#i hate my art rn and im trying to change how i do it
vilelittlecritter · 6 months
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Some OffMori doodles I did in college. It's not alot but I wanted to try atleast make something.
Drawings just becoming difficult the now and I've just felt right pissy recently.
Hopefully it doesn't last long but take some mediocre doodles while you wait
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backformores · 1 year
[vent tp pls ignore my insanity.]
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hinamie · 9 days
hi hina! in terms of your art, what would say is your strength(s) and what is your weakness?
!!!! omg ily mariam you're always so good at asking rly thoughtful questions that make me take a step back n Ponder,, tbh im not sure if this is just a Me thing or if every artist experiences this but i feel like my main strengths/weaknesses in my art are just reflective of the strengths/weaknesses i have in all areas of my life .., i am not going to unpack that too much tho smile :)
a bitch is Persistent !!! when I decide to learn how to do something i put in 200% to learning it and learning it Well . ths how i got good at drawing a lot of the things im told i'm "good" at --i did it with hands i did it with torso anatomy i did it with clothing ,, i did it with yuuji's gd hair,, the list goes on !! also i think this is maybe related to why i love making character reference sheets ? granted they take forever and i hate it while i'm in it but at the end of the day i am a proud character sheet Advocate. if u ever want to really hammer something into ur brain .. character sheets.... angles......just sayin ! shit works.......
character design listen i dont want to sing my own praises too much but character design rly is one of my favourite kinds of art to do and i think . im maybe a bit good at it.,, idk,... :3 fr though I put so much time and effort in2 the research and ref compiling and it takes Hours on pinterest and 543254 open tabs but finally getting to put the pieces all together to make something cohesive makes all the pain worth it . whether it's for an oc or an existing character i love designing outfits or alternate forms that Tell u something abt the character i love translating personality into clothing choices and silhouettes and colours and hiding little defining Traits and !!! idk i just have so much fun :'> it reminds me why i love art
kind of the dark side of persistence, a bitch is Stubborn and Resistant to Change (not just an Artist Flaw(tm) but also a recurring Character Flaw i need to work on gsfdhjfsgd) . I find i don't know how to easily break habits or push myself outside of what's Worked for me in the past, even if i know that other, better ways exist ,,. like I joke abt working harder not smarter and complaining about it but that's not even a joke that's just what I do because I'm too afraid of being Bad at something or trying something and having it not work so I just stick to what I know :( smh if comfort zones r meant to b left why r they comfortable.......
perspective/rooms/dynamic poses,, look ik im microdosing on these rn but a lot of it is still so HARD ,, improvement jail.... :( unique poses r starting to come easier with reference but rooms i hate u . how do u make objects look like they are in a scene and not on it . how to give objects Weight ????? i dont get it...
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dansevilpianotea · 18 days
i really wanted to make a proper dan birthday post/art today but im super tired rn, so its not happening. instead im writing something personal and philosophical because im an autistic philosophy student and its all im capable of doing.
you will get up that hill
thank you @danielhowell for growing up with me, even tho its only been 5 years (almost), its been the most important 5 years of my life (so far lol).
when i skimmed through ywgttn again recently i realised how much i have changed since i first read it 2 years prior. i used to reject any kind of help despite feeling really bad because for so long my needs were ignored, i was blamed for it or i was given solutions that were toxic and dismissive of my feelings. but i kept going. addicted to the loneliness and the pain, but i knew that this wasnt all there is. i managed to move to a different country on my own at 18, i knew that there was a light at the end of my horizon. i mean, its really not like that tho. there is a sun and it rises every morning, but it also goes down in the evening. it can seem pointless, banal, some might say absurd. pushing up that rock every morning and it rolling down when the sun sets. for me, it felt like the rock was just sitting at the bottom of the hill and i didnt have enough strength to even consider moving it. but this is not all there is. we can change, and the way we change to get better is not rapid but its a slow process of not just trying, but trying again despite failing. this is not a fight that is possible to lose. you only lose it when you dont touch the rock. if it is already at the bottom, you cant get it down further than that. your only way is up. and yes, it can roll down again, but there are checkpoints. connections we make, people we love and who get to love us. risks we take and secrets we reveal that make us stronger to try again. this is your life. you can just pick it up and try. and try again. and try it even tho everyone wants you to hate every second of it and do not believe you can do it. but you can. the only mistake you can make is letting them make you believe that progress has to be fast. even if it takes you 30 years to reach this checkpoint, the more you try to go up, the stronger you will get. its not about sitting there doing nothing and its not about being upset that you cant make it fast enough. you cannot plan for the route up the hill. you learn along the way. its about trying to push the boulder when everything inside of you screams at you that change is scary and everyone outside of you either pushes you to do it in their specific way or they tell you that you cannot do it. the boulder is your life and the hill is happiness. its not yourself who you should push, but the way you need the environment to be so you can be happy. the only true rebellion is happiness. when you are forced to live inauthentically, they do not want you to be happy. even if they think they do all they really care about is you not disturbing their prejudiced view of the world, of you being controlled by them. the gods punished sisyphus. they wanted him to suffer under their authority. the only choice you have to become happier is to make it up that hill and to do it with a smile on your face. even if you are not happy, you just need to want it and to believe that you can get there from your current situation and not through a miracle from an outside force. there is no other choice.
2 years ago my counsellor said to me that i was very good at being scared of things (lol), but i do them anyways inspite of the fear. ever since i can remember i was scared of the most mundane changes, from walking on a different side of the road on my way to school to asking my friend about their dog. but i still wanted to do all those things. i was just incredibly scared of chaos and rejection. so i didnt do them. but i dont regret not doing them. because with every time that i failed i get to try it again but with even more strength. and this is how i got here. my life has changed in such a significant way since i watched your coming out video and thats because of you and this community. i had dreamed of getting out of my hometown for years and i didnt think i could. but when you said the following: "Time changes everything. With the lives that we have, we can try anything we've dreamed of. [...] you are never trapped. There is always hope. You just need to believe in yourself and get to the other side." i needed to hear that. i didnt even know i was gay back then (thanks for that too) but as someone who was bullied for years and had my self esteem wrecked, i didnt think i had enough power. in fact, i really didnt for a long time. but i kept trying and pushing the line further until eventually i could free myself from the traps i was in my whole life. thank you dan. without your community i dont know where i'd be in life but i can only imagine it'd be worse. thank you for being born and continue living defiantly and pushing that bolder up that hill that is happiness. you are an inspiration.
(also shoutout to my phanhub friends, which btw i cant believe how long we've known each other know. i love you guys <3)
happy birthday @danielhowell 🖤🏳️‍🌈
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mississpissi · 1 year
i started writing this in the tags on bulk's post but i got pretty off topic so i'm just gonna put it here.
whenever theres a conflict in night vale, i like think about whats going on in the real world. finknor are really really good at satirizing very real and heavy issues and somehow finding ways to bring out the beauty and awe and community that can exist no matter how bleak things seem- it’s a huge part of what i love about wtnv.
this arc and janet specifically is so interesting to me because of exactly this. 
i think part of why we're so obsessed with lubelle as a villain is bc we KNOW she's the villain. we can see her disrupting the town and using her language and “logical explanations” to get rid of things she doesn't like- to get rid of that which makes her uncomfortable. its satisfying for us to hear cecil call for the town to shut her out! its satisfying to hear of the town storming her campus, confronting her and calling her out as being in the wrong! its satisfying to know that, by the end of this season, things will be resolved in some way that leaves us feeling hopeful. that things might look different, that dynamics might change and characters will have changed, but that there is some sort of resolution coming. 
it’s also heartbreaking (though very fun from strictly a storytelling perspective) to see that the efforts cecil and the town have made so far aren’t working. it’s heartbreaking to hear cecil be at such a loss as to what he can do, to try to avoid violence for carlos’ sake, to feel hopeless. to watch him put his trust and hope in someone who is promising freedom from janet's tyranny only for that to be shattered.
sometimes i wish i could go grab a pitchfork and storm on the people who are trying to explain away the existence of people i love. i would be lying if i said i didn’t sometimes feel at a loss as to what i can do- as to what authority figures i can trust, where i can put my hope. sometimes i want to yell on public radio for everyone to shut out the hateful, hurtful people in power. sometimes i feel paralyzed like i imagine carlos has in this arc. i don’t know that there will be a neat resolution to everything going on in the world right now, but i am trying to remember that there ARE people taking action. that there are people trying to make the world a better place, who want good for everyone around them. that there ARE people marching and yelling for change. that there IS beauty and awe and good and community no matter how bleak things feel. idk. i might be projecting too much here but also isn’t that what art and story is all about? just… i love this narrative bc its fun and exciting, but also bc it is such a brilliant mirror being held up to world rn. and now im gonna go back to hoping cecil is kidnapped and so so sad and scared and hoping that steve carlsburg will use his hope and love of his community and unique knowledge and perspective to save the day. or carlos or whatever. sorry im so insane ab this little podcast.
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skullytotheark · 3 months
Doodle Dump: part one i think
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Toby mask test: drew him with one of my oc's gas Mask as a test because I'm having a slight design crisis. Dunno he'll end up having it at the end though. The mask was heavily inspired by the reboot toby's mask but i made it into like a pyro tf2 style gasmask
The reason I kinda wanna change the mask is 1: To be kinda unique to my design 2: The half mask & goggles aren't really intimidating, I feel like if you see some maniac with a gasmask on holding an axe it's abit more scary then some emo w/ a pair of goggles in a hoodie
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Toby unmasked concepts:
Recently i thought of redesiging toby for my creepyhornets au. At first I was thinking of leaning more towards the reboot design for My Toby however I did end up going to the Right image. The first image ended up getting modified and turned into a "toby inspired oc" named Garfield robinson
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Garfield Robinson "The Woodland Maniac": This character was made for my "creepypastas but OCS" au. A big trouble im having w/ him is that idk if I should give the mask to Him or Toby... Tbh I think he might end up keeping it at the end. I do have more "creepypastas but ocs" characters but im gonna try & make two more ocs before i do a full post on the AU
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Silly Zalgo concept: Wanted to try & design zalgo in my creepyhornets canon. That's it tbh
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Thomas Watson "Dollface": Another character for the "creepypasta but ocs" au. From now on im just gonna call the au "Clear Skies 75" because i had that name laying around for abit. But as you can tell this character is inspired via "Masky" because I fucking LOVE masky.
Inspirtation: His face is semi inspired by Joel from ltou game and I kept Tim's bodytype from Marble hornets because I don't like twink masky at all [I WILL RANT ABOUT HOW I HATE FANON MASKY DONT EVEN RN]. The main theme of the au is that the characters are semi inspired by "creepypastas" [masky & hoody are rare exceptions] and I take my own little originality to it. As for the Mask I was sort of inspired by concept art for brahms in from the boy, Random stertypical dummies and halloween masks back in the 80s where it was just the character's face
Story: Thomas's story is kinda similiar to the story of marble hornets with the whole "Stopping the sickness" thing. But instead it's pretty much camping trip gone wrong. Will be expanded upon in a seperate post once i ACTUALLY write it down instead of being a lazy ass
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Bryan Hoffman "Null": Another clear lakes 75 oc. Heavily inspired by Hoody & Skully. Bryan starts off as a "hoody" character, dies then returns as Skully. I still havent designed "Hoody" yet but all i can really imagine is little spiral on a black spandex mask w/ a black hoode for the design
I'll probably do more drawing dumps eventually, I dont reallyyy wanna just repost my content from tiktok but we'll see i guess.
See y'all in the next post
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reversedumbrella · 4 months
hello and happy birthday!! I wanted to thank you for your art, your comics always make me smile anytime I see them and I really love how expressive the faces you draw are! Your demon OC's are also very cool looking... would you like to tell something about them? do you make these for some story or just for fun? 👀
Hope you have a good day.. or night!
thank you!!
my demon oc's are just for fun! they belong to a series of stories "demonicismos" which i don't plan on ever writting. sometimes i don't even remember their stories! i always find myself revising these characters and changing stuff about them and how their world works. i haven't got the opportunity to infodump about these uys in years (actually counting for how long some of them have been around is making me sick)
im going to talk a lot about them. like. A LOT
checking the demonicismos tag on my blog led me to discover i have never really posted much about them, despite the fact that i made charater charts in 2020 or something (unavailable to me atm. most drawings of these characters are away from me rn)
nowadays i don't really care much about them. i've thought about doing a digital card game with them like south park: phone destroyer (yes i used to be into south park. im not ashamed of it. im using this example bc i really liked how a kid could only ever be in the battle field one side at the time. if your opponent played character A and you also had that one, you had to wait until they opponent's died. i also thought about playing around with character dinamics. if a character saw someone they hated join their team, they'd join the enemy team and vice-versa. i got distracted so i never started programming it)
currently im mostly trying to redesign the characters as an exercise for myself. these were the original concepts for egil (pink), marcel (orange/red) and antonio (yellow), versus more recently (i am unhappy in regards to marcel and antonio)
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Design Rules
my ideas have changed over time and with them how characters should look. first there weren't any rules, i just drew whatever. then i choose that every demon should have horns and a tail even in human form - it would be a reminder of what they lost. they'd never be human again. then i went back and forth on how much demons could change their shape. it ended with all demons having a human form and a demon form, with some having specific shapeshifting habilities but always with horns and a tail (egil can stretch his limbs but mostly does so in order to be the tallest guy in the room) my last rule, added for this exercise, is that all demons always have their human face. the idea came from that undertale quote - "despite everything its still you" no matter what you do its still you. the good. the bad. you. demons can blame their behaviour on the "corruptive nature of hell" but its them
Basic Lore
i debated myself over wheter or not i'd talk indept about worldbuilding lore, which would triple this post's size. let's go through the basics. people die and become demons in hell. hell is divided into numbered layers and where someone goes after they die is judged according to the motto "nobody deserves to suffer". people that actively stopped others from suffering go to layer 1 and people that found joy in other's suffering go to 9. a demon belongs to a layer but can go to the ones below it, but not above (demons from 5 can go to 6,7,8,9 but not 4,3,2,1). demons are souls, and their physical bodies are made of mud transformed by that soul. i was inspired by some papers i read on witchcraft. demons couldn't manifets physical bodies so they'd trick people with smoke, gases and dust in the air a demon can only have one body at a time. if their arm is cut off 1) they reattach it or 2) a new one grows at the same pace the other turns back into mud. if the entire body is destroyed they reform from the mud in ground demons dont need to eat or sleep but feel hunger and sleepyness. hell is a punishement for their behaviour so layer 1 is ok, layer 9 is... not. money is also a thing. because this is hell
demons have powers based on personality and character flaws
a demon's size is based on their strength - how big their soul is - but their human form is the size of their human alive self. there are 3 ways for a soul to grow. 1) feel strong emotions, then rest and absorve those emotions. its important to rest. 2) cannibalism. eating other demons body part will give that part's strength 3) deals. a demon can share their power. deals are fast but demand consent. cannibalism is slow but nobody can stop it
Finally talking about the Characters
i don't remember very well the first story i made. it was about a boy that had another boy living in his head. and the boy in his head was really angry because he couldn't do anything and when he got extra angry things started to burn and melt around them
miguel (or michael or any other version of this name)... actually i just remembered i wanted to do this guy's story
Egil. his original design was based off angel dust from the hazbin hotel pilot and i don't think he has changed that much.
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those blue branches on his head are the guy who killed him. there are ways to permanetly end a demon and after egil did that, the dude fused into his head. the pink arms and legs are rubber gloves/boots. he's a biologist, specialized in genetics. his house/layer is full of vats filled with unnatural stuff growing in there. he doesn't have friends, he's prone to anger and always has to be the smartest person in a room - this goes with his tendency to always be the tallest person in a room. his shapeshifting powers come from his unhappines with himself and inferiority complex. he used to love biology but now tries to gain knowledge just so he can know more than the people around him. he gets angry easily so he's an unpleasant person to be around so he doesn't have any friends so he convinces himself he doesn't need anyone and i hope im making sense here
antonio and marcel. father and son. marcel my baby. you deserve a redesign more than anything
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back when the stories where set in an alternative earth with history similar to ours, antonio was an italian american. now i don't know. he went around killing fascists and made immortality magic so strong one of those "get rid of you permanetly" things just sent him to hell and is now lodge in his heart. he can remove the sword and use it as a weapon but his beating human heart is there and removing it will kill him permanently (unless you put the sword through another heart) in hell he had time to think and understood that he was only killing fascists to saciate his bloodthirst on people he deemed deserving of death. the true way of ending fascism is with good infrastructure and school system. killing fascists became an hobby
marcel... my sweet son marcel that deserves better colors. rules don't apply to him he can do whatever he wants and i'd let him. technically a cannibal
quick sketch of the sisters. i don't rememeber their names. i dont even remember if they had names. based on a bird and on a pupper/spider. cannibal vs deals
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they're both very manipulative. the bird one, the older sister, always got the upper hand at home so the spider one let out her frustrations by manipulating and controlling people. the bird one can turn people to birds and control them if they hear her play her harp. this counts as cannibalism (slow and no consent needed). the spider one manipulates weaker demons into bellonging to her by deals. in their story they end up fighting each other as they scream their frustrations, coming to the conclusion that everything is their mother's fault (wrong)
barbara and barbara, one is based off a carnivorous plant and the other a bear
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i had never thought of them as friends until i started the redesigns but now i kinda like the idea. they're both cannibals with my favourite being the plant one. in this drawing she's missing teeth on those big green jaws. she closes them with some guy inside and digests him
i have so many more characters but i've also been writting this the whole afternoon
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edith-is-a-cat · 2 months
07: What did you last eat?
08: Played any sports?
09: Do you bite your nails?
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
18: Are you scared of spiders?
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
26: What are you craving right now?
30: What’s irritating you right now?
32: What is your favourite color?
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
51: Favourite food?
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
58: Favourite weather?
59: Do you like the snow?
62: What makes you happy?
69: Do you believe in soulmates? (/p and/or /r)
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
I enjoy answering questions online and not irl im so peculiar,,, but omg yipe
07: What did you last eat?
Juicy Peach Alani
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08: Played any sports?
I did volleyball, track, and cheer... I like the community of sport but its not really for me
besides track absolutely love running and would liek to get better at it!!
09: Do you bite your nails?
When they break I will bite it off and chew it a bit to even it out,, I probably would bea nail biter if I didn't hate the feeling of chewed on nails (I literally have to file them with what ever I can when one breaks)
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
I believe 1-2 times, usually for things im super excited for (I remember being up at 3 am already ready for a school event.. sadly i don't remember for what) I don't see myself doing that these days (okay I may do that for the Glass Animals concert coming up,,,)
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
Iike a gross teenager
maybe a little hungry
my leg is hurting again BLEH STOP HURTING BODY
18: Are you scared of spiders?
Nope! but my sister was! I was sent in to deal with bugs in our bathroom
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Yes, not to change anything unless I know the exact outcome of everything that i changed, but i would love to visit some things
24: What is/are/were your best subjects)?
Math was... im making 76,,,,
Everything else is an A excpet for web design its boring we aren't even being taught anything I DIDN'T EVEN WANT THAT CLASS >:T
Chemistry is currently my favorite class ever along with the tried and true art
26: What are you craving right now?
Pumpkin pie and chipolte
30: What's irritating you right now?
How noisy it is rn and that im hungry
32: What is your favourite color?
Pink, sage green, lavender, gold, and idia's hair
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
I never really remember my dreams, i never really get people in my dreams either,,
I remember Ms. Auburn being in my dream, she was my teacher an i had to get papers copied for them!
51: Favourite food?
I've never really had a favorite food which sucks
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
sent xen this
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58: Favourite weather?
Foggy/cloudy/dim/not sunny
i like being able to open my eye fully and comfortably
59: Do you like the snow?
62: What makes you happy?
okay time to be really specific:
2012 internet
this GTLive video, i watched it durning school and it was so nice i was trying not to giggle (I was freaking out about my math teacher sending me to his room during study hall aka the only time i see my irl during school + he told me jack shit about it so woooo go distractions)
My favorites on tiktok they are usually funny vids to cheer me up
mutuals + my irl (HI SAM)
My old as teddy bear (ITS AS OLD AS ME)
sweet things :333333
69: Do you believe in soulmates? (/p and/or /r)
Yes and multiple humans are social creatures one is not enough
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
so many,, so mannyyyyyy, including you
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
im a bit late bc i was at work all day but time for ep37 reactions!! i cant believe its already here
- now ive heard everyone talking about the intro i bet its gonna be a rickroll or some shit
- hermie mention in the intro im so calm and cool and chill about this /j
- WILL CAMPOS U ABSOLUTE MADMAN. i already knew he was gonna find a way around using revivify but THAT WAS WILD
- are people gonna start drawing normal w that piece of jewelry now. bc i wanna. i already like drawing him w bracelets
- oh god what is beths fact gonna be.
- "i just keep meeting all the right people at all the wrong times" BETH MAY U ARE EVIL. THE PLOT OF THIS EPISODE HASNT EVEN STARTED AND IM ALREADY EMO
- NICKY BETTER FUCKING SHOW UP im curious to see what they actually decided on for the reason for him not being there last episode
- HERMIE WAS REMEMBERED giggles and kicks my feet
- were getting terris reaction rn i cant believe this is happening
- IM starting to feel sick godddd
- i bet im gonna see art of the lincoln and taylor piggyback ride hehe
- "theres my girl" STFUUUUUU
- "just wake him up" I. HATE. THIS EPSIODE
- "whoooa shit thats fucked up!" anthony burch i know u are just so incredibly pleased w urself.
- there was never a more obvious lie than willy saying hell revive terry
- beth is out for fucking blood this episode. god she is so good at making the audience feel for her characters
- halfway through the episode now. cant wait to see what could possibly go wrong next!!
- i love whenever anthony allows a fun rulebreaking idea to work
- rons status remains a mystery....
- "we could do a whole scene w just hermie and all the other ones" u joke matt but i enjoy every scene w hermie no matter how unnecessary and drawn out
- as always linc and taylor are such a funny iconic duo
- i just realized WE STILL HAVENT SEEN NICKY!!! GODDAMN!!!
- "the gayest fucking mecha of all time" swiftli fans do u like the new ship name /j
- ig i cannot deny it anymore swiftli is practically canon atp
- i thought nicky got all his limbs back?? did anthony just forget
- btw ive probably been waking up my whole house w how hard im laughing over swiftli this episode
- "so what are u gonna do, ur gonna kill me?" as i said before. i hate this episode.
- i just had such a weird thought/prediction. but i will hold my tongue. bc the last time i said something like this it came true and i do not want this to come true
- "i love u and i hate that u made me love u when u are who u are and u knew it." I WISH U COULD SEE MY FUCKING FACE RN. HOLYYY SHIT THATS DEVASTATING
- oh. my. good. lord.
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quinnonimp · 1 year
two things. one, your art is absolutely wonderful. i love the warm tones and style. two. got any like. weird art tips. like just weird things you do that work really well. or just art tips in general lol. there's something bout your style that makes me go ':D' lmao
aaaaaa tysm !!!! very glad u like my style <33 means a lot
and yeah id say i have quite a few with the way im very experimental n passionate abt art !
>> i think my weirdest one is rly just the main way i render tbh ? like, as u can pretty easily see with my main art style is that its all very crunchy n pixelated, n thats all cause i have anti-aliasing off for my brush . i render in a pretty unorthodox way but it makes things so so so much easier and more fun for me, even if its more time consuming for several reasons
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heres a little bit of an infographic ive whipped up that hopefully u can get smth out of lmao . its 6am ive been up all night drawing as usual so im having a lot of trouble doing things properly sorry sorry
and the funny thing is this is aaaaaaaaall just cause i hate blending and am scared of committing to things (esp colors) so i just decided "okay whatever im gonna be goofy and just make it all pixelated idc anymore" and it worked !! (thanks homestuck) art is sm more enjoyable since i started doing this as it fits perfectly with the way my brain works and its helped me sm with getting better at colors bc of the way i have to do every single color manually (for several reasons like how i have to keep track of every color ((which makes me recycle them a lot more making things look more united)), gradients r the most fun to do but i have to make sure all the colors "blend" together nicely, i get to change them super easily, etc etc)
however these days i HAVE been trying to get back into working with anti-aliased brushes just to get out of my comfort zone n such, but tbh the only thing its helped me with is remind me how much more fun drawing aliased is and how absolutely dogshit i am at blending FDJHJKDF
also it makes me better at minecraft skins since im so used to working with pixels !
>> another little weird thing i have that honestly just goes against basic art rules is experiment by having ur values be as close together as possible without losing contrast . this is horrible as a tip, but fun as an experiment, and for me its just fun since i already know pretty well how values work and have enough experience to break the "rules" - because lot of times good shading colors r actually lighter than the original when put under b&w
so if ur like me i would recommend trying it out ! if u dont even know what values are then this ISNT good for u, do values properly as they really help
>> if u struggle a lot with side profiles, just learn from the gorillaz demon days album art . like literally im not joking that is THE thing that made me learn to draw side profiles and id say im pretty good at them now (however the effectiveness of this probably depends on the style)
and by learn from it i mean u can just trace it with any other characters, or study it, or reference it, yadaydayada . just do wahtever with it, damon albarn dgaf
obviously this isnt gonna magically make u great at side profiles but if u want a fun art challenge or ur a big gorillaz fan like me, it could get u kickstarted !!!! especially if ur doing it with ocs or characters u like that are in a band or something
ok thats all the tips ill be giving out tonight im a little sickly victorian child rn
hope it helped . uhm . bye
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
Are the lines on your drawings stylistic choices or are they measurement/guiding lines? Either way, they are cool, but just wondered. I dont understand drawing at all, might as well be a magic spell to me. I was looking at the pencil (?) sketch of Malkin with the cheesecutter hat on.
i, uh, definitely did not google 'cheesecutter hat' until after i saved out these images. :/ sorry about that. if you'd like the other one broken down, i can do that too lol. my reading comprehension when im tired is kinda lazy i just saw 'cheese' and imediately thought 'omelette'. SO here's the 1) initial sketch, 2) 'clean' sketch, and 3) final lines for the omelette boy drawing instead:
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also i have had a cumulative of about 9 ish hrs of sleep total for the past two days so keep that in mind for if this explanation makes no sense, its not my fault. :( anyway! the way i draw definitely has changed over the years but currently im really trying to focus on the line i "see" rather than the one that is actually "there". i've been applying this to my writing for years (story vs happening truth) and you know it never occurred to me that i could do it in my drawings too till like...a few years ago. in general these lines seem to form the planes of the subject. if you google 'stanford bunny' you can find an easy example of a 3D surface turned into triangles. I do this too - see things in relative triangle proportions, except i've been doing it long before i knew how computers worked. i cant begin to tell you how long d*sney and cartooning's obsession with round building blocks of anatomical structure fucked with my brain until i finally decided i could cast that teaching aside completely.
ANYWAY sorry off subject again. so we have these sketchy under lines, and usually as im trying to find the proportions and form of the subject these lines end up being where the light/shadow hits. here i saved out the 1) 'flat colors', 2) the 'light', and 3) the 'shadow' parts on their own (i lightened the background for the 'shadow' so its easier to see):
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the light is like four or five 'overlay' layers of pale yellow/orange. you can see how each of these layers follow one of those sketchy lines i did initially. and the same with the shadow but instead its a dark red color set to 'multiply' for each layer. and when you combine everything together you get:
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some bullshit :). anyway you know that anniversary edition of beauty and the beast that featured the version previewed to nyc audiences in 1990 with the glen ke*ne sketchy keyframe animation of the beast's transformation? i watched that - must have been sometime after i graduated college - and i felt robbed that THAT version was never presented as a final piece. the 'unclean' drawings had so much more life and movement and intensity to them. tldr i like the messy lines, i hate 'inking' with a passion (HATE. IT.), and when i finally allowed myself to stop giving a fuck drawing became way more interesting. but my art is shit and i will never be glen k*ane so i dont really feel like the best advocate for this "style". alas. there was this one artist on tumblr who i fucking loved whose sketches were SPECTACULAR but the asshole racists in the m*c*ha*nz*o fandom bullied her off tumblr and ive never been able to find her art anywhere else since. she was also very negative about her 'unclean' sketches and it made me so sad. there was also this other artist whose sketches were awe inspiring but all she drew was p*rn and well...we all know what happened on tumblr in december 2018.
also i 100% stole the lighting scheme from The Bear which is currently one of the most gorgeous shows on television right now in my opinion
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im really really sorry if this makes no sense, if im feeling motivated maybe i'll try again when my brain is fully functioning but with the actual 'cheesecutter hat' doodle ^_^
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bugbxyjunk · 11 months
hello cj. my name is oliver. you may know me as ollie of @ollieollieoxenfreeee.
answer all 100 of the questions. every single one. do it.
2. what’s the weather like?
Humid and veryyy warm, but much cooler than it has been!!
3. are you impulsive?
yes, oh my god yes, its a really bad problem
4. are you organised?
no but i am trying!!
5. are you self confident?
HAH. thats funny. no
8. what’s something you hate about yourself?
uhhh not to get all edgy but my like entire self of being? in specific probably my body. or my scars. really hate those.
9. do you have any pets?
Yes! 3, my babies 🥹
10. do you have any regrets?
too many to count man
11. do you have any siblings?
yes, 2 technically. but. i only say one
12. what do you think comes after life?
death, probably
13. what colour is your water bottle?
mainly blue, its git sharks on it :3
14. have you ever dyed your hair/would you ever want to?
its actually dyed rn
16. do you believe in aliens?
17. do you believe in ghosts?
18. do you believe in karma?
yes, actually
19.do you believe in astrology?
ehh kinda? not really, but i also don't know a lot about it
20. do you believe in luck?
21. what is/was your favourite subject in school?
Not to be That Stereotypical Person™ but definitely art
22. what is/was your least favourite subject in school?
Math. i hated the class, i hated the teacher, i suck at it, and ive never been good at it.
23. how long have you been friends with your longest friend for?
Considering i only have one stable friendship, almost 3 years i think? maybe 2 and half
24. what do you do in your free time?
i have too much free time in the summer, and lately ive just been on my phone and listening to music/watching YouTube
25. what do you do under stress?
Cry? Panic?? okok fr though if theres a more suitable leader i let them handle things and panic quietly, but if i have to take the lead i can, then i fall apart afterwards. by myself. away from anyone else, of course of course
26. who/what do you turn to to vent?
okok honestly? no one? i mean i go to J (irl friend for those that don't know) for smaller/easier to handle things. but. really i try to deal with everything alone
27. spicy, sweet or savoury?
Sweet, probably
28. what’s your favourite drink?
Strawberry watermelon Ice drinks 🙏
29. what’s your favourite cuisine?
cuisine is so fancy for what I'm about to say, my mom's Alfredo shits delicious
31. what are you wearing right now?
women's beach shorts that r wayyy too big and a grey oversized Harley Davidson shirt
32. what’s your favourite time of day?
Night time !!
33. who do you trust the most?
My mom or J
34. do you trust anyone completely?
35. would you ever want to get married?
Noooo thank u im good
36. would you ever want children?
NO. i will b the uncle to J's kids, i shouldn't be allowed my own kids i can barely keep myself alive
37. do you have any allergies?
Pollen. and i think caramel??? i don't know i cannot eat that shit
38. do you hate anyone?
40. what is your relationship with your family like?
Pretty good now, it was pretty rocky for a bit and well childhood was. something. but its great now, my immediate family is my priority in life
41. what is your middle name?
Next question
44. do you like making art?
Yes! its kinda like therapy. and much cheaper.
45. do you believe in the death penalty?
Yeeesh thats a heavy question dontcha think? i think if you're a r--pis- yeah fuck the fuck right the fuck off. I do not care. but i don't think im allowed to speak beyond that, im not qualified
46. do you follow routines/plans easily?
I actually prefer them, i get overwhelmed without them
47. growing up, what did you want to do in life?
I wanted to be a pretty woman with a husband and children and be a vet, a lot has changed since then
48. what is your favourite album?
i don't think i really have one? i don't really pay attention to names/albums on what im listening to, i just enjoy the music. this is why music connoisseurs hate me
49. what’s something you’re grateful for?
My mama 🫶🫶
50.what’s a food you hate?
Tomatoes. for various reasons.
51. would you rather lose your legs or arms?
uhhhhhhhh legs? i guess??
52. what is the most important thing to you right now?
Getting ny shit together for school so i can get a good fuckin scholarship
53. what’s the last dream you remember having?
Something about my grandfather? and a train. it definitely had something to do with something I don't like digging up sooo
54. do you believe in soulmates/true love?
I guess, yeah i do. i think ive met mine, since they aren't always romantic. twin flame is the platonic version i think?
55. what is your favourite word?
Shark, maybe. Or like, Slippery, funky ass word
56. would you rather be loved, trusted or respected?
Loved or trusted, people don't respect me much already so like i can handle not being respected
57. would you want to be famous if you had the chance?
Depends i guess, id like act in something that sees people one day, so sure why not
58. what are/were you like in school?
Horribly quiet, and awkward, and clumsy. and also 'intimidating'
59. who’s the last person you talked to?
J my bbg 🫶🫶🫶
60. what would your perfect day be like?
Getting adequate sleep, spending the day at an aquarium with a loved one(romantic, platonic, queer platonic, i don't care), swimming, or just laying quietly with a lover, i don't need much to be Happy
61. where is a place that you’d love to visit?
62. what is your main goal in life?
Help as much of the ocean and sea life as i can, they're vital to this planet and just as important to take care of.
63. do you exercise often?
Not as much as i should, no
64. do you play any sports?
Im gonna be on the swim team again! i was on it in 8th grade
65. do you play any instruments?
Nah, but im gonna learn bass
66. what is your earliest memory?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh i don't wanna talk about it so lets say getting my first build a bear from my aunt
67. if you could have a superpower, what’d you choose?
68. what kind of person annoys you the most?
Uhh people who assume they're better than you for "xyz reason"
69. what is your biggest pet peeve?
People who talk in the middle of tests, or people that are rude to cashiers/customer service people for no reason
70. what’s your favourite number?
71. have you ever been in love?
Yeah, and i sometimes i feel like i still am
73. what is your deepest fear?
damn this is getting personal jeez, death? serious sickness/ailments, and doctors. also my half brother and his ex gf
74. have you ever met anyone famous?
i don't think so
75. cats or dogs?
77. how do you deal with loneliness?
uhh im kinda used to it, but if i ever cant deal w it i get into the shower and crank the knob all the way to hot
78. what’s your favourite animal?
is this a real question. SHARKLSKSKSKSKKSKKSHSJDHH!!!!!!!
80. would you rather freeze or burn to death?
uhhhhhhh burn? i feel like it'd be quicker maybe
81. what are some of your bad habits?
Biting my mouth, picking the skin on my fingers, and yk other things
82. what do you do when you’re angry?
Yell, hit my pillow, get in the shower and crank the knob all the way to hot. cry.
83. what is something that you’d want to learn?
84. what’s your favourite insect?
hmmmm Picasso beetle, they pretty
85. what are your thoughts on euthanasia?
god, its sad but sometimes if there's no other answer it might be best? like if my baby, my dog, had an incurable thing thay made life a pain for her every day and she wouldn't/couldn't get better i wouldn't want her to be in pain. i never want to see any of my animals in oain
86. what are your thoughts on your name?
Love it, thought of it myself, just wish id come up with Cj first instead of what other people know me as irl (Corey/ my deadname)
87. what’s your favourite name?
My favorite name..hmmmm...i don't know, i love all names, they're special in a way that I cant choose a single best one
88. would you rather go back or forward in time?
Back, i suppose..fix some things yk?
89. what are your thoughts on roller coasters?
I don't know, its been years sinec ive been on one
91. do you believe in love at first sight?
Nah, i don't think you can love someone instantly. you can experience attraction at first sight, but i genuinely don't think you can love someone at first glance. unless its an animal, then obviously yes.
92. what is something you’re currently worried about?
School, life, my friend, my mom
93. what was your childhood like?
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lets not open that can of worms
94. how long do you usually sleep for?
when i di get to sleep? around 10 hours in the summer 💀, usually around 3-6 during school
95. what hairstyle do you have right now?
something like this
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(NOT ME!!!!! found on Pinterest)
96. if you could be one age for the rest of your life, what’d you choose?
uhh probably like 25? maybe?? idk
97. what genre of music do you listen to the most?
Uhhh pop..indie i guess? musicals too
98. where do you come from?
The US 🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅
99. do you curse/swear often?
Yes i do
100. what is the meaning of life?
Boys kissing me.
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How would you Fix Mara?
oh help this is such a loaded question.
ok i feel like the show itself could've fixed her if we had gotten a s3, but we didn't so...
just going to say this rn, ive been a proud mara fan since s1, but since ive recently watched s2... idk they kind of let me down with her character in s2, like she kind of became this one-sided, flat antagonist who just really didnt do anything interesting except for angrily rant into her phone and feud with my queen paula
i think my basic answer to this is that i would make her insane. like i would turn her into the most unserious character ever. like that scene with her and the balloons where she recreates the daisy fuerza interior video idea is insane like literally what was she thinking. i think i would play into that side more and the more she becomes jealous of carmin, the more just insane she becomes to the point where everyone realizes shes not a threat, shes just a joke. but shes still so desperate to rise above carmin because she wants to prove that shes not inferior to carmin, she wants to be someone to prove that she could to the person who made her feeling like she was no one. so yeah i feel like id just have her go so insane that maybe even laix drops her becomes she does something so controversial or is revealed online to just be an absolute madwoman. so shes at her lowest point and all shes thinking about is how she can possibly make the best of this situation and still prove her superiority to carmin so carmin wont be able to look down at her, cause at her core i feel like thats what she wants. sure she wants popularity and whatever but i feel like thats more of a mask too that she feels like she has to put on because her main goal is that she wants to prove herself, esp to carmin who always put her down. so what if, then, she decides that she has nothing left to lose so in order to try to restart her popularity and continue to try to hit carmin where it hurts, she comes to fundom.
and omg, wait so in my mind mara is just a complete pathetic clown (i mean that in the best way, i love her) so what if this idiot believes she can fool the people at fundom by pretending to be a changed person and befriending everyone. maybe she pretends to make up with carmin and tells her she loves her channel and wants to help her and be her assistant again or wtv, and carmins really hesitant but she still feels bad about how she treated mara so she agrees, esp since she pities mara cause shes like wow shes become pathetic but hey i can help her like how the fundom-ers took me in s2. but ofc maras plan is so try to sabotage carmins channel. but idk maybe she ends up spending a lot of time around fundom, and omg she HATES the others at fundom, like omg just imagine her around daisy, luan, and pietro im actually losing my mind that would be so funny. also i do not see her being able to handle chiara. and ofc the others would have a tough time believing mara but ofc they would eventually.
and maybe the more mara works alongside carmin she starts to realize just how fun carmin actually is, and that their duo of nail art and upcycled clothing is actually the duo ever. like maybe she finds herself starting to take an interest in the recycled clothing stuff, but tries to hide it, but carmin finds out and then helps her out make some clothing based on her style and mara finds herself genuinely enjoying carmins presence for the first time.
uhhhh.... idk where it would go from here, because i dont see mara completely letting go of her resentment, but maybe eventually she would restart her channel with the help of carmin and maybe the others and kind of forget about her revenge plan and focus on her own channel but doing it for herself and because she enjoys it for the first time, and not to prove her worth or her ability or superiority.
idk sorry for delivering an entire essay help but idk i really think they couldve done something interesting with maras character
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creepyspice · 2 years
Tag Game
Thanks for the tags @cutestkilla and @ileadacharmedlife! I loved reading ur answers 🖤
relationship status: Im single rn. I already kind of feel like a jaded old hag who’s seen it all and just wants to brush her cats in peace but I know that won’t last (it never does)
favorite color: purple probably, though im also into pink and teal. I wear a lot of orange…like obviously not every outfit is orange but how many people do you actually know that wear orange frequently? I guess in comparison to the general population I wear a lot of orange but it’s not everyday i don’t have a problem or anything 👀
favorite food: this is so hard bc I don’t eat to live I live to eat but my favourite food growing up was prawn biryani with lots of cardamom and saffron rice…it’s so good. But I’m the kind of person that likes to make a whole production out of eating, like just the other day I crushed some pistachios and rolled a scoop of Häagen-Dazs in it which is so extra now that I’m reflecting back
song stuck in your head: werewolf by Fiona Apple 🐺
last thing you googled: where the closest p.f. Chang’s is
time: 1 am
dream trip: vegas or Florence. Vegas bc I love so many movies set there and I’ve kind of always wanted a vegas wedding. Florence probably bc of Hannibal but I love facts about Italian renaissance paintings so it would be nice to see some in real life. Also I heard the food is good
last book you read: if not, winter: fragments of Sappho by Anne Carson and Sappho (of course). It was really good, I’ve been flipping through it again and again ever since
last book I enjoyed reading: Like I said, Sappho was great. My favourite thing I’ve read in a while is probably the locked tomb series bc it makes me feel alive like nothing else does
last book you hated reading: I know a lot of ppl wont agree, and don’t come at me for this but The Song of Achilles…I wouldn’t say hate bc that’s a strong word but I’ve read the Iliad and I really really love it like I really do and my friend convinced me to give tsoa a try bc they swore it was amazing but I just couldn’t enjoy it I kept thinking homer slayed this already why does this book exist…if u feel the need to block me for this I understand
favorite thing to cook/bake: I don’t cook daily but I feel like i can confidently claim I make the best fried eggs out of anyone I know like I just go off so hard every time, they’re crispy from the bottom but the yolk is gooey…I was just born to fry eggs it’s what I’m best at in life none of my other skills compare. I also make very pretty charcuterie boards
favorite craft to do in your free time: Idk what constitutes crafts but I don’t think I do them…I’m more of a handy out of necessity kind of girl. Just give me some sand paper and a bit of multi purpose filler and I will repair the fucking colloseum. Does doing ur own nails count? Bc I do some pretty good press ons and nail art and that’s kind of crafty 🤔
most niche dislikes: i hate shallow spoons!
opinion on circuses: if we’re talking actual circuses w animals and freak shows then those are historically very bad, and have had negative effects on society as a whole so don’t like those. As @cutestkilla mentioned I think cirque du soleil is really cool. Love the Britney Spears song.
do you have a sense of direction and if not what's the worst way you've gotten lost?: I never get lost, but once as a child my dad who is not very good at his job (parenting) took me to Disney land and lost me after about 10 minutes. He didn’t notice I was lost somehow and when I found him an hour later he was smoking and eating a Mickey Mouse shaped chocolate. I have forgiven but I will never forget 😂
I’m tagging and saying hi to @wetheformidables @facewithoutheart and @moodandmist :)🖤
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haeroniel-doliet · 2 years
A lil updates and thoughts going on rn! Mostly about art again :') putting it under read more tho bc it got away from me again all rambly lmao
Hooo wheee! Life has been a little busy huh. Finally going to work again even if it is pretty much part time, other hobbies im keeping up with, trying to keep up on life admin and its going almost well! Shame im realizing i havent worked on my drawings in well over a month now 😅
Part of me is slightly dreading going back to them rn bc ive spent hours and hours on them already and they still need many hours before i post them....
You know that one guy on like tiktok/youtube shorts whos a really friendly old artist with a hobbit hole studio and does like 1hr paintings that look incredible? Obviously i dont expect myself being rusty and also not with years and years of experience to do the same but wouldn't that be the dream? To be able to just create and be done and happy with it in just an hour or a few and move on. How sad it is how many things i have started and not finished, outting in hours and hours where it doesnt really make even a super significant difference.
Also its that dinluke positivity week thing (god i hope this doesnt show up in the tag lmao sorry) i was really hyped months ago thinking its great prompts and great time to partake in my favourite fandom especially before february 2023 inevitably changes the scene in some way! But all of a sudden mid november is here and thats kinda terrifying! I have no clear idea for any of them, nothing im like desperate to draw and my current drawing doesnt really fit them either. Im thinking maybe i should try like, giving myself idk 2 hrs max to just make something beginning to end and if i hate it its ok i dont have to post it. But maybe i will and it could be fun! Sure i am too tired to properly do anything but idk, even making one post could give me excitement and hype for things i used to enjoy and something that isnt just real life and like job related.
To be fair i could also go for the much more guaranteed dopamine boost and play a video game ive been thinking of playing again for months. Sure i dunno which to choose and im not like super inclined to anything even tho i would like to play multiple of them again, just playing alone is a little boring i guess.
The more i spend just overthinking the quicker my sunday will be over and ill have to do next week and god knows ill be busy!! I should try drawing bc its there floating in my mind and could be easier to slip in into the day routine to do a little here and there rather than like, playing skyrim for 30 mins loll. Or oblivion bc for some reason ive been missing it. Or battlefront, even tho that is really hard to play without really trying my hardest and getting readjusted to the pace of it
Alright ok im gonna set up my digital art stuff, im gonna challenge myself to sketch something on theme for all the prompts and see what ends up catching my attention. If i can do 1 or even a couple of them thatd be really really neat!
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yaoipaddlestar · 2 years
What do you think of the new champion roadmap?
Omg I have sorta mixed feelings!!
I'm kinda excited for Asol changes? But the fire breathing while flying things puts me off a bit I'm not going to lie. I wonder what the dps/mana ratio is going to be. And I wonder how they're gonna fit the fire breath in juxtaposition to his ultimate? I'm assuming that's changing too but I wonder into what. I hope they keep the star/supernova theme that his abilities have now bc I think it's a rly cool concept. Moreso than just... dragon breathe fire and fly. Tho tbf I'm not particularly engaged in the Asol changes bc I played him once ever and sucked so bad I've never tried again lol
I'm sooooo excited to see K'sante!! I don't play a lot of top lane bc im bad and I hate fighting top laners but I also love playing top laners (that's why I throw games with Camille supp /j) so I genuinely cannot wait to see him. The concept of his weapons sounds really cool and I wonder if his ultimate is going to be something that empowers his weapon for a short time (almost like jayce? But with a limited duration + longer CD). I loved the art they showed for Nazumah and I am so ready to learn more.
I'm honestly not looking particularly forward to the new darkin champ bc I cannot stand assassins (got my ass handed to me by a qiyana tonight 😭😭) but I also go bonkers for darkin lore so at least there's that 🥴 I hope this new one is a lady! I'd like to see another rly buff woman in this game but idk if they'd use that kind of frame for an assassin. One can dream
I'm cautious abt the other possible midscope changes bc the fella in the video (forgot his name) mentioned Neeko and I love neeko as she is rn but if they found a way to play further into her shape-shifting I think I'd be super into it. Also from one Rell player to another I wouldn't mind her getting a few tweaks. I love her kit but her MS and lack of solo-utility hurts as a chronic kill stealer. With champs like Leona and Naut I feel like they pose more of an individual threat to other laners but Rell is much, much more dependent on her ADC and I wish you could have more fun with how you build her (never tried it but id love to see rell with the kinds of builds you see on a tanky Morde or Gwen. Riftmaker + demonic embrace + thornmail + spirit vasage) but she just often feels too weak to entertain the idea. Maybe I should try it out before I knock on it tho. Or build her w/ sunfire instead of evenshroud
Excited to see the ixtal champ too! I don't have any particular feelings bc I don't play many enchanters and they revealed so little but as long as its not the sequel to Yuumi its cool.
I'm also super excited for the fright night skinline. The urgot and Renata skins 😌👌👌. Makes me think of nightmare before Christmas (probably as intended) and I just aaaah. The more I play the harder and harder it gets not to spend money. Holding out rp for that new Camille skin atm 😏
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