#i hate you gavin reed
im-diseased-but-cool · 4 months
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People hate that I love old man yaoi swag
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aurora-nerin · 1 month
To Gavin haters: how do y'all feel now that AI generated stuff is taking over the Internet? Still don't see why he hated Androids?
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yuttikkele · 4 months
the constant of nines and gavin dating in the dbh fanon is so funny to me because despite these two never even learning of each others’ existence, of COURSE they’re madly in love
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 1 month
Gavin haters are not worth the energy it takes it argue with them.
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mataglap · 1 year
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Local Man Of Average Height Struggles With Everyone Else Being Unreasonably Tall
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cloudyysworld · 2 days
As much as I love DBH I would never fight for android rights in the real world, we are miserable enough when big corporations start replacing human artists and writers with AI and Chat GpT, image what a real android would do 😭😭😭 I would be jobless and mad af like Gavin too
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askgavinreed · 1 year
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bloodurged · 9 months
autistic gavin and android autistic nines [a.k.a. unfinished prototype without a social module] being the ones to understand each other is something that can be so personal.
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who-dat-homeless · 6 months
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pixelmensupremacy · 2 years
DBH boys with a gamer s/o
A/N: This has probably been done before. But not by me.
Warnings: GN!reader, just fluff, not proof read
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being his analytical and curios self, he has the habit of studying you
so, he will silently observe you every time you get to play on your console/pc
he will note what type of games you like to play
if you spend a lot of time in front of the screen he will tell you the side effects of too much screentime
it is both adorable how much he cares about your health and yet annoying how he basically scolds you as if you are a child
if you happen to have any multiplayer games he will want to play with you, though he wouldn't know how to approach the topic
so instead he will sit beside you and watch
It was one of those nights; calm rain tapped at the windows of your apartment. Inside it was gloomy with the only light source being your screen; the room was relatively quiet aside from the sound of your fingers hitting the buttons and your vocalized reactions. Connor stood by the door with his side resting against it as he observed you; his head was slightly tilted to the side, and his soft brown eyes were glued on you, yet you didn't sense it. Nor did you sense as he silently crept into the room only to sit next to you, for you were too focused on the game.
"Hi, love." Your eyes peeled off the screen for a split second to glance at him.
"You are playing (favorite game) again?" He rested his head atop your shoulder as he noted. In response, you hummed.
"You know what?" You spoke up as you exited to the main menu and glanced at him, who was already looking at you.
"You wanna give it a try?"
if you ask him to join in he will be happier than ever
at first, it will take him a couple of minutes to get an idea of how the controls work
you will most likely beat him in the first round but then you wouldn't have the same success
he's a natural
whether or not it has to do with him being an advanced prototype he's great
though he will intentionally let you win so he wouldn't hurt your pride
if you prefer story-centered games he would cuddle up to you with his arms loosely wrapped around your waist as his head rests on your lap and your armrests atop his head occasionally stroking his hair
he would discuss with you what the best choice is and will go on and explain why he roots for certain characters
once you get too tired he will urge you to go to sleep
he will turn your console/pc off and gently carry you to bed
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secretly, he would be excited to hear you share yet another interest with him
"You are shitting me." He rolled his eyes at you, his crossed arms resting in front of his chest.
"I'm for real I love that game."
despite trying to be cool about it he will come off as a total nerd when talking about his favorite games
it will take all his willpower to resist the urge to kiss you right then and there when he finds out you love the same games as him
he will be eager to play with you
I don't know why but I feel like he's into old-school games
he will definitely take to an arcade as a date
Gavin hates to loose
but if he loses to you maybe he will try not to be such a dick about it
he will pout a bit and will want a revanche but he wouldn't directly admit you beat him
"Just admit it, Reed. You lost." You teasingly pushed his shoulder as the smug grin didn't leave your face even for a second. In return he scoffed ad looked away, silently cursing himself for being so bad at the damn game all of a sudden.
"You were just lucky..... As always." He spoke under his breath.
"Nah it's just talent."
if you two live together it wouldn't be a rare occurrence for you to have a night in; take out sitting on the coffee table as you two play your favorite multiplayer game in ungodly hours of the night until you can't keep your eyes open
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having taken care of humans, Markus tends to keep track of your habits and make sure they aren't affecting your health
so be prepared for him to advise you to not spend that much time in front of the screen
other than that he's a total sweetheart
I doubt he would want to join you in a game since he prefers other activities such as going for a walk or playing the piano/ painting
though he would occasionally ask you about your favorite games
as mentioned earlier he's a care giver
he will make sure you are hydrated and your nutrition is taken care of
it wouldn't be a rare occurance for him to come into the room with a glass of water and a table of healthy snacks
"You're the best you know that." You smile at him as you take a grape and swallow it whole, which in return causes him to smile back.
"Don't forget to drink water." he reminded you as he headed out, the smile on his face still curling the corners of his lips.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Romantic Yandere Simon/PL600 (Detroit: Become Human) with Apathetic!Fem!Darling who can’t feel or comprehend emotions properly and it’s kinda perfect for the job at the Detroit Police Department to catch and interrogate deviants, no matter how much it freaks most people/androids out (especially her partner Gavin Reed), but Simon wants nothing more than to take care her. Maybe even try to help her with that apathy issue as well. Hopefully he’s a bit milder compared to Daniel.
Simon is definitely softer than Daniel. I mention a human and android darling briefly as I don't think you gave specifics? AU where Simon gets captured. This was a bit difficult for me as I'm not used to apathetic darlings but I tried ^^; Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I wasn't sure what to do but gave it my all!
Yandere! Simon (PL600) with Apathetic! Fem! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Stockholm syndrome implied, Delusional behavior, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Forced relationship.
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I feel the only way for Simon to meet you in this case is if he was captured during some sort of mission with Markus.
Your job is to hunt deviants and your closed off nature helps with that.
This concept works for both human and android darlings.
Both humans and android/deviants tend to feel uneasy around you.
You're so... cold?
You don't seem to care about much except for one thing; your job.
Catching deviants is typically done with help, Connor and Hank tend to be more skilled in that area.
You tend to find their locations.
Your partner Gavin tends to help with interrogation.
Although you don't typically need help.
Simon most likely doesn't fall for you right off.
After all, you're technically an enemy of deviants who has ordered for his arrest.
Simon is probably a little intimidated by you.
When he's arrested after being captured an separated from Markus, he meets you.
Your eyes are cold and you look bored.
If you're a human he at first sees you as a threat.
If you're an android then he feels saddened, wondering if you'll be able to join their cause or not.
Your interactions are very minimal at first.
You interrogate him and keep him in captivity.
Gavin asks you why you don't just have Simon dismantled.
You tell him to not rush things and that Simon is the closest lead you have to tracking more deviants.
Simon is thankful you're at least being merciful.
But maybe he should've been shut down.
Simon himself is calm, quiet, and reserved.
He's loyal to his cause and often shuts up when you ask him questions.
You're harsh in questioning at times, even when you don't mean it.
It's strange to Simon that you can't comprehend emotions at times.
The android should hate you.
If you're a human then he should despise you but he's always had a neutral feeling towards them. With you he feels... strange.
If you're an android he already wants to change you.
You could experience so much more if you just let him show you.
This obsession would be rather slow due to you not being all that receptive.
Simon is a bit relieved you keep him running, even in a cell.
He doesn't get much except watching others through a reinforced glass door.
As a result he often sees you through the door, when you're not interrogating him.
Simon is a much softer yandere than Daniel.
He doesn't often resort to violence and when his obsession starts it's very subtle when it grows.
Simon develops some form of stockholm syndrome over time the longer you keep him.
He's being kept like a hostage, someone used for information and leverage.
Despite the situation he slowly develops some sort of fascination towards you.
It's most likely due to a sense of loneliness.
You're the only one he really has contact with, even if you not the most emotive.
Part of him holds a twisted sense of curiosity, wondering why you act such a way.
Past trauma perhaps? Or maybe you've always been this way?
What he does know is he prefers your neutral personality compared to Gavin's personality.
Speaking of which, Gavin tends to mess with you.
Simon often hears about it/sees it when you and Gavin interact.
It's like there's something between you two and normally Simon wouldn't care.
But as he watches and the longer he sits in isolation... he feels envy.
He isn't sure why, could be the companionship or the fact he's grown attached to you...
He just knows he hates Gavin around you.
Simon is in no position to dictate what you do.
In fact for awhile he probably won't.
If you're an android things are easier.
He can convince you of his cause if he makes you deviant, then he can focus on making you less apathetic.
If you're human there's no easy way to convince you of anything.
But he still wants to try.
When Simon grows attached he wishes he could care for you, even if you're a human.
Despite your apathy and tendencies not to care, you sometimes check in despite the cold tone in your voice.
He has a feeling, even if it is delusional, that you care about him.
So he'll hold onto the thought.
I feel once an obsession is established Simon will try to reach out to you.
Questioning becomes an attempt to connect with you.
He wants to learn about you even though you're trying to learn about his friends.
Simon quickly becomes unresponsive when Gavin is in the room, but when he leaves and you're alone Simon will respond.
The relationship between you two is definitely unhealthy.
Simon sees you, technically his captor, as someone he can change.
Maybe he can make you more open to deviants likes him.
Maybe he can make you less apathetic and more expressive.
If this is how it feels to care and adore someone... then he has to have you.
I feel Simon's feelings can climax in one of two ways.
Maybe Markus plans a breakout mission to rescue Simon or Simon is released when androids are accepted by society.
Let's explore the first way.
Perhaps the police department is stormed by deviants and Simon is freed.
Due to his mental state, Simon feels like he can't just leave you.
Markus sees Simon's hesitant and asks him what's wrong.
"There's this woman I met while here... I can't just leave her be."
"It's dangerous to take anyone back with us, you know that!"
"She's different, I swear! I... want to know more about her-"
With a lengthy discussion soon Markus approves of you being taken in.
Now the roles have switched.
Against your will you're essentially taken in as a hostage just like Simon was.
You're quickly accepted if you're a deviant, but not really if you're a human.
Despite this... Simon feels it's his turn to care for you.
He won't interrogate you, he'll try to treat you like he does the rest of the deviants.
He tries to make you more emotive but it's difficult.
Simon wants to change you like you did him.
He wants to love you even if he's hated for it.
He's much more caring than Daniel, another PL600 model.
He provides you with what you need and keeps you cuffed to run.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he just cuffed you to himself.
It's clear after his capture Simon has grown more unstable.
He tells you how much he loves you and how he forgives you for what you did before.
He tries to kiss you and show his twisted adoration for you, he wants you to so desperately react.
In reality you struggle to process, well, everything.
You don't know what emotions are appropriate, you don't know how to react...
All you know is the android you interrogated before now has you cuffed to him at all times, rambling about love that you doubt he feels.
That's one way Simon can express his adoration.
Then there's if androids are accepted into society.
You expect to live your own life and just be alone after you release Simon.
No... guess not.
Simon instead wants to be closer to you and wants your help in finding a way to start a new life.
You try to tell him no but he's persistent.
I feel Simon is definitely a yandere who wants to be caring as a PL600.
PL600's tend to be caretakers which would explain Simon's tendency to care and be loyal to others.
He dedicates himself to "fixing" his darling one way or another.
He isn't sure how to teach emotions but he tries.
He never leaves your side and often speaks to Markus and North about you.
Simon refers to you as his girlfriend and partner, always looking giddy while saying it.
He tries his best to show you he loves you, often attempting physical affection to see your reaction.
He doesn't understand why you're so apathetic but him forcing himself into your life certainly doesn't help.
Essentially by the height of his obsession Simon has swapped roles with you.
You become the hostage and he the captor.
Overall I feel Simon loves you the same but tries to teach you to have more emotions.
He really does want to help.
Simon isn't really possessive but he can be jealous.
He hates Gavin around you and often glares at him, even if androids are "accepted".
Simon would be the type of yandere to lock you away and care for you himself.
He doesn't care what he has to go through to reach your needs and change your apathy...
He'd give his girlfriend the world if he could.
But once he has you he'll never let you go out of his sight.
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
I definitely used to be one of those "Gavin Reed actually isn't as bad of a character as everyone thinks" people so I know the mindset and how easily fanon confuses you, but yes, actually, he is. He is JUST as bad as everyone thinks. PLEASE Do not let fanon alter your perspective of canon Gavin; fanon Gavin is fun, redeemable, and has a personality. Canon Gavin is a racist piece of shit who hates androids and Hank for no reason and is so one dimensional you can practically see the cardboard he was cut from. CANON Gavin is just as bad as everyone thinks he is. FANON Gavin is whatever you want him to be. Thanks.
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hrefna-the-raven · 10 months
Christmas spirit
Masterlist - DBH masterlist
Words: 710
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There was something about Gavin that always intrigued you. Maybe it was his moody brooding demeanour, or perhaps it was the enigma that shrouded his true thoughts. Whatever it was, you couldn't help but be drawn to the douche detective. And now, as the holiday season approached, you were determined to bring a little Christmas cheer into his life, even if it meant facing his middlefinger flipping side. Gavin hated each day with equal passion but you were almost sure that he despised this time of the year even more. He never revealed the reasons behind his disdain, but his scowls and harsher sarcastic comments around this time of the year spoke volumes. Still, you couldn't let his bitterness stop you from enjoying the Christmas market that had just opened downtown and you were determined that you needed Detective Douche by your side to do so. Besides you had your very own ways of making it up to him later on at home and you were determined to bring a smile on his face.
As night fell and the city lights twinkled, you convinced Gavin to accompany you after his shift. You promised it would be a quick visit, assuring him that you'd make it up to him later which earned you an annoyed huff but you also noticed the mischievous spark in his eyes. Reluctantly and with a lot of his usual drama, he finally agreed.
Stepping into the market, the air was filled with the scent of freshly baked pastries, the sound of laughter and Christmas music. The stalls were adorned with colourful lights and decorations, casting a warm glow on the surrounding snow. It truly was a sight to behold and the atmosphere was filled with a hint of magic in the air.
You weaved through the crowd, dragging an annoyed Gavin along with you. You stopped at each stall, pointing out the unique trinkets and tasty treats. Gavin couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the silly Christmas hats you insisted on trying on, praying to every god he could think of that you wouldn't want him to try them on as well. Despite his grumpiness, a small, almost hidden, smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. He would never admit it, but seeing your glowing smile while wearing a jingly elf hat warmed his heart. He truly loved you and while not being shy of showing it in the privacy of your own home, he still had an image to keep outside since he could never know if one of his colleagues was hiding around and would see a softer side. They all hated him at the precinct and mostly left him alone and he'd do everything to keep it that way.
As the night wore on, you finally decided to call it a day. The market was slowly closing down and the chill in the air became more pronounced. You held Gavin's hand tight, guiding him back to the car, humming jolly tunes while slightly dancing with every step. Once inside the warmth of the car, Gavin let out a sigh. To your surprise, his face softened and he turned to you with that typical smirk that always made your heart skip a beat.
"You know, I didn't think I'd enjoy this Christmas nonsense, but I have to admit, it was rather...nice", he confessed, his voice filled with a hint of wonder.
You smiled back at him, giving his shoulder a playful slap.
"Well, I'm glad I could bring a little Christmas spirit into your life, even if it was just for a tiny moment", you replied, your heart swelling with warmth, "but don't worry, I won't tell anyone that the great Detective Reed actually enjoyed some quality time on the Christmas market", you winked at him.
Gavin let out a soft chuckle, his fingers gently gripping your neck as he drew you near, pressing his rough lips against yours in an affectionate kiss. As he slowly released his hold, he leaned in closer, his voice filled with a deep longing, causing a delightful sensation to course through your entire being.
"I'm eager to see what you have in mind to make it up to me for bringing me along to this market."
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 24 days
You know what’s funny?
When I first joined the fandom and rejoined it years later, my fave character was Connor, not Gavin.
The only reason my name is what it is now is because I was really into reed900 at the time and I loved the phrase so that’s why I used it.
The only reason I love Gavin now as much as I do is because I fell in love with his character.
I was never into him in the beginning when the game came out. It was Connor. Predictable, I know.
Before rejoining, I already knew of Gavin’s reputation and subsequent hatred of him by the fandom. I couldn’t have given less of a shit because I didn’t care about his character but rejoining the fandom and coincidentally being into reed900 got me to delve more into his character, follow people who liked him etc.
And I came to my own conclusion that “hey, this character is severely misunderstood and is clearly being hated by people who are projecting their own biases and issues onto him”
I’ve been in a fandom previously that did that to another character so as soon as I saw it being repeated, I was like “no, this is absolute bullshit”
That’s why I will continue to love this character. Because no matter how many people want to act like they’re “holier than thou” for hating a character who is not nice all the time, I see through it all.
I see a character who is hated for certain actions, even though that other characters commit those actions as well (sometimes even worse) which is straight up hypocritical.
I see a character, who compared to other characters, has not even committed a quarter of the atrocities they have but is still considered the worst human being in the entire game.
I see a character who was unfortunately not nice to the fandom fave and is now regarded with extreme hostility because of that.
That’s why I won’t even entertain the people who hate Gavin because I’ve learned about and analysed his character from scratch.
I have no biases or issues clouding my judgement towards a fictional character.
If people don’t care about Gavin, like I didn’t, kudos but with the people who abhor Gavin to the point where the only mention of his character from their mouths is to rave about how much they would love to see him brutally murdered, there’s clearly something deeper there than “this character was a dick” and that should be sorted out irl, not projected onto a fandom that just wants to enjoy a video game.
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mediocre-quill-ink · 1 year
Gavin reed x reader enimes to lovers pt 2
Warnings: a lot of cussing, Gavin is still being an ass just in a more passive way, also he's just being weird. Acting a little to friendly...
"What the hell were you thinking!" Jeffrey boomed
I stood ridged, jaw clenched as I was forced to stand next to Gavin. He also seemed stiff, arms crossed, tapping his foot staring off elsewhere.
He was grilling us over the other nights' fight. I'd hardly call it a fight, it was a slap and some threats really but he was acting like it was a goddamn brawl
"Get off my ass Jeffrey." Gavin spat. "What happens outside of work shouldn't concern you."
I nodded stiffly. "I hate to agree with Reed, but for once, he's right. If it happens out of work, why do you care."
Jeffrey sucked in a deep breath, clenching his fists. I know he's never had it with our little rivalry but I wondered why he cared now.
"Because maybe you forgot who you work for. The dpd! We can't have our employees, the goddamn police getting in bar fights! If the law acts like a bunch of hooligans, what will the public think! We have a standard to uphold!" Jeffrey was fuming if his office wasn't mostly soundproof the whole office would be staring.
"I knew you loved being in our business, but spying is a new low, Jeffrey." I mumbled, picking at the sleeve of my shirt. He shot his attention twords me. "If you think I was spying, then you're dumber than I thought. Do you think I have the goddamn time- Do you think I care enough to be following you two bickering children around? Don't insult me. An anonymous sorce told me."
I rolled my eyes. Who in the world would have told Jeffrey personally. I didn't recognize anyone at the bar, and as far as I was aware, it's not like they knew where we worked and I know very well even Gavin wasn't dumb enough to tell him. Why would he. I glanced out the glass office into the rest of the work space. Everyone was at work at their computers, only occasionally glancing up to see what drama was unfolding. Then a familiar face caught my eye. Connor patiently standing by my desk waiting for me to return.
Did connor rat us out?
"Now, what I want you two to do is play nice. For one damn day, so i can have some peace. And I'll get off your back. Temporarily. " Jeffrey offered, hands raised.
Gavin and I shared, confused glances. In this moment, for once I felt like we agreed on something. Like we were on the same ground.
I took a moment to think. On one hand, it physically pains me to be nice to him sometimes. He doesn't deserve respect with the level of duchebagery he leaks. But also it'd be nice to get Jeffrey off my back and go a day without a fight.
"Fine." I state, crossing my arms, sucking in a deep breath.
Gavin rolled his eyes, staring over his shoulder in frustrated thought. His jaw twinged, and he finally turned back to the desk. "Fine." He snapped.
"Good." Stated Jeffrey "now get out of my office."
I walked to the glass door, unclenching my fists to grab the handle. I opened it, leaning forward slightly, and used my other hand to usher twords the door. "After you." I spat, burning holes into gavins head. His nostrils Flaired slightly, but he quickly suppressed the micro expression. "With pleasure." He stated coldly. His feet and hands shifted akwardly as if he was about to do a bow but decided against it. He quickly walked past me, shoving me with his sholder.
"Gee, thanks for ratting me out." I mumbled, walking past connor to take my seat. He blinked a couple of times before answering, "What are you referring to?" I shot a glance at him, confused and annoyed. "Jeffrey said 'an anonymous sorce' told him about our little scuffle. You were the only other person from the department who was there."
Connor stood still for a moment before reacting. "I don't agree with your actions that night, but I wouldn't rat you out. Your my friend."
I sucked in a deep breath, shaking my head. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be so accusatory. I'm just frustrated." I let out a sigh. "Jeffrey is making me play nice with Gavin in exchange for him getting off my ass." Connor nodded in response. "I can see why you'd be frustrated." I pressed my fingers against my forehead, leaning over my desk. "You have no idea. I just hope I can get through it without getting a headache." Connor smiled at me. "Just try to avoid him, I'm sure you'd be fine." I scoffed, looking up at connor and smiled. "Has that ever worked for you?"
"No." He replied, almost laughing
"Exactly." I half joked
"Why is it that you and Hank have such troubles with Mr. fowler? I'm noticing a pattern in the humans I befriend." He teased. I looked back up at him, letting a smile twinge at my lips. "Maybe that says something about you?" He didn't respond, just quirked his eyebrow. "I mean, you're an android built not to deviate and look what happened. As much as a goody two shoes you are, I think you have a secret authority problem."
"Authority problem?" He laughed
"Come on, you told me about Amanda. And your best android friend happens to be the leader of the deviants."
His led swirled yellow for a moment before responding, "I suppose so."
"Suppose what?"
Connor and I turn our heads to see Gavin slowly strutting twords my desk.
"Oh Jesus christ." I whisper. I squeeze my fist trying to keep cool. Can't he mind his business for one day.
I squeezed a smile onto my lips. "It's a private conversation, I hope you respect our boundaries." I replied in my chirpiest voice, trying not to clench my teeth. Gavins eyebrows twitched for a moment, a small smile cracking on his lips. "If it's not so rude of me, may I ask what's so personal about the conversation?" He asked, almost sarcastically. I sucked in a breath before replying "I have no obligation to tell you. I hope you will respect this decision and return to your work." Gavins head slightly quirked, smile growing then snapped his attention twords Connor. "What about you dipshit? Got anything you'd like to tell me?"
My nostrils flaired. "Reed, I believe you're breaking the deal." I mumbled. "The deal was that I had to be nice to you, he didn't say shit about this thing." He snapped his attention back to connor. "Hmm? Go on, say something."
I never understood why he went out of his way to be such a nusense and it drove me crazy.
"I'm sorry, but you were not a part of the initial conversation, and we don't feel comfortable at the moment to invite you in. I hope you understand." Connor stated with the calm and almost routineness of a receptionist.
I expected gavin to lash out at connor but he simply went "hm." With a small smirk before showing him and walking away. Strutted to his desk as if he just blew up a car in an action movie.
I sighed deeply, unclenching my fist, looking over connor. "Are you alright?" I asked. Connor looked at me calmly, replying, "Of corse. No damage was delt." I resisted rolling my eyes as i spoke. "I know but like, emotionally." Connor took a moment to think. "Overall, fine, but... also slightly angry."
I nodded. "OK, just checking." I glanced at my desk, already filled with boredom thinking about my work schedule today. "I know we went out yesterday, but wanna today too? I have a feeling the little play Reed and I have to put on is gonna way on me. " Connor agreed
Most of the day was filled with more paperwork. Thankfully, no more interruptions from gavin as the grating work hours passed. I loved my job when I was actually able to do something, or at least have a real mystery to solve, but lately, it's just been a lot of mind-numbing reading. I miss the mystery this job used to give me.
Eventually, my break came, and I swiftly took opportunity. Connor and Hank were out investigating a case, so now I had no one to talk to. Can the day get anyworse...
I walked into the breakroom and quickly poured myself some coffee, taking position at a table to lean against. It always bothered me the dpd never offered chairs at the breakroom tables, making me lean over and shit.
The coffee was nice. Not good, it was cheap and tasted less than appetizing, but it was nice. The way it warmed me up on cold detroit days like this always helped when a stressful situation came into play. Warmed the soul and trashed the tongue. As I enjoyed the bitter sweet feeling of cheap office coffee, a familiar figure made his way to the breakroom as well. I sucked in a deep breath, cupping my hand around my forehead to create a shield from my vision. Just ignore him.
The familiar sounds of Gavins cocky strut filled the breakroom. He slowly made his way to the coffee machine and poured himself a cup. He then reached into the mini fridge and grabbed something. The sounds of his footsteps approaching me grew louder when I finally felt the table shift, Gavin leaning against it.
"Evening, y/n." Gavin greeted, to casually. "Evening, Reed." I replied, forcing a cool, relaxed tone. "How's that coffee tasting?" He asked. I gazed into the brown liquid and replied, "Not great." I swirled the paper cup slowly. Watching the bitter drink slosh around. "This might help." He stated. I finally looked up at him, he was tilting a caramel creamer bottle at me. "Want some?" I frowed my brows at him slightly.
He was being too nice. Not a lick of sarcasm in his voice. I glanced at the bottle, considering. It would help dull down the flavor.
"Sure." I said suspiciously.
He screwed open the bottle and started by pouring some in his own cup. "It's my favorite flavor." He stated, before easing the bottle up. He tilted it twords my cup, letting the caramel cream dizzle into the cheap drink. It quickly rose to the top of the cup, but he didn't stop pouring, overflowing onto the white table. He stopped and made eyecontact, the smallest smile twinging at his lips. "Oops." Was all he stated.
My jaw clenched, and I let out a slow paced out sigh.
There it was.
I walked over to one of the counters and grabbed some napkins, soaking up the pool of coffee and cream under my cup. "No problem. Accidents happen." I forced out.
Like you. I thought.
"So, caramels your favorite?" I asked before taking a sip from the surface tension. He nodded, rubbing a hand over his mouth, trying to suppress his smile. "Yes, it is." He answered, taking a sip. "I never knew that." I stated.
The creamer certainly helped. Though caramel wasn't my favorite, I usually preferred chocolate or vanilla or pumpkin spice. It was good, but I never considered it to be my first choice. "It's good." I mused. Then I realized. I was having a conversion with Gavin Reed. The most civil conversation we've had sense we met. I looked back at him. He was staring off elsewhere with the shadow of joy on his expression, sipping on his drink. He looked almost peaceful.
What the fuck was happening.
"Is caramel your favorite candy too?" I asked, a disturbed confusion settling in my stomach. He tilted his head slightly, answering, "My favorite is heath bars, just saying caramel is to broad a term, but yeah. Sure." My brows frowed.
"Alright smart ass." I jabbed.
"Hmm, wanna break Jeffrey's agreement already? A shame." He cooed, glancing at his glass office as if he could hear us. I took a quick look. He was staring at us, looked like he was prepared for us to snap any minute. I looked back at Gavin. "I was just teasing, I'm not breaking this deal yet. I wanna have some peace from his prying eyes."
"Oh, teasing?" He smiled, raising his brows. "What's next? Forplay?" I knew he was joking, probably, but it made my stomach churn. I couldn't help but snarel slightly. "Don't even get your hopes up." I stated a bit to loudly. I quickly realized how reactive I became and forced myself to sip my coffee.
A surge of anger and flustered embarrassment burned at my chest, rising to my cheeks. What a gross fucking question, he barely knew each other. Asking about foreplay? At work? Who does he think he is? But then my mind began to wonder. The thought of his face close to mine, panting, my hands trailing down his back, his hips pressed against mine... his hands making their way down... WAIT.
Coffee flooded my face, and I quickly pulled back the drink. The sound of gavins and laughter filled the room. I looked down at my cup, which now seemed to be crushed in my hand. "Cool down cowgirl, I was only joking." He chuckled. I was sure my face was red from anger and embarrassment, but I hoped the hot coffee was enough of an excuse. I clenched my jaw, stomping over to grab more napkins, smothering my face. The cheap napkins quickly devolve and I chuck them into the trash, grabbing another fist full and whiping down my dripping chin and neck.
"You missed your shirt, dumbass." He stated. "Wow. I didn't notice." I replied sarcastically before grabbing another wad and pressing it against my chest.
"Wow, you really got coffee everywhere." He laughed, grabbing some napkins and drying off the table. "I knew you hated me but i never would have predicted that reaction." He stated.
I sighed, applying a second round of paper towels to my shirt. "You don't know me enough to predict anything about me." I hissed quietly. He glanced up at me.
"Oh I can predict plenty."
I clenched my fists, chewing on my cheek "oh? Like what."
At that he smiled and pointed at my face. "That. Like that. Your body language is the most predictable thing."
I blushed in response, flowing my brows. I took the damp paper from my shirt and threw it into the trash can with force. "Anything else?" I asked.
"I also know you get friendly with that plastic shit every Thursday." He stated, casually tossing the paper towels in the trash as well. I closed my eyes, pressing my fingers against my temple. "Don't phrase it like that. 'Get friendly' god. I don't sleep with him." I groaned. Gavin tilted his head, smirking. "I wouldn't put that past you."
At that another wave of heat rushed over me. This time of rage. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Gavin held his hands out in defence. "Now, now, calm down. We don't want to break our little peace treaty so soon." His expression as calm as ever. He was taunting me.
I sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I forced myself to unclench my jaw as I spoke. "I don't appreciate the way you speak about me or my friends, Reed." I stated in a forced, calm tone.
He shook his head at that, his face hardening a bit as he turned away, leaning against the table again. "Same here, y/n." He grumbled.
There was a moment of silence between us, as defining as nails on a chalkboard. The air was thick as I started at Gavin.
Finally he broke the silence. "Fine. Let's test how predictable you are." He stated, giving a single knock to the sleek white table, turning back to me. "And how?" I questioned. "I'm going to ask you a question. Depending on what you say will tell me all I need to know."
I squinted at him. Did this smart ass really think he was Sherlock fucking Holms?
"Fine." I responded with a bit to much confidence.
He nodded, looking down and sucked in a deep breath. I rolled my eyes as he built the tension. "Y/n, will you come with me to Smoky Cheers tonight?"
I froze in bafflment. Smoky Cheers? The bar? Fuck we were in one last night and look where that got us. "Smoky cheers?" I asked, not knowing what to say. He nodded. "Tonight?"
He nodded again.
I couldn't read his expression, was it genuine? sarchastic and proud? Impatient?
What was he expecting me to say? No? Cause I didn't want to go thats for damn sure. Willfully spending time with reed outside of work was like begging to be shot in the face. But what if that's what he was expecting me to say. He knows how much I hate him. Then he'd be right about me. But what if he expects me to think this through and go with the answer I don't want to do to prove I'm right but he predicts that. What the fuck am I talking about?
"Fine." I stated. "I'll go."
His face remained unreadable as he nodded. "Alright. See you there." He knocked on the table again, sliding away and giving me a wink before disappearing into the office space.
I sighed, resting my face in my hands.
What the fuck just happened.
I looked out the glass department doors as I packed up for the day, slipping my phone back in my pocket, checking for keys. "Y/n, you ready?" I turned and smiled at connor, who was making his way to my desk. "Ready?" I reply. "You wanted to go out today." He stated.
My head began to spin. "Oh shit." I reeled. How could I forget? How am I supposed to tell him why I have to cancel? To go with Gavin? "Oh god, connor, I'm so sorry I can't today, I forgot." I groaned, rubbing my forehead. Connor blinked, asking, "it's alright, why not?" I sucked in a breath, tensing. "It's because-"
"Y/n! Come here!" I whipped my head around to see Gavin standing by the glass double doors, keys in hand. My heart dropped, and I turned back to Connor. His brows were raised slightly, led flashing yellow for a second. "You are spending the evening with Gavin?" He asked.
I sighed. "Yeah. It's a long story. I'll text you later to explain." Connor didn't reply but it seemed he understood. Mostly. I made my way twords Gavin as I waved goodbye to Connor.
My heart raced as I walked out the door with my nemesis.
@princessthatcantfuckingsleep thank you for motivating me to finish this chapter
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aydaptic · 7 months
I find it weird how Todd is a child abuser, Zlatko experiments on androids and turns them into monstrosities, Perkins betrays and kills Markus but yet Gavin is considered the worst person because he *checks list* doesn't consider androids alive (like almost everyone else in the game at that point) and doesn't trust Connor.
Among those you mention, Gav is by far the most justified. Yet I wanna clear some things up here bc I'm not a hypocrite.
1.) Todd -- who doesn't think androids are alive -- is an android child abuser.
"You don't want anything, you're just a goddamn piece of plastic." - Todd Williams
It's still phcked up that he's abusing/can kill something that resembles a kid to the T, but it's important to make that distinction. We see no proof of him abusing a human child (...even though it can be theorized bc his wife took their kid and left.)
Abusing an android kid is just as bad as abusing a human kid -- we know this -- but Todd doesn't see it that way, so that describes/partly justifies his reasoning. There's no such thing as 'abusing' a machine and that's how Todd sees it.
A lot of ppl are also (wrongly) infantilizing Con, so I'm not surprised that they consider Gav's bad treatment of Con worse than Todd's bad treatment of Alice who is a literal kid. Seems like most of them don't even care about Alice/kids in the 1st place (...and that says everything you need to know about these POS'.)
Mistreating a kid (Alice) is way more abhorrent than mistreating a grown-ass adult (Con.) Alice is also passive while Con often instigates conflict. So Todd is way worse than Gav by that alone.
2.) Zlatko -- who is aware androids are alive -- thinks he's doing them a favor.
"Believe me, you’re better off being erased and feeling nothing… No more pain… No more hopes dashed… I almost envy you." - Zlatko Andronikov
He's the worst among those four, but this is again a scenario where you need to see the situation from his perspective. Yet he knows they're alive/capable of emotions and that makes him a million times worse than Gav.
3.) Perkins -- who is aware androids are alive -- is doing his job.
"That android… [North] You seem to really care about her… You don't want her to die, do you?" - Richard Perkins
...and if the lover status isn't there
"You could have what you've always dreamed of." - Richard Perkins
In Perkins' eyes, it's about national security. Androids have killed humans (Partners/Stormy Night/Broken -- even if Markus didn't actually kill Leo or Carl, that's what the public thinks -- Zlatko/Spare Parts/etc. too many chapters to mention,) destroyed public property (Capitol Park,) hijacked media (The Stratford Tower,) demonstrated illegally (Freedom March,) etc. Not to mention that androids are superior to humans in every way and nothing tells Perkins that they won't eventually get violent if taking the peaceful route.
Yet his knowing androids feel makes him (as Zlatko) a million times worse than Gav.
"'Could always try roughing it up a little. After all, it’s not human…" - Gavin Reed
Meaning Gav doesn't think they're alive (unlike Zlatko and Perkins.)
Gav isn't the only character I (partly) defend on shit like this. I just defend the others 'less' bc 1.) they're worse, and 2.) they don't get nearly as much undeserved vitriol as Gav does. Something that's legitimately insane bc, again, they're way worse by a longshot and I'll explain why down below.
Con stans (fandom majority) are thinking emotionally instead of logically
ppl hate/envy Gav bc he's a conventionally attractive white man (you don't see a lot of Todd, Perkins, Zlatko, Leo, and Allen fans even if there are a minuscule few bc they're not conventionally attractive)
Funny that we don't see a lot of hate for Amanda. An AI or not, she's the worst influence in Con's life with her emotional manipulation. Something way worse than physical abuse. I wonder why... (not really bc *cough* you apparently can't say anything bad about a black woman without being racist/misogynistic *cough*) Ofc there are some ppl that aren't afraid to speak up against her, but it's nothing compared to the shit Gav gets.
It's also why I'm not talking about North often bc the majority are (rightfully) defending her already. My voice isn't needed there. Every single person -- other than me, in my experience -- who defends Gav is being spinelessly backhanded about it.
Defending someone doesn't mean you agree with them or condone their actions. It's simply proof that one has the empathy/critical thinking skills to understand their point of view. Something lacking nowadays.
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