#i have Opinions on this
elveny · 3 months
Ugh, I hate it when they™ go "Solas wants to destroy the world". Bullshit.
He wants to free magic and bring freedom to the elves by tearing down the Veil. He accepts that achieving this means the death of many people and spirits (who he considers just as much people as, well, people from the material world). He accepts that there will be chaos and death when magic comes free.
He does NOT do this lightly or with joy or with the intention to kill. He does it because he wants to make the world BETTER. Not destroy it.
And yes this might be pedantic but it's an important distinction.
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AU where instead of Jay and Joan taking Bart in after Max is pulled into the Speed Force Owen takes him in.
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collisiondiscourse · 1 month
a good litmus test to see if someone has good anime opinions or if they just regurgitate shit they hear from random anime youtubers who dont read the material they talk about is how they feel about bakugou katsuki & why.
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Dinobots Tin and Din who are a triceratops and torosaurus respectively
Some even say they're twins
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ordon-shield · 7 months
how do u rate the totk house
2/10. Did not like. There’s no options to fuse sections, add doors etc. so you inevitably have to leave parts of it exposed to the air and disconnected to each other. Not having the ability to do even that bare minimum goes against the entire spirit of the game.
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peridyke · 4 months
bri told me one time she saw someone say that makima is the least attractive of the four horsemen and felt insulted on my behalf
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[holds up a very large neon sign that says Ask Me About My Hermitcraft Tarot Assignments]
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generalgri3vous · 2 years
ok so. are the zombies in half-life (the entire series i mean) scientifically accurate?
OKAY those things are being controlled like a cursed remy, and so these things are outside the relm of science and as cool as they are, I HATE THE HEADCRAB CONTROLLERS
they are sick as hell, but WTF is up with the headcrabs?????
they fucking get away with the nonsense BECAUSE it is not a normal zombie
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aerialworms · 2 years
Hiya! Thank you for responding to my poll about DDDNE! You are the first person to explicitly call out that you see “so don’t complain” as judgy, and I expected that to happen MUCH earlier in this poll’s circulation. May I ask what fandom(s) you tend to read in? Again, thank you for your contribution to Science!!!
Huh, that's wild! I assumed others would have put that before I did, too. I currently tend to read Supernatural fic, but I used to read Good Omens, Jeeves and Wooster, BBC Sherlock, and Original/Granada Sherlock Holmes. I rarely see it actually used, but I tend to read older fics - most of the fics I've read that used it have been fairly recent, like the last 5 or so years if I had to estimate?
For your data: I learned about DDDNE on Tumblr about 8 years ago, where the post I read explained that it usually goes hand in hand with Don't Like; Don't Read as a reminder that the reader is responsible for curating their experience, and after you've read the tags, it's your choice whether to continue or not. I've never seen it as a moral judgement on the reader or the author, just an acknowledgement that the subject matter of the fic is not for everyone and readers are responsible for curating their own reading experience.
The reason I took issue with the phrasing of "so don't complain" is that if I were ever to use it, I would mean it like "this fic contains some heavy stuff, so double-check the tags and make sure you know what you're getting into" and that's how I interpret it when I see fics tagged with it. It's not really "so don't complain," more like "so if you read the tags, see that this fic contains something you find upsetting, and still choose to read it, that's on you, I warned you, and it's not fair to be angry at me for it." No shade on either party, just a reminder that you're in charge of your media experience, and that the writer has done their best to warn you of what's inside. Completely neutral in my mind.
It's handy to me because sometimes I forget to/just skim-read the tags before clicking on a fic, and that tag being there reminds me to double-check for potential triggers. Of course, it's only useful when combined with appropriate tagging. A fic just tagged with "Dead Dove Do Not Eat" with no additional tags is like a sign just saying "Danger!" - I'm just gonna back away and find somewhere else to go.
(although I'll admit I have sometimes, out of curiosity, clicked through to a dead dove fic where I've seen it's completely untagged or tagged for something that squicks me, and then when it inevitably does squick me I'm just like welp. Shouldn't have done that! and click back out. Not judging the author, just knowing my limits!)
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raviniaraven · 2 years
Thinking about a post I saw where someone was like "people that actually use Homestuck quadrants are so annoying" and a person shared someone who started calling them their kismesis and stuff.
I think the problem isn't the use of quadrants, but the issue of making sure everyone involved is consenting to be involved, same as the usual relationship terms. Like, in the canon of Homestuck there's people that try to get into a certain quadrant and are told in pretty certain terms "I'm not red/black/pale for you cut it out". It's supposed to be a mutual thing or it's just as unhealthy as any other relationship.
You get someone who hates you to be in a willing kismesis where you both agree "yeah I fucking hate you"? That's fine. You have a romantic partner you call a matesprit? Fine. You have a best friend you call your moirail? Fine! It has a specific connotation and works to explain your relationship in a term you and the other person involved understands. Even ashen! If someone in your group stabilizes the rest of the group and keeps everyone from catching fire, and they acknowledge they are the voice of reason, this is the best term to explain how they relate to the group as a whole! It's so useful to use these terms for consensual relationships!
Are there existing terms in the English language? Sure. But no one should force you to use these terms, just like someone can't walk up to you and say "hey we're dating now" or "we're gonna be best friends" without you agreeing.
TLDR: Quadrants are a good way to describe healthy relationships and they're only a problem if you're forcing a quadrant onto someone
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trans-cuchulainn · 8 months
i do think there is a degree to which certain kinds of Instagram activists have convinced themselves that traumatising themselves in solidarity is a useful form of activism. "I'm having nightmares and crying so much I want to be sick because of all these videos of dying children but I can't look away while people are getting hurt" I mean don't you think you'd be able to help more if you weren't having nightmares and crying all the time?? don't you think this is a one-way trip to burnout? don't you think maybe increasing the amount of trauma going around is counterproductive? I dunno bro there's something to be said for bearing witness but there comes a point where you gotta look hard at yourself and go "am I helping, or am I just making myself suffer so I don't feel guilty for not suffering while somebody else is experiencing bad shit"
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kenapiece-main · 1 month
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Can you believe I'm having to make this meme even after successfully finishing up taxes and applying to job
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princesskuragina · 3 months
My last post was being snarky but here's my genuine pronoun etiquette opinion in case you actually want to know: it's pretty much never a good idea to directly ask someone their pronouns in front of a group of people, especially if you're in a position of authority, i.e. a teacher. The stakes of this question are very high for some people and you are putting them on the spot to decide what they want to share and what is safe to share. If you have decided you want to ask for pronouns at all, you can introduce yourself with your own to remind people that they can share theirs if they want to. And for the love of god whatever you do please do not just single out the most gender non-conforming or "trans looking" (to you) person and ask only them and no one else
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sunshinem0ths · 6 months
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club meshis
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astr0disiac · 1 month
"toxic yaoi" this "password" that
THIS being one of stan's lowest moments is the saddest thing i've seen and no one has talked about it what the freak :(
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