#i had an idea but i just don't know how to transition to it 💀
worksby-d · 2 years
Hey will there be a part two for ‘We’ll get there’ ?
hi! honestly at this point probably not lol but thanks for reading it and enjoying it enough to ask!! <3
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Every time you think, "Oh, I don't have [x condition], I'm basically cured!" that is the devil talking. You aren't cured, you are likely going through periods of your symptoms waning. Don't cease whatever you're doing to help yourself, like medication, for instance, because it's likely you still have the conditions or symptoms, even if you aren't noticing them as frequently or severely.
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whistlebrox · 25 days
i saw that you posted (or reblogged tf if I remember) Geto w/ top surgery scars and now I want to hear you infodump to me about it because I'm all for this hc/au/crack crazy idea now
(I need to be asleep rn but idg2f's)
Youdont understand how insane I am about geto being trans. It makes sm sense 2 me with him constantly questioning his morality and allat is so me coded. As a trans person, u always gotta question why everything is, everything needs an answer. It's mostly 2 confirm and validate urself and the world around u. Another thing, didn't bro kill his parents? Js sayin....kinda a mood for trans characters.... even tho ik he ain't canonically trans I still think about it alot. I have alot of hc and ideas but for the most part I wanna keep em locked up for a fic I'm gonna write. Geto as a character is rply important 2 me, so I'll give him the highest honor I can bestow upon him
Alr tho but on a real note, hcs i have relating 2 geto being trans is....
Geto had 2 work his ass of in his 1st year 2 rid of his dead name and being assigned 2 lady dorms and uniforms. The first person he told about being trans was yaga, and yaga being as based as he is helped him get reassigned 2 male and all things associated with it.
He's allowed 2 use male changing rooms and bathrooms no problem, but he still avoids using em at all costs. He changes in the men's room and not in the lockers, and he doesn't use the bathroom unless ABSOLUTELY NESSESARY.
He worked out alot alot 2 get the body he wanted, but I like 2 think that he's insecure about his waist being so snatched, so that's why he wears baggy pants. Best way 2 cover curves is baggy clothes and hard work.
Another thing
Gojo don't know he's trans. He's completely clueless. And yeah six eyes does alot and all that, but he can only see the flow of CE around the area and others. It's not like he has x ray vision and can see that geto don't have a dick. So, for the most part, geto is in the clear. Geto goes great lengths 2 avoid anything relating being shirtless or talking about his body when it comes 2 gojo. The 1st ine for obvious reasons and the second one in fear he'll say something that might give him away. He's clear since gojo doesn't have a lot of interest in working out or perving on people in the first place. It's not like gojo wants 2 see him naked or anything so yk.
Ofc at some point during 2nd year he told shoko about being trans only bc he forgot his pad and all the sudden it was THAT TIME OF THE MONTH. randomly in class it started but geto had totally forgot 2 prep and that he got periods in the first place. Shook didntcare and that didn't really suprised him, but he was still scared bc he thought "a pretty girl like shoko might be stuck up, and she's not one 2 soften up her opinion just because she's talking to a friend." (Objectively pretty girl = probably the most rude lady he'll ever face, and gojo also has this fear with women but times 10000)
I like 2 think that the higher ups are kinda bitches about the whole trans thing so they try and stop people from being able 2 have a smooth transition unless they have parental support. (Which for geto was awful but he alr had done all the shit before they started enforcing that rule. It didn't end up applying 2 him but it stressed him out a shit ton.)
He also prefers 2 deal with his injuries alone since it's easier for him 2 get undressed and deal with it himself without prying eyes. Gojo hates this since I like 2 think he wants 2 help geto with everything (in an annoying insufferable way).
Ok yap over lemme know if u wanna hear more hc. This is extremely unstructured yapping so none of this is in order dawg 🙏💀
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your-ne1ghbor · 5 months
My problems with Magnifico and Amaya and how I would rewrite them (TKoRaT AU)
Ahem..sorry..what was I gonna say?
Oh yea! Feeling like a long rant again, so prepare your eyes!!!💀
Sooo, I kinda have been off putting stuff again since I had school work and a bunch of ideas like this one, so I decided to just share it so I don't loose the idea (ik I can write it down but idk I felt like sharing it). Plus the fact that I've been more chatty lately lol.
Idk how to transition to my problems with Amaya and Magnifico so here.
Magnifico and Amaya's Character in Wish 2023
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Magnifico in the film is...well is a pretty stand up guy! Sure, he is paranoid most of the time and is pretty stubborn, but he is very selfless and a really generous person!
You can say he is more in line with the kings of original films that deeply care for their children, such as King Sefan from Sleeping Beauty, or King Frederic from Tangled.
In this case, he deeply cares for the people of Rosas. I mean yeah, it is weird that you forget what your goal is in life, but if I had nowhere to go and no roof over my head, of course I would go to Rosas to live there safely. Heck, in perspective, you have a chance of your wish getting granted, and don't have to pay rent to live there. It is a pretty fair deal, especially for families who want their kids to grow up out of harms way. Sure, he can't grant all of the wishes, but his reasoning is pretty valid. The only line I could get from the film that would support this would be when he commented on Asha's Grandfather's Wish (which is to inspire the next generation):
"To create what? A rebellious mob perhaps? Inspire them to...to do what? Uh, destroy Rosas, maybe?"
And a lot of people can argue that Saba's wish is very simple or isn't dangerous, but here is the thing. Simple things can have dangerous concequences no matter how small or big they are. Sure, you can start out small, like inspiring people, but it will cause a domino effect that can lead to something greater. Either for the better or worse. And example would actually be Walt Disney himself! He started out small, but without him, animation would not have gotten to where it is today. With his love and passion to art and story telling and taking risks, we WOULD NOT have gotten Puss in Boots, SpiderVerse, OR EVEN ANYTHING ANIMATION WISE. Walt Disney really pioneered animation and without those baby steps, there would not be an Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, ect. It would just be...well...live action I guess. Hate the Disney company or not, Walt helped get animation to where it is today, and it sucks that his company, even after death, wont try anymore to push the limits of animation except for companies that isn't Disney.
Plus, I don't even blame Magnifico for thinking this way! Although it is sort of annoying that his backstory was told instead of shown (not that there is nothing wrong with telling, but showing for me is a more effective way of story telling for me. You can take the little mermaid for example), I personally understood where he was coming from. In his backstory, his home was destroyed from thieves and barbarians, with his family and possibly everyone he knew being dead. Its honestly tragic, so him making a kingdom for people to not suffer that pain again is very selfless of him and just...feels good in a good way you know?
But as everything in this movie is, it takes the good things and beats it over with a 30 foot pole and leaves it to rot.
He is turned into the villain. And no, it isn't because of Asha not getting what she wanted, and no, it isn't because Amaya, his wife died (she never did btw)! OH NO IT IS MUCH WORSE.
He opens up a mAgIc bOoK oF dArK mAgIc and becomes the bad guy...
...What the fuck. Actually no, applauds to you Disney! This is such a effective way of telling a story. 10/10 forever and ever. Great job! :D
(I am being sarcastic, this is legit the worst way for a good guy becoming the villain, its so fucking stupid-)
He is just simply stripped of his good qualities and only lets his bad qualities shine through. It kind of feels like he was being held at gun point here.
Seriously, there was no other way of making him the bad guy? Like legit? Simply remove his backstory and make him evil at the begining. I guess it would be weird if he took the wishes without reasoning, but even then, why give him good qualities when he is supposed to be the bad guy? He became more of a tragic hero than a tragic "bad guy".
I will go more into my problems with him after I talk about Amaya for a bit since talking about her character is more shorter than Magnificos.
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The best I can say for her character is that she is like Jimmy Cricket but fell in love with Pinnocio (I know that sounds weird pls spare me).
She is like the voice of reason for Magnifico, and it is best shown when Magnifico FIRST concidered on using the book for "his evil deeds". This scene specifically:
Other than that, she wasn't really a character in the film AT ALL. It sort of sucks concidering what the original concept was (WE WILL GET TO THAT) and instead degraded her character to...well...nothing.
I can't really say anything about her since she just was "I am loyal to my husband" to "actually fuck you I will believe a 17 year old instead of the man I trusted for the amount of years it took to get the kingdom to it's feet." I want to, but I can't. SHE HAS NOTHING.
I wish I can say more about her character, but it would just be me ranting about how trash her is character and was handled. Speaking of that, lets get into why I dislike how they were handled.
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Why does their character bother me so much?
Well it is sort of hard to explain, but I'll do my best.
Magnifico was supposed to be the return of the classic villains. You know, on the levels of Jafar, Ursala, Evil Queen, Malificant, ECT, he just...wasn't. Although he had a bunch of Evil Queen inspirations thrown into his character, it felt like more of refrences to a better film than being apart of his character. Plus, I feel like I sympathized with him way to much. I personally felt more emotion when he was on screen instead of the main character because I understood where he was coming from. Its honestly baffaling to me, since if he didn't have his backstory told to us, I still would not rooted against him. Even without his backstory, it just sounds like he was doing this at the bottom of his heart and empathizing with people who are doing far worse than what he is going through. Its honestly heartwarming seeing a person trying to do good in the world and provide a safe place for everyone to be free from the burden of this world. And want to know something? None of the classic villains had tragic backstories. They are evil for the sake of being evil. There probably was some with sympathetic traits, but from what I recall, there is none. So going with the sympathetic rout is not on par with classic villains.
However, there is nothing wrong with giving your villains sympathetic traits. It makes them feel more rounded as a person/character, and you can get a lot of emotion from that alone. I just think that Magnifico being the villain doesn't make sense since as I said, they made him so generous and kind in the begnining and only destroyed it since "oh wait, we need a villain, so why not make the good guy the villain" and threw in the dark magic book and called it a day. Not even that, but he is not threatening in any way. What I mean by that, is that his powers don't really get an upgrade at all. His magic just sort of turns green and thats it! I even bet that he can crush wishes even without the powers of the magic book.
Going off topic, but making plushie..COUGH... star...(plusie = wish 2023 star) less "stronger" to make the female lead stronger just makes Magnifico's reason for going after plushie's powers even more useless. Even with plushie's powers, HE IS JUST THE SAME. I guess he can now create vines? BUT IT JUST DOESNT WORK. It makes more sense for Magnifico going after plushie when it is powerful because he could see that power as a THREAT to his own powers and his kingdom.
Now for Amaya, her turning against Magnifico is just stupid. Haven't you went through a lot with him? Why the hell did you give up after "oh he can't be saved"? I feel like she could have done a "true loves kiss" sennario which breaks the spell it has on him. Not only that, she barely contributes to the plot at all. The only thing she contributes to the plot is just "getting the teens into the castle so they can free the wishes" then disappears, then reappears at the finally when Magnifico got a little too silly with his drugs-I MEAN wishes haha... Then she becomes the ruler of Rosas. It feels weird and out of place, especially concidering her character MOST LIKELY went through so much with Magnifico only to turn on him when he gets a little mad. It is so stupid. Also, if you just remove her, nothing would really change except the first scene where Magnifico has the book, only this time, no one is there to stop him. And as I said, HER CHARACTER IS NOTHING. But here is the thing...
When concidering the concept version of Amaya, she would have been the villain along side Magnifico. Not as a selfish love relationship or they are together at ones expense (gaining something from one another for only themselves) no, THEY WERE MADLY IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER. Something to note here is that there is barely ANY villain couple or ANY VILLAINS who are like this, let alone love each other for the sake of it instead of a "selfish love relationship and then one gets redeemed " situation (im looking at the mayor of paris from miraculous ladybug). So that, THAT RIGHT THERE, would have been a brilliant idea and brings something new and fresh to the table. Not only that, it is so brilliant that it would have respected all of the male/female antagonists we had for the past 100 years with the company. It is also A RISK. Walt was all about taking risks, even when his company would have floundered at the expense of making art. Snow White for example had a lot of money put into it that if it failed, well Disney would not exist in this timeline so to speak. So taking that risk is also RESPECTING Walt's legacy in a really good way.
I personally just see this as a fun way to explore their characters, especially when you can reflect their characters off of our main characters, Asha and Star (boy), if you want to of course. I can imagine Magnifico kinda be like Gaston from beauty and the beast with some Frollo flare to it (not the lust thing tho but yk what I'm getting at) and Amaya can be like Ursala or Gothal. Plus, it works as a power balance. In the original concept, Amaya was the potion maker while Magnifico does all of the magic. Its honestly a fun way to play with power set ups. Magnifico can just be for show and Amaya can just be a drug dealer (or basically Ursala).
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Here is the thing: I can get over Star Boy not being in the film, like I get it. We gotta have that girl power in Disney movies now, and they have to be emotionless people. But a Disney power couple? WHAT THE HELL??? LEGIT THE BEST IDEA YOU HAVE EVER HAD IN 100 YEARS. AND YOU GOT RID OF IT BECAUSE WE CAN'T TAKE RISKS ANYMORE??? BUT WALT WOULD HAVE TAKEN IT. YOU WANT TO RESPECT HIS LEGACY? THEN TAKE THE RISK TO DO SO YOU SELFISH, INSUFFERABLE, PIECES OF SHI-
(This section was removed because I went a little crazy there. Sorry about that. I'm not sure how I can transition into the rewrite section, again, soooooo here:)
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How I would rewrite the characters
There is no wrong or right way of rewriting a character, especially when a lot of people interpret them in different ways, and that is completely fine!
This will also fall into somewhat Asha's character and she will be mentioned to fit what I am going for with the characters. I will also leave out what they both do to the wishes since I am making a whole reimagined scene and it is going to include what they do to the wishes there. It will leave out some stuff I had with it here, but I will do my best interpritation of the characters the best I can, even when I can't really say much about it :)
🌟 For starters, right off the bat, he does not have any of that sort of backstory they gave him for the original. For what I am going for, his backstory will not fit his reasonings for what I am going for, especially for his character.
🌟 He is more on par with the original personality from the original storyboard, specifically this one:
(This also goes for Amaya too personality wise)
🌟 Something that is very different from a lot of villains is that he has sympathetic traits. Although he has more negative traits than positive, he has more of a caring side. Mainly to Amaya, but Asha as well. When Amaya found Asha at their door steps (they aren't holding me hostage as I write out this specific part guys, I swear) at first he saw her as an opportunity to boost his and his wife's popularity that would have other people come more to their kingdom (its more of like they are seeing their "generosity" side and dismiss the problems the kingdom has). But as she continued to live with her adoptive parents, Magnifico became pretty close to Asha. Its mainly because of her passion to what she strives to be, to be like him. Probably feeding into his ego, but you know, nice to know he cares.
🌟 Just because he treats Amaya and Asha well, doesn't mean that the kingdom gets that same treatment. He doesn't care about the people at all. He actually has enjoyment when he hurts or breaks people's dreams. He gets all excited about it and you guys can ask him why he finds enjoyment out of it cause idk it would be more fun that way and gives you guys the chance to interact with him :D
🌟 The wishes boost his powers temporarily. It fades away after either a few days or hours. When his powers are boosted, he has more control over the people. And, to who he consumes the wishes of, can see through their perspective for a little while. It also makes civilians more compliment with him and not question his authority. This does not work with people who have not given up their wishes though. Only to people who have already given up their wishes. He can also make people forget certain memories (that might be Amaya's thing though but I'm not too sure) and can put on much more longer "light shows" (think on the level of: Playing with the Big Boys, but more flashy and crazier). He can also manipulate his surroundings with images, but not at a physical level. (Like hallucinations so to speak)
🌟 His powers without the wishes are more of what he uses to do simple things or put on small light shows. Not as flashy than ones when he has his powers boosted, but he puts on the smaller ones to "gain more people to comply when they have to give up their wishes", one might say, inspire them to do so. He also uses it to help Asha practice with magic (She can't even do magic STFU I KNOW.) It also can be used to take desires that you have deep in your heart.
🌟 If hair jell were to exist in his time period, he would eat it with no regrets (Amaya would make it so he can eat it without getting hurt)🔥
🌟 When he consumes a stars powers, he legit goes insane and can shape shift like one, but more corrupt with no consistancy to what he turns into since he legit gone insane. With a star, a star can shapeshift to whatever it wants or to express it's emotions. With him, it is all over the place. He can't control it.
🌟 Like Frollo, he tortures anyone who is against him, and will not hesitate to take it to the extreme if needed too (or that he wants to, to please himself).
🌟 What his wife says or does, he will willingly go through with it. After all, he loves her with all his heart.
🌟 He can't let Asha out of the castle often to make sure that the people will not take advantage of her generosity (thats what he thinks though, in reality everyone is just scared of the royals.. most of them at least) or learn-
Magnifico then breaks the forth dimention and destroys my house.
🌟 He is such a silly goober!!1!11!1!11!1 o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
(He told me to write that or else he will kill my dog and cat. HELP ME PLEASE-)
🌟 For starters, she is much more involved in the story than she is in the original. She doesn't have a backstory like what Magnifico had in the original, nor does she need too. Not sure how they would meet at the moment, but I'd like to think that they met and then were like: love at first sight and became more silly as time went on...including their insanity <3
🌟 As I said for Magnifico, she is more on par with the concept version personality wise. But she is more of an Ursala and likes to put herself as the victim to get more people to feel bad for her (MANIPULATION AT ITS FINEST 😜)
🌟 Just like Magnifico, she has sympathetic traits. And she only has it, because of our main character Asha! She just found her one day at the castle doors. She didn't understand why, but like Magnifico, only let her stay for as long as she did to post her popularity with the commoners, and grew closer to her as she became more of a mother figure to Asha. (Ruh Ro, anyone sensing Mother Gothal vibes?) Unlike Magnifico though, she uses her sympathetic traits to get people to comply with their ways better. Her main trait she is good at looking at the person's situation and understand it well, or aka being empathetic. She uses that to her advantage when manipulating them to do whatever she pleases.
🌟 She is more of a witch than anything. I imagine her somewhat like Ursala (yes a heavy load of Ursala), Evil Queen, and Yzma (Emperor's New Groove) when in terms to what they make. She does make a lot of poisons to use if anyone is getting a little too close to the close and they gotta...TAKE THEM OUT without anyone knowing. She can also use it for like a form of medicine too.
🌟 Some potions, like turning people into animals or certain poisons, requires people's desire. More so with turning people into animals as a form of punishment. She can also use her craft at potion making to have her wield magic for a certain amount of time WHEN NEEDED. (Gee I wonder what she will use that for). It can also be used like a drug, or to get someone to comply with what they want a little better than Magnifico. She can put on pretty shows too, but more smoke themed and is better at manipulating her surroundings.
🌟 Although Amaya would teach Asha how to make potions, she worries that the people of Rosas would take advantage of her kindness and use the skills that she would teach Asha to their advantage and form a revolt to take them down. (Which really, with them ruling, who can blame them?)
🌟 I would say she is more of a planner than Magnifico. She plans ahead and makes sure everything is in line with what they want and makes plan Bs or Cs even Ds in case anything would go wrong. Asha actually gained that trait from her believe it or not!
🌟 Magnifico is more reckless than his wife. Amaya is more so less confronting and tries to keep up their image. She actually have certain gestures that Magnifico would take notice too. And since he trusts her a lot, he complies and lets Amaya take lead in certain situations.
🌟 Yes...she also finds enjoyment of seeing people getting tortured. They actually made up a game on how they would torture a certain civilian 💀
🌟 When it comes to how she treats the people of Rosas, she is as I said, less confronting and puts on more of a fake smile and gaslights everyone that their kingdom is fine or whatever (It is not gaslighting when it is telling the truth. I feel so offended right know! DUDE LADY CHILL I AM CREATING YOU RN AND YOU ARE ALREADY TRYING TO GASLIGHT ME WTF😭)
🌟 When she has a star's powers, I feel like it would let her create whatever the fuck she wants at an insanity level. Wishing stars create items that would help users on their journey, so with her, she can use it to her advantage. Also she becomes just as insane as her husband. It also gives a difference in terms to what they would do when they have a star's powers. Magnifico would be able to shapeshift at a corrupt level, and Amaya can manipulate her surroundings that would become reality so to speak at an insane level. I chose this one since it fits her not being more confrontant while Magnifico is more so on that. She be lurking in the shadows like a cat :3
🌟 How she knows so much about the people, is by her cat! I think the cat would be called Custos. Idk the name yet, might go with the concept version of the name.
🌟 I learn more about my prey before I strike at their weakest point. (Nah that's very catnap of you. Unless you want to fall asleep for 100 years, I suggest you choose your words carefully. Bruh alright lady💀) And yes she wrote that in...
🌟 She is such a silly lil guy...AMAYA STOP LET ME BE SILLY U SON OF A BI-😡
Erm anyways...(she tried to eat my dog and steal my cat. GRRRR)
I feel like it would be fun if it is just expanding their empire for their main goal or taking over the world. Kind of like this song as their modivation:
I want this to be their goal since it kind of feels like some of the old Disney Villains, for me at least :3 (And I am having WAYYYY to much fun with their characters already hehe)
Final Thoughts
On a final note, I will mention that there is a possibility that all of this wont make it into the final version. And in all honesty, I'm actually shocked I was able to compose all of this together without mentioning what they do with the wishes, like what- 😭
I also am still debating if Amaya and Magnifico made the kingdom or it was passed down through generations. Don't know yet tbh :^
Also, Amaya was sort of difficult for me to jot down since I didn't know how to get her into the story, and I think I am slowly, but surely getting there :D
I also really tried to make it different and fresh from the other versions and I am very excited to show that "I DECIDE WHAT EVERYONE DESERVES" when it is done (it is now We decide what everyone Deserves).
You can also ask both Amaya and Magnifico questions regarding the info you know about them now and about how they feel with the other versions of them if you want to of course (and I can show off their designs HEHHEH)
And yes...I had too much fun with writing out how they would interact with the post. DW, they wont interact here in the Final Thoughts section hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I might also do a post on Asha since I have been pretty quiet on her character design/rewrite and another post about Star Boy since I wanna get more in depth with the ideas of Wishing Stars in my AU.
Speaking of Au...
what to call this AU of mine hmmmmm
I'll go with The Kingdom of Roses and Thorns, or TKoRaT. Feels fitting to me, at least for what I am going for story wise and character wise. Might change it since I can't stick with one thing, but rn it rolls off the tongue nicely.
Until then, I hope you have a great day and I hope Magnifico and Amaya don't steal your dreams 💀
@oh-shtars @annymation @chillwildwave @signed-sapphire
(They are thinking of working with your versions of Magnifico and Amaya oh boy not good 💀)
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key-rk · 4 months
Do you have an idea for your own Darkwing Duck arc?
I love your artwork especially the one with Drake and LP fishing! It looks straight out of a watercolor graphic novel. You’ve got the facial expressions of Drake’s grumpy but endearing personality down to a T.
I had a lot of fun drawing that piece, I'm glad you enjoyed it (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
As for the question, that's interesting to think about. I don't often think about more potential stories for the Darkwing universe, aside little bits and pieces here and there (mainly a long overdue holiday for the mallard family that doesn't result in fighting crime–they deserve a little break, I think about that cruise Dw wanted to take Lp on in 'All's Fahrenheit in love and war' all the time )
There is ONE potential thing I wish was explored and that's a final/ third showdown with Taurus Bulba. I've rambled on about it in a previous post, but Bulba is such an important villain in the show–having a genuine impact on the cast. Not to mention at the end of 'The Steerminator', Bulba says something along the lines of 'This isn't the last you'll see of me', INTENDING we'd get to see more, but that never happened.
I think it would've been very interesting to conclude the story of Taurus Bulba, especially with how 'The Steerminator' ended. We were shown that both Darkwing and Gosalyn struggled with his return, both having a moment of panic when seeing him (which is sososo interesting)
BUT ALSO. Before he became part robot, he was a lot more rational and calculated–which in some way made him a lot more dangerous than let's say megavolt. He's already a lot more threatening than any other villain of the show. But in 'The Steerminator', he's lost parts of himself, being a lot easier to anger, he acts more on impulse. But he's a lot stronger physically. Pairing that with Darkwing's fear of getting Gosalyn hurt or worse, (and kind of dying himself) + Gosalyn's trauma regarding him–it would be incredibly interesting to see just how'd they'd deal with him for a third time. To deal with Taurus Bulba whose only goal is to get to Darkwing and potentially succeed because of how much he knows about them; their fears and weaknesses.
I really do think it could have been such a cool way to end the show, or just have an episode regarding Bulba's final arc and explore Dw's and Gosalyn's characters further. (I know Bulba appears in the comics, but I'm not really counting those here.)
Not much else, though I do wonder what the transition period looked like for Drake after the Darkly Dawns the Duck. He'd spent so long alone, lowk isolating himself (man didn't even have a house 😮‍💨) and suddenly he lived in a neighborhood with a family? I believe that would've been difficult, ESPECIALLY for him. He's shown throughout the show that he finds people to be difficult to be around, not to mention his tendencies to overwork and disconnectment from the identity of 'Drake Mallard' (a clash reunion reference to where he lost his mask. He doesn't particularly value himself without the costume due to years of being unimportant and hardly acknowledged) and in 'Water Way to Go' he claimed to "get manically depressed on the weekends" (do what u will with that)
I know cartoon wise, they wouldn't explore that aspect of Drake re-adjusting to civilian life again, but I still like to imagine it. I think Drake's character is soso interesting and that little period specifically could have been intriguing. I don't think I've come across any fic delving into that yet either 😞.
(bonus detail: Drake actually didn't have his temper as a child. In his backstory episodes, he doesn't really possess it. In clash reunion he is kinda full of himself, but he's not angry to the point of lashing out at someone. This flaw only develops after he'd become an adult and lived in the tower alone for who knows how long 💀)
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themightymoose · 2 months
Dumb Dumbwaiter
10/10 title
For some reason I very vividly remember Mrs. Twombly's can stacker song
Love her attitude <3333
One thing I love about any spa day scene is a character eating a cucumber instead of putting them on your eyes
A for effort Pepper
I remember seeing a lot of episodes down the line where it's your stereotypical boys vs. girls episodes (which makes sense since it was 2012)
And I remember getting so annoyed with them
And I honestly have no idea why :/
Guess I'll have to see if they really do get annoying
I mean they are just having a girls night (slay 💅) so little me was probably over exaggerating
I think I remember this episode
Blythe trolling Minka
No thoughts; just Pepper
I mean, at least she's trying
Lmao Pepper pouting
"You hate it :("
This might just be commentary on everything Pepper does huh
Zoe calling Pepper "Pep"
I don't remember the pets calling each other nicknames so whenever it happens I have to register it
Sunil is a feminist icon confirmed
oh my god I forgot about this song
Did Vinnie just call them "feminine pests"?
Vinnie it's not too late take my hand and you can unlearn this toxic masculinity
Which I don't know how you learned it in the first place since you're a fucking gecko but whatever
I like Sunil way more than I thought I would
Also I never really took Russell as the guy to really care about the whole girls vs. boys thing
I kinda thought only Vinnie, Zoe, and Penny would care about that
Blythe does not count
Impeccable harmonies though
Damn I hope none of you have claustrophobia
Pepper and Zoe tag-teaming Blythe
Pepper once again being my favorite
I honestly love Pepper trying to calm down Minka
Well I guess Minka has claustrophobia then
I love the self awareness of some these jokes
Damn that's a knot worse than my Christmas tree lights 💀
Pepper wtf is with that smugass expression
Great job Blythe
Pepper's va is doing a phenomenal job btw
I love the transition from the girls freaking out convinced they're about to die
To the boys flinging Russell to the roof because they're bored
Oh yeah cartoon logic :D
The girls are fightinggggg
Guys you might die of course Pepper is in a bad mood
Okay die is an over exaggeration
But still
She is literally the funniest character
"If we just stay here till the bitter end - they'll never know." So did you just think your owners would forget about you and move on?
Russell shut the fuck up
He sure is Skinny Vinnie
A Vinnie that is skinny
What the fuck are you three doing
Can't you four each lift a corner and get out of the cage
well that was easy
Why are the boys so incompetent this episode
This is not right
Nevermind Russell saved his reputation
Pepper can literally make a seat out of her tail
"Animals have no sense of time- THE POINT IS-"
I was not expecting Pepper to be this dramatic
But I welcome it
I can see where little me's complaints were coming from now
Tell them girl
I may not like Penny as much as the others but they had it coming
Welcome back to part two of Russell shut the fuck up
Poor Mrs. Twombly
And then everyone clapped
Wait this interaction is actually really cute
I love Zoe and Pepper's friendship
Once again Jasper being missing
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not-goldy · 9 months
1. Pretty sure Jimin said he wanna keep on performing so that doesn't change because he became 30
2. Jimin also said he'll be if he got chance to just sit on a chair and sing for fans when he's not able to perform anymore
3. If he's queer who wants kids.. realistically there's no other option except dumping Jk, marry a woman and have kids.
4. I thought everyone who's approaching 30 feels the same way. Joon had it, jm already started talking about it... so it's surprising to see Tae who's the exact same age being so unbothered about it and living his carefree life
What has same age got to do with anything?
Yes Jimin has said all that- he's also said he's lonely in while surrounded by family and loved ones.
Vmin said they want to grow old together- yet here they are. Couldn't even do the buddy service together🥲
Jungkook has always wanted to be a singer- didn't stop him from trying to yeet himself from the group to pursue dance🥲
BTS knew they wanted to sing and dance and be part of the group- didn't stop them from considering disbanding even though music is what they all dream of making till the end.
Ever bought something you wanted so bad and felt a few seconds later you shouldn't have bought it? Even though you know it's something you've always wanted and something you'll probably always want?
Humans are complex multilayered beings with complex thoughts feelings and ideas.
Life, dreams, goals- our desire for them can be so fluid sometimes and Introspection is a common human phenomenon that accompanies these fluid moments of choice making.
Jimin is just being introspective at this point in his life is all we are saying.
There's nothing too complex about that that it should be confusing. A person can want something or someone and still express fears and doubts uncertainty and anxiety about that same thing.
It's right there in his songs when he sings about how it's begun, that he is in his prime time. I think it's out of such honest introspection that he's able to spit out those beautiful lyrics he pens. His past, his future, he's in the in between. Transitioning, becoming🤭
We act like the concept of 30 thirty is difficult phenomenon to comprehend when 30 is even the age limit for Korean men to serve. If you can't relate to turning 30 think of how idols have to put their careers on hold for 2 years how they have to shift their life goals and plans to factor in serving by 30.
Vmin are same age yes and OF COURSE they both have to worry about serving before 30. Every Korean Male worries about this at the barest minimum if not anything at all. I don't know why people can't seem to comprehend this.
Like you said, the hyungs went through a similar phase- unlike the hyungs, the maknaes don't get to sit with it. They have to do a lot of thinking at base and we can't tell them cheer up, we can't reassure them, we can't give them a unique perspective- we are on different sides of the wall.
Rather than construe the whole turning 30 phenomenon as some abstract Far fetched phenomenon- perhaps let's not. It's not that complicated 💀
These things are very natural and very common among us humans but especially for people who have a culture where turning 30 is a major rite of passage- Besides, late 20's and early 30's is when lots of people's brains fully mature biologically speaking- or so I hear so it makes sense why people would suddenly start being hyper introspective around that age.
To some it's a myth but to some they do very much enter this hyper introspective phase when they reach that point in their life. If you frame the discourse as one of introspection as you should then you'll find it as preposterous as I do the idea that Tae isn't introspecting about turning 30.
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Youve never heard him talk about how he doesn't look as handsome every now and then?
I recall him complaining about Covid and how it's stealing their youth and how frustrating that was for him. I recall him talking about children and how he would love to see each member's kid.
Of course he thinks about his life, marriage, kids, his career and even his changing facial features. Joon tries to shut him up when he talks about these things but he does. For someone who worries about these on a regular a particular age turn perhaps may not make much of a difference don't you think?
Tae can be very introspective as well. It may not be a seasonal thing for him like it seems to be for Jimin and others but rather more part of who he is.
He doesn't say much during his lives but he can be in his feels too- at the most random times too.
They are all human
Aside- do you know you give off "your colleagues are getting married what are you doing with your life" vibes?
It's giving Indian parents, Nigerian moms🤣
"You are the same age as that person why are you depressed when they're happy with their life" 💀
The concept of individuality seems lost on you
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kiawren · 8 months
kiawren things that may add some plot to our relationship: (becuz to me we both like each other too much and are so perfect for each other we already know we're in love and get together so early like I Know it's not realistic but really I don't see how it'd drag out becuz I'm not stupid and I'd realise he likes me becuz he's not exactly good at hiding it so it wouldn't even be mutual pining for long lol)
– wren confessed his crush first (very in character of me becuz I get infatuated too easily), and kia/we says sorry he doesn't like them and has responsibilities to focus on, but they stay good friends. And then he falls for wren
– if we continue with the above, kia/we later asks wren if they view him still as a crush or a friend, and wren replies friend but he actually still adores kia/we, but kia/wes like ok he doesnt like me. And doesn't confess (he would've if wren said he still likes him)
– but then again im not that oblivious I feel like I can easily tell if kia/we likes me 😭 so thats fun to think about but it's not how the relationship 'canonly' mainly goes
– trans guy kia/we who wasn't sure that he was gay (didn't even like anyone legitimately till wren), when he transitioned he just took on an assumed transhet identity. and was conflicted when he starts to like wren whos nonbinary transmasc but doesn't really pass so he was worried he doesnt see wren as the boy they identify as!
– if kia/we already knows he likes guys/masculine aligned people, then wren was worried he wasn't enough of a boy for kia/we to reciprocate (actual thing that I thought of alot when I had an infatuation for a cis gay irl)
– over a vacation wren went back to whatever region they came from (idk poke/mon well enough outside of gen 7 my bad💀💀) and both of them were thinking whether it's a crush that'll pass over the month or two. (spoiler it didn't)
– well on the gender and sexuality thing maybe kia/we thought wren as someone who understands him in that aspect very well (since they're both transmasc, just to different extents) so he confused himself over whether it was like a special bond of solidarity and understanding or like. An actual crush (reminder he has not liked anyone so bad before. Or anyone for that matter. I still haven't really decided on that. I feel like he knows what love is cuz his parents are in love but never really had time to think abt it)
– wren isnt from alo/la right. He's there to study on conservation (my irl dream) and kia/we doesnt trust foreigners as seen in the first few eps. So he treats wren in a stern and a bit mean. kinda way. This is kinda important becuz if he didn't, wren would immediately be infatuated with him within like max 5 days. So to drag out the time they take to like each other kia/we has to warm up to wren and wren has to see him as actually not intimidating.
– it'll also be interesting if there were foreign students before and they did not care for alo/la's natural world as their academic intentions made them seem to. So kia/we had bad impressions of ppl coming to alo/la to help the region becuz he doesn't trust that they truly care for it. But wren really does and kia/we needs a bit of time to realise that. So he was initially really mean to wren lol, and unlike the shift in the canon show where kia/we quickly became a silly guy and wasn't mean anymore, here it was more gradual and so wren didnt like him that early on
– they were on the topic of dating before and wren said they didn't really like the idea of dating a schoolmate (once again, me irl, schoolmates suck) but that mostly applied for his school back home, not the smaller and more bonded class he was part of here in alola. And kia/we was like yeah I have lots of commitments too like my family, my training,... So they were both like yeah I don't think I'd date. So they were apprehensive on confessing to each other becuz they thought the other's answer was pretty much definitive. (but it completely changed later on solely becuz they really liked each other..!!)
Some other points of personality conflicts so they're not actually as perfect as I say they are lol
– I posted this before but wren (me irl) is kind of a germaphobe when it comes to their bedroom and some other routines in their life and kia/we is much less hygienic like basic hygiene ofc but he stays on a farm and sweats a lot and he sometimes lays down on his bed in between, or like before he sleeps he trains but he doesnt shower idfk in the games his bed literally smells like sweat. But anyway the point is wren got thrown off by kia/we like idk not washing his hands that much etc etc it's hard to say becuz I freak over 'germs' in specific places and circumstances only... but ajsksjkd I'm literally getting nowhere with this. I'm just saying they have to get used to each other here
– kiawe has 100 discipline responsibility commitment. wren has like 2. If we were to keep it realistic kia/we wouldn't be like head over heels for wren cuz he's really not perfect lol, all this comes to kia/we so naturally and. I kinda want to say he'd be annoyed that wren isn't like that but he also doesn't get annoyed at people's flaws. He understands them and helps them achieve their goals regardless.. but I still think it'd be tiring for him.. so I guess he'd want to help wren as more of a friend and it'd take a while to see them for their other strengths aside from yknow their work ethic that takes up a lot of what you see in someone and infer about them. What I mean is that I'm so non-committal but if someone were to like me. I guess it'd be more of the artistic and intellectual aspect? I hope........
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empty-tunacan · 1 year
Hi brave as a noun genloss animatic idea.. yippee 🎉
I could go off the deep end - Ranboo stabbing into the worker that had wires in it
I could kill all my best friends - A transition where ranboos hand is now being pulled out of Charlie’s guts, with an organ or some random gore in his hand perhaps!!
I could follow stylish trends - The silly (Ranboo) when they’re all dressing up in the closet :)
And God knows I could make amends - Transition from Ranboo un-gooping sneegsnag to them both in episode 2
But I've got an angry heart - Ranboos fist closing (alternatively their mask is blinking off & they just look pissed 💀)
Filled with cancers and poppy tarts - Shot / shots of Ranboo with wires in him (going into his arms, his mouth, etc)
If this is how you folks make art it's fucking depressing - Wideshot of the ending scene of day 2
And it's sad to know that we are not alone - A shot of the people in the carousel :(
And it's sad to know there's no honest way out - Hatch watching the show from a secret room.. giggle
I'm afraid to leave the house - Charlie & Sneeg (transition cut from ep 1 to ep 2.. yknow references!)
I'm as timid as a mouse - Sykunno & Valkyrae as the rats!! (No real explanation for them specifically to be “timid” except for the fact that they’re just minions for The Puzzler? Idk.. they’re here because of the mouse part mostly)
I'm afraid if I go out, I'll outwear my welcome - Vinny (Puzzler was literally was tired of his ass asap 😭😭)
I am not a courageous man - The Puzzler (specifically when he shot niki cuz he got spooked 😭)
I don't have any big lasting plans - Ethan (his title was unemployed)
I'm too cowardly to take a stand - Austin (pretended 2 be straight.. cmon man it’s pride month be who u areeee~)
I wanna keep my nose clean - Niki (this one makes sense I just can’t explain it. Or I can I don’t want to tho.)
And it's sad to know that we're not alone in this - Another shot of either all of the guests of ep 2, or of Ranboo & Charlie looking at the other the streamers in ep3 (that didn’t happen but ermm.. idc 🤨)
And it's sad to know there's no honest way out - Either the mind controlled people locking up all of the doors OR a shot of sneegsnag fucking dying to that tv monster
In this life we lead - Shot of Ranboo n Charlie at the set of the house (frowny face)
We can conquer everything - Transiton to Ranboo bowing
If we could just get the braves to get out of bed in the morning - (Ranboo getting boxed in ep 1 to Ranboo waking up again in ep 1)
Yippee.. it’s over now giggle
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eviltiddyprodnz · 1 year
xo, kitty : episode 1
i love how they're trying to make this about kitty wanting to know about her mom and culture but she literally keeps condensing the entire discussion to : i get to see dae 🤩 (she's just like me fr)
also they're agreeing to it so quickly???
the acting or editing for the first 5 minutes is kinda all over the place like give me something to hold onto, it's just happening ???
i see the author !!!!
help something about the way this show is shot up until this point is making it weird and dull. my girl kitty deserves better but i guess it'll get brighter and better once she gets to Korea.
seventeen hot !!!
although the girl who said wow! and drew our attention to this guy in the first place sounded so disinterested lmaoooo 🤣🤣🤣 stopped looking at him too
the way her dad and his girlfriend (?) did not even show a little bit of emotion like they were just like aaaah okay ! go to Korea babe !!! like omg at least cry, hug and drop her to the airport !!! there was so much emotion in the first movie just to drop Margo at college and them to school. 💀
first kiss at KISS
i love that the title card is super pink and pretty and cherry blossomy because up until this point it has only been BLUE (imagine Halsey singing here)
I'm so easy to bag lmao they played telepathy by BTS and i smiled so wideee
she has so little luggage but honestly slay. how is she doing everything on her own 😭😭😭
ofc she recognises her bus that she's missing right away. not to be realistic but the way i'd just be lost and confused for the first 50 minutes 💀
they're just throwing songs a little too fast at us like woah let every song shine !!!
fully forgot that I had a bowl of ice cream with me and now it's liquid.
transitioned from baam to blackpink but you know what this was actually fun!
also colours !!! finally colours. thankyou Korea 🙏
the way i cannot concentrate on anything but this that pink venom 💃 this that pink venom 💃
the rich girl is not the classic rich kid mean and cold and terrifying like kdramas yet
ofc my girl kitty got hit by a car she's been having a hard day 😭💀
lmfao her lying on the road is a little hilarious, someone paint this
bar is on the floor but the rich girl getting out of the car makes me already feel a little positively about her
lmao the driver being #real. be careful while crossing the roads besties !
she's offering kitty a ride!
Yuri heard the ' i'm here to surprise him and he has no idea i moved here' and is giving her the exact look that we all did when we heard her
my girl kitty has 0 boundaries but she also already has friend so
the songs in this show up until now just play out of NOWHERE
are they both dating Dae
I love how American this show lowkey feels 💀
his eyes are sparkling !!!
this show is straight out of wattapad
my girl Yuri is being interrogated for possibly having a girlfriend. support yuri initiative increases to 100%. she calls her dad daddy, it reduces by 13%.
Yuri's mother serving a little like i love her voice. ofc she's in Kitty's mom's album. KITTY no don't walk over to her already 😭😭😭 oh drama
I am 100% distracted by these beds, WHY do they look so cool 😭😭😭 although I'd be scared of falling off
the voiceover needs to be a little louder for me personally but I think we're about to get a montage !!! (ignore my ramblings a little i keep waiting for the rom com moments to jump out)
she looks so cute !!! the hair !!! let me ignore the neon sleeves
wait is this actually happening or is she in a dream sequence rn this was so random 💀 give me a little blur all eyes focused on you moment
wait that actually happened ??? they weren't even THAT excited
now where did Yuri come from 💀
oh this is deadass not a dream sequence
Yuri is not dating Julianna, Yuri rating now drops to 13%.
she was dating Dae after all
why is no one emoting or being a little serious about this 💀 it is so casual
I mean Kitty is emotionally walking away but this is truly a terrible moment??? heighten the drama a little. the director of this show, when i catch you !!!
Jennifer Arnold bring in some emotions please 😭💀🙏
the pacing has been terrible but we move. second episode here i come
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xbruised-peachx · 1 year
I love your work! I'd really like to get into 3D modeling and rendering, but I have no idea where to start? Do you have any tips? Thank you!
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honestly, i wish i could give tips and such for beginners but its really hard for me to describe (i struggle w/ it just in general i worry i don't come across clearly). especially with things like 3d modeling as i got my start actually with sims 2 modding/clothing creation/posing since i was 15/16 (currently 25). so that really helped build my foundation of 3d modelling knowledge and helped when i transitioned from the program i had to use to model/pose for sims to blender.
the most i have for tips ESPECIALLY if you work in blender is always go on youtube or google, 99% of the time theres a tutorial out there for whatever you need. and i'm always looking up stuff to bc i forger 💀 whether it be how to generate a tree or like even keyboard shortcuts. blender is a helluva program and theres no way youre gonna know everything and even if you do, you arent gonna remember it!
as for things specifically with renders, it mostly comes down to lighting and posing. posing again its kinda hard for me to give tips as ive posed 3d models alone for nearly 10 years but having a reference or even doing the pose yourself and thinking like "okay my shoulder is moving up and forward and rotating this much for my upper arm only has to rotate this much..." so on so forth. and lighting i always say the general 3 point lighting is a god send, often i make the back light colored bc i love the look of it. but it all comes down to personal style. look at art you like, look at movies, particular shots you like and think to yourself what it is you like, whether it be the composition or the color of the lights. color theory goes a long way too!
i hope this is somewhat helpful! if its like your first time using blender, i suggest tutorials like the donut tutorial honestly 💀it does actually work as it gets you used the controls, the shortcuts, all that!
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jimilter · 2 years
heyo ash!!! this is very very late but i absolutely had no energy to send this in bc of exams and stress blah blah blah but now that i can i wanted to let you know how much I LOVED FEEL YOUR TOUCH
it's so... how do i explain it??? i cant describe it in words
it was very very steamy 😯 simply put, the sides of jimin showed as peach vs THE park jimin were extremely addicting to fall into
and the way peach interacted with oc was just pure sin, even in the chill parts of the story (sub!jimin supremacy i just have to)
but the end where jimin switched with oc was wow woah um um um yum
but i had no idea how a oneshot could break me THEIR ONE WEEK OF SEPARATION HURT LIKE PHYSICALLY HURT ME i was so engrossed into the story at that point that i just zoned out wanting to know if they would get together or not 😭
over all 12/10 would recommend it was an amazing experience i can't wait to read more stories and i hope ill be able to appreciate them a bit faster 😶,,, sorry ab that 💗 good luck writing for next year!!!
hellO there, dearest reader!!! pls don't apologize omfg, it's so sweet of you to share your feedback at all! i don't care how late or early it is, it's just as heartwarming pls <333
omg it was my first time attempting a sub!member fic that i decided to try out bec a friend had jokingly asked me to write subby camboy jimin for her birthday lmao 😭 what shocked me was how easily it flowed and how much fuN i had while writing! i began it in december and was done by valentine's day - all 27 k words in two months while i also wrote a whole kidnapping pwp of some 11k words in january 😭
anyways, the transition b/w peach and ceo jimin was kinda tricky to get right. i hoped it wouldn't make any side of him come off as ooc. so thank you for the compliment aaaaa! 😭 also your "wow woah um um um yum" is taking me ouT helP 💀 but i get where you are coming from 🤝🏾
heyyy you liked the angsty bit too! 😍 i mean - maybe "liked" isn't the correct word aagdfsafd 💀 but thank you so much, it means a lot to me knowing the story had you so engrossed <3
please, you have no idea how long this message is gonna stay in my mind and continue to inspire me. thank you so so so much for sending it in, much love to you, fellow desi ash <333 🥺
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
We could both wish we were flat together. I’m talking, not only my ass, but my chest, too. Because the bigger they get, the more I feel like I’m getting fat. Plus, I’ve tried to transition into a guy and I don’t want to be a guy looking like a potato
Sorry, just jumping go to the conversation between you and that scrumdiddlyumptious booty anon. I have never heard somebody describe their ass as scrumdiddlyumptious.
- 💀
Scrumdiddly- how do even say that word??
I would've loved to prevent my chest from growing, I literally had to wear bras since I was seven 💀 and, weirdly enough, having a big chest was the main reason my girl classmates bullied me 🙃 and years later they were praying to have bigger boobs while I was hiding them because they were too big and made me feel horrible.
Many years later I found out why I wasn't comfortable with my chest 👍
I don't mind the idea of transitioning, but I'm also scared because of my family, yknow, they don't know and they're not exactly supportive, my mother would literally kick me out.
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merrrrrrrrry · 2 years
hiiii ✨
we love a good public transit system!!!! truly makes everything so mych easier!
that all sounds like so much fun!! what colors of nail polish did you get? i bet they’re all super pretty 🥹 im actually pretty good at applying nail polish i just never do it djshsj but i used to paint my moms nails all the time when i was younger 🥺 i had no idea who Sabyasachi was but i looked on instagram and im in awe!! everything is so pretty!!! the caves sound amazing!! did you take a lot of pictures or no? we don’t have anything similar near where i live but i would love to go somewhere like that in my life. was there anything super special down the trail not meant for tourists?
it sucks that you weren’t able to try Marathi food but it sounds like the trip was still amazing!! and it’s good that you were able to go to the seafood restaurant and have a good experience✨
i do cook!! im basically the only person in my family who knows how to cook/enjoys cooking. my mom used to do all of the cooking when i was younger, but i really started enjoying cooking when i was 16/17 so i kinda took over. my favorite and my family’s favorite is fettuccine alfredo! i make the alfredo sauce myself and add broccoli and chicken and it’s always so good!!
im late responding to your last reply so i hope the rest of your trip was just as enjoyable as the beginning and your journey home was safe 🫶🏻✨
-✨holiday pal✨
There were so many colours - I'm currently wearing two of them, very badly applied. There's orange and blue and green and black in addition to these
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Sabyasachi makes lehengas very well. As well as those little clutches of his. Saaris are a hit and miss. But we did Not like his gowns and suits and kurtas. We stood there criticising knowing full well we wouldn't buy a thing akdbajksks
This time around i didn't take as many photos during my entire vacation. I just let myself relax a bit and take everything in rather than rush to take photos like i usually do. Here's a few for you
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This is the iconic CSTM station facade at night
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Here's the Taj and Gateway of India as seen from a ferry. That tall building behind Gateway of India is continental, the ugly (in my opinion) new expansion of Taj hotel.
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Here's the view from very close to the topmost point of Gharapuri island where Elephanta Caves are located
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Here's a photo of a sculpture of Ganesh from inside the Elephanta Caves. This sculpture was in a cave that was inside the main cave, hence the bad lighting
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Here's a cat near Jahangir Art Gallery
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Here's my favourite photo from Kanheri caves
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And here's a monkey from on top of kanheri
Sorry I went overboard 😬😬there wasn't anything super special about that trail other than that it was narrow and precarious. But there were some pretty wildflowers💕💕 couldn't risk taking out my phone to take a photo for fear of falling but they were very pretty
I cook pretty rarely so i don't have a lot of practice and i take a lot of time. I'm planning on cooking on Christmas for my family. I've already got my recipe for the pavlova that I'll make in the microwave. I want to make a chicken and pasta dish and make the pasta from scratch but I'm struggling to find a recipe 🥲for it
We spent the last today in Navi Mumbai just in a relative's flat the entire time. It was lovely to catch up with Aita (Grandma) and Koka (Grandpa). They're not blood relatives but close family friends on my father's side that have become like family. They're getting really old now but it was delightful to see how they're still getting along despite their ailments. Our train back home was more than 12 hours late💀 but i didn't mind. It allowed me to take the cstm photo that I've shared with you
That fettuccine Alfredo sounds so good. Tell me more about your cooking experiences.
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Look at what my keyboard suggested when i typed that sentence☝🏼💕🥺
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wrotelovelytears · 2 years
Hi! How are you? I don't know if you are normally asked this kind of questions but, is there any planet of position which refers to how you act under stress? Thank you :)
Hellooo, I'll be honest I'm half asleep (and still feeling like poo) so idk if any of what I typed out made sense. Anygays here's what I came up with :) ......
I'm totally upset!
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Planetary influences and stress
(Let's all say thank you to @grangerowo for this suggestion)
Various planets, placements and aspects that influence how we personally react to stress. I'll be going over some of the ones we may or may not know about.
(Yes I'm including asteroids because they are very important to ones chart).
🐍Yes I just had to start off with the planet that loves to test you. Saturn's energy is of course life long and its certain times that it impacts you a lot more than others.
🐍During Saturn squares you find yourself more willing to question how much you have done and how you are as a person. The 1-2 year time period it occurs in your life can highlight more sensitivity to not only your natal Saturn's themes, in regards to you, but whatever house Saturn is residing in during the square. Squares occur every 5-7 years.
💀Natal Aries Saturn, Square Cancer Saturn- When your Saturn transits through Cancer you start questioning how much you emotions impact those around you. There's an increase in sensitivity (in general) towards home and your emotional being. Due to that increase you find yourself coping by spending more time in your home (or wishing to do so), doing things for short term emotional fulfilment and withdrawing from others. Until you learn how to master your emotional sphere you struggle with outburst, withdrawal and loneliness.
🐍Of course I have to talk about oppositions now because your Saturn becoming an opp is always likely. This is another 1-2 year period in which you start to question your relationship to others and how it impacts your worldview. Oppositions are every 12-14 years.
💀Natal Pisces Saturn, Opposition Virgo Saturn- When your Saturn transits through Virgo, you start to look at how the people in your daily life act. You there's more sensitivity in terms of health and daily routines, as well as how what others do in their daily life/ their health pushes up against you. While trying to cope you may end up daydreaming about changes you need to make.
🐍Literally any planet in Virgo. It seems like a give away and Virgo is not only health  but your daily activities. Due to it ruling over daily activities you find yourself pushing the themes of whatever planets held there to the brink. There are more themes of perfectionism found and you are a lot more likely to be overly aware of the planets energy.
🐍Planets that oppose your Ascendent give you a harder time. They are usually embodied by other people around you and shown via the shadow attributes you have. Due to this you may actively try to not engage in any of the planets themes causing a strain on yourself.
🐍Planets in Aquarius (specifically if its in a water house). Now this seems like a strange combination and let me explain. Aquarius is a high mental energy sign, its also a fixed sign meaning it will finish (or further amplify) pre existing thoughts and ideals. Water signs are more emotion based passive with actions taken (even Scorpio). Aquarius isn't the most passive sign there is, in fact its the opposite in many ways. So when planets are in Aqua they tend to have an idealistic completion around them. There's always room for more (improvement, ideas, energy etc). However since water wants to take the more passive/slow route that causes friction in how things should be executed. Due to that friction planets' energy is fractured between quickly completely what needs to be done in order to move to the next "big thought" and slowing down to full integrate the "thoughts" into daily life.
🐍Literally anything in the 12th house. This was pretty much a dead giveaway. The 12th house is the house of the unconscious and hidden, when something is there is always in your unconscious mind. Planets here hold not only more influence over your core beliefs but they also scare you heavily. That fear can lead to a rejection of the planets energy and even a questioning of the way you are meant to truly embody it.
💀If there's a stellium here just gone head and amplify not only the energy of the 12th house but each individual planet.
🐍I've previously spoken on chart ruler residing in the 12th and I'll mention it yet again. With your chart ruler here, you might not consciously be aware of the amount of escapism used to deal with stress. Because this is the opposite house of daily life we could say its the ruler of night life (so things done during night/bed time tings). When you have your energy more centered towards night time, you might find yourself having a harder time sleeping. There's a higher likelihood fomo (fear of missing out) hits you during bedtime or when you are sleepy because your mind is naturally more active then.
🐍Chart ruler in your 6th house. You might have a tendency to deal with stress with overworking yourself during the day time. Because of being overworked you then get overwhelmed and start to hyper focus on health related issues. You are very aware of your escapism tendencies and use quick actions to side step them. Chart ruler here can also mean working on something everyday in order to relieve outside stressors.
🐍Whatever you have in Scorpio/8th house. These are things you not only want to keep hidden but somewhat benefit from doing so. The down fall is others constantly want to know about the planets that fall under Scorpios energy causing one to stress about hiding/ exposing it.
💀Side note if you have an empty 8th/Scorpio then you stress more about the sign  that rules your eighth house/ the house that rules your Scorpio. (You might also exhibit the shadow attributes of the house your Pluto is in when stressed)
🐍When Pluto is your dominant planet you find it easier to constantly focus on the themes of the other planets your Pluto touches. This is because you know you can't do much about Pluto however you believe if your other planets are in control you'd have an easier time.
🐍This being your dom planet can also lead to being stressed about the changes in your life you know you need to make.
💀The opposite house Pluto is in can show how it's easier to make the changes. The only thing is you don't put as much energy into that house but instead the house Pluto is in.
🐍Pluto in fire houses (1,5,9)- With your Pluto in a fire house its easier to fall into destructive patterns when something doesn't go your way. The fire houses are the houses of external extortion of energy, that's why its a lot easier to fall into those destructive patterns. The opposite house shows what type of behaviors you engage in when stressed. (Fun fact its the Air houses).
🐍Pluto in air houses (3,7,11)- I already talked about exhibiting the opposite house energy (fun fact its the one above), so I'll focus on the mental energy given off. The air houses are the ones house of internal extortion of energy. Because all the energy you want to get out is all in your head there are tendencies of word vomiting, nervous behaviors and lashing out. Its harder to control your (detrimental) thoughts as its always a focus/theme in your life.
🐍Last Pluto note but the modality its in can really impact what you do when pressured by internal forces.
💀Cardinal Plutos are more likely to find it hard to end cycles because they have always been part of their lives. They eventually realize something doesn't serve them and work on bettering things for their self worth.
💀Mutable Plutos are the second most likely to struggle with ending cycles, this is more due to them being newly aware of them/ starting to have a different view than ones had before. They eventually also end these cycles through accountability of how they play into them.
💀Yes Fixed Plutos end cycles the easiest. Its not only because fixed signs are the ones to end things, its because they have the strictest boundaries over themselves and others. They find it easier to see what's wrong, acknowledge it and push through it.
🐍Pluto is internal stressors related to endings of things that no longer serve you and how to go about ending them. Saturn is external stressors related to patterns found in your life. 
🐍Whatever planet conjuncts Jupiter is more likely to not only amplify the positives of that planet but the negatives as well.
💀Jupiter conjunct Sun- This makes the native more expressive in terms of ego related themes. Since they are very ego based they have the hardest time accepting when they have done wrong/when something is wrong. Stress is something that occurs when called out/ made to take accountability.
🐍I really don't think Jupiter likes either the 8th or 12th house. For the eighth its related to secrecy and trying to keep things hidden. However due to Jupiters "I want to show everything🌠" energy its a lot more difficult for people to maintain their secrets (and sometimes others). For the twelfth house its related to hidden/underlying things. Because things that are hidden are harder to show, it causes stress to the native when they are shown.
🐍When your Jupiter falls in your descendant (7th house) its more likely you tend to draw back from people when stressed. Since you naturally put a lot of your energy towards your relationships being stressed makes you go more inwards to minimize it.
💀Of course the opposite can be said for 1st house Jupiters. They focus more on their relationships and how to improve them.
🐍Planets that square your Jupiter can cause you to stress abut their themes (as their energy isn't exactly aligned with the 🌠happiness🌠 Jupiter wants you to exhibit). The square does push on you need to expand however. There's a tendency to only expand when internal forces allow you, not external stresses wanting you to.
🐍Whatever opposes your Jupiter might be things you completely ignore about yourself. You find it easier to ignore rather than address them because of how they directly contrast the current meaning of happiness and peace to you.
💀That doesn't mean these things don't ever appear in your life, you'd just rather ignore them in hopes your personal happiness isn't compromised.
🐍Venus ruled folks handle stress so bad lmao. Venus rules over balance in a way and stress is the lack of balance. You will find them trying to comfort themselves via relationships and/or material pleasures.
🐍Venus 11th house- Yall like ??? Because I didn't say 8th house huh? Anyways this house puts the pressure on and individual to conform to whatever beauty standard their peers see as the best. (Before y'all say but beauty standards is societies fault, its yours too. You part of society. They've always existed. Always will). These people can go to the extremes to balance out their looks and how they socialize with people (also on the internet).
🐍Venus Square Sun- These folks will bite someone's head off before they admit a personal flaw. The reason why Sun/Venus square is so stressful is because what you want to do to keep balance and beauty in your life is not completely aligned with how you live in general. Your ego sometimes conflicts with things that would bring your more physical comfort. When stressed you might see these people heavily project, it could be them trying to come off balanced or calling out others looks/ actions.
🐍Venus Synastry (all aspects)- Again I do not believe in only acknowledging the positives. This can actually cause the house person to not only pick up some of the Venus holder's behaviors but for them to also start trying to look a certain way. The Venus can pressure the house native to become more like their standard of existence when upset. Due to the push from the Venus, the house holder may get stressed when they don't "please them). The Venus might get stressed when the house gives the same energy back (lack of balance).
🕸Asteroid tidbits🕸
🐍Medusa(149) in First/Seventh/Fourth or Tenth house. When Medusa is stationed in any of these houses it gives the native a push towards the behavior of the sign there but comes at the price of others judgment/envy.
💀Fourth house makes people more likely to come at you either in your home or for your home life. You can deal with a lot more toxic home environments or even your country being unhealthy for you.
⛈You might see this is refugee charts, war torn country charts and folks with bad history tied to where they reside.
💀In terms of stress itself, natives with Medusa in any of the mentioned houses find themselves pushing more towards the shadow attributes while in spaces that remind them of the sign stationed there. To balance out the stress from others and self, you have to embody traits of the house more than the sign.
🐍Webb(3041) in water houses- Since Webb represents the Internet for the most part it only makes sense that when in a water house its a bit of a struggle. Things that may not emotionally impact most definitely drag the hell out of you.
💀In Cancer you'll find someone who is a lot more sensitive around home and mother/mothering related topics. When brought up these people may end up withdrawing from the internet for long breaks.
💀In Scorpio you'll find someone who is very passionate about mental health and lesser known topics. Because of all that passion (and how its received sometimes), they might not be as open about themselves when pushed to be open you can find this native removing things and people from their lives (Mass unfollowing and blocking sprees)
💀In Pisces, this person is more likely to pick up on various things from the Internet. Due to constantly picking up things (information, energy, habits), you can see them drop and pick up new hobbies to ground themselves.
🐍Fama(408) in water houses- Since fama is just what you are famous for (fame could be positive or negative), folks with Fama in water house may be famous for their emotional outlooks. Could also be their emotional breakdowns in relation to the houses topic.
🐍Kaali(4227) in the 8th house- Now this isn't a bad placement, in fact I believe that this might be on of the best placements for Kaali. That being said we can't ignore the negatives. And that negative is Kaali 8th house natives are more likely to engage in negative thought patterns that could lead to sending evil eye, practicing dark magic and cursing/hexing folks just cause. (Fun fact you can unintentional send evil eye to someone if you are really upset with them, that does show where you are at mentally however).
🐍Lust(4386) in earth houses/signs- Lust is about... Well what we lust over. The things we just crave so much and need so bad. When found in an Earth sign/house you see these natives acting out their wants a lot more. When stressed the actions are amplified.
💀In Taurus/2nd house you might see one spending money to beautify themselves. You can also see them stress eating.
💀In Virgo/6th you could see one heavily engaged in scheduling (the need for constant order) and even dieting (not only weight wise but certain vitamins, activities and interactions).
💀In Capricorn/10th you'll see a lot of restricting of behaviors. Mostly those deemed unworthy/negative by greater society. You can also see them splurge on material items to feel better too.
🐍Quirk(18376) 12th house- With what makes you "quirky" being found in the house of "please don't see me" we can all tell this is gonna be a problem. When one has Quirk in the 12th house they try their very best to hide all their uniqueness from others. The gag is, that's their quirk, them being secretive about their interests and certain behaviors is what makes them different (also their mental process). They might not see it and when pointed out by others they actually might start panicking and ruminating on all the times they were ostracized for being unique.
🐍Karma (3811) conjunct Sun/Moon/Rising- One might feel like they face (bad) karma for being themselves. With the energy (and knowledge) of knowing that everything must eventually be balanced out in the universe, these people don't enjoy many things out of pure fear of doing wrong.
💀Karma/Sun- These natives feel as if they are demonized for expressing themselves and having certain traits. They are more likely to have to learn the lesson of pushing through judgment and not conforming to others opinions.
💀Karma/Moon- These natives feel as if they get backlash from expressing the emotions everyone else does. They may be less likely to show emotion due to experiences with being shut down for it.
💀Karma/Rising- These natives feel as if they are belittled due to how they are seen by others. They might also believe that people constantly judge them/ something is wrong with their core self. They might try to conform to others opinions of them in order to fit in more.
I hope this answered your question :)
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Because I watched it twice last weekend, here’s some little things I noticed and thought about Elvis (2022):
In general I love the style of Baz Luhrmann movies and the transitions, same goes for this movie
Colonel Tom Parker (Tom Hanks) said the phrase “the greatest show on earth” twice, which is a phrase associated with PT Barnum (and it fits in with his whole background as a former carnival worker, plus the way he goes about his business etc.)
I have NO idea what accent Col Parker had in this film but I’m not complaining because Tom Hanks talking like that was entertaining
Do love the tea being spilt about Col Parker’s actual history and nationality (or lack thereof) though 👀☕️
The push in on Tom Hanks where he goes “… he’s WHITE” shouldn’t have made me laugh like I did
They mention Elvis’ twin brother Jessie who died at birth; Elvis having a twin was a fact I didn’t know about until 2014/2015 when I went to an Elvis exhibition in London at the O2 with my mum. I don’t know, I guess I just appreciate the fact the film really did its research on Elvis and his family
Before watching this film, I was confused as to why girls and women in the 50s-70s were literally losing their collective minds whenever Elvis sang/danced, but thanks to Baz Luhrmann and Austin Butler, I fully understand now 😍
“Now, I don't know nothing about music. But I could see in that girl's eyes, he was a taste of forbidden fruit. She could have eaten him alive” - oh, I think that girl was thinking of doing something other than eating him 😂
“My wigglin’ boy” “those wigglin’ hips” 😂
“CRIMES OF LUST AND PERVERSION” is a hell of a headline lmfao
Elvis was indeed a total momma’s boy, my mum said he was actually never the same after she died, and that may actually have played a part in how he treated Priscilla after she’d given birth (because he didn’t want to have sex with someone who was a mother???)
Speaking of Priscilla…
The film really glossed over Priscilla being 14 when she met Elvis by just calling her “a pretty teenager” and not ever mentioning her age again (apart from at one point where Elvis mentions how they’ll be in love again when he’s 50 when she’s 40?) 💀
Olivia DeJonge actually really looks like a young Priscilla Presley, ngl
Dacre Montgomery turned up like halfway through and I had to try not to yell “BILLY?!?” in the cinema lmao
Tom Hanks Parker really spends 15 minutes repeatedly telling Elvis he “must sing da here comes Santa Claus song”, including putting on his own puppet show 😭😂
Col Tom Parker puffing away on a cigar for literally 90% of the time he was on screen
When Parker is in the hospital and Elvis walks in, he’s smoking literally the biggest and fattest cigar even though he’s lying down and they’re talking about him having just had a heart attack 😂
When Col Parker is making the deal with the hotel owner and the details are being written on a napkin, at one point a drink spill can be seen and it kind of looked like blood??? Idk, I thought it was a nice detail considering the fact it’s argued Col Parker is somewhat responsible for Elvis’ death and for trapping him in a long contract so he can make money
The fact Elvis saying he wants to go on a world tour is punctuated with a zoom in on Tom Parker with a face like a slapped ass, and then he says about wanting to visit Japan and the camera zooms in AGAIN 😭😂
Col Parker saying the only thing that matters is that Elvis gets up on the stage despite the fact he’s super unwell and clearly needs medical help is actually a real thing that happened, which is sad. That man milked Elvis to death
The scene where Priscilla leaves and Elvis is sobbing is so… just so upsetting :( I don’t blame her frankly, but it’s still sad; it’s sad in the sense that Elvis - one of the biggest stars the entire world has ever seen, the voice of an Angel, this mega star - was reduced to sitting in his mansion alone crying, that he went from a sex symbol to bloated and unwell… in the end he pushed away everyone who wanted to help him, and if he did realise he needed the help at some point then it was too late because he’d driven the people who actually cared for him away
Obviously Col Parker is a huge part of Elvis’ downfall but also so many people in Elvis’ circle were using him and living off of him, and even after he died they still made a profit off of him with stuff like selling their stories of him or whatever. It’s just so upsetting to see.
Yeah, so, Elvis didn’t in fact fire Col Parker in a drugged up emotional breakdown in real life but it makes for good drama so 🤷🏻
Elvis saying he wants to fly right at the beginning like the superheroes in his comic books, “I’m ready to fly”, then at the end he gets on his jet/plane after saying goodbye to Priscilla and Lisa Marie and flies off, then there’s a voice over where he talks about swifts which are birds that fly their entire lives and only land when they die, before it shows you the headlines/voice over/news footage announcing Elvis’ death 😭
ELVIS SINGING UNCHAINED MELODY 😭😭😭 My sister, our mum and I were all sobbing on our first viewing at the actual footage of Elvis singing that performance
Actual footage of Elvis was used - not just at the end with the Unchained Melody performance but when there were split screens, sometimes there was some real footage of Elvis performing as well as of fans screaming
I’m pretty sure there was a short clip of (the real) Elvis and Frank Sinatra singing together near the end when they were showing videos of the real Elvis
The way the lights went out at the end until the single light faded and the credits began to roll reminded me of the ending of Great Gatsby (2013, another Luhrmann film) where it talks about the green light and you see it blinking slowly before fading to black
Despite the fact Tom fucking Hanks is in this movie, all anyone is talking about is Austin Butler, and rightfully so. We all know Tom Hanks is great, but this is Austin Butler’s movie and he’s smashed it
I love that people in the cinema didn’t stand up during Elvis’ In The Ghetto playing during the credits but the second the rap music started, everyone literally left 😂
Maybe it’s just because I grew up on Elvis’ music on a near daily basis (thanks to my Elvis super fan mum!), maybe I just don’t like rap, but the remixing covers of the songs didn’t do it for me. Elvis’ music is amazing as it is, we don’t need rap remixes of it :/ I sort of get what the intention/idea behind it was, it just wasn’t my thing personally
Having said that, I liked Kacey Musgraves’ cover of “Can’t Help Fallin’ In Love With You”. That was beautiful and I loved it
If nothing else, I hope this film inspires younger generations to check out the real Elvis’ music 🤷🏻
I know people are accusing this film of glorifying “Elvis stealing black people’s music” but the film made it INCREDIBLY obvious that Elvis was extremely inspired by black music because he grew up in a black neighbourhood. It’s one of the reasons people were complaining about Elvis in the 50s, because racists attacked rock and roll due to the mingling of black and white people it implied and achieved. Little Richard said, “He was an integrator. Elvis was a blessing. They wouldn't let Black music through. He opened the door for Black music." I’m not black myself, so I won’t go on and on because it’s not my place, but for anyone curious, the film does make it clear Elvis was heavily inspired and shaped by black music.
And then there’s the Priscilla/age gap thing… while yeah, that ten year age gap is kinda really not okay by today’s standard, apparently they didn’t do anything until they were married (she was 21 when they married, so an adult). He was very proper about their courtship and went through her parents first, wanting their blessing/consent, and Priscilla in her book said, “For the last time I begged him to consummate our love. It would have been so easy for him. I was young, vulnerable, desperately in love and he could have taken complete advantage of me. But he quietly said, ‘No. Someday we will, Priscilla, but not now. You’re just too young.’” To be blunt, if he was grooming her for sex, he wouldn’t have turned down her requests for sex. Also, back then, I don’t think society had the same views on age/marriage that they do nowadays, which probably factored into it all. I’m not saying he was a five star husband because the record shows he definitely was not, especially after their daughter was born and he got more and more addicted to drugs. By today’s standards, yes, it’s gross - but in the 50s, it wouldn’t have been viewed that way. (For more discussion, I found this Reddit thread here that might be worth a read)
I just think it’s pointless cancelling a man who’s literally been dead for 45 years, and if we were to cancel every musical artist of that time period who did shit that we no longer view as acceptable, we’d have no music artists left so… yeah.
Anyway, as the daughter of arguably the most hardcore lifelong Elvis fan in Britain, I highly recommend this film! My mum and sister were talking about seeing it a third time, and I definitely will if they do!
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