#i had a little trouble w/ him at first but then I was like OHHHHH ITS ALL COMING TOGETHER
llumimoon · 2 years
Hi there, lovebird! May I request one (1) Lincoln Li-Wilson with g10 and the cheers palette, please (alternatively a Dot with b2 and yo-yo if someone already sent that req in)? (also your response to my ask had me smiling SO BIG omg thank you sm you're so sweet and cool skdbfkhavfkhavskhvfvsvs 🥰🥰🥰)
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Just two little guys having an equally fun time mhmm
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stylesloveclub · 2 years
pt.2 to the tummy r*ding concept bc h said he'd let you suck him off and he always keeps his promises 🫡
me thinks.... the minute you've come down you're dropping to your knees and trailing your hands down to tug at his towel but he stops you before you can and you're 🤨 bc "you said i could daddy" but he's "yeah i did baby, but i didn't say when" 😵‍💫 and you huff and puff a bit until he's reasoning with you all "baby we have to get ready for work yada yada yada" so you both finish getting ready and he makes you french toast and bacon with an asortment of fruits bc "you have to have a balanced meal puppy, and breakfast is the most important one of the day" and he feeds it to you while you sit dutifully in his lap bc "you're such a messy thing" 😵‍💫 and then you get on with your lives finally and do ☹️adult things☹️ until your shift is up at closing time and you wander into harry's office and he's "c'mere pup, m'almost finished" so you prance over to him and find yourself in his lap once again and you're being quiet and good and not distracting him as he types email after email and does whatever succesful business owners do until you remember his promise and you're "h?" and "yeah, puppy?" and you get shy and fiddle with his color and don't meet his eye as you say vaguely "you promised..." and it's his turn to be all 🤨 "what did i promise babe?" and your cheeks flush bc you CANNOT say that out loud so you just pout and shift in his lap and he's "baby i can't make it better if i don't know what's happened" but you just keep your gaze in your lap and before you can stop yourself 😲😲😲 you're tugging at his belt and he's *ohhhhh* and then (he gets a mild sense of deja vu bc isn't this kinda how he figured out you wanted to r*de his tummy???) he's "yeah puppy, i did promise that, didn't i?" 😵‍💫 and you're like "yes, daddy" and without another word you drop to your knees and he's "did you have a long day pup, hmm?" bc even though you're literally about to stuff your mouth w his c*ck he still wants to know how you're doing and feeling and why you're so eager to get this to happen (bc as much as harry can get lost in you, he wants to make sure you're doing this for the right reasons) and you're nodding bc yes actually had to deal w a really obnoxious couple and a couple of backhanded comments from this one old gross creep and you're tired and feel slightly icky but the thought of his prick in your mouth wipes away all your troubles away. and so you tell him as such and he's "oh baby, m'sorry, yeah? you don't deserves that, not my good girl" 😵‍💫 and you just sigh and "s'all right daddy, got you now, right?" and he's "yeah baby, course you do" and with that his belt is unbuckled and his prick, heavy and hot and hard as a rock, is in your mouth and though this started off as more of a "if i don't shove your c*ck down my throat i'll js die" type of feeling in the morning, rn it's more of a "the weight of you on my tongue is all i need rn" so instead of diving head first and choking and slobbering and all that you just lick and suckle and hold him in your mouth. and h, bc he's just the best, knows that this is what you need and he honestly needs to finish his work so he's "good puppy, you're so good, just keep daddy warm in your pretty little mouth while i finish up" 😵‍💫 and that's exactly what you do because you're his obedient little puppy. and when he finally shuts his laptop he's been at it for nearly an hour (not that you really minded, bc he was dotting, as always, and checked up on you frequently and gave you as many breaks as you needed, but your knees are a little achey) and so he's already soooooo close so all it takes for him to come are a couple of squeezes to his balls and a gentle suckle to the tip 😵‍💫. his moans are music to your ears and it makes the soreness in your jaw and knees completely worth it. and then he pulls you back up into his lap and smothers you in kisses until you're grinning so wide it hurts and "gosh puppy, you're the sweetest, how'd i get so lucky, hmm?" 😵‍💫 and you just abt melt bc honestly you're the lucky one
-tummy r*ding anon 😵‍💫
OH MY GOD i have no notes i am just pressing send u guys enjoy
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snowywrites · 3 years
Yuri x popular Fem!reader
summary: fluffy fic in which the reader sees Yuri while working at a coffee shop and intends to be closer friends with her.
word count: 2.1k
You stop in your tracks, turning to scan the tables around you for the source of the voice; it was kind of familiar, and your eyes fall on a customer that's a regular here at the coffee shop. A young man around your age, usually here with his friends but alone today.
You had been about to go make another coffee for a different customer, but you force a service smile onto your face and hurry over to his table. "Hello!" You wrack your brain for a second to bring a name to this man- it wasn't easy keeping track of so many different people, and not just at your job! You also tried to keep tabs on the majority of your peers from school, too. Fortunately, it clicks a moment later. "Hatsumi, was everything alright?" You ask, noting he's already finished his pastry and drink.
Hatsumi grins, clearly pleased you had remembered him. Customers tended to get really happy over little things like that... if only they knew you did this with all of them. It was no secret you were one of the favorites here at the little shop, consistently getting better tips than many of your coworkers. "It was great!" He answers you brightly.
You nod and inquire politely, "Would you like me to go ahead and bring the bill out now?"
A moment of hesitation, and then, "Oh- uh, yes, thanks." He seems a bit disappointed, but you don't have time to dwell on it right now, not with how busy today's rush hour is. The only good thing is you're hopefully going to be getting off in about a half hour.
You assure him you'll be right back and then flit off to the counter to ring up the items he'd ordered and print the bill. As you're doing so, you feel a tap on your shoulder.
Glancing up, you see your favorite coworker, a girl several years older than you. "Y/N," she begins, a bit of a pleading look in her eyes that means she's about to ask you for a favor.
Biting back a sigh, you push down whatever annoyance you have at being interrupted to look expectantly at her. "What's up?"
"Can we please switch tables really quickly?" She practically begs you.
Switching tables wasn't too terribly uncommon- sometimes when guests came in, the baristas would know them outside of work and might ask a coworker to deal with the order and anything else.
"Sure," you giggle, ever the people-pleaser. You had a reputation to keep, after all! You don't like to brag, but you do enjoy the fact that you have many different friends and are well-liked by just about everyone you know. "Who?"
She gives a hop of delight. "Can I take the bill to Hatsumi?"
You can't help but smirk mischievously. "Ohhhhh, I see."
She lightly smacks you on the arm, instantly blushing. "Nono, I just-"
You cut her off before she can defend herself, knowing the two of you don't really have the time to waste playing around. "It's no worries. And who's that order for?" You question as you point at the circular silver tray in her hands which is holding a cute polka-dotted cup of tea.
"Ah, this goes to table three, the girl with the purple hair."
You nod, exchanging the bill for the tray. You want to watch and see what will happen between your friend and Hatsumi, if anything, but when you look towards the designated table, already heading for it, you realize you recognize the girl sitting there.
You have no trouble recalling her name. One of the members of your Literature Club, Yuri...
You haven't actually been in the club all that long at all, maybe a week-ish, and you feel like you haven't had any time at all to get properly acquainted with Yuri. Part of you feels that it's a shame, because you get the sense she's a very interesting and sweet person beneath her quiet and distant shell. It's just hard when she's always reading, and even in the rare moments she's not, she doubts herself so much during conversations with you that it just ends up being a bit weird.
But not today! No, you're suddenly filled with a sense of determination to get closer to Yuri.
You consider playfully scaring her when you walk up, but ultimately decide against it; aside from being naturally timid anyway, she's also, as usual, reading, and doesn't seem aware of anything going on in the shop around her. So, yeah, best to use a more gentle approach.
"Hey, you," you say, putting all the friendliness in your voice as possible, stopping beside the table to greet her.
In spite of everything, Yuri still jumps a bit in her seat, violet gaze flashing up to you in alarm.
'So much for trying not to scare her,' you think unhappily. Pushing that thought away, you give her a reassuring smile. "Sorry, it's just me! Y/N. We're in the Literature Club together," you try to remind her, wondering with a pang of horror if she's actually forgotten who you are. That would be a first for you.
A second of silence, but at last Yuri's tense grip on her book loosens, and she glances down at it, avoiding making eye contact. "O-Oh, I'm sorry."
Another awkward beat of silence. This was what you meant!! It always went like this with Yuri, and you wished more than anything that you knew how to make her more comfortable around you. Hoping to carry the burden of saving this interaction, you laugh nervously, "It's no worries! But, you didn't forget me, did you?" As much as you're just trying to joke around, there really is a slight feeling of hurt that that may very well have been the case.
Yuri stiffens, quickly answering, "No, I- I didn't!" It's a rushed response, louder than you've ever heard her speak and yet still quieter than most people's normal speaking voice. As if embarrassed by her small outburst, she ducks her head to add quietly, "Uhm, that is- I just meant that... I wouldn't ever forget you, Y/N."
Oh. Talk about giving someone butterflies. You never knew what to expect with Yuri- sometimes she could never get her words out, but then other times she'd say something with such a deep meaning that it would catch you entirely off guard. What's odd though is you know for a fact how truly sincere she is; Yuri is the type of person that's much deeper than most people, and she wouldn't say something if she didn't really think or believe it.
"Thank you, Yuri," you say warmly, setting her tea down near her on the table. "Here you go! I like this kind, too." Truthfully, since you hadn't taken the order yourself or even made the drink, you weren't 100% sure what kind of tea this was, but you were willing to try anything to make Yuri more at ease. It also wasn't unheard of for you to make conversation with customers, even if it was busier than usual right now- for once though, you weren't aiming to make a good tip or secure a regular customer. You genuinely wanted to talk with her. "Hey, is that the same book you're reading at the club?" You question after catching a glimpse of the cover art.
She shakes her head, causing some of her bangs to fall into her face. Brushing them out of the way, she frowns and then nods. "W-Well, kind of. I finished that one yesterday... this is the sequel," she explains.
"It must be pretty good if you want to read the next part already," you comment. "What's it about?"
As predicted, Yuri noticeably perks up. "Oh, I think you would really enjoy it, Y/N. It's about-"
You flinch at the stern voice of your shift supervisor, who apparently hadn't realized Yuri was speaking when he cut her off.
You glance back to see him gesturing at you in clear annoyance, motioning to the line of guests waiting for their drinks to be made. You nod, signaling you'll be right over.
Focusing back on Yuri, you're unable to mask your disappointment. "I'm sorry, I've gotta get back to work. I'm supposed to be off in a little bit though."
Yuri seems to also be discouraged, apologizing for keeping you, even though you're the one who had intentionally kept the talk going. She bites her lip, and then, probably overtaken by a brief moment of courage, suggests, "When you get off, maybe then I could tell you about the books?"
You're stunned, but at the same time, this was precisely what you'd been hoping for! "Yes, sure! That sounds great. I'll see you then!" You chirp, hurrying away.
The last of your shift passes by rather quickly, and when it comes time to clock out, you actually have to tell your supervisor no, you can't stay another extra hour even if they are busy, because you have plans! Normally you would have, but not today.
You meet Yuri at the door and the two of you leave the coffee shop together. The sun is close to setting, but not quite there yet. "Thank you again, Yuri! I like spending time with you, I've just been a little busy lately," you say.
Yuri mumbles something you can't quite hear, but then adds more clearly, "I-I'm glad..."
"So," you begin, clasping your hands behind you and beaming at her. "About those books!"
That's all it takes for Yuri to dive into an explanation of the main plot points as the two of you walk side by side towards your home.
You're more than a bit tired from work and standing on your feet for so long, but it's nice to have company on the walk back, especially someone like Yuri. You hum and comment every so often, honestly thinking that they did sound like the sort of books you would enjoy. Full of fantasy and mystery and thrills... and of course, romance.
"So, the main character ditches his friend, who's been with him the whole time, for the new girl? And she's from the enemy's group?" You surmise.
Yuri hesitates. "I don't want to spoil anything for you if you're wanting to read them for yourself..."
"Such a tease," you sigh, pretending to be betrayed. "Oh, we're here- this is my house."
The two of you stop at the gate leading to the front yard of your home, and you're positive you aren't imagining the plaintive expression on Yuri's face. You didn't really want your time together to end either, but alas, you both have classes tomorrow.
"If- If you really would like, you can borrow the first book from me," offers Yuri. "And then... you'll see for yourself how it all goes."
You nod enthusiastically. "Yes, please! Thank you, that's really sweet of you! We can discuss it too after I'm finished reading it. I think I already know who my favorite character is going to be, though."
Yuri tilts her head curiously. "Who would that be?"
"Nope! It's a secret, for now." You pause, glancing up at the darkening sky. "Will you be okay walking home by yourself?"
Her violet eyes soften at your concern. "Yes, I don't live very far from here."
You find yourself unsure of how to say goodbye to Yuri, an uncertain quiet settling over the two of you, but she doesn't seem to find it awkward. "Okay, if you're sure. Do you mind giving me your phone number, though?"
She starts in surprise, a dusting of pink covering her cheeks. "U-Uhm- I- you-?"
"So you can text me when you get home," you quickly defend your reasoning, feeling a bit shy yourself at Yuri's reaction. She really was unique- most people tried to play it cool when asking for or giving numbers.
"R-Right," she stammers, reciting it off for you, and her phone buzzes at the quick text message you sent her so she would have your number.
"I'll see you tomorrow then, at the Literature Club," you finally say, already looking forward to it. "And don't forget to bring the book, please!"
Yuri steps back, her gaze on the ground but you still see her smile to herself. "Yes, I will. Bye, Y/N." She seems like she has something else she wants to say, but then she gives herself a shake and quickly turns away, her long hair twirling to follow her.
You watch her go until you can't see her anymore, partly due to wanting to make sure she was safe.
You couldn't help but admire her for her intelligence and beauty, even if she seemed to admire your social skills in return. Hopefully this was the start of a very deep relationship with Yuri.
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asmo-ds · 4 years
Hi I love your writing. May I request the brothers and undateables with an atheist mc? (the r/atheist kind, self-explanatory) I just feel like Luke and mc yelling at each other would be fun. ^^
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w/ Athiest!MC
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- What do they mean “is this a prank show?”
- When they refuse to believe it’s really him and that he’s never even spoken to god he whips out his demon form and looms over them
- “ohhhhh so I got sick and am having a fever dream” they mutter
- Tries so hard to convince them god is real, he’s just a douchebag
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- worried about their whole “this is a dream i can’t get hurt” attitude
- When he has had enough he whips out the bible and starts telling them everything in there and how it really happened
- “... that doesn’t prove anythi-””YES IT DOES, MC”
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- He just transforms and is like are you joking rn you’re literally in hell
- He gets so upset that they don’t think he’s real
- He summons Lotan and threatens to kill them if they don’t believe him
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- Understands why they would think god isn’t real due to all the science surrounding the world and it’s creation
- But when they refuse to accept it’s all real he loses his temper
- Comes close to just taking MC to see God secretly
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- The fact that they saw him and still didn’t believe in angels was so offensive to him
- Tells them about his stories of being the jewel of the celestial realm and when they roll their eyes he gets sassy
- He eventually just leaves it to his brothers to deal with their disbelief
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- He isn’t offended that they don’t believe him and his brothers aren’t real
- He’s more worried about putting the, near other demons who would kill them in the blink of an eye
- Protects MC when they sass demons thinking they aren’t real
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- After all they went through they still don’t believe god really kicked him out of heaven 
- ignored them until they believed god existed and so did he
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- Laughs it off and assumes they’ll understand eventually
- gets a little worried when they still refuse to believe in anything about their current environment
- Has to take them to meet god one of these days because if they keep up the whole “You guys can’t hurt me because you’re just human like me and I’m a blackbelt” attitude they’re gonna get eaten by someone
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- He is the only non-human who gets thru to MC because he calmly explains everything and shows them good proof
- Finds it a little amusing seeing their distraught expression as he had just debunked everything they believed in previously
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- He was too before he met his first demon so he gets it
- He gets through to them rather quick as well since he’s human as well
- They both have existential crises together sometimes
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- He’s seen it all before so he’s not surprised and calmly explains everything
-”Yea, okay buddy...” Oh no this human is gonna be trouble
- Keeps calm and introduces them to god at one point 
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Hey there! Could I please get a fred Weasley x reader where the reader is a Slytherin, but befriends everyone all the same, maybe with the trope of her being best friends w the twins and everyone trying to set her and Fred up bc there's so much tension? But they're terribly oblivious? I absolutely love this trope lmaoo. Thank you and have a wonderful day!✨❤️
This is cute-- How in the world do you guys come up with this adorable stuff omfg.
Warnings: Abuse, swearing, panic attacks, slight NSFW conversations, set in a non voldy world.
You were a strange one. A Slytherin with a Hufflepuff personality. Honestly anyone that knew you questioned if for once the sorting hat was wrong for the first time. You had friends EVERYWHERE. Fred and George had heard of you, people saying even Filch could find you enjoyable to be around. Once they heard that, oh boy, they had to meet you. Fred and George finally did by the lake one day. Fred was talking to George, noticing a few cracks from limbs in the tree they were standing under here and there. Finally they had an answer as to what was making it do that when they heard “OH SHIT” followed by “INCOMING!” followed by you falling right into Fred’s arms. “My bad, I was trying to get a bird back in its nest.” You apologized, hopping down the the ground. Fred blinked a couple of times, looking at the tree and then you. “Uh... twig.” George said, pointing to his head to indicate you had a twig in your hair. “Hmm? Oh! thank you!” You realized. “Did... You just fall out of a tree?” Fred asked. “You’d be surprised on how much that happens. Oh are you those twins I’ve been hearing about?” You asked. “Probably. I’m Fred--” “That’s George, yep I know.” You nodded. “...Who are you?” George asked. ��Oh-- I’m Y/n!” You said. “Ohhhhh. See this is beginning to make sense now.” George nodded. Fred was just... Staring at you. It wasn’t a perplexed face of “What the fuck just happened”. It was more: “This girl is.. Pretty?” 
The twins started having more interactions with you. But there was the day you three became friends that neither of the boys will forget. Fred and George were sitting in the library. Reading? No. Napping? Yes. Well, until you slid into a seat. “Y/n?” Fred yawned. “Act. natural.” You said with this wild eyed look making George raise a brow. Then Draco ran in... With green hair. Fred was now awake and you were hiding your face in a book. “Have you seen Y/n!?” Draco growled. “No... But I see you decided to wear your Slytherin pride today.” George snorted. “You.” Draco growled. Then he noticed you laughing. He pulled down the book. “YOU!” He shouted. “Shit!” You gasped before Fred slid a chair in front of Draco, George bolting with you. You all hid in the one place Draco would never be caught dead in. The Gryffindor common room. You collapsed out of breath on the couch laughing with the boys. “What in the world made you do that?” George wheezed. “He decided to be a dick to my friend this morning. I got revenge. Tomorrow I’m thinking blue. He’s been giving Ravenclaw trouble lately.” You laughed making Fred snort. “Your idea is amazing, might I suggest we rig an exploding ink pen?” George said. “With silver ink, because red just seems to clash with that boy’s eyes.” You said making the boys laugh harder. “Oh I think we’re going to enjoy having you around, won’t we Freddie boy?” George asked. “Indeed Georgie. Indeed.” Fred chuckled.
So the mischievous three were introduced to the world. You had this policy though: Only prank the assholes. So that automatically meant a lot of kids from Slytherin. With each prank you got closer to the boys. Specifically Fred. Something about him just drew you in, like a moth to a flame. George wasn’t stupid either, he could see the looks you two would give each other. When you all entered your fourth year, you had started helping out with their little underground business. You spent the first two weeks of summer that year at home but actually ended up staying with the Weasleys’. You seemed... A little off though. Fred and George both noticed you begin to space out at times, giving off almost this sad look. Whenever they’d talk to you though, you looked at them like you normally would. Something was wrong. They could feel it. It wasn’t until they met your father at the station they realized what was going on. He seemed to snap at you a lot, making you go completely silent. To anyone that didn’t know you this was a normal response. To the boys though, you always had something to say. If you were quiet, this was because you were afraid. Not disciplined. You sat on the train in complete silence. Neither of the boys were sure if they should ask you about your dad. You focused on the rain drops on the window. “I’ve always liked the rain. What about you guys?” You finally asked. “Makes me tired as shit.” George said making you crack a smile. “Heard one of Harry’s uncles is teaching this year.” Fred said. “I think I remembered him mentioning that. The Remus guy?” You asked. “He’s standing in while Quirrell is away.” George nodded. “As long as it isn’t like last year’s substitute.” You groaned. “Fucking Gilderoy.” All of you said in unison making each other laugh. “I swear a simple breeze makes Quirrell catch something.” George sighed. “He does end up getting sick a lot. Remember when he got chicken pox?” You asked. “You would’ve thought the bastard was dying.” Fred nodded. ”He has the immune system of an infant, I swear.” you laughed. 
You all sat around in the Great Hall, you catching a glimpse of who the new substitute professor was. He had a scar on his face and it reminded you of something. You just couldn’t figure out what. Eventually though, you came to like the way Remus taught. He had a sense of humor. Not that Quirrell didn’t it was just very awkward when he did finally crack a damn joke. Remus rose a brow when he saw your first and last name on the roll call. “Miss Y/n, is your mother perhaps Persephone L/n?” Remus asked. Fred rose a brow. “She was sir.” you said, making George look up. “Was?” Remus asked. “She passed on when I was eight sir. Why, did you know her?” you asked, earning a couple of students to glance at your response. “I did. Very kind woman. Who did she marry?” Remus asked. “Cassian Lestrange sir.” You responded, making everyone now halt. “...I see.” Remus nodded. “Something wrong?” You asked. “No offense.. I truly mean none. But I genuinely cannot see Cassian as a father.” Remus admitted. You nodded looking down. “He’s... An interesting man.” You muttered, your look distant and pained. Remus noticed, but changed the subject. Fred looked back at his desk. He had no idea about any of this, much less a distant relation to Draco. Judging by your reaction to the questions though, Fred decided it was best to leave it be. You enjoyed Remus’ class, him noticing a few similarities to your mother as you interacted with other students. You always had a smile on your face when you spoke to others. But the one thing he always noticed was the looks that you and Fred would share. George usually paired up with a girl but Fred ALWAYS paired up with you. You two worked well together. It almost reminded him of two other people he knew... Today though, wasn’t the best of days. It was time to practice Boggarts. You already knew what yours was, but you weren’t ready to exactly displayed to the class. You however walked forward and did it anyways, holding your breath as the Boggart began to shift. Finally it did.
Into your father. You opened your mouth to say a spell but nothing came out, your hands shaking as it inched forward. Fred looked at you and then the boggart, quickly pulling you back with one arm and shouting “riddikulus”. You couldn’t still your breathing and it only seemed to be getting worse. “Y/n? Look at me.” Fred said, ignoring the students watching you. Remus locked the closet and you hyperventilated. “Class dismissed.” Remus said, shuffling the other students out. “I-I can’t-- b-breathe.” you whimpered. George ran over and you gripped your head. “Y/n. I’m right here Love, follow my breathing.” Fred said softly. You followed his movements. “What’s your favorite book?” George asked making Remus raise a brow. “S-sense and Sensibility.” You answered, still regulating your breathing. “Personally I’m more of a short story man, what about you Freddie?” George asked. “Not big on reading. More of a napping fellow.” Fred answered. You let out a small laugh and straightened your posture. “What’s your favorite class?” Fred asked. “P-probably this one.. with the exception of t-today.” you answered. Remus reached into his drawer and handed you chocolate and a bottled water. “Thank you professor.” You muttered. You sat down and sighed. “Y/n... I hate to ask this, truly I do. But is there anything going on at home?” Remus asked. You didn’t say anything. “I... Don’t want to answer that question.” You finally said. Fred frowned and George exchanged a look. “Boys, do you mind leaving us for a few moments?” Remus asked. Fred kneeled to you, looking at your face. “I’ll be outside if you need me. Okay?” He asked. You nodded and he got up, leaving with George.
The door closed and Fred let out a long sigh. “I am going to kill her father, want to help?” Fred said. “Hand me a shovel.” George said simply. “Why didn’t she say anything?” Fred asked. “She doesn’t even want to talk to Lupin Fred. You saw her face, she most likely didn’t want to remember.” George said. Fred looked at the door and sighed. “We can’t let her go home George. Not this summer.” Fred said. “I’m with you.” George agreed. The two boys became a bit more protective over you. But they found it so strange that you still kept the happy go lucky personality despite going through all of this. Then Fred found you one night in the astronomy tower with a blanket. You were propped up against one of the stone arch’s and looking at the night sky. “Y/n?” Fred asked. You looked over at him. “Hey Fred.” You said with that smile. He sat across from you. “What brings you up here?” Fred asked. “Insomnia. And cookies.” You said. “Cookies?” Fred asked. You scooched closer to him, pushing a tin of cookies to him. He took one and you sighed looking at the stars. “Can I ask you something?” He said. “Sure.” You nodded. “What keeps that smile on your face all the time?” He asked. You let out a long breath, thinking over a detailed answer. “Lots of reasons. I have two kickass best friends that will fight for me no matter what, I have really cool teachers, I have friends who are like family.” you answered. “But... I keep that smile because some times someone just needs to see the good in the world. I won’t lie to you. My life is much darker than I think you accounted for. But if my smile provides someone else some light then damn it I’ll keep this up.” You said. Fred looked at you surprised. “Y/n...” He muttered. You looked at Fred and he said nothing, pulling you into his arms. You slowly hugged him back and he sighed. “I swear if anyone tries anything with you again, I will personally send them to their grave.” Fred said making you laugh. “I’m serious!” Fred said, not being able to keep a straight face seeing your smile. “Shut up and take a cookie.” You laughed. 
You two were found passed out the next morning my Luna. You were in Fred’s arms and he was holding you close. You two never brought it up, despite the fact that both of you were blushing like crazy when you woke up. It was now CRYSTAL fucking clear how Fred felt about you to George after witnessing a snowball fight between you two that resulted in Fred tickling your sides and making you laugh during a Hogsmeade trip. You smiled in his arms, faces inches apart. If Fred and George’s jackass brother hadn’t gotten into a fight with Draco, George was 95% sure you two would’ve kissed. 
You seemed distracted by something else though, and that was your professor. The scar on his face- why did it look familiar? And why was Remus going to Snape for a secret potion? You noticed that he was pretty secretive about his personal life and Harry never answered the question of where the mark came from. You took what you like to call “The Granger Approach.” Which was basically reading until you had a reliable answer. Fred sat with you the entire time, napping or talking to George while you read. Both boys were passed out by the time you found an answer. “Oh... Shit.” you realized, making Fred open an eye. “Find what you’re looking for?” George yawned. “...Yeah and I think Remus is going to be absent tomorrow.” You said looking at the full moon through the large glass windows. “Why’s that?” Fred asked. “He’s a werewolf.” You said in a whisper. Both boys looked at you with a “You can’t be serious” expression. “What makes you say that?” Fred asked. “Ron said something. Harry’s class saw his boggart. It was the moon.” You said. George blinked. “If our little brother is your proof that’s not exactly reliable.” George said. “How do you explain the potions he gets from Snape, or the scar on his face, or the fact that he was leaving campus this afternoon?” You asked. “He was?” Fred asked. “He was sneaking around but I noticed him.” You shrugged. “Alright. Say he doesn’t show up tomorrow. Who fills in for a substitute?” George asked. “Probably Snape.” you grumbled. “You’re a Slytherin and you don’t like Snape? My God you really are a strange one.” Fred teased making you smile. George rolled his eyes. “Do we ask him about this?” George asked. “No. We leave this alone unless Remus needs help.” you said. “How in the hell were you not sorted into Hufflepuff? Like honestly?” Fred asked. “I have no idea. Luna says its never wrong though.” You shrugged. 
Sure enough, Remus didn’t show up and Snape took over class that day. Fred, George and you all exchanged knowing glances but overall didn’t say anything. The school year finally came to a close and you were honestly sad to see Remus go. The crazy thing was: That day when you explained your boggart to Remus, he told you that his door was open to you if you needed to leave home. You declined but Fred was hellbent on you staying with them for the summer. He hated the idea of you being potentially in harm’s way. This offer you accepted. You showed up, bags in hand with that same beautiful smile. Molly was of course excited to see you and you were happy to be there. The Burrow honestly felt like home. You and Fred had so many moments though that made the whole family go “Dude. Kiss already. PLEASE.” Specifically when you saw a spider and screamed, practically climbing up Fred while he killed the damn thing. “You managed to go into the forbidden forest alone and came back unscathed but a small spider scares you?” Fred asked, your legs having a death grip around his torso. “THEY ARE FUCKING CREEPY FRED!” You whined. “It’s smaller than you!” He laughed, holding you up. “SO IS A GRENADE!” you whined. You hopped down and eyed the dead spider. “Afraid it’ll crawl--” “FRED IT HAD BABIES!” You screamed, climbing right back up him, more directed to his face. “Oh for Christ’s sake--” He said, enchanting a broom to sweep them out. “You’re a Slytherin. All of  you have creepy creatures for pets and you are terrified of..” “Fred faced you as you were linked to his side, inches away from him. You looked in his eyes, almost as if you were looking for something, swallowing hard. “What the hell happened here?” Ron asked, seeing the two of you. “I saw a spider.” “OH GOD WHERE--”
George was tired of this tension. Yes, it was cute to see his brother head over heels. But my GOD WERE YOU FUCKING DENSE. BOTH OF YOU. How could you two have so many OBVIOUS moments that would make people who barely knew you go “Oh so they like each other” But you two still be clueless to the other’s intentions. You two also talked endlessly to George and Ginny. Both of them would sit there listening wanting to say something, but kept their oaths of silence. This year things were bound to change though. You see: this year was a Triwizard tournament. Other schools were coming to this shindig. And a boy from Durmstrang seemed awfully fixated on you. You were friendly, inviting him to sit and Fred would just be internally screaming the whole time watching you. The Durmstrang boy would do things that literally made Fred’s eye fucking twitch: playing with your hair, complimenting your smile, constantly looking at you. You were oblivious to this being flirty though, unaware of the boy’s crush on you. Finally one day Fred had to talk to you about it. He could not stand watching this little fucker with you. “You should talk to her Fred. Tell her how you feel.” George said. “And if she doesn’t feel the same way?” Fred asked. George practically slammed his head down onto the table in frustration, releasing a long groan. “JUST. ASK. HER.” George whined, making Fred jump. “Good God man, what’s gotten into you!?” Fred asked. “NOTHING FRED. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.” George groaned, getting up and making Ginny nearly die of silent laughter. 
You were in the library, grabbing a few books for a herbology project when Fred popped up, scaring the shit out of you. “Christ! Say something when you’re behind me!” You breathed. “Sorry! Sorry.” Fred apologized. “What do you need?” You asked curiously. “What’s going on with you and that Durmstrang kid?” Fred asked. “What do you mean?” you asked, moving down the aisle, looking for a specific book. “Do you like him?” Fred asked. “He’s cool.” You shrugged. “Not like that Y/n.” Fred huffed. “Like what?” You asked. “Romantically. Do you like him romantically?” Fred asked. “Wha-- no!” You gagged. Fred felt a wave of relief wash over him. “Why did you want to know?” You asked. “It’s just... He acts like he likes you. That’s all.” Fred said. You stopped and turned around, a questioning squint on your face. “Would it have bothered you if I did?” You asked. “Yes.” Fred answered, no hesitation in his words. “Why?” you asked. Fuck. Fred did not think this through. “It just would’ve.” Fred said. “Again, why would this have bothered you?” You asked. “No particular reason!” He lied. “Answer the god damn question before I ask out Luka out of spite!” You snapped. “You do that and I ask Angela out!” He said back. You glared. “Oh that bothers you!?” Fred noticed the expression. “Yes it bothers me!” You said. “Why!?” Fred asked. “I asked you first, you dolt!” You said. Both of you were quickly becoming aggravated, glaring at each other. Fred couldn’t take it anymore and slammed his lips onto yours, resulting in you dropping the book in your hands and cupping his cheeks. You two eventually pulled away for this stupid thing called air and you let out a small laugh. “Well shit Fred, if you would’ve just started with that I wouldn’t have had to ask.” You laughed. He smiled, his hands around your waist. “You’re lucky we’re in public or else I would’ve done a lot more than that Princess.” Fred said in your ear. You looked at him with a smirk “If I knew making you jealous would make you act like this, my God I would’ve made friends with this kid ages ago.” You laughed. “Oh bite your tongue.” He chuckled. “Hmm, I’m thinking I leave that to you.” you teased. He shook his head, kissing you again. 
George caught you two and he actually screamed “HALLEFUCKINGLUJAH” at the top of his lungs, making both of you jump. You three ended up in detention (you and Fred were in trouble for the book mess), George telling you two how the past few months were absolute hell. “I have been watching you two jackasses, trying to get you to DATE since LAST JANUARY. IT’S OCTOBER.” George complained. “It wasn’t that bad!” You laughed. “Not that bad-- NOT THAT BAD!? FRED TALKS MY GOD DAMN EAR OFF ABOUT YOU AT NIGHT-- I DON’T SLEEP” George whined. “Has he now?” You asked, smirking at Fred who was smiling. “You’re always on the bastard’s mind! And I have to listen to Ginny complain to me with the same issue-- ‘Y/n was talking about Fred again to Hermione. Something about if given the chance she’d definitely shag him’.” George quoted making you choke on air and cough as Fred looked at you with an amused smirk.  “Would you now?” Fred asked. You rolled your eyes “What was it you said to me a few hours ago-- ‘You’re lucky we’re in public or else--’” “I remember what I said Darling, I just wanted to know where your mind was.” Fred teased. “Oh you know exactly what I’m thinking you little shit.” You griped making him snort. “Oh God Mcgonagall better come back soon, I’m locked in a room with two randy jackasses.” George prayed aloud. “Relax we’re not going to shag.” Fred said. “Thank god.” George sighed. “That’s not until three.” Fred yawned making you snort and George slammed his head on his desk. “DRINK HOLY WATER YOU UNGODLY SINNERS” 
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artemisfowlcodex · 4 years
My sister’s directly transcribed notes, taken while watching the Artemis Fowl movie...
(Absolutely no editing for grammar has been done, this is raw reaction)
 THis is a better start to Percy Jackson than the actual Percy Jackson movie There’s no way he’d choose the name Bruce Okay but the accents cute
 And this scene is accurate  Basard boy Absolute baby unlimited
 Bold of you to think he could lift a backpack SKATEBOARD?????????????? JEANS??????????????????
 At home w his dad yeah as if he was a good dude from the start what He taught him bout fair folk????
 PLEASE stop putting my boy in JEANS JEAAAANNNSS baby boy has a cute as hell nose
 Arty count #1
 sidenote pls don’t call him Artemis jr it’s senior and Artemis that’s it 
What is even happening hmmm
why would you kill the person trying to put him in jeans 
The manor is cute as hell tho
LEGO??? Omg robotics
Yeah that sounds about right Hey why aren’t his pjs silk And WHERE IS BUTLER
baby drink MILK 
Bold of you to assume Artemis didn’t know his dad was a crime lord
Owl star?? Bruh
 DOM PLS GOD WHY  Never call him butler pfft  Oh my god why is the plot now that the folk have kidnapped him????  WHAT ACULOUS?
 “Word for word”  This boy would and then DOESNT 
 Arty count #2  WHY IS HE STILL IN JEANS how tf is this so different to the book you had 20 YEARS to get it
I vibe w haven tho  Nother sidenote why are mulch’s teef so nice don’t like that
 Hollys suit is kinda cute tho Helmet sucks tbh  I AM VIBIN W HAVEN  Why is mulch a beeg boye  WHY ARE GOBLINS HARRY POTTER SHIT UGLY INSTEAD OF REPTILES  Yep helmets SUCK  Okay yeah this is a cute holly  Fjsjfjsjfjfnsjfj yeah that’s their whole dynamic  Why tf is he going to howlers peak
 hmm okay yeah dench good commander bad root HWAT THE HECK IS THEB ACULLUS the hats are SO BAD  BEEG eyes holly Holly looking for her dad too oh no I smell the bonding already  I wannaaaaa seeeeeeee TROUBLE and chix lol
 ohhhh yeah CUDGEON  so it IS opal
 Wings good IS she shielded??
Yeah this scene right  Fangs aren’t big enough  Too human face hm
 GOOD FOALY THO  THEYRE REALLY USING CENTAUR TO FULL POTENTIAL  THATS NOT HOW TIME STOPS WORK  they’re literally explained in the book how th ehh work what the heckidy heck
 Arty count #3
 It IS opal  Thats  That’s not how coords work
 STOP CALLING HIM DOM  keep ur helmet on queen
 DOM FOR GODS SAKE  I’ll give her a pass tho bc it’s Jules
 SWORD????  Please give me butler beating up retrieval PLEASE I NEED IT
 is it just a Thing™️ to have Dench stare dead into the camera now? First Cats and now this  TOP O THE MORNIN
 J E A N S  HAHA SUIT!!!! SUIIIT AT LONG LAST  Scared to dead hell yeah
god please tell me opal doesn’t actually sound like that and it’s a disguise
 Heheheheh baby boy looks ten  Do Root and I share a bday?  Was that Frond?  STOP calling him jr he’s the SECOND
Mulch I will feed u ur weirdly nice teef  YES FIRE  But also uhhhhh WHERES MY REPTILE REP  YES BUT THAT SCENES FROM LATER BOOKS
 Oh yeah julius can’t be Julius bc woman  BOWIE A FOLK DJDHFJKS  Damn mulchs eyeliner going off doe  LET HIM UNHINGE HIS JAW! WEIRD DWARF RIGHTS!  Throat INFECTIONGNDJSJFJSJK  Hey quick observation I’m surprised there are NO fart jokes seeing as the book was FILLED w them  YESSSSSS UNHINGEDDDDDD THATS MY BOY!!!! YESSSS UNHINGED RIGHTS 
hacker voice: I’m in Burps??? Wack “Switching to xray and then Does Not”  
 Oh it’s acorn shaped of COURSE it is  But WHAT is it  IM SORRY W H A T Is the time stop doing??
 CUDGEON YES  OH SICK TROLL TIME TROLL TIME  Darvit wheeeee there it is
 If you like doubled butlers height this would be fine bc I like the taller holly and mulch  2.97 seconds to eat humans fjsjfjsjjf JFJSNFJSJFJ MULCH STEALING THE GUN FROM BUTLER 
 They’re using the troll as a battering ram im crying that’s so dumb  Magic jammers? That’s a thing?  YEET JULIET BEST GIRL  YES MULCH UNHINGED RIGHTS!!  DOM COUNT DOM COUNT  Hmm yeah soundtrack nothing to write home about  DOM COUNT
 I vibe w neutrino design  OH DOM COUNT DOM count DOm count pls stopppppp Whyd you a) move him and b) sit him up  BUDDY????  hey ur not meant to die til book three
 Oh yeah he runs like he’s never learnt how  Like he’d willingly call someone a friend before book four  Wow yeah that’s defs arctic incident 
 Fjshfjsjjfjdjfjfhfhdhfhdhghh I know it didn’t fail but WHAT IF IT DID  “Dad” wow please go back to calling him Father
 I’ll be real I didn’t view holly as a child actor the whole time lol she’s good  And white ,,, but that’s a different issue
And that is the total transcript, in near-unreadable format. 
God help us all.
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mxliv-oftheendless · 4 years
Writer’s Month Prompts Day 4
Day 4: Magic
So I, uh... MAY have had a little too much fun writing this one XD hope you guys enjoy! Thanks @tanookiroxx for this awesome request!
Husani, Ahmed, Sami, Omar, and Makalani were five teenage boys who weren’t known for polite and respectful natures. Rather, they were known for obnoxious, loud behavior, blatant, almost childish disrespect for authority, and their tendency to harass people, especially girls. They belonged in a place like Anarkia rather than Sphynxia, many were known to say.
All of that changed, however, one fateful night. The five boys were seen running screaming out of an abandoned building, frightened out of their minds. And afterwards, they never again were seen harassing another girl again. What exactly happened to them, no one ever found out; whenever the boys were questioned, they would blanch with fright, their eyes would dart around, and they would refuse to say anything.
And although people dropped it eventually, some still wondered: what exactly happened to the five troublemaking boys that fateful night?
                             EARLIER THAT NIGHT
“No, if I were to do it with anyone, it would be Miriam,”
“Ah, you’re right. Miriam is beautiful.”
“Those curves…”
“I bet she likes it rough,”
“No—you like it rough, Sami. You just won’t admit it.”
“Shut up, Ahmed.”
“Help! Somebody please help me!”
The group of five boys turned around and saw a girl about their age frantically running towards them. She had a dark pink headscarf over her head, dark skin, and dark eyes there were at the moment full of terror. She dashed towards them and grabbed Husani’s arm pleadingly. “Please, you have to help me!”
Never one to pass up a chance at a pretty girl, Husani gave her his signature lopsided grin. “What’s the matter, little lady?”
“M-My brother, we—we were looking around this old abandoned building and it was dark so we couldn’t see anything, and—and something came out of the shadows and attacked him! You have to help me! Please,” she looked at him with wide eyes. “You all seem like you wouldn’t be scared, but I am… I don’t want to go back there alone…”
Husani glanced back at his friends, then grinned at her. “Sure. We’ll help you. Where’s this abandoned building?”
The girl looked like she could have cried from relief. “Oh, thank you, thank you! It’s this way, just follow me.”
As they followed the girl down the street, Omar nudged Husani. “Why are we helping this girl?” he whispered.
“Yeah, I thought we were going to go to a hookah lounge,” Ahmed agreed.
“We are. But we can help her first. I bet her brother was just pranking her and she thinks it’s real.” Husani spared a glance at the girl to make sure she wasn’t listening. “Besides, you saw her. If we help her, we’ll have a better chance of getting a piece.”
Understanding dawned on his friends’ faces. “Ohhhhh, I see,”
“Good plan,”
“Yeah, great plan, Husani,”
“Shut up, Ahmed, I know it’s a great plan,”
The sun was just above the horizon as the group approached an abandoned, dilapidated building. “This is it,” said the girl. She twisted the end of her scarf in her hands. “Oh, I hope he’s okay. Baba’s going to be so worried if I don’t come home with him.”
Makalani eyed the building warily. “Why were you in there?”
“My brother wanted to see what was inside. We’ve never been in this part of Xois before.”
Sami and Ahmed looked unpersuaded. “Guys, maybe we shouldn’t go in there…” Sami began. “I’ve got a bad feeling…”
The girl’s face fell. “You mean you won’t help me?” Her bottom lip quivered. “B-But he could be in trouble!”
“Of course we’ll help you, baby,” Husani said to her. “Don’t be stupid,” he turned to glare at Sami and Ahmed. “Just lead the way inside. We’re right behind you.”
The despair was thankfully replaced by relief. “Good. Follow me.” The girl turned and ran inside the building.
“Hey, not so fast!” Omar called as they ran to catch up with her. “Wait for us!”
They ran inside, and were forced to stop soon after. The building was almost pitch-black, and the girl was nowhere in sight. “Where did she go?” Makalani asked aloud.
From where she had hidden herself in the deep shadows, Ayesha smirked and spoke. “I’m right here,”
She waved her hand, and the door slammed shut, plunging the large room into complete darkness.
“What the fuck?!” Omar shouted.
Sami suddenly jumped. “Something touched me!”
“C-C’mon, baby, this isn’t funny,” Husani called out, trying to keep the waver out of his voice. “J-Just come on out so we can find your brother and get out of here.”
“Find me?” The boys jumped at the sudden male voice. “But you don’t even know what I look like.”
“It’s true,” came the girl’s voice from out of the darkness, sounding nothing like the frightened girl that had come running up to them. “Why don’t we let them get a good look at you?”
There was a sudden flash of red light, and the boys jumped back in fear when they saw a face emerge; it was that of a young man, older than them, with shaggy black hair, horns, olive skin, dark eyes, and an evil grin. Then they were plunged into darkness again.
“What was that?” Ahmed asked fearfully.
“Shut up, Ahmed!” Sami hissed.
“Why, my brother, of course,” the girl’s voice echoed. “Didn’t you see the family resemblance?”
“D-Don’t freak out, guys,” Husani insisted. “If we can’t see them, they can’t see us,”
The man’s voice laughed. “There’s where you’re wrong,”
A flash of blue light, and the man’s face appeared again; this time he looked at them with the whites of his eyes, and his mouth was open and a freakishly long tongue was protruding, along with sharp fangs that were dripping blood. Then blackness.
“Alright, listen,” Husani shouted. “If you think we’re scared, you’re wrong. Because we’re not!”
“I am,” Ahmed whimpered.
“Shut up, Ahmed!” the other four boys snapped in unison.
“Oh, don’t say that,” the girl’s voice said aloud. It sounded almost mocking. “He’s right to be scared. And soon, all of you will be just as scared as he is.”
“O-Oh yeah?” Makalani challenged. “Aren’t you scared someone’ll hear us screaming for help?”
“Mmm… not really,” the girl’s voice replied, bouncing off the walls and crashing into their ears. “Not when they can’t even hear you.”
“Yeah, they can!” To prove his point, Ahmed began to shout. “HELP! HELP!”
“Oh, shut up,” came the man’s voice.
Another flash of light, this time green, and the young man appeared again, raising clawed hands dripping blood in the air with a bloodthirsty look on his face. He looked to be lunging toward them, making the boys jump back.
“Like she said,” the man’s voice said once everything had gone black again. “No one outside this building can hear you.”
“Not when I—” a flash of gold light, and this time the girl flashed in front of them, exposing to them a horrifying face streaked with blood open in a silent scream, “—put a soundproofing spell around the building.” Another flash of pink light, revealing her smiling wickedly. “So no one can hear you scream.”
The girl’s voice began to laugh, and the young man’s chuckle joined it. The laughter grew louder, until the boys were surrounded on all sides by loud, evil laughter.
“W-What do you want from us?” Husani asked aloud, not even bothering to hide the fright in his voice.
The voices fell silent. “What do we want?” the girl’s voice repeated.
“We’ll do whatever you want, please!” Omar begged. “Just please don’t hurt us!”
“Awww, we got one of them begging,” the man’s voice laughed. “Adorable,”
“You’re scared, aren’t you?” the girl’s voice sounded cruelly amused. When there was no response, there was a flash of green light, flashing before their eyes the girl’s face, twisted in a dark scowl. “Aren’t you?”
“Okay, we’re scared!” Husani shrieked. “There, we said it!”
A hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder, making him scream, and whirled him around. There was nothing in front of him except eyes that seemed to be burning flames. “I bet you felt soooo powerful preying on those girls,” the girl’s voice hissed. “Didn’t you?”
“Th-That’s what this is about??! We were just having a little fun—!”
“Shut up!” Husani fell silent. The voice continued, letting go of his shoulder and slinking into the shadows. “Do you remember Fatima?”
“Th-That girl who was in th-the Order or something?” Omar whimpered out.
“Oh good, one of you isn’t as dense as we thought you’d be,” the male voice said scornfully.
“Anyone else, I could possibly forgive,” the girl’s voice said, and the boys began to tremble in fear when they heard the anger. “But Fatima… She is far too important for me to ever consider forgiving you. And for your transgressions, you are going to pay.”
“W-What are you gonna do to us?” Husani asked fearfully.
A flash of purple light, and the girl’s smirking face appeared, and it was in the purple light that they noticed the large book in her hands. “You’ll see, baby.”
“Are you gonna kill us?” Sami whimpered.
“Are you gonna sacrifice us?” Ahmed asked.
“Of course we’re not going to kill you,” the girl’s voice scoffed. “Or sacrifice you. Don’t be so dramatic.”
“But you are going to be punished,” the man’s voice continued. “And it’s not going to be pretty…” he began to laugh.
Alongside the laughter, the girl’s voice suddenly began to chant in an ancient language, and although the boys couldn’t understand the words it made the already-standing hairs on their necks and arms stand even taller. Orange flames suddenly burst out, and within the flames they saw the silhouette of the girl, and her mouth moving as she read from the book.
Her voice reached a crescendo, and the flames expanded around her, lighting up the room. The boys saw the man’s gleeful face come from out of the shadows. Then the flames suddenly dispersed, plunging the room into darkness once again.
Silence. And then the door slowly creaked open. “Run, little boys,” the girl’s voice sang. “Run, run away.”
The group of five boys screamed aloud and took off, fleeing out the door into the night as fast as their legs could carry them, followed the entire time by the sound of laughter.
As soon as they were gone, there was the sound of snapping fingers, and the room suddenly brightened, with the help of lanterns set up in the corners.
“You know,” Nikolai laughed as Ayesha tossed him a rag to clean off his face, “when you came to me and asked if I would help you with this little scheme, I gotta be honest; I didn’t think it would work.”
“I told you, I’ve been planning this for weeks.”
Nikolai grinned at Ayesha. “I know; I’m pleased it did work.”
“Did you see their faces?” Ayesha giggled as she wiped the fake blood off her own face. “They looked like the Gods themselves were punishing them.”
“Or Father,”
“True, or Baba.” Ayesha went to set down the spell book. “Come on, let’s leave before Aiutu and Baba start wondering why we haven’t come home yet.”
As they cleaned up the building, sweeping up the residue from the multicolored explosives they had periodically thrown on the ground, Nikolai spoke again. “By the way, what was the spell you just read off?”
“Oh, it’s more of a curse,” Ayesha replied as she gathered her things together. “You have to say exactly what the victim’s done while you’re saying it.”
“So what’s going to happen to them after this?”
Ayesha grinned as she put on her dark pink head scarf. “Whenever they so much as think about hitting on another girl, or harassing her like they harassed Fatima, the girl is going to be replaced by the ugliest, most horrifying, most disgusting thing their minds can possibly think of.”
Nikolai blinked at her incredulously. Then he grinned widely. “All that just to avenge your friend? I think you’re the devil child here, not me.”
“Thank you,” Ayesha giggled. She went over and picked up one of the lanterns. “Come on, let’s go.”
The older demon went over to pick up the other lantern, grabbed his things, and joined Ayesha. And together, the two siblings left the building, still laughing over their little stunt.
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jaces-archivist · 5 years
The Perfect Date
Servis and Koil first appeared here, in a fic that was never meant to be expanded upon lol
This is like 50% Megumi event fic and 50% shipping my two ocs hope that’s okay @bace-jeleren ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Servis had never been happier in his life. Even after almost a decade married to Koil he could hardly believe that such a good, wonderful man had agreed to spend his life with him, and what a life it was. Before long after the War of the Spark he’d broken down and gone back to find the stranger who’d saved his life. It took a week before he broke again, telling him how they had actually first met. Servis kept finding new ways to break the rules for his husband’s sake, for the better. They’d even had a public Selesnya wedding, half the guests disguised as servers until the last minute. A Dimir assassin’s life was never straightforward, and he never tired of it.
Koil couldn’t stop grinning. This perfect moment was like a microcosm of all the good he’d worked for in the last years. Right now he was riding Happy Jr. down the Transguild Promenade. He’d brought the now-adult wolf into the world with his own hands, the continuing legacy of a wolf that had served him faithfully for decades. He’d risen in the ranks of the Ledev, and now both proudly wore gold lieutenant’s embellishments on their casual uniforms. Servis was in his arms, the stranger who had bafflingly approached him weeks after the War of the Spark, saying that they’d met before, that they’d fought together. Oh how glad he was that he had humored him. Years had passed with the delightful, tricky Dimir man, and he never tired of finding new ways to delight him more.
Koil had planned out the whole day. First they’d tried the new “bowling” establishment, then they spent time in the park, and now they were riding Happy Jr. to reservations at their favorite restaurant, a little Golgari place on the Promenade…
Happy Jr. stopped as both riders checked out the commotion far down the street. There appeared to be a grey cyclops rampaging. Koil silently hoped everyone got out of the matter safe. Servis silently hoped it didn’t ruin their date. Koil’s adorable need to help everyone didn’t help their chances. Curiously, a human-looking figure was going toe-to-toe with the cyclops. Presumably the authorities would have heard of the incident, but their robes didn’t seem to be Azorius or Boros, and their Orzhov colors were distinctly un-Orzhov patterned. A small figure popped out of the fighting and flew down the street – literally, straight up and sideways at head height. A young mage, probably, hopefully propelling themself to safety. Suddenly, the cyclops picked up the human and slammed her into the ground. She didn’t get up. Now Koil had stirred Happy forward to help them, nearly colliding with the child.
“Mister! Mister, help! You’re a soldier, right? Slesnee-any or something? Please, she’s going to kill me!” Happy Jr.’s claws scrabbled at cobblestones to turn around, as the cyclops roared and charged at the pair. The child kept flying without apparent effort, babbling at Koil, who had difficulty following through his pulse roaring in his ears. Fear magic, perhaps. The child didn’t seem to be doing anything, and who’d ever heard of a cyclops mage? How on earth was he feeling the effects from so far away, with the plaza cleared out from the fight?
Servis had obligingly curled up under Koil as he rode forward to intervene, and now he groaned and slapped his forehead. The child, just look at her! Maybe she could get away with claiming the Simic gave her rabbit ears, but solid black eyes? Innate levitation? And any Ravnican three-year-old can say “Selesnya”. The girl was obviously a planeswalker. The cyclops probably was, too. They were never going to get to the restaurant. His husband was just too good to say no to someone in trouble. Servis loved that about him, any other time.
“Fine.” He swung around and up, giving Koil room and deftly balancing on his favorite good girl’s back as she ran away from the grey cyclops. “Come on,” He told the young planeswalker. “Hi! My name’s Megumi. What’s- waaaah!” He snatched her by the leg, no room for argument, and pulled her down into his previous place. He could feel fear magic affecting him, even this far away, and it was probably going to mess up both Happy and Koil soon enough. That wouldn’t do.
Whoosh. Fog spilled out from Servis, slipping from any crack in his clothing it could find. By now though, the unbelievably athletic cyclops had already caught up with them, and Koil turned Happy Jr. to meet her. Her aura was terrifying up close. Koil nearly froze, but enough of his training kicked in in time to swing his small shield up, the thing denting like a tin can under the cyclop’s fist. Happy Jr. was bowled over and threw her riders from the impact. Koil barely held it together after that. She would have killed him. All to get after this little girl.
“No!” Wham, and the human from before was back, miraculously recovered. She didn’t appear to have a scratch, and now she was edged with a faint white-and-gold halo, tainted with black. She tried again to hit the cyclops, who barely looked fazed by the blow.
“How many times do I have to show you!? This little display is pathetic.” The cyclops turned around to engage the figure. Human? Angel? Spirit? Planeswalkers were a dime a dozen today, it seemed.
Koil indulged his impulse to run, get away, and signaled Happy Jr. Koil hauled the stunned girl onto the massive wolf and leaped up himself. The wolf again clawed for purchase down the cobblestones of the Promenade. Servis had somehow hung onto her, and her scrabbling turned into galloping as his fog surrounded the group riding her, enveloping them and slipping them out of view. He crafted it as dense and wide as he could, anything to protect his husband. That should stop her.
The cyclops had buried the other planeswalker in the street again, and turned to face where the pair riding the wolf had been. She squinted and searched.
“You can’t hide from me!” She pointed a clawed metal arm. K-Chang! Her hand detached and shot out, trailing a long chain behind it. So that’s what that it was for. It shot wide, missing Servis’s head by several feet, but the fact that she even knew their general direction was a bad sign. The claw buried itself into a nearby building, and ripped out a huge chunk of stone as she jerked it back, already running forward at that incredible pace.
Happy Jr. leaped right, then left, then right again, getting lost in the maze of side streets that makes up Ravnica. The cyclops roared past behind them on the Promenade. Koil eventually had Happy Jr. slow down. She gratefully sat and dumped her passengers into a side alley, then flopped onto her side, panting. Now Koil’s pulse roared from normal adrenaline. “W-what was that?”
“Grii.” The girl said. “She’s a planeswalker, like me, and she got here only a second after me and Sophi did. She hates me because of my parents and she’s been hunting me for so long and I don’t know what to do and, and…” The girl became more and more frantic as she told her normally well-practiced tale. Koil simply got down on one knee and embraced her as she cried, or tried to, her tears obviously spent long ago. She sniffled. “…I hope Sophi’s okay.”
“Koil.” Servis said. Koil looked up, still holding Megumi. “The cyclops, she can find us. That weird claw came close even though she couldn’t see us. Planeswalkers are completely unpredictable, and I don’t want to assume that whatever it is only works in short-range.” His fog was still flowing, pooling around his feet and out. It rose up and clung around the forms of the panting wolf and the three riders, spilling into the wider street. Neither was worried that anyone would find it odd. They had to notice it at all first.
All three felt their pulses quicken back up. Grii was gaining on them, and fast. Someone said, “Shit!”. Servis and Koil looked at each other, then at Megumi. Koil murmured, “language”, for the sake of it, then they all scrambled to get back on Happy Jr.
They made it out and turned just before Grii would have blocked the alley off. Sophi staggered after Grii in turn, showing lots of wear and tear for her trouble. On Happy Jr.’s back, Servis got ready.
During his early assassin days, he’d pretty much only been able to do his fog trick. That was technically still true, but when you’re skilled enough at a particular field of magic you can find many interesting uses for it. The wind caught him and he flew directly back into Grii’s face. He pulled his now-immaterial form in, around and in her. She grabbed and pulled at the wisps as she slammed sideways and began to choke. He could delay her, if he could concentrate long enough to
“That’s enough.” Lazav said. Servis was kneeling in supplication, panting and trembling. His superiors were disappointed. They’d wanted to test his loyalty. Again. He’d failed. Again. Everything was gone. Koil, Happy, Happy Jr., his position, their date, it was all just a wonderful dream, just as he’d always feared, deep down. Now they knew all about his weakness and they were going to fix him, cut out his love and turn
He was curled up on his side, cheek pressed to more dirty cobblestone. Grii was hundreds of feet away down the long street. Servis slowly got back up and wiped off tears. “Ohhhhh, you’re not gonna get away with that.” He looked up. The street was a dead end. Koil was leaning against the wall, clutching his side. Happy Jr. was also down, curled protectively around his feet and whining and growling up at Grii. Without missing a beat Servis pulled out his long knife and threw it without even looking. Special Dimir first-grade assassin equipment. It would hit. Servis was already running forward.
Koil tried to keep himself between Grii and Megumi, pointing his spear at her as he clutched his crushed ribs. Suddenly, there was a knife sticking out of her head. Servis’s knife. She barely even reacted to it, only jerked it out in a gush of blood and swiped at Servis. A huge portion of his body tore away in a puff of smoke, resolidifying as he rolled to a stop, unconscious and bleeding heavily. Grii took the opportunity to dart a hand forward, shoving Koil aside and slamming Megumi up onto the wall by the throat.
“Finally. Finally! All those bodies, all this suffering. Your parents, they took everything from me. I trained for my entire life to kill her, and they just took that away.” Koil tried to stab her and she slapped him to the ground without even taking her eyes away from Megumi’s face, gasping for air. “I wanted to take my revenge. But you! You evaded me at every turn. Every nobody across the multiverse ran to your side. I failed, again and again. I failed!” She slammed Megumi into the wall again for emphasis. With one hand, Megumi clawed at an arm the size of her torso and with the other hand, she reached for a white knife at her hip. “Now you owe me too. I’m going to make this slow.” Grii was crying, but she was smiling. “Finally! I’ve been waiting so long to make this happen. I’ve done so much. I’ll finish off these ones first so I’ll have all the time in the multiverse to make you suffer. It’s been so, so long. What’s a few more days?” Megumi now had the knife raised to stab, but dropped it as her weakened arm spasmed. “Finally...”
Koil stared at Servis’s body. He couldn’t tell if he was breathing. Not him, not Servis. Not his laughing, playful, beautiful husband. She couldn’t take everything from him. No, that was the fear magic talking. She hadn’t taken everything. He had so much he leaned back on. Now he asked them for more, silently pleading and relying on his connection to all of the might of Selesnya, his brethren. Help me. Help my husband. In his mind, they answered in a great chorus. Koil channeled their gifts and their wishes, gathering green and blue ribbons and swirls to form a sphere of pure energy at the end of his spear. He lifted up with the tide and shoved forward, and all of Selesnya shoved with him.
“YOU. WILL. NOT. TOUCH. HER.” Sophi was back again, and glowing as golden and sick as Koil’s weapon glowed bright and warm. She slammed into Grii’s legs as Koil slammed into her side, Grii flipping like a ragdoll hard into the pavement. The stone broke beneath the force of both impacts, nearly burying Grii’s entire upper half.
Koil immediately felt drained. He coughed, and more blood than before came out. He wasn’t a mage like Servis, and his body wasn’t used to channeling energy like that. Megumi twitched and gasped and retched on the ground. Sophi crawled to curl protectively over the girl, a faint gold-and-grey aura surrounding them. Koil stumbled to Servis’s body. Strained to hold his ear above his mouth. He could feel breath. Thank the gods! Thank Selesnya! Servis breathed again, a bit more deliberately, and stirred. The group heard Grii groan and move at the same time, and they dragged themselves up and dragged themselves out of the alley, Happy Jr. leaning on all four of them.
It felt like days, though it was probably only minutes before they turned and found a main street. Two Azorius soldiers were standing guard on the corner. “Holy shit.” One said as she saw the group. They resembled ground meat more than living people at this point.
Thump thump thump thump ROAR and the soldier’s eyes widened as her partner flung a spark of blue light somewhere behind them. The first soldier jerked the group behind the corner as she pulled out a crystal, requesting backup immediately, barely getting them out of the way of Grii’s charge. By sheer coincidence they’d found the same promenade that Grii had initially caused a ruckus in, and Boros and Azorius soldiers began flinging containment spells at the raging cyclops matching the initial description. At first she flung one spell aside, then two at the same time, then more, then more. But a few got through. Her movements slowed, her feet lifted off of the ground. She beat more back. More got through. A few minutes and several dozen soldiers later Grii was in a multilayered containment sphere, floating a few feet off the ground. She raged and screamed and beat great holes into the spells, but they just kept coming.
Koil eventually tugged on a soldier’s cape enough to draw his attention. He did his best to speak clearly through the pain and the blood and the burgeoning swelling. “The cyclops, she’s… a planeswalker.” The soldier nodded and spoke more into a crystal. Several soldiers pulled out mizzium cuffs with red and blue trim, with resolute faces. Before any of them could advance, Grii suddenly calmed, them vanished out of the sphere with a scream muffled by the layered spells, which collapsed into themselves after her.
 There was a pause as everyone checked themselves, then a commotion from above as Grii dropped down on where Megumi, Sophi, Koil, Servis, and Happy Jr. were receiving medical attention. Some enterprising soldiers had thought of the possibility and she was hit with half a dozen spells midair, slamming down next to her target. Before she could even lunge at the group, spells slammed into her from all sides and as they moved away from her she was eventually trapped again. If she had been raging before, now she was absolutely lost. She nearly broke through several times, reaching at Megumi, who flinched each time, before the layered spells stabilized once more. Eventually Grii just curled up in a fetal position and began sobbing. “So close… so close… if not for that damn pyromancer and that damn fencer and that damn robot and that damn angel and that… so close…”
Some Boros medics had treated the group, and while they all had long-term injuries even with magic, the ragtag group was stable again. Megumi spoke up. “She’ll never stop, you know. Even if those cuffs work she’ll never, ever stop. No matter where I go, she finds me. I can’t stay with you or she’ll hurt you again. I’m sorry.” Koil moved to stop her, but she simply vanished like she’d become a breeze. “What!? Megumi, no!” And Sophi vanished just as quickly as her medic made a grab for her.
The crowd of police milled around apprehensively while they waited for transport for Grii. She’d fallen silent and didn’t seem to have noticed that her quarry had vanished.
 “She’s here! She’s here! …Oh my gods. It’s actually her.” A curvy elf in petticoats and glasses had apparated in the square, looking around wide-eyed at the square. A curvy pure-white woman with long curly hair and ears like Megumi’s appeared next, then a thin fine-dressed vampire with short black hair. The newcomers stood slack-jawed at the sight of the pacified cyclops. A beat passed before the vampire growled loudly, and with inhuman speed and strength was suddenly clawing at the sphere to get to the cyclops inside. They hurled curses in a frothing rage. While three soldiers worked to wrestle the vampire off of the blue sphere, Grii woke up from her state and noticed the vampire. Her old rage came back full force, and she screamed loudly enough to be heard through the sphere from where Koil and Servis were standing. She stretched to her full size and pushed at her contraints, and the bubble burst, releasing a shockwave of sound that caused most of those present to be knocked over, dazed. Grii was gone. The vampire growled again and vanished as soon as they could stand. The white woman planeswalked away as well, hugging herself with necrotic black arms. The planeswalker elf milled about asking and answering questions.
Koil turned to Servis. They were both laying on stretchers next to each other. “…Maybe we can ask one of these people to pick up our orders.” Servis grimaced and turned to the medic still tending to him. “Can you smack him for me?” The medic grinned and obliged him, causing Koil to wince. “Thanks. No, I’d rather just spend the rest of the night home with you.”
“I couldn’t ask for a more perfect way to end the day.”
“I… you… that’s super sweet. I hate you. I love you.”
Koil chuckled. “I love you too.”
For the next few hours, laying side by side, holding hands, they just stole glances at each other, grateful that each was still alive.
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robinmagik · 6 years
Not A Minute Wasted (Part Three)
A/N: Uhhhhh enjoy! Also wtf @ DC @ Tom King??? pls enough is enough my heart is breaking like when I saw Asra cry in The Arcana Game??? Oh yeah and there’s two parts of part three bc it’s too long to just post the whole thing like that so i divided it
Recap: “That’s not…please stop crying, L/n.” He didn’t know what to do.“Excuse me.” She sniffles. “W-we’ll continue this conversation…I just gotta…go.” Tim was going to greet her but she passes by quickly. He turns to glare at Damian who was confused himself.“What did you do?”“Nothing, Drake. Excuse me.” Tim is left alone in the kitchen with an empty cup in his hand. “What in the hell?”
Like a child, Y/n hides in the green house near the rose bushes, and sobs. How truly horrible she is. Maybe Damian’s right. Breaking up with Bruce is best but then again Damian doesn’t like Y/n one bit so who is she to listen to a child who is crazy smarter than her. It was weird though, despite his dislike towards her, she sees him as her own. But she would never tell that to Bruce. 
Damian found her but he didn’t know what to tell her, what to say, or how to comfort her. Times like this was when Dick was needed. He was best with words and emotions. Such a hassle. Damian sighs. What would Grayson do? He left and then came back five minutes later. He gave her a tart. Children and women like sweet things so this should calm her down. 
“I-I did not mean to make you…cry, L/n.”
“No. No. It’s not you, papito.” She chuckles. “I woke up feeling sad is all. But I suppose you’re right, your father’s well-being is important and breaking up is better.”
“Don’t put words in my mouth, L/n!” He says sharply. “I was simply going to suggest for you and him to take a vacation. I read somewhere that vacations help couples relax more and therefore get along better.”
She begins to cry even more. 
“What did I say now?!” He frowns. Emotions are troublesome. How can someone who is not a baby cry so much?!
“You’re so sweet, Damian!” She cries. “Don’t you hate me?”
“Please, L/n, I don’t have time for that. I dislike you, that’s all.” He hands her a handkerchief.
“Why?” She dries her tears. “Is it ‘cause I’m not your mom?”
He narrows his eyes at her before looking away. He began to pace back and forth with his hands behind his back. 
“I do prefer my mother, Talia Al Ghul, to be with my father but that simply cannot be because…it’s complicated.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“You apologize too much and for no reason at all.”
“What the hell else am I supposed to say?”
“Nothing.” Damian simply shrugs. 
Y/n giggles. “You’re the cutest boy, y’know?”
“I’m not cute.” He pouts cutely.
“No, you’re right. You’re handsome.”
He smiles a bit. 
“Well, vacation for both of us is…well…not going to be easy. Why don’t we start smaller?”
“What do you have in mind?”
“Getting along for once?”
Damian looks offended by the idea but then nodded. “Fine. If that helps father then I am willing to get along with you.”
“Whoo, boy. You sacrifice so much.” She said sarcastically. 
“Now, eat your tart before Alfred finds us. I’ll get in trouble if I spoiled your lunch.”
Y/n giggles. The tart was the sweetest thing she had that morning and will ever have. She had a feeling that Damian’s thoughtfulness made it sweeter than it should’ve been. She savored every piece and moment with that boy. They even began to like each other after pretended to do so in front of Bruce. There was no more pretending. 
When Y/n stayed away from the manor because she was simply to tired to come over, he’d stop by during his patrol and stay for a while until he had to go. Sometimes he’d stay until the next day for her pancakes and scrambled eggs with tomatoes and scallions. It was different from Alfred’s cooking obviously, but he liked her food. 
One day, while he was eating the eggs, he over heard her talking to a friend over the phone. 
“Aw lucky! I can’t believe you got to pet a llama! I’ve always wanted one. They’re so cute!” She laughs. “Send me the pictures, okay? Okay, I love you. Besos. Ciao.”
“Who was that?”
“My girlfriend from college. Her class went to the Andes Mountains and got to meet some llamas.”
“Oh. When do you plan on going back to college?”
“Honestly, next year.” She took his plate and placed it in the dishwasher. “I’ll get a bachelors degree in engineering or linguistics. Or both. I got the time.” She shrugs. 
“I have knowledge in both majors. Whatever you choose I can always help.”
“Thank you God because you and I both know I’m not as smart but smart enough…y’know?” She laughs. “Anyway, you gotta get going. I have to leave for work and you have to sleep. You’ve been up all night, nene, you gotta sleep.”
“I can perfectly take a nap here, L/n.”
“Uh, no. Go home, besides I’ll pop up after work.” 
“If you insist.” 
As promised she went by to the manor only to find something out of place. 
“Is that a llama?” Y/n looks behind Bruce to see a white llama grazing on the grass. 
“Yes. Yes, it is.” He sighs. “Damian stole one from a zoo.”
“Pft, of course he did. You guys have Bat-cow and now Bat-llama. That’s just so cute. Is Ace Bat-dog too? Do-does he go on missions with you guys? Huh? Huh?” She couldn’t contain her giggles.
Bruce grunts one of his many grunts of displeasure yet he couldn’t help but crack a tiny smile as Y/n giggles. 
“Y-you gotta get a bat-bird…oh my god, a bat-bat!” She squeals, now laughing. “A bat-bat! Oh, I’m gonna cry!”
“You’re enjoying this a little bit too much.”
“Bruce, honey, please!” She laughs. Then she gasps in sudden realization. She slaps his very flexed bicep. “Where’s batboy?! You guys have Batgirls but no Batboy! Robin?! That doesn’t even make sense! I’m gonna have a fucking stroke! Hahahahahaha!” 
“Batboy was one of the names considered and so was Tonto—“
“Tonto?!” She shrieks of laughter. “Batman y Tonto! Ohhhhh gooooood! B-Bruce yo-you’re killing me! Y-you’re killing your cute girlfriend!”
“Cute?” He chuckles. 
His arms were crossed across his chest as she held on to his arm, bent over laughing with tears running down her face. He knew the llama had something to do with Y/n and it did when she fawned over the llama and Damian stood proudly. Sadly, the llama had to go back but not before they named him; Batboy The First. She held onto Damian as Batboy was shipped off. At least they could go visit him at the Gotham Zoo. This wasn’t the first or last adventure or trouble those two gotten themselves into. 
No one could believe it though. It’s been a year that Bruce and Y/n were together. They were the couple of the century, with how beautiful and wild she was and how he chased after in the tabloids. But it wasn’t really like that. They just put a show for the people of Gotham. 
She got terribly worried when he came back one night half dead and half alive. She wanted to cry but she couldn’t. She was too scared of loosing him and crying meant that she lost him. Anyone would’ve seen that as the last straw but no, not Y/n. This was what she signed up for. Dating Bruce Wayne meant dating the whole package. 
Y/n was part of the family even though she didn’t fight crime or did anything except cheer them on and just be there for the hard times. Dick, Barbara and Y/n always had mini dates whenever he was in town or just the two of them whenever he wasn’t. Jason would teach her about cars and guns and then they’d go shopping for some good books to read, or just hang out and do nothing. And Y/n loved Tim and she loved listening to his rants about whatever case he was on. It helped him hear himself and open up a bit because just like all of them, he overworked himself. Then there was Stephanie whom she adored so much. She loved how determined and strong-willed she was and how she took on the world. Cassandra was curious about Y/n and they quietly got along, she made Y/n laugh a lot and she even taught her how to kick ass just in case because this is Gotham after all. And Duke, she loved their nightly conversations. He was a good listener and so was she when it was his turn. 
There was something missing though. Y/n looks at Bruce who was talking to Lucius Fox. She could listen to him for hours and never get bored. Yet, she didn’t know why she felt this way. 
“I bought you this dress.” He says. “I saw it and I thought of you.”
She gasps. “Oh my God! Babe! This is gorgeous!” She was giddy. She took it out of the box and went to try it on. When she came out she lit up the room. “I love it!”
It was yellow, fitted dress with a beautiful trail and a slit on the right. The dress made her curves pop out even more. She looked amazing. It even glittered under the right type of lighting. She was truly the highlight of the evening. Bruce Wayne had the most beautiful woman on his arm. She was incredibly happy. Then she met Selina Kyle. 
A/N: Honestly??? Selina could murder me and I’d thank her???
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C:R ~VE~ Chapter 25
The next morning, Nemo and I decide that it would be a good time to get Impey to try and alter the transmitters so Cardia can speak with the party at Steel London.
I try my best not to make eye contact with her... though I’m stabbed by guilt when I notice the deep bags under her eyes.
When we find Smith, she doesn’t even need an explanation. She proudly escorts us to the transmitter room to show off the technology that they use to keep in contact with Steel London.
“Ohh, this baby will be fun to work with!” Barbicane rolls up his sleeve. “Nemo, hit me with the transmitter paired with Aouda-chan’s.”
I begin to follow Cardia over to watch him work when Smith touches my arm. The look on her face is conflicted, like she’s having trouble forming the words she feels she needs to say.
“Look, I don’t know the details about Professor Aleister did to you, but... I’m sorry,” her voice is quiet and vulnerable, different from her usual boisterousness. “He saved my life. I never would have thought that he’d be capable of this!”
I shake my head. “Don’t apologize.How could you have known? Smith, we would never blame you for this, so please don’t apologize.”
Smith gives me a weak smile but then slowly looks down at the floor. “I trusted him, you know? I... I looked up to him...”
Nemo claps a hand on Smith’s shoulder.
“Ohhhhh, my stuuuudent!” he takes a deep, dramatic breath. “This pain in your heart-- I know it well!”
“Huh?” Smith looks up at Nemo with a confused expression.
“You feel betraaaaayed, right? Lost! Without your guiding light! It was the same for me, yes... without my precious sensei... allow me to pass on the gift that was given to me then! These! Simple! Words!”
He throws his head back and points triumphantly at Smith.
“You... are more than Aleister’s shadow! It’s your time to step out into the suuuuuuuuuuun! The child muuuuust surpass the parent, such is the way of sciiiiiiiiience!”
Nemo’s voice increases in volume as more passion is poured into his words.
"My student-- you are not alone! This island that you discovered is a Holy Laaaaaaaand! Though Aleister sewed the seeds, you were the one who cultivated and tended to it! Now we all walk the same path together, all treading towards new knowledge and new ideas, a beautiful horizon indeeeeeeeeeeed!”
Smiths’s eyes widen, and she puts a hand to her chest as though she had been shot. “Nemo...."
She looks up at him with tears brimming in her eyes. “Nemo-sensei...!!!”
I quickly take a step back so I’m not in the path of teacher and pupil embracing each other. Oh, boy...
As they hug each other, both in tears, I can’t help but smile. Looks like Nemo finally gets to be ‘sensei’.
“If all you can do is regurgitate botched quotes from Aleister, then you probably shouldn’t attempt to dole out advice!”
Nemo and I whirl around to face the very familiar voice.
Barbicane stands up, grinning. “Ha ha! Got this baby working like a charm for me! Hey, Finis, how are things in Steel London?”
“It isn’t as noisy as usual, which is nice,” Finis says with a sigh. “Now, more importantly, where’s my sister?”
“I’m here,” says Cardia. “I’m glad to hear that you’re doing well, Finis.”
“Of course I’m doing well, honestly...”
A light laugh comes through the transmitter. “Don’t be like that, Finis... he was actually quite worried about you, Miss Cardia.”
“Saint!” Cardia beams at the sound of his voice.
“Criminy, you’re all so intent on wasting time with unimportant things. Don’t come complaining to me when Fogg pitches a fit.”
“Finis, don’t blame your foul mood on my wife!” this time it’s Aouda who laughs, and Nemo jumps over to the transmitter like a hyperactive grasshopper. Luckily for everyone who wanted to hold a coherent conversation, Barbicane is able to keep the transmitter away from Nemo.
“Hey, I want to talk to Cardia-chan, too!” This time it's a voice I had never heard, a young boy’s.
“Della-chan, it’s good to hear your voice,” says Cardia. “Have you and Van been able to make a lot of progress?”
“Not as much as we would have liked... but the situation you’ve wound up in is of particular interest to me, so we came back,” another voice I don’t recognize, this one deep and cool.
“Woaaah, Van too?! San-chan, how many people have you crammed into that mansion of yours?” asks Barbicane.
“As soon as Finis arrived with Fogg and Aouda, we sent word for the rest of the group to join us,” says Saint. “For the time being Van, Della, Fran-- (Saint pauses here in anticipation of Nemo’s excited shrieking)-- and Lupin are all staying here. Impey, you shouldn’t need to worry about your companions for long.”
“So... so many people...” Nemo sniffs loudly. “So many people... all here to help meeeeeeeeee?”
There’s a very quiet sigh that I recognize as belonging to Dr. Frankenstein. “I’m fairly certain that most of us are here for Cardia and Impey’s sakes... o-oh, I apologize, Miss Aouda.”
The general clamor of reminiscing dies down when Finis says: “Ah, so the peacock has strut back in.”
“Oh, everyone’s all gathered together? I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long!” a charismatic voice pipes through.
Cardia straightens up, her eyes sparkling. “Lupin!”
I perk up. So, that was the voice of the famous gentleman thief.
“Cardia, it’s been too long! I hope Impey hasn’t been giving you too much trouble,” he says.
“Oy, Lupin--! You greet your partner like that after all this time--?!”
I can practically hear Lupin smiling over the transmitter.
“I’ve been having a lot of fun here,” says Cardia. “Everyone’s very nice, and we’re all working very hard. Actually, I’m very glad that everyone’s around, I wanted to say something important...”
“Hm? What is it, Cardia?” asks Della.
“I’m...” Cardia takes a deep breath, then smiles. “I’m going to be going on the voyage with Impey and the others.”
The silence on the other end of the transmitter is so astounding that Barbicane ducks down to make sure it’s still working.
Saint’s the first one to speak. “A submarine voyage... my, how romantic.”
“Perhaps, but... by ‘the others’, do you mean...”
Frankenstein’s voice is cut off by Nemo plucking the transmitter from Barbicane’s hands.
“Of cooooooooourse! Cardia-chan will be in myyyyyy custody beneath the waves, so you have no need to worry!”
There’s a beat of silence, and then everybody on the other end of the transmitter begins to protest at once.
“Sister, have you lost your mind?!” asks Finis. “There’s no way I can agree to that!”
“He’s right,” says Frankenstein. “There would be no way we could guarantee your safety, Cardia.”
“Hey, hey, I’m going to be there too!” Barbicane points to himself, even though no one can see it over the transmitter. “Don’t count me out, I’ll make sure our princess is safe!”
“It’s-- It’s not that I don’t trust you, Impey...” Frankenstein continues.
“No, we definitely don’t trust him,” says the man that Barbicane called ‘Van’. “Cardia, do you remember the training I gave you?”
“Of course,” replies Cardia.
Among all the clamor, one voice rises to silence the rest. One voice speaks calmly.
“A submarine with Impey and Nemo, huh...” says Lupin. “... Is the Lady of Science there? Professor Aronnax?”
I jump when I realize that he’s referring to me, of all people, with such a romantic name. ‘Lady of Science’... I could get used to that.
I shake my head to stop a self-indulgent smile from crossing my face. Now isn’t the time for daydreaming!
“Yes, I’m here,” I walk towards the transmitter, and Nemo passes it to me with a flourish and a knowing grin. “Just ‘Aronnax’ is fine. I’m not a professor anymore.”
“Oh? That’s a shame, the ‘rogue professor’ has become quite a popular character back home,” says Lupin, a laugh in his voice.
“Back home...? You mean Paris?”  my eyes widen.
“Of course,” says Lupin. “The professor who left her world in pursuit of forbidden love with a mad scientist!”
“W-What...?” I feel my cheeks redden-- with anger. “That’s what they’re saying about me?! That I left Paris to chase after love?! I left Paris for a love, all right, a love of BIOLOGY! If they’re going to spread stories about me, the least they could do make my focus on my research!”
“Haha, sorry, sorry! But a romantic heroine is much more sympathetic, don’t you think?”
“Huh?” I raise an eyebrow.
“A professor, exhausted after being bound by society’s expectations, stands up against the powers that be in order to save the man she loves! Pretty catchy, right?”
Frankenstein speaks softly against Lupin’s grandiose speech: “It’s just a little difficult when the story’s love interest terrorized London in a gigantic battleship...”
“ Arsène Lupin... it sounds almost like you might have had a hand in crafting these stories,” I murmur.
“Of course!” I can practically see him gesturing grandly. “While Fran tries to reach Victoria’s senses and Saint tries to influence the aristocracy, it is up to me to light a fire in the hearts of the people!”
I hear Lupin step forward and pick up the transmitter. It feels like he’s speaking only to me despite the others being with us.
“Pauline Aronnax, as someone honored enough to live in those hearts as a beloved outlaw, I’m glad to call you a comrade. The story might not be the exact truth, but the ‘heart’ is still there! You feel it too, right?”
I find myself putting my hand over my heart despite myself.
“That ardent heartbeat... whether it awakened in the search of knowledge or in the search of love, no one can deny its power. When our stories come to a close, people won’t remember what made our hearts begin. What they’ll remember is what we do with the power it gives us.”
“Our stories... my story entwining with his...” I whisper.
I am alone with Lupin’s words and the heart thumping in my chest.
“T-T-That’s sooooo beaaauuutiiffuuul----!!!”
It’s Nemo’s loud wailing that pulls me out of the gentleman thief’s spell.
I shake my head to clear it and put a confident smile on my face. “Lupin, you certainly do have a way with words! Very well, then, I’ll leave my reputation in your capable hands.”
“Then I will make sure you live in the hearts of the people forever, Professor! Victoria will find an uprising on her hands if she goes against Paris’ new darling,” says Lupin.
“Just... can’t you add a little bit more of my research to it?” I laugh nervously. “I mean, can’t that be part of my motivation? The pursuit of knowledge is very romantic!”
“Well, I think that settles it,” says Lupin. “Our princess will be safe with the professor.”
“Uh, Lupin?” I try to interject. “My research?”
“And how would you know that Sister will be safe?” Finis’ voice is low and dangerous.
“Because the professor is in love,” replies Lupin.
“Please at least attempt to make a little sense,” Fogg finally speaks up.
“Just think about everything we’ve been told- from Aouda, that Conseil guy, and even you! The Professor is in love with the very idea of this journey. She would never let anything jeopardize it.” 
“Besides, I think you all are missing something very important,” I add. “I’m quite fond of Cardia, too. There’s no way I would let these two get away with anything indecent.”
“M-Man, Polly-chan, that’s cold...” Barbicane mumbles.
“How cruuuuuel of you to include your beloooooved scientist in there---!!” Nemo puts a hand to his head and dramatically leans back in anguish.
I can practically hear Finis sulking through the aether.
“Finis...” Cardia takes the transmitter from me, addressing her brother with a gentle voice. “You should know better than anyone that I can handle myself.”
Eventually, I hear Finis sigh. It’s probably the best consent we’ll get out of him.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I have a question,” asks Smith. She steps up to the transmitter, looking around worriedly. When nobody objects, she takes a breath. “Honestly, up until a little while ago I never thought about questioning it, but.... why would Professor Aleister go to all this length for a submarine?”
Everybody is silent, even Nemo.
“Finis,” I ask. “He worked under you, right? What do you think?”
Finis scoffs. “Aleister did what I needed for him to do, and that was that. I didn’t bother with useless questions, and neither did he.”
“...Van?” I hear Frankenstein ask quietly. “Do you have any ideas?”
There’s a deep sigh.
“I’ve been thinking about it myself. It seems out of character for him to be after something like a submarine,” he says.
“If he specifically wanted a submarine capable of crossing the Atlantic, that means he plans on going a great distance,” says Frankenstein. “But for what purpose...?”
There’s more silence, until Lupin speaks: “Well, that’s our job to find out, isn’t it? Leave Aleister to us!”
“Haaaa ha ha ha ha!That’s riiiiiiiiiight! If our precious friends help us, then nothing is impossible!”
Nemo’s saccharine words silence me. Though I’m not sure how many picked up on it, or how many even wanted to pick up on it...those words were nothing short of his cruelest sarcasm.
They’re his strange way of reminding us-- me-- that we have to prepare for the worst.That we might not ever be able to go back. That we might always be on the run from Victoria, or that we might always be evading Aleister’s games.
I quietly reach over and take Nemo’s hand, choosing to respond with a touch instead of with words.
Cardia and Barbicane chat happily with Lupin and the others, pausing every now and then to let Nemo shriek at Frankenstein.
It’s a good half-hour before the call begins to wrap up and we say our goodbyes. It’s obvious just how much Cardia means to the gang, each of them wishing her well on this journey. They also each threaten Barbicane in great detail, and reference the harm that will come to Nemo if he even looks at Cardia the wrong way.
I straighten up when I hear Aouda’s calm and cool voice. “Yes?”
“Have you found the happiness that you were looking for?”
I remember when she asked me: “What do you think will make you happy now?”
I had replied, “I want to be with Nemo and Barbicane and the others.”
I look over at the slouched scientist idly looking over the controls.
“I have.”
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velvetchen · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
so i was tagged thrice (!!!) by three lovely people, thank you so much!! i couldn’t decide which set of questions to do bc i didn’t want to leave any out so i did all three! thank you again for tagging me!
i’m putting my questions & tags right at the top so y’all don’t have to scroll through my 33 questions of rambling lmao 
rules:  answer the 11 questions from the person who tagged you and then make 11 more for the people you tag.
edit: i was tagged again, so i decided to come back and add on to this and i noticed tumblr didn’t actually tag anyone so yeah i fixed that now rip
here are my questions!
1. Book/movie/art piece that made you think the most and why? 2. What’s your favorite physical/personality feature of your bias(es)? 3. What colors and smells reminds you of home? 4. If you could only listen to 30 seconds of one song for your entire life, what song & time interval would it be? 5. Languages you'd like to learn? 6. What are three pieces of advice you’d give to 30-year-old you? 7. If you bumped into your bias on the street and you had no idea who they were, what would your first impression be and what would you do next? 8. Ultimate holiday itinerary? 9. You go to your bias group’s concert, and you’re one of the lucky fans invited on stage for a ~special performance~... what do you do?  10. What made you first notice your bias? 11. Do you have any bad habits?
tagging 11 people: @blushtones @sehunsface @whimsical-ness @yeoleow  @fuck-me-up-fam @romantichen @xingmithefool @honeyjongdae @ineedyixing @dropsofletters @chanyoel
sorry if you’ve already been tagged / you don’t wanna be tagged!
@dragon-dust !! thank you love
What’s your favourite flower? 
hmmm i’ve said this before but i do love pink lilies! i also love hydrangeas and orange blossoms and i think the skeleton flower is cool as heck (it’s a flower that turns crystal-clear when wet) 
Sunrise or sunset?
i like sunrises bc it’s colder and there are always a lot of bugs around at sunset...not to mention it gets dark really quickly!
Favourite childhood piece of music? 
mmm a lot bc we used to listen to a lot of music!! but anything by michael jackson or lucky ali is v nostalgic to me
Name a character from a book that you can’t forget.
i don’t have one from a books (rip i’ve never properly liked a book character) but the magician from the webtoon annarasumanara kind of stuck with me? i just felt so sad for him & he reminds me of what i don’t want to end up being
Pictures or gifs? 
Is there any really famous movie that you’ve not ever seen? 
ohhhhh boy a lot! i don’t watch movies much and if i do the last thing i’d watch is romance/comedy/etc so i haven’t seen all those ‘classics’ like the notebook and legally blonde and so on... i’ve never seen high school musical either (or any of those disney channel shows)
Clean desk or a messy one? 
it starts off clean and then it gets messy lmao
If you could start again and change only one thing, what would that be?
i would love myself more, and i would’ve made an effort to speak all my languages :(
Five things, one desert island for the rest of your life. What do you bring
(assuming i can’t bring exo) uhhh, because i’m practical: a good knife, large sheet of tarp, indefinite number of matches, clean clothes and something to hold water
Favourite way to spend your free time. 
wasting it tbh... but i love having long chats w my friends
Would you rather be able to fly or walk through walls? 
i’d fly bc walking through walls would be a lot more easier to get caught at... @technicallymilkshakes   !! (i love these questions!) 
You’ve been friends with your bias for some time now and you’re pretty sure there’s some mutual attraction between the two of you. How does this attraction get resolved? Does someone confess (who)? Is it more physical? Do you agree to remain just friends? Or does it stay unresolved? 
okay okay ASSUMING this ever happens ... i’d confess! i don’t like keeping things that could change my life. even if i wasn’t sure they liked me too. i’d go for a half-relationship/half-friend thing?? bc i hate proper relationships 
Do you have a recurring daydream you like to revisit? What is it?
yep! plenty hahaha. i have one where Ambiguous Person and i are hiking through the woods, another where we’re trying to ballroom dance and then one where we’re forced to share a bed... you know the one... (SORRY i’m so soft when it comes to romance)
How did your bias become your bias?
ahhh okay at first my bias was jongin?? bc i usually like the dancers? and i was watching a lot of exo-k so i didn’t even know about jd but like... i watched a couple of lives and his voice just got me... and then of course all those ‘try not to fangirl’ challenges that sucked the life out of me
What’s one song from your bias group that can always make you happy?
i love love love replay! especially the live ver. where they all cried... i cry everytime i hear it too?? and the whole lucifer album also (surprise!! my bias group isn’t exo lmao)
Are you right-handed? Left-handed? Ambidextrous?
right-handed! i can write w my left hand but not for long periods of time
You call in to the radio show your bias is a guest on. It gets picked up and now you’re live on the air. What would you say to them?
i’d say (in my crappy korean) that i love them and i’m so happy i got to talk to them! and that i hope they’re happy and taking care of themselves 
What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
i’ve only been to two :( both of them were incredible though! i saw yanni live & a classical concert by zubin mehta + the australian world orchestra and !!!! mesmerizing experiences! now if i could just see tsfh i’d die happy
What’s your favorite film genre and what are some movies you would recommend from it?
like i said i don’t like films much but,,, i do love space movies and historical settings! i can’t recall any besides interstellar which most people have probably watched
What do you think other people’s first impression of you is? What do you want it to be?
they probably think i’m kind of rude? ;;;;;;;; bc i’m super shy so i don’t talk much at all? also they probably think i’m homeless or something bc i’m always barefoot, my hair’s always messy and somehow i end up getting dust all over me RIP
Is there a book that you’ve given up on finishing? If so, why? 
i’ve dnf’ed a loooot of books! most recently, a court of thorns and roses (s. j. maas) & caraval (stephanie garber) MAN i really hated those
You went to a fansign and your bias signed your album and drew a special note + a little doodle just for you. What does the note say and what’s the doodle? Do you show it off to everyone when you get home or do you tuck it in a safe spot and take it out once in a blue moon to reminisce alone?
ldkfns i’m imagining this and i’m SUFFERING but uhh i’d ask him to draw a cat lmao and write something that makes him happy!  and the second one! i’m not a showy person so i’d definitely keep it somewhere safe and take it out when i want to remember :’)
@jds1andonly  !! 
If you could have any exo member as your twin, who would it be?
probably chanyeol bc i need some positivity! and he’d be really fun to talk to and do everything with
Imagine you have one day where you can eat anything you want: what would you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
assuming this also means no gastric troubles... i’d go to the most expensive vegan restaurants in the world and gorge myself (bc i’m still morally obligated)
What is something you want to do by the end of the year?
oh boy considering there’s only a month and a half left... finish my ongoing series, be done with all my school stuff and ready for my exams in january, and organize the trip i want to go on with my friends after graduation!
What is your dream job?
i wanna be a teacher or a professor! maybe go around the world and teach in poorer regions? i actually have this dream to start an organization for volunteer teaching in low-income areas around the world. after i retire, i want to run a cafe/library in a really secluded place.
What is your favorite part from exo’s unfair performances (any one of them)
oh my godddd they’re all so sickeningly sweet but i like the christmas one with the santa suits and jongdae’s part in the second verse where he goes ‘oooooh oooooh’ with the finger heart? it’s so cute i wanna die
What was your favorite TV show as a kid?
spongebob ndsfnsk obviously... 
What is the funniest thing you’ve ever heard about your bias?
this one video someone tagged me in of jd wearing those periscope glasses and screaming?? 
What is your least favorite food and why?
i haaaaaaate curry leaves they make me nauseous :-/ 
What TV show have you been watching recently?
does masterchef australia count? i watch it obsessively!!
If you had a superpower like the exo members, what would you want yours to be?
hmm. hmmmmm very good question. probably telekinesis bc it’s really cool and i can move stuff from across the room without having to get up
If you could be in any kpop group, which would it be and why?
just for the concepts? id say exo or vixx for the music but i wouldn’t really fit in lmfao so like maybe snsd or EXID 
okay this was super long i’m sorry but i had fun!!! thank you guys for tagging me again!!! 
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the-baddest-bitch · 8 years
I Wasn’t Drunk in Public...
Rated 18+ for Explicit Sexual Content
Summary: Zen gets an ~interesting~ proposition from Yoosung. He accepts. After all, first rule of improv, never say no.
It all started with a drink. But not exactly in the way that you’d think.
Zen hated babysitting lightweights. And when he’d offered Yoosung a drink, Zen hadn’t known that Yoosung was a fucking lightweight. If he had, he never would have agreed to letting him drink.
“Hyung...” The blond stretched over Zen’s lap and whined. Zen rolled his eyes and lifted his beer out of the way.
“What is it this time?”
“Can you get me some waaaater?” Yoosung stared up at him with unfocused eyes.
“If you get off me, yeah.” Yoosung wrapped his arms around Zen’s torso.
“What do you meannnn?”
“What do you think I mean? Dude, seriously. Stop being weird. You’re a guy.” Yoosung snuggled further into Zen’s lap.
“So whaaaat? Why's it matter if we're both guyssss?”
“Because that's weird!” Yoosung made a judging sound.
“I thought we were friends Zennnn.” Zen cringed at his friend’s wheedling tone.
“We are. But friends don't do this stuff. You do this stuff with a girlfriend.”
“Whaaaat? But I don't have a girlfriend, and I do this kind of stuff.” Zen raised an eyebrow. Did Yoosung really just come out to him? Or was he jumping to conclusions?
“So you have a boyfriend…?” Yoosung stiffened against Zen’s leg.
“Aha! Really? Who?” This conversation had taken an unexpected turn. Unluckily for Yoosung, Zen could be a sucker for gossip - though he hid it well. He didn't like to spread it, but he liked to know it. Just in case he ever needed to use it. Just in case.
 “Ummm….” Apparently, Yoosung wouldn't give it up that easily. Even drunk off his ass.
“C’mon Yoosung. We’re friends, aren’t we? I won't say anything.” Probably. Zen patted Yoosung's back comfortingly.
“Is it someone I know?” Zen prodded. Yoosung nodded reluctantly.
“Hmm... I wonder who…?” Zen, for some reason, continued to rhythmically pat Yoosung’s back. He started to list names in his musical voice, and it - combined with the back patting and the alcohol - was starting to lull the blond to sleep.
Zen only noticed that he was asleep when Yoosung started snoring.
How is he asleep? I was literally just talking to him. Although, people do say that my voice is just like a lullaby… Zen thought. So it’s not his fault. There I go again, causing people so much trouble with my charms. How sinful.
Zen carefully slid Yoosung’s head off his lap and stood. He set his can on the coffee table and went to the kitchen in search of water.
After a few minutes of rummaging, he found a clean glass and filled it from the tap. He brought it into the living room, along with a trash can. Just in case. He did not want vomit in his carpet.
He saw that Yoosung had subconsciously decided not to smother himself in the couch cushions, and was now laying on his side. Zen could hardly believe that he thought so, but he actually looked really cute.
“Yoosung.” Zen called out to him. “I brought you water.” The blond didn’t budge in the slightest. Zen huffed and set the glass of water next to his beer. He leaned closer to the still form on his couch.
“Yooooosuuuung. Wake up. You’re gonna want this water.” This time, Yoosung mumbled something that Zen didn’t quite catch.
“What’d you say?” Zen made the mistake of leaning closer, and was pulled ungracefully into Yoosung’s arms. Dammit, Yoosung. Why is he so damn clingy?
“Hey. Let go of me.” Zen tried to rise, but Yoosung pulled him back down again. “Dude.” Zen tried to pry himself away, but Yoosung had a vice-like grip on his shirt and didn’t seem interested in relinquishing it. He tried once more to escape, but ended up half on top of Yoosung instead.
He hung his head. Fuck. Now I'm stuck like this for who knows how long. Fuck.
“Mmmmm…..Zen….no, he doesn't care. Right Jumin?” Did he just say Zen?? And Jumin??? What the fuck is he dreaming about?!
“Ahhhh…..Zen. Yes!” Yoosung moaned.
“Umm….Yoosung?” Why must I be subject to this?? What have I done to deserve this, O vengeful God? And why the fuck is he moaning my name?! I know that we're not dating!
No matter how Zen thought about this strange situation, it seemed that Yoosung was having a sex dream about him. That, or he was a very talented masseur in Yoosung's dreams. He knew that he was hot, and that he appealed to men as well as women, but Yoosung? He'd even implied that he already had a boyfriend!
Zen couldn't take any more of the weird and awkward situation. He got as close to Yoosung's head as possible and paused. On Yoosung’s shoulder, close to his neck, was a love bite. A pretty vicious looking one, too. Alright then. So he wasn’t lying. He disregarded it for the moment, took a deep breath, and yelled as loud as he possibly could. The blond's eyes immediately sprang open, and he choked Zen in surprise at the sound. Zen made an unpleasant and strangled sounding noise.
Yoosung looked down and loosened his grip on the man's neck. Zen coughed and then glared at him.
“Dude. Let go of me.”
“Huuuuh? Oh. Sorry!” Yoosung laughed awkwardly and let go.
“Jesus. I thought I was gonna be stuck like that all night.”
“Yeah...whoopsie daisy. I’m drunk.” Yoosung laughed - less awkwardly - and Zen’s heart fluttered a little. Damn, he’s cute.
“I can tell. Speaking of which, I brought your water.” Zen stood up slowly, flexing his stiff muscles, and passed Yoosung the glass.
“Oh! Thank you!” The blond gulped it down gratefully.
 “Don’t choke on that.” Zen said, right as he choked on it. Zen rolled his eyes and fetched some paper towels.
“Jesus.” Zen muttered. He felt like this was gonna be a long night.
It was not, however. Luckily for both of them, Yoosung passed out again shortly after he finished his water.
In the morning, Zen asked Yoosung about what had been said the night before. Yoosung had feigned ignorance while blushing furiously. Zen had decided to spare him from further embarrassment and dropped the subject. But he hadn’t forgotten about it. He hadn’t forgotten about the bite, either. It was really bugging him - he didn’t know why - and he called up all their mutual male friends. If you could even call them friends. More like acquaintances. Or antagonists, in Jumin’s case.
Zen wanted to avoid contact with Jumin Han as much as possible, so he called Luciel Choi first. Besides, he didn’t think it was actually possible for Yoosung to be dating Jumin. They were complete opposites! Plus, Jumin was a CEO, it wouldn't make sense for him to be dating some college kid.
Even after his call with Luciel, he still didn’t believe it. He could understand dating the hacker, but Luciel had claimed ignorance in regard to Yoosung's sex life. (Zen knew it was a lie but the dude wouldn't budge) So it looked like he would have to call Jumin after all. Ugh.
“Jumin Han speaking.”
“It’s me.”
“I’m afraid I don’t know anyone called ‘me’.”
“...It’s Zen, douchebag.”
“What do you need? I’m at work.” Straight to the point, as usual. But two could play at that game.
“Are you and Yoosung fucking?” Jumin didn’t even pause before retorting.
“No need to be so vulgar, Zen. The way in which you address your elders is quite appalling...tsk. You need discipline.” Zen suddenly saw an image of himself - tied up and gagged - with Jumin towering over him, saying, “Learn your manners, boy. Don’t disobey me again.” He was incredibly confused at how that situation would even come about, and why his mind had thought of it. And now the room was starting to feel unreasonably hot - maybe it was just him? - so he brushed the thought aside and scoffed.
“Don’t avoid my question.”
“Yes, we are ‘fucking’ as you so eloquently put it.” Well, holy shit. How?! How does this cat obsessed jerk get in a relationship before me?! But really, Yoosung? Him? You could’ve had me and you chose this asshole? ...Wait a second. “You could've had me”??? What the hell, brain?
“Is that all you wish to know? I need to get back to work.” Zen was currently having a revelation about his own feelings and wants, but Jumin was evidently having none of it.
“W-wait...how?!” What he meant was, “How did you two get together?!”, but his mind forgot the rest of the question.
“I’m going to hang up. I have work to do. Contact Yoosung if you’re so curious. Bye.” With that, Jumin ended the phone call. Zen was still too baffled by this newfound information - and his own thoughts - to be properly pissed off by Jumin’s brusqueness.
He dialed Yoosung’s number because, as a matter of fact, he was curious. How could polar opposites like them have possibly gotten together?!  A small part of his mind was tempted to think it was just one of Jumin’s weird jokes, and that everyone but him was in on it.
“Hello?” It came out as a whisper, and Zen wondered if he’d dialed the wrong number.
“Yoosung? It’s me, Zen.”
“Hi Zen. Sorry, but I’ll call you back during lunch. I’m in class and I’m starting to get weird looks. Bye!” Damn. Now, Zen had to wait until Yoosung’s lunch break. The lunch break that he didn’t happen to know the time of. Now he needed something to occupy himself with, since rehearsal had been canceled. He briefly thought of going for a run, but remembered the pounding rain outside. He decided to practice some lines.
Zen had made it halfway through his script when his phone started ringing. He snatched it up and quickly swiped the answer button. He was met with what sounded like a bunch of goofing off in the background.
“Yeah! It's me. Sorry about earlier. My professors don't like people to be on their phones in class. What did you want?”
“Ahh...I had a...question.”
“Which was…?”
“Are you and Jumin...together? Like, having sex?” Yoosung sputtered for at least a good ten seconds.
“What kind of question is that?! I’m in public!”
“A valid one, I'd say. Since you told me you had a boyfriend but then wouldn't say who.”
“What? When did I say that? Why would I say that?!”
“When you came over to my apartment. You were drunk.”
“Ohhhhh. Okay. Yeah, that makes sense.” Zen reflexively rolled his eyes, even though no one was there to see it.
“So?” Zen sat down gracefully on his couch.
“So, what? Hold on a second, I’m moving to a -Excuse me!- quieter spot. There’s actually something I need to ask you too.” Yoosung found an empty stairwell and sat down. He really hoped that Jumin had been right about Zen.
“You and Jumin...want to...with me?” Zen could not believe his fucking ears. His current internal mantra was just “Holy shit” over and over and over and over.
“Yes! I already said it once and it was strange enough. Don’t make me repeat it!”  
Zen had his mouth open like a fish, and he was very glad that he had sat down when he had. If he hadn’t, he definitely would have fallen straight to the floor. He realized that he still hadn’t given Yoosung an answer.
“So? Yes or no? Lunch is about to end, so I’m gonna need to go.”
“Hell yeah I’ll do it. When?” Yoosung cheered a little bit. This had to be the very first time that Zen had been so hilariously dumbfounded.
“How free are you this weekend?”
“I can make myself free.” Yoosung nodded, though he was alone and no one could see it.
“Cool! We’ll pick you up Friday. 6?” Zen was about to question the early ass time when Yoosung continued.
“You’re gonna want time. Trust me. Oh! That's the bell. I gotta go! See you then!” Yoosung decided to take a chance. “Muah!” He said.
Well after the line went silent, Zen was staring hard at his phone. Holy. Shit.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday came and went in a blur. All that Zen could think about was Friday. When Friday finally came, he - for the first time - found himself somewhat torn on what to wear. Eventually he decided that it didn't matter, and stayed in his usual attire.
His doorbell rang promptly at 6 - right on time- and Zen nearly jumped out of his seat. He refrained from skipping to the door, and found Yoosung on the other side. Yoosung, plus a bodyguard or two. Outside sat a very nice car.  
He found himself slightly disappointed - then concerned about the fact that he was disappointed - to find that Jumin was not inside the car, but still at work. Yoosung told Zen that he'd be back around 7.
The car ride was much less awkward than Zen thought it may be. For now, at least, they were still just friends.
Inside Jumin's spacious home, Yoosung fetched them some drinks and Zen made himself comfortable on the couch.
Before Jumin arrived, Yoosung explained a lot of things. And there were a lot of things to explain, apparently. Zen had never had a threesome before, so that was new, and apparently Jumin and Yoosung did sex entirely differently than everyone else. Entirely.
Zen was a bit confused but figured it'd be best to just go with the flow. He was feeling the same excitement that he felt every time he went up on stage. Except this time, he was only performing for two people, rather than two thousand.
“So um...Do you have any questions...or concerns?” Yoosung laughed at his own sudden stiffness, and Zen laughed with him.
“You sound like Jaehee.” Zen laughed again. Yoosung flushed and stuttered.
“W-well! Shut up! I've never done this kind of thing before.” ‘I've done pretty much every other kind of thing in the realm of sex, but not this.’ Yoosung thought.
“Neither have I.” Zen put one arm around the blond and let the other hand rest on his thigh. “But I'm glad that the two of you are the people I try this with.” Yoosung smiled as Zen leaned closer. Their lips met a second after their eyes shut.
Zen had almost forgotten how good kissing felt. He had never been one to go to strip clubs or hire prostitutes - he never had the time. But that combined with his single status meant that he hadn't kissed anyone with any real feeling in quite a long time. Thankfully, kissing seemed to be just like riding a bicycle.
Yoosung opened his mouth and wrapped his arms around Zen’s neck. Woah. He had not expected Yoosung to be this good at kissing. Like, holy shit.
Just when he thought his mind was completely blown, Yoosung blew it again. He shifted into Zen’s lap and straddled him. His hands moved under Yoosung’s shirt of their own volition. The blond sighed at his touch. He hadn’t felt such warm hands on his skin in such a long time.
Zen reluctantly pulled away after a second. Yoosung stared at him quizzically and damn he looked so cute and innocent that Zen almost just went back in immediately.
“Are you sure this is okay? Jumin’s not here so I mean…” Yoosung shook his head quickly.
“No no it’s fine. He told me it was...fine.” Yoosung nodded again, but more to himself than Zen. And if it’s not ‘fine’ we’ll have even more fun tonight! Lololol. Sorry Zen.
Zen shrugged.
“If you say so. He’s your boyfriend.” ‘Somehow.’ was his unspoken conclusion. Yoosung leaned back in first and Zen’s hands slid farther up his torso.
So of course, that was the exact moment that Jumin decided to come home and join the festivities.
Zen didn’t really react - The three of them would be fucking later so who cares? -  but Yoosung looked up and pulled away from Zen. He had a very mischievous look in his eyes before effecting a deer-in-headlights expression. Yoosung giggled nervously.
“Well. I see you’ve made yourself at home, Zen.” Jumin strode into the room. The blond still hadn’t climbed off of him, so Zen pretty much accepted that it wasn’t going to happen. Which he didn’t really mind.
“Yes, that is my name. I’m sure you’ll be using it a lot later so don’t wear it out now.” Zen blushed hard and scowled darkly in Jumin's general direction. How did he know what Zen would say during sex? He might say his own name. He might not say anybody’s name. So there. Bastard.
Yoosung laughed at his torn expression.
“Yoosung.” It was Zen’s turn to laugh when the blond’s head snapped up at the speed of light. After a beat, he got off Zen and flounced to Jumin.
The two of them talked in hushed tones for a few minutes, but Zen had no idea what about. They both came to sit down next to him on the couch: Jumin on the left, Yoosung on the right. They didn't leave any room for Jesus, either.
With the sudden proximity, Zen was suddenly hyper aware of the others and what they would all soon be doing. Surprisingly, Yoosung made a move first. He leaned forward and kissed Zen again. He was just starting to reciprocate when Yoosung moved away from his mouth, to his jaw, to his neck. He shivered when he felt Jumin's cold hand sliding up his thigh.
“Damn. Cold inside and out, are you?” Jumin chuckled condescendingly and slid it up farther.
“Don't worry. I won't be cold inside you.” Zen blushed and glared at him.
“Oh shut up already.” Zen pulled Jumin towards him and connected their lips forcefully.
Whatever Zen had expected from kissing Jumin, it was not this. (Truth be told, he'd never even thought about the possibility before the last few months.) Jumin was completely dominating the kiss, and didn't seem to even consider letting Zen take over. The odd thing was that Zen really didn’t mind it. He’d never before thought of himself as ever being submissive, but then he remembered the image that had popped into his mind during their phone call.
Jumin slipped his tongue into Zen’s mouth and he moaned involuntarily, wishing that he didn’t wear such tight pants all the time. His dick was straining and starting to hurt. Yoosung noticed his predicament and unbuttoned his jeans. He slid to the floor between Zen’s legs.
“Stop.” Yoosung immediately paused and looked up at Jumin with a fearful yet heated gaze. Zen was equally confused as to what warranted stopping now when it was just getting good.
“Bedroom?” Zen understood then, and both men nodded eagerly. Jumin inclined his head once and turned to walk briskly ahead of them. Yoosung wasted no time pulling Zen off of the couch, and didn’t let go of his hand as he led him to the bedroom. The black haired man had already disappeared, but Yoosung knew the way.
As they entered, Jumin was unbuttoning his shirt, his tie hanging loose. He’d already taken off his jacket and vest, and they were folded up on a chair. Zen was a bit taken aback by how bright the room was - mood lighting existed for a reason - and just chalked it up to Jumin being a dirty pervert.
“Zen. On the bed. Yoosung.” Jumin lips twitched into a smirk, “Continue.” Zen had barely gotten onto the bed when Yoosung practically shoved him onto his back. He smiled - somehow almost bashfully - and went to work.
“Ahhh! Oh shit…” Yoosung wasted no time in pretending that he hadn’t done this kind of thing before. Zen grabbed his hair and the blond gasped a little bit. He let go, assuming it was a gasp of pain.
When Jumin spoke up, Zen almost screamed - and not in pleasure. Jumin had been so quiet he’d almost forgotten that the man was there, even though it was his house.
“Don’t worry about being rough on him. He’s a dirty boy. He likes it.” Yoosung opened his eyes and bobbed his head slightly. The fuck did he just call him? Oh whatever. This is amazing - I don’t even care.
Zen gripped the bleached locks again and pulled him down so hard on his dick that Yoosung choked. Zen moaned loudly and did it again. Yoosung knew it was coming and didn’t suppress his moans this time. It was exactly like Jumin said. He definitely liked it rough.
Zen hadn’t had anything but his own hand on his dick in a long time, so he was proud of himself for lasting as long as he did. He could feel his orgasm coming. He could practically hear his own pounding heartbeat over his shuddering breaths. He slammed Yoosung’s head suddenly downwards once again. The blond moaned loudly and shivered in pleasure. It sent him right over the edge and his hips bucked hard into Yoosung’s mouth. He cried out loudly and his breathing was unsteady as he came down from his high.
Yoosung raised his head and Zen saw that the blond hadn’t stopped panting. He had picked up speed and intensity, in fact. He saw another hand working in Yoosung’s pants and understood why. Zen leaned forward to kiss him, momentarily forgetting that Yoosung had just swallowed - evidently all of - his cum. There was absolutely no sign of it on his face so he had just...forgotten. He cringed on the inside but then reasoned with himself. If Yoosung can swallow it, then so can I. It’s totally not gonna kill me...Ugh. Nope, still weird.
Yoosung pulled back, still panting, and questioned him hesitantly.
“It was...it was good, right? A-am I a good boy, Zen?” He smiled handsomely into Yoosung’s pleading eyes, and the blond flushed darker than seemed humanly possible. Zen had never had sex with anyone who had a praise or humiliation kink, let alone both, but he still knew what to do. He’d read about it once while researching a part. Zen leaned closer and lowered his voice.
“You are a very good boy.” Yoosung smiled in relief and they kissed again.
“See, Yoosung? I told you he would think so too.” Jumin’s head suddenly appeared over Yoosung’s shoulder. His eyes locked with Zen’s.
“Now, the real fun can begin. Here.” He handed over a condom. “Take off your clothes.” Yoosung undid his pants as quickly as possible. Zen pulled them down - along with his underwear - as Jumin lifted off the blond’s shirt. He settled himself onto Zen’s lap and stripped him of his shirt as well.
Zen let his hands roam up and down Yoosung’s body admiringly. His fingers found themselves playing near the blond's nipples, where his lips already were. Who knew a man's chest could be so enticing? Zen hadn't.
Jumin's fingers paused at Yoosung's throat a he pondered Zen’s reaction to him suddenly choking out his own boyfriend. He decided against it - for now - and his hands moved up to the blond's beautiful lips.
Yoosung opened his mouth a little and Jumin put two fingers inside. He forced the third one in a lot more violently, and Yoosung accidentally bit it. The blond whimpered as Jumin retracted his hand and moved it to his back. Yoosung knew he was about to be punished. Ahhh fuck yes.
Yoosung's eyes went wide and he cried out as Jumin thrust all three fingers inside him at once. The coldness never failed to send shivers down his spine.
“Ahh...Jumin! Nngh...ah!” Zen looked into Yoosung’s pleasure-filled eyes and felt his arousal coming back. He leaned forward to suck on Yoosung’s neck, but it turned into a jealous bite when he heard Yoosung moaning Jumin’s name. He wanted the blond to say his name instead. But he hadn’t. Not yet, at least. He did gasp at the sharp and delicious pain near his shoulder, but was still more focused on Jumin’s hand.
Zen tugged Yoosung’s face towards his own and kissed him heatedly. He pinched the blond’s nipple - eliciting a gasp - and thrust his tongue into his mouth. Yoosung relented control readily, and leaned farther into Zen’s lap, bracing his arms on his broad shoulders.
Zen was fully aroused now, and separated himself from Yoosung's lips to focus on getting his condom on.
“Are you having trouble, Zen?” Jumin asked, somehow still completely deadpan and dead set on pissing Zen off.
“Fuck off, jerk.”
“We will be fucking, but not off. Apologies.” Zen glared as Jumin removed his fingers from Yoosung’s ass. The blond whined at the loss of contact. Zen turned a seductive smile onto him, and leaned forward for another kiss.
Yoosung was a little bit confused when he was first guided over Zen’s hips, rather than Jumin's. As the older man entered him, he decided he really didn't care. Yoosung was already panting by the time Zen’s member was all the way inside him.
“Ahh! Zen! Mm...Yesss…!” Zen gripped his hips tightly and waited for Jumin's nod of approval.  He consented, and Zen held onto Yoosung’s hips as the blond lifted himself. He slammed him back down roughly and Yoosung practically screamed. The only thoughts going through his head were so fucking deep oh shit that's so fucking deep ahh.
“Do you like that, Yoosung?” His own breathing was getting quite unsteady, but Zen still managed to tease Yoosung. Jumin traced the familiar expanse of skin reverently, until he too grabbed hold of the blond’s waist.
“Ah! Ah!! Y-yes...I-I do.” Yoosung's words were becoming jumbled in between his heavy breathing. He gripped Zen’s shoulders tighter, as if he were holding on for dear life. Zen thrust his hips upwards to meet Yoosung's and the blond cried out even louder than before.
“Do you want us to fuck you harder?” Zen’s soothing voice contrasted greatly with his inappropriate words and lewd actions. Yoosung mumbled incoherently and made a whining noise. He could hardly form any coherent thoughts at the moment, so speaking coherently was pretty much a no-go.
“He asked you a question, Yoosung.” Yoosung felt Jumin's warm breath ghost across his neck and he shivered. He moaned again and somehow forced out a broken, “Please”.
“‘Please’ what?” Zen slammed Yoosung's hips down again, more viciously than before, as Jumin bit him.
“I think he's asking for punishment.” He was being uncharacteristically quiet today, and Jumin figured it was because of Zen. He didn't know why, but things were usually Zen’s fault.
“Is that what it is, Yoosung? Have you been a bad boy?” The man in question let out another unintelligible string of letters, but nodded his head vigorously. Zen glanced at Jumin over Yoosung's pale shoulder, and saw that he already had on a condom and was getting ready to go. Zen squeezed Yoosung's waist harder.
“Can you take us both?” Jumin said it more like a demand than a question, and Yoosung melted at the mere thought. He nodded again - even more vigorously - choked out a ‘yes’.
All three felt the immediate difference. None of them had ever felt anything remotely like this before. Zen moaned loudly - it was a strange mix between the others’ names - and his hips moved of their own accord. Jumin dropped his head and bit Yoosung again - it was essentially habit at this point, this marking of his lover - and Yoosung screamed curses, feeling like a virgin again. Only this time was so much more satisfying. The slight pain of being stretched so wide just made the pleasure of their dicks ten times better.
Zen pulled Jumin and Yoosung closer to himself, and Yoosung felt actual tears running down his face from all the unabashed sensations coursing through his body. He knew he'd probably left many scratches on Zen, but he also knew that both men had left a fair amount of bite marks on himself.
They only went on for a few seconds more before Yoosung came completely undone. He screamed Zen’s name this time - which inflated the man's ego and his already rock hard erection - and then sagged against him. It took Zen and Jumin about a minute more to come - almost simultaneously too. To Zen’s relief, he did not say Jumin's name that time.
A little later, Jumin brought them all water, and Zen asked, “How many condoms have you got?” The man smirked.
By the time they were done, Zen had said Jumin's name far too many times to count.
~ Omake ~
After their last round, at almost midnight, Yoosung fell asleep from exhaustion. He automatically snuggled into Zen’s chest, and Jumin warmed up his back.
“So. Would you be willing to do this again?” Jumin asked.
“I'd be willing to do you two again for the rest of my life.”
“Hyperbolic, aren’t you? Though I do admit that your commitment and stamina are commendable.” Zen groaned.
“For God's sake, just be quiet for once.”
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takokola · 8 years
Nova’s Secret Admirer Part 1
((Valentine's Day is right around the corner in 2 days. In this story, Nova recieved a letter from a secret admirer. He wondered, who sent him that letter?))
Nova, Hachi, Aki, Mel, Leif, Hunni and Luna belongs to me.
Eimie belongs to @eiden-squid.
Neo Squid Sisters: Camille and Nebula belongs to @inklingleesquidly | @agenttwo and @myzzy
Telemachus (mentioned) @agent-7-at-your-service
Nova went back to his homeroom, after he was called in the principle's office. He wasn't in trouble. His teacher asked him to run a small errand with the principle. He printed out flyers for the Valentine's Day dance for next week. Unfortunately for Nova, he doesn't even have a date to go to.
As he opened the door and reported to his teacher, he seems to notice a pink letter at his own desk. Nova was wonderering, who sent that letter? The rest of the classmates were just finishing their school work. Including Hachi and Leif. Hachi was sitting by the window, where Nova is. And his cousin, Leif was sitting in the middle.
He took his seat and resumed his work until the bell rang. He put the letter away in his bag. He'll read it, later after school.
The school bell rang and everyone in Seaside Hill High were going home or attending their school clubs. As for Nova, he doesn't do any clubs.
"It smells like sweet nectar.." Nova took a whiff at the scent. Could be some kind of expensive perfume. He was going to open the letter, until he felt a tap on his shoulder.
"Hey, cousin! Whatcha got there?" Leif appeared, right behind him. They were looking over his shoulder to see a pink letter. "Didn't mean to surprise ya. You've been staring at that letter after we were done with class." They wrapped an arm around Nova.
Nova turned his head to Leif and smiled. "Oh, sorry! It laying there, before I came back to class. I was gonna open it, until you showed up" He stared at his letter for a second.
They were eager to know, what's in the envelope. "Well, don't just stand there! Open it!" They said. Leif is one of the squids, who likes surprises.
Nova opened the envelope, to reveal a note. He started to read it, out loud to Leif.
"I heard that you don't have a date to the Valentine's Day dance, next week. Meet me at the entrance of the gym, if you want to come to the dance. I really adore you in turf battles. I love the way, you draw your hearts with your Inkbrush. I'll see you, next week. OXOXO from your secret admirer." After he read the letter, he blushed. Someone admired him.
"Ohhhhh~ Looks like someone has a crush on yoooouuu~" They nudged on Nova. "Well, it's your chance to go to the dance. At least, it's from Grandma Cheryl."
Nova had flashbacks when his grandmother, Cheryl was his secret admirer. He was VERY embarrassed, in front of his sister and cousin. Including his childhood friend, Camille. "That was like 6 years ago.. I thought, it was Camille who sent that letter.." He sighed. "Well.. I guess, I'll go.. My first guess was Camille, buuut I doubt it. I've been friendzoned, pretty hard. I believe she's with some guy named, Tele.. Telemachus?" He's seen him, a couple of times at the Square. "Anyway, my chances of asking Camille out was out of the question." He shrugged. There's plenty of fish in the sea.
"If it's not Camille or Grandma, then who sent the letter?" Leif puzzled.
"I really don't know yet, Leif. That's for me to find out, when I arrive. But for now, me and my team are going to practice for Ranked, this weekend." Nova puts away the letter in the envelope and hid it in his bag for safe keeping.
"Well, good luck on that! I got a club to attend to at the greenhouse! These plants can't water themselves." And with that, they waved goodbye to Nova and left him.
Meanwhile, Hachi was watching from the background. Along side her was Nova's twin sister, Luna. "You think, it's a good idea to send that letter..?" Hachi whispered to Luna. She was blushing, slightly while she kept twiddling her fingers.
Luna nodded. "You're the one who asked for advice about asking my brother out to the dance. He'll be finding out, soon enough." She placed a hand on Hachi's shoulder with a smile. Luna remembered when Hachi visted her in the middle of band practice for the dance.
"Well.. I don't want Nova to be lonely on Valentine's Day, y'know?" She looked at Nova. She's never felt like this, before. At first, Hachi mostly teases Nova and always beat him in any game. Including Turf Wars, she claims to be fresher than her. When Nova participated at the Olympics with Camille, she was rooting for Nova on TV. Just a little bit. Even her mother, Hunni was surprised about it. Once Nova returned home with a slight bruise on the back of his neck, she felt cornered for Nova.
"Make sure you keep this a secret from Nova. It wouldn't that surprising, if you told him right away." Luna flipped her wavey tentacle hair, as she parted way with Hachi. She turned to look at Hachi, one last time. "If you need any help on keeping it a secret from Nova, text me. We've got 4 days until the dance." She said, before catching up to her twin brother.
Hachi stood there, thinking about the letter, she wrote. It's only a matter of time to keep Nova guessing, who sent the letter. She checked the time on her phone. Her daily track practice routine starts in 30 minutes. "I better get going, before the coach will have me do 20 laps on the track." She sighed.
One day later..
The Galaxa Gems: Nova, Hachi, Mel, and Aki were planning strategies at an outdoor table in Inkopolis Square. Nova has formed his own squad, 2 weeks ago, making him captain and Hachi as co-captain. The inktoling, Aki Takoshi joined his squad after serving him some spicy curry to satisify Nova's hunger. The inkling with the yellow tinted shades is Mel Larimar. Mel and Hachi have been good friends, since Hunni and the former Kriller Bees's get-together party. Mel's also part-vampire squid, due to his mother's genes. He sometimes, drinks blood to keep him from going berserk.
While they were discussing strats for Turf Wars and Ranked Battles, they all heard a jingle from the Inkopolis News channel. Neo Squid Sisters, Camille and Nebula were on air and ready to reveal today's stages.
"Hold onto your tentacles!" Camille was the first to read the teleprompter. Nova used to have a crush on her, ever since childhood. But he's been friendzoned, very harshly. Reminds him of his dad, Fynn crushing on Marie when he was 18.
"It's Inkopolis News Time." Nebula finished the introduction. Always the sassy attitude, just like her mother. The rest of inklings kept silent as they all watched the news.
They revealed the next rotation of stages. Not to mention the hilarious comments about the two stages. And before they were about to end today's news, a grin appeared on Camille's face. They must be up to something.
"Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Right, Nebby~?" She looked over to her cousin. That was when Hachi gulped. She doesn't want Nova to find out.
Nebula nodded. "Mmmmhm! It's the time of year for squids to give gifts for a special someone. Or go out on a nice and romantic dinner." She added. "Unless, you're a dateless sap who stays at home and eat ice cream.." Nebula has witnessed it, herself before. Just watching a sad romance movie and eat cookie dough ice cream.
"Okay, that's all for now! And I hope everyone, have a Happy Valentine's Day. Annnndd.." Camille and Nebula did the traditional Squid Sisters pose, passed down by Callie and Marie.
"Staaay Freeeeesh~" The Neo Squid Sisters ended the news with a slogan. And finally, the main screen switched to the turf war brand commercials.
Hachi looked at Nova. She blushed, slightly as Nova was focusing back on the plan. He seems to be zoning out about the letter from his secret admirer.
"Sooooo, any of you are going to the dance?" Aki asked the rest of the squad. "I heard, it's gonna be awesome!" She squee'd happily.
"Actually, I received a letter after I ran an errand. It's from a secret admirer." Nova pulled out the letter. "It smells kinda sweet." He added.
Hachi giggled, nervously. "T-That's great..! I-I wonder, who wrote that letter..?" She looked over the letter.
"I really don't know, Hachi.. But I must meet the admirer at the dance!" He sounded eager to meet this mysterious squid.
Aki's eyes began to sparkle. This is the same expression as his cousin, Leif. She has interest in romance manga and anime. On most days after working at her dad's restaurant, she writes romantic fanfics. "Ooooo~ Whoever this person is, she must be lucky to ask him out~" Aki giggled.
Hachi stayed silent, while Nova and Aki were chatting about the Valentine dance. Her face was a light shade of green. She couldn't tell him, that it was her. Before she could try to text Luna about the situation, Mel tapped her on the shoulder.
"Is something the matter? You're pretty much blushing." Mel pointed that out, the moment Hachi was in the train with him.
"W-What do you mean? I-I'm fine..!" She would lie to him, but Mel is a trustworthy friend. She leaned in, not letting Nova or Aki hear their own conversation.
"Hachi.. You can tell me.. If there's something troubling you, please tell your friends." Mel whispered.
Hachi sighed and whispered into Mel's ear. "It was me.." She admitted. "It was me who sent the letter... I have a crush on our leader.. Ever since after Nova came home after the Olympics.. I've rooted him on.." She was twiddling her fingers. Her blush increased when she told him the truth.
"No wonder, you were shouting at the TV screen.." He rubbed his chin with a finger and thumb.
Hachi stared, directly into Mel's eyes. Well.. into Mel's tinted shades. "Please.. Don't tell Nova.. I wanna make this a surprise for him." She pleaded.
Mel thought about it for a while. Breaking a friend's promise is the last thing, he could ever do. He turned his gaze on Nova and Aki. Nova was now, talking about his sister's performance on stage for Tuesday night.
Mel paid attention to Hachi and smiled, a bit. "Don't worry. I won't tell."
Hachi could squeal out of pure joy, but a simple hug would do. "Thank you, Mel..! I owe you one..!" She grinned, happily. The hug went on for a few seconds, until she lets go. Her gaze was fixated on Nova and Aki. "Hey, guys! Are we gonna chat all day? Or are we gonna go play?" She asked, tapping her feet in an impatient way.
That brought her attention and Nova smiled at her. "Oh, right! We've been sitting here for at least 30 mintues." Nova got up from his seat. "Alright, team! Let's rock n' roll!!" He pumps his fist into the air, triumphantly.
The rest of the Galaxa Gems cheered, as well. Today's stages were pretty decent in Ranked Battles. First they need to warm up in Private, and then head into a lobby.
After the Galaxa Gems played 3 or 4 matches in Ranked, Nova left the square because his mom asked his son to pick a nice suit for the dance. He waved, goodbye to his team and got on the bus. Once he arrived at home, he used the key to unlock the door.
He was soon greeted by his mom, Eimie Marchant Sparks. "Welcome home, champ! Did you enjoy your matches, today?" Eimie said. She was preparing dinner before Fynn comes home from work.
"Hey, Mama! I sure did! It was a rocky start, but we pulled it off!" He scratched the back of his head and chuckled. "Soooo.. You called me about picking out a suit for me?" He asked.
Eimie nodded. "Yeah! Your father has some nice suits, when he was your age. I'm sure, it'll fit. Come with me." Eimie escorted her son to Fynn's closet in the bedroom. She picked out, a decent suit for Nova. It was a white suit with a pink necktime on it.
"He wore this at the prom, before I met him. I thought, that you would look great in a white suit." She handed the suit over to Nova. "Give it a try!"
"Kay, gimmie a sec." He took the suit and walked into the master bathroom. After 5 minutes of putting on the suit, he was done. "Uh, how do I look?" He said, stepping out the bathroom. It was indeed, a perfect fit.
Eimie gasped and squealed in joy. "You look handsome!!" It brings a tear to her eye. She's proud of her Nova, that he's going to the Valentine dance with a secret admirer. "I'm sure, your special lady would be head over heels, in love!"
Nova blushed, slightly at the comment. "Geez, Mama!" He said, chuckling.
Meanwhile at Hachi's apartment, Hachi was backing some cookies for Nova. With the help of her parents: Hunni and Mako, she's getting the hang of baking sweets.
"They should be done, by now.." Hachi looked at the cooking timer. Only 3 minute left until the cookies are fully baked to perfection. Suddenly, Hunni walked in the kitchen. Her mom can smell the sweet scent of sugary goodness, coming from the oven.
"Wow, those smell really good!" Hunni has a weakspot when it comes to baked goods. Her husband cooks on most occasions and her daughter was happy to help out. "So, tell me somethin'. Are you baking them for yourself or for that Nova kid?" She smirked.
Hachi stared at her mom, blushing. "Th-they're for Nova.. I'm going to give him some cookies, when he finds out." She sighed, deeply. "Mom? What's it like, when someone confesses to you? I mean, how did you meet Daddy?" She kept, twiddling her fingers.
Hunni raised her eyebrows. This was the first time, her daughter asked about asking someone out or dating. Nevertheless, she's happy to oblige. " Your father and I, bumped into each in Inkopolis Plaza. As usual, I was pretty angry at him for calling me short. We played a match in Splat Zones, until he apologized. After that, we've been battling alot in Turf Wars. That was until that moment in Flounder Heights." As soon as she said that, she was blushed. "We kissed under the grate and we started dating~!" She even embarrassed, herself. "You should've seen the look on your dad's face! He's so cute, when he's flustered!" She giggled some more, until she kept a smile on her face.
"Hachi, sweetie. There's nothing to be worried about. You go out there and have a good time with Nova. And someday, you'll have a family of your own." She gave Hachi, a big bear hug until she went back in the room.
"Thanks, Mom. Guess, there's no need to worry.." She smiled, slightly. Maybe, she'll be able to have the courage to kiss Nova.
Hachi heard the cooking timer, going off. It was already 3 minutes until the cookies are golden brown and more edible. "Oh! The cookies are done!" She said, before turning off the oven's heat.
End of Part 1
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