#timkonbart week
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taxi-cab-to-slowtown · 2 years ago
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For Robin/Villain Week, Young: Just Us, except they're evil
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abacistat · 6 months ago
WHOOF getting to these late but I had a LOONG week. anyway!!
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
I don't think everybody is an option (it should be) but if i had to pick like, gun to my head, i'm gonna go dick. i could be biased cause dick is definitely one of my favorites out of the bats but the whole "happy big brother father figure" thing is just... shallow. obviously that whole calling jason the angry robin when dick robin is Right There, but that's also very surface level. like that's just a popular misconception of him. my biggest mischaracterization of dick comes with that whole thing of him being almost a replacement for bruce?
i'm not gonna sit here and say that bruce is a good father that's just objectively wrong. but i'm also not gonna let people say that because of bruce being a very C+ father dick is the bigger brother/father figure/replacement for jason, tim, damian, cass. like guys did we forget how bitterly dick accepted jason being robin? like i just. wayne fanon adventures truly truly truly ruined one of the most interesting and well-developed families in fiction, not just dick. but. yeah.
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
being SO honest here... i have no idea what dc theories are out there. but i guess any "but it was all a dream"-esque theories are pretty lazy and boring to me. such as the whole batman story being in bruce's head while hes at arkham or something like honey... no.
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
hmm i don't think casskon is popular enough/more people dislike it than not, so i guess i'll go with timberkon? i'm very open about my ships like as long as whatever you're shipping isn't weird or incest or illegal and stuff, yk basic criteria, i don't really mind it like you do you. but timberkon for me is very kon-being-used-as-a-prop-to-tims-story. like tim and bernard alone, cute. but adding kon to the mix truly does not make sense and you know it doesn't make sense because, for instance, if you look at timkonbart: timkon, konbart, and timbart are all ships outside of it. they all work together. but look me in the eye and tell me you have GENUINELY seen kon and bernard as a ship. like without tim's involvement. probably never, yeah?
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redrobbingabank · 2 years ago
HI!! I heard you needed short prompts for writer’s block so here it is!!
Can you pls do a scene for Timkonbart w/ Tim smoking bc of ✨anxiety✨ and Bart and Kon trying to find smth else he could do instead bc cigarettes are bad for your health?? Thanks!!🚀
Hi! I made the offer for this and promptly got so busy, but now I'm working on them! Here's this one, and thank you for the prompt!!
TW: Substance Abuse
Smoking is…heavily discouraged for heroes. What with the whole destroying your lungs thing, it’s bad for performance. Jason, who smokes regularly and gets away with it because of his Pit-given resilience, makes sure to remind Tim of that.
He’s the only one who’s caught Tim smoking. It was his third of the day and he’d gone on the roof of Wayne Enterprises, hoping for privacy. Of course, Jason landed a fight right beside him, and noticed the cigarette before Tim could drop it off the edge.
He took Tim’s lighter and the box, then made him promise to stop.
Tim doesn’t consider promises to Jason to be very binding, since in his opinion Jason still owes him for Titan’s Tower. So the next day he got a new lighter and more cigarettes from a guy he met through an undercover mission.
That was maybe…twelve cartons ago? It’s been a few weeks. Tim’s staying at the Tower for the weekend because Dick wanted Damian to have space as Robin to hold more responsibility.
That’s fine. Tim’s too old to complain that he was there first. At least no one noticed him go up to the roof. Cassie’s dropping by the Watchtower to replace her lariat after fighting a magic user shredded it, and Kon and Bart are…
Well, they’re Kon and Bart. With their combined brain cells, they’ll probably realize Tim’s not caught up in their whirlwind in about ten minutes. That’s plenty of time.
The air up here is humid. It clings to Tim’s skin like a too-heavy weighted blanket, or a sweater after running. He’s on the edge of the roof, one leg hanging off and swinging a little. He’s got his grapple with him if he falls, but it’s redundant. Kon wouldn’t let him get that far.
Tim inhales; the smoke slides into his lungs like molasses. It’s thicker than normal air. Grainier, too, somehow. He holds it in for a few moments before exhaling, staring at the spot where gray smoke billows long after it dissipates.
“Hey, Rob!”
Tim jolts out of his stupor just in time to adjust into a more stable position as Bart comes flying(metaphorically) out of the door in his signature blur of orange. Kon follows slightly more slowly, flying(literally) out with a relaxed smirk. Tim rolls his eyes, because Kon could have walked that and he flew just to annoy Tim.
“Hey, guys,” he replies. At the same time, he subtly reaches over and drops the half-smoked cigarette off the roof.
“Heywaityoudroppedsomething!” Bart’s words blur as he races over the edge of the building. Tim barely has time to think, shit, before he’s back, cigarette pinched between his fingers. “Here…you go.”
The moment Bart connects what the cigarette is to the fact that Tim was holding it is painfully easy to see. His whole face drops. Kon floats over, concerned, and realizes. Without a word, he takes the cigarette from Bart and sends it back over the edge.
“Surprised you didn’t try it,” Tim says. It’s a weak attempt to distract them.
“I have, actually.” Kon crosses his arms over his chest as Bart turns and stares at him, looking betrayed. “Then I figured out they don’t do anything for me, so I stopped.”
“Well, they work for me.” Tim turns back towards the open sky, shutting down. He knows how bad substances are. He knows how upset people get when they find out their loved ones have been smoking, or drinking, or something else to chemically help them out. He knew this was how his people would react.
He has arguments planned for everyone. Bruce is easy to guilt trip with a reminder of how little he was there for Tim at the beginning of his time as Robin. It’s a simple matter to convince Dick that he’s just messing around like all teenagers do. Damian doesn’t need a talk, merely a bribe of a new pet to keep him quiet. As for Jason, Tim just plans to lie if he ever catches him again.
But none of his plans account for Kon and Bart.
There’s a small crackle of lightning that signals Bart’s leaving before Tim is lifted into the sky. He yelps and twists to glare at Kon, who’s got him around the waist.
Kon just smirks. “Relax, Tim, we’re just floating.”
And they are. Kon holds him a few yards in the air, cross legged with Tim situated on his lap, combing his fingers through overgrown black hair. 
Tim frowns, but gives up struggling. “And why exactly are we doing this?”
“We’re waiting for Bart.”
Bart gets back halfway through that sentence, skidding to a stop with smoke rising from his civvies. He’s got an armful of what looks like random shit. Tim’s learned that Bart with random shit is usually dangerous, so he gives Kon a skeptical look. “What exactly are you two doing?”
“Alternatives!” Bart says. He lets the shit fall from his arms to the ground. From his spot on Kon’s arms, Tim can see two things of gum, one spearmint and one nicotine, a self-help book, a stuffed animal, a sheet of singed paper with phone numbers that were clearly scribbled at superspeed, and a stress ball.
Tim taps Kon’s arm, and the Super lowers them both to the ground. He keeps an arm around Tim’s waist, watching as Bart picks up different things and starts explaining his thought process for each one. The numbers are apparently for therapists.
Eventually, Tim has to cut Bart off. He ducks out from Kon’s arm. “Guys, this is really nice and all, but I don’t…I’m fine. This is just a thing for me now. It helps.”
Kon raises a brow. “That is the literal definition of addiction.”
“Well, I don’t care!” Tim drags a hand down his face. “Everything’s too much, sometimes. Most of the time. Maybe you guys can deal with it, but I need help. This helps.”
He reaches into his pocket for his carton…
And pulls out a box of candy substitutes.
Kon winks. “That was my idea,” he says, while Bart zips to the edge of the roof and chucks the real cigarettes away. Tim follows them with his eyes until they’re out of view, and keeps staring as he imagines them being run over by a car. 
Less than a second later, Bart’s back at Tim’s side, hugging him tightly. Kon joins in with his arms around both of them.
“You’re not allowed to hurt yourself because it helps,” Bart says. He glares at Tim, but it’s a clear mask for the concern in his eyes. 
Tim sighs. “I’m sorry.” He doesn’t know who he’s apologizing to. Or why. He doesn’t think he’s actually sorry…and when he gets back to Gotham, he knows he’s going to go find his dealer again.
“We know,” Kon says. He’s back to running his fingers through Tim’s hair. “And we know things are shit.” “And we’re going to help you,” Bart says. He’s fiddling with the hem of Tim’s sleeve. “You’re staying for a few weeks, right? We’ll figure something out.”
“You’re not alone, Rob.” Kon rests his chin on Bart’s head so he can look Tim in the eyes. “We’re right here. And Cassie, and Anita, and Cissie if we can drag her out from school…”
Tim has to laugh at that. “She’ll be pissed.”
“She’s only pissed if we’re trying to make her be Arrowette again.” Bart grins. “She loves us.”
“Especially you.” Kon follows that sentence up with an exaggerated wink that sends them all cracking up; Cissie told them a long time ago that kissing Tim was a spur of the moment idea that ended up confirming her suspicions that she was gay. Tim doesn’t mind. It’s now an inside joke with the team. Kon particularly likes using it to mess with Cassie. Her crush on Cissie is not subtle.
“Anyway,” Tim says. “You guys are idiots.”
“And you’re stuck with us.” Bart grins and bops Tim on the top of the head. “Love you, Rob!”
Tim snorts. “Love you too, Imp.”
“You know I’m here too, right?” Kon picks both of them up and rises into the air. “You guys are assholes.”
“Love you, SB,” Tim and Bart chorus.
“...Yeah, love you guys too.”
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ao3feed-birdflash · 2 years ago
Family Meetings and First Impressions
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/8FZToWu
by Fairygothmother
The boys meet each other's families.
Rated T for swearing
Words: 2588, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of TimKonBart Week 2023
Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), Batman (Comics), The Flash (Comics), Young Justice (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Bart Allen, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, Wally West, Barry Allen, Iris West, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Max Mercury, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Helen Claiborne
Relationships: Bart Allen/Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Barry Allen/Iris West/Hal Jordan
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/8FZToWu
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years ago
Everyone Needs Support Sometimes
by Fairygothmother
Everyone needs support sometimes. Even superheroes.
Words: 4107, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of TimKonBart Week 2023
Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), Young Justice (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Bart Allen, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Clark Kent, Jon Lane Kent, Wally West
Relationships: Bart Allen/Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Additional Tags: Bart Allen Has ADHD, Bart Allen Needs A Hug, Bart Allen-centric, Bart Allen is Impulse, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Tim Drake-centric, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Hurt Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent Needs a Hug, Kon-El | Conner Kent is Superboy, Kon-El | Conner Kent-centric, Wally is mean to Bart sometimes and that makes me sad, Bad Parent Clark Kent, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Panic Attacks, Bruce Wayne is a Bad Parent, Kinda sorta character death, He comes back don't worry, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47505229
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timkonbartweek · 2 years ago
Prompts 2023!!
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Day 1 - May 21st
Soulmates I Scars and Marks I Idiots to Lovers
Day 2 - May 22nd
Identity Reveal I Power Shenanigans I Fake Dating
Day 3 - May 23rd
Time Travel I Dimensional Travel I 90's
Day 4 - May 24th
Mid Battle Flirts I Secret Relationships I Meet the Fam
Day 5 - May 25th
Villain AU l Apocalypse AU I No Capes AU
Day 6 - May 26th
Drunk Confessions I Morning After I Languages + Learning Each Other's Culture
Day 7 - May 27th
Gender Schmender I Hurt/Comfort I First Time (kiss, cuddles, sex, etc)
@dc-fandom-events @dcfandomevents
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timkonbart · 2 years ago
TimKonBart Week 2023 Interest Check!
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It’s that time of year again!
We’ve had some people ask if the event is going to be running again next year, so we’re asking you: Yes or No?
Interest Check is now live! Fill out the form here
@dc-event-calendar​ @dcfandomevents​ @dc-fandom-events​
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sketchingtons · 4 years ago
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Core Disatser week 2021 Day 2: Soulmates/Red String
Another piece I was able to churn out for Core Disaster week! I love soulmate au’s of all kinds, so I couldn’t resist throwing a little something together for the concept-last year I used the idea of soulmate tattoo’s/identifying marks, but I thought I’d stay classic for this one and do the strings!
Hope y’all like it! 😊 🙏
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official-impravidus · 4 years ago
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core disaster week day six: power swap (kinda)
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dysfunctionalbatfam · 5 years ago
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happy bday, king 🙌
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batboyblog · 5 years ago
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Happy Birthday Tim, and Kon is never gonna be out done 
the start of TimKonBart Week from me and @lostintrace
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queerbutstillhere-writes · 5 years ago
Day 7 - Roommates/there was only one bed/creators choice
"Okay! This is the last box from the truck!"
"What is it?"
"I dunno, it's Bart's, and I can't read their handwriting."
Tim walked over, looking at the cardboard box in Kon's hands, tilting his head to read the label.
"Oh, it's like clothes and blankets," he said, pointing towards the stairs.
"Okay, where is Bart anyway?"
"They went to get dinner," Cassie responded, looking over from where she was rearranging the living room, with occasional input from Tim, who was setting up the wifi router, because that was the most important thing.
"Of course they did."
Kon carried the box into the bedroom, setting it down against the wall and then walking back out, over to Tim.
"What do you need, babe?"
"Uh, I don't know. Ask Cassie," Tim responded, barely looking up.
"How about you go start assembling the table, lord knows we'll need that first."
"Yes ma'am."
Kon followed orders and walked into the kitchen, finding the kitchen table that had been disassembled when it was delivered. He found the toolbag and sat down, starting to piece it together.
The four of them, Tim, Kon, Bart, and Cassie had all decided to move in together, and after much debating, they ended up settling in San Francisco, because they were close to base, and Kon and Tim were both going to a college there. The apartment they got, mostly thanks to Tim, was huge, two floors, three bedrooms and three bathrooms. Now you may be thinking, three bedrooms isn't really enough for four people! And you're correct, however, three of those four were hopelessly in love and were all snuggle bugs, so all they needed was a big bed and they were set. Cassie was not involved in this relationship, but still loved her dumb best friends, and was more then happy to move in with them when the invitation was offered.
"Hey! I'm back with food!"
A burst of red light zipped through the kitchen and take and bake pizza boxes were left on the counter in its wake.
"Bart!" An alarmed shout echoed from Tim, followed by a dull thud.
"Bart!" Cassie's was more of an amused complaint.
Then the red streak was back, plopping itself down in Kon's lap.
"Hello angel," Conner replied, amusedly, he set down his tools and wrapped his arms around Bart, hugging them tightly.
"Watcha working on?"
"The table. Cassie wanted to be able to actually eat like civilized people."
"Does she even know us?"
Conner laughed, kissing Bart's cheek.
"Why don't you start unpacking the dishes?"
Bart jumped off, and ran away to snag a box. They started unpacking them at what seemed like a hazardous speed, but Kon knew they were being careful. He just returned to attaching the base of the table, making sure it was tight before standing and setting it up, placing the chairs around it and then gathering his tools.
"Aww, hey, guys come here!" Cassie called.
When Kon and Bart entered the living room, she was in one of Tim's boxes, pulling out pictures and other decorations.
"Look at how tiny we were!" She exclaimed, holding up a couple pictures.
The first few were of them when they had just started Young Justice, just the four of them. Bart, still absolutely tiny, was even smaller, they looked like an actual child next to Kon in all the photos.
"And look at this one!"
She held up a photo of Tim and Bruce, both in formal wear, Tim with his hair recently cut short for the first time, and properly fitted in his first suit.
"Oh my God."
Kon snatched it, staring at tiny Tim. "Babe! Look at you!"
"Kon," Tim whined, grabbing at it.
Bart snatched it and zipped across the room.
"Look at the tiny closeted baby," Bart cooed, grinning with glee.
"Oh like you were any better!"
"And besides, he had literally just came out?" Kon said with a laugh, walking towards the box to look at more photos.
"Yeah as trans! Not as gay though."
Tim lunged and snatched it. "If you two are done in the kitchen, why don't you go start unpacking your clothes and stuff."
"Okay!" Bart zipped over and jumped up on Kon's back. "Let's go!"
Kon laughed, carrying Bart upstairs. They got through all of one box of Kon's clothes before Bart kept pulling them on and causing Kon to simultaneously get annoyed and laugh. About the time Bart had four or five of his shirts and hoodies on, Kon grabbed them and pinned them to the bare mattress, kissing them and then pulling off a shirt, kissing them again, and then pulling off one more, doing this until he reached Bart's original shirt.
"You're forgetting one," Bart said with an impish grin.
They both looked up to Tim who was standing in the doorway, shaking his head.
"I knew you guys wouldn't get any actual work done."
"I think he's jealous," Bart whispered, grinning still.
"I'm not- no. Can we just actually unpack?" Tim asked, sentences a little clipped, less amused then he usually was by their shenanigans.
"Baby, are you stressed?" Kon asked, not moving from his position, holding Bart down.
"A little okay?"
So they obeyed orders and started nicely unpacking, hanging up clothes or putting them in the dresser, while Tim went about making the bed, getting the sheets all smooth and nice and arranging the obscene amount of pillows. By the time they had gotten mostly done with Bart's stuff, they had gotten bored and zipped downstairs to annoy Cassie.
"You guys have too many clothes," Tim said with a huff, looking at the mostly full dressers.
"You say as if my clothing is not going to be stolen by both of you. Besides, most your clothes hang up."
"Yeah, you're right."
"Come here, Tim, take a breather."
Kon reached out, grabbing Tim and pulling him with his TTK, until he could physically grab his wrist and pull him down onto his lap.
"It'll be okay. We don't have to unpack everything now, yeah? All your books and stuff can stay in their boxes for the day, we can do those tomorrow."
"I just don't like things feeling incomplete," Tim sighed out, glancing away.
"It'll be fine. It'll give you something to do when you're struggling with insomnia," Kon promised, kissing him, a hand sliding up under his shirt, fingers brushing over layers of scars hidden there, two particular scars far more important than others.
Tim sighed and pulled away, plopping his head down on Kon's shoulder.
"I'm tired."
"I know."
Conner gently rubbed his back, resting their heads together.
"What else absolutely needs done?" Conner asked.
"The bathroom, and I need to get my clothes out so they don't wrinkle even more."
"Okay. I'll go do the bathroom, you do your clothes and then we should eat."
Tim nodded in agreement. He pulled away, kissed Conner lightly and then sliding off his lap, turning and starting to pull clothes out of boxes, and hanging or folding them as appropriate. Kon made his way into their bathroom, finding the one box of supplies for it and starting to unpack it, putting all the appropriate supplies in their places. They all had their various bathroom routine type things that were in little travel type bags, that he just set on the counter and left alone for now.
He got done before Tim, so he went to the kitchen and turned on the oven.
"Watcha doing?"
Kon jumped and looked over at Bart who appeared next to him.
"Starting dinner."
"Oh! Good I'm hungry."
"Bart, you're always hungry," Cassie said, walking in.
"I knowwwww," they whined, dramatically throwing themself at Kon, who laughed and easily caught them.
"I vote after dinner we go get some groceries," she said, looking at their barren fridge.
"Why don't you take Tim with you?" Kon suggested. "He's getting pretty stressed. Bart and me will stay here and finish unpacking the kitchen."
"Is he okay?"
"I think so, I dunno, I didn't press him too much."
Cassie nodded. "I'm gonna go unpack my things, don't destroy anything while I'm gone."
"We won't!"
Bart squirmed until they could slide out of Kon's arms. "I'm gonna go set up the PlayStation."
So Kon was left alone in the kitchen. He waited for the oven to heat up and then put the pizza's in. Tim came down at some point, unsurprisingly wearing Kon's previously discarded hoodie. He went and curled up with Bart on their huge sofa, Kon smiled at them softly, standing in the doorway and watching as Bart played The Outer World's, their head against Tim's chest, whose arms were wrapped around them.
"Watch your left," Tim murmured softly, nose pressed into Bart's hair.
"I see it," came the equally soft response.
Bart only ever seemed to slow down like this when Tim needed them like this. Kon knew bursts of energy would be coming later, but for now he'd enjoy this sweet moment.
Dinner was eaten with an episode of Queer Eye playing, and then Cassie managed to convince Tim to go shopping with her. As promised, Bart and Kon cleaned up from dinner and then finished putting away all the kitchen supplies. They then took the enormous amount of cardboard moving boxes to the nearest recycling station. When they got back to the apartment, they curled up on the sofa to wait for the other two to get back, turning on some evening crime show just for kicks.
Later that evening, after groceries got put away, and everyone had taken showers and gotten ready for bed, Kon found himself with the task of catching Bart, who had in fact, as predicted, gone spastic. Tim was already in bed, granted he was just working, but at least he was in bed. Kon tried to catch Bart, who kept phasing past him, for almost five minutes before he finally just immobilized them with his TTK and then scooped the limp speedster up, carrying them upstairs to their room. Cassie was in there, talking to Tim. Or more of talking at Tim.
"Konnnn," Bart whined, yet wasn't trying to struggle, Kon knew this because he was no longer having to restrain his datefriend.
"It's time to go to bed," Kon told them, gently laying them next to Tim.
"Only if Timmy comes to bed with us," Bart whined, flopping over against Tim.
"Bart, you know that's not fair to him," Kon said softly.
Bart just pouted up at Tim, getting in the way of his work until he had to look at the ginger. He just chuckled.
"I'll try."
Cassie gently shoulder bumped Kon as she passed.
"Night guys! Don't get too wild!" She called with a giggle, waving over her shoulder.
"Night Cassie!" They all called together, watching her leave and shut the door.
Tim closed his laptop as Bart snuggled under the covers next to him, and Kon pulled off his hoodie, waiting for them both to be ready before flicking off the lights and getting in next to Bart. There was no hesitation to squish Bart in the middle of their cuddling.
"Night, Bart, night Tim," Kon murmured softly, giving them each a kiss.
"Night Kon," they both murmured back, more tired then either realized.
Kon just chuckled, throwing an arm across Bart until his hand was resting on Tim's waist. He heard Bart's breathing soften as they drifted off to sleep, but Tim stayed tightly curled around Bart for a while, indicating that he was still awake. Kon didn't try talking to him, knowing that this happened a lot and eventually he'd drift off or get up and go find work to do in another room. Kon did eventually drift off to sleep, but his dreams were full of nightmares and he kept waking up.
Unsurprisingly, one of the times when he woke up, he found Tim missing, but he didn't go searching, just moved to pull Bart closer to him again. The speedster immediately snuggled back into him, not disturbed at all by the shift in position. And Kon just slipped back into sleep as easily as he had woken from it.
The next morning he found that Tim had replaced Bart, snuggled up against him, face on Kon's bare chest. One arm was over his stomach, his leg over Kon's. It didn't seem very comfortable but Tim was sleeping peacefully, his cheek squished up by Kon's pec.
Kon chuckled to himself and carefully, using his TTK, moved Tim so he was laying on the mattress instead of his own body. He slipped out of the bed, leaving Tim with a kiss on the head, and then he headed out after grabbing his phone.
Downstairs, Cassie was already making breakfast. She glanced up at him and rolled her eyes.
"Kon, am I going to have to deal with you coming down shirtless every morning?"
"Maybe?" Kon grinned at her. "Where's Bart?"
"Out for a run, I think."
Kon hummed, pouring himself some coffee, then walking past Cassie and stealing a piece of bacon.
"Hey! Asshole!"
Conner just laughed and stuck his tongue out at her. She shook her head.
"How was the first night in the new bed?"
"Oh it was fine, I guess? Nightmares."
She hummed sympathetically and glanced over at him. 
"Did they others-?"
"I think Bart was out of it, but Tim was gone a lot."
"Checks out, I woke up at one point and saw some lights on out here, so he was probably working."
"Was anything else put up? He might have been unpacking," Kon asked with a chuckle.
"Didn't notice, just came right in here."
Kon and Cassie chatted for a bit while she made breakfast, just about random things while Kon checked all his phone notifications.
After a bit, Bart returned from their run, hot and sweaty and carrying fresh donuts. They just kissed Kon on the cheek, hip bumped Cassie and disappeared upstairs to take a shower. And when they returned, Tim was stumbling after them, rubbing his eyes tiredly. 
"Hey! Good morning, handsome," Kon called, reaching out to tug Tim to him, pulling him close and pressing his head against Tim's chest.
Tim just rubbed his eyes and leaned into him, reaching a free hand up to run it through Kon's hair. He mumbled something that vaguely sounded like good morning, and Kon just chuckled.
"Bart, baby?"
"Can you get him some coffee?"
Bart quickly fetched Tim his lightly sweetened coffee in his favorite Nightwing mug, and Tim kissed the top of Kon's head before moving to sit at the table by himself, rubbing his eyes. Bart and Cassie quickly plated breakfast for everyone and they all started eating together for maybe the last time in a while. Cassie would be starting working here soon, Kon and Tim's college started in the next three weeks, and Bart was still trying to decide what they'd be doing. But eventually, adult life would catch up with them, and they'd be no better then their mentors.
So they took it nice and slow and enjoyed their breakfast together.
The rest of their day was slow and easy and was mostly just more unpacking. They met the other Teen Titans at the base for dinner, and spent all evening with them.
And the next morning, when Kon woke up to the sound of sirens, Bart and Tim were on the other side the bed, tangled together, peacefully sleeping through the wailing. Kon just smiled and got up, quietly changing and then slipping out so he could jump off their balcony, going to save the day, as Superboy always would.
@core-disaster-week-2020 originally written for @hyperactive-lectiophile
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Tim and Kon are happy. They found each other, and they’re all the other needs, why would they want anything more?
Then, the both of them get a second Soulmark, and things get... Messy
Sequel to My Heart, To You
Can be read as a stand alone
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corvidspectre · 5 years ago
what you think you know
The question: When you're crushing on your best friends, who do you talk to about it?
The answer: Your unwilling siblings, who think you're incredibly dumb.
(Alternatively; Tim, Kon and Bart are all pining, and everyone else has to hear about it.)
(for Core Disaster Week 2020! Prompt was mutual pining!!) 
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ao3feed-birdflash · 2 years ago
Soulmates: Oh No
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qj31LUF
by Fairygothmother
Tim thought soulmates were stupid. Then he got one.
Words: 1338, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of TimKonBart Week 2023
Fandoms: Young Justice (Comics), DCU, DCU (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Bart Allen, Bruce Wayne, Cassie Sandsmark, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Tim Drake
Relationships: Bart Allen/Tim Drake, Bart Allen/Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain (mentioned), Dick Grayson/Wally West (mentioned), Roy Harper/Jason Todd (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Tim Drake-centric, Tim Drake is Robin, Bart Allen is Impulse, Soulmates, TimKonBart Week | Core Disaster Week, TimKonBart Week 2023
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qj31LUF
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years ago
Everyone Needs Support Sometimes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/CxZbkQD
by Fairygothmother
Everyone needs support sometimes. Even superheroes.
Words: 4107, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of TimKonBart Week 2023
Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), Young Justice (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Bart Allen, Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Clark Kent, Jon Lane Kent, Wally West
Relationships: Bart Allen/Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Additional Tags: Bart Allen Has ADHD, Bart Allen Needs A Hug, Bart Allen-centric, Bart Allen is Impulse, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Tim Drake-centric, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Hurt Tim Drake, Kon-El | Conner Kent Needs a Hug, Kon-El | Conner Kent is Superboy, Kon-El | Conner Kent-centric, Wally is mean to Bart sometimes and that makes me sad, Bad Parent Clark Kent, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Panic Attacks, Bruce Wayne is a Bad Parent, Kinda sorta character death, He comes back don't worry, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/CxZbkQD
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