#i had two of my younger cousins over for dinner tonight
neondiamond · 1 year
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megamett44-lover · 1 year
can you do the reader seeing matt with a little kid (around 5 or 6) and getting some crazy baby fever? thank youu <3
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Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Summary: In which Y/n brings Matt to her family reunion
Warnings/Notes: She/her pronouns
Requested? Yes!
Dress Up
Bringing Matt home with me for my annual family reunion was insisted upon by my parents. My whole family absolutely adored him, always asking me to bring him around more. Hence why now, here we were, about a ten minute drive away from my grandparents home, where everyone would be meeting.
Having never met my extended family before, it was understandable for Matt to be nervous. He held my hand as he drove, lightly brushing his thumb over my knuckles every few seconds.
“You okay?” I ask, squeezing his hand lightly.
He looks over at me, trying to hide his nervous expression. “All good.” He says.
I nod, turning my attention back to the road. “You don’t have to stress, everyone is gonna love you.”
He chuckles. “If I can win your dad over, I’m sure I can do anything.”
I roll my eyes. “Please.” I say. “You never had to win him over. He was practically calling you ‘son’ before he even met you.”
“Right.” Matt laughs.
Siri breaks our conversation, telling us to turn left and our destination would be on the right. As we pulled into my grandparents drive way, a wave of nostalgia hit me. The long gravel path leading to an old white plantation house surrounded by the most beautiful flowers. I had helped my grandmother plant different flowers in her garden for many Summers when I was younger. The neatly trimmed hedges wrapping around the edge of the porch that my grandfather always insisted on keeping up himself because “nobody else could do the job right.”
I noticed many other cars parked out front, indicating a lot of my family members were already here. As we parked, I kissed the back of Matt’s hand. “Ready!” I asked.
“For sure.” Matt smiled.
As we walked onto the porch, the sound of laughter could be heard from inside. We didn’t even have a chance to knock before my grandmother opened the door.
“My Y/n!” She said, embracing me. “I’ve missed you so much!”
“Hi, Gran.” I say, returning her hug.
As we pulled away, she noticed Matt beside me.
“Now this must be the young man I’ve heard so much about.” She smiles at Matt.
“All good things, I hope.” Matt chuckles nervously.
I laugh. “Gran, this is my boyfriend, Matt.”
“Pleasure to meet you dear.” My grandmother says, embracing Matt as well. Pulling away, she smiles at us both. “Well come on, everyone has been asking for you.”
Walking instep with my grandmother and Matt slightly ahead, she leans in and whispers softly. “He’s handsome!”
“Oh, Gran!” I laugh.
“I’m serious!” She says. “If I was only 60 years younger, I’d give you a run for your money.”
As we walked into the crowded parlor, we were greeted by a chorus of “Hey” and “Welcome home”. A lot of family come up to me, since the last time I had seen most of them I was young. Most of them were eager to meet Matt, having heard I was dating a “famous Los Angeles boy”.
Excusing myself for a moment, I go grab a couple waters for Matt and I from the kitchen.
“Oh hey, Y/N.” My aunt says, seeing me enter. Her and a collection of other family members were working on tonight’s dinner, the smell immediately making me hungry.
“Smells great in here.” I compliment, grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge.
“Thanks!” She beams at me. “Oh, your cousins are around here looking for you. They wouldn’t stop talking about how excited they were to see you.”
I laugh. “I’ll keep a look out for them.”
My aunt and uncle had two twin girls, Charlotte and Katherine. They had just turned six and they were adorable. I had spent a lot of my youth babysitting them, resulting in me having an older sister relationship with the girls.
Walking back to the parlor, I notice most of the family had gone to the back yard. Scanning the yard, I cannot seem to see Matt anywhere. I grab my phone to text him, but then I hear giggling coming from down the hall followed by a deeper laugh that I recognize to be Matt’s.
Walking down the hall, I notice the light in the playroom is on. I hear a few voices coming from inside.
“We’re going to make you look so pretty.” I hear a young voice that I recognize to be Katherine’s says.
“Oh, really?” Matt asks.
“Yes!” Charlotte assures. “Y/n is going to love it!”
I peek in the doorway to the playroom to see Matt sat on the floor, with my cousins braiding his hair. I notice he has a few hair bows in, along with a feather boa around his neck.
I giggle softly, watching my cousins give him a makeover.
“Can we paint your nails?” Charlotte eagerly asks.
Matt looks down at his nails, the old paint peeling off of them.
“I think I’m in need of a manicure, so sure!” Matt agrees.
“Kat, grab the princess stickers and pink polish!” Charlotte demands.
Hearing this, I accidentally laugh too loud, giving my position away. All three of their heads whip in my direction.
“Y/N!” Charlotte and Katherine say in unison, running up and hugging my legs.
“Hi, girls.” I say, bending down to hug them. “I see you’ve stolen my boyfriend.”
“Don’t you think he looks pretty?” Katherine asks, motioning towards Matt.
“I think he looks gorgeous.” I say, making eye contact with Matt, who chuckles softly.
“We were going to paint his nails, do you wanna help?” Charlotte asks.
“Of course!” I say, eagerly.
“Yay!” Both girls say in unison.
Sitting down, we begin painting Matt’s nails a bright shade of pink, complete with princess stickers on every other finger. When we were finished, we slowly walk Matt over to the mirror to check out his new look.
“I look awesome!” Matt says, bending down to the girls level. “Thank you, girls.” He opens his arms for a hug, as both girls practically tackle him.
I smile softly, my heart warming at the sight.
“I think next time, we should bring our princess dress for you to wear.” Katherine says.
Matt laughs. “I think that would be amazing.”
“Yeah, but we have to bring the Cinderella dress.” Charlotte says. Katherine raises a puzzled eyebrow. “To match his eyes, duh!”
“What do you think, Y/n?” Charlotte asks.
“I think he would make a beautiful Cinderella.” I smile, causing Matt and the girls to laugh.
A loud voice interrupts our laughter from the kitchen.
“Girls, dinner!” I hear my Uncle call.
“Our dad wants us!” Katherine tells Matt. “But we’ll finish this makeover another day.”
“I’ll be counting on it.” Matt winks, ruffling her hair.
The girls laugh as they run down the hall to the kitchen. I look at Matt, who’s covered in glitter from the feather boa.
“I’ll be their Cinderalla, as long as I’m your Prince Charming.” Matt says, pulling the boa off.
I laugh. “God, you’re cheesy.” I grab his hands, looking at the pink artwork on his fingernails. “I can’t wait to have this life with you one day.”
He pulls me into a hug, covering me in glitter. “I promise, one day, we’ll have all of this.” He says. “Every day.”
I lean back, grabbing one of the braided strands of hair. “I’m really digging these braids, though.”
“Yeah?” Matt laughs.
“Yeah.” I smile, pressing a small kiss on his lips.
“Now c’mon, I’m starving!” I say, leading him to the kitchen.
Matt stops on his tracks. “What, dressed like this?” He asks.
I smirk. “What, you embarrassed?”
“Never.” He replies, putting his boa back on before we exit the playroom.
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fanficgirl429 · 10 months
Mike has feelings for you (fluff)
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Prompt: During a family get together, your best friend Mike reveals that he has feelings for you
Pairing: Mike Schmidt x Reader
The front door slammed shut behind Abby, who was outside playing with a few kids from the neighborhood. Your best friend was standing in the doorway of the living room, leaning against the door frame. 
“Do you want to come tonight?” you ask him. 
He walks over to where you're standing and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug. 
“Do I want to come where?”
“To my grandparents for dinner. It’s Sunday.”
Every Sunday, you had dinner with your extended family. Your dad’s side of the family was large and everyone was close. Mike and Abby used to come most Sunday’s but once Mike had gotten a job as a security officer at the mall, he had to work most Sunday’s. Every now and then Abby would join you but it had been a while since either of them had come. 
You enjoyed it when they both came and Mike liked to see Abby having fun with kids her own age. Abby went to school with a few of your younger cousins and she enjoyed playing with them. 
“Yea, we can come,” Mike answers. 
The large house was filled with your family as you, Mike, and Abby walk inside. Instantly your younger cousins spot Abby and pull her away to go play with them in the basement. Mike laces his fingers with yours as you guide him to the kitchen where you mom, grandmother, and aunt are gathered. 
They all greet you and Mike and you don’t miss the glance of your mothers eyes as she looks down at yours and Mike’s hands still laced together. 
Mike and you had been best friends since elementary school and she always said that one day you and Mike would get married. You were constantly telling her no that would never happen but over the years, your feelings for Mike had changed. When you once had seen him as your best friend, you now had fallen in love with him. You weren’t sure when your feelings had changed but they had never disappeared. The two of you were always touching each other but it had always been platonic. 
“Come on,” you say and lead Mike into the living room, where the majority of your family is. 
The two of you are greeted by everyone and it seems as if a few people are more excited to see Mike than they are to see you. Your family had always loved Mike and were always telling you to bring him with you when you visited. 
After dinner was done, you and Mike went your separate ways for a bit. He went into the living room to watch football while you helped clear the table and wash the dishes. 
“So when are you and Mike going to make it official?” your cousin, Lacy, asks you. 
You let out a laugh at her question. “Um never.”
Lacy shakes her head, disappointed by your answer. “It’s going to happen.” 
“What makes you say that?” 
“Did you not see the way he was looking at you all through dinner? Damn, if I had someone that looked at me like that, I would never let him go!”
“He did not look at me the whole time,” you counter. 
“He did! Whenever you were talking, he was looking across the table at you and whenever you laughed, his eyes lit up. That boy is completely in love with you.” 
You look across the room at your best friend, who is currently mesmerized by the large tv screen. He must feel you looking because his brown eyes meet yours and gives you a soft smile. 
Lacy notices the interaction and whispers, “I told you,” before turning back to load the dishwasher. 
When the table is all cleared, you stay in the kitchen talking to your mom, grandmother, Lacy, and a few aunts. Occasionally you glance over at Mike to make sure he is doing is ok. Abby has been in the basement with your cousins and you know that she is not going to want to leave. Hopefully the two of them can come over most Sundays. It was a good way to get the two of them (especially Mike) out of their house. 
Two strong hands grip your shoulders and turn around to see Mike standing behind you. 
“Hey,” you greet him. 
“Hi,” he says, smiling. “Just wanted to check in with you and see how you’re doing.” 
He squeezes your shoulders while he talks to your aunts. 
When the conversation grows quiet, you stand up from the table. “Want to go outside?” you ask him quietly. 
You loved hanging out with your family but after a while, you needed a few minutes to yourself. 
Mike follows you out the front door and onto the large wrap around porch. You place your hands on the railing and look out across the large yard. A short distance away is a small pond with a dock. During the summer, the pond was home to a family of ducks and you have memories of sitting at the water's edge watching the ducklings swim across the pond.  
Mike stands next to you, his fingers grazing yours. “My family keeps telling me how glad they are that you and Abby came,” you tell him. 
Mike smiles. “I’m glad we came too.”
Its silent for a few moments and a cool breeze blows, causing goosebumps to scatter across your skin. You let out a small shiver and Mike instantly notices. He pulls off his black hoodie and hands it to you without saying a word. You pull the sweatshirt on and Mike takes a step towards you. He moves behind you and pulls you against him, his arms wrapping around your stomach. 
His body heat makes you instantly warm and you lean your back against him, relaxing your body. 
“So I was talking to Lacy,” he begins. 
“Oh god. What did she have to say?”
If it was anything like the conversation you had with your, youre not sure you want to hear what he has to say. 
“She kept asking," So when are you and Y/N going to be official?” he tells you. 
You let out a laugh and bury your face in your hands. “I had a very similar conversation with her.” 
Mike laughs. “Did you?” 
“Yes! She was like ‘Mike’s into you. He couldn’t take his eyes of you during dinner, blah blah blah.’” 
Mike sighs. “Well she's not wrong,” he says, quietly. 
You're surprised by Mike’s comment. You turn around and look at him. He doesn’t loosen his grip around your waist as his brown eyes bore into yours. 
“What are you saying?” you ask him. 
Mike moves his hand up to your cheek and gently pushes a few strands of hair behind your ear. A slight blush reddens your cheek from his gesture. 
“I’m 100% into you,” he says. 
“I’m into you,” he says, slowly. 
Instead of saying anything in return, you stand on your tiptoes and press your lips against his. He tastes like the beer that he had drunk earlier as his lips move against yours. 
After a few moments, Mike pulls away but presses his forehead against yours. 
“What if we keep this between us for a few days?” he says. 
You think about his offer for a minute. “Just a few days,” you respond before pressing your lips back to his. 
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obexes · 1 year
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Warnings: Smut, Self-Sabatoging Reader, Manipulation, Small Amount Of Dub-Con (Fucking Rafe), Underaged Drinking, fingering
A/N: The next part will be longer, and this might end up being 10 parts bc the plot, oh I'm gonna let it cook. I tried to get this out ASAP, while juggling too much other shit. My mental health is sickly, so enjoy my degenerate fantasies. Feedback is so appreciated and encouraging y'all :)
Word Count: 7.5 K
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Sundays were always your favourite thing about your parents being home. The smell of Italian sausage and carbonara had summoned you from your room to the living room, where your family sits spread out around the large room, with their dinner plates.
When you and Nicky were kids, your Mom would lose it if she caught you guys on the eggshell coloured living room carpet with anything darker than water. Ever since Henley and Patton were old enough to eat on their own, your dad has enforced mandatory family time, which was simply eating dinner while watching a movie together on Sundays.
To be fair, despite all the travelling, they tried really hard to be home every Sunday. You took your spot at the coffee table and picked up the only unoccupied plate.
“I’m feeling Marvel tonight.” Nicky commented, twirling his fork around in his pasta. “Or maybe Disney?”
“Turning Red!” “Inside out!” Your younger brothers both called out simultaneously. You bite the inside of your cheek to stifle a chuckle as your mom warily eyes the excited kids, or more accurately, the food balanced on their laps. She’s hopeless, you think freely.
“I’m thinking we should watch Euphoria. Bring some real world problems into this oasis.” you comment, earning a look from your Mom as well. Your older brother's idiot laugh doesn't go unnoticed.
Your Dad raises his wine glass to his lips. “I don't feel like having a stroke at 39. Peter Pan and Wendy it is.” Despite the child-like film, you all cheer as he hits play. Finally you start to dig into the meal your Mom, with the help of little Patton, made.
After you all finish eating, your dad pauses the film. You and Nicky carry the dishes to the dishwasher, load and start it, before making your way back to the living room. Your parents are curled up together and you take the spot on the other side of your dad, while he wraps an arm around you, the boys pile up on the mountain of blankets covering the floor.
As he plays the movie, you find your mind wandering to last night. To what you did in the hot tub at Tanneyhill. To Rafe fucking Cameron. Part of you felt guilty about messing with Roman’ s cousin and lying to your Mom, but the other part of you was burning. Burning to feel his hands on you again, burning to feel that intense pleasure over and over, and burning to know more. And then there was an even smaller part that wanted to know what such an intimate thing would feel like with Roman.
Even though you were still pissed at him for a number of reasons. You never made it back to Rafe’s room last night.
“You're sleeping in my room tonight, gorgeous girl.”
You giggle quietly as he opens the back door and carries you the few steps across the kitchen, to plop you down on the island. “Want some water or something?”
You swing your legs back and forth, feeling the effects of the alcohol you'd been consuming since you got here. “Yes, please.” You turn your head momentarily towards the doorway as you hear light footsteps upstairs. You brush it off, enjoying your inebriated break from everyone else in the world but the man who just made you cum on his lap.
Rafe grabs two waters and comes back to stand between your legs. He moved nervously, you noted. He looked at you, like really looked at you, as he handed you a water bottle. “You okay? How are you feeling after... well- after everything tonight?”
“I'm good, Rafe. I had.. fun.” You reassure him with a small smile, unsure how to phrase it but wanting to reassure him. Which is still more than Roman bothered to do for you.
He gives you his signature panty dropping, schoolboy smirk. His tone is still nervous, however. “So it was okay? I mean, that it was me?” He slides his hands up your thighs coming to rest them on your hips. You could feel a flush of heat creeping up from where he’d just touched your thighs making its way all the way to your cheeks.
“Yes, Rafe.” You manage to say. His touch is intoxicating, his eyes captivating. You find your arms wrapping around his neck, hands burying themselves in his soft, dark blonde hair. “It was better than okay.”
He leans in to plant a chaste kiss to the corner of your lips before leaning back slightly and catching your eye. You tug him towards you and his lips meet yours devotedly. He pulls you closer to the edge, your bodies meeting again, chest to chest. He bites your swollen bottom lip and separates from you only to tilt his head and kiss you even deeper.
His hands move to grip the sides of your ass and you whine against his lips, causing him to grip you harder. Still chasing the feeling he gave you outside, you push your crotch against his as best as you can from your place on the counter.
“Y/N.” He keens,”I'm never gonna get enough of you.” Rafe buries his face in your neck, leaving warm and wet kisses, leaving his hands to grope your sides.
Lost in the lust washing over you, you both hear the telltale pad of multiple pairs of feet, too late.
“Oh shit” A giggle. “Dude!” Disgust.
“What the fuck?” Anger.
Your head whips over to see three shocked teens standing at the entrance of the kitchen with varying reactions. Rafe slowly lifts his head but doesnt look away from you. Your mouth opens and closes, floundering for words. You look between the three and Rafe as you push him away and jump off of the counter.
Nicky and Mia are slowly starting to snicker, but Roman is just staring at you with disbelieving eyes. The other girl is nowhere to be seen.
“Okay, now this. This makes more sense.” Nicky laughs, referring to this morning when your parents caught you and Roman in your bed, asleep.
“Looks like you have a date to midsummers now, Y/N.” Mia comments with a raised brow.
You remain frozen, aside from your bottom lip wobbling and you biting it in a second attempt to keep your tears at bay tonight. How many times can one girl be humiliated in a day? You don't even want to look back at Romans face.
Rafe eyes your wobbly lip and reaches for you, tugging your hand into his. “Hey, wanna go to sleep now?”
“What the fuck is this? What's happening right now?” You look up from your entwined hands, at Romans dubious tone.
“Come outside, Y/N.” He walks past you both, through the doors you just entered from, ignoring Mia calling his name on the way out.
You inhale a deep shaky breath. Your brother casts Mia a clueless, questioning glance, which she ignores as she's focused on examining you and Rafe. “I should...” You trail off as Rafe squeezes your hand softly, meeting his eyes.
“Its okay. I'll talk to him later, yeah?” He places a quick peck to your head.
“Y/N, what's going on? I feel like I'm missing something.” Your brother comments quizzically.
Rafe moves to usher them out of the kitchen, “Later , man.” You hear him mutter quietly to Nicky, who meets your gaze one more time before turning back to the den area. Mia lingers a second as you squeeze and shake your hands out, nervously.
“He’s never gonna get it together. Not for you, princess. Listen to Rafe, maybe that way you can stop stepping on people's toes and you won't get hurt.” Mia says the words quietly, but her tone of voice makes it clear that it's a threat. She smiles at you and follows in the direction of two older boys, while you do your best to ignore her and choke down all of the unpleasant feelings building up and make your way to the patio doors.
When you open the door, you immediately see Roman sitting on the porch swing with his head back, looking up at the sky with his usual pout. He doesn't move, or say anything so you walk over to him and sit down. Anxiety wracks your body, as you prepare to inevitably have an uncomfortable encounter with the bipolar boy you called your best friend.
You risk a glance at him and are alarmed to see moisture pooling in his eyes, “Roman.” You whisper. “Hey, I-”
“What was that?” He sits up and turns to face you.”Just- what the hell was that?”
Your eyes widen a little at the intensity of his behaviour. He takes one of your hands in his and looks at you expectantly. “Was that just you guys being dumb, or was that -” He stutters for a second and then takes a deep breath. “Or was that something more?”
“I dont know.” The truth, you were too drunk to decipher your current feelings toward Rafe.
“What?” He scoffs. “I just caught you making out with my cousin,Y/N, and youre saying you don't know why?” He drops your hand, and faces forward, rubbing his eyes in frustration. Your eyes narrow at him. He was the one who'd failed to verbally recognize the fact that something definitely happened between you two. He's been avoiding it hardcore for the past month or so.
“No, Roman, I don't. Besides, you didn't catch me doing anything.” You snap. “The word ‘catch’ implies that i’m in trouble, and I can do whatever I fucking want, technically. Nobody else seems to give a damn about my feelings.” You run your hands through your messy hair. Maybe you shouldn't have thrown that in his face but at the moment, he was pissing drunk you off.
The lanky boy looks at you with ferocity lurking beneath his incredulous expression. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Use your fucking context clues.” You cuss back.
He just stares at you as you attempt to avoid looking him in the eyes. For a second it seems like he's going to finally acknowledge the kiss you shared, weeks ago. You see the recognition in his features for a fraction of a second before he’s up, pacing. “You're ridiculous. Seriously, if you think Rafe is gonna commit to you, or treat you well for that matter.”
Your mouth falls open in shock when you hear Rafes name come out of Romans mouth. He didn't just blatantly deflect the topic of conversation, did he? Bastard.
“Jesus, have you lost your mind? You know what kind of person he is, Y/N. I thought you were smarter than that.” He pinches the bridge of his nose as he spews his bullshit.
You take his dramatic, silent irritation as an invitation to add fuel to the fire, fed up with his week-long diversions from the underlying issue in your friendship. “Yeah, well, at least he didn't kiss me and then pretend it never happened.” You stand up and cross your arms defiantly.
Roman sighs a deep, shaky breath of air. “Y/N... Jesus. You really wanna do this, huh?” You look up, toeing the area of grass you'd just been staring at. His face, his eyes, his whole demeanour are pleading with you to stop. “It was my first kiss, Roman.”
He shuts his eyes for a second and you watch as his breathing becomes a little heavier. When he opens them, he starts toward your teary eyed figure but you step back and he stops in his tracks. “Y/N, i'm so sorry. I didn't know that.”
You nod, tears spilling over your waterline and cascading down your cheek into the ground. Where you wish you could disappear. You ignore the pain in your heart. You ignore the way this feels like a friendship ending argument. You ignore his own tears as they begin to meet yours in the soil.
“I know.” You sniffle, you didn't want to punish him. You don't even know what you want from this conversation. This isn't a good idea, you're drunk. You can't ignore the wave of anxiety that hits you, completely out of nowhere. “I just can't do this, Rome.”
You start to back up, but he follows you. “Do what?”
You squeeze your eyes shut and uncross your arms to instead wrap them around yourself. After a breath, you open them. Roman looks regretful. “Do what,Y/N?”
Be your friend, Is what you wanted to say.
“I can't see you right now.” Is what you say.
You turn around before he has time to see your face completely crumble. Panic, anxiety, and heart ache all fight for dominance over the sob working its way up your throat. You swallow it down and go find Nicky. You wouldn't be staying in Rafes room tonight.
By the end of the movie, your two youngest siblings are asleep. With Olivia having every Sunday off, you and Nicky fold up the blankets quietly talking about the film. Meanwhile, your Parents had each carried a sibling to bed to be tucked in. You grab a stack of blankets and carry them into the hall to put away in the linen closet. When you come back to the living room, your Mom is refilling your parents wine glasses, preparing to watch another movie with your Dad.
Nicky makes eye contact with you and widens his eyes slightly, insinuating something up.
“Ah, the gangs all here. Good. Sit.” Your Dad walks into the den and clasps his hands quietly.
You and Nicky both sit down on a loveseat near the front door and exchange a look. Your parents only do these little meetings to drop big news.
“So, nothing major but Wednesday night you're both expected to be home early for dinner. We're having guests over and there's a surprise involved.”
Nicky groans,”Mom, please. If you're pregnant again, I'm getting emancipated.”
You scoff out a laugh at your brother's blatant statement, before covering it up as a cough when you get a look from your Mom.
“Dominique.” Your father deadpans. “If your mom is pregnant, I’ll take you all and run. It isn't that.”
Your mom downs her wine. “This is why they don't have respect, Joseph.”
Your Dad gives her a warm grin and wraps her up under his arm. “Like I said, just be home early for dinner. Understood?”
You and Nicky ultimately agree without too much prying for details. After bidding your Parents goodnight, you both make your way upstairs. Your brother stops at your door as you enter your room and leans against the doorframe. “So....” He trails off and you roll your eyes as you search through your dresser for a large Tshirt, settling on one that Roman left here.
“Yes, Nicky?”
“What happened last night? I saw you mackin’ on Rafe but why was Roman so mad?” He walks further into your room and plops on your bed.
“Nicky!” You whine, batting at him with the t-shirt in your hands. “Get the hell off my blankets, you went outside in that outfit!”
It's Nicky's turn to roll his eyes at your rules, as he dramatically rolls off of your bed onto a pile of laundry on the floor, stretching out like a starfish. “Whatever. So what happened? I noticed that you stayed at the house all day. And kinda have been for a while.” He adds.
You let out a dramatic sigh of despair and slide down your dresser so that you're sitting facing your bed. “I’m so dumb, Nicky. I think I fucked up.”
He sits up on his elbows, facing you. “Wait, what? What's the matter?”
You contemplate telling him everything for a moment. What's the worst that could happen? Then you think back to the last time you asked yourself that question, and any ideas of total honesty dissipate. “I don't know...” and then, you remember. “What did you mean when you said that me and Rafe made sense?”
He sits up all the way and musses his hair. “I don't know, I was drunk, Y/N. I guess I always just assumed you’d rebel against Mom and Dad. Rafe would make sense for that. More sense than your childhood best friend.”
"Me and Rafe are friends, too.” You point out, although you know it's not the same.
“Not like you and Roman.”
You contemplate this quietly. Nicky comes over to where you're sitting and plants himself beside you.
“Listen sis, I don't know what the hell is going on, but you can tell me if I need to kick someone's ass. I won't ask questions.”
You shake your head sadly. ”It's not like that. I just did a dumb thing and now I have to live with it.”
Your older brother stands up and ruffles your hair. “Well, that's nothing new, is it? Goodnight Y/N/N.”
“Goodnight, Nicky.”
He shuts your door and you change into your shirt before turning on your fan and hopping in bed.
After about 15 minutes of staring at your ceiling, trying to make sense of your feelings, you were over it. You were agonising over whether or not to check your phone for a text from Roman and beating yourself up over what happened with Rafe. You flip over and grab the TV remote. Deciding to listen to something scary, you settle on a rerun of the Paranormal Activity films and turn back over, letting the TV lull you to sleep.
Not 10 minutes later, when you're almost out like a light, does your phone begin ringing quietly on the nightstand. You register the noise and flail under the covers, frustratedly. You snatch your phone up and accept the call, barely registering the name on the screen.
“What?” You almost growl.
“Wow, hello to you too, beautiful.” Rafe’s deep voice rings through the speaker.
“Do not disturb means do not disturb, not call twice, Rafe.” You can't help your tone, your anxiety keeps you up most nights, and you were so close to ending the night on a good note, moments before.
“I'm sorry, I’d take any option that guaranteed your attention.” He laughs.” Did I wake you up?”
“Yes actually.” You sigh, readjusting your covers from the flail. “Did you need something?” “Can I come over?”
“Seriously, Rafe? Its-” You pull your phone away from your cheek and look at the time, faltering.
“Only 9 P.M.? Exactly.” You can hear his smug face over the phone. “So?”
You feel queasy at the thought of seeing Rafe, despite being so explicit with him the night before. It felt like a betrayal to Roman in a way because you two hadn’t spoken since the fight last night where he expressed his disapproval of Rafe and you together. Although a small part of you doesn't care about his opinion, after his blatant disregard for your feelings.
“I don't think that's a great idea, Rafe, my parents are awake downstairs.” You try.
He’s quiet for a second, and then there's an incoming facetime from him. You answer the call and you see Rafe sitting up, shirtless, against his headboard. He has to fight his smile, seeing you laying on your side, hair cascading around your shoulder like a waterfall of curls.
“Is it because of last night?”
You mentally smack yourself for answering a call where he can see your face. Rafe always knew when you were lying. When you guys were 12 and 13, you covered for him when he broke one of Wards Golf awards and he figured out that you had a tell. You couldn't make eye contact.
“The real reason you don't want to see me.” He says in a bored tone. “Is it because of Roman?”
“No.” You roll your eyes.
“Dont lie to me, Y/N.” The dominant tone he's taking right now has you rethinking your previous statements.
“Fine, yeah. It Is, Rafe.” Pulling the covers up to your chin. “He’s one of my best friends, and you're his cousin. It feels weird that things are like this. I can't stop thinking about that stupid fight.”
You hear shuffling on Rafe’s end and then the sound of keys.
“What are you doing?”
“I'm comin over.” You start to protest but he cuts you off. “I'm gonna take your mind off of it.”
He ends the call and you're left staring at the screen dumbfounded. Now that he’s ended the call, you see a whole slew of texts and missed calls from John B and Kie, and even JJ asking you to join in on the boat day they had today. Nothing from Roman. He was usually always the first to cave after an argument, seeking you out almost every time. The lack of contact, admittedly worried you.
You sigh, sitting up in bed now. There are so many questions swirling around in your head. What was Roman thinking about? Was he still angry with you? What was Rafe thinking about? Was he going to try something? How were you supposed to hide yet another boy in your room without invoking your Mothers anger? More importantly though, how did you look right now?
You spring up and run to the ensuite bathroom. Your hair, once pinned up with a claw clip, now falls loosely around you with flyaway curlies everywhere and you wore only Roman’s T Shirt and a pair of boy short panties as makeshift PJs. You pull your clip out and stare at the excess tendrils of hair falling around you, trying to finger comb them down.
“Is it even worth it, for real?” You ask yourself as you eye the brush that would no doubt make your situation worse. Deciding that, no, it isn't worth it, you grab your mouthwash and gargle a mouthful before spitting it out, rinsing your mouth, and washing your face.
Back in your room, you realise how hot and stuffy it is. You unlock the balcony doors that face the ocean, so that Rafe can get inside. Then you pad across the floor and unlatch your bedroom window, going to open it for the breeze but nearly screaming out loud as it's pushed open, seconds later. “Ahh!”
Rafes hand shoots out to cover your mouth as he precariously balances himself between your windowsill and the branch he's perched on. He gives you an exasperated look. “Jesus, I literally live 5 minutes away. Move.”
You clutch your chest and take a step back just as he pushes off of the branch and pulls himself through the window. “Why didn't you just climb onto the balcony, you could've fallen.” You comment as he steadies himself.
Rafe examines your face, stepping closer. “Your Mom had all the trees near it cut down, remember?”
You’d forgotten about that. As soon as you turned 15 your Mom had to escape-proof your room because of an incident involving a party, a week prior. Which included cutting down the trees near your balcony and removing the garden trellis that crept up right beside it, leaving only an old oak tree beside the window that was across from your bedroom door. “Oh, right.”
You back up and sit on the edge of your bed, patting the spot next to you. Rafe pushes his hair off of his forehead as he takes a seat. The sound of the movie playing is all that can be heard as you both quietly observe each other. He looks really good in his simple blue tee and basketball shorts, and you can't help the natural, girly giddiness you feel.
“You look really pretty.” he starts.
Letting out a small laugh, “Shut up. I look like I was about to go to sleep. You look good though.” You go to smack his chest playfully, but he catches your hand.
“You're still the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen.”
Your heart flutters a little at his words, but you quell it and withdraw your hand slowly. One thing Rafe and his cousin had in common was their notoriety as two of the island's biggest playboys. “Don't say things you don't mean, Rafe.”
Rafe smiles at you knowingly, yet you don't know why. “Remember when we were like...” He thinks about it. “I was 9 and you were 8. We were playing hide and seek with a bunch of other kids at Olivia’s garden party?” He questions.
You remember. You’d gotten locked into the old outdoor cellar, while trying to use it as a hiding spot. You'd been locked in for what felt like hours as you plotted a way out, the music and ongoing party drowning out your cries. As a kid you remember thinking you’d be down there forever, You nod, telling Rafe to go on.
“You had all the other kids going crazy, we all thought you’d gotten kidnapped but we were too scared to tell anyone.” He chuckles at the memory. “But then you walked around the side of the house covered in dirt and I remember being so happy to see you. Even though you were crying and looked like a mess, running for your parents. You were the prettiest girl to me then. You're still that same girl, now.”
You make a face, scrunching your nose. “Why is my near death experience such a significant memory for you? I could've died, digging that little tunnel under the door.”
“But you didn't.” He laughs, ruffling your hair. “Jesus, you suck at accepting compliments.”
“Yeah, well, you kinda suck at giving them.” You smack his hands away, smoothing your mussed hair. His eyes shoot to your bare legs as your T-shirt rides up. Then they flick up to scrutinise the shirt itself and you wonder if he’ll mention anything about its owner.
Instead he tugs at the hem of it with a sudden mischievous glint in his eyes. “Anything under here?”
You blush. “Rafe, shut up.” You weren't expecting Rafe to be here right now in the first place. In fact, you'd tried to avoid it. Just because you guys got drunk and fooled around didn't mean you suddenly were into Rafe. That's just what teenagers do, right? Yeah, he may look like a god and he always smells good but you didnt wanna risk your friendship with him or Roman further.
“Make me.”
His fingers slip past the hem, teasing their way up your thighs. Your breath hitches in your throat, and you swear you stop breathing. But when his fingers brush too close to your clothed pussy, you snatch at his wrist and he looks up at your face, fingers frozen over your core.
“Rafe, what do you want?”
“Honestly?” You nod, matching his heavy eye contact.
“I just wanna make you feel good, baby. ” He inches his face closer to yours, while you slowly start to forget why you stopped him. “Right now I really want to make you cum on my fingers.” He only breaks eye contact as he presses his lips against yours roughly. You loosen your grip on his wrist, your inhibitions melting at his actions.
He takes the opportunity to press his thumb against your clit, eliciting a soft whine into his mouth. Your breaths mingle together, hearts beginning to race in sync with the electric tension that's filling the air.
Rafe cradles your face gently in one hand, fingertips tracing the delicate lines of your jaw as your tongues swirl against each other. His warm touch causes a shiver to go down your spine and he smirks into the kiss. You feel his heartbeat against your chest as he lowers you onto the bed, his fingers stroking you over your panties.
“Rafe,” You coo against his soft lips. “Keep touching me there.”
“Yeah, Princess? Like this?” Rafe drags his thumb around your clit in circles, increasing the pressure. Your hips grind involuntarily towards his hand as you nod, a moan escaping your lips.
“Shhh, be quiet.” He presses another short kiss to your lips, letting go of your face to yank your shirt up to your belly and focus his gaze on his handiwork.
Rafe continues to tease you, your panties preventing you from feeling his skin. He looks up at you, watching your reaction as he ghosts his fingers over your entrance again. You were suddenly filled with a longing for something more - an indefinable desire that was rooted in your core, and it made you shiver with pleasure.
Rafe smiles smugly as he watches you, his gaze tender yet smouldering. He leans forward and kisses you, your mouths exploring each other with an intensity that takes your breath away. With each kiss, your concerns about Roman faded away, replaced by something new and exciting and unbearably sweet.
When he finally pulls away, Rafe drags his hand away from your pussy to brush lightly against your hips, tracing a gentle line along the curve of your waist. You shiver again, skin prickling with pleasure as he moves his hands lower.
To your surprise his fingers lace between yours, and he gently tugs you towards him. “Do you want me to keep touching you, baby?” You nod desperately, extremely flushed. “Can you keep quiet?”
You nod again and before you can protest his fingers are in your panties. He teases you slowly, and his breathing becomes heavier. You're lost in a world of sensation as his thumb finds your clit again, beginning to create blissful, swirling patterns.
His fingers slowly trail lower, to your entrance, and you can feel your body responding to his touch, almost dripping over his fingers. Your skin is alive with a pleasure you've never felt before.
Rafe groans while you throw your head back as he begins pushing his index and middle fingers inside of you, the stretching sensation too intense for you to take it. You grab at his forearm as he begins pumping his fingers in and out of you, the heat from his touch making you moan.
”W-ait.” You attempt to push his arm away but he holds you in place with his free arm, his pace becoming more insistent. The painful stretch begins to fade into something much more pleasurable.
“Let me make you feel good,Y/N.”
Rafe moves his fingers at a quick pace, repeatedly stroking against your G-spot until you're a whining, moaning mess. As you begin to feel yourself nearing an orgasm, you silently beg him to stop before you could release, as if that would make this any better. Rafe, however, seemed to be enjoying your reaction and continued his assault, his fingers sliding deeper and faster.
You felt your entire body ignite with a pleasure that was both overwhelming and exquisite. Your hands find his shirt and you ball it up in your fists, feeling yourself release, squirting on his hand and your covers. You’re screaming muffled profanities into Rafes palm as your orgasm finally engulfs you. Your body goes limp with relief, your breathing ragged as you lie there, trembling.
Rafe withdraws his fingers and sits up, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. You lay there for a few moments, trying to process what just happened. You felt embarrassed and ashamed, but at the same time, you couldn't deny the pleasure you had just experienced. As you slowly sit up, fixing your panties, Rafe's smirk widens.
"That was quite the experience, hmm?" he says in a smug voice.
You could feel your cheeks flush and you quickly look away, your heart pounding with a mix of emotions. Rafe leans closer and puts his hand on your shoulder, turning you to face him. "Hey, It's okay," he says softly. "You don't have to be embarrassed. I'm just glad I made you feel that good. That was fun right?"
You nodded, your face still flushed with embarrassment. You look away again, not wanting to meet his gaze. ‘It's just that... I didn't expect it to feel that way. I'm kind of overwhelmed. Sorry if that sounds stupid.”
Rafe pulls you into his chest and wraps an arm around you. “It doesn't sound stupid. I get it, I've never seen a girl squirt before, either. I'm sorry if that was too much.”
You roll your eyes, as he can't see you, at his boyish thoughts. "It's fine, Rafe.” You pull away from Rafes hug and stare at your carpet awkwardly. Sensing your hesitance he looks away from you nonchalantly, “You tired?”
Seeing the question as an out, you meet his eyes and nod, feeling the atmosphere in the room change. His smile is small, disappointed. “I'll see you tomorrow then? Or Wednesday?” You furrow your eyebrows. “The dinner that your parents are hosting..?”
You remember your Dads statement earlier, the dinner and the surprise. “Oh, okay yeah. You're coming?”
“Yeah, So are Olivia and Roman.” Rafe replies as he stands up, wiping his cum covered hands on his shorts. You internally cringe at how awkward this interaction is turning out to be. It's your fault, you have to fucking ruin everything. You nod your head as if you aren't mentally cursing yourself out. “But hey, Y/N?”
You meet his expectant stare. “Yeah?”
He kisses your forehead before backing towards your window, smirking as he opens it once again. “I took your mind off of it, didn't I?” And with that he's gone.
He did not, in fact, take your mind off of it.
Two hours later, you're still awake, staring at your ceiling fan trying to drown out the negative thoughts eating you alive. You had a tendency to overthink, and with that came anxiety. The best remedy for your anxiety was alcohol, which not only did you not have access too at the moment, but it also caused you to make dumb bitch decisions, occasionally. You couldn't help but crave it anyways.
You felt incredibly guilty and even ashamed that you let things go that far with Rafe, especially given the fact that he didn't seem to be concerned about your actual feelings about it.
As the minutes go by and sleep evades you, you give up rolling over to pick up your silenced phone. You have a slew of unanswered notifications but one name immediately catches your attention. Sitting up in bed you click on the notification, fast as shit.
45 Minutes Ago
Romeo: Jelli bbeen
Romeo: com to our beecfh
Rome: Plz im srory
Fuck, I'm a horrible person, you instantly hit the call button, knowing that he’s drunk off of his ass. When the call goes to voicemail straight away, you hop out of bed and throw on a pair of shorts and crocs, slipping quietly out of your room determined to go make sure he's okay.
You pause at the top of the stairs, listening for the sound of your parents, when you hear nothing you creep down the carpeted stairs slowly.
FInally reaching the back door, you slide it open as quietly as you can and creep outside. Shutting it behind you, you turn around to walk towards Romans house when you spot a figure, down on the beach, near your family's dock.
You curse under your breath and hurry towards the figure. As you near, you can clearly see Romans broad torso hunched over, one arm laying on his knee holding a bottle of Jack and the other stuck in his extremely messy hair.
“Rome.” You call softly so as not to startle him.
He raises his head slightly, back to you, but doesn't move otherwise. “Jellybean?”
“Yeah... it's me, what's going on Roman?” You put a hand on his shoulder, sitting down beside him. “What are you doing sitting out here? It's almost Midnight.”
Roman looks at you in a mixture of melancholy and clear intoxication. His lips twitch into a slight frown, as if he is going to cry, but only momentarily, before he takes a shot and hands you the bottle. You take it, gratefully. “I needed to see you, talk to you.” He’s slurring, dangerously. ”I really fucking hate what happened yesterday.”
Before you reply you take a shot too, and sigh. “Which part?”
“All of it. I really fucking hated it all, guppy.” He turns towards you, his demeanor slightly more defeated than a minute ago. He was naturally a manic person, but when he was drunk, he went from tough guy to busting out every pet name in the book in hopes of being babied. “Seeing Rafe touch you, seeing you like it.... us fighting.”
Your eyes widen, slightly. “What does that even mean, Roman?
Roman stares at you with his sad green eyes, dejectedly. “I want to fix it. I fucked up and I want to fix it.” He taps the bottle in your hand and you hold eye contact as you take another drink, passing it to him afterwards, him doing the same.
“It's not entirely your fault, Roman.” You let your eyes fall to the sand between you. You hated lying, but you didn't know what was going on in his head and telling him about Rafe being in your room, less than 3 hours ago, would possibly just serve to make him more upset. “I shouldn't have kissed Rafe.” You omit the part about you grinding and cumming on his dick, for Romans sake.
He grabs your hand in his and pulls you to scoot closer, you do. “Ya’guys only kissed cuz’ I never talked to you about us.” he says. “M’ sorry if I hurt you baby. I love you, Y/N. I really fucking love you.” He cups your face, dragging his thumbs across your cheeks.
You hold your breath, deja vu from a few weeks ago hits you square in the chest. This is exactly how he kissed you the first time. You've wanted to hear those words from him for weeks, hoping that he was secretly in love with you too, not while he was this heavily inebriated, however.
You gently grab his hands and squeeze them, lowering them so they are between you both. “Maybe we should talk about this in the morning, bubba?”
Roman's lip starts trembling, barely noticeable, at the nickname. “Y/N, no. You deserve an explanation, please let me explain.” He whines. “I do love you. It wasn't about you.” He looks at your joined hands for a moment before placing a kiss on your knuckles and peering hesitantly up into your eyes.
You couldn't help but want to hear him out. Your heart constricts as he begins speaking in a pained voice. “It's my Mom, Y/N. Shes fucking insane. Do you remember, 9th grade, I was with Allie Mcentyre?”
You nod, pensively. You'd been friends with Allie that year, because she was dating Roman, before she abruptly cut you off. Roman seemed not to care, so you didn't either. “Yeah before she ditched us.”
He grimaces. “She didn't ditch us, Y/N.” You furrow your eyebrows in question. “She was the first girl I ever brought around Mom, and the entire fucking time, she gaslit and- and lied an' manipulated both of us." Roman pauses as he hiccups, and gathers his words. "She would text her cryptic shit from my phone and then delete it so that it seemed like her angry texts were random, she’d tell her that she wasn't good enough for me and me the same. Allie told me she didnt want to see me anymore after my mom told her mom that I’d been having sex with multiple girls at a time.” He chuckles. “I was still a fucking virgin. She just wanted to ruin what I had. I realized she’s only going to let me be with someone that she chooses for me.”
“Roman...” Your mouth opens and shuts while you process your next words. “Im so fucking sorry, that I didnt know about that. That's literally insane.”
Roman chuckles drily, you pull him into a bone crushing hug. “It's okay, I didn't tell you.”
You squeeze him and pull away. "I shouldve been there for you, I'm sorry."
Roman shakes his head, placing a hand back on your cheek, thumb resuming its soft, delicate strokes. “No. I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve the way I treated you. I love you, jellybean, please don't be mad at me.”
You gently press your palm against his hand but this time you don’t remove it. “I could never stay mad at you, Roman. I love you too.” How could you ever be angry with this side of him? Nobody ever gets to see this side but you. The whiskey stupor you were beginning to feel caused you to zero in on the tall boy beside you.
His lazy, responsive smile is so boyish and sweet, it makes you buzz with desire, and briefly you recall wondering what it would feel like to do what you did with Rafe, with Roman instead. They are different in more ways than they were similar. Roman is hard and broken, but his pure heart radiates through the cracks, whereas Rafe was a tried and true asshole, though you had to confess you didn't know him as well as you knew the boy in front of you.
“Y/N?” Roman bites his lip and a slight frown forms between his brows as he glances down at your lips. “Can I kiss you?”
In lieu of answering, you tangle your hands in his hair and pull him to you, desperately connecting your lips. You caught Roman off guard but he quickly grabs ahold of your waist in his free hand, managing to hastily pull you onto his lap.
As your mouths slowly move together, a warm electrifying feeling spreads through you, time seems to slow down, allowing you to focus solely on his lips and the emotions they were making you feel. His hands find yours, intertwining them with his, solidifying the bond you two were experiencing.
You couldn't help but think about the way Rafe kissed you earlier, only in that his kiss was much less intimate, yet more hungry and physically intense. WIth Roman, it was a slow dance of tongues and lips meshing that made you soaked for him in a completely different way. You purposely rolled your hips over his and he groans, squeezing your joined hands. You break the kiss and lean back slightly, admiring the boy who has your heart.
“Hmm, baby?” His lips look a delicious, puffy red and his eyes are half lidded, he looks so sexy right now. Before you could help it, you’re grinding your pussy against his member again, both of you letting out satisfied moans at the friction. “Y/N, shit. What are you doing to me?”
The whiskey in your system has your body acting on its own, out of sexual frustration from the months of built up tension between you two, desperate to explore it with him. You just let his cousin finger fuck you. Fuck, two shots wouldn't be enough.
You pick up the bottle of Jack Daniels, resigned to the choices you were about to make, and downed two or three shots. You force yourself to ignore the burn, and Romans drunk, questioning gaze as you tipped his chin and poured some into his mouth. He shakes his head with a grimace, swallowing down the shitty tasting alcohol.
Without wasting a beat, you begin peppering kisses along his neck, and he lets out a spur of dirty, drunken noises from the back of his throat.
“Does that feel good?” You can't help but tease your clit along his clothed erection again, body moving intoxicatedly of its own free will, chasing the friction his shorts provided, as he struggles to answer and resigns to nodding. You move your mouth up to his ear, sucking softly on it before whispering, “Roman, I want you so bad, want you to fuck me.”
“Wh-” Instantly his hands are on your hips, pushing you slightly back. “Jellybean, what?” He seems almost instantly sobered as he examines your features. "I thought you were a virgin?” You flush at your own obviousness, feeling it even over the warmth of the alcohol coursing through you.
“Well... I mean, I am. But, I want you to be the first.” You grip onto the bottom of his shirt, glancing down, doing your best not to appear as the tipsy, desperate slut you feel like.
Roman sighs heavily, closing his eyes for a second, squeezing your hips gently. “Y/N, I dont know about you, but Im really fucked up right now.” You nod, still not looking up but he lowers his head, forcing you to meet his eyes. “I want it to be good for you. I want it to be special, not like this, pretty girl.”
Your eyes begin to well up quickly, in humility at the perceived rejection and you look out at the ocean, wiping at your tears before they can fall. “I'm sorry, Rome, I'm so stupid. I'm sorry.”
“Love, you aren't stupid. Believe me when I say I want this as bad as you.” Roman shocks you when he removes your hand, that's clutching his shirt, to place it on his hard length. “This is what you fucking do to me, baby. And when the time is right, I won't just be the first, I'll be the last too.” He gives you a lopsided smirk and a delicate kiss on the lips.
You offer him a small smile in response, he was being such sweetheart and you felt horrible. At the forefront of your clouded brain, you were desperate to replace Rafe's touch with Roman's as if it would erase your prior actions, but you shove it to the back, focusing on his reassurance. "Is that a promise?"
“Of course, it is. I know I've been so wrapped up in my own head, trying to keep everything...normal, but I don't want to do that anymore.” He pulls you close again and rests his forehead against yours. “I want this, baby. I want you.”
No, no, no. Roman, dont. Not right now. The guilt is going to crush you. You look down. “Will you be my girlfriend?” His hopeful eyes await yours.
You're quiet for a beat too long before you slowly look back into his expectant face. “I can't, Roman... my Dad. You know how he is.” It's bullshit, but he doesn't know it. Yeah your dad would have an aneurysm but you didn't care in the slightest. You had to make sure that Rafe wouldn't say anything about what you guys did, and break things off with him first, before you made an even bigger mess. Roman was wasted, he might not even remember this in the morning.
Romans face falls a bit at your words. He just promised to endure his mothers psychopathy for you and you wouldn't even return the favour? You hate the look that flashes across his face and hurry to reassure him. “I'll talk to him, okay? After dinner on Wednesday.”
He nods somberly, “Yeah, okay. If you want to.”
You grab his face and plant a kiss on his pouty lips. “I do, Romeo, don't worry. And I promise, I will.”
He laughs at that, loving the nickname. You made many mistakes, but you wouldn't let this be one of them. The feelings that the boy under you made you feel, compared to absolutely nothing else. At least that's what you keep telling yourself.
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queen-of-reptiles · 9 months
description: in which charli meets her future girlfriend in a coffee shop in london problem however - she’s bethany england’s cousin
charli grant x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: language, cuteness
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y/n just posted
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liked by, y/f/n1, y/f/n2 and 609 others
y/n smiley :))
tagged bethanyengland4, daisy_c1 and 6 others
view all 200 comments
y/f/n1: vibe 😎
y/n: ikr 😏
y/f/n2: so many smiley faces
y/n: 🙂🙂🙂
y/f/n3: ☺️☺️
y/n: 😘😘
bethanyengland4: 💙💙
y/n: 💙💙
username1: omg who is this ?!?!??
y/f/n4: that night was a weird vibe tbf
y/f/n5: i blame y/n 🤷‍♀️
y/n: oi fucker
y/f/n6: you kiss your mother with that mouth 😏
y/n: no but i kiss yours 😏
mart.thomas: what fun!!
y/n: love you marta !!
username2: how does she know the spurs girls ?!
username3: 🧐🧐
y/f/n7: coffee, fashion, night out, wanna be aesthetic, bethany, TRAIN, daisy and the best band set up ever
daisy_c1: thanks for the info 😭
y/n: why did he just dissect my post lmao
daisy_c1: oi leave him alone - he can do whatever he wants 🖕
y/n: you wanna fight 🧐
daisy_c1: Y E S
see more comments...
y/n hummed as she flipped another chair over, the morning sun slowly pushing through London, Bulls Cross road was just starting to get busy as people rushed toward the centre of London for work.
y/n flipped the sign at the door, smiling at Daisy the two workers letting out a joint sigh as they waited for the usual morning rush the coffee shop always had.
Since y/n could remember, her parents had wanted to own a coffee shop, and when y/n's father passed away when she was 18, her mum decided to do it.
The woman baked the best sweet treats and savoury paninis which people adored, she and her five kitchen staff worked out back - switching shifts and y/n with her rotated seven out front worked serving the customers.
y/n enjoyed the ability to bond with people over drinks, and the fact she and her mother mainly employed college/university kids who really enjoyed working and did so with a smile.
The bell echoed and the three shared a look before bursting into it, rushing and bustling as they worked swiftly for the next two hours, battling the morning rush, until the clock finally hit 9am.
"Oh my god!" Daisy groaned, the two slumping onto the counter in relief that the cafe was finally empty. The bell went once more and y/n sighed.
"Slacking on the job?" A voice asked, an amused tone shining through.
"Beth!" y/n grinned, rushing over to her cousin who scooped her up in a tight hug.
"Hey mini!" Bethany cheered. "Here for my morning dose of caffeine!" She adds and y/n nods as Daisy starts making Bethany's usual coffee order.
"How are you?" y/n asked her cousin as she moves back behind the counter.
"Good, we have a new signing starting today, so I'm excited." Bethany nods and y/n smiles.
"Yeah, Charlie Grant right? The Australian?" y/n asks and Bethany nods.
"You do pay attention, you do care!" Bethany says, grinning at the fact her cousin, who didn't really like football knew who their new signing was.
"Meh, a little bit." y/n laughs, holding up her pointer finger and her thumb to make a small space between them.
The two cousin's share a laugh before Daisy hands Bethany her coffe, the woman thanking her as Daisy shrugs it off, miming to y/n she was going to go outside for a minute and have a vape which y/n allows with a nod and a smile.
"I will see you tonight yeah, for dinner?" Bethany asks y/n who nods happily.
"Yeah of course." y/n smiles and Bethany grins, leaning over to press a kiss to her younger cousin's cheek.
"See you tonight! Love you." Bethany calls.
"Love you too!" y/n calls out, before the door shuts and the cafe is quiet once more.
Only twenty minutes after Bethany had got her coffee the door opened again and a blonde wondered in, eyes wide as she looked around at the menu, mouth every so often moving along with the words of the items on the menu.
Daisy had been sent to get some school work done in the staff area out the back, y/n telling her to come back just before quarter to eleven, which was when their lunch rush would start until 2 - Leonard would also be in by then and then once 3 hit Daisy would go home.
"Hiya, can I help?" y/n asked, a smile on her face as the girl looked at her and her cheeks reddened.
"Oh, hi. Um, what's good in here?" The woman asked and y/n smiled at her.
"Depends, what do you like the look of?" y/n asked, turning to look at the menu which was big enough to have some variety on but not stupidly big.
"I like the look of you." The girl said, seemingly without thinking and y/n's head snapped to her, the girl covered her mouth in embarrassment and y/n giggled.
"Thank you, however I am not on the menu." y/n laughed and the girl giggled slightly. "I'm y/n." She added, holding out her hand.
"Charli." The girl introduced, shaking y/n's hand.
"I'm guessing from the accent, you're not for around here?" y/n asks.
"No, I'm from the motherland of Australia." Charli smiles and y/n chuckles.
"Well Charli, welcome to London! Now what can I get for ya?" y/n asked.
Once Charlie had ordered her drink, y/n got on with making it quick and putting it in a to go cup. She then handed it to the woman opposite, ignoring the way their finger bushed as Charli took it.
"Can I get your number, maybe you could show me around London, y'know?" Charli asks and y/n smiles.
"Tell you what, come back tomorrow morning, and I'll give you my number." y/n nods and Charli grins brightly.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow chick!" Charli before she leaves the cafe and y/n smiles.
"Wasn't that Bethany's new signing?" Daisy asks, y/n jumping in shock having not heard her appear in the back doorway.
"Maybe." y/n chuckled, Daisy rolling her eyes playfully. "What?" y/n asks. "She's really really hot." She adds and Daisy chuckles, grabbing a diet coke at the fridge and going back to studying.
daisy_c1 just posted on her story
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y/n huffed as she pushed through the restaurant door, moving toward the loud noise of what she was sure were the Tottenham players.
She lid off her coat, her relaxed yet classy dress being on display as she moved toward the table, Becky being the first one to notice her and get up.
"y/n!" Becky cheered, pulling the girl in for a hug.
"Hi Becks!" y/n smiles hugging her as several of the team also raised to their feet. After doing her rounds and saying hi to everyone, y/n noticed Bethany and Charli walking back from the bar, clearly having ordered some non-alcoholic drinks for everyone.
"There she is!" Bethany cheers, moving over to y/n and pulling her in for a tight hug. y/n looked over Bethany's shoulder, winking cheekily at Charli who was watching her with wide shocked eyes.
"Hi Beth, you okay?" y/n asks pulling away, her cousin nodded as she dragged Charli over.
"Charli, this is my cousin and the best coffee maker in town, y/n." Bethany smiles.
"Hi." y/n smiles offering her hand.
"Hey." Charli nods, shaking her hand as Bethany pulls y/n down to sit, Charli the other side.
"I ordered you your usual?" Bethany asks her cousin and y/n nods thanking her with a kiss on your cheek. Bethany then gets into a conversation with Marta, so y/n turns to Charli.
"So, Bethany is your cousin?" Charli asks. "My captain?" She asks again and y/n chuckles.
"Still want my number?" y/n asks hopefully.
"You are really fit." Charli sighs and y/n chuckles, the two sharing a laugh. "I guess you'll just have to see if I come in tomorrow." Charli hums.
"You better." y/n warns and Charli just giggles, before the two turn to separate people to talk.
The next morning, y/n went through the rush and the watched the door impatiently, hoping to see a familiar blonde walk through the door.
At 9.05am y/n sighed and assumed Charli had gone straight to training so started making herself a hot chocolate, and one for one of the newbies that was currently studying out back.
"Can I get some service?" A voice asks and y/n jumps, turning to see Charli waiting with a cheeky grin. y/n furrows her brows wondering how she didn't here the bell of the door.
"You came." y/n said with a small smile.
"Well you see, there's a really good offer on the table of this beautiful chicks number." Charli sighs and y/n chuckles.
"Oh yeah, want me to go get her?" y/n asks and Charli nods.
"Would ya? She's stunning and may be related to the Tottenham women captain." Charli nods.
y/n chuckles before spinning on the spot and mockingly gasping at Charli, as if she didn't know she was there, at this Charli bursts into laughter.
"Charli, lovely to see you." y/n smiles and Charli smiles softly back.
"So..." Charli says, resting against the counter.
"You looking for this?" y/n asks, holding up a napkin with her number scrawled across.
"Yes I am indeed." Charli nods, leaning over and snatching it from y/n's hand before she could blink. The blonde had the number in her phone and ringing quickly.
y/n's phone vibrated on the side and Charli nodded, happy to know that the number was correct and y/n now had her number. y/n chuckled slightly as she grabbed her phone and added Charli as a contact.
"I have to go." Charli says softly. "But do you think we could meet up, outside of Spurs dinners and coffee shop counters?" Charli asks and y/n smiles softly, texting across her answer.
to charli: tomorrow here, 7pm.
Charlie looks up back at y/n, a bright smile on her face when she realises they are going on a date and she nods her head.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Charli nods before leaning over the counter and pecking y/n's cheek. "Bye!" Charli calls before rushing out.
y/n bit her lip, smiling softly before running a hand over her cheek, she then sighs and opens her phone quickly texting Bethany, who replies far quicker than expected.
to bethyyyy <3: if I asked to date one of your team-mates, what would you say? x
from bethyyyy <3: this abt Charli?
to bethyyyy <3: wtf - what the actual fuck - how did...
from bethyyyy <3: please a lesbian always knows
to bethyyyy <3: hahahahahahahah
from bethyyyy <3: go for it btw! xx
to bethyyyy <3: love you x
from bethyyyy<3: love you too xx
y/n smiled as she looked up from her phone, before grinning at the ceiling and fist bumping herself - all she had to do was take Charli to a good first date. And she had just the place.
charli_grant just posted on her story
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katrinagorry10 just followed y/n
mackenziearnold just followed y/n
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maryfowlerrr just followed y/n
caitlinfoord just followed y/n
elliecarpenterr just followed y/n
kyracooneyx just followed y/n
stephcatley just followed y/n
alannakennedy just followed y/n
100, 098 others just followed y/n
y/n just posted
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liked by daisy_c1, bethanyengland4 and 108, 287 others
tagged charli_grant, bethanyengland4 and 6 others
y/n umm hi everyone ?
view all 4099 comments
y/f/n1: soooooo many people omg 😶😶
y/n: 🫣🫣
y/f/n2: a lotta coffeee that day ! 😝
y/n: it was quite the day ! 😅
y/f/n2: 😂😂
username1: is it me or is she so pretty ?!! 😍😍
samanthakerr20: was great to meet you pookie !! I WILL BE RETURNING FOR YOUR MOTHERS CAKES 😍😍
y/n: 🥰😘
beckyspencer91: that night was so good ‘kiss me martinis’ yummm 😌😌
y/n: 💋💋
username2: so she’s bethany’s cousin?!?!
charli_grant: i need to STOP taking selfies on your phone ! 😭
y/n: no I like them !! ☺️
cailtlinfoord: ‘no i like them’ 😶
daisy_c1: omg those flowers 😍😍
y/n: you got them for me ?!!!!
daisy_c1: i know i just wanted to make sure everyone knew what a great bff i am ☺️
charli_grant: 🚨 DAISY IS A GREAT BEST FRIEND 🚨
y/n: 😂😂😂
bethanyengland4: love you little one!!
y/n: Love you tooo!!!!!
kyracooneyx: that last photo took Charli and I wayyyyy to long to do 😅
y/n: in the rain as well
charli_grant: NO Y/N WAIT YOU HAVE TO GET THE AESTHETIC ANGLE - kyra after making us stand in the rain for five minutes 🙄
see more comments...
y/n chuckled as her phone continued to go off, neither her or Charli bothered as they continued to skate around the empty roller rink, everyone having gone home.
y/n held her hand out for Charli, the blonde grasping it as they rolled over the wood, singing along to the music as they did so, Charli pulled y/n slightly, arms wrapping around her waist as she pulled the girl into her chest.
y/n breathed in shock, arms wrapping around Charli's shoulders as the blonde skates them both, y/n not attempting to skate backwards, just letting Charli bring her along.
"I really enjoyed tonight." Charli whispered quietly, pushing a strand of hair away from y/n's eyes.
"Does that mean you want another one?" y/n asks hopefully, Charli smiling as she skates them toward the exit.
"I'd love to." Charli nods, as she holds y/n's hands, letting her get from the rink.
"Yeah?" y/n asks, smiling as Charli nods.
"Yeah." Charli smiles, the two taking their skates off and thanking the workers before sliding their trainers back on and walking back outside.
"Come on, there is one more thing to do." y/n smiles, dragging Charli toward her car where the two get in, turning the heat on to keep them warm as y/n drives to a spot just outside the woods, the Tottenham training centre the other side of them.
"Have you brought me here to kill me?" Charli asks as they get out, coats zipped up.
"Shut up." y/n laughs.
"No, cause I warn ya, I'm scrappy." Charli says and y/n laughs more.
"Oh shush." y/n hums climbing onto the roof of her Volvo. "Come on." She adds as she lays back, Charli joining her with a furrowed brow.
"What are ya doing chick?" Charli asks her.
"Lie down and look up Charl." y/n says, Charli doing as she was told, a gasp falling from her lips. "Out here, the light pollution isn't as bad, so you can actually see all the stars." y/n smiles at her.
"It's beautiful." Charli says, y/n humming in agreement as she watches the scene above her. "Thank you for tonight, it's been fantastic." Charli admits softly.
"I think the company's been the best thing." y/n says, turning her head to face Charli, the blonde doing the same.
"You know, I would agree." Charli smiles softly, her hand reaching out to find y/n's, the two linking their fingers as they turn back to the stars.
charli_grant just posted on her story
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okay there will deffo be a part two to this but once I have fought my way through requests!
Queenie! x
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sweetiepoison · 6 months
Famous Baby (blurb)
The Concert
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Song: “Silent” by Ashley Kutcher
The amount of times Auston called you overrated was roughly the same amount of times you called him self centered. So you never expected him to use one of the tickets you gave him for your show on himself, but there he was, surrounded by the five other ticket holders.
“Hey.” You greeted as politely as possible knowing this was his family surrounding him.
“Hey, these are my sisters Alex and Bre.” Auston first introduced you to the two girls you’ve seen in pictures.
They both sent you a wave and a smile which you thought was as far as it was going to go, but the younger one pipped up.
“When Auston gave us the tickets and told us he was friends with you, we didn’t actually believe him at first.”
“Bre.” Auston’s tone came off as a warning.
“Oh did he?” You laughed looking over at Auston for an explanation.
“I never used the word friends.” Auston clarified.
“Yes you did!” Bre exclaimed, “He surprised us with the tickets at a family dinner and when our nana asked who you were he said you were friends and a really talented singer.”
Your smile only grew as you gently nudged Auston’s arm, “talented huh?”
“That’s an exaggeration.”
“Sure it is.” You agreed sarcastically, but put an end to it by turning your attention to the younger girls who were the main reason for the invite.
“Hi!” You smiled brightly greeting the younger girls in front of you. They couldn’t be older than 10.
“This is Gracie and this is Paige.” Auston introduced the two girls.
“It’s so nice to meet you both, my name’s (y/n). I’m so exited that you could make it tonight.” Despite your best efforts the girls remained quiet and needed lots of prompting from there mom to talk. Nevertheless, you continued to talk about the show and asked them questions as well.
Auston would rather do skating drills before he ever admitted that he liked watching you interact with his family, but he did. The way you told his cousins the first song you were going to play but they had to promise to keep it a secret and how you included his sisters in choosing your outfit, those little things stuck with him.
Shortly after your introductions it was time for them to head to their seats and you to finish getting ready.
“Alright, popstar, let’s see what kind of overrated concert you put on.”
“It’ll be the best one you’ve ever been to, Matthews.” You reassured him.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Auston warned you.
“Sit back, relax,” you smiled “and most importantly, enjoy.”
“I’ll try.”
“Oh you will.” You sent him a playful wink as you watched him walk away.
As your opener finished up on stage you took the time to compose yourself as best as you could. Despite years of performing you still got nervous before every show.
With one last final look in the mirror and a self encouraging mantra you were swept up by a stage manager. He held your waist as he practically carried you while speed walking down the hall.
“(Y/n) on the move, we’ll be at the starting marker in T minus 20 seconds.” He talked into his walkie talkie as he guided you down the hall.
“Lights have went down and band is in place.” You heard come back through the walkie talkie.
“Dancers are moving onto the stage now.” Another voice informed.
“10 seconds, countdown has started on the screen.” You could hear the screaming from the crowd intensify as your arrival on stage was now imminent.
“(Y/n)’s standing by ready to go.” You looked toward your team one final time to ensure that everything was in place.
“Good luck kiddio, leave it all out there.”
You placed your inner ear in which allowed you to hear yourself while singing as well as cues from the stage managers. “5….4….3….2….1, let’s have a good show everyone.”
As you entered through the side stage the screaming reached a level you didn’t even think possible. You took a second to feel the energy and the crowd before standing in position. You smiled singing your intro song, before taking a pause to greet the crowd.
“Hi Glendale! How are you feeling?” You were met with an explosion of screams and cheering, “It’s so nice to be here with all of you tonight!”
The night continued with you performing all of your tops hits. Song after song left you feeling more excited and satisfied as you fed off the crowds energy. Maybe it was the warm weather or the outdoor stadium, or the summer evening, but this show felt better than the last few. The band was playing at their best, all of the dancers were sharp and purposeful and you could feel that the show was a success even before it ended.
Your favorite part of every show had to be interacting with the audience.
“Okay this next song is about cursing an entire generational line.” You laughed as everyone started screaming knowing what it was from previous shows you’ve done with the same intro.
“It is a tribute to all the boys,” you emphasized the word boys “Not men, boys, because a man wouldn’t act like this.”
“And I want…” you scanned the front row on the left side of the stage, “you,” you pointed at a girl who just about passed out once she realized you were looking at her, “to introduce this next song.” She immediately handed her phone to her friend. “You can talk about a boy who ruined your life or just say you hate men, whatever works.”
You extended the mic to the security guard in front of the stage to hold for her.
“This next song is for all the lame ass boys who fumbled (y/n), it’s your loss, this is ‘Tummy Hurts!’
You laughed as the mic was handed back to you and your band began playing the intro to the song.
Auston couldn’t help but move his head to the beat of your catchy songs and at times he even hummed along to the ones that were on repeat on the radio.
It wasn’t just your voice that was amazing, but the lighting, the backgrounds, the choreography it was all mesmerizing. Auston thought it was overall a really good show. Even during the songs he didn’t know your stage presence was enough to keep him locked in.
“I have a new song to play for y’all if that’s alright?” Your question received a wave of people screaming yes which made you laugh. “Okay, it’s one that I’ve been writing and working on since tour has started. And we won’t end on this song I promise because it’s kind of a slower one, but I’m excited to share it. This is called, Silent.
You felt a mix between anxiety and excitement. You knew they would like the song but this is the first time anyone outside of your band would be hearing it. The thought of being this vulnerable made you not want to perform it at all. But you knew if you didn’t do this now, you would never release the song and it would end up never seeing the light of day.
You sat down on the chair placed in the middle of the stage and began strumming the opening chords on your guitar. Taking a deep breath and closing your eyes you began singing.
‘It’s 6 a.m. and we’re in your bed
And you're just looking at me with everything unsaid
I should go to sleep or just up and leave
I should call a car before I say what I might mean’
Auston’s heart began thumping in his chest. It was just the beginning of the song, but these lyrics were hitting a little too close to home.
Early in the morning with only a few hours of sleep in your system, you smacked Auston in the arm complaining about his snoring and how it was keeping you awake. He quickly shot back with the fact that you stole all the covers. And despite the darkness and your fighting you both laid there facing each other, anger giving way to another feeling. No words were spoken, but there was also an understanding that things were somehow different between you two.
Or is it just a combination of this late intoxication?
And these thoughts won't quit, oh, is it worth the
Conversation of a hopeless situation?
And these thoughts, we're probably better off keeping it silent
The song was actually very easy for you to write, once you got the chorus done the rest flowed. You had a rough version recorded on your phone within two hours.
Nothing can go wrong when you keep it quiet
No one needs to know just where my mind's at
That's for you to guess, I'll keep it private (keep it)
Keep it (keep), keep it (keep)
You continued to sing refusing to open your eyes. You knew it was impossible, but you were scared if you opened them, you would make eye contact with him and that would make it all real.
You want to know, but I keep it close
Rather be the mystery than just the punchline of your joke
You can say the words, or I never will be yours
Rather be the one that got away than have to say it first
You were certain you didn’t have actual feelings for Auston. Whatever you were feeling from that night needed to come out or it would never stop bothering you, so you put it into a song.
My friends think you're no good but damn, I'm biased
But you don't need to know when I've been crying (crying)
I don't know how you keep it cool, I'm dying
Keeping this, you know me
No one knows what happened that night, you never told anyone and you assumed he didn’t either because when you saw each other again for the first time it was like it never happened. He made a comment about how he wished better music was playing when it was your song. To which you replied you wished he would stop talking.
But as time passed and the memories from that night replayed in your head over and over again it became unbearable to not talk about it.
So you confided in your mom. You kept the person and situation very vague, but even that was enough to make you burst into tears. Up until that point, your relationship with Auston was very clear, you didn’t like him and he didn’t like you, but that night made your very distinct relationship blurred.
You slowly faded into the end of the song finally allowing yourself to open your eyes and breathe. From the beginning of the song till now you forgot where you were, but the loud cheers and applause served as a reminder. You quickly wiped away the tears that began to flow and took a long drink from your water bottle. You needed the 3 seconds to compose yourself before speaking in the mic again.
Auston also felt like he was holding his breath during the whole song. At the end, while everyone around him began cheering he felt like he was going to throw up.
The morning after your night spent together, Auston woke up alone. He had the day off, but spent the rest of the day thinking about the night before. There was no denying the moment you two had, but he worked overtime convincing himself that whatever he felt for a split second wasn't real. However, in this moment, hearing you sing about it, it was more real than ever.
Auston's feet were moving before he knew what was going on. He recalled mumbling something to his sisters about waiting in the car, but he didn't wait for a response. The ringing in his ears and the pounding of his heart only intensified as he pushed through the crowd. He didn't look back as he walked away from the stage, the away from the stadium, away from you.
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nyuoqi · 9 months
            — EXES ALERT     ౨ৎ     KTR
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023 𖤐 confession (on-hold)
✸ SYNOPSIS !  : in which you and taerae went all the way back to the last year of middle school where the two of you were painfully in love with each other yet refused to put on any label because you guys thought this was more fun, and it went on all the way to the second year of high school. well that was until you ghosted him
or in which your situationship from four years ago happens to be your partner for a romance drama
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The sweet aroma of a home-cooked meal filled the air as the atmosphere couldn't feel more like home if not for the loud chatters from your aunt and uncles. On the floor were your little cousins playing around with their toys and chatting just as loud as their parents were.
You were in the kitchen helping your mum preparing dinner to serve to your family. You've always loved being in the kitchen with your mum. Recently however, your mum seemed to be asking you super specific odd questions.
"What will you do if Taerae confess to you tonight? " The knife you were holding to cut a zucchini earlier slipped from your hand and grazed your finger as your heart skipped a beat at the sudden specific question.
"Why are you suddenly asking me that? " Your heart was beating so fast that you swore you could hear it in your ears. You've never told your mum anything about your romantic escapades with Taerae and surely not a single word about Taerae courting you and meeting you tonight. So how did she know all these exactly?
Your mum snickered at your panicked state, as if mocking you or some sort. "You think I don't see the way he looked at you when he dropped you and Jinyoung off this morning? " She let out another scoff and continued to resume simmering the bone broth. "Quit getting so shocked about something so trivial and go wash your finger, it's bleeding. "
Your eyes widened in panic as you lifted your finger to see that it was indeed bleeding. You wasted no time and turned the faucet on, letting the cold water run on your small wound. "Oh right, have you seen Jinyoung today? He wasn't in his bedroom and he has been awfully quiet today. " You tried diverting the topic as a way to mask your embarrassment.
Your mum shrugged, "Maybe he's out with friends. Just let him be, he's an adult he can manage to take care of himself. " You nodded in agreement. The faucet now turned off as you rummaged through cabinets to search for the aid kit to treat your wound. Just as you wrapped your finger with a bandaid, one of your younger cousin tapped your shoulder.
"Some hyung is at the door. He said he's looking for Bae Y/n. "
You glanced at the clock on your wall and saw that it was exactly eight in the afternoon. You looked back at your cousin and patted his head, "Thanks for telling me, Hajun. Can you tell that hyung that I will be there soon? " Your cousin nodded and you smiled as you watched him run towards the living room and to the front door.
Without wasting anymore time, you cleaned up everything you used and head towards the front door too.
"Hi. " A wide smiley man with brunette hair greeted you once you arrived at the front door. "You looked nice today. I guess not coming over before eight was really worth it if it means I can see you all dressed up and pretty for me. "
Crimson red flushed on your cheeks as you felt yourself getting shy at the compliment. "Whatever, come in over. " You brushed it off quickly to conceal how hard your heart was beating against your rib cage.
"Taerae my lovely boy! Oh my gosh I missed you so much! " Your mum trudged from the kitchen to engulfed Taerae in a hug. "I missed you too, auntie. " Taerae smiled and hugged her back.
Your mum pushed his face back and stared into his eyes. "Do not ever disappear like that again no matter what my daughter says. Did you know that I had to find out from the television that you became an actor? " You saw Taerae visibly cartoon-gulped and decided to step in and separate the two.
"Okay enough with the sappy reunion. Can we go eat now? " Your mum rolled her eyes as you separate her from who she consider her favourite son. 
"Actually, can you all go ahead and have dinner first? I need to talk to Y/n for a while. " Your family stood frozen in silence at Taerae's request. You had your finger pointing to yourself in confusion. Taerae bit his lip. "Please. " And with that everyone head towards the dining table.
At the click of your bedroom door, you turned towards Taerae who was already making himself comfortable on your bed. You joined him shortly after that. "So what is it that you wanted to tell me? "
You saw Taerae fumbled with the paper bag in his hand which you saw him hide behind his back since he entered your house.
"Y/n, " he started, voice shaky. "I know I promised you three dates before I officially ask you to be my girlfriend. And I swear I had it all planned out but the moment I heard that you won't be here for long I just had to rush things out— "
Your heart clenched, this cannot be happening.
"But don't worry! I prepared you a present to replace the third date. " The brown paper bag he was trying so hard to hide from earlier was now shoved into your hands. "It's not really pretty considering that I only had six hours to complete it but I hope you like it. "
You carefully undid the tape on the paper bag so that it won't tear. Once done, you smiled in satisfaction at the perfect state of the bag before fishing out the content inside.
It was a small floral pouch. It wasn't big at all, in fact you can probably only store coins and cards in it. You observed the pouch and saw some imperfections to it. But you didn't care, not when Taerae spent his time and energy into this.
"I hope it's okay. " His voice small and faint in the background. "I know it's not perfect but I hope you like it. And just so you know, Jinyoung helped me which is why you haven't been seeing him today— "
"It's gorgeous. " You cut him off. Your eyes looked at him and smiled, Taerae who had been a nervous wreck earlier smiled together with you. His eyes travelled to the pouch you were holding and saw your bandage-wrapped finger.
"You're hurt. " He blurted out. You were about to question what he meant by that when you remembered your wounded finger. "Oh it's nothing. I just cut myself when cooking just now. "
You tried hiding your hand with the wounded finger but Taerae was quicker as he grabbed onto it. "It's really nothing. It will probably heal in a few days and— oh. " Your rambling was cut short when Taerae lifted that hand and place a kiss on top of your bandaged finger.
"My mum used to tell me that the best medicine for a wound is a kiss. So now I'm kissing your wound better. "
You felt your body get hotter, painting your face crimson red. Taerae chuckled, "Are you blushing? You know what, this colour suits you well. You should ask your makeup artist for this colour from now on. " You gasped lightly as he quoted the same words you told him during your dinner together with Hanbin and Junhyeon. The dinner where he confessed his feelings to you and made you fall for him all over again (not that you were any less in love with him).
Taerae continued to stare at you, his eyes occasionally dropping towards your lips. He leaned forward and grabbed the back of your head, tilting his head. Your heart beat against your ribs when you realised what was about to happen. His lips were only millimetres away from touching yours when you pulled yourself back, face flushed.
"I'm sorry I can't Taerae, I— " you chocked on your words as you tried calming yourself down. Taerae froze in shocked when you pulled yourself away from him. Was he acting too carelessly? Was he going too fast?
"No I am to one who should be sorry. I mean, who am I to kiss you when I haven't even asked you out. " You turned your face towards him and held his hand. "No it wasn't your fault. It's just that I also have my own confession plan tomorrow and it's so perfect and I feel bad that I keep on making you take me out on dates while I sit around and do nothing. "
"Now that I think of it, it's so rude of me to reject your kiss and your offer to be your girlfriend just because I haven't taken you out on a date— Taerae, kiss me. " Taerae's eyes widened as he was taken aback by your sudden demand.
He shook his head in refusal. "I'm not kissing you out of pity, Y/n. If you want to wait until tomorrow then I will wait until tomorrow. "
It was now your turn to shook your head, "Just kiss me. We've kissed before in the drama. What's much of a difference if i were to kiss you here right now. " Your persistence nearly made Taerae caved in but he stood to his guard.
"No. I'm not kissing you today. " Your lips pouted at those words which did not went unnoticed by Taerae. "Stop pouting, you look like a duck. "
You scoffed at him.
"Now quit sulking and let's head to dinner, shall we? I'm pretty sure your family is wondering what we've been doing in here. "
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TAGLIST : @jebaewon @lluvjjun @yongzgf @francinethings23 @alwayswook @222brainrot @planethyuka @xinxinyy @rikimylove @ilovewonyo @haohyo @euphoriashimkongz @ilovechanhee @wtfhyuck @xxpr3ttyk173rxx @wccycc @replayenthusiast @samvagejkflxhrt @shotaroswifeyily @stryroses @cosmic-marauder @woncoree @haowonbins @147file @i-yeseo @cyberpunksunwoo @chaerybae @wonyoungsvirus @minfolio @07yujin @imsodazed @marshwatz (send an ask or reply to this post if u would like to be added)
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cwritesforfun · 1 year
TSITP: Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader: this is me trying
Inspired by the song this is me trying by Taylor Swift and some songs from folklore and just Taylor Swift songs in general so let me know if you like this style of quick story:) here is a link to the song 
Y/N = Your Name & S/N = Sister’s Name ** I do not own the TSITP characters or plot!** Yes, I do change the plot a bit.
Lyrics from songs in italics - let me know how many songs you can count
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Cousins Beach has always been a beautiful place to visit over the summer. My family has been friends with the Fisher and Conklin families since I was young. I was always closest with Belly, as we were the only two girls besides our moms. Steven was friendly enough. Jeremiah always knew to bring the party to us and was there if you asked, But, Conrad, Conrad was there no matter what. I never had to ask. When the rest of the kids walked together, he would walk by me so I didn’t have to walk alone. He would help me calm my anxiety by walking on the beach with me. He would save me from uncomfortable social situations. When my dad died, he would text me every week (I told him every day was too much). I truly appreciated him more than he ever would know because when I break it's in a million pieces. I was hurting so much, but I had him. My family sold our old home when my father died, but Laurel lets us stay with their family every summer now. It was very sweet of her to do that and it also means endless summer sleepovers with Belly. It can be a little mentally taxing to not have a space to decompress after a long day socializing, so I tend to go on runs after dinner around the beach. My twin sister, S/N, joined me once, but now she prefers partying with Steven.
This year, everything is different. Belly is being entered into the debutante ball. I went a few years ago and my escort was Conrad. I wonder who will take her this year. Susannah has breast cancer and I can tell it’s taking a toll on Conrad a lot. I’ve tried to talk to him about it, but he keeps pushing me away. 
Dinner tonight has been tense. Belly somehow snuck out to the party at the beach. And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound. I was there because S/N wanted me as her moral support if she was rejected by guys or girls, but I mainly hung out with Jeremiah because he’s funny to watch when he gets drunk. I did see Conrad drinking and smoking off to the side. He glared at me when I got another drink. I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me. No idea what his problem is. He won’t talk to me. It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you...
And since that happened, the family is torn. Belly was in no real danger since I was with her at the party and watching over her, but my family didn’t like the idea of a small girl watching another small girl. They said it was unsafe for us to be alone, even though we were with other people at the party. Conrad’s parents got mad because he was supposed to watch everyone as the “oldest” sibling there. The funny thing is, Conrad and I are the same age.
I watch as Conrad storms outside after dinner. I watch his dad follows him outside. Susannah leans over to me and says “Go outside and check on Conrad, will you? I know his father can be a bit direct and Conrad doesn’t always respond best to that. He’ll need you.” I get up and walk through the back door outside. I hear Mr. Fisher say in a slightly raised voice “You’re the oldest. You’re supposed to look out for the younger kids.” UH OH! I exclaim “Technically, we’re the same age.” Conrad says “Go away, Y/N.” Mr. Fisher says “Conrad, apologize right now.” I reply “It’s okay, Mr. Fisher. Um... could you tell my mom I’m going on a run and I’ll be back after?” He nods and I storm past them to the house. 
I change, put my headphones on, and run on the beach. I collapse on the beach at the end and put my feet in the cold wet sand. It feels amazing here. I take off my headphones and watch the waves wash over the beach. It’s weird but fuckin’ beautiful. 
I hear footsteps and wonder who they sent to check on me. I hear “May I join you?” I see Conrad and I ask “Oh so you finally want to talk to me now?” And my words shoot to kill when I’m mad. I have a lot of regret about that.  Conrad sits then asks “Uhh something like that. I’m sorry. Do you want water? I figured you would be thirsty after the run. I was waiting to see you run by.” I reply “I will gladly accept, thanks, Conrad.” He replies “Of course.”
I look at the water and exclaim “Sorry for snapping a minute ago. I just get in my head sometimes and I know it was rude of me to say that. If you didn’t want to talk, I shouldn’t have tried to push you.” He replies “It’s alright. You’re the only one who cares enough to try.” I look at him and see tears staining his cheeks. I reach over and we hug. He rests his head in the crook of my neck and just lets all his tears out. I can tell he has been holding them back by how his tears ricochet. 
Eventually, Conrad pulls away from the hug and says “Everyone either doesn’t try to talk to me or they seem afraid of me. I feel like I’ve lost everyone and I have no one left. No one makes me feel like I’m worth anything. I just ... I’m hurting and I miss when days were better. My dad ... he said that I should’ve been a better example. He could smell the alcohol on my breath and he wants me to shape up. He doesn’t see that this is me trying.” I take his hands in mine and say “Conrad Fisher, you’re worth more than gold. You have a wonderful beautiful soul and you deserve so much happiness. I’m sorry to hear how you’ve been feeling, but I want you to know I’m here for you. I’m here for a crying session, a good escape from reality, and I can beat up someone for you if you need me to.” He half smiles and says “But you’re a small girl and they’re not good at defending themselves.” Ahahaha throwing our parent’s words at each other, are we? I half smile and say “And you’re just the oldest sibling who too many people expect too much from.” He nods and says “It’s too much.” I reply “The past few years, when times were tough and I didn’t see a reason to keep going, you were the light in my life. You were a person who helped me see how wonderful life could be amidst the worry and grief. This place on the beach is where we would often find each other when my anxiety got really bad. I don’t know if you remember. But... this is our spot where we let go and allow ourselves to really feel what we feel.” He looks out and wraps his arm around my shoulders. I lean against him and I feel his arms tracing patterns on my arm. We talk more and the sun fully sets.
I pull away from him and we stand up. We start walking back to the house and Conrad exclaims “Thank you for letting me talk and feel and be myself. I would be lying if I said that was it for my problems.” I stop walking and ask “What’s wrong, Conrad?” He stops, looks down at the ground, and says “Nothing is wrong. Well to me, it’s not wrong. It’s stupid really. I don’t know why I feel the need to tell you because it could mean I lose you.” I take his hands in mine and say “You’re scaring me, Conrad. Please tell me what can’t you tell me that means I no longer want in your life.” He replies “I am so very in love with you, Y/N.” HOLY BLEEPING WHAT?!?!?  He quickly drops my hands and says “Just forget I said that, please. We’ll be friends and I can move on. Just don’t tell everyone please.” I put my hands on both sides of his face and say “I love you too, you big idiot.” He smiles and we kiss. Love you to the moon and to Saturn Passed down like folk songs The love lasts so long...
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aly-corner · 11 months
PKNA/Ducktale 2017 Halloween Tale
Ghost of the past are always catching up on Halloween
Like every kids on this time if years, the Duck/Mcduck's children and their friends were preparing for Halloween.
It would be the third Halloween since Della Duck came back and she wanted to introduce one of her favorite Duck's Halloween tradition. She wanted and she did it, she had introduced to her children since they were now old enough (13 years old), THE WHEEL.
Do not worry, it was just a regular wheel but it has a lots of theme and where the wheel stops is which halloween's theme will be picked this year. There was over 20 of them, coming from horrible creatures to celebrities while getting an halt to aliments.
This year, Della wanted her boys to have time to prepare their costumes so the family had decided to turn to wheel two weeks before the famous night.
"Guyyyyyssssssss, do we really have to do this!????" asked a duckling wearing a green jacket or to be more specific, Louie Duck the last triplet. Who was currently being dragged by his blue counterpart, Dewey Duck and pushed by the oldest triplet, Huey Duck at the same time.
"Come on Louie, it is going to be fun! And don't y-"began to say Huey to his younger brother before the middle child chirped in.
"And don't you want to have a good moment with mom. She really seems excited to shows us? And beside, what could go wrong?!!!"
"First, do not say something like that, you know Uncle Donald is visiting later today and we don't want his bad luck to worsen. Two, please Dewey, it is only respectful to not cut someone when they are talking. And Third, Louie, don't you want to know more about mom and Uncle Donald's childhood?" exclaim Huey before finally arriving in the kitchen, where everyone were already settled.
Upon seeing the kids arrived, Della didn't lost any time and slammed the wheel as hard as she could, getting the object of doom to spin at an incredible speed.
While the wheel was spinning, everyone was beting which theme would be chosen. Scrooge bet on historical characters, Mrs Beakley and Duckworth both bet on regular animals while Webby hoped and bet for mystical creatures. Lauchpad chose fictionnal character when Fenton bet on robots and aliens. Finally, Della bet on objects or foods while her lucky cousin, Gladstone bet on superheroes. HDL didn't mind any of the theme, except Huey who didn't wanted to dress as a superhero again since he did three years ago.
When it ceased, the room was filled by desception noises except for one person.
Gladstone as usual was the luckiest duck on earth because the theme chosen by fate for this Halloween was Superheroes.
Even with her sour feelings caused by her lost, Della quickly took her kid and began preparing the costumes with them while she also calmed down an upset red duckling.
"Come on Brother, don't worry, didn't you say it would be fun? On top "What could go wrong" like Dewford here presents said?" whispered Louie to his older brother who calmed down in an hearthbeat.
Della was about to question her kids about what was being said when she saw her youngest and trickiest son heading upstairs with determination and pure mischielf in his eyes.
Gulping and turning her attention to her two other children to help them. She couldn't stop worrying over the fact about What was planning Louie! because this child here had an idea and was determined to bring it to life. However, would this be good or something she would regret?
Nevermind, she already regret introducing the wheel to the boys, this is what she conclued even she saw the biggest smirk on the loving gold child.
2 weeks later
Donald has entered the mansion with the help of Webby since his arms were full of Halloween pastry for everyone. He then headed to the decorated kitchen to help with tonight dinner. His help didn't last long between Grandma Duck, his cousin and his sister questions and Fethry who was tasting everything like a little child would.
"Yes Grandma, i am eating my vegetables and -No Gladstone, i can't come with you to saturday baseball match, i have work to do. And for the 23rd time, Della i won't help you scare young children wit-" quickly answered the sailor Duck before he was interrupted by Four young voices calling out to him.
Setting aside what he was doing, he rushed to the main area, where he could go upstairs to help the kids but upon arriving he saw Dewey rushing the stairs before throwing a smokebomb in front of him.
"I am the Terror that flaps in the night, i am the best Superhero to have ever existed, I AM DARKWING DUCK!!!!!" shouted Dewey in a kindway like Batman pose.
Following soon, almost instandly, came Huey who glided down the stairs with a soft metal costume of Gizmoduck, minus the weapons and the single wheel.
"Fear not citizen, I Gizmoduck , an actual hero, will come to your help!!!!!" proudly shouted, as much as his brother ,Huey.
Before Donald could say something, a thrid voice joined the Duo. "Everyone keep calm, everything will be okay because your lucky hero has come to save the Day!" yelled Webby from behind Donald.
Upon taking his breath from the little scare, the little girl gave him, Donald eyed the new Superhero better, she was wearing a green, blue and yellow suits with huge trefoil.
"Cloverleaf, i see, good pick Webby." said Donald behind a kind ssmile before all the lights were suddently cut.
Getting the girl behind him, he got in his fighting stance like the rest of the family because even if he coudn't see, he could feel someone lurking in the shadow, someone small and bad at it. Believe him, he knows what he is talking about.
However, before he could say something, he felt Webby being pulled from him and heard some groans.
Then suddently, the lights were on and was he was seeing let him speechless.
There in front of him, laid the Hewey, Dewey and Weddy tight together in a rope and behind them was none other than Louie Duck.
"You call that superhero? WOW! The level is low nowadays. You can't even defend yourself. And i know what i am talking about because i am Duckburg's first vigilante and earth greatest superhro. Now, shall we get a little Diabolical?"
Louie Duck who was wearing a perfect replica of one of his identity, PK or Duck Avenger.
Happy Halloween!!!! Have a good day/night. Hope you like it.
PS: if it wasn't clear, Louie cut the lights and tied his brother and Webby. He did that to show that PK was moving in the shadow, discret, fast and efficient. He just wanted to prove that Paperinik was the best superhero. And i agree with him, everyone who thinks so too, repost please!!!!
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solosikoasgf · 1 year
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most ardently , chapter one.
previous chapters: prologue pairing: roman reigns x oc (cheyenne monet) themes: toxic relationship, angst, power dynamic/imbalance, a little heavy flirtation word count: 1,933 author's note: thank you all for the love on the prologue!!! it's super appreciated and hopefully you stay with me as i navigate where the hell these two are going as it's always changing in my mind. honestly logistics in matches are where i'll get hung up a lot as it doesn't play a huge role in this versus how it's changed roman, so i am making shit up as i go that fall in line with current bloodline happenings. but like i said. i am making that shit up. taglist: none currently, please let me know if you want to be on it!
song recommendations: so be it - alex vaughn & summer walker, let it burn by jazmine sullivan
it had been years since roman had last laid eyes on cheyenne, and things had changed dramatically since that time. going from one title to two, to universal champion with one of the longest reigns in history, to having his family back him as head of the table, guiding the anoa'i family into a new era of greatness.
every test, every trial, every door that had been slammed in his face had been broken, with him always emerging as the victor. over time, it came to be accepted this was how it was supposed to be.
like he had known then, it was only affirmed now. he didn't need anybody. he had carried this legacy this far on his own back, of his own merit. he had long brushed off the feelings that emerged whenever fleeting thoughts of cheyenne managed to make it into his mind - whenever he had free time in the locker room before a match, whenever he sat at a dinner with his cousins rather than her, whenever the days were sunny and he passed a jogger on his normal route - reminded of her early morning walks.
none of that mattered anymore. she had made her choice, he had made his, and he had made the right one. she was in the wrong, not him.
the roar of a crowd as he disappears behind stage rings in his ears, having finished another night of asserting his dominance over another peer who felt they had the right, the nerve, to try and overstep him. he had bigger problems in his rearview - tonight wasn't about the fight, but the mind games he played before the fight occurred. he can hear paul next to him on his right, solo on his left, as staff part while he walks, much like the red sea.
"my tribal chief, we should leave soon." the elder man speaks, hurrying his steps - not daring to walk next to roman, but just one step slightly behind - the respect that roman had long come to feel he deserved. "there's a few days before the next match, and though i know you have a plan, we should discuss how to handle riddle."
roman scowls, shaking his head with a smirk. "ain't nothing to discuss. he won't be satisfied until i put his ass through a table. and who am i to deny him of that if that's what he wants?"
"you shouldn't even have to waste your time, my tribal chief."
"i know that, you know that. but some people - like matt, truly won't hear it until they get their ass handed to 'em. don't worry too hard about it." roman reassures, reaching behind to place a heavy pat on the back of paul. he goes to crack another joke when familiar laughter rings through his ears, and even though time has passed, a feeling runs through his body that makes him stop in his tracks.
he can see solo's body tense from his peripheral vision, and he shakes his head, holds out an arm to get the younger to relax, but the stoney look on his face says otherwise. just beyond solo's shoulder is the prep room, usually where the next wrestlers for the next match, the next promo, wait right up until their time to take the ring. from the panel on the side, it's time for the women's division, and that usually means nothing, he has no interest in that side.
he takes steps towards the laughter, hands curled into tight fists. roman makes no effort to placate anybody with a smile or pleasantries, coming upon bianca belair, standing in the middle of the room while two or three others buzz around her, readying her for her appearance. at first, he relaxes, thinks it can't be anything-
until one person, hidden behind a screen, comes out, hands full of garments. curly hair, sweet and innocent smile, calm brown eyes, small waist and wide hips - cheyenne monet.
she doesn't see him at first - moving towards bianca to adjust her outfit, stepping back to look at the overall before her eyes travel up beyond her shoulder, and they lock eyes for the first time. roman can't trace what he sees across her face - a flash of recognition, anger, disappointment, and finally disinterest. her eyes quickly shift back to bianca, and he quietly moves from the doorway slightly inside and to the side, waving away assistants who ask if he needs anything. bianca throws a glance, a curt nod, refocusing on her own tasks at hand.
"cheyenne, you don't know what this means to me, especially when you don't really do this anymore." bianca grasps cheyenne's hands, and the two share a warm look that makes roman just a little uneasy.
"stop, you know i'll always make time for the 'est'." a bright smile that sends a jab through roman, readjusting his position against the wall. "we can talk about it when you come back, so go. don't forget your belt - and be careful in those heels."
in a few hurried moments, bianca is whisked from the room and her assistants follow, leaving cheyenne and roman alone. she doesn't address him, and he can't decide if this makes him even more angry or wistful.
"so after all this time, you don't have nothing to say to me?" he starts, pushing himself off the wall to slowly walk to her.
"here you go - we're not doing this." her reply is short, not bothering to look at him. she starts to clean up her supplies, and he can get a better look at her - same stature, hair longer, but he feels the same draw to her that he'd always felt. as she moves he can smell the vanilla bourbon drift through the room in waves - his favorite perfume on her.
is she taunting me? did she do this because she knew i'd be here?
"i feel like the last time i saw you, i said you weren't welcome in my world again."
"this isn't your world."
"oh, but it is. i run every night of this business. this is my show now."
roman's long strides take him until he's right in front of her, forcing her to stop, eyes slowly rising to his own - to look him in the face. he wants to see the truth when he looks at her, but is met with a similar reflection of the last time he saw her. cold. empty. a part of him twinges with disappointment - had she really not felt anything?
"i don't answer to you, roman." her reply is soft, but firm. he has her trapped between the table and himself, but she still manages to pack the rest of her bag, trying to squeeze between the two to put space between them, but he stops her, shifting his steps to widen his stance- imposing, domineering. she sighs, and he tilts his head while he looks into her face more, deciding how he wants this to go.
"just hold on, chey." his voice is just slightly softer now.
"because i want to look at you." her eyes dart up, and he can see something behind them soften, and it makes his his heart fire up in the slightest way. his tongue glides over his lips looking at her own, and he can see her breath quicken just a little, chest rising with more frequency. he hates that after so long, he still wants her. desires her. she didn't believe in him - in fact cheyenne questioned his capabilities to the point of them fighting so often, they could barely have a conversation by the end of their relationship. he would think that after all this time, his body would be immune to her.
he's pissed that he's wrong.
"there's nothing to look at." she finally responds, pressing a small hand against his chest to create space for her to move away. "just think of me as another nameless face."
"tell me the real reason why you came back."
"roman, what do you want to hear? why are you even talking to me?" she finally presses.
there's a hundred reasons he could use to shoot her down, to make her leave. they all sit in the tip of his tongue, and the wide, toying smirk he has on his face says it all as he rubs his hand across his beard, keeping his dark eyes trained on her. "i just need to make sure you're here for the right reasons." her snort of disgust drives the smirk more, and he shrugs his shoulders.
"i'll be gone before you know it." she mumbles, back to him, looking at the tv where bianca was finishing up her promo.
paul shows back up in the doorway, and roman waves him off, knowing he has to leave. he quietly comes up behind cheyenne, leaning down to talk quietly in her ear.
"things aren't the same since you were here last, cheyenne. everything you see, i run." he pauses, feeling her tense up. "i'm not chasin' you out of here. you can stay to see for yourself." another moment of silence, and he lets himself continue before he overthinks himself out of it - lets his desire come to the forefront. "maybe you'll realize you were wrong so you can be back where you belong- next to me. because once you stepped back in this building, back in my world? whether you like it or not, you're mine."
he can see her eyebrows raise, but she remains silent, and he chuckles. "so either you leave and deny me again, you do the right thing and acknowledge me and get back to how we were, or you stay here, isolated. because ain't no man touchin' you if it ain't me."
roman isn't sure if he believes his own words - physically he wants cheyenne - but mentally he battles. but it's easier to put these lines down now, to make it clear, because it's easier to have it under his control than hers. but the usual tactics that would have made cheyenne acquiesce to him do nothing now, and he's slightly surprised at how her face doesn't change, how she holds her stance, slowly turning her head to look him directly in the eyes.
"that's how i know it bothers you still, ro." her voice is soft, firm. "rather than pretend i'm not here, you come find me. you bother me while i work, you try and get close to me, try to threaten me so nobody else wants to be near me, because you want them to think i belong to you.
instead of saying sorry, apologizing, anything, you intimidate. because being manipulative has always gotten you what you want- but you know what?" she faces him, pressing herself closer in a way that surprises him, her face only inches away from his own. "it just makes me feel bad for you, that you think the only way you'll receive love is by forcing it. you never used to be like that - and that's the only version of you i miss."
the sudden softness in her voice and eyes takes him back, and a moment passes between them that's faintly reminiscent of better times: her laughter, her hands in his, tender moments in private. it hits roman harder than he expects, and he straightens, putting the cold look back on his face. "that man you're talkin' about. he's gone. so figure out where you stand, cheyenne."
he backs up to leave, with the image of cheyenne's disappointed eyes settling on his shoulders.
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firealder2005 · 2 years
A Month of Whump: Winter Whumperland Day 8. Holiday Haunting~Revenge Whump~Head Injury
Featuring: The Sequel gang + Grogu going on a ghost hunt for family bonding time! Unfortunately, they meet some bad guys :-(
also background dinluke! my fellow dinlukes there is dinluke! yay!
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43481979/chapters/109311969
“Are you sure this is a good idea?”
Rey turned to her brother, Finn, who’s eyes were wide and she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder at his fearful expression.
“Don’t worry Finn!” Rey’s girlfriend, Rose Tico, excitedly exclaimed. “I managed to smuggle this bag out of my father’s shop!” she held out her satin pouch. “It’s full of crystal necklaces and protection stones! Plus,” she held up her pointer finger and fished out a spray bottle from her backpack. “I brought holy water!”
Rey grinned at her girlfriend’s excitability, and gently touched the amethyst necklace Rose had given her on their one month anniversary.
“It’ll protect your aura and draw in divine energy!” Rose had told her, with that cheeky grin on her face. Rey had immediately put the necklace on and hadn’t taken it off since, giving the amethyst necklace the same careful treatment as the citrine one her father gave her when he and buir adopted her from the run-down town of Jakku.
While Rey wasn’t quite sure what to believe when it came to psychics, crystals, and mediums, she was very certain that the supernatural existed.
When you lived with two dads and two brothers, one of each being highly receptive to supernatural energies, you became a believer.
“Can I have that holy water in a nerfgun then?” the annoying voice of Poe asked. “You know. So I can shoot the ghosts instead of having to wave a crystal around?”
Rose shot a glare at Poe’s grinning face, and Finn gave a small shake of his head at his boyfriend’s antics, before accepting a bracelet of what Rey recognized as ApacheTear, also known as clear Black Obsidian. Good for protecting the aura from negative energies, Rey remembered from her father’s infodumps.
Honestly, it was no surprise that Luke and Rose got along like a house on fire with how diehard they both are about the mystical world.
“Don’t even try to force one of those useless trinkets on me!” Rey huffed as Armitage Hux, her cousin Ben’s friend (possibly boyfriend? She wasn’t sure what they were.), shoved his way past Poe, who glared at the ginger teen.
As much as Poe purposely antagonized Rose, it was done in jest and never with any malicious intent.
Hux, however, was another matter.
Poe, Ben, and Hux were all nineteen, graduated from Chandrila High School the year before, but Poe had preferred to hang out with the year younger Finn - and therefore her and Rose who were two years younger than Rey’s younger brother.
Honestly, Rey thought the only reason why Ben and Hux had joined them was because Rey’s oldest brother, 21 year old Grogu, had forced them along for some family bonding time.
Others definition of “Family Bonding Time” might be board games, a movie, or a night out for dinner.
But in the Skywalker-Djarin-Organa-Solo household, it meant ghost hunting.
“Don’t worry Hux,” Rose said with a sickly-sweet smile. “I wasn’t going to - a ghost can rile you up for all I care.” Hux sneered before turning away.
Hux was very vocal of his skepticism in the paranormal, and oftentimes got into hot debates with Rose over the existence of spirits, ghosts, and demons.
Rose, as one might think, was Hux’s diametrical opposite. Where Hux wore neat and trim black clothing and slicked back his ginger hair, Rose preferred marked-up blue jeans, ratty shirts (like the “I Am Not Normal, I Am Paranormal” one she was wearing tonight), paint-splattered tennis shoes, and (for some reason Rey has yet to find out) fingerless black gloves. Her black hair was kept in a messy ponytail, and Rey could still see some spots of paint her girlfriend had forgotten to wash out.
Rey herself liked to wear leggings, though hers were full of holes and appeared to only be held together by a few pathetic-looking strands of thread. She wore a shirt Rose had given her for this occasion, white with the words “Real Girls Go Ghost Hunting” in spooky writing and a black jacket she had nabbed from her father’s closet.
It was amusing she and Luke were the same height, and they often stole clothes from each other’s rooms.
Finn and Poe wore normal clothes, though Poe (for some reason) had brought a pair of shades with him.
Rey didn’t understand the Guatemalan-American man sometimes. She probably never will.
Her cousin Ben had been sulking in the shadows, as per usual, while Grogu was preparing his camera for any documentation they came across.
All in all, Rey thought wryly, they were quite the bunch.
“Soooo…” Poe drew out the ‘o’. “What’s the spookiness behind this place?”
“In 1985 police were called to answer a disturbance reported by the neighbors,” Rose explained. “And boy was it a disturbance.”
“Was somebody murdered?” Poe asked with a joking grin.
“Yep.” Grogu answered, still engrossed in his camera.
A silence fell between them all, before it was broken by Hux’s disdainful sniff.
“The only reason I’m here,” the ginger drawled. “Is to prove that all this ghost nonsense is all make-believe and Tico’s trinkets are nothing more than a scam.”
Rose scowled, but everyone kept their mouths shut when Grogu slid into the conversation.
“Okay,” the Hispanic man said. “Here’s the deal,” he gave them all the look Rey and Finn had fondly labeled the “Stink-And-Die Eye”. “I am aware we all have differing…opinions on the supernatural,” he shot Hux and Poe a look. “But we are here to have fun. If I hear any arguments, it’s a one-way ticket back to the van where there is no heater running.” he stared at all of them now. “So, unless you want to sit in the cold van all alone for the rest of the night, I suggest everyone keep their opinions to themselves and try to have fun. Capeesh?” Grogu raised an eyebrow.
Rey was quick to nod her consent, followed by the vigorous nod from Rose. Finn smiled while Poe flipped a peace-sign. Ben gave a small nod while Hux glared, but an elbow from the man beside him made him mutter in acknowledgement.
“Good,” Grogu said, turning to the large, sprawling abandoned building before them. “Then welcome to Exegol Manufacturing. Famous for it’s one-time boom of business, and infamous for the triple murder that took place inside it.” Rey grinned as Grogu did jazz-hands. “Legend has it that every night, the ghost of the murderer wanders the building, looking for the souls of the victims he killed so he can end their very existence once and for all.”
Finn let out a squeak of terror while Poe whistled.
“That’s some tale there, Grogu.” he said. “You gave me goosebumps.”
Grogu gave him an unimpressed look.
“No, really, you did! Look!” Poe unrolled his jacket sleeve and sure enough, goosebumps ran all along his arm.
Then Grogu’s whitebox went off, and everyone jumped as a soft, quiet voice said; 
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ppersonna · 3 years
keep me warm - jhs | m
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cause you keep me and nice and you keep me warm. wanna feel you on me, can't wait to get back there again - texas sun,  khruangbin
✹ summary- camping is always a great time when you’re with your friends, but even better with your boyfriend, hoseok.
✹ rating- explicit/18+/nsfw
✹ pairing- jung hoseok x reader
✹ word count- 3.9k - she’s a short lil quick dip ;)
✹ genre- smut. lol thats it. cant say there is much plot here besties!!! but there is big brother namjoon, brothers best friend hoseok, established relationship!!!
✹ warnings- explicit smut, cockwarming, dirty talk, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (be smart pls!), sex in a tent, a little exhibitionism???, fingering, finger sucking, creampie, lil bit of cum play but not really, hoseok is a dirty dirty boy and i love that about him tbh
✹ a/n- helloooo. i’ve been sitting on this and finally finished it!! thank you to @kimtaehyunq​ for the sexy banner and beta reading and general support. i was inspired to write this fic when i went camping but pls be warned that sex in a tent is not as sexy as this fic makes it seem 🤕 ILY BESTIES!!! lemme know your thots!!!
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The annual Kim Family camp out is an event you haven’t missed since your seventh birthday when you had chicken pox. It’s an outing that has gained notoriety among your friends, a monumental yearly occasion that takes months of prep in advance. What started as a simple camp out with your parents and your older brother Namjoon has become an event with extended friends and family members and significant others involved. Your parents handed down the event to you and your brother, claiming their older age keeps them from being able to keep up with “the youth” for an entire weekend, instead preferring to join for a big cookout dinner, then head back to the comfort of their tempurpedic mattress and functional plumbing back at home.
Not that you minded.
This year was different. Your cousins, Taehyung and Seokjin, would join with Tae’s girlfriend Maggie. Your childhood best friend Jimin would attend as well, bringing along his lover of the month, a tall and leggy brunette. Namjoon invited his best friend Yoongi, who brought along your mutual friend Jungkook. 
And most importantly, 
Jung Hoseok would be there. Your boyfriend.
Hoseok is no stranger to the Kim Family camp out. He’s been attending since he was sixteen after meeting Namjoon in high school jazz band and instantly becoming friends. You can vividly remember the older high school boy making sure you never felt left out in a group of gangly teenagers—bringing you along on hikes, and fishing, and general mischief.
It’s where you first fell for him.
Every year after that, you pined for Hoseok from afar at every outing. You’d lie awake at night in your shared tent with Jimin, desperately wishing the body next to you was Hoseok, wrapping his arms around you to keep you warm in the forest's chill.
Your relationship with Hoseok flourished after high school, when he was unknowingly in your chemistry class in college. Hours were spent pouring over textbooks together, cramming for exams and practice labs with a familiar friend.
Then came the coffee dates, the movie nights, the dinners. Hoseok went from an occasional study buddy to someone you talked to hourly.
The day he kissed you is a day you’ll never forget. 
Soft lips pressing onto yours over a bubbling beaker of magnesium, his hands cupping your cheeks as he drew you in so close, as if he couldn’t get enough of you.
“Be mine,” he whispered. “Please, be mine.”
And you’ve been his ever since.
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“Aish! Don’t burn my marshmallow, ___!” Namjoon scolds you, jerking your long stick away from the fire as he sits next to you. “I hate burned marshmallows.”
Annoyance bubbles up in your throat as you roll your eyes at your brother.
“I wouldn’t have to do this for you if you knew how to roast a marshmallow without starting a wildfire.”
Namjoon, ever the strong-headed big brother, glares at you. “That was an accident and you know it.”
Hoseok chuckles beside you, resting a hand on your leg as you murmur expletives about Namjoon and a certain stick under your breath.
“I’ll eat your burned one, babe,” he says with a smile. “I love your burned mallows.”
Hoseok’s charm is a balm to all your wounds. He easily melts the ice around your heart and soothes your frayed nerves with a simple look.
“Thanks, Hobi,” you reply. 
“Please, no talk of my sister’s mallows,” Namjoon winces. “It’s bad enough you’re dating in front of me. In front of my salad.”
Namjoon doesn’t mean it. He knows how deeply you love him, and he trusts Hoseok not to hurt his one and only sibling. But it doesn’t mean he’s not above rubbing it in your face that he was Hoseok’s friend first.
Jungkook laughs from where he’s sitting, roasting a hotdog over the crackling flame on Jimin’s lap (“There weren’t any seats left!”). 
“At least he’s not tossing her salad in front of you.”
Yoongi slaps the younger man’s hotdog out of his hand and into the fire, making Jungkook whine and pout petulantly.
“Don’t be gross,” Yoongi scolds and Namjoon nods at his friend in solidarity.
Hoseok smirks and licks his fingers clean of the sticky marshmallow. “Besides, we didn’t bring nearly enough lube for any anal play tonight.”
“Hoseok!” Namjoon screeches and you bashfully bury yourself into your sweater. The rest of the group explodes in laughter while your brother holds his head in his hands, lamenting the day you two met.
Hoseok pulls you into his lap, grinning as he kisses at your ear while maintaining firm eye contact with your brother, eager to make him as uncomfortable as possible.
While you’re relaxing into the warmth of your boyfriend’s body and enjoying the laughter of all your closest friends, Hoseok nips at your ear and whispers gently.
“I love you.”
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“I’m so cold.” A shiver wracks through you as you burrow down deeper into your sleeping bag. The night air becomes increasingly frosty and you can easily see your breath in the dim light from the moon. “It wasn’t supposed to be this cold.”
Hoseok scoots his bag closer to yours, rubbing over the meshy material in an attempt to warm you.
“I thought about bringing another blanket before we left…,” he sighs. “But Namjoon told me I was being ‘a boy scout’.”
You bark out a frigid laugh, teeth chattering as you try to snuggle into the warmth of Hoseok’s hand.
Pleadingly, you ask. “Can we share? Maybe if we zip the sleeping bags together we can make one big extra-large sleeping bag?”
Hoseok nods. “Good idea.”
He quickly gets to work as soon as you unzip your sleeping bag and move off of it, allowing him to take it and zip the two bags together. He spreads it back out over the soft padded bed once it’s completed and he slips into his end before beckoning you over.
“Come to me, my little popsicle.”
The fabric swishes and slides as you move into the combined bag, wrapping your cold limbs around the warmth of your boyfriend’s body.
“Holy shit, you really are cold,” he exclaims with a grunt when your ice-cold hands seek the toasty expanse of his toned belly. “Fuck.”
“Sorry.” Your apology is anything but apologetic as the high temperature of Hoseok’s body quickly oozes into you. “You feel so good.”
A moan slips out of your lips, pleased at the warmth that your boyfriend radiates as you seek every spot on his body that radiates heat. 
“Hold on,” he whispers. 
Quickly, he rids himself of his shirt and tugs at the hem of your own.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” You gasp as the icy air billows under your shirt. “Why would I get naked right now?”
He huffs. “Trust me?”
He kisses the pout on your lips, then pulls away with your shirt in his hands.
“Skin-to-skin contact is the easiest way to warm someone up. Body heat, you know. Textbook boy scout stuff.”
He twists your body around to spoon into him, back pressed against his ultra-warm chest, making you gasp once you feel the radiating heat spreading across you.
“Oh…” you sigh as you sink into his embrace. “You were right.”
Hoseok smirks as he wraps his arms around you and buries his face in the nape of your neck—lips pressing gentle, warm kisses to the column below your ear.
“Told you so.”
Your body instinctively presses further into his body, desperate for the warmth that the human-heater seems to emit. His breath hitches as he feels your ass press hard against his lap, cock stirring at the proximity.
Hoseok’s hands run up and down your arms, warming each inch of your skin with his palms. He spreads heat wherever he touches, and your eyes flutter closed as he works his gentle, warming massage into your frozen skin. He is the epitome of sunshine, both in body and demeanor, always able to brighten the coldest chills with one look, one touch. 
When he’s satisfied that you’re thoroughly warmed where he’s worked, his hands move from your arms and shoulders around to your belly and up to your chest. You feel like mush under his grazing touch, gasping and biting your lip as he tugs gently at your perky nipple. It’s a live wire to his cock. 
“Fuck,” he groans as he feels himself harden. He kisses at your shoulder as he continues to palm at your chest, taking the fullness of your breasts into his whole hand and massaging it gently.
“Hobi…” you warn, feeling the desire between your thighs build. “Don’t start what you can’t finish.”
He chuckles against your skin, breathing hot air over your neck and shoulder, tightening his grip on your nipple for a quick pinch that makes you squeak.
“Who says we can’t finish?”
His voice is low—that deep, sensual tone that sets your tummy aflame with desire. His dick is pressed against your ass, twitching with need as it thickens in his pants.
His hand moves from your chest, rubbing soft, sweet circles on your stomach as he warms the cool flesh around your belly button, before traveling down to where your sleeping pants sit low on your hips.
“We c-can’t,” you meekly attempt to fight back, remain strong, but the warmth of his body and the need growing within you is quickly winning your internal battle of morality. “My cousin is next to us.”
Hoseok smirks as he slips underneath your pants, hand diving in between your thighs to rub at your soft mound. He’s close, so close to slipping inside of you, and you squeeze your eyes tight at the overwhelming urgency you’re feeling for his fingers inside you.
“You think Tae and Maggie are fast asleep right now?” He asks. 
As if on cue, you hear soft giggles coming from the next tent over, giggles that sound suspiciously like Taehyung’s girlfriend.
“Tae is really not that funny,” Hoseok says as he nibbles at your ear. “Let me warm you, baby.”
He seeks your consent, desperate to make you feel good but not willing to further his actions. 
“Mmm, maybe just a little more.”
His fingers seek purchase further, finally diving into your folds. He gasps into your ear as he feels how wet you’ve become from his ministrations, stroking gently up and down your slick slit and circling over your clit.
“Fuck, look at you,” he nearly whines into your ear. “So wet for me.”
“Please, Hobi,” you whimper. You’re not sure what you’re begging for, what you need, but all you want is for him to not stop, never stop. 
“You want me to keep going, don’t you?” He asks, teasingly circling the pad of his finger on your swollen clit. 
Unable to use your words, you nod. The light pressure on your clit has your thighs trembling and Hoseok thrills at the palpable desperation you’re feeling.
“Are you going to be quiet for me?” He asks, slowly moving his finger down before breaching into your channel. “Can’t be waking up the entire camp.”
Using your hand, you clamp over your mouth as your boyfriend's finger fucks into your hole, slowly and achingly gentle but with purpose. A shiver runs down his spine as he watches you try to hold yourself back. You’re not normally quiet—he makes it his mission to get you to whine and cry and yell his name as loud as he can when you’re at home. But the thrill of keeping you quiet while he sinks himself into you makes his body hum with want.
“Good girl,” he cooes as he introduces another finger inside you, scissoring you open with his lengthy digits. “Better stay quiet for me or I won’t let you cum.”
He quickly removes his fingers from your channel, making you whine behind your hand, which he silences with a soft tut.
“No complaining. Be good.”
He continues his journey to disrobe you, sliding off your pants and panties. He throws them to the other side of the tent where your luggage lies, no care about you wearing them the rest of the night. He follows suit with his own pants, swiftly pulling the material off his legs and allowing his throbbing cock to spring free. You desperately want to touch it, feel it in your hands and in your mouth, but he keeps you facing away from him, cock fully out of your reach.
“Such a perfect little ass,” he murmurs to himself as he admires your backside before sliding back into the big spoon position. The feeling of his hot, hard length against your bare ass makes you mewl with desire, teasingly rubbing against it.
“Fuck, Hobi,” you gasp as he slips his hands back to the apex of your thighs, scissoring into you again and warming his icy fingers in the heat of your cunt. 
“Shhh,” he reminds. “Let me give your mouth something to do, yeah?”
He pulls his dripping fingers from within your walls and brings them to your mouth. You eagerly open wide, obedient and desperate for something to take your mind off the growing neediness your body is throbbing with.
Watching you suck your own wet slick off his fingers makes Hoseok’s cock ache with need. The tip is weeping with pre-cum, as if crying out to bury itself within your walls and never retreat. It twitches as your tongue swirls over his digits, teasing him and reminding him how well you can suck his cock.
“Shit, baby,” he gasps. “I’m going to bust right now if you’re not careful.”
He pulls his fingers from your mouth and uses the spit-slick hand to lift your leg enough for him to line his cock up at your hole.
“You want to warm my cock for me, baby?” He nips at your shoulder as he rubs the bulbous head along your slit. “God, I want to be in this pretty little cunt all night. Can you keep me warm tonight?”
“P-please, baby,” you gasp as the tip prods at your entrance, threatening to breach. He preemptively moves his free hand back to your mouth, covering it gently to help keep your noisy mouth muffled. 
“Such a polite girl.” Hoseok’s lips skim over your neck and ear, nibbling at your lobe as he finally, blessedly, spears himself into you. 
“Fuuuck,” he whines as he drops his forehead against your soft hair, shuddering as he buries himself to the hilt. “You’re so fucking tight.”
Nothing compares to the feeling of Hoseok sinking himself into you. It’s like the first time, every time. He clings to you desperately, as if he wants to bury his entire self in between your thighs and never retreat. Being connected to your boyfriend like this, not knowing where he ends and you begin, is the most dazzling aspect of sex. Your heart beats in overtime, breath short and heavy, as he holds you like you’re his only worthy possession in life.
He doesn’t move, doesn’t withdraw his cock and plunge back into you like his body is begging him to. He wants nothing more than to roll you onto your stomach and fuck you until you’re screaming his name for the entire national forest to hear, but he doesn’t. 
“Mmm, Hobi, please,” you whine against his palm, kitten licking the flesh there to encourage him to move. It almost works, almost spurs him into action, but he remains flush against you and unmoving.
“Just trying to keep you warm, baby,” he teases. “Skin-to-skin contact.”
He can feel your body tense and shake around him, core tightening as you’re desperate to feel the friction you desire. It makes Hoseok nearly growl into your ear, clutching you tighter in his grasp.
“Now you want to fuck me?” He teases into your ear. “I thought you were tired?”
A pathetic whimper is the only response you can muster. You’re desperate for more, aching for his thick cock to thrust in and out of you. His hand slips down your body, caressing each inch of your skin before landing on your clit, circling the nub teasingly.
“I bet you could cum like this,” he breathes as he slowly swirls his finger. “With my cock stuffed inside you.”
He’s right—your body is already reacting to the stimulation and you can feel your body clenching around his unmoving length deep inside you. It’s prodding you in just the right spot that makes you keen, core desperate for some movement. His added touch makes you whine into his palm still covering your mouth.
“That’s right, baby,” he praises as he bites at your earlobe. “Such a needy little pussy, so desperate for me you could cum just from feeling me inside you.”
The pressure rises, stomach tightening as you feel your body near the edge of bliss. You can feel your thighs trembling as Hoseok whispers and nibbles at your ear, fingers working your clit with just the right rhythm to make you see stars.
His finger swirls with delicate speed, playing you like the nimble musician he is.
“Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already about to cum for me.”
Holding back your desperate moans, your eyes nearly roll back in their sockets as you feel your body build closer and closer to the blissful end that it craves. Having him buried deep inside you with none of the delicious friction is driving you crazy, and the speed of his fingers on your clit makes you keen for anything he can give you. You’re so close, so *fucking close* to your climax that your vision blurs.
Suddenly, the telltale sound of another tent zipper opening rips through the relative silence of the campground and Hoseok stills his finger on you.
“Shhh,” he warns, lifting his head to listen carefully. 
The sound comes from your left, Jungkook’s tent, and you squeeze your eyes tight and whimper into Hoseok’s palm at the ache in your belly. Jungkook stumbles around the campground before he makes his way out, and Hoseok smirks as the footsteps get quieter.
“That was close, baby,” he says as his finger teases over your throbbing clit. “We don’t want Jungkookie to find his friend like this, don’t we?”
You shake your head, body trembling as his finger provides not-enough stimulation on your tortured clit.
He keeps quiet and continues his feather-light touch, pleased at the unexpected orgasm denial and the way it makes your cunt clench around his cock as if coaxing it to give you what you need most.
“You better not be loud,” he warns. “You don’t want to ruin our fun, right?”
Agonizing moments later, Jungkook’s footsteps return and he zips himself back into his tent and quickly heads back to sleep. He remains stilled inside you, listening intently for any sounds of the others awakening.
After minutes of desperate silence and your needy cunt aching for your boyfriend to move, he rolls you onto your stomach with him on top, cock still buried deep within you.
“You’ve done so well,” he praises as he leans down and licks a fat stripe on the back of your neck, making you shiver. “Take your reward like a good girl.”
Without warning, Hoseok grips at your hips and starts a brutal pace, fucking you fast and hard while staying quiet. It feels so good, better than the feeling of him being still inside you. Nothing can compare to his thickness spearing into you, stretching you wide. The ridges of his cock feel like heaven from the position he has you in, and you can feel the stimulation building upon your ruined, curtailed orgasm from earlier.
He quickly rams a piece of the sleeping bag into your mouth, forcing you to be quiet as he nearly impales you open, burying himself as deep into your womb as he can before retreating and thrusting in for more. You can tell he’s close by the way his movements lose finesse, the way his hands grip your thick hips as if he’s grasping a lifeline. 
“Gonna fill you up,” Hoseok whispers harshly, his voice taking on the rough edge that makes your body react. “You want my cum, baby?”
Your mouth is full, but your head nods quickly and you arch your back to let him reach even deeper inside of you, desperate to get yourself and him off simultaneously.
“Shit,” he groans as he feels your body accept him even further at this new angle, your ass high in the air. He grips it, enjoys the way the flesh jiggles in his grip and with each thrust. “Cum on my cock, baby, please.”
Hoseok doesn’t beg, hardly ever, so when he’s desperate for your release, you’re equally desperate to give it to him. As he pounds into you, taking full advantage of your prone body and lifted hips, the dam holding back your climax finally erupts, making your walls quiver and squeeze around his cock and forcing you to bury your face as far as you can into your sleeping bag to muffle your whines.
He wishes he could hear your screams, wants to hear the way you cry his name out as your cunt milks him, begs him for his own end. Another round of thrusts and he feels it all snap, cock pulsing out hot spurts of cum into your eager and waiting channel.
He pulls out of you, loving the way his cum follows him out, dribbling out of your spent pussy weakly. He lifts a finger and scoops it up, pushing it back into your juicy walls and nearly whining as he feels it wet and sopping with his release. You’re pulling the sleeping bag from your mouth, panting hard from your own release and turning around to look at your boyfriend, hips wiggling.
Hoseok smiles fondly at you, removing his finger from your walls and rubbing the smooth skin of your ass.
“Are you warm?” He asks with a smirk, knowing by the sheen of sweat on both of your bodies that you’ve successfully warmed up in the bite of the chilly night.
He flops down beside you and pulls you in close, snuggling into the sleeping bag while kissing your face gently.
Hoseok’s cock is still hard, still aching even after a release and you’re quick to grasp it in your hands, finally getting a grip on it for the first time tonight.
“Better keep you warm all night like I promised, huh?” You smile sleepily as you lift your leg to allow him entrance to your center yet again. “Keep me full all night please, baby?”
He is loath to deny you, and the wet heat of your used pussy feels like heaven. He holds you closer, pulls you in tight as he buries his cock as far as he can go, before kissing you sweetly once more.
He knows he’ll wake up in a few hours, dick throbbing with a need to take you for yet another round, but for now, he revels in the warmth and love and safety he feels when he’s connected to you in nearly every way.
“By the way, I love you too, Hoseok,” you whisper to him after a few moments of silence, recalling to the sweet whispered words around the campfire.
Hoseok smiles as he closes his eyes, body and soul in pure bliss.
And when Namjoon complains in the morning that he could hear the sounds of his little sister getting railed, Hoseok will let him know he ensured you didn’t suffer from hypothermia—that it’s his job as boyfriend to ensure you’re kept safe,
and always kept warm.
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amayaonly1 · 2 years
Diavolo's Cousin from Hell - Lesson 4 (Obey Me! x Female!MC/Reader)
@strawberry-moonpies Hello! It's been a while, hasn't it? I decided to take a one-week break to prepare for my test and go on a weekend vacation with the fam. It's been a while since I wrote anything, so I might be a wee bit rusty. Hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter. Cheers!
(Btw, I can't help but chuckle when I read the dialogues for the current event "Sacrifices of Darkness". They remind me so much of Balial.)
Interested to join the tag list? Drop me a DM! I write Obey Me! fanfiction for now.
Other work: A Lil' Oopsie
Diavolo's Cousin from Hell mini-series:
Prologue | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 6
He didn't exactly know how long it took, but Beelzebub was certain that this was the first time he'd seen his own twin with such fury and stubbornness that could rival that of one of their elder brothers.
The Avatar of Gluttony remembered sitting inside his room enjoying a bag of Hell Cream Cat Tongue Cookies that he purchased from Madam Scream's when, all of a sudden, in came the youngest demon brother scowling. Surely it was without a doubt for him to ask what irritated him, and then have Belphegor open up to him. But never in his life had he seen the latter sharply mutter "Nothing" before sprawling on his bed.
Finally, after what seemed like eons, he got an answer - Balial.
Ah, yes. It's no surprise that this young demon Prince had the ability to irk the Demon Lords so effortlessly. All he ever did was cynically critique everything they did. From how they dressed up for school to the way they ate, their articulation, their involvement in the Student Council, their punctuality; nothing, and no one, was spared. Not even the eldest brother.
But now, not only did they have to deal with his nitpickiness, he'd imposingly invited himself over to their house; as if it wasn't making it any worse for them. Well, it's partially thanks to MC, but it would be merely hypocritical for any one of the demon brothers to pinpoint his sudden fascination with the human exchange student when they, too, were just as fond of her.
The only difference was that the Prince of the Underworld took an instant liking to her and didn't attempt to eradicate her; like them at the beginning.
"Just ignore him," advised Beelzebub. "He'll be here for two weeks only, right? After that, we won't have to face him anymore."
"But that feels like such a long time," the younger twin whined. Encountering the vile, little gremlin was torture enough.
"I think by now, we know what his personality is like. I understand how you feel, but there's nothing much we can do about it. The least we can do is hang in there, at least for MC's sake. Otherwise, it might seem like she's the one at fault, and we might accidentally make her feel bad about it."
Was it unfair of MC to make such a rash decision without discussing it with the demon brothers beforehand? Yes. But one could argue that she did it with genuine intention, and Balial was willing to help her while being under the same roof.
Perhaps the older twin was right. Might as well tolerate it all for MC's sake.
At that moment, a loud rumble resonated in the room. "It's almost time for dinner," noted Beelzebub with realisation. "Come on. Let's go downstairs. I'm starving." A wide, gleeful smile spread across his face. "I heard that it's MC's turn to cook dinner tonight. I can't wait to try some more of her cooking."
"You go ahead," insisted Belphegor, who easily let out a yawn. "I'll be there shortly."
But the orange-haired demon was concerned. "Are you tired? I can save some for you if you want to sleep."
"It's fine," assured his brother. "I just need a quick shut-eye."
To which, he nodded saying, "Alright."
Beelzebub strode towards the door, pouring the remaining cookies into his mouth before tossing the paper bag into the bin hiding in the corner. He shut the door behind him, walked down the hallway leading him to the staircase that would take him to the kitchen. It wasn't long before he got a whiff of an unfamiliar, bu tantalizing aroma.
Is tonight's dinner roast? he wondered. Or perhaps a hearty stew? What if it's another human realm burger he had yet to try? Ah, yes. There's also that human dessert called brownies that she'd made waiting for him in the fridge. Oh, just the thought of MC's cooking excites him! Beelzebub didn't even realise that he was already wiping away the drool hanging by the corner of his lips. Might as well pick up the pace if he wanted to try some of whatever she's cooking.
And just like his brother moments ago, his appetite churned when he saw who was in the kitchen.
A black cauldron was left on the stove as its contents eminated an aroma that made him drool even more. MC was at the island counter ceramic baking tray with rolls of dough stuck to each other. Standing across her atop of a wooden stool watching with fascination was the young Prince himself, with a white apron tried around his waist. Merihem, adorning a black full-body apron, was at the stove using a pair of thongs to grill some sliced Devildom vegetables on the cast iron grill pan.
Hearing the footsteps that suddenly halted, MC looked up and smiled upon seeing who it was. "Hey, there!" she greeted, just as she lifted up the tray. "We're almost done here. Balial wanted to try beef stew for dinner. Well, technically it's minotaur stew since I couldn't get any regular beef here. I've never made one before so I thought I'd give it a go with some dinner rolls and grilled vegetables. He and Mr. Merihem have been a great help preparing tonight's dinner."
"It's been a tremendous oblectament cooking with you, Miss MC," said the butler gratefully. "Your kind invitation has given us an exceptional insight into the human realm food. Why, I'm of the opinion that the Young Master is willing to try some of the recipes that you've humbly shared."
"I can assure you that, Mistress MC!" chirped Balial with a bright smile. "I didn't know the preparation of human realm food and our delicacies are alike. Quite an intriguing learning experience, I'd say! Even a taste of tonight's dinner tickles my taste buds. If I may humbly say this, I think your cooking is one of the best I've ever experienced; aside from my faithful Merihem, of course."
MC smiled sheepishly. "You flatter me too much," she said bashfully. "It's my first time attempting this dish. I hope it would turn out just as delicious as you expected."
However, the Avatar of Gluttony heeded no mind to the exchange. Rather, he was more interested in the brown savory gravy stewing inside. He stood in front of the cauldron, sniffed, and licked his lips with anticipation.
"Can I try some of this, MC?" he asked.
"I don't mind letting you try the stew with some vegetables, but if you want the meat we'll have to wait a little while longer," advised the said girl. After putting the dinner rolls into the oven, she approached the iron pot. She picked up the wooden ladle dipped in the stew that was left on a plate at the side and began stirring the contents while peering in, inspecting.
"I expected nothing less from the Avatar of Gluttony," remarked Balial with a despondent sigh. "We spent some time preparing food while he merely pranced into the kitchen asking for taste of everyone's dinner. A reductive sight, if I may be honest."
Beelzebub felt his eye twitch. Was that a sign of annoyance, or a sudden spasm in the nerves?
"It's alright, Balial," MC quickly assured, scooping some stew into a bowl before handing it to him. The demon's expression immediately morphed into one of excitement before "I'm used to it. That's why we cooked large amounts to accommodate Beel's hunger."
"I see."
Beelzebub didn't like the way the young Prince drawled the last word, although he tried his best to ignore him. He did advise his younger twin to do so, right? Not to mention, this wasn't his first time getting nagged by Balial. So it should be manageable, right?
Or so he thought.
"Was that why you left that container of brownies in the fridge?"
"Yes," was her reply. "Asmodeus found out about it on the internet and asked me to make some. So I baked a large batch for everyone. Well, mainly for Beel because I know that he gets hungry easily. Did you like them?"
"I did!" Balial gleefully answered. "It was so good that I finished it all."
"Wow, that's quite a lot of brownies you had there," commented MC, looking at him with wide eyes. "Do you eat as much as Beel?"
"Pardon me for the interruption," chimed the elderly butler, who placed a ceramic tray of grilled vegetables on the counter. "But it has slipped my mind to inform you that the Young Master has quite a huge appetite. Do expect him to finish up any leftovers you decide to put into the refrigerator. I apologise for my tardiness."
"No worries, Mr. Merihem!" assured the human girl with a wave. "I can just make some more. Although, I'm not too sure if Lucifer would be happy to have the house budget spent on baking goods."
"Rest assured, Miss MC," Balial said. "I'm willing to impart my expenses to share the cost. It is only fair that I do such a thing if I were to stay in this place."
"Are you sure about that? Not that I mind, but you are a guest."
"My Father used to preach that when I share the same accommodation with another being, I shant let them bear all the burden."
Beelzebub didn't even bother to hear the rest of the conversation. All he was thinking was that the little brat dared to finish the brownies. The gull he had to even touch it! And he was looking forward to even getting a lick.
"Sorry, Beel." MC's voice managed to snap him out of his raging thoughts. "I know you were looking forward to the brownies. I'll have to make another batch tomorrow after school. I need to drop by the bakery to get more ingredients. But don't worry! I'll make more so that no one has to fight over it."
The said demon took a deep breath. There's no point getting angry at MC, he reminded himself. She wasn't the one who finished the brownies; she was the one who made it in the first place. So it's only fair that he directed his anger at the dwarf demon Prince.
"It's okay, MC," he assured, gritting his teeth as he tried to suppress his anger. Feeling his triumphant gaze on him riled him even more. "I know it's not your fault, so I don't mind waiting. But don't keep me waiting too long, okay?"
"Of course!"
But Beelzebub knew this won't be the last time that he'd become the victim of Balial's shenanigans. After all, he found that supercilious smirk plastered on his face was very incongruous.
And he began dreading the next thirteen days of hell.
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hqcult · 3 years
21ST ## the miya twins
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you visit hyogo to celebrate your 21st birthday with your extended family. you met atsumu and osamu, who were oh so excited to meet you.
. tw manipulation, pseudo-incest, noncon, cunnilingus, masturbation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, mindbreak, implied double penetration, dark content . wc 4.3k
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looking back, the twins are good fucking actors. they deserve some oscar-level award with how much they smiled those sweet honey smiles and lured you into a sense of security before baring their fangs and pulling you down to hell with them. but they never would’ve gotten the chance to act if you hadn’t been there as their audience. so, the truth remains the same—this is all your fault. you never should’ve insisted coming to hyōgo in the first place.
ever since getting adopted at the tender age of thirteen and moving to tokyo, you’ve seen everything there is to see, ate at every restaurant with a 5-star review on google. you’ve done them all at least thrice by now and it’s getting boring.
so, when your adoptive father had jokingly talked about coming to hyōgo to meet your extended family for your 21st birthday, you perked up in your seat and your eyes twinkled like stars. 
your mom didn’t want to go at first, of course, claiming you’ll get carsick but your parents eventually gave in after seeing the pleading look in your eyes and the genuine excitement in your stance.
long story short, you did end up getting carsick. quite a few times too, actually. but you were already driving along the expressway and your mom’s sister was already expecting the three of you. so, naturally, you guys pushed through, your dad making sure he drove as smoothly as possible in order not to trigger another barfing session from you.
it was twilight by the time your dad pulled up on his sister-in-law’s driveway and the first you see were two identical faces—twins? for step-cousins? well, now that was something. you’ve never really met twins before so it was a whole new experience and it excited you greatly. 
not to mention how you and atsumu instantly hit it off, your personalities aligning. yet when you sat next to osamu during dinner, the younger twin found it wasn’t as hard talking to you compared to his brother. in fact, he found it interesting how easy it was to converse with you, the words flowing out his lips. you were just so painfully compatible with them that why oh why did the universe have to make you their half-cousin?
the shift in their behavior wasn’t at all gradual but can you really blame them? you were such a good daughter, such a beauty. and they guess the whole ‘pseudo-incest’ taboo thing amplified your appeal all the more. 
well, at least in their defense, atsumu and osamu genuinely wanted to get to know their new cousin in the most innocent, platonic way and not this weird thing they’re feeling right now. but you were so damn irresistible that they couldn’t keep their feelings in check.
how kind of ‘samu to grab the coffee container at the topmost shelf for you during breakfast, not knowing he purposely puts it there every night so he can “accidentally” rub his morning wood against your ass.
your ‘tsumtsum is such an angel when he doesn’t hesitate to take off his outerwear and lends it to you whenever you forget yours, not knowing he snatches them from the laundry basket and leaving you no choice but to use his. the sweet scent you leave on the jacket is enough to throw him off the edge and have him climaxing as he fucked his own hand.
nobody noticed, everyone was distracted by their achievements at such a young age. all their mom had to say is how osamu yet again made it to dean’s lister or how atsumu got scouted for a national team.
your mom and dad didn’t notice, lost in the daydream of always wanting to have their own son only to end up with you. blinded of their dazzle that the rotten pieces of them were fully camouflaged by the glow.
it all came to a peak when the twins were pulling all-nighter playing games like always. 
atsumu needed to use the restroom, and just as he’s passing by your door, he heard a questionable sound that made him stop, frozen and unbelieving.
carefully, he tiptoes closer to place his ear against your door, praying to whomever that the floorboards don’t creak and disrupt whatever you’re doing. silence, seconds of it. then click, a switch turning on, he hears low vibration and a shaky whimper, a slick sound that reminded him of—
you were touching yourself.
holy fucking crap.
atsumu can only stare at the door with a knowing curl in his lips as he quickly pushes down his boxers. the risk of getting caught masturbating so out in the open making all the blood rush south.
“guess yer not as innocent as i thought ya were,” he mutters, spitting on his palm before wrapping it around his dick.
he shut his eyes close, clinging desperately into the imagination of how it would feel like to fuck your cunny instead of his hand. how the view would be like as he forces your legs up and into a mating press as he rutted his hips into you. at least you were loud, the moans he can hear as clear as day and he’s thankful he needn’t depend on his imagination anymore like all the other times.
you better be fucking thankful that the rest of the rooms were downstairs or else your parents and their mom would’ve heard by now. eh, atsumu didn’t mind. he got off on the risque idea of getting caught in the act.
when your pitch grows whinier and he hears your quick rufflings on the bed, he knows you’re close. he can hear the frantic and changing levels of the vibrator as you fucked it into your walls. 
“fuck,” he hissed, the mental image of you masturbating and putting on a show for him making him teeter over the edge.
he grunts, low and animalistic, as spurts of his cum stains his hands and the floor. he didn’t care. he pumped himself through his orgasm and it was the best he’s ever got in a while. who knew all he needed to hear was his little step-cousin lewdly touching herself? naughty, naughty girl.
when he heard your panting after cumming against your little toy, he took his cue and speed-walked towards his and osamu’s bedroom to get a cloth he’ll use to clean the front of your door. but just as he caught you in the act, he caught his own brother red-handed, too.
the tiny specks of cum on the wall where osamu stood is a ghastly sight but atsumu couldn’t care less. 
silently, the twins exchanged a knowing glance.
“ya heard ‘er too?”
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someone knocks on your bedroom door on the eve of your birthday. 
osamu was tasked to wake you up while atsumu started the car. you didn’t respond. were you… he slowly opens the door, he spots you immediately in the bundle of blankets atop your bed. when he stalks closer, you looked so cozy that osamu almost got tempted to ditch the idiot and come snuggle with you under the blankets instead. 
but he has two heads and the one he’s using to think is located south.
he wakes you up with a gentle shake on the shoulder. “‘samu?” you mutter, voice low and croaky from your deep sleep when you see a blurry tousle of gray hair.
“let’s do a countdown for yer birthday, angel. come on, put on a jacket. ‘tsumu’s already startin’ up the car.”
osamu’s blunt nails dug half-moon crescents into his palms as he saw your tiny pajama shorts and the slip top when you shoved the blankets away. he swore his palms would’ve bled, especially after seeing you bending over to look for a hoodie inside your luggage. 
he stared so openly, it was almost predatory in a sense. 
as you scamper down the stairs with the younger twin’s hands dangerously grazing the top of your rear, you thought it’s plain old protective ‘samu being worried you’ll make a misstep and break your neck.
“where’s everybody?”
“just us three, angel. ‘lil cousin bonding before yer big party tonight, y’know?”
you giggled. how sweet, you thought.
you didn’t sense a thing. didn’t see a single red flag even if it was being waved across your face like what they do in bullfights. osamu felt a little sorry for how they’re blatantly manipulating you but it’s too late to back out now, much less let the guilt eat up his insides. he shouldn’t be a hypocrite considering he jacked off to your moans, too, that night. 
he’s really no different than atsumu and it’s a tough pill to swallow.
it wasn’t osamu that stops you, but atsumu, from scampering into the front seat. the older twin quickly locks the door before lowering down the passenger side’s window. 
“nuh-uh, birthday girl. ya can’t sit here or the surprise’ll be ruined!”
you grumble, frowning as you scoot yourself in the backseat of the car. atsumu twists his torso towards the back, asking you to wear the blindfold he’s handing you. it was a little tough with how stubborn you are but ‘tsumu’s just too good with his words.
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you drove for thirty minutes before the car pulled up somewhere. the world is tranquil outside, so you couldn’t have driven to the nearest city. your initial guess is a beach, but there were no splashes of water. maybe a cliff-side or a forest?
the car’s ignition turns off and you call out to the twins. 
“‘tsumu? ‘samu? where are we? can i take my blindfold off now?”
“just a moment, doll.” there’s an excited lilt to atsumu’s voice and you can’t help but fidget in your seat, feeling the excitement crawling up your spine as you think of what their surprise could be.
you hear them clamber out the car. you scoot closer to the door just as the backseat opens, a silly smile on your face. “you guys didn’t have to do this, you know, but i appreciate it so mu—”
someone tackles you to the seat and the air gets knocked out of your lungs. he’s heavy and you felt the muscles underneath his shirt as you tried to push him away but to no avail—you know it’s a man, it has to be because you felt the broad shoulders and something poking at your thigh. you feel him nosing the side of your neck and his hands crawling under your shirt. his freezing skin against your own is what snapped you out of it.
“atsumu! osamu!” you cried, calling for help.
you inwardly gasped, realizing something. maybe they were hurt! maybe your assaulter had creeped up behind the twins just as they opened the door for you, knocked them out cold, before trying to have their way with you. at the thought of the twins getting hurt, you thrashed, fought, and screamed with newfound fervor.
“couldja calm down and shut yer fucking trap?”
when the blindfold flies away and you see the man straddling you on the backseat of atsumu’s car, how you wished your assaulter had never taken it off.
atsumu had never looked this scary from your point of view, then again he never straddled you like this in the weeks prior. never looked at you like how he’s looking now—there’s clear hunger and lust in those eyes. you’ve seen that look one too many times from boys back in your university when you had your one night stands. but it had all been consensual and you loved them looking at you that way but this is different.
so, so different.
you can’t look at him in the eye, not when he’s staring at you like that. it felt like you’re pushed into a corner, vulnerable and bare even with the clothes you’re wearing.
“please, get off of me.”
“get off ya?” he repeats, mirth in his eyes as he hauls you up to a sitting position. he finally shuts the door behind him. “but i’ve been wantin’ to do this for weeks.”
to further emphasize his point, he grounds his hips against yours, making sure the tip of his already erect cock grazes against the bud of your clit. his boxers and the thin fabric of your shorts isn’t helping. he groans wantonly, angling his hips to do it again until you slipped out from under him and maneuvered your way to the other door.
osamu! osamu will stop him, you thought with teary eyes as atsumu growls and quickly pulls you back by the forearms, your back to his chest as you try to claw your way out of the athlete’s grip.
“‘samu! ‘samu, help me!”
but when the said twin opens the door and slips inside the car with little to no surprise present in his face, a type of fear you’ve never felt before runs up your spine. the look in osamu’s eyes reflected that of his twin’s and with sinking realization, you knew he wasn’t there to help you.
“happy 21st birthday, angel.”
and then he’s ducking down to kiss you. his lips are soft and they moved tenderly, in contrast to the barbaric way they tore at your clothes, the cold making you shiver in your underwear.
dealing with one sick person is enough, but with two, you’re not so sure. you only had two hands, if you pushed osamu away, atsumu would have free access and vice versa. your legs couldn’t move either, thanks to the cramped space of the backseat.
while holding down your hands, atsumu marks every inch of untainted skin he could see as osamu swirls his tongue inside your mouth. you’ve never felt so disgusted and dirty, but above all, betrayed. even if it was a few weeks since you’ve met, you still saw them as family. sure, you weren’t technically blood-related but in the papers it’s a different story.
when osamu pulled away, you averted your eyes but his hand reached up to hold your chin, forcing your eyes to meet. you feel his other hand trailing up your thighs, fingers dangerously close to your clothed sex as he watched you like a fox. he wanted to commit this moment to memory. every twitch and small gasp you make as his cold fingers pinched at your clit and traced your pussy lips.
“staying quiet, princess?” atsumu comments, hands snaking around front to squeeze and grope your breasts over the bra you wore. “ya weren’t like this when i caught ya touchin’ yerself last week.”
your eyes widened. when you tried turning your head to look over your shoulder towards the other twin, osamu shoved two fingers inside you.
your reaction was immediate. the pleasure and pain mixing as a loud gasp escapes your lips. “eyes up front,” he murmurs, the firm hold on your chin going higher to encase your whole jaw.
“oi, ‘samu, didn’t think you’re the possessive type,” atsumu says, teasingly placing his chin on your shoulder as he smiles that lazy smile you know osamu hates. “not that i’m going to lose.”
the older twin slips your bra off just as osamu takes his fingers out to lewdly lick up your slick. he moans, keeping his eyes trained on your horrified face. “sweet. but not wet enough for us, angel.”
“let me have a go.”
before you could even react, atsumu’s spinning you around to face him as he shoves your shoulders down. due to the cramped space, your head collides with osamu’s thighs, narrowly missing the tent in his joggers. the weight in his thighs makes the younger twin fidget and squirm as he hastily reaches for your hand, pulling his bottoms down just enough for his cock to spring out. you wince when it hits the side of your face. osamu loved the disgust in your face when he spat at your hand and used it to get himself off as he started stroking his cock.
meanwhile, in one swift motion, atsumu is pulling your panties down and licking a stripe up your cunny, the tip of his tongue prodding at your clit as his hands come up to slap your pussy. “how dare ya be so quiet,” he hisses, sucking harsher on your clit to pull a reaction out of you. “let me hear ya whine and moan, babe. i’m fuckin’ sure as hell my tongue is better than some cheap ass vibrator ya used.”
but your lips are stubbornly sealed as you arched your back. like hell you’d play into their wants and sick fantasies. they were your cousins! forcing you to enjoy this is just downright wrong. and knowing they’ve eavesdropped and silently lusted over you while having those innocent little smiles on their faces… were they not in the least bit guilty for deceiving you? deceiving your parents?
“give ‘er somethin’ bigger. i think she’s askin’ for it.” osamu says, kneading one of your breasts and tweaking your nipples as he continued to pump himself using your hand. 
because he lost to rock paper scissors, he’s going to fuck you after atsumu and no matter how furious he was, a deal’s a deal.
like an idea switching inside his head, atsumu falters, staring right at you with sparkles in his eyes before his lips curled into a devious smirk.
“no, no, no,” you scramble, trying to sit up in order to push him away but osamu is quick to pin you down. “atsumu—no—you don’t want to do this, please—!”
“shut it, princess. i know what i want and that’s to fuck yer sweet little cunny right ‘ere,” he mocks by planting a sweet kiss against your lower lips.
“can ya stop with the dirty talk my dick’ll go soft, ya scrub!” osamu hisses, his hands wrapped around yours getting tighter as the lewd sounds of his slick gets louder. 
no matter how much osamu denies it, he’s getting off on seeing you squirming under atsumu and god he never thought to have a voyeurism kink but here we are.
atsumu shoves his boxers down and you turn away from glancing down at his cock, osamu had to ruthlessly pull your hair and make you look as you slowly start tearing up. he was bigger than most guys you’ve met in college and you dread the painful stretch it’ll take for him to shove that dick inside you.
“shh, princess. don’tcha worry, yer all prepped to take me.” he scissors your pussy lips, the sticky wetness creating lewd sounds before pushing his stained fingers into your mouth. “hear that? go on and taste yerself.”
he gave you no choice, fingers pushing your tongue down until you obliged to his wishes. from behind you, you hear a low grunt and a pant as osamu throws his head back. he was close, you could tell and you surely didn’t want your face to be near his cock once he cums.
“‘tsumu, god damn it! hurry and fuck ‘er already!”
osamu was close and his mind was clouded. he needed to see you get railed in order for him to teeter towards that delicious edge of pure ecstasy. needed to hear the noises like the ones you made that night.
“i got it, i got it. fuckin’ impatient bastard.”
“atsumu, stop—!”
but he doesn't bother to listen, pushing his cock deep all in a single thrust. you were right. the stretch slightly stings and you bet it would’ve hurt more had he not bothered to suck and lick at your pussy earlier. “it hurts,” you sob, trying to curl in on yourself while keeping atsumu from leaning in.
but your strength is no match for him as he peppers light kisses down your neck, osamu helping with pushing your hair away to expose more skin. “shh, shh,” the faux-blond coos. “it’ll get better, i promise ya. yer gonna love it so let me move, okay?”
“no, wait, take it out, wai—!”
he starts thrusting, timed and rhythmic as his hands reach under your thighs, slightly raising your lower body to meet the angle of his hips. you couldn’t deny that it felt good like he said. the heavenly drag of his dick inside your walls, feeling you squeeze around him just as he nearly pulls out, only to thrust it all back in again. he wanted to keep this “making love” pace as long as he wants but he’s getting irritated but how you still wanted to keep your pretty lips shut.
that’s when you truly felt the vehicle jolting back and forth, brought by the sudden way atsumu manically fucks you like some animal. the change of pace surprised you greatly, choking on your saliva and letting out a pornographic “ah!” as he started railing you in the backseat of his car. you were way past the point of no return as immense pleasure spiked your nerves. all thoughts of somehow fighting their advances being shot out the window.
“that’s it,” atsumu pants, swinging your legs up against your chest to fuck you even deeper. “come on, make some noise, princess. i want people to hear how good i make ya feel even if they’re miles away.”
after all this is over and the lustful haze they forced you under is gone, you’ll regret the way you moaned and groaned and whined like how you’re doing now. embarrassing, how even as atsumu leans closer to kiss you, you don’t push him away. a mess of saliva and sweat mixing as his pace doesn’t relent and the fierce jolts of the car only adds up to your pleasure.
“‘tsumu!” you screamed, one hand holding onto his hair and the other scratching at his back. “i’m close—shit!”
he replies with a moan of his own, drawn out and whiny, feeling your walls suffocating his cock as he continues to drive it in and out with a speed you’ve never experienced with your past rendezvous. perks of being an athlete, you guess. “don’tcha dare fuckin’ cum until i tell ya to or else.”
but that little devil is making it harder for you to obey him as one of his hands snakes in between your bodies to start toying with your clit, drawing firm circles and figure 8’s to draw in that eventual release. “no, no, ‘tsumu don’t!” you tried reaching down but his hand only tugs it back, firmly holding your wrist as he continues his ministrations.
it’s too much. you were feeling it all too much and in the heat of the moment, you forgot everything else—you arch your back and felt your climax crashing over you as your cum steadily makes a mess off the backseat with every thrust atsumu made.
he stops.
his head hangs low, looking at the view of your interconnected bodies before scoffing in disbelief. menacingly, he raises his head to make eye contact with you. “didn’t i fuckin’ tell ya to cum only if i tell ya to cum?”
the faux-blond grabs at your hair, ruthlessly tilting it back as you feel a sticky sensation running down your nether lips. you shake your head, eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
“i don’t care. i warned ya, didn’t i? so don’t fuckin’ hate me after all this is over.”
suddenly you feel your fight surging through you again like a tidal wave. this is wrong. how dare they do it even after you said no. how dare they do it and make you enjoy it?
“aw, cute. angel’s still got some fight in ‘er left.”
you thrashed against atsumu as soon as he swiftly pulls out of you. he doesn’t even break a sweat while restraining you with his bare hands.
“let me go! you fuckers! i’ll tell—”
“tell who? our parents? this isn’t elementary school, princess. ya get what ya fuckin’ deserve and it’s not our fault ya like swingin’ that pretty ass so much.”
you growl as a retort, attempting to bite atsumu’s hand off as he swiftly spins you around to lay on your stomach. you cringe, feeling your sticky essence against your skin. you didn't have time to feel humiliated, not as you came face to face with osamu’s still erect and angry dick.
you weren’t dumb, you knew why the faux-blond made you face his twins’ way—this is to be your punishment, he said, all the while feeling him scramble about behind you. it wasn’t only ‘til you feel atsumu’s tip prodding at your ass did you realize what’s going to happen.
“go on and give our ‘samu a nice suck, yeah? put on a show and if ya dare use yer teeth, i’ll personally make sure ya regret ever coming to hyōgo.”
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you came back at dawn, during the sunrise. it’s glow basking the whole house in a nice orange tint. “what are you guys doing up so early?” your mom asks when she sees the three of you piling in from the front door.
she was too busy rubbing the sleep out of her eyes that she missed everything—the way osamu’s oppressive arm wrapped around your shoulder got tighter, the way atsumu gave you a nasty side eye, and especially the fearful expression on your face.
“no - nothing, mom. they just wanted to have a birthday countdown for me.”
“oh, right! happy 21st, sweetheart.”
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jeonggukookies · 4 years
too young || five
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summary: you learn about jungkook’s past, and jungkook and his daughter aren’t too happy about that
word count: 4,116
genre: parent!au, single dad!jungkook angst
one || two || three || four || five
As long as you could remember, Valentine’s Day was your favorite holiday. You just loved making cute valentine’s cards, colored paper hearts and making little mailboxes to put your candy in. Not only that, but you just loved your parents spoiling each other on that day whether it was doing cute things spontaneously or putting love poems on sticky notes every where around the house.  
Valentine’s Day was just the day you wanted to be in love, but for the most part, you and your short term boyfriends never made it that long, so it was just mainly you working at schools, doing arts and crafts with the kiddos, spreading the love to them. 
Today was different. 
You invited all parents to come and help their child decorate their mailboxes, and you rescheduled any tasks or meetings that day as you wanted to spend the whole day visiting each classroom to see everyone’s progress and give candy out. 
Wanting to spend the most time with Jules, you visited her classroom last. Her classroom was well decorated for the holiday. The color pink and red along with messages and puns about love and hearts were found everywhere. 
Standing under the doorway, a smile appeared on your face once you saw Jules in Jungkook’s lap. She was laughing with her head tilted back as Jungkook traced his hand onto the cardboard mailbox. “Jungkook, why are you putting a hand turkey on our mailbox?!”
You talked to every student and parent in the class before taking a seat next to Jungkook. “I love the mailbox.” 
“Do you want to put your handprint on it?” Jules asked as she put a heart shape lollypop in her mouth and snuck one into your pocket. “Me and Jungkook have more for you later, but don’t tell anyone.” 
You smiled and grabbed a red marker from the table. “I would love to put my hand on the mailbox.”
“So I have some news,” Jungkook said as you pushed the marker lid off. “I have to leave a day early next week.” 
Jungkook was going on a business trip overseas for a week, and during that week, Jules was going to stay with you. At first you didn’t understand why Jungkook was telling you, but once you realized it, you dropped the marker abruptly. “Wait, that means you won’t be able to be there with me when I meet the girls.”
“I’m sorry, but I promise Jin is going to make sure it all runs smoothly,” Jungkook reassured you, picking up the marker off the table. “We can wait till after you come back if you want.”
You shook your head, not wanting to wait any longer to meet them. It was bound to happen whether you liked it or not. “It’s okay.”
“Are you sure?” He questioned, raising his eyebrows. 
“I promise.” 
After school, you spent the rest of Valentine’s Day making blanket forts and watching movies with Jungkook and Jules, and you knew that you could never get tired of this. 
“Uncle Jin!” Jules excitedly jumped up and down as Jin bent down and wrapped her arms around her. “I missed you!” 
“It’s not as if I didn’t see you a day ago.” Jin pulled away, smiling. “Your cousin is waiting for you in her room.” 
Jules hurried off to take off her jacket and rushed upstairs. “So you’re first meeting Taehyung’s wife first, then Jimin’s and then mine,” Jin quietly explained as he took your jacket along with Jules to put it on the coat rack. “Tae dropped her off first, so you can warm up to her. Jimin’s on his way to drop off Seo-yeon, and Su-ji is still at work and has to pick up tonight’s dinner.” 
He gestured behind him with his eyes where Tae’s wife, Ji-Ho was. You were surprised by her appearance. She looked like a normal human being when the boys had described her similar to the evil queen from Snow White.
"She doesn’t look scary at all,” you whispered in a hushed voice. “Why did you guys try to scare me?”
“Ji-Ho, this is Y/N, Jungkook’s girlfriend. Ji-Ho came early, and we’re just talking about a book idea she has,” Jin said in his normal tone, ignoring the comment you made. “She wants to write a book about being able to forgive and forget.” 
Sitting next to Jin on his white loveseat, you looked and smiled at Ji-Ho who was on the white sofa across from you two, staring at carpet, not meeting your eyes. “I didn’t know you wrote books. Why do you want to write a book about that?”
“The world is a cruel place where people hold grudges over trivial and dumb things. They say they forgive, but never forget. Teaching others and helping them learn to do that will make it seem like you’re mature and able to have peace with yourself,” she explained, now playing with her hands in her lap. “Why hold grudges when you can move on and not give them the power to think about them?”
“I suppose that you can be happier just living your own life when you focus on yourself and forget and forgive.” Jin shrugged his shoulders. 
“Do you think that people who can’t forgive and forget are unhappy people?” You asked. 
“Excuse me?” Ji-Ho asked, finally looking at you. 
“I think what she meant to say is-” You cut Jin off.
“Personally, I think you only need to forgive someone and come to terms that not everyone or everything is going to work out in your favor. Forgetting it is like running away from your problems. It’s not going to go away just because you ignore or forget the feeling; you just will experience it again.” You shrugged your shoulders as Jin muttered an ‘oh god we’re dead’ under his breath. He was shaking in fear, worried about what you were going to say next and afraid of Ji-Ho’s reaction.
Ji-Ho scoffed. “What do you think about forgiving and forgetting then? You think we shouldn’t forgive and we shouldn’t forget?” 
“No, I’m not saying that, and I’m not saying that you’re wrong either because I don’t think we should hold grudges,” you said slowly. “But maybe you can forgive and accept, but you can’t forget, so you can be able to learn and overcome obstacles like that to be a better version of oneself.  Does that make sense?” 
Ji-Ho scoffed, but this time, she smiled at you and looked at you with interest in her eyes. “What is your name again?” 
“It’s nice to meet you.” She released a laugh, which startled Jin. “I think we’re going to get along perfectly fine.” 
Ji-Ho did open up to you right away, talking about her interests and asking all about you as if she wanted to know every single detail. She was a lot like Taehyung, and you realized they truly were a perfect match for each other. They were both kind, observant and funny without even trying. 
After twenty minutes, Seo-yeon and Su-ji arrived at the same time. Su-ji immediately went into the kitchen with some grocery bags as Seo-yeon took a seat next to Ji-Ho, smiling. 
“Hi, how are you?” She asked, not giving you anytime to think or respond before talking again. “We heard so many great things about you, and I am so happy for Jungkook. It’s about time he finally found someone and that we’re able to meet her.” 
Not knowing what to say, you laughed as your cheeks reddened. You weren’t really good at accepting compliments, but a part of you felt happy, knowing Jungkook was surrounded by people who loved him and wanted what was best for him.
“I got a charcuterie board for all of us,” Su-ji said out of breath, coming out of the kitchen. She placed the large plate on the coffee table in front of everyone and took a seat in between the other wives. “Hi, Y/N.” 
Most of the dinner went well. It was basically like an interview where they were trying to see your strengths and weaknesses, but you still felt comfortable with them, talking to them.
“Can we see pictures of you and Jungkook?” Ji-Ho asked. You unlocked your phone and passed it to Jin’s wife as she sat in the middle and could show them. “It really sounds like you two are both happy and comfortable with each other.” 
“It was really nice to meet you all,” you said as most of the plate was gone. 
“You don’t have to lie to them,” Jin joked. “I know my presence is enough for you to enjoy.” 
“No, I do mean it,” you reassured them just in case they didn’t take you seriously. “Jungkook talks about Jules and his support system all the time, and it warms my heart that you guys were there for both of them when they were struggling especially after their loss.” 
“Oh?” The look of displacement was written all over Su-ji’s face. “You know about Sarah?” 
“Yes,” you answered. “Is that a problem?”
“If you want me to be honest, I never thought Jungkook would see anyone after Sarah’s passing,” Jin’s wife absentmindedly said, thinking it was a compliment. In the corner of your eye, you can tell Jin was giving her a warning glare as if he didn’t want her to say anything else to you.
“Excuse me?” If she was trying to make you feel better about yourself, she was surely doing the opposite, but you hardened your face, so she couldn’t see that her words affected you. You knew that’s what she wanted, for you to be hurt. She wanted a reaction out of you, and you weren’t going to give her the satisfaction of getting it. 
“You know, Y/N, from the way you talked about it, your relationship with Jungkook reminds me of Sarah and Jungkook’s relationship,” Su-ji said once she saw the picture Jules took of you and Jungkook laying down, cuddling in the blanket fort during New Years. 
Although hearing the name of Jules’s mother made your heart drop, you kept your poker face on and continued to act like everything was okay. With confidence, you raised your eyebrows. “I’m not sure what that means.” 
“Jin and I actually grew up with Sarah and Jungkook. We always went on lunch dates together while we were still in school,” Su-ji explained with a murderous smile on her face. “Kook’s a romantic, isn’t he? Opening the doors, cooking home-cooked meal, giving his jacket when it’s cold, and writing songs and poems weekly? He did that all the time for girls when we were younger. He did that for Sarah too.” 
Your face softened at what Su-ji listed. They were all things he had never done for you, and you couldn’t tell if that was a good or bad thing. Did he want to do something new and fresh with you? Or did he just not put in effort and care? 
Most of it wasn’t a big deal. There was nothing wrong with opening the door yourself and being prepared for cold weather. You could have easily just asked Jungkook for a piece of his clothing if you had wanted to. But the thing that bothered you the most was in a span of months, Jungkook has never written anything for you.
He was a songwriter, but somehow, he didn’t have any words for you. 
You knew Su-ji was hurting your pride on purpose, but for some reason, you let her continue and listened to every word she had to say. She stared at the pictures on your phone. “The way he looks at you is almost identical to the way he looked at Sarah.” 
“Su-ji...” Jin warned. “Stop now.”
"It’s almost as if you were Sarah.” Her sharp words cut like a knife. If it weren’t your phone that started ringing in her hands, you would have cried on the spot. You felt a little better seeing Jungkook’s name on your screen. “Oh speak of the devil.”
“Why don’t we call it a night? I’m sure Y/N needs some rest.” Jin suggested as you stared at your phone. “How about you girls go clean, I’ll go get the kids, and Y/N, stays here to talk to Jungkook?” 
The girls, one by one, got up from the couch with their plates, heading towards the direction of the kitchen. As they left, each one of them gave you a look. Jin’s wife gave you a look of resentment, Jimin’s wife gave you a look of pity, and Tae’s wife gave you a look of worry.
You slid your thumb on the screen and answered Jungkook’s call. “Hey. What’s up?” 
“How are you, darling?” His honey voice made you want to cry. All you wanted was to cry your heart out and have his voice and touch comfort you, but he was the reason why you wanted to cry. “Doing okay?” 
“Yeah, the dinner went terrific. I really liked tonight,” you lied, trying not to let your voice crack. “I’m actually not feeling so well, so I’m leaving early with Jules in like five minutes.” 
“Are you sure you’re okay? It sounds like you want to cry?” He could read you so easily. “Is something wrong? If something is wrong, I can take the next flight and be back with you as soon-” 
“Everything is fine. Jules and I are fine.” Lie once again. “Please don’t worry.” 
Jules came down the stairs, holding hands with Jin. She ran towards you with a smile on your face, cheering you up a little bit. “Is that Jungkook?” 
“Do you want to talk to him?” You asked, and she shook her head. “Kook, I’m going to help Jules get ready to go home, and I’ll call you back once we’re there. Is that alright?”
“Yeah, of course. Drive home safely, okay? I miss you.” 
“I’ll talk to you later.” You hung up the phone. 
Jules put her arms out once she saw you grab her red winter coat from the armchair. As you helped her put her jacket on, you hear distant arguing. 
“What were you thinking, Su-ji?! You had no right to do that! That behavior was unacceptable and immature of you.” Jin whispered as he scolded her. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Talking about Sarah and Jungkook like that! Making Y/N feel bad when she did absolutely nothing to you. He paused. “Sarah might have been your best friend, but she would have been extremely disappointed in how you treated Jungkook’s girlfriend.”
“I don’t need a lecture from you, Jin,” Su-ji snapped. “I personally do not think I do anything wrong!”
“I wouldn’t even be having one if you had behaved like an adult!” He argued back. “Even Ji-Ho didn’t say anything degrading about her. She actually liked Y/N and she usually hates everybody at first.”
 “Don’t you think she deserved to know? All I did was tell her the truth!”
“You didn’t help her!” Helping Jules put her black hat on, you tried to listen to more of their conversation. “You’re unbelievable. I am furious with you.” 
“Sleep on the couch then if you just want to defend her instead of me.”
“If something happens between them because of this, I will never forgive you.” 
It doesn’t take long for Jin to come back to the living room with a forced smile on his face. He went closer to where you and Jules were at, bent down, grabbed the white gloves and helped Jules put them on her hands.
“Jules, honey, aren’t you going to say bye to your favorite Uncle Jin?” You asked. “Thank him too.” 
“Thank you Uncle Jinnie for the food and hugs.” She wrapped her arms around him, instantly, making him smile. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Sweetie.” He let go of Jules and stood up, making eye contact with you as you put your jacket on. “I’ll walk you out.” 
i want to apologize for su-ji’s behavior. i should have stopped her, and i am sorry. you didn’t deserve that. i know you’re going to tell me that it’s okay, but save it. it really was not okay
you know what su-ji said isn’t true right? 
jungkook only loved sarah as a sister
he didn’t love her like he loves you
i promise
It took you a while to respond to Jin’s text. You wanted to believe his words because he knew Jungkook better than anyone, but his wife’s words kept repeating in your head. 
It’s almost as if you’re Sarah.
did he tell you that? 
that he loved me differently than sarah? 
He didn’t respond, and what you’ve learned in the past is that sometimes no answer is an answer.
"Why do you like me?” Jungkook was coming back tomorrow, and before his flight, you called him randomly. “Why me? Out of all people? I’m nothing special.” 
“What are you talking about?” Jungkook asked. “Don’t say things like that. That’s not true.” 
“I mean, come on, when you got to know me, I didn’t have a rough upbringing or had a special talent that made me stand out from others. I was just an ordinary person with parents and a few friends.” 
As you waited for an answer, you opened your laptop and went onto a social networking website. Sighing, you looked up the one person that was on your mind lately ever since the dinner at Jin’s. 
“You talk about how I’m so passionate about my dream and how I’m so amazing for growing up and taking care of Jules, but I think about you like that.” 
“How so?” You breathed out, barely audible. 
“Like I know it’s your job to take care of the kids and to make sure everyone is learning, but you take the time to connect with others and strive to make everything better is amazing.” 
Sarah’s profile finally loaded onto your screen. Her profile picture was her and Jules, smiling on a park bench. Scrolling down, almost all her public and tagged pictures were with Su-ji and Jin’s family, celebrating almost every little occasion together. “Really?”
“And I know you want to take care of everyone and you’re okay with being by yourself, but I hope you know that there are people in the world who do care about you and will care about you.” His comforting words made you want to cry. “I care about you.” 
Before you could say anything, the last picture you stumbled across on was a picture of Sarah and Jungkook together at her graduation. Sarah was wearing her cap and gown, holding a bouquet of roses in her hand. She had the biggest smile on her face as she looked up at Jungkook, who was in the middle of laughing. Although this picture of old, Jungkook almost looked the same and had the same features. The only difference was that he never looked quite as happy with you.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked, bringing you back to reality. “What’s up?
Clearing your throat, you answered, “Yeah. I just was thinking.”
“I also love everything about you, you know? I love how you have a different, but such an understanding perspective about literally anything,” he said. “You’re special.”
“I hope so.”
“I’m going to sleep now. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?” You hung up the phone without saying anything, still staring at the picture of Jungkook and Sarah.
“What are you doing?” A gasp came out of your mouth as you shut the laptop lid as quickly as you could and turned your head to see Jules behind you. The look of confusion was all over her face along with heartache. “Why were you looking at pictures of my mom?” 
“I’m not!” You denied, putting the laptop onto the table. “Are you okay? Do you need anything?”
“You were.” She ignored your question, wanting actual answers. “I saw you.” 
She took a seat next to you, looked at your for a long time and looked down at her fingers in her lap. “I know it’s been a long time, but I know what my mom looks like, and I know you were looking at her.”
“Honey-” Jules ran up the stairs, not hearing your explanation or excuse. 
“I missed you so much.” The moment Jungkook saw you in the airport, he ran as fast as he could with his silver carry on suitcase, wrapping his arms around you. It was the tightest hug you’ve ever received, and you never wanted to let go. “I missed Jules too, but I really missed you.” 
He pulled away and saw the tiny red bag in your left hand. “I got you a gift for White Day.” 
“You didn’t have to.” Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, you two walked slowly towards the exit. “Is this really for White Day?” 
“What else would it be for?” 
“A gift for being insecure?” 
You stopped in your tracks, and he took it as a sign to let go of you. “What?” 
“Well, I don’t know what to think when you asked me things I liked about you, and then Jules telling me you were looking up Sarah.” Not wanting to meet his stare, you continued looking down at the ground at your feet. Once you looked back up, he saw the guilt in your eyes. He scoffed and rubbed under his nose in disbelief, taking your silence as his answer. His tone of voice changed. “I can’t believe you.”
“Why does it bother you, Jungkook? Maybe I was just curious. Is that so wrong?” 
“Except you weren’t! You and I both know that!” His voice grew louder with each word he said. It was the first time he was raising his voice at you, and it was a surprise. He was always the one who always kept calm in the most heated situations. “I told you everything about Sarah.” 
“Not the fact that she was head over heels for you!” You cried.
“Oh my god. Is this what this is about? You wanted to see if Sarah was in love with me?” He shook his head. This wasn’t the Jungkook you knew; he was acting different. “Who even told you that?”
“Does it really matter?” You stared at him. “I was bound to find out sooner or later.”
He shook his head. “No one looks pictures of dead strangers unless they want to know something.” 
“Fine! I just wanted to know if what the girls said was true. They said that you two were madly in love. They said I was practically a replacement for Sarah.  I just had to find out if it was true.” You paused when Jungkook looked away, not wanting to look at you. Not only that, but you noticed there were tears that were about to fall from his eyes. “She was beautiful and looked so happy with you. You looked happy with her too.” 
“Seokjin told me that you didn’t love her.” 
“Is that true?”
Silence once again. 
“Jungkook, I can’t compete with her.” 
He finally looked back at you and grabbed your hands. “I’m not asking you to.” 
“I can’t do this,” you cried, pulling away. “I want to be with you and want you to want me because you love me. Not because I remind you of the girl who isn’t here anymore.”
“Don’t do this,” he whispered. “Don’t say that.” 
“Do you realize how badly it hurt when they told me that?” Sobbing, you covered your mouth holding back any ugly sounds you were going to produce. “I was humiliated and felt like I would never measure up.” 
“You are more than good enough.” 
“What am I supposed to think when they told me that?” 
“Believe me and Seokjin when I say that I have feelings for you.” You knew he was trying to comfort you, but you noticed that he didn’t straight out admit that he didn’t have feelings for Sarah. 
“You’ve never written me a song,” The color drained out of his face as he heard your voice crack; you got your answer. There were tears falling down your face, but he didn’t wipe them like he always did when you cried after watching sad movies. “You have never written me anything.”
He let go of your hands. 
You walked away, and he didn’t even come after you. __ 
lowkey not proofread but i really just want to continue this hehe thanks for reading
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blu-joons · 3 years
Exposing Secrets ~ Min Yoongi
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The room instantly didn’t feel right as you walked back in, looking around, you could feel every member of your family staring across at you, the only face not looking at you, was Yoongi’s.
“Everything alright?” You questioned as you took a seat back at the table, still feeling everyone stare. Your eyes glanced across at Yoongi, but he refused to look over in your direction.
“Is your smile always that wide Y/N?” Your father asked.
Your head shook, placing your hand over your face to try and hide your smile, unsure what the problem was. You tried to ignore the awkwardness, reaching across the table to grab the bottle of opened wine and poor yourself a glass.
That alone attracted the attention of quite a few members of your family who sat around the table. Your confusion only grew as you heard a few faint murmurs come from around the table, judging your every move.
“Is wine really a good idea for you?” Your cousin questioned, unable to hide her smirk, “do you want me to have a look at what else is in the cupboard for you to drink?”
Your head shook, taking a sip from your glass as everyone around the table inhaled a heavy breath. You continued to ignore, until yet another remark came from the table.
“We don’t want the table getting ruined tonight,” your aunt warned, pointing out the nice decorations that she had set out across the table for your family dinner altogether.
“I’m not going to ruin the table.”
You weren’t quite sure where the sudden warning came from, especially when there were members of your family around the table who were far younger, and much clumsier, than you.
“Will you be bursting out a few moves tonight then Y/N?” Your mum questioned.
Your eyes glanced across to look at Yoongi, being drawn instantly to the red glow that was on his cheeks. Straight away, you could tell by the silence that came from him that something was going on about you.
“Anyone else got a comment they want to make, or want to tell me what’s going on?” You asked, beginning to get a bit restless.
“No, enjoy your drink sweetie,” your grandmother smiled, the only one able to keep a straight face around the table.
“Just maybe not drink it all at once.”
Several sniggers came yet again at your mother’s addition, only leaving you more confused as to what was going on, or what the problem may have been.
“I hope you’re all having a good laugh,” you muttered under your breath.
Your eyes looked across to Yoongi once again, who still couldn’t bring himself to look at you. As you began to piece together what was going on, and judging by the look in his eyes, you could begin to tell what was going on.
“Did you tell them about the night in Seoul?” You asked him, feeling your heart sink as his head nodded back at you, causing more giggles to erupt around the table.
Your head shook at him in disbelief, that was a story you’d promised to keep to yourselves, and now every single member of your family knew.
Your memories of the evening were clouded, but Yoongi managed to remember every single thing. He could tell you all about how one bottle of wine unfolded into you dancing on all the tables and getting kicked out of the bar you and the boys were in for the evening.
“Let’s just forget that that was brought up,” you spoke, taking a defiant sip from your drink, icily staring around the table to see who else wanted to make a comment.
Everyone fell silent, with the exception of your eldest cousin, “I’m only sorry that there’s no video evidence of this, I would have loved to have seen you dancing on the tables.”
“It was one night, are you telling me you’ve never got drunk before?”
Around the table, people were quickly beginning to see how irritable you were becoming. The evening was already a huge mistake for you, and one that you regretted immensely, which Yoongi had exploited to your whole family.
“There’s plenty of stories I could tell you about him,” you told them all, pointing across to your guilty boyfriend. “If that’s the game you want to play, shall I tell them what happened when we went to LA for the tour?”
“I’m sorry,” he quickly exclaimed, shaking his head as soon as you mentioned the story that you could share with the room.
Your eyes raised back at him, “so, you get to share an embarrassing story about me, but I don’t get to share one about you? That’s not fair.”
The last thing Yoongi wanted was for you to embarrass him, so far, he’d made a great impression on your family, and there was no way he wanted for that to change. They all loved him and welcomed him, but the story had the potential to ruin all of that,
Yoongi nudged your side, leaning across to rest against your shoulder and press his lips against your ear, “please, don’t say anything, I’ll do whatever to make this up to you,” he pleaded, feeling the eyes of your family staring across at him. “I’ll tell them all the good stories I have instead, if you just don’t tell them this one.”
Do you really not want them to know?” You laughed, as his head nodded instantly back at you. “I guess, if your stories about me are good enough, then I’ll keep quiet about this one.”
“They’re the best,” he argued.
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you smirked, looking around the table as your family continued to stare across at the two of you. “Don’t worry, I’ll just tell you my story about him when he’s not around and not listening,” you teased.
His hand nudged your side once again, shaking his head at you as his eyes silently pleaded with you to keep quiet about it all.
“It can’t be as bad as the story about you,” your father chuckled, taking Yoongi’s side as he always did. “I never raised you to be such a terrible drunk, and poor Yoongi is the one that has to look after you at the end of it.”
“He’s hardly innocent,” you quickly tried to protest, “there’s plenty of drunk stories I have about him that would have you kicking him out of the family.”
You could feel Yoongi’s foot tapping you underneath the table, but there was no way you were going to let your family only drag you through the mud for your behaviour.
“Stop using your boyfriend to make yourself look better,” your uncle then chimed in, only adding to your irritation, “we all know what a terrible dancer you are at the best of times, so this hardly comes as a surprise to any of us.”
“I’m a great dancer,” you frowned, but every face, including Yoongi’s, shook their heads, refusing to believe such nonsense about you.
“You’re the worst,” Yoongi chuckled, once again getting a reaction out of your family, “I’ve got plenty of other stories about your dancing too.”
“I think you’ve embarrassed me enough for one day,” you smiled across at him, “unless you really do want me to talk about LA.”
“I’ll just shut up,” he mumbled, taking his glass of wine to stop himself from talking any further and risking his own embarrassment.
“I think that’s probably for the best, unless you want me to mention the skinny dip-“
“-Y/N, shut up!”
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