#i genuinely can't believe i'm using that tag lmao
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hellsquills · 7 months ago
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"Are you suggesting that I get my football prowess from fucking my wife?!" (x)
requested by: @your-dead-european-ancestor
Endless SFTH gifs [ 1 / ?? ]
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aceredshirt13 · 8 months ago
So my buddy @oshawolt and I have watched the first two episodes of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, and by far the funniest part about the show is that its complete inability to give teenaged Indy anything like a concrete logical reason to enlist in WWI results in it reading like Indy is willing to go against his friends, his family, his loved ones, all logic, and a significant number of his moral codes, solely because his bestie T. E. Lawrence signed up for the war, and he apparently values that above literally all other aspects of his life.
Like. Listen. In the first episode, Indy joins Pancho Villa and the Mexican Revolution because he wants to help people, but when a poor villager tells him how even the most just of wars inflict untold suffering on the innocents the soldiers claim to be fighting for, Indy becomes disillusioned with the war effort... only to read a letter + photograph he keeps with him from Lawrence, who says he's joining the war effort in Arabia because he believes it is a cause worth fighting for. And Indy proceeds to immediately forget literally everything he just heard that Mexican villager say and go "fuck it, we ball. and by ball I mean go to the trenches." Indy has decided that the Mexican Revolution "isn't his war", but he's American - WWI in 1916 isn't his war any more than the Mexican Revolution is. So that obviously can't be his justification??
Now, ostensibly he goes because his friend Remy, a Belgian guy he met in Mexico who was fighting for the revolution after his family was killed, decides to go back to Belgium and fight in his own homeland's war instead of the Mexican one. In fact, in the upcoming episodes, he and Remy are together quite a lot. But during the first episode set in Mexico, we are never given to believe that he and Indy are particularly close - they seem like acquaintances at best. Not much time is shown of them together, and we hoped that in the second episode, when the two of them disembark in London and enlist in the Belgian Army, we'd get some of that good old intergenerational friendship energy and really see why Indy, despite not necessarily believing in this war, might want to go to support his friend in Belgium, and his more distant friend in the Middle East.
Nah. Remy ditches Indy for a hot widow almost immediately, and for the entire rest of the episode his ass is GONE. He literally doesn't show up again except to give Indy the papers saying it's time to go to the army, and to be like "oh by the way I'm married now!" at the train station. Bro apparently does not hang out with Indy or tell him anything. Which would be understandable if they were acquaintances, but like??? Aren't they meant to be so close as friends that Indy would up and fight a war with this guy???
Meanwhile, Indy follows a cute girl to a suffragette meeting, they become best friends on the virtue of "speaking an unbelievably unrealistic number of languages" and "having literally identical backstories" (to the point where we found ourselves wishing she'd been Indiana Jones in this show instead, given that she's apparently just his cooler genderbent version played by someone who can act better), meet and get along with his tutor since childhood (who apparently is close enough with Indy now not to want him to enlist in the Army and endanger himself, despite the fact that she disliked Indy so much as a child and allowed him in so many absurdly dangerous situations that we became convinced she was deliberately trying to get him killed in a way that looked like an accident), and eventually fall in love. All through this, Indy helps with the women's suffrage movement, lends money to a poor woman and her children, watches his friend/girlfriend throw a dessert at Winston Churchill (who is in this episode for five minutes because Why The Hell Not I Guess), meets multiple people whose loved ones have been killed in the war, and is told by an older suffragette that one day of the good work he's put in today is worth one year of time in the trenches. At one point, while visiting the girl's family, he is asked why he joined the war effort, and gives an unbelievably vague and evasive answer that all but proves he doesn't even know why. And in the end, he wants to ask the girl to marry him, but she says no - partially because of the implication that she doesn't know him quite well enough to be willing to sign her rights away, and partially because she doesn't know if after the war they'll be two different people.
So let's look at the facts. Here in London, he has friends, family, someone he loves who he could spend a life with and eventually marry after they've established themselves, and a purpose he enjoys with clear, positive results. Sure, he's already signed up for the Belgian Army, but he enlisted under a half-assed fake name that couldn't possibly be traced. He scarcely ever sees Remy - he seems to owe him nothing, and owe his country no allegiance. Why not just... not go when his number is up? What reason on Earth could he have to do anything but stay?
So naturally, he just. He just fucking goes! For no conceivable reason - no conceivable reason other than that Lawrence is also in the war!
Indy's been friends with Lawrence since they met when Lawrence was 20 and Indy was a nine-year-old kid who couldn't act very well - Lawrence asked him to call him "Ned", and he still does (which, for the record, Indy's tutor, who has literally known Lawrence longer than Indy has and is on good terms with him, does not. Apparently she didn't get the nicknaming permission. Rip). Still does, because the only time Indy is able to give a concrete answer about anything in the war is when said tutor angrily asks him why he's enlisted, and he says that "Ned" is in the war! He knows this because apparently Lawrence actually kept his promise to write to him, and they've been writing letters and sending stuff to each other since Indy was a child! And - judging by every other thing in his life suggesting otherwise - Indy values the actions of his pen pal more than anyone else's opinions, his friends and love life, and his own safety and happiness! That doesn't seem like a normal way to react to the actions of a guy you only knew in-person for a few days as a child!
...In conclusion, world-famous fictional film character Indiana Jones would not have become the person he is if it hadn't been for his gay little crush on real human man T. E. Lawrence.
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ranger-kellyn · 1 year ago
team star's boss battle music is actually so fucking good???? hello??????
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qiu-yan · 5 months ago
3 6 7 11 16 20 25
bro is trying to get me killed lmao /s
choose violence ask game
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr:
this shit
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
gonna be honest here, the single most annoying part of the MDZS fandom is that one hyperspecific sort of wang and xian stan who insists on shitting on not only the other characters, but also other wang and xian fans who ship the characters in ways they don't approve of. this kind of stan can not only be relied on to have the worst possible takes on everyone ranging from jin guangyao to jiang cheng, they can also be relied on to harass other wang and xian fans simply for putting wang on the bottom. fun times.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
surprisingly, no one yet. sometimes i feel the hater urge to dunk on the morally-pure version of wei wuxian that the diehard wei wuxian stannies have collectively hallucinated, but i still find the wei wuxian from canon to be quite compelling.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
the "canon jiang cheng" and "canon jc" tags. everyone stfu
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
"morally pure wei wuxian who did nothing wrong ever." to me, wei wuxian's hubris, his unique capability for inventing new kinds of cruelty, his failure to think of the consequences of his actions, his tendencies to run away from negative feelings, and his ultimate failure to protect the people he was trying to protect, are what make him a compelling character to me. these flaws in parallel with his courage, kindness, stalwart moral compass, and genuine love make him interesting to me. so i don't quite understand fans who instead insist on erasing all the morally grey and highly interesting stuff he did in favor of insisting he did nothing wrong ever.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
not quite what the question is asking, but i found the actual wang and xian romance in the original novel to be a bit lacking. mainly because (as other people have said already) a lot of the romantic development happened when lan wangji was drunk. at the very least, i wanted to see lan wangji's reactions to his various drunken adventures once he sobered up the next day, and i'm rather disappointed we never got to see that.
furthermore, on wei wuxian's end, it did kind of feel like wei wuxian was using this exciting new romance to distract himself from his past problems, even though it also seemed like he didn't actually know all that much about lan wangji. the only version of the romance that makes sense to me is the one where wei wuxian was already into lan wangji (subconsciously or consciously) in his first life; otherwise, wei wuxian falling in love with lan wangji during his second life, when he's yet to process any of the shit that happened in his first life, feels too much like him running away from his problems with a guy he believes will validate all his decisions. meanwhile, on lan wangji's end, i feel like the novel just did not give us a lot to work with in regards to his character. so it feels like, if you want to be a fan of lan wangji, you have to do a lot of the legwork of building up his personality yourself.
what also disappointed me a bit about wang and xian, as well as lan wangji's character arc itself, is that lan wangji is never really challenged on a moral-dilemma level in the same way that many other characters are challenged by the story. how do i explain this...alright, i'll put it this way. i've been brainrotted about madohomu (madoka magica) since i was in middle school. and that's partially because i know for a fact that, if homura was put in the trolley problem and had to choose between [killing 5 strangers] and [allowing madoka to die], she would choose to kill those 5 strangers to save madoka. but after reading MDZS, i realized i legitimately did not know what lan wangji would do in such a moral dilemma. because MDZS equates [being morally righteous] with [supporting wei wuxian], lan wangji is never placed in a dilemma where he has to choose between sacrificing wei ying and doing something the audience would think of as unforgivable.
these are just my own hyperspecific tastes, though.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
gonna put my hater hat on for a second, but i kind of roll my eyes at the jiang cheng haters complaining about how jiang cheng stans keep posting in the "canon jiang cheng" tag. dude, if it bothers you that much, just block the jiang cheng stans. then things will be peaceful in your favorite tag again.
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AITA for skipping RP prompts I don't like and apparently pissing people off?
I can't believe I'm asking this but its happened a few times now so I'm honestly starting to doubt my whole existence. So I've been sick for a while, nothing terminal but its sticking to my ass like shit to a shoe, so to pass the time I roleplay with people.
I used to use Omegle, that went down the pan, now I use RoleChat. Most people who do fandom roleplays gravitated to RoleChat from Omegle, so it hasn't slipped my mind that it might actually be the same people and not different ones.
Anyway. I rarely have a prompt of my own, I tend to surf and look at other people's prompts. If I don't like what they've sent, I just disconnect. Currently RoleChat's userbase is pretty small, so I'm also aware I'm frequently connecting to the same people.
However several times now I've been insulted for disconnecting?
Comments include:
"What the fuck are you even on here for lmao." "Stop wasting my time you fucking bitch log off if you aren't gonna do shit." "You're so fucking annoying I stg."
And similar sentiments.
It happened again the other week because someone kept sending M/F and F/F prompts in the Chanlix tag, which is an M/M pairing. They were the ones who sent the first reply and then I'm pretty sure they blocked me.
I feel insane because surely its better I just disconnect rather than trying to force myself into an RP I don't want to do? Like why would you want to RP with someone who clearly isn't into the prompt? What do they expect me to do, write out an apology before disconnecting?
I'm genuinely confused and like. Need an outside opinion on this because its happened across several different tags, and I wanna know if its normal to be so angry that someone just isn't vibing with your prompt?
What are these acronyms?
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radioactivedotcom · 5 months ago
i get what you mean but some of us actual enjoy the game and genuinely don't have the same issues as you with bugs. Yeah there are issues. But it's still a fun game. Pissing on the people who enjoy it and are happy to pay for it isn't going to make the game better. Especially since the last few packs have been really good? Like...
EA has never cared about customer enjoyment. If the majority of people pirate the game, they aren't going to change anything about it, they'll just shelve it.
I don't wanna start a whole debate on this, so I'll answer this one ask and that's it.
First, yes, I fully understand that there are a ton of people who very much enjoy playing the game. But I want you to consider this... If someone has bought all the expansions, all the packs, all the kits... they've spent over 1 200,00$.... The sims is a great game, but it is not a game worth that much money. Or at the very least... it shouldn't be. This should be an unacceptable price tag. If the basegame came out with all the available content that exists for the sims 4, but at that price... who the fuck would buy that.
Being scared that the game will be shelved, that they won't ever make another game ever again... You're just saying, eh, this kinda sucks but I'm absolutely powerless to do anything about this, so I don't care, I'll keep participating in this vicious cycle.
It's not true though. You aren't powerless. Because EA knows they can make money out of the sims franchise for a loooong time still. And they've invested a shit ton into it. They won't give up on it that easily. If people stop buying while saying: I'm not buying because you're charging too much. Or, I'm not buying because this content isn't polished enough, or whatever else people have as valid complaints... Then yes, if enough people did that, I believe it would change EA's business strategy. They would try to make a thing so good people can't resist buying it, instead of just making trailers that seem great, but with a product that ends up not nearly as polished and well-thought-out as advertised. I don't know if you've watched people reviewing the latest expansions, but even on a technical level, no one's been impressed. Yet people still buy, so of course EA won't change their strategy.
Big companies like EA want to make you believe that there's nothing you can do even though YOU'RE THE CUSTOMER, it's YOUR money, and you DESERVE a product worth that hard-earned money. Same way companies never want their employees to unionize, and the government wants you to think it's normal not to have free healthcare. (though i'm canadian so it's, you know, a different problem here concerning healthcare)
Anyway, I'm rambling and my socialism is showing lmao. But tbh, this is a very moot point, because me making this post is never ever in a million years gonna make a DENT in EA's pocket. You are majorly overestimating my influence.
If you wanna keep giving your money to EA, just do it man. I certainly can't stop you.
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curse-d-owl · 11 days ago
I have a negative habit of ruminating about getting dragged into bad faith arguments that are initiated with toxic insults. If i don't vent about it properly this junk will bother me more than it needs to.
The obnoxious arguments im still bothered about involve certain Edelgard fans that resort to childish insults, willfully ignorant arguments and deliberate lies.
Put everything under a read more cause this is a long one:
Here are all the arguments and stances they pretend to care about:
"You take away the depth and nuance to just to make false accusations, insulting others over harmless and different opinions and you misread basic text"
For starters they're the obnoxious manchildren that immediately resort to childish insults over different opinions. I only use insults in retaliation. And like the manchildren they are they immediately deny their toxicity and use my retaliation as "proof" I'm the villain in order to play the victim.
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Second of all theyre the ones guilty of that by taking away all of the context and depth regarding Dimitri and Rufus by falsely accuse Dimitri of being a lying villain that wants to kill his "poor" uncle all because i called out Edelgard for her lies.
They took away all of the context regarding three hopes from the start of the game till chapter 14 of Scarlet Blaze just to call Dimitri paranoid for fighting against violent invaders and claim Edelgard is a sincere victim of aggression that wants to end the conflict.
This manchild tried to insult my intelligence by spinning the narrative behind Dimitri's and Edelgard's exchange just so he can accuse me of being the illiterate one and mock me for it. What makes his childish response more pathetic is that it's projections of the highest level cause he's proven that he's the illiterate one for misreading the exchange and the point of my post to such an embarrassing degree.
Edelgard lied about only being after the church =/= why is there conflict between them?
Turn around and i totally will stop attacking Faerghus =/= you're deliberately defend Rhea's status quo and you're in my way
I don't believe that will end your violent aggressions and i will defend my people against your invasion. You've come after my head before why should I trust you now? =/= i refuse to resolve this peacefully and i stand with the church
Edelgard throwing out an ultimatum she never intented on honoring =/= she made a genuine offer as if she's in any position to make one.
Nowhere have i made a singular statement in my Claude post that:
Takin extreme measures for a good cause makes you a villain
Not being actively malicious like the Agarthans means you can't be a villain
And nowhere did i say that being an opportunistic characters are badly written.
If anything i heavily condemns both Rhea and Edelgard.
Also notice how he only insults Claude as a bastard and yet refuses to insult Edelgard in the same way, let alone acknowledge she isn't a pure saint lmao.
Only Claude is labeled as a "opportunistic bastard" for actually fighting for noble and benevolent goals but Edelgard who has done nothing but bleed Fodland dry and ruin thousands of lives for invalid reasons doesn't get a single insult thrown at her. She's a literal cancer on Fodlan and the world outside it but it's only okay when she does it cause she has good intentions. Give me a break.
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He insults me for making a valid criticisms and yet not only is he the one guilty of making idiotic and toxic takes with his "warm hands" post but he goes out of his way to shit on Blue Lion's fans by tagging the characters. This take goes beyond abysmal reading comprehension, this moronic take borders on schizophrenia.
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Although his recovery was too rapid he didn't magically got cured by "WaRm HaNdS", it was Fleche seeing what revenge does to people, Rodrigue sacrificing his life for Dimitri and both Rodrigue and Byleth giving him the advice to move past being consumed by vengeance.
Nobody denies nor excuses the people he murdered. Infact he gets held accountable by the cast and himself unlike Edelgard and Jeritza.
His status as an mc and royal didn't give him a free pass either unlike Edelgard.
Felix alongside everyone else told Dimitri he can atone for his sins through change and deeds and he became Dimitri's right hand man.
Dimitri gets falsely accused of being an eternal danger despite am proving otherwise and yet both Edelgard and Jeritza ( the latter also being homicidal due to traumatic experiences ) never get held to the same standard. Infact Jeritza is infinitely worse than Dimitri cause he doesn't fight for any moral cause, he kills for the sake of killing, is so unhinged that he kills the very employer that gave her "hunting grounds", violently wounded Manuela, helps the agarthans endanger Remire village, hurts his own sister, tells Bernadetta that her life is in danger should she remain in his vicinity and in his solo ending roams the world despite being the same maniac he's been since day 1. And yet neither Edelgard norJeritza gets this same slander from them.
Only Claude is an unlikable bastard, only Dimitri is an eternal danger to society but Edelgard who is actually guilty of both accusations? No she CANT be an opportunistic scumbag nor an eternal danger to society cause she and she alone has "benevolent goals"
When i make a perceived bad take, it's bad, toxic and deserving of ridiculed but when hes actually guilty of that it it isn't toxic but harmless. He's a repulsive manchild with a victim complex.
"The oppressed screams for war for that will save them
The oppressed shouldn't wait for the sake of the oppressors
Rulers must use their authority to do the right their wrongs
Violence and sacrifices are justified if it's for a good cause. That's the point of a revolution
The revolutionist are the victims and don't deserve hatred and punishment for their deeds.
Edelgard is the only one who takes the fast approach to reform and saving the oppressed, Dimitri and Claude don't care about Fodlan and their reforms are ineffective"
First they claim all of this but the moment i prove that Dimitri is the one who takes the fastest path to righting his nation's wrongs by fighting civil wars for the sake of Duscur and the commoners, that Rhea doesnt protest against Dimitri's reforms and Edelgard is the slow and ineffective ruler that keeps letting Brigid suffer under imperialism they immediately discredit Dimitri cause he uses violence and killed his corrupt uncle, justify Edelgard being the ineffective ruler and argues that the oppressed should shut up and tolerate the oppression for the sake of Edelgard and her racist citizens.
The most ironic part about all of this is that these type of Edelgard fans support things that her fave looks down on. Just goes to show they don't even like the concept behind her character lmfao.
Another thing this child cool-whatever first falsely accused me of giving the church a free pass for killing others in response to me condeming Edelgard for her UNJUSTIFIED war, then i respond by telling them that i condemn unjustified murder not murder in self defense and then when i point out how Dimitri already reformed Faerghus and rights both Faerghus's and Rhea's wrong by giving reperations to Duscur and giving social mobility to the commoners this child brings up the fact that Dimitri hires Miklan, that he's a murderer, strawmans my argument by accusing me of saying all murder is bad and uses Miklan to argue that Dimitri's reforms are bad because of it.....
3 things
1. Miklan went from being a massive victim of the crests system to the irredeemable scumbag he is and that that invalidates any just cause.
2. Apparently the very thing they justify Edelgard allegedly does which is using any means necessary to help the oppressed is both bad ..... Seriously do they want the oppressed to he saved by any means necessary or do the exact opposite? I can't tell what these Edelgard fans want anymore.
3. To make this more headache inducing after literally spoon feeding this immature manchild by reiterating that i condemn unjust murders and their precious Edelgard is it objectively worse for defending Miklan, working with the Agarthans, hiring both Jeritza and Metodey and point out by their idiotic logic Edelgard is wrong they still try to argue as if I'm the one who doesn't realize murder is a heinous deed like they're not the ones bending over backwards to protect their babygirl from being condemned for unjustly killing so many innocents.
"We hate characters that support crests, feudalism, using citizens as weapons, lies and manipulation, abusing their children for the sake of improving their standing and we care about victims of the crest system like Edelgard"
Rufus is guilty of all of these things and shares the same crimes as Rhea, Gregoire, Ludwig and Dimitri is a victim of both feudalism and the crest system just like Edelgard. And yet they turn around and coddle a villain like Rufus and demonize Dimitri who's also a victim like Edelgard.
"We condemn Faerghus and the church for commiting genocide against Duscur. Just because someone commits a crime doesn't mean their group should suffer for the actions of a few"
They pretend to condemn generalizations and unjust oppression cause of the actions of a few but immediately turn around and argue against Petra and Brigid being victims of Adrestia's unjust imperialism by claiming they inflicted the oppression on themselves and because of it they should shut up and wait patiently for Edelgard to decide when a nation gets it's right back.
Which is in stark contrast to Dimitri fighting civil wars and risking civil unrest all to give Duscur their land back.
Plus its hilariously hypocritical from them to argue "they started it so they can't complain" when they simultaneously cry about the fact that Dimitri kills Adrestian invaders and wants Edelgard dead cause they started attacking Faerghus.
"You will be killed if you criticise Seiros in the slightest"
Edelgard blamed the goddess for turning Miklan into a violent, sadistic, sex offending bandit onfront of a highly pious and high ranking officer of Rhea's army. They then try to justify that Rhea let's this slide cause she can't risk endangering Adrestia in the slightest by mildly inconveniencing her when 1. Edelgard is at the mercy of Rhea proven by the fact that Edelgard will be punished should her accusations about Arundel be proven false and 2. They turn around and argue that Edelgard can never reform Adrestia cause Rhea will send assassin's after her .... Which defeats the whole point of Rhea allegedly being afraid Adrestia. Ugh
"Edelgard isn't a liar, an aggresor, evil, she isn't paranoid, she doesn't go beyond dismantling the church. She is righteous and sincere in all of her deeds.
Dimitri is a liar towards Rufus, fights for a corrupt church, he's paranoid for believing Edelgard wishes him and Faerghus harm, Claude is the aggressor, attacked the innocent Adrestia that never harmed Leicester"
We've already proven that Dimitri is the competent ruler that's righted Faerghus's wrongs for 2 years straight without any input from Edelgard nor Claude while Edelgard has done nothing except burn Fodlan to the ground.
Now let's clearly look at the context from beginning of Edelgard's declaration of war to chapter 14 of Scarlet Blaze.
Edelgard offered no diplomacy to neither Leicester, Faerghus nor the church
Immediately resorts to war with the intent to conquer Fodlan for herself
Violently invades Faerghus and Leicester with the intent to kill and conquer
Spills the blood of Dimitri's people
Attempts to kill Dimitri for defending his homeland
Ingrid steppes in to save Dimitri from being killed and secures his escape against Edelgards murder attempt
Ingrid, one of Dimitri's closest friends, gets killed in the process
Edelgard constantly puts Faerghus in a kill or be killed situation
Edelgard throws out an empty ultimatum in the middle of an invasion attempt and one that she never intended on honoring and Dimitri rightfully calls bs on her and fights for his people.
Everyone with a functioning brain can tell that Edelgard is the conniving and homicidal aggressor and that Dimitri is the sane victim who rightfully defends his people and doesn't fall for her lies and yet the smartest and brightest Edelgard fans believe Dimitri is paranoid, Edelgard is the victim and that her empty ultimatum is a sincere offer.
What makes this even funnier is that my first unfortunate interaction with that clown car Raxis cause he cries that i give an alleged victim like Edelgard shit for fighting back against invaders, an invasion her dumbass inflicted on herself.
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Real classy calling your favorite female character the b word.
Another thing i forgot to mention is that the aggressor is in no position to make any "offers" against the victims they're trying to kill.
What is an actual example of an offer is Claude and Dimitri asking Edelgard to an armistice and cooperate in peace. Claude has defeated her army in the palace and she has one foot in the grave and despite being able to secure victory Claude still gave her a chance to end things in peace and not in blood and Dimitri tried to end this war peacefully before he launched his retaliatory invasion towards Edelgard. Even after all the unjustifiable crimes Edelgard committed and turning herself into an inhuman monster with the intent to kill and conquer Fodlan Dimitri still extended his hand in mercy and walk towards a better future together.
And how did our noble emperor respond with? With violence all because of her actual paranoia regarding the other rulers. Paranoia that isn't even based on anything tangible cause they both reform fodlands to her ideals.
Moving onto Leicester first he claims that Edelgard never attacked Leicester and that Leicester are the true aggressors but the moment I call out his blatant lie by proving that she did violently invade Leicester in the first part of gw he responds by literally admitting that he omitted that part and claims it isn't relevant .... A literal piece of counterevidence proving that Edelgard is the aggressor is not relevant to the topic on Edelgard not being an aggressor. That's like saying Rhea never burned Fhirdiad to the ground and the literal piece for evidence proving otherwise is invalid cause it's falsely accused of being irrelevant.
To make matters worse this moron tried to justify it by saying it's a strike against me cause Edelgard burying the hatched with Claude ( nevermind how callous, disrespectful and conniving she is and that she only wanted a pact to use Leicester ) is proof shes sincere and that it proves that Dimitri is paranoid for believing otherwise .....
See arguing with these type of Edelgard fans is a good way to lose braincells and your hope in humanity.
And to make that matter even worse he demands me to acknowledge Claude's attack on Edelgard in Scarlet Blaze's bad ending and condemn that as if she's the victim and not Claude retaliating to his aggressors.
When Edelgard is a violent aggressor they argue that she's innocent and the proof against her is invalid due to "irrelevancy" but that same braindead logic doesn't apply when other characters "unjustly attack" Edelgard.
To make that matter even worse when i argued that Edelgard lied about her assault on Leicester he immediately justified by claiming that that's what politicians are supposed to do.
First they argue that Edelgard is an innocent victim of aggression who'd never lie and is sincere towards her "oppressors" and now she's a violent and lying aggressor who's actions are in character and justified cause she's a politician.
They also claim their exchange is couched in double speak in order to get restitutions and allow Edelgard plausible deniability, which
1. Politicians are obligated to be honest, especially when they want a alliance with their victims
2. There is no double speak from Claude, he blatantly calls her out for her shit
3. Claude knows she's full of shit and Edelgard knows that Claude knows she's full of shit and she has to pay restitutions to get the pact she's begging Claude to sign
and 4. The fact that she lied and sugarcoated her crimes against Leicester clearly indicates that she does her best to pay as little reperations as possible to which Claude blatantly mentioned that he has to make sure that Edelgard's reperations is fully paid.
They can't even use simple words like relevant and irrelevant properly and yet want to use big terms like double speak and plausible deniability. They're idiots that use big words they don't understand to look smart.
But for the sake of this argument let's pretend that politicians are obligated to lie to save their own skin. If that's the case then why did they condemn Dimitri for allegedly lying to Rufus?
Why does Dimitri get condemned for his "politicking" for an actual good cause and yet Edelgard gets praised for endangering innocents with hers?
Everyone in Faerghus is begging for Rufus to he deposed off and Dimitri to take the throne, there has never been a single positive comment made about Rufus and after Rufus has been executed Dimitri has worked her to heal the damage Faerghus, Rufus and Rhea caused.
Edelgard lies to deny the same crimes she condemns Rhea and the Agarthans for in a sad attempt to pay as little reperations as possible.
If violently attacking an innocent nation for selfish reasons and being a lying politician is so bad then why do they pardon and praise Edelgard when she's criticised for it?
If they're gonna praise this repulsive behaviour from Edelgard then why did they condemn Dimitri and Claude over the false accusation of commiting these crimes?
One way or another you cannot argue that their precious Edelgard is innocent. They're stuck between pardoning Claude and Dimitri for the false accusations they throw at them or condemning Edelgard for crimes she's actually guilty off and falsely accuse the other rulers of.
As you can tell at this point there is a trend with these type of obnoxious Edelgard fans.
They claims shes righteous and the other rulers are villainous, when that gets debunked and the opposite gets proven they turn around and change their stance by praising her villainy as if it's righteous and vice versa.
They pretend to care about a certain stance, immediately throw it away when it's against them and showcase their true colors on the matter by not having a single stance at all.
It's not a matter of what but a matter of who.
They can't read above a 4th grade level, they can't use common sense at its most basic level, they can't remember what they said 5 seconds ago and they can't process short and simple text let alone a text heavy game like 3h.
These type of Edelgard fans are the reason why it's so unpleasant and insufferable to talk about 3h. No one can state a harmless fact without getting hounded by toxic and idiotic manchildren that resort to insults and deliberate lies.
And with that I'm finally done with this nonsense. I'm not gonna dwell on this junk a moment longer and i will not give lowlives like them the time of my day.
They don't argue in good faith, they solely argue to convince people their badly written fave is right and make others feel bad for having a conflicting opinion. They argue solely to piss other people off cause their lives are so empty and miserable that this is the only way to get attention and feel accomplished in their lives.
And the worst part about all of this is that they claim their toxicity regarding their badly written fave is "lively and healthy debate". Not a single rational soul wants to put up with them.
If there's any take away with my mistake of arguing with these type of Edelgard fans it's this:
Don't allow yourself to get provoked by childish insults by obnoxiously manchildren.
Arguing with these losers is like playing chess with a pigeon
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ghostiiess · 2 years ago
[NSB HEADCANONS] - "i can't wait to see edits of us together."
pov: basically famous girlfriend x famous nsb members lol
warnings: none that i can think off
type: wholesome
members: all of them!
this one was requested! thank you! don't hesitate to request again! :)
likes & reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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this boy would be so happy to film videos with you
he find you so genuine
and stars too!!!
he would be like:
"hey stars! today's video a bit special, because i'm doing it with my girlfriend, y/n!"
he would be so happy
and he would smile so much
he would do a lot tiktoks with you
and talk about you during his lives
he would also bring you in nsb's videos
it would make him super happy to join him for the group's channel
"y/n wanted to join with us, guys!!"
"this video is with the pretty y/n!"
"hey stars! y/n is doing a video with us, today!"
the members would like you so much
they think you're cool lol
since you have a youtube channel, he would ofc tag along times to times
"oli, i'm trying to edit"
"and i'm trying to hug you" he said
he would be so happy to film videos with you
or to do any content tbh
like.. i know for a point that oli would be super happy and excited to film with you
sometimes, he wouldn't look at the camera lol, he would just look at you in the lense of the camera or in the flip camera screen (creepy or cute? you decide)
moy would flirt with you in videos just to see edits of him and you
the edits would be with his songs 😭 ( btw stream their mini-album, it's so good)
he would also comments on your tiktok or youtube videos
and he would be like "i love you" or like "you made my day"
he would write random comments just to see you smile
"y/n, you're like the prettiest girl i ever laid eyes upon.."
"can't believe you did this dance with panic.. ur so cute istg"
75% of his tiktok would be about you
you know the sound "me? obsessed with you? yes. yes, i am" well, he would do it
just so you could smile
and think of him
to conclude this headcanon about oli, he would be really cute (as always lmao) and super sweet towards you and your community! (we must protect his energy thank you)
(others members under the cut!)
seb is such a flrit
so he would flirt with you A LOT
and when i say, i lot.. i mean a lot
like, this man just want to make you blush
and make you smile
and if he can make you smile AND blush at the same time, then it's his happy day
"i tried to stop thinking about you. i failed."
"yoobi miss you, but i miss you even more"
"fucking princess looking"
"i looked hot today. you missed out.." (TELL ME THIS ISN'T SEBASTIAN 😂)
"damn, that smile, it kills me"
sebby would do tiktok with you
dances, challenges, test.. ANYTHING
he would do the trend on tiktok "yo bro, who got you smiling like that?" and write "her." on the screen
and if he really miss you, he would add pictures of you and him lol
seb is a good example of a "funny and *sometimes* clingy boyfriend"
he would write cute comments on your youtube videos
"wait why are you so cute"
"video idea: i spoil my pretty and super sexy bf for 24h"
"i'm so handsome in this video 😩 don't you agree y/n?"
"your outfit is on fire (not literally)"
he would be so happy to talk about you guys' relationships
"she makes me the happiest"
he would tweet about you
but not romantically..
more like random tweets about you
"stars, y/n said boba was not the best drink in the universe, what should i do?"
"need a new mom for yoobi. she said he was becoming dirty. she just doesn't accept his true value 🙄"
he would make you listen to the weeknd
and also doja cat
he would talk about you during his streams
"'how is y/n doing?' she's doing fine! thanks for asking"
he would play games with you on stream
"y/n is so bad at videogames guys, she can't stop loosing" then laugh
lot of teasing in the nsb's videos
"pass to the camera to the second prettiest girl i ever seen, my mom being the first"
"stars, look at her.. isn't she so pretty?"
"i'm trying to impress you y/n, is it working?"
he would appear on your youtube video, tiktok, instagram pics..
and like we know seb, he would still flirt and be a playful bf
"first, nice video. second, why are you wearing NSB merchandise while painting with ACRYLIC PAINT? YOU KNOW ACRYLIC PAINT IS NOT WASHABLE, RIGHT??"
he would tease you so much on your social media
he would make youtube video with you and do things on purpose so he could see edits of you two
"guys, y/n is in the bathroom, but please post edits of us, we'll make a video about it" he said on his twitch stream
then never do the video.
anyways, seb is so cute and sweet
he's so flirty and playful please-
he would make a lot of "truth or drink" kind of youtube videos with you (if you're in the age of drinking ofc!)
"hey guys! today's video with y/n aka my girlfriend. we're also with kane, oli, and regie. today we'll do truth or drinks, so.. let's go"
he would tease you so much on his stories
"good training with her." ig stories with him and you in front of the gym mirror
"guys.. y/n tried to cook and.. she literally forgot she was cooking something and it burned. *sigh while trying to keep his laugh* i might have to do a youtube video where i teach her to cook or smth because what the fuck is this-"
"not my girlfriend doing "could you date justin phan" type of quiz.."
"wait, i want to do a quiz about you too!!"
he would write comments on your tiktok
"nice hoodie.." while it's his hoodie (the green one 😋)
"you are very cute"
"LMFAO YOU'RE SO BAD AT THIS. i must learn you how to do it properly.." (yes he would make fun of you lol)
"is this a new dress?" he asked on your tiktok
"yes" you reply
"nice, wear it on our next date"
he would talk about you during his twitch live
and say that he miss you :(
"y/n is not here, she went home. she had studying to do."
"i'm literally this close to give my twitch channel to her.. y'all seem to love her more than me!!"
he would annoy you too-
"guys, let's call her. it'll be funny"
he would try to do tiktok with you
and do the "who's your soulmate" filter with you and ask for stars to do edits about you two using this filter
justin would tweet about you
romantically this time!!
"you are one of a kind"
"every night, my thoughts goes on you"
"guys, i know y/n is famous, but can i have her? like could you stop commenting on her tiktok "she's mine" or like "i love her sm, she's my type of girl" like no i'm dating her, she is mine and i don't want to share. i'm (not) sorry"
"leaving you is suicice"
"i panic when i see you"
"life without her would be a misery"
he would invite you to film nsb's videos with them
and phan would talk about you 😎
like in the asmr video, justin would literally talk about you and *only* you
"y/n said it was a good asmr trigger.. let's see if it work"
"did you guys know y/n was listening to asmr times to times?"
"this is for you, y/n!"
then do the worst asmr sounds lol
he would also expose you like there's no tomorrow (mostly on your bday)
"happy birthday to the prettiest girl i ever seen. i love you so much
justin phan would also compliment you under your ig pics
"this dress fit you so well, omg."
"that smile"
"looking good baby"
jp would be so happy to talk about you and see how loved you are with his community and yours!!
"stars, *name of your fandom*! look at how cute she is?" during your streams
"she really make me happy, guys"
"THIS GIRL HIT 489K OF SUBSCRIBERS!! CONGRATS ML <33 everyone let's clap 4 her" he would say on your stream
"YOOOOO! y/n is on my live, right now? *look at the camera* hey cutie"
lot of loves :(
ryan :(
please, he's so cute and so soft
he would be a bit more private than the others for this relationship
but he would still show you off ofc!
"hey. i stole y/n camera.. *smile* lol, guys subscribe to her. she's going to hit 500K soon.."
he would stream with you
"'*name of your ship* is back' yeah *smile* i missed it."
if you're bad at videogames, he would put his hands overs yours and show you how to play (cliche i know)
he would do videos with you on your channel
and seduce everyone 🥰
"your fans said they missed me"
he would do tiktok dance with you
but only cute trends :(
tiktok about you with songs
"oh darling, all of the city lights, never shine as bright as your eyes"
"cause all of the small things that you do, are what remind me why i fell for you.. and when we're apart and i'm missing you, i close my eyes and all i see is you, and the small things you do.."
he would do tiktok for you
just so it could make your day or at least make you smile a little bit
since ryan stream a lot, he would ofc bring you with him
"and today we have the popular y/n who gained 500k of subscribers last week. everyone say congrats!!"
ofc he know fame isn't always good, so he wouldn't be like seb or jp: he would be a bit more private than others, just because he doesn't want to make you in trouble or smth like that
but he would still make public content with you, just.. less than the others members
he would love to see edits of you two
he would listen to them like 10 times just so his fyp could "change" a little bit and see more of them
he would put you on his sc story
he would film you at random time
"this is the famous girl you guys are watching. she doesn't want to stop editing. she doesn't even want to take breaks.. y'all better watch this video or else it won't be worth it. it's been like one hour that i've tried to make her take a break.. *sigh* so hardworking i swear"
he would write comments under your ig post
"so you were the one who had this hoodie"
oh and he would also expose you
"if you exposed me on my bday, i have the right to do the same!!!"
lot of teasing :))
kane would love to do youtube videos with you
"hey stars! today, i and my pretty girlfriend y/n are going to add our own voices in anime!"
he would do a lot of pranks to you
"she doesn't know it, but i put effects on her voice, so when she'll record, it'll sound funny!!"
he would appear in your youtube videos and do prank on your OWN channel
but ofc, he'll be super sweet and kind towards you :)
"guys, look at how cute she is. i'm so lucky to have her"
"she have so much style.."
"look at her hair!! it's so beautiful!"
he would do a lot of videos with you actually!
"she wanted to do a part 2.. SO LET'S GO!!!"
ratan wouldn't comments on your tiktok or youtube, but he would do tiktok about you
the trend tiktok be like "focus, i'm focused- *show a picture of you*"
or like "i know i hope i don't fall"
and he write "guess i fell for her, huh.."
or any other trend that have the same effects 😂
he would stream with you on twitch times to times when you and him have time to do so
"and we're streaming with my cute girl, y/n!!"
"you guys all know her, she's the famous and pretty girl.. i don't need to do a presentation i think"
"stars, ask us questions!! we'll reply together!"
kane would support you so much
he's here for you!
he know fame isn't always good and fun, so he would be with you during good and bad times
"it's okay, y/n. they'll understand, i promise. no need to blame yourself. it's okay to take days off. you don't need to overwork yourself, okay? it's completely okay to be tired of it sometimes."
kane would be such a cute and sweet bf fr
i wish everyone to have a partner who love like kane does with his members and his partner :(
real true love
anyways, let's stay on track
i feel like ratan would also post you on his social media
"she texted me this... *screenshot of your texts* god she's so silly sometimes smh"
"anime nights with her"
he would watch your video
and he wouldn't be able to stop smiling or laughing
i think kane would have a partner who have the same kind of humor as him? hope it's understandable 😭
see an edits of you two? he'll like the edits, then check the comments and search for more edits
and sometimes even post them!!
"kaney/n is my favorite ship" he read the comment a fan made on your twitch chat while smiling "it's mine too"
he would reply to your stories
"you're becoming more and more famous, baby. it's making me smile so much, knowing you finally have the recognization you deserve!"
"you deserve it my love"
"INVITED IT TO A GALA? damn it baby, it's not an everyday day, congrats! i'm so so so proud of you!!"
he would be so cute oh my god
to conclude, kane would be such a cutie :(
he wouldn't mind posting you and talking about you for real
no because why my first thought was birds matching costume-
i'll start the headcanon right away, but i found birds matching costumes for real
if you want to see your matching costume, click here (it's the website where you can buy it lol)
enjoy being a bird with darren 🐦
anyways, let's start with the headcanon!
darren would do A LOT of youtube videos with you
"hey guys! today's video will be with y/n, aka my pretty and sexy girlfriend."
"what??? don't look at me like that! i'm just describing you!"
he would be so excited to film with you fr
and ofc he would be super happy if you asked him to film youtube videos with you!
he would smile so much while talking about you
like he wouldn't even notice that his smile is becoming bigger and bigger whenever he talk about you
"stars, please do edits of her and i. i love to see these"
"she's my birdie!! *lipbite*"
he would make tiktok with you (almost) ALL THE TIME
he would hold your hand on purpose, kiss you on the cheek.. be all cutie patootie with you during nsb's videos so he could see edits of you and him on tiktok and ig
i mean he love flirting and being playful with you
and wouldn't mind being dirty with you ;)
he would follow ig account of you 😭 like "update on y/n y/l/n fan account"
darren just love seeing your fans simping for you (he simp for you too) and making great content abt you
"y/n said i was looking like a chicken with my new hair color. she have no taste, for real. she doesn't appreciate the true beauty of darren liang"
"wait, but do i really look like a chicken-"
he would also compliment you on ig
and he wouldn't even be scared of embarassed of this comments
"this girl is literally a daydream"
"i miss you"
"your boyfriend is so lucky to have you"
"toasty miss you"
"my girl"
liang would also give you a plushie
"it's toasty's sibling!!"
he have an ig highlight about you
did he only create an ig highlight so the fans could do edits with them? maybe.. 👀 (the other reason why liang have one is because he love watching them and seeing you smile and laughing with him)
"cutie" is the title
or "y/n <3"
he would work out with you times to times and post pictures
"hahaha, i'm working out with her"
"big muscles"
"she think i'm sexy and she is damn right"
main topic on darren's headcanon: he post you on his story and make videos with you
like it's simple things, but coming from him it's super cute
regie would expose you
i'm sorry, but he would 100% expose you and be like "this is my partner, everyone!!"
he literally doesn't care AT ALL
"y/n said she liked my haircut.. so from now, all the comments i made on it saying it looked like shit are now gone, thank you, it look super good"
"y/n y/ln is my partner everyone."
regie macalino would do so much tiktok with you
and he would love it
he would literally give the regiey/n stan a lot of things to edit on
talking about edits..
he would love to see them times to times
and he would be so happy to see everyone saying you guys look cute and hot together :(
he would follow some accounts times to times when edits are on point
but he wouldn't search for them lol
everytime he would see an edit of you two, he would be so happy and smile so hard??
if the edit is really good, he would even post it on his ig & sc story
his heart being filled with love and happy emotions :(
he would read the comments and be so freakin happy
"your fans are saying i'm hot and they're not wrong"
macalino wouldn't make a lot of youtube videos with you, tbh
not because he doesn't want to, it's just that he prefer doing tiktok and all since it's a bit more quick and easy to do
"ayooo, don't forget to check my gf twitch!!"
this boy would also comment on your ig post
"you look like heaven"
or "beautiful"
"pretty girl"
shorts comments only!!
appreciation long comments belong to private chat with him >:(
like, he wouldn't express his love in comments
but in your text message, he would do it for sure
i mean, it's understandable..
he would compliment you a lot
and make nsb's videos with you
"AND TODAY WE HAVE REGIE'S GIRL HERE WITH US!!!!" sebastian said while smiling "you guys know her, regie can't stop talking about her... and she's super famous and all"
literally, this man want your full attention
but he won't say it to you
at least not in public!
to conclude? regie's appreciation for you is super sweet and cute
he would literally make appreciation story about you times to times
"y/n had a perfect grade on her super hard exam, let's all cheer for her. she deserve it"
"congrats for my girl to have made another week. i'm so proud of you"
he wouldn't do a lot of these tbh
only when he's super proud of you
othwerwise, it's on private message :D
I LOVED WRITING THIS THING SO SO MUCH!!! i know some people told me they were being excited for this one, so i hope i met your expectations 😭 if y'all want other famous!y/n x nsb members type of things, please let me know!! also the other requests are coming soon :)
taglist (open! send an ask if you want to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
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sunny6677 · 8 months ago
Never really made a introduction post to my blog, so here—
Hello! I am Sunny, or Lila, or Tomori—you can call me either one of those but Lila makes my gender euphoria go yippee more jdnsnsj /lh
I'm taken by my lovely partner who I would tag if they actually had a Tumblr hsnsns /lh
My pronouns are she/her but I don't mind being referred to with they/them. I am transfem and lesbian—(and possibly on the ace spectrum??? Still trying to figure that out). I am autistic, and possibly have BPD—I also have pretty bad anxiety issues and some pretty bad OCD.
My interests are: FNAF, Spooky Month, horror, analog horror, poetry, BATIM, dinosaurs, jurassic park, TADC, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, etc etc the list goes on.
My kins, or rather just characters I strongly relate to are: Lila, Skid, Streber, Radford, Pomni, Zooble, Patty, Wednesday Addams, Eleven from Stranger Things, Rika Furude from Higurashi, Edd from Eddsworld (the character), Toriel, Alphys, Pacifist! Frisk, Kyoko Kirigiri, Jake from The Music Freaks, The Crying Child/CC from FNAF, Darwin Watterson from TAWOG, Garnet from Steven Universe, Marceline from Adventure Time etc etc.
My comfort characters right now are: Kevin and Lila from Spooky Month, or rather basically any character from Spooky Month, but mainly those two lmao.
My ships are: Lila x Kevin, Kevin x Radford, Edd x Tord (the characters are who I ship), Tom x Matt, Pomni x Ragatha, Lila x Jaune, Wednesday x Enid, Betty Groff x Simon Petrikov, etc etc.
DNI: MAPS, MAPS supporters, Zoos, Proshippers, any NSFW accounts in general because I'm a minor—I'm chill if suggestive stuff or jokes are made but nothing too heavy, anyone who takes shipping a little too seriously, ableist people, racist people, transphobic or homophobic people, any kind of LGBT-phobic people, anti-self shippers or anti oc x canon (I do self shipping and oc x canon so you should probably skedaddle out of here if you don't like either of those things). Tbh, just dni people who are weird or do stuff that harms other people in general. I'm cool if you don't like certain characters or shows or whatever the hell, but if you like doxx or harass people over having opinions or if you do anything creepy in general, you should probably get outta here. Also younger kids in general—like any age below 13.
This is also supposed to be a chill blog where I just post stuff I like—and I tend to really hate fighting, so chances are if someone tries to start fighting shit up in here, I'm probably either not gonna respond or I'll just delete whatever they said. I mean like if I did something genuinely wrong I'll reply, but this isn't meant to be a discourse blog. I'm just here to have a good time fam. /lh
And request—if you're gonna block me at least tell me why before you do. Not because of any specific reason, I just happen to flip out due to a personal experience I had a while ago and I start thinking that they blocked me because I'm a horrible person and did something terribly bad. So if you're not blocking me because you think I'm a bad person, it might be better to explain to me before you do since my obsessive thinking won't freak out if it's just something like me being into a ship that's a trigger for you or me just creating stuff that makes you uncomfortable/just stuff ya don't like in general. /gen
Other blogs: @ask-the-wage-trio and a few others I can't tag for some reason
1. The following two words trigger my OCD—so don't say it. I'd rather not get into why, but just know I mainly say this because my OCD gets VERY obsessed over different distressing things sometimes—and I'd rather not be triggered.
"Psychotic/psychosis" (Nothing to do with people who have the mental illness itself—I just don't like it when people use that word to describe me. My brain just keeps trying to scare me into believing I have different terrifying things sometimes.)
"Delusions/delusional" (As in describing me—)
2. You can make suggestive jokes if you want—just don't be too explicit cuz I'm a minor.
3. Be aware that if I seem dry when talking to you, if we haven't talked that much before—it's likely just cuz I'm a bit awkward talking with people I barely know, not cuz I'm mad at you./gen
4. Please don't pick fights on this blog, alright? And don't bring up any discourse either. I hate discourse, and generally find it petty and stupid most of the time. You can say you dislike something all you want, just don't hate me or someone else if I or they say they like it. And don't do the same if I or someone else says they dislike something either. If ya wanna fight, do it somewhere else. This isn't the place for that./gen
5. Do not vent to me, send me pictures of disturbing stuff (including vent art if I didn't ask permission), etc etc without my permission. Seriously. I've had that done twice to me and would appreciate if it wasn't done again.
6. Do not try to guilt-trip me either. P l e a s e.
7. If you have problems with or criticisms of me, don't be rude it. Criticism without empathy isn't criticism. You're just being a bully.
8. Don't be a dickhead in general, even if it's to someone else. I hate when people are assholes.
9. No trying to rope me into fights I wasn't even a part of. Please.
10. If you are in my DNI—get the fuck out and respect my boundaries. Shoo. Don't ignore my DNI.
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(OOC: Wasn't able to make a blog for this one due to some minor troubles, so here—this one is the Ask Tom! blog thing jrndnd)
(Edit: Finally made a Tom blog!!)
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(She jumps up and down in front of the camera, placing her hands on her hips.)
(Tom's reference sheet)
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Tom's relationship chart:
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kroganloveinterest · 1 month ago
Getting to know your mutuals
tagged by @illusivesoul thanks so much for tagging me!!!
I'll tag @baede-6 @spaydekingcayde @silverforestglove @crystariumrose @heywizards @herrshepard but don't feel any obligation to fill it out or anything. Also if you've already been tagged in this or completed it, I apologize for the extra tag!! And please still fill this out even if I didn't tag you! You can still tag me if you do. :3
(questions under the cut)
What's the origin of your blog's title?
It's a quote by the Spider from the Scavenger's Fate loretab in Destiny 2.
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Favorite Fandoms: I'm listing these by what I personally enjoy engaging with, rather than what the fandom space in general is like. With that said, Destiny, Pokemon, My Hero Academia, Mass Effect, and The Elder Scrolls are probably my top 5.
OTP(s) + shipname: I really only have one technically, which is Thel 'Vadam and Rtas 'Vadum from the Halo series. I believe in them so passionately...even if I no longer am the ThelRtas blogging giant I used to be years ago on here lmao.
special mention to all my indulgent oc/canon ships too naturally.
Favorite color: I really like blues!
Favorite game: Of all time? Pokemon Crystal probably. First Pokemon game to have the option to play as a girl, the Western release date was on my birthday, and Johto/gen 2 is my favorite....it was written in the stars ngl.
Song stuck in your head: For once, there isn't a song looping through my mind at the moment.
Weirdest habit/trait? Only thing I can really think of is that I tend to idly pick at the skin of my fingertips semi-often. Hard habit to break so far.
Hobbies: Video games and making gifs. Seems sad that I can't really think of anything else at the moment. They're just always my main go-to for an enjoyable time killer.
If you work, what's your profession? Unemployed atm.
If you could have any job you wish what would it be? I always wanted to be a marine biologist or some aquatic science/biology job since high school, but that's no longer an option.
Something you're good at: Nothing comes to mind.
Something you're bad at: Writing.
Something you excel at: Nothing comes to mind.
Something you love: Beefy fictional characters keep me going ngl.
Something you could talk about for hours without off the cuff: Good question, not in a self-deprecating way, but in a "I genuinely don't think I have anything I'd be able to talk for hours about" lmao.
Something you hate: Moths, tbh. I very much respect them and don't go out of my way to kill them or anything, but god do I simply not like them fluttering about near me.
Something you collect: Nothing now, but I used to collect General Grievous figures and Godzilla figures too so I have a modest sized collection of both.
Something you forget: To take my medication. Literally still forget about it even with a daily phone reminder plastered on the lock screen.
What's your love language? Not sure.
Favorite movie/show: Movie I'd say 2004 Van Helsing, and for TV show I'd say Monk.
Favorite food: Steak.
Favorite animal: Crocodilians. Sharks, dogs, sloths, and elephants are also up there.
Are you musical? Not anymore, used to play the flute for 6 years in grade school though. I miss it. :C
What were you like as a child? Unhappy, repressing trauma and near constant traumatic experiences, extremely withdrawn and shy, really low self-esteem, undiagnosed anxiety/depression, etc....but now I do what I can to take care of that little kid still inside me to this day, rip.
Favorite subject at school? Math, believe it or not! It just always made sense to me and that was comforting. I always liked my science classes as well, but math for sure was always my favorite.
Least favorite subject? I loathed English and History classes because I thought they were so boring, honestly. There's definitely a "no wonder you suck at writing and can't even discuss media in a meaningful way" jab opportunity there, but that's honestly just what my preferences were back then.
What's your best character trait? Not sure.
What's your worst character trait? Also not sure.
If you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? To not have all my close friendships be eroded away to nothing so now I feel like I don't have that support system like I thought I did? That's what's been killing my mental health lately anyway lmao.
If you could travel in time who would you like to meet? A dinosaur.
Recommend one of your favorite fanfics I'll rec @intrepiddreamx 's Destiny 2 fic Diplomatic Ties any day, any time. 😌 (please mind the rating if necessary)
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rosescore245 · 2 months ago
the tags you added to the gay rights red memes on my art blog made me cackle, your takes on him are so right and you should say it
Aaa thank you!!! Red has lowkey been a kin of mine since I first read the manga when I was like. 6. And now that I am almost 12 years older than I was then, I Have Thoughts.
I am using this ask as an excuse to blabber about Red btw, because I always have Opinions and I Think I Am Right because that's how most opinions work
(I'm so so sorry in advance it keeps getting longer. and more retrospective and a little symbolic. whoops. got too silly)
(Like 3 or 4 sentences out of this entire thing allude to Red being Attracted To Blue and tbh Green and Vio too, and there are like 2 mentions of Vio and Shadow being Gay As Hell. this did not become crazy shippy. But what is a ship but the way that characters are intertwined by their actions and being, when one's every action is to keep another happy and safe, is there any need for the words I Love You? I think not. So I guess with that logic this entire thing is one big makeout session, the fourth gayest thing, below "situationship where you're beaten with hammers", "toxic doomed yaoi", and "literal gay sex" lmao)
Red genuinely intrigues me so much and I love to look at him, study him like a bug.
The Link at the beginning of the manga showed so many traits, but I wouldn't quite say any Fully Aligned with who Red presented as. We saw Green's determination and drive, Blue's frustration and quickness to believe others are doubting his abilities, and arguably Vio's foresight in the way Link brought a flower from the Outer Kingdom to bring to Zelda, knowing it would lift her spirits. That's something that kinda holds hands with Red's behavior, but absolutely nowhere before pulling the sword does Link show that naivete and whimsy that made Red, well, Red!
Then Link splits, and they're all different. Green and Blue are the Most like Link, Green a little more so, and Vio hadn't been incredibly off with his smugness and high opinion of himself. Red, however, from the beginning, seemed just a little Out of Place. Green brings up working in a team out of Necessity, not because he likes it that much, and while Blue and Vio openly disliked the idea, Red simply states, well, a fact; "I've never been on a team before!"
He doesn't say Quite how he feels about it, which I think is Telling. He's feeling out the situation, even if just a little, and he's trying to adjust accordingly. He's Adaptable (and gay /silly) and notices during that first little battle that they are NOT working together. So he knows they Need to Work Together, and he knows that they Are Not Doing That.
He gives them someone to protect. I think like 90% of what he does is exactly how he feels, just cranked up a good bit, but he realizes that they need a center. It's not perfect, but it works Okay, at least for a while, and he's happy with it. I don't think he wanted to team up, either, because literally none of the other three Really did. If 3/4 of a guy start gagging at the idea of Working With People, the chances of that last part doing the same is pretty high.
He definitely latched onto the others, Vio and Blue more than Green, and I frankly think he admired Blue the most. It became less necessity and more "I want us to stay together."
It's not perfect, it never would be on such short notice. Blue's temper is insane, Green seems to doubt himself, Vio literally wants to be anywhere else all the time, and Red's trying to give them a shared goal of Not Letting Him Die.
Red's lesson from being split up kind of...doesn't make sense to me, personally. The lesson he said ("I learned I can't rely on others to protect me all the time!") seems flimsy. The situation he was put in, Kakariko and the Fire and the Thief, doesn't FIT that lesson. Not quite. Sure, he was alone there, but that was the case for ALL OF THEM (except Vio and Shadow making out in the trees), he wasn't special for that. I honestly, wholeheartedly believed Red learned a different lesson, and he felt like he couldn't Say It.
He learned he doesn't always know what's right. He saw a kid in trouble, and his morality told him to protect the child, as the son of the captain of the royal guard. He did so because it is in his moral compass, and he paid for it. He chose to try and trust the kid again because of his kind nature and soft spot for children, and, again, it BIT HIM. He tried to do what HE THOUGHT was RIGHT, and things kept getting WORSE for him. He learned that trying to hold the group together the way he was, the "right way" in his mind, wasn't going to make things better.
So he eases out of that role little by little, not too quick upon reuniting with Blue and eventually Green. By the time they're in the Tower of Winds with Vio on their side again, Red is still like chest deep in the role he made for himself.
Their father appears, and he's terrified because he's caught between moralities, I think. He must protect the ones he cares about the most, but when both blades are held by hands he knows so well, it's tearing him apart.
He genuinely cares about the other three. When he was grasped and in danger and Blue saved him before he could even think about it, I think it was one of the most Real versions of him that compelled him to act SO GAY. "My blue hero!" GIRL PLEASE.
Shadow sacrifices himself, and Red looks almost Blank about it. He doesn't understand, not fully. It's not sinking in, the sacrifice made. He is meant to protect and care for and hold Link together, to be a foundation of good deeds. Red is Link's Morality, and Link's Morals are very ideal.
In the Ideal Situation, Shadow wouldn't need to die. Because he's atoned and chosen light, then Hylia should have let him live in that light. But as the glittering shards of the shade float away, that's not what happened. It wasn't RIGHT, it wasn't how it should have gone. Like Blue, who kept lashing out, though much more self-aware, Red hadn't done a 180 upon learning his lesson. What was right, even if it didn't always Fix Things, was RIGHT, and the goddesses were meant to be RIGHT.
And the end wasn't right, either. They grew and changed so, so much, shouldn't they have a happy ending? But he understands a little better, now, and knows that what he thinks is right might not be what is right to the goddesses, so he's resigned, if not emotional.
He may have gotten a chance to show he cared, but as Blue wiped his tears and told him they were all just going to be closer than ever, he never got to SAY how much he cared.
Shaken, changed, and unresolved, they plunge the sword into the pedestal, and Red's story ends.
I have no idea how much of this made sense, but these are my biggest thoughts whenever I read through the manga. If Blue and Vio are the two plates, and Green is the main part of the scale, then Red is the thing binding Blue to Green to Vio, allowing their differences to weigh and be judged. Red is what connects them, it's what he'd been trying to do from the beginning.
Everything he did was to try and keep them together, because the stories always taught the lesson that the hero with the strength of four fought to the end as one. Even if he didn't personally like it, it was how it was supposed to go.
And that's one thing he was sure he was right about as it all blended together.
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thrandilf · 1 year ago
#genuinely i think abt how dragon prince would have reigned surpreme over tumblr had this come out like 5 years ago idk like#there is no reason for dragon prince to have a comparatively small fandom when looking at the media it often gets compared to#and that it has canon whatever you wanna call This in it LMAO LIKE. WE HAVE SO MUCH QUEER REP FUN EXCELLENT WRITING AND YET lmao you're so right. truly a distortion in the fabric of the universe
I feel like any time someone talks about wanting media with grey morality, nuance, explicit LGBT rep, disabled characters, fantasy that isn't White People Central- like all of that is found in The Dragon Prince and it knocks it out of the park. We have 5 seasons, it's confirmed to finish its run of 7 seasons and we're getting some spinoff media too like the video game and who knows what else, and I'm like. There are so many people I feel who would go WILD for this but
Even its connection with ATLA (which doesn't define TDP at all but I recognize it's some of what gets some people's foot in the door) doesn't seem to have pulled Big Fandom back in
The tumblr exodus really did damage plus the production hiatus seemed to land at such a time that the show is SUPERB better than it ever was before and it's always been good but fandom seems so much smaller than it used to be
I know TDP gets critical acclaim and we reach global Top 10 when new stuff drops but
As far as online fandom presence goes
Man. It's gotta be timing or something because it's so weird to me that there's like. Not even 1k fics on AO3 tagged Aaravos. The most popular TDP posts made nowadays peak at 4k MAX while sometimes I see art from 2019 that managed 30k notes like where is everyone -sobs-
I do love this fandom but I can't believe it isn't THE big thing I genuinely don't know why except timing and online spaces being hostile to fandom? Idk
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lai-mar · 11 months ago
Can't wait till this blog is old enough so posts start showing in main tags, but for now, a salty lil rant
Shipping aside, I'm surprised by how Laios + Marcille even as friends doesn't get as much fan attention as I expected considering how heavily the series focuses on their development? I consider Laios to be the protag and Marcille to be the secondary protag but I can see the argument for the two of them being dual protags especially starting from around Thistle's house arc / Marcille becoming the dungeon lord. The protagonists are party members who bond over losing and finding a loved one. They save each other multiple times and live with each other in the end. They get copious amounts of screentime together and separate. They clearly care for each other and love each other (in whatever way). And there's no forced romance.
Before I read the manga, I saw all the yuri on my TL and was like YESSSSSS I'M READING THIS FOR THE YURI WOOOOOO and finished the Red Dragon anime episodes like "wow that was soooo good and gay. Let me go on Tumblr to see what people are talking about— people are shipping Marcille and LAIOS??? Probably annoying straight people who cannot conceptualize a friendship between a man and woman 🙄". So I started out with a squick for the ship. I think the fan perception made me believe F/M is canon and anything else would be like queer erasure? Except I later learned no ship is canon and was genuinely confused when the manga started giving us L/M crumbs (like the succubus chapter) because I thought the shippers were pulling this ship from thin air lmao.
The more I read, the more I was like.... "okay.... why are they kinda... okay I get it now... why am I.... oh shit... I'm really in it now" and I apologise because I really get it now 😭 and it baffles me to see people who have seemingly finished the manga going "Laios and Marcille have NO CHEMISTRY their only line of connection is through Falin". Like, okay, maybe that was how they were at the beginning (but I would argue they have chemistry even from the first few chapters), but that's the POINT and we get to see them evolve and get closer because they both love and miss Falin. Laios moves on from being "Falin's brother" and Marcille moves on from being "Falin's friend". L+M know about each other's deepest, subconscious desires. Marcille lives with the siblings at the end. No matter the bond, they are the two most precious people to her.
I was still squicky about romantic L/M even at the succubus chapter (which I know is probably the starting point for a lot of shippers) but THEN THE RABBIT CHAPTER. And after that when the Canaries found Marcille and she immediately jumped onto Laios I was like "Oh fuck. I'm really in this now fuck fuck FUCK". (Nothing makes me get into a dynamic more than having an initially squicky reaction because I'll need to have a strong enough conviction to overcome the squick LOL)
Anyways. Seeing people being annoying and pissy about L/M only made me like L/M more 🤡 because at least the shippers appreciate their bond. I'm a little desperate here. Even their platonic bond is kind of a rarepair in the English fandom 💀
I'm so glad the anime is going at the pace it is now because this is only the beginning of the L+M development!!!! The anime onlies will understand later!!! I made the same mistake and judged too early and I'm sorry!!!! So many anime L+M moments and panels and crumbs yet to be seen 🥺
Anyways. Laios and Marcille's bond is absolutely central to the plot and character development. But I wouldn't have guessed that if I didn't read the manga and just based it off fan attention.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year ago
you seem to have a good read on HQ and your takes are great, so i have a question...and if you'd rather not go there, please ignore this! but i see oikawa get called "arrogant" quite often and i'm curious, would you say he is? what is it that makes people think that? imo he has a plenty of flaws, but i truly don't think arrogance is one of them. self-centered, sure, but not arrogant i think. i'm open to being wrong, i'm just legit so confused by that particular criticism, it makes me doubting my reading comprehension. i feel like that one post that's like "free my man, he didn't do that. he did a lot of other stuff tho" LOL. if you do answer this, then thanks for your time!
oh, dear anon. this is a very very big question and i'm honored you think i am capable of providing an answer that does it justice!! i don't consider myself an oikawa expert by far, but i'll do my best because he's still very beloved to me, and i hope whatever i say helps!
(but also - maybe take what i say with a grain of salt LMAO)
anyways, to get the main point out of the way: i completely agree that oikawa isn't arrogant! i actually haven't seen any commentary about that myself (bless!!!), so i can't say for sure why some people might think that, but my guess is that they think his pridefulness = arrogance — they think that the confidence he has in himself and seijoh contributes nothing to their actual power and is utterly meaningless if they don't win, especially in the face of ushijima. which, like, come on. what kind of captain would he be if he wasn't confident in himself and his teammates? is he supposed to tell them that they're going to lose??? is he supposed to discourage their hard work and effort???
or maybe it's because oikawa acts like he's all that, but doesn't have anything to show for it. who does he think he is? what does he think his pride is worth? what right does he have to go around making grand declarations when he has nothing to his name?
(which isn't entirely true, either, but we'll get into that, promise.)
now, do i think that he can, occasionally, be flippant, shallow, and/or petty? yeah, sure. he's got one hell of a personality about it. even iwaizumi says as much. oikawa is great at being a little shit. it's one of my favorite things about him!
but is oikawa genuinely arrogant, or self-centered? well . . . i don't think so.
see, here's the thing about oikawa: he knows he's good, but he doesn't think he's good enough. i think it'd be easiest to really explain what that meant if we broke this down into two separate parts, so let's give it a go, shall we?
(buckle up, friends, because it's about to get LONG. also: TIMESKIP SPOILERS!! and there's a tldr at the start of the tags because. WOW.)
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so, first things first: if people are calling oikawa arrogant, then i'm like 99% sure that they don't actually know what the word "arrogant" means.
"arrogant" is used to describe someone full of themselves. it's used to describe someone conceited and pompous. it's used to describe someone so assured of and invested in their self-importance that they don't care for other people, and if it seems like they do, then it's usually wildly off the mark and still serves to inflate their own egos.
oikawa has never once been like that. he's been pretty much the exact opposite, in fact.
and yeah, sure, by his third year of high school, he knows he's good at volleyball, and that's fine! it's perfectly all right to claim you're good at something if you have the skills/experience to back it up. confidence is healthy as long as it isn't in overabundance, and we actually see a lot of this throughout the series!
(not to mention that this was where ushijima fell short. he was overflowing with confidence. he did not believe, for even a single second, that hinata shouyou and his meager, scrappy little flock of crows could beat him.
but oikawa? he knew. he knew what it looked like to make something bloom.)
the key to oikawa's confidence that made him better was that he could pinpoint others' strengths and weaknesses just as well as he could with his own. and (bear with me, please, i might get kind of boring here bc it's nothing that hasn't been said in the manga before) i don't mean it in the way we see the coaches or more analytical players do, as observations to be taken advantage of by everyone else; i mean that in the sense of how vital it is to his position as a setter. that was always the biggest difference between oikawa and kageyama: no matter how much more raw talent kageyama had, no matter how much better oikawa believed him to be, kageyama, especially in the beginning, struggled to do what oikawa could with a team. kageyama struggled to bring out the best in each player. and it wasn't because he didn't know how -- oikawa freely admitted that kageyama had the skill for it, that kageyama, once he got his shit together, could win against him -- it was because kageyama didn't have that same confidence in himself.
(not until much later, anyways. but that's another story, for another time.)
so, oikawa's confident. he knows he's good. he can bring out the best in each player. he's got a killer serve (and a killer smile!), a mind for tactics that borders on machievallianism, and cherishes the trust he is given like it's something precious. his coaches let him lead without leaning on them. his team has the utmost respect and admiration for him. he has a reputation. from karasuno to shiratorizawa to the whole of miyagi -- there is not a single character who knows oikawa tooru and would believe that he is, in any way, bad at volleyball.
but it's not enough. despite all of that, oikawa still doesn't think he's good enough. and that, friends, brings us to the second point.
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oikawa tooru is nothing if not passionate.
so were the others, of course. kageyama kept going after his grandfather's death. hinata kept going while being a nobody from nowhere with no one to back him up. atsumu kept going while osamu didn't. it's not even about just those who went pro -- kenma, kuroo, noya, and everyone else found things that they were passionate about and kept going with it. the entire story revolves around loving what you do and trying to keep that love alive, and, sometimes, that can be really, really difficult when it seems like it doesn't love you back.
oikawa was so insecure over kageyama to the point where he nearly decked the poor kid. oikawa got crushed by ushijima-- who kept telling him that his team was not good enough, that his choices were not good enough, that there was nothing good enough to be proud of -- for years in a row. oikawa was taught that there would always be someone better than him no matter how skilled he was, but if he let that stop him then he didn't fucking belong on the court in the first place.
oikawa tooru is intimately acquainted with not being good enough, but he keeps trying to be. he keeps going. he tries to keep the love alive even if he's not loved back. he pushes and practices and takes a plane far from home to become even better. even if he doesn't have the skill, even if he doesn't have the talent, even if he doesn't have the love -- he still has his pride. and what does that mean, in the end? how far does that take him?
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in the end, oikawa tooru walks across a world stage and sees people who believed in him on the other side and calls it a family reunion. in the end, he gets to play the volleyball that reminds him of why he loves it and how it gives him so much love back. in the end, his pride is unyielding and unbreakable, a product of the forge. he molded it with his own two hands. he will not let it falter so easily.
arrogance would not have taken oikawa tooru this far. i hope this has proven that he is anything but.
remember: instinct is something you polish. talent is something you make bloom. and never, ever let anyone else tell you what your pride is worth.
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splendidbadger · 1 year ago
I read the tags on the ROTTMNT villains reblog, do you have more any scenarios and ideas for the villians? ANYTHING will do, they’re so fun and intriguing but the fandom overlooks them constantly.
Oh, I'm so glad you asked!!! I love the villains sooo much that I'm making an Ask blog revolving around them opening a bar lmao. I'm happy to see others who are invested.
Repo Mantis
I feel he was the first to be mutated with normal he acts like he gives no shit he's a mutant and we see him deal with humans. In my AU it's due to the fact he was mutated years before ROTTMNTs start. I mean he is not weirded out by the boys, he clearly knows Yokai exists. I have it set so he started doing work in the Hidden City and Draxum saw a nice unmutated human to experiment on and bam mantis man.
Repos trans too, idk man he's my favorite outside of Todd and you know? He's like me frfr. Repo def doesn't strike me as a top surgery guy, but also I feel his mutation helped his dysphoria a LOT because like I mean I've felt that.
Man is also very obsessed with his hair, and uses a lot of products. Doesn't care he's greying but he DOES care how healthy it is.
Repo can and will do drag. (Warren helps with his makeup and wig due to his claws getting in the way)
Here's a lil angst one.
Hypno doesn't realize he fused with Doug. I can't remember the episode name, but it's the one in the botanical gardens where we get the flower mutant. We see that humans can literally be fused with plant life and possibly animal life. Also since we know Hypno wants to bring Doug back to life, hes passed away. Given that Doug was Hypnos hippo, and was most likely with him when he was bit, he doesn't realize he's been fused with his buddy.
He just knows his buddy is gone and he'll never see him again. That or he fully knows but is in denial. Warren buys him merch based on Doug as a way to make him feel better, since he's not the greatest at comforting people.
and some non angst headcanons
Hypno doesn't really have a label. He knows he's queer but doesn't care to label himself. He likes who he likes, and that's all that matters.
Hypno does drag a lot!!!! He LOVES doing drag! It's fun for him, and how he expresses himself!
A lil senario thing
Imagine that Repo was actually a fan of Warren Stone as an anchorman, imagine he enjoyed his jokes and commentary. Repos devastated he went missing, and genuinely invested in keeping up with anyone trying to find him. When he discovers his favorite anchors alive and not dead he's thrilled.
Due to the fact we know everyone Warren knew pre-mutation abandoned him he doesn't trust Repo, not at first. After all Hypnos is the only one who takes him seriously or seems to give a shit about him especially after he bungled everything with April. (He feels guilty about that gauntlet situation I will die on this hill.) So naturally he doesn't believe Repo at first. Repos pretty hurt, but man he gets it. These changes are big but he promises he's a fan and even knows other fans too.
Repo ends up taking Warren and Hypno to meet the others, sure they met when Draxum "hired" them but it was just a job and they didn't really to much time to talk after they got into action. I like to think Warrens was genuinely touched to see he has a fan base. I'm fully convinced post Warren and Hypno Sitting in a Tree Todd got Warrent a job as a Hidden City news anchor. Sure it's not what he had, but it IS something, and these yokai? They love him even if he's a worm-
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mosalahd · 9 months ago
tagged by the bestest @fewtrell
1. do you make your bed? yes, otherwise i feel like my room is messy
2. favourite number? 15, 7 and 2
rest is under the cut bc it's long <3
3. what’s your job? technically i'm employed at the royal opera house (work in the cafés/bars), but i haven't worked a shift in like 4 months and i don't want to go back there tbh :D otherwise i am but a student
4. if you could go back to school, would you? i am still in school, idk if i'd want to continue studying afterwards though. i feel kinda done? i'd mostly do it to meet people maybe. i mean i do love learning so maybe i'd do some course or something but not another full program
5. can you parallel park? no i started learning to drive but then i didn't finish lmao
6. do you think aliens are real? yeah, it's very dumb and self-centred for humans to believe that we are the only living organism in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE
7. can you drive a manual car? i can shift up to 3rd gear (that's how far i got with learning)
8. guilty pleasure? i don't have any guilty pleasures, i stand on business.
9. tattoos? i don't have any but i've wanted to get some for yeeears but also i'm not entirely sure i want something permanent on my body in that way also idk if the things i want to tattoo i'll think are stupid in like 10 years
10. favourite colour? green and orange !! 100% saturation blue has also been moving up in ranking lately
11. favourite type of music? depends on the season, and on the day, and on my mood, but according to my many spotify wrappeds i am a big sucker for alternative-rnb and conscious hip hop
12. do you like puzzles? YES. physical puzzles, sudoku, crosswords, puzzles in videogames i eat that shit up let me use my brain to solve shit
13. favourite childhood sport? played a lot of sports as a kid but maybe footy or bball
14. do you talk to yourself? to the point that i annoy myself
15. tea or coffee? dependssss sometimes i want a matcha sometimes i want a coffee yknow
16. first thing you wanted to be when growing up? i genuinely can't remember but i think ? an animator?? ?
17. what movies do you adore? ooooh moonlight, forrest gump, THE GREEN KNIGHT, the spider-verse movies, the first kingsman movie, spirited away, nope, the life of pi
tagging @pierregaslyliked @alpinegasly @gianniisantetokounmpo @crozierahegao @f1-stuff and @stellacadente as always no pressure ! <3
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