#i had to fix soooo many typos
depravedangelbaby · 7 months
oop 3/4 done with my drink n I am tipppppsy (lowkey drunk y'all know I'm a lightweight), we're out celebrating 6 birthdays (including mine), someone tell me not to order another drink omg !! also I met an irish/scotsman and I just gotta say.... fucking loooove an accent!!
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wwwaegoncom · 13 days
fragments: two
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Summary: One night, Alicent had woken up her kids, gotten them in the car and never looked back. Leaving behind everything they knew. Starting a new life, moving into the apartment across from yours
modern!aegon x reader
warnings: 18+. substance abuse, dysfunctional families, mommy issues, dub-con, smut, traumatic childhood, violence, alcohol and smoking.
authors note:
no use of y/n. And all the characters are aged up, all of them atleast in their 20's. This is also so overdue and i am just not happy withit, it feels so choppy, but Helaena is in this chapter <3 no actual smut but allusions to it. Also victim blaming if you squint... and reader is kinda turning into an oc but im trying soooo hard to keep her neutral. Um I quickly read through it sorry for any typos <3
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You could almost count on one hand how many times you had stepped into the apartment across the hall; most of the time, you simply stayed by the front door, waiting for them to come out.
You tilted your head back, your eyes tracing along the soft glow of the light fixture, when you spotted it - a moth, fluttering in its endless dance, crashing into the lamp over and over. You remembered Helaena's voice, when she had explained how they follow the moon, their beacon in the night.
You thought it was grotesque, to think you're brushing wings with the moon, only to be drawn into a false light.
Your thoughts were then interrupted by the sound of arguing inside their apartment. You lifted your hand, hesitating for a moment before wrapping it around the doorknob, and with a slow push, you nudged it open, making a mental note that they should have locked their door.
An uncomfortable feeling washes over you, as if you were a child trespassing into their home. You stay outside the apartment, resting your hand on the doorknob.
"Helaena, are you ready to leave?" You softly called out, still staying outside their apartment, not crossing the threshold.
You then hear the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching the front door, too heavy to be Helaenas.
You almost hold your breath, you don't know why you feel so anxious to be here, you had a day planned with Helaena; you had a reason to be there.
You let out a sigh of relief when the figure approaching the door was Aemond, he was always the mediator in their family. You weren't particularly close with Aemond, he mostly kept to himself, he wanted nothing but his own family tying him to this place.
"Helaena is just cleaning up, come on in" he didnt even acknowledge the raised voices in the background belonging to Alicent and Aegon.
You carefully stepped into their apartment. Helaena was sitting on the floor picking up glass shards and the remnants of a broken frame. She sat in complete silence, ignoring the chaos around her.
Aegon stood with his arms raised to his sides, as he stomped his foot with a expression of disbelief, insisting the broken frame wasn't his fault. He looked like a child caught in a tantrum. Alicent's voice was sharp and angry, scolding him for breaking the frame.
"You are too old to be ruining your sister's things when you get mad at her" Alicent shouted, her voice strained.
They hadn't even noticed you, you heard Aemond clear his throat, alerting them that you were there. You gave a weak smile to Alicent, fidgeting with your fingers as you tried not to pick at your nails.
Helaena finally took her eyes off the glass shards, her eyes settling on you. "I'm sorry I made you wait outside. I dropped my frame" She quickly explained, her words contradicting what Alicent was just shouting.
Alicent crossed the room, making her way over to Helaena, gently placing her hands in her shoulders as she crouched down to meet her eye level. "I'll clean the rest"
"I'll buy you a new one" Aegon muttered, his gaze fixed in the floor as he nervously shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
You finally looked down to see what had actually been dropped onto the floor: one of Helaenas wooden frames with three beetles inside, now scattered across the floor, you knew she had saved up for months to buy that. And Aegon did not have the money to buy her a new one.
The two of you excited the apartment building, stepping into the fresh air "Why did he break it?" you asked, breaking the silence.
Helena tilted her head, as she scrunched her eyebrows, trying to think of a reason why. There never really was an explanation as to why Aegon did the things he did. His actions were often erratic and seemingly senseless.
“He didn’t mean to,” she murmured, her voice trailing off as if the words themselves might unravel if spoken too loudly. “He was arguing with our Mom—about something else entirely—and then…he just lost it. Punched the wall.” The explanation hung in the fresh air, falling down with the leaves in the trees.
"Things aren't meant to last forever, anyways" she lasty added, almost like mantra she would repeat to herself in the quiet hours of the night. A way to cope of the chaos that constantly threatened to spill over and consume them. You understood the loyalty she had towards her brothers, how could she turn against them. Her family was the only constant thing in her life, beside you of course.
“You shouldn’t make excuses for him,” You knew how Helaena clung to her justifications, defending her brothers, always being loyal to them. She would always try to see her brothers as wounded, rather than defect, wishing that one day they would all grow out of it.
But some people were just that, defect, exactly as they seemed, and no matter how much you tried to find an explanation for it, it wouldn't change who they were. Some things were beyond understanding, beyond repair.
The two of you pushed open the door to the thrift shop, the soft chime of announcing your entrance. The air was filled with the faint smell of old books and worn fabric.
"First stop, jackets" you proclaimed, trying to make a plan, Helaena nodded in agreement but her eyes had already wandered over to the shelves full of mismatched trinkets and jewellery.
"Jewellery after" she mumbled, so low you almost couldn't hear it, as the two of you made your way over to the rows of sweaters, faded patterns that made everything frozen in time.
The faint sound of a radio was somewhere in the distance, its static filled music weaving its way through the shop, blending with the conversations of the other shoppers.
Amongst the long row of of sweaters, you spotted one that could only be described as the perfect sweater for fall. You pulled it out, too quickly, causing the sweaters beside it to rattle on their hangers as they threatened to fall down. A grin spread across your face when you held it up for Helaena to see, the excitement bubbling in your chest.
She looked at it, her eyes settling on the hole on the left sleeve, "I could add some embroidery to it, if you want me to" she murmured, her voice soft as her fingers traced along the sleeve as she felt the stitching of it beneath her fingers. She was picturing how she would embroider it, perhaps a leaf or beetle, something that would breathe life back into the jacket.
“It would look brand new,” you agreed, you adored when she added her touch to things, a way of carrying a piece of her with you, her presence woven into the clothes you wear.
The two of you wandered through the aisles, occasionally pulling out a sweater or a coat, but eventually putting it back. As you made your way to the end of the aisle of sweaters, Helaena took your hand in hers and gently pulled you towards the jewellery.
"We only have one sweater so far" you shook your head as she tugged you along. "We have time" she muttered, her voice soft and reassuring.
The soft clinking of the jewellery echoed as Helaena picked up different pieces, tangled necklaces, tarnished rings, and earrings missing their pairs.
Forgotten treasure was how Helaena always described it, the jewellery carried a story within them, stories we didn't know of. We didn't know their stories, and unlike Helaena, you didn't care much for it. You always tried to see things as they were, but you always found yourself making excuses for people.
You had picked up a ring, sliding it on your finger despite it being too big. "It suits you" Helaena murmured, but she hadn't even taken her eyes off the basket of rings. "It's too big" you took the ring off and placed it back with the others, "perhaps you'll grow into it" Helaena jested, she knew you wouldn't grow into it.
She continued her search, before her eyes fixed on a ring "This one" she murmured, her fingers moving all the other rings away as she picked up a ring with a sun motif on it. She held it up to the light, her eyes lingering with a fondness in her gaze.
"Aegon would love this" she said with a smile, using her thumb to try and rub some of the tarnish off. You sighed at her find, tilting your head at her.
"He broke your frame" you reminded her, hoping she would reconsider and put the ring back.
"I can't change that" she wasn't going to put it back. Her eyes were locked on the ring as she held it between her fingers. The ring was beautiful, even with the tarnish. She was right, she couldn't change what Aegon had done, she why should she bother trying to change the things that had already happened.
She placed the ring in your basket, on top of the sweater you had found.
The two of you made your way to the counter, placing down your sweater first, then another one Helaena had found; a soft sweater, with its own charm. Then finally placing the ring, its tarnished band catching the light. The worn ring,
You made their way to the counter, placing your sweater, another sweater Helena had found and then the ring, that would become Aegons ring, on the counter. Your fingers lingered on it, it felt old, carrying a story nobody wished to remember.
"Your mother will be upset you didn't get new boots" helaena commented, glancing down at your worn boots. They had carried you through most of your adolescent years, the worn leather holding a memory you couldn't part with.
"I like them" you shifted your weight from foot to foot, looking down at them.
You paid for your items, holding them under your arm as you made your way back home.
The walk home was quiet, beside the occasional car driving past you, interrupting the silence.
As the sun was starting to set, you and Helaena had parted. She always preferred to sleep in your own bed. Even if she fell asleep in your room, when morning came, she wouldn't be in your room.
You were long asleep by now, dreaming whatever strange dream that was unraveling in your mind. Meanwhile Aegon was making his way up the stairs of the apartment building, trying not tumble down in his drunken state.
When he made his way to your floor, he stood between the two apartments, his apartment and yours. He stood there, swaying, caught in his own indecisiveness. For a moment he wondered if he should just go home and sleep, but he chose to knock on your door, the worn paint on the door feeling familiar.
The pounding on the door woke up from your slumber, each knock keeping you from falling back to sleep. You looked at your alarm clock, it was the middle of the night. You hoped the knocking would stop, as you tried to ignore the loud and inconsistent knocking.
Your mother was working a nightshift, but you knew she wouldn't be knocking this loudly if she forgot her keys, so it couldn't be her. But the knocking continued, each knock growing more frantic, and you reluctantly decided to see who was at the door. Wrapped in your warm pyjamas, you made your way over to the front door, the wooden floor creaking beneath you.
You wouldn't open the door with no knowledge of who was on the other side, so you looked through the peephole. The small lens revealing a drunken Aegon, slighty stumbling as he stood at the other side of the door. A thought crossed your mind, perhaps he had mistakenly mistook your door for his.
"Open up, I know you're in there" his drunken words making their way through the door. His words frustrated and pleading, hoping you would open the door. It wasn't the first time he was drunk and came knocking at your door. Most times it was because he either forgot his own keys, mistook your door for his, it was rarely ever because he actually wanted to be in your apartment.
You hesitated before unlocking the door. You saw how Aegons face lit up when he heard the sound of the door opening. His expression completely different from the pleading voice you had just heard.
"Why are you here?" You questioned, with your eyebrows knitted together in annoyance. You stood by the door, not fully opening it, still debating whether or not you should let him in.
But that didn't stop Aegon, he pushed the door open, leaving you to take a few unsteady steps back. Your mind screaming stranger danger, even though he wasn't a stranger, or dangerous.
"I couldn't sleep at home, not with her nagging me" His words so clearly about Alicent, but he had now stumbled into your apartment, the air in the room seemed to thicken. He had at least had the decency to lock the door, but locking it only seemed to trap the chaos inside.
"Keeps going on about the job" Aegon further explained, his voice no more than a murmur, as he collapsed onto your couch. He leaned down to take his shoes off, struggling with the shoelaces.
"You can't just show up here drunk" your voice was strained, you were exhausted. Aegon laid down on your couch, but despite his familiar presence, he felt like an intruder in your space. His presence in your home twisting the comfort into something alien.
He looked up at you, with that familiar grin. His eyes trailing your body, taking in the skin that your pyjamas didn't cover. You looked back at him, his disheveled hair, shorter than when you saw him last.
"You let me in, didn't you?" he groaned, his voice raspy. But you hadn't let him in. You merely opened the door and he had pushed his way inside, not caring whether you wanted him here or not. It was your own fault, really, opening the door when you already knew who was at the other side of the door.
"You got something better to do?" Aegon's voice was full of sarcasm, he knew full well you didn't. Neither of you had a job, no real direction. His question cut deeper than he probably had intended to.
"You can't just show up when things go wrong" you stood by the couch, keeping your distance to him. You didn't want him to get any closer. The air still felt thick, something unspoken lingering in the air. You and Aegon were just two people intersecting each other lives in inconvenient ways. You were merely bound by a shared childhood that neither of you wanted to speak about. But it was always there, it had leaked into the floorboards.
"You fucking act as if you haven't done the same" he sneered, pulling a blanket over him, settling onto the couch. His eyes drifted to the ceiling, his expression softening, as he tried to not give into the tiredness he carried within.
You scoffed at his words, like a defense mechanism. He was right, but it wasn't something you wanted him throw in your face. Neither of you had ever spoken about it.
Years ago you had stumbled to their door, drunk and crying. You had hoped for Helaena, or at least Alicent, their presence was a source of comfort to you. But when the door opened to reveal an irritated and confused Aegon, you chose to let him lead you into the apartment, still hoping for some comfort.
Helaena was out, and Alicent was nowhere to be seen, she always disliked it when Aegon tried to be close to you, almost as if he would damage you in some way. So you could only assumed she wasn't home either. At first you had gone to sit on their couch, but Aegon convinced you that your crying would wake up Aemond, and he had to be up early. So if you were going to be here, drunk and crying, you had to be drunk and crying in Aegons room.
The reason for your tears were long forgotten, you probably forgot about it before you even knocked on the door. Perhaps it was simply because you had too much too drink and now your emotions had started to overflow. But you didn't care why you were crying anymore, you simply sought comfort. A distraction from your own thoughts.
You hadn't really ever been in his room before that night, so at first you wandered through his room as you tried to ground yourself. Picking up random things, putting them back down where they didn't belong.
It was then, you noticed something familiar amongst the clutter, the candle you had meant to throw out. The one he was still using as an ashtray.
"That's mine" you had muttered, your eyes fixed on the candle as you held onto the window sill for stability while you tried to stand still. You looked out the window, your view of the rundown streets and the grime tracing along the edges of the window. You felt as if the night was consuming you, the distant sounds of traffic and the occasional shouting. Aegon had now placed himself behind you, his arms wrapping around you in a way that should have been comforting. He never showed affection, so this rare display of affection only heightened the uneasy feeling that was looming in the streets beneath you.
Aegon was never good at comforting other people, let anyone himself. He had tried to comfort you, but not as much as he had tried to take your clothes off.
You had felt him kiss at your neck, before stopping by your ear, whispering alluring words. Whispering how he could make you feel better. His words, his wandering hands, it was all making you feel better, but not in the way you wanted.
You knew he couldn't give you the comfort you so desperately sought, but you still made no attempt to leave as you instead settled onto his floor, Aegon sitting down beside you. So when he offered to simply drown your sorrows even further, you couldn't resist. You had told yourself, you would only drink with him, nothing else. You couldn't cross that line with Aegon.
But suddenly you were laid on the floor, the room swirling as your newly exposed skin made contact with the cold floor. While Aegon was above you, his hands digging into your sides, making sure to leave a bruise. His voice had become a whisper, a faint sound in your ear telling you that you were okay, that it was okay.
You weren't sure if he was trying to comfort you, or trying to convince you that what he was doing to you was okay.
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Hey! could i get an imagine/oneshot fluff nsfw Daemon x fem!reader where they are married and have a very good, even envied relationship (they totally trust each other and are complicit in everything) but the reader is extremely (at exorbitant levels indeed) touch hungry and soooo needy for him, (but not in a bad way) with a lot of fluff please? (sorry for my english)
Ten & One
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Summary: As the 11th child out of 14 kids, all you knew was chaos. The pros of being one of the youngest from such a big family meant most of the duties were already fulfilled by your elder siblings, and yet the unavoidable con of having to marry well still lingered. So one can only imagine how wild your house was when you first brought home the Targaryen prince as your husband. It's even worse now that the endless supply of children hailed them as their new playmate.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: the way I said this would be short 🤡, smut (impregnation kink, praise kink, choking, riding, oral [f receiving], vaginal penetration), trash talking older sisters (trust me), fem!reader, wife!reader, so so so many kids, soft!daemon, scared by kids!daemon HAHA, girl dad energy!daemon, reader has baby fever ig, flufffffffff, typos, etc.
A/N: YO IVE NEVER WRITTEN A REQUEST SO FAST I THINK yeah so this turned into.... whatever this is. it started out with when I thought of a conflict for the prompt, but then it spiraled like it always does. 🤠 I hope you like it though nonnie!!! And don't even worry about your english. i still cant spell after all the years ive spoken it. 😪 we bilinguals gotta stick together Here's kinda a part 2 to it "Mine"!!!!
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In all his years of life, Daemon faced an immense volume of angst, treachery, death, and pain. He was far from a coward and did not even waver under the gaze of dragons. Yet as he sat in the middle of a what he realized was a sacrificing room, only then did he know true fear.
They were surrounding him, filthy, loud, concerning moist-
"Why the fuck are your hands wet, Silas?" Daemon cringed as he grabbed the red haired toddler's hand before it landed on his cheek.
One of the nannies present in the nursery looked to the other and exchanged knowing and amused looks.
One blonde haired boy began to cry as one brown haired boy yanked the toy from his hand. Daemon turns, instinctively needing to hush the child, that was until the brunette begins to cry as well, because a raven haired boy steals the toy he had stolen.
The nannies don't even need to go to the crying kids as one of the older children present, their sister, Daemon thinks, worked to calm them down.
The twin brother of the boy in Daemon's grip with the same burning red hair looked over to whom spoke from the other side of the room, halting his game with his much, much younger brother inside the crib he was not supposed to be in. Silas' lips purse into a soft thoughtful line, brows furrowing against each other as he looks to his small palms, "my hands are not wet, uncle!"
The boy says this in such a sweet tone, with not hint of malice, that Daemon actually feels bad for cursing.
Upon catching where the boy was, one of the nannies move to remove him from the crib. It's futile though, the moment the woman is distracted with the other children, he climbs right back in.
Silas' twin, Oliver, the one with the actual wet hand, vindicates his brother by slapping the prince's lips with his free one, "don't say bad words!"
Daemon looks at the child-he-did-not-know-the-name-of. His only thought was at least the hand that slapped to his face wasn't wet.
"Go to your mother," Daemon commands.
Had it been anyone else, it would have struck fear in them, but the child does not recognize the threat at all, especially not when three of his female cousins come running to Daemon, making the man himself reel back in some semblance of fear.
It seems they finally found the comb and clips they needed to fix his hair with.
"PRINCE UNCLE!" one girl excitedly screams, shooing Oliver from away from Daemon. Oliver gleefully runs towards his darker haired cousins and engage in combat with pillows.
One nanny promptly scolds them when feathers explode everywhere.
Rebecca, or so he thinks that's her name, grins as she makes her way to Daemon's lap. Her older sister, Annaliese (?), runs behind him. The youngest among the three, Constance, he knew, sat on the other side of his lap next to her cousin.
All at once, Rebecca throws her curly, golden-brown locks behind her, making it splash against Daemon's face, adding to injury when her elbow hits the prince' jaw. Annaliese rips at Daemon's scalp, undoing the tie he had in his own silver-white hair, causing a groan to leave his lips. Constance bounces up and down Daemon's lap as she wraps her small arms around his torso and looked up at him with an adoring look.
Verdict, Daemon didn't know what to feel.
"Oh, I honestly thought you'd have kids by now!" my eldest sister, Elise nudges me, "with how hotly your prince eyes you-"
"You should have come back pregnant," our fifth born sibling, Catherine, cuts in scolding me, "I already bragged about your fertile womb to those stupid, big mouthed ladies at court."
"Sissy!" I cry out.
"They fucking deserved to be put in their place," Catherine growls, "don't they know how many children our mother sired?" she scoffs, "the audacity of those rats to call you barren just because you haven't gotten pregnant after a few months of marriage."
Elise rolls her eyes, "they're just jealous because their breast milk comes out like sand."
My jaw drops.
"Their cunts are probably drier than sandpaper," Catherine says in agreement.
Our youngest sibling, Gretta, and the only other girl amongst our siblings, makes a face and tries to halt the vulgar insults by telling me, "they're probably just jealous you snagged the prince and they didn't."
"Probably?!" Elise quips.
Catherine throws her head back in laughter, "those smelly cunts are maddened by the very idea."
My older sisters begin to fall into more trash talk. Gretta and I exchange knowing looks and take each other's hand before slowly walking away.
After we flee, I decide I am wholly ready to leave my house and all it's chaos.
"My love, I'm ready to- oh," my perky voice falls in shock when I see my husband's hair tangled up in multiple clips and ribbons. It seems the sneaky girls also got their hands on a bit of rouge, judging by the smeared red on his face.
"AUNTIE LOOK!" Frances (Rebecca) cries in joy as she stood beside her captive, affectionately hugging him, "WE MADE PRINCE UNCLE SO PRETTY!"
"FRANCES, DON'T!" Bethany (Annaliese) scolds her younger sister when she messes up her work, "YOU'RE RUINING MY RIBBONNNNNSSSS!"
"Girls, please, your cousin is asleep!" Daemon scolds weakly, cradling the little girl, Constance, in his arms.
Frances looks down on her cousin, "Oh," she leans down, "prince uncle, I can carry her into the crib if you like."
Daemon turns to Frances, bringing a finger to her face, stroking her cheek sweetly, "I'll do that myself," he turns to the other girl, "if," he drags out, "my lady sets me free."
Bethany takes Daemon's hollow cheeks into her warm hands. Daemon smiles at the sight of her gleaming eyes.
My lips pull into a pout and my hear soars at their exchange.
Bethany, then nodding to herself, turns to Frances, "we did good, sister!"
Frances squeals yet again, nearly choking Daemon as she embraces him tightly.
"Frances!" I finally intervene, amused face falling into concern, "you will behead the poor man at this point."
Frances turns to the said man and releases him slowly. Daemon catches his breath, smiling at the girl, impressed by her strength. He finally stands and brings Constance to the occupied crib where Silas and a baby he-did-not-know were napping.
Frances runs over to me, arms snaking around my skirt as much as her little limbs could, "auntie," she coos, "will you be staying for supper?"
I steal a look at Daemon who is now rubbing his face, unknowingly ruining the rouge he must have forgot he had on. This promptly triggers Bethany as she falls to her knees and mourns her craft, shrieking so loudly she could probably wake the dead.
Daemon, in his panic, promptly picks the girl up, like one would a bag, then runs out of the room, as not to make trigger the rest of the kids into similar shrieks. I watch as Bethany dangles horizontally by her torso in my husband's strong arm as she weeps into her hands.
I finally turn back to Frances after Daemon leaves the room, "sorry, little bug. Your prince uncle and I have to leave now if we wish to return to our home before dark."
Frances pouts at that. I lean down and kiss the girl's nose before leaving her in the nursery with the rest of the kids and their nannies.
I find Daemon in the hall, handing his weeping niece to her teenage brother, who was biting his lip for dear life, trying to hold back his laughter. He makes sure not to forfeit a dirty look at Thomas, but that does not hinder the giggles that still manage to escape his mouth.
Thomas walks away, carrying his sister in her arms, shushing her as he giggled.
Daemon jolts, hand instinctively reaching out for the absent sword in his belt when I come up to him with a grin. He melts against my touch when my thumbs begin to wipe away the redness on his face.
He pulls me close to him by my waist, hands rubbing my back to soothe me, though he actually does so to soothe himself. I giggle, "you would make a fine father."
"They make me eager to pull out," he notes, closing his eyes.
I lightly slap his cheek in a scolding manner.
I was still not done evening out the color on his face when he pushes past me and crushes me into an exasperated embrace, "I thought once I wanted many children after growing up with only one brother," he strokes my hair as he bends down and nuzzles on my neck, "now I cannot even bare the idea of having one."
I scrunch my face in distaste, "I will not be left childless, husband," I begin to take notice of the paraphernalia in his hair, "but," I decide to tease, "if you will not have me, then I shall ma-"
He squeezes me in his arms, lifting me up, causing me to squeak, "who says I will not have you?"
"My prince," a servant calls, making me crane my neck over to whom spoke.
Daemon begrudedly pulls away, giving the man an uninterested expression with a voice that matches, "yes?"
The prince's face contort tighter in annoyance when the servant's face tenses in reaction to what he saw. I see how his lips fight back laughter and the whole incident make me break into a giggle.
Daemon is wholly unamused, and shows it to the servant boy in particular, "it will hurt no less if I slit your throat in this moment," he barks, stepping forward without hesitation.
The servant flinches back.
I bring my hand up to his chest, giving him an annoyed look, "Daemon please."
He clenches his jaw and grips his hands but does not take another step.
"The boat is ready for you and your lady wife," the servant quickly tells, promptly bowing then rushing away.
"You should have let me bruised him at least," Daemon says scornfully.
I roll my eyes at his pouty face, "come now," I say working on removing the clips in his hair, "we must leave before Bethany sees your hair without her embellishments."
Daemon's brows knit as he looks down on me, "who's Bethany?"
The moment we arrive to our home, I finally feel the effects of entertaining the many members of my house the whole day.
I am unbelievably tired when I finally lie in bed in my favorite night gown. I am in fact too tired to even rise from my place and pull the covers over me.
"Pretty girl," I hear him before I see him. In fact I feel his hand climbing up my thigh before I see his face.
I lift my head up along with a brow as Daemon climbs up next to me only in his breeches. I lick my lips at the sight of his exposed skin and clean face. His mouth meets the skin beneath his hands.
"I thought you were exhausted, husband?"
He only hums as he positions himself between my legs, "never too tired for a good fuck, wife."
I allow my head to fall back on the bed as I laugh. I encourage him to do as he pleases when my hand scratches lightly at the roots of his freshly washed hair. Daemon kisses my supple flesh as he lifts my thighs over his shoulders.
He takes his time teasing me, lips gnawing at my skin. I release a sigh and rest my hands to my side, "you know my sisters were cross that I was not pregnant."
He chuckles, pushing my short skirt up, "I'm sure they were."
I moan when his lips meet my core. My body ignites after this.
I grip at the sheets when I feel his tongue dart out. I let out a breath, basking in the sensation. A thought however lands in my head and I cannot stop from asking it, "do you think perhaps something is a matter?"
Daemon stills, head rising from where it was tucked.
I, myself, rise on my elbows and pout, the expression further concerns the face between my legs. It however fades once I say, "maybe we're doing something wrong when we share company."
Daemon rolls his eyes, "you can just ask me to fuck you harder."
I yelp when his face sinks and he nibbles on my sensitive nub. I moan out his name like gospel, and as much as I don't want it to end, I wriggle in his grasp when I think of something else I need to say.
He uses his strength to force me still, wanting nothing but to devour me. I nearly cave and halt my actions, but I catch his attention when I whine his name out in a plea, "Daemon stop."
He is utterly irritated by this, "what is it now?"
I pout in annoyance, "maybe it's because you're too rough!"
Daemon rolls his eyes yet again.
"Daem-" I whine when his lips begin to move against me again, "think about it!"
Daemon's had enough.
He shoves my legs off him and heaves angrily. I move to sit up and give my husband a cautious look. He however manages to get on his knees and quickly yanks me back down, "shall I give you a lesson, my naïve little wife?"
I purse my lips together as he crawls over me, "I am not naïve. I am only saying that-"
Daemon sighs as he undoes his pants.
"- don't you think I should have been pregnant by now -"
He manages to rip them down while hovering over me.
"- considering how often you bed me?"
He throws his clothes off to the side and pulls my legs apart. We simultaneously moan when he enters me and I bring my hands to his nape, digging my nails into his skin.
Daemon presses a kiss on my lips as he adjusts my legs around him.
I expect him to give me a talking as he pounds into me, but I am only met with stillness and silence. And as much as I love the feeling of him in me like this, I begin to get impatient, "well?"
Daemon chuckles, "I'm teaching you a lesson, wife."
I narrow my eyes at him.
He relishes the deviant expression. He bucks his lips slowly, drawing out a moan from me. Daemon is utterly pleased.
He kisses my neck, hands going to my sides, "if you think my fucking is why you haven't fallen with child-"
I yelp when he quickly spins and rips me over him. I brace myself, hands ending up on his chest. I shift above him, making the both of us groan.
Daemon rubs my arms affectionately, taking in how the loose nightgown wrapped on my body. He fiddles with the lace, "fuck yourself on me then."
For a moment, his words make my belly roll in a wave of hot desire. But something else dawns on me when I see Daemon's hooded eyes. I break into a chuckle, he groans out as a consequence to it, "you're just tired, aren't you?"
His eyes darken. I chuckle yet again. I no longer laugh when he flicks his hips into to me roughly, "fucking move."
I hiss and lean into him, shooting him a glare of my own.
Unappreciative of my disobedience, he grabs my hips and glides me the opposite way of his thrusts, "if you do not move, I'll leave you restless and come all over your pretty face."
I whine at obscene notion.
"You wouldn't want my seed to go to waste, now, would you?" he croons, "don't you want me to get you pregnant?"
I moan as I push myself up and grab on his wrists, following his movements with my own thrusts.
He hisses, melting at my actions. Eventually he is still beneath me as I bounce on him. He praises me for finally listening, "that's it," he exhales, "up and down like a good girl."
I mewl at the sound of his deep voice. He digs at the sides of waist when I quicken my pace. At some point, he is unable too hold back from snapping himself into me. He groans as he does so and I reposition myself, allowing him to reach my sweet spot. I nearly drool when he does. I rip at my lower lip with my teeth and release a guttural sound, "Daemon."
He grunts, "yes, my love." His hands sneak under my dress and rubs my bare skin, "you're doing so good. Such a sweet, pretty girl."
I feel his hands on my belly. I roll my head back when his thumb circles on my wet nub.
His fingers dig into me, "you'll look so pretty carrying my child," he grunts, "mmm, fuck, always so ready for me."
My hands climb to his neck when he says this and I screw my eyes shut focusing on the feeling of him sliding in and out of me.
"Fuck," he drawls, absolutely aroused by the pressure on his throat, "harder," he commands.
Daemon awaits the added pressure but curses when there is none. He calls out my name, making me look down at him. I release a gasp when his hands press down on mine as he repeats, "harder, pretty girl."
I bite my lip and nod, constricting my hands on his throat just a fraction.
It seems to be enough as Daemon releases string of profanities before his hands come back to my hips. He pulls his legs up behind me and fucks into me with a renewed sense of vigor.
My voice bounces the same way my body does. I'm pretty sure I don't even move anymore as Daemon does all the work of slamming into me.
"Fuck, Daemon, don't stop," I whine, as I regain the brain to move against him.
Our own bed whines in distress over actions. The entire room is filled with lewd noises.
It's all a matter of time before it's all over.
I find myself pressing down on him when I come with a loud cry. I release such a breathy shudder that after, I lose my breath. I dig my fingers into his shoulders when I feel him follow after me the next second. I absolutely revel in the heat he burns into me, at the idea I could be carrying his seed soon.
Daemon's hands are ripping roughly at my flesh so hard, I practically feel them bruise. I couldn't care less though.
Yelps and moans continue to leave my lips up until we both crash against each other.
I gasp when I hear Daemon pant heavily after I release him from my grip. He is heaving for literal dear life.
"Daemon, are you alright?" I whine in concern.
He looks lightheaded and yet his lips curve into a smirk, "don't worry, my love, I'm more than alright."
I let out a sight of relief, pressing a kiss on his jaw. I rub my hands onto his face, his own rake my dress up and down my back.
"I do hope I get you pregnant this time," he mutters, pulling me close to press a kiss on my forehead, "I will not stop until I do." He rubs his cheek against my head, "we should go again for good measure."
I grunt at the thought at maneuver off him.
He growls, pressing a kiss on whatever he could get his lips on, unwilling to release me.
"Daemon," I warn emptily.
"What?" he mutters, finding my neck. He licks my skin before biting down, "you enjoy this."
I moan and push him off, "that's the point! You're tired."
When I'm off him, laying to his side, he chuckles darkly and climbs over me.
"I'm never too tired for a good fuck."
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bcbdrums · 6 months
"🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?"
well. one day in 2004 when visiting my cousin in the hospital after her car accident. i missed an episode of Bonanza, due to...you know, being at the hospital. this was back in ye olden days of TV guides, recording things on VCR's, and....no....wikis.... not like we have now. no sites to tell you everything, no screencaps, no youtube... and ye olde dial-up internet days. and anyway.... the TV guide descrip made that episode sound thrilling. and...and i just had to know!
and i knew... i remember, knowing in my heart. that if i went online and tried to find out what happened. i'd never get off the computer again. well, i was right. the short conclusion to this tale is i found specific Bonanza fansites loaded with fanfiction!!! and i devoured it. i wanna say within the same month? i was hand-writing fanfic in spiral notebooks for Bonanza. still have that spiral notebook and that unfinished fic, literally locked in a treasure chest. and i still remember the entire plot, what i planned to do with it... yeah.
no, i never did find out what was in that episode i missed/didn't get to record... like i said, no wikis or anything of that nature... (we had to leave from school that day so i didn't get to go home and program the VCR; i'd not known that morning we'd be going to the hospital later.) and they didn't re-run the episode again... so i've still not seen it... but, i started writing fanfic that summer. a defining moment in my life. and yes, my cousin is well!
"🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?"
ohhh, hmmm... idk if i could scale it. maybe right in the middle, a 5 or 6? this will make more sense if i describe my process perhaps.
so if i'm really in the writing zone, i just...plow ahead until i'm finished. and then i go back and edit. when i'm "in the zone" oftentimes i don't see things that could genuinely be improved by better phrasing, better language choices... they just elude me cuz i'm so hyperfixated on the story and it's so clear in my head, so, of course it's great on the page! (example: Forfeit was written this way.) usually i then just quickly fix obvious typos/grammar things and toss the fic into the void. then i'll return a few months later when it's no longer fresh, and then see soooo many things that could be better, and depending on my mood i'll go back and heavily edit, or, i won't.
the other process... if i'm not "in the zone" usually i write a few lines, get stuck, and to get myself unstuck i go back and edit what i've done. fixing things, adding things... and usually once those few lines are edited i have the next ones ready to be written in my head. it's a slower process overall.
editing for other people is a whole different ball game. i love doing that (as long as i'm in the mood/have the energy/time) because it helps me refine my writing craft too, in trying to assist someone with a totally different style than mine. it's great. and i've edited/beta-read for so many diff people now with such a variety of styles it's really making me more aware of my own, and how it's changed over the years. and i also just enjoy helping people.
the idea of something getting better just appeals to me i guess. it's a good feeling, it's productive. so in that sense, i enjoy editing. if i feel really stuck on a project, then it can become just another slow-down however. that would be the only negative i suppose.
"🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?"
haha, already answered this in a prior ask but i'll choose a different one.
i spent days learning how to waltz properly. all the techniques, and the process by which one learns... to write one character teaching another character, very, very methodically. and apparently i did it well, i received a comment about it from someone who actually waltzes professionally if i remember correctly who was very pleased with my writing of it! can i waltz? or dance at all? no, no i cannot. but i could probably talk someone else through how to learn!
thank you SO much for the ask!!! ^_^
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damgel · 3 years
Helluva Boss S01E07 part 1 theory
I have a theory on Blitz.  *Warning. I rambled profusely during this train of thought because this is a copy paste of my theory I spewed forth at @siascrawls​ earlier tonight. The most editing I did was fix typos and made one or two sentences make more sense* okay. So I've rewatched ep7 like 14 times (no exaggeration needed), and I've been pausing on the photos in the background and really thinking about the episode as a whole season and not just as the episode.... and it dawned on me. The episode revolved around Moxxie and Millie, not Blitz. He was spying on them, yes. but Asmodeus FIRST was going after Moxxie and Millie for how lovey-dovey they are. Blitz has established he is OBSESSED with M&M, and he keeps screwing up his own relationships.......... but. what if. it's not because he messed up the relationships by being a dick (that was just how he forced the relationship to end officially). What if, he's fascinated with M&M because not only does he want that same level of love; but it's because he's felt that, asked for it, and his PARTNERS never wanted to be THAT COMMITED with him so he’s basically studying M&M in order to learn how to make it work but with Stolas he’s starting to feel like he wants that, he really does. stolas was the first picture on his phone. So what if the whole special arrangement they have deal-thing has just messed with his head and he did what he does best: he broke it off before they could realize the level of freak he is that's what Verosika called him (in ep. 7). a freak. what if he did open up to her about wanting to be monogamous and she was like "what the hell? WHY? NO!" and it broke his heart. so he screwed her over in his own way by doing something selfish to end it..... thus the maxed out credit card (and getting horse riding lessons because~) his mom......... seems logical she worked at the circus. AND what if she was a horse stunt lady-imp and thus his fascination with horses? because he feels closer to her by being near them? Blitz feels like a freak for wanting to be in love and having one person he can truly be himself with and cry with and laugh with..... (maybe something he had with his mom and Barbie Wire and his mom made him feel normal for wanting that growing up so naturally in childish innocence he expects whichever partner he finds himself with to want the same, but they don’t... and it hurts because why wouldn’t they want to be with him?) but  because he's been called a freak for wanting it.... suddenly the "this is hell moxxie no one cares" feels like he's been told that one too many times. M&M are unique because they are the OPPOSITE of what we the audience expect in hell. but they own it and don't care what other demons or imps think. and Blitz envies them for having found each other so easily when he's tried so hard with so many others. Every single person I talk to about M&M, or when I listen to reaction videos, they ALWAYS say how “pure and beautiful M&M's relationship is and how are they in hell? They are soooo cute! it makes no sense.......” what if that was the foreshadowing? Blitz invades their space because he wants to learn how to have that himself... but he's so jaded now he can't open up even when stolas is right there reaching out to him --- literally.  Yes, I agree, Millie's mom and dad seem like they get along just fine. And maybe the idea of marriage isn't what turns the imps and demons off. it's the monogamy. it's the idea that they truly are so devoted to one person that even a roll in the hay with another isn't an option. not because they don't have offers, but because they don't WANT to. their partner is enough for them and they dont' want anyone else. and that is a concept most in hell can’t fathom.... because again, with Stella, it wasn’t’ the infidelity that she was pissed about. it was that Stolas slept with an imp... thus, status. she didn’t give a rat’s behind about him screwing someone else. and looking through the pictures, Fizza-Rolli and Blitz look like they could have been possible childhood sweethearts (that Mamon concert picture, the way Fizz is leaning on him, hanging off his shoulder, just feels too much they are together-together and not just best friends at a concert). but now Fizz works with Asmodeus, the demon ruler of lust. and that song implied that fizz prescribes to the no lovely-dovey belief system. aka. he believes in lust, not trust.  Verosika is a succubus. pure lust and indulgence.  even taking into account Striker in a vague sort of way of seeing whom Blitz initially finds attractive.... he's super greedy, self-centered, and lacks any empathy toward another even one he's willing to work with. Blitz just picks the wrong people. but then here comes Stolas. this demon Lord struts into his life, a demon who is just finding his true self for the first time, who is basically throwing himself in headfirst into everything sexual and freeing and secret-heart-desires for the first time; and yet, he’s super clingy, he’s doting, attentive (even if he’s oblivious and a bit thick concerning other’s emotions). Stolas is something Blitz tries to lie to himself that he hates, but ultimately, he's taking sneaky selfies of the two of them in bed together just to have a picture of them together...... yet, looming over his head from beginning, Blitz is trying not to admit maybe he does like the bird. This is an arrangement they made simply so Stolas can get his cloaca pounded once a month. and it just sits wrong with blitz because.... once feelings start to infest and then solidify..... i mean, Stolas CAME TO RESCUE HIM. He broke probably a million demon laws to save him.... and the first thing he asks after he scares the crap out of the humans is... 'are you alright?' thats essentially all Blitz has ever wanted. is just someone to be there who has his back. Like say.... something his mother and sister used to be for him. Stolas proved to him he has his back and that’s why ep 6 ended with Blitz initiating because he felt for 7 minutes in heaven there, that Stolas understood him and wanted him and came to rescue him because he means something to Stolas...... at least.... until the lights go out and then Blitz can over-think everything and second guess his emotions. having his life dragged through the mud by Asmodeus and Fizz, he is reminded WHY he only sees the bad in relationships towards himself, and be mocked, the abandonment.... and he just automatically assumes Stolas will do the same once he finds someone else better. because Blitz is an imp and sooooo far beneath Stolas. he's not worth it. ..... (Blitz blacked out his own face in all his photos. he hates himself so much, and that might stem back to his mother and sister and whatever it was that destroyed his first family that made him feel worth-while. he screwed something up so bad that he doesn’t feel like he’s worth anything event though he works so hard to BE something of worth). so in ep. 7 he breaks everything off before Stolas can realize how much of a freak he is for even entertaining the idea they could be more together..... (soemthing he’s still lying to the public about in an attempt to protect himself emotionally) and he screws up their evening by telling stolas off because now he can put that wall up once more seconds after Stolas offered an olive branch to get to know him. Blitz wants what M&M have. but what he can't figure out is how he can get it for himself without getting hurt -again-. *gasps for breath and bows*
that’s my theory. thank you @siascrawls for listening to me ramble on about this theory I developed over the last two days. and thank you all for coming to my ted talk. 
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lizziesatlzman · 4 years
why does it say see dad run ended in 2019 on imdb???
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angelicmsgnr · 3 years
A midnight rambling
quackity x GNreader
written by yours truly <3
the cool air hits your face as you keep turning in the covers.
recent events in your life have left you stressed out. it’s not easy. never was. it just hasn’t hit you until now. all the stress has been building up on you. you’ve been trying to sleep for the past few hours.
it’s been a cycle of you struggling to sleep, taking a small nap, and then waking up randomly to check the time.
as you finally gave up, your tired eyes scanned the room for your phone. once you set your eyes onto the device, you reached over to check what ungodly time it was.
3:52 A.M.
‘great. just great’ you thought inside your head.
sitting up, you looked around the room while rubbing your eyes. the dark figure that sat next to you on the bed slowly rumbled in his sleep.
you smiled to yourself, grateful for the human being that slept next to you.
slowly getting out of the bed, you tried your best to not wake up the being that slept heavily so that you could go to the bathroom.
however, as luck would have it, the small man shook softly to look over with you out of bed.
“aw, babe, are you okay? no tienes sueño?” he whispered groggily [t: aren’t you tired?].
“oh, uh....yeah but I can’t really sleep. go back to bed. i’ll figure it out,” you whispered back with a look of concern.
knowing what alex is like, he motioned for you to snuggle into his arms. not trying to argue or having the energy to do so, you took in his embrace.
the two of you sat in the bed in each other’s arms.
“wanna talk about it? or something at least so you could go to bed?” he mumbled while snuggling closer to you.
you thought about it for a minute. the years you’ve spent together with alex has been the best years you’ve had in a while.
life wasn’t very fortunate for you. or maybe it was but life was still difficult. taking a deep breath, you started rambling about your life long struggles. your experiences as a child. all the challenges you faced and how you felt about them. occasionally you made a joke about the experiences and alex would chuckle along with you. never once did he interrupt or try to correct you.
he just listened. he heard your feelings. he took you as you were and accepted you.
by the end of it, you could feel him stroking your head softly and placing small kisses on your forehead.
despite the darkness of the room, you could feel him staring at you.
“yeah...that’s pretty much it. i....don’t know why but i’ve just been so...stressed lately. i know i need to be patient but it’s just so hard,” you mumbled while hugging him tighter.
he placed a kiss on your head and hugged you back.
“ay, amor, i wish i could have found you earlier. all these things, all these experiences you’ve had, you don’t deserve any of them. life is so unfortunate to many. don’t worry. life will give you what you deserve soon.” he whispered while you placed kisses on his face.
“thank you, alex. i really needed this”
sorry i’ve been mia for so long :/
but i have tons of free time now and i think i’m going to just start writing small things like this every other day.
thank you to everyone who followed me! :)) i’m not a great writer so it’s really cool to see you guys
also, sorry about all the typos! i just didn’t feel like writing everything correctly.
let me know if the typos are too much so i can fix them in the future!
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as someone who is in the questioning area and was an ally for a lonnnnngggg time, you guys are all SOOOO VALID!
don’t let anybody tell you who you can love or identify as. you guys are so beautiful 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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arewecoolio · 3 years
3, 4, 5, 9, + 11 for the name of the game :) (i would have done all of them but i didn’t want to be obnoxious djdjdj 💕)
Trust me you couldn’t be obnoxious, I’m going thru abt three hours of computer science lectures rn so this is needed lol
3: What's your favorite line of narration?
“Then you noticed the mirror had a crudely drawn Barnabas taped to it. David must’ve colored it, including the little fangs. You pointed to it, with a what the hell is that? On the tip of your tongue.”
“Liz made a gagging motion behind Angie, you descended the stairs quickly, taking Angie’s forearm and directing her towards the door.”
Basically any point of narration where the family acts sitcom-esque, because I really vibe with the Collins being like this dysfunctional paranormal found family. 
Also obligatory favorite narration of Angelique:
“I don’t know that it’s smart for us to throw one now.”
No one seemed to catch the use of us, except for you. Mentally you lodged it away as something to think about later, but for now you had to agree.
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
She raised her eyebrows skeptically, glancing at the sheer number of people still arriving. You continued, “My family is not exactly known for being open about our feelings, that doesn’t mean we don’t try, but it isn’t as easy as it is for some people. This is definitely something we would do to show our feelings rather than explain.”
The scene at the party where Y/N explains to Victoria that the family isn’t the best as feelings so throwing a party in a ‘hey I threw this together so we can hang out and you can see that I’m likable and nice, and yk i’m also in love with you’
Mostly because it parallels exactly what Angelique does when she throws the Fourth of July party:
You chuckled, “I still can’t figure out if this is to impress my family or everyone else.”
Her face was slightly red, and you hoped that she wasn’t getting sunburned, making a note to find some sunscreen for her soon. “I can be hospitable, and nice.”
5: What part was hardest to write?
The ‘betrayal’ scene between Y/N and Angie after the whole realization that Angie sorta set Barnabas up to kill Eileen. Because I was trying to walk this line between betrayal and hurt, without setting them back too far relationship wise.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Soooo many alternate versions I still have a lot of on my google docs, (I’m considering editing the finished version simply to fix typos add a bit more descriptions in certain parts, etc.)
But originally I planned for it to start out with Y/N applying to be Angelique’s secretary and due to everyone’s assumptions, and a few other circumstances they start fake dating. 
11: What do you like best about this fic?
The fact that I still get comments about how this is a comfort fic to most people! I still go back and read it myself because I find it comforting. I’m reminded of scribbling out the plot between shifts and school and I had been aiming for comfort fic so to know I hit my mark is probably one of my favorite things.
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dissoluteways · 6 years
PAIRING: Wonsik/OC RATING: Explicit WARNINGS: morning sex, what is a plot honestly. WORDCOUNT: 3086
Notes: Soooo this was supposed to be a warmup fic but it somehow ended up being over 3k. Still just. Pure porn. Hope you guys like it!! (Also please let me know if there are any typos, i just proof read it super quick)
The bed shifting and the slight grunting sound coming from the other side of the bed woke her up abruptly. She blinked a few times, the dim light making its way from between the curtains and almost forcing her to wake up and open her eyes fully. She refused to really open her eyes, but when Wonsik wrapped his arm around her neck from underneath she jolted.
“Sorry,” His voice was hoarse and he tried clearing his throat right away, “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
She covered her face, whining and stirring her legs in an effort to wake up. His hand creeped underneath her shirt immediately, stroking her waist and pulling her closer to his body. Wonsik had the habit of sleeping only in shorts or boxers, so she could feel his skin, warm against her back. She shivered when she felt his lips pressing small kisses on her shoulder, making her smile.
“Don’t worry, I was just half asleep.” She replied, rubbing her eyes a few times before opening them and turning her face to see him. “Hello you.”
“Hi,” Wonsik replied, pecking her lips sweetly. There he was, fresh face and soft eyes, looking at her face with sleepiness and affection; she felt her heart melt in her chest.  “How are you?”
“Sleepy,” She snuggled closer to him, closing her eyes again, ready to go back to sleep as soon as she could. “What about you? How did you sleep?”
“Just fine,” He nuzzled his nose against her neck before planting a kiss there, “Sorry I showed up late last night.”
“You’re saying sorry way too many times so early in the morning,” She stroked the arm wrapped around her middle reassuringly. “You know I don’t mind when you come to my place.”
Humming, he kissed behind her ear before trailing open mouthed kisses down her neck, taking his time to nib at her skin, leaving little red spots. Her mind was still foggy with sleepiness, but his lips and his hand suddenly trailing upwards under her shirt certainly woke her up, desire quickly pooling in her tummy.
They actually hadn’t seen each other in almost two weeks, Wonsik had been busy with his music and didn’t have the time to drop by. They still talked every day, but they didn’t have the time to be intimate, and the fact quickly settled in her brain when he pressed his body against hers, and she was reminded of how much she missed him and how much she wanted him. He showed up so late last night they went straight to sleep and only cuddled a bit, which she was happy to do, but she was pretty sure his mind had another idea right in that moment. And she had also the same idea in her head.
She turned her head to the side, leaving him more space to roam. He promptly scraped his teeth at her skin before sucking, she couldn’t help the moan that left her lips. Wonsik knew perfectly well what she liked, and he got to it right away, biting and sucking at her pulse point, and she shivered under his touch. The hand under her shirt found her breast, caressing it and pinching her nipple. She whimpered, arching her back, and she already felt the skin between her legs pulse.
Turning around to face him, she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close to kiss him. Wonsik kissed her back enthusiastically, tangling his fingers in her hair, his other hand settling at the small of her back and keeping her there. It was a sweet kiss at first, just lips pressing against lips, but they both wanted more, and he quickly bit her bottom lip. She hummed, tongues tangling when their lips connected once more, breathing into each other’s mouths.
“I missed you,” She whispered when he left her lips to plant kisses on her jaw and down her neck once again.
She could feel Wonsik’ smile against her shoulder when he kissed her there, and she hugged him, keeping her arms around his neck, not wanting to let go.
“I missed you too, babe,” The hand resting on her back wandered underneath her short, softly stroking her butt, “I missed this as well.”
She giggled, enjoying the attention when he kept dropping kisses along her collarbone. The hand on her behind went to her hip to press her body against the mattress, Wonsik wasn’t being rough but she kind of wished he was, though she was positive both their minds were still foggy with drowsiness and simply need to just be close to each other. He swiftly pushed her shirt up, bunching it up her chest, exposing her breasts.
It was weird to still be shy around him when he’d seen her naked a million times, but she couldn’t help but blush when he stared down at her bare chest. He didn’t lose a second though, trailing his lips along her sternum before closing his lips around her nipple. She moaned loudly to let him know that she liked it and that she wanted him as much as he did. Wonsik smiled against her skin, knowing well his effect on her. His hand stroked her waist as he grazed his teeth over her nipple gently, just enough to send a vibrating sensation down her body, and she had to close her legs to get some kind of friction to somehow satisfy the throb between them.
She was surprised when he chuckled rather loudly against her chest, and she stared at him, confused, when he went back up to peck her lips.
“You’re so needy,” He whispered as he kissed her sweetly.
“Don’t make fun of me,” She replied, feigning annoyance when he kept on kissing her. “You’re just as desperate as I am.”
“True,” He simply said, one of his hand sneakily going down her shorts to touch her over her panties in one movement.
She gasped at the sudden intrusion, arching her back as he kept on kissing her and swallowing down her sounds. Wonsik massaged her smoothly through the fabric of her underwear, and she was a mess underneath him, not really focusing on kissing him back anymore. It’s really been so long since he last touched her or even kissed her like that, she was truly desperate.
One of her hands tangled in his hair, tugging slightly, enough to make him grunt against her lips. It was obvious he was just as impatient as she was when she felt his clothed erection pressed against her thigh, and she hummed happily when he slightly moved to alleviate himself for a second.
Quickly enough, Wonsik withdrew his hand from between her legs at the same time his lips left hers. She whined in response, this time tugging at his hair rather rough but only getting a breathy laugh in response when he went south to kiss her other nipple.
“Stop laughing at me,” She almost yelled but she couldn’t help the smile creeping on her face as he kept on kissing the skin along her chest.
“Don’t worry,” Wonsik dragged his lips down her stomach, his hand pulling down her shorts so she was only left in her panties. “I’ll take care of you, love.”
He was always so eager to please her, she was really left speechless when she heard those words, blushing and settling with just staring at him as he kissed the skin near her hip. Wonsik settled between her legs, wrapping his arms around them as he stroked and planted wet kisses on the inside of her thighs. She hoped to God he wouldn’t take his time like he often did because she was so damn needy at that point, obviously wet and he must have been aware of the fact considering he would be almost face to face to her private parts if it wasn’t for her underwear covering them.
They seemed to be in the same page mentally however, he wasted no time and rapidly took off her panties, discarding them randomly before going back to his position between her legs. She didn’t have time to react when Wonsik pressed his tongue against her opening, and she threw her head back and gasped.
Usually he would take his time, using his tongue to slowly push her to the edge before pulling away and starting over, just to torture her before letting her have her release. She absolutely loved that. But by the way things were right in that moment, both of them obviously horny and needy for each other, he actually wasted no time and went straight to the point, licking at her folds with long strokes, before sealing his lips over her clit. She couldn’t help the way her legs jolted, almost violently, and the moans that spilled from her lips, loud and racy. Wonsik hummed, clearly pleased with her reaction, and moved his tongue against her clit enthusiastically.
“Oh, fuck,” The curse came out spontaneously, her arms flailing to grab at his hair, “Fuck, please, Wonsik.”
She wasn’t really sure what she was begging for, but he fixed his eyes on her face when she called out for him, making eye contact as he ran his tongue over her, stroking it languidly. It was an obscene sight to see; his hair messy and his lips plump, kissing her where she needed him, his eyes, usually soft, were now dark and sly, intensely staring back at hers. The wet noises that filled the room made the scene more incredibly lewd, she wanted to memorize that instant, and she tried to keep her eyes focused but it was a hard task to do when he wrapped his lips around her clit, sucking softly.
Groaning, she threw her head back once more, arching her back when he started sucking more eagerly. She was desperate, panting, wanting more of him, that burn in her tummy quickly becoming stronger with every move of his tongue. Her hips bucked against his mouth on their own, and he hummed again, satisfied with the effect he had on her.
It surprised her when Wonsik slid a finger inside her, making her gasp and tighten her grip on his hair. He curled it inside, reaching the most sensitive part inside her, and her entire body shivered.
“Shit, shit,” She grasped at the sheets, afraid she might actually tear his hair out.
He trailed kisses along her thighs, now only focusing on just sliding his finger in and out of her, curling it slowly every once in a while.
“Do you like this, babe?” Wonsik asked, nibbling softly at her skin on the inside of her thigh.
“I- Yeah,” The way he angled his digit made her legs jerk again, and she lost focus to actually create a coherent sentence to reply.  
The knot in her stomach grew tighter with each move of his finger. Soon enough he pushed in another, and she moaned his name when he moved both of his fingers inside her. Wonsik worked her open with measured movements as he crawled back up to her, kissing his way to her lips, and she quickly wrapped her arms around his shoulders, keeping him close and kissing him back needily.
He promptly withdrew his fingers and she whimpered at the sudden loss of his warmth but he immediately settled his body between her legs. Wonsik was still wearing his boxers, but his erection was pressing against her and she couldn’t help but whine when he started moving his hips just a little, the fabric rubbing against her clit, making her shudder.
“Just take off your boxers already,” She practically yelled, breathless, making him laugh against her lips.
“Your wish is my command,” He replied teasingly, kissing her nose before sitting up to remove his underwear.
She took the chance to appreciate his body as Wonsik took the last piece of clothing he had on, her mouth going dry at the sight of his tan skin and muscles, laying her eyes on his cock once he was fully naked and she was reminded of the burn growing in her lower stomach. She sat up as he looked for a condom by the bedside table, taking off her shirt that was still on while he rolled the rubber on.
Wonsik smiled sweetly at her then and she leaned in to kiss him, running her hands over his chest and down his abdomen, feeling the muscles under her hands tense.
“Get on all fours,” It sounded more like a question than an order when he said it, but she was more than glad to comply.
She pecked his lips one more time before turning over on her hands and knees. His hands went straight to her hips in a second, caressing her skin gently, and she mewled in pleasure before he slid his hands down towards her butt. He squeezed her flesh rather rough and she moaned, purposely loud, and moved her hips backwards towards him.
Wonsik wasted no time and positioned himself behind her, pressing the tip of his dick against her entrance before easing himself inside her. They both moaned in unison, the stretch familiar, but it’s been so long that she forgot how good it felt to be spread open like that. By the way Wonsik was grunting it was obvious he felt the same, his hands on her hips gripping her hard his fingers were digging into her flesh, like she might slip away if he let go.
“Fuck,” He cursed under his breath before pulling out only to thrust back in swiftly.
She gasped, her hands fisting into the sheets when she was rocked forward. Wonsik set a steady rhythm, pulling out before snapping forward once more; it took all in her to not fall apart right there. She was still sensitive from his previous play, every thrust sending chills through her body, making her vibrate.
He pushed into her particularly hard, and she let her chest fall against the mattress, the angle of his thrusts shifting and Wonsik sunk in deeper.
“Oh, shit,” She whimpered, burying her face into the pillow.
Groaning behind her, Wonsik slid one hand up her back and into her hair, pulling her head back and making her sit up between his legs, her back pressed against his chest.
“Do you think you can move on your own?” He whispered against her ear, his question more sarcastic than anything, and when she turned her head to look at him she could see his smirk, smug and hot. She would never say no to that.
He let go of her hair to wrap his hand around her neck, keeping her close while she braced herself on his thighs before steadily lifting herself to move her hips back against his cock. The growl that slipped from Wonsik’s lips spurred her on, and she shifted slightly to adjust the angle before pushing back.
She barely could move her hips a couple of more times before he thrust into her hard, making her gasp and almost losing her balance if it wasn’t for his hands, the one on her neck, the other firmly holding her hip. She felt so on edge, her body hot and weak for being pushed to the edge before. She almost choked when he rammed into her rough once more and she didn’t get a chance to even push back against him.
Wonsik trailed his lips along her jaw as she whimpered when his thrusts got relentless, and she gave up on meeting his hips, settling with just moaning and turning her head to the side to meet his lips. He bit on her bottom lip and tug at it, and she panted into his mouth, completely overwhelmed when he hit inside her so deliciously rough. She knew she wasn’t going to last long like that, the knot in her stomach so tight she felt like she was going to fall apart any second.
It took her by surprise when Wonsik sneaked his hand between her legs, stroking her clit with his fingers urgently. She sobbed, her legs starting to tremble and she clenched around him, making him draw out a loud growl. It was too much, she felt her climax almost taking over her body.
“Fuck, Wonsik, I- I’m going to cum-” She managed to pant, digging her nails into his thighs.
“Come for me, then,” He groaned near her ear, kissing her neck at the same time he slammed inside her hard, his fingers drawing circles between her legs.
She didn’t need much more than that. Her orgasm made her entire body shudder, and her mind went blank with pleasure, heat pulsing in her lower stomach as she moaned Wonsik’s name like a chant.
Her body didn’t stop shaking though as Wonsik continued to slide inside her. She was so sensitive that every one of his moves sent shocks through her. His hands went straight to her hips, holding her to prevent her from slipping away before he could reach his own climax. She moaned breathily, looking behind her to see his face, drenched and focused, and she clenched around him, enticing him.
“Come on, babe,” She whispered softly.
Wonsik smirked before dragging his lips across her cheek, cursing against her skin as he thrust into her a couple of more times. He came then, grunting and with his fingers on her hips digging into her flesh.
He slowly stilled, his hands crawling upwards towards her ribcage and wrapping his arms around her just under her chest, holding her close.
“I need to lie down,” She told Wonsik breathily, closing her eyes and lying her head on his shoulder. He chuckled softly, and he planted a loud mushy kiss on her cheek before easing her on the bed.
“Did I hurt you?” Wonsik asked, disposing the condom on the trashcan by the bed before lying down next to her, caressing her side.
“Of course not,” She replied, snuggling closer and wrapping her arms around his waist, “I would have used the safe word otherwise. But I can see that you really missed me.”
“Did you doubt it?” He asked, kissing her lips leisurely, stroking her cheek.
“Not at all,” She wasn’t even sure of what she was replying to, too distracted with his lips pressing against hers.
“Let’s look for something to eat,” He muttered, kissing her nose, “Then let’s stay in bed all day.”
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dinamnealey · 6 years
FFN and AO3
So, the eternal debate for all fanfic writers and -readers.... Fanfiction.net, or Archive Of Our Own?
Personally, I see nothing wrong with using both. They both have their strengths and weaknesses... FFN has a wider audience and a marginally better search engine (it's easier to deparate crossovers and non-crossovers, for one thing), plus a forum... that I don't really use anyway, but it's free for people to use. However, I like the look and feel of AO3 better, it has a much better comment system, the "kudos" idea was a good one, and it's easier to download stories... plus I appreciate how I can get all the chapters of a story on one single page and just scrooolll through an entire story.
Also, it seems like the average quality of fics is slightly higher on AO3... or at least there are more outright HORRIBLE fics on FFN, but that might just be a side-effect of there being more stories on FFN. But it's nice that AO3 allows adult content... I like the occasional adult fic.
So as a reader, I'm good with both. As a writer... well, as a writer I use both too. However, here AO3 REALLY eclipsed FFN. It's just so much more user-friendly.
I started out on AO3. only have one fic there: Holly Potter and the Witching World. which is also here on Tumblr (with drawings!)
I started posting it a few of months ago, and got a number of "You have to post this to FFN too!" requests-slash-demands. After a few people had used the "but you'll get soooo many more readers on FFN!" argument, and at least two people in unrelated discussions declared their hatred for AO3 and refusal to ever read anything on that site, I decided to go ahead. There was nothing wrong in posting my fic on both sites. Not like this is an exclusive deal, after all. So I signed up for FFN and started posting my fanfic
The experience wasn't all positive.
Uploading fics to FFN is needlessly complicated and counter-intuitive, as is editing your content. All this Doc Manager nonsense and having to go through five hundred steps before the chapter is actually posted... who thought that was a good idea? And don't even get me started on editing the chapters. Say you read through one of your fic and spot a typo that you'd somehow missed during the spellcheck or read-through. On AO3, it's simple to fix the mistake. Go to "Edit Chapter," fix the typo -- boom, done. On FFN you have to go to the Doc Manager, and if the document in question has expired you have to re-upload it to FFN again, before editing it, then going to "update stories," find the story in question, go to "Add/Replace chapters," choose the correct chapter and the correct document from drop-down menus, and then... I JUST WANTED TO FIX A STUPID TYPO!!
This wasn't the worst of it though. Turned out I'd signed up in the middle of a glitchy period. I very quickly got two reviews for the first chapter, but I couldn't view them because a glitch on the site (which people were complaining about on the forums) made the reviews inaccessible to read. I'd made sure I'd set up "e-mail me for all reviews" but that didn't happen either.
Now, I can forgive some glitches, and I realize I was a victim of bad timing more than anything else, but still, this did not make for a very good first impression of FFN as a writer.
Took a few days before I got to see the reviews, and when I actually did... two reviews were from the same person, accusing me of being a plagiarist who had stolen the story from AO3. I mean, I have like the same username on both sites, so I would have thought it was obvious I was the same person, but apparently not.
This same person also sent me a PM asking me if I was plagiarizing... a PM I did not get on the site and that i only discovered because I downloaded the FFN app for my tablet in the hope that I might read the still-elusive reviews there. No such luck; the reviews weren't visible on the app either but that PM was. I had to respond to it from my app (and I'm not fond of typing on my tablet).
I still don't see that PM anywhere on the site, only on the app. Later on, I got a separate PM on the site that did not show up on the app, so I suppose that if I want to make sure I get all the PMs, I'll have to check both site and app regularly. Because it's not like I'm getting any e-mails about either, even though I triple-checked that I'd signed up for e-mails about PMs.
Oh, and that site PM I got? It had nothing to do with my fic; it was from a guy who wanted me to explain a loli-yuri-manga to him. What the...? I know I've made it clea that I'm bisexual and that my fic will eventually contain femmeslash... and yes, the protagonist is a young child in the early chapters, but surely there's a bit of a leap from that to "if you ever want me to explain the intricacies of some random adult-rated manga with underage girls, by all means give me a call!"? I SWEAR I never said that!
Now, fair is fair... There ARE things I like about FFN. I like how you can see how many views/reviews the individual chapters of your story has. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't appreciate the number of readers... Also, being placed on the favourites and alerts lists of several people was satisfying... But MAN is that a site a hassle to actually be a writer on.
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The Binding Of Isaac Revelations
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Featuring a brand new custom floor full of new threats!
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The Binding Of Isaac Revelations Chapter 2 Free Download
Steam Workshop::Revelations (Obsolete)
The Binding Of Isaac Revelations Chapter 2 Descargar; Binding Of Isaac Revelations Chapter 2 Items; Start studying Religion Quiz 2. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This is the OST of the second chapter in Binding of Isaac Revelations, includes all tracks heard in the game in the Tomb floor, as. Team-Revelations Original Poster 4 points 2 years ago The fire effect is a visual decision that's integrated with synergies, but the main focus isn't this being fire, its more about the burst-firing aspect.
Seal of Approval for following submission guidelines.'>
Rev:Ch1 is a brand new mod for the Binding of Isaac. Featuring: - a divergent Basement path to a new floor with special mechanics - 8 new unique bosses - Dozens of brand new enemies - Over 20 new items - 1 new playable character - Plus, an optional challenging new peril. Enter the Glacier. A frosty welcome awaits Isaac as he braves the frozen chambers of the Glacier. Ice is prevelant, so he best watch his step lest he slide into incoming foes. Many rooms are exposed to freezing blizzards which chill him, making the simplest of movements tough. But, fear not: warmth is always within reach for those who look for it. Terrifying new threats lurk in every cold corner of the floor. How will you handle Stalagmight, eternally trapped in ice with only his raging temper to keep him company. Or, the lonely Freezerburn, so desperate for a hug. Face old friends now lost and broken, adapted with new forms to survive the ever-chilly climate. Monsnow and Flurry Jr, to name a few. Brave it all and face a new threat that's eerily familiar... Dress up as Sarah, the Loved. Strong of faith, but broken and unable to hold onto her heart. --------- The Binding of Isaac: Revelations is a chapter-based mod. Each additional chapter will expand with a new floor with 3 chapters planned, culminating in a fully alternate path. This mod is entirely additive, designed to be bolted onto any player's run and simply accessed when prefered. We have not modified the core game in anyway beyond adding 25 more items to the pool and an extra core path boss. Glacier, and all additional planned floors, are purely optional. --------- We very strongly recommend disabling other mods for your first Revelations runs. Running additional mods may cause compatibility issues, however we will be addressing these in post-patch updates. Please bare with us, as this will be an ongoing development process. --------- Ashkal - Founder, Spriter (Floor, Promo Art) Sentinel - Founder, Coder (Mechanical Focus) Boogs - Community Manager Filloax - Coder (Item Focus, Videographer) Wertandrew - Music and SFX BlorengeRhymes - Spriter (Bosses, Enemies, Items) Gavitro - Coder (Enemy Focus) AnonymousKoala - Designer, Community Manager JonTheRealJon - Spriter (Bosses, Enemies, Items) Jerb - Lead Tester DeadInfinity - Coder (General Badass) Quartz - Spriter (Enemies, Items) THX - Spriter (Enemies, Items) NotYourSagittarius - Spriter (Enemies, Items) Special Thanks to Testers: Bustin Bullet Ella.
x 243
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- ice worms shoot the instant they hide from being above, and have max delay when they get up. more time to hit them + hopefully a more obvious gimmick
- narcissus's movement phase nerfed overall. less speed, less dodge, more firedelay
- lil frost rider & mirror shard work with box of friends
- lil frost rider is turned to ice tray by birth control
- charged baby spawns batteries with birth control
- fix a nil value error in narc, and a typo in stageapi that might've messed up any old ice hazard rooms
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- replaced lil frost rider's slippery creep with aquarius creep.
- doubled the size of mirror shard reflected projectiles
- mirror shard now orbits on the same layer as cube of meat
- Friendly fire auras
- Smoly caves fix
- Lil ff + fires fix
- Fix callbacks being somewhat broken
- Fix ice blocks
- Fix empty rooms
- We've been hard at work on chapter 2, which has been gradually taking form and is already looking to top what we produced for chapter 1. In addition to Tomb, we've also gone back to add an extra layer of polish to Glacier. With that in mind, we would like to introduce the Champion update.
- Champion forms of each boss. These unlock once you've killed each boss once, and have their own unique look and very unique mechanics, while retaining the initial flavour of the original line up.
- 3 New Enemies. Yellow Snow, Stalagtrite and Ice Worms, along with a bunch of new rooms to take advantage of these chilly fellas.
- 1 New Item. Lil Frost Rider. A feisty little customer inspired by one of our favourite bosses from chapter 1.
- In addition to this, Narcissus has had some heavy rebalancing, optimisation and new active items added to his attacks. With some extra reskins for vanilla enemies that find their way into Glacier, with some greed waves thrown in for good measure. Along with various bug fixes for a number of issues affecting the mod in general.
- And last but not least, a little treat for anyone interested in chapter 2: Tomb. The splash art featuring all the bosses, and the new playable character.
- https://i.imgur.com/wC345gz.jpg
- Hopefully this will tide you over until Tomb. We'll aim to tease some of the items over the coming weeks as more of chapter 2 comes to fruition. Thank you to everyone for your great feedback and your amazing support.
- Sarah gains a halo when she will get an angel room
- New character menu icon for Sarah
- Fixed seed changing and caves 2 having the same layout as glacier 2
- Fixed boss music in catacombs
- Chargers and maggots got a glacier reskin
- Brother bloody shotspeed down
- Chill Grace Period & Sarah Grace Blocked on greed mode
- Fix AB floor rooms not working
- Fix Stalag Phase 2 Sounds
- Stalactite got a Tell
- Disabling locked items instead of rerolling them
- Fixed snow particles not appearing in phase 2 for stalagmight
- Boss system restructure, shouldn't bug out now, other than not making the original boss visible for a split second
Tboi Revelations Wiki
- Frost rider is forced with BoR
- Burning bush buff, now constant dmg increase in tears, slightly longer fire, and warms you in chill rooms by a bit
- Warm auras now fade out instead of instadisappearing
- Fix braziers respawning
- New commands
- Floor transition music
- More debugging for boss error
- Updated titlescreen sprites
- Added External Item Descriptions support (WORK IN PROGRESS, SOME DESCRIPTIONS ARE INCORRECT)
- Flurry ice block spawn creates a poof
- Hyper dice corruption
how do i get it to work? if u know please contact me on discord: Giorno Giovanna#6477
Giovanna#6477 and ur name is kuyasu? how ironic
i like it
undefined i cant leave the first room after defeating the boss... does anyone know how to fix this?
who's from TearOfGrace
me notswipez
good but im not have afterbirth +
afterbirth + cuz when you get afterbirth + you cant change it to afterbirth so its afterbirth + only
Can you use this for Afterbirth? On the Steam mods page, it says it is compatible with the DLCs Afterbirth and Afterbirth+
Also i have no ideas how to download mods
nice mod go go go go
making Mods takes time. however Revelations Chapter 2 has been shown off a bit. I've seen the Thumbnail so it should be here sooner or later.
its out look at steam
i made that post months ago. i know it's out.
no you dont stop lying dude
I hope that you will continue to work on this mod . I'm waiting for chapter 2
This mod is so good, that once completed, it could rival Antibirth! this mod is amazing!
soooo... can u made this for rebirth???
GOOD MODING: defiantly download and play if you finish the normal games with one character
When i put mod folder to mods , this folder will be removed when i run the game.
Having the same problem.
Nevermind. Remove the numbers behind the folders name and it should work.
about the Heavenly Bell. what are the speficif effects it can have. i saw the 'Crawlspace under the dead shopkeeper' one. but what does the rest of the effects do?
This mod won't work for me. I've followed every guide I could find so far and still nothing.
nice mod bro
afterbirth +
is for afterbirth or rebirth?
its for afterbirth+
Привет всем! HI Guys. I am not speak English Sorry. Так вот этот мод БОЖЕСТВЕННЕН!
Real pro work, congrats Anonymous_Koala. I wish it could work for afterbirth+.
but it does .-.
Well, then it's even better!
The best mod ... ever...
nah i think antibirth is better
This looks rad! i'll have to get it after I complete my 100%!
The Binding Of Isaac Revelations Chapter 2 Free Download
Indeed! there are a lot of mods I want to try, but I want to finish the game normally first. After that, the good stuff will ensue!
Love the concept of the mod, and enjoyed playing it too. The only problem I have with it is when I fought the new harbinger-guy (forgot his name ), after some time he stopped moving, and when I killed him the flys he spawned in ice could not be destroyed (destroying the run). Other than that, I really like this mod.
404, downloads not found
How can i install this? I try to just put it on my aftherbirth+ mod´s folder And nothing... Help!!
download by steam workshop
does it work for just afterbirth?
You can find it on the steam workshop, download it from there and THEN you can play it with AB and AB+
I can't wait for more ;)
this mod is really Beautiful
This mod is great!!
hello there
anonymous_koala respect for going down to the comments and answering
Uh. How do I instaaall?
Put it in your Afterbirth+ Mods folder in 'my games'.
My opinion of the mod:
I love the sprites and the concept of the new floor. Amazing job!
wonderin' if it will work...
Now this, this is a good mod.
Steam Workshop::Revelations (Obsolete)
Nice mod siiir
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0 notes
dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Before-bed replies. :)
For @emeraldfalconsims, @tamtam-go92, @scibirg, @didilysims, @penig, @ssatinn, @immerso-sims, and @fuzzyspork...
emeraldfalconsims replied to your link “ModTheSims - (Updated!) Mood Swing + Midlife Crisis”
Tbh, I looked at those and was immediately turned off by the terrible English in the popups. I wouldn't care if it was just the post itself, but I'm the kind of person who wants mods to fix the EAxis grammar errors, soooo...
I get you, but...Really, that's all easily fixable. One just needs to find and rewrite the text strings. I've done that often, especially when I used to use custom careers in my game, many of which included chance cards littered with badly-worded and grammatically-incorrect text written by obviously-not-native-English-speakers. This particular modder is obviously not a native English-speaker and obviously not fully fluent in the language, but I'm all kinds of tolerant when that's the case. With EA? Not so much, but even with them? We all make mistakes and typos from time to time that are missed in the editorial process, even when that process involves multiple people. Also, I'm well aware that my own grammar when yakking online and in forum/blog posts and things like that is far from perfect -- often deliberately so because, let’s face it, “speaking” with perfect grammar just “sounds” weird and/or unbearably pretentious -- so I try to be neither a pedant nor a hypocrite on the subject.
Anyway, yeah...Text strings be totes fixable, m'friend. ;)
tamtam-go92 replied to your link “ModTheSims - (Updated!) Mood Swing + Midlife Crisis”
Those Sound like really great Modus but im always a bit nervous about adding stuff like that to my game...
I am, too, mostly because I already use hundreds of mods in my game, so the outcome of adding new ones, especially those that alter lots of things, is always uncertain. 
So, what I do is have a testing neighborhood that I don’t care about. Its associated downloads folder contains a copy of just the Mods folder from my “real” game. I put the new mod in and play with it a bit in debug mode, see if I get error messages or if menu options go missing or any other stuff that’s a symptom of mod conflicts. If I do, I change loading order to see if that fixes the issues. If it does, then I copy the testing Mods folder back over to the folder in my “real” game. If it doesn’t, then I either don’t use the new mod or, if it’s something I really want, I run the Hack Conflict Detection Utility to see if it can tell me what the conflicting mod(s) is/are, and then I decide which I want more. And if the HCDU doesn’t give me any useful info, then I 50/50 until I find the conflicts and then decide between mods. Anyway, this way I find out if I can use the new mod along with those I already have without the possibility of doing any damage to any neighborhood I care about.
tamtam-go92 replied to your photoset “More random captioned pics because, basically, this is a household...”
Hopefully the girls will be old enough when Amalia dies...
Margo was like a day or two away from teenhood when those pics were taken, so no problem. :)
scibirg replied to your post “I'm excited about the olympics too! Especially ski jumping. I love to...”
Did you see the ladies ski jumping? Brave girls!
Honestly, most of the winter events involve bravery. Well, except curling, I guess. *laugh* I guess the worst that can happen with that is you drop a 40-lb rock on your foot or maybe slip and fall on your butt. :) And I guess the cross-country skiing is more physically-taxing than actually dangerous. And I guess the figure skating isn’t that risky, although some of those things that the pairs skaters do look more than a little scary for the female partner. But yeah, the ski-jumpers and downhill skiers and sliders and speed-skaters and snowboarders are all completely nutty in adrenaline-junkie ways that I totally identify with. :D
scibirg replied to your post “dunne-ias replied to your post: I’m excited about...”
Slalom is from Norwegian, meaning ski track with turns. In Norwegian cross-country skiing is called "langrenn" meaning long slide. Probably due to it being used for travelling long distances.
ssatinn replied to your post “dunne-ias replied to your post: I’m excited about...”
We call Nordic skiing "längdskidor" - direct translation would be "long ski". Alpine skiing we call "slalom", no idea where that word comes from though..
Hm, interesting! So in Swedish, any type of downhill skiing is called “slalom?” Because in English that word is reserved for the type of downhill skiing where you’re zig-zagging in a pattern through gates -- as the Norwegian word would imply -- not the kind where you’re just shooting straight down the hill. Or does Swedish have a different word for that, too?
I don’t know why I find stuff like this so interesting, but I do. :) Maybe I shoulda been a linguist or something...
didilysims replied to your post “I'm excited about the olympics too! Especially ski jumping. I love to...”
Woo Olympics! I find just watching the events gives me an adrenaline rush. Watching luge reruns today had me all "oh my-ing" and "oh no-ing" and actually jumping out of my seat a few times. Love those crazy dangerous downhill events. :D
OMG, that poor American luge-slider today! Did you see that? Quite the wipeout she had. Even so, I sooooooooooooooo want to luge. Like, if I could just go and do it once, like how people go skydiving, I totally would. Buuuuuut I suppose it’s something you actually have to learn how to do before you lay on a minimalist sled and zoom down a track of ice at ungodly speeds... :)
emeraldfalconsims replied to your post “I'm excited about the olympics too! Especially ski jumping. I love to...”
It's too bad that marksmanship is so tied in practical applications to killing. It was so empowering for me when I discovered a sport I was actually naturally good at.
That's not really the case, though. I mean, maybe it is in the mind of Joe Q. Public that's been fed a daily diet of crazy people killing other people mixed with glamorized violence in "entertainment," but beyond that, the practical application of marksmanship isn't killing (either people or other animals) but rather marksmanship competitions. Aside from niche things like biathlon, there are all sorts of local, regional, state, and national marksmanship competitions that happen throughout the year, regulated by their own governing bodies. I used to do 3-gun competitions, myself. 
Marksmanship isn't about killing anything because when you get down to it, hunting animals -- or even killing a person, if that’s your goal for whatever reason -- doesn't require sharpshooting levels of accuracy, certainly not with automatic weapons. (With those, you just kind of squeeze the trigger and try to hold on while pretending the thing is a garden hose. I don’t like them; I like precision.) Killing just requires doing enough damage, and you can do that without being at all accurate. Marksmanship's about consistent accuracy, often under pressure. Which can have applications in killing things, and can make you better at killing things (ideally things that are legal to kill, of course) but that's not what it's about. I wish more people would realize that. And I wish the NRA would GTFO, but that’s an entirely different subject.
penig replied to your post “Do you know why some custom doors and arches doesn't work in apartment...”
Custom content that was made before AL came out doesn't update and confuses the already-confused apartment code. To reduce annoyance I tend to use Maxis doors and arches inside exclusively. Windows are no problem.
Good to know. :) I guess I never really noticed because I don’t build apartments all that often. Mostly because I think furnishing them is mind-numbingly boring. :) And even when I do build them, I mostly use Maxis interior doors, often add-ons like centered-on-two-tile versions of a Maxis door, but since those use Maxis coding, I’m guessing they don’t present a problem in this regard.
immerso-sims replied to your post “The feel-good song meme. :)”
Thanks. I tried searching for happy songs in my iTunes collection, but I realised I am a total sad/dark/melancholic/whatever songs lover, so I'll pass on the meme :D
HAH! :) But hey, if a sad/melancholy song makes you feel better, I suppose that actually counts as a feel-good song! :)
fuzzyspork replied to your post “Big long reply post about...lots of stuff”
I've had both the high witches (excluding the neutral one because they are apparently very anti-social) on a community lot at the same time several times. If a Sim interacts with whichever arrives first then when enough time passes the other witch will usually show up. I think they must have negative relationship by default, so I've seen them fight! Fisticuffs style though. This is where magic would have been awesome. :/
Really? I don’t think I’ve ever had more than one high witch on a community lot, even when I’ve had playable stay on them for multiple days at a time, like when I send them on a weekend camping trip or what-have-you. Maybe it’s because I pretty much never have Sims interact with the high witches, since I use other means to have Sims become witches? Maybe I should try interacting with them... Although if there’s just fisticuffs as opposed to zapping each other with magic, I suppose there’s not much point. Then it’s just yet another fight between non-playables.
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lia-nikiforov · 7 years
Revised edition
Quick report on Kubo and Yamamoto’s attendance to Concomics Guadalajara. I was in line for 9 hours plus two more for their short Q&A and am objectively dying, sorry for typos 
ETA: When I wrote this it didn’t occur to me that it would get hundreds of reblogs before I ever got to fix it, now my half-deceased incompetent typing will live on forever *sobs*
I arrived at 6:30 am and there were already people in line jeeesus (lots were coming to see a youtuber though)
Gonna spare you the deets on the awful people in my surroundings thank @yuurinikiforov cos I screamed at her for hours
ETA: I just realized this sounds like it was Ally making me scream but in fact i tumblr-screamed at her to prevent from unleashing my frustrations on the gross fujos that surrounded me. Thank Ally because she got to read all that nervous-wreck garbage and y’all get to be spared
I had a two-day ticket so I was allowed in half an hour earlier and if not for that, I probably would’ve missed on the autograph line. They had space for 50 people (plus 200ish that had bought the express pass which was super expensive). I was #45. It took less than three minutes since getting inside for all 50 spots to be taken
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(this was the line after three minutes. I was too lazy to take pics of it later, but it got to be around 5 times this at some point.)
ETA: According to Con staff, since the lines were very well organized, they actually got to sign quite a bit more people than the originally allotted 50. The Queens are so kind. 
No photos, video or sound recording of The Queens allowed, except for this one taken by Con staff. They were giving away those postcards for the filthy casuals people who didn’t bring any official merch for the sign
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i’m mostly kidding about the filthy casual thing bc I hate fandom elitism but there were a lot of people bringing FANART PRINTS and I wanted to gut them
Kubo would quick sketch a character of your choice. I chose Victor bc I love how she draws his huge heart mouth
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I was able to tell Sayokan how grateful I am from the bottom of my heart and that I’m looking forward to the movie and she said thank you and that they’re workinng hard. I died. ETA: I wanted to say so much more but I was so nervous my Japanese came out really garbled and we didn’t have much time. And I didn’t get to say anything to Kubo because I didn’t want to distract her from drawing ;---;
Sayokan has a beautiful smile and I love her
ETA: She also had an aura like Meryl Streep in Devil Wears Prada, twenty years younger: A STRONG woman who takes no prisoners and is fabulous af. I love her with all my soul.
After the autographs, The Queens had a short stage appearance
There was a cosplay contest and the winners would get to sit in the front row for The Queens’ presentation. I didn’t take any pics but the standout for me apart from a flood of gorgeous girls doing Eros Yuuri, was a pair of girls doing Lilia and Yakov. The announcer clearly didn’t watch the show and botched Lilia’s last name, but the cosplayer had the attitude 100% on point.
Something I hate is people who say Yurio stressing the u, it sounds so wrong and a lot of people today were doing it and driving me mad
The stage was packed af
Kubo drew quick sketch of Victor while she and Sayo answered a couple of questions. They will post the video later today
ETA: Here’s the video
Audience Questions logistics wasn’t very well prepared and even Kubo asked how it was gonna work. I was embarrassed for the lack of planning. In the end those that were lucky to be close to the stage got to ask the questions. Lia was praying for no stupid questions pls.
Q&A (translation partially mine partially from the interpreter)
1. What were your expectations about Mexico and have those expectations changed now
Kubo: I haven’t gone sightseeing yet but it’s my first time in Mexico and I didn’t expect so many people. [The people/audience] feels four or five times warmer than japan (make of that what you may, Japanese people say that about us a lot) Sayokan didn’t answer
2. Dumb question that has already been answerred in interviews about whether Yurio was planned to win from the start. As we know, yes, pretty sure both of them have said it before. Sayokan added that his character development wasn’t completely planned though, and he evolved a lot during writing.
3. Which word do you think of when you thibk of Yuuri and Victor 
Sayokan: Love (愛) 
Kubo: She didn’t talk to the mic and people were still screaming about 愛  so Ididn’t hear what she said but the interpreter said she said Friendship. My queens get your story sraight pls
HUGELY IMPORTANT ETA: Other people that were there have confirmed that Kubo gave a long answer that included 断ち切れない絆 “an unbreakable bond” and didn’t say anything about friendship. There was a telephone game going on because there was a JP-ENG interpreter and then an ENG-SPA interpreter and I don’t know how or why the latter got “friendship” but please take this into account, I don’t want people to hate on Kubo because I wasn’t close enough to hear her answer and the Spanish interpreter botched it.
Not important ETA: A girl close to me was yelling “Victuri” like she hoped they’d answer that and I was facepalming hard
Kubo also asked (in Japanese) if anyone understood Japanese, it wasn’t translated and a good dozen of hands shot up. She was surprised. Some folks screamed abd she said 落ち着け. One or two continued screaming so obviously they didn’t understand Japanese lol
4. Stupid question about whether they plan to develop Otabek and Yurio’s relationship. 
Sayokan said they hadn’t fully decided on how everything’s gonna end in the movie so can’t say yet but look forward to the bonus on V6 (the interpreter said V3 and I wanted to gut him). Hoes I like Otayuri but stop trying to shove it on The queens’ faces pls
5. Do you have plans for a special chapter about the Lady skaters? 
Sayokan said it’s definitely something they’d love to do but right now their focus is on the boys abnd finishing their story. Best answer for me tbh besides Sayokan’s 愛 cos I wanna see Mila skate soooo bad.
ETA: Forgot to mention this but a lot of people were chanting “Boda! Boda!” (wedding). Kubo asked what it was that people were chanting and the interpreter told them. Someoene else is reporting that Sayokan chuckled. There were two tall dudes in front of me so my vision was very obstructed and can’t confirm, but neither said anything out loud in response to it
Sayokan threw some gifts at the audience but My Queen is no pitcher and I was too far back so didn’t get anything *sobs*. Some were prints or maybe postcards but no idea of what exactly.
And that’s it! Theyll be signing more autographs and have another stage appearancw tomorrow but I can’t stay so someone else will have to report it whilst I die.
TL;DR I love them and my calebdar looks even more beautiful and I never thought that was possible and I’ll cry about this day for the rest of my life.
PS I’ll fix those typos when I’m not utterly destroyed PPs: I have no shame so I wanna plug my cute Victuri Tangled AU it’s really cute and it doesnt have typos promise, please read it  http://archiveofourown.org/works/10529547/chapters/23245557
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littlebigdreamer · 5 years
Day 1.
Dear Friend,
How are you? Hope you’re well. Today I start a new semester at UWA, quite exciting really! How? Well I don’t want to sound like a nerd--though that’s not a bad thing either, I’m eager to start fresh that’s how. Since I’ve attended university, I’ve not felt this...focused?...prepared? Last semester I wasn’t sure whether I’d pass, considering my grades. But surprisingly I did! And just last week I volunteered at O-week! To be very honest I didn’t really expect much during my volunteering, but honestly, I’ve never felt more alive. Volunteering brought out the real me--the me that hasn’t been seen since high school days... when I was carefree and confident and... well, ignorant to all that I know now so, since I know all that I know now it’s more real, you know? Hope that wasn’t too confusing.
Anyway, volunteering definitely brought my lively spirit back. And I’m glad I did it. It’s nice to have this version of me back, and I suppose the effects of that is why I’m so excited and eager to go back to university this semester! It might wear off... who knows, but I’d sure like to enjoy every bit of it while it’s in me. 
Achievement of the day? I have this unit that requires soooo much reading--as a lot of humanities units do, but this time, I’m gonna aim to be on top of it! So today I managed to read 14 pages out of the total 26 pages of our first reading, and then tomorrow I’ll finish the rest of the 12 pages-- if I read 14 today, I can totally do 12 tomorrow, right? Sure can!
Oh! I almost forgot! The major win for the day (on top of the reading) was that I brought my ‘keepcup’! Well, it’s from Typo so not the original brand BUT! it’s the cutest thing--and I’m finally contributing to saving the environment with all my coffee intake! It’s a pink, double-walled(?) cup with the words: “I am procaffeinating” in bold and then underneath it: “in other words, not doing anything, until I have had coffee.” soooo cute! And I bought it only for $5. Bargain! Which saved me some money for my first coffee in it too--$3.69 for the usual regular flat white with almond milk. You know that stuff is usually charged at around $5? Not if you’re a student with a keepcup ;)
So anyway, wow this day had just been a lot of wins for me so far (yay!), this morning I put on my newly bought tinted face cream--oh my goodness, do you know how hard it was to find a BB cream without hearing the words “discontinued” twice? And to top it off, Priceline had so many brands for tinted sunscreen (next best thing for me) that it made me late for work yesterday! I ended up purchasing Cancer Council’s ‘Face Day Wear Moisturiser Matte’ in medium tint. I hoped it was the right colour for my face, and turns out it wasn’t too off which is great! It was lighter than the Swisse BB cream I’d been using previously, but the texture was light and spf 50+ so even better! Anyway, not a product placement (I did not get paid to write this), I’m just excited to use something I bought for just $14-$17(?), when I almost paid for another brand that would’ve costed me $35! Not only am I now saving the environment (keepcup), I also contributed towards cancer research and services--winning! 
Being a girl is hard, you know. I used to be very much into fashion, make-up and hair, until some deep reflecting happened many years ago, and now I appreciate cutting down to just three things: BB cream (or tinted sunscreen), brows, and lip balm. Of course sometimes I’d put on some lipstick too--ya girl needs some pink on her lips or she’d look sick for sure. But you know, I respect the girls who put so much time and effort to decorate themselves in more colours and glam--it’s painstakingly annoying having to remove it all on a lazy evening, but they keep marching on! And all the trendy fashion... I just... no longer want to put myself in that situation when really, I’m happy with just a t-shirt and jeans--the basics! I’m not going to blast at people who do follow the trends and fashion though, if they can afford it, and they’re true to themselves; to who they really are on the inside, then so be it. I mean clothes definitely are cute!
Anyway, on top of the new tinted sunscreen I bought, I also purchased a new mascara--which I haven’t worn in years! But I came across this one because it looked interesting and it called out to me... I heard it... just kidding it was in the middle pile on the floor. It’s the L’oreal ‘Paradise Extatic’ which is supposedly meant to grow your lashes(?) or make it longer(?)--something like that, and so far I’m loving the new addition to my daily routine! I also no longer have to rely on my dark brown eye shadow and worn-out slanted brush to fix my brows---I also bought Nyx’s micro brow pencil, which will take more practice for me I admit, brows are still one of the most time consuming things I do every.damn.time.
So there you have it. Today I felt great, looked great (in my humblest opinion), and ticked off things on my to-do list. I hope you’ve also had a great day, the little wins in life are definitely a mood-booster. Until next time!
Little Big Dreamer.
PS. I almost forgot it was a Monday--more wins because: new episode of Running Man! Gosh this day just keeps getting better. :D
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13 through 22 on the fic writers asks, bb!! I lluhhhh you!
I luuuuuhuuuuuv you too,bb!! Let’s get into it!
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Don’t be afraid to publish it out there/Don’t be afraid to write for something you have a muse for. I’ve met people who wanna write for someone who doesn’t have a lotta fics or even someone who has a lotta fics and they never wanna go for it. Trust me,someone will be looking and will wanna read it. 
14.What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
If you don’t like it,delete it. I used to do this all the time. Really there is no point in doing this. You kinda just discourage yourself bc something you might think is bad someone might absolutely love. Besides that,you also can see how you grow as a writer. As cringey as my old stuff was I wish I had never deleted it.
15.If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Ooooooooomahgawd. I don’t even know! I guess I would say Right Before Our Eyes. Shoving Taylor into the actual TWD show omg. I’d die. I’d actually DIE. If anything I made were filmed I’d die. Plain and simple.
16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
You hurt me with this one. You really do! I am torn between Daryl and Taylor or Liv and Zak. Soooo I’m gonna break the rules and go with both. You can’t stop me. What’re you gonna do? Call the ask police on me?? I’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me!…RIP Vine.
17.Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Teeeechnically from start to finish. However I get inspired by things and make scenes in my head that I kind of somehow remember and add into the chapters when the times come.
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
Ya girl lives on the edge! I don’t do ANY planning on paper. I just have that shit IN MY HEAD AND DO IT. I don’t outline,worksheet,etc. I just go ‘I know at some point I wanna fit this in’ and keep that in mind and just jump right into it. I don’t always plan ahead. I just kinda…go and do what feels right in my head and gut.
19.Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
Absolutely and she is a bitch sometimes. Think like…Paige and Taylor Momsen had a child. That’s kinda what she is. She likes heartache,angst and good dick but it also a sucker for romance,fluff and happy ending. She’s a mess. A hot mess. Like me.
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
Like….around me? Sometimes I need udder silence. Sometimes I can’t write if something auditory is going on. I just can’t focus. Yet sometimes if the music is right for the scene I can have music on. TV is a no no when I write. It has to be muted. Other than that I usually have a candle lit or incense. I am also usually alone. Like completely. Just in the fuckin zone with the occasional break. I also break to maybe ask someone their opinion (lately with my Beyond Death series it’s been you,sweet bb. Who I speak to)
21.How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
…You guys are gonna think I’m insane but it will explain any typos. I don’t revise my fics/chapters before posing. I just write ‘em then post ‘em. I know,trash. I should revise but I don’t…Idk why. I do end up rereading them eventually and when I find mistakes I fix ‘em.
22.Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
-SCREECH- DO I HAVE A WRITING STYLE EVEN?! PANIC. If I have to choose it’s gotta be from Crossbow’s a Good Idea. When I read back on it I cringe sometimes. So let’s doooo it. I’m gonna pick something small tho. Taken from Chapter 4. I edited it…a lot.
I opened up a car and spotted a bag on the floor. I picked it up,opening it up and found clothes to fit me and some for Daryl.I also found some medicine in the small pocket inside.
“Look,got some meds.” I shook the bottle,“All kinds of stuff.” 
I put it all away along with the clothes back into the bag that I decided to take too. T-Dog came over to siphon some gas from the car while I kept looking in others. I was looking through a suitcase when I was pulled away from it. A gasp and a yelp escaped me before a hand clamped over my mouth.
“Shhh.” Daryl whispered and pointed over back to the RV. My eyes widened in fear and began to water. There was more Walkers coming towards us than I had ever seen on rural roads. In Atlanta it was easier to not be scared since huge buildings made it seem not as bad. “I’ve never seen so many on the roads.” I whimpered as Daryl pushed me down under a car. He got under with me and covered my mouth when I whimpered. 
“S'alright.I’m here.” He whispered,wrapping his arm around me securely. We stayed as quiet as we could as some Walkers shuffled past us.I noticed T-Dog running between cars,crouched down with his arm split open dripping blood on the floor. I pointed T-Dog out to Daryl and before I knew it he was sliding out from under the truck to go help our group mate.
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kingsofeverything · 8 years
40-48 on ur most recent fic
I’m not sure if you mean 40 through 48 or 40 and 48, so I’m just going to answer them all because @allwaswell16 asked for 45 & 46, so I’ll put it all here. 
My most recent published fic is Mercedes Boy.
40. which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series
Hmm… all of these questions are so good. I think, probably, Fall At My Door. 
41. one song that captures (insert story title)
Well, Mercedes Boy was inspired by the Pebbles song by the same name.
I’m not sure why, but I want to answer for Fall At My Door too. The title comes from the song Down to Zero by Joan Armatrading, which is one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite artists.
42. do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind?
Mostly I just write what comes to mind. That’s how I did everything I’ve got on AO3. I planned my Big Bang / NaNoWriMo fic though. I had to. It needed to be 50K for NaNoWriMo and the word count alone scared me. I outlined it, but even still, not very heavily. It was mostly just plot points, certain things I knew needed to happen at certain points in the story in order to get to 50K. It’s quite convenient though. I’m doing a When Harry Met Sally AU now and having the outline of the movie to work from is making it super easy to write, even though I’m trying to make it my own and not have it be just like the movie script.
I think that if I planned to write anything longer than 30K, I’d probably outline it. 
43. would you ever write a sequel for (insert fic title here)
Mercedes Boy, yes. I am planning to write another little one-shot as a follow up.
Fall At My Door, maybe. I’d sort of like to do something with a red carpet, maybe they return to the AMAs and fuck in the bathroom again lol
44. do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it?
Both, but mostly linear. One thing that I do in almost every fic, is write dialogue and come back later to fill in the…… emotions and actions that go with it. I’ll get a conversation going between characters in my head, and I have to get it down ASAP. Then I’ll highlight it in my doc and leave myself a note to read over it and fill in around it later. My notes say “fill” lol 
45. share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet
Hmm… well, the When Harry Met Sally AU is pretty self-explanatory, if you’ve seen the movie. Two of the other fics I haven’t published are for Big Bang and the HP/1D exchange. And I have two more that are basically PWP.
47. how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?
Right now, it’s 7. But 2 of those are “finished” but being beta read or Brit picked, and 2 of those don’t have a single word written, they just exist in my head, even though I’ve started docs for them with like…. one line ideas. One of those is actually a really, really big project that I’m planning to do, probably after I finish most of the rest of my WIPs. Oh, and one is a fic that is sad and makes me sad and I haven’t written on it since early December.
48. three spoilers for (insert story title)
Uhhhh… I can’t spoil my 2 fics that are close to being published, and I can’t really spoil WHMS because it’s a movie. Soooo…. I don’t have any, sorry!
46. share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
Be aware that all of my shit is MESSY right now. So not only is this not beta read, it isn’t even Lauren read. As in, there could be typos and all sorts of errors. Also, this is difficult because I had to find a scene that didn’t have blank spots, like METYPINGLIKETHISBECAUSEIDKWHATTOCALLACHARACTER lol
Scene under the cut because it’s like 800+ words
“I’m not coming over.” Louis croaked through the phone.
“What? Why?” Harry whined. He couldn’t help it; he was hungry and had been waiting patiently for his almond croissants.
“Can’t move. Too hungover. Think I might be dead, actually.” Louis actually sounded pretty awful and Harry was actually starting to feel sympathetic. “Yep. Dead. Calling you from the great beyond,” he finished in a spooky whisper.
“Even when you’re dead, you’re annoying.” Harry sighed and got up from his bed to look for socks and shoes. “I’ll be over in a bit. Make coffee and I’ll bring food.”
Harry found his sneakers and wiggled his feet into them, not bothering to tie the laces. One of Louis’ beanies hung on the back of Harry’s door, so he pulled it over his damp hair, grabbed his coat and looked in the mirror and considered changing into jeans and a sweater. No. He already felt like shit, why not look like it too? He tiptoed through the hall, since Liam was asleep in his room, and left him a note asking him to call or text if he was up for dinner. Harry shoved his sunglasses on his face and stuffed his wallet and keys into his coat pocket. 
It took four buzzes to Louis’ apartment before the door to his building opened for him, and by that time Harry was ready to throw out all of the plain croissants that he’d made sure were very fresh, just for Louis, before buying them. The walk had helped ease his headache a little, but the annoyance of waiting so long for Louis to buzz him up had brought the headache back, so Harry kept his sunglasses on while he trudged up the stairs. When he got to Louis’ door, it was open a crack; he knocked lightly and pushed it, but it caught on something.
“Hi.” Louis’ voice came from right behind the door. He sounded like shit. “Hold on.”
There was a pitiful groan and a shuffling sound and the door swung open to reveal Louis, sprawled on the floor on his stomach, wearing nothing but his underwear. At least Harry could smell coffee, so Louis wasn’t completely useless today. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” Harry nudged Louis’ ribs with the toe of his sneaker, then stepped over him to take the bakery box to the kitchen.
“I told you. I died.” Louis moaned and then rolled over onto his back, draping one arm dramatically over his eyes. “I crawled out here to buzz you in. Niall made coffee before he left.”
“Okay, well, you’re practically naked, so if you’re planning to stay there, I’m going to cover you with a sheet. You know, like at the morgue.” Harry pulled down his favorite rainbow mug and Louis’ regular mug, the one that he pretended to hate, the one with the roosters all over it. Harry had bought it at a second-hand store, highly amused by the idea of Louis drinking from a coffee cup covered in cocks. By the time he’d fixed their coffee and carried the cups into the living room, Louis had miraculously recovered enough to wrap a blanket around his waist and move to the couch.
Harry tried not to be endeared, but Louis was really adorable when he was grumpy, hungover, and quiet. His hair was a complete mess, it stuck straight up on one side and in the back, and there were little specks of dirt clinging to his cheek where he’d been lying with his face on the floor. When he felt like shit, he tended to curl up and make himself as small as possible, hunching over and bending his knees to wrap his arms around himself. Harry found his eyes lingering on the scrunching of Louis’ abs and quickly looked away. Whoa. That was weird. Harry reached for his coffee and took a sip, giving himself the chance to collect his thoughts. Louis was objectively attractive, gorgeous really, it was perfectly acceptable to look at him, especially when he was mostly naked. Still, Harry decided to go find Louis some clothes.
He returned from Louis’ bedroom with a pair of basketball shorts and an old Chicago Bulls sweatshirt. “Put these on. It’s cold.”
Louis grumbled, but accepted the bundle of clothes, tugged the sweatshirt over his head, then pulled the shorts on, somehow getting completely dressed without moving from his spot on the couch or unwrapping his blanket. He curled back up and stretched his arm out, not actually trying to reach for his coffee, but whining until Harry picked it up and handed it to him.
“I think I might actually not be dead.” Louis gently rested his head on the back of the couch, then turned to face Harry. “That’s my hoodie.”
“Yeah, but you left it at my place, so it’s mine now.” Harry pulled the hood over his beanie and yanked on the corner of Louis’ blanket until he let Harry unwrap it. They stretched out on the couch, head to foot, covered in an old, fleece, University of Chicago blanket, and settled in to watch football for the rest of the day.
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