#i fuckin. i love him so much he's so good
lxvvie · 2 days
Your Missus coming home after another night out with the boys.
Kyle and Johnny had taken Simon out again. Good lot, those two. He needed it, desperately so in your opinion.
So when he came home in the wee hours of the morning, pissed beyond belief, so much so that Kyle and Johnny were practically holding him up, well...
You figured Simon didn't know where he was. He'd taken one good look at you, or rather through you if his blurry gaze was any indication, and slurred out, "...'m sorry, luv, but I'm a taken missus."
Yes. Yes, you are, Simon.
You helped the boys get him situated. Simon refused to leave the couch, though. You made Johnny and Kyle crash in the spare bedroom and busied yourself helping your husband out of his clothes. His back would be an outright bitch in the morning. You can't say you didn't warn him. "Yer a good one, mate," Simon slurred as he sluggishly helped you take his shoes off, "Jus' like muh missus."
"That so? What's your missus like?" If you can't beat him, join him.
"Bes' fuckin' thing," he started, burping before laying down on his back. Simon looked at the ceiling, eyes half-lidded, fighting sleep yet two seconds from passing out, "Made o'good stuff, lovin' a bastard like me..." Your heart swelled with love, pride, and a little sorrow. You'll make sure to triple the amount of kisses you give him. After his hangover, that is.
"Yer made o'good stuff, too, mate," he trailed off sleepily, "Gonna get a'good missus like mine..."
"And what if I already have him?" You asked as you draped a blanket over Simon. "...Lucky bloke, then. Kick his ass if he doesn't see it..."
Will do, Simon. Will do.
And when your husband woke up the next day, his back an outright bitch, head throbbing, and cursing Kyle and Johnny to high heaven, you recounted every single word he said.
He hasn't lived it down since.
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porn star daddy eating you out?? absolutely love this series
thank you love! 💖 pornstar!rafe uses that pornstache to his advantage 💦
Pornstar!Rafe loves to eat pussy… a lot. His dirty mind got off on having his mustache covered in pussy juice, always rubbing his face in a girl’s cunt to coat the thick hair and make it sticky. He had eaten a lot of pussy in his porn career, it was part of the job. Of course the girl he was trying not to fall for, had the sweetest cunt a man could ever dream of. One taste had him addicted, so much so he might actually be happy having you dripping against his tongue for the rest of his life.
He had you on the kitchen counter of all places, your legs spread as his tongue was laid out flat against your drenched folds. You felt your cunt clench as you saw his blue eyes roll back as he got a taste of you again, like if he wasn’t just face first in your pussy the day before. You had a hard time focusing when he ate pussy the way he did, his words filthy and mouth hungry.
“R-rafe…” You gasped, pretty toes curling as you watched the sight between your legs. His dirty blonde hair messy and unkept, unreal blue eyes boring into you, thick fingers digging into your spread thighs and that fucking mustache tickling your pussy lips as he hungrily ate.
He pulled back, his handsome face already covered in your wetness as he took two digits to spread your folds open. He had no shame, spitting on your pussy with a smirk on his lips.
“I don’t know where you came from, but you have the sweetest fuckin cunt I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting and I’ve been in a lot of pussy.” His voice low, pad of his thumb coming out to run over your swollen pearl.
You let out a whine, manicured hand coming down to yank at those wild locks to bring back to your sopping center. He quickly reminded you who you were fucking with when he roughly yanked your hand away with his own.
“This is my shit to enjoy, yeah? So be a good whore and keep your hands to yourself.” He spat at you, massive hand spanking your pussy. “Don’t you have any fuckin manners?” He mumbled, as if he wasn’t the one with the pornstache covered in your juices from his messy eating skills.
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nishiyako · 2 days
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Someone reposted one of my Kenji fics and said "ugh he'd so love doggy style", now that I read this, yes, “he’d so love doggy style”. So here's some Kenji doggy style brain rot/Drabbles.
Tags : Doggy style (duh), Creampie mentioned, Pulling out, Dommy Kenji, Praise n sweet talk from Kenji <3, Degration too, Spanking, Kenji puts out a cig on you (can't get over it, srry), not proofread, written in 20 minutes.
Ever since he's seen you he just knew you would look perfect on your hands and knees for him, his hands maybe with a handful of your hair forcing you bounce against his hips while he absolutely spoils you by finishing on your skin.
His chest right against your back, feeling his warm skin against yours and his heavy breathing right beside your ear cooled by the cold gold dog tag necklace he wears that's pressed between your bodies (obviously the necklace stays on)
Everyone knows he's the type to talk you through it, humming the sweetest praises and treating your insides like its his god, rubbing that spongy spot inside you only making you get that much closer, the type that makes you light headed, out of breath, questioning your worth, y'know?
“You like that? Yeah, bet you do.” or “Doing so fuckin’ good for me, yeah?” his words always followed with the most needy, lustful, most porn hub worthy moans you’d ever hear.
Believe he has an impeccable pull out game, pulling out of you just before finishing, using your lower back as a canvas of his warm sticky seed, seeing the build up of stressful days and hard practices painted over his lover while your thighs are absolutely stained and sticky.
While you’re still panting and irrational he asks to take a photo, not a few days after you see it as his phone's home screen.
You want him to be mean? if it's what you're into he’ll absolutely bully you if you want him too. A hand covering your mouth as he complains that “You’re too loud” and while he calls you a slut. He can’t help the fact he’s into you. He’ll even ask you to put your hair in pigtails or a ponytail just so he can hold you like that, seeing that little arch in your back just for him? Does wonders to his ego.
Get's a bit rough here...
He has no problem being rougher than that too, playing into that sick and twisted bad boy fantasy (some of) you have of him, scene being something like a cigarette in his mouth and him ripping your fishnets open. 
Railing you into next week with red hand marks on your skin from his spanking fueled by the cute little yelps you let out. Your eyeliner streaming down your face as your eyes roll back, white starting to stain your ruined (once was) black fishnets, something straight out of a porn hub video. He doesn't mind finishing inside you either if you ask nicely.
His hand pinning your wrists against the bed as the other one took his almost out cigarette and taping it, putting it out on your skin, some of the ash sticking against the shiny sweat on your body, finishing inside you with no warning, the feeling of getting filled up to suddenly pushing you over the edge.
(But no matter which kind of fannon Kenji you prefer, I hope y'all enjoyed hearing out my little doggy style Kenji fantasy.)
Repost in question :
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@gotosleeeep love you sm <33
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taken care of
benny cross x fem!reader/ 1k words
idea: your leaving work, but you’re being bothered. luckily you have company
tw: harassment, swearing, threats
notes: ok so this has been an idea of mine for A WHILE so i tried writing it out. think of that scene from the bikeriders after benny ended up in the hospital after literally getting clocked and the whole squad pulled up to the bar after that, it’s basically that but way more chill!! that scene was so hot ngl so i wanted to write about it:)) here it is
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being benny’s girl doesn’t only mean gaining the mutual respect of the club and its members, but shown the same amount of care and protection as the bikers themselves.
you were just trying to leave work and go home, the 9-5 work shift literally left you exhausted, but this college boy would not leave you alone!
“can i take you for a ride sweetheart? i can take you back to mine to really get to know you” his obnoxious masculinity oozing out of him. he waited for a whole hour your shift to end, literally eye-fucking you the entire time as he kept shifting in his pants. what an animal you thought, you wanted to yell at him and humiliate him in front of other library goers so he can learn some manners. but you kept calm, you didn’t need to be scared.
“oh no thank you i’m alright! my ride’s just outside” you declined politely, which took a lot of strength for you to.
you’re walking out the door, ponytail swaying back and forth. “aw c’mon lil lady don’t be so shy! i can show you a real good ti-“ the boy couldn’t even finish his stupid sentence before stopping abruptly. the loud roar of rumbling engines sounding filled up the silent library. you’ve never seen anyone get so pale in the face.
you walk outside the door, the boy to follow, to see the fear-striking pack of bikers waiting outside the library doors.. waiting for you. you could spot wahoo, corky, and cockroach near each other, snacking on some gum and cigarettes. funny sonny was saying some shit to zipco and cal, whatever it was made them all send death glares to the shaking boy right next to you. johnny and bruice were checking out this boy, wondering if he would even stand a punch if he tried to lay a hand on you. and benny, bike stand kicked up and leaning back with a cigarette in hand, looked up right at you with nothing but love in his eyes.. and the slightest want to kill this filthy pig beside you on site.
you walk down to the club calmly, your flowy white blouse moving against your deep blue jeans, smiling sweetly at your family as you walked up to benny to peak him on the mouth. that poor boy knew he was screwed just by witnessing how all the bikeriders demeanors shifted to your presence. he was on the verge of vomiting once they looked back at him.
as you were getting on benny’s bike you took a glance up at the terrified boy, wondering why the hell he was still here. you were gonna say something to him, until you were interrupted.
“you wanna ride pretty boy? s’that what you wanted to ask?” benny said in a cocky tone, but you could hear the faint growl rumbling in his chest.
“n-no sir.. i just wanted to talk to this nice lady over her-“ that’s when you popped in quickly, but it did much more damage.
“oh so that’s why you wanted to to jump my bones a’few moments ago hm? to say somethin’ nice t’me?” you said it in your sweet tone of voice, but the adrenaline rising inside of you drenched your words in sarcasm. that caught everyone’s attention so fast, and in an instant everything became so loud.
“s’that so pretty boy?” johnny chimed in first “well you might need some help from us.. to learn how to treat a lady with real manners” his knuckle punching rings tightening tightening into a fist. “we’ll take care of ya’”
“yeah i’ll take care a’him by knocking his fuckin’ teeth down his throat!” cal yelled out, you could steam a teapot on his head from how riled up he was, he almost jumped that poor boy if it weren’t for zipco holding him back by the arm.
funny sonny loudly sounded his engine to make this boy shriek, which led some others to join in with cackles. “c’mon pinko! show us what you got, don’t be shy!” zipco chirped with a guttural laugh, increasing the blush and sweat on the embarrassed college boys’ face. that boy looked so frightened that you though he was gonna cry. ashamed. humiliated.
you could feel benny’s muscles tensing up against your chest, how he was just moments away from seconding cals’ idea. but he stayed right where you were, right where he was needed to keep you safe. everyone was there to keep you safe.
“get the fuck outta here you scum-fuck!” “don’t shit yourself on the way out pretty face!” wahoo and corky vulgarly gleamed, and that left the boy with one more glance at you, trying to send you a smile. not before benny sounded his engine roughly, a back the fuck off kind of signal that almost knocked they boy off his feet. and with that he ran down the block and turned the corner, knowing you wouldn’t see his face again anytime soon.
as everyone was gearing up while laughing, benny softly spoke to you. “you alright baby?” “i’m alright benny..thank you honey” he didn’t even need to say anything, giving the side your right thigh a good squeeze before kicking up his stick. you smiled against his back, that’s gonna need a good wash.
“you’re okay sweetheart, we’ll take care of ya’” that was johnny’s voice that rang. you and benny turned to him, relieved looks on both of your faces. “i mean it doll, always” he was firm with his, and you could only smile back at him.
and with that, you and the dozens of bikes beside you took off down the road.
what a way to call it a day.
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steddieas-shegoes · 3 days
wanna shout it from the rooftops
for @steddie-week prompt 'secret relationship'
rated m | 1397 words | cw: implied sexual content | tags: secret relationship, established relationship, love confessions, making out, coming out
As soon as Dustin walked out the door, Eddie was backing Steve against the wall, lips on his neck, hands wandering across his arms and sides.
“God, I thought they’d never leave,” Steve gasped, throwing his head back as Eddie’s teeth bit into his collarbone. “Need you so fuckin’ bad, baby.”
“Looked so good in that apron. So unfair I couldn’t get my hands on you when you were making cookies for us,” Eddie groaned against his skin. “Wanna fuck you right here. Open you up on my tongue-“
“Sorry, Steve! Forgot my-“ Dustin’s voice stopped before Eddie could even register that he should pull away. “What the fuck!”
“Language!” Steve yelled as he shoved Eddie away from him, trying to fix his shirt and hair. Not that it would do any good; Dustin just got an eyeful already.
At least they weren’t naked. Yet.
“Please tell me you were fighting,” Dustin sounds distraught, which isn’t fair. He should’ve knocked.
“You spent months making me feel bad for not wanting to hang out with your new best friend and now you’re hoping we’re fighting?” Steve placed his hands on his hips, subtly trying to catch his breath and will his dick back to soft. “What about that looked like fighting to you? How have you not sat through sex ed yet?”
“You were having sex?!” Dustin’s voice cracked. “In the hall?!”
“Of my home!” Steve threw his arms up. “And no we weren’t having sex, but we were getting there.”
Eddie held his hands up, brain finally coming back online enough to intervene before things got out of hand.
“Okay. Dustin, why the hell are you even back?”
“I forgot my notebook.”
“And you decided to storm in here like it’s your house instead of knocking?” Steve was trying to take it easy, but everything was falling apart.
They’d kept their relationship a secret for nearly three months now. Robin didn’t even know.
Now that Dustin saw what he did, everyone would know and everyone would hate them and then Eddie would leave Steve for making everyone hate them and-
“Stevie!” Eddie’s hands were on his cheeks as Steve focused back in on what was going on. His breath was coming in short pants, and if Eddie wasn’t so close to him, he isn’t sure he’d be able to see him. “It’s okay, sweetheart. You’ve gotta breathe for me.”
Breathe for Eddie. He could do that. He did that all the time.
He liked doing what Eddie told him to, he liked the praise that came when he did it, he liked being good. Breathing was easy.
He took a deep breath, then another, relaxing as Eddie smiled back at him encouragingly.
“That’s good, angel. Keep doing that. I’m gonna get Dustin’s notebook, okay?” Eddie didn’t seem like he wanted to leave Steve alone, but he didn’t have much of a choice right now.
Eddie walked away, towards the study that they’d turned into a game room for the kids to hang out in, and Steve immediately felt the panic settle in his chest again.
“Steve?” Dustin asked, stepping closer to him.
“Why didn’t you tell any of us?” Dustin sounded hurt, looked hurt. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was worried you’d hate me, or Eddie. That all of you would hate us for…for being different,” Steve looked down at his hands. “Didn’t wanna lose you.”
“But it’s okay if you’re gay, Steve. None of us would care!” Dustin exclaimed. “I just kinda thought you liked girls. Like Nancy.”
“I do. I just also like guys. I love Eddie,” Steve provided, relaxing slightly at Dustin’s words.
“You love him?” Dustin asked.
“You love me?” Eddie asked from the doorway, clutching Dustin’s notebook tight to his chest.
Steve wasn’t used to keeping his crushes and relationships a secret. He was used to holding hands in the movie theater and kissing a girl goodbye at her door. He was used to being able to show how much he loved someone without a filter.
But with Eddie, he’d held back. He had to in some ways, and they agreed it was best not to give anything away around anyone else for a while, but he’d hoped that Eddie saw how much he cared about him when they were alone.
“I do. I thought it was pretty obvious,” Steve stepped closer to Eddie, ignoring Dustin’s presence entirely. “I love you.”
Eddie threw Dustin’s notebook to the side, ignoring the ‘hey!’ that Dustin let out, and pulled Steve into his arms.
“Can’t believe you told Dustin before you told me,” Eddie laughed against his shoulder. “You know he can’t keep a secret.”
“Yeah, well. I love you enough to not care if everyone knows,” Steve said as he wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist, kissing the side of his head and lingering there for longer than he probably should in front of a guest. “Was gonna tell you tomorrow after our date.”
“You mean the super secret plans that you wouldn’t give me any hints about?” Eddie pulled away, searching Steve’s eyes. “Will you tell me them now?”
“Maybe when Dustin leaves.”
Both of them turned to Dustin, who was staring at them with a blank look.
“Dustin?” Eddie asked, snapping his fingers to get his attention.
“I’m gonna go,” Dustin said, still looking lost. “I won’t tell anyone.”
“Hey, man,” Eddie let go of Steve to walk towards Dustin. “We good?”
“Yeah! I just thought you guys barely even liked each other and you’re actually in love and having sex and I’m just trying to do the math.”
Steve snorted, but straightened out when Eddie glared at him.
“If you wanna talk about anything, you can stay. You seem kinda…out of it.”
“I’d rather not intrude right now,” Dustin said, gesturing to the way their hair and clothing was still a bit disheveled. “But you are gonna tell everyone soon, right? So I don’t have to keep it a secret?”
Eddie looked over at Steve, smiling when he gave him one nod in agreement.
“Yeah, dude. We’re gonna tell everyone at the next movie night,” Eddie said as he turned back to Dustin.
“Thank god!” He breathed out. “Then I’m leaving so you two can do…whatever it is you do.”
He didn’t wait for them to respond, rushing out the door, nearly forgetting his notebook again.
Eddie laughed as he slammed the door, his head falling onto Steve’s shoulder as they fell against the closest wall. Steve was holding Eddie up, laughing with him at the absurdity of being caught by their favorite, but most likely to tell everyone, kid.
“He’s gonna go tell everyone right now, you know that, right?” Steve gasped out between laughter.
“Oh yeah. We’ll be lucky to have another hour before they’re all showing up here with questions,” Eddie said breathlessly.
He pulled back to look at Steve, both of them flush with sudden relief that it was no longer a secret. He leaned in to kiss him once on the corner of his mouth, smiling when he felt Steve’s lips turn up.
“I love you,” Eddie whispered.
“Even though I made you wait to tell everyone?” Steve sounded unsure suddenly, like maybe Eddie would retract everything.
“You didn’t make me do anything, sweetheart. We both agreed to wait.” Eddie cupped his jaw and kissed him slow, much softer than where they’d left off before being interrupted.
No matter how much he enjoyed taking Steve apart, how much he liked seeing him covered in bite marks and bruises, he liked seeing him melt like this more.
“I love you,” Steve said against his lips, already letting Eddie take more of the weight he didn’t have leaning back against the wall. “Want you. Before they get here. Please.”
“How can I resist when you ask so nicely?” Eddie nipped at his bottom lip before pulling away. “Let’s go to your room this time. Don’t want any more interruptions.”
Steve nodded and led Eddie upstairs.
If the kids showed up in an hour, Eddie would make excuses for why Steve was asleep in bed, field their nosy questions, and ease some of the burden of coming out for Steve. If they didn’t, he’d get to keep showing Steve how much he loved him.
Over and over again. Until the whole world knew.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 days
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡ what i think katsuki n’ shouto would listen to !♡𓏲 ࣪₊
a/n : so I had this ready..but Tumblr fuckin ate the og ask..so anon if ur still sticking around (this was sent to me before I want on my break :(() ily !! and I hope you enjoy ! and all of y'all too off ! 3K WE UP !!
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katsuki ♡
for some reason, i cannot get the image of katsuki listening to nobody by skindred out of my head LMFAOOO
(maybe bc ive been listening to it non stop)
so anyways i think you can tell that i'm feeling very metal for him,, nu metal, heavy metal, groove metal he's all for it ! i don't see him being particularly picky about it.
i think he'd listen to deftones, slipknot, skindred and korn ! i think he also has other similar bands in his playlist but i see these as most of his mains !
katsuki's a renowned little shit, so he'll share his earbuds with you, have you thinking he's on some cute shit only for him to hide his phone screen from you to jumpscare with a hyper loud song so he can snicker about it like a mountain troll💀
so yeah he's extremely irritating. of course if ur into it yall jam out together !!
buuuut on the other hand he definitely is a rap/hip hop and r&b typa guy !
i can definitely see him listening to some mf doom, tupac and DEFINITELY kendrick lamar oh em gee
pls don't get me started on r&b,,,i know he'd love him some brent faiyaz..teehehehe <3
i feel like he'd really like frank ocean and tyler the creator ! i feel like he wouldn't be a hyper fan, but he has a lot of songs in his playlist !
don't ask me why yall,,,but tell me why i see him listening to fugees and erykah badu...dreamy sigh
so yeah he'll jumpscare the shit outta you with his loud music, but most of the time when he's not being a nuisance he'll happily share his earbud with you and put on some sappy soul song to subtly tell you he love you cus hes shy lolol
a lot of the songs he listens to he relates to so,, if he plays the intro of all mine by brent faiyaz.. KNOW ITS ABOUT YOUUU!!!
now shouto's a lil trickier for me..i feel like he likes to experiment w new music genres sometimes, but he has his lil favourites yaknow??
i like thinking he'd listen to steve lacy and frank ocean ! he has a few select songs that he likes the most ! he gives me infrunami n' mercury typa vibes
it feels the best for me to say he'd listen to indie rock/pop (sorry if these aren't the right terms yall it's googles fault if they aint😭)
i feel like he fucks w the smiths HEAVY. i also see him listening to the cure ! he also gives me smells like teen spirit by nirvana !
like i said i feel like he likes to experiment cus lemme be honest i feel he's messy😭 like his playlist is a clusterfuck
there is no sad playlist or casual playlist like everything is in one playlist LMFAOOO
but no yeah he doesn't care much, which is why i think if you put him on the good shit you might see some pink pantheress n some laufey in there LMFAOO
if you recommend a song to him it's probably in there before you can blink lololol
shouto also starts copying your playlist after a while lolol soon you'll start thinking you have your phone when you scroll thru his playlist but nah💀
i also see him listening to mitski..need i say more ?
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this was such a cute ask and it was rlly fun to do !! if you guys have any questions like these PLEAASSEEE feel free to ask me !!! tysm for the ask anon n' m'sorry it took me so long to respond ! i'm gettin' to all your asks one at a time, so please be patient with me <3 !!!
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dixons-sunshine · 13 hours
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“And then the wolf said, “And I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow yer house down.” And just like tha', the first lil' piggy's house, the house made'a straw, was blown down in a matter'a seconds. It was quite the sight, ya see. Straw was blown everywhere. All'a the lil' piggy's “hard” work was ruined. Personally, I dun' see wha' he did as hard work. Buildin' somethin' from straw dun' seem tha' hard to me, but I ain't ever tried to build somethin' from straw 'fore, so I guess I can't say tha', huh, Peanut?”
You chuckled fondly as Daryl told the story to your baby—well, technically your baby bump—with his own spin on the tale as old as time. His head was resting on your bump as he told the tale, and your fingers were softly and tenderly working through his hair. He was also gently caressing your bump, adding to your own comfort. It was a serene moment, one that you treasured dearly.
“The wolf then went over to the second lil' piggy's house. “Lil' pig, lil' pig, lemme—” Daryl's words were cut off by the feeling of a kick, and he let out a small gasp. He looked up at you, a look of wonder in his eyes. “Was tha'—”
“Yeah,” you cut him off, your fingers still gently treading through his hair. “It was a kick. I think Peanut loves the story, and your voice.”
Daryl gave you a small smile. “Yeah?” he asked rhetorically, his hand gently rubbing your baby bump. He brought his lips down to your exposed stomach, placing a tender kiss to the bump. “Do ya love the story, Peanut? S'it a good story?” As if responding to his voice, the baby kicked again, eliciting a chuckle and a soft “ow” from you. He looked up at you in concern. “Wha's wrong?”
“Nothing. That kick just stung a little, is all,” you told him reassuringly, gently taking his hand and leading it to where the last kick was, encouraging him to rub there, both to ease the slight pain and to have him feel if another kick happened—which it did.
Daryl smiled and pressed another kiss to your bump, right on top of where the kick was. “Ya gotta ease up on yer mama, lil' one,” he whispered affectionately. “I love feelin' yer kicks, but it can hurt yer mama if ya kick too hard. Ya gotta be careful, alrigh'?” In answer, your baby kicked again, this time gently enough to feel like a mere flutter more than anything, but hard enough for Daryl to feel. Daryl chuckled and pressed yet another kiss to your stomach. “Tha's more like it. Good job, Peanut.”
You smiled fondly at the sight. You had no doubts in your mind that Daryl would be a good dad, but this little moment just added more confirmation to your previous thoughts. However, you knew that if you brought it up, and no matter how affectionately you put it, Daryl's mood would dampen. No matter how many times you told him he'd be a good dad, his fears would overshadow that statement. So you settled for something else instead.
“I love you, Dar.”
Daryl looked up at you with a fond smile. “I love ya too, Sunshine. So fuckin' much.” Daryl placed another kiss to your bump. “And I love ya too, Peanut.” He rested his head back on your stomach, letting out a small, contented sigh. “Now, where were we? Oh, yeah, the second lil' piggy. Now, the wolf went up to the second lil' piggy's home, the one made'a sticks, and...”
As Daryl carried on with the story, you laid your head back on the pillow, closing your eyes in contentment. Yeah, you had no doubts that Daryl would be an amazing father, and you couldn't wait to meet your little one and officially start your little family.
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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mcondance · 1 day
☆ MDNI 18+, oral (f. receiving), i love writing richie’s words
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richie loves eating you out.
richie’s a man of devotion. when he has a goal in mind, and it’s something he really, really wants, it’s something he’ll throw his whole self into.
so him sinking down to his knees in front of the couch and spreading your “pretty legs” isn’t something you even blink twice at.
there’s a reserved look on his face as his knee hits the floor, and then the other. smooth skin caves under his grasp, your calves tight in his hands before he moves them to your thighs, thick fingers splayed out against the burning skin.
he’s pulling your panties off and cursing, literally, almost lamenting “get these outta the fuckin’ way” under his breath. he can’t be fucked to slide them all the way off, he’s already bent your leg for you to slide them off over one of your knees and immediately erasing the existence of them from his mind.
he’s got his goal right in front of his fucking eyes, and it’s as sweet as can be.
headfirst he dives in, licking and sucking and making out with your cunt, all deep kisses and loud spit and he looks straight out of a good porno. broad shoulders and short, messy hair, moaning into your pussy cause he loves eating you out so much that he’ll break away from whatever he was doing for it.
he loves it a little too much, obvious in how he’s on his knees in the middle of the living room, face pushed between your legs so dramatically.
he does his job right, your shaking legs and hot skin evidence enough, and leaves a wet kiss on your forehead when he’s done.
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@steddie-week Day 2 - Hands
i'm challenging myself to keep each of these at 660 words; see day one for more of an explanation!
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Steve is going insane.
Has been for a while now, actually, about the same fuckin’ thing.
Things. There are two of them.
And the fact that these specific ones are what done him in. 
Of all the hands he’s held, had pressed to him both in loving embrace and in the sharp stings of a punch, of a slap… these ones are driving him crazy.
They’re seemingly everywhere. They take up the precious little room in his head for conscious thought (head injuries will do that) whether or not they’re even in the room with him.
It's not even that he's starved for touch either, as Robin first assumed, he's normally a very tactile guy to start with! Touch is a regular occurrence for him.
But those hands. With their ringed fingers and warm, dry palms that are somehow the perfect shape for the sharp curve of his jaw.
The hands that first held him firm with anger, with fear, that now have 1) rubbed his back on multiple occasions, 2) carded through his hair exactly once, 3) have found themselves resting over his shoulder, on his thigh (brief as it was), and along the side of his face.
That last one was the one that really did it.
It was teasingly, too. Robin said he was thinking too much about it at first, but Steve didn’t think he was thinking about it enough. 
For hours upon hours Steve thought about the feeling of Eddie Munson’s hands cradling his face while their owner cooed a soft “Awe, you okay, sweetheart? You feelin’ alright?” to him.
He laughed it off at the time, pushing Eddie and his damn hands off him and back to his side of the counter at Family Video with a “Get off me, dude.” like an idiot.
Eddie’s added teasing to Robin’s good-natured ribbing about his most recent addition to her now-hypothetical ‘YOU SUCK’ column is all it was. Teasing. No matter how often he thought about that moment in the weeks after.
He startles at the noise, turning to Robin wide-eyed “What?! I’m standing Right Here y’know.”
“But your brain wasn't Right Here now was it?”
“I heard you.”
“I called your name three times.”
“...Nuh uh.”
Robin rolls her eyes at him, “Whatever, can you put your Eddie fantasies away for like an hour so we can go through the inventory?”
He can, though after an hour passes and they’re not even close to a third of the way done sorting through new tapes, Steve finds himself nearly bursting with the need to talk about his crush.
“I bet he’s good with his fingers.”
“I mean because he plays guitar!”
Robin drops the tape in her hand to cover both her ears, “Lalalalalalalaaa!”
“I’m sorry! I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Yes you do,” she says, picking the tape back up and placing it on an already too-tall stack. “You’re super horny for him but don’t want to make a move.”
“What if he doesn’t feel the same way?” Robin snorts at him, like she does every time he says that. “He’s just so– and I’m so– and we— Y’know?”
He drops his head into his hands, sighing. It sounds sickeningly longing even to him “I just want to hold his hand.. Why?? That’s so dumb my heart hurts.”
Steve picks his head up when Robin doesn’t say anything. She’s looking at him with… some sort of expression on her face. “What?”
She regards him for a second longer. “I don’t think you’re horny for him.”
“Oh no, believe me, I very much want him to f—”
“I don’t think you’re just horny for him.”
It takes half a breath for him to get it. Surprising, given the previously mentioned lack of extra room in his brain. 
“Oh my god.”
“Oh my god. I’m in love with Eddie Munson.”
Another voice pipes up from behind them. “You’re what?!”
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on AO3 here!
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mustainegf · 1 day
omg what if 80s James rides your thighs to get off and youre just watching his movements on you moaning with him
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I lay really relaxed and satisfied in bed after a tiring day. My boyfriend, James, sat beside me with looks that seemed he was sucking my body with his eyes. He was talking horny this and horny that, and the desire was just evident in his eyes. I knew he wanted me so much, but a little playful, I decided to tease him.
"If you are so horny, James," I said, beaming mischievously, "why don't you just hump my thigh?"
James looked at me, surprised by this suggestion. He looked tentative; he wasn't quite sure what to do with me saying this. "It's awkward," he told me, "it makes me look stupid and desperate, plus I'll look like a fuckin' dog."
I chuckled to myself inside, knowing I had him in my palm. Stroking his hair with my fingers, I fiddled with a long strand as I locked into his eyes. "Come on, Jamie," I teased, winking at him. "Just a little fun. You're always telling me just how horny you are. Why don't you take matters into your hands?"
James's eyes never left mine as his face drew in at my words. His face showed me the lust, his need to just give into desires and take.
I could tell I needed to step on the gas a bit, tease him to a point where he could hardly hold himself together. I reached across and took his hand, placing it on my thigh. "Go on, baby," I said. "Show me how horny you are."
He took a deep breath, then pitched in; his face was inches away from mine.
He awkwardly climbed over me, circling me magnetically in a desperate embrace, his body covering mine as he started to hump my thigh.
I felt how insanely hard he was through his boxers, his hips grinding his member onto my plush thigh. I had him right where I wanted him.
I reached out to stroke his hair as James jerked against my thigh, playing with the wispy locks as I gazed into his eyes. "Good boy, Jamie," I said, "you're such a good boy."
He looked up at me then, his eyes flashing. I could quite see the pleasure in his eyes as soft whimpers tumbled from his lips. “F-Fuck.. that feels so good…” he whined, laying his forehead on my shoulder.
I lay there, James humping against my thigh, and I could feel the feeling build inside him. I could tell he was close, and sort of more amused than anything how quickly he had brought himself to orgasm. He really must have been horny.
I reached out and took his hand, putting it onto my breast. "Cum for me, Jamie," I said, "show me how much you want it."
He then took a deep breath, and after that, he let out a loud moan as his body shook in the climax, coming in his boxers.
James lay there panting, utterly exhausted. I reached out and brushed his bumpy cheek. "That's it…" I said, "such a good boy."
James looked up at me, a smile on his face. "You're a tease," he said, "but I love you for it."
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barleyo · 1 day
Hiiii I just read your Daryl fox and omfg I’m frothing at the mouth. HOLY HELL. Anyway I was wondering if you could write another age gap Daryl fic. Maybe this time younger reader has a (very obvious) crush on Dixon. He likes to tease reader and make her blush/ flustered…maybe it eventually leads to some really degrading sex. SORRY I’m so thirsty for this man
Not So Secret.
Modern! Neighbor! Daryl Dixon X F! Reader (smut)
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A/N: please don't apologize for being thirsty for him, because if you're thirsty then i'm downright DEHYDRATED for him :'3 i'm so in love with him!!! like!!! nasty yucky old man!!! who fucks so good and loves younger girls!!! need him fr!! this isn't super plot heavy, sorry for that! hope you like it @dilfismz <3
Tags: age gap (18-19 ish and mid-forties), dub-con, a bit of degradation, public sex, slight name calling, p in v, fingering, overstim
Wordcount: 1k
You must have thought you were so sneaky. That, or you must have thought Daryl was blind. He would have to be to not notice how you stared at him. How you were always conveniently outside in your yard when he was leaving for work was not lost on him. He knew exactly what you were doing when you left your bedroom curtains wide open when you got changed. 
It was cute, in a way, but it also pissed him off a little that you were brave enough to do all of that, but not enough to talk to him. You were such a skittish little thing, such a tease. 
His breaking point came when you decided to leave your windows and curtains open one night, giving him the opportunity to listen to your moans when you slipped your hands under your panties and played with yourself.  He took it upon himself to approach you about your little schemes, ready to get you out of that shell of yours. 
The next day was one of the rare ones where he got home from work at the same time that you came home from classes at the local college. Daryl shifted off of his motorcycle once he parked, leaning against it while he waited for you to get out of your car. Once you did, he crossed over the invisible like that separated the two front yards, clearing his throat to get your attention.
Your eyes widened slightly at the sight of him. "You're off early, Mr. Dixon," you noted, scanning over his well-worn clothes, stains from dirt, oil, and who knows what else marked over them. He may have looked grimy to others, but to you, he looked his best after work.
"Daryl," he corrected, "and yeah, didn't have much to do today. Actually, I need to talk to you." He pocketed his hands, eyes lazily trailing over your body.
"Oh? About what?" You shifted on your feet, feeling warm at the feeling of his prying gaze. 
"Do you think I'm fuckin' stupid?" His tone wasn't rough or aggressive, simply questioning.
You were taken aback, unsure of what to say. "What?"
"Do you think that I can't tell you're trying to drive me crazy on purpose? I might be old, but I'm not blind, girl." 
"D—doing what? I don't mean to," you said, knowing that's exactly what you were trying to do.
"Don't play dumb," he warned, stepping into your yard and leaning his face close to yours. "One look at you tells me y'know what you're doing. Shame on you, leading a guy on 'n lying right in his face." His handed ghosted one of your hips, just barely passing over it. "Little tease," he said with a scoff, seeing your face twist in embarrassment. 
"I'm not!" You leaned into his touch, urging him to keep his hand anchored on your hip. "I'm just— just nervous, you know?"
"I make you nervous?" Daryl's hands continued to travel your body, landing on your ass to pull you closer to him. "Good. That'll make this more fun." 
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The hot metal of your car's hood stung your back slightly, but the sting was overpowered by the feeling of finger's curling into you. It made up for the hot discomfort. The humiliation that came with being fucked in public, however, was hard for you to get over. Daryl's other hand was used to cover your mouth, muffling your whines.
"You must want to get caught," he said, eyebrows knitted together. "You're so damn loud, the whole neighborhood could  hear you if I moved my hand." 
Daryl scissored your hole open further, spreading his fingers that fit comfortably inside. He was nice enough to prep you, but cruel enough to overstimulate you. You had already creamed around his fingers twice, just for the power trip it gave him. Evil bastard. 
He could feel you start to squeeze around his fingers again, but this time he pulled them out, stealing your orgasm away from you. His satisfied smirk taunted you. 
"Why did you stop?" you asked once he finally moved his hand from your mouth. "I was almost there, so close!"
"Wow, do you really need to cum again?" Daryl undid his belt buckle, chuckling dryly. "You're a needy thing. Like a damn whore, jus' wanting more 'n more from me." 
He pinched your clit softly, wanting to hear you squeak again. 
"You're so mean," you whined, shutting your legs together to stop him from pinching your sensitive bud again. 
Daryl let his eyes roll at your dramatics, pulling you to the edge of the car's hood by your hips. He grunted and pushed his length into you roughly, stretching out your walls. You bit back a moan, not wanting to alert anyone to what was happening. When you felt his cock finally enter all the way in, knocking against your sore g-spot, you leaned your head back on the car's windshield for stability. 
He was ruthless with his pace, he was far too pent up to take it slow with you. 
"Been waitin' so long for this," he grunted through clenched teeth. "Missed having pussy like this."
He gripped his hands into your hips, fingers digging into them while he pulled you back and  forth by them, slamming into you harshly. Slick coated the insides of your thighs and dripped onto the hood of your car every time he pulled out, slowly leaking out of you like a faucet.
"You were jus' what I needed, a sweet, stupid little doll," he said, sharply inhaling. 
You clamped tightly over him for a final time, sucking him in deeper than he was used to. The flutter of your cunt sent Daryl over the edge, milking him for all he was worth. 
He pulled out, running his eyes over how swollen and full he had left you. A small prideful feeling lit in his chest. He still had it in him, fucking was still his specialty. 
"Wait, where are you going?" you huffed, seeing him tuck his dick back into his pants. Before you could protest any further, you felt him pull you up and drag you by the hand.
"I'm not done with you, girl. It's getting too dark out to see. My house or yours?"
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l4long-winded · 2 days
So this is somewhat inspired by the other anon about Carmy with the girl he can’t believe chose him. Maybe on a bad day, he’s just asking her why she’s with him and hes listing his bad traits and after every one she’s saying“I love you” until he stops. My man needs love, I want him so bad 😭😭
it's a culmination of it all. the piling stress from work, from this incessant need to prove himself, grief he has yet to fully process, capricious thoughts vying for his attention, exasperated expressions continuously staring daggers his way as if he's not running around without a sense of what he's doing, despite his brain instructing him this is the right path, while his heart isn't in any of it. he's having trouble breathing, to which you're there because you're always there for him at times like this as he's grasping at his chest, protecting it, and shielding it in case his rapid heart pounds its way out of his ribcage.
when he turns his head and observes the concern in your face mixed with the calming energy he really doesn't fucking deserve, his world tilts. the onslaught of it all shifts into his doubts, his insecurities, pointed at him with veracity he believes is consuming him the longer he stares. overwhelmed with emotion and panic, his fears surrounding you bloom full on his skin, thickening petals and branches crushing into the crevices of the veins in his arms and neck.
you could do better. so, so much better. you're not supposed to be here with carmen. he's kept you to himself, a caged bird he can't bother to let go of when you'd sing with access to the sky and new horizons ahead.
"i'm-i'm a fuckin' mess," he blurts, "what are you doin' here? with me? out of everyone?"
it's hard to decipher how heavy his words are when he's panting and his voice is close to cracking. it's as if he wants the answers to his question, but he's far too afraid of confirming the vicious betrayal of his doubt. he's convinced he doesn't sound ridiculous.
"because i love you."
"i-i-i fuck things up. i'll fuck you up. m'gonna ruin you and and and y-you're gonna hate me one day, n'won't blame you for a second-" he sputters, his words mashing together, strings of linguistics that don't sound like proper english. his mouth keeps opening and closing to release these incoherent ramblings, his ears bubbling with alarm bells.
"carm, i love you."
"i'm not right. i'm not fuckin' crazy," he gasps, "but i'm no good f'you. for anyone. not for my family, or, or, or my friends, if i fuckin' even have any at this point." his throat is tightening up, eyes shutting, the memory of you planted firmly behind his straining eyelids. he can't breathe.
"bear, listen, i love you so much."
"fuck, fuck, fuck this, fuck me, fuck everything, fuck the fucking restaurant, fuck, fuck, f-fuuuck it all—"
carmen flinches feeling your warm hands steady themselves on his cheeks. his lips and eyelids part, meeting your gaze. you're standing there in front of him, the combination of concern and calm remaining, as well as an affinity he will never, ever be able to understand. something about it soothes him, his breathing still ragged, but he inhales and exhales steadily out of the habit of this. it's not the first time this has happened, where he's so out of his mind that only few can pull him out before he's drowning in it. he shifts his face towards your palm, opting to press his lips against it. he should focus on breathing, but this action grounds him, muffling his worries, smothering them with the scent of your body lotion and the soft texture of your skin.
"i love you, carmen," you whisper. he hears you this time. the roar of his head dwindles down, fading in favor of hearing those words come off your lips again. he suddenly realizes how long you've been saying it while he was busy berating himself aloud with the secrets he buries deep inside.
he thinks he's going to say more shit if he tries to respond. this kind of thing has always been hard for him. pressured into it at times by his family, their defensive nature yanking it out of him by cutting at him and having it bleed out instead of nurturing it until it slips and that's all he can think about like it does with you. it spills like an inkwell. dripping over his skin. more permanent than the tattoos he's accumulated.
he nods. it's a slow and gradual thing, but he's accepting it. he wants desperately to say it back, but his lips shake with the threat of spewing more of the poison rattling in his lungs. he just keeps nodding, eventually hiding his head into your neck, lulled by the repetition of those beautiful, pacifying words.
"i love you, it's okay, breathe for me, i love you."
you love him. he's a mess and you love him. he's convinced he's going to hurt you, but you love him.
his arms tighten around you. he's positive you're capable of being better off without him, but he's not letting you go. he loves you too much to do that. he'll tell you later when he can breathe and when you inevitably render his thoughts into mush, replacing them with devotion, reassurance, and structure. yeah. yeah, he can do that. even if it's painfully obvious to everyone and you already know.
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idk how the porn community works HALSJKS but if its a thing to like ….. ship them ig??? … how would rafe react to r’s video with another dude being posted on twitter (maybe the first vid she’s made since her vid with rafe) and everyone’s in the comments being like “omg yas this is so hot!!!” “omg this is so much better than her and rafe!!” BALJEKS IDK
the first time someone’s talked negatively about him and it’s actually effected him 😅 he doesn’t like this ego being bruised
It was rare that Rafe checked social media, he just didn’t care about what people thought. He was pornstar and was used to being judged for his career choice and especially for the brutal way he fucked his costars. It was the Twitter notification he got though, with his name and your name tagged along with someone else’s who he didn’t know that caught his attention.
He opened the video, his blue eyes darkening as soon as he saw what it was. It was some nobody with a dick half the size of his, trying to make you cum. He could tell by the moans you were giving that it was all an act, and it ignited something in him he didn’t like. Watching another man fuck you, even if it was your job wasn’t something he particularly was a fan of. He had always loved pussy and money, and never once thought of ever quitting his rather successful porn career for anyone, until you started occupying his mind all day every day. He just couldn’t bring himself to end it yet, his addiction to sex and money way too deep.
As he went to exit out the app, a comment caught his eye. “Wow. She’s a pro at taking dick.” He scoffed as he read it out loud. What dick were you takin? That clown was the size of a pinky compared to him. It was the next one down that had his head raging in a way he had never experienced. ‘Her and @therafecameron video was weak compared to this. 🤣’ He seethed, these stupid idiots comments getting to him and bruising his extremely high ego. His knee bounced rapidly, thumb at the edge of his mouth as his mind raced wildly.
It was the phone, turned into landscape mode as Rafe’s long arm aimed it down to let it capture you taking dick. His free hand was wrapped in your hair, yanking your head back as he drilled into you at a brutal speed. The makeup you had on was smeared, tears streaming down your sparkly cheeks as he had some point to prove. He didn’t exactly say what, but it was a chance to get fucked by the man you were becoming obsessed with.
“Who’s fucking dick are you takin?” Rafe asked, his voice dripping venom as he yanked your head to make you look at him. His blue eyes, peered down at you in a predatory manner as he forced you to give him an answer.
The answer you gave was incoherent, your words coming out in babbles as an insane amount of pleasure was taking over your body. Your eyes rolled back, his huge dick tearing you apart as he wrapped his fist around your hair even harder. The phone that was recording the raw homemade scene was now shoved in your face, his hand on your head forcing you to look at the lens.
You were still so pretty, completely cock drunk off his monstrous ways as you were being his good personal whore. He leaned down, mustache brushing over your ear as he looked at the camera. It was quite a sexy sight to see his wild hair and striking blue iris’s making eye contact with the phone. “Tell them who’s dick your fuckin takin.” He spoke lowly, eyes watching your face through the screen. “Don’t make me repeat myself, I swear you’ll fucking regret it.” He gritted out, toned hips slapping against yours.
You cried out, his hand removing itself from your head to force your chin to look at the camera. You had no choice but to let out a loud whine, screaming the man’s name that you just wanted as yours. “Rafe Cameron! I’m t-takin Rafe Cameron’s dick!” Your voice cracking as you clamped down onto his cock.
As soon as heard that, a smirk came to his face and his nuts tightened. He tilted your chin towards him, sloppily kissing you with his tongue as the camera caught something Rafe never did with anyone. If the kissing wasn’t enough to make people a little shocked, it was that he posted it to his Twitter account, caption reading ‘The only dick that can get her screaming 😱 remember the fucking name bitches.’
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stunie · 18 hours
endo slapping you when you've been acting bratty </3 <- love that little freak so bad
i have not had anyone bring up endo in my inbox for a long time !!! been wanting to write for him for a bit ^^ he’s so !!
cw slapping, cw biting, cw choking (all subtle n gentle!), brat taming, ‘doll,’ but still mean! endo >:
“ah, you fuckin’ brat. i know you heard me. i said suck, not bite.”
his eyes flicker to the subtle teeth marks decorating his finger before he’s roughly grabbing at your face, fingers squeezing around your cheeks as he uses you to better leverage himself to reach deeper inside your cunt. “so? where’s my apology? clock’s ticking. better hurry before i get up and leave you here needy and alone.”
“s-sorry,” your words are slurred from the grip he has on your cheeks, “was an accid-”
his grip loosens a bit before he’s delivering a light slap to your cheek, chuckling when your eyes slam shut. “s-sorry?” he repeats, mocking, before there’s a second slap, a third, then a series of little slaps to your cheek, as if trying to wake you up from a prolonged nap. “shut up.”
you gasp when his hand moves to settle around your neck instead, lips hovering just over yours as he drills his cock into you, watching the way you fight the tightening knot threatening to snap in your stomach.
“…boutta cum?”
you’re not sure if he wants you to answer. there’s a nervous whine from you before you’re peering up at him with needy eyes, a silent plea to ask him to let you cum. he didn’t even let you apologize— and you can’t seem to understand what he wants from you ..
“cum then.”
it doesn’t matter. that’s all the confirmation you need to finally let go, painful knot snapping with one last rough thrust from endo, your eyes clenching shut as you gush and spasm wildly against him. “oh fuck,” you cry out, hands coming to shield your eyes as you tremble, cunt sucking him deep inside as he prolongs your orgasm with slowed and deep thrusts.
with the way your jaw has fallen slack, it seems like now would be a good time.
he’s moving off of you and grabbing your head before you can even process what’s happening, his fingers shoving you forward so he can fully sheath himself in your mouth with one swift movement, and the loud gag that slips from you does nothing but send electrifying shivers down his spine.
“much better,” he grins at the way your eyes are wide, mouth straining to let him in and your throat struggling to handle the fullness of his cock, “i’m in a good mood, so you get a second chance. sound good, doll?”
“so you’d better watch the teeth this time. i mean it.”
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thecapricunt1616 · 6 hours
Carmy X Nervous about a home birth
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Let’s be so real here. If you told Carmy you wanted a home-birth - his first reaction would be 😦😰 - because with his mommy issues, the only way he feels as if he’s being a ‘good husband’ is if he is giving in to your every single need, and desire as a partner - and even more as the mother of his baby. But Mike, Nat, and Carm were born in a hospital - so the idea of not being around 40 doctors freaks him THE HELL out, but his Queen gets what she asks without a single question -- So of course his answer is ;
“However you think little bear wants to be brought into the world, Angel. I’ll get the best damn doula and midwife Chicago has to offer, hmm?” 
As he’s rubbing lotion into your swollen 5 month belly and giving it sweet gentle kisses. Whispering to your adorable bump and resting his ear to it, whispering “shhh- wait I think I heard them move!!” All excited, even if it was just the grumbles of your hungry pregnant tummy, he probably knew that, but had such high hopes for his little. 
(More BTC ❤️)
I genuinely think that Carmy would hold pregnancy and birth so close to his heart, because he would see it as the one single thing he literally could never provide - so the fact that you so willingly and openly offered your body, no matter the dangers it came with - to bare his child? He can hardly believe it and it makes him teary eyed every time he talks about your pregnancy because of the sacrifice he sees you making each and every second of every single day you’re carrying your little love to delivery. He can’t say
‘thank you’
and ‘I love you’ 
and ‘you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting’ enough throughout those 43 long and a lot of time grueling weeks of pregnancy as a first time mommy, making sure you knew and undertood jut how grateful and amazed he was with your body and mental perserverance. 
When the time came - holy shit. When you woke him up? At around 2:40AM poking his ribs being like “Bear?!!” While wincing at your very much more painful then Braxton hicks contractions. He just gave you a lazy-ass ‘mmmph’ 
But as soon as you said “He’s coming, like- today- like now, Bear, he's really actually coming” he leaps into action.
He grabs his phone off the charger with quickness, rushes into the living room of your 3 bed house- holding his phone to his ear with his shoulder as he sprints through your yard in nothing but boxer briefs, hauling the long ass garden hose he bought exactly for this through the window as the phone continues to ring.
When it goes to voicemail? He’s PANICKING !! He’s whisper shouting into the mic 
Hes rapidly hanging up and calling again over and over as he chucks wet washcloths in the freezer and drops to his knees in front of the couch trying to fill the birthing yoga ball with the pump as fast as he can. The midwife answers and is like 
and Carmy is like
“NOW. NOW. NOW. SHE SAYS SHES 8 MINUTES APART. GET YOUR ASS HERE. NOW. WHAT THE FUCK DO I PAY YOU FOR, LINDA??”  as he’s throwing the electric pump to the side out of frustration and using a fucking bike pump to fill your yoga ball so you could bounce on it like all the labor books said.
Meanwhile you’re in the bedroom, groaning and moaning, just absolutely miserable. Hearing your husband shouting at your doula before calling the midwife and saying 
“What the fuck do I do, Sara?! Sara she’s- she’s nearly fucking crying!! What do I- oh. Ok. Ok. Yup. Heard. Heard. Ok. Mmhmm- ok. Promise? Ok. See you then” and he’s right back in your room, rubbing your back as you contract and groan just whispering as he massages your pressure points to help get the baby down that he learned in birthing class, cooing 
“That’s it- mmhmm- good girl, let it all out beautiful, I know it hurts- but You’re doing such a good job with y’breathing princess. I’m gonna put this cold cloth on your forehead, yeah? It’ll help you feel nice and cool, and relaxed, pretty girl” like he explains every single thing he’s doing, before he does it. 
Whenever you have an extra big contraction, he's grunting with you and easing you through it like they taught him in the classes, adding the pressure to your back to counteract the incredible pain you felt every single time it washed over you whining and sobbing to Carmys chest "I- I can't- oh god- Bear, somethings wrong!!! Hurts so bad, so fucking bad- please!! Please let me I need to go to the hospital!! Somethings wrong B-Bear! This pain c-can't be normal"
He shook his head and rubbed your back soothingly, telling you the whole time to listen to him talk, and how it hurts so bad, and joking 'f'course my son would give his mommy a hard time huh? Sug said the same thing, Berzatto kids are brutal. Shoulda told you before I got you knocked up, huh?" his forehead rested on yours and rubbing your spasming back muscles soothingly.
“That was a big one huh? That means he should be coming soon huh? My strong beautiful angel - you’re almost there princess- a few more pushes and he’s gonna be in our arms. You’re so fucking amazing-“ he encourages, gently rubbing your belly that had dropped lower then you'd ever seen. You were on your knees in the bath, forehead to forehead with Carm. He carefully sat in front of you on his own knees.
"Alright one more- alright? Just one big push, yeah?" he echos your midwife, ever so carefully letting your belly go and resting his hands below to catch his little guy. You look at him nervously, sniffling and whimpering nervously.
"Wh-what if I can't, Carm? What if hes t-too big or- or-" he cuts you off by kissing your lips lovingly.
"You, You? Baby? Shhhh, shush, princess- Listen t'me- you're made f'this, mm? You're the strongest woman i've ever met. So focus, focus, princess. Listen t'my voice. I'll count you out, baby. Only 10 seconds ok? Push as hard as you can, ready?"
He sticks his hands in the water, cradling you close and kissing your cheek and temple and contains for you through the energy sucking push. When you rest back, second 5, sobbing
“I- I can’t do it- he feels stuck- I can’t do it Carm, i'm so sorry. I failed us. I’m sorry I failed our baby” 
And he’s just shushing you into your skin, 
“Shhhhh, shhhhhh- let’s breathe, mm? Together. It’s just you, an’me. Ok? Don’t even think about him, princess. They told us, as long as you breathe he's gonna come out, easy as pie, hmm? So let’s breathe, yeah? Princess? Breathe him out, just in, and out, force all that air out as hard as you can like they taught us, remember baby? see-” he holds your hands, kissing them and demonstrating big grunting strong breaths for you to copy and of course you did. 
When it got to the point your contractions were a minute apart, Thanks to him, in 2 more big grunting pushes your little boy was born. When you were in transition Carmy sat outside the pool, knelt and pressed forehead to forehead, whispering to you through every contraction how your little boy was almost here, and how he could never repay you ever for the gift that was his birth.
By the time you were begging on your knees in the bath to stop pushing because it was "too hard" , Carmy knew from what they explained in birthing class that meant -- it was time.
So he coaxed you through three more huge pushes. Even though you told him each time ‘I can’t do it, please, Bear. He’s not ready- I can’t.” But he rubbed your back and told you how amazing you were and to just try, and assured that if your little man wasn’t ready they’d send you home, and that he was right there ready to catch your son and lift him on to your chest.
And after your third other worldly push, you couldn’t even put in to words, the amount of energy it took out of you. It was harder then you’d ever pushed in your life for anything. - but of course the little guy was scream wailing just like any other Berzatto would. 
You couldn’t stop choke sobbing as the baby wailed and Carmy kept muttering ‘you did it! You fuckin’ did it, princess. He’s so beautiful. Look at him! He’s perfect. 10 fingers 10 toes- hear those lungs, angel? He’s perfect” as he rested the pretty little cub on your chest.
You would just look at him amazed, by instinct guiding him to your breast to pacify him and watching as the nurses usher Carmy out of the way and you would reach out, hooking your hands together so he couldn't get too far away.
“Alright Momma! Congrats, now let’s deliver this placenta in 3 pushes that’s the magic number. So when I say 3 you’ll- oop!” The nurses gasp as they look down “lucky! You’re lucky! Alright mommy never mind. No tears, and your body went ahead and did that work for ya! Alright momma, here we go here’s your placenta” the nurse pulls it out of the water and you nearly gag at the look of it 
“Get that thing away from my baby! Keep it in the bowl!” You demand, holding him to your skin and cradling his head, you had told yourself you would do a delayed cord cutting, but you in no way wanted your baby to be next to that... thing - it just freaked you out.
“that is nasty! Disgusting” you sniffle, looking back at your little angel who was peacefully suckling off your breast. 
“Oh- sweetheart” one of the nurses giggles, putting it in a biohazard bag. “Are you sure- didn’t you say your baby’s father is a chef? Sweetheart, this will boost your milk production - it’s giving you all the vitamins you lost while pregnant. Are you sure?” 
*cut to Carmy actually gagging at the nurses American horror story ass tactics while you're like 'what am i, a CAT?!??!"
And the nurse is like “BABY!! Every other animal does it!! You said holistic is best!!! Alright I guess I'll toss it if it bugs you that much..” 
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nutal · 2 days
Spoiling a scene of my guitarspear one shot for u guys cuz i cant take it anymore LOL im so excited to share this when its finished!!
Ofc I gotta edit some shit by a lot but idk was kinda proud of this and wanted to share. Keep in mind tho, this is STILL a wip. Tho, it will prob come out sometime later this month ( i hope! )
And I just hit 100 followers on here! So, thank you so freaking much, you lovely people.
(and yes. it is a jacuzzi scene for context. SO PREPARE FOR SOME HEAT AND PHYSICAL TENSION!!)
Warnings: kinda sorta suggestive maybe idrk, just overall hella close proximity, swearing
She exhaled sharply, her fist going loose into a palm, letting the towel fall to the floor and pool at her feet. Adam’s brows shot up, his wings puffing out simultaneously like crazy, a few golden feathers falling and floating gently onto the water.
Ignoring his reaction, she took a brazen step over and dipped her foot onto the first step of the tub. Slowly, she sauntered in and adjusted to the scalding whiplash against her skin and the concrete below her feet—which didn't take too much time, as they were literally in Hell earlier.
What took time was trying to maintain her composure when it sunk in. It didn’t necessarily occur to her how worse things would get now that she was at the bottom of the short steps, facing him unintentionally close.
Too close. More than she anticipated for a simple act of challenging his ego for once.
The pounding in her ears got louder as she stood in front of him, trying to keep herself from staring too long.
While his eyes gradually drifted downward, he tugged his elbows up on the rim in admiration.
Her lip curled when the realization hit as to what he was so shamelessly entranced by, quickly covering her chest with her arms.
“Don’t block my view, bitch.”
Sometimes, Lute seriously didn’t understand why she liked him so much—let alone tolerated him.
A man that could not, and refused to get over himself for a second.
Still, her heart pounded against her ribcage, the warmness and the closeness screwing with her entirely, finally resigning with Adam’s demand.
“Hoooly fucking. Shit. Knew it was a good move nicknaming you ‘Dangertits’,” he broke out when her arms slipped away, taking her in for a second time. “But y’know. My decisions are always top-notch.” His voice strained on the last word when he reached down with a renewed vigor, like he couldn’t take it anymore. He hooked his arms around the backs of her knees, cushioning together with his forearms.
Her eyes went wide as he lifted her, taking her into a straddle on his lap, water swishing from the movements. It earned him an involuntary, humiliating grunt from her that really got him going, making him laugh a bit. “Now that’s straight-fuckin’-music!” he mused.
Damn it.
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