#i finished silent hill shattered memories last night
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stophangiingdjs · 2 years
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Just finished my SH1 replay last night and I’m almost done with my SH2 replay so uh here’s my “SILENT HILL AND FEELINGS TOWARDS TRANS PEOPLE” tierlist
(I ranked Sh3, Sh4, Downpour and Shattered Memories based on my memories and didn’t rank Origins and Homecoming because Idk)
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jordanstrophe · 3 years
Be a Good Guest, part 7
CW: Whump, captive Whumpee, *inhales* Possessive, parental, intimate overprotective whumper, shackles, belting references, whumpee chipped with a tracker, angst, emotional whumpee
(holo, yes, we are back with original Walter and Gabriel, and didn’t want to neglect the cabin)
Gabriel blinked awake, the sensation in his neck had shifted from burning pain to soreness. He squinted as he stared at the painting on the wall trying to remember where he was. Wait, when did he get into bed? Hadn’t he fallen asleep on the couch? He sat up and instantly winced, placing his hand over the fresh bandage on the side of his neck. Did he actually shoot a chip into his neck? How could someone be so heartless and cruel? He felt like a claimed and tagged animal. He touched his feet to the hardwood floor, the heavy chain around his ankle falling to the floor into a coil with a clatter. He hated himself for starting to get used to the chain. 
He jumped when the door opened as Walter peaked his head in. “Hey little one, good morning.” He smiled with a soothing tone, almost worried speaking too loudly would hurt or frighten him. Gabriel hated even more how he talked to him like he was some tiny fragile little thing. 
“How do you feel? Can I get you anything?” Walter asked. 
Not wanting to talk to him, Gabriel only shook his head, regretting it instantly as a pulse of pain shot through his neck as he hissed with a cringe. Walter was quick to push the door open all the way, trying to sit next to him on the bed as Gabriel whimpered and leaned away.
“Oh, no no no. You’re fine honey, don’t be frightened.” He cooed, wrapping an arm around him to keep him from going any further. Gabriel was silent as he cowered in response, Walter could feel how tense he was as he trembled slightly. “Are you mad at me?” Walter asked. Gabriel didn’t even look at him, but a single tear running down his cheek answered his question. Walter used his sleeve to wipe it away as he tilted his chin up.
“Come on, I’ll make you some breakfast, can you play something for me while I cook?” He asked. Gabriel slowly did a single nod in response as Walter smiled joyfully, guiding him over to the piano in the living room. He lit a candle and set it on the table nearby to give him some extra light, the yellow gleam softly warming up the dreary room. Gabriel didn’t react when the chain was clasped onto his leg, he only sat with his head down and let him do whatever he pleased with him. 
Walter held a pan as he made bacon and eggs, trying to cut the eggs into fun shapes. He couldn’t help but smile as music from the piano flowed through the cabin. This was just the best life~ The beautiful cabin, all the food he could cook, gorgeous music playing softly in the background, with his precious beautiful darling boy-
His thoughts were cut off when the music abruptly stopped, replaced with a loud slam of multiple keys struck at once. The music was replaced by hysterical sobbing as Walter bolted out of the kitchen, skidding into the living room to see Gabriel with his head hiding in his elbows collapsed onto the piano keys as he let out a heart-wrenching broken sob. 
Walter was stuck frozen staring at Gabriel with wide eyes as the cabin was drowned in his sorrow. Gabriel couldn’t control himself anymore, the music was no longer enough to keep him grounded as his tears dripped onto the keys while his voice cried out with uncontrolled sobs. 
Walter snapped out of his stunned phase as he grabbed him right off off the bench from behind and pulled him into his lap. Gabriel let out a wail as he was cradled in the man’s arms. 
“Shh, sh shhh… Hush little one… You’re okay, everything is okay.” He shushed, cupping his cheek in the palm of his hand. 
“... I w-want to go h-h-ome…!” Gabriel blubbered out between the sobs and sniffling. He could feel Walter sigh as he was held against his chest, squeezing one eye closed as he tried to thumb away his tears. 
“You are home, Gabriel. You have a roof over your head, food on the table, the piano that you’re so talented with! You have me, someone who adores you, cares for you, and loves you. What more could I possibly give you?” He asked. 
“No!” Gabriel shouted, shoving him away and crawling out of his lap. “You don’t love me! You don’t do this to someone you love! You took everything from me! You stole my freedom! You stole my life! You.... You stole me!” He shouted, more broken then angry. 
“Gabriel! Don’t say that, that’s not true.” He said, his voice was hurt as he stood to his feet, Gabriel shuffling a few steps back at his sudden height.
“Everything I do is for you, Gabriel. This is all to keep you safe! Look at where you were before I brought you in, you were in a car crash! You were hurt and scared, you could have died!” He cried.
“No! I was happy! I still am hurt and I’m still scared! You belted me and shot a tracker in my neck!” He hissed, pointing at the band aid in his neck with a speck of blood soaked through. 
Walter was silent as he tried desperately to think of a comeback. 
“Well!... you’re not dead!”
Gabriel let out an agonizing groan in frustration as his hands pulled at his hair. 
“Okay! Okay.” Walter shouted at him, his hands raised as he tried to calm him down. “Lets just go do something, let’s just.. Get out of the house today, okay?” He asked. Gabriel froze as his teary eyes stared at the floor blankly, trying to process what he was offering. “There’s a trail I used to walk on all the time, it’s beautiful.” He smiled, bending his body sideways until he could make eye contact with him. 
“Will that make you happy?” He asked with a sweet hopeful smile. Gabriel's arms dropped from his hair limply to his sides as he dared a glance up. “Okay.” He mumbled, shutting his eyes as he wiped the rest of his tears away. Walter let out a relieved sigh. Gabriel looked like he was going crazy locked up in here for several days, maybe a peaceful walk on the trail would calm him down. 
Walter quickly finished making breakfast and packed it in a woven picnic basket wrapped in colorful material. Gabriel sat silently waiting by the door with a neutral expression, which was quite a mood improvement. He didn’t look quite so miserable, exhausted or in pain, he was just ready for his walk. 
Walter slung the basket around his arm as he extended his hand to Gabriel, who glanced at it, but didn’t take it. “Now Gabriel, I don’t want to kill the mood, but I need to trust you won’t run off on me.” Walter said, trying to keep his tone light and non-threatening. “Or else-” “-Or else you’ll track me, I know.” Gabriel grumbled, crossing his arms and swinging a leg over his knee. Walter closed his eyes with a sigh as he nodded in agreement. “Alright, I just needed to get that out of the way, come on now, I think you’ll really like the trail.” He smiled. 
He took a coat and threw it over Gabriel's shoulders and zipped it up for him before he had a chance to do it himself. He wrapped a scarf around his neck and fiddled with it for some time before he was satisfied. “Is that comfortable?” He asked with a head tilt.  Gabriel really wanted to say no out of spite, but he was desperate to get out of the house, so he just nodded his head.
Walter unlocked the countless locks on the door. The broken window by the door had boards nailed to the wall in an attempt to cover the shattered glass. Gabriel was quick to leap from the open door, the wooden porch creaking underneath his feet as he hopped down the stairs. “Stay with me, Gab!” Walter called, locking the door behind him as Gabriel let out an annoyed murmur. 
Walter led him to a trail surrounded by trees and bushes on each side. It was a little bit cold, but the sun was just now shining and gave off some warmth that graced his face. He tried to ignore the crunching leaves from Walter walking beside him as he kept his face turned away from him, trying to imagine walking through the forest by himself. 
“Gabriel! Look!” Walter called, taking his arm in his pointing over to a hill. At the top stood a proud fox, the orange fur lit up with a yellow highlight from the shining sunrise behind it. Gabriel's eyes shone bright as he watched the fox leap away with grace, Walter let out a heartfelt chuckle when he saw Gabriel's expression. This really was what he needed today. 
What made the walk even better was Gabriel was so lost in thought he forgot to rip himself from Walters grasp when he took his arm. Walter's smile went from ear to ear as he held his arm with adoration as they walked continued down the trail. Gabriel perked up when running water could be heard in the distance. He glanced around curiously trying to find it. 
“Hang on, we’re getting there.” Walter said, checking to make sure he was still bundled warm enough. They came to a large hill with water pouring down into a creek flowing through the forest. Over the creek was an old beautiful wooden bridge with an overhang with tables and chairs. Walter didn’t even look at it, he looked into Gabriel’s eyes that were wide as he took in every detail of the scene. 
“I built this when I was younger. I had way too much time on my hands back then.” He chuckled.
“You still do.” Gabriel mumbled under his breath. He almost hoped he didn’t hear it, but the sound of Walter’s dying laughter said as much. “I was so proud of it, I spent all day, even some nights just chopping down wood, carving it. I had so much fun building it.” His voice trailed off as he was flooded with memories. “I just… I always wished I could have shared it with someone. When I finally put that last nail in, I had no one to tell. No one to share it with.” His voice was quiet with a rasp as he stared mindlessly at the beautiful scene in front of him. 
‘B-but… Now I h-have you.” He sniffled. Gabriel made a double take as his eyes shot up. Was he… Was he crying?! 
He was…
Walter sniffed as he quickly wiped his tears away. “I’m just really happy someone gets to enjoy it. At least I hope you do.” He muttered. He cleared his throat as he tried to quickly change the mood. “*Ehem!* Lets get seated before this breakfast gets any colder now, shall we?” He cheered as he took his arm and walked him onto the bridge. 
Gabriel's stomach felt like it was torn and twisted in a knot, his heart felt heavy as his feelings were conflicted. He hated, hated this man, but he also couldn't help but to feel sorry for him. 
Walter pulled a chair out for him and pushed him up to the table, setting the picnic basket down on the table and putting out a plate for each of them. They both got a healthy portion of bacon and eggs, Walter paused for a moment when he heard Gabriel crunching away on the bacon. He glanced over as Gabriel, for the first time, happily chomped into a bite without having to be threatened to eat first. 
For some reason, the food tasted so much better out in the fresh air compared to the stuffy cabin. Walter kept shooting curious glances at Gabriel to make sure he was still enjoying himself and looked happy. After he finished the last bite of his bacon, Walter looked up at him and did a double glance when he realized Gabriel was sitting with his chin resting on his knuckles watching the waterfall with a small smile on his face.
@alien-octopus @yesthisiswhump  @lave-whump @whumpasaurus101 @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @hamiltonwhumpdump @just-another-whumper @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @approach-me-and-ill-cry   @whump-it @kixngiggles @as-a-matter-of-whump
ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ  Thank you for reading!
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heatherchasesyou · 2 years
Okay I have to know, why did you pick SH3?
(for me I remember being a young teen and seeing it at the video store, I had play Resident Evil, and other horror games, but SH3 just really struck me because the protagonist was a teen girl just like me! (And we were rocking the same hair at that point) I was actually a few years younger but I could aspire to Heather, she was also so capable, I mean she found herself in this crazy hell world and was just like getting through it, she sassed everyone (gotta love her giving the business to Vinny and Claudia) she wasn't some helpless girl who needed to be rescued (not to say there aren't bad ass ladies in games) but I hadn't seen anything like that before, and then add the OST, otherworld was just so insane...I mean it was perfect and began my real love of horror games.
Oh and Vincent was just too charming....and Robbie was the perfect mascot.
Tbh i never saw my bros playing SH3, all i know is that one of em played it on my grandma's house..at night..all alone (the perfect horror experience for a good horror game 😎) and i know u just wanna know why SH3 is my fav but I NEED to tell the whole story of how i met this nice game franchise so u can understand-
but SH3 wasn't my first SH game in that love story, I first touched SH: Shattered Memories on my bro's Wii and got stuck right in da first part where Harry get's out of his car and go search for Cheryl on da streets (yes i was a big noob), then i never touched it again. So some years later one of my bros decided to play SH4 but the intro was just too terrifying for my scared ass so i just quit LMAO. so in 2019 after i finished with my Death Note fever i asked my self "huh...what's with the Silent Hill thing..hmmm i remember seeing my bros playing the 4th game.. i need to give it a try ig" then instead of being terrified by the intro it fascinated me and i became a big fan of the 4th game.......................but then i met SH3 and SSHEEESSHHHHHH--
I started the game, at first sigh the intro didn't impress me too much (til i watched it sum more times and literally couldn't stop listening to da intro music while going to school yes life GUUDDD) so i kept playing, it was too much information for my little brain in just one gameplay and i was just entering the fandom--
All the 90s teenager vibe captivated me, and omg HEATHER....HEATHER MA LITTLE SPRINKLE SPLOINKY!!!!
Your reasons for liking her are basically the same as mine, she's an fearless female teenager and ABSOLUTELY BASED, she kills da monsters and that's it SHE KIILLL SHE'S EPIKKKKK and i relate A LOOOT cuz when i met the game i was a teen just like her, she's officially my favorite female character 😌
Also that pog outfit, damn that coat... i fuckin want that coat... also she's the reason i started liking skirts, i bought fuckin boots bcuz of her OHH I also bought the green skirt and the orange shirt ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY bcuz of her, and i intend to cosplay her btw😎 i just need the coat and some good blonde wig bcuz i'll never bleach my fuckin hair ever again *sobs* it fucked up w ma hair a bit--
And wot can i say about Vincent??? fuckin hot and charming yeah, sassy jus like me, i relate a bit (just a bit *forcep finger gesture* A BITTT) and somehow he always makes me laugh at this point no matter the cutscene (ok the last matter, the way he reacts to da stab is incredibly funny for me even tho i wish he didn't die), the fuckin way he walks????? pretty gay and elegant, his og voice actor is a fucking legend his voice's so pretty??? i hear him i fucking???? (dude when he low pitch his voice...damn...damn bro *dies*) his outfit is rlly nice and i like that vibe and tbh i started to like round glasses JUST bcuz of him...
Hmm CLAUDIA??? DUDE SHE'S THE BEST ANTAGONIST IMO EVER... she's so serious and intimidating, she's kinda creepy also but WHO CARES i love her...she's also another char that makes me laugh for no reason during the gameplay bcuz idk???? i just laugh. she's fuckin cool, she's also a MILF!!! FUCKIN MILF AHEAD!!!!!
After my first SH3 gameplay i played SH2 and then SH1 (love how i just played the games in reverse order but who cares tbh lmao) and then i got back on my Death Note fever in 2020--
But then 2021 came and near August or something like i played SH3 again and all the passion i used to have came back WITH SUCH STRENGTH THAT OMFG DUDE!!! I gotta be honest that i wasn't even that horny for Vincent but that last gameplay made me go crazy somehow- that's when i met that chaotic site bcuz i saw a lot of Silent Hill fanarts came from here so i was like "hmm i may try my luck here" AND HERE WE ARE!! and i'm absolutely glad to have met every single mutuals i have here, love to be part of all this mess and love doing fanservice 😌👉👈💖💖
That's it, that's ma SH3 (and SH franchise in general) love story, hope i have entertained you in this huge text bye *the curtains close and you can hear the audience clapping*
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cherryjuicegf · 3 years
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@reveniemus thank you for the prompt my dear!! posting again because i'm an idiot and deleted the last one :') i'm still sorry. hope you enjoy!! 💞
wc 1k, major character death
38. making them something special for their birthday
🌸 send me prompts 🌸
Jaskier reaches the top of the hill panting lightly. He looks back. It really isn't that high, he took care for it not to be. And if he thinks about it, he knows the panting isn't the result of walking up to the top. It's his breath catching in his throat, an eternal sob that dares not come out. Not anymore.
He takes a deep breath and looks ahead of him, down the hill. The waves are splashing on the shore, roaring along with the breeze that reaches him from below. He lets his lips curve a small smile, trumphant. He knew, always knew. The coast would be ideal to live by.
He had no plans for dying by it.
There's a small stone plate standing on the ground in front of him. The smile remains on his lips, but now it tastes bitter, wet with the salt of old tears. Not so old. Still.
He walks up to it and with a snort, he sits beside. For some moments, he doesn't look at it, admiring the view, as though keeping company in comfortable silence. Then he turns and stares down at it, and huffs a silent chuckle as though to himself, although he wouldn't admit it if one told him that. He tilts his head. "Happy birthday, my love."
Geralt's name is freshly carved on the stone, a work of two years. Slightly worn around the edges, from the many times trembling fingers had trailed over it, as though attempting to feel one last touch, one last hint of warmth. Jaskier's fingers are shaking on his lap. It's been a long time. If he blows away the shadow weighting on his heart, blurring his thoughts, he will realise that it's not been that long, actually. It only feels like centuries.
Jaskier glances at the flowers embellishing the hill, buttercups and daisies and anemones. A way to occupy his hands, he thinks and starts gathering them on his feet. A birthday gift. His voice is gentle, fragile like glass. "Remember how you said you didn't know when your birthday was." He chuckles. "I said, alright, let's celebrate it today. It was this day." His fingers are working frantically between the stems, still shaking. He shrugged "It was six years ago." Then laughs. For a moment only, as though mocking himself or doesn't believe his own words, six years. What is six years, really? A grain of time. They had been twenty years together and maybe more, years flowing like water. And yet those six years felt so far away and yet so, so close, a single step to reach yesterday, a time too good to be true.
Mocking indeed.
He raises his head, looks at the sea. It's not far away, not even high. He took care of it not to be. He remembers that night and wishes he didn't, just like he wished when these words were spoken. When he closes his eyes, he can still feel Geralt's hand stroking his arm.
If I die, he had said, bury me in that hill, close to the house.
Jaskier had laughed. And why such preference?
I want you to be close to me. To be able to reach me when you are older.
A moment's silence. Then a huff. Well, you're not planning on dying soon, are you?
Four years. That was four years ago. The time when they had come to this house by the coast, decided to start anew. They still travelled, still performed their duties, though Geralt left the witcher's life behind him, as much as he could. And the day it reached him from behind was a fateful one.
Jaskier swallows, eyes fixed on the flower crown he's making. "Our garden is beautiful," he says and his voice is so low, as though ready to flow with the breeze. "I planted gladiolas and roses. You would have loved it." He ties the flower crown and turns around, once more facing the tombstone. Gently, he places it on the top. "There," he says. "A birthday gift... I also," a huff, pretending, forever pretending, "wrote you a song."
A bitter smirk playing on his lips, or not, or instead he winces and his lips quiver with pain. It does't make much difference anymore. The words weigh like a stone on his heart, the same stone waiting beside him, forever waiting, less of a threat and more of a promise, I'm here, I'm always here. Jaskier is a poet. And what poetry is more heartfelt than the poetry of death? He sees it, writes it, sings it. Poetic, to keep one's memory even after death, one's shadow.
Yet he finds no poetry in the way he screams Geralt's name every night.
He has no lute, doesn't touch it often now. He parts his lips, voice trembling. Maybe the wailing of his heart is enough to complete the melody.
When you walk up on the hill,
when my heart in wild waves grieves,
come back to me, love, I'll plead,
yet I'll wait for you, you whisper,
and you'll lay in the ground...
Jaskier almost chokes, bites his lips. He breathes shakily. "And you'll lay in the ground..." A sob escapes his lips and the tears are burning. He swallows. Slowly, he rests his head on the stone, fingers trailing the soil, scarred skin still gracing his touch. He whimpers. "And you'll lay in the ground..." and the verse is devouring him, draining the life out of him but oh, it's too early, still too early. He can do nothing now. He's just a poet.
The only thing he can do is love. Shatter his heart on the ground, and scream, and love. And finish the verse. He does. With a deep breath, closing his eyes, his arms still warm with Geralt, he does.
"And you'll lay in the ground under lifeless autumn leaves."
The breeze blows the words away and Jaskier cries. It's not much of a gift.
But it's the only thing he can do.
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forthecoloredgirl · 4 years
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You were livid, not angry, livid. You didn’t know how to process the many emotions of just anger all attacking your mind and body at once. This had been your final straw, well maybe, it wasn’t one of those drastic issues where you’d have to do something drastic. You could say you were getting a little dramatic, but it was only because you cared. What got you so riled up was seeing your young movie star boyfriend slowly allow himself to get swallowed into the dark side of Hollywood. 
Young Leonardo DiCaprio was now Hollywood’s new IT boy along with other actors such as Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt. He was raising up in world quicker each and every night and as the fame rose up, so did he. He rose to the occasion, it first started with a small house party in the hills, but it gradually got bigger. The Leo you once knew didn’t spend his weekdays and weekends constantly just partying it up and getting drunk. He was a neat boy and now he was getting sloppy, but you had only thought it was just booze and a good time until you were hit with a wake up call today. 
Earlier you had gone to the Warner Brother’s studio to surprise Leo with lunch, but you were the one surprised instead. You had caught him in the back parking lot with a few of his older co-stars smoking a cigarette. You were shocked to the core and did a complete 180 coming back home. You couldn’t believe it, because it wasn’t just a cigarette, it was a small slow killing poison. That the both of you watch kill someone very important to the two of you in front of your eyes.
Both you and Leo had grown up in the same town and around the same neighborhood. Went to the same school, church, and even ran with the same crowd. Growing up the two of you belonged to the same friend group ever since the sandbox days, it was a group of six of you, two girls and four guys. All six of you lived on the same block, hung out together, and ultimately you all did every little thing together. Tried alcohol together, snuck into movies together, and even told each other your deepest secrets. However, everything changed within your group when the six of you got to highschool. That’s when drugs were introduced to you all and that caused a rift in the group. 
Leo and yourself ended up leaving those friends behind after an unfortunate homecoming night when the rest of the group decided to go outside with the seniors and try cigarettes. It all started because this one girl had gone to Europe for the summer and raved on and on about the legal drinking age and the trend surrounding smoking. At that point the school had created a new form of “cool” and in order to be part of that you had to smoke. So of course like any other doe eyed freshmen your friends followed, but you and Leo restrained yourselves deciding the focus on the things that would get the two of you out of your hometown. 
Most of the kids who hopped on the smoking trend at that time quickly found themselves in addiction. Loosing both their health and money just to get a smoke. Unlucky for you and Leo, the two of you had front row seats to watching one of the boys of the group, Robert, start to decline. Unlike the others, Robert’s body was more sensitive to the drug and it killed him before the two of you could finish highschool. Instead of walking the stage senior year, Robert lied in a casket six feet under. making him stuck in that town forever. 
After that Leo and yourself swore to one another that you wouldn’t dare touch the very thing that killed Robert and that was his addiction. However, now it wasn’t a bratty rich girl bragging about her trip to Europe, it was a new wave a fame and influence taking over Leo as it took Robert. 
“Baby, I’m home!” 
You heard Leo yell from front door. You sat in the kitchen, at the table with the picnic basket that had Leo’s surprise lunch in it wasting away. You waited until he entered the kitchen, once he spotted you he immediately could tell your energy was off. 
He questioned, not really knowing what to do, You looked up at him and you watched as the confusion danced around in his eyes. 
“You remember Heather Chandler from high school? You know the girl that was stupid rich and basically got the whole school hooked on the “London Look”.”
He responded unsure at first to where you were going with that statement, but it slowly clicked for him after a moment. Heather Chandler was taken out of school after Robert’s death, because everyone ultimately blamed her for getting him addicted, as well as other kids. 
“I saw you today Leo, when you were out by Johnny’s car.”
You watched as instant shock ran across his face. Just like you were before, he couldn’t believe it. But that quickly changed, when he just shrugged his shoulders, turning to grab a beer from the fridge. You watched him a silent horror as he opened the beer and took a long sip. 
“Okay. Y/N it’s really no big deal. You’re acting as if I took a hot comb to your hair.”
He laughed at his own joke, but you only nodded your head. Reaching down beside you, you had brought out the yearbook from your senior year and opened the book up to Robert’s memorial. You gently placed the book on the table and got up leaving Leo and book alone together. You left him to go upstairs to your bedroom. Upstairs you pulled out a suitcase and began to fill it was clothing and other items. Minutes later you could hear Leonardo coming up the stairs, angrily he burst into the room. He chucked the yearbook onto the bed.
“You think I’m going to end up like Robert?! Seriously Y/N how low do you think of me?!” 
Ignoring him, you continued your task and kept your silence. After a couple of seconds Leo spoke up again and still you ignored him. This went on for about ten minutes and right as you were about to place the last item in the case Leo came over to you slapping the toiletry bag out of your hands. 
“Am I speaking to myself here? Or are you hearing impaired?” 
Still keeping your silence you just bent down and picked up the bag. Picking up the bag you side stepped him and walked back over to the bed where the case lay. Placing the bag in the case and zipping the case up, setting in down on the floor. 
“B-baby w-w-what’s the case for?”
Now there was no more boom to his voice and it had gone soft now. Shaking your head and pulling the handle up from the case you began towards the door. Quickly throwing himself onto your lower body, Leo was on his knees and shaking. 
“No, no, no. Please don’t leave, you can’t. Baby I’ll do anything.”
Anything you thought. Now knowing you held the upper hand in the situation.
“Leo get yourself together. Like you said it isn’t a big deal, but that is your opinion. Robert was loosing himself just like you are now and I will not sit around to watch another one of the people I deeply care about loose not only themselves but their lives too!”
“No baby I’ll change. Everything stops now! No more drinking, smoking, all of it.”
“Really Leo you think-”
“No baby! I know I can! If it’s for you, I’ll do anything. Baby even if you wanted me to stop this acting thing I’d put it all to an end right away! Nothing is worth loosing you over. You’re the only thing I know truly in my heart that I want and need.”
Tears were running down his face and once you finally looked down at him, your heart shattered. You gave in instantly and dropped down to your knees pulling him into your arms. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry! Baby you say the word and it’s done.”
“It’s okay Leo, just calm down and we can talk. Maybe some fresh-”
“NO! I don’t need fresh air I need you!!”
“Leo I’m not going to leave, I promise!”
You said rubbing his back softly as his grip on you tightened. 
“Baby I can’t loose you and I’m sorry to Robert too. I know we made a promise to each other and now I’m going to take in seriously! I owe it to both you and Robert.”
“I know, I know.”
You said holding onto him. You were hoping he was serious, because you seriously couldn’t put yourself through watching him loose himself to addiction. Especially if it was going to be the boy you loved. 
**If you would like to repost my work please give credit**
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Never Again | Denki Kaminari x Reader
AN: Hey friends! This is another server prompt I did, I chose my baby Denki this time. I’m actually on time, but that has it’s downsides, this is partially edited because I had to rush to finish. Sorry about that. Length: 3.5k Warnings: Angsty. Just super angsty. 
Main master list - Go read the others!
Summary: You finally managed to build up the courage to ask Denki out. It doesn’t go the way you planned, at all. 
Tag list: @peachy-yabbay​ @shiggi-trash​ @boku-no-dumbass​ @happynoodle​ @neon-tries-writing​ @x-midnight-violets-x​ @sunnieskies02​ 
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Denki Kaminari. Where to start with this boy? He was a major flirt, not like it needed to be announced. He flirted with ANY girl he saw and little ol you weren’t very special. He flirted with you the second he saw you, which was the last year of high school. Of course, you enjoyed it but your new friends were quick to warn you about his ways. You accepted most of his compliments but didn’t let it go anywhere.
No dates, no touching, nothing aside from the daily compliments which you would still find a way to turn down. However, after getting used to Denki, you decided to play along. It wasn’t anything serious. Denki’s compliments never brought butterflies to your stomach, they never made you blush, and you never thought twice about them. You were fine and he was just a great friend. Denki was blown away the first time you flirted back and it was hilarious to see.
It was after you two had graduated, you were still great friends, and even greater heroes. You had showed up to the hero agency where you worked a little later than usual.
“Oh, sleeping beauty’s finally here. Finally gracing us with your glory and beautiful smile, as usual.” Denki said with a smile. That day you’d felt great, so that could’ve been why.
“There you are prince charming. You should’ve woken me up with a kiss.” His eyes widened and his cheeks turned a deep shade of red. After seeing that reaction, you couldn’t help yourself. After that, it just became natural, really. You both would flirt back and forth and neither of you thought anything of it. Even after a couple of years, you didn’t have feelings for Denki.
That’s what you thought at least. But one day, one comment, changed all of that. Before that comment, you never gave Denki’s words another thought. It was needless flirting. It meant nothing.
“Are you and (f/n) dating?” Harbinger asked, a girl who was almost your partner when it came to being a hero.
“Oh n-” Before Denki could finish his words, you interrupted him, unintentionally.
“Please. Chargebolt wishes he could have someone like me.”
“Yeah, actually.” Denki responded without missing a beat. Both you and Harbinger stared at him with wide eyes. That was the day, you’re sure of it. That’s the day you fell for Denki. Those words and that look in his eyes, of pure adoration and love did something to you. After that, every time he complimented you, his words meant something. Every time you two would cuddle on his couch or yours, you’d never been happier. You’d started returning his cheek kisses, you were more eager to hold him or be held by him.
It didn’t take long for you to realize your feelings. You’d miss Denki more than usual and his bright, radiant smile would chase your worries away. He was… perfect in your eyes. When he’d flirt with another girl, it would hurt. Every time he’d look at another girl, it did something to you and you’d instantly wish you were that girl.
You’d lay awake at night wishing you were in Denki’s arms, when things got difficult for you at work, you’d immediately think of your blond friend. The signs were clear as day and you had no reason to deny them. There was a trend with Denki, one you’d noticed way early on. Denki had limitations when it came to flirting with other girls. He’d really flirt for the first few days and then it would die down pretty quickly and they weren’t too extreme. Of course, he’d overload the girl with compliments, but he never did what he did with you.
With you, he’d kept up this game for well over two years and it progressively got more intimate, not that you were complaining. Overtime, Denki showed more than his playboy side. He was kind and caring. Whenever you needed a shoulder to cry on, he was there. Whenever you needed someone to vent to, someone to calm you down, or hype you up, he was here. Whenever you felt lonely, he was ready to hold you and remind you you weren’t alone.
It was only a matter of time before you did fall in love but you didn’t really hate it. It was Denki, your best friend. He was always there for you and from the things he’d been saying for the last six to seven months made you believe he felt the same.
So you came up with a small plan. You’d tell Denki how you felt in your most sacred place. The place you two always went when you- or he- needed to vent. A place where you’d spent countless nights laying on the ground cuddling while watching the stars, a place that meant so much to you. Even without Denki, you’d find an extreme sense of comfort there. So why not make another wonderful memory there?
“Hey babe! Where ya been? We missed you today!” Denki’s cheerful voice came through your phone. You smiled at the warmth it brought you looked down at the ground. He really was amazing, just his voice would make you feel better.
“Hey, love. I was wondering if you could meet me at our place tonight? Unless you’re busy or-”
“I’d love to! I’d never been too busy for you, baby! What time?”
“I’ll be there at 8.”
“Sounds good, babe!” You two exchanged your goodbyes before you hung up and quickly went to go shower. You wanted to look extremely nice for him tonight. You already chose an outfit he claimed was his “favorite to see on you” and use his favorite (perfume/cologne). You were excited but also nervous, however you calmed your nerves by remembering all the times he’d held you, or called you those cute terms of endearment that you loved so much.
You nervously fidgeted with your fingers as you waited for Denki at your favorite spot. It was on top of a hill that overlooked the city. The view was gorgeous, especially at night when you could see all the bright lights from a distance.
“Hey! (f/n)!” You smiled as you turned around, seeing your favorite electric blond running towards you. “Hope you weren’t waiting too long!” You shook your head as you stood up and gave him a hug, which lasted longer than a normal hug.
“Nope, hope the drive wasn’t too bad.”
“Not at all.” You two found a nice spot on the blanket you’d laid out and looked ahead at the beautiful city. “So, what’s up.” You were ready, no matter how nervous you were. However, you were silent and Denki definitely noticed. After being friends for so long, he knew every time something was wrong with you. He knew every time you were nervous, but he also knew the perfect remedy. He quickly took your hand in his and gave them an affectionate squeeze. You took a deep breath before speaking up.
“I like you.” Denki’s cheerful smile melted away almost instantly and it was replaced by wide eyes. His hand unconsciously squeezed yours, but it wasn’t to help or comfort you.
“I like you.” You repeated, looking towards him as the anxiety welled up in your stomach. You didn’t know what to expect but this definitely wasn’t it. You kind of expected him to smile bright and say he knew prior to all this or at least hug you. The last thing you expected-or wanted- was for him to freeze up the way he did.
“Umm I-I uhh… l-look bab-(l/n)-” Woah, wait what? (l/n)? “Th-these were just jokes. I didn’t think you’d gain feelings for me.” Your heart shattered at his words and almost immediately tears sprang to your eyes. The butterflies disappeared and were replaced by an intense fear.
“What?” Was all you could manage to say, and even then your voice cracked slightly.
“I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean for this to happen, I thought you knew these were just jokes and I didn’t mean anything by them.” You felt the anger building up in your chest, making you glare at him. You tore your hand away from his, which made him flinch. You shot up from where you sat and glared down at him. You could see the regret building up in his glittering gold eyes under the moonlight. God, he looked so beautiful, even now. You shook your head, pushing those thoughts out of your mind.
It was almost unbelievable what he was saying. He flirted, called you terms of endearment, acted as if he wanted you, and didn’t expect you to fall in love?!
“Why would you do that?” You wanted to sound furious and strict, but instead, your words reflected how much distress you felt. They just came out as a broken whisper. You could see the guilt in Denki’s eyes, you could hear it in his voice, but that didn’t help anything.
“I-I’m sorry… L-look, my efforts never work on anyone. I-I thought you were j-just messing around.” He stood up as well, trying to calm you but he could see his efforts failing extremely quickly.
“Messing around?! For two years?! You really are an idiot.” You scoffed as the tears started to fill your eyes and it was too much to hold back. A couple slid down your cheeks, making Denki step forward in an attempt to soothe your pain.
“I’m sorry! P-please d-don’t cry.” He urged, reaching for your face, however, you slapped his hands away and wiped your own tears, roughly.
“Don’t touch me!”
“I’m sorry, bab-(l/n)! I really am! I didn’t mean for this to happen, I swear it.” For some reason, hearing that he didn’t mean for this to happen hurt much more. Because… it confirmed he was never attracted to you, not even at the beginning. Why not? Denki went after every single person he thought was attractive and when he came after you, you’d never felt so special. Of course, your friends warned you about him. Numerous times. You knew they were right, so you played it safe and always brushed off every compliment and request for a date.
You knew you were dumb for playing along, but when he showed interest, it became fun. You shouldn’t have started returning his compliments and you should’ve known better. You were so sure you wouldn’t fall, you were so sure of yourself... You should’ve listened to your friends but you didn’t, now look where that got you. An ache in your heart that wasn’t going anywhere for a while.
“I’m so sorry, (l/n)...” Denki muttered, his own tone of voice matching yours. You looked up to see tears pooling in his beautiful golden eyes.
“Sorry? The only one sorry here is me. You know, Denki, I don’t think you’ve ever stopped to think what your stupid flirting does. I don’t think you’ve ever stopped to realize how much it could affect a person.”
“I didn’t think it would work!” He defended, throwing his hands forward as a tear slipped out of his eyes. “It’s never worked before!”
“That doesn’t mean anything! You never thought you’d run into a person who would get swooned by your efforts? You never…” You trailed off, your eyes looking away from him as more tears slipped out of your eyes. “You never thought it would work.” You repeated quietly, almost as if you were trying to convince yourself he was innocent. 
“I really am sorry!” You looked at him with broken eyes and it pained his heart. You were his best friend and he didn’t like seeing you like this. He would jump through hoops to keep that beautiful smile on your face. All he wanted to do was keep your confidence level up. That’s why he was like this. He loved the way you walked with your head held high and he wanted to keep up with that. He just… didn’t think.
“You’re sorry? Now, you’re sorry? You weren’t sorry when you were toying with my heart! You weren’t sorry when you called me babe and baby, you weren’t sorry when we were cuddling or when you were kissing my cheek, or holding me like I belonged to you. Now, that I finally wanna be yours… yo-you’re telling me i-it was all a joke? A fucking joke?” A sob escaped your lips as your shaking hands touched your mouth, unable to handle the burden any longer.
Denki reached out and took your hands, but only for a moment before you pulled them away and shoved him. However, he didn’t stop. He kept repeating apologies as he tried to hug you but you wanted nothing to do with him. Well… that wasn’t true. Not in the least bit. All you wanted was for Denki to wrap his arms around you and soothe your worries and aching heart. All you wanted was to be loved and cherished by the man you’d fallen in love with.
But that was just wishful thinking. Denki made it abundantly clear he didn’t feel that way. He didn’t feel the same, nor did he ever feel that way towards you. With that thought in mind, you opened your mouth to ask him a question, one that made your chest hurt.
“Did you ever love me?” Denki froze and looked away, his attempts at wanting to wipe your tears away stopped. His arms fell to his sides and he looked down at you with those broken eyes. You already knew the answer before he gave it to you. Knowing that, another question popped up in your mind. ‘Are you sorry?’
Was Denki sorry? Was he really? Sure, he didn’t like his best friend sobbing in front of him the way you were doing but he didn’t seem sorry before. He never once thought you flirting back meant something? You never made fun of him and anytime your friends made stupid jokes about him, you were quick to defend him. None of that meant anything? There were jokes you made that were confessions in disguise. You thought someone like him, a huge flirt, would pick up on the signals.
Maybe he did. Maybe he just chose to ignore them so he wouldn’t be put in this very situation. Maybe Denki wasn’t as stupid as he acted. Maybe he knew exactly what he was doing, he just wasn’t prepared for this to happen.
“Figures…” You whispered, your eyes moved to the window, looking at the darkened city outside. How many times had you two come up here and stared down at the gorgeous city below? How many special memories had you made with him? All tarnished, just like this very spot you stood in.
You could never come back here, not knowing what had unfolded. The embarrassment and pain were enough to keep you away for the rest of your life. You knew this pain was temporary, you knew you’d get over it with time, but right now, right this very second… it felt eternal. The pain felt like no other you’d ever felt in your life. It almost felt like someone had torn your heart out, yet that stupid thing was still beating and you felt the pain only get worse.
Why did you have to confess? Why couldn’t you have just kept silent? Why did you fall for someone you never had a chance with? If you’d never done this, you could’ve woken up tomorrow and Denki would still be there. You’d still be able to call him babe, get kisses on the cheek, he’d hold you, you’d say you’d miss each other, you could go out for coffee or out to the park and he’d tease you, you’d pretend you disliked it but deep down you both you knew you loved it. You… could’ve kept up with that game of pretend. You were pretty happy with it before. The only reason you even brought this up without much thought was because you thought he felt the same.
You thought he loved you as well. You thought… he’d see you the way you saw him. A rose blooming in a field of wilted flowers. You regretted everything. You regretted playing along, you regretted giving him a chance, you regretted ever meeting him.
As the tears slid down, you felt an odd sensation of warmth surround you. The cool breeze that had kept you cool so far was gone and your mind was still a mess. YOU were a mess. All you wanted to do was run away and pretend as if none of this ever happened. As if this whole relationship didn’t exist.
“Forgive me.” That sounded so much closer that he stood. You blinked, finally returning to reality. You now realized what that warmth was. It was Denki, he’d finally wrapped his arms around you and held you tight. You wanted to push him off, but you had no more strength left. All you could do was stand there as the tears slid down your cheeks and onto his shoulder.
“Would you?” He’d almost missed what you said, your voice was hoarse and it came out as a little whisper. He pulled away a little bit and looked at you, taking your face in his hands and wiping the tears away. He hated seeing your beautiful face contort like this. He hated seeing you so broken and to think he caused this. An useless, stupid hero.
“What?” He inquired, needing to know what you’d just said. Your (e/c) eyes met his golden ones. He could see how hurt you were, he could see the pain you felt and he wished to become a sponge and just take it all away. You didn’t deserve this. Not you, anyone but you. Why not him?
“Would you forgive yourself?” You could feel his shoulders slump a little and you had your answer. Denki stayed silent and hugged you again, gently running his hand through your hair. You still hadn’t moved and chose to accept this last gesture.
Denki knew that too. He knew this would be the last time he’d ever see you and he questioned himself. Sure, he had answered your question earlier  but why? Why didn’t he stop flirting? Why did he continue? Why did he take it so far? You were the only girl he was holding hands with or cuddling, or going on dates which were disguised as “friendly hangouts”. There were plenty of nights where you two had shared a bed, or he’d kissed your cheeks, or held you close not to comfort you but for more intimate reasons. You two hadn’t done anything further than that. You hadn’t slept together, you hadn’t kissed, on the lips, and you hadn’t said: “I love you”.
You must’ve meant something to him since he didn’t stop. But the more he searched for an answer, the more he came up with the opposite of what you wanted to hear. He loved you, yes, but he wasn’t in love with you. Seeing your tears, seeing your pain, was enough to want him to force himself, however.
You were an amazing person, no doubt about that. You were caring, kind, you always looked out for him, you were always there for him, you were a godsend. So for you to go through this was cruel and unnecessary. If… he could force himself to love you, to return your feelings, he’d do it in a heartbeat. If he’d have one wish in this world… he’d use it to love you.
But that wasn’t possible. Denki knew that and that’s why he held on so desperately. He knew he’d just lost you today and this was the last time he’d ever get to see you. Something he didn’t know how to cope with. You were always there, you two barely had arguments and you… you were just always there. Now he’d need to learn how to cope with you suddenly vanishing. This harsh reality was a lesson for him, though. This was all his fault. Maybe if he’d listened to Sero, Kirishima, Bakugou- hell, even Midoriya- he wouldn’t be here.
They all warned Denki, repeatedly at that. Every single one of his friends warned him, not just for you, though. They’d warned him every time they saw him flirting with a girl. They told him it wasn’t a good idea and that it would blow up in his face one day. Denki just never listened, because he thought he was untouchable, that using “they never work” as an excuse would be like a get out of jail card. The last person he’d expected he’d lose was you.
You. No, you couldn’t leave him. He didn’t know how to deal with that. As he stood there holding you, his mind came up with idea after idea on how he’d make this up to you. He’d do anything and everything, but deep down, he knew none of it would work. You were done and you had every right to drop him and walk away.
Denki would never play with someone’s feelings like this again. He’d never needlessly flirt ever again. He’d never break someone like this ever again or may the world strike him down.
He’d learned his lesson, however, it took him years… but he finally learned it. Who knew all it would take losing everything?
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seattlesea · 3 years
Songs I Listen to While Writing Sorted by Genre/Type of Scene
(Some songs will be in more than one category)
Romance Scenes- we fell in love in october by girl in red Strawberries and Cigarettes by Troye Sivan Fool by Cavetown Call Me by 90sFlav Girls by girl in red 3AM by Finding Hope Dream Girl by Anna of the North Stay by Zedd & Alessia Cara Somebody To Tell Me by Tyler Glenn Secrets by One Republic Paris by The Chainsmokers Safe and Sound by Capital Cities Wild Heart by Bleachers A Thousand Years by Christina Perri Fire on Fire by Sam Smith Angel With a Shotgun by The Cab She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds of Summer Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy Trade Mistakes by Panic! At The Disco When the Day Met the Night by Panic! At The Disco Moral of the Story by Ashe We Can’t Be Friends by Dream Koala Public Making Out Is Like Ugh by DNE Moon River by Audrey Hepburn Mystery of Love by Sufjan Stevens Alewife by Clairo Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko Futile Devices (Doveman Remix) by Sufjan Stevens  Midnight Love by girl in red
Calm Scenes- Call Me by 90sFlav 5:32 by The Deli Crush by Esthie Coffee Breath by Sofia Mills Santa Monica Dream by Angus & Julia Stone Fool by Cavetown Golden Hour by Jonathon Morali Crosses by José González Death Bed by Powfu (Beat Only) 3AM by Finding Hope Waterloo Sunset by The Kinks Shy Girl by Kedam Counting Stars by One Republic Kaleidoscope Eyes by Panic! At The Disco She Had The World by Panic! At The Disco This Is Home by Cavetown Lua by Bright Eyes Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood Bedroom by Litany FLAMIN HOT CHEETOS by Clairo Will She Come Back by girl in red To All Of You by Syd Matters
Sad/Emotional Scenes- Obstacles by Syd Matters Runaway by Aurora Cancer by My Chemical Romance Unsteady by X Ambassadors State of Dreaming by MARINA Raquel y Sergio Juntos by Ivan M. Lacamera Coming Home by Falling in Reverse Spanish Sahara by Foals I’m Bad at Life by Falling in Reverse 7 Years by Lukas Graham Lost It All by Black Veil Brides Teen Idle by MARINA Hall of Fame by The Script Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish 21 Guns by Green Day Pirate Love Song by Black Heart Shatter Me by Lindsey Stirling Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez The Light Behind Your Eyes by My Chemical Romance Helena (So Long and Goodnight) by My Chemical Romance Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance I Don’t Love You by My Chemical Romance The Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance Bishop Knife Trick by Fall Out Boy Indomitable by Casey Lee Williams The End of All Things by Panic! At The Disco Always by Panic! At The Disco Impossible Year by Panic! At The Disco Dying in LA by Panic! At The Disco Northern Downpour by Panic! At The Disco Far Too Young To Die by Panic! At The Disco This Is Gospel by Panic! At The Disco House of Memories by Panic! At The Disco Moral of the Story by Ashe Reason to Stay by Sody Anchor by Novo Amor Sober II (Melodrama) by Lorde Mt. Washington by Local Natives Mountains by Message To Bears
Action/Fight Scenes- Finish Line by Skillet I Ran (Epic Trailer Version) by Hidden Citizens Another One Bites The Dust (Epic Trailer Version) by Hidden Citizens Back From the Dead by Skillet Never Give In by Black Veil Brides The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy DESTROYA by My Chemical Romance Warriors by Imagine Dragons Bella Ciao by Manu Pilas What’s Up Danger by Blackway & Black Caviar The Resistance by Skillet Feel Invincible by Skillet In The End by Black Veil Brides Days Are Numbered by Black Veil Brides Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides Caffeine by Casey Lee Williams This Will Be The Day by Casey Lee Williams 300 Violin Orchestra by Jorge Quintero Radioactive by Imagine Dragons Ready Aim Fire by Imagine Dragons Silent Running (Epic Trailer Version) by Hidden Citizens I’d Love to Change the World (Matstubs Remix) by Jetta  Tommy’s Theme by NOISIA The Sharpest Lives by My Chemical Romance Mama by My Chemical Romance My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light ‘Em Up) by Fall Out Boy The Carpal Tunnel of Love by Fall Out Boy Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy
Happy/Fun Scenes- Tongue Tied by Grouplove Bang! by AJR 100 Bad Days by AJR Wasted by Tiësto 3 Nights by Dominic Fike City in a Garden by Fall Out Boy I Took a Pill in Ibiza (SeeB Remix) by Mike Posner  Safe and Sound by Capital Cities Collar Full by Panic! At The Disco Ahead By a Century by The Tragically Hip American Idiot by Green Day Superhero by The Script Wild Things by Alessia Cara Here’s To Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne Do It All The Time by I Don’t Know How But They Found Me Burn by Ellie Goulding Move To Miami by Enrique Iglesias & Pitbull Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez King of the World by Young Rising Sons Bulletproof Heart by My Chemical Romance Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance Miss Missing You by Fall Out Boy Where Did The Party Go by Fall Out Boy Sunshine Riptide by Fall Out Boy Last of the Real Ones by Fall Out Boy Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) by Fall Out Boy Time To Dance by Panic! At The Disco Crazy=Genius by Panic! At The Disco The Overpass by Panic! At The Disco Roaring 20s by Panic! At The Disco Victorious by Panic! At The Disco LA Devotee by Panic! At The Disco Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time by Panic! At The Disco Something Good by alt-j Hollywood by MARINA
Badass/Dark Scenes- Pretty Waste by Bones UK Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA Born For This by The Score Kings & Queens by Ava Max Castle by Halsey Caffeine by Casey Lee Williams Heaven Knows by The Pretty Reckless Joan of Arc by In This Moment Believer by Imagine Dragons Sand Storm by Apashe you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish Power & Control by MARINA Fancy by Iggy Azalea Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift Empire of Our Own by RAIGN Revolution by Unsecret & Ruelle Unstoppable by The Score Control by Halsey Gasoline by Halsey Tag, You’re It by Melanie Martinez  Up In The Air by Thirty Seconds To Mars So What by P!NK Do It Like A Dude by Jessie J Ready For It? by Taylor Swift Teenagers by My Chemical Romance Centuries by Fall Out Boy I Don’t Care by Fall Out Boy Rat a Tat by Fall Out Boy Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea by Fall Out Boy Champion by Fall Out Boy Thnks fr the Mmrs by Fall Out Boy One Thing by Casey Lee Williams I May Fall by Casey Lee Williams This Life Is Mine by Casey Lee Williams Let’s Kill Tonight by Panic! At The Disco Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At The Disco The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty by Panic! At The Disco Mount Everest by Labrinth Legendary by Skillet Homewrecker by MARINA Modern Day Cain by I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
That One Vibin’ Scene- When I RIP by Labrinth Sweatin’ Somethin’ Awful by Okey Dokey Wasted by Tiësto Leave Me Alone by I Don’t Know How But They Found Me Piano Fire by Sparklehorse Blinding Lights by The Weeknd Good News by Ocean Park Standoff Hey There Delilah by Plain White T’s East of Eden by Zella Day Hazy Shade of Winter by The Bangles (or the Gerard Way cover) 5:15 by Bridgit Mendler Here by Alessia Cara Joan of Arc by In This Moment Mr. Doctor Man by Palaye Royale Cool For a Second by Yumi Zouma Counting Stars by One Republic Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood Ho Hey by The Lumineers We Can’t Be Friends by Dream Koala Public Making Out Is Like Ugh by DNE Sober II (Melodrama) by Lorde North by Sleeping at Last 400 Lux by Lorde No. 1 Party Anthem by Arctic Monkeys Still Don’t Know My Name by Labrinth Primadonna by MARINA dontmakemefallinlove by Cuco
That ‘Holy Shit I Can’t Believe That Just Happened’ Scene- All For Us by Labrinth (or the Zendaya version) Raquel y Sergio Juntos by Ivan M. Lacamera Forever by Labrinth Coming Home by Falling in Reverse Superheroes by Falling in Reverse (also works really well for cliffhanger-ending scenes) Carry On by Falling in Reverse The Thunder Rolls by Garth Brooks (if you don’t like country music, listen to the All That Remains cover) Zombie by The Cranberries Obstacles by Syd Matters Glory and Gore by Lorde Empire of Our Own by RAIGN When It’s All Over by RAIGN Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap
The Cinematic Teen Experience Scene- Amsterdam by Imagine Dragons Midnight City by M83 Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush (Meg Myers’ cover does better with the category though) Good News by Ocean Park Standoff Circles by Post Malone Rollercoaster by Bleachers Bad Idea! by girl in red Mr. Brightside by The Killers Fireflies by Owl City Undercover Martyn by Two Door Cinema Club Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings The Kids From Yesterday by My Chemical Romance I’m Not Okay by My Chemical Romance Fourth of July by Fall Out Boy Tip Toe by Imagine Dragons Someone To You by Banners Gone Gone Gone by Phillip Phillips Make You Mine by PUBLIC Out of my League by Fitz and The Tantrums Perks of Being a Sunflower by Soft Glas A World Alone by Lorde Wetsuit by The Vaccines Bored to Death by blink-182 There’s a Place by The All-American Rejects 18 by Anabor Mother by Smallpools Tompkins Square Park by Mumford and Sons 400 Lux by Lorde The Horse by Beach Fossils Ribs by Lorde Can I Call You Tonight? by Dayglow Hot Rod by Dayglow Marlboro Nights by Lonely God Under Stars by Aurora Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap Do Not Wat by Wallows Cold Cold Man by Saint Motel Forget Her by girl in red Buzzcut Season by Lorde A World Alone by Lorde Time to Pretend by MGMT Kids by MGMT Bags by Clairo My Tears Are Becoming a Sea by M83 Talia by King Princess (or the girl in red cover) Maybe by girl in red
And yeah that’s all I have for now. If you want any other categories just ask cause I’ll probably make a part two anyways. 
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I’m Gonna Crawl
Chapter One  July 20 1973 - Boston, MA 
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“Cali, where have you been?” My boss, Jonathon – clearly irritated by my lack of responsibility and ability to answer his non-stop phone calls since last Tuesday – harped into the telephone. I had been on a bedridden binge since my last fight with my long-time boyfriend, Daniel. 
“Been under the weather.” I groaned into the receiver. 
“I’ve been calling for a week. It’s Monday. You were supposed to be at the new client meeting on Friday. You know I don’t tolerate no-shows. I don’t care how good you are at your job.” 
“Are you firing me Jonathan?” My tone unmoved. At this point I honestly didn’t care about the job. I had worked hard for years to get to the position I’m in but my situational depression had made me completely uninterested in the job I had loved and cared so much for. All the love and passion I had for anything and anyone had completely diminished the moment I stepped into Daniel’s dank office. 
Jonathan sighed loudly. “No, Cali. I’m not firing you. But you need to show up to work. We have new clients waiting for your go ahead. If you can’t make it, I’m sure Stu can fill in for you.” He was baiting me. Stu was an idiot and he knew it and knew that I knew it. 
“When’s the next meeting?” I took the bait, unwillingly. 
“Tomorrow morning. Some big-time band wants their concert filmed.” He paused and sucked in a large breath. “These are important clients. Willing to pay big and we need the business so please, please, please don’t fuck this up, kid.”  
I rolled my eyes at the assumption that I would fuck it up. “Have I ever fucked anything up since I’ve worked for you?” 
“Not yet, but I can see you snowballing down a big hill… What’s going o-” 
“Nothing personal here, Jon, but I really don’t want to talk about it. Let’s keep things professional.” I cut him off. I liked Jonathan; he was a good boss but he always tried to pry. I didn’t like people who pried. 
“So, I’ll see you tomorrow morning, right?” He dropped it. “Nine-thirty A.M.” He emphasized. 
“Yes, sir.” I breathed then placed the phone back on the receiver. 
I laid my head on my pillow, sinking further into the comforts of the fluffy mattress. Not even thirty seconds after I hung up with Jon the phone rang again. I sat up and wretched the phone from its cradle. “I said I would be there Jon!” I murmured impatiently into the phone. 
“Cali…” His voice was raw and rough. “Why have you been ignoring my calls?” 
I clenched my jaw and took a deep breath through my nose, exhaling loudly through my mouth. “Daniel.” I murmured with quiet irritation. “I’ve been busy.” I lied. 
“Busy with what?” His tone was sharp and accusatory. “Where have you been? With Jon? Is he the guy you’ve been fucking around with?” 
“Excuse me?” The audacity. “You have no right to accuse me of anything.” 
“No right?” He yelled. “I have every right. You belong to me. You don’t have the right-” 
“I’m sorry, but I’m pretty sure that you’re the one fucking around with random skanks you meet at that dingy bar you call a business.” I retorted. 
He was quiet. For a minute he didn’t say anything. He knew I was right. I had a million reasons not to be with this man but for the life of me I wasn’t strong enough to let him go. “I’m coming over.” He stated. 
I looked over at the clock, it read 7:45 p.m. “No. I have to be at work early in the morning and I’m really not in the mood to continue this right now. I’ll call you tomorrow.” I hung up the phone before he could protest. 
I dropped heavily back onto the pillow with a sigh. When I closed my eyes, I could see last Monday night. I had gotten off work and decided I would surprise him at the bar he managed. We had both been so busy with work we had only seen each other for a few hours in the evening four times in the past two weeks. He was cold and sometimes demeaning but he loved me, cared for me. This was no Romeo and Juliet. We were both damaged goods, maybe that’s why I loved him too. 
Monday evening, I had rushed home, donned Daniels favorite little black dress and drove to the bar, The Tam. When I arrived, I walked in confident, greeted the bartender, Tim, grabbed a bottle of Southern Comfort and headed to the manager’s office, ignoring the odd look Tim had on his face. When I opened the door the liquor bottle slipped from my hand and shattered around my feet. Behind the desk was Karen, another bartender I had only met a couple of times, sitting on Daniels lap, skirt hiked up around her waist, Daniel’s jeans at his ankles. 
  “Jesus.” I muttered. 
Karen looked at me like she was a deer caught in the headlights and under her I could see the smug tone underneath Daniel’s faux apologetic gaze. 
As hard as I tried to fight them, I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. I refused to let him see them. I turned on my heels and left the bar in silence. I held myself together as I drove back to my apartment. When I finally made it, I closed the door, locked it, and leaned my body weight against it. With my fists in balls, I slid down the door and finally let go. The tears welled and rained down my cheeks. I sat there on the floor, unable to move, unable to see what I needed to forget. An hour later I heard the clumsy footsteps approaching my door. 
My breath hitched, I started taking quiet and shallow breaths. I flinched when his fist hit the door. “Cal!” He groaned through the wood. 
I stayed silent. I didn’t dare speak knowing full well my voice would betray me. I sat at the door for another thirty minutes listening to him begging and pleading then banging and cursing. When he had finally left, I poured myself a drink. And that was the beginning of everything.  
I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. I let out a deep breath and shook the memory from my head. I had no more tears left. I had been crying for over a week and was tired of it. 
“Shower.” I exhaled. I definitely needed one. I didn’t have enough strength or energy to stand so I started the shower, removed my clothes then sat down in the tub and let the water rain over me. After I had cleaned myself thoroughly, I got out and stared at myself in the mirror. I was thin before but now I could see I was getting even more thin. Food had not been on my mind lately and when it was it was quickly dismissed by the memory in my head and put on hold until I could regain my appetite. My cheeks were hollow and the bags under my eyes made me look washed out. I was beginning to look like my mother. Unhappy, unhealthy and colorless. 
I knew that if I decided to stay up, I would only do no good to myself so I slid into a pair of panties, an old t-shirt and climbed into bed. 
The morning was hard. I dragged myself out of bed and did my best to look presentable for the meeting with the new client’s. I didn’t want to go. I wanted to crawl back into bed and sleep forever but I knew that if I didn’t show up Stu would steal the client from me and I would probably slip further into myself creating a hole of despair.   
Before I left the house I self-medicated. Jonathan would not approve, he detested marijuana but I didn’t care.  It was something I had been doing more of over the past week, some may think a little too much. But again, I didn’t care. 
I made it to work with only minutes to spare. I lit a cigarette and ran through the lobby not bothering to greet the lady behind the front desk who’s name always seemed to escape me. I made it to the conference room just as Jonathan was greeting the clients. 
There were four men standing in the room. A large brick wall of a man shaking Jon’s hand looked up at me through the glass door and nodded toward me. Jon turned around with a look of relief. 
I entered the room and put my cigarette out in an ashtray. 
“You’re late.” Jon mumbled at me. 
“Thanks, Jon. I can read a clock.” I retorted quietly; my sarcasm heavy. 
“Can you?” He murmured barely audibly. He looked at the men and gestured to me,
 “This is Cali, she will be taking care of scheduling, equipment, set up and photography on tour with you.” 
“Pleased to meet you.” I nodded. And with that Jon left the room to me. 
The big man extended his hand to me. “Peter Grant. Manager of the band.” He smiled, taking my hand and shaking it. “This is Robert, Jonesy, and John.” He pointed to each member of the band.   
“Very nice to meet you.” I smiled back. 
Robert, a bouncing blonde skipped over to me and took my hand in his, kissing the back of it. His smile was sweet and comforting. Before he let go of my hand, he sniffed around it, his smile grew wider. He raised an eyebrow “By the smell of it, you’ll be quite fun to have around.” He winked. “I was afraid we’d end up with a stingy old man with no sense of adventure.” 
“I am very sorry,” I blushed, embarrassed. “Had a rough night.” More like a rough week. “I usually don’t smoke right before a meeting with clients.”  
“Who’s smoking what?” John the mustached man bounded over, excitement in his eyes. 
“Calm down Bonzo.” Jonesy put a firm hand on his shoulder. 
“So, we would love to get down to the nitty-gritty and tell you what it is we are looking for from you but we apologetically are one man short. He too had a rough night.” Robert gave a look as though he was a child about to be scolded. “Fortunately, we can tell you what we…” He gestures to himself and the other two band members. “… want. Unfortunately, we cannot speak for Jimmy. I would try but he would no doubt complain.” 
“Okay.” I smiled. “So, should we meet at another time?” 
“Well,” Peter rubbed his chin in thought. “We have a show tonight at the Boston Garden. Then we set out for Providence. The boys have the 22nd off then we head over to Baltimore for the 23rd and Pittsburgh on the 24th.” 
“Then two glorious days off!” Robert chimed. 
“We’ll be in New York on the 27th for three shows at Madison Square Garden and that’s where you will come in handy.” Peter finished. 
“So, we will be filming the three shows there?�� I made the conclusion. “Why start filming at the end of your tour?” 
Robert sat in a chair at the round table and put his feet up, crossing his ankles. “Ask Jimmy.” He murmured bitterly. 
I got the feeling Jimmy was the one who called the shots. I was starting to have a bad feeling about him already. 
“What Jimmy wants; Jimmy gets.” Peter confirmed. 
Yep. I thought to myself. This is going to be a long three days. “So, I’ll be meeting you in New York on the 27th?” I assumed. 
Peter and the boys looked at each other. Peter chuckled and shook his head. “No, lovey, you’ll be joining us today.” 
“Oh.” I pursed my lips. “So, we will be filming more than just the three shows in NY?” I was slightly taken aback. 
“No.” Peter smirked amused. “Jimmy,” He sighed heavily. “Would like you and your team to get a feel of the band and what they’re about before we start filming. He likes to be very…” He chose his words carefully. “thorough.” 
“Fair enough.” I agreed. “I get the feeling I should be meeting with Jimmy to fully understand his vision.” 
“Yes, he definitely wants to meet with the head of filming. Said he has lots to discuss.” Peter smiled warmly. 
“Shall I set up a meeting for just him and I to go over everything?” I wondered. 
Jonesy scoffed loudly. “Trust me, darling. You don’t want to be alone with good Ol’ Pagey.” 
“Don’t scare her off Jonesy!” Peter scolded 
Robert turned in his chair to look at Peter. “You know full well how he is.” He looked at me then back at Peter. “Especially around someone of her caliber.” 
He gave Robert a look of warning. “He’ll be on his best behavior.” Peter assured me. “I’ll make sure of it.” His tone was menacing. Peter was definitely not someone you wanted to fuck with. 
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witchie-writings · 4 years
Halo Relationship Headcanons
I wrote these last night, along with some headcanons for the batboys, but I realized how much more I enjoy writing about the halo guys than batboys due to me being more confident in their reactions :” also realized this is way longer than i thought it was whoops
Master Chief/John-117, Jerome-092 (i love him way more than I’m supposed too), and Emile-A239 under the cut!
Master Chief/John-117:
Striking a relationship with him was difficult, as John is known to put the mission before anything else
With you now in his life, it was a struggle adapting to the new change
True that he still prioritizes the mission, a portion of his mind thinks back to you and your safety
If you're injured, John is able to keep his head cool and stable, but a darker part of his conscious that he didn't know existed reared its ugly head in fury
Dying is an entirely other story; the beast within will be released, and suddenly, the Covenant no longer call John "demon", but "Devil"
Outside of missions assigned by his superiors, he is more lax but still possessed an air of professionalism 
Along with being your romantic partner, he also fills the role of a mentor figure to you; helps improve your aim, fighting abilities, and calculation on the battlefields
He offers you to come work out with him at the gym if you aren't burdened by over flowing work
Enjoys cuddling; he is the obvious big spoon, but despite being a walking killing machine, he is gentle with his caresses and places soft kisses across your temple 
Does not like to admit it, but he loves the endearing nicknames you give him behind closed doors
Sometimes you can convince him to play a few board games, but he is a fast learner, so it's a rare case for you to beat the Spartan at, say, monopoly 
Hardly ever jealous, because he is confident in your loyalty, trusting you to not shatter his heart 
Opening him up to more interactions besides the default 'soldier' setting he always has equipped 
Getting to know his fellow Spartans, Linda, Kelly, and Fredric; you have a good relationship with all of them, respecting and appreciating that you brought forth the part of John they didn't expect
Chats with Cortana while you sip away at your favorite beverage, be about UNSC reports or about the time you managed to save John from a plasma blast
He is a light sleeper, so if you ever have nightmares or night terrors, John will be up in a heartbeat to hold you close and comfort you
Speaking of comfort, it isn't exactly his area of expertise; his actions speak louder than his words, which you are more than happy with 
If you are feeling down/depressed, unable to see your own worth amongst the ranks, John will be the one to list off every singular reason to why you’re important and will not allow room for arguing 
A fierce partner to have, but none the less loyal to you
He considers your insight in every plan he constructs, no matter the situation 
Noticeably more open with his relationship with you, such as hand holding and lingering touches
Getting to know Isabel and helping her through the trauma she had experienced
Has a temper, definitely, which is why Captain Cutter relies on you to help soothe his inner beast
Always carries you throughout the Spirit of Fire, when he can at least; loves to carry you on his back, but a running second would be bridal style
Physical touch means deeply to him: it helps him know that you are safe, protected and loved
A small splinter of his mind, however, fears that one day you will leave him; he knows it is an irrational fear, but it remains inputted into his brain
Sparring with him when he's free from any mission assignments
Offering to help ease your workload by splitting it between you two; manages to finish his half before you do, and keeps taking portions of your work till you realize he's finished practically all of it
Finds great pleasure in teasing you, if you're short? Pray for mercy, since this Spartan is a good seven feet
Let's you wear his helmet at times, always taking mental pictures of how cute you look
Shows you off when working out; you clinging onto him like a koala while doing pull ups or reading a book while he does push ups underneath you
Protective of you during missions, always having you close to him; if not, you're close to Alice or Douglas
Whoever severely injured you will face the wrath of Red Team's leader, and they'd better be praying to whatever God lies out in space
Identical to a mother hen when your wounds are addressed, can be a bit pushy with the medics while they treat you
After you are dismissed, he is sure to remain by your side and maintain a protective presence near you
Definitely the big spoon when you cuddle, but always careful not to hurt you
When you press kisses against the rugged scars that adorn his face, he swears he's on Cloud Nine
You and Alice get along quite well, always discussing random topics while Douglas prefers sitting aside to watch
Jerome never admits this to anyone, but he truly longs to settle down and start a family with you
Emile - A239: 
No doubt a loose cannon amongst Noble Team, which remains unhinged even with you
Was not the kindest upon first interaction, but grew close after shared time on the team and Carter forcing you both to bond
Both of you are quite competitive when it comes to the knife game
Sharing his fascination with explosives and being talented in operating them
When away from prying eyes, you take great interest in grazing over the skull that Emile himself engraved onto his helmet
You could've swore you nearly gagged when he said it was because he was ran over by a warthog that the skull came to be
If you thought he was aggressive when it comes to missions, it's amplified when it comes to your protection 
Not Carter nor Jorge could stop him when he realized you've been severely injured; all he saw was red
He would burn through all his ammo and blasting the enemy forces to flesh pieces, once out he brings out his knife to carve through their hide 
Eerily silent during your recovery, but you could notice the worry in his movements when you were dismissed
Vowed to keep you safe, no matter the costs
You both get into arguments about anything, but a majority of it was stemming from your pits of worry for the other 
Mostly you both make it up after a few hours of time alone, but there have been instances where Carter forced you both to make up or you'd get kicked off the team 
Behind the close doors, you both have fiery make out sessions, built up frustration that you both kept contained 
Fight for the role of big spoon when cuddling, it's truly a 50-50 on who gets the slot
Loves trophy hunting, especially when it comes to taking down elites; takes their helmets and energy swords, but sometimes he shares his prizes with you
You surprise him with a Jiralhanae warhammer one day, and he is over the damn moon and sun 
Emile is a reckless driver on the dunes, so you both have treasured memories on patrol as you scaled the rocky hills and slippery slopes, even though Carter openly expressed his disappointment in the lack of professionalism
Spar matches being frequent between the both of you, though they can escalate quickly because of your needs for dominance
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xsarcasticwriterx · 3 years
Childhood friends-part 2
 Summary: Negan and y/n spend the day together talking of their history which makes things become complicated for y/n along with the toll of her friends demise.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of verbal and physical abuse, signs of depression
Notes: jesus sorry this is kinda meh and sorry it took so long to get out I procrastinate a lot and life's been chaotic anyways I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
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Waking up in negans arms felt strange for y/n. She was laying curled up next to him their legs tangled together and y/n head on negans chest. She didn't want to move but at the same time she felt wrong not doing so.
After a few minutes of this internal battle going on in her head she eventually decided to move. Slowly moving away she slid off the bed and into the guest bathroom. throwing water on her face she recapped the events of the day before. Negan had broken her promise and made her feel a sense of fear she had pushed away for so long. She more so didn't understand how negan was so casual with arguments with the history they both had memories of.
Pulling herself out of the bathroom y/n was greeted with negan sitting up in the bed on his phone. “wont Lucille wonder why your in here?” y/n asked confused why he was so casual and calm. “You mean the same fucking Lucille who practically pushed you onto me? She stayed at her moms house last night after the fucking fight anyways.” negan replied with a semi annoyed tone. sighing, y/n walked over and sat next to negan on the bed. 
“negan.....we both know why i hate yelling.....how are you so calm around it.” y/n had to know. if someone even raised their voice at her shed feel her heart drop. “I know what he fucking did to me....to us and it took me a while but i eventually fucking realized if someone's yelling at me it's not the same way he did it. It's not to fucking make me feel like some small ass child but as a way of showing their upset.” negan said gulping. He never liked talking of his father. neither did y/n her memories with him made her feel like a piece of shit. she nodded slightly. “Hey wanna go get some breakfast?” negan asked her. “yea of course” y/n replied. 
Negan left to get changed leaving y/n alone. she changed into a simple tshirt and jeans. Putting on her tennis shoes. she fixed her hair and walked downstairs. she sat on the couch and waited for negan. The house was so silent. she hated when Lucille and negan fought it always felt so tense and awkward.
a few minuets later negan came down stairs. He smiled at y/n and grabbed his leather jacket. y/n followed after as they walked outside. Negan got into his car y/n following after. Negan put on Led zeppelin as they headed to the diner they usually ate at. So often in fact that the owners and them were on a first name basis. They had spent practically their whole life there. pulling up to the small place with big red glowing lights they got out the car.
y/n wasn't sure if it was the events of last night or the new of Lucille or a mix of both but something about being at the diner just made everything feel so surreal like reality wasn't actually real. they walking into the diner and suddenly y/n felt like she was 15 again. walking to their usual table the chefs immediately got to work. “shit feels weird as hell being here” negan said. “Very. i don’t get why not like we weren't here only last week.” y/n replied. “Things have all changed in a week made us feel....” negan drifted off. Something y/n had only seen happen at most 10 times. negan was never one to not have the words for something. Though she knew he had the words he just didn't want to say them. “Small” y/n finished for negan. He nodded. 
Negan wasn't one for being silent. Hell all through school teachers constantly harped on him for his obnoxiously loud and social behavior. When negan was silent y/n knew it was serious. Between the fight and Lucille's diagnosis everything has felt like a huge 180. Like the world would never be the same again. They had both known Lucille they're entire high school and adult lives they went through life together. They grew up together and now shed be gone. They wanted to hope of course everyone wants to hope that someone they love and care for won't pass but they knew the inevitable. Lucille's resulted weren't looking up and in the end they all knew what's going to happen. They sat in silence which was unusual to say the least.
“here you two. seem like you could use something a little more than your usual.” mark, their usual waiter,said. “Thanks” negan said. Mark nodded and walked off. Negan and y/n looked to see what he brought. seemed like their usual shakes. negan took a sip and his eyes widened. confused, y/n took a sip too. Feeling the taste of not only the strawberry shake but the taste of liquor filling her mouth she pulled away. “ah...you know Jim is going to ask what's up if its this bad” y/n said. negan sighed “i know....only other time they gave us this was the first time we came here after our fucking major fight” negan said.
That was probably the worst day of y/n’s life. Negans dad had banned him from seeing her but she didn't know that. they ended up having a huge fight when she got tired of being ignored. When negan yelled back about his father y/n felt her heart shatter. That same night they ended up here but didn't speak. Jim knew and told mark to give us something extra. Mark was their age and he didn't know that meant an extra desert or something so instead he added some liquor that was stored there. Jim came and placed two burgers and fries on the table and then pulled a chair to the edge of the table and sat down. “alright what is it. Yall fighting again?” he asked. “no it's not that” y/n said. “Lucille fucking has cancer” negan said and immediately sighed and placed his head into his hands. “shit...” Jim said. “i'm so sorry you two....” jim said. He poured more of the alcohol into their drinks. “think you need that.” jim said. “look I can't begin to imagine the pain you two are going through but i can say i have never met two people who care for someone so much and she cares for you two a lot too. She's lived a great life and now you two just need to spend as much time as you can with her”
They knew jim was right but there was a pain in seeing lucille. So many memories which only lead to pain because they could no longer create anymore memories. It felt like the end of a book. Jim stood up and walked off. they ate in silence only a few words spoken of small talk. once they were done negan started to place down a bill. “on the house” Jim said through the serving hatch. negan put the money back into his pocket. once back in the car negan placed his head on the steering wheel. “What the fuck do I do?” he asked mostly to the world. “Honestly....I have no clue....Think just do what jim said  y'know. take what time we have and use it as much as we can.” she replied. negan nodded. “I’m glad your here. I’ll never fucking know why you stayed after all the shit.” negan sighed. y/n reached for his hand” “because its shit we went through together. Just as we will deal with this together” she replied. she knew he didnt mean in general. He was speaking of the night that changed their relationship forever. The night she and him lost their virginity to each other. That wasn't something that needed to be talked about though not then.
Negan started up the car and drove to a secluded forest the place they went after negan had explained his situation at home getting worse. parking on the hill they got out. Sitting on the edge of the cliff looking down at the water. “I really am sorry. For everything. All the times I snapped at you, for bringing you to my house even after my dad was getting worse, for ignoring you and being too much of a fucking pussy to stand up to that asshole, and for messing with your feelings....for sleeping with you and then just leaving...” negan said. He was clearly drunk he never was sentimental and the smell of alcohol was prominent on his breath. He looked over at her and saw her face. “I mean it I may be tipsy but i know what i'm saying and its all true” he said. “thank you” she replied. She didn't know what to say.
She was never mad at negan for all that even when it happened only when he ignored her did she truly get pissed. Everything else is just a thing. She never blamed him. When his father beat her she never blamed negan. When negan ignored her she never blamed him she was mad but never blamed him. She always blamed his father. Even when they slept together she never blamed him because it was mutual. She never blamed negan so him apologizing was odd and left her confused.
They spent most the day at the cliff just thinking and being together. Negans phone rang pulling him away. “Hey” he said into his phone. “oh yea of course” he said “yep ok” he said and hung up. “um she wants to talk so...I guess i'll drop you off at your house” he said. They got back into the car and drove to her house. “I’ll see you monday” negan said. “Hey...it'll be ok negan. we’ll do this together” y/n said getting out the car. He smiled and nodded. For the first time today he smiled. She walked inside and flopped onto the couch. This was taking more of a toll on her than she originally anticipated.
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Oh fuck it lets post Hood
The Wolf stood on the edge of the cliff side, staring intently below him. Nestled in a deep valley just beyond the hills was a town. More of a village, really, but the occupants of Earinheart would never admit to that. The air was crisp and cool. The wind blowing whispers of lost memories around him. In the town below everything was silent— save for the various taverns and pubs that stayed open all hours of the night. Their windows pouring out light and the sounds of laughter and loud music slithering between the cracks in the doors. The merchants and street hagglers of the day time tucked away in their homes and sleeping peacefully. The Wolf regarded the town with some distaste, a bitter longing shadowed by a deep seated hatred for what he’d lost. In the end, it had been his own fault, really. The Wolf often wondered what life would be life had things gone differently so many years ago…
There once were two twins as different as can be. One was light and happy— the joy of the town. She thrived on music and laughter and the simple pleasures of human kindness. The other was colder— quieter. Preferring the shadows than the limelight. However different he may be from his sister, he was just as kind. You wouldn’t even know the twins were related had it not been for the fact that they shared a mother and lived in the same house. The only other defining traits of the twins was their ginger colored hair. Ironically this is how one of the Hood twins had gotten their nickname. Cressida Hood had been referred to as “Red” for as long as anyone could remember. Named for her striking ginger hair and crimson hooded cloak.
Her brother, Grayson, had been named by the village in a similar fashion. Gray, they called him, for his dark colored clothing and his affinity for staying in the shadows— and perhaps because it was also a lot less to say than Grayson Hood.
Despite their differences in appearance and manner the Hood twins were inseparable. Going everywhere and doing everything with each other. The shared the same friends and had the same likes and dislikes. Both had the same kind eyes and inviting smiles. However, even in these times people were quick to judge the twins less on personality and more on appearance. You could hear the shouts of joy as Red walked down the streets. People calling greetings and sharing jokes with her. Basking in her exuberance. But you could also hear the whispers that ensued in her wake as they caught sight of her brother. “Quiet”, they’d say. Too quiet. Unsettling.
Red was oblivious to these whispers, Gray was not. But Grayson Hood found that he didn’t care what people thought of him. He was more than happy to let his sister be the one everyone loved. His family provided him with all the love he could ever need, and that was enough for him.
The twins lived with their mother in a small cottage on the outskirts of town. Bordered by deep woods and long streams, their cottage was a rather quaint spot. An escape from the chaos of the rest of Earinheart. Their grandmother would come to visit every weekend. Excited to learn about what new adventures Red had gotten into and what new books Gray had read.
On one particular summers day, the twins mother got a letter in the mail from their grandmother. She seemed to have fallen grievously ill and would not be able to visit for the weekend.
“Oh my!” The mother exclaimed. “This is terrible news!”
Cressida, having just returned home, asked. “What is?”
“Your grandmother has taken ill! She won’t be able to visit this weekend!”
Cressida was shocked. Her grandmother was sick? This is terrible news!
“We should make her a basket filled with all of her favorite treats,” the mother suggested.
“That’s a brilliant idea,” Red agreed. And the two set off to work.
Some time later, when the basket had been finished, Red pulled on her cloak and prepared to deliver the basket to her grandmother.
“Where is your brother?” Red’s mother asked.
Cressida shook her head, she did not know. Last she saw of her brother he’d been in the library. He’d told her he would catch up later.
“He’ll be along,” Red replied. Her mother nodded, not too concerned about the whereabouts of her second child. “Make sure you watch out for the wolves, Cressida. There’s been an increase in wolf related deaths recently.”
Her mother frowned at the bright red cloak Cressida had wrapped around her shoulders. “Perhaps you should wear a different cloak?” She suggested. But Cressida only shook her head. She had no fear of wolves.
“I’ll be alright,” she said. “Send Gray after me when he returns home.” Then she scooped up the basket and left in a swirl of scarlet fabric.
Not long after, Gray sloped into the small cottage. Arms laden with books from his day spent in the library. Setting his books down, he looked around the house. Where is everyone? His mother appeared in the doorway, smiling brightly and pulling him into a hug.
“I received a letter from your grandmother saying that she’d taken ill. You sister has gone to take her a care basket,” she explained. “Cressida said to send you after her once you returned.”
Gray nodded, turning back towards the door and preparing to head off again. As he pulled open the door his mother issued him the same warning she gave to his sister.
“Be careful of wolves!” His mother called after him.
“I will,” he said, and then he tugged the door shut behind him.
Their grandmother lived in a small house in the heart of the forest. The trees grew closely the further you went into the woods. The only way you could be certain to not get lost was by sticking to the worn down dirt path. Gray walked along the path, sending cautious glances into the thick trees. He had no intentions of being eaten by a wolf.
Eventually he reached his destination, breathing a small sigh of relief at the sight of the familiar house. Gray continued up the cobblestone walkway that led to his grandmother's door.
Standing at the top step of the porch, Gray noticed something odd. The door to the house was slightly ajar, the light wood beneath his feat stained a funny orange color. A sharp spike of panic shot through the boy. Quickly he pushed the door open, recoiling at the metallic taste that bit at his nostrils.
“Hello?,” he called. “Grandmother, Red, I’m here.”
He was met by silence. He journeyed further into the house. Chairs had been knocked askew and tea cups had been shattered. Later Gray would realize that he already knew what was coming before he entered the bedroom. But at that moment he had been shocked by the scene before him.
The room was in tatters. Ripped satin and broken floors were illuminated by the bright sunlight that was streaming lazily into the room. In the center of it all, on the bed, lay his grandmother; showered in wine colored liquid that ran fresh from the gashes in her chest.
The second thing he saw might’ve been worse than his grandmother. Laying on the floor, near his grandmother was his sister. Ginger hair dyed as red as the cloak she was named for. Falling to his knees, Gray crawled towards his sister. Cradling scraps of shredded fabric in his hands.
Now everyone knows that the universe has an odd sort of timing. Somewhat paradoxical in its abnormality. For at that particular moment, a huntsman had happened across the cottage. Eyes catching on the still open front door, and the unnaturally colored floor boards. He — as any good hunter would — entered the house, sensing something was wrong.
He entered the house slowly, posture stiffening as he saw the damage. He took out his axe. When he reached the bedroom he was greeted by a horrifying sight. Two motionless women lay in crooked positions, a boy in dark clothing kneeling over them. The huntsmans grip around his axe tightened.
“Murder,” he hissed.
The boy looked up. Eyes dark with heavy circles under them. The boy started to stutter out a protest, but the huntsman silenced him by swinging his axe. The silver blade making a perfect arc towards him. Gray just barely jumped out of the way.
“But I—“ he started. But the huntsman had no interest in anything he had to say.
“Murder,” he said again, this time much louder.
Knowing that there was nothing he could say to convince this man otherwise, Gray did the only thing he could do. He ran. He ran and ran and ran and ran. Until his lungs couldn’t take anymore and he collapsed against a tree.
Years had passed since then. Stories had been passed through dozens of people, twisting the actual events into things that had never happened. Some said it had been an act of vengeance. He’d always been different from his sister. Some said it was an accident. But there was one thing they could all agree on: Unsettling. The events at the Hood cottage had been unsettling.
“Wolf” they had started to call the boy who had done it. For the deep, jagged slash marks in the bodies. It hadn’t been long before food had started to go missing. And then animals. All found dead the next morning. It had taken even less time for the name to catch on. The Big Bad Wolf. A harbinger of death. A bad omen.
The Wolf looked over the village once more. His eyes falling on a small cottage on the edge of town, bordered by thick woods and lovely streams. He tore his eyes away, instead focusing on the food below. No one would have missed him anyways. The Wolf tore across the cliff side, racing towards the village.
He caught a glimpse of his reflection in one of the rivers. He looked different from the last time anyone had seen him. However one thing remained. That quiet, mysterious persona of a boy who lived in shadows. It was wrapped around and inside of him. Reflecting back in the moonlight in every different shade of, Gray.
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21stcenturyhope · 5 years
BTS Imagine // Royalty!AU with Jin
Kim Seokjin
summary: Your marriage to Prince Seokjin had been arranged since you were young. You were irrevocably in love with him but did he feel the same about you?
genre: angst, fluff ending
length: 2.1k words
other members: Yoongi | Hoseok | Namjoon | Jimin | Taehyung | Jungkook
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At eight years old, you were introduced to Kim Seokjin.
You had been a sickly child and often couldn’t partake in physically vigorous activities. All the other children in the palace didn’t have the patience to stay behind and play with you when they would rather be running up the hills or riding horses.
Jin was a prince from a neighbouring kingdom. His mother was an old friend of your mother’s and they had arranged a play date between the two of you. He was different from everyone else, almost like a well of endless patience and not to mention notoriously funny.
Jin didn’t mind staying behind to read books with you in the library. The two of you would take slow walks along the forest edge where he would point out different plants. Jin would always be holding a parasol above your head to protect you from the sun. When you began to slow down, he would grasp your hand tightly in his so you wouldn’t be left behind.
For the first time in your life, you felt like you finally had friend.
At thirteen years old, you knew you were in love with him.
The two of you exchanged letters often. Even if you wrote about the most mundane things going on with your life, Jin’s response always seemed enthusiastic. Your exchanges were pages in length and each letter had you anticipating for the next one.
You couldn’t help but let out an excited squeal when one of his letters informed you of his upcoming visit. It had been a few months since you last saw Jin and it was by far the longest stretch the two of you had gone without each other’s company.
The day he was set to arrive had you waiting anxiously in front of the castle doors, constantly checking for any sight of a carriage making its way up the path. When Jin finally did arrive, you launched yourself down the front steps and into his arms.
“Jin! You’re finally here!”
Laughter filled the front courtyard as the servants looked on fondly while he lifted you up in the air and twirled you around. Butterflies formed in your stomach when Jin finally set you down and he looked down at you with that bright smile of his.
“I’ve missed you, Y/N,” Jin said, reaching out to ruffle your hair. “Come on, let’s go say hello to your parents and then you can show me your encyclopedia collection.”
Jin grabbed your hand as he hurried into the castle that he considered his second home. If he had looked behind him, he probably would have noticed the bright blush that had appeared across your face.
At sixteen years old, your dream was coming true.
The thing your father valued most in his life was family. Despite being the king, he would make sure to have dinner alone with just you and your mother from time to time. It was his way of having quality time with his loved ones.
It was by complete accident that you had overheard your parents talking. You had arrived early for dinner at your father’s private chambers and your parents were already seated. They hadn’t thought to keep their voices down.
“It’s nice to see Y/N and Jin so close these days, they are going to make such a lovely couple,” your mother cooed.
“You’re right, my dear. I think they’ll be quite receptive when we announce the marriage arrangement.”
Your gasp alerted your parents to your presence.
“Mom? Dad? Is it true? Will I really be marrying Jin?”
“Oh, honey, we didn’t mean for you to find out this way. If this makes you unhappy…”
The large smile on your face was an indication of how ecstatic you were. You ran to hug your mother tightly before you she could finish your sentence.
“Unhappy? Impossible! I think I’m the happiest girl in the world now!”
“I told you so, dear. Our daughter seems quite receptive,” your father teased before turning serious for a moment. “But if you ever change your mind, Y/N, you just say the word. Even if I have to wage war, I will end this arrangement if that’s what you wish for. We love you and your happiness will always be your own choice.”
At eighteen years old, your heart was broken.
Your parents had arranged for you to visit Jin for the summer. Showing up a few days early, you had planned on surprising him. Unable to find him in the kitchens or the stables, you finally stumbled upon him in the library. You realized he was with a friend before you could interrupt so you remained hidden just outside the door.
“What am I supposed to do, Namjoon? I’m so in love with her.”
Familiar butterflies erupted in your stomach. You had always hoped that Jin would return your feelings and now you had your answer. But why did it sound like it pained Jin to make such an admission?
“Jin, you’re young…”
“No, I know this isn’t puppy love. She’s the one for me but it kills me when I think about how I’ll never get the chance to be with her in this lifetime.”
Now you were confused. Jin’s love wasn’t in any way unrequited – you loved him with all of your heart. And the arrangement between the two of you was the worst kept secret in both kingdoms. Everyone knew the two of you would one day be wedded.
“What about Y/N? You know how she feels about you,” Namjoon asked. Your breath hitched as you waited for Jin to answer.
“I could never love Y/N the way I love her, Namjoon. I would give up my crown if it meant we could be together.”
Your heart shattered when you realized that Jin was never talking about you. He was in love with someone and it wasn’t you. You willed the tears to not fall as you silently made your way back to your own quarters.
Oh, how you wished you had never overheard him.
At nineteen years old, you began to lose hope.
Since you had found out about Jin’s love interest, you had become obsessed with learning everything and anything you could about her.
Her name was Jiyoo and she was the youngest daughter of a prominent duke. Despite her noble upbringing, you learned that she had a kind heart and volunteered her free time to many notable causes. She was talented in music, cooking and debate among other things. You found yourself lacking in many ways compared to her. Besides your royal title, which you had inherited, what had you even really accomplished in life?
You found out that Jin had cut off all contact with Jiyoo since the day you had overheard him a year ago. In the end, you supposed his sense of obligation to his parents and to his kingdom had won out. But your paths often crossed with Jiyoo’s and it hurt you deeply each time you noticed the seemingly longing looks Jin still sent her way.
The same day Jiyoo had announced her engagement to some other nobleman was the day Jin first kissed you. It was quick and chaste but you could have sworn you saw stars. The two of you never talked about what it meant but you couldn’t help but think maybe it had something to do with Jiyoo. But when Jin continued to steal kisses from you here and there, that was enough for you to believe that maybe Jin would eventually learn to love you back.
At twenty years old, you made the hardest decision of your life.
You had held onto Jin selfishly up until this point, refusing to break off your engagement despite what you knew. You had even accepted coming in second place when it came to matters of Jin’s heart.
You had committed every one of his smiles to memory. The sound of his squeaky laughter was like music to your ears. When Jin held your hand or placed a sweet kiss on your lips, your skin burned and you began to crave his touch even more.
You kept telling yourself that these small moments were enough as long as you could be with Jin.
But at some point, it had all become too much. Truthfully, Jin hadn’t done anything to wrong you at all. He was still the same Jin you always knew – kind, patient and possibly even more charming. However, deep down, you couldn’t help but feel like Jin had settled for you when he realized he could no longer be with Jiyoo. Would Jin eventually begin to resent you for being the one thing that got in the way of his one true love?
Last night, you had finally broken down in front of your parents, begging them to cancel the arrangement as sobs racked your entire body. It was too painful to hold on anymore. The wedding ceremony was set to take place in just a few days and the preparations had been well underway at Jin’s castle. Your parents were confused but there wasn’t anything your mother and father were unwilling to do for you.
Which was how you found yourself waiting by the carriage that would take you home, all of your belongings neatly packed in the back. The doors of the castle swung open with a thud and Jin came storming down the steps, his angry gaze entirely focused on you.
“Y/N! What the hell is going on? We’re getting married in three days and all of a sudden your parents are calling off the wedding!”
“I’m sorry, Jin. Our parents are good friends, they won’t let this turn into a big misunderstanding. Our kingdoms will still be able to trade freely and have good relations.”
“Y/N, I could care less about fucking trade relations.” This was the first time you had ever heard Jin swear and you were surprised at the amount of frustration in his voice. “What I want to know is why you’re leaving me?”
“P-pardon?” you sputtered, at a loss for words. Jin took several steps towards you and placed a hand on either side of your head, effectively trapping you up against the carriage.
“I won’t ask again. Why are you leaving me, Y/N?”
“Jin… it’s for your own good! This was always supposed to be a marriage of convenience. I thought you would be happy to have your freedom back so you could marry someone you love.”
“A marriage of convenience? Was that all this was to you? How do you know I wasn’t already happy? That I wasn’t already marrying someone I love?”
“But, Jiyoo…”
“Jiyoo?” Jin was flabbergasted. “What the hell does she have to do with this?”
“I see the way you look at her.”
“You mean with complete and utter disdain?”
“Please don’t lie to me… I overheard you, Jin. You told Namjoon that you loved her and that you were willing to give up your crown for her.”
His sudden laughter shocked you and you weren’t quite sure what was going on anymore.
“Oh my god… Y/N, Jiyoo tried to trap me into marriage by setting me up in a compromising situation while I was asleep. Thank god it was only Namjoon who walked in. He was right, it was only puppy love. Jiyoo only wanted me for my title and I stopped contacting her after that.”
Jin let out a big sigh and softly cradled your face between his hands, resting his forehead against yours.
“This is all my fault. I never told you outright how I feel and I let all these crazy doubts and ideas form in your head. So, here I go. You are it for me. You are the one that I love, Y/N. Please don’t leave me.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as your processed what Jin said – the person he loved was you.
“I must be really bad at confessing my love because it seems to have made you cry.”
You shake your head as you let out a shaky laugh.
“These are happy tears. I love you too, Jin.”
You briefly saw a flash of Jin’s bright smile before he leaned in to capture your lips in a sweet kiss.
At twenty years old, you finally got your happily ever after.
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drag-oon23 · 5 years
Courting Death
Summary: The first time they met, Sara stabbed her. Or what happens when Sara the League Assassin bumps into Nyssa The Grim Reaper.
The first time they met, Sara stabbed her.
Sara had finished her first assignment from the League, a small time drug dealer. Her hands shook as she withdrew the blade from the man’s still warm corpse and jumped when she turned around. Instinctively, she stabbed the woman in front of her who widened her eyes and looked at the blade thrust harmlessly into her abdomen. Sara yelped and jumped back when she felt no resistance at all, it was like stabbing air.
The woman tilted her head, furrowing her eyebrows, observing the assassin. “You can see me?”
Sara couldn’t help but exclaimed, “Holy shit, are you okay? Wait, how did you do that?”
The woman tilted her head in the other direction. “You can’t harm me with your mortal weapons. You shouldn’t even be able to see me.”
The woman shook her head in bemusement. “In any case, my name is Nyssa and you are?”
“Um, I’m Sara.”
Sara felt hysterical laughter bubbling up when she realized how crazy her life ended up being after she ran from Star City. She was rescued by the League, barely survived the training to become one of them, and now met a gorgeous woman who apparently is a ghost.
Nyssa rolled her eyes. “I am not a ghost and yes you said that out loud. But as strange as this conversation is, I must be off. I have a feeling we will meet again.”
Sara blinked and stepped further back when a giant scythe appeared in Nyssa’s hand. A glowing red orb emerged from the dead man at their feet. Nyssa swiped the orb with her scythe causing it to implode and vanish with a sigh. With one last glance at the human, Nyssa disappeared.
Sara glanced around and took a deep breath. Time to get back to the safehouse. She didn’t want to think about what the giant scythe meant.
Since then, Sara kept bumping into Nyssa after each of her single kills. The reaper never appeared when there were others with Sara.
“Sweet Jesus, do you always have to do the silent routine?” Sara exclaimed as Nyssa appeared behind her.
Nyssa quietly laughed, momentarily ignoring the body at their feet. “Yes.”
Before, Nyssa would only stay a few moments after reaping the soul but she began to stay longer and longer, intrigued by the mortal. Sara more than once tried to get her to answer questions about what happened after.
“You mean you don’t know what happens after?”
The reaper shrugged. “It’s not my place to know the after, only the now.”
Nyssa materialized her scythe and casually sliced the soul that emerged from the corpse. “All things must end eventually, either by our scythes or other.”
Sara froze. “Other?”
The scythe disappeared.
“Yes, other though I wouldn’t worry about them if I were you. They tend to only bother the dead and not the living. And we're there if they cross the line.”
Nyssa vanished and Sara froze when she went over that last statement. “Wait, who’s ‘we’?”
Sara grew to enjoy her time with the mysterious reaper.
“Why do you only ever appear after I kill my target?”
“I’m a Reaper, we appear when there is a death substantial enough to warrant our interest.”
Nyssa shook her head in amusement. “Things are dying around you every day. The fallen leaves, the bacteria, your cells. Most of the time, they enter the after with little trouble. But sometimes they need a little push to cross. The souls summon us, anchor us to this realm. We in turn give the push they need.”
Sara sighed. “Yeah but, I never see you otherwise. Hell, half the time I’m not even sure if you’re real or if I’m just going crazy since I’m the only one who can see you and everything just goes through you like you’re made of air.”
Nyssa paused at that and looked at the other woman. “Hold still.”
Sara froze, her eyes widened as Nyssa concentrated and touched her shoulder. She could actually feel Nyssa.
After a moment, Nyssa took her hand off Sara. “I apologize for not…materializing sooner. It’s been a very very long time since I needed a solid form.”
Sara couldn’t help but throw her arms around Nyssa, causing the Reaper to stumble back before stabilizing. Nyssa gingerly returned the hug. She closed her eyes, relishing the warmth of the human soul.
Sara took a deep breath as she followed her target. She had been observing him for a few days and knew his routine by heart. Finally he turned down a certain alleyway and she carefully bumped into him, stabbing him with the poisoned blade, trying to ignore the sick feeling in her stomach.
She should leave now before his body was found, but she waited, watching the man crumble to the ground. Sara felt a presence, and leaned into the body that materialized behind her.
Nyssa blinked in surprised but gently wrapped her arms around the assassin. Many thoughts swirled in her head, but she could not settle on one and so remained silent. Sara stared at the cooling corpse at their feet. A red glowing orb slowly emerged from the man’s body, pulsating with energy. Nyssa briefly tightened her grip on the human before releasing her.
The Reaper summoned her Scythe and without hesitation sliced the orb in half. The shattered orb released a resigned sigh and disappeared.
Sara shivered, though not from the cold. “I don’t know how long I can keep doing this.”
Nyssa paused, not turning around.
The assassin continued, voice turning soft. “I keep seeing their faces, all of them. The League says it’s suppose to get easier, but not for me.”
The Scythe disappeared from the Reaper’s hand, Nyssa turned around to face Sara. “Tell me what you want, Sara.”
As Sara felt the Reaper’s eyes on her, she felt the truth tumbling out of her body. “I want to leave it all behind.”
Nyssa smiled sadly, her form weakening. “I understand. Farewell.”
Nyssa didn’t appear after her next kill or the next. The assassin waited long after she should by her dead targets, but Nyssa never appeared.
In the courtyard of Nanda Parbat, she channeled emotions into the training equipment. Without Nyssa, there was nothing stopping her from leaving. Deep down, Sara knew she only stayed for Nyssa.
She sneaked away that night.
When Sara ran back to Star City, everything was the same and yet so different. She constantly looked over her shoulder waiting for the League to find her. Her family handled her as if she would break any second, and maybe she was at the edge. The only comfort she found was in smashing the faces of various crooks. There was always the temptation to punch just a little harder, aim a little lower but Oliver held her back. She wondered if this is what purgatory felt like.
One evening, she retreated to a hill overlooking the city. Almost no one knew of her hiding spot, and those that knew were well aware to leave her alone. The crisp cold air calmed her as Sara looked at the bright moon in the sky. She sat down on the bench and took a breath. She closed her eyes and whispered the name that had haunted her ever since she ran from the League. “Nyssa.”
With her eyes closed, she tried to extend her senses beyond the wind rustling the leaves and the trees creaking around her. Sara’s eyes snapped one when she felt the faint presence behind her. She couldn’t turn around, not yet.
“I’m sorry, Nyssa. I never meant I wanted you to leave, only the League. I only stayed so long because I couldn’t leave you.”
The presence paused for a moment before she settled beside Sara on the bench. Sara gasped, her eyes widening when she felt a gentle hand touch her shoulder. Her head turned to the side where Nyssa was sitting, her form shimmering and not quite solid. Still, Sara burst out laughing and pulled the other woman to her in a tight hug. Nyssa closed her eyes, momentarily ignoring how much energy it took her to materialize. Sara could feel the Reaper’s form shifting and drew back, drinking in Nyssa’s smile.
The former assassin cupped the Reaper’s face in her hands, unable to believe this was happening.
Nyssa leaned into Sara’s hands, but she could feel herself fading. “I’m sorry Sara but I cannot stay long, not without an anchor.”
Sara took a breath. “What if you anchored to me?”
Nyssa paused, her eyes widened. I don’t believe you know what you’re asking.”
Sara shook her head, reaching to hold Nyssa’s hands. “You said souls summon you? Well, guess what mine is doing ever since I left the goddamn League.”
She placed one of Nyssa’s hand on her heart. “Feel that? That’s one genuine soul that’s beating for you.”
“I believe that’s just your heart pumping blood through your system.”
Sara rolled her eyes but looked expectantly at the Reaper.
Nyssa couldn’t deny the warm soul was calling out to her. It took everything of her to ignore the summons after she said goodbye to Sara the first time. The Reaper couldn’t resist what was so freely given, such a bright soul.
“Are you absolutely sure. Once given, one’s soul cannot be returned as it was. You will be forever marked.”
Sara nodded firmly.
The Reaper summoned her Scythe in one hand and held it out to Sara, handle first. “Hold it.”
When Sara gripped part of the handle, she cried out, feeling parts of herself being absorbed into and precipitating out of the weapon, forever changed. A forgotten memory floated to the surface.
Sara was drifting in and out of conscious as she floated on a piece of debris in the middle of the ocean. She was so weak and the sun was shining so harshly above her. She tried to turn to her side, to escape the sun’s wrath but could summon enough energy to do so. Every breath was so hard. In her delirium, she saw a hooded shadow blocking the sun above her head. “Please.”
Nyssa shook her head, leaning over the woman. “It’s not your time.”
She turned to leave, only to be stopped by a weak hand gripping her robe. “Please don’t leave me alone.”
Nyssa paused before nodding. She sat down beside the woman. “I will stay until they come.”
Sara burst into tears, remembering. “You were there.”
Nyssa herself was shaken. “I had forgotten. I’m sorry-”
Sara pulled Nyssa closer and kissed her. For the first time, Nyssa felt completely solid and wasn’t constantly shifting. The Reaper froze before tentatively returning the kiss. Sara broke the kiss when she had to breathe. She couldn’t help but beam at Nyssa who smiled happily in return. Nyssa could feel her body adjusting to being around a new anchor so intimately connected with her. It was easier to stay still in one location. She could still feel the summons of other souls but they were dulled compared to the bright soul burning next to her.
They had much to talk about now they were connected. But as Sara pulled Nyssa in for another kiss, she wasn’t afraid of the future, not with Nyssa by her side.
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scgdoeswhat · 5 years
Sukiyaki - Colt Kaneko x MC
Pairing: Colt Kaneko x Renza Rico
Summary: A freak accident changes everything forever.
Rating: PG
Warning: Major character death
Words: 1463
Author’s Notes: I was driving in K-Town, about 10 minutes west of Downtown LA, and the street I was going to take was blocked. When I turned onto Wilshire, I saw a crowd on the corner because a minivan had just struck a motorcycle. I don’t know what happened to the motorcyclist, but I hope that the paramedics were able to get to him in time. 
The title comes from the song “Sukiyaki,” specifically the 4PM cover version. I heard it the night before and I think the lyrics really encapsulate a lot of what’s going on in this fic. Colt doesn’t belong to me, but the story does. No Beta used.
Sorry if the “Read More” link isn’t working. It’s Tumblr’s fault, not mine!
Tag List: @lady-dianelewis @brightpinkpeppercorn @choicesarehard @duchess-ash-flame @client-327 @desiree-0816 @sinclaire-made-me-sin @lizeboredom @donutsgirl36
"Ha! Take that, Poli Sci!"
Pressing 'save' on her 25-page term paper with a triumphant smile, Renza straightened up in her chair, stretching her arms above her head. The paper marked the last final of her first semester at Langston University and pressing that save button was one of her sweetest victories of the last six months. She looked at the time, not realizing it was already five in the afternoon. Taking out her planner, she crossed out another day until her flight back to LA for the winter break.
Two more days until she went back home.
Two more days until she saw Colt.
Taking her burner phone out, she looked at the latest text exchange with Colt. He had replied to her yesterday morning in response to some stupid meme she had sent him.
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"You're a dork lol"
"I know, but you love me for it 😝"
"Lol I do love you for it."
"Love you too 😘"
They normally FaceTimed in the evening, except for the random times Colt had business to attend to. He made the decision early on in their relationship to stop telling her about anything he was involved with, citing the fact that she had become mixed up in so much shit already because of him and his family. It wasn't like him to not respond for more than a day and so she shot off a quick text.
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"Finished my last paper! Woohoo! Can't wait to see you when I get back home!"
Putting the extra phone away, she picked up her regular, pink cased iPhone, looking through her Pictagram account. Mindlessly, she scrolled through her feed, breaking out of her reverie once she saw her father calling.
"Hey Dad! What's up?!" She chirped happily, ready to tell him about her being done with her semester.
"Hi, Renza," her father cleared his throat, taking a deep breath before continuing on. "I have something to tell you.”
"What is it? Is everything okay?”
“Are you sitting down?"
“Okay, you’re starting to freak me out here,” she frowned. “What's wrong?"
"I... I just found out about an hour ago. I was debating whether to even tell you this, but Kaneko's son, he was involved in a crash last night on Wilshire. A minivan didn't see him on his motorcycle and ... he died on impact. I know you were friends with him and I thought you'd want to know."
Renza dropped the phone, her grip going slack. Her body went completely numb, the words her father said to her barely registering.
"Renza? Renza, honey? Are you okay?"
After a few seconds, she bent over, picking the phone up, looking at the device as if it had deceived her somehow. "I've gotta go, Dad."
"Renza, I'm so-"
With a click, she hung up the phone, frozen in shock. Everything over the last few minutes felt like an out of body experience. Her heart lurched, threatening to swallow itself in her chest as she collapsed into a fetal position on the floor of her room. Never did she realize the pain of her heart shattering would be a thousand times worse than what she could ever imagine.
Hours slipped by before she was knocked out of her trance by obnoxious, drunk laughter outside her dorm room door. Her eyes were red and her cheeks wet with silent tears, her brain still unable to process the news. Unlocking her phone, she looked at the picture in the background. It was a snap of the two of them from prom, right before everything went to hell. They never managed to take another photo together after that moment.
Wiping her face, she cast a glance at her already packed suitcase, taking a series of calming, deep breaths before she could feel herself start to hyperventilate. She counted to ten, her mind clearing with what she needed to do.
The first step? Changing her flight to get back to LA as soon as she could.
Christmas Eve.
This was not the way she had envisioned spending what used to be one of her favorite holidays.
Renza should have been cuddling with Colt by a fire, sipping on hot chocolate and roasting marshmallows … or on the back of his bike, coasting down PCH, the roads devoid of people.
Instead, here she sat, in a pew of the Forest Lawn mortuary located on the other side of the Hollywood Hills. She looked around the room and saw a beautiful Japanese woman in the front, the only one who had eyes redder than hers. The rest of the mourners were a mixture of his family and friends, all from the side of his life she knew nothing about. There were a few girls in attendance who barely hid their sneer at her, not bothering to hide their disdain at the girl who was so out of place. No doubt she stood out like a sore thumb; her simple, black pencil skirt and blazer combo plain compared to the Robertson Boulevard LBDs these USC sorority type girls were wearing.
Never in her life had she felt so alone.
Not when her mother died.
Not when she left her father.
In that moment, the stark realization that Colt was no longer alive hit her head on. No one in the room paid any attention to the girl in the back as her world crumbled all around her. No one except the beautiful, Japanese woman who sat in the front, all by herself.
Three hours had passed, the crowd thinning out as it neared closing time. Renza had nothing left to give, her insides raw with the overpowering emotion that had taken over. She couldn’t trust her body to walk the thirty feet to his coffin during the entire time she had been there with other people around, but now that it was empty, she willed herself to take those steps, to pay her last respects to the love of her life.
Taking a shaky breath, she stepped up to the open casket, looking in at his face. His handsome face. The closed lids hiding the eyes she would never be able to get lost in. The mouth that would never again give her a crooked smile. The lips she would never get to feel against hers.
Everything crashed over her once more, her tears streaming down her face as she broke down in solitude. She cried for all his pain, all his hopes and dreams, their future, and quite simply, him. Their relationship in an instance had been reduced to nothing more than untouchable memories that would stay with her the rest of her life.
“Excuse me, miss, I’m sorry, but we have to close.” A worker approached her gently, handing her tissues with his message, before leaving her with a final moment.
“Of course, sorry,” Renza mumbled. She looked down once more, steeling herself for the last time. “I’ll never forget what we had. Like you said, you’re a part of me forever.” Her lip trembled as she fought a fresh onslaught of tears. “I’m always going to love you. Goodbye, Colt.”
As she neared the building’s entrance, the beautiful woman from earlier approached her, the epitome of grace in such a trying time.
“You must be Renza,” she said quietly, her voice hoarse, not unlike her own.
Unable to find her voice, Renza nodded, biting the inside of her lip.
“My son did not tell me much about his life, especially when he went back to work for Teppei,” she paused, the hurt unmistakable in her tone. “But he did mention you. You were very special to him.”
“He was very special to me, too,” Renza managed to get out.
His mother pressed a piece of paper into her hand, lightly grasping her fingers briefly before letting go. “Please come to his funeral, if your schedule allows it. I know he would have wanted you there.”
Before she could say anything else, his mother turned around and walked away, getting into the backseat of a black Cadillac Escalade.
Renza exited the double doors, her eyes trained on the heavens. A shooting star crossed the night sky, a vision almost impossible to believe in the LA smog. A sad smile graced her face, knowing intrinsically that star was meant for her, from him.
Sighing heavily, she pulled her phone out to order a Dryve, her gaze settling back to earth. She blinked repeatedly at the sight that greeted her, not sure if her eyes were playing tricks. In the parking lot, there stood Mona, Ximena, Toby, and even Logan; the remaining members of the Mercy Park Crew.
Even in death, Colt was right. MPC was always going to be a part of her.
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enygmass · 6 years
Title: Ghosts
By: Ames
Char: Jonathan Crane
It’s October, it’s about time I write something for Halloween.
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It was a dark stain. The landscape was picturesque, appearing as though it were ripped right from the scenic moment on a postcard, but it was marred by that dark stain. There were neat rows of corn, blue skies, little cars that drove steadily on by, but all of it was ruined by that dark, ugly stain. It looked as though it was built without kindness, as though, despite the mortar between the bricks and the embellishments that lined the porch, the spark of life that finished off a home had been forgotten, left to turn to dust in the high Georgian sun.
The interior was no better than the exterior. Where the exterior, with its black bricks bleached a dull grey and the wood chipped to splinters in the yellow grass, showed its ability to handle the elements, the interior was coated with a sheet of dust and decorated with cobwebs in the corners like some sick party trick. Welcome home, it seemed to echo, down halls that had been silent for years on end. Welcome home indeed.
But the home was not without life, although the absence of a hearth and darkness from the windows made it appear so. The people who watched from the town of Arlen below spoke of the ghosts within the walls, who seemed to hover just out of view in the tallest windows. They would whisper that if you looked at the right time, at the right moment, and if you squinted your eyes and leaned forward in your seat just a little bit, you could see them. You could see them if you really wanted, but you better hope to God that they couldn’t see you back.
Home was always a funny word on the tongue of someone who hardly knew it. It was a heavy word, a light word, a word with many meanings, but from the chapped lips of a man who had grown within the walls like some parasite, feeding off the misery of those alleged ghosts to fester his own, it meant a carcass. To him, it was a shell on a hill, blanketed in a field of corn that he once knew and once loved and over time had since grown to hate. He had grown to hate it with a passion that replaced the missing hearth of that home with his own burning resentment, which seemed to seep into the walls and make the already rotting foundation even more decayed.
“Home.” Yes, the word did sound funny on his tongue when he uttered it to an empty master hallway where his only companions were the knockoff roman statues that guarded the stairs. The word even echoed in his head a few times as he made his way up those molded velvet steps with his hand tracing the railing all the way to the windows which once looked nice, yes, but were now so coated with dust you couldn’t see out them at all. It felt nice to finally stand in the house when it was in its true element, rather than the spotless lie that he had grown up in.
His surname should have been Keeny, but he had always been called Crane. Grandmother had formed some sort of adamance against allowing him to carry on her surname; it always had to be his father's surname so that the world knew he was nothing but the bastard product of two shattered homes. One time, when he had asked why, she had ceased her cutting of the meat she intended to use that dinner that night and became so unnaturally still in her state that, by the time she finally moved, Jonathan had been near tears with the wrongness of the situation. She had not responded to his question.
To his right, he could see a room. The walls that once might have been a seafoam green were faded out now, with the little bear stencils lining the borders now nearly scratched away. There was a rocking horse, a chair, and a toy box that sat unmoved in the corner. Jonathan supposed at this rate that if he tried to open it he would be met with resilience. Grime had surely hardened the bolts that held it together.
When he was five years old, his Grandmother used to lock him in the room by himself as a means of attaining some peace and quiet. At first, Jonathan would cry and knock on the door, but eventually, he self-soothed and resigned himself to the various toys that littered the room. It was in this room that he first learned that something wasn’t right in the Manor. It began with scratching in the walls, an action that could already scare a child but was only amplified by the fact that it didn’t stop, followed by knocking, and then full-force banging, as though someone was attempting to get through to him. It had been so strong that a few pictures had even fallen and hit the floor. Jonathan remembered pulling the toys out of the toy box and crawling into it, where he lowered the lid just enough so that there was a crack he could peer out of, lest anything ever crawled into the room.
Nothing ever did, though, and in due time the noises would cease on their own. Whenever he asked his Grandmother about it she would give the same half-hearted response of ‘pipes in the walls’, but Jonathan had always been an observant boy. It wasn’t hard to see the way her gaze would linger on the corners of the room for just a moment too long before she would grip her skirt and leave.
The playroom had been locked up when he was seven as a punishment. It was only open now because the wood had been chewed away by unseen insects, loosening the hinges enough for the door to collapse in on itself. Jonathan wondered if the bang from that noise had scared the neighbors enough to keep them from ever entering.
This wasn’t where he intended to linger, however, and he was already moving past the playroom as the last trails of that thought left his mind. His gaze was set firmly on a red door ahead, the one door that was still standing in this house, unopened since he had closed it firmly on that final night. His hand extended and touched the brass knob, pale fingers wrapping around dark copper, and with a sharp twist the deafening screech of parts unturned for twenty-odd years sounded their protest as the door was forced open with one firm shove. The smell of musk captured his senses, and as he stepped past the threshold into that room that held no light,
“You are not him, and you never will be.”
An eleven-year-old boy sat on a chair with a teddy bear in his hands. The woman at the church had told him that every boy and girl needed a teddy bear, for that was how their guardian angels saw them, and when Jonathan had answered that he didn’t have one, she had gone and bought one for him herself. Jonathan had brought it to her funeral no more than a week later.
“Who?” The question sounded so naïve for an answer already known. Jonathan had found the pictures in the vanity, the pictures of the boy he looked almost identical to, although one had been born from a woman of god and one had been born from a woman of grief. That was their prominent difference.
“You know who. I know you like to dig through things that aren’t yours when you think I’m not around, but I am always around. God holds no secrets and my ears are always open to his word.” In the haze of the memory he could not make out the expression his Grandmother wore on her face, although he imagined her lips were pinched to a thin line and her dark eyes narrowed with distaste. Mary Keeny always did have her ear turned to God, and she always had her gaze turned to him as well. In fact, she had her eyes turned to God so often that she forgot to turn them to her son, who lay bound in iron in his bed [ Jonathan’s bed ] at the tender age of eleven, until the rattling of the last breath filled the room as the grip of polio finally shut down his lungs.  With this, Mary Keeny had turned her gaze back to man after so long, but by then it was too late. He was buried in the garden. Jonathan knew this because he had dug up a bone last week.
“How come we have the same name then?” If he was not he, and he never would be, why did they share so many similarities? His train of thought had been ceased by the sound of his Grandmothers hand hitting the table; no breath escaped his lips then.
“Because you were given by God as the consequences of my actions. I keep your presence as a reminder of what I failed to do, you are the embodiment of a failure, and so you are aptly named so. You are not him because he was sweet, young, and so full of good while what you are full of is maliciousness, and spite, and evil so that when I look at your face, when I look at my Jonathan’s face, I do not see my sweet boy, but instead I see the product of my sins.”
She was close now, so close that he could smell her stale perfume in the air, but when he blinked the eleven-year-old boy was gone and replaced by the thirty-eight-year-old man that he was. That moment in this room had changed him – it had finally opened his eyes to the reality of the situation he was in. There would be no love for Jonathan Crane; all of it had been spent on Jonathan Keeny, and there was nothing left to give.
This realization replayed in his mind as he moved to the window, the very same window his Grandmother had stood at in that moment, and he looked out to the town of Arlen below.
The Manor did not have ghosts. The Manor had lies, it had undocumented crimes that stained the walls that started far before Mary Keeny's reign, but had ended with Jonathan Cranes, it had stories and tumultuous past. In the end, though, the Manor was nothing but a hollow carcass that sat on a hill, acting as a dark stain on the landscape. If it had ghosts, they were silent, caught in the repeating moments of their lives that had occurred in the horrific past that built this home.
No. If the Manor had ghosts, there was only one now, and if the people of Arlen feared that the ghost in the manor could see them back, he could.
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