#i guess..... su future future lol
calypsolemon · 8 months
not sure if you’ve answered on this in the past, but do you have any thoughts regarding steven’s future/development/what he does following him leaving at the end of steven universe future? i find your analysis posts about steven incredibly interesting. sorry if somebody’s asked you this question already!
It hasn't been asked before! A question of this nature is going to really involve less analysis and more just... speculation/ headcanon, but thats fine too! I'm down to indulge lol
I think the thing that would near for sure happen post-future at some point is Steven moving into his own house or apt. His road trip basically intends as much (he states the goal is to try to find a place to settle down), and furthermore I think a place of his own is something Steven needs even more than distance from his family/ gem stuff. The one thing Steven really lacked growing up was any sense of privacy, and a consistently safe home environment. It would do wonders for his mental health to have a home that he has complete control over, that is unlikely to be in any immediate danger of being wrecked.
After that is more nebulous, as throughout most of the series all of Steven's ambition hinged on gem stuff, and then once he started actually doing gem stuff, it took over his life. It's hard to say what actually interests him outside of that. Quite possibly, he doesn't even know. I can say with near certainty that I think he would avoid any career to do with music (he likes making it but I think it would be too close to his dad's rockstar lifestyle), and he would probably avoid stuff with plants too (both due to risk of bringing them to life, and because plant care was one of Rose's main hobbies). However he is a creative soul at his core, so he might end up pouring himself into other hobbies that eventually become careers. I can see him doing something like pottery or glassblowing, something that can't really be shortcut by his powers and requires a sort of controlled strength. I think it would be therapeutic to him. I can also see him doing a lot of volunteer work in his spare time; I don't think he'll ever fully rid himself of the desire to help people, but if he doesn't have to become personally involved in someone's mental health, it could be healthier output for that "need to be needed."
Despite separating himself from it for his own mental health, I'm pretty sure he would still intermittently get re-involved with little homeschool and gem politics and whatnot. I think after some time healing he would find that he missed aspects of it, and also there's likely the occasional thing that require "pink diamond's" attention no matter what (unfortunately). But thats why the physical separation is important. At the end of the day, he's not the one soley responsible for these things, and he isn't even the primary person responsible. He can just be the guy they call in once in a while. Which, I think over time, would also help assuage any potential guilt he would feel over "dropping responsibilities." He may have left, but he isn't running away from his problems like Rose. He's simply taking an equal and fair part of the work that must be done.
Also, I didn't know where to fit this, but I think the one thing Steven will never do in the future is have children. And not just because of the passing of the gem issue, but also because I think he would genuinely not feel right about doing so. He likes kids and probably ends up adoptive-uncle-ing a few kids in whatever neighborhood he lives in, but I dont think he would ever actually raise kids of his own. This is just pure headcanon tho lol.
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screwpinecaprice · 5 months
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Slow mindless sketches for a slow slow day. Man, the El Niño keeps hitting hard over here, it's so hot how are people able to think when it feels like the brain is frying?? 😭 I think I would have to change up my sleeping schedule to draw during the night instead.
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tharett · 2 months
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**** This is going to be the last ranfren post I'll make ****
I'm pretty sure some of you may know (and by looking into the community, will probably tell me to "grow up" lololol), the ranfren creator has... a VERY problematic past (that i properly searched and educated myself about)... and I no longer want to associate with their work (simple as that, really)☝️🤓
[Context as to Why I'm Uploading this xd]:
I was in the process of drawing this page (with the intention of uploading it ywy) before finding about the LORE about the making of the Ranfren series, so I couldn't bring myself to NOT upload this after putting a lot of work in for it... and we find ourselves here in this awkward situation :v
So with this, I will bid the series adieu and continue uploading art of my other interests 🙇‍♂️
Eng Translation of my Chicken Scratch Handwriting:
Nyon and Nyen photo:
- ok 1/2 (letters on his shirt)
- Nyon looks too feminine lmao (in my style)
-Nyen (why is he always drawn all muscley??) (Future thare: I now know (HAH))
Luther photo:
[Headcanon Box]
- always unprepared for visitors (doesn't have enough drinks each visit somehow)
Luther (L): "I hope your friends like them..."
Randal (R): "thanks big brother! Woah, an ash tray for a cup!? Cool"
Avalona and Spider Girl photo:
Avalona Mercury (A): c'mon guys! Hurry up! N'hee hee hee!"
R: "I'm on my way ladies!!"
A: "ew you're drooling again hee hee!"
[OC]Hirose Daiki (H): "I'll stick around a bit!"
[Extra Notes]
- HS AU ☆ high school alternative universe
- they all get along like normal teens <3
Comic Strip (LEFT TO RIGHT! Also Numbered!!):
[Contex Box]
- meeting the Ivory Family
[Dialouge + Action Boxes]
H: "oh! Hey Sebastian (S)! What a coincidence! Wanna hang later?"
S: "H-Hirose? What are you...?" [First time meeting Hirose out of school]
H: "I'm also here for groceries?? Lol. Why else would I be here?"
L: "oh? Is he a friend of yours, Randal?" [Lean--]
R: "eeh, I guess? He's a friend of a friend" [uninterested]
H: "hello! I'm Hirose Daiki, Randal's and Sebastian's friend! You must be Randal's big brother, Luther, right?" [Offering hand for handshake]
S: "I told you, you don't have to greet them..."
H: "nonsense!! It's a pleasure to meet you! Hi Randal ^^"
R: "ugh... hi..."
L: "(Oh, he's nicer than the other one (Satoru)!) Well yes! Yes I am- it's a pleasure to meet you, too!" [Flattered Blush]
H: "the pleasure is all mine!"
R: "Seb, let's go to the candy section!"
[Contex Box (2)]
- later made plans to introduce his (Hirose) parents
Traducción de Todo lo que Dije antes pero en Esp xd:
**** Esto será el último blog de Ranfren que haré ****
Estoy seguro que algunos de ustedes saben (y al mirar los tipos de la comunidad, probablemente me dirán que "ctm/no mms" xdxd), el creador de Ranfren tiene... un pasado MUY problemático (en la cual yo tome el tiempo para buscar para que me eduque adecuadamente)... y ya no quiero asociarme con su trabajo (así de simple, la neta JAJA) ☝️🤓
[Contexto de pq subo esto xdxd]:
Estaba en el proceso de terminar este dibujo (con la intención de subirla ;-;) antes de enterarme de la HISTORIA sobre la creación de la serie Ranfren, así que como no subir este dibujo después de ponerle tanto esfuerzo para terminarlo, y pues... ahora nos encontramos aquí en esta situación incomoda :v
Así que con esto, me despido de la serie y continuaré subiendo arte de mis otros intereses 🙇‍♂️
Traducción Esp de mi letra culera JAJAJA:
Foto de Nyon y Nyen:
- ok 1/2 (lo que tiene escrito en su blusa)
- Nyon se ve demasiado femenino JAJAJA (en mi estilo xd)
- Nyen (¿pq siempre lo dibujan todo musculoso?) (thare del futuro: ahora lo sé (JAJ))
Foto con Luther:
[Caja con Headcanon] ("Headcanon" son ideas que son implementados en un personaje(s) de cómo interactuan/como reaccionaría en ciertas situaciones, etc)
- Siempre no esta preparado para sus visitantes (por alguna razón siempre no tiene suficiente bebidas para servir en cada visita)
Luther (L): "espero que a tus amigos les gusten..."
Randal (R): "¡Gracias, hermano mayor! Gau, ¿¡un cenicero para una taza!? Chido"
Foto con Avalona y Chica Araña:
Avalona Mercurio (A): "¡Vamos chicos! ¡Apúrense! ¡N'hji ji ji!"
R: "¡¡Voy llegando chicas!!"
A: "¡Que asco, estas babeando de nuevo ji ji!"
[OC]Hirose Daiki(H): "¡Me quedo con ustedes por un poco!"
[Notas Extra]
- UA de Prepa ☆ Universo Alternativo de la Prepa/Secundaria
- se llevan como adolescentes normales <3
[Caja de Contexto]
- conociendo la Familia Ivory
[Diálogo + Cajas de Acción]
H: "¡oh! ¡Que tal Sebastian (S)! ¡Que coincidencia! ¿Quieres pasar el rato?"
S: "¿H-Hirose? ¿Que haces aquí...?" [La primera vez que mira a Hirose fuera de la escuela]
H: "¿¿También estoy aquí para el mandado?? Lol, ¿para que más estaría aquí?"
L: "¿Oh? Este es un amigo tuyo, Randal?" [Se inclina--]
R: "eee, ¿yo diría? Es amigo de un amigo" [desinteresado]
H: "¡Hola! ¡Soy Hirose Daiki, amigo de Randal y Sebastian! Usted es el hermano mayor de Randal; Luther, ¿es cierto?" [Ofreciéndole la mano para saludarlo]
S: "te he dicho, no necesitas saludarlos..."
H: "¡¡Tonterías!! ¡Es un placer conocerte! Hola Randal ^^"
R: "ugh... hola..."
L: "(Oh, ¡es más amable que el otro (Satoru xd)!) ¡Por supuesto! Soy el hermano mayor- ¡Es un placer conocerte!" [Rubor Halagado(?)]
H: "¡El placer es todo mío!"
R: "¡Oye Seb, vayamos a la sección de dulces!"
[Caja de Contexto (2)]
- después hicieron planes para introducir sus padres (de Hirose)
Con esto, me despido y les deseo que tengan una buenas/os días, tardes, o noches 🫂💕
And with this, I say goodbye and wish all of you a good day, afternoon, or night 🫂💕
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vampiritea · 5 months
since my sister @werewolfsmile made me guess Leverage episodes based on their titles the other day (and the result was pretty funny), I decided to make her do the same for 9-1-1!
Me: Heartbreaker Her: Something to do with Eddie because he's a heart breaker. It's gonna totally be season 2. Me: sips tea
Me: Alright I'm gonna give you an easy one. Me: Chimney Begins. Her: Gee wow I wonder what that could be about! It's where Chimney begins!! We get backstory, Kevin, it's beautiful. Isn't he also bleeding out at the same time? Me: Yep Her: Beautiful
Me: Fight or Flight Her: Ohhh I know that title. It's totally something to do with Eddie. Me: lol. No. Her: Dammit. So it's not a tsunami episode then? That would be like sink or swim, wouldn't it? … idk then. Me: It's an episode that you're always surprised by how early on in the series it happens. Her: Shannon dies?? Me: No, but someone dies. Her: Who else is there? Me: It happens in the snow Her: When are they in the snow?? All I can see is TK falling into that frozen pond now but that's not the right show. Me: There's BLOOD on the snow. Her: Oooh, I like that. Blood on snow... MADDIE!!! Me: Yes! Her: Yeah that is surprising it happens that early.
Me: Capsized Her: Oh gee I wonder! (If I get this wrong now…) That's where Bobby and Athena are on a cruise and the ship goes 'whoopsie'!
Me: Careful What You Wish For Her: singing 'cause you just might get it'. Is THIS the one where Shannon dies? Me: Yes Her: YES!! ... Now I'm sad for Christopher Me: As you should be
Me: Hero Complex Her: ….. Is that the one with the guy – steals the firetruck? And Eddie has to talk him down? Me: No. Her: No, cause that's Jinx isn't it?? Cause we watch that one all the time!! Ughh. [later] Her: Um. All I can think now is Izzy Chains. Can't think of anyone else who has a hero complex – aside from all the main cast. So it's Buck-centric then!! Me: 😂 No. Her: Are you sure?? Me: I'm positive. Her: Give me another clue! Me: It focuses on a character who doesn't stick around. Her: ... OH MONDAY!! He would hate me so much cause I don't remember his real name 😅
Me: The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1 Her: Oh that's when Josh's nasty ex boyfriend comes in and is like 'surprise bitch I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me'
Me: Red Flag Her: ?? Nope, the bull is in lone star as well... It's not like an online dating one or something? What season? Me: 6 Her: I don't remember what happens in season 6... Me: It's a Bobby episode Her: A Bobby episode? 😍 The only Bobby episode I'm thinking of is when he gets high on brownies… Is it the one where he and Michael are spying on the neighbours through the telescope?? Me: No. Her: Damn. That's a good one. [later] Her: OH MY GOSH WENDELL!!
Me: The One That Got Away Her: Ummmmm. Is this like where Buck gets concerned about his sexual performance and so he calls up all his exes? Me: 😂🤣 Her: If I'm right I'm gonna be shook. Me: YOU'RE NOT 🤣 Her: Is it an Abby episode? Me: No. Her: Okay yeah cause I thought I'd remember the train episode title. [later] Me: It's one of the episodes where an old man dies to teach Buck something. Her: Not Red?? Me: Yes 😢
Me: What's Next? Her: Me: That's the title of an episode. Her: oH! Is this where Buck is suing the city or something and Eddie gets all grumpy cause 'Chris can't even see you 😭'? Me: No. [later] Me: smugly It's the train episode. Her: WHAT!!! Isn't it called something really cliché like derailed?? My life is a lie 😭
Me: Future Tense Her: ….. is that the episode title? Me: Yes Her: Oh boy. [later] Me: It has a funny Eddie scene. Her: Is this where Eddie's dating Ana and he has a panic attack? Me: YOU THINK THAT'S FUNNY???????? 😂 Her: NO BUT HE'S THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE AND PANICKING. Me: Think less about the distant future and more 'the future is now'. Her: The Hildy episode!! 'We got him'! 😊
Me: Alright are you ready for the next one? Her: Probs not but let's go Me: There Goes the Neighbourhood Her: dramatically drops phone and frowns into distance Athena says that at one point. Is it s4? Me: Yep Her: There goes the neighbourhood... Like, I know it but I can't remember it. Me: It's one of your favourites. Her: Wow. Great. Me: ... You mentioned it earlier. Her: panicked laugh [later] Her: Something to do with Buck and Eddie Me: Incorrect [later] Her: You're gonna have to give me more clues. Me: There goes the NEIGHBOURhood. NEIGHBOURS. Her: I AM AWARE! I'VE BEEN TRYING TO THINK! [later] Her: OHHH IT'S BOBBY AND MICHAEL. I LOVE THAT ONE Me: I KNOW YOU DO! 😂
Me: Alright I'm gonna give you an easy one. Me: Treasure Hunt Her: Ravi! Gets there first! And then he's like, I'm not even with these guys. And they're all like 'probie say WHAT?'
Me: Under Pressure Her: Episode 1 of season 2 where Eddie arrives 😎
Me: You Don't Know Me Her: All I can see is that vine 'you don't know ME. You don't know ME!!' and that's not helpful T_T
Me: Defend in Place Her: That's what you do when there's a bushfire and you're like naurr I got this. Me: 💀
Me: May Day Her: A plane. Me: Hehe, no. Her: ...but??? What?? That's what you call if the plane's going down!! Mayday mayday!! Me: lol no. [later] Her: Another clue please. Me: May Day is two separate words. Her: oHHHH THEN IT'S ABOUT MAY. GRRRR Her: The one where the call centre is on fire and Bobby and May have that beautiful "I'll protect you my daughter" scene?? Me: Yep! Her: It's a good title for that episode!
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land-of-holly · 15 days
Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 5 Liveblog
Ooh nice landscape shot over the Misty Mountains
The Seven!
Is all of King Durin's bling also gonna fall victim to the Ring's jealousy?
The King's just going mad with power, nothing to see here
He may have brought the light back, but it's still an OSHA violation
If this is all we get of the Celebrimbor/Narvi teamup I will be disappointed but LOOK ANNATAR!
Tyelpe is on to him!
Love the conflict over the rings for Men. This is the kind of development upon previous work I look for in an adaptation. It fits well into the previous themes.
Well obviously Annatar isn't just going to take no for an answer.
NO he's just going to make them himself?? Just disregard Celebrimbor entirely?
Ooh, here comes Pharazon's Elf envy
Damn this guy is hardcore, who says that to their own son?
I do see why people ship Miriel/Elendil, damn
Oh girl, you don't really believe not fighting back is the answer. I can see it. You wanna fight back so bad.
Mass resignation?
Oooh, nope
I love the father-daughter conflict! It's a role women don't get to play very often in this exact way
Political unrest in Numenor!
Just because Pharazon is anti-elf doesn't mean he's anti-power lol
Normally I'm against disparaging the wielding of a perfectly useful tool to attain valid goals as "cheating", but one, I can't contradict my wife Disa, and two, that ring is obviously super sus
New taxes??
An extended scene of ball chasing is a little silly but I am not immune to DISA LEGS
She has echolocation??
More dwarf extras!
Okay now King D's just getting nasty
I've made peace with Early Balrog. It's not like they have a 3rd age timeline to fuck up, after all
I guess not even a ring can separate a dwarf from his bling, it's still there
Forge is haunted.
Aw damn he nerdsniped Celebrimbor
Wonderful convo between Celebrimbor and Durin
So Mirdania did see Annatar's true form, and he admits it, but he convinced her not to tell an adult like a FUCKING CREEP
Oh THAT'S why everyone was talking about Annatar rizzing Mirdania up, JESUS
Damn, Kemen, you shouldn't have cultivated such a punchable face
And Valandil, unfortunately, shouldn't have let himself been named after a canon character's future canon kid
The dropping of 'Faithful' and 'King's Men' felt clunky to ME but it's possible I'm biased
Annatar once again proves to be made ENTIRELY out of red flags. Protip, kids: if someone is all "Well now we've been bad together, we have no choice but to never talk to anyone else about this or we'll be in trouble"--RUN
Elf extras!
Oh no now he's just sinking more cost, trying to make things right. Poor Tyelpe.
Oh, right! What's Adar up to?
Oh the elf armies need help? Whoever could come to their aid?
Everyone wants Galadriel on their team!
Wow there was a bunch about this episode that I liked a lot. Annatar continued to be the absolute star of this show, the fucking creeper
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springsheep · 2 months
War of Faith Notes Ep. 29 - 32
Ep 29 -> Wei Ruolai in the execution grounds.
Wei Ruolai: Are you targeting Mr. Shen again??
Lin Qiaosong: Why are you doing this? Wei Ruolai: Then at that time, why did you join the dare-to-die corps? Lin Qiaosong: To protect the country! Wei Ruolai: I'm the same!
Shen Tunan rushes to save Wei Ruolai.
There's gunshots (someone is saving WRL?).
Shen Tunan: Congyun, drive forward! Wei Ruolai is in danger!! Huang Congyun: No sir, only your safety matters to me!
Shen Tunan jumps out of the car to save Ruolai, HCY follows.
Shen Tunan (when he sees the dead bodies): Ruolai is not there...
Niu Chunmiao and Shen Jinzhen are the shooters, saving WRL.
Shen Tunan saw Jinzhen(?).
(So, Wei Ruolai has no idea that Shen Tunan begged Mr. Yu to save him and that Shen Tunan risked his life to go to the execution grounds to save him.... WRL thanks Shen Jinzhen and Niu Chunmiao for saving him and agrees to go to Jiangxi Soviet).
Shen Tunan did, indeed see Jinzhen and he knows for sure she's a communist. He looks so hurt that she lied to him QAQ. Jinzhen denies everything, of course.
Shen Tunan: Thank you for saving Wei Ruolai.
Shen Jinzhen arranges for WRL and Niu Chunmiao to evacuate, but they missed each other fuck.
Hongfang shop is exposed and Mr. Xu blows up the place...
Shen Tunan and Shen Jinzhen's confrontation. (these two actors are so good damn the emotions are supercharged).
Wei Ruolai is caught by the Axe Gang:
Mr. Qian: You're a communist. Wei Ruolai: Well, technically, not yet. (he's such an innocent cutie pie i can't--) Mr. Qian: But in the future? Wei Ruolai: Uhh maybe uhh
Wei Ruolai and Niu Chunmiao are helped by the axe gang to leave.
Shen Tunan drives Shen Jinzhen (to run away?)
Ep 30 -> Shen Tunan drops of Shen Jinzhen in a gas station (lin qiaosong and his men are watching from the bushes).
Shen Tunan and Shen Jinzhen say their goodbyes.
Wei Ruolai's bus pass by and through the window Ruolai can see Shen Tunan and Shen Jinzhen hugging. AND GUESS WHAT Wei Ruolai's reaction is: Shen Xiansheng?!
His eyes are always automatically find his Xiansheng ah... tsk tsk
Shen Tunan leaves, and Lin Qiaosong and co attacke Shen Jinzhen. Shootout.
Wei Ruolai realizes there are people going to attack Shen Jinzhen and gets off the bus.
Shen Tunan hears gunshots and returns to save his sister (he's so cool damn it), he crashes the car into the gas station (the car explodes).
Shen Jinzhen is crying for her brother, Wei Ruolai and Niu Chunmiao have to drag her away. Shen Tunan is okay(?) I hope please please
Shen Jinzhen and Wei RUolai are crying (they're afraid Shen Tunan is dead).
Wei Ruolai: Xiansheng is a noble person, the heavens will protect him. Shen Jinzhen: I hope so.
Shen Jinzhen is crying because her brother was trying to protect her.
Poor Huang Congyun (I forgot this bro existed lol). He's worried and he's the one who tells Cishu that Shen Tunan is in the hospital, and that Shen Jinzhen and Wei RUolai are communists.
Shen Tunan is in the emergency room.
Aww Huang Congyun this precious boi is cryingggg (ignore the fact that hcy can be a jerk to wrl sometimes--)
ALSO, i'm seriously kinda shipping Su Cishu with Shen Jinzhen. I feel like her relationship with Shen Tunan is more... platonic?
Like, when she found out Shen Tunan was in the hospital, Su Cishu kept asking, what about Shen Jinzhen? Shen Jinzhen ne?? Shen Jinzhen?? Like, instead of asking about her husband (she is worried about him, ofc ) she's asking about Jinzhen...
Shen Tunan is in the hospital, his chances of waking up are slim.
Lin Qiaosong (to STN): I thought you were the smartest person I knew... I thought you were the most loyal to the Kuomintang... But turns out your sis is a Communist and you didn't notice? Are you stupid or blind? Wenbiao: Stupid and blind. Lin Qiaosong: ...
WRL, SJZ, and NCM travel together to Jiangxi Soviet.
Shen Tunan finally wakes up, chats with Su Cishu.
Shen Tunan: That's why I have to work harder for the country. Su Cishu: Mr. Song make you step down from you position... He also published your obituary...
Shen Tunan is angry and his head hurts. He goes home (from the hospital) and reunites with his daughter.
Huang Congyun and Chief Deng visit Shen Tunan.
WRL and co arrive in Jiangxi (they got caught but after verifying their identities they are welcomed there).
Niu Chunmiao's guy that she likes is dead, she's sad.
P.S. The ending song has changed.
Ep. 31 -> Wei Ruolai and co are in Jiangxi, Wei Ruolai returns to his dad.
Wei Ruolai works as a small accountant in his village (not working for the Red Army's bank, no)
Wei Ruolai has flashbacks of his time with Shen Tunan (his brain is making tiktok edits of his beloved Xiansheng).
Life in Jiangxi: WRL is an accountant and teaches a girl (fang ling) to count; Shen Jinzhen works in the military (shooting guns etc); Niu Chunmiao's dad teaches her self defense(?).
Fang Ling died. WRL reflects on stuff and has a stronger resolve to join the Communists.
WRL joins the Red Army bank.
WRL: Someone... made me write a report (on your bank) once.
So... previously Shen Tunan wrote an essay on the encirclement of communists. The chairman read it, approves, and wants to send Shen Tunan to Jiangxi (to intercept the ore transfer or something). Actually Shen Tunan promised his wife he will stop doing politics and their family can move to England, but now...
Chairman: I'm helping Shen Tunan meet his darling sooner ah
Su Cishu is (obviously) angry because Shen Tunan is leaving.
Shen Tunan: In this life I'm destined to offer my life to the nation. Su Cishu: But you are my nation!
The song is different again?
Ep 32 -> Shen Tunan in the ferry spots his wife and daughter.
Su Cishu: You've pledged your life to the country. I've pledged my life to you. (seriously thats so romantic).
Su Cishu: Home is where you are.
Wei Ruolai gets the newspaper with Shen Tunan's obituary and shows it to Shen Jinzhen, the two of them cry and have flashbacks of Shen Tunan.
Shen Tunan and his family and Huang Congyun are in Jiangxi, Lin Qiaosong also goes there. Shen Tunan changes his name to Tu Nanshen.
Shen Tunan starts implementing stricter rules to catch communists and fight them through the economic field.
Shen Tunan: working hard to make counterfeit money and make the Soviet Bank lose credibility Wei Ruolai: Working hard to restore credibility and save the bank.
You know, every time I think this show can't get any gayer (and i think fuck this will be boring becuz they'll just talk about money and war and stuff i don't understand) a new gay line (Shenlai) pops out and I'm struck by how fucking gay and fucking sweet Shenlai is. It just hits me out of the blue.
Wei Ruolai tells Shen Jinzhen about the fake notes and he tells her this is an economic war, must be the Kuomintang who did it. AND THEN HE SAYS:
Wei Ruolai: If only Xiansheng was here. Shen Jinzhen: If he were here, you might have a headache. Wei Ruolai: I'd rather have him here and be troubled by him instead.
Okay Wei Ruolai, we all know you love him. Damn.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
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so i think a lot of turtles are cackling because of the recent ugg coincidence that happened. and i agree, this one is really sus and something that deserves a spot in cpn history. but i’m more interested as to the why of it all. why is it there. my first guess is they forgot to blur it out and thought it’s no big deal. we could leave it at that, but it’s xz studio we’re talking about here — and considering the events leading up to it, i guess one can’t help but wonder if there is anything more to this….
XZ & XZ STUDIO are notorious for blurring things out. not just faces of people close by or the staff, but also things around them. You even have a photo of GG with the window of the car blurred out, so people don’t know where he is — or the things on his car seats also blurred. This is understandable, it’s for his privacy. There are also times where certain items are covered in videos & photos because of ( the most likely ) certain contractual obligations. Also fact that the most random things people see him use gets sold out can be a factor, he doesn’t want to unintentionally endorse something that’s really more of a personal favorite.
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It’s him wanting to keep certain aspects of his life private and that’s perfectly fine. Even if sometimes the guessing of what he has blurred out in some cases have been a game that turtles love to play. 😂😂😂
Now let’s review the video in question and why the shoes being left in the open seemed out of the ordinary.
you see they did cover up ( blue smileys ) some things on there and at some point the ugg slippers were sort of obscured. until that one frame where you can see everything clearly.
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At this point, it’s not the first time that we saw one person having the other’s endorsement before it was announced. and the culprit was mostly ZZ. him having WYB’s endorsed products before it gets announced. Also it’s not usually THEM that you see using it ( well except for bottled joy lol ) but the staff. It’s like they were given a sizeable amount of that product and was shared to the crew — which only happens to an endorser/sponsor. I think this is the first that we saw from their videos. other incidents we have are from second pass photos so it’s why i’m overthinking it all. why does it seem intentional.
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considering days ago there was the whole maison kitsune same style hot search and the same phone case is still fresh in people’s mind… shouldn’t he be more “careful” with these? not just with public opinion ( who mostly don’t mind ) but also his fans who get worked up about it.
A key incident also was earlier the day, there was an HS about him and his WDB co-star. It was a video “leak” from when they were shooting the drama. It looked very sweet and cp material — but they were shooting. I personally don’t have any bad blood with LQ. I genuinely think that they are friends and he’s comfortable to joke with her like that.
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It stayed up for some time on the HS, and it’s okay to have it up considering it’s promotion for the drama. It’s normal. You would expect stuff like this to pop up since they are the main pairing in the drama.
THEN LATER IN THE EVENING XZS DECIDES TO DROP THIS ON US. While I do think a very small amount of candies are intentional, this one seems to be ZZ hammering us. I still remember how he spoiled us when OOL was out so this is really nothing compared to that. He could have gone for something more in your face but what they did was actually perfect. Only those who pay special attention will notice what’s going on. The casual fan will be distracted by him doing push ups and leave it at that— but not us ( and well other wfs who seem to be better at noticing stuff than us lol ). It’s like him comforting us after that HS and all the cp stuff in his drama ( which i’m not mad about cause the love stories between him and the two girls is well written so far ; i wanna do a proper post about it in the future ).
So there you go. It’s not just because we saw Ugg shoes on his video clearly. It’s the endorsement incidents before, his acts of subtle comfort to cpfs, the events that lead up to the release of the video and ZZ’s penchant for giving candies you can’t wash. CPNs that become popular like this are usually not only because of what get at face value. You have to look at the bigger picture to make it sweeter. 💛
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rhiannons-bird · 6 months
I‘m only about halfway through but I need to rant
- it‘s incredible how well cassie manages to lend a unique voice to each of her characters every single time. she just doesn’t miss does she?
- lin caster is the awesomest girl. i just love her because she reminds me of other cc girls in the way that she is kind of a very typical heroine on the surface but you can actually feel her emotions and she’s very believable & flawed & human and you just can’t help rooting for her + i love her friendship with mariam
- everyone is bisexual & it’s completely normalised i love it here
- lin & conor??? apparently they are the flagship which I know because I took a peek at the tag after they had two scenes together because the ENERGY OMG
- ahh yes, conor 😌 another pretty man with issues who’s in a lot of trouble and likes to cover it up with sarcasm, pompous behaviour, fancy clothes & vanity- you just can’t help but love it
- but also he‘s the biggest prick and i want him to have some sense beat into him by everyone around him
- like he qualifies for a huge growth arc but it could also go downhill and turn into sth ugly
- anyone had a weird sense of déjà vu about him and lin after that one little excerpt about adessa and suleman? like, she’s an ashkar with probably immense magical potential let’s be real i see where this is going and he‘s a prince (future king) with marivent blood 🤔🤔🤔
- conor‘s frat boy posse make my blood boil- especially with the way they talked about antonetta in that one scene 🤢🤮
- falconet is the nicest one by far but he‘s sus as hell i know he’s up to sth 🤨 but i rly wanna like him 😭
- the ragpicker king is just a cool dude who dresses emo and has people murdered on the regular i guess i love him. he’s hot. - kaz energy but also very different at the same time. can‘t wait to see more of him. and there’s def more to him.
- also no, andreyen, i don‘t understand either what people mean about ji-an having an off putting manner i‘m pretty convinced she‘s never done anything wrong in her entire life 💗except for the murder what murder
- kel can only be described as a calmly unhinged cinnamon roll. he reminds me a little of james (especially with his „mask“) but if you orphaned him & janked up the loyalty & sluttiness by a hundred
- like fr he is so confused just running around threatening and/or kissing people wtf 😭✋🏼 he just has chemistry with everyone he interacts with lol
- kel & conor remind me of matthew & james but if there was a big power imbalance and a everything is a little more fucked up 🙃
- generally the way power & power dynamics are portrayed and handled is very interesting i like it
- antonetta has my entire heart ❤️
- I need more of her but as an individual not just through kel‘s pov, so far i’m not very big on whatever is being hinted at with her and kel
- I adore merren just like everyone else, he‘s kind of giving a weird mix of christopher/matthew/wylan and I‘m here for it. plus: autism coded character yeass
- also nice to see some jewish rep. (i did not know cassie was jewish before lol) the ashkar are really interesting (& as far as their treatment by the rest of the world goes at times infuriating😤) to read about and add a lot of depth to the world building.
- i love how we see the complexities of their culture portrayed through lin who on the one hand is deeply ingrained in it and holds/has received a lot of love & care for/from her own people while also having been wronged & ostracised by them and how both can be true simultaneously
- as someone who‘s very familiar with multiple romance languages the languages in this book are incredibly entertaining to me
- SO MANY SECRETS & political intrigue hehehe rubbing my little hands together can’t wait for all this to escalate (because it most certainly will) 😈
bottom line
I’m really glad i finally started reading this.
it took me a while to get into it & I’m still holding out on a final judgement since it seems very slow but i’m a patient reader and i appreciate a good setup.
also I want a creepy black crocodile pool in my house now.
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miyamiwu · 1 year
Not so much a theory but just me trying to make sense of everything that's happened so far. This will be a stream-of-consciousness dump.
So remember how, in season 1, when CXS changed something in the past, it would later reflect in their present? In the kidnapped child case, kid!CXS and adult!CXS had appeared at the same time. In the Xu Shanshan case, the gang received a mysterious call, which turned out to be because an alt!CXS had issued a challenged to red-eyes in the past.
So with that in mind, we can just focus on one timeline—the one being shown to us. Any changes made in alternate timelines would reflect in the present that the audience sees.
Our current present is LG saving CXS from being kidnapped, resulting in him taking his place.
Qiao Ling had hypothesized that maybe that wasn't Lu Guang but an alt-timeline!CXS because LG seemed more physically strong.
For this hypothesis to be true, CXS has to dive into the past as Lu Guang and rescue the past!CXS in one go. (A photo can only be used once.)
The chances of this going correctly is slim. Without Lu Guang, Cheng Xiaoshi has no idea what's gonna happen while in the dive. He didn't even know what object Lu Guang used to break the window (it was definitely not the kettle!). Also, does he even know where to find a speedboat? How about driving one? And if you had looked closely in the LG and LTC fight, you can see that LG was always trying to avoid being touched by LTC. That means he already knows how his ability is activated. On the off-chance CXS manages to reach past!CXS on time, it will all be for naught anyway coz he won't able to defend against LTC.
That's why I think Qiao Ling is wrong. It was never an alt!LG. It was the real Lu Guang all along.
As for how to explain his improved physical state... well, that's something I don't have an answer yet for. I do believe in the alt-timeline/future Lu Guang theories, though. If LG is from the future, maybe he's had some time to train.
Another theory of mine is that LG didn't actually suddenly got better at martial arts. He just knew how Li Tianchen would move, so he was able to defend against him. (Maybe LG can see the future).
Or maybe Lu Guang had relived this rescue many times and only now did he finally get it right. (Time loop maybe?)
As for him being able to resist the pain of his injury... idk man, adrenaline, I guess? Love can make you desperate lol.
Anyways, writing-wise, it's so easy to just dump everything on Lu Guang coz he's still shrouded in mystery. He's always seemed like he knows a lot about their abilities, and who knows what the true extent of his abilities is.
If Cheng Xiaoshi can't do the rescue right in one go, then how are they gonna explain him diving a second time?
Also, I find it hard to believe that CXS would want to endanger Lu Guang many times while he's acting as him. If he just doesn't dive, won't Lu Guang be saved?
What's sus here is the photo LG left. Did he know CXS can open his phone, or was that a save point he had actually left for himself in case he fails to save CXS?
But why would he not bring his phone? Was he afraid the enemy would get ahold of it?
But without his phone, and by extension, the photo, how can he go back in time?
Maybe his time-travel ability doesn't require a photo? (LTC definitely didn't have a photo when he was controlling WJ and CXS. His ability was just activated by touch)
Come to think of it, CXS's ability is also activated by touch (clapping). What about Lu Guang? Maybe he has a touch-based ability, too. After all, they can have more than one abilities.
LG can see what happens in a photo, and thru CXS diving, he can also record it. If it's a CCTV, he can hijack it and make it his eyes.
LTC can possess someone directly, but he can also just bewitch them through touch.
CXS can go back in time, and he can also possess people
I have no idea where I'm going here... Still confused as ever
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doobs · 9 months
May we have Dallas quotes? He is my fave vent crawling fella out there
I don't know about you but that statement makes Dallas seem very sus... 🤔
Brett: We've been conducting an ongoing study to see what Dallas will and will not eat.
Lambert: Grass? Yes!
Brett: Moss? Right.
Lambert: Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Brett: Shoelaces? Strange, but yes.
Lambert: Worms? Sometimes!
Brett: Rocks? Usually nah.
Lambert: Twigs? Usually!
Brett: Ripley's cooking? Inconclusive!
Kane: How did you... test this?
Lambert: You just hand him stuff, say 'eat this', and if he eats it, he eats it.
Kane: ...I'm oddly disturbed and concerned for Dallas' wellbeing.
Parker: Guess what I'm about to get?
Dallas, under his breath: ...on my nerves.
Parker: LAI-
ripley has hit parker in the head with a flamethrower
Dallas: Tired of just deserving better. Gotta start taking it by force.
meanwhile crawling through a vent with an alien in it
Ripley: You have friends, and... I envy that.
Dallas: You're welcome to share my friends.
Ripley: *looks at Parker and Lambert*
Ripley: I don't want those.
Lambert: So, what’s Ripley's type?
Dallas: Blue eyes, kind, oblivious, good sense of humor, turtle lover.
Lambert: Sounds kind of like me. Too bad we’re just friends.
Dallas: Did I mention oblivious?
Lambert: Yeah, why?
Dallas: Okay, just making sure.
two weeks later, lambert laying in bed: oh my GO-
Dallas: I wish I was a cat, but not in a furry kinda way, more like a "I can sleep all day and hit people with no consequences" kinda way.
Ash: Is it still visible? Where Ripley slapped me?
Lambert: Your face looks like a don't walk signal.
Parker: Your face looks like a photo negative for the hamburger helper box.
Dallas: A palm reader could tell Ripley's future by looking at your face.
Brett: The phrase 'talk to the hand cause the face ain't listening' doesn't work for you, because the hand is your face.
Ash: ...A simple 'yes' would've sufficed.
happy 2024 :)
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nugatorysheep · 2 months
B, L, X?
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
As far as things I actively ship and not stuff I think is just kinda cute: Stevencest or Bispearl (kinda).
I was not a Stevencest person for quite a while- or I guess not what I personally figured a Stevencest person was supposed to be. I had people in my old server shipping it and I had an AU that while not intended to be that, I was okay with people shipping together the two Stevens for (though way down the road it did eventually turn into that lol), so my opposition to it was mainly that it wasn't for me based on the type of content I usually saw of it. Like this isn't my thing and it's kinda weird but if it's tagged so I can block it, sure go nuts. (There was also a LOT of Connie and Connverse Hate + NTR in Stevencest spaces and as a big fan of Connie I didn't want to be in places where I would constantly hear people shitting on one of my favorite characters. Steven has two hands!!). Basically the barrier to entry was too costly for me so I just kept my distance.
Last year though I got to know more people in this fandom and had the chance to freely experiment with my characters in ways I couldn't before, so I've grown to enjoy it a lot more. Being told "Hey, you can like. Do what you Want," was very helpful in pushing me to branch out. I have a lot more fun now doing things I like and ignoring people who do things I hate lmao
I'm not sure if Bispearl counts but it was something that NEVER crossed my mind until Bismuth Casual first aired and a light bulb went off in my head. I was into that almost instantly the moment it was shown to me.
(And more recently with the Rose/Bismuth art the Becky Sucrose dropped, now I can do the Pearl/Rose/Greg/Bismuth polycule of my dreams <3 Though in the context of canon Bispearl is the most reasonable/logical ship to me.)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
I do not like Jasper much and her fanbase tends to be obnoxious BUT she is a very well-made character. She is consistent and straightforward in her motivations and goals and weaknesses in a way that in theory is easy to grasp (which is why I'm so shocked so many people don't seem to really Get her at all). When people say the writers screwed her over I disagree, because she does exactly what she is meant to do in the story and then fucks off, something I cannot say for several other characters LOL
At the end of the day, Steven Universe is about... well, Steven Quartz Universe, and the way Jasper serves his arc is more than enough for me :3
She's also really funny when used right and more people should use her for comedic effect
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Found family is something I'm a sucker for and I tend to like ensemble casts that have well-developed and interesting dynamics (platonic or romantic) between the characters, but I'm not sure if that counts as a fandom thing or a media in general thing. I'll be honest, I don't participate much in fandoms. SU is the first time I've engaged heavily in the fan areas VS just consuming Canon Material With a Chance of Fanart so the things I like trope-wise are less broad and more specific to just SU.
I also like fan kids or just seeing younger characters as adults in the future. It's fun to muse about, downside is if the ship you like is not mainstream enough you'll be sorely lacking in that category 😔
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neutrallyobsessed · 8 months
EPISODE 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE BACK!!!!!
there in school again and Jesús hates it lol speaking of, everyone hates Joan~ lolol
AHHH THE BLEACHERS CREATURES NOTE!! Oh shit- its funnier than i expected heh, reminds me of Mikitaka honestly~~
Wait, so this guy isn't Malcom X? Then who tf is he? fr i didnt catch a word he said when he said his name..... I guess i'll be calling him Malcom X for the rest of this liveblog and when i finish ill check what his name really is lol, i really dont wanna spoil myself on this!
POINT! attention whore confucius my beloved~~, but let's see what this professor is all about...
Abe and JFK friendship! That sounds lovely and I sure don't care! But wish the best for them shippers! I'm also crossing my fingers! Teehee :3c
INTRO!! IT'S THE SAME AS BEFORE!! eh okay, kinda wanted it to change to reflect the current relationships but the only thing that should change is the parts with Joan, JFK and Abe so.... yeah its ok...
And Candide is the sole member of the board, yeah that makes sense lol, she also took vacation, haha "tanned"
GANDHI!!!!!! SXTREAM BLU!!! BEST DUDES 4EVER!!!! KNORK!!!! G-SPOT!!!!!! RAISINS!!!!!!! wait the retainers are actually Joan's...
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they were right, they really are teasing our cocks with gandhi what the fuck
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YEAH GIRL INTERRUPT THAT MUSICAL, NOBODY LIKES THAT SHIT HELL YEAH!!! and there are better people out there that can explain why Jackie is epic yoo
I just want more points jsksjksjksjsjsks
yeah "well funded" but............. oh cool a rocket! so it is true that theyll send them clone to space? :D
Wow Harriet being non-conformist by being conformist thats punk as hell man!
oh but harriet/not malcom x apperantly? thats looking good so far ey
Hmm i still buy the theory that Exclamation! is in Nebraska
OH umm Mr B had a very smooth animation right there.....and yeah this whole scene is funny lolol glass ceiling
JFK being a jerk ass bully!!! Hell yeah!!!! :DDD
omg this is so funny cause like JUST THIS WEDNEDSDAY! JimmyHere did his ylyl vid of the week and in that vid he went to fact check about what happens if you eat a magnet! The answer being well yeah it wont kill you but ahahahha DONT DO IT MMMMM :))))
OH MOTHERFUCKER- QUE CONCHA DE SU MADRE JJAJAJJAJA me cae chistoso este profe, con que se la andara?
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I mean yeah, it makes sense that you choose a good color when you paint a wall, specially for vandalism purposes but ey look! a canon couple passed by when Joan and Topher were in close proximity to each other! that MUST mean something right?!
MOPED!! That's SO cool! they're going Downtown babey ;3 with- the massive helmet eheh WOAH THATS TIGHT ALRIGHTTT
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AH BUENO EYE SEX REAL issss is this something the big mouth writers put on? ahahahhahhhhhh i want a word with them-
but does your eye got a boyfriend? WELL YEAH..........
... eye got a boyfriend :v
sooo y'all just spray paint a wall? hmm ok, expecting future mischief to be more lethal next time~~
Oh so she call the feds first? hehehehhe
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i love intentional animation inconsistencies uwu
funny pose, and she's default posing lol, its kinda like the t-pose of flash/vector/2D animaion ;v
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and the idea of having the idiot clone killed by their own idiocy is brilliant! BUt... his moment is over! a self contained story, what will happen next~?
oh so the sachel bleeds huh..... yknow itd be a lot funnier if humans didnt bleed but inanimate objects did, a bit of absurdist humor~~
lol suspect
Yaayyy Joan is part of the group and has friends and one of them is Topher, super important :D!
Rating: an aight start ^^/10!
Topher Bus has appeared on screen for 1:23 minutes (I'm not counting recaps or the intro)
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gravitydefyingtears · 2 years
(Justice in the Dark / Guang Yuan / Mo Du Live Action first impression…)
I was planning to wait for more episodes to air before binging but alas my self-control is non-existent so I’ve watched all 8 eps that are out. Disclaimer, I only listened to the audio drama and haven’t read the novel yet which I hope to correct sometime in the future. And obviously these are my own personal opinions.
Good acting! Good chemistry between main cast!
I like the aesthetics! (and I know nothing about cinematography etc. but I have nothing bad to say about this aspect)
Is following the original plot MUCH closer than I expected!
Lang Qiao (now Lan Qiao)! I love her.
Tao Ran (now Tao Ze)! Cute!
So that whole thing about genetic predisposition for crime…when that intro popped up, I was like “oh NO” buuut so far, I think I see what they’re trying to do with that and hope they can pull it off well.
The name changes. I guess it was for c*nsorship reasons that I don’t fully understand. I’m conflicted about this but it’s not preventing me from enjoying the show.
Weird inconsistent audio quality, i.e., you can hear when they dubbed over some parts and there is an obvious change between one line and the next. Not uncommon in cdramas but ugh. Though I do appreciate the main actors using their own voices.
So far, I like the dynamic between the main pair. However, I am not feeling any romantic chemistry and don’t feel any urge to ship them. Will have to wait and see if this changes as their relationship also develops.
Yeah, so I saw mostly negative reactions from both the EN and CN fandoms which is not surprising. After watching, I hope minds are changed? People were joking/complaining about it turning into a “sci-fi” but this is not the case?? There are no sci-fi elements…unless I’m missing something… It’s just that they’ve done that AU thing a la Guardian but it’s much more innocuous than Guardian’s fantasy to sci-fi lol.
And the name change thing… On one side, you might consider this disrespectful to the author and original material. On the other hand, if novel fans prefer more separation between the novel and drama, this may be a good thing? Like if someone says Pei Su and Luo Weizhao, you know they’re talking about the drama and not the novel. Tbh I see the benefit of that, especially if there are some more major changes in plot later on…
Anyway, I hope the drama can keep up a good quality so I can enjoy it as a crime mystery show, at the very least. It probably helps that I have low expectations for the romance aspects so I will just wait and see how far they will go with that.
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tharett · 6 months
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Hellooo! o/
Back at it again with the ranfren oc doodles, hope you don't mind aksjaj
He has a name now :D
His name is Daiki Hirose ^^ I will probably draw more of him interacting with characters in the future, so look foward to that <3
My Writing(Eng):
(H: Hirose, R: Randal, S: Sebastian, T: Tsukada)
R: I'll make you into a super great pet, hehe..!
H: Hey Randal! Long time no see!
R: Too bad it didn't last longer...
H: Aw, you don't mean that~ ^^
R: I do though...
H: Well, aren't you a fun one!
S: ...
H: S-Satorou?
T: Hirose? Is it really you...?
(I guess the context here is that Hirose didn't go away like all of Randal's previous dream creations, so it was a shock for both guys. Especially Satoru since he has been there for so long.)
H: Yikes... What an uncool guy...
[Dies shortly after(lol)]
Holaaaaa! o/
Regresé con más bocetos de mi oc de Ranfren, si no les importa tantojaizjaj
Oh, y por cierto!
Ya tiene nombre :D
Su nombre es Daiki Hirose y es lo más probable que lo dibuje en el futuro interactuando con los demás personajes de Ranfren, entonces se esperan a ver, vale? <3
Ahora a la traducción xdxd
Mi Escritura(Esp):
(H: Hirose, R: Randal, S: Sebastian, T: Tsukada)
R: Te convertiré en una mascota super genial, jeje...!
H: Ey, Randal! Tanto tiempo sin vernos!
R: Que mal que no pudo durar más...
H: Ay, tu no lo dices en serio~ ^^
R: Pero sí lo digo en serio...
H: Bueno, que tipo tan divertido eres, no?
S: ...
H: S-Satoru?
T: Hirose? De verdad eres tu...?
(El contexto aquí de por qué se encuentran sorprendidos es que Hirose no desapareció como todas las creaciones de los sueños de Randal anteriores, entonces Satoru esta en tipo shock ya que nunca tuvo a alguien más en el espacio de los sueños)
H: Joder... que tipo tan gacho...
[Muere poco después]
Hope you enjoyed my doodles ^^/
Espero que hayan disfrutado de mis bocetos ^^/
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bentosandbox · 1 year
Lin's module summary question mark
>finally module lore surely she will be less of an enigma (clueless)
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Lin orders cart noodles, the owner (i'll just use he/him here so it's clearer when the owner is referring to a 'they/them' and not just himself lol) knows her and mentions multiple times how he's indebted to the rat king but her as well.
She asks if there's enough medicine to get by and yes, he wouldn't dare get sick because it'd cause her trouble, (because Lin says he should take care of himself for his own sake) that the rat king and her basically saved their life, and that Lin even visits their stall, just how highly does she keep him in regard?
Does this sound a little sus??? Because yes, when Lin mentions how her dad says that 'everyone should be able to live a proper life' he cuts her off with an 'accidental' chop on his board as he's cooking, and makes an excuse about how the new guy sucks at sharpening knives, unlike the previous 'chopper Liang' who was really good at it.
Lin asks where this 'old Liang' is; and he says Liang died five years ago, just because he was loyal and honest to a fault, he stubbornly made that one mistake... it was a very serious mistake, Lin reminds him.
He praises her dad's ability to see through people and asks for her guidance in the future too, and she's surprised they're still willing to listen to her, and he says its because she didn't ask how Liang died, so he's thankful for that. ?????? what (see below musings)
Lin says 'you still blame me.', which he denies because Lin and her dad saved their life after all, to which Lin does the classic '......'
But then the noodles are done so she eats them while the guy watches her closely the entire time, she leaves after she's done and they tell her to stay safe on the dangerous streets out there because they 'have' to follow her (how do i word this succinctly, like she's their leader so she can't just carelessly die on them but without like a job-level commitment if you get me lol) and asks one last question:
If she were in her own shoes 5 years ago, would she have done the same? And she replies she would because she doesn't want Lungmen to experience that again.
Okay so, thing five years ago = the chapter 6 slum purge... didn't that.... kind of not happen........ (beneath the surface), though I guess they didn't explicitly confirm that all the slum-dwellers were unharmed or something, because in Vernal Winds she runs into Taihe (The Forte Censor) and they very briefly reminiscence about that episode
Lin: Didn't expect (you) to remember me. The last time we met must have been five years back? Taihe: The circumstances of our meeting was truly unforgettable.. Lin: And not a pleasant one. Taihe: We were both just doing our jobs.
like sure Lin didn't ask how Liang died but uh hello!! i would like to!!! ask mister hypergrief to give us a clear answer on the slum purge statistics or something lmao...!! did Liang just refuse to evacuate and got whacked or crossed Lin somehow??????
the module name 七巧玲瓏 is uhhhhh a reference to a chapter in this i think (incidentally her S1 is the last 2 characters 玲珑) also what did they mean by the hourglass in the artwork wait fuck is it supposed to represent her DAD 😭
i didn't exactly scrutinise the text to make sure, but there's like a bunch of cantonese words in the dialogue that i feel like even hoshiguma's second module didn't feature but that's not the main point of this post but very nice nonetheless
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sen-ffxiv · 1 month
Dawntrail msq post 97 dungeon
That was fun if a little harder than previous dungeons this xpac. I like that everything feels learnable so far.
-ooooph, guess you really can't go home again. "To where have I returned" is just so well acted, with such a feeling of heartbreak for Erenville.
-Did we travel to the future?
-Sphene is so pretty. Also smacking me with ff9 easter eggs. It's surreal compared to everything else that's happened.
-lol so are she and zoraal ja married? is this because he was jealous of Wuk Lamat and Koana?
-Wuk Lamat is ready murder her. Alisaie is on the same page as her. I love that they both get on so well.
-Okay not married lol.
-She's a little sus tbh.
-30 years woah...
Next time we explore the new town. This part has been really fun because I'm just trying to figure out what's up.
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