#i go to school in my silly little patterned black shirt that’s supposed to be a button up
katierosefun · 2 years
sometimes u just gotta wear a white tee shirt and black jeans and manspread in your silly little desk chair and pretend you’re a sexc little anti-hero to cope with the horrors of living
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karnaca78 · 1 year
14 Questions tag
Thank you for the tag @dreamyonahill!
Nickname: I'm not too fond of those, except in a humorous context. I remember my high school best friend who called me a vampire because my skin is very pale. It was silly and I like silly :^)
Sign: Aquarius
Height: According to my partner who is 170cm and claims he's a little taller than me (debatable), I should be something like 166-167cm. That's science.
Last thing I googled: My local train line timetable. Cancelled trains and railway strikes are so frequent here it's practically a tradition, so I have to make sure I can actually take one each time I go out.
Amount of sleep: Depends. My average should be 6 hours when I have to get up and go out (brain wakes me up before the alarm can ring, else I jump off the bed instantly and it's not fun)
Dream job: Something I actually love doing, that's why it'll probably remain a dream (I'd say writer or full-time artist). I'll settle for librarian because of books and quiet!
Wearing: A cool patterned shirt I bought in London! With a pair of dark grey dress pants, black socks and black and white Converse shoes.
Movie/books/media that summarise you: Too many? Right now my brain is focused on Dishonored, and I suppose it summarises my tastes in fictional stuff pretty well.
Favourite song: That question shall forever remain unanswered. But for the sake of it, let's say "Farewell Wanderlust" by The Amazing Devil. So many lines get me every single time.
Instrument: Piano, most definitely. I can play a few songs I learned by myself, and that's pretty much it for now. Should probably get back to it if I remember to buy a new cord for my keyboard!
Favourite author: Two questions I can't answer. Okay, let's see. I love Kafka, his works resonate with me on some levels and there's something about the atmosphere in these books that I can't help but like. Even though it's confusing. I should also mention Mervyn Peake (Gormenghast Trilogy is a real blast; it's weird too) and Natasha Pulley (two of her books make me extremely happy and I can't wait to reread them)!!
Aesthetic: Anything steampunk-adjacent is good. I like vintage fashion a whole lot too. And ships. Old ships, with wood and sails and maybe pirates. Probably anything retro, really. Typewriters are cool. Oh, and art nouveau. (My tastes are all over the place but I wouldn't have it any other way!)
Random fun fact: Did you know some ancient Greek dude (Aeschylus) died because a bird dropped a tortoise on his head? It's my funniest historical anecdote and I hope it's true (most likely, no)
Tagging: anyone who feels like answering random questions because I can't decide
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an-annyeoing-writer · 3 years
vulnerability. – chap. 3.
Story info:
Pair: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
Rating: +18 for mentions of s*x and violence (future chapters)
Genre: angst, smut
Chapter info:
Release date: 29th July 2021
Word count: 4 219
Warnings: none
Vulnerability Masterlist || Fanfiction Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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@shesdreaminginoverdose @mybiasdashboard @marimsun @byuns-asscheeks @multi–kpop–fanfics @vunv @making-me-blush @skittlez-area512 @bloopbloopkai @byuns-asscheeks @baekyeonoreo @devotedexolnhottest @mingxia-nikki04 @velvetjongin @ssssssul (won't let me tag you T_T) @nemi-mei @buttercupbbh
Please, always comment on the newest chapter if you wish to be added to/removed from the taglist. I will be also checking the tags, so if you’re shy – feel free to leave a note this way.
Previous (Chap. 2.)
Chap. 3.
The tension that appeared the moment you received the phone call from Baekhyun did not dissolve with time. In fact, the opposite happened – it grew as the time passed, and as Saturday came closer and closer. Finally, once your Friday to Saturday night shift came to an end and you stumbled into your flat around 4 in the morning, you knew that you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep easily. Yet, you forced a whole cup of green tea into yourself in an attempt to soothe your nerves before sleep. Your alarm was set for noon, and you were supposed to meet at 3 PM.
You woke up feeling energized, but you knew this pattern all too well already – the tiredness would come and hit you with its whole power the day after, and you’d spend Sunday sluggish and drained. But that was okay, because Sunday didn’t matter half as much as Saturday did.
You felt a small urge to dress up; even more, actually, you felt a need to pay attention to details rather than looking fine at the first glance. Some common sense hyped up by years of watching other people and reading stories – a thorough shower, shaving, paying attention to not only what you wore outside, but also your undergarments. You lacked things that could be considered “sexy”, but – let’s face it – you didn’t think it mattered much; not after what you’d found out so far. Yet, it would be a shame if your panties had a hole in them. Wearing something neutral, but fresh was your best bet. Every few minutes, you kept reminding yourself – you don’t even know what will happen, you don’t even know if anything will happen at all. There was no reason to think that he’ll want you to undress in the first place, you said it yourself that you’re not ready for sex.
But then, it still helped you gather confidence that you definitely needed at a moment like that. Details allowed one less thing to worry about, and a better ability to focus on others, and so, you made sure the details were worked out well, and that you didn’t overdress, either; a beige shirt and jeans, all wrapped up with sneakers and another knitted cardigan of yours – neutral and polite, maybe a bit school-ish, but these were the things you mostly wore on daily basis, and you felt that going in the other direction – of tight pants, mini-skirts and see-through shirts – would not be appreciated. Your hair was pulled up into a loose bun, nothing like the ones you admired in YT tutorials, but the best you could do on your own. Maybe it was the age difference that made you feel obliged to show respect rather than expose yourself. You trusted your instinct on that, and so far, nothing happened yet to prove it wrong. The weather was starting to get warmer; these days were particularly sunny and dry, so you felt at ease without an extra jacket. It couldn’t get that bad in the evening, and you put faith in your cardigan.
Baekhyun must have thought similarly.
You stood in the bar’s entry, looking up at him for a moment; he leaned back into his usual couch, not aware of your presence just yet. He was wearing a black button-up and jeans as well, something he still looked pretty well put-together in, but not too formal – similar to your own thought process, noticeably.
You inhaled deeply, and took your time to exhale the air – until you felt ready to walk up to him.
“Hi there” he spoke as you approached his couch; as expected, he was there alone today.
“Hi there” you replied with a slight nod and a smile; your voice was quiet, as quiet as it could be without trembling in anticipation.
“You want to drink something before we go?”
You considered it for a second, and then nodded again. Baekhyun moved a bit to the side, encouraging you to join him on the couch, and you took the offer with gratitude.
“Beer? I don’t want to get you drunk, but we may sit here for a bit just to relax.”
“You can tell I need it?”
“Yes. I can tell. Your shoulders are very tense. May I?”
His hand reached to your shoulder and you nodded slightly, a bit unsure what you agreed to just yet.
He suddenly squeezed your muscle, and you whimpered. He kneaded it, and you found the tension dissolving gradually as he went on. Even with only one hand and unfavorable position, he managed to find some of the spots that required touch; that touch was welcome, slight pain coming along with it was desired for the best outcome. You didn’t notice when Baekhyun must have given the bartender some sort of a sign, but the man soon came with a beer and water that he put on the nearby table. That was when Baekhyun’s movement slowly ceased, cautiously letting go of your shoulders. You felt as if you were in a different body, the tension in your body almost gone, just as the one in your mind – the moments of physical interaction were enough to chase some of your worries away.
“You don’t drink?” You reached towards the table – it was closer to you than to him – and took the two glasses, handing him the water and keeping the beer for yourself.
“Not before,” he explained curtly, which you accepted without further questioning.
“So… what are we gonna do?” you asked carefully, sipping the beer through a metal straw, trying to give off a casual vibe despite focusing deeply on what you were about to hear.
“Depends. On how much will you allow me to do.” Baekhyun focused his gaze on something in the crowd; you felt as though it was his habit to avoid a direct gaze in an attempt to sound collected. “I had the idea of showing you some things. Just so you feel it out a little. It’s not final, but it may help the both of us figure out how we feel about it. Like a free trial, you see my point?” You nodded, but didn’t say anything, so after a moment he continued. “I won’t introduce you to everything, and it won’t last as long as usual sessions, either. I’ll talk to you a bit beforehand so we figure out some basic things. It shouldn’t make you uncomfortable. I won’t be trying anything beyond your comfort zone.”
“So, no deals a’la Fifty shades?” you felt silly the moment these words left your mouth. Baekhyun laughed awkwardly.
“No, it won’t be necessary. If you want to draw a comparison to that, I definitely won’t be dumping the whole scheme on you when you don’t even know what it’s like.”
And you won’t fuck me first thing in the plot, you added in your thoughts.
“There are a few things that I may ask you here, so that we have those out of the way,” he spoke; his tone lowered a little. “I need you to tell me if you have any illnesses or old injures that could influence your physical capacity.”
You thought for a bit; the answer was important, but you couldn’t recall much.
“I don’t think there’s anything important.”
“Is there anything unimportant?” His gaze pierced through you as he caught on your wording.
“Uh… I’m taking pills for my thyroid, but it’s nothing very dramatic” you explained. “Nothing else that I know of.”
Baekhyun nodded slowly.
“Fair. Next question, is there anything you’re particularly scared of? Phobias, or things you’re scared of in general, anything overly triggering that you want to avoid at all costs?” You already revealed some of these during your first conversation. But now you felt more at ease, and you thought you could be more detailed without sounding overwhelming.
“I’m… scared of fire. And hate my hair being pulled. I don’t know, why. I can’t explain it. It’s just…”
“It’s alright. You don’t need to explain yourself to me” Baekhyun looked at you with his eyebrows slightly furrowed. “You sound like it would stress you out to share. You don’t need to be afraid of that. You don’t owe me anything, keep that in mind. It’s not supposed to feel like an obligation.”
“I-I know.”
“I’m scared of heights, by the way.” You stared at him in confusion. “Hm? Just thought it’s fair to share if you did.”
“Chill out.” He nudged your glass with his hand to urge you to drink some more of the beer you managed to forget about by then. It was halfway through – you didn’t want to leave the glass with some of it still inside, although it managed to make you feel just a bit sick already.
His own drink was at around the same level too, and as you finished yours, he drank the remaining water in one go as well.
You weren’t the best at handling alcohol, and even the small amounts made you a bit weak in the knees. But you felt sober enough as the two of you finally got up; Baekhyun paid for your drinks and you left the bar.
The weather was nice, as expected. Going out into the sunlight again startled you, somehow; you felt as though a lot of time had already passed. But no, it was still the same afternoon.
It was true that Baekhyun lived nearby. His apartment was in a different direction than your place, though, and you estimated it would take around twenty minutes to get from one place to the other. You knew this area, although not too well – there were only some tenement houses, but no stores or academic buildings that could gain your attention or regular presence. It was on the more expensive side, although not a place a well off office worker wouldn’t afford; just maybe not suitable for a student. The tenement houses were old, but well-kept, and you knew that the apartments were way bigger than in a place like yours.
Opening the door for you, Baekhyun invited you into the dark hallway of his apartment. There were no lights, as every wall had doors to other rooms: two to the left, one at the end of the corridor, and two more to the right, perfectly symmetric.
“Kitchen, my office, bathroom, my bedroom, and the living room,” the man told you, starting from the left. One glance into the living room on the right made you realize just how big the rooms were; enormous, in your honest opinion, with the area of something around a classroom at school, but with ceilings that reached far up, almost twice higher than in your own place. Heavy curtains hung from the top of the tall windows like limp branches of a willow tree, giving the most dramatic effect, and – likely – gathering tons of dust throughout their lifetime. Wooden, carved furniture added to the effect, and you, in all your sincerity, would not dare to ask how much such a set cost, although it would be a lie to say that you weren’t curious. Wooden panels on the floor were already worn and grey, giving you a thought that the interiors were kept in this particular shape for long years before Baekhyun began to reside in there.
“That’s huge,” you only uttered. Your eyes rested on a painting in the middle of a wall on the left side of the room, above an eclectic-green, velvet couch, in front of which was a wooden coffee table, and which gave a perfect sight into an old TV on the side of the room, as it was one of the old-styled, small models that would be hard to look at from the distance between one wall and the other. The painting looked old, but you wondered from the distance, whether it was not just printed in good quality, with all the details of lights, people and nature making it look like a piece of national heritage rather than a small private property. It portrayed a battle scene coming to an end, warriors in shining armor stained with blood resting upon trees and a small pond of pinkish water, at either sunset or sunrise – you weren’t sure.
“You like it?” He caught your stare and followed it, giving himself a few seconds to adore the painting as well, as though he hadn’t looked at it enough despite living here.
“It’s too violent,” you decided after a moment. “But it’s nice to look at.”
“It’s not that violent in itself, I think. But it does conjure the thought of it.”
He left the living room with you still in the doorframe, staying to look at the painting just for a few more seconds. When you turned around, he was entering the kitchen – this room also looked old, but less well kept; it was cleaned up perfectly, however the furniture was shabby, with the surfaces often partly rubbed off and grey; this room simply screamed for renovation. But you felt way more at ease with the fact that it looked similar to yours – the one that was over twenty years old when you moved with and you had no way of changing it without getting in trouble with the landlord. And not like you’d want to do it at all, since you’d move out right after your studies anyway. The only difference was that you tried to make your apartment look a bit warmer with colorful lights and other cheap ornaments here and there, while Baekhyun’s kitchen was just left as it was, as though he gave up on it the moment he moved in.
“Not much.” You were still full of the freshly consumed beer.
Out of the fridge, Baekhyun took a bag of half-eaten potato chips. You stared at him with your eyebrow raised as he ate a few of these, and then extended the bag towards you, to which you only shook your head and he put the bag back in the fridge. He caught your look.
“Food moths,” he explained. You slowly nodded in understanding. That’d be a useful tip if you ever got those. The summer was slowly coming; soon, your small apartment would also be filled with bugs, and fruit flies, mosquitos, and sciarids because you kept a few plants in (discovering that sciarids and fruit flies were not the same thing was an important step in achieving perfect harmony in your adulthood).
You sat awkwardly by the table, observing him as he reached for the bag he must have left on the counter before he went to pick you up, and took out leftovers – probably from work – putting them back in the fridge.
“You worked today?” you asked.
“Yeah, just an average thing, a strategic meeting with co-workers. My working hours are not regular, so I didn’t really know I was gonna be out today.”
Once he was done, he sat by the table as well, and you leaned a bit forward, resting your chin on top of your hand.
“You could have postponed it with me, you must be tired,” you said.
“Don’t worry, I’d rather have a chance to relax with you.”
That didn’t sound as innocent as he probably tried to make it, and he looked over his shoulder to make sure he didn’t scare you with the choice of words. You only laughed awkwardly.
“Anyway. Since, as I said, I don’t want to intimidate you, I think we’ll stay in the living room since you seemed content with that,” he spoke casually.
“So, no playroom?” you uttered. Baekhyun choked on the chip in his mouth.
“I don’t own such a place. I just usually use the bedroom. Or the bathroom,” he explained.
“Or the office?” you felt bold enough to suggest, giving him a small smirk.
“No, I assure you the office is for what offices usually are.”
You smiled innocently as Baekhyun stared at you, probably trying to mask sudden shyness.
“Either way,” he cleared his throat. “I told you some about what I want to do, but you haven’t told me if there’s anything you’re interested in trying out. I assume you did see some things, so… Is there anything that you’ve been particularly interested in?”
The harmless way in which he phrased the question absolutely didn’t change the fact that he was, basically, asking what kind of porn you watch.
“I uh… I like watching different things, just out of curiosity, but I’m not really sure if there’s anything I like particularly more than other things… I suppose bondage is the biggest basic.” You tried, you really tried to sound neutral, but your voice trembled a little. “But I’m not really sure, to be honest. I’m quite open-minded, I suppose…” You felt silly; how could you not be able to answer the most basic question – what do you like? But Baekhyun seemed to understand that very well, as he only nodded slowly.
“What about, let’s say, pet play?” You blushed slightly. “You know what I’m talking about? I feel like a lot of young women start from there.” It took you a moment to realize that you, too, were a young woman. “Behavioral training. Humiliation. Regression. A bit of pain, if suitable. Trying out a few things to see how you respond. What do you think?”
“I think it may be fun” you said slowly. “Does it have something to do with the…?” you motioned your neck, hoping he’ll get the cue. You remembered the collars the other people wore – they were the main reason you got interested in the first place, after all. Baekhyun smiled, catching on your observation.
“Sometimes, but not necessarily. It’s just a thing I like. Do you?”
“…I may,” you answered carefully.
“Gotcha. We may try it out. You know, everyone is different. The collars are different too. I usually order them after I’m sure the person’s gonna stay, and when I know what type will be the most suitable for them. I can’t do that for you yet, but I have some spare items.”
“Do you have the ones of people who you’re not with anymore?” you asked, out of pure curiosity.
Baekhyun was silent for a moment.
“I do. But I’d rather not use them. They’re there for memory, not for use.”
“Gotcha. I was just curious,” you quickly explained.
“Do you have a safe-word?” Baekhyun’s gaze rested on you.
“…Not really. Never needed one,” you uttered sheepishly.
“You have anything on your mind?”
“Um, the… thing with lights? The red light, yellow and green?” you proposed carefully.
“That’s a good one. Tell me how you understand them.”
“So, the green one means everything’s alright, the yellow is when we need to slow down, and the red stops the scene,” you recited, as if you were reading from a book.
“That’s right. It’s easy to remember, so we can go with that.” You bit on your lips to prevent yourself from getting too excited with the apparent praise; it wasn’t anything big, of course – but you felt as though it was a praise in itself, being acknowledged for saying something right. “Another thing is that I need you to know a few rules, before we start.” You were all ears. “First, I don’t want you to be reluctant for the fun of it. Whether you want to be a brat later or not, today we’re just trying things out and I don’t want to mistake your attitude with actual discomfort, do you understand?” You nodded slowly, memorizing the words and waiting for him to continue. “Second. No pain that I will impose on you will be a matter of punishment, unless I specify so. If you don’t enjoy it, you need to tell me so. It doesn’t mean I’ll stop right away, unless – of course – you use the safe-word. However, I still expect honesty. During, as well as after the scene, when we review it. Do you understand?” The breaks in between the points gave you enough time to acknowledge the information and encode it in your memory. You nodded once again. “And for the last. Do you trust me?”
The tone made you look up at him, finally focusing on his person rather than the words alone.
“I do,” you finally decided; knowing very well what this answer would lead to.
Baekhyun’s eyes sparkled as he smiled at you warmly.
“Well then, shall we start?”
* * *
You stand in the middle of the room, the cardigan and shoes are off, your feet feel cold against the floor despite socks wrapped around them comfortingly.
Don’t move a finger, you’ve been told, and so, you stare at the painting before you, the warrior in the front staring at you back with contempt you haven’t noticed before.
Your breath trembles in anticipation as you try to hear sounds from other rooms – you do hear some shuffling, but nothing that you can figure out for sure. He must be in his bedroom, you think. What is he preparing? Which tools out of many that you’ve seen on the screen of your phone all these nights that, despite spending perfect eight hours in bed, did not end in getting perfect eight hours of sleep?
Your arm itches, but you fight the urge to scratch it; be obedient, he said.
Steps echo in the corridor and you hold your breath. Your head snaps to the side the moment you hear him enter the room again.
“Eyes down,” he commands without sparing you a glance; you haven’t had enough time to see what he brought, but you instantly obey his words. “Don’t look at me unless I allow you to.” His voice is stern, and it makes your stomach clench nervously. But it’s not a bad sensation, not at all – you grow excited. “Down. On your knees.”
You try to comply, but he still scoffs at your apparent sluggishness. You almost fall over as you let your knees bend and you finally kneel down as well as you can, eyes facing down as well, although you feel awkward as you do so.
“On your toes,” Baekhyun commands; something small but hard hits your heels, startling you, and your head whips around to see a wooden pointing stick. You swallow the gasp of surprise at the sight.
You fix your posture, your toes instantly begin to cramp; that’s uncomfortable, and your toes aren’t too flexible, it seems.
“Straighten your back. You’re slouching.”
The task turns out almost impossible to do, the whole weight lands on your toes and you frown in discomfort.
“Is it necessary…?”
“Look at me.” It feels unnatural to do so now, but you oblige, turning your head to the side where he stands. “What’s wrong?”
“My toes hurt,” you admit quietly. Baekhyun watches you for a moment.
“Straighten them. Kneel as you did before.” You bite your lips and nod, uttering a small thank you that you find suitable enough as the position gets a bit more comfortable. “Back. Straighten.”
You automatically snap back into the position. But it does feel a bit silly – like something your teachers would say, don’t slouch! A laughter comes out at the comparison, but you attempt to stifle it.
Apparently, not well enough.
The pointer hits the nape of your neck; not too hard, but the message gets through.
Baekhyun stands in front of you and, most likely, stares you down – you can’t tell; your gaze is fixated on his lacquered shoes. The shoes then move, kicking the middle of your thighs.
You feel a bit awkward as you oblige this command; you only glance down to make sure your pants aren’t ripped – you never know. To your relief, they’re not. Then you try to glance forward – but, what’s in front of you, makes you more shy than anything, so you just fix your gaze on his knees instead.
“You’re slouching again.”
“Pets often do,” you note before you manage to bite your tongue; you do remember your conversation from before – wasn’t it what he was aiming for? You thought so at first. But the words were not thought through at all; you just felt a need to say something, anything, just like you’d talk back to a teacher when they became too annoying in their remarks.
You hold your breath as Baekhyun crouches down to your level.
You feel his eyes on you, and you unwittingly tremble under his gaze, forcing yourself to look even lower, not daring to break the rule. The seconds seem to last hours as he doesn’t speak a word – and he doesn’t have to. You feel intimidated.
“You want to be a pet?”
He stands up; he’s right in front of you, if you so much as leaned forward a little bit, your forehead would touch his thigh. You slightly crave the touch; but not enough to move, not when you grow petrified. The question is rhetorical. You wait for him to finish the thought.
“Then I’ll treat you like one.”
Without waiting for your reaction, he steps behind you. You hear shuffling in what had to be a box placed behind your back; you see nothing.
But you hear the harsh, recognizable clink of metal and your stomach drops.
* * *
Please, reblog if you enjoyed, it'll help me a bunch!
Author's note: Hello, have you missed me??? I'm sorry it took so long to upload, it's hard to find time among exams I had in June, and now my (first) new job! The next chapter is already being written, so hopefully, won't take that long. Remember to reblog if you liked, and I'll be really happy to hear what you have to say about this so far. Stay safe!
Next (Chapter 4.)
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barkkletshunt · 4 years
Those Worth Fighting For Part eight
I feel like I’m really pushing out these parts right now lol It’s been so long since I’ve had a few days off to work on this. I hope you like it! 
Part one             Part two
Part three           Part four
Part five             Part six
Part seven         Bonus scene 1
Part eight (You’re here)
@ladybug-182 @fruit-snacc-ace @miraculous-simmer7 @lavenderjunes @use-flamethrower @fan-written @all-mights-asscheeks @birdie-posts
Marinette looked over her pajamas, wondering why she thought having a pajama date as one of their first dates was a good idea. It was her idea and she wasn’t going to go back on it, but oh God why didn’t she own any cute pajamas? 
“Marinette, I thought you wanted to have a laid back date? Why are you stressing out about your outfit?” Tikki knew Marinette better than anyone else, but even she had a hard time understanding her current holders mind sometimes. “Why not wear your comfiest pajamas?”
The blue haired girl looked over to the pajamas she had worn the night before, the comfiest pajamas she owned, and sized up the hot chocolate stains and the tear on the left leg from when she got it caught on the balcony bar. She meant to fix it, but with school and her other projects as MDC the PJ’s were put on the backburner. “Yeah, no, that’s not happening. I’m still trying to impress him.”
“Then what about the set your Grandfather bought you for christmas?” Tikki asked, floating above Marinette’s shoulder to look at the silk pin striped PJ’s. “Those are impressive!”
“But they’re too impressive. It won’t look natural and it will come across as I’m trying too hard.” The woman began biting at her lip, looking over the other pairs of pajamas she owned. “What if I wore the pair Chat Noir bought me? They are comfortable, kinda cute, and they come with slippers to match.”
“The Ladybug ones?” Tikki thought it over for a moment. “They are nice without being too nice, and comfortable without being overworn. I think they’re a good bet!”
Marinette changed into the pajamas her former hero partner had given her, and tucked her feet into the boot slippers that matched. Although they were too big for her as a teen they now fit her perfectly now that her body looked more like her body as a heroine. She was taller now, and from constant training with her mother and Kagami her muscles had grown strong and resilient. She still couldn’t leap from building to building as a civilian, but she could certainly hold her own when it came to freerunning and parkour. 
“I wonder what he’s going to wear,” she said absentmindedly to her kwami as she changed, stripping off her school clothes and hopping into the pajama pants successfully without falling over. “Something flashy, I’m sure.”
“Maybe he has normal pajamas and is worried you’ll think he isn’t as fancy?
“Ha, I wish. He’s fancy through and through.” Marinette laughed, pulling the shirt over her head. “Maybe I can convince him to dress like a normal person like the rest of us mere mortals. He’d look really good in a turtleneck.”
She looked herself over in the mirror and sighed. She looked too much like Ladybug for her own comfort. While they were the perfect level of baggy, and the colour was slightly off from her actual suit, having red pants with black polka dots made her take a second look at herself. 
The shirt was white, with a pun on it, with red sleeves that matched the pants, and even the booties matched the ladybug pattern to tie everything together. She either looked like someone who absolutely loved Ladybug, or Ladybug herself trying to throw off someone's scent by pretending to be a die hard fan. Either way, she needed to change.
Knock, knock, knock.
Or she would change if Felix wasn’t so damned punctual.
Marinette grabbed her coat and the baked goods she got from her parents earlier and headed towards the door. On the other side was Felix, looking as handsome as ever. She could see baggy track pants underneath his black trench coat, but none of that mattered the second he leaned forward and placed a delicate kiss on the top of her head.
“I brought you coffee.” His voice was soft, as if worried saying anything would stop the butterflies that began to flutter in her stomach. “Are you alright with pizza tonight? I was running errands all day and I didn’t have a chance to pick anything up to cook.”
Marinette wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight, feeling him stiffen for just a moment before returning the affectionate gesture. It wasn’t the first time she had hugged him since reuniting with the blond, but it was the first hug she had given him that she allowed herself to savour. 
She could feel his back muscles through his thin coat, and wondered briefly what he did to make them so defined. In his suits it was hard to tell how muscular he was, but from the hold he had on her she figured he was a lot stronger than he looked.
It was just a simple hug, but he held her like he was afraid to let her go. Maybe it was just her mind going haywire from how good the man before her smelt, like fresh soap and coffee. It was warm and clean and she loved it. 
The hug was over too soon and both parties let go with mild embarrassment at how much they enjoyed it. They looked at the walls and the floors, anything not to meet each other's gaze until they finally did. Neither could help the laughter that bubbled from their lips at seeing how the other felt the same way. It was easy and light being with him, and she wondered if that was how the starting of love was supposed to be. 
“So, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, are you ready to go back to my temporary Parisian home with my cousin and his fiancee and look over the seating placements?” Felix asked, trying to regain his air of formality but failing as his smile kept returning. He offered his arm to her, finally giving up on hiding his giddiness at their first official date. “And start preparing the invitations to what I assume is half of France itself?”
“Why, Felix!” She giggled, taking his arm and walking down the hallway of her apartment building with him. “I thought you’d never ask!”
Felix was a gentleman. This was an irrefutable fact. He took the bag of baked goods from her to carry it himself, he opened the car door for her and waited until she was in and buckled before closing the door and getting in on his side. He made sure to get out of the car first to hold her door open for her again, and did the same at the front door of the house. It didn’t even seem like he was trying to impress her, it was just his natural habits. 
“Fel! Mari! Good timing!” Adrien’s voice called to them the second they were in the house, before Felix had a chance to take her coat and hang it up. “We’re in the living room.”
The two looked at each other, their confusion etched upon their faces. 
“Well, better get this over with.” Felix sighed, slowly unbuttoning his coat and taking it off. Revealing the black t-shirt underneath with the design of a suit printed on the chest. She wanted to laugh. Of course, how did she not think of it? This way he could still wear a suit to bed! “Oh, it gets better. I have a matching pair of slippers to yours.” 
As Felix reached into the closet to put his coat away, he pulled out a pair of familiar looking slippers. She hadn’t seen them before, but she had seen up close where the design came from. The slippers Felix put on resembled Chat Noir’s boots. Without planning it out ahead of time the two of them matched. No wonder they liked each other so much.
When they made their way to the living room, with a slight detour to the kitchen to set down the pizza and the baked goods, they saw Kagami and Adrien sitting on one of the sofa’s dressed like they came right out of a 90’s parent teacher conference. Kagami wore a blouse Marinette was sure she had never seen on her friend before, and Adrien wore a dress shirt with a sweater vest over it. They both had glasses on, and she knew for a fact neither of them needed glasses. 
Adrien looked at Marinette and seemed to freeze for a moment before returning to his disappointed face. 
“What’s going on?” She began to ask, but the two crossed their arms and nodded towards the couch across from them. 
Marinette and Felix sat down, looking confused as ever. 
“Marinette, darling, we need to talk.” Kagami started, her monotone voice not matching her words. “We were informed today about something that shocked us to our core.”
“We’re not mad that you didn’t tell us,” Adrien continued, nodding along. Marinette noticed the model was wearing a fake mustache. “Just disappointed.”
“And what, prey tell, was I supposed to tell you?” She wanted to laugh. She knew their game, she knew exactly what they were playing at. It didn’t make it any less hilarious to her. 
“And Felix, I expected better from you than withholding secrets from me.” Adrien fake cried onto Kagami’s shoulder, who only patted his back in an attempt to soothe him.
“It’s okay dear, as her father I will handle this.” Kagami whispered.
“I thought I was the father, that’s why I’m wearing the mustache.” Adrien lifted his head.
“You’re the emotional mother who doesn’t know how to handle her daughter's secret life, and I’m the father who will be stern but also loves his wife despite the facial hair because you have a beautiful spirit.” Kagami stated. 
“You’d be a great dad.”
“I already am.” Kagami adjusted herself. “Marinette, how could you not tell us you were dating Felix?”
Felix stared at his cousin and his fiancee. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Had Adrien always been this goofy? Had Kagami?
“Mom, Dad, I’m sorry, it’s still new. This is our first date.” Marinette leaned forward and grabbed Kagami’s hand. Felix groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. If he wasn’t already smitten with the blue haired woman, he was sure he’d fall for her again right then and there. His cousin and his soon to be wife, correction, his family loved Marinette so much that they had these silly little jokes and the woman had no problem playing along. She was every bit of the family already and if they were that protective of her then he knew he was falling for the right girl. 
“First date so far, but thankfully you two have given us enough excuses to spend time together that we’re bound to have more dates in the future.” Felix nudged Marinette lightly with his elbow. “Maybe we’ll even, gasp, become a serious relationship and rival your fame.”
“You will if Alya has anything to say about it.” Kagami mumbled. 
“What?” Marinette squinted at her friend, but Kagami shook her head and refused to answer. 
“Well, do I need to grab my sword and threaten you not to hurt my daughter?” Kagami asked Felix, all joking leaving her. 
“No worries, Ma’am, er, sir? I will treat Marinette with the utmost respect.” Felix gave a salute to the Japanese woman. “Now can we go and finish our mission of preparing the invitations to your wedding? While we may be dressed for night time, we aren’t planning on working all night.”
“Speaking of how you’re dressed,” Adrien’s voice wavered for a second. “Marinette, where did you get those pajamas?”
She looked down at herself. How was she supposed to say that the former black cat of Paris gave them to her alter ego self for Christmas? She wasn’t. “A friend got them for me, I’m not sure where he bought them from. Why? Are you jealous?”
Adrien laughed, but it almost sounded forced. “You got me. I wanted them, but oh well.”
Kagami looked at her fiance who just waved her off.
“Well, those pajamas look good on you, M’lady.” Adrien stood up and offered his hand to Kagami who took it and followed his lead. “We’re going to go spar for a bit. Let me know if you two want to join us!”
M’Lady? When had Adrien ever called her that? 
“Well Miss. Bug, shall we be off?” Felix’s voice snapped her out of her train of thought, and then immediately threw her down another hole of questioning. Did he just call her Miss. Bug? The same way that Alley Cat did? Was it just her pajamas making the two blonds act this way, or was there more to the story? God, she was beginning to sound like Alya. 
“Pizza first, invitations second, and third movie time! Sounds good?”
“Anything sounds good if you say it.”
Marinette’s cheeks burned. With all thoughts of Chat Noir and Alley Cat forgotten, the two of them left to the kitchen.
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anduplex · 4 years
Planning Your Future
Summary: Fearing for Logan's future and uncomfortable with the decisions he's made, his parents have a talk with him that leave Logan doubting his relationship.
Pairing: LAMP/CALM
Warnings: Angst
  Logan ran through his normal morning routine. He showered, brushed his teeth, combed his straight short brown hair and dressed in his signature style of a dark blue button up shirt and black pants. He grabbed his bag and pulled it over his head to rest at his side. As he left his room he closed the door behind it before making his way downstairs. He made his way to the front door and slipped on his brown oxford shoes. Just as he touched the door knob he heard a shuffling behind him.
"You're going out?" the older woman behind him asked. Logan turned around.
"I told you last night that I had a date this morning. I'll be back this afternoon." he replied fixing the position of his glasses. The woman looked worried and turned around to look at an older man sitting at the dining table.
"Logan, would you sit down for a moment? We need to have a bit of a talk?" She asked. Logan gave a small nod and followed her to the dining room. She sat next to the man while the Logan sat opposite of him. The man took the woman's hand and held it firmly.
"Son, we need to talk to you about your plans." he stated.
"Mother, Father, I've made it clear that I want to study two year of community college before I head off to university." Logan replied trying to relieve his worries.
"Look we know you say that." his father replied. "We just believe you're making a mistake and ask you to reconsider."
Logan looked back and forth between them. His mother was quietly looking at him hoping for him to agree. His father being unmoving and stern. "I've made up my mind about this. I'm positive I want to wait."
"Honey, we know why you changed your mind about going straight to university in the first place." his mother hesitantly spoke. "You're grades have lowered before you graduated, and you've seemed so distracted lately."
"If you are implying something, then you should just say it out right."
"We think you should stop your relationship." His father replied dryly.
"What?" Logan started to shake a little with anger. "When I came out to you, you both said you accepted me and were fine with my choice."
"That was before we saw how much of an impact it would take on your future and success."
"We're only looking out for you Logan. Please just think about this." His mother interjected. "What kind of future would you have anyway? How could you possibly make it work?"
"I don't know." Logan looked down. "But I'm sure..."
"You need to forget about these silly dreams. This little adventurous stage in your life needs to come to an end. Start focusing on the important things in life." his father lectured. "I've got the paper to reapply to Stanford and Harvard. I want you to finish filling them out before tomorrow. I want to start getting your stuff packed up to move soon."
Logan stood from you table and quickly walked to the door, slamming it as he left. He was so angry, how could they just expect him to end the only thing in his life that made his feel so happy. He didn't know what to do. His parents weren't wrong, his relationship was more than abnormal. He hadn't thought about what would happen in the future, how they would make it work. And what would he do after two years of community college. He'd been so lost in thought, he hadn't noticed that he was already at the coffee shop just standing inside the doorway. "Logan!"
Logan snapped out of his thoughts, turning his head to see a curly haired dirty-blond boy with glasses waving at him from a table in the corner next to the window. He was wearing a light blue sweater and beige pants. He had on the biggest smile and freckles covered his face perfectly. Logan's face changed to a smile as he walked over and took his seat.
"Here I got your drink. Black coffee, one sugar." the boy said putting a mug down in front of him.
"You know me too well Patton." Logan said taking a sip of the much to hot coffee. he immediately set it back down and cursed himself silently for the burns.
"Well of course! We've only been dating for 2 years now." Patton beamed handing Logan a napkin. "Speaking of which, it's unlike you to not be here half an hour early."
Logan wiped his mouth and set the napkin down. "My parents wanted to have a talk before I left today."
Patton looked confused, "What about?" he asked. Before Logan could reply, a boy threw himself into the seat next lo Patton and basically leaned all the way onto his lap.
"You will not believe the dream I had last night!" He exclaimed dramatically. This boy was wearing a red letterman jacket with gold and white accents, a white t-shirt underneath with light blue jeans and white sneakers. His wavy ginger hair falling in just the right way no matter the position. As he talked about his dream, throwing huge expressions and gestures, the previous conversation had been forgotten. Logan smiled at the two boys as they laughed.
"You guys are drawing way to much attention to the table." A boy dressed in a purple shirt, black and purple pattern hoodie, and black skinny jeans said walking up. Black make up around his eyes covered up by his straight dark brown hair. "It's a little early to be making a fuss Roman." he said taking a seat next to Logan.
The ginger waved his hand to dismiss the comment. "You just didn't get enough sleep, So you're grumpy Virgil."
The group immediately started talking between themselves, laughing and joking. Occasionally someone would get up to get new drinks. Through all of this Logan sat more quiet than normal, which did not go unnoticed by the other three boys. Logan was too busy thinking about what his parents had said. He'd been thinking about how to make this all play out to everyone's liking, but fell short with every idea. He thought of bringing it up to them, but that never went well. He tried looking into a future scenario to find out how living would be, but never got past the end of his community college years. His head was starting to hurt with all there hypothetical scenarios.
"Is that okay with you Logan?" Patton's voice broke through his thoughts and without thinking Logan nodded his head with a thoughtful hum. "Great let's go!"
Logan's eye snapped open, watching as the other's started grabbing their stuff and walking to the exit. He grabbed his bag and followed, not really sure what he agreed to but too embarrassed to admit he wasn't listening. What was he supposed to say 'I was too busy thinking about how my future would be without you'. That was not a possibility.
They walked for about fifteen minutes, it wasn't until they were there that Logan realized they were in front of his house. He panicked for a moment. "Wait... Why are we here?"
"You said we could come over." Virgil put his hand on Logan's shoulder. "Are you alright?" He asked.
Logan noticed that both cars were still in the drive way. His parents must have the day off today. "We should go somewhere else." He turned quick to leave.
"Logan." Everyone stopped and turned to see Logan's father standing in the doorway. "Come here." Logan was momentarily frozen, but he regained himself and walked halfway across the yard. He stopped there and looked up at his father. "I thought I'd made it very clear what I expected of you."
"Father, please don't-"
"You're future is more important than this silly game you've been playing. You need to let it go now before you get even more involved." Logan's father was starting to raise his voice.
The other's took notice and stepped forward a little. "Sir, we're sorry to interrupt but I'm sure whatever you're talking about doesn't need to be yelling. I'm sure you can just calmly-" Patton tried being mature and spoke soothingly, but the older man wasn't listening.
"Look I think it's best if you all leave and not speak to Logan anymore." He snapped. Everyone was taken aback by this sudden demand. "He'll be heading off to a proper school and he doesn't need anymore distractions."
"Logan what does he mean? I thought we were going to school together." Patton asked, putting his hand on his shoulder. Logan was shaking. He was ashamed and angry and so full of sadness.
Logan's mother came out behind his father. "Come on honey, you need to fill out those applications and get your room packed up." She said holding out her hand to him with a half-hearted smile. Logan flinched and looked back at the other three before taking a step towards his parents.
"Logan wait!" Roman grabbed his hand and held onto it tight.
"I'm breaking up with you."
"What?" Virgil was now almost as close as Patton and Roman. But Logan never turned back around. "You can't be serious."
"We don't have a future together, I am leaving." he said. Roman let go and Logan paused for a moment longer. "Bye." He said as he walked past his father and was lead inside by his mother.
He didn't say anything as he took the applications off the table and walked upstairs, locking the door to his room. He made his way to the window and watched as Patton sobbed and cried. Virgil was crying silent tears, his eyes still huge with shock. And Roman was leading them both away from Logan's house. Even though he couldn't see Roman's face, he knew that Roman was also crying.
Logan turned away and sat at his desk, laying his head down. Silent tears fell, as Logan pushed everything off his desk. What was once an organized and clean room, soon became a wreck. Papers were everywhere. His close were off the hangers and thrown on the floor and his bed had been flipped over. He stared at his destroyed room, the torn and crumpled papers, the ribbons discarded on the floor, and amoungst it all he saw the applications left abandoned in front of his door when he entered. He clenched his fists and scowled, grabbing the papers by both ends to start tearing. He stopped, letting the papers fall to his side as he stared down at a paper he had ripped in half earlier. he picked up the pieces and held them together. He knew exactly what it was.
When they had first started going out, Logan made a schedule for their first date. Of course nothing went as planned. Of course it all turned out better somehow. He realized then that he didn't need a plan for everything, that they made him happier than any plan he'd ever had, they were everything he wanted and the only thing he needed. He grabbed his phone from his bag, seventeen missed called and fifty three messages.
Looking around he noticed unfolded boxes near the door, one of his suitcases sticking out of the closet, almost taunting him. But that's all he needs right, that was his answer. What would he be throwing away. The only home he's ever had? His chance at going to an amazing university? His possible future? And what would he gain. The three men he fell in love with...?
- - -
Patton's eyes were red and painful. He'd spent the night at Roman's with Virgil, even having his two boyfriends around, he still cried himself to sleep. It was no surprise, He was always the most loving and trusting, now he was hurting so much more than he ever had.
Virgil on the other hand hadn't spoken hardly at all since the event. It took a while for him to process. But after a long night of panic attacks, he seemed to finally accept it. After he'd finally come to terms with it, he did his best to come up with plans to avoid this heartbreak again.
Roman on the other hand took the night to comfort his boyfriend and come up with a plan to get Logan back. Of course he wasn't going to let this go, he was a romantic. He knew that Logan still had feelings for them. He knew that there had to be a way to get him back. Or at least get answers. That lead them to this point, walking down the sidewalk to Logan's house, while slow, still making progress.
"Roman there's no way his parents will let us talk to him." Patton pleaded trying not to let the tears start again.
"We can't just give up Patton, this obviously isn't Logan's choice." Roman took Patton's hand and gave it a kiss to comfort him. "At the very least we need some answers... I need some answers." he said the last part quietly, looking down at his feet. The group fell silent.
It was quickly broken by a women crying. "Please think about this!" Turning the corner, they saw Logan carrying a box out to a small packed moving truck. Logan's mother followed after him, grabbing his arm which Logan shrugged off. "Don't just leave like this, think about your future. Where are you even going to go?"
Logan turned and walked back to the front door, walking around his father to grab his set of suitcases. "For now I'll be staying with Janus until I can get my own apartment." he said, walking around her and placing his suitcase in the passenger seat.
"You can't just leave like this, you have responsibilities to yourself and your future." his father came up behind his mother. Logan closed the door and turned around.
"Whatever I choose to do in my future will be my choice. And I choose to be free." he walked to the back of the truck and closed the hatch. "I choose to be with the men I love."
With that his father took his mother by the hand and lead her back inside, closing the door. Logan stared at the closed door for a moment longer before exhaling and dropping his straightened stance. He heard steps coming toward him slowly causing him to look up.
"Logan..." Patton was there, standing right in front of him.
"Patton." Logan took a step forward. "Did you see-"
"We did." Roman responded before Logan finished. He was embarrassed to say the least.
"I- I can explain-" Before he could continue, both Patton and Roman rushed forward and enveloped him in a hug. They stopped and looked back to Virgil, standing frozen only a few feet away.
"What? You think I'm just going to forgive you? To cave and let you in so you can hurt me again?" He asked, he seemed less angry and more panicked than anything. Logan stepped forward wrapping his arms around Virgil and apologizing. Virgil couldn't take it, he cried his make-up running down his cheeks. "Don't do this again please!" Roman and Patton joined them, the four stay there holding each other.
"Never again."
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mosh-4 · 4 years
sing for me
harry styles imagine:
sing for me – he hears you sing for the first time (fluff)
(i’m obsessed with THUNK a cappella)
he had come early. of course, you were happy to see him, but you had plans tonight.
             “’m home, pet,” a voice called from the hallway.
the voice belonged to a very handsome popstar who just so happened to be your boyfriend.
shocked at his arrival, you jump up from your bed, where you had your papers spread out on, and you ran to him.
             “haz,” you called excitedly before launching yourself into his arms.
he caught you in a tight hug before pulling you into a kiss.
             “hi, gorgeous,” he murmured against your lips. “how are you?”
             “better that you’re home,” you said pulling away from him so that he could put down his bags. “but i am curious.” he raised an eyebrow at you. “why are you home early?”
he chuckled and shook his head.
             “what?” he asked with a smile. “are you trying to get rid of me?”
you grabbed his arms pulling him back to you.
             “never. just curious.”
you traced mindless patterns on his chest.
             “hmmm,” he hummed wrapping you back up into his arms. “curious?”
you look up into his eyes.
             “yeah,” you said moving a hand up to trace the stumble along his jaw. “just curious.”
             “why? you got secret plans?” he joked.
             “i do. in fact, i’m supposed to meet up with friends tonight for these secret plans,” you say pulling back from his arms again.
             “really?” he laughed. “care to bring a ride along?”
you fully pulled out of his arms. you couldn’t let Harry come tonight. this is a part of your life that you weren’t ready to share yet.
you let go of him, and you make your way into the kitchen. Harry stood stunned in the living room.
             “what?” he finally spoke slightly shocked.
             “no,” you said grabbing a glass of water from the tap.
             “because? what are we? five?”
Harry was slightly hurt. he missed you, and you didn’t want to spend time with him now that he was back.
             “i have plans.”
             “and i can’t come to this said ‘plans’,” he said defensively leaning against the counter.
you took a deep breathe.
             “Harry, this is important to my friends,” you say. you didn’t know how to explain your plans to him without revealing what you were actually doing.
             “okay, and you don’t want me to go?”
             “i do, but-” you sighed. “i don’t know. it’s hard to explain.”
you pinched the bridge of your nose.
             “what it is? you can tell me,” he said now slightly concerned.
             “can i think about it?” you asked looking up at him. “please?”
             “of course,” he said hanging his head.
             “i don’t know. it doesn’t sound like a big deal to me.”
             “but, (y/f/n), it is. it’s embarrassing. it’s literally what he does professionally. it would be weird if he came tonight.”
you were putting on your makeup as you talked to your best friend over the phone. you were getting ready for the showcase tonight. tonight was a big showcase that ended a scholarship weekend for your university. this would be the last showcase that you would perform at with your university’s acappella group since this was your senior year.
             “let him come,” she said. “it’s not gonna hurt anyone. he can stand in the back with Josh.”
             “(y/f/n), he’s never heard me sing before.”
Harry came into your room as you were grabbing your dress from the closet. he sat down at the edge of the bed.
             “so,” he said. “where are you going?”
you laid the dress down on the bed before slipping out of your clothes.
             “it’s a uni thing,” you said. your voice was muffled by your shirt as you pull it over your head. “you can come if you want. just keep an open mind, yeah?”
he smiled and folded his arms over his chest.
             “when am i ever not open-minded?”
             “an open mind about me, dingus,” you said pulling on your simple black dress. “it’s a showcase thing i have to do.”
             “yeah, it’s for scholarship applicants.” you walk into your in-suite bathroom. “if you’re coming, you’re gonna have to get dressed pretty quickly.”
with that, Harry pulled out a pair of dress pants, a button-up shirt, and a suit jacket. you stood in the bathroom quickly curling your hair as Harry came in fully dressed to fix his own hair.
you were both ready to go in 20 minutes. he drove you both to your university and parked in the campus parking garage.
as you make your way through the doors of the performance hall, you are greeted by other members of your group. you greeted everyone with hugs as you introduced some of your close friend to Harry.
             “are you ready to go backstage?” your best friend asks pulling your out of your conversation with Harry and some others.
             “yeah,” you responded. “hold on.”
you place a hand on Harry’s arm to get his attention. he turns away from his conversation with Josh, your best friend’s boyfriend.
             “hey, i have to go backstage. you can sit with Josh and watch, okay?”
             “yeah, that’s fine,” he said. “do you need me to take your coat?”
your heart warmed at the kindness in his offer. you shyly smiled.
             “yeah,” you respond. “that would be great.”
he placed his hands on the back of your coat to help you take it off. once you had your coat off, you turned to him and placed a kiss on his cheek.
             “please keep an open mind,” you whisper to him as you gently wipe the lipstick from his cheek.
he gently held your other hand to his chest.
             “always,” he said looking into your eyes with a small smile.
             “we better go,” your best friend says pulling you and Harry out of your little moment.
you pull away from Harry and turn to her.
             “yeah,” you respond before turning back to Harry. “i’ll come find you after the showcase.”
he nodded to you as your best friend dragged you to what he could assume was the entrance to the backstage.
             “we should go get some seats,” Josh said breaking Harry out of his thoughts.
             “of course,” he said before clearing his throat. “lead the way.”
Harry was sitting in the back of the theatre. the whole auditorium was filled with high school seniors and their parents with an occasional college student thrown in with the mix. the back of the theatre held mostly college students who he assumed must have been volunteering at the scholarship weekend.
he was curious to see what this showcase was. he didn’t know of anything you did at the university besides your occasional study group meetings.
the theatre went dark as a presenter began his welcome speech leading into an introduction of the first act. a group of people wearing black, similar to you, entered the stage. they introduced themselves an acappella group before they started their first song.
Harry was intrigued. they had some talent, and he was impressed by their song choices. he watched each performance until the group switched, and a new group in all black came out. he smiled when he saw you standing next to your best friend.
he watched you stand in the back of the group for each performance singing with the rest of the choir as a soloist would come up to the microphone for each song.
his jaw dropped when you stepped forward to the microphone in the middle. you stood front and center in front of this crowd of over a hundred people, and you smiled.
             “hi everyone,” you said sweetly into the mic before nodding to the rest of your group.
he smiled as he stared at you. you looked so beautiful under that light. you were so elegant, yet simple, and he was so in love with it.
the sound of the choir singing the opening notes pulled him out of his thoughts.
you began to sing the first line. (LINK FOR THE SONG)
             “it’s not simple to say-”
             “oh my god.” “no.” Harry heard from a few college students a few rows in front of him. they were shocked by her song. a few laughed at their reactions as you continued to sing.
you sang with such confidence. your voice was so gentle, and it held so much vulnerability and emotion. he was in awe of you. how had he never heard you sing before?
his eyes welled with tears as he could feel the emotion in your voice. it was an extremely emotional song and to hear her sing it broke his heart.
             “if i’m honest, i know, i would give it all back for a chance to start over.”
your voice faded as you sang ‘over’. you sounded so defeated, and it broke his heart. the tears began to pour from his eyes. he wiped them away gently as he continued to listen to your voice.
he watched as you sang through the climax of the song with so much power. he smiled proudly at you.
the group resolved and settled at the slower tempo from the beginning of the song before you began to sing the last line of the song. you held the mic so gently. you voice was so light that it sounded like it would break at the slightest movement. the moment was so delicate.
             “she is gone, but she used to be mine…”
the room was silent for a moment after you finished the last note. Harry could hear the audience sniffle and sigh before it erupted in applause and cheers from the other students. you moved back to the group as they engulfed you in a hug.
the group then moved on to finish the rest of their performance.
             “hi,” you said meekly as you approached Harry after the showcase.
he pulled you into his arms and placed a kiss on your forehead.
             “that was so beautiful, pet,” he murmured into your hair. “’m so proud of you.”
you pull away to look into his eyes.
             “really?” you ask. you were skeptical.
             “i am, truly. there was not a dry eye in the room,” he said moving a loose strand of hair out of your face.
suddenly, arms wrap around your shoulders from behind.
             “she has that effect on people,” your best friend laughs in your ear.
you talked to a few more people before you and Harry left to head home.
you were towel drying your hair as you walked toward your bed. Harry laid on his back as he read on his phone. you crawled into the bed curling up against his side.
             “how come you didn’t tell m’ tha’ you could sing?”
             “i don’t know,” you sighed. “i felt weird telling you. it’s your job, and you’re this phenomenal artist. this is just something i did on the side with some friends. it felt silly to bring it up, and you know, my fear of criticism from people i love.”
             “hmmm,” he hummed. “that is a tricky thing, but you have no critiques from me. you’re amazing, love.”
             “thanks,” you say shyly as you trace patterns on his chest. “you’re amazing too.”
             “will you sing for me?”
you gave him an incredulous look.
             “ha ha, no,” you said before jumping out bed and running to the bathroom back to the bathroom with your wet towel before he could grab you.
he smiled at your goofy self. you could sing in front of hundreds but were too shy to sing in front of him.
hope you enjoyed! - mosh
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krat395 · 4 years
Tickle Me Azzy
Happy New Year, everyone! :D And to kick off 2021, here is a belated Christmas-themed request I did for Rubygirl692 on DeviantArt. She wanted a tickle story involving Frisk and Asriel and I felt that a Christmas setting taking place 7 months after the events of “Tickles of Justice” and 14 months after the events of Undertale would be perfect for those two and fun fact, this is the first holiday-themed story I’ve ever written. So, with in mind, feel free to let me know what you think in the comments… or in notes. ;)
 Undertale© Toby Fox.
 It is December 22; 3 days before Christmas; and Frisk and Asriel are currently alone in their mother's house. Currently, it is 6 pm and at this time, Frisk and Asriel are wrapping Christmas presents together in Toriel's living room; a few feet away from their large beautifully decorated Christmas tree; their last presents to Toriel, Asgore, Chara, and friends to be exact. With Toriel at a school staff party, and Asgore and Chara working at the mall as a mall Santa and elf respectively, it seemed like the perfect time to do so. Frisk and Asriel love Christmas very much and in a few days, they will be celebrating their second Christmas together on the Surface after the destruction of the Barrier 14 months ago. It's such a special time of year for both of them and one of their ways of getting into the holiday spirit is swapping out their usual striped shirts with red and green striped shirts to wear along with their usual color pants (Asriel's are black and Frisk's are blue); same stripe patterns as their usual striped shirts, just different colors (the green stripes on Asriel's Christmas shirt are a darker shade of green and the other stripes are red rather than yellow; and Frisk's shirt is red with two green stripes instead of blue with two pink stripes). Chara does this as well. Every Christmas, she wears a green shirt with her usual brown pants that's the same shade of green as her usual green shirt but with a red stripe rather than a yellow stripe. But one thing has changed this year however. Frisk and Chara, instead of wearing Christmas socks a lot of the time, have chosen to bare their feet every time they are indoors and in non-public settings. The reason being is because they painted their toenails red and green this year and just can't resist showing them off every chance they get. And nobody can really blame them either! Especially since their nail polish colors alternate between red and green; Frisk with green nail polish on her, right pinky finger, right middle finger, right thumb, left index finger, left ring finger, left pinky toe, left middle toe, left big toe, right index toe, and right ring toe and red nail polish on her right ring finger, right index finger, left thumb, left middle finger, left pinky finger, left ring toe, left index toe, right big toe, right middle toe, and right pinky toe; and Chara with red nail polish on her right pinky finger, right middle finger, right thumb, left index finger, left ring finger, left pinky toe, left middle toe, left big toe, right index toe, and right ring toe and green nail polish on her right ring finger, right index finger, left thumb, left middle finger, left pinky finger, left ring toe, left index toe, right big toe, right middle toe, and right pinky toe. Christmas fingers and toes! :D Perfect for one cute little girl that recently turned 13 (Chara on November 30) and another cute little girl that will be turning 13 the following month (Frisk on January 7)! X3
 Asriel: Hehe. Wow, Frisk! You’re good at that. …You make it look so easy! *said Asriel to Frisk while sitting on the floor in a cross-legged position next to the Christmas tree, complimenting her superb wrapping job on every present she’s wrapped so far* What’s your secret?
 Frisk: Hee hee. Well, for starters, I don’t have fur that keeps getting stuck to the tape. *joked Frisk, who’s currently on her knees; barefoot in jeans and wiggling her toes cutely against the floor* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Asriel: Ha, ha; very funny. *said Asriel sarcastically in response* But yeah, you’re right.
 Frisk: Heeheehee! Would you like some help? *asked Frisk, moving closer towards Asriel*
 Asriel: Hehe; sure. I’ll cut and fold the paper, you tape. Sound good?
 Frisk: Heeheehee! You got it, fluffy boy.
 Sometime later… after all of the presents were wrapped…
 Frisk: Annnnnnnnd done! Great job, Azzy!
 Azzy: Hehe. All thanks to you.
 Frisk: Heeheehee. Awwww! X3
 Azzy: Can't wait to see everyone's reactions when they open their presents in a few days! I bet they're all going to love their presents very much!
 Frisk: Hehe; they better! Mom worked hard knitting those hats, mittens, scarves, and tail warmers for everyone!
 The tail warmers are for Alphys, MK, Rocco, Lydia, GK, and Rex. The lizards! X3
 Asriel: Hehe, yeah. ...Oh! Remember that time Mom, Dad, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys all played hockey together?
 Frisk: Hehe. Of course I remember! That was the talk of the town for quite some time last winter! And a lot of that had to do with some weirdo writing an article all about it on the Internet! Though funny, it was kind of inaccurate to how it all really played out to be honest.
 Asriel: Pfft! Kind of inaccurate?! (More like super inaccurate! Lol.) Well that’s certainly putting it lightly, my dear sister. Hahaha!
 Frisk: Heeheehee, yeah. But, hey, that's what writers do. They like putting their own little spin on things. Especially during that part where they talked about how Mom and Sans didn’t know what the heck they were doing and made them sound like they were flirting with each other! (They read how to play hockey beforehand for gosh sake! Why would they agree to play a game that they don’t know how to play?! XD) Oh! And that other part where they talked about Sans doing some cringy victory dance! (Oh my god, Sans was NOT happy when he read that part!) Heeheeheehee. Silly guy… or silly woman! Everyone knows that Sans doesn't dance. ...Well, at least not while others are watching. Heeheeheehee.
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheehee. I know, right? Heeheeheeheehee.
 Frisk: ...Wait, why did you bring up the hockey game just now! That was very… random of you, Azzy!
 Asriel: Hehe. Just thinking about how fun it might've been if we had participated in that game. Ooh, but I don't like wearing ice skates though. You know, seeing as how I… never wear shoes. *said Asriel while wiggling his six toes cutely*
 Frisk: You could always skate barefoot like Mom, Dad, and Alphys did. Your feet can handle the ice.
 Asriel: Haha! Very true! But who needs to ice skate when you can go sledding instead?
 Frisk: Oooooooh, yeah! Do you think that Santa will get you that sled you've been wanting, Azzy?
 Asriel: Hehe. Well, after getting me that red bike I wanted last year, I'd say that there’ll be a sled next to that tree in a few days.
 Another thing Frisk and Asriel (and Chara as well) do to get into the holiday spirit is talk about Santa like he’s a real person. They know that Santa isn’t real but pretending that he is real and the one responsible for giving them their presents every year just brings them so much joy and happiness; and last year, they went the extra mile by setting out milk and cookies on the night of Christmas Eve before going to bed and they certainly plan on doing so again this year too; for Asgore when he shows up dressed as Santa Claus to put their presents beside and/or under their Christmas tree; or inadvertently, the Annoying Dog if he happens to be skulking around Toriel’s house when he’s not supposed to be. XD
 Frisk: Haha! I’ll have to take your word for it. …And, um, while we’re on the topic of Christmas presents, I got you a little something, Azzy. *said Frisk a bit shyly*
 Asriel: *excited gasp* You did? What?
 Frisk: Heeheehee. Close your eyes.
 Asriel: Oh. Uh, ok then. Hehe. *said Asriel in response, giggling while doing what Frisk asked him to do*
 Frisk: Heeheehee. Perfect! Now, keep those eyes closed until I give you permission to open them, ok, mister? *said Frisk politely*
 Asriel: Heeheehee. You got it, Frisk.
 Frisk Heeheehee. Ok, just checking.
 About one minute later…
 Frisk: Heeheehee. Ok, you can open them now.
 As Asriel opened his eyes, Frisk handed him a mirror and when he looked at himself in the mirror, he was overly excited to see that Frisk had tied a red ribbon around his neck; a beautiful red ribbon, one that wasn’t too loose or too tight; just the right size. X3
 Asriel: *excited gasp* OH MY GOSH, I LOVE IT! *exclaimed Asriel excitedly; hugging and nuzzling Frisk with glee and blushing noticeably red* Oh my gosh, I love it so much! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Heeheeheeheehee~!
 Frisk: Pffffffff… Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! *giggled Frisk preciously in response, giggling due to Asriel’s fur tickling her as he nuzzled her and rubbed his face against her own as if he were a cat* Azzeeheeheeheey!!! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! Azzy, cohohoohohome on!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahaha!!! You knohohohohohohow how much that tihihhihihihickles me!!! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheheeeheehee!!! *snort* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee~!!!
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheehee! Of course I do! That’s why I do it, silly! *Asriel then said cutely to Frisk as he stopped nuzzling her* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! I don’t blame you; and I’m very happy to hear you love your early Christmas present from me too! X3 It looks so good on you, Azzy!
 Asriel: Heeheeheehee! I agree! X3
 Frisk: Heeheeheehee! And, uh, speaking of early Christmas presents… Heeheehee! Presents, presents, presents, presents; presents, presents, presents, presents! *sang Frisk, scurrying towards the Christmas tree and lying down on the floor next to it to eyeball her Christmas presents that she’s super excited to open in a few days… or in a few seconds XD*
 Frisk knows enough not to open her presents until Christmas Day. She’s just messing with Asriel, that’s all; like she has been for the past week or so.
 Asriel: Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! *bleated Asriel nervously in response* No, Frisk! Get away from those! We’ve told you multiple times! You have to wait until Christmas!
 With Frisk lying down on the floor next to the Christmas tree to look at her presents tucked underneath of it, she has left her bare feet completely vulnerable. So, with that observation in mind, maybe there’s something Asriel can do to those bare feet of Frisk’s that will convince her to wait until Christmas to open her presents; or, punish her for opening her presents too early. ;)
 Frisk: Aw, come on! Just a peek! Please; pretty please; pretty please with a cherry on top? *asked Frisk, wiggling her toes in an unintentionally teasing manner while sliding underneath the tree a bit further to get a better view of her presents*
 Asriel: Frisk, you get away from those presents or else…
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee; or else what, Mr. Fluffy Puffykins? *asked Frisk cheekily, wiggling her toes in an unintentionally teasing manner once again* Heeheeheeheehee! Huh? Hey, wait! Wait a minute!
 All of sudden, Asriel positioned himself on top of Frisk's legs; trapping them underneath his own legs with his back facing towards her own back; and then shortly afterwards, he tickled her bare feet, scribbling his furry fingers wildly up and down her soles.
 Asriel: Coochie coochie coo! Coochie coochie coo! *Asriel teased* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Asriel: Hee hee hee. Not your feet? Hee hee hee. Then how about your toooooooooes? *asked Asriel cheekily, grinning like a mischievous young man as he began playing with Frisk's toes. Heeheeheeheehee! Kitchie kitchie kitchie koo, look who's tickling you! *he teased, sticking his fingers in between her toes to brush his fur against those overly sensitive toe stems of hers*
 Asriel: Hahahahahahahaha!
 After about a minute or so, Asriel sang a little song, a verse from "Holly Jolly Christmas" but with different words; and it caught Frisk by surprise so much that she lost all focus to her surroundings. She found Asriel's song incredibly hilarious; but also incredibly cute; and she wound up laughing so hard and so much to the point that her laughter grew silent at least 4 times during the next 2 minutes or so.  
 Asriel: Oh, ho, Frisk's Dreemurr's toes; cute just like her feet. Somebody tickle her. Make her laugh with glee. *sang Asriel cutely as he continued tickling Frisk's feet*
 Frisk: BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! AZZY, OH MY GOHOHOHOOHOHOHOHOD!!!!!!! *shouted Frisk through her even more hysterical laughter, lying down on the floor and making no attempts to tickle Asriel back due to how hard she's laughing at both tickles to her bare feet and Asriel's song* [HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!] *she laughed silently for a few seconds, overtaken by her laughter so much that all she could think about was laughing* EEEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEHEEEHEHEEHEE!!!!!!! OHOHOHOHOH MY GOHOHOHOHOHOD, AZZY, HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA, YOU FLUFFY GOHOHOHHOAT BOHOHOHOHOY, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHA, YOU CRACK MEEHEEHEEHEE UP SOHOHOHOHOHOHO MUCH!!!!!!! *SNORT* *SNORT* [HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!] *SNORT* GYAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!!!!!!
 Asriel: Hahahahahaha! Oh my gosh, that silent laughter! That’s when I know I’m getting you good, Frisk! Really good! Hahahahahaha! Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie koo! *teased Asriel once more, picking up the pace a bit with his furry fingers* I’m still tickling you! Hahahahahaha!
 Frisk laughed at both tickles to her feet and Asriel’s song for a good two minutes; and just when Frisk thought that she was finally finished laughing at Asriel’s song, Asriel sang another song; this time, a verse from “The Christmas Song” (aka “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire”) but with different lyrics; and made her laugh incredibly hard once again.
 Asriel: Snail pie roasting on a magic fire. Goat Bro tickling your soles. Hahahahahahaha!!
 Asriel: Hahahahahaha! Uh-huh, suuuuuurrrre I am! *said Asriel cheekily in response as he continued scribbling his fingers rapidly against Frisk's soles in addition to swirling and twirling his fingers in between her toes against the stems of each of them, letting his fur and scritchy nails/claws do all of the work once again* Hahahahahaha~!
 Asriel: Hahahahahaha! I most certainly am! *Asriel then exclaimed both cheekily and joyfully, seconds before blowing 4 long raspberries on the balls and heels of Frisk's bare feet; one on her right heel, one on the ball or her right foot, one on her left heel, and one on the ball of her left foot* Haha! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!!
 Asriel is having so much fun tickling Frisk's bare feet; and Frisk had it coming too! Not just for supposedly trying to open her Christmas presents early but also for not wearing shoes and socks in her friends' and relatives' home this month! If being around fluffy boss monsters for more than a year has taught Frisk one thing, it's that being barefoot makes her feet much more inviting targets for tickle torture. ;) But Frisk was willing to take that chance this month though and multiple times, she paid the penalty! She and Chara both did! XD But she's not complaining about it though. She loves being tickled on her bare feet. Especially by her loved ones! But sometimes however, it can be a bit much; and Asriel is aware of that too, which is why he is planning on pulling her out from under the tree after at least three more minutes of tickle torture. So, until those three minutes are up, the only thing Frisk will be doing is laughing. Due to being stuck under the Christmas tree with Asriel sitting on top of her legs, it's all she can do! XD
 3 minutes later…
 Asriel: Hahahahahahaha! Ok, Frisk, I’ll pull you out now. *said Asriel, stopping his ticklish assault on Frisk’s bare feet* You ok?
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!!!! Yehehehehehes!!!!! *answered Frisk, laughing and giggling due to phantom tickles as Asriel pulled her out from under the Christmas tree* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!!!! Oh my gosh, thahahahahahat was so fuhuhuhuhun!!!!! *she added, rolling onto her back while wiggling and splaying her 10 little toes to shake the tickly sensations in all of them plus her soles* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! *snort* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee~!!!!!
 Asriel: Heeheeheehee! Good! Because now it’s time for me to give you an early Christmas present!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee!!!!! Whahahahahahahahat?!?! A prehehehehehesent?!?! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Fohohohohor meeheeheeheehee?!?! *asked Frisk both excitedly and confusedly while giggling and moving into a sitting position on the floor, curious as to what Asriel is planning to give her as a present* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee… Heeheeheehee… Heeheehee… Heehee... Hee……… What? What is it? What did you get me, hmm?
 Asriel: Something veeeeerrrrrry special. *answered Asriel, blushing red and giggling preciously while picturing how Frisk might react to his present* It’s in the basement; but d-d-don’t come down until I c-call you, all right?
 Frisk: Oh, um, o-ok then. *said Frisk awkwardly* But why do I have to wait? Is it not wrapped yet or something? *she then asked, confused as to why she wasn’t allowed to immediately follow Asriel downstairs and into the basement of Toriel’s house*
 Asriel: *sigh* Just trust me, ok? I shouldn’t be too long.
 And with that, Asriel went downstairs to supposedly do what he said he was going to do; and while waiting, Frisk just sat on the floor and admired her red and green toenail polish as she wiggled her toes lightly against the floor. Frisk doesn’t know what Asriel is intending to give her as an early Christmas present but whatever it is, she knows that she will love it no matter what. It’s the thought that counts after all but Asriel usually tends to give his friends and relatives some very thoughtful and creative presents anyway. And this year is certainly no exception! ;)
 5 minutes later…
 *Frisk’s cell phone rings*
 Frisk: Hello?
 Asriel: Ok, Frisk; you can come down now.
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheehee! Awesome!
 After a short waiting period, Frisk went down to the basement to see what Asriel got her as an early Christmas present. Last summer, the main room in the basement became a new hangout area for the kids; one with a big television, a couple of bean bag chairs, a chair with armrests, a futon, and space for additional activities such as arts and crafts and playing with toys (they’ll probably have a pool table and/or foosball table or something in that space when they’re older); and as of right now, that’s where Asriel most likely is! :D
 Frisk: Azzy? Oh, Azzy; where are you, buddy?
 Once Frisk arrived in the basement, she was surprised to see that Asriel wasn’t anywhere in plain sight! “Where did he go?” she wondered to herself as she searched the basement for her fluffy brother. But then she stumbled upon this large box; a box that at one point contained all of the wrapping paper Toriel bought to wrap presents this year.
 Frisk: Huh? The wrapping paper box? What the heck is it doing over here? *asked Frisk confusedly as she lightly tapped the box with her left bare foot, only to get startled once SOMETHING INSIDE THE BOX STARTED MOVING AROUND* Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! Huh? What’s this?
 Frisk then noticed a tag on the box that said "To: Frisk" on one line and "From: Asriel" directly below it. It was the front of a tag and after reading it; she opened it up and read a message written by Asriel inside:
 Frisk: "Frisk, my early present to you this year is a stuffed animal version of myself. Hope you like it! Hee hee hee. X3" ...Wait! What?!?! Ok, now this I have to see!
 Frisk could barely contain her excitement after reading Asriel's message. "A stuffed animal version of Asriel; does there exist such a thing?" she wondered as she swiftly took the lid off of the wrapping paper box; an easy-to-open box designed to look like a carefully wrapped Christmas present; to see what was inside.
 Despite what Asriel's message said, there was no actual stuffed animal in the box. But what Frisk found in its place was even better! Inside the box was ASRIEL HIMSELF PRETENDING TO BE A LARGE STUFFED ANIMAL! :D And to add to the cuteness, he put a big red Christmas present bow on top of his head prior to positioning himself in the box. He already has a cute red ribbon around his neck so he figured a bow would be a nice touch as well. X3
 Asriel: (Awwwww! You're very welcome, Frisk. I had a feeling you would like my present. X3)
 As much as Asriel wants to talk to Frisk right now, he feels that he shouldn't. He is pretending to be a stuffed animal after all; one that supposedly can't talk; and if he wants Frisk to get the most out of her early Christmas present, then he feels that he should commit to the act as much as possible. And so far, he's doing very well; continuing to smile the same way he did the moment Frisk took the lid off of the box; but he did struggle a little during Frisk's excited reaction though. So, as long as Frisk doesn't do anything to make him break character, then he should be ok.
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheehee! Wow, Azzy! I can't believe you did this! Very unique idea! But I'm curious though. What made you want to do something like this?
 Asriel: ………
 Frisk: Uh, A-Azzy? Hello? Azzy? *asked Frisk, waving her left hand in front of Asriel's face to try and get his attention* Azzy?
 Asriel: ………
 Frisk: Ohhhhhhhh! I see what's going on here. Heeheeheeheehee. Sure, Azzy; I'll play along. Heeheeheeheehee.
 After realizing what was going on, Frisk then tried to lift Asriel out of the box. Under normal circumstances, Asriel would've got out of the box himself; but because he is fully committed to acting like a stuffed animal, he didn't move a single inch, forcing Frisk to move him around herself while he was deadweight.
 Frisk: Oooof! Azzy, you're heavier than you look! *said Frisk as she somewhat struggled to lift Asriel up and out of the wrapping paper box*
 After a small struggle, Frisk managed to get Asriel out of the box; by tipping it on its side in a way that she was able to force Asriel to roll out of it. Then once Asriel was out of the box, Frisk removed the red bow from Asriel’s head and cuddled with him for about 15 minutes; pretending he was a large stuffed animal all the while; just as Asriel wanted her to do as he lied on the floor next to her completely motionless except for occasional blinking. It was difficult for Asriel to stay still all the while Frisk cuddled with him; due to how much he wanted to hug Frisk back and nuzzle her; but the young boss monster wanted to do everything he could to stay committed to his stuffed animal act and he found a way. But after those 15 minutes were over however, Frisk, being the (playfully) mischievous girl she is, wanted to see if she could make Asriel break character. In other words, find out if she could somehow make her "stuffed animal" "come to life." She's already got him blushing noticeably red after all of that cuddling but blushing isn't enough for her. She wants him to make some noise and there's one guaranteed way to get some noises out of him too. But first, she’d like to do some teasing; to see if she can make him break character before the main course of action. ;)
 15 minutes later…
 Frisk: Mmmmmmm... Oh, I love my new stuffed animal so much! And for a stuffed animal, he’s very warm too! So warm that I think I’ll warm up my feet on his fluffy belly. *said Frisk cheekily, wiggling her toes while moving into a sitting position next to Asriel* Heeheeheeheehee~!
 With that said; Frisk lifted up Asriel’s shirt and rubbed her somewhat cold bare feet on Asriel’s belly; thinking that doing so would make him “come to life.” But instead, she wound up giggling preciously; due to Asriel’s fur brushing against her bare feet as she rubbed them all over his belly. XD
 Frisk: Pfffffffffffffffffffff… Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! Ohohohohohohohohoh my gohohohohohohohosh!!! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! Ugh, I always fohohohohohorget hohohohohow much thahahahahat tihihihihihihihihickles me!!! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee~!!!
 Asriel: ……… (Pfffff… Heeheeheeheehee!!! Oh no, not her giggling!!! Heeheeheeheeheehee!!!) *thought Asriel worriedly to himself the moment he heard Frisk giggle*
 It was hard to resist giggling along with Frisk but somehow, Asriel managed to stay in character. But after about two minutes however, Frisk tried something different with her feet. Rather than rubbing them on Asriel’s belly, she instead held them directly in front of Asriel’s face; as close as she could without touching Asriel’s head; and wiggled her toes to tease the young boss monster himself, believing that doing so will make him want to grab her feet and tickle the ever-loving daylights out of them.
 Frisk: Hahaha! Hey, Azzy! Tickle my feet again, please! Come on! You know you want to! *teased Frisk as she wiggled her toes in Asriel’s face, causing the young goat boy’s face to fluster with tomato-red blush* Enough pretending to be stuffed animal already!
 He does! He so does! His tomato-red face says it all! But he can’t! For the sake of this early Christmas present to Frisk, Asriel wants to do everything he can to stay in character! And to stay in character, he needs to sacrifice the things he desires most. It was a massive struggle for Asriel but with both patience and perseverance, he managed to prevent himself from “coming to life” all the while Frisk teased him with her bare feet.
 3 minutes later…
 Frisk: Ugh! All right, Azzy; time to bring out the big guns! *said Frisk in a surprisingly intimidating tone, scaring Asriel a little in the process* Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? *Frisk then asked in playful pet talk a few seconds later, lifting up Asriel's red and green striped shirt to pet him on his fluffy belly* Heeheeheeheehee~!
 Oh no! Belly rubs! Asriel's weakness! Well, that and one other thing; hehe XD. It's surefire way to get him kicking his right leg repeatedly as if he were a dog! XD But not this time though! It was extremely difficult for Asriel but all the while Frisk pet him, he kept up his act as a stuffed animal! What a little trooper! X3
 3 minutes later…
 Frisk: Ugh! Ok, now you’re asking for it, Azzy! *shouted Frisk, raising both of her hands up while making claw gestures with them* If this doesn’t make you “come to life,” I don’t know what will!
 Asriel: (Uh oh!) *Asriel shuddered in his thoughts*
 A few seconds later, Frisk began wiggling her ten fingers wildly all over every inch of Asriel’s exposed fluffy belly, causing Asriel to immediately burst into a fit of bubbly laughter that was too pure for this world.
 Frisk: Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie koo!!! *teased Frisk with a giggle, relishing in the sweet sound that was her brother’s laughter for the next minute or so* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee~!!!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!! Azzy, that wasn’t even a second!! Heeheeheeheeheehee!! *gasp* Wait a second! *Frisk realized something all of a sudden* Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! My very own “TICKLE ME AZZY!!” Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Similar to that ticklish red monster toy but better!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Tickle, tickle, tickle, Azzy!! Come on!! Laugh!! *demanded Frisk, mere seconds before poking Asriel’s tummy just one time*
 Frisk: Huh? …Coochie coochie coo! *she teased once more, this time gliding her index fingers slowly along his sides*
 Frisk: *gasp* Oh my god! No way! But just to be sure…
 Noticing that Asriel was saying the same exact quotes as the ticklish red monster toy Frisk mentioned earlier; 2 of the 3 quotes to be exact; Frisk then scribbled her fingers wildly all over his torso once again to find out if he would say the third quote. And he did! Through all of his adorably precious laughter! X3
 Frisk: *delighted gasp* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! AZZY!! OH MY GOD!! AZZY!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Just like that red monster!! *Frisk fangirled, seconds before blowing several raspberries over Asriel’s bellybutton; to hear those adorable screechy bleats of his that sound like that of an actual baby goat* Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff…
 Asriel was laughing so hard he couldn’t form a single sentence. Though not as tickly as Undyne’s raspberries, Frisk’s raspberries are enough to send Asriel over the edge with insanely hysterical laughter! And Frisk knows it too! Asriel was laughing, squealing, screaming, snorting, and everything in between for the next while; 2 minutes to be exact; and once those 2 minutes were over, Frisk gave him a much-needed breather; but only so she could hug him and then leave momentarily to grab a few things.
 2 minutes later…
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Oh my god, Azzy!! Best early Christmas present ever!! *shouted Frisk happily while giving Asriel a quick hug* Heeheeheeheeheehee!!
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! Glahahahahahahahad you like it, Frihihihhihisk!!! *said Asriel, hugging Frisk back while laughing and giggling due to lingering ticklish sensations on his fluffy belly* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha~!!!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee!! So cute!! *Frisk said in response to Asriel’s laughing and giggling as she started making her way out of the basement*
 Asriel: Hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahaaha!!! Hehehehehey!!! Hahahahahahaha!!! Frisk, hahahahahahaha, where are you going?!!! *asked Asriel confusedly while continuing to laugh and giggle due to phantom tickles* Hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha~!!!
 Before Asriel could get an answer out of Frisk; Frisk left the room, leaving the young boss monster himself in a state of utter confusion. At first, he wondered if he should follow Frisk; to see what she was up to; but then he realized that maybe what she’s planning on doing when she returns requires him to continue his act as a stuffed animal. So, because of that factor, Asriel felt that he should stay put; to see what Frisk may or may not have in store for him next.
 Asriel: (Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Oh boy! I wonder what Frisk is gonna do next!!) *Asriel thought giddily to himself, wiggling his six toes cutely as he lied on the floor minding his own business*
 5 minutes later, Frisk returned with 2 bags. From Asriel’s position, it was hard to make out was in the bags but something tells Asriel that he’ll find out what’s in them soon enough.
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Ok, Azzy; time to take you over to the chair. *said Frisk, seconds before proceeding to drag a motionless Asriel along the basement floor*
 A few moments later, Frisk dragged Asriel along the floor over to a chair; the chair with armrests to be exact; and once she got over there, she wondered how she was going to get Asriel in the chair while he was deadweight.
 Asriel: Hey, Frisk. I’ll get in the chair for you; on one condition. *said Asriel cheekily, purposely breaking character*
 Frisk: Oh? And what might that be? *asked Frisk confusedly in response*
 Asriel: Kneel down on the floor next to me.
 Frisk: Heh. Well ok then.
 Frisk did as Asriel asked her to do. She kneeled on the floor right next to her adorable brother. And once she did, Asriel pinned her down on her back, lifted up her shirt and tickled her mercilessly for about three minutes; scribbling his furry fingers up and down along her sides as well as nuzzling her belly.
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Don’t worry, Frisk! After I’m done here, we can do whatever you want! *assured Asriel sincerely; but it was hard for Frisk to tell* Sound good?
 Asriel: Hahahahaha! Good! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!!
 And just when Frisk thought that the tickle torture couldn’t get any more intense, Asriel started blowing raspberries on her stomach and over her bellybutton. But not just that though! In addition to blowing raspberries, he also rubbed his face against her belly as if he were a cat. All while continuing his ticklish assault on her sides with his furry fingers.
 3 minutes later, Asriel stopped tickling Frisk; just as he promised he would. Then, a few seconds later, Asriel, knowing that Frisk wanted him to sit in the chair with armrests proceeded to sit in that said chair and let Frisk whatever she’s intending to do either with him or to him for the next while. And to the young prince’s surprise, Frisk took a set of 300 multi-color mini Christmas lights, plugged them into a nearby outlet, and wrapped around them loosely around his torso, arms, legs, and the chair itself. Then after she did that, she took a second set of multi-color Christmas lights; one with 100 mini lights; plugged them into the set of 300 lights, and wrapped them around his ankles and a nearby footrest that he had placed his feet on not too long ago; not too firmly around his ankles but firmly enough that Asriel was unable to escape his predicament.  Then once that was taken care of, Frisk pulled out a red ribbon and tied it around Asriel’s two innermost toes, binding them together in a way that made it impossible for him to pull his feet apart.
 Asriel: Pfffffffffffffffffffffff… Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha!! *Asriel snickered, giggled, and laughed all the while Frisk tied a ribbon around two of his toes* Ohohohohohohoh!! Hahahahahahahahahaha!! So, you wahahahahahahahahanna tickle my feeheeheeheeheeheeheet, huh? Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheheeheeheehee!! Yeah, heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee, probably shohhohoohhohould hahahahahave seen that coming after whahahahahahaahat I did to yohohohour feeheeheeheeheet earlier!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha~!!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!! Yes, you should’ve!! *Frisk agreed, right as she finished tying Asriel’s innermost toes together* And hey, look! You have two ribbons now! One around your neck! And one around your toes! *she then pointed out to Asriel, gliding 8 of her 10 fingers lightly down both of Asriel’s snow white soles from the bases of his toes to his heels for a little less than 10 seconds*
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee!! Consider that a little warm-up, Mr. Fluffy Puffykins!! Because for the next half-hour or so, your feet are all mine! Mwahahahahahahaha!!
 They most certainly were! For 25 minutes, Frisk tickled Asriel’s feet like there was no tomorrow; and she did so with a variety of Christmas-themed tickle utensils in addition to her own ten fingers.
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!! Coochie coochie coo!! Coochie coochie coo!! *teased Frisk “evilly” as she began tickling Asriel’s feet* Heeheeheeheeheehee!!
 To start it all out, Frisk tickled Asriel’s feet with her fingers for 3 minutes, scribbling them wildly all over every inch of her brother’s snow white soles as well as wiggling and twisting them in between his six toes…
 Frisk: Hahahahahaha!! Azzy, the fluffy goat boy; has such super ticklish feet! And if you tickle them just right, you can really make him bleat! *sang Frisk as she continued tickling Asriel’s feet, replacing the words of “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and causing Asriel to laugh even harder in response* Hahahahahaha!!
 Then she used a red feather for two minutes; gliding it along every inch of his right sole as well as sawing it in between his toes on that same foot…
 Then she used a green feather for two minutes; gliding it along every inch of his left sole as well as sawing it in between his toes on that same foot…
 Then she used two multicolored feathers for two minutes; gliding both of them along every inch of Asriel’s soles as well as in between his toes (one for each foot)…
 Then she used a red toothbrush with green bristles for two minutes; brushing every inch of his right sole and three right foot toes…
 Then she used a green toothbrush with red bristles for two minutes; brushing every inch of his left sole and three left foot toes…
 Then she used both toothbrushes for two minutes; brushing every inch of both of Asriel’s snow white soles (she didn’t tickle his toes or in between them because she didn’t have any free hands to hold his feet still)…
 Then she used two candy canes for two minutes; poking his soles and toes with them as well as gliding them along his soles…
 Then she used a strand of gold tinsel garland for two minutes; “shining” every inch of Asriel’s soles with it as well as “flossing” all six of his toes with it…
 The she used two cotton balls for two minutes; rubbing them against every inch of Asriel’s soles and six toes as well as in between his toes (one for each foot and she did this right after dumping an entire bag of them all over Asriel’s feet to simulate snow)…
 Then she used two stuffed reindeers for two minutes; rubbing their noses and antlers all over every inch of Asriel’s soles (and to make things more intense for Asriel, she gave the reindeers silly voices to make him laugh even harder)…
 And then, while holding mistletoe next to Asriel’s feet, she blew raspberries on Asriel’s feet for two whole minutes…
 Frisk: Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff…
 2 minutes later…
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! *giggled Frisk as she stopped tickling Asriel* Adorable, soft, warm, lovable, huggable, and ticklish; I don’t want to stop. *she added, giving his right foot a platonic kiss and then his left foot shortly afterwards (under the rules of the mistletoe she’s still holding in one of her hands)*
 Asriel: Hahahahahahahahahahaha!! Then don’t!! *suggested Asriel with an exhausted tear-soaked look on his face while laughing due to lingering ticklish sensations on his bare feet* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! *snort* Hahahahahahaha!! *snort* Hahaha!! Haha!! Haha!! Ha!! Ha. Whew!
 Frisk: Oh, but I must! Because if I leave you like this, then it will be difficult for you to exact your revenge! *stated Frisk with a cheekily smile while freeing Asriel from his bind, causing Asriel to perk up in response*
 Asriel: Wait, what?! A-are you serious, Frisk?!
 Frisk: Pfft! Of course I am! You know me, Azzy! I love being tickled! Especially on my feet! *Frisk assured Asriel, wiggling her toes against the floor in anticipation*
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheehee! That, you do! Heeheeheeheehee! Ok, I’ll do it.
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee! Terrific!
 As soon as Frisk completely freed Asriel from his bind, Asriel left the basement briefly to grab something from his bedroom. And while Asriel was doing that, Frisk positioned herself in the chair the same way Asriel was positioned for 25 whole minutes. But she did not use Christmas tree lights to bind herself though. Instead, she positioned herself into a giant Christmas gift bag (a big red plastic bag with snowflakes on it) with her head sticking out at the top of the bag and sat down in the chair with her feet resting on the nearby footrest. Then once Asriel returned, Frisk commanded him to tear open the bottom of the bag to reveal her bare feet for him to tickle.
 Asriel: I’m ba… Heeheeheehee! Well, look at you all wrapped up in that gift bag! Heeheeheeheehee!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee! I knew you’d like it. Heeheeheeheehee! Now, technically you’re not supposed to open this until Christmas but… I don’t think tearing open the bottom for a little peek won’t hurt anything… if you, um, get what I’m saying. *said Frisk with a wink and a real big grin on her face as she kicked her legs lightly and wiggled her toes inside the large bag*
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheeheehee! Oh, I do. I so do, Frisk! Heeheeheehee!
 Asriel then tore open the bottommost portion of the giant gift bag, revealing Frisk’s cute bare feet. Then a few seconds later, he tied her ankles to the footrest with some red tinsel garland; to prevent her from pulling her legs away. And with a red ribbon, he tied her two big toes together; to prevent her from pulling her feet apart.
 Frisk: Heeheeeheeheehee! Perfect, Azzy! Enjoy my second early Christmas present to you!
 Asriel: Heeheeheehee! Thanks, Frisk; for everything you do for me. *said Asriel with a heartwarming smile*
 Frisk: Hehe; of course, Azzy. You’re very much welcome. And if you like this present so much, I can’t wait to see your reaction to the main thing I got you this year!
 Asriel: Hehe, yeah, same here. I bet that you and Chara are going to love what I got you!
 Little does Frisk know, Asriel got both her and Chara THEIR VERY OWN “TICKLE ME AZZY” TOYS for Christmas this year! :O Gaster, Sans, Alphys, and Monica helped him make them; Monica for sewing the toys’ skins and capturing Asriel’s likeness; and Gaster, Sans, and Alphys with everything else (this included tickling Asriel to record his laughter for the toys’ audio XD).
 Frisk: Heeheeheehee! I bet I will! But am I going to enjoy more than you tickling my feet in a few seconds?
 Asriel: Hehe; maybe. But, uh, I’ll let you be the judge of that. *said Asriel with a cute smile as he began tickling Frisk’s bare feet and continued doing so for the next 25 minutes* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!! Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie koo!! Hahahahahahaha!!
 For the first 13 minutes, Asriel tickled every sensitive inch of Frisk’s bare feet with 3 toothbrushes (a red toothbrush with green bristles, a green toothbrush with red bristles, and a red and white toothbrush with a candy cane pattern); getting her everywhere on her soles and the tops of feet as well as on the pads of her toes, the stems of her toes, and even in the spaces in between her toes. But that was nothing compared to how he tickled her during the last 12 minutes though. During the last 12 minutes, Asriel DREW ON FRISK’S BARE FEET with a 4-color pen (red, green, blue, and black), which he personally won while playing a Christmas-themed game at school; drawing Christmas wreathes on the balls of her feet (2 wreathes per foot) and Christmas trees on her heels (2 trees per foot) and writing “MERRY” on her right foot toes (one letter per toe), “CHRISTMAS” vertically on her right sole, “HAPPY” on her left foot toes (one letter per toe), and “HOLIDAYS” vertically on her left sole. Asriel had so much fun drawing on Frisk’s bare feet and Frisk in turn had so much fun being tickled by Asriel in that way. Her hysterical laughter said it all! XD
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stights · 4 years
outside by stight - serizawa katsuya/reigen arataka, 1,657 words. “he has to squint to catch the white blips of stars twinkling in the sky; this kind of black is comforting and all-encompassing, blanketing the world.” this is a work copied over from my ao3! i hope you enjoy -- and if you do, my ko-fi commissions are currently open!! i would love to write for you!!
i think i smell the rain again It’s nighttime when he steps outside. It’s the first nighttime in weeks; the concept of the sun and moon has blended into one and the wholesome swell of free spins on Gacha games remains all that he really needs, those ticking time-bombs, the vibrant firework displays of beaches and dates on a rooftop, of foreign lands and exploring with friends, of boat rides late in the afternoon and sleepy car rides, illuminated by the steady orange glow of streetlights dipping between cool windows. The people in the games aren’t ever him, though. He keeps the lights in his bedroom off just so he doesn’t see his reflection when the screen turns black, so frail and unlike those smiling cartoon figures. Sometimes he wishes he didn’t exist. There’s a certain kind of dark, disgusting guilt that comes with thinking you’re the only person of your kind in the universe, that you weren’t actually supposed to be here, on this perfect planet. He wishes he could blame his mother for these pathetic shortcomings but he can’t; the counsellors call him gifted and it’s perhaps the one thing he takes away from the sessions, greedily. Gifted. Gifted! He runs it through in his head like a mantra, if only to clutch the last sinews of human contact he’s had in months as tightly as he can. It makes him feel invincible as he lies in bed at night, that deep, comforting dip in his mattress, thinking about what he could do with this magnificent sort of gift, until he checks his phone and sees his old schoolmates’ new houses and wives and cars and he feels like screaming until his throat is hoarse, bitter, sobbing. Gifted. Gifted. fresh air awakens everything His bedroom is dark and musty and it smells like nothing and everything at the same time. Dread curls and spirals in the pit of his stomach when his mother enters the room - food? Laundry? Another therapist? - and stays dutifully quiet. He doesn’t often sprout the courage to look at the disgust thinly guised on her face because the room smells bad, awful, like himself, lines on her face illuminated by the dead blue glow of the television. She never stays long, never talks unless it’s necessary; their relationship isn’t amicable, but as he mulls over this thought long after she’s gone, leaving behind konbini platters and clean sweatpants, can he really say he has a single amity at all? The faces he sees are always smiling but they’re drawn to be that way, those model girls on dirty websites, or the counsellors except they’re ugly and they’re always talking down to him. They hate him, deep down. They want to go home to their families and the people that love them. The thought alone makes him squeeze his controller hard in his hands, feeling the plastic crack and snap. He is society’s cinder block. Out here, it smells good. The sensation shocks his lungs so much so that he doesn’t register the raindrops falling on his head until they splash his nose - it’s the special kind of cold that he can’t find from bottled konbini soda. It’s a reaction to expect his anger, one that he’s formed over fifteen years of isolation; he doesn’t like to be surprised, stopped celebrating his birthday two years in because that pink cake felt condescending. Why cherish the aging of a corpse? i hear the drizzle coming down And yet the raindrops here don’t carry any emotion at all. He closes his eyes to steady himself, but the anger doesn’t arrive, and momentarily it’s just him in the universe in his night air, allowing himself to not just be but become, to put something to this moment. When he opens his eyes again, he takes in more of the nighttime in, slowly. That’s what he’s been told to do. Taking the initiative doesn’t happen in a day but it’s the outcome of work - of others, too - but himself first and foremost. Putting himself first. The raindrops are still falling on his face and shoulders, and as he looks down he notices they’re beginning to accumulate on the street, too, which is narrow (they don’t live in a fantastic area). It’s enough, though. The houses are built taller than they are wide and each is separated from the road by a brick fence with ornate patterns woven in, plants creeping over the top of some, inquisitive and merry, green and pink and white, nodding their leaves in time to the rainfall. Their own house doesn’t have a garden; the two of them are too busy to do much other than water a few houseplants in the kitchen. As he reminisces on the fact, he can finally put an emotion to this weather that so starkly contrasts anything he’s witnessed before. He thinks it’s joy. and then i realise in all of my life His clothes aren’t really appropriate to stand here in, even if it hasn’t been long. He learnt how to iron a shirt yesterday and he’s made good use of the skill tonight, tongue stuck out in concentration as he stood in boxer briefs and shorts earlier, carefully running the iron over the sleeves, one at a time, the collar, then the main body, taking his time. It’s nice to have something to show for his efforts, even if it’s slowly getting dampened. That’s okay. He’s getting used to letting things happen, too. He can always iron it again. It’s dark above. He has to squint to catch the white blips of stars twinkling in the sky; this kind of black is comforting and all-encompassing, blanketing the world. It’s not a warm hug but touch is touch and touch is something incredible with any kind intent. Looking up and being faced with this never-ending sea reminds him of those witching hour marathons - how long had he been playing for? A day? Two? Three? Energy drink cans littered the floor and his legs ached with every sudden movement, the muscles in them tired and settled from being crossed for so long, as if they belonged to something dead - and indeed it was a zombie playing the rhythm game, the cheerful music falling on rotting ears, impenetrable to any sort of living emotion, and when the screen went black the zombie stared back at itself and its haunted eyes and its quivering mouth and those heavy salted tears spilling down its cheeks-- i don’t think i remember it being so vivid Hand on the small of his back. Footsteps in puddles from behind. There’s someone laughing in his ear. “Why’re you standing in the rain, silly?” A creeping love blooms in Serizawa’s chest as a man, shorter than himself but with a heart too tall and too wide to be comprehended by numbers, walks beside him. “I was just thinking.” The rain falls quietly around them. “Mm, that’s dangerous..” The other man’s hand slides from his back, then to the umbrella he’s holding. It’s made for Serizawa rather than himself, and it’s too big; he struggles to pull the catch on it which makes Serizawa laugh, sticking one leg in the air as if it’s going to help, then finally pulls it free. The arc of the umbrella’s clear, so that when he strains to hold it above both of their heads, Serizawa can see the drops hitting it and sliding off. The man’s other hand comes down his arm, then brushes his own, and then they’re linked. “You want to know what I’m thinking?” Serizawa’s smile comes effortlessly. “What?” Reigen smiles back. It’s the kind of thing that he can’t find on videogames, or videos, or social media. It’s the kind of thing that makes his heart cartwheel. It’s the kind of thing that reaches Reigen’s eyes, so warm in their mirth. “I’m thinking that I love you.” Serizawa laughs again, giving his hand a squeeze in his larger one. Reigen squeezes back, then stands up straighter, dutifully, “and that Mob’ll be scratching his head if we don’t get to this reservation on time.” Later that evening, Serizawa excuses himself to the bathroom in the back of the ramen shop they’re at. It’s an old place with pleasant sunset lights, people from every walk of life sitting on wooden benches; tonight it just so happened that himself, Reigen, Mob and one small, green ghost were decorating them. The meal was delicious. Good company always made everything a little sweeter, whether that was food or the scenery. Between the chatter he’d hardly stopped laughing all night, and smiles even as he goes to wash his hands in the small restroom, turning the faucet on and letting the cold water flow. He looks up as he does it. There’s a mirror above the sink and as if the glass had been broke, a stab of something stale and wrong shoots up his spine. He takes in his reflection; a tall man with broad shoulders, tired eyes, short hair, thick eyebrows, a faltering smile. A tie. His reflection. Fifteen years old. Twenty years old. Twenty five. He takes in the small lines on his forehead, the shape of his jaw, his Adam’s apple, the collar of his shirt.. It’s perfectly ironed. His shoulders are still slightly damp from the rain. And he can look at himself without being scared once again. He’s just a man; not some kind of pest squirming on the earth, or something to be revered, something immortal and unworldly. He’s just a man with friends from school, and a boyfriend, and whatever Ekubo is to him. When he exits the bathroom, taking his seat, everyone beams at him. Reigen reaches forward to wrap his arm around his shoulders, then pulls him forward to kiss the side of his cheek, and it’s the best feeling in the world. He’s just a man. He’s loved.
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hlvrai-loving · 4 years
Tricks, Treats, And a Falling Out
"Spooky scary skeletons~" Josh softly hums, dabbing a bit of white face paint onto his cheeks. He wouldn't be doing his whole face, of course, but what little he did put would serve as a nice nod to the Batter's monochrome appearance.
"... send shivers down your spiiine~" Then again... monochrome is black, white, and gray, right? There's probably another word for just the two opposing shades...
His phone buzzed on the countertop, a message reminding him to bring water and to be ready in five. Well, what luck it was that he was already dressed, wasn't it? As for water... Josh decided to bring his backpack for any refreshments he'd inevitably end up carrying, starting with a few bottles filled to the brim with cold water.
With most of his costume ready in advance, Joshua placed the cap on his head and checked in on his room, just to ensure he hadn't forgotten anything.
And it was then that his eyes fell on the aluminum bat.
Things... Stakes, you could call them, seemed to be mounting these days. Whatever the hell happened with the eyes and... that man... they wouldn't stop just for the sake of a holiday. He'd kept himself from bringing it to school, of course, but... trick or treating would be different. Even with his friends and Tiff around, he wouldn't be safe... Even if he'd hate to admit it, Joshua knew it'd be better safe than sorry.
And so went the bat into the bag, for later protection.
After that little debate with himself, Josh made his way to the device, explaining to CB and his "friends on the other side" that he'd be unavailable for the night and that he wished for them to take care and keep an eye out. And with that, another buzz of his phone let him know the time had come.
Tossing the bag onto his back, the teen hit the lights and left the room.
Upon opening the front door, he was greeted to the sight of Allen, a jumpy tune coming from his person as the visualizer displayed on his jacket danced. "Yo yo yoooo~! Wassup Dorkman? Ready to purify?" He let out, causing Josh to giggle.
"Yeah yeah, just about. What is going on theeere?" He questioned, referring to the animated clothing. Al grinned, glancing down at it.
"Awe, this ol' thing? Just a little something foster Pops helped me out with. It's connected to the music on my phone and lights up to the beat. Hook in a few speakers here and there and you've got the KING OF DUBSTEP, BUDDY! Heh, same thing's going on with the glasses, but, uh, can't really see shit when it's going off so I'm only turning that on when I really don't need to use my eyes anyways."
"Ghdfff!! What!! You're telling me you just invented a new kind of jacket like it was nothing??"
Al shrugged. ""Invented" is too strong a word for something like this. I'd rather call it "pushing the limits of reality". Much more humble."
J laughed softly. "H-humble my ass, you douche! God damn it, Al."
"Mweh mweh, can we getta move on? The girls are waiting for us a little ways down the road."
"Ey, don't you tell me what to do!"
"Oi, you talking back ta me? Ya givin' me liiip?" The pale teen made sure to pop the "p" as best as he could. Josh couldn't help but smile, shutting and locking the door behind him as he made his way out.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Al."
The night air hung cold, Autumn managing to chill even this town it seemed. As far as Joshua knew, this was the first time he could recall actually shivering upon heading outside. Allen seemed to notice this, lightly hitting his arm.
"Cold cuz you haven't been out in months, ey Joshie?"
"Oh shut it, I'm not cold. Just... It's a bit chillier than I remember."
"Yeah yeah, Mr "I wear a blanket while cruising the space-web"!"
"Shut uuuupp! I do nooot!"
"Do toooo! I saw you when I visited!"
The teen lightly punched his friend's arm right back. "Hush it, would you? Now, where're the girls?" He pondered, resulting in Allen taking him by the wrist and leading him forward as a new song started.
"Riiiight over here, Dorkman."
And sure enough, there they were. Clera was gushing over Tiff's modern take on the stitched together monstrosity, while Tiff was doing her damndest to deny that it was really anything to be impressed over. Upon seeing the boys arrive, Clera quickly made her way over, excited as ever. Her black top and adjoining skirt were riddled with hearts and flowery patterns, which shimmered ever so slightly in the light of the street lamps.
"Joshie!! Hiiii! Your costume looks great!" She chirped out, her contagious enthusiasm causing even Joshua's woes to fade onto his mind's abyss for a little bit longer.
He smiled. "Hahah, it's really nothing. Especially not compared to yours! Did you make it yourself, Cler?"
Her eyes lit up at his kind words, fingers trailing the lace hem of the skirt. "Ehehee! You know it! I sketched it out then I coloured it and me and dad had to go out to get the right fabrics for it, then we went ahead and made it proper! I had to buy the shoes though."
"Wow... How long'd that take you?"
"Around a month!" She giggled.
"Jesus, just a month? Where'd you find the time to make it?" Allen butted in, rather surprised.
She shrugged. "Ooh, but mine's nothing compared to Tiff's!! Give it a looook! Doesn't she look great?" She cheered, the other girl bashfully turning away.
"Cler, mine's not that gooood! Stoooop!" She pleaded, looking away. And, true, it wasn't much. Just a leather jacket, an electric blue shirt, some torn black jeans, and the more "monsterful" additions the studs, makeup, and spray dye gave. It was for the most part the bare minimum one would need to say they were in costume, but... it was still a costume nonetheless.
May as well praise the effort.
"Yeah, hah, she looks amazing, Cler." Josh smiled. Allen, on the other hand...
"Well... It's not exactly creative, is it?" He grinned, earning an annoyed glare from Tiff and an unamused pout from Clera.
"Sooo? She still did her best! I think it looks incredible!" The petite witch told, reassuringly holding her girlfriend's arm.
"Yeah, at least I'm not a walking light show. How was that creative?" Tiff retorted.
"Ey ey, excuse my goddamn French, but did you just diss the drip, Tiffy?"
"That is not "drip"! That's a jacket that lights up! You may as well have gone as a lamp!"
"Oh ho ho! Is that whatcha think?? Well, listen here-"
"Guys!" Joshua interjected. Evidently, it seemed something may have happened between the two beforehand to cause such tension... "Let's just... wh-why don't we just get started, huh? We're, uh, h-here to trick or treat, aren't we? S-so, heh..."
At Tiff's side, Clera uncomfortably shifted. The taller teen let out a sigh. "Fine fine. Might as well... My folks want me to be home at 11, so we're better off not wasting time."
"We won't. I promise you, we'll have more than enough time to get all the candy we could ever need before 11." Josh gave a small smile as Tiff coldly stared down at him.
"Yeah yeah..." She muttered, heading to the house nearest to them with Clera. Before he could follow, Josh pulled Allen aside.
"What was that about?" He asked.
"What'dya mean?"
"Al, don't play dumb with me. Did you and Tiff have a fight or something? You looked like you were both on the verge of throwing hands or something!"
Allen shrugged, clearly uninterested in providing an actual response. "Dunno... Didn't you just say a second ago that we have to start? Shouldn't we join 'em before they hit up too many houses?"
Joshua sighed, figuring Al would just keep denying it if he continued. "Fine, but I'm not dropping the subject."
"Oh, you will." The pale boy reassured, patting Joshua's shoulder as he passed him by. He frowned slightly. Later, he would get to the bottom of this, but for now?... For now, he supposed he had no choice but to follow his friend and truly start their night of candy hunting.
With a quick glance at the emptiness behind him, Joshua made his way forward to their first house of the night.
"Never thought I'd see the day." Al smirked, tearing open a chocolate bar. "Figured full-sized treats were but a legend these days!"
"Dude, aren't you supposed to, like, look through those?" Tiff regarded, dismissively running her fingers through her hair.
"Pfft, why? Not like anyone would bother tampering with these." He sneered, messily devouring the entire confection as the girl turned away in disgust.
The group had decided to take a short break, hydrating and taking a short sit on a park bench. They'd amassed quite an impressive stash of sugary goodness, as well as more than a few snide remarks surrounding their age, but the latter wasn't important at the moment.
Instead, Joshua's attention was focused solely on the empty playground ahead, the swings swaying softly in the gentle breeze. Seemed like only yesterday, he was still having fun in a set just like this. He and his friends would play for hours, making up silly games with whatever imaginary rules their minds could come up with. Running around, getting scrapes and bruises and thinking it was the end of the world, as if that was the worst they would ever get hurt...
He sat back against the bench, feeling more tired than ever. Things... were practically unrecognizable now than how they were when he was a kid. The idea of play and fun forever being within his reach had withered into nothing years ago, and the fears he had then couldn't hold a candle to whatever monsters kept him up on particularly stressful nights. It was all surreal... Unfamiliar, yet...
Josh shook his head slightly, he'd worry about all of that when the time came. It always did in the end. Might as well deny that bridge when he inevitably came to it, right?
"Joshie, hey..." Clera lightly nudged him, tearing the boy from his thoughts. He gave her a glance, and she happily showed him a chocolate witch someone placed in her bag. "It's a me!"
Joshua couldn't help but laugh. Once again, Cler unknowingly saves the day. "It sure is. Could do with a lot more hearts though, huh?"
"Ehehe! You know it!" She placed it back into her bag, lightly swinging her legs. "... So, Joshie?"
"What do you do all day when you're not at school?"
"... Ah, I..." He began playing with his fingers. "... Just... c-coding, mostly. Nothing m-much else, why?"
"Mmm... We don't get to see you much anymore."
"... R-right, I... I'm real sorry about that, I just-"
"I even had good ideas on what we could do together." She continued, her head down. "Better than the mall and a movie, i-if that's why. I can come up with better ones too if you don't like them."
"... Clera, you... I haven't stopped hanging with you guys because I didn't like it, I'm just... I'm going through a lot right now. Things that I... I can't explain to you correctly. I hardly-"
She cut him off, fidgeting slightly. "Because I wouldn't understand, right?"
He fell silent for a few brief moments, "I... C-Clera, it's more than th-that... I'm... It's a f-family matter... You know, p-personal. I haven't told a-anyone."
The girl remained unresponsive for a few moments, staring down at her feet. Then, she only answered with a quiet "Oh."
"... Hey, we... we've still got a few more houses to go before 11. Why don't we get back to it, huh?" He forced a gentle smile. "Maybe someone will give you more chocowitches..."
Clera gazed up at him with sad eyes, but nodded regardless, picking up her candy bag, standing from her seat, and brushing off her skirt. Josh went ahead and informed the other two that they were ready to head off once more.
And unseen from a nearby rooftop, a skeleton sang out a few notes of blue as it watched them leave.
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revisionaryhistory · 4 years
Three Days ~ 33
Tumblr media
Catch up on AO3
Sebastian gave me a quick recap on his day that ended with, “Now, I’m mostly trying to figure out a way to climb through the internet so I can kiss you. We've still got some catching up to do.”
"I can't decide if that’s adorable or one of the sexiest things I’ve ever heard." I licked my lips and bit my lower lip.
Sebastian squinted his eyes, "I’m curious what would rate sexier?"
"The way you told me if I said stop we'd stop."
"That's just common courtesy." He shrugged off my reply.
I shook my head, "It's really not and it wasn't the words as much as the intensity with which you said them."
"I like intensity."
Good thing he wasn't arguing that point. "I like your intensity. The look in your eyes and the tone of your voice."
His eyes dilated and his voice deepened, "Any guess what I want to crawl through the phone to do now?"
The look on his face made his thoughts clear. "I like how you want me. I want you too."
Sebastian scrubbed his hands in his hair, leaving it sticking up in all directions. "It's only Wednesday."
"Yes, it is. What time will you get here?"
"Four thirty."
"Perfect." I could run home after work, freshen up, and change. We stared at each other. I’m pretty sure we were thinking the same things. Dirty things. Our smiles morphed into laughter. I changed the subject. "Tell me about your home."
"My home?"
I raised my eyebrows and nodded. "You've been here. I know nothing about where you live."
"Want a tour?"
"Yes, please."
He stood up, "I'm going to try to switch to the other camera. If I hang up, I'll call you back." His finger got close to the screen, then I was looking out into the room. "Excellent, it worked. This is an extra room off the main living space. As you can see, I use I as an office. Sleeper sofa for guests."
The long wall was bookcases full of books and pictures. One short wall was a desk with an iMac. A sofa was in under the window across from the desk and an oversized doorway opened into a larger room. His furniture was eclectic and comfortable. I had a suspicion he'd added pieces as he had more space, keeping the first due to comfort or maybe sentimentality. The room didn't look mismatched, it was similar in style, and looked like someone lived here. A TV hung over an entertainment center with various equipment. A drawered cabinet that looked like an old library card file stood to the side.
"I love the cabinet. Are they really drawers or a facade?"
"Drawers. I can’t let go of DVDs and CDs. I might need your dad to bring me up to date."
I laughed, "I'd be very surprised if you have anything he hasn't already digitized."
Sebastian continued the tour. "Dining room and kitchen."
The space was open with the dining table separating the living area from the kitchen. The dining table sat six. I could imagine a gathering of friends sharing stories and a meal there. Black cabinets with grey marble countertops lined the wall with a penny tile back splash in variations of white, gray, and black. There was a big island for serving or prep. "Does the island turn into a bar at parties?"
I couldn’t see Sebastian, but I heard his snicker, “It makes an excellent bar. All the booze in here. Even a small wine cooler." He opened the cabinets underneath before flipping the camera around where I saw him. "What are you favorites? Make sure I’m stocked up."
"Tequila is my favorite. I love this Partida Blanco and a Volcan Blanco. I like a good whiskey. Vodka gives me a headaches, unless it’s super distilled. No Jägermeister."
"I have lots of tequila. I like tequila. Jäger is shit, but I have friends who love. I think there's some Absinthe under there too."
"Absinthe makes for an odd night."
He turned and walked down the hall into what had to be his bedroom and turned on the light. As he'd told me the room had a dark blue grey wall amongst the grey. His king-sized bed had a dark blue patterned comforter and almost as many pillows as me. The room’s odd angles gave it lots of space but some trouble with where to put things. He had a rather sad excuse for a fake tree in the tiny corner, wrapped in something.
"Nice plant."
"Ah, wait for it." The camera pointed at the dark brown hard wood floor and I could hear rustling. "See!" He pointed the camera back at the tree. It was now lit up and I could see the "wrapping" was white fairy lights.
I laughed, "Beautiful!"
"No, it's not." He turned the camera back to his face. His smile took my breath away. "It's a weird acute angle. Will bought the tree as a housewarming present and Chace did the lights. Makes me smile."
"That's awesome." I love silly things attached to happy memories. "Thank you for showing me your place."
Sebastian was walking back toward the living room, "You're welcome. You should come see it in person. I'm coming there this weekend, you come down here the next."
"Sounds good." I'm pretty sure my eyes widened for a split second. We hadn't spent a second weekend together and he was planning the third. I was good with it, but it did surprise me. I’m not sure why. Not a bad surprised. The good kind. This was really just one more in a long list of surprises with this man.
"Good. We'll figure out details this weekend." Maybe I didn't do anything noticeable. "You looked surprised."
I bit my lip, letting it slip away as I smiled "Everything about you is surprising. In the best way possible." He raised an eyebrow, which let me know the answer was considered incomplete. "We're making plans farther in the future than we've known each other. It's good."
"Yeah, it is." He laid back on the couch. "Can we talk about what you biting your lip does to me?"
"Want me to stop?"
"Oh no, not what I want at all. What I want is to bite your lip."
"I want to bite your shoulder."
I watched him shift around, knowing what he was doing. He closed his eyes and grimaced. "Supposed to be hot on Saturday."
I smiled, but left it alone, "It is. You should feel free to take off your shirt. Or sit in the shade."
"I will if you will." His eyes shifted away then back. "Speaking of... isn't it about time for practice?"
"Yes. We're using the gym at my school tonight. Might be late."
"No sand." He got a strange look before going on, "Will you text me when you get home? So I know you're safe."
"Sure." He continues to be the sweetest man ever. His request didn’t feel like he was checking up on me, it came from concern and felt good. I didn't suffer a lack of people caring about me, but this was different.
Practice did last late. I stripped off my clothes as I walked upstairs and fell naked on my bed.
Emma ~ I'm home
Sebastian ~ Long practice.
Emma ~ Good though. Tired
Sebastian ~ I'm glad you're home.
Emma ~  Were you worried about me?
Sebastian ~ Not yet. Maybe a little.
Emma ~ You're very sweet.
Sebastian ~ Go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Emma ~ Night night
I woke up the next morning wrapped up in my comforter, having fallen asleep where I was when I was texting Sebastian last night. I must have been more tired than I thought. I rolled onto my back with a smile. My alarm had pulled me out of a more than pleasant dream. Sebastian and I were laying by a pool, stretched out on a lounge chair with me between his legs, leaning back on him. His hands were holding mine and resting on my stomach. We were laughing and talking. I don't know what about, but the dream felt good.
I lay on my bed with a stupid grin on my face until the last possible moment. I was almost late for work and forgot my lunch. Fingers crossed that the lunch room was serving something edible. About nine I got called to the office for a pick up. I opened the door and was greeted with our attendance clerk and secretary singing, "It's raining men. Hallelujah it's raining men." They pointed to a beautiful vase full of flowers. Light pink roses, white roses, lilies, lisianthius and sweet peas. It was simple and beautiful. I could see the card tucked amongst the blooms, which I didn't need to open to know who sent them. No way in hell was I opening it in the main office.
Karen shook her head, "We want to know who this man is. Those are some gorgeous flowers.”
I smiled as I picked the vase up, "Somebody new with good taste."
"Keep him."
I laughed as I walked away, "I’ll do my best.
I walked back into the room and put the flowers on the corner of my desk. I was able to pluck the card out before a herd of children converged on me chattering about how pretty the flowers were, asking who they were from, and if they could smell them. I said they were from a new friend and backed away to let them sniff. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the commotion. Sending would have to wait and I knew he would understand.
After dropping the kids off, I brought my lackluster lunch back to the room. The unread card had been burning a hole in my pocket all morning. I stuffed a chicken nugget in my mouth and tore through the envelope.
"I'd be happy to sit and be quiet with you. Sebastian"
I stopped chewing. Holy shit. What an insanely lucky woman am I. Fuck me.
Emma ~ I'd love to be quiet with you.
I opened my photo gallery and found the picture of us at the festival and ran my fingers over his face. His gorgeous face with the expressive blue eyes.
The text notification startled me.
Sebastian ~ We'll make it happen.
Emma ~ The flowers are beautiful. Thank you.
Sebastian ~ You're welcome
Emma ~ <attached picture> I'm not the only one who liked them.
Sebastian ~ Ooops, sorry.
Emma ~ Don't apologize. Best part of my day.
Sebastian ~ Where are your kids?
Emma ~ Lunch
Sebastian ~ Can you talk?
Emma ~ Yes
Incredibly cute that he asked. My phone rang and I decided he needed his own ringtone. "What's up, Sebastian?"
"Nothing." He laughed. "You've got staff meeting and practice. I've got a dinner thing now. I wanted to say hi. So hi."
I laughed and leaned in to smell my flowers. "Hi." It took all my self-control to not sigh.
"Tomorrow. How about we go get some dinner then find someplace to be quiet?"
"Sounds good. What's your dinner thing tonight?"
"Part meeting, part fun. I told you about the photo shoot. It's with the company to talk about the ad campaign"
I cringed, "Doesn't sound a lot of fun."
He made a noncommittal noise, "A couple of drinks will make dinner to bearable. After is a cocktail party could be fun. Could be tragic."
"Couple of drinks will make that tolerable too."
The sound of his laughter was going to make the rest of my day better than tolerable.
"Might not be bad. I'll get myself up. Room full of strangers can go two ways. Fun and easy or dog and pony show where I'm the main attraction."
"And you don't like that." I was reminded of what Eli had said about him blending into the background at parties.
"Not my favorite thing. But tomorrow I get to see you, which is one of my favorite things. I’ll focus on the goal. Tomorrow. About 4:30."
"I have something same time."
"Lucky me."
Students streamed into the room with their usual high level of post lunch energy. Not surprisingly, Sebastian could hear them. "Lunch is over. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow."
"Me either."
The rest of my day was a blur. Staff meeting turned into a bitch fest. Our principal wanted to change the layout of the rooms. Pretty much everyone would be moving. I saw this as an opportunity to do some redecorating. I ran home before practice to grab something to eat and do a quick clean. I’m pretty good cleaning as I go, so I ran around spraying and wiping things. Practice was at the bar complex. I wasn't looking forward to the sand. We had fun and we were doing well. Before we left the brackets were up and we were the number three seed. First match at twelve, with report time at eleven. Perfect. I didn't have to go to bed too early tomorrow night.
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mycupoffanfiction · 5 years
His Second Chance Part 17
Bucky x Reader
His Second Chance Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Bucky comes back from Wakanda with Steve, ready to begin his recovery from his days as the Winter Soldier, but there’s one thing he doesn’t take into account - you.
Warnings: Soft fairly non descriptive smut (first 3 paragraphs), fluff, sadness.
Word count: 2500
Bucky and the Reader explore their options seperately, Reader starts to feel overwhelmed.
ALL TAG LISTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN 💖 feel free to come and chat, my blog is always open for you 💕
If your tag is crossed out, I haven’t been able to tag you. 
Soft. So soft.
Gentle sunrays pushing through the curtains, the quiet hum of traffic in the distance, the odd faint order here and there shouted by Steve as he trained the recruits in the early morning outside. Sheets beneath your fingers, bunched tightly in your hands, a soft mewl escaping your lips, back arching slightly as you let out a shaky breath. “Bucky.” You whined. “I’ve got you.” He hummed against your core, the vibration sending a warm feeling through you as you drew closer to your orgasm. “Let go for me.” Bucky whispered and just like that, with a few more flicks of his soft tongue, you were a trembling mess. Whining out and moaning, no regard for whether Sam could hear you or not as Bucky worked you through your orgasm. He tried to keep you going for a second one, but you gently nudged him away.
 A proud smirk played on Bucky’s lips as he knelt over you, lining himself up. “Love makin’ you feel good.” Bucky whispered, coming down to kiss you, lips pressing softly against yours, an almost erotic groan coming from deep in his chest as he slowly nudged into you, gently thrusting until he was confident his harder movements wouldn’t cause discomfort.
 Grunts, heavy breaths, skin against skin. Soft touches and sweet kisses trailing over your cheek and neck. Hot breath against his skin, your delicate lips against his shoulder, his beard rough against your cheek, but so, so good. A soft moan met with a gruff huff of a breath. Hushed I love you’s and gentle praises as you both drew close to your climaxes, Bucky holding himself back so you could have your release before his. Another snap of his hips and you tumbled over with a sharp gasp, a moan and Bucky’s name on your lips. Bucky followed after you, a few grunts and a drawn out moan. Eyes on yours, full of love, full of adoration like you were the only two people in the world.
 Your face was pressed against Bucky’s bare chest as you both caught your breath. Your arm draped over his middle, fingers tracing lazy circles and swirly patterns over his chest. Sex was a safe haven for Bucky, so intimate, so loving that the voices in his head all but disappeared. They had no power in his mind when he was enjoying acts of love with you and it gave him all the more reason to worship you the way he so desperately wanted to and take his time.
 Words weren’t even needed to share the feelings of love between the two of you. Bucky was so in tune with you, with your mind and your body. You both knew how you felt, even if no words came or the words you spoke while you were tipped over the edge of euphoria made no sense at all, it was love. It was all love.
 Bucky could get used to this life. Waking up to you every morning, making food together, baking cakes and pastries, playing videogames and reading together. Bucky could get used to all of it, in fact, he was getting used to it. But soon he’d have to introduce a new part of his life when he was only just getting used to real life again.
 Domestic life or back to the field again? Bucky pondered, stretched out lazily on the sofa in his fitted sweats and a black t-shirt. It’s one direction and then the other, something happens to continuously tug Bucky to the opposite path. Why was this so hard? Why did it need to be so hard to just make a decision? It felt near impossible.
 You have to fight. It’s your duty to pay back what the Winter Soldier did.
No. You weren’t him, you don’t owe anything, it’s okay to want something else.
Bucky scrolled through listings on his laptop. Cats. When did he become so obsessed with cats? He’d never cared much for them back in the day but- oh just look at this one, so fluffy. Bucky was absolutely sure he needed at least one. If not five.
 Perhaps he would fight for a while, see where it lead him. Perhaps he just needed to do it, serve his self-given time until he felt he’d had enough, he’d done enough and he’d retire. Maybe the idea of a bakery or a café was just a silly fantasy. Adopting a small herd of cats was a silly fantasy, who was he kidding? No one would let him have little creatures roaming around the tower. Perhaps a normal life just wasn’t within his reach.
Perhaps you’re just not allowed a normal life, Barnes. Bucky sighed. I can hope.
 Bucky longed for a life in New York. Quiet, peaceful, the only stress being simple things like loading the dishwasher and paying the bills on time. He dreamed of a Brooklyn apartment, one with a feature brick wall and exposed pipes he’d paint with beautiful colours. A life where he could wake up and see your pretty face and look forward to a day full of spending time with you. He longed to look after another life, not a child – he wasn’t ready for that and perhaps you didn’t even want one, but a cat. Five cats. That was his dream. He imagined himself laying on the floor, a little cat pawing at his beard and long brown hair, sweet little mews for attention causing Bucky to grin and chuckle. A weight on his chest, you as you snuggled up to him giggling at nothing in particular. Carefree.
I can hope.
 A sigh left your lips as you sat rigid on your bed, staring at your TV. “Crowds of angry protesters took to the streets outside of a therapy centre yesterday afternoon when Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes was rumoured to be taking an assessment to work alongside the Avengers.” The news host reported. “That man is dangerous, letting him into the Avengers is a terrible-.” An angry protester was cut off as Steve stood in your doorway, TV remote in hand, the screen going black.
 “Thought we made this a rule after what happened with Wanda.” Steve said softly as he padded across your room to sit beside you. “No watching the news after something bad happens.” The bed dipped slightly as he sat down next to you. “And that was something bad, sweetheart.” His fingers gently brushed over the cut on your forehead. “I hate it, Stevie.” You sniffled. “I hate what’s happening, these people don’t see Bucky, all they see is the Winter Soldier.” You leaned against his shoulder, trying hard to hold back your tears.
 “They don’t see him like we do, but that’s why we have to keep going, show them that he’s not a threat and he’s here to help.” Steve spoke just above a whisper as he wrapped an arm around you, holding you tightly. “I know it’s hard, I know.” He whispered. “He’s got us though, he’s got you. We’ll help him through it.” Steve assured you as you squeezed him around the middle, finally letting your tears roll down your cheeks. “Hey, no, you’re not supposed to cry, sweetheart.” Steve hushed you, gently wiping away a tear with his fingers.
 Bucky walked into your room, heart stopping as he saw you and Steve cuddled up on the bed, tears rolling down your cheeks as you clung to Steve’s light grey shirt. Steve gently shushed you, his big arms around you trying desperately to comfort you. Bucky’s eyes met Steve’s and they shared a look, Steve giving him a tight lipped smile before turning his attention back to you, his hand gently smoothing over your hair. Wonder what’s caused my girl to cry, maybe I did something wrong. Oh god, did I do something wrong? Did I hurt her this morning?
 A second dip in the bed on your other side alerted you of Bucky’s presence. Arms winding around you, sandwiched between two super soldiers. Never had you felt so safe and comforted in your life. Steve had pulled you from that miserable time in your life, gave you a second chance. And then Bucky came along, broken and lost and you did the same for him that Steve had for you. A second chance.
 But was this it? Was fighting again a second chance or was it a poor attempt to be Bucky’s old definition of normal? All he’d known since the war was fighting, death and destruction. It might be for the innocent, being an Avenger might be for the greater good, but the goodness of it was just a guise for the fight hidden beneath it. The same grizzly details. There would always be tough consequences. There would always be a fight, injury and pain.
There would always be death.
It was still a fight, it didn’t matter who it was for, who it was to protect. It was still a fight and neither of you were sure that it was what you wanted. Was it okay to not want it?
Yes, because you both deserved to be happy, both deserved to do what you wanted.
No, because you felt like you owed something. You to the Avengers for taking you in and saving you, showing you a better life and Bucky felt he owed the whole damn world a piece of him and even then he wasn’t sure that was enough to pay back what he’d been made to do.
 Inner conflict knitted your brows together, tears falling and soaking into Steve shirt. A third set of arms, warm, soft, gentle. Sam. What on earth had you done to deserve such a caring family? A trio of soldiers who took care of you, who loved you in different ways.
 You hadn’t wanted this. Once you had been a normal girl with your whole life ahead of you. Normal was a strange thing, ultimately it was subjective. Normal for you had been a regular teenager, school, friends, a slightly unstable homelife. And then you were thrust into the rabbit hole of Hydra. Your mother had taken away the last vestiges of what normal had been to you and twisted it into something else. Normal became painful, terrifying, abusive. And then it became calm, and quiet and full of love when Steve found you, when he walked into your shitty basement and scared the fuck out of you in the middle of the night.
 But now normal was different. Sure this wasn’t what you had seen for yourself when someone asked you ‘where do you see yourself in ten years?’ But despite it being utterly insane, so insane that you were Captain America and The Falcon’s honorary sister and Sergeant Barnes’ girl, but it was your life now and you full heartedly embraced what you had.
 Maybe it was worth the fight.
 “Can you stop?” Sam huffed, removing another photo of a random cat from the front of the fridge and putting it in a pile of other printed cat photos. “I’m trying to introduce the idea of having cats around by putting photos up.” Bucky said matter-of-factly as he prepared a nice hot cup of coffee for you after you’d finally calmed down. “I think you’re just doing it to piss me off.” Sam scoffed, rolling his eyes. Bucky was about to continue when he saw you slip outside onto the balcony.
 Bucky shared a look with Sam before moving across to the balcony with your coffee and grabbed his hoodie on the way out for you. “Hey pretty girl.” Bucky spoke softly as he walked out onto the balcony, placing your coffee down on the little side table next to where you sat. “Hey Sarge.” You sighed, breathing in the lovely coffee smell before Bucky move to drape his hoodie around your shoulders.
 “What’s going on, darlin’? Talk to me.” Bucky’s gaze fixed on yours as he lowered himself onto the small bench next to you. You let out a long, shaky sigh and closed your eyes. Looking out over the city skyline, you took a few deep breaths, taking a moment to compose yourself and have a sip of coffee. “I’m too soft for this Buck.” You finally spoke. “It’s been over a year since I found out I could use fire and it’s no where near controllable. Just last week I nearly burnt Steve’s arm to a crisp and I can’t calm down when I’m in that state until all my energy is spent and I pass out.” You huffed. “I have to fight, if I don’t then I have to leave and if I leave, I lose the Avengers. My only family.” You closed your eyes, shaking your head. “I can’t lose that.”
“You don’t have to.” Bucky rested his hand on your knee. “Don’t have to fight, don’t have to leave either.” He reassured. “Bucky, those people protesting yesterday- I couldn’t even handle that. Everything is overwhelming, I wasn’t meant for this.” You avoided eye contact. I wasn’t meant for this. Oh pretty girl, you and me both. “It’s too much, Bucky.” You leant against him, his arm coming around to embrace you and hold you close. So warm and comforting. So protective.
 “You don’t have to do this alone, doll. We’re in this together. You duck out, I duck out too. You move forwards, I move forwards too.” Bucky whispered into your hair. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.” You looked up at him, eyes meeting, a pained expression on your face. “You’re not asking, I’m doing it of my own free will.” Bucky spoke softly. “You’re not alone anymore. You’ve got me, Steve and Sam. Those two love you so much, you have no idea how protective they get of you when we’re talking. Even if you stopped fighting and we left the Avengers, they’d never leave us, never leave you. They couldn’t do that.” Bucky pressed a little kiss to your temple while you took a moment to think.
 “Darlin’, when I got here you gave me a piece of advice, you said you always have a choice. You can always say no and you can always back out. So can you, doll.” Bucky lowered his voice to just above a whisper. “I know it isn’t black and white and you can’t make a decision on the spot, just know that whatever you want to do, I’ll do it with you.” Bucky concluded, sitting back against the bench cushions and taking in a deep breath of the crisp autumnal air. You leaned into him, taking a long sip of your coffee. “Thank you, Bucky.” Your lips curved upwards in a gentle smile.
That’s my girl, my sweet girl.
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themockingcrows · 4 years
Whisper Just For Me: Ch. 16: Beyond
All good things must come to an end. Sometimes, though, the end is just the beginning. CW: Major character death This chapter is available on AO3!
((The end of the fic! Thank you so much for reading, it’s really meant a lot to me. And I’m so sorry the ending took so long to get out! Between the surgeries, recovery time, mental health and school, things have been hectic to say the least. If you stuck around, you’ve got my love forever. <3 Ryn, over and out.))
     By the time the cast came off and you’d started doing physical therapy at home, you felt it was time to try explaining to Dave all the things you had found. Life had returned to normal more or less, with Jade and her research keeping Dave’s returning strength and habits dialed in to where they could be tracked again. Everything was looking positive, and you couldn’t be happier. Your family was whole again, and life was good.
     Now to rip the bandaid off, you supposed. Now when it was private and quiet, when Jade wasn’t around and it would just be the two of you.
     With Dave zipping around the room rustling papers one day, you decided it was time. If he passed on… well. You had confidence you’d see him again somehow. Your beliefs had expanded over time to well beyond what they were before, and with it came a sense of serenity in things. If you could find Dave again after all that had happened, if fate itself seemed intent on making sure that you could be reunited somehow, then surely it made sense that it would keep going even longer afterwards into the unknown.
     You knelt down carefully, still babying your formerly broken leg as it got stronger, and rummaged under your bed for the things you’d brought back from Dave’s Bro. The raglan shirt, the different drawings, the picture of the smuppet, the photograph of Dave on the sofa. With a deep sense of inner peace, you set them all out on the floor and sat back on your ass to look them over when you felt the warmth near your shoulder.
     “Do you see all these clearly?” you asked, wanting to be sure.
     … Yes …
     “...Do you want to touch them?” you asked, offering control of your arms again. “I don’t mind. They’re… they’re yours, after all.”
     Did Dave recognize them, or not? He seemed intrigued, if nothing else. He didn’t take control of your arms, but remained near your head and shoulders, hovering and staring intently at the different things as if he were a mongoose staring down a snake. You reached for the picture of him on the couch and smiled.
     “You still look this good, I hope you know. Just more red.”
     Dave was silent, but he smiled. Okay. He could recognize himself at least. Or he couldn’t and he could take a compliment when he heard one. Sometimes it was a little hard to tell how Dave’s brain worked, but it was generally positive so whatever. 
     Setting the picture down, you pulled up the image of the smuppet and ran a thumb over the surface of the polaroid as if imagining the texture of the fabric, trying to pretend you could feel it, could smell it. Trying to practically will it into existing in the same room.
     “Your uh. ...Your brother said this was one of your favorite toys growing up,” you explained, smile faltering a bit. The warmth went chilly for the briefest of seconds, wavering, before it warmed again. Dave was reaching for the picture with his transparent fingers, imitating the stroking motion you’d done right beforehand.
     ...I remember…
     Okay. That was a start. He remembered and was still there. Good.
     You felt a chill in your stomach that made you want to put everything away, suddenly. A deep instinctive urge to hide, to keep things safe, to buckle down and ignore everything around you for a while. To keep Dave safe.
     Safe from what? If he moved on… then it was what he was meant to do. He’d be at peace. You’d meet again. And that was all theoretical anyway, stop panicking! Ease up, Egbert, it’s a picture of a smuppet.
     You reach for the shirt next and hold it after displaying the pattern on the front, grinning at Dave again despite the growing panic in the back of your chest.
     “Your shirt’s kinda dorky, but apparently you liked it a lot? You liked videogames too, and music… I think Jade has some of the songs you used to like to listen to, we’ll have to ask her to play them later.” You’d been avoiding them for some reason since getting Dave back, just letting things go back to how they’d once been instead of adding even more new things into the mix. Too much too fast was bad, you assumed. ...Yet here you were, discussing an entire short life in one go.
     ...Better than yours…
     “Hey, my clothes are great thank you.”
     As if to make a point, Dave darted away to the drawers and opened them, tossing out socks and shorts left and right while you protested, before rattling things in the closet and darting back in a red haze like a flash. 
     “Okay, okay, geeze. Either way, we’ve got this now. Do you want me to set it out somewhere for you? Or.. like. I don’t know, should I wear it when you’re in charge sometime?”
     Would it be weird to wear your dead boyfriend’s shirt that he used to wear when he was alive if you never knew him when he was alive to begin with? Something in your head said that was probably kind of weird, but then again you’ve been wrong before so… who knew anymore. Things were complicated when you were dating a ghost.
     A lot of societal rules and standards either didn’t apply or needed to be invented on the spot.
     Dave did a lazy turn in the air like an otter before rustling the other items like a breeze to catch your attention once more, apparently enthralled by his own work. You picked up the cartoony image with a smirk, having to hold it sideways at an angle to read it properly as if it were some secret code and not the oldest shitpost you’d ever seen in your fucking life.
     “You made this, huh? What’s it of? Like, who are these guys?”
     ...Sweet Bro… Hella Jeff… Geromy…
     Instinctively, you’re aware of who each of them probably are, and you’re pleased when a quick verification with Dave proved you were correct on the first shot. It was brilliant really. Strange, surreal, silly, and nonsensical in just the right way to make you wish there was an entire book of these drawings. If Dave had lived, maybe there would have been and that’s the only way you’d have known him: as an adoring fan among many to an older man with a talent for drawing funny cartoons. ...If you could even classify these guys as cartoons.
     They kind of defied description in the way a jpeg artifact tended to bounce around on shitty video clips that dropped pixels faster than you could drop yourself down the stairs on roller skates with a running start.
     The more realistic art, the sketches, you hesitated on most. Finally, you picked one up and cleared your throat uncomfortably. 
     “This uh. ...You know who this is, yeah?”
     Dave was quiet again, and you had to look over your shoulder to try judging if this was a bad idea or not. He was still, quiet, staring. His face was hard to decipher, mostly because it seemed to be fading in and out from the red mass to the wispy figure you knew and loved. 
     “Right,” you said, clearing your throat again. It felt like you had heartburn, a cold sweat on your brow and acid roiling in your stomach. “We uhm. Jade and I met him. We talked a lot about things. About you. He’s the one who gave us most of these things. We heard about when you were a baby, and when you were a teen.”
     There came the unsteady lump of panic again. Where had the serenity gone? The sense of peace and calm that said this was a good idea earlier? Long gone.
     “We also uhm. ...We learned how you died, Dave. Do.. do you remember?”
     Stupid question. Dave looked tense, uncertain, and even more wavery than before. Of course he didn’t remember, that was one of the main reasons he was still around, wasn’t it?
     Were you ready for this? You could feel tears in your eyes. It was now or never.
     “It was your heart, Dave. You had a heart problem, and passed away really fast outside. Nobody knew it was coming or that anything was wrong. Your… Your Bro’s sorry. He’s eaten alive about it, wishes he’d never pushed you as hard as he did in the heat. He misses you. He-”
     The red light was brilliant to your eyes, bright enough that you needed to shield your vision for a moment with a hand, peeking between your fingers to try finding the source. Dave. It had to be Dave. Where was he? Where was he in this sea of red? The warmth that had been radiating off of him dissipated till it was cool and comforting instead. Soothing as a balm to fevered flesh, soft and gentle as touch.
     When the light faded, Dave was standing to your side. Physically standing, not floating, looking solid as anything. His face was pale with a splash of freckles, hair ruffled as if wind had been playing through it, red eyes bright as rubies. He was wearing the same shirt you’d brought out from under the bed, making you double take back to it to make sure it wasn’t in fact the same shirt. Black jeans smoothed down skinny legs with the baggy ends threadbare in the back where his tennis shoes had been scuffing them to Hell and back. His chest wasn’t rising or falling, but he had color to his cheeks, and a smile on his lips.
     You scrambled to your feet once you registered what the fuck had happened, or… at least were trying to understand what the fuck was happening. 
     “Dave? Dave what’s going on. I don’t like this,” you say, before even registering what came out of your mouth. Your skin felt soothed, your body felt light, even the residual ache in your leg was gone. Peace was in the air, but you felt like you were having trouble breathing, leading to the conclusion that you were, in fact, panicking.
     This was a panic attack.
     “Dave? Say something, Dave, what’s happening.”
     You knew what was happening. You reminded him how he died. He knew now. He remembered. He remembered everything, remembered his former life, remembered himself and his world and time. Remembered his Bro.
     “...John,” Dave said, his voice just as solid as it felt when he talked inside your head, but the rush of blood in your ears was making it harder to hear over the whooshing. You needed air. This wasn’t supposed to be happening, you didn’t want this.
     Except you did. You didn’t want to be selfish and keep Dave in limbo forever. You didn’t want to keep him hidden in your pocket till your own death, leaving him potentially trapped. This was the right thing to do. In your heart of hearts you knew this was the right thing to do.
     “John,” he said again. “Thank you. For everything. For every single second,” Dave said to you. He reached out with his too solid hands and clasped yours with both of his, giving them a squeeze. He was cool to the touch, like weather worn fleshy marble. When you didn’t squeeze back, he released your hands in favor of hugging you tight around the middle, nuzzling his face against the side of your neck like a cat seeking somewhere warm to perch and snuggle.
     “Why are you thanking me for that?” you asked. Fuck, you were crying. You could feel the snot running down your throat already, the tears stinging your eyes. “I love you, Dave. I only did what I’ve done because I love you.”
     “...I love you too, John Egbert” he said, and you knew in your heart of hearts that he meant it.
     Finally remembering that you could lift your arms, you clung tight to him, digging your fingers into the fabric of his shirt as if it would anchor him in place and keep him from going anywhere. You hiccuped for breath, head spinning. Too much was happening at once.
     “Am I going to see you again?” you asked. “You’d know better than me, right? I will, won’t I?”
     “John..” Dave said softly, not answering the question. It wasn’t helping the panic or the sadness ripping your heart in half.
     “Tell me!” you demanded. “This isn’t the end, is it? This isn’t happily ever after, I don’t accept it. We’ll be together again, right?”
     “Wait for me, John,” he said softly against your ear. The panic died as if it had never been there, so suddenly that your knees tried to give way. Dave held you tight and kept you upright, kept you from falling to the ground. In that brief moment, Dave was the rock and tether that you’d been for so long.
     “How long do I have to wait?” you asked, clenching your eyes shut to focus on everything you could while you could. His smell, the way his skin felt under his shirt, the way his hair felt against your neck. Things you had gotten hints of all this time, whispers of, but never anything this solid.
     It wasn’t fair.
     Why were you able to get everything you wanted right as it was leaving?
     “How long,” you croaked again, but Dave either didn’t have an answer or couldn’t answer. Instead, he looked towards the door of your room, watching it open on its own to display the hall to the living room. You could hear music playing distantly, and warmth of a summer that wasn’t there was coming in with the soft afternoon light. “Please. Please tell me. Dave, please, how long…”
     “You’ll know,” Dave finally said, giving another hard squeeze around your middle, hesitating leaving. Did he want to stay? Or was it just a residual tug of want? Who would give up their ever after just to stick around in someone’s necklace in an incorporeal state forever?
     Nobody. Not even you, not even for Dave, and you knew it even if you hated it.
     “When I come for you, I’ll have to whisper so you know it’s me,” he said quietly by your ear again. Only loud enough for you to hear, trying to burn the words into your memory. You’d know his voice when it was softer than when it was louder, it was true. He’d been a ghost so long, that whispery, barely there tone was what you expected every time you woke up or went to sleep.
     How were you could to live without that. 
     “Yeah. I’ll listen for you. I’ll listen for you every day,” you said. You didn’t need to promise. It’d be instinct by now, holding out hope that he’d come back.
     When Dave released your middle, he reached his hands up to clasp either side of your face so he could kiss you properly. Your teeth got in the way briefly, clicking together with his smaller straighter ones, but it didn’t deter him in the slightest from deepening the kiss almost immediately. You held your breath to make it last, taking a deep breath when he finally pulled back and took a step away.
     “I love you, John.” He said it again as if willing you to remember it. “I always will. Listen for me.”
     He turned and walked to the hall, towards the living room. The door suddenly slammed behind him, prompting you to unfreeze from position and rush forwards, yanking it open to the proper season and lighting that was meant to be there again.
     No Dave.
     Dave was gone.
     Your pendant was cool on your neck, the air of peace and nearly Heavenly compassion was in the room. Your house was cleansed and clear of all spirits, and rested empty and lifeless for the first time in decades. Everything was peaceful, except for the storm in your chest. You made your way to bed with the raglan shirt pressed to your chest and cried harder than you thought you ever had in your life. It was the same place Jade found you later. It was the same place you stayed for the better part of a week, grieving what you had.
     Love hurt, and life wasn’t fair, but you knew one thing at least: you loved Dave Strider, and you were waiting to hear his voice again. ...You also knew this wasn’t what he would have wanted.
     Life would have to go on, even if it felt like it shouldn’t.
- - - - - - - - - - - 
      Your name was John Egbert.
     You had been a leader in the field of parapsychology and the paranormal in general. Along with Jade Harley, you had made many advancements in the field of science along with your own research into spirits and their habits. You had worked together to make devices to track spirits voices, making the inaudible audible to the naked ear, you’d helped come up with ideas to further make the invisible visible. 
     You lived a good life. The classes at colleges you taught lectures at were always full to the brim with curious people, and the true believers were always excited to shake your hand. It was charming, really. An honor.
     Every day your routine had been the same, for decades now. Wake up, hold your pendant, and check for a voice. Always before bed, hold your pendant, check for a voice. There had been no voice, and so many times you’d wanted to give up listening, but you couldn’t help yourself.
     New loves had come and gone, nothing staying for very long. You were happy with your life, though. It was a fulfilling life full of good times and smiles and laughter. You hoped Dave could see some of what was happening to you, even if the machinery never picked anything up around you that had the same signature Dave used to have. No red mists, no impish blondes darting around rustling your papers. Just normal poltergeists and spirits stuck in their routines, the rare intelligent haunting that you could help find the light the same way you’d found Dave’s for him.
     You didn’t regret freeing him. 
     ...But fuck did you miss him.
     Your name was John Egbert not long ago.
     You’d gone to bed with an upset stomach and some tingling in your arms, deciding it was a leftover of the flu you’d had recently instead of anything to worry about. Early to bed, early to rise. Jade had a meeting planned in the morning, some new developments were underway to fine tune the audio scanner with some new technology that had recently been invented, something that would halve the size of the current devices and amplify their power by at least twofold. Couldn’t miss that.
     You lay down, clasped your pendant, and said Dave’s name like a prayer to ward away the boogeyman.
     Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray my ghost my soul to keep.
     Your chest felt kind of funny when you lay down and it felt harder to breathe, but nothing too dramatic. More flu shenanigans. Something felt.. ...Something felt... strange though.
     Your name was John Egbert.
     And then it wasn’t.
     You were laying still and watching the ceiling before sitting up, feeling ten times better than how you’d lain down earlier.
     You froze and looked around.
     “Dave?” It had to be, that voice was familiar to you even after all this time. 
     You got out of bed at a jump and paused, frowning. When had you last been able to do that? It’d been ages. Slowly, you looked back towards the bed where John Egbert lay still as if sleeping. 
     Your name used to be John Egbert, but you suppose it still is. You’re kind of new to this being dead thing. Were there two John Egbert’s now? The dead one and the more lively dead one? Was the soul still considered the same entity right now? So many questions from your research clouded your mind that your first instinct was to call Jade to discuss it with her, before you felt the touch to your shoulder. Spinning around, startled, you nearly slapped Dave in the face with a flailing arm.
     He smirked a bit.
     “Dave? ...Dave. Dave,” you said, voice breaking briefly before it came out as a croak. Ghosts could cry apparently. You didn’t feel the unpleasant sensation of breathlessness, but you could feel tears on your cheeks before laughing. “You asshole, you made me wait so fucking long.”
     “You were busy, thought I’d come back later when you could use a break,” Dave said, reaching up to grasp either side of your face, kissing you before you could think too hard on it.
     “Dave I’m. I mean I. But I. ….Oh God, Jade’s going to- Oh. ...Dave, oh my God I’m dead. Dave I died,” you said, staggering through the sudden wash of sorrow as it hit you. There was still so much to do, one life wasn’t enough for everything you had planned. “I never finished writing that piano piece, and Jade’s.. Fuck…”
     He held you as you processed things, letting your mind catch up. Letting you calm down. There was nothing but time now, wasn’t there? Or.. wait.
     “Am I… am I going to stay here as a ghost?” you asked, worrying. Were you going to be separated again? Was it your turn to exist in flux?
     “No. You get to come to the chill place, if you want. It’s pretty sweet. Bro was pretty shocked when he turned up too, but he wasn’t as up on shit as you are.”
     “If I want? I get to choose?”
     “For a bit. If you’ve got business left, I mean,” Dave said. “Like with Jade. ...Your Dad’s excited to see you again, too.”
     “Dad,” you said quietly. You’d been so focused on listening for Dave that you hadn’t even considered how big of a family reunion you were in for when you finally met your maker. Your Nana, your Dad, your aunt and uncle, your grandfather you’d never met. Hell, even Sassacre probably. 
     “How long do I have?” you ask, giving another look to the John on the bed. He seemed peaceful, relaxed. It’d been quick and painless.
     “Long as you need to finish up business,” Dave said. “...Should I amscray while you take care of shit o-”
     “Dave, if you disappear now of all times I’m going to figure out how to haunt people and haunt you till you die again.”
     “Okay, okay, shit, chill. I was just offerin’.” he said, tucking his hands into his pockets with a smile. “Want some company while you do errands?”
     “Yeah. I’d like that.”
 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     Your name is Jade Harley, and man do your joints hurt, but the flowers aren’t going to tend themselves are they.
     You heft some of the potting soil into the pot and gently stroke it over the previously exposed roots of the flowering plant as if you were tucking in a baby. Next came the water, a steady shower from above till the soil was damp, and then came the time to heft everything to the other table.
     John’s funeral had been a month ago, and while you were still sad… you also knew better than to fret. For one, your research had calmed your thoughts to the beyond years ago already. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. For another, getting to know more about Dave had been an adventure in your youth that shaped the entire world from scratch.
     For yet another, you got a personal goodbye from the John you used to know in your younger years, hand in hand with a pretty young blonde man you knew from a photograph and images on screens from early developed machines of your own creation.
     Sometimes, you could swear you still were being watched by the pair of them, but you were too lazy to go find your equipment to double check. What would you even be double checking? If he was having ghost makeouts or something?
     You wipe your brow and look over your work with a smile. The funeral home had given some depressing little potted plant, and a sickly looking tree sapling as a memorial. This was better by miles.
     “You see, John?” you said aloud to your guardian angel. “Perfect.”
     If you were John Egbert, you’d have to agree. It was a handsome plant in a handsome pot, and it would blossom like crazy because Jade was the one who’d tended it.
     But you’re not John Egbert.
     You are Jade Harley, and John Egbert’s story has ended, arm in arm with the spirit he’d been chasing for so long and finally caught.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
break up with ur girlfriend (3/3) - dartmouth420
a/n: part 3: in which Raven makes an ethically questionable decision, Raja really doesn’t like mornings, absolutely nothing will crush Manila’s positive attitude, and Jujubee throws a curve ball
basically ye olde morning after weirdness
thanks for reading :)
Raven awoke tired and a little hungover in bed with Manila and Raja. She raised her head and sighed, then noticed the tall glass of water on the bedside table. She loosely remembered Raja padding out of the room just as Raven was drifting off (thoroughly fucked out and happy) and placing something on the bedside table. That was kind of her, especially considering the circumstances in which they’d met. Raven raised the glass and took a big drink, appreciative.
Raven sat on the edge of the bed quietly, not wanting to wake them. Maybe she’d go and make coffee or something. Or maybe she should just leave. Raven glanced over her shoulder. A perfect ray of sunlight was hitting the bed where Manila and Raja were still curled up, asleep, and whole thing was aesthetically glorious.
Raven wondered if what was about to do was ethical. But then she shrugged, and raised her phone. Also, she really liked them, and might be interested in seeing them again, so she held no malicious intent.
The photo she took was from a strong angle, consisting of the corner of her face, one eye visible, eyebrow raised, blonde hair smooth close to her head. Behind her was the bed, and Raja and Manila curled up, still asleep. Raja was deep in the covers, only one closed eye, her forehead and a streak her long grey hair visible. Manila was next to Raja, lying on her back fast asleep with her mouth open, the cover pulled up to her chin.
She hit send.
BITCH replied Juju, quickly, with about eighteen emojis, you fucked them both???
you bet replied Raven, smug.
Wait a sec, Juju replied. Then the second text came in.
what?? Raven looked down at her phone, concerned.
The blood drained from Raven’s face, and she looked back at Manila, who was… well, a young woman who’s last name she hadn’t asked for and who’s social media who hadn’t checked out. But in a big, multicultural city like this who would’ve expected her to be related to Raven’s best friend?
Juju sent her a text containing twenty laugh-crying emojis and one devil, followed by a vomit-face.
uhhhh, don’t be grossed out but she’s hot, replied Raven, who was finding the situation as distressing as it was funny. This new factoid raised the stakes, seeing this couple was no longer an entirely anonymous entity.
She mildly regretted sending the photo. Maybe it was an invasion of privacy.
idk if anyone knows she’s gay tbh that whole side of the family is pretty religious
i didn’t know lol
oh shit I’m sorry… was just trying to brag to u about my conquest haha
why are u like this it’s fucked up lol
idk lol
thanks for telling me
but like
i might wanna see her again?
maybe both of them ;) ??? typed out Raven, hitting send with some mild guilt. She’d definitely need to sit down and think about this later. After she had some caffeine.
o really?
aw <3
Raven smiled at the phone. She really loved Juju, they’d been best friends since college, and truly shared everything.
can’t wait to be ur in-law, teased Juju,
imma bring u really cheap wedding gifts
ur getting an off-brand slow cooker
anyway g2g <3 <3
hmu later <3
Raven got up and walked to the bathroom. She quickly rinsed her face and mouth. She put the unexpected information from Juju about Manila aside for now, and decided not address it. This really wasn’t the time or the place. Then she padded over to the kitchen. It was a bit cluttered, clearly well-used and loved.
There was an espresso machine on the counter, and Raven grinned. She knew how to work one of those, having done the time in her early twenties as a barista. While the water heated, Raven looked at the pictures on the fridge. There were kitschy magnets from a few places around the world, ‘Paris, je t'aime!’, and several photos, including two goofy school pictures of Raja and Manila respectively. Manila glared at the camera, about thirteen and deep in an emo phase, judging by her racoon-like eyeliner, back-combed hair and striped long-sleeved shirt. Raja’s picture was more innocent, a goofy-looking androgynous nine-year old with a big smile, round face and black hair sticking up awkwardly.
Raven snorted a laugh. She appreciated this couple’s sense of humour, displaying silly pictures on their fridge.
She sighed. She shared her apartment somewhat resentfully with two room mates. It wasn’t an ideal situation but it was cheap and because of that she’d been able to put aside some savings. If only Tyra would do the dishes every once in a while. Not to mention she was pretty sure Nicole had a crush on her, and she had to figure out how to let the other girl down easy. In fact, Nicole was probably taking her dog for a walk right now. Raven winced and sighed. Whatever, these were problems for Future Raven. Hopefully she’d find a better job soon, and move on.
The espresso machine was gurgling, so Raven moved over and dealt with it.
A few minutes later she snuck back into the bedroom with three cups of espresso. She was a little nervous, this wasn’t something she’d normally do. She was more of a leave immediately after sex or quickly in the morning kind of lover. But this felt like the right thing.
She put the coffee on the bedside table and sat on the bed, heart suddenly beating quickly.
The movement of Raven sitting back down on the bed disrupted Manila, who blinked her eyes open and yawned, stretching. The movement then woke Raja, who groaned and buried her face deeper into the pillow, disappearing under the duvet. Manila blinked and smiled sleepily at Raven.
“Good morning… oh! You made coffee!” said Manila, and she threw the covers off and made for the bedside table where Raven had put the little cups, “Oh my god, is that espresso?”
“Did somebody say espresso?” muttered Raja from deep in the blankets.
“Yeah, I made some,” said Raven, gently.
“That’s nice, you’re so sweet!” enthused Manila, kissing Raven on the cheek. Manila was shockingly perky, having been awake for less than one minute, “And I thought you were all mean and sexy last night…”
“She’s great. Keep your voice down,” muttered Raja.
Raven stifled a laugh, and sipped her own coffee. Manila crawled off the bed and threw on a robe, before sitting next to Raven and drinking her coffee in silence. Eventually, a long brown arm stuck out of the pile of covers that contained Raja, and Manila carefully put the cup of espresso into her hand. The arm retreated into the pile of covers almost cartoonishly. The only evidence of Raja’s existence was a small slurp and a happy sigh.
“I had a really nice time with you two, last night,” whispered Raven, putting a hand on Manila’s thigh.
“Aw thanks! I did too, and Raja as well,” replied Manila, quietly.
“Lovely, so… I can leave whenever, if you’ve got something you’re doing today-”
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” replied Manila, smiling so that the edges of her eyes crinkled happily, “Neither of us have plans, you can hang out for breakfast, whatever suits you.”
“Right, well,” replied Raven, her heart glowing a little upon hearing she was welcome to stay, “I really need to shower.”
“Mmm, I think I’ll join you,” said Manila, putting down her cup down. They both glanced back at the pile of blankets and pillows that contained Raja somewhere deep within it.
“Yeah, she won’t be really awake for a while.”
Of course, Raven ended up on her knees in the shower eating Manila out against the wall. A truly good start to the day, Raven mused to herself as Manila squirmed and gasped, throwing her head back with pleasure. What could be better?
When they were finally done, they found Raja in the kitchen, starting to cook. The older woman had put her hair up on top of her head in a messy bun, wore dark-rimmed glasses and an elaborately patterned silk robe.
“Your glasses are too cute,” said Raven, as she towelled her hair dry. She was wearing a borrowed bathrobe, one of an apparently infinite supply, “Anything I can help with?”
“No, just sit there and look pretty,” replied Raja, with an affectionate smile.
“That’ll be easy.”
Breakfast was insanely good. It was better than any breakfast Raven had had in a long time, and she’d certainly worked up an appetite. Raja could really cook. They hung around the table for a while, chatting away about plans for the weekend and this and that. Eventually Raven changed, slipping her dress from last night back on, feeling a bit weird next to the other two, who were wearing relaxed weekend clothes. It was time to retreat to her own apartment and chill out.
“I think I’ll call an uber,” said Raven to Raja. Manila was checking her phone, and Raja was putting dishes in the sink.
“I can give you a ride,” said Raja, shrugging.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, it’s no problem.”
“Okay, thanks,” said Raven. She supposed it’d be worth it to save the eight dollars on the ride.
“Manila, you want to come?” asked Raja, half-turning towards the other woman.
“Ah, no, sorry I have to make a call in a few minutes,” said Manila, giving Raven an apologetic smile.
Manila then engaged in a drawn out goodbye with Raven, leaving her with lingering kisses and an exchange of numbers. Raja watched from the door, lacing up her shoes, and raised a single eyebrow. Then Raven got her little purse and left with Raja. Her high-heeled club shoes clicked along the floor of the hallway.
In the carpark under the building, they approached an ugly 90’s style green car.
“Wow, this thing is ancient,” joked Raven, sitting down on the worn passenger seat. But unlike Juju’s car that seemed to be always covered in empty takeout containers and random garbage, Raja’s was meticulously clean. Raven didn’t have a car, but everything she did was comfortably within either cycling or public transit distance, and for anything that wasn’t Juju would drive her.
“Yeah, so everyone tells me,” chuckled Raja, shifting into gear, “But it’s reliable, hasn’t died yet. I made it through Hurricane Katrina in this thing.”
“You can drive stick?” asked Raven, curious, “Also… what?”
“Yep,” replied Raja, winking, “And I’ll tell you that story sometime if you’re lucky.”
“Hmm.” Raven was impressed and she eyed Raja’s tattooed hand on the gearshift as she confidently manoeuvred the car out of the parkade into the street. The bright sun burst through the windshield, and reflected off of Raja’s white Tshirt.
“So,” said Raven as they drove, after she’d given Raja her address. She felt a bit exposed, without any makeup on and her hair still slightly damp from the shower.
“So,” replied Raja, smirking a little at Raven’s uncharacteristic hesitance, “Manila gave you her number, right?”
Raven nodded, and then she had no idea why she said it, but suddenly it was out of her mouth, “It turns out I distantly know her.”
“Oh yeah? From where?”
“She’s my friend Juju’s second cousin.”
Raja stiffened at the mention, shifting the clutch and accelerating through the green light, “You know her family?”
“No. She just happens to be related to her. Juju’s my best friend,” replied Raven, inwardly cursing. Why had she even mentioned it?
“How did you find out?”
“Checked out her instagram this morning, realized the connection,” Raven lied quickly, guilt flaring in her stomach.
“Right. Well. Manila’s family is pretty religious,” said Raja matter-of-factly, but Raven could see lingering resentment in her expression, “Let’s just say they don’t approve of us and leave it at that. Maybe don’t mention this to your friend.”
“Of course not.”
Raven wondered if she could have handled that better. But then again, family was complicated.
They pulled up at Raven’s soon after that. Raven was having a hard time getting a read on Raja, so she decided to say exactly how she felt and Raja could interpret it however she so desired. They’d been quiet for the last few minutes of the drive. It was a beautiful day, thought Raven, looking out the window at the bright blue sky.
“Well, I had a great time with you two last night and I hope you stay in touch, I’d love to see you again,” said Raven, with a warm smile as she opened the door to get out.
“I had a good time as well,” said Raja, with a half-smile, “I, ah, just felt a bit weird with you bringing up Manila’s family. I’m basically suspicious of anyone who knows them since they’ve been so shitty to us over the years. But yeah, I like you too. Until next time.”
And then Raja leaned in and kissed Raven intently. Raven raised her eyebrows, surprised. And then Raja pulled back and gave her an absolutely filthy grin, and when Raven left the car she waved. Raven waved back and saw in Raja the same goofy energy as she’d seen in the childhood photo on her fridge. It was a bit of a shock after her cool exterior, but charming.
Hmmm. It seemed the night before had worked out in the best way possible. Raven opened the front door to her building and nodded pleasantly to her elderly neighbour, who looked her up and down disapprovingly.
Raven walked up the two flights of stairs towards her apartment, feeling thoroughly satisfied. She had work on Monday and a bunch of laundry and groceries and chores to do before then. Also, Juju would be back Sunday afternoon and she was looking to reuniting with her best friend after their brief time apart.
There was much to discuss.
The following morning she received a text.
You doing anything next weekend? :P
Raven raised an eyebrow and replied, new phone who dis
It’s Manila!!! Omg you’re the worst lol
that’s what they all say
hmmmmm i think i’m available friday ;)
Yay!! We’ll be in touch, Manila sent a quick photo of herself and Raja, a selfie in Raja’s car. Manila was sticking her tongue out at the camera and Raja was looking at something out of frame, light reflecting off her glasses. There were bags full of groceries behind them in the back seat.
Raven smiled down at her phone like a love-struck fool.
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rcsordinaryworld · 6 years
Daisy Outfit Compilation
Daisy from @bittersweetcandybowl usually dons her simple pearl necklace by itself, but occasionally she gets all dolled up and I think that’s really cute. I think of the cast, she’s the most interesting clothing-wise. She doesn’t wear it consistently, but she wears it more often than pretty much any of the not-always-clothed characters, if that makes sense. So I decided that, instead of doing my day job, I was going to make a compilation of all of Daisy’s outfits.
This probably won’t be an analysis, more of a dump with images and chapters listed. I like to draw her wearing clothing a lot and I like basing her outfits on things I think she would actually wear. I think her taste has remained pretty consistent through the years, so let’s see if that’s true! And also, sorry if I missed any, and please feel free to reply with any that I do miss.
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The very first outfit we see Daisy wear is her cheerleader outfit (right). This one is her middle school one, which is a little different from high school, but I couldn’t find a color version. I also included a shot from when Augustus recalls seeing her in this in a later chapter, though it looks like she’s wearing her pearls on that one. Don’t you know you’re not supposed to wear accessories in uniform, Daisy?!
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Not sure if it counts (since it was for a gag) but she did dress up as a lobster with the rest of the gang for Mike’s birthday. I love the little smile on her hat.
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Next, the gang surprises her with a Daisy dress, of the Mario variety. Unfortunately, she doesn’t appreciate it very much. A shame, considering how much that thing must have cost! 
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This shows up in a flashback scene with Paulo, but I can’t really tell what it is. A coat I think? It’s not something she wore all the time though, since we’ve seen her as a child and she’s not been in it.
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The first Christmas outfit, at Tess’s first party. All of the crew’s outfits are Santa inspired this year, but Daisy’s is particularly adorable thanks to a big bell she wears around her neck.
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As it warms up, their PE class involves swim lessons, where Daisy’s donning a black T-shirt. I didn’t even think she would own one, considering how much she loved pastels, but she really is quite self conscious. I can’t tell if she’s wearing any bottoms, since it is a long shirt. I imagine she probably has those boyshort type bottoms, probably also in black.
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Hush, no, you’re perfect.
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At least she seem comfortable in her cheer outfit! Chapter 38 features the first appearance of her high school cheer outfit, which is different from her middle school one, most notably, that she seems allowed to wear jewelry. (she’s not the only one, as Katie is wearing a necklace.) Also, her new outfit shows off her middriff and has a different pattern on the front chest panel. This one shows up in a few different chapters (list not comprehensive) as well as in the Candybooru. Also interesting, is that it looks like their school colors are sky blue and black. Go Roseville High!
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AYOO meme time
But seriously what a weird but cute outfit! It’s so unique!! She was really laying it on thick to impress Mike, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she made it herself. It has a bit of a modified-from-thrift-store-finds feel doesn’t it? I have no idea if Daisy can sew but I am choosing to believe she does. Sadly, the night goes horribly wrong, but hey, at least she looked cute right? 
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It’s kinda messed up that Tess was pushing so hard for Mike and Lucy to go to Acapulco, but totally doesn’t seem to care if Daisy and Abbey skipped out. Daisy helped you pass your classes, Tess! I mean, I guess Abbey did need the support, and we did get to see Daisy wear a cute dress to see them off. There’s lots of shots with it being all flowy and girly, I love it so much. That sash is great.
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Speaking of cute dresses, she wore a simple but pretty one on her first date with Abbey. They went to a therapy session slash picnic which is a... non traditional choice, but a very sweet one. You can tell she’s really into Abbey by how she’s dressing up for him, and that Taeshi had a lot of fun drawing the flowiness of it.
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Bonus silly cute images featuring glasses Daisy. She also sports glasses in the student gov chapter, and whenever she’s shown in the future, she also has them. Adorable.
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Halloween costumes are always fun, and Daisy’s costume for freshman year was a traditional one-- a witch. I love the off-the-shoulders look of it. It’s a shame she wasn’t really important that chapter. I’m interested to see what the current Halloween chapter will have her wearing, if she’s in it. 
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Pillow Talk is still one of my favorite chapters, because who doesn’t love gossip? What’s interesting is all of them wear pjs, even if they don’t normally wear clothing. Daisy showed up just wearing her pearls, and then put on a sleep dress (gown?) at the actual party. I included a shot of her room from this chapter too, since how she decorates her space is just as interesting as how she decorates her body, right?
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Parties are definitely where Daisy likes to show off her fashion sense the most. Tess also hosts the Christmas party the next year, and it’s very cute. She’s got like... a poncho style thing, which actually became a trend way after this I think, since this chapter came out in about 2012, but a sort of Mexican inspired flowy top seems like something that definitely became super common in 2018. She’s ahead of her time! I think I love the flower ornament by her ear too. I couldn’t find a good shot of the length of the dress though.
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But enough happy times. The day after the party, she wore this bright navy blue trench coat when she and Abbey went to visit Charlotte’s grave. Usually her fur is enough to keep her warm, so wherever Charlotte is, must be freezing. I wonder if she’s got anything under it, or if that’s not a prerequisite for coats in the BCB universe?
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Looks like the trip to the cemetery got her too bummed out to plan an outfit for the New Year’s party. She’s just wearing her standard pearls for that one. Tess has a cute dress though.
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She’s in a much better mood by Rachel’s party. I love that her shoes match perfectly. Off-the-shoulders is a great look for her, just like with her witch costume. This one is also reminiscent of the Mexican style blouses I mentioned earlier. I don’t think the waist-cinching has the effect she was probably going for though, at least not without a belt. She really seems to like baby blue huh?
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But moving on! Remember how we found out she’s a huge weeb? That was great.The lanyard and backpack are such a great touch of realism. Con badges are the worst part about cosplaying at cons, since if you’re caught off guard you’ll have it in the shot, ruining all of your hard work. She obviously did put some effort into it too-- her costume is really well sewn and intricate and poofy. Notice all those panels on the chest and skirt. My theory that Daisy can sew intensifies. Also those bows are just too cute! I wish she wore them more often.
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The same night she’s wearing some pjs again, this time a blue slip. Nothing fancy.
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While not an outfit, Love Again opens with the first canon appearance of Daisy’s hip curls, inspired by Kit’s lovely fanart. I’m pretty sure they have a tumblr but I don’t know it, sorry!! I’ll edit it if I find out.
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An intermission comic featuring all of their days starts Daisy off in pjs. These look like the one from Lucy’s birthday sleepover, judging by the collar frills. Looks like it might be getting more snug on her as she grows up.
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Speaking of growing up, here’s Daisy all dressed up for her birthday, sporting a very cute bow. Her actual dress is made of a really strange material that’s presumably extremely thin, and sewn with plenty of elastic, judging by the wrinkles. I think it’s an interesting experimental outfit, but it’s so detailed it doesn’t really look the best in small scale. I’m not a huge fan of the wrinkled look in general, but the colors are very flattering on her, and the overskirt thing is pretty nice.
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Daisy makes a brief appearance in Escape Route, a chapter mostly about Augustus and Lucy. Normally she wears dresses, but this time she’s rocking a cupcake liner. Okay, so it’s not really her, but I can’t not include this cute cupcake!
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Last but not least, here’s her outfit for Mady’s birthday party. I adore this outfit so much! It’s amusingly similar to one of Lucy’s mother’s outfits, though her mother pairs it with pants.  That being said, I think this is my absolute favorite outfit of hers. The cardigan pairs great with her necklace, and the belted dress is just so flattering and and adds just enough detail. I think it’s simple, classy, flirty, and just so cute. Most of her looks have been blue, and this is actually one of the few pink outfits she owns, but we know she does like it based on her room. Pink pairs with her apricot/cream fur for a fun, girly look that’s just right for her.
And with that, we’ve finished compiling all of her outfits from the comic, though I didn’t gather any outfits that are Booru-exclusives, like her prom(?) dress. I thought about including those, but there’s so many to go through, and their canonity was so iffy that I decided against it for this post.
It seems safe to say Daisy has very simple tastes, with a rather timeless but definitely girly feel to them. Flowy, mid thigh dresses and skirts are her favorites, and seems to prefer sleeveless or off-the-shoulder looks. She also has a tendency to dress up to impress boys, but she does genuinely seem to enjoy making outfits, and she’s quite fashionable! 
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed making it. Daisy deserves all the love in the world.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Tumblr makes the spacing kinda weird by the end, idk why but I hope it gets better for everyone else who wants to take this haha.
ONE - HI THERE! It’s an intro!
What do most people call you? Robyn. In what month is your birthday? April. What country were you born in? The beautiful but politically miserable Philippines. Do you have siblings? How many, if you do? I do; I have two. I’m the eldest, but they aren’t that far off from me. Who do you live with? I’m still studying so I’m living with family for now – mom and dad, a sister and a brother, and a dog. I really want to move out in the next couple of years though.
Are you in a relationship? Yes. Do you go to school? As I said, yes. I’m in university but I’m supposed to graduate next year. What mood are you in right now? Well, I wrapped up my internship last week and my entire weekend was booked with stuff I did, so now I’m just super glad to be home and bum around after all that hectic-ness. I just had 8 hours of sleep and am feeling pretty well-rested right now. What does your shirt look like? I’m wearing a big-ass gray Knicks sweater that’s like 3 sizes bigger for me. What’s your zodiac sign? Taurus.
TWO - Your Appearance
If you could have plastic surgery on any one body part, what would it be?Boobs. They’re so abnormally small that I’m tired of having to waste what would have been completely bomb outfits just because of my chest.
Are you satisfied with your hair? It could have less baby hair, honestly. But I’m fine with it for the most part.
Do you have a hitchhikers or a straight thumb? It’s a straight thumb. My left pinky is quite crooked though.
What colour are your eyes? Dark brown.
Do you have any tan lines? No, I haven’t gone to the beach in a while.
How old do people usually think you are? I just asked this question to Gabie last week and she said that I look 15.
What about your appearance do you get complimented on the most? Face and my overall figure.
Are you comfortable with your weight? Sure, but it’s always worrisome when I get to the lower 90s.
Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Where? Yeah, just the basic earlobes piercings that my parents got for me when I was a couple of months old.
How tall are you? I am 5′1″ and a half. I’m shorter than 5′2″, that’s for sure.
THREE - True or False
I love winter. Neither true or false as I have never experienced snow. I think I’d love it though.
I have eaten meat in the past five days. True. Filipinos eat meat a lot.
I have painted a room in a house. False. My mom is so controlling over adult things like that so she hired people to do it to all our rooms.
I can whistle. True. I learned pretty early.
My keyboard is black. True-ish? The buttons are black, but the spaces between them are silver.
I have never bought something off an infomercial. True. My mom would be so furious because it would be her money anyway.
I own a snuggie / would like to own a snuggie. False.
I bite my pens / pencils. False. I do bite my straws though.
I wear glasses / contacts. True.
My nails are painted right now. False.
FOUR - Childhood Memories!
What was your all time favourite movie as a kid? THE GAME PLAN, without a shadow of a doubt. Watched that shit everyday through third and fourth grade. My runner-up would be High School Musical.
Do you still have your first pair of shoes somewhere? Doubt it. My mom isn’t big on memories like me.
Did you have anything you always dragged around the house, like a blanket?Nope. I did use my parents’ blanket as a cape some days, and other days it would be a gown train and I’d pretend I was the Queen, but I wouldn’t drag it because it would get dirty.
What toy did you play with the most? I was always into grownup stuff so I always got kitchen appliances, dollhouses, etc. I once had toys that mimicked a pizza restaurant and it had a pizza roller and it was super fun for me haha. Once I got a pretend cash register though it was game over for all these bitches.
Did you ever bring your favourite toys in the bathtub? We didn’t have a bathtub, but yeah we would bring in our toys when we would shower.
Did you used to take baths with siblings/cousins? ^ Ooh, barely missed it. Yes, we did.
Are you still friends with your best friends from long ago? A handful are still my best friends. I keep in touch with most of my batchmates from my high school because we’re all close and we’re family and there was generally very little drama – and if there was, it was easy to let go.
Do your parents ever tell you stories about how cute/silly you were? They have several stories, but I was mostly a quiet kid who didn’t like getting in trouble.
Did you go to the park often? What was a typical outfit for the 5-year-old you?Blouses with a girly pattern, denim jeans, and Nike rubber shoes. The top always has to be tucked in.
Actor/Actress: Kate Winslet
Singer/Band/Both: Beyonce / Paramore
Chocolate: Reese’s
Toothpaste: ??? Whatever we have at home I guess?
Picture of yourself: Nah man, not doing that here.
Pair of sunglasses: I don’t have a favorite.
Vegetable: Broccoli!
Sandwich: Monte Cristo
Aspect of nature: Waterfalls
Word to say: “Literally”
SIX - Love Life ;)
Who was the first person to ever ask you out? No one’s ever asked me out before. Although I think that dude from one of my classes in sophomore year intended to…but I dunno. We were paired up together for this class and he wanted to spend time with me in a coffee shop after our work was done; I didn’t feel comfortable just being by myself so I told him in advance that I was gonna be bringing Gabie…never heard from him ever again :/
What does your ideal date consist of? Dinner somewhere nice (Italian or Japanese) should be enough for me.
What’s one thing your partner must be able to accept about you? I get sad and I’ll need loooooooong stretches of time alone some days.
Does your ideal person have any special talents? She can paint and draw. She doesn’t really share these with other people but she does with me.
Do your parents like the person you’re with? (Or the last person) My parents liked Mike and were convinced something was happening between us lmao. They don’t know about my relationship with Gabie yet.
Do you like pet names? Yes when it’s just the two of us. Publicly, I control myself, cos I know it annoys me when other people are too showy/vocal. Like I don’t call Gab pet names when we’re out with friends; and when we’re out at the mall or whatever, I’m not very physical other than holding her hand.
What is your age range? Same age. I can’t imagine dating someone younger or older, but then again this is because I haven’t had any other experience.
What is one attribute that your ideal partner must have? Sincerity.
When was the last time someone seriously said “I love you.” to you? This morning.
Have you ever been in more than one relationship at a time? No.
SEVEN - The wonderful world of the Internet!
What is your most used website? Probably Twitter. It’s the first thing I check everyday.
Do you play any online games? Other than playing on Y8 when I was younger, no.
Which chat program do you use most often? Messenger.
Facebook vs Myspace- which is better? I haven’t used Myspace in a hot minute, so I’ll go with Facebook.
Is there someone you met online that you’d like to meet in person? Yes, I’m still waiting to meet Aliyah. Girl is in BGC every single day but I can’t seem to grab lunch or dinner with her!
Have you ever sold something on Ebay or Craigslist? No.
Have you ever gone on Chatroulette? Or Omegle video? Yeah, when I was like 12 and curious about the Internet haha.
Are there any videos of yourself on Youtube? I don’t think so.
Mac or PC? Mac.
Have you ever Googled your name? I’ve Googled my username before, but not my name.
EIGHT - This or That?
Twilight or Harry Potter?
French fries or potato wedges?
Liquid ortape white out?
Digital or film camera?
Nail clippersor nail scissors?
Rock, paper, or scissors?
Beard or mustache?
Knee high or ankle socks?
Hockey or basketball?
Mr Clean or sponge and ‘the other leading cleaning product’?
NINE - Be cool, stay in school!
What subject are/were you best at? It’s always history, or social studies in general.
How old will you be when you graduate high school / how old were you? I was 18 when I graduated.
Isn’t there that point in the year when you stop caring so much? Yep, it’s usually when you’re a senior.
Do/did you have any really cool teachers? In UP? Absolutely. There’s a lot of shitty profs, but the cool ones are way too hardcore.
Who is/was your most strict teacher? Sir Ruel in my old school. Old man was and is such a fucking loser. Once had a comment about my breasts and I never forgot about it. Also kicked me and a bunch of other kids out of his class in fifth grade because we didn’t have crayons. He actually got booted by the school for a year because a parent complained about him, but he came back after.
Where do/did you sit at lunch? In high school, the cafeteria was too crowded so my friend group would hang out in our classroom, since most of us were classmates. Right now, lunch just depends on my schedule and where I happen to be by noon.
What do/did you do at recess? Catch up on homework I skipped the night before.
There’s always that one kid who no one really knows, right? LOL, yes.
Is/was your cafeterias food actually any good? It used to be good. Then they kind of hired this company to start making the meals starting junior year and the food was never as good again.
Do/did you have a stereotypical school, with all those cliques and such? You can say that. We had popular party kids, smart but still cool kids, soccer players, the basketball players who all turned out gay, kids who kinda just hovered in the middle, and those who were kinda brushed to the side were the theatre and anime kids.
TEN - Randomly Platypus.
Do you like your toothbrush really wet when you’re brushing your teeth? Not really wet. I just make sure I’ve put it under the running water before applying the toothpaste.
What song are you currently obsessed with? Not into anything at the moment.
What was the stupidest dare you’ve ever done? I hate dares, so I don’t do them haha.
Do you enjoy playing with tape? No?
What’s one word/phrase you say too much? LITERALLY. Which is a problem because most of the time, the things I associate the word with aren’t literal.
When was the last time you went trick-or-treating? 2017.
What did you last use a knife for? Haha, my orgmates were cooking up lunch and I volunteered to chop up the onions. Fun fact: First time to use a knife, ever.
When you open a pack of gum, why is everyone your best friend? Because gum is always a good idea.
What has been on your mind way too much? Completing my requirements for internship so I can submit them as early as possible.
Did you actually enjoy my survey? Sure. Categories are always fun.
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OUR FUTURE WILL BE A BRIGHT ONE: CHAPTER NINE                                                              (finale)
                       eremika soulmates through time modern au
                                     (previous chapters/ff.net/ao3)
 I think we deserve
 a soft epilogue, my love.
 We are good people
 and we’ve suffered enough.
 She’s a shy girl, but she’s also a  quick learner and it doesn’t take her very long to pick up the games that kids play on the narrow streets of Shinganshina. It’s a completely different world here,  such alien and strange for somebody who used to have daffodils and squirrels for friends before. The morning comes and all of the doors fly open as kids practically burst out of their homes to run around until their little legs get tired or the dinner is ready and their mothers usher them back to wash up dirt from their hands and faces.
Mikasa begins to participate in this ritual as well – Carla Jaeger never forgets to give her and Eren a piece of bread with honey and a kiss on the cheek before she waves to them as they disappear in the crowd. And while Eren and Armin usually prefer to do other things than play with neighbors’ kids, the three of them sometimes join one of the small bands scattered in the district and spend an afternoon with them - and that’s how Mikasa learns it all, this collection of games created when the lack of resources crashes with children’s boredom and creativity. There’s hide-and-seek and tag and  hoola hop that requires a narrow, wooden ring that girls spin around their hips. One child chases others and taps their shoulders to turn into the chased one. Kids sit in circle, clap hands in intricate patterns and recite dirty rhymes; they use chalk and sticks to draw on the stones and dig in the soil; they jump on one leg and pretend that the ground is lava.
Sometimes smaller girls gawk at her eyes and nag her about her hair long enough that she lets them sit behind her cross-leggedand braid her black strands into an elaborate construction that ends up un-tangling halfway home. She would never admit that to Eren, but she likes this – likes feeling little, quick fingers on her scalp and listening to their excited chatter. Those girls are sweet and innocent and just the way she used to be, while she was living with her parents. And their dreams and wishes reflect that; they want to grow their hair long and beautiful, to have handsome husbands in the Military Police and big houses behind Wall Rose or even Sina, with crimson flowers blooming on the balcony and chubby, pink-cheeked babies.
And Mikasa can understand that.
Those girls  (what are their names? Tina, Riza, Mirielle? Maritte? Marie? She can never remember) also teach her one more game, the one under “no boys allowed category” – the apple skin one.
Tina is sitting on an empty apple crate, a small knife looking wrong and weird in her plump hand. She keeps on cutting her fingers and cursing and when Mikasa asks her what she’s doing, the girl raises her round, brown eyes at her and blinks in surprise;
“You don’t know about the apple skin?”
She doesn’t and so they eagerly show her. They instruct her to peel the skin off an apple with a knife, but not to break the skin - as the peel has to be intact, long and spiral. Then they tell her to stand up and throw it behind her left shoulder, her left hand flat on her chest, above her heart.
“And why am I supposed to do that?” she asks them, skeptical about the whole thing. It really sounds silly and she doesn’t even wanna think about what Eren would say if he saw her standing on the street and throwing apple peels around.
And she does not want Eren to laugh at her. At all.
But the girls insist; they circle her like a swarm of little bees or chirping baby birds.
“You’ll see! The peel will make the shape of a letter-“ “And the letter that it shows is a name-“ “- It’s not a name stupid, it’s the first letter of a name-“
“- of your future husband!” they end in unison, the three of them looking up at her with such a brightness and honesty written on their round faces that she just can’t refuse them.
Not that it matters anyway – she doesn’t need to throw any peels to know what will be the first letter of her future husband’s name.
After all, she is also just a little  girl, who also dreams of a husband, of a house, of flowers and of a green-eyed baby of her own.
  “Yes.” Historia nods her head solemnly after Mikasa stops talking. “I remember that. We were there too. Paradise Island, before the Second Eldian Uprising. Around mid-800s, I think?” the blonde rests her chin on the hand and stares off the distance.
They are both sitting on the plastic chairs in Historia’s backyard, in the middle of the first “Summer Party” of the season, as Eren cryptically called those meetings when Mikasa asked him about them. The sprinklers have just turned on, making some guests shriek and scatter, trying to run away from the water – not an easy task, considering the place is packed with people. The smell of barbecue makes Mikasa salivate, Toto’s Africa is blasting through the portable speakers that somebody brought and some brave individuals decided to dip in the pool, even though it’s just May and not a particularly hot evening. She can hear Eren somewhere on her left side, playing a kind of rules-free version of soccer on the grass with his friends which seemingly involves a lot of screaming and, more often than not, multiple players ending up in a pile on the ground.
Historia sits on  folded legs, with daisy chain on her head and loose strands of hair dancing around her face on the breeze like spider webs. So lost in her thoughts, she seems as dainty and fragile as possible. Mikasa tries hard to put together the fawn-like line of her neck and delicate collarbone with the nightmarish visions that would make her wake up covered in cold sweat more often than not lately; winged crests, flakes of gore spiraling in the air like gruesome cherry petals, cobblestones streets stinking of too much people. The world bathed in blood. Cruel. Unforgiving. Devoid of any beauty. And yet familiar, as odd as it is to find familiarity in something straight out of their high school history books.
Mikasa wonders how Historia made it through there. Was she as graceful and full of sweetness as she is now?
“This is where we first met.” The girl adds quietly after a minute or two of silence,  her eyes locked on Ymir’s back as she is getting up from the grass. “ But I don’t like to think about it too much. To be honest, it was horrible. I never want to live so much longer than her again.”
That Mikasa understands. There is not a worse thing than existing when the other one is gone. It is a torment that she would not wish on anyone, ever, no matter the time or place.
“So weird, isn’t it? Us, talking about those times like it was last week. Feeling so ancient when we are so young.” The corners of Historia’s mouth go up slightly and she shakes her head. “Look at them, my god.”
Connie slipped on the wet grass and all the players lay toppled again, one big tangle of limbs and curses and laughter. Eren catches her eyes and sends her a blazing smile, trying fruitlessly to wiggle from underneath Berthold.
800s. So old. And yet Mikasa doesn’t think she has ever been younger than now, with her lips chapped and happiness bubbling inside her.
I’m hungry, I’m hungry for whatever comes next. – sings some guy through the speaker.
Historia giggles as Ymir keeps on tripping over Reiner’s legs.
Sprinklers spray Mikasa’s bare feet with cold water.
The sun colors the horizon pink and yellow and red and all of the brilliant shades in between.
Eren managed to stand up and lowers his hand down to help Sasha; there are sweat stains on his shirt and grass in his messy hair. If he was nearer, she could smell it all on him. The sweat and the grass and the happiness.
As far as she is, she doesn’t hear his exact thoughts -  just feels contentment, stretching between them like a golden cord or a silk ribbon.
“Yeah.” She answers softly. “ It is really strange.”
  What comes next? Mikasa remembers it used to plague her mind for some time, before she even met Eren. Supposed I have a soulmate, how life even looks like, with a bond like that?
She jumps higher, runs faster and spins tighter than ever, that’s what happens. Once she would curse her muscles and limbs for weighting her down and working against her will, but now she feels so light that she’s surprised she makes any sound walking at all. It suddenly feels so easy; the sequences of movements, soft and smooth, crisp with no hesitation in them. She diligently pins her now-short hair in place, chalks her hands and faces each obstacle with no fear whatsoever. The steady flow of medals that follow her improvement make it look like as if she turned into Midas, painting everything gold with her touch alone. And while it all brings her a lot of joy and while praises that she hears from her coach and teammates and fans are not unwelcomed either, she knows well what makes her soar so high.
She knows now how it feels to be up, so that the surface of the Earth looks like a glorious oriental rug painted with sunlight and spread down her feet.
It shows in her movements, this joy. Even when she’s walking, she goes through the motions as if she was dancing. She supposes that it’s even more evident, while she’s doing gymnastics. She used to think she was good, before, and there was a truth in that – she was born with a natural talent which was then honed with years and years of steel discipline and hard work. Before, she was flexible and strong and well-trained, but now, with her eyes wide opened and memories back, she is not just simply good – she is superb. She has this spark that shines so brightly in her, fueling each and every step. And the centuries past don’t lie, it’s evident now, clear as a day. She could never reach stars without Eren by her side. She was always at her best, when she was with him.
So she jumps higher, runs faster and spins tighter.
And it feels exactly like running on the roofs and jumping up and down, suspended in the air with steel lines of her 3DMG used to feel like.
 “How many times did we lay just like that?” he asks her one night, his hot breath caressing the shell of her ear, his fingers idly tracing figures in between her shoulder blades, while she’s still shivering, oversensitive and satisfied.
Countless she thinks. Countless and more
But something painful blooms in her chest, like a thorny bush tearing her heart into shreds.
“ I don’t think we had many occasions to do that.”  She answers honestly and he hums in agreement.
Not in the softly-lit room, not in a  warm bed, not smelling like her peach-scented shower gel and each other. Not without scars spoiling their skins and with no mountains on their backs.
Never so calm. Never so sure, so careless.
He supposes that the funniest part is that he doesn’t feel like anything changed at all, for the most part. Armin is still his best friend just as he used to be for as long as he can remember and his mother still smiles when his visits her every Saturday and brings her flowers. He still trains in his favorite gym, listens to his favorite bands and fails in saying “no” to his dog.
He’s still the same person, basically.
Only suddenly everything is different. Only suddenly everything is easier and simpler and more bearable; only suddenly he’s calmer and faster and more focused than ever before. This mess in his head quiet now. The twitching of his leg gone. It’s like somebody took a sheet of sandpaper and dulled the sharp edges of the world so that they don’t hurt him anymore.
Mikasa came into his life, fitting neatly in as if she has never been a stranger, as if there has always existed an empty place ready for her.  She brought a series of small changes with her, that’s true. But those changes feel more like a fresh, cool breeze from the fan during a humid afternoon than anything else. Like tiny snowflakes that just keep on falling until they cover everything in white and all he sees is her, her, her.
The Thursday game nights, Annie ruthless in Monopoly, Armin miles ahead all of them in Scrabble, Mikasa surprising everyone by her mad poker skills.
Sunday mornings, lazy and sweet; Mikasa in his arms from the dawn till dusk, making love until they both collapse curled around each other, sleepy and sated and so, so fucking happy.
Saturday afternoons, Mikasa and his mother working in the garden and laughing quietly, drinking lemonade and watching old movies with Audrey Hepburn on this ancient VHS player.
She came and reorganized pretty much everything and yet he cannot even imagine how his life looked like without her.
 July comes strangely unexpected, like a cat creeping on soft, soundless paws.
He closes the doors of the apartment behind him, with a bag of groceries in his hands and a blissful perspective of three full days without work in his mind. Tomorrow they’re going to Levi and Petra’s daughter christening and then … well, he has keys to Mikasa’s parent’s summer house on the countryside in his pocket and a lot of great ideas how to spent all this time alone with her.
He doesn’t bother to say hello; Miki is not home, he knew it before he opened the door. She should be here, but she’s not – on the emotional level it feels like a very cold blow of AC right into his face and he tries to swallow this feeling before it overcomes him. She’s probably out jogging or something anyway.
Instead of dwelling on that, he focuses on the small things; packs fruits and vegetables into the fridge and hides Mikasa’s favorite, absolutely sinfully unhealthy chocolate cereal in the upper shelf, where she needs a stool to reach. She begged him to do that; she kept on insisting that sometimes, before she can climb on the chair she changes her mind about eating them.
He, personally, never witnessed it, but whatever makes her sleep better at night.
The flat is not as white as it used to be before he moved in; there are splashes of color here and there, scattered on the furniture in form of his flannel shirts and Bumblebee’s chewing toys. And the Bumblebee itself brings the element of destruction into this sea of serenity; right now, she may be snoring soundly on her pillow in the living room, but years and years of constant spoiling made Eren’s pug a very hard roommate indeed and he never realized it until moving to Mikasa. More often than not she would run around the flat with this stripped yellow-and-black bandana around her neck and wreak havoc in her wake… to the constant displeasure of Madeline.
“Well, these two are definitely not soulmates, that’s for sure” crosses Eren’s mind, as he flops down on the sofa. He decides to kill some time by watching this video from two weeks ago, of Bumblebee cashing Madeline around Mikasa’s ankles; his girl was holding a salad bowl in her hands and looked half-irritated and half-amused, as if she was torn between yelling and laughing.
He loves this video; everyone at work has already seen it at least three times and Petra even more. Besides Levi of course, who seemed hell-bent on pretending that Eren is not as prominent in his niece’s life as he is.
But as he is about to press play, the bell chimes loudly, waking Bee from her slumber. Narrowly avoiding stepping on his angry dog, Eren makes his way to the door, wondering silently who could be coming over at such weird hour without letting them know earlier. The only people he can think of are either his mom, which he highly doubts, or Armin and Annie, who are currently enjoying the cloudy English weather and the company of old books, and kindred nerdy, pale scholars during their trip to Oxford.
“Hello- Oh, hi Tori.” He can feel the frown on his face smooth out as he sees a familiar blond figure standing behind the door.
“Hi, Eren.” Chirps Historia Reiss, smiling like a little sunflower and raising up a foil clothing cover in her hands. “ Is Mikasa home? I finished her christening dress.”
“Nah. But come in, she should show up soon.” He takes the hanger from her hands and waves his hand in a welcoming manner.
Historia and Mikasa’s friendship is something nobody could predict or foresee, but when it clicked, it continued to work smoothly and without any glitches.
They found the connection in their respective relationships, Historia patiently guiding Mikasa by the hand through the uncharted territory, them sharing stories of their past lives and current connections, a tangle web of centuries of trauma that they had to work through and could never fully resolve with their respective partners.
Sometimes Eren wishes he remembered more – that he remembered as much as Miki at least, so that they could share this burden together. But for all her eagerness to give him all of her, this is the one part that Mikasa doesn’t let go of easily. Surely, she happily drags him along if she has something nice for him to see, but besides that, she keeps all that she sees and knows and suspects to herself. And he doesn’t want to pressure her to open up.
But sometimes Mikasa would go awfully quiet and so awfully sad. Tears pooling in her eyes she would bite on her lip hard enough to draw blood and shiver in his arms for hours, sweating with cold sweat and making him so, so scared.  And still, she refuses to talk about, clams up when she asks.
“What’s in the past, stays in the pasts.” She simply says, not looking at him and biting on her nails absent-mindedly.
It’s not if it still haunts you. – he wants to scream, but the words got stuck somewhere in his throat. Maybe it’s the same with her; or maybe she just wants to protect her, in the only way she can.
Either way, he us beyond glad she has but somebody that can help her somehow compartmentalize it all.
 Historia quietly pads into the apartment, bursting into laughter at the sight of agitated pug spinning nervous circles on the floor.
“Damn, your dog has some issues, Eren.”
“ You can only imagine.” He sighs heavily, picking Bee up to rub behind her ears. “ Hi girl, won’t you just-“
 Just like that, everything goes quiet.
There is no sound.
No light, no movement, nothing.
Just coldness spreading through his body, chilling each and every cell of his body.
Just pain, so strong that it doesn’t even seem like a pain at all; it is incomparable to anything he has ever felt. Broken leg? Nothing. A concussion? A walk in the park. That time when he fell down the stairs and injured his spine? A nap on the feathery bed.
Pain exploding within him, taking his breath away, making his heart stop.
“Eren? Eren!” Historia on her knees next to him on the floor, Bee barking again, the coolness of the wood underneath his palms-
Red car speeding on red light, red pooling on the concrete, Mikasa’s red iPod Mini shattered into tiny, little pieces.
“Eren.” She whispers, eyes desperately opened, sun so bright above her. “Eren.”
 He doesn’t believe in god. Never has, as far as he remembers.
“Take the sun away.” he whispers, lips brushing cool wood of his mother’s worn-out rosary. – “Take the sun and- and the moon and all of the stars, just- “
His voice breaks in half; ugly sob escaping from his mouth before he can stop it. It’s so, so cold.
“ Just bring her back to me.”
There is a lifeline that stretches between them, red and infinite and beyond a crowded waiting room on the Intensive Care; a lifeline that nobody else sitting on those ugly orange chairs can see. But he can. And he will hold onto it, as tightly as possible.
And pull her back.
There is a memory that keeps on coming back to her over and over again. Eren ahead of her on the mountainside; his right hand holding onto a metal chain and left one outstretched towards her. He doesn’t even have to turn away to see her slipping on the ice-covered stones. He somehow knows, even though the wind is too loud for him to hear her quiet gasp or the sound that the soles of her boots make.
His hand shots and catches her wrist before she can even begin to fall, before the line that ties their waists together even begins to tighten; he pulls her upright strongly, steading her on a slippery slope.
Wordless support, wordless trust.
Thank you. She thinks. Thank you.
 The image of his hand outstretched. He has always looked ahead and trusted her to watch his back. But he has never abandoned her either, never forgot she was there behind him, even when she thought he did.
 She has a lot of time to think, is this sea of whiteness where she floats. Without any weight to carry, her thoughts flow lazily, one image after another. Some of them would normally make her heart ache, or even cry. But now she is glad they’re there; even the bad, the ugly. She doesn’t know that she would still be there if it wasn’t for the anchor they form. Maybe she would wander off to far to even make it back.
But with this goddamn, piercing I have always hated you, Mikasa echoing in her ears on repeat, it is impossible to let go.
It doesn’t matter that he didn’t mean it. It doesn’t matter that it was thousands of years away. Some wounds remain open for forever and that is one of them, still open and bleeding all over everything.  She would laugh if it could even when you’re hurting me, you’re saving me.
So, against all she latches onto all that pain and heartbreak and reaches out her hand; searches through the nothingness for hours and hours until her fingers find it – the string, taunt and so, so warm.
Mikasa grabs onto it and holds on for what simultaneously feels like a fragment of a second and forever. Blinded and deaf, she holds on until her senses come back, one by one; until she can feel warmth of the sun of her skin and biting stench of antiseptics. Until she opens her eyes and sees him again, silent and grief-stricken and sitting next to her hospital bed, holding her hand.
She blinks, once, twice; watches as big, fat tears fall down his cheeks as he presses his forehead to her hand, his whole body shaking with relief that washes over both of them. She is too weak to do anything else but look at him, to keep her eyes opened and blink. But maybe that’s enough.
 “There you are, honey.” Coos Carla, leaning down and putting a cup of green tea in Mikasa’s shaky hands.
It might be hot outside, but surrounded by hospital walls Mikasa feels very cold and quite small, really, so she will take every comfort she can have. She wills the corners of her mouth to raise a little and takes a sip, hot liquid burning the roof of her mouth.
“Thank you.”
“No problem, darling.”
All those pet names, thrown on her like a blanket covering her useless legs. She wishes she could ask everyone to stop – Carla, her mom, her dad, her friends – to stop hovering over her, but it simply won’t do. They would listen and genuinely try to stop, but she still would see it in their eyes. All the worry.  
For now, her only solace is Annie with her own brand of harsh love that involved passive-aggressive remarks like “Will you stand up finally?” which makes other people present gasp. But Mikasa indeed, wants to stand up very much.
After Carla leaves, Eren appears; his steps echoing in her ears long before the doors open and he enters her room.
With a sight, he plops down on her bed, but she refuses to look at him. Still sitting on a wheelchair, she stares out of the window; what a beautiful day, sunny, not a cloud of the sky. Her whole body itches; in irritation, she forcefully sets down the teacup on the table and spills some tea in process.
From her position, she can almost see green grass of the lawn next to the parking. She would jog there sometimes, passing the hospital, the parking and the lawn, not stopping to rest for she hardly ever needed to. How weird it is, to miss the stretch of her muscles and sweat dripping down her back.
Warm hand closes over hers.
Eren’s kneeling on the floor next to her, his eyes big and pleading.
“Why are you so angry?”
We should be out there, she thinks, desperately and against herself, on Historia’s summer party, in my parents’ country house. Not here.
So much was stolen from  them already. All those times where they met only to be torn apart, all this tragedy following them wherever they went. She is just so done with it.
Damn, Mikasa. His voice in her head is so infinitely sweet, almost dripping in honey. He gently brushes hair away from her face and leans his forehead on hers. This? This is nothing compared to what we’ve been through. There will be other summers.
There will be other summers.
She closes her eyes, trying to forget about the sun spilling through the window and focus on his voice on the promise ringing in them.
He chuckles quietly.
Yeah, really.
Her memories are subjective, but they don’t lie. Presented with the choice wheatear or not to trust Eren, all the Mikasas would always choose the former, without fail.
 Their days become very long now, with the seasons passing behind the windows of their apartment like in kaleidoscope; summer in full bloom and then autumn, radiant in golds and scarlets. And winter again, the two of them cozy in their little microcosm lit with sweet-smelling candles.
Mikasa learns how to sit again and then how to walk again. It’s an excruciating process, more often than not involving a meeting with the plush carpets that now cover the entirety of the floors in the flat. And although Eren would keep her from falling if she let him, she prefers to do it a hard way. By that, she can at least feel like in those old good times, as if she was covered in sweat and exhausted after a hard training and not after taking a few shaky steps.
But it all passes like seasons; soon enough she walks again and then jogs, faster and faster, Eren always glued to her side, his silent prescience so comforting that it somehow makes it up for all the lost dreams that she had to abandon. She thinks a lot about it, how it felt to fly; but at least she can still curl up in his arms and he can kiss her neck and it’s different but it’s good. So good.
Snow falls and then melts; spring comes again, brilliant and fresh. By that time, she is already working out with a jumping rope again, drops by the neighboring dance studio whenever she can.  There is a white dress hidden somewhere at the back of her closet; one beautiful mess of silk and lace crafted with Historia’s meticulous hands. The dress is waiting for the right occasions, but Mikasa has stopped waiting a long time ago.
Life is good when doesn’t need crunches or Eren’s arms to stand up. Life is good when she can actually sneak up on him and put her cold hands underneath his shirt when he’s cooking, making him jump and scream jesus Mikasa, go wear a sweater or something. Life is good when he doesn’t have to pick her up from the wheelchair and carry her to bed. Life is good with her new job and old friends and Annie and Armin standing underneath flowery arch and smiling like dorks.
Even after she met Eren, she was still waiting for the other shoe to drop. But know she knows for sure, that even when it drops – it is not gonna be the hardest thing she has ever been through, not even close. And that life will always be good, as long as he will hold onto her, as long as he will keep her centered.
 “Soulmates… why didn’t you like the idea?”
“I don’t really know. It always seemed so limited to me, like, why am I supposed to just be with this one person because we used to be together a couple of times before in a span of centuries? I didn’t enjoy somebody dictating me how to live my life, I guess.”
“You’re are such a rebel, Miki.”
“Oh, shut up. Tell me about you. What made you okay with that?”
“ Well. You know, when people find their partners, they tend to look at certain things. Like money and race, and gender, and interests and all of that. We don’t really tend to pair up with people who are very different from us. But the notion of soulmates… it just shows that it’s all bullshit. It doesn’t matter at all. When you really love somebody, all of those things are just so insignificant. That always sounded kinda beautiful for me, that it’s your heart that chooses this person time and time again, not your head. “
Maybe he is right. She doesn’t know; she doesn’t care. All she knows is that everything before him seems now like a soft, slow build-up and being with him is a beautiful crescendo; a moment when the music drags you under, overwhelms you.
Give me all your love now, cause for all we know, we might be dead by tomorrow.
One headphone in his ear, one in hers; hands linked and eyes closed, they sit in an empty train, talking without barely opening their mouths.
Even if we’re dead tomorrow, I’ll find you again, Miki.
I’ll find you again and I’ll love you again, Eren.
Ugly and beautiful, all together. She doesn’t think that this crescendo will ever really end.
 As if the heavy slope of my shoulders
doesn’t write a hundred paragraphs.
As if the way I look at you
doesn’t write the singular ending.
 You are my epilogue,
my prologue,
and every chapter that exists in between.
 Everybody, sit down.
  I have a story to tell."
-          Stories. Seventy Years of Sleep, nikka ursula (n.t)
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