#i finished her documentary and I'm crying
violetsmessofthings · 2 years
Pamela Anderson deserves the whole fucking world and more
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Omg can we get gavi and reader watching the Barca new era documentary together!!! It would be so cute I feel like gavi would be so humble and flustered 🥹
Movie Night
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"Do we have to amooor???" Pablo was whining while you were making some popcorn in the kitchen very much excited to watch the four new episodes of Barça Documentary.
"Yes, we do cariño! I can't wait to see it!" you say jumping on th couch with a bowl of popcorn in your lap and he pouted that you didn't sit on his lap and let him cuddle you. Pablo isn't much of a talker so he would never ask but you knew his love language is definitely physical touch.
"Do you want something cariño??" you tease him seeing his blushed cheeks as he looked away pretending to look at his phone but you saw right through his little tough act. He wanted to be cuddled and was too proud to admit it like always.
You chuckle leaning in and kissing his pouting lips before putting the bowl to the side and straddling his lap seeing the smile shine on his face.
"Did I guess right huh??" you ask feeling his hands let go off the phone immediately and go around you.
"Mhm.." was all he answered pulling you closer and smelling your hair before leaving sweet kisses on your shoulder and neck.
"You're such a cuddle bug Pablito" you giggle feeling his strong arms wrap around your body holding you tightly.
"Hm.." Pablo groaned wanting to move his kisses lower but you pulled back shaking your head and grabbing the remote from the table starting the first episode.
"Good try!" you smirk starting the first episode and he groaned laying his head on top of yours as you nuzzled your nose into his neck.
You were very much focused on the screen listening to everything while Pablo was braiding your hair, leaving kisses on your shoulder and a few pecks on your lips.
"Your little giggle is adorable Pablito" you say making Pablo flustered which was also one of the most adorable things to witness. Not many people can get him adorably shy like this and you were proud of be one of them.
"This is why I didn't want to watch it!!" he whines pretending to hate whenever you baby him but you both knew he was a big baby at heart. You moved off his lap since he wanted to lay on your chest and have you play with his hair as you played the next episode.
"I really love you in gold kit amor..so handsome" you say and he smirked looking up at meeting your eyes as you both smiled.
"I thought purple was your favorite one loquita?? I always dress you up in that one when we have our 'playtime'.." he smirked and you rolled your eyes knowing that one is definitely one of your main weaknesses. Now you were the flustered one and he was very much proud of himself!
"Sush amor! I wanna hear the interview!" you turn the volume up seeing Pablo speaking on the screen wanting to pay attention to every word feeling very proud of him in this moment.
"The kinds of accidents you had during these seasons were truly chilling. How does your family react to them? They surely get worried?" question asked
"When I'm on the pitch, I don't think about anything but the game. My family does get scared and so do I when I re-watch it but most of all, it's my girl that takes it extremely hard" he said and you were curious now to hear more blushing that he called you "mi nena" in front of everyone.
"She worries a lot about you?" question came and Pablo was smiling brightly into the camera.
"Yeah, she does. I hate to see her cry whenever I get injured but that's part of my job. She always begs me to be more careful and I try to play so sharp for her but sometimes there is no alternative you know..." Pablo answered and you smiled looking down and pecking his lips.
"Is it hard delegating between a relationship and professional athletic career?" was another question.
"I thought it would be which is why for awhile I was single but with her everything feels right. She's my biggest support system and I am so grateful for having found her." Pablo finished and you felt your eyes fill with tears as your heart melted. You didn't expect him to speak about you let alone in such a deep and sweet way knowing how shy he gets in front of camera.
"Aww preciosa..don't cry" he said getting up from your lap and holding your face while kissing away your tears as you hands went behind his neck playing with his hair while kissing his lips lovingly.
"I love you so much cariño!" you say and Pablo smiled into the kiss nodding his head and kissing your forehead before pulling you into a tight hug.
"I love you too mi nena..even when you make me watch myself on TV" he smirked after the last part and you both giggled before kissing each other passionately. For the rest of the night you binge watched the new season while cuddling on the couch and enjoying each other's company.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 9 months
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Au Masterlist!!
Evangeline "Angie" Chandler is from Dallas, Texas. She was raised there by her mother and father, alongside her older and younger sister.
Her mother played hockey alongside Ellen when they were little and remained one of her closest friends up until graduating from college, the two of them lost contact as their lives got busy and they both gained a career and families.
But they got close again when a scout reached out to the Chandler family and offered Angie a position on the USNTDP team, while they were searching for a suitable Billet family they saw Ellen and Jim's names on the list of available rooms and knew that Angie would be in good hands.
Ellen had quite the house full, Quinn was at Umich, Luke and Jack were still at home, and Angie and Alex Turcotte moved into the remaining spare bedrooms as Billet kids. It was hectic, but was so much fun.
Angie loved living with the Hughes, and Ellen quickly became her idol as the mother helped her through the acclimation to playing on an all-boys team, she helped with the tears and the breakdowns, talking her out of quitting her sport when her actual mother couldn't be there to help her through it all.
Angie finishes out her two years with the program, makes an insane name for herself, and suddenly she gets a call from the NHL inviting her out to the combine
The Combine goes well, she is obviously athletically gifted so she does all of the testing just fine, her interviews with teams were a little disheartening, but her ones with the Devils and the Sabres both felt really promising.
Now that it's known throughout the league that a girl was invited out to participate amongst the boys she's getting a little anxious about how real this all is
People either hate her or love her, her stats were impeccable so many hockey lovers are really rooting for her, whereas some people just absolutely hate her
So it becomes a lot, ESPN does a little documentary on her life and achievements, NHL does one on her impact within the program, its a lot of positive media where she's sharing her struggle to be seen as an equal.
She sat through many sexist interviews and read many disgusting tabloids about her that all lacked the conversation of hockey and focused more on literally anything else
But people still really hate her, her 'softness' is not the type of thing the league is built for blah blah blah, misogynistic bullshit.
Anyways, the draft comes around and she is a part of the League "Welcome to the NHL" video along with Cole, Jack, and a few other draftees.
She wore a lavender suit with a list of Women who pushed and fought to get her where she is in life on the inside of her jacket along with a tiny Ellen Hughes quote that said "Give 'em hell," an homage to the woman who pushed her the most.
She was trending on Twitter the second she stepped on that carpet, she was so obsessed with reading how much people hated her as she sat in the stands, that her dad had to take her phone to calm her nerves.
Jack went first like she knew he would, and she was the first person he went to hug after he went through his whole family, whispering a short "I owe this all to you," as she shook her head and hugged him tightly.
She wasn't drafted in the end, and she was so upset, but she was more upset with herself for even thinking that being in the NHL was a possibility.
She ends up crying in Ellen's arms outside of the arena, realizing that nothing she could do would ever be good enough.
She almost quits hockey that summer, but Quinn calls her outraged when she doesn't show up for the first summer training session.
"So that's it?" he asks over the phone. "I don't know what else I can do Q, I've done everything I can at this point, it's not worth the fight anymore" He let out a bitter laugh, "So you just let them win?" she sat for a second in silence before he spoke up again, "I'm not allowing that Chandler, I better see you tomorrow or I will show up to your house and drag you here myself." It was safe to say that she went the next day, but the real emotional moment was when Jim texted her telling her that he missed her at practice to tell her he was proud of her for pushing past it all
Then she was off to university, much like most of the USNTDP boys, Jack and Quinn are both now in the League playing their rookie years
Her collegiate rookie year was the same year as covid so it's pretty bland, her team and roommate are the only people she gets to be around so she felt very isolated by the end of the year
Before the entire world shut down though she got a chance to visit Jack during her reading week, and this is where she meets Nico for the first time
It was literally just a week of him and her giving each other heart eyes, Jack was over it the second it started, he wanted time with his Angie and Nico was ruining it.
By the end of her trip, Jack had practically locked her in his room and said that she couldn’t leave until it was time to go home cause he wanted to hang out with just her for a few days, with no Nico, and no distractions.
Luke got drafted in 2021, and she was asked to join Quinn and Jack in a video tribute for him and the Hughes for ESPN, she gladly reached out and accepted the interview.
It was at that time that a producer told her that if she ever wanted to give up her pipe dream, she could always have the backup of reporting or journalism. She was not a fan of that comment.
She was also there to witness Jack’s over-the-top reaction, which she still relentlessly bullies him for.
She spoke a little to Pat Brisson that night, and he hinted that shortly, the league is gonna do some growing and he wants to be the one to represent her if there ever comes a time that she needs it. She tells him that she’ll reach out if she ever needs to.
She became an Assistant/Alternate captain in her second year (2021-2022) and she loved it, she really grew into her role as a leader and her team was amazing.
Nothing happened over the summer of ‘22 other than training, and a summer fling that she meets at a bar in Michigan.
Fall semester 2022 starts and she’s back in Minnesota, but around a month in she gets a call from the devs asking to meet with her.
Nico, Lindy, Tom Fitzgerald, and a few other legal and coaching staff representatives are the few people in the room as they go over the terms and conditions of her joining the team.
It was summed up to her that she was being brought in as that “glue” character in their locker room, that she was to bring that close-knit family structure that they were missing. The staff had heard from many sources that she was the girl they were gonna want to bring this feeling to, so the devs were the first to take a chance on her.
Nico asked her out a few weeks later and it was a hard no, she was almost a little offended that he even attempted.
So there starts the heat of awkward tension between them, they have amazing chemistry, they play the same line, and they spend nearly every waking second in each other's presence, but there is still some tension between the two of them that seems a little less than friendly and slightly flirty.
Angie is not looking for romance whatsoever, she has a shot at a career, and to her, it seems like Nico is trying to jeopardize her place on the team, or that he doesn't see her as a teammate so she is not only mad but also really hurt that he would act like he wants her there but also through his actions shows that he doesn't.
He doesn't get that, he's a man, and he worked hard to get where he is but he's never faced the same challenges as her so he doesn't see how the weight of his actions could affect her shot at a professional career.
She attended the 2023 all-star weekend in Florida with Jack, and they had a blast, she's the one who sunk Sidney in the dunk tank which was a “mega slay” as she explained it to the reporter on sight (her media training went right out the window the second she saw Crosby)
Her being a locker room staple on the team obviously worked cause they make playoffs!!
She plays a really good run too, with 12 points in her 10 games, but she gets injured in game 4 against the Canes and she didn't play game 5
She sprained her knee and broke her wrist from a hit to the boards and was actually distraught when she was told she couldn't play for the rest of the run. She thought the boys would back her up, and she wanted to prove that she wasn't soft and could continue, but Nico put his foot down and told them that they had to think about her health first and not the possibility of a win.
She somehow found herself at the Stanley Cup finals a few weeks later, helping with commentary for ESPN, she was on a panel with Biz and Gretzky which was both equally terrifying and hilarious.
Angie also attended her first-ever NHL awards ceremony, she was a finalist for ‘Rookie of the Year’ and she won!!!
Nico saw her in her gown and was literally like 😻😻😻 the entire night, Lindy would not let him live it down either, he was relentlessly bullying the Captain every time he even glanced at the girl who was basically the fan favourite on the carpet.
Her summer is spent with a strict physical therapy regimen, but she still has a lot of fun, even attended the Tkachuck wedding with the Hughes’
She spends a week in Sweden with Jesper cause his mother really wants to meet this girl whom both Nicole and Jesper raved about during the season.
Going into her sophomore year she was so scared of ending up in a slump, and she did absolutely that from stressing about it so much.
Her sophomore year is also the year she realizes just how loved she is by the team, because of this slump all of the boys are doing everything in their power to get her through it.
It's also the year she realizes that she might be in love with her captain, but she definitely pushes that thought far to the back of her mind, not willing to think or reflect on it cause she needs to focus on herself and her career.
At this point, Nico has accepted that she views him as a teammate and nothing more so he is just focused on the betterment of the team, but deep down he knows that he will never meet someone more perfect for him than her.
Luke puts him into perspective during training camp while he's bitching about how he doesn't understand why she just won't let him be happy. And Luke being the basically little brother he is just sits up and rips into Nico for being so blind.
"It's like no one in this locker room realizes how much harder she worked for this than we all did?" he looked at the captain as everyone quieted, "she has a point to prove, you just have to play hockey, she has to show that she is worthy to even ben considered equal" and with that, he headed out to the ice, stunning Nico, his brother, and literally everyone in the room.
So that's why he has dropped any type of advances for her that he was trying to pursue, realizing that he was only harming her by trying to chase whatever feelings he had.
Angie on the other end is dealing with a mental battle, cause she never wants to be known as that girl who gets on this team and starts sleeping with her captain, having a reputation followed by a negative connotation is the last thing she wants.
But it's the holidays, they are in Ohio and are celebrating a win against the Blue Jackets in one of the hotel conference rooms, and Nico and her have not left each other's sides all night. The two of them decide to step out for a second of air, cold air filling their lungs as they just quietly stare at each other. The night had been filled with fleeting glances and quick moments of physical touch as they sat next to each other, thighs brushing against each other and hands momentarily touching. So now they are standing outside with this thick tension between them, and she just kisses him.
It's safe to say that she runs straight to her hotel after profusely apologizing to him, his eyes wide as she steps away from him with shaky hands and then just leaves him in shock.
She calls Quinn immediately, she doesn't know why, but she needs to tell someone, and she can't tell Jack, she sure as shit can't tell Trevor or any of the other USNTDP boys, so she calls her basically older brother.
Quinn assures her that she isn't going to get kicked off the team for a simple kiss, and Nico will surely be fine in the morning
Nico is just absolutely gagged, so he's fine, just shocked.
She literally can't look at him for weeks, and he's going insane from her ignoring him, so he pulls her aside and is like 'This needs to stop'
Nico stops her on her way out of Lindy's office and says he needs to talk, she is literally frozen in fear as they walk to an empty room. "Are we okay?" "I am so sorry," they say at the same time as they just stare at each other. "Why are you sorry?" "I kissed you? and it was weird and unprofessional?" "It's fine, just stop being weird about it, it happened, we move past it," he said, trying not to smother her with the feelings that he's still trying to keep it at bay, "do you regret it?" "Yes," is all she says before sighing and watching him nod and leave the room.
They both know she doesn't actually regret it, she is just doing what is best for her and for her name.
I have no idea how they get together just yet, so if you guys have any ideas lmk!!!
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crippling-pages · 5 months
i just finished The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson
freaking screaming like what.
First off, Rachel, Bel, and Carter are my new favorites
Bel and Ash>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I NEED MORE BEL AND ASH
Ramsey is so damn cool. Like he sees his brother and law and 'the heart of the film' go out and do this stuff and he's like "okay wait you need them to sign the papers first" And the part at the end? YES SIR BRO'S THE BIG BROTHER BEL NEEDED
I'm not mad that Charlie did; that horsefucker had it coming. But Jeff? Cmon, really? I liked Jeff... Also Sherry- ngl i thought it was kind of harsh what Rachel, Bel, and Carter did to her- I feel bad...
Carter's freaking amazing. Like thats it.
Bel is an amazing character and I love her so much she is my child
Rachel is so DAMN AMAZING. She's so impressive and smart and just straight up AWESOME.
"I don't care about the footage. I don't care about the documentary, that I've fucked it all up. I care about you."
I love them more than anyone could imagine
But yeah i have a lot more thoughts but these are the biggest ones right now this book is a 5/5 its amazing 1000% recommend goodbye i need to cry now
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13eyond13 · 2 months
Hey Bloz! How r u? I cannot even begin to express how fun it’s been to see ur Beatles posts on my dash. the minute I saw the Real Love demo I was like ok… she’s fallen down the rabbit hole XD I was fixated on them last year for a good few months. It was a lot of fun reading about them, watching their movies, and reading fan analyses online. There’s so much out there! And Beatles rpf is a whole world unto itself lol at first I was skeptical of it but then… I was intrigued haha
Do u have any fave songs or albums? :)
Omg hello Jess!! I miss you and it's so nice to hear from you 🫂
Hahaha YES I'm pretty deep into The Beatles lore rabbit hole already, it's been my main fixation for entertainment for the past month or so. You're right, there's just so much to dig into. Caught me totally by surprise, I feel like I'm so late to the game to just be having a Beatles phase now... I never felt extremely interested in learning about them before, but a randomly recommended YouTube video (x) about how it's reductive to blame the band's breakup solely on Yoko Ono drew me into this whole fascination a few weeks back.
😆 And hah, you must have sent this ask to me right before I deleted that "Real Love" demo reblog, because I thought I'd better delete it after I looked in the notes of the post and saw the OP wasn't taking kindly to anybody questioning if John was actually giggling instead of sobbing there (which is what I think he was doing, personally... but it still sounded like he was writing something about Paul? 🤷‍♀️ idk, doesn't need to be crying for it to still be a bit of an eyebrow raiser, imo)
I haven't actually really looked into any rpf yet, just digesting the "canon" material and whatnot (listening chronologically to their discography and not completely finished with that yet, up to halfway through the White album rn). Been watching their movies and behind the scenes stuff and documentaries (the Get Back one by Peter Jackson was fascinating even for a relatively new fan to watch, imo), reading a bigass biography about them (Tune In by Mark Lewisohn, it's like this great slowburn real-time mosey through the band's childhoods and earliest days together), and watching the occasional YouTube video deep dives (this one series in particular is p beautifully made and impressively researched and really got me in the feels regarding the shippy theories about J&P: [x])
As for my faves of their music, I haven't finished listening to 100% of their albums yet, BUT right now I'm actually very partial to some of their earliest records. I feel like some of their more normie stuff from the early 60s is actually the most fantastic fun to listen to, and Please Please Me and A Hard Day's Night might be the two albums with the most bangers that I never want to skip so far. Their more experimental and psychedelic and surreal later stuff is also interesting and arguably more unique and groundbreaking or creative or whatever, but I'm not as familiar with them outside of the main extremely famous tracks on them yet, and I'll need to finish listening and let them grow on me a bit before I can probably say for sure. However I think so far my faves from their later stuff would probs be Magical Mystery Tour, Abbey Road, and possibly the White Album (once I actually finish listening to it).
John is definitely my favourite Beatle, which was actually a complete surprise to me, I thought he'd be my least fave. And there are so many good bops that it's hard to narrow it down, but some of my personal faves so far are I Saw Her Standing There, I Should Have Known Better, I Want to Hold Your Hand, It Won't be Long, A Hard Day's Night, Do You Want to Know a Secret, Oh! Darling, I Want You (She's So Heavy) and If I Fell... hmm, I think maybe I'm just kinda a sucker for their simple and enthusiastic and joyful love songs the most, usually?
Thank you for sending me this sweet ask! I'd love to hear what some of your faves are too 🧡
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maweallgotohell · 1 year
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚Jerome Valeska* x artist reader˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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Okay wait guys hear me the fuck out-
Jerome secretely walking the streets of Gotham after an exhausting meeting and seeing artist reader on a camping chair in front of the easel she brought, painting an old man and his wife sitting on a bench by the river?!?! AND THEN HE FALLS FOR HER BECAUSE SHE'S SO PASSIONATE ABOUT ART AND PAINTING?!?!
okok so she doesn't know about him being a famous criminal and she finds him like super aesthetically pleasing, like his looks, the scars etc. yk. He seems very interesting to her.
In her eyes, all about him is a piece of art and he's like super impressed by her talent and her kindness.
or she sees him while she's painting and she thinks he's so breathtakingly pretty that she paints him and when she's finished, she confidently walks over to him and hands him the painting and then the rest happens?!?! 
omg I have to make this a one shot, I'm crying-
and when they're together, they move in together and he especially picked out an apartment with an extra room, so that could be her own little atelier?
And when he's exhausted from "work", he likes to make them both a coffee and watch her paint for fuckin' HOURS, or, if she doesn't paint in that moment, they snuggle up with blankets on the couch together and watch art documentaries until they fall asleep?!?! 
If they watch documentaries about artists, she often starts crying, either because their lifes were so tragic, or because their art is so pretty. Mostly both. Jerome gets all confused then but adores his girlfriend for being so empathetic and how such things can impact her or make her feel in such a way. 
And sometimes when they both have time, they go out together and they pick out a nice place to paint. Sometimes those are places which either her or him find very beautiful and then she paints them on like cafe or picnic dates (depends on the place) and he collects all those drawings and paintings and keeps them in kind of a collection folder or he goes and gets them framed so he can put them up on the walls of their living room or kitchen?
From time to time he even asks her, if she could paint him (she does that so often, he's kind of like her muse) or he asks if they could paint together and if she could teacch him some techniques. 
He also asks her to explain the painting tools she uses to him. 
"What the fuck is gouache YN?"
"Why would you use a spatula? And then even in 12 different sizes."
" What do you sketch the little squares for?"
"What does the 'HB' on your pencil mean?"
It's so funny and adorable to her, how interested he is in her hobby. It's so cute.
Oh and he randomly brings you stuff, even if he doesn't know what it's for.
"Hey YN! I just came back and guess what I brought you? A palette of aquarelles! I can't really tell the difference between watercolors and this, but the palette was so small and cute, I had to get it for you."
He'd be such a cutie when it comes to your hobby omg-
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ramshacklefey · 6 days
Murderbot Diaries Comment Bingo Rec Post!
On the final eve, I have finished a full blackout for my comment bingo board! To wrap it up (and fill in my last square), I'm sharing some of my favorite Murderbot fics.
acknowledged (GP-53214680-J) by torpidgulliver We know what happened in Ganaka Pit. This is that story from the ComfortUnits' point of view. (cw for graphic violence, death, and way too many feels)
construct_killware.log by RoundedLoaf ART and Murderbot discuss exactly what information about each of them 2.0 will need in order to function. Bonus points for some adorable ART memories.
Why did you? by 002045 The human who shoots Murderbot at the end of Fugitive Telemtry tells her version of that story. Absolutely heart-wrenching.
Best SecUnit to hire in 7614 by JellyFishOnACloud Don't click out of the ad.
Cinema Verite by BoldlyNo Making a documentary out of your friend's memories is Not a Good Time for Ratthi.
[META] Security vs Combat by Verso Excellent and insightful thoughts on the importance of Murderbot's identity as Security. Extra bonus points for Sam Vimes mention!
Broken Half by FigOwl It made me cry so hard my roommates were legit worried about me.
Maintenance Manual for SecUnits models 36b-27f by Wordlet When Mensah receives the maintenance manual for the person she just bought she discards it on instinct. It's not until later, while trying to navigate the needs of a person she has limited context for, that the supplementary reading becomes useful. It's not instructions the way they are supposed to be but it does provide… guidance.
Digital Storage and File Sharing by RJam9 What if. Murderbot got involved in the fandom forums for Sanctuary Moon?
Stunt doubles (please stop coming to Murderbot with weird questions) by FascinatedFinch Ok, but Ratthi needs to know if this particular stunt is familiar. For... reasons.
Imma stop there before this gets impossibly long! This was some of the best fun I've ever had with a fandom event. Love and thank you to everyone who wrote these awesome fics and everyone who stopped by to leave comments on my writing too!
And also a special thank you to @comment-bingo for running the event!
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
Hello my love,
Would you be willing to write a little blurb about Daniel or Sam (or both in a throuple) taking care of their lady on her period? I’m having a real bad one rn and I want to be pampered
your boyfriend looked up from his phone, frowning at the tone of your voice. you hadn't quite managed to maintain strong front you'd been putting up all day, and just being home was enough to make you feel like crying.
“what's wrong, bunny?” he asked, setting his phone on the coffee table and beckoning to you. “come here.”
you left your bag, your shoes, your sweater, everything in a pile on the floor, right in the middle of the walkway. you didn't have enough energy to care. you curled up next to him on the couch and let him hold you.
“bad day at work?” he asked, brushing his fingers through your hair.
you gave a pitiful whimper and nodded. “'m on my period. i feel really bad.”
“aw, lovie,” sam cooed. “i'm sorry. let's boss danny around, would that make you feel better?”
you couldn't help a small smile. “maybe.”
“hey danny,” sam called to your boyfriend. “we're gonna boss you around, okay?”
“let me put this load of laundry on,” danny said from down the hall. “and then you may.”
you stayed snug in sam's arms as you waited for danny to join you, and he came into the living room with a laundry basket a few moments later.
“pajamas?” he asked, setting the basket on the couch and starting to fold the mix of his, yours, and sam's clothes. he tossed you a well-worn t-shirt of his and some sweatpants of sam's.
“that was going to be my first order, actually,” sam said. “it's like we can read each other's minds, honey. how cool is that?”
danny chuckled. “very cool, love. but what did you do to our girl?”
“me?” sam said, playfully offended. “not a thing.”
“i'm malfunctioning,” you said, your voice muffled against sam's shirt.
“she's on her period,” sam translated.
“ah, i see.” danny nodded to the kitchen. “there's rocky road, and sam made vegan ice cream sandwiches if you want to try them.”
you looked up at sam. “you made vegan ice cream sandwiches?”
“yes, i did,” he said. “and you're welcome to eat them all if they help you stop malfunctioning.”
“she's not malfunctioning,” danny said sweetly. “she's going through the natural, intuitive hormonal cycle of her body. it's a beautiful thing.”
you winced when a particularly painful cramp spread across your abdomen. “doesn't feel very beautiful.”
“well, tylenol is a beautiful thing too,” danny agreed. “i'll go get you some, and sam can help you get in your pajamas. unless you need in the bathroom.”
you shook your head. “i think i'm good for right now.” you let sam help you out of your work clothes and into danny's shirt and his sweatpants, and you took the medicine danny brought you before you snuggled close to sam again.
danny finished folding the laundry and set it aside to be put away later. “i thought you were going to boss me around, bunny. i'm feeling kind of let down.”
you smiled. “can you put on a movie, please?”
“that's very bad bossing, sweetheart,” he said seriously, turning on the tv. “no please, next time.” he pulled netflix up. “what movie?”
“whatever you guys want,” you said, moving to lay with your head on sam's lap. you curled in on yourself, grimacing against the cramps that hadn't been knocked out by the medicine just yet.
“what about that grateful dead documentary?” danny asked sam. “you haven't had a chance to finish it yet, right?”
“you want to watch that?” sam asked, a little surprised.
danny smiled. “if you want to, love.”
“oh, well... sure, i'd like to finish it. thank you, honey.”
danny turned on the movie and went to turn off the lights to make things nice and dim for you. sam ran his fingers through your hair in a soothing motion, and though you were interested in it, you watched the documentary with flagging attention as the day's exhaustion and discomfort caught up with you.
“hey, bunny.”
you opened your eyes to see danny hunkered down by your side. you gave him a tired smile, and he smiled back.
“hi, dan.”
“hi, sweetheart,” he said softly. “do you need anything else?”
you nodded. “your hands.”
his brow shot up. “my hands?” he glanced up at sam and grinned when their eyes met. “in what, uh, capacity do you want them?”
you giggled. “get your mind out of the gutter, daniel.”
“now, i'm with danny,” sam teased. “can't just go around saying you need our boyfriend's hands and not expect him to be curious.”
“you want to fool around a little, bunny?” danny asked, a sweet and mildly amused kind of desire softening his face. “i'm sure we could arrange something.”
you smiled. “maybe later. what i meant was that i wanted your hands on my back, because they're nice and warm.”
“right, of course,” danny said with a smile. “sure thing, bunny.”
he straightened, fixing the pillows on the couch to make room for himself, but sam stopped him before he got settled.
“wait, danny,” sam said. he tipped his face up. “smooch.”
“hey,” you said. “i want a smooch too.”
danny chuckled. “fine.” he gave sam a kiss first. “a smooch for sammy.”
he kissed you next, soft and sweet. “and a smooch for bunny. everybody happy?”
you and sam hummed in agreement, moving to make room for danny next to you. you'd gotten a sectional for your shared apartment for this very purpose, so you could all fit; danny stretched out and propped himself on his arm behind you, splaying one hand over the small of your back and tracing little circles there.
“how's that, bunny?” he asked.
you cuddled closer to your boyfriends, tucking your feet close to danny, wrapping your arm around sam's legs, feeling their hands wander with an aimless, gentle comfort over you.
you gave a contented sigh, your period all but forgotten as you cuddled your favorite boys. “it's absolutely perfect.”
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jiaoji · 2 years
The talk
Lan WangJi has always been reserved, quiet and cold. Never in all his life did romantic relationships seem as attractive as his classmates murmured and bragged to each other.
Until Wei WuXian.
Lan WangJi now understood the plea, having Wei WuXian clingying on his neck and kissing him like his life depends on it.
They meet at the first year at high school. Wei WuXian was flirty and making jokes for Lan WangJi in the first day, everyone thought they hated eachother, and Wei Ying as well, because Lan WangJi was unusual cold and angry at him.
But after a year, they finally had a friendship and after more months, Wei Ying asked him out. Nobody actually knew about it, but their "rivalry" became Wei WuXian's favorite thing to provoke his boyfriend.
Wei WuXian had sneaked Lan WangJi into his room with any excuse to FengMian, the only one who was home at the time. In the kitchen, Jiang FengMian finished washing the dishes, enjoying the rare silence of his house.
He sighed with a satisfied smile and started setting the table. However, a strange noise coming from the bedroom drew attention.
Loud squeaks and sighs. Jiang FengMian sensed something was wrong and walked over to the door, which, unfortunately, was only a crack open. He opened it without much thought and then Lan WangJi and he exchanged wide-eyed glances.
Jiang FengMian, "..."
Lan WangJi, "..."
Lan WangJi had his hands tightly gripped on Wei WuXian's thighs, who was on his back, very busy kissing Lan WangJi's neck.
FengMian closes the door and coughs quickly. Perhaps he should have a talk with A'Ying, to understanding that he was no longer a child now.
Lan WangJi is unable to look at FengMian, as well as Wei WuXian once he heard what Jiang FengMian saw. He should apologize, along with Lan WangJi.
Wei WuXian, "Did Uncle Jiang see?!" Lan WangJi held him tightly around the waist so that Wei WuXian wouldn't slide off his lap as he squirmed to look at the door.
Ears red, Lan WangJi remembered the awkward silence and the stares he exchanged with Jiang FengMian.
Wei WuXian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'm going to talk to Uncle Jiang..."
Lan WangJi, "I should apologize too."
Wei WuXian, "You should!"
At the end of the hall, the two looked around, hiding as they searched for the owner of the house, as silent as ever.
Wei WuXian let out a nervous laugh, "Did he leave?"
Above him, Lan WangJi was still looking around, when he noticed something on the dining table.
Lan WangJi came out of hiding, "There's a note-!"
Wei WuXian tilted his head, curious why Lan WangJi just stopped talking, "And what else, Lan Zhan?" to the tiptoeing and hands resting on his boyfriend's shoulders, Wei WuXian peeked at the note and noticed something at her side.
"I went out to do some shopping, when I arrive we can talk.
Please protect yourselves properly."
They both froze and blushed at the sight of the condom set.
Heavens!! What did Jiang FengMian think? They were 17, but they haven't done anything like that yet!
Wei WuXian didn't know whether to grab the condom or hide his face in his hands. Lan WangJi was too strict and innocent for such things! Even when they make out, Lan WangJi seem very shy, what Wei WuXian finds really cute actually.
Meanwhile, Lan WangJi thanked Jiang FengMian, he wouldn't have to use the condoms he bought himself a few days ago without looking too much in embarrassment, that he asked one of the people who worked there for help...
She gave a much smaller number than he could use. He could have complained, of course, if he'd had the face for it.
In the end they didn't do much. Wei WuXian laughed and said that Jiang FengMian might have misunderstood, so he tripped over his own feet and flirted with Lan WangJi to convince him to have lunch while they saw a documentary about bunnies.
Lan WangJi grabbed the condons without Wei WuXian noticing.
When Jiang FengMian came back, the two of them were cuddling together on the sofa. Secretly hoping his couch was clean, he woke the young couple and sat down in the armchair.
Jiang FengMian, "I think we should talk about this."
It was awful!
Uncle Jiang congratulated the two on their courtship, what was nice, but then looked at Lan WangJi and asked him to take good care of Wei Ying.
Lan WangJi responded to that request just as seriously, and Wei WuXian wanted to dig a hole and hide. Wei WuXian asked if Jiang FengMian could not say anything about it, what he agreed.
But it got worse!!
Uncle Jiang began an uncomfortable sex lesson, accidentally quoting contraceptives. He certainly expected to have this conversation with Wei Ying and his girlfriend, not Wei Ying and his innocent boyfriend.
When it was over, Lan WangJi thanked Jiang FengMian for the advice, who looked very pleased with himself after that conversation.
He would certainly do better with his own children when they had the talk.
Outside, the two stopped in front of the gate, hand in hand.
Wei WuXian, even in that situation, needed to be ridiculous, "Don't worry, Lan Zhan, I'll take care to not get pregnant."
"Wei Ying!"
Wei WuXian's laughter filled Lan WangJi's reddened ears.
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neomujinjja · 10 months
The Boy on the Bike
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Pairing: None
Length: 804 words Genre: Angst, Mystery
Warning: not edited, Mentions of taemin being missing, talk of being watched, kidnapping, lots of crying
Synopsis: Years after Taemin is declared missing, an documentary crew reach out to you. You retell the event and the days leading up to it as Taemin's childhood best friend.
Note: This came to me after Taemin's Guilty trailer was released and from Twitter (X) theories. Please don't read if reading anything in this will upset you/ heed the warnings I've put. I have an more upbeat/fluffy alternative version that is still based off of Taemin's Guilty teaser photos (it's linked below)
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"I met Taemin 2 weeks after I moved into my grandparent's home. He was my neighbor and first friend" You told the interviewer. "You could always see him riding his bike around the neighborhood" You smiled sadly as you thought back to those times.
"How was it like being friends with Taemin?" the interviewer asked you.
"He was caring, smart, and so much fun. You'd never find another friend like him in your life. Despite our guardians forcing us to hang out, Taemin introduced me to his friends, took me around town and made me feel included."
The reporter smiled at your answer. "Could you tell me about the day Taemin went missing?" She asked. You nodded as you took a deep breath.
"The days leading up to it, he had been complaining about the feeling of being watched"
"Y/N!" Taemin whispered yelled as he threw rocks at your window. It was early in the morning so he was being careful as to not disturb the neighbors.
You opened your window and peeked your head out. "Taemin? Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your routes?" You asked with confusion.
"Come with me."
"Come with me. I just don't want to do them alone."
You nodded before closing your window again. This isn't the first time you've done the male's newspaper route with him but it was odd of him to ask like this. You wrote a note letting your grandparents know that you had left with Taemin before walking outside.
"So...Is there a reason why you want a buddy?" You asked Taemin as you grabbed your bike.
He seemed to contemplate before shaking his head. "You wouldn't believe me" Taemin said. The two of you setting off on your bikes.
"Not True!" you argued back looking at the male.
"I keep having this feeling that someone is watching me and my every move" he finally spoke after a long pause.
"What! How long?" Your bike staggers from the shock at his statement. Taemin just shrugs in response.
"I went with Taemin on his routes for about a month until I got sick" You say. Tears welled up in your eyes as you thought about that day. "Could I have a moment, please?" You ask the interviewer and their crew. She nods and motions for the cameramen to stop recording.
"Take your time," the woman tells you, rubbing your arm in attempt to bring you some comfort. While you had worked through the guilt with your therapist, you couldn't help but wonder if Taemin would still be here if you had gone with him.
Taemin pushed you back into your grandparent's house and to your room. You make sounds of protest "I could still go on your routes with you!" you whisper yell at the male.
"No, you lay down and get some rest" Taemin replies as he tucks you into your bed. "I'll come see you when I'm finished with my route, okay?" he tells you as he caresses the side of your face. "Feel better" the male says as he leaves the room.
You were surprisingly woken up by your grandmother frantically opening your room door. She has tears streaming down her face as she embraces you. "You're safe. Thank god, you're safe" she says.
"What's wrong, grandma?" you ask, confused by her actions.
"Taemin's missing. He hasn't returned from his routes yet and they found his bike on the side alone." Your grandma explains to you. "Since you've been going with him, I was worried about you too" she continues as you get up from your bed. You hurry to put socks and shoes on at the news.
"That morning was the last time I saw Taemin. We spent months looking for him after the discovery of his bike but with no luck. The police still have no clue about what exactly happened to Taemin."
"And you have reason to believe that it's whoever was watching Taemin around that time?" the reporter asks with a curious look. You nod, explaining that the only clue you have to the male's disappearance. "Is there anything you want to say if Taemin is out there or to his kidnapper?" the woman asks at the end of your interview.
"If you know anything about what happened to Lee Taemin, please just tell us what happened. Bring his family and friends some closure; it's the least we deserve after all these years. And Taemin, if you're still out there. Come back home, your parents are waiting for you and we all miss you. I would love to have my best friend again" You say looking into the camera for the first time since you sat down. You had tears in your eyes again with a few spilling over your waterline to your cheeks.
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annefic · 9 months
oh by the way I've started reading Spare. Borrowed it from a friend. So far I'm about a quarter of the way through, here are my thoughts:
Interesting that he admits his status as an unreliable narrator more or less from the start. Curious what the other people involved and the objective truth would have to say about some of this stuff
Regardless of what you think of this book overall, if you're a fic writer it's a useful resource for the inside description of the residences alone
Someone please get this man therapy. Where I am in the story it's now been over six years since Diana passed and he's still in the "denial" stage, pretending to himself that she's faked her death to live in hiding from the press. He mentioned being ashamed of crying during the private graveside portion of her funeral because it violated the "family ethos" of controlling emotions
So many unnecessary private/personal details in this regarding people who probably didn't give Harry permission to share them. I did not need to know about the Ludgrove communal penis knowledge. Wild that Chuck does headstands to make his neck feel better, though. They definitely do not have that effect on me
One of the standout lines in this for me so far was Harry saying that both Liz and Chuck had basically never given him a hug. I have a difficult time believing that - particularly considering that in the Coronation Year documentary I just finished watching, Charles, Camilla, and Will and his family all trade hugs and kisses in greeting when they arrive at the rehearsal. If it's not even done in private I doubt they would let it happen in front of the cameras...
There do be some absolute LINES in this
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welcometololaland · 11 months
9 people i wanna know better
been putting this off for so long i've forgotten everyone who tagged me i'm so sorry i just know @herefortarlos did because i copied her answers lmao, i think maybe also @theghostofashton @kiwichaeng @reyesstrand and @carlos-tk (thank you desi, neha, evie, maddie and d!). so sorry if i missed anyone!!! i love you!!!
current book you’re reading: i just finished educated by tara westover and i think i'm going to start circe by madeline miller next because @celeritas2997 let me borrow it and i need to give it back :)
last song you listened to: ACTIVATE by COBRAH. obsessseddddddd.
currently watching: i am slowly making my way through a documentary on juul haha.
current fic you’re reading: i'm really behind on fic reading right now. basically my beloved meet you after dark by @strandnreyes and Love From the Other Side by @lightningboltreader which is giving me so much life i can't even explain. i'm also devouring your gentle hands are stained with the blood of anothers by @birdclowns even though i have fear, The Weight of Grief by @wandering-night19 which is just beautiful and Teach You How Forever Feels by @three-drink-amy. ALSO first aid by @heartstringsduet and the band au by @basilsunrise, both of which i'm very lucky to have a doc link for.
On the RWRB side i need to catch up on so much but i just read get fucked (or die trying) by @rmd-writes and i super want to read Take me where I cannot stand by @clottedcreamfudge. ALSO I am yet to read Pour Your (He)art Out by @athousandrooms and Rae's October prompt fill (@iboatedhere).
next on my watch list: i don't really watch TV so instead i'm going to say i'm SUPER looking forward to consuming so much fic - there are some bloody amazing concepts in the works and i've been so lucky to have some creators tease me by dropping little snippets in my inbox (looking @ u @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, absolutely feral for you). if anyone else wants to do that...be my guest ;) i will scream and cry but really i love you and your teasing. ALSO i'm trying to come up with a chunk of time to dive into Knave 3 by @liminalmemories21 because i know i'm going to be fully obsessed.
current obsession: aside from my hyperfixations which are always on dash i would say pole dancing, bread, my cat (mr potato), perfume and chatting to mutuals on tumblr and discord seriously everyone come and talk to me i love you all.
gonna tag some people i don't think i've spoken to! @inkweedandlizards @girlsnightout304 @walkinginland @bitbybitwrites @lyhrcyrianne @st-elle-ar (i have spoken to you but i love dragging you into things hehe) @happiness-of-the-pursuit @buckybarnesalways and open tag for the last one (say lola sent you ;)
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Madness Mansion of Helter Spider
" look at this MC... What a pretty spider." Your friend point out a black widow that is very close to bite it's venomous fangs into her poking finger.
" If it bite you, I will handle the coffee and bread for your funeral." You smile and smack her away from spider. The spider skelter away back to its nest.
"Awwy... ಥ_ಥ" (friend)
"Unless this is spider verse and you wish to be spiderman wanna be, then go ahead and touch poisonous spider... "
"... In the law of wild. Having catchy appearance means it's either poisonous, pretending to be the poisonous or to catch preys... There's more reason. But I'm not casual geographic nor a paid professor to tell you stuff. "
" MC you watch too many YouTube videos... " Your friend point out. " Don't your guardian told you off about that. "
" I'm just being updated about stuff. But of course it don't include gossip of showbiz and entertainment industry. "You mumble, maybe you did also updated on those stuff too since it went to your recommendation.
" Well based on self knowledge learn in YouTube and internet, I can say if we ever kicked out to the wild when we fail our academics, you and I won't die from poisonous spiders and pretty tiny octopus. Because certain someone would be "omg look so pretty" and poke the damn thing. " You proudly says while petting your friend head, such an idiot.
" ARE YOU INTERNALLY CALLING ME AN IDIOT?!" She dramatically gasp and smack your hand away. Crying crocodile tears of how cruel the world is to have a friend like you.
" you know me too well." You smile.
"You aren't even denying it!? " Even more dramatic gasp. "WE ARENT BEST FRIENDS ANYMORE ;((" she point at me.
"We're not bestie anymore...?!" You too dramatically fall in the ground before you pulled your bag and take out the limited edition cakes from the new shop down town.
"I guess I will only eat this alone... me bestieless rude and cruel person..." You weep while opening the container, noticing how she eyeing the cakes when she saw her favorite flavor. "Nom nom... " You happily eat it in front of her eyes.
"... BESTIE, CAN I HAVE SOME?!" not able to handle the temptations of the cakes she give up on her tantrum and hugs you from behind and reach out to get the whole container from your hand.
"... I don't even say yes yet..." You mumble as you watch her, Kirby the fucking thing. "I realize if we ever stuck in the wild, your gonna get ya self killed if someone dude offer ya food and stuff." You point out.
"If the person is good looking and offering me an apple, I will gladly eat it and stare at the person while I do." She added and nodded to your words.
"... Gott. Why are you the honor student from the two of us again??* You rub your head from thinking your friend would surely be kidnap.
"Being academic smart is different being wise in wild life. ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)" she point out. " Beside your there to handle the wild life knowledge
.♡(ӦvӦ。)" She smiled.
"... Gott. So your going to openly says I'm your nanny then. " You face palm but Chuckle, not a bit offended by it.
" It's okii. Beside, letting you copy my homework when you forget about it from watching too much non related academic stuff. "
It was your turn to gasp at her audacity to call you out.
" Is that why you forget about the assignment from one week ago and have to ask and cram it in the last 5 minutes before class??... What about the quiz in (hated subject #1) ? Did you watch some bees way of life or something... " The look of disappointment she's giving you gives you slap each words she says.
" F-for your information I don't watch bees ( I already finish all clips about that one year ago!) and watch missing people documentary! " You take out your phone and show over forty missing people over the spawn of few years.
They call it [ Lost in Wonderland ] as there reported cases that those people before they disappear, they were seeing a wild rabbit running around, or Thay they are reading that curse Alice in wonderland in 3am or something like that.
"That's sound like a stupid name for a missing people case." She point out. "People adding the coincidence and says it related to a children book. What a full of crap."
"ITS INSULTING TO MY FAVORITE STORYBOOK, OK?!" she then proceed to take out a book, similar to the one said in the news. " THATS WHY ILL DEBUNK IT!"
"... Can I have your cat if you suddenly went MIA."
The two of you bicker, jokes and laugh around even how other in the public park is looking at you two like two weirdos yet you two don't care since you two are just having fun and don't give shit what they think.
"... I don't know if I should cry, laugh or mock you." You mumble as you look at the missing poster of your friend. Who did what she said about debunking the so called lost in wonderland case being related to her favorite book. She was the one debunked to Netherworld.
Meow. Meow meow
"Mr. Marshmallow turn out to be a girl and was fat cause of her babies... Smh. (• ▽ •;)" You don't know what to say as you held the poster and seating on the sidewalk thinking what to do with the litter of kittens and the huge cat since her mother throw the cat out of their house blaming it for bad luck. Mr. Marshmallow is a black cat after all. Big fluffy cat.
"...huhu....*hic." As the moment have passed by, tears fall from your eyes. As reality drown to you, that your friend is gone (probably cause of stupidity) and the police have shitty policy about not looking for the missing person if it's not 48h. Like they are so dumb what if the person is tortured and in need of help?
"I... Probably should leave it to authorize." You mumble as you tearfully went home with Mr. Marshmallow and her kittens.
"I will leave it to the authority." You pulled out a bag and put bunch of things in it. Takes out toy gun and bunch of bullets and put it to the bag, container of food and a lighter.
"Like hell I will. ಠ_ಠ. Those people won't do shit till 48h." You feed the kittens when you went passe them.
You went to change cloths and slept after putting an alarm. When the clock strict 3am. You pick up the curse book and look at Mr. Marshmallow who meow looking at you as you put the book over the fire. "I'm gonna burn this thing." You thought that if you burn it, no one would be a victim anymore. IF that relation of the case is indeed correct.
"Alice in fucking Wonderland by (redacted)." You read the book title while having a backpack on your back, In case something abnormal happened.
You did vandalized it and wrote some stuff on the cover and edited some part from a random page. Now it's { Alice In the twisted wonderland }
As you burn the book, you notice the ink pouring out but alas, you pour holy water in it but it release an odd odor that cause you to cover your nose how bad it is.
"I don't know, some satan probably gonna say I'm dumb or something." You mumble. Mr. Marshmallow meow and walk toward you, purring while she rubs her head on your leg.
"If things goes bad. I left a note. And it also mean I will miss the exam tomorrow..." You probably really dumb and over think this. But if it's the truth, your burning the thing that dragged people to wonderland.
{ Don't you know, that destroying other property is a bad thing ~? }
You heard a voice spoke behind you, Mr. Marshmallow on your hands went defense mood when a person appear before you, you pulled you toy gun. "DEMON! >:( YOU KIDNAP MY FRIEND."
{ Oh~? But how could you blame me~? What if your imagining everything~?}
"...well I don't have reputation with how crazy I act in public. So I don't think I have anything worth to save for." You point out. " Give me back my friend!"
{ My, how mad you are... Blaming someone " innocent" }
" You sound untrustworthy when you said " innocent" part." You rolled your eyes.
{ I don't usually deal with madman, as I made mad man out of all Alice. }
You look at the stranger
"... My friend is already mad. I guess, I did blame you😃" you now felt bad as you realize your the one at wrong.
{ Too late! I decided you have to deal with the consequences of burning one of my books! Off you go to where you belong~ }
The demon snap his hand, suddenly there's a bunch of crawling poisonous eight legged creatures appear in each corner of the room.
{ Your not the only madman who tried demand such thing from me, of course I give what they demanded now they all become mad~ but one should know. I am but a guide not a fairy that grant wishes~ I am Grim~ now don't get eaten~ }
your screams wasn't able to be heard anymore as you where surrounded by spiders and soon the mass of spider become a pool of ink, disappear to the book that written to it's original form.
{ Naughty kitty ~ face your punishment~ welcome to the madness mansion! Hopefully your able to survive~}
The demon called grim voices echoes to the darkness before you felt falling and hitting someone.
Because of Request.
Free to choice who's the unfortunate
Crazy:b who you LITERALLY fallen into.
»»————- note ————-««
Hey! This is a interactive story! (●´u`●) the story would enter a scene where you choice an action or character in certain occasion! Btw the story would only move to the next scenario when one responded~ first answers priority but action and simping on the response will be added to the flow of the next scenario! Through if you commented and the next scenario already happened. It won't do change to the story!
Based on the settings and lore of the world and the situation, the ending is up to you~ through it be mc gaining a role, surviving, have a love interest, able to leave the place or even becoming a past tense (ded) is based on response ~
BTW, YOU SHOULD KNOW, YOU ENTER THE WORLD ILLEGALLY. (• ▽ •;) 3 OUT 4 WOULD MOST LIKELY KILL YOU IN THE SPOT. (・_・;) but of course guess correctly who will be your lucky charm for victory (◕દ◕)but then if you beg, you can survive each one of the dangerous spiders.
(if want to be tagged pls comment or Send mail) Tag List : @crispm-75 @yinenovica
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redhatmeg · 10 months
Okay, so... Henry Blake's final episode...
I need to start with the fact that my first encounters with M*A*S*H* happened when I was in kindergarten/elementary school. Back then I happened to catch some episodes on TV, but since they were broadcasted late at night, I was falling asleep after ten or so minutes.
Either way, back then I remembered that there was Radar (he's imprinted into my memory the most, for some reason), Hawkeye, Klinger, Burns, Houlihan, Hunnicut and Potter. I had vague idea who was who there.
Fastforward to my middle school and some Polish TV station broadcasts reruns of M*A*S*H* and I'm like: "Cool! I remember liked it. It can be fun!"... But in the first episode I watched I was a little bit confused, because instead of Sherman Potter and BJ Hunnicut, I saw Henry Blake and Trapper. Did I remember it wrong? What happened to the white-haired dude? Why Hawkeye's roommate has this annoying laugh?
Frankly, I found Blake boring and I guess it was partly because I was so fond of Potter. Then this finale happened and back then the scene when Radar comes into OR and breaks the news to others, I thought it was poignient and cool scene, characteristic for this show.
But some time after the TV station finished broadcasting M*A*S*H*, they showed a documentary that I guess was made for the show's anniversary? Either way, they talked extensively about the history of the show and about the most prominent episodes, among which there was Abyssinia, Henry and the final scene. That was the first time when I learned about the method acting, especially about not revealing certain information to the actors to bring up genuine emotions from them. Now we are used to hearing stories about actors playing in the dark, but in this case it was somewhat justified - the actors didn't know about the twist for most of the episode, when Blake was saying goodbye to everybody; and before the big reveal they were told about the twist to prepare themselves for final scene.
Anyway, how do I see it now, when I've got to spend three seasons with Henry Blake?
I still prefer Potter, if only because he seems more effective and doesn't cheat on his wife (as far as I remember). In fact, Blake and Trapper having affairs with nurses left bad taste in my mouth and made me a little less sympathetic towards them from the start. However, both of them have more tender and likeable moments throughout the series, especially when their families are considered. In stark contrast to Burns, often the way Blake and Trapper were talknig about their wives and kids, indicated that they actually do love and miss them.
Blake is more or less a reasonable authority figure. He's not exactly in charge most of the time, but he seem to understand some things about how world works and that he shouldn't be completely by-the-book, if he wants his hospital to be efficient. But there are times when he's too lenient, especially when Hawkeye and Trapper are harrassing major Houlihan. In fact, I can totally understand Margaret's frustration with how Blake doesn't do much to support her authority as a head nurse.
There were moments during this finale, when I felt a little sad, because I knew that Henry is going to die and almost everybody in the 4077th loved this man deeply. I wasn't crying for him, but I was close to it.
So all in all, I don't see Henry Blake as bad character, but I'm glad we're getting to the episodes with colonel Potter and his horse-loving, amateur painting glory.
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sketch-mer-6195 · 1 year
I know I'm a day late. But that doesn't make me less of an American to not remember what had happened on 9/11/2001. I remember being with my dad and baby brother. I was just 6 years old and my dad watching the Today Show per his morning routine. And all of a sudden, our local news station showed the images of first tower billowing smoke.
My dad called my grandmom asking if she was seeing what was happening. At the time, she was living in her apartment in New Jersey and could see the smoke across the Hudson River. I hardly remember all that had happened. But I remember going to our Unitarian Church that following Sunday and how our pastor explained to all the children that we were safe, we were okay, and that we pray to those who were lost or in pain.
Every year since then, my brother and I always stayed either close by or away from our dad because he was mad, sad, and in grief of what had happened to his home and so many friends and loved ones that he knew were gone. It had grown to the point where I told my dad that we stop watching documentaries or movies about 9/11 because it would bring his rage and we wanted him to be at peace.
On February 2008, we traveled from where we live now to New Jersey for a fishing convention that my dad was invited too. Staying with family and enjoying our time in the melting winter, snow, and loved ones my Uncle took us to New York City as a treat for my brother and me as we never been. Taking the train from Jersey and into NYC the very first stop that we made and got off at was at the World Trade Center. Before the Freedom Tower was constructed and when the memorial was even finished. I remember my brother and I excited to see one of the two perfect squares in the blue sky. All I could say, for a 12 year olf at the time would say.
"Wow, now that's a big hole in the sky!"
But my uncle gently pulled us away from the chain linked fence that separated the platform from the construction site and ushered us to our dad who was crying. His sister-in-law, my aunt, and our little cousin were hugging my dad who was sobbing in the middle of the place and my brother and I were soon told that we were at where the Twin Towers stood proudly until that fateful day.
From there, I will never forget the site how it was before the created the infinity pools and the memorial museum. Two huge dirt holes in the most magical city the world has ever seen. Yeah, many would say otherwise. And many have told me that its not all that cracked up to be. But it holds a special place in my heart. Not because my dad is from the Big Apple. But my family started their lives in that magical city. We have our family name on Elis Island's records. And I may be from the deep south...
I am proud to say I'm a New Yorker as well.
Please, if you have never watched the live showing. Watch this with open hearts. Forget what you think about New Yorkers. They are people, from all walks of life. And we, as a country, ran in to help our fellow neighbors.
Never forget and love each other.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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Today was another very grey day. But it was also a nice day. I was to cold but I still had a nice time.
I had a lot of trouble falling asleep. I was up until at least 2. Which I did not enjoy. And then I had intense dreams that were to realistic and confusing. So I woke up in a weird head space.
But when I woke up I was determined to do the things I had promised myself I would do.
I went and got washed and dressed. And then I striped the bed and changed the sheets. Tried to make the space nice.
I did some dusting. And then vacuumed. I was a little frustrated with our vacuum and felt like to wasn't working as well as it should. But I did my best.
James had gone out this morning and put gas in the car and gotten me a bagel. Love them so much. I had my bagel and shared some cream cheese with sweetp.
I had checked on the mice first thing and they were crispy again. I swear I have washed them like 4 separate times today. They just keep standing in the milk!! Stop that! I'm going to start introducing some fruits and veggies. Try to start weaning them off the milk. I am worried about them still. But they seem strong right now. I changed the towels in there again. Trying to do that plenty since they keep getting the milk in everything and I don't like the smell. But I think they are going pretty good.
I would work on some knitting. And by the end of the day today I had finished all the squares I needed!! I changed the layout a little to be 6x6 instead of 5x8 and so I have some extra squares but I think it will look really nice. And I'm just thrilled.
This morning though I would only have time to make one and start a second. I laid out all the pieces so I could come back later and pin them (which James was lovely enough to do for me), but I felt super proud of the progress.
I also watched a documentary this morning about how dangerous duck boats are. I don't know if I had ever been in one as a child but I know I haven't as an adult. Which is shocking because I love being on boats. But they just seems so sketchy and now I know I was right to be concerned. Wildly dangerous.
Once my doc was over I headed to awah.
The parking pad is still being worked on so I had to park up the hill. But I was still there before 1230. When I came inside I was surprised to see Zoe and Naomi had beaten me. And apparently Naomi called me s few minutes before. I was like. Guys. I told you I will be there at 1230. No rushing me.
But we got inside and got things set up. Zoe and me took the sign outside and it got rained on so it bubbled up and looked very strange. Plus the arrow was pointing the wrong way. Oops. I had Zoe draw a new arrow on a piece of paper and stick it on there.
It was a fun class though. Water color paintings based on Alma Thomas. I was pleased to see Ireland and Naomi, student Naomi not assistant Naomi, and Jasmine. Everyone seemed to really like the project. We did have a new student who couldn't handle having art not on a school day and cursed and yelled a lot which freaked a few of the sensory sensitive kids out. Mom took him out and I felt bad. But I felt worse when I saw that Mary Ellen was crying a little. She said it reminded her of when her daughter was younger and how sometimes they just couldn't do things because it was a change of schedule and it wasn't something she could handle. You make life work the best you can but you really never know what life will hand you.
The adult class was really chill. Ari was funny and kept telling us how appropriate he was being. And apparently if he continues to be appropriate he gets to earn going to the thrift store to buy a book under $5. Which I was like. Oh dang I was to go to the thrift store too. So now we have that in common. It is always fun to find things in common with the people in my classes.
Zoe had to leave a bit early. But that was fine. Me and Naomi, with the help of Ari, Richard, and Lewis, got everything picked up. Lewis seemed to be in an amazing mood today and he spoke to me for basically the first time when he asked me to help him rubber band a deck of cards back together. And at the end he told me adios and wouldn't leave until I said it back. It was very sweet.
Once everyone was picked up Ari helped me bring our sign in after his dad told him to carry it for me. I think I alarmed the building correctly. And then it was time to go.
The walk up the hill was a little tough today. I was a little shaky cause I was hungry. But I got up there and wrote my notes and headed out.
I forgot artscape was still happening today. So I went the wrong way and had to go up and around to get to north avenue to go home. It took almost 20 minutes. It is normally a 6 minute drive. Very frustrated but I survived. And was home around 330.
When I got back here I checked on the mice and cleaned them up again. I changed and got on the cought to keep knitting. I would finished the last two squares by 515. I was thrilled.
James came home in that time too. And we decided to go to Golden West for dinner once I was done my second, and final, square.
Once I was done that we had a little celebration cheer and I got changed before we left.
And Golden West was fun but I didn't love my sandwich. I feel like.my taste buds have been weird the last couple days. Like everything tastes to much. Everything is bitter or overly sweet or just to strong. And they didn't have the vegetarian chicken I wanted so I got a vegan BLT which was fine but I really wanted something warm. And while our server was super nice and funny, he was also on his 3rd day every working there as a server and all of our food came out at wildly different times. Like I had eaten half of my sandwich befoee James got their tacos. James eats so fast so they still finished before me but that was crazy to me they would bring them out like that.
I enjoyed my fries and soda though. And they even brought me a tiny carafe of diet coke to refill my cup. I did not need a refill but then I felt wasteful so I drank more and gave myself a stitch in my side. Ah well. I still had a nice dinner with James. We talked about Christmas. And how we are going to do each other's stockings this year because we are our own nuclear family now. I also think it will be better. Special. More intimate you know ? Especially if we are thinking about trying for a baby now, it may be one of our last ones just us. And when baby gets here it will be more about them, so we should cherish this time in our lives before it changes again.
James was all high kicks and being silly on the way home. And when we got here we came inside and they worked on pinning my squares because they are an angel. While I cleaned duo the mice again!! Stop standing in the milk!!
Once James pinned everything I spent almost 2 hours sewing. And I have 4 of the 6 rows done already. So being done before the end of the week does not feel farfetched. Which feels really nice.
Once I was at a good stopping point I went and took a shower and now me and James are in bed. They are mostly asleep already. I'm only a little jealous they fall asleep so fast. But their sleep is not great still. I wish we both could get better rest. At least we are together.
I don't know what tomorrow will hold. I'm looking forward to a nice day off. I hope you all have a good day. Sleep well. Until next time!
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