how much Marcus and Missy still mourned her, and you'd have loved to meet her. You wouldn't let fear or insecurity make you selfish. You refused to have them, and you loved your family too much for that.
"Dig in before the eggs get cold," Missy warned, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You nodded and reached for the pan of scrambled eggs that was thoroughly mixed with herbs which made them look more tempting than ever. "They look perfect, Missy."
She shrugged. "I've gotten a lot of practice in college."
Though Missy was currently living in a dorm most days, she got cooking experience through the cafeteria job she'd picked up on campus at the tail end of the previous semester.
You took a good share of the eggs, though you made sure to leave enough for the rest of your family and shoved a mouthful into your mouth with your fork.
You closed your eyes and hummed at the delectable taste of them. "Holy...cow Missy. These are amazing! That's not standard for a college campus."
"I mix it up when they let me."
"I'll try not to take offense that you've never said that when I cook," Marcus teased.
"You have plenty of other talents," you assured him.
Some of which would be very inappropriate to mention here, you thought.
The way he grinned at you after, you were certain his mind had gone there too.
Later. Definitely later. Once you had privacy and the kids weren't likely to interrupt.
For now you were going to enjoy the family you both had cultivated together.
Visiting Reina's grave never really got easier for Marcus, but this visit was one of the hardest in a long time, even with Missy by his side and you and Teo waiting in the car.
This particular Mother's Day marked ten years of the holiday without Reina's presence. It meant Missy was well into having spent most of her life without her mother around.
That thought pained Marcus deeply as he set the flowers in his hands, ones identical to the batch he'd given you earlier, up against her headstone.
When he backed away a couple feet Missy stepped forward and kissed a couple of her fingers before pressing them against the top of the gray granite. "Miss you, mom."
Marcus felt his heart plummet at her soft, solemn words. For the first time in years tears threatened to surface.
No words were able to form on his lips, none he could think of seemed appropriate, so he thought about Reina instead.
He'd been training in the Heroics gym shirtless when they first met. She walked in all professional in a pencil skirt and white blouse, long dark hair pulled back in the tightest possible ponytail, not even batting an eye at the sight of his young sweaty form pounding on the punching bag before him.
"Mrs. Moreno wants to see you," she'd stated plainly.
"Hey," he'd greeted her, halting his activities and wiping the sweat off his forehead with a nearby towel. "Are you the new secretary?"
"Yeah, I am," she replied, pausing, "Sorry, it was rude of me not to introduce myself first. I'm Reina."
Marcus stuck out his right hand and she shook it. "Nice to meet you, Reina. I'm Marcus."
"I know," she said, "Your reputation proceeds you. Top of your Heroics class and your mother told me you're aiming for leadership someday."
He frowned. "She did now, huh?" His mother had been suggesting he take her place from the start of his training to be a Heroic. She claimed he would be a great leader, but he still wasn't convinced after a decade of hearing it.
Reina must have heard the change of tone in his voice. "Is it not true?"
"It's an option," he told her. "I'm just not sure I'd be good at it. If I even want to be the leader."
She nodded. "It's not an easy choice."
"Speaking from experience?"
She shook her head yes. "My father's a lawyer. He was expecting me to lead his legal team someday. Instead I moved away from the countryside, to the city to be a little ol' secretary."
"You like the job?" Marcus asked.
She smiled, and it suddenly occurred to him that it just might be the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen. "Yeah. Your mother is nice to work for. Honest, brutally sometimes, but not mean. And I like the idea of helping you Heroics do your job, since I don't have powers myself."
"You don't need to be powered to be a Heroic," Marcus informed her. "Yes, the team's all powered at the moment, but there are no rules against non-powered people from joining."
"I'm more of a behind the scenes person," she said.
"I can respect that. We need people like you. You and the other secretaries are the backbone of this team."
She looked surprised. "You really think so?"
"We couldn't do our job without you," he added.
She smiled again, and he felt something akin to his stomach flipping witnessing it. "Thanks, Marcus. It's nice to hear. Can I tell Mrs. Moreno you're on your way?"
"Yeah," he said. "Is it an emergency, or can I shower first?"
"No emergency," Reina answered. "I'll tell her you'll be up in ten."
Marcus nodded. "Yeah, I'll be ready by then."
"Perfect," she said with a nod before spinning away on her six inch heels.
He watched her go, fully realizing he was interested in her, beyond pure physical attraction, but having no idea if they'd have a shot together.
Her looking back at him just as she opened the door to leave the gym space gave him hope.
"How was today?" Marcus inquired as he walked over to Reina, who was standing on their apartment balcony, apparently waiting for him to come home from work.
He banded his arms around her from behind and leaned down to press a light kiss to her jaw as his hands found the underneath of the expansive mound at her waist.
"Your daughter has been moving almost constantly all day," she told him, splaying a hand over his, the same one that bore the rings he'd given her the previous year. "And she insists on kicking my ribs at the worst possible times," she added with a hint of exasperation.
"Be nice to your mama, baby," he said sternly to his unborn child as she shifted under his palms.
Or he tried to at least.
Reina chuckled. "Guess I'll be the one disciplining her. Not that I'm surprised."
"You calling me soft?" Marcus asked with mock upset.
She turned in his arms to face him. "You are going to be like putty with her."
"Now, that's going too far."
She grinned at him, brown eyes bright and lively, and curled her arms around his neck so she could guide his head down to her lips for a warm kiss.
"I haven't been wrong about you so far," she whispered after, lips quirking upward.
He couldn't argue with that.
She looked as beautiful as ever, skating alongside little seven-year-old Missy, holding her hand gently and giggling as they both tried to keep themselves from falling over on the rough surface of the frozen lake.
Her hair hadn't grown back in well, so she was wearing a wig but it looked normal enough, she looked normal enough that Marcus could enjoy the moment, soak in the sight of Reina enjoying the sunny winter day with her daughter, despite it being as bitter cold as it was.
Watching her, watching them that day, Marcus had a hard time comprehending that his wife was dying right in front of him and he couldn't do anything to stop it.
For months he'd been at her side, every step of the way, holding her hand, her hair, as she suffered through radiation and chemo and a mastectomy, all in hope that it would cure her illness.
All of it had been for naught, her doctor having told her last month that they had no more options, that the cancer had spread to a whole slew of different places in her body, including her brain.
She could've continued chemo to prolong her life a little longer, but Reina had decided to choose quality over quantity. She hadn't wanted to live out her final days feeling as sick as chemo made her, so she stopped going to get treatments.
Marcus could only respect her wishes. He knew he would want the same put in her position, and a day like this was worth a lot more than a hundred of her lying in bed hardly able to move or clinging to the toilet bowl.
She caught him watching and they shared beaming smiles, hers natural, his a bit more forced, but it was still wonderful.
Going to the mountain lake for one last family trip had been her idea, and as per usual she'd been right.
They'd all needed it, and that was the memory Marcus had clung to most the week, the month, the year after her death.
That last truly good memory always made him smile through the tears.
And as he often did, he made a silent promise never to forget it that particular Mother's Day. To never forget her, as she was meant to be.
It was ten minutes before Marcus and Missy joined you and Teo in the car again, as usual more subdued than when they'd left it.
Missy buckled herself back into the seat next to Teo's as you rested a hand on Marcus' cheek, rubbing a thumb over it comfortingly. You could still see the lingering grief in his eyes, freshened by the visit to Reina's grave.
"You okay?"
He grabbed your hand and kissed the top of it, his love for you surging. "With you, always."
He slowly let go of your hand so you could rest it on your lap and you smiled softly. You had no doubt of how important you were to him, but it was still the best feeling to hear it.
He poured it into an intimate kiss you shared later on, after you got back home and the kids raced into the house together, anxious to rewatch a movie they both enjoyed together in Missy's old bedroom.
"You are the best wife I could've ever asked for," he told you, his mouth hovering just over yours, his hands on your hips. "Certainly the best mother."
"Just like Reina," you said, without a tinge of insecurity to it.
"I've been so damn lucky," he murmured, bumping his nose against yours, the edges of your glasses also hitting. "I got to share some of my life with her, and now I get to spend the rest of it with you. Two amazing women who gave me two wonderful kids. I'm beyond grateful."
"How much so?" you inquired, a playfulness to your words. Your hands traveled from his shoulders to his soft stomach, just above the waistline of his pants, fingers grazing the top of his belt buckle.
He hummed with peaking interest as he observed their new, tantalizing placement. "Way beyond."
You grinned widely at him. "Wanna take a shower with me?"
"Have I ever said no?"
You chuckled at that and guided him anxiously into the house to sneak past Missy's bedroom.
The sun may have set, but as far as you were concerned, your Mother's Day celebration was hardly near its end.
And you had a feeling it would be one of those nights not to be forgotten.
Tagged: @harriedandharassed
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There: 5.3
"Oh? I didn't realize I would have visitors today," a mysterious blonde entered the cave, and you tensed despite the pain shooting through your shoulder.
"Oh, hey Albedo!" Paimon greeted in a cheerful voice.
"Aether, may I inquire to the reasons you've stopped by?  I don't recall sending for you recently."  Albedo set his bag on the table and unloaded it's contents haphazardly. He handled his drawings with care, unlike the rest of the vials and glasses of unknown substances.
"We were running from the Fatui," he scratched his head and avoided the alchemist's knowing smirk.
"I'm not even surprised at this point.  Why, you seem to have a honing instinct when it comes to--" His eyes landed on your bloody shoulder.  "--them.  Are you alright, Miss?"
"Me?"  It was a stupid response considering you were the only girl in the room, but his sudden shift in attention threw you off.  "U-uh, yeah.  Bennett patched me up."
"Hi, Albedo!"  Bennett waved excitedly at the familiar Mondstatian.
Albedo returned with a nod, and walked towards you.  "If you don't mind, I would like to take a look at your injury."
"Oka--Ow!"  You bit your tongue when he quickly placed a hand against your injured arm without exercising much caution.  Xiao took a step toward him in response.  
"Apologies." Albedo removed his hand and caught the sudden amber glow that enveloped your eyes, and leaned forward to inspect them.  His supposed guilt for agitating your wound was instantly transformed into curiosity.
H-he's really close, you found yourself leaning backwards to ensure a safe distance from his face.
"That's peculiar," he commented, seemingly more interested in your glowing eyes than your injury now.  "I haven't seen anything like this before.  May I run some tests?"
"What kind of tests?"  Xiao's protectiveness took over and he hid you behind him.  First the Fatui, and now this stranger?  Just how many people were after the two of you?
"Don't worry, he's safe," Paimon teased the concerned yaksha and immediately earned a glare from him.
"For the most part," Bennett and Aether finished under their breaths and made nervous eye contact.
"A simple experiment for the sake of science," Albedo stood and gathered a few cotton swabs from one of the cabinets, then a small needle.  He carefully sanitized it before returning to you.  "Are you also like Aether?"  He only referred to the otherworldliness of the traveler.
"No, I'm from Teyvat."  You watched him as he placed swiped a cotton swab against the drying blood on your shoulder.  He in turn watched for a reaction in your eyes, but found nothing.  He repeated the same procedure, this time closer to your pulsating stitches.  Your muscles tensed at the faint dull pain.  A faint glow emanated in your irises and even though it was barely noticeable he still managed to catch it.
"I see," he nodded to your answer and placed the swabs in separate vials.  Then, while you were still focused on his face, grabbed the small needle.  He turned to face you again.  "How long have your eyes been doing that?"
"Not that long," you caught Xiao's silent warning of 'do not speak of this' out of the corner of your eye.  "Er, I don't know."
Albedo also glanced in the direction of the man that was so obviously overprotective of you and realized the two of you had the exact same eye color.  He didn't say anything about that, though.  "I see."  He quickly pricked your shoulder with the needle when you had your guard down, and you almost backhanded him out of pure instinct.
"Ow!"  You glared at him, and annoyance bubbled inside you when he smiled back in both satisfaction and awe.  
"Experiment one is complete."  He stood and made his way to the table with the three vials of cotton swabs.  Then he proceeded to pour separate liquids into each, shake them gently, and place them back down on the table.  He watched the mixtures settle.
"What do you mean, 'complete?'" You growled and dabbed the miniscule blood off of your skin.
"Your eyes glow in response to pain," he stated simply as he eyed the vials.  "A strange reaction that is tied to a human's fight-or-flight response.  I wonder what else they react to."  Once the mixtures settled, he inspected them with the utmost attention.  He wrote his notes down on a sheet of paper.
"Well?"  Aether joined him at the table.
"May I take a sample from you as well?"  Albedo immediately turned to Xiao, who stood to your left.
"No."  I don't like this at all.  His eyes downcast to you, conflicted.
"Alright, then.  Do your eyes also glow?"
Albedo looked to you for confirmation, and you shook your head.  Hm, perhaps it is just a coincidence that they have the same eyes, then.  He returned his gaze to the samples.  "What strange results," he murmured to himself.  "You say you are human, yet your blood..."  It isn't like mine or Aether's DNA, either.  What biological component resides within you, I wonder?  "I cannot say for certain what is within you without conducting more experiments, but seeing as though you are running from Fatui, I suppose I'll have to wait for a more opportune time.  Please, return while you have a spare moment."
"Your cover was blown?"  Signora raised a brow at her fellow harbinger.  "How did you manage that, Childe?"
"The target managed to convince the others that I'm being dishonest with my intentions.  I can't continue with them further," he lied through his teeth.  While it didn't play out as he had intended, it most definitely resulted in the rest of the adventure team's knowledge of the Fatui's plans if they hadn't known already.
"The Tsaritsa approved my plans," the woman peered down over the balcony.  "Your failure to keep our operation a secret will not impact them, but be aware they'll come back to bite you later."
"There's one other thing.  She received a vision."
"A vision?"  This brought her gaze back to Childe.  "From who?"
"The Tsaritsa.  Was that part of the plan?"
"Not at all," her eyes narrowed in the direction of Snezhnaya.  "What was she--No, no matter.  The plan shall proceed.  A little birdie told me the target and her little posse will be staying here for the time being.  We'll strike tonight," Signora surveyed the City of Mondstat beneath her.
The adventure team entered Angel's share as the sun set behind the hills.  Bennett had gone to check on all his dads at the adventure guild.  The tavern was teeming with the chatter of loud drunkards, melodies of a lone bard near the entrance, and the clinking of glasses.  Oh, and the hiccups of an incredibly drunk young boy that sat at the bar.
"Ah, the delicious--hic-- wine of Mondstat never ceases to amaze me!"  The boy raised his glass in the air, nearly spilling it over the rim.  His red cheeks provided a striking contrast to his green clothing choice.
Diluc stood on the other end of the barrier with an unamused yet slightly impressed expression.  He noticed your team's entering, and let out an exasperated sigh.  "This is glass fifty-two.  It's been less than half an hour since he started."
"H-How is that possible?!"  You stammered in concern.  "And why is he allowed to drink? He's practically Bennett's age!"
"U-Uh, well you see,"  Paimon fidgeted.  "He has a very high alcohol tolerance!"
Noticing your still-confused expression, Aether leaned in to whisper in your ear, "I'll explain later."  The noise that floated around the room concealed his words from Venti.
"Need anything to drink? Non-alcoholic of course," Diluc's eyes scanned the group until they landed on Xiao.
"I don't drink."  The yaksha left the group to sit at a table in a secluded corner.
"Not very sociable today," Paimon mused.  
"You received a vision," Diluc caught the glint of the pendant hanging from your belt loop.  "Congratulations."
"Thank you!"  You watched as he excused himself to pour a customer another drink.
"Ah, Trav--hic--eler!  It's so good to see you again!"  The boy noticed Aether's presence and waved you all over.  
"Hey Venti," Aether greeted with a slightly nervous grin.  "Long time no see."
"Yes!  Are you old enough to try the--hic-- wine yet? Oh?" His eyes looked to you.  "Hello! Are you a friend of Aether's?  Why don't we all share a drink together?"
"Oh, I'm not twenty-one just yet," you declined, eyes flitting to Xiao.  "Excuse me."
You sat across from Xiao and struggled to come up with small talk. He had been quieter than usual ever since you showed your vision to the group.  "What's on your mind?"
It took several minutes of prodding for him to finally respond to you.  "What were you doing in the moments that led to you receiving the vision?"
"What was I doing?" You were taken aback, but not surprised that he was still cynical of the circumstances.  "Well..." I was trying to protect you.  You wanted to convey those words but were still embarrassed of your actions.  Maybe you didn't deserve a god's recognition for barging into danger like it was normal.  A glum expression took over your face as you slumped in your seat.  You glanced up at him, only to find his cheeks slightly tinged red and that he was avoiding your eyes.  "What?"
"You really are one of the incompetent ones," he grumbled loud enough for you to hear.  
That's when you remembered he could hear every single prayer and wish about him.  It was your turn to blush now.  "U-Uh...um.  I didn't mean any of that!"  
Xiao's eyes flicked to yours, completely unconvinced of your lie.  "Of course."  You hung your head in embarrassment.
"I--Uh," you stood from your seat.  "I'm going to get some air!"  You climbed the stairs to the balcony on the second floor and shut the door behind you.
The cool air of the early night seemed to wipe away the stench of alcohol that had already begun to cling to your clothes.  It was a peaceful evening, what with the bright stars that shone in the sky and the occasional drunk laughter that leaked from the balcony door into the open air.  You admired the constellations for awhile until you felt the air get colder and heard the creaking of a floorboard to your right.  
"Sh--You scared me!"  You let out a nervous laughter when you saw the woman rise from her balcony seat.  "Sorry, I thought I was the only one up here."
"It's easy to be caught off-guard when you're distracted," the woman's lips curled upward slightly.  She made her way toward you, and you could finally make out the details of her figure.
She's dressed a little too formal for a tavern, you noted, yet you still admired how pretty she was.  White hair tied into an updo, a flowing gown that showed off her bust, she was downright gorgeous.  Still, you couldn't help but shiver.  Why was the air so chilly all of a sudden?
"You're not from around here," the woman observed.  "What brings you to Mondstat?"
"I," you started feeling uncomfortable in this dark setting, but didn't want to be rude. "I'm just passing through.  And you?  You don't look like you're from Mondstat."  You crossed your arms to trap the remaining warmth from the tavern around your body.  This woman showed more skin than you, but she didn't appear bothered in the slightest.
"An excellent observation on your part."  She stopped once she was maybe two feet from you.  "We were also passing through.  Isn't that right, Childe?"
Your blood ran cold in an instant, and Signora watched your face pale with satisfaction.
"I think I like it better in Liyue if I'm being honest," the voice you didn't want to hear greeted from behind your ear.  When did he get so close?  "Ambition over freedom.  But nothing compares to the beauty of our homeland."
You spun on your heel and simultaneously began to manifest a polearm in your nondominant hand.  You weren't quick enough, and Childe caught your arm.  Your heartbeat rushed in your ears as time appeared to slow down.
"You're still injured," Childe flashed a proud smile at the sight of the wound he had given you.  "You can't fight."
"Xia--!"  You opened your mouth to scream, but a feminine hand covered your mouth and restrained you.  It all happened too quick for your mind to comprehend, and the next thing you knew, she opened a portal in midair and was dragging you towards it.  Xiao!  Help!
"Prepare yourself, Childe," Signora warned.
"It'd be my pleasure," he conjured his blades and faced the door right as it was kicked down with a powerful force.  Xiao and Aether burst through.
"Let her go!"  Aether charged at Childe, giving Xiao the chance to aim for Signora's head.
"Xiao!" You managed to pull Signora's hand off your mouth and stretched your arm out to him.
He pushed off the balcony towards you, and was instead greeted by the hollow night air.  He crashed into the ground and sprung to his feet again.  The portal had closed.  Childe was gone.
You were gone.
Up Next:  Darkness, a meeting with an archon, and a quartet of harbingers.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
glutton for pain matt murdock x reader
+++++++++ Request from @juniebugg matt gives boxing lessons; trying to help the reader defend herself without realizing she already knows how.
* - it is not smut but does hint at it/talks about past events
Song: break angels by AFI
tag list: @cynic-spirit @juniebugg +++++++++
I opened the door to Fogwells and made a face at the smell. It was just like I remembered it, sweat and rubber from the gym mats and boxing gloves. I never thought I'd find myself back in this place but I was desperate. And according to foggy this is what matt had been doing in his free time: boxing for sport.
"Ah, so this is where you always run off to."
I said, spotting matt by himself in the corner, shadow boxing.
He said matter-of-factly, slowly dropping his hands and readjusting the gloves straps around his wrists.
"Hi Matt."
"Hey, uh, how've you been?"
He sounded more startled than anything. But then again I was probably the last person he thought he'd hear from today.
"Not too bad. And yourself?"
I asked, slowly making my way to the boxing ring.
"Good, good, uh training a lot."
I nodded, motioning to him as he leaned against the lower rope.
"I see that."
There was a pause before he took a slow step towards me.
"What are you doing here?"
I sighed out a laugh.
"Well a little birdie told me I might find you here and, well, I was thinking I could maybe get private lessons?"
He raised a brow, moving to take the gloves off.
"From me?"
I laughed.
"Who else?"
His head hung low for a moment.
"Oh uh right."
I watched him intently as he shuffled in his spot in the middle of the ring.
"What do you say Matt? I know things between us ended pretty smoothly, no hard feelings, but would you consider throwing me around again?"
He raised his brows and We both laughed.
"In a strictly professional manner?"
He inquired, amused, and I side nodded.
"Guess we'll have to see where the day takes us."
I hissed as my back hit the mat again.
"You're throwing your punches."
He said a little cocky, shaking his hands out.
"Is that right?"
I tested, standing up and assuming the position.
"Yeah, it is."
He stared bluntly and I grinned.
"Then show me how it's done hot shot."
he lamented, throwing a punch my way and catching my shoulder. i grunted harshly at the contact and retaliated immediately. i was playing this whole time and was already tired of it. an hour had gone by and he wasn't teaching me anything i didn't already know, and i knew he could do so much more. not that he knew that. so i did what anyone would do. when i went to throw another punch i calculated his next move, grabbed his arm, and flipped him onto his back. he groaned, leaning up on his elbows and and sending me a look.
"you needed lessons huh?"
he said and i laughed.
"i never said i needed them. just that i wanted them."
he laughed, falling back onto his back and rolling his head back and forth.
"i should've guessed you where here for more."
he said before rolling off the mat, and taking his gloves off.
"what? we weren't done!"
i yelled after him, smiling wickedly as he put his gloves in his bag.
"oh i think we are."
i shook my head, getting down and following him to the locker room.
"oh come on Matty, this was fun. i can hardly remember the last time i got you this worked up."
he stopped walking, pointing to me as i took one last step closer to him.
"oh i can, i wound up tied to a chair covered in sweat and god knows what else."
i laughed as he turned back around, me following him.
"okay, from what i remember you enjoyed yourself that night. and it wasn't just sweat. if you recall i finished you three times, and then some."
he sighed, stopping in his tracks.
"yeah that part was great, it was what happened afterwards that wasn't."
i rolled my eyes before pushing him into the wall and looking over his face intently.
"you know i had nothing to do with that."
he grabbed my arms lightly before spinning us around and pushing me into the wall instead. he got very close to my face.
"then why did you leave?"
i looked between his eyes.
"i didn't have a choice."
he swallowed hard.
"you've always had a choice."
"not when it came to you. they knew i needed you. i had to leave."
he sighed and i leaned forward, waiting for him to pull away but he didn't. so i moved in more and kissed him gently.
"i really did love you."
he said quietly and i kissed his cheek.
"and i you. and if im being honest i still do."
he hummed.
"you know we cant do this. not again."
i sighed, reaching up and stroking his face lightly.
"not even one innocent go around?"
he let out a genuine laugh.
"with you, things never go innocently."
i smirked, kissing his jaw before biting him lightly.
"then lets play. just once."
he shook his head, stepping backwards.
"maybe its best we stick to boxing."
i sighed, crossing my arms over my chest and falling back into the wall in defeat.
"we shall see."
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icequeenbae · 3 years
Desert Flower (m) Ch. 3 | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader x Baëkhyun
Characters: EXO and X-EXO (not all of them mentioned)
EXO vs X-EXO dynamics, complicated relationships, angsty, action, smut (as usual)
Warnings: sorta mingling with your ex’s ‘evil twin’, mentions of blood/ violence (nothing too graphic… I suppose), Y/N gets teary a lot(?), explicit content, rough sex, unprotected sex
Word Count: ~13.5k (full), ~4.5k (Chapter 3)
Summary: Baekhyun, your beloved boyfriend of three years, suddenly breaks up with you and disappears from the city in an attempt to protect you. But leaving you alone and clueless means trouble will surely find you. For it is easy to spot a flower in the desert.
Masterlist   >> One >> Two (m) >> Three (m) >> Four (fin)
Author’s Note: Heyy! How’re you guys doing so far?^^ Sooo, this chapter is the longest of all since the story begins to unfold here! The next one is the finale already, and it’s going to be pretty epic, dare I say;) Let me know what kind of plot twists you’re anticipating! 💥
Tags: @blahblahblah-boo @baeklightsx @wooya1224 @baekklove​
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Chapter 3. The little birdie told me
For an entire week after you first had sex, you’d stayed away. You felt guilty and foolish for letting that happen. Was he a rebound? Was it even acceptable that you did it with your ex-boyfriend’s twin? Could you live with yourself, knowing what he tasted like, or how his voice became gruff as he really got into it? And, worst of all, you wanted to experience that again. You were virtually ashamed to recall the night you’d spent with him, his roughness that left bruises (not entirely unpleasant), his bossiness that made you come out of your own shell to take what you wanted, what you needed, from him. Thinking back to the way you slammed yourself onto his thighs, or how he then folded you in half and made you come, or the name-calling… It was unbearable because despite believing that you’d made a shameless mistake, you wanted to make it all over again. You wanted to feel his prickly touch on your skin, and his prurient eyes not missing a single curve of your body. You wanted to be pushed by him, and you couldn’t understand the nature of any of those desires. Was it because you’d developed feelings for him? Or because he offered you such a pleasant way of self-destruction?
In his hands, you fell apart and reassembled. Not entirely the same, but then how could you be? The person who broke you had left for good, taking pieces of your puzzle with him. It seemed like a better option than to stay depressed and waiting to be fixed, ending up never achieving completeness.
Baëkhyun wasn’t a perfect fit for you, nor was he someone to heal your pain with the tenderness of his own heart. But only with him, you felt these strong emotions again. Only with him your heart was not aching but fluttering again, excited by the dangerous smirk he was wearing, and the predatory eyes that promised to devour you in the most delectable ways possible.
You stayed away, contemplating your decision and the rationale for it. The questions in your head seemed never-ending. Were you subconsciously trying to get back at Baekhyun? Were you replacing him? Or maybe you were just this quick in finding someone else to hand your still-broken heart over to? Baëkhyun did not seem like the guy who’d want it. He was kind of a bad guy, if you could even be the judge of that. Yet he had never actually hurt you, and he did not like to see you upset, even when it was over someone else.
Or because it was over someone else.
And although you didn’t consider him to be boyfriend material, you decided to give it a try. Not at all expecting it to be a relationship – you weren’t ready for a new one anyway. Still, you wanted to continue this unusual arrangement. Or so you’d been telling yourself when you texted him to come over after a week of radio silence.
As easy as it was for you to grow attached to him as your strange relationship quickly progressed, it should have been a warning sign. Baëkhyun kept asking you about the boys, the time you spent with Baekhyun at their base, and the stuff they’d told you about. And it wasn’t like you just spilled all the secrets – he usually asked about completely random stuff that seemed quite harmless to reveal.
But he was also a strategist. And you had no idea how powerful his mind was.
You laid your head on Baëkhyun’s chest, still hot and sweaty after the hours spent roughing up the bed. He stayed with you this time, arm wrapped around your waist intimately.
‘I didn’t expect you to be a natural,’ he hummed out of nowhere.
‘Hm?’ You turned slightly in his hold.
‘You’re getting pretty good at going after what you want. Will suit you well, being a little bad, birdie.’
‘Birdie?’ He met your curious eyes and chuckled, pressing you closer into his side.
‘Ain’t it accurate? You’re like a baby bird that I’m teaching how to fly.’ He stared for a moment. ‘You shouldn’t be down because of anyone anymore. I’d take personal offense if you are,’ he accentuated.
The uninvited warmth seeped into you, and you nuzzled his neck in a fit of affection.
‘Maybe you have to teach me more,’ you teased. ‘Scratch that. Teach me more.’
‘Now you’re just greedy,’ he sneered. ‘But I don’t mind.’
He allowed you to place a few kisses onto the side of his neck, before catching your hand, tracing his V-line down.
‘As much as I enjoy wrecking you, I don’t think you can take any more today.’
‘Aw, worried about me?’ You mocked, biting onto his collarbone playfully.
He squeezed your ass cheek in response.
‘Don’t test me. If you like a little more pain, it can be arranged. But not like this. It’s not what you truly want.’
‘How do you know that it’s not,’ you whined, as he patted your ass.
‘I know you, birdie. And I have a feeling that you’ve learned more about yourself in the last month than in the years prior. Care to give me some credit?’ His icy blue eyes gleamed in the dim lighting.
‘I really wanna blow you right now,’ you deadpanned. Baëkhyun was so, so alluring with that sexy hoarse laugh of his.
‘Wake me up with it tomorrow. If you want it that much.’
But the morning of slow lustful awakening didn’t come – instead, you awoke in an empty bed, alone. Brushing your teeth and washing up quickly, you headed to the kitchen to find your lover... And froze on the spot as soon as you caught bits of the hushed conversation.
‘I’m aware it’s been weeks but building trust takes time, you know? She’s already told me so much-’ Baëkhyun stopped mid-sentence, supposedly interrupted, and sighed. ‘Don’t. I’ll bring her in myself. Yes, I got it, Suhø. I’ll drag her in if I have to.’
You felt anxiety rise at his words, cold sweat breaking. Was he- talking about you? Or was he ‘building trust’ with some other girl? No, that was bound to be you. And who was he conversing with?
Everything was unclear, but your intuition had you tiptoeing back and walking from the bathroom to the kitchen a little louder this time. He finished his call as soon as you entered the kitchen.
‘Hey,’ he beamed at you as if the previous conversation did not take place.
‘Morning,’ you forced a little smile. ‘Were you talking to someone?’
‘Just now? Yeah,’ you feigned curiosity and wrapped your arms around his waist to avoid raising suspicion with your weird behavior or the slight nervous tremor in your hands. ‘Actually, I wanted to take you out today. You can meet some of my friends.’
‘Today?’ He nodded and you blinked, trying to come up with an excuse and fast. ‘Where?’
‘You’ll see. It’s not exactly in the city, so don’t dress all fancy,’ his hand settled on the small of your back.
It was clear now that earlier he had been talking to someone about bringing you in. And having your trust, which, obviously, was his goal from the very beginning. You realized that you needed to slip out carefully.
‘Um, about that… My friend from uni just called. She woke me up, actually. Asked to meet up today, and I already said yes, so…’ You trailed off.
‘Can’t you reschedule? We really should go tonight, while everyone’s in the neighborhood.’
‘Oh,’ you chewed on your lip. ‘She’s going through a rough time, so I have to meet her today. Sorry,’ you added, acting guilty.
He frowned, deep in thought.
‘Can we go after?’ He suggested. ‘I can pick you up in the evening.’
Biting your tongue, you weighed your options carefully. You did not want to alert him as to your attempt to shake him off your tail.
‘Yeah. Sure,’ you forced a smile on your face. ‘I’ll text you when I head back home for a change of clothes, and then we can go.’
‘Perfect,’ he smiled again, before pecking your lips. ‘I’ll head out for a few hours then,’ you nodded, walking him to the door.
Before Baëkhyun opened it, he turned around, catching you by surprise, and kissed you properly. The way he rarely kissed you outside your sex marathons. Deeply, full of… some kind of emotion? You couldn’t really grasp it, but your mind blanked out for a few seconds and you responded. Whimpering into his demanding mouth as his arms hugged you tightly to his body, you felt so tiny and defenseless, almost needy for his protection. But that was a deceiving sentiment.
‘Stay safe, little birdie,’ he whispered into your lips. ‘I’ll be waiting for your message. Don’t make me wait too long.’
‘Okay,’ you promised, and he finally walked out.
Closing the door, you let out a shaky sigh.
You were fucked.
At first, you almost had a panic attack, breath growing shallow and erratic. Having no idea what to do or how to get yourself out of this, you grabbed your phone and dialed the only number you could think of in this situation.
‘Please, Baekhyun,’ you whispered. ‘I’m so scared-’
But he was unavailable again.
Almost sobbing at the automatic answer, you dropped the phone and looked around. There was no one to help you, so you had to save yourself now. Wiping the tears, you grabbed your backpack and started shoving the most important items in it. Your documents, phone, wallet. A change of clothes. A pepper spray you found on your roommate’s shelf, which, you supposed, would be useless against someone like Baëkhyun. But did you have any other option? You had no powers and you would definitely not stand a chance against him in combat. Baekhyun used to train you a little, but you couldn’t even touch him in sparring unless he let you.
It was apparent that your only option was to run. So you did.
You jumped into the first cab you could get and asked the driver to head to the railway station. Making a mistake of not looking at him, you got onto your phone to try and figure out where to go from there. You didn’t notice that the car wasn’t even going in the right direction – not until it was taking a sharp turn right, off the main road, and onto the vacant plot of land, shielded from the road by a line of trees.
‘Excuse me, where are we going?’ You asked, looking around in confusion, finally paying attention.
‘I think we should take the quicker means of transportation, don’t you, Y/N?’ You saw a pair of oddly colored eyes in the mirror, and then the driver turned to face you.
‘J- Jongin?’ You gasped. ‘What’s wrong with your-’
‘It’s Kāi, darling,’ he chuckled, reaching for your arm.
Operating on instinct, you dodged his hand and attempted to open the door. It was locked.
‘Tsk. I thought we’d do it the nice way. Hyung asked me, after all,’ he tutted. ‘But I don’t think you’re willing to work with me here,’ he gritted that last part, suddenly pouncing at you through the space between the driver’s and passenger’s seats.
You screamed and struggled, and then…
It was a blur.
Like movie scenes, your surroundings were changing around you rapidly, too fast for you to catch anything. It may have lasted a split second, but made you so dizzy that you shut your eyes to battle it. When you finally opened them again, your vision was still foggy – the entire surroundings spinning. Kāi let go of your arm, allowing you to stumble forward and barely get a hold of a vertical surface before releasing the contents of your stomach onto the ground.
‘I told you to be gentle with her. She’s not used to teleporting.’ Unmistakably, it was Baëkhyun’s voice.
‘I brought her here in one piece. See arms or legs missing? No? That’s about as gentle as I get.’ The taller one rolled his eyes.
Baëkhyun approached you, a frown on his face, and helped get your hair out of your face despite your weak protests.
‘Let’s get you inside,’ he said, holding you up by the shoulders when your insides were finally done doing flips.
‘Don’t touch me,’ you coughed, pressing your side into the wall to get away from the physical contact.
‘Y/N, please. Just do as you’re told if you don’t want to be hurt.’ You looked up at him, angry at yourself for being this dumb, but also upset because your trust was again broken.
And even though you kept telling yourself that you and Baëkhyun only had ‘a casual thing’ going on, it did hurt. It hurt like a motherfucker, because you were used by a person you... fell in love with. You didn’t understand much of their plan yet, but something told you that it was all meant to hurt another person you loved.
Your feelings had always clouded your judgment. And now you’d gotten yourself into a completely lose-lose situation.
‘Don’t look at me like that,’ Baëkhyun pursed his lips. ‘You shouldn’t have tried to run away.’
‘Right. Bad little birdie for thinking of self-preservation and for once seeing someone for what he is,’ you mocked frustratedly.
‘I’m truly wondering how you restrain yourself from slapping her.’ You heard Kāi muse from behind Baëkhyun. ‘Maybe you should head in, and I’ll teach her how to cooperate, hyung.’
‘Let’s go,’ the blonde one grabbed your wrist and nodded to his crude green-haired companion. ‘Lead the way.’
You had no choice but to allow him to drag you into the building. Only then you noticed that it was somewhere you’d been before – the base previously utilized by Baekhyun and the boys. Before they abandoned it, of course. It looked different and foreign now, the hallways long and dark as you were taken to the bigger room with a round table, where the others were waiting.
At that point you saw their faces, struck by the similarities all of them bore to the squad you used to know. Your head was spinning again.
‘H- how? Who are you?’ You managed, taking in the unfamiliar variations of familiar faces.
‘So, I take it he didn’t educate her on the clones?’ Chanyeol, or at least someone who looked like him, sneered.
‘What clones? I thought-’
You were interrupted by Baëkhyun, who cleared his throat and announced.
‘She’s here, let’s begin.’
‘Don’t act like we’re not the ones who had to wait while you played with your target,’ someone scoffed from the farther side of the table.
‘Shut up, Chën.’ The silvery-white head shot a glare in his direction, eyes going from grayish blue to a darker shade. ‘Suhø,’ he turned to the red-haired man.
‘Well, well,’ he got up from his chair. ‘If it isn’t the Y/N. To be honest, you should thank Baëkhyun for having so much patience – our first idea was to kidnap and torture you for intel.’
Your eyes flicked back to Baëkhyun’s profile, but he didn’t spare you a glance.
‘Oh, I see you’re still looking for comfort in a familiar face. That’s not part of the plan. Baëkhyun, step out.’
The strategist’s head turned at the leader’s words.
‘Get out of the room. I don’t need her to think she has someone to count on here.’
‘I told you we’re not going to kill her, only use her.’ You swallowed, realizing your heart was beating somewhere in your throat at this announcement.
‘Suhø,’ he pressed again.
‘You shouldn’t be so fond of your little toy, you know,’ Chën piped up, cracking his knuckles theatrically.
‘Just lay a finger on her,’ Baëkhyun growled in response, rays of red light escaping from his now tight fists.
‘Yah, we don’t have time for your bullshit,’ Suhø interrupted their bickering. ‘The sooner you get out, the sooner we’re done with her.’
Baëkhyun pursed his lips and gave him a curt nod. Not meeting your despairing eyes, he left you in the room. Alone. With these monsters.
‘Fucking finally,’ Kāi clapped excitedly. ‘Let’s get this show on the road!’
‘Sit her down in that chair,’ someone said and you were pushed down forcefully.
The men started rearranging the room, moving laptops and phones and other stuff closer to you.
‘Hold her down, Sehūn,’ the leader ordered, then gave a nod to Chën.
You barely managed to sit still as he approached, even your knees shaking with panic.
‘What do you want from me?!’ You blurted.
‘Nothing much. We simply need your voice,’ Suhø shrugged and looked at another one of his accomplices. ‘Whenever you’re ready, Xiümin.’
Swallowing hard, you took in his words. You were the bait. To lure out the EXOs, perhaps? Or simply… Baekhyun?
Your heart faltered.
No, no, no. This was a trap, you should’ve known all along. Nevertheless, you allowed them to fool you, giving these men the leverage they needed. You weren’t going to make a sound! Anything to keep the boys away from trouble. Your mind was made up.
‘I have the line. But you have to catch his attention quickly, he’ll hang up fast if you don’t.’
‘No problem,’ the leader affirmed.
Xiümin nodded and used the keyboard to type something into a weird interface. Then turned the speaker on.
A ring sounded, then another one. You prayed that no answer would come, but after the third ring, the call was taken. For a long second, there was silence.
‘If you hang up, Y/N is going to die,’ Suhø began.
You blinked, feeling the angry tears form again, as you pursed your lips to keep your pitiful sobs in.
‘Talk,’ the speaker responded in what you realized was Minseok’s voice.
‘We have her now. At your old base. Come by sunrise if you want her alive,’ Suhø was concise in his demands. Minseok was silent for a few moments.
‘Why should we believe you? Let her talk if she’s there.’
Everyone turned to you, and you kept chewing on your lip.
‘You heard him.’ The leader referred to you, but you shook your head.
A brutal hand landed a slap across your face and then grabbed you by the hair.
‘Use your voice,’ it was Chën.
You only looked down at the greyish floor, not even blinking when you tasted blood.
‘Y/N, if you are really there, please say something,’ you jolted at the voice.
It was him. It was Baekhyun.
Breathing accelerating and heart racing, you couldn’t help the tears anymore. Wanting to scream and beg for him to come back for you, you kept shaking your head and refusing to make a sound.
‘I guess she’s not willing to make it easy on herself. Chën,’ Suhø tilted his head slightly, and you felt hands on you.
Sehūn had you in a headlock now, and Chën grabbed onto your arm with a cruel chuckle, jerking it so violently that you could not contain a wild yell. They let go of you, and you wailed, grabbing onto your numb lifeless limb in horror. You had never broken any bones, so you had no idea if he dislocated it, or fractured it, or worse. The pain was so immense that you couldn’t even register your name being called from the speaker.
‘By sunrise,’ Suhø reminded before they finished the call.
At that very moment, the door flew open.
‘What the fuck?!’ You heard Baëkhyun roar.
Red sparks fell around you as Chën was blasted away from you by a red ball of light.
His eyes were completely black, with red sparks – like those you witnessed attacking your abuser just now – floating angrily in there.
‘Stop this circus!’ Suhø raised his voice as Chën got up, something resembling little bolts of lightning appearing and disappearing around his forearms. ‘Stand down, the both of you. She was being stubborn, and we had to extract a reaction quickly. Your little human will be fine,’ he huffed, as if this was a normal course of action.
‘I’m taking her now,’ Baëkhyun answered firmly, stepping towards you.
‘Not so fast. She is to stay here until they arrive. As leverage.’ Suhø cleared his throat when their strategist wanted to protest. ‘You can keep watch over her yourself, in your room, or we can throw her in the dungeon downstairs and the boys will.’
‘She’ll stay with me,’ he gritted, helping you up gently not to disturb your hurting arm and walking you out of the room.
As soon as the door behind you slammed shut, he gathered you into his arms to carry you to the next destination. You didn’t try to resist, legs too wobbly to walk anyways, so you just cradled your arm and sniffled, at first not even noticing the room he took you in was quite familiar, as Baekhyun used to stay in it.
You sobbed, replaying his voice in your mind. The way he said your name, and how he pushed for you to let him know if you were there, if you were in danger… The stinging in your chest reignited because now he was going to walk right into this ambush because of you. Beginning to cry even harder, you forgot about your damaged arm, and the hurt, and the person who sat you down on the bed and kneeled in front of you.
‘It shouldn’t have been like this, Y/N. They wouldn’t have hurt you-’ He began, touching your hand.
‘Stop it!’ You slapped him in the face angrily. ‘You played with my feelings all this time, and now you’re just using me to hurt people I care about. Do you expect me to believe that you meant no harm? I hate you, Baëkhyun!’
‘I’m sorry,’ he muttered before raising his voice too. ‘But you shouldn’t have been stubborn! Why didn’t you just speak up?’
‘You really don’t understand?’ You asked in awe of his question. ‘You would if you ever loved anyone.’
‘So,’ he looked down at your lap, nudging his cheek with his tongue. ‘Is it Baekhyun? It’s because you still… love him?’
‘Why does it matter? I’m sure you guys, whoever you are, didn’t invite them here to have tea. What are you planning to do with them anyway? Is it about the Red?’
His eyes shot up to yours.
‘You know about the Red Force? He’s seriously dumb – telling you about them and leaving the clone part out!’
‘Yeah, and you’re so smart. Fooled a clueless girl with your great strategizing, well-fucking-done!’ Your words had plenty of bite, and Baëkhyun reacted.
‘Damn right! The only thing I didn’t do well to keep you safe is leaving your stubborn ass in the room with my crew, and it’s still so much better than the initial plan the Red had for you! I’ve kept you alive this long, haven’t I?’ He snapped at you, and you scoffed.
‘The only thing you didn’t- My arm was nearly ripped off, and it hurts like a motherfucker!’
‘Oh, does it now?’ He mocked, and you noticed how his fingers pressed onto certain spots of your arm, easing the pain significantly. ‘Chën could’ve done so much worse to you, Y/N. But this time he just used his knowledge of pressure points responsible for acute pain. And some of his power to shock you through them.’
He removed his fingers and you felt the pain subside, becoming almost irrelevant and foggy.
‘What- So it’s fine? My arm is fine?’ You asked, rubbing it in shock.
‘You’re fine,’ he breathed out, looking away.
For a while, you just sat like that, in complete silence.
‘Baëkhyun,’ you called, voice hoarse from all the crying. ‘Are you- going to kill them?’
He sucked his lower lip into his mouth, thinking your question over.
‘I don’t know. The plan is to capture and hand them over to the Red. There’s no telling what they’ll do to them this time.’
‘Shit,’ you swore, hiding your face in your palms. ‘This is all my fault.’
‘It isn’t. We were on their tail for a while, you just became our bargaining chip.’
Huffing, you hit the mattress with an open palm in a fit of annoyance.
‘Had I not trusted you so stupidly, this wouldn’t have happened!’
‘Oh, birdie,’ he tilted his head to the side, as if talking to a capricious child. ‘The way we met… sparked my interest. And when it was discovered that you used to be… his girlfriend,’ he paused. ‘Suhø wasn’t kidding – the Red suggested that we torture you. But I came up with a different plan, because I-,’ he looked away as if he struggled to continue. ‘I didn’t want them to hurt you.’
The way he stuttered drew your attention. But you weren’t willing to let him in again. Not about to make the same mistake twice. Instead, you kept questioning him.
‘Did you find ways to contact them through me, too?’
Baëkhyun nodded, and you gave him an expectant look. He sighed and elaborated.
‘The strawberry necklace. You told me it was from someone important to you, so I assumed it was Baekhyun, especially since he likes the damn thing. Checked it out when you were asleep because I know what I would’ve done.’
You were still confused as to what he meant.
‘He was tracking you live, so we managed to hack into it and trace the line back to a burner phone. We could not access the location without establishing a direct connection, but we got the number.’
‘I just gave you this one,’ you chuckled bitterly, and his blue eyes dropped to your knees again. ‘And now we’re freaking doomed.’
He shook his head to this. ‘I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but I promise I’ll keep you safe.’
‘You think that’s what I want?! When the person I love gets murdered or worse, all thanks to-’
‘Stop saying that!’ He raised his voice again, hitting the mattress with a fist, red sparks flying everywhere without hurting you. ‘Why do you love him all that much? Didn’t he leave you?’
‘He’s walking into a trap to save me. And he’s a strategist like you, he clearly knows the odds. Are you really asking me why?’
Baëkhyun stared at you, chest heaving, and nostrils flared. It seemed like he wanted to argue, tell you that you were wrong. But instead, he looked away. His voice sounded hollow when he spoke again, eyes a dim shade of blue.
‘Get some rest. Tomorrow’s gonna be a tough day.’
Lying in bed wide awake most of the night, you prayed for a miracle that would somehow save your EXO boys.
>> Chapter 4 [fin]
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A/N: Meet X-EXO ✨ So... What do you think of Baёk at this point? Is he a bad guy or worse? Is Y/N going to make it? Just one chapter left, we’re almost there!! Let’s hope that EXO show up on time yes I'm evil
113 notes · View notes
janeykath318 · 3 years
The Avengers Zoo
“Since when did the Avengers compound become a zoo?” Darcy asked, flabbergasted to see a frog and a porcupine just chilling out while a hairless cat sat in a sunny corner relaxing. Jane had been summoned down to headquarters and she’d begged Darcy to come too.
“Since Loki showed up and decided to cause havoc, as he is wont to do,” Jane sighed. “Everyone is….not human right now.”
“Oh, dear,” Darcy sighed. “Have you figured out who’s who?” 
“Getting there. Hawkeye and Falcon are obvious, The bald eagle has to be Steve, and Thor is a golden retriever, which I have to admit, is kind of fitting.” 
A big yellow dog trotted over to Jane and sat at her feet, tail wagging and tongue lolling. 
“Hey there, big guy!” Darcy greeted. Thor barked and doggy grinned at her. 
“Yeah, it’s good to see you too, pal,” she returned, smiling at him. “Hopefully, we can convince your Bro to undo whatever he did.”
“We think they still have their human minds, but Leo and Jemma are running some tests to verify that,” Jane informed her, leading Darcy to another room, which contained a dozing black bear, a striking panther, an adorable floppy-eared bunny, and three large birds of prey.
Darcy’s jaw dropped and she saluted the bald eagle. 
“Wow, Cap. It’s a good look on you,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes. The eagle-Cap’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t move a muscle. 
Talk about majestic.
The sleek Falcon next to him let out a sound that Darcy took to be a birdish laugh and preened his feathers. 
“Yeah, I see you, Wilson. You’re looking good, too,” she assured him.
Clint-Hawk flapped over to her and squawked a greeting.
“Hey, Clint. How’s the bird life treating you?” She asked, trying not to laugh. “If this wasn’t top secret, I’d have so much good blackmail material on you.” 
Hawkeye gave her a birdie glare and shook his brown feathery head. 
Darcy had to stifle a shriek when two large spiders suddenly dropped down in front of her. Of course, they were much bigger than any natural spider, but Loki had probably done that on purpose.
 “Natasha?” She asked nervously, looking at the one with the red hourglass symbol on its body and thanking her stars she wasn’t arachnophobic. 
The spider blinked at her and waved one of its legs, as if affirming her guess. The other spider was a solid black and much more wiggly than Natasha. 
“Let me guess: Peter?” She queried, laughing at the younger spider’s antics as he shot around webbing everything in sight. 
“Yep,” Jane sighed. “He makes such a mess.”
“King T’Challa looks every bit as regal in panther form as human form,” Darcy commented, watching the panther walking alongside one of the scientists, not making the slightest noise. 
“He’s trying his best to help us figure this out,” Jane said affectionately. “He’s quite brilliant even in large cat form.”
The bunny rabbit hopped over to them and looked up at Darcy intensely. In a flash, she was given a mental image of the transformation moment and all the human identities of the animals. 
“That’s definitely Wanda,” She informed Jane. 
“She showed me who everyone is.” 
One of the other scientists ran over eagerly.
“Ooh. Do tell,” he begged, looking like an excited puppy.
Jane rolled her eyes. 
“Darcy, this is Leo Fitz. He’s helping figure this thing out. Fitz, this is Darcy.”
“Nice to meet you.” 
“Likewise,” Fitz said. 
“Other than the ones we already know, the cat is Dr. Strange, the frog is Bruce Banner, the porcupine is Tony Stark…” She cut off with a giggle and Fitz and Jane grinned at the hilarity of Tony the Porcupine.
“Anyway, Wanda is the rabbit, and the bear is Bucky Barnes, bless his heart.”
Darcy looked over to the bear, who was now awake and watching her with quizzical eyes. 
“I’d stay away from that one,” Fitz advised. “He growls if anyone gets within three meters of him.”
“Poor Bucky really doesn’t like scientists,” Darcy told him. “He knows me. I’ll be okay.”
She walked over and sat down beside Bucky the Bear. He lifted his head, but didn’t growl or lunge at her. 
“Hey, there, Bucky.” She told him. “Can you understand me?”
The big bear head nodded clumsily. 
“Excellent,” Darcy beamed, then sighed, remembering their last very awkward encounter. “Now I can finally clear the air about us without you running off or interrupting me with self-flagellation.” 
Bucky bear made a mournful sound, but Darcy kept on track.
“I thought we had a good thing going, Bucky. The flirting was top-notch and you had me completely wrapped around your little finger. Then we kissed and suddenly, you freaked out and avoided me like I had the plague. It’s okay if you aren’t ready, but I want you to know I’m not scared of you in bear form and I’m not scared of you in human form, either. 
You’re a good man, Bucky Barnes. Believe it or not, you do deserve to be happy. Just think about that, okay?”
She could see Steve’s eagle eye watching them, and The Falcon and The Hawk were also gazing with interest. 
The bear snuffled and looked up at her with soulful eyes that were ridiculously cute in a large beast like him. 
Darcy had a strong urge to give him a pet, but figured it would be best to ask first.
“Do you mind if I touch you? That fur is really something.”
The bear didn’t seem to mind and Darcy slowly sank her fingers into his side and marveled at the feel. She gently ran her hand over his soft black fur, noting that Bucky bear had closed his eyes in bliss. 
“Oh, you like that, do you?” She teased. “I bet your human self would too.” 
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a commotion and Jane Foster giving a familiar mischievous figure a thorough chewing out. Loki was trying to be a smartass, but Jane was having none of it. Finally, he gave an exasperated huff.
“Fine! I have modified the spell to wear off in three days. There is no need for more threats. I am well aware of your expertise. You mortals have no sense of humor.”
With a poof, Loki turned himself into a snake and slithered away. 
Jane sighed. 
“Hear that everyone? You’ll be human again in three days. I have no idea what we’re going to do in the meantime.”
Turned out, Darcy added Avengers zookeeper to her resume during the next few days. She chatted to them, made terrible bird jokes, and helped make sure they ate. She got to watch Steve, Sam, and Hawkeye soaring regally in the air, which was a pretty incredible sight. Bunny Wanda liked to sit on her lap and nibble at lettuce while Porcupine Tony made ridiculous faces at Darcy and pretended he was going to poke Bucky with his quills. Bucky mostly snoozed at Darcy’s feet or watched the Birdy Trio flying around. 
Kitty Strange slept most of the time and looked disdainfully at the others when he was awake, goblin like eyes eerily watchful. Thor of course, followed Jane around with his undying loyalty, and the spiders chilled out in their webs, amusing themselves by building more and more elaborate designs. Bruce was given his own private enclosure away from the chaos and he hopped about contentedly. 
When day three arrived, they made sure everyone was in a safe location for a safe transition back to human form and waited it out. 
Darcy got a text from Jane while on a coffee run that simply said, “I forgot how annoying human Tony is. I think I liked him better as a porcupine.”
The avengers were chattering and joking around about their antics as animals when Darcy got back. 
“Lewis! I hear you’re switching careers to zookeeper!” Tony yelled. She flipped him off and ignored him. (She’d learned long ago this was the most effective method of dealing with him if Pepper wasn’t around to tattle to.) 
“I have now dubbed you three the Birdy Trio and nothing is gonna change it, so get used to it,” she informed Steve, Clint, and Sam. 
They all groaned and Darcy grinned in satisfaction. 
Behind her there came a rusty bark of laughter and she turned to see Bucky grinning from ear to ear. His smiles were rare, but they were so adorable, Darcy’s heart skipped a beat.
“Don’t be smug, Barnes,” she playfully chastened him. “You’re gonna be Bucky Bear to me for the rest of your life.” 
The smile did not diminish one bit.
“I hope that’s not the only thing I am to you, doll,” he said softly, making her blush.
Steve, observing their interaction, dragged Clint and Sam away to give them privacy and Darcy vowed to thank him later. Steve really was a good bro.
“You were right. I shouldn’t have run away like that,” he admitted, taking a tentative step toward her. “I’ve been kicking myself ever since. I’ve got more issues than National Geographic magazine, but if you’re willing to give me another chance, I’d definitely like to take it.” 
Darcy smiled and grabbed his hands in hers: both of them. He looked surprised when he saw her grasping his metal hand, but he gently squeezed back. 
“Bucky Bear, I’d love to. How about we start by catching up over dinner?”
“Sounds great, doll,” he said, beaming at her. 
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ackermansupremacy · 3 years
Omg hii :3 i literally cant stop reading your posts they are all just ✨chefs kiss✨, especially the warrior kids ones🥺
Talking about the warrior kids.. I would absolutely LOVE to see your headcanons about them when they are like 15-16.
Omg wait thats such a cute idea how did i never think of that lmao
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Gabi brought her middle school sports talent with her all the way to high school succeeding more and more with them
She doesn’t have a part time job because shes usually so busy with school, but she does sometimes teach kids self defense
She has straight A’s and amazing talent so shes shooting for college scholarships already
For her sixteenth birthday she got an old raggedy truck
And my God shes never been so grateful for anything in her entire life
Her car is her baby
She sometimes just sits in it and vibes for hours on end and does homework because she focuses better when shes completely alone
Or she picks the gang up and they go to terrorize the employees at the 7-11 like they did when they were kids
He still has the absolute biggest crush on Gabi even though he knows shes more focused on getting a head start on building her life than boys
He def works at a movie theater and absolutely hates his job
So he ended up quitting and getting his license asap to be pizza delivery guy
Which he deeply regrets because hes always terrified when he drives
Colt taught him how and he always yelled at him which made him nervous everytime he got behind the wheel with or without him
“Okay now put it in reverse...reverse...THATS NEUTRAL I SAID REVERSE!” “sorry!”
He is the most trusted in the friend group to drive Gabi’s car
Every summer he volunteers at his local nursing home :’) and they all love him
He makes his mom so proud bruh
She def owns an etsy shop where she sells things like mushroom earrings and custom jewelry
Her store is pretty successful so that in itself is practically her full time job
But she volunteers at the library in her free time and sometimes joins Gabi in teaching self defense
She finally succeeded in painting all the walls in her room from top to bottom
And got the little sister she always wanted :’)
Her pet fish is still alive despite living like three years past the life expectancy
Zofia doesn’t even have her permit yet because shes failed the drivers test twice
But she does have a brand new car that shes never even driven
As a teen mans is the CEO of going with the flow
He works part time at a barista owned by a family friend and he loves his job
All the locals love him and never give him a hard time and he always memorizes his regulars orders
Hes probably doing duel enrollment at a college while hes in highschool and lowkey failing his classes LMAO
He finally finished writing one of the mystery novels he started as a kid and is planning on getting it published
He also takes guitar lessons from Falco now
He doesn’t have a car but he has his license and uses his moms or occasionally borrows Gabi’s
But he normally prefers to just walk everywhere
Ughh Udo never grow up 😭
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Well my lil break is over now im back on that grind 🤪
Took a long time to cope with my lil birdie going to a better place but i can hear all his brothers and sisters chirping away in their nest which made my whole day ❤️✨
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theaufanartist · 3 years
“𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶.”
Choi Jong Ho💖(spin off to the Min Gi series)
“Hey, have you heard that professor Lee is going on a break for a month?”You whisper, while your best friend was pretty invested in reading a book in the library.
“Okay,”she says, before diving back again into where she was.
“C’mon, who’s gonna teach us for a month now? She was the best,”you slump down in the chair next to her, pouting at the assignment in front of me. You sigh and look at her.
“Seriously? You’ve read this book like a thousand times!” You whisper yell.
“So what? I still love it,”she says, smiling. Shaking your head, you get up from your seat, taking your assignment. She looks up at you, raising an eyebrow.
“I’ve a lecture with Ms Cho. I really do wonder, what made me take this stupid subject?”
“Hmm, lets see. Three words. Choi. Jong. Ho,”she sneers at you.
“Hmm, sounds about right,”you teasingly wink at her, blowing a kiss.
“See you in the class, buttercup,”you say, bidding her goodbye.
Coming out of the library, you make way towards the class you despised the most. Then, why were you so excited to attend it?
Three words, as your best friend quoted a few minutes ago.
Choi Jong Ho. Cousin of Choi San, one of the hottest seniors on campus, best friend of Song Min Gi, your best friend’s ex.
When you walk in the class, your eyes first search for that person you wanted to see before this cursed class begins. You finally find him sitting at the back , running his hand through his hair, a habit you never though you would ever find attractive, talking to his best friend, Seungmin; both being the top of the class.
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Ho’s eyes meet yours and he sends you a smile. You turn your face away, not letting him or anyone see the blush creeping on my face. He looks down at his open book and smiles, but quickly pulls himself back to Seungmin’s talks.
“Alrighty, kiddos,”Mrs Cho booms in the class, a thick stack of paper in her hands, looking disappointed. You bite down on your lower lip in nervousness, because you knew that the stack that devil of a woman was holding, was the testament of your absurdity in understanding the evil subject of calculus.
“So, I’ll pass over the papers, go through them,”she says,”and please, for the love of God, if you don’t know the answer, please don’t write “Hello Mrs Cho, I really don’t like the subject, but please consider this more like an apology, than a fact, cause I think I’ll go with the latter for myself, but is the answer 8799?””
Well, that was you.
You tried not to get seen by her. She passed the papers in the crowd, giving you the stink eye. You already knew that you won’t get the best marks, but you didn’t even realise that you would fail. You gave out a low whine, and ducked you head in your hands. Shaking your head, you stuffed the paper in your bag, and tried to concentrate in the class for the next forty three minutes. After the class ended, you tried to make your way to the door quickly, trying to avoid any contact. But, you couldn’t avoid Mrs Cho. She called you.
“You do know that you performed terribly,”she says, looking at you. You gave her a small nod.
“I’ll definitely try to improve, Mrs Cho,”you say. She hums, and waves her hand, dismissing you. You let out a soft sigh, and make your way towards the library. You take out your test, and get up to find some reference books for studying.
“Stupid class, stupid Choi, stupid pretty face,”you keep mumbling, till someone clears their throat. You freeze in your spot. Turning around, you find Seungmin staring at you, an amused smile plastered on his face.
“Stupid Choi, huh?”he says, tilting his head in a teasing way.
“Uh, um, what do you want?”you ask him, trying to hide your nervous state.
“A little birdie told me that you joined this class because of someone,”he says, standing next to you, going through books. You look at him wide eyed, but quickly gain your composure.
“You’re bluffing,”you say, narrow eyed. He smirks, and turns to look at you.
“Well, not if the little birdie was you,”he says, making you slap a hand on your mouth.
“Were you eavesdropping on us!!!???”you ask him, which makes him giggle.
“I didn’t mean to, but yeah, when I heard someone talking about Mrs Cho, I wanted to see who it was, but then, your best friend reveals it,”he says, making you facepalm yourself with the book in your hand.
“See, I know you are his best friend, but please don’t tell him,”you say. He pretends to think a little over what you say, and smiles at you.
“I can try, but well, what will I get in return?”he asks.
“Free food?”you reply, sheepishly smiling. He smirks at you, and leaves. You give out a sigh of relief. Seungmin wouldn’t sell you out, right?
The next day, while you tried studying in the library, you heard the chair opposite to you, screech. You tried not looking at the person in front of you, and tried solving the problems on your own.
“I think you’re doing that wrong,”you hear someone whisper. You look up from your book and see the last person you expected to see.
Choi Jong Ho.
He smiles at you, and takes the notebook and pencil from you, and solves it. You’re still in shock as to why would he do that. But, he was Jong Ho. He loved helping others.
“Here you go. You were supposed to find the f(x) over here,”he explains, but you were totally lost in how soothing his voice sounded. All the frustration that you were feeling while solving a few moments ago vanished into thin air.
“Thank you, Jong Ho,”you say, trying to avoid seeing him in the eye. He smiles at you, mumbling a “no problem” and gets back to solving his assignment. While you were practising problems, Jong Ho was stealing glances at you. You seemed like the shy type, but not that shy one. You knew when to speak up. He liked how you always stood with your best friend, and how his cousin always talked about you. San always treated you like his small sister. He recollects what Seungmin told him,
“Dude, you’ve got to make a move on her. I heard about her best friend talking with her. She likes you!”
“You’re joking,”he says, waiting for you to enter the classroom.
“Have I ever lied?”
“But, you definitely tease,”he retorts, making Seungmin smirk.
“Yeah,”he says, laughing, “but that’s not the point. She has always caught your attention. So, why aren’t you doing something?”
“How am I supposed to do that?”he asks, looking down at the open book in front of him. Then he sees you enter the classroom, smiling at him.
“Yeah, you’re whipped,”Seungmin teases, making Jong Ho send a glare his way.
“Hey Jong Ho,”you manage to calm your nerves and call him. He looks at you, and nods. You pass your book at him.
“Is that correct?”you ask him. He looks through your steps. Taking the pencil, he marks something and keeps solving. Then he passes the book your way.
“You see, the derivative wasn’t the only answer you had to find. You had to keep on adding x to it,”he explains. You close the book and rest your face in your palms.
“Yep, I’m definitely failing this test, too,”you mumbled. He looks at you, but can’t help smiling.
“Why don’t I tutor you?”he suggests, meekly. You look at him, wide eyed, but you even see that his ears have turned red. Was he shy?
You mentally cooed at how cute he looked.
“Would you really do that?”
”I mean, why not?”
“Oh my god, Jong Ho, you’re a godsend!”you whisper exclaim, making him giggle. You smile at him, and the rest of the day, he helps you get through the sums.
***********a month later***********
“So, they got back together!”you exclaim, giddy with excitement. Jong Ho simply smiles at you. You kinda hung out with Jong Ho & Seungmin after classes, and walk with your best friend & San, home. Seungmin was side eying Jong Ho, who was busy smiling and making googly eyes at you.
“So, do you like someone?”Seungmin asks, making you and Jong Ho freeze. You were perplexed because you thought he was trying to get it out of you, but why did Jong Ho’s face turn red? Did he like someone, too?
”Uh,”you say, laughing awkwardly, “we need to go practise sums. The test is tomorrow,”you say, trying to dissolve the awkwardness. Seungmin hums, and you three walk to the library.
Hours pass and you were still solving. Seungmin packs his bag, and bids you both goodbye, leaving you and Jong Ho, together. You both were sitting side by side. Throughout these days, physical touches didn’t matter much. Brushing of hands, bumping your hands, laying your head on each other’s shoulders didn’t really matter. So what changed today? Was it the question that Seungmin asked?
“Hey,”Jong Ho asks, poking your hand.
“What’s wrong? You’ve been zoning out a lot,”he says.
“It’s…..nothing,”you say, trying to solve the questions in front of you.
“Tomorrow is the test, finally,”you say, making him give you a curt smile.
“So, uh, you’ll stop hanging out with me from tomorrow?”he asks, making you look at him.
“Why would you think like that, Jong?”you ask, your attention wholly on him. He was fidgeting with his fingers.
“I, uh, um,”he stutters, making you feel confused. You hold his hand, stopping him from fidgeting. He looks at you.
“I wanted to say something since a long time, now,”he says, now your turn to nervously fidget with your fingers. He turns to look you in the eye. Holding your hand, he rubs his thumb over your knuckles.
“I like you.”
Your eyes widen. You surely did not expect this. Your crush of three years, confessing?
“I don’t actually like you. I’ve been in love with you, ever since Sannie hyung introduced you. I’ve always wanted to say this, but you seemed so out of my league-“
Uh oh..that shouldn’t have happened. You stop midway, hoping he didn’t hear the last part, but he definitely did. His eyes widen comically, but his lips slowly curve into a smirk.
“So, you joined this class because of me?”
“You weren’t supposed to know that!”you say, facepalming. He slowly removes your hands, and looks at you.
“Now, now, don’t leave me hanging,”he asks, slowly leaning in.
“𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘣𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶,” you say, closing the distance between you. You feel him smile in the kiss, that makes you smile, too.
Breaking it, he pecks your lips again, making you giggle, and boop his nose with yours.
“So, what does this make us?”he asks you, hand in hand, walking towards your home.
“Many people would consider this as dating, but whatever floats your boat,”you reply sarcastically. He twirls you around, hands on your waist.
“Never knew you were this sarcastic, hm?”he says, tucking a stray hair behind your ear, pecking your lips.
“Okay kids, this is clearly not a good place to kiss,”you hear someone speak, making you both look at San, with an amused face, “considering most of us are single.”
“Now, now, Sannie hyung, gimme the sugar,”you hear Seungmin speak. San unwillingly takes out a $20 bill, and places it in his hands.
“Did you guys bet on us?”Jong Ho asks, surprised.
“Yes. Hyung thought you won’t get your girl, and I knew you would end up together,”Seungmin says, smiling widely.
“Well,”San speaks up, nearing you both, “I’m glad you guys ended up together.”
You both look at them, then at each other, smiling.
“We’re glad, too.”
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hela-avenger · 4 years
To the Stars Who Listen- 9a
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 2177
Summary: When Loki desires to never fall in love, he casts a spell to prevent such a thing from happening. Except, well, in the matters of love and magic, you never know the result it may have in the end. Loki x Reader
A/N: Ok so I started to write this and then had to go back to edit it and then I added more and then it was all just angst and it was just getting so long and I couldn’t fix it. ANYWHO, the Halloween special will now be two parts. I’m really hoping it won’t be three but we shall have to wait and see. 
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Please be safe out there! 
Tags are open! (Send me an ask/message/response.)
TTSWL Masterlist
Loki refrained from groaning as he stepped into the jet that would take them back to the Tower. Sam and Bucky were fighting over the pilot seat while Wanda was chattering loudly about the costume she had managed to find for herself and Vision. Loki catches your eye and he can tell you wish to speak to him. He doesn’t allow you the chance as he storms out of the seating area in preference of the solitude found in the back. 
The quinjet finally sets out of the compound and Loki manages to survive the short ride without being pulled into whatever conversation you wish to have with him. You most likely wanted to know the truth behind what you had revealed previously. An answer he would refuse to give you. 
Loki is almost cornered by you in the arrival at the tower but by sheer luck, you are called away by the AI allowing Loki to peacefully make his way down to his residential floor. The peace he had in mind at the return of his familiar abode is disrupted at the sight of Thor waiting for him there. 
Loki’s annoyance grows at the sight of his brother regaled in his Asgardian armor swinging Mjolnir with ease. 
“Welcome back, brother.” 
Loki just grunts in response as he tries to maneuver around the big oaf. 
“I went ahead and prepared your armor for the party tonight,” Thor continues with a smile. “It should be a merry night full of drinking and dancing. We should thoroughly enjoy it.” 
“I’m not going to that party.” 
“Why not?” 
“Because I refuse to partake in Midgardian celebrations.” 
“I would think you would enjoy this one, Loki. It’s all about mischief and magic.” 
Loki rubs his eyes tiredly. 
“I am quite tired, brother. I am in no mood for festivities.”
“You never are,” Thor states, forcing Loki to stop right outside his bedroom door. “You always hide out here and avoid having any fun. You’ve been here for months, Loki, and you have failed to participate in any way or form to enjoy humanity.”
“I hate this place,” Loki responds. “Why would I try to find some silver lining?” 
“If that is the case then perhaps I should report to father that you have made no progress and have you sent back home.”
That definitely deepens the foul mood Loki was already in.  
“If I go to this party will you refrain from reporting to father?” 
Thor thinks for a few seconds before relenting.
“Yes, I would.” 
“Great, good,” Loki mutters as he slips into the darkness of his room. “I’m not wearing my armor though.” 
“Then what will you wear?” 
Loki doesn’t respond promptly slamming the door closed to Thor’s face. 
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The lab was as pristine and proper as the day before you had come in and destroyed it. The wall had been repaired and the equipment that had been easily thrown before was now bolted to the ground. You let out a sigh as you try to forget that dark moment of your life when you had turned against your friends for no reason. 
You still couldn’t remember what happened but it still shook you to the very core. The truth was something everyone valued and yet you had overlooked the darkness it could truly hold. Lying didn’t seem so bad now and you miss having the simple ability. 
Shaking yourself from that thought, you scanned the rest of the room looking for the man of the hour. 
The moment the jet landed at the tower you were promptly told by FRIDAY that Tony requested your presence in the lab. 
You tried to make a quick stop towards the Asgardian floor but the AI had overlooked your floor request in preference of following its creator’s demand. 
The lab remained silent after you came in. FRIDAY had announced your presence but Tony was nowhere to be seen. You felt yourself being watched but could find no one. You were starting to grow paranoid which didn’t help when a loud bang resonated nearby.
Your head snaps towards the source of the crash and you relax when you realize it’s just Dum-E hitting against the nearby desk.
“Oh Dum-E, I thought I was…”
You jump at the sudden shout behind you. Out of pure instinct, you throw your hands in front of you causing your gauntlets to shoot out two straight lines of energy. The beams scorch two black spots on the recently repaired wall.
“Well that’s new.” 
You turn around and glare at Tony. 
“What the hell, Tony!” you shout at him. “I could have killed you.” 
Tony chuckles in response and is quick to apologize. 
“Sorry, kid,” he answers. “Didn’t realize you were Iron Man 2.0.” 
You roll your eyes at him and laugh sarcastically at him. 
“Ha, ha, ha, very funny,” you joke. “These things are the only reason I have some semblance of control.” 
“Let me see them.” 
You raise your hands and show him the golden gauntlets. 
“Interesting design,” he mutters as he grabs a hold of them, turning them around back and forth. “I’m assuming the stones are important by their placement. I wonder what they’re made of. Carbon-based, maybe? Rare space jewel? I would have to run some tests…”
“Yeah, not possible,” you comment. “I can’t take these off. Things could go very wrong.” 
Tony scowls as he lets your hands go. 
“Can’t risk it for a few minutes?” Tony asks. “I’m sure I could improve them for a nicer aesthetic and easier mobility.” 
“Come on,” he nudges. “You don’t see me wearing my blasters because they’re comfortable. It’ll only be a few minutes. Five tops.” 
You hesitate and Tony pesters on.  
“Let me do this for you. It’s the least I can do if you have to wear those atrocities for the rest of your life.” 
You chew on the inside of your cheek before relenting. 
“Just be careful with the stones and be quick, please,” you plead at him. “I don’t wish to have a repeat of my last mishaps.” 
Tony snorts as he helps you slide the gauntlets off your hands. 
“Heard about that,” he snickers. “A little birdie told me and by birdie, I obviously mean Sam.” 
You laugh and shake your head at him watching as he steps towards his desk and pulls out an array of files into the screen. He flips through them quickly before stopping at one. 
Pepper Gift Ideas. 
“Um, Tony?” 
He ignores you as he opens the file up and scatters out the multiple designs he’s sketched out. You’re shocked at the multiple documents in the file but don’t have the chance to inspect them closely as Tony finds the one he was looking for. 
“Here it is,” he states as he picks the design and throws it onto the screen next to his equipment. “What do you think, kid?” 
“Oh, wow,” you whisper as you look at the design on display. “That’s beautiful.” 
“Was tinkering for a while about making Pepper her own jewelry,” Tony responds beside you. “But she never wears what I get her.” 
“I’m sure she would wear this,” you tell him. “Are you sure you want to use this design on me?” 
Tony is quick to nod. 
“You’ve been dealt a shitty hand with this power,” Tony answers honestly. “I just want to make things better for you in any way I can.” 
“Thanks, Tony,” you tell him, heartfelt at his generosity. “Really, thank you.” 
Tony clears his throat from the rising emotion and looks away. He picks up your gauntlet and begins to disassemble them. 
“Now go away,” he mutters. “Let me work in peace.” 
“You told me it would only be five minutes.” 
“Well I lied. I’m surprised you didn’t notice.” 
You roll your eyes at him and Tony simply smirks. 
“I’ll have them done soon, I promise, so why don’t you go ahead and find your partner in crime, Natasha. She’s got your costume in her room.” 
You hesitate but you’ve already done your daily exercises to tire your powers out. Nothing could go wrong. Or at least that’s what you hoped for. 
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You wince at the sharp tug of your hair. You glare at Natasha through the mirror but she simply smirks in response. You had no choice when it came to getting ready for this impromptu Halloween party. Natasha dragged you into her room the moment you showed up at her door. 
You didn’t mind her help for the party. In fact, you were glad to have it as the redhead went above and beyond to have everything ready for you. From the costume to the hair and makeup, Natasha had arranged it all. All you had to do was sit there and allow her to make her vision into a reality. 
Though you would use this time to catch up with your close friend, your mind was far away at the moment. 
Ever since your last lesson, Loki had avoided you like the plague. Any attempt of trying to apologize to him was somehow thwarted by Loki himself or some outside force. It didn’t help that Tony’s impromptu invitation and the jet that followed severed any chance of forcing him to see you. 
You felt guilty.
You had crossed a line by revealing something he wasn’t ready to when all he had done was help you. You needed to apologize and you needed to do it soon. 
“Ok, spill it.” 
You look up at Natasha’s pointed stare and sigh. 
“I can’t hide anything, can I?” you mutter tiredly. Nat tugs on your hair again and you hiss at the action. “I’m fine, Nat. Just trying to settle my mind.”
“Of what?” 
You take a deep breath debating whether it was a good idea to tell her of your past week with Loki. 
Nat despised him with every fiber of her being, but you… you didn’t. 
“Loki’s been a great teacher considering I’m a ticking time bomb...”  
“But?” Nat interrupts. 
“But,” you repeat with a huff. “I keep ruining everything with this stupid power.”
“You?” Nat asks, confused. “You ruined everything? Not him?”
“I’m sorry,” she sarcastically laughs. “That doesn’t make sense. You’ve done nothing wrong.” 
“You don’t understand,” you sigh. “If you just let me explain…”
“Then explain.” 
You take a deep breath and turn away from the mirror to look at Natasha directly. 
“I have invaded everyone’s privacy. I’ve learned things I have no right knowing and revealed things without permission. You already know how guilty I felt because of it,” you explain. “Yet, Loki wasn’t one of them. He’s immune to my power as I am to his but I recently crossed a line and uncovered something I wasn’t supposed to.”
“What was it?” 
“You know I can’t tell you.” 
 Natasha huffs in response but shrugs her curiosity off. 
“So?” she asks. “What’s wrong then?” 
“I feel really bad about it, Nat, and he’s avoiding me and I just want to apologize to him because I invaded his privacy but he won’t even let me get close to him to do it.”
“He doesn’t need an apology,” Nat scoffs. “He’s a grown man. He can lick up his wounds and move on.” 
You’re starting to regret confiding in her about your situation but Loki has yet to teach you how to evade telling the truth without necessarily resorting to lying.
“I apologized to you and everyone after my first outburst,” you remind her. “You didn’t need me to but I’m sure it helped.”
Natasha lets out a breath but she knew you had a point. 
“Loki doesn’t deserve your kindness.” 
She’s being honest with her opinion but you don’t feel the same way. 
“I think differently,” you answer. “I think it’s been a long time since Loki’s been treated with some kindness.” 
Natasha's eyes narrow down at you. 
“Do you…” she hesitates. “What exactly is your relationship with him?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Are you acquaintances? Friends? Or is it more?” 
You’re surprised at the question. 
“I guess we’re friends?” you answer unsurely. “Mentor and student seems weird so yeah… friends.” 
Natasha seems unconvinced but she doesn’t speak up on it. Instead, she motions you to face forward again so she could finish up with your hair.
“So do you think I’ll have time to slip out to apologize or am I going to have to wait until the party?” 
Nat can’t avoid the snort from escaping her promptly earning her a confused look from you. 
“Loki doesn’t go to the parties,” she tells you. “Not since I could remember.” 
“Then why did he come with us in the jet?” 
“Maybe because he has to monitor you and we have to monitor him?” 
Nat’s right but you can only hope that Loki might prove her wrong. 
“If he’s there… apologize to him,” Nat tells you hoping to ease the scowl that was settling on your face. “Just don’t expect him to forgive you. He’s not apologetic, far less forgiving.”
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TTSWL Tag: @catsladen @is-it-madness @manyfandoms-marvel @mejusttryintogetby @illogicalfangirl @ariel-snow-tmnt @islinglivesinshire @musicconversedance @missmadwoman @smaranshakthi @adaydreamingdragon @poetic-fiasco @like-a-wildfire @jasminecalia @ha-tep @charbokbok @setsuna-meiou31 @ms-blvck @country-cowgirl-101 @bepo-is-sorry @hufflautia @waitforthehurricanrose @fictionalhoomanofnowhere @sanniegirl1214 @telenari @anonymouscastiel12 @ddaeing​
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-nightshade @aoirohi @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @just-a-donut-who-reads @day-dreaming-fox @heykathchuu​
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie @ariel-snow-tmnt @badhollandfluff @what-a-flammable-heart
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 3 years
For the Love of Shell - Chapter Forty Six - Halloween Festivities
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Another chapter for you to snack on!
Here it is in its entirety. 
It had taken Donnie close to two weeks of hacking and snooping the government database to find out who and what that strange man was about. He was the head of a secret agency funded by the US Government called The Earth Protection Force or E.P.F for short and went by the name John Bishop.
 Unfortunately there wasn’t much on Bishop’s past but from the looks of his training and connections he wasn’t someone to cross.
Leo leaned against Donatello’s desk, his arms crossed over his chest deep in thought. He had been watching his genius brother search through pages upon pages of tedious government documents trying to learn more about this new threat. They were aware of their existence even before they saw them. Bishop said something about a little birdie chirping in his ear about them, who could that be? Was it possible one of the police officers that had assisted them with taking down Krang informed the government about them? Rebecca had assured them their secret was safe.
 His name being called broke him from his thoughts and Leo looked down at Donnie still parked in his chair. “What is it Don?”
 “Do you think if they got a hold of us they would really dissect us?” his younger brother’s voice wavered with  the horrid thought of being strapped down to a metal table cut and apart like a lab rat.
 Leo’s large hand rested gently on his younger brother’s shoulder giving it a quick reassuring squeeze, “I would never let anyone dissect any of you. I would die before I would let that happen.” The vile images that raced through Leo’s mind of his dead brothers in pieces made his stomach churn making him feel sick to his stomach. It was true though, he would lay down his life in a second to save his brothers and die defending them to his very last breath.
 Looking up from Donnie’s brown eyes Leo saw Mikey and Raph saunter in towards the Leader and the genius. The sly smile on Michelangelo’s face put Leo on edge, the youngest had something up his sleeve and was ready to test is sway with his eldest brother.
 Reaching Leo, Mikey swung his arm up and over his shoulder pulling the blue leader to his side.
 “What do you want Mikey?” Leo sighed allowing the brotherly embrace.
 “Do you know what today is oh brother of mine?” Mikey cooed playfully slapping his palm against the hard plates of Leonardo’s plastron.  
 “It’s October 31st Mike.”
 “Yeah Brah, its Halloween and we wanna go out and enjoy the parade. We never get to go out and do anything fun.”
 Leo let out a heavy sigh shaking his head, “Mikey, I told you before, we’re ninja and we stay in the shadows. Going topside isn’t a smart idea.”
Raphael moved next to his younger brother and tilted his head eyeing Leo, “We know what we are fearless and we know we don’t belong on the streets. But today is the only day in the year we get to experience walking around with the humans unnoticed and safe. I think after all we’ve dealt with lately I think we deserve to go have a little fun topside.”
 Before Leo could reply the voice of their Sensei interjected stopping the conversation. “My sons, you are right, you have been so dedicated to the safety of this city that you have not been able to enjoy the spoils of your hard work. Halloween is the only day you can go up into the streets with no fear of hatred for your appearance or fear of scrutiny of your mutation. Please take this day to enjoy yourselves and unwind. Interact with the outside world but please be careful.”
 Leo and his brothers stared wide eyed at their aging father. He had just given them permission to go topside and enjoy Halloween. For the first time ever!
 “Besides.” The old rat continued. “You are old enough to make your own decisions and able to care for your own safety. Who am I to keep you from your destiny?”
 The atmosphere in the lair exploded as Raph and Mikey jumped into the air in excitement high threeing each other. Mikey turned to his genius brother beaming from his large skateboard chair and slide to his side smacking him on the back of his shell.
 “Tell them about that party you heard about Donnie. Maybe we could go there for a bit. Didn’t it say there would be food?” Mikey turned Donnie’s chair to face his other brothers who were now looking at him awaiting a response.
 “What’s he talkin about Donnie?” Raph quipped picking up a small trinket from Donnie’s desk flipping it over and over in his oversized palm.
 “I follow a local neighborhood watch blog and I guess someone bought that old church on the edge of town that’s been abandoned for years for a dollar. You know the one, the one built in the early 1800’s with all the missing windows? It’s been in shambles from all the vandalism over the years.  They have been remodeling it for the past year and finally finished a few weeks ago. They’re holding a neighborhood Halloween party for all the people in the neighborhood. There had been so many people stopping by during the construction to see what was going on, the owner thought it would be nice to let everyone see the work done to restore the old church. Supposedly there will be food too, which is what caught Mikey’s attention a week ago.”
 Mikey took out a lone nunchaku and spun it in his wrist circling Leonardo; he could tell by the confused look on his brother’s face he couldn’t remember the place. “You know that old church we used to play in when Master Splinter went to bed, we’d sneak out and play around swinging in the open rafters and hurtling the old pews.”
 Suddenly Mikey stopped in his tracks the blood in his veins running cold, he realized what he had just confessed in front of their father. Something he did not know about their past.
 “Mikey.” Raph growled in frustration resting his large head in his hands.
 With a grimace across his face Mikey slowly turned his head to face his father, dreading the death glare from the feisty old rat. The amused look on the rat took him by surprise, he wasn’t angry?
 Splinter watched his sons faces as they glared at their youngest brother then trained their gaze to their father to see how upset he was. When all their attention was on him he began to laugh, a good belly laugh he hadn’t managed to have in quite some time. “My sons you were only 6 years old when you started to venture out on your own. Your ninja skills were barely even tapped yet, so I heard you four leave each time. Instead of punishing your natural inquisitiveness for the outside world I just followed close behind to make sure you were safe. You boys will have hardships around every corner as you continue to age, who was I to stop you exploring your city. The more you got comfortable with your surroundings the more you could protect yourself; learn faster ways to get home. It was a very tiring time though, making sure I heard you each time, so I could supervise. Not a lot sleep when you were curious toddlers. But it did help your confidence and your bond with each other. You knew you had to rely on each other to get back home safely.”
 Their tense bodies relaxed as their father confessed he knew they had gone topside when they were younger. It was a secret they had promised not to tell anyone just in case it would get back to their father. As it turned out he knew the entire time and had followed them on each adventure.
 Leo let out a shaky breath realizing the wrath of his father would not come. A large bullet had been dodged and a small weight of the lie was lifted. “Yes, I know which church you’re talking about now. Yeah, I wouldn’t see why not, could be fun seeing the old place redone.” Leo scratched his chin contemplating their route; if they were going up to the streets they needed some sort of plan before they headed out just in case they got lost in the crowd. They still needed to be careful even though this was a leisurely outing. There was always a chance of running into some Purple Dragons at Halloween.
 To their surprise and delight it wasn’t difficult to get into the parade. With their great “costumes” they were pulled into the sea of people by several hands congratulating them on the detail of their work. At one point people on a parade float had tried to coax them up and onto the decorated trailer. Politely declining they moved back away from the reaching hands. That would expose them more than they already were. Thankfully their ninja skills had helped them mange to avoid any cameras as well.
 It was nice getting to know people, conversating and mingling with their fellow New Yorkers. There were no screams or flying insults, just random high fives and praises.
 “So life like!” One woman squealed running her hands over Raphael’s forearm excitedly and pressing down on his skin to feel the dense muscles beneath. “It feels like real scales; how did you do that?!”
 The red brute smirked when her wandering hands tried to encircle the impossible mass of his biceps. He allowed her hands to travel farther up to his neck, her touches giving his green skin a rush of goose bumps. “These hands are pure talent sweetheart in more ways than one.” He cooed seductively stepping into her personal space getting lost in the attention.
 Leo watched the exchange and figured it was a good time to pry the beast away from his prey before he sunk his teeth in too far. “Come on lover boy, let’s get moving before you bite off more than you can chew.” His hand hooked around the back of the brutes harness and started to pull him away from the unsuspecting female.
 The woman grew disappointed when Raphael was pulled from her groping fingers, “Come back! He’s fine, I like it rough!” She called after the retreating terrapins.
“Damn Raph, you attracted the girls real quick.” Mikey laughed giving a quick glance over his shoulder at the sad woman they had just left behind.
 Raphael turned abruptly ripping his harness from his older brother’s tight grasp and hissed in frustration. “Damn fearless, why you gotta cock block a brother.”
 “What were you gonna do Raph when she found that ‘costume’ doesn’t come off? When you got back to her apartment for a few fun evening activities?” Leo laughed as he moved around a poorly designed SpongeBob costume.
 “You never know Leo; she could have been cool with fucking a mutant turtle? Aurora can’t be the only woman who’s willing to spread her legs for mutant dick?”
 The comment made the leader stop in his tracks and the dense muscles in his neck bunch painfully. Slowly he turned to face his brother and the expression Raph was expecting was nowhere close to the look on the leader’s face. Pain swirled in the blue orbs of his eldest brother making Raph instantly regret the remark.
 “I-I’m sorry Leo, that was disrespectful to Aurora.”
 Leos’ eyes lowered to the city streets contemplating something and gave his muscled brother one final glare before returning his attention back to the mass of people in the parade.
 Donnie came up to the ashamed brother and nudged his shoulder gaining his interest, “You know you’re not wrong Raph. Statistically speaking there are plenty of woman out there who would be willing to bed us. There is a huge following of people online calling themselves ‘Furries’ and ‘Scalies’ that would prefer our unusual body types and larger…….physiques to normal human beings.”
 With a deep rolling laughter Raphael patted his genius brothers shell, “Thanks Don, I’ll keep that in mind next time I’m on the net.”
 As the parade came to a close they parted from the bustling crowd and headed towards the remodeled church that was holding the public house warming party. The walk was short but the anticipation for their first real party was staggering.
 Just as they remembered, the old church was surrounded by a large brick wall that towered even over them, perhaps 15 feet tall. It would require scaling it they needed to get over its walls. The old cast iron door they was barely holding onto its hinges was replaced by a massive wood and iron door. Its structure looked sound and secure not like the rickety old gates. This was built to withstand some heavy pounding and privacy.
  As they passed through the new protective doors they gazed up at the newly restored stained glass windows, marveling at the colors. When they were kids they remembered several kids throwing rocks at the beautiful glass shattering the window to smithereens. It was good to see them intact and cleaned for once; they seemed to sparkle in the moonlight.
 The once broken and uneven stairway up to the main door had been removed and replaced by fresh concrete and a new wood and iron hand rail. Gone were the tags from gang members and inconsiderate kids who defiled the old brick work on the outside of the ancient building. Someone had spent hours power washing the outside to rid the grey stone of the canned paint.
 Reaching the top of the stairs the old wooden doors that had been long torn from their hinges had been replaced by new metal doors. About half way up the thick doors were matching stained glass windows just above their eye line to complete the look of the exterior.
Donnie pointed to the almost invisible camera just to the left of the large front door, noting the advanced security system that protected the property. “So far I’m impressed, the tech is high end, like nearly impossible to hack and the outside is wonderfully redone. Even the shrubbery is trimmed and lush.”
 Raph’s large thick fingers wrapped around the elaborate handle and opened the door revealing the newly converted sanctuary. After all the years of abuse most of the pews had been burned or stolen so it wasn’t too much of a shock seeing the rows of benches gone. All of the religious relics were long gone as well; even the large wooden statue of Jesus that had hung above the pulpit had been taken years ago.
 The large spacious vaulted ceilings were repaired and refinished leaving no trace of the old roof’s leaks to see. At the back of the sanctuary was a huge circle stained glass window that sat high above the pulpit. It had been shattered long before they found the old building when they were tots so they never saw the vibrant colors inside the window. Now inside the round window sat a beautifully crafted piece of art, each little different colored piece of glass formed a dahlia flower. The large center piece was outlined with more flowers and stars with a background that transitioned from light blue to dark.
 Below the circle stained glass window was a large flat screen TV hanging from the wall with an oversized u-shaped couch just before it. Already people were sitting on it mingling and having conversations while snacking on plates of food.  
 The atmosphere was friendly and inviting and almost immediately people began to introduce themselves commenting on their ‘costumes’. That was when the aroma of delicious smelling food invaded their senses. Mikey was the first to grumble and turned towards the large kitchen sitting to the left, open to the expansive room of the old sanctuary. Atop the counters along with another large island covered in white quarts sat a plethora of foods and desserts.
 Mikey wasted no time and made a beeline for the kitchen and the foods followed by Raph and Donnie. Leo kept his attention on the transformation of the old church. They had never seen the space so lit up besides the beams from their flashlights. It was nice to see the old church fixed up and ready for its new life.
 Leo left his brothers to pillage the refreshments and continued down a wide hallway to look at more of the house. A bright sign with bold lettering was sitting on a stand just at the opening.
 “Please feel free to roam about the house. If the door is open you are welcome inside, but if the door is closed please respect the privacy of the home owner and remain outside.”
 Continuing down the wide hallway he peaked through each room that was open. The first room on the right was the old Library, it looked like it had been restored to its former glory. All of the busted shelves were whole and matching the rest of the wood perfectly. You wouldn’t have been able to tell of the previous vandalism which was nice, there had been too many swastikas lining the floor.
 Shelves took up every inch of space on the walls, from floor to ceiling it towered. Almost every inch of space was lined with books ranging from what looked like ancient to new. Colors splashed the shelves from their spines like an abstract painting making his fingers inch to pull a book from its home to read. They had their own library but nothing this expansive. His eyes and finger tips roamed over some of the spines and grew a bit envious at the rare books he only dreamed of reading. Some of them were ancient books from Japan dating back almost 200 years, he wondered if they should be in a museum not sitting freely on someone’s bookcase.
 Resisting the rising urge to pull a book from the shelve and take a spot on one of the lush chairs Leonardo took his leave and headed back out into the hallway. With a quick look the blue banded terrapin found his brothers hovering over the food thoroughly stuffing their faces. With a crooked grin he turned back and continued his tour of the renovated church.
 As Donnie and Raphael moved away from the refreshments Mikey stayed behind sampling a tray of fancy cheeses. This was a great opportunity to try different cheeses together to better his pizza making skills. Where else would be get chance to sample so many cheeses at once…for free?
 Putting a slice of munster and gouda on top of each other Mikey slid the concoction between his lips and found very unpleasantly the two did not mix. While his face was scrunched up from the awful taste the person behind the counter who had been diligently working to prepare a new snack turned around and nearly dropped the tray in their hands.
 Mikey’s hand moved over his mouth as he hurriedly tried to finish off the taste on his tongue, “I’m sorry.” He mumbled quietly before popping a strawberry in his mouth to mask the flavor. “Munster and gouda do not mix. Mistakes were made. Blerg….”
 The woman in what was a phantom of the opera costume set the plate of what looked like pizza pinwheels down next to the veggie tray and stepped back. She smelled of freshly baked breads and sweets, it was comforting and made his stomach grumble for more. Mikey ignored her unsure gaze and swiped up a pinwheel to pop it in his mouth.
 “Wait!” she cried out reaching for him as the pastry disappeared behind his teeth. “It’s still hot!”
 She was undoubtedly right; he could have sworn he heard the flesh on his tongue sizzle at the treat settled on the wiggling appendage. But instead of spitting it out Mikey huffed around the burning deliciousness trying his best to cool the food down and not drool all over himself. In and out he sucked in air desperately trying to bring the temp down. After a few minutes of rolling the burning dough around on his tongue it was finally cool enough to swallow. Mikey took a swig of his punch to sooth his throbbing tongue and eyed the now giggling woman.
 “Are you alright?”
 Sticking the tip of his tongue out he nodded, “I no longer have skin on my tongue but you know I’ll live drinking the rest of my meals through a straw.”
 She mumbled something under her breath but Mikey couldn’t make it out.
 “What was that?”
 “Ohh oh nothing, just talking to myself really.” The woman stepped back and leaned up against the counter, “So that’s a pretty elaborate costume you got there.” Her finger waged up and down alluding to his massive shell and green skin. “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were a living breathing turtle man.”
 “Nope.” Mikey coughed popping a piece of cool broccoli in his mouth. “All foam and plastic. Can you imagine a giant turtle living in New York. Where would something like that live?”
 “The sewer?” she calmly remarked. “I can imagine there are a never ending slew of tunnels under us with abandoned train stations perfect for subterranean housing?”
 Mikey reached for a chicken salad sandwich and paused. “Don’t you think it would smell down there?”
 “Nah, it’s not that bad down there.”
 “How would you know?” His baby blues rose in surprise but found the woman gone and another plate of pizza pin wheels in front of him. “Hmmmm.”
Leonardo made his way down the hallway and found a bathroom, two extraordinarily large empty rooms but only encountered two closed doors.  At the end of the hallway there were two large French doors open wide to a giant roaring fire. Taking his time to reach the large room he noticed an open set of stairs leading to the second floor to the old structure. Making a detour he began scaling the old wooden stair case noting the restored finish and carpentry work.
 His hefty green hand ran over the handy work with each unhurried step taking in the detailed craftsmanship. At the first landing there was another partial stained glass window that had been restored like the others along with a built in bench. Stopping to peer out Leonardo found a beautiful fresh garden with a massive water feature just below. The water poured out freely from a fountain that contained four large turtles perched on top of each other playfully. What a usual choice of animal for a fountain he thought in the back of his mind making his way up the last flight of stairs to the second floor.  
 At the landing Leo found the master bedroom just to the right. Like the large room below it had two ornate doors leading into a massive room and a large fireplace in the same spot as the first floor. Looking up he saw the only original stained glass window left sitting high on the wall. A massive circle with the virgin Mary holding a baby Jesus, the array of colors was stunning and as the moonlight filtered through the colored glass it left beautiful streaks of color on the white linen of the king size bed just below.
 A flair of jealously sparked through the leaders mind, to be human to be able to live above ground with such luxuries like windows and clean linen that didn’t smell like the dank sewer systems. To finally be able to sun themselves in the sunlight, would be a treat in itself. His fingers ran over the soft fabric and pressed down on the mattress enjoying the textures against his skin.
 He wandered around the room for a bit and ventured into the bathroom, his blue eyes wandered to the very large tiled shower and massive soaking tub. The tub alone looked like it could fit him and his shell plus another person comfortably inside. Taking his phone out Leo took a quick picture to show Donnie. What an improvement to the lair it would be to be able to actually have a tub large enough for them to immerse completely in, shell in all.
Raphael made his way through the open doors of the first floor, until he found the giant study in the back with a massive warm crackling fire in the gigantic hollow of the room’s main focal point. It radiated a welcoming heat helping the chill from the night’s air melt from his scaled skin. Looking around Raphael remembered most of the walls in this church had been crumbling stone. There had been small holes in the structure as time ate away at the history of the building. Now all the walls had been repaired and covered with sheet rock and no doubt insulated property for New York’s winters.
 He walked around the room running his finger tips over the antique wooden desk when a voice came from  behind him.
 “And there was two.”
 Spinning around her found a woman leaning up against the thick trim of the open doorway dressed as a female phantom of the opera. She was dressed in a nice fitting tux with a large flowing red cap, a black brimmed hat covered her hair and a white mask that covered more than half of her face. He vaguely remembered seeing the woman working in the kitchen putting out fresh food for the guests. Maybe she was the host?
 Resting his backside on the edge of the desk Raphael kept his sights on the woman as she moved forward into the room, “Yeah I’m here with my brothers. If you see two more less attractive pretend turtles they be them.”
 “Brothers?” She cooed. “Are you all as handsome? And who is the talent behind these amazing costumes?”
 He watched her shift close fingers trailing along the crevasses of Raph’s muscled bicep. As she passed by he could smell bread and sugar, the woman had been baking all day for the scent to cling her to her like that. A hint of pizza accompanied the delicious smell as well making him suddenly hungry.  
 Raph was ecstatic Fearless wasn’t there, he may not get to take anyone home but by the way the woman was circling him like a vulture he was more than happy to offer up a small meal to the woman. He deserved a little action. Besides it had been a while since he had kissed a woman and Raph very much missed the taste of her even if it was brief. “Yeah we’re blessed, but you’re lookin at the cream of this crop lady. It don’t get any better than this.” His arms opened flexing his muscles putting on a show for the enthralled female.
 The woman stopped a few feet in front of him and smiled, “Impressive. What brings you guys to the open house and not out winning some costume contest? You could win top dollar looking like that. Not that I’m complaining about the position I’m in.” closer she moved resting her hands on his thighs.  
 The lowered lights and flickering flames from the fire crackling in the background made it difficult to see her eyes but one thing was for sure, she was definitely eye fucking him. The signal couldn’t have been clearer. Raphael leaned back spreading his legs which shifted her fingers higher on his thick thighs, “You’re just lucky I guess.”
As he finished his solo tour on the second floor Leonardo found three more empty bedrooms along with their own en suites with equally large shower stalls and soaking tubs. Each room even had their own fireplaces, most likely for heating the rooms back in the day when electricity wasn’t widely available. Exiting from the last room he saw Mikey and Donnie leaving the master bedroom still munching on hors d’oeuvres.
 “I can’t believe you did that Mike!” Don growled giving his younger brother a smack on the back of his carapace.
 Mikey gave an indignant huff and shrugged his broad shoulders, “What? I wanted to see if I could get in the tub. Don we need one of those in the lair, I think Leo would love to take baths in the winter.”
 “Please tell me you didn’t let him get in the tub.”
 Both stopped in their tracks and found Leonardo standing just down the hall from them, his thick arms folded over his chest in frustration.
 Mikey popped the last of his mini slider into his mouth and smiled sticky sweet to his older brother. “Omf corsh nomf ((swallows)) why would I crawl into a complete strangers tub to see if our shells would fit inside? I mean who would be that crazy and rude? You have such little faith in me brah.”
 “Of course he did,” Donnie cut in dryly. “Had to swat his hands away from the faucet to keep him from filling it up for a ‘test run’.”
 “Mikey.” Leo’s voice was low and threatening in its authority wiping the smirk right from the younger turtle’s face instantly.
 With one stern gesture from their fearless leader all three mutants headed back down to the main floor. Without a word Leonardo felt himself pulled subconsciously into the large room with the fireplace just to the right of the staircase, as if it called to him.
With delight Raphael allowed the enthusiastic woman to crawl into his lap straddling his powerful legs. Now with her so close the bread smell gave way to a familiar smell, the smell of a woman and her arousal. It was thick and clouded his senses as she leaned in, mask still covering her face. His large hands found her waist but didn’t stop her from advancing further.
 “God you smell amazing, it’s been too long Red.” And with that she leaned forward slanting her mouth over the brute’s beak claiming a kiss.
 The familiar taste flooded his senses and Raphael reacted gripping her tighter. His tongue pressed into her mouth plundering the warmth groaning as she whimpered softly grabbing his cheeks with her hands.
 “Fuck.” He moaned breathlessly between each engage of their lips.
 As their mouths connected Leo, Donnie and Mikey walked in on the pair stopping in their tracks. They watched Raphael’s enthusiasm skyrocket as the kissed deepened. Both large arms wrapped around the woman pulling her impossibly close returning the kiss with everything he was.
 Raphael’s large mitt ran up the back of her neck and ripped the black hat from her head and locks of blonde were wound up in his green fingers. Mouth open and dumbfounded the three brothers could hear his rumblings over the fire. Raphael was clinging to the mysterious woman like she was a life line.
 “Hey it’s the snack lady!” Mikey pointed out breaking the spell around the two entangled on the desk.
 The woman slowed their kiss and disengaged from the brute and the massive turtle slumped down on the desk panting with a punch drunk look on his face; lips still glistening from their activities. One hand reached to her cheek under the mask cupping the right side of her face lovingly.
 Slowly she reached for the mask covering her face and slipped it free. There perched above the content brute was Aurora. Her violet eyes met with all three brothers and grinned. “Welcome to my home boys.”
 @imthegreenfairy88​ @tmntspidergirl​ @ravn-87​ @alonia143​ @blossom-skies​ @tmnt-bucklover​
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paper-cloud · 3 years
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i. the crushing weight of what happens next
part of "(there will be a) tomorrow"
fandom: prospect (2018) characters: ezra, cee rating: T words count: ~3K context: post-canon general warnings/tags: see series masterlist warnings/tags for this chapter: ezra's pov. angst. not graphic descriptions of wounds, blood and amputated limbs. mentions of minor characters' death. (probably very) inaccurate but anyways vague descriptions of medical treatments and post-anesthesia symptoms. taglist: @ravensmutty @buttercup--bee @thegreenkid (again, thank you all for your interest and encouragement! :3) @krissology @ezrasarm @bonktime (please forgive my nerve, i won't tag you in the next chapters unless you'll explicitly ask me to! just thought about someone else who might be interested and you guys are AMAZINGLY talented and inspiring "prospect"/ezra writers. it's not my intention to waste precious moments of your time! 🤡
He'd have thought it was almost ironic – opening his eyes to the light only to see nothing. To feel pain.
He'd have laughed about it, most likely. A bit later, he'd have acknowledged it was a reasonably fair compromise; for him and any other wretch that'd ever dared play dice with darkness and miraculously made it out alive.
And in the very end he'd come to laugh at himself, too.
He knows the drill. Someone who trades their own life with the contract of the highest bidder doesn't see the universe in black and white, let alone is in a position to draw the hypothetical line between the two of them.
Must be an even more wicked universe than he's ever cared about, then.
At least, that's where the struggle of opening his eyes made him stumble upon; when a blade of light thrust through that hint of a gap he'd pushed himself to create in the middle, resonating through the dark coils of unconsciousness like a harsh, unforgiving bell.
A skilled mariner over silky rivers of natural redundancy and rapids of professional edges, Ezra is a man who can appreciate a sharp wit when he recognizes one.
That was too much even for him.
Floundering in between a blinding whiteness and a black hole that wasn't even completely black, but permeated by a thick, suffocating haze that filled every ghost haunting his mind with its stench. With the color of diabolically lush leaves.
Forest— spores— poison— death.
It hadn't been enough to let him dangle in apnea above a roaring vortex of lifeless emerald; take him away from the grey flow whose elusiveness he'd come to appreciate more than he'd ever hated to endure its chaos— from the bubble built on the routine series of one last jobs that, in the end, never really were.
There'd been a moment when, from the higher parts of the room, his pupils tumbled down, tripping over a patch of green discreetly lurking in a corner.
He almost threw up.
It had taken him a while to clear out the misty grit clotted in his corneas— focus on white walls, light wood paneling... a harmless seedling in a pot.
He'd breathed heavily, deeply. He sure hadn't got much relief from it. Still, he'd been able to hear its sound, louder than he'd ever heard it before, the musical, cooling mesh of oxygen particles in and out of his lungs almost begging his fingers to be touched.
Fresh air.
Had he been less sore – less convinced it was just the residual effects of anesthesia pulling pranks on him –, he would have burst out laughing. Even more so if some poor soul of the medical staff nearby would have called for reinforcements from the other side of the space station before storming into his room.
He'd be laughing now, too. The best he can manage is sitting on his bed, leaning his back on the headboard – which is what he's struggling to do right now— and well, sometimes the room lighting still slightly bothers him. Of course, with all the painkillers and antibiotics they've given him, he wouldn't feel like the wound on his stomach is swallowing the entire arsenal of stitches and bandages.
He just wouldn't like her to get the wrong idea.
He blinks several times, like a man who no longer trusts his eyes. How can he, when they're burning like that, in such a different fire from the one from days before – damp and flickering? For reasons he can imagine, she seems to be faltering. Totally beyond his comprehension, he could swear she's smiling at him. Something inside his ribcage creaks oddly, while the curve of his chest arches upward.
It's just a huff of breath, weak and hoarse, yet scratches his throat all the same, in a way that its walls feel studded with rock spurs. Actually, Ezra doesn't remember talking since they left the Green behind – which, being him, is saying something – and it's like an eternity has passed since their pod docked up there.
The nurse who let her into his room has just left and Cee sinks her hands into the pockets of her sweatpants. She's still smiling— just the faded shadow of a smile, now that he takes a better look at her.
"How's your wound?"
It sounds a lot less plain than he expected.
She hasn't moved towards him any further, and for now she's not showing any hints at wanting to. In her irises, Ezra recognizes thumping stars and cerulean clouds, all clustered in the black circle cut by the large porthole next to his bed. All before catching the thin mist veiling them. As if she did want to reach those stars, let herself get carried away by those streams of bluish dust, but she had no idea how or what to do there.
He looks down, the borders of the bandages over his abdomen slightly raised under his black short-sleeved tee. He clears his throat.
"S'healin' nicely", he says, with a deliberate lightheartedness that costs him a sharp, bizarre inflection in his voice. He closes his eyes soon after, tilting his head condescendingly. "That's how the nurse feels about it, anyway... S'not like I can feel much more right now."
This reminds him of those vacuous moments between brief, chaotic waking states and delirious dreams. When he'd managed to reconnect some essential key points scattered around in the talks of surgeons and nurses; the weariness he felt from simply gathering he was on a space station due to enter the orbit of Mesos in three cycles and something standard hours. All while his only solid reference point – the only indisputable proof he was still alive – was the sequence of beeps chirped by the medical monitor perched nearby. Constant, not monotonous. Friendly, even. Sometimes, he actually comes to miss it.
"A trust fall to the extreme, I'd guess", he snorts, a sly laugh as weak and heavy as the words trudging out of his mouth. As the whole rest of him.
Whatever answer she's considering, Cee freezes it in a quick purse of her lips – maybe a nod, but for his own good he'd rather be doubtful. Then she starts looking around.
There's a chair under the board firmly anchored to the opposite wall – probably a desk or something he's never needed to test, whatsoever. She grabs it and puts it next to his bed. She sits down, bringing her legs to her chest, squeezing them in her arms.
Waiting for what, Ezra has no idea, and he's afraid she doesn't have any, either.
He doesn't speak, though, nor does he encourage her to do the same. Her pearly gaze roams steadily but unhurriedly from him to somewhere beyond him, her nose buried in the gap between her knees. He studies her carefully, two purple crescents above her cheeks, a few hair strands swinging down her face without her wiping them out. The nights she's slept through haven't been any more peaceful than his.
Trust, he recalls in the meantime.
It sure brings an odd taste to his mouth. Something close to sweaty spacesuits, grimy paths and gone-off ration bars. A single word for two human beings forced to share the same air filter for days; that, and the image of a dead body left to rot miles behind and the desperate commitment not to end up in the same way.
His gaze just happens to trip over his right side, taking in the deflated sleeve over the emptiness that saved his life. When he lifts it back to the girl, meeting her eyes just before they can flutter away, he realizes they were both looking at the same spot. And he realizes something else— something he's already understood, yet not quite.
There is no tube binding them now.
"Why d'you do it?", he mumbles a split second later, almost like somehow the thread of his question has immediately knotted to the one of his previous thought.
He huffs. He shouldn't even have asked her, in all honesty. Seeing her like this, at least he should have put it in another way, danced around it, it's not like he’s never been good at stalling, after all—
"Comin' back", Ezra says instead, and when he swallows, he mainly does it to send his heart back down his throat. If he'd died without being given the last chance to be this straightforward on this matter, he would have probably kicked his ass all the way to the other side. 
This time, Cee doesn't avoid his gaze. He shouldn't be surprised by how collected she looks, given the calmness she handled his infected arm with and then told him about when she used to slip into Jata Bhalu carcasses. But he can't help it when he thinks she can't be much older now than what she was then.
He watches her breathing in, wobbling her pupils here and there, seemingly considering his words. She's not afraid, not any more than what she seemed to be when she walked into his room. Maybe she's just better than him at playing pretend – but this, he can't tell whether it's more of a good than a bad thing. Especially for her.
One thing he can tell is that she's not the same girl who pointed a trembling gun at him before running away into the woods. He knows she's not afraid.
He knows...
So is it the hunter's instinct he has to blame if he feels she is?
"Guess I've seen too much death on that forsaken moon to just... turn my back on one I can help– one I can do something about."
If he was standing in front of an entire mountain crumbling down into the ocean, he wouldn't hear its sound. ‘Wouldn't even be the worst he deserves. She did hesitate before adding the last few words, but Ezra refuses to believe she did that because she was afraid of hurting him. He may be a wretch, but not a fool.
Kevva, for a man who's always managed to untwist himself from far tougher situations with the tangles of his tongue alone, he's sure having a deal of trouble – and he wishes he could put all the blame on his current physical condition.
There is no word he doesn't have to weigh carefully now, to prevent it from taking too sharp edges once out of his lips. He may float around it forever. But once he's let her go without saying anything, he'll hardly find the courage to look within himself again, more than after any other job that hardened his hands with calluses and tarnished his eyes with blood.
He doesn't know for sure. In fact, everything he was sure to know – about the turning direction of the universe and the one of the wheels in his head – has already collapsed in front of him, tracing a flaming tail. An unforgiving meteor following a trajectory far beyond his grasp.
He just knows silence scares him, in a way that a wrong word will never do again. It terrifies him. More than as a talkative person, as a castaway on a hostile moon for too many cycles to keep their count – with the only company of a mute. Silence is green; the green of the most poisonous pollen, lethal in his brain just like toxic spores enveloped in his lungs. The green of snake scales ready to stand and scratch his flesh until liquid crimson pours out of it.
And at the end of the day, this is the only fucking thing he can tell himself to know without having his guts churning and chest heaving a beat later.
"Stop looking at me like that."
It's more of an exhausted prayer than an annoyed remark. Ezra blinks, stunned by the sudden return from the shapeless stream of his thoughts.
"Like what?"
"Like you're looking for the words to thank me", Cee settles back into her chair and this time she lets one leg touch the floor, "Tell me you owe me, and you– you're sorry about what you did."
Ezra sniffles. "Would it be bad?" 
"No, it—". She closes her eyes for a moment, clenching her jaw. "Just no good", she breathes out, calmer.
And the discordant note in those words conjures up ghosts not yet vague enough for Ezra to be able to tolerate them without something twinging inside him— like a violent flutter of wings. Voices groping their way up ravels of compromises. Damon, deep in the forest. Himself, with the mercenaries in the Queen's Lair. Cee, days before that. After he—
She's right— those words she hasn't said yet, but whose shadow he feels looming every time he catches her wetting her lips.
Some things just can't be split evenly.
"This is not the Green", she states, suddenly more confident but no less exhausted. "If you're going to hang around just because you need to, once we reach Mesos¹ you'd better be on your way."
Ezra doesn't interrupt her. A faded echo starts making its way into his ears. A former prospecting partner, many years ago. An easy job on a forgettable Fringe moon.
Gems don't have an expiration date. Deals do. Strike 'em if you need to, get rid of them as soon as you can. Unless you care to dig a quicker way to your grave.
He didn't pay attention to it, then. He'd thought it was just the empty rhetoric prospectors drop absentmindedly to fill the time between an unrewarding digging and the next. All the more so under the rickety advice of a couple too many.
His eyes still wide open, hands shaky, he merely reciprocated the awkward bottle lift of his partner, whom he didn't know more than the meanders of that quarry. A toast to a faceless future – a nothingness still more reassuring than what was all around and behind them. Not to the darkness of the cave, basically unbreakable if only for the red halo thrown by the twinkles of sharp, sinister Prystines². Not even to the two poor bastards that had set out with them, ending up skewered a few hundred paces behind – one by mistake, the other to return the favor of saving him from the clutches of a furious Aiu³.
Like an idiot.
Several contracts later preventing him from missing a beat in front of similar hiccups, the logic of that statement no longer sounds so absurd to Ezra. Luckily for him, Cee understood it long before him.
"I was just lookin' for the words to tell ya you'll be better off without me—"
Half a truth. Half a heartbeat. After all, she isn't the only one of them who knows how to sell it.
He leans his head back against the headboard, eyes half-closed, a sly grin baring a couple of his upper teeth. It would almost be intimidating, except that the glint hitting them doesn't quite match the dying one in his eyes.
"—But you beat me to it", he finishes, and he sounds like he's about to fall asleep.
He slowly turns his head away, looks through the porthole. His gaze clutches to the passing asteroids outside, distant nebulae spraying the sidereal black with hues of purple, blue, red— then green, again. A climbing plant squeezing him from the inside, discomfort starts creeping on him an inch of his body – what's left of it – at a time.
He doesn't want her to think he's angry at her, and it's the only concrete foothold emerging from the fluid, magmatic chaos in his mind.
How could he be, when she came back to get him?
She didn't have to.
She doesn't have to be here, either...
"I'm sorry", she suddenly blurts out.
He meets her eyes again, a mix of bewilderment and disapproval shading his own. He shakes his head.
"I just—". She starts fiddling with the extra fabric created by the folds of her sweatpants. Then she sighs deeply. "I have no idea what I'm gonna do now."
He snorts. "Not that it's s'pposed to make you feel any better, but... neither do I."
He doesn't have a hazy helmet choking the glimmer in his eyes, an air filter breaking some frequencies in his voice— maybe just those making him sound sincere, while saving those trapping him into the swamp of self-loathing.
He was nothing but honest when he told her the rules of the game on the Green. When he openly admitted he was a killer, and when he assured her he wouldn't trade her for the Sater's Aurelac. And she's always seemed to believe him, maybe for that kind of desperate inertia that washes over people when they need something to cling to. Whatever the case, Ezra can only hope she wants to believe him now. But she doesn't speak, and for a moment his fear of not saying enough overcomes that of crossing her boundaries.
"But w—", he immediately bites his tongue, "—you still have three cycles to figure things out. Someone up here will be able to help you. Even so, please know you'll always have my most sincere gratitude."
The effort of lining up all those words and so few pauses to catch his breath casts a thick fog over his ears. His eyes suddenly hurt again and he finds himself squinting.
What happens next, he just records it, hardly managing to follow each cause-effect relationship. A series of events softly raining on him without making a noise, while he can quite imagine them to be way more prolonged in time. Cee leaning towards the lighting panel on the wall, sliding her finger counterclockwise, and the white coating the walls turning less painfully bright; her getting up, walking away, dwelling just before the door. "I'll come to check on you tomorrow", she says, sniffling.
She tilts her head, holding his gaze in her watery one for an agonizingly slow while – Please, don't ask me why.
He blinks once – Of course.
Then, the automatic door is once again engulfed by the wall, closing behind her with a metallic rustle.
His heart is taken by a spiraling jolt that leaves an empty cave behind. When it falls back into place, Ezra finds something has tripped in there, shapeless and quivering like the nucleus of a newborn star.
Hope, terror and everything that lies in between. 
1) Mesos — Invented planet. Its only raison d'être is that "mésos" in Greek means "middle" and my intent was to frame this story in a moment of transition (after those of movies) for both Ezra and Cee. 2) Prystines — Invented kind of crystals. They're implied to be huge, red and very sharp, thus endangering the path through the cave. 3) Aiu — Invented predator, ideally a big feline.
Yeah, uhm... at this point, if someone was ever to give me any kind of feedback, constructive criticism or random thought, I think I'd just melt into a puddle for the attention alone. And to all those who came all the way down here, your bravery shall not be forgotten. ♥️✨
In my defense, it's (almost) all P**** P*****'s fault & of his habit of taking orphans under his wing from one planet to another.
I know people in the fandom generally tend to make Ezra and Cee go along straight away after the movie, so this will be a slightly different take on things, I guess... But even if I don't know if I'll keep this series going atm (life & maturity exam suck), a final reconciliation is definitely on the way. ;)
Oh, and any beta reader that should feel like helping me out for when I'll have the next chapters ready is warmly welcomed! My DMs are always open and I swear I don't bite! :3
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btswishes · 4 years
Love me for who I am now
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Bucky x Reader ( Chapter 4)
Previous / Next (5)
Summary: You apply for the Stark internship and end up getting it, so now you have 5 months to make a good impression to continue working with the Avengers.
A/N: Ok. I think I need to calm down with the descriptions a bit. They might be a bitt too much for everything. Good thing this is an experiment and a challenge for my damn bratty authors block. Sorry for any mistakes made, hope you enjoy it even a tiny bit.
Tag list: @vicmc624​
Word count:  3,305
Warmings: fights, harsh language, not part of the original MCU
Y/N- Your name                             
Y/L/N- Your Last Name                  
40s Vocabulary:  
killer diller - the best, amazing
grandstand - show off in a boastful manner
​snap your cap - get angry
flip your wig - lose your temper, lose control
   The compound was overthrown by silence, such a sweet melody combined with the sound of the nightly creatures, passing by at such heights. One would be surprised at what could even survive up here, at least the city was just a distant presence. The clock hit 12 as you closed the door of the lab behind yourself. After tiding up you decided to brush over some stuff, ending up just doing 3 more hours of work. Steve wouldn’t be happy to find out you did exactly what he expected.
  Your feet tiptoeing snuck around the halls, making sure no one noticed or got woken up by you. No sound came out, not even by your breath. You were expecting to see the glimmer of light from at least 2 rooms, but apparently no one was up. Palm against the metal of the door, it slid open ever so silently as its owner.
“Ah~…” you let out a deep breath, letting your body sink onto the bed- work books and empty laptop bag on the covers under your right hand. Replenishing the oxygen, you took in the smell of the sheets. A mix of fresh, crisp mountains with a hint of floral tones.
       Knock knock
   Your head came up first, allowing the guest access to your room, before pushing half your body up with hands firmly pressed into the bedding. The hissing sound of the door revealed a head pocking from the side, illuminated slightly by the dim lighting coming from inside.
“Am I bothering?” the female voice asked
“Um no, actually I just came from the lab.” You explained, beginning to identify the owner of the rich voice slowly
“Come over to my room then.” blunt and direct, a woman that never beat around the bush. Something you wanted to be able to do as well sometimes
“Nat!” another sweet note flew into your room, rapidly cutting off the residual command “You are supposed to ask her if she wants to come, not demand. She could be tired.”
“Oh come on.” Natasha looked back at the second companion, reading her a lecture in the corridor “She can say no.” with the corner of her eye she was indirectly actuating you in her favor. Agent habits die…well - never.
“ I am a night owl so if you don’t mind I would love to join you.” Still whispering in case someone woke up, you were pulled out from your room by the two women. It felt like a blink of an eye when you found yourself cross-legged on the soft mattress. The situation was not expected and very much tense for you. Soft tapping sounds of rain filled the room, creating a cozy ambiance. Natasha was leaning onto her elbow - body sideways, while Wanda was completely laying onto her stomach- both looking at you.
“Relax.” Natasha tapped your shoulder. It felt almost like magic when your body did exactly that, well maybe it was since Wanda’s hand flashed a bit. I don’t think anyone would complain about the sudden stress relieve. Compared to your pretty empty living quarters this place showed the years spend. The color of the wall was a warm light tone of dark amber. Combined with the wooden style furniture and small knickknacks, it had a warm cabin like feeling - welcoming. You did not regret coming here at all, now that you were situated. And the rain, the light drops just added so much to this, almost like you were on vacation in the woods and star-gazing with your closest friends.
“So, how did it go with Mr. Always Grumpy?” Wanda uttered below you, attention spilling out of her very existence
“Bucky?” you asked strings pulling a nod from both of them “Thought so.” sighing, your elbows dug into the soft cover supporting your upper body “ He just threw a tantrum that ended up with him almost choking me out on the spot and not in the good way. Fixed his arm though. ”you added proud of the last sentence
“Wait, wait.” Natasha swung her hands side to side in front of her face in disbelieve “He let you fix his shoulder? No, no let me rephrase that. James Buchanan Barnes let you touch him? Someone he doesn’t know?”
“How?” Wanda sat up in a split second, making the bed shift a bit from the kinetic energy applied to it
“Simple.” Your pointer finger flung up positioned between your eyebrows, before pointing at the two women “Treat him like a moody antisocial child.” A wide evil smirk tugged from side to side onto your lips “ I just told him that if he doesn’t get it fixed he will be a burden on the next mission. For someone trying to erase his past by doing good deeds and being useful, this was like a jab to his ego.”
“That…” Wanda’s fingers wrapped around her chin, letting her sink in thought “…that makes a lot of sense honestly. I would have never come up with that.”
“Enough about fossil number 2.” Natasha clapped her hands “Since we will be neighbors from now on, let’s go around and do a short introduction happy campers.”
“I will go first.” Wanda rose her hand beginning “Wanda Maximoff here, your teammate living right in front of you.”
“You can just call me Nat, no need for formalities, Captain’s orders.” She joked
“I mean for me just Wanda is ok.”
“I guess the introduction is directed more towards me.” A giggle rung out “ Y/N Y/L/N, studying in Stark University with a very weird past, that I can’t explain to myself either. Your new neighbor and teammate from what I can gather. Pleasure to make -“ too formal you thought to yourself, it was time to let go a bit “Nice to meet yall.”
  You found yourself getting along with the girls much faster than with anyone else in the compound. Maybe it was because you didn’t have an awkward first confrontation with any of them or a choking one.
“By the way.” You lured them back with your voice “Tony said something about me using the gym. What’s all that about? ”
  The two turned to each other questioning for a moment, before deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to know what Tony was mixing in his little pot of mischief – had to get used to it sooner or later.
“He is testing an Avengers new generation program on you.” Nat concluded from their numerous conversations about you prior to your arrival or, as a matter of fact, even your application acceptance “The gym is for well, to make sure you don’t die on missions.”
“Ok, hol’ up hol’ up.” Your eyes squeezed shut when your hands waved air side to side “Not only am I a ‘build an avenger’ type of deal, but I will be going on missions?!”
  Their non verbal agreement pulling a deep and already exhausted sigh out of you. It hadn’t even began and your muscles were in pain. You got yourself in this mess, you kind of wanted it so no backing down now. Your pride wouldn’t let you.
  The rest of the night was filled with jokes, snarky comments about the men in the compound. Natasha had dirt on almost all of them with the occasional help of Wanda. The three troublesome birdies soon fell asleep each in her own corner of the bed, till later in the night when you huddled up. The window in Natasha’s room was the main culprit causing you to ball one next to the other.
  Light slowly creeping into the common room and welcoming the men stumbling early for a cup of coffee - drowsy and very much looking like bird nests. Tony dressed in his fancy pjs was quick in his preparations, while Sam and Steve were still waiting next to the bubbling machine, on each side of it. Arms crossed, pressed against firm muscles and fighting the sleep.
“Morning early birds.” Tony teased Sam when Bucky’s heavy steps passed behind the playboy. He looked the most awake and ready for a mission out of everyone. Steve pulled out a couple of mugs and poor the hot dark liquid, passing 2 out to his buddies.
  Peace covered them like a comfort veil, sips frequently reminding that time was indeed still flowing and not paused. Boredom began crawling up their spines, when Bruce’s emerging presents lit them up. The need for some vibrancy was soaking into the air.
“What is up with the serious atmosphere?” he asked grabbing one of the cups resting on the bar.
“Something is missing here.” Sam pushed his lips to the side speaking of things everyone noticed “It’s...too quiet.”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” Tony released his grip on the mug, resting it on the table
Yes Sir?
“Where are the rest of us?”
If you are speaking of Miss Maximoff, Miss Romanoff and Miss Y/L/N they are still in bed.
“I know I buy the best beds, but this is a bit too much.” Tony got up and walked over to Wanda’s room, knocking on the door. He waited for an answer, but none was given. His head pocked in just for his eyes to be met with emptiness.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. where are they?” Tony stomped over to your room, which was in the same condition maybe a bit emptier since you were a new arrival
In Miss Romanoff’s room Sir.
“All of them?” Steve pushed his hips off the counter, tall figure stalking after Tony.
Yes Sir.
  The door slid open and Steve almost choked out a loud laugh at the sight. The three of you were cuddled up like stray cats trying to keep warm during the cold winter days, waiting for an owner to come and pick you up. Hands pushing his lips closed, Steve snuck in closing the open window. As simple as the action was it released a calming moan from one of you, the space already getting warmer.
“I don’t have the heart to wake them up.” Bruce announced with a cheerful whisper 
“Yeah, keep them like that.” Sam pulled out his phone and started taking pictures
“What are you doing?” Bucky’s body leaning onto the doorframe, the newest member to this room-visit
“What does it look like tin can arm?” clicking sounds bouncing off the wall “Getting some dirt on Nat. The amount of blackmail material she has on me is too much.”
“Ok, you had your fun bird brain.” Bucky grabbed Sam’s hand and pulled the phone way from your resting figures, specifically you.
“Calm down you two.” Steve tried to pull them away and out of the small space
“What got your panties twisted?” Sam’s body stood up confidant, clenching the muscles being wrapped by the cold vibranium plates “The Winter Soldier look is showing on that smug face of yours.” The dark glistening skin pushed closer to Bucky as he was almost picking a fight “ Shit, if I didn’t know better I would say someone was whispering them trigger words of yours.” 
  Sam finally had something to use for revenge, but this whole righteous behavior of Bucky was spoiling his fun. The rest of the guys felt the pressure accumulating around the menacing men “Zhelaniye and Semnadtsat something like that right? Oh wait that is right~...Wakanda whipped your ass clean.” The awful Russian accent awoke Natasha, but feeling the heavy air she decided to wait her time to get those pictures back. Sly one.
 The words were loud enough for everyone to wait for Bucky’s reaction.
“Rzhaviy or some shit li-“ the word crept inside your ear together with the sentence beforehand. Your left hand decided that the position it was in wasn’t comfortable anymore, swinging your left foot in the opposite direction. Hands pushing off the bed with a rough creek, let your left knee hook onto Sam’s neck – body hanging like a chain in front of him. Your fingers didn’t waste time to snake around his own calves pulling them up.
“Wha-!” Sam gasped when the heels of your feet pushed his shoulders back – head hitting the soft carpet with a loud thud and grunt. There was no time to take a breath for the poor man before your arms locked the air in his throat.
  Natasha grabbed the phone quickly and deleted whatever she could find about herself, while everyone else sat stunned.
“I give- I give- up!” Sam tried squeezing the words out of his mind as he began tapping the floor and your elbow.
“I got the pics Y/N.”Nat waved the phone at you, but your hands began to tighten around his neck. Sam was starting to turn colors his skin wasn’t supposed to have.
“Y/N!” Bucky growled out loud and commanding, shacking up the whole room. It felt like a bubble popped from in front of you, body jolting at the voice.
“Ha?” your lips fell open as your body relaxed, letting Sam finally suck in so much ai,r the covers on Natsha’s bed almost went inside his mouth. Your jaw closed just so your throat could swallow a bit of spit seeing as it was feeling dry, before it opened back up. Sam’s body heat pulled your gaze down to him when you started to register the situation.
“Oh God!” you pulled away from him, apologies spilling out of you, too many in a second “I was sleepwalking again!”
  Dumbfound, that was exactly the expression on everyone’s face hearing you say that. You were used to your nightly habits, even your family found it natural at this point.
“Usually when I have nightmares I either mumble or sleepwalk.” Trying to explain yourself didn’t change what everyone was feeling.
“OW!” Steve screeched out upon feeling Tony’s fingers pinch his arm
“I am not dreaming am I? You all saw that too.” He felt Cap swat his hand away sending a warm wave of pain through his limb
“Test it on yourself next time!” he hissed
“I call that sleep fighting not walking.” Bruce pitched in feeling left out “You are trying to tell us you are…used to this?” your head nodded, roughed up hair flying back and forth
“My mom calls them night terrors. Tried to get help for it, but I guess the only one who could help me was my uncle. One of the reasons why I spend so much time with him.” You grinned trying to get out of this mess as fast as possible with less casualties
“I am stopping this now.”Tony threw his hands in the air “I am not awake enough to deal with all this...and that tiny assassin.” You followed him hastily to the kitchen whipping yourself a cup of tea and flying over to one of the seats. The rest of the Avengers followed your stumbling figure out of the room – slow steps, a mix of amazement and confusion, pain for some. Sam sat on the couch pretty far from you, keeping quiet. Your eyes scanned the room waiting for someone to say something or to cut the thick atmosphere with a butter knife.
“Can I take Y/N over from Nat?” Steve was the hero in this moment . Tony waved his hand, swallowing his almost cold coffee
“Do what you want, I am not capable of decisions right now.” The screeching floor yelped under the chair’s feet. Sam followed Bucky out the room, after Tony announced his departure. 
“Come with me kid.” Steve’s heavy yet warm hand fond your tense shoulder muscles. Your body jumped and followed the man like a small chick behind its mother. You ran to your room taking a quick shower, a dash of deodorant and putting on workout clothes. Washing yourself before sweating made no sense, but the warmth tended to relax you. Taking into consideration the amount of stress you were feeling for awhile now – it felt good.
  The gym was maybe 3 levels before the floor you lived on, information revealed to you in the not so comfortable awkward ride with the elevator. The doors slid open unveiling a whole new world. Stylish…there is nothing you could say at this point but Tony owned it, it talked for itself. Steve told you to leave the duffle bag onto a bench and come to the equipment. 
“Have you used any of these?” he pointed at the machines and you shook your head. You knew about them from youtube videos and maybe 1 or 2 gym visits, but saying up right being able to use them properly was questionable. “Ok, let’s start with a quick evaluation of your body’s capabilities.”
  With the corner of your eyes you could see Bucky lifting an absurd amount of weights – super soldier let’s not forget that again. You started first with the bar without anything on it, before Steve began adding. You were struggling, which made him know when to stop piling stuff and changing the muscle groups. What felt like 2 hours later he gave you a small break, walking over to his friend to spot him.
  A dust cloud swirled around the metal arm before the weights floated in the air. Once more finding yourself eyeing him head to toe – his arms were glistening from the sweat droplets forming onto them. The t-shirt was tightly clinging on his muscles like glue was applied to them previously. His hair fixed to patches of his lovable face. That untamed beard and ice blue eyes made his existence mirror that of a Greek God statue. Fingers tingling around your water bottle unknowingly wishing to touch him, before noticing Steve walking up to you – not before Bucky’s eyes met yours for a split second for who knows what time.
“He is a killer diller aint he.” The blonde snickered at your flushed face, being caught staring. Taking a quick drink from your bottle ,you stood up and threw it to Steve
“Grandstand.” you coughed out at the man leaving him stunned in place from what just erupted from your mouth “You coming?” you coaxed him successfully.
  Aside from the small playful teasing Cap tried to play on you,F on his best friend’s back - training was though. He wasn’t going easy on you, ass hitting the floor one too many times for your liking. You could already feel the bruises coloring your skin a midnight blue with a hint of a bloody red.
“Time out!” puffing out the words with the last liter of air left inside your lungs “I-I can’t Steve.” The dull thudding sound your legs made hitting the mat echoed in the big gym. It was loud enough to wake up the dead.
“That is enough for today. You did surprisingly well. Don’t you think Mr. Grandstrand?” a towel flung on top of your head turning off the lights in your mind. With a trembling hand you pulled it off to look at the one and only Sergeant, looming over you. Steve’s words summoned a low groan from Bucky filled with annoyance.
“Hey now, don’t snap your cap.” A type of teasing only possible between friends gone through decades and countless near death situations. The towel was soft enveloped in a calming and nostalgic smell. Having gained some of your strength back, your palms pushed off the floor with a fling. For a moment your demeanor mirrored that of Steve, calmly tapping Bucky’s back and throwing him a playful look, that of years long pals.
“Come on cap, don’t tease him that much. He gonn’ flip his wig soon.” The sentence dripping with a heavy old school Brooklyn accent. No war could prepare them both for this one sided conversation they just witnessed.
“Did she just?” Bucky pointed at you, finger hovering in the direction of your disappearing body silhouette.
“I don’t know man.” 
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pit-and-the-pen · 3 years
Chapter 4
 Just a short chapter to kick off my ideas for this series! Hope you enjoy! 
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        A knock on Fred’s door interrupted him from a rather pleasant dream, the smell of apples faintly being chased away as he stirred awake. “Go away” He grumbled as loudly as he could muster before pulling a spare pillow over his head and rolling over onto his stomach. 
       “You’re late for training.” George calls from the other side of the door. Fred just groaned loudly and swore. He’d never hear the end of this from the guys. Trudging out of bed, he threw on whatever clothes he touched first. Deciding he could put together a better outfit later. His training gear would cover it anyways. 
     Walking out of the door, George whistles lowley when Fred passes him. A cup of warm coffee was shoved into his hands by George. Fred’s not normally a coffee drinker, but grimaces and downs the small cup anyways.  “Boy, you would think you stayed up the whole night.” George laughed at Fred’s disheveled appearance. “She even got you home at a reasonable time and everything.” He laughs a little louder at the slightly starstruck look that takes over his brother's face at the mention of last night. He claps his brother over the shoulder.  “Look at you, losing sleep over a pretty face.” 
Fred winds up to argue back before George holds his hands up. “Mate, it’s a good look on you. Well not right now obviously but overall.” George winks at his brother as they start to walk down the pathway outside to the training arena. “I haven’t seen you that lively since Bill was crowned.” Fred really wants to argue but he can’t, he knows he became a stiff the moment he became next in line. 
He remembers how him and George used to run rampant through the castle, pulling as many pranks as they possibly could. Minerva or even their mother yelling after them. The thought brings a smile to Fred’s face. How much of a simpler time that was. Back before they were looking face down at a war. Before his father’s problems we’re thrown into his lap because, in all reality, Bill wants nothing to do with them. The same way that Charlie had wriggled out under the guise of helping peace relations in Romania. The same way that Percy left the weight on Fred’s shoulders by being a royal face on the front and getting so good at raising morale that they decided to keep him exactly where he was. 
Plus, as much as everyone loved Percy, he cared too much about how he was perceived to make a great king. He would be too powerful in the wrong hands and the family had its fair share of people that would take full advantage of that fact before the crown even touched his head. He. realized he had been silent for a little too long and just sighed. 
“Sorry George. I know I’m no fun anymore.” His brother nudged him in the ribs.
“Whoever said you were fun in the first place eh?” George said in such a serious tone it made Fred pause. He saw the look on his brother's face and realized the joke had gone right over his head. I really do need to lighten up. He thought to himself and chuckled at his brother. 
Running a hand through his hair a small pang of sadness hits him harder than he thought it would’ve. He’s really just lost so much of himself by the prospect of being king someday. And he really knows it’s just a matter of time. The entire family is waiting with baited breath for Bill to finally run off with Fleur. They keep getting closer every day and it’s only a matter of time until the couple run off to the hills of France. Fred mentally curses at the thought. Bill isn’t doing it to be selfish, he knows that but Fred will be damned if he lets George suffer through everything he’s going through. If it becomes Fred’s turn he’s bringing them through a war and he’s never been more terrified at that idea.
 Fred walks down to the arena in a bit of haze. His thoughts run all over the place. Worse case scenario, one after the other, plays in his mind. How they don’t have enough bodies to fight a war. About how everyone will hate him when he has to draft. The kingdom falling because Fred couldn’t make the important calls at the right time. It’s enough to make him wish that he had stayed in bed. 
Before he realizes it, he’s stepping onto the gravel rink of the training arena. Trying to clear his head with a small shake, he realizes he can spiral later. Right now, he’s doing what he can. Everything else for now can wait. This is what he needs to do to play his part. Keep an eye out for who has leadership potential. 
With the Triwizard tournament coming up, currently being worked up and finalized as he stands here, he needs to keep a clear head. Does he think that right now is not the time for all the usual pageantry? Of course, but for now, it’s not his call to make and he’s grateful for that. He just falls in line and takes his orders when they are given. George gives him a firm pat on his back as he takes his usual spot on the bleachers, pulling out a large book and a quill. Ready to take notes down to report back to Bill. As he expected, there are a few lears and teases about his tardiness, comments he brushes off with a shrug. A few comments on seeing him with someone last night and he quickly shuts down that line of thinking. 
He pairs the men off into their small sparing groups. Deciding that he didn’t trust his own reflexes today, he informs them he wants to work on non-wand fighting. 
“Why would we do that when we have wands?” A voice calls out from the crowd. He sighs heavily. Of course these knob heads would think that. 
“What are you going to do if your wand gets lost, or heaven forbid, were to break in the middle of a fight?” He squints at the man that questioned him. “Are you going to run in the middle of a fight because of that? No. That’s why this is just as an important skill as dueling.” Fred pats the longsword currently resting on his hip. A few people from the crowd chuckle. They just assume it’s for show. He notices a few of the men looking behind him as he’s speaking. He sends a glance over his shoulder and he wants to curse from the sight in front of him. None other than Draco Malfoy. Loud and proud, standing like he owns the damn place. 
He bites back the eye roll and gestures to his men. “Work amongst yourselves for a moment.” He looks at the defiant faces. “With wands if it’s that damn important to you.” He says dismissively but with a tone that says this isn’t the last of that conversation. 
The relationship with the Malfoy family and the Royal family is rocky to say the least. They were part of the group that broke off and tried to become important in the Dark Lord's personal court, before it crumbled, of course. They were also some of the loudest opponents for the Weasley family to become the ruling family and decided to let that little detail fuel every one of their actions for the last fifty years. They did all of this while trying to worm their way into the most powerful positions. Much to Fred’s displeasure to admit, Lucius had managed to redeem himself quite well and from that Draco grew up just as good as a prince would have. 
“To what do I owe the displeasure of your presence Draco?” Fred sighed out. Not bother to care about diplomacy. There was something about the boy that just made his blood boil, too many smart comments aimed at his fathers competency when they were in school together he reckons. Malfoy just scoffs, pointing his head high in the air as he always does. 
“I was sent from the castle to come and get you. Important meeting apparently.” His voice full of discontent, obviously not liking being sent to run errands. 
“And why are you even in the kingdom again?” Fred taunts. “Front line too scary for you?” 
Once again Malofy scoffs. “They pulled Potter and I both out last week. That’s all that I know. Sent in replacements and everything.” Draco raises an eyebrow at Fred’s shocked expression. “Do you not even know what’s going on in your own kingdom? I thought they would be filling you in before him at this point.” He laughs and Fred lunges forward. Grabbing the shiny armor that Draco is wearing. Proof of how little he actually had seen of battle. 
“Woah. Not here Freddie” George says, coming to pry Malfoy out of Fred’s grip. Fred looks back at the group of men currently inspecting every detail of this interaction. 
“Better watch that temper, your majesty.” Malfoy spits out before Fred lets him go, giving him a large shove to get some distance between the two of them. He watches with a small smirk as the blond stumbles back and takes a second to regain his footing.
 Fred turns to the crowd, not even bothering to pretend they haven't just seen the interaction. “Well looks like you have been saved from a boring day.” Fred addresses them. “You’re dismissed but we’re doing double training to make up for this interruption.” He calls and claps his hands, letting everyone know they’re dismissed. 
There are a few groans from among the crowd but after the little show Fred put on no one thinks it smart to try to test his patience at the moment. 
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I’ve tried to get this up three times and tumblr has decided to hate me so sorry if the formating is a little off. I tried to fix it but I’m terrible at editing if you havent noticed already.
Taglist: (some wont tag so if you changed urls and still want to be tagged please let me know!) @they-write-once-in-a-while @magical-spit @birdie-writes @ickle-ronniekins @heart-of-tempered-steel @wand3ringr0s3​ @thoseofgreatambition @things-that-start-with-f @elf-punk @bitchywhisperswizard @a-little-too-much @izzytheninja @kpopgirlbtssvt @shadowsinger11 @harrysweasleys 
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loser-writings · 4 years
Could you write omega!fatgum???? And maybe omega!Tokoyami?
Of Course! Omega Tokoyami is a blessing tbh. Might just fuck around and write more for him.
Reminder! Requests are open!
Fumikage Tokoyami
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Tokoyami has always had a thing for nesting. He can’t tell if that is because he is an Omega, or if it's the bird in him. Either way, He sighs softly as he moves to light a few candles. All of his supplies were neatly put into a pile on his desk and he was preparing himself for the long day ahead of him. Since class had been canceled due to rain, he thought this was the perfect time to make a nest in his dorm room, but he also knew that once he started, nobody could stop him.
He moved to the corner of the dorm room where his desk had been just moments before and shut his eyes, feeling his omega purr with contentment at the sight. Good enough for him. He moved to grab a few oversized pillows before laying them down on the ground delicately. His nests were all a matter of layers. Pillows, then blankets, then pillows, more blankets, then a few stuffed animals and clothes on top. 
He slowly built it up, layer by layer, before sitting down to neatly put everything where he wanted it to be. His omega was purring loudly at the sight of the nest before there was a knock on his door. He huffed softly and decided his nest was acceptable before moving to see who was outside. 
He was surprised to see you holding a bag in your hands. “Hey Toko, You mind if I come in for a sec? I saw something that made me think of you so I had to get it for you.” His eyes widened but he slowly nodded. “Uh...I guess that’s fine.” He moved out of the way before letting you inside, suddenly feeling anxious that an alpha was in the same room as his nest. Let alone the Alpha he had been crushing on for a while now.
“You not wearing your choker?” You asked as you looked back at him. His hand instantly went around his own neck before realizing he had taken it off. “It’s okay. I just noticed that it smelled like apples in here, and I didn’t think you had come out of your room to get one.” You smiled a bit and stood awkwardly in the center of his room. Once he realized that you were waiting for permission to sit, he shook his head slightly and sighed. “You can sit on the floor or on my bed. I really don’t mind. Just...not the nest. I finished it right before you came in.”
He saw your face fall slightly before it perked back up again. “I knew I should’ve stopped by the second class got canceled.” You said before carefully sitting down on his bed. He couldn’t help but appreciate how gentle you were being in his room since it was his safe space. 
“Anyway, come here! Open the bag!” You said and held it out for him to take. He huffed softly before sitting beside you, Omega purring when his hands touched yours before he moved to slowly pull everything out. 
LED lights, two thin blankets with a tarot sun and moon card printed on them, and a few candles were inside the bag. He hadn’t noticed it yet, but his omega was purring loudly at the thoughtful gifts, already wanting them to go near his nest, but your voice broke him out of his trance. “I saw them and thought of you when we were out shopping. That’s why I asked if you could go see what Jiro and Denki were up to.” He huffed as he moved to hold the soft blankets in his hands. “These are amazing...Thank you so much.” he bowed his head, omega still purring and scent stronger than ever.
Your alpha howled at the thought of him accepting the courting gifts, but you stopped for a moment to reach over and grab the LED lights. “I know that lights might seem weird, especially cause I know you like the darkness, but I saw that you could change how intense the light could be and that you could turn them purple.” His eyes widened. “Wait really?” You nodded and smiled. “Can I show you?” He instantly nodded, watching happily as you handed him the remote and showed him how the lights work.
When you handed them to him, he just smiled as he stared down at the light. “This is amazing. Seriously, thank you so much.” He moved to sit them down before carefully opening one of the blankets. He stared at the design for a moment, debating on if he should listen to his omega and take a chance, or just hand them up. 
After a moment, he looks at you before handing you the blanket. “Would you please scent this for me?” If he could blush, he would be as red as can be. He glanced up only to see your shocked expression before he started to panic. Once you noticed this, your eyes widened again and you quickly grabbed the fabric. “Of course Tokoyami!” You bowed as you took the fabric, starting to rub it against your neck to transfer your scent onto the material. The loud purring from Tokoyamis’ Omega made him bashful, but he could hear you croon was just as loud and reassured him that you were happy. Once you felt as if you scented it good enough, you handed it back to make sure he was content with it. 
Tokoyami took in the scent before standing up, quickly hopping into his nest to attempt to hang it, but sadly he was only 5’2”. “Omega,” He stood straight and shivered a bit hearing you say that out loud. “Y-Yes?” “Why don’t you ask Dark Shadow to hang everything up for you?” He stopped before sighing. “That...would help a bit, huh?” He smiled a little and you nodded, reaching over to grab the other blanket as Tokoyami handed the fabric to Dark Shadow. “Want me to scent this too?” He instantly nodded. “If you wouldn’t mind.” You shook your head and started scenting it as Tokoyami and Dark shadow began hanging everything. 
By the time Tokoyami finished, everything you had given him had been scented and he sat happily in the center of his nest. You grinned from his bed and watched him, happy that he was so content with your gifts. It wasn’t until Tokoyami looked up at you when he realized that you were still on the bed. He huffed softly and crawled to the edge of his nest before holding out a hand. “Want to join me?” 
He watched as you slowly took his hand and crawled into his nest with him. When you laid down against the soft pillows, you were surprised when Tokoyami curled up beside you, under your arm and against your chest. Soft purrs came from him as the smell of apple mixed with your own scent, calming the omega even more. He yawned softly before pressing his beak against your neck softly, humming as he took in your scent. 
“Hey birdy?” He cooed at the nickname before opening his eyes a little. “Hm?” “Will you be mine?” His omega purred loudly once again before snuggling into you more. “Only if you become mine as well…” You chuckled and kissed his head. “Silly bird...Of course.”
Taishiro Toyomitsu
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NOBODY expects him to be an Omega due to the fact that he is 8’2” and that he is constantly eating. Alphas are known for having quite an appetite, so mix height with hunger and you get Taishiro. He actually isn’t that insecure about being an omega, but also never will mention it. Most villains won’t know at a first glance, and his reputation alone makes many think he is an Alpha.
He doesn’t get that many courting gifts or requests for dates, and if he does they are from Omegas. It’s not that he wouldn’t have a relationship, actually he would court anybody, but nobody really peaks his interest, so he just decides to stick with being single until he finds the right person.
Well the right person just so happened to open up a bakery/candy store and holy shit it was heaven. He would stop by every time he passed just to get some of the amazing food or candy, hell when he first had Tamaki and Kirishima, this was one of the first places he showed them since he loved it so much. 
Little did he know that his omega would fall hard for you that day. There was no crime at that moment, so the three of them politely asked if they could watch you make your candy after finding out you could make hard candy sculptures. You agreed happily and asked what they wanted. Kirishima wanted a dog, Tamaki bashfully asked for a goldfish, and Tai asked for a frog. 
They watched in awe as you managed to take chunks of the candy and cut them into beautiful sculptures, painting them one by one and handing them to each boy. Kirishima was in awe and instantly wanted to tell his friends, Tamaki was resisting the urge to cry, and Tai was completely awestruck. They all thanked you as you finished up and Tai gave quite the tip for your incredible work.
After that, Kirishima brought almost all of class 1A to watch you, Tamaki brought Mirio and Nejire, and Tai would always just watch you work for hours. If the store was empty, you would chat with him while you worked. That’s when he found out that you weren’t an omega, but an Alpha who adored sweets. His omega jumped around happily even at the thought.
He walked in one day only to find you and your team working on a series of hard candies. Large sticks laid on the tables behind the counters and many were chopping away to break them into tiny pieces. It was a sound that made him happy, the tink tink tink of the candy breaking over and over, but it couldn’t even hold a candle to your voice. 
“Hey! Tai! Come here, I need you to taste test something for me.” The man happily walked over to you and grinned, seeing you holding a bag out for him. “You sure this much is fine?” He asked only to see you smile bright and nod. “Check inside!” He carefully picked out one of the small candies only to see that it was black and 2 capital red Rs that were back to back. “Is this Red Riot?” He asked before popping it in his mouth smiling at the taste. “Black Cherry.” 
You nodded and clapped. “Yes! Try another!” He pulled out a blue one that had a sun symbol. “Suneater?” You nod as he hummed from the flavor. “Blue raspberry.” You nod again. “Last one! You should be able to figure it out.” He grabbed an orange one before laughing, seeing the FGF that was on his hoodie on the candy. “It's me. I love it.” he smiled and ate it only to grin even bigger. “Maple...Did I tell you that was my favorite?” You clearly were pleased as you jumped happily. “I thought so! But it was really just a good guess!” You chirped happily before clapping a bit. ‘I was going to add hero themed candy, so I decided to add my favorite three first!” 
His heart melted and his Omega was so pleased. He looked down at the bag in his hand before smiling once again at you. “I would be honored. You really don’t have to-” “Tai I want to!” You were so happy with yourself and he just chuckled. “Okay okay...One condition though.” You tilted your head to the side and he grinned. “After work today, you let me help make some.” Your eyes sparkled and you nodded. “Of course!
That night you had Tai come over, sit and eat dinner, before suiting him up to make the candies. You taught him how to pull the sugar and why it turned white when you did. Then, you taught him how to layer the candy to make each symbol. How to pull them into small sticks, and then how to break them into tiny pieces. 
As you bagged up everything, Tai sat happily snacking on the various candies you had made. His omega was purring happily, watching you dart back and forth to put everything together. “Can I ask you somethin?” Tai spoke as you hummed to let him know that you were listening. “Do you have an Omega? I’ve noticed you don’t have a mark or a ring.” 
You hummed and shook your head. “Nah, Not many Omegas are fond of an Alpha that works so close to other Omegas.” He instantly huffed and rolled his eyes. “I mean, I know my opinion doesn’t mean much, but I think your job is amazing and you work with everybody. Doesn’t matter if they are an alpha, beta, or omega.” You smiled and nodded while sitting the basket of treats on the counter next to him. “Well, I appreciate the fact you understand that I don’t care.” He smiled and shrugged. “That's why I do the same with the people I work with. Alpha hero, Omega hero, Beta hero, it doesn’t matter. You just want somebody who can get the job done.” 
You nodded, sitting in front of him before reaching over to hold his hand with pink cheeks. “Exactly~” He instantly took your hand back and grinned. “I actually have a question too, Tai.” He hummed before you smiled. “Can I take you on a proper courting date? Like...This was fun, but I think a date outside of work would be nice.” 
His omega purred loudly and nodded before smiling. “Yeah! That would be nice!” He squeezed your hand before looking at the clock, noticing how dark it was. “How about tomorrow? I have the day off.” You perked up more and nodded. “Yeah! That would be amazing!” 
You both get ready to leave for the night, planning for the date when you realized something. “Hey! Tai come down here for a moment!” You opened your arms up to hug him and the man obeyed by sitting on the ground for a proper hug. You instantly held him tight and started snuggling into his neck, scenting him happily. Tai instantly laughed, scenting you back before pulling away.
“We need to go to sleep! It’s late and we have a date to go on tomorrow.” You chuckled and continued to hold him. “I know but you seriously give the best hugs! I could just sleep with you like this.” You realized what you said and pulled away. “I-I mean..” He chuckled and pecked your head. “Wanna come to my place? I think I’d like to have you sleep in my nest.” You grinned before nodding, holding his hands. “Of course! Lets go!”
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daisylincs · 4 years
It's time to see what I can do! To test the limits and break through// no right no wrong no rules for meee// I'm freeeeeeeeee (and i was glad lincoln died)
*utter, shocked silence*
Well, Birdie, I only have one thing to say to you --
Why Lincoln Campbell Shouldn't Have Died: A Small Essay By Lily [Redacted]
#1. It’s Lazy. There was all this fuss about how “heart-breaking” Lincoln’s death was, and how it was the most shocking choice, and I’m just like... really? Was it? Because frustrating as it is to me, it’s true that Lincoln didn’t have any significant relationships on the show aside from his with Daisy, and he also didn’t have the time/the writers didn’t invest the time to make him a character the audience could become really close to. 
And I don’t see how that’s a shocking choice at all? That’s just taking the easy way out of things. If they had really wanted to make a heart-breaking death, it would have been so much worse to choose literally anyone of the OG team.
Or, heaven forbid, not to make anyone die at all!! (Yes, I hate the Fallen Agent arc. Yes, that’s a conversation for another day.) But think about it: it would have been way more original, way more shocking, to have Lincoln not die, or find a super original/Fitzsimmons-esque way to get past the vision. It could’ve been way more shocking and ultimately satisfying if the whole team had worked together to avoid someone dying, and succeeded in avoiding that. It would have made excellent bonding.
And it wouldn’t have been lazy, because Lincoln staying alive would force him and Daisy to have some tough conversations, i.e. Hive and SHIELD and what’s next. It would also have meant an equal amount of tricky conversations with the rest of the team - especially surrounding the whole Hive debacle and methods used during it (*coughs in murder vests*). It would’ve actually been much harder than just having Lincoln die... and isn’t that what good storytelling is supposed to do? Make the harder choice for an ultimately far more satisfying resolution? 
Because choosing Lincoln to die makes it feel like that was his only purpose on the show, and I can’t help but rage against that. I know that’s how a lot of people actually do see Lincoln, and it just makes me so furious, because that’s actually such a disservice to his character?? He was so much more than just Daisy’s doomed boyfriend, and he could have been even more. Which brings me to my next point - 
#2. Wasted Opportunities. I’ll always believe that one of the biggest missed opportunities on the show was that we never got to see Lincoln properly bond with anyone on the team - it was like the writers started, but then decided he was going to die, and then went all, oh, RIP that. Which, honestly, is stupid - because they created this amazing character that had so much potential, and then decided to drop it just like that. 
And I mean, dammit!! Aside from Daisy, Lincoln had prime opportunities to bond with at least five other characters on the team - May, Coulson, Jemma, Fitz, and Mack, and that’s not even starting on the other Secret Warriors. 
He had a little bit of bonding with May when Lash/Andrew was still a thing - but then, whoops-a-daisy, unequivocally dropped. And like... Lincoln and May could’ve been such a good friendship?? Imagine May initially terrifying the living daylights out of Lincoln, but slowly seeing that he’s not actually that different to Daisy, and he makes her happy? And maybe inviting him to t’ai chi with her, to help control her powers? And him in turn helping give her some closure over Katya Belyakov/telling her that she really did make the only choice? They could’ve developed a mother/son bond just as beautiful as Daisy’s, if AoS had only tried. 
Then there’s Coulson. Daisy’s (basically) dad. We got to see a little bit of this, especially in the 3x14-15 era, but I would have loved to see even more of Coulson not-so-subtly threatening Lincoln, but grudgingly coming to accept him as a good agent (and, though he’d never admit it, kinda liking the guy.) Ugh, it could have been so funny and GOOD!!
Fitz and Jemma, to do them in a package deal, could also have been a GREAT BroTP with Lincoln if they had only actually developed it. I would have loved to see a) FitzSimmons initially distrusting Lincoln and being like “if you hurt Daisy...” and then eventually growing to bond with him over science and, well, adoring Daisy, b) a Lincoln-and-Simmons-specific friendship starting after Maveth, for example, Jemma can’t really be around her friends because they keep pitying her and trying to help and she doesn’t want that, so here’s someone new who’s nice and can also distract her with a common interest, and finally c) Lincoln and Fitz bonding over, oh, Daisy, and being ridiculously in love. Just. C’mon. It could’ve been WONDERFUL - and, just think about it, the picture of a Fitzsimmons-and-Lincoln triple alliance out-science-ing Daisy. FAB.
And Mack!! Someone who’s basically Daisy’s older brother, and, I do believe, another one for the Don’t-Hurt-Daisy pile. But Mack’s also very just, and an excellent judge of character, plus he was literally listening in on their first kiss, lmfao. So I think he’d be that “ugh AGAIN you two stop *eye roll*” big brother, but secretly be very happy for them. (I would’ve LOVED to see it, ahhhh.)
Then, of course, the Secret Warriors!! If anyone would listen, I could R A G E for days about how we only had one episode with the Secret Warriors, and that only barely before it all blew apart. But what snippets we had in that one episode!! Lincoln comforting Joey when he gets stressed before a mission. That’s canon. Now imagine Lincoln learning Spanish for both him and Elena (and so the three of them can fuck with Daisy.) And him encouraging them to follow Spanish traditions, because he picked up a lot of “traditions are important” culture from Afterlife. And, of course, them all going to Pride together to support Joey...
My point is just, there is so much MORE AoS could have done with Lincoln’s character, but especially his bonds with the other main cast. Instead of highlighting his relationship with Daisy, I would’ve preferred a lot more focus on his bonds with the rest of the gang. Because, most simply put, he’s a nice guy and loves Daisy - but that’s not all he is, and also, that love for Daisy would mean he WOULD go out of his way to bond with her family. (Point made.)
#3. It Conflicts With The S5 Time Paradox. During the Fallen Agent arc, all we’re hearing about is how time is fixed, and a death is inevitable. And then in season 5, we have the same thing with the time loop... except, they manage to break it then. We’re literally told, “there are many different futures.” And, cool. But, uh... that’s exactly what you guys didn’t say in season 3!!
Because someone saw a death, a death had to happen. My question is just: if the loop could have been broken in s5, why couldn’t the death have been avoided in s3?? It wouldn’t even have been that hard to make it still fit with the vision - Daisy can quake the controls to destroy them, then Lincoln pulls her out of the quinjet, but she leaves the jacket behind. Hive dies, but no-one else - and the best part is, that even still fulfils the original vision, because someone did die. Hive. Click boom.
And if I can figure that out, then, come on, surely AoS could have done so much better!! It just... really frustrates me, hrrrg.
#4. It Becomes A Plot Point To Hurt Daisy. We all like to joke about how much AoS hurts Daisy, but... this is extreme?? Like?? She only just went through probably the biggest trauma of her life, being freaking possessed, and now you want to make her lose someone she loves too? Cruel. 
The only real reason the Fallen Agent arc ever existed was, let’s be real, to force Daisy into that spiral of hurt and depression. And, like... she already had more than enough trauma just from Hive. Nobody would have blamed her for running away then - in fact, how very Daisy it would have been, leaving before she could hurt anyone else she loved.
And then, of course, we could have had Lincoln and the team working together to find her and bring her back, and, heyo, bonding!! It could also have been such a good point for Staticquake’s relationship, what with Lincoln helping Daisy recover after depression/withdrawal, because who better suited, and Daisy slowly forgiving herself and them becoming that much more of a deeply caring, solid ship.
So in short - though, 🙈🙈🙈, I suppose I should really say in long, because it would seem I am incapable of doing anything in a short fashion - I don't think anyone should be "glad" about Lincoln's death. If anything, we should all be FURIOUS, and super frustrated, because if he had only lived, there could have been so many excellent storylines, both bonding-wise and regarding THE ACTUAL PLOT (his powers could have been SO HELPFUL, just, argh). Lincoln Campbell should not have died, and I will stand by that till the day I die.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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Day 5: Quarantine
- You can't come over tomorrow.
~ what do you mean? "Can't"?
- Gotham is on quarantine. Mandatory. Only medical personel allowed out. Hell, even the JL grounded us.
• I'm seeing can't, but hearing "help me please"
- guys. This is serious.
• for you, maybe. Timmie, we can't get sick from Covid. Kon is alien, and my metabolism is just too fast for it.
- Bart..
~ he's right, Tim.
- Do not encourage him, Kon.
- you two are not allowed to come.
Tim sighed, staring at his laptop monitor. He’d been stuck in quarantine for several days now. Alone in his apartment. He could probably suit up and hightail it across town to get to the manor if he wanted, but being quarantined alone sounded far more appealing then bring quarantined in the manor with his siblings. Dick would probably drag him into nightly board (read: bored) games, Bruce would be constantly trying to bond, Damian would probably never stop insulting him. Duke and Cass would probably be fine, but Duke was easily roped into Dick's shenanigans, and Cass had that habit of creeping up on you.
No. Tim would survive being stuck alone, working on case files and reading news headlines. Today's news was singing the praises of Wayne Enterprises for their massive donations to research centers, the city, and for them paying for housing and healthcare for homeless. They were also praising Bruce for personally paying for the Covid testing and for paying for food and housing costs for those who couldn't afford it. Bruce had enough money to do so, so he might as well, right?
Amusingly, Tim had seen a headline from Star City about Red Hood and Arsenal highjacking a supply truck full of toilet paper and medical supplies and redistributing it among the poor and homeless, as well as stealing from some stores and making care packages for the homeless.
But now, his idiot boyfriends, severely upsetted by the fact that their Thursday date night had been cancelled, were texting and calling him non-stop, trying to convince him to let them come, finding out if he needed anything ("do you have food?" "Yes, Kon." "I'm talking real food, Tim. Not some Rice Krispies and a few boxes of cereal." "Conner."), and constantly fretting over him. Did he mention they kept whining about missing date night? Well they did. Even the suggestion that they could still hang out with each other didn't appease them. ("But we need our Robin! Our birdie!")
Tim Drake was a smart man. He was a good detective. If he had been at the manor, he'd probably be working with Bruce to develop faster testing, or figure out cures. But what Tim forgot, is how truly, truly, dumb his boyfriends are.
So he really shouldn't have been surprised to hear his door open on Thursday evening.
But yet, he was.
He shot up off his sofa, spinning towards the door. He hadn't changed in a day, and probably hadn't showered in three. His apartment was a mess and honestly he didn't remember what he had for breakfast that day. But yet he grabbed the nearest thing to him, an empty metal waterbottle, and brandished it as a weapon.
"Oh, I'm so scared," a chipper voice said, with a laugh.
"Bart?!" Tim exclaimed, half in shock and anger.
Standing in the entry way of his apartment was Bart Allen and Conner Kent. Conner was carrying several bags of groceries, and Bart had a couple jugs of milk and juice.
"What are you two doing?!" Tim hissed, glaring.
"Uh, visiting, duh?"
Bart zipped to the fridge, putting up his jugs, and then dumping a backpack that Tim hadn't noticed earlier onto the floor.
"Bart," Tim said, his tone dropping to his more commanding, Robin voice.
He noted Kon was also carrying a duffel bag. The man just smiled and then turned to walk into the kitchen.
"Nonono, I know what's going on here, you two aren't staying."
"Why not? We can't get it, and you're just gonna . . ." Bart motioned at the messy living room. "Besides, what if we quarantine ourselves with you."
"Well, because! Because. . . " Tim scowled at him.
He was starting to lose his energy to argue. And he was getting pretty lonely. And this . . . He wasn't wrong either. They could just quarantine together. . . 
"And also, now if you need something, one of us can just zip over to metropolis and pick it up, or go do laundry at Clark and Lo's," Kon called from the kitchen.
"And if you do get sick! You'll have us to look after you!" Bart exclaimed, zipping over and kissing Tim before he could protest.
Tim glared at him from just a few inches away, then at Conner, who had moved to the doorway. They both just grinned at him.
"Fine. Fine! You can stay!" He exclaimed, defeated.
Bart whooped and kissed Tim again.
"Okay, first things first. You need to take a shower, man," Bart told him, wrinkling his nose. "Or else no cuddles."
Tim, touch starved as always, found himself immediately hating that idea.
"Also, we need to clean this place up. So, you go shower and brush your teeth and shave and stuff - or don't shave - and Kon and I will clean up and start supper!"
Tim huffed at him, but obeyed, heading towards the bathroom, stopping by Conner first to give him a quick kiss. Kon just grinned and pulled him in close, tweaking Tim's nose before kissing him. Then he shoved Tim towards the bathroom.
He went through the bedroom first, snagging some clean clothes, and then went into the bathroom. He quickly stripped and showered, making sure to clean his hair thoroughly, he shaved when he got out, and quickly brushed his teeth as instructed, because frankly, he didn't remember the last time he had done that and didn't want to make his boyfriends deal with that. 
When he got back out, admittedly feeling a little better, he noted Bart and Kon's bags on his bed. He just sighed and shook his head, walking back to the main room. He could already smell the tomatoey scents of Italian food, and wondered what all those two had actually brought with them. There was some form of pop music playing, and he could hear Bart happily singing along to it, Kon chiming in occasionally with the choruses. Tim chuckled and looked around the living room. 
They had cleaned up trash and dishes and fixed the pillows on the sofa. The curtains had been opened, and a candle was burning on the coffee table and all the glasses and mugs and plates had been removed. Tim walked over and leaned against the kitchen doorway, watching Bart dart around and cook, while Kon washed dishes.
"This that hot girl bummer anthem. Turn it up and throw a tantrum~" Bart sang, doing a little dance as he darted from the fridge back to the stove, throwing a few things into a sauce.
"What are you making?" Tim asked softly, but they both heard him.
"Hey! He's clean!" Bart announced cheerfully. "And I am making lasagna! Max's special recipe."
Tim hummed in response, grinning back at the speedster.
"So are you two going to eat me out of house and home by the end of tomorrow, or?"
Kon shot Tim a smirk. "Depends."
"Ugh, Kent! I meant food!"
Conner laughed, rinsing one last dish before drying his hands, walking over and pulling Tim up against his front.
"I never said that wasn't what I meant, did I?"
"No. . . But with you there's always some kind of innuendo."
Kon huffed in mock annoyance, before ducking his head and gently kissing Tim a few times. Tim tilted his face up and obliged, wrapping his arms around Kon's neck.
"I missed you," Kon mumbled lightly, his hands sneaking up Tim's soft cotton shirt that may or may not have belonged to Kon at some point.
"I missed you too," Tim responded instinctually, not really realizing exactly how true that was.
"Then why didn't you let us come sooner?" Bart's voice asked and then he was slipping between their arms, sandwiching himself between them.
Tim laughed, giving the pouting Bart a few kisses, turning him from pouty Bart to smiley Bart.
"Because I didn't want you guys getting sick."
"Tim we literally can't."
"Did you confirm that?"
"Yeah. I called Lex and asked. And you know as well as I do that Bart can't get sick from these things."
Tim sighed, looking down at Bart, then up at Kon. "Well either way, it's too late now."
Once the lasagna was in the oven, Bart made Tim help him finish cleaning, sweeping floors and dusting things, meanwhile Kon just sat by and gave unhelpful commentary and got occasionally whacked with cleaning supplies. Once the apartment was properly cleaned, and feeling much better, they decided to properly move Bart and Kon into Tim's room, even though they had stated they'd probably be leaving to get more clothes and such. And probably their dogs. 
Tim sat on his bed and watched them unpack bathroom supplies and clothes and other various personal items. Phone chargers got plugged in his few remaining wall outlets and things got shoved into previously neat areas.
"Were you really gonna stay here all by your lonesome?" Bart asked, flopping down onto the bed next to Tim and idly bumping his thigh with his knee.
"It wouldn't have been forever, Bart. I was probably gonna go to the manor eventually."
"Ew, and be around your brothers?"
"They are my family, Bart."
"I know but still. . . "
Tim chuckled and shook his head fondly, moving to lay partially over Bart and softly kiss him.
"Wait, is Keystone even in quarantine yet?"
"Uhhh." Bart grinned sheepishly.
Bart just giggled a little. "I'm sorry, but I wanted to come too!"
Tim just shook his head and then dropped it to Bart's chest, laying on him and listening to his breathing.
"Hey, this looks like a cuddle pile in the making."
Both of them groaned when Kon flopped - gently - on top of Tim. 
"Kon you big lug! Get off!" Tim whined, pushing up on his hands and knees, trying to dislodge Kon, who didn't move.
"Why, I thought you liked cuddle piles?" Kon giggled out, nuzzling at Tim's neck and causing him to squeak.
"Not when I'm being squished!"
Kon gave an over dramatic groan, but moved, rolling and pulling them both on top of him. It took a bit of squirming before they were comfortable, one on either side of Kon, heads on his shoulder, hands clasped on top of his stomach. They laid there and chatted idly, with no concern for anything that might interrupt their lives.
"Bart the oven is going off."
And just like that, Bart was gone. A couple seconds passed, then he was back, snuggling right up against Kon again.
"Where were we?"
Both Kon and Tim just started laughing.
Once dinner was ready, they sat on the sofa and binged a couple episodes of Broadchurch before settling into another cuddle pile. Their default form was cuddle pile. Then eventually Bart got bored with sitting still, so they turned on Mario Kart, played a few normal rounds to watch Kon and Bart suffer, then Tim turned on the mod he had made to make the game go super fast. 
He had learned not to watch the screen while this was happening. That's how you got eye damage.
"I'm gonna go do a little patrolling," Kon said, standing after Bart had beat him, again.
"Oh. Okay. Be careful, give a call if you need any help," Tim said, looking up from his laptop.
"Yeah, if I need anything, I'll call Bart."
"Hey, you're grounded, remember?"
Tim sighed, stretching up so Kon could kiss him. Kon chuckled and did so, then bent over the back of the sofa to kiss Bart, before disappearing into the bedroom to change. Then he called a goodbye on the way out the window. Tim and Bart looked at each other.
"So what are we doing then?"
Tim shrugged vaguely and looked back at his laptop.
"Well I'm gonna keep playing my game then."
Bart left him alone for a solid twenty minutes, which was a bit of a record for him, then he was tugging on Tim's laptop, trying to steal it.
"Yes, Bart?"
"I wanna cuddle."
Bart's silence cause Tim to look over, and found he was pouting. Tim chuckled and saved his files, setting the laptop on the floor, then moving so his back was on an armrest, and opened his arms for Bart. Bart practically dove forwards, laying between Tim's legs, head on his chest, arms around his stomach. Tim chuckled and adjusted a bit for his own comfort, then let himself relax with Bart.
Eventually they turned on a movie and just laid together, idly chatting. There would be plenty of time for work later, Tim decided. But for now, he'd spend time with Bart. He may be stuck with these two for months before restrictions laxed, but he would take every moment he could, just to spend time with them while he could.
Kon got back after a few hours, stumbling back through the window, and giving them a grin, but he didn't come over, just walked away into the bathroom, leaving the scent of soot and acid in his wake.
"He's stinky," Bart remarked, still laying on Tim's chest.
"Hmmn, stinky boy."
Bart sniggered. Tim had, at some point, set his laptop on Bart's ass and was still working. Was it the most effective or romantic? No. But Bart didn't mind and it was keeping Tim from getting bored. 
Then his phone started ringing.
"Bart, grab that for me please?"
Bart quickly grabbed the phone from the coffee table before immediately settling back into place.
"Hey, Timmy."
"Hi Dick, what's up?"
"Nothing, just wanted to check in and see how things were going with you."
Tim glanced down at Bart.
"I'm okay."
"Yeah? Just hanging out and working on cases, I assume?"
"Yeah, I'm working on that March case."
Dick hummed from across the line.
"Well, are you sure you don't want to come to the manor?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. Honestly I'm surprised you're there. I thought you'd be with Wally?"
There was a pause. 
"I was going to, but he got directly exposed the day before he was supposed to come down, and he didn't want to risk it until he discovered if speedsters could actually catch it."
"Hmmn, I have it on good authority they can't."
"Is that so?"
"They're there with you, aren't they?"
Tim just grinned, even though Dick couldn't see it. His brother laughed.
"Tim, you scoundrel."
"Listen, I told them no, they wouldn't listen to me, and then when they showed up, it was too late because Bart like, immediately kissed me."
"Hell yeah I did."
Dick just laughed again. Tim could envision him fondly shaking his head.
"So, I'll let you go then, I'm sure you guys have some catching up to do, if you know what I mean."
"Oh my god, shut up," Tim laughed out, even as he started playing with Bart's hair.
"Just speaking the truth!"
"Goodbye, Dick."
"Bye, Timmy! Love you, stay safe!"
"You too!"
Tim hung up the phone and let it fall to the ground beside the sofa.
"Oh good, you're off. I didn't want to come do this with your brother still on the phone."
Tim tilted his head back to see a shirtless Kon standing over him, grinning, hair still dripping slightly from his shower. He bent down and deeply kissed Tim. Tim gave a surprised noise and reached a hand up, resting it on Kon's jaw. When he pulled away, leaving Tim breathless, he just grinned mischievously, then moved so he was closer to Bart.
"Hmmn?" When the ginger picked his head up, Kon kissed him the same.
Bart just grinned at him after, and put his head back on Tim's chest.
"Do you guys want a snack, because I'm starving."
Tim watched Kon walk away, and just had to laugh.
It was lucky the three of them were huge cuddlers, because otherwise they would not have fit in Tim's queen sized bed. Not with Kon's huge shoulders. After their snacks, Bart had to literally steal Tim's laptop, and then Kon decided to carry him to the bathroom to get ready for bed, instead of just letting him walk.
As the three of them laid in bed, a few minutes later, more focused on lazily kissing then actually sleeping, Tim decided that if he was going to be quarantined anywhere, being in his apartment with his amazing, dumb, loving boyfriends couldn't be the worst solution. And it was, by far, preferable over going to the manor. So he would happily keep his mouth shut and let them fret over him. Because he loved them. And they loved him.
@core-disaster-week-2020 originally written for @unknownunseenunheard !!
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