#i had SOOO much fun with this thank you so much
eobe · 3 days
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Lazy day! I really tried to relax and I had so much fun drawing this one based on the awesome ‚Loathsome coworkers‘ comic – credits to @chiliger 🤩 Thank you so much for your friendly permission and I hope you like my appreciation artwork inspired by your work 🙏🏼
I laughed so hard and it absolutely made my day, when I saw the original comic and I wanted so badly celebrate the up-kricked Commander Cody and the flat lazy day Vader✨
It absolutely hit my sense of humor and also my nerve, because it‘s sooo hard for me to relax, to let go of my insecurities and trust in my wrist to draw dynamic lines speedy, easy and free handed. I absolutely need to get more confident, but if I try, I often got the same problem like Cody – I just cramp even more 😂
So, what do you think about it? Let me know!
Edit: Here‘s my explanation / interpretation of what‘s happening on request: It’s drawing style humor 😄 On a lazy day an artist would just speed sketchy lines on the paper without big effort.
Vader is powerful enough to indulge himself in a lazy day (and so in its style), but imperial Commander Cody is too tense and his trial to relax failed miserably, so he got even more detailed drawn with more effort, shading, shaping and bling 😄
But there is also a crux in lazy looking sketches: If the lines aren’t proper on the first try it doesn’t get well or looses it’s dynamics.
So often the reduced drawing is the one from the most sure hand ✨ (and I‘m still drawing Padawan 🙈)
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This is what cultural christianity looks like:
“What did you do for christmas? Oh you should still celebrate it even though you’re non-christian. It’s super fun and everyone celebrates!”
“Yeah I had sooo much religious trauma. Fuck religions lol. Oh, you’re ex-jewish? Thank g-d you got out of that I heard it’s a massive cult lol”
“Oh, you’re Jewish? I don’t really know much about that; but I love those potato pancake thing. Laykeys, right?”
“Omg I got this necklace! It’s super goth. The cross sorta reminds me of grave stones, don’t you think?”
“Oh, you’re Jewish? But not like, really Jewish right? Because that’s weird. Anyway my aunt just became a nun and it’s super aesthetic but she can’t date so that must be annoying…”
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kai-uh-arcadian · 3 days
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synopsis: you’re an intern at JYP Corp, you get suddenly moved to a different floor and meet the woman of your dreams
cw: basically pure fluff, jealous Tzuyu, minor cursing, alcohol, grimey He*chul, please let me know anything else, also Tzuyu is like rich but it doesn't relate to the plot
word count: 4k
notes! hi! I hope you enjoy this!! It was sooo fun to write. I thought about this on my way to my own internship hahaha. Has anyone watched Queen of Tears? I referenced that one (<-watch it if you haven't!) scene in this that I thought was soooooo cute ahh~ anyways! Let me know how you feel about this or if you’d just like to chat. Love youuuu (:
You’d been interning at JYP Corp for about a month and a half now, and so far, things were pretty good. The people you met were okay, and while the work was definitely stressful, the fast-paced environment made the days fly by.
All in all, it wasn’t bad.
Well, almost.
Your floor boss, Heechul, was the one exception. He was in his early 40s, arrogant, and rude—those were the kindest words you could think of to describe him. You despised him secretly, but you were careful never to show it.
It was 9:20 a.m., and you had been at your desk since 7:30, typing up a last-minute report Heechul had dumped on you the moment you stepped through the office door. A report he honestly should have done yesterday.
“Get this done by 10, ’kay?” The way his smug grin appeared as your face faltered for a split second was permanently burned into your memory.
You mimicked his tone quietly to yourself while you made a face, “Get this done by 10, ’kay?” The bitter satisfaction of hitting ‘send’ on the email 40 minutes ahead of schedule almost made up for the annoyance.
“Hey, uh…”
Your heart dropped when you saw Heechul’s head suddenly poke over your cubicle wall.
Did he have super-hearing or something?!
You froze, horrified at the thought that he might’ve overheard your mocking.
“I’m so—” you began, your words stumbling out, but he cut you off without even glancing in your direction.
“Intern #5…” he drawled lazily, “someone on the 3rd floor got pulled into another project. They need someone to fill in for a 12 week case.” He flashed an indifferent smile as you exhaled the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
“Oh, okay. When do I start?” Not even questioning what you’d be doing for the next TWELVE weeks
“Hmm.. like now. Just grab whatever you need and head down there. Thanks!” And with that, he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving you blinking in disbelief.
What the hell. No details, no briefing? Just like that?
Grumbling under your breath, you grabbed your briefcase and stuffed your sparse desk items in it before making your way out the door and into the elevator. It wasn’t until you were inside that it hit you.
He didn’t even know your name. After over a month of interning, you were still just ‘Intern #5.’
“Ahh~ Seriously, fuck that guy…” you muttered to yourself as the elevator dinged, straightening your posture instinctively.
The third floor felt like a completely different world. The cubicles were laid out in a way that was the total opposite of what you were used to, leaving you standing there awkwardly, much like a worried puppy with the way your eyebrows furrowed.
After a few moments a soft voice broke through your thoughts. You turned your head to see a woman peeking out from her cubicle, you only needed to see half her face to realize she was stunning.
“Are you okay?”
“Oh! Uh, yeah… I was sent here to help out on the 12 week case,” you replied, rubbing the back of your neck. “But the layout is completely different from the 4th floor, so I’m a bit lost.”
She smiled warmly and stood up from her desk. “Oh! It must be the case I’m working on, my boss mentioned something earlier about another intern joining me so I think she is expecting you!  Her office is down that hall, last door on the left.” Using her long arms to point you in said direction. 
“Thanks a lot!” You started to walk away but paused, realizing you hadn’t asked for her name.
“Tzuyu,” she said with a smile, extending her hand.
“Y/n… Or, as my boss calls me, Intern #5.” You sighed with a small laugh, shaking her hand.
Tzuyu giggled softly. “I’m also an intern and I’ve heard stories about how he treats us. I think I can safely say Jihyo-nim is much nicer” assuaging your worries
As you exchanged smiles with Tzuyu, her warmth immediately calmed your nerves. You couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing you'd be working with someone friendly for once.
"Thanks for the heads-up. I'll try not to embarrass myself in front of her," you said with a small grin.
Tzuyu chuckled softly. "You'll be fine. She's really understanding—definitely not the type to make you feel like Intern #5," she reassured you, her voice playful.
With one last nod, you turned and made your way to Jihyo’s office, the nerves slowly creeping back in. You took a deep breath, knocked twice, and heard a clear voice from inside.
I really can’t deal with another Heechul situation
"Come in."
Opening the door, you found Jihyo seated at her desk, her space neat and organized but stacked with files. She looked up from her work and smiled brightly. "Y/n, thanks for stepping in on such short notice."
"No problem at all," you said, relieved she actually used your name.
Jihyo stood up and grabbed a folder from her desk. Jihyo motioned for you to sit. "The project we’re working on is a client case that’s been a bit tricky, but with the extra hands, we should be able to get things done faster.” She handed you the file to briefly read it over, “I’m assigning you to work on it with another intern, and I’ll walk you over to your station. You’ll be seated next to your partner."
You nodded, feeling your nerves settle. "Sounds great!"
Jihyo led you out of her office, down the hall, and toward a cluster of cubicles. As you approached, your heart skipped a beat when you realized she was guiding you right to the cubicle next to Tzuyu’s.
“Tzuyu, this is Y/n," Jihyo said with a smile as she motioned toward you. "You’ll both be working together on this case."
Tzuyu smiled warmly as she stood up. "Oh, we've already met!"
Jihyo blinked in surprise for a moment before chuckling softly. "Well, that’s perfect. That makes things easier." She gestured toward the empty cubicle next to Tzuyu’s. "Y/n, this is where you'll be sitting. Tzuyu’s already familiar with the case, so she’ll help you get caught up, and you two can take it from there. Let me know if you need anything, alright?" She made a slight notice how the tips of your ears were beginning to turn red before turning away.
"Thank you," you said, bowing before stepping into your new space and setting down your things.
As Jihyo left, you turned toward Tzuyu, a grin tugging at your lips. "Looks like we’re officially teammates."
Tzuyu nodded, her expression playful. "I guess that means I’ll be seeing a lot more of you."
"It seems so," you said, trying to keep your voice steady, though the idea of working closely with her made your heart flutter just a bit.
Tzuyu sat back down and gestured toward a stack of neatly organized documents. "Okay, let’s get started. I’ll walk you through what we were working on so far, and we can go from there."
You nodded, scooting your chair closer to her, your shoulder just barely brushing against hers as you both leaned in toward the table. The soft sound of paper flipping echoed against the steady lull of the room as Tzuyu began to explain the case, her voice was so calming. Her perfume—a subtle, sweet scent—seemed to linger in the air between you, and though you were trying to focus on her words, it was hard not to get a little distracted.
As she spoke, you couldn’t help but admire how composed and thoughtful she was, her long fingers moving gracefully over the pages. You found yourself glancing at her more often than the documents in front of you, drawn in by her presence. There was something undeniably captivating about the way she carried herself—poised, elegant, but still approachable.
“Do you understand it a bit more now? If not I can go over it again,” Tzuyu’s voice broke through your thoughts, and when you looked up, her eyes were already on you, curious. There was no judgment, just a soft smile that tugged at the corner of her lips.
You cleared your throat, trying to play it off with a grin. “Oh~! No, that’s okay,” you assuaged. “I’m just trying to process all of it”
She gave a small, knowing smile and turned her attention back to the documents. “Well, you're doing great, I know I just said a lot of words” she giggled, her tone soft but warm.
Over the last eight weeks, you and Tzuyu had gotten to know each other better. Your work together became a steady rhythm—casual conversations, shared laughs, and, to your delight, a shared love for music. It made the long car rides during company trips feel less like work and more like a comfortable escape.
One afternoon, while heading back to the office after a client visit, you caught Tzuyu quietly nodding along to a song from your playlist.
"You like Twice?" you asked, glancing over with mild surprise.
Tzuyu smiled, still looking out the window. "Yeah, I didn’t expect anyone here to listen to them."
"Same here," you chuckled. "You ever seen them live?"
Tzuyu turned her head, her smile growing. "Once, back in college. It was unforgettable."
"I’ve been meaning to for years but never got around to it," you replied. "Maybe next time they’re touring here."
"Maybe we can go together," she said, her voice was so forward yet soft, and the thought of seeing a concert with her lingered in the back of your mind long after the conversation ended.
That evening, after another long day, you found yourself staying late to finish some reports. Tzuyu had already called it a night, stopping by her neighboring cubicle as she prepared to leave.
"Hey, don’t stay too late," she said, offering a tired but warm smile.
"I won’t be long," you replied, stretching your shoulders. "I’ll see you tomorrow!"
"Good night, Y/n" she said, and with a soft wave, she headed out.
It was nearly an hour later when you finally finished up, the office almost eerily silent. You grabbed your things and headed out, only to find Tzuyu standing by the entrance under the building’s foyer, her arms crossed as she looked out at the rain pouring down.
You frowned, assuming she was waiting for the storm to calm down. "Seriously?" you muttered to yourself, amused that someone so seemingly put-together would forget an umbrella on a night like this. With a sigh, you walked over to her.
"Tzuyu, did you forget your umbrella?" you assumed lightly, a teasing smile on your face as you stood beside her.
Tzuyu turned toward you, blinking in surprise. "Oh, no, I'm just waiting for—"
"For the rain to stop?" You asked as you frantically put your stuff down on the concrete while taking off your blazer.
"You'll get sick if you try to walk home like this," you interrupted, pulling out your own red umbrella of your bag and pressing it into her hands while also throwing your blazer around her.
Tzuyu opened her mouth to respond, but you didn’t give her a chance.
"Here, take mine."
Tzuyu blinked, a bit taken aback. "But what about you?"
"I’ll be fine," you said with a reassuring smile. "The bus stop is just around the corner, and so I’ll be good. Besides, this umbrella’s way too nice to just be used in a short walk!"
Tzuyu hesitated, looking between you, the umbrella, and the pre-warmed jacket around her. She opened her mouth again, probably to explain, but you waved her off, already heading toward the street. "Seriously, don’t worry about it! It looks better on you anyway!"
Before she could protest, you were jogging away, flashing her a quick cheeky smile over your shoulder. "See you tomorrow, Tzu~!"
She stood there, the unopened red umbrella still in her hand and blazer around her as she watched you dart off toward the bus stop, your silhouette slowly disappearing in the fog of the heavy rain. Tzuyu glanced down at the umbrella, confusion flickering in her eyes.
“I .. have a driver..”
Just as she stood there, still processing what had happened, her driver finally pulled up, headlights cutting through the downpour.
"Miss Chou, I apologize for the delay—the rain's been causing awful traffic," the driver said, stepping out to open the door for her.
Tzuyu looked down at the umbrella again, momentarily lost in thought. "It’s okay, don't worry about it" she murmured, climbing into the car, the umbrella still firmly in her grip.
As the car drove off, Tzuyu’s thoughts drifted back to you—how you’d rushed off into the rain without a jacket nor without a second thought, stupidly smiling despite the storm, leaving her with your umbrella. She looked out the window as the bus drove off in the distance, watching your soaked form disappear from view, wondering about you, and why you so easily gave her the clothes off your back.
The next morning, when you arrived at the office, you saw Tzuyu already at her desk, the red umbrella propped up against your chair.
“Good morning Tzu!” You cheerfully greeted her while making your way to your respective space. 
She glanced up as you approached, her usual calm expression shifting to something more thoughtful.
"You know, you didn’t have to do all that last night," she said softly, as if she’d been thinking about it all morning. (she was)
You shrugged, giving her an easy smile. "I couldn’t let you walk in the rain like that. It’s just an umbrella and I bought that jacket from Amazon, no big deal! I’m glad you got home safe."
Tzuyu held your gaze for a moment, her eyes lingering on yours before she looked down. "Still… I appreciate it. I’ll give it back when it’s dry-cleaned"
"No it’s okay! Don’t worry about it," you replied, brushing off her concern with a wave of your hand. "It’s really okay!"
But as you settled into your seat, something about the exchange left an unspoken feeling between you both, small but undeniably there. You couldn’t quite shake it—the way her gaze lingered, it seemed like a quiet weight resting beside her.
And maybe, just maybe, that gesture meant more than either of you were ready to admit
Twelve weeks had passed, and you and Tzuyu had finally closed the case(successfully!) you’d been working on it for so long. It felt like a weight had been lifted, and both the third and fourth floors were buzzing with excitement. As the end-of-year office tradition dictated, Jihyo—and unfortunately, Heechul—organized a work dinner and drinks to celebrate the years successes.
Dinner started smoothly. Everyone was relaxed, conversations filled with lighthearted laughter and stories of the past few months. Tzuyu sat beside you, nursing her drink, her small, contented smile only adding to the warmth of the night.
But then, the drinks started flowing.
As the evening wore on, you noticed Heechul’s eyes repeatedly drifting toward Tzuyu. From the moment he saw her, it was clear what his intentions were. His predatory gaze, the same one you’d witnessed with other interns, made your blood simmer. He was so zeroing in.
Tzuyu, who was carefully sipping her beer, had stiffened as Heechul sauntered over with a smug grin, the two small glasses in his hand wobbling slightly from how much he’d already consumed.
“Hey, Tzuyu, right?” Heechul drawled, leaning on the table beside her. “Let’s do a love-shot. It’s for team bondinggg~” He flashed her a grin, his voice dripping with sleaze.
Tzuyu froze, glancing away uncomfortably. “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, I don’t really drink..” she murmured, clearly looking for a way out.
“Oh, come onnn~!” Heechul leaned in closer, his body practically pinning her against the wall which happened to be your back. “Don’t be shy. It’s just one drink~!”
That was enough.
Without missing a beat, you stood from your seat, a little unsteady from your own drinks but filled with purpose. 
“Boss-nim, how about… you come here!” You feigned excitement while the whole tables’ eyes were on you two
In a few steps you guided him and you closed the distance, slipping Heechul away from Tzuyu smoothly, effortlessly blocking her from his sight with your body while wrapping your forearm around his.
“How about this, Boss-nim?” you said with a playful grin, your voice steady despite the alcohol in your system. “Why don’t we take that love-shot together!?”
You leaned in closer, one arm propped against the wall beside his head, the other smoothly taking one of the glasses from his hand.
Heechul blinked, visibly surprised but clearly intrigued by your boldness. His smirk widened. “Oh? I didn’t think you’d be so forward, Intern #5.”
God did you hate this man.
You internally rolled your eyes as you tilted your head, giving him a fake smile. “Why not? I’m a big team player, right? ” You clinked his glass, maintaining your position between him and Tzuyu.
Heechul's initial shock melted into something more. His grin grew cockier, but now with a hint of appreciation. He raised his glass, eyeing you with newfound interest. “Well, you’ve got guts, I’ll give you that.”
You turned out to the table of people watching, letting the tension simmer. “To teamwork! ” You said, your voice is just loud enough for your table to hear.
Heechul clinked his glass against yours, his gaze still locked onto you. “To teamwork,” he echoed.
You both threw back the shots, and while the burn of the alcohol hit your throat, you couldn’t help but hide a face of disgust at the sight of Heechul staring at you with a mix of admiration and something else entirely.
As you set your glass down, you noticed some of the female coworkers nearby watching you both, whispering among themselves.
“Wow, did you see that?” one of them murmured, clearly impressed. “She totally flipped the situation and helped that one girl”
“Right? That was so smooth. She’s got some serious charm.”
“I think Heechul-nim’s  into her now.”
“Hell— I’m even into her now! What’s her name?”
Their whispers weren’t exactly quiet, and the compliments floated through the air, filling the space around you. You caught snippets of their words, and even in your slightly tipsy state, you could feel the heat rise to your cheeks due to flattery.
But then, you glanced at Tzuyu. Her usually soft expression was tight, her eyes focused on the table, hands gripping her drink a little too tightly. She wasn’t saying anything, but there was something in her silence—something that felt like quiet jealousy.
Before you could process it, Heechul broke the moment by leaning in toward you with a grin. “I’ve got to say, Intern #5, you’re full of surprises.”
You chuckled, but there was no mistaking the sharp edge in your voice. “Gotta keep you on your toes, right boss-nim? Can’t let you make just anyone uncomfortable!” You said while slipping back into your seat
His laughter boomed through the room, seemingly laughing off that sly jab, the other colleagues joined in, you felt Tzuyu’s presence beside you, still silent, still reserved. You turned toward her, catching her gaze for just a brief moment, her eyes meeting yours before she quickly looked away, her expression unreadable.
Leaning down slightly, you whispered to her, “Hey, you okay?”
Tzuyu nodded, though her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Yeah, just... tired. Maybe I’ll head home soon.”
“Oh! Please, I can walk you home,” you suggested, voice slightly slurred from the alcohol but laced with genuine concern.
Tzuyu glanced at you for a brief moment, her face unreadable. “Alright,” she finally said, her voice soft but clipped as she grabbed her things.
You both bowed respectfully to thank everyone for the dinner before slipping out the door, the cool night air a stark contrast to the warmth inside.
The silence stretched between you as you followed behind her. Her long strides made it hard to keep up, and you couldn’t help but feel that she was walking with a certain purpose—like she was intentionally trying to get ahead of you while you were left following her like a loyal dog.
“Tzuyu-ya, what’s wrong?” you called after her, your voice slightly breathless as you struggled to close the distance. She kept walking, her pace unfaltering, and for a moment, you wondered if she was genuinely trying to avoid you.
“Tzuyu-ya,” you called again, a little louder this time as she reached the edge of the bridge near her apartment. In a moment of panic, you gently grabbed her arm to stop her.
She froze.
“I’m so sorry… did I make you uncomfortable? Did you want Hee—” you started to ask, words tumbling out in your haste to apologize. Your heart sank at the mere thought that maybe you had overstepped, that maybe she had wanted to—
“Yes! You made me uncomfortable!” Tzuyu interrupted, spinning around to face you, her cheeks flushed. Her eyes shone with an emotion you couldn’t quite place, but it wasn’t anger.
You blinked, shocked. “I’m sorry... I thought you were trying to get away from—” Trying to explain
“You were being too cute!” Tzuyu blurted out, cutting you off again, her face flushed even darker as she averted her gaze, clearly flustered.
Your eyes widened at her sudden admission. "W-What?"
“You were being charming... in front of other women!” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest like a pouting child. “Why would you do that? Are you trying to attract them? It was too charming!”
It all hit you at once. Her awkward silence, her reservedness during dinner—it wasn’t because of Heechul, it was because of you. Even through the fog of alcohol, you suddenly understood.
You took a step closer to her, your heart racing. “Tzuyu, I—” you began, but her vulnerability was so palpable in that moment, it stopped you in your tracks.
Without thinking, you reached up, cupping the right side of her face with your hand. Her skin was warm beneath your palm, and her breath hitched as your thumb gently caressed her cheek.
“I’m sorry,” you said softly, your voice low but steady. “I won’t do that again. I promise... my charm will only be saved for you, my Tzuyu.” You gave her a sweet smile
Tzuyu’s eyes flickered with something raw and unguarded as she looked up at you, absentmindedly nuzzling into your hand, her vulnerability so clear in the way she held your gaze. “It better be,” she murmured, though her words carried no real bite.
In that moment, the air between you felt thick with something unspoken, an invisible thread pulling you closer to her. Your heart pounded as you realized what you had/wanted to do.
Or maybe it was the alcohol in your veins? Or maybe the sheer need to kiss her right in that moment.
Tzuyu’s eyes met yours, wide and vulnerable, but she didn’t pull away. She held your gaze, her breath shallow, her lips parted just slightly as if waiting for something—for you to make the first move.
And so, you did.
Without another word, you gently tilted her chin up with your thumb, leaning in slowly, giving her plenty of time to stop you if she wanted to. But she didn’t. Her eyes fluttered shut, and the warmth of her skin beneath your hand only urged you closer.
Your lips met hers in a soft, tentative kiss—almost like a question. She responded with a slight, shy press of her lips against yours, her breath catching as the kiss deepened. You could feel the soft tremble of her shoulders beneath your hands, as if she was just as unsure and just as eager.
For a brief moment, the world outside disappeared—The bridge, the distant city sounds—all of it melted away.
When you finally pulled back, your forehead rested against hers, both of you catching your breath. You felt her fingers brush against your hand, hesitant but full of meaning, as if she was silently asking, What now?
You smiled softly, your thumb tracing her cheek one last time before you whispered, “I meant it. It’s just you, my Tzuyu.”
Her lips curled into a small, bashful smile as she whispered back, “Just me.”
Maybe come Monday you’ll ask Jihyo for a permanent position on the third floor.
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belit0 · 2 days
Thank you so much for doing my last request! I absolutely loved it and You're such a great writer aaa!<33
But anyhow, I've come with a new request and it was mainly inspired by the way you characterise Izuna (I absolutely love it btw). Sooo, essentially Izuna and Madara sharing a wife. Like, Izuna got her first, but decided to share with Madara, because he is his dear big brother after all!
You can gladly make it mostly nsfw with a generous amount of the infamous Uchiha breeding kink on top, because I need that in my life rn lmao.
Thank you for all you do and have a great day/Night!<33
-bunni anon♡
Months later, here is what you asked for. It has a good combination of nsfw and sfw material, as I found fascinating to explore the dynamics of these two Uchiha in such a situation. I had fun, to say the least.
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Marriage dynamics
In the Uchiha clan, shared marriages are not unusual, as their culture values family, strength and unity. This complex but harmonious relationship began as one of Izuna's many defiant attitudes, trying to go against the council, prove to them that he would not marry who they thought was wise.
(Y/N) became the perfect proof of defiance, a middle finger raised to the elders who kept pressuring the young Uchiha with marital concerns (they decided to leave Madara alone in those matters, of course). One thing led to another, and what started as a fresh fling translated into genuine feelings, accompanied by a long and tumultuous emotional journey that Izuna was not ready to take on.
Luckily, Aniki is always ready to lend a hand to this little jerk, and it was in the sentimental navigation that Izuna undertook with (y/n), assisted by Madara's advice, where the girl developed a strong attraction for the clan leader, setting a new path and direction.
After much internal debate and various agreements, both brothers came to the conclusion that the situation was simply perfect, as the girl not interceding in their bond, but rather contributing to it, was a great match for them.
Madara, being the eldest, has a more protective and authoritative attitude. He is concerned about the welfare of the family and tends to assume the role of leader in personal decisions. Being a man of wise words, he is the one who is in charge of mitigating any tension that may appear in the dynamics. His word is rule, and Izuna knows that contradicting Aniki is pointless (unless it is intentional).
(y/n), however, enjoys ruffling his feathers. Sometimes it's so simple, and punishments in bed have an intense flavor. Madara asks Izuna to assist with punishment and discipline whenever the girl pisses him off, and the younger Uchiha never misses an opportunity to explore sadism between the sheets.
Izuna, on the other hand, is spicier in his manner, playful and carefree. He has more of a physical relationship with her, which balances Madara's seriousness. Both siblings deeply respect each other, so there are no major conflicts for (y/n)'s attention, although sometimes small friendly competitions arise.
Where Izuna tends to lean toward physicality and sex, Madara usually opts for affection. Great balance.
Division of time
Madara, with his leadership role in the clan, spends more time in meetings, while Izuna takes care of the day-to-day affairs of the clan. This allows their wife to spend more frequent and relaxed moments with Izuna, fronting as the first lady of the family.
In the evenings, the three of them get together to share quiet dinners. Madara, who values unity, insists that these dinners be family moments, without political or strategic discussions, purely leisurely and trivial. Both Izuna and (y/n) help him to put his feet on the ground after long days of work, regulating him.
3. Hobbies and shared activities
They enjoy training. When (y/n) is in the mood to participate, they usually arrange all-against-all battles, with the winner being the one who endures to the end. If the girl prefers to rest, she usually settles under the shade of a tree until they wear each other out, waiting for them with snacks ready.
Mutual challenge and support is a big part of their dynamic.
When Madara manages to dodge his responsibilities, the day begins and ends with sex. He doesn't have much free time, and he knows that Izuna and (y/n) never waste time alone. On the one hand, he finds it imperative to catch up, not to be left behind, and on the other, the need builds up in him like hot lava, clamoring to be released. If there is an opportunity, (y/n) does not leave the house all day long.
In quieter moments, they enjoy strolls through the Uchiha compound, where Izuna and (y/n) are corralled by the clan's children while Madara interacts cordially with nearby adults. Sometimes they are satisfied by simply inhabiting the same space, each immersed in their thoughts but sharing the calm.
Preparing dinner
As for household chores, although they have servants who can help, their wife often prefers to prepare meals, enjoying the process as a way of caring for her family. However, Izuna sometimes offers to assist. Madara, too busy to participate in cooking time, rarely gets involved, but always appreciates the food.
Usually, these are moments where Izuna takes the opportunity to enjoy (y/n) without Madara's presence. The servants know when to leave the home, give them privacy, and the Uchiha normally ends up fucking her on the table. If pre-dinner sex happens, she must sit down and eat in front of Madara with the remains of Izuna's seed dripping down her legs, leaving no greater satisfaction for the younger Uchiha than when his Aniki realizes what they were doing in his absence.
Conflict and resolution
Although there are moments of tension, like any relationship, they don't usually fight over their wife's attention. Their mutual respect as siblings prompts them to handle any conflict as they know best: with punches. In a controlled and competitive way, both Uchiha always solved their problems with their fists, knowing when to stop, regulating emotions in a physical way. Their wife, intelligent and patient, plays an important role in mediating when disagreements arise, ensuring that both feel valued, and giving them space when they need to release tensions.
If the problem runs too deep, for whatever reason, the girl has special weapons to disarm the brothers. It is as simple as taking them by the hand and directing them to any available surface, undressing in front of them and allowing whatever they wish to do with her body. No Uchiha will ever resist their woman surrendered in front of them, too much fire in their blood for that.
The only dispute that sometimes appears is fraternal jealousy. While they may compete on some things, like who surprises her with a gift or kind gesture, these moments strengthen their relationship, making the marriage more solid. (y/n) enjoys the attention, and will never admit to dying of tenderness when they simultaneously struggle to give her the best detail or present.
- On intense nights, Madara insists on sleeping inside (y/n), possessively filling her pussy, while Izuna opts for her rear end, joining in the fun until his legs go numb.
- Madara adores watching Izuna take care of (y/n), waiting for the moment when his need is too high and he feels himself exploding. The image of his wife being torn apart by his brother sets him on fire.
- Izuna always tries to find ways to compete. No matter how much he knows (y/n)'s buttons, how to make her scream and when to leave her shaking, he inevitably tries to come up with new ways that will put Madara on the spot.
- Izuna proposed a challenge that ended up becoming a habit: he insisted on (y/n) going through an entire council meeting swallowing Madara's cock under the table, unbeknownst to anyone, leaving him as the only one aware. If Aniki cums before the meeting, he is punished with the impossibility of touching (y/n) during the entire sexual encounter that follows, forced to watch helplessly.
- Madara prefers (y/n)'s cunt, obsessed with burying himself deep between those soft lips and filling her with high-quality seed. Izuna, indifferent as to which hole to occupy, usually takes over the girl's mouth until his brother is satisfied.
- Most often, (y/n) ends up with a mixture of cum dripping from the inside, fluid that doesn't stop pouring until hours after the encounter is over.
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alien-bottle · 1 day
i love how u designed kars and easypeasy’s parents they’re sooo good 😭the subtly of their features and how they’re different from their kids is so epic sauce <333
have you ever thought of what wamuu or santana’s bio parents would be like?
THANK YOUUUU it was really fun figuring itout
And yeah theyre right here!!
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KIDDIIIING im not sure how i would design their parents im still stuck on whether i even want santana to be somehow related to kars, that remains a mystery to me
I think designing their parents for like a for fun kinda thing would be nice but i dont think i would really do anything with them since, yk, they dont play a huge role in santana and whams lives
Though i think it could be interesting figuring out what kinda roles they had in kars and esidisis lives if they ever did meet....Mm probably not much interaction but who knows what my future ideas hold
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northernfireart · 10 months
I don't think I saw any tenxrose piggy-back rides on your dash 👀 any chance we could get one, pretty please? I love your style, you're an amazing artist!
It was supposed to be a single fullbody but i blacked out and a whole comic was on my canvas before i could realize it
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bees-draws · 7 months
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Had a blast reading @spark-hearts2's fic, Yeah, I'm Not Calling Her Mommy. I didn't really have strong opinions on her until reading this, and realized just how fun she could be as an ally.
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hestiashand · 1 year
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my half of an art trade with @l0gitex :DD
[ID: a full body drawing of kankurō and his puppet karasu in the desert. kankurō controls him with chakra threads as karasu comes towards the viewer slightly out of focus. kankurō has brown skin, moles, and purple face paint. he wears a black cat ear beanie, purple button up mostly unbuttoned, light purple pants, and shoes with jewels on them. he has gold necklaces and several gold face and ear piercings. END ID. ]
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honeydots · 8 months
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commission for @antivanwine14 of their FANTASTIC xanlow fic, Navigate! thank you sooo much!! 🏴‍☠️
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Artfic trade with @nyankocatnyan, this is Kat's part!
So, I'm not an artist, but Kat and I wanted to do a gift exchange, so we bent the common rules a little bit by making an art and fic trade! I wrote a fanfic for Kat, and Kat drew this amazing and beautiful artwork of Finn, one of my favorite Mashle boys, for me! Thank you so so much for the lovely art, and for the wonderful opportunity! I really had a lot of fun doing the artfic trade, I love Kat's art soooo much!
Check out Kat's commission info here!
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catonatrain · 6 months
lets build some memories today and tomorrow too
momoi & midorima | rated g | word count: 1776 | where momoi and midorima go on a shopping trip together
for @mason-ajar for the 2024 @knbexchange !! prompt: character a and character b pick out outfits for eachother
i was super excited to see that we've been paired up for the exchange !! i haven't been able to write in a long while, but seeing your prompts gave me the inspiration needed to to write about a friendship that is just so important... and so here they are!!
read on ao3!!
Momoi was lying on her bed, mindlessly reading a sports magazine until her phone rang. It was too early in the morning for Aomine to be calling her. Maybe it was Kise? 
“Hello?” She held her phone in between her head and shoulders.
“Momoi.” To her surprise, it was Midorima. “There is something I would like to talk to you about.”
“Midorin!” Momoi practically sang. She immediately sat up, abandoning the magazine. “You rarely call first! What is it? Oh, let me guess! Do you need a lucky item? Or are you having boy troubles?”
“No, I am not having, as you say, ‘boy troubles.’” There was a pause. Momoi figured it was Midorima pushing his glasses up. “I also have acquired my lucky item for the day. I need your assistance. Could you accompany me on a shopping trip?”
Momoi felt her already wide smile go even wider. “Of course, I’ll go with you!” She loved being invited to things– be it eating lunches at Maji Burger or coordinating streetball lessons for the local kids. Usually, she was the one doing the coordinating– which, for the record, wasn’t something she minded! But it was nice having the invitation go the other way every once in a while. Especially from Midorima! 
People may think he was someone who wanted to be uninvolved, but it was not true! When luck permitted, he always came to different events like the team’s after practice ice cream trips. Sometimes he needed just a bit of nudging, nowadays in the form of Takao, but regardless, he didn’t often initiate events with her. She’d noticed that lucky item shopping is usually his excuse to hang out with others, but he already got his lucky item of the day. 
She wondered if anyone else was coming. Takao or Kise maybe? She couldn’t help but ask. “Are we going with anyone else? Takao-kun? Or Ki-chan?”
“No, it would just be the two of us, if that would be alright with you.” There was a pause. “I understand that it may be… unusual for it to be just us, but you were the friend that I deemed would be able to help me best.”
“Aww Midorin, that’s so sweet of you!” She could imagine him blushing at the compliment. “Send me the details over email, and I’ll be there in an hour!”
Momoi saw Midorima standing on the outside of the clothing store. He wore a simple dark blue t-shirt and beige pants. He tightly held onto a giant penguin plush. When his eyes met with Momoi’s, his grip loosened. 
She ran up to him, stopped right before him, and started bouncing on her feet. “So? What’s the occasion? What are we shopping for?”
“I… would like your help in choosing an outfit.” He turned his head to avoid eye contact. Momoi knew what that meant.
“So you were having boy troubles!” After everything that’s happened in the past few months, it’s been getting easier and easier to read Midorima and this was no exception. She will admit, however, that she hadn’t quite figured out who’d captured Midorima’s affection. Most people would say it was Takao who held the title as “The Boy Midorima Likes,” but Momoi had a theory she had been brewing up. It was still a work in progress, but her “Kagami Taiga: The Boy Who Has Captured Everyone’s Heart” thesis had a lot of evidence. Momoi would simply have to take into account both possibilities today.
“That would… that would imply that I am struggling, which I assure you is not the case,” Midorima’s face flushed and his voice was louder than usual. Momoi couldn’t help but laugh.
“But you’re not denying that this is a boy-related problem!” She winked. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about Midorin! I understand completely! Whenever I’m with the person I like, I always want to look my best. I won’t ask who it is, but I’ll give it my all in helping you out!”
“I… appreciate it…” 
“You’ll definitely capture his heart, Midorin!” She began urging him into the clothes store. “Let’s go!”
“I think this outfit will be the one, Midorin!” Momoi held up a green sweater with an argyle pattern. “It’ll go great with your eyes!”
Midorima took the sweater to examine it. 
“Besides the color being the same as my eyes, is there anything else to take note of?”
Momoi giggled. Midorima’s questions reminded her of a time in middle school where Midorima asked about her notes and note taking strategies. He was always serious in his studies, and this was no exception. “You want to pick clothes that fit well and that you’re comfortable wearing! Make sure that colors and patterns don’t clash. Like two very bright colors! It can work, but I’m not too sure if that’s what you want to go with.” 
Throughout her speech, she could see Midorima nodding and paying very close attention to her words. “So for the pants, should I go with one of the darker ones?” 
“Yes! Let me choose…” Momoi looked around, surveying each pair of pants until she found one she thought to be suitable. “I think those black pants should work! Check to see if they fit!”
“Thank you.” He gently placed his giant penguin plush down and grabbed the pair from Momoi. “I truly do appreciate the time you’ve taken out of your day to help me with this.” The tips of his ears were red. She found it quite cute, but chose not to comment.
“Of course, Midorin!” Momoi beamed at him. “I’m honored you asked me to help you out with this! I’ll be cheering you on!”
His blush spread to his face. He managed to mutter a thank you before shuffling off to try on the outfit. She sat down to wait for Midorima. Would this be a one time thing? While it was the first time that it’s been just the two of them, Momoi found that she quite enjoyed the experience. With just the two of them, the energy wasn’t as face paced, which Momoi appreciated. Sometimes, she needed the break from the constant running around of her daily life. And not only that, but Midorima had definitely changed. It was easier to understand him now. 
When Midorima walked out, she saw some people began to sneak glances at her friend. Unfortunately for the interested party, his heart had been taken by someone else. She bounced on over and eye’d her friend at all sorts of angles. Midorima stiffened at the attention, not knowing what to do.
Momoi laughed. “It’s fine Midorin! You look great!” She gave him a thumbs up. 
At that, Midorima sighed, finally letting the tension escape. “That endeavor was just as difficult as I imagined it to be.” He pushed his glasses up. “Thank you Momoi for making this trip much easier. Your knowledge was crucial and your guidance saved me a lot of frustration. Is there any way to repay you?”
Momoi thought about it and couldn’t think of anything she needed at the moment. Just spending time with a friend was already a gift in itself. But she knew that he wouldn’t take that as an answer. She placed a finger on her chin as she thought of her options. 
“I want you to pick an outfit for me!”
“I beg your pardon?” Momoi could see the gears running in Midorima’s head. “Do you not already have suitable clothes?”
“I want to test what you’ve learned! Let’s see if you can make an outfit for me.”
“I’m not sure if–”
“C’mon Midorin! I know you can do it! You’re not one to back away from a challenge are you?” With that, Momoi knew she won. 
“Give me ten minutes.” Midorima rushed towards the center of the score, scanning all around to find an outfit that would look well on her. She couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that his penguin plush was tucked between Midorima’s arms. 
“A brown plaid skirt, a white blouse without any patterns, and a light brown sweater that clashes with neither of these colors.” Midorima used his penguin to hold onto the clothes, as its flippers served the clothes like how there’s a waiter serving food at a restaurant. “Is this a suitable outfit?”
“There’s only one way to find out!” It was her turn to try on something new. She came out with a little twirl, “Well, Midorin? I have my thoughts, but let’s check your sense of fashion. What do you think?”
Midorima wasted no time. “For the skirt and jacket, I was hesitant at first since you chose a sweater that specifically matched the colors of my eyes, but the neutral colors appear to coordinate well. I also ensured that the blouse had no patterns. I do believe that it fits the criteria.”
She saw a slight hint of a smile. Was he proud? She hoped so, as she truly did love the outfit that Midorima chose. “But do you think I look cute? Do you think I can capture the hearts of anyone I set my eyes on?”
“You… you asked me for my thoughts and I believe I answered appropriately. Was I incorrect in this assessment?”
“I’m just messing with you Midorin!” She saw the hint of exasperation on Midorima’s face and so she finally relented. “It’s such a cute outfit! I’m impressed!”
“Hmph.” He turned away and began walking towards the cash register. “In that case, let’s go.”
Momoi followed along happily.
Outside of the store, Midorima said, “Thank you again. I found myself enjoying our time together.” There was a pause as he ruminated on what to say next. “I hope we can do this again. I’ve been told it would be beneficial to be the one to reach out more, so I will try to do just that.”
Momoi felt a tinge of tears begin to form, but she willed them away. To think only a year ago, she was wishing for a time where everyone could smile together again. So much had changed, and she hoped  that it would continue to do so. 
“And thank you Midorin,” She gave her friend a very wide smile. “Let’s definitely do this again. But before you leave, you definitely have to tell me about who you like! Come on! Tell me! Tell me!”
Midorima’s cheeks reddened as he tried to back away, but he realized fairly quickly that this was a battle he would not win. “Fine. But let’s do it somewhere else.”
“Of course, Midorin,” she said as she walked with her friend towards their next destination.
i couldn't decide if i wanted to have hints of midotaka or hints of midokaga bc i like both ships a lot! i ended up just keeping it vague on both ends, so YOU, the reader, can decide who The Boy Midorima Likes is :)
outfits are based on some merchandise art and official art! midorima's outfit is this:
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momoi's outfit is this:
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lolathepeacocklord · 1 year
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Woe. Poorly drawn blitzbulk be upon ye.
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hecatesbroom · 3 months
To be honest I was wondering if you have a top 5 of books 👀
Hii! Now, that's a hard question :') I have so many!! I think if I were to make a top 5, it'd look something like this:
(Limited to English books only because I really wouldn't know how to choose otherwise haha)
The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir (if I had to pick just one, it'd be Harrow the Ninth, book 2 in the series)
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien (which he wanted to have published as one big book, so hey, this isn't technically cheating!)
Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley
I tried to vary a bit in genre with this, and honestly my favourite books change quite frequently, but I'd say the top 3 are pretty stable! (I'm not sure anything will ever be able to beat The Locked Tomb for me anymore haha)
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marblerose-rue · 1 year
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click for better quality!
commission for @elkpoint!! :-) this was so much fun to do and he's got such a lovely character <33
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neurofaggot · 2 years
I'm up too early. I went to a friend's party and by god I stayed too long talking and doing drugs fjdkfhjf (ITS 5AM!!! Hell on earth) BUT. I do want a little record of like. How absolutely nice these people were - I'd never met them before, and they were so like. Nice and accepting and we had soooo many chats about being transgender (this was like. All 40yr old cis men) and they were just great. Like yes I stayed wayyyyy too long but by god were they some of the nicest people ever. I love my job (I get to meet cool af people and do free drugs and have fun. Like it's perfect)
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brawlqueen · 1 year
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" . . . even if i wasn't really killed - it...." it hurts. " i guess it was stupid to think i could protect people in something like that. but . . . i wanna say sorry to people. solita, maria, and varys too. "
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" . . . i never wanted to win anyway. this is one competition i'd never, ever want to win. i hope . . i meet some of you again. if i'm 'dead' at least i don't have to be unfair, and do the opposite of what i really want. and i can apologize. i can buy solita lots of snacks and say sorry. i can thank varys for the pipe. i can thank miss maria for the coat. those kinda things. it's weird - normally i'd be pissed that someone 'killed me' but . . . i just feel sorry they're still in there. "
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" i guess i can go home now. i fought as hard as i could even when i didn't want to do all those things. i want to protect people. but now i guess - i can go home, right? that was really all i ever wanted . . "
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