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arrenlebanen777 · 5 months ago
★Random Observations ★ +18
☆A Mix of Astro and Life observations.
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☆People who have lots of asteroids and/or planets related to sexuality/attractiveness on Capricorn, relax, you will age like fine wine, probably becoming Milfs/Dilfs.
☆This observation is personal: I am impressed that many people talk about Mars in Capricorn and/or touching Saturn indicating a small dick. I am a native of that and I think that having 7 inches is not something small.
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☆The year i had Mercury in Scorpio in 8th house in the SR chart, i started seeing things, to the point that I thought I was going crazy, I saw shadows, I saw things like bugs everywhere and I felt like some dark entities or presences tried to getting closer to me (Plus is trine with Neptune and opposite Uranus).
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☆As a Mars dominant person I love hanging out with people who are also Mars dominant; we tease each other a lot, there is more frank and dark humor, lot of aggressiveness in a funny way, and I always feel rejuvenated after hanging out with people like that.
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☆Why i'm using choso here? Because acquaintances have told me that I look like Choso lately (Its Just my face of sleep deprivation). And i like him.
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☆You can be a lot like your Moon when you where kid but when you're older it can become your red flags because they can keep running unconsciously in other forms. For example: I have Libra Moon conjunct Black Moon Lilith (h58) and when i was a kid my focus was constantly on having relationships with the opposite sex, very amorous, indecisive and a little liar. But being in square with Mars together I was very explosive at home. Older Me: Persuasive, sometimes its very easy for me to see the psyche of people, and sometimes i know how to manipulate people. Another example: An acquaintance has Nessus (7066) in exact conjunction to her Moon in Capricorn and one would think that her mother was the abusive one but no, it was her. She used to choke her sister when she was little just because and was a little Machiavellian and violent. Older Her: Cold, emotionally abusive, emotionally irresponsible, tactless, hyper-individualistic, very materialistic.
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☆When you have a lot of things in the 7th house, it is difficult to take control of those energies because most of the time they are projected without you realizing it, but others can see it clearly. For example: Mars in the 7th house you can see that others are aggressive with you, but others sees you as an aggressive person. Lilith in the 7th house you can see that people are abusive towards you but it is because people see you as a threat.
☆Sorry not sorry but all Leos I know have some serious ego issues.
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☆I've seen that Venus in Taurus people It is as if they were proud of the sexual partners they've had(bodycount) and they usually like to keep them close in their life, they are not possessive and loyal like Venus in Scorpio but they like to possess people they consider valuable in sensual /sexual terms, but in reality sometimes it is only for aesthetics, they can even keep their sexual partners more for aesthetics than for the inner world of the person. Sorry Venus in Taurus, but these are your red flags. ☆When you have very Uranian transits or transiting Uranus is making intense aspects with your personal planets (Transit Uranus conjunct Natal Venus/Mars/Sun/Etc), it can feel like very adolescent periods, almost as if there were no consequences for your actions, since Uranus is not very friendly with Saturn (because Saturn represents consequences/ karma and Uranus represents rebellion), then you can go through a bit of a YOLO period for like 2-3 years, but when this period is over the weight of reality will come back to you with a heavy force and if during this Uranian period you behaved very badly/stupidly and quite irresponsibly with others, don't worry because later Saturn will come to dump all the weight of karma/consequences/reality and responsibility on you. Sorry not Sorry.
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arrenlebanen777 · 5 months ago
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★ The natal chart we all know is actually the persona chart of the Sun. It represents what your soul chose to live out in this incarnation. The Sun is like a gift, a core of purpose and direction. By embodying the planets in your natal chart and healing their energies, you can reach a significant point of evolution for your being. In it, your purpose, healing, duties, and blessings are contained.
On the other hand, the persona chart of each planet reveals how that planet feels at a deeper level. Sometimes, you may not fully resonate with the way it projects in your natal chart, and this is where the persona chart comes into play. For example, Mars in your Mars persona chart can show how that Martian energy truly expresses itself, how it feels at its core, and how it might unconsciously influence you.
★ North Node Persona Chart: This chart is particularly important as it talks about how to transcend a great deal of karma. By embodying this chart more, it can tell you how your love life could transform, how others may perceive you, and even how your physical appearance might change as you align more with it.
★ Anti-Vertex Persona Chart: This chart shows how others perceive you, no matter what. It reflects how you appear physically and energetically to the world and what you unconsciously project. It's similar to the Ascendant persona chart, but more specifically focused on the physical and energetic presence you emanate.
★ Parallels: Parallels between planets act similarly to conjunctions, but I suggest focusing more on the parallels within the persona charts of the planets. For example, in your natal chart, you might have Mars in Aries parallel to Mercury, but in your Mars persona chart, you might have Mars in Pisces parallel to Pluto. This would add emotional intensity and ambition that could resonate with you more than the natal chart's Mars parallel. So, if you're looking to explore yourself more deeply, I recommend examining these parallels in the persona charts.
★ Lilith Persona chart: This chart dives into the more hidden, primal, and instinctive aspects of Lilith’s influence. It reveals how Lilith energy operates on an emotional, spiritual, or even unconscious level. Lilith in this chart can show where a person is unapologetically themselves, even if it goes against what is considered "acceptable." This chart can uncover how a person relates to themes of empowerment, their inner wildness, and the shadow aspects of their psyche.
Asteroid Lust parallel to Ascendant: You project a magnetic and sexual aura that others can perceive directly, which can evoke both admiration and sexual tension.
Asteroid Priapus parallel to Ascendant: This parallel suggests that you project an intense energy that others may find irresistible or seductive. There is a visceral connection to your image that goes beyond the rational, making others see you with an air of mystery and primal attraction.
Sun parallel to Ascendant: This alignment boosts your vitality and presence. Others see you as charismatic and full of energy. The Sun lights up your external identity, making you shine in social situations and comfortable being the center of attention even if your natal chart says the opposite.
Anti-Vertex Persona Chart:
Sun parallel to Saturn: This aspect reflects a serious and committed energy in how others perceive you. You project responsibility, discipline, and authority. Others may see you as reliable and mature, but also as someone with a presence that demands respect. Sometimes very cold presence.
Mars parallel to Ascendant: Mars' energy is expressed directly through your appearance and behavior. You project an image of strength, assertiveness, and determination. Others may see you as courageous, aggressive, or with a level of determination that can inspire or intimidate. Sometimes it is very bulldozing with others.
Priapus parallel to Ascendant: Similar to the Ascendant Persona Chart, this parallel suggests that you project intense, irrational attraction to others, but in this case, it manifests primarily in how you're perceived. You may be seen as uncontrollably seductive or with an energy that others cannot ignore.
North Node Persona Chart:
Mars parallel to Priapus: This suggests that you may be driven to pursue your goals with unchecked passion. This combination could relate to intense situations centered around desire, where you need to learn to balance Mars’ energy with a more conscious approach to your primal impulses. You may attract deeply passionate or conflicting experiences until you align your actions with a higher purpose.
Mars parallel to Pluto: You need to confront challenging situations that test your strength, but also offer the potential for deep personal evolution. The experiences you go through during this process may alter how others perceive you, revealing a more powerful, resilient version of yourself capable of confronting your inner demons.
Mars parallel to Asteroid Kama: This parallel heightens the urgency with which you experience desires, leading to more impulsive or passionate actions. This aspect can teach you about managing and expressing your deepest desires. If you align this energy consciously, you may experience a significant transformation in how you experience pleasure.
Mars parallel to Jupiter: This aspect will make your actions more expansive and optimistic. It reflects a desire to act with greater confidence, take risks, and expand your influence. This alignment suggests that, by embodying this energy, you could find significant opportunities for personal growth and success in your endeavors.
Sun parallel to Asteroid Kama: This indicate that large part of your identity and purpose in this life is tied to the pursuit of pleasure, creativity, and the expression of desires. This may suggest that by integrating more of this energy, you could transform how you connect with others through desire and pleasure, which could also influence how others perceive you and how you relate to the world.
Sun parallel to Jupiter: This aspect suggests an expansion of your identity and purpose, with optimism and a desire for growth, both spiritually and materially.
Mercury Persona Chart:
Mercury parallel to Eros: This aspect indicates that your mind is deeply connected with erotic and creative energy. Your communication style may be seductive, persuasive, and filled with passion. You might also feel a strong link between intellectual thought and sensual, creative desires.
Mercury opposite Saturn: This opposition reflects challenges in communication, where you may feel restricted or inhibited in freely expressing your thoughts. You might tend to be more careful or critical with your words, leading to a more structured but potentially rigid mental approach.
Venus Persona Chart:
Venus parallel to Ascendant: Your beauty, charm, and personal magnetism are very evident to others. You emanate a loving and attractive energy, making it easy for others to feel drawn to you. This aspect reinforces your presence as someone harmonious and appealing.
Venus parallel to Mercury: This parallel reflects a natural harmony between your thoughts and how you express your feelings. You can communicate in a smooth, persuasive, and charming way, making it easier to resolve conflicts and build close relationships through dialogue. Usually very seductive voice.
Lilith Persona Chart:
Lilith in Sagittarius in the 9th House: Tendency for a person's dark side and repressed desires to manifest themselves when he or she engages in exploratory activities, travel, or situations that challenge traditional boundaries. Someone who seeks intense and hedonistic experiences while traveling, adopting a "party animal" attitude, and is attracted to unconventional philosophies or beliefs, like occultism.
Scorpio Rising: Projects an intense, magnetic and mysterious energy. Very sexual presence. Others may perceive the individual as someone with a powerful presence and an air of secrecy, and the native have lot of courage to face their shadows with intensity. Very intense individual.
Mars parallel Lilith: Tendency to act impulsively in pursuit of satisfying your most primitive desires. There is a strong need to conquer or dominate situations, especially those that challenge your own boundaries. Very powerful sexual and carnal energy. Aggressive confidence and determination. They could be perceived as someone who is not afraid to show their personal power and desire, which would make them irresistible and charismatic in social or intimate settings.
Venus in Scorpio in 8th House: Extreme emotional and sexual intensity in your relationships and desires, might feel an attraction to the forbidden, the taboo or relationships that involve power and control. Intimate connections can be intense, magnetic, and potentially destructive, but they also have the potential to be deeply healing.
Virgo Rising: Quite controlled appearance, very earthly with a mixture of innocence and coldness, very critical of themselves and others, kings/queens of judgment, very practical with their carnal and dark desires, sometimes they can feel a lot of guilt, they can sometimes be quite promiscuous by not knowing how to handle their feelings of guilt. Tendency to get very stressed.
Pisces Rising: Very dreamy, ethereal, mysterious, mystical, complex and quite difficult to understand presence and beauty, deep sex appeal, most of the times they do not understand themselves, very sharp intuition, they attract very chaotic situations that push them to face their own shadow. And they feel a great attraction to the forbidden and the unknown, these people can have a great affinity with demons or angels. Very artistic and have plenty of creative energy.
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arrenlebanen777 · 5 months ago
“everything can be transcended” ✹Sun Scorpio in 5th house: is very dramatic, intense, all or nothing, usually when they where kids they likes to listen metal or very intense music like “gojira” or emo like “placebo”, high libido, they love making dark and mysterious art like movie scores, dramatic acting, techno, art that involves chaos, eroticism or s*xuality too. ✹Chiron in our natal chart can be treated a lot and that’s when it becomes a healer, but if it’s not treated it’s just pain. ✹Sun scorpio in Aries degrees(1, 13, 25):  not the mysterious type of scorpio, but rather raw, blunt, and feisty (sometimes quite impatient). ✹Sun square NN: Problems with ego and soul, It is recommended to do spiritual practices here that allow to tame (dominate/transcend) the ego, because the ego here can play a rather hindering role in the evolution of the individual because doesn’t want to disappear: fear of letting go, attachment, immature rebelliousness. ✹Pluto conjunct Chiron generation(s): have problems with real self love, because they try to love themselves first without knowing themselves, which generates quite arrogant, immature, lack of integrity and demanding people/personalities (crystal generation). ✹Mars square Moon: explosive anger(like bakugo’s type), very fiery, hot, extremely passionate, mood swings, they have to learn to channel that strong energy by doing something physical like running, yoga, exercise, swimming, martial arts, and at the same time connect them with their emotions otherwise that energy can go to extremes such as violence, anguish or overindulgence. ✹Mars opposite Part of Fortune: Gives Mars in Aries type of behavior. +18 ✹Mars aspecting Saturn: Here I am going to share something intimate and an easter egg(for men): I know that this position could indicate small d*ck, but there are so many natural ways/exercises to make it grow bigger that if you do them in a saturnian way (this means with discipline, effort, persistence and persevering) you will be “rewarded” For example in my case(mars trine saturn): A few years ago I had it 5 inches and now I have it almost 8 inches. So everything is possible. ✹Mars in Taurus or Taurus degrees(2, 14, 26): could suffer from premature ejaculation(P.E). They might overload any of their 5 senses during s*x just to increase s*nsual pl*asure
 Since 5 senses here are so strong, they have to learn to manage/channel their s*xual energy throughout their whole body, mind and spirit so that the energy is not only concentrated in the g*nital area, which is what causes premature ej*culation. If they do this, they can become very good in bed and even last a long time satisfying each of the 5 senses of their partner and of him at the same time in the encounter. ✹Mars in Aries or Aries degrees(1, 13, 25): Something similar happens with Mars in Taurus but instead here the problem is quickness and selfishness, which could cause s*x to be short and fast, although they are very hot and intense so here the time does not matter but the intensity of the encounter is what satisfies them. Here they are like the partner who likes rough s*x, quickies and if they set their minds to it, they can last a long time since they have a lot of energy/stamina. ✹Mars in leo but in cancer degrees(4, 16, 28): have mommy issues, is very k*nky, childish, they are quite comfortable to be around since they have a dominating aura but in a very maternal way, its like very protective energy, they could be very lazy, they have a lot of drive but they will start only if they feel like it(cancer influence), much of his drive goes to things that give him comfort and nurture him. ✹I have seen that much of what our mars and venus desire s*xually it is very superficial since they make up our personality and ego. And if you want to see what it is that you s*xually desire most deeply, look at your 8th house, even if it is empty, that can say a lot too. Since the 8th house represents our hidden side, it also represents our intimacy at soul level (that’s the deep side of scorpio) like all water houses. So in the periods of life where you follow the s*xual desires of your Mars and Venus and you feel empty, remember that they will only fill your ego/persona which always leaves a feeling of emptiness inside that unconsciously makes you go for more, because the ego can never be filled. If you really want to have your s*xual life on another level, in a higher vibration, more spiritual, more transcendental, more healing, more nutritious and full, look at your water houses (4th house, 8th house, and 12th house) or where you have Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces in your chart since s*xuality(sacral chakra) is the water element of our human bodies.
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arrenlebanen777 · 5 months ago
☟ASTRO OBSERVATIONS/ANIME EDITION ☜ I made this post listening to this! ☟People with too powerful Mars can manifest like a double-edged sword. The immense internal pressure to achieve success can generate fear of failure and inaction, which often leads to procrastination. Additionally, the excess of this energy without a proper outlet can sometimes be overwhelming, potentially leading to frustration and depression.
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☟I've seen that women who have lots of Venusian and Saturnian energy in their charts usually emanate an energy and physique quite similar to that of Makima from Chainsaw Man (Very bossy, sensual, cold, with a dark aura).
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☟And the men I've seen with heavy Saturn and Mars influence in their charts express a very similar energy to Kishibe from Chainsaw Man over time (Cold, serious, dominants, competent, sexy).
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☟And people who have lot's of Aries and Lilith influence in their charts are very similar to Garou from One Punch Man on personality and energetically (Aggressive, impulsive, arrogant, individualists, with a lot of energy).
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☟People who have a very strong (painful) Chiron mixed with powerful placements have an energy quite similar to that of Yuta Okkotsu from JJK (Shy, lots of potential, brave, sensitive, nervous).
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☟I have seen that women who have heavy influence of Virgo, Cancer and Scorpio in their chart are very similar to Princess Mononoke (Intense, emotionally defensive, protective, emphatic but very critical).
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☟I've seen people who are Aquarius dominant with Scorpio influence tend to be similar to Kusakabe from JJK (Serious, detached, very analytical, easily irritated, strong, get the ick easily).
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☟Once i met a girl who had Mars in almost exact conjunction with Pluto and Lilith, and she looked too much like Toga from Boku no Hero, energetically and physically.
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☟Men with too much earth in their charts are quite similar to Saitama from One Punch Man (stable, stoics, slow, ambitious, detached, very grounded).
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☟Lilith on hard aspect to ascendant/Mars dominant men can emanate this kind of energy when they like you (Toji from JJK).
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☟Too much mercurial and scorpionic energy in a chart can operate like this (Plus with some heavy Saturn influence) like Light from Death Note (Very cautious, serious, experts manipulators, grounded but usually their overthinking is reality).
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☟Once i met a woman who was Pisces Sun with Aries Mars in 8th house and she was identical to Nobara from JJK (Very dreamy, raw sex appeal, magnetic, very energetic, brute, and funny).
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Thats it for today!
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arrenlebanen777 · 6 months ago
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★ The natal chart we all know is actually the persona chart of the Sun. It represents what your soul chose to live out in this incarnation. The Sun is like a gift, a core of purpose and direction. By embodying the planets in your natal chart and healing their energies, you can reach a significant point of evolution for your being. In it, your purpose, healing, duties, and blessings are contained.
On the other hand, the persona chart of each planet reveals how that planet feels at a deeper level. Sometimes, you may not fully resonate with the way it projects in your natal chart, and this is where the persona chart comes into play. For example, Mars in your Mars persona chart can show how that Martian energy truly expresses itself, how it feels at its core, and how it might unconsciously influence you.
★ North Node Persona Chart: This chart is particularly important as it talks about how to transcend a great deal of karma. By embodying this chart more, it can tell you how your love life could transform, how others may perceive you, and even how your physical appearance might change as you align more with it.
★ Anti-Vertex Persona Chart: This chart shows how others perceive you, no matter what. It reflects how you appear physically and energetically to the world and what you unconsciously project. It's similar to the Ascendant persona chart, but more specifically focused on the physical and energetic presence you emanate.
★ Parallels: Parallels between planets act similarly to conjunctions, but I suggest focusing more on the parallels within the persona charts of the planets. For example, in your natal chart, you might have Mars in Aries parallel to Mercury, but in your Mars persona chart, you might have Mars in Pisces parallel to Pluto. This would add emotional intensity and ambition that could resonate with you more than the natal chart's Mars parallel. So, if you're looking to explore yourself more deeply, I recommend examining these parallels in the persona charts.
★ Lilith Persona chart: This chart dives into the more hidden, primal, and instinctive aspects of Lilith’s influence. It reveals how Lilith energy operates on an emotional, spiritual, or even unconscious level. Lilith in this chart can show where a person is unapologetically themselves, even if it goes against what is considered "acceptable." This chart can uncover how a person relates to themes of empowerment, their inner wildness, and the shadow aspects of their psyche.
Asteroid Lust parallel to Ascendant: You project a magnetic and sexual aura that others can perceive directly, which can evoke both admiration and sexual tension.
Asteroid Priapus parallel to Ascendant: This parallel suggests that you project an intense energy that others may find irresistible or seductive. There is a visceral connection to your image that goes beyond the rational, making others see you with an air of mystery and primal attraction.
Sun parallel to Ascendant: This alignment boosts your vitality and presence. Others see you as charismatic and full of energy. The Sun lights up your external identity, making you shine in social situations and comfortable being the center of attention even if your natal chart says the opposite.
Anti-Vertex Persona Chart:
Sun parallel to Saturn: This aspect reflects a serious and committed energy in how others perceive you. You project responsibility, discipline, and authority. Others may see you as reliable and mature, but also as someone with a presence that demands respect. Sometimes very cold presence.
Mars parallel to Ascendant: Mars' energy is expressed directly through your appearance and behavior. You project an image of strength, assertiveness, and determination. Others may see you as courageous, aggressive, or with a level of determination that can inspire or intimidate. Sometimes it is very bulldozing with others.
Priapus parallel to Ascendant: Similar to the Ascendant Persona Chart, this parallel suggests that you project intense, irrational attraction to others, but in this case, it manifests primarily in how you're perceived. You may be seen as uncontrollably seductive or with an energy that others cannot ignore.
North Node Persona Chart:
Mars parallel to Priapus: This suggests that you may be driven to pursue your goals with unchecked passion. This combination could relate to intense situations centered around desire, where you need to learn to balance Mars’ energy with a more conscious approach to your primal impulses. You may attract deeply passionate or conflicting experiences until you align your actions with a higher purpose.
Mars parallel to Pluto: You need to confront challenging situations that test your strength, but also offer the potential for deep personal evolution. The experiences you go through during this process may alter how others perceive you, revealing a more powerful, resilient version of yourself capable of confronting your inner demons.
Mars parallel to Asteroid Kama: This parallel heightens the urgency with which you experience desires, leading to more impulsive or passionate actions. This aspect can teach you about managing and expressing your deepest desires. If you align this energy consciously, you may experience a significant transformation in how you experience pleasure.
Mars parallel to Jupiter: This aspect will make your actions more expansive and optimistic. It reflects a desire to act with greater confidence, take risks, and expand your influence. This alignment suggests that, by embodying this energy, you could find significant opportunities for personal growth and success in your endeavors.
Sun parallel to Asteroid Kama: This indicate that large part of your identity and purpose in this life is tied to the pursuit of pleasure, creativity, and the expression of desires. This may suggest that by integrating more of this energy, you could transform how you connect with others through desire and pleasure, which could also influence how others perceive you and how you relate to the world.
Sun parallel to Jupiter: This aspect suggests an expansion of your identity and purpose, with optimism and a desire for growth, both spiritually and materially.
Mercury Persona Chart:
Mercury parallel to Eros: This aspect indicates that your mind is deeply connected with erotic and creative energy. Your communication style may be seductive, persuasive, and filled with passion. You might also feel a strong link between intellectual thought and sensual, creative desires.
Mercury opposite Saturn: This opposition reflects challenges in communication, where you may feel restricted or inhibited in freely expressing your thoughts. You might tend to be more careful or critical with your words, leading to a more structured but potentially rigid mental approach.
Venus Persona Chart:
Venus parallel to Ascendant: Your beauty, charm, and personal magnetism are very evident to others. You emanate a loving and attractive energy, making it easy for others to feel drawn to you. This aspect reinforces your presence as someone harmonious and appealing.
Venus parallel to Mercury: This parallel reflects a natural harmony between your thoughts and how you express your feelings. You can communicate in a smooth, persuasive, and charming way, making it easier to resolve conflicts and build close relationships through dialogue. Usually very seductive voice.
Lilith Persona Chart:
Lilith in Sagittarius in the 9th House: Tendency for a person's dark side and repressed desires to manifest themselves when he or she engages in exploratory activities, travel, or situations that challenge traditional boundaries. Someone who seeks intense and hedonistic experiences while traveling, adopting a "party animal" attitude, and is attracted to unconventional philosophies or beliefs, like occultism.
Scorpio Rising: Projects an intense, magnetic and mysterious energy. Very sexual presence. Others may perceive the individual as someone with a powerful presence and an air of secrecy, and the native have lot of courage to face their shadows with intensity. Very intense individual.
Mars parallel Lilith: Tendency to act impulsively in pursuit of satisfying your most primitive desires. There is a strong need to conquer or dominate situations, especially those that challenge your own boundaries. Very powerful sexual and carnal energy. Aggressive confidence and determination. They could be perceived as someone who is not afraid to show their personal power and desire, which would make them irresistible and charismatic in social or intimate settings.
Venus in Scorpio in 8th House: Extreme emotional and sexual intensity in your relationships and desires, might feel an attraction to the forbidden, the taboo or relationships that involve power and control. Intimate connections can be intense, magnetic, and potentially destructive, but they also have the potential to be deeply healing.
Virgo Rising: Quite controlled appearance, very earthly with a mixture of innocence and coldness, very critical of themselves and others, kings/queens of judgment, very practical with their carnal and dark desires, sometimes they can feel a lot of guilt, they can sometimes be quite promiscuous by not knowing how to handle their feelings of guilt. Tendency to get very stressed.
Pisces Rising: Very dreamy, ethereal, mysterious, mystical, complex and quite difficult to understand presence and beauty, deep sex appeal, most of the times they do not understand themselves, very sharp intuition, they attract very chaotic situations that push them to face their own shadow. And they feel a great attraction to the forbidden and the unknown, these people can have a great affinity with demons or angels. Very artistic and have plenty of creative energy.
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arrenlebanen777 · 6 months ago
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♅ Im very impressed by the beauty of Cancer risings. ♅ And also very impressed by Cancer freakiness. ♅ Remember knowing astrology should be bonus since you can see hidden influences and energies that usually rules people uncounciously. ♅ Mars conjunct/parallel Daitarabochi(8551): Very violent person if its pushed, dark desires, attracted to taboo and dark things, and usually can be intimidating to a lot of people and if the person is not intimidating phisically it can be repulsive for some people. ♅ Mercury conjunct/parallel Daitarabochi(8551): The mind process is inmense, usually their minds can be scary sometimes, is the people you think are psycopaths but aren't, x-rays, sometimes suicide is always an option for these people, they can be perverse, and are a little bit crazy when they experience some kind of abuse, usually is kinda difficult to these people to see the light(metaphorically), always in dark places sometimes. ♅ Mars conjunct/parallel Heracles(5143): unshakable determination, tendency to seek out or attract situations that require strength and courage either in the external world or within, combative/ competitive attitude, the person might feel a strong need to prove their ability to overcome difficulties, Without realizing it, they constantly seek out difficult or challenging situations.
♅ Mars conjunct/parallel DANTE(2999): An extraordinary capacity for actions that others would deem extreme, brutal, or even "evil" in certain contexts. Their drive to act could be fueled by a deep connection to the darker side of existence. They are likely to pursue their goals with a disregard for conventional moral boundaries or concern for the suffering of others, potentially making them capable of cold, calculated actions. This individual may appear unstoppable or unyielding when going after what they want, with a natural affinity for crises, violence, or radical transformations. Tendency to confront the darkest aspects within partnerships and might be drawn to relationships that involve power struggles, control, or even transformative or traumatic experiences. They could be perceived as cold, distant, or ruthless, especially if they feel their authority or power is being challenged, (Very similar to Kenpachi Zaraki from Bleach). ♅ Ive seen some Scorpio Venus having hard times in matters related to love, since loyalty and fidelity are being so trampled on these days, they usually suffer the consequences of this and have a pretty bad time, I have seen that some opt for open relationships or even polyamory, but I know that deep down they only want one person with whom they can completely merge, which is also quite difficult in these times, I know.
♅ Usually in intimacy some planets or asteroids related to sexual things can be expressed on the oposite sign, for example: Eros in aries is more submissive in bed and Eros in libra is more dominant and agressive. ♅ Mars in capricorn: Can represent the devil himself sometimes, very materialistic, very rude and brute, sometimes they see people as obstacles, horny 24/7 but usually supressed 24/7 too due to the focus on their ambitions and goals, if they are not connected with their ambitions and purpose they can enter in very depressed states, very critical and demanding with themselves and with others too, strong endurance and stamina, sometimes they objectify their partners and they can generally resist more than others. ♅ I have seen many people who know almost nothing about astrology being Lilith dominant and I swear that when they are unconscious of this part of themselves they are usually quite narcissistic, violent, cold, calculating, manipulative and superficial since Lilith "remember" if is not conscious it always brings poison with her. ♅ Moon conjunct Chiron: Ive seen that this placement is very similar to Lilith conj moon but is sad, the mother usually is very negligent with the child, doesn't trust her, and the native of this position can be very naive about the mother's true intentions or the total opposite and not trust her at all. But i love them, they are so compassionate too, and this side is very beautiful.
♅Lust(4386) conjunct/parallel Moon: Constant desire for passion and pleasure, they feel drawn to situations or people that evoke deep emotional and sensual satisfaction, once they connect with you emotionally the seduce you almost completely, blurred line between emotional needs and physical impulses, rich inner world but it can be overwhelming at times, can be nymphomaniacs, they get depressed if they don't have someone they can have sex with constantly. ♅ Almost all anime villains that you see are the archetype of Lilith/Pluto dominant people.
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arrenlebanen777 · 6 months ago
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đŸ’«I want to say something about aquarian energy, people and more about Uranus:
♒When there's a strong presence of Aquarius in a birth chart, Aquarius degrees(11,23) or significant aspects to Uranus, the individual tends to be an idealist. They often treat people well and build friendships with those who align with their ideals. However, when relationships no longer fit their vision, they may disconnect or "ghost" others. While they are unique, this drive for distinctiveness can sometimes reflect a deep insecurity or a compulsive desire to live in an imagined perfect world. Usually they live a lot in their heads and are pretty disconnected from reality, not from society(since society is just a mental construct/belief system). ♒In mythology, Uranus, the god of the sky, was an idealist obsessed with perfection. He violated Gaia, the Earth, in pursuit of creating perfect offspring. However, when he saw that his children were titans, he found them monstrous and cast them into the underworld. This myth reveals Uranus' extreme nature—pursuing ideals at any cost, even the suffering of others. Until Saturn was born, then Gaia asked her son Saturn for help, so Saturn went to his father Uranus and cut off his balls so he would stop doing all his idealistic and murderous abuse. That’s why it is said among some astrologers that Saturn was the first feminist. This myth reflects the behavior of those with strong Uranian influence: the relentless pursuit of ideals, often without consideration of the emotional impact on those around them. They may act recklessly, driven by an idea, without realizing the psychological harm they cause.
♒Aquarians are known for their intelligence and innovation, but these traits do not necessarily equate to emotional maturity or compassion. Intelligence, after all, is not synonymous with wisdom, as history has shown us. It’s important to recognize that even though Aquarians may be socially adept and blessed with expansive social circles due to Uranus' transpersonal influence, this does not inherently make them more grounded or compassionate.With maturity, Aquarians often come to realize that much of their social engagement is shaped by collective trends and the unconscious connection to societal movements. As they grow, in the best scenario, they develop a deeper sense of humility and compassion, recognizing that they are not separate from others but part of a larger whole. It is through this awareness that they begin to embody the true humanitarian and altruistic potential that their sign is capable of.
♒Aquarius rules society and has the power to lead it, but when undeveloped, Aquarians can become rebels without a cause, sowing chaos in their desire to stand out or disrupt. This is why Saturn, the ruler of integrity, discipline, and structure, is crucial in tempering the impulsive, rebellious nature of Uranus. Without Saturn’s influence, Aquarians may focus on shock value and unnecessary rebellion, failing to understand the true consequences of their actions. Saturn provides the stability and grounded wisdom that Aquarians need to balance their vision with the real world. And sometimes this is through karma.
“This applies particularly to individuals with personal planets or Lilith positioned at 11°, 23° degrees, as well as those with strong Uranus influences or significant aspects to Uranus”
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arrenlebanen777 · 7 months ago
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Sun conjunct Mars in Scorpio in 7th house: In terms of relationships this year has been tough. It has started with a painful breakup where I thought it was the first time I dated a narcissist. Lots of lies. An ex from years ago reappeared in my life and it has been complicated but it has become a beautiful friendship. I have had to stand up strong and defend myself a lot, many people blaming me for things they did and wanting to fight me, it has been intense but despite all the pain, I have felt much stronger and a little colder, although I have to say that my heart has closed a little. Mercury in Scorpio in 8th house: I have been much more reserved, much more meticulous, it has been very difficult for me to talk about superficial things and I have criticized them quite a bit, I have been much more analytical getting to the bottom of things, I have felt my intuition stronger although it has made me sense sad and painful things i didn't want to like lies, people talking bad about me, betrayals, and that some familiars are not very well in terms of health issues. North node in exact conjunction with Aries rising: This year I've had face lot's of karmic lessons. It is the first time that in an esoteric reading I was told that my vibration was too low and that my heart was too closed. My self-esteem has been on the floor many times. I have had to learn to work on my self-love and dignity a lot. I have felt a lot of anger and have been in situations where I have felt helpless. However, therapy has been one of the richest moments in terms of internal and personal growth. I had many moments where I thought that I did not deserve to live, and that I was a bad person, but I have continued with my life, I don't know how, I have simply just done it.
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Venus In Virgo in 5th house opposite Neptune in Pisces in 11th house: The dating area has been a difficult area as well, a lot of people being delusional in front of me, a lot of rejections and people who appear to be available but are not, I have never been ghosted so much before, some dreamy girls have appeared but have left as if they never existed, I have also felt that I want to retire from the area of love. Lilith in Virgo in 5th house: As I said before, the love and dating area has been a tough area this year, I feel like a lot of people expect too much from me, rejecting me for superficial things, I have felt like I have been lied to a lot this year in the love area. Despite that, I have talked to some pretty girls who in the past wouldn't even talk to me, the conversations start off intense but then they reject me for very superficial things like how many followers I have on Instagram, how much I earn, how tall I am, how I write, how I speak, etc. I have felt a lot of pressure and frustration this year in this area, it has been a shitty area. Moon in Leo in 4th house: Maybe in my home it has been a richer area, my family supports me, the family area has become a rather bright area, as if everyone feels more alive, I have felt more confident in my family, it has been more entertaining to meet and talk to more relatives, but despite this, they have been very demanding with me but it is as if I had the emotional energy to do all the things they ask me to do it. Pluto in Capricorn conjunct Midheaven: This year I have had a huge change in what I want to do for my future, I am no longer doing yoga (as a teacher), but I am much more focused on making money only, despite that I am focusing on making music or art in a much more serious way, but I must admit that many times I feel as if my future is going to shit, or I feel helpless about how to face the world sometimes, it has been a tough year in that area but despite that I have felt too resilient to these pressures, accepting them. And I don't resonate at all with the "life is a game" thing lately, everything feels a lot more serious. Saturn in Pisces in 11th house: I already have Saturn in the 11th house in my natal chart, but this year I have felt much more lonely than before. I have had many times where I have wanted to go out to collective events or parties but it is like when I want to go out right away nobody wants to or everyone is busy, it has been quite frustrating for my inner child, it is as if I cannot have fun with others or as if others do not want to spend time with me, there was even a situation where I was with a friend and she told her friend (who was at a party) if she could go, but as soon as she mentioned that she was with me, her friend said no. It has been very frustrating, it has been hard for me to understand it, I feel as if there is something wrong with me, but anyway. I have felt on a lonelier path, and focused much more on what I want to do in terms of work and money.
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arrenlebanen777 · 10 months ago
I like this post, both generes deserves have standards. The thing here is when you fall in love with what a man brings to the table and not with the human being that is in front of you really...that's what sad (this goes both ways).
That's why self love is important and to connect with your heart to guide you, not your ego because most of the times the ego is materialistic, utilitaristic and superficial, and only seeks to please itself and is not really connected to the other.
That's why i put emphasis on connecting with your heart, and to love yourself through your heart, not your ego, because if you do it through your ego, yeah it can feels great in the short term, but if you do it a lot, you are just a few steps to become narcissistic (remember the ego is a mask). We can become brute, insensitive, stubborn, we lose touch and sensitivity towards the feelings/emotions of others (even our own), but for many it is as if it does not matter because you end up attracting people who are in the same vibration as you and when that happens the ego feels bigger and it becomes more difficult to mature, be whole, become aware or raise your consciousness/vibration. And when we live in that vibration(egocentric/individualistic/self-centered/narcissistic) we can do a lot of harm to others without realizing it (but the universe always balances things, so be aware of that), and that is what's happening in our society today and it is kind of empty, sad and mediocre. We are very disconnected from our true essence and from the consequences of our actions (karma). But believe me if you hurt others in the process and you don't care, the universe will take care of itself to balance things out x2. The hit/punch always comes sooner or later. So work on your heart!<3
Are women allowed to have any standards when it comes to dating men?
If a woman wants a man who is conventionally attractive, tall or athletic, she is shallow.
If a woman wants a man who earns good money or at least has some financial stability/gainful employment, a career or good career prospects, she is a gold-digger.
If a woman wants a man who is educated, cultivated or takes an active interest in the world around him one way or another, she is a snob.
If a woman wants a man who is not a complete porn-addict with a severe case of terminal misogyny, she is a stuck-up bitch.
If a woman wants a man who is kind, considerate and actually cares about her, she pussy-whips her boyfriend or husband.
If a women wants a man who shares values, interests or life-style choices that are important to her, she is mean and exclusionary, because why wouldn't she give men a chance she is clearly not compatible with?
Seriously, what are women allowed to look for in a male partner? Oh, wait, I know! She is supposed to want a man who is funny and makes her laugh. That is a demand no man feels threatened by, because they all think they are comedy gold.
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arrenlebanen777 · 11 months ago
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☉Sun conjunct Moon: This aspect is very beautiful, it doesn’t necessarily mean s*xual attraction, but good understanding and protection, almost unconditional love, the Moon person loves the energy of the sun person because it brings them a lot of vitality, self-assurance, confidence and power, and the sun person wants to protect the moon person like a child, because the moon person nourishes them a lot and brings them emotional support and stability. There could be a lot of unconditional love but the moon person has to be careful of becoming too moody because otherwise they could exhaust Sun person’s energy. ☉I’ve seen that Virgo Venuses and Aquarius Venuses get along very well and can even match almost instantly, because they both have very picky/mental stimulated natures, but when they meet it is as if they throw away that mask and there is only instant attraction and understanding between them. ☉Trines in synastry charts are very present when there is a lot of silent treatments, lies, ghosting, disrespect and ego/power struggles too is just that with trines you don't realize when all this starts to happen because it feels like is something that has to happen(?) like something that is difficult to stop because of the natural flow of these energies. ☉Mars squares Moon: This aspect is about instant passion in the interaction that can easily leads to attraction, Very Hot, the moon person finds the mars person very passionate, sexy and dominant and the mars person finds the moon person very refined, tender and cute that catches his attention very rapidly, Sometimes the Mars person can be very dominant, controlling or even cold sometimes which at first the Moon person would love it, but in the long run it can become toxic and dangerous but the passion will always remains. ☉Venus aspecting Venus: Generally i don’t talk too much about these Venus aspects in synastry especially in heteros*xual relationships because the energy sometimes stay on a very superficial level, but sometimes these aspects are very fun in work themes or projects. ☉i’ve notice that when someone’s Pluto is touching other person Chiron (especially conjunctions) the Pluto person could be scared of the Chiron person, the Pluto person could Respect a lot the Chiron person and in some cases the Chiron person intimidate’s/makes the Pluto person very nervous, yes ik, you would think it's the opposite, but this is because Chiron person can see all the shit of Pluto person and can trigger a lot of unresolved issues in Pluto person. ☉Mars overlays in 5th house: High school lovers energy, this synastry aspect is passionate but a lot of times it can stay only on a platonic level, there is a lot of attraction and they can get easily turned on by the presence of each other, s*x can be very fun, passionate, experimental because is the house of creativity and with a lot of rough touching. ☉Asteroid Memoria(1247) Conjunct Ascendant: Probably the Ascendant person will never forget the Memoria Person or vice versa, this couple is probably unforgettable and they can mark a very important moment in each other's lives, something memorable and that they will never want to forget, they probably still have things from each other like their sweatshirts, paintings or things that make them remember and miss each other (not in an obsessive way but with lot of love & affection). ☉8th house overlays: Usually the person with Planets overlaying on the 8th house person would feel very intrigued and Mysteriously attracted (sexually) to her/him, but 8th house overlays in synastry are painful/even traumatic sometimes because when the 8th house person also falls in to this obsession energy the planet person tends to feel exhausted because the 8th house person wants insatiably more and more of the planet person, and this provokes that when the planet person exit the relationship it will tear apart the 8th house person because it became like a drug to them so they can experience symptoms such as abstinence, physical, mental and emotional pain. But this is not in all cases, it depends on the maturity of the two people. ☉Eros(433) Conjunct Chiron: In this couple they learn to heal sexually, sexuality could be very tantric and in some cases is not even needed, they heal through their true love for each other and sex can be painful sometimes because it triggers deep insecurities from each other, but there is genuine affection/attraction/sincere love and a desire to be physically present with each other. Yeah, i’m coming back...
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years ago
PART 2/Warning: It can be harsh.
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Things hurt us when we feel exposed as well. So when people call you arrogant, maybe you are...when people call you stupid, maybe you are...when people call you immature, maybe you are... when people call you a whore, maybe you are... when people call you a misogynist, maybe you are... when people call you “for the streets”, maybe you are...when people call you weak, maybe you are... People are not stupid, people can sense you since we are just energy. 
So stop crying about it and using the “victim state” to be a tyrannic person and just get away with your shit... IT’S TIME TO GROW!
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It’s so stupid when a hurt person is telling the truth and exposing everyone and the only answer he/she receives from others is: “Oh he/she must be so hurt” That answer only shows how immature and stupid you are, you’re only trying to defend yourself from truth/reality, stop being a fucking baby, everyone is hurt but some people get away with it and that is only because we are allowing it.
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Yes it’s alright to know what you want, it’s part of the process of healing but we are social creatures and if you are only demanding, demanding and demanding then you are not contributing to anything, you’re just being extreme self-centered and you end up repelling people then you are crying why things don’t go your way... Why would a person would want to be with someone like that? What do you have to offer anyway? Your body? Your beauty? Your ego? Probably you don’t even know... Get down of your pedestal/ego a bit and try thinking “What men/woman really want/need in a relationship?” and if your answer is only: “Pussy”/”dick” uffff man you have so much left to grow and probably you don’t even know what a man/woman want/need in a relationship and you don’t work for it either... So stop crying and playing the victim waiting that someday that “Soulmate/perfect partner” will show up if you’re not even ready for what it takes to be in a relationship in the first place. So the question is: ARE YOU RELATIONSHIP MATERIAL? Probably not... and probably no one that is on hookup culture is.
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I’ve seen many people who are proud of having cheated their ex partners, Like it was something funny? and those people also expect that others will love them just because they think they are “10/10″ That is delusional and you are moving towards becoming a psychopath... If you have a history of cheating / lying / manipulation / deceiving / excesses / abuses or any of that then you are a walking RED FLAG. Because to change those patterns of behaviors it takes hard work and massive life change, you will need to learn about psychology and/or going to therapy. Unless you do this, you will not change because when we are under stress or when things don't go our way there is a high probability to go back to our old selves. So if those people are not really working at it... Leave them, it is a waste of time and your life.
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years ago
✹Hey ik I've been missing for a while but here I am coming back with more astrological observations!!!! ✹This is a collaboration post with @astro-sirena​ !!!✹
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đŸ’«Having natal hard Aspects between Neptune and the Asc can give the natal person a hard time to Fit in. They often feel like no matter what they do they're not part of a grouping đŸ’«Saturn Trine Personal Planets could bring a lot of mastery revolving the themes of that Planet (recognition too). But making a square could bring the opposite, difficulties and in some cases bad reputation. For example: -Mars Trine Saturn: Very disciplined, strong stamina, mastery of their masculine energy and have a good reputation of being very disciplined and structured people, usually very expert people in what they do. -Mars Squares Saturn:  Have problems with discipline, they could be rebels, have bad reputation of being inconsistent/undisciplined, could be rude without wanting it, have irregular libido and sometimes are afraid of intimacy. -Venus Trine Saturn: Very discipline and mature approach to relationships and their desires, have a good reputation of being very mature and high value people in relationship matters, they could get whatever they put their focus to. -Venus Squares Saturn: Bad reputation in relationships, sometimes fear commitment, they could have low self esteem when it comes to their desires and relationships, problems in love, sometimes immature decisions in love. đŸ’«The planet your north node aspects, can have a significant influence in your life purposes. For example: having mercury aspecting the north node could mean that you could be really influential through teaching, writing or motivational speaking and you feel accomplished through these jobs. đŸ’«People who have their Ascendant in Scorpio degrees(8,20) have beautiful and magnetic eyes. Their bodies tend to be unique and exuding sexual/sensual energy which is really attractive and eye catching to others. They’re mostly average height too. đŸ’«Waldemath(h58) and Pluto are very similar in terms of intensity and negativity. For example: -if you have Pluto conjunct Moon you are very intense at core, every emotion is felt with a terrible intensity and when you are angry you are scary af and even bloodthirsty at times. -If you have Waldemath(h58) conjunct Moon you have the same intensity in terms of negative emotions, you are a very intense person at the core as well but this only is shows when negative emotions arise, with other emotions you are more normal. When angry you have the same fiery demonic raging eyes of a Moon conjunct Pluto person. đŸ’«Having Sappho(80) conjunct Sun in the Natal chat can be an indicator of attracting very easily the same sex or being a crush of someone with the same gender. For example men with this aspect tend to attract a lot of gay people or they attract them very easily. đŸ’«Asteroid Anubis(1912) in 8th house: Handle crises well, they tend to have a lot of wisdom/ knowledge about after death/traumas and suffering, deep understanding of deep parts of our psyche. đŸ’«People with Jupiter conjunct Ascendant tend to come of as really proud and nonchalant. They have a tendency to think that everything they do is right and that they don’t need anyone, but they have a presence that hold a lot of wisdom so people will listen to them even if they are talking pure shit, and usually are really big/tall people. đŸ’«Asteroid Savage(29837) in 3rd house: Very good at comebacks, sometimes they can say things that can hurt people, they are very sneaky and have a very high curiosity, there could be a very savage relationships with brothers/sisters like doing very savage pranks even hostility at times. Is a very rebel person in their way of thinking and doesn’t like to follow orders. đŸ’«Asteroid Poor(13227) in houses indicates what areas of your life are very poor, false, weak and lacks content. Aspecting a Planet is something that you lack for periods of time or that you have to work harder to develop. For example Poor in Hard aspects to Saturn it could mean that sometimes you lack discipline, stability and structure, you have to work really hard to be a mature person with strong set of values. đŸ’«In the house where Saturn is, is the area of life where you tend to be the most minimalist, since Saturn rules minimalism. đŸ’«Mars conjunct Vishnu(4034): Could radiate a lot of divine masculine energy, has godly presence and a powerful aura. They attract a lot of attention and recognition. It’s important for these people to be self aware and connect to their spirituality in order to balance those energies out. With that they can become really magnetic and from that they can attract a lot of opportunities and possibilities. With that they’re also going to exude a lot of sexual energy and are able to attract many sexual encounters. đŸ’«People who have asteroid Shiva(1170) in Scorpio could push their spirituality really hard by taking it to extremes like going to Himalayas mountain to do mysticism and leave society behind or do quite intense spiritual practices. They could pursue enlightenment intensely or feel a very strong devotion to all universe/creation or existence, their approach to life is also all or nothing, and that approach can take them very far in their spiritual journey. Asteroid Shiva(1170) feels really comfortable in the signs of Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius and Capricorn because it represents different aspects of Shiva on these signs. đŸ’«Asteroid Pan(4450): Pan is a satyr, the lord of spring & fertility; he's got a thing for nymphs. Mythologically, he was said to be a genius at sex as well as being the God of all wild creatures. Pan shows great lust, great confidence/audacity, absolute lack of shyness/timidity; he is the alcoholic constantly throwing huge parties, indulging in life’s pleasures, joining grand orgies without hesitation. And he is completely uninhibited.. Those with Pan prominent, and especially those with Pan on the Ascendant-- are so wild that they often accidentally intimidate those around them.* đŸ’«Asteroid Nymphe(875) in 9th house: Love to travel, they can connect with their true sexuality when they travel, could indicate sex with foreigners, very adventurer people, sometimes have reckless approach to sex, being in far away places of their home connects them with their mystic side of their femininity. đŸ’«Asteroid Nymphe(875) in 10th house: Very sexy sexy people, they have a reputation of being highly sexually attractive, strong sex appeal, very mystic public persona, being in contact with nature could help them clear their ideas to follow their best path, a lot of people desire/lust them, sometimes men could feel almost like a compulsive desire to this persona, could have something innocent in their aura but this aspect indicate a strong woman who have high values related to their sexuality, probably want men with high authority, status or reputation. đŸ’«Asteroid Hades(h41) conjunct Ascendant: Have a nostalgic presence, could have patriarchal or domineering ways of thinking sometimes, a possessive deep deep person, a person that carries a lot of suffering and history through their souls. They have extremely penetrating minds with a godly presence, could be really depressed sometimes and they have a lot of knowledge of the underworld and probably feels a strong connection to it. đŸ’«Asteroid NOT (2857) indicates something that you decide to not do very much but it seems the opposite to other people, is a contradictory perception. For example: Asteroid NOT in 8th house: You do not have too much sex (decision) but you appear like a sex addict or like someone that has a lot of sex. đŸ’«People who have Saturn In Scorpio could had a very brutal and hard Saturn return. đŸ’«I have never met a Virgo/Libra sun who is not neurotic. đŸ’«Mars in 3rd house could mean abusive relationship with brothers when younger, that could impact in the way they communicate having a very aggressive tone or speaking very louder. đŸ’«If you guys are wondering about the anger of people with Mars in Sagittarius: Lot of them have it conjunct Fixed star Antares who is a very violent star, so they can have an unmatched Anger, rage and violent moments. Very aggressive people when gets angry. đŸ’«People in general underestimate Taurus placements, i know a lot of Taurus people who are really fake/dark/ambitious/ manipulative/ superficial and etc, this is because Taurus placements who are in 17-29 degrees are In conjunction to the malefic Fixed star Algol (head of medusa/demon).
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years ago
In your Asc Persona Chart, anything that Conjuncts the Ascendant Ruler will have an effect on your physical appearance?
I wouldn't say Your physical appearance but your presence 🌿 ❁ ✹
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years ago
What does it mean when someone’s Rising Sign in their Ascendant Persona Chart is in a Libra Degree?
It means that it gives you a natural Charm and beauty, all Venusian degrees gives that, and gives a calm presence 🌿 ❁ ✹ These are the type of questions that I will be answering, when they are short and to the point ◩
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years ago
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☟People who have the same Sun sign of your Sun degree, inflate your ego/or destroy it, they help you a lot in your path, they help you to be more confident and self-assured, you may even fall in love with them due to this. ☟People who have the Sun sign/Personal Planets sign of your Lilith Degree, could help you heal your inner child wounds, or make you really uncomfortable because they trigger the Raw/Violent/Suppressed/vulnerable energy in you. ☟You could idealize the sign of your Neptune degree. ☟People who have the Sun sign or Personal Planets in the sign of Your Saturn degree could teach you valuable/harsh lessons. ☟You have Love/hate relationship with people who has personal planets of the same sign of your Pluto degree, since they trigger your shadow. ☟Moon in 4th house: Have to find balance between comfort zone and Doing things, i know your house/home could be the best place in the world when life gets hard, but you could get stuck here. They have very good intuition to see/decipher the energy of the psychosocial environment, they never forget due to their good memory, the best practice here is to let go and remember that life is sustaining you all the time and realize that your home is in you and is all existence/universe/infinite, that way you become like a spring of life that nourishes everything & everyone that is around you. ☟Vertex in 8th house: Has intense karmic s*xual partners. ☟I have Sun in Scorpio in 5th house conjunct Sappho(80), Casanova(7328), and asteroids Shiva(1170), Bacchus(2063), Cupido(763) & Vesta(4) all in Scorpio 5th house too
 And i’m going to tell you how it is: I love the energy of women(i really love it), i do a lot of yoga, Tantra for me is the best way to manage all this s*xual energy, casual s*x is not for me(because I want to merge completely and become one with the person), but is hard for me to stay long periods of time without s*x, i love flirting because I feel it’s necessary/fundamental and fun (sometimes I don’t realize when I’m doing it, and sometimes i flirt with everyone?), My libido is high and is not so easily transmutable, intense parties with s*xual and chaotic themes are places where I have a lot of fun and they relax me a lot, when i’m simple being people think that I give off the vibes of a fuckboy(I am not lol), intense music gives me chi(lol), When I fall in love I become quite possessive because I want that person just for me, and I can have s*x with that person every damn day of my life(With my first ex-girlfriend we had s*x every day for four months, several times a day), I am super passionate about art/music/spirituality and games in general, in the past I had a terrible jealousy problem (until I became more spiritual/conscious/therapy), my s*xual partners usually have very Plutonian or Scorpian vibes, If I spend a lot of time with a partner it drains me a lot and I have to disappear for a while, otherwise i become crazy, i love gloomy art, when i develop a crush on someone it feels like this:
☟To all plutonian people: Pluto doesn’t care about you, It doesn’t care if you suffer or you are happy. The only thing that Pluto wants is that you transcends the extremes of what you call good and bad, because that way you can transform(nothing of the old remains)yourself, in other words Pluto wants you to become awakened/enlightened(reach your full potential) but it doesn’t care if you destroy yourself along the way. So watch out that this raw energy(power) of Pluto goes to your ego, because it could make you really egocentric(like sukuna, madara uchiha, toji fushiguro, villain archetype). ☟Libra IC: Daydreamers(they daydream like f*ck), harmonious home, beautiful family that is surrounded by arts or beauty in general, Diplomatics fathers, could have problems to express their anger, super charming, they decorate their rooms a lot, And a lot of people finds their room like a precious and dreamy place. ☟Sun opposite Saturn: Very serious person, disciplined, could suffer from depression because Saturn limits his expression, Saturn here asks you to focus on what is really important, in the house where the sun is, is where the burden of Saturn is lightened, and in the house where Saturn is, is where the most important lessons are, Saturn here practically asks you to become a master of your ego / of yourself / how you use your energies,  asks you to really observe what your needs/deep soul desires are, thats why it limits your expression because it actually wants you to express in a most authentic, mature and honest way, may have problems with the inner child, and they can punish themselves a lot, but once they discipline themselves in something, believe me that nobody and nothing is going to stop them (hard working af).
🌿i am going to do bookings for natal chart readings, very soon! Stay tuned!🌿
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years ago
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🌑I’ve seen that people who have 18 degrees in their personal planets have a tendency to not take responsability for their actions, It's as if the stress of taking that responsibility fills them with guilt so they evade it, but this is not in all cases of course. 🌑Venus conjunct Uranus: These people are super creative and have genius energy, they are blessed with a good social life and magnetism, their love life is weird/erratic, they are very perverted in s*xuality but is just because they get bored very rapidly in that area of life so they need to get mentally stimulated constantly, they fantasize about romantic life but they have an escapist tendency too, they are all about excitement and taboo because they can’t stand being bored, these are the people who ghost and gaslight their partners, they have difficulty with affective responsibility but they don't realize it because they talk to a lot of people and they confuse stimulation with health, they have ego wisdom but no soul wisdom, they are prone to cheating because if they have a relationship with you but they feel an intense attraction from the guts for someone else they will most likely throw the relationship with you out of the window by going in search of the new, because remember Venus also rules superficiality and yes, it's harsh but you have to see that Uranus aspecting personal planets (especially conjunctions) are not all roses and rainbows, it can make someone quite ego driven/erratic and irresponsible. 🌑If you have Mars and Uranus as Dominant planets, or in conjunction: You have a very electrifying personality, with a strong Libido and you like to be very shocking, maybe you have nervous tics from all this erratic/electric energy, You have a rather acid, dark and full of taboo sense of humor, You have to control your impulses because they can be very strong and you have a scary temper, you could be very eccentric and you have a fairly large humanitarian / altruistic sense, literally warriors of the well-being of humanity/future. 🌑If you have 14 degrees in personal planets: You are going to be humble, because this degree is all about humbleness and ambition, It gives you a lot of sensuality and power, but to earn it you have to go through some humbling experiences and after those experiences you will become a high caliber human being. 🌑Yes, Chiron is very similar to North Node, they are expressed almost the same, so do not underestimate someone who has Chiron conjunct personal planets (or planets in general), because they come to develop the power/potential of that planet in this life to the maximum, for example: Mercury conjunct Chiron: They come to develop the power of their minds, so their minds can become very very powerful, literally have x-rays in their eyes that can see everything that is hidden and can develop a very sharp intuition with a very powerful intellect that can understand and master any knowledge. Pluto conjunct Chiron: These people came to reclaim all the power they have ever been disconnected from / lost due to external abuse, the life journey of these individuals is to take back their power and recognize what real power is, Plutonians have competition here (lol) but this is only if the individual is dedicated to their healing process, otherwise they will only be disconnected from their power and in a lot of pain. 🌑Uranus in 8th house is the most and real freakiest of all, freakiest to the heart (this is heightened when is in Fixed Signs), but they could be very possessive / jealous people, in life or death situations (extreme situations) they have a very calm/detached attitude/approach to that situation, they will go through a very powerful process of detachment, they have the power of the phoenix, and they usually have information that is not from these times (future), they can literally see the future of humanity especially if Neptune is in the 8th house too, and the degree of Uranus will say which part of the body they have a fetish with. 🌑Ruler of the 8th house in the 12th house or viceversa (Vedic): They grow when they are alone, their intelligence expands when they are in solitude, groups overwhelm them, they have a very powerful intuition, they can see everything that is hidden and they are talented to manage/understand/integrate everything spiritual, social events only serve to lighten their load, but they already know very well how society work, so there is nothing there that will help them grow more than being more light-hearted/street smarted. 🌑People with Mars in the 7th house tend to have misshapen bodies, or asymmetrical bodies. 🌑If you have placements in the 6th house and/or 12th house: It is difficult to own this placements because they are a gift/service to the world, so whatever planets you have here are going to have a strong impact on the world and in the karma of the world. One of the biggest needs with these placements are the need of “Contribution”. For example: Mercury in 6th/12th house: their intelligence serves a lot to the world and they have to put their intelligence to service otherwise they feel very empty or depressed. 🌑If you have the ruler of the 1st house in the 6th house please workout, do martial arts, or whatever to discipline your body, otherwise your body could suffer a lot from chronic pains. You come off as a warrior/intelligent/analytical person, and i’ve also notice that these people want/like to fight their battles alone. 🌑Ruler of the 1st house in 0 degrees: You come off as a complex person, often oscillates between being intimidating or naive. 🌑Ruler of the 1st house in Aries degrees (1, 13, 25): You come off as impulsive, high temperament, sometimes people think you're angry and that's why they don't approach you, although you are quite sexy, people know you have strong leadership skills, and you have a very rich/confrontal personality. 🌑If the Ruler of the 1st house is conjunct Chiron: Maybe you are unaware of how people perceive you and you could think that you have to work harder the traits of the degree of the ruler, for example: Ruler of the 1st house in Scorpio degrees(8, 20) conjunct Chiron: You could think that you need to work very hard to be more secretive, reserved and mysterious although you are that already. 🌑Plutonians hates when someone corrects them, they take it quite personally, although they are intelligent enough to be able to discern even if they don't want to. 🌑If you have Sun square Saturn in your Solar Return chart: You could see how authority figures abuse a lot of their power that year, whether they are adults, family members or people with high social status, you might tend to get into a lot of arguments because of this and when you're right they might try to shut you up, It can be a difficult time/period with authority figures, but the best way to alleviate this tension is diplomacy and honesty. 🌑Saturn square NN/SN: These people have a lot of discipline but are very pessimistic, They were probably abused by authority figures in past lives and have to heal from those traumas before they can be successful in this life, all the superficial attempts to get recognition in this life are going to be quite in vain or achieve very little, because the real recognition they have to gain in this life is from their own emotions/themselves, In this way they can become more "integrous"/realistic and could achieve great things in life but that will not be very recognized by the public eye, what I mean by this is that their life path is probably not to be famous like actors/artists but rather as Masters such as Yoga Teachers, Great psychologists or even great entrepreneurs. At first looking, this aspect could be very dense/sad because the native have to face a lot of obstacles, and they have to work really hard to attain things that people normally attain/have easily, It can feel like life is not on the native's side, but remember that squares are a lot of energy, so if the native embraces their Saturnian energy, they can become beasts or people with lot of internal power, but their path is to heal their touch with reality & life, and they are going to be stoics whether they like it or not. 🌑NN/SN in Scorpio degrees(8, 20): You came into this life to be more reserved, to set boundaries, to experience sexuality and earn lot of money (it can be inheritance money or from your own work), you came into this life to manage your libido, which can be exceptionally high or low, you came to learn what power is (creative/sexual energy) and take charge of your power, because there can be a complex relationship with it and you may even hate it, because you come from a life of many abuses and transformations, so "power" can tire you or it may be a topic that does not call your attention so much. 🌑Chiron Trine MC: These people have a very healing aura, people could get addicted to them because they have a very special and healing energy when you are with them, people could see their problems but they have a very regenerative nature that helps their reputation being recognized for being quite strong/healing and transformative people, their reputation could have a very impactful energy onto the world, they can easily be Spiritual Masters, Sometimes they give off deity-like vibes, especially if Neptune is also aspecting MC, even if they are arrogant, rebellious, immature, people will still see the best potential in them. 🌑Sun in 1st house: These people are blessed with good health, have prominent/sharp jaws, main character vibes, have very magnetic and radiant personalities that grab anyone's attention quickly, are quite up front and have a lot of masculine energy, they have quite remarkable eyes, and they have a lot of energy, in fact if they don't do something with that energy they can be fatigued or even go into depressive states. 🌑People with Mars and Sun aspecting Saturn could be like this / could give off this serious energy when adults: Women: Men: 🌑The degree of the Rising in the Ascendant Persona Chart could give you a hint of how you look physically, for example: Pisces degrees (12, 24) could give you a very ethereal look, like a fiction character, alluring and with a soft but spiritual presence.
🌑The Anti-vertex could also give you a hint about how people perceive you but to be more precise look at the rising sign/1st house of the Anti-vertex Persona chart, that could tell you more about how people interacting with you may perceive you, your first impression and how could be your physical presence as well. 🌑In the Juno Persona chart: The rising sign and the 1st house in general can show you how is your reputation after people have been in a relationship with you (or gotten to know you a little bit more). 🌑If you have North Node in 1st house or in the 1st house of your AC Persona chart: You come into this life to be self sufficient, you need to be egoistical, prioritize your path/ your needs and your dreams over other people, you’re gonna learn to be more self-reliant/independent, Life will remind you of how strong you are always, and you need to work on your self confidence too. People may perceive you like to know you is fated and also you have special aura and presence. 🌑Sun in 5th house: You guys need to find your Golden heart, you don't need to do anything to be seductive, you already are, you come to free yourself from all family burdens/karmas/limitations/unconscious patterns, you came to be independent, literally stars on earth, you just have to embrace yourself as who you are at the core, making attempts to seek attention/validation will only result on the contrary “emptiness”, You're the brightest when you’re just "being". 🌑Scorpio Suns with Fire Mercuries are like Hades from “Hercules”, dark clowns with very expressive even extroverted/histrionic expressions/personalities, also this combination makes them a bit Short temper but very intelligent people: 🌑Pisces and Sagittarius Moons: These people do not like conflict, they avoid it and can be quite passive aggressive, they are generous but they tend to have problems of overindulgence, they can be very good with white lies and they can get away with it and they have problems saying no, I don't know why but it is as if their emotions were protected by divinity, lucky mfs haha. 🌑Libra Moons: Actually these guys get into conflicts a lot because they are like mediators, they will balance anyone who is very arrogant or very depressed and will bring them to a state of equanimity or reality, and believe it or not they can be more aggressive than Aries Moons because they see all the imbalances in the world and they will fight for equanimity, but sometimes they can have trouble feeling their emotions clearly like all Air Moon because emotions run very fast like their minds. 🌑When you live your second Jupiter Return you start to live more from your outer planets, you start gaining a lot of wisdom. 🌑The Moon and The IC are your core. 🌑Eros (433) conjunct IC or conjunct Moon: These individuals are very s*xual persons at the core, they need to have s*x and make love on a daily basis otherwise they start to enter in depressive states because is one of the most important needs here, very seductives and the relationship with women is charged with a lot of s*xual tension/energy whether they like it or not. 🌑”This is a very specific observation” / people who have asteroid Utopia(1282) conjunct SN and Olympus(22754) conjunct NN: These probably are really old souls that came from a perfect world like Lemuria, Sirius or Atlantis, so they could have a hard time with reality, and they probably feel a lot of problems with being “human”, but in this lifetime they came to make a big change, they literally came to build the foundations of the new Era (aquarius) and become what they once were (gods/enlightened beings), maybe they will take a place in the place of the ascended masters or they could be remembered like a deity that was on earth, quite powerful and special individuals, probably when they follow their life path (NN) they will embody characteristics of one of the gods of Olympus. 🌑Mercury conjunct Pluto/Lilith: They have special and very seductive/sexy voices, usually have feminine energy in their speech and they can also curse people, if they hate you they can manifest horrible things around you but their obsessive thoughts destroys them first, so they have to be careful with this and take care of their mental-health because they have minds that carry a lot of power and they can keep a lot of trauma in their minds/thoughts patterns. 🌑It’s easy to notice if a Scorpio Mars, Pluto conjunct Mars, Lilith conjunct Pluto, Randi conjunct Pluto or any person with S*xual asteroids conjuncts Pluto had s*x or not, their bodies literally glow up after s*x, it doesn’t matter if the experience is good or bad, they glow with s*x. 🌑Sometimes the degree of your Venus can show you at what age you fell in love for the first time, your first love and maybe at what age did you know what true love was (it's a vague theory). 🌑Do you know why a lot of Scorpio Suns have s*xual problems?...Because from a very young age they were forced to see/deal with the bullshit of the opposite sex that makes/made them lose trust in people, and since is a water sign deep bonding and loyalty is super important in intimacy, but they don’t trust too many people and that’s why they could have s*xual issues (because once they were hurted they close their hearts) and they could have a fuck boy/hoe phase or even being celibate for long periods of time because of this. And one of the lessons they have to learn is to love with the soul not with the neediness or fear, and that can be a very strong step for a Scorpio, this also applies to Scorpio Moons/Venus. 🌑To all my friends with Lilith Opposite Ascendant or Conjunct Descendant: people can exaggerate a lot if you hurt them, and many times people will think that you are hurting them when in reality you are not doing anything, people can project all their shit on you, In love affairs, your partners can fluctuate quite quickly between loving and hating you and they can be quite intolerant of your mistakes, so let me tell you that it is not all your fault, all that suffering that the other person is feeling is not your fault, it is the other person's problem/trauma that they are projecting on you and it’s triggered by your presence. 🌑This is a personal observation: but when you have Venus Conjunct Mercury in your Solar Return chart you could be a lot more intellectual and rational in love matters, actually less attentive and less inclined to emotional people, you would love someone with a strong intellect or very intelligent, i say personal because i have this in my Solar Return chart of this year and I have had problems with people for being less emotionally attentive and to the needs of others, In fact, I am not very interested in emotional people now and I am much colder for love relationships, but very affectionate for friendships. 🌑Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are very powerful placements for Mars to be, and to strangers Mars express the energy of the opposite sign until you meet them more closely for example: If you have Cap Mars to strangers you appear more sensitive, shy and emotional (Cancer influence) until they know you more and they start to see your grounded, ambitious, mature and very disciplined nature. 🌑I’m going to release some criticism: I find it crazy that I generally find many posts with too many likes of super superficial astrological observations, only about sex/sex appeal... but it's also reasonable, because most people who like those posts are not over 25. But I also admire When there are posts from people who really know about astrology, it shows in their writing and observations, they do have the largest number of likes and they are well deserved.
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🌑Another thing guys, if you feel me so harsh or even pessimistic/bluntly is because maybe you are feeling my Saturn in 11th house and MC in Aries!
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arrenlebanen777 · 2 years ago
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I see a lot of men crying about women/female nature and how they were manipulated/cheated/ betrayed and then they go to the gym to grow from pain, but they only become colder/ narcissistic/ egotistical and this stupid villain archetype that gets you pretty empty arguing and crying about women's bodycount/ their loose s*x lives/etc... But the stupidest thing is that the highest percentage of humans who consume p*rn, onlyfans, and all that shit are men, WTF?, if you see that this is happening it is mostly because we are allowing it. if men were really picky(mature), if we learned to manage our s*xual energy better, if we became more sensitive to life and less to our egos(minds), if we find something more transcendental than our beliefs/thoughts/feelings, and we become really clear about what we want from life/relationships and know what our real needs are...well, nothing of this would be happening. This whole issue of relationships/dating is something quite psychological and energetic, women are looking for the father figure that they did not have or had but is no longer in their lives in other mens, looking for the father archetype’s in each man (someone economically stable, independent, emotionally intelligent, funny, masculine, strong, wise, attractive, adventurous) and let me tell you that this is called: Divine masculine (the same thing happens with men). Why do men only look for s*x? Because if they unconsciously/instinctively see that a woman has nothing more to contribute/offer to a relationship other than demands and s*x, then they will only look for what gives them pleasure the most, that is s*x, and then they will forget about her / this goes both ways, and this my friends is called “Hookup Culture”. The funny thing is that as long men and women don't find something more transcendental than society, Ego, their minds and themselves... they will only continue to become more perverted, stupid, with shitty mental health’s, making decisions they regret, s*xually dirty /nasty because they don't know anything more transcendental than that. Also i noticed that depressed people are mostly sensitive people who don’t fit in with the superficialities of the society/world and well, traumas, childhood issues and all that too. Another thing, therapy is a very powerful / important but delicate process, so trying to do therapy on your own is like trying to do surgery on your own, because you are treating something very important but delicate that is your mind/mental health. Also therapy can make you really attractive, not the attractiveness of the Ego or Narcissism but genuinely attractiveness, Yes you can do the route of Ego attractiveness, it’s Okay, nothing is stopping you but see how it goes on the long run, it could make you feel very empty and is a really really hard working process, and therapy is a healing process, but you have to know how to go to therapy and this is where people stagnate or do not have good “results”, because many go to therapy just because they want to heal or be treated but they do not know very well what they need/want to heal, so my recommendation is to make a list of things that you want to treat in therapy, because that will open the doors and possibilities of your deep healing. So don't do things like self-diagnose and stuff like that because it's a pretty stupid move for your evolution/process. Another thing, if someone did you wrong or did hurt you your job is take care of yourself, of course you could talk with your friends about the issue and with your therapist, but is not your job destroying the life of that person, actually that is very nasty and it leads nowhere, because starting to destroy/expose the lives of the people who hurt you so that other people practically destroy them, you are committing a horrible crime, you are practically leaving no room for error and growth, which is part of human nature, you are practically using again the tyrannical practices that the Nazis did, yes I know it is painful, but your job is to take care of yourself, heal and move on, not destroy someone else's life, and if you think they should pay, believe me they will pay, Saturn will take care of that, don't worry. 🌿If you wanna see more posts like this, tell me on the comments<3🌿
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