#i have a fever rn no idea if this even makes sense
the 'humanity is inherently evil' and 'the humanity is inherently pure' crowds both clamor for meaning when disposed to the 'humanity inherently has choices' mentality
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superhaught · 6 months
To Be Another Notch... (Chapter Two)
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Pairing: Leighton Murray x Reader
Warnings: sick reader, reference to the chapter 1 smut
Word Count: 1100, Part 2/?
Part 1
Just a little follow up to "To Be Another Notch in Your Bedpost." Might keep it going, might not. I don't really have any specific ideas for where this one could go, though!
Also, Anonymous Asked: All I can think about now is like what if Leighton x reader are snowed in at Essex and the reader is deliriously ill and Leighton goes into protector mode and her roommates don’t know how to react since they’ve never seen this side of her with anyone before
I don't know if I did a super excellent job addressing this ask but I hope y'all like it! I'm in a bit of a writer's block rn so I'm doing me best. <3
Reader wakes up very sick and Leighton takes care of her. (Reader is explicitly she/her in this one).
You had slept over with Leighton after your night together. You awoke, bundled warmly in her deluxe comforter.
Well, technically, you didn’t wake up of your own accord. Leighton jostled you in an attempt to wake you and it wasn’t until she had to begin shouting your name that you actually came to. And furthermore, you weren’t exactly comfortably warm. You felt freezing cold but your skin was covered in sweat and you were approaching a fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit. 
To make matters even worse, Essex had been the victim of a massive snowstorm overnight. Leighton had only been trying to gently wake you to let you know that classes had been canceled and you were welcome to stay, but then she felt how your skin was burning.
You opened your eyes blearily and were met with Leighton’s panicked expression and the back of her hand pressed against your forehead. 
“Oh my god, you’re burning up.”
“What? Like the Jonas Brothers?” 
“Jesus Christ, no! Not like the Jonas Brothers! You have a fever.” 
“Ohhh… that makes more sense.” You coughed painfully and Leighton quickly handed you a bottle of water from her mini fridge. 
“I will be right back, Stay. Here.” Leighton ordered before rushing out of the room.
You let your head collapse into the pillow and you were asleep again before you even knew it. An unknown amount of time later, Leighton came back into the room wearing a N95 mask, which she removed once the door was closed. Her arms were full of cold and flu supplies that she certainly could not have gone out and purchased due to the storm. 
Leighton sat everything down next to the bed and started going through the pile, setting a fresh box of tissues with lotion next to you along with a bottle of electrolyte drink. Then, she sifted through the variety of medications and ultimately decided that just some straight up tylenol and cough medicine would be best. 
Leighton was waking you up again and she helped you sit up while you took the medicines and drank a bunch of the electrolyte solution.
“Kimberly’s mom sent her all of this medicine and first aid stuff, it was honestly really impressive. My mom just sent me a Louis Vuitton weekender bag.”
You chuckled lightly, even though it hurt a little to do so, then spoke in a scratchy voice, “both things have their uses.”
Leighton felt your forehead again and then made you lie back down, “I’m quarantining you in here for now, at least until the storm clears. I’ll take care of you here.”
“You’re gonna get sick…” you pointed out.
“Then, you’ll take care of me.”
You furrowed your brows, “well, of course I will, but are you sure? I can just go home,” you made an attempt to sit up but Leighton pushed you right back down.
“Absolutely not. You’re in no state to walk across campus even if it wasn’t a blizzard outside. You’re staying here. End of discussion.”
“But I don’t-”
“Shut up, would you? You’re making me tired just looking at you,” she teased. 
Leighton surprised you, then. She was no longer feeling the fever on your forehead for sheer monitoring purposes, but just softly caressing her thumb over your skin and wiping your sweaty hair aside as she did so. It was comforting. 
You smiled, “you’re really sweet, thank you.”
Leighton leaned down and kissed your forehead gently and stayed by your side until you were too tired to keep your eyes open any longer and you fell asleep again. 
Leighton put her mask back on to protect her roommates from your germs as best as she could then went out into the main area of the suite to let you sleep in peace. 
Leighton sat down on the plaid couch in their common room and exhaled a deep breath. She had never really seen herself as a caretaker type, but for some reason, it had come naturally to her when she saw how sick you were.
Bela decided to go hang out in Jocelyn’s room to gossip the snow day away (with the help of cinnamon whiskey and apple cider… but mostly cinnamon whiskey), while Kimberly and Whitney hunkered down in their room. 
Leighton scrolled mindlessly through her phone when Whitney came out to grab some food from the shared fridge.
“How’s your guest doing?” Whitney asked. 
“Okay, I think.” Leighton answered simply. 
“Is this someone we’ve met before?”
“No,” Leighton said, “she’s new as of last night…”
“Wow. You must be really into her, then.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well, you let her sleep over and now you’re taking care of her while she’s sick? The Leighton Murray of a few weeks ago would never, storm or no storm…” Whitney smiled at the blonde and sat down on the couch opposite her. 
Leighton’s cheeks flushed, “I don’t know… she’s cute. Really cute. And being around her has been really easy so far. Plus…”
Whitney raised an eyebrow, “plus…?”
Leighton rolled her eyes and then lowered her voice to a near-whisper, “Plus… she made me come like four times last night… maybe more. I honestly lost count.”
“Oh. My. God.” 
“I know.”
“That’s just not fair.”
Leighton smirked and shrugged. 
“So you’re taking care of her because the sex was amazing?” Whitney clarified. 
“No, not just that. Maybe I do really like her. But like…” Leighton groaned, “I’m so fucking stressed about Tatum and Alicia still… Do I really want to jump right into another relationship?” 
Now, Whitney shrugged, “do what makes your heart happy, Leight. If you like her, I say go for it. You never know when someone might be your person.”
Leighton looked over her shoulder at her bedroom door, “huh… yeah, maybe you’re right. I’m gonna go check on her.”
Leighton stood up and Whitney smiled, “I also think you should do whatever you can to bring this nurturing side of you out more often. It’s nice.”
Leighton flashed a glare in Whitney’s direction, “yeah yeah, whatever.”
The blonde slipped back into her room and took a moment to watch you before she climbed into the bed beside you and draped her arm over you. 
You were fast asleep and didn’t feel her join you in the bed, but you unconsciously shifted and hugged her arms close to you. 
Snow continued to drench the campus and it seemed to muffle all sound.
Leighton fell asleep holding you, lulled only by the steady rise and fall of your breathing.
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I miss your writing😂 I need me some weems, now idk if you’ll consider writing age regression ? Bc I have another idea if you do.
So r is depressed bc they ran out of medication and forgot to refill it since they’ve become ill (me rn it’s horrid and messing with my head) no one’s seen or heard from r and weems has to do a welfare check. Here she finds a depressed and very sick reader. She knows of readers bad back ground (they are a shifter and was found hanging onto life after being abused in a facility like hydra for shifters) so when r becomes all clingy and very child like it confessed weems. R is so touch starved it’s insane, but with weems rn she’s like a child wanting and craving the affection just needing to be held. So naturally weems does that and that’s how she discovers the fever r has and that r ran out of her meds so weems nurses her better. Oh! Could also add r isn’t sleeping bc of nightmares due to their background?
Sorry for the long request and I’m not even sure it makes sense. I need my Damn pills lmao.
A little sick
Pairings: Weems x Reader (platonic)
Word count: 1.4K
Summary: you're sick and regressed.
TW: agre? Sickness, depression, medicine (prescription),
A/n I’ve never written this kind of thing before so tell me if any of its wrong. Cute request tho :) let me know if you like it or want to see more of this kind of thing.
Part 2
Waking up and feeling like your bones were made of lead was not the way you wanted to start the day. It took all of your strength to pull yourself upright. Standing on shaky legs you wobble over to your dresser pulling out the pouch of pills that helped you with the aftermath of the facility and the depression it left. You knew firsthand how bad it could be to be a shapeshifter. Hunted and experimented on. You drew a deep breath pushing the thoughts away and exhaling slowly and shakily.
Unzipping the pouch, you frowned. All the blister packets were empty. You were out. You slouched dejectedly. It was going to be a long day. Yoko had already left for classes and to be honest you didn’t really think you could make it to the wardrobe to get changed let alone all the way to class. You sighed dejectedly and hobbled back to bed and laid down on your back staring at the roof. The feelings were getting harder to push away.
Your chest felt hollow, and you choked back a sob. The last time you were sick … was back there and to be honest you had no idea what would happen if someone found out here.
You zoned out feeling a familiar fuzzy feeling swallow your mind. You tried to push it away which only seemed to make you headache unbearable. The pain was what made you slip. Dropping hard, you felt your body shift. Soon the bed felt much bigger as you curled into a ball and cried. You were tired but scared to sleep, the nightmares seemed to be ever persistent.
You had no idea how long you had been crying, small sobs wracking the tiny body on the bed. Soon a knock sounded on the door.
Weems had had reports all day that you had been absent. Knowing your history with depression she knew it was imperative to do a welfare check as soon as she could. Looking at her calendar she swore. She had a copy if the nurses schedule for meds and prescription refills. Yours were out and it looked like nobody had picked up more for you.
She finally signed off the email she had spent the morning drafting to the mayor. Closing her laptop she toed on her heels, opting to take them off to give her feet a break when sitting and stood smoothing out her skirt. She hurried out the door and to your dorm. Hearing small noises inside she hesitated before knocking, she knew you were in there was was slightly terrified of what she would find inside the dorm.
Hearing the soft knock on the door you wiped a small fist over your eyes and sat up still silent tears running down your cheeks. You waited and heard the door open.
Weems peered into the dimly lit room; the windows still drawn. She saw a small lump on the bed and slowly walked over. The closer she got the more shocked she became. Why was there a toddler in the dorm and why did she look exactly like … y/n?
Small sad eyes looked up at her and sniffled. Weems stood awkwardly not really knowing what to do. She had a suspicion. She knew you were a shifter like herself. She looked down at you and it clicked. It made sense with the amount of trauma you had. You had regressed both physically and mentally to a child. Looking down at the sad child, you looked up at her and extended your arms.
“Up?” You asked with childlike innocence. Weems felt her heart melt. Gently she placed her hands under your arms and lifted you onto her hip. Almost straight away you buried your face in her neck, and she let out a soft gasp.
You were face too warm. Gently she peeled your face from her neck so she could look you in the eyes while she bounced you on her hip. You let out a soft whine at the loss of contact and weems shushed you as she placed a gentle hand against your cheek then forehead.
“Oh honey. Are you not feeling too good right now?” She asked. “Do you feel icky?” She said and you nodded and sniffled, the tears slowing.
“Alright. Well, we are going to get you some medicine then we are going to come back to my place for some sleep.” She said and you whined.
“No sleep.” You pouted and Weems frowned. “Cuddles?” You asked.
“Ok sweet girl you can have cuddles but why no sleep?” She asked.
“Mean dreams.” You pouted and she felt her heart break. Of course, you had bad dreams, that was almost assured with what you had been through. Why didn’t she think of that. Patting you back she used a hand to guide you back to her neck as you put your thumb in your mouth.
Weems winced knowing it probably wasn’t clean but there wasn’t much she could do about it right now and she preferred it to the crying. Holding you on her hip with one arm and the other on the back of your head she saw a small white fluffy thing under your blanket walking over and pulling out the stuffie you brightened as she tucked it between you and her chest as you wrapped you free arm around it.
“Alright honey let’s go get some medicine for you.” She said and left. She knew the school week enough to make sure nobody would see the two of you, God the rumours would be endless if students saw weems with a child. Careful to avoid any class windows Weems made it to the infirmary. As a shapeshifter herself she knew that the doses of medicine would need to match the physical size of the body. Balancing you on her hip she looked into your eyes.
“How old are you sweetheart?” She asked and you looked at her shyly holding up four fingers and puffing your chest out.
“Im four.” You grinned.
“Wow. Big girl huh?” She asked and you smiled wider.
Weems pulled out the bottle of medicine labeled 3-6 and any other supplies she would need. Carefully making her way back to her office she slipped back into her own quarters to take care of you.
You whined as she set you down on the couch but stopped as she lifted you back into her lap. You sure were clingy like this. Measuring out a dose of medicine Weems coaxed you into drinking it which made you stick your tongue out in disgust after.
“Yucky.” You said. Weems chuckled.
“Im sure it was sweet girl.” She said and stroked your hair. You buried your face in her chest and fisted your hands in her shirt.
“Alright bedtime. I think someone needs a nap huh?” She said and you whined.
“Nooo.” You said.
“Alright how about some cuddles instead?” Weems asked and you smiled.
“Yes. Cuddles.”
“Yay cuddles.” You celebrated.
“Alright sweet thing lets go to my bedroom and we can cuddle.” She said knowing you would fall asleep in no time. Curling into her chest more and wrapping you small arms around Weems she felt her heart melt again as she ran her nails up and down your spine. You shivered and enjoyed the touch.
After a few minutes you seemed to be fighting sleep, eyes drooping before flying wide open again with a small whimper.
“Honey whats the matter? Why won’t you sleep love?” Weems asked softly.
“Bad dreams.” You whimpered softly and weems patted your back running her hands through your short hair. It was much shorter than normal probably from the shift.
“Honey, you need to sleep, I’ll be here the whole time. I won’t leave your side, ok? Do you think you could be a brave girl and get some sleep for me?” She asked softly.
Burrowing your face into her neck you nodded and shuffled around to get comfy. Weems knew either way based off how exhausted you seemed you would be asleep soon regards of what you wanted.
And as predicted after about five more minutes weems felt your breath even out against her chest and heard small snores coming from you. She smiled softly down at you and decided then and there she would never let anything hurt you again.
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itoshi-s · 2 years
I srsly wasnt gonna make u go down a 🐇 hole but im too impatient so this is the 2nd... I give u five words: oral fixation and cum play,, guess who has it?? (Everyone tbh) but think abt it him telling u to keep his first load in ur mouth while pounding u to get his 2nd telling u not to spill it or swallow until his release and even then he would take it in his mouth only to spit it back in urs (ps should i be an emoji anon bc i know which one to use)
OOOOOOHHHH NOOOOOO :( NONNIE U ARE BACK !!! i swear u are the sole reason behind my existence rn asdfkjs i blame YOU for the fever i was running last nite !!! cause this is just... kajfhk this is SO GOOD
also worry not ,, there's a proper fic coming based on rabbit hole 2 TONIGHT </3 2.5 is in the works still but u know damn well i had to do these ideas justice. these are perfect i luv ur brain so much bbie !! also answering ur prev ask there's a small list of fav/hard no's when it come's to kinks !
i… have a certain ravenette in mind 4 this……………. but i am curious which one of the bllk guys u thought of mostly cuz!! you are so right i can see each of them being into that </3 can't blame them cause it really is the hottest idea EVER i am in looooove with cumplay :( sigh
cw: nsfw, cum play. 17- dni!
imagine rin holding a hand over your mouth so that nothing spills :( it gets even harder that way cause now you're also struggling to breathe properly with the way his large palm almost covers up your nose, too :( but the look in his eyes is enough of a motivation, you've let him down on this before and each and every time, you were rendered unable to walk properly for the next few days. you're on the verge of crying by the time he's groaning under his breath, pulling out and grabbing you by the ankles to bring you face-level with his cock.
"open," it's breathy and quick, desperate as he jerks himself, grip tight to mimic the feeling of your cunt. he would've thought it's impossible to feel any better than this, but as you obediently open your mouth, showcasing the pool of cum mixing with your saliva, he comes so hard his knees buckle underneath his weight.
and god he cums lots :( milky and runny and there's so, so much, cause he treats his body so well. your mouth overflows, a soft mewl slipping past your mouth along with a streak of cum as you watch him lose it. teal eyes hooded, mouth agape as he pants and grunts under his breath, rides his high out for all it's worth.
you'd think he was done - but the way his thumb reaches down to wipe away the cum that seeped out the corner of your mouth grants you the contrary. there's a glint of unease in your eyes, simply because you're just so worn out since you've been at it for what seems like hours - and he laughs a bit at the sight.
"fuck. who's my good girl?" it's sweet, a praise that you'll never get bored of and rin's aware. you whimper softly, the obvious answer almost rolling off your tongue - but the very next second your eyes are widening just slightly as he does the unexpected and goes for a kiss. filthy, eager and messy with the way his tongue dips past your lips and laps at your own, tasting himself all along.
you grab at his biceps, nails digging into the sturdy muscle, and you can sense yourself soak the sheets with need all over again.
rin groans into your mouth, hips dragging against the mattress despite his cock already bright pink with overstimulation, and grabs the back of your head. pulling you up to more of a sitting position, he deepens the kiss even more and renders you breathless. it gets your head dizzy and heavy with pleasure all over again, jaw slack as you let him take, take, take.
until he's had his fill.
he breaks the proximity between you two, a string of saliva mixed with his seed connecting your lips until he sits back on his heels again. it breaks off, makes him wipe at his chin with the back of his hand - the other already grabbing at your jaw to keep your mouth agape.
this has played out countless times before already, but doesn't fail to make you lightheaded anyway. he spits on your awaiting tongue, adding in to the mess of drool and two hefty loads of cum that have grown bitter on your tongue from the wait.
"good. swallow."
you only ever realize the breath you've been holding when your throat finally bobs, as you swallow the filth and almost choke with the way your lungs feel so tight from asphyxia. your mouth feels strangely empty as you stick your tongue out again, to show no sign of his cum anywhere.
only then does rin's shoulders roll back slightly, taut muscles finally relaxing with a shaky exhale. he's spent and you can tell - from the way his thighs have a slight tremble to them as he lowers himself down to lay next to you, strong arms pulling you on top of his chest.
"god i fucking love you." he breathes. "you know that?" there's an almost amused lilt to his voice as you nose at his throat - settling for a soft hum as your only answer.
of course you know - he makes sure you do, by all the filth he puts you through <3
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boydepartment · 1 year
Hey Jayjay, hope you’re doing well~
I just wanted to make a request for a Jake comfort fic, where he’s comforting reader after they’ve had a break down from holding their emotions in for months and didn’t tell anyone bc they don’t know how to express themselves to people?
Sorry if this doesn’t make any sense I’m not in the best headspace rn. But please don’t feel pressured to do this request if it makes you uncomfortable🫂
ON IT- i started writing this right when i got the request, i love you so much <3 dms always open bb
Condensation- Jake Sim x reader
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warnings- mental breakdown, fainting
wc- 600
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The room was absolutely spinning, and you weren’t drunk or anything. You weren’t high and you weren’t sick. You were overwhelmed. Absolutely everything overstimulated you and you were exhausted. The room seemed to be going a mile a minute and all you wanted was for it to stop. You wanted everything to stop for once. Life was hitting hard, and you didn’t know what to do or who to turn to.
Everything got so much that you didn’t even remember inviting Jake over, when the doorbell rang you stumbled to answer. Once again, not having the mental capacity to even think. You swung open the door and the next thing you knew you blacked out. All the stress and nerves absolutely draining your tired self.
When you woke up you were in your bed, water was on the nightstand, and you took a split second to watch the condensation fall from the glass onto the bedside table. Whoever left it didn’t put a coaster or anything down to protect the wood.
You turned over and felt a weight down on your bed, looking up you saw Jake sitting there on his phone. He looked down at you and popped his headphones out.
“Oh, thank god you’re awake.” He put a hand on your head, “fever? No. cough? Cough?” He was pretty frantic about the state of your physical health. He had no idea it was your mental health that was causing a decline in your physical wellbeing.
“No cough, just exhausted…” You mumbled and rested your head down again.
“Did you go out today or something?” He asked, trying to figure out what was wrong so he could help you. Jake was always very pure at heart, if something was wrong with you, he wanted to be there and help. He would never not go out of his way for you and your wellbeing. That’s why you never told him about how overwhelming your life had gotten recently. You hit a brick wall and how was he supposed to try and fix something that seemed so unfixable?
“Huh?” You realized now, you never answered his question, “oh sorry. No, I didn’t go out today.”
“Thinking too much?” Jake suddenly asked. You looked up at him.
“Yeah…” You swallowed hard, feeling that familiar lump in your throat. It hurt badly, trying not to absolutely break down hurt badly.
“You can talk to me, I can’t fix all the mental problems, but I can still help.” Jake said, he held your face softly, “I know it’s really hard though- opening up.”
Finally, the dam broke. You started crying hard. Jake held onto you and let you cry it out. He always knew you had issues with vocally saying how you were feeling. He knew you didn’t want him to worry, even though he was going to worry anyways.
“I-I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me I can’t stop-“You continued to cry and Jake rubbed your back softly and slowly.
“Let it out Y/n… It’s okay. I am right here, I'm not going anywhere.”
You continued to sob until you started to doze off again, all those overwhelming emotions once again took you out. You hadn’t realized how much these past months of bottling your feelings took out of you. You were constantly battling by yourself, and it finally caught up to you.
When you woke up from your post crying nap, Jake made you drink water.
“If you don’t want to talk about it still it’s alright.” Jake said, “I’m still going to be here though. I care about you and I just want you to be alright.”
You looked at him, “I think- I think I want to talk about it.”
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sunmoonjune · 4 months
Hello moonie !!
Idk if you're gonna see this, but a what if just popped into my head, and I needed to tell you it.
So you know the viral vid from Girl Humming and harmonising with her fan, this one:
This, to me, sounds like what bug's "mom"(sorry can't remember her name) would've hummed to bug when she would hummed this to bug one last time when she knew she couldn't protect any further from bug's father.
And what if WHAT IF she taught yunho how to hum this to bug so even when she's gone, there would still be at least a sense of security she would give to bug when yunho would hum it to bug when she would sleep.
And what if yunho also hummed this to bug when she had a fever, like picture how painfully beautiful that sight would be, yunho humming it to bug to make her feel safe while keeping her safe when he himself was far from it.
And when yunho was exiled and separated from bug, he clung to that hum like a life worried that he would forget it. And when he was in the ateez camp, he hum it every single night to the moon, hoping somehow it would reach bug and give her at least a sense of security even when he was far. Then seonghwa heard him and asked what song he was he was humming and asked if he could teach him it, and yunho only told that an old friend taught him to hum sparring all the details to keep the meaning just between him, bug's mom and bug
THEN BOOM seonghwa used the hum to soothe the other members when they had their episodes or nightmares.
And when him, bug and wooyoung got attacked in the forest in chap 6, when he hummed to her when she had her episode IT WAS THE SAME HUM THAT BUG'S MOM WOULD HUM TO HER that's why she slowly and slightly felt at ease when he heard him hum.
But again this is just a what if from me and I'm sorry if you can't understand half of this English is not my first language so forgive me
love you and miss you moonie <333
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the way this ask singlehandedly resurrected me from tumblr hiatus and then killed me again in the same blow D':
yes I do know the tt of the girl humming with her fan :')) but also consider the other rendition I heard: https://www.tiktok.com/@gabsadie/video/7363495019266837767
this one for some reason feels more maternal :')) and it sort of sounds like nostalgic and kind of like a memory?? in a way? and that's how I imagine Daia (bug's mom)
but the concept of yunho humming that over and over and over and clinging to it like a lifeline?? is SO devastating D': like he was probably terrified that if he forgot those notes, then he'd probably lose the memory of bug too :"(
ALSO the idea that seonghwa would probably learn it first and yunho would have to explain why he sung it so much even tho he'd try not to reveal too much about bug and her mum :')) and then seonghwa singing it to the others?? when theyre anxious or scared or having a nightmare?? that just shot me right in the heart DDD:
AND THEN SEONGHWA?? him humming that when he found bug and her hearing it like !!! she knows that song how does hwa know it?? and she just feels so safe with him because he does know it even if he doesn't know what it means :")) it's got me thinking of ateez just humming it beneath their breath all the time after they find out what it means to her and they want to help her preserve the memory of her mother and GOD I'm breaking my own heart rn
also thinking of all the instances atz could hum it to calm her down :')) like woo carrying her back to atz after she ran away?? or mingi when she's having nightmares and she wanders out of the caves to sit with him?? or sol when he's cleaning the blood from her face?? SAN SINGING IT TO WOO WHEN HE'S HAVING HIS OWN NIGHTMARES it becomes the ateez melody :"D
anon you're literally a genius and the anGST potential of this is unfathomable I love you so much :"DDD
and there is no need to apologize, your English is great! thank you so much for the ask <33 I think you just singlehandedly helped me revive my Tumblr ngl xD <3
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hawkp · 1 year
I can't guarantee anything. But I might write a Kirk Bros fic because of you. Any ideas on what kind of thing would be the most fun and/or heartbreaking with that? (Again, no guarantees. I'm kinda flighty sometimes.) You've made me think more about them than normal, so if you need to yell about them, I may yell with you. (Sorry if this is too random, or annoying, or anything.😅)
So sorry but this answer might not make much sense. I have the stomach flu and just woke up from fourteen hours of sleep because I broke my fever. This is how I feel rn.
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So if it doesn’t make sense please ask or message me for clarification. Everything below is just word vomit at this point.
NO NOT RANDOM I LOVE PPL YELLING even if it’s something I don’t know about. I just love when people are passionate about stuff.
I have like 30 WIPS sitting in my google drive so I totally understand you. I also started a Kirk Bros fic. It’s just a lengthy outline right now that starts right at the end of 2x10 and would end after the four Enterprise crew members are back on the ship and recovering (because everyone is going to be messed up as hell, especially La’an and I’m sure that someone will be dead in the show).
But these are some things I’ve thought about including in my WIP! Please feel free to run with them. Seriously, take them from me!
Disclaimer, in my fic I’m retconning Sam’s wife and kids from TOS because I haven’t found the SNW mention of her, which is apparently there somewhere, but I didn’t want to have to include the daddy dynamic of Sam’s character into it lol.
So first off, Pike doesn’t end up deciding if they’re pulling out, Una does. They only pull out far enough to not be in immediate danger, which is still against Starfleet orders, so they’d be breaking some regulation already and be in a wacky sort of limbo.
Then, how difficult it would be for Pike to tell Jim. I feel like he’d save him for last after contacting everyone else’s families… which I now realize those four have very little of. Jim would just know that something is wrong off the bat just from Pike’s face. He might even jump to the conclusion that Sam is dead and then the reality of his situation when Pike tells him ends up being so much worse. From there, Jim is dead set on joining them for a rescue mission, even if he has to break some regulations himself. Also at this point Christopher is a freaking mess ofc.
My biggest issue with writing the Gorn right now though is figuring out how to not have them immediately kill or do the dermal impregnation thing that’s going on with Batel, to the four of them and the settlers from the planet. I’m toying with the idea that the Gorn have been possessed by another entity. There’s an episode of Enterprise where some crew members contract a “silicone based virus” that was a whole separate species and I was thinking about trying to emulating that somehow.
I have a lot in my brain that happens between the exposition and the rescue but of course my whumpy ass had Sam being in the worst shape out of the group when they get back to the Enterprise. I think if I did go the infected Gorn route then the “virus species” will have been experimenting on Sam and he might be totally catatonic by that point and from there it would be blah, blah, blah recovery blah, blah. <- my brain literally cannot form a better sentence to communicate this rn
The actual first scene I wrote for the fic was Sam telling Jim about how picturing their childhood got him through everything that happened and specifically telling him the story about the first time he held him as a baby. Idk what kind of crack I was on that night but he ends it by telling him that he knew it was his job to take care of him as soon as he set his eyes on him. Did I write that because I’m the oldest sibling? What? No.
So anyways… yeah I have a lot of thoughts on this. And if you’d like to write something together I’m down for that too!
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outlawssweetheart · 5 months
Sorry I'm only reacting now to your OC post ! 😩 I'm glad you managed to get the draft back haha ! Hoping this one doesn't disappear as well ! 🤞
I'm always weak for the thought of dad Erron being scared of fatherhood at first and suddenly realizing how much he loves his baby. Holding Lizzie for the first time must have been such a strong revelation for him. Makes me wonder if he was the one who brought up the thought of a second child? 👀 Like, Lizzie was pretty much unplanned from what I understand but Lana ? 🧐 I think Skarlet would be torn between being overjoyed at the prospect of having a second child and being surprised that it was Erron who brought up the idea ! 💖
Honestly I'd love to learn more about their family dynamic, especially Lizzie because I find it sooo funny how she'd be like- the only "normal" person in this family of murderous adrenaline junkies. 😂 Her parents being weird in front of her friends would probably embarrass her as well !
Also I'm curious about how Skarlet would develop as a person in your story because I remember you saying you weren't really up for a redemption arc for her canonically. Yet, she finds herself being a mom and leaving a rather "normal-ish" family life in Earthrealm. What do you think would bring her to this point in her life in your story ?
Finally, I'm curious because you often mention your stories/books/fanfics and I've been wondering if you have ever posted any of them? Like, I remember seeing snippets of your original stories but do you have any of them or any fanfics published?
(Sending you my support for your writing projects btw ✨)
I've never actually thought about it, when they decided to have a 2nd kid. Like I honestly never thought about it, or if she was planned or another accident, but I LOVE the idea that Erron suggested having another! Lizzie is 7 years older than Lana, so that's quite some years between kids. I suppose that after her, they figured she'd be an only child, but then years later they caught the Baby Fever and just wanted another one.
I think he was shook holding Lizzie for the first time. He probably cried a bit, but he would never admit to it. (Skarlet knows. He denies it, but she saw it.) Not only realizing that he loves his child but also feeling the weight of his own familial trauma... all at once. Maybe that's why she let him be the one to name her? 🥺
I think Elizabeth is a bit of a Sad Girl™. (I have "Ow (Intro)" by Pom Pom Squad and "Human" by Christina Perri on her Pinterest board section for my original story, so I must've been cooking a bit for her.) Which makes sense; one of the children is bound to get Skarlet's and Erron's melancholy, and it ain't Lana! 🤷🏽‍♀️ (Sidenote: I remembered that they're both low-key named after Lana Del Rey because her real name is Elizabeth! 😭 I mean, she is my Skarron queen! 🫶🏽)
As for Skarlet: That's my CONTRARIAN ASS because I love Skarlet as a villain, but I also love the idea of her and Erron just living a domestic life together. *sighs* So in The Bubblegum Project (the story I mentioned because I have another one that I'm supposed to be writing rn), Lana's mother is a vampire, her father is a 185-year-old witch, and they settle down in Texas, acting normal. (He uses witchcraft to secure a job as a history professor, and she has a job as a showgirl at a fancy burlesque club.) However, he's a hitman on the side, and she's still killing people for blood even though there is a medication to fill the need for blood. (I reblogged this gif-set to my writing/story inspo blog for them, and I just love the idea of Erron & Skarlet having that kind of dynamic, due to the way Erron still shows signs of his humanity. *chef's kiss* TOP-TIER ship dynamic for me! 🤌🏽)
I think they got to that point because she got pregnant, WOOPSIES, and they wanted to give their child the best life they could. Idk exactly where my OCs were living, but they knew their lifestyles (which would've been similar to Skarron's) weren't good for a child to grow up in. And Skarlet and Erron would know that Outworld is not a good place for a child to grow up in. Skarlet knows that firsthand. And it's most definitely not safe because they've both likely made enemies there.
And unfortunately, no, I have anything written or published yet. I have 2 old Marvel fanfics, and I started writing a Scream fanfic over 2 years ago, but my attention span is garbage, along with the fact that I hate my own writing. 😩 And I have bits and pieces of original stories written, just the beginning of a chapter here and there, but nothing really yet. But THANK YOU! 🫶🏽
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questions that only your mind can answer:
1. suguru as a poet. y/n? if y, who do you think his favorite poet would be?
2. what siken poem is the most sugu coded?
3. if satoru was a type of poem what kind would he be and why?
thank you for your time my ari.
WAHHHHH MY IO……… 🥺🥺🥺 you have no idea how loud i squealed when i saw this LMAO thank you sm for giving me an excuse to gush over stsg and poetry at the same time i feel so privilieged 😭😭😭 UMMM UM LET ME THINK!!!!
1/ first off. BIG yes. huge yes. he’s so poetcoded it makes me ILL. io i’m convincedddd that this man would be a literature major and i’m not just saying that bc i’m biased ok…. i just feel like he would have a fondness for the arts yk :33 particularly writing. i can picture him as a poet so easily bc everything he does and says is flowery and soft…. poet!sugu would make us swoooooon
i’m a bit sleepy rn so at first i thought you meant y/n as in like .. The Reader 😭😭 BUT THEN I STARTED THINKING ABT POET!READER TOO AND. wow. theee power couple ever !!! aaa io he’d be so perfect :((( sugu would be such a supportive bf no matter what his s/o did for a living but w any kind of writer i just think he’d be so Good. proofreads for you all the time!! he’s your most loyal reader… your biggest fan…. reads alllll your little poems when you’re away and he misses you :((( and he writes you his own !!! they’re so mushy and pretty and sweet…… hhhh. he’s just. the best!!! T_T brags abt your writing to satoru alllll the time but doesn’t let him read any of it w/o your consent (maybe even with it LMAO)… i just think he’d feel so honoured if his shy little poet!s/o only let him read their works :’3
nooo i’m not projecting at alllll… wdym…..
OOOHH AND AND. his favorite poets!!! as much as i’d love to say siken i don’t think that’s really his style. suguru strikes me as the type to enjoy very flowery writing, a bit musical-leaning in the rhythm and structure and stuff!! also season-based…. i’m thinking verlaine and rimbaud and nakahara. french symbolist poets and anyone inspired by them!! as for a more modern example i think he lovesss mary oliver and louise glück :3 october is one of his favorites!!! these lines remind me a lot of him….
Summer after summer has ended, balm after violence: it does me no good to be good to me now; violence has changed me.
This is the present, an allegory of waste. So much has changed. And still, you are fortunate: the ideal burns in you like a fever. Or not like a fever, like a second heart.
This is the light of autumn; it has turned on us. Surely it is a privilege to approach the end still believing in something.
hmmm….. a part of me wants to say he really enjoys frank bidart too. the war of vaslav nijinsky makes me think of him!!! :0 the themes of morality and guilt.. especially this line for some reason:
romola. diaghilev. i have eaten the world.
maybe it’s bc of his ct but . i just feel like he’d enjoy poetry abt hunger and eating in a more abstract sense… devouring…. etcetc. it’s a big contrast to the usual nature-based flowery prose he reads but sugu loves having his contrasts so. i think it makes sense!!
all in all i think he has very good taste. he’s not afraid to dip his toes into other genres either!!
2/ IO . 🥺🥺 MY SWEETHEART….. i literally cried i can’t believe you’re indulging me like this i started shaking w excitement……… i just went through crush + war of the foxes and if i had to narrow it down to just a single poem (<- extremely difficult task!! pls be proud) it’d have to be…… little beast.
if i had to sum this poem up with two words they’d be violent and tender… which is the case for all of siken’s poems tbf 😭 but that yearning for tenderness in the midst of violence is just so, so evident here. it always guts me. there are softer poems that i’d compare suguru to, but if we’re talking about canon suguru, his connection to satoru, his fate and ideals and desperate yearning for love… then i think this one is the most fitting.
obv this is tied to my own interpretation but!! at the end of the day. i see suguru as someone who craves tenderness. he craves love and intimacy and what drove him to his breaking point was the realization that he wouldn’t get it without slaughter. i think that line between violence/gentleness drives him insane but he has no choice but to tiptoe around it. and that’s what this poem makes me think of. some lines remind me of stsg and that dichotomy in their relationship, others just of suguru and his mental state…. and also his charm. that dangerous edge to him. the contrasting softness. the poem gets more violent as it goes on but the love never fades and that’s what really gets me.
the radio aches a little tune that tells the story of what the night is thinking. it’s thinking of love. it’s thinking of stabbing us to death and leaving our bodies in a dumpster. that’s a nice touch, stains in the night, whiskey and kisses for everyone.
someone once told me that explaining is an admission of failure. i’m sure you remember, i was on the phone with you, sweetheart.
i know history. there are many names in history but none of them are ours.
you could drown in those eyes, i said. the fact of his pulse, the way he pulled his body in, out of shyness or shame or a desire not to disturb the air around him.
you could drown in those eyes, i said, so it’s summer, so it’s suicide, so we’re helpless in sleep and struggling at the bottom of the pool.
more frequently i was finding myself sleepless, and he was running out of lullabies.
but damn if there isn’t anything sexier than a slender boy with a handgun, a fast car, a bottle of pills.
we pull our boots on with both hands but we can’t punch ourselves awake and all i can do is stand on the curb and say sorry about the blood in your mouth. i wish it was mine.
i couldn’t get the boy to kill me, but i wore his jacket for the longest time.
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…… honourable mentions to landscape with fruit rot and millipede + birds hover the trampled field + snow and dirty rain
3/ aaaand finally !!! this question was kinda tough… but soooo much fun to think abt. <33
i think satoru is the kind of poem that stays with you forever. the kind that pulls you in with a really gripping opening line, forces you to read it all in one sitting, and then you’re left wondering what the hell it was even about. flowery but with no real substance until you dig really deep, and then it’s all you can see. the kind of poem you could pick apart for hours and hours……. a real gem. but it’s comforting, above all else. he’s like a collection of poetry that makes you smile just to hold it!!! :>
now !!! some questions for you !!!!! >:3
how do you think satoru would be w a poet!s/o?
any thoughts on poet!nanami..? 👀
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rival-the-rose · 7 months
Eating disorder rambling under cut
Eating disorder etiology is so weird. I've been sick again, so I've had another baby relapse. Or, another dip in my larger trend down since my peak recovery in early December and then getting sick end of December. It's just like clockwork, I get a fever or go on antibiotics or vomit and then every eating disorder urge hits even if I've been recovered for months. And I know the pop culture (and even psychiatric) understanding of eating disorders is skewed and shitty but it's somehow still surprising to me when my thoughts are not centered on my body or health or whatever. Like, I think people expect safe foods for ed ppl to be salads or whatever, but today the only food I've been able to eat is old stale tortilla chips that probably should've just been thrown out. It's still "virtuous" food, like morality is still the criterion by which the food is considered "safe", just a different system of morality I guess? And typing out the implications of that morality system makes me sad (ie, the only food I'm worthy of eating is just short of garbage, but my brain presents it as... idk. Something less depressing than that. Like this is gonna help save the world, but it doesn't come with wanting a system to only eat food like that or feed others like that). It's just so weird to go from pretty happily eating three meals a day to feeling morally repugnant if I feel full. Or even right now my usual coping method of thinking of the cheapest meal that is still a complete diet just seems both overwhelming and like I don't deserve that. Like I don't deserve beans and rice with salsa+sour cream, and also that meal is too hard to make.
And there are body thoughts but those feel more conscious somehow. Like the fact that I can barely wear the size 2 pants I bought when I came back this fall really really bothers me but those thoughts almost come as a reaction to whether or not I'm eating. Idk. I just feel like right now I can see how organic and insane it all is, but usually I can't see that on my own. Which either means progress or I'm extra crazy RN. It really makes me wonder what about the illness is triggering - my inactivity+lack of productivity leading to feeling like I don't deserve food? That would make sense but would have to happen at a higher order of thinking than I think this is. Just missing a meal? Maybe I'm constantly closer to relapse than I think and one meal is enough to throw it all off. But sometimes it feels like there actually something physical that changes when I get sick like my brain falls into an old rut that sick me is too tired to yank it out of.
I wonder if someday I'll be able to look back on this the same way I do the pica I had when I was anemic - raw meat and cigarette butts hold zero appeal for me now but were so enticing at the time and it felt so normal. I hate the idea of still struggling like this in another 15 years. But I don't know how to stop being terrified of gaining weight, or to stop soothing that fear with the thought that actually I do know how to lose weight and it's relatively easy. I've never truly had a healthy relationship with food or exercise but I hope I can soon. The idea of spending my entire life like this, of being like the 80 year olds in the hospital, is horrifying. Objectively, the thought of spending my youth like this is even more horrifying (even though my current agreement with myself is to stop this behavior when I'm 40). And on having that thought, I asked myself to get up and eat, and I couldn't do it.
Anyway. I'll pull my shit together soon esp since we're going out of town which usually will make it way easier to eat.
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nuclearforest · 2 years
I'm throwing your own questions back at you (because they were so good)
What’s your favorite candle scent?
2. Say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non- physical).
3. What’s your comfort food?
4. What’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
5. What reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
Awww ty Athena!!! These are cute questions uwu
And perfect for any domestic mood which I am DEFINITELY feeling lol. I have House Fever.
1. I dont use scented candles all that often, but I ADORE the scent of lilac tbh. It's just too good. Close up next are vanilla and baked bread. I lean towards homey scents tbh.
And like, I'm really feeling vanilla and bread rn because I just wanna curl up by a nice warm fire cuddled up to somebody 😔
2. Oh man it's my time to shine!!
Love my hair: she's thick and curly and I still have to learn how to treat her right but she's surprisingly forgiving.
Love my eyes: I've gotten a lot happier and more peaceful in like, the last year. There's a shine to my eyes now that I hadn't noticed in the past and that's a good sign!
I am soft: good for holding and hugging, even if my brain has a seemingly random yes/no approach to who is even allowed to touch me that makes physical contact a pain lol.
I maintain good vibes: I try to keep positivity and spread joy to other folks. If I'm happy, I wanna try and make the world happy too. I also like to try and support other folks and offer whatever experiences I have in the event they might help somebody out.
I think quickly and creatively: sure I can't predict how it goes, but my brain is always problem solving and always looking for patterns and new ideas. Makes life fun.
I live under a rock: by choice I try to focus on experiencing things more than watching folks experience things and living vicariously. That has GREATLY improved my mood and shown me a lot of things I would never have known otherwise.
3. Hard to say! My comfort food changes frequently based on the mood. I can fall back onto a lot of different things to try, but I think at the end of the day it has to be a slice of nice warm bread with a crispy crust. Or my grandma's chocolate chip cookies. Or my aunt's sugar cookies. Even similar stuff helps me find peace, you know?
And now I just want to bake lol. I need folks to bake for and host IN MY HOUSE with a werewolf husband to hold me by the fire when it's cold outside. I am hungry for domesticity.
4. Honestly I would lose my shit if somebody made me anything. You wanna draw me something? Write me something? Make a mug or a painting or a necklace? Man I'd love it. But I think even more I'd like to make something with people. Sharing the gift of time, if that makes sense. I love shared craft nights lol.
5. There are a lot of things that make me think of home. Wood stoves. Fall leaves (especially in the woods). Lakes and rivers. Fleece blankets and fun cars.
Also one very specific scent of liquid handsoap that I would only find at the combined Harvey's/Swiss Chalet restaurant that we would always stop at near Guelph when we were driving up to visit my grandmother in the woods 😂 Kinda smells like gummy candy. It's a shame that spot around lake Ontario is super developed and full of apartment complexes now. So wasteful.
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thesecretattic · 2 years
Mannat from 31st Dec, 2015
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Year 2015-2016 was the first & last new year I have ever celebrated I currently have high fever rn so I can’t type much again I wish I had someone to talk to… maybe another loner like me, cuz all others are having plans for tonight. So all my teens I was bullied and it went to so much extent that the geyser bursted and our bathroom caught fire twice (I’m sure you’ve read that) Anyway they would bully me on bbm but as a 15-16 year old I was like we are too old for all this… cuz they were bigger anyway but in actual sense it was indeed bullying and very toxic. On new years too I would get tortured with all sorts of texts, as a final resort I was told to lie and tell them I was celebrating NYE with new friends but one of them saw me running my daily errands so they started spamming me with more scathing messages such as “Go celebrate with your imaginary friends you forever loner” my childhood best friend would ask them to circulate this phrase repeatedly “A girl who can never have a best friend” anyway she did that cuz she had her older brother’s support who was again 7 yrs older than me and he was very intimidating, she used his help to turn everyone against me and make sure they would boycott me cuz i was on friendly terms with everyone and I wouldn’t back bich about them like her (she had that habit, she would even comment on people’s appearance and weight) she was very materialistic and she came to India like a spoilt brat from Dubai, she would shun and disparage all Indians that was her sole motto when they shifted here and since me and my brother were younger she would tried doing that with us too but as a next door neighbour and same bench partner at school she was in for a shock. Everyone at school believed I was some NRI from USA and someone started spreading those rumours in my new school as well cuz I was always that well versed and I would come up with all those ideas and thoughts which were prevalent only there (even when someone saw my work a few years ago like when I was 21-22 they said I couldn’t believe it was made in India it’s too sophisticated for here) so in school everyone would say you’re too classy all ur high profile words will go bouncers… you’ve recently come from US right? Etc etc. They weren’t being mean they would just start joking after that. I had a good circle till a certain age but then they started shuffling which I think is really wrong especially when there’s a lot of groupism cuz some ppl stick together and some don’t. They thought I’d recently shifted, me and my bro were used to buying imported stuff and we knew all the places where we would get them for cheap and we knew a lot of other things which she couldn’t handle, she almost challenged a 7 year old to show her prowess in Hollywood movies/trivia that too even adult ones while playing dumb charades.
We didn’t bother fighting or arguing we would let her win… she was always competitive and she would get jealous of my inexpensive fancy stuff even though she would get a lot of things from Dubai (because choice matters more) anyway she went extreme after growing up, my school had to be changed and I don’t want to get into more discussion but she’s the reason why I don’t have any friends. I also learnt about racism from a very early age that too within India, sorry she never considered herself an Indian. I once tried showing her Rihanna in my fav Magazine but she couldn’t take it so she flung it across the room and she thought I was good at fashion because of those mags. Nope! wrong, I would select my own clothes even as a toddler I’ve shared this before like Raven from that’s so Raven it was very relatable when she said that in one of her episodes, all other parents would ask for the same stuff when they would see my clothes on the cash counter. I started reading those magazines out of interest cuz I always loved fashion and I knew maximum items listed there were paid advertisements. As a 12 year old (I was a bit sassy) I would be like “All paid… all paid even the Chanel Sunglasses by Delhi Vasant Kunj store” I can’t write much there’s a lot to share haha funny stories too, she started getting magazines just to compete with me and she would even compare home appliances (show me a kid who’s interested in all that) next she would ask me what career I would like to pursue just to go around and tell everyone she wanted to take up that as well… she then started getting extreme, even now she is the first to copy trends and stuff cuz she thinks that is what I do even though she hasn’t seen me in recent years, Karma: I was an epicurean I loved trying out different cuisines so she would always get jealous whenever I would go out even though she knew I would cry a lot of tears before leaving due to my family eventually she took away all my friends and even the little bit of happiness I had on my previous childhood birthdays (I last celebrated the 15th one or so) and I went on dating apps to socialise cuz girls are very jealous and hostile in India now I’ve realised even guys have a very poor mentality and she too had those traits even if she was from Dubai anyway I went there and got bed ridden and she got her wish I STOPPED going out to restaurants and stuff and she would then POST her own restaurant and food images OBSESSIVELY and then Karma struck back to her and we had Covid when NO ONE WAS ALLOWED to go out anymore but even during cov times she tortured me and she dragged one of her friends to whichever cafe was open during lockdown just to share images. When I wrote my previous book and published it (cover editing layout typesetting website whatever I could manage or do) she couldn’t take it so she created a fake writer’s acc with all those previous society’s friends and came there to mock and harass me. Even now she copies all these stupid trends cuz she thinks I might be doing that, the world is currently a fashion disaster and no offence so are you. I don’t want to ruin anyone’s new year the way she ruined mine I hope she is not reading this. Anyway, I could go on for hours, I actually haven’t shared the dark side of this story, there’s a lot more.
My hands are getting cold cuz I can’t type much. I have shared the following stories previously but all the other posts have now obsoleted them. Coming back to 2015 31st Dec I realised I wasn’t the only one who was crying in the car due to lack of friends, I saw an old uncle crying on the signal too cuz it was almost midnight and he wasn’t able to make any sale… he was selling party stuff. I was 20, someone in the car had cleanliness OCD back then so I couldn’t buy anything. I came up with an idea which led to a very unique resolution that year, I knew Harsh’s birthday was coming on 5th so I picked 3rd to like make this “Mannat” but of a different kind not where you tie threads, I’m sharing this cuz its a sweet memory and I hardly have such memories. Back then we wouldn’t get those Nutella snack packs consisting of biscuits and stuff☹️🥺😡 so I just got big jars of Nutella and I went to Carter Road… you would always find these little urchins there selling colouring books and stationary, they would even sometimes nag you to buy them something from those stalls. I once bought one of them some yogurt but the yogurt wala 😡😡😡 the reason I’m calling him that is because he was really bad he was just looking down upon that kid and that’s not because his height was small or he was unable to reach the counter, I had told him to give him whatever he liked… don’t treat them like that or I won’t even pay for my yogurt! I had already made the payment that’s why he was acting smart I was keeping a watch from outside 👀 It was some chappi employee btw what did he think of himself?
I went there on 3rd Jan hoping these kids would be around but looks like they were still decompressing from 31st bash or they were probably too smart to only come out on weekends, unfortunately Carter road was entirely empty that day… then I spotted one toddler coming from the opposite side, she crossed very fast cuz they are very adept at all these things, she came to me and she was just standing there cuz I don’t think she had even learnt how to talk she was too small like those Chucky dolls. I gave her the Nutella but I had to explain to her that it’s like chocolate cuz she was like I said too small to understand anything, I was afraid someone might snatch it from her so I kept a watch, but she went back properly to her mother and on her way there she opened it and tasted it (this was the fun part) no child would resist something like that. She tasted it then she hugged the jar like left right, I was like how cute 🥰 people rightly say Nutella is like happiness. She turned out to be smarter than I thought cuz she was holding it properly and she went straight to her mother. I was hoping he would get a good opportunity or tv show or whatever he wanted to do cuz it was like a Mannat an exchange of favours with God and it would’ve made 2 people happy or in fact more than 2, I was happy a few onlookers were happy… but God just wanted that thread???!! Since it was something sweet, he should’ve gotten a sweet role to play not toxic ajinomoto I will never have Maggi in my whole life (ref. 22nd Dec + posts) I’m feeling giddy like throwing up, happens when you have Maggi too. Bye. I can’t write further I’d already taken a few breaks in between.
- Zara Sauleh
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I played through the dark knight quests up to level 50 and really wanted to do a story about it, so uh. here's the beginning of that! I plan to post it to Ao3 when I finish the actual chapter (this one just being for the level 30 quest) but I got super excited to show off what I have rn, so I'm throwing it up on Tumblr with just that before finishing
He knows better than to get in the way of the Temple Knights, to keep off their radar and stay quiet. Still, it doesn't quell his curiosity, to stop him from going to investigate the rumors. It's a simple thing, traveling down to the Brume, and he keeps watch for the knights disposing of the corpse.
A dark knight, fought and killed in trial…An impressive thought to consider, just from what he heard of them, and more than likely a tale told to make the story of it more interesting to those not there to witness it, or at the very least exaggerating it, but…He needs to see for himself, to confirm the rumors. His mind won't rest until he does.
It doesn't take long to see the knights, standing out among the poor and downtrodden who live here- one that X'solraa seems to have been mistaken for, despite the outfit he wears being extremely different. The two mutter among themselves for a moment, shooting him a pointed look of disdain that makes his skin crawl, before they leave. Once they're gone, it's easy to see the corpse, or at least a slumped pile of armour.
He won't take anything, it wouldn't feel right as he has more than enough supplies already, especially as a ward of House Fortemps. There are people here that anything the corpse has on them would help more, even if the idea of them just being left here leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. But it's not like he could do anything for them…Carrying a corpse out of Ishgard, across the Steps of Faith…It would never work. Especially one tried as a heretic, and when they need to keep a low profile.
It's as he walks up the stairs to get a closer look that he sees something shimmer in the light, only able to be made out when he reaches the body, black against the white-grey frost covered stones and the frozen wood, something inside the cloak the corpse wears. Something that he can't make out by just looking, and so he reaches down to look, and…
Suddenly his head hurts, overwhelmingly so, and a heat rises across his body, one that feels sickly, a reminder of being a small child under his father's care, sick with fever and unable to move, limbs weighed down as he merely lay there, unable to do anything but let Myosotis take care of him. The fact that he is not home, that he has nowhere to go anymore, no one who knows everything that has happened and is willing to be there and comfort him, to lead him on to what to do next, he is alone, alone, alone- Except for the voice, one that sounds just as lost as he is, just as tired. Just as desperate, though the words make little to no sense to him.
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merakiui · 4 years
Tell me why I woke up with a fever and the first thing that I want rn is yan!Scara to take care of me
Imagine you’re yan!Scaramouche’s darling who’s being kept within his estate in Inazuma. While he’s off traveling for the Fatui, you’re stuck in a place that’s filled with the same boring things: same servants, same scenery, same everything. You don’t really do much while he’s gone, merely following a simple routine of wake up, eat, wash up, and then sleep. You’re just existing within this large house, patiently awaiting the day when he’ll return.
On one specific evening, when the servants have all retired for the night, you decide to wander the halls in search of an exit. The idea of an escape never occurs to you in your pursuit for some fresh air, but once you’re outside, standing under an awning to avoid the rainfall, you realize this could be your chance. You can finally escape the cruelty of a man you hold no love for. There’s nothing stopping you from running far away from him, possibly to another nation entirely. The prospect of a new life fuels your legs with energy and it moves you forward into the rain.
Of course, you don’t get as far as you would’ve hoped. Your poor sense of direction causes you to become lost quickly and your thin night clothes are soaked from the rain. In no time, you’re shivering from the chill that settles into your bones. Sadly, you’re kicking yourself for giving up so easily, enticed by the idea of a warm bath, and so you head back in the direction of Scaramouche’s estate. You surmise a successful escape attempt should be made when the weather’s nicer and you’re in proper clothes.
As luck would have it, you wake up with a cold and Scaramouche arrives that next morning with the intention of spending every second with his precious darling. He’s a little confused when he realizes you’ve fallen ill and when he demands an explanation from the servants they all shrug, offering the thought that it might just be a result of the changing weather. He’s a little aggravated that you’re sick and now he can’t do everything he wanted to do with you, unless he wants to risk getting sick as well, so he wants you to recover soon. Preferably before the week ends.
The servants offer to take care of you while he’s here so that you can recover as quickly as possible. To your surprise, Scaramouche just shakes his head and mutters something about how he’ll do it because everyone else is insufficient. For the next few days you’re confined to your bed and the only person you see is him. In the beginning he nagged you about getting sick, saying every complaint that crossed his mind. But eventually he stops complaining altogether and he seems a little softer than normal.
He brings you your meals (which he cooked himself but you don’t know that) and he sits and watches as you eat. Scaramouche is going to make sure you get well, so if you feel too sick to eat that’s a you problem. He doesn’t want you to skip any meals, nor does he want you to become dehydrated. It’s awkward when he tends to you, displaying a side you’ve never witnessed before.
And as you start to recover from your cold, relieved that you’re no longer coughing or tossing and turning in bed because you’re wrought with a fever, he slowly returns to his normal self. Nurse Scaramouche was nice was it lasted. Secretly, you wish you could see this side of him for a little longer. It was pleasant to wake up in the late hours of the night to find him napping in a chair at your bedside, as he has stubbornly refused to leave the room until you fell asleep.
Scaramouche is glad to see you back on your feet a few days later. Although it does bother him that he lost time because of your sudden sickness, he figures the time he has left is good enough. And when you’re eating breakfast together, he tells you all about his most recent travels and how you’d love the scenery if you saw it. You’re just nodding along with what he says, exhausted from entertaining him the night prior. Perhaps he senses your unfocused nature or he simply wants to mess with you. Whatever the case may be, he smoothly switches the direction of the conversation and that’s when your peaceful morning becomes filled with anxiety.
Your attention snaps back to him when he asks if you tried to escape that night—he’s certain you got lost in the rain and thus the coldness brought on your illness—and you’re calmly denying such an accusation, hoping he won’t see through your façade. Scaramouche gives you a sharp smile, idly poking at what remains of his breakfast with his utensil.
So you didn’t escape after all? Well, that’s a relief. Then it was a greedy maid who tried to paint you in a bad light. Surely you won’t mind if she loses her tongue for daring to utter such blatant lies. He knows you wouldn’t make the same mistake and spread a falsified version of the truth. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll come clean without a second thought.
And if you continue to lie he’ll give you something to be truly sick about. So be wise when you make your decisions. There are eyes and ears everywhere, you know.
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! boys when you come out to them as bisexual  🏳️‍🌈
characters: yamaguchi, tsukishima & kenma
part two!!
tw// fem!reader, fluff, coming out, 
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Tadashi Yamaguchi
ok so hot-take but i think yamaguchi is straight
(or maybe bi but with a heavy preference for females)
but rn he identifies as straight 
but like..he’s so supportive of the lgbtq+ community
like tsukishima gives off ‘gay but homophobic’ energy
but yamaguchi has ‘straight but a strong ally’ energy
and this is hugely bc while tsukishima fell down the alt-right pipeline, yamaguchi was going through that ‘women 😍🤩💕’  phase which i think every WLW has went through at one point
like while tsukishima was watching ‘sjw get rekt compliation #125′ , yamaguchi was watching those heart-wrenching lgbtq+ short films on youtube 
and on tiktok his fyp was probably originally cottagecore (bc it’s his ideal lifestyle ofc) and somehow he is now kinda on sapphic cottagecore tiktok 
like not to fetishize them or anything, just bc he’s awed by how in love they are and that’s kinda what he wants for himself
(also he uses them as date inspo for you and him DFBZVAYUL)
anyway this was just my lengthened explanation as to why - unbeknownst to you or anyone - he was an ally to the lgbtq+ community (if not apart of it)
you didn’t really expect him to be disgusted or unsupportive of it tbh - i mean, it’s tadashi ffs! 💞 you know he’d never break up with you or judge you for something like that, but that didn’t stop you from being slightly nervous
but he was ten times more nervous when you texted him, asking for him to meet you by the local park’s fountain bc you had something important to tell him
mans thought you were dying ngl
he almost burst out crying on the walk to the park bc he imagined a whole scenario where he was sitting next to your fkn death-bed 
but you seemed healthy enough so his next assumption was that you were going to break-up with him
so when he approached you by the water fountain and you noticed that his eyes were glossy and his hair was damp with sweat, you were quite worried for him now
‘tadashi! are you okay?! your eyes are all puffy and red! do you have hay fever?’
yamaguchi rapidly shook his head, hastily escorting you to a nearby park bench so you could sit down beside him, ‘it’s nothing; what is it that you want to tell me?’
‘oh’ you choked, quickly averting your gaze from his kind, damp eyes. ‘it’s- um, i don’t-’ you cut yourself off, mentally cursing at yourself as you had practised what you were going to say to him hundreds of times before he arrived yet you still couldn’t stammer it out
yamaguchi was hanging on each word you uttered, but once he noticed that you were struggling, he placed his hands upon yours and shot you a reassuring smile
you let out a sigh in hopes to relieve your nerves while rehearsing what you were gonna say one more time in your head before blurting it out,
‘babe, erm, i’ve been questioning for a while and i’ve concluded that i’m bi - as in bisexual; and i just thought i’d tell you bec--’
you genuinely thought that you might have to explain to yamaguchi what bisexual means so IMAGINE your surprise when he simply replies, ‘you’re bisexual? is that all you wanted to tell me?’ and once you hum in agreement, he lets out a heave of euphoric relief
‘(y/n), please don’t make fun of me but on the way here, i was almost gonna cry because i thought you were going to tell me something horrible.’ he clutched his chest, breathing heavily - usually he’d never admit to something like that but right now, he felt that it was appropriate
you snickered at his rather exaggerated actions, ‘awh, baby. i’m sorry.’ a pout formed on your lips as you soothingly rubbed his back.
yamaguchi rapidly shook his head before turning the tables and rubbing your back instead, ‘nonono, it’s fine! i’m fine!- and i’m glad you’re fine too.’ he stumbled, hastily placing a kiss on your cheek before whispering in your ear, ‘i’m so proud of you. congratulations!’
although you couldn’t see his face, you could tell from his light voice that he was beaming 
after that, he buried his nose into the crook of you neck and snaked his arms around your waist to pull you into a hug, which you both stayed in for a good 5 minutes
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Kei Tsukishima
let’s be honest, tsukki’s definitely part of the lgbtq+ community but in deep denial
like if you ask him, he’s not even questioning his gender or sexuality, he’s just ✨straight ✨
so when you just randomly joked one day ‘oi, four-eyes, turn this shit off. she’s too much for my lil’ bi heart to handle.’ while y’all were watching a movie and you instinctively made an off-hand comment about how gorgeous the female lead was 
upon realising what you just said, you turned to him with the most awkward grin plastered on your face, ‘tsukki, i’m bisexual, by the way.’
‘no shit, sherlock.’ he hissed at your use of that little nickname 
you turned your head to look at him as you blinked rapidly, finally  mentally processing his response 
while he did the exact same thing simultaneously, dramatically turning his head to meet your gaze before muttering, ‘was that you coming out?’
your eyes widened as you realised, then nodded slowly
tsukishima smirked, shifting his attention back onto the movie, ‘congrats.’ he spoke in a mellow voice, a slight sense of amiability laced into his tone 
‘have you told your parents yet?’ he quirked a brow, his eyes remaining glued to the screen
you hesitated before shaking your head, ‘no.’ 
‘what about your friends?’
‘yeah, i came out to my friend group a few months ago - along with yamaguchi.’
tsukishima couldn’t help but frown at the fact you came out to yamaguchi before him but honestly, he couldn’t blame you - he was aware that his bitchy exterior probably discouraged you from telling him sooner, so he was just glad that you had the confidence to tell him eventually  
‘so how long have you known that you’re, like, y’know, bi?’  he inquired further
‘a while.’ you hummed, biting your bottom lip, internally so relieved that he wasn’t being too awkward or weird about it
‘good for you.’ he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, not a hint of sarcasm or irony detected in his voice for a change, ‘oh, and good luck with coming out to your parents’
‘thank you.’ you murmur, happily shifting your attention back onto the movie
 tsukishima honestly doesn’t mind/care tbh
like he’s supportive and will beat a bitch up if they don’t accept you - but in general, he thinks that it’s none of his business who you love
as long as it is him (ಥ _ ಥ) 
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Kenma Kuzome
ok so fun story 
you were both chilling in his room on a saturday, he was playing on his nintendo switch as always and you were on your phone
you had been meaning to come out to him for a while now but every time you tried, it seemed as though something happened to prevent you from doing so 
for example, you tried to come out to him while y’all were chilling at the park but then a bunch of geese started terrorizing y’all and it completely ruined the mood
so you thought that now you were in his room - where there was less of an abundance of geese - it’d be a better time than any to just lift the burden that had been weighing on your chest
you were as nervous as any one would be but you kept on trying to reassure yourself that kenma would be supportive 
however, he had never discussed any lgbtq+ related issues with you so you had no idea where he stood with that sort of stuff but tbh, he doesn’t give off homophobic vibes 
after a while of staring at the wall and working up the courage, you finally spoke up, ‘hey, kenma. i think i might be bi.’
you mentally cursed at yourself as you didn’t ‘think’ that you are bi but rather you knew that you are bi, yet you felt the need to add that filler just in case things went sour
he perked up upon hearing this and turned to look at you, a small smile gracing his lips, ‘okay, that’s cool. congratulations.’ 
you couldn’t help but beam back at him, ‘thanks, babe.’ you almost whispered, gladly going back to whatever you were doing on your phone
honestly, you were happy to leave the interaction at that - i mean, his brief and calm response was satisfying beyond expected, as it was probably the least awkward way that could’ve possibly gone down
however, what happened next filled you with endless amounts of euphoria 
‘oh, and (y/n).’ kenma said to grab your attention, ‘i’m bisexual.’
you did a double-take 
your instincts told you to throw yourself into his arms and rave on about how proud you are that he had the courage to come out but after a moment of reflection, you had a better idea
‘okay, that’s cool. congratulations.’
kenma automatically pouted at how you used his own words against him when he was clearly expecting a hug, ‘(y/n)..’ he whined lowly, shifting his gaze back onto his game
but you were weak so ofc you pulled him into a hug as you both muttered sweet, reassuring things into each other’s ears
‘i love you so much, (y/n) no matter what.’
‘i know.’ you snickered.
‘i love you too. and i’m so proud of you for coming out - you’re so brave.’
‘aw, thanks. so are you, babe.’
‘i know’
kenma playfully nibbled at your neck for being such a clown during a sentimental moment
but anyway, you helped kenma come out so- yeah :))
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Trafalgar Law With A Fem! S/O With Pinocchio Disease
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A/N : I’m tired, I wrote something. Give me some love. I’m feeling lonely. -3- jk lol idk what this is, I just wanted to write smth.
now look, I know this isn’t real but I read it in a KnB fic and think it’s absolutely adorable. It’s on Quotev, called Pinocchio.
Pinocchio Disease » where the victim cannot tell a lie. If they try to, they’ll tic, like hiccuping. Can also sense when others are lying, as the victim’s vision will blur a bit.
Summary : this boy with a significant other with Pinocchio disease.
Pretending as if you weren’t sick, in front of a doctor, was never a good idea. Especially if the doctor was Law.
However, you weren’t going to let a measly little cold get the better of you.
So you proceeded about your day, tending to your duties like usual, making sure everything was going accordingly and nothing was wrong with the submarine.
Once you did your rounds, you headed to Law’s office to report to him. Though you were pretty reluctant.
Knocking once, you spoke. “Captain?”
“Come in.”
Hearing his approval, you open the door and enter the med bay, closing it behind you.
“Captain, I’ve checked everything and everything’s fine.” You reported and Law nods, before facing you from his desk. “Even the supply closet?”
“Yeah. Nothing needs to be restocked. Though, I did peek in the kitchen and we should-... ahem.. stock up on some food.” You clear your throat mid-way, getting choked up from holding back a cough.
It definitely did not go unnoticed by the doctor.
Eyeing you carefully, Law questioned you. “[Name]-ya?”
“Was that a cough just now?”
“No— HIC!”
You turn away and clear your throat, ignoring the embarrassed blush invading your cheeks. You were caught.
Slowly amused, Law sighs as he faces you. “Well? Are you going to explain why you’re so pale, why you coughed, why you just hiccuped, and if I go over and check your forehead, why you’re so warm?”
You puff your cheek and kept silent, closing your eyes and avoided looking at him.
“Just so you, it’s not even my faul- HIC!”
“... I think it is your fault..”
Scowling lightly, you face him completely and walked towards him, feeling fatigued from walking around the whole sub. You toss the clipboard in your hand onto the desk.
“I’m fin- HIC!”
Seeing your defeated expression, Law smirks in amusement, finding your condition as interesting and entertaining as always.
He had already known about you and your ‘illness’ since the day you had met.
It was such a unique experience and greeting, he couldn’t never forget it.
Having enough, Law stood up and went towards you, grabbing onto your wrist and pulling you to one of the infirmary beds.
“It was a good attempt, but you already know you can’t lie.” His words made your sight blurry for only a brief second, but your fatigue allowed your head to start swirling.
Motioning you to sit, he forced you to lay down while he rested the back of his hand on your forehead.
“You’re getting a fever too.” Law mutters under his breath, pulling it away and pulled the covers up and over you.
You just opted to stay silent, too exhausted to fight back and deal with him.
“You’re slowly becoming a pain to handle.” Once again, your vision blurs just a tad second before going away and you smile a little to yourself.
“You’re slowly becoming annoying.” No hiccups.
Law just smirks lightly when he noticed that and went into the back room, walking away from you.
It didn’t take long before he returned with some ice water in a bowl and a rag.
“You’ll need to rest after I put this on you so try not to move around so it doesn’t fall off.” Law warns, dipping the rag into the cold bowl of water, letting it soak in the liquid.
Lifting it up into the air, Law wrung the rag dry before folding it up neatly and placed it carefully onto your forehead, securing it.
“Alright, now get some sleep, [Name]-ya.”
You puff your cheeks out once more, closing your eyes and hiding your lower face under the covers, surely preventing him from seeing your forming blush at how much care he was giving you, even if it was as Captain and Doctor of the ship.
“..I really hate you— HIC!”
Unable to conceal his quiet chuckles, Law turns away to resume his work.
“Yeah, I know.”
Let me know if you want any other characters with this :p this didn’t turn out as great as I hoped buttt by the time I wanted to change it, I already wrote so much. It’s still short though.
Sorry it’s so bad. It’s like 4:35 AM RN. Okay? ://
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