#i hate the french but the way he squeezes my heart....
honoragreyskull · 1 month
have we already talked about jean's 29?
yes 2+9=11, jeremy's number.
but 2 is kevin's number. and 9 is renee's.
and 9 is only renee's after kevin joins the foxes; she gives him her 2, knowing that safety net needed to stay in place a little longer.
anyone who had been paying attention to the PSU foxes before kevin day joined the line would know that dan wilds and renee walker had fought tooth and nail to get that 1 & 2; it meant hard-won respect and bloody hands shaking in solidarity. but the 2 was only ever a number to renee; she knows that it doesn't matter what number she wears, she's still Renee Walker underneath. kevin day doesn't seem to understand that yet, and the boy has been through enough change. she will let him keep this, let him hold onto the smokescreen until he doesn't need it anymore (hello, deadliest piece on the board).
i wonder if renee told jean that when they texted, warming up and getting to know each other. i wonder if he knew he was safe with her because of how she had treated kevin. if he knew she would save him, or didn't even let himself imagine that he could deserve the same treatment kevin got. 1, 2, 3. i don't know if the number had as much of an impact on jean, but i do know he wouldn't have been able to recover half as well if he'd been allowed to keep 3.
he gets a new number that has a different meaning, because the trojans assign their numbers by position played. 29 means "backliner", not "perfect court". if he can shed the 3, the brand on his cheekbone doesn't feel so much like a life sentence. if jean moreau can be 29 instead of 3, he can be a trojan and not a raven. maybe he deserves softness and warmth, maybe he didn't deserve cruelty and pain.
29 is is freedom and 2+9(jeremy) is his future, but 2&9 kept him alive to see it!!!!
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mykoreanlove · 9 months
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Felix loved nothing more than flirting for his dear life. Shy glances, cocky pick up lines and eye-fucking were his specialty.
But lately, he barely got time for that. Work was getting the best of him which he hated, he wanted to have some fun. He needed to have some fun.
So he went on those apps and swiped girls and boys left and right but grew rather bored of them.
They always wanted pictures - portraits of his face, his abs or his dick but Felix was way more than that.
He wanted to speak filthy poetry with his heart-shaped lips.
He almost deleted the app but then you showed up, piquing his interest with your alluring looks.
You were beyond dangerous - a mixture of cute and sexy that could easily steal his soul. Although, he wouldn’t mind.
The conversation got heated quickly, you were just as curious about him.
„When will I see you then?“
Felix sighed annoyed. He loved touring but after countless cities he longed to be home again.
„I guess in May.“
„May? No way. You need to come sooner, mate.“
He chuckled delighted. Mate?
„Oooh, you’re pretty tempting, y/n. If you’re lucky, I can come anywhere for you ;)“
Boy did he wish that would be true.
„Tempting, huh? Was it because I said mate? Did the Aussie in you get turned on by that? :P“
Felix looked down on his hard-on, nodding in agreement.
„Actually, you’re becoming more tempting by the minute. I‘d love to give you an Australian kiss. It’s like a French kiss but you know… down under.“
For a second he worried about you being uncomfortable with his straightforwardness. He watched you type in anticipation while kneading himself.
„Damn, my pussy clenched just reading this. What are you doing to me?“
Felix chuckled in delight. He was about to tell you exactly what he would do to you. He snapped a picture of his erected cock and asked for your Snapchat, like he was taught to do.
„I don’t have Snapchat, sorry. Use your words like a grown up :P“
His eyes widened in surprise. He had been right, you were different.
Delighted he thought about all the things he would do to you while jerking himself off.
It took him forever to answer which made you nervous. You always matched with guys that sent dick pics and such but that never turned you on. You needed a story, you needed to connect.
Finally, you saw him send multiple messages.
I loooove giving massages.
I’d start by gently massaging your shoulders.
While I press my chest against your soft back.
And you can feel my breath lightly on your neck.
Giving you goosebumps.
And then I’d massage down your spine.
And rest at your booty, giving it extra care and attention. Kneading, squeezing, leaving many kisses on your cheeks.
Then I’m going back up your back again, resting my hands on your neck.
Next thing you know you’re sitting on my lap.
My chest pushed up against you.
And then I’d start kissing your throat as I massage your arms.
Biting on the thin skin on your throat, marking it as mine.
As I’m doing that my hands are slightly moving up and down your body.
Finally, my hands go underneath your shirt.
I’m clasping your bra open and free you from all unnecessarily clothing.
I’d probably take a break and admire your tits with eyes wide open and a smirk on my lips.
And then I’d start to fondle with your boobs.
Getting all hard again just thinking about you like this.
I would hold your boobs with my full hands but would massage your nipples with my index finger.
Slightly squeezing your buds.
Until my mouth is on you. I’d write praises with my tongue on your nipples, taking my time with each one. And then..
Sucking, licking, devouring your divine tits. I haven’t even met you yet but I’m convinced I’d admire all of you.
Praise all of you.
And then, well…
You wanna know what would come next?“
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 3 months
Hii,can I request a baldwin one shot ? Where his lady love is pregnant and he is cured from leprosy ? And he wins a tournament for her. You know where would men would get favours from their ladies and fight with a really long stick and the one who falls from the hoarse first losses ? Like in Merlin and House of Dragon . He always shows her off proudly to everyone like the good husband he is. With lots of fluff. I really need some (a lot of) baldwin fluff .He is the only one I've been thinking 24/7 .My man deserved so much better like a significant other and so much love,adoration,etc.😭 Not mfcking Guy or his nonsense . I love your writing so much. When I read your work I feel like I'm living it. By the way congrats for surviving the exams. Sending lots of love <3 💗💗💗.
♡ All For You - King Baldwin x Reader ♡
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A/N: Hello Anon! First of all, I am so sorry that it has taken so long to get to this beautiful request 😭. Second, thank you so much for your kind words, I'm so glad you love my work and thank you for your well-wishes <3 !! I hope this is what you had in mind for the one shot! As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
PS: I hate Guy too, Anon 😭
TW: Mentions of Cured Leprosy
It had been six months since the king's disease, that was almost certain to be his end, had been cured by a newly discovered, deep sea plant.
His recovery had been a pleasant surprise to all, but none more than his beloved wife. Y/n was completely overjoyed to have her beautiful husband free of pain for the first time in years.
He himself was in tears with joy the day that he could feel her touch for the first time as sensation returned to his body.
As soon as the last traces of terrible disease had left his body, the king and queen wasted no time in starting a family.
The experience of his illness had taught them both that life was far too short and precious to waste. So not even a month after he was cured, it was announced to the public that the queen of Jerusalem was pregnant with the king's first born.
Since reclaiming his body and health, Baldwin had indulged himself in all kinds of activities, sports, and hobbies that he had missed out on in his years of weakness.
Years of barely being strong enough to get out of bed every day had left him pining for physical activity. One of the sports he had taken great intrest in was jousting.
He had developed a love for the sport since reading about it in a French book when he was younger, but deep down knowing he would never be well enough to play. Until now.
“My love! My love! I have something to show you!” Baldwin called, practically tripping over himself as he rushed into the royal chambers.
“Easy darling, don't hurt yourself” y/n said as he approached her with the biggest smile on his once, yet no longer, mottled face. “Look at this!” he held out a flier to her. It was for a jousting competition.
“I am going to enter it, I want to win for you!” he said excitedly, looking at her with anticipation.
Y/n chuckled at his enthusiasm. She could not deny it, he had gotten very good at the sport.
“Are you sure you are up for this darling? I would hate to see you hurt” she replied. Baldwin just smiled, taking her hands in his.
“I am more than strong enough, my love. This is everything I have ever wanted! All I need is your favour” he squeezed her hands to his chest.
Y/n sighed, “very well. Just please, be safe” she told him gently.
Baldwin’s grin widened with joy.
Y/n took a moment to think about the fact that he was still a young man. The mask he used to wear made him look much older than he was, as did his usually calm temperament. But at heart, he was a still young man trying to impress his wife. This warmed her heart greatly.
Soon the day of the competition arrived.
For y/n, her anxieties had grown more and more as the day grew closer. But for Baldwin, his excitement had only increased each day.
He was excited to not only participate, but to also finally feel like a man. For years, he had cursed his frail body for not providing the physical protection that his wife so deserved. And now with their baby growing inside her, the need to prove himself as a strong father and husband grew as well.
As much as y/n reassured him that she loved him so much regardless, and that he had nothing to prove, he still wanted to. For her and their baby. 
The king was also looking forward to showing off his beautiful wife to the other contestants. He took every opportunity to present her beauty to the world proudly and this day would be no different. 
As the tournament proceeded, each of the men battled until only one remained on their horse, until finally, it was the his turn. Baldwin's competition was won effortlessly and he moved up to the next round again and again until only he and the last man remained.
Y/n had been biting her nails the whole day as she watched from the crowd, and finally it was time. She could not have been more overjoyed when that last man fell from his horse into the mud.
Baldwin was in utter disbelief as the crowd cheered and chanted “long live the king!”. He had really done it.
That very night, the queen doted on her husband, congratulating him to the nth degree. They displayed his trophy as a prized possession on the shelf next to their shared bed (this would become one of many prizes he would win for all kind's of sport).
“I am so proud of you sweetheart” y/n whispered to her husband, massaging his tense shoulders as he bathed that night.
She kissed the top of his head and rubbed the back of his neck with her thumbs, earning a tired groan of pleasure.
“Thank you sweetheart” Baldwin murmured in reply.
“I loved winning for you. It was incredible, it just felt so right. Like this was all meant to happen...” he said softly.
“Yes, I believe that it was. Now let's get you into bed before you fall asleep right here” the queen chuckled, noticing his half closed eyes and the words trailing off slightly at the end of his sentence. 
The two dressed for sleep and cuddled up against each other in the warm bed.
Baldwin’s hands cupped his wife’s pregnant midsection, laying his head against her chest.
“When I do this, I can hold my entire family in my arms at once. Is that not amazing? Everything I love is right here with me in this exact room” he said to her, his voice sleepy and calm.
Y/n chuckled, at his words.
“I could not be happier than I am at this moment. This is all I have ever wanted, and you have given it to me” Baldwin turned his head up to look into her eyes. “Thank you my love. For everything, truely.”
Y/n could not help but let a single tear roll down her cheek. That was the sweetest thing she had ever heard.
“Of course my darling, there is nobody in the whole world I would rather be with at this very moment than you,” she replied pulling him closer, her voice barely above a whisper.
“You are everything to me Baldwin and you always will be” she kissed the top of his head and ran her fingers through his soft hair.
That was the last thing the king heard before he let his tired body rest. Worn out from the long day of exercise and excitement instead of a terrible disease stealing the life from his body.
Y/n smiled at her husband's peaceful, light snoring that had long since replaced the difficult, struggled breathing that used to keep her awake at night with worry that one day he would fall asleep and never wake again.
Those fears were long since gone and she could now sleep comfortably with the knowledge that all was well and her husband was safe in her arms.
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rosiestalez · 1 month
Content 18+, minors will be banned
Warnings: Smut, degradation, unprotected sex, maybe an age gap, 26 year old Nightwing and 20 year old main character. Edging slightly, bad grammar and punctuation.
Summary: Dick is back in town paying a visit before school starts. He spots something interesting on your phone from the beloved blog app we have.
It has been a long week, all you wanted to do was sleep for an undetermined amount of time. Unfortunately, due to your college courses starting soon, you only had one day to prepare. You spent your summer working, crying, and drinking; something that a lot of college students do.
The sun creeps through the trippy tapestry that covers your window. Your eyes flutter open as the soft glow of 7am softly burns the sleep out of your eyes. You lay there silently for a second before Turing off your pink noise in spotify, the first 20-30 minutes of your morning is spent on Reddit; you went on a social media cleanse and only kept Reddit for “news”, but you mostly use it to keep up with r/Gothamcitybatmansightings.
You muster up the courage to get out of the plush bed your feet land on the soft carpet and you let out the biggest stretch you’ve been holding in all night. “Right well time to begin my last day of summer break”, you sigh to yourself. With that you waltz to your bathroom and begin your “day before school regimen” that you’ve had since your senior year of high-school when you met your first bottle of self tanner.
After your shower you make some coffee while letting your tanner dry. Your phone rings, you lift it to see the screen, ‘Babybat 🦇💙”.
“Hey! Good morning Richard !”,you cheer. You hate the name Dick so you decided to call him his legal name, except during sex when you let your pathetic moans do all the talking for you.
“Good morning beautiful, it’s good to hear your voice, although Richard just doesn’t flow off your tongue beautifully.” He chuckles over the phone. You simply roll your eyes, and pour your French vanilla creamer into your coffee. “Wayne and I just got back from Metropolis, so I’m bored. I know you’re busy getting your school things in order. I was wondering if you wanted to spend some time together?” He asks, you take a sip of your fresh coffee. You smile, at the thought of hanging out with him because you know what this entails; really good sex, endless pampering, and food.
“Yeah totally! I just have to put some clothes on so give me a call when you are close.” You say with excitement lining your voice.
“No clothes?” He smirks through the phone. “Stay that way I’ll be there soon, I want you on your bed waiting for me like a good girl.” You gasp, but this isn’t surprising. Your heart beat flutters down to your pussy. “Bye princess.”The line goes dead.
You down the rest of your coffee, and walk off back to your room, you slip off your robe and lay down on your bed, you have exactly 5 minutes to get into the mood to take Grayson’s cock. You scroll on tumblr reading fics about him, it’s insane how everyone is so accurate about his size, stamina, and sex positions. Your legs squeeze together in anticipation for him wet seeping from your hole, resisting the urge to touch your pussy.
Scratch that you have two minutes before he’s walking into your house. There he is in the doorway, his tall frame. He licks his lips with anticipation seeing you there vulnerable in-front of him. “God you’re such a good fucking girl.” He strips his uniform as he makes his way to your bed. “That’s what I like about you, you listen to everything I say. You do everything I ask because you’re a slut. Aren’t you?” His voice gets dark, only something you hear after a stressful mission, or when the bat family is getting to him. He comes to you for comfort and peace so it makes you wonder what happened on this trip, you see scratches on his chest that you aim to nurse back to health after he rearranges your delicate body.
“Yes sir.” Your voice shaky. He crawls on top of you, hovering your small frame. He leans in for a kiss, his kiss is deep and soft. Something you missed while he was gone, his tongue slips into your mouth fighting yours. He smiles into the kiss due to his win and pulls away. He notices your phone, open to the smutty fic you were reading before he walked in. His dick twitches against your bare thigh, the only barrier being his soft briefs.
“What is this?” His eyebrow cocks. He snatches the phone out your hand. “Dick slams into my hole, his thick cock stretching me. He tightens the leash around my neck with each stroke.” He reads aloud, your face burns, you could die right here just out of embarrassment. “Wow, you read about me?” He questions, “you read nasty things about me while I’m gone?” He follows. You just nod, no words can escape your mouth at the moment. “Well I didn’t know you liked to be collared.” He adds.
“I’m sorry, I missed you so much. You were gone for too long, and I needed you.” You explained softly. All he does is chuckle. He gets off of the bed and walks over to “the drawer”. He grabs a toy and a pair of cuffs.
“I don’t have anything to collar you with, but I will choke you until you’re dazed.” You squirm waiting for his cock to fill you.
“I’ll take that as a yes, I love when you’re a needy bitch for me. It turns me on so much.” *click* one side of the handcuff around your wrist, *click* one around your other. You can’t move your arms, they’re chained to your iron bed frame. Your breath is uneven, the flutter in your wet pussy getting faster. “Look at you, so pathetic.” He takes out his phone and flashes a picture of you. “I’m gonna use this later.” His dark smirk turned into a tooth filled grinned. *Buzzz* the toy turns on, “I’m gonna make you cum so hard you won’t need to read those.” He dances the toy along your thighs, up your body to your exposed breasts, circling it on your soft nipples, smiling as they begin to erect at the vibration. “Tell me what you want?” He whispers in your ear before kissing your pulse point. You push his hands down to your dripping center. “No darling, you have to use your words. Remember?” His arm resisting your pushes.
“I want it, I want you.” You moan.
“Where, be specific baby girl?” He looks at your cock drunk eyes.
“I want it on my puss-FUCK!” He places the vibrator on your sensitive clit before you could finish your sentence. Causing a pulse of pleasure and shock.
“Sorry did I scare you?” He asks sarcastically. “I knew you wanted it, I just wanted to have some fun.” He chuckles, but to your dissatisfaction he removes the toy from your clit. You let out a whine, “why the fuck are whining? You’re going to get what you need.” Darkness filling with voice again. “God why are you so pathetic!”
“I’m sorry Grayson.” You slightly tug at the cuffs, lift your hips up against his thigh to get some relief from the tension in your cunt. He pushes your hips down with force glaring at you; you’ve done it now you’re going to get what you want, but on his terms.
“Oh you shouldn’t have done that.” He says exactly what you’re thinking. He pulls down his briefs, his thick cock slapping against his stomach. “Look at what you do to me.” Your pussy drips and mouth waters when he point to his delicious cock. “I’m gonna use you today.” He leans over your cunt, spitting into your dripping hole. “Every- FUUUCCK- inch of you”, he shutters as he slides in. The first entrance is always the best. Your back arches at the feeling of being filled, and a small moan escapes your lips, “Shut up”, he slides out completely, and slams back in to the hilt of his cock. There’s pain and pleasure and a whine forces its way from your mouth again.
“That’s my girl, taking it all. I know you can do it.” He coos, his hand finds his way to your neck while the other supports his. “Take it all baby.” He picks up the toy, his grip tightens, he rises up placing you legs on his shoulders for stability as he places the toy on your even mores swollen clit. Your eyes begin to roll back as the feeling of being filled and stimulated. “S’beautiful”, he grunts. His pace gets quicker his hips snapping against you and his grip tightening around your neck. You can’t moan, can’t think, can’t speak. He pound into you, groaning and speaking nasty things, the toy rubs against you. You feel something boiling in your core, and pulsing in your pussy.
“I’m-“, you gasp for air, his grip unrelenting, “I’m gonna cum Rich!” His movement stops, he leaves your center and pulls the toy away from you. You look up at him with confusing.
“No you’re not, not yet.” He chuckles, he moves to hover over your face. “Taste yourself, open up.” He taps your cheek, you do as your told opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue as welcome to his cock. You gag as he reaches the back of your throat. You bob your head, his hand tangles into your hair, but is quickly removed when he feels the tracks of your expression, “s-sorry baby.” You try to smile, but it’s hard when there’s 6.5 inches in your mouth right now. He matches your pace, but his pace quickens and tears brim your eyes. “That’s my good gi-“ he shutters and a deep growl like moan escapes his lips. His cum fills your mouth. He pants, “I wanna see, open your mouth.” He pulls his cock out from your mouth, you stick your tongue out showing his excitement. “Good girl now swallow, look at me while you do it, nasty bitch.” You do as you’re told looking up in his eyes as you choke down his fluid. He really needs to drink more water. “You’re beautiful, so desperate to reach your end”, he cups your face and smiles. He reaches up to unhook the cuffs from your wrists. “Show me what you do to yourself while reading these things. Do you use your toy or your beautiful fingers?” He questions with his hands playing with your still erect nipples.
“Both”, you muster out, he smirks. He guide your hands down to your core as he assists you making soft circles along your clit. You moan arching you back to get more from the hand movements that are being created.
“Oh that’s a good girl. I bet you’re thinking of me? How good I feel inside of you.” You moan you eyes flutter close savoring the movements. “That’s such a good girl”, he removes his hands letting you take the show. He watches your body, your movements. In his eyes this is as close to heaven as he could ever get. “You’re so beautiful, can you cum for me?” He cups your face placing a gentle kiss on your lips. Your tummy coils, your pace quickens as you reach your end. The Euphoria rushes over you leaving you dazed and sleepy. “Good job baby.” He coos. Your legs clench around your hand as you work your way through you self inflicted high. You move your hand away from your pussy to reach out to his messy black hair and pull him in for one more kiss.
“Thank you Grayson.” You smile, “I missed you so much. I really wanted to see you before I start school tomorrow.” You add. He shifts in the bed finding something to clean your juices up with.
“ I know my love, it took a lot of convincing Bruce to let me come back early to give you a proper send off”, he winks wiping you down with an old towel. He tosses it to the side when done, and lays down next to you stroking circles onto your back.
You shift over to be facing him on the bed, “what happened?” You ask cupping his face in your hands. He just sighs and hugs you close.
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prac-ticalproblems · 7 days
suggestion based off your post asking for suggestions: what do you think all their favorite albums would be. mind you they’re in the late 1960s so like it would be an album they liked so much they would save up and buy the record. lord knows music was an arm and a leg for 10 tracks. I’m thinkin engie might be into Johnny Cash, definitely bein into At Folsom Prison and probably also Townes Van Zandts self titled album when they came out in 1969. Scout would probably be a Chuck berry fan. I can also see him knowing how to dance to 40s big band music because his ma used to dance with him in his brothers in the living room as kids but he would be embarrassed about that one. Soldier would HATE the Beatles. and I have no idea about everyone else.
You. You get it. I’m gonna squeeze you. /pos
I love this ask so much I am going to do 60’s AND make it regional and Historical! Because we are syncing brain waves rn. (With a little bit of karaoke headcanonz)
1960’s music w the mercs
Medic - I believe that Medic is a very chaotic music lover. He has a background of classical in some way, with his fascination for it in the game and it’s bled outward into loving loud booms and the thrill of it speeding up.
So maybe some early forms of rock? Especially if it’s Peggy Peter’s. He sings like shit though.
Heavy - I’m not going to lie, this immediately came to me. Heavy loves pop. Heavy loves a bouncy little jig that he can play while cleaning Sasha. He probably got it from his sisters. I also believe that he has a very strong sense of political beliefs about his country so pop that has a message.
Definitely Edita Piekha. 100%. Lovely vocals from the gods. A little rattling, but He is a perfect bass.
Scout - HE WOULD LOVE CHUCK BERRY. That man hums ‘My Ding-a-ling’ as he showers. Absolutely.
He has Sex Bomb tattooed, but I’m sure his favorite Tom Jones song is actually It’s Not Unusual. He screeches when he sings instead of singing higher.
Demo - I see him being into much older songs for his age (he’s like nearly 30) just because of the way his mother raised him. I think he’s got an older soul than he thinks. So 1940’s swing and soul. Strong believer that he has more than a few albums that he cherishes, but most of them are from his mom.
He cries every time he puts it on though, just to let the feelings out. When he’s drunk, he sings terribly, when he’s sober? Probably still a little bad but he doesn’t know his range and doesn’t care if he’s tone deaf.
Pyro - I have personal ideas about Pyro that makes me think he is a huge Jimi Hendrix fan. I refuse to explain or elaborate as I will be here all day.
All Along the Watchtower. He bounces whenever it’s played.
Sniper - Jazz. I know it’s an easy answer, but it’s also THE RIGHT ONE. I think he’s very much a “nod his head and listen” type of music lover as a posed to “can’t stop moving” sort of guy.
He also probably prefers wordless music, for focus, and lyrics in music when he’s alone. (He is dancing in his room when no one’s around.)
Soldier - FUCKING HATES THE BEATLES. I’m almost tempted to say the only thing he listens to is music about WAR. But he’s probably into punk music. But I’m sure he fucks up and listens to anti war songs instead of actual war songs. So he’s accidentally listening to ‘hippie music’. No one has the will to explain it to him.
His favorite song is probably Gene Stridel - What do you win when you win a war. But only when he’s more self aware, more aware of his situation. It comes and goes. Soldier refuses to sing the song, ever. But it’s close to his heart, even if he sometimes doesn’t know why.
Spy - secretly a hippie. Definitely into Yé-yé, a type of french-ized version of British pop/exotica (like THE BEATLES.) He shows Soldier his music taste and it sends him into a rage. I think he takes pleasure in it.
Especially Baroque Yé-yé. Very Spy feely. Also Scout’s mom has probably shown him some Josephine Baker, and he likes it. Sings in a snooty little voice but it sounds pleasant enough. He thinks he’s the best singer in the team. (it’s heavy)
Engineer - GOD, you’re so right. Johnny Cash is the most fitting for him. I feel like he’s definitely a music sharer and taker. He carries songs from the people who he loves around with him. I think his mom loves Tammy Wynette and it’s crossed over to him.
Rip, you stupid fuck, you would have loved Poor Man’s Poison. He probably does that thing where they end off words in country with like a howl, instead of just ending the sentence.
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azukaruby · 3 months
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I had forgotten to upload it 😅
Her throat hurt from screaming so much, that idiot Yamato made her crazy, Mimi slapped her on the shoulder and walked out annoyed "I don't know how the hell we've been friends for so long" she thought, all her comrades had seen the mini fight of what was the best seasoning for the boiled egg, "spicy sauce" the blond had said, "a little sugar with pepper" that simple words unleashed a heated discussion of how she had strange tastes, and he was traditional and boring.
-I can't stand it, stupid Yamato, idiot, asshole, go to the blond devil... -his quick walk was stopped suddenly when he was pulled by the arm-
-I didn't know you had such a wide catalog of insults.
-You haven't heard the ones I have in French Stupide loup de gueule -I roar with coarseness to get away, but the boy had it well pressed with that big hand-
"It was already clear to me that you hate me," he squeezed his grip, sharpening his blue look.
-Then I don't know what you came to.
-The boys said to come because maybe you were crying -the chestnut rolled her eyes with annoyance-
"Any way, let me go," he pulled himself.
-Will you be okay?
"Are you so worried, handsome?" I wink at him.
"Don't play with me," he brought her closer to him, leaving her faces a few centimeters away.
"I want to bite those lips," he sighed.
-That the weather is good, bye! -he turned but the boy in a quick movement stuck her to his body looking at her fiercely before the incredulous expression of the chestnut- What are you ha... -his lips were sealed by the boy's, warm, soft, mentholated, he blinked several times coming out of his daydream, and finally let himself go-
-!! I told you!! BINGO - I'm aiming for a blond young man with his index finger -! It was sexual tension!
"Well, well, you win Miyako," said Takeru, smiling. "I imagine you've known it for a long time to have made that poster," the girl raised a cardboard with the names of Mimi and Yamato combined with her two hands.
-You're blind if you hadn't noticed it, you owe me a date with heleado, but don't get excited, my heart is Ken's.
-Of course....
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givethemsmut · 3 months
Dom Mysterio x Reader
Chapter Twenty-Two | Where It All Started…
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The doctors office was like being hit by a truck. There was too much information to process while still grieving.
I wasn’t exactly cleared the way we wanted when she suggested condoms in another week after scaring Dom that anything prior could hurt the healing process. In another week I would have a new babysitter and Dom on the road with a storyline only getting worse.
Dom filled me in about her wearing his jacket and him being expected to take it off her, hotel key cards, and more of her so close to him. I still didn’t understand why he would agree or why his acting was so believable. I could detect any annoyance with her on top of him.
“I hate her,” I muttered to myself while forcing my eyes out the window of the silent car. Neither of us had said a word since the doctor blamed travel and stress of Dom’s career on our loss.
Liv got the parts of Dom I wanted and I feared the line of reality if we weren’t having sex.
My first stop inside was two pills and swig of water before I went directly upstairs. All I wanted was to crawl under the covers and not have to come out.
Dom must have trailed so far behind me I didn’t notice when he finally came up stairs. “You wanna drink tonight? I’ll order food and pick up alcohol.”
“Drink or get drunk?” I asked knowing I wanted everything to numb me right now. “Let’s go out. I don’t wanna be home anymore.”
“Okay, I’ll find a spot.” Dom agreed
After a nap, an energy drink and a hot shower I put on a black dress with puffy sleeves and some volume at the hips, anything willing to hit the fact that my stomach was still slightly puffed from being pregnant.
Dom had a button down with his chain and cross, dress pants and Nikes. I bit my lip seeing him in our closet from the open bathroom door. In my heels I leaned against the bed watching him smooth everything down.
“Not making it easy to not have sex, Dom.”
“Let’s just have fun tonight. We’ll worry about that shit later. And for the record, I watched you not put on panties. You’re not making it easier either.” He kissed my head before spanking my ass as he went by me.
I wasn’t wear panties on purpose. I wanted Dom to have access to me. Pulling up to the restaurant I immediately felt my heart swell when I realized it was the same place we had so many memories. From family dinners celebrating accomplishments to Dom and I just going alone before we labeled anything.
A French restaurant full of romance and twinkly lights. It was the perfect place to reconnect the way our doctor suggested.
“Dom. It’s perfect.” I squeezed his hand on my leg before slipping out of the car without him opening the door.
“You couldn’t just let me open that? They’re watching.” He whispered as I felt his hand on my back guiding me.
“If it’s not broken, we don’t need to fix it, right? I wanna forget all the bad tonight. All the ways we hurt each other. All the things telling us we shouldn’t love each other. I wanna drink too much and make love.” I expressed as his arm pulled me in around my neck and the host asked our name.
“Mysterio,” he offered without hesitation. It wasn’t his birth name but might as well been.
Walking through the restaurant we passed everyone, heading to the back where they would normally seat us in a private book. Slipping inside I made myself comfortable and waited for Dom to join me in the middle. He hated that but did it for me.
“Some wine to start?” The wait staff asked.
It felt different like the past didn’t matter and we could finally start fresh. No hurting each other or games. Once we had a few drinks in us Dom leaned in like someone might hear. “I saw that video of you and Finn. I just need to know if it was because of RAW.”
My heart stopped and all those good feelings faded quick. “I’m sorry. I wanted to prove it wasn’t nothing, that her on top of you isn’t just part of your job. Call it insecurity or possessiveness but it’s not fun for the person who loves you.”
His hands smoothed up my legs under the hem of my dress. “I know. I saw it babe. I felt everything you felt. I don’t control the storyline if I wanted to get paid. We have to stop using people to be a wedge between us.”
“I know. It wasn’t Finn’s fault at all. Don’t be mad at him.”
Dom polished off his drink and found my eyes, burying himself inside my soul. “I don’t blame him. I can’t even turn you down. That man had no chance the second you sat on his lap. I am gonna rough him up for touching your tits tho. It’s only fair.”
Laughing into his chest I felt my whole body smile when my leg draped over his lap and his mouth found mine.
“Compliments of the gentleman at the table on the left, sir.” The waiter placed down a new ice bucket with a bottle of expensive wine and left it corked as we finished the first bottle.
Both of us shocked we looked to the table and saw Blaine holding up a glass with a smile.
“Fuck me. Is that who I think it is?” Dom whispered in my ear and I felt forced to smile back.
Blaine strutted over full of confidence the way I remembered. We had lost touch when he went to college and I never looked him up or wondered until right now. “So you did end up with your brother? Congrats.”
“You know we aren’t related, Blaine. I was a refugee his family took pity on. What are you doing here?” I asked sternly, the only way he would hear.
“Visiting family, same old shit. You look good babe.” I could feel his eyes undressing me the way he always did. Only this time it felt different knowing he had seen me naked. “Don’t be awkward, I’ve probably seen you naked just as much as him.”
“That’s why she wasn’t fucking you bro. She was already fucking me.” Dom said it so casually that it didn’t even seem insulting, just factual.
Tucking my face into Dom I laughed quietly to myself as Blaine tried to force his power where he had none anymore.
“Good luck with your fake fighting. Sweetheart, still as beautiful as ever.” He stated before walking away. Blaine, my fucking ex, of all people. It was surreal if nothing else.
We both kept quiet waiting for Blaine to be out of hear shot when Blaine pivoted on his feet. “Does she still taste like fruit-loops? I wonder how many times she came because of me two feet away from you.”
Dom stood up quickly, fists already tight and his jaw clenched. “We can take this outside. I fight for a fucking living.”
Blaine chuckled, “Still so defensive. You use to take real hits, guess you can peek in high school. Can’t blame me for fingering her at games, she was my girlfriend you were trying to low key fuck.”
Dom got out of the booth despite me holding onto him and grabbed Blaine by the shirt. Pushing him towards the door I apologized to the staff and made sure they had Dom’s card on file before I followed them to the parking lot. It wasn’t a lie, Blaine was always my brand of relief even if that meant everything but sex.
[ flashback ]
Cheering for Dom’s football games were my own personal brand of hell. Just seeing him in his uniform felt like the secret code to inside my panties.
Blaine was captain, naturally, and my boyfriend which made things only more difficult. 
“I’ll see you on the field, okay? Hike this skirt up a little. Get me motivated.” His fingers tugged on the length falling mid thigh before kissing me on the cheek. 
“Blaine,” I called his name forcing him to look back at me next to his car still when I lifted my top and showed him my boobs. I didn’t realize Dom was walking that way too until he mistakenly saw too. 
My cheeks flared up in embarrassment but I had to keep pretending to be the perfect girlfriend for everyone’s sake. Dom had a girlfriend and I had Blaine.
After the first touchdown Blaine made he rushed the sidelines, wrapping his arms around me and picking up into the air. That was before Blaine noticed how I looked at Dom entirely. Back when it was pure. 
Blaine whispered before walking backwards, “Tonight, baby. I’m getting some.”
Glancing at the stands I saw Dom’s parents hear that and cringed into myself. 
Once they called halftime I felt like I could relax a little more without the pressure of being on alert. Blaine grabbed my hand, dragging me back to his car parked outside the boy’s locker room. “We’re all doing shots.”
Blaine opened the trunk of his big SUV and fished out a bottle of Jack for everyone to pass around. After his shot he stepped into me until my ass was against the lip of his trunk. “I wanna fuck that tight pussy. When are you done making me wait, baby?” 
I blushed, hiding my face behind me in case anyone was listening. “I’m nervous. Please, I’m having fun exploring with you…” I pleaded with him.
“There’s more we can do but you gonna let me, baby. Sit here, open these beautiful legs.” I sat on the trunk and felt the nerves wash over me. I had given Dom my virginity and had been stringing Blaine along just to keep my own feelings in check for Dom. 
Blaine’s fingers found my bloomers I had to wear under my skirt for cheer. Slipping two fingers inside the hem I felt him toy with my clit until pushing them inside me. “Oh my god,” I whimpered. “Everyone can see…”
“So tight, I need this around my cock, baby. Goddamn.” Ignoring my insecurities, Blaine’s mouth found my neck. 
“Blaine. People can see. Please.” I pleaded with him more as his fingers pumped in and out of me until I felt wet enough to ride them. I couldn’t help chasing his fingers while he pulled away. 
Dom’s eyes found me, watching Blaine finger me in his trunk with his arms crossed and his face twisted in pissed off. Something about knowing Dom was watching felt like the push I needed to clutch onto Blaine and come all over his fingers while muffling my whimpers against his under armor.
It was like I was coming for Dom and not my boyfriend.
“You like knowing people can see, huh? Tonight baby, I need some. I’m dying over here.” Taking his fingers back I watched Blaine suck my come off his fingers.
Going to the front of his car to talk to his team mates Dom walked over to me. “At a football game? In public? Do you know how important this game is? I don’t need to be forced to watch Blaine finger fuck you.”
“He’s my boyfriend, Dom. Isn’t that what I’m supposed to be doing?”
“Force me to watch after what we did? He’s trying to make you come on his fucking golden fingers while I can’t stop replaying you riding my fucking dick every time I see you. Big difference, sweetheart. Don’t throw it in my fucking face because you can.” Dom took another swig. 
“What do you want me to do? I’m already making him wait out of respect for you.” I whisper-shouted back.
“What I want? I want you naked in my bed. I want to stop knowing what Blaine does or doesn’t do with you. I want to stop hearing you fucking your self. But do you know what I really want? I want you to stop fucking looking at me every time his hands on you like you can pretend it’s me touching you because if it were me I wouldn’t be stopping at some bullshit finger bang. I would be fucking you until your legs shook and you begged me to stop.” Dom’s words forced my legs to rub together and my ass to push further into the trunk like I was hiding from the truth. 
“Dom,” I called out for him before pulling on his long sleeve fitted shirt he wore under his gear. Pushing my lips to his I let myself kiss him the way I wanted when my mouth parted and I felt his tongue inside my mouth. 
Pulling away Dom stood up taller. “That’s what Blaine is for, remember? You can’t fuck me because you’re fucked up logic about having to love me too, remember?”
Dom walked away when Blaine was coming back for me. We both played it off that my necklace got caught on my hair and he was helping me but I could see whatever trust Blaine had in him was fading.
“Party at my house if we win,” he shouted to Dom who didn’t acknowledge him at all. Turning to me he whispered, “If he crosses a line let me know. He’s just pissed off he ain’t getting any.”
“He wouldn’t dare. You’re his best friend,” I smoothed it over knowing how much that would change every time I showed Blaine affection. 
Following the guys to the parking lot I really hoped this would end with verbal jabs. Dom wasn’t allowed to fight outside of lights, camera, action for liability purposes.
“You’ve always been second best. Just accept it dude. If I didn’t go play college ball she would still be mine.” They were really arguing over something that had happened in high school just to fluff their ego.
“I was fucking her before you even touched her bro. Why are you always competing with me? She’s mine now, no one cares.” Dom argued back.
Blaine looked at me, around Dom between us, “You didn’t tell him? Tell him the truth about us baby. It all wasn’t some fucking game you two had going.”
Dom looked over his shoulder and I didn’t know how to figure out what Blaine thought I was lying about when I shrugged. Sheer panic washing over me as I tugged on Dom’s arm.
“I asked her to marry me and she said yes the summer before I left for college.”
“Blaine. You can’t be serious, that was forever ago, you can’t play the I’m still yours card.” I argued when he smirked to himself.
“He deserves all the facts before he asks you himself. I can practically smell the ring on him, sweetheart.” I looked at Dom, questioning how Blaine would know that at all. “He still think we didn’t fuck either?”
“Blaine. Shut the fuck up.”
Standing back Blaine put up his hands, “Once you had Marie her legs pretty much fell open. Thanks for that, bro.”
Dom took one big step forward and punched my ex in the face before demanding I get in the car. I had never seen him so angry when he kept hitting Blaine. So much it scared me.
Rushing to his side I stopped him and we both hustled to the car before leaving. Suddenly his bad boy persona complete with an arrest didn’t seem so much a character but a part of Dom I never experienced for myself.
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pandorasword · 2 years
I've got my eye on you
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
「 From the column: How BTS take care of Chaeri, now and before 」
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❒ member: Taehyung
❒ genre: Emotional
❒ words: 10k+
❒ summary: In which Chaeri realised that she missed the warmth of a hug more than she expected and that family may not always be a matter of blood
❒ notes: Bold and Italic at the same time indicates a sentence said in French.
❒ warnings: Mention of assault (Not described in detail)
「 Chaeri's Masterlist on my blog 」
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Takes place not long before their debut | 2013
She once had a cellphone.
Before returning to Korea, her lifestyle could be described as more than wealthy. Her mother, a prima ballerina at the Paris Opera, never had to make compromises on how much money to spend and how much money to keep each month since she had pursued that career, and this benefited her children too. Chaeri always had a wardrobe full of the prettiest dresses, handbags from internationally renowned French designers, and the most professional pointes and tutus that could be found on the market. Because, of course, all those comforts she enjoyed came at a price: her dedication to ballet.
Her mother wanted, rather, demanded, her children to be as talented and successful as she was. To Dal, her brother, this came as easy as breathing.. He was the reincarnation of ballet. Chaeri, though, felt like she had to try harder than anyone else to be acceptable in her mother's eyes. Her life revolved around dance lessons, model walking, manners and everything that would make her perfect not only for her mother, but for everyone. The words 'In this family, we do not accept failures' were often repeated to her. 
Being perfect is a heavy responsibility for everyone, but for a young girl a somewhat heavier one.
Fortunately, in her opinion, what made the days better was the time spent with her brother. The brother she loved deeply, admired and would have given her life for. She could have sworn the feelings were mutual but, apparently, he prioritised other things over her. Like everyone else. But of all the others, she didn't care, never had. What she had hang onto all those years was the bond she thought she shared with her brother. She should have hated him after the way he had turned his back on her not long ago; the disappointed angry eyes in which he judged her and called her a liar; the indifference he showed in letting her go back to Korea without even telling her that he was going to miss her; the way he failed to protect her. 
Instead, there she was, on the floor of Big Hit's public relations office, now empty by hours, with a handset phone beside her, the stretched wire running all the way across half the room, from the plug to where she was sitting. With her back against a desk she hugged her knees to her chest, with the feeling that if she squeezed them tight enough her heart too would find a way to heal its cracks. She tried to call him at the Opera Institute in Paris, where he’d been studying and living for years after winning a scholarship - she tried that too but it hadn't gone the same way -, she tried calling him at home and on his mobile phone.
The first attempt ended with a not-so-convinced 'He's not here, I'll tell him you called' from his housemates.
The second attempt ended with her mother hanging up on her.
The third, the most painful, was hearing his voice clearly telling her that she should not call him again unless she had an apology to drop.
As if she had to apologise for what was done to her.
Her eyes were pinching, a bit from disappointment a bit from anger.
But she wasn't going to cry. She wasn't going to cry. She wasn't goin-
Her thoughts of self-conviction were interrupted by the creaking sound of the office door.
That door should definitely have been oiled, the noise was unbearable.
"Chaeri-ya, I thought you were staying to practice, I was going straight to the studio but then I noticed that the only lights on besides the security lights were on this floor. Are you... okay?"
It cannot be said that Chaeri was ever rude to her mates but, certainly, for the first few months she could be described as quite reserved. She preferred to be on her own at every good opportunity, to have casual conversations without getting too personal with them. Not shy, but private. Being shy was not compatible with her strong and decisive personality that she always showed and never hid. The main feature she was proudest of.
When she saw Taehyung at the entrance of the office where she had spent the last few hours, she quickly pressed her eyelids together to wipe away the veil of tears that threatened to spill out
'I'm fine, thank you. You didn't need to come looking for me." "I wanted to"
His kindness always left her speechless, would she have been able to act as coolly with someone who hardly considered her? Probably not. He moved closer until he was a few steps from her feet
"May I help you?" "To what?" "To get that sad look off your face." "No sad look, I'm just tired."
By that time she would have liked to be alone with her thoughts, to have the chance to process yet another rejection from her brother without having to pretend that nothing was wrong because she was in other's sight.
“Look, I know we don’t know each other well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to face things alone'. We are going to be a family, we should act like one"
Her mouth turned bitter as she heard the boy's sentence. It was everything she did not want: become a family with them. The only concept of family she had was the one imparted by her mother and brother, and she could well do without it at this point.
"In families there is no confiding, only pushing each other to do better and better."
Tae's face was confused "I don't know why you think that but family is exactly where you should open up. No one can help you better than it"
Chaeri's eyes fell on the phone left at her side. She tried to confide with her family but everything had fallen apart because of that. A lump rose in her throat that prevented her from speaking. Would she have been better off keeping quiet? Perhaps her brother would still have spoken to her if she just kept what had happened that day in dance class to herself. But it would have been so wrong to keep it hidden.
Taehyung sat down on the cold floor in front of her "Was your family the one you called on the phone?" he pointed with his chin at the device.
Chaeri nodded without looking at him.
"Sometimes calling your relatives is worse than not hearing from them, that makes the melancholy of home even heavier."
"It's even worse if the melancholy of having me home is not felt by them." Her voice broke almost in tears that could have burst out at any moment. She felt overwhelmed by all the negative emotions accumulated over those months.
"There's not a chance they don't miss you" "Oh, trust me. There's more than a chance" "Tell me about it" "What?" "Talk it out with me. I won't give you advices or my opinion if you don't want it but I'll be a good listener. I think you need to talk about whatever is haunting you."
She hated how she was unable to manage her emotions without them taking over. She looked up at the ceiling of the room, dotted with dark specks of damp. She began to count them one by one to keep control.
"There's nothing to talk about." "You think I didn't notice that you don't feel safe?"
She didn't realise how evident her discomfort was to others until the moment Taehyung pointed out the truth to her. They believed she did not feel safe with them. This, if possible, broke her heart even more. She had never thought for a single second that one of those seven kind boys she lived with could do to her what that monster had. Despite that, it seemed that her constant anxiety about finding him around the corner had led the boys to believe that she did not feel safe with them. She couldn't hold back the tears any longer. The black dots she had been looking at until a second before were now faded by the tears blurring her vision
"I'm sorry. You haven't done anything that ever led me to think I couldn't be safe."
Taehyung was reluctant to touch her to comfort her, although he craved to be able to wipe away her tears and caress her back.
"And I assure you that it will always stay this way, Chaeri-ya. We will never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable."
For long minutes, all that could be heard in the room were the girl's sobs and nothing else. Her heart was beating so fast that she could feel the pulse in her ears and throat. The calls on the phone and the conversation with Taehyung brought back memories of each moment that led her to leave France. It took an unmeasurable strength for her to regain control of her mind.
"I have been-"
She hadn't said those words since the day she told her mother. She remembered too well how she slapped her, threatening to do it again and again if she kept saying what to her mother were only lies.
Taehyung reached out a hand to hers, squeezing it. He wanted to give her strength
"I have been assaulted by my dance teacher, in Paris."
She told someone, and that made it all even more real. The monster, as she used to call him in her thoughts, had tried to convince her that she actually misunderstood everything, that she was exaggerating it to the point where she started to doubt herself and her state of mind. But he had not succeeded, neither he, nor her mother, nor her brother - who was deeply offended by what Chaeri was implying about the teacher who had taught them both how to dance for their whole lives - .
"And that doesn't make me think that all the people around me could hurt me. I know he was the damaged one but…" She had to pause to recompose her voice "But what hurts me is that my mother… my mother and my brother believed that I made everything up. They believed him and not me. They believe him and not me. So, Taehyung-ssi, tell me how should I want to refer to someone as family if family fails you so much?"
The guy's face became unreadable and the trauma she had gone through made her fear that he would not believe her either. She was about to get up and leave when she heard him speak
"Can I hug you?" She stayed quiet for few seconds "I didn't tell you these things to be pitied" "I don't want to do this to pity you at all. The reason is because I feel you have been denied this kind of touch for too long".
The girl felt a warmth in her chest, that typical feeling you get when you are understood, treated with kindness. She nodded without even thinking about it too much, because if she did she probably wouldn't have accepted.
He was behind her, wedging himself into the space between the desk and the girl's back, to wrap his arms around her in a backhug. He rested his cheek on her hair. His eyes were damp too, but he wouldn't let it show.
"I promise you that in our family no one will ever make you feel alone or misunderstood. Never will anyone let something so horrible happen to you again. And I, personally, swear that I will get an eye on you. Always"
She really wanted to believe in the words of the boy who was so gently trying to make her feel better. Could that be the good time when she would really find a family that cared about her? And when was the last time someone cuddled her?
She couldn't remember, yet she felt as if it had been a lifetime.
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louiseintrees · 2 years
Until My Hands Can’t Write and My Lungs Collapse
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Sometimes I hate dating a famous guy.
And it’s not because he’s gone. Not because he’s egotistical (he far from that), or because he’s dabbled in drugs, or is chased by young girls all the time, but it’s when you get insecure, and remember all the stunningly beautiful woman he dated and realize your nothing like them and will never be. You’re not tall, skinny, and gorgeous. Sure you might be nice like they are, but you’re not them, not by a long shot.
So as tears falling from my eyes onto the pillowcase as I stared at younger versions of Alex standing next to his past lovers I couldn’t help but feel worthless. Why would he chose me over very other woman that would have willingly done what I’ve done for him? I’m just some French history teacher who’s short and stout, that loves to play chess and has read an astronomical amount of books. I’m not special. I’m not cool. I’m not pretty. I’m average. I’m basic, like and NPC that’s just there to get the story rolling. If he didn’t like me he’d tell me right? Or would he just take pity on me and try to be nice? What if I’m hurting him? What if he could be so much happier if I was gone? Would he thrive? Would his life be better?
I felt awful. We were best friends before any of this happened and I couldn’t lose him, but I couldn’t hurt him either. I’d much rather take myself out of the equation that watch him become bored and feel that ‘loving’ me was more of job than something he just wanted to do.
I heard the door creek. And immediately I closed my phone and held the covers close to my face and pretended to sleep to explain my red eyes and maybe the wetness for sweat.
“Darling?” He questioned his voice flowing through the house like a desperate search.
I heard his light footsteps slowly approaching the door and when he opened he started to speak.
“Love?” He whispered into the room.
I think in this moment he realized I was ‘sleeping’ and he softly shut the door behind himself and I felt the weight in the bed shift as the part next to me sunk. He pulled my phone away from me and when I heard the sound of an object hitting wood, I could assume he had set it on the nightstand. I felt his arms gently pull me closer to him and I stirred a bit and to really sell it, in my cracking voice I asked,
He kissed my forehead and spoken himself, “Sorry for waking you, darling.” He squeezed me tightly again peppering my head with kisses before laying his head on mine.
Suddenly I couldn’t fight back the tears anymore. They wouldn’t stop and my breath became on easy and before I knew it I was choking on my sobs.
“Hey, hey, is everything alright? Bad dream? Tired? Are you in pain?” His urgency and concern laced his voice and made it very prominent he was a little scared.
I pulled back and looked into his eyes wanting nothing more than to kiss him and not feel this way but my mind wouldn’t allow it. It would not shut up for even a second, to the point that it’s questioning whether or not his love for me was fraudulent.
“Why do you love me? I mean, you could have almost anyone in the world. You’ve dated gorgeous models who are so kind and sweet and you could have that, why would you want me? I’m not special or cool, or gorgeous, and you can’t flaunt me everywhere because of my job so why out of any girl in the world would you choose me?” I questioned as his thumbs wiped away my tears that continued to fall down my cheeks.
“Because there’s no girl more beautiful, kind, caring, intelligent, and perfect than you. And I know that’s so cliché and stupid but I truly mean it. From the darkest depth of my heart that seems as though they have no love in them I mean it. You aren’t a model, but I don’t care about that. I wouldn’t care if I had to cross seas just to see you, or if you were an astronaut, or a model, I would still love you the same. Maybe I’d think you were a bit cooler for being all the way up in space but i wouldn’t be able to kiss you and hug you all the time which would be a downer. But, my love if I had to see every girl in the planet and chose which one to love until I’d die, by a long shot I’d chose you. If younger me knew you he wouldn’t have met any models. He would’ve had heart eyes and he’d worship the ground you’d walk on like I do now and he’d never even think about looking at a model. You’re perfect for me. And every girl that came before you would agree with me on everything I’ve said about you. I will love you when I’m dead and I will love you long after. And I would never lie about something like that. If I wasn’t in love with you I’d tell you. But I’m on the other end of that spectrum. I like having a short history teacher from France that will gush about book for hours with me and will nerd over Nabokov as much as I do. I wouldn’t change it for the world. You know how much I write about you. Small lyrics, poems, letters, songs, a whole album! Y/n I am madly in love with you, I don’t know enough words to describe it perfectly so I will do my half arsed version for you until my hands can’t write and my lungs collapse. You are everything I want and more. Three years isn’t enough, an entire lifetime even would never be enough. And even if you one day would find yourself falling out of love with me I could never stop loving you. If I were to die now I’ve lived a life knowing I’ve met the best person on earth and I’d pass with a smile on my face they could never wipe off. I’d be at peace. And if you were there too I’d be over the moon. I love you so fucking much it’s sickening to others, and if I didn’t know you personally they’d think I was some creepy stalker. You will always be my love, Y/n. And that will never, and I mean never change.”
I smiled and tears still fell. I giggled a bit and his face turned into a smile so glad I understood.
“Can I please kiss you?” He begged making sure I was okay and didn’t need a moment before he stole my breath away.
“Always.” I nodded.
He swooped his head down and locked his lips with mine gently. His lips expressed so much passion and love they screamed at me to understand his love for me.
When he pulled away I looked into his eyes again the worry in his eyes faded and now filled with happiness and the love he will always have.
“I love you, that sounds lame now.” I giggled.
“It’ll never be lame to me, darling. I love you too.”
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jerzwriter · 1 year
Any day...
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Book:                   Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing:                Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey) Feat: Bryce Lahela
Rating:                 Teen
Category:            Fluff
Summary:   Casey & Tobias share a simple morning as they wait for their first baby's arrival, which is only a short time away.
Words: 797
A/N: ME: Work on your WIPs only. You have a zillion WIPs out there. ALSO ME: OMG, My pretend people's baby is going to be born a week from today! I need to write something about this! And here we are. lol | @aprilchallenge - Family, Love, Kiss
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It was 7:00 AM on an unseasonably warm Boston morning; the mercury was already reaching the low seventies. If these were normal times, Casey would have blamed the heat for waking her at such an ungodly hour on a day she didn’t have to work. But that wasn’t what had her stirring today, and normal… that was about to take on new meaning. She wrapped one arm protectively around her belly as the other pushed against her bolster pillow for support.
“There,” she gasped with relief, reminding herself that, very soon, getting out of bed would no longer require a plan of action.
She wondered where her husband was for a moment, but then the scent of butter and cinnamon filled her senses, and it seemed to elicit a kick from the alien that had invaded her body. With a soft chuckle, she lovingly rubbed the spot that had just been pummeled. 
“So, do you like French toast too, little one?” she asked. “I figure you’re going to either love it or hate it since Mommy’s eaten so much these past few months. I’m sure Daddy’s sick of making it, even if he won’t admit it.”
She cautiously descended the stairs, startling her husband, who was preparing a breakfast tray in the kitchen.
“Case!” He blurted. “What are you doing out of bed?”
“You expect me to stay up there when it smells this good down here?” She winked. “Do you even know me, sir?”
Tobias tilted his head with a smirk. He found her utterly adorable, even when he was about to give her a tongue-lashing.
“I was about to bring it up to you, wise ass. Now, you’re a brilliant doctor, Casey. So what part of bed rest did you not understand?”
“I’m an exceptional doctor! So outstanding that I know bed rest is a relative term, dear.”  She plopped into a chair at their kitchen table, motioning for Tobias to bring her the delectable breakfast he had prepared. “And you know that, too. The doctor said partial bedrest, not all day, every day.”
With a sigh, Tobias placed the breakfast before her, “You can’t fault me for looking out for you and our baby.”
After he sat beside her, she gently touched his wrist to reassure him. “I know. And you know I won’t do anything to endanger us either.”
“I know,” he squeezed her hand with a grin.
“I can’t believe I’m on bed rest!” Casey pouted. “I wasn’t planning on this. Then again,” she chuckled. “We hadn’t planned any of this, did we?”
“No, we didn’t. Just like you and I meeting was unplanned, what did that card I gave you on the night of our elopement say?”
“You’re the best thing I never planned,” Casey beamed.
“That’s right. Life happens, but we’ll face it together. I don’t love you being on bed rest, but everything else has been pretty awesome.” He bent over and kissed Casey’s belly, then moved up to tenderly kiss her lips. “I know you’ve got to keep her cooking in there a little longer, but I really can’t wait to meet her.”
“She’s going to keep us on our toes,” Casey smiled, nuzzling her head into Tobias’s shoulder.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” he simpered. “We’re going to be all right, you know.”
Casey looked up at him with joyful eyes, more at peace than he had seen in her in some time. “I know,” she said confidently. “It’s you and me.”
“Do you think the baby will wait until her due date?” She asked.
“If she’s as impatient as her Mom and Dad, not a chance. That reminds me, I have to talk to Bryce. He’s starting the birth date pool at work. They won’t let me bet because I have insider knowledge. Can you imagine the audacity?”
“And he wonders why he’s not Godfather?” Casey laughed.
“Yeah, but we should make him Godfather for number two. You know, to make up for you destroying his washing machine.”
“Me!” Casey hollered. “If I remember correctly, you were at least fifty-percent responsible for that, Dr. Carrick.”   
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “but it was fun, and he did get a new washer out of the deal.”
“That he did,” Casey nodded.
“Now let’s finish your breakfast before it gets cold, then back to bed, or I’m calling your doctor to rat you out.”
“Ugh, you would,” she teased, shoveling the last of the French toast into her mouth. “You know, we’re going to be OK, T.”
They looked at each other for a long moment, taking the time to enjoy the simple perfection of it all.
“I know,” he said, kissing her forehead. “In fact, we’re going to be better than OK. We’re going to be amazing.”
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @differenttyphoonwerewolf @fayeswiftie @gryffindordaughterofathena @genevievemd @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @sophxwithers @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
OH: @annfg8 @binny1985 @coffeeheartaddict2 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @ofmischiefandmedicine @peonierose @youlookappropriate
Tobias Only: @icecoffee90 @kyra75
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h-ayata · 18 days
𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙚
In addition to my recent little doodle of Francis on the balcony.
@alodospos was a main writer of this piece, she's amazing give her some love😭❤
ᵀʰᶦˢ ᶦˢ ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ ᵃᵘ ᶠʳᵃⁿᶜᶦˢ ˣ ⱽᶦᵒˡᵉᵗ (ᵐʸ ᵒᶜ), ˢʰᵒʳᵗ ˢˡᶦᶜᵉ ᵒᶠ ˡᶦᶠᵉ.
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Summer in the heart of the French capital can squeeze the life of its citizens like wringing out a wet cloth. Intense heat leaves people dry and lifeless at best. Everyone has their own way of coping with it, but the higher you live the harder it becomes to bear the scorching weather. The pair of our blond haired people have completely different approach to sun and temperatures, Violet is definitely more sustainable than her neighbor. This day was particularly annoying with its heat but when the day was finally setting to rest, and evening air filled out the Paris, it was finally the time for long awaited cigarette. First, wearing only shorts, the Frenchman settled on the balcony, bringing out the lighter and starting his little ritual. For him it was almost spiritual, to inhale the cancerous substances like they’re exquisite perfumeries and swallow he smoke like his lover’s aftertaste. Living in this brief moment he zoned out so much that he almost overlooked sudden movements on the balcony next to him. This is when a female voice pierced the air and sweetened the bitterness of cigarette
—Oh, myy, do my eyes deceive me? — She asked playfully, taking her first breath into the cig —I thought you died — Small smirk composed with clever eyes, so well integrated with her bright but tired face of a worker. She scanned his half bare body, no surprise in this weather, however she never saw this boy like that, and the growth on his face? That’s also new. It's been a while, even if their doors were next to each other.
— Good afternoon, and yeah, almost, I’m currently dying— He laughed softly while turning his body to face his neighbor. Correct, this man absolutely hates weather like that, so they hardly ever see each other in summer. His heat tolerance is basically non existent. So ironic.
—Yeah I can see that — She nodded while scanning his pretty body with her weary eyes. She had a fondness for everything that's beautiful, so looking was one way to appreciate it. They weren't close, but she wasn't blind. Even if her smile was full of tease.
—Careful, don’t fall in love — Francis joked when he saw how piercing those eyes can really be, not that he’s complaining. Starved for attention as always, but only a fool wouldn't take advantage of it.
—Sorry, I have someone else on my mind already - She smiled and approached him by standing closer to man’s balcony.— but speaking of the weather, I 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 go out every now and then, you really need a special temperature.
He only rolled his eyes and once again turned to face the Eiffel’s tower. —You really notice things like that, huh?
—Pfh, hard not to! You’re always complaining when I ask where have you been. „Ah it was too hot!”, „it was sooo cold”, „you didn’t see how windy it was?”
—Okay, you got me there - He admitted reluctantly, chuckling softly, learning how easily others could read things about him. Interesting, really. Hands rose in the act of giving up and more smoke poisoned those two - What can I say? I’m a bit picky.
—My condolences to anyone who asks you on a date. I hope they are lucky with the weather - Violet laughed softly, biting the white end of the cigarette, when her attention caught poor, dried out flowers in the flower pot on his balcony. Almost completely fried by the sun. Her plant loving heart just got punched —You should really pick some flowers, so the new ones could grow. And maybe water them more. Poor things are almost dead..
—That’s why I’m the one asking on them— He joked back and looked on sad bushes. Oh yes, he always forgets to water them, poor little plants.. He got them as a gift and still couldn’t care for them properly. Francis starts to feel like it’s some sort of a curse on him. It's was a bit irritating to see how creatures he adored so much were dying on him like flies.—Oh, yeah.. Thanks for the advice.
He smiled softly and she replied with the same. The rest of the conversation was little useless chitchat about work and their plans for the heatwaves. Finally Francis squished his addiction on the ashtray and both said their goodbyes. Meetings like this are happening once in a while. There was a time when he spotted his neighbor laying on the sunbed tanning her skin on her balcony. Is this woman made of fire?
"You'll get cancer because of this sun." He joked.
"And you'll die because of the cigarettes." She said with a smile, not even flinching.
Who knows how much time is going to pass until they meet again? How many sunsets and sunshines will pass, how many boiling summer days? Weeks? So close to each other but it sometimes feels like they are on two different planets. They'll finally collide due to some unfortunate events in Violet’s life. Will they put their differences aside and communicate? Or will lion swallow a little pigeon?
Who knows, those summer nights still hide many secrets.
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mrsvalbaker · 1 year
Part IV
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Disclaimer: Not proofread. Slight fingering. Dick against pussy grinding. French kissing.
A Kyle Scheible x OC fic.
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Kyle ended the mall trip by taking me to Build-A-Bear. I secretly am such a stuffed animal hoarder and he found my weakness. Do you know how many skelanimals I have? I picked out a black lab because I always wanted one, but mom would never let me have a dog claiming I'm the most irresponsible person she has ever met. I named my new little buddy Cerberus, and gave him two hearts instead of one because I love him that much and he deserves to be loved. I couldn't believe Kyle bought him for me.
I was trying to not look up at him with big heart eyes, that would be ridiculous and lame, and he'd make fun of me probably. 
Once we got in his car he drove me to the top of a hill overlooking the city.  "This has been a lot of fun." I said looking down as I stroked Cerberus' floppy ear. The Gin Blossoms were softly playing and it all felt a little romantic. 
He leaned in and tilted my chin to have me look up at him, his hooded green eyes focused on my lips made my heart race. "You have such a pretty mouth. "
I looked down again. "They're too thin." My mother always told me I had the kind of lips that couldn't even eat a hot dog.
"No way, they're shaped like a perfect pink heart." His voice was like a sexy soft Gossamer of a whisper.
"I thought you hated participating in the economy. You spent a lot on me today." 
He smirked. "I guess you made me break all my rules." He nuzzled my cheek. "Maybe you are a witch." We then looked into each other's eyes and he pressed his lips to mine.
I missed the feeling of his mouth on mine, as if we didn't make out an hour ago.
I let out a gasp of relief and so did he, like under that cool exterior he was desperate for me too, or was I just easy and available? I don't know, I can't think when he does that thing with his tongue.
I don't know when our seat belts became undone but his hand moved up my skirt to grasp my thighs and I loved the feeling of them there. I let out a shaking moan as he sucked on my tongue and rubbed circles on my inner thigh. I felt it, his thick hardness trying to rip through his pants.
I've never done anything before Kyle, and as he tore his red lips from mine to kiss and suck down my neck, I was trying to talk to myself logically. No Amberline, you should not be tempted to lift your skirt, push your panties to the side and ride his cock. No, don't do it, he'll make you regret it no matter how good his mouth feels–Oh God why does he look so hot with his head under my shirt?
My eyes closed and a breathy, high pitched moan fell from my lips as I felt him suckle on my nipples as he squeezed my breasts. His face was nuzzled and buried into my full cleavage as I reached for any part of him I could grasp. "Kyle!"
"I love your tits, I always have to force something grotesque in my brain to not get hard everytime I look at you." He moaned in his low voice before sucking on a nipple almost painfully.
I yelped and felt myself becoming wetter and wetter. No one has ever wanted my body this much or described it like that, I never thought anything but horrible things. I hated this body so much that I ended up in the hospital because of it, so to hear Kyle wanting it finding it desirable…
He ripped my shirt off and discarded my skirt, so quickly I was only in my panties before him. I attempted to hide myself, ever since I got "better " my stomach has been a little soft, my ass a little bigger and breasts now double D's, I looked away. "No." He growled softly and gently grabbed my face to force me to look at him. He kissed me slowly but the depth was there, he drowned me in the intensity and I lost myself to the point I unwrapped my arms from my body to wrap around his neck. His tongue gently nudged mine and his hands moved down my waist to my thighs, squeezing them.
With a gasp he pulled his mouth from mine and his hair fell in his face. "So hot, look at you baby, like my own personal centerfold for Playgoth."
I giggled causing him to groan, I felt his tent against me. "Don't do that, baby don't giggle, it'll make me bust. I need to be inside of you. I have to, I'll chew my hand off to get there." He kissed up and down my neck making me feel that dizzy feeling again. "Mmm Kyle, I- ah!" I moaned as he pushed his hand into my panties to roll my clit. "Oh f-fuck!" I squealed.
He licked my throat and nipped my jaw. "You're so wet Jesus." He slipped a finger in me as his thumb managed to tend to my clit, I almost burst into tears with the amount of pleasure inside of me like a volcano with lava ready to burst. "I'm a virgin!" I burst out.
He paused, his breath hot on my neck, I felt him twitch against me. "Fuck, fuck…that's so…" he pulled me closer with his other arm and I nuzzled his hair in response. "I know the concept of virginity is just a con invented by the church but fuck, I find it really hot that no one else has touched you like this. No one else has, right?" His question came out as a demand.
I shook my head. ''Everything was a first for me today. I promise."
He stole my mouth in an aggressive kiss, he kissed me so hard and I daresay possessively,  as he pulled me even closer the feeling of my naked body against his clothed one made me feel strangely safe. I hardly know him but I feel like I've known him forever. I feel like he's weighed down expectations and something else, and I want to be his happy place so badly, like he has become mine. I know my therapist told me not to be codependent but I can't help it, not with him I just can't. 
"Let's save that first for another time." He said when we came up for air.  He then undid his pants and stroked out his cock, I felt my abdomen burn and my pussy throb at the sight of a cock that could easily be mistaken as a flesh colored cucumber.  He was leaky at the tip and I had an urge to lick it. "You look so hungry for it baby, but right now I just want to feel you, can you do that for me? Be my good girl and let me just feel your wet heat?" 
I nodded.
"Words baby, I need words." I shivered
"Yes Kyle." 
He moaned and had me lay down and spread my legs, his eyes were on my jiggling breasts and he started to rub his engorged member against me, it was sandwiched between my folds and he slapped it against my clit a little earning a cry from me. He the held my body close he rocked against me, it felt so fucking good. "K-Ky-Kyle!" I whimpered.
He panted softly a whisper of a whimper oozed from and he began to rub against me faster as he sucked my breast into his mouth. I rolled my hips up against him whining as I tugged on his hair. "Fuck!" I have never felt so good, he makes me feel so good. I don't want it to end.
My fingers moved inside his shirt to rub his chest and he shuddered, grinding against me faster, his breathing uncontrollable  and I was glad I had the same effect he had on me. He lifted his mouth from my breasts to look into my eyes with burning intensity, rutting his hips faster. I cried out feeling close and I tried to close my eyes but he grabbed my jaw forcing me to to look into his eyes as his rutting became more aggressive against my clit and almost slipped down into my entrance. 
My lips parted as pornographic sounds came from it, his nostrils flared and his pupils dilated and I sucked in one of the fingers that held my jaw, causing his hips to snap forward sloppy and hard. "I'm almost- Kyle oh fuck, please, please, I- please!" Tears poured down my cheek in ecstasy and he leaned forward to lick up everyone. "You are such a good little girl for asking for permission, fuck where did you learn that?" His teeth grazed my cheek and his hold on my jaw squeezed tighter. "Cum!" He growled his command and I screamed his name as I released all over his cock and his pants. My body convulsed. I felt possessed, and he burst his cock released ropes and ropes all over my abdomen and dripped down my pussy.
He collapsed against me, cheek on my breasts. Panting like a dog, but not too weak to not hold me tight. "Inside of your pussy, wet hot, I felt with my fingers.." He mumbled all dazed. 
I was too happy to be confused.
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khihi · 1 year
As a french person who read les misérables at school but has never watched the movie/musical, I'm quite curious about what has attracted many (foreign) people to it. Feel free to rant and share your thoughts, I'm genuinely curious
OH GOD OKAY LOOK HERE'S THE THING FIRST OF ALL the musical is absolutely incredible. I'm a musicals fan in general but les mis is something else. It will make you cry and laugh and somehow it will also make you proud to be French even when you're not French.
Long rant/fucking essay under cut so I'm not bombarding everyone who doesn't care about musicals or dead French dudes
I wish everyone could watch a live performance of it as their first experience of les mis because I feel like most people only see either the movie or the 25th anniversary concert. And while I adore the 25th anniversary concert and I'm a Les Mis 2012 Movie Defender 4 lyfe, I think both of those won't anchor you into enjoying les mis quite as much as an actual, professional live performance of the show will (bc the anniversary is mostly just standing and singing and the movie is.. flawed).
Also I imagine your first experience of it being the brick probably would not help you see why foreigners love this story so much because that thing is CHONKY and I've absolutely not read all of it - I've literally only read bits of it that include my faves. Sorry Hugo but I'm not here to read your rant about Paris' sewage system, I'm here to read about Grantaire bullying Enjolras and laugh at Marius for crying against a tree for hours xx
Les Amis de l'ABC are the main attraction for me and I think a lot of les mis fans tbh. Their friendships combined with their doomed narrative is just the absolute best and worst, emotionally speaking thing. Just the fact they believe so strongly in wanting to change the world that they're prepared to fight and die for it but they're also just a bunch of super young guys who drink and laugh together makes my heart hurt. They're martyrs to a hopeless cause but they're so human.
It makes you want to see them happy and victorious (I know there are a lot of mundane college kids les amis fics out there where they're "all happy and nothing hurts" because of this) but also that doomed narrative is so delicious every single time (which is why me and other les mis fans come crawling back to rewatch the musical whenever we're presented with the opportunity).
And DO NOT get me started on ExR. Grantaire and Enjolras are THE most angsty ship in the world, they make me ill. Grantaire is so in love with Enjolras even though his depression makes him a lot more aware of just how fucked they all are in this revolution, he's like a moth to a flame. Also the guy who played Grantaire in the 2012 movie shipped ExR. George Blagden if you can hear me right now I owe you my life and I hate them for cutting your Drink With Me solo.
Also the female characters in les mis are SO FUCKING GOOD HOLY SHIT like yes Cosette and Eponine are both madly stupidly in love with Marius "Just Some Guy" Pontmercy but to me it always felt like Marius was their love interest rather than the other way around. He's the chain that links Valjean to the revolution and back to the Thénardiers, but Eponine and Cosette are both so much more interesting to me personally than him.
AND FANTINE?? Fantine who had her life torn to shreds and does everything in her power (of which she has NONE) to protect her little girl and is punished, like fucking everyone in the story, for being a good person?? but who is always shown to be a sympathetic character?? written in a time when women were possessions and prostitutes were seen as scum of the earth?? Once again it's emotionally catastrophic, but it's beautiful. I for one enjoy when stories reach into my chest and squeeze my heart to pulp.
ALSO I'm such a sucker for motifs and symbology and themes and all of that Good Literature Shit, which les mis has in buckets, so there's also that.
so yeah
tl;dr the characters are my babies, i love a masterfully crafted story, and the music makes me feel shrimp emotions. PLEASE SEE THE MUSICAL.
thank you for letting me infodump this fine sunday afternoon <3
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aajjks · 11 months
"of course" you say, your voice sprinkled with disappointment because you do see yourself with children one day. or with at least one child but you don't bother to bring up kids anymore. the moment you ask about his parents, he sours a bit and what he tells you makes you regret ever bringing them up in the first place. "oh God" you say as your eyes widen in shock upon the mention of his brother. the little boy that was smiling with him in the portrait.
it's quiet. too quiet.
neither of you say anything and now both of your hands are in your lap. you feel awful for bringing up his traumatic past. you wish you hadn't brought it up to begin with and jungkook can see you beating yourself up about it. but it's not your fault. his right hand once again finds yours to hold onto it. a way to reassure you and you crack a small smile. your hand squeezes his and your right hand begins tracing over his tattoos. "i'm sorry" you say breaking the silence. "i shouldn't have brought that up but you know you can tell me anything, right?" you say, switching your attention from his inked hand to his focused face. "whenever you're ready, i'll be here to listen"
and this, ladies and gentlemen, is why he’s in love with you.
your pretty angelic face, your soft voice, your everything.
he really hit the jackpot with you and after this, he's sure he'll never let you go. ever.
there's no doubt in his mind when it comes to you. you're literally perfect.
“I love you so much princess, you know that?” He smiles, finally, you make his heavy heart feel so light, so at ease. How are you so good at calming him down?
“And… sure.. when I’m ready.” He assures you. “Yn you have no idea how fucked up my life was before you. Baby you’ve added so much meaning to it.” He intervened his and your fingers together, rubbing circles onto your skin.
“Anyways.. I have a meeting with Francisca, yknow that French lady? Oh she’s such a nuisance… I hate to deal with her- wish I could spend all of my time with you.”
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Fic Origin Story
I was tagged by the marvellous @clottedcreamfudge and saved this link in my Notes to answer later.
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)? Lord of the Rings. So, I'm a true blue nerd. It was actually a story about the Entwives, because it was a fic exchange. I was like 14 and did so much research. It was not a good fic.
What was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you decide to write it? It was a dreadfully obvious derivative of a book I got at the library, written in glittery wax crayon, about an Egyptian servant girl who had a heart of gold and an evil priest who had a heart of stone and tried to swap them on the Scales of Justice. Illustrated, too!
What's a piece of advice you would give to your younger fic-writing self? “Stop thinking it's all got to be Big and Important and say Truthful Things! You're allowed to have fun!”  
What's an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback etc.)? Well, I remember joining a LoTR messageboard, so nervous, and then people being rude to me because I had the same kind of name as a recently-departed troll. However! People were a lot nicer after that, I met them in real life, and now two of them are my goddamn bridesmaids.
Post a sentence or two from one of your older fics, and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want). Oh goodness me, this was a delve into the dives of my Gmail. This is from 2007, an Angels Unlimited fic.
"I hated babysitting.
No, I mean—the kids were generally cute and the more well-behaved ones went to bed on time, and you got paid heaps, but it was the time before bed when they want to show off so badly I hated. You got the ballerinas prancing around in lilac tutus, putting on their very expensive satin ballet shoes, and you being forced to watch wobbly arabesques. And the doll-mad ones telling you about the adventures of magical Barbie and Ken and sometimes Skipper, undressing them and invariably losing one tiny plastic shoe. AND then the ones who fancied themselves geniuses and watched University Challenge and got nearly all the right answers. Okay, so that was only one, but still. I was struggling with my French homework that night.
However, I’d never had to babysit a really religious kid before. People generally aren’t religious round where I live. In Park Hall, there’s not much proof of life before death. Its two churches are both in an equal state of disrepair. Nobody in my class goes to church on Sunday, and nobody believes in God. If he actually existed, he’d make sure nobody’s older brother got shot, or their mum taken away. But kids are like sheep when they’re that small, aren’t they? They believe what their parents tell them. And so Hope Adams was Catholic, and Believed with a capital B."
And this is from my newest fic, Ghosted, a Red, White and Royal Blue one.
“Love,” Henry says reluctantly, and looks even more bashful as Alex sends a malevolent grin his way. “God, you’re incorrigible.”
“That’s me. Dead or alive, I can’t be corriged.”
It really is their stop now, and Alex suspects (correctly, as it turns out) that there are plenty of people waiting to get on and off. He and Henry manage to squeeze their way out after a young woman dressed in scrubs, and pass a man with a bandaged hand, a nurse who looks absolutely exhausted, a man in immaculate 1920s threads, and two older women who could either be 1950s ghosts or modern day women with capital ‘S’ Standards.
But God, he’s unprepared for the onslaught of ghosts in the hospital. They have to walk past A&E to get to the main entrance, and he sees people in hospital gowns and surgical scrubs, ephemeral strangers in ghostly wheelchairs. The ones that gut him the most are the three kids playing in the little garden attached to a paediatric ward, sheltered in a courtyard within the hospital grounds. He’s only been like this for a year. How’s he going to cope if he keeps going on? If he’s still a psychopomp in a hundred years? In a time without Henry?"
THIS WAS excruciating. Thank you for tagging me, though! Let's tag... @jazzerdoc, @mariusperkins, and @rhymingteelookatme.
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rainy-wallflower · 1 year
TW: child abuse, physical harm, kidnapping, and yelling
Here's a little story with an OC of mine and the song Brother by Madds Buckley, please be cautious of the heavier content
Thorn gazed at the still figure tied to the chair. They gnawed at their thumbnail as their heart pounded. The room was dark so it was hard to make out any details, but Thorn knew them all by heart. The boy had flame red hair, brown eyes, and was still wearing his school uniform. Thorn huffed, remembering the day they found out the younger boy was enrolled in their favorite high school, an idea that had been vetoed long ago. 
“Hey,” a gentle voice said, pulling Thorn from their thoughts. “You okay?” They turned to see their partner, Cameron, with a soft look in his eyes. He’d been against the whole thing, always the moral compass of the group, but now that they were here, there wasn’t much he could do about it. 
“I’m trying to be,” Thorn grunted, enjoying the way Cameron’s cold hand felt on their shoulder, providing some temporary relief from their own, natural warmth. “It feels like I have too many thoughts swirling around, and you know how I am when it comes to speaking. I don’t think I’ll be able to get the point across.” 
“Well…you have four of us right over here, whether you want us to intervene or not, we’re right within earshot-” 
Thorn took a deep breath. “I don’t want you guys listening. I love and trust you guys but he’s my brother. He's probably been through hell the same way I have, and the last thing he probably wants is having other people know about it. He’s always been strong like that.” They placed a hand over Cameron’s on their shoulder, ignoring his small wince from their heat. “Can you guys close those doors and just wait until I come and get you? I promise you’ll be able to hear me if I start yelling for you.” 
Cameron’s eyes focused on Thorn’s face, searching for any sign of emotion before nodding reluctantly. “Just don’t be too hard on yourself. The moment you want it to be over, you can walk away. You don’t owe him anything.” He gave Thorn’s shoulder one last squeeze before pulling away. “You got this.” 
Thorn turned back to the boy, watching for signs of him waking up. A door closed loudly behind them, probably shut a bit rougher than it needed to be, but it did the trick and the boy jolted awake. His head shot up and he looked around, struggling against his bonds. His arms were tied behind the back of the chair and his ankles had been secured to the legs. “Who did this?” He called into the dark. “Let me go! I’m not someone you want to mess with!” 
Thorn took another deep breath and padded into the room, trying not to think about how the floorboards creaked under their feet. “Calm down, little brother,” they said, settling themselves next to the fireplace, across from their brother. 
“Little brother?” The boy asked, eyebrows pinching together, trying to follow the movement in the dark. “Show yourself, coward!” 
“You shouldn’t be talking to your older sibling like that,” Rain replied, raising a hand and allowing it to alight with fire. The warm color filled the room and the boy gasped as he was finally allowed to see his captor. Their hair had been shaved except for the top, which was pulled back into a french braid. It was dark like soot with thick streaks of ash grey flowing through it; a far cry from their brother’s bright red. Their eyes, which had once looked at the boy so softly, were now hardened with years of hate. Their clothes were ratty and torn. Their jeans had more holes than jean and their black tank top was covered with various frays. With all the exposed skin, their various burn marks, scars, and other injuries were on display. The older turned their hand to the fireplace and allowed the fresh wood there to take the fire. 
Shadows were chased away and the two got a better look at the room around them, though Thorn knew it quite well. A half charred couch was pushed up against a wall, empty shelves sat around, covered in dust, and glass littered the floor from various broken picture frames. The boy wasn't taking in the room though, his eyes were trained on the figure that had disappeared from his life five years prior. 
The elder tried not to clench their jaw at their deadname, and instead folded their arms over their now flat chest. “I threw that name away when I left. It’s Thorn now, I’d appreciate it if you address me as such while we’re here.” The younger took a shaky breath and hung his head. “Anyway, it’s been a while. How’s it been?” They asked awkwardly. The younger boy huffed a small laugh wryly. 
“Well, for the record I’m still Ember,” he started. “And I feel like I should be asking you that question. You’re entirely different from what I remember…Thorn.” He raised his head again, his eyes almost unbelieving as he looked at his sibling once more. 
“Well, there’s not much to tell,” Thorn said, glancing back at the fire. “I had to get out of that house.” They ran a hand over their braid, feeling the frayed ends. “Did you know that too much stress can turn a person’s hair grey? I was hiding it while she was around, but once I finally left it came at me full force. Most of this is dye, just so you know.” 
“And all those burns? Don’t tell me you did that yourself?” Ember asked, voice shaking.
“Most were not voluntary,” Thorn shrugged. “Accidents happen when you try to play with fire.” They raised a hand and instead of normal orange flames, they burned bright blue and the temperature in the room went up a number of degrees, though it didn’t bother the two fire elementals too much. “It’s a handy little trick to have,” Thorn commented as they extinguished the fire. “It does come with a price, however. That’s why it’s good to be friends with water and ice elementals.” They gestured at the room around them, bringing attention to some of the smaller details. 
Not only was the couch charred, but various burn marks covered the walls, parts of the floor had fallen in due to damage, and worse of all, the wall above the fireplace had been burned beyond recovery. Where a decorative piece might have hung, only ashes and soot were left and a melted nail was still stuck in the wall. 
“Do you remember that day at all?” Thorn asked. 
“You know, I thought this place was familiar, but now I know where I am,” Ember said meekly. “Why are we here?” 
“Well, for one I didn’t think we’d be looked for here if anyone noticed anything in the, eh, three hours I’d have you,” Thorn started. “Also because I’ve made my peace with it. It’s incredible what can happen when you decide to just move forward. Has she gotten you into therapy yet?” 
Ember laughed without humor. “What makes you think she’d put me in therapy? Have you seen her lately or have you only been watching me? I don’t know what you know, but after you left she only got worse.” He glared at his sibling. “She didn’t stop looking for you for a whole month! She left me alone and literally went out to look for you! When she finally got back, despite having not been involved at all, she blamed me!” Ember snarled. “I am not blind to the fact that I’ve been blessed in certain ways. I had you to protect me when growing up, I got to go to a good school, I’m set up to go to a great college and I have amazing friends and I’m sorry that you didn’t have that, but I can’t see any reason for you to just abandon me with that monster!” 
Thorn balked at the sudden raised voice. They could tell it was only a fraction of Ember’s pent up rage from years of being left alone with her, but before they could even think of a decent reply, something else caught their eye. They stalked forward, a numbness spreading out from their chest. They ignored Ember’s surprised stuttering as they got closer and grabbed his chin, turning his head so they could get a good look at his neck. They hadn’t had the time to notice before, but there on the side of his neck was a burn scar in the shape of a hand. 
“Did she fucking do this?” Thorn’s voice seeped with rage. The flames in the fireplace grew hotter as Thorn examined the injury. They reached up with their free hand and tugged at Ember’s collar, allowing them to see more of the injury. A few scars on Thorn’s body started to burn as they remembered the unbearable pain of someone else’s fury on their skin. 
“What do you think?” Ember spat. “That one is from five years ago. She decided I was the one who told you to get out of the house and she went after me. Do you know how hard it is to convince people that a burn mark in the shape of a hand, on your throat,  is your own fault? If CPS had shown up I’m sure she would have actually killed-” Ember cut himself off as Thorn got up and stumbled back towards the fireplace, a vacant look on their face. 
“I dunno.” They said quietly, staring at a spot on their forearm. “I wonder how hard it would be to tell everyone that the burn marks that keep popping up are your own, even though you tell everyone you literally never use your element because of how much it hurts people.” They fixed Ember with a stare. “I’m sorry that she took it out on you. You were always her golden child so I figured you’d be safe. But you know what? Having a new burn all the time that you didn’t give yourself takes a toll on a person.” They glanced back at the fireplace, and then the area above it. “You didn’t answer me when I asked you about it earlier, but do you remember that day? I’d stashed you in your bedroom before I told her, and when I did she lashed out, so I did as well. 
“Do you know what happens when you try to use a large amount of power when you haven’t practiced with it before?” Thorn grinned and licked at their lips with a strange hunger. “It goes wild. It was the first time I discovered blue flames. It was only for a second but it set everything ablaze. It scared me at first, she cried out and suddenly there was fire raging all around me, but then I realized what was happening. This place where I’d felt trapped my entire life was being destroyed by my own power.” Thorn turned to the fireplace and willed the temperature to rise a little more. “I had just come into adulthood and was about to set out and be independent for the first time in my life, and I was destroying the place that’d held me captive all those years. So I let the fire rage, and I left without a care.” 
“You left me without a care then.” Ember murmured, staring at the flames in the fireplace. Thorn’s silence said everything the younger boy needed to know and he hung his head again, trying to hide the tears that had gathered in his eyes. “You left me! She threw me in some hotel and left me just after you did! I didn’t hear from either of you for a month and when she came back she said she had a new house ready and essentially threw me in my room for the rest of the summer!” He sobbed, trying to curl in on himself. 
Thorn padded closer and wrapped their arms around their younger brother, which only made him curl in on himself more. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know she would do that. I know it’s partly my fault. But listen,” they pulled away and forced Ember to look at them again. “I’m here with my friends. I’m sure you remember them, Cam, Alex, Aither, and Nixie? We’ve all experienced shitty things growing up, which is why we’re out here fending for ourselves, and we’ve never been happier,” they tried for a smile. “The reason I brought you here was to try and catch up a little and see if you’d join us. We’ll get you out of her reach. You’ll disappear from her line of view and she can work herself up into a frenzy on her own and either hurt herself or get herself caught. And then since you’re away from her and with good people you’ll be able to work on yourself! We can help with any types of trauma or feelings, I know we’re not professionals but we’ve been helping each other for the past five years so-”
“So you want me to join your friend group when I told you earlier I have my future planned out ahead of me? I have friends, Thorn. I’m going to college. I’m already on my way to being out of her reach.” Ember glowered. “I don’t know what the hell you’ve been doing but it doesn’t seem healthy and I don’t want any part of it. Besides, why would I want to join the person who left me in the hands of our abuser? You couldn’t have tried to help me get out, or send someone to help get me out? You just burn the place we used to live in and then leave me to deal with the consequences? I’m sorry, but the moment you decided to walk out without considering if anyone else mattered to you, you lost your chance.” 
“You know, if you took all that anger you’re feeling, I’m sure you could turn it into something great,” Thorn sighed and stood up. They moved towards the fireplace and leaned against it. “Strong fire can’t be controlled by someone with weak emotions. If you were to try even a little bit it’d,” they gestured to the room once again, “go everywhere. I’ve made my peace with what happened, and that is what allows me to do what I want. You’re still hurting, and that’s fine, but know that if you don’t do anything with it, it’s only going to get worse, no matter how promising your future looks.” Thorn extinguished the fireplace, plunging the room into darkness so the siblings couldn’t see each other. “I left you alone in that house because if I had stayed I would have died, either by her hands or my own. That place was never home for me, and if I ever wanted to get better I needed to find where my home was, and that was with my friends. Sorry for wanting to share that with you. If you want to go wallow in your self pity and stick by her side like some little lapdog, go ahead. It’s not my responsibility to care for you the rest of your life. I’m sorry if it hurts you, but that’s not my problem anymore.”
“You can’t just say shit like that-!” 
“I watched this room burn with the power of my own flames!” Thorn cried. “I saw everything around me being destroyed and I liked it! It was freeing and for the first time I felt like I had power in a situation and I never looked back! The only thing I learned is that I can still hurt myself no matter how powerful I feel, so I have to be careful with the destruction I cause, because I don’t want to hurt those I care about along with me. Now, since we’re obviously at an impasse, I’m going to leave. We used regular ropes so you can just burn them off if you want, but you should calm down first. We don’t want this room going up in flames again.” 
Ember inhaled sharply, and for a moment Thorn thought there was a small amount of light in the room. They blinked a few times and it left, but a strange feeling of anxiety started to strangle their chest. They put a hand over their heart and rubbed at it slightly before turning to leave the room. 
“Have a good life, little brother. When we meet again I hope you’ll have your shit sorted.” 
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