#i feel so cringe writing all this but whatever my blog is cringe
foragings · 5 days
true blue by boygenius is literally so everything. like yeah that's love
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diana-bluewolf · 1 month
It’s this blog's first birthday! 🥳 Wanted to gather some of my fav drawings and thoughts about being in the fandom.
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Being in a fandom is not always easy, but it is definitely worth it. 
1. It’s a perfect soft-skill trainer. It teaches me to focus on what I can control (like my reactions) rather than what I can’t (other people’s opinions). To be myself and not be ashamed of my interests. To stop overthinking and just enjoy the process. To accept imperfection as an inevitable part of any art…and myself. To stop comprehending the terms ‘self-indulgent’ and ‘cringe’ as synonyms. To prioritise my own well-being to avoid burn-out. And most importantly, not to cringe at my art I posted a day ago 🤣
2. It's a powerful therapy tool. I mean, have you tried to write an OC? Poor things, I don't envy them, but it turned out to be a perfect instrument to understand my own head's wiring better. It's like my subconscious is speaking to me through my OC's actions. I started this blog at one of the most challenging times in my life (let's just say that characters with external and internal scars appeal to me on a personal level. Not to be dramatic. Ok, I am, sorry, it's my only flaw), and it affected Chris severely, to the extent that I couldn't even imagine it would. But all the insights I got about myself via him are priceless. 
3. It’s the best source of inspiration. I had been in the art block for years, but seeing your guys cool art reignited my desire to draw. It was difficult (to say the least) to start posting amateur art about my MC on the blog that was followed for the screenshots of the popular characters, but I’m glad I did because, in another case, I would have never met some of my friends here. My art style is inconsistent as I keep experimenting, so some of my drawings are way better than others, but I’m still growing and proud of it. 
4. And most importantly, it's brought me together with some of the coolest people in my life. I'm so grateful to everyone who follows/followed me. Thank you so much for your support now or in the past, even if you just lurk. If you regularly appear on my notifs, I do recognise you and am very grateful. Even if I don't always respond - sorry, it's just because my social battery is often very low. I'm the most introverted introvert irl, even though I don't seem like one here. I'm training to overcome my social anxiety here, can you tell? 🤣 
Here I wanted to write something about my moots, but…Well, I have no idea how to continue whatever I had intended to write because just a thought of you all got me terribly overwhelmed with warm fuzzy feelings 😑 I blame you, guys 😤 So I will just write that I love you, but know this is an understatement.
Love this fandom, its creativity and all the incredibly talented and supportive people here. You guys are the best 🤗
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wh0re-in-the0ry · 1 month
🩸🐑🩸 Please go away Tucker 🩸🐑🩸
Heads up: I tried to write how I used to in middle school. It’s certainly a fic. Cw for cringe an the use of “…” an ungodly amount of times
It’s an early Monday morning, I wake up, toss my silky blonde hair into a messy bun, and change into something for school. It’s my first day as a senior…again. I need to wear something that I can blend into the crowd so nobody notices me but I also don’t want to be too basic…
After digging through my closet for a while settle on something. It’s simple, black shoes, black skinny jeans, my trusty gray beanie, my glasses (of course), and my definitely authentic chuckle sandwich t-shirt:
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Honestly I think this is a perfect outfit for what’s hopefully my last first day of school.
I check the clock, 7:18, I should get going if I don’t want miss my bus… I grab my backpack and start to walk out but as I pass by the kitchen, I see something…
My mom was talking to three men, all their backs were facing me so I couldn’t tell who they were but their voices sounded… familiar. One of the men turns around as I try to get a better look at them and my jaw drops as his brownish orbs meet my blue ones.
“T-Ted Nivison? Wha- what are you doing in my apartment??”
Ted smiles, “You must be Y/n, your mother was telling us all about you.” The other two men turn around and they are… SCHLATT AND TUCKER??? I nearly drop my backpack, why was Chuckle Sandwich at MY APARTMENT?!
“That doesn’t answer my question… Why are y-you all here?”
“These guys are buying you,” my mother answers after she takes a long sip of her black coffee.
My face goes pale and my eyes widen. She’s selling me? What? How is that even legal?!
“These guys wanted to buy you,” she’s saying this way too nonchalantly, “and I needed money.”
I sink to the floor. My head is spinning. Is this real? No- it can’t be. I’m going to wake up any second now! This is all a silly dream I can post about on my blog and get 12 notes on. I just need to wake up now… wake up… Wake up… WAKE UP!!
“Uhh…Y/n...?” I open my eyes again and look up at Schlatt who seem slightly uncomfortable, “I know that this is a lot to take in right now… but you need to go grab your stuff so we can go now..”
“G-go where…?”
“The Chuckle House.” Schlatt doesn’t elaborate further.
“The Chuckle what?”
“The Chuckle House, it’s where we’re all going to live :)” Tucker says, “We’ll explain more on the way there”
“Wait I’m leaving right now? What about school??”
“School can wait,” Ted quips in, “but I need to return the u-haul by 2:30 so we should get going..”
I look out through the kitchen window, a moving van was parked outside next to a really nice car I’ve never seen before, the rental’s back was opened, and by the looks of it there was just enough space for a couple bags of my stuff.. today can’t be real… “M-mom… is this real?”
“I’m sorry, Y/n…” She almost looks guilty for once, “but I mean it could be worse, I didn’t have to sell you to your favorite YouTubers. I could’ve sold you to Mr.Beast’s coal mines or Wilbur Soot”
I guess she’s right? But it’s still kinda messed up. Knowing Mom, she’s dead set on this whole thing and I was planning on moving out once I graduated anyways… I might as well try to make the most of this. “Alright…” I sigh, “I’ll go grab my stuff…”
I go back to my room and shut the door… this is actually happening… wow… I don’t know how to feel right now… if only I used code word “CHUCKLE” on betterhelp to get my first online therapy session free back when they were sponsored by them…
I rummaged through my closet and pack all my clothes, well at least all the ones I can fit into my old gym bag… I grab a tote bag and stuff the other essentials: my sketch book, copic markers, toothbrush, charger, and whatever cash I had saved up.
With everything packed, I start to head back out to throw it all in the u-haul. Schlatt and Tucker are gone and I see Ted handing over a check to my mother. He looks over to me, “You all ready, Y/n?” I nod, it feels weird having the Ted Nivison say me name.
I wave bye to my mother and she closes the door as we leave. Ted takes my gym bag and backpack to put in the back of the truck as I sit in the passenger seat with my tote bag. I look back out to my old apartment building… I see my mother through the window, drinking her coffee, going along with her day as if this was normal… Mom…
“Huh?” I snap back into reality and suddenly we were out of the complex and in a McDonald’s drive thru, how did I not notice him driving?
“Do you want anything?”
“Oh uhhh…” I don’t really feel like eating now, “just an orange juice…please.”
“You sure?”
I nod.
“Alright then…” Ted starts asking for his order and I look out of the window again. Questions flood my head. What am I to these people? A servant? Property? Am I going to be allowed to finish school still? Was that the last time I see my mom? Do I even want to see her again…? Do I?
“You do that a lot?”
I snap out of it again, we’re already out of the drive thru. The orange juice was now in my hands, how did I not notice him passing it to me? “Huh? Do what?”
“You space out a lot,” Ted points out as he pulls out his McMuffin and hands me the brown paper bag, “There’s another one in there for you in case you get hungry…”
“Oh- uhh thanks…”
“No problem,” he says while taking a bite of the breakfast sandwich with one hand and steering with the other.
Uncomfortable silence fills the u-haul. The only noise we have is the sound of Ted’s quiet-ish chewing and my thoughts that I’m sure he could sense. This is unbearable. I need to stop the quiet somehow. “So… you mind if I ask a few questions?”
“Oh- yeah go ahead,” Ted sounds relieved I broke the silence.
“So what am I? Like company property or something?”
He cringes at my words, “I guess technically? I don’t really like the sound of that though… how about we just say you’re a uhh… permanent assistant maybe?”
“Okay then…” I nod, “was any of today legal?”
“Oh definitely not,” he pauses for a moment, “it’d be pretty cool of you to not report us to the police about this…”
“Yeah okay,” I don’t even think the police would believe me if I told them so there really isn’t a point of reporting him.
“Cool thanks…”
“No problem,” I take a sip of the orange juice, it’s lukewarm. “…so what’s the Chuckle House?”
“Oh right- we didn’t really explain it to you properly huh?”
“You really didn’t, no.”
He lets out a small uncomfortable laugh, “Well… Me, Schlatt, and Tucker bought a house in LA and we’re planning on making some irl content in there.”
“Wait- how’d you convince Schlatt to move out here? I thought he hates it out here.”
“He does- but not as much as he says he hates it on the podcast. Besides the potential ad revenue was too good for him to pass on.”
“Fair enough… so I’ll be able to keep going to school and work and stuff, right?”
“Oh? You’re mom didn’t tell us you already had a job.”
“Well I do- I drive those kiddie trains at [insert mall]”
“That sounds… cramped.”
“It is…”
“Well you can keep going to school but we might need you to help us shoot content so the job thing is in the air..”
“Wait you want me to help you guys film?”
“Yeah- that’s kinda why we bought you”
“Wha- but I’ve never held a camera in my life or done anything like that”
There’s a brief pause, “…you haven’t?”
“Shit…we’ll figure something out…”
That’s all he has to say about this?!
Well I guess it is.
The rest of the car ride was quiet, but not as uncomfortable. I plug in my earphones to my phone and listen to my favorite artists, [insert favorite artist] as I watch the cars pass by us. It’s kinda nice…
It’s not long before we start to pull into a neighborhood that’s way nicer than anything I’ve been near. It’s like I’ve been transported straight into one of those home goods magazines. We’re finally here… the house is huge, I feel poor just looking at it… How did these guys afford a house like this in this economy? Schlatt probably paid for most of it.
Maybe I should try to see the positive in all this… Let’s ignore the implications of my my mother and these guys for now and try to enjoy the fact I’ll be living in a nice house with my favorite YouTubers. I mean I do have to unpack all of that stuff soon but for now I should just help Ted out with unloading the u-haul.
Hey thanks for reading this, it was certainly an experience writing it. Let me know if y’all want a part two to this mess it was fun to write. (Just to be very clear, this is not an xreader in the sense of romance but in the sense of y/n interacting with everyone.)
Comments/criticisms are welcomed :)
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the-modern-typewriter · 5 months
Just wanted to say thank you so, so much for writing Fate's Favourite. I actually found and loved your blog before I ever found that fanfic, and it was a delight to know it was written by you, and it's so clear how you've improved. But Fate's Favourite will always have a part of my heart, because it's the first story I've read that just has a platonic friendship that feels as equal as a romantic one without being romantic? And as a lonely aroace that means everything. EVERYTHING. (1/2)
(2/2) I had a conversation today that reminded me that I'm never going to have the queerplatonic relationship I want that I've always wanted since I was a child, and how it makes me want to write one so much more, but then I've never managed to write the story I've wanted to write my entire life because I'd always be afraid of being accused of queerbaiting or people just going, 'but it's actually just a gay romance this isn't what friendship looks like' and just. Thank you for Fate's Favourite.
Wow. FF is a blast from the past!
You are very welcome.
Apologies for the long, self-indulgent reply.
That story was one of the first things I ever properly wrote and my first (maybe second?) truly long-form story ever. I thus have a soft spot for it, even though in terms of craft and technique I can't so much as look at it without seeing all my numerous beginner flaws and cringing and can't bring myself to actually point people to it. Much improvement since then, as you say!
(An excellent reminder that writing is a learned skill.)
Anyway. The other interesting thing about that story is that I wrote it before I'd ever heard of asexuality or realised that was what I was. I was a very confused teenager being bombarded with this pressure to have crushes and date people and all that general societal messaging we have about romance being the most important thing ever. Especially in YA.
So I'd go home after school and write that story.
Obviously it's more unhealthy than what I'd want for myself in my real life, but the sheer intensity of feeling and importance of the platonic main relationship was something I had also never seen before but craved. And still crave, honestly. So I feel ya.
As for queerbaiting...
A lot of readers at the time told me they viewed the story as 'pre-romance'. AKA, it's a romantic relationship and they haven't realised it yet for whatever reason. They mostly didn't mean that badly, I don't think.
(Although I sometimes think though that if the term 'queerbaiting' was as broadly known and misused then as it is now that I would have been mercilessly lambasted out of ever writing again! And I wouldn't have known how to articulate the fact that wasn't, actually, what I was doing. I think we need to be kind to new writers. I think 'content creator' is gutting something vital in the ecosystem. But that's another rabbit hole.)
So I've been there. It happens. But other people's bad takes didn't change the story and what it meant to me as a lonely ace teenager or what it meant to you.
I have had readers before make a similar comment to you about how it was the first time they got to see something so important to their heart portrayed.
That matters so much more than whatever people say about your writing who don't need it.
Which is why we have to keep writing the stories.
Even if it's clumsy and raw. Even if it's the first thing you've ever tried. Even if it's (especially if) it's a messed up fantasy straight from the most primal part of your brain.
If we don't write it, it won't exist.
And that's so much worse.
The nay-sayers can come to the party, but it wasn't thrown in their honour.
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prince-liest · 6 months
asdfGH STOP alastor was SO fucking mean in the last 666 installment lol. that ruined orgasm had me cringe in sympathy... however the fact that vox left this one absolutely unsatisfied in some ways (and completely fulfilled in others!! A-plus for effort on the aftercare alastor sadfg good job) makes it stand out all the more that at NO point is there the suggestion that alastor "owes" him something (like finishing him off properly--"I'm not having sex with you again."). like idk, something about vox bitching and sulking without ever actually implying that what alastor is offering isn't good enough and that he's being lead on or whatever? making my aroace heart sing <3 - ✨
Congrats, sparkle emoji anon, you've earned enough investment points from me that I'm willing to publish this ask despite my usual allergy to posting outright explicit words on my blog. Yes, I'm aware that sounds insane considering [gestures the actual fic you're referencing]. Still putting it under a cut, though.
It is so fucking funny to me every time people comment on how mean Alastor is because fundamentally it is me. It's me, I'm mean! That person having a bit of a sadist awakening in my comments in one of the earlier episodes of this series? You're welcome, that came from the heart. The folks that are gently but enthusiastically surprised that Alastor followed through on his threat? Alastor and I are in fact shaking hands about "suffering inspires not mercy but more cruelty." The "set up to fail" tag on AO3 has three fics in it and they're all mine. I'm on the front picket lines for Team "There Is A Fucking Difference Between Delay And Denial Actually!"
That said, I think it's a fun way to write Alastor and Vox specifically because Vox is consistently delighted to be the subject of Alastor's sadistic appetites. While Alastor is certainly projecting a little when he mocks Vox for enjoying being made to suffer through things he's not fundamentally that into (since "forcibly cross my boundaries, thanks" is also an Alastor kink in this series), he's also not wrong. Vox is out here hitting home runs for team Holy Shit Alastor Likes Doing Things To Me. The psychosexual obsession tag is not being retired any time soon.
And I'm glad that it lands well with the subject of Alastor's aroaceness! I'm actually going to tackle that a leeetle bit more in the next episode because despite their dynamic on this subject often including Vox begging specifically because they both like it when Alastor tells him 'no,' it's still, like, a thing that most of the time they've been spending together has been contingent on either sex or grievous injury. Vox is fairly well managing being pushy to vent his frustration without actually being entitled, both as a kink thing and wrt actual hard line 'no' boundaries! Unfortunately, Alastor starting to care about the time they spend together means he's still picking things up that haven't, like, 100% been put down. They continue to be better at rugby-tackling heavy topics than talking like normal people.
Anyway! Thank you very much, hahaha, I'm glad you enjoyed both the sexy bits and the hints of feels!
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1mlostnow · 2 months
A young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 27th of July, is this young man's birthday. Though it was years ago he was given life, it is only today that he will be given a name.
What will the name of this young man be?
🐸 The Basics :
Name : Evan
Pronouns : He/Him
Age : A minor!!
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Gay
Nationality : American
Star Sign : Leo
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I love nicknames, call me whatever.
I’m usually around from 8AM to 1AM CDT.
Music sideblog : @evan-radio
🐛 My Resume :
Loser CEO, the ‘weird kid’ since birth, Professional Ghostbuster, Supervillian, and Midwestern Cowboy (the fun way, not the cop way), Lab Experiment #0727
🪲 My Music :
AJJ, boygenius, Bug Hunter, Cage The Elephant, Car Seat Headrest, Crywank, Lemon Demon, Lord Huron, Los Campesinos!, MCR, Noah Kahan, ODO, Pat The Bunny, Radiohead, Rex Orange County, Seb Lowe, Sleep Token, Tally Hall, Tame Impala, Teen Suicide, TFB, The Smiths, Vundabar, Weezer :/, Will Wood/WWATT, Wingnut Dishwashers Union, and more.
🐢 Tags :
# evan speaks -> I talk. A lot. // # evan rants -> I tend to be very emotional // # evan’s memories -> nostalgia mode // # evan can’t vote -> US politics // # evan draws -> my art // # EvanRadio -> my sideblog for music // # i love my mutuals -> typically multiple mutual appreciation posts per day
🐍 Rules & Boundaries :
I’m a minor!! Don’t be weird!!
Obviously, any form of discrimination is off limits.
Cringe culture is dead, all are welcome, and I’m always open to learning.
Asks and anons are open, notifs are off so feel free to spam, but I can’t promise I’ll see it right away. Absolutely feel free to interact and ask, I will have full convos w/ you through reblogs. I answer DMs on a case-by-case basis. If you are over 18, please do not DM me.
🦎 Fandoms and characters ->
★ Dead Poets Society
★ House MD
★ Supernatural
★ Sherlock
★ Ghostbusters
★ Homestuck
🦖 Incoming fandoms ->
★ Hannibal, Good Omens, Saw
🐊 Backseat Fandoms ->
★ IT, Stranger Things, Over The Garden Wall, Scooby-Doo
🦚 Fandom Graveyard ->
★ Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Creepypasta
🦜 Kinnies ->
★ Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock)
★ Egon Spengler (Ghostbusters)
★ Castiel (Supernatural)
★ Steven Meeks (Dead Poets Society)
★ Richie Tozier (IT 2017)
★ Rory Keaner (My Babysitter’s A Vampire)
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🪛 Other Movies :
The Truman Show, Stand By Me, Velvet Goldmine, Jaws, The Goonies, Breakfast Club
🐉 Other Interests :
Reading, writing, art (drawing, painting, digital and traditional), etymology, science, history, math, forensics, biology, marching band (alto sax), sharks
🔋 Other Facts :
- I love my car like it’s my child #TOMATER SUPREMACY 🦚
- Richard Cameron Defender for life (see here)🐊
- Blog theme changes frequently 🦖
- i LOVE doing little doodles and drawings of my friends 🐢
- I love my mutuals and you guys are my best friends btw 🐍
- More mouse bites!! This vexes me! Medicine drug!! 🦎
- ADHD 🪲
- I’ve got a bad habit of viewing notifications but never responding to them, if this happens please just tag me again 📗
🦠 A Note :
I am very indecisive and this post will be edited very often (see counter below)
🧪 Dead Poets Society :
@pingunaa @ghostboyhood @wordssricochet @meekspeaks @poetsinnyc @wilsons-three-legged-siamese @midwest-quill @apparitiongnostic @de4d-poet-kisser @yourfavvgal @asclexe @lv3buzzz
If I forgot someone/if you want to be added just lmk :)) if I forgot you I’m so so sorry
Edited - |||| ||
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blindmagdalena · 1 month
I'm sorry ahead of time because this gives off such a simpy parasocial vibe (bcs you're a tumblr celebrity in my eyes lol) but I'm very grateful for you and your blog! I've been on tumblr for like over a decade but I've never ever interacted with anyone in whatever fandom I've been in. I don't know what is it about your space here that possessed me to finally make a blog and share things and engage with others but I'm so grateful for it. You were such a lovely gateway into the fandom and your blog is just such a good vibe. Definitely inspired me to feel less cringe about posting stuff. I'm currently working my way through writing a mildly cringe Homelander voice kink fic that is inspired by some of the headcanons you've written in the past. I rarely feel inspired enough to write, let alone feel like sharing my work but for once I genuinely feel like the fandom is so nice and accepting that it's worth giving it a shot!! Anyway, don't mind me just felt like pouring my heart out lol. Thanks for being awesome and being part of the fandom!!
ah man, don't apologize at all! thank you so much! i can't tell you how happy i am that i could at all contribute to your decision to engage with the fandom and share your creativity. i've also been on and off tumblr for many years, and coming back to it i was pretty shocked by how much the culture had changed. no one should be afraid of sharing their fan work! that's what fandom is! fandom community is honestly more important to me than any of the actual material the fandom comes from lol
well i haven't read it yet but i'm over the moon excited about your voice kink fic!!! that happens to be one of my very favorite kinks, and if it's cringy then i'm most definitely the conductor of the cringetrain.
thank YOU for being part of the fandom! i can't wait to see what else you bring to it! 🖤🖤🖤
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Hey, can you write smut and fluff for maggie Greene x reader?
༉‧₊˚. 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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― pairing: maggie greene x fem!plus size reader
― era: season 10/11
― Summary: you'd never thought you'd be here having giggly morning sex with your girlfriend maggie.
― warnings: kissing, dry humping, oral (r. receiving).
― wc: 1171
⋆ a/n: i know this is so cliche and typical and almost all my maggie fanfics are like this but whatever this is my blog and i'm gay and it's pride month so i can do what i want. i know this might be a little controversial to my glenn lovers, but i swear i didn't forget about him.
masterlist | AO3
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You hadn’t known Maggie until she had joined to help Georgie build up the community in which you were a part of. All you knew was that she was a single mom that had lost her husband. 
She was gorgeous to say the least, but you had forced yourself to push your feelings for the older woman down, assisting her with shy smiles and kind words, even sometimes looking after Hershel Jr., when she and Georgie would go out and search for other settlements.
Never would you have ever imagined that you and her would get together.
She had approached you after months of unknowingly dancing around each other, expressing her interest for you, but also how conflicted she felt about you as well. She knew that she loved you, but she was still mourning over Glenn, but you were quick to reassure her that you would never try to replace him in any way, shape, or form. She was willing to try for you, but also because she knew Glenn would want her to be happy, and she knew that if he was still alive, that he would like you too.
Now, you were cuddled up together, your face buried in Maggie’s neck as she rested. You blinked the sleep from your eyes, lifting your hand that was resting on her chest to shield your eyes from the sun peeking through the blinds. She had been able to rest a lot lately, with the community well ready for the upcoming winter, there was not much she had left to do. You were grateful for the time you were able to spend with her, and you knew Hershel was too; it was always a nice surprise when the both of you would pick him up from school and have dinner together instead of it just being you and him.
Pressing light kisses to her neck, you nibbled at her jaw before sitting up to give her kisses all over her face. You could see her eyebrows and nose slightly scrunch up in her sleep, which made you grin even wider.
“Mags.” You whispered against her cheek. “Wake up.” You coaxed gently. She hummed, squeezing her eyes a little harder this time before opening them.
“Hi.” She said quietly with a smile. “Hi.” You said back. This time, you leaned up to capture her lips in yours and she cringed. “What about my mornin’ breath?” She drawled. “You know I don’t care about that.” You scoffed, rolling over so that you could gently sit yourself on her lap. She sat up, settling her hands on your hips whilst yours cupped her face; you deepened the kiss, getting lost in how soft she felt, how her body radiated such an addicting warmth that left you squirming her lap.
You grinded down on her and softly moaned into her mouth.
“You plan this?” She teased when she pulled away from you, her chest heaving slightly in an attempt to catch her breath. “No…” You replied with a dazed grin, “You’re just so damn hot.” She laughed at your confession but nonetheless joined your lips back together, indulging in your wishes of intimacy. 
She tightened her grip on your hips, forcefully dragging your hips to rub against hers. Your shaky hands reached up to take her loose hair out of her bun, her brunette locks falling around her shoulders. Your fingers buried themselves in her roots, a tiny whine slipping out as your clothed clit brushed against her leg that was hidden under the blanket.
Her dainty appendages hooked themselves under the thin straps of your tank top, dragging them down your arms so that your breasts were exposed. Your head fell back as she played with your nipples, her lips finding home on the column of your throat, nibbling pink marks on your skin that’ll fade later.
“Maggie.” You moaned out her name, desperation dripping from your words. “I need… I need more.” Your orgasm was tickling your spine, boiling in your gut, but the friction was barely enough to send you over the edge. “Tell me,” She murmured, “Tell me what you need.” Your eyelids fluttered shut in an attempt to gather your thoughts. “Your mouth… please.” You concluded breathlessly.
She helped you work your undershirt all the way off of your body before you guys changed positions; instead of her being on against the pillows it was you, and she was sitting on her knees, your lips still locked in a heated embrace. She took your pants and underwear off, tips of her fingers tracing your damp slit. 
“Maggie..” You whined in protest of her edging.
‘“Needy.” She chuckled deviously, taking pity on you and working her kisses down your neck, chest, breasts, and stomach before finally settling on her knees, her back arched and ass raised in the air, hooking her arms around your thighs in order to keep herself balanced.
She placed her mouth on you, licking a thick stripe from your entrance to your clit, circling her tongue around the small bundle of nerves. Your thighs threatened to close around her but she kept them open, spreading you out so she could flatten her tongue to reach the deepest parts of you. You reached out a shaky hand to push her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ears so you could watch her. You settled your fingers into her roots and held her close to your cunt.
Her tongue dipped inside of you, the devilish muscle drank you in, burying itself deep inside of you in search of that spongy spot that made you see stars. She hadn’t stopped her mintrations when she placed your legs on her shoulders so she could use her fingers as well, sticking her middle finger in so she could suckle on your sensitive bud. 
“Mags!” You gasped, your back arching and hips grinding against her face. She allowed you to use her as she added another finger, curving them to your pleasure spot. You rolled both of your lips in between your teeth to hide your noises, squeezing your eyes shut, your vaginal walls spasmed around her digits.
“Yer doin’ so good, pretty girl.” She heaved out as she finally separated from your sex. “‘M gonna make you cum on my tongue, baby.” She murmured and reattached her lips to you.
“Please, please make me cum.” 
And make you cum she did, with adding a third and final finger, with each drag of her finger tips against your spongy padding you grew closer and closer to your end until that coil in your stomach snapped as you came on her face. She worked you through it until you whimpered in oversensitivity.
“Jesus.” You laughed breathlessly with a smile. She grinned back up at you, joining your lips together so she could lick in your mouth and make you taste yourself on her. 
“Ya always taste good.” She teased. You gasped in embarrassment, gently slapping her on her chest. 
“Shut up!” 
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @murdadixon
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polyklok · 1 year
Hello there!! I really enjoyed your "what makes them soft/what gets them hard" headcanons for Dethklok. I was wondering if you could write a similar thing for Charles? If you're comfortable taking that request, that is. If not, feel free to ignore. I love your blog!
So Charles isn’t in my “men to simp for” Radar, as much as I love him as a character and I don’t think I would ever write anything like that on my own-
BUT YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASS IM GONNA TRY also you seem like such a sweetheart so I have to
Charles Offdensen
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What makes him soft 💘
Charles is, obviously, a very busy man. All day, everyday, work work work. His hands are usually full, signing away at documents, shaking hands to confirm business deals, fidgeting nervously while he discusses finances. So it means a lot when you gently stop what he’s doing and take the time to kiss his hands. Graze your lips over his knuckles and fingertips, he’ll be entranced by the sentiment. Even if you let go to let him continue whatever he was doing, he’ll be thinking about it for at least an hour.
He really likes being sung to. The only music he listens to nowadays is death metal (usually Dethklok’s) which obviously includes a lot of screaming, growling, and heavy instrumentals. He says it ‘puts him in the brutal mood’ for whatever Dethklok is going pursue next. But, despite this, his favorite type of music is listening to your heartbeat while you quietly sing or hum. Doesn’t matter what song, doesn’t matter how good you are. Please let him place his head on your chest and just sing for him.
Basically the opposite of Toki’s Charles is a serious, uptight, no-fun business man. Everyone calls him Mr. Offdensen, Dethklok gets the privilege of using his first name and occasionally robot, and only you can use any sort of pet name. Use it to your advantage, it’s so funny how dry he is to your dumb names, and despite seeming indifferent, he really does love the silliness of it.
“Hey there, my adowable, wittle pookie-bear muffin boy!”
“Hello Y/N.”
The thought of a room full of government officials and businessmen having to watch this display while holding back the cringe is so funny to me holy shit.
Whats gets him hard ❤️‍🔥
I’m gonna repeat again; Charles is busy. As much as he cares about you, he hardly has time for your relationship and is simply trying is best. Sex is barely ever on his mind. Until it is all that’s in your mind and you let him know. Seeing you needy and wanting him, hanging onto him, tugging at his tie, trying to pull him away from his work is the quickest way to get him hot and bothered. He just hasn’t considered being so desired before and it makes him crazy to watch you act like that for him.
Continuing that, when the two of you are in public and you suddenly get all touchy with him. Grazing his thigh, kissing his neck, running your hands in his hair. He knows that he should be above this and tell you to stop, but he really does love how shameless it is and how good it feels. He’s usually the most economically and socially powerful person in any room he’s in, so no one’s gonna tell him to quit on on the PDA anyway. If you’re lucky, he’ll pay you back for it at home. If you’re really lucky, he’ll drag you off into a nearby bathroom or closet. If you’re unlucky, well…
Is he a mean lover? No. Charles is very attentive and mindful of your needs. He’s going to constantly affirm with you that he’s doing the right thing. How selfless of him. But once that is all done and taken care of and he understands your limits…oh my god he wants to see you cry so badly. He just loves seeing you whine and squirm, your pretty face leaking tears for him. Of course he’ll be nice enough to kiss your tears away and praise you for how good you’re being, but that doesn’t mean he’ll stop.
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btheleaf · 1 month
What made you like Pema? :3 Just out of curiosity, I feel like she's a character many people tend to kind of ignore or dislike.
Short answer: Spite
(Very) Long answer under the cut:
Tenzin was my first love and obsession when I got back into LOK. I went to AO3 to read about him and his wife! and found the attitudes towards Pemzin... odd? The ship is way less popular than Linzin, which was strange to me at the time, considering Pema/Tenzin are literally married in canon. But hey, whatever, to each their own. Maybe people just like Linzin more. Lin is a sexy badass, so I get it. Maybe people don't wanna write about the air babies. Maybe the age gap or any other countless things were giving people the ick about pemzin. Fine. It's all good to me. I began to look for pemzin fics to enjoy and found 🥲 strange things.
Pema was usually written as some kind of man-stealing demon with a magic coochie that could make Tenzin bend to her will and stay with her despite the fact that he loved Lin more, but at the same time she was a dumb and useless broodmare? More often than not, the Pema/Tenzin fics seemed to be written by people who didn't actually care for the ship and had Linzin endgame in mind.
I thought, "Okay, I'll check out Linzin, surely with way more fics to pick from, I'll find something that focuses on Lin/Tenzin and not Bad and Evil Pema."
I was disappointed to say the least.
So much cheating and lying, so many secret babies. SO MUCH Pema v. Lin, which doesn't do anything for me. I could understand it if there were Actual Reasons, but it was like Pema was showing up to be an emotional homewrecker despite her being IN HER OWN HOUSE. I just... like what the fuck is going on there?
Why does Pema hate Lin SO MUCH? Did the stories ever touch upon that? No. She just hates Lin. Obviously. Lin dated her husband 20 years ago, so she hates her. Logical. Much logic. No explanation. Look no further. Your bad guy is here. Bye-bye interesting concepts. Pema is a bitch and a snake and a man-trap and she never loved Tenzin anyway. She just wanted to be a trophy wife who ushered in a new generation of airbenders. No explanation. Don't question it. She's one-dimensional in a 3D world.
Pema is everyone's favorite bad guy in Linzin fics all because of that one line from Book one that is honestly super fucking cringe about her "seeing her soul mate with someone else." Linzin shippers asked if anyone was going to demonize this mother of four and didn't wait for an answer.
Both Pemzin and Linzin shippers need to learn how to tag their fics for both "emotional cheating" and just straight up "cheating." Navigating this shit is terrible. I once read 50k of a very interesting concept, and then all of a sudden Pema came out of nowhere and just started acting like a jealous 13 year old for no reason and Tenzin QUICKLY left her and the kids to go be with Lin. Like?? I do not understand what the fuck is going on in some people's minds.
WHERE WERE THE FICS THAT PAINTED PEMA AS A WHOLE HUMAN PERSON WITH FLAWS AND WANTS AND DESIRES??? I think most of my comments started having "thank you for writing Pema like a person" somewhere in them.
When I first made this blog and Let It Be Known that I ship pemzin, I got a looooooot of weird anons asking me stuff about like, if I support cheating and shit? I realized that these attitudes towards Pema were not Old Beliefs. These were very real people in the year of 2024 still unable to conceptualize an interesting idea for a character that has SO MUCH room to play with.
We know jack shit about her. We know just enough that makes her entire character like candy to me. She's not around a lot in the show, but also somehow is always still right there? She goes through Some Very Real Shit in every season, and her absence from screen time is like free real estate to fic writers. I literally don't understand how so many people manage to summarize her entire being into the word "snake" and move on. The potential for expanding on her character is limitless because of how little we know. The more people try to stuff her into a box, the more I'll pull her out of it.
I didn't really care about Pema until it became clear that everyone else disliked her. The more people hate her, the more I love her and the more powerful I become.
I'm like this because of how the fandom treats her.
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theshadowrai · 15 days
I've Come To Make An Announcement
Shadow the Hedgehog is a bi-no I'm just kidding lol
Just popping in to give you all an update! I'm doing a little bit better now. I had a rough day yesterday but today's been pretty good! (I did get jumpscared by a giant spider while cooking but aside from that lol!)
Now onto the big thing.
As you know, I've been taking a break for the last few days so I can really think about what I'd like to do going forward in regards to my writing and art. I want to feel better about my work and develop more confidence in myself as an artist. In order to do that, I have to clear a blank slate and start fresh. So sometime within the next week or two, I'll be deleting all my old posts from this blog.
Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere! I have way too much fun with you guys to leave. And it's not like I hate my old work, either. Sure, I cringe sometimes, but I also know I was at a different point in my journey as an artist. But every journey has to end at some point, and I've reached the end of the path I've been traveling. I'm ready to try a new one. (That probably sounded incredibly corny but you know what I mean LMAO /lh)
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks so much for sticking with me all these years! I appreciate each and every one of you, and I hope you'll come along with me on my next art journey!
(By the way, if you ever did want to see any of my old art for whatever reason, most of it is uploaded on my Toyhouse!)
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bbyquokka · 2 years
hello! i recently found your blog and adore your writing and was wondering if you could write ot8 reaction to you getting your nipples pierced 👀 if you’re not comfortable writing all of them specifically felix, han, and lee know 💕
hii! im so glad you adore my content! thank you for your request and for being patient. i hope this is what you wanted. this is my first ot8 reaction so please let me know your thoughts and opinions on this! 💭
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skz reacts to you getting your nipples pierced •°. *࿐
➥ pairing: all x fem!reader
➥ genre: smut [suggestive themes] MDNI
➥ synopsis: you get / have your nipples pierced.
➥ warnings: piercings, implications of nipple and breast play, photo taking during intimate moments - if i missed any, lmk!
➥ words: 1.6k
➥ have a request? send it to me here. read my rules to learn about my guidelines before submitting requests
➥ m.list – ➥ ao3
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ʚ Bang Chan ɞ
He'd come with you to the piercing shop. He'd be holding your hand and watching with very beady eyes to make sure the piercer is going their job [ofc they are. chan is just very protective]
You'd be fine with it, the pain wasn't as bad as you thought however, Chan would be the one cringing, asking you countless times if you're okay
As you're healing, he would be very gentle and careful with you. He doesn't want to cause you any more discomfort. He'd be handing you painkillers and ice cold compress.
He'd want to help you clean up your fresh piercings so you would allow him to. Standing in the bathroom, you'd show him how to clean them. Chan would be hyper focused, watching you to make sure he gets it right
Nipple piercings take a while to heal so that means no touching. Chan wouldn't mind it at the beginning but as time goes on, he's dying for a touch. He just wants to play with your nipples, flick his tongue over the bars, just one little touch is all he wants.
ʚ Lee Know ɞ
You got it done whilst you was drunk (don't ever get a piercing whilst drunk, terrible idea btw) thinking it was a good idea
it was, until you got home and fell asleep. You awoke the next morning with a pain in your breasts. You rushed down to Minho and practically flashed him "Look!! I have my nipples pierced!"
The poor man wouldn't know where to look, blood rushing south in an instant. He's angry at you for doing something so reckless but at the same time, he cannot deny the fact that it looks so attractive to him
He knows not to touch whilst healing but he just wants to. So much so that he'd often find himself fantasizing about playing with your nipples
He's ecstatically to know that you're finally healed because that meant he can have a lot of fun with them.
ʚ Changbin ɞ
Changbin would be unsure about it. He cannot decide whether he loves them or not. He's supportive in whatever you do to your body (it is your body after all), he's just not sure
It's not that he's not a fan of body mods, it's just, he knows the dangers and how long it takes for nipples to heal – especially with his own knowledge about the human body due to training.
In his mind, he's looking out for you, which is sweet of him. You know Changbin isn't 100% sure but you went to get them pierced regardless.
You kept it a secret for some time, making excuses when you and Changbin would be intermit with each other. "It's been a long day." "I'm tired." "Maybe tomorrow, Binnie."
Being the sweetheart that he is, he'd understand however he cannot help but feel like you're hiding something for him. It wasn't until you was getting undressed and Changbin accidently walked in on you
His eyes naturally gazed down to you breasts, the metal bar between your nipples showing. His mind went blank. He always thought he wouldn't be too keen on nipple piercings, yet here he is, stood in front of you with a raging hard on.
You'd splutter, trying to hide your breasts because you're worried about what Changbin will think. You didn't want him to hate them, that's for sure so when he found out accidently, you was so sure he would freak out
He took you by surprise when he walked to you, cupping your breasts in his hands. His gaze fixated on the bar that was through your nipples. He would ask you whether it hurts or not and if you was healed.
He'd be hyper fixated on your breasts during intimate time. his hands never leaving you breasts, tongue contently flicking over your bud.
"I thought I wouldn't be so keen, yet here I am, unable to keep my hands off you."
ʚ Hyunjin ɞ
Hyunjin would love the idea of you getting your nipples pierced – he'd even get one himself if he was brave enough
We all know Hyunjin is super artistic so for the next month's, your breats/nipples are all he would draw. No one would that it's your breasts he is constantly drawing. There's just something artistic Hyunjin finds in you having your nipples pierced.
Sometimes, he would ask for you to pose for him. Dressing you in nothing but a sheer top so your nipples could be seen. You'd feel shy, posing for Hyunjin in such a lewd way, but you didn't hate it – you love that Hyunjin adores your decorated nipples.
During intimacy, Hyunjin would he quick to pull out his camera and snap a few photos (possibly videos) of you. He'd stash them away in a secret folder, to save for a rainy day.
ʚ Jisung ɞ
He'd be the one to suggest a nipple piercing, claiming it would look oh so attractive on you. (he most likely saw some anime girl that looked like you with her nipples pierced 🤷🏻‍♀️)
What he didn't bank on, is that in reality, it looked a thousand times better than what he thought.
The poor boy wouldn't know what to do or where to look. Having to wait for them to heal would be torture to him.
When they are healed, oh boy, it's like something deep within him has come out. we all know Jisung had some perverted tendencies to him so its not surprise he would request you to wear no bras, sheer / revealing clothing.
When in public, Jisung would a hundred percent have to drag you to the public restrooms, due to the fact that he cannot get your breasts out off his mind (and the fact your wearing little to no clothing underneath your coat)
Soon, your nipples would get sore and tender from Jisung playing with them too much. The poor boy just don't know when to stop. whilst your poor nipples are healing (once again), Jisung would result to taking photos, much like Hyunjin, saving them in his folder specifically named 'wank material'
He's so in love with your piercings that he would buy the majority of your nipple jewellery. It would range from pink bars, hearts, bats, explicit wording – you name it! If Jisung thinks it looks nice on you, he buys it. although, he does like the pink, glittery hearts, they give that 'innocent' affect on you and he loves it.
ʚ Felix ɞ
Felix loves your body, body mods or not. When you show him your piercings for the first time, he would be stunned
Like Changbin, he doesn't hate it but it takes some time to get use to. He liked that you had this innocent feel to him and now seeing you with nipple piercings stripped away that feel.
To Felix, your happiness is everything to him, so if you're happy, he is happy. He would be so delicate around your breast, scared of touching or playing with them in case he accidentally pulled one out
Months in and Felix was getting use to seeing metal in your nipples, although he was still very very careful around you. It wasn't until one intimate moment where Felix was so consumed by pleasure that he forgot
He flicked and rolled your nipples between his fingers. Your moans would be nothing like he has heard before. Your piercings left your nipples hyper sensitive – so sensitive you could cum just from them being played with
Felix loved that. His dom side showing straight away. He made it his goal to make you cum purely from playing with your sensitive nipples. He felt some type of accomplishment when he managed to do that "You see that? I did that to you, no one else but me. Don't you forget that."
Like Jisung, Felix would also like to buy you your jewellery, however, unlike Jisung who liked the 'innocent' look, Felix would buy you jewellery that would represent him. That way, he was always with you, no matter where or when. He liked that controlling aspect of it
ʚ Seungmin ɞ
i feel like Seungmin wouldn't really care. Of course he would have his opinions on it and that would be that it doesn't look that bad, however, I feel like Seungmin doesn't have much to say or feel about body mods in generally
he strikes me as the type of person to be like "It's your body, you go for it. As long as you're happy and safe, that's all that matters."
ʚ Jeongin / I.N ɞ
being the maknae, I feel like he doesn't have much experience when it comes to this type of things
How does he react? Feel? He would be so overwhelmed with his thoughts and feelings that he would lag, cheeks and ears flush red. He would act like a virgin, all shy and flustered
You'd find it adorable. That little sadistic side of you would tease him. You'd flash him randomly, grab his hand and place it on your breast so he could feel your piercing. You love his reaction, so much so that you would want to dom him in the bedroom department
and dominate you did. One look and he would be weak at the knees, flustered and shy. He would melt into your touch, his mind fuzzy with so many thoughts and possibilities.
He would be so gentle with you – maybe too gentle. You would have to ask him to be a bit rougher with you, claiming that it's okay when he would object. You love seeing his hands gripping your breasts. Your breasts would look so small in his hands (I mean, he does have big hands and long fingers, like, c'mon!) you adore it!
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jessythebunny · 5 months
💐 Welcome to my fandoms house 💐
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Finaly you made it here and i'm so happy because you decided to follow me and i hope you enjoy your stay🐰✨
Everybody is welcome here except Homophobes, racists, Pedophiles, Proshippers, Gacha heaters, and all the nasty people in general
So in this blog i make a lot of things here like memes, arts,edits, ect, sometimes they look good, sometimes they look cringe🙂🙂
Also i'm in love with James. He is the one who will be more present in this blog, sorry not sorry!!
And also these things here bellow👇🏻👇🏻:
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I can do:
Drawing arts(even with bases or without them)
SFW (make characters kissing,marking echothers, moaning...)
Drawing simple backgrounds
Art requests
Art commissions
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Things i can't do:
Gacha heat
Gacha cringe
Drawing diffecult backgrounds(like forests/cities/beaches, i really need Pinterest so bad😭)
Drawing animals(don't worry I am learning now)
Animate eyes
NSFW (18+)
Letting my oc's naked
🚫 But this blog is also contains swears, yeah a very ✨MOROCCAN✨ swearing, yep i like swearing a lot (But not to this degree), so if you have nothing nice to say here just leave my blog or block me IDFC 🚫
🎧°•My bio and information•°🖤:
🌺Name: Jessy the bunny or Jess in short🎧
🎧real name: Hiba🌺
🎧age: 16 yo🌺
🎧birthday: December 1st🌺
🎧nationality: Moroccan🇲🇦🌺
🎧Zodiac: Sagittarius♐🌺
🎧Gender: female🌺
🎧religion: Islam (الحمد لله)🌺
🎧sex: asexual💜🤍🩶🖤🌺
🎧hobbies: drawing/cooking/reading books and manhwas(especially the yaoi/yuri ones👀💦)/doing Gacha videos and art/writing stories🌺
🎧favorite shows: Thomas and friends, happy tree friends, dragon ball, smurfs, south park, lazy town,Hazbin hotel...🌺
🎧fears: dark, insects, social phobia, bullying (yeah i'm weak),being ignored🌺
🎧likes: Chocalate, cookies, sleeping, Science and Biology, English, watching videos or make them, anything sweet🌺
🎧dislikes: butter(i'm allergic),Maths, Injustice and insult, school(yeah i hate school soooooooo much because of those fucking classmates), thomas and friends AEG,making friends irl because they are treacherous🌺
🎧features: Nervous, introverted, depressed, funny, shy🌺
🎧I'm a young artist, plz don't judge me!!!🌺
🎧my DMs are always open, but mostly for commissions🌺
🎧I'm also calling someone who's older than me by mr or miss as a respect for them🌺
Sexual themes
Bad grammar
Cringe behaviors
SFW (safe for work)
🌟Q:what's your favorite fandom?
A: thomas and friends and this blog will be based with it thank you very much✨✨
🌟Q: what's your favorite characters from your favorite fandom?
A: James, Duck, Thomas, Gordon, Percy, Oliver and Toad, Donald and Douglas, Marion, Skiff
🌟Q: As for the engines, in their human form, can they fuck or reproduce?
A: Unfortunately, they can fuck whatever or whenever they want but they can't reproduce or have kids because they don't have biological hormones or DNA or whatever it's called like a normal human being
🌟Q: what are the ages in your Au?
A: 3 years until 60 years, There are those who are older than this, but I limit myself to these ages because I want them to be limited
🌟Q: what are your self insert's sexualities?
A: Every self insert into a random fandom has its own sexuality, for example my versions, I can't let all my versions being Asexual, bc if I let them it'll be boring so I tried to diversify their sexualities, for example Soft Jessy is lesbian, Bad Jessy is trans, Galaxy is pan, ect...
But fo the other fandoms I usuelly let them bi or pan or even straight to make sure that everyone has its lover/soulmate/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend...
🌟Q: how did you make your Oc's and are they real or imagined?
A: I made them randomly so that I don't feel like I'm filming the videos alone and that they aren't real people, I made them according to their personality, their life, the story of their past, etc.
🌟Q: who are your besties?
A: 🎧 @miasonyson 🎧
💞 @lovable-chica 💞
💎 @asktoyokoakemi 💎
💜 @viktuurishipper96 💜
🎀 @bertramtheoldwarrior 🎀
🌠 @blueskygirl22 🌠
🎩 @jammyjams1910 🎩
💖 @just-an-emily-existing 💖
🌟Q: are you doing art requests?
A: yes I do them,like if someone asks me to draw anything about TTTE Au or other fandoms Aus, But for their Oc's they just have to wait until June because it's summer and i will be active anytime
🌟Q: Are you gonna do art commissions?
A: Yes, I do them and I really want to, because I need some money to help my parents, so now I am waiting for someone to ask me
🌟Q: How tall are the engines?
A: Well, in terms of height, the shortest is Toad and Percy is the second shortest engine and he's almost 5’8ft,and the tallest engine is Gordon, The flying scottsman, Spencer and Diesel 10.Their hight is 7’11ft because they're big and tender engines
🌟Q: Does Lady's magical dust have any benefit or any influence on the rest of the engines?
A: Yes, it definitely has a benefit for the engines. Thanks to it, it can save them from becoming victims of scrap, or if something physically harms them in their human form, it comes and treats them because ordinary doctors cannot treat human engines
🎀°•some basics of my Au•°🎀:
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🌟some of my oc's transform into their true forms for many special reasons, for example demons, wolves, rabbits, etc., but the duration of this transformation is specific
🌟These reasons in particular may be either psychological, such as sadness, shame, and the desire to feel lonely and calm, or physical reasons
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🌟The characters are distinguished from each other by their superpowers and magic, which makes them 100% different from ordinary humans
🌟Each one of us has his own personality, and this is the result of their personalities and feelings being different
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🌟Characters can fuse and create new characters, but only if three basic conditions are met: If the two characters have a relationship of love, brotherhood, or strong friendship, If these conditions are not met, they will not be able to fuse
🌟ech character has a rival with another character, The reasons are as follows: Either he had a bad past, or that person was famous and forgot about his friend, and so on
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🌟as for the humanized engines, their blood is a bit darker than a normal human being, and also if they lost anything or got cut like if they lost their arm or their leg or anything, don't worry, Lady is here for help
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🌟and also they can eat, drink, wash their teeth,taking shower, and almost anything about humans, but the only thing that they don't do in their human form is breeding and reproduction, and the engines in their human form become even more stronger so they can done their jobs very fast and easely.
💗🌟Thank you so much for your time and reading this and i hope you enjoy your stay here again ^^🌟💗
💛𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒇𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆🤍:
❇️°•Art commisions are open•°❇️
🌟°•Original oc's•°🌟
🚂°•Original engines•°🚂
🌹°•other social medias•°🎧
💞°•Official ships•°💞
💫°•Some fandoms i drew•°💫
🖤°•Douglas and Oliver headcanons•°💚
🌈°•original face expressions+color pallet chart•°✨
💐°•Self inserts•°💐
☁°•some random ttte headconons•°🎀
🚂°•The main 12 steam team•°🚂
📖°•ttte fanlore/AUs/fanfics/crossovers/series•°📖
💚°•the emo controller•°🖤
🖤°•Casual emo controller•°💚
🚂°•the narrow gauge engines•°☁
💙°•the Gresley family•°☁
🚂°•the diesels•°⛽
🪄°•Magical/ghost engines•°👻
���°•Other ttte characters•°🤍
✏️°•Some simple tutorials•°🖌
💙°•Original stories/lore•°📖
😌°•This could be useful•°😌
🎧°•Artist profile•°💚
🌠°•Unrelated ttte stuff•°🌠
👆🏻𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒇𝒇 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒐𝒐𝒏
📜°•My His-fic AU @sodormagicalworld•°📜
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tiasreadingnook · 2 years
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[ A/N: These are based on my opinion, standards, and experiences only. The writers in this blog are those whose blogs I read religiously. I weirdly have a high standard on what fics I can read without cringing and these writers are the ones on the top of my list. This is also for those new readers that are still kinda confused about where to start and where they can find writers with extensive and quality master lists. This is a continuously growing list and I will add more when I encounter others.]
This list are blogs that mostly make fanfictions of the characters Chris Evans, Henry Cavill, and Sebastian Stan plays.
Please read the individual warnings, rules, and tags in each of these writers' blogs or fics. Minors dni.
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@littlefreya - "The Eve"
When I was lost and new to the Henry Cavill fandom it was her stories that were the final nail to my coffin that will bury me 6 feet under the fandom. Her master list is everything and more -- smut, ddlg, dark, fluff, domestic -- whatever you want it's there.
@onsunnyside - "My Sofia Coppola"
Sofia Coppola is my favorite director when it comes to imagery and aesthetics -- that is why I consider Sunny as my Sofia because I SWEAR the first time I read Tarzan!Steve fic it was like a movie and none of her stories have ever disappointed me. I still can't believe I read her stories for free.
@evansbby - "New York Times"
I've said it once and I'll repeat it, I check her blog every day like it's the morning news. I am so obsessed with her stories it is unhealthy. She writes the most delicious and varied Chris Evans and characters fics which makes it exciting but also comforting at the same time because at the end of the day -- they're all daddy.
@kinanabinks - "Spicy Shakespeare"
I actually took a lot of inspiration from her in one of my series -- she is that good. She writes the most delicious smut with the perfect splash of angst, tragedy, drama, and smut that will satisfy that itch in your head when you're looking for a bit of drama in your p*rn.
@comfortcap - "Guilty Comfort"
My daddy issues FLARE TF UP when I'm reading any of her (ddlg) fics. Such a sweet writer with the sweetest, fluffiest, and sometimes smuttiest fics that makes me feel guilty and comforted at the same time ;3 I love reading her stuff after a long and overwhelming day.
@junipermuses - "Lizzy Grant"
Lizzy Grant -- aka Lana del Ray -- is how I imagine her fics would be if it was a person. Sexy, effortlessly cool, and so put together. The subtle but easy-to-digest plots builds up the smut so much that it's so satisfying to watch it all unravel in the end.
@buckycuddlebuddy - "hey god ... me again"
Her fics immerse me so much that she has me giggling and kicking my feet as I read them. She is one of the few "x reader" fic writers that makes me want to cry and scream and beg whichever god is listening to move me in the alternate reality where I am the "reader" / main character in her story.
@sillyrabbit81 - "Mother Nature Called"
I swear every time I'm on my period you will find me vicariously scrolling through her master list because the way she writes the daddies (ESPECIALLY SY) are so comforting, dominant, and caring that it just turns my heart, womb, and coochie into mush.
@angrythingstarlight - "Pandora's Box"
Once you open her master list you will read nothing but her works for days (trust me I've been there) . She has an extensive collection of works that are a top quality. Her works can range from sweet to downright nasty to the fluffiest domestic scenarios that will have you grinning at your screen at 3 am.
@hansensgirl - "The Witch"
I forget feminism when I'm reading her works. I cannot believe I'm giggling over a man bossing me over and controlling my entire life?! And she somehow makes it work and that's how I've come to the theory that she pulls some witchcraft shit when she writes her stories but hey ... I'm not complaining.
@pellucid-constellations - "All Too Well (10 minute version)"
She writes the BEST angst and that's coming from me whose comfort film is "Love, Rosie". If you're looking for a well-developed plot, characters, and story arcs that end with a lot of groveling, comfort, and a happy ending -- look no further.
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Hello! Firstly I wanted to say that I'm an old fan since your overwatch days and I've always admired how much depth you're giving all the characters and relationships you touch! I'm talking like, mariana trench DEPTHS. And how confident you seem about just doing the things you enjoy and exploring the themes you want? I really respect that.
I'm having a bit of an art crisis recently and I was wondering If you could offer some advice?
I'm thinking about self-indulgence in art, particularly fanart. I like to dive in deep to expand on characters, I find it as enjoyable as creating my own work. But I fear of people getting angry at me for latching onto these characters, thay they'll say the original work wasn't THAT deep, or that I'm completely wrong or cringe or whatever. And I don't care about being right or anything, I just want to have fun here and tell my little stories? :( The fear is making me keep the work to myself and I don't know what to do. Would it be better to just enjoy it on my own?
Your blog really is goals when it comes to that, so I'll respect your opinion a lot. Thank you for your time!
holy moly thank you so much for your sincerity first of all!! Second, this is making me misty eyed ngl!! I have alot to say about this so i shall put it under a read more bc im gonna ramble
If someone cares about you fixating on your fave characters, then they're usually the fucking weirdos in this situation if they dont just block you and move on. I LOVE making shit up about my faves like i have a modern au hc that kakashi and gai are ddr competition rivals and i gave yeehan 7 dogs just for funsies!! we were in the trenches in early overwatch making up our own lore bc there was none and it was so fun
I've always been like that now that i look back bc when i first started uploading my shitty ms paint fanart on deviant art in like 2006(naruto funnily enough we've come full circle) i was still drawing cringey shit /I/ wanted to see. I don't agree with almost all of it today, but i remember the fun i had while making it, and that's really the trick. Drawing what you personally want to see then people can come and go audience wise. If they like it, they like it, if they dont? oh well! There's people who still follow me from when i was 14 and i follow them even tho we're in completely different spaces now.
The fanart part i vibe with personally bc im really bad at coming up with totally original work and premises. i much prefer having pre-established rules and worlds to work with (plus the characters i love getting massacred in the writing i HAVE to save them)
Just existing online will garner you mean comments or asks, and my best advice is its not worth it to take the bait even if its absolutely absurd and wrong, i just block and go now, and im much happier :) this all being, of course, as long as what you're doing isnt harmful, bc even with good intentions, you'll mess up/blunder eventually. If the heat gets too much for you, no one will judge you for withdrawing your art from social media. thats a perfectly safe thing to do to keep it for yourself.
As an adult, shits not that serious im 28 drawing naruto fanart bc it makes me happy after a long day of work, so have fun!! art's supposed to be fun don't let the fear win i love sharing my art with strangers on the internet!! Hope this made any sense at all and I wish you the best, my friend!!! If you ever wanna dm me, feel free
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hydrangea-mon-amor · 1 year
Visit me, will you?
Yandere! Male OC x reader
Trigger warning! Yandere behavior, obsessive behaviors, non consensual touch, forced relationship, forced proximity, Murder (message me privately if you feel I need to add more)
Side note — if you read the trigger warning and still were triggered by the content (or any that I’ve wrote) please message me ASAP and tell me about it. This goes for all of my works, but I do not mean harm writing these stories and the content of my blog are dark and heavy. I DO NOT condone this behavior and if any of you see yourself in a situation like this I urge you to seek help.
AUTHORS NOTE: please everyone if you see yourself in a situation even slightly like this I urge you to seek help and assistance. There are actual creeps out in the world that pretend to be kind and good but really just leech off of you. And with a closing note, I do note condone any of the obsessive behavior in this fic! There is a distinct line of fantasy and reality and this work is pure FANTASY.
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Summary! Your boyfriend has a game tomorrow and coerced you agree to come. The next day at school your friends had enough of your constant absence and forces you to hang out with them. You ultimately agree because in truth: this is what you needed, a day with them and not your boyfriend. You did not expect your boyfriend to get wind of this and the fallout that ensues.
Your uncomfortable.
You try to lay steadily in your stalkers boyfriends bed, but with how tightly his hands are wrapped against you, you can’t find it in yourself to continue. It doesn’t help with the fact that he’s sloppily giving kisses to your neck.
“Hey, could we maybe switch positions?” You try to urge, but it only had the opposite effect. His hold on you tightens and he leans in closer to you.
“I like this position baby.” You adamantly cringe at the pet name.
“Will you come to my game tomorrow baby?”
You know you can’t say no, the last time you did your boyfriend got so upset he cried for two straight hours begging you on his knees to reconsider. Claiming that if you didn’t come you didn’t love him anymore.
“Sure, I’ll see if my schedule—“
He tightens his hold.
You can barely breathe.
“You will come, won’t you?” He asks in a sweet tone but you know the true meaning.
“I-yes I’ll come.” His hold loosens and he continues coddling you.
You pray that he’ll let you go in a couple of hours. Because even that is a blessing from him.
✎……. ✎……. ✎……. ✎……. ✎……
The day of the game your at lunch at your boyfriends table. Which If your honest is just the popular kids all together. You try not to make eye contact with your boyfriends ex-girlfriend Valery. Her family is said to be really famous doctors with a hospital in your city. You don’t think she gives two fucks about you because honestly, she looked happier.
You would be too if you weren’t here.
“So Jaydee excited for the game?” Oscar, one of his best buds asks.
“Of course man, especially since I got my amazing boyfriend/girlfriend to come watch. You’ll cheer for us right honey?” You nod sheepishly. You can see his friends laugh.
“Nah, they made you their bitch man. You can’t go two seconds without talking to them.”
“Or fucking them.” Jaydee adds. You jab him at the shoulder. A silent plea to stop whatever he was doing.
“Aww look, you are embarrassed. Come on sweet cheeks, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” He kisses you lightly on the head.
You want to decapitate him.
“Anyways,” Valery is the one to switch topics, and deep down your glad it’s her. “On the topic of the game, when is it going to be held?”
“8:00 pm, and our coach is deciding to be an ass about it. He’s making us practice until then. Can you believe that? Almost six hours of practicing?” Some of his teammates share in his complaint. You’re not sure what to expect when he turns to look at you. “Will you watch me at practice? I’ll make sure to put in my all if you’re there. You know how happy I get.”
“So happy your broke a kids leg from the adrenaline.” You say under your breathe. But it doesn’t go unnoticed. But you know the real reason. Jaydee, your boyfriend, decided to break his leg because he noticed him looking at you and smiling. It wasn’t even more than one glance but in your boyfriends eyes it must have been thousands. He got away with it because for 1. He’s the quarter back and 2. Everyone in his team loves him. Especially is coach. You don’t think they know that he did it on purpose, and your not sure if you do.
“Oh yeah! I remember that day, Tyler had it coming if I’m honest.” Oscar gloats.
“Tyler definitely had it coming that day.” Jaydee adds not a second later.
Tired of this you decide to make a last ditched effort to leave. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” You inform.
“Okay, guys I’ll be right back I’m going to walk them off.” He gets up from his seat and readies himself to walk with you.
“That won’t be needed.” You tell him.
“Jaydee, I know where the school bathroom is, I’ll be just fine. You don’t have to loom over me like a helicopter. It’s not like I’m going to go anywhere.” You stare at him, he stares at you.
“Come on man, just let them go. What’s the worse that could happen?”
“A lot.” He says under his breath.
“What was that?” Valery questions.
“Nothing.” He looks at you again, leans into you, making it look as if he’s going to kiss your cheek. “Let me go with you baby. You know how crazy I get if I can’t have you side by side with me. You don’t want let’s say Oscar to be my next blood bag would you? Let me come with you and nothing bad will happen.” He whispers in your ear. Softly touching your cheek with his hand.
“And if I don’t?” You whisper back, curling your fists.
“You wouldn’t want to know what happens. Trust me.” He leans out, holding your hand and smiling at you. His friends look expectant of an answer.
“On second thought,” it’s torture for you to say these words, “I think I would like to have Jaydee with me.”
“Really! Thank you honey I knew you wouldn’t upset me!” He pulls you into a soul crushing embrace. Swinging you side to side, you decide to just deal with it.
His friends grimace, “okay we get it you two love and fuck each other all the time! Get a room will you, wouldn’t want to disturb your momentum.”
“Aye aye coach.” Your boyfriend replies. His voice muffled from his face being smushed into the crook of your neck. You can’t believe how you got yourself into this situation in the first place.
You can’t deal with this so you simply take the lead and start walking, your boyfriend trailing after you like a lost puppy. Once he catches up to you he snakes his hand around you waist and kisses you on the head.
“Let’s take the long way.”
“Because then I can be with you longer.”
Of course, you think.
“Jaydee, I’ll be quick.” His lips turn into a pout. “Jaydee.”
“Babyyyyy” he whines.
“Jaydee, like I said I will be quick. Stop acting like a baby and wait.” You try to pry his hands away from you but he doesn’t budge.
“I’m only a baby for you.”
“Clearly” you mutter to yourself. You try not to let his sometime cringe behavior get to you but goodness is it hard.
From the corner of the hallway two girls emerge and once they notice the lean build of your boyfriend they come rushing down. You silently thank whatever god you believe in, thinking that this is what will give you leeway to leave. You know the girls well. In the past they were known to have massive crushes on your boyfriend and you’re thankful that their obsession over him isn’t over. It gives you hope that he’d leave you for one of them which would mean that you would finally be free.
Jaydee’s hold on you tightens.
Of course with their not so secretive crush your boyfriend would surely hear wind of this. You know how many times he’s vented to you about them, the many times he complained about them to you. But you had hope. You hoped he would like them one day and stop caging you in like a bird.
“Hello ladies.” He greets. A practiced smile on his face. Then they both lean in to give him a hug, even surprising you. You assumed the gesture caught him off guard because he then lets you go. You don’t waste this opportunity and bolt to the nearest restroom. Letting him deal with the two girls.
However, when you get inside the bathroom you notice the silhouette of two familiar students. Your heart rate picks up. When was the last time you hung out with them? When was the last time you hanged out with your own friends? Your hand instinctively reaches for the doorknob but you can’t bring it in yourself to leave. You can’t bring it in yourself to leave the people that were with you since day one. And if things couldn’t get worse their gaze fallows yours. Now you all stand there, unblinking and unmoving. Unable to do anything expect just take in the others presence.
“Y/n?” One of them calls, almost like a question. Their voice soft and sweet and so completely welcoming. It takes everything in you to not cry. You can’t understand how they are still so sympathetic to you.
“Hello…guys.” You are sheepish and you wish to curl into a ball. You remember the countless times you rejected their offers to hang out in favor of Jaydee. The guilt crashes down onto you like a wave and it almost drowns you.
“It’s been a while.” Your other friend says.
“It has, hasn’t it?” You agree.
The air is still for a while, none of you say anything for a protracted moment. Until your friend can’t handle it anymore and bluntly blurts out:
“Hang out with us. Come to the movies or something, play video games with us or fuck it take a walk with us just spend some time with your friends. Ever since you got a boyfriend seven months ago you been ignoring us like the plague, rejecting invites, blowing off our calls, ditching us—“
“And it’s been torture ever since!” You blurted.
“Y/n…” you seem to realize of what you just said.
“Never mind forget I said anything.” You turn to leave when you feel a hand clasping around yours.
“Movies at 8:00pm. Take it or leave it. But please take it.” You stare at them. They just had to pick the time that syncs with your boyfriends game.
“I’ll…think about it.” Your friends shake their head.
“No Y/n, you are coming.”
“No if’s or buts you’re hanging out with us and that is final. No more screwing us off in favor for you dipshit of a boyfriend.”
“I—okay fine. I’ll come.” You turn your back with your friends smiling off their victory.
You step outside the bathroom your boyfriend waiting patiently. His feet tapping against the floor tiles, arms crossed and a ticked off expression.
“Those two bitches tried to get my number.” He states. Tugging you into his embrace. “You know how hard I had to try to get them off of me, how many time I had to remind them that I was already taken and belonged to someone else? That i belonged to you. But nooo, they wouldn’t let up and I just got so mad that I guess I kind of lost it.” He chuckles bitterly. But you start to get scared, and rightly so.
“Jaydee…what did you do?”
“Don’t worry about it baby, let’s go to class yeah? The bell is going to ring in a few minutes.”
The school day ends with Jaydee walking you to your locker. His arms on your shoulder matching your pace. When you first started dating him you thought it was cute but now you’re just revolted by it. But you don’t attempt to break up with him anymore, not after what happened the last time.
“Come to my practice in preparation for the game yeah?”
“Jaydee about that, I’m actually busy. Sorry but I can’t come.” His face drops.
“But…why? Was it something I did, why won’t you come?” You scan the area, grateful no one is in the hall you two are in.
“It’s nothing you did I just have plans.” He seems to prick up from this.
“Plans? With who? Where? Why? Why are you ditching me baby? I thought you loved me, I thought you loved us!” He’s getting more desperate now. Both of his hands on your shoulders, gripping you like he’ll die if he won’t. “I-I’ll get you anything you want! N-new shoes? I’ll just get my sister to buy it for you, she’ll understand. I-I promise! Please just come! C-come cheer me on! And then when the game is over we can go back to my house and play a movie and c-cuddle! Y’know, like what we always do!”
“Jaydee we always go to your house.”
“I don’t care you like it better, and it’s bigger.”
“Never thought you were the materialistic type.”
“Course not, my type is you.” You may have fallen for that if you actually loved him.
“Jaydee, I’m not going to be able to make it.” You try to say for the last time. He looks as if he is contemplating.
“Fine.” You’re shocked.
“Really?” He nods his head.
“Consider it a reward. You’ve been good since…the last time.” He’s referring to the time you tried to break up with him and leave. Like he would let you do that twice. “But,” he moves to hold your hands “you will come to my game. Promise me you will.” You clench your fists. Damn your friends, couldn’t have they pick a different time to watch the movie?
“Jaydee I’m sorry but—“
“Promise. Say that you will. I need to hear it, I need to hear you say that you’ll come. I think I’ll die If I don’t. You don’t want me to hurt myself would you baby? Of course you won’t, you love me! You wouldn’t want to the future father of your kids hurt because of you, now would you? But even then, if I did hurt because of you, I’d still love you. With. Every. Fiber. Of. My. Being.“ the worst part is, you don’t doubt him one bit.
“And If I don’t?”
“Then you won’t like the aftermath of what happens.” His attention is driven elsewhere when he notices his coach waving him over. “Have to go now sweet cheeks, meet you at my game?” You shakily nod. “See? That’s the angel I know.” He presses a kiss to your cheek before jogging off.
Do you listen to him and go to his practice to then sit through his game? No, you decide to listen to your friends and hang out with them instead.
✎……. ✎……. ✎……. ✎……. ✎……
You arrive to your house late into night, a smile widely spread across your cheeks. You’ve forgotten how fun it was to be with your own people instead of trying to fit into a friend group that you don’t belong in.
The whole time you were out not once have you used your friends. That is for two reason, 1. You didn’t want text messages disturbing your time with your friends and 2. You specifically didn’t want Jaydee’s texts filling your messages. Undoubtedly Sues that he would be inconceivably mad and irritated.
However when you decide to go to the bathroom you hear a ding on your phone. You decide that it’s time you finally check what’s been going on, but when you do you feel your heart sink.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: baby where are you? I don’t see you amongst the crowd.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: baby you said you’d come, why can’t I see you? Are you running late.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: sweet cheeks please respond I’m getting worried, I’ve asked everyone on my team if they saw you they say they haven’t.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: honey our game is going to start in a few minutes if I don’t see your face in the crowd I’m going to be upset. You don’t want me to be upset would you?
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: why won’t you answer me!
But none of these messages could amount to the absolute fear you feel from the last one.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: wow honey, I can’t believe this. Valery told me everything.
Delivered 10:17pm.
You fucked up. You know you fucked up. You look at your phone again, this time three little dots pop up making you aware that Jaydee has definitely seen that you’ve read his messages and he still has one last thing to say.
JAYDEE AKA MONSTER: Y/n, if you don’t want to be punished more than I intend to then I suggest you walk to my place now.
You don’t question him one bit.
When you get to his front porch you knock on Jaydee’s door five times. A few minutes later his sister opens the door, the famous model Dante.
“It’s you.”
“It’s me.” You’re sheepish. Dante looks behind her.
“You should get in before things get worse for you, Jaydee is not happy.” She leans back into her house and holds the door while you walk inside.
You forgot how mentally deranged his whole family is. You remember hearing a rumor in the news that Dante herself kidnapped someone. You don’t have the guts to ask her personally though.
“He’s in the basement.” Dante tells you, a popsicle in her mouth.
“Oh uh, thank you.”
“You won’t thank me after what you’ll see. That’s for sure.” You try not to let her words get to you but you also don’t take her lightly.
You’ve been to Jaydee’s house multiple times before, times where you were actually proud to call him yours. When this house felt like a second home, and you actually loved him.
You tiptoe until you get to the door that leads to the basement. Already you smell a metallic stench.
This isn’t good.
“Jaydee? I’m here! Please—please don’t do anything so rash.” Your voice is meek. Actually, you don’t think your voice had enough volume to it to be heard by anyone. You tiptoed quietly until you’ve reached the bottom. You wait a few minutes, and you don’t see the presence of anyone in here. But the metallic stench reeks the air and fills your nostrils. You can hardly bare it.
You whip your head around.
“J-Jaydee? Is that you?” You can’t help but stutter. Your boyfriend is covered from head to tow in blood. His face is smeared in red and his clothes drenched. There is a steel knife in his hand, that too coated in blood.
He pouts.
“What? You’re saying you don’t remember your own boyfriend? Aww baby you’re so silly. If I didn’t love you the way I did, I think I would have gotten offended. Could thing I’m not though, right?” You stare at his blood soaked body and knife.
“Jaydee I don’t think this is—“
“Come come! I have something to show you.” He doesn’t give you time to speak, already he is tugging onto your arm. You use your free hand to clog your nose. He leads you to a cleared out space in the basement. For the hundredth time in this relationship your heart drops.
“Tada! Do you like my present?” In two tied chairs sat two people bound in ropes. Their eyes are gouged out of the sockets, layers of skin skinned off and in some areas burnt. Their bones are cracked in odd angles and pieces of muscle sliced from their bodies. If it weren’t for their clothes you’re not sure you would know who they were and the significance of them.
They were you friends. And Jaydee had just killed them. Tears prick at the sides of your eyes, how can you even begin to comprehend this? And worst of all, how can Jaydee look at you like this was your fault? A smile ear to ear plastered on his face. He finally drops the knife and in its place he reaches for you. He pulls you into his embrace, the blood on him now coating onto you. “Your reaction is enough to show me this was an adequate way to punish you. It’s okay, this is all you have to go through tonight. I promise I won’t make you feel like a burden in our relationship anymore.”
You’re too caught up in your emotions that you haven’t even realized you’ve said that out loud. “That’s why you decided to not be with me today isn’t it? I give other girls and guys too much of an idea don’t I? That’s why you’ve decided to hang out with those…hindrances, because I wasn’t giving you enough attention right? Don’t you understand baby? I had to do this, I had to get rid of them. This is a testament to my love for you, don’t you get it? This was all for you.”
“But this wasn’t even about other people—“
He squeezes you tighter.
“Don’t you get it baby? I don't give a fuck about all the other girls, I've rejected them, all of them. You know why? Because I want you. The only person I need, really need is you. I love you darling.”
You cry bitterly into his shoulder.
“Oh, I almost for got to tell you. I have a final game next week, it’s supposed to close this season. Visit me, will you?”
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