#i guess??????? i dunno man
monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
I don't know when I decided this, but Mangle now calls Roxy 'Littley'. This woman is allergic to calling anyone by their actual fucking name.
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claybooots · 1 year
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I saw the face of God and He was smiling real big!!!
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hyperfocusfeatures · 6 months
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nothing could have ever prepared me for the day the walt disney company decided to tell me that charles xavier is canonically a puppy sub
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cleocatrablossy · 4 months
The fact that if you smile more in life, your corpse is more likely to hold a slight smile constantly grips my mind whenever I remember Scar “You never know if you’ll wake up in the morning” Goodtimes is constantly smiling. Even before the vex stuff, which could explain it.
Maybe it’s coincidence, maybe he just wants to cut on funeral costs that little bit. Maybe he’s already dead and that’s just how his muscles tightened.
Maybe in the beginning of the infection in the crafting dead he didn’t miraculously survive, maybe all he did was come back.
A smile permanently on his face, a reminder of a life he lost.
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gendercriminals · 2 years
Anyways, I cannot fucking understate the psychic damage that is done by transitioning as a trans- masc while being a person of color.
People already didn’t listen to my opinion and boundaries before my voice and body started passing as somewhat male. But as I’ve started to pass, more and more often, my voice and opinions and boundaries are not only ignored; I’m treated as hyper-aggressive/hostile/mean, inagreeable, and stubborn.
Even by my loved ones and friends, they way they treat the words that come out of my mouth or words through text has changed.
When I cannot say “What you said/did hurt me and I need you to own up to that in some actually active way, or at least apologize.”without invoking white tears - when I cannot get upset over boundary crossing and being ignored without invoking anger about my “attitude”… How am I meant to exist safely?
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radiance1 · 3 months
Something inspired by this post and this song.
Danny blinked as everything around him seemed to pause. Mist escaping past his lips and he looked at the still branch outside of the window.
Hands rested over his shoulders. "My dearest child." Clockwork's spoke from behind him, and Danny stilled. "Won't you join? We can get you out this little predicament binding you by human law."
"No." Danny huffed, resolutely staring out of the window. "I don't want to. You made me try so hard to avoid my bad future, and now you just want me to do something like that?"
"My dear boy," Clockwork flew in front of him, cupping Danny's face in gentle hands. "Your alternate future destroyed this world and as such, the Observants wanted you dead. It would have been unfair for you to be killed for a mere possible future."
Danny scoffed. "You only interfered because you saw a future with me with at your side." Danny scowled, wanting to pull back from Clockwork's hands but found that he couldn't. He scowled a bit more at his body's betrayal, sinking into the touch instead of pulling away.
"I will not lie to you, I had indeed interfered because of such." Clockwork slowly rubbed comforting circles on the boy's cheeks. "But also because you are my child, even if you were then, you would have been eventually. It is a parent's duty to protect their child, is it not?"
Danny wanted to refute that. But the memories of his parent's death at the hands of the GIW for him caused the words to be stuck in his throat. The images of both their and his sister and friend's bodies caused his vision to blur.
He choked down the tears.
"My poor child," Clockwork rested his forehead against Danny's own, a comforting gesture. "To have faced such cruelty at human hands, and for your own human donor to deny you your grief." Clockwork smiled. "Just let us help you, come to our side and we shall make it all go away."
Danny stayed silent for a moment, a small part of himself feeling guilty over wanting Clockwork's touch but a larger part wanting it anyway. "No." Danny breathed out harshly. "They don't deserve to die just because of that."
They don't.
If he says it enough, it'll stay true.
No matter what happens.
Clockwork leaned back, hands falling from his face and Danny had to force himself not to follow the touch as Clockwork circled behind him.
"I am willing to ask as many times as it takes, for you will join us eventually." Danny hated the certainty in the ghost's tone, but couldn't help but push his head into the hand that patted his head. "A piece of advice, however. War is not as patient as I am."
And with those parting words, Clockwork disappeared. Time resuming at once with Danny still sat on his bed. He flopped onto his back, head hitting the pillows as he turned on his side. He stared at his hands silently, before turning one palm up as ice danced up from his palm, slowly taking shape into lifelike versions of his family.
Alive and happy.
A small smile grew on his face he watched. Fighting against living food that Danny had once disliked.
What he wouldn't give to have it all back.
A knock broke him from his starring, and the ice collapsed in his hand.
"Master Danny?" Alfred's voice came from the other side of the door, causing Danny to frown. "Would you be joining us for lunch?"
Danny wanted to say no. He didn't want to interact with anyone in this stupid family.
Danny hated how he couldn't say no without one of them making it into some kind of problem.
So what if he hasn't eaten in a few days? He would live.
Danny sighed, standing up from his bed and silently staring at the door before he got up. He stared at the bracelet on his wrist for a moment as he grabbed onto the doorknob, the one that limited his power extremely, and opened the door.
He stared up at the pleasantly surprised expression on the butler's face, before looking away as he started to lead him towards the kitchen.
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samarecharm · 5 months
Love that Ann and Ryuji both love food and bond w Akira over food…something about it is so sweet to me. The ramen shop, the crepes, the hotel buffet, the afternoon diner hangouts, the attic hotpot…Ann making the hotpot suggestion; Ryuji showing u his favorite hole in the wall restaurant…all the thieves enjoying the local restaurants and food in strikers; Akira making the leblanc curry and coffee for teammates, and Akira getting volunteer help to cook restorative food for the team….i just love it alot. I want you to eat bc i want you to be well, i want us both to be well.
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fluffydice · 4 months
There’s something so hilarious about Aren being a punk and Kusuo being obsessed with normalcy. Like, Aren’s whole life was spent in a world where uniqueness is an expectation whereas Kusuo would have a genuine meltdown if he were to express himself (depending on his development, obviously). Like:
"You don’t think about ever just…letting yourself dress the way you want?" Kuboyasu asked. "No, never. Why?" Kusuo replied, frowning slightly. The guy shrugged. “Dunno. Is it really all that important?” "Of course it is. There are certain styles of clothing that people associate with different groups. I'm considered a homebody, so wearing comfortable clothes makes sense," Kusuo explained. "Anything deviation from this expectation might attract attention." He could feel himself starting to puff up with pride—he'd had this all figured out since his fifth year. "'S not always a bad thing. Look: say you were to dress up like a punk or something—" "I can't," Kusuo interrupted tightly, nerves slowly creeping through his chest at the thought. "Okay, okay. But imagine that you did, yeah?" At Kusuo’s nod, the other splayed out a hand toward him invitingly. "What’s the worst that would happen?" "Someone would kill me." "Okay then!" Kuboyasu said loudly, snapping his head to the horizon so he didn’t have to look at Kusuo. 'Holy fucking shit, dude, I’ve never met a guy who needed to pop a fucking Xanax more.' Outwardly, he said, "I think you're very normal, Saiki." Kusuo felt himself start to preen again. "Thank you."
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cadavercrafts · 3 months
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hey man how's it going
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0donto1nsanity · 2 months
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Hello gay people on my phone I bring you more slop
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viscerat · 11 months
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i think this would fix him
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clover-46 · 2 months
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best dorm idc what anyone else says (diasomnia is 2nd best)
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fateoffireandwater · 19 days
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This so fantastic for #castawayclan
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yki-dolls · 1 year
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On my "Leo taking things literally" agenda
Pixel art Commissions
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