#i feel like that charlie always sunny meme
figuerockfaeth · 4 months
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groovygrub · 1 month
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flying-ham · 10 months
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spot the difference😔
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pfhwrittes · 2 months
p, my love, i think you could talk about the mixing of paint colors up to their rgb specific inputs and i would gladly eat it up <3 your brain is so filled with not only great and wonderful ideas that make me giggle over the moon but the way you write them out is so eloquent !!! please talk about anything and everything that you feel comfy sharing always ilysm mwah <3
.... okay but i could actually do that because i was unfortunately trained on the paint desk in b&q back in the bad old days 😅
but thank you! this is a very nice compliment and i am sending you lots of good vibes back to you anon!
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andysambcrg · 2 years
my sunny meme gifset has breached containment again and my notes are flooded w people being like "they're all from the same show??" which is bizarre considering they clearly all have the same people in them and also people saying they have to watch sunny now which. i can only apologise for encouraging
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thorneprincess · 2 years
*gets on a soap box and takes out a speaker*
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54625 · 3 months
I miss kelp cocaine
I miss everyone congregating at Phil and Missa's, I miss Roier's over exaggerated moan every time he and Cellbit kissed, I miss everyone throwing their balaclavas on and going "passa tudo...", Tubbo's constant grilling of Fit and Pac (especially Fit), Mike's hairdressing, everyone singing the Pac e Mike wow wow song, Gegg, the admins striking people with lightning perfectly on cue, the Foolish cheating allegations, Slime and Mariana traumatising their viewers, Dorime playing randomly, people turning eachother rainbow coloured with the rainbow jelly, Dapper randomly pulling out all kinds of crazy creatures from his backpack, the extremely overwhelming pre-event meet ups, Las Casualonas, the casualonas dance, Sunny's materialism, Etoiles telling everyone how and why their armour and weapons aren't actually optimised, Phil breaking the fourth wall, Baghera and her fish joke, Rubius abusing his creative power, Foolish ruining the tension during serious moments, Cellbit obsessing over every lore lead or clue, Roier and his hilarious PNG builds, Felps "finally being added to the server", Fit always looking after Mariana's builds in his absence, everyone playing hide and seek, Cucurucho spying on and jumpscaring everyone, Quackity constantly being made fun of for his dead kid, Phil and Fit's aggressive "friendly" flirting, Cellbit talking over Richas' shoulder while he's painting, Leonarda's spoiledness, Ramón's obsession with the citric acid cycle, Slime's ability to show up for an event out of nowhere and just completely derail everything, new players always freaking out about Fit's voice, Quackity desperately trying to find a match since day 1 and always failing, Maximus' talk show, people teleporting in and out at just the right second, Jaiden's love for Hatsune Miku infecting the server, Bad and Foolish's encounters, Ramón threatening to blow himself up or digging himself into the ground when he doesn't get his way, Tallulah drowning herself when she doesn't get her way, the hilarious mistranslations, the wonderful screenshots, Vegetta's mines, Jaiden's expanding list of nationalities, Antoine being an enigma, the in-game karaoke place, Bobby starting fights, Juanaflippa dying over and over, Empanada trauma dumping about her first death to Bagi, Cellbit's vivo turbo ad, Bad yelling "language!", Pol and Foolish and Mouse not being able to stop laughing around each other, Pierre and Max's damn furry club, "no mames!", Spreen leaving for cigarettes, Bad stealing furniture, Missa being incomprehensibly cringefail (I will never forget that "bucket clutch"), Felps' hole, Tubbo's bigger hole, Mike going crazy that one time, Chayanne whipping out his cooking utensils, "Fofoca!", Pomme being the French Sniper, Pepito being homeless for a sec? Richarlyson's many personalities and characters, Tilin being "la tres leches", Trump even being called Trump to begin with, Cucuruchito flirting with everyone, dozens of plots to break into various federation buildings, hundreds of rule breaks, DanTDM being theorised to be Bagi's missing brother, Etoiles' love-hate relationship with the codes, Kameto going out for milk, Tina's heavily one sided rivalry with Fit, everyone changing their skins for events and some people being so extra with it, things falling into chaos every time an event needed them to travel a long distance together, the messy group photos, Charlie's grief spirals, people meeting up at Spreen's bar way back when, everyone making an effort to speak languages they don't speak, the sharing of international memes, the teaching of swear words, the joy that was born from the interconnectivity.
Just all of the things, dumb, hilarious, or adorable. The moments, bits and little jokes that made the QSMP so engaging, fun and entertaining to watch. That made you feel like you were participating in one massive celebration. I miss it.
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future-crab · 1 year
The thing about mcr5 is that it’s not a super crazy conspiracy theory to think that a band might release an album soon, but I cannot talk about it without feeling like this:
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[ID: the Always Sunny “Pepe Silvia” meme - a screenshot of Charlie Day in It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia standing in front of a conspiracy board covered in papers and red string, looking unhinged. End ID.]
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jello-fello · 2 months
i've STILL been studying writing and the overall craft of What Makes A Good Story and ngl i'm so in love with it that for the first time in my life im like "oh but what if i DID go to college (for english) but as of rn i shant
now im rereading some old work from age 12 all the way until regenerate fate and im like god i have so many problems with my writing i SUCK. but then i recall how many of you kind folks have complimented my writing and stuff and im like oh no it's not that i'm Bad its just that now that i've learned how i could have been Better its so blaringly obvious in everything im reading lol.
again, for example, WHY DO I NEVER DESCRIBE ANYTHING? im all dialogue and action like im a yapper fr. so im having fun learning stuff like setting description and how to build a Vibe
that being said. the setting for the book is 2012ish seattle in autumn. and i am learning how to PROPERLY use pinterest for the first time in my life in order to Secure the Aesthetics and i'm having like. fun. planning my novel. i
i've always been very vocal about just sitting down and writing 10 pages without Any prior planning and just Pants'ing it. however. i am using a trial of scrivener and Meticulously Planning everything that i am so so so obsessed with this. like i feel like that one Its Always Sunny meme of charlie w the board in the best way
anyways, i'm going to be very hyped abt this for a while i think it's my current passion project since i can no longer draw or really do any phsysical hobby (which has also led to my lifelong realization that i'd like to be a writer specifically, and that it's always been my biggest strongsuit in school and i somehow never realized it. writing still hurts but it hurts the least so whateva).
the story has changed a lot since i last posted about it but it's still a slasher / thriller / Is It Supernatural or Is It Psychological kinda story
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danthropologie · 1 year
The navy t-shirt during grill the grid is literally like pouring gasoline on my fire pit of delusions at this point. What does it all mean? I feel like that always sunny meme of Charlie Day with bloodshot eyes trying to connect the dots.
it's genuinely SO bizarre like??? everyone else did it (and has done it every single fucking year!!) in a race suit!!! he had a race suit with him!!!! they took pics of him in it!!! and yet!!!
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thetragicallynerdy · 2 months
so i've made the Great Decision to attempt to add almost every Jim, Olu, Archie, and Zheng centric fic to the collection I made (all the soup, found here), like just make it a massive archive of garlic soup character centric fics
which means that I am scrolling through the 5000+ fics in Jim's tag right now, looking for fics where they (or Olu or the others) are the main character, and I feel a little like this right now
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[ID: the 'pepe silvia' It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia meme, which shows Charlie standing in front of a wall covered with random documents, connecting lines drawn among them as if they were a detective's case board. Charlie is mid-rant in the photo. End ID.]
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dalishious · 3 months
Hi! I'm getting back into the DA hype after years, but I'm so out of date with my lore and it's been overwhelming trying to piece it back together. Do you have a write-up (or would be willing to make one) on what we know about the Evanuris so far? I know the big picture stuff about them, but I also recall theories about being connected to the Old Gods, or maybe the Forgotten Ones? Basically, I feel a lot like Charlie Day in that Always Sunny meme, and all help is greatly appreciated! <3
I have a write-up about the Dalish Elven Pantheon, but this excludes what we know of the Evanuris of Arlathan. I could look into making one, though.
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distort-opia · 2 years
You said you didn’t enjoy Tom King’s writing, especially his take on the Joker. Most Batjokes fans avoided it because of BatCat, and personally I find his dialogue abysmal. But, what are some of your valid criticisms?
Hi! I've criticized aspects of King's writing before, when I was asked about his portrayal of Selina. You can read those discussions here, and here. As you will find though... I'm pointing out flaws but also admitting that I find his writing compelling. Because it's not quite accurate to say I don't enjoy King's writing at all. It's because I'm a masochist, and some of his stories turn me into Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and the conspiracy meme. (Here's me writing a whole-ass essay on just one issue he wrote.)
The thing is, King has stuff to say. The concepts he wants to convey can be deeply compelling. When it comes to his Batman run, I Am Suicide, Cold Days and Knightmares are some of my favorite arcs when it comes to Bruce characterization... but I will also admit there's much to be desired in execution. King often falls into the trap that in my head is named after Moffat-- trying to seem deep, without actually delivering on the foreshadowing and ideas introduced. (Can you tell I'm a Doctor Who and Sherlock BBC survivor.) Also a lot like Moffat, King can be great at telling short self-contained stories, rather than long ones that spawn multiple narrative threads and a large cast. Most of the time secondary characters suffer dearly under King's pen. They become an extension of the protagonist and lose individuality; speech patterns bleed into each other, behaviors become interchangeable. King could benefit so much from an editor who actually ensured that the dialogue doesn't feel so repetitive and choppy, and that the voices of the characters feel distinct. It'd help a lot with making it less grating.
But leaving that aside (and other more story-specific criticisms I have)... at the end of the day, to me it feels like King cares-- something that sadly doesn't apply to a lot of writers at DC. He's got many flaws as a writer, but at least to me, it's clear that Bruce Wayne means something to him. He demonstrates a deep understanding of the character on more than one occasion, which redeems him in my eyes at least partially. Even when it comes to Joker, I dislike some of the writing, not all of it. Joker in Batman (2016) #48-49 is very interesting, and the "I need him to stop me" speech is beautiful. To be honest, I think I dislike the way Mikel Janin draws Joker more, and sadly I've come to associate his art with King's Batman stuff.
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huntinglove · 5 months
hiii, Ghosty! how about ivy, pond and mushroom for the nature ask meme? :3c
Hi hi!! Thank you so much for the ask!!
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Ivy - How do you take care of each other when you’re sick?
Charlie panics, he usually buys half the pharmacy just in case, even if I just have a mild fever. He doesn't let me get up or do anything until he's sure I feel better, which usually means I have to stay at his place (or have him stay at mine) until I'm totally healed
When he gets sick he can't even manage his powers very well, so he gets almost fully bed bound, I'm more than happy to keep him company and fetch him anything he needs! I also make sure he gets enough food, water and rest as well!
Alma usually lays down over me when I get a fever, so they can cool me off a bit! Other than that, they're very proactive, always reminding me to eat, drink water and take my medication, I really appreciate everything they do to help me!
We're pretty sure they can't get sick anymore, luckily! But if they did, I'd take care of them just the same!!
Mychael goes into parent mode, he watches over me like an eagle, barely let's me get out of bed unless it's for something essential or urgent. He also makes me a lot of food and remedies to help me feel better faster. One time I even caught him falling asleep while sitting beside the bed, watching over me while I slept... He's so sweet
When he wilts, it's a real struggle to get him to rest. He just wants to pretend everything is fine and get back to work, but I make sure to have him lay down and stay warm! I also make him some nice soup and warm tea to help him feel better! Thankfully his immune system is crazy strong, so he doesn't stay wilted for more than three days at a time!
Pond - How do you get along with your F/O’s friends?
Charlie is quite shy and struggles a bit with befriending people, so I haven't met any of his friends yet, but we spend most of our time with one another anyways! I'm sure we'll get along great when we get to know each other though, anyone who's kind to him already has my trust!
Alma says they were always a loner, plus there aren't any other ghosts in the building... They say that other than being their partner, I'm also their best friend! Which is an absolute honor to me, of course!!
Mychael has an easier time befriending animals because they're not as judgemental as humans. It took quite some time for him to believe that I wasn't scared or upset by his appearance when we first met...
He jokes about his only friends being his lovely little hens in his backyard! They're all so adorable that I can't even blame him, I even got to hold and pet Sunny for a good while!
While it seems like my darlings have a certain.. pattern... I can confidently say that my friends absolutely adore them! They always have such kind things to say whenever we hang out together or when I bring them up in conversation!!
Mushroom - Give a headcanon of your F/O
Charlie loves to get his nails done, but he has the habit of biting his nails whenever he's nervous, so the nail polish that I use for him is usually very chipped and chewed away most of the time
Alma found an empty drawer in one of the classrooms that rarely ever gets checked, they usually keep all the doodles that students leave behind in there, it's like their own personal trinket chest!
Mychael can purr and click depending on the situation! When he's happy his purrs are similar to a cat's and his clicks sound like soft chirping. When he's upset his purrs sound like dog growls and his clicks get very high pitched, similar to metal being scraped together
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alrightbuckaroo · 6 months
hi ada! happy nice ask week! you make some of the prettiest moodboards i've ever seen, and i'd love to know, when you're brainstorming a fic, which comes first, the idea or the aesthetic? do you build a moodboard around an idea you've had or does the idea come from putting the moodboard together?
hope you're having a nice weekend! 💛
Hello Neha! Oh thanks so much!! I find such delight in making them that I like seeing other people enjoy them as well! 💕
Alright, so normally, the idea comes first, but that's often just due to the fact that I want to make sure I have a fully fleshed plot before investing a lot of time.
That said, a fully fleshed plot is often just bullet points of what the story arc is going to be, or a bunch of words tied together that will eventually become scenes. Essentially, any treatment of any story is most likely going to look like that one meme of Charlie from It's Always Sunny:
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If the aesthetic isn't decided at the time I have the idea, it normally follows very, very quickly afterwards. It normally occurs before writing anything as it helps me decide the tone and voice.
With the Old West AU, I knew I wanted the writing to feel very gritty and with Parisian Summer Romance AU, I knew I wanted it to be hazy, golden and filled with as much love as melancholy; so that all has to translate to the way the story is written.
Since all of that is decided before I ever step foot into Pinterest, it makes making the mood boards a lot easier and a lot more cohesive. More often than not, they're centered around either a setting, e.g. a blizzard; or something that has to do with the story e.g. a cup of coffee.
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starfolk7 · 8 months
1 for Lies of P and your other fandoms (how yould you forget Pino and friends? xD)
Omg you're right I blanked and forgot to list that in the tags MY BAD JFHDHD
1. List 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
I guess I'm gonna organize these by fandom lol
- Diversity! Since it's been around for so long, there's tons of fics to read. If you can think of it, someone has probably written it. There's a Mewtwo fic I found in college that's basically a retelling of the events of the first movie, but holy shit it's written so beautifully it made me cry in front of my friends rjrhdgde. It's a dense read, but still one of my absolute favorite fics to this day. That's just an example of things you can find!
- Sub-fan bases. Basically, if you're a big fan of a certain Pokémon, a type of Pokémon, one of the games, etc., you're going to find your people very easily. Kind of falls under the first one a bit but ya know lol.
- Some of the cutest and also the most badass fanart comes out of this fandom. I have both art of a Sylveon with a lollipop and art of Mewtwo breaking out of their armor from the first movie. The duality of man djrhdgs
-Maybe I've gotten lucky and just found really nice people, but so far my experiences in the community have been largely positive! I've met some of the loveliest people by posting my Dark Souls and Bloodborne fics, and it really got me back into writing OCs again (you know that's my lifeblood lol)
-Character and lore analyses. Not that I agree with all of them, of course I don't, but if you want an analyses of anything in these games, there's some mad lad out there that's done it, whether it's a post or through an entire fic. Gives you tons to think about!
-ART!! Holy shit there's so many amazing artists in this community. We don't talk about how much SoulsBorne art I've snagged at conventions (I got more of it and Elden Ring stuff at Magfest don't look at me fjfhdhd)
Lies of P
-I haven't been in this fandom for long, but so far everyone I've met has been very sweet! They're also super OC-friendly. I can't tell you how many Stalker and Puppet OCs I've seen, among others, it's really amazing!
-Probably gonna say this for all of my fandoms but the ART OMG. There's so much gorgeous fanart floating around for this game it's insane. Still on the hunt for more Romeo pieces tho rjrhehe
-Headcanon diversity. Do you want a totally mute P? One that talks sometimes? One that's Had Enough? What I'm getting at is there's a P out there for everyone! People have been exploring all the different character angles on him and it's wonderful to see.
-THE HYPE. Since this is an early access game still in development, the hype that cranks up every time an update is announced is INSANE. I don't think I've ever seen this level of it for an indie game. I got in just in time to witness this for the Violence update and the rush it gives you seeing everyone so excited is amazing!! It helps that every single update has just been an absolute banger. We have reason to be super excited, the devs do stellar work!!
-LORE. Do you wanna feel like Charlie at the corkboard in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? Because that's where I'm definitely at right now. Since we're in the last act of the game, there's so much speculation and so many theories about how the game will end. On top of that, people have been playing in the lore sandbox ever since this game started. I know I've def been up at night wondering how the hierarchy of Heaven works and what certain layers of Hell were like before Certain Events TM (I'm being vague because I know at least one person wants to play this bear with me lol). Basically there's tons to explore and the community collectively goes insane about different bits, we have fun here lmao
-I'm bundling art and memes into this one because oh my GOD. The tonal whiplash is a rollercoaster ride. You can go from the most heart-wrenching art of Gabriel you've ever seen to a piece that goes "V1 is a shrimp now" and sometimes you just need that snap back to some levity. The memes are absolutely top-tier. It helps that the voice actor for Gabriel already does memes and shitposts on his YouTube channel, so he just carries that over for Ultrakill stuff sometimes and y'know what? This game is dark, I'm gonna need these memes for when the ending makes me bawl like a baby. The Violence layer already has me feeling the creeping sense of dread (if you know you KNOW).
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