i was midnight rain
20 posts
private multimuse blog for scatteredtaleshq. penned by ellie. est. she/her.
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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waylenā€™s brows furrowed slightly as he continued to stare at the other, feeling foolish for not understanding half of the things she was saying. ā€œa pilot? iā€™ve never heard of that. but if youā€™re an expert on the subject, i suppose i have to trust you! i donā€™t read much about the planetsā€¦ but they do have some sort of effect on my magic.ā€ the phases of the moon at least. ā€œoh! the current theory on how we got here is that we were magically swept away from our homes. but, i promise i wasnā€™t a part of that.ā€ he defensively held up his hands. probably not the best explanation after just having admitted to being a user of magic.Ā 
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ā€œ oh, a pilot is someone who flies ships. i have an x-wing, and iā€™ve seen my fair share of the galaxy in it,Ā ā€œ she explained. she left out the part about the war. it was nasty business and she didnā€™t want to bring it up.Ā ā€œ but thatā€™s reassuring. i guess. what kind of magic can you do?ā€œ she asked.Ā Ā 
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
Adrienā€™s first thought upon waking up in the town was that this was not the Resistance basecampā€¦but it didnā€™t resemble any outpost the First Order controlled either. As a matter if fact, it didnā€™t resemble any planet heā€™d been on before. Dusting himself off, he figured his best course of action would be to take a look around and see if he couldnā€™t find some answers. As he walked down the unfamiliar streets, he tried his best to make a mental map of his surroundings, just in case it somehow was a First Order controlled outpost. However, Adrien stopped in his tracks when a very familiar voice reached his ears. ā€œDoesnā€™t sound crazy to me, since I was wondering the same thing.ā€ He replied, relief flooding through him. ā€œAlthough I thought youā€™d be happier to see me.ā€ He couldnā€™t help but tease her.
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a wave of relief washed over hope as she recognized a familiar voice. she grinned and suddenly, it felt like maybe things were a going to be little better. if she was going to be stuck on an unfamiliar planet, at least she wouldnā€™t be alone.Ā ā€œ holy stars, adrien,Ā ā€œ she said with a sigh of relief.Ā ā€œ i never thought iā€™d be happier to see you,Ā ā€œ she added with a smile.Ā ā€œ what are the chances this is a weird force thing?Ā ā€œĀ 
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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[ harry styles, genderfluid, he/they. ] āœ§Ā·ļ¾Ÿ is that [ harrison pepper ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that theyā€™re the [ 26 ] year old child of [ floyd pepper and janiceĀ ] from [ the muppets ]. iā€™ve also heard that theyā€™re [ creative ] but [ flighty ] and have [ 0 ] sibling(s). i could almost swear i heard [ piano man by billy joel ] playing when they appeared. // @scatteredintrosā€‹
Full Name: harrison pepper Aliases/Nicknames: n/ Age: 26 Birthday: september 20 Zodiac: virgo Occupation: musician
Height: 6ā€² Hair Color: brown Eye Color: green Scars: none Tattoos: lots FC: harry styles
Father: floyd pepper Mother: janet Siblings: 0
Sexual orientation: pansexual Gender: genderfluid Pronouns: he/they Species: Ā human, former muppet
Traits: creative, flighty, flirty,Ā kind, laid back, charismatic, sarcastic, over sharing Alignment: chaotic good MBTI: enfp Enneagram: type seven, the enthusiastĀ  Archetype: the innocent Hogwarts House: hufflepuff Element: air
harrison is the son of floyd pepper and janice from the muppet bandĀ the electric mayhem.Ā his birth was something of a surprise to his two hippie laid back parents.
despite that , he grew up surrounded by music and laughter.
of course he took a shining to music and learned to play the piano and guitar. he's part of the muppets and joined his parents in the band when he reached the right age.
of course, now that heā€™s in this mysterious and odd town, he isnā€™t sure what to do. all he knows is he enjoys making music and would love to be back with his family and friends.
heā€™s pretty easy going and a free spirit though, so heā€™s determined to make the most out of a bad situation. heā€™s here to make friends, party and play music.
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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introducing me : harrison pepper
visage : harrison pepper
musings : harrison pepper
aesthetic : harrison pepper
starter :Ā harrison pepper
threads : harrison pepper
ft. NAME HERE : harrison pepper
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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[ adelaide kane, cis woman, she/her. ] āœ§Ā·ļ¾Ÿ is that [ lorie scroll ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that theyā€™re the [ 27 ] year old child of [ scroll ] from [ disenchanted ]. iā€™ve also heard that theyā€™re [ intelligent ] but [ neurotic ] and have [ 1 ] sibling(s). i could almost swear i heard [ mastermind by taylor swift ] playing when they appeared. // @scatteredintrosā€‹ā€‹
Full Name: lorie scroll Aliases/Nicknames: n/a Age: 27 Birthday: september 20 Zodiac: virgo
Height: 5ā€™4 Hair Color: brown Eye Color: brown Scars: none Tattoos: none FC: adelaide kane
Father: scroll - adopted father Siblings: 1
Sexual orientation: pansexual Gender: cis gender woman Pronouns: she/her Species: Ā human, former magical scroll
Traits: intelligent, neurotic, anxious, kind, talkative, selfless, practical,Ā  Alignment: lawful good MBTI: istj Enneagram: type five, the investigator Archetype: the sage Hogwarts House: ravenclaw Element: earth Pop Culture Kins: hermione granger from harry potter, belle from batb, knowsmore from wreck it ralph 2, janet from the good place
Lorie originally hails from the kingdom of Andalasia. Andalasia is a beautiful fairy tale land, full of magic. Her father is the first and original magical Scroll , who has the answer to any and every question the user asks.Ā 
But there wasnā€™t just one scroll - Lorie was a younger Scroll in training, dedicated to learning everything the world could offer. She may have been a magical enchanted object, but she still had a long way to go before she could properly serve her kingdom.Ā 
Considering that she was originally a magical object, her father was more of an adopted father figure than biological. But she still looked up to him, and he always had her best interest in mind. He was helpful at teaching and training Lorie and herĀ ā€œsiblingā€ at how to be the best magical scroll in the land.
When he was gifted to Giselle and Robertā€™s child by King Edward and Queen Nancy, Lorie became Andalasiaā€™s number one magical scroll. It was a big job, but she knew she could do it.
The last thing Lorie remembersĀ before waking up in town is becoming Anadalsiaā€™s main scroll and source of information. (Basically the very beginning of Disenchanted)Ā 
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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introducing me : lorie scroll
visage : lorie scroll
musings : lorie scroll
aesthetic : lorie scroll
starter : lorie scroll
threads : lorie scroll
ft. NAME HERE : lorie scroll
0 notes
mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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[ annabelle wallis, cisĀ  woman, she/her. ] āœ§Ā·ļ¾Ÿ is that [ constance hatchaway ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that theyā€™re the [ 38 ] year old originally hailing from [ disneyā€™s haunted mansion ]. if they had to choose a side they would consider themself [ evil ]. iā€™ve also heard that theyā€™re [ clever ] but [ vain ] and have [ 2 ] child(ren). i could almost swear i heard [ maneater by hall and oates ] playing when they appeared.Ā 
* tw: alcoholism, death mention // @scatteredintrosā€‹
Full Name: constance hatchaway Aliases/Nicknames: connie, the black widow bride Age: 38 Birthday: august 9 Zodiac: leo Occupation: housewife
Height: 5ā€™7 Hair Color: blonde Eye Color: blue Scars: none Tattoos: none FC: annabelle wallis
Mother: emma hatchaway Father: john hatchaway Children: 2 Notable Relatives: ambrose harper - ex husband, frank banks - ex husband, marquis de doome - ex husband, reginald caine - ex husband, george hightower - ex husband
Sexual orientation: heterosexual Gender: cis gender woman Pronouns: she/her Species: Ā human, former ghost
Traits: vain, clever, witty, ambitious, cruel, determined, greedy, cold, distant, flirty, calculating,Ā greedy, seductive, thorough, organized, unfeeling, psychotic manipulative, Alignment: chaotic evil MBTI: entj Enneagram: type three , the achieverĀ  Archetype: the ruler Hogwarts House: slytherin Element: fire Pop Culture Kins: mrs. white from clue, georgia miller from ginny & georgia, rosalie hale from twilight,Ā 
Languages: english, french Weapon(s): hatchetĀ  Strengths: persuasive, good at math, sewing, cooking, Weaknesses: money, looks
Constance grew up in a small and poor town. She was the youngest of four children. HerĀ childhood was anything but easy, even at a young age. Her parents were poor farmers, who lived in a small town. Growing up, Constance was put to work doing chores around the farm. She hated it. She would rather keep busy by keeping the home. Her mother was a kind and lovely lady, but her father was cruel and an alcoholic. He hated Constance and her mother, abusing both of them regularly. She began to hate him, and most men as a byproduct.
As Constance grew older, she grew more beautiful - too beautiful as some would say. She cared deeply about her appearance, to the point of vanity. Her cruel father would call her awful names. However, Constanceā€™s mother always told her daughter how proud she was of her. Constance always had higher aspirations for her life, which involved more money and a higher social status. The moment the opportunity came to marry Ambrose Harper, son of a long-standing wealthy farming family, she took it. Anything to get away from her poor, abusive father. However, three years into their marriage, Ambrose met his early demise by a hatchet accident - leaving his money to Constance. This wasnā€™t enough. She wanted more.
She would go to marry five times in total, all meeting their demise by hatchet accidents and leaving their fortunes to her. She never stayed married for too long, with the exception of her last husband George Hightower. Each of her husbands left her more wealth and status than the last. Marrying George, Constance finally had gathered all the wealth and stature she dreamed of. She was finally satisfied, and didnā€™t completely hate her fifth husband.
However, something that wasnā€™t part of the plan was having children.Ā  She was anything but a loving mother. If anything, it threw a wrench in her plans. Her firstborn was young when their father died mysteriously. She would marry again before having her second child. She always thought George was soft-hearted when it came to their daughter, and had no problem telling him such. It was twelve years into their marriage before George ultimately met the same fate as her previous husbands. After his death, Constance and her children remained in their mansion.
It was rumored Constance died of old age, and would haunt the attic where the remnants of her past life were kept. She didnā€™t have many friends in the mansion, keeping mostly to herself and her children.
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
tag dump !
introducing me : constance hatchaway
visage : constance hatchaway
musings : constance hatchaway
aesthetic : constance hatchaway
starter : constance hatchaway
threads : constance hatchaway
ft. NAME HERE : constance hatchaway
0 notes
mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
settingĀ  *:ļ½„ļ¾Ÿ the cantina, late eveningĀ 
tw; drinking/alcohol mentionĀ 
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Ā  Ā  it was a coveted night off from the drive-in, and a weekend at thatĀ ā€“ not that, in this little town, thatĀ mattered much. either way, elvis had found themself seated firmly at the bar of the cantina, comfortable in places full of loud chatter & unfamiliar faces.Ā ā€œtwo more mojitos, please!ā€ they called to the bar tender, finishing up one small glass and smacking their lips in satisfaction, the taste of salt && lime still reminiscent along the chapped cracks.Ā ā€œand whatever my friendĀ here is having, on me,ā€ they smiled at the newcomer having just walked up to the bar, drumming their hands against the countertop before extending one to shake formally, grin well in place.Ā ā€œelvis krixen, at your service. hope you were in the business of a drinking partner for the evening, because i claim that space.ā€
hope loved having a good time at a cantina. any cantina. she was still unfamiliar with this townā€™s drinks but she was sure theyā€™d have something sheā€™d like there. hope could be serious and responsible when she needed to be, but she loved to have a good time. and a night drinking was exactly what she needed. she just needed to blow off some steam. so she walked up to the bar, but before she could order, the person next to her began talking.Ā ā€œ iā€™ll have the same,Ā ā€œ she told the bartender with a smile. she didnā€™t know what a mojito was but it must be good. she turned and smiled at the person to her side.Ā ā€œ nice to meet you , elvis. my nameā€™s hope,Ā ā€œ she introduced herself, holding out a hand to shake.Ā ā€œ and i would love a drinking partner.Ā ā€œ
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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lucia pursed her lips, nodding slightly. ā€œi mean, it is a problem. but, from what i heard, itā€™s not one that has any explanation of solution. so, we just accept it, princesa. but, family drama? i have my own share of that, so i donā€™t think i have the brain space to put anymore into it,ā€ she said with a laugh. ā€œhey, you should be relieved not that you are far away from them. no family, no drama.ā€Ā 
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hope huffed and shook her head.Ā ā€œ nope. i donā€™t accept that. i canā€™t,Ā ā€œ she said. she started pacing back and forth, thinking of anyway she could get back to the resistance camp and her family.Ā ā€œ there has to be some sort of explanation. why weā€™re here, wherever here even is,Ā ā€œ she said, mostly to herself.Ā ā€œ my family might be a mess, but theyā€™re my mess. and theyā€™re counting on me,Ā ā€œ she added, suddenly feeling very alone. it wasnā€™t something hope was used to.
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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samsonā€™s confusion only furthered at the otherā€™s question regarding which system earth was in. ā€œsystem?ā€ he echoed, his head tilting to the side. ā€œitā€™s in the milky way if that helps out at all.ā€ his lips pursed as he continued to look the other over, a strange feeling forming in the pit of his stomach. ā€œare you sure youā€™re alright, mademoiselle? did you hit your head orā€¦?ā€ while he was concerned about the otherā€™s well-being, he kept his distance and didnā€™t touch her. ā€œthere is a clinic around here i believe. if that is the case, iā€™d be more than happy to escort you.ā€
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hope shook her head. the milky way? that didnā€™t sound like any planet system hope had ever heard of before. honestly, it didnā€™t even sound like a real system - more like a sweet treat or something.Ā ā€œ besides waking up in some strange place, iā€™m totally fine,Ā ā€œ she said a little defensively.Ā ā€œ i donā€™t need a doctor. i just need to figure out how to get back.Ā ā€œ
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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waylenā€™s head curiously tipped to the side at the otherā€™s response, surprised by how sure of herself she sounded. ā€œoh? are you a scholar who studies the skies?ā€ he questioned, curious as to what credentials the other had to make sure a statement about multiple planets. that wasnā€™t even something merlin knew and he spent hours looking through his telescope. ā€œi donā€™t know ā€” thatā€™s my serious answer. this town is a place with no true residents who call it home and no nameā€¦ā€ he explained. ā€œbut if you want me to make something up thatā€™s more reassuring iā€™m sure i could!ā€Ā 
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hope shrugged.Ā ā€œ i wouldnā€™t say a scholar per se,Ā ā€œ she answered honestly. she wasnā€™t the best at school, or her studies. she was good at flying, the force and baking. " iā€™m a pilot though, so i know my way around the galaxy pretty well,Ā ā€œ she continued. she listened and nodded along as the other person continued with the serious answer.Ā ā€œ interesting,Ā ā€œ she hummed.Ā ā€œ do we know how we got here ?Ā ā€œ
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
ben could feel his heart pounding rapidly against his chest as he looked around his new surroundings. the events that had lead up to that moment were all a complete blur to him and he quickly found himself desperately searching for answers that where nowhere to be found. in an attempt to get his bearings he began to roam the unfamiliar town aimlessly. however as his dark eyes shifted over to someone speaking to a stranger he nearly had to do a double take. that face, that was a face he knew! a face that he didnā€™t even know he was missing until that very moment.Ā ā€œ hope?Ā ā€œ he spoke, as a tremble filled his tone.Ā 
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hope heard her name and she spun in a circle. she recognized that voice. and then the face. sheā€™d know him anywhere. she ran, quickly closing the gap between them as she pulled her brother into a hug.Ā ā€œ ben!Ā ā€œ she exclaimed while doing so. she held on a little longer and a little tighter than normal. she was happy to see him, even if nothing else made sense. as long as they were together, hope could figure out the rest.Ā 
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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while being far from home came with anxiety, waylen had never felt this free before. he was trying his best to embrace this change and enjoy the simple joys he had discovered since his arrival. he was in the process of sipping a delightfully sweet and hot drink he had picked up from the cafe when someone suddenly approached him, his attention immediately focusing on the other. his head cocked to the side at her question, a brow slightly arched. ā€œ
ā€œ there is no such thing as crazy questions! ā€ he chirped. ā€œ althoughā€¦ iā€™m fairly sure that there is one ā€˜planetā€™ and this one must surely be earth. or maybe weā€™re nowhereā€¦ because this place doesnā€™t look like the earth that i know of. maybe weā€™ve just slipped away into a magical realm of some sort and no longer exist, isnā€™t that fun? ā€
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hopeā€™s optimistic spirit quickly sank the more she listened to the person in front of her speak. one planet? as if. but the idea of being nowhere started to make hopeā€™s head hurt. had she died? was this what happened when people becameĀ ā€˜ one with the forceĀ ā€˜ as her mother and uncle called it?Ā ā€œ thereā€™s definitely more planets,Ā ā€œ she corrected.Ā ā€œ seriously though - what is this place?Ā ā€œ she asked, looking around the town and wondering where the stars she actually was. and how she got there.Ā 
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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lucia was doing her best not to freak out. and, she was pretty sure she was doing it with flying colours. she was looking for a good space to call her own when she was stopped, brows knitting together. ā€œif you think youā€™re on another planet entirely, chaparra, then you have other problems you need to address.ā€Ā 
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well that was a new one.Ā  hope just raised her brow curiously and crossed her arms over her chest.Ā ā€œ well thatā€™s obvious. i just showed up here with no explanation so iā€™d say thatā€™s a pretty big problem,Ā ā€œ she said. she paused for a moment before tacking on something else.Ā ā€œ unless you meant the slew of family drama, but we donā€™t have all day to go through that.Ā ā€œ she was fairly certain whole books could be written about the drama of the skywalker family.
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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eliza had just stepped out of the cafe with an iced green tea latte in hand, mentally prepared to enjoy the day. she was just about to do some window shopping on main street when she noticed someone headed in her direction. for a moment she felt tempted to look over her shoulder to stop herself from embarrassing herself. but the moment the other spoke she felt confusion stir inside of her. ā€œyouā€™re right ā€¦ that does sound pretty crazy.ā€ a nervous laugh escaped her. ā€œum, last time i checked weā€™re on earth. but who knows, i might be wrong. i donā€™t think i can really be sure about anything when it comes to this town.ā€ she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. ā€œif you had to ask that question ā€¦ can i ask what planet youā€™re from?ā€
hope was still just as confused as before. earth? that wasnā€™t familiar to her. she looked around the town and none of it seemed familiar. even the writing on the shop windows was foreign to her. hope wasnā€™t exceptionally skilled as a linguist but sheā€™d never even seen writing like that before. she hummed softly and nodded her head, turning back to the girl before her.Ā ā€œ chandrila,Ā ā€œ she answered easily, like she had a hundred times.Ā ā€œ but i wouldnā€™t call it home either.Ā ā€œ no - home for hope was in the stars, on the falconĀ Ā or her x-wing.Ā 
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mldnightxxrain Ā· 2 years ago
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everything about this town was beyond baffling to samson. while he had never been fond of the village that he previously called home, he wouldā€™ve done anything to be back there. at least it was known territory, it was comfortable. here: he never knew what or who he was going to be greeted with. he was someone who always tried to turn a bad situation into something beneficial, but that was going to be a difficult task for him here. he was briefly lost in thought when he saw a young woman walking toward him, not the least surprised by how dazed she looked.
although her question caused him to scoff. ā€œheavens, you must be rather out of sorts if you think youā€™re somehow on a different planet.ā€ he scanned the other over, looking for any signs of injury. ā€œthis is earth, my dear.ā€ or at least he was fairly sure it was. where on earth? that was an entirely different story.
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hope raised a brow curiously. for one, she had never heard of a planet called earth. but also because this guy seemed to not know about other planets?Ā ā€œ earth? which system is that in?Ā ā€œ she asked. as a pilot, hope was pretty familiar with the systems of the galaxy. after all, she had to know how to get from one end to the other.Ā  unless of course they were on the other side of wild space. but surely that couldnā€™t be possible - no one had ever gone through wild space and come back to tell the tale.Ā 
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