#i have a few more asks to get through and i am hoping to have one per day for the next few days but no guarantees
rainyreading · 3 days
Hey! I know you said you were looking for ideas, so here goes. Theo and Mattheo both see reader hating on herself, and decide to help her feel better. Smut or no smut, ur choice!
Low Self-Esteem
wc: 935
a/n: I don’t really write for Mattheo but since I didn’t specify what characters I write for when I asked for ideas I decided to include him. Thank you for requesting I hope this is alright.
requests open
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Throughout your life you have had pretty low self esteem. You never really felt pretty and you rarely looked at yourself in the mirror and thought you looked good. This took a toll on you but you didn’t expect it to get worse like it has this year.
All you wanted to do was rot in your bed and see no one when you didn’t have classes. But Pansy had other plans. She wanted to drag you to a Slytherin party, to accompany her and in hopes you have fun. It was quite possibly the last thing you wanted to do. But Pansy is insistent and dose not take no for an answer.
“Pansy I don’t want to be here, I feel terrible, I look terrible, I just wanna leave.” You spoke as Pansy held your hand and led you through the common room.
“Boo you’re no fun. You look hot and come on would it hurt you to have a little fun?” Pansy responded.
“I honestly have fun in my bed.” You grumbled.
Pansy smirked. “Not like that, you know what I meant,” you dismissed.
“I’m gonna go get us some drinks,” Pansy announced.
“Oh so you’re leaving me?”
“You’ll be fine.”
Meanwhile through a cloud of smoke Theo and Mattheo were watching you. They noticed your look of displeasure and wondered what was wrong. Mattheo and Theo have been your friends for a while. They seemed to always be there for you.
Pansy came back with drinks and you figured you would have a drink or two to take the edge off. You wanted to stop your racing negative thoughts and relax. Firewiskey would usually do the job so you downed it in one gulp.
“Let’s dance,” Pansy suggested.
“No I’m gonna sit this one out, you go have fun though.”
“Suit yourself.” Pansy went to the center of the room and started dancing with Daphne.
Mattheo and Theo were on the couches smoking a cigarette. After having a few more glasses of firewiskey you stumbled to where they were.
“Y/N!” Theo exclaimed.
“Hey daisy,” Mattheo called out. Mattheo called you daisy because you liked flowers and he thought you were pretty.
“Hey guys how’s it hanging.”
“Just chillin watching the party,” Theo spoke.
“How are you?” Mattheo asked.
“I’ve been better,” you replied.
“Why what’s wrong?” Theo asked as he blew out some smoke after taking a drag.
Maybe it was the alcohol that made you want to overshare but you said, “I just haven’t been feeling really great about myself. You know I just hate how I look and how I feel. It’s terrible how much hatred I have.”
“Aw Daisy, don’t be so hard on yourself,” Mattheo cooed.
“What could you possibly hate about yourself? You’re perfect bella.” Theo complimented.
“Yeah I mean you’re hot as fuck,” Mattheo added.
“Thanks guys, but I don’t really think-“
“Shut up. I don’t wanna hear it. I want to hear yourself say you’re beautiful. Come on say it. I am beautiful.” Mattheo instructed.
“I am beautiful,” you mumbled.
“I am beautiful.” you rolled your eyes.
“There. Now believe it because it’s true.”
You smiled at him and decided you wanted more to drink.
“I’m gonna get more alcohol, you guys want anything?”
“No thanks,” they said.
The table of alcohol was dwindling, but you managed another cup full. You were starting to get more than tipsy. You stumbled your way back to Theo and Mattheo. On your way over to them you passed by a mirror. It made you start crying because you hated your reflection.
Tears were streaming down your face as you made it to the guys.
“Jesus Daisy, what happened?” Mattheo asked.
“Poor baby, what’s wrong?” Theo asked.
“Oh you guys it’s nothing really. I just hate myself,” you sniffled.
“Come sit on the couch with us,” Theo commanded.
There was space on the couch between Theo and Mattheo. You sat down and continued sipping your drink.
“Don’t cry bella,” Theo wiped your tears with his thumb.
“I would show you how beautiful I think you are, (meaning sex) but i think you’re a little too drunk.” Theo explained.
“You wanna hear something funny?” Mattheo just wanted you to feel better.
“Are you a Dementor? You just took my breath away.”
You giggled and Mattheo smiled, it was music to his ears.
“I have a funny story as well. The other day Draco fell down the stairs and he sprained his ankle. It was hilarious.”
Mattheo and Theo noticed you stopped crying so whatever they were doing must be helping.
“I bet, I wish I woulda saw it,” you half laughed.
“I hope you know how special I think you are. Don’t change because I think your beauty is stunning.” Theo gushed.
“Yeah. I mean you got everything going for you. What’s it gonna take for you to stop hating yourself and believe that you’re pretty?” Mattheo spoke.
“I don’t know I guess I need more confidence. But thanks guys I feel better already.”
“Good. But I think you’ve had enough to drink. Think it’s time to call it quits.” Theo mentioned.
Theo stood up and outstretched his hand for you to take. You swayed a little as you stood but got ahold of Theo’s hand. Mattheo stood up last and guided you with a hand on the small of your back.
When the three of you reached your dorm room, you opened the door and you all entered.
“I’m tired.” You expressed flopping on your bed.
Mattheo and Theo tucked you in.
“Goodnight Daisy.”
“Goodnight Bella.”
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jordyn14 · 3 days
I Lose Control | Joe Burrow- France
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Summary: when you get sick and tired of Joe constantly being gone and not spending enough time with you in France, you finally say something to him and you learn that he lied about it being a vacation. Things escalate until there’s so much tension during the stupid little fight that it seems like sex can only resolve it.
Pairing: Joe burrow x fem first person reader
Words: 10, 449
Notes: wow this is truly just porn I fear. I hope you enjoy! 🫶🏼🙃
Taglist: @wickedfun9
I walked through Cannes, France with a shopping bag in my hand while on the phone with Joe. For the entire day, Joe was out with Kyle and Justin for fittings and some interviews, so I decided to go and make my own fun. The fun consisted of going shopping, going out to lunch, going to the beach, walking along the streets and window shopping, and then I went on a little train tour. To say the day was exhausting was definitely an understatement and I couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel room and spend the rest of the night with Joe since I haven’t gotten to see him as much as I thought I would when he said we were going to be taking a little vacation to France. “I’ll be back to the hotel in like three minutes, I’m on my way back now.” I told Joe. “Ok good, I can’t wait to see you. Did you have fun today?” Joe asked me, knowing I planned on doing a lot of different things today. “Oh my gosh Joe it was so much fun, but I am whooped. I’m going to sleep like a fucking baby tonight.” I said while swinging my shopping bag back and forth while looking at the gorgeous buildings around me.
“You and me both. Socializing is tiring.” Joe chuckled. “That’s because you’re an introvert, Joey.” I laughed while shaking my head. “I know, I wish I was more like you.” He said. Joe was always such a homebody, but oddly enough, he’s spent so much time away from home this offseason. I was the exact opposite, though. I loved to be out of the house and always on the go. I loved to be on my feet and talking with people, which Joe never understood because he loves being at home where he can build legos and watch SpongeBob. “Doesn’t everyone? I’m perfect.” I joked with Joe and walked into the ginormous and beautiful hotel that we were staying at, “I’m at the hotel right now so I’ll be up in a few. I’ll see you soon.” I said. “I’ll see you soon Mi amor.” Joe said with a slight French accent which I couldn’t help but laugh at. I hung up the phone and then headed up to the penthouse where we were staying.
Once I got up to the room, I used my keycard and opened up the door. Immediately, I could hear the tv being shut off and then I heard Joe’s heavy footsteps as he ran towards me. "You're back!" He said excitedly as soon as he turned the corner and saw me. With a giggle, Joe came into view as he running towards me with that adorable and goofy smile on his face. As he ran, he jokingly flailed his arms around like a kid and then when he reached me, he wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and lifted me up and off of the ground. "Hey Joey, I missed you today." I said and snaked my arms around his neck, holding him tightly. There was no better feeling than being in his arms after not seeing him for most of the day while longing for his touch and presence the entire time.
"How was the beach, did you have fun?" Joe asked me, still holding me tightly with my feet tangling in the air. I rolled my eyes with a dramatic groan and shook my head. "It was terrible,” I joked, “it was so amazing, Joe. The water is so gorgeous, but I did find a pair of underwear on the beach which was gross." I laughed at the end when Joe gave me a disgusted face. "That is actually disgusting. I wish I could’ve gone with you, but I had a busy day too with interviews and all that crap.” Joe said with a big sigh before setting me back down on the ground. Once down on the ground, I looked up into his bright blue eyes and leaned up to kiss him. "Well it’s a good thing this trip isn’t over yet and we still have more time." I said with a smile when our lips separated. "Yeah." Joe said with a sigh as we gazed into each other's eyes.
With a small smile, I leaned forwards and nestled my head into his chest. I could hear his heartbeat as soon as I placed my head on his chest. While I ran my fingers through Joe's long hair in the back which he decided to grow out, I could feel his heart beat speed up, making me giggle a little bit. We stood in each other's arms for a few seconds before I said, "I wish we could stay in each other's arms like this forever. At least you’re free tonight which means you're all mine Mr. burrow. What should we do?” I asked and started to think of things we could do. “We could stay here and order room service, go to a restaurant, have a little picnic, have sex.” I said and winked up at Joe at the last one. Joe began to run his fingers up and down my back, knowing I loved when he did it, but then I could feel him start to tense up slightly at what I said. Thinking nothing of it, I nuzzled my head into his chest some more and closed my eyes, the long shift starting to take effect on my body. “What sounds good to you?” I asked him.
"About that, I'm leaving in about an hour to go to dinner with Kyle and Justin. I guess I forgot to tell you with how busy we've been." Joe said in a hesitant way. Are you kidding me? Not again. I pulled back from him as soon as he said this and scoffed a little bit. I tried to keep my cool and be understanding, but I couldn’t. This “vacation” and really the entire off season has truly been like no other. Not only has he had to deal with another season injury and battle back from it physically and mentally, but he's been traveling so much, which is so unlike him, and the only vacation he takes me to, I don’t even get to spend any time with him. It seems like he is always gone and I'm always stuck staying at home or in the hotel alone. I truly can't take it anymore.
On top of all of this, he just got back home from Arizona for his friend's bachelor before we came here. As I looked into Joe's eyes, I could tell he knew I was upset, but it looked like he was trying to avoid a possible fight, but this wasn’t just about this trip, it was about the whole off season and I've kept my mouth shut for long enough. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt with his injury, but he's proven to me time and time again that the mental rough patch is over for him and the next step is getting back into the game. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason for him to continuously leave all the damn time on these stupid little trips or invite me on them and then completely ignore me. I get traveling a little bit, but he's been using and abusing the fact that he can just pack a bag and fly anywhere in his private jet whenever and wherever he wants, and it's driving me absolutely insane.
"You're joking, right?" I asked him, furrowing my brows up at him. Joe just sighed as I dropped my arms from around his neck, knowing this was going to turn into a way bigger thing than he had anticipated. "No, no I'm not. We’re going to talk about what the next few days look like before the fashion show. It’s important.” He said and reluctantly dropped his arms that were around my waist. "That's what you keep saying, Joe. 'It’s important,’ ‘there’s plenty of things to do while I’m gone,’ 'I'll be back before you know it,'" I said, repeating all of the various excuses he's thrown out to me over the past few days, "I can't take it anymore. You said this was going to be a vacation for us and instead you’re leaving me in this huge fucking hotel room all alone.” I said. “Oh come on, don’t be like that. I have things to do baby.” Joe said. “Then don’t lie to me and tell me that this was going to be a vacation, because it’s not.” I snapped at him. “I knew you wouldn’t have come with me if I told you the truth and I wanted you here because you never want to miss work for anything. It’s no different than at home.” Joe said.
I scoffed slightly and shook my head. “If You want to go there, fine, you’re never fucking home anymore, Joe, even when I'm off of work for a few days." I said angrily, but tried my best to keep my cool and not get too angry. I didn't want to turn this into a screaming match and completely ruin the little time I had with him tonight. “We’ll play this game then. You're always gone too." He said, standing up for himself. I looked up at him, waiting for him to tell me he was joking and didn't mean what he said, but he never did. He only raised an eyebrow up at me, waiting for my response to what he said. "I am gone because of my job, Joseph. Don't even try to turn this around on me or compare our situations in any way. I'm making money while you're off spending your money and doing stupid shit or lying to me about a vacation when in reality, you didn’t plan on spending any time with me." I said, raising my voice slightly. I couldn't stand the way he was looking down at me right now. The way he was so calm yet so entitled looking drove me crazy. The nerve of this man. All joe did was throw his hands up slightly while looking down at me all annoyed and said, "I told you I would fucking support you. How many times do I have to tell you that you don't need a job? Because you don't. You just want to keep on complaining about how we never see each other. And for the second time, I lied because I knew you wouldn’t have come.” Joe said.
I took a step back from him, not wanting to be as close as I was to him, and glared up at him as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I can’t keep using my vacation days. I need them for when it actually matters, like when you fuck up your wrist and need surgery. And I need that job because unlike me, you don't have to worry about this relationship ending. Don't get me wrong, I don't want it to end, but that means that I can't decide to not work and then have you break up with me tomorrow." I said. Joe pointed at me with a scoff and said, "I wouldn't do that and you know it. Don't even say that." I didn't really know that, now did I. "Really? Because you don't have the best track record, Joe. I'm just looking out for myself here." I said defensively, taking this conversation in a different direction than it started out in. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Joe said quickly and took a step closer to me. "You know exactly what that means, I don't need to spell it out for you." I said.
I was about to take another step back when he took another giant step closer to me while glaring down at me with those bright blue eyes. Damn. He was hot. The way he stood over me with his arms crossed and periodically pointed at me angrily with those veiny hands. Those veiny hands that looked so incredibly good around my-No. Stop it. You're supposed to be mad at him, remember? "No, no, no, don't stop now. What the fuck does that mean?" Joe said, starting to get madder and madder as this little fight progressed and turned into something a little bigger. With a sigh, I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and started to laugh slightly. "What's so fucking funny? Please, enlighten me. What was that supposed to mean?" He asked me. "It means that before me, you cheated on Ariana, and before her, you broke up with a long term girlfriend to be with Ariana. Plus, all you ever did before me was have one night stands with random girls with big boobs. You want me to say it out loud, fine. You're a fucking player, Joe. You fit right in with that nfl player stereotype." I said, standing my ground.
I could see Joe's jaw clench repeatedly and his nostrils flared slightly in anger as he looked down at me. His arms that were still crossed over his chest kept flexing slightly as he took everything in that I said. Then, he put his hands on his hips and I couldn't help but admire how good he looked. It reminded me of all of the pictures of him at practice and on the sidelines when he stood there and observed everything. Damn. I slowly began Blinking rapidly to push down those thoughts that kept surfacing while Joe said defensively, "excuse me?" I shook my head while looking up at him and then shrugged, not wanting to waste my breath on him, knowing he would never admit or allow himself to ever think of himself as a player when he obviously was, no matter how much he loves me or tries to move on from his past self.
"Just let it go, I'm done with this conversation." I said and started to walk past him. Avoiding eye contact with him, I made my way past him but as soon as I was about to take another step, he grabbed my arm to stop me, but made sure not to hurt me or use too much force. As soon as he grabbed my arm and stopped me in my tracks, I whipped my head up to yell at him to let me go but was suddenly speechless. We were mere inches away and he was fuming. He was trying so hard not to let what I said get to him, but it wasn't working. My eyes darted between his eyes and his mouth and eventually his hand that was gripping onto my forearm, and all I wanted to do was smash my lips against those pink and full lips. I couldn't help but notice him looking down to my lips as well, and hesitating before he spoke up.
"Like hell you're done with this conversation. You started it, you can't just end it!" He raised his voice at me finally, breaking the tension between us in an instant. "What else do you want from me? I told you I was mad at how you lied about this trip and that I want you home more and you turned it around on me and how you can't accept the fact that I need my job. You're being impossible!" I raised my voice right back at him, making him even angrier now that this was slowly turning into a screaming match. "It's not just that, it's the fact that you think I would ever cheat on you or break up with you! When I told you I would marry you one day, I meant it!" Joe said, looking me up and down at the last part. As he looked me up and down, his hair darted in front of his eyes, so he quickly ran his fingers through those dirty blonde curls, pushing them farther onto his head, although they started to fall back down shortly after.
"Plans change, Joe! People change! I need to know that if one day something happens, I have something to fall back on." I said and yanked my arm away from him. Once again, Joe looked me up and down while biting his lower lip as I backed away from him once again so I wasn't as tempted by him. The eye contact was driving me crazy. Even though Joe looked me up and down frequently, taking in everything, we maintained eye contact pretty much the entire time. It was driving me mad. Joe scoffed slightly at my words and said quickly without breaking eye contact, "I'm not going to change, so if you plan on changing, tell me right fucking now and spare me. Hey, maybe I can even get into those one night stands again because according to you I'm a no good player." He said.
I couldn't help but laugh at how much he was turning this around on me. What did I even do? I told him that I wanted to see him more and of course he just had to turn this into a big thing and make it seem like this was all my fault. Typical. "Are you shitting me right now? You are unreal. Unreal! I was upset that you lied to me and haven’t been spending time with me this entire off season and you just had to turn this into a big fucking thing! You can't ever be in the wrong can you!" I yelled at him. Joe did the same thing as I did and started chuckling down at me in disbelief. I crossed my arms over my chest angrily and forced myself to continuously push down those thoughts about how hot he looked in this moment. "Oh so this is all my fucking fault because I wanted you here and apparently because of my job? You're the one who decided to be with an NFL player!" Joe yelled back at me and took a step forwards, making me take a step backwards to prove a point-though I didn't know what that point was, just that I wanted to make one.
"No, no this is my fault. I should've listened to everyone who said that this would be a mistake! You're like...you're like a fucking child!" I screamed at him, not able to take his childish and annoying ways. Joe began to laugh some more while shaking his head at me, then he smirked down at me. "A child? If you think I'm a child then you must be a goddamn pedophile! Can we pause this so I can call the cops and report your ass!" He yelled. I put my hands on the sides of my face before dragging them and my face down with them, feeling like this was a big joke. Now I was the one laughing in disbelief at how stupid he was sounding. "You are so fucking annoying, you know that, right? Always making everything about you. Always turning things into fights. Never taking Accountability for anything. You never even think about what it's like for me! Oh, oh, you know what that sounds like?" I asked him and waited a few seconds, and when he didn't speak up, I yelled, "A fucking child!"
Joe started to bite on the insides of his cheeks while clenching his fists. He began to fidget some before putting both of his hands on his head and screaming, "fuck!" while bending down slightly. I started to laugh at him while watching as he glared at me angrily, not liking how I was laughing at him. "There you go again, losing your shit!" I yelled at him. Joe took a giant step forwards and extended his arm out towards me and pointed right at me and placed his finger on my chest, putting a tiny bit of pressure. I looked down at his finger as he held it on my chest still, then forced myself to drag my eyes up his tanned, tall, and muscular body, all the way up to his blue eyes which were shooting bullets at me. "I lose my shit because of how bitchy you are all the damn time! Do this, Joe. Don't do that, Joe. You always do this and you should be doing this instead. Are you my fucking mom or something?" Joe told me while making a girly voice to mock me and dropped his hand down to his side again.
"No, and I'm fucking glad I'm not! I don't know how she puts up with your stubborn and annoying ass all the damn time!" I yelled back at him, slightly standing on my tippy toes in anger, clenching both of my fists. Damn. Why did he have to be so much taller than me? Even with me standing on my tippy toes he still towered over me and I couldn't help but notice how he couldn't hide a smirk as he looked down at me and at how angry I was. "One, she's a way better person than you, and two, she never has to put up with my 'stubborn and annoying ass all the damn time,' because I have always been perfect! Perfect right out of the womb, thank you very much!" He yelled. I laughed at him in a mocking manner. "oh yeah, right, You're just so perfect," I scoffed while looking him up and down, "you fucking wear socks on the beach, Joe, you're far from perfect! And who hates popcorn? It's popcorn!" I yelled.
"You want to talk about not being perfect? You have to sleep with a fan on all the fucking time and bring it to every hotel we go to like a little weirdo! And who even likes Morgan Wallen? How are you any better than me!" Joe said. I clenched my jaw and began to chew on the side of my cheek. I tried to think of something as quickly as I could, but nothing was coming to me in this moment as I looked into his blue eyes. To concentrate, I looked away from him and at the ground before I yelled, "you like SpongeBob, Joe! SpongeBob! You're 27 fucking years old, act like it! Morgan Wallen is fucking good and don't you dare bring my fan into this!" I said, glaring up at him, although I couldn't help but think about how hot he looked right now as he struggled to stop himself from smirking down at me.
"You still listen to one direction and cry sometimes because they broke up...they broke up like 9 fucking years ago! Get over it! And before me, you never gave anyone a fucking blowjob. What the fuck is up with that! I call that being selfish!" Joe yelled down at me while never breaking eye contact. I shook my head a little bit before taking a deep breath and scoffing. No matter how hot I found this stupid fight, it was still stupid and pointless. I turned around to try and leave, but Joe yelled, "don't you dare walk away right now!" I turned around quickly and I couldn't help but laugh while looking him up and down quickly. "This conversation is so stupid! We're going back and forth throwing out insults like we're 10, Joseph! I'm sick of this! And by the way, I didn't give anyone blowjobs because I was scared you dick, not because I was selfish!" I yelled at him.
Joe threw his hands up in a defensive manner before gesturing to the door behind me. "Then leave! Nothings keeping you here! Go back home for all I care. I don't want to spend another second with you and your annoying ass tonight. Come back when you're done pmsing!" Joe said and crossed his arms over his chest. My eyes danced over his bicep muscles which were a lot more prevalent while being crosses over his chest and I gulped a little bit. "Screw you! For one, you love this ass, and for two, I'm not even on my fucking period," I said and turned towards the door but then quickly turned back around to face Joe, "and good, I didn't even want to see you anyways! You piss me off!" I yelled.
After I said this, I turned back around and started walking to the door. "Fine! Good! Don't let the door hit you on the way out, actually, you know what, let it! Let it hit you right in the fucking ass!" Joe called out after me as he followed me. I reached over and grabbed my bag before turning back around slightly while walking and yelled, "oh wouldn't you just fucking love to see that!" I turned back around while still heading for the door and before I opened it Joe yelled, "as a matter of fact, I would!" While I walked, I flicked Joe off from behind me. "I would say grab some popcorn so you can watch it, but you don't even like popcorn you jackass!"
When I reached the door, I opened it up and was about to walk out when Joe grabbed ahold of the door, not allowing me to open it any further. I angrily turned around to tell Joe to let go of the door so I could leave, but when I faced him, it felt like all of the air was sucked out from my lungs. Joe was quite literally hovering over me while glaring down at me, breathing heavily. His right hand was above my head and holding the door open. As my hand slid off of the doorknob, I couldn't help but glance at the muscles in Joe's arm and how they flexed ever so slightly. Holy fuck. If I didn't leave right now I wouldn't be able to stop. I took in a small breath of air before dragging my eyes up Joe's tall frame and up to those bright blue eyes.
Joe's pov:
I didn't know why I did it. I was so fucking annoyed with her right now, but she looked so goddamn beautiful. The way I could tell that she found it hard to take her eyes off of my body while we bickered back and forth like teenagers drove me absolutely insane. All I knew in this moment, while staring into her equally infuriating and gorgeous eyes as she looked from my eyes down to my lips, finding it hard to resist me, was that I wanted to kiss her and never let her leave. And I'd be dammed if I didn't get what I wanted.
All of a sudden Joe shut the door and took another step towards me, closing the distance between us and smashing his lips against mine in a quick and rushed motion. From the initial contact, I took a step backwards until my back hit the wall, making me let out a little moan, not expecting it. One of Joes hands found my waist and dug his fingers into my soft skin and the other cupped the side of my cheek and occasionally dropped to my neck. Quickly, I put both of my hands on Joe's chest and pushed him back quickly, but he didn't budge. Joe stopped kissing me, knowing I wanted to stop. I was annoyed at how fucking strong he was and the fact that we were supposed to be mad at each other. Again, I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back and this time, he forced himself to take a step backwards. I breathed heavily while feeling myself start to get all flustered.
I didn't want him to stop. Ever. But especially when Joe smirked down at me, knowing the effect he had on me. "It's your choice, it's always your choice." Joe said. My eyes scanned his entire body before they landed back on his eyes. Fuck it. I quickly stepped forwards and wrapped my arms around Joe's neck and crashed my lips against his. Joe took a step back at the initial contact but immediately kissed me back, hard, while wrapping his arms around me and pushing me back against the wall. The kiss was so addicting. Joes hands were tangled in my hair as we kissed like it was the last time we would ever see each other. My heart beat was fast in my chest, beating faster and faster each time Joe touched a new part of my body or plunged his tongue into my mouth. The scent of his expensive cologne flooded my nose every time I took a second to breathe.
The heat of our body's drew so incredibly close to each other that there was no space in between us any longer and joe was hovering over me. I couldn't help but let out a small moan at the sight of it since I opened up my eyes for a split second to take it all in. The kiss quickly became deeper and faster as lust and desire replaced any other feelings, and Joe put his hands on my hips and lifted me off of the ground with ease and then put his hands under my butt to hold me to him. I instinctively wrapped my legs around Joe's waist, locking my ankles behind him. As Joe moved me down on his waist a little bit, I could feel his boner pressing against my clothed clit and let out a small moan at the feeling. A pool formed in my panties and I wanted nothing than to have Joe inside of me right now. My core ached and clenched around nothing as Joe let out a small groan at the feeling of me sitting on his dick and soon he began to grind my hips down on him, seeking any relief.
I pulled away from Joe so I could breathe, a string of saliva connecting our lips. Joe then quickly started to kiss along my jaw. I began to run my fingers through Joe's hair while he kissed along my jaw and then got to my neck where he started off with gentle kisses and then started to suck and bite. I let out soft sighs as I angled my head back so Joe had better access. I moaned softly while gently tugging at Joe's hair. The throbbing sensation that started off as a slow pulsing got so bad that I could barely even think straight. "I need you Joe." I whined out. Immediately, Joe looked around the hotel room. From where we were at, the couch was the furthest thing away from us and the closest thing was the dining room table. Joe glanced back over at me before quickly walking to the dining room table and setting me gently down on top of it.
Once down on the table, Joe grabbed the bottom of my shirt so I lifted my hands up as he slid it off of my body. In a rush, I reached for Joe's shirt but before I could, he grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked it over his head in one swift motion. I almost audibly moaned at the sight of him ripping his shirt off as my eyes trailed over his shirtless body. Although there were things on the table, Joe quickly put his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me down on the table. "There's things on the table, Joe." I said and reached behind me to try and move them so I could lay down but Joe quickly threw them off of the table without a second thought. I flinched a little bit at the sound of the glass shattering on the floor before Joe grabbed my legs and quickly yanked me towards the edge of the table so I was laying flat on the table.
Before I knew it, Joe went under my skirt and I could feel him playing with the strap of my panties so I lifted up my hips slightly so he could take them off. Once he got them off, he was just going to go under my skirt, but I leaned forwards slightly to stop him. "I need to see you." I moaned out. Joe looked up at me while breathing heavily and then yanked my skirt off of me and threw them to the side. I leaned back down on the table and reached down to play with Joe's hair once I could feel his cool breath on my core. I spread my legs to give him more access and began to fidget and move on the table, needing him. "Please, Joe." I begged and looked down at him, longing for his touch. Joe looked into my eyes while dropping his head in between my legs. Without a warning, he began to suck on my clit. "Oh joe!" I moaned and rested my head back on the table, not expecting the feeling so soon. While he sucked and swirled his tongue around my aching clit, he ran his fingers through my soaking wet folds before pushing two fingers inside of me.
I wasn't able to control my moans as Joe pumped his fingers in and out of me while using his tongue to work me up into a frenzy. My hands that were on his head repeatedly yanked and tugged at his hair, the feeling of pleasure taking over my body as I arched my back. With a groan, Joe reached up and managed to grab my wrists to stop me from pulling his hair before he took them off of his head and held them on my stomach. I began to fidget and shift on the table and close my legs slightly. "Separate your legs for me sweet girl." Joe said, the vibrations of his voice on my heat practically sending me over the edge. I let out a moan as he pumped his fingers inside of me faster and even though it was hard, I moved my legs apart. "Good girl." Joe said and started to swirl his tongue around my clit before adding a third finger.
"O-oh fuck." I moaned out and sealed my eyes shut, unable to keep them open any longer. Then, joe began to curl his fingers inside of me, rubbing them along my soft walks. "Faster." I moaned. Just like I asked, Joe pumped his fingers inside of me faster along with curling his fingers inside, causing a knot to soon form in my stomach. I tensed up slightly at the feeling as pleasure coursed through my body. "That's it, cum for me baby." Joe said. Just as he said this, my orgasm washed over me, causing my legs to shake. Joe released my hands as soon as I reached my climax so I used them to push myself off of the table.
It only took a few seconds for me to come down from my high and in no time, Joe was kissing my lips again. My legs were slick with my own arousal and I still needed him inside of me. "Joe I need you." I said after separating our lips. Joe immediately spun me around so I was facing the wall and then put his hands on my hips and guided me over to the wall. "Can you take it standing up?" Joe asked me, knowing I had a long day of being on feet. "Mhm." I said quickly, just needing him inside of me. Once I was close to the wall, Joe pressed me into it slightly before I could hear him undoing his belt. I let out another moan when I dropped my hand down to my sensitive bundle of nerves and rubbed a few gentle and lazy circles into it since Joe was taking too long. "Impatient are we?" Joe asked me so I dropped my hand.
I let out an anticipatory moan as I felt the tip of his dick press against my aching clit and then he slid it through my slick folds and started to ease the tip of it in before taking it out and going back up to my clit, teasing me. "Please don't tease." I groaned. With a slight chuckle at my eagerness, Joe brought his hand in front of me and pinched my clit slightly, making a small gasp leave my mouth. Without warning and without me knowing, Joe quickly thrusted into me. I let out a loud moan as he thrusted all the way inside of me before I could get acclimated, stretching me out and filling me up so much. One of Joe's hands was placed on my shoulder and the other one was placed on my hips to hold me in place so I didn't move.
Every time his hips snapped against mine, he made sure I didn't move a single inch so he could go as deep as he could. Joe let out continuous groans along with my moans as the tip of his dick repeatedly hit my g-spot every time he thrusted into me. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as my knees became weak. If Joe wasn't holding me up, I would've definitely fallen to the ground with how he was making me feel. There was some pain, but it was good pain. Pain that made me scream out his name every time his dick hit my cervix, making me feel so good. The feeling of him fucking me caused my vision to blur from the ecstasy I was currently feeling. Usually Joe was the sweetest and most gentle partner imaginable. He loved to take his time with me and go slow, but every once in a while he let himself go. It was like he flipped a switch.
I moaned loudly when I positioned myself differently, causing his dick to hit a spot that was neglected before I moved. "No noises baby. You ran your mouth enough earlier. You're gonna take this silently." Joe said into my ear as he thrusted into me hard with a groan and then kissed my ear. The only response I could muster up was a small moan of agreement, making Joe smile. "That's my good girl." Joe groaned while he pulled my hips against his. While Joe fucked me so incredibly hard, I had to bite down on my lip to stop from moaning, which was hard. I usually was the most vocal person in bed; I never hid anything and always screamed Joe's name during sex, and rightfully so, if you saw his size you would too.
I began to whimper slightly, unable to stop myself from making any noises with how fast and hard Joe was fucking me. Every time he plunged his dick into my tight walls, my body was forced forwards and I let out a small whimper. "I know it's hard, but you're doing great baby." Joe encouraged me, knowing it was hard for me to hold in my moans of pleasure. I quickly leaned my head against the wall, needing to do something other than just taking Joe's dick right now and keeping quiet, but the wall was extremely uncomfortable and hurt my forehead. While Joe fucked me, he removed his hand from my shoulder and placed it next to my head, noticing I was uncomfortable. I bit down on my lip hard again while placing my head on Joe's hand which was a lot more comfortable, and just as I did, a metallic taste filled my mouth and I knew I drew blood.
Every single time Joe pulled out of me, it was met by him ramming his hips into mine, hitting my cervix every time which sometimes caused a wave of nausea to wash over me. My whole frame was limp and I forced myself to look behind me and to Joe. "I can't." I moaned out, unable to hold in my sounds any longer. All joe did was nod quickly, and immediately after, I let out a moan of relief which was followed by loud moans as the mixture of pleasure and pain filled my body. "That's it." Joe groaned. I let out loud and open mouth moans as he thrusted deeply inside of me. "You feel so good." Joe groaned into my ear before he picked up the pace. My tired legs began to collapse so to make up for it, I moved my hips forwards to get in another position, the speed proving to be too much. To make up for it, Joe took another step forwards and then wrapped an arm around my waist so I couldn't move anymore and rested his head on my shoulder so he could rut inside of me. As pain slowly filled my body and my legs began to burn, I shook my head, letting Joe know that I couldn't do this position for much longer, so he quickly dropped his hand down to my clit and rubbed slow and gentle circles into it, knowing it always helped me reach my high faster.
Almost immediately, I felt a knot in my stomach and I didn't even have to focus on it for it to wash over me. My legs began to shake like crazy as Joe pulled out of me and slowly spun me around. I knew Joe had plenty more left in him, so I nodded while trying to catch my breath. "Is that all you got?" I teased, letting him know I had some left in me. "You wish." Joe winked down at me and then put his hands on my hips and quickly picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and began to place small kisses along his jawline and on his neck while he made his way over to the bedroom, knowing it was going to be the most comfortable place for me.
Once we got to the bedroom, Joe placed me down on the bed and crawled in between my legs. He wasted no time and immediately thrusted inside of me. Not expecting it again, I arched my back and dug my nails into his back as he started to create a rhythm. "You feel so fucking good." Joe groaned into my ear. I angled my head up and closed my eyes as I let out repeated moans, pure ecstasy coursing through my veins in a matter of seconds, but then Joe gently grabbed my chin and angled my head down. "Look at me baby, you know I love to look at you." Joe said before letting out a small groan as he thrusted back into me. I winced slightly and moaned as we held eye contact while Joe held onto my hips with one hand to stop me from moving too much. "That's it. Good job." Joe said in a quiet voice before dropping his head down and kissing my lips. I tried my best to kiss his lips, but I struggled to kiss him back as he fucked me. All I could do was lay there while digging my nails into Joes back while listening to the sound of the big bed creek every time Joe thrusted into me.
After a few seconds, Joe once again pulled back so he could look into my eyes. If there was one thing to be said about Joe during sex other than that he loved to let loose every once in a while, was that he absolutely loves looking at my fucked out face. He loves to watch my facial expressions as he thrusted deeply into me and hit my g-spot. He loves to watch me let out loud and open mouthed moans. He loves to watch as I flinched or winced when the tip of his dick hit my cervix. He loves to see the effect he has on me and how he makes me feel. If he notices that I'm furrowing my eyebrows in pain, he'll ease up or drop his hand down to my clit to replace some of the pain with pleasure. Although he loves to let loose sometimes, he's still observant and caring and makes sure that I'm okay.
In no time, my walls clenched around Joe's dick, my breathing hitched with every snap of his hips, and the knock was back. Knowing I was close, I wrapped my legs around Joe's waist and met his thrusts. Even though I thought he couldn't, this new angle allowed Joe to thrust deeper inside of me as I let out loud pornographic moans. After hearing me moan louder, Joe sped up his hips and snapped his hips harder against mine while dropping his hand down to my clit. "I'm s-so close." I moaned out. I let out one final scream as my high washed over me. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and my entire body began to slowly shake. I breathed so incredibly heavy while I road out my high and I forced my eyes open so I could look at Joe, my whole body filled with pleasure. While Joe hovered over me, his sweaty curls hung on his forehead so I reached up and ran my fingers through them.
As soon as my body came down from the high, Joe grabbed my waist while sitting up on the bed and moved me around so I was on all fours. I let out a slightly nervous sigh while preparing myself for this. "Tell me to stop and I will, we don't have to do this." Joe said, not wanting to do anything I was uncomfortable with, although I could tell he really wanted this because of the eagerness in his voice. I looked behind me and as soon as I saw Joe's naked body, my core began to throb again and I let out an anticipatory sigh. "I need you, Joey." I said. "Yes ma'am." Joe smirked at me before I faced forwards and braced myself slightly.
Joe grabbed onto my hips to hold me in place but then he removed one of his hands and I could feel him press the tip of his dick to my aching clit, putting some pressure on it. I closed my eyes with a sigh and moved my hips backwards to create some more pressure, seeking any form of relief right now, needing him inside of me. "Please." I whined out. Joe then moved his dick down to my folds and aligned himself up with me before pushing inside of me. My walls immediately clenched down around him as I let out a loud moan, making it harder for Joe to push inside of me. When his dick was all the way inside of me, he quickly began to thrust into me while grabbing my hips and forcing me backwards to meet his hips.
I gritted my teeth and gripped onto the sheets as the tip of his dick rammed into my g-spot every single time his hips met mine. "Oh my-fuck!" I practically screamed as Joe forced my hips back every single time to meet his hard and fast thrusts. I could hear Joe grunting behind me while he created a fast rhythm with his hips. "Fuck- that's it," Joe grunted as he fucked me and his dick his my cervix, "take it like a good fucking girl." My eyes rolled into the back of my head while I let out loud and open mouthed moans, but I wondered how much longer I could last. My legs and arms were already starting to ache and it seemed like Joe could go on forever.
Joe could tell that it was starting to get hard for me in this position, so he slowed down his hips slightly. "Lay your head in the sheets baby," Joe said, so I laid my head in the sheets like he said, "there you go. Just a little longer you can do it." He talked me up. Joe then reached down and grabbed my wrists with one of his hands and put them behind my back, the other one stayed on my hip though to make sure I didn't move. Once in this position, Joe picked up the pace so he was going as fast as before and met my hips with so much force each time. "Joe! Oh fuck!" I moaned loudly every time he thrusted into me and Joe kept letting out grunts, not afraid to be vocal. Tears streamed down my face along with mascara, and my bottom lip was bleeding from how hard I would bite it. Every time it would stop bleeding, I bit down on it again and reopened the wound, causing me to taste blood over and over again.
Although I was enjoying it, a lot of the pleasure was soon replaced with some pain and I didn't know how much longer I could go. I let out a few painful moans as Joe continued to snap his hips against mine, not easing up on the slightest. The friction picked up and I could tell that it was harder for Joe to thrust into me because of it. "Joe." I moaned out, in more pain and tired. "Okay, okay baby." Joe said. I looked back at him after he released my hand and watched as he spit onto his fingers. I let out a moan after seeing him spit on his fingers and I swear just from that I could go five more rounds. Joe then brought his hand down and slid his wet fingers through my slit to make me a little slicker before he started to thrust into me, although they were slower and more drawn out, which made it so much easier to take.
A few seconds later the knot came back and I could tell Joe was close because his thrusts became sloppy and out of rhythm. Joe dropped his hand down to my clit since he knew I was close and rubbed it gently. "Oh joe." I moaned out as I reached my climax. At the same time, I could feel Joe twitch inside of me and he thrusted into me a few more times before pulling out. I collapsed onto the bed while my body shook and I breathed heavily, my chest rising and falling super quickly. Joe, breathing heavily as well, dropped down next to me and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer to him so we could ride out our highs together.
Once our breathing got more controlled, Joe turned to face me more. "I'm sorry that I told you that this was going to be a vacation for us so you would come with me. I shouldn't have done that, I just wanted you here with me." Joe said. I scooted closer to him and rested my head on my hand. "You could've just told me that this was a trip for you but that you wanted me to go with you. I would've came with you without you lying. I know that me being here helps." I said and kissed Joe's arm. "I know, I know. And I'm sorry I haven’t been spending enough time with you this offseason and that It got turned it into a fight, I truly don't like fighting with you. You are the love of my life and I will spend more time with you, because you’re the most important person in my life. Also, I promise you, I love your fan and I love that you love Morgan Wallen." Joe said and looked over to the fan that I of course brought on the trip with us. "I'm sorry too, Joe. I know this off season has been a tough one to say the least and that getting away from home helps. I get it. You are also the love of my life and I promise you, I love your sock and I love that you love SpongeBob, even if I can't stand how annoying it is." I smiled up at him.
Joe chuckled at the last part. We laid in each other's arms for what felt like forever, just talking about the trip so far and what the next few days would look like. Just as Joe was about to tell me how long he would be gone tonight, he opened his mouth to say something but then immediately shut it. "You know what, let's go to dinner right now. Put some clothes on." He said and hopped out of the bed and looked around the floor to find his clothes, but when he couldn't find them he started to look on the bed and move around the blankets. "We stripped in the dining room, remember?" I laughed. "Oh yeah, right." Joe chuckled and headed for the closet after grabbing his phone. "Are you sure about dinner? This whole fight started because I was upset that you had dinner with them tonight?" I asked Joe while scooting closer to the edge of the bed.
While Joe's back was facing me, I looked down at his bare butt and couldn't help but laugh at his pale ass. When joe turned around with furrowed brows to see what I was looking at, I stopped laughing immediately and shook my head. "Nothing." I said, trying to stop myself from smiling. Joe raised an eyebrow at me before shrugging and continuing on to the closet. "Not anymore, I'm telling them I'm taking my gorgeous girlfriend out to dinner instead," Joe said and then leaned his head out from the closet to look at me, "that means that you should probably get dressed." I stood up with the sheet wrapped around me and headed for the closet. "My hair is a mess and it'll take me at least 30 minutes to redo my makeup." I said. "Your hair looks perfect and you don't need any makeup, you're perfect just the way you are." Joe said and picked out some clothes to wear. "Ok fine." I said excitedly, needing no more persuasion and went into the closet with him to pick out some clothes.
When we arrived at the restaurant together, we got a few stares from the people that recognized Joe and one person asked for a picture, but other than that most of the people didn't give Joe a second look, which Joe was so thankful for. Walking into a restaurant and not having everyone's eyes on us for once was honestly a good feeling. Back in the states, every single place we went there were always at least five people that stared at us or asked for autographs or pictures, which was fine but sometimes I wanted some privacy.
While the hostess showed us to our table, Joe put his hand on the small of my back which made butterflies swarm in my stomach and I knew my face flushed red. The hostess finally stopped at a cute little table in the back of the restaurant where Joe and I sat down and immediately looked at the drink menu. "Should we get a bottle of wine to share?" Joe asked me while looking at the wine list. I looked up at him like he was stupid and said with a small scoff, "uhm of course, do you even know me?" The both of us laughed a little bit, knowing that I always loved to get a glass of wine at any restaurant we went to. "I'm sorry, I forgot you're an alcoholic who has to always drink wine at dinner." Joe said. I jokingly kicked him under the table and watched as his eyebrows reached his hairline, not expecting me to kick him. "I love wine, okay? It started when I first met you since watching your games always stresses me out." I said with a 'hmph' at the end.
Just as I said this, our waiter walked over to us with a huge smile on his face. "Hello hello, my name is Jules like that one weird alien movie and I'll be taking care of you tonight." He asked us while flipping to a new page in his notebook. Joe and I looked at each other with a small laugh before looking back at him. "What can I get you two beautiful people to drink this fine evening?" He asked us. My face immediately flushed a shade of red at the slightest compliment, even if he says it to every single person he serves. I looked over to Joe who was smiling at how easily I got flustered all the time while picking back up the wine menu. I looked back over to Jules who was smiling at the both of us and when I looked at him, he gave me his full attention.
"What wine would you recommend?" I asked him. "Well, what kind of wines are you thinking about? Sweet? Dry? Red? White?" He asked me. "Nothing really in particular, just one that I probably wouldn't be able to find in the states." I said. Jules nodded at what I said and then started to write down something on his notepad. "I'm going to give you one of our finest wines that we have in France, Château Margaux, do we want a bottle for the table?" He asked me. "A bottle sounds great, thank you so much." I said and put down the wine list. "Bien sûr, bien sûr." Jules said while writing another thing down, but he kept giving Joe occasional glances while looking the slightest bit confused.
When the man was done writing something down, he furrowed his brows and tapped the pen against his lip. "You look so familiar...I feel like I've seen you before. Are you like famous or something?" Jules asked Joe. I looked over to Joe who chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, at a loss of words. I could tell he didn't know how to reply, so I decided to steer Jules in another direction. "Honestly people say that a lot. I don't know if you watch f1 racing, but people say he looks like George Russell." I said, making joe almost laugh. The man looked at me and then to Joe before his eyes widened and it looked like something clicked inside of his head. "Ah-yes yes. George Russell. I knew you looked famous. Alright I'll have that wine out for you in just a few minutes and then I'll take your dinner orders." He said and left our table with a smile.
"Oh my gosh why'd you say that? I feel bad for the man." Joe laughed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I honestly don't know, I just wanted him to think you're a regular person and not famous. It worked I guess?" I shrugged with a laugh. "Okay I get that, but why George Russell? I don't even look like him.” Joe said, sounding a little offended. "You may be way hotter, but it's the only person that I could think of that kind of looks like you and I wasn't going to say the person from home alone.” I said, knowing he hates when people compare him to the kid from home alone. “I would’ve taken that over George Russell. He’s like scrawny and way more feminine like.” Joe said and leaned forwards a little bit. “Oh come on, you hate when people compare you and Kevin and you used to be skinny and scrawny y’know. I’ll just take a thank you for steering Jules in the other direction.” I said and waited for a thank you from Joe.
“Oh really? How could you even think straight with how flustered you got though? As soon as he told us we were beautiful your face got red like a tomato. I’m surprised you didn’t freeze up like how you get with me.” Joe said. I couldn’t help but laugh while kicking Joe’s leg underneath of the table. “Okay-well.” I said and tried to come up with a response to what he said or throw an insult about at him but nothing came out when I opened my mouth. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, and thank you, even though I look nothing like George Russell.” He said. I rolled my eyes with a smile and then rested my head on my hand. “Yeah yeah, anytime.” I laughed.
Despite the night not starting off the best, it ended on a great note. We got our food and shared a bottle of wine together while talking about what we fought about and settling everything between us. In the past I never had a relationship that I was able to talk about my feelings without the man taking everything personal, but Joe was the opposite. He listened to what I had to say and we came up with ways to work around it. It was refreshing and healthy and it didn’t make me feel worthless or stupid. We built our relationship ship around trust that consisted of honesty, mutual respect, nfl games, and the occasional fucking.
While we walked back to our hotel, Joe kept his arm around my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder, enjoying the peaceful night. For a few minutes everything was silent and we just enjoying each other’s company and the fact that we finally got to spend time with each other, but then I could hear Joe let out a small sigh. Looking up at Joe, I could tell he was a little upset about something, so I nudged his arm. “Everything okay?” I asked him. Joe looked down at me with a reassuring smile and nodded before saying, “I guess, I just feel bad for fighting with you. I’m truly sorry about bringing your job into it. I know you love working and I know that you need it, but just know that I’m in this for the long run. You’re it for me.” Joe said. I smiled up at him and kissed his shoulder. “We both said things we didn’t mean in the moment and I know you would never cheat on me. You’re it for me too.” I said. “Good, and from now on I promise I’ll put you first over anything else. You’re permanent, football and trips aren’t.” Joe said. “How did I get so lucky?” I asked while shaking my head in awe up at him. “Yeah right, I’m the lucky one.”
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I watched all of The Bear Season 3 and I have so many thoughts... SPOILERS BELOW
TL;WR: It was not all bad... There were high points and low points for sure, and I did enjoy the high points! but the stress and chaos this season brought was not worth the few and far between moments of goodness we saw.
First, the good:
Liza Colón-Zayas. Oh my god. A true standout, as always. If her episode doesn’t win her an Emmy, I will be fucking furious. Ayo also deserves an Emmy for directing that episode. Every second of the episode was beautiful and moving and added significantly to the overall plot and character development of the show (as every episode of a 10-episode season show should… but more on that later)
Abby Elliot, I love you. I am a Nat Berzatto stan through and through. Ice Chips was my favorite episode of the season. AE’s chemistry with Jamie Lee Curtis is unmatched. I was so genuinely touched by this episode. This episode was family therapy for me, I think. Thank you Abby Elliot, very cool.
Richie gets some great family time with his daughter and Tiff this season, and it’s genuinely so good to see him continue to grow and support his family even when it’s really hard for him. I see how hard he’s trying and I love him for it.
Ted Fak gave some really great energy that really worked this season. Him and Neil were consistently funny and entertaining to watch. I enjoyed their bit about haunting that came up several times throughout the season
JOHN FUCKING CENA being a Fak was an INSANE choice but I loved it. This show has gone off the rails and goddamn it I need more John Cena immediately
Joel McHale is back and as bitchy as ever! I love the havoc he wreaks on Carmy. His line from episode 10, “I don’t think about you” (paraphrasing, I’m not going back to watch it for the exact quote) made me gasp watching it. If Carmy wasn't such a prick, I would feel bad, but Season 3 Carmy deserves the shit Chef David deals him.
Olivia Coleman. That is all.
"You can go fuck" is my favorite Bear quote, especially when Nat says it
Always happy to see Will Poulter as Luca. His lil mullet is adorable and I love him. I hope he and Syd connect even more in Season 4
Pete asking Syd if different foods make different levels of noise was the funniest bit the whole season. Protect Pete at all costs.
Now for the bad…
Where’s the fucking character development??? Carmy and Syd in particular felt very stuck this season. The whole season is very stuck in the past and pays a lot of lip service to 'working through your shit'... but no one ever works through their shit this season (save for Richie, sort of) and it annoyed the hell out of me.
The whole first episode felt like a waste of time. Almost no narrative development, 20+ minutes of montage and fancy shots of cooking? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the food porn in The Bear. I live for that shit. But the narrative went NO WHERE in Episode 1 because of how much fancy cooking footage was there instead. Gurl, get on with it. I’m bored.
There are several secrets being kept this season. Syd being offered another (possibly better) position and never talking to Carmy about it, Cicero not telling Carmy that he's now broke and can't help pay for the restaurant anymore, and the details of the restaurant review being kept a secret from the audience (and the characters) for most of the season. And like, we just never really get any payoff from it?? We barely see the restaurant review at the end, Syd doesn't tell Carmy about the other job, and Cicero doesn't tell Carmy about being broke. We ended the season where we started. Re: a waste of time!
Another waste of time was the slight of hand/magic trick theme thing they tried to do but didn't fully develop. I was confused as to what the point of all that was, but it was never fully resolved. Don't give me that 'to be continued' shit because you didn't tie up your loose ends this season. I know bad writing when I see it.
Cicero was especially difficult to watch this season. More antagonistic than usual (which, fair, The Bear is a very expensive shitshow) but it makes a big deal about saying he wishes he would've shown up for the Berzatto kids more, but for what purpose? He says this twice, only for it to be revealed to the audience that he's basically lying to Carmy about having money. Bad writing makes this character more scummy than I think he needs to be.
The Claire subplot went absolutely nowhere this season. I think the only time we actually see Claire in present day (and not just in Carmy's blue-tinted 'Supercut' by Lorde memories of her...) is when Neil and Ted Fak are fucking with her at work about Carmy. She was a major trigger point for Carmy this season, but he never does anything to make amends to her, which I found strange considering there's a WHOLE EPISODE about Carmy "considering apologizing." Shut the fuck up. Apologize to her or don't, but she is not haunting you, Carmen. Goddamn.
Speaking of Carmy never apologizing, this season is SO full of callbacks to previous seasons and makes such specific references that the audience is expected to remember, but there are giant plot holes and references that are all but forgotten. The "I'm sorry" sign that Carmy taught Syd to do on the line when they're upset at each other is never brought up once this season, which feels lazy. Carmy did that sign when he was being an asshole last season, and it felt like that was missing. Also, some of the motifs this season just didn't make sense to me.
Finally, Carmen Berzattto is a grade-A asshole the whole season. Like, just a massive prick with no character development, no arc, no interest in healing or working through his shit or connecting with other human beings in really anyway, and honestly? He was antagonistic and demanding and harsh in a way we've never see him before, and I don't think it was for the better. I understand that it's because he's lost this humility and is turning into Chef David, which is the worst thing in the world to Carmy, but he shows 0 remorse for being an asshole this season. Him 'not being able to say sorry' isn't a good enough excuse for how truly grating his character was the entire season. I didn't enjoy watching him on screen. My favorite moments this season were the ones where Carmy was no where to be found. I loved Carmy in Seasons 1 and 2, but I wanted nothing to do with him this season. That's just bad writing.
PHEW, that was a lot! Okay my loves, thanks for sticking through all that. Please let me know your thoughts and hot takes too!! Anyway, stan Natalie Berzatto, and pick up some fucking C-folds, yeah?
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emeritus-fuckers · 2 days
Hi! I hope you guys are having a great day! I saw Ghost asks are open, and I wanted to request the Papas comforting male reader cause there's a bunch of issues with friends and such, and they aren't feeling too well. Preferably with Terzo and/or secondo? You can ignore this if you want. Have a great day/afternoon/night!
Papas comforting their s/o through friend issues
Primo (He/Him)
He can tell the moment he sees you that something is up. You hear the kettle boil as you settle on the sofa in his garden shed. The wind rushes through the trees outside and you take a breath feeling a little calmer.
"Stay as long as you want" He says as he places a steaming pot of tea on the chipped wooden table. He pours you some, handing you the mug. "This will help." Even the smell of the tea calms. You wrap your fingers around the mug as you start to tell him what happened.
He nods "I'm sorry you are having such a terrible time of it, your friends don't seem to be the best right now." He sips his own tea "Everything passes, the good times and more importantly the bad times."
Somehow just being around him and having him actually listen to you really helps. Primo then spends the rest of the afternoon with you and insists you come find him whenever you need. Or as he says with a smile, if you prefer, just listen to Ghost and all of them will be with you.
Secondo (He/Him)
You sink back on the plush sofa, dressed in the most comfortable silk pyjamas that Secondo insisted you accepted. You've just been allowed access to his Papal baths and they are more like a spa. He hates seeing you down, he'll get you whatever he can to help. Or if you prefer he'll take you away for a few days to your favourite place. No expense is spared in helping you, he will also clear his timetable for the day.
He is not impressed with your friends, they have upset you. He offers to go and have a word with them. A very scary word...
He'll pamper you the entire day. He'll encourage you to talk, as the more you say stuff out loud the more you seem to work through it and figure it out. But of course there is no pressure if you just want to relax and forget about it all, he can help.
Depdning on how you feel he'll offer to take you to a party that night to take your mind off things.
He gives the best hugs, you feel totally safe in his embrace and he will hold you as long as it takes.
He'll cook your favourite food for you. He'll bring it out to the table still with the apron on. The food smells amazing, tastes even better. The more you enjoy it the bigger his smile gets.
Terzo (He/They)
You've been looking for him all over the ministry but it's Terzo who found you. He sees you looking down and pulls you into the biggest cuddle "I heard you were down Caro? What is wrong?"
When you tell them their face falls and he says "You don't need them, not when they are treating you this way hmm?"
You can smell the incense on him from days spent in the chapal. "Let me help caro, whatever you need I am here for you."
He starts to smile again when you nod. He starts to use his usual fambloyance and charm to get a bigger smile from you.
"I know a good spot, my secret hid out where I could get some peace and quiet." It was a room in an area of the ministry that seemed forgotton. Cobwebs hung over the corridor, the statues and paintings covered in dust. One door however was clear of all that. He pushed it open and the room was decorated with purple drapes and very well kept. "Stay here as long as you need" he gave your shoulder a squeeze. "I'll stay too for as long as you want." He settled on the window seat and beckoned you over with a grin. "The perfect spot to watch the patio in the garden. This is where a lot of siblings meet in the day" He pushed the window open a jar and a devilish chuckle came from him. "This is how I am so good at match making, I observe." Terzo's eyes fell on you "I just love how happy two people look when they find the right person. If things don't work out with some people in your life, try not to worry too much, someone better might come along."
As much as they try to cheer you up with laughter and distraction they can be serious too. When they realise you need advice or need to talk more they are there for you. Something about the expression on their face is just so comforting, they really sees you.
Copia (He/Him)
It might be his solution to everything, but as the rats clamber all over you and Biscotti curls up on your lap you let out a breath.
Copia smiles and passes you a mug of your favourite hot drink and sits down next to you. "What has you so troubled?"
You explain and he nods. "Ah, that is very hard. But I am here with you, that helps Sì?" His expression is ernest as he scans your face. "Just let me know what I can do to help..."
You do feel better having him there and nod, Copia sits up a little straighter. "With the people that have upset you, I could err try the moves Mr Saltarian taught me? Give them the old one two sì?"
You carefully stroke a now sleeping Biscotti and Copia pulls out two video game controllers. "Maybe this will take your mind off things? I know you said you don't feel too well so lets just spend the day here. Away from everone and everything else."
Old Nihil (He/Him)
You have to tell him a few times what's happened because, even with the best will in the world, he can't hear you. He just keeps loudly shouting "WHAT?" until a very fed up Sister walks over and turns his hearing aids on.
As soon as he hears what's going on he looks concerned and angry. "I will have a word with those friends. Seesstor can help." He gives her a simping look.
You kinda imply you just want some company as you don't feel too well.
"Oh.." he smiles "I can do that."
He'll take you on his favourite walk - or shuffle in his case. But the gardens are beautiful and Nihil ,although he comes out with a lot of useless advice, sometimes he says something very helpful. You just got to know when to listen.
He'll pretty much do anything you want if it will cheer you up.
He might spend some of the time complaining to you about Copia, after all a problem shared and all that. "That boy... he could be one of your friends for all the use he is..."
Young Nihil (He/Him)
You find him in his rooms, the haze of smoke hardly there today as he lies on the sofa strumming his guitar. The windows thrown open wide to let what little breeze there is fight off the summer heat. It's cooler as you step in. On the table a jug of mocktail full of ice, condensation running off the outside, pulls you towards it and Nihil.
He hands you a glass as you slump down on the well worn sofa. "What's up?" He asks placing his guitar down.
He'll offer to take your mind off it completely, he knows some fun parties and you can meet new friends! He might be confused as to why that doesn't work but when he sees you are really down he will do anything he can to help. Even if he is a little useless he really means well and that care shows through.
He'll offer you a drink or something stronger to help. His method of dealing is self medicating but he knows it's not a good idea for everyone so he won't push it.
He is actually suprsingly good at listening and he'll just sit there for you as long as you need. It helps if he's a little stoned, he tends to be calmer and able to listen better.
He'll play his guitar for you, if that will help you chill.
Once you start to feel better he talks you into going out for the night with him, and it does cheer you up. Whether you drink or not it doesn't matter. Nihil's smile is infectious and you just can't help but join in.
Written by Nyx.
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inuhalfdemon · 10 hours
Sex Ed 101 for No One Can Know...
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RadioApple SMUT
Rating = Explicit
Word Count = 2,846 Words
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“Are you sure!?”
“Luci...if you ask me that question one more time, I'm saying ‘no’ completely out of spite.”
“I'm sorry...I just...you know-“
“Yes, I know...but, my answer still remains a ‘yes’...your grace.”
“Hm...'Kay.”  Lucifer’s devil’s tail was lashing about excitedly.
Both he and Alastor were tangled together – naked – and had just been lazily exploring each other’s mouths, as well as…some other places. Lucifer had been hellbent on them christening his new room at the hotel this time, so they were currently finding pleasure in each other within his oversized bed.
“Why are you so worked up about this anyway?” Alastor asked him, curious. Alastor was reclined comfortably on his back; Lucifer knelt over him. “From what you've told me, we won't be doing anything incredibly enjoyable to you for quite some time yet.”  
“What I told you was: this is something we would be building up to...which will require at least a few sessions...I never said I wouldn't enjoy it.” Lucifer explained; laying a lick across a series of scars that ran across Alastor’s chest, Lucifer’s devil’s tail only lashing out more. 
“You're actually very excited about this then, aren't you?” Alastor noted; his hand pressed to Lucifer’s thigh, absent-mindedly rubbing circles into it with his thumb.
“Very.” Lucifer’s eyes burned gold, flaring brighter momentarily.
“And now, I'm worried…”
Lucifer laughed. “It will be enjoyable...for both of us. I get to explore something new with you and I...I get to be your first. I think that gives me a right to some excitement.”
“Ugh... I'm not a virgin.”  
“No...” Lucifer allowed, only he made a face when he thought: …but, that tight hole of yours is.
“Luci...I can read your face and I don't care for what it just said.” Alastor’s eyes narrowed.  
“Look... I'm just excited to get to do this with you, alright.” Lucifer smiled a toothy-wide grin and laid himself down so that he was hugging Alastor’s bare chest, his head resting on his sternum and looking back up at the Sinner demon. “I want to make you feel good, Al. And, I think if we approach it in the right way... you'll really enjoy it.”
“Honestly, Luci...this whole approach you've got planned...it just sounds...demeaning.” Alastor winced, his ears lying back; remembering how Luci explained to him what he should be expecting in these sessions. “I mean…This, is what you did!? All this…preparation?”
“Hm...nope...” Lucifer had hoped to avoid this question. “But, I also have the advantage of…shape-shifting.”
“Oh, you little fuck- Can't you just...’break me in rough’ or something?” Alastor asked him in exasperation. “We've gotten overzealous in things before...bloodied each other up. Whatever injuries I sustain – if any –“
“Though I understand that idea might sound more appealing to your ego,” Lucifer interrupted him, sitting himself up now, flicking Alastor on the nose and eliciting a snarl. “I won’t humor it. I won’t be hurting you when we do this.”  
Alastor gave him a withering look of disgust.
“Seriously, Al... I'm not doing this to outright embarrass you.” Lucifer told him, being absolutely serious now. “But, if we're doing it at all... we're doing it right. I don't want...” He sighed. “I don't want there to be any more bad experiences associated with sex for you. Am I excited to get to try this with you? Yes. Do I think once we get really going with it in later sessions that you will love it? Yes. But...if it makes you uncomfortable or you dislike any part of it...even if it’s just the prep - I want you to let me know.”
“Good enough.” Lucifer nodded, pleased. Shifting forward; he leant himself down – his mouth finding Alastor’s again. The kiss started as something soft but then slowly built into something more…demanding. Alastor slid clawed fingers through Lucifer’s hair; clutching at the angel’s neck and pulling him harder to him. Lucifer nipped at his lip sharply and Alastor drove his tongue between their parted lips.
After some time with this, Lucifer pulled himself away – panting now.  “Now...” He swallowed, steadying himself and shifting down. “I normally only like to introduce one new thing at a time when it comes to these types of sessions, however...”
Lucifer slid his hand between them; skimming downward – his fingers finding Alastor’s semi-hard length.  
“Some...distraction may prove helpful.” He breathed, doing something with his hand.
Alastor jerked; his ears standing straight and stiff as rods. His eyes widened and he shifted, suddenly apprehensive. “What the-“ He squirmed. Gripping Lucifer’s shoulders he tried moving him enough to the side so that he could see. “What did you just-“
He managed to make an opening between their bodies by just enough to look down and see.
“Did you just put a cock ring on me!?” He snarled out his astonishment.
“Yes, yes...I did.” Lucifer smirked, rather proudly. “They’re normally meant to restrict blood flow…gives you a longer erection but, this one is stretchy and…stimulating.”
“It-!” Alastor swallowed; shifting more. It feels...interesting.” His long ears were rotating; flicking and turning as he seemed to be fully processing this new and unexpected physical development.
“Haha!” Lucifer grinned widely back at him, showing all of his teeth. “Yeah, they do! Now, turn over... 
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“Oh, good God, Lucifer…this is humiliating!”  Alastor groaned into the sheets.
“Humiliation is the spice to arousal, my friend.” Lucifer sang back at him.
Alastor was pressed facedown into the bedcovers; his ass lifted up above bent knees and tail standing straight. Lucifer was presently pressed to his backside, stroking and massaging the taut muscles surrounding Alastor’s entrance with his fingers and his claws; his own body leant forward in such a way that he also was able to reach around and stroke at Alastor’s rising cock.  
“You are an appreciator of the culinary arts…” Lucifer hummed.
“Oh, please...dear Satan…Luci! Do not talk about food or cooking...not now!” He groaned again; pressing his face harder into the bed – ears flattened in his immense embarrassment.
How did I let myself end up here!?
Alastor’s antlers were steadily branching out from his head; his tail had a delicate raised and frizzed ridge running up the middle of it and Lucifer was enjoying winding him up, more and more.
Lucifer snickered. “Musical arts, then!” He pressed himself closer into Alastor. “Your ass is a symphony...and I'm going to play it.”
“That's...” Alastor gasped; feeling Lucifer’s hand retreat from his quivering erection. “That's not...oh, sweet Lord!” Alastor’s claws tore into the sheets; his hands clenching beside him.
Lucifer’s hands had slid between Alastor’s cheeks, spreading them as he pressed in with his face now…forked tongue flicking and tracing all along his rim.
“Mmphg...” Alastor moaned into the covers.   
Lucifer was no longer stimulating his cock but the ring he had placed there made it feel like Alastor was still being gripped…and as his arousal climbed, the sensation to his length only tightened. Alastor shifted; spreading his legs out wider, when Lucifer’s tongue entered him.
Alastor’s back bowed, his pelvis tilting sharply.
Gasping, Alastor whined at the warm and wet feeling of Lucifer probing him.
Lucifer’s tongue wiggled and wagged; pressing and teasing at Alastor’s tight muscles that were just inside. Dragging his forked tip in a circular motion against Alastor’s walls, Lucifer felt the puckering of the tight hole against his ministrations, and it elicited an obscene moan from the devil’s mouth.
Alastor’s tail flicked at the sound of it…his body melting into the pleasurable vibrations it was sending careening up from his tailbone and upward into his spine.  
Feeling this change in him; Lucifer retreated his tongue, pulling himself back.
“I should toss your salad more often.” He was smirking, the forks of his tongue curving and sliding across the corner of his upper lip.
“Lucifer…” Alastor growled a warning, the sound of it rumbling out from the covers.
With a flick of the hand, Lucifer had his fingers coated in a slick and warm lube.  
Gently, Lucifer grasped Alastor’s tail in his un-lubricated hand. His thumb stroked soothing circles into the soft smokey skin that ran up the underside of it and his slick fingers pressed against Alastor’s opening, massaging him against the entrance there.
Alastor felt the warm lube sliding across his twitching hole and he wasn’t sure just how much more of this he could take… The things Lucifer were doing to him there were stimulating enough but he still had the cock ring to contend with. All of it had him breaking out into a sweat now; his legs and his knees where quivering from the slow building of an absolute tension that he never knew his body was capable of withstanding.
"You're doing so good, Al... are you ready for more?" Lucifer was pressing himself back into him; the pads of his fingers teasingly brushing and pushing…threatening to press inside.
Alastor’s tail, still in Lucifer’s hand, began wagging. 
"Mmm...good boy." Lucifer breathed, Alastor’s tail was giving him all the affirmation that he needed.
Alastor felt a heat touching his face that quickly climbed into a flaring scorch when Lucifer pressed one finger into him, the first joint of it sliding inside. Reflexively, Alastor tensed, and his tail went stiffly erect in Lucifer’s curled fingers.
"Easy...try to relax. It's going to feel different...I promise I'll go slow." Lucifer was telling him, coaching him.
Lucifer carefully wagged his finger, pushing more inside. 
“Ahhh....” Alastor was groaning, body trembling as he shifted himself. He was biting his lip now; the heat in him only growing hotter, his face only turning redder.
"You're doing great, Al.” Lucifer told him. “But, fuck...you’re so tight." He growled, a heat quickly building in him now.
Obscene imaginings…the very thought of Lucifer getting to slide himself into this tight and radiating heat...feeling the walls pucker and tighten against his own cock.
It was much too enticing.
“You're still too tense.” Lucifer suddenly noted, feeling and seeing that Alastor’s entire body was still strung tighter than a bowstring. “C'mon, Al... you can do this...relax for me, baby.”
Alastor’s tail wagged again, and Lucifer squeezed it, thumb and fingers stroking through the still-standing strands of hair. A great breath of air rushed from Alastor’s lungs and little by little, his muscles started relaxing. 
"That's it...good." Lucifer groaned, his finger sliding more inward now and Alastor’s tail flicked in his hand. 
Lucifer twisted and rotated his wrist…teasing and pushing again before he slowly and carefully began pumping his hand.
A loud groan came from Alastor and he was bending his back; pressing himself into Lucifer and rocking against himself against him now.
Hm…yes, Al…that’s the way.
Lucifer’s tail slithered and slid between Alastor’s outspread knees. Curling the tip of it upward; Lucifer found the head of Alastor’s incredibly engorged length and Lucifer began to tease him there with his tail.
“Ah, fuck…” Alastor gasped out. “Luci…” His claws were digging into the mattress now.
Lucifer, himself, was incredibly hard now and he fought the incessant urge to rub and grind himself against Alastor’s thigh…to rut and hump himself against him like some miserably randy dog. He was still pumping his finger…curling the tip of it and sliding it…forward and back…just like his dick would be. He wasn’t just imagining it now, but feeling it. Feeling the exact way it would be like to be inside of Alastor; how there would be that resistance at first…how Lucifer would take his time and slowly – but surely – he would bury all of himself…right up to the very hilt -
“Luci! I...” Alastor was trembling; desperately trying to convey something now.
Lucifer pulled away from his own filthy thoughts and immediately knew what it was.
“Already!?” Lucifer asked him, leaning over…happily surprised.
I knew he would like it, but damn…
Alastor nodded; waves of pleasure urgently rushing through him now.  
“That’s great, Al.” Lucifer told him; pressing himself closer. “Let it take you.” Lucifer curled his finger into him more; never changing tempo.
Alastor shuddered; nearly breathless now. “The-the ring!?”
Oh….ha! Lucifer realized.
“You can come, Al...it won’t stop you.” Lucifer explained, suppressing a low chuckle as he continued pumping his hand against him. “It might feel like you can’t, but you can.”
Alastor whined and whimpered; claws raking beside him – hips thrusting sharply forward now.
“Or, I can remove it –“ Lucifer meant to offer.
“No, I think- I’m-” Alastor jerked and then he was crying out. “ I – I’m...!”  
When he came, the explosion that was Alastor’s orgasm was like a shotgun going off. Everything rushed to him so hard and fast; the violence of it...the sheer, brilliant ecstasy that rammed into him from some deeper, tighter coil that he never realized his body possessed…it sent him reeling…it was overwhelming….it was, incredible.
The tension letting go in Alastor was suddenly too much; he wobbled and everything gave out as he fell into the bed underneath Lucifer.
Dragging his tail out; Lucifer carefully – slowly – removed his finger from Alastor. Lucifer was deeply appreciating the fluttering of muscles his finger was retreating from…the needfully way Alastor was whimpering and wiggling when his digit left him – leaving him empty.
Lucifer sighed with a deep and domineering pride. Letting go of Alastor’s tail; he let it fall limply from his hand; moving both now to run possessively – greedily – over Alastor���s sweating cheeks and upper thighs.
Oh, but how much I crave to claim you…Alastor.  Lucifer’s member was absolutely twitching at the idea, pre-cum beading at his tip and so ready now to be put to the task.
Lucifer bit his tongue; arching his back… the temptation of impaling Alastor now…to drive his sword in and to drive it deep…it was…intoxicating.
I never would…of course…not now…not…yet. Oh…but to feel you writhing against me.
He was drooling at the very thought.
His hand twitched; fingers flexing as Lucifer went to reach for himself but then, Alastor was moving, shifting and turning himself over.
Alastor’s eyes were lost in a haze; but seeing Lucifer…seeing the absolute hunger…the lust…the need that the very devil had for him then...Alastor never knew that Hell could burn so hot.
Lucifer’s own eyes were glassy – his pupils blown-out – staring back at Alastor from heavy, hooded lids.
“You did enjoy it then?” Lucifer asked him, his voice like gravel against the back of his throat.
“Of course. Are you surprised?” Alastor asked him lowly, sitting himself up and leaning forward now.  
“Not really...” Lucifer was searching for something else to say, but the fog in his mind that he was shifting through was becoming too heavy and Alastor was crawling over him now; his long body angling itself around him, pressing close…Long and firm fingers wrapped around Lucifer’s shaft; gripping him fully. Lucifer’s head bent back at the feel of it and Alastor’s face followed his. Heated and panting breath was puffing against Lucifer’s already too-hot skin, Alastor’s mouth pressed in close to the side of Lucifer’s face.
“Were you...imagining it?” Alastor asked him in a low growl.
Lucifer’s face flared red and he nearly bucked himself into Alastor’s hand.  
“Imagining what it might look like...imagining what it might...feel like?” Alastor was groaning growls against him and Lucifer couldn’t fucking take it.
Lucifer bucked into his hand then, hissing at the pleasure of feeling Alastor wrapped so firmly to his swollen cock; and Alastor’s grip tightened.
Oh...fuck…Lucifer was dizzy with want.
“Hmmm...” Pleased with Lucifer’s response, Alastor hummed against him. “How warm was I, Luci?” He growled.  
Alastor hand tightened again; and Lucifer thrust himself forward – teeth clenching as he grunted out a salacious pant.
“How...tight was I?” Alastor crooned and it was Lucifer’s undoing.
Lucifer was thrusting into Alastor’s hand in earnest now; the pleasure building in him was rolling over him in great and powerful – overwhelming - waves.
“Ah. Ah. Ah.”  Lucifer’s panting was slowly developing into some wanton chant as his pelvis ground and bucked into Alastor’s caged fingers.  
“I can tell you that I was imagining it, Luci…” Alastor purred back at him; drooling seeping from between his teeth; strands of it slipping from his lips and sliding down Lucifer’s neck now. “To feel your cock...this cock...entering and sliding inside of me...” Alastor released a shaking breath out. “I cannot wait.”  
And, over the edge Lucifer went – nearly howling out his immense pleasure, Lucifer’s hands flew up; his claws digging into Alastor’s sides as his release violently took him. Alastor growled in an approving surprise at the sharpened edges dragging against his skin – cutting bleeding scratches all along his ribs.
Lucifer’s cum came through Alastor’s fingers in spurts; Lucifer pumping himself all out into Alastor’s tight hand; and when he was done – Alastor released him – letting him fall limply against his own belly.
With a purring growl; Alastor slumped himself forward – collapsing with Lucifer back onto the bed.   
Alastor’s ears were flicking – reflecting his satisfaction as Lucifer was still working to steady himself; panting heavily underneath him.
“That was…okay, then?” Lucifer gasped out.
Alastor’s growling slowly turned into a building rumbling. “More okay than I'm ready to admit to you yet…so, please…shut the fuck up, Lucifer.”  
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Taglist: @nyx91 : @reath-solia
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chechula · 14 hours
hello katerina!! i found your blog through your awesome R.U.R. adaptation! I'm considering adapting a story into a graphic novel myself, and as a beginner I was wondering: How did you decide how to adapt the writing of a play into a new format? Do you have any tips for balancing between faithfulness to the original writing, versus adding in new things to breathe new life into the story? any tips or insight into the creation of comics is also appreciated; no pressure though. i hope you have a fantastic day ::-)
Hi! good luck with your adaptation(what are you going to draw?)
This is going to be a long answer I am afraid :D Since doing a comic album is a long process with many parts. And I am sure I am not going to cover all the parts of the process so feel free to ask more ♥
I usually start with a lot of sketching, to catch the atmosphere, and to portray scenes and emotions that the book/play makes me feel.  I draw a lot of versions of characters, some characters are done on the first try, and some take like 20 versions to find the right one :D Also, I made a lot of mood boards from comics that inspire me (that are close to what I want to draw)
From all this mess I get an outline of the story (For RUR it was really a lot of mess! The First sketches I made 12 years before I started drawing real comics! Back then it was very....shoujo manga :D ) Adapting theatre play into comics is quite a challenge. Play usually has limited locations...and the comic has unlimited settings possibilities!
RUR is a dialogue-based play, that goes through different themes that I enjoy, but characters just talk and sit in two rooms x_x I could adapt it just as talking heads :D So I keep original dialogs untack, but I put characters into different places. They are saying the same things but the reader can also enjoy all the other settings...this way I can bring another dimension into the story. Also, I can put there my own little stories that are just visual.
The only part that I really changed is the third act. It is mostly monologue and I cut a lot of it out and replaced it with many pictures with no words! :D :D This part speaks a lot about God, and I am not sure if today's readers can understand the message as readers a hundred years ago did (well, I mean Czech readers. We are lone of most atheistic countries in the world). But I really wanted to keep the mood and message of the original text. So I replaced the text with the pictures of nature, of destruction of human creations. I tried to draw the power of nature to make things grow a new and in the shapes that are out of the human imaginations---which I hope is somehow message that author wanted to tell with the religious text :)
It is a hard job to draw adaptation and there are no set rules, on how to do it :D Which is good. The most important is to be yourself and draw your own version. And don't think too much about the audience I guess.... With my book: some people really like it, some people think it is..ok, and then I received a few really angry comments from people who think it makes no sense and I should do some other job :D But I had a lot of fun drawing it and looking back that was most important thing :D
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cam3lliaw · 1 day
Mammon likes to sleep. What he doesn't like though, is to wake up in the middle of the night and realise you were out of bed again.
Fandom: Obeyme!SWD
Mammon x gn!reader
(Maybe he's a bit ooc but yeah)
wc: ~0.4k
cw: stress, burnout, a bit of swearing, petnames(treasure), established relationship, crying
A/N: this was my way to cope with exam stress :) I hope you like it
The demon woke up after feeling your side of the bed cold, again for like the third time this week.
This stops tonight.
After getting up groaning, he checked his D.D.D.
3:16 am.
Damn it. How long were you even awake for at this point?
Mammon got out of his room and walked to yours. After knocking for a few times, all without answer, he decided to just go in.
You were sitting at your desk with headphones on as you were flipping through the pages of some books.
No answer. He tried calling you again.
The boy sighed. He really didn't want to scare you so he just walked next to your desk and slowly put his hand on your shoulder.
You jumped slightly and took the headphones off.
"Mams? What are you doing here?"
"I was about to ask ya the same question, treasure." He sighed smiling slightly. "I thought we talked about this."
"I know, I know. But I promise I just have like 2 pages left and I'll come back to bed-"
"Treasure-" he tried to interrupt you.
"Mams, I'm being serious this time, I really have just-"
You stopped as he cupped your cheek.
"[Name]. Yer the most hard-working person I know. You studied nonstop this year. I know yer stressed with your exams...but you just have to have faith in yourself. I know you'll be fine. I promise you will. As much as ya hate to admit...yer a bit burnout. And that's okay too. Allow yourself to take a break. If ya want I can even try to help you in the morning. For now just...come back to bed...come back with me, kay?"
You looked up at your boyfriend. Tears were starting to flood your eyes. He knew. He didn't bring it up until tonight but he knew. Of course he did. He was more observant than others often gave him credit for.
You nodded and got up closing the books.
Mammon offered his hand to you.
"Ready to go back to bed, treasure?" He smiled.
"Yeah. I'm ready."
Back in bed
"Mams?" You said after you two settled back in bed.
"Yeah, treasure?"
"I'm sorry. And thank you."
"Ya don't have to thank me. I'll always be here."
"I love you, Mammon."
"I love you more, treasure." He started brushing your hair gently with his fingers, lulling you to sleep.
Everything will be alright. Because your boyfriend promised it would. And he never breaks a promise.
A/N: thank you for reading :)
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aayakashii · 1 day
Heyo, I wanted to ask if we could get some Haku, Jin and Leo boyfriend headcanons?
Love your writing! If you do only one then Haku please, he is my boo xD
Thank you🦋
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Thank you so much for enjoying what I write!!! ૮₍つ´˘`₎つ₍ ´˘`◌ ₎ა it truly means a lot to me! I am not 100% satisfied with this one hahaha but I hope you guys like it (๑•́ ᎔ ก̀๑)
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Dating headcanons – Leo, Jin and Haku
How did you manage to crack his bitchy exterior is beyond me!
But you did, and now Leo is all yours, which comes with all its quirks.
Leo looks down on most people around him, and when he doesn't, he mostly sees them as interesting or as sources of information.
You are in the interesting category, with a side of romantic and physical interest heavily sprinkled in it.
He'll constantly keep you around him, even if it's unconsciously. He wants you near and will throw a tantrum whenever you need to run your own errands (he needs his parallel play even when he's just listening in to people's conversations)
He's a yapper, so you'll probably end up to date with all the juicy gossip around Darkwick.
Not really the best listener though, but if something is bothering you, he might lend an ear or just straight up tell Sho to beat up whoever upset you.
He is NOT afraid of pda. And he WILL tease you in public because he's a menace.
He hugs you from behind and kisses your neck while you're talking to your friends just to creep them out hehe
Your dates are usually be in very aesthetically pleasing places so he can take pictures and post them on instagram (almost called it magicam help the twst brainrot is real)
He flaunts you online so freaking much. And simply adores when you get jealous of thirst comments for him, although he's quick to ban people that focus too much on you... (jealousy or envy? He'll never say)
Oh and he's spoiled... expect him to whine and beg for you to do whatever he wants and he will not stop until you concede. But you find it cute, so lucky him!
Two words: princess treatment. It doesn't matter if you're a woman, a man, or anything in between. If you're with Jin, you're immediately a princess.
Despite his grumpy and cold exterior, Jin is clingy and desperate for your attention, so expect him to text you constantly, demanding that you go visit him asap for some random reason he just made up.
Jin isn't fond of pda, but really likes it when you two have to be in public and you squeeze his hand, reassuringly. Anything beyond that is a no-no.
He buys literally everything you think of getting, to the point that even trying to give him a gift is hard because he doesn't want you to spend a cent on him.
Dates are few and far between because he avoids leaving his room, but doesn't mean you two don't meet. He just prefers to cuddle with you and sleep together most of the time. This way, you two can be comfortable alone.
If a special occasion is coming, he might take you to some hidden vacation spot with one of his helicopters though.
He expresses his love through gifts and little things he does for you.
Memorizes everything about your tastes so he can appease to you as accurately as possible: wants to know you favorite colors, flowers, foods, drinks, scents, hobbies, everything.
He keeps it all noted on a secret small notebook that's tucked deep into his pockets and if you end up finding it, no you didn't.
Very, very jealous and he tells you how he feels very bluntly. You end up having to reassure him of your feelings way more than once, because he's constantly afraid of being betrayed.
And btw, I hope you're thinking of marriage, because dating Jin is most likely a permanent part of your life now!
I hope you're ready to have the most teasing boyfriend ever because he just loves joking around with you to see your reaction.
Sometimes he might just surprise tickle you as well to hear you yelp...
Always gives you a kiss and headpats to apologize afterwards.
Speaking of kiss, he loves kisses. Anywhere. On the lips, on your cheeks, on your hands, on your pulse, on your neck, all over your body.
Haku also is great when it comes to giving you advice and words of affirmation. He's a great listener and your biggest supporter.
He WILL drag you to countless dates. From fancy restaurants, to an empty hidden park, you two will always be going on adventures together.
Also, I think he might be great at massages, so ask for some when you're too stressed from all the work that is put on your shoulders hehe
Haku doesn't really get jealous. He trusts you a lot when it comes to that, so he doesn't mind when you are talking to other guys because he knows they're your friends.
He might join you and put a hand on your waist, but that's mostly it.
Of course, sometimes he might have his moments of insecurity, in which you will need to reassure him, but he's a very understanding guy (just don't abuse it)
He likes to see you in his clothes when you two are alone, thinks you look absolutely adorable with his hoodies.
Haku is absolutely smitten by you, although he's quite nonchalant about it. All he wants is to live a normal life with you by his side.
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weeeeeekly · 2 days
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quarter life crisis – ot5 tomorrow x together x afab!reader
blurb !!! Reincarnation can bring soulmates together despite their time apart. Being a huge fan of TOMORROW X TOGETHER helped you get through the struggles of entering early adulthood. You would thank them personally if you ever could but when you possibly get the chance it’s more than what you could ever hope for.
info !!! txt are still idols, reincarnation au, soulmates au, polyamory, throuple²… they’ll all eventually date each other, mc has mental health struggles, universe assigned lactose intolerance, team no kids, glasses wearer, lives in the middle of fuck nowhere but still a city (just go with it), pet names used are “our love” and princess, & not edited.
wc: 1.1k
WARNINGS !!! NSFW, MDNI, 18+, extremely self-indulgent, soft yandere!txt, mentions of mental health & self-harm (nothing graphic) for entire series
author’s note !!! This is fiction!!! this is made up!!! I do not condone breaking in, stalking, and other ulterior motives to get close to someone you are romantically interested in.
why are there not more ot5!txt x fem/afab or gender-neutral reader… mandatory note that i do not think txt act like this in real life. I also cannot come up with a blurb for the life of me, so please peep the info tags.
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You really were having trouble falling asleep.
Every time you closed your eyes, your mind would either pick the memory of Beomgyu holding your face or their expressions when you asked about hiatus. TXT already took up most of your waking thoughts but now they’ve invaded your sleeping thoughts.
It wasn’t your fault, worrying about pulling an all-nighter again, unfortunately. The lack of sleep would catch up on you but right now you could waste a Saturday doing mundane chores. Like laundry.
Having to haul a giant ass laundry bag down the hallway, into the elevator, and down another hallway to the laundry room. One of the few cons of living in your apartment is that you didn’t have individual washer and dryer units, but no other complex was affordable yet close enough to the hospital your roomie worked at.
The laundry room was empty at 1 AM, not shocking but welcoming. The rows of empty washing and dryer machines brought you some comfort as you counted out quarters from your favorite coin purse. It was never a bother to come downstairs to do laundry, offering every time to do your roommate’s too, as it reminds you of your favorite movie.
Humming to yourself one of your favorite songs, when two pairs of hands grab you causing you to shriek and drop to the floor.
“Are you okay?” Kai’s voice above you calls out as he helps you.
“Sorry. We wanted to be funny.” Soobin apologizes as the washing machine’s timer ends.
“It’s fine.” You mumble as you go to transfer the clothes to a dryer.
Kai stands next to you, a little too closely, “Dear Sputnik?”
“It’s my favorite song.”
Out of the corner of your eye you can see Kai grinning.
Soobin asks, “Can we help?”
“That would be great once it’s done drying.”
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Gumz stick to you just like their name intends as you carry the laundry back to your apartment. They even stay to help you fold the clothes and put away yours in your dresser.
Small talk was fine between them, just some awkward pauses when they couldn’t think of certain words. You understand though because the English language is difficult.
You walk them to the front door, “Thanks for helping me out, guys.”
Kai opens the door and stands on the welcome mat as Soobin leans against the door frame and stares into your eyes with a softness in them.
“Come over?”
It feels like you forget how to speak in that moment with the way Soobin’s looking at you – with fluffy brown hair, slightly pushed back showing his forehead and dimples on full display. You know Kai is also looking directly at you with a hopeful smile on his beautiful face that makes you want to run your hands through his dyed blond hair. You nod, afraid that your voice will crack if you open your mouth.
Kai extends his hand out as you hold his hand. Soobin gently pushes you forward, keeping his large hand on the center of your back and never straying further. It takes all the will within you to not think inappropriate thoughts and before you know it, you’re inside their apartment with the other boys smiling at you with a certain fondness that you can’t describe.
“Back from doing laundry so soon?”
Yeonjun pats the seat next him – coincidentally the empty, middle spot – surrounded by the others as he puts on a movie. You get comfortable in the seat as Taehyun hands you a bowl of your favorite snacks. You pop a piece of candy as you wonder how they knew your taste in snacks, but ignore it, tributing it to a coincidence.
As you start getting into the movie’s plot, Yeonjun scoots closer as he throws a hand over the pillow behind you.
He’s probably just trying to get comfortable. Nothing weird.
But when you put a few more pieces of candy in your mouth, Yeonjun leans onto your shoulder to whisper in your ear, “Did Soobinie and Huening help you?”
Nodding as you try to scooch away before you answer your personal delusional question of what it would be like to kiss THE Choi Yeonjun. Beomgyu turns to you and tilts his head, so you offer some candy that he happily takes.
“As a thank you, make a group chat for us?”
Discreetly taking your phone out as to not interrupt movie night, you hand your phone to Yeonjun to make the chat.
gc with 6 cuties
            you hi
            soobin hiii
            taehyun hey
            huening (⋆ˆ ³ ˆ)♥
            beomgyu hello
            hottest it boy heyyyyy
            you oh my god
Yeonjun snickers as you let out a sigh, locking your phone. You turn your attention back to the movie as it’s almost over now. You sit back against the pillow and let your eyes close – just to rest them for a minute.
Once the credits roll, TXT start to clean up until Yeonjun tells them to be quiet as you fell asleep. Taehyun hovers over you as he gently takes your glasses off and places them on the table as Beomgyu brings a blanket from his bed.
“I wish she would stay forever with us.”
“Don’t wake her.”
“I call the couch with our love tonight!”
“No fair!”
“We’ll get her to sleepover again tomorrow before Monday and stay in the apartment while she’s at work.”
Yeonjun pushes Beomgyu out of the way to sleep next to you. He wants to snuggle, but he’s afraid you’ll freak out if you wake up right now, so he’ll wait until later.
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You don’t remember when you fell asleep, but you wake up a little later when you feel a head on your shoulder. Turning, you find Yeonjun sleeping peacefully. The MOA inside you is screaming right now as this is a dream come true. You close your eyes again and hope you fall back into dreamless sleep as no dream could be better than your life recently. You just hope that Yeonjun continues to sleep on your shoulder and when you wake up again you’ll feign innocence to keep your friendship.
masterlist | previous | next
author's note sorry for the late post!! hopefully i'll get the next chapter finished earlier in the day :)
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lavampira · 3 days
(COUNT)DOWN TO DAWNTRAIL — day seven: free day
one thing about ffxiv that has had the biggest impact on me is the core message in the power of bonds that people forge. camaraderie is as much of a driving force as hope throughout the game’s overarching narrative, and it’s the main part of what made me invest in it so quickly, and why I continue to love playing it.
and so, keeping on that theme, I want to take the opportunity to gush about some of the people who’ve also made the game and community a lovely experience over the last 2 years.
first, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how glad I am that @hythlodaes and @birues came with me from swtor to give this game a try. it’s always so nice to have a friend who understands you so intuitively like gigi does with me when trying new things without judgement, building fun routines together in a new game, risking it all as an AST-DRK duo in frontlines, or slipping back into our old co-tanking roots, and she’s been my biggest emotional support and favorite guinea pig to level new things. and rue’s eternal willingness to fuck it we ball with me and all of her thoughtful meta and silly memes alike bring me so much happiness. I’ve loved sharing all the developing lore of our ocs and thoughts on the story as we’ve progressed mostly alongside each other.
I will also forever be grateful to @coldshrugs and @gefiltefished for all of their guidance when I was a sprout learning the game! azia and ash have always been so helpful and encouraging, and many of my fondest memories of the early raids, trials, and pre-duty support dungeons involve one or both of them holding my hand, and even braving queues to tank or heal for me at times despite being aiming mains until I was brave enough to consistently tank myself. they built up much of my confidence while venturing into a new mmo and I don’t think I would understand things as well as I do without either of them.
getting to know @scionshtola as we played more, dragging each other into the mines and bozja respectively, and bonding over same taste in dps jobs has been such a highlight, too. and so many of my frontlines assists are owed to them channeling a hidden inner zenos on the battlefield as well.
raiding with my extremes static in our brave little sparkle has been some of the most fun and challenging few months! @lilas is an absolute powerhouse of organizing, keeping the positive mood alive, and wrangling everyone into voice chat and party on time each week. azia is an excellent strategist and gentle advice-giver, which has gotten us to barrel through barriers that had us stumped at times. @zimmena is a radiant gem for crafting our tinctures, making consistent calls to move us through the mechanics, filling in any role that’s needed, and my partner in repairs. I owe @greyyourwarden my life many times over for keeping me alive or scraping me off the floor when things go awry as a very trustworthy healer, and trusting me without complaint despite healer instincts when I ask to be allowed to die for my invuln. gigi has not only been a powerful and attentive melee dps amidst our sea of ranged/casting players, but a cheerfully good sport when a stray tankbuster goes her way, too. kels and their carby have saved many, many pulls with a well-timed raise, and always is my reliable stack buddy. @the-rogue-mockingjay is a brave soul willing to try new things and brings so much enthusiasm to raid. and @galadae has been a trooper for filling in whenever we needed someone and picking up things so quickly despite the occasional short notice. I’m so proud of how much we’ve all grown as players and as teammates since the very first night!
my foray into crafting and gathering has also been greatly helped by the many tips from @impossible-rat-babies and the set of endgame gear graciously offered and made for me by @lxdymaria so I’d have an easier time once I was leveled.
and I’ve also enjoyed talking to and seeing posts by @drk-brain, @drkmissionaries, and other sidwol shippers and dark knight enjoyers over on the bird site, collectively boosting all the writing and losing our minds over our little guys and the big spiky man we all love.
I could keep going - the ffxiv playerbase is truly one of the most friendly, encouraging, and wonderful communities - but I’ll leave it here: ffxiv is a game full of love and support from the people we meet along the way, so it’s no wonder why it’s fostered such a similar space for all of us!
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zhongrin · 1 year
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— fin.
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alrighty, i will be cuddling the shit out of a certain dragon after this but before that, a small bonus (read: silly doodles) because we all need therapy after all that (or at least i do) -
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"i had a nightmare."
"but i just went to buy milk-"
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we both have separation anxiety now so that's that 👍🏻
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Fun fact: The fairy tale flash fiction has now passed 4,000 words.
#i'm okay talking about it because i'm going to finish this thing if it kills me#it nearly has#you don't know how i've agonized over those opening scenes#writing and then rewriting and then cutting almost everything of it#i gave up months ago before finally getting inspiration or at least motivation to just push through#i've now reached roughly the halfway point#maybe 3/4#and i am embarrassed by a lot of it but also at least i have something that sort of a little bit flows#i want to finish the ask game stories before starting on the four loves challenge#the trouble is that i love tattercoats as a story so much that i'm aiming for a more detailed retelling than i might otherwise#it's still bare bones because i'm a hack who can't write description#but it's going to sit in a weird middle ground of being too long to be satisfying short fiction and too short to count as a full retelling#i've got one speech that i love#a few images or moments that i'm okay with#and the rest is just scaffolding that hopefully keeps the story from collapsing even if it isn't pretty#all duct-taped together with sentiment#i had hoped to get a first draft done tonight but since that ain't happening there's no chance it's getting done this week#but at least i'm further in than i've ever been before#and making good use of scene breaks so this section feels more doable than it ever has#if i can just get them to the palace it'll be relatively smooth sailing#here's hoping i can keep from overagonizing and just get a draft down that i can edit later#it hasn't happened yet during this draft but one can hope#(which is rather a prominent theme in the story actually)#adventures in writing
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urbanbirdbud · 1 year
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it’s been. a very rough afternoon
#fun to know that even while in the midst of my worst disassociative episode in the past year I can still cobble together a good meme#anyways um. about to tear down literally everything I ever derives joy from in my room and put into storage and never speak more than needed#to my dad. I am. so so tired. every time I think things are looking up and I can relax in my own home something has to happen#and then I need to slowly rebuild any safety I felt beforehand. I hate knowing my stuff was looked through and I dont know to what extent#anyways yeah. yearly deeply oversharing personal post over. gonna go hide literally half of my mortal possessions in a box somewhere#personal#no rblogging etc etc#edit: having another breakdown bear w me#I’ve scraped myself down to nothing for peace in my family I grovel and shut up and bear it fucking all and even then#they have the fucking audacity to ask me more? to put away the few reminders I have of people who love me things I enjoy#and the friendships Ive held onto like a dying man does to water?#they say they care about my mental health and how the devil affects everyone insidiously. I think they should take a long deep look#in the fucking mirror. open their eyes to how fucking close I was to just. giving up while I was suffocating under the veil of religion#and no before anyone asks I’m not gonna do anything stupid. I’m not one to live for spite but I trudge on hoping to get somewhere better.#just gonna have a short cry before bottling it up and dealing w it ten yrs down the road. not gonna go thru another ‘check in’ to lose more#oops forgot my little tag ->#ubb chirps
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nerdie-faerie · 1 month
This has got to be the worst move out yet
#packing perils#student living#Uni shenanigans#ace is a mess#oh my god. okay so we start on Tuesday ive been gradually moving my stuff over to my friends house#cus were moving in together in September and shes staying in her place over the summer so well have everything in one place to move in#so take some stuff over to hers on tuesday before her shift then we walk to work together i collect her keys and say bye#go back to mine pack up some more stuff warned her i planned on doing 2 trips while she was working so start figuring out whats going#end up with two tote bags a crate a box and a large bag of boxes decide ill take the heavier tote bag and the box on the first trip#as i cant really carry much else with the box due to its awkward size even though its not particularly heavy and cut through the park to#shave off some time feel pretty good when i get there it wasnt unbareable esp after Saturday when carrying 4 heavy shopping bags ended up#covering me in bruises and scratches and messing my back shoulder and neck up so i feel like underestimated myself on this trip and like i#can take everything on the next trip well its already late in the day cus my mate does evening shift so by time i get back its half 9 so i#decide to cut through the park again to save time but the large shopping bag with my saucepans casserole dish etc is difficult to carry due#to how bulky it is and the crate tho it has handles is also unwieldy so my arms are being bruised and scratched up i cant waste time carryin#everything back home just to put one thing down at this point but im considering putting the biggest bag down in some overgrown plants in#the park speeding to my mates and coming back for it its a stupid and risky idea but its getting dark the sun is almost completely set and#no matter how often i rest i just cant manage it and my damn brain starts worrying about being murdered so i ditch the bag and i can move#much quicker now so rush to my mates and rush back reassure her as im leaving hers that i am bringin her keys back its just after 11 at this#point cus its over 35 minutes to get to hers i get back to the park in just over 20 my bag is still there! and i dont get attacked get my#stuff to her room then hustle to get to her job before she finishes at 12 get there a few minutes to spare shes not ready to go yet anyway#she tells me shes not comfortable with me walking back in the dark i should stay at hers i cant ive got an assignment so she says shes#walking me to mine then going to her boyfriends 5 mins down the road get back to mine shower have dinner and crank out my Wednesday 4pm#assignment by 7am go to bed get about 2 hours sleep before tge fire alarm is tested and then ive got to be up for a meeting with our new#landlord anyway and ofc its raining come back from our meeting grab food and start packing up some more sht get buses over to hers this time#together come back pack some more hope the rain dies down a bit but it doesnt look like its stopping and i somehow fcked my foot carrying#stuff earlier so she texts a coworker asking if they can pick us up they agree so organise a few more things but then a puddle causes their#car to break down the next bus is in over half hour so mate decides shes gonna run to her boyfriends to charge her phone while we wait for#the next bus to be due while shes gone i finish sorting things she then calls asks me to book a taxi cus the rain has only gotten worse when#taxi arrives realise that student accom is basically flooded deciding what to do while at hers cus the weather is unbareable she goes to get
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impeccablebackside · 2 months
what are the queens and their toms favorite sex positions?
As always, good ask anon. This has been discussed before, so please see a post about favourite positions / teasing and one about least favourite positions. Otherwise, while I always try to give new information, I will likely pull from past asks scattered all throughout this blog for this post if that is alright.
With Vic and Plato, they are in mutual agreement with what both like. Their preferred positions are where Vic is either face down ass up on all fours, or where she is on her back, legs splayed open as much as possible as Plato absolutely rails hers. Typically, with the white queen on her back and Plato standing / kneeling above her is the best of all worlds. An important aspect for them is the ability to make direct eye contact and kiss while they are intimate, so any face-to-face fucking is most rewarding. Seeing the excitement and pleasure in their looks as they go through every motion is something very special.
They, due to their differences in heights / sizes, tend to go at it in more adventurous positions as well, usually with Plato holding her off the ground and fucking her in his arms. While Vic is the more dominant one in the relationship, when Plato gets that feral look in his eyes, and lifts her up, all that changes as she is gently manhandled. I do realize that it is not specifically meant to be sexual, but the entire pas de deux is essentially a run down of how much Plato is capable of fucking his white queen in different positions like it is nothing. It is not for show either, because he does and he will gladly do that. From holding her out in front of him and fucking her, to wrapping his arms around her waist and fucking her doggystyle off the ground, to fingering her while she is slung over his shoulder, or having her sit on his shoulders as he eats her out. She relishes in it though, being wanted like that, and likes having someone show her physically how much they love and desire her and her body. Even though she is regal in some aspects, she usually likes being fucked with intent and treated less delicately.
Rumple is constantly riding atop or mounting her lover, as well as directing the show. Queens or toms, she likes the physical contact of throwing her entire body into another’s. Specifically driving her hips and grinding in a rhythmic way. Facing forward or back, it is a experience. There is considerable variability and flexibility (literal or not) with her partners. Her small size also allows for some more unusual positions in general because she can fit on top of others. Face riding is undoubtedly her favourite past time, and none of her partners mind her having fun with it.
Mungo would agree to whatever his little love asked, but in his head nothing will ever beat forms of missionary where her legs are spread apart or wrapped around his waist or back. Being able to fuck himself into her as much as possible makes him lose his mind and he slowly pushes / pins her legs back toward her shoulders more and more until he is essentially fucking her senseless in a mating press.
Tanto's favourite position is 69ing with another queen. Specifically, she looks to have both parties laying on their sides rather than one on top of the other. With this she can focus on another queen's pussy, but still get a peek at their expression. Plus, she can wrap her legs around the other queen's head and neck, pushing her hips into their face. The overall shared desire and action between both parties is what makes it a preferred position for her. As much as she loves little more than connecting physically and spiritually with another during any form of intimacy, the feral need and want that takes over her when she is face-to-pussy figuratively and literally gives her the best pleasure. Plus, it is always a special thing for all involved when she squirts onto then faces of other when she cums. That is hot as all shit anon.
Cass and Alonzo share their favoured position, and neither of them will ever get tired of it. The brown queens likes getting railed when she is on her knees with her ass raised, or on her back with her legs pulled up high towards her head. Deep thrusts at a healthy pace, or faster are her preference, and is one of the few queens who will also take it standing up depending how frisky they get. The feeling of deep thrusts made with lust is astounding to her, and the electrifying sensation builds the more her tom fucks her. Her perfect pussy is one to get swollen when she is being pleasured, so thrusts near the end are revelatory before and after she cums. Alonzo always gives her his all, and dreams about her perfect backside, so when she offers it to him he has to pace himself and hide his eagerness before ultimately going feral and emptying himself into her with all the cum his body can give.
Tugger likes fucking anyone when they are bent over in from of him, and lucky for him Bomba fucking loves that shit. Hitting it from the back allows for him to roll his hips and thrust into his partner like no other position can, and his partners are always in for a treat. Plus, there is a hungriness the sneaks into his movements like that, especially with the red queen. He sometimes pushes whoever is on the receiving end down even more and full out puts his whole body into fucking them into the ground while breathing heavy / growling on the back of their neck. It ends up being a hybrid kittystyle / pronebone that leaves his lover in shambles as they cum over and over.
Misto prefers fucking his partners with them laying on their backs and him kneeling between their legs. He can guide his thrusts better and he does quite like seeing how his partner's pussy looks as it is being penetrated. Ultimately though, his fave will always be a sandwhich of getting fucked from behind while fucking someone else in the ass or pussy.
Deme and Munk cannot reasonably pick one, but simple missionary never misses for them when they are tangled in the arms of the other. They love to make eye contact and watch the pleasure and desire flash in their lover's eyes as they connect. There are quick kisses between moans, giving just enough time to breathe when it gets really frenetic. Munk drives himself deep into Deme almost from the get go. Another preferred position is a 'prone bone' / not-quite-kittystyle chest to back type pounding. Munk breathing heavy on the back of her neck elicits a long held fetish for danger and vulnerability in Deme. An opportunity to be prone (ha) to the will of her lover that drives her wild. All of this is even more heightened with scratches or biting on her back that increases the physicality of the interaction.
Jenny hands down loves getting fucked in the ass while on all fours. Nothing else excites or pleasures her quite as much, and if there is another partner fucking her pussy, even better. Double penetration is a rarer, but no less exciting thing for her. That is another reason why she likes orgies.
Busto's preferred way of indulging in his queen(s) is fucking them while they are sitting in his lap, both facing toward or away from him. His larger size makes it a rather good 'base' for his queens to sit in his lap, and when things get heavy, the heavy get fucking with glee. Given the dapper tom's most frequent partner is Jenny, it may be surprising to know that Busto is not at all scared off by her anal preferences. He will take her ass all day any day and then give a knowing nod to passerbys as he strolls away with a renewed pep in his ambling step.
Skimble does not really care in the end, but a frantic kittystyle affair of fucking any queen is his choice. He has a lot of fun with Jenny and Jelly, and his sometimes will slap their ass as they get going, faster and faster. Do I think that he spanks in time with his thrusts, sort of like a sex train? You bet your ass I do.
Jelly likes getting it while sitting in someone's lap, with her back to their chest and their arms around her playing with nipples. She also likes being forced up against a wall, but truthfully it merely ends up as a manifestation of being submissive to her partner(s), so anything with her at the mercy of another is totally fine.
AGus is all about the reverse cowgirl where he is on his back and Jelly is riding him. He likes being able to see her asshole and pussy while he is fucking her, and will give hard pinches and squeezes to make her yelp.
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gonzodangerfeels · 7 months
Enoch on high, reaches for midnight at the passage of the moon
#I really was hypnotizing you....except it was a lot more than that#perhaps I was wrong about a few things but I am positive I got a good idea of who you are#before too I mean 🤔#maybe my visials even back mooning shoes were impressive#you would have to let me know I kinda recall#I mean when I was little I was rather free about things#it is the world that is fucked up not me#although I would like go get really fucked up#like I would like to try the free energy ormus to make more from making mire#drugs processed through humans tmniw there is a concept#me and nightmares like what even us a nightmare#I have seen the foulest of things in my dreams and sometimes the most lovely too#I do have this master lord sith fear of losing power except it is more about my contract which was never broken becauae like it hard#why dey all be asking ifm big one#are you big....I don't know they learn to accomadate how small it is#it was never me bigggg it is you tiny#me in class: I would fuck you for three straight days hope You're ready to clear your schedule#and what is there I don't know but everything#3 cars in a row ra a 91 out cd 3 89 see its 92 or p*S is all sp fuck it#some part of me is like no I'm trying to tell uou#like ps on the ol forum#yes I worked for (alphabet corp) we took out jfk and gave him the gas crisis of the late 70's......goddamn van daeller#it would be kinda funny to get our little sister fucked up#living with that .... wall of feces and bad genes#sissy is like: buscuits here just go fuxk with him already#then I have to reassure her little orb it's fine just the brother who will remind you later#now that you mention it she does habe that “26 baby look*#and yes let's corruot her the good way of the Lord bi Satanic i!i#yes to all that kinky shit you flash though#that fuckng grand pooba butt plug
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