#i forgot her alien pin i will cry
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ranchlotte · 2 years ago
30 day oc art challenge - day 5, eating their favorite food
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i dont feel like this is the best i couldve done but i havent draw a character eating something so WOO something new. i wish i spent more time rendering the pizza out but also bleghhh its fine.
its also mac and cheese pizza covered in hot sauce.
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maircries · 2 months ago
Mair’s Mini Episode Six through Thirteen Relisten:
Renee’s so fucking funny I love her. Everyone should’ve been able to clock her as a theatre kid immediately
Renee’s the type of person to ask if she needs to have a sense of humor to get a job
She has no chill at all what a queen
“It was good” she’s so ridiculous
Hey DC!! Me too! Queen! I want to kiss you on the mouth.
“You want a chai?” “Whatever you’d like.”
Okay on a serious note, this is SUCH a red flag for a new job. Like if I walked in and they offered it to me on the spot I’d be like so what the fuck is wrong with this place that is so bad you want me like that?
Slay queen snap at your potential new employers!!!
I hate how fucking well he manipulates people
I truly can’t imagine how hard it was for Renee to make this decision. Like I can barely leave my cat for a weekend without getting upset or panicked and missing her immensely
I fully do not remember in what order these happy except that he’s a damn shame they didn’t save Doug for last given all the mystery surrounding him
Hilbert’s is such a good one
Wow! I have no clue what they said!!
Already hilbert sounds so tired with his work and his life
I don’t know the fact that Cutter sounds EXACTLY the same in the 1980s as he does now missed me. What kind of blinders did I have on?
Like hilberts is easily explained by the fact that We know he had at least one doctorate at this time, making him likely late 20s early 30s and (I’m pretty sure) is described as being older in the present, not to mention, again, he SOUNDS older, tired, more put through
But Cutter sounds young, youthful and fresh the whole time. I’d have no confidence pinning an age on him but his voice gives me 20s-30s, back in the 80s AND now. Should’ve been obvious dude was doing some incredibly shady shit
Ah, Kepler. Alana why would you let him wear you down
“You don’t want to be here do you! 🤠”
Yeah no I do love Alana a little bit
The comedy in this podcast cannot be understated
“Someone who’s good at talking to things that aren’t humans” I think parallels between Doug and Alana would be SO fascinating to study
“I do have this long elaborate plan to infiltrate the company and bring it down from the inside” Isabel you fucking PROPHET
“No, I am not an alien!” The foreshadowing in this show is not so subtle sometimes
Sorry towards the end of Isabel’s ep I was just picturing the first episode of Dropout’s GameChanger, but instead of Isabel’s SO behind the lie detector it was Cutter clicking the button to harass her into the job. Which is objectively a hilarious mental image
The bartender is such a goddamn mood
Absolutely WILD to me that Jacobi never got any sort of therapy for this
“A professional breaker-downer” me talking about how much I cry
No but was Kepler sent there to recruit him? Did he just have a good feeling? What if Kepler was just like yo I have today off let’s go to the bar and pick someone up and then Jacobi drops the story and he’s like FUCK never mind time to recruit
Oh shit it’s the Hera one. One of the ones that makes me unwell
God don’t be such a bitch Rachel
Hera you icon
Seriously why does Rachel dislike her so much
Hera IS absolutely terrifying
(This is still my AI vendetta)
But I’m still VERY unwell about her
Goddamn I forgot Zach wrote this episode.
“Guilty as charged” Doug I want to hold you so closely
“I’m not sure how that works around here” he’s once again being pretty goddamn fucking reasonable
What did he want to try to appeal tho? Like overall he’s pretty much accepted that he fucked up, so I don’t see why he’d want to appeal the child endangerment charges. Maybe the kidnapping?
God I cannot stand how Rachel is acting all snippy and holier than thou over Doug just because he’s in jail. Like girlie, look at what YOU do. You should be in prison many times over 🤨
I want to know what his military disciplinary record was
His fucking godfather impression
Doug I fucking cherish you
God I fucking. I forgot. He was prepared to take it all because he thought he deserved it. How could I forget such an important thing.
I think Doug should’ve gotten the pg-13 f bomb, and I think it should’ve been now when he calls cutter a motherfucker. He deserves it.
But god, how SERIOUS and angry he got when cutter says her name. My heart.
I always and will never not be wondering if they actually followed through. If they did and have been and still are paying for all of Anne’s needs and treatments. And if they’re not, if they haven’t been, who’s going to hold Goddard accountable? Because Doug won’t remember that agreement.
I physically do not think I could be normal about Doug Eiffel ever
The fucking comedic timing
I enjoy that Warren is afraid of cutter
I love that Rachel was like “his career is over :D” and then he got a goddamn promotion
I like seeing bad things happen to bad people
“I thought you didn’t do interviews….” I hate that he’s so funny sometimes
Goddamn we get the peak into the classified files this early???
I think if I had to sit and physically wait for these episode releases I would have died. I don’t think I would have survived.
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cricketchaology · 11 months ago
resdident alien 1.07 rewatch
- man. i love this show and when it used to be good
- alan does guy feeling an emotion for the first time so well
- ben i love uuuuu ur so fucking cringe!!!
- ohhh ghost harry. this show used to be so fucking crazy and so good
- it is very weird that asta doesn’t expose jimmy to protect jay. like girl where am i
- god i love judy and d’arcy. they’re so fucking good
- “the low point. that’s where freedom lives!” god d’arcy girl u get it. ur just like me fr
- they should’ve brought judy with them to the resturant. fucked up
- i just like. what i love about this show is that they’re all fuck ups. none of these characters live real perfect lives. and other than that there’s. an alien,. these r some of the most People i’ve ever seen in a show like this. they’re just normal losers
- “cna you have ur mother 😁 put popcorn on the shopping list 😁” HARRY UR JUST LIKE ME!!!
- these agents are BORING !!!!
- i love the “i’d grow a mustache but i’d have to get a job as a firefighter or a pedophile” bit it’s so stupid
- me looking at my alien pendant textbook
- ben like. almost crying when has to tell kate “you were wrong about this one” drives me crazy. he looks so fucking scared of her. help.
- kate “i want a partner who challenges me” running away when ben says she’s sometimes a little controlling. sighs
- god max u r so small. u were literally just born
- d’arcy’s blue hair is so cute. i love u girl
- CREVASSE !!!!!!! YIPPEEEE !!!!
- chloe if ur reading this i’m gonna make u watch the next episodes of resident alien. it’s like if the long way down job has aliens in it
- cause also like. season 1 d’arcy is so competent. she’s so handy she helps maintain the mountain. where is this d’arcy in s2 & 3. they forgot they wrote a complex character and just made her an addict stereotype
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citadelredlightdistrict · 1 year ago
Gwen Takes Control (Part 1)
Ever since Ben had found the Omnitrix, the whole summer had changed for Gwen. Initially it was for the better really, things were more exciting, they fought aliens, mad scientists, it was amazing! Sure, Ben was still a dweeb, but what was new right? After a while though she found herself starting to feel like the *other* grandchild. Soon enough everything was seemingly about Ben. It was Ben's watch, Ben was the hero, it was becoming Ben's summer. Then though, things seemed like they were going to even out, she found this awesome amulet! It made her the luckiest girl in the world, and she became Lucky Girl! A hero to rival the great Ben 10! But it wasn't to last. Soon enough to save Ben and his stupid watch, she'd had to destroy that amulet and even more. She'd had to sacrifice everything, just because Ben had to be a hero. It wasn't all bad though, now she had a spellbook, straight from the crazy wizard and witch that had almost taken over the world. And she was finding more than a few spells that would help to turn this whole summer around.
After some time Max got a call from an old friend needing his help, in a hurry he had to leave Gwen and Ben alone for a few days, leaving Gwen in charge. By the time he returned, Gwen will have already done all she needs to put Ben in his place. Gwen: "Alright Ben, you heard Grandpa, I'm in charge. And you know what? I think it's time I taught you some humility." Ben looks up at her from his game, raising an eyebrow at her with an arrogant grin. Ben: "Yeah? And how do you plan to do that? In case you forgot, I've got the coolest watch in the universe, I'm a hero for crying out loud!" Gwen rolls her eyes and walking over to him she simply pushes her pants down and lets her massive cock flop out and smack him in the face. Stunned Ben just sits there looking at the nearly 8" cock resting on his face. Gwen: "With this~. Oh and before I forget." She reaches down while he's still stunned and grabs the Omnitrix casting a spell as she does to form a shield around it so he can't try to change into an alien. At this Ben does finally snap out of it and yells as he stands up, backing away from Gwen . Ben: "W-what the Hell!? Gwen, how do you- I mean, you've got a-a..." He blushes brightly as he struggles to make sense of all this, Gwen just laughs as she hits him with another spell, blasting his clothes off while setting her plan in action. Gwen: "A dick? Yeah, and you've got a pussy. Now how about you be a good slut and get on your knees, it's time you put that mouth to some good use for once~." Ben yelled in shock as the blast hit him, tearing his clothes off and leaving him naked, and his body completely changed. His hair and overall build was largely the same, but he had small buds on his chest where his breasts were now growing, roughly the size of Gwen's, and rather than a penis and balls he had a pussy just like Gwen had said. Ben: "What the-!? N-no, no this can't be real!" He tried to fumble with the watch, fighting against Gwen's magic as he did, but Gwen shortly had him pinned against the wall. Gwen: "Well if you're not going to get on your knees, then I suppose I can go in dry. But it might hurt a little, feel free to scream by the way. It's not like there's anyone around to help you~." With Ben still trying to activate the Omnitrix Gwen reaches down, and lifts up his legs, and drops him on her cock. She goes in dry and raw, letting gravity force him all the way down on her cock, until she was pressed firmly against his/her womb. Gwen: "Ahh~! Oh fuck, now that's what I'm talking about! Mmm, I can't believe this is what guys get to experience for sex, ha! Too bad you'll never know what this feels like now, how about you Ben? Is it as good for you as it is me?" She couldn't help but to laugh as she watched Ben scream in pain, squirming on her cock as she held tightly onto her arms. Ben's eyes going wide in shock, pain and pleasure as he felt an entirely foreign feeling, in a body he was entirely unfamiliar with.
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tenebrare · 3 days ago
As a stand-alone film it was, what internet would call 'a mid'. It did pay homage to oldies and it was not something you'd call "simple and hasty cash grab". it did some things very canon friendly, but also forgot to give us characters to like or root for. It gets worse, when we see it as a Hellraiser film. It takes away almost every element fans seem to love in HR films and gives us CGI-which is nice and well done (really nice job, better than in modern marvel films), but nothing you have not seen done in i.e. 6th film already. I think the film gets adult rating not from the graphics and violence, but the fact the main character is high half times. And seeing a intoxicated woman constantly complaining and cry about her brother gets old very quick. As a final girl she just does not work. Could have made her brothers boyfriend the final-boy, that would have been better. That guy least had charm and became someone you wanted to survive. And that leads us to the inevitable Disney problem. The film is done during era where Disney financed productions all need to follow certain formula. Unfortunately that formula makes it very predictable. Now what is Disney formula people can probably find swiftly themselves if they want to be spoiled for every future production related to Disney (including their owned studios) . Alien: Romulus (a good film, I recommend ) by the way follows the exact formula and even kill order is same as in Hulus Hellraiser. Only reason I saw the 2022 film was that i was not well and a friend pressed the button my ISPs view-on-demand film selection thinking that surely a bit of Hellraiser would cheer me up. I think it has some good elements and the film makers loved what they were doing as well treated source material with respect - in many ways it is way more original canon friendly than 1987 film was. However i feel that I perhaps was not the target audience. I know its canon, but I also hated the 'pearl pins' with passion. And yes, I will die on that hill.
The Hellraiser films as light novel titles:
Hellrasier: How (not) to accidently summon sex demons
Hellbound: The sex demons won’t leave me alone, so I’ll remind them of their humanity and hope things work out for the best!
Hell On Earth: Since my soul was split in two, I’ll ruin everyone’s else’s day for fun
Bloodline: My sex demon co-worker makes my job harder than it needs to be (in space)
Inferno: Damning a man’s soul to Hell for being a terrible person for fun and profit
Hellseeker: Since I don’t want to become a sex demon, I’ll commit 1st-degree murder instead
Deader: Committing suicide is a bit complicated in Romania
Hellworld: What happens when you use a sex demon’s image to kill people and it doesn’t go quite as you expect.
Revelations: Making deals with sex demons in Mexico
Judgement: When fucking around and finding out in God’s presence goes wrong
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writer-akihiko · 4 years ago
Hi! If that's okay could i request some angst for the first years (+Grim, Crewel and Crowley? Platonic only for them)
MC/Yuu runs away from NRC due to all the shit they've been put through because of Crowley not doing his job, they do finally find them some days later but MC refuses to go back to NRC and tells Crowley that they despise him.
First Years + MC Running Away [+Plat!Crewel & Crowley]
I love the angst for this, and planning the emotions that they would feel! The dorm leaders also make a cameo in Crewel and Crowley's part. Cut for length.
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of Emotional Manipulation, Curse Words, Wounds and Mild Violence. Please read at your own discretion.
"I'm not going back."
"Wh... What?" He was astonished. "YN... I've looked far and wide for you- please-"
No words left his mouth as you stepped away from him, tears in your eyes and you were going to make a run for it again.
Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek was in a dilemma. He wanted to go back to NRC because of Malleus, but you refused to. You still meant a lot to him of course, but he still wanted to stay in NRC. He reached out to you, holding you in place with his Fae strength.
"YN, we have to go back. Please don't be unreasonable," He begged. There was no way he wasn't going without you.
You shook your head, trying to tug against Sebek as much as possible. There was no way you could fight against him, and you wouldn't want to hurt him either. "Sebek... Sebek just let me go. I'm just a human and..."
The moment was ruined with Crowley showing up, yelling at Sebek to bring you back. You mustered as much of your voice as you could. "No! Don't take me back!" You screamed at Sebek, who was holding you in a lock. "I hate him! I hate him, don't do this to me Sebek!"
His grip almost loosened at you saying you hated Crowley. Actually, he thought it was directed at him. It took a lot of effort for Sebek not to cry because he knew. He knew how much you didn't deserve the things you faced. The Overblots, the treatment and sheer alienation from other students, Crowley's neglect... He knew.
He blamed himself for getting so caught up in what his Master was doing that he forgot to care about you. When he found out that you ran away, he felt as if he deserved it. He pulled you in, tucking you against his chest and allowing you to cry.
He didn't bring you closer to the others, neither did he bring you away. He kept you close to him, as your tears stained his perfect uniform. Not a word came from him when you cried into him. It was kept that way, as the half-Fae dared to growl at Crowley and anyone else that took a step closer to you.
"YN... You're safe with me, alright?"
Ace Trappola
He told himself that he wouldn't get mad, but your refusal just rubbed salt in wounds as he remembered the sleepless nights of trying to find you. Beneath all of it, he was scared. He was scared that he lost you to some one else. He was scared that this world never suited you, and you finally went to your own, leaving him alone.
"What do you mean you're not going back?! YN, stop screwing around with me!" He screamed, throwing his magic pen to the ground. At this point, he was pissed about anything relating to magic. Magic was useless when it came to finding you.
"I'm not going so leave me alone Ace..." You told him, tears nearing at your eyes. "I don't want to. I don't want to. I'm done with Crowley's shit and I'm done with NRC."
You took a running start, but Ace caught you, pushing you to the ground. His expression caught you off-guard. He was crying, eyes puffy and tired as his face was pale, as if he hadn't gotten enough sleep.
"You're done?! How could you... I..." He didn't know what to say. You were right. You had dealt with enough. You never deserved it... If it weren't for him and his troublemaking ways... Maybe you wouldn't have to suffer...
"I'm sorry..." He coughed out, his voice strained. He kept you pinned on the ground, as his tears flowed with yours. "I'm sorry for being an idiot. I'm sorry for dragging you into trouble. I know you don't deserve it but I'm an asshole that does anyway..."
"But!..." He went on, his eyes glossing over as he admired you once again. Oh... you were beautiful to him, even if you were crying in his arms. "But I'm selfish. I didn't want to let you go so I went after you instead... So hit me if you want, scream or punch me... I don't care, just don't leave me."
He sat up, pulling you into his lap, his chin under your head. "I was so lonely without you YN..."
"Godammit I love you..." He choked out, his tears never-ending. You both sat there, hugging each other as if it were your last days. You didn't dare to let go of him this time.
Deuce Spade
He didn't know how to respond. All he knew was that he had to hold onto you before you ran away from him once again. "YN... Wait... Don't leave!"
He wondered if he even made the right choice to stay on the side of bringing you back. From just the look of you, he knew you were tired. He knew those responsibilities were never yours. Your suffering just proved to Deuce how powerless he was. Maybe that's why he wanted to bring you back... as proof that he could do something for you.
"YN... I'm sorry..." He said, holding you close to him. There wasn't a thing he could do for you. All you went through... It was Crowley's irresponsibility. He did this to you. Deuce's grip tightened on you, as he though of what it could've done to your psyche. "YN... YN... I'll make sure he doesn't touch you. I'll make sure that he never comes near you again... YN, you trust me right?"
For all the times he wasn't with you, he was determined to make up for it. Deuce wasn't going to let you suffer through this alone, even if it means he gets hurt. It was better for him to get hurt than you, even though he was so desperate to ask Crowley to find you.
You nodded, hiding into Deuce's chest. His heart was beating so fast, most likely from the never ending search for you. You never regretted running away, but you missed Deuce and your other friends, and Grim too. The one thing you regretted was accepting Crowley's offer to stay here.
"I don't care what you do to me," You told him. "Just don't take me back. I don't to go back. I don't want to go back to NRC..." Your body trembled at the thought of moving back to NRC, but all thoughts of it were abandoned as you saw Crowley approach you.
You screamed, but he never touched you. Deuce stood in the way, as he shielded you with his own body. He pushed you back, as he grabbed tightly onto his magic pen. Abandoning all morals of propriety, he glared hard at the principal.
"...Don't touch her."
Jack Howl
He wasn't going to let you run away this time. "Don't move."
Jack couldn't believe that he found you so quickly. No, that wasn't it. He couldn't believe that you were still here. Despite him having a scent on you, you could've been miles away without him knowing. He thought you went back to your own world. He thought you hated him, but by the way you hugged him, it reassured him of any thoughts he had.
There was not single part of you that did not tremble when Jack told you he wanted to take you back. Your sheer refusal turned into an argument quickly, as you listed all the sufferings you went through. It was confusing and agonising for Jack to listen to you. He knew you needed this, but some of the things you said sent shivers down his spine.
"It's okay YN. You don't have to go back," He whispered to you. Jack's ears flattened as yours tears made your eyes puffy. He got flustered since he didn't know how to comfort you any further, busying himself with wiping away your tears instead.
Jack was sharp. He knew Crowley was out to get you, even if you didn't want to. He wanted the easy way out, but Jack wasn't going to give him the chance. There was no reason why Jack shouldn't help you… but he'd be lying if he weren't scared of what would happen if you both were caught.
You and Jack had the same train of thought, so you shook your head. "No Jack… I have to…" You told him, your voice raspy. "You already found me and there's no use. You… You can't outrun him with me…"
Jack growled, baring his teeth at the person who caused you such misery. His claws were out, as he hid you behind him. You didn't make a sound, paralysed by the very person that pulled you in this hell. You only met eyes with Crowley for a moment, as the world swirled around you.
"I know I can't… But I'm sure as hell am going to try…" Jack ran away from the principal, with you tightly in his arms as he made a run for it.
Epel Felmier
He was more than angry. He never understood why you and him but now it was evident. It was because both of you were stubborn. You both always tried to grasp what you wanted, and in the light of attaining it, you both always made a run for it. For him it was power… and for you, it was freedom.
"Damn it!..." He cursed underneath his breath, quickly removing his jacket and covering your head in it. You were probably hungry and tired. You were probably scared. What was he supposed to do?...
How did it come to this? He was supposed to be the one that supported your desires, no matter how big or small as you did the same to him. But now, with him using Crowley to get to you… What was he doing? This was hurting you, not helping you.
He moved away from you, ripping off the magical tracking device off of him. "You damn liar!" He screamed. "How dare you hurt her like this… Do you think I'm some stupid puppet?! Like hell you're gonna reach her with my help!"
Epel stomped and tore the device apart, grunting at every time the magic deflection hit him. He didn't stop, ripping further into the grass as he cried for your sake. He never meant to do this to you. He got up, taking you by the wrist and pulling you much deeper into the forest.
"YN… YN we have to go. They were tracking me and they- they might…"
You stopped in your tracks.
You hugged Epel, holding him tight. He snapped out of his delusions, turning to panic about your well-being. "Are you hurt? If you can't walk I'll carry you, but we have to get away-"
"Stop Epel," You said, taking his hands into yours. "Stop… It's okay… I'm okay… I can't make it any further and I don't blame you… I just… wanted it to not hurt for a bit."
He broke down in your arms, as you both collapsed to the ground. Filled with exhaustion, you could only grip to his hands weakly. Before your eyes darkened, you remembered his last words.
"I'm sorry…"
Divus Crewel
He's horrified at your state. All his emotions were bottled for the time being. There was no reason for a puppy like you to be exposed to such horrid emotions from him. He shrugs off his fluffy coat, covering you in the coat, as he carries you in the coat.
Dire was quick to catch up to him, but alas, all that Divus had for him was disappointment. Even from teacher to teacher, no… even from magician to magician… all respect for Dire that he had vanished. The dorm leaders caught up with the principal, and from the looks of it, they were horrified.
"For this puppy to end up like this…"
No, he couldn't get angry now. He had to be the example to other students. Rosehearts, Al-Asim and Ashengrotto were in tears, while Draconia and Kingscholar were murderous. If it weren't the difference of authority, Divus would bet those two would maul Dire where he stood.
"Draconia. Schoenheit. Take YN away and treat her wounds," He commanded. Still wrapped in his coat, Malleus brought you to the others, as Vil observed for any of your wounds. Divus signalled the other students away as he took off one of his gloves, glaring at Dire. "I need to talk with the principal."
Dire was still, as Divus delivered a clean punch across his face. There was no need for further violence. It'd be an insult to what you suffered. Divus grabbed Dire by the collar, almost sneering at him. "Did you realise what you've done to that puppy? She's scared, she's suffered all because of you."
He left Dire alone. It's what he deserved. There was nothing to be done. If he further pummeled the crow man, he might just kill him right then and there. Divus, for now, had to be by your side as your father figure and welcome you back safely to NRC as you were meant to be. Before leaving, he picked up his sullied glove from the floor, saying his last to Dire.
"You don't deserve to be her father."
Dire Crowley
He was ashamed to use his magic on you, but he had to prevent you from running. It was a necessary measure, but the real thorns were your words that pierced through his heart. You yelled insults, curses and cusses at him as if you were held at gunpoint, your lungs exhausted from the constant shrieking.
"No no! Let me go," You begged. "I hate you, I hate you I hate you!" You chanted it as if it were a spell. "I wish you never took me in. Don't touch me!"
The words were enough for the magic to weaken, granting you your escape. Dire was not swift enough, but the Dorm Leaders were. They heard everything, every complaint you threw at Dire and every insult you had for him. Malleus caught you, but as soon you knew it was him, you pushed him away.
"No… NO! I am NOT GOING BACK!" You cried, holding your head in your hands, crouching into a ball. Leona quickly knocked you out. If you went on, you would've hurt yourself and the injuries you sustained from running away was concerning enough.
Against all odds, those seven turned to the principal, with faces of betrayal. All you had been through… They did not realise what burden Dire, and subsequently, they placed on you.
"Crowley… you were never gracious."
Dire was hopeless. He couldn't comfort you, he knew he couldn't be forgiven. He stood in his place, accepting his fate at the moment. He couldn't ask for your mercy nor forgiveness, and perhaps that was his fate. To be cursed by whoever he neglected.
"Please, take care of her for now."
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prelovednikaidou · 3 years ago
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corrupt; draken, ken ryuguji [01]
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In which you met the man of your past, but he didn't come back to remind you of the bitter break-up. Draken had one thing in mind and it was to never let you leave his side ever again. Distance made the heart grow fonder but he'd rather let you spend the rest of your life hating him if it meant you'd never leave his sight.
"I don't wish you well when you ain't with me, I want you crying."
mention of suicide, oral receiving (reader),
a/n: taglist are open up to 10 users! comment '☁️'
Word count: 2.1k
series masterlist
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[01: jealousy]
Draken wanted to take you away.
The curves of your spine, flowing down to the slope of your well-rounded bottom flesh, he watched the symmetrical dimple right above your butt - mocking him that those precious intimate spots were no longer his possession to own.
It wasn't only him who shared the same thought; everyone in this crowded room had their eyes glued on you. As if you were holding those guests captive, you felt immense pressure on your feet and thighs, quivered before you wrapped your leg around the shining pole.
Spinning, spinning, spinning.
Those blinding lights showered your sweating figure in all fairness, the sound of Abel's voice had long dimmed down, it meant that your show was done. It was silent in a minute,
lifting your face - your lips curled into a hunting smile and the room soared with cheers, crumpled money tossed across the stage, but your sense of content was suppressed by the overwhelming tension.
A pair of black pupils were starring at you - pinning you to where you stood. He was among the crowd, all in his glory without care but you. You felt something burst inside your chest, unable to tear your focus from him.
This longing for him is toxic.
Flashes of memories where those sober eyes bore into yours when he pumped his fat cock into your tight cunt until his thick cum over spilled, the same eyes that once shone with so much love but turned cold.
A shout from backstage startled you from your daze, another coworker came up and escorted you down, assisting you to take off the painful high heels.
"What's with you?" She threw a curious stare your way.
You still couldn't wrap your mind. He was there. Flesh and soul, presented in front of you. It was a brief eye contact but it was enough. Enough to tell you that he was coming back for you.
It had been years since the two of you chose to split up, making your paths without each other's companion.
"I, I've got to go. I forgot that I locked the windows, my cat's probably waiting for me. He's been out for 3 days so he's starving I think. Y'all can continue without me,"
You stood but your knees turned weak at the sudden arrival of him, standing by the door. A few steps taken back, you lost all rationality to stay calm because your heart thumped loudly.
Standing tall on his 6' ft, athletic and young Draken was nowhere to be seen but replaced - with a mature adult man that induced everything he carried into lust.
The robust body looked incredibly fit, lean, and you could see the strong outlines of his defined chest and abdominal muscles from the black shirt. If it was years ago, those leather jackets wouldn't suit him - he'd look like those up-start wannabe gangsters.
But it was different now. It clung to his broad shoulders perfectly, he wasn't as cheap as those local pranksters. The dark jeans also did little job in hiding his long legs. He was indeed a member of a gang; eerie and cruel - but he had never look this good that you want to fuck.
Draken's presence was enough to brush away every man in the room that you belonged to him. Your little admirers couldn't even look at him in the eyes, let alone make up a fight.
They left with a strong sense of defeat; no wonder you never once accept any confessions, turned out you have such a man waiting.
"Why is he here? This area is off-limits. Only staff is allowed. Naoki, guide him out." You forced yourself to mutter those words, uncaring to look at him with your back facing him.
Naoki sighed, this man literally slipped $750 under the table just to meet you. Those incompetent flies who claimed to love you didn't even spare this much effort. She only signaled him to step in before she whispered to you,
"Remember the guy I told you? The one that booked a whole session for your private room? He's that guy. It's just that he arrived a little early than the arranged meeting but it'll be great if you can build a connection with him."
You glared back, "Then send him back. We still have a week before that, right? I'm tired. I can't keep up with this," You pushed off her hand from your shoulder, began to take off your wig. His eyes were still the same; always undressing you naked.
Naoki could only grit her teeth, the money already landed in her pocket. What if he asked it back? She can't let such a great deal slip so she greeted him,
"She's a bit tired from the recent show. How about we push this to tomorrow? She's got free time on her hand to rest too." At least, this would do, right?
"If I have so much time on my hands, I wouldn't have come a week early. So you guess it yourself." His voice has changed too. It was an octave lower, you immediately rubbed your thighs together before you waved a hand.
"Haaa... leave us, Naoki. But I need you to go to my house. I wasn't joking about what I said earlier."
Naoki hurriedly nodded, clutching to her pocket before her eyes warily darted from Draken to you. Is this a couple feud? She noted in her head that she'd help this guy soon in the future - who doesn't want easy money?
"Okay, I will. Sir...? Err.. hope you have a pleasant chat with Dollface. I will excuse myself then ." The hindrance in Draken's eyes finally left the room, the door closed in a thump and the subtle tension thickened.
He didn't say anything, only leaned his body by the door as he watched you wiped off your makeup. This was his morning view back when you were still wet behind ears about pole dancing. You'd come back at the crack of drawn and he'd already been out to his workshop.
Stubborn like a little cat, your doe eyes didn't look up from your make-up bag and he could see through your act to be so busy. He loved how feisty you've become after years. It eased his heart that you could chase off those little shit.
"It suits you, [Y/N]. Face so pretty like a doll. Make one's heart itch to keep around. But I wonder why the name sounds so familiar."
"State your business. I'm heading home straight after this so don't expect a lap dance or something."
"Then that's the plan. I'll drive you home, eh?"
That damn 'eh'. He picked up your habit too well that the time he spent with you shaped him into copying your habit. It sounded cute but your heart still couldn't forgive him. Let him suffer a little.
"Don't need to. My boyfriend is great at doing his job. So do me a favor and let me rest quickly, how about that?"
Now, you were looking at him through the mirror. It was just too hard for you to muster yourself to face him directly. Draken didn't seem shaken. He stood straightly, you clenched your thighs tighter.
"Have I ever been quick in everything when I'm with you, [Y/N]?" His towering figure gawked over your smaller frame - casting his shadow over you as his sharp facial features caught your attention.
"Can't remember. Maybe? Because I said it just now almost like a reflex." You replied, not backing down but instead, squaring up to him that your ample breasts brushed against his torso.
His cologne didn't smell like the tacky, cheap body spray he used to own. This one smelled so expensive, alienated your memory of his familiar scent.
"Now you're getting older, your memory is getting rusty, dollface. Should I put on a play and see if you can call anything in mind?" You felt your breath became heavier but he didn't let you lose your focus yet.
Your chin was tugged upwards, the shadow of his cap cast upon his face and you remembered now; it was his eyes. Because he wasn't vocal about his feelings, you could understand everything from his eyes.
"You've grown softer, Draken. I almost threw up listening to you talk like this. What, are you changing jobs now? Don't tell me you went from a gangster to a con artist."
No, you were lying to yourself. Draken didn't change but improved. Change can be something bad but he never did anything that would bring him down. He just got better.
And it was true when the velvety touch on your beating pulse suddenly moved to your lips before he squished your cheeks in his hand.
"Fucking hot as hell but so damn annoying." He laughed, the light from his eyes never return, only replaced by a wicked glint.
He wanted to take you to his place, fuck you in his bed until you couldn't walk properly so he'd have more reasons to keep you at his place. He wanted to swallow you whole and he barely even started but why was it so damn hard to have you?
"Don't dare to think of anything nasty. You might not care about commitment in a relationship, but I do. So take your hands off me, Draken."
"Kenie. It's Kenie for you."
Your lips were so plump and wet, his other arm wrapped around your waist - hoisting you up to his body before he leaned by the dresser.
You shrieked when his scalding hot palm touched your naked back and as he untied the strings of your bra, he smiled at your face as he said,
"Do you think I'm going to believe that, dollface? Do you really think I don't know that this pussy hasn't been fucked well for months? I have eyes across this ward. You don't get to fool me."
Heat rose to your face, your small hands pushed on his shoulders, "You're still up in my business? Sounds like someone can't fucking move on."
He nodded, ripping off your lacey bralette and his big hands began to palm your heavy breast - carelessly rubbing your nipple with his thumb. You fought the urge to moan, you hold onto his shoulder for dear strength.
"You're right. I can't move on." Your breath hitched, he nuzzled his face to the column of your neck, inhaling so deep, and wrapped his arms tightly around your body. He missed you so much. So much that if you ran away again, he'd just kill himself.
"I fucked my fist thinking of you. I got this hard just by thinking of you. I'm not ashamed of it."
"That's your problem, Draken. I'm not you. I'm living my best life right now, and sorry that I can still cum just with my fingers."
"That's my girl," He pushed you until your back met the concrete wall, your eyes widened when he took off his cap and put it on you before he dropped to his knees.
"I am aware of your appetite, [Y/N]. You won't be happy with such a small meal. You always keep coming back to have your tight pussy stuffed. Even when we were living together, you couldn't stop begging my dick every night."
"What the hell are you talking about-" You pushed his forehead away from your private part, one hand covering your pussy but he gripped the side of your hips - bringing you straight to his mouth.
"I don't care if you use me as your favorite Cherry Twins. But don't deny that I made you cummed the hardest when I was in your life, dollface."
Your eyes became misty, his words just flew through your head - empty when his mouth latched on your clothed crotch, lapping on the small fabric that the nudge of his tongue probed on your budding clit.
Cherry Twins were the name he gave to your vibrators. Since he was always out when you were at home, he'd make you use them to your greedy cunt - even made a video call so he could jerk off in the public restroom.
You were wild, but he taught you to live even wilder.
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Next page: chapter [02] →
a/n : next chapter is full smut bcs thats the only thing my brain's capable of. Taglist are open up to 10 users! Comment '☁️’.
Taglist: @hanmascult @q-the-rockaholic @hikkarins
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years ago
The Deal Part Three
Summary: august doesn't know how to lose.
Warnings: Adult Situations +18, Slight Smut, Mentioned Threesomes, M/M, M/F/M, poly relationship, Toys, Seduction, Dom Sub, BDSM, Praise Kink, Swearing.
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August hummed running a finger back and forth on the rim of his glass as he watched the screen,you were on the bed rocking onto your new toy like crazy.
"She really does this everyday?" Clark asked from beside him with a frown, but august could see the kid was turned on, licking and biting his lip as you fucked yourself desperately with your new vibrator.
"Everyday, for a week now..." august hummed twisting his chair to and fro flicking his gaze from the subby on screen to the soon to be sub sat beside him.
"... am i? Am i not enough?" Clark asked tentatively blinking at agaust in a way that made the agent smile smugly.
"Its not that kid, shes gone without playing our game for soo long she forgot how addictive it is, how much she needs it" he explained.
"Needs? Have... i mean shes missed it?" Clark uttered feeling less confident in his ability to satisfy you by the second.
"Probably not, well not untill our little experiment"
"Why?" Clark asked still not understanding
"Being a sub is... more then just sex, subs need to submit its therapeutic for them... when in a scene they just let themselves go, all worry and stress disappear. All they need to do is live in the moment and obey" august began slowly as he stopped swaying his chair and faced clark head on pinning him with a look.
It was there, the curiosity. Good. Its what he hoped for, it was why he'd called clark there to 'catch up'
It was time to make his move, top the man of steel whilst having you making your own little porno in the background to help things along.
"So she cant truly relax without it?" Clark muttered still unaware of the agents motives.
"In a sense yes. She craves being dominated, its as natural to her as being a goody two shoes is for you" august purred placing his drink on the glass computer table fendingnoff a smirk as clark took the bait.
"Hey! Im not a goody two shoes-" the kryptonian grunted offended.
But august was prepared, he'd planned this meeting meticulously and his anwser rolled off his tongue with a laugh.
"Your thirty five years old and have absolutly no run ins with the law, no parking fines no speeding tickets hell you never even had a single detention in your entire shcool life! Or have you handed in an assignment or book report in late"
"But i killed a man- i took a life" clark tried to argue but was waed off with another laugh.
"Zod was no man, he was a fucking alien... no offence, you took a life to save billions... so its not really making you a badass"
"Lazer vision is pretty badass..." clark huffed slumping back in his seat now looking like a classic putig brat.
"Oh? Is my litttle clark sulking?" August cooed gravely voice making clark pause at the sultry tone... he must be hearing things.
"Im not sulking! And im not your anything!" Clark growled snapping at the agent.
"Behave yourself!" August growled leveling him with a look, and couldnt help smirk again as clark shut himself up and flushed.
Your desperate cries called out over the moniter as you rutting onto the toy the wet sounds adding to the scene.
Clark flushed finalky turning away from august making the agent preen. Oh he had him in the palm of his hand already~
"Good boy. You are arent you? A very good boy clark- the best" august purred leaning forward gazing at the younger man with a cheshire grin, that only grew wider as clark flushed brighter and shuddered.
"I.. err well yes" clark panted shiftingnin his seat tryingmto keep his eyes on the screen as you wailed and yelped trying to draw out a climax.
"Oh whats this? Your going all shy on me? Tell me is it because i called you a good boy~ do you like praise clark?" Augusut grinned leaning closer still to the now frozen younger male
"N-no its err... i should go-" clark started shuffljng backwards needing to get out of here, because it was true. He loved praise especially in the bedroom, he loved being told how good he was.
August purringnat him whilst he eyes were fixed on you rollingnaroundnin bed toying yourslef into a sexual frenzie was... making him think of thingsnhe probably shouldnt.
"No. Sit, stay... thats it, theres nothing to be embarrassed about, many powerful men enjoy being praised" August growled latching onto clarks arms holding them to the arms of the seat.
"Being taken care of, told what to do~" august purred standing befor the mighty man of steel leaning close to his face.
Clark gulped but didnt move back, he didnt pull away like he should have.
Instead he eyed augusts lips, clark had the overwhelming urge to.aste them.
It confused him, he'd never ever dabbled in same sex relationships, never experimented. Never shared a woman with another before that fatefull night.
But for some reason august was apealing, drawing clark in. August was apble to overpower him, not physically but he commanded obedience.
August held a dangerous cocksure demeanor that clark rarely saw.
"Is that what you want? Clark~ do you want to be controlled and praised just once? More then once?" August hummed dippjng closer and closer, clark couldnt help tipp his head up.
"Y/n is always such a brat. Just look at her, desperately trying to fuck herself into a coma, despite knowing we hadnt allowed her to touch her pussy" august pulled the pffice chair clark was sat in to closer to him, making the kryptonian drown in his scent, the cologne and sweet arousal that was alreading sworling arohnd him.
Clark swallowed dryly, unsure what was happeningnto him, the sounds of yu moaning a crying ot so sweetly, the praise and authority radiating off august in waves.
It was the same dominant aura and comanding deep voice that had made crks cock twitch in both threesomes they had indulged.
Clark had tried denying it at the time, convincing himslef he was cuaght up in the erotic forbidden act. It was just a thrill of the moment thing. It didnt bmean he wanted the older dominating alpha male and all his bravado.
August grinned shifting forward again filling clarks vision, for a human auguast was large, almost as large as he was.
"Sure she'll listen when she feels like it but... I can't help thinking she needs a role model..." clark hummed absentmidely nodding agreeing falling further into his own haze.
"Someone else to show her how she should behave... someone who will get rewarded for being soo good... maybe a good boy?" August purred finally taking the plunge and weaving jis way around the man. His words coiling around the younger male ensnareing him in his carefully constructed web of teasing words.
Clakr gasped as his chin was captured by the agent forcing him to look him in the eye.
"Would you like that clark? Do you want to be not just a good boy, but my good boy-our good boy?" The words hung in the air, winding the man of steel.
"W-what?" He stuttered tryingnto fathom what the older man meant. But couldnt deny the excitment in his gut.
Did he mean it? Would he really include clark in this kink? Make it official and let these forbidden threesomes continue?
"Oh dont play coy, i know what your thinking~ its natural to be curious, just think we could all be one~" august whispered movjng his thumb over clarks bottom lip.
"We could all play together and all get what we need." He purred smirking as clark gave all the right signs, eyes wide, pupils blown wide shifting in his seat as he cock rose, curtesy of both his praise and the loud wanton moans from you bringing yourslef to the edge of rapture yet again.
"You get the praise and love of a little brat, and a strict dom, y/n gets a role model, a dom and keeps her life partner" august listed shifting on his feet again reeling clark in with low coos full of promise.
The agent curled his hand, cupping clarks cheek coaxing him closer luring his face closer.
"A-And you?" Clark dared to utter, feeling both excited, anxious and overwhelmed, he wanted nothing but to jump at the chance, but was frightened at the same time.
He would admit he'd been a little jealous of all the praise you'd got from august in both encounters.
Closingnhis eyes imagining it was him! That the older influential man had been calljng him a good boy, had been teling him how impressed he was, how proud he was!
Clark was embarrassed and had quickly shook away the desperate thoughts. He wasnt gay, why would he have such thoughts?
He summarised he was just too needy and had gone without. You told him how brilliant and big he was, how sexy and strong and fantastic he is in the bedroom but... with august it was different.
The older male praised down at him! Cooing and fussing at him in a different way. Treated him like a sub and clark liked it. Probably too mucn.
"I get the little brat i've been missing and a very very good boy"
"So what do you say, do you want to let go? Be free and experience things you'd only dreamt of?" August preened keeping clarks attention fixed on him asmhe manipulated him, august had noticed clark had a praise kink.
A weakness. A need who was august to pass up useing the little kink to get the subby he wanted~
"I...I'm..." clark hesitated looking passed august to you on the screen who was digging around beside your bed looking for something.
"All you have to do is say the words clark, just say yes sir and you can have all the pleasure and praise you could ever hope for~ both you and y/n we could make this permanent"
"See look? Just watch, y/n needs her dom, needs to be tamed again we could do it clark... you can show her how to be good again~" august breathed over clarks cheek side steppjng him to reveal the screen.
And clark did look, groaning as he saw that you had rolled over and was straddling a different suction cup dildo stuck to a little hand mirror face up on the bed slapping your own ass as you bounced frantically.
"Just say those words and we can help her together" august hummed into his ear like the devil on his shoulder, tempting him
Clark gasped feeling augusts breath on his neck, his wisters ghosting the delicat skin.
Then in a bold move the older man pressed a soft feather light kiss to the kryptonian's neck.
And it worked
"I... y-yes, can we? Please sir" clark breathed out stuttering and jumbling his words unable to hold back his pleading.
"Good boy clark~ such a good seet boy you are~ i knew it, knew youd be brave enough, you've made me soo proud" august showered him with praise biting off a victorious grin.
Clark mewled closingnhis eyes for a second beaming a smile feeling this strange relaxation take over, suddenly he felt free, and small.
It was a feeling he craved, being the strongest all the time was a heavy burden to bare, now he could feel powerless for once.
August chuckled and pressed another kiss to clark this time on his cheek making the younger male's cheeks glow.
August couldnt get enough, the power trip of having the man of steel under his command was far to intoxicating.
"Now why dont you go get our little brat and we can tie her up and show her that good subby's get rewards" august prompted him stepping around clark completely letti g himstand up.
Clark nodded and shot off out onto the balcony and leapt into the sky eagwr to please his new dom and do as he was told.
August took his seat agin wrappjng his fingers around his glass of scotch and raised the glass to the screen that now had both his subs onscreen, as clark wrangled you into his arms wrapping the bedsheet arohnd you.
"Mission accomplished" he hummed smirking as clark wrapped you in your soiled bedsheet before you both disappeared off screen.
He stood and knocked back the last of his drink and padded across the pent house heading to the play room just as he heard both of hos little subs land and enter his home.
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aknosde · 3 years ago
Amicus Certus in re Incerta Cernitur
The first installment of my Reyna Swap AU, Alea Iacta Est // Percy Jackson & Reyna Avilla Ramírez Arellano // Hurt - Comfort // roughly two or three days post-Tartarus // tw vomiting & tw implied/referenced past child sexual assault // light swearing // 3.4k
(hey, @specific-dreamer, i started writing it :))
Reyna exits her bed smoothly, flicking on the lamp as she goes. At night, when her cabin feels too dark and too small, the light is one of her only wards against her stiff spine and the shake of her shoulders. She ghosts her hands through her closet, searching for something thick and substantial, like the light and the reassuring click of the lock as she opens her door.
The floor of the quarter deck is cold under her bare feet, but the polished wood is soothing in its smoothness. She tugs on her sweatshirt against the cool temperature that accompanies flying far above the warm Mediterranean. Someone must have screwed with the thermostat last night–tonight–otherwise it would be compensating for the chill in the air.
It doesn’t affect the rest of the ship. The wood doesn’t contract or expand under the temperature, the boat doesn’t creak. It’s immune to the cold air and warm water in that way. She can’t quite decide if the silence that accompanies it is comforting or not as she descends to the main deck.
All of the lights are on down here, the rooms devoid of people. She knows that the lights of the lower deck will be off, because Leo sleeps down in the engine room, but the main deck is no man's land at this time of night. Someone has swept the floors, and with the lights on and undisturbed by organic shadow, this level seems more like a model of a ship than somewhere where people live. When the feeling turns from interesting to uncanny she finishes her route to the galley.
Though the galley is less of a galley, straight and narrow, than an actual kitchen you would find in a home. It’s large, even though Leo claims it’s unnecessary given his plate technology, and rather comfortable. A counter winds around the room, a large refrigerator with people’s personal food labeled, an oven and stove, and lastly, the sink: her destination.
She’s almost to the kitchen island before she sees Percy, sitting on the counter, looking for all the world as if he is a fixture of the kitchen itself. She doesn’t freeze when she sees him–she’s better than that–but she does let herself take stock of him, one leg hanging off the counter and his other knee propped under his chin, holding his head up.
His eyes look irritated, bags underneath that more closely resemble bruises, and a few pieces of hair are falling into his eyes, but he doesn’t do more than glance her way as she crosses to the sink next to him, so she leaves him be. Percy’s always been… observant. She could tell by the way he looked at her as she dropped from the Argo’s rope ladder. But since Tartarus he’s gotten quieter. Before, it used to just be a thing about him, not speaking unless he had something to say. Now it’s more obvious, like something or someone is keeping him.
She fills her glass of water and leans against the island, staring at the fridge.
She and Jason had had their own kitchen, as praetors. It was in the Principa, tucked out of the way, cold blue-greys and aggressively modern appliances. It reminded her of her childhood kitchen in that way. Cleanly impersonal–it more closely resembled an office break room. She and Jason barely used it, but still, they tucked their s’more supplies into a corner cupboard, and occasionally they would find each other there, making tea during late nights and early mornings.
The Argo kitchen is nicer, filled with warm colors and the smell of cinnamon. Percy cooks in here, she knows, though she has never seen him at it. When she had woken up that first morning after the disaster in New Rome there had been conchas on the counter. Leo, for all his initial grumbling, took to cooking in here while Percy and Annabeth were gone. His own little way of grieving, she thinks, taking a sip of water.
Percy lurches as if the ship has, uncharacteristically uncoordinated in his urgency. She straightens immediately as he twists off the counter and onto his feet. His forearms come down hard on the ledge of the counter, bracketing himself, and then he retches into the sink.
Strings of hair hang in his face as he does, she can now see that they are separated by sweat, and before she knows what she’s doing she’s across the aisle and holding his hair back and gives him the privacy of looking away, tucking away loose strands of hair. It’s deceptively soft, even with charred and patchy places here and there, and curlier than Leo’s. Memories of Hylla rage strong as she twists it around her finger, leaving no chance of it falling in the way again, the grey streak resembling a swirl.
Reyna can practically feel Hylla’s hands in her hair, her body sprawled against the wall of their cabin, head in a bucket. Hylla’s body, pressed against one side of her back, not overbearing, just a reminder that she was there now. On good nights they would end up in their bed before Reyna fell asleep, talking until Reyna’s brain could come back home. Hylla would twist Reyna’s hair into braids more beautiful and pure than Reyna could ever imagine being, and Reyna would complain about the smell of the bucket until Hylla got up to throw the contents overboard.
“Better your lunch than yourself,” Hylla sometimes joked upon her return, in that way people do when they are living through horrible things, doing horrible things, having horrible things thrust upon them. The memory burns now that Reyna isn’t there. She can’t find the humor in the joke now, only the threat of the first mate holding Reyna by the hair and threatening to make her walk the plank if she didn’t stop crying.
She couldn’t stop, but he didn’t seem to understand that, he just held her wrists until Hylla was there, in his cabin, talking with her voice smooth in a way it had never been before the Queen Anne’s Revenge. She talked until Reyna was allowed to leave, until the door shut with her still inside.
That was the night Blackbeard and his crew decided Reyna wasn’t worth it, a night she would forever be thankful for. Reyna couldn’t recover as fast as Hylla, she couldn’t put up with as much, she was wrecked after each encounter, and that night she would be thankful for it, and the day after, and the next, until she and Hylla were running the ship and she never had to think about it again.
Percy pants against the sink, signaling that he is done, and she takes a step back, suddenly uncomfortable and anxious for something to do.
She decides on giving him her glass of water–gods know he needs it more than she does–and watches him down the whole thing greedily. An air of clarity seems to blow through him, clearing his eyes and fixing his posture. Maybe that is the magic of a child of Poseidon. Water: an instant cure to all ailments.
“Thank you,” he says with a gasp as he finishes drinking. He wipes some vomit off a corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, frowning before he rinses it off in the sink. Reyna nods serenely in response, no judgement.
It’s a wrestle with herself, to decide if she wants to ask what has him puking his guts out. The fine line she always walks is taunting her, telling her not to alienate people, telling her that knowledge is power. The voice sounds suspiciously like Michelle, which only makes her prickle further. It’s a moot point, regardless. She can remember sitting with Thalia, legs swinging over the edge of a bridge, “I loved him to pieces, Reyna, but that asshole wouldn’t tell me he was hurt unless I pinned him down and threatened to zap his eyebrows off.” She’s going to ask.
“Are you okay?” They are hollow words, because none of them are, and she knows his answer.
“I’m fine,” And then a second later he is over the sink again, all of the water coming right back up.
She takes a place behind him, Hylla’s place, holding his hair back and drawing on his back with her other hand. She can feel his muscles clench each time more of his stomach empties, takes in his breathy swears, traces the letters on the back of his New Rome hoodie. She thinks it might have been hers at one point. It swallows him.  
He pulls back, eventually, putting space between them. She lets him have it, but sticks to her spot, crossing her arms.
“Want to try that again?”
He breathes raggedly, head hung. “I can’t–” he lifts a hand to gesture to himself vaguely, but rests it swiftly, looking like he regrets the action. “I haven’t been able to keep food down. Since we got back. It’s too rich. Too much. I was stupid, forgetting how that worked,” he explains, reading the pull of her brow. “Forgot how it felt, too,” he adds, quietly.
She flicks the sink on, letting his remnants wash down the drain, and looks at him thoughtfully. He’s too tired to notice, or maybe to care. His knuckles white out on the edge of the counter, pulsing no doubt in tandem with his stomach. One of his legs begins to quake and she nudges it with her knee. He shifts.
“Is there a reason you’re camped out in here and not the bathroom?”
His breathing, slow and steady, a trained pattern, is interrupted by a faint chuckle. “Thought I wouldn’t run into no one. It’s not working out, clearly.”
He sits back on the counter gently, already clutching his stomach again. “I’ll get over it soon. Just a couple more days. I just–need to make sure I don’t tear my stomach lining.” His words come spaced out and slow, working between his breaths.
“Annabeth?” she asks, unable to mask concern, or maybe uninterested in doing so.
“Got over it,” he answers swiftly. It almost sounds like he is going to say more, but he doesn’t, and she lets it drop in favor of watching him. When he gulps she’s already by his side.
This time bile is the only thing that comes up. He hacks, searching for more, but all that's left is acid. She’s supporting almost his entire weight with one arm. A twitch of worry makes her muscles tense, alien to any type of worry she experienced while he and Annabeth were in the pits of hell. This is immediate, intimate, not abstract. Like seeing Jason’s face dripping gold.
Percy’s whole body shudders, head so deep in the sink she thinks he might be able to touch the sick and the porcelain with his nose if he were to go any further, but the spell seems to have stopped. His arms shake against the counter, and before he can follow through with getting his own vomit plastered across his face she uses her hold on his hair to gently tilt his head towards her.
His eyes are almost completely unfocused, squinting against the kitchen lighting behind her. His water lines have released their tears, finally surmounting the amount of control he had been maintaining. He looks utterly wrecked, and not in the deranged and semi-wild way he had been fresh out of the Doors of Death.
She switches her arm from propping him up to wrapping it around him, keeping him from falling back against the sink and grunting between his weight and his condition. His limbs are loose with relief, now. Almost limp. She orients him until he’s pressed against her hip, utterly malleable under her hands. An odd sense of warmth seems to travel up her arms and into her heart as he slots against her. From what she’s seen, from what she knows, Percy is not one to be controlled. He rebels against it, particularly resistant to anyone who is not a peer, or better yet, a friend. Yet here he is, letting her move his body for him.
It’s something she could never imagine herself doing; willingly handing herself over like this. But with the warmth is a new desire, a spark of hope that one day she will grow with people until she can let them take care of her like this.
“Let’s get you to the med bay,” she says.
“No.” It comes quiet and breathy, and then again with urgency, “No. Annabeth likes to take inventory there when she can’t sleep. Not the med bay.”
Avoiding the med bay on account of Annabeth is a stupid decision, but she reminds herself that Percy cares more about other people than he does himself. He doesn’t want Annabeth to be worried, Reyna thinks, to keep his problems to himself, and though that is not always the best plan, it’s not the worst. Reyna recognizes the necessity of keeping your shit to yourself. Percy might be one of the only people she knows that understands that and deserves it, so she just sighs.
“Okay.” She hooks her other arm under his, making sure he’s steady, and lowers him to the floor. “We’ll just set up camp here.”
He presses the back of his head against the cabinets, hands groping the cool stone floor, and then lets himself tip fully onto it. No complaints. Apparently he likes the change in location. She grabs a dish towel, folding it up and sliding it under his head, and a bowl, if he needs to give up his internal organs while she’s gone and can’t quite make it to the sink. With a shove of his shoulder he turns on his side, loosely grabbing his stomach and making her feel safe in the fact that he can’t choke on his own vomit.
She feels funny when she stands again, brushing her hands against her pant legs. She’s never taken care of someone like this before, never had to. She and Jason were there for each other during their fair share of unfortunate situations, but she never had to watch him like this; curled up on the ground, shaking, weak. She wonders if he was ever caught like this, in the bathroom across the hall. If he had ever wanted to ask her for help.
Annabeth isn’t in the med bay when Reyna goes to scrounge up some anti-nausea medication, and she isn’t coming down the stairs when Reyna makes her way back to the kitchen. Percy’s in the same spot, though. She supposes that counts for something as she sits next to his head, reading the directions on the back of the box.
It’s generic, a syrupy red that reminds her of fake blood in old horror movies. Percy coughs as it goes down, making a face and muttering something about cherry flavoring and scented markers.
When she’s sure he’s not going to up chuck the medicine, which would be a type of irony she is not ready for, she goes searching for something he can eat. The stores on the Argo II are significantly better than that of the Queen Anne’s Revenge, and greatly aided by the presence of a fridge, but she ends up with a packet of pedialyte powder she remembers seeing Percy use during their first week on the Argo. It’s orange, which she can respect as it’s the best artificial flavor.
Percy groans while she’s stirring it, and before she knows it she’s sitting by his side, letting him press his face into her leg. Her body seems to know what to do, even if she doesn’t, and she’s grateful for it.
“Would you rather rehydrate or take more medication?”
He groans again, nose brushing her thigh, and says, “Both.”
“Disregard the instructions?”
He hums against her leg, whispering her resolve into the ground, because she doesn’t argue. It doesn’t hurt that she couldn’t decide either, or that she has always been good at knowing when to break the rules.
“Whatever repercussions there are to this, it’s your fault,” she says instead, already measuring another dose.
He downs it like a shot and with a grimace, even though he is still laying on the floor. It manages to wring a snort out of her, as does the way he remarks that the straw she put in the pedialyte looks like a worm: “Which I’ll allow only because you chose blue; the best color.”
He fumbles in and out of consciousness, mind half addled, and she thinks she’s found a cheat code to becoming his friend. With his sharp eyes half closed and his height stolen by his horizontal position on the floor, too tired to keep his body wired and slurping through a straw because the energy to sit up seems like a far flung concept, he’s easy to see and even easier to like.
“You made the good shit,” he half slurs as he takes another sip.
“Grew up on this stuff,” he says by way of explanation. “It was free at my first school, low income and what not. Wanted to make sure we had enough calories to suffer through the school day. Picked it up at food banks, too.”
She hums, pretending he hasn’t just revealed something that she doubts he’s told anyone else. “Kept it around for the taste?”
“Malnourished after Lupa, just a bit,” he says arching his neck in discomfort before taking another sip. “I made sure to pick some up while we were still in the states. ‘Beth knows I like it though. I think she already bought some.”
“Yeah.” Reyna can vaguely remember something along those lines, sitting with Annabeth and going over supply lists for the ship. She’d been rambling and scatterbrained, which Reyna now knew was her default state.
He switches subjects after that, nothing sticking for long. It’s an interesting contrast to the Percy that she’s met. She wonders if he was like ths as a kid, or maybe it was longer than that. Maybe it was until they were swapped, maybe it was until Tartarus and she just never got the chance to see.
“You’re talkative when half your guts are down the drain,” she tells him, after listening to him ramble about the Knicks for a couple minutes.
“Blame my state.”
“I am, dumbass.”
“So rude,” he says in Spanish, sounding like her neighbors in Puerto Rico, getting together under the shade during the heat of the day, complaining about their daughters. “What’re you doing here anyway,” he asks, “Why aren’t you nice and cozy in your bed.”
“Obviously sitting on the floor with you is superior.”
He coughs out a laugh, there. Weak, but she can feel his amusement from the crinkle of his eyes before he sobers. “Really, why?”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“Want to talk about Tartarus?” she snaps, because no, she does not want to talk about her historical issues with boats, or how she’s thinking of Jason, out there escorting a forty foot statue in an attempt to stop yet another war.
“Sorry,” Percy whispers, pulling his head back a bit.
“No, I’m sorry.” She’s supposed to be better than this. She’s supposed to be a leader, which does not include letting her frustrations out on others, no matter the time of day–or night. “That was unprofessional of me.”
He snorts. “We’re lying on the kitchen floor and I’m wearing Black panther pajama pants. Trust me, you don’t have to be professional here… And I’m sorry–for asking.”
“It’s alright,” she ends up saying, mostly thinking that he’s right. She’s about to tell him so when she notices that his eyes have slipped closed. “Let's get you to bed.”
“I’m not gonna sleep,” he grumbles.
“Well if I get you some more magic potion can you lie to me?”
He smiles at that, one side of his mouth going up farther than the other, like in almost every photo she saw of him during her months at Camp Half-Blood. “If you, Reyna Ramírez Allreano, get me more orange pedialyte, I will absolutely fall asleep as soon as I’m in my bed.”
“Glad we’re on the same page.”
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eternaldarknessstuff · 4 years ago
Spideychelle soulmate au Part 1
Ok. So, the timeline is a little off because I wanted MJ to have no clue about Spidey but she’s way too smart for that, so Peter just became Spidey, and MJ, Ned, and Peter became BFF’s earlier than in the movies. ALSO Endgame did happen, but nobody dies, and anything that takes place after it doesn’t happen. Civil War was also different bc Pepper was more involved and made them all talk it out like adults so they are all happy and living in Avengers tower because I am a slut for found family. Also, the soulmate thing is - you lose something your soulmate gets it. Also, in life threatening situations they can feel each others pain to an extent.
    MJ had known since eighth grade that the cute nerdy guy who couldn’t keep his voice down while talking to his best friend was her soulmate. He had a habit of losing pens and notebooks, all of which seemed to be labeled with his name. MJ had grown used to dropping them behind her in the school hallway, or throwing them off her apartment balcony when at home.
    She had only ever lost generic things, hair ties and bobby pins being the most frequent. Then, she had actually become friends with the nerd, and found that she treasured their friendship despite all efforts to remain aloof and by herself.
    After she had found the third backpack next to her, she had planned to approach Peter at school, tell him about all the items he had lost and how they were soulmates, and then, Spider-Man’s mask appeared next to the bag, and MJ froze. 
    She prided herself on knowing everything about everyone, but she hadn’t even considered this to be a possibility. With a little more time, she probably would have figured it out, but Spider-Man had only appeared on the streets a few weeks ago. 
She promptly lost the mask and forgot about it.
MJ had continued to re-lose things, rolling her eyes at how much Peter could lose, while beginning to drop subtle hints that she was his soulmate and she knew who he was. After Iron-Man had gotten involved, there had been a stretch of a few weeks where MJ didn’t receive anything new, and then, New York city happened, Peter had asked Liz to prom, and then, the  Vulture. MJ had monitored her soulmate with bated breath, ready to re-lose anything he lost and save him. 
She had felt the crushing weight of the building on her chest, slipping out of prom and into the library, where she heard Ned being questioned, and she let a hair tie fall from around her wrist as Ned was dragged out. Then, the weight was gone, and MJ felt like she could cry, because Peter was alive! Peter had made it and he was safe, but he wasn’t really, because then MJ could feel scorching heat and terror filling their bond, before everything was gone, and she forced herself to go home.
Liz had left, moving to a new school where everybody didn’t know her dad was a supervillain, and Peter had grown distant, dropping out of activity's because of his ‘Stark Internship,’ which MJ new was code for Spidermanning or two oblivious idiots hanging out and pretending they weren’t father and son. Honestly, MJ had never seen the two together in person, she had only collected bits and pieces of the story from things Peter had lost, and she already new that Stark considered the nerd his son.
Their freshman year had finished, and they were a month into their sophtmore year when Peter had approached MJ, his hands shaking slightly, and his voice cracked as he invited her over after school. She ahd asked if Ned was coming, and he had shook his head, before taking off, and avoiding her for the rest of the day.
That night, he told her about Spider-Man in hushed whispers, and MJ laughed, telling him she had figured it out a while ago. She considered telling him they were soulmates, until Peter started crying, and she decided to wait a little while. She definitely wasn’t scared though. 
She met Tony Stark a month later, while using the key she had ‘borrowed’ from Peter to get into the apartment, her moms last fight with her grandma ringing in her ears. She was prepared for a May hug and a Star Wars marathon with the two nerds, what she wasn’t prepared for however, was the billionaire sitting on May’s old worn couch, which still had the memories of every time they had sat there, the chili spill from the first time MJ had been over, the coffee spill from the all nighter before midterms, and the tear from where Peter had gotten stuck to the couch while telling May about his nighttime activities.
“Stark,” she greeted, raising an eyebrow as the billionaire startled at her presence. 
“You’re the scary one, right?” Tony asked, and MJ narrowed her eyes at him.
“Eat the rich,” she said, before striding past him and into Peters room where she waited for him to return. 
The first time she lost something identifying, Peter had disappeared into the sky with Stark, and MJ could feel anxiety coursing through their bond. She threw her sketchbook out the window of the bus. 
Then, a week had passed in a second, and she was right back where the bus had been, Ned and the majority of their classmates appearing beside her. Her sketchbook was beside her again, and she pushed the fear of Peter knowing aside, pushing herself to help with the cleanup the blip had caused. 
Peter never brought the sketchbook up. 
Their sophomore year ended, and junior year began. MJ was trying to figure out how to tell Peter they were soulmates, while Ned had found his own soulmate, Betty Brant. 
“Oh my god! We have to watch Spider-Man fight!” Someone shouted, and Harrington sighed, before caving and switching the power point to live footage of Spidey fighting aliens. 
“Come on Spidey, come on!” Ned was whispering, and MJ shared the sentiment. 
She glanced away from the screen for one moment, just the one moment it took for her to open her sketchbook to draw her soulmate. It shouldn’t have been enough time for anything to happen, but the classroom erupted into panicked shouts, and a pair of web-shooters appeared on MJ’s desk.
So the blip only happened for a week instead of five years, because the team worked together and Scott was discovered way sooner. Part two should be out tomorrow and I also have plans for the story from Peter’s POV. Lmk if you want to be added to the tag list for the next part!
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years ago
It’s over, Gavin, I have the high ground
This was prompted by a lovely anon! Enjoy some shennanigans!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Characters: Elijah and Gavin
Elijah tapped along to the radio of the automatic taxi he had called. He really wanted to take his own for a spin some time, but he knew people would identify it and he would be the centre of attention once again. He also knew Gavin hated attention and wanted to keep their relationship hidden for as long as possible. Elijah grinned. It had been some time since he had visited his brother and he was looking forward to it. The aftermath of the revolution really had him pinned in the office for an inhumanly number of hours, leaving him to fall asleep on the keyboard more often than his back would like.
But for now, everything had been taken care of and he had promptly decided to spend his first free weekend with his brother. Hurrying across the street with a six-pack of beer and slipping through the door into the apartment building he doubted anyone had seen him. He decided to take the stairs not to be crammed into an elevator with people asking for autographs. Gavin lived on the third floor, that wasn’t too far up anyways. He was actually pretty excited as he stood in front of Gavin’s door, even if it was only eating Chinese take-out, drinking beer and watching movies snacking on an ungodly amount of snacks. It would be just like when they were children and their parents were out to work. He smiled at the memory and that smile quickly turned into a grin as Gavin opened the door.
‘Gavin!’, the CEO greeted him with a tight hug and the other man laughed, patting his back. Why Gavin was so averse to hugs he would never know. But he let him inside where it already smelled heavenly. Elijah had the money to go to any fancy restaurant he desired, but it just wasn’t the same. A tiny piece of meat and salad on a plate that was at least two sizes too big for what they decided to call a meal just couldn’t compete with cheap takeout from a corner store, the container filled to the brim. And it tasted just as good, if not better eaten on the old scratched-up sofa of his brother.
He sat down on it after putting all but two of the beers in the fridge. He opened them while Gavin brought over the food and without further ado they started eating. ‘How was your day? Anything interesting on the police front?’ ‘Really? You talking about work?’ ‘Okay, then how’s the motorcycle coming along?’, Elijah changed topics with a smirk. ‘You know what? Let’s talk about work…’ Elijah laughed at that and shook his head. ‘How long are you working on that damn thing already?’ ‘It’s a classic, okay? And some parts are coming from Europe and not everyone is a millionaire! It needs time and a lot of love.’ ‘Then I know what to buy you for your birthday’, Eli commented, grinning when Gavin stared to the ceiling. ‘No. Don’t you dare. That’s my project. You can buy me literally anything else!’ ‘Except for an android.’ ‘Already got two of them at the station, thank you very much.’ A little quieter he added: ‘Also maybe you’ll get your wish in the end. I might have misread something…’ ‘Told you the guy liked you!’, Elijah cheered triumphantly and raised his half empty beer as if to toast.
‘God, I forgot how unsufferable you are’, Gavin chuckled and put away the empty container. He took his bottle and shook it gently, concluding it was already empty. He shrugged and decided to make a trip to the kitchen, putting away their trash and getting himself a new bottle. ‘What are we watching tonight?’, Eli called over from the living room. ‘It’s a surprise!’ ‘More a Dirty Dancing or an Alien 2 kinda surprise?’, Elijah asked and Gavin groaned. ‘A surprise kinda surprise, idiot’, he laughed coming back. ‘I’m not supposed to tell you. And Dirty Dancing wasn’t that bad.’ ‘Because you had the hots for the guy! Sorry for being the only person you know that’s not gay.’ ‘He looks good though, you have to admit at least that.’ ‘Urgh’, Elijah groaned. ‘Can’t we for once see something not absolutely brain rotting?’ ‘Excuse me?’, Gavin asked pushing out his chest. ‘My movies are an excellent selection from-‘ ‘Yeah, yeah, okay. What are we watching then?’ ‘Oh, you will like it, it’s about two scientists!’ ‘Are they gay?’ ‘Not canonically, but like everyone just went with it, even the actors.’
Instead of giving any more hints, Gavin just switched on the TV and handed Elijah a bowl of popcorn to shut up. Elijah indeed ended up liking the movie, although Pacific Rim really wasn’t about the two scientists at all. But he took it as his little brother projecting and huffed in amusement when the man grinned and excitedly told him in all detail why the second part was shit but simultaneously so, so good.
It stopped being funny when they went back to the selection screen and Elijah watched with horror as the curser closed in on a generic looking cover of a white couple staring at each other with a beach in the background. Elijah was able to endure a lot, meetings with angry board members or politicians that hadn’t had a single clue about the tech they were talking about, about the worst of that. But he wasn’t willing to endure that kind of torture once again. Quick thinking he snatched the remote from Gavin’s hand before he could hit enter and jumped from the sofa. ‘What?!’, Gavin revolted and stood up too, reaching for the treasured power in his brother’s hands. But Elijah just laughed holding it up and out of reach of the man.
‘Phck! Why are you so tall?’ ‘Why are you so small?’, Elijah snickered and could barely hold back laughter as he had to take a step back from his angry brother. ‘I’m warning you, I’m ready to scale you, just to get that remote!’ ‘Oh, really? I would love to see that.’ Elijah was briefly concerned, Gavin would actually try, but as the man stormed at him, all he did was snatch his glasses. He blamed it on his confusion about the manoeuvre that he had dropped his hand enough for Gavin to snatch the remote back. ‘Hah! Try to see now!’
Elijah shook his head, blinking at the sudden change. ‘What? I can still see, dipshit, you took my glasses, not my eyes!’ ‘Dipshit?’, Gavin asked, running off and quickly taking position behind the couch to bolt the moment Elijah moved. ‘That’s like my level of insults, you are supposedly intellectual! Step up your game!’ ‘Oh, come here you waste of ape evolution!’, his brother returned and, very agile for an office worker, leapt over the back rest. ‘Pretty sure that’s stolen from Star Trek!’ ‘But still intellectual, now give me the damn remote, I will not watch your stupid rom-coms until you cry again when the girl runs off and the man tries to get her back, what of course will happen! That’s stupidly predictable, boring and a waste of time!’ ‘But I like it! And I won’t watch your weird French-production stuff, okay?’, Gavin shouted back, having the advantage of police training on his side when Elijah already started panting.
Soon the man had to stop running after Gavin around the dinner table and tried to catch his breath. ‘Okay, what about a compromise? Tron?’ ‘The original one?’ ‘No, the one with Daft Punk.’ ‘Okay, deal, that one is awesome.’
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danddymaro · 4 years ago
My Win | Bucky Barnes x Reader
I’d like to imagine her Suit to be something like Ghost (from Antman And the Wasp) I can’t be the only one that thought she was majorly badass as fuck, right?
Flashbacks are in italics : Example
Thoughts are italics  in quotes : ‘Example’
Wordcount:  4520 
Based During Civil war and afterwards.
My Win 
The sound of frothing, scalding water emitted from the ground as black ink began to manifest over the surface, forming a figure that bubbled into a barely recognizable humanoid form.
Startled, the two elder males stared at the bizarre oddity as the younger one took quick action, having moved far before the phenomenon had occurred.
Peter cried out in surprise, leaping up high and holding onto the ceiling with two slung out webs clutched in each hand, releasing a heavy, jolted breath as he sprung to safety. His arachnid senses spiked, and true to the creature he named himself after, he secured himself with caution from the hot zone as he felt a rise of danger and forbidding.
Something seemingly sinister arose from the ground's surface and a feeling of alarm struck the youth, making him recall every single horror movie he’d sat through, momentarily regretting ever having put himself through the thrilling torture.
‘Monsters aren't real,’‘ he contemplated, ‘...But wait...aliens are...so wouldn’t they be real too?’ His inward voice argued back, causing his thoughts to mash together.
With a dark mist still oozing out from it, the appearing body stood motionless at first, hidden eyes observing the two older men with sharp interest.
Parker swallowed down hard, gathering up all his confidence before deciding to speak, forcing out the words, “So...So...You're not here after me?... right?” he asked shakily, getting a declining nod at his question from the mysterious being.
“I'm here for...
winter soldier,” it said lowly, voice distorted by the mask worn on its face. With a pointed finger aimed at the long-haired brunette, it turned over and signaled him to come towards it with patient, slow curls of its index.
“ come to me...Winter Soldier,” it said as it fizzled out his name like a speaking serpent, urging him to step forward into a vice hold.
Cautiously, Barnes stared at the signaling hand that slowly wagged it’s finger at him as though he were a trained dog.
With his feet firmly planted to the ground, he tightened his fists, feeling his heart grow anxious, feeling it grow heavier than it had already been.
The sentiment traveled from him and struck the masked figure with full force. Stopping the louring motion abruptly, the enigmatic being left stunned instead,
‘I can feel sorrow not grown from my chest... but all the same, it’s nested within me.’ (f/n) thought to herself, all whilst hiding her true face of growing sympathy behind her mask. Her hands both traveled up to hover over her chest, wanting to calm her lamenting heart’s ache, but knowing it was futile because it hadn’t come from her to begin with.
“ One of you has a great burden,” She murmured, the sound coming out as wicked as before, and instead of the soft words, distorted hissing was released out for others to hear.
‘For me to be able to sense it…’ She added silently, knowing her empathy wasn’t a strong gift of hers. In fact, she wouldn’t have known she had such a talent, if not for the scarce moments in her past she’d unknowingly utilized it.
With slow steps ( f/n) walked towards the metal armed man, her eyes focused on him only. cocking her head to the side she looked towards him, her eyes fixed on his, peaked with curiosity.
‘Could it be him?’ she wondered, eyeing the man with uncertainty.
It couldn’t be , right?
“I need you to take him down,” Tony told her, “ Nothing else but bring him in, understand?” he told her firmly, and with a short nod, she agreed, accepting his proposition.
She wanted to use her powers for good… Redeem herself.
“Oh..” he added, stopping her before she drew further from him, “ And watch out for the kid would you ?” he told her.
“ Kid?” she asked him with confusion, “You have a child fighting your battles for you,” she said lowly, her (e/c) eyes glaring at him with frost.
Dragging his hand over his face he gave a low, frustrated sigh, “ In Case you forgot Cap is a handful himself, he can take down an entire army without a sweat,” he told her, “ And his little buddy is even worse, “ He told her.
“Oh, and do I need to remind you Maximoff is off with them? So keep your guard up with her,” he warned her, “Unfortunately, you’ve already witnessed the collateral she can do, and that's unintentional...” he muttered.
“Needless to say, I need every bit of help I can,” he told her with a tight smile.
“The kid is capable, I'm just asking for you to have his back… “ he told her,  "He’s not there for anything else besides restraining Barnes. So if you see him struggling, jump in , ok ?” he asked.
With a strained smile of her own, she agreed, “Very well,” She sighed.
Had it been anyone else she would have opposed. But she knew Stark. She trusted him and his judgment.
After all...if it hadn’t been for him she wouldn’t have the moment to pick sides.
She wouldn't have a choice of free will…
‘Could your heart be so drowned in such suffrage, you reached out to me?’ She wondered, shaking her head of the thought.
‘No...of course not…’
That couldn't be...
“This is your final offer,” she urged him, her steps quickening to come closer to him, but he refused, instead charging himself towards her, his eyes fixed on solely her.
“I’ll take this one,” Barnes told Sam, already moving to confront the new opponent, leaving the other man to keep his eyes trained on the teen instead.
As his hand flew towards the masked being, It was captured within her gloved hand, a mist of dark smoke emitting from her arm, dividing in two. It began to circle his wrist, crawling up his arm like small, twin snakes aimed right at his neck.
His eyes grew wide as he watched the strange occurrence and he began to retract his still balled fist, feeling a resisting opposition hold him back towards the enigmatic being, refusing to give in to his force whether it came straight towards her or drew back.
An echoing tisk came from his opponent and he felt his pride get stomped on yet again, as well as rising panic at the strange vapor coiling around him.
“ Again...” he said lowly, a hiss coming from him as he looked straight forth to where the stranger’s eyes would be located, glaring at the cloaked figure with aggravation,
‘First that damned kid… and now this...this thing!’ He thought with dismay.
“ I don’t even know what to call that,’ He added lowly while eyeing the being.
“ wow, really impressive there…” Sam said flatly, seconds before being shot with a sticky web and flying back to the wall behind him, bouncing off of the hard structure with a wheeze.
“Shut up and take care of that damn kid!” Bucky snapped, deciding to lunge forward, jerking his shoulder, his entire body shooting right towards the opposing force instead, following up by a brutish strike from his forehead.
Immediately, his tightened fist was released and the cloaked figure stumbled back, feet struggling to maintain balance from the sudden headbutt.
“IM TRYING!” Sam huff out as he attempted to wiggle out from the sticky strings of white snugly tightened around his upper body. “... it's just so damn hard when everyone has a stupid gimmick now!” He cried out, the force of his mechanical wings finally tearing through the restraint.
Once again he was up, taking air and focusing himself onto the young, talkative boy as he continued to jabber on during the battle.
For a fraction of a second, his espresso colored eyes strayed over to Barnes, just on time to see him get a good upper hand on his opponent, leaving him confident to keep the boy in his center of attention.
With repeated strikes to the lower ribcage on each side, Bucky attacked Stark’s ally, executing a final uppercut before sending his metal arm to sling forward, right at the center of (f/n)’s face, causing her to fall back, her body sliding across the ground as it landed.
Groaning, (f/n) arched her back, rolling over to the side with a harsh intake of breath as Bucky came to step onto her stomach.
Fortunately for her, her quick reflexes made him miss, getting nothing but ground and small debris.
Taking advantage of his misconnection she swung her entire arm, the balled fist she formed catching the back of his knee and making him fall to the ground as well. However, to her frustration, he managed to pin her down, his stronger arm falling far behind him to once again strike her masked face.
Cursing under her breath she turned her head to the side, tearing away the bothersome cover from over her face with a frustrated cry.
With a harsh breath, she snapped her face back to look up at him as he was ready to deliver another strike, her (e/c) colored eyes hardened with resolve, willing to take the strike head-on, but only with the promise of vengeance.
However, at the sight of her, he stopped his balled fist loosening,
“You're... a girl ?” he said airily, surprised at the face before him, the same one that had been blessed by feminine beauty. With complete awe his eyes strayed towards her (e/c) colored eyes, feeling himself go nearly weightless as a result of their bewitching nature.
Her lips were parted with a small ‘o’ being visible, her eyebrows raised high in shock. Long, dark lashes fanned over her face as she blinked at him with surprise, stunned as he stopped, not having expected the action.
She had been motionless at first, stuck like he was until she took notice of the look of shock on his own face. It was then that her expression began to change before his eyes.
Her (e/c) eyes peppered with little twinkles and she held back her laughter, which had been successfully calmed into a small, suppressed giggles, leaving him even more stupefied.
She took advantage of his memorization and switched their positions, leaving him to be captured beneath her instead.
His arms were spread out, held down by their wrists by the same power she had demonstrated before, leaving him completely defenseless,
“Are you afraid of me?” she asked him softly, a sweet tone fired directly at him, coated with sickly sugar. Both her hands cupped his cheeks, gently caressing them before crawling down to his neck.
He could feel his skin riddled with small risen bumps, and he swallowed down hard,
“James...Don’t fear me,” she said with the same saccharine tone, her eyes glowing, illuminated like a feline in the night.
And it seemed as though behind her (e/c) eyes a flashlight was set off, glowing magnificently.
'Could it be he's more afraid of me like this?' She asked herself.
He felt a ghastly grip coiling around his neck, shutting out the oxygen supply from reaching him, causing him to panic.  fighting her back, he managed to push her off,  immediately jumped back from her, hacking and clawing at his neck to feel nothing there.
With a foxy smirk she stared him down, watching him step back from her with cautionary steps like she had become some disease-riddled fiend, and one-touch from her would make him drop dead.
He seemed to be more afraid of her now than before when she had seemed like a monstrous entity, as each step she took towards him, he withdrew himself further by three.
‘ Because I'm a girl…? Is that why?’ she asked herself amused. ‘ That’s really cute…’
“ Oh I see…” she murmured, getting a better understanding, “ Don't tell me it hurts your pride ?” she said cooing at him, teasing him as her smirk grew into a toothy grin.
She showed him all her teeth, grinning at him like a Cheshire cat, all too entertained by the look of shock still plastered over his face, and moreso by the obvious effect of her inquiry.
He shut his mouth, holding back any remark he had because he wouldn’t dare satisfy her.
She wanted to play mind games with him, and he wasn't going to allow himself to be used again… not ever.
Admittedly it had stung at his pride, pinned under a pretty girl and getting his ass handled by some kid that sounded like he had yet to hit puberty earlier on,
So yeah...maybe he was bitter about it.
Her (e/c) colored eyes dashed towards her side to find a small chunk of cement, and with a swing to her right arm, she coated it in her dark power, chucking it towards him.
However,  with a quick defensive maneuver, he lifted his arm in front of him, his metallic forearm taking the strike head-on and saving the rest of him from severe damage.
Seeing him deflect her attack smoothly , she huffed, annoyed.
“This ends now,” She said lowly, finding no enjoyment in the prolonged quarrel.
Her body then began to levitate from the ground, ‘ I’ve wasted too much time,’ She thought with annoyance, no longer finding enjoyment in the matter, knowing that letting it go on any further would be a mistake.
She drew her arms up, rising far above her head and cutting through the air. “ No hard feelings,” she said under her breath, lifting her eyes to the two men in her vision.
Bucky was still on the ground, getting up from one knee, and as for Sam, he was hovering above his companion, scanning Peter through his eye-wear to try and find a loop somewhere.
“Move out of the way kid,” she said addressing Peter, who quickly leaped to her side, standing on top of the broken rubble, huddling close to the cracked wall. “Yes mam, “ he said landing, standing at full length and staring in wonder as he saw everything before him coated with a layer of dark ink.
“That's so cool,” he said breathlessly, his brown eyes growing large beneath his mask. He itched to touch the strange coating, his fingers twitching in wonder, wanting to know how the strange aura would feel at his own hand but held back from doing so.
Looking to her side secretly, she gave the faintest smile, melted by the youth’s astonishment,
‘He really is just a kid…’ She thought to herself.
She had been told he was just a teenager, a young boy still, something she had skepticism in.
‘ Stark’s an idiot...’ She thought with a shake of her head.
The kid had no business messing with problems he didn't know about… but then again…
‘ So am I… Because this isn't  any of my business either.’
She began to lift up all of the broken rubble and objects scattered around the bit fo area, taking in a harsh breath, feeling herself strain.
'I have to make it count,'
She was then ready to strike, but Falcon flew towards her, spearing her right at her midsection, and making her fly back, the breath being knocked out of her. His arms began to circle around her, planning to slam her down when Parker intervened.
With a web sticking towards Sam’s back,  pulling him away with all his strength, Spiderman sent the soaring man flying the opposite direction, effectively tying him up in the process.
Moving quickly, he swung towards the woman, shooting out a web to stick to the center of her chest before she collided with the hard ground,
“ I've got you!” he exclaimed, pulling her up towards him, bringing her close to his own body, arm wrapping around her and securing her in a tight grip,
"Pretty good huh?" he asked her, receiving an appreciative nod. "A quick thinker," she said truthfully.
“Nice," he muttered, " So...could you put a good word in for me for mister Stark?” he asked her as he shot out another web, “ it’s just..I’ve really got to impress him,” he added with small hope, embarrassed to ask such a thing and with a strong heave she hung her head,
“Sure kiddo,” she said sighing, relieved to have been saved from the nasty fall.
Just then a small, red mechanism shot towards them. Instantaneously, they both caught sight of it, but all too late.
The arm that had secured a web to the ceiling was captured and tied by redwing as it continued to fly out, dragging the two along with it.
They both hollered as they were chucked outside, shooting out from the building and dropped immediately afterward.
Her eyes bugged, and frantically she clawed at the air, only to find herself falling further.
‘calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down!’ She repeatedly told herself, taking in a deep breath, vapor seeping out from her entire body, slowing her fall.
She gave a sigh of relief before she remembered the other falling person at her side, “ The boy!” she exclaimed, shooting out her hand to him, also coating him in the strange aura, “ I've got you Spiderboy!” she said with a happy smile, straightening herself out, her feet stretched out beneath her for when she landed safely.
Together they descended like falling snowflakes, worry-free of harsh impact,
“It's actually spiderman,” he said sheepishly, waving his hands up and down, wiggling his legs back and forth too, feeling weightless.
“So," he started, " The powers," he added, interested in what amazing event brought them forth.
“I was just born weird... normal mom, normal dad,” she said chuckling, taking notice of how his shoulders slumped in disappointment.
“You?” she said interested, truly peaked with interest as to how he came about his own powers,
"Is it you, or the suit,?" She asked him.
"It's me," He replied, “They came from a Radioactive spider when it bit me” he answered her with a shrug as though it wasn’t impressive which would be far from true.
"Radio-active spider…" she muttered dumbly.
‘How bizarre…’ She thought to herself.
“I’m so sorry, I didn't ask for your name!” he said with worry.
“(f/n) (l/n),” she said welcomely, but he crossed his arms, and though she couldn't see it, he pouted.
“What's wrong?” she asked him.
"I didn't think you'd give me your actual name," he admitted with disapproval, “ Don’t you go by something cooler?” he asked her, making (f/n) repeatedly blink at him with a blank expression. “I should have one...shouldn't I ?” she asked with amusement, chuckling.
“Later on you can help me out, deal?” she asked him, and with a crudely performed salute, he agreed, “ Awesome! I already have a couple in mind!” he told her.
“ Then let’s save that for later, right now we’ve got to go kick some butt,” she told him, forming a tightly balled fist, jutting it up into the air.
Unfortunately, Rogers had fled, taking the wanted man along with him, the (h/c) haired woman left huffing, annoyed due to their earlier encounter.
( A Couple of years after)
With a deadpan expression, she set her eyes forward, not actually staring at anything in particular, instead just avoiding looking at the man that fell into step beside her.
“Come on Doll, after all that talk before, now you've got nothing to say?” he asked her, chuckling.
“ I knew you were a sore loser, “ she started, “ but a sore winner too?” she said with flattened astoundment, gazing her eyes over to him to see that darned grin of his as he maintained his attention towards her and moreso her obvious annoyance.
“Me, a sore loser?” he asked her, snickering, “ I Don’t recall a time you have ever had me beat,” he said shrugging.
Raising her brow, she began to grow a haughty smirk, “Did you really just say that Barnes?” she challenged him.
‘You're just begging for it,’ She thought with amusement.
"I didn't stutter," he said with an eye roll. " Or did I ?" He added.
"Oh… Ohohoho," she began to laugh, waiting to settle down from her chuckle before she put him down.
“Say, Buck,” She started, “ Remember when I beat you up?” She said with complete seriousness.
And at the mention, Bucky immediately settled down from his earlier merriment and prepared himself for a loaded serving of humble pie.
Slowly, (f/n) lost her composure. Laughing jovially, she held her stomach as the soreness from her earlier workout strained her.
Bucky could run faster than her all he wanted, and pick on her all he wanted afterward as well, but the win she had on him that day she met him would always be on the scoreboard, carved into it to always remain.
Grumbling he crossed his arms, “You didn't beat me up,” He argued with a flat look, staring dead at her with steel-cut eyes, and it tickled her even more to see him practically pouting.
The grown man was pouting like some cute, little baby...
“What happened to not being a sore loser?” She said giggling, shoving him aside and moving along with a perky walk. “I just knew you'd get all pouty and in denial,” she added, making sure he heard her, despite their growing distance.
“ Oh! And then before that you had your run-in with Petey,” She added, making sure to remind him of that fail too. Spinning on her heel to walk backward, she focused her eyes on him,
 “I saw him manhandle that itsy bitsy punch of yours.” she tisked, loving the growing distraught on his face.
He gaped for a few moments before shutting his mouth and glancing at his side in a scorned manner,
“ Doesn't ring a bell. “ He said under his breath, glowing red at the recollection.
Possibly one of the most embarrassing moments of his life was having some 15-year-old brat cancel him out so easily, and then on top of that throw him around a couple of times for good measure.
“Did... Not... happen,” he claimed.
The sound of crunching ground was heard coming closer as their dark-skinned friend finally caught up to them, having been pushed aside by the two earlier on as they had a childish race to finish their afternoon run.
Truth be told, the only reason (f/n) even caught up to Bucky was because she flew through the last few laps.
It technically counted…
' The deal was to finish the rounds,' she defended herself. Because nothing was said about not running them, the deal was to just pass them.
“ Oh no, he’s pouting again,” Sam said while calming down his breathing, coming to match the other two's calm pace.
Nodding (f/n) confirmed it, “Say… you were there too Sam, remember when I kicked Bucky's ass?” she asked.
Sam started speaking, about to leave his poor boy in shame when he was cut off by a quick elbow to the rib, not hard enough to break anything, but enough to leave him behind.
'Not now.' Bucky thought to himself, shooting a grimacing side glance at the hurt male.
Hissing Sam doubled over, being left behind by the walking pair yet again. “Real mature!” he said out loud, deciding to rest on the concrete ground.
His legs hurt, his muscles had begun to ache and on top of that the metal armed baby decided to hit him.
"I need a break," he grumbled.
(F/n) gave him a quick glance back, craning her neck to look behind Bucky to where Sam sat and shook her head, sighing as she redirected her attention back to Bucky.
“You're such a diva. “ she commented, rolling her eyes for good measure.“Is it so hard to admit I beat you up?”She asked him.
“You didn't beat me up!” he insisted. “ last I remember I had you down on the floor, remember that?” He asked her, making her stare at him with confusion, one she exaggerated and faked of course,
“ Doesn't ring a bell,” she said shrugging,” Not in a million years,” she challenged him, before he used one of his legs to make her stumble.
He seemed to dip her low before falling with her, supporting himself on a knee at first.
She landed safely as one of his hands stayed behind her head and wide-eyed she looked up at him as he sat on top of her.
“I remember it went something like this,” he told her, smirking.
“Remember me?” He said holding her down, smirking at the vexed expression she gave him, her teeth bared as she pressed them tightly together.
“ What's the matter doll? Don't tell me it hurts your pride.” he sang, glaring down at her with the same boastfulness she had shown him earlier.
His two hands gripped her wrists, holding her down with the point of his nose grazing over hers.
“Or Are you afraid of me?” he added tauntingly.
“You have some nerve,” she said lowly, not backing down from his stare-down.
Keeping her eyes on him she melted into the ground, her body turning into dark mist and escaping .
Oh, it made her heart race, remembering just how he held her down, thinking about it as he did the same during the present time,
“Fine,"  she muttered, “just get off,” She said huffing. “You proved your point,” she added, giving in easily, her will to fight him back sucked out of her.
Her quick submission made him grow suspicious and before long he grew to understand why,
“Hold on...wait…” he said softly, “ Are you being shy?” he said surprised, raising his two brows up high and grinning wildly at the discovery that she could actually glow so brightly, and in such an adorable manner.
It wasn’t like her to be so off guard, much less cave in so easily.
Heck, she was like a mule sometimes , hardheaded and stubborn.
An admirable trait on some days, absolutely annoying on others.
As he asked her that , she grew even more flustered, “Roll your big ass off me now!” she screeched, pushing him away, repeatedly shooting her palms straight towards his chest to get him off.
“Oh your so cute, “ he said laughing. “...But if you really wanted me off, you would have just done it already, like before,” he commented, coming down closer to her, making her face glow darker with rouge.
“Face it...you like it when I'm right here ... on top of you.” He said lowly. 
“Barnes… I'll make sure you lose that other arm of yours, “ She threatened him.
“You’re so cute,” he said dismissing her vicious warning, looking down at her with a sweet smile.
“I’m being serious,” she said gruffly. "I'll tear it clean off," she added.
"I know, and I love that," He replied back, causing her flustered state to rise.
Now a long way from them Sam rolled his eyes, cupping his hands over his mouth, “ Get a room you two!” he said out loud, before beginning to stand.
"So..." Bucky said suggestively, causing (f/n) to chuckle,
"You wanna go-"
"Shut up," she huffed, interrupting him.
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tarisilmarwen · 5 years ago
RobStar Week 2020, Day 5 - Rescue
(This one was my second favorite to do.)
Cinderblock bellowed as he pitched the lifted piece of metal scaffolding at them.  Cyborg ducked and Beast Boy morphed into a sparrow to evade but Robin caught the piece full in the stomach, grunting and doubling over as it knocked him from his feet, carrying him clean over the side of the pier and into the water below.
The chilly autumn saltwater blasted around his head and body in a stream of furious bubbles as he hit, and the scaffolding sank into the bay, down, down, dragging Robin down with it.
Robin struggled against its weight several moments.  A sliver of panic poked through him as he felt his back hit the muddy bottom.
He looked up frantically towards the surface, not even fifteen feet above him, but still agonizingly far away.  His hands pulled on a beam, tugging, hands slipping around the slick metal.
The heavy piece of construction material wouldn't budge.  It had settled on the harbor floor, wedging him in place, pinned down by the corner pressing into his stomach.
Robin's legs kicked loosely.  His hands scrabbed at the beam on his midsection, fumbling towards his belt, but his tools were just underneath the thick metal in a way that made them inaccessible and his throat was tightening and he was running out of breath.
His wide eyes flashed up towards the rippling ocean surface and the air above him, horribly out of reach.
On the other side of the construction site, Starfire and Raven blasted twin streams of energy into the sloppy, gelatinous pieces of Plasmus.
The pieces screeched, melting apart and dissolving into amorphous goop, laying in splotchy patches on the concrete.
The main body of the creature wobbled and teetered, exhausted from the fight, finally breaking open and spilling the man inside onto the ground, where he moaned softly.
Starfire panted hard, but didn't relax, glancing over at Raven and seeing that the other girl had stiffened, her violet eyes widening slightly.
Cold fear started trickling through her.  Their fight was over and yet Raven's face was paling, which meant she must be sensing something through her bond with Robin.
Which meant something had gone wrong.
She stepped towards her friend, worry beating through her heart.  "Raven?" she called.
Raven shook herself, raising her hands.
"We need to get back to the boys," she just said urgently.  "Now."
Starfire didn't need to be told twice, stepping quickly closer as Raven's black energy swelled up around them.
Cinderblock sprawled on the dock behind him as Cyborg watched the water's surface anxiously.  He had been acutely aware of Robin's absence at his back, a slow-growing anxious panic building inside him.
Robin had been under too long.
Beast Boy had dove in almost before Cinderblock had finished falling, morphing before he hit the water, becoming a large shark.
Now a fin broke the water, followed by Beast Boy's head as he morphed back, and then Robin's, limp and lolling forward.
Cyborg leaned down at once, stretching out as Beast Boy kicked back for the dock, one arm slashing through the water until he was within range.
His metal hands slipped under Robin's armpits as Beast Boy lifted him up.
Cyborg hauled Robin onto the dock, trying not to think about how limp and quiet and pale he was.  Beast Boy scrabbled his way up onto the wooden pier momentarily, shaking the water off, biting his lip until it hurt as Cyborg checked first with his arm sensors and then manually at Robin's neck.
A swish of magic sounded and then Raven and Starfire were there, running up, Starfire already looking horrified and panicked.
Cyborg leaned his ear down over Robin's face, then straightened.
"Weak pulse, but he's not breathing," he told them, carefully tilting the boy's head to begin resuscitation.
He managed a single cycle of breaths before the girls reached them, Beast Boy biting his nails the whole time.
To his surprise, Starfire was the one who shoved Cyborg aside first, grabbing up Robin's head, sealing her mouth over his and...
...Well, it looked like some kind of rescue breathing, but no kind Beast Boy had ever seen.  Some Tamaranian technique maybe.
Starfire's lips were practically biting Robin's and Beast Boy was fairly certain her tongue was down his throat, but a moment later he forgot his curiosity as Robin's diaphragm gave a sharp twitch.
Then he gargled.
Then Starfire detached, long tongue retracting quickly into her mouth and Robin choked, coughing up, turning his head over and expelling small mouthfuls of water into the wood under his right arm.
Relief pinged through the Titans, and it was obvious Starfire was holding herself back from throwing her arms around Robin.  She sat back, her hands curled happily over her chest, expression elated as she watched him gasp and cough, slowly regaining color and recovering his breath.
Raven knelt down, looking him over in concern.  "You okay?" she asked.
Robin pressed a hand to the base of his neck, swallowing and making a face.  "Ngh..." he groaned.  He sat up, touching a hand reassuringly to Starfire's arm as he shook his head.  "My throat feels gross," he complained.
Starfire ducked her head, scrunching up sheepishly.  She tapped the ends of her index fingers together, avoiding eye contact.  "Forgive me," she said.  "I... may have used secretions from my tongue to... stimulate your gag reflex."
He looked askance at her.
The other Titans were silent for an awkward moment.
"It is a Tamaranian first aid technique.  For drowning victims," Starfire elaborated, hiding her face outright now, blushing furiously.
"Was that... safe?" Robin asked, his eyebrows scrunching slightly.
"For humans, I am... not sure," Starfire admitted.  Her hands were wringing together now, agitated.  "But... you were so still and... and Cyborg said you were not breathing so..."
Sudden tears welled up in her eyes and she gave a cry, throwing herself on him, arms grabbing him tightly.
"Oh Robin!" she cried in distress.  "I thought I was going to lose you!"
He grunted a bit from her sudden affection, but immediately wrapped his arms around her back, squeezing her reassuringly.
"Hey.  It's okay," he whispered.  "It's okay, you didn't lose me.  You saved me."
She hiccuped, burying her eyes in his neck and sniffling softly.
Raven cleared her throat.
The two became aware of the other three still awkwardly standing there around them and pulled away, though they didn't let go of each other.
Raven spoke in a neutral monotone.  "You injured anywhere else or are you okay?" she asked.
Robin touched a hand to his side and grimaced.  "I think the beam might have cracked a rib," he said.  "And I'm definitely bruising."
Cyborg glanced at his arm scanner.  "Well, doesn't look like you've got any internal bleeding.  And I'm not reading any reactions to Starfire's, erm..."  He trailed off a moment, his expression looking like he very much wanted not to think about it.  "...'secretions'," he finished.
"Don't embarrass her, she saved my life," Robin chided, kicking Cyborg's knee a bit with his toe.
"Yeah but it's still gross," Beast Boy said, turning aside to mutter about weird alien biology.
Starfire gripped his wrist, standing, helping him gingerly to his feet.  She was trembling slightly, the emotional rush of her fear and then her relief still vibrating through her.
He was right.  It was okay.  He hadn't drowned.
He was safe.
Her heart swelled with warmth as he turned a grateful look up to her, whispering a reverent, "Thank you." and she just squeezed his arm tighter in response.
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gt-fluff-n-stuff · 4 years ago
G/T headcanons for the Host Club
Nobody asked but I need comfort fuel and maybe someone else will appreciate this post. This is basically some headcanons about how the hosts would react/behave (in my opinion) with a small reader.
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Lets start with the King himself!
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· First encounter would be hell for you considering Tamaki would immediately reach for you and scoop you up in his palm.
· He wants to touch you and pick you up all while being his loud self.
· After seeing your expressions of fear he catches on that you are terrified of him.
· He takes his voice down a couple notches before officially introducing himself.
· He would want to introduce you to the rest of the host club but the moment you tell him you’re not too comfortable with that yet he would understand.
· Suoh thought that commoners lived weird lives but hearing how you lived was like talking to an alien species from a planet lightyears away.
· Tamaki blushes when he feels you cling to his neck while you sit on his shoulder.
· This man would dote on you 24/7 without hesitation. Giving you loving pet names.
· From day 1 Tamaki would feel protective of you…maybe overprotective.
· Boundaries are definitely something you would have to set with him. Picking you up without warning, cheek pokes etc.
· After you explain that his action are uncomfortable he would try his best to be respectful.
· If you decided to live with Tamaki you already know this boy would not hesitate to accommodate any need you may have,
· “Do you need a little bed? Or a wardrobe? Is that blanket too rough?”
· You usually end up sleeping on the pillow next to him. It’s pretty comfortable.
· Overall you feel safe with Suoh.
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· When Kyoya comes across you it feels like a hawk has spotted you. His gaze is so intimidating for a solid minute you just wouldn’t move.
· Unlike Tamaki he would not just reach down to pick you up. This man would crouch down on one knee to try and seem less intimidating.
· “Well, are you going to say anything or just stare?”
· Kyoya would feel awkward about holding you for the first few times.
· “Is this okay? Make sure you hold on tight in case I trip.”
· Once you grow closer with him, you tend to lay across his shoulder and watch him work on budgeting the host club’s finances.
· Kyoya is curious about where you came from and how your life has been so far. He’s a great listener.
· He has notes about your life.
· Kyoya wasn’t too thrilled to introduce you to the host club out of caution for your safety.
· He makes sure while the guests are there you are safe in his coat pocket.
· Every now and then he would give a soft little pat to his pocket just to feel you in it.
· You tend to poke light at Kyoya when he’s feeling down to try and lift his spirits and he appreciates it a lot.
· Anytime you get sick he makes soup (or at the least he has someone else make soup) for you and stays by your side until you feel better.
· One time you woke him up from his sleep and you felt like you witnessed a giant demon hovering over you.
· “It is a good thing you’re cute.”
· Loves flustering your little self for his own amusement.
· There’s a soft side of Kyoya you see that the others do not.
· You make Kyoya feel important whenever you hold on tight to him. All he can think about is keeping you close.
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· She’s shocked to see someone so tiny but out of all the host members she’s the most respectful in the first encounter.
· Kneeling down, she’d ask if you were okay or if you needed help.
· She’d reassure you she means no harm.
· Haruhi keeps you a secret for as long as she can but it would be the twins to find out about you due to how nosey they are.
· She sets up a safe place for you to sleep at her house.
· Anytime you seem uncomfortable with something she does her best to get you out of the situation.
· You’ve managed to get separated in the grocery store a few time, which was equally scary for both of you.
· Definitely fall in love with her cooking even if its something simple.
· Meeting Haruhi’s dad was almost like meeting Tamaki with more questions and less touching.
· Whenever you’re chilling on Haruhi’s shoulder she makes sure to be careful with you and how she moves.
· Introducing you to the hosts was difficult for Haruhi to watch without wanting to hold on tight to you.
· Haruhi trusts in you to not get hurt and out of all the hosts you get the most time to yourself to do whatever.
· “Let me know if they cause you any trouble. They can be a handful 101% of the time.”
· This girl has taught you how to see the positives in life no matter how hard it may be.
· At school you would definitely chill in her bag.
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· Kaoru would spot you before you spot him.
· He would definitely lift you up by the collar of your shirt in curiosity.
· It wouldn’t register to him how scary it is for you until you’re either yelling at him or crying.
· He would apologize and set you in his hand.
· Kaoru has a habit of poking your cheek when you’re not paying attention.
· The younger twin wouldn’t rush to tell Hikaru about you but he would not actively hide you from him.
· Kaoru seems more relaxed than his brother which in return makes being around him feel less stressful.
· It would not take long for you to feel safe with this boy.
· Whenever you seem worried or frightened, he would gently reassure you that he would be there by your side.
· “(Y/n) It’s okay, as long as I’m around nothing bad will ever happen to you. I promise.”
· And I mean he barely leaves your side.
· Your safety and comfort would always be on this sweet bean’s mind
· And your clothes. Oh this boy.
· Giving you the highest quality clothes you could ever ask for was almost a priority for him.
· “Do you like how that feels? Is it too costumey?”
· You would have to remind him constantly clothes don’t mean much to you as long as they keep you agile and comfy.
· He would often watch you do your own thing just completely in awe with how you function.
· Kaoru around the others with you I got one word. Possessive.
· I’d say that more than protective because its not that he distrusts the hosts, he just doesn’t want to leave your side.
· “Please be safe. Don’t fall off anything.”
· At times it can be annoying how much this twin feels the need to protect you but he means the best. You talk to him about needing your own space and time and he’ll pout but he will definitely learn to back off and breathe.
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· This boy has 2 braincells and handling a tiny human is definitely not something he can do without scaring the daylights out of you.
· “What the hell are you?!”
· Cue this twin holding you by your damn leg in front of his face.
· At some point you have to straight up fuss at him to set you down.
· “Jeez my bad.”
· Hikaru has to learn to be gentle and being around you is hard for him at first.
· “Fuck I forgot you were there can’t you watch where you’re going...Sorry.”
· He has so many questions about everything you do.
· “What the hell are you even wearing? How do you not know what sushi is? Your people don’t have fancy food?”
· When you warm up to him though he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
· Anytime you lean against him all he wants to do is protect you.
· Sometimes he’ll just pull you against him and pet your head until you fall asleep.
· Similar to Kaoru he makes sure you have everything you need to be comfortable.
· Sometimes it takes tough love to get through his thick skull and after dealing with this boys shenanigans for long enough you definitely are not afraid to share your mind.
· Hikaru is a tease though and takes any chance he has to compare you to something small.
· Whenever he gets a smirk on his face you feel a shiver down your spine.
· Hikaru would be the first to give you “fancy tuna”
· Also lots of pranks so prepare your heart for him to pop out of nowhere.
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· The first time you see Mori you damn near have a heart attack.
· He’s not the tallest human you’ve seen but he is definitely the tallest human to personally handle you.
· When he first sees you he freezes. Afraid that he may crush you accidentally with one wrong move. Honestly you had not even noticed the teen behind you until you turned around. With Mori you would be the first one to break the silence.
· Mori cautiously crouches down to hold his hand out to you and is so slow to lift you, you get a little impatient.
· You’re a little uncomfortable being so high up from the ground when Mori holds you but you trust the giant not to drop you.
· As you get closer to him you both begin to open up to each other. His voice is soothing and makes you feel safe.
· Because he is so observant it doesn’t take long for him to notice what makes you uncomfortable, happy, upset etc.
· Mori is good at getting you to talk about how you feel.
· He gives you gentle nudges whenever you seem down.
· “Do you want to talk about it, or do you want a hug?”
· Oh Mori Hugs. Sometimes it was hard to not choose hug each time.
· The other hosts have a hard time handling you without Takashi watching them from wherever he is.
· Gave you a push pin for self-defense because he’s Mori and he cares about you.
· He likes being by your side because he feels like he can be his authentic self with you and trusts you not to judge him.
· 100% loves when you nap on his chest with his hand gently over you.
· Overall Takashi is a huge protective softy and you can not help but feel loved and protected with him.
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· At first you think you’re staring at the face of a kid.
· Honey talks your ear off when you first meet him.
· He asks you so many questions you are not sure where to start or how to answer.
· Mitskuni is super gentle with you and makes sure to take caution whenever you’re on his shoulder.
· He always shares his sweets with you and checks on your comfort.
· Mitskuni may have told the hosts about you as soon as he found you.
· It’s a bit overwhelming trying to catch your breath with Honey’s energy.
· Honey loves to talk to you and about you. Hearing your name puts him in a good mood.
· Honestly you could say he hugs you more than Usa Chan.
· Mitskuni tells you how adorable you are constantly.
· This boy will get you out of your shell so fast.
· He always gets your opinion before doing something so you can feel heard.
· Like his cousin, Mitskuni is super observant of your mannerisms and does his best to not make you uncomfortable.
· He is so good with communication you rarely feel like there is anything you need to hide from him.
· Since he sits on Takashi’s shoulders at time, it can feel overwhelming to be so high up. But you also find it relaxing to not be below everyone.
· At home you have your own space to relax and be by yourself. Honey knows how overwhelming the hosts can be at time and respects that you need your time by yourself.
· Sometimes you literally just sleep on his head since his hair is so fluffy. And speaking of sleep, you’re surprisingly not afraid to wake him up.
· The most he does is glare at you and get over it 20 minutes later. Which you find hilarious.
· He’s the sweetest out of the hosts.
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anteroom-of-death · 5 years ago
Life, for Dummies p8
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a/n: *tyra banks voice* the master, but make it domestic. sorry all, tumblrs tags didn’t populate part 7 in the tags. but hey! lemon! romance! a little spice...
You woke with a curious yet lazy start, the smell of coffee and other breakfast-y type scents were drifting in your bedroom door. The sun was lazing in and your ceiling fan was twisting around giving you a hypnotic white noise. You dreamt the Master had returned for you, that he was genuinely sorry, it was confusing, but you shook it off and enjoyed the morning. 
Then it dawned on you: the scent of coffee? Food? How could that happen. You were in another room. You were suddenly in not such an enjoyable mood. You grabbed your screwdriver and crept out to the kitchen and found him at your table, he was reading a well-worn copy of 50 Shades of Grey.
“Morning, I thought you’d never wake! Coffee, just how you like it. I also made those things you like.” He smiled and placed it down, clearly on best behaviors. He pointed out his place setting for you, complete with daffodils and a paper towel folded like a swan.
“Is Gallifrey a hood in Boston?” You querched up and eyebrow and eyed up the coffee tentatively. He was good, remembering that you needed coffee for any basic functions to happen. You smelled it and took a few cautious half sips. His coffee was better tasting than you remembered.
“Hmm?” He asked, clearly confused. You indulged him in an elaboration. “You are certainly brown-nosing like a little Masshole.” 
“That slang for people that are from Massachusetts, yeah?” He seemed a tad more confused, but he got the gist of the sentiment.
“Finding your inner goddess?” You lightly mocked his choice of reading material.
“Oh yes! I was out of touch with her for a while...I think I might go back to my chemises and corsets…” 
You’d seen Missy from a distance once when you landed on a planet and she was looking for hats on the Planet of the Hats, you could admit, Missy was an experience from the ten seconds you saw her and the fact she vaporized a shopkeeper for having nothing that matched her favorite overcoat. 
You shook your head and gave a chuckle.
“I’d like to see it.”
“Come with me, and maybe you will…” He alluded smoothly. 
You pointed at your mug of coffee, “I haven’t finished my coffee, therefore, I’m still thinking.” You were firm. You still didn’t know exactly what to think of this all. You were still very angry and very hurt, yet exchanging pleasantries with him like it was no big deal. There was a slight tension in the air, but it wasn't an overt cloud of angst. Perfectly palatable, and doable. Enjoyable even.
“Alight.” He gave you some time and went back to his reading. 
The food was phenomenal, you had to give them that. He even drizzled a little bit of maple syrup in the corner of the plate into a smiley face. Cute.
He was begging in the only way he knew how. As much as you would enjoy him begging more, last night's awkward display of the man who has all the words choking at the idea of sentence formation had you in enough stitches for several lifetimes. 
You may be a tad bit of a sadist, but you weren’t that big of one.
You let out a sigh, “You have to promise me that you’re all in. You’re not going to pull more nonsense. You’ll also let me put in my two weeks.Maybe even go through a bit of couple’s therapy if need be. You will also not wig out if we meet her again. You. Are. All. In…” You laid out your demands in a succinct voice.
“Lasty, you are not going to take that damned collar off me again once it's on. You are in this ride for the long run. No backing out for any reason…” You forced yourself to say it with a blank face to let him know that you were dead serious. 
“All but the therapy and you got yourself a deal.” He offered his hand out as a deal signer. You took it. 
“Man’s only as good as his word.” You muttered, but meant for him to hear.
He smiled at the deal. 
“I can be domestic around here!” He clapped. 
“What?” You staggered back.
“Two weeks of work? And I can show you how good I can be…” The words played out like he was making fun of himself being at the mercy of another. 
You rolled your eyes and smiled and rubbed your temples. Your usual migraine was flaring up. You just let him bustle around as you went about your day, clearly in servicing behaviors. Just because the Master was in town didn’t give you the benefit of getting sloppy with your days.
After you got done with everything you sat down and started drafting your resignation letter, casually posing the question, “‘You and our team were a pleasure to work alongside of…’ or ‘It has been a pleasure working alongside the whole sales team…’” 
“Pardon?” He paused his tinkering on your security system. 
“My resignation letter. Have you ever heard of one?” You dragged slightly, it’s not like Time Lords has Human Resource Management. Insane bureaucrats that they were…”What sounds more diplomatic?”
“The first…” He walked over and peered over at your laptop, peering over to parse through your letter. “Yeah..that is definitely better. Sounds more chipper.” 
You went on and worked.
Monday eventually came and you printed your letter out and delivered it to the boss.
“Furthering your education?”
“Oh, yeah. Got accepted to a university in Galloway.” You said. The Master thought it would be funny for the play on words due to a Master’s Degree being something a human could earn and Galloway being a place and sounding like Gallifrey. You let him keep it in. As if it would be verified and you’d actually be here to suffer the repercussions. A funny little white lie to fraud you over until you died at the hands of some alien in another galaxy. No big deal.
“Well, congrats! Didn’t know you were looking to further your education! We’ll miss you around here…” Your heart fell a bit, the staff here were all so nice and had that small town charm but none of the artifice. You let yourself ride the wave of guilt. You hoped this would all be worth it. 
The rest of the week got tense. Sure the days were oddly peaceful and uneventful, but you two were getting handsy in ways you weren’t quite trusting of him yet. Simple brushes and hands laid on thighs. Quite scandalous, but you even shared the couch together as you watched a movie one night and shared the same snack bowls. He was still the same frighteningly attractive dunce he always was. 
What was also on your mind was he was really trying to atone for his poor behavior, your abandonment and anything else that might come to mind. It was beyond astounding that a man would and could try to correct his behavior, especially when you knew what he was capable of in times of casual cruelty. 
Your mind ached from the sheer amount of mental gymnastics and working through your thoughts and coping. 
But you did enjoy a roomie on his best behaviors. 
Soon your two weeks were up however, and you came home and shrugged off your clothes and slipped into a shower. The sweethearts treated you to sparkling wine and mini cupcakes, and even a little gift basket filled with anything a student back to school might need, even a few gag gifts.You nearly cried, but the adrenaline of traveling the stars again won out until midway through scrubbing your scalp. You were so excited for the stars and living a truly exciting life again, but damn if Earth gives her best shot at giving you a reason to stay. You finished up both your crying jag and your shower routine and walked out of the bathroom to go get dressed. 
He was drinking a cup of tea in the living room and glanced your way, his eyes grew and got covered in lust, and it happened quicker than you could fathom. The mug fell and sploshed all over the ground as he rushed over to you and pinned you to the wall, shaking your shelves a bit. His mouth found yours as he bit your top lip ferociously. He reached under your towel and slightly worked at you until your jaw went slack and a moan rattled out of you, “I’ve waited too long to touch you, pet.” He huskily moaned. You barely tried to fight it, “I’m not letting you go now, you’re all mine now.”  He pinned you to the wall with his hand and undid his belt, “Enough playtime.” He was already hard and tossed your legs up around his waist, you obliged and instinctively wrapped them around his torso, clinging for dear life. 
He thrusted up into you and took you in the most aggressive ways, if not for the shock and the thought of “Oh no! I forgot to lotion my legs!” You would have been into it more, but the dryness of your legs was distracting, as they were wrapped around each other and you could feel them sloughing against one another. 
He was claiming you in the most primal way. It was more violent as he penetrated your mind, filling you with images of all the other ways this past two weeks he wanted to have you and fill you with his cum. 
The one involving your wrought iron fire pit spade to your bare ass was avante-garde and fascinating enough to say the least. That one threw you off the stress of your lotion-less legs. 
He pulled your hair by the top and forced you to stare straight at him, “Precocious little slut thought she can forget about her Master, didn’t she?” He pressed his throbbing cock deeper still into you, “Not anymore.” He continued to use you and glare at you with a wicked glint behind rivers of lust. 
“Who do you belong to?” He asked, grunting, the question wasn’t a question at all, but demanded an answer.
You sputtered out in an almost hypnotized shout, “You! I’m yours!” It was so painful, but it felt so great to say it and own it yourself. You were minutely processing life at the moment. 
“Call me by name…” The voice was lower and less staticy.
“Can’t hear you, pet…”
“Master!” You shouted as it clicked deep inside your skull and you felt him spasm inside you. Overwhelmed by this, he let you go off the wall with his hold and relaxed before petting your hair and smiling serenely. 
“You did good…” he gently whispered into your chest as he leaned in a bit, letting himself finish up and leak out of you. 
“Uh, thank you?” You were still a tad ready to go, but it seemed he was going to tease you and leave you wanting more. Not that you minded. You could deal with that later on yourself. You were throbbing and wet and your hair was still wet, you noticed. 
He got back up and slyly gave you a sideways look, “Turn around and face the wall, little pet.” 
You did it and he muttered, “Good girl.” You felt something slightly weighted go around your throat and his hands work some fabric deftly. He spun you around and marched you straight back into the bathroom by your arm pinned to your back, your towel was off and you looked shaken.
But your collar was back on, and it felt strange that it was ever off. He let your hand go as you glided towards the mirror and looked at yourself, stroking both it and your collar curiously, your thoughts flew many more miles away. 
You really had thrown yourself back into this. You trembled a bit, nearly in tears because of the simple gesture. Who would have known that a damn collar would have made you feel so many emotions at once?
You had a feeling he knew…
You looked back at his casual, yet pantsless figure looming in the back. He was standing there, as proud as can be, just marveling in the fresh chaos he’d breathed into you. He had broken through what walls you erected and won. 
“Why don’t I reclean you. You had been freshly bathed, yeah?” He offered kindly.
He drew you a bath and massaged you down and made sure there was no lasting damage done to you, he even got you a fluffy fresh towel and wrapped you in it and let you alone with your thoughts. (How dangerous!) 
You sat in there for what seemed like ten eternities and finally it dawned on you: You were his. You always were his. No amount of time or space or anything would come between  you two and the bond forged. It was bizarre to come think of, but the sheer fact that he owned you in such a way, was freeing. Of all the people in the universe, your only equal was this G-dlike being who was off in your house, doing heavens knows what.
And he was crazy about you.
You let out delirious laughter and pulled yourself off the ground and walked out of the bathroom for the second time that night. 
He was sitting on your couch with a fresh bowl of popcorn, wrapped in your couch blanket. He looked completely normal. Like he was any other guy, harmless. Pants back on.
“I thought we could finish that wild documentary about the gay redneck zookeeper an the woman who took ‘eat the rich’ a little too to the heart!” He stretched out and offered you a place at his side, you slid in and grabbed a hand of it. 
The Master was very good at making popcorn. He did something wild with coconut oil and salt and sugar that made the flavor pop into it. He also somehow managed to pop every kernel every single time. It was the most disconcerting thing about him, if you were completely honest with yourself. No one should wield that kind of power. 
“You’re still a rat bastard…” You muttered as you slightly started to drift off.
“Oh, I know.” He confirmed.
You fell asleep glued to his side as some man rode off into the sunset on a jet ski and Eye of the Tiger zagged on. 
You vaguely remember stirring gently when he lifted you up and placed you in bed, “Sweet dreams, my pet…” you heard in a sleep-drunk haze. “You have all the rest you need…” 
In your mind you heard as you finally got into a deep slumber. “You’re going to need it…”
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leiascully · 6 years ago
Fic:  Baseball Metaphors (15/15)
Part One  |  Part Two  |  Part Three |  Part Four |  Part Five |  Part Six|  Part Seven |  Part Eight |  Part Nine  |   Part Ten  |  Part Eleven  |  Part Twelve | Part Thirteen |  Part Fourteen
Thanks for sticking with me to the end of what, like Visitor, began as a one-shot and ended up a thirty thousand word journey.  It’s possible that this is the epilogue of Deathly Hallows of epilogues, and if that’s true for you, please feel free to ignore it and live forever with Mulder and Scully in the throes of some truly epic afterglow.  But I wanted to follow the thread a little further, and explore what their future might have been if this had been their present sometime in the middle of Season 3 (honestly, a terrible time to set it, given how many killer episodes and how much mytharc I ended up having to write out of their moderately peaceful life together).  I’m sorry to say that it’s safe for work, PG at most.
Jenny won't take elopement for an answer, so Scully relents and lets her help plan the reception.  Despite her dull taste in paint colors, Jenny turns out to have exquisite taste when it comes to planning weddings, and she and Scully talk flowers and place settings and the details of the reception dress for hours.  She coaxes out all of the details Scully never thought she cared about as Mulder watches, fascinated.  In another life Jenny would have made a great interrogator.  Maybe even in this one.  
They go to the wedding, of course.  The minister is boring and the vows are boilerplate.  Mulder slides his thumb smugly under the hem of Scully's dress.  She smiles like an angel and pulls him into the garden during the reception so that he can keep the promise his thumb made.  But they both cry, just a little.  It's not because of Ethan and Jenny, they swear to each other.  It's just the idea of weddings, of course.  It's the idea that they, one day soon, will be standing up in front of each other and saying their various versions of same old words that somehow still mean something every time.
Eventually, the baby is born, and their time with Ethan and Jenny peters out, except for Scully's occasional wedding planning dates.  She dandles the baby on her knee and discusses the merits of a veil versus a fascinator for the reception (the fascinator wins) while Jenny changes out the cabbage leaves in her nursing bra.  
They get married in her mother's living room.  Maggie isn't happy about the lack of a Catholic wedding necessarily, but she gives them her blessing as they join hands and promise themselves to each other, forever and ever.  At least the priest makes house calls, Mulder thinks.  They all sign the document afterwards and Scully's mother serves up cake and coffee.  It's all very civilized.  Scully glows in a dress she got from the department store.  Mulder touches the white rose pinned to the lapel of his new bespoke suit.  When everyone's plates are just crumbs and the cups are dregs, they hug Maggie and take their leave.  She presses a horseshoe and a bell into Mulder's hands.
"Melissa would have wanted you to have it," she says.  Scully cries.
That night in bed, they explore each other slowly, their hunger tempered now by months of indulgence.  He spends so long after his first orgasm coaxing gentle climaxes out of her that she reaches down and finds him firm again, and she slides her leg over his hip and takes him in.  They make love gazing into each other's eyes, as if each touch is part of a ritual that will keep them safe and whole and happy.
Only afterwards do they realize they forgot the condom.  
The train from DC to Portland, Maine takes twelve hours, give or take.  They spend most of it holding hands.  Scully pages through the issues of JAMA she's never managed to catch up on.  Mulder reads a treatise on alien behavior that someone sent him anonymously, sharing the most entertaining portions aloud with Scully.  
The B&B may or may not be haunted, but it's picturesque as hell.  They rent a car and drive into the woods and there it is, white clapboard and black gables spattered with wet leaves that the wind has pasted there.  The bed is deep and soft and they spend the weekend hiking, eating, drinking wine by the fireplace, and making love with no barriers between them, holding their hope cupped in their palms like a candle flame in a breeze.  
Scully doesn't get pregnant. It's just as well.  They keep going out on cases.  They dip in and out of the darkness of their own minds.  Krycek reappears, the bad penny forever turning up.  That's after the black oil, after the airport in Hong Kong.  
"I should have made him my best man," Mulder muses, when everything's over, because there's nothing to do but whistle in the dark.
"Frohike would have been a better choice," Scully demurs.  
At the reception, Byers gives a lovely toast and Frohike demands to dance with the bride.  Langly tries to DJ.  No one dances.  It's a small party, but Teena Mulder comes down.  She kisses Scully's cheek and presses a glass of wine into her hand.  "I said the seven blessings," she says.  "I always knew it would be you.  Fox will know what to do."  
He ducks his head.  "Thank you, Mom."
She reaches up and strokes his cheek.  "You're a good son, Fox.  I think you'll make a good husband."
"He is," Scully says fiercely.
Teena's eyes soften.  She nods.  They drink the wine and Mulder steps on the glass.  "Mazel tov," Teena says, and makes her excuses.
They don't tell anyone about the marriage, not even Skinner.  Scully wears her ring on the chain around her neck, next to her cross.  It seems safer that way.  They do move in together, quietly, submitting separate change of address forms weeks apart.  There's some kind of solace in coming to work in separate cars and opening the door of their new apartment to find the other one already waiting in a place that isn't filled with their own ghosts.  Mulder keeps his old place too; it's a convenient place to meet up with his informants.  
They fake his death there one day, when Scully is dying of cancer and Mulder is at the end of his rope.  He comes back from the land of the lost with a chip for the back of her neck.  Bill steps in front of him, a snarl on his face, but Maggie lays a hand on her son's arm.
"That's her husband," she says calmly, and weathers the hurricane of Bill's fury and confusion while Mulder coaxes Scully to sit up, kissing her dry cheek and whispering to her about miracles.  She has the little bottle in one hand and her rosary in the other.  
"You can't let go," he says.  "I know I said 'til death do us part, but Scully, that can't be now."  He kneels at her bedside and sobs against her thigh while she strokes his hair.  
"I'll do it," she says, and he can hear that there isn't really hope in her voice, but she wants to spare him the agony of never having tried.  
She gets better.  They go to the doctor to discuss the ova from the facility Mulder found.  The specialist thinks there's hope.  It takes a few months, but eventually the test comes back positive.  "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Scully," the specialist says, and neither of them correct her.  The conspiracy they've been unraveling may be so much lint and chaff, but this is real.  They put their hands together on her belly.
When they find Emily, the adoption agency is only too happy to let them fill out the paperwork.  A nice young married couple, steady jobs, maybe a little on the dangerous side, but at least they've got good insurance and a government pension, right?  And it can't be so risky, if Agent Scully is pregnant and still going in to the office.  They have to tell Skinner after that.  He doesn't look particularly surprised. They fly their daughter across the country and settle, dazed and dazzled, into some kind of routine.
At least their new place has a bedroom for her, and one for the baby on the way.  They burn through a lot of their sick days, but Emily begins to grow and thrive and Scully's belly rounds.  Mulder helps her with her reading at night; Scully coaxes her through math.  It works.  They're a family.   When they bring home little William, Emily is delighted.  
Cassandra Spender disappears from a bridge in Pennsylvania.  Her son batters down the door to the basement, but they don't know much more than he does.  Scully was home with Emily when the itching began, not in her neck but in her brain, but it was bathtime for Emily, and there were stories to be read, and then Mulder to hold her in the dark, and she never left DC.  
Diana Fowley strides back into their lives, bearing news of a psychic child.  She studies the ring on Scully's hand (no point in secrets anymore) and their family photos on the desk.  "Congratulations," she says in a deliberately even voice.  The door closes behind her with a click.  She doesn't come back.
They go to Texas while Maggie watches the kids.  Somehow they end up in Antarctica, but somehow they get back with all their fingers and toes and a few more insights into the vast global conspiracy that used to be the lodestar of their lives.  They lose the X-Files for a little while, but they have other things that are important, like where Emily's other shoe is and whether there are any clean bottles to store breastmilk in and why Mulder's mother sends such expensive presents.
(Scully never goes to Africa.  Mulder never goes to Oregon.  Despite it all, they have their health and strength.)
They're happy.  They still argue.  One Christmas Eve, Mulder convinces Scully to leave the kids at her mother's and takes her ghosthunting for old time's sake.  One strange day through a series of strange coincidences, Scully meets her ex at a hospital.
"All the choices we've made," she says later, blurry after a glass of wine, "they've all led to this moment."
"I'd make the same ones," he says.  
"Me too," she says, taking his hand.  "You know, the kids are in bed."
"Are you propositioning me, Agent Scully?" he asks, mocking outrage.
"It's my turn," she says, and leads him into their bedroom, and he thinks they just might live happily ever after after all.
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