#i have a love hate relationship with apophis
jazhand · 2 years
what goes through y'all heads in the crimson badlands. im curious
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years
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🌑Lilith square ASC: I see so many people in the community idolizing this aspect for the s*x appeal, but I know several people with this aspect that I find them "meehhh", but they have quite beautiful energy and bodies, and they have a rebellious energy that many try to trample on. 🌑Moon Conjunct, Trine, Sextile AC or in 1st house: i think this aspect is noble and honestly beautiful, when you are in their presence you feel so relaxed and protected that you could fall asleep (sedative effect), they bring a lot of comfort, security and vulnerability to the table because they expect and want that in return from relationships. 🌑Watch out with people who have too many dark asteroids (Walpurga, NyX, Tezcatlipoca, Apophis, 1996 SZ4, Lempo, Tyrannosaurus, Daitarabochi, Andrejka) in the 3rd house or conjunct mercury: These people hold back a lot when they speak to others because they are humans, but please don't try to provoke them because they could kill you with their words or they can really hurt you a lot, because they have quite dark mentalities when it comes to discussions, and they see all your traumas, pains, insecurities, what you try to pretend, what you are not, your weak points, they see all the problems of your life, so think twice before entering into a discussion with them because it can be an overwhelming/traumatic experience, in fact it's overwhelming for themselves too, because they don't know all the darkness that can be unleashed when they get into arguments, is a sad experience. :( 🌑People who have a lot of Taurus and Aries in their charts are very seductive but at the same time they are time bombs because they have a lot of patience but they are also very impatient at the same time.
🌑When you have Sun in the 12th house in your solar return chart you could lost a lot of things, you could feel drained a lot or could be involved in secretive situations(spiritual year). For example: The last year i had this and i lost “lifelong” friendships, one of my dogs died, proyects died, my dad got sick around that time, many people tried to take advantage of me, ego death, Shadow work, Therapy, I was involved in two relationships at the same time.
🌑Venus in sagittarius in solar return chart: You could have a lot of crushes that are from another country/city, you are going to philosophize a lot that year, you could be more extrovert,  you can travel a lot, traveling can help your self-esteem, And if you have a partner that year, traveling for both of you can greatly enliven the relationship, very fun placement to make money too, but you can become like a leaf in the wind that lacks firmness (too playful).
🌑People who have a lot of Scorpio in their charts could be stubborns AF, more than a taurus, in a more manipulative way, because they hate/suffer losing a fight, and they can become very arrogant for all the resources they have inside, but the key here to bring them down from that place, is deep emotional connection. 🌑I have observed that generally those who are Sun Virgos have much more characteristics of a lion / lioness than Sun Leo people, and Sun Leo people are much more emotional and dramatic than Cancer people, Cancer people are much more playful and witty than Geminis, obviously this is because of Vedic astrology but i see it prominently in these signs. 🌑Sun Scorpio people in Vedic astrology are Libra Sun, and it makes so much sense, they suffer a lot in relationships because they are most of the time relationship oriented(libra influence), excellent artists, Sun Libra in Vedic astrology is debilitated thats why it gives that introversion and entrepreneurs qualities(Which gives that feeling that they are mysterious but in reality they just want to be loved, they protect themselves from suffering and thats why they are possessive, jealous), Scorpios are super seductive because of the Venusian influence of Libra(vedic), and Venus in Vedic most of the time represents s*xuallity and pleasures, Thats why they have that Powerful magnetism. 🌑Important Postscript: Western Astrology most of the time is about your psychology(that is why it has effects in the external world because as it is inside, so it is outside), but there are so many types of astrology, that what we read in astro communities is a mixture of everything
🌑Juno: Talks about your capacity for commitment and it is also related to your MC (how people see you/reputation), so any planet/asteroid you have Aspecting your Juno, can influence your ability to commit and how people can see you, For example I have Lilith conjunct Juno: And I find it difficult to be in a relationship without having a high degree of s*xual content, and when I commit to something, I commit violently, all or nothing, with all my guts and strength, and sometimes I see people from the past/present having a distorted image/version of me(Lilith poison)that i am not, Until I meet them in person again and they all shut up, because they realize that it is not like that(lol), it could be annoying sometimes (I think Leonardo Dicaprio also has this position lol). 🌑Want to look the eyes of a Mercury Conjunct(0 orbs) Pluto person?: https://www.pinterest.cl/pin/14496030041175750/ (River phoenix, he also has Sun conjunct Lilith and Mars in 10th house)
🌑Water Moons: Please go to therapy, I know you think you could do it alone, but you can become very manipulative because you are avoiding internal issues that are important to attend to/see.
🌑Pluto transiting Capricorn: Pluto here is bringing to light and making evident all the social structures and paradigms that do not work, in a quite extreme way such as: Women sexualizing black men (sexualization of races), Men hating women (red pill / mgtow movements), Wars ( well this is quite evident), during the last degrees of this transit people can become quite toxic and superficial because Pluto is transforming/alchemizing that, so be prepared if we have a mental health crisis afterwards and the suicide rate goes up like crazy, because when Pluto enters aquarius: it will transforms the collective completely, it will force us to go to 5d, it will force us to work as a team in the most humanitarian and altruistic possible way, and people who won’t follow this force, could suffer like hell because something much more transcendental and bigger than your ego is working for this. And when Pluto enters Pisces: Pluto will force planetary enlightenment, unity consciousness, contact with other beings (Pleiadians, Arcturians, extraterrestrial beings), we will transform reality and raise our vibration like crazy, and in the worst case, the end of humanity(metaphorically or literally).
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miscreantahead · 9 months
Ask game for Rqg
❤Favorite character
Zolf Smith!!! BIG honorable mentions to Sasha and Hamid though.
👿Least favorite character
Barrett for sure, dishonorable mention to Shoin.
💐Comfort character
Hmmm I'm still not totally clear as to what a comfort character is vs. like a favorite character, but I must have some idea because I'm inclined to pick Hamid for this one. Idfk he's just a little guy, he's been here the whole time, growing and changing, he's problematic but trying his very best, and he's too cute. He screams comfort.
While I'm at it with the over-answering, Oscar Wilde. I like that even when he's being a pain in the ass on purpose he's quite clearly just a good guy if you read even slightly between the lines. Trusted him with my life ever since the anti-bertie article, and he only got better and better. I want him to have nice things forever and let's face it he got the nicest thing (Zolf) so I'm tearing up right now just thinking about it.
I think answering this question actually kind of helped me figure out what the difference between a favorite and a comfort character is, and why I didn't feel right picking Zolf here. Zolf stresses me out but it's fun.
😍Character you have the biggest crush on:
Z o l f, the crush is massive and a problem on a daily basis. Idk man I'm in love with him, it ouches.
🤝Character you relate to the most
Harrison Campbell. I just wanna write books and please keep Bertrand Macguffingham far, far away from me.
🔥Character you think is overrated
Going to go with Apophis. I don't absolutely despise him but I'm not a fan and he gets so much lore, screen time, and badass moments, which is fine, I won't say they're not cool but I might be shouting "booo" while it's happening at the same time.
🧨Character you love to hate
Oh Bertie easily he's hilariously the fucking worst but I'm so glad he exists.
🙈Character you always forget exists
This is a character flaw of mine but I constantly forget about Ed. Even though I adore Ed there were multiple times when people mentioned an Ed or Edward and I was like who the fuck are we talking about for a second before I was like RIGHT THE HIMBO PALADIN AGAIN.
🐰Favorite non-human character
Considering most of them are non-human I'm going to cheat and instead pick my favorite human character which is Sasha. I still miss her since rome, love how she was acrobatics-sexual, love her relationship with gargoyles and general awkwardness. She changed so much over time but was great from start to finish, and I can't stress how happy I am that she got to live a full and at least somewhat peaceful life.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better
Sumutnyerl's abrupt death so far from home in such miserable circumstances and the way the timing made it impossible for anyone around to have time to mourn mildly devastated me (thank you Skraak). Not to mention the way Tesla took advantage of their relationship and the guilt she must've felt and how that didn't get explored beyond one night she was miserable and resetless and the next day she was dead. Super brutal when life and death for the NPC's is controlled by cold chaotic dice rolls (and whether or not a player character is in love with you 😉).
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radiantmists · 3 years
RQG Wilde?
[send me a character and I'll give you my opinions on them]
How I feel about him: So, fun fact about me! There are a number of random historical figures about which I have weirdly strong opinions, entirely divorced from any remembrance of the reason why those opinions formed. As per those opinions, Oscar Wilde was a whole bitch, and I was therefore very down for everyone hating him initially.
Then he showed up at the beginning of season 2 and turned out to be an illusionist and I did a very fast 180 bc I love illusionists. That combined with the way he quickly becomes the long-suffering guy trying to cope with the party’s bullshit, his genuine praise of Sasha to Apophis, and the quality Suffering in the latter half of the show (+Alex’s voice actinggg), mean I really like him now
Who I ship him with: No one especially strongly, but also sorta everyone? Look in general I’m a very casual multishipper, I’ll enjoy anything. I’ve been reading some Wilde/Grizzop stuff that’s pretty good, but in general I see his romantic relationships as secondarily important.
Non-romantic OTP: Zolf! They’re queerplatonic life partners and I will never stop being delighted by this. It’s been about a week and I’ve listened to that section of Last Words like three times.
I also really enjoy his friendship with Hamid, I want them to be fussy and pretty and magic and mean together. And I loved the little bits where he was starting to pull Sasha out of her shell with the puns and stuff, I feel like he’s the only person who really enabled her to just goof around, plus I feel like there’s an interesting dynamic there in that he’s an authority figure she actually kinda gets along with and they’d both have to navigate actually trusting and liking each other. 
Unpopular Opinion: I don’t know what’s popular in this fandom really but I have seen some stuff about Wilde not being able to defend himself, like, hinting that if one of the other boys in his terrorist squad got infected he’d be utterly defenseless compared to any of them, even carter, and frankly I don’t buy it! Maybe without his magic he’s a bit less capable, and he’s obviously less hardy than a PC, but I think he’s plenty dangerous on his own!
Something I wish had/would happen: As mentioned above, I’d have liked to see Wilde’s friendship with Sasha develop further. 
Alternately, and I don’t know that I actually would have wanted this to happen, but it would have been a really evocative storyline if someone the party cared about had gotten infected back when they were a bit less chill with new, serious Wilde, and he’d had to take the hard line on killing that person and they’d all had to navigate the conflicts that would create, and then it would probably be revealed how much it’s cutting him up too, but he’s doing what he’s got to do...
But most of all I really hope he and Zolf get their holiday at the end of all this.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 3 years
What does Duncan think of the other slashers?
@grodygabe ‘cause some of yours are here​
Gisela: Loooooves Gisela. She seems like one of the slashers that Duncan loves to hang around, whether Leilah likes it or not. She has cats. She’s a witchy lady and she’s pretty cool. He likes her, he’d love introducing her to so many new things.
Apophis: I’m sure he’s going to specifically meet this guy through Leilah, unless Apophis ends up coming to him first. I’m sure he’d like Apophis, love to hang out with the guy. The snake man does certain things with Leilah so any dad jokes coming from him would have Duncan giving Apophis real serious looks. But other than that...Duncan would like him, he’d like hanging out with him, gossiping a bit, etc.
Irene: Most may dislike Irene. Most might call her...a Karen...but Duncan...would also call her a Karen, but affectionately? As unbelievable as it sounds, Duncan wouldn’t dislike Irene. He’d hang out with her. He’ll listen to her. You want to give a performance? It can’t be as bad as Adam’s shitty jokes so please do, he’ll give pointers; he did acting in middle and high school before. Maybe Irene won’t care but eh. Duncan would like Irene. She’s like an aunt.
Blair: N/A yet 
Rachel and Lucky: I think he would like Rachel. Yeah she’s got this friend of hers but...that won’t stop him from trying to befriend Rachel, she seems like she needs a friend. I’m sure he’d provide donuts for Lucky, hopefully that works. He will not stop trying, he will make Rachel and Lucky his damn friends.
Creature: Ooooh a dog- oh it bites
Andre: Mmmm. Duncan would try to befriend Andre at first and I’m sure the doctor would act...nice, like with Apophis. However, Duncan may act naive and such but, he’s not stupid. He’s a Ghostface. Comes to realize he doesn’t like him, so he would not fuck with him. He wouldn’t be afraid of him, at first. It’d takek some time for that to happen, Andre needs to do something to him. Either way, Andre is not a friend. No donuts for you, ass.
Leilah: Oh my god that’s his ma right there X3 Okay okay before any of that stuff happens, he will like Leilah already. He’ll think she’s so fucking cool holy crap another Ghostface and she’s amazing. He just has to annoy her by asking her so many questions, he wants to know all about her. After all that, that is his ma. Like, Leilah is one of his favorite people, he’d do anything for her.
Adam: Oh my god another Ghostface?!?1 Aaahh!?!?! Oh, wait, he’s annoying as fuck. Oh geez, please no, I did not think I could ever be annoyed by another human being. He’s going to have a love-hate relationship with Adam for sure, not tolerating him a fuckin’ bit, but I can say that Duncan would try to hold in a laugh if Adam makes a really good joke X3 Don’t worry he’ll eventually warm up to him, fuck around and be McStupid with the man. Guess he’s not such a bad guy after all
Akane: FRIEND. YES. Okay, he won’t get all fucking crazy, but he would want to try to be friends with Akane. She clearly has dealt with shit, but who hasn’t. Point is, she needs a friend and he has already asked the Eldricths for a box of donuts to share with her. I can’t exactly say his thoughts on her just yet, I’d have to first see how she reacts to him, considering how she feels towards certain people
Lady Oni: Grandma? Grandma. Yes. Duncan will not want to fight Lady Oni, he’s just a lil guy. He just wants friends. But he wants her as a grandma, he never really got a chance to meet his grandparents from what I have planned out right now. But he will attempt to befriend her, we don’t have to fight everybody, you can talk about your problems. I will hear you out, and I will provide donuts.
Philip: N/A, unless I decide to do...something
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Hey, can you do headcannons of some of the underrated friendships. I love the ships and couple but I feel like sometimes the fandom forgets the friendships. Thank you!
I’m not sure if I know all the friendships you’re talking about but I’ll try my best
Percy and Grover:
Whenever Percy or Grover are traveling they stay in contact using their empathy link, sometimes Percy will just sing the same song over and over again in his head or think about an aluminum can in great detail for a long time to annoy him
Percy attends Grover’s council meetings as his hype man, he loudly supports everything he says and gets Juniper to cheer with him every time Grover makes a decision
Percy and Charlie:
They bond while they take care of Mrs. O’Leary, they take her on walks around the city and talk about Silena and Annabeth
Beckendorf thinks it’s so funny that Percy doesn’t realize he’s in love with Annabeth but never teases him about it because he understands how that feels
Percy and Clarisse:
They still pretend they hate each other of course, but they can sometimes be spotted giving relationship advice to each other and talking about various things
Clarisse is one of the only people that Percy genuinely enjoys sparring with because she sort of provides a challenge and her trash talk is so good
Annabeth and Thalia:
Just like Thalia takes Percy out for cheeseburgers, she and Annabeth go to feminist lectures and then spend the afternoon talking about them
Thalia is the only one Annabeth consults when she’s redesigning Olympus, they went up there a lot and walked around while she was planning
Annabeth and Piper:
Rick mentioned they have an inside joke about stealing each other’s breakfast, I like to imagine that on Piper’s first real day at camp, Annabeth walked up to her holding her own plate of food and Piper, who didn’t know how things worked and was so used to people getting stuff for her, just took it out of Annabeth’s hands assuming it was for her and walked away. Annabeth took her food the next day and it just went on and on
Piper and Leo:
They love pulling pranks on people, but it’s kind of a Nick/Winston situation (New Girl) where Piper pulls perfect subtle pranks that take a ton of effort (like carving out the soles of Jason’s left shoes so he stands unevenly and doesn’t understand why he’s uncomfortable) and Leo either goes way too little (like putting sand next to someone’s foot) or goes way too large (like convincing someone they’ve been evicted and actually letting them move out
They binge Criminal Minds together, they’ve spent whole days in Bunker 9 eating junk food and watching it
Magnus and TJ:
Magnus likes taking TJ into Midgard because he finds his interactions with mortals to be so funny
Magnus shows TJ the movie Glory (movie about the 54th Infantry with Cary Elwes I was forced to watch in US History) and TJ spends the whole time crying because he and his friends really had been remembered as an important part of history
TJ, Mallory, and Halfborn:
Keep in mind they’d been friends for hundred of years before Magnus came along, at that point they knew each other ridiculously well, they were so well-versed in each other’s fighting styles they won war games several times just the three of them (twice with X)
When they go out on donut runs TJ always gets glazed, Mallory gets strawberry icing with sprinkles, and Halfborn gets whatever the holiday donut is at the time. They could go on their own but they like going together (sometimes they go out of their way to get mugged so they can fight people)
Alex and Amir:
Alex goes and hangs with Amir a lot, he likes to tease Amir about Sam but he always volunteers to chaperone their dates because he wants them to be happy
Amir gives Alex free falafel whenever she wants it, and in turn she makes him a ton of pottery that he uses to decorate the shop
Carter and Walt:
They like to play basketball together, neither of them are very good (although Walt is slightly better) so they only play when Sadie isn’t around so they don’t get made fun of
Walt likes going to museums with Carter and sometimes he freaks Carter out when Anubis informs him that there’s a spirit standing right next to him
Sadie, Liz, and Emma:
After they defeat Apophis, Sadie goes back to London and gives Liz and Emma thorough explanations (and tells them all about her new boyfriend)
Sadie visits them at least once a month and they do normal things, like go to the movies or get their nails done, although once or twice Sadie may have taken them trough portals to go to places like Rome or Brazil just for fun
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jana-reads · 5 years
The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan
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4 stars
452 pages
So Saddie and Carter are on mission again. They are on strict deadline, would it be Rick Riordan's book if they weren't. They have 4 days to find all 3 scrolls of RA and to wake him to stop Apophis from rising.
Bast, my favourite character isn't present a lot during this book, since she is checking on Apophis' jail. Instead of Bast we meet a new god Bes, who quickly takes up to the children, as a surprise to himself. He is a pretty good humor during the times, I liked the way he was written a lot.
Then we have a new side character Walt, Saddie has a pretty big crush on him. We get bits and pieces of him throughout the book, but I feel like he wasn't well rounded out.
We also find the real Zia, looking foward to see what Rick does with her in the last book of the series. I hope she will make great friends with Saddie. Both are fierce woman and I'm hoping for them to bring each other up.
Saddie and Carter are acting more and more like siblings, I'm loving it. They argue and picker and have the kind of competitive relationship only siblings can have. At the same time they are so afraid of loosing each other. I hate how they both are so young and given under such a pressure and given so big responsibility.
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professortennant · 6 years
SG1 Rewatch: Children of the Gods
i forgot how much of a kickass opening scene this series has. 
the opening theme is still such a BANGER
tbh i’m here for all the domestic thoughts jack on the roof stargazing stirs up. is that what he’s been doing during retirement? grilling and bringing a beer up on the roof and gazing at the stars? 
papa hammond out here being a hardass before he goes all gooey for sg1
SAM!!!!! god i know people hate her first intro and it’s so different from how sam develops but i like that scene. it makes me wanna know what sam when through up to this point to make her so defensive
also!!! why!!! DONT!! WE!!! GET!! MORE!! INFO!!! ABOUT!!! SAM’S!!! ENEMY AIR SPACE!! TIME!!!!!!!
jfc the chemistry between them in the first 5 minutes it insane.
arm wrestle!!! OKAY SAM YA THIRSTY 
oh, i like women. JACK U FLIRT
you really will like me once you get to know me//oh i adore you already captain 
aw the early eps when daniel was kinda great and not obnoxious and the kid brother/pseudo-son relationship was still there between him and jack
[RIP Kawalsky i wish you got to stick around]
i’m surprised more people don’t ship sam/daniel. they had a lot of chemistry in the first ep but i’m glad they ended up being SCIENCE BROS even if daniel eventually forgets all about how much he loves sam later in the series she says bitterly
CAPTAIN DOCTOR [also lol @ jack’s ‘i thought you wanted to be called captain’]
i love s1 sam hair she’s so beautiful
the illustrated companion tells me the apophis costume head thing had 2 iterations and was made of rubber and weighed about 60 pounds
they do such a great job about establishing lore and goa’uld system lords and making it compelling for earth to wanna get involved it’s a great pilot
a great pilot, but a kinda slow pilot tbh
also the illustrated companion refers to skaara as jack’s adopted son which seems kinda strong but also makes me hurt more for jack and skaara 
god the symbiote CGI does not hold up Y I KE S 
awww remember when daniel gave a shit about sha’re 
forever surprised showtime didn’t take more advantage of their show and have these, y’know, military people be cursing and shit. and the violence/gunfire isn’t graphic? BUT OF COURSE there’s time for frontal nudity jfc
“how did you meet sha’re?�� “she was a gift” “AND YOU ACCEPTED” oh sam babe it’s gonna be a rough few eps for you as jack and co will ignore you for a bit. i think this is pre-AT giving the writers the whats-what
TEAL’C!!! what a fucking great intro. i knew he was a ‘good’ guy based on previous gifsets/things i knew about the show, but when he switches sides MAN! i was HERE FOR IT.
i also love how this sets up the bond between him and jack and they’re brothers kinda forged in battle and jack just goes to bat for him!!!! my bros :’) 
this escape scene drags on wayyyy too long and so begins the long tradition of sg1 bringing home strays
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