#i guess the full finished tattoo will be in the fall
jula483 · 1 year
link during the AMA:
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link's tattoo artist literally few hours later:
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52 notes · View notes
borathae · 8 months
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↳ Index [Snippet #45 - Showerhead]
"When you and Jungkook get each other off with a showerhead."
Genre: married life!AU, Slice of Life Fluff, Smut
Warnings: the cozy small town vibes we all love TCT for <3, Kookie being a sexy tattoo artist, he's a tired bean as is OC, a cozy night in with burgers from Seokjin's diner, Bam being the cutest dog, the next warnings are for smut: this is kinda a quickie, there's no specific roles just a married couple having some sexy time to let off some steam, they had a lil bit of a stressful day and relax this way, shower sex, making out, naked grinding, some grinding on his thigh, they use the showerhead on each other to make each other cum, Jungkook being wet and hot, sexy communication, dirty talk, praise, size & strength kink, squirting, giggly aftercare, this is the kinda sex you can only have with someone you know well and love dearly, they're so in love you guys :(, *shrivels up* the domestic comfort *implodes*
Wordcount: 5.3k
a/n: my explanation for this? i love this universe, i love this couple, i love their bond. enjoy besties 🧡
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“Hey there.”
Seokjin lifts his head from the receipts he was sorting through. His eyes light up instantly, an adoring smile curls his lips.
“___! Yooo, you’re here”, he hollers and leaves his place behind the counter with stretched open arms.
You fall into the hug, letting out a little giggle because you’re really happy to see him.
“I am. Today was stressful as fuck though”, you say.
“Yeah? Busy day at the restaurant?”
“One could say that, yeah”, you say and break the hug, “how was your day?”
“Stressful as well. I don’t know why people were so hungry today, but it’s only just calmed down.”
You scan your eyes over the familiar diner. Seven of the twenty three tables are occupied. You shake your head in comradery knowledge and look back at Seokjin.
“I think it’s the weather. People like eating out when it’s cloudy.”
“Yeah, I guess so. Speaking of food, I’ve got your burgers in the back”, he says and turns to leave.
“You’re a fucking saviour, you know?”
“Tell me once I’m back”, he calls out and disappears in the kitchen.
He reappears again after a few seconds, carrying a paper bag with your order.
“Here you go. Two deluxe beef burgers with extra bacon for Kook and lots of sauce for you.”
“And two servings of chilli cheese fries.”
“Of course, with extra cheese because it’s you.”
“Dude, I seriously love you. You saved our evening. I feel too tired to cook and I know Kook’s gonna wanna lie down the moment he’s home.”
“Where is he? Still at the studio?”
“Yeah, till eight. He’s got a full back tattoo to finish. He’s been at it since nine.”
“Geez, whoever is getting the tattoo is either insane or has lost all feeling in their nerves ‘cause a full back tattoo for elven hours is fucking mental.”
“Right? Dude, when Kook did the snake on my shoulder blade?” you turn your shoulder to him, pointing at it even if currently your biker jacket is keeping it hidden.
“I cursed at him multiple times. Not ‘cause I wanted to, but ‘cause it happened on instinct. It hurt like a fucking bitch.”
Seokjin laughs, “I know how you feel. My back tattoo experience still haunts me.”
“Didn’t you curse at him too?”
“I think I might have even threatened his life at one point.”
You and he laugh.
“Totally understandable”, you joke.
“Yeah, ah funny”, Seokjin says and walks behind the counter again.
“How much do I owe you?”
“Please, it’s on the house.”
“I hate it when you do that. How much do I owe you?”
“It’s fine, dude. Just bring me some of those parmesan rind balls you’re serving at the restaurant and we’re even.”
You roll your eyes and place the correct amount of money on the counter.
“Good thing I worked here for years”, you say and turn your back to Seokjin to strut off.
“I should change the prices, seriously”, Seokjin jokes as he looks at you, reaching for the money you left.
You snicker, turning in the doorway, “see you at Tae’s and Hobi’s on Saturday?”
“Of course. I’ve been looking forward to DnD night all week. Namjoon keeps talking about how much fun being DM is. He says this session will be unlike any before.”
“He always says that and then they never disappoint.”
“Seriously”, Seokjin agrees, “and Jimin was here this morning and said that Yoongi will bring apple pie.”
“Seriously? Oh my god, mhhm”, you groan, “I’m so excited, dude.”
“Me too”, Seokjin says and lifts his hand for a wave, “drive safely, ___.”
“Thank you. You too, Seokjin”, you say and turn to leave.
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You store your dinner in the safety compartment on your bike and put your helmet on. You fix your gloves and then finally sit down on your bike to drive off. The smell of warm concrete tickles your nose as you cruise through the familiar streets. The diner soon disappears behind you and Hoseok’s garage appears to your right. You slow down to see if you can spot him. You can. He is working outside. He lifts his head at the sound of your bike and stands up, lifting his hand to wave at you. You wave back at him, slowing down your bike because luckily for you, the lights turned red. You open your visor.
“Yoongi brings apple pie on Saturday!” you call out loudly over the rumbling of your bike and also to bridge the distance.
“Dude, that’s fucking awesome!” Hoseok calls back, making a funnel with his hands to be louder, “driving home?”
“Yeah! I got burgers at Jin’s!”
“Nice! Enjoy them!”
“I will!”
The lights turn green again.
“See you Saturday!” you yell happily and close your visor to drive off.
Hoseok gives you a wave with both of his hands, swaying his hips from side to side to really get his excitement across. You laugh in fondness, giving him a wave until a turn to your left, naturally forces both your hands back onto the handles so you could take it safely.
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The denser inner town soon disappears behind you as the road takes you along the coast. You pass Jimin’s and Yoongi’s house on tonight’s route. The lights in the street facing rooms are turned off, but you can spot the garden lights being on. You sound your horn as you pass them, knowing that they will know that it was you greeting them. Then you speed up, leaning into it. The road allows you to do so safely and there is nothing better than feeling the warm night air on your skin. Today is a good day. Even if it was stressful, the small moments of familiarity and good friendship were already enough to make it a good day.
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Bam waits for you by the garage door, containing his excitement by sneezing repeatedly and tippy-tapping with his hind legs.
“Hello there Bamie, how was your day?” you greet him in a squeaky voice.
Bam huffs out air, shaking his head.
“That’s good to hear. I had a stressful day, but I got burgers”, you say and walk off to the kitchen. Bam follows next to you, sniffling at the bag, “it’s not for you, you greedy boy”, you laugh, moving it higher so he can’t reach it anymore, “don’t worry, mommy’s gonna feed you right away”, you say and open the fridge, “are you hungry, baby?”
You and Jungkook started a new diet with Bam after consulting with your trusty vet. It consists of raw, fresh meats, vegetables, fish and eggs presented in a bowl which makes him work for the food so he gets mental stimulation out of it as well. He even gets some berries and the most delicious unsalted bone broth to wash it down with. Truly, your little doggy son eats like royalty with you. You swear that ever since you started his diet, his fur glowed more and his poops smell better.
Bam waits by your feet with his tail wagging excitedly, looking up at you with big eyes.
“Almost done, baby. Wow, you can’t even imagine how stressful today was. I had to run around so much, my feet hurt”, you say and pick up the filled bowl to carry it to Bam’s feeding station.
The Doberman follows you and sits down in perfect position instantly. Just like you and Jungkook have trained him.
“Good boy”, you praise him, “turn.”
Bam follows.
Bam follows.
“Good boy. Wait.”
Bam follows, watching you put his food bowl into the mount. You straighten up. Bam looks up at you.
He doesn’t move.
He doesn’t move.
Bam finally moves and jumps up to begin eating his food. You give him a little pet on his back.
“Good boy. There we go, enjoy your food.”
You give him his space afterwards, leaving the kitchen to change into comfortable clothes and wash your hands. You are in the hallways leading to the stairs when Jungkook comes home.
“Sweetie! I’m home!”
“Hellooo”, you coo, jogging down the stairs and meeting Jungkook at the end of them. You stay on the last step, hooking your arms behind his head to pull him into a kiss. He has to tilt his head up for it, wrapping his arms around your waist, “mwuah”, you end the kiss, giving him a happy scrunch of your face.
He retorts it, hugging you.
“How was your day?”  he asks you.
“Stressful, but not bad. Yours?”
“Exhausting. My back’s killing me and my neck’s already dead.”
You slide your hand to his neck to massage it gently.
“I can imagine. Did you finish it?”
“Yeah, the madman actually sat through the entire tattoo.”
“That’s actually crazy.”
“Yeah”, Jungkook chuckles and lifts his head, resting his chin against your chest. He grins as he talks, “did you get the burgers?”
“Of course I did. They’re waiting for us in the kitchen.”
“I’m so hungry already.”
“Me too”, you say and break the hug by getting down from the last step, “wanna watch The Witcher as we eat?”
“Yes, that sounds like a plan”, Jungkook says as he jogs up the stairs to change into comfortable clothes and wash his hands.
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You have the burgers and fries prepared on your coffee table when Jungkook comes back. Bam is on the sofa next to you, resting his head on his front paws as he enjoys his post dinner nap. Jungkook wakes him as he gets on his knees in front of him and greets him with kisses all over his face.
“Hello Bamie”, he coos in a squeaky voice, “did you have a good day? Daddy had a really long day. Oh Bamie, my baby.”
The Doberman accepts his dad’s kisses with a wagging tail. It makes a dull sound of impact each time it slaps the couch cushions.
“Mwuah”, Jungkook finishes his kisses with a smooch to Bam’s forehead and then stands up. He picks up his burger and plops down on the couch so Bam was between you and him. He stretches his legs out and lets his head plop against the cushions. Then he sighs, “that’s luxury, seriously.”
“Yeah”, you agree, “ready?”
You press play on the show and for the next twenty minutes, you enjoy your dinner as the show was running. You pause it once you are finished with your food so you could carry the dirty plates to the kitchen and start the dishwasher. You return with some chocolate drops for dessert.
“Choco snack?” you offer Jungkook.
“Uuh, yes thank you”, Jungkook says and scoops a good handful out of the bowl. Bam left the spot between you and him by now so he could instead scratch at his favourite scratching mat. The sounds of his playing fill the background as you press play on the show again. You rest on the couch in a way which enables Jungkook to lie down between your legs. You put the snack bowl on his stomach and begin massaging his shoulders.
“Mhm yeah, that’s premium”, he says, wiggling happily, “thankies.”
“Tell me if I hurt you”, you say and then no other words are exchanged between you and him as you enjoy the show. You snack, you cuddle, you massage his shoulders and you react to good scenes in the show. It’s truly the perfect evening.
After the episode finished, you stay on the couch to chat about your days. You and Jungkook are facing each other. He is sitting on the sofa cross-legged as he massages your feet because you complained about them hurting.
“By the way, I just remembered”, you say during a moment of nice silence.
“Seokjin told me that Jimin was at the diner today and that he told him that Yoongi will bring apple pie on Saturday.”
“This just made my entire night. Yoongi’s apple pie is the best apple pie ever. Sorry baby, yours is amazing too, but I gotta be honest.”
You laugh, “no, I agree. There is no better apple pie than Yoongi’s. And Jinnie said that Joon can’t shut up about how good this session will be.”
“He always says that and then it’s never a lie.”
“I said the same thing.”
You and Jungkook share in little chuckles.
Bam appears by your side, stubbing Jungkook’s knee.
“I think he needs to shit”, he says.
“Yeah, I think so too. His eyes are glassy.”
“Do you need to poop, baby?” Jungkook coos at Bam. The dog huffs out air and leaves the living room for the front door, “okay yeah he does. I’ll take him for a walk, okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll stay here if you don’t mind. My feet are gonna shrivel up if I take another step today.”
Jungkook chuckles, “no worries. I need the movement either way”, he says and gets up. He kisses your forehead as he passes you, “it shouldn’t take too long.”
“Yeah, okay. If I’m not here when you return, I’m taking a shower.”
“Okay. See you later, sweetie.”
“See you, honey.”
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Just like you told Jungkook, you are taking a shower when he returns. He knocks on the door.
“Come in!”
He enters the bathroom and locks the door behind him. He scans his eyes up and down your naked body, but doesn’t say anything raunchy about it.
“How was the walk?”
“Good. I feel human again”, Jungkook says and rolls his shoulders, “Bam’s in his crate already. He totally passed out after the walk. He did so much sniffing, I think it tired him out.”
“He’s so cute.”
“Yeah, he really is”, Jungkook sighs dreamily, "our son."
You chuckle fondly and guide the showerhead over your left arm, “do you wanna join me?”
“Uuh, yes I do”, he coos and begins undressing in little dance moves. It makes you laugh because he is such a dork. 
Now buttnaked, he grins cutely and steps into the shower. He leans in for a little kiss, but you attack him with water instead by turning the showerhead and covering his chest with it.
“Hey”, he laughs.
You snicker mischievously then begin guiding the showerhead over his body to wet him.
“Not cool. I wanted to kiss you”, he chuckles.
“Kisses come later. You’re sweaty.”
“Wow, so mean”, he laughs and turns his back to you so you can wet it as well.
You turn off the water afterwards, picking up his soap to squirt some into his hands.
“You’re welcome”, you say and switch out his soap for yours.
You and he soap yourselves up, going thoroughly to really make sure the day is washed off. You even soap up your cracks, feeling no shame in doing so. It was a little awkward in your beginning phase, because soaping up your intimate places is a very personal thing to do, but these days, you don’t think it’s embarrassing to do it in front of each other. In some weird way, it’s kind of nice to do it in front of each other. You are bonded for life and there are no other people you know as intimately as you know each other. Feeling comfortable in washing even the most personal places in front of each other just means that what you and he have is real and it’s home.
Jungkook takes on the job of washing the soap off your bodies. First you and then himself. He keeps the water running afterwards, guiding it over your body for now to warm you up.
“And now?” he asks.
“We could dry up and watch more Witcher or we could get a little sexy.”
“A little sexy?” Jungkook asks and glances at your tits, “like sexy sexy?”
“Yes, sexy sexy”, you snicker, nudging his chest, “doofus.”
“What? I gotta make sure, I don’t wanna be weird.”
“Cutie”, you say and take the showerhead from him to warm him for a change, “do you wanna be sexy sexy with me?”
“Yeah”, Jungkook nods his head, “yeah, I can be convinced.”
“You can?” you ask seductively.
“Mh-hm”, Jungkook hums and wiggles his brows.
You turn the water off and put the showerhead in its mount for now. You step closer to Jungkook and touch his chest.
“You can get your kisses now”, you tell him.
“Finally”, Jungkook says and grabs your butt with both his hands to pull your body close. He claims your lips in a kiss, purring happily.
“Mhhm”, you hum, burying your fingers in his hair as you get lost in his kisses.
You kiss, you touch, you grope and hug. You stumble, press each other against the tiles, giggle, kiss some more and turn each other on in the process. Most of your shared showers don’t end in sex, so tonight feels extra special. You felt like it. You had such a good day and Jungkook is such a cutie that you just wanted to at least shoot your shot. That Jungkook said yes was the sweetest cherry on top.
By now, Jungkook has you against the tiles with one knee between your legs so you can grind on it as you kiss. He is rolling his hips against you, finding sweet electricity on your stomach as his hard cock moves against it.
Jungkook breaks the kiss to nibble on your neck.
“I love it when you mark my thigh”, he rasps.
“I know”, you sigh. Your lips feel puffy and tender from kissing, “shit Kook, it feels so good.”
“Yeah, it does”, he agrees, squeezing your butt, “my goddess. Gotta love that ass.”
“You’re stupid”, you snicker and moan, “fuck, you feel good.”
“Mhm, yeah”, he sucks a spot of sensitivity to your neck, “so good.”
“Kiss me again”, you say and pull him into a kiss.
And so you do it again. You kiss, you touch, you grope and grind. You moan, sigh, shiver and pull each other closer. You stumble and move around, almost knock the soap bottles over and hit the showerhead hose with your elbow.
You break the kiss again. You are both out of breath and heated up. Jungkook looks at you with heavy eyes.
“Wanna do something fun?” you ask.
“More fun than this?”
“Tell me.”
“Wanna get each other off with the showerhead?”
“Yes”, Jungkook furrows his brows, “fuck, your mind. You’ve got the sexiest ideas.”
“I know”, you snicker, “you first. I’ll make you cum”, you say and push him away from you gently.
“Okay”, Jungkook stumbles back, lifting his hands in defeat, “I’m not stopping you.”
You take the showerhead off its mount and turn the water on, checking the temperature with your hand. You lower it then turn it to Jungkook.
“Is that good for you?”
“Yeah, it’s nice.”
“Okay then, get ready.”
“I’m so ready”, Jungkook says and looks at his hard cock.
You place your palm on the upper side of his cockhead and use your thumb to hold it in place. You tilt it and guide the showerhead to his sensitive tip.
Jungkook gasps, taking a wobbly step closer while his cock throbs into the sensation.
“How’s that?” you ask him, lifting your eyes to meet his gaze. 
It is foggy in pleasure. His lids are lowered halfway.
“Good”, he whispers and parts his lips for a soft moan.
“You’re so pretty”, you speak quietly too. It feels right to do so.
“No, you are. Ah”, he furrows his brows, “there. Woah, ah”, and his eyes fall closed before his nose scrunches in pleasure. Another moan rolls off his tongue, his lips stay parted afterwards.
You look back at his cock. The water is hitting him right at his frenulum, reaching parts of his flushed tip as well. His thick vein is pulsating, moving his entire cock on your palm. His lower abs tense and tremble.
“Right there?” you ask, drawing circles.
“Yes, don’t stop. Keep, ah, please keep going.”
“Okay”, you say and try to keep the movements as they are right now. Slow circles with a minimal diameter so most of the water is focused on his sensitive frenulum. He says it’s where the pleasure goes especially deep. There and right on his tip. You don’t want to change the motion for the sake of finding out if his tip feels just as good however. Jungkook sounds so perfect right now. 
“This feels so good”, he moans, touching your shoulder just to run his hand down your arm. He lingers on your elbow, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“It does. It’s so hot, baby.”
“Yeah-ah”, he bites his lower lip and smiles the kind of smile he always does when the pleasure hits just right, “that’s wow, aha”, he laughs breathily and opens his eyes, looking down at his own cock. He follows the showerhead as you guide it over his cock, sliding his hand to the back of your neck.
“Fuck, looking at it…” Jungkook closes his eyes and furrows his brows, “...yeah that’s gonna make me cum. Fuck….baby…”
“Can I try your tip? Just to see.” 
Jungkook nods his head. You guide the showerhead away from his frenulum to instead draw circles on his tip. His cock throbs. He lets out a soft gasp.
“Yeah”, he rasps and rolls his hips, “I liked the other spot more. Please.” 
“Mhm, that’s sexy”, you purr and guide the showerhead back to where you were before, “there?”
“Lower, ahnm it’s good just low- yes! Ah”, he moans loudly, throwing his head back, “there. That’s the fucking spot, holy shit.”
His cock pulsates and leaks. The water washes it away instantly, but the twitchy nature of his cock remains.
“You’re so sexy. Fuck, I’m going insane”, you rasp and feel tingles run all over your skin.
“Baby, you’re making me cum”, Jungkook gets out and squeaks in a moan, “a-ah”, he clears his throat, “sorry, voice cra-ah-ack. Ah fuck, ___ holy shit.” 
You snicker, “you’re cute”, you say and draw a little heart. And another one. And one more for good measures, “and sensitive.”
“Yeah I was close”, he says and scrunches his nose, “this is gonna feel so. So ah. So good”, Jungkook stutters and rolls his hips, “stay there. There. Baby, please.” 
Jungkook moans loudly, scrunching his face.
“Yeah, right there”, you rasp, “you’re such a pretty boy, getting your pretty cock all clean and nice for me.”
“Fuck, oh fuck.”
“So pretty. You’re such a pretty boy with the prettiest cock.” 
“Now”, Jungkook gets out and moans, convulsing in his high. He spills all over his tummy and your hand, but the water washes it away instantly. He wobbles, finding support by holding your shoulder, “I was right, it feels so good”, he whines and reaches down to play with his own tip, “oh god, ____. Ah!”
“You’re so hot. So fucking hot”, you moan with him, feeling your own knees buckle. There are only a few things hotter than watching your husband orgasm. You could fucking do it for hours. It’s addictive, especially when he’s wet from a shower and his knees are wobbling like crazy. 
“Woah”, Jungkook gets out and slacks against you, dropping his head on your shoulder as his arms close around you. He audibly gulps repeatedly, nuzzling his nose into your skin. His cock is squished between your tummies, throbbing slowly. You hold the showerhead behind his back for now, letting the water hit the tiles.
“Liked it?” you ask him, tracing his spine.
He nods his head and exhales shakily, “holy fuck.”
You giggle, “you’re cute. I’m happy you liked it.”
“Yeah, I did. Seriously wow”, he exhales happily and lifts his head, giving you a goofy grin, “you’re the best ever. Thank you.”
You do a little curtsey, “you are very welcome.”
Jungkook laughs and gives your waist a little squeeze. His eyes lower playfully, he licks his lips. You feel your heart speed up and your pussy throb.
“Now give me the showerhead. It’s your turn”, he rasps and smirks.
You give it to him without hesitation, parting your legs so he can have access. You keep staring into his eyes, feeling yourself totally lose yourself in him. Jungkook gazes at you, eye fucking you so well that your breath is already shaky even without any sort of stimulation.
“Count to three for me”, he whispers.
Jungkook slides his left hand to your hip.
Jungkook leans down to place a kiss on the most sensitive spot of your neck.
“Three”, you sigh, closing your eyes in anticipation.
Warm water hits your pussy and stimulates your aching clit. You grip his strong upper arms, squeezing desperately.
Jungkook purrs deeply, using his lips and teeth to play with your earlobe. He slides his left hand to the small of your back and tilts your hips with a gentle push, making it so your clit is more exposed to the stream of warm water.
The moan you let out bounces off the walls, but you find no shame in it. On the contrary, you allow another sound to slip, rolling your hips into the sensation.
“Is that nice, mhm?” Jungkook asks in a rasp and his voice tickling your ear.
“Yeah, nice”, you get out, gliding your hands to his pecs. Fuck, his skin is so wet and silky from the water. His muscles are twitching under your touch, his deep purr tickles your palm.
“You’re so sexy like this. Keep touching me, baby. Feel how strong I am, mhm?”
“Yeah…” you sigh, moaning when he tenses his pecs just for you.
Jungkook growls playfully and moves the showerhead closer. You twitch instinctively, feeling your knees shake.
“Wait. It feels weird like this”, you say. 
“Yeah? What do you need changed?”
“Don’t laugh, but I want it like this”, you say and sit down on the floor. You rest against the tiles and prop up your feet, parting your legs. 
“This is so hot”, Jungkook says and kneels down in front of you. He scoots close and gets comfortable with his legs crossed. You place your legs over his’, propping your feet up on the floor behind him. Like this, you have skin on skin contact and Jungkook is facing you head on. He leans in for a kiss, breaking it by gently nipping on your lower lip.
“You’re sexy”, he rasps and guides the showerhead to your pussy.
You jolt up, arching your back.
“Can you, ah, use your fingers to spread me?”
Jungkook nods his head and uses his left hand to part your folds for the water. Trembles shake your legs, your hips roll into the sensation.
“Fuck yes, ah like this.”
“This is so hot. I love this”, Jungkook rasps and switches his gaze to your pussy. He licks his lips, wiggling his hips in desperation. You are so spread for him and the water takes such pretty paths along your pussy. He makes sure to bundle the stream onto your clit area. You already look so swollen, especially now that he is keeping you spread, “you look so sensitive, baby.”
“Your thigh”, you mewl and it’s enough for Jungkook to understand that grinding on his meaty thigh brought you just as close as your stomach did him.
“Fuck, so hot”, he growls and spreads your pussy more. He draws lines up and down your clit, listening for your reaction. 
“Jungkook, baby”, you moan, rolling your head back.
It falls against the tiles. Jungkook looks at your face. Your eyes are closed, a droopy smirk curls your lips.
“Does it feels good what I do?” he asks in a soft spoken voice. 
You nod your head.
“Should we try circles too?”
You nod your head again.
Jungkook changes the lines for circles, sending trembles through your legs. 
“It’s that. Ahng”, you scratch your nails over the tiled floor before grabbing your own thighs for support, “that. It’s, it’s that. Ah, fuuck….” you open your legs further, panting heavily as your back arches off the wall.
“Fuck, this is hot. I’m going insane”, Jungkook confesses in a raspy voice and his darkened eyes flitting back to your pussy. 
“Don’t stop please. This feels so good.”
“I won’t, baby”, he promises you and leans in for a kiss. He manages to place one on your jawline, ending it with a little suck. 
“Ah, mhm, ah”, you let out and writhe, “it’s soon.” 
“Yeah? So hot. My pretty girl with her pretty pussy. It’s so sexy how she’s getting all wet for me.”
“Keep talking, holy fuck.”
“Mhm, my pretty girl. You’ve got the prettiest pussy, baby”, Jungkook rasps and swirls the showerhead just how you need it, “my prett-”
“Now!” you fall into his words as your high hits you. Sit up in reaction, grabbing Jungkook’s arm for support as the only sound leaving you is a throaty “ngn.” 
“Baby”, Jungkook moans with you, staring at your throbbing pussy obsessively. She is pulsating so much.
“Holy fuck, this is actually making me squirt. Ohgod. Urgh”, you moan and groan, convulsing uncontrollably as the intense stimulation of the water makes you squirt. 
“Holy fuck, baby. Holy fuck”, Jungkook growls, gawking obsessively. The water washes any kind of proof away instantly, but the way you grab him and shake, is enough to let him know that you weren’t bluffing. The showerhead is making you fucking squirt all over the shower floor and it’s Jungkook’s doing. 
“You’re a fucking goddess. Holy shit, I’m going insane”, Jungkook moans and helps you ride it out until you push away the showerhead on your own.
You drop against the wall, letting your head tangle tiredly.
“No more. Holy fuck”, you croak and writhe, “wow…” 
Jungkook, who is still keeping you spread with his left hand, uses his pointer finger to rub your clit. He gets as far as to lightly brush his the pad of his finger over it and then you already flinch in overstimulation. Your legs fall closed as best as possible, your eyes open and beg him to stop.
“Seriously don’t. I’m so-” you twitch and flinch as Jungkook does it again. 
As gently as possible. But you are way too overstimulated, so it felt as if he was using his entire force.
“Kook”, you both moan and complain, “stop it, I’m too sensitive”, you say in a laugh, reaching between your legs to pull his hand away.
Jungkook laughs and lets you. He holds your waist instead, closing in so he could claim your lips in a smiley kiss. 
You kiss him back, but soon push him away gently. You slap his chest with both hands, barely using strength for it.
“You’re fucking awful. My clit’s sensitive”, you chuckle.
“Sorry, it was too tempting not to”, he snickers, “you know I love it when you’re like this.” 
“I know. Too much unfortunately. One day I’ll accidentally kick you ‘cause you activated some sort of reflex. Seriously.”
Jungkook laughs. You laugh. You fall into a giggly kiss again, ending it with a mutual “mhm” and a stub with your noses. 
You rest your forehead together, keeping your eyes closed.
“So this was amazing”, he whispers 
“Yeah, it was. Exactly what I needed tonight.”
“Definitely. I feel so good. You?”
“Me too, yeah. Although, two things.”
“Yeah?” Jungkook is already snickering.
“My tailbone is starting to hurt and I’m getting sleepy.”
He chuckles and pecks your lips.
“Let’s actually dry ourselves, do our routines and then go to bed?” he suggests.
“Sounds like a deal. Snuggles later?”
“Snuggles definitely later. Oh hell yeah, you can bet on it”, he says, making you giggle.
“You’re cute. Now help me up, I’m ruined, seriously.”
Jungkook laughs, “hold onto me. Your strong hubby will help you.”
“Wow, I married the strongest person ever. My hero”, you joke, looking into Jungkook’s sparkly eyes as you and he once again share in giggles and laughter. 
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heartsforvin · 11 months
could i request a vinnie reaction to their s/o being sore the next day after their first time
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thank you for the request ! i hope you like it <333
pairing; vinnie hacker x fem!reader
warnings; mentions of sex, use of pet names (baby, princess, etc), cussing, mentions of aftercare, sexual jokes, lmk if i missed anything !
summary; vinnie has a very laughable reaction to you being sore after your guys’ first time
stirring awake, you left your head off your pillow and rub sleep out of your eyes. searching around the room from the comfort of your boyfriends bed, you wonder where he could be.
your question was soon answered when you heard him mutter a curse word under his breath, walking back into his room from being in his bathroom.
his tattooed chest on full display, you blushed and bit your lip, memories of the night prior creeping back up in your head.
“goodmorning, sunshine,” vinnie said with a kiss to your head soon after. “how’d you sleep?”
you looked at your boyfriend with such admiration, loving the way he looked at you the same way.
stroking his cheek, you smiled and replied. “good, can you put clothes on, though.” you joke, pushing vinnie away from you.
he laughs and kisses your cheek. “what, afraid you’re gonna want a round two twelve hours later?” he joked.
as much as you two joke about it, it was a pretty fun night — awkward since neither of you knew what the fuck you were doing — but fun.
“just put some clothes on, hacker.” you tell him sternly with a push to his chest.
vinnie stands up and backs away from the bed. “yes, ma’am.” he tells you.
as he goes to get dressed, you attempt to stand up from the bed but only make it to a chair in the conner of vinnie’s room before falling on to it.
vinnie comes out of his bathroom in a fit of laughter, seeing you try to put your legs up on the chair.
“guess i fucked you too good, huh?” he asked with a smirk, you tried to push his chest but didn’t quite get that far.
trying to stand again, vinnie helps you on your feet, holding you by your waist. “you gotta admit, it was pretty good.” he says.
you roll your eyes. “your ego doesn’t need boosting, shut up,” you reply. “but yeah, it was.”
kissing you, he smiles once the two of you pull away, making you smile too.
the reaction you got from him was one you definitely expected, it’s what made him, him. you we’re grateful it was him the two of you shared your first time with.
vinnie puts you on the bed and grabs a t-shirt and a pair of your jeans from an overnight bag you had, walking back over to you to help you change.
once your shirt is on, he kisses you softly and then holds your waist, smiling down at you with so much love.
he finishes helping you change and you try to stand on your own again, succeeding this time. you stop midway into the bathroom, the soreness from your legs making you hunch over.
“i think you broke me,” you whip your head behind you to face your boyfriend, he just gives you a sly smile. “my fuckin’ legs are sore, vin. this isn’t funny!”
you make your way into the bathroom and do your thing, coming out minutes later to see vinnie standing in the doorway with open arms.
you hug him tightly, trying to stand on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
“i’m sorry i broke you, princess.” he whispers in your ear. “but you know you loved it.” he looks at you with a smirk.
you laughed and smiled at him, knowing he was completely right.
“i did, but i loved the bath you ran for me a lot more.” you reply, vinnie hit your arm playfully.
with a loud laugh, you speak up saying, “i’m kidding, although that did help the soreness a bit, clearly not that much. but the events before were just as good.”
the two of you lean in to share a passionate kiss. vinnie then picks you up by the thighs and holds you against him, your legs wrapping around his waist.
“i can get used to this treatment.” you say before kissing him.
vinnie smiles, brushing his nose against yours. “i love you, princess.”
“i love you more, vin.”
hiii i hope you liked this n it lived up to your expeditions !!
i loved writhing this !! thank you for the request again <33
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msgexymunson · 2 years
Rumour Part 5: Ready
Description: After your love confession, you're wondering if Eddie feels the same. Something happens to make him see how special you are to him.
Warnings: NSFW, Minors DNI this isn't for you bbys, the usual trifecta of angst, smut and fluff, brief violence (not between reader and Eddie) L bombs, brief male and fem oral receiving, p in v unprotected sex
A/N: this is the penultimate part!! I'll be sorry to see this version of Eddie go, I'm so happy you lot liked him as much as I do! If you enjoy this, please comment and reblog if you like it, it seriously makes my day reading your comments ❤
5.8k words
Masterlist    Part 1    Part 2    Part 3   Part 4
Sitting at your dressing table, you claw your hair into a sensible ponytail, fussing with the fluffy bits that stick out the sides. You really weren't in the mood to put a full face of makeup on, so you just apply mascara and lip gloss. It helped with tips.
Sighing into the room, you pout, attempting to stare down your own reflection, your mind wandering to the sticky dark cloud that clung to you. Intrusive thoughts had grabbed you and refused to let go for a week now. Black tar thoughts; slow moving, bitter and impossible to remove.
You hear your front door open with a rustle of leather and a creak of boots.
"Hey baby." You call out of the door frame, still fixated with your countenance in the mirror.
"Hey sweet thing, you good?" Eddie's voice is higher than usual and bursting with barely concealed excitement.
You don't trust your words, sensing they'll betray you, so you settle with a nonchalant "uh huh. You?"
"Pretty girl, I've got something to tell you."
You're sure your ears would have swivelled towards him if they could, heart suddenly inflating in hope. You turn to him, taking in his beaming face.
"What is it?"
He's pacing your room at this point, telling you what's clearly been dying to burst out of his chest, words manifesting with undeniable glee.
"Well, you remember that band we saw?" You nod, shoulders dropping, heart sinking again.
"The guitarist came into my shop for a tattoo, right, and told me they've had a falling out with the front man, Bill or Buck or whatever. Anyways, we got talking and I told him I could sing, and one thing lead to another- well guess where I just came from? Their managers office, I'm in! They want me as a front man! They're going to change the name, and obviously we need to practise and stuff, but I'm gonna be in a band! With a manager! Isn't that awesome?"
He squats by where you're sitting, grasping your hands in his. You've never seen his eyes more alive. His coarse thumbs rub circles into the backs of your delicate hands.
You do your best to swallow the lump in your throat, the disappointment bitter on your tongue. This clearly means the world to him, and you are pleased for him, truly. A smile adorns your face, warm and loving, even if it doesn't reach your eyes.
"I'm so happy for you Eddie." Leaning forward  you press a soft kiss to his mouth as a distraction. He smiles against your mouth.
"It's gonna be great sweets, for both of us." You can't help but scoff slightly at his comment but he doesn't seem to notice, instead moving to mouth at your throat, nibbling at your ear.
"Eddie what are you doing?"
"I'm happy," he says, sucking at the pressure point in your neck, making you stifle a moan, "I need you."
You laugh mirthlessly "well, do you know what I need?" The words have more bite than intended, an edge to your voice that's razor sharp, cutting through the room and changing the ambiance in a heartbeat.
Eddie's taken aback, leaning on his heels. "What do you need sweets?"
"I need-" not now, not now, he's so happy, just drop it. "I need to go to work." You finish lamely.
"I can drive you, I'm not working tonight."
"It's fine, Eddie, I could use the walk."
You stand, wrenching yourself away from him and his soft eyes. Marching into the living room you perch on the sofa to put your shoes on. Eddie's propped up in the doorway, frowning at you.
"I don't like you walking at night on your own."
You laugh at him, the sharp sound nipping; it has teeth. "Eddie it's 7 o'clock. I'm a grown ass woman, I'll be fine. Can't you trust me to look after myself?"
"It's not like that sweets and you know it." Long strides cut you off from the front door, his arms folded.
"I just need some space. Fresh air." You stand up to leave, but Eddie's about as immovable as a mountain; all rocky arms and stony glare.
"Can I leave? I'm gonna be late."
"I said, I'll drive you." He's towering over you, broad and intimidating.
You stick your chin out, mustering your courage.
"And I said no." You push past him but he holds your upper arm with a firm hand.
"Sweet thing what's this about?" He ducks down to your height, searching your face for clues.
Your eyes are glossy, vision beginning to blur. "You know exactly what this is about."
Eddie steps back, releasing your arm. "Sweetheart, I..." he trails off, arms falling to his sides. "I don't know what to say."
"Then don't. Lock the door when you leave."
You ignore further wordless protests from him and pull your front door open, not bothering to close it as you march into the biting cold, struggling to put your coat on as you go. You refuse to look behind you, knowing he's outlined in your doorway, watching you leave.
The bar is a bustling, chaotic mess when you get there. It's unusual, but you're very welcome for the distraction. You serve drinks, run around collecting glasses, and make yourself as busy as possible.
Nothing can quiet the dark voice inside your head.
You're an idiot. Why didn't you just talk to him? You're acting like a brat. No wonder he doesn't treat you like a woman.
As soon as you push any of your self deprecating thoughts aside however, more comments run through your head like a freight train.
Him not treating you like a woman is not your fault. He said it already, he called you a play thing. Maybe that's how he sees you? But why would he do all that for your birthday if he doesn't care about you? Why won't he just say it?
You stop for a second behind the bar, pinching the bridge of your nose. Maybe if you pinch hard enough the thoughts will go away.
"Hey darlin', you ok?"
Looking up, you're met with the ashy mop of hair and concerned eyes of Matt.
"Hey, sorry just real busy tonight, what can I get you, the usual?"
"Yeah, and a glass of red for the lady."
You look over his shoulder and see the unmistakable blonde hair and, well, physique, of Estelle.
"Oh, are you two-"
"Together, yeah." He beams at you.
"Aw that's real sweet, happy for you," you smile back, "hey you know there's a free booth over there, there's a reserved sign on it but it doesn't look like they're coming. Just, collect some glasses for me, ok?"
"Sure thing sweets." You flinch at that; continuing to get him his order.
After a while the hubbub dies down and your manager leaves you to lock up. It's just you and four drunks, and Matt and Estelle sucking each other's faces like there's no tomorrow.
Shouting last call, they're ushered out of the bar, leaving you to lock up. You think about calling Eddie to come get you, then remember how you left. Guilt twinges your stomach.
This is stupid.
You pick up the phone and call his number, nerves bubbling in your gut. After four rings, it defaults to voicemail. There's no way he's asleep already. He clearly doesn't want to speak to you.
Grabbing your belongings you leave, locking the front door behind you. You stomp briskly in the direction of home, trying to move fast to avoid the cold, your breath fogging in the air.
You're so lost in thought that the first time you see the two men in front of you is when you walk head first into one of them. Shock shakes you; a sharp cold breath shoots into your chest. Nearly falling, you teeter until one of them grabs you by the arm.
"Woah, falling for me are you?" He laughs perniciously, helping you get your balance. You look up at a tall, gruff looking man, wearing a dirty Demin jacket. A rough, wanton demeanour radiates from him. Dangerous. He keeps his hold on your arm despite your pleading eyes.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."
The other guy speaks up, moving to stand behind you. Crowding you; a silent threat, an escape blocked.
"You ought be more careful." Every word seems heavy and considered, like it was an effort to string a sentence together. You could smell the booze from here.
"Look, I'm sorry ok, I've got to go." You go to pull your arm free but he just grips you tighter.
"Seems you owe us a proper apology. Hot young girl like you, you should come with us."
Fear stabs you in the stomach; a red hot knife falls through your guts, twisting and cauterising as it goes.
"Yeah, we're havin' party." The man behind slurs out. You feel an unwelcome hand travel to your waist, flesh crawling with horripilation.
"Hey, let go of me!" You move to punch with your free arm but it's instantly pinned to your side by the gruff man in front of you. Hot alcohol breath is in your face, making you cringe and scrunch your nose up, panic gripping you as tightly as his hands.
Suddenly the hand on your waist is wrenched loose and you hear a dull thud. A shadow is cast over your shoulder, blocking the street light. You try to open your mouth to ask for help when a familiar low voice growls out.
"Don't you dare lay your fuckin' hands on the woman I love."
You see a blur, and hear a sick thud. It sounds wet and crunchy. Unable to process what's happening you stand there, frozen in shock. There's a scuffle, but it sounds underwater; after a while a firm hand guides you to an open car door. You smell cigarettes, and weed, and Aramis aftershave. Eddie.
The next thing you're aware of is Eddie's apartment, Eddie's couch, safety; a blanket over your shoulders and a mug of something hot being placed into your waiting hands.
Eddie's crouching in front of you, hand with roughened bloodied knuckles stroking your arm so, so gently.
Your eyes refocus and there he is, chiselled jaw clenched, brown eyes filled with worry, blood running down the side of his face.
"You're bleeding Eddie." Placing the mug down with shaking hands, your fingers come up to his face.
"Fuck, you're ok." He collapses to his knees, pulling you in for a tight squeeze. Both of his arms encapsulate you, hands splayed against your back, holding you close.
His voice is muffled as he continues, speaking into your abdomen. "I was so worried when you wouldn't say anything, I didn't know what to do."
He pulls back enough so you can look down at his face. To your shock, tracks of tears run down his cheeks, shining in the light.
"Baby, you're crying." Your brows knot as you stare in the face of this dishevelled man in front of you.
He wipes his nose with the back of his hand and half laughs, "yeah, seem to be doing a lot of that tonight."
Your heart breaks at that remark, splintering at the thought of causing him pain. Standing up, Eddie stands too, holding onto your shoulders.
"What are you doing sweets?"
"Sit down I need to clean you up."
"No don't worry you sit-"
"Eddie, you're bleeding."
He finally sits down, holding his hands up in submission.
Fetching a first aid kit, a wash cloth and a bowl of warm water, you sit next to him on the couch and clean the blood off of his face, grateful to have something to do.
"I think you need stitches baby." You frown at the cut on his eyebrow.
"No it's fine, eyebrow cuts just bleed a lot. Trust me, I used to get beat up all the time." You give him some cotton wool so he can hold it against his eyebrow to try and stop the bleeding.
Taking his bear paw of a hand in yours, you gently take his rings off and dab lightly at the blood marks with the cloth, water in the bowl turning murky.
"Did you mean it?" Practically a whisper, knowing your voice will break if you say it any louder.
"You remember that huh?" He chuckles, still holding the cotton to his brow.
"Pretty hard to forget Eddie." On cleaning his hand it looks like most of the blood isn't his.
"Pretty shitty way to hear it for the first time. I'm sorry, I'm a stupid asshole." He huffs, looking down.
"Hey," his eyes meet yours, red raw and soft. "You're not an asshole."
"So I'm just stupid yeah?" He flashes a lopsided grin.
"Hey, you said it not me." He chuckles at that.
You gesture for him to move the cotton wool. The bleeding has stopped. You go over it with an antiseptic wipe and bandage it for him.
"You know, I tried to call you, for a ride. And I felt awful. I'm sorry. I should have spoken to you."
"Well, I felt awful too. I thought you didn't want to see me, so I waited outside the bar and tailed you home."
"Wow," you giggle, impressed by his chivalry, "I'd call you a creep but you saved me. So, thank you."
"Anything for you sweet thing." You blush at that.
"You're so fuckin' cute. I just, I'm sorry. And for the record, I don't fight, not really, but I saw them touching you and I just lost it. Can I explain a little?"
You nod, feeling your eyes already start to fill with tears. He takes your hands in his, looking at you dead in the eye.
"I'm not used to people wanting me. I'm not used to people staying, you know? Everyone always leaves me. I thought if I distanced myself a little, it would help, when you realised you were too good for me and left. When you realised I was too old for you."
Your heart swells, filled with love for this soft, vulnerable boy.
"Eddie, when have I ever mentioned your age? Or mine? I don't care. You are good, you're spectacular. You're mine. I love you."
"Pretty girl, I love you too."
Rough hands meet soft cheeks, chapped lips meet smooth. Crushing your lips together, you sigh in contentment, kissing the man you love.
His tongue laps into your mouth, softly massaging yours. You feel the chime of steel against steel. He quickly pulls away.
"Shit can I kiss you yet, I'm sorry I forgot-"
"It's fine Eddie, please." You press your mouth against his eagerly, tongue pushing into him. You take turns massaging each others tongues with your studs. It's sensual in a way you can't describe, an infinite connection, the sensation leaving you both breathless. Every movement conveyed with a lasting passion, an adoration for the ages.
His fingers start fumbling at your shirt, unbuttoning it slowly. He breaks away from you so he can start trailing hot little kisses all over your collar bone.
"Can I take you to the bedroom? I want to take my time with you."
You nod, biting your lip in anticipation. He doesn't scoop you up in his arms, like he does when he's desperate. He simply stands up and holds his hand out to you. You take it, allowing him to lead you gently to the bedroom.
You both perch on the edge of the bed, hands sweeping over torsos, ridding each other of your shirts. Each inch of skin displayed earns a kiss, each kiss earns another. Soft fingers trace tattoos, calloused hands rub warm flesh.
Time is inconsequential; nothing as crass as time could possibly invade this moment. You explore each others bodies as if it were the first time; touching, stroking, kissing.
Dragging your nails down his naked chest procures you a hiss through his teeth. You smirk, planting open mouthed kisses over every patch of skin, guiding him to lie back with your delicate palm. He complies, resting one arm under his head, the other hand stroking softly at the back of your head.
Unbuttoning his jeans, you pull them down slowly along with his underwear, stopping to kiss at the apex of his toned thighs. No matter how many times you see it, you can't help but think how pretty his dick is. Huge and girthy, resting against his stomach, flushed nearly purple at the tip, leading to the heavy steel bar though the slit.
You press little teasing kisses up the shaft and down the sides, watching it twitch at your ministrations. When you lick all the way up and circle the tip he practically whimpers; the steel of his piercing hitting the metal ball in your mouth.
Moving to rid yourself of your jeans he stops you to do it himself. Laying you down just where he was, he inches them down so, so slowly, kissing and licking at each inch of your exposed skin. The sensations building are progressing straight to your molten core, lava threatening to bubble out at all his small, careful, gentle touches.
Kneeling between your legs, thick digits trace the outline of your heat, spreading around your growing wetness. He leans over you, lips brushing your own, leaving paper trace kisses, his nose whispering against the side of yours.
"You're so beautiful like this. My beautiful good girl. I love you so much it fuckin' hurts."
With that, he sinks two large fingers into your pussy, gliding through your slick easily. You grasp at his biceps, mouth forming a silent gasp, heavily lidded eyes seeking his.
"I love you Eddie, you're- you're everything."
Eyes shining, he kisses the tip of your nose, the movements of his hand slow and soft.
You whine at his touches, gasping breaths escape your lungs as you stare into his eyes. He quickens his pace but you still him with a squeeze of your hand.
"Please, baby."
He knows what you need. Moments later he's between your legs, hard length rubbing against your folds.
"Like this, ok sweet thing?" A rough thumb pad strokes against your cheek as your breaths intermingle.
"Yes, please."
He smiles and pushes into you, diffusing the gentlest kisses over your forehead, cheeks, lips.
The feeling of being filled by him never ceases to amaze you. You feel him, in every pore, every cell. You open to him, exposed and vulnerable. Staring into his eyes you see him, really see him. He's just as exposed, just as vulnerable. Stroking at his cheek, you peck him lightly on the lips, allowing him to move.
Your bodies meld together, hips meeting in perfect unison. You feel his muscles tensing against your own; inked skin rippling against you, rose hip tattoo sliding against his skin.
Hooking your legs around him, you pull him deeper, and deeper. Your moans crest in a wave of longing, loud and lascivious. He smirks at the volume of your want, giving you exactly what you need. The bubbling heat of your release overflows, pouring out of your heat and into the universe, the feeling stretching and lasting forever; you and Eddie, an eternity in a moment.
Quivering and gasping, you make it back to this plane of existence, grasping at the roots of Eddie's hair in fear that you'll float away, begging with your eyes for God knows what. He takes one of your shaking hands in his own, lapping at your fingertips with his pierced tongue, deft kisses bringing you back to the here and now.
Smiling against your fingers when he sees you've made it back to him, he cages you in the unassailable fortress that is his arms; safe and warm and loved.
He holds you, large hand nearly encompassing your thigh, keeping you close as he moves against you. Both of you are glistening, the very aura around you pulsing in a crimson cloud of passion.
You're surrounded, engulfed and taken by him. There is nothing else except Eddie; this beautifully broken man, with his barely contained ardour, and his fragile soul.
You feel him speed up, mouth beginning to hang open, chasing his release. Pressing soft kisses to him, you map out your love over his cheek and jaw. He presses his forehead to yours, wide eyes locking, as he releases inside of you. Burly arms cling to you as he falls from that precipice, a tight embrace of consummation. The steady panting of his chest presses into you, wordless for a moment.
"Well, that was... intense" he chuckles softly into the skin of your neck, overridden by sheer joy. You stroke the back of his head.
"Yeah I know baby, same."
"Can we just stay like this? For a while?" The roundest doe eyes gaze at you.
"Of course we can. Just like this."
Three months later and you're squeezing your way past giggling girls and denim clad men trying desperately to get to the backstage area, clutching a bottle of Jack Daniels to your chest. You're honestly impressed, this is the biggest crowd you'd seen them play for; there had to be a couple hundred people in this place at least.
After a few starter shows in dive bars, and a lot of practises, they were playing their first official gig as their rebranded band, Tongue Tattoo.
When Eddie had first told you the name you were very confused, staring up at him with an empty furrowed brow, wide eyes innocently gaping.
"But Eddie, you don't have a tongue tattoo."
"That's not what it means sweets."
"But what could it possibly-" Eddie flicked his tongue in an obscene gesture towards you, making you blush profusely.
"Eddie you can't call your band after-"
"-eating pussy? Why not? You seem to enjoy it." All smug grin and wandering hands as he pulled you in.
Thinking about it, it did seem appropriate. It was filthy, and sexy, and very Eddie.
Finally wiggling your way past some biker types in leather jackets you see two bouncers in front of you. Thankfully they remembered you, allowing you to pass with a nod and a wink.
You shuffle through the door, pulling down the front of your too short skirt with one hand, desperately clinging to the bottle with the other. Smoothing down the wrinkles in your top you let out a sigh of preparation and move down the narrow corridor into the back stage area.
If you could call it that. Bare brick and old sofas, a broken amp being used as a side table in the corner, cigarette butts on the floor. The room was swamped in smoke and noise; music playing from a beat up stereo, guitars being tuned, a couple of giggly girls hovering near the drummer trying to get his attention whilst he was in deep conversation with Anthony, the bass player.
Eddie's hunched over his guitar, fiddling with the strings, when Rich the guitarist nudges him. He looks up and sees you, eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree.
"Well, my pretty girl, holding a pretty bottle. What you doing fetching drinks? You don't need to do that sweets." You're drawn in to the warmth of his smile, hands grabbing to pull you in by the flesh of your hips, guitar pinched awkwardly between you both.
"I wanted to. It's a gift for you and the guys. For good luck." He grins whilst you pull yourself away for a moment, grabbing some loose glasses on the side and handing out a shot for each of them.
"Hey, don't forget yourself sweet thing."
"Oh I'm not-"
"-part of the band? Pretty girl, you've been to every practise, every dive bar, helped with equipment. Come on." You flush at his words but pour yourself a drink anyway.
Toasting to the band, you knock the bourbon back, relishing the burn.
The band are called and you move to leave to support them front and centre of the crowd, but Eddie has you by the wrist.
He pulls you in roughly, and speaks low and sultry in your ear.
"And don't think I didn't notice this tiny skirt," he says, grabbing you by the ass. Then his voice lowers further, almost a growl, just for you.
"When the show ends I'm going to fuckin' ruin you."
His words flood through you, leaving chaos in their wake. You're all wide eyes and clenched thighs.
Flashing you a grin and a wink as if nothing happened, he allows you to leave. You gape for a moment, then remember yourself and find your way out of the room and to the front of the crowd, elbowing your way to your place.
A couple of fans notice you and move out of your way. One guy even pulls you in front of him so you can see. No one wants to upset Eddie.
And suddenly it's all lights and noise as they come on stage and you see your beloved once again in all his glory. This is where he's supposed to be. You knew it the first time you'd seen him perform. He prowls across the stage as if he owns it, as if it were made for him.
They whip the crowd into a frenzy, playing a mixture of original songs and covers. The style you recognise from that night you'd seen the band without Eddie leading them, but now they had an edge. It was darker, sexier. As always he brought this undeniable sin to the table that sent the crowd crazy.
And that was all before he unbuttoned his shirt.
Girls screamed. Hell, some guys screamed. Eddie laughed deep into the microphone, and you noticed a splash of colour on his chest, deep red, that wasn't there before. There's an unnatural shine to it. You squint and finally figure out it's a plastic layer; he must have gotten a new tattoo, just over his heart. It's not until he finishes a song, taps the pop of red twice and points directly at you, that you see what it is.
It's a rose, almost identical to your own. The permanence of the act makes tears prickle behind your eyes, a gush of feeling flooding your heart.
Almost as suddenly as the show starts, it's over. The energy in the room is palpable, electrifying. It was definitely a good gig; you're certain the band are going to be pleased.
Pushing and shoving your way backstage, you get there just as Eddie does.
"Baby that was incredible!" 
He picks you up in his large hands and spins you around making you squeal like a school girl.
"Yes it fuckin' was! Incredible. C'mere."
Before you can blink he's pulling you in for a devastating kiss.
"Hey, come on guys, get a room!" You hear Anthony groan.
"We have a room Tony, you just happen to be in it." Eddie bites back, grinning carnivorously.
"Seriously? Not cool!"
Eddie laughs, but nods at the guys and pulls you through a door, down a hallway, and into what you can only assume is a supply closet. You haven't exactly got much time to take in your surroundings before Eddie's biting at your throat.
"Eddie, wait just one second!" You giggle, pushing his head away. Wild eyes meet yours. You can feel the post show glow practically vibrating through his system; you know you have a small window if that.
You hold your small hands to his shoulders, ducking your head to actually look at the new ink he has.
It's nearly identical to your own rose tattoo he gave you about nine months ago, just a slightly different style. It's a little more illustrated, slightly less realistic. It's still beautiful, a perfect accompaniment to your own.
"Eddie, its beautiful. I don't know what to say."
He gives you a lob sided smile, stroking at the apple of your cheek with his thumb.
"I love you sweet thing."
"I love you too baby."
You're about to lean forward to give him a sweet kiss but your mouth hits nothing but air.
Eddie's fallen to his knees, reaching under your skirt to pull your panties down. You kick them off and away. Expecting to feel his tongue, your eyes half close in anticipation.
The world falls downward. Suddenly, Eddie's picking you up, your head advancing towards the ceiling. He's lifted you with ease, bear like hands grasping at your ass, your thighs either side of his head. Pulling your heat towards his waiting lips; he's holding you in the air like a rag doll.
Abrupt slam of your back into shelves; Eddie's dexterous tongue laps between your folds. A guttural moan winds its way out of your lungs, tinged with animalistic need. The heat of his mouth is igniting the fire within you, hips rolling into him as nature intended.
You want to tell him he's making you come. You want to tell him how much he means, how good this is. All you manage is a broken scream and a muttered "Eddie, oh fuck!"
Eddie knows. He forces his face into you, ferocious intent clearly exhibited. His tongue is wickedness personified; fiendishly flicking into your core, so evilly it may as well have been forked.
Fire bubbles deep within you, an unearthly lust boiling just under the surface of your skin, waiting to lash out with all the force of hellfire.
Eddie sucks on your clit like the devil himself and forces your release out of you. Your thighs clamp around his head as your orgasm flies through every nerve ending with a cleansing fire. Your moans ricochet through the tiny room and probably out to the rest of the band. You're past caring at this point.
Panting and sweating, you want to take a moment to centre yourself but there's no opportunity. Eddie's pinning you to the shelves with one arm, as if you were his toy. The other is frantically pulling at his belt and fly.
Pushing his pants down just enough, he slides you down his sweating torso and towards his waiting dick.
You feel him breach you and bite your lip to control the burning sensation. Even in this elevated state, Eddie knows he's a lot to handle. He bottoms out, grunting with the feeling of finally being seated inside of you, but gives you a moment to adjust.
"You ok sweet thing?" His words are heady and husky, barely containing the predatory want, devious desire spreading into his very vocal chords.
"Yeah baby," you manage in a small voice.
That's all he needs. Eddie's huge hands are grabbing you by the flesh of your ass, pulling you up and down his length. He's using your  body, his puppet to control; a burning effigy for his desires.
"My fucking good girl, letting me use her like this. Fucking pussy beginning to be used." He's growling, low voice shaking slightly with each heavy thrust. 
You moan, clenching at his filth, slick from your cunt dripping down your thighs.
"Yeah? That good huh? So fucking filthy for me, so ready for me to fuck you. Shit, hang on."
He pulls you off bodily and places you on your feet, only to spin you around and force your front into the wall, kicking your legs apart.
The tip of his solid cock is teasing your entrance, breath of his words ghosting your ear.
"You can take me like this, huh? My good girl."
You're about to scream your submission to the heavens when he pushes back into you with no warning, turning your scream into a whimper.
One of his hands twirls into your hair, forcibly pulling your hair back so he can plant burning open mouthed kisses to your throat. His thrusts are unyielding, pushing his entire length into you, leaving dull bruises deep inside. Gasping at the relentless onslaught you tighten around him, feeling another orgasm about to race through you.
"You're gonna come, I can feel it. Don't you fucking dare. You wait, you come when I come. You come when I tell you to come."
You tighten your muscles, cunt constricting his cock, eyes tight shut. Your impending release is held on a gossamer thread, grasped by the fingertips of his threat.
"Eddie, please please please-" it's just babble at this point; inane, needy noises.
He speeds up his powerful thrusts, one hand holding you against the wall by your throat.
"You do as I fucking say. You want to be my good girl, don't you?"
You attempt to nod, head lolling to the side, only held upright by his firm grip.
Hot breath, a low whisper on the shell of your ear, "I asked you a question."
"Please, please, I'm your good girl!" So high pitched; you'd think you sounded pathetic if you were aware of anything other than Eddie's thick cock penetrating your entire being.
"Ok, fuck, I'm gonna come, come with me, please, oh fuck-"
Eyes tight shut, you do as you're told. Your release cries out, speeding through you, ripping out of your very soul and beyond, leaving your decency and sense of self in tatters, torn by Eddie's hands. Every bone turns, changes, now slipping into useless puddles, muscles unresponsive and uncaring. You'd sink to the floor if Eddie wasn't pinning you to the wall, with not a thought in that pretty head of yours.
Eddie gently pulls his member from you and softly sits you down on a nearby stool, pulling up his pants. He kneels in front of you, palms pressing into your thighs.
"Fuck, I'm sorry if that was a bit much pretty girl." Half a laugh huffs out his chest.
"It's ok, it's fine, baby." You want to sound sure, confident. Your voice is a whisper, a shadow of itself.
"Shit sweets you know what to say if it's too much." He frowns, palm coming rest on your chin as if he was inspecting your face for damage. 
You hold his sure hand in your trembling fingers, softly kissing at his skin.
"I'm ok, I know what you needed."
He laughs, pulling you in for a crushing hug. Voice in your hair, you hear "the fuck did I do to deserve you."
"Something really good?" You smile, relishing his hold on you.
"Seems unlikely but I'll take it" he grins, "you're an angel."
Preening at his praise, you soak up the feeling of Eddie pressed against you, the love of your life holding you as tightly as he can.
Masterlist    Part 1    Part 2    Part 3   Part 4
Part 1 of tag list! Rest in the comments
@angelsarecallin @cutiecusp @pxrxcxa @spencerinmydrawls @munsquinns @sillypurplemurple @tiannamortis @walleloveseve @sinczir @biblichornerd @frogers @lauraasiain @madiisixx @leftdonkeygothgoop-blog @rafestarkeysblog @kittykatvenom @southside-serpent-bae @psychedelicsandsunsalutations @biblichornerd @angelina16torres-blog
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deblklesb · 11 months
[I Want You So Bad — Ellie x Reader, Pt. 1]
[AFAB!reader, friends to lovers, fluff MDNI] (part 2 here)
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Summary: Ellie likes you so much, and it's crazy how you don't even notice it.
a/n: omg i finally did it!!!! it took me too long, so sorry anon, but it's finally here!! its a two part thing, I'll post part2 soon! hope you enjoy it, please let me know if you do!
cw: fluff and pining. as always i don't want minors interacting.
not proof read | reblogs are highly appreciated
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It's a painfully hot day in Jackson, Ellie is wondering how Shimmer is doing down in the barn and contemplating about going there to spend some time with her beloved horse. The sun gives everything an extra glimmer and the roads hold small puddles of fata morganas, amusing her as always - astronomy it's her main target of curiosity but physics it's there too.
While she fixes her shoelaces and checks her pockets for the keys, she also looks at the small handmade candy wrapped in a simple paper, standing on the bench next to her door. The grocery brings back delightful memories of when you runned up to her with the cutest smile, a hand in her direction.
"Ellie, I made this candy from a recipe I found in one of those books, took some for you", you had no idea how that gesture reached the Williams girl right into the heart.
"Oh, thanks…!" She looked down at the brownish treat. It seemed to be so tasteful and you were known amongst your friends to be a very talented cook.
"So, are you coming to the Tipsy Bison tonight?" You put your hands in your back pockets. Ellie could only see a part of your tattoo coming out of your short sleeve, wondering what the entirety of it would look like.
"Uh, yeah, I guess. If I can finish all my tasks", she would definitely drop them if that meant to see you.
"Okay, cool! See ya later, then", and just like that you left with a small wave and a sweet smile.
Inside, Ellie beat herself up for not asking something like "oh do you want me there?" to slightly make a move and test the waters. You would always leave her speechless, lagging, absolutely fumbling on her words to even put a goof full sentence out.
On this incredibly hot day, she thinks it's finally the time to maybe taste your candy. She hasn't done it yet because… Maybe because she was holding onto the mere fact that you thought about her and went out of your way to give her some handmade candy. It was such a sweet act, it made her daydream for days and literally kick her feet when laying on her bed that night, thinking about your pretty eyes and cute lips.
Deciding to save for that night, she finally heads out to the hot weather and bright sun. The sunglasses she found on a supply run unfortunately were broken, she could make good use of them now.
It didn't take long to reach the barns, the shadow of the roof presenting a hope to cool down. The horses seemed to not mind the heat that much, and today was bathing day.
"Morning, Els", Pedro, a 15 year-old boy waved at her. She smiled back, finally facing Shimmer on her usual spot. But the horse wasn't alone.
In the barn, a brush in hand, stands you. Mindlessly stroking Shimmer's fur in circles, your back is not fully out since you're still with a tank on but Ellie can finally see the rest of your tattoo; it's a big tiger, an image mostly on your back with just a paw sticking on your front, under the clavicle - the part Ellie could always see. Today, it moves as your muscles do the same and you murmur a random melody, eyes careful to put the attention on the horse's fur.
The brunette has to take a deep breath before proceeding into the barn, trying to pull out that chill, laid back facade to hide the way you make her almost melt into a puddle.
"Hey, see you got up early today" She has you stopping on your tracks to look over your shoulder, immediately smiling fondly when seeing her.
"Yeah, I got the bathing job today so I didn't want to leave it until later", dirt falls from Shimmer's fur as you brush it. She's not the dirtiest one usually, but after some runs between the last bath and this one a significant amount of dirt is coming off. "Where have you been putting her to, by the way?"
"Oh, we found an old ranch somewhere west and I decided to let her run around a bit. It made a big cloud of dirt around her", Ellie chuckles as she gets closer from the horse, patting her neck. "This big girl enjoyed herself very much"
"Well, that's good, though", you go back into looking straight to your front, oblivious to how Ellie's gaze falls on your tranquil figure.
She captures the bridge of your nose and your adorable cheeks, the ones she just wanna kiss all the time so badly. Your hair, away from your face today, your attractive lips and the prettiest eyes she has ever seen. With your back to the barn's door, you almost glow in front of the light coming from outside. Like a divine vision, straight out of a fantasy book, demanding to be worshiped by the auburn haired girl. She feels her chest tightening and that feeling spreading to her arms and stomach, like it always does when she's around you; a visceral need to touch you in any possible way.
Shimmer ruffs and bumps her snout into Ellie's face, almost like she's calling her back to Earth.
"Easy", Ellie chuckles again, now trying to hide the last moment. From who? She doesn't know, there's just you, her and the horses here, but she feels so exposed whenever she's around you.
"It might sound crazy, but I do believe these horses have personality", you suddenly comment, turning to grab a comb.
"Right?! Oh, Jesse keeps saying I am crazy, that they're just horses, but I do feel this too! One time Shimmer laughed when she saw me fall. Like, a horse laugh, but I swear it was a laugh", and just like that, Ellie's loosening up.
Your laugh fills the space as you stand next to Shimmer to comb her black tail. Now facing your back again, Ellie takes in how your back muscles press your dark tank top and how your waist seems to call her hands to grab it, hold you from behind close to her chest. The desire to have your scent consuming her mind is so strong, she thinks she might actually pass out.
This is getting so out of hand.
"So", she clears her throat, looking around for another comb to work on Shimmer's mane. "Are you going to be here all day?"
"Tipsy Bison at six", you don't even care to look back at her, focused on the tail.
"Do you ever sleep?"
"Yeah, very well, actually", you chuckle. "Tomorrow I have nothing in the morning, so I can compensate"
"Oh… I thought we could, y'know…", she's trying to collect the millions of thoughts running around her mind at the same time, trying to not fuck this up. "Have a sleepover one of those nights… When you're free, I mean… But we don't have to if you don't want it- it was just an idea"
"It's a great idea!" The way you smile, turning to look at her, has her heart clenching. It's so genuine and sweet, just like you always do whenever you see her coming around and go compliment her. Do you even know the way she loses balance at each one of those acts? "The last sleepover was so long ago. We should call Dina and Jesse too"
"Yeah, absolutely", she rests her head on Shimmer's neck when you turn your attention to the tail again, cursing silently.
The rest of Shimmer's bath was calm, you both kept talking about whatever. At one point, when Ellie was rinsing the horse's back legs, Shimmer just threw her tail on the girl's face, making you laugh out loud and the auburn haired girl look stunned.
In the end you both got out a little cooled down due to splashes of water, past midday after bathing all horses. It was easier with two people, after all.
"So, I guess I'll let you get going to change and go to work…"
"Aren't you coming to the Bison tonight?"
"Oh, yeah, I guess I'll pass by", she tried to sound chill and nonchalant, not revealing how she always planned to go there as long as she wasn't patrolling.
"Okay, see you there then!" And you fucking leaned to kiss her on the cheek, smiling while you waved goodbye and turned in your street, leaving Ellie dumbfounded.
If a stare could create holes, Jesse and Dina would cause trypophobia in anyone. Ellie was sitting across from them on the table, holding a beer bottle so tightly that it could break at any giving moment. Standing next to the table was you, listening to their shitty excuses about not being able to attend to the sleepover, oblivious to their real intentions.
"Oh, I get it, it's fine. Guess it'll be just me and Ellie then", you shrug, smiling to the auburn haired girl. She smiles back immediately under your gaze. "We'll, I have to go back to behind the counter, go talk to me if y'all need anything"
And she stares at your back while you walk away, always looking so fine while handling the objects behind the long wooden table.
"You're welcome, by the way", it's Jesse who says it, smirking.
"I'd beat the shit out of you if we weren't in public", she groans, rolling her eyes.
"Oh, come on! It will be nice having her all by yourself for a night, uh? Then you can silently pin over her while pretending to pay attention to some random ass movie", Dina is looking up like she's pondering the scenario.
"Shut up", her hands start to sweat with anticipation, all the possibilities running through her mind.
What you'll be wearing, what you both will watch, if you are going to sleep next to her, if she'll be able to hold you close absolutely in a friendly way, if you'll laugh and have a good time with her. Ellie thinks about the tragedies implicated in being alone with you for the whole night, how embarrassing it can be, how she'll combust just by looking at you so closely, yet, so far.
"Stop overthinking. Just wear those flannels, she likes it"
"No, she does not!" Her face warms up, because of the alcohol, of course.
"She already complimented you ten times about that shirt", Jesse points out.
It was true, though. And each and every time, Ellie almost melted into a puddle in front of your chaste gaze. If you only knew what ran through her mind when she looked at you…
This was messy, and Ellie didn't know what to do anymore.
At some point of the night, you decided to play a game and Ellie just agreed - because what could go wrong? Not going far from the known route, you opted for a Q&A game in which each one asked a question and the other one had to answer it or respond with another question. It would be nice and silly, if the given situation wasn't hard enough for Ellie.
You were sitting in front of her, legs crossed on the couch, in a tank top and the smallest shorts Ellie has ever seen you on - which was cool, it was okay, she could manage that because she was already used to holding her shit together next to you. But everytime you moved around, for some reason, that night, she just wanted to pull you close once and for all. An inexplicable energy was emerging from the whole situation and she couldn't grasp it properly, but it made her restless.
Her hands tingle whenever you lightly hold her arm or her leg, she starts to wonder why you were so touchy generally, but tonight more than ever. An indescribable feeling comes from her guts each time you laugh and lean on. She might as well be going crazy.
So, it was already hard enough. But then you asked her if she was currently into some girl around town and that was the first time Ellie responded with another question.
"Why do you wanna know?" It sounded like she was caught off guard, and that bought your attention.
"I was just curious… But your answer makes me think that you actually are", you smirk, playful.
"I didn't say I was"
"Didn't say you weren't either", damn you for being clever.
"But that doesn't mean anything…" The auburn haired girl looked away, resting her arm on the back of the couch.
"Is it Dana?"
"No" Dana was another woman that regularly worked on the Tipsy Bison. She was pretty and polite, but Ellie wasn't interested in her - not with you around. And she was so desperate to direct the conversation somewhere else that she missed the way your voice changed.
"So there is someone, it's just not Dana?"
"Why are you so interested?"
Why were you so interested? It was because of the game, right? Your only concern now was the fact that Ellie didn't answer your initial question, so you had to dig to the bottom of this topic. That sudden sting on your stomach when thinking about Ellie pining over Dana was just the prospect of your close friend having a crush on your coworker and not telling you. Absolutely.
It probably had nothing to do with the way you were weirdly infatuated by Ellie tonight, with her hair on a bun and a halfway buttoned up flannel - with nothing but a top underneath it. Or how she seemed to glow under the warm light of her room and her presence brought the biggest comfort you've ever felt in weeks. Or how her lips seemed so attractive right now, calling for your sight when she nervously bit the bottom one. Little scars were splared around her face amongst the freckles, gifts from a bunch of branches that accidentally crashed into her face once, during a patrol.
"Because… I'm your friend and I would like to know when you're interested in someone. I mean, we tell this type of stuff to each other, right?"
Not all the stuff, Ellie thought.
"Yeah, I guess. Well, you actually have never told me something like that"
"That, my beloved, is because I have nothing to tell. You know it, I'm not interested in anybody as for now"
"Or for any other time on this town"
"Ouch!" You chuckled, lightly punching her shoulder. "You're not getting away from this topic. I'll name every woman our age and you'll tell me when it's the one"
The auburn haired girl tried very hard not to express any compromising expressions, especially after the list ended and you didn't say your own name.
You couldn't think of any other person that fit into the category, and that was odd. Because if there was someone, then it should be one of those.
"Oh, you're lying!"
"I'm not!"
"You just said 'no' to every single name"
"That's the reality of the situation"
"But there is someone?!"
"You said that, not me", she shrugged.
"Alright", you seemed resigned, looking away from her green eyes. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine"
A sting got it right into Ellie's chest. She liked you too much to let you be this way, but at the same time she didn't want to tell you. The amount of terrible things that could happen; losing you and your friendship was at the top of this list, and it was bad enough.
"It's not it, I swear", Ellie collected all the strength to softly hold your face; now she was doing it as your friend who didn't want to see you sad. She turned it so you could face her, stare at her eyes full of vivid green. "I swear, you didn't say the name"
"Okay", you sigh, trying to understand what was that feeling on your stomach that grew while her fingers still supported your chin.
"Now… Wanna watch another movie?" Her thumb caressed your face with tenderness, inside she hoped this made you less uneasy.
"Yeah", it got cold when she retracted her hands to reach for the DVD options you both picked for tonight. "You can chose it now"
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[dividers by @cafekitsune]
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yunho-1999 · 1 year
I Fucking Hate You
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pairing: badboys¡minwon x fem¡reader
words: 9.3k+
summary: Wonwoo and Mingyu hate each other's guts, but when they discover you've been lying and keeping secrets from them they decide to punish you together. But even then they fight for dominance, making you choose. Who will you end up with?
genre: smut
warnings: mean¡wonwoo, slightly less mean¡mingyu, dom¡wonwoo, dom¡mingyu, cursing, hair pulling, slapping, choking, unprotected sex (don't risk it babes), creampie, angsty af, wonwoo's confused, physical fights, drooling, oral (male receiving), stereotypical representation of bad boys, manhandling (?), motorcycle go very fast, blood, wounds, and probably way more tbh
You couldn't help but stare, your gaze fixed on his neck tattoo, why the fuck was he so hot? Gosh. Jeon Wonwoo would drive you insane one day.
"What are you looking at?" A pair of strong hands landed on your waist, immediately freezing you in place. Kim Mingyu. That was definitely the worst timing for him to appear, now you couldn't ogle at Wonwoo.
"Hm? Me? Nowhere, I was just zoning out" you quickly turned around, making sure Jeon did not see you. It would cause too much trouble if he found you out in that position with Mingyu.
"Why can't I believe you?" He tilted his head, hand now gripping your jaw with strength.
You frowned at that, you hated the ungodly strength that Mingyu had. Because no matter how hard you tried you wouldn't be able to move a single hair.
"Why wouldn't you? Would I lie to you? Do you really think that?" you pouted at him, puppy eyes staring directly into his. Physical strength was his thing, but mental strength was yours. And you knew how to have everyone wrapped around your fingers. At least that's what you thought.
"Hm, I guess you were really zoning out then..." he squished your face a little more before letting go.
"Of course, I would never ever lie to you Mingyu~" you smiled at him, hand gripping onto his arm, slowly caressing the area, making the big boy smile.
"Anyways, I need you to come over this afternoon, I've been feeling really stressed lately, and you know..." his face moved closer, mouth ghosting the skin of your ear "... your pussy cures my stress everytime."
"I can't today" you swallowed hard while anxiously biting on your lower lip. You never denied Mingyu, but this afternoon you had plans already. With none other than Jeon Wonwoo himself.
"What?" He frowned his grip tighter, eyes burning into yours "What did you say?"
"I can't today Mingyu. I- I have a project that I need to finish, it's like really important and it's half of the grade" you put up your best innocent face, trying to convince him.
"Do it while I fuck you. It wouldn't be the first time you finish a project with my cock burried deep inside of you" That was indeed true, and your head was trying to think of another excuse.
"Well, this time it's different, I need to pay full attention. Because this subject is really hard. And I can't simply get a C like last time. I need at least an A" you could notice the obvious frustration radiating from his body, not only that, but the grip on you kept getting harsher. You just wished it wouldn't leave marks.
"You know I would never deny you" Unless Wonwoo is the reason of course "Because you know how much I love having you fuck me. But this time, only this one time I really can't Gyu. Please understand. We can do it tomorrow. Huh? How about that?" your hands moved to his chest drawing little circles.
"I fucking can't tomorrow Y/n." he pushed you away a little too much making you stumble, but you didn't fall down, you only looked at him with a pout.
"Why is it only when you want? I also have things to do Mingyu." you crossed your arms and he sighed. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. See you when you finish this stupid project of yours"
And just like that he walked away making you roll your eyes. How could he be so selfish? It was always about him, and only him.
If it wasn't for the fact that he was really good at fucking you, you probably would have already cut ties with him. Also, it boosted your ego a lot, that none other than Kim Mingyu wanted you.
"What's got you so mad?" a deep voice laughed behind you, and you prayed to God that he didn't see Mingyu walk away from where you where.
"Hm? Nothing, I had an argument with a friend. But who cares, you're here now" you smiled at him while turning around.
"Is that so? Who would even want to fight you? You're so nice, aren't you baby?" his hand moved a strand of hair behind your ear a dumb smile on his face.
"Are you high again?" you asked noticing his giddy mood "When am I not high is the right question to ask baby" he chuckled leaning closer.
"Yeah, I'm stoned as fuuuck" he kissed the tip of your nose and you couldn't help but giggle "I can tell, your breath smells like shit" you joked.
"But you would still kiss me right?" He started leaning too close for your liking in a public space, but for your sake the bell rang "Not right now" you put your hand on his lips gaining a whine "On the other hand, after school, I'll think about it" you winked at him before walking away.
You quickly made your way to class, avoiding at all costs seeing the two boys. Fortunately they were from different grades, so you wouldn't be seeing them, and they shouldn't see each other eith-
"Fuck off!" "You fuck off! You fucking asshole" Wonwoo's hands immediately grabbed Mingyu's collar.
What was a simple collision in the hallway turned into an argument. But of course it did. Mingyu and Wonwoo couldn't stand each other's guts. That's why neither of them knew you were fucking the other. If they did the dead one would probably be you.
"You can't smoke indoors, did you know that? Or has the weed melted your brain cells? If you even had to begin with."
Without thinking much Wonwoo delivered a punch "You're not the one talking about fucking brain cells, you're dumber than an ostrich, and the bitches have like tiny fucking brains"
Mingyu punched back, before some teacher finally stepped in to stop this whole situation, sending both boys to the principals office.
"Y/n, y/n, y/n guess what we just witnessed?" Chan sat besides you excitedly a smile all across his face.
"Let me guess, Mingyu and Wonwoo were fighting. Again." "Bingo!" Vernon sat on your other side laughing when you let out a sigh.
"Are they okay?" Seungkwan frowned at your question from the seat in front of you "Why do you even care? Oh, no. Don't tell me. Y/n!"
"I know I know, 'you shouldn't do that it's gonna get you in trouble'" you mimicked seungkwan's voice.
"One, I do not sound like that-" "You do though" "Shut up! That's not the point Chan. The point is, if they ever find out, not only are they killing each other, they're gonna kill y/n, and I don't know about you, but I do not want my bestie dead. Not because of two jerks" he rolled his eyes.
"I hate to admit it, but Kwan is right... Is it really worth it?" Chan asked you and you hid your face behind your hands.
"Is it worth it?" you repeated to yourself "Two of the hottest dudes in this whole school want to fuck me, I would say that's pretty worth it, not gonna lie" you looked up just to meet their disappointed gazes "Oh come on! Don't look at me like that! It's not like I committed a crime..."
"Your body your choice, and it's your life, so you do you. But I would be careful. They're not good people, and you definitely deserve better" Vernon shrugged his shoulders.
"They're not as bad as you guys think... " you looked away, not handling the way they were staring at you. They were right, and you knew, but your pride was too big to admit that.
"If you say so..." Chan sighed before looking at the teacher, now paying attention to the class. Knowing that you weren't comfortable talking about this.
After a few more hours it was finally time to go home. You stood up as fast as you could, holding onto your backpack and waving goodbye to your friends before going out of the classroom.
You walked with all your speed to the entrance, to leave, but then a hand pulled you closer.
"We're going in my motorcycle." he sounded mad, very mad. And you noticed a little wound on his lip.
"Are you okay?" you asked worried your thumb caressing his hand. You've rarely seen him like that. As Wonwoo was typically more calm and collected than Mingyu. At least around you he was.
"Yeah, yeah. It's just that that fucking jerk Mingyu ruined my whole day. Could you believe he told me what to do? Him? Like who the fuck does he think he is. I want to ruin that fucking pretty boy face he has." you suddenly felt nervous at that, you didn't want him to fight with Mingyu. Not again.
They once had a very big fight, leaving both boys expelled and with pretty ugly bruises. And even scars. At least Mingyu had some.
"Fighting is never a good solution Wonu, last time you ended up really fucked up, and I don't want that" You also didn't want Mingyu to end up hurt.
"I'll be fine babe, don't worry about me. I can take care of myself" he sat you down on his motorcycle and then put on the helmet he carried around for you.
You held onto him with all your strength and he started to drive, quickly moving away from the area. From the distance you saw Mingyu walk away, pushing some people that where on his way.
"Get off" you heard Wonwoo's voice once he parked the vehicle, and you did just as he said, seeing that you were now in front of his apartment.
"Let's go" he held your hand once again, pulling you with him towards the inside of the building, making you sigh slightly. You hated when Wonwoo was in that mood. He usually was way different from Mingyu, unless he was mad at something. And today he was mad at Mingyu. Turning him into a short tempered person. Just like the tall boy.
"Wonu~" you went closer to him, your other hand on his shoulder massaging the area "relax, he's not here anymore. There's no need to be mad" he looked at you with a frown "I'm here with you. No one else. Are you gonna be mad at me?"
"Y/n I'm not in the mood for you to also tell me what the fuck to do or feel. If I wanna be mad. I will. Got it?" you sighed and looked away, nodding slightly.
"Use your words." he squeezed your hand "Yes Wonwoo, I got it"
"Great. Now get inside" he opened the door and you did as he said, seeing his roomate inside. Frowning at that, you thought that the both of you would be alone. Wasn't that the reason he took you there?
"Hi Y/n!" Seungcheol noticed you, approaching with a big smile. You really liked Cheol, he had graduated last year, and you couldn't help but miss him around school sometimes.
He was about to hug you when Wonwoo stepped in between the two, looking at his friend with the worst death glare you had ever seen.
"Go away." he said making the black haired boy scoff "Woah, what's gotten into you?" he poked his friend's chest, making Wonwoo even more mad than before.
"None of your business now move away." he pushed him with extreme force, making Seungcheol stumble and you looked at him with a pout. Scared that if you tried to talk to him Wonwoo would get even more mad.
Seungcheol looked at you in an apologetic way, he didn't know what happened to Wonwoo, but he knew that his anger would be unloaded on you. And that idea bothered him, but not enough to do something. He wouldn't admit it out loud but he was terrified of the younger male.
Soon you were pushed inside of Jeon's room, the familiar scent invading your senses. You smiled at that before the boy pinned you to the wall.
"Won-" "Shh. I don't want to hear you today. Just be a good girl for me yes?" you looked at him with a pout, and he frowned holding your cheeks, just like Mingyu had done a few hours prior.
"Don't look at me like that Y/n, I'm not in the mood. I know it's not your fault, that's why I'm trying really, really hard to keep myself calm. I don't want to yell at you" he looked at you, and you tried to be apprehensive about the situation.
Yeah, he was a little bit meaner than usual, but it was true that he didn't snap at you. He didn't blame you, or scream in your face like a mad man. Something that Mingyu would definitely do.
Your gaze turned into a softer one and Wonwoo leaned in, kissing you. It was a passionate kiss, filled with lust, and a little bit of blood from his wound.
You could tell he was trying to release his anger in some way. And fucking you would be the way without hurting anyone.
"Fuck" he pulled away from the kiss, his hands now on your shoulders pushing you to your knees. You knew exactly what to do, so without hesitating much you undid his belt, pushing down his pants and underwear at the same time.
He was already half hard so with a few more strokes of your hand he became fully erect.
You started giving little kitten licks to the tip, but the boy didn't have much patience to begin with so he held your head, pushing you to his length, gagging you with it.
You closed your eyes, both hands now placed in his thighs as a way to maintain balance and not fall down.
"You feel good baby. This is definitely what I needed" he kept fucking your mouth. His soft moans made their way to your ears and you smiled slightly.
Before cumming he pulled away "To the bed, quick."
You immediately went to the bed, taking of your skirt and panties on the process. Knowing that Wonwoo would probably just rip them, and you couldn't afford that happening.
You laid down, stomach facing the mattress, ass up in the air, and without much warning the boy pistoned into you.
"I swear to God" he didn't waste time moving as fast and hard as he could, making you bite into the bed sheets to not let out a sound.
"That fucking jerk" a hard thrust was delivered to you as well as a smack to your ass "I fucking hate him" another thrust "One day I'll rip his guts apart" and another.
Wonwoo was never this rough with you, but you couldn't help but like it. Enjoying the roughness, even if the boy was talking shit about your other fuck buddy.
"He's a stupid motherfucker that thinks he's the best, that he has everything he wants, that he owns the world" his grip onto your waist became stronger "well guess what, he doesn't have this pussy, I own this shit" he laughed before fucking into you even rougher.
That was like a cold bucket of water was dropped into you, you felt horrible for some kind of reason. Now regretting all the choices you had made in your life. But at the same time, you weren't dating neither of them. So why should you care? They only saw you as a fuck toy. Right?
That's what it was. It couldn't be anything else. Wonwoo probably said that because he was mad at Mingyu. Because he certainly did not own you.
Yes, you guys were fuck buddies for like a long time. But that didn't mean you belonged to him. Right?
Then why did you keep it a secret whenever you fucked another person? Why did Wonwoo get absolutely furious when he saw you with some other dude?
You never understood those things. He clearly told you he didn't want a relationship. But in reality what he didn't want was the compromise. He was not scared, he just didn't care enough to have a relationship with someone.
He absolutely despised sweet stuff, going on dates, holding hands in a romantic way, giving each other gifts in anniversaries, all of it. He couldn't stand it. It was too much work. It was bothersome for him.
It was much easier having you as a fuck buddy. Cause he didn't need to do shit. Whenever he pleased you would be right there for him to use you as he wanted. Without even complaining about it. You were a simple person, and he loved that.
What he did not love was the thought of other people doing this with you. For some reason he hated it with all his might. But that was probably because he was jealous and selfish in general. He didn't like other people using something he liked.
Fuck, did he like you?
He wasn't sure. To be honest he avoided thinking about it. He had made the mistake to tell you this would be nothing serious, and now, it was too late to regret it. He said what he said. And there was nothing to do about it.
"Wonu- argh wonu the- the door" you managed to speak through muffled moans.
Wonwoo was so deep into his own thoughts and with the task of fucking you that he didn't even realize when someone started knocking on the door.
"For fucks sake. I can't have one peaceful fucking day. ONE." he let go of you, resentfuly pulling away.
"What the fuck do you want?" He opened just a bit of the door, Seungcheol's awkward smile was the first thing he saw, making him roll his eyes.
"I don't want to be a party pooper, but hm, how do I tell you this... The lady that inspects the apartment is here. And well you know..." he said flailing his arms.
"You want me to stop fucking y/n" he deadpans "yeah that. I'm sorry..." Seungcheol looks like a sad puppy, like he did something so wrong his owner would disown him.
"I fucking hate this day. Nothing could be worse. I swear." he angrily closed the door, making Cheol and you flinch.
"Get dressed. I'll take you home." he started putting on his own clothes, trying to leave the place tidy before leaving. Because as much as he hated the situation, he didn't want Seungcheol and him getting kicked out.
"I'm sorry..." you whispered. You knew it wasn't your fault. But still you felt apologetic. "W-we can continue in my apartment if you want Wonu... I have no roommates and no one's coming over"
"Honestly I'm not even horny anymore y/n, just fucking furious" he signaled with his head for you to get moving after dressing up. And you did after fixing the bed.
"We can like, watch a movie or something. To help you calm down. Or maybe distract you from this situation" you looked at him with shiny eyes, hoping he would say yes.
"Honestly, anything is better than staying here. Because I would probably punch Cheol on the face" he sighed and then held your hand.
He walked as fast as he could, quickly leaving with you. Not even saying goodbye to Cheol or the lady that inevitably ruined his moment with you.
He took both of you to your apartment, seemingly more calm than before. At least that what you thought when you sat down next to him to watch the movie.
Half an hour passed, and everything was actually going fine. You and Wonwoo were enjoying the movie, but then, the doorbell rang.
You sighed and stood up going to see who it was, frowning when you saw your friends. Why were they here?
"Hi..." you answered when you opened the door. Seungkwan immediately pushed you out of the way entering your house, Vernon and Chan following along.
"Y/n you won't believe what we saw, Min-" you quickly opened your eyes pointing with your chin towards Wonwoo on the couch "oh... Not him" he rolled his eyes.
"What's he doing here?" Chan whispered to you approaching you from the side.
"What about me huh?!" Wonwoo immediately stood up. Walking towards where all of you were.
"N-nothing, they're just surprised you're here nothing else. Right guys?" you looked at them desperately.
"Actually no. I don't like that he's here y/n. We talked to you about this. For fucks sake" Seungkwan's eyes where fixated on your nervous ones.
"Oh you don't like me huh? I don't like you guys either. And today is not really my fucking day, so I suggest you shut the fuck up" he went even closer to Seungkwan.
Panicked you stood in front of your friend, looking up to the taller male. "Please don't fight..."
"Y/n I wouldn't have to fight if you listened to us. He's not good for you, can't you understand that? It's not that hard." he crossed his arms.
Wonwoo pushed you out of the way, this time not being careful making you fall down. And he delivered a punch to your friends face, his nose starting to bleed.
"What the fuck?!" he yelled holding onto the bruised area "fuck..." he backed away Vernon taking his place as Chan helped you get up.
"Are you fucking stupid dude? Jesus Christ..." Vernon mustered "That's why we don't like you at all. You aggressive piece of shit" Chan spoke up now.
"Guys please..." you whispered fighting the urge to cry, but it was impossible. Tears already rolling down your cheeks.
"Why do you keep defending him? He just punched me in my face!" Seungkwan looked at you, his eyes wide open, not believing the situation.
"I- I'm sorry" you covered your face sighing deeply.
"I'm fucking leaving" Wonwoo said and you held his arm "N-no, don't lea-" "Let go." he pulled his arm away from your grip and just left.
You let out a desperate cry before looking away from your friends. Too ashamed to even look at them in the eyes after that situation.
"I'm so sorry, I really am, I'm sorry" you kept mumbling to them until you felt a pair of arms surround you. Trying to make you calm down.
"It's fine" you heard Chan's soft voice from behind. It surprisingly helped a little.
"No, it's not fucking fine. Like for God's sake y/n, this can not keep happening. You need to stop seeing them. Specially Wonwoo." Seungkwan was now in front of you, arms crossed letting you see how angry he was. Not only that you could also spot a bruise starting to appear on his delicate face.
"Oh no, Seungkwan, I'm sorry, I didn't think he would do this to you, i- I don't know what happened, he was in a bad mood and I guess-"
"Stop trying to excuse him y/n" Vernon sighed now taking a stance next to his friend. "He's a jerk. That's it. Imagine if one day he punches you."
"He wouldn't do that..." you shook your head and then Chan placed his chin on your shoulder.
"You don't know that" he said before letting you go so he could go stand next to Vernon "and honestly I don't want to wait until it happens" he sighed.
"It's not that easy you know? You all keep saying to just leave them, stop seeing them. But it's not easy, not at all. They know where I live, they go to the same school we do, it's just, too complicated, I'm- I'm scared" both of your hands where placed on your temples while you closed your eyes. Stressed by just the though of Mingyu and Wonwoo going absolutely insane because out of nowhere you stopped talking to them.
"I know it's not easy. But you have us. We may not be the best in terms of size or strength, but we will still protect you, right?" Chan smiled brightly trying to ease the situation a bit.
"Yeah, of course. Like, no one, absolutely no one is hurting you." Vernon sounded extremely serious and you could tell he really meant it.
"And if I have to take another punch for you, I'll do it." Kwan held your hands with a soft smile.
You couldn't help but breakdown and start crying again because of that. You really didn't know what you did to deserve such good and loving friends like them.
"You guys are the best. Really. I love you so much. Thank you. And sorry..." you pouted before laughing gently at Seungkwan as he also started crying.
"You guys are such crybabies" Chan laughed before caressing both of your backs.
"So it's settled Y/n, tomorrow, no talking to those douches" Vernon poked your head gently.
You had never felt so nervous to go to school like today. Chan waited for you outside your house with Vernon so the three of you could go to school. As Seungkwan couldn't because he had a doctors appointment. It was also a way to make sure you would not talk to neither Mingyu or Wonwoo.
"I'm so fucking scared. Wonwoo called me yesterday, and I didn't answer so he messaged me like a lot. He's definitely going to try and talk to me today. I'm terrified" you sighed while walking, hands holding on tight to the straps of your backpack as if they would run away.
"He better stay away from you. If he doesn't I'll make sure he does. After yesterday I really want to beat the shit out of him. For real" Vernon frowned, he absolutely despised Wonwoo, and after the punch that Seungkwan received he hated him even more.
"Well, let's try to stay out of conflict" Chan looked at his friend worried and then at you with the same gaze.
"Yeah, let's just... ignore them..." you nodded to yourself, seeing the two boys agree with you.
After some minutes you guys finally arrived, feeling a bit weird. You looked around scared, like a bunny being chased by two big bad wolves.
To your despair you made eye contact with Mingyu by accident, making you look away immediately and cling onto both of your friends arms. Walking faster towards your class.
The taller male just frowned, why did you look at him like that? Were you scared of something? Of him? Curiosity started to build up in his gut. As well as anger. Why did you ignore him like that? He didn't do anything. So why were you so weird today?
Another one that was absolutely furious was Wonwoo. You completely ignored him yesterday. Yes, he didn't make the best decision, and yes, punching your best friend was a bit extreme. But still, he wanted to apologize and you ignored him. Making him lose his temper. Barely sleeping at night because of it.
He waited for you in your locker, and when you walked right by him completely looking away, not even going to the locker he just felt more angry. Is that how you were going to be? Childish. He thought to himself. As if he didn't do exactly the same whenever he got mad at Seungcheol.
But he wasn't going to give up. No way. He was going to talk to you. Even if you didn't want to.
His plan was to wait for you at the end of your last class, so when everyone was leaving he could hold onto you and take you with him to talk.
What he didn't know is that Mingyu had the exact same plan as him. And he wasn't planning to give up either.
The time passed and the classes weren't that bad. You had spent your whole day with your friends, having a good time, completely forgetting about the other two boys. A big mistake.
Wonwoo left early not caring if the teacher would say something, he needed to make sure he was outside your class for when you left. But as he got closer a familiar face was standing there. Resting against the wall, looking at his phone.
"What are you doing here?" he asked frowning displeased by who he saw there.
"None of your fucking business" the other muttered still not looking up from his phone.
"This is not your class. What the fuck are you doing here?" he insisted.
"I could say the same thing to you." he looked up making eye contact with Wonwoo.
"I'm just waiting for y/n" he wanted to brag about you to Mingyu, because as he told you he owned your pussy, and that was one of his biggest achievements.
"What a coincidence then, I'm waiting for her too." he frowned crossing his arms.
"Don't fuck with me Kim, what are you doing here?" he already wasn't in the best mood, and hearing Mingyu joke around just made him lose it even more.
"I'm not fucking with you Jeon. I'm here to talk to y/n" His face kept displaying a displeased expression. Not only that but his brain was starting to think too much, why the fuck was Jeon Wonwoo waiting for you?
"And why would you even do that? She doesn't even like you. If you think you have a chance with her, forget it." You had never told him you hated Mingyu, but he just assumed it. You HAD to hate him, after all the stories he had explained to you, and after the other day, you definitely had to absolutely hate him. Right?
"Doesn't even like me?" He started laughing ironically enjoying Wonwoo's confused facial expression "Oh please, that's not what she says when my dick is burried deep inside of her" he shrugged his shoulders triumphant. Did Wonwoo think he had a chance with you? How stupid.
"What? What the fuck did you just say?" Wonwoo couldn't believe what he just heard. He had to be fucking around. Just to mess with him and make him angrier. That had to be it. Mingyu was not fucking you. It couldn't be.
"I said that that's not what she says-"
"I heard you. But you can't possibly be telling the truth." He laughed in disbelief shaking his head.
"Well I am, and if you want to see some evidence, I have pictures" He unlocked his phone starting to look for his hidden photo album of you. Once he found it he showed it to Wonwoo, a big smile on his face.
It was you. To Wonwoo's dismay it was actually you. All naked, a trail of Mingyu's cum all over your abdomen. Messy. Just how the giant liked it.
For some reason Jeon felt speechless. He couldn't believe you were also fucking Mingyu. Like you were mere fuck buddies. But still. It was Kim Mingyu, the man he hated the most. His enemy. The guy he wanted to beat up at any given chance because he couldn't stand him at all. It was like betraying him. You betrayed him, and you needed to pay for it.
"She's been playing both of us." He let out a serious tone, his eyes now hooded as he felt nothing but anger.
"What?" the younger frowned confused, still not understanding the situation.
"She's been playing both of us Mingyu. She has been fucking both of us." He looked at the boy dead serious. Taking in all his different expressions.
At first he was frowning, utterly confused, then he looked like he was processing all of the information, and then his face completely changed. Into a stern one. He couldn't believe it either. That's why you canceled him yesterday, to go and fuck Wonwoo.
"Wow... I can't fucking believe it. No one, absolutely no one plays with me like that. No. One." he crossed his arms, and Wonwoo did the same.
"We have to do something. Has she been ignoring you too?"
"Yes." he was still in disbelief. How could you? Why would you? Knowing how bad it could end, why did you even take the risk?
But that was a question that not even you could answer.
"Let's go to her house. I have a spear key." Wonwoo turned around, starting to walk hoping the other boy would follow him. And to his surprise, he did.
Mingyu hated Wonwoo, and he didn't quite understand what was the plan, or why was he just letting Wonwoo decide, but he wanted to make you pay. For simply not telling him the truth, and also fucking with Wonwoo in his back. Out of everyone why did it have to be him? Were you stupid?
"Take this" the eldest gave him a motorcycle helmet "this is the fastest way
to get there" Jeon put on his own helmet before getting on it.
Mingyu rolled his eyes before putting the helmet on and getting on the motorcycle with Wonwoo. What was even happening. Was he really taking him to your house, or was he going to absolutely murder him.He had no clue.
When he saw your house he finally calmed down. The possibilities of Wonwoo killing him weren't low. But apparently not to high either.
They went inside as if it was their own home and Wonwoo left his jacket on the table, not caring about the pretty decoration that was on top. He had no time to do that.
"So... Why are we even here?" The taller one asked looking around confused.
"If she wants to fuck both of us, let's see how well she can handle it." He sat down on the couch, making himself comfortable.
"We're going to fuck her? The both of us? At the same time?" Mingyu pointed at himself and then at Wonwoo repeatedly.
"Yes Mingyu. Are you fucking stupid? Or do you just not listen?" The eldest rolled his eyes looking away.
"Why would- Why are you- just why...?" he frowned.
"To teach her a lesson, to make her pay for lying to both of us, to make sure she never does it again." He was completely serious, scaring the taller male.
"Well I'm sorry but I don't like sharing."
"And you think I do? I'm fucking annoyed by this whole situation. Because honestly if it was someone else I would be fine. Kind of. But you? Out of all, you? For fucks sake it's like asking for disaster to happen. I didn't think she would be this fucking dumb. Maybe fucking her stupid was not a good idea after all"
"At the end she'll choose."
"We're going to fuck her at the same time, but at the end, she's going to have to choose one of us. Or neither."
"Deal. I'll win anyways." He let out a soft laugh.
"You wish."
You were kind of nervous when you left class but to your surprise, neither of the boys were waiting for you. That calmed down your nerves and made you smile happily. Maybe it was never that difficult after all.
Both of your friends took you home before leaving to their own, and as you opened your front door you spotted a familiar vehicle near your house. But that couldn't be his. No way. You shook your head, deciding to ignore it.
As you entered your house and closed the door the keys immediately fell to the floor and you couldn't help but start trembling out of fear.
Jeon Wonwoo and Kim Mingyu where inside your house, sitting in your couch, looking at you with a gaze you had only seen when they looked at each other.
"W-what- why- I'm sorry" that's all you could say. They knew everything. There was no time to act dumb.
"You're sorry? I'm not really sure about that." Wonwoo was the first to speak up standing up from the couch and approaching you.
"You lied to us. You tricked us. How could you? Are you that desperate for cock? Wasn't one enough for you? I didn't think you were such a whore" Mingyu was the one who spoke now, also walking towards you.
They where both in front of you now, as your back hit the front door. The handle poking your back from behind, it hurt.
"I'm sorry, I really am, it just- it got out of hand, and well you know... we are just fuck buddies right...? it- it shouldn't be a problem" you couldn't back away anymore. but you wished you could. Their intense gazes on you were too much to handle. Leaving you uncomfortable.
"If it wasn't a problem why did you lie huh? You told me yesterday you had a to do project. I didn't know your teacher assigned you to fuck Wonwoo" his hand held onto your waist, slamming you back on the door, the handle hitting you once again. Making you wince in pain.
"I- I'm sorry. But you have to understand. I-I couldn't just tell you guys... You would have end up killing each other or something" your desperate eyes kept looking at both of them.
"Who do you think we are? Murderers?" Wonwoo's hand went to your neck imitating Mingyu's action, but softer. Making you hit your head on the door.
You closed your eyes, already expecting the absolute worse. You fucked up big time. There was no way to get away from this. You weren't sure about what was in their mind, but you knew it couldn't be good.
"Eyes on me. Open." you heard that low voice that usually aroused you, but not this time. How could it? Two of the most dangerous people you knew where cornering you against a wall, their strong grip on you.
You opened your tear filled eyes, not being able to look at neither of them for too long. Your vision foggy from the tears blocking your vision.
"Poor little thing, terrified" Mingyu let out a laugh before pressing harder on your side.
"You know what they say y/n, if you play with fire, you'll get burned. And it hurts." Wonwoo applied more pressure to your neck, making you panic and hold onto his wrist. You didn't want to die. Not like this.
"On your knees." the eldest let go of your neck and pushed you by your shoulders to the ground. Knees hitting the wood with a loud thud accompanied by a whine from you.
"You know what to do." Mingyu said while looking down at you.
You cleared your eyes, wiping away the tears and looking up at them. So this was their plan. To fuck you.
Maybe it wasn't as bad as you had thought. At the end of the day they still had some consideration towards you, right?
Your hands quickly moved towards Wonwoo's pants, to you he was the scariest out of the two, so it was better to start with him first.
Wonwoo had a shit eating grin all over his face making Mingyu's groan annoyed. Oh well you started with the older, whatever. That didn't annoy him, of course not.
He was definitely not annoyed when he gripped your hair making you look at him dead in the eyes "you've got two hands. Use them." he said letting go.
You struggled an absurd amount time to open each of their belts and zippers with one hand, but you didn't have much of a choice. It was better to follow their introductions than to wait for the consequences. Even if they couldn't be really bad.
"Me first." Mingyu once again pulled your hair towards him, dick slamming softly onto your cheek.
"You wish" Wonwoo now also gripped your hair pulling you to him, making you stay between their two cocks.
You simply opened your mouth, tongue lolling out, letting them use your mouth as they wished.
"Rock, paper scissors" Mingyu muttered, and Wonwoo just looked at him confused.
"We'll decide things by that. It's the quickest and easiest way right now" he frowned determined.
"You're so childish, why do you even like him?" he rolled his eyes but agreed to the game nonetheless by pulling his hand out towards the big giant.
"shoot!" both of them said revealing how Wonwoo won by throwing a rock at Mingyu's scissors.
"I go first. As expected, you can't even win a rock paper scissors match against me" Wonwoo laughed with a smug smile holding onto you head now, directing your mouth directly onto his dick.
"Watch it Jeon. I won't hesitate to punch you..." Mingyu frowned angrily gripping your head so you would at least touch him at the same time.
"Shut up." the eldest groaned as he fucked into your mouth, enjoying the sensation the back of your throat gave him. Especially when you gagged and looked at him with those pretty bambi eyes, begging him to pull out so you could breathe.
"It's my turn don't you think...?" Mingyu pouted while looking directly at you, he wanted attention. He begged for attention. A true attention seeker at all costs, mainly to you. He wanted your attention.
"No. I won. I decide. You wait." Wonwoo threw the boy a glare and went back to his task of using your throat as his fuck toy.
"I'm not a dog for you to be talking at me like that." he punched the older on the shoulder.
"You sure are annoying like one, fuck off" he punched him back on the same spot.
You tapped onto Wonwoo's thigh, and he couldn't help but look at you. Immediately knowing what you ment by your sweet understanding eyes.
'Don't fight' he knew that that's what you were trying to say, and he didn't want to fight either, but it was so hard when Mingyu was being a dick. In his point of view of course.
He just decided to ignore the boy beside him and keep thrusting until he felt satisfied enough.
Once he pulled out you didn't waste any time and decided to go for Mingyu's. He had been waiting for too long, you even felt bad. Your hand couldn't possibly feel as good as your mouth. You all knew.
That's why Wonwoo wanted to make Mingyu wait, because he deserved it. He hated him so much. And even if he was mad at you, he was always going to be angrier at Mingyu. For simply breathing. Existing even.
Mingyu was already a whimpering mess. having to wait for you to touch him was something that never happened. It was usually the other way around, he was the one that railed you up. Not letting you touch yourself as he teased you as much as he could.
"Hey, just because you're sucking his dick doesn't mean you don't have to touch me." Wonwoo slapped your cheek slightly and you moved your hand.
Immediately going to grip his cock and pump him.
But Mingyu wasn't having it. Your attention should be on him now.
He shoved his dick deeper making you choke on his length. He was slightly bigger and thicker than Wonwoo so you could barely breathe. Nose pressed against his lower stomach.
You soon let go of Wonwoo to place both your hands on Mingyu's thighs trying to pull away slightly, wanting to have some air in your lungs.
The taller had now a proud smile on his face, finally getting what he wanted.
But of course Wonwoo wasn't going to let that happen. He couldn't lose to Mingyu.
His hand went in to pinch your nose, making sure you weren't breathing at all. Your eyes went to his a panicked look in your soft eyes, just as he wanted.
"You can take it. Can't you? Come on, keep sucking"
You closed your eyes and tried your best to keep on sucking Mingyu, you didn't have much of an option, his hands were gripping your hair and he was pushing your head towards him.
But you couldn't take it anymore, you were starting to feel dizzy like you could faint at any second.
One of your hands gripped Mingyu's thigh and the other tapped Wonwoo's wrist, and when he felt how weak your touch was he finally let go, pushing Mingyu's hands away so you could pull away and breathe.
You nearly collapsed on the floor, both hands keeping you up as you looked down, breathing heavily to recompose yourself. That was definitely intense, and it was only the beginning.
"Look up." you heard one of them say and you slowly did.
Mingyu nearly came by the look in your face. You looked absolutely fucked out, messy hair, red lips puffy and parted tongue slighty poking out so you could breathe, spit all over them, and your eyes. Oh your beautiful eyes, so innocent, looking at him like nothing had happened. So precious, so cute. God, he wanted to have you right there, ignore Wonwoo and just fuck you.
But he knew he couldn't. It was a competition. And he was very fair when it came to competing. Because he knew he had the abilities to win without cheating.
Wonwoo wasn't enduring it much better. You looked like an angel, there sitting on the floor while staring at him with those honey filled eyes. Gosh he wanted to have you all for himself so badly, to just take you to your room close the door and let Mingyu frustrated. But he wasn't going to do it. He wanted for you to choose him fairly. Because he knew that you would.
"On all fours baby, lead us to the room pretty" Wonwoo smiled, that smile that you absolutely adored, that made you all fuzzy inside.
"Weren't we supposed to punish her?" Mingyu asked crossing his arms looking at Wonwoo now.
"Yeah, what's your point??" Wonwoo asked confused.
"You just called her pretty, don't get me wrong, she absolutely is, but if she's being punished no cute nicknames should be allowed" he shrugged.
"Are you putting rules on how we should punish her? Jesus you're such a killjoy gosh" Wonwoo rolled his eyes "On all fours whore, come on walk." he pointed towards the hallway. "Happy now?" he glared at Mingyu.
"It feels more like a punishment now" He smiled following right behind you.
Both of them did once you started crawling towards your room, ass perked up letting them see your panties under your skirt. Might as well put on a show.
After entering your room the door was closed behind you and soon you felt Wonwoo's hand grip your hair pulling you up by it. You grimaced in pain and after you put on your best puppy eyes, maybe you could get them to forgive you, even just a little.
"Don't look at me like that. You know what you did, and you're getting what you deserve for it. Now climb on the bed and take off your clothes for us baby" he pushed you towards the bed.
You stumbled a little before getting on the bed. You went towards the middle and once you reached the spot you started undressing yourself.
You made eye contact with both of them while you threw the clothes around your room, putting on a show.
"Don't take the skirt off" Mingyu spoke up now "you know how much I love them on you" he smiled before approaching you.
Both of them slowly made their way towards you and you noticed they still had their shirts on, but you assumed it was another way of punishing you. Not letting you see or touch anything that wasn't their cock.
They climbed onto the bed and before doing anything Mingyu looked at Wonwoo, ready for another round of rock, paper scissors.
"Back door or front door?" Wonwoo asked.
"Back" Mingyu said without hesitation.
"You can have it. I want what's mine. This pussy" He gripped your legs and immediately pulled you towards him, now hovering over you.
"H-huh? Wait. Then I also want it! Come on rock paper scissors." he pushed Wonwoo, but the man wasn't having it.
"No. You said you wanted the back door. Now fuck off. Think before you speak next time, stupid motherfucker..." he glared at Mingyu before looking back at you.
"That's not fair" Mingyu mumbled angrily before moving and sitting against the bed headboard.
"Shut up, you're ruining the fucking mood by acting like a child. Gosh how do you handle this. Is he always this bitchy?" Wonwoo sighed tiredly.
"Kind of" you mumbled expecting Mingyu to not hear you.
"What the fuck do you mean by kind of?" He nearly spit out, anger growing inside of him.
"I'm sorry" you immediately mumbled sitting up, taking Wonwoo with you.
"You can't cum." The eldest warned before pulling you up and slamming into you without any other warning.
You moaned loudly holding onto his shoulders so you wouldn't fall down on the bed.
Mingyu didn't waste any more time and slid behind you, holding your waist before slowly pushing into your rim.
"Fuck" you managed to say while feeling how both of them filled you up.
It was new, but a good kind of new. You felt so full, so good. It was something you had never ever felt before, but you could definitely get used to it.
"No bad words. Pretty girls don't curse" Mingyu said after slapping your mouth.
"Pretty girls also don't lie and fuck your enemies behind their back, so I would say she's not a pretty girl. She's a whore. A cockslut that only thinks about fucking" Wonwoo muttered as his thrusts became harsher.
Both of them were going at a quick pace, you could feel them practically rearranging your guts. You could feel every inch, every vein, every angry touch against your waist. A grip so deadly that would definitely leave bruises.
They had no mercy at all, you didn't deserve it anyways. And you didn't want it. If punishment felt like this you would definitely misbehave more.
Their hands started wandering elsewhere, Wonwoo pinched your nipples while Mingyu slapped your ass harshly, leaving the red mark of his big hand there.
You were completely squeezed between them, enjoying the roughness of it all. They were usually pretty forceful and brute during sex, but this time it was extreme.
Wonwoo went to squeeze your neck smiling when you made eye contact with him, you could barely keep your eyes open as they kept rolling back from the sensation.
Your mouth was agape, letting out whimpers, moans, strangled words, and weird sounds you couldn't even decipher what they were.
It felt like your tongue was going numb, you couldn't even think about anything else that wasn't the two boys.
"Pretty little cock slut, look at her, all fucked out and dumb, my pretty dumb baby" Wonwoo smiled and let go of your neck.
"No. MY pretty dumb baby" he made a particular sharp thrust making you almost scream.
"Shut up. Mine." Wonwoo started sucking on your neck leaving a pretty mark there, proudly looking at it.
"No. Mine." Mingyu also reached for your neck, leaving a hickey right on the other side.
They looked at each other with hate filled gazed before continuing their job to fuck you stupid.
Even if you already were.
You wanted to come so bad, but you couldn't, you knew you couldn't. You didn't want to make things worse.
You held onto Wonwoo's shoulders tightly containing everything inside, making your insides squeeze both of them.
And to your fortune (and their misfortune) they came, shooting everything inside you. Every single drop.
You couldn't help but pant loudly, head resting back onto Mingyu's shoulder.
"That was amazing" he mumbled against your ear and you nodded.
"I hope you learned your lesson, because now, you'll have to choose" Wonwoo pulled out from you, admiring the way your hole pulsated while letting his cum out.
"w-what..?" you looked at him extremely confused.
Mingyu also pulled away now, coping Wonwoo while staring at your ass, clearly enjoying the view.
"Choose. Me or Mingyu."
"Wonwoo... I- I can't do that..." you shook your head looking down, bitting slightly onto your lower lip.
"Yes you can. Choose one y/n. Me or Mingyu."
You looked up now, just to see Mingyu sitting next to Wonwoo. And you couldn't help but look at both of them. You felt helpless. What were you supposed to do? Choose? Between them? No. You couldn't.
"I really can't Wonwoo... I-I'm sorry- but I just can't" you were so nervous not knowing what went inside Wonwoo's mind, but it was definitely something not good.
His face told you everything. He was disappointed. Disappointed because you didn't choose him like he thought you would. He thought it was an easy thought. That you would just blurt out his name without hesitation.
"Neither it is then." He stood up and you immediately held onto his wrist.
"No, Wonwoo please... Don't do this please... Don't make me choose, I don't want to lose neither of you please" tears started rolling down your cheeks.
"I'm sorry, but we made kind of a deal... At the end you had to choose one of us or neither..." Mingyu muttered awkwardly while standing up.
"No. Why? I don't get it" you tried to chase after Wonwoo but you could barely stand up after what happened.
"It's a pride thing. We can't just share you... That would be the lowest of low. It was already torture to share you with him right now... If it wasn't because you feel so good I would have beat him already" Mingyu said while looking at Wonwoo.
"I guess love is really like sour grapes" Wonwoo muttered before heading out your room, he needed to get his pants and leave. Leave before he felt more like a piece of shit.
'Love?' you thought to yourself. Did Wonwoo love you...? No. That couldn't be. You guys were just fuck buddies. Then why did he say that, why did it hurt so fucking much. Gosh. You didn't even understand yourself.
"I'm sorry y/n... I guess this is the last time we're seeing each other. Goodbye" Mingyu looked away and walked towards the living room where his pants where.
With the little strength you had left you stood up and put on a hoodie, walking to the living room, seeing both boys there.
"Y/n it's not worth it. We made a deal. And a deal is a deal." Mingyu stated before finishing to zip up his pants.
Wonwoo looked at your direction and you couldn't stop crying, you couldn't even mutter a single word, you just didn't want them to leave. Not like this.
"P-p-please..." you whimpered while shaking your head.
"Goodbye" He said before heading out, both of them did. Leaving you all alone.
You were a crying mess, now kneeling down on the floor as you couldn't stop. You felt horrible, you couldn't forget Wonwoo's look and words. They didn't leave your head. Should you have chosen him? But Mingyu was so important to you too, you couldn't possibly do that. You didn't do it before. That's why you fucked both to begin with.
Wonwoo also felt miserable. If he had just told you the truth to begin with nothing of this would have happened. He was stupid. Stupid and lonely. A loser.
Mingyu also felt bad. Seeing you cry like that made him feel like a criminal that just killed your parents in front of your pure eyes. But he was a man of pride, and he always kept his word. He couldn't simply break it for you, not when he knew Wonwoo would probably punch him if he did. And he was definitely not the mood for another fight.
"Well, I guess this is over now... Neither of us won" The taller said before sighing heavily.
"I fucking hate you." those were Wonwoo's words before driving away in his motorcycle.
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pixeldistractions · 9 days
warnings: adult activities and conversation, pictures should be Tumblr-safe (we’ll see…), spice level 3/5 🌶️🌶️🌶️ 😇
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He promised she wouldn’t hate this, so sometimes that meant he carried four jugs of water to fill the tank so she could have a luxurious hot shower. She appreciated that, and she would take care of him in return. She massaged his tired muscles, kneading all that tension, the powerful shoulders and hard-working back, and turned him into putty. Then when he was melted to her satisfaction and dozing off to sleep—she wasn’t quite done with him yet—she traced the shapes of his tattoo, spanning shoulder or shoulder.
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“Did it hurt?”
“Heh, yeah. It took forever.”
“Does it still?”
“Not anymore.”
“Wait, though, it’s a compass,” she said. “But what good is a compass that you can’t see?”
He chuckled. “Didn’t think of that. Maybe it’s not for me.”
“Who’s it for then?”
“You’re the only one who sees it, so I guess it’s for you.”
“Are you saying I’m lost?”
“No. Not anymore. You have a compass now.”
She could see the corners of his lips, grinning into the pillow.
“Hmm, that’s very suave, mister.”
“We’re gonna pretend I planned it that way.”
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She tugged on his body until he rolled over, so she could straddle his front instead, then she leaned down to kiss him.
The close confines of their camper called for some romantic experimentation, but that wasn’t a bad thing. Jordan thrived on variety and the millions of ways and places he could cherish her body. He spoiled her with it. In the cab of the camper, window covers on, lean the seats way way back. A blanket under the stars, rolled up together into a frenzy. Save the moans for outside, though you might scare the wildlife. That could be fun, too. In the deep woods with only the nocturnal creatures as their witness. Don’t be shy of the owls and raccoons. They don’t care, they’re naked, too. A campfire crackling. Shirts kept on, or loosened, or scrunched up in a tangle. A wool blanket draped over her back and slowly falling off with each rock and sway. November brought a harsh chill to the nights, but they were always too hot together to ever feel the cold.
Or, just as often, inside, in their bed. So they devised some tricks, battery powered fans for noise, a makeshift wall made of pallet scrap, a haphazard door cut and fit from more scraps. It closed and locked; that was all that mattered. A carefully placed toy that would rattle when little feet crept out of bed. Keep it slow and rhythmic, so so sweet. Hush now, only whispers and sighs, muffled passions, bit lips, covered moans. Don’t rock the camper.
Another experiment, one that caused some mixed anxieties but was just as exciting, they’d been talking about skin to skin. Maria had been on her new birth control for a full cycle now. She was sure it was the right one this time. Double, triple checked.
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“I want to feel you,” she said, “not a rubber bag.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure, very sure,” she said, sliding herself over him, up and down and around him, all but waiting for the go-ahead to push him deep inside.
“I’m just saying, the last time I did this, someone got knocked up with twins.”
“I won’t get pregnant. Not tonight, anyway.”
“Wow. Okay. Yes.”
And that was all she needed.
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“Fuuuuck,” he moaned.
“I’m gonna need you to last more than two minutes.”
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He was already far beyond words, so she got straight to work. She moved herself on him purposefully, hitting all her right spots while keeping it slow and steady, watching his face melt with pleasure, slowing him down and trying her best to beat him to the finish line because this was going to be a race. She would win, but it might be close.
The camper rocked, for sure.
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— “boxes and squares #5.1: live the fairytale” (7/10)
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previously: Jordan is super careful and Maria is irresponsible
notes: this isn’t just frivolous smut, by the way. (Not that I would ever be above writing such a thing!) We are heading into some important character development in the next piece. Also not meant to be foreboding. She really did double-triple check her birth control this time! It’s like 99% effective or something…
Next -> // 5.1 start // index
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ryverbind · 5 months
Faceless Fixation (Sal Fisher): Cry For Me [24]
"Then come here."
He didn't have to tell me. Not even once. 
I move my feet, quickly walking over to him. Sal watches me with those pretty, nearly translucent blue eyes and gently grabs my wrist once I make it to him. He yanks me into his room, my pursuit stopping when my chest slams into his.
His tattooed fingers squeeze my wrist a bit as he shuts his door behind us. My body reacts almost immediately, goosebumps forming along my skin.
For a moment, just a moment, Sal simply stands with my body pressed to his. Doesn't do anything else, doesn't move-- like he's contemplating.
I already know what he's contemplating, doesn't even take a full second for it to click in my head. It's about the prosthetic.
I breathe in shakily, gazing into the eyeholes of his mask that show me so little of him. "If you're uncomfortable," I whisper, "You can keep it on."
He takes a big, stuttering breath that I feel through my own chest. I can't tell if I should be flattered for nearly making him choke or if I should be nervous about being so upfront.
But then he releases my wrist, using the same skeleton-tatted hand to grab the chin of his prosthetic and lift it over his face. The action rustles up his hair to the point that he reaches back and pulls out the pony tail that had held up his hair for the day. And when he looks at me again, brandishing his handsomely marred face like my words gave him the little bit of confidence he needed to bare himself to me, I fear I may fall apart.
Big doe eyes, long lashes. Furrowed brows to accentuate the little bit of clear apprehension he still feels. Parted lips to show off the tips of his sharp canines that left bruises on my skin that haven't yet faded-- teeth that'll no doubt leave more bruises by the time we're finished. His would-be straight bridged nose that's missing certain parts and still littered with scars and freckles alike. The sunken in left side of his face and the long scar stretching up his cheek. The assortment of discolored skin and glistening scars all over him. 
I truly can't get enough of his unique beauty. 
He may be a total ass, but something about him-- something about the way he acted like a normal person today-- makes me want to kiss all the traumas on his body and let him know that it'll be okay. The same way he did for me today.
I don't. I refrain, if only for his peace of mind because intimacy as gentle as that would no doubt confuse both of us and probably put an end to our situation too. I have to fuck him at least once before something happens and we end up hating each other again.
Sal's vulnerable expression drops into one of mild aggravation; pinched lips and a lazy, uninterested gaze. He's tired of his least favorite part of himself being ogled I guess. 
I mirror his expression even if he can't fully see it with the mask, but stick my tongue in my cheek for added effect. His cobalt irises narrow in response and he smacks his lips to combat my attitude, which is his fault by the way.
"Aren't I lucky that we made a deal and you can't get snappy with me right now," I chirp, knowing that it's going to tick him off just a little more.
"I can disrespect you in more ways than one," he replies in his slightly raspy, smooth voice that feels like ice dripping down my spine. Oh, he's good.
"So do it," I tell him breathlessly, eyes glancing between his.
"I need to know what you want first," he cuts in before anything can begin, raising an eyebrow. He takes a little step backward, laying his prosthetic on top of a set of drawers. "We made an arrangement for tonight and I know it's a delicate one, so I don't want to do anything that'll make you uncomfortable."
Ever the gentleman. 
He did a lot for me today. It was completely out of character, but when I think about it, his actions could be his way of thanking me for not fearing him or treating him differently because of his face and disability. If I was suddenly revealed, like he was, I would appreciate not having it made into a big deal. Maybe he appreciates that too, and this is how he's showing it.
"I don't want you to be uncomfortable either," I note rather awkwardly. It's weird to have to... care. 
I watch Sal grimace like he feels weird about this new dynamic we have going on too. "Shut up, y/n," he hisses out. "I'm..." He takes an audible breath, sorting through his words. "To bury myself in you is enough, don't worry." He says it with some truthful clarity, so I only purse my lips and nod to myself. Makes sense.
He fills in the minute empty space between us again and his hands lightly run up my sides, feeling what little of me that he can with our clothing separating us. "What do you want?" He asks, voice low and quiet while his eyes meet mine again.
Simply feeling the pressure of his hands on me makes my chest feel like it'll cave in, the lack of air in my lungs burning my throat. I can't form thoughts for a second, my mouth working but no sound coming out.
A little smug grin quirks Sal's rough lips at my silence. God, and the dimple on his right cheek has me folding like a fucking lawn chair on the inside. 
I swallow and force myself to take in some air. "I've been degraded enough today," is the first thing I say to him. 
That smile of his is gone in a moment, his lack of expression showing his seriousness. He nods, waiting for me to continue.
"But," I add, looking off to the side. I can't say this to his face. "Fuck me hard enough so that I can't remember that I had enough degradation." I chew on my bottom lip, nearly curse to myself before adding a forced, "Please."
"So polite," Sal coos, the light praise being the sole reason why I can't turn my head to look at him again. "Can you remind me of our safe word?"
Not demanding. Still dominant, but... gentler. 
I run my tongue over the surface of my teeth. "Twitterpated."
His hands leave my sides immediately. "Good," he purrs. "If you're in a position where you can't use your words-- which, at some point, you will be in this position-- tap me twice. I'll understand."
I finally find the willpower to look at him again, finding his hands hovering over me but never touching me and some kind of inebriated glint in his eyes. Like he's excited but won't allow himself to show it.
He doesn't move. Just watches me expectantly. Waiting. 
I release an impatient sigh. "Touch me, Sal."
I'm unable to see his reaction to my words, I only feel it when his hands fly back to my waist and grip me. He hides his face in my neck, those slightly crooked teeth nipping at my skin as he walks us backward.
I gulp, drunk on the feeling of his scarred lips against my throat and his teeth scratching at my skin-- his fingertips digging into my flesh.
I grab onto his shoulders to steel myself, a gasp falling from my lips when his hands find their way under my shirt, his cold palms a stark contrast to the warmth of my sides. Those same hands drag upward, reaching my ribcage and squeezing. 
"Jump," he rasps against my throat, pausing only to wait for me to do as he said.
I follow his command and he uses his grip on my ribs to help with lifting me up, quickly moving one arm under my thighs to catch me.
Sal's lips leave my neck, his head tilting sideways to watch where he's walking. He takes just three steps before throwing me onto his bed.
I suck in a breath, my eyes on him as he pushes his hair back with a hand, looking down at me with a predator's gaze. He tries to hide it, tries to be gentler to honor my wishes, but I can tell it's tough on him.
Makes me a little proud. His struggle is kind of cute.
"Stop smiling," he mumbles emotionlessly, leaning down to grab my hips and pull me toward him. 
I drop the unknown smile from my face. I didn't even realize I was doing it. "Sorry," I tell him, losing a couple braincells when he wraps my legs around his waist, his clothed cock pressing against me. Fuck. "Just amusing watching you try to be something you're not."
His hands, which had begun moving up my thighs and back to my waist, pause as he turns his gaze to me. Completely unimpressed. A muscle twitches in his jaw as he clenches his teeth, desperately trying to hold back a retort. "Just because I'm going easy on you doesn't mean you can act like that."
"There must be some miscommunication," I press, yearning for some bite from him. "I didn't tell you to go easy on me."
He breathes in slowly, eyes glued to me. I feel like a science experiment under scrutiny. So long as it's his scrutiny, I don't really... mind.
Sal looks like he has a lot to say, a lot to do. He looks utterly ravenous. But instead of acting on it like I want him to, he returns his gaze to my body and moves his hands to my jeans. He undoes the button, fingers dipping into the waistband to start moving the fabric down my legs.
"If we get interrupted again," he says in a gravelly tone, a bit of that dominance I'm aching for leaking into his words. "I'll fuck you in front of them."
Butterflies flutter around my tummy. He needs to stop talking or else I'll cum before we can even get to what he's talking about. 
Another reason he needs to stop talking is because he likes to predict shit. 
Oh, and his bedroom door just squeaked on its hinges.
My eyes go wide and my heart drops into my stomach just as Sal tilts his head up to me, his brows furrowed in confusion. 
And then a long, drawn out, pissed off meow echoes through his room. Now it's my turn to be confused.
Sal and I communicate through eye contact alone, his expression slackens and he lets out a relieved breath, blinking at the wall behind me.
"Gizmo," he says, tone gentle and sweet. I swear my eyes are about to pop out of my head as I watch his personality do a complete one-eighty. "Bad timing, buddy."
Sal backs away from me, moving to the side to reveal a chunky orange cat. Gizmo, if what Sal said tells me anything, stands in his doorway with all the might of a small army of men. His tail in the air, curled at the end like a question mark.
"You have a cat?" I ask exasperatedly, unsure of what, exactly, I'm witnessing.
Sal throws me a look that tells me he's not confirming the obvious.
He turns back to the cat and drops to his haunches. Gizmo bounds over to him, pushing his head into Sal's outstretched palm and purring excitedly. "Are you hungry?" Sal asks, voice baby-like in the same way a parent talks to their child. 
What the fuck is going on.
I think back to last night and being briefly woken out of a sleep-stupor to the feeling of purring at my feet. It must have been this little guy.
I watch Sal scratch behind the cat's ears, his other hand running along Gizmo's back. Gizmo chirps his response to Sal's question.
Sal turns his head over his shoulder, face angelic with all his features relaxed rather than harsh like they have been every time I've had a chance to see them. "Give me a second," he tells me, a bit of that tone he uses for Gizmo still evident. I blanch, mentally beating myself with a bat that has the words 'THAT TONE IS NOT FOR ME' etched onto the object. 
I don't say anything, too shocked to form actual words. 
Sal grabs Gizmo, lifting him into his arms and walking out of the room. 
I lean back onto his bed, blinking at the ceiling. I'm glad it was a cat that walked into his room and not an actual person. But regardless, seeing him be so sweet on purpose is odd. It reminds me of the time we ran into fans in Las Vegas. It's just so uncharacteristic of him to be nice... but then again, he was nice to me for nearly the entire day.
A few months ago, niceness coming from him was off-putting. Now, I don't really mind it. It's different, but not unwelcome. It shows me that he can be an actual person, not just an unfeeling asshole. In fact, it proves that he isn't an unfeeling asshole-- that his shitty persona is just a facade. Maybe a safety mechanism?
He feels the need to hide something. His vulnerability? Shield himself from betrayal? That would track if he's so nervous about his face. It's so frustrating that it took seeing his face for me to finally understand him. To make sense of his behavior and reactions and not immediately blame him for all of it. 
I chew on the inside of my cheek, pushing up and resting on my elbows. I glance around his room that's packed up for the most part-- it's just his bed frame, PC, and desk that are still set up. Proves that they've been planning on moving for at least a few weeks now. They probably had already decided to move when we were in Vegas.
There's still a little bit of him here though. An assortment of medication bottles on top of the dresser he laid his prosthetic on, different masks on the wall above it. Probably there for when he wants something other than his every-day prosthetic, even though I've never seen him wear these other ones.
I almost feel inclined to walk around his room and inspect everything like it's a museum exhibit. But I can't-- at the end of the day, as nice as he's been lately, this is still Sal. One wrong move and he'll take it personally. Besides, these are his personal belongings. It would be a shitty move to go and pry into anything that isn't mine to begin with.
Sal walks through the doorway in the middle of my observing, shutting the door behind him but making sure it's completely closed this time.
He walks up to the bed-- up to me and grabs my hips again. There's a hint of a smile on his lips as he watches me with those bright eyes. "Let's try that again-- while he's distracted."
The dash of humor makes a guilty smile form on my face too, and Sal's ghost of a grin widens a bit in response.
That is, up until he yanks me to him. His dick is hard against me and I nearly groan at the feeling. I note the little upward tilt of Sal's head. He's proud, clearly.
"I want to see if you're all talk," Sal purrs, smile morphing into something more sensual, the sight of his teeth making a shiver run up my spine. 
He takes up the task he'd set out to do before he left the room, pulling my jeans off of my body. Then he's gripping at the flesh of my thighs, feeling and enjoying it.
"You told me to be nice, but that you don't want this easy, right?" Sal asks, tongue running over his torn bottom lip as he towers over me. I nod my confirmation, just a few words away from drooling all over this man.
He doesn't ask for any more. He carefully grabs onto my panties, fingertips teasing me with their gentle drag along my hips, and pulls them down my legs. He doesn't discard them the same way he did my jeans though; he bunches them into his fist and looks back to me, tilts his head.
"I have neighbors." That's his excuse before shoving my panties into my own mouth to undoubtedly keep me quiet. My eyes widen and I glare at him, but I don't move them. He seems to bathe in my aggravation and my willingness to cooperate, eyes lighting up at the prospect.
He pushes me farther onto the bed and drops to his knees. Damn. That's a pretty sight.
His grip tightens on my thighs, painted nails deliciously digging into my skin. "Any last words?" He asks with a quirk of his eyebrow. He's dragging this out on purpose-- I'm bare to him, he can see my arousal he's just being a dick. 
Despite it all, my heart is running a marathon and my limbs threaten to quake in exhilaration with each second he looks at me as if he knows he's going to be my undoing.
A muffled, aggravated groan leaves me in response and he only chuckles a bit, dipping his head down and rewarding me with his lips closing around my clit. He doesn't tease me like he did last time, just goes straight to what he intended.
I melt into the mattress, shutting my eyes and drowning in the bliss of his tongue caressing my clit, his teeth occasionally scraping over the bundle of nerves, and just the soft feel of his lips alone. 
His hands are so tight on my skin that it hurts, but it hurts so good-- the combination of pain and his tongue dipping past my folds makes tears well in my eyes. The fact that he's gone down on me twice in two days is heavenly. Who knew I'd get this lucky?
The best moan I can muster up fills the quiet room when he gets more aggressive, his tongue licking up my pussy before he bites into the flesh of my thighs, sucking on my skin and making it sting on purpose-- because he knows I like it.
His thumb rubs along the inside of my leg to soothe the pain when my back arches off the bed, his teeth releasing me a moment later. He licks at the bruised skin before returning to my slit with a singular, panted breath of obvious enjoyment.
His tongue dances between my folds, drawing patterns that I don't have the brainpower to distinguish along my clit. His mouth drives me to madness, only adds to a quick-building orgasm that I can't control because he's just so good with everything-- in words and actions.
He sucks my clit into his mouth one last time before standing up and leaning over me, huffing breaths between those parted, glistening lips. He uses his hands on my legs to wrap them around his waist again, but moves one between my thighs, replacing his mouth with his fingers that he buries into me easily. 
I squeeze my eyes shut despite wanting to watch the expression on his face. I tilt my head back as his fingers slide in and out of me, eliciting a deep pleasure that makes my body react of its own accord.
"You don't want me to tell you about how you're such a good slut for me," Sal says breathlessly, the hand that isn't at my pussy moving to my stomach. He pushes my shirt up until he's able to lean down and press his mouth to my warm skin. I tense beneath him at the contact, the delicate feeling of his lips moving roughly above my navel. "So how about," he pauses, licking up my torso to my ribs. "I pamper you with all the things any normal guy would tell the woman lying beneath him."
I suck in a breath, eyes still shut as he slams his fingers into my pussy, curling them to hit a spot that makes my body jolt. There's so much going on, his hand bringing me to climax and his tongue lapping at the sensitive skin of my ribcage. 
He uses the hand holding up my shirt to maneuver it over my chest, haphazardly lifting it past my neck and over my head. My hair is a mess as he chucks it somewhere into his room-- but I don't care. He doesn't care as he adds another digit into my cunt, his thumb expertly rubbing my clit. 
He reaches underneath me, miraculously unclipping my bra first try and yanking it off me-- all the gentleness he tried to flaunt minutes ago disappearing entirely. 
He doesn't bother taking a look at my chest, he only moves upward to lick my hardened nipple, his free hand palming the opposite breast all the while he keeps pounding his fingers into me. "Someone normal would tell you that you look pretty like this."
Holy hell, I'm going to cum before we can fuck.
"That you look stunning in the low lighting with my fingers filling you up, and your flushed cheeks-- the tears in your eyes." I feel myself falling apart underneath him, his fingers reaching deep within me and his mouth latching onto my nipple, his hand running down the length of my stomach. And he must know because his lips stretch against my skin, moving away from my breasts to glance up and send me an inebriating grin that's so full of equally evil and sensual promises. "That you look so beautiful when you're losing yourself."
I can't look at him anymore. Not when there's truth to those words hiding somewhere deep in his cerulean eyes. Not with his fingers curling into me again and his hand roaming over my stomach.
But that same hand grips my chin, shakes it a bit until I open my eyes and look at him. His jaw is clenched tight, something sinister in the eyes that were praising me just moments ago. "Cry for me," he says in a guttural, assertive tone. 
I cum all over his fingers, my hand grabbing onto his strong bicep as the tears he asked me for slip down my cheeks even if he can't see them. I can't control them, nor can I contain the muttered pleas for more, or less, or for him that tumble past my lips only to be muffled by the panties in my mouth. 
He helps me through the sudden orgasm, lips pressing little kisses between my breasts while his eyes never leave me. He removes his fingers from my pussy after I come down from my high. I pant at the ceiling, finding it harder to breathe with the fabric in my mouth.
Sal notices and plucks my panties from my lips, causing me to shut my eyes in ecstasy as a fresh wave of air invades my lungs. I almost choke on the first breath. 
In my peripheral, I watch Sal stick his soaked fingers into his mouth and lick up the excess of everything he couldn't taste when his tongue was on buried in me. I nearly choke again.
"Such a good girl for me," he praises, standing to his full height but never parting our bodies-- my legs still wrapped around his middle. He does lean over though, opening a drawer on his bedside table. 
He pulls out a foil packet and drops it onto my stomach. "We're doing it the right way this time," he informs me, nodding at the condom.
I swallow past the unbridled excitement building within me. "Why didn't you use one?" I pant, sucking in a big breath of air before continuing. "The last time?"
Sal tilts his head disappointedly in answer, averting his gaze. I watch the way his scarred lips move as he says, "Got ahead of myself. Couldn't wait."
"Oh," I breathe, snorting afterward. "Proud of myself for that one."
"Remember that you didn't insist on protection either. You're as guilty as I am," Sal informs me and I roll my eyes, an action that makes him smirk a bit-- all the pride I felt returning to him.
Sal and I have learned, at least by this point, to not waste time on arguing when we're in the middle of sex. Because something always gets in the way of us continuing. So Sal grabs the hem of his shirt and lifts it over his head, dropping the article behind him.
I soak up the sight of him, my gaze roving over the various tattoos on his body as he stands before me. The dagger on his neck, covered in a thin sheen of sweat. The map of depictions along his left arm and the vines down his right. The moon and stars peaking past the waistband of his sweats.
He's just so fucking beautiful. I don't have words to describe him.
"One thing I'm going to ask of you," Sal says, using a tone I haven't heard all day. He was serious with me early, but this sounds vital. "Don't look past my stomach."
I freeze, eyes moving back to his. I try not to let my thoughts show through my reaction, but I'm sure he notices what I'm thinking because he pinches his lips. Doesn't let up that dominant gaze of telling me I have to follow through with this condition. 
It's because of the scars on his thighs. I won't press him again-- ever. His reaction when I brought it up the first time, followed by Larry unintentionally spelling out the truth, told me enough. He doesn't have to tell me, he isn't obligated. He's always done whatever I ask and taken care to make me comfortable. 
I gulp, regulate the features of my face that he can see and nod my confirmation to him. "I won't look."
Sal blinks, nodding back to me and loosing a little breath. I keep my eyes on his as he pushes his sweats down, kicking them off. His boxers follow moments later and I feel the moment his cock springs free, brushing along the inside of my thigh.
My chest rises with the heavy breath I take, my heart racing in my chest and my cheeks growing warm. Sal watches me with lidded blue eyes and grabs the condom off my stomach, bringing the packet to his mouth and ripping it open with his teeth.
My eyes roll back and I close them as soon as possible to keep at least a little of my dignity. Sal saw it anyway though and he laughs a bit, the pretty sound wrapping around me like the vines on his arm.
"Open your eyes, y/n," he rasps. And I have to; he used my name. "Watch me. Stop being shy. There's no room for that shit once I fuck you."
I open my eyes and watch him as he instructed, never looking lower than his chest even as I catch his arms rolling the condom onto himself in my peripheral. 
And he's done in a moment, leaning toward me and hovering with his hands pressed into the mattress on either side of me. His gaze falls to my chest before his eyes can meet mine. "You look scared," he mutters, filling me with deja vu at the repetition of our conversation yesterday.
I continue the memory with quiet, shaky words. "I am."
Yesterday, he asked me why. Today, his eyes dance over my masked face-- all nonchalance and a lion towering over a cornered bunny as he says lowly, "You should be."
I don't get time to sit and contemplate his words because one of his hands moves between my thighs. Then his dick presses against my folds, carefully and delicately pushing in just a bit. His nostrils flare as he sucks in a quick breath, eyes still holding my gaze. "Can you take all of me or do I have to go slow?"
My pussy dampens at his consideration and at the feeling of his warm cock gently pressing into me. "Slow," I answer him softly, feeling a fluttering in my chest. "For now. It's been a while."
Sal nods, taking his time pushing his length into me, allowing me time to adjust. I wince a bit at the burning feeling of his cock stretching me out, but I don't stop him. Regardless of the dull slice of pain, it feels good.
Good enough that I have to pant through how painstakingly slow he's taking this. Hell, I didn't mean this slow.
But he fills me up to the hilt and then stops, giving me extra time to simply feel him. Being so full and relishing in the throbbing warmth of his thick cock is otherworldly bliss. Even without him moving, having him buried in me is so pleasurable that a soft, satisfied moan leaves my throat. 
Sal takes that as his cue to move, pulling out of me before slowly-- not as slowly as before-- pushing in again. "You're okay?" he whispers, his furrowed brows saying more than enough about how good it feels for him. 
I nod, whimpering and shutting my eyes again.
"Fuck," he grounds out behind clenched teeth. "Thank God."
He unsheathes himself before slamming into me again, slow pace abandoned and replaced with something unchecked and monstrous. I nearly scream, only held back by the reminder that he has neighbors or what-fucking-ever.
His cocks pounds into me, his head dropping onto my chest as his hands grip my hips with brutal strength, no doubt leaving behind bruises that I can be proud of later.
The feeling of his hard dick sliding into me at such a fast pace so suddenly is heavenly, coating my insides with erotic pleasure that I haven't experienced before-- his hands on me and him panting against my chest, taking the moment and suffocating in it.
He lifts his head, a gratifying, sensual glare plastered onto his face as he watches me and picks up that barbaric pace. 
His lips part and he pants through each thrust, a hand moving away from my waist to wrap around my throat. My air is cut off as he squeezes and I feel myself falling apart again. Even more so when he uses his other hand to press down on my stomach as he continues to pound into me just to feel himself, feel his cock moving in and out of me.
My pussy clenches around him and he groans at the feeling, leaning his head down to nip at my stomach. "You feel so fucking good," he says breathlessly, licking at my skin. His lips skim along my flesh as he ruts against me, dick filling me up and showing me all the reasons why he swore I wouldn't be able to handle him. 
With a grunt, Sal stands up and pulls out of me, releasing my throat and wrapping an arm around my waist. He flips me onto my stomach with no hesitation or struggle and that alone is hot in and of itself. 
He grabs onto my hips, lifting them and pulling me against his waist. His cock, wet with my arousal, presses against my ass and he whimpers. I squeeze my eyes shut and press my forehead into the mattress, gasping for air against the fabric. He's so vocal and it's so addicting that it hurts.
Sal adjusts himself, pushing his dick past my folds from behind. The change in position elicits a completely different kind of ecstasy compared to before. I moan loudly at the feeling, my fingertips digging into his bedsheets.
He doesn't give me a moment to recover; he grabs onto my hair and forcefully pulls me backward, causing my back to arch and my jaw to drop.
Sal slams into me again, one hand on my waist and the other gripping my hair tightly. There's no consideration in his fucking, no niceness. No gentleness. He's only chasing his own release and hoping I can reach it with him.
He uses that hand in my hair to jerk me back even more so that I have to get onto my knees. I fall back against his chest and he never relents in his fast, wicked pace. Sal grips onto my throat again, holding me to him and panting into my ear. "Do you like when I fuck you like this?"
I don't have the words to answer when he's fucking them out of me. I only groan in response, solely focused on the carnal feeling of his cock filling me up again and again.
"Still think you can handle me?" He whispers, lips brushing the skin of my neck since he can't speak any louder without his voice shaking. I can tell by the light tremor that's already in his tone, followed by the way his hands squeeze me tighter and his chest smacks into my back with the force of his harsh thrusting.
I can handle all of him. I told him he would be wrong about me. I was worried that maybe I was wrong for thinking I could take him. But I've never been so right.
I know he wants me to fall apart and beg him to go easier on me. So I tell him, "More." Moans erupt past my lips the moment I utter the word. I swear Sal stills-- but it's so brief that I can't be disappointed about it. He chokes on a laugh before sinking his teeth into the side of my neck and slamming into my pussy even harder than before. 
I cry out, grabbing onto his forearm with one hand and reaching back to grab onto his hair with the other. Sal sucks on the skin of my neck, grunting with each rough thrust into my cunt.
"My good girl," he moans softly, taking a deep breath to follow. "If you go and fuck another man, you're going to imagine me in his place for the rest of your life." I think he's right. 
His cock twitches in me and I groan, gripping his hair tighter while I try to hold myself together for at least a little longer, relish in his cock stretching me out and bringing me the most hedonistic feeling I've ever experienced. 
I don't know how the hell he's able to speak in these conditions. Maybe it's the pride of being in control.
Sal finally changes to a painstakingly slow pace. I feel every inch of him sink into me, every centimeter of his warm, throbbing cock fill me up and then leave me empty. Again and again and again until tears are sliding down my cheeks the way they were just moments ago. 
"I want the thought of me to plague you every time you fuck someone again," he hisses, every word separated by a quick breath that caresses my neck like a promise-- a secret that he and I alone will take to the grave. "You'll think of me every time. You'll taste me on your tongue like the most potent flavor to exist on this earth." He pauses, my heart slamming against my ribcage as his hand moves from my throat to brush my hair away from my face, his lips moving along my skin and his dick sliding into me so sweetly. The rest of me feels numb-- everything focused solely on my core and the second orgasm I'm about to have.
"You'll feel me on every inch of you like you're trapped in the strongest of spider webs." My thoughts are dizzying as he speaks, his teeth scraping at my neck and his thrusts so calculated. My mouth goes dry as he grabs onto my chin with his entire hand, keeping me still as a statue, controls me while he uses me. "See me even though I'm not there, haunting you every second."
This motherfucker is hexing me.
"Sal--" I say in a broken whimper, trying to speak past the chills that erupt along my body as the breath I'm trying to take catches in my throat.
"Shut up," he bites out, lips brushing along my jaw. "I want you to know that you're mine without me having to say a word," he begins, his voice raspy, deep, and wavering from the focus he puts into each sensuous thrust. So much animosity, so much destruction in his tone. 
His hand snakes down from my waist to my pussy, warm fingers working on my clit. I groan in response, throwing my head back onto his shoulder. "You don't get to cum until you accept that." And then his thrusts stop, my pussy clenching around nothing as emptiness ravages me, the loss of him disgustingly astounding.
I let out a disappointed, pained breath, gripping him tighter in my hands. "So," he purrs against my skin, marred lips stretching into a proud, feline smile. "Who do you belong to?"
I suck in a breath through my nose. There's a lot going on right now, and maybe he's just saying this for added effect, but I need to tread carefully regardless. We don't need to start something that shouldn't exist.
"What do I get," I start, trying to control the trembling in my voice. "If I tell you what you want to hear?"
"Anything you want," Sal whispers in response. I let out a breath, realizing that he's not even half as serious as he sounded. Being in control is just his kink. He needs me to give into that.
"Then," I start, gulping as pulsing heat and pain begin to take the place of his thrusts. I need him inside me, I need him to finish this. "I'm yours," I tell him sweetly, adding some sugar to my tone and loosening my grip on him to something more delicate. Becoming the puppet he desires.
Sal groans into my neck before shoving his length into me again, giving me the perfect pleasurable pain that I wanted from him. He keeps a steady, quick pace that makes me whimper, tightening my hold on him despite trying to submit. 
"Such a dirty girl," Sal says gruffly. "You're doing so good. Keep taking me."
I moan loud enough for the sound to echo off his bedroom walls and his fingers rub my clit faster in approval. 
"You let me fuck you so well, sweetheart," he utters the raspy words against my skin, his thrusts growing sloppier the more he talks. And, what the fuck, but all his yapping is pushing me closer.
"I'm going to cum," he warns me, "You better, too." His hand returns to my throat, gripping tightly as he growls, "Let the whole neighborhood know how good my cock feels."
I whimper at his command, luxuriating in the quickness of his harsh pace and his hands holding me so tightly, his fingers working me just as fast as his dick is.
The combination of his words and his hard cock sliding into me at such a bruising rate makes me go limp in his arms, the orgasm slamming into me out of nowhere. I cry out as Sal's grip tightens on me, both of us seemingly surprised by my sudden climax. But the second the warmth of my cum seeps onto him, he hums his approval, tongue lapping at my throat.
And yet he still says in a smooth, gentle, condescending tone, "You came before you were supposed to."
My breath stutters and I'm still seeing stars, my vision blackened in the corners and my thighs quivering. And he's still pounding into my pussy, overstimulating me with each thrust. It's so much, but it feels so good.
He seems to sense this, so he pulls his still rock hard cock out of me and steps away from the bed. I groan at the loss of him yet again, but don't have time to bitch and cry about it. 
He grabs onto my hair and yanks me onto the ground in front of him, pushing my shoulders down to put me on my knees. The entire action is so forceful, so careless and my already wet thighs dampen a bit more. 
Sal's request for me to not look below his waist is hard to honor in this position, but I keep my gaze angled at his face. 
Oh, his pretty face is flushed and sweaty, his hair sticking to his cheeks and neck. One of his pupils is blown out, the other normal. His lips are parted and he looks like he's about to explode.
I can't see it, but I can hear when Sal pulls the condom off and throws it into a trash can. He grabs me by the hair again, jerking me closer to him, the tip of his dick rubbing over my lips. "Suck," he orders, a glare on his handsome face. "And swallow everything that I give you."
Sal honors his only request better than I can by forcing his cock into my mouth. I struggle to take his length, but suck on what amount of him that enters me.
My tongue twists around him, licking up the excess pre-cum and sucking. My eyes stay focused on him the entire time and I take true pride in the way he hisses at the feeling, face contorting into one of immense pleasure. He bucks his hips, shoving himself deep into my throat and furrowing his brows, his mouth falling open. He watches his cock fill up my mouth like it's the best gift to ever be bestowed upon him.
I watch when Sal shuts his eyes and tilts his head back followed by a loud, pretty moan that leaves his open mouth. Such a beautiful sound-- I could cum all over again just from hearing him break like this.
His grip on my hair tightens and he continues thrusting into my mouth, not giving me a good opportunity to do any work for him. He uses me to chase his own orgasm, his hand in my hair to push me forward to meet each thrust. I take it, my gaze still glued to his face as he falls apart in front of me.
He whimpers before his teeth clamp down on his bottom lip. Without a word of warning, considering he already warned me, he bursts in my mouth.
This time, unlike our moment in Vegas, I swallow everything. None of his cum falls to the floor. I groan at the taste, tongue flicking over the tip of his dick. Sal flinches, releasing a shocked breath.
But after a moment of clarity, Sal lets go of my hair and pulls his cock from my mouth. I release him with a pop and he groans. The second we separate, I look up at him so as not to breach the little bit of trust between us.
He watches me, towers over me. He's still recovering clearly and I think he fucked the literacy out of both of us. I don't have words and he looks like he's short-circuiting. 
"Fuck," he finally breathes, struggling to draw out the word.
I give him a little upside down smile and try to stand on shaky legs. Sal, chivalrous as he is even with the whole post-nut clarity thing, grabs my elbows to help me up.
I sit on his bed, fully aware of the mess between my legs. Sal doesn't complain though. In fact, he sits down next to me and stares at the closed door in front of us. We both do.
This feels like a scene out of a movie. Neither of us know where to go from here. 
I sigh, giving myself a moment to think through my options. I need to clean myself and then I need to drink an entire gallon of water. He fucked me good. There's no coming back from this, I'm afraid. He knew that. He warned me.
"I'm going to the bathroom," I say quietly my voice coming out hoarse. If I'm quick, I can make it there without worrying about anyone walking in on me naked. Hopefully.
Sal distractedly hums his acknowledgement so I stand up, legs still jello-like, and grab all my clothes. And then I fucking book it out of his room and across the living room.
I take care of myself in the bathroom, feeling some kind of lucid numbness. I feel great, I just had really good sex. But at the same time, there's a difference between Sal and I. I don't know how to feel about it, nor do I want to address it. But something's just... off. Part of me is afraid that he'll end things because of it, but maybe that needs to happen. Maybe this needs to be the cut off.
Thinking about it fills me with anxiety. As much as things have progressed, I still see the image of me crying back in Vegas. The same would happen if he were to end things now.
But I take a breath, brush my teeth, take a quick shower, and prepare myself to walk out of the bathroom. He might still be in his room and he may stay there. That's probably what he will do actually-- he looked pretty out of it.
And you know what, I'll reward myself with his beloved string cheese. Because, hell, if he ends things I'll just fuck someone else. Maybe he's right-- maybe he'll haunt me and no one else will ever be as good as him, but I'll still get to have sex.
Things will be fine.
With a quick, revitalized breath, I open the bathroom door.
Oh, for fuck's sake. Sal is sitting at the table in the kitchen. Now I can't sneak a string cheese.
I blink at his back, watching him scroll through his phone from a distance. I'm still parched though, so I walk over to the kitchen and open the refrigerator, intent on ignoring him since any phrase from me would most likely be a bad decision.
"If you're hungry or something, you can take whatever you want," Sal says in a voice that's both void of tone but insisting. Like he wants me to take all the shit in his fridge.
Not like I'll tell him no. Guess I can't get away with ignoring him though.
"Thanks," I murmur, grabbing a string cheese, opening it, then stuffing it into my mouth. I glance around then grab a bottle of water. My eyes cut to the milk and I purse my lips, biting off a chunk of cheese. "Do you have cereal?"
"Mhm. Bowls are in the cabinet next to you, spoons right under it in the drawer, and cereal is in the pantry." Followed by his words is the sound of his chair moving. And then he says, "Grab double. I'm getting the cereal."
Pausing, I glance over my shoulder at him. A shock runs through me when I watch him get up, noting that he did't bother putting his prosthetic on. 
I blink as I watch his figure disappear from view. Ignore, ignore, ignore. I slowly turn back to the cabinet and grab two bowls, then two spoons, followed by the milk on my way over to the table.
Sal comes returns swiftly, taking a seat beside me of all places. He grabs a bowl and a spoon, pours a considerable amount of Trix cereal into his bowl, then pours the milk. 
I can't look at him. I really cannot look at him.
He hands me the cereal and I pour some into my bowl followed by milk.
This is so fucking awkward. It's too domestic. Too normal. He and I are not normal.
The house is quiet aside from the sound of us eating, and I watch Sal scroll through Twitter from the corner of my eye. I'm trying my hardest to eat my fruity soup as normally as possible even though the silence is really starting to get to me.
My thoughts are weighing on me. I thought I'd be fine, I thought it wouldn't bother me. But Sal isn't saying anything and now I'm scared. I'm scared that this will be it and he won't want me anymore-- and, fuck, why does it even matter?
"Do you still want to fuck me?"
The words tumble past my lips before I can even decide I want to say them.
Sal's head turns toward me, so I look over at him. His mouth is full, the cereal puffing out the cheek that's usually sunken in. His eyes are innocently wide, like he didn't expect me to say something-- that, of all things.
I gulp, the action reminding Sal of the situation. He snaps out of his stupor and covers his mouth, turning away from me to finish his bite of cereal. When he finally turns back to me though, he's recovered a bit and slapped a nonchalant expression onto his face.
"Yes, I still want to fuck you," he says as if it's the most obvious thing.
I glance between his pretty eyes, watching as he does the same to me. I try to ignore the relief that infects my veins, the giddiness that fills me with adrenaline.
"Okay," I respond, turning back to my cereal.
Sal looks at me for a bit longer before also returning to his cereal. Quiet ensues again and I'm honestly about to just ditch my cereal and turn on the TV. What's worse than constantly bickering is the silence between us.
And then Sal breaks that suffocating silence with, "I'm sorry."
My brows furrow and I face him again. He doesn't look at me, but I watch as he chews on his bottom lip, staring at his phone like he didn't just say something really important.
"What do you have to be sorry about?" I ask him.
Sal looks to me and sets his spoon down. "For what I said in Vegas." His voice is sincere, but as in control as he possibly can be. He doesn't want to admit quite how bad he feels about it, but it shows in the fact that he's apologizing for a second time.
"You already apologized for that," I inform him, my voice gentle. I know I hate feeling remorse and it's hard to apologize, so I appreciate that much from him at least.
"Then I'm doing it again," he says, looking off to the side. "You didn't deserve it. And I don't deserve so many chances."
I almost feel bad seeing him so sorrowful.
"Don't worry about it," I sigh halfheartedly, going back to my cereal. My spoon clinks against the side of my bowl. "You fucked me good. That makes up for it."
Sal hums his agreement, a short chuckle following. "I told you I would," he chirps. Proud bastard. "You weren't too bad yourself."
"I wasn't 'too bad?'" I snap, thankful for the sense of normalcy. "Says the man who literally could not shut up the entire time. 
Sal shrugs before sending me a glare. "I'm vocal. Do you want me to say nothing during sex like you? That shit's awkward."
"You should be honored by my silence," I scoff, pointing my spoon at him. "I couldn't talk because you fucked the ability out of me."
His azure gaze darkens at my words. "Careful with what you say or you'll get fucked again."
I gulp. The way he's watching me with that dominant stare, his tattooed hand gripping his spoon tighter. The fact he's put his phone down to put all his focus on me.
"I wish we could," I whisper, my voice coming out raspy.
Sal licks his lips and he blinks, remembering that our friends could come home any second. That it's not worth the risk. "Yea," he replies, looking away to pick up his spoon with a sigh. "Me too."
Almost as if fate wanted to confirm our thoughts rather than us think we had a shot at round two, the front door swings open.
Larry and Ash walk through the doorway, hanging on each other's arms and giggling like a pack of hyenas. I pause mid bite, mouth open and spoon hovering in the air as I watch them.
They've definitely been drinking, but they aren't drunk. Yet. 
Larry looks over at Sal and me and furrows his brows, eyes going wide. "The fuck are you two doing together?" His words express his shock better than his face can. "Sal do you not love me? You never take your prosthetic off around me. Is y/n a better brother than me?" The words are joking, of course, but by the narrowing of Larry's eyes, I can tell there's a brotherly quarrel that's about to break out.
I expect about as much when Sal sighs sarcastically, already tired of the rough night ahead and drops his spoon into his bowl. 
Milk splashes onto my arm in retaliation and my first instinct is to bark insults at him. "Come on, dickhead," I snap, glaring at him. Sal glares back-- and suddenly, we've started up the game that I missed so much. It's just so easy to fall back into old habits.
"Better for it to be milk than cum, right?" He grumbles, teeth peeking past his lips with each syllable. I'm torn between curling up like a dead spider at the insinuation and admiring the little bits of him I don't see often.
"Shut the fuck up," I hiss in warning, narrowing my eyes at him. The retort is half-assed but how can I come up with one when one wrong step will only aid in Larry and Ash figuring us out?
"What if I don't want to, huh?" He counters, brows raising and lips pressing together as if he's challenging me. A little glimmer of something in his cerulean gaze. Something that begs me to pounce.
We have a glare-off for a couple, quiet seconds and I'm trying to think up an insult, a response, a diversion. Anything. But I can't-- I can't because despite the fact that things feel so normal between us, the arguing is more for a reaction. The bickering is just a veil over the truth now.
"Well," Ash cuts in, saving my ass. "At least you're in a better mood now, y/n. We were worried about you." I pull my attention from Sal and focus it on Ash.
She's watching me with big, green doe eyes that are silently asking if she can know now that I've calmed down.
That familiar pit in my gut forms at the reminder of my mother. At least now, compared to when Sal and I first got back, I realize that I can figure something out. Ash and Larry can help me come up with a solution. But-- "Where the hell are Todd and Neil?" I ask. It feels like they've been gone the entire time we've been in Nockfell.
Ash rolls her eyes at the mention, switching her weight from her left foot to her right to put a hand on her hip. "Those two rapscallions would rather be anywhere but with us even thought they're getting their own apartment. They've never been social butterflies but, hell, still. I feel like a restless mother!" She answers with a little sneer, flicking her wrist toward the open expanse of the house to reinforce her point.
"At least you're a mother who cares," I snort, sending her a half-grin that's faker than my own mom's hot-shot persona.
Ash's expression drops followed by her stance slackening as realization dawns on her. "Is that why you were upset earlier? Heather being cum-guzzling bitch again?"
"Damn!" Larry exclaims with an approving glance at Ash. They're still tucked under each other's arms. If Ash didn't have such a strong preference for women, I have no doubt that these two would have ended up together.
Ash throws him a sensual smirk before turning back to me. "What did she say?"
I chew on my bottom lip as I recall the short phone call I had with her. "She knows that I'm VioletViolence. I don't know how-- I guess she recognized me in pictures."
Ash's face morphs into a more serious, angry expression. Larry follows suit, mimicking her with near perfection.
"She threatened to expose her identity and face, pretty much," Sal pipes up from his standing position beside me. I glance over, noting his hands perched on the surface of the table, his body leaned forward and his face tilted up to address Larry and Ash. Horrible positioning considering his dagger tattoo is on full display to me right now. 
Ash quirks a brow. "Okay, were you with her or did she tell you?"
Sal tips his head to the side, gaze scrutinizing to go with an unamused upward tilt of his lips. "You think she'd willingly tell me about her mommy issues?" He asks his own question, tone flat to accompany his sarcasm.
With a sigh and frustration curling in my gut, I hide my face in my palm and take a moment to remember the task at hand is not to beat this man to a bloody pulp but to figure out how to resolve this... mommy issue.
"We were in the middle of you and Larry's game whenever she called. It was... messy," I confirm Sal's claim, making sure they know that I'd rather eat a toe before going to him with my problems. Ever. Even if he did make those problems go away for a bit.
Hey, maybe he isn't good for nothing!
"What are you going to do?" Ash asks me warily, ignoring me and Sal's little hiccup.
I avert my gaze and purse my lips. I have the same question for myself. Anxiety at the prospect of being exposed wraps around me, constricts my airways and nerves. Disables my rational thought and the ability to breathe. 
A little body brushes along my leg, followed by a chirped greeting and the loudest purring I think I've ever heard.
Momentarily distracted, I look toward the floor and see Gizmo at my feet. He notices me, pushing up on his hind legs to make biscuits on the top of my thigh. A mixture of surprise and pure glee kicks the anxiety away as I lean over and scratch the top of his head.
"Pick him up," Sal murmurs. I turn my gaze up to him to find him looking down at Gizmo with furrowed brows. "You're anxious, he knows."
I suck in a quick breath before glancing down at Gizmo again. He came all the way over here because he sensed my distress?
But with Sal's permission, I do as he instructed and lift Gizmo into my arms. I plop him on top of my lap and the cat practically climbs up my torso like he's hugging me. He rubs his furry little head on my cheek and purrs against my chest. Oh my gosh, I might cry.
I turn my attention to Ash and Larry who have little smiles on their faces, meanwhile I'm fucking gaping at them. Where did this heaven-sent cat come from?
Sal scratches behind Gizmo's ear and sends the fur-ball a little smile. "You're such a hardworking guy," he coos, like the complete change in his character is nothing to be shocked about. In-fucking-sane. I can't get over the way he dad's his cat.
I swallow past the lump in my throat and blink at my friends. "I don't know," I finally force out, rubbing Gizmo's back. "I don't know what to do."
Ash's smile disappears upon returning to the topic we were previously discussing. "There are a couple things you could do. One, ignore it. She either will put you on blast or she won't. And if she does, what proof does she have that it truly is you?" She brings up a good point. "We haven't seen your face since you were a teenager. I'm sure she hasn't seen you in much longer."
I wince. "Actually..."
Ash's eyes widen with disbelief. "She's seen you more recently than I have!?"
"Not willingly," I rush to explain. "Split custody between my parents. I didn't have much of a choice. Last she saw me was when I was 17."
"Oh," Ash chirps, feeling a little less offended. "Okay." She sends me a pleased smile. "Here's your other option: move out."
I furrow my brows. That would solve absolutely nothing other than adding another bill to pay. "How would that fix anything?" I voice my internal thoughts.
Ash looks away from me, a little blush on her cheeks. "It wouldn't necessarily fix anything," she murmurs bashfully. "Maybe I just need a roommate, I dunno..."
She takes pride in making me cry, doesn't she?
"Hold on," I rush to say, cursing to myself when my voice wavers. I cut myself off so as to retain some dignity, but I'm sure the look in my eyes tells her enough. 
Gizmo hops off my lap, having done his job. So I stand up now that he's gone and push past Sal to get to Ash. "You need to--" I lick my lips as an excuse to take a moment to collect myself. "You need to warn me or something before you drop shit like that. What are you saying?"
Ash sends me her trademark puppy dog eyes and I already realize what's going on. "Fuck, fine," she forces the words out. "I bought a two-bedroom apartment. I need a roommate. Or, more like I want you as a roommate. I know I need to start double checking with you instead of loading you up with surprises... sorry."
I don't even know what to say, let alone think. I just gape at her, trying not to cry the way she seems to love making me do. Well, her and Sal. 
"Is rent expensive?" I whisper, voice hoarse with how tight my throat is. 
"Baby," she starts, giving me a stunning smile. "You don't have to pay a single thing. I'm just tired of being away from you."
"Don't hit me with that 'baby' bullshit," I choke out, smiling despite the challenge of having to speak. "I'm paying rent. I just need to know what I'm getting myself into. And I need to make sure dad is okay with living alone."
Ash's comforting smile turns into a wicked one full of sinister glee. If it was any other person, I'd probably be terrified. 
"It's a good thing I already asked your dad if I could steal you, then, isn't it?"
------------ A/N::::::: not gonna lie, i managed to type up this ENTIRE hoe in one sitting. don't ask me how i did it, i have no answer for you. girl math, guys. i've been living a lie ever since because this has been on my mind for DAYSSSS. shoutout to my dearest Autumn for running this chunk through an editor, like, THREE different times?? omfg. such a big help and much appreciated <33
ummm... enjoy this cuzzzz you know meeeee... probably won't update again for like another montthhhhh lololol o_o....
anyways, might look like a filler smut chap but ya girl HATES filler. i want plot, i want development. so if it looks like filler, just know that it has meaning that is deeper than surface level!! >.< a lot will be revealed verrryyyy soon
like always, leave me some feedback pretty pretty please so i can improve my writing! but ALSO like always, thank you for reading and for all the support. i love you all with everything i've got! have a wonderful morning/day/evening/night <333
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exosmutfactory · 1 year
Wanna Be Yours 001
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Originally posted by tipannies
Maybe not all good girls are good, and not all bad boys are bad. It’s all about perspective and experience, for not everything in life is a clear black or white. Sometimes you will find gray, brown, or silver… Possibilities are endless. And Byun Baekhyun is too god damn fine to resist.
◤“Stop smoking, it isn’t attractive.” “Stop swearing, it isn’t either.” “Fuck you.” “When.”◢
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Main Masterlist | Bookclub zone | Chapter 1✓
networks — @/superm-net @/bbh-net
pairing — Baekhyun x Monica (OC)
word count — 3.8k
genre — biker! baekhyun, bad boy! baekhyun, enemies to lovers! romance, slight angst, fluff, smut (one chap - eventually)
[ This chapter contains: an introduction 🚲 ]
A/N: Hello! I'm introducing one of my AFF-exclusive, BBH stories to Tumblr! I'm posting this chapter to see if readers on here want to read it 🥰 This story doesn't have a tag list, so let me know if you wanna be tagged for future chapters either in my ask box or the comment section! 🌸 I'll continue writing this when I finish my other story: Only Forever 🌊
Chapter 1
Look around, lovely
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I’ve been through many things in my life. From my ex leaving me for a “slim thick” girl who lived three blocks away to my best friend, making it their goal to break my spirit from the inside out. I had to cut ties with my treacherous family. I had to change my name, eye color, and wear a purple wig to flee from another crazy ex to Hawaii. I almost had to file for bankruptcy when my twin sister bought three foreign sports cars in my name.
—I’ve been through a lot, but I never expected to find myself in the middle of this shitstorm.
“Yo, Chen, move your ass!”
“I’m almost there!” This so-called Chen hisses into his phone, tugging me behind him by my arm. He glares back at me when I stumble over a recycling bin. “Shut it.” His grip turns painful when I slow down my pace. He stomps hurriedly down shaded alleyways and dimly lit streets. I'd scoff at his audacity if I wasn’t so busy trying to form a plan to escape and not fall flat on my face in the process.
“Yo bitch.” He throws another nasty look over his shoulder, “keep up, will ya?”
My eyes narrow as I purposely stomp on the back of his foot. “Oops,” I chirp when he yelps, hiding my smirk while he curses and hobbles on one leg. “Guess that’s too close, eh?”
He bares his teeth at me. The smirk quickly falls off my lips when the ground is suddenly approaching my face at an alarming rate.
I brace my hands against the pavement at the last second, but my right arm buckles under my weight, sliding my frantic hands across the rugged surface, scraping against the sidewalk with a painful burn. I groan at the fire hot pain shooting up my forearm.
“Oops,” he mocks, his leather boots stepping into view. He bends down in front of me with a tilt of his head. “Guess that was too soon, huh?” His victory smirk on his curled lips would have been sexy if I didn’t have the urge to punch him in his pretty face.
I keep my eyes on him, slowly bringing myself back to my feet. It takes everything in me to ignore the pulsing pain in my knees and the warm liquid running down my elbow as he stands back to his full height. His unimpressive 5’8 stature seems intimidating while I’m poorly hiding my injured arm behind my back. It doesn't help that he has a tattoo of a snake on his bicep, the green ink peeking out from under the sleeve of his black t-shirt. He’s not tall, but he is buff, and that is enough for me to keep my mouth shut... for now.
He runs his eyes over my quiet defensive stance, his smirk turning even more cruel before he yanks me forward by my injured arm. “If we’re late, that’s your ass.”
I roll my eyes to distract myself from the tears threatening to fall, biting my tongue. My hands and arm throb painfully in sync. That hurt like a bitch and he’s two seconds away from being smacked like one.
After walking a few more empty blocks, the rev of an engine reaches my ears—and it’s not from a car. My heart plummets when the realization sets in and the beaming headlights of shiny black vehicles come into view. Two motorcycles stop a few feet away from us in a deserted parking lot. The riders are wearing black helmets with matching clothes, blending in with the night. Their faces are shaded under the dim light of the moon when they take their helmets off.
Dusk is on the rise, concealing the moon behind thick clouds as the world waits for the sun to peek over the horizon. The darkest hour of the night… Looking around at the buff asshole and two newcomers, I can only hope that I’ll make it to see the sunrise. I swallow my nerves while Chen impatiently drags me over to the others.
The guy on the left is the first one to notice us. He shakes his hair, the brunette strands catching light before he switches off the headlights. He’s tall with beautifully toned skin, whistling when we step off of the sidewalk. “Damn hyung, took you long enough.”
Chen shrugs. “Catching the prize was a bit of a struggle.” He rattles my arm for emphasis, his smirk visible under a flickering streetlight.
“Oh?” The brunette’s eyes trail over me, focusing on my pulsing arm before shifting back to the prick next to me. “Looks a bit like damaged goods, hyung.”
“That wouldn’t be the case if it had acted accordingly.” He shrugs, nonchalantly looking me over.
My eyes and mouth twitch. It is really taking everything in me not to say something.
“Hopefully hyung doesn’t mind,” The other tall guy speaks up, eyeing me warily while I stare at his unnaturally orange hair.
“Byun won’t do shit,” Chen waves him off, pulling me closer to a parked bike three parking spaces away. “He hasn’t before and he won’t start now.”
The orange-top guy starts to reply until a loudly revved engine fills the air, announcing the arrival of more motorcycles entering the deserted parking lot. I glare at the biker driving in front, from his laid back posture alone he must be the leader.
“Baekhyun!” Chen yells into the still night with a cocky grin, laughing gleefully. “So happy for you to finally join us. I feared we’d start without you.”
The leader calmly parks his bike a couple of feet away, pulling off his helmet while the other five bikers join him. I bite my cheek to hold back my gasp when his face is revealed. What I expected was some forty-year-old gang member with a huge tattoo, crooked beard, and salt/pepper hair. Not a twenty-something-year-old with one of the most attractive faces I’ve ever seen in my life.
His light brown hair ruffles in the wind, the salty scent of the sea rolling in. He shakes his bangs out of his eyes, looking at the man next to me with a blank expression on his face. Baekhyun’s eyes slowly follow Chen’s arm down to my own in his tight grasp. His eyes linger on my injured arm, the clench of his jaw and flare of his nostrils has my eyes shooting down to look at it myself.
The sight of blood steadily dripping from my ripped sleeve has me wincing. I bite my lip hard to hold back a pain-filled whimper.
Baekhyun cuts his eyes back to Chen with a murderous glare, “Jongdae.” He hisses venomously.
Chen stiffens, his grip loosening on my arm, “Byun?” He’s caught off guard, the confusion rings loudly in his uncertain voice.
“What the fuck is this?” Baekhyun looks at my arm then at him again, his voice growing louder by the minute. “Why the hell is she bleeding?”
“She wasn’t…” Willing to come? Willing to follow a stranger? Willing to get pulled out of a store for nothing? “Very compliant.”
“And you brought her here anyway?” Baekhyun gives him an incredulous look, his eyes narrowed at the latter’s silence. “What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Do.”
I shift on my feet, highly uncomfortable just witnessing this exchange. The other bikers watching them quietly doesn’t calm my nerves in the slightest. I know one thing for certain—the tension can be cut with a knife, and I’m not about to be in the middle of this hell much longer.
“I was walking with her down the street, and she fell.” Chen chooses to say.
I crack my neck when I whip it around to face him. “Really?” I snap. “You purposely yanked me forward and let go, yet dare say I fucking fell?!”
Chen scowls at me. “Well if you weren’t being such a bi‒” He pales when I sense a dark aura behind me.
I turn around to a furious Baekhyun. His brown eyes blaze brightly in anger amongst the pitch darkness of the night, the wind tousling his hair across his forehead. The urge to take a step back is high until I remember who is right behind me. Baekhyun takes one look at me then turns his fire-filled gaze to the fearful man behind me. “I’ll deal with you later.”
I look down at the sudden hand gently grabbing my uninjured arm, meeting Baekhyun’s eyes before he takes a step back. And for some reason; I follow. He keeps his eyes steady on mine before turning to address the others. “I’m calling it off.” His gaze meets every individual one of theirs. “Any objections?”
No one even so much as moves.
Baekhyun firmly nods, peering down at me with a raised brow. “Come with me?” Even while he asks, I’m already being led over to his bike. He grabs his helmet and pauses, turning to me, the dim street lights reflecting the mysterious glint in his brown eyes. “Have you ridden a motorcycle before?”
I look at the bike then back at him, narrowing my eyes. “Are you planning to kill me with it?”
The corner of his lips twitch up, “that’s a no then. May I?”
Eyeing the helmet in his hands, I nod, quickly muttering, “if I die, I’m suing you,” when he starts to place it on my head.
Baekhyun chuckles. “Don’t worry.” He adjusts the helmet with a teasing little grin, his voice low enough for only me to hear. “You’re in good hands.”
“Uh huh—oof!” I yelp when he suddenly lifts me up and sets me on the back of his vehicle—that seems one hundred times more intimidating now that I’m sitting on it. “I swear, Byun, if I fall‒”
“You won’t.” Baekhyun affirms. He throws his leg over the motorcycle and climbs onto it with grace, throwing one last look back at me before starting the engine. It purrs in a way I’ve never heard before. The low, crispy sound vibrates through my entire body when his deep voice reaches my ears. “Hold on tight.”
When he revs the engine, I wrap my arms tightly around his waist. The fear of death is greater than the pulsing of my bleeding arm. We speed out into the street, the others becoming mere specks of shadowy figures in the distance as we go further down the dirt road.
My eyes stay partially closed until I remember that I’m wearing a helmet, and if anyone has to do that its Baekhyun. Which is fucking scary considering the fact that he is the one driving! Steering this two-wheeled vehicle that tilts side to side depending on the gravitational pull of the earth and the wind.
I flinch when we roll over a bump in the road, gripping the front of Baekhyun’s shirt. I can’t tell if it’s the motorcycle or his chuckles causing the vibrations in his chest when I rest my head on his back. The sun is slowly rising, pale light peeking over the horizon. It bounces off of the calm ocean water in the distance. It’s fascinating, how the ocean and the cloudy sky meet, like a snowglobe full of cascading sparkles.
The blur of buildings comes into focus when we slow down, Baekhyun resting his feet on the ground when we reach a red light. Recognizing the slightly run-down buildings, my heart rate picks up. “Baekhyun? Where are we going?” I ask warily. Instead of replying, he pats my clenched fist in a pacifying manner and takes off once the light switches to green.
Gulping down my nerves, I make sure to take note of every street we go down in case I have to hightail my ass out of wherever we are headed. The sight of small brick houses and wide front porches brings a wave of nostalgia over me—and not in a good way. All I can do is hold onto him and hope I stay in one piece until we reach our destination. The weight of my knife concealed in my left boot gives me little reassurance.
We start to slow down on a street that welcomes us with the largest maple tree that I’ve ever seen, followed by small but surprisingly well-kept homes. It’s pretty for the infamous neighborhood that we are in, and the house we stop in front of in particular is the nicest one.
Baekhyun drives up the driveway and parks, getting off the motorcycle with grace before helping me down as well. I flinch when I try to straighten my injured arm. It hurts worse than it did earlier, burning every time my denim jacket sways in the wind and brushes against it. I keep my arm bent at the elbow while clutching it to my chest.
Baekhyun notices but doesn’t say anything. He walks up to the house while I linger behind, taking in the flower-filled yard. Pretty pink roses and beautifully bloomed dandelions take up most of the land. Growing steadily alongside the driveway and sidewalk, their healthy petals awaiting the sunlight.
Turning back to Baekhyun, he crosses his arms and leans against the doorframe of the open door. The sun shines down on his caramel-colored coat, black graphic tee shirt, and leather pants. The more I look at him, the more confused I get. How on earth is he in a bike gang? He has no visible tattoos, no piercings. The only things “gangsta” about him are his sharp brown eyes, confident stance, and authoritative aura.
Baekhyun clears his throat, jolting me from my thoughts. He raises a brow with a tilt of his head, the corner of his lips twitching. “Come in.” He disappears into the house before I can give any sort of reply.
Pulling my phone out of my bra, I snap a picture of the street sign and send it to my friend so they know my whereabouts—just in case. I tuck it back under my shirt and take one last look at the quiet neighborhood before entering the house.
The only way I can describe the interior is warm. With light brown walls and darker carpeted floors. The living room alone is full of worn-in couches with pretty throw blankets. When I start to take off my shoes, Baekhyun pops up, shaking his head, “there’s more dirt on this floor than out in the yard.”
He walks off into another part of the house with his heeled boots and loud footsteps. I spot a bright orange crumpled leaf and a patch of dried grass in the center of the room. Heeding his advice, I take a wary glance at the unlocked door before going to look for him. Walking to the other side of the living room, I’m met with a doorway to the kitchen on my left and a hallway to my right. Finding no sign of Baekhyun in the tidy room, I venture down the hall.
“In here,” he calls out just as I pass the first door on the left.
Backtracking a few steps, I look inside the bathroom while he rummages in the cabinet under the sink. My eyes move back to him when he swears.
“I know I left it somewhere,” he mumbles just as his eyes caught sight of something. With a tug, he pulls back to close the doors, standing up with a familiar red box in his hands. “Have a seat,” he beckons me over, gesturing to the closed toilet lid with his chin.
I settle myself on the cold surface, the white porcelain chilling my skin through my jeans. Watching him carefully while he sets the first-aid kit beside the sink and takes out antibacterial wipes. When he reaches for my arm I flinch back.
Baekhyun gives me a look. “May I?”
Sighing deeply and gritting my teeth, I nod with a roll of my eyes, slowly taking off my ripped jacket and dropping it in the bathtub. I look away when he draws nearer with the wipe, clenching my hand into a fist. The sting brings tears to my eyes.
After what feels like hours, Baekhyun gets to work on the gauze, gently wrapping it around my arm and taping it together. I take a few deep breaths as he moves over to the sink, focusing on the sound of running water instead of the irritated skin of my scratched palms.
“You won’t need stitches,” Baekhyun murmurs thoughtfully, his voice breaking the silence, echoing across the tiled walls of the room. He dries his hands on an indigo blue towel hanging from a high bathroom rack attached to the wall. “...Are you okay?”
The hint of concern in his voice is surprising, it prompts my eyes shift over to him. “Yea—Fuck!” I hiss loudly, quickly bending my elbow back to its position. The tender wound throbs painfully in sync with my racing heartbeat.
His brows raise. He crosses his arms, leaning his hip against the counter and giving me another knowing look. I only glare back at him.
Baekhyun sighs tiredly. “I’ll get you an Advil.” He shakes his head, making his way out of the room and venturing further down the hallway. I clutch my arm to my chest, sending a quick text to my friend to come pick me up. Thankfully she’s right around the block, passing through the neighborhood on her way back home from work.
A smile curls on my lips when she sends a picture of the great maple tree at the nearest red light. The bandages crinkle when I stand up, grabbing my jacket and tentatively closing the first-aid kit before heading back towards the front of the house. Heavy footsteps have my head whipping back around to find Baekhyun in the hallway with a box of Advil in his hands. “Hey,” he cracks an awkward smile, his hair slightly disheveled.
I narrow my eyes at him.
The smile slowly falls off his face. He clears his throat, gesturing to the box in his hand. “I got you the Advil.”
“I see.” I don’t take my eyes off of him for a minute, shifting my weight so I can retrieve my knife if the need arises. His body language is off and his intentions are not clear. I make sure to keep distance between us; I’ve been in this situation a million times before. Whatever he is trying to achieve with this small talk, I am not up for sticking around to find out.
“Do you, uh‒” he runs a hand through his hair. “Do you need a ride?”
“No, I called a friend,” I smile tightly.
“Oh.” His hand falls down to his side. He shoves it into his pocket and outstretches the box in his hand towards me. “Here, half the box is left. You probably need them more than‒” his eyes catch mine and he clears his throat again, “me.”
I look him up and down and carefully take the box from his hand, avoiding making any contact. My lips twitch in a mixture of amusement and annoyance. “Thanks.”
Baekhyun nods, shoving both hands in his pockets, the velvet green underside of his coat showing when he parts his lips again. “About what happened earli‒”
The rev of a sports car engine cuts him off. “Hop in, bitch!” my best friend yells, breaking the tranquil atmosphere of this shady neighborhood in the early hours of the morning. “We’re going home!”
I glance at the open door then shoot him a forced, polite smile. “Thanks um… Baekhyun, was it? But there’s my ride. I got to go.”
Baekhyun nods while I make sure I have everything, tucking the box of medicine under my good arm. “See you around,” he speaks up when I’m halfway through the door.
Darting my eyes back to him with my hand on the screen door, I smile my fakest smile, letting it slam shut behind me. “Bye!” With a roll of my eyes, I match down the driveway to my friend’s car and hop in with a passive-aggressive smile.
“What the hell happened to your arm?” she raises a perfectly arched brow.
“A situation you never want to be in while shopping for hairspray, Alison. Now drive.”
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Part 1✓ | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |
A/N: If you would like me to continue posting this story on Tumblr, reblog or comment to let me know! (^-^)
117 notes · View notes
class-1b-bull · 1 year
Class 1-b as random things me and my friends have said to eachother!
I tried to get everyone multiple times but some characters got more than others </3
There is a lot of cussing, name calling and mentions of virginity but dats about it. Plus a brief mention of drug dealing.
:] :] :]
Bondo- uh yea?
Manga- i knew you were cringe but a virgin? Do better man.
:] :] :]
Awase- ctrl z dosent work on tattoos actually..
:] :] :]
Kuroiro - the atoms will align because im hot like that. *runs straight into a wall*
:] :] :]
Kamakiri - the riddle isnt that fucking hard your just dumb as shit.
Kosei - can I give them a hint?
Kamakiri - no, fuck you.
Awase - you had to high expectations for me and tokage when making this riddle.
Kamakiri - I litterally looked up riddles for kids.
Tokage - well im obviously not a kid so that probably why I cant figure it out..
Kosei - can I pleasssseeeeeee give them a hint.
Kamakiri - fine whatever.
Kosei - ASS!!
Kamakiri - you know what? Actually... shut the fuck up!
Kosei - its a good hint!
Kamakiri - no the fuck its not.
Rin - no actually thats a great hint. Want me to demonstrate?
Awase - what is there to demonstrate???
*litterally 3 1/2 hours later*
:] :] :]
Kendo - just letting you know, your a great friend. And I really care about you.
Kodai - being nice to me wont change the fact that your ass at mario cart.
:] :] :]
Shiozaki - *running up to kendo full sprint* hey um- quick question, could jesus do a kick flip? SPECIFICALLY with the kids hello kitty skatebord that crack dealer tried to sell us...
:] :] :]
Shishida - I dont like gossip but I thought I should let you know that monoma thinks your a drug dealer...
Kosei - why? Is he a cop?
Shishida - no but-
Kosei - is he buyin?
:] :] :]
Shoda - *crying in a voice message to the class b group chat* I just got into a car wreak and the cop had to pull me out of my carrr *loud as sniff* while fucking doja cat was talking about sucking dick... and it was really embarrassing. Oh! And I broke my leg I guess but whatever.
:] :] :]
Pony - Want my autograph? Too fuckin bad bitch! Im Beyonce type famous now I dont have TIME for your annoying ass.
Kodai - what happened?
Komori - she got 15 likes on a tumblr post.
:] :] :]
Tetsutetsu - MEN CAN LACTATE?!?!?!
Kosei - *loudly starts playing carless whisper in the distance*
:] :] :]
Kamakiri - shut the fuck up I only came over to your house to watch madoka magica and pet your cat now where the fuck is kitty kitty bang bang?!
:] :] :]
Honenuki - hand.
Honenuki - HAND!
Kuroiro - TAKE ME TO DINNER FIRST?! I aint ready for that kind of commitment man.
Honenuki - if you dont let me finish painting you nails I am going to kill your cat.
:] :] :]
Bondo - *crying while eating pretzels* he really did crank that soulja boy...
:] :] :]
Monoma - statistics show that I am better than you at litterally everything so riddle me this? If I am so fucking awesome why do I cry myself to sleep every night?!
:] :] :]
Reiko - that toddler is so fucking metal..
Like get it bitch. Tell your mom to fuck off for putting you in time out. Girlboss shit.
:] :] :]
Rin - that kid is litterally me.
Kosei - *earth shattering scream and falls off ceiling*
:] :] :]
Shiozaki - so is everyone that does crack jesus or just your mom?
:] :] :]
Shoda - thats a nice fucking rock...
Kodai - please dont fuck the rock...
:] :] :]
Rin - awase why would sen have a LIVE jellyfish inside of a lava lamp...
Awase - he would if he wasent a beta cuck.
:] :] :]
Pony - if I give you $20 can you draw the dude from highschool musical pregnant? Its for my cousins birthday.
Manga - first of all what the actual fuc-
:] :] :]
Shiozaki - believe it or not. But being a man. Ok? And sucking another mans dick. BEFORE MARRIAGE. Hear me out on this one... Is slightly againt the great lord above.
Kodai - jesus?
Reiko - no, ace ventura: pet detective.
Reiko - specifically after he climbed out of the rinos ass, naked.
:] :] :]
Sen - bro what even is this? Its low key ugly as fuck.
Rin - thats litterally me...
Sen - daymn *sticks photo in pants* ANYWAYS-
:] :] :]
Shishida - I get everyone is trying to stay calm but twerking to the fire alarm wont stop the fire!
:] :] :]
Rin - cute dogs!
Kosei - *lifting his foot* thanks I moisturize~
:] :] :]
Pony - i knew something was wrong with you when you laughed at my joke but not in the 'I watched mean girls' type of way.
:] :] :]
Komori - *walking around the house frantically*
Reiko - we would be out the door already if you didnt kiss all of your plants goodbye..
:] :] :]
Awase - I couldn't even hear that because me and kosei were talking about how hot she was.
:] :] :]
*Rin buddled up in like 20 blankets in front of a fire place*
Kosei - hot girl shit. *dives into the pile and face plants right into his balls.*
:] :] :]
Manga - can I eat your knees tall man?
Bondo - no thanks.
Manga - what if I asked in a uwu voice?
Bondo - still no.
Manga - daymn... alpha male type shit.
:] :] :]
Rin - you realize i am a dude right?
Awase - guys can have long hair?
Sen - of course they can have long hair dipshit.
Kosei - who cares if rin used to be a girl?! Hes a guy now and thats all that matters!
Rin - no I was always a guy...
Kosei - its ok man :D ill always be your friend <3
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infragilehearts · 2 months
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— whoa! VALERIE CHAMBERS just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 1 YEAR, working as a PART TIME BARTENDER, PART TIME CHEF. that can’t be easy, especially at only 29 YEARS. some people say they can be a little bit SASSY and SNEAKY, but I know them to be COURAGEOUS and FRIENDLY. whatever. I guess I’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to THE BRONX! — (taylor, 25+, EST, they/them, none)
wanted connections | full navi | pinterest | musings blog | full bio -- the group
threads - thread tracker - visuals - musings - aesthetics - likes
full name:;  valerie marianna isabelle chambers
nicknames:;  val
gender:;  born female
pronouns:;  she/her
sexual preference:;  bisexual
relationship role:;  easily submissive, sometimes dominates
birthdate:; november 10th 1994, aged twenty-nine years
birthplace:;  nashville, tennessee & hart, michigan
zodiac sign:;  scorpio
spouse / lover:;  none currently
face & voice claim:;  sofia carson
height:;  5′7″
eyes:;  has chestnut brown eyes – wears glasses at home and contacts when she’s out in the world
hair:;  naturally dark brown
body art:;  has a few tattoos and ear piercings as well as a nose piercing on the left side of her nose
other distinguishing features:;  has a scar on her inner right thigh and on the lower part of her stomach
fashion sense:;  classy, casual, comfy
body type:;  her weight/body type changes but she’s always healthy with the standard more straight (not so curvy) model body
traits:; funny, friendly, clumsy, out-going, sassy, sneaky, bright, courageous
fears:;  not being able to have a future with someone, love, being hurt by someone she trusts
hobbies:;  cooking, baking, reading, dancing, hanging out with friends
skills:;  singing, playing piano, writing poems, cooking, baking, bartending
quirks:;  clumsy, sassy, sometimes bites lip or nails
mother:;  ramona marciella chambers
father:;  andrew rodrigo chambers
siblings:;  none
children:;  none yet, unsure if she wants any
pets:;  two dogs named snoopy and brownie
ice cream flavour:;  cookie dough & cookies and cream
food:;  shrimp, most pasta dishes, most mexican dishes, most sweets
time of the day / night:;  night
season:;  summer
holiday:;  halloween & christmas
animal:;  dogs, foxes & wolves
colour:;  purple, blue & black
scent:;  freshly baked goodies
musician/band:;  selena, avril lavigne, queen, green day
occupation:;  part time bartender at retro & part time chef at diner
education:;  high school graduate, never did college but took culinary & mixology classes after graduating
bad habits:;  drinking, one some occasions experiments with weed
a cherished item:;  a black gem ring from her mother
random fun fact:;  she doesn’t always wear bras and underwear
random fun fact 2:;  loves having bangs but doesn’t always like the up keep
trigger warning:; none yet, will write soon
—- C H I L D H O O D  —-
[coming soon] 
valerie was born an only child to ramona marciella chambers and andrew rodrigo chambers in nashville, tennessee til she was five years old in which then they moved to hart, michigan and this is where she grow up and lived out the rest of her life. in her teen years she has a history of heartbreaks, trying to find her perfect person. during this time she learned about her sexuality, however. this also lead her to falling into a partying time in her life. she still currently does this from time to time to unwind and just have a good time with friends or even just to feel herself. however, definitely not as much as she used to. valerie values her mum more than anything but she’s lost contact with her father since her mom and him divorced before the move to michigan so she has no connection to him but gets along fine.
once she finished school, her focus really became culinary and she taught herself some of her cooking and baking skills. she took culinary classes to further her learning and she managed to get her first job at a local restaurant. valerie was truly happy and felt in her element with her culinary skills. for a while she lived with her mum, up until her passing. this lead to her hiding in her work for a while and she took up mixology classes to mix as well as serve drinks at the restaurant as well sometimes.
as soon as she could afford it, valerie packed up her life and left michigan, moving out to new york and making herself at home in the bronx. it wasn't the most ideal at first, but she managed to get a couple jobs in the area for her skills. this easily helped her start to feel at home again.
—- C U R R E N T L Y  —-
valerie has managed to live her life rather well in town, even explores as much as she can (mostly of the bronx area) in her free time. she's put all her focus into her work still, but also enjoys meeting people and hanging out as well as reading and a few other hobbies. she tries not to think about her life back home or her mother often but on those hard days, she really keeps to herself or works even more than normal.
[ will try to update as time goes on ]
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xsunnysucculentx · 2 years
part 2 to meeting task 141! 
summary: you have a sparring session with ghost, soap and könig 
warnings: reader smokes, has tattoos/piercings, mentions of guns, violence content warning: none 
pronouns: she/her
a/n: thanks for the support on the last post, im happy you liked it ehe~ well, back at it it again with a new post, enjoy! 
"sparring session!" price announced loudly and you looked up from your breakfast. "you too, newbie" 
"yessir" you said and started gathering some stuff from the other guys and put the trays in the cart. "thank you!" soap shouted from across the cantine and put the straw of his apple juice between his lips. you were glad that you were already in your sportswear, because the men left almost immediately after the call from price. you quickly followed them because the sparring sessions weren't in the gym, but in a hall, which you could've never found by yourself.
you were four people, ghost, soap, könig and you. even though könig was part of KorTac he still trained with the 141 sometimes, soap explained to you earlier. ghost opened the door to the hall and you were apparently the first group to enter a session. you just kinda hoped that the guys would go easy on you. and you hoped that you wouldn't be partnered up with könig, he's taller than ghost and you don't want to underestimate any of them. "how do your sparring sessions work?" you asked as the guys started taking off their jackets, vests, whatever they had on, leaving them in tank tops and ghost and könig wearing their masks. "we usually train all at once, but we didn't want to overwhelm you the first time you're here. basically we just 'fight' against each other and thats it, last one standing wins." könig said and crossed his arms. you nodded and put your hair up in a ponytail. "no music?" you looked at the ceiling of the hall, which reminded you of your high school P.E. hall but with softer floors, and spotted a few speakers. "you dont need concentration?" ghost seemed to be raising an eyebrow and you shrugged. "multitasking i guess, lieutenant" you almost never trained without music, gave you main character vibes. "we can try, im open to something new" soap said and pulled out his phone. "any recommendations?" "dunno" you said seriously, forgetting every song you've ever listened to. "just put something on" ghost grew impatient. he hated wasting time if there was clearly something to do. soap handed you his phone and you put your gym playlist on, knowing there were no embarrassing songs in it. "five laps." ghost said and started running, followed by the other two. you hated running with your entire heart and pulled a grimace. you may be strong, but your stamina wasn't the best. as a sniper you didn't need to have it, after all. you noticed falling behind the guys with your short legs and picked up speed. their jog was a full on sprint, but you knew that you had a significant advantage in combat. you finished your lap last and put your arms on your knees, catching your breath. 'i need to stop smoking' you thought and took a deep breath. "you alright?" soap asked, dude didn't even look like he was full on sprinting the last three laps. "yeah yeah im not used to running at full speed for so long" you inhaled and pulled your ponytail tighter. "that was full speed?" he joked and you shot him a death glare. "you two" ghost pointed between könig and you. "partner up, soap and i will be the other team" you looked at könig, who gave you an apologetic look and you nodded before taking your hoodie off, leaving you in an oversized black t-shirt. "i'll be gentle." könig promised and you chuckled. "no need dude, i can handle myself." you just didn't expect ghost and soap to be watching for a moment. "we'll see" könig got into position and you did the same. ok maybe you did underestimate his height. mans was towering over you like almost two entire heads. 'i can handle myself' you repeated in your head. ghost looked at your arms, noticing the patchwork style tattoos. some butterflies, flowers, those famous hands from some portrait. you looked like you escaped a pinterest picture. not that he knew what pinterest was. obviously. "oh god" you yelped as könig launched at you and you put your hands up right in time. you heard escapism playing faintly in the background and you looked at könig. think of it as a game. you had the advantage of being small, you could easily climb on his back. you just needed to know what the best tactic would be. könig launched at you once again, but this time you used his calf as a 'ladder' typa deal and jumped on his back, motioning a knife with your thumb against his throat and jumping off. "i can handle myself" you said and smiled at him. "not bad" he nodded and you bowed a little. "thank you, thank you" ghost looked indifferent, thinking könig just went light on you. "pair up" he said to könig and soap, wanting to test your skills himself. 'yeah no fuck that' you thought. königs statue was slimmer than ghosts, and you didn't really feel like taking ghost on. grave started playing and you put your fists up, signing that you were ready. no, ghost looked intimidating, for sure. but you looked death right into the eyes, one little ghost isn't gonna hurt you. "it's about to get interesting" soap said to könig and you asked if he could turn the music up a bit. you launched first this time and ghost duck under your fist, ready to strike back. you jumped back, no time planning your next step because ghost was already on his way to throw you onto the floor. you wanted to step aside gracefully, but tripped over his feet and almost face planted the floor. he held your arm, holding you back from the floor and you looked back. "you'd be dead" "no! that wasn't fair! your shoe laces are too long, i tripped!" you gasped and ghost let you go. "könig said last one standing wins and im clearly standing." soap shook his head with a chuckle and könig leaned against the wall. you felt like it was just some kind of setup to see how good you really were. "all right then." ghost shrugged and grabbed your arm, kicking your leg from under you. you reacted quickly, standing on your other leg for support, freeing yourself from his grip. you tried to use the same tactic on him as you did on könig, but ghost reacted way quicker than you anticipated. you stepped into air instead of his thigh and were a little wobbly for a second. this would go on for ever if you wouldn't come up with a plan. 'if you cant beat them, confuse them. and then beat them.' the words of your mom sounded through your head and a light bulb went off on your head. "i bet you like crushing girls with them thicc daddy thighs" ghost stopped in his motion, giving you the perfect moment to jump and kick his knee in, making him kneel onto the floor. just as you were about to celebrate your victory, you felt a hand swiping both your feet from the ground, making you fall. "what the fuck" you gasped and ghost came into your field or vision. "never heard my thighs being described that way" he said in a monotone voice and held a hand out to you. you grabbed it and got pulled up, nodding admiringly. "i was this close" you put your index finger and thumb as close as possible together without touching them "to winning. they are my witnesses." you pointed to where soap and könig were, but they started their own sparring session. "fuck." "i've won."
könig left a little detail out. it wasnt "last one standing wins". it was more of a "looser plays the wrecking doll for takedown combat techniques”
and obviously, it was you. you stiffly stood next to ghost, looking at the men who you didn't know and who were definitely not in the 141 task force. day four on this base and you'll already loose all dignity those men had for you. if there was any to start with. some of them had a pitiful look in their eyes, some were literally looking at you like they didn't expect any less from a woman. "alright" prices voice was loud and clear, the chatter immediately stopped. "we'll go through three techniques today, i want to see them perfected by the end of the week." "yessir" came back and you mentally prepared yourself for the embarrassment that was about to come. "before you begin, it's important to know how to take down your enemy without any weapons. your body is your weapon, your mind its strongest component." price continued and gave ghost a slight nod. "ghost will demonstrate with newbie. watch closely." oh god, this is the end there was literally nothing to worry about tho, ghost is just gonna throw you against the floor. nothing more, nothing less. "-to catch your enemy off guard" you heard price say before ghost grabbed you firmly, twisted your arm and lowered you to the ground forcefully. his knee was on the small of your back, his right hand holding a pistol immitat and his left both of your wrists. "wasn't ready" you mumbled and tapped the floor. you got up after ghost took his knee away from your back. "you alright?" he whispered and shot you a side glance. "no worries, im tuff" you whispered back and looked at price, who signed to get on to the next technique. this time, ghost faked attacking your right leg, grabbed your left one and pushed you on the floor, putting his knee on your belly. you noticed that he tried not to put too much weight on you and you met his eyes. your felt your cheeks flush up, its been a while since someone pinned you down. the men starred at you after ghost helped you up and got ready for the next strike down. he grabbed your arm, turned around and threw you over his shoulder, trying to throw you on the floor as carefully as possible. you left out a defeated sigh and sat up, legs crossed. "nice work" you commented and looked up at him. "start training!" price said loudly and the men started pairing up and repeating the techniques ghost showed them. "im going out for a smoke" soap announced and your arm shot up. "i'll go too!"
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wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
Perfect Timing
Pairing: Hawkeye Pierce x reader
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: In a world where soulmates have matching tattoos etched on their wrists, Hawkeye is convinced that he won’t live long enough to find anyone with a tattoo similar to his, let alone matching. However, the day you arrive at the MASH 4077, injured and refusing to accept help, Hawkeye is shocked to discover that your tattoos match. 
Warnings: Description of injuries, blood, gore, war setting, mild language
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     “You’re going to be just fine, John. I promise.” You ran your hand through the sweaty locks of a soldier that looked barely enough to hold a gun. “I promise.” 
     “What-whatever you say, d-darlin’.” John tried to smile as if the only thing stopping his insides from spilling out weren’t your hands holding them in place. 
     You looked up at the blur of green and brown and blood as doctors and nurses ran back and forth between the soldiers being unloaded from the bus on stretchers. “Doctor! I need a doctor over here!” 
     “We’re movin’ as fast as we can here.” A tall man dressed in a pink silk dress stopped long enough to acknowledge you. “The docs say that the worst cases go first.” 
     “This is the worst!” 
     “Not by their standards.” 
     Anger flared within you. You’d heard that the 4077th was one of the best units. Clearly it was being populated by a bunch of pansy pediatricians. “Idiots, they’d think a hangnail was the worst case. Get over here!” 
     “But I’ve got to finish unloading the bus.” 
     “Well now you’re a tourniquet.” You nodded down to John’s wounds. “Keep constant pressure on this, even if he screams.” 
     “Oh god,” the man knelt beside her and did as you asked, paling as John gave an anguished moan at the additional pressure. 
     Hands dripping with blood, you stood and made a run for the surgeon’s tent. No one noticed you in the chaos. No one stopped you as you expertly maneuvered your way through the crowd and into the surgeon’s scrub room. 
     There were three men prepping when you shoved the doors open and walked in. “All right, who’s the idiot in charge around here?” 
     The oldest of the three didn’t even bother to stop scrubbing his arms. “Depends. In charge out there or in charge in surgery?” 
     “Whoever has the final say over which patient goes first. I have a man out there who’s insides will become his outsides unless someone can stick him up fast.” 
     “Honestly, I leave you guys for two seconds and you let the riff raff in,” a man with black hair and blue eyes walked in through the door across from you. The door that led into the operating room. He stopped and regarded you over the top of his surgical mask. “You’ve got a complaint, sweetheart?” 
     Your anger bubbled over at the nickname. “I have a man outside that needs help now.” You demanded. “And if you’re too busy in there making bets on which of your patients dies first, then give me a med kit and I’ll do it myself.” 
     “Which kid is it?” The man’s voice had sobered, his expression growing pained. “Is it Lieutenant Smith, the one you were working on when I was out there?” 
     “John.” You didn’t remember seeing him outside, let alone watching you. 
     The man shook his head. “He’s too far gone. I could save four men in the time it would take me to maybe save him.” 
     The truth of his words hit you harder than any bullet, a truth you had been pushing aside the moment you had first found John bleeding out in the trenches. Still you clung on. “No.” You shook your head, throat closing up with the sting of unshed tears. “No! You’ve got to try. He’s got a wife. They just had their first baby.” 
     “Hawkeye, did you see the-” the man in the pink dress burst into the room, stopping beside you. “I guess you found the idiot.” 
     You turned on him. “What are you doing?! You need to be with John!” 
     “There’s no point.” 
     “What do you mean there’s no point!?!” The tears were falling now. Hot, angry tears. You reached up and shoved them away, streaking blood across your face. “I told you to stop the bleeding!” 
     “He’s already dead!” The man yelled back, eyes full of pain. “Houlihan confirmed it. He died a few seconds ago.” 
     It was like you had been hit with an enemy attack all over again. Only instead of the outside in it was from the inside out. 
     The man in the dress gave a nod. “I’m sorry. Truly.” 
     You nodded back. He turned and left. The three other men had finished their scrubbing prep and filed into the operating room. The oldest man, the one who had spoken before, placed a hand on Hawkeye’s shoulder. “You coming?”
     “Yeah, in a second.” Hawkeye was staring at you. 
     You stared back, body feeling numb and unsteady. But his blue eyes grounded you in a way that you had never felt before, a way you never expected to find in the middle of the hell you were living. It was like he knew what you were thinking. That he knew of the nightmares, the dreams, the fears, the experiences. All of it, just by looking. And he hurt for you. More hurt than you thought possible for one man to feel so deeply. 
     “Are you all right?” He asked. 
     “I...I’m sorry.” 
     “Is that all his blood?” Hawkeye’s gaze dropped to your right side and the dark blood stain seeping through your green shirt. 
     “Yeah.” You lied, taking an uncertain step back. “I’ll...I’ll leave you to it. I’m sorry.” 
     You turned and left the room before he had a chance to say anything more, leaving him to stare after you.
Part 2
Fanfic Masterlist
Taglist Request Form
Taglist: @gameplaying-bunny @wool-hat7 @cirillamylove​ 
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bluesdesk · 8 months
I've had a story in my drafts for a really long time.
I have so many things to do for university, projects, exams and so on, and I don't have time to do anything else, but once the session has ended, I'll surely complete it! Do you remember this post?
The story I have is going to be the full plot of this concept! I have the first part ready, here's a snippet!
Link and Zelda had just found some ruins under the castle. Zelda suggested to investigate, as always. She really loved doing researches, being a scholar, and now that she was a teacher too, for all those kids, she was really, and seriously, happy. He often found himself thinking about their own possible future kids, but didn't tell her, they had just gotten together. When she asked him if they could share the house, he couldn't and of course wouldn't ever want to say no. Maybe it was a bit small for them, Zela needed a study room for all her stuff, and he surely needed more space for his weapons and shields. He should find a better one. Maybe he could ask Hudson and Rhodson. He had to have a trip to Tarrey once this research under the castle was finished! The walls were covered in murals, depicting various eras. People descending from the sky, people during what looked like a ceremony, a mural depicting a festivity and tiny beings, the first appearance of Ganondorf, the era of the shadows, and the era of the huge war. Where the walls didn't have murals, statues almost as tall as the ceiling decorated the rooms and corridors. They depicted a man with mustaches and a long tunic, and a woman with a dress and tattoos. They also found one different statue, too damaged to be recognizable, but it surely wasn't that man or that woman. Both Link and Zelda guessed it must have been destroyed on purpose by their ancestors. Maybe, it was the menace of their time, like Calamity Ganon for them.
A set of stairs and a really narrow corridor made them go even further down. They found themselves on a balcony thing in a room with a huge green light the shape of a hand, gripped in what looked like a really old dead body, skin and bones, but with long hair. Zelda wanted to take some photos, get a sample of hair from the body maybe to know how old it really was, and mostly she wanted to know if the hand was pure light magic or maybe it was physical too. Link told her it was dangerous, she didn't listen. He, while reaching for her, shouted the phrase again. "I SENSE DANGER! DON'T GO!" It was too late. The dead body was somehow revived, the light hand disappeared and... she was falling. He hadn't saved her, he had jumped off to the void in which his princess, scholar, other half, fell, and the hand appeared right behind him and brought him back to the surface. The Master Sword was broken, and he had lost an arm in the process thanks to what looked like an enhanced malice Zelda had called "gloom". Link woke up and found himself in what looked like a temple. It was just a room, a huge round room with tall walls. There was a pedestal there, that looked pretty much like the one for the Master Sword, but older. Though, there was nothing there, other than some torches around the pedestal. Feeling lost, he impulsively tried to wield the broken sword, but as soon as he looked at himself for the first time, he noticed he had only his underwear on, and his right arm was gone. Instead, he had what looked like a prosthesis, but filled with the same light magic of the hand. He tried to move it and it worked. It looked like an old sheikah tech but it wasn't even a bit rusty, and he could sense it was made to contain more power than what it actually had. What was that? Who did that? Who saved him and literally replaced his injured and hopeless arm with an old but new sheikah tech?
Suddenly, a voice sounding like an old man got his attention. He had seen spirits before, but this... he couldn't see anyone. The voice presented itself as Rauru, and Link knew he had read about someone named Rauru somewhere... right! Zelda said he was the first king of Hyrule! Rauru informed Link that place was once adored and praised by every population. There, the first hero, chosen by the goddess Hylia, had wielded the Goddess Sword for the first time, and forged her into the Master Sword, the sword that banishes evil. During the eras, the original temple, as well as another huge one, the Sealed Temple, got buried and later the temple of Time was built over them. Now, Link was in the Depths, under the Great Plateau. Rauru invited him to go out and look at the magnificence of the temple. A huge statue of the goddess, that, while not having any power source, emanated a celestial light, enough to see the building perfectly, and even clear a portion of ground around it. The Sealed Temple was in front of it, the light of the goddess temple illuminated it too. There was grass, there were flowers around both the temples, but where the light didn't reach, there were only cold stones and dirt. All around, in the distance, he could see gloom encrusted to tall stone and dirt walls that seemed to reach the top, the "ceiling". And probably monsters, but he wasn't in shape to fight. He wasn't still acquainted with the hand, and arm of course, and his only weapon was the decayed sword. As Link could see, there was no exit from there. The entrances to the depths, as he had had time to see before the research, were huge chasms covered in gloom, too high to be reached by anyone, and even if he did manage to reach them, the gloom would have killed him in few seconds. One of the chasms was about in the centre of the enclosed area.
Right there, standing on the floor, was a strange-looking smaller statue. This one, unlike the temples, was rusty and some pieces were clearly missing. The bottom of the statue looked kind of like a stand for something, but the subject was missing, and Rauru instructed Link to go find a stone bird. After finding the stone bird, he had to put it back on the stand. Link couldn't do anything but accept. The bird statue was restored, but still old and without any sign of power. Rauru's voice instructed him to find 3 stone tablets. they were once used by the very first hero to create beams of light, capable of breaking the cloud barrier and activate the statues. Now, their power had surely faded out, but maybe the power of the 3 of them combined could at least make him go back to the surface. Link finally had to fight some monsters with the broken sword and with what he could find around the area. It felt like the beginning of his first adventure, like if he was still unexperienced, goofy, and so damn tired. He had to do it. It was an enclosed space, but big enough to host one huge Goddes Statue Temple and the Sealed Temple, and a vast space around. Some enemies had decayed but still functional weapons, he stole them. The 3 tablets were found in different spots. When he found them all, Rauru told him to go put them in the Goddess Temple. A stone panel with a missing rectangular piece emerged from the ground. The tablets were put together and they fitted. Outside, a blue light beam had appeared right in the middle of the chasm, bathing the bird statue with holy light, it was now as good as new and ready to be used. A treasure chest appeared there, with his paraglider, sewed and taped with white and sky blue pieces of cloth and sewing threads. That style was surely from another culture.
Link couldn't imagine the power of that light beam was still strong enough to launch him right to the sky. With the help of his paraglider, he landed safely on a floating island. There, he saw the source of Rauru's voice. The first king's ghost was exactly like one of the statues he and Zelda had seen under the castle. The white mustache, the long orange vest, the wise face. He was now standing before him. He could see a huge palace on another island. Somehow, he knew he had to go there. Rauru nodded. That palace was once the home of a sky tribe that refused to go to the surface when Hylia told them to, and now it was a temple, to remember those who gave their life to protect the land and what's good, from the depths to the sky. Link had to go there, in that temple as old as the kingdom itself. Someone was waiting for him in there. Though, the sky islands weren't reachable with a simple jump, he had to build devices. Rauru informed him that the construct hand was in fact able to hold more power, and increase its abilities. It wasn't just a hand. The sheikah, with the help of the Hylians and some familiar robots, the scrappers or, as they renamed them, the constructs, had built devices infused with Hylia's holy power. They had no equals, because Hylia herself had given them her power time ago, in her mortal form. Only the sages could restore his new hand, as Hylia had transferred each facet of her powers to them, chosen by herself and the 3 goddesses. Rauru told Link he could restore one power, being the original sage of light, and moreover, her son.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
HARRIS metal head MUNSON!🤘🏼😝
“He eagerly scans the board for Harris’s, frowning when he can’t find his name. Maybe it’s still drying, he tries to convince himself, imagining his son over-saturating the paper with globs of paint. It wouldn’t be entirely out of character.”
*me* I KNOW THIS BITCH MARION DID NOT HURT MY (he’s mine now, I’m taking full custody😂) BABY LIKE THAT!!!
“Wanna show me where your artwork is? I must be gettin’ old, because I couldn’t find it on the board out there.” “‘S not there,” ( 😤) Harris mumbles, scratching off a flaking piece of the Rosita tattoo on the back of his hand. “I didn’t get to finish.”
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Ms. Sweetheart to the rescue💕
Eddie stealing Harris’s Peanut M&M’s.
All of the people have a small space between them, except for you and Eddie. The circle that Harris drew to represent your left hand overlaps with the circle that is Eddie’s right.  😭😭😭
“THANK YOUUUUUUU!” “Love the enthusiasm,”. <- How I talk to my littles when they get hype about something LOL
“Are, um, are Daddy and Ms. Sweetheart holding hands?” “Mhm,” Harris casually confirms, taking the drawing back. “‘Cause they’re married.” Eddie chokes on air as Wayne does a double-take. “Congrats, Ed,” he jokes, clapping a hand to his nephew’s shoulder. “Gotta say, I thought I’d at least get an invite.” Good ol’ Wayne Munson coming in with the jokes 😂
“Did I talk about her in my sleep? Oh, shit, what if it was when I had that dream—“ 😩 EDWARD TELL US SAID DREAM.
“Lowering his voice to a whisper, he speaks directly to his drawing. “When Daddy and Ms. Sweetheart fall in love and get married, I’ll finally have a mommy.” He presses his hand flat against the paper as though he’s sealing in the wish.” Baby boy manifesting. 😩✨
“Hey, Har, is Ms. Sweetheart pretty?” Mac Daddy Wayne strikes again.
Ms. Sweethearts memories of Halloween with grandma. 😔
He gives her the M&M’s 🥹
“But, yeah, I was hoping you’d accept these as part of my apology. Or apologies, I guess. For, uh, for not calling when I said I would, and all of the awful shi—awful things I said to you.” His voice is barely above a whisper as he steps closer and says, “I am so fucking sorry.” 😩
Fun size mistake=fun size bag of candy. Family size mistake=family size bag of candy. I’m really good at fucking things up, but really bad at fixing them. I wish I could say that I didn’t mean to hurt you, but we both know that I did. You don’t have to forgive me, but I need you to know how sorry I am.  *SCREAMING*
He said OUR favorite little Axl Rose. 🥹
BUG!!! This was too good!!! The fluff? The feelings!? HARRIS WANTING MS. SWEETHEART TO BE HIS MOMMY!?!? WAYNE TEASING EDDIE ABOUT A CRUSH HE KNOWS HE HAS?!?! I’m obsessed with them, all of them, I need them to all live happily ever after ASAP. (Or whenever you’re ready, that works too. 😂) I love this story so much. Thank you for bringing this ✨MASTERPIECE✨ to life. 💗 I LOVE YOU.
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B, the way that I looked forward to this ask!
Harris is the cutest little rockstar, and he wants to be just like his dad. You may have to fight @corroded-hellfire for custody of him, though.
Eddie is not stealing; he is making sure Harris doesn't choke! What a doting father!!
Ms. Sweetheart's memories of her grandma are based on mine, by the way. Grandma Bug used to do that for me and my sister, and I had to include it in the story.
Will Ms. Sweetheart be Harris's mommy one day??? Who knows????? Maybe she will, maybe she'll up and leave town in chapter 10.
And once again, your meme game is 100% on point. Love you 5ever xoxoxoxoxo
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years
Lunter gender swap beautiful disasters au:
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(I have no idea what beautiful disasters is. This is just a random idea I got from the trailer)
Hunter was just trying to make it on his own, away from his traumatic past. He never in a million years planned any of this. He never planned to fall in love. But you know what they say about plans. They never go the way you want.
"So it's basically fight club for women?" Hunter ask his new friends Gus and Willow. Willow smiles back at him to reassure him. "Technically yes, but it's not just beating the crap out of each other. Eda Clawthorne runs the club, and makes sure to provide first aid. Makes sure people get paid when they win their bets and stuff. The school is aware of it. So no one is doing anything illegal. Especially with Amity's parents spouncering everything."
Hunter nods, but can't help but nervously stare around at wild cheering college students in this underground room. Cheering for violence. Hunter's linkens these people to images in history books of Roman's of old, cheering in stadiums to watch gladiator matches. Hunter as you can probably guess doesn't like violence. He doesn't like lots of things. And this overcrowded room full of sweaty cheering people, as they gawk at two women in sports bras fight each other till their black and blue is the last place he wants to be. His anxiety is making his heart flutter. He second guesses accepting Gus and Willow's invitation.
This was suppose be a night out, a break from endless studying in his tiny dorm room. Gus and Willow were nice, new friends that wanted to hang out with him. Him grumpy anti social Hunter Wittebane. But honestly he rather go back to studying, isn't that what most of these people were suppose to be doing?
'Barbaric' Hunter can't help but think as he watches a girl with dyed pink hair and eye tattoo on her forehead give a hard right hook on the chin of a miss blonde ponytail. Blondie goes down hard as the crowd "oh's" in sympathy. Hunter turns to look at the doorway, estimates how long it would take to get through the thick crowd and reach the exit.
Willow and Gus are cheering, and Eda Clawthorne makes some commentary that gets the crowd to get even louder. Holding a Ms Boscha's arm in the air. Declaring her winner of this round.
Hunter turns to Willow and Gus, raising his voice "I don't think this is for me, I think I'm going to head back." Gus and Willow don't hear him. He tries again, louder and frustrated "I think I'm gonna head back, finish studying!" He goes to head out, even if they didn't hear him, he'll text them. They probably won't even notice till later, he thinks glumly. As he turns, he doesn't pay attention to who's heading towards him. Doesn't see. Doesn't see the girl stretching her arms as they collide.
He ends up bumping (chest to sports bra) into a female fighter, a short female fighter. Hunter, looks fully down at the fighter he bumps into to apologize, and feels his breathing stop and time stand still. She was tanned, she was beautifully athletic. Wearing almost nothing but black shorts and a blue sports bra. Hands taped up. Her dark brown curls tied back in a messy ponytail. The main things he noticed about her was her wide brown owl like eyes, a tiny scar on her eyebrow, and that she was smiling flirty like up at him. Hunter turns red, he can feel the heat on his cheeks staining his pale scarred skin. In the red lighting of the room she looks other worldly. Roman's and gladiators come back to mind again. She would definitely make a beautiful gladiator.
Time starts up again, as quickly as it stopped. The crowd turns on a again and euphoric silence is gone. Hunter tries to talk but he sounds like an idiot, only coming up with a stuttering, "Hello." The girl smiles back at him even bigger and sweeter at this. She gently pushes against his chest. That's when he realizes they where chest to chest close. Or really more of chest to him accidentally bumping her sports bra close. Finally having room between them, the girl gently boops his nose, " Excuse me, Pigeon."
Automatically, he moves. She passes by him with a giggle and a swing of her hips. The crowd easily parting for her like Moses and the red sea. She heads to the cage, turning her head towards him one last time to chirp, " Hope you enjoy the show Pigeon!" She closes the cage behind her, still smiling at him. A bright playful smile. Eda Clawthorne's voice announces loud, echoing in the room, "Next up is Ms Luz Noceda, a regular spitfire here, hoping to make it to the championship!"
Hunter watches dazed as that short athletic girl, totally and utterly demolishes her opponent. Grateful like a dance, yet wild and care free with every punch. In between the punches, she catches his eye again. She winks and mouths " Are you watching Pigeon?". Than turns back and gives a hard punch to the chin. Hunter eyes wide and dazed mutters, " My names not Pigeon. "
Again Hunter never really planned to fall in love. Especially with Luz Noceda. But everything about them was always a beautiful disaster.
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