#i got johnny lol
transmascsimonriley · 2 months
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rough week
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temeyes · 5 months
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lazy dood ft those handsome sergeants
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nachtart · 3 months
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tomatoart · 8 months
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he’s done so much for pitbull fans
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fourkicks · 3 months
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reposting some old-ish jackass art
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junkanimate · 4 months
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Did another zine
Yeah I did another tiny little zine, this time about this two dudes! Now, the words all over the zine are actually from an italian song about a break up, lol. So yeah, try to interpret this however you want.
You can download it here
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lxvvie · 3 months
That’s what I’d do to Simon’s sleeve (or any of the 141 members tattoos): https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe55PREr/
I can see Simon letting you do this, too, and it quickly becomes a way for you two to bond and relax.
You paint his sleeve different colors every time; once, you went for all black so it looked like a total blackout on his arm.
The silent, judgemental look he shot you afterward was hilarious.
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Time Machine.
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nasty-hellbread · 1 year
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idfk what's he so pissed off about
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pluvillion · 1 year
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These Barbies are GhostSoap
jumping into the train before it leaves. if everyone started making their own Barbie posters, then so will i! someone was kind enough to share their template of the poster so you bet i got into working stat.
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temeyes · 3 months
hoi. can i please kiss soaps forehead☺ ty
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hOI!! of course you can!
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zappedbyzabka · 11 months
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cicada-candy · 5 months
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"Ooh, ooh, ooh, love is a fire
And it rages out of control
Ooh, ooh, ooh love is a fire
And it's burnin' up my soul"
thank you vann for good song recs >:)c
god this was fun
i think this is the most colourful thing ive drawn since i was 6 years old lmao
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^^^ this was the original which. if you know the rest of that quote. How Did I Faceplant Into This
vvv Alts! vvv
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i was gonna do a KOH version but i was gonna run out of images saghjdgsahjfdg
probably still will tho 👁️👁️
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rednevalbones · 4 months
Sooo we know Lusky is suspiciously keen on always hiring the Beagle Boys of all people! Even though he knows they aren't necessarily good at what they do... almost as if there is (or was) some kind of friendship going on? 🤔🤔
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It would be amazing to see an origin story for everyone's favorite shady secretary 🥺 Maybe one day :') I don't wanna be stuck with my own godawful ideas forevermore
(I hope Lusky looks like himself here 😭 I thought he wouldn't have his signature hairstyle yet and a suit also wouldn't make sense but ajhdjsnsk)
bonus: Johnny UwU
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86maylin · 1 month
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merge-conflict · 1 year
Goro needs V as a lightning rod because if they aren’t around then all of this shit is only happening to him, and it sucks.
Like, that man has a temper, but he is so carefully polite in that diner conversation. Even though he has every reason to resent V, he seems to have entirely let it go. He's very pragmatic about his ridiculous plan for vengeance and that makes him so compelling. You can even goad him into saying FUCK YOU outright and after a little while he apologizes. Not the sort of behavior you expect from an elite Arasaka soldier who just went through such a devastating loss and is primed for revenge.
I don't know- it's just fascinating to see that he's determined to do whatever it takes to take Yorinobu out at the knees. Up to and including being polite and almost friendly to the idiot thief he pulled out of a dump. Unexpectedly subtle for an old guard dog.
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