fuck babe you’re so hot when you’re just ink on paper
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Did the double feature of Barbie and Oppenheimer…WITH MY BOY!!!!! My love is in America, and we’re going to see Niagara Falls and both movies were 10/10, both very different so I can’t say which was better but I both loved them, it brought my love of history, science, poly-sci (new word learned I’m very happy), woman, and my boy. But I gave him the side eye a lot for Oppenheimer…he’s German (but Jewish)
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My biggest red flag is that I learned a lot of English from The Office (the American one).
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Verrückt? Ich wurde einmal richtig verrückt. Sie haben mich in einen Raum gesperrt, einen Gummiraum, mit Ratten, und Ratten machen mich verrückt.
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(My boo is better than yours, ICH LEIBE DICH!!!!!)

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Doesn’t speak German 🤝 Doesn’t Speak French
(I try to teach him and he tries to teach me but we end up only teaching each other swear words or making fun of our accents. But oh my god so soon!!!!!!)
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I’M ABOUT TO SEE HIMM IN A MONTH!!!!!!!!! I missed my little German boy, mein kleine deutsche Junge, mon petit garçon allemand. I haven’t seen him in a year holy shit, Mon petit chou. AGJZGDHXYEJDJHDDJXJX
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POV: You’re an average French girl living in America

“Little white men from the United States scurry to me, like rats.”
- Sam’s Tailor
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The movie was fading out into silence the credits rolling, the music slowing.
If he was being honest with himself the movie was kind of shit, but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. But it didn’t surprise him that she laid fast asleep on his side.
Her body was curled up in the fetal position and her arms wrapped around his torso. A small smile crept onto his face at the sight. He couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted nothing more than to hold her tightly and never let go. He’d die a happy man if all he got to do was be in her presence.
“Love?” He said softly to get her to wake.
When she had been awoken, she didn’t even open her eyes. She grumbled and pulled him closer nuzzling herself deeper into his side.
“We’ve got to get to bed, sweetheart.” He whispered.
“I don’t want to.” She mumbled in her sleepy state.
“Come on, I’m getting sleepy.”
“…you’ll just look at my ass.” She babbled barely making sense.
“What?” He questioned lightly giggling, and his eyebrows furrowing.
“I’ll waddle up the stairs and you’ll just…you’ll just stare at my butt.” She said trying to figure out what word comes next.
“I promise you I won’t look at your ass.”
“I don’t trust you!” She argued slowly falling back asleep.
“I’ll carry you up if it’s that big of a deal.” He chuckled.
She smiled clinging to him more.
“I’d like that.” She said before dozing off once more.
He playfully scoffed at her childlike behaviour, but picked her up bridal style and brought her up the stairs.
“Thank you, stinky man.” She said wrapping her arms around his neck as he brought her up the stairs.
“No problem, m’lady.” He joked.
“I can’t hold enough of you in my hands.” She grumbled adjusting her grasp.
“Still quoting Kafka when half asleep, huh?”
“You know it.” She said.
Finally they had reached the top of the stairs and he made it to the bedroom. He laid her down on the mattress cuddling up next to her and pulling the covers over her. And when everything was situated her arms made there way back around him.
“I love you.” He spoke kissing the top of her head.
“Love you too, bozo.”
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