#i have cleaned my entire bedroom tho
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nickbutnodick · 3 days ago
see i am the kind of person who will construct and fall into the exact same schedule every single day with no problem. i NEED this schedule and structure in my life constantly, or i will shrivel up and die. however, i am doomed to grow bored of a life that is just the Schedule every day and so i am always going to fall into the exact same mental breakdown ~once per month that results in my staying up late and fucking everything up in a major way. after this breakdown i will return to the Schedule but with one or two minor changes that will last indefinetly.
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orcelito · 1 year ago
Did some apartment unfucking
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Done in a very stressed hour and a half
But it is done.
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steddiealltheway · 2 months ago
1984 is not Steve Harrington’s year.
Not only does he find out that his girlfriend doesn’t actually love him, but somehow the creepy monster thing that united his now ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend, came back in the form of some type of monster dog.
The highlight of his year might actually be befriending a nerdy middle schooler who introduced him to said monster dog - which he named Dart of all things... something to do with a candy bar.
He groans at the thought as the music from downstairs carries into his room. For some reason, Tommy Hagan decided to temporarily ignore the fact that he ditched Steve for the new keg king, Billy Hargrove, who managed to give Steve something else to worry about while literal Hell crawled its way into Hawkins, in favor of throwing a New Year's Eve party in the Harrington residence.
Typical for the year Steve's having. Why not end it horribly too?
He glances at the clock, relieved that it's already somewhat close to midnight. If it weren't for the noise, he would consider trying to sleep through this one. Instead, he lays back on his bed and hopes that no one tries to disturb him.
As if the universe can hear his thoughts, and then curse them, the door to his bedroom swings open.
Steve sits up with a huff and frowns at the person.
A guy with medium length curly hair and doe eyes stares back at him with a big smile that screams chaos.
"Sorry, dude," Steve says, "Bedroom is off limits. Go hookup, smoke, or whatever somewhere else."
Instead of leaving, the guy closes the door behind him and locks it.
Steve scoots back on the bed, hand reaching back to wrap around the nail bat he leaves behind his nightstand.
The dude raises his hands in mock surrender, silver rings glinting in the light streaming in from Steve's window - blinds open enough so he can make sure no one does anything weird in his pool. "Listen, man, I'm not here to hurt you or anything. Although you might hurt me when you hear why I'm here."
There's something about his voice that sounds familiar to Steve when it suddenly hits him - all the yelling and stomping around on tabletops. "You're Eddie Munson."
Eddie smiles and bows dramatically. "Guilty as charged."
Steve's frown deepens, and for a fleeting moment he thinks Dustin would really like the guy. "So, why would I hurt you if I hear you out?"
"Because, Steve," Eddie draws out his name as if it has a deeper meaning, "I was downstairs thinking about what a wonderful year I've had, and I decided that I might as well start the year with a little chaos."
Steve's grip tightens around the bat in case he's some sort of satanic serial killer or something, although his gut tells him that he shouldn't be scared of the man. "What do you mean by chaos?"
There's a strange glint in Eddie's eye when he shoves his hands in his pockets and rocks on the feet as if he wants to move closer to Steve but has decided to plant himself by his door. "I mean... I came to this party to sell my supply and after my whole lunchbox was cleaned out, I started thinking about who I should kiss at midnight. Or more precisely, who would be the worse option, or rather, the option that would bring the most-"
"Chaos. Yeah, I got that part," Steve cuts him off.
Eddie's smile changes to something genuine for a moment as he comments, "Wow, Steve Harrington is actually listening to me."
Steve rolls his eyes, grip loosening on the bat. "I'd rather you not stand on my desk to get my attention." To Steve's surprise, Eddie actually laughs in response and pulls a strand of hair in front of his face to hide his smile. And to Steve's much greater surprise, his heart starts beating a little faster and he finds it harder to not smile back at him. "So, chaos?" Steve prompts.
"Right," Eddie says, rocking on his feet again, "Chaos." He ducks his head for a moment as if hyping himself up for the next thing he's going to say, which is when Steve entirely releases his grip on the bat, realizing that Eddie is more scared of him. "So, I thought, to start the year off with the most chaos, I would choose someone to kiss that would bring the most chaos. And I thought, why not the host of this party?"
Steve frowns. "Tommy's downstairs."
Eddie mirrors his frown. "You're not hosting?"
"Why would I be in my room if I'm hosting?"
"Why would the party be in your house if you're not hosting?"
It suddenly hits Steve. "Wait, you want to kiss me?"
Eddie takes a step back, hovering even closer to the door than he was before. "Consensually, of course."
It takes a moment for Steve to fully process what is being asked. "You think I'm the worst option to kiss?"
"That's what you're asking?" Eddie asks, trailing off to mutter something like, "The fragile ego of athletes, I swear."
"I got dumped this year. Of course my ego is low."
Eddie smiles bashfully. "Sorry, my uncle always tells me I'm not as quiet as I think I am." And there's something about Eddie's cheeks that are slightly flushed, the strand of hair he starts tugging at again, and the way he can't stop bouncing as if he's buzzing with energy and nerves that makes him so...
"Yes," Steve blurts out suddenly. For a moment, he wonders if the mindf- mind fly? mind... whatever evil thing from a few weeks ago has possessed him.
"Yes what?" Eddie asks sounding genuinely confused. As Steve stands up to look out his blinds and shut them, Eddie rambles, "Yes, I'm not as quiet as I think I am? Or yes, you're about to punch me, and I'm going to finally figure out how it felt when you got your face bashed in a few weeks ago?"
Steve rolls his eyes before holding up both of his hands, mimicking Eddie's pose when he first came into the room. "Yes, I'll kiss you."
It's as if Eddie has forgotten he's asked the question the way his jaw drops, and he stares at Steve like he's said the most confusing thing he's ever heard. Which... to be fair... is highly likely.
"You want to kiss me?"
Steve takes a small step closer to Eddie. "I want to give you your chaos."' When Eddie doesn't look convinced, Steve takes a step closer to him, hand running through his hair as he continues, "Who knows, maybe it'll give me good luck or something for next year by cancelling out the chaos from this year."
Eddie nods. "Okay. You're giving me your chaos. Yeah. That makes sense."
"And you're taking my chaos away," Steve agrees, trying to tell himself that this is a rational decision. "This makes sense."
"You're not going to beat me up?" Eddie asks, risking a small step away from the door.
Steve shakes his head. "Seems like a bad way to start the year, don't you think?"
Eddie nods as Steve steps closer to him, slowly, as if not to startle him away. "You know, I thought just asking you would be chaotic enough as is and then I could run away and pretend you hallucinated or something when you tried to beat me up."
"Should've asked Hargrove then," Steve says, cocking his head to the side. "Does that mean you don't actually want to kiss me?"
Eddie swallows and shakes his head. "I didn't say that."
Just as Steve gets in front of Eddie, he hears people downstairs counting down from ten. "Good," Steve says, "Because there isn't enough time to find someone else."
Eddie scoffs, the countdown now at eight, "That's not true for you."
"Maybe, but I'm not really looking to find anyone else right now. Are you?" Five.
Eddie smiles and takes a step forward. "No." Three.
Steve reaches up to tuck a strand of hair behind Eddie's ear. "Good." One.
Steve's not really sure who moves first or if they move together, but the yells of, "Happy New Year" are drowned out as Eddie's lips meet his in a kiss that feels more desperate than Steve expected. He's not sure why they're kissing as if the countdown was for the end of the world, but he really doesn't care.
It's only when Steve's gets a little carried away, Eddie's back slams against Steve's door with a thud that's loud enough to alert anyone that something's happening in Steve's room, that Steve breaks away with a gasp, seeking the air Eddie's stolen from him. He wonders if - hopes - it's the chaos he's taken.
"Happy New Year," Steve whispers, hands cupping Eddie's face while Eddie's are tangled in the mess he's made of Steve's hair. He's not sure when either of those things happened.
"Happy fucking New Year, Steve," Eddie mutters, hands slowly dropping from his hair.
Steve's hands hold onto Eddie's face a little tighter for a moment, and he sees the moment a bit of fear sparks in Eddie's eyes. Steve quickly shakes his head. "No, I'm not about to beat you up. It's just... I kind of slammed you against the door a little hard there, and if someone else is up here and they see you..."
"Chaos," Eddie fills in with a nod, "And not the good kind."
"Yeah," Steve sighs, "Not the good kind." He glances to his window where the blinds are firmly shut - thank you Jonathan for teaching him that lesson - and down at the locked doorknob before looking back at Eddie. He glances at his lips momentarily before blurting out, "Stay with me."
Eddie's jaw drops, mouth opening slightly in shock.
Steve steps back, hands reluctantly leaving Eddie's face. "Stay until everyone clears out at least. No ulterior motive."
Eddie shoves his hands into his pockets and moves back into Steve's space. "What if I want there to be an ulterior motive?" He tilts his head down and gives Steve a case of lethal puppy dog eyes. "Fully take your chaos away, remember?"
Steve is absolutely sure that this in no way will take away the chaos of his previous year and will likely only invite questions, confusion, and further chaos into 1985.
"Yeah, I remember," Steve says, pulling Eddie into another desperate kiss.
Maybe Eddie was onto something about starting the year with a little chaos. And maybe 1985 will be his year.
(i accidentally wrote a tiny epilogue later in the tags that i really like)
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tojbnuy · 5 months ago
boyfriend!toji when you randomly get your period.
you and toji had been cuddling on his couch for the past hour. toji had demanded you watch his favourite episodes of law and order with him as you both constantly bickered about who had better taste in shows. toji was also using this as an excuse to have you close, one of his favourite things to do with you was binge watch shows and movies. you were the type of person to make commentary throughout the entire thing but toji unfortunately found everything you said hilarious so he didn’t mind (though he would never tell you that). you’d watched two episodes by now and you were starting to feel ravenous.
“yeah alright doll i know, bbq wings and extra ranch.”
“awww look who knows my order off by heart”
“hard not to when you gobble it down 3 times a week.”
you punch his shoulder, obviously to no prevail as the man was built of muscle and muscle only. he tackled you back and the two of you go on play fighting until you sit up slightly and see the red mark on the thigh of toji’s sweatpants. toji’s face immediately turned into one of confusion, there’s no way he was bleeding from some play fighting, it didn’t even hurt? but you had realised what happened, you had realised but you really really hoped this one time you were wrong. and then toji saw the small red stain splotched on the back of your pyjama pants where you had previously been pressed into him whilst you were watching tv.
“uh oh baby d’ya get your period?”
“oh my god i think so” and with that you had ran off to the bathroom and locked the door. your heart was racing and your face felt like it was on fire. you and toji had only been dating for two months you were sure this would be it for him, he thinks you’re disgusting he has to. you peel your bottoms off and just as your about to get into the shower you hear a knock on the door.
“baby you wanna pass me your pants and i’ll put them in the wash?”
God why was he washing them? did he think you were the type of person to not offer to? how would you even give them to him he’d have to touch them? you didn’t have the voice to argue right then so you folded your pyjama pants as neatly as you could and without a word unlocked the door and plopped them into his waiting hands. he sounded like he had tried to get a word in but you had shut the door just as fast. he was probably going to ask you to leave as soon as you came out and you couldn’t blame him how could you have been so careless? you hadn’t heard from him again whilst you were showering and as hard as you tried you couldn’t get the tears to stop. you knew periods weren’t a big deal but you couldn’t help but feel so deeply embarrassed at what had happened. with trembling hands you crept your way to his bedroom and found some pajamas of yours you’d left on a previous stay. you’d also kept a stash of pads in his drawers for emergencies you just didn’t think they’d be this humiliating.
“mama you finished?”
after a few deep breaths you opened the door and braced yourself for him to ask you to leave.
“i’m so so sorry toji” you whispered, his name coming out of your mouth on a choked sob.
“mama what are you talking about?” toji didn’t know what to do. you were distraught, over some blood? he froze for a second at the sight of your red nose and bloodshot eyes, the hicuppy sounds of your quick breaths. then he swooped you into his arms and began caressing your back as he spoke.
“baby please tell me you aren’t this upset over getting some blood on me? like you haven’t cleaned my cuts and bruises hundreds of times by now”
“that’s not the same.” you said in between short breaths.
“it is tho baby. it’s just a bit of blood i’m a big boy i can handle it. in all honesty baby you could shit in my hands and i wouldn’t give a fuck.” he said in an attempt to make you laugh.
“toji ewww”
“kidding mama. kind of. seriously though baby look at me” he held your face gently in hands and lifted your head until you looked him in his eyes.
“you physically couldn’t do anything that would make me see you any less. you’ve done so much for me mentally and emotionally there is nothing on this planet that could ever make me be disgusted by you let alone something natural.”
you didn’t have any words to reply to him with and he didn’t need any. your expression had changed, the embarrassment had simmered down and all he could see now was affection and gratitude. toji understood you, he knew that sometimes you didn’t want to speak, especially after a long cry you had a tendency to stop talking for a while. with your face still held in his calloused palms toji pressed his lips into your soft ones. he pecked your lips, then moved to your nose, your forehead, over both your eyelids and then both your cheeks.
“my pretty girl. you want your wings now baby?”
and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the way your eyes lit up. you truly were his girl.
a/n : oh noooo he dropped his feminist literature books
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b1rds3ye · 2 years ago
Cod men with an so that has a kink for their gear/uniform …thats all
Anon you are SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE at this rate my obsession for people in uniform is unhealthy but it IS WHAT IT IS ✌️(only price and gaz for this one tho, my brain just ain’t braining for ghost and soap 😩😩)
In Uniform
Characters: Captain John Price, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
GN!Reader w/ no physical descriptions
Word Count: 1.4 (~700 each)
Genre: Fluff, Smut 18+/MDNI, established relationship
Warning: Smut, 18+/MDNI, No overly dom/sub themes I don’t think? riding + worship (Price), thigh riding (Gaz), if I miss anything, let me know
A/N: This is the spiciest I've ever written (it pales in comparison to the filth I read but reading vs writing is a whole different story WRITING THIS WAS SO HARD ARGH-)
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Captain John Price
Price is not blind. For the sake of professionalism, he doesn’t comment on it, but he can’t help but feel smug when he notices how your eyes trace his chest rig. How it looks almost too small with how it hugs to his chest, the straps that wrap over his shoulders emphasising his thick arms and broad torso. How the extra gear he has to equip gives his already large chest more volume
He will never sacrifice practicality and comfort over visuals on a mission… but if he knows he should just be wandering around base he may just tighten the straps of his gear a little more than usual just so it hugs his form better when he meets you. Just because he’s in a stable relationship with you and a high ranking soldier doesn’t mean the captain can’t have some fun and a little ego boost!
Still, Price is reluctant to test the extents of your uniform kink. His uniforms are often filthy and he can’t imagine anything more repulsive than some crusty blood of the enemy staining the pure haven that is your shared bed. Even after they’re cleaned, there’s a lingering concern that they’re not clean enough
But if there’s anything that John is weak to, it’s you with your hopeful eyes and sweet smile. He’ll triple clean his uniform and he’s ready to for it to join the confines of your bedroom
Even under you, Price prides himself on his restraint. He hasn’t lost the image of a commanding captain, still fully dressed save for the fly of his cargos pulled down just enough to free his cock that is now buried in you. The rough fabric of his cargos leave a pleasant burn against your bare thighs, but it’s nothing compared to the pleasant burn of John stretching you out. You want to move your hips faster, to have him hit the parts you know he can hit perfectly. But no, this night will be slow, cherishing the delicious sight below you.
You shift slightly and you whine at the impossible fullness from within. Distracting yourself from the intoxicating pain you drag your hands along his chest rig. Prying and slipping your fingers into every crevice and bend of straps and pockets, they twitch as an odd aftershock washes through your body. Under your palms John’s chest lifts with every heavy breath. Pressing them flat against his stomach as it deflates, you exhale with him as your relaxing body adjusts to him filling up your every crevice.
John’s hand creeps up to curl around one of your wrists. The plastic coating of his gloves offers a foreign coolness that has your body jolting and you whine as goosebumps coat your burning body.
“Didn’t know you had such a thing for men in uniform,” he simpered, his other hand down to rest on your hip. He idly massages at the plush skin, fingers digging deep down into the layer of muscle. Tilting into his touch, you try and contort yourself to get his hand a little closer to where you’re most sensitive, just that little bit more but he doesn’t relent, his moustache and beard now slightly curved as he watches you with amusement.
“Only you,” you whisper and his next breath is hefty and rugged, accompanied with a satisfied hum that reverberates through his entire being.
“That’s right, sweetheart. Only me.”
You pull your hands back up to his chest rig, you slip your fingers under the securing straps and take a firm grip. Hands dangerously close to his throat, John’s Adam apple instinctively bobs in anticipation.
“Getting handsy, are we?”
“Just need a bit more,” you mutter absentmindedly. You stare at him with blown out eyes. “Can I?”
“Do as you wish.”
Using your grip on his rig, you pull your hips further, feeling him deeper, harder. His hands immediately find purchase on your hips to steady you as you tremor at the new sensation. He only moves with you, his hips offering the faintest of encouragement as he slightly drives them up into you. Once you manage to set a rhythm above him the captain sounds near unrecognisable as he stifles a groan with every tug against his gear.
“Fuck. Just like that, darling.”
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Kyle is attentive to you, so he is aware of how your eyes scan his body when he walks past. He never thought that his uniform was particularly attractive or attention-grabbing since literally everyone else wears it, but he’s glowing upon noticing that he can entrance you over what’s merely his day-to-day gear
In low stakes situations, this man is teasing you to hell and back. Not directly though, he’ll never explicitly say he knows you have a thing for his uniform, but just before a mission he’ll have you double checking if his chest rig and gear are firmly secured to his body. Of course, they won’t be, and he’ll ask you to tighten the straps, discreetly flexing the respective body parts all the while
Now you can tell when Kyle’s horny. Instead of immediately shedding his gear to wash up and relax with you, he’ll only get rid of weaponry and any contents in his various pockets but the gear and uniform stays on in a (not so) discreet attempt of getting you just as riled up as he is
“Shit, you look so good.”
You let out a halfhearted laugh that morphs into a sigh as you grind your hips against his thigh. Through the flimsy fabric of your underwear, you swear you can feel everything against you. Each individual fibre of his cargo pants, the ridges of the seams. Even through the fabric you can feel the soft swells of his muscular thigh that you’re seated on.
“You should take a look at yourself,” you praise breathlessly.
Even with clothes on, Kyle looked hot as hell. Still in his gear, it made the slivers of his skin that revealed themselves all the more tantalising. His half-unbuttoned shirt revealing skin covered in a sheen of sweat. Sleeves haphazardly shoved up the arm to reveal his lean forearms, veins pulsating with lust as they hold onto your hips like a lifeline.
“Caught you staring earlier,” he mutters. With those godly arms he wraps them around your back, forcing you to lean into him, sweaty forehead against his.
“Thought you were worried about me, but it was really you I should have been worried about.”
His words are lost on you and he only smirks as your hips move forward and back and forward again with reckless abandon. Each drag of your hips getting more exaggerated, more forceful as you strain against Kyle’s arms that selfishly pull you taut to him.
“Let me… move, dammit,” you huff as you struggle to move in his hold.
“What? Is it bad that I want to be close with the love of my life?” he offers an innocent laugh but his eyes are still trained down to where your hips rhythmically meet his thigh with sinful movements.
Grinding your hips, you grunt unexpectedly as a pointed intrusion brushes against your clothed sex, nipping at where it was most sensitive. Christ, Kyle must’ve forgotten to take out a spare magazine in his cargo pockets. The edge of its hard metal giving a delicious contrast against his thick, clothed muscle, you experiment, trying a new angle to brush your most sensitive areas with his leftover weaponry.
It sends a wave of electricity through your body that has you jerking a knee up, one that brushes against Kyle’s hard on and he whines. His embrace only tightens as he tries to silence himself with his face buried in your chest.
“Shit- do that again,” his words are muffled against your skin, echoing through your rib cage.
With the next roll of your hips you pull your knee up once again. The stimulation against his dick has him instinctively flexing his thighs, and you tremble at the extra firmness in between your legs, the sensation evoking a sound of pure sin from you.
Kyle rolls his head to the side to rest on your shoulder, his ragged breaths burning against the crook of your neck.
“Please- fuck - do it again, love.”
You didn’t have to be told twice.
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Call of Duty Masterlist
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bluesilkdressao3 · 2 months ago
AoT Veteran Men and How I Perceive Their Relationship with Sex.
Levi, Erwin, Mike.
Fave positions, kinks, where.
Gender neutral.
In my mind, the most likely to be a virgin into adulthood. I think that growing up around brothels and men purchasing sex from women has made him perhaps view sex as something lacking intimacy or even being associated with violence.
I don’t perceive him as being asexual, but certainly having a reluctant view toward sex—absolutely not interested in casual sex.
When he does have sex, he seems like the sort to really slowly work toward penetrative sex; even only engaging in heavy petting and handjobs/fingering during the majority of initial sexual encounters.
I think his neuroses around dirt and cleanliness would manifest in an enjoyment around cleaning his partner, bathing them, drying them, intimate care practices. I do think that oral sex (giving and receiving) would only go ahead if both he and his partner are washed.
Needs slow, patient, quiet sex, interspersed with conversation and humour. Not the sort to do heaps of dirty talk, certainly not the sort to call his partner insults seriously during sex. Does seem like the sort to be heavy on the praise tho.
In regards to penetrative sex, he’s big on missionary—he finds it perhaps the most carnal? Cherishes the intimacy and closeness of being face-to-face with his partner.
Other than missionary, he seems like the sort to enjoy his partner riding him. Would like them to face him as seeing their face and the way they react to pleasure would give him immense satisfaction and confirmation that they feel good and enjoying it.
I do also see him enjoying fucking his partner while they sit on a surface—he can still see their face but there’s more of a frantic carnality to it; think a passionate moment on his desk.
Has had some casual sex but not much. To me, he seems like the sort to entirely swear off casual sex once he reached the role of Captain, and that was only solidified when he became Commander.
Like Levi, if he has sex then he would have to have developed a lot of trust with the person. I think he’d like to be able to speak frankly with them, establishing the ground rule of don’t let this cloud your judgement in the field.
Actually pretty easy going in bed.
Happy to try different positions, enjoys going down on his partner. But sex is confined to the bedroom and he would not be the sort to be a bit more adventurous in terms of where he has sex.
Does not engage in violence during sex.
Tbh I do see him being most likely to do some more “crazy” things in sex—like perhaps a threesome with another person he trusts (including men), maybe exploring him on the receiving end of penetration, and dips his toes into some BDSM things.
I think he’d be interested in both being the receiver of domination as much as being the dominant partner. I imaging he’d be interested in mild bondage (wrists and ankles tied, blindfolds, no gags—I think hearing his partner speak is important to him, and him having the capacity to speak is important too) and submission (full trust, denial, overstimulation). I don’t see extreme sadism or masochism being an interest at all.
His go to positions are missionary, being ridden, slow doggy style with his partner nearly lying entirely on the bed with just their hips raised.
The most easy going about sex. Has casual sex with women he meets in pubs, thinks nothing much of it.
If he is in a sexual relationship with a fellow Scout, then he seems the sort to be pretty risky in where he has sex. Cupboards, his office, sheds, maybe even the forest around the base—he likes sex to be fun.
Loves smelling his partner (duh), maybe even pulls a Napoleon and requests his partner doesn’t shower before sex.
The most he’d do “violence” wise during sex is spanking, maybe some hair pulling, but that’s it. I can’t see any of the men being extremely aggressive or demeaning.
On that note, perhaps the one to be most likely to be dirty in his talk—maybe calls his partner slut once or twice but always with a clear note of affection and even awe.
Unlike Erwin who I see being perhaps ok with exploring kinks, I don’t see Mike being eager to bring ropes and stuff into the bedroom. I think the thing that interests him is the carnality of sex—the passion that comes with keeping his partner quiet when they have sex somewhere they shouldn’t, the intimacy of going down on his partner for ages. He likes being free to touch them and them being free to touch him.
Fave position is probably standing. I see him enjoying crowding his partner in a dark corner, one of his hands covering their mouth, the other holding their hand, his face buried in their neck while his chest is pressed on their back and he shallowly thrusts into them.
Levi would be the least eager to engage in a threesome or foursome. I doubt he’d ever request it but if he knew the proposed third/fourth and trusted them, he’d consider it. During the actual sex, he seems likely to stick to his partner, to avoid touching the third or fourth too much. He doesn’t mind them being there but doesn’t want to e.g. suddenly begin going down on them when his partner is there.
Erwin would be happiest to explore group sex. Probably from a voyeuristic angle—he’d enjoy watching his partner be pleasured by people he trusts. I see him as the most likely to have bisexual tendencies and would probably be interested in kissing and touching the third/fourth. Maybe less inclined to have full blown sex with anyone who wasn’t his partner.
Mike would be similar to Levi in that he wouldn’t necessarily propose group sex, but would not be so reluctant to the idea. But like Levi he’d stick to his partner, avoiding engaging too much with the third/fourth. Perhaps some kissing, heavy petting, conversation, but not much beyond that re: oral/penetration.
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junicult · 2 years ago
Could you write about what it’s like when the bachelors and the farmer decide to try for a baby? Either the conversation they have about it or when they actually TRY 😉. Or both… No pressure tho! I love your work!
!! trying for a baby with the bachelors.
contains ; fem!farmer. nsfw! fluffff <33. talk of children / pregnancy. mostly talk, not much smut. some smut in harvey’s, sam’s, & alex’s. farmer wears a dress. breeding kink. not proofread! i’ll add more tags later & i apologize this is a bit rushed :,
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- alright so i basically talked all abt this on my last post,
- but i’ll happily elaborate further.
- first of all, this man dreams of being a father.
- he’s always wanted to be one, and may i just say he’d be the best father?? hello???
- if u don’t agree ur lying.
- so i wanna say the topic of children was first brought up when you were only dating.
- “would you ever want to have kids one day?” you ask, and it wasn’t so blunt that he was blindsided, but he was still a little taken aback by the question.
- standing next to you in his kitchen, mixing breakfast on the stove while you sat on the counter.
- he only looks at you for a sec, because ever the overthinker he is, he’s afraid he’ll say the wrong thing.
- “yes, i do. one day.” he feels the need to specify, before looking back down at the pan to avoid eye contact.
- he doesn’t see your smile, or the way you softly chuckle at his action.
- “me too. one day.”
- and now he feels beyond excited. so excited that he starts to grin without even realizing it.
- i feel like that’s as far as the conversation went for now, you changing the topic to breakfast and starting to get plates together while he displayed it all.
- but ofc the thought would always stay in the back of his mind.
- bc now, when you’re married and it’s actually clear that you would want him to be the father of your child, it’s easier to have the conversation without feeling worried abt rejection. for him, at least.
- i feel like it happens one night after work, and you’re both a little exhausted and just want to be together.
- ur all clean and full after showering and eating together, just spending time w one another before u finally finish up ur tiring day in bed.
- “do you want to try for a baby?” you ask.
- my fav part abt all of this is that u always ask at the most unexpected times.
- but he’s not as shocked this time around, cus he was literally thinking the same thing.
- “do you want to?” lmfao.
- “i do. i think we’re ready.”
- say no more, cus he’s absolutely ready.
- i mean, he’s literally been ready for the last like 15 years of his life so…yeah.
- i mentioned this my last post, but i’m gonna say it again. to really get the message across.
- ur married to a doctor. ur abt to try for a baby with a DOCTOR.
- ur not just gonna fuck until you make a baby. unfortunately 😞
- he’s gonna help you figure out ur ovulation schedule. and if you aren’t for a while, obviously you’re not just gonna stop having sex, but you’re not going to be actively trying as hard until you’re ovulating.
- and when u finally aarreee 😊😊😊
- tehehehe.
- imagine he comes home from spending like the entire day in the clinic, and he’s so tired and all he wants to do is be with you.
- like he’s literally spent the last three or so hours thinking about burying his face in the crook of your neck and just holding you.
- so picture his excitement when you finished up your work super quick, made dinner, and you tell him ur ovulating liikkeeeee.
- suddenly he’s forgotten all about his annoying day.
- his arms wrap around your waist, lifting you ever so slightly to meet his height while your lips are already molded together.
- try to tell me he wouldn’t lift u bridal style to take u to the bedroom. just try.
- hands softly running up and down your body underneath your layers of clothes, kisses trailing down to your neck and collar while he piece by piece helps you out of them.
- “love these lips, these cheeks, these ears,” he whispers all the while emphasizing each feature with a kiss.
- he’s so handsy, and he won’t let you hear the end of his praise.
- prep prep prep prep prepppppps you.
- he’s so grateful to be able to have you like this, ofc he’s going to make the most of it.
- plus, statistically, a female orgasm increases the chances of pregnancy.
- it wouldn’t hurt to up the chances by giving you a few, now would it?
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- for sam, being a father wasn’t really something he spent so much time dwelling on.
- like, it’d just be a passing thought in his mind before he fell asleep,
- occasionally wondering what it’d be like to have a wife and kids, but not something he’d want to act on for at least a few years.
- he never found himself thinking about that kind of stuff, until he met you.
- and sure, you were both young, but the more he spent time with you, the longer he fell in love with you, the thought would continue to pop up way more often.
- he started to really think about it after seeing you interact with vincent.
- how his little brother would come running into your arms the minute you knocked on the door, excitedly latching onto you as his way of saying hello.
- “hey kiddo, how’s it been?” as if you didn’t see him literally yesterday.
- but that doesn’t matter, bc the way you ruffle his hair, entertaining his all-over-the-place conversation without even a hint of annoyance—makes sam feel all sputtery inside.
- it’s like vincent would be your main priority until he finished up telling you whatever it was he wanted you to know, and then you’d turn and greet your boyfriend with a small kiss on the cheek.
- like sam was secondary to the rest of his family, bc not to mention, you were also a sweetheart to jodi.
- vincent absolutely adored you. he’d always bother sam about you, asking when you’d come over or if he could tag along on your dates.
- i feel like his breaking point (if u will) was when he came home from work one day to see all three of you in his kitchen.
- his mom was teaching you how to make some special dish, and you had vincent propped on your back so he could watch.
- “sorry! i forgot you were working today but jodi just told me to wait here, and we kinda lost track of time.” you justify, face pinching in worry at his silence.
- that’s the exact moment it all clicked for him.
- he stayed dreadfully quiet while jodi finished up teaching you, and each moment you were growing increasingly worried.
- it wasn’t until you finally had alone time, and you immediately started gushing apologies when you stepped into his room.
- “i’m so sorry, sam, i didn’t mean to make it awkward for you, but your mom wanted to show me something and i was excited to learn and i dunno, i just forgot about—“
- “i wanna get married to you.”
- gn.
- you just blink back in awe, unsure of how to respond bc WHAT a bomb to drop rn.
- “…you do?”
- “so bad. i love you so much, i really want to be your husband.”
- so of course you ask him, “where is this coming from? i thought you were mad at me?”
- he just cups his hands on your cheeks, shaking his head. “are you kidding? how could i ever be mad at you spending time with my family?”
- and when he realizes you didn’t say anything, he goes all quiet and he’s like, “…do you wanna marry me?”
- duh.
- and so the topic of kids doesn’t follow long after, when you both mutually agree you want them, but at least not for a while.
- neither of u act on it until like a year after u get married.
- “vincent was asking about you. says he misses you and wants us to come over for dinner soon.” sam says, recapping his day while you wash your body beside him.
- btw, i like to think he waits until whenever u need to shower to shower with u.
- why? idk.
- anyways,
- “i’ll go visit him tomorrow. i miss the little guy,” you giggle.
- for him, he misses the way he’d see you interact with his little brother. how sweet, and kind you were. how you’d always include him in things, and despite him being a child, you didn’t really treat him as one.
- sure, you knew better then to say certain things around him, but when it came to all of you being in the same room together, you made sure he wasn’t forgotten about.
- he knows you’d be a great mother.
- “i wish we had a baby.” he blurts, a little frown on his face as he rinses the soap out of his hair.
- it’s not like it’s a foreign topic, but it’s still a little unexpected.
- “yeah! they’d have your hair and my eyes. with your cheeks, and cute nose.”
- he’s so cute i’m sobbing.
- you can’t help but grin at him as he goes on about how many kids he wants, and what they’d be named, and how they’d look.
- “yeah, i know vincent has jas but how cool would it be if he had another little buddy in town?”
- “i didn’t think you wanted kids yet?”
- “well, that was a year ago. we just haven’t really talked about it since.” he shrugs, and you can’t help but kiss his cute, rosy cheek.
- so from now on, ur gonna try for a baby🫡
- it’s definitely not as thought out as harvey.
- yeah, u guys are just gonna fuck until it works LMAO.
- but dare i say, you’ve never enjoyed sex like this.
- you’re all hot and sweaty, naked, hair clinging to your neck and staggered breaths all over his lips.
- “nggh, fuck, sam—feels s’good…” moaning into his mouth while he does the same, hips meeting yours at a eye-rolling pace.
- he’s already came twice, hardly enough energy to even bring himself to a third but yet somehow, here he is, fucking into you like he knows no better.
- and he won’t stop sputtering just pure filth in your ear,
- “mmgh—y’so pretty, so perfect. you’d make the prettiest babies.” “what are you doing to me? nnfuck, feels so, so good…”
- your fingers are feathered through his hair, arms wrapped around his neck to keep him close.
- you’re already so sensitive and overstimulated by the time he cums. you both are.
- so while he catches his breath, he’s holding you close and staying buried to the hilt inside of u.
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- :,).
- i feel like it’s his little secret that he’s always wanted to be a father.
- but he never thought it’d happen for him.
- and after he met you, first of all he was shocked you liked him back.
- and as time progressed, and you’ve helped with his alcohol addiction, he’s really found that he fell in love with you.
- spending all this time together, despite you being so busy.
- you always make a way to fit him into your schedule, whether it be he comes over and helps you with some of your chores, or you meet him at the saloon.
- but as time progressed, and you were both were absolutely infatuated with each other, he couldn’t stop thinking about marrying you.
- but more importantly…having kids with you.
- i think, generally, he wants to be a good father, which is why he’s always kinda wanted kids.
- he wants to try to be there for his child, and wants to laugh with them, help them when they need it, watch them grow up and stuff.
- he wants to be able to nurture someone in a way he wasn’t really able to do for himself.
- but also, he’s a little possessive🤷‍♀️
- it’s sick, and gross, but the idea of you walking around with a pretty, swollen belly and everyone gets to know he did that. well.
- and he just knows you’d be the most amazing mom. with how you care for your animals, and you’re such a hard-worker…he’s gonna lose his mind.
- so yeah, despite him thinking about it constantly, you’re still the first to bring it up.
- “…can we talk about something?”
- instantly, he’s nervous. he feels like ur gonna break up with him or something.
- “a-about what?”
- you’re in the middle of washing dishes, so you use that as an excuse to avoid eye contact.
- since you’ve been dating for many months now, long past the point of exchanging “i love you”‘s and even closer to the inevitable possibility of marriage.
- but to make it this far and find out he doesn’t want children like you do, well that would be the most painful way to end things.
- “what are your thoughts on…like…kids?”
- he blinks.
- “kids?”
- “yeah, kids. like…children.”
- he’s quietly scratching the back of his head, trying not to let confusion paint across his face but yet here he is, eyebrows furrowed and head tilted.
- “i—i dunno. they’re pretty…cool? i guess? i like them…”
- he’s just staring at you, trying to read your expression in any way to figure out what the hell u are bringing this up for.
- he’s even more confused when you just nod instead of giving him an answer.
- “is that all you wanted to talk about?”
- it takes u another like 5 minutes to finally swallow your fear, and flicker your gaze to him.
- “no, i just…well i wanted to know if you’d ever be interested in, like, having kids….of your own—in the future! not now, or, whatever.”
- he thinks ur so cute.
- the way you’re purposely angling your chin down to hide your face, and despite the fact that you’ve already cleaned the same plate like seven times, you still continue to scrub it.
- he has half a mind to laugh a little, but he knows that’s only make you feel more nervous. so he just smiles quietly to himself, looking at you.
- “hmm, having kids?” he sighs, leaning against the counter, crossing his arms like he’s in deep thought to agonize you teasingly.
- “well, considering i have jas in my life, yeah. kids aren’t so bad.”
- the puppy-dog look you give him finally has him chuckling.
- “you’d want kids?”
- “yeah, someday. but you know, having kids is kind of a two person job.“
- now it’s your turn to giggle, fixing your gaze back towards a new dish you grab to clean.
- “oh, is it?”
- “mhm. they’re hiring, too. but not just anyone can apply.”
- “what’re the requirements?”
- he gently wraps his arms around your waist, pressing against your back and lowering to rest his chin on your shoulder.
- “hmm, we’ll they’re looking for someone who’s perfect.” he presses a kiss to your cheek. “have i told you you’re perfect?”
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- much like sam, he didn’t really spend time thinking about fatherhood.
- it wasn’t something he dwelled on hardly, if not ever.
- he had other things to focus on, and unfortunately he didn’t really think that’d ever be a part of his future.
- and it didn’t change right when he met you.
- he really liked you for a long time before anything even progressed (nerves, i guess?)
- but eventually, you were steadily a very good couple.
- spending lots of time together, going on dates (more like ponder sessions by the rivers and beach but whatever) and just overall the early stages of falling in love.
- he’d come visit at the farm and wouldn’t leave for days. even when he told himself he needed to, it’d take him so long to actually leave.
- he spent so much time thinking about you too, that of course his mind began to wander.
- what would marriage be like, first of all.
- it didn’t take long before he decided he liked that thought. coming home to you every day, waking up with you by his side.
- his city dreams weren’t so important to him anymore. not if it meant leaving you behind.
- now, as for children,
- he didn’t spend much time thinking about it for a while. it was mostly just a passing thought in his mind.
- kinda like sam, you two definitely discussed it before getting married but it was a short, “if we decide we want to someday,” and that was about it.
- i feel like sebastian is a little possessive, too.
- he loves the fact that he’s married to you now. that he’s legally tied to you and he has a reason for wanting you all to himself some days.
- the longer you two were married, however, he had to get used to his mom’s constant remarks.
- “you know, i did build a nursery in her house, sebby. just something to think about.” robin grins in passing convo.
- which he can’t help but cringe at what his mom is implying, but he guesses she has a point.
- so as he got older, he started to think about having kids a lot more.
- because, yes, being married to him does kinda scream off limits.
- but wouldn’t having a child be even a much better indicator?
- how there’s actual living proof that sebastian is yours and you are his.
- yeah, he’s gonna be thinking about it a lot.
- “honey, are you okay? you’ve been really quiet today.” you wonder softly, wrapping your arms around his back where he laid with his face pressed against your chest.
- you know that sometimes he just likes to be alone, and it has nothing to do with you, it’s just his own personal preference.
- but he’s not usually like this. clingy, latched onto you tight while he’s lost in his thoughts.
- “hm? oh, yeah i’m fine baby. don’t worry.”
- you frown at his vagueness. “you can tell me anything. need me to step out? i don’t mind, sebby.”
- he loves u sm.
- “no! no, it’s nothing like that,” he even accentuates by squeezing you a little tighter, “i’ve just…been thinking.”
- “about…?”
- you feel him shrug, but he moves his face to bury into the crook of your neck, so you can’t see him.
- “i dunno, just like…us. i guess.”
- 😑
- “…okay…”
- and now ur kind like, sitting up to move away from him, and he’s not having that.
- he frowns, once again tightening his hold on you and burying himself deeper.
- “nothing bad, i promise.” he murmurs into you.
- “then what is it?”
- you never want to pressure him to tell you what’s on his mind, but when he’s like this, you feel like you deserve to know a little.
- he only answers with hesitation, taking long enough before you frown and squint your eyes down at him.
- “sebastian, if y—“
- “i wanna have a baby.”
- lol.
- now it gets real quiet.
- you freeze, hand pausing midway through his hair. you can almost feel the significant change in the atmosphere.
- “…what?”
- “i know we haven’t really talked about it lately, i just think it’s something we should talk about.”
- he keeps his face hidden away from yours, despite you attempting to look down at him.-
- but, if he was looking at you, he’d be able to see the smile on your plump cheeks, and how you were suddenly wrapping your legs around his torso.
- “i was thinking the same thing.”
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- okay, so for this one,
- i feel like it’d be 50/50.
- one half of me says he’d never want kids.
- he saw the man his father grew up to be, and he despises him because of it.
- it scarred him enough to mess with his relationships with past women, definitely gave him commitment issues for a long while.
- so he never wanted to be a father. he can’t picture himself as one.
- but the other half of me says the opposite.
- he’s a man, who knows what it’s like to live with an abusive, absent father.
- and despite him still being kind of young, he couldn’t stop thinking about how he’d never treat his child, or even his wife like how his father did.
- almost like he’d want to prove people wrong.
- like, not all men end up like his father. most of them can actually become loving, supportive fathers and husbands.
- that’s the side of him i like to think abt most 😇
- but, i do wanna say though, when he met you, he didn’t really think that deeply about you.
- sure, he really liked you and how sweet you are. you’d always spend time with him, and make him feel better whenever he was down.
- most importantly, however, you weren’t shy to put him in his place if he ever said anything offhanded.
- you taught him a lot, and that’s when he really started to fall for you.
- it didn’t take long to confess his feelings. he likes being bold like that, and rejection doesn’t scare him.
- after you told him you reciprocated, he was instantly excited to call you his girlfriend.
- evelyn and george already loved you, (maybe evelyn a little more openly,) so accepting you into the family was a very easy task.
- he’d talk about you constantly. he’d find any opportunity to steer the conversation to you, and run with it for as long as they’d let him.
- and don’t get me started whenever he’s with you.
- he may act all tough, and above-it all the time, but i can promise you:
- whenever you’re alone, he’s just a big baby.
- smushing his face into your chest, wrapping his arms and legs around you so he could take a nap.
- and he loves when you’d lay like that, brushing your fingers through his hair and telling him about you day so he can just listen to your voice.
- now, that being said: i feel like he’s not scared to talk about wanting children with you.
- it was probably a conversation early on in your relationship, he just steered clear from stating he’d like you to be the mother of his child.
- “yeah, i’d love to have kids one day. babies love me!” kinda thing.
- and the longer you two were dating, and the more serious and committed it became, he was all for letting you know what was really on his mind.
- “you’d be the most perfect mom. our kids would be so smart, and gentle. plus, with our ridiculously good looks—unbeatable.” he grins, pop kissing all over your face as wraps his arms around you.
- behind your fit of giggles, you can’t help but counter, “please, alex, i need get back to work!”
- and he’s reluctantly sending you off to do your job, spending the rest of his hours making himself busy at home until he can repeat it all over again when you finish up at night.
- despite him talking and thinking about it so often, much like the rest of the guys he won’t act on it until you’re actually married.
- probably like a month after you get married he brings it up, but not like he used to.
- “hmm, what do you say about making a baby, pretty?” his fingertips slide through your hair, cupping the side of your face.
- he can’t help but place one calloused hand to your bare stomach, pressing down just slightly to watch the way your eyes pinch and lips part.
- his hips were stilled, cock buried deep inside of you after minutes of teasing you.
- “nngh? whaa—“ you’re hardly coherent, head lulling into his palm the moment he begins his slow drags in and out of you.
-“aww, you’d look so pretty carrying my kids, dontcha think? let’s make it happen baby, please?” “we wanna baby, right? c’mon, we’re ready. now’s perfect.”
- he’s gently nipping at your cheek, kissing down your jaw and neck to hear you whine on top of the way he’s pressing against you.
- “c-can’t, t’much,” you whimper, eyes rolling the minute his hips snap and his pace quickens.
- “yes you can, i know you can.” his voice is breathless and low in your ear, “why don’t you let me cum inside, hm?”
- his sweet gaze has your head spinning, lower lip puckered and wobbling.
- you’re so overstimulated even the slightest movement has your body twitching, throat swelling.
- yet somehow, you’re still bringing yourself to nod slowly while he grins above you.
- “yeah, knew you’d like that.”
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- he’s absolutely ready to be a father.
- it probably didn’t become something he actually dwelled on until he got older, but yeah, he’s absolutely ready.
- when he met you, not to say it was love a first sight but…
- it was love at first sight.
- he quickly became well acquainted with you, and spent much time with you.
- whether you were at his cabin, or he came to visit your farm, it didn’t matter.
- it didn’t take long before you started dating and fell in love.
- he’d find himself thinking about you at his desk instead of writing.
- or lying awake at night, missing you beside him and eagerly awaiting the morning when he could go and see you.
- he’d spend so much time picturing what it’d be like to have you as his wife and mother of his children.
- the topic of kids was definitely early on.
- “i’d want three. two girls and a boy. he’d be the youngest.” he hums, taking a bite out of a pomegranate you had just given him a few minutes beforehand.
- “yeah? three, huh?”
- he smiles, nodding.
- “well y’know, if she didn’t want three, then i’m fine with however many.”
- you were sitting on the foot end of his bed, while he sat beside you.
- “hmm, no, three is fine. i’m sure she wouldn’t mind three.”
- “you think?” he licks the fruit juice off his thumb behind his grin, before leaning back against the headboard.
- “oh, i know.”
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cheri-2047 · 9 months ago
Have you done Cynos new quest? If so, may I request a Tighnari x Reader oneshot where the reader also takes part in the duel at the end (as the traveller or something). Even tho they won they still got injured (but pretended to be fine as to not appear as weak) and after everything settled down and they went back to the city Tighnari takes care of them? Basically some fluff, comfort kinda thing? Sorry if it sounds kinda complicated :')
Thank you and have a good day/night!!
THANKS FOR REQUESTING !! So sorry this took long btw 😔
so uh… I didn’t actually do the story quest cause I stopped playing when lyneys banner was over 💀 BUT I will write like Tighnari tends to ur wounds (that you got after a commission)
Tighnari x injured reader
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TAGS: fluff/comfort, blood/wounds
CHARACTERS: Tighnari, mentions of Paimon
You opened the door to you and your boyfriends shared home, covering the blood stains on your shirt with a bag of things you got payed for in the commission.
“you’re home!”
tighnari walked up to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
He raised an eyebrows upon seeing some blood on your shirt,
“what’s th-“
“I’m going to bed, I’m a bit tired.”
you said, before paimon interrupted “heyyy! You haven’t even promised paimon her snacks for helping you when you got in-“
“kitchen paimon, top cabinet”
you slumped your way to your bedroom, not wanting to sleep with tighnari tonight so he wouldn’t see your wounds.
as you removed your shirt, you winced, looking at the loosely wrapped bandages around your torso.
you unwrapped it, carefully and slowly. meanwhile, back in the kitchen, paimon was running through the cabinets.
“finally! Paimon deserved this!”
she drooled at the sight of the chips, tighnari finding it odd how she actually helped In a commission. He heard your distant grunts, your curses, everything no matter how much you tried to stay quiet.
“paimon, how was the commission?”
he asked, hoping she’d give some info.
“Traveler got stabbed pretty badly by a hilichurl camp! Then traveler told paimon to stay quiet and they’d give me their snacks from inazuma!”
Paimon exclaimed, completely disregarding your agreement with her. “oops…. Uh.. don’t tell traveler”
she snickered, while stuffing her face with some dango you had left over.
“thank you paimon.”
and just like that, tighnari left the room.
you were struggling to tend to your own wounds, trying to not stain the sheets or anything, when you heard a familiar voice.
“tsk. You’re hopeless.”
Your boyfriend sat next to you and grabbed a cotton, adding some liquid to help disinfect it.
“Paimon told me everything. Don’t bother to hide it.”
he held your hand tightly before disinfecting the wound. It hurt a lot.
“agh-! Nari-“
you winced, holding his hand tightly
“almost done.”
you tried to not yell in pain, knowing tighnari’s ears are quite sensitive.
“I need to stitch these, drink this first.”
he suddenly pushed a drink to your lips. It was a drink to help you get sleepy so you wouldn’t feel much pain.
as you were being stitched up, nari held your hand tightly and placed a scarf nearby to your mouth to bite for pain.
he winces whenever he sees a particularly deep wound/scar, hoping the anesthesia is still strong while he treats them (yes he also injected some to you after he made you drink a sleep thing)
when he’s finished, he changes you out of your clothes. He obv doesn’t touch any intimate areas
the moment he changes you to comfier clothes, he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“oh traveler….dont hide things like this from me.”
he stays up all night to care for you.
the next morning, he does everything. Cleans dishes, makes sure you don’t move at all and most important (and the scariest thing…) he needs to hear what happened from YOUR mouth.
he reassures you that even if you’re injured, it’s okay to ask for help.
the entire day(every day until you’re better) he pampers you.
the end
A/N; CAN U TELL I RAN OUT OF IDEAS IN THE END 💀 my bad, and also thanks for the request ! Ask for another if u want it rewritten lmao. Anyways I also realized that I actually may have mischaracterized him cause I realized how little info I know abt this man AS IF I DONT LITERALLY COSPLAY HIM 💀💀💀 anyways that’s it, thank u !
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smplykiel · 2 years ago
“You made me think I actually mattered.” fem! reader x albedo | part two.
warnings: angst, arguments, hurt/no comfort, crying, heartbreak, mentions of major character death, albedo is a big fat jerk (love him tho, just not here LMAO)
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Days, weeks, hell, even months have passed since the last time you spent a passionate moment with your lover, Albedo. The more you tried to comprehend, the more you convinced yourself that he was just too busy with his duties, the more you couldn't.
Was it really that difficult for him to spare you one moment of his time? Did you really stop being important to him? or has he entirely forgotten about you? Surely not, right?
Numerous days and nights were spent alone and unhappy. By the time your so-called lover got home, you'd be exhausted and soundly sleeping in your shared bedroom. When you wake up, you're greeted by his side of the bed, all empty and cold.
it was as if he didn't exist anymore— or perhaps you didn't exist to him anymore?
A soft sigh resonated through the cold room. You sat up immediately, silently cursing yourself as your head spun from the unexpected action. You get out of the shared bed after your spinning head has settled down, slightly wincing as your feet come into contact with the cold floor. You paid it no mind and walked mindlessly to the bathroom. Your mind had become tired after running millions of miles and was now completely empty, with no thoughts.
You looked at yourself in the mirror. You weren't stupid; you know how much you've neglected yourself. exactly like he's neglecting you. Another exhausted sigh left your lips as you swiftly got ready, but for what? You had no idea.
You were completely clean and washed as you exited the bathroom. Hopefully presentable for the rest of the world. Maybe you should pay Albedo a visit. But just thinking of dragonspine's freezing chilly atmosphere sent shivers down your spine.
You mentally shook the thought and prepared to leave, not bothering to eat anything to fill your empty stomach. It's all right, you're used to it.
You hurriedly put on your shoes, double-checked your belongings and keys, and officially exited as you twisted the knob of your shared home's door shut.
You couldn't help but be excited for some reason. What are you excited about? Maybe for Albedo? You just hoped by the time you made it to his lab, he would give you a single ounce of attention— affection.
You wasted no time in heading towards the chilly mountain. The cold breeze caused goosebumps to creep all over your porcelain skin. Every breath you breathed became visible before fading into thin air.
You arrived at your lover's lab after an exhausting journey. You hurried up your feet, choosing to run despite the slippery floor and the cold air that made it difficult to breathe.
And finally, you made it to your lover. Though your big warm smile was quickly wiped off your face as he didn't even bother to acknowledge you, eyes focused on whatever he was doing. It's okay, maybe he just didn't notice.
"H...hey! albedo, my love!" You said in between your gasps of air. A pang in your chest; you don't know whether it was because your lover ignored you or the icy cold air that crept into your lungs.
A sliver of hope ran through your shivering body as you saw him whip his head towards you. "Oh, y/n, what are you doing here?" he said with a raised brow. Yet not long after, his head was turned back to whatever he was doing. You frown at this. Sure, he had spared you a single glance, but it wasn't enough. It was never enough.
"Oh... well, I just wanted to see you... That's it..." you responded, voice slowly becoming smaller with each word you let out. Your orbs were now staring holes into the snowy ground.
You nervously shifted your eyes from the ground towards your lover as you were met with silence. Did he not hear you? Maybe you shouldn't have visited after all. Maybe you should've known that it would end up like this once again.
"Um, I wanted to see you-" You tried explaining yourself again, only to get cut off by his slightly irritated voice. "I heard you. No need to repeat yourself over and over again." You could feel yourself taken aback at his sudden change of tone. The small crunch of snow underneath you was heard as you unconsciously stepped back.
"Sorry," you whispered. Why were you apologizing? You did nothing wrong; you never did. So why did you feel like this? A deafening silence engulfed the icy atmosphere as Albedo continued to focus on his work.
You wanted to see him, right? Was that it? Were you expecting more? Did you want to do more? Of course you did.
You lightly took a deep breath before you started walking towards him. Your ears, hands, and cheeks were bright red because of the chilly breeze, as you wore only one layer of clothing. How did you even manage to get up here without freezing to death?
"What... are you doing?" Hopefully you weren't disturbing him as you took a peek at whatever he was doing right now. Why was it that it was much more important than you? to the point that all of his attention was all over it?
"Work." His response was blunt but vague. It made you frown at yourself. You took a small step closer, a mere inch away from each other, as you tried to understand what his 'work' is.
"Look, you're disturbing my experiment right now. It's much better if you go back down the mountain and return home, he said, eyes still on his... 'work'. A feeling of hurt crept up into your stomach. Your brows now knitted together as you shifted your gaze towards your lover.
After all the energy you spent climbing up the cold, snowy mountain, he has the audacity to say this? Did he ever care about you? Hell, you were trembling because of the cold breeze, yet this is what fills his mind? his experiment?
"Oh." You didn't know how you should feel or what you were feeling at all. Her soft orbs were now covered with a faint glaze as she furrowed her brows in frustration. "Do you even care?" Your own words shocked you as you pressed your freezing fingertips against your lips. You fucked up.
Tears were starting to prick the corners of your eyes as you looked at Albedo nervously. You didn't mean to say that out loud. You just felt frustrated and unloved. Albedo turned his face towards you, seeming unfazed as he raised his brow.
"What?" he asked as he shifted his attention to you. Your body was freezing and trembling, whether it be because of the cold wind or nervousness; you couldn't care less. Your mind was running millions of miles.
But you knew very well that this had to be said. You were getting tired of him constantly neglecting you and constantly excusing himself by saying that he was just too busy with work. You didn't even know how you managed to keep up with him every night, greeting him at the door only to be met with silence as he walks past you, or when he would return late at night, or when he didn't return home at all.
You could feel yourself take a deep breath before you tried to calm your thoughts. "Albedo, can we... talk?" You hoped that he took it as a sign that something was wrong. that everything was wrong.
"If it's another one of your stupid rants about me always not having time for you, then no, we can't." he sighed in annoyance before turning back to his work.
You were getting tired of this. You couldn't hold on to what you'd been feeling anymore. Everything you've been bottling up is slowly starting to surface again.
"Do you even care about me anymore? These past few months felt like a living hell as you continued to neglect me every. single. day! I know. I know that you're busy. Busy with work. With everything! But can't you just at least spare me a single moment of your time? Is it that hard? Or am I just a big waste of your time?!"
Your sudden outburst shocked Albedo, who was not expecting you to suddenly raise your voice. "Y/N, calm down. Geez. I already told you many, many times that I have to finish my work. It's my duty! Do I have to repeat it every single time to you?" he scoffed as he shook his head.
"I know that! I know that very well! That you're busy with work because you're the chief alchemist of the Favonius! But I'm getting tired! Are we even lovers at this point?! Even when you're next to me, it feels like you're miles away." The argument was quickly getting heated, despite the freezing wind.
Our loud voices echoed throughout the snowy mountains, hopefully not catching the attention of wandering monsters. but that is the least of your problems right now.
Your cheeks burned red from anger as your face was contorted into a furious expression. You just wanted everything to turn back to normal, to what it used to be. when you were still spending time smothering each other with love.
"You know what, Y/n? If you're going to be this clingy and annoying, then it's better if we just end it. It was getting tiring anyway." The tears that you were trying so hard to fight back quickly streamed down your face as Albedo spat hurtful words at your face.
"You made me think I actually mattered." All of a sudden, the breeze felt as cold as ever. And the air felt heavy and tense. It made it hard to breathe as your chest heaved up and down rapidly.
That's it? It's all over? Just like that?
"Well, you don't. Not anymore. So goodbye. Please leave my lab and never return." It was as if your heart was slowly shattering at every word he spoke out. Bitter tears are flowing down your now tear-stained cheek continuously.
You let out a shaky breath before taking small steps back, hoping that we would take back his words. That he would say he was joking and that he was sorry. But he didn't.
You called yourself pathetic. You were the one who was being mistreated, and now that you're free, you're supposed to be happy. Yet you weren't. It just made you feel much more miserable. His words echoed through your head repeatedly. As if it was haunting you.
You grit your teeth before you turn away from your now-ex-lover. Your cold fingertips were wiping away your salty tears as you walked down the walk of shame. Your vision was slowly getting disoriented as tears continued to flow uncontrollably.
Suddenly, you could feel your feet step on nothing. You quickly shifted your focus onto your path before realizing you were on the broken bridge. You realized you'd fallen down because you weren't paying attention to where you were going.
You could feel yourself fall numerous feet down as tears stopped falling.
But it's okay, you didn't even matter anyway, right?
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A/N: angst is my girl dinner! <3 anw this is my first one-shot so pls bear with me, i'm still new to all of this. hopefully, you guys enjoy it!
©smplykiel 2023 on tumblr | do not repost, copy, translate, or modify any of my works on any platform.
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mikalame · 2 years ago
Sooo I saw u wanted requests but if anything feel free to ignore what about husband Tom x wife reader who always wakes him up with kisses an let’s say one day she sleeps in Tom does it back to her
Morning honey
This is kinda the era with this oneshit but you can use what ever one you like
taglist: @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley @saumspam
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"Morning honey" you whisper sweetly as you kiss toms cheeks and lips softly to wake him up. You had been doing this since the start of your realtionship as you were always quite the early bird while tom liked to sleep in.
"mmh, morning babe" he groans streching his arms and back before flopping back into the bed resting him head on his arm "how did you sleep love?" he questions eyebrow cocked.
"Wonderfuly, tho someone needs to stop kicking me" you say in an accusatory tone, tom giggles "i don't know what your on about, i neverrr kick" he says with a guilty look.
"Yeah right, mister, come on chop chop we have stuff to do today, we have to meet with the band, bill wants to go to some amesment park, then while were there we are doing and interveiw of sorts but yeah, full day" You say while walking around getting all of your things sorted for the day.
Ugh, i just woke up give me a second hon pleasee" he whines, dragging him feet across the carpet, slowly getting ready. "Well whos fault is that for sleeping in till 8 hmm" you question "no, you just wake up at like the ass crack of dawn, mabey tomorrow you sleep in and i can do all them ushy gushy stuff you do to me, to you huh how bout it" tom asks eyebrows raised.
"Tommie i would probly have to remind you to do it, its fine i dont need you too i like doing all that 'ushy gushy stuff' to you" you say quoteing him, while fixing his hair so it wasnt in his face making sure the dreads sticking out werent to bad.
"Okay, tom you ready, lets go" you say doing the last bit of your shoes before heading out, Tom in toe behind you.
Time skip
"Ugh, my feet are killing me" you moan rubbing the back of your heels where they had been rubbing agaist you for the whole day. "Mhh, i agree why coudn't we just sit down on a bench or something" Tom asks sittig down leaning his lead on the back of the couch.
"Im gonna shower then gonna go to bed" you say groaning as you stand you "mmh have fun babe, dont fall over" tom giggles.
After waiting for a bit he hears the shower turn on and decides to get ready for bed as well not bothering to shower as he didnt want to move his arms to do his dreads up.
After putting on his sleep clothes he walks to the kitchen to make himslef some food hearing the shower turn off and hearing some noises he assumes ___ has gone to bed.
Finsihing off him food he walks back to the bedroom and sees ___ passed out on the bed, he smiles giggling at the fact she was so tired there he decided to wake up early and make sure she was super comfy for tomorrow.
Time skip
Tom groans as his head falls to the side quickly turning off ___ alarm to wake herself up he checks to see if she woke up but she hadn't. Tom sighs, his entire plan would be ruined if she had awoken.
Tom starts by cleaning the kitchen and doing all the laundry, folding and putting on the next load, before moving to make her a breakfast in bed with eggs on toast, bacon, and panckes for if she wanted more after, with a side of coffee.
As the clock hit 8 it was show time Tom carefully walked to the bedroom careful not to make much noise.
As he places the breakfast on her nightstand he kisses he cheeks softly remembering how much he liked it, next he did some sweet word whipering i love you's and talking about how pretty ___ is and all that lovey stuff.
___ eyes begin to flutter as she wakes up to soft kisses and someone talking about how beautiful she was, when she opened her eyes she was met with the face of none other than her husband smiling down at her softly.
"Tom, your up so early" she groans still thinking its 6am "no hun it 8 i let you sleep in anddd,... i made you breakfast" he says gestering towards the food next to her the heat wafting off of it, her stomach rumbles loudy just smelling the food.
"Oh Tom your so sweet" she says kissing his cheek before tucking into the food he prepared.
"No problem at all my love" Tom says a smile adorned on his face looking at his one true love.
Hope you like anon i got hungry when writing the food lol
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erinfern0 · 1 year ago
helping when you're stressed [nsfw]
simon "ghost" riley, john "soap" mactavish, kyle "gaz" garrick, john price, alejandro vargas, rodolfo "rudy" parra, valeria garza, farah karim, keegan p. russ, könig headcanons with gn!reader
— gender-neutral anatomy, gender-neutral nicknames, only used pronouns are you, etc.
summary: my thoughts on how I believe they'd help you with stress. nothing too in-detail tho.
warnings: dirty talk, oral sex, rough sex, different dynamics, mutual masturbation, fingering, stress, sex as stress relief, joi, many more probably.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley:
Entirely focused on you. Hates to use sex as stress relief for himself, but will gladly do it for you. Most likely, he will go down on you since he loves to not only taste you and make your legs shake around his head. He also loves to watch you from this angle. Always makes sure you're okay every couple of minutes, and doesn't mind being a little suffocated if you can't keep your legs open. Doesn't jerk himself off in the meantime, it just feels wrong to focus on himself while you're all exposed like that. Will definitely stop a couple of times to remind you to breathe, he knows how much you struggle to do it sometimes when you're too lost in the movements of his tongue and mouth over you. "Just like that, love, in and out" as he kisses your inner thighs. Constant eye contact is really important to him, so don't even try to cover or close your eyes on him.
John "Soap" MacTavish:
Probably will make you give him head first, giving you instructions, so you don't have to think about anything. Soft encouragements and his hand on top of your head. Not pulling, not pushing down – just slowly playing with your hair as you take him so well down your throat. Edges himself using your mouth. It takes him ages to finally accept his fate and cum. When he's done, he'll take his sweet time playing with you, caressing and kissing your body until you ask him nicely to finally fuck your brains out.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick:
My man's a munch, a certified one I might add. I hope we all know it. He's not letting you go before you come at least twice from just his mouth on you. He loves the taste of your cum more than anything, especially on days when you're so upset. Not only that, but he loves to watch you unravel in front of him, slowly losing all that pent-up stress and anxiety. He's obsessed with holding your thighs, most likely wide open for him so he can leave hickeys on them in between your orgasms just to let you calm down a little. Doesn't usually end up inside of you. In most cases, he'll let you cum as many times as you need, get you cleaned up, and escort you to your bed.
John Price:
Definitely watches movies with you while caressing your body the whole time. You're not even sure when exactly his hand spread open your legs wide and dived under your clothes, but you don't mind. Especially because of how good this man is with his hands. Kisses your neck and tells you to just keep watching the TV. Loves to hear your muffled moans and whimpers when he asks you to be quiet because needs to see this scene. "Hush, love... Just for a second, okay?" Loves the feeling of your thighs tightening around his forearm. Easily gets him hard, but he won't let you touch him – it's all about you. He'll remind you how beautiful you are and how well you're doing for him just to see that cute blush on your face. Man's a tease. He'd stop a couple of times to focus on the movie, but never even once did his eyes lied on the damn thing. Watches you squirm and grind your hips against his hand instead.
Alejandro Vargas:
I believe him to be easily carried away. He'll start very slow, taking you to your bedroom, making sure you're comfortable in your position, slowly taking off your clothes, and watching for any signs of discomfort while taking off his own. Kissing your neck and chest, his hand slowly preparing you to take him while the other one helps him support his body over you. But give him a little more time and my man's getting impatient. Kisses getting a little sloppier, the movement of his fingers getting more chaotic, and before you know it – he's grunting over your ear while he's balls deep inside, steady and rough trusts at a medium pace. He definitely whispers to himself in Spanish to stay in control of his pace. One word and he'll slow down or speed up for you, but his main mission is to make you stop thinking about it all. No matter how rough he gets in the end, his words are always soft and praising you. Kisses you every time you get a little too loud not to disturb your neighbors.
Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra:
Just lie down and let him do all the work. He'll hold you as close as possible, whispering sweet nothings into your ear with very slow, sensual thrusts that drive you right to the edge pretty easily. Will only speed up if you ask him to. He's too worried he might be too much for you in moments like these, your brain already painfully exhausted with worries. He doesn't want your body to end up like that. Sweet praises in Spanish, but will make sure to repeat them in English if you don't understand. Makes you finish before him. Always slows down right after not to overstimulate you, only speeds up and finishes himself off when you ask him to keep going. If that was enough for you – "Don't you worry about me, amor" and kisses your forehead before taking his time to clean you up.
Valeria Garza:
Any signs of stress or pent-up frustration mean you're not getting out of her hold until you're just a little panting mess, not being able to think about your worries anymore. You can be as loud as you want but don't you dare give her orders, she'll definitely punish you for it. When she sees you struggle for most of your day, you're just her little mindless toy by the evening. She'll basically rip your clothes off of you and make you do exactly as she says just so you don't have to think about anything at all. Times like these make her a little more gentle during sex, will ask you if she's not pushing you too far from time to time. Starts off by telling you how to touch yourself, just a personal little JOI with her lustful eyes all over you. Then, she'll clean you up by using her tongue and mouth, slapping your thighs lightly every time you try to close them.
Farah Karim:
She's such a sweetheart about it. Will ask you if you need anything. Most likely, you'll just end up dry humping on the couch, lips too occupied with making out to actually ask her to take them off. But that's more than enough. She does her best not to get lost in pleasure and focus on you. Her hands roam all over your body, looking for all those most sensitive places. If that doesn't work for you, she might just guide you to the bed, sit down, and ask you to join her. She's a sucker for mutual masturbation, especially if there's a mirror in front of you two. Sometimes grows more vocal than you. Her eyes never leave your body. She looks straight into your eyes when she comes, her thighs trembling and tightening over her wrist but tries so hard to keep them spread for you to keep watching.
Gives you most of the control, since he doesn't trust himself enough to do anything like that. Seeing you so stressed out gets him frustrated to help you, but he doesn't want to be too rough with you, so he'll just nod his head at whatever you want. Will most likely end up with you riding him, thanking him for letting you use him, while he holds your waist and helps you cum first. Loses his breath at the sight of you cumming all over his cock, especially if you make a mess. Will take as many breaks as you need and as many rounds as you truly want. Doesn't get overstimulated easily, so he can truly focus on you. He encourages you to stop thinking about anything other than this moment between you two. He believes allowing you to get rougher might help you to feel better. "Come on, schatz. I'm not made of glass", before guiding your hand to the nape of his neck to allow you to pull his hair.
Keegan P. Russ:
Bends you over the nearest surface, makes sure you're okay with it, and pulls down your pants. He's rough but caring, and will stop whenever you require a break. His dirty talk keeps your mind occupied while he adjusts you to his size and slowly thrusts into you. The longer you go, the faster he gets until you're a babbling mess, not being able to think about anything other than his skilled hands and cock inside of you. Most likely holds your throat, not to choke you, just to feel your pulse and make you slightly dizzy from the pressure. Cumming once isn't enough, you should know better. If you're not loud enough when you cum for the first time, he might get a little upset you're still holding back. "Come on, love. You can do better than that." His aftercare is divine. Makes sure to let you know all he did was for you, helps you in the shower, and most likely – will ask for feedback. He has to know if it was't too much.
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uchihaharlot · 11 months ago
Hii<3 Can I get hcs for Obito with really clingy s/o? I swear to god if he was real i would cling to that man like my life depends on it, he could literally spit on me i would say thank you my lord ❤️‍🩹 Thank you tho 💕
Hehe. It's your lucky day.
If Obito has a clingy s/o, you both will be equally matched. 😇🙏🏼
N/SFW; codependency with Obi; cause he's a bit cray cray too; suggestive themes but not smut.
Often times at social gatherings, if you're there. He's there. If anyone so thinks of inviting one of you to an event , there better be room for the two of you. Otherwise, neither of you go. Regardless of the mistake, Obito will take it very personally that you weren't thought of. You are more forgiving than he is, surprisingly.
If you both stay home, it's very laid back. Dishes need to be done, but you both can't seem to let go of one another. All day cuddle fest on your days off, which have been unsurprisingly calculated to be the same days. So a lot of the chores end up being done together on time off, which is really good for bonding.
Speaking of spitting, Obito is rather shy about this. He will one hundred percent turn beet red at the idea of spitting anywhere on you, but the second you spit down his pants to prove how carnally hot it is. You're going to end up underneath him, and really, who wouldn't want to be under this man? When Obito looks like that? Yea, five ways to Sunday, Obito gets crafty with the many ways he folds you for of both your pleasure. Sex is never one sided.
If you're cumming, he is too. If you can't, he won't. Your relationship is built on mutual trust and desire. Which can also be a double edge sword.
Any time he is on a mission, you end up falling into an unhealthy cycle of house cleaning. Organizing things over and over until it makes sense, if it even will make sense. Nothing makes sense when he is gone. You always feel a little bit less like yourself alone, and the same applies to Obito. He's just as obsessive over missing you on long missions away. Counting his kunai repeatedly, hiding away in kamui (he keeps a pair of your used panties and a few other mementos there).
When he arrives home, he doesn't even drop off his mission report, his instinct is to immediately check in on you. Good thing too, otherwise he wouldn't know that you wear his shirt and spare shoes around the house while he is gone. Thankfully he didn't see you trace his shadow on the wall in the spare bedroom. Then again, he probably would want to do the same of yours if he did.
Hours or days apart are exceedingly grueling. Even if he's locked in the bathroom taking a shit, you have to know he is available. And it never used to be this way, you just are both extremely needy and clingy individuals. Obito won't ever complain. Having a woman as gorgeous as you fuss about him, or squabble about how some chick checked him out. He's grateful. Even if it gets a bit possessive at times, Obito wouldn't ask for anything different. It's nice to be the center of your entire universe. He's a dog for it.
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mxdimitrescu · 10 months ago
Late Night Fun
Synopsis: A late night texting leads to something steamy.
Genre: Pure filthy smut
Pairing: Vanessa x GP!Reece Johnson
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I sat in the corner of the couch and clicked through the Netflix menu, searching for a movie to watch.
"There's never anything good on here anymore. Why do I still pay for this?" I muttered. I felt the phone buzz in the pocket of my hoodie, and pulled it out. I smiled when I saw the text.
Reece: This night is dragging. I can't wait to come home :(
I shook my head as I texted back.
Vanessa: Aw babe. You don't have much longer. You get off at 2 right?
I tossed the Playstation controller to the side and waited for her to text back.
Reece: Yeah but Im gonna ask if i can leave early. It's so dead tonight. I miss you.
Vanessa: I miss you too baby. you only have another hour tho. You'll be okay lol be patient
Reece: Well I'm gonna text you till I leave cuz there's nothing else to do. I already cleaned up.
I laid down on the couch and sighed as I smiled at the phone.
Vanessa: that's fine. I'm not doing anything anyways. oh shit, can you stop at the store before you come home and get me some oreos? i'm craving some bad.
Reece: okay. imma bring you something else too ;)
I smirked as I read the text.
Vanessa: oh yeah? what's that
I put the phone down and stood from the couch, stretching as I walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I took a long drink as I walked back to the living room and grabbed my phone.
I bit my lip as I opened the picture message Reece sent. She was standing in front of the mirror in the dimly lit bathroom of the bar. She held the phone with one hand, and was lifting her shirt slightly with the other so I could see her abs. My eyes drifted down, and I raised a brow when she noticed the slight bulge of her hardened member in Reece's jeans. I quickly texted her back.
Vanessa: Lol, are you hard at work?
Reece: Yup ;)
Vanessa: You're hot. Stop playing with me lol
Reece: I'm hard for you babe.
Vanessa: Smh I bet you are.. hurry up and get home.
Reece: Lol what happened to being patient?
Vanessa: Lol bye! You're really rude. Why would you turn me on like that when you know you aren't gonna be home anytime soon? Now I gotta wait!
Reece: Lol stop whining.. just be ready when I get there.
Vanessa: I've been ready since you left.
Reece: Oh really? Did I not satisfy you well enough earlier?
Vanessa: Baby, you know you did. But I swear every time you walk out that door.. my body just starts aching for you again..
Reece: Mmm. What part of your body.. specifically lol
Vanessa: Lol smh guess
Reece: Hmm.. can I buy a vowel lol
Vanessa: Lmao.. you play entirely too much
Reece: Lol. I know that pussy is aching for me baby.
I bit my lower lip and sighed before texting back.
Vanessa: You gonna handle it when you get home?
Reece: Mhm. Soon as  walk in the door it's getting handled.
Vanessa: Oh yeah? Tell me what you're gonna do
Reece: Well first of all, I need you naked before I even get there
Vanessa: That can be arranged.. I'm barely wearing anything now.
Reece: Pants or no pants?
Vanessa: No pants.
Reece: Shirt?
Vanessa: I'm wearing your red hoodie.. no bra.. no shirt.
Reece: Shorts?
Vanessa: Just those black panties you like.
Reece: You're fucking killing me. You can keep the panties on
Vanessa: Lol.. tell me what you're gonna do to me baby.
Reece: I'm picking you up and laying you on the couch
Vanessa: Damn, we ain't even makin it to the bedroom huh?
Reece: No. We're skipping a couple of steps lol
Vanessa: lol I can see that
Reece: so, you'll be on the couch. I'll be on top of you, kissing you. I'm not gonna be able to keep my hands off of you
Reece: I'm gonna bite that spot on your neck that I know makes you soak your panties
Vanessa: Fuck you're turning me on so much
Reece: I can't wait to suck on your hard nipples. Are they hard right now?
I slid a hand underneath the hoodie, and moaned as my fingers brushed over a rock hard nipple. I played with it gently as I texted back.
Vanessa: Yes baby
Reece: I thought so.. I wanna kiss you everywhere
Reece: I wanna spread your perfect thighs so I can see that wet pussy. Touch yourself and tell me how wet you are.
My hand slipped down my body and beneath my panties. I gasped quietly when I felt how wet I was.
Vanessa: Baby I'm so fucking wet for you right now. I can't believe this shit
Reece: You're still touching yourself aren't you?
Vanessa: Yes baby
Reece: stop. I don't want you cuming before I get there.
Vanessa: babyyyyyy you're wylin right now!
Reece: Lol. I'll be there soon. You gonna let me eat that pussy?
I groaned and closed my eyes after reading the text. I let out a frustrated sigh before texting back
Vanessa: That's all I want right now baby. Ugh I need to feel your tongue on me, sucking my clit
Reece: That's what you want?
Vanessa: Yesss please I want it so bad
Reece: Is that all you want?
Vanessa: No.. that's not all..
Reece: What else do you want?
Vanessa: I want you inside of me.. I want you to fuck me baby
Reece: Yeah? You want me to pull on your hair while I fuck you from behind?
Vanessa: Yes baby please
Reece: You want me deep inside of you? Hittin that spot while you scream?
Vanessa: God baby please hurry
Reece: I'm gonna wear that pussy out when I get home. Take off that hoodie
I dropped the phone and quickly tore off the hoodie before throwing it to the floor. I heard the phone buzz again.
Reece: I've been thinking about you all night. I can still taste you from earlier. You came sooo much baby. I love that I can make you cum like that with just my tongue
Reece: If you were here right now I would bend you over this bar and eat that pussy from the back. I wouldn't even care who was watching
I moaned quietly as I read her texts, trying my hardest not to touch myself.
Vanessa: You gotta stop baby lol.. you're making me so wet
Reece: Can you do me a favor really quick?
Vanessa: Anything
Reece: Push two fingers inside of your pussy
Reece: Pull them out and taste yourself.
I groaned and pushed my hand under my panties again, moaning softly as I fingered myself. I heard the phone buzz again.
Reece: Don't get carried away.. I know you're over there fucking yourself. Stop. Put your fingers in your mouth
Reece: Suck them clean
I closed my eyes again and stuck my fingers into my mouth, moaning as I sucked on them greedily. I reached back down to touch myself again when I got another text.
Reece: You better stop. Save some for me.
I laughed softly as I texted back.
Vanessa: You know me too well.
Reece: Tastes good, doesn't it?
Vanessa: Mmhm, I can't wait till you get here. I want you to eat me till I cum
Reece: Don't I always? i love it when you cum in my mouth. It's such a turn on.
A sudden knock at the door broke me out of my spell and I sat up.
Vanessa: Someone's at the door. Are you expecting company?
Reece: It's me. I got off early and took a Lyft home.
Reece: Open this door.
I stood from the couch and quickly walked to the door.
"Open up, honey," I heard Reece say sweetly before I unlocked the door.
I pulled it open and saw her standing on the other side. Reece leaned against the door frame with her backpack slung over her shoulder. She stared hungrily at me, and took a step inside of the apartment.
"They let you leave early?" I asked Reece nodded as she dropped her bag and closed the door.
She lifted me into her arms and walked toward the couch slowly.
"Yeah. Stopped at the gas station across the street and got your Oreos. They're in my bag," Reece said in a low voice.
She lowered me onto the couch, and kissed me softly.
"You can have them later."
I grinned coyly as Reece pulled back and looked at my body.
"Later?" I asked.
She raised an eyebrow.
"Did you think I was joking in those texts?" she asked seriously, "Spread your legs."
Reece kissed me deeply as she lay between my legs on the couch.
"Why do I get the feeling you knew you were getting off early this entire time," I smirked as Reece kissed her way down my body.
"Cause you're the smartest woman in the world," Reece said, kissing the side of my breast.
"But also because when I'm horny, I'm very predictable." I chuckled, then moaned softly as Reece licked my nipple before sucking it gently.
"Thank God for that," I breathed as she switched breasts.
"Thank fucking God."
Reece continued to make her way down my body, raking her short fingernails across my stomach, and grinning when I shivered.
"I have been waiting for this all night," She husked as she ran her thumb across the front of my panties.
She pulled the panties to the side, and I bit my lower lip, watching as Reece dragged her tongue through my soaked pussy. She raised an eyebrow. I sucked in a breath as she licked at her clit.
"You taste super sweet," Reece said observantly.
I giggled, then let out a deep moan as Reece's tongue swept through my folds again.
"Oh shit," I whispered.
I put one hand behind her head and the other on my own breast and played with my nipple gently as Reece watched.
"Keep doing that," She said breathlessly before sucking my hard clit into her mouth. I moaned and closed my eyes.
"Don't fucking stop," I said quietly.
She pushed my thighs further apart as she worked her tongue over me. I let out a shaky breath at the sound of Reece's lips sucking at me as she went faster. Reece moaned against my swollen lips, sucking each one into her mouth before delving her tongue into my entrance. She then pulled back slightly and kissed my inner thigh.
"Sit up," She said as she lifted her head. She took my hands and pulled me into a sitting position on the couch.
"Baby what are you doing," I whined as she pushed the coffee table further away. When she turned back around, I was sitting with her back against the couch, pouting making her smiled.
"I need space," she said as she knelt in front of the couch, pulling my panties off and pushing my thighs apart again. She bit her lip and stared down at my body.
"Play with yourself."
I slid a hand down my body as she watched. I moaned as my fingers slipped between the wet folds and across my aching clit.
"You see how wet you make me," I breathed as I stroked herself.
Her breathing grew heavy as she watched my fingers glide through my soaked center. I pushed her fingers back inside of me, moaning softly. "I need you, baby. I need you to fuck me right now."
"Oh yeah? Right this second?"
"Right now baby, please," I moaned, fingering faster.
Reece let go of my legs and unbuttoned her pants. She pushed them down, revealing her hardened member. I moaned and sucked my fingers as Y/n stared down at me.
"On your knees," Reece said quietly.
I did as I was told, turning my back to her as I knelt on the couch. I rested my head against the back of the couch as Reece pushed her member into me.
"Yes," I moaned as she thrusted into me again.
She bit her lower lip held my waist as she worked her member deeper. She leaned over me and bit into my neck roughly. I dug my fingernails into the couch cushion and cried out as she went faster.
"Yes baby fuck my pussy."
"Yours? I thought it was mine," Reece growled into my ear as she fucked me hard. "Tell me it's mine, Vanessa."
"It's yours baby, this pussy is yours," I whimpered as she pushed one hand into my hair and tugged it hard.
I felt my knees began to buckle, but Reece wrapped her arms around me and kept me from collapsing into the couch. She smiled slightly as she angled her hips and buried herself even deeper inside me.
"Fuck daddy," I cried and pressed my hand against her stomach, pushing her back. "Hold on, stop." She stopped and pulled back.
"You okay?" she asked. I nodded and let out a deep breath. I reached for her and pulled her in for a firm kiss.
"We need to try a different position because I'm about to pass out," I said. Reece smirked as she stepped out of her pants.
"Does that mean I'm doing a good job?" she asked as she sat on the couch next to me. I climbed on top of her and rested my arms on her shoulders.
"Yes, it does." I leaned forward and kissed her softly. She reached in between us and grabbed her member.
"Wanna stay on top?" She asked in a low voice.
I nodded and lowered myself onto her. I moaned softly as she wrapped her arms around my back and kissed my exposed neck. I furrowed my brow and placed one hand on the back of her neck, while pushing the other through her dark tresses. She pressed her lips against my throat as I rode her slowly.
"Mmm you feel so good," I moaned as I lifted off her member slightly before lowering my hips again. Reece sighed as I arched, tipping backwards, but she held me tight as I rode her slowly.
"Come here," Reece mumbled, pulling me against her again. She pressed her forehead to my bare chest and breathed heavily as I rose and fell in her lap.
"Reece," I choked out as I pushed myself down on her. She moaned and kissed my chest in response, making me shiver. I rocked against her, my hips jerking slightly as my orgasm approached.
"Baby I'm so close."
She moved one hand from my back and slid it between her legs to stroke her clit.
"I'm close too baby. I wanna see you cum," Reece said before biting her lower lip and looking up at me. I groaned as pressed one hand into the back of the couch, the other still in her hair. I leaned down and kissed her hungrily before I tensed slightly.
"Daddy, baby," I let out a soft sob as Reece stroked me faster.
She held me trembling body as I came hard in her lap, whimpering her name with each wave of my orgasm.
Reece thrusted faster until she stiffened and let out a moan as white jets of cum painted my walls. I ran my hands through her hair as she slowly died down from her intense orgasm.
"God you're so beautiful," Reece whispered tenderly, removing her hand from between my legs and wrapping it around my waist.
I still moved slightly on top of her, grinding down on her member to ride out the last bit of my orgasm. She kissed under my chin, then neck and collarbone as I slowed down.
"Stay here. Don't get off yet." I moaned quietly, not ready to move yet anyway.
"Can't we just stay like this forever," I mumbled tiredly, leaning fully against Reece, unable to support myself. She continued to kiss me anywhere her lips could reach.
"Yes, we can," she said between kisses.
"Lies," I said, smiling as she laughed and looked up at me again.
"Well, I wish we could," Reece said quietly as I pressed my forehead to hers.
"I love you."
"I love you too," I said then yawned loudly, making her laugh again.
"You tired baby?" she asked, making me nod.
"You ready to get up?" I nodded.
"You know you're carrying me to bed, right?" I asked.
Reece rolled her eyes and smiled at me.
"Yeah, I kind of figured."
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 2 years ago
A Drunk Mind Speaks A Sober Heart Part 2
Summary: Reader and Buck wake up hungover but manage to make it family breakfast with the team and their families. The videos from the previous night are exchanged between the two and everyone is excited that they’re finally together 
TW/CW: Evan “Buck” Buckley x Reader, Best Friends to Lovers
Requested?: No 
Word Count: 3,061
A/N: If anyone wants a spicy third part lmk. I’m kinda down to write it lol. Not sure how good it would be tho. Again I say, I’m so proud of this. 
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A/N: Absolutely gorgeous he is.
Part 1 Here
--- Your POV --- 
    The sun coming through the curtains wakes me from my slumber but upon opening my eyes, I immediately shut them again because the sun is so much brighter than it should be. I roll over to find a bottle of water, some Aspirin, a note, and my phone on charge. I don’t half remember last night to be honest. I know I got shitfaced in Maddie’s living room and look around me to find myself in one of her spare bedrooms. I reach over and pick up the note and read it, “Take two and chug. Don’t forget about breakfast at Athena and Bobby’s -Maddie” I do as instructed and then check my phone to find a text from Hen that reads, “’A drunk mind speaks a sober heart.’ -Jean-Jaques Rousseau” there’s a video attached so I make sure my volume is low so that it doesn’t burst my eardrums before opening it. I watch myself confess my feelings for Buck and flop back over to my back groaning once it’s over. I take a few deep breaths before getting up from the bed.  
    I mentally thank Maddie upon finding my duffle bag and shoes at the foot of the bed. I struggle out of last night’s clothes and into clean ones, yank on my shoes, and venture downstairs in hopes of finding my keys and slipping out without waking Maddie, Chim, or the kiddo. Unfortunately, no such luck as they have already beat me out of bed. I tip toe around the corner into the kitchen only to find Maddie standing at the counter sipping coffee as she lovingly watches Chim play with Jee-Yun. I sigh in defeat as she notices my entry and picks up my keys from the counter beside her, “How’re you feeling?” she asks as she tosses them to me.   
    “Like I got ran over by a train,” I laugh, “And embarassed,” I blush.  
    She smiles, knowing exactly what I’m referring to, “It’s alright. We all knew, we were just waiting for you to figure it out,” she winks.  
    It’s now that oblivious Chimney joins us with his adorable daughter perched on his hip, “Are we ready to head out?” Maddie and I nod so the four of us depart for the Grant-Nash residence. The entire way there I am contemplating just going home to avoid knowing and teasing looks from Maddie, Athena, Hen, and Karen all day but force myself to stay en-route because this has become a long-standing tradition. One Sunday a month, the whole fireteam, their significant others, and their children gather at Bobby and Athena’s for a good old fashioned family breakfast. I ponder if I’ll even survive this one as I pull into the drive way and put my car in park but am quickly dragged out of my safety zone by Athena’s waving hand at the front door.  
--- Buck’s POV --- 
    I realize I shouldn’t have drank so much last night as I roll off the couch with a loud thump. From the kitchen, Christopher and Eddie giggle before Eddie cheers, “Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Better get your ass up and get some Aspirin in you. Clean clothes on too or we’re gonna be late to family breakfast.” I groan but know he’s right. I swipe my phone off the coffee table before making my way to the kitchen for Aspirin and then to the bathroom to change clothes. I have a text from Eddie that reads, “Maybe just show her this since you can’t ever figure out how to tell her yourself,” attached is a video so I press play to listen as I change clothes. By the time the video ends, I have my hands pressed to the counter and am staring down at my phone in shock. Maybe Eddie’s right. Apparently drunk me has a talent for explaining how I feel that sober me does not.  
    I grab my phone and exit the bathroom to make my out of Eddie’s place, declaring as I pass him, “Don’t say a word.” Feeling his amused look on the back of my neck and a blush creep to my cheeks, “Stop it. Don’t give me that look either.” Soon, the three of us arrive at the Grant-Nash household and I have to elbow Eddie in the ribs when we see (Y/N) getting out of her car due to the grin on his face.  
--- Third Person POV --- 
    The breakfast goes along almost as it always does with lots of chit chat and laughter. The ladies send teasing looks toward (Y/N) when Eddie asks how their night went but (Y/N) ignores them and they simply say it was quite interesting and elaborate no further. Eddie saw the looks though and makes a mental note to ask Hen or Maddie about it later. Several times Eddie catches Buck glancing or staring at (Y/N) and shoots him a teasing grin over Christopher’s head. Buck brushes it off with a glare every time.   
    As mentioned, things aren’t quite the same as usual. As is normal, Bobby sits at the head of the table with Athena to his right followed by May, Harry, Denny, Karen, Hen, and (Y/N). To his left is Jee-Yun in a high chair followed by Chimney, Maddie, Eddie, Christopher, and Buck. Usually, Buck would playfully kick at (Y/N) under the table and she’d snatch food off his plate, mostly his fruit. They would get carried away in their own conversation and their fits of giggles and laughter would ring out over the other conversations happening but when anyone would look their way to question what is so funny they’d be too distracted to give an answer. Everyone always got a kick out of their playful behavior. However, today there is no playful kicks under the table or food snatched off of plates. The two can’t even look each other in the eye, too embarrassed by their confessions last night that the other has no idea about. Although, they do sneak glances toward each other when the other isn’t looking. When Christopher has Buck’s attention or Buck is arguing about how a call went with Chimney over three heads, (Y/N) watches him out of the corner of her eye but pretends to be focused on something else or collects a bite of food if he happens to look anywhere near her direction. When (Y/N) is watching Jee-Yun giggle as her father makes airplane noises circling a small bite of pancake toward her mouth or listening in on the conversation between Hen, Karen, and May, Buck admires her subtly over the rim of his coffee cup but as soon as (Y/N) returns her gaze to her plate or someone near him he too distracts himself with something else. This odd behavior does not go unnoticed by the other adults at the table or even Christopher who would normally be too busy giggling at the pair’s antics to eat.   
    The young boy also happens to be the first and only one to call the two out on the peculiarity of it all, “Buck? Why are you not kicking (Y/N)? And you haven’t stole any of his fruit,” he adds looking to her.   
    The adults all grin as Harry also chimes in, “Yeah, you guys have been quiet.”  
    May nudges her brother and shakes her head as their mother speaks up, “I think they just don’t feel too good today. Maybe they didn’t get enough sleep.” Christopher and Harry exchange a look that says they don’t believe that one bit but a different conversation is picked up by the adults to shift the attention off of the two.   
    (Y/N) risks a glance at Buck, wondering what his reaction is but he has also taken the same risk. The two lock eyes but quickly look away. In attempts to escape the situation and catch the breath that had been stolen by looking into his bright blue eyes (Y/N) excuses herself from the table saying her still bruised ribs are bothering her and she needs to stretch.   
    Once safely in a bathroom, (Y/N) stares at herself in the mirror trying to decipher what it was that she saw in his eyes. Buck always has shown exactly how he feels through his eyes but today she can’t quite make out what exactly that is. She sighs heavily just as someone knocks on the door.  
    Out in the dining room, Buck has excused himself as well giving no particular reason but the adults need not ask because they know exactly why. As soon as Buck is out of earshot, Eddie leans forward to look at all the ladies in turn before asking, “What exactly happened last night?” The women all look at each other seeming to silently debate about spilling the beans.   
    Chimney and Bobby look at each other as well before Bobby adds, “I would like to know as well but you seem to have something to share too.”  
    May giggles, “It’s like a Mexican standoff of exciting stories.”  
    Chimney retrieves a coin from his pocket, “Heads, Eddie is up first. Tails, one of you ladies are gonna have to spill.”  
    Everyone nods as Maddie looks down the hall, “Might want to be quick and quiet about it.”  
    Chimney flips the coin and it comes up tails so Maddie wiggles in her seat and props her elbows up on the table, placing her fingers together. She takes a dramatic pause despite her warning to hurry up before explaining, “(Y/N) got plastered last night and we now have video proof as confirmation that she has feelings for Buck.”  
    “I knew it!” May whispers excitedly.  
    Eddie lightly smacks Maddie on the arm, “You’re telling me they both confessed on the same night?” Everyone looks to Eddie in shock, “Yeah, he had a few drinks last night and apparently drunk Buck has an easier time with putting his feelings into words. I got it on video.”  
    Hen laughs, “A drunk mind speaks a sober heart.”  
    Everyone excitedly, yet still remaining quiet, cheers before Bobby settles them down, “Those videos stay with those who took them and we don’t mention this around them. Understood?” Everyone nods except Eddie and Hen who give Bobby a guilty look. He responds to their looks with one of suspicion, “What did you two do?” In unison the two videographers confess that they sent their video to the corresponding subject.  
    Hen adds, “I figured if she had the video, she could just show it to him when she’s ready.”   
    Eddie nods in agreement, “I literally told him it might be an easier way of telling her if he can’t find the words while sober.”  
    Bobby grins and shakes his head as Athena chimes in, “We’ll see. For now, let’s talk about something else so they’re not suspicious of us when they come back.”  
    Back in the bathroom, (Y/N) responds to the knock at the door, “Who is it?”  
    “It- it’s me,” comes Buck’s voice from the other side.  
    (Y/N) takes a deep breath before unlocking and opening the door to let him in. She hops up to take a seat on the counter as he enters and closes the door behind him. They both stare at their hands, nervously fidgeting with anything they can until they both speak at the same time, “I’m sorry, I’m just-” They stop, staring at each other with red all over their cheeks.  
    Normally, Buck would be a gentleman and let her go first but he just has to get this off his chest before he chickens out, “So, I got drunk last night. You know that saying drunk words are sober thoughts?” (Y/N) nods thinking back to the text Hen had sent with the video just this morning. Buck continues, “Well, Eddie caught my drunk words on video last night and well...” he pulls his phone out of his pocket, unlocks it and navigates to the video Eddie had sent before handing it to her, “Just watch it. Sober me 100% agrees with every word.” He looks at her with such sincerity on his face that it makes her heart skip a beat. The two sit in silence as she watches the video. Buck shifts nervously on his feet, scanning her face for her reaction and she smiles. His heart soars with hope that she feels the same way.   
    When the video ends, she hands his phone back to him before retrieving her own from her back pocket, unlocking it, navigating to her own video and then, “Drunk words are indeed sober thoughts and drunk me is pretty damn good at sharing things that sober me can’t. I too agree with every word she said,” she says, handing her phone to him. He watches with a massive grin on his face as one plasters itself on her’s as well. There’s not an ounce of fear or nervousness left in her after having seen his video. She thinks to herself that if she has the honor of marrying the man in front of her one day, it’s only right that Eddie be his Best Man and Hen be her Maid of Honor.  
    Once the video ends, Buck places her phone on the counter beside her and leans in close with a grin still on his face only now it has a slight hint of cockiness to it, “I guess the only thing to do now is ask you to be my girlfriend. So, will you?”  
    As he hooks his finger under her chin and lifts it to align their lips, the distance between them shrinks even more. He can feel her breath on his lips when she affirms, “Obviously,” so he glances down at her lips before looking into her eyes. She inches closer, encouraging him to close the distance, and he does. They share the same thought as the slow, love filled kiss takes place and that is, “I love you.” When they begrudgingly pull apart, and make eye contact, there’s no need to voice the thought as for one, their drunk selves already did but also, it’s seen in their eyes.  
    Buck pulls even further away before placing his hands on her hips. He leaves them there for a moment, observing her reaction and somewhat looking for a nudge to continue his movements. She tilts her head, “What?”  
    He says nothing at first, simply sliding his hands from her hips to place them on either side of the mirror on the wall behind her caging her in. He leans in close and brushes his nose against her’s, making her eyes flutter shut. When she opens them, he’s just barely retreated, tilted his head, and is grinning from ear to ear. Feigning forgetfulness he asks, “What was that you said you wanted to do? It was something to do with my arms. Maybe you could remind me?”  
    A mischievous grin with a hint of shyness to it replaces the look of curiosity on her face but is quickly replaced with a false sense of innocence as she lays her head over on his right arm. She stays there for a moment reveling in the eye contact between his now sultry eyes and her own wide eyed innocent ones before turning her head slightly to nuzzle her mouth and nose against his arm. A breath catches in Buck’s throat as she suddenly opens her mouth to lay her tongue against his bicep, slowly dragging it up before recoiling it back behind her teeth that she uses to nip softly against the skin covering the toned muscle. The sound that left his throat is one that she will remember for years to come and want to elicit from him again many times over. However, she simply lays her head back against his arm with a teasing look on her face, “We should get back out there before they come looking and find us in a scandalous situation.”  
    Buck huffs, knowing she’s right and stands up straight removing his hands from the wall to help her down from the counter. (Y/N) quite likes it when he lifts her by her waist to place her feet on the ground and has to stop herself from wondering what it would be like for him to toss her into bed as he takes her hand in his. He doesn’t exit the bathroom just yet but instead tugs her close, hooks his finger under her chin once more to whisper against her lips, “Fine, but you’re sitting in my lap to cover the scandalous situation you’ve caused in my pants.” She giggles and nods before opening the door herself and tugging him along behind her.   
    All eyes are on the two love birds as they reenter the dining room causing blushes to creep onto both of their faces and Buck to discretely scoot just a little closer behind her in hopes of hiding the aforementioned situation better. He takes his seat, promptly pulling her into his lap which makes everyone whoop and holler in excitement. Eddie passes Maddie a twenty-dollar bill which provokes a confused look from both (Y/N) and Buck.   
    Maddie grins triumphantly, “I bet that the videos would be exchanged today. Eddie didn’t think you guys had it in you.”   
    Eddie rolls his eyes as Athena calms everyone down, “You two didn’t… in the bathroom did you,” raising her eyebrows to insinuate naughtier acts than just exchanging videos. (Y/N) and Buck shake their head no immediately to which Athena replies, “Good.”  
    The conversation soon returns to things other than the new couple at the end of the table. (Y/N) has an arm around Buck’s shoulders playing with his hair while his arm is wrapped firmly around her waist. His other hand is placed on her knee, even though he wants it to be higher, and he leans in to whisper in her ear, “You’ll have something in you if we can ever sneak away. I just didn’t bend you over in there out of respect.” (Y/N) slaps his chest with her free hand but Buck simply returns his attention to the group around the table and includes himself in the conversation. Under her, (Y/N) can still feel the situation and knows he’s not joking. She has to fight to keep from imaging what all they could get up to today. 
More 911
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matixv · 1 year ago
Domme Lena Luthor x Female Sub Reader
Summary: you had been walking on thin ice from the moment you woke up, the previous night being the reason for the tension between you and Lena. She is strict about respecting her rules, and you definitely decided to break every single one in the last couple of days. Last night you took Lena to her limit, but she handled you coldly, taking you to your room for a sleepless and empty night. You want to push her even more tho, you want a reaction, the type of reaction you would expect from your Mistress.
Warnings: spanking, strap-on, size kink, kneeling, teasing, rough language, insulting.
Words: 2k
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A cold, lonely and sad breakfast, that was what you were welcomed with as soon as you woke up. Looking down at the busy city, you questioned your actions but found nothing wrong… well, there was something wrong. Lena had been giving you the silent treatment since the evening before, ignoring your pity cries during the night.
She was usually more than happy to spare a couple of minutes to text you while she worked, but not today. Looking at your phone, you only found some comfort in your lock screen, a sneaky picture you took of her in one of the fancy restaurants she used to take you to.
A pale post-it note on the fridge reminded you to clean after yourself after having breakfast. But why were you supposed to follow the rules while she could do everything she wanted? That didn’t sound right. “Clean your own kitchen” your reminded her by text.
The tension between you and your Mistress didn’t go unnoticed even while you were going to work: your private driver was more than aware of the dynamic between you and Lena, and he wasn’t shy about asking questions about your relationship status. “We had a small fight yesterday, her fault obviously, I didn’t do nothing wrong” you repeated more to yourself than to him. “She is just being dramatic about it”
“This morning she looked quite guilty and worried to be honest, Miss”. Finally. She was about to give up.
The past month had been so full of work that she apparently forgot the special attention you need once in a while. She’s been coming home so late, just to find you asleep in your bed, holding her pillow as if it was her. There was no doubts she was feeling guilty about that, and you were kind of pushing on that sense of guilt.
You’ve been hitting her with the usual: “You forgot how to be a Mistress? Do I have to show you?” Or “It’s okay, I will fulfill my needs in some other way, I don’t need you”, but nothing seemed to upset her in the way you wanted.
Yesterday almost seemed like the day.
You teased her so much during her meetings, texting her naughty thoughts and naughty pictures, enjoying yourself a little on her couch, right in front of her macbook. Your fingers disappearing inside of you almost tempted her to stop everything and run to you. But that didn’t happen.
At the end of the night, the only thing u got was a fresh bruise on your arm. It took all your strength not to oppose to her while she was pushing you inside the bedroom, stopping all your fantasies with a cold “Go to sleep and don’t you dare do that again”
“Can you please take me to LuthorCorp? I need to talk to Lena” you asked the driver. Your work could wait, you worked for Lena after all.
People were not surprised to see you inside the building, it was like your second house. At the beginning of your relationship, you spent more time in there than you actually spent at your own house. It was a beautiful building, a little too white since you liked colorful walls. Lena’s office was obviously on the highest floor, she could see the entire city from her windows.
The elevator gave you time to breathe and to think about your next moves. You weren’t a brat, never had been one, but lately it seemed like the only way to have some kind of attention. “I hope she isn’t in a bad mood” you prayed to yourself, hoping for some needed contact.
When the elevator doors opened, papers were flying in the air, people were screaming and nothing was in a good mood, not even the heating system apparently. “I told you like seven times! I do not like those plans! Get out of my office!” She dismissed her assistant.
“Hello, Miss” she greeted you with her head bowed.
“Hello” you smiled with compassion at that poor woman.
You entered silently, sitting on one of the armchairs near her desk. You weren’t allowed there and you perfectly knew that, but you also knew that in stressful circumstances, you were welcomed. She was looking down at her screens, arms stretched forward and legs straight. She was wearing her usual work attire: black blouse and black pants, hair pulled back in a tidy bun. You always found yourself staring at her perfection, even if she reminded you yours wasn’t that different from hers.
Her face was so scrunched that her eyebrows seemed to be joined, her nose seemed slightly wrinkled, and even her lower lip couldn’t escape the clutches of her teeth. She wasn’t used to screaming at her employees, but stress could lead her to be a different person, a much meaner one… and you perfectly knew that.
“You should stop with that expression, or you’ll get wrinkles before you turn forty” you whispered loudly enough to be heard. “Too much stress will bring you nothing”
She slowly raised her face enough to send a cold stare in your direction, silently telling you to shut your mouth until it was too late not to face the consequences. “And who are you precisely to tell me what should I and shouldn’t do?”. A cold gust of wind seemed to break down your perfect hair.
At that point you could only do two things: apologize for your behavior and go back to the usual rhythm or keep teasing her until she gave in. The second option seemed like the only one for your needy mind, you couldn’t take another day without feeling her.
You decided to hit her with the one and only sentence she hated the most, the one that gave her a palpable sense of rage and lack of power: “Me? Oh, I’m definitely someone you do not own”
The clicking of her heels on the wooden floor felt like the proof it was working. Wetness started to spread between your legs as soon as you found her standing in front of you, arms crossed and eyebrow raised. She bent a little bit, just to be at your level. “If I do not own you, tell me why I have your naked ass with my handprints on it as my lock screen, tell me while I carry your little collar as a bracelet and please, tell me why I could easily go into your panties and find nothing but your nasty cum, you little useless petty bitch”
You were so desperate that you found yourself strangling a little moan as she stared at you, waiting for your next move. It took you a minute to recover, but your answer wasn’t late to arrive.
“Well, you haven’t touched me or anything in a month, so I guessed you didn’t own me anymore”
You were ready for everything, you have been preparing for a month. In her office there was everything you needed: the paddle, the cane, whips, chains.. everything you would have liked her to use on your body.
“I’m sorry sweetheart” she sighed reaching for the other armchair. “Work has been drowning me into a never ending spiral of nightmares and overthinking. I noticed you were asking for attention, but I couldn’t give it to you yet, not with a full head. Come here…” she patted her lap, a small gesture you were waiting for.
You happily sat on her lap, finally feeling her warmth and smelling her strong powerful perfume. God how much you waited for those simple sensations.
“I’m sorry Lena”
“Lena? A month of zero discipline made you forget I’m not one of your peers?”
“I’m sorry, Mistress”
“That’s better”
She lowered her head until it was on your shoulder, smelling your skin while thinking about what to do next. A part of you knew she had to go back to work, but the other half hoped for different things. She made you stand up to reach her computer, only to close it with a swift movement. “We are going home, I think you relaxed for a little too long… work can wait”
The smile on your face was enough to tell her she made the right choice.
The ride home was the happiest you’ve ever been in a month: soft music playing, her right hand on your inner thigh, the sunlight and the warmth only a happy environment could bring.
You enjoyed her silence, she was getting ready for what was coming next. She needed a couple of minutes to gather her thoughts and her ideas. “We haven’t done something in a while, you want soft or hard? It’s completely your choice, I do not expect you to own me sex or whatever you want to do already, we can start soft…”
“You perfectly know what I want, Mistress”
“Then I do not want to hear a sound coming from your mouth until I say you are allowed. You will do what I order you to do, and do not complain, you are not in a good position already, do not make it worse for yourself”
“Yes Miss”
“You know what sweetie?”
“You can start your punishments by cleaning the kitchen, since you had fun this morning”
Of course she read the message.
When she opened the door you followed her orders while she sat comfortably on her couch, crossing her legs and observing you carefully. You loved her eyes on you, she made you feel like the strongest yet weakest person in the world. It didn’t take long to clean what you left that morning, but knowing you could be on her knees already was thrilling you a lot.
“I’m done, Miss” you said reaching her on the couch.
You fell on your knees, desperately waiting for more, thriving attention for your poor neglected body. You were careful to kneel right in front of her expensive shoes, a beautiful pair of shiny Louboutin.
“You are even more perfect like this”
She pulled your hair so hard you didn’t even have time to realize she was taking you to your bedroom, harshly handling you like the toy she repeated you were. “Just a fucking toy”
She asked you to take off your clothes until you were fully exposed to her sight, right on the bed in front of her. She handcuffed you to the bed headboard, giving you no time to complain or resist… you wouldn’t have done it anyway, you waited too much.
“I counted every single hateful, disrespectful and rude text you’ve sent me in the past days… around eighty five if I remember well. Let’s see… should I give you the same number of… I don’t know… ruined orgasms? Spankings? Slaps?”
“Whatever you think it’s the right choice,Miss”
She turned you around with a swift movement, interlacing your arms almost painfully. You felt the pain before the sound, her hand coming down on your ass time after time, again until you started crying and panting for a break, a break that didn’t come.
Your ass was covered in bright red handprints, giving your skin a nice shade. “It hurts, Miss” you cried.
“Does it?” She replied sarcastically.
Before you knew it, she disappeared in the dark walking closet, coming back with one of your biggest strap on and a tube of lube. “I guess you don’t need that” she laughed helping you on all fours. “Look at you, pathetic”
“I can’t take it”
Well, she didn’t care a bit.
She fucked you mercilessly, reminding you of who was in charge. Every trust was enough to hit you in the right place, making you see stars every time she entered you.
After what it seemed hours long, she finally let you come, giving you what you have been asking for. You fell on the bed, limping body, you felt a cold washcloth being carefully pressed against your back and your neck, softly washing away all the sweat from your hard night.
“Thank you” you whispered while she removed your handcuffs. “For everything”
“I wish you would brat more often sweetie, I had fun” she smiled laying beside you.
Let me know if you liked it and if you want to read more :)
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whats-wild-to-you · 4 months ago
damn that anon who asked for the thigh plot was oddly specific
could we get a part 2 tho 👀
Admit it…you just want that smut scene 😈😈 can’t blame you though 😂
*the thigh plot linked here*
I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a big, fluffy towel around my body. Jay’s phone rang as soon as we got in and I hadn’t seen or heard him since. He might as well have left because of some emergency.
Humming along to my favorite song, I stepped into the bedroom, gasping at the sight in front of me.
Jay had dimmed the lights and spritzed perfume in the air, the bed was covered in roses and a champagne bottle with two glasses sat on the nightstand. But no sight of Jay.
I was starting to think that he was really called into the office at the last minute, until someone kicked the door open and I watched Jay walking into the room, cradling a bowl of strawberries and a can of whipped cream.
Involuntary, I broke into a huge laughing fit. “I thought you wanted to seduce me, not feed me!”
Jay just smirked, taking in the sight on front of him.
“You’re early.”
“Aww, I’m sorry. Should I go and come back in a couple minutes and act surprised?”, I teased him.
He shook his head and grabbed a corner of my towel, swirling me around and out of it, until my naked body landed on the bed.
Desperately trying to cover myself with the blanket, I grunted when I realized all the rose petals stuck to my still damp skin.
“Relax, baby!”
I closed my eyes and counted to ten.
Here he was, my absolutely gorgeous boyfriend, this perfect specimen, at my feet, ready to fulfill all of my needs.
All I had to do was let him. Sex so far had been pretty standard. I would rush to the bedroom, undress, kill the lights and hide under the sheets. It was a matter of time before Jay would start to get bored with me.
“What are you doing?”, I squeaked, when he parted my legs, standing in between them.
He didn’t say anything, just smirked. I gulped when he pulled my hair back, exposing my neck and dipped his head to leave wet kisses right below my ear.
“I want you to enjoy this as much as I am!”, he said eventually, going around the bed and pouring some of the champagne into our glasses. I downed my glass in one go, needing the extra boost of confidence.
“What about this?”, I pointed to the can of whipped cream.
“That’s for later.”
He kneeled in front of me, grabbing my hips, pulling me to the edge of the bed. He put my legs on either side of his shoulders and pulled my closer to him, until his face was inches away from my pussy. With his agile tongue he parted my lips and dipped it into my wet folds making me shiver involuntarily.
Not able, or willing, to suppress my moans, I grabbed him by his hair, grinding my hips, desperate to find some release. But Jay had just started the teasing game.
As he came up for air he grabbed the whipped cream, smiling devilishly as he shook the bottle in the most suggestive manner.
"Your pussy is sweet like a mango, and you know what goes really well with that?"
I faked ignorance, until he squirted some of the fluffy cream directly onto my pussy, licking it clean and being very thorough in doing so.
I braced myself for a long night and the possibility of Jay emptying the entire can on me.
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