#i got into gwent
I don't need to 100% witcher 3 BUT THE PARASITES- THE PARASITES WANT ME TO 100% WITCHER 3
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follfoxes · 1 year
You know...I love Gwen, I really do. But man did she fall off after season one. Not to mention I read somewhere that the original creator wanted to keep the season one pairs (Gwent/Duncney), but Cartoon Network pushed him to break them up.
How many potential storylines got derailed by CN meddling, do you think?
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dukeofdogs · 10 months
Last two cards to ever enter Gwent card pool today 😔
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
that moment when you’ve so many rewrite/canon divergence au ideas for various td seasons bc each season in that damn show had its cons as well as pros, and it’ll be fun to pick out the characterizations and the ‘what ifs’
#except for roti for some reason i cant think of a rewrite idea for that one rn#maybe bc i havent reached it in my rewatching spree#but no i've got my dashawan au pi rewrite that follows what happened if dave and shawn had kissed instead of the skave near kiss in ep4#(im so excited for that one ngl bc we get dashawn plus the sky and dave brotp which is exactly how i prefer sky and dave)#plus dave characterization other than being a simp smh (the man deserves at least that)#i can ramble abt this one for ages ill prob make a separate post for it hmmm#anyway moving on#tdi potential rewrite (or tda) involving duntrent and gwourtney after a gwent and duncney breakup (no love triangle!!)#all stars rewrite with noah (and several others) joining the cast plus potential alenoah??#(it'll be interesting to picture how noah and alejandro interact after noah's wt elimination lmao)#speaking of#currently rewatching wt and thinking of an alenoah au rewrite if heather actually did get eliminated in ep8 and ep13 was a fake elimination#or smth#idk yet i just got the idea ahaha#so yeah. a potential rewrite idea for each one except rr and roti#though im only working on pi's au rewrite rn#and i like the wt alenoah au but slipper slopes has given me high standards for wt aus lmaooo but i def wanna at least plan it out#i can ramble abt all these stg but i shall not for the sake of y'alls sanity lmao (or what's left of it fhjdkfh /j)#total drama#tdi#tda#tdas#tdroti#tdwt#tdpi#noahtally-famous#kit speaks#kit stuff#if i see hate abt anything in here i will not hesitate to smack a bitch (virtually) btw so dont even#(i've seen how nasty this fandom can get and lemme tell you it took a lot in me to decide to post this)
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artillerytortoise · 2 years
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If two of you went “ah, this guy again!” then yeah, you’re right. It’s my hunter Gwent in Monster Hunter Rise. This is the Elgado layered armour set, with some leather layered armour thrown in. Do I change armour sets very often? No. 
Do I still forge armour sets? You bet on my last flash bomb I do. 
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fllagellant · 5 months
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Actually screamed so loudly pulling this card . Legendary card of a character I love and adore ???? Gwent app u spoil me
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limerental · 1 year
there's something just SO... you know. about the mere concept of isengrim referring to dijkstra exclusively as sigi
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Have I mentioned that Sharp and my girl Wright's relationship's hugely based on the vibe I get from Geralt and Ciri; them from the 3d game, specifically.
snowball fight!
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Me challenging Dijkstra to a round of gwent for the 54° time to get his goddamn card after he beat me 53 times:
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snufkinshat · 11 months
my partner: hey, wanna see who would win if our baldur's gate characterd turned against each other and fight?
me, with a full barell of a runic powder in my pocket, about to absolutely destroy him: are you sure about that?
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thronebreaker is sooooo fun
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atomskdluffy · 1 year
Now this will only last until the big game comes out this Friday, but today we started a series of bonus Witcher III streams where I intend to complete the one quest I never finished in either playthrough of the game: Collect all the different Gwent cards in the base game. It's the only quest left on the list! And it's the perfect bit of nonsense to fill up the time before Jedi: Survivor comes out.
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vampirian · 1 year
making progress on my goddamn gwent deck i still detest this stupid game so much
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idkimnotreal · 1 year
books i wish existed: a medieval spy woman who's autistic (or sort of heavily autistic coded because that wasn't a diagnosis then) and her neurodivergence and familiarity with masking due to being an autistic woman make her naturally talented at being a spy, only she often struggles with stuff like sensory overload on her missions, or how to act once relationships turn real.
it would be a pleasant read, no tragedy, just romance, mystery and adventure.
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baekuras · 2 years
I know its been silent in terms of possession AU in the last 24 hours after the last ‘toss a coin’ piece but dw
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Half of the next bit is done and the rest will continue a later time (work rly tears into your time rip)
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soly-18 · 9 months
Iorveth by Ástor Alexander
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Found it in Reddit!
I quote "
Source: https://www.artstation.com/astoralexander
Author's notes: In 2019 (I think) I applied for the job of freelance illustrator at CD Projekt Red. They asked me to do a test illustration for Gwent. The task was to paint Iorveth, from The Witcher 2, in any scenario as long as it told a little story. This is what I came up with, and got me the job. Because of the NDA I wasn't allowed to show it until after a year had passed, and when that time arrived I forgot about… That's why I'm just uploading it in 2023……………………"
First time I see this illustration. Such a good inspiration for fanfiction...
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