#i feel so immature but i'm in tears laughing
invinciblerodent · 6 months
listening to this lady talk about crochet stuff, halfway zoned out, and she suddenly said "I'd like to be firmly stuffed"
the way my ears just perked up
i had to rewind and see what she meant, but I kinda prefer this statement without context.
yeah, I mean.... me too girl, sure
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its-avalon-08 · 3 months
say something, say anything (ln4)
summary -> lando and y/n got into a massive agrguement and he yelled at her. she leaves to get some space and he is left to pick up the pieces.
✦ pairing - lando norris x female!reader
✦ genre - angst, tears, comfort
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The air crackled with tension in Lando's sleek apartment. Dinner plates remained untouched, the remnants of a playful afternoon at the Monaco harbor replaced by a suffocating silence. Y/N, her back ramrod straight, finally broke it.
"I can't believe you said that to Daniel," she said, voice tight.
Lando scoffed, pushing back from the table. "Come on, Y/N, it was just a joke."
"A pretty cutting one, aimed at someone who's actually struggling this season," she countered. "And in front of everyone, no less."
"He should be able to take a jab," Lando mumbled, his playful demeanor replaced by a defensive scowl.
"That's not the point! It's not funny to poke fun at someone's performance, especially a teammate."
"Oh, come on," Lando's voice rose a notch. "Don't pretend you haven't laughed at some of Ricciardo's antics yourself."
"That's different! It's all light-hearted banter, not publicly belittling someone on a bad day."
Lando slammed his fist on the table, the sudden noise making Y/N flinch. "Look, will you just fucking drop it? It's not a big of a goddamn deal."
The anger in his voice caught Y/N off guard. Tears welled up in her eyes. "That's not how you talk to me, Lando."
His expression softened a fraction. "Y/N, I—"
"No," she cut him off, wiping at her eyes. "This is fucking childish. I'm going for a walk."
She grabbed her purse and stormed out, leaving Lando staring after her, a knot of guilt tightening in his stomach. He waited for a beat, then pulled out his phone, his heart hammering in his chest as he dialed your number.
One ring. Two rings. Voicemail.
Frustration bubbled up. He tried again, the same result. He slammed his phone down on the table, his anger returning.
He fumed for a while, then finally dialed again. This time, you picked up.
"Y/N," he started, relief flooding his voice.
"What, Lando?" Your voice was cool, devoid of its usual warmth.
"Look, I'm sorry about earlier," he said, forcing a lightness he didn't feel. "It was a stupid joke, and I shouldn't have said it."
"An apology would've been nice back at the apartment, before I had to practically walk out," you countered.
"Yeah, well, you could've just talked to me instead of storming off like a—"
He stopped himself, realizing where that was going. There was a heavy silence.
"Don't call me immature, Lando," you said, your voice barely a whisper.
"It's kind of immature to walk out on a conversation just because you're upset," he retorted, defensiveness creeping back in.
"Oh, so now it's my fault for being upset by your lack of empathy?"
"I have empathy, Y/N! But I also know how to laugh things off sometimes. You need to lighten up geez."
The line went dead. Lando stared at the phone, his frustration morphing into something close to despair. He'd messed up, royally. He knew you weren't the type to throw a tantrum, but walking out after he yelled? That was bad. Really bad.
He sank onto the couch, burying his face in his hands. He needed to fix this, but how? Maybe some flowers, your favorite chocolates… but that felt like a band-aid on a gaping wound. He needed to do better. He just hoped you'd give him the chance.
a little later
Y/N wandered the park, tears drying on her cheeks, leaving a trail of saltiness. Her phone buzzed incessantly with Lando's calls, but she kept it silenced. She just needed some space to process the anger and hurt. As she rounded a corner, she bumped into a familiar figure.
"Oh, Y/N! Hey!" boomed Daniel's voice, his usual infectious energy dimmed. Heidi, his girlfriend, greeted her with a warm smile.
Y/N felt a fresh wave of guilt. "Hey, guys," she managed, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. The puffiness around her eyes must've been a dead giveaway.
"Everything alright?" Daniel asked, his brow furrowing with concern. "You look like you've been crying."
Y/N quickly blinked away any threatening tears. "Oh, no, it's just allergies. Hay fever's a nightmare this time of year." It was a lame excuse, and they both knew it.
Heidi, perceptive soul she was, placed a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Are you sure? You can tell us if something's wrong."
Y/N hesitated for a moment, the urge to confide in them strong. But Lando's immaturity and the sting of his words still felt raw. "Honestly, it's nothing a good night's sleep won't fix. Thanks for your concern, though. It means a lot."
Before they could press further, Y/N shifted uncomfortably. "Actually, there's something I wanted to say." She turned to Daniel, her voice sincere. "I'm so sorry about Lando's comment earlier. It was completely out of line, and I know you're working incredibly hard."
Daniel gave her a sad smile. "No worries, Y/N. I appreciate you sticking up for me." He patted her hand lightly. "Just tell Lando to ease up on the… team spirit, shall we say?"
Y/N gave a weak laugh, unable to meet his eyes fully. "I'll try."
With a forced farewell, she turned and walked away, leaving Daniel and Heidi to exchange a worried glance.
Daniel, phone pressed to his ear, marched purposefully towards his car. "Lando? Speak to me."
There was a nervous pause on the other end. "Hey, mate," Lando said, his voice strained.
"Don't 'hey, mate' me," Daniel cut him off, his voice low and firm. "What happened with Y/N?"
Lando flinched at the sharpness in Daniel's tone. He mumbled a vague explanation, trying to downplay the situation. Daniel, however, wasn't having it.
"Listen, Lando," Daniel interrupted, his voice heavy with disappointment. "I know things haven't been going great for me this season. But that doesn't give you the right to take a jab at my performance, especially in front of everyone. You know better than that."
He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. "And from the way Y/N sounded, it seems things escalated beyond a 'joke'. You know she cares about you, right?"
Lando mumbled incoherently, a knot of shame tightening in his stomach. Daniel didn't need to hear his answer.
"Just… sort it out," Daniel said with a sigh. "And for goodness sake, apologize properly. She deserves it."
The line went dead, leaving Lando staring at his phone, the weight of his actions hitting him hard. He'd hurt Y/N, embarrassed Daniel, and created unnecessary tension within the team. Now, he had to fix it, but where to even begin?
Panic gnawed at Lando's insides. He'd called Y/N a dozen times, each unanswered ring echoing his growing fear. He couldn't believe he'd let things escalate so far. To make matters worse, her phone's location service was disabled, adding another layer of frustration.
He knew her usual haunts, the park being a top contender. Throwing on a cap and sunglasses, he jumped into his car, speeding through the city streets. Every corner looked the same, his heart pounding with a frantic rhythm. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he spotted a familiar figure on a park bench, a discarded coffee cup beside her.
He parked haphazardly and sprinted across the grass, his chest heaving. Y/N, her back turned, didn't even turn her head when she heard his approach.
"Y/N," he said, voice ragged. "Hey, please listen to—"
She remained stubbornly silent, staring intently at a group of pigeons strutting across the grass. Lando felt defeated, his shoulders slumping. "Look, I know I messed up. Big time."
Still no response. He felt like a fool, rambling on to a brick wall.
"What I said to Daniel, it was stupid and insensitive. And then yelling at you… that was just… I don't even know what I was thinking. You didn't deserve that."
He took a deep breath, finally registering the hurt on her face, even from behind. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. Can you please forgive me?"
The silence stretched, heavy and suffocating. Just as Lando felt all hope drain away, Y/N finally spoke. "You know what, Lando? You hurt me. A lot."
Her voice, though quiet, held an unexpected edge of strength. It was a wake-up call, and Lando felt a surge of gratitude that she hadn't shut him out completely.
"I know," he confessed, his voice thick with remorse. "I feel terrible about it. Please, just talk to me."
A long, agonizing silence followed. Finally, Y/N sighed, a flicker of something softer returning to her eyes. "Alright," she said, finally facing him. "But you better be sincere, Lando Norris."
Relief washed over him like a tidal wave. He knelt before her, taking her hand in his. "More sincere than you can imagine. I value you, Y/N. You're… everything to me."
His voice cracked slightly, and he saw a flicker of empathy cross her face. "Just… don't take that for granted, okay?"
He squeezed her hand, his heart overflowing. "Never. Never again. Can you forgive me?"
She looked at him for a long moment, her gaze searching his. Slowly, a hint of a smile played on her lips. "Fine," she conceded, a playful glint returning to her eyes. "But on one condition."
Lando grinned, hope blooming in his chest. "Anything."
"No more insensitive jokes about teammates, especially when you know they're struggling. And no more yelling when we fight."
He chuckled, relief turning into pure joy. "Deal. In fact, I'll bake Daniel a giant apology cake. How does that sound?"
Y/N laughed, a beautiful sound that chased away the last remnants of tension. "Sounds like a plan."
He stood up, pulling her into a tight embrace. The scent of her perfume filled his senses, a comforting balm to his soul. As they held each other, the anger and hurt melted away, replaced by a deep sense of love and understanding.
He leaned in, his lips brushing softly against hers. The kiss was hesitant at first, filled with unspoken apologies and renewed devotion. As they deepened the kiss, a sense of peace settled over them.
When they finally pulled away, breathless and smiling, Y/N snuggled closer, resting her head on his shoulder. With his arm wrapped around her, they sat in comfortable silence, the warmth of the afternoon sun basking them in its glow. They had a long way to go, but for now, they were together, and that was all that mattered.
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byunpum · 9 months
Mama's Boy | Part 4
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Pair: Jake x neytiri x human reader (trio couple) x sully children's
Warning: Kinda sad, cozy moments, conflict, family problems
Note: This part may be a bit long, but I hope you still enjoy it. I think only one part is left, but we'll see. Do you like the reading to be this long or shorter?. btwI recently opened a KO-Fi…. if you want to leave any tips or support I would appreciate it (it would help me to buy real coffee xD).
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6(final)
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7 years ago… You were quite calm decorating and cleaning your home, neytiri was out for a walk with kiri and baby tuk. While jake had gone out to practice with lo'ak and neteyam. Leaving you alone, and peaceful. But all that quiet was interrupted, when you heard a lo'ak crying. He came rushing in, straight towards you. He was wiping away the tears that were falling on his cheeks. "MAMA" lo'ak whimpers, coming towards you. Throwing himself into your arms, not caring what you were doing. The boy wrapped his arms around your neck, burying his face in your neck. Lo'ak was 7 years old, and already about your height. But that didn't stop his mother from comforting him, and right now he needed it. "Honey…what's wrong? You're hurt" you push him away a little, taking a quick look. You see that he doesn't have any injuries, so what was wrong with him. You hug him again, caress his back. And you cuddle him from side to side. Trying to calm the child down. After a couple of minutes, you feel lo'ak move away a little. You wipe his face a little. "Are you more calm?" you smile at him a little trying to comfort him.
"Yes…it's just that…" lo'ak tries to speak, but stops when he feels his tears coming again. "Calm down love…what's wrong" you speak, you were worrying about whatever had happened, it was really mortifying him. "I was with daddy…practicing my shots with my bow. It was my turn and " lo'ak takes a deep breath. You already knew what the boy was going to say, you gently caress his cheek. "I didn't get it right…and I would try again many times. But dad told me that neteyam was better at archery than me. And that's not true!!!" Lo'ak begins to cry. "Love…daddy only said that for your own good, to make you better" you know it's not right what jake said. You hated it when jake compared lo'ak to neteyam. "No…he said neteyam was much better than me in everything…that I should be like him. And I don't want to be like neteyam, neteyam is ugly" lo'ak yells a little.
"Hey, first neteyam is not to blame for anything…and second, I will talk to your father. But love…don't make a big deal out of those comments. Your father sometimes doesn't think about what he's going to say, okay?" you try to reassure the boy. "Why don't you go and find spider, and you two can play. Yeah?" you say, watching as the boy perks up.
That same night, you and Jake have a big argument. Even neytiri had to step in. She was never on either side. It was so bad, that you even took lo'ak and left the house to sleep with mo'at. Behind you were kiri and neteyam. "You can't take the children with you," shouts Jake in anger. "Of course I can, I'm not going to leave them here with an immature person" you shout back, neytiri was trying to rationalize with you. But she ends up following you, giving Jake a disapproving look.
Present day…
"mom…can you help me with this?" asks neteyam, approaching you. He was holding a pretty feather ornament. "Sure come here sweetie" you speak, inviting him to sit down in front of you. You get up from the floor, to now work on his hair. The whole family had gotten up early to finish packing, almost everything was ready. But there were more things to pack, now that they had spent time in the metkayina clan. As you worked on neteyam's hair, you noticed how the scar from his wound had healed, but it was still there. "Honey…I'm glad to see you are healing" you speak, listening as neteyam laughs but then goes silent. "mom for a moment i thought i was going to die and never see you again" neteyam says. Lo'ak was sitting on your left side, he heard what his brother said. He quickly tapped him on the shoulder. "Bro…don't say that" lo'ak didn't like to talk about it. You on the other hand felt sorry, you almost lost one of your babies and you weren't there. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, and give him a hug. The tightest hug you can. "I would have found a way to see you, you know that right?" you speak, watching as the boy turns to look at you. "I know mom…that's why I stopped worrying" neteyam laughs a little. Settling down so you can continue to work on his hair.
Meanwhile tonowari was on his way to the sully's marui, that same morning he woke up early and discussed his decision with ronal, the woman strongly disagreed. She did not like the idea of having a human in her clan. But she had to support her partner's decision. Tonowari quietly approached the entrance of the marui and stood in silence. To his surprise, he had the scene that lo'ak was trying to explain to him the night before. Neteyam was sitting, while you were combing his hair. Lo'ak sat next to you eating a piece of fruit, while laughing with kiri. The children looked so happy around you, they felt safe. He walked in a little, causing his presence to be noticed by jake. The whole family looked at him. "tonowari…is something wrong?" asks jake, finding the man's presence in their home strange.
"I came here because I want to talk…to the whole family" says tonowari, looking at you quickly. I had to admit, your presence was strange. "Come in," says Jake. Everyone turns their attention to the man who had now sat down. "Your son…lo'ak" tonowari points to lo'ak quickly. Jake looks at him with concern, what lo'ak must have done now. Swallowing hard, praying it's nothing bad. "The boy talked to me and I must say he was mature enough to stand up for his mother" tonowari says.
"I'm sorry if he said something he shouldn't I" jake started to apologize, but tonowari raises his hand to pause him. "He didn't do anything wrong…in fact he convinced me. I accept that human stays between us" tonowari says, lo'ak looks at you and smiles wide. Holding your hand tightly. "Are you serious?" jake couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Yes…I can imagine how bad it must be for the family not to have a member in it." Tonowari can see how everyone in the family gets excited. "But I have one condition," Tonowari says, staring at you. "Yes tell me…whatever" you speak, tonowari is surprised. For the first time he was talking to you face to face, he must admit you were very beautiful. And he could notice some features you shared with your son, lo'ak.
"I will give you a testing time. You will have to live as a metkayina, swim, fish, work as a metkayina. You will not be anyone's burden, and you will earn your own place here in the clan, that's for sure," says Tonowari. He was serious, you only had one chance. If you did something wrong, or made a mistake it was all over. "Don't worry, I will do my best. I assure you I won't cause any trouble," you say. "They're going to love her," says Kiri excitedly, getting up from the floor to hug you. This news makes the whole family happy. Tonowari says goodbye and leaves. The whole family is silent for a moment, analyzing what had happened. This was a lot of information, for such a short time. "Mom…you are staying here!!!" says lo'ak, the boy is so excited. He was about to cry. The only family member who hadn't said anything was jake, he was still sitting in the same position.
"Lo'ak…why did you go talk to tonowari and not say anything to me" jake sounded upset, in fact he looked upset. "Jake" neytiri starts talking, she already knew what jake was going to come out with. "Dad it's just that you had argued with him and I wanted to fix things" lo'ak tries to explain his point of view. "You know this could have ended worse" jake says, you pick yourself up off the floor. Making a noise like 'ha'. Jake looks at you in surprise. "I can't believe it, your son has done something wonderful. And instead of congratulating him…you're scolding him? You are unbelievable jake" you speak, while crossing your arms. Neytiri could see your position, and if there was one thing she knew, it was that you were not an easy woman. You might be small, but your character and the power you had over Jake was gigantic. "Okay, everybody calm down. Lo'ak you did a great job" neytiri reaches up to stroke the boy's face. "And jake…Y/N is right, no need to complain" neytiri speaks, hoping everything will calm down.
Jake takes a deep breath, stretching his arms in the air. Shaking his body a little, stretching out one of his hands to signal for you to come closer. He had a goofy grin on his face, when he felt you approach his arm. Skillfully grabbing your waist, with a quick movement pulling you into his body . Cuddling you into his arms, filling your cheeks with kisses as your laughter could be heard throughout the marui. This was supposed to be a moment of happiness for the family, they were finally going to be together after a long time apart. That same morning, everyone helped to unpack all the belongings. Neytiri was thankful that the heaviest things had not been packed, because they did have a lot of things. Also that night, the family celebrated like in the old days, of course…inside the marui and in silence. Preparing a good meal, dancing and laughing about the old days. It felt so nostalgic, it had been a long time since they had had such a good time.
Everyone got ready to rest. The boys settled into their hammocks, ready to sleep. As in the old days, you went one by one to say good night to them. Giving them a kiss on the forehead. First it was tuk, then kiri, then neteyam and for the last it was lo'ak. "Goodnight my precious baby" you speak, giving him a kiss on the forehead. Watching as lo'ak giggles tenderly, he looked so adorable like that. "Mama can you sleep with me?" lo'ak asks you, causing a smile from you. "Love…" you didn't know what to say to him, lo'ak was too old for you to sleep with him. But you felt sorry for your boy, he had missed you so much. But if you were going to be fair, all the children in the family had asked to sleep with you. Just before you could give an answer, Jake came up behind you. "ahh no, your mom is going to sleep with us…and that's it" says jake, seeing how lo'ak's face is one of sadness. "I promise you that later mom will sleep with you, ok?" you speak, saying goodbye again to lo'ak.
Jake and you walked away. Jake looked back, to see lo'ak giving him a dirty look. This surprised Jake, chuckling to himself. As he walked you over to the hammock you shared. "Ney" you hum, as you climb into the hammock. Snuggling into neytiri's chest, she snuggles you into her arms. Feeling jake settle in behind you. "Your son hates me," jake says, burying his head in the back of your neck. "Which one?" you speak, as neytiri lets out a laugh. "Hey" jake slaps you on your ass. You and neytiri continue to laugh. "I'm talking about lo'ak, you would have seen the way he looks at me" jake was still shocked, lo'ak had never looked at him like that. "You asked for it…you're taking his mom" says neytiri. "Yeah but his mom…she's ours too, isn't she?" says jake, leaving a few wet kisses on your neck. Neytiri hugs you tighter on her chest, you felt so good. You had missed them too much.
2 months later…
You had gotten used to life in the new clan pretty fast. You had started taking some lessons with ronal on fishing, since you couldn't ride an ilu. You had to do everything the traditional way, according to the na'vis. But for you it was normal, humans had to do things traditionally all the time. So fishing with a net, collecting the things you had to use, even though it was more difficult, you had managed it. Ronal was still not very sure about you, whenever you were with her there was always your bodyguard, Neytiri. Your partner did not leave you alone with Ronal at any time. According to Neytiri Ronal could tempt you with your life. You thought she was overreacting, but you didn't argue with neytiri about such things, she had always been that way with you.
On the other hand, tonowari could tell that everything jake and lo'ak had told her about you was true. You were the most peaceful person he had ever met. He had barely listened to you, well… he hadn't talked to you much. But whenever he saw you, you were always with your children, or helping a clan member. Tonowari would approach the na'vis and ask them what they thought of you. They would always respond with a 'she is very nice''I like her, she is a very good person'. This would relieve it a little, but you were still on probation.
On the other hand, your relationship with your family was in a good state, better than ever. Everything seemed to be running smoothly. Or so you thought. It was morning around 10:00 am as far as you could calculate. Kiri had insisted the night before that you accompany her to look for shells on the beach where she liked to go. You accepted without a problem, you had nothing to do and wanted to spend time with one of your girls. Lo'ak was invited to the expedition, of course he didn't have to ask…he was always with you. If he wasn't with his friends, it was behind you. "Hey…watch out, the sun looks like it's going to be very hot" says neytiri. If the sun was bad for the na'vi, it was worse for you. You joke a little, watching as neytiri approaches you to put some kind of cream on you to protect you from the sun. You and Jake joked that this was a sunblock bomb, because the smell was so strong. "Ahh I hate that smell!!!" you complain, but neytiri nips you a little to stop you from moving. "Yeah…but you're going to thank me when you don't get burned like a tapirus" neytiri sounds angry, seeing that you don't take her concern seriously.
You say goodbye and leave with kiri and lo'ak towards the beach. They arrived quickly, the place was very close. Kiri was lying in the water, sinking her face from time to time. While you were sitting next to her, you had your head back and your eyes closed. Enjoying the warmth, it had rained a lot the previous days. The weather felt great. While lo'ak was playing eywa knows where. You could just hear the water splashing in the distance. Out of nowhere, you feel someone approach and make a spray of water fall on your face. "Lo'ak…watch out!!!" you scold, seeing the boy laughing in front of you. He looked like a puppy about to make a mischief. "Mom, I want you to meet someone?" says lo'ak. This gets your attention, settling in straight to look at him. "Is it a girl? Tsireya?" you ask, lo'ak gets nervous and moves his face in a 'no' expression. "It's something better…it's my other brother" lo'ak says, you look at him curiously. Lo'ak had gone crazy, as far as you knew the only brother he had was neteyam. "You mean teyam?" you say.
Lo'ak lets out a laugh, as he sits closer to you. "Mama no, he is ahhh he is a tulkun. I want you to meet him" lo'ak was excited, he wanted you to meet payakan. You think about it for a while, but you accept. You couldn't say no to that adorable little face. You tap kiri's shoulder. The little girl lifts her face. "What happened, Mom?" speaks Kiri, and you brush a few strands of hair out of her face. "Honey I'm going for a walk with lo'ak do you want to go?" you ask her. "Nooo mama just you and me" lo'ak complains, crossing his arms. "You don't have to yell…mom don't worry I'll be here a while longer and then I'll go home" kiri says.
"Ok….but be very careful. I trust you" you speak, watching as Kiri smiles at you and goes back to playing with the little fish in the area. You get up from the water, accompanying lo'ak. He was already jumping up and down with excitement. Telling you all about his friend, how he met him and where he came from. All while walking towards his ilu. The trip was quite fast, lo'ak arrived getting up a little from his ilu. Calling out his friend's name. "Mama he will be here soon" lo'ak looks around, seeing if he saw his friend. "Don't worry if he doesn't come" you speak up, but remain silent when you see as a shadow below you. "Here he is!!!" lo'ak says, excited. Payakan comes out of the water, making a noise of greeting. "Payakan look…this is my mom. Remember I told you about her?" says lo'ak moving to the side, to take your hand. So that you would come closer to him. Lo'ak sometimes forgot that your legs were shorter and you were smaller. But you manage to stand now on the creature's flipper. While lo'ak's ilu begins to swim around.
"Mama he is payakan my brother…and payakan she is my mama" lo'ak speaks, petting the creature. Tulkun makes another noise, and you startle a little. You had to admit that this was very new to you. You still didn't understand the language of signs very well, let alone this creature. "mama he says you are very pretty" says lo'ak. You could see the look of pride on his face, this was very important to him. "Thank you" you look at payakan, and he gets excited. Making a stream of water come out of his back. "Mama likes you very much" lo'ak says. You giggle a little, reaching over to pet the creature. It was very amazing and majestic. You and lo'ak spent the whole afternoon playing and hanging out together. For a moment, you just sit in lo'ak's ilu, watching the boy swim and play with his friend. You loved seeing him like that, so happy and carefree.
After a while, for some reason you started to feel sick. You had felt dizzy that morning, but you didn't think it was important. But now you were feeling worse, the dizziness was getting stronger and your vision was getting quite blurry. And not to mention the headache and stomach pain you were getting. "L-lo'ak" you yell under your breath. You were already writhing in pain, you lean forward. Trying to get your balance. The ilu of lo'ak noticed something was going on, and began to make a lot of noise. Catching lo'ak's attention, the boy stops swimming and takes a look at your location. He can tell how you were moving oddly, and his ilu looked a little uneasy.
He swims as fast as he can, coming towards you. "MAMA, MAMA!!!" lo'ak approaches and tries to get your attention. Lifting your shoulder, but he sees how you don't respond. You had fainted, your body was resting in the ilu. "Mom get up, what's wrong with you!!!" lo'ak is getting very desperate, what had happened to you, you were fine minutes ago. Maybe the sun was too strong, or you were sick. Lo'ak climbs into his ilu, carrying you in his arms. Leaving for the clan, he made his ilu swim as fast as possible, but he could not hold back his tears. You were still not getting up and he was getting desperate. "mama please…get up" shouts lo'ak shaking you a little. The trip back was a long one for lo'ak, arriving at the coast. Shouting his father's name for him to arrive. "Dad!!!dad!!!help!!!" shouts lo'ak.
Jake had arrived at the marui, he was accompanied by neytiri. Kiri had told them that you and lo'ak had gone for a walk. But she didn't tell them where you were going, this made Jake a little nervous. Jake was very careful with you, and even more so since you were on probation. You couldn't cause trouble or else they would have to leave. Jake hears the shouts of lo'ak, who were approaching the marui. "What's going on?" neytiri gets up from the ground, running to the entrance accompanied by jake. Watching as lo'ak enters with his mother in his arms. You had woken up on the road, but a you were still very dizzy. "Y/N!!!" neytiri takes you in her arms, and quickly places you on the ground. "Lo'ak what happened…what happened?" shouts jake, sitting down next to neytiri. Watching as the woman tried to stabilize y/n. "Honey, come on open your eyes" says jake, tapping you on the cheek. While neytiri placed a wet cloth on her forehead, jake tried to get your oxygen machine to pump out more oxygen (here I'm talking about the mask the reader is wearing).
After a while, neytiri managed to get you up. "Take some water" neytiri speaks, stroking your hair. You were sitting up, feeling tired and even a little dizzy. Lo'ak was standing all this time, watching as his parents tried to help you. "Don't worry…it was just a dizzy feeling" you laugh a little. "A simple dizziness…ma y/n you were unconscious" neytiri speaks annoyed. Meanwhile jake was walking from one side of the marui to the other. "Lo'ak what the hell happened? What did you do?" jake looks at lo'ak intensely. "I…mom and I were at the sea. We were visiting payakan" lo'ak says timidly. The poor boy looks at you quickly, trying to seek your help. "J-jake" you speak softly. But you watch as your partner ignores you, and moves closer to lo'ak. "Why are you so ignorant…you know that's a dangerous place for your mother" jake yells.
"But daddy" lo'ak tries to defend himself. "Dad nothing… why are you like this? You're fucking irresponsible" jake yells again. But the words were like a knife to lo'ak, jake was acting as if the boy had caused this on purpose. "JAKE" you yell, getting up from the ground. Neytiri tries to stop you, but you walk towards jake. "What the hell is wrong with you?" you look at Jake in shock. "I'm telling him the truth, why can't he behave like neteyam" says jake.
"Because he's not neteyam!!!!" you yell as loud as you can. Lo'ak wipes away some tears and runs out of the marui. "Lo'ak come over here!!!" jake was going to stop lo'ak, but you stop him. "What do you want him to stay for?" you were annoyed, jake was always going overboard with lo'ak. He didn't half like how he talked to his son. "Why do you keep comparing lo'ak to neteyam? They are completely different people. Besides this whole situation is not his fault" you speak.
"But he knows he shouldn't take you to that place," Jake speaks. "Jake, I'm a grown woman…I do what I want. And I'm getting sick and tired of this attitude you have with our kids. I'm reaching my limit" you were so upset, you were turning red with anger. "Y/N listen to me" jake tries to speak.
"I don't want to listen to you…this isn't something that's happening now. This has been going on for years. Have you ever wondered why your children look at you with fear, because yes, they are afraid of you? Have you ever asked them how they feel or what they want to do, no. You just give orders and think that everyone is doing what they want to do. You just give orders and think everyone here is going to follow them." You yell, pacing a bit all over the marui. Neytiri was sitting on the floor watching and listening to all the discussion. She wasn't saying anything, because she knows you were right.
"I think I'm tired of this…I love you Jake, I love you with all my soul, but I think it's best if we go back to our home… "You lower your head, you felt bad and this whole situation was exhausting you more. You didn't want it to escalate to this level. "Let's go home?" jake gets a little confused, glancing quickly at neytiri. She lifts her shoulders, she didn't know what you were talking about. "I will go with lo'ak to our home, live with mo'at. If any of the children want to leave with me I will take them. But I will not leave them here…getting this treatment. Because they deserve to have a normal childhood" you had tears in your eyes. Leaving Jake there silent and stunned, as you walked towards the Marui's balcony. Neytiri gets up quickly chasing after you.
"Y/N!!!" neytiri holds your hand, you didn't want to look at her. You were too overwhelmed. "Tell me what you are saying is not true. You love us, you love me and Jake. We can work this out." neytiri makes you look at her. She knew you were right, but she couldn't let you go. Let one of her children go away. "I can't stand jake" you yell a little. Neytiri stands there in silence, she knew you weren't really saying it, you loved Jake. Something was happening to you. "You are not serious" neytiri sounded sad. "Ney…let's go away, the two of us, let's go back home. I need to be home" you start crying, the more you talk. Neytiri pulls you to her chest, wrapping you in a very tight hug. "Ma y/n…be calm. I miss our home too" says neytiri. Sitting there, with you in her arms.she sensed something was happening to you, something in you was changing, you weren't like that. Meanwhile, Jake was not far from you. He felt so bad…this was his fault.
"Do you think mom will leave us?" tuk looks at neteyam and kiri. The group of kids had been spying on their parents, when they saw lo'ak come out of the marui. The boy was sitting next to neteyam. He was still teary-eyed. "Well I'm going to my mama's," said lo'ak, he was upset. "I…I don't know. But I don't want mom to leave" neteyam looks back inside the marui. This is the first time he has seen his parents argue like this.
P.s I promise I will upload the next part soon. But I would like to know what you guys think so far. And what do you think is going to happen?
Tag: @baybaybear1@hoodiepandaninja16@teyyyteyyy@anika-rose-walker@victoria2054 @raviolisblog @jessi-dan@neteyams-wh0re@jimfiqs@bitchykittenconnoisseur@chershire23@holynightnacho@danilezilla @thepotatoislost
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velvetm00light · 11 months
Temper Tantrums
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gif: pinterest dividers: @benkeibear, @mariariley, @haerinism
Word Count: 2.5k
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Summary: Y/n has finally entered the dating scene after refusing to even look at another guy romantically in years. As she gossips with her coworkers at the BAU about her date, Spencer sees red. As the tension grows between Spencer and Y/n, she's finally fed up and confronts him.
Warnings: Cursing, coworkers, mutual pining, immature behavior, name calling.
A/N: Actually kind of proud of this one, I hope ya'll enjoy it as much as I hope you will :))
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Y/N CAN FEEL THE jet humming beneath her boots, the hand she's rested her chin upon vibrating her skull so intensely she begins to wonder if she could get the adult equivalent of shaken baby syndrome from it.
Emily is settled in the seat next to her, immersed in a game of chess with Spencer on the opposite side of the chessboard. JJ sits across from y/n, and the both of them can't help but watch intently as pieces are moved and soft curses are exchanged. "I'm getting anxious just watching this," y/n whispers to JJ. JJ nods her wide-eyed approval, never moving her gaze from the restless hands attached to their coworkers.
As the intense game of chess seems to last for an eternity, JJ finally tears her gaze away from the game and speaks to the rest of the team, "I know I'm ready for drinks when we get back."
"As long as Rossi's buying, I'm in," Morgan chirps.
"I guess I'm buying," Rossi's playfully rolls his eyes, the smile tugging at his lips ratting out his amusement. If no one had mentioned getting drinks after departing the jet, Rossi would've offered to buy rounds just to get the team to go with him.
"Did I hear Rossi's buying?" Emily asks, her head finally rising from the chessboard for the first time since her and Spencer began playing games ago.
"Are you coming?" JJ asks y/n, her lips forming a pout.
"I can't, I have..plans," y/n smiles apologetically.
"Who could be more important than us?" Emily asks, her jaw slack, as if completely taken aback by her sudden plans and the fact that she hangs out with people other than them.
"If you must know, I'm going on a date."
Spencer's head snaps up from the game, his gaze burning a hole into y/n as she smiles shyly and wrings her hands in her lap.
"A date?" JJ gasps, "With who? Oh my god, you have to tell us everything!"
"I don't want to jinx it. This is the first date anyway, he could be a complete weirdo."
"Please tell us how it goes after!"
"I will."
"Oh my god, this is so exciting, y/n!" Emily exclaims.
"It's about time you got back out there," JJ agrees.
"It's just a date, guys. No need to get your panties in a twist just yet. This job isn't for the weak, especially when it comes to dating."
"Oh, we know." They both dramatically sigh.
Spencer has not ceased gawking at y/n since she announced she was going on a date, the game of chess before him completely forgotten. He only tears his eyes away from her when she looks towards him, her brows furrowing together in confusion.
"Have so much fun and be safe..."
"Believe me, I'm not that type of girl, don't look at me like my mother would," y/n laughs. The girls laugh along with her but the tension in the air is palpable to the rest of the occupants on the jet.
Luckily for the rest of the team, the jet lands with perfect timing. The girls send y/n off on her date, explaining to her over and over again about using protection, red flags to look out for on the first date, and a million other tidbits of information they felt necessary to indulge her in before she could be on her way.
Spencer is the last to leave the plane, purposely packing up his chess pieces and board slowly. When he finally steps onto the tarmac, he can't stop himself from searching for her. There's an ache in his heart as his gaze bores into the back of her head as she walks quickly to her car in the carpark, her steps light and excited.
He doesn't allow himself to wish that she was rushing to go on a date with him, instead.
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Y/n pushes through the glass doors to the BAU bullpen with a smile plastered across her face. She plops down in her brown, leathery swivel chair at her desk which, unfortunately for Spencer at this moment, is directly across from his.
He watches her intently as she settles in her chair, placing her bag underneath her desk and getting comfortable enough to go over some case files. She barely even gets to open a file before JJ and Emily are rushing up to her desk. JJ sits herself on the side of y/n's desk and Emily pulls up an empty chair.
Spencer's grip on his pen turns his knuckles white, his pen almost ripping through his paper. He keeps his head down, attempting to seem uninterested in the conversation he knows they're about to have.
"How did it go?" JJ asks impatiently, resting her head in her hands, leaning closer as if that'll get the information out of y/n any faster.
"It was actually..really good. He was sweet."
"Aw, good! You totally deserve someone who's sweet. You don't strike me as the type to swoon over the bad boy."
Y/n chuckles, agreeing wholeheartedly. In theory, the bad guy seems nice, he's protective, he'll murder anyone who touches his girl, and danger is thrilling. But, y/n has known that she's too independent to deal with a guy's possessiveness and it would just piss her off. Plus, sometimes the guys who look like they wouldn't hurt a fly but would actually would murder someone just for looking at his girl wrong...even hotter.
"There's nothing better than a secretly protective man. The bad boy exterior is kind of..embarrassing," y/n whispers. The women's eyes simultaneously land on Morgan, walking down the stairs to his own desk.
Morgan pauses as he notices the stare of the 3 women in the bullpen. "What?"
All he gets is giggles as a response as they turn back to their conversation. "To be fair, the mysterious persona fits him," Emily says matter-of-factly.
JJ and y/n nod in agreement and continue to whisper to each other about y/n's date the previous night. Unable to listen to anymore explicit details, Spencer abruptly rises from his chair and storms into the kitchen to gather and distract himself from the rising rage coursing through his blood.
He rummages through the public cupboards, keeping himself busy enough to miss out on the rest of that stupid conversation. "Spence?" A soft voice calls out. He whips around, almost jumping out of his skin entirely. His temper already worn thin at all the thoughts jumbled in his head, the leash on himself becomes completely taut seeing y/n standing in the doorway, a worried look on her face.
"What?" Spencer snaps.
"I-I was just seeing if you were okay," she says softly. Spencer mentally chastises himself. He hates that he's taking his anger out on her when she's done nothing wrong. He's the one who's ignored and shoved down his feelings for her since he began to feel those butterflies in his stomach when she spoke to him.
"Thank you for checking up on me, but I'm fine," he deadpans. He makes no move to move out the door past her in fear he'll accidentally brush up against her skin and his restraint will snap completely.
"Are you sure?"
"I said I'm fine."
"I can tell you're not, I wouldn't be a very good profiler if I believed you. But I'm not going to push you. I just hope you're okay. If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you."
"Thanks," he grumbles. He turns his back on her, continuing to go through the cabinet in hopes she leaves. His immaturity made him lose his appetite, and when he peaks over his shoulder towards the doorway, he isn't sure why his heart aches to see it empty.
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Several days pass by and y/n's irritation is full to the brim. Spencer avoids her at all costs - sitting on the opposite side of the jet on the way to their newest case, if the only seats open in the conference room are directly next to her, he stands on the opposite side of the room, and ignoring any and all questions, comments, or concerns she has tried to communicate to him.
The tension between them becomes a wire stretched to it's breaking point, threatening to snap if they're not careful. The hostility that seems to be growing between them is not missed by their coworkers.
Morgan and y/n are camped out in a dark unmarked car provided to them by the local police enforcement. They were assigned to keep watch at the unsub's preferred dumpsite to see if he returns to revisit his victims like he'd done previously.
She wonders if Hotch purposely stuck her on boring duty to try to relieve the strain in the air - she wouldn't doubt it. She's honestly feels grateful for a moments reprieve. Well, she was grateful, but that was until Morgan opened his mouth.
"What's going on between you and Reid?"
"What do you mean?"
"You honestly can't think I'm stupid. I feel like I have allergies because the air around you guys is so damn suffocatingly...angry."
"I have no idea what you're talking about Derek."
"Hey, if you don't want to talk about it, that's completely fine. I'm just worried about you, kid."
She sighs and rests her head back on the head rest. She allows herself a moment to regain her composure - her coworkers shouldn't be punished because of Spencer's childish behavior.
"Thank you, Derek. I appreciate you. I'm sorry for snapping at you."
"It's okay, I get it. The kid's been weird this entire case."
"Tell me about it."
"Is there a specific reason?"
"Fuck if I know."
"Fair enough, I guess."
Morgan shrugs and returns his attention back on the wooded forest in front of them. Y/n's mind chases itself in circles as she considers asking Morgan about it but she isn't sure if it would even make her feel any better. She racks her brain for an actual reason to justify the way he's been treating her but she can't. She sighs to herself, internally fighting the struggle between fighting for their friendship, or letting him ruin it.
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Y/n keeps her eyes glued to the jet window, resting her head on the plane wall, unconsciously wringing her hands in frustration. "You only do that when you're nervous or angry," Emily whispers over the small table between them. Emily's eyes dart to Spencer, sitting at the tail end of the plane, exactly where y/n assumed he would be like a coward.
Y/n's eyes finally peel themselves away from the darkened night sky and are met with Emily's concerned expression. "Do what?" She asks lowly, too mentally and physically exhausted from tracking down a serial killer and dealing with the temper tantrums of a grown man turned toddler.
"Wring your hands like that."
"Oh," is all she can manage out. She looks down at her moving hands, immediately removing her hands from each other and sitting on them.
"I know you well enough to know that if you wanted to talk about it, you would have already so I won't ask. I just don't like seeing it consume you."
"Thank you, Em. I just-I'm pissed the fuck off."
"Spencer has been throwing tantrums since he stormed away from his desk right before we left for this case. I went to check on him and he snapped at me and completely shut me out, which fine whatever, I don't like to be pushed either. But he's done nothing but avoid me, ignore me, and just flat out pretend I don't exist this entire case and I'm at my breaking point."
"Have you talked to him about it?"
"How am I supposed to do that? He couldn't even set his emotions aside for one second to hear my opinion on why the unsub was dumping where he was or why he chose the ritual of displaying them like that."
"Maybe you should just confront him, make him listen to you."
"If I thought it was that easy, I would've done it already."
"Do it after we get off the jet."
"He's going to take forever to make sure I'm half way to my car before he even thinks about exiting this damn jet."
"Just give it a try, you're just making excuses now, y/n. I'll give a heads up to the rest of the team to avoid the crossfire."
"Thank you, Em. I appreciate you," y/n sighs. She runs through the conversation in her head over and over, deconstructing and reconstructing her opening statement and the evidence she plans on bringing up to prove her point. She's sure as hell not going to deal with this for any longer and she's not going to let someone she thought was her friend drive her away from the job she loves and the people she cares about most.
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The door to the jet whirs open and the rest of the team hauls out of the jet quickly. Y/n takes her time getting up from her seat, her heart beating rapidly as she takes the stairs down to the tarmac one by one. She decides to stand out of sight from his seat on the jet so she can hopefully catch him by surprise.
After a few minutes of clutching her jacket closed from the piercing wind, Spencer finally drags himself out of the jet. Once his feet hit the tarmac, she falls into step beside him. "We need to talk."
He whirls his head to where she's walking casually beside him, her gaze fixed on the expanding airstrip ahead. "There's nothing to talk about," Spencer retorts.
"You might not have anything to say, but that's fine. That means you can just listen to what I have to say," she demands, catching his arm, spinning him to face her. Fury is written all over her face and Spencer's heart starts to beat faster. He knows he deserves every ounce of fury and venom she's about to spit at him.
"Why are you acting like such a child towards me? You've done nothing but ignore, avoid, and act like I'm not even a person to you, let alone your friend, like I thought we were. I don't deserve to be treated the way you've been treating me, Spencer."
"I know you don't and I'm sorry. But that's why I've been angry."
"Because, I don't want to just be your friend. It's eating me from the inside out to continue to just be friends and hear you talk about this new guy and knowing that I'd never be man enough to tell you that I'm tired of just being friends but I never want to get in the way of your happiness so I just didn't think there was a point in saying anything now."
"What are you saying?"
"That I have loved you from the damn moment you risked your life in the Utah case 2 years ago. In that moment, I knew that losing you would tear my entire world apart."
"You absolutely fucking idiot!" Y/n cries out. Before Spencer can react, y/n takes him by the collar of his sweater and crashes her lips onto his with fiery passion. Their tongues dance in tandem together. They're both breathless and panting when they rise from their kiss, y/n's hand still gripped on his sweater. "I love you, too, you fucking bonehead."
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ncis-nerd · 5 months
But Daddy I Love Him
ship: older!natasha romanoff x younger!reader. wanda maximoff x natasha romanoff.
warnings: angst, no happy ending, mentions of cheating, older nat, jerk nat, younger reader, wanda is kinda a dick, age gap, arguing, being ignored.
a/n: happy ttpd day!!
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"I'm done with being your second choice Natasha. Just because I am younger than you, it doesn't mean you can just go off with other women because you're scared to admit that they are what you are looking for. Someone older, more mature, someone you can relate to" Y/N exclaimed, her small frame against the older women's.
Her green eyes met y/n's gaze which only confirmed what y/n feared. "That's it? You aren't going to say anything?" Y/N spokes as she grabbed a suitcase from the closet.
"I'm so sick of Wanda! Don't think I didn't see all the ways she touched you. Her hands always on you whenever the two of you were together. I'll tell you this Natasha. I'd rather burn my whole life down, Than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'" Y/N threw her arms up in protest and huffed.
"Where are you gonna go." Natasha spoke dismmisingly. She doesn't think you'll actually do it. You have no where to go, no one to go to. Her eyes watering at the slight chance that you may be serious.
✦·┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈·✦
Natasha had an award dinner and she asked you last minute to come. It was odd she didn't ask you earlier in advance because they usually know about these things at least 6 months in advance with scheduling and whatnot. But you didn't think much of it. Because you didn't want to accept the alternative.
You came as her date but it sure didn't feel like it. You were the youngest there, all the avengers were at least 10 years ahead of you. It didn't help that your girlfriend left you to fend for yourself, your eyes stuck on her and Wanda. Natasha threw her head back, laughing. Wanda's hand on her shoulder. Their prolonging eye contact. The way they looked at each other. It gave you a bad feeling in your gut but you pushed it away.
No, I'm not coming to my senses. I know it's crazy. But he's the one I want.
You refused to accept it. She said she'd never let it come between you guys. That your age difference would never break you up. She lied. You rose up from the table but no one even noticed, everyone engrossed in their conversation. A stray tear fell from your glassy eyes.
You made your way to the bathroom. Attempting to keep your composure, they already think you're immature, you don't want them to see you as a baby on top on that.
You looked at yourself in the large glass window. You looked at your reflection. Your dress glistened in the light. The door swings open. It's Wanda. Of course she was the one who noticed you missing. Ironic isn't it.
"Y/N" she spoke, her voice filled with fake concern but a hint of guilt. You refused to meet her eyes, not willing to give her that sense of comfort. "Y/N, I'm not going to lie to you just because you're younger than us. I like Natasha. And honestly it feels like she is into me too. There's nothing I can say to make you feel better but I assure you I would never make a move on her while the two of you are together. I promise." Her eyes met yours in the mirror.
"I have money, I know you don't have anywhere to go but if you and Natasha should split, please call me. I don't want to on your own, fending for yourself. I can help you get an apartment or something." Wanda offered.
I just learned these people try and save you'. Cause they hate you
Of course, of course she wants to "take care of you". Because you're the little fragile thing who can't handle heartbreak. She just wants to make a move on Natasha, this is a ton of bullshit. You press your nails into your hand. You smile politely and say a simple thank you. Not wanting to cause a scene and give Natasha more of a reason to leave you.
✦·┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈·✦
Thinking it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me. And counteract the chemistry. And undo the destiny.
Her hand reaches for my shoulder, to stop me from leaving. "That won't work anymore, Natasha. I'm calling Wanda. She offered to help me get an apartment." You spewed out, reaching for the door. It hurt. You no longer called her Natty, the sweet nickname you had gave her when your relationship was in an earlier stage. A simpler stage where you didn't have to question if she wanted to be with you.
You slammed the door behind you, goodbye Natasha.
✦·┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈·✦
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lennadanvers · 16 days
Hi hey hello! I'm still alive! I accidentally took some time off(? Anyway, I miss Ex-husband!Eddie, so here you have some (kinda sad) backstory to the relationship. I present to you *drumroll*...
Ex-husband!Eddie who still has nightmares about your first break-up, many years ago! When you two still lived in Hawkins. When you both left crying. The first time you broke his heart.
You'd been dating for quite some time by then. When he thinks about this, it seems to him you both were really young. That he was very immature.
But, then again, Eddie thinks that about himself now, and it's been years. And he lost you again, somehow.
There had been a disscusion. It was probably about the future. Most things wrong in his life involved that. Planning, hoping, being ready to move on. The only way he's ever been able to plan is when playing DM. The only hope he's ever allowed himself is you being happy with him there to see it. At least that worked out, more or less. About being ready to move on, well...
Of course, Eddie didn't see things this way back then. Then, it felt like you were leaving with or without him. Like you could leave, and he coulnd't. Like you had a life waiting for you, and all he had were impossible dreams and an always lingering fight for survival. Like you were taking all he had- his heart- away from Hawkins.
Eddie knows it was wrong, now, looking back- but his secret is that he knew it was wrong back then too. Still, he allowed himself to hurt you. He laughed sarcastically. He called himself a freak, to save you the effort. Eddie admitted that he knew you were too kind to tell the truth: he was some sort of adventure, a way to feel good about yourself by making someone else happy. He didn't say the word charity- it hit too close to home- but you heard it anyway.
You also heard him calling you a people pleaser. Someone without a backbone. He'd been your safe space- he knew, even if he didn't believe it- and it turned out he saw you like everyone else did.
You didn't yell. Eddie was used to noise. To metal through the speakers, to the cars in the trailer park, to the screams in his parent's kitchen. But he was terrified of silence.
You looked at him. He was used to people avoiding his eyes, to the uncomfortable faces. Yours was just empty. As empty as a face wet with tears can be. And you were looking at him, at his eyes, at his soul.
And you left.
He did the same. Eddie had had many people walk out of his life, and fuck if he was going to let you do that too. No, this time he was leaving. Enough of waiting for the people he loved to come back to him.
It didn't matter, because you didn't go back. You put everything he had left at your house and put it in a box. Your college dorm room wasn't big enough for all the things you loved anyway. You filled the box- even put in his favorite sweets, the ones you had bought for when he went to say goodbye to the bus station- and left it home.
He only found out about it when your mom, after leaving you to your brand new university life, dropped it off by his trailer.
Eddie swears nightmares are box-shaped.
By then, it was too late. He likes to think that the way he had to grovel to get your new phone number was heroic. It may not have saved you- you never needed saving-, but it saved him.
It took him a week to call. He kept lifting the phone and crying. Eddie still has the notebook where he planned, mid campaign, what he was going to say.
It didn't matter. When he finally managed to call, he crumbled. You said "Hello?", and you sounded happy. He practically sobbed a "Hi".
You went silent. Eddie heard you whispering on the other side of the line, and a female voice saying she wasn't expecting any calls.
"Who is this?"
He hung up the phone.
Years later, after you got married, you joked he had a phobia of calling you on the phone. He doesn't think it's a joke. Eddie still wakes up after hearing his nightmares ask him "Who is this?".
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stinmybubs · 4 months
AudioFic Fluff
AN: an audiofic will be fics I base off of songs and audios!
B. Katsuki x AFAB! Reader
"Somethin Stupid" -By Frank Sinatra, and Nancy Sinatra
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"I know you stand in line, until you think you have the time to spend an evening with me."
Your class was currently at the Quirk Training Camp. You all were at least trying to cook everyone dinner, sharing laughs, and playing around without a care in the world.
Katsuki couldn't help but stare, every part of you memorized him, he couldn't think of anything more beautiful.
"And if we go someplace to dance, I know that there's a chance you wont be leaving with me."
When you and Katsuki snuck off he didn't expect you to have set up a speaker in beautiful clearing in the trees. the moonlight dancing on your face perfectly shaping your features.
"Wanna dance Katsu?"
"And afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two."
He held you by your waist, guiding you around the clearing, looking at you with them most adoration he's ever had for a person. He loved the way your smile made him feel, the way you mad him feel.
he coulnd't help it, his mouth moved on his own. This feeling was taking over his body, imagining your futures together he uttered the words.
"And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like..-"
"I love you...y/n"
He could feel you stop moving along with him, your smile fading ever so slightly. His heart dropped looking at the dejected look on your face, you seemed scared, and confused.
"I can see it in your eyes, that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before."
"Katsu...do you really? Do you really mean it? Its not some cruel joke?" Tears began to flow from your eyes, making his heart sink. He hated seeing you cry, he hated hurting you.
"And thought its just a line to you for me it's true, it never seemed so right before."
"I do...I mean it so fucking much, every day I want to say it, every minute or every time I see you! Fuck! you mean so much to me, yer always in my head." he kissed your trails of tears holding you tightly trying his best to make his words true.
You had been confessed to the night before, but it was just an immature joke bye a bunch of class 1-B boys who wanted to make fun of you.
"I practice everyday to find some clever lines to say to make the meaning come true."
From that day on he made it his duty to say those words whenever he could, it didn't matter what you were doing even just passing each other. Hell he didn't even care that others heard, he just wanted you to know he meant every single I love you.
"But I think until I'll wait until the evening gets late and I'm alone with you."
The two of you, sitting in the same place you had previously danced in, watching the sunset in peace and quiet. Katsuki leaned back, letting his hands hold the weight of his body as he glanced over to you.
You turn to him, grabbing his hand to compare your hand sizes, your eyes curious. He gave you a smirk, intermingling his hands with yours, making sure you couldn't let go of his hand.
Your face flushed, since you couldn't let go you simply lowered your hands and looking back at the sunset clearly not wanting to make any eye contact with Katsuki.
"The time is right your perfume fills my head. The stars get red and oh, the night's so blue."
The silence was killing bakugou, you could feel his hands getting sweatier by the second.
"Katsu, you're gonna end up exploding my hands with how much you're sweating." You giggle, lifting both your hands up again. Oh how he loves your laugh.
"And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like."
"I love you."
Katsuki leans closely, closing the distance between you and him placing his lips onto yours. Your eyes widening in shock as his sudden movements.
"The time is right your perfume fills my head the stars get red and oh, the nights so blue."
You tear up a little bit, finally letting him in leaning further into the kiss your eyes slowly closing as you two loose yourself in each others embrace.
"And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like..-"
"I love you Katsuki."
you too stop kissing for a brief moment, making eye contact, your bodies slowly heating up from all the intense emotions coursing through your bodies.
"I love ya' too, ya idiot." He places his forehead against yours, closing his eyes briefly.
"Well I'm your idiot now." You giggle.
"Yeah ya' are."
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
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Carpe Noctem 18
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, gaslighting, manipulation, violence, blood, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You gather up the remnants of your stint as a personal nurse. As you do, you feel a tug on your shirt hem. You look down as Lloyd pulls on you, trying to urge you closer.
"You just going to leave me like this?" He mopes.
"You're fine, you just need to chill--"
"Pfft, I can handle a few bruises," he scoffs, "I'm talking about what you did to me."
He looks towards his crotch and you follow his gaze. His bulge is made more obvious as he wiggles his hips. You have to stop from rolling your eyes as his juvenile behaviour. He might be a bit immature but he's not cruel like Johnny.
"Let me get this cleaned up--"
"But I need it now."
"Lloyd," you squeeze your handful, "enough."
"Oh yes, use your mommy voice--"
"I told you not to call me that," you tear away from him.
You glare at him, irked, a roil of agitation you've felt like no other. No one's ever made you feel so riled. Not like him. You fight to tamp down the strike of fire in you.
"Now, if you don't stop being so needy, you won't get anything at all."
He arches a brow and smirks, drawing his hand back to rest it on his stomach.
"And what do I get if I'm good?" He wonders.
You narrow your eyes. You don't want to say it out loud. Just the thought of appeasing him is exhausting. You really just want to lay down but you know you owe him. He kept you from spending the night in a cell with Johnny taunting you.
"Be a good boy and you'll find out," you reply tersely.
You see him quiver in excitement, like a puppy told he can go out and play fetch. You almost laugh. You turn and carry out the rubbish and the first aid kit.
You put everything away as you chew your lip. All you have to do is get him off and you'll be free to go hide under a blanket. The more you think about that end, the wore your eyes want to droop. You suppress a yawn and return to the living room.
Somehow, you're not surprised at how you find Lloyd. As bold as ever, he lays stark naked across the couch cushions, his anticipation rigid and twitching. Right, not talking him down.
"Come on, sugar cookie, get your man," he looks back at you with a wink, folding his arms behind his head against the couch, "your turn."
You stomp over to him and feel another stir. It's a confusing mingle of intrigue and irritation. You both want to strangle him and ride him. You don't understand him. More so, you don't understand yourself. You've never been driven by that part of yourself.
You sit on the edge of the couch by his hip and he reaches to grope you through your shirt. No patience, no shame, he kneads you with a growl.
"What's on the menu first, mom--"
You cover his mouth with your palm, smothering that word from his lips. He grunts but doesn't fight it. You push his hand from your chest and put on your fiercest face. It's probably ridiculous.
You grab his dick with your free hand and squeeze. He squirms and lets out a more pathetic noise. His eyes go wide as you keep your palm sealed over his mouth. You hush him as you stroke him to his tip and back down to his base.
His forehead ripples as you work him slowly. There's something you enjoy about watching him struggle, about the tension in his neck and jaw, and the way his voice seems to slip from him without control. As you pump him, his chest flexes and the muscles in his stomach tighten, defining each more clearly beneath the skin.
You can't help a grin as his lashes lower and puffs through his nose. You feel the tingle deep in you, brewing to a storm as your hand quickens without a thought. You let yourself sink into his shock and desire. You pretend your someone else, someone who know exactly what they want and takes it.
He wraps his hand around your wrist but you don't let your hand move from his mouth. He growls and pushes his hand back, muscles clenching as he arches into your hand. You stroke him faster and faster, your power over him encouraging your pace.
As you bring your hand up, your rub your thumb over his tip. He lets out a squeak and you do it again, each pump adding a swirl around his head. He squeezes your wrist and grunts.
He spasm and shakes and a sudden warm deluge spills over your hand, slickening your palm as you continue to work him. He lets go of your arm and whimpers, grabbing at your other hand as he stops you. He cups your hand between both of his and rips his face out from under your other.
"Woah, woah," he gurgles, "that's-- too much--"
You tilt your head and let out a snort. Really, he's telling you it's too much? This man who has been nothing less than more than enough since you met. You lean forward and slide your hand out from under his and cradle his sack. The vein in his forehead surges and he coughs.
"That's not your choice, baby," you say, carried away in the heat of the moment, the coil in your stomach, and the awareness of the mess on your hand.
"Baby cakes--"
"Ah, I don't wanna hear you," you pull away from him and stand, almost in a trance as the words come to you as if written in some unfound part of your mind, "get on your back," you demand as you unbutton your jeans.
He stutters and nods, sliding down so he's flat on his back, watching you with eagerness as he runs his hands up his stomach.
"What are you going to do to me?" He asks with a wide grin.
You step out of your pants, your fingers curling and opening again. You come closer and grab a hand of the hair on the top of his head and pull him down. You lift your knee over his face and press it to the cushion. You slip your other leg up, straddling just above him.
"Oh, yes--"
"If you're not going to shut up, then I'll just have to make you," you snip and lower yourself, sighing at the melding of cool and warm as his mouth opens to your cunt.
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justlarkin · 3 months
You know what's worse than a brocon? *tears away image* A tsundere.
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C1- "My position without a world pillar is at a disadvantage, but if that is Eden's decision, I have no intention of going against it. I must rinse the shame of my brother who once defied the heavens..."
C2- "Am I okay? I was the one who gave up on my shameful brother, I was never abandoned! Don't laugh! I won't allow anyone to laugh at me!"
C3- "Good morning, my fallen brother. Don't just play around forever, why not give yourself a little encouragement? You used to shine so brightly! ...No, it's nothing."
C4- "My name is Michael, and I am the heroic angel who inherited the highest position in Eden from my brother. Yes, from my brother who ran away from his role."
R1 [Shuichi]- "Thinking that he had been cut off by his younger brother, he protected himself by averting his eyes from what he didn't want to see. He was a bit immature to call himself a Wisemen."
R2 [Gabriel]- "Oh, isn't that Gabriel? Still foolish enough to stay in a guild of losers. You should have come under me and obeyed me, but that would have been too much for you."
E- "Ah, my poor brother who has fallen into a trophy. This is a paradise that was designed just for you! Please continue to live your life with shame forever..."
T- "Please stop touching the base of my wings, brother! I'm in a higher position now! Do you understand!? ...I'll forgive you just for today since it was a joke..."
LL- "I, Michael, confess. As an elite, of course you will accept my feelings, won't you? Don't run away! Don't leave me alone... please... don't..."
BS- "You are as selfish as ever, brother. Very well, I'll stay with you for a while..."
BE- "Are you done, my brother? Now I'll get back to work, to the job you left me with."
EO- "Welcome, my kind brother. What do you need? What exactly do you want? In the end, I still don't understand you."
EC- "Thank you for your efforts, brother. Why am I acting condescendingly? Why don't you look back at what you did in the past? Everyone laughed, saying my brother had gone crazy."
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oneshotnewbie · 6 months
A oneshot where B!D gets really bad anxiety whenever one of her sisters are mad at her. She’s always worried they’ll never forgive her and there relationship will be forever ruined. Even though that never happens.
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The cold winter air came through the open balcony doors and slowly made the room freeze as a tense air spread between Alex and you. You, with a lump in your throat, felt the redhead's words cutting through the air like sharp daggers, ready to leave deep wounds in your heart.
Alex stood there, teeth clenched and eyes blazing with anger. "How can you be so ignorant? It's unbelievable how selfish you are!"
You, with a shiver running down your spine, tried in vain to hold back the tears. You never wanted it to turn into an argument. But Alex's words were like an uncontrollable fire that ate through your relationship, leaving you with no options to explain to her why you had taken the larger sum of money out of your shared bank account.
"Alex, let me explain. I just wanted to..." you started, but your voice was drowned in a sob. You knew you couldn't continue to defend yourself without spilling the beans about the birthday surprise. Those words wouldn't be heard anyway. Not in this frenzy of rage the redhead was currently in.
The eldest Danvers snorted and shook her head. "That's typical of you. Always ready with an excuse. You're just immature and incapable of taking responsibility for finances!"
The pain in your chest was almost unbearable. You just wanted peace again. You wanted everything to go back to how it was a few hours ago when you were laughing together and teasing each other. But this strife seemed unstoppable, a relentless storm that destroyed everything in its path.
Alex turned away abruptly, her hands balled into fists. "I can't take this anymore. I'm going to work." She spoke and you could only stand there silently, unable to act as your sister left the apartment, slamming the door behind her. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks as you stood in the silence of the deserted living room, surrounded by an endless feeling of loneliness.
A short while later, Kara flew into her apartment, her eyes wide in shock as she saw you. "What happened here? Are you okay?" she asked worriedly. You didn't say a word. Instead, you collapsed under the face of your own emotions. All you wanted was for this nightmare to end and for you to feel safe and loved again. But the pain you faced was too deep, and the wounds of the words said would take a long time to heal.
The blonde looked at her younger sister, your shaking body sitting on the floor, surrounded by a sea of tears. Her heart ached when she saw the look of despair on your face. "Come here, little one." Kara whispered softly as she knelt down and wrapped her arms around you. You sank into the embrace without resistance, clinging to Kara as if she were the only constant in a stormy sea.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” you sobbed quietly, your voice barely above an audible whisper. "Why can't I control myself when there is an argument?"
Kara stroked your back soothingly and placed a few kisses on the top of your head. "It's okay, sweetie. Sometimes our emotions are overwhelming, and that's completely normal. Plus, it shows that Alex means a lot to you."
You raised your head, tears shining in your eyes. "But why does this always happen? Why can't I just be strong and overlook it?"
Kara sighed quietly. She had asked herself this question many times in the last few months about why you always reacted so emotionally to arguments, but she didn't know the answer. She carefully brushed a strand of your hair out of your face and looked deeply into your eyes. "Perhaps there are reasons that lie deeper. Reasons that you may not yet understand."
You swallowed hard, a look of realization crossing your face. "I think I'm scared. Scared that I'll lose one of you as soon as an argument arises. That eventually none of you will forgive me and that I'll ruin my relationship with you forever."
The blonde felt a pang in her own heart when she heard the words come out of your mouth. She knew your fears were deep-rooted and wouldn't just go away. But she was also determined to help you and show you that you were loved and accepted, despite some arguments. "Arguments are normal for siblings, my sweet girl," she whispered softly. "Neither of us is going to push you away or anything. I'm going to have a chat with Alex and we'll find a way to deal with it together, okay?"
You nodded at her and she pulled you up. Together you had a cozy day on the couch, where she looked after you and tried to calm you down.
A few hours later, the door opened and Alex hesitantly entered the apartment, her eyes downcast and her face marked with regret. She felt the weight of the silence filling the room and knew she had a lot of explaining to do to make things right with you.
Kara slowly got up from her spot next to you, while you were still clinging to her, and walked towards the redhead. "It's good that you're back," she said calmly, but with a stern tone. "We need to talk. Urgently."
Alex swallowed hard and nodded, her eyes meeting yours and she could see the pain in them. "I'm sorry, Kara. I'm so sorry for what I said. It was unfair and unforgivable to y/n." She spoke and the blonde took her in his arms, surprised by her openness.
"It's okay. We all make mistakes. But we need to talk about it so we can understand what happened." the person addressed hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I spoke to Lena and she told me something that finally made me understand. She's afraid that if we fight, our relationship will be ruined forever because her real parents fought all the time before they split up and put her in a children's home."
Kara sighed and nodded slowly. "Yes, y/n told me that too. It's hard for her to deal with these fears."
Alex looked at her sister seriously before biting her lip and briefly looking at you on the couch. You had now moved into a lying position, the blanket wrapped thickly around you. "We have to show her that she is wrong. That we love her and that we will always be there for her no matter what."
The blonde smiled softly and put her arm around the redhead's shoulder. "We will, Alex. We will show her that she will never be alone and that she always has a place in our family."
They walked over to you arm in arm and took you into their midst. They hugged you tightly, united in their determination to put the fight over money behind them. You all spent the next few hours talking it out, listening to each other, and reassuring each other that you would be there for each other no matter what happened.
And as night fell and you felt tired but relieved, you all knew that you had emerged from each crisis stronger, ready to walk together on a path full of love and forgiveness.
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panqueen · 9 months
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Warning: Contains: Alcohol, drunken behaviour, angry reader.
Nick watches the clock tick that hangs on the wall at the bar while Schmidt, Winston and Coach joke and laugh about the show they watched last night.
"Do you think Y/n will spend the night at that guys place?" Nick asks out of nowhere causing the three men to stop talking at look at him confused.
"Why does that matter?" Schmidt takes a drink looking at Nick confused.
"I'm just..never mind she's probably having a great time" Nick grabs a beer and opens it taking a large drink.
"Nick man you're freaking out" Coach tries to reason with him.
An hour later Nick is drunk and won't stop talking about Y/n's date with the successful tall doctor.
"Look Nick man she's fine" Coach grabs the beer that Nick tries to take a drink out of.
"Yes Y/n is on a date with a man who has great taste in suits" Schmidt takes a drink.
"Yeah Nick she's probably already hearing wedding bells" Winston laughs with the other two men while Nick's eyes widen with panic.
"I'm gonna go see her" Nick leaves behind the bar and takes off running.
"Nick!" The three men yell running after him.
The three men get outside and look around not seeing Nick anywhere.
"Great we lost Nick!" Schmidt yells looking around for his drunken friend.
"I see him!" Winston yells to the two men from down the street.
The three men run down the street stopping at the restaurant where you're on a date and they see Nick standing near it watching the man Y/n is on a date with talking on the phone outside.
"Brandy I'll be there don't worry okay I love you too" the man says before hanging up and walking back into the restaurant.
Nick scoffs walking into the restaurant with the three men rushing after him before he does anything stupid.
"You sir are a cheat!" Nick gets to Y/n's table and points at the man she's with.
"Nick?" Y/n looks at him confused until she sees her other roommates run into the restaurant pulling Nick back.
"What's he talking about?" Y/n looks at her date Scott with a confused and nervous expression.
"I have no idea what he's talking about" Scott sighs taking a drink of his wine.
"Yeah well who's Brandy?" Nick slurs glaring at the man.
"Brandy? Nick, Brandy is Scott's sister" Y/n sighs looking at Scott apologetically.
"Scott I'm so sorry..I" Y/n apologies feeling embarrassed about her roommates outburst.
"Look this isn't working out" Scott puts money on the table to cover dinner and leaves the restaurant leaving an angry and frustrated Y/n behind.
Y/n gets up pushing past her roommates leaving the restaurant walking back to the apartment.
She continues to walk with tears falling down her face trying to wipe them away.
"Y/n stop!" Nick yells sobering up from the harsh reality setting in.
Y/n scoffs turning around to see Nick ahead of her other three roommates who are looking at Y/n with apologetic smiles.
"What is your problem Miller?" Y/n yells at him feeling the anger seeping through.
"I don't have a problem, psh like I care about his stupid flowy hair and stupid perfect jawline psh yeah whatever" Nick rambles.
"I asked you guys for one thing tonight and you screwed it up, Nick you're drunk and guys you're chasing Nick through the city" Y/n points at the men scoffing at their immaturity.
"All I wanted was to go out with a nice guy to a nice restaurant" Y/n sighs shaking her head.
"Yeah well I saved you" Nick scoffs looking at the guys for backup but they shake their heads signalling for him to stop talking.
"You saved me? From what a nice date before you ran in screwing it up?" Y/n scoffs glaring at Nick.
"God Miller grow up!" Y/n yells turning around and walking to the loft.
Y/n gets into the loft tossing her keys onto the table walking to her bedroom and slamming the door shut behind her.
The four men come into the loft not long after retreating to their own rooms while Nick flops onto the couch staring at the ceiling letting the nights events sink into his brain.
He gets up shuffling to Y/n's bedroom door hesitating but eventually knocks on the door.
"Y/n look I'm sorry, I screwed up and I deserve to be ignored but I just..when I heard him talking to another girl I couldn't stop thinking about how you would feel" Nick leans against her door hearing for any footsteps and when her door opens she's standing in front of him with red puffy eyes in her pyjamas.
"I'm sorry" Nick smiles at her.
"Why did you get drunk?" Y/n looks up at him sighing.
"You going on a date with a successful doctor might have something to do with it" Nick chuckles shrugging at her.
"Nick I went out with him because you suggested it days ago" Y/n sighs shaking her head at him.
"I know and I regret that, look Y/n I know we're roommates and that's cool but I like you a lot" Nick rambles feeling the anxiety of telling his roommate about his true feelings increasing.
Nick turns around to leave but his hand is grabbed stopping him from leaving. He turns around seeing a smiling Y/n looking up at him.
She leans into him wrapping her arms around his neck bringing him down to kiss her.
They pull away and Y/n smiles up at him.
"I like you a lot too just no more drunken outbursts" she laughs.
Nick chuckles leaning down kissing her again.
Wattpad Account: Graywrites06_
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nightingale-slayer · 1 year
Sanemi x Sister Reader x Genya
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Sanemi saw his younger sister enter the estate while he was practicing in the estate's backyard out of the corner of his eye.
As his sister entered the estate with tears slowly running down her cheeks, he arched an eyebrow in her direction. "What's wrong, little sis?" While waiting to approach her, he questioned.
You ignored him and walk up stairs in a hurry
His expression turned to one of annoyance as he stayed still, watching his younger sister ignore him all as she walked up the stairs in a hurry. "Hm, you aren't going to answer me? I see, then I guess I'll have to go up there." He muttered, stopping his training.
When you got to your bedroom, you entered and slammed the door behind you
Sanemi let out a breath as he made it to your door. He really can't stand it when his little sister's being childish like this. "Don't make me open this door myself." He said, but he was going to do it either way.
"Just leave me be." Your voice sounds broken
"Not a chance, I don't tolerate this sort of immature behavior." He said, and with that, he opened the door to his younger sisters room, the door creekling loudly as it opened.
When Sanemi looked in the room, he saw you laying in your bed, letting your tears fall as you were under the cover and hugging your pillow
"Ah, for the gods' sake." He muttered, walking over to his younger sister, his hand on his hip. He stands by the bed. "Just what are you crying about this time, Y/N." He asked, his eyes on her the entire time.
You don't look at your older brother. "My boyfriend broke up with me because I wasn't ready to have sex yet." You buried your face in your pillow, you said gently.
Sanemi expression softened as he looked at his little sister, now a bit sympathetic towards her. "Ah, a girl your age shouldn't be dating anyway." He said with a sigh, sitting down next to his younger sister. "Listen, forget about him. If he only cared about you for his desire to "do it, " then he isn't the right guy for you. "
"But I thought he was the one I really did,"
"Well, the so-called "one" isn't going to break up with you just so he can get "some", your still young, eventually you'll meet a guy who actually cares for you, and doesn't break up with you like that." Sanemi said calmly, patting your head gently as he tried to cheer you up.
You stay still, not moving as tears still fall down your cheeks onto the pillow.
"Come on, don't be all sad just because one boy broke up with you." He said with a laugh, hoping to just make you feel better. "Just know that there'll be someone out there who'll care for you who wouldn't break up with you because they're not getting "something" in return." He then turned and picked you up and set you on his lap as he continued to pat your head gently to try and ease you.
You ley your head on his chest "But he was the 3rd guy to break up with me, Sanemi. What I'm doing wrong for guys to break up with me? Am I that much of a burden or something? " You said softly
"Look at me, Y/N." He said softly, but in the tone of a command, he looked at you as he put a finger under your chin and lifted your head up to look at him. "You're not a burden, a bother, nothing of the sort. It's just that some men don't understand that their partner isn't always ready yet, and when you aren't, they show their true colors." He said, smiling gently to you. "Don't worry too much about it, okay? You'll find someone someday."
You nodded and gave a small smile "Thank you, brother."
"Ah, it's nothing, little sis." He said with a chuckle as he continued to pat your head gently. He then pulled you closer as he hugged you tightly, giving you a comforting hug.
"Do you feel better now?" He asked. "I can't take seeing you being this sad." He said, his tone soft as he spoke to you.
"Yeah, I feel better,"
"Good." He said, smiling gently as he gently ran his fingers through your hair, still hugging you. "Is it alright if I stay with you for a bit?" He asked, his tone still sounding soft.
"I would love it if you did." You smiled and ley your head on your brother shoulder.
"Then it shall be so." He said with a light chuckle. He then kissed you on the forehead, his expression still seeming soft. "I love you, you know." He whispered gently as he still kept his little sister close.
"And I love you and Genya, my two older brothers." You smiled and leaned away to look at Sanemi
"I'm surprised you actually do." He said with a soft chuckle. "Genya's quite the troublemaker, wouldn't think you'd like him." He said, ruffling your hair.
you scowled at Sanemi when he ruffled up your hair. "Sanemiii!" You patted your hair and fixed it back. "He's also our brother. Why wouldn't I like him?"
"Alright, alright, my apologies." He said with a chuckle as he stopped ruffling up your hair. "I just thought you'd hate him because of how much of an idiot he is." He said, giggling a bit. "I love him, yes, but he is an idiot."
"Oh, and you're not?" You chuckled. 
"I'm not an idiot!" He said, laughing as he looked at his younger sister. "I'm a whole bunch of things, but an idiot is not one of them." He said with a proud look on his face.
"Suuure." You raise one eyebrow
His eye was narrowed as he looked over at you, but eventually, he just let out a soft chuckle. "Don't you 'suure' me." He said with a teasing look on his face.
You looked up at Sanemi with a mischievous smile. "Suuure"
He groaned and started to tickle her. "Your 'sure's' are getting on my nerves!" He said as he continued tickling his younger sister.
You laughed and squirm around, trying to get away from Sanemi. "SANEMI! HAHAHA, STOP!!"
He chuckled, now just tickling Monique harder, even going as far as to get on top of his younger sister in order to completely pin her so he could tickle her better.
You laughed so much that tears were coming out of your eyes. "OK, OK! TRUCE! I SURRENDER HAHAHAHA!!!"
He continued tickling his younger sister for a few more seconds before finally stopping, now leaning over her as he tried to catch his breath. "Finally surrendered, have you?" He said, grinning down at you.
You breathed heavily and smiled up at Sanemi. "For now,"
His expression soon turned into one of a smirk, knowing fully well that you would want to tickle him back. "Oh? For now?" He said with a smile of his own.
You smirked and flipped the two of you over so you're on top and Sanemi were under you. You start tickling Sanemi back.
"AHAHAHAHA! STOP, STOP!" He chuckled a bit, squirming around as he tried to free himself. "I SURRENDER, I SURRENDER!" He said as a grin spread across his face as you stopped tickling him.
"Pay backs a bitch isn't it" You stand up.
He nodded as he sat up, now a bit out of breath after your attack on him. He then picked you up and pin you down again, tickling you on purpose now as he wanted his payback. "Payback truly is a bitch." He said with a smirk, trying to tickle you.
"SANEMI! HAHAHAHA, I GIVE UP!!" You laughed and try to get away.
He grinned as you gave up, but he still kept tickling you for a few more seconds before finally stopping. He then sat on the edge of the bed, still laughing some, smiling at you now. "That was a lot of fun." He said, still grinning at you. Thinking of the days when you and all your other siblings could run and play.
You smiled and breathed heavy, sitting next to Sanemi on the end of the bed. "I agree"
Genya walked in and stood by your bedroom door.  "the hell all that noise is?"
you and Sanemi looked at each other for a second then smirked and looked towards Genya. Sanemi chuckled a bit, getting ready as he looked at his younger sister then towards their brother, a smirk still being on his face. "You'll find out soon enough, Genya." He said, now glancing over at Genya.
Genya sweat drop and slowly backs away "I don't think I want to find out" Genya turned to run down the hall, but you jumped and tackle him.
You pinned Genya down then looked to Sanemi. "I'll hold him down, you get him Sanemi!"
He looked down at Genya and saw him trying to run away. "Alright!" He said to you, now running over to Genya. He then started to tickle Genya as hard as he could.
Genya laughed and try to get the two of his siblings off of him "GET OFF, HAHAHA! I'LL KILL THE BOTH OF YOU!!"
"Ah, you wanna play that game huh?" Sanemi asked, laughing as he started tickling Genya even more. "We're not done yet, little brother." He said, still grinning from ear to ear.
You laughed as you hold Genya hands down above his head.
Genya couldn't take it anymore. "FINE, I SURRENDER!!" Genya laughed and squirm around.
You looked to Sanemi "you think we should let him go, sanemi?"
"Haha, why should we? He's still squirming around." He said, continuing to tickle Genya as he chuckled. His attention then turned to you, and he nodded. "Nah, we shouldn't yet." He replied, still grinning at his younger sister.
You and Sanemi had mischievous smirked on your faces as you both continued tickling Genya.
"YOU TWO ARE EVIL!! HAHAHAHA!" Genya squirm around, hoping to get away from his siblings.
"Ah, what are you talking about, Genya?" He said jokingly, continuing to tickle him. "Y/N, hold him even tighter." He said, wanting to see how long Genya could go being tickled like this.
You smiled and laughed, holding Genya down tighter so he doesn't get away.
"Hmm, he surrendered too quickly. We should keep going." He said, still grinning as he looked at you, trying to convince you to keep holding Genya and not let him go. "Let's go a few more seconds, Y/N." He said, wanting to tickle Genya just a bit more.
"I agree Sanemi" You started to tickle Genya also.
As the two of them continued to tickle Genya, he was now squirming a lot more than before, trying to get free in any possible way. "Ah, he's trying to escape, Y/N." Sanemi said with a chuckle, still not letting up even though Genya was already saying surrender. But Genya found a way out and tripped us.
They both fell on the floor, but Sanemi quickly got back up as he saw Genya trying to make a run for it. He quickly tackle Genya however and continued to tickle him again. "Oh, you think I'd let you go that easily?" Sanemi asked with a smirk.
 You got up and went help Sanemi tickle Genya as he laughed and squirm. "I SURRENDER! NO MORE!!"
"Ahh, alright, alright. We'll stop. Your no fun though, Genya." Sanemi said with a smirk. He then let go of his younger brother, his eyes glancing over at you. "We had our fun, didn't we, Y/N?" He asked, still grinning from ear to ear.
You nodded and stand up. "Yeah, we sure did"
Genya got up and looked at both you and Sanemi. "what got you two in tickle mode?"
You kelp quiet. 
Sanemi, on the other hand, stand up and didn't keep quiet on the issue once Genya asked. "Ah, it was because Y/N's boyfriend broke up with her because she didn't want to have sex yet." He said with a sigh, not caring that much about whether you would have been mad at him for spilling the beans.
Genya was shocked for a moment then felt angry "that bastard didn't force you did he?"
You shake your head. "no, he didn't"
Sanemi looked rather relive as he heard it, his eyes looking at you for a moment before his attention turned back to Genya. "He just broke up with her because she didn't want to have sex with him." He explained to Genya, a look of disgust spreading across his face when he said that.
"one way it was good that he broke up with me, we was only going out for 3 months"
"Still, 3 months is a long time, Monique." Sanemi said, looking at his younger sister. "Don't you think he is a bit of a perv for breaking it off with you for that reason?" Sanemi asked as he looked down at you, he was curious to see what your thoughts on the matter were.
"yeah" You scratch the back of your head and sigh.
"There, don't feel so bad about it anymore, he's a perv who just wanted to sleep with you." He said with a soft chuckle, trying to comfort you. "You'll find another, better guy, Y/N, one that will stick with you for ages, who won't break up with you for such lame reasons." He said as he hugged her, wanting to make his younger sister feel better.
Genya came closer and also hug his sister
"I'm so happy I got older brothers who care for me"
"That's just our job, to protect you." Genya said with a light chuckle. 
"Yeah, it's bad enough that you're the youngest, but now you also have to go through a lame breakup, that's double the reason of why us older brothers have to protect you. We need to be there for you." Sanemi continued to hug Monique, making him and Genya squeeze their younger sister from both sides.
If there's any errors, I'm sorry.
This story will suck but I thought of this, and I didn't see anyone else did this.
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dxy-drxxm · 9 months
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SYNOPSIS: Leaning onto each other, just being close, was enough.
CW/s: Tooth rotting fluff, established relationship, lowkey clingy Furina, not spoilers for archon quests because this is more day to day life yk, reader enables her clinginess too much, brief mentions of Neuvi being a tired father figure to this clingy and very dramatic miss girl
NOTE: This is a prompt from this list right here, and I plan on making a touch starved mini series ft. various genshin chars and what prompt fits them. If the same prompt fits them though, I might just do both chars with them lol. It's a new format so I'm hoping that this will look v good and not be a mess.
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"Furina, we've been in bed for an hour now. I'm sure you have things to do than keep me captive, do you?"
"Mm... I know, but I want to keep holding you just a bit longer. Besides, it's so early..."
You sometimes forget how Furina isn't suited to be a morning person, and especially with her job as an actress. However, seeing her act like a tired child reminded you that yes, she was still human.
... And yes, she despises waking up early to deal with her agenda of being an actress. Er, maybe a returning actress will suffice.
Sighing, you moved over to spoon her in your arms. You knew that it wasn't often that she would be so clingy, so even if you were grumbling about it now... You can't lie, you love this side of her.
Who knew the flamboyant and immature Hydro Archon would act so quaint and clingy behind closed doors?
Brushing a piece of her hair away, you couldn't help but smile. Feeling your hand trace her cheek, her eyes flitted over to you, the mismatched and heterochromatic hues greeting your own.
They reminded you so much of tear drops. It was beautiful.
".. What's the matter? Is my hair—" she stopped to yawn, "—a mess...?"
"Hah, no, no," you chuckled, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'm just admiring your beauty, that's all. It's rare to have you in my arms, Furina."
Furina's cheeks seem to redden, making you poke it with a giggle.
"That, and you're always so clingy. Do you miss me when you have work to do, I wonder?"
"Hmph! Stop teasing me!" she exclaimed, hitting you lightly as a result. With a pout, she turned her body away, making you laugh a bit more at her child-like mannerisms.
"I jest, I jest," you replied, placing your chin on her shoulder as you held her a bit tighter.
... Leaning onto each other like this, just being close... It's enough for me.
"Do you, truly?"
"Hm... I am," you answered, humming. "Unless you want monsieur Neuvillette to hear what happened this morning again, hmm?"
What greeted your ears was your lover's whines as she tells you not to, and your morning has been spent with Furina complaining about how Neuvillette acts like a tired father to her recent troubles.
You couldn't help but smile, though. You can never find it in your heart to trade this moment for anything else, even for your life.
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@.dxy-drxxm | do not republish, repost, or copy my works anywhere | 2023
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clovermarigold · 4 months
Daggers & Daffodils Chap. 27
Dagur x Reader I'm back!!! And better yet. I am done with my schooling (until I seek higher education). I was stuck writing in-between my equivalent of finals and study sessions, and on top of that I had a last second surgery that basically put me out of commission for a week and kind of out of it, but I have had absolute brain rot over this fictional man. Someone over on my Tumblr said he should be named Dagur the delusional and I've been rolling in my grave ever since. Thank you all for the wait and your support, you all sent wonderful messages and I read every one of them, enjoy the chapter <3
You stepped back from Dagur's iron grip as he cackled uncontrollably "It took you long enough. And here I was thinking Hiccup tempered you". "You've gone mad" you wheeze out when Dagur's arms squeeze the air out of your lungs in a gripping side hug.  "Couldn't have. Always have been" with a dramatic flop the two of you fell to the bed, his arms still wrapped around you. 
You laid uncomfortably, staring at the ceiling while Dagur was content to bury his face into your hair. "You know you can yell at me, right?" you caught off guard by Dagur's sudden speech. You huff out your nose, "If I were to start now, then I'd never stop".
"If it means I would get to listen to you for the rest of my life, so be it" his fingers began to play with your hair, twisting it in loops around his index. 
"...My father is going to kill you" The bed began to shake as Dagur let out wheezing laughter, different from his usual obnoxious and loud deranged laughter. No. This was unnerving, he was actually trying to reel himself in. Tears brimmed the edges of his eyes as his body shook violently, hissing laughter escaping through gritted teeth. Pupils narrowed, eyes watery, and red, trained on you left you feeling terrified for both your father and brother, "He'd try".
 "Where is my Dragon, Dagur?" Suddenly you needed to know where your dragon was. It was clear that whatever was going on with Dagur was getting worse, looks like he isn't one for long distance relationships. Dagur didn't respond, wiping the tears from his eyes and clearing his throat, "You know, the lizard could be a bit more comfortable if you were to answer a few questions. Say... How many riders are at that base of yours". Riders? The edge didn't have any riders. At least not any that were manning the helm in your absence. You certainly weren't going to tell him that. "Drop dead" Dagur's eye twitched, though whether it was from irritation or excitement both confused and terrified you, and you were not curious enough to go through all the trouble that question would certainly entail. 
"What did you do to her?" You of course meant Heather, while Silver Tongue was no doubt your priority, you needed to know. While you understood that she was in a vulnerable situation and Dagur was the only family she had left, you would at least think she would come to you first. "It's not dead if that's what you're asking" Dagur rolled his eyes.
"What? No. Heather. Silver Tongue is a boy" Dagur propped himself up with an elbow. "Ha! Silver Tongue? You know if you wanted a silver tongue, I've got one right here" Dagur began to laugh hysterically as you shoved him off the bed glaring at him, "You're disgusting!".
He gave a small shrug, smiling lazily, "eh, a no is a no. But it's always here when you need it". "Well, that's never going to happen" you cross your arms looking down at him. "I have other options too-", "Stop talking!" Dagur entered a coughing fit, laughing and nearly crying at the redness overtaking your features. 
"You are the most immature and selfish person I have ever met" you shake your head in disbelief, "I thought we all had it bad with Snotlout but you're something else entirely. Not only are you the absolute maniac I thought you were, who gets off to violence, you're an absolute sadist who enjoys making a fool out of me".
"Hey, I get off to many things about you. Making a fool of you is not one of them" Dagur said slyly. "Unbelievable. And to top things off you can't take anything seriously!" Dagur looked at you, having fully caught his breath "I take you very seriously, love. I just also see that you have a habit of taking things too seriously".
"Being upset at being kidnaped and having my boundaries repeatedly violated is too serious?" you look at him, sarcasm and irritation evident. "First of all, kidnapping is a bit dramatic. And second, if it makes you upset, I'll be more respectful of your boundaries. No more.... risky jokes" He looks over at you and wiggles his eyebrows like a wierdo.
"Want to respect my boundaries? Here's the big one. Don't kidnap me!" Dagur flopped back on the bed, ignoring your attempts to shove him off and away from you. "Y/N, when was the last time you got to make a decision for yourself?" what, what did that have to do with anything.
"Because, from where I'm standing, you were dragged away from Berk to 'catch' me the second I got out of that prison. When was the last time you got a break?" You stayed quiet, "Knowing my brother he's had you jumping from one heroic act to the next".
"Thats our job-" Dagur cut you off, "Not yours! I found you barely able to breathe with your brother no less than an arm's length away. If you don't see what's wrong with that than you need to be away from him much more than I thought". 
"Heather was going to kill you. What? Did you want him to let her?" Dagur grew more agitated. "I think I've made it pretty clear that I'm going to kill Hiccup. If he prioritizes saving his murderer over his own sister, then I'm going to have to make it a lot more painful than I first thought".
"He was doing it for Heather, not for you" Dagur though sour, strained to keep himself from screaming. "My sister. Not his. Mine. You can argue all you want about her being your friend. That was a family matter. And he neglected his own in favor of mine.... Then again, I suppose it will be his too soon enough".
"Thats unfair" you felt backed into a corner, you didn't know how you felt about that moment. You had gone so long without having a panic attack and here you were being confronted about it a second time. "What' unfair is that you were put in this situation at all", Dagur's hand wrapped around your forearm, "You don't need to see what happens to your 'friends' when Viggo gets them".
"Viggo?" that was a new name, "You'll meet him soon enough, he's big man Rykee's older brother. Poor thing seems scared of him. Couldn't imagine. Then again, I have a good relationship with my siblings" he laughed making you wonder how serious he was.
"My point is, this is not 'kidnapping'. Hiccup just made you think that it is" you rolled your eyes. "What did you do to Heather?" you gave up on this new conversation Dagur had steered you toward in favor of asking your original question.
"Honestly, nothing" you gave his a look at his obvious lie. "Really. She found me. Told me she had thought it over and realized we were the only family we had left. And blood trumps all, isn't that right?" that didn't sound like Heather. 
A loud bell rang from outside, no doubt an alarm system of some sort. "Come on. It seems your friends are a bit over excited" Dagur pulled you up off the bed, "Come? Me too?". "Respectfully, leaving you alone doesn't tend to go well", His hand intertwined with your as he dragged you out the door right behind him. 
Well, there went your plan to break out through the window
End chapter notes:
Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than usual. I realized it had been almost half a year since my last update and really wanted to get something out.
Dagur would choose the bear..... so, he could wrestle it. But he'd choose the bear none the less
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lyrenminth · 4 months
I need a whole lot of angst, idc what the backstory is I need it preferably for Herbert. But I wouldn’t mind for Burrow.
This is not so angsty as I was expecting, lol I try
Justin was giving you the cold shoulder because Chargers lost the game, and you got into an argument with other fans. Nobody notice except the people around you. Besides, the guy was being a douchbag and you were polite at the beginning.
So maybe it was your fault, but it's reaction was exaggerated and ridiculous.
"I can't believe you got into a discussion with a fan" he remarked, angry "It's so immature"
"He was attacking me, Justin. He was being so disrespectful. Why shouldn't I defend myself?" you raised your voice. He was scowling at you. The height difference probably made you look comical with the hands on your hips.
"You should have left the situation!"
"No, I'm not like that and you know me" discussing with Justin was so uncommon that tears pricked your eyes. "I know you are mad because you lost the game..."
"I'm not..." you raised your hand to silence him. "But I deserve to defend myself "
"I don't want people go around believing you're problematic"
Wow. That hurt. "Since when does it matter?" you asked. "I'm hurting your reputation Justin?"
"I never said that" he was running his hands through his hair, trying to collect himself. "I can't believe you right now"
So now you were alone in the bedroom, feeling bad about the discussion. It shouldn't be the way it was. Maybe you said some harsh things, but it was the first time Justin called you problematic. And now you felt like a burden.
"Mrs Herbert fights with fans"
Lily: you saw it? They record you
You opened the video and saw you fighting with that guy. The shame you felt like unbearable. You start crying realizing it was a bad image for you, but also for Justin but you couldn't shake off the reason that you were only defending yourself. Why he didn't understand that? You were never a quiet person, if you saw something wrong you would raised your voice on the matter.
If you weren't so stubborn.
On the afternoon after your fight, before leaving to practice. Justin woke you up with a fresh coffee and a croissant. You were so confused by the gesture but he seemed sure of himself. "I'm leaving to work. Please, eat"
"I'm sorry" you said, rubbing your eyes. "I saw the video, I look problematic" you confessed.
"Don't worry. He was being a idiot too"
"You saw it?" the corners of his lips raised slightly "Yes, you have quite vocabulary, lady" he joked, and you laughed. "I will try to think more before getting into action, I promise"
He leaned over the bed to kiss you. "Please, take care. I think you should never leave the box" he explained. You nodded. He squeeze your leg over the sheets and give you another kiss. "We talk when I came back"
You saw is wide back disappeared, and the only think it came to your mind was "how much I love him"
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b0rderbunny · 9 months
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A/N: not me posting after disappearing for a month 😩
By the way I have been really sick and have been juggling finals and dealing with this virus. My entire families got it so I'm trying to not get sick but that's kinda hard when you live with 8 people 🤧
Nonetheless let's begin!
Gender neutral reader
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Levi Ackerman, a man with many talents.
He's strong, smart, and drop dead gorgeous; That's what people on the outside see. But what did you as his lover see?
You saw a cold man, who only pushes others away because he's scared.
Because he's scared of a repeat.
The repeat of losing.
Most people would take this as immaturity.
"Imagine being afraid of losing? As if"
This man was scared of losing yes. But not what others might think. He was scared of losing people he let in.
The night Isabelle and Furlan passed, you were there.
You held a hand out, a hand that he first slapped away.
You were always there.
He didn't know why but he felt comfort in your presence, in your gaze. The way you looked at him, with so much love in your eyes. The way you looked at him as if he were the most perfect thing in the world, the most beautiful man in existence.
And he is, you made sure to remind him every day just how much you loved him.
How much you cared for him.
His voice, his eyes, hell even the way he had to make sure everything was clean. Your treatment towards him was foreign. He wasn't used to being looked at like he was human. He was used to being looked like a machine, a dog, something disgusting.
So the night you two first made love was something he would remember to the day he died.
The way you told him how much he meant to you.
How much you loved him.
He cried.
The first time since his mother's death, he cried.
And unlike others would, you didn't judge him. Didn't take advantage of him in this delicate state. Instead you repeated it again.
"I love you Levi."
And now those were the same words you were whispering as he stared down at you eyes wide, your hand resting on his cheek.
Your bloodied hand.
Blood of your comrades, friends, and your own.
"Promise me something ____." He said as you two stood outside star gazing the night before.
"Anything" you said with a smile.
"Promise me you'll come home, that the two of us will spend the rest of our lives together." He said as he turned to look at you. At your beautiful eyes. The eyes he loved so much, mirroring his gaze of love.
"Only if you also promise that you'll come back to me" you said holding out your pinky.
God, you were always so immature.
He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes at your immaturity as you let out a small laugh.
"Come on I'm not kidding!" You laughed as he let out a small smile before wrapping his pinky around yours.
And even with your hand becoming limp, you still looked at him as if he was the most important thing.
"I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise" you whispered, wiping the tear that was now trailing down his cheek.
He could see it.
The pain, the same pain everyone before you had.
His mother, Isabelle, Furlan, Kenny.
And now you.
Was he cursed? Did he do this to you? Was this his fault?
He was losing you
And he couldn't do a single thing.
Nothing, as you bled out holding your lovers hand to your heart.
He could feel the way your chest slowly began to still.
Before it completely came to a stop.
The battle of shiganshina.
The battle of life or death.
A battle so vicious, that even after the people regained the land, they were still talking.
"Did you hear about the squad leader who was lost? ____? Was it?"
"I heard them and captain Levi were head on the strongest in the military"
"The two were going to get married after coming back to the walls, no?"
Many scouts were lost.
But they weren't just scouts.
They were Friends
The scouts had won.
Yet everyone came home with a heavy feeling in their heart, the feeling of loss.
They had lost.
More importantly, Levi Ackerman had lost.
What he lost you may ask?
He lost the most important thing in his life.
His lover, his best friend, his everything.
"Hey L?" that dumb nickname you have him, you always had to refer to him as it. "Hm?" Not looking up from his papers he signaled you to continue talking.
"Do you believe in alternate universes?" You asked looking at the book you held in your hands.
"I believe you're a idiot" he replied as you deadpanned.
"Im being serious, what if there's another me and another you" you said excitedly walking towards his desk and around to wrap your arms around his shoulders.
"What if there's one without titans where me and you are married, with a small tea shop, and kitty" you said excitedly as you rested your chin on his shoulder.
"How dumb are you?"
"In another life I'm super smart!"
"Yeah in another life" he replied, rolling his eyes.
In Another life…
Maybe we'll stay together...
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