#i have a personal clan i hc with magic like this
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vigilskeep · 9 months ago
harker what vallaslin do you think most keepers have? i mean sylaise is crunchy for the Thematic Implications, mythal is the big boss, elgar’nan is big boss too but he doesn’t sound very keeper-y
enlighten the people please
i think they’re as likely to be varied as anyone else, right?
what i kind of hc is that vallaslin choices are a balance between the wearer’s input—what gods they feel a connection to, what role they hope to perform, what skills and aspirations they have—and the keeper’s. i imagine keepers having a guiding hand to it, and recommending not only what the bearer wants but also what they need, with some vallaslin given less to match what you are now and more to... invoke a blessing, and bring you balance, in hope of what you might become.
i suppose that becomes an even weightier decision on both sides when it comes to a keeper’s first, whose future is the future of the clan. mythal is perhaps the obvious choice. (i kind of hc that merrill felt a little pressured towards it for that, trying to fulfil the role she could never quite match.) sylaise and ghilan’nain are sensible choices too, for the guiding heart of the clan. falon’din and dirthamen for a keeper inclined more towards the magical, spiritual, history-keeping aspects of the role. elgar’nan for a wielder of fire, and for a stronger, bolder leader. andruil and june for a first who takes an unorthodox interest in another aspect of the clan’s day-to-day life, or who perhaps envisions the keeper’s role uniquely: as the lifeblood necessary to survival, or the craftsman shaping the clan into what it needs to be
really, i imagine each vallaslin choice being incredibly unique and personal, there’s many ways to interpret them all. a couple might happen to be more common among keepers but like i say i would expect wide variety. the keepers we’ve seen demonstrate this. (marethari has sylaise’s in dao and dirthamen’s in da2; merrill has mythal’s; zathrian has dirthamen’s; lanaya has june’s; keeper hawen from the exalted plains in dai has andruil’s. i think that’s all the ones we’ve met?)
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tryingahandinholdingapen · 2 months ago
okay so I'm prefacing this with the fact that I have very little reasoning for why I came up with this. It was partly because I was trying to think of a reason why Hashirama is the only (naturally occuring) mokuton user in canon, partly because I wanted an excuse to have Tobirama be way too casual about poison (this is the fault of @.doveywovey and one particular scene in Without A Softeness Showing bc now I'm obsessed with tobiizu+poison), partly to have an excuse for Tobirama being p set on an outclan spouse, partly bc I wanted to incorporate the fun idea of Hashirama/mokuton pollen type stuff that I've seen in a few fics...
okay so actually there was a fair bit of reasoning behind it I guess. oops. anyway. I should get to the actual idea shouldn't I?
Please take for granted that I am assuming the way bloodline limits + related inheritance works is more akin to magic rules than genetics. Like genetics definitely play a part but the way some bloodline limits manifest in every person (e.g. Hyuuga's and Uchiha's respective doujustu) and some don't (e.g. Senju's mokuton), and the way some are identical in every person (Hyuuga's doujustu) and some aren't (different mangekyou manifestations for Uchiha) and so on and so forth is not something I can wrap my head around if it only comes down to genetics
Which, I don't know, for all I know that's me being uneducated, maybe there is a way to make all the canon info about bloodline limits make sense purely based on genetics/DNA! But like if there is, I don't know it, so I'm saying bloodline limits are a little based on genetics and quite a bit based on magic-type rules I.e. we don't know chakra is just weird like that it's how it works
....this is already long and I haven't even got to my actual idea yet. have a read more
okay I have no idea what order to put my thoughts in for this to make maximum sense so if any of it makes no sense feel free to ask I absolutely love talking about ideas, mine or others
A few things we're going to be taken as granted as a foundation for other ideas here: Hashirama is the only mokuton user in a pretty long time (Tenzo doesn't count bc this would be a warring clans fic if I wrote it and also he's a result of experimentation), and the mokuton is really incredibly ridiculously overpowered, and upon first manifestation of mokuton (let's say that's age like, 6-8) it is NOT possible to control properly you have to learn that shit. We're also going to take that idea a few fics use wherein Hashirama can use pollen or whatever to poison/arouse/sedate/paralyse/whatever because that's fun
but wait! you say, if there's a baby 6 year old Hashirama with access to immensely overpowered mokuton-poison, and no way yet to control it...how did that not end terribly?
I'm glad you asked! The answer is, in my hc, if you wrote out all the things you can do with mokuton it would be a pretty short list (though admittedly each bulletpoint would have mildly horrifying/overwhelming implications) whereas you wrote out all the things the Senju do/have, as a result of their actions or culture or genetics/bloodline that is PURELY to prevent them being directly or indirectly fucked over by the same mokuton that helps them so much... Well. One list would be like ten times the length of the other, put it that way lmao
One of the things that helps prevent their clan getting fucked over by the same thing that brings them so much strength + has helped them through so many winters/famines is the existence of 'mokuton secondary'
This is what Tobirama has, it's the 'not dying to mokuton' bloodline limit. Because that's literally what it does. Don't get me wrong the benefits of this bloodline limit are absolutely useful in other ways, but the PURPOSE of this is to ensure that at least some people don't die to unintentional poison or overenthusiastic (cough violent cough) plant growth from a young mokuton-user
I'm thinking it makes you faster (dodge the sudden spear branches!), gives you a strong immunity to poisons/drugs/etc (hurrah for surviving Hashirama trying to learn how pollen works) and also gives...not bullshit fast healing/regen like Hashirama has, but. Something. Less 'fast healing' more 'slow dying' -> an injury that might kill another shinobi in ten minutes would take eleven minutes to kill Tobirama (or anyone else with the same 'not dying to mokuton' bloodline limit) and whilst the average shinobi might do permanent damage to themself after walking on a broken bone for 30 minutes Tobirama could manage at least 40 minutes before he had to worry about that
This ability (the 'slow dying') is essentially based in the idea that its sole purpose is to NOT die to mokuton, and since this bloodline primarily manifests in direct relatives of a mokuton user, its assumed that the mokuton user isn't INTENTIONALLY trying to hurt you and therefore you mostly just need extra time to get the fuck out of dodge and or for the mokuton user to regain control
Mokuton secondary does also make you heal slightly faster but it really is only SLIGHTLY like if you were actively looking for it and spent five years documenting cases you MIGHT notice but that's about it, it's a teeny tiny boost
Mokuton secondary also weakens over time because its main purpose is to protect you from accidents/lack of control and it's assumed that those will decrease over time as the user e.g. Hashirama gains control and experience
Yes this does mean that baby Tobirama was quite possibly sigbificantly faster than (pre-Hiraishin) fully grown Tobirama. Because bloodline limit cheat
Let's talk about inheritance now
Okay I'm assuming that nearly everybody born to the Senju clan (as opposed to being adopted in or marrying in) has potential to develop, or for their kids to develop, mokuton like Hashirama has. These people have 'mokuton primary potential' - it's the main bloodline limit/variant of their clan (thus primary) but they don't actually have it themselves they just have the potential
The mokuton Hashirama has is 'mokuton primary manifest'
And then there's the aforementioned 'mokuton secondary manifest' that Tobirama has
'Mokuton secondary potential' doesn't exist, you either have it manifest or you don't
(Reminder again that I'm basing this in chakra/magic rules more than genetics, that's about to be relevent)
Okay. So there's two people, let's say Butsuma and uhhhhh Aiko sure that's a name, and they both have primary mokuton potential. And they have a kid (Hashirama) and they don't know it yet bc mokuton primary doesn't develop until age 6-8, but that kid is a mokuton user. Now I'm saying that although not usable/noticable until 6-8, mokuton primary manifest has a notable effect on the chakra system even within the womb (though in the warring clans era they have no way of testing for this) and so when Aiko is pregnant with Hashirama something in her own chakra goes 'DING that's a child with mokuton primary manifest okay we don't need this anymore (forcibly changes her mokuton primary potential into mokuton secondary manifest)'
The purpose of this is of course so that the mother of a mokuton user (Hashirama) isn't accidentally murdered by their own child. I can't decide whether or not the sire (in this case Butsuma) also has their chakra forcibly changed or not, and if it is changed, when. All options there have potential to be very funny and or angsty
Okay now people can have varying amounts of potential for mokuton primary (like how it's not 'brown hair' vs 'not brown hair' etc there's a whole spectrum of colour), but mokuton secondary is yes or no. And if one parent has mokuton secondary then THAT is the one passed down, NOT mokuton primary - so the younger siblings of a mokuton user will always have mokuton secondary, which is good because that means that they (Hashirama) also can't accidentally murder their baby siblings
Any older siblings are fucked though lmao. Because the bearer (and sire?) get mokuton secondary after the mokuton user is conceived, and so do any subsequent younger children, but any older siblings of a mokuton user would have ended up with a) nothing or b) mokuton primary potential. So it's a good thing Hashirama was the first born otherwise there's an incredibly high chance he could have accidentally murdered his elder siblings. Hashirama's kids won't have mokuton secondary though they'd have mokuton primary (potential or manifest) bc again it's assumed that if a mokuton user is old enough to have kids they're old enough to control their bloodline limit
Mokuton secondary only ever manifests as basically a reaction to mokuton primary, and then doesn't last that long. Like if Tobirama had kids with someone who had no bloodline limit of their own, the kids would have mokuton secondary and the grandkids MIGHT have mokuton secondary, but after that? Great-grandkids and on, would have nothing
There's several reasons that the Senju clan tries their absolute best to maximise the number of people with mokuton primary potential whilst also limiting or at least somewhat controlling the number of kids with mokuton secondary manifest. Here's a list:
- I'll elaborate more on this in another post/in a reblog, but further hc that it's actually incredibly complicated to get a kid with mokuton primary manifest. But basically theres a whole shit ton of requirements beyond just having mokuton potential. This means they need as many people as possible with the potential, to increase the chances of someone with the manifest
- Mokuton users result in a whole bunch of ppl with mokuton secondary
- Ppl with mokuton secondary inevitably result in more ppl with mokuton secondary, if they reproduce
- Mokuton secondary cannot exist on its own without mokuton primary. Doesn't happen. It dies out within 2 generations and then crops back up when a new mokuton user does
- People with ANY form of mokuton at all only applies to people born into the Senju to at least one parent who had mokuton potential; and a v large proportion of the Senju clan at any given time married/adopted in
The result of all those bulletpoints added together is that basically, if they maximise the amount of people with mokuton primary potential and minimise the amount of people with mokuton secondary, then the clan functionally has two bloodline limits (or at least, two manifestations of one bloodline limit) available
But if they DON'T do that then inevitably they will at some point end up with a population in which nobody has a high enough mokuton primary potential to actually produce a kid with the mokuton primary manifest
(This could happen via ppl with mokuton secondary effectively killing off potential for primary, or via ppl who adopted/married in passing on their lack of mokuton potential, or too many ppl with no/low mokuton potential reproducing with others who ALSO had no/low mokuton potential)
So mokuton primary would essentially die out. And because mokuton secondary only lasts two generations before it dies out in absence of anyone with mokuton primary manifest, that would die out fairly soon after too. And then the Senju clan would be forever left with no bloodline limit to their name
They don't want that to happen
Therefore it's generally expected that when marrying/having kids you should consider as a factor how much mokuton potential your kids are likely to end up with. It's not necessarily the defining or most important factor or anything (probably at least one clan elder disagrees but eh) but it IS a factor you should consider carefully.
(Possibly they can measure/guesstimate how much mokuton primary someone has but not if it's potential or manifest? Unsure. Work on that later)
It also means it's expected that anyone who has mokuton secondary (so in the warring clans era this would be Tobirama, Kawamara, Itama, possibly someone's grandkids from the mokuton user prior to Hashirama or maybe that was too long ago and they're already dead) AND doesn't already have a mokuton user kid (Butsuma, Aiko) should only marry/have kids with someone who has absolutely no potential for mokuton. In order to not reduce the amount of mokuton potential in the clan overall, kind of thing. Practically speaking this mostly means that if they want to marry they should either marry out of the clan or bring an outclan spouse into the Senju
(yes this is absolutely working towards my Tobirama should marry into the Uchiha clan agenda. I know I'm predictable. I am so sorry),
It also means that ppl with the mokuton secondary are pretty much the only ppl who can randomly decide "actually I'm not ever going to get married or have kids. don't feel like it" and be absolutely 100% guaranteed to have no pushback or ppl trying to get them to change their mind
I have so much more to say abt the whole mokuton primary/secondary thing bc this has been consuming my brain forever and gradually twining into all my fic ideas ever but this is SO LONG and I should really go get ready for bed jvnsjfnnf
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kissingagrumpygiant · 3 months ago
hiii i just loooove hera i wanna know more about her!!! consider this to be free space to say whatever’s on your mind about her because i just wanna know everythingggg
Oh man. I'm just going to throw everything I have at the top of my head at the wall hold on
- her full name is Hera'athen. Born in Ostwick's alienage and smuggled out of it when her magic started manifesting at around 6-7
- got Mythal's vallaslin to honor the mother figures in her life (her mother who passed away, her step-mother when her father remarried, and Deshanna)
- left the clan at 18 to become a Wandering Keeper (real cute lore hc post from a few years ago i will never let go of), and has been traveling the Free Marches + Ferelden since.
- Everyone in the Inquisition can't help but have a crush on her despite her being the most annoying lawyer-like, argumenative person there is. Maybe that's part of it
- her besties were Blackwall and Varric. What does that say about her. Me and the liarssss
- part of the reason she really fell for Solas at the start was the discourse of it all, and Hera loved that she could argue with him and see that it wasn't arguing for arguments sake, but for seeking understanding. She loved the back and forth teasing too
- her one big internal conflict about her decisions in dai is making Briala a shadow ruler. She made that decision without consulting anyone in her circle, it was pure emotions based, and even though she stands by it, she can't help but know she was being selfish. It wasn't the best alliance she could make for the Inquisition but it was for the elves of Orlais and everyone knows and will judge her for it
- didn't let Solas remove her vallaslin at Crestwood! She believed him, and she doesn't care for honoring the gods (she has a weird relationship with religion), but she couldn't bear losing the Dalish part of herself (in her mind). She already lost so much of her identity to the Inquisition, and this was part of her and her story, as much as every mistake and victory is
- she can play strings and has a decent singing voice. Makes killer soups and delicious breads. Can't stand chocolates
- had a dream when she was younger of becoming a published writer, but relegated her writing to notebooks she leaves with clans of tales and ruins and histories she comes across. Varric tries getting her to pick it up again but she feels it's kinda pointless
- what else. She has some frilly Orlesian "[holding a candle while walking the dark halls] who goes there" type nightgowns she hates to admit she adores because we can't let Orlais have this one win. But they're comfy and she looks extremely sexy in them
- if she was a spirit, she'd definitely be a spirit of Knowledge. maybe
- became even more of a weirdo freak after dai. She's tired and she has no filter. She thought she was retiring but they keep bringing her back and her ex stalks her dreams with his sad little big eyes and keeps leaving her clues everywhere and they've def had cryptic dream talks between them and she has no one to talk to about this because everytime she brings him up everyone goes ohhhh brotherrrrr this guy STINKS. but he's HER stinky guy.
- "Everyone thinks it's soooo funny of me to think I can save him. Well I'm about to be hilarious"
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desultory-novice · 1 year ago
hi dess! probably the wrong person to ask but it's just to immensely confuddling... is there a solid lore explanation for how sectonia turned into a bee? i wanted to write a body horror thing for her but i wanted it to be lore accurate and it's just all so convoluted !
Wrong person or not, it is impeccable timing! Both because of Triple Deluxe's 10th Anniversary (in Japan time) and the fact that I've been intensely studying those scenes for my own anniversary piece! Which is, err, running late.
Here is what we can garner about Sectonia's transformation abilities based on the available information + insights the game gives us.
[Pause Screen Lore]
VS Sectonia Vine
"Sectonia's family(1) have parasitized, taken possession of, and controlled countless lifeforms."
1) This word is often translated as "clan" as in a large gathering of members who are not necessarily family but belong to a specific unified group. IE, this could mean anything from "she and her direct family members have this ability" to "all spiders within a certain classification have this ability" to "all spiders have this ability".
I sometimes HC that possession is something all female spiders possess, because I like to imagine her people being a Queendom and that'd be a good reason for it, and also because of The Dark Crystal's "Wings? I don't have wings." "Of course not. You're a boy." (Which just feels so Taranza + Sectonia coded to me)
(I say "sometimes" because I'm also very fond of trans-girl Sectonia HC.)
VS Queen Sectonia (2)
"Sectonia, beautiful and menacing in form. She has [placed herself] inside the world tree..."
VS Sectonia Soul (2)
"I have parasitized and changed bodies so many times, I can no longer recall...which of them was my original self..."
(This pause screen lore is written from Sectonia's POV.)
So, yes, Joronia/Sectonia is a parasite.
She attaches to something and makes it part of her body/swaps bodies with it. If we look at the difference between her queen-form and her flowered-form, we understand a few things about this process: she takes her current body, as well as the body of another living organism and fuse them together. IE: 1 + 1 = 1
She retains some visual aspects of her previous body after a "switch" (she still has the bee head, collar, and wings, for example) and gains the greater (?) amount of traits from the new body.
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This would mean that after her first swap, she probably still looked a little like "Joronia." (Something like a messed up version of those matching toys where you have to align the head, torso, and legs.)
What this also means is that in order to look like "Queen Sectonia" who is so completely different from what Taranza and Joronia look like, she would have had to swap bodies a lot. (Not to mention, she is BIG. It is possible her last body-swap wasn't even to a bee/wasp but something large she absorbed to gain the qualities of its size! Or maybe she stole something large for the size and then stole something with a super thin waist to get that hourglass figure XD)
Planet Robobot's Clone Sectonia lore tells us that "countless species" were found in the Dream Stalk's DNA "stretching over 1,000 years" so this does indeed seem to confirm she did this a frightening amount of times over a long period of time.
It's safe to say you will probably find no one creature in the Kirby-verse that looks similar to Queen Sectonia, as her body was custom crafted with parts from countless critters.
We also get a few visual insights into how parasitization looks...
...Upon her initial defeat, she begins giving off a massive amount of glitter/sparkles/insect scales. 
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This visual is interesting as, if she was already reaching for a new body after her defeat, it is possible this is the first part of the process. Shedding her initial body. If not, this could either be a sign of her current body failing/dying or her parasitic control over it weakening.
She raises up, does some hand movements, lets out a wave of magic and begins to glow brightly. When we check back in on her, she has expelled her wings (she has them back in flower form but they DO appear slightly different. More petal-like and droopy. See above.) and wriggling tentacles appear from behind her...
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You can debate that these are the Dream Stalk's vines wrapping around her, but they don't seem to behave the same way. (They don't have leaves either, which the vines do.) Thus, I think these are "appendages" that specifically appear as part of Sectonia/Joronia's transformation process. If you think about the way insects emerge from their cocoons, I can imagine these as tendrils as coming out from a "split/crack" that slowly forms in her back...
There's a LOT of light and time and struggle involved in the process but this could be just because the Dream Stalk was such a large and powerful target, being rooted into Popstar itself. If she's done this hundreds or thousands of times before, it is possible there is a shorter version of this for things she already overpowers.
...Though, the grimdark part of my brain imagines things like Taranza using his magic to hold one of her struggling targets down while she enwraps it with her horrible parasite tendrils. If Dess hasn't said this before, I'm less interested in soft, sad boy Taranza and much more interested in "1/2 of a gleeful villain couple" Taranza, who is so captivated by his beloved, he happily joins her in all sorts of horrendous things - leading military invasions in her name, assassinations, putting down rebellions, capturing new victims for her, all things he IS implied to do in game through Dedede -  only turning a blind eye to it because he believes in and is infatuated with her and thus, this must be the right thing to do. Right...?
In summary, what we can glean is all pretty bad. Sectonia doesn't even "swap" bodies because the bodies she absorb all get used up and can be said to be "dead" from the moment she inhabits them. Though you can even argue this, as, once she is defeated, the Dream Stalk seems to regain its individuality after her absorption. If you're re~ally into horror, you could take this to mean that some aspect of her victims consciousness is carried on from body to body...!!!!
Also, swapping from body to body appears to be more of a melding process anyway, which could also be pretty darn horrible, depending upon how much control you think she has over which traits she inherits from her victims. If it's entirely her choice, it's simply a matter of how many bodies until she's found the traits she believes "perfects" her ultimate vision of herself - plus how many times she changes her mind. If it's NOT then she's probably gone through an insane amount of swaps/victims, discontented at the results and insisting on trying again and again until it turns out "right."
And there you have it! Joronia's transformation into Sectonia is both deeply pitiful and deeply, deeply frightening!
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stratocumulus-cloud · 9 months ago
Personal HC's for the TWST Warrior Cats AU. They won't leave me alone
Turns out some of the magic is caused by radioactive runoff from when twolegs inhabited the now forest millennium ago. About the amount of time needed to stably evolve into dire beasts and evolve enough protection for their genetic code. The plants and surroundings have also evolved to deal with the intrusions.
Kittypets aren't often equipped to deal with the radiation/magic sickness and to the clan cats it's Starclan reinforcing the idea that they will not tolerate outsiders. Kittypets are thought not to be able to use magic. However recent examples have proved otherwise and are determined to prove that yes they are as good if not better than their peers.
Enough of this 'magic' can cause cats to break down and overblot. It's very hard to reverse an overblot. That said a skilled enough medicine cat can slow down the blot until it's manageable. Generally blot is irreversible and deeply tied to the Dark Forest. Therefore it's seen as a curse for those who have violated the Warrior Code.
That said IgnihydeClan (or whatever it ends up being) has multiple medicine cats studying its effects. Some are rumored to be immune to blot at the expense of their lifespan or personal magic. They have strong beliefs in the afterworld hence nicknamed the Border Clan. Ignihyde has a high concentration of radiation/magic and kits tend to die young so those who make it to adulthood often feel they carry the weight and hopes of those who didn't make it.
Beastpaw is an anomaly and was originally thought to be an amnesiac kittypet. Until proven otherwise.
More light hearted: Arrowstrike has explored the Abandoned Territory before Beastpaw arrived and knows all the good hidey-holes. Grimpaw does not appreciate this.
This is such a cool concept. You clearly have thought more about this au than I have :p
On another note, mainly RavenClan and HeartClan likes to welcome in kitty pets due to, HeartStar’s (The Red Queen) mate was a kitty pet and made it a rule to treat kitty pets with respect and not to shun any. As for RavenStar (The evil Queen) she’s made deals with them in the past for different kinds of herbs that they couldn’t find or make. Aka she had kitty pets raid their twolegs spice racks.
Other clans are very iffy about them.
Overblots do kill, it’s considered that the moment that they transform they’re already a lost cause and should be put out of their misery quickly. Which is why RoseStar, SandStar, and SilverStar had to die (Makes ya wonder what’s gonna happen to Jamil). If a medicine cat catches it early they can slow it down, so clans usually have up to 3 medicine cats to keep things in order.
And about how Beastpaw/Yuu got there… they were hit by a car and woke up in moonstone cave.
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studentinpursuitofclouds · 10 months ago
your hc of bachelors and bachelorettes reacting to the farmer turning their kids into doves makes me interested on how 2 certain mages would react (Magnus and Lance)
Would they do anything against the farmer? Try to reverse the curse? How would they react if they realize the curse magic is much stronger than theirs, or if they do succeed, how will they stop the farmer from doing that again?
what about other adventurers, say Alessia or Isaac, they don't have magic but they do have access to it, would they try to research a way to reverse it?
I see Isaac reacting like Shane ngl. He seems like the type of protective person
People really do love pain and suffering in headcanons these days, huh?
I didn't realize I'd come back to this scenario about NPCs reactions to turning their kids into the doves so many times. I'm even glad, the idea is really interesting! (but, ouch, so much hurt/no comfort 🥲)
(glad to see you again, btw, and thanks for the ask! ☺️💕)
Turning children into pigeons is a point of no return, no matter how cool and all-powerful a magician you are. It's ancient, dark magic with no solution. Magnus knows this perfectly well, and it's broken him completely. Farmer he was destined to be with was an infanticide and a renegade. Not only is there no way to help his children anymore, but now the Wizard needs to stop and immobilise Farmer, and then report the incident to the Ministry of Magic so that they can seal the Farmer in prison for their abuses of magic and crimes. Farmer can congratulate themself - Magnus is defeated, self-loathing and has finally lost the will to live. Quite an achievement! (this is so painful...)
Lance also remembers that this curse has been described as hopeless, but unlike Magnus, the adventurer harbours hope in the possibility of reversing the curse. Simply because there is nothing else he can do in this situation. Lance will remain calm even in the face of the fact that the Farmer has turned out to be worse than any monster he's ever met in his life. But he will use magic or an amulet to signal to the clan (and maybe to all the mages and adventurers in Castle Village) that there is an emergency that requires immediate intervention. And when the Farmer is captured, Lance will seclude himself and start forging a wall with his hands. This kind of thing will haunt him for the rest of his life...
About Isaac... Oh, you're definitely right about that. Because I think for Isaac, who only appears to be callous and cold, would actually be very tender towards his family. And the fact that his chosen partner would betray him like that would clearly make him go wild. Considering the unbridled rage he'd be in after realising what the Farmer had done, it was unlikely he'd keep his cool and think about it. Isaac will just want to kill Farmer. Not the smartest decision, and maybe not even in his nature, but when you think about it: who can keep their cool after your partner has admitted to essentially killing their own children? Isaac himself was an exception. At that moment, he no longer cared whether he survived the battle with Farmer or not. That's how much grief and rage had clouded his mind.
Never in her life had Alesia felt so helpless and frightened as she did now, standing before the one she had sworn allegiance to, the one she had agreed to be in happiness and sorrow. The sniper was absolutely at a loss for speech, or even the ability to move. No monster could pierce her with chilling terror like the Farmer who announced that they had cursed their children. If Alesia has a teleport totem handy, she will certainly use it, and then start sounding the alarm throughout Castle Village, calling for help, calling for the Farmer to be stopped. She will also plead with Camilla to find a way to bring the children back. The adventurer is in despair, not understanding how this could have happened, how the Farmer dared to do this to their kids Was it the Farmer, though? Maybe the Farmer had also fallen victim to this... thing. Alesia began to pray to Yoba even more often for help and to grant her strength to deal with all this.
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yakuzacanons · 1 year ago
I know this is gonna sound pretty random but since I started playing Yakuza 6 (dw I won't spoil anything!!) I've been wondering how the boys would react to finding a baby and how they would take care of it while they find out what happened/take the baby back to their parents/etc. Feel free to use your imagination as how they found the baby (ex.: the classic "left it at your front door inside a straw basket lmaoo)
If possible do hc for all the boys pls 🙏🙏🙏
sksksk this is so funny to me, yes it's babey time. My apologies for such a late reply, been taking my time coming up with these. Love you guys, mwah. Headcanons below da cut, it's a long one. So many boys...
Kazuma Kiryu
His first thought: what the heck is a baby doing by itself out here. His second thought: if I don't care for this baby, who will? Pretty well practiced with kids so the most difficult thing is actually figuring out who the baby is and what happened to them. Type of guy to tell a baby to stop crying and have the baby actually listen magically.
Majima Goro
Similar reaction to Kiryu except louder and much faster. Baby is now number one priority. Protecting baby is now the most important thing. Will literally walk on water to figure out who the baby is, what happened to them, and most importantly, how to help them. Zero clue how to care for kids though so he mostly calls Kiryu for help.
Akiyama Shun
Clueless as hell and not afraid to admit it. Kind of just bullshitting his way through the whole taking care of a baby thing but he does think the baby is awful cute. Hana lends him a hand whenever Akiyama goes out to figure out more info on the baby. Pretty good at playing peek-a-boo with the baby though.
Saejima Taiga
Mostly confused by the fact that the baby doesn't instantly burst into tears upon seeing him as Saejima is kind of used to most people being freaked out by his appearance. Finding info about the baby is easy, it's the care itself that's hard. Treats the baby oh so very delicately. They take naps together a lot, typically with the baby in its crib, which Saejima most likely built himself, while Saejima naps on the floor next to it with his hand lazily draped over the edge of the crib.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Shockingly a natural with kids. Secretly dedicates a lot of his time on the job digging into the baby's past. Typically when he's working, he leaves the baby at Homeland. For some reason, he's really good at comforting babies when they cry. Fights tooth and nail to find out who this baby is as he feels some part of himself relating to the baby.
Ryuji Goda
This baby is an Omi Alliance issue now. Ryuji kind of relates personally to the baby as he himself felt so disconnected from his own childhood. Puts his Omi resources into not just learning info about the baby but also having the best care in the meantime. The baby's gonna have a nice crib with nice pajamas and a nice bottle and the baby's gonna have all that now, today, immediately, because Ryuji said so.
Nishikiyama Akira
Do not give him a baby, he doesn't know what the heck to do. Just as scared as the baby honestly. Similar to Saejima in that solving the mystery of who this baby is is actually quite easy, especially with Tojo resources. Nishiki does not understand babies. Type of dude to just ask the baby what they want as if the baby can answer. Poor guy, he's just trying his best.
Daigo Dojima
Mostly just wondering who the heck leaves a baby on the steps of the Tojo Clan Headquarters. Kind of just resigns himself to being a temporary dad until the situation gets sorted. Assigns some men to dig up info on the baby but handles the baby's care himself. Secretly thinks babies are adorable and is one of the most doting of the boys, almost on a similar level to Kiryu.
Mine Yoshitaka
Just as clueless as Nishiki but will not show his frustration because he, as silly as it sounds, refuses to be bested by a baby of all things. Kind of guy to kick himself down the line for getting himself so attached to said baby without realizing it. Similar to Daigo, he delegates the info gathering to some of the men below him. His job is more office related like Daigo's so he cares for the baby personally, but mostly out of efficiency, at least at the start of things.
Tatsuo Shinada
Caring for a lost baby is easy, but when it comes to figuring out who this baby is, he's kind of at a loss. Might honestly call up Daigo to ask for assitance, to which Daigo will probably say something like "What the heck do I know about finding information on babies?". Shinada's natural talent is playing with babies. Probably buys more toys than he can afford or that the baby would ever need.
Ichiban Kasuga
Ever the optimist, Ichiban isn't really phased by a lost baby. He and his friends will figure out who the baby is and care for the baby together, like a big happy family. The baby loves playing with his hair, which he resents at first but eventually thinks it's super cute. Calls the baby all kinds of silly pet names.
Tianyou Zhao
Honestly, he would just call up Ichiban and ask him to look after the baby while he goes out to figure out who this baby is and what to do with them. Zhao eventually learns that he does in fact think babies are cute and that he's really good at rocking them to sleep. Babies really like hearing him sing for some reason too. The baby can't stop trying to grab his glasses though, much to Zhao's annoyance and Ichiban's entertainment.
Joon-Gi Han
If he found a baby, he'd just go straight to Seonhee and ask her what they should do. Seonhee would honestly be the one gathering intel, especially with all the surveillance the Geomijul has, which means Joon-Gi still gets stuck babysitting. Treats babies super gently given his abusive childhood and he'd absolutely kick himself if physical harm ever came to the baby. Would give Seonhee a full break down of what the baby did that day even if she didn't ask. Also good at remembering what the baby likes, especially things like food.
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bonefall · 2 years ago
can you tell us more about what your doing with half moon, i think you mentioned one that she was doves wing and something about her being midnights vessel aswell? thought it was interesting
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[ID: The Better Bones version of Dove's Wing and Jay's Wing. They are solid-color cats with an inverted color scheme, Dove is pure white with a gray half-moon over her eye, and Jay is pure gray with a white half-moon over his other eye. They have matching heterochromia.]
The tragic heroes of Hollyleaf's Century! The 'time travel' story has been COMPLETELY overhauled, ripped up at the root and torn out. This time around, Dove's Wing and Half Moon are the same person, and the twin of Jay.
There are four seasonal gods, from a time even more ancient than the Lake Kinships. Their most popular names at this moment are Sol, One Eye, Midnight, and Rock. Holly Leaves is the vessel of Sol, and Half Moon strikes up a bond with Midnight to try and fight human destruction. This gives her some beefy powers over growth, creation, and healing, but it wasn't enough to combat Holly dragging the three Kinships down into pointless infighting.
And so, when the Lake is destroyed due to Holly Leaves' actions, Dove's Wing becomes the sole founder of the Tribe. Having lost everything, her family, her home, and her faith in the goodness of other people, she is forced to lead what's left of her people away from their ancient home. The name Half Moon is in honor of her murdered twin, her other half, gone forever.
When Holly Leaves tries to stop them from going, Dove has to defeat her in the final battle of HC.
She mercifully spares her, but not without giving her serious wounds.
The destruction of Sanctuary Lake is sometime in the late 1800s, near the end of the Victorian Era.
Stonetellers are getting a BIG buff to legitimize the Tribe's culture and put them on equal magical standing with Clan cats. They are completely immune to illness and live well into their late 20s.
Half Moon was the longest-lived Stoneteller by far, she lives for nearly 40 years.
Older than Creme Puff, the longest-lived real cat, who was 38.
So she was there in the 1800s to see the Lake wither, and also to send off the Sun Trail cats in the 1920s.
Of course, Half Moon is now the reincarnation of Dovewing!
In the reworked family tree, Dovewing is now the bio-daughter of Jayfeather and Poppyfrost, but adopted by Cinderheart and Lionblaze.
In their previous lives, Lionblaze was some kind of uncle or cousin, and Jay and Dove were twins.
Dove displays the same striking heterochromia in both the ancient incarnation and the modern one.
Note how Jay's Wing was lanky where Dove's Wing was chunky... much like her sisterhood with Ivypool.
Dove actually looks the most like her "old self" of the three reincarnated cats. Something about her super hearing and "echoes" through the years.
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thesoulesscollection · 1 year ago
Even More Choc Hcs #3
Hey. Me again with some more Choc content cause I can't help myself. 
Here's some prior posts about my dear boy if you've missed out on them. 
First Post. 
Second Post. 
Tw/Tags: Health Issues, Eating Disorders, Unhealthy/Toxic Relationships, Bad Coping Mechanisms, Implied Self Harm
The sentiment that reminds me most of Choc is this one;
Similar to the sun; from afar he's a giving source of warmth and comfort but upon someone getting close and personal, one is sure to be burned in his wake. 
His role in the clan is kinda all over the place. Currently he prefers to take it slow, now he merely observes his surroundings. Always has an eye on everything. 
But people usually refer to him as the clan's jester. Knows how to pick up any sour mood and lift it. His jokes are mostly light hearted but truthfully speaking, he can dig his knife in deep. The jokes can range vastly. It can be personal and or on the edge of insulting. 
Cross dresses both in private and in public. The second is often done for assignments that needed him to be undercover. Clothing of any kind has no gender for him. It started up in his mid to late thirties and was explored in the following years after.
^ Similar with makeup it is only ever done for job purposes. Tends to do more down to earth looks and only done it for his undercover work. But he does have a natural knack for it. 
Struggles with his weight and has an awful relationship with food that as he gets up there in age, he's unable to keep weight on for a long time and so it fluctuates noticeably. Nowadays is very skinny, whereas he used to be more packed up with muscle 
^ Can't handle most if not all sorts of food without getting sick as a result so he often goes without eating for long periods of time. Though he snacks in smaller amounts or eats mostly candy to quench the hunger 
A lot of people underestimate him for his gangly appearance, cheerfully goofy personality, and clumsy nature. People who are simply around him, either friends or not, have to make sure he doesn't get hurt. 
^ Since he's skinny, people just tend to easily move him out of harm's way when he isn't paying attention. He's almost a walking disaster set to happen and everyone knows that. 
Natural blond and wavy hair, it's near platinum with streaks of white but he's dyed it brown since he was both old enough to do it himself or have his sister help him. Done out of pettiness. Continues to dye it but now has either Matilda Ivy or Earrings help.  
Has a full set of false golden teeth due to a very serious injury that then led to an equally bad health issue he won't disclose what happened. It gives off an uncanny aura.  
^ Got long, thin scars that go across his cheeks then up his cheekbones to his ears. It is related to the first issue up above. 
On the topic of scars, he has plenty of them all across his body. Partly due to his clumsiness but also there's some that are self-inflicted. He does tend to bandage up really well so no one will see 
^ To better describe the major scars: there's two long slashes on his back that are a bit below his shoulders to half way down, one on the small of his back, and another two, smaller on the top of his head that's hidden by his hair.
^ There's of course, minor scars as well that litter across the man's body, like the slashes stretched across his arms, thighs, etc. 
Went through a lot of partners. Like a comedic amount of them that he can no longer count on his fingers or try to remember them all. All the way from his youth to now, the majority of them had either having ended not so amicably or in tragedy 
From the tips of his fingers up to his elbow and the same goes from his toes up to his knees are colored a deep midnight, nearly black. Above the elbows/knees, are where his veins are painted gold. Its origins are likely from the use of rarely known magic. 
Can mimic the voices of other people to perfection. Also with mannerisms, and facial expressions. All done with uncanny ease.  
Choc's Relationships:
Cherry Kinsley: Daughter. He's very overprotective, nearly like a helicopter parent over his only child to the point it can be suffocating to her. 
Honey Kinsley: Sister. A complicated relationship, a rivalry where they were pitted against each other throughout their life. But they don't despise each other. Kinda codependent 
Truffles Kinsley: Mother. Often she was emotionally negligent and distant with her child, more with her first born child and son, Choc. Nonexistent sort of relationship. 
Ronald Kinsley: Father. Cold, curt relationship. Again nonexistent like the one he has with his mother. But here it's more obvious there's no love to be had between them. Verbally harsh, cruel even towards his two children, mostly to his son. 
Candy Kinsley: Grandmother. Was the one to basically raise his sister and him. Very strict, traditional in her child rearing and was also, financially, mentally and verbally controlling. Put a lot of pressure on both of them to be perfect.  
Canon Character(s):
Sir Wilford IV: Had a mentor/mentee relationship with the past leader. Choc looked up to the older man, not only a role model but also a parental figure he never had. 
Reginald Copperbottom: They have a complicated dynamic as the chief is on edge around the candymaker. He views Choc as two-faced and more than what other people see him as. No trust is to be had here between them. 
Right Hand Man: They respect each other quite well. Work well together whenever on a raid or not. Despite everything, Choc's laid back, cheerful and goody attitude, manages to make the deputy laugh 
Carol Cross: Another close friend of his. They simply like to hang out when they have the free time to just chatter away and gossip. More so Carol talks and Choc listens. 
Mr. Macbeth: Close friend, had been since their young adulthood starting up during their active years in their growing roles as Toppat members. 
Toppat Clan: His family has been with the clan since his grandmother's arrival, many decades ago. He feels the strong need to stay despite his overall complicated feelings over the clan and how it's run. 
^ Only his daughter and him are the last remaining Kinsley family who'd stayed around in the clan. 
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envies-writing-corner · 2 years ago
Hi there! How are you? If it’s ok, can I request some yandere vox hcs, especially since the new outfit reveal I keep thinking about how possessive he would be.
My New Cydonia
Concept: Vox HCs, takes place before the New Cydonia music video/cover but after the loss of the Akuma Clan and the Kindred
Genre: Angst with a touch of fluff if you squint hard enough.
TW: Yandere content, mentions of death and bloodshed
Word Count: 322
When the clan burnt to the ground, it was impossible to move on from that grief, the pain that overwhelmed him, it was terrifying. Even for a demon.
Yet there you were, the only surviving member of his clan, letting out disastrous cries and screams as you watched your beloved home and friends burn to a crisp. It didn't take long for Vox to find you and become a shoulder to cry on, as you became the only reminder of his pride and joy.
Vox wouldn't let anyone touch you after that, idealizing your image as the embodiment of all the Kindred who lost their lives that night, the only one who still believed in his protection. He wouldn't let you travel far without some way to let him know if you got into danger, going as far as to putting magic on you in case you got lost or didn't come home. A sort of blessing in disguise as he liked to call it, but it was nothing but a curse in your eyes.
He put you on a pedestal, a throne of skulls and blood, acting as if you were the leader or demon lord instead, spending day and night worshiping you like a deity. It was unnerving, to say the least.
And as time went on, his obsession with you grew, with the souls of the Kindred that he fully believed to be channeled through you, he was willing to risk everything if it meant you lived on, if it meant your safety. It didn't take long before you woke up terrified for your life every morning, terrified of the next head he'd bring you as offering.
If only you too had died in that fire, alongside your friends and family, maybe then this wouldn't be your own personal hell. But you knew deep down, even when dead you'd never be freed, not as long as your soul remained.
A/N: Hi! Sorry it took so long to get a new post out, a lot of things have been building up regarding school and work as well as personal relationships, I've been really unmotivated recently but I'm slowly getting back into the groove of writing. I'm hoping to be back to normal by May 1st and writing frequently again, thank you for your consideration and patience!
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jean-dieu · 7 days ago
hc + 👪 for aloysius?
Family-themed headcanon:
Yippee! Thank you!! I love family themed headcanon. Every OC needs their complete genealogy written down and explained.
Aloysius was mostly raised by Deshanna, the Keeper of clan Lavellan, and by the elders of the clan as well. While he was told stories and tales about his parents, he never knew them personally: His father was killed by human free-marchers sent by Wycome to chase away the clan, and his mother passed away during child birth, Aloysius managing to make it only because of Deshanna's extensive care and healing knowledge, both medical and magical. He knows who his parents were as he's been told extensively about them: His father was a skilled archer and a hunter for the clan, and his mother joined the dalish later in life after being accused of murdering her employer, a crime she did not commit.
He had no other family in the clan: His father was the only one left on his side, and his mother was a city-elf who joined the Dalish to escape a very-likely death sentence. Deshanna decided to raise the little boy, at first mostly to ensure he would pass the winter as he was born too early and was very weak. Most of the clan didn't think the baby would make it, to be fair, but they still took Deshanna's relay to feed him or warm him up during winter.
Eventually, though he stayed weak as a toddler (and would keep a fragile health and body throughout his whole life), he eventually stabilized enough. While it wasn't the original plan, Deshanna eventually decided to raise him and continued to keep care of him his whole life. She nicknamed him "little bird" due to his fragile health and bird-like appearance, and that's still how she calls him, even when he's in his forty.
So yeah, despite not having his parents with him, he grew up with love and care. He's very close to Deshanna, having learn magic and history with her at a young age, well before it was decided he would be the clan's first after their current first left the clan for adventure.
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fluffypotatey · 11 months ago
*kicks down door*
i had a whole fucking list. i was on fire. AND THEN MY PAGE REFRESHED AND NOW ITS GONE T^T
let’s do this one more time:
Mei has a complicated relationship with her family
not that she hates them. no she loves them. truly
but sometimes she wishes she did hate them because maybe she’d be able to stomach their disappointment and disapproval better than she currently does
because while her love for them feels unconditional and on instinct, her parents’ feel like an indefinite list of conditions that Mei will never complete perfectly at the expense of their acceptance of how she lives her life
and it’s not like she’s dependent on their approval, but living in a house that acts more like a museum does a lot on a kid’s psyche when all they want to do is roughhouse and stick their hands in the dirt and paint on the walls
so she learned very quick that her definition of herself did not coincide with her parents. though the unsolicited advice and backhanded comments did enough to cement that
and she did her best to tell herself that her worth does not need to rely on her parents’ approval but the self talk didn’t really improve until she moved out
(personal hc that she moved out of the house after high school because of her feeling stifled at home. she lives in a studio apartment probably. somewhere close where she can work on her bike. mostly bc idk the vibes i got from 1x03 was that she only ever visited home when her parents ask her to house sit now. like they’re all avoiding the huge issue and the parents maybe realize that Mei needs her space, so think that asking her to house sit helps keep that distance and gives Mei her agency. idk that’s what i personally gathered)
also her social media fame can be pointed to her posting updates and trio videos of her working on her bike and implementing ways to incorporate her own magic into it
(there are so many trial videos of her trying to find a way to make her magic compatible with the bike. every new trial is Mei being like “ok so THIS time we won’t mess with the engine but what about the wheels :3”
eventually, the trial videos are just her live streaming and you can see a scrawl of comments of unsolicited advice, people being like “Mei’s at it again”, or just bets on the trial’s success)
with her claim to fame, Mei used to to help give her some interest in being selected for races (which she excels at)
she also branches out from just showing her workshopping on her bike. she does gameplays, react videos, and fashion videos
she meets MK at a Monkey Mech tournament
they play against each other in the semi-finals and Mei ends up winning the tournament but the two clicked so well that MK invited her over to Pigsy’s Noodles to celebrate and they have been inseparable since
also, last one:
Mei had admirable the dragon sword king before it ever chose her
it held so much history for her clan. it was held by heroic ancestors that Mei has looked up to since she was little. and she had longed to hold it since the first day her parents showed it to her
and then it chose her. it found her worthy to be the next wielder. it thought she was deserving enough to be someone the clan could depend on to protect them. that her distaste in the sterile walls and floors was not a dealbreaker, or her passion for things on the opposite side of what her parents wanted from her was okay enough
and that all i have rn off the top of my head. i love her <3333
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elvhenprince · 9 months ago
clan lavellan hcs
specifically in relation to my sulevin lavellan, keeper deshanna, etc tbh a lot of this was initially developed for D&D first, where they are a fey settlement. ceron a centaur and auntie morel a firbolg in that verse, im just kinda transferring between since i transported the lavellan family over to d&d, developed the fey settlement, and now im retranslating it back into dragon age lmao
Keeper Deshanna, First: Sulevin Lavellan (adopted son)
Other Elders: Master Ceron, Hahren Morel (both are also mages tbh)
Headcount: 100++ (BIG big clan)
Amount of mages: 15 ~ 20 +/-, but only 4 actual Magic-intensive roles (Keeper / First / Second / Third)
Other members: Vemaya, Sulevin's little sister & Deshanna's biological daughter
Mages in this clan:
Other mages take on other duties. Hahren Morel mostly uses magic to light the fire for her cooking, make food taste better. Master Ceron does use magic in his crafting
The amount of magical power a person has / is capable of using varies anyway, even if they are "A Mage" - let alone is even willing to use. a lot of these less powerful mages just do other duties a clan needs, like crafting and chores and such. and for some, its probably even more effective for them to just stab or shoot something with an arrow than throw a fireball.
...Others are a tad too mischievous to be allowed to take on responsible roles like that of the first and second (Vemaya). Vemaya's pretty good at magic, but almost always only uses it to fuel her pranks
Those that have no intention of using their magic beyond a certain point are generally just tutored by the First / Second until they reach that comfortable point, and then allowed to focus on their primary roles. be it hunting / crafting / etc
Clan background:
Clan Lavellan is one of the ancient clans able to trace genealogy all the way back to days of Arlathan - not only that, though, Lavellan was a known noble house back in Arlathan.
Quite possibly the reason why there are so many mages in this clan..?
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tad-ahrt · 2 years ago
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I decided to dedicate this new art book, I got it just the other day, to my Zelda ideas and studies- 'cause it's such a creative series, and also it's fun/stimulating to try and "modify" Totk (since we all know by now that it's not all that well thought out.. not to throw any shade lol) Info dump over
I've heard many people talk about how they find the difference between Botw's Zonai and Totk's Zonai to be too jarring - Which I don't personally mind because I've also heard that the difference is because apparently Botw's Zonai structures were already ancient ruines (aka the beginning of Zonai civilization) by the time of Mineru and Rauru (aka the end of the Zonai civilization). Which is really interesting.
And also a shame why Totk didn't spend any major time giving us any insight beyond the Zonai devices being a major part of their culture. Or even how the Zonai managed to make whole islands float. And they never even explained how or why the Zonai just... Ascended into the sky???? 'Cause we know they were surface dwellers at one point due to the Zonai ruines in Botw.. But at the very least if Nintendo wanted them to have originated from the sky as like a holiness thing, they could've just said that they were Skyloftians that somehow never descended onto Hyrule, or that they come from the Wind tribe, or that they were crafted by Hylia Herself or something et cetera, at cetera. I feel like the lack of a clarification is just a major oversight in my opinion, because it would have become a welcomed addition to the Zelda lore. The Zlore...
So in order to elaborate on the divide, and also the sky-thing, I decided to delve into the theory that they were originally surface dwellers!
The post-ascension Zonai are basically just Totk Zonai but with the basic scale colours modified so they resemble the Botw/Totk dragons more, and the pre-ascension Zonai just flat out have dragon heads because of, y'know, the Zonai's whole shtick?
I wanted the Zonai, as a race, to be descended from dragons because:
1. It explains why they haven't shown up in any previous Zelda game. They're a relatively "new" "cross breed". (Though I haven't figured out what the dragons "bred" with yet- if at all. Sheikah, hylians, Rito, whatever the hell Kilton and Koltin's race is..)
2. It fits nicely with the ouroborous thing Totk has going on. What came first: the chicken or the egg? The dragons or the Zonai?
3. Dragons have already appeared in previous Zelda games like Ocarina of Time and Oracle of Seasons ( I think). And that only helps to link Botw/Totk's dragons to the Zonai.
Anyway back to my drawings:
I used a achromatic colour scheme for my default zonai because I think it would be really interesting if the Zonai's colours were based on their "powers".
Mineru's design is purple due to her being the sage of spirit, Rauru's is yellow/white because of his light magic, and so on- but I hc the pre-ascension Zonai to be split into three (3) sub-tribes? clans? Based on the three Godesses: Din (power), Nayru (wisdom), and Farore (courage). So these pre-ascent Zonai will have red, blue, or green/gold colourings (unless they're too important I guess? Or just specialise in a different power like a sage would). So just swap out the black/grey for a different colour and you'll see what I'm trying to get at lol.
I also made their hair less scaly so there would be a more obvious connection to them and the Sheikah, just look at that 3rd eye man c'mon Nintendo, the theories!!..
Side note: I don't think there would be much of a difference between male and female zonai, except that female Zonai are bigger because they follow reptile lore. (Also giant dragon women 👀👀👀).
I also believe that, the Zonai are a matriarchy (meaning women are expected to be in authority) because of the Godess/Goddesses being female, Zonai women being larger when they live in a warrior-heavy society (see: Botw barbarian armour). And this would also explain Botw/Totk's dragons (Dinraal, Naydra, and Farosh) having female pronouns and a very high status. Leaving credence for the theory that they were once Zonai and weren't always dragons. (This will feed into the 'plot' later).
However, Mineru's height is still considered "smaller" for a Zonai because she is trans. Hope this helps!
Essay Over
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phoenix-creates · 1 year ago
Mortal Kombat Master Post
A compilation of all art/comics/writings I do regarding my Mortal Kombat AU. This will feature OC x Canon content and my own personal HCs for characters and relationship dynamics. This post will be constantly updated with more information as I make more content. Without further ado, everything will be under the cut!
Original Characters:
Qiaolian and Qiangbei Norixius
Members of the Norixius Clan, an old and powerful clan of dragon-blooded warriors who are political allies of the royal family. Tensions have been high between the clan and the empress in the last thousand years as General Shao managed to spread distrust to Sindel, speaking of the clan plotting a coup of the throne. Sindel, thinking that Shao's predicting was close to coming true, kept the Norixi under close watch, often sending various members of the clan out on the worst of tasks so that they prove their loyalty. This ultimately worked against her as the clan started to resent her and almost aligned with Shao. Thankfully, Qiaolian and Qiangbei weren't completely swayed by his words and eventually defected from his army. They now loyally serve Princess Kitana.
Older cousin to Zeffeero(Rain) and Outworld's most notorious thief! Amalia is a talented mage who mastered cloning magic and is able to make identical copies of herself at will. And with this magic, she successfully lives a double life as a thief and someone who works for the Royal Family; no one has yet to learn her secret. Amalia isn't just a thief for fun though, as she never keeps any of her riches for herself. Like Robin Hood, Amalia distributes wealth to poor Outworld citizens and has no qualms about taking from those with more wealth than they need. She also possesses interesting spatial magic and can create pocket dimensions to store things in, which she usually uses to hide her stash.
Lady Ivory
The young daughter of one of Outworld's noble families. Long ago, Ivory's family was cursed to be "devoured by snakes" by a mage, but the curse was mitigated somewhat to be less of a curse and more of a way of life. They now live and die with snake-like markings that are alive and live as one with the family. Ivory was born with an abundance of markings and is the most adept and living with her vipers, making her a dangerous foe to anyone who dares cross her and a valuable informant to anyone who needs her services. Her vipers are a part of her and she can summon them at will, send them out for expeditions, and use them to send messages. She is someone you'd rather befriend than get on her bad side.
A prodigy bio-chemist and geneticist, Eli was at the height of his career about to make the discovery that would change Earthrealm. Unfortunately, a jealous coworker destroyed Eli's work and doused the young scientist in the samples he was working with. Eli's DNA combined with that of the animal samples he was working with, along with other chemicals, and his DNA and physical body was forever to changed. Eli went on a rampage until the Special Forces found him, and Kenshi made the decision to take him to Outworld to help him. Eli was overwhelmed by the new area and fled, getting lost in the world until he was found by a certain sorcerer. The rest, as they say, is history...
Jéan, God of Nature
Jéan is a nature deity created by Liu Kang and Geras, blessed with a gift from each of the other Keepers of Time allied with Liu Kang. Jéan doesn’t know it, but he is more powerful than both Liu Kang and Geras and was initially created to keep the two of them in check; knowing that the timelines were still unstable and that there was always the possibility of one of them going rouge, Jéan was made as a fail-safe in case someone got overly ambitious. However, neither Liu Kang nor Geras saw the appeal of making a deity solely as a back up plan, and Jéan was given free will to do as he pleases. He still serves Liu Kang, but as a friend rather than a tool.
Anrika is a very talented sorceress rumored to be able to raise the dead. Her magical prowess is vast and she only uses her abilities to help others rather than use them for personal gain. Many people distrust her and her intentions, thinking anyone that kind-hearted has to be hiding something. But Anrika has nothing to hide; all she wants to do is make Outworld a better place with her talents. Anrika has not yet confirmed nor denied the rumors of her ability to rouse the dead, but many people are after her as they want to learn the secrets behind her prowess.
Minor Characters
(Characters that may be mentioned in stories but not overall important to the lore)
Rubeus: Qiaolian and Qiangbei's older sibling. Rubeus is a talented blacksmith and has made a number of weapons used by many warriors, but most notably, they created one of General Shao's war hammers.
Aoihang Norixius: Grandfather to Rubeus, Qiaolian, and Qiangbei and the current Grandmaster of the Norixius Clan. Aoihang has ruled over the clan for thousands of years and still feels that he is in the prime of his life despite his old age. Aoihang never agreed with Shao's principals and suspected the General was up to something, but as tensions grew between the Norixius and Empress Sindel, Aoihang found it best to stay silent lest he be branded a traitor for going against the General. He and Shao have a rivalry.
Elliana and Regis: Ivory's parents. They're proud of her daughter for her mastery over her vipers and her work helping Empress Mileena.
(Non canon locations I made up for sake of my AU)
Fae Yuyan:
A Southeastern seaport metropolis in Outworld. All major waterways, such as canals and rivers, connect at Fae Yuyan, making it an important route for trade and travel. The most famous waterway is the canal between Fae Yuyan and Sun Do, the quickest mode of transport between the two cities. Many merchants set up shops and sell their wares in this city making it central to Outworld’s economy. Currently, Lord Regis and Lady Elliana are the rulers of this city and regularly communicate with Sun Do and the Empress.
A southern city of Outworld. Sariyon is home to many wood and metal workers, weavers, seamstresses, and other artisans that make up the creative industries of Outworld. Sariyon and Fae Yuyan have established a union where the people of Fae Yuyan provide safe transport for the people of Sariyon, and the people of Sariyon offer their goods and services to Fae Yuyan at discounted prices. Sariyon profits the most when festivals are in full swing as the people can put their best work forward.
Norixius Colony:
Long ago, disgraced descendants of Onaga were nearly banished from all corners of Outworld. They rebelled and caused a massive and bloody civil war, eventually resulting in the Norixius Clan controlling a territory of Outworld. This territory, located in the fertile grasslands of Central Outworld, has been the Colony’s property for multiple generations and only once had the royal family tried to take it back. The conflict did now end well for the empire. It now stands as both a stronghold and a home for the massive clan.
Bei Ningzun:
A small village in Northern Outworld and Anrika’s birthplace. Bei Ningzun is a quiet farming village that is somewhat cut off from the rest of Outworld as the people prefer to live quiet lives. The older inhabitants take care of the farmlands while the younger ones make the journey to the more populated cities to sell herbs and crops. Bei Ningzun is almost home to one of the oldest temples of Outworld and the people regularly head into the mountains to pray.
Misc. Drawings:
Qiangbei and Raiden
Qiaolian and Syzoth
Amalia and Rain
Twin Gossip
Toxic Love
Scorpion and Snake
Couple Goals
How the Twins Discovered Starbucks
Pupils and Masters
Amalia Genderbend
Qiaolian Earthrealm Outfit
Bi-Han’s Hot Wife
Invasions Edits:
Liu Kang
Relationship Dynamics:
Shang Tsung/Eli: 1
Kuai Liang/Ivory:
Kung Lao/Amalia:
Li Mei/Amalia:
Amalia & Rain: 1
Classy Cage
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deepest-dope · 2 years ago
Regardless of anyone asking about my of I think I'm going to tell you about my headcanon about ace attorney magic. Semi related to my kurain channeling thoughts
So! Magic, and I mean legit magic here, is fueled by a person's...spiritual energies. there are 2 types of energies, positive and negative, everyone has both types though you can have more of one then the other. Whichever type you have more of effects your magic and whatever spells you might use.
Dahlia is an example of powerful negative spiritual energy, though she isn't really conscious of it. The illusory butterflies and levitating shawl are somewhat instinctual. It's a minor headcanon that she got tossed out by Morgan because she didn't have the specific power fey find useful in women, the bit of kurain channeling that lets you shapeshift. She could have been a wonderful Exorcist if she'd been kept around and taught kurain exorcising.
nahyuta is an example of remarkably strong positive spiritual energy, with the butterflies and other stuff that shows up around him being legit living creatures.
Ok before I get distracted anymore, positive and negative energies are good for different things. It's not impossible to use one type of energy for something the other kind is better for but the effects will be noticeably different. You could use negative energy to summon real live creatures like nahyuta does but anything more expressive then an insect would be noticeable terrified of you.
In the same vein illusions created primarily via positive spiritual energy would have some side effects like euphoria in those effected.
Whether a person has predominately positive or negative spiritual energy can have effects on channeling and exorcisms too. Strongly negative spirit energy in a channeled can make things uncomfortable for spirits even warping them into evil spirits with prolonged exposure while positive spiritual energy can cause spirits to not want to leave entirely forcing the channeled to be exorcised...ok one minor hc, the fey clan usually tries to train themselves to have as equal amounts of positive and negative energy as possible to neither encourage or discourage possession.
How much positive or negative energy one has depends on stuff like well a person's mental state, outlook on life. Optimists will have more positive energy and pessimists will have more negative. Strength can be somewhat effected by how strong your emotions are. Phoenix's strong sense of justice makes him Powerfully Positive but his power is dormant because he's raised normie. My oc Quincey Fey is a powerfully negative user.
And here ill talk about the effects positive or negative energy can have on exorcisms using above boys as examples. Quincey who is the strongest negative energy Exorcist of his time, tends to have some negative side effects to exorcism done by him. You can have bad luck for weeks if he has to chase a spirit out of you. His exorcisms are godawful both for the possessor and the possessed. Leaves the formerly possessed with a sense of dread even though the spirit is gone
Positive energy exorcism s inversely are much more...gentle. Not so much chasing the spirit out more like reminding the spirit there are better places they can be if that makes sense? Almost euphoric feeling for both. Leaves the one exorcised with a nice sense of peace and doesn't cause any minor curses after. Gives a minor blessing of good luck actually.
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