#i feel like it was more the wierd magic fucking with him
starliteonearth · 2 months
So in light of the recent Daemon & Alyssa scene, I've seen the rising belief that "Rhaenyra is the substitute for the mother Daemon never had", which I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about, the major one being if that was the case, if Daemon does have such levels of mommy issues, wouldn't he have not sought attention from older women specifically? Like Aemond does? There's a reason why Aemond's sleeping with someone old enough to be his mother and not someone his age or younger. Like wouldn't the core of having your psychosexual needs fulfilled when you have severe mommy/daddy issues be by having them fulfilled by someone significantly older than you, not younger? And other than Rhaenyra allegedly, somehow, reminding Daemon of the dead mother he never knew, what exactly would she have fulfilled for him? Especially when she was young. Sure, attention and adoration but she wouldn't at all solved the deep-rooted issue of him needing maternal attention which is why I don't agree with this whole "she's his replacement mother" thing.
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dragonridernoobie · 3 months
Hi, can I have a succubus reader who decided to give Asmodeus crystals to the prime team (which gave them the opportunity to turn into people), and how would they react to these gifts and the fact that the reader is a succubus? (Like from Helluva boss)
Good luck!
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(What do the crystals look like for each team member)
Ngl, had to look up what a succubus was because I had no fucking Idea what that was XD. But I hope you like it, also I only did 6 autonots since that is the max of characters I do.
TFPAutobots X DemonReader
The autobots found reader on the decpticon warship. The decpticons found a cursed relic and decided to fuck around and they found out. When the autonots took in reader, they definitely had a lot of trouble dealing with reader. They were worse than miko! They kept pranking everyone, stealing, liying, and just making life hell. The autobots where annoyed but miko suggested that they use this as their advantage. Que the autobots sending reader to fuck with the decpticons when they are out numbered.
After dealing with the reader for about 2 years, the reader wanted to return the favor because the autobots were so nice to them. They disappeared without letting anyone know, and it scared everyone. After 4 or 5 days, the autobots find reader leaving a portal while holding boxes. They were about to yell at reader but reader stopped them before they spoke and said so causally, "I got you guys a gift."
Optimus looks down at reader when they said that.
He just sighs and explained that they should bot disappear for days without telling anyone.
Reader says they are sorry but gives them a tiny box.
When he opened it, he was confused by the shiny rock.
"I don't believe I understand this gift."
Reader laughs at his confusion but explains that it's a magic stone that can turn him human whenever he pleases.
They also explained they got it from somone who owes then a favor.
Let's say optimus was very surprised. Obviously, he did not believe it since there is no way a robot organism can turn to a completely different organism.
When reader explained to optimus they must feel the magic and walk toward it.
Optimus dident believe reader but decided to humor reader.
Man, the look he has when he opened his eyes and he was looking up at reader.
When he looked down and saw himself as human, you bet ya he became Orion Pax once again.
After he let his old self out for a bit, he quickly got his composer and thanked reader for this magnificent gift.
Ratchet yells at reader for lea ing without telling anyone.
He says they could have been captured by the decpticons, found out by humans, killed, or worse!
Reader waits for him to stop ranting before handing him his small gift.
Ratchet just scoffs and yells at reader that this is no time for gifts.
When reader begs him to open it, he decided to do.
When he sees a shiny rock, he just confused
Reader explains it's a magic rock that can turn him human.
He doesn't believe it. Not even in the slightest.
When ratchet starts ranting about how turning a living robot into human, the stone glows and Boom! Ratchet is human.
Congrats, you broke him.
He just stands there, confused as fuck while staring off in space. Trying to understand the fuck happened.
Once he understands what happened, he dose not like the stone.
Humans feel wierd.
You understand.
When you returned, he picked you up and gave you the biggest hug possible without crushing you.
He was so happy that you're back and that you dident die and he was so worried and those decpticons where horrible and he feared the worst and and and...
Ya, he was worried sick.
When you explained that you got him a gift, he was slightly scared.
Since you're last "gifts" where pranks.
When you handed him his present, he was confused by the small box.
When he opened it, he was even more confused by the rock.
When you explained that it was a magic rock that can turn him human.
Thank you, miko, for showing him movies because he was super excited.
He listened to you when you explained on how to use it.
He turned into a human and was freaking out.
Like, why does he have fur! Why does he have clothes, where did they come from!?!
There are so many questions, but you thankfully answered them all.
After he calmed down, he asked you to prank miko with him >:)
Arcee told you off like a angry mother.
She told you never to do that again, or she would tie you or trap you somewhere.
After he calms down, you hand the gift to her. She takes it confused but when she opened it, she actally liked the pretty rock.
When you explained it was magic, she dident believe you.
When you told her how to use it, she still doubted you.
She decided to try it since she has nothing better to do.
When she found herself human. She surprisingly dident freak out.
She looked over herself and commented that she looked nice as a human
She thanks you for the gift and she is definitely gonna use it to mess with jack.
Wheeljack was the least worried.
He knows you can escape the decpticons if you wanted to.
So when you returns, he just greets you normally.
When you offer him the gift, he takes it while saying thank you.
When he sees it's a rock, he was confused.
When you explained that it turns him human, he actally excided.
So when you explained how to use it, he definitely took full advantage of this gift.
He thanks you again and goes to experience human life.
He hated it.
He loved movie theaters
Car races.
And fighting random humans.
Optimus wasent happy with the last one.
When you returned, he greets you slightly panic but also calmed.
He would ask you where you went and if you saw some nasty cons.
When you explained you where in hell, he has no comment.
When you offer him the gift, he is excited and then confused.
Why a rock? I mean, he guess he could throw a rock at a decpticon to confuse it or something
When younexplaied that he can turn human with this stone, he is confused.
He decided to trust yiu and follow you're instructions.
When henopened his eyes and realized he was a human. This dude would be screaming.
Not in excitement, more of fear that he is stuck human.
Once he realized he x an switch between autobot and human.
This dude is causing pain by pranks.
You just got a partner in crime.
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xatsperesso · 1 year
not really a headcanon but i'm Suspicious about Sullivan's claim that he was summoned by Iruma's parents. since border security know humans exist and that humans can summon demons, surely there it isn't illegal to be summoned. after all, it's not your fault someone decided to summon you. so why didn't Sullivan just tell Henri he was summoned when he was being questioned about illegally entering the human realm? i think doing that would have actually taken suspicion away from Iruma - he could be explained away as a sickly child Sullivan kept secret to protect him until he was cured by eating a human acquired as part of the bargain made when Sullivan was summoned.
maybe Sullivan *did* enter the human realm illegally - to plant the book Iruma's parents used to summon him! but then the question is did he pick Iruma's parents deliberately? or was it random? maybe it was somewhat random, as in he picked the first set of terrible parents he could find. but if it wasn't random... why Iruma in particular?
I mean he's not even trying to cover up anything. He's a spouseless, childless demon who somehow has a grandson. Said grandson knows absolutely nothing about the demon world, does not have any demonic features, and is just so different. Like sure the first thing that comes to anyone wont be that he's a human, the only reason ameri even guessed it right is because she has manga that have human physique, but what the fuck is iruma? No wings, no horns, no tail, very small canines, weird ears, comes up with the weirdest words and he's just so trusting?? Of people??? And how's he so naive and trusting when he acted so afraid and timid at the start of the year?? He's a ball of weirdness and contradictions and no one questions that?? No one points at him like that's not a demon?? They just accept that he's different in every sense of the world and move on
And sullivan is wierd. He severely under-prepared iruma, did not come up with any story as to how iruma came into existence, why exactly he's sullivan's grandson and not a just son, did not even try cooperating with henri or even bribing or threatening him, he is literally one of the great three. If baal can build a castle near the beloved river of delkira, then sulli could've ended the interrogation before he set foot in the interrogation room, and by how much he kept talking and advertising iruma around at the start of the comic, how much he neglected to prepare him for anything, it's almost like he wanted iruma to be found out!
But notice how he's been kinda tamed recently? How his love stopped feeling exaggerated? He's still sulli but recently his love and care started to feel real? How he started really hanging out with iruma and let iruma talk to him and teach him magic? How he's really trying to be their for iruma as a parental figure?
Something happened. He was plotting a role for iruma, maybe still plotting, but something in sullivan changed. He was not afraid for iruma's safety at the Batora party as much as he was at the heartbreaker event
Or maybe it's all in my head. Maybe he's always been this caring and i misread some things. Maybe Nishi decided to focus on thier relationship more. I'm just saying, why is sullivan so sus?
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
Scuttles in
I still think about the Tiefling AU ok
And given your recent blorbo-ing of Kash and Zahra, how that might impact Percy's dynamic with the later especially.
Do Zahra and Lilith teach Percy some tiefling culture basics? Thaumaturgy manners, or that one comic with instinctive tiefling head bonks? Tricks for hiding the horns under a hood ir shawl and making it look natural?
(Also, how Vex potentially sleeping with Zahra might throw a wrench in Kashra's development for a lil longer, maybe? 👀)
Ooh fun questions!
I think I've already said to you that contrary to my usual interpretation and belief, Percy and Lillith do bang in this AU bc Percy is dealing with some shit, not only trauma regarding the Briarwoods' attack and the loss of his family and home but also his own dysphoria due to his change of self, his utter loss of autonomy over how he presents himself and is percieved. And. Because of that baggage, he thinks that it's okay with Lillith because she's a tiefling. He's not passing on his corruption to someone else because she's already got that planar influence. He doesn't know why he's a tiefling now when he wasn't before and he's afraid that whatever taint infects him might infect others - but if someone's already a tiefling... it can't hurt them, right? They're used to it.
As for Zahra, I mean.
This Percy speaks Abyssal because of Orthax, and most tieflings speak Infernal. On the one hand this means Percy can listen in on the twins sometimes - they both speak Elvish and Abyssal (canon Percy knows the former and Celestial, in this he knows both and gains Abyssal after his change) - and on the other hand... this stands out as wierd to Zahra! Because she knows tieflings - Zahra, Lillith, Lillith's sisters (her other cousins) - and she knows they speak Infernal. So... it's definitely a first inkling for him that something's significantly usual what happened. Meanwhile for Zahra... I feel like it might make her wonder a little if that's why he's weird by tiefling standards?
She first finds out he speaks Abyssal because she goes to ask him, the other tiefling in the group, a very quiet, casual, in Infernal, "hey, everyone cool here?" kind of question. A "you know these people, they're not shitty about what we are, right? how worried/on alert do I need to be?" - and Percy doesn't understand her. He also made no move to ask her that in turn, which might be because he's familiar with most of the group but packed in with him speaking Abyssal and not Infernal just makes her think Weird and Wrong.
Thing is, Percy is pretty polite for the most part, so I can't really see him committing a social faux pas - he's so exacting about etiquette I can't see him really prying in a way that'd violate any unspoken rules of tiefling subculture - but because it's a new thing for him, I can see him just not observing it in ways that kind of blindside her? And for her, the way he keeps his tail tucked around himself when he doesn't need it for balance, the way he keeps his claws tucked away or under gloves, the way he seems uncomfortable with his tiefling aspects - that'd make her think of abuse (which she is canonically familiar with!) and wonder if he was taught to be ashamed of himself and kept isolated and that being the reason for his ignorance. So I can see her trying to gently teach him to be a bit more at ease with himself (and maybe some more tiefling subculture specific things, like getting a sense of each other's magic and when it's appropriate to use it, the little check in of "these people cool?", virtue names - though I don't think Zahra has one, or Lillith, but they are a tiefling thing).
This all said, on learning there's tiefling subculture etiquette Percy would absolutely absorb it like a sponge; boy gets so specific about social rules and is so careful not to fuck up. I really do get the impression that some of that is fuelled by anxiety (especially given how he splutters and gets awkward at other points - he likes to have a script, so I'd be shocked if he didn't have social anxiety or some overlapping neurodivergency).
As for that last point. Well.
As I figure it, Vex comes onto Zahra after the tomb because she wants somoene who isn't a mess over it and she wants to enjoy being alive! She doesn't want to have to hide her own emotions for sake of everyone else - she was he one who died, for fuck's sake, she should be allowed to feel her own emotions about it! And, well... yeah it hit her hard, but also she is really thrilled to be alive! (She is repressing hard, and has made her expressed opinion her only Allowed opinion.) And. Zahra is similar to Vex. They understand each other. So Zahra turns Vex down, but probably does talk to her a little, help Vex process things she was avoiding, and probably gives her hugs and cuddles. Vex does tend to seek to be alone when she's going through it, but I think someone who understands and doesn't judge her? I think she'd feel safe and also emotionally and pysically knackered, and so... sleep.
This probably does complicate things a bit for Kash though, at least until Zahra clears things up for him. I don't think it'd impede them much, but I do think it might prompt Kash to actually start to think about and process things more, having that tangible example of the kind of decisions one might make when not fully processing things.
After all, if he were to make the decision to take a risk with someone else rather than Z, because he's afraid of fucking up there - well, he'll probably carry that regret forever.
Send me asks about my fic ideas!
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I HC that Medic bought a kangaroo off the black market {It had rabies, mange, and was horribly malnourished, scared of everything. This kangaroo had a foot and a tail in the grave I'm telling you} and body switched it with Sniper {"His body is the most familiar to me! He's my Little Lab Rat and I do agonizing experiments on him."}
Thing is, he tells nobody else, so Sniperoo is hopping around, visually ecstatic because it's not itching its skin off and shitting and vomiting and not partially paralyzed. And NOBODY ELSE knows why Sniper is acting like this and not speaking to anyone and acting like he doesn't know how to do anything. It's just frolicking around like 'HEY GUYS I CAN DRINK WATER DID YOU KNOW I CAN DRINK WATER????? MY BODY FEELS GOOD BUT MY LEGS ARE WIERD BUTI DON"T CARE I'M ALIVE I'M SO HAPPY. MY MOUTH IS MAKING WEIRD SOUNDS EAAHHHHHHG! YAY! WHY DO I HAVE AN EXTRA CLAWR?' and to be honest Medic feels bad about changing them back, but Sniper is on the verge of death.
He's curled up in the lab, a feeling of impending doom looming above him, his stomach hurts and he's throwing up acid because there is nothing in him and everything itches and his eyes hurt and he can't feel his back legs and Scout of all people finds him and is attempting to get him to drink some water but his throat keeps spasming and he cannot get it down without nearly drowning. He wants to cry but it's technically impossib- oh. oh what are you doing. OooohooOhoHOH that's NICE DOWN, DOWN- YeeEYEYEEESSSS Keep scratching THERE ohhhhhhhhhhohohohoohh HARDER. HARDER. Wait what? I'm a good boy? I'M the good boy? You're asking who- I don't know. Is it me? Am I The GOOD BOY? YES!? I AM?! I'M THE GOOD BOY YES PLEASE GIVE ME GRAPE I DON'T CARE IF I DIE I WANNA BE GOOD BOY YES YES YES YE-
Long story short, Medic switches them back but SOMEHOW the kangaroo """"""""Escapes""""""""{Medic merged them together with his unorthodox medical magic or whatever the fuck he did} and Sniper suddenly developed a petplay kink. wonder how that happened. Anyway, once a month Sniper turns into a Human/Kangaroo amalgamation with two sets of arms and eyes and irregularly sharp teeth with no lips of any kind and unnaturally long limbs and for some reason, its jaw can unhinge. It is also very carnivorous and has patchy fur. Was this just an excuse for me to make lore for my monster kink Sniper? Perchance. Did I do more than I think I was going to? Yes. Do I regret it? Absolutely. But you people will have to endure it.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 10 months
Hmmmm, Did Riddle, Kalim, Epel, and Idia ever use their omnitrix during a certain bean fest. I mean the watch and its alien technically don’t use any form of magic so it’s not really breaking any of Vargas’ rules there.(heck what about during Camp Vargas itself, omnitrix alien powers are very helpful[plus I can just see Idia just fiddling with his being uhh bored and yet technically not that bored cause well, he can just go full alien later. Ben did first get his omnitrix during a certain camp trip)
If it wasn't for glorious masquerade (and that Phanthom thief/Gothic ball theme) Beanfest would be my top fav: Good cards, chaotic storyline where everyone gets to shine a bit and most importantly: ✨violence✨. It's probably the only story where everyone punts everyone for the mere motive that they are petty and want to win.
Camp Vargas... Meh... I mean it was funny... I did enjoy it... But kinda ya know... The real deal started like... Post a long exposure that kinda got me a bit bored. Pretty good event, a bit difficult of a playthrough and the cards are meh for me...
BUT! We are here for the aliens!
Camp Vargas:
At first, boi wanted to do everything by the book. You know, no alien powers, generally just having a nice camp experience.
When Ace dissapears tho, Riddle has some alarm bells ringing. Ace was a lil shit, but he wouldn't simply dissapear in a forest, where he has no shelter besides the campsite and no proper food. In fear that Ace might just eat poisonous plants, Riddle offers to search up for him. Sebek and Silver were great for leading the equestrian club on their own and the members did a pretty good job, so a worry less.
That's when he uses Wildmutt to try and pick-up Ace's trail and find him. It was pretty dark and in 10 minutes Riddle didn't get a great lead mostly since there was a lot of other scents that covered up Ace's.
But he stumbles upon tied up students to trees. That when Riddle realises that Vargas is fucking nuts and they are hunted for sports in the middle of the night.
Surprisingly, the first one Riddle finds is Deuce, thinking that Vargas might use the mine as a place to hide other students. The 2 escape and manage to reunite with the rest of the survivors.
Cue Jack and Deuce helping Riddle get 'kidnapped' so that the redhead can have an entry as Wildvine (on half since he was calm, knowing the whole situation at hand) and catch Vargas in a swamp then tie him up with vines to a tree so they could ensure this man won't hunt them for sports again.
He's trying to prove Jamil that he is capable and reliable. So he tries to do everything by the book too! :D
But Idia dissapears, then it's installed a whole bunch of chaos with more dissappearances and the wierd monster. Oh Kalim is 100% squaring up.
Kalim punts Vargas in a tree and it's glorious✨
There is also Crewel in there, so there is that. Kalim also squares up, but like, man feels SO guilty afterwards. Even if no one knew he was the alien hero. :'3
But overall, Kalim has a pretty nice camping experience. And he learned from Jade some cool fungi facts. :D
Oh heck yeah, Epel is absolutely thriving with the whole camp idea. No Vil? No Rook? Liberty, bitches! He is more free than a bird and he's feeling awesome. He wants to try everything, he tries everything, he gets tired from trying everything and eats then repeats until he has to go to sleep. :'3
The dissappearances occur and Epel immediately is ready to square up. He just yeets Vargas across the forest like a ping-pong ball.
He also fights the mine monster the same way. The poor Phanthom had 0 chances. :'3
Man doesn't wanna go camping. PERIOD!
But he finds his super cool 50+ attack stick so he's happy. Ortho said that he shouldn't use the omnitrix just to skip over his tasks, so at least he hs his super cool stick. :'3
Idia gets the first dissappearance. He was tired from the whole running around and picking sticks, so he fell asleep than poof! He woke up in Vargas's cabin and had to do squats as punishment.
Unfortunately for Vargas, he disclosed his plan to Idia, including Crewel's involvement, so the firehead was very aware of the whole situation and DID NOT like it.
But also it was the absolute best prank idea known to man, to just play as a 3rd party with a similar approach to Vargas's, but make it unbeknownst to anyone else. No one would know if he uses the omnitrix for this. They are in a goddamn forest, for all one could know, some of this NRC Students were petty enough to square up with a bear.
It is mandatory to note that before the camp commenced, Idia and Ortho argued about weather the camp was good or not. Idia was absolutely against the idea of camp being 'fun', while Ortho saw it as a great opportunity. Of course, now with this goldmine of prank material, Idia wanted primarily to use it so he could prove his brother that camp was NOT fun.
He ends up have a whole load of fun while enacting his plan. Everyone was screaming and running around like headless chickens and Idia loved every second of it. He initially wanted to have Ortho for last, because Ortho would absolutely know Idia was behind a good chunk of the dissappearances if he targets him early or mid plan.
But Vargas and Crewel strike first on Ortho and that's when Idia doesn't have that much fun anymore. It was supposed to be his hit! It was supposed to be glorious and induce even more panic since Ortho was a pretty reliable and an important factor of the survivors team. He was supposed to get Ortho, not them. Plus it adds salt to the wound the fact that Vargas and Crewel tied up his lil bro to a tree while shut down so like, where's the care? Ortho was a robot, some things are fragile still!
So Idia takes out Ortho first, which unintentionally creates even more panic since now the 'actual wild monster' is targeting students that are also tied up. Idia ends up punting the teachers and all is good in the end.
By the finale of the whole thing, Ortho tries to admit defeat, that this camp was clearly a bad idea and it wasn't that fun. Idia tho, corrects that he had loads of fun and was down for a part 2.
Beans day! :D
Oh he's out for BLOOD! Man doesn't fucking hesitate. He punts Ace and Jack in a heartbeat. He is one force to be reckoned with and he will do anything to win.
In reality someone made fun of him for being smol and an easy to catch target so y'all know where this went.
Bby wants to have shawarma. Let him have his fucking shawarma in peace.
Jamil attempts to catch Kalim, but he gets captured instead because Kalim had his half transformation as Wildvine and they were in the botanical garden, where it was LUSH of plants. Same thing for Rook and Trey. The whole shawarma thing was a 100% trap that Kalim had in order to catch the monster team in a flytrap style. Doesn't mean Kalim won't get to enjoy sum nice shawarma. A double win! :D
Breaking news: kid commits usual property damage.
Epel is absolutely abusing of his omnitrix advantage. Monster team is absolutely useless against Epel who's more than ready to throw them in trees.
Vil does put him in place at one point, but Epel escapes his sight for 1 second and 4 monster players are found hung up on trees. :'3
Ortho ended up on the monster team so Idia fears for his ass, since he was in the farmers team and knew his brother was out for BLOOD. (Vargas said for the 2 to be in different teams so Idia couldn't 'use his brother to take the easy way out') Oh Ortho was absolutely merciless. Doesn't help that he teams up with Azul and Jack.
Idia's only objective: survive. He struck days prior an alliance with Azul for him to help him with loot so that he won't be targeted, but that won't fly by Ortho. Azul might spare him, but not Ortho. Idia just runs and hides all the event.
Ortho catches him in the end. Omnitrix or not. :'3
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Blue Lily, Lily Blue Deadass Book Review
By Maggie Stievfater
This is an unhinged book review/recap of Blue Lily, Lily Blue and shits about to get WIERD AS HELL for Blue and her 4 private school dude friends. AUGH!!
This book opens with Adam and Persephone standing on a mountain in the billowing wind doing cool psychic shit, like being able to turn and stand on the leyline and know exactly where it is. She asks Adam what he sees, he closes his eyes. She has to keep reminding him to look outside, not inside. Inside are painful memories and present anxieties. He thinks of the shattered glass things on Gansey’s mansion floor. But when he focuses, he sees 3 sleeping things that need to be woken up. Persephone sees them too, but says no.. it’s 2. One of them shouldn’t be woken up. 
So it’s been a month since Maura disappeared, leaving only a cryptic note. “Glendower is underground and so am I.” — Blue is being strong, but she can’t help but feel a little abandoned. Like we all know Maura went down there looking for Artemis. 
Luckily, we check in on Maura and she’s fine. Time doesn’t exist in the cave. So to her it feels like it’s been a few minutes but it’s really been a month. 
In the meantime, Blue and the boys have been going to hang out at Cabeswater every day. It’s fall, but when they’re there, they wish for it to be summer, so the forest makes it summer. YOU HAVE TO BE SO CAREFUL what you think in this stupid forest. It does nice things like makes the fish change colors, but if you think something like “I could just crawl out of my skin” you will literally be skinned lol. Literal-ass forest. 
There is this really beautiful part where Blue tests out the magic. She thinks of blue lilies and it starts raining blue petals. A petal lands on Gansey’s lips. He sits up and is like “Okay. It’s time.” 
Oh, Noah is there by the way. Hanging out with Matthew who is there visiting Aurora Lynch, who lives in the forest. She’s sweet beyond words. Literally a dream girl. If she leaves Cabeswater, she’ll fall back into a coma. Anyway, Noah and Matthew sit in the car to keep time. Because time moves strangely in Cabeswater.
They enter the cave and tie themselves together on a safety line. Ronan in the back, then Blue, then Adam, all led by our fearless leader, Gansey. Gansey orders Ronan to sing a song, so they can mark time (all of their watches have stopped) — He whistles Irish tunes as they walk. He starts by singing the Murder Squash song, which everyone yells at him about.
Things are going great until Gansey vanishes. Adam is yanked to the ground and manages to hold himself. Ronan grabs Blue tightly. Gansey fell down a FUCKING cave hole and for several terrifying moments, he’s not replying to them. With Adam as a counterweight (poor baby laying on the ground lol) Blue is able to peek over the hole and talk to Gansey — who is… UNDERSTANDABLY having a panic attack as he is free hanging over darkness. 
Again. We’re so used to confident, fearless-leader Gansey, it is fascinating to see him terrified. And this scene is terrifying. 
“There is something on my skin and it is reminding me of …” He trailed off. 
“Water,” Blue suggested. “Or mud. It’s everywhere.”
There was nothing but the sound of his breathing, jagged and afraid. 
Everybody realizes all at once that if they think of hornets, the magic is going to manifest as hornets. Don’t do it. Don’t do it. Then they hear the sound of wings. And thousands of moving things. Turns out it’s hundreds of RAVENS that swarm out of the cave to more ghostly chanting “Make way for the Raven King”. Gansey’s like… okay I’m done being in the pit. I’m coming up now. 
The next day, Adam tries to drive into a national forest to do Cabeswater business. It sends him visions and it’s up to him to figure out what they mean. Tarot cards help. He even lined his sink with tin foil and scryed about it! I love the thought of Adam doing psychic shit. Poor baby though… he’s kind of feeling lonely. He sorted out his anger and that’s doing much better. He even thinks of how scared Gansey sounded in the pit. Like too scared to even pull himself up at first. It reminds him of how he stayed with his abusive father. Fear does strange things to us.
Later, the gang (sans Noah) is crammed in the Camaro on their way to pick up Gansey’s British friend Mallory. They’re speculating as to how to explore that pit some more. Adam is passed out against the window from being magical and doing his 3 jobs probably. Ronan is looking out the window. So we get this ADORABLE SCENE FROM GANSEY AND BLUE.
In the rearview mirror, he caught Blue’s eyes by accident. Strangely enough, he saw his own thoughts reflected in her face: excitement and consternation. Casually, out of view of Ronan, making sure Adam was still sleeping, Gansey dangled his hand between the driver’s seat and the door. Palm up, fingers stretched back to Blue. This was not allowed. He knew it was not allowed, by rules he himself had set. He would not permit himself to play favorites between Adam and Ronan; he and Blue couldn’t play favorites in this way, either. She would not see the gesture, anyway. She would ignore it if she did. His heart hummed. Blue touched his fingertips. Just this — He pinched her fingers lightly, just for a moment, and then he withdrew his hand and put it back on the wheel. His chest felt warm. This was not allowed.
Oh god oh god they like each other so much. He’s supposed to die. She can’t kiss him. Oh god.
They pick up Malory and his 30 suitcases and his dog that has anxiety and cram back in the car. Malory talks about this ancient Glendower tapestry he found under his BARN on a leyline in the UK. And he shows them a photo of it. It has 3 women with red hands on it, and they all have Blue’s face. The camera gets passed around the car and everyone agrees, that’s Blue.
Later that night Blue is ambling about the house. She talks to Persephone about how much she misses her Mom and the consensus is “Maura knows what she’s doing. If she wanted help, she’d ask for it.” — In a funk, Blue calls Gansey. Just to hear his voice. They do that a lot. They have a super brief exchange, a little joke, where she says she dialed the wrong number. And she says she might do it again. He says she shouldn’t, but he hopes she does. 
Adam and Gansey take Malory out to see the leyline. Not Cabeswater, but around the mountains of Virginia trying to find another way into that cave. Adam and Gansey have a sweet moment were Adam tells him “I’m glad we’re not fighting any more.” And Gansey tries not to overdo it with how relieved and happy he is. Then Adam goes on to say “Also, sorry about the whole Blue thing. I realize now how crazy I was to try to date her now that she’s one of us. I mean that would be weird right? Like what was I thinking?” And Gansey’s like “HAHA YEAH HAH WEIRD YEP.”
Blue is in school getting ready to talk to the guidance counselor when Noah shows up! I love this line. He’s so cute.
“I think I miss this part,” he said. “The beginning. This is the beginning, right?” 
“First day,” Blue replied. 
“Oh, yeah.” Noah leaned back and inhaled. “Oh, wait, no, it’s the other one. I forgot. I actually hate this part.”
Well the meeting goes poorly and not just because the guidance counselor is a condescending bitch who basically tells Blue she’s not going to be able to afford getting into any good schools. Things go south when Noah becomes a ghost tornado, throws paper everywhere, then dissapears. 
Blue immediately goes to the factory to look for him, but he’s not there. She peeks in Ronan’s room and sees that freaky mask from the last book. The one Calla said to destroy. It has tire tracks on it. That’s when Gansey and Malory get home. Gansey is so happy to see her there, it’s silly. She accompanies him into the kitchen slash bathroom slash laundry room and they have a sweet moment where she’s trying to act okay when she’s not, and Gansey says “We’ll find her.” And they stand really, heartbreakingly close to one another. 
When they come back into the main room, Malory is like “One of your friends is hiding under the pool table.” (Cool that he can see Noah!) and Blue and Gansey try to talk him into coming out. But he’s crying and REALLY upset. Says he’s just tired of decaying and insists they have no idea how this feels. He starts up another ghost tornado, pulling so much energy off Blue she’s feeling lightheaded. But her mom trained her for moments like this. She knows how to visualize her energy and cut it off. So she pulls the plug on Noah’s energy source before he can hurt her or destroy more things. He’s super sad poor baby and just fades away after that. And Blue feels a little fuzzy when Gansey tells her that was impressive.
That night, a well-dressed douchebag comes to the psychic house. Things are going normally until he shuffles the cards, and pulls a three of swords out of it (the heartbreak card) and is like “So ladies, how do I make this happen?” And you don’t fuck with the cards, so there’s instantly something threatening about him. He asks where the third lady is. The one that looks like Blue. And they’re just like GET OUT. So he STEALS Calla’s three of swords card and leaves. DUDE.
Oh god oh god oh god it’s the first day of school at Aglionby, and despite some truly adorable bits with the 3 boys getting along and Adam thanking his lucky stars that everything is okay between himself and his friends… Maggie drops this bomb on us. Their new Latin teacher is fucking Colin Greenmantle… Mr. Gray’s boss from the last book! AHHHHH!! Nooooo!!! Why are all the Latin teachers evil?? This is like the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position in Harry Potter nooooo!!
In the next chapter, we get to know Colin Greenmantle and he’s pretty much awful. So is his wife. They’re renting a farmhouse and while they’re definitely funny and entertaining, they just objectively seem like AWFUL PEOPLE. They’re magical artifact dealers. And have a personal vendetta against Nial Lynch and Colin says he can’t wait to fail Ronan in his class. He kind of reminds me of a man child.
Gansey and Ronan go over to Blue’s house and find the Gray Man play fighting with Calla, or teaching her how to break someone’s wrist. They tell him that their Latin teacher is Greenmantle, and Gray is like… well shit. Okay you kids don’t do anything, I’ll handle it. He tries to warn Ronan that if he does anything stupid, Greenmantle will do something horrific like take one of his brothers’ arms or something. Ronan just storms out. Gansey is sad because his friend is sad, so Blue gives him the fruit at the bottom of her yogurt. That helps a little. 
When Adam gets home from work late, Gansey shows up in his pajamas and an overcoat. He’s there with some kind of excuse about homework, but really he just wanted to chat. Adam realizes something about Gansey is off. He hasn’t really been the same since that moment in the pit. His confidence has faltered. Adam always thought he wanted Gansey to “get a taste of the real world” and experience how scary and unfair it is, but now he’s not so sure. He likes him the way he is. And does what he can to cheer him up in his Adam way. I love this line:
Adam couldn’t remember how they had managed to fight so continuously over the summer. Gansey, his best friend, his stupid and kind and marvelous best friend.
Gansey mentions that when they find Glendower, he wants to wish to bring Noah back to life. Then he heads out. We learn that Adam is hiding a letter with a court date for his father on the shelf. He doesn’t want to tell anyone about it. OH BABYYY!!
Blue gets into a fight with Orla when her cousin basically says “You need to make some actual friends at your actual school and quit hanging out with these rich idiots who are just going to leave you for the Ivy Leagues in a year. Also it’s weird how much you all love each other.” And Blue says “Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Hey Gansey.” And they drive off together with Malory and his dog. They knock on the doors of local hillbillies, one of whom, Jesse Dittley, shows them the cave in his back yard that might be connected to the Cabeswater cave. Only he says it’s cursed, so they can never ever explore it. Now they have to decide if they’re going to persuade Jesse or trespass. 
The Gray Man shows up to Greenmantle’s farm house and points a gun at his wife’s head and the guy doesn’t even give a shit. He just eats cheese crackers while he threatens him. Piper (his wife) doesn’t care either. Greenmantle says he’s going to ruin Gray’s life if he doesn’t turn over the Greywaren in 9 days, and Gray said he’ll consider this and just leaves. I’m like COME ON GRAY. Just SHOOT THESE PRICKS like you SHOT YOUR BROTHER. But then we wouldn’t have a book and I do suppose I want to see what random way this book’s villain ends up dying in the end lol.
Adam is working alone at the mechanic shop at night during a thunderstorm when spooky stuff starts happening. At first he thinks it’s Noah, but he figures out pretty quickly that it’s Cabeswater trying to communicate. It doesn’t really know how else to communicate other then fucking scaring the DAYLIGHTS out of him and warping the scenery and showing him dead people. He scrambles to the tarot cards, flips 3 over, and focuses until he figures out what Cabeswater wants. It’s just a crack that needs to be repaired in the leyline. He’s just gotta move some rocks around somewhere. He says cool, I’ll take care of it this week and the room stops warping into nightmare world. Adam is relieved, but jittery, and it certainly doesn’t help when the fucking albino night horror monster shows up, next. 
Adam is crumpled on the ground when Ronan steps in like “Shoo. Go on, get.” — They exchange some sassy words. Ronan thinks school is lame and Adam tells him to go do his homework. Adam is making very conscious efforts not to fight with Gansey or Blue ever again, but he has a comfortable enough relationship with Ronan to know they will still have many fights. Ronan leaves in a huff. But when Adam gets in his car after work, there’s a jar of DREAM LOTION for his chapped hands that have been driving him crazy in his car. “Manibus” it says (Latin?) “For your hands”
AWWWWWWW YOU GUUYYYSSS!!! I think Ronan has a huge crush on Adam’s hands.
Gansey and Malory have a discussion about Glendower and the 3 people sleeping underground and blah blah blah. Okay then Noah shows up hahaha. They have a super cute exchange over this little metallic snowman Noah found in Ronan’s room. And then Gansey tells Noah he’d like to ask Glendower to give him life. Noah is touched by this, but doesn’t seem to believe it’s possible. The whole time they’re talking, Gansey is touching his ear because he thinks he feels hornets there. Noah stops him and blows cold air on his ears, saying “It’s okay. You’re safe. There’s nothing there.”
Because it was Noah and no one else, Gansey could admit, “I don’t know what I’ll do if I find him, Noah. I don’t know what I’ll be if I’m not looking for him. I don’t know the first thing about how to be that person again.” Noah put the clay in Gansey’s hands. 
“That’s exactly how I feel about the idea of being alive again.”
That’s the end of the chapter. AUGH I love these KIDS!! I love how much they love each other! They don’t behave like realistic teenagers AT ALL. They’re too emotionally mature and kind and intelligent hahaha But I love it all the same!!!
Also? I can’t reiterate enough how obvious it is that Gansey’s near-death experience obviously shook him. He’s been obsessed with Glendower ever since then, puzzled by the nagging feeling of “why me? Why was I saved?” — and he literally doesn’t remember who he was before this obsession. Beautiful character building.
Blue gets into a fight with Calla because she’s in an awful mood and misses her Mom so much it’s driving her nuts. Calla reveals that she misses Maura too, but their powers don’t work where Cabeswater is concerned. They can’t see events happening in it for some reason. Blue finds the list of names she made on St. Mark’s Day and takes it outside. She thought that hillbilly sounded familiar. And sure enough, his name is on the list. The Gray man is out there having a beer and I love that he’s like…part of the family now. They have the sweetest conversation and he sees Gansey’s name on the list. He tells her fate could change. Fate is a promise and promises can be broken. And he has a decision to make before Sunday. 
Gansey is laying in bed at night with his phone on his chest, waiting for Blue to call. Hoping she’ll call. (She doesn’t have a cell so he has to hope she’ll creep down to the reading room and also have insomnia like he does). Just as he’s chastising himself for wanting her to call him, she DOES. And they have a severely stupid conversation about ducks lol. But hearing her voice puts him in such a good mood. They hang up and then Ronan bursts in on him in the kitchen/bathroom/laundry room. There’s a cute moment where he tricks Gansey into listening to the murder squash song on his headphones, and after they laugh about that, he’s finally able to feel happy and go to sleep.
The next day at school, a classmate named Henry Cheng asks Gansey to sign his petition to hold an election for student council. Henry seems really sweet and like a good guy. So it sucks that Ronan is mean to him! Bad Ronan! He’s just crazy jealous. Like Orla said, it’s weird how much these kids platonically love each other.
Alright so Gansey is speaking with the principal about something we don’t know yet… so Ronan takes Adam out to the Barns. He shows him what he’s been working on… Which is trying to dream up an object that wakes up the comatose things his father dreamed. He shows Adam his “workshop”, which used to be Nial’s “workshop”, which is really just a dusty tack room with a chair and a blanket in it. Ronan shows Adam a few objects he’s made. One is this weird mirror, shifty, strange thing that Adam can’t look at for more than a second. When he holds it up to a cow, it’s ears twitch but it doesn’t wake up. 
Ronan reveals that the reason he’s so desperate to make an object like this… is because he realized that HE DREAMED MATTHEW. ON ACCIDENT. When he was a child. Declan told him. So he’s terrified that if/when he dies, Matthew will be comatose, and he doesn’t want that. 
This chapter is also RIFE with Ronan/Adam flirting!
As they moved through the old barn, Adam felt Ronan’s eyes glance off him and away, his disinterest practiced but incomplete. Adam wondered if anyone else noticed. Part of him wished they did and immediately felt bad, because it was vanity, really: See, Adam Parrish is wantable, worthy of a crush, not just by anyone, someone like Ronan, who could want Gansey or anyone else and chose Adam for his hungry eyes.
And when looking at the beautiful pictures in the tack room (contrasting Adam’s father’s office, which was all trucks and pin-up girls):
It was so different from what Adam’s father had pinned to his workspace walls that again Adam considered Ronan’s admiration of him. Someone like him treating someone like Adam as someone worthy —
When Adam asks why he keeps driving all the way out here to dream, Ronan answers that sometimes he dreams of wasps. So he can’t try this at Monmouth. Also, he says, he’s dreamt a punch of epipens and hidden them all over the factory and school. WHICH I TOTALLY CAUGHT. There was a line in the previous book when those thugs are going through the drawers, and an epipen spills out. But I’m pretty sure when we first meet Gansey in book 1, it says that his one and only epipen is in the glove box of the Pig. Anyway, I think it’s sweet that Ronan is scattering them all over the place. Gansey’s allergy is so bad, epipens might not even help, but it’s sweet that he wants to try.
Adam asks why he showed him all this. Ronan replies: “I hear if you want magic done, you ask a magician.”
That night, Blue calls and asks Gansey to tell her a story about the leyline. He does. Then afterwards, he feels all floaty again after getting to hear her voice before bed. 
There was nothing inherently guilty about the moment except that Gansey burned with guilt and thrill and desire and the nebulous feeling of being truly known. It was on the inside of him, and the inside was all Noah ever really paid attention to. The other boy wore a knowing expression. 
“Don’t tell the others,” Gansey said. 
“I’m dead,” Noah replied. “Not stupid.”
Meanwhile, Colin and Piper are like… the dumbest villains ever lol. And I don’t mean conceptually, I mean intellectually. Wow I hate these guys!! Good job Maggie! They’re just so shallow and callous with people’s lives and hurtful and SHALLOW. Piper has a little rat dog now. She reveals to Colin that she bought spelunking equipment because she thinks “Gray’s psychic bimbo” is down in the underground leyline caves. Thank goodness they don’t know where those caves are, right??? EEEHHHH NERVOUS.
Blue takes the car back out to Jesse Dittley’s house and Noah tags along. She strikes a deal with this hillbilly giant that if she cleans up his yard, he lets them explore his haunted cave. There’s a cute little montage of Blue (tiny but strong) getting the job done. Jesse says “Good ant” because she reminds him of an ant lol. 
 When her and Noah are planting the flowers, he starts acting weird. He starts chanting “Blue Lily, Lily Blue” and his eyes turn into black sunken craters and he’s being CREEPY AS FUCK and getting up right in her face. Jesse sees what’s happening and shoves a mirror in between them, which makes Noah shrink away and scream and then dissapear. Jesse makes her spaghettios and they talk about the nature of the haunted cave and how his family has almost been making like… sacrifices for generations? Like he knows one day he’ll go into that cave, and be killed by whatever is in there, then his son will have to come collect the bones. Like he did for his father. (UGH right??)
Well then Calla and Gansey burst into the house PISSED OFF because it’s been 6 hours since she took the car, she only has a learner’s permit, and she has no cell phone so no one knew where she was. When they get back to 300 Fox Way, EVERYONE is there (except Noah obvs). Ronan. Adam. The whole gangs there because they were out looking for Blue. Blue explains how she knows Jesse Dittley is going to die (tells them about the corpse road) and ADAM — our sweet, intuitive, intelligent, beautiful boy — catches on fucking immediately that one of their names is on that list. He knows she’s lying. ADAM IS SO FUCKING SMART. So he finds an excuse to pull her aside and is like “Which one of us is it?” And she is quiet at first, but eventually tells him, Gansey. And Adam is crushed. Then he’s like… well I fucking know what favor we’re asking Glendower for, then. 
Alright, Chapter 26 is a DOOZY.
Blue wakes up pissed off. Just pissed at how unfair and difficult everything is. So she calls Gansey and asks her to come get her. He seems kind of in a mood too. Not a bad one, just a real genuine… no more pithy little dialogue. Just raw and…REAL!
This wasn’t the Gansey she’d seen in the kitchen earlier; this was the Gansey she secretly called at night.
They drive around. Hands holding over the clutch. He teaches her how to drive the Camaro haha. THEN THIS HAPPENS:
She pulled over. She had thought it was such a simple thing to avoid kissing someone when she’d been with Adam. Her body had never known what to do. Now it knew. Her mouth didn’t care that it was cursed. She turned to Gansey. 
“Blue,” he warned, but his voice was chaotic. This close, his throat was scented with mint and wool sweater and vinyl car seat, and Gansey, just Gansey. 
She said, “I just want to pretend. I want to pretend that I could.” 
He breathed out. 
What was a kiss without a kiss? It was a tablecloth tugged from beneath a party service. Everything jumbled against everything else in just a few chaotic moments. Fingers in hair, hands cupping necks, mouths dragged on cheeks and chins in dangerous proximity. They stopped, noses mashed against each other in the strange way that closeness required. She could feel his breath in her mouth. 
“Maybe it wouldn’t hurt if I kiss you,” he whispered. “Maybe it’s only if you kiss me.” They both swallowed at the same time, and the spell was broken. 
They both laughed, again at the same time, shakily. “And then we never speak of it again,” Gansey said, mocking himself softly, and Blue was so glad of it, because she had played the words from that night over and over in her mind and wanted to know he had, too. Gently he tucked her hair behind her ears — this was a fool’s errand, because it had never been behind her ears to begin with and wouldn’t stay. But he did it again and again, and then he took out two mint leaves and put one in his mouth and one in hers.
WHEW!!! Fuckiiiin loved that. Well fuck it’s kind of short lived though. On their way home, they come across Henry Cheng whose car is broken down (at like 3am?? Dude.) so he asks to use Gansey’s phone. And his presence kind of breaks the spell of the night. Blue hates how Gansey’s voice changes when he talks to his Aglionby friends. She tells him this. I think she’s so wound up and hurt from wanting and not being able to have… and probably some dumb part of her 17 year old brain wants to spoil it for reasons other than the curse. 
Because she says some hurtful shit. Like “What was I thinking? You and I would never work. We’re from two different worlds.” Gansey is pretty wise though. He can tell there’s another component than this other than her dislike of how his voice changes when he talks to Henry.
“When are you going to tell me what this is really about?” This made her heave a great shuddered breath that was close to tears. “Never.”
Okay so, I read the next chapter last night? And literally had to put the book down. I was like NOPE! TOO SPOOKY! Too late. Too dark. Too scared. This is what happens:
It’s the day the gang goes to explore Dittley’s cursed cave. It’s raining. Gansey feels off. Just like one of those days where nothing goes right. The mood is sour. His favorite sweater is dirty, so he has to wear one he doesn’t like. YOU KNOW. He’s also like… not ready to find Glendower. He’s like the dog that chases the car and doesn’t know what to do once he’s caught it.
But weird shit starts happening as soon as they enter the cave. Adam is like “shut up Ronan, cut it out. Quit singing.” And everyone says “Ummm Adam? No one is singing.” Then CHAINSAW THE BIRD opens her little beak like a record payer and stars “singing” haunting music about “all hail the Raven king. Here he comes lalalala” and then she flies off into the cave. Ronan is like…. “NO MY BABY!” And wants to go chase after her solo but everyone is like hell to the no, Rone this cave is fucking with us. Gansey asks Adam what he thinks, and when Adam touches the cave wall, his EYES TURN BLACK. I think this is something that’s been happening for a while when he does psychic stuff. He thinks they should keep going and the cave is just trying to scare them as a defense mechanism. 
So they keep going until they find like… basically a tomb. Decorated with statues and carvings and raven stuff and it’s like… this is it. This is the tomb of Glendower. They found it and it was THAT EASY — which just totally unsettles Gansey. The whole time he’s thinking… this is nothing like the vision I had in the spirit tree (because he literally saw that moment and this space looks different. The energy is off). They find a tomb with a big heavy lid/statue on it….
They found Chainsaw by the way and she’s fine lol
And here’s where I was like…nope. Too scary. They open the tomb, and it’s not Glendower. It’s a woman with her wrists and ankles bound, laying FACE DOWN, and when they open the impossibly heavy lid, and it falls loudly, HER HEAD SNAPS ALL THE WAY AROUND TO FACE THEM and she crawls out of the box. The way she’s described, she sounds like “The Ring” girl lol all long black stringy hair. And she’s singing the weird Blue Lily, Lily Blue song and laughing. Gansey flips from nervous and uncertain to calm, collected badass in a second. This lady is in her 20’s and is coo coo bananas. Keeps flirting with all the boys. Singing nonsense. They decide they can’t just leave her in the cave, so they take her out OH FUCK GUYS! REALLY???
I have such a bad feeling about this. The psychics said there were 3 sleepers and only 2 should be woken up. The other one they said ABSOLUTELY NOT TO WAKE.
Well they get outside and it’s raining blood and windy, and the sun is out, and there’s a, um… COMET IN THE SKY?? Gansey says that in the texts, there’s mention of a comet on the day Glendower was buried. The lady says she doesn’t like Adam. She calls him a mongrel (which actually really hurts his feelings). And Gansey sets her straight like “Hey we’ve been nothing but nice to you. His name is Adam Parrish and you will address him as such” and she’s like “YES MY LORD”. Turns out she wasn’t even asleep. This witch was buried and has been lying face down for hundreds of years. They take her to Jesse and she admits to haunting his family and killing his ancestors and is like “SORRYYYYY” and then they stuff her in the suburban. Blue has a cute moment with Jesse and says “We broke the curse, so now you can live happily with you family. Please don’t die” and he’s like “GOOD ANT.”
They take her to 300 Fox Way. 
Calla: “Do you remember how I said that there were three sleepers, and Maura’s job was to not wake one of them, and your job was to wake one of the others? Remember how I didn’t say anything about the other one? I did not mean bring her to my kitchen.”
Okay well at least she’s not the BAD sleeper. I was so afraid of this witch lady at first and now I’m calming down. She’s kind of more silly than anything. She says her name is Sorrow but she speaks in poems so I don’t know how true that is. Calla tells Adam and Ronan to go get supplies for her.
Adam and Ronan exchanged a wide-eyed look. Adam’s look said, What does that mean? and Ronan’s said, I don’t care; let’s get out of here before she changes her mind. Gansey frowned after them as they scrambled to the front door.
Fucking love them. Lol I love the imagery of these two SCRAMBLING for the door. I’d be like yeah let’s get away from the lady that can possess ghosts and birds please. Alright so crazy lady says that Artemis is the one who tied her up!! As punishment? When they untie her hands, she spins around and tells Gansey her name is actually Gwenllian. And he’s stunned, because that’s the name of Glendower’s daughter.
Chapter 29 is Adam and Ronan shopping for Gwenllian (wow that’s a pretty name) and I am here for it. “I don’t even know what to get, a kennel?” — Ronan. This whole scene is really adorable. Watching them throw toothbrushes and shampoo and shit in the cart. Like we all know the guys are friends. But I don’t think we’ve seen so many scenes with Ronan and Adam casually hanging out up until now. They see Colin Greenmantle’s wife with a shopping cart full of gardening stuff that looks dangerous. But they decide to drop it and leave the store.
There’s a random scene in the parking lot where Ronan is like GET IN THE CART PARRISH. And they behave like teenaged boys for a minute and ride/slam the cart Jackass style into Ronan’s BMW. This is so cute and spontaneous, I can understand why I’ve seen so much fan art of it lol. Ronan asks Adam to tell him what he’s researched about Greenmantle so he can get to dreaming about it.
Blue has a sweet conversation with Malory where he reveals his therapy Dog is for anxiety. But he doesn’t really have anxiety. He can sense auras. And when he’s around big crowds, it gets overwhelming. He says that Blue has a BLUE aura… the color of psychics. He also tells her about when he first met Gansey, this young squirrelly teenager who blew in one day then left the next without explanation. He tells her about how he kind of still had some PTSD back then… he’d collapse and claw at his face like hornets were there. I mean poor baby had this wild experience of DYING horrifically, then having a ghost…voice…revive him and tell him about Glendower. Or was it Glendower’s voice?? It’s not specified. They talk about Gwenllian being an illegitimate child of Glendower’s and how she might have been buried in a “shill” grave. Like a fake one to throw off grave robbers.
Okay so um, this next chapter. Fuck. Ronan and Adam are hanging out in the St. Agnes church. It’s night time. No one is there. Ronan takes Adam up to the choir pews where the organ is and a statue of Mary with little candles all around her. It’s very romantic, and they behave accordingly, sneaking glances at each other. Catching each other staring. It’s all very sweet. 
So they get to talking about what to do about Greenmantle. And Adam has this plan…. But it’s a nasty plan. The problem is they need to frame this guy for a murder he actually did commit (hiring a hit man to kill Nial Lynch), but doing that is going to be really hard. So Adam has an idea to frame him for a different type of crime. One that is taken VERY SERIOUSLY and is easier to put people away for. Maggie doesn’t go into details here, but I think it has something to do with…. Illegal… children stuff….. Ronan is VERY NOT OKAY WITH THIS. Because he’s the one that has to dream up the “evidence” to plant on this guy. But he understands why it needs to be done. 
He tells Adam “fuck it. I’ll do it now. Leave and I’ll make your stuff.” And Adam is like “I don’t wanna leave. Also brb I gotta go scry/separate my soul from my body for second to talk to my forest and ask Cabeswater to show you what kind of phone Greenmantle has, so you can dream up a copy.” - the fact that Adam can do this, that he knows how to ASTRAL PROJECT by staring at a flickering candle flame, is so cool. I love that he’s magic now. 
Well when Adam comes back from his conversation with the forest, he finds himself staring at a badly beaten, carved up, dying in pain…Ronan. AUGH the description of it is so gruesome. Adam is horrified, and moves to help, but is interrupted by the REAL Ronan perched up on the pew. He explains that he tried to warn Adam. Sometimes his bad dreams come back with him. He didn’t want him to see stuff like this. (I think Adam is white as a ghost at this point) — Like, HOW MANY TIMES HAS RONAN BURIED HIMSELF? How many times has this HAPPENED? He had to dream a double of himself for the monsters to kill, otherwise he would have brought them out with him in the real world. Ronan is pissed at Adam for making him dream this depraved shit… and seeing what I’m sure is something really private (his dream…deaths..) and they say nasty words after Ronan demands Adam leave.
Back in his apartment, Adam takes a long shower. He’s going through a lot… So it doesn’t help AT ALL when his fucking FATHER shows up at his door and pushes his way in. To Adam’s credit, he doesn’t rise to any of the bait that is being put out there. His father is saying this whole court thing is ridiculous and there’s no way he’ll win. He knows the judge. Adam is just crying for attention. Etc. Etc. Adam like… retreats into himself and can feel and smell Cabeswater and the branches growing protectively around him. His body is in that room, but his spirit is somewhere else. When his dad tries to touch him, he gets pricked, and has a thorn sticking out of his hand. Then he leaves. (So cool)
Adam stood there for a long moment. He wiped the heel of his hand over his right eye and cheek, then dried it on his slacks.
AUGH this poor KID!! Fresh off this traumatic event of watching his friend get brutally murdered… he’s got a magic forest talking to him in his head… and now this douche canoe of a father comes and starts shit. Like WOW why can’t Adam have nice things??
So Colin and Piper are in the cave and you want to hate them, but then they do really funny things. Like Piper is such a dingbat. She brought her dog and is picking up poop in a baggie. You almost, ALMOST like them and then Colin says shit like this: “What I’m going to do is hire a billion million minions to come look in caves for this woman, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll just eviscerate her daughter in front of the Gray Man instead.” - AUGH. FUCK YOU DUDE. Piper stops because she hears something, but we never get confirmation as to what. Colin randomly thinks about people sleeping and wanting to wake up one of them (??Cave, what are you doing??). Then they decide to leave. 
Blue sure wishes her mom would come home. Gwenllian is hella weird and exhausting to be around. But she’s getting more likable too. She’s like the house crazy lady now. Stealing everyone’s clothes, talking to trees, and storing things in her hair lol. Gansey keeps showing up to try to get info out of her, but she’s hard to wrangle. Lately everyone has been busy. Adam and Ronan keep running off to do their thing. Noah hasn’t shown up since he freaked out at Jesse’s house. And Gansey has some mysterious after-school commitment he keeps running off to. 
Gray comes over and Gwen is pulling a vacuum around the house like a dog lol She tells him her sad story of hearing about her Dad’s advisor trying to incite war. So she tried to stab him at dinner. She was sentenced to being buried alive after that. Gray tells Blue that Adam and Ronan HIRED him to help with this Greenmantle framing thing. He won’t tell her details but asks about her haunted cave and if she thought it might be a good place to hide bodies. Then he asks her to show him, so she’s like okay!
Sometimes this book just… makes you forget what you’re reading about lol. Blue tells her aunts the hitman is taking her out, so they go on their adventure. 
I love that Jesse and Blue are friends, and I love that he calls her Ant because she reminds him of these tough African ants he saw in a documentary once. Blue and Gray ask to see the cave, and Jesse is like “Sure but I gotta warn you, weird shits been happening lately” and he shows them. And basically these like… MONSTERS are coming out of the cave. Gray shoots one and it has like…3 heads? Blue thought they broke the curse by taking Gwen out of the cave, but Jesse thinks she was holding these monsters back. So. Now that’s a thing. 
ALSO WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COMET AND THE RAINING BLOOD? Did that go away? I suppose so since society isn’t falling apart??
That night, Gwen comes to Blue’s room with a spoonful of mayo lol. I like her random objects. Gwen, in unhinged sing-song, explains that she and Blue are similar. Blue would call herself a battery. Gwen calls them mirrors. Gwen also says— “YOU’RE A WITCH, HARRY!” And Blue is a little excited at the thought of finally having a name, even if it is witch. Gwen shoves Blue to stand between Neeve’s two mirrors, and when’s he looks to her left and right, her reflection vanishes. But she’s still there in the room. So that’s weird. Gwen eats her mayonnaise. I’m sure those mirrors will mean something later!!
Also I’ve decided I love Gray. He’s on the list with the boys, and Blue, and Maura — the list of people I will be heartbroken over if they die. Gansey is at the top.
Colin notices that his wife is acting super weird. She always stares at herself in the mirror, but when he calls her name she doesn’t respond. She’s staring off into space and then kicks him out of the bathroom.
In Chapter 37, Gansey is relishing moments of high school monotony. The happiness of walking in between Ronan and Adam. Watching the crowd part for them. Dew on the grass. Coffee in the air. Normal teenager shit. They run into Henry who is still on his very passionate quest to convince the administration to instate a student council. Gansey goes to get Henry coffee in the teacher’s lounge, which is adorable that he can just WALK in there and take stuff. Then he hears someone shout Adam’s name, followed by a LOUD NOISE.
Gansey spills back into the courtyard to see that some construction workers dropped a bunch of concrete panels, and it’s broken into pieces — fine shards — all over the courtyard. Ronan and Henry are COVERED in dust. Adam is standing eerily in the center of it, perfectly calm, protected by a bubble of air. Like he’s untouched. The grass around him is completely clean. WE LOVE OUR MAGIC BOY!!! Everyone is taking pictures like “omg Adam you’re so lucky!” I love this exchange:
Gansey leaned and Adam pulled him in even closer, gripping his shoulder tightly. Right into Gansey’s ear, he whispered, voice tinged in disbelief, “I didn’t — I just asked — I just thought —” 
“Thought what?” Gansey asked. 
Adam released him. His eyes were on the circle around him. “I thought that. And it happened.” The circle was absolutely perfect: dust without, dustless within. 
“You marvelous creature,” Gansey said.
Thank you for saying what we were all thinking Gans!
Okay so the next day is the court case. Adam is, understandably, a ball of nerves standing in the courtroom. Cabeswater is there with him in spirit. He can feel leaves wrapping around his body that aren’t really there. Adam is really regretting being there alone, now. He misses his friends. He wished he could get over his pride and let them in. THEN GANSEY AND RONAN SHOW UP. Ronan even tucked his shirt in and did his tie correctly. And Gansey strides up to the judge and shakes his hand because he KNOWS THE GUY and asks to be character witnesses. So the Judge is like “I’ll allow this!” — YOU ARE SO FUCKED ROBERT PARRISH. YOU’RE SO FUCKED!!
Adam has this amazing growth moment of realizing Gansey has always seen him as an equal. It was never a charity case. It was just friendship. Like real love for his friends.
Smash cut to a few days later. I guess we don’t get to find out what happened in court yet! But Adam asks Blue if she wants to come along on Cabeswater business. He’s sitting in a gas station wondering if the pulse in his veins is blood or the leyline and Noah shows up and is like “Yeah I wonder the same thing.” — Adam is like….ummmm did you just reply to my thoughts? Noah’s like I dunno.
OMG can we appreciate this scene, where they turn on the radio and the murder squash song comes on… and Adam panicky and ejects the tape. Blue is like HOW? HOW did that make it off the internet??
Noah cackled and showed them the cassette. It boasted a handmade label marked with Ronan’s handwriting: PARRISH’S HONDAYOTA ALONE TIME. The other side was A SHITBOX SING-ALONG.
Ronan dreamed him a mix tape. So fucking cute. 
They get to the forest and a tarot card tells Adam where to head: 3 boulders making something of a natural gazebo. There he scries, and says he’s never done this in front of people before, so he doesn’t know what he looks like. He thinks it’s not happening at first, but realizes pretty quickly that when he talks to Blue, she’s not responding. And his spirit is outside his body. He figures out that some rocks need to be rearranged on the mountain to help the leyline. Cabeswater asks for the Greywarren and Adam is like nah, he’s not here, just me lol. He figures out that there is more than one Cabeswater and he doesn’t know how awake the others are or if they’re connected somehow. I guess there’s a network of magical forests on the leyline. He drifts and drifts and finds himself in a cave with a spooky red door and a woman who seems familiar, but he’s so in spirit-mode he can’t remember her. A man is with her. They tell him to GO. I think this is Maura and Artemis. But we don’t know. 
Anyway there’s a spooky red door that is eerily enchanting. It’s equal parts terrifying and makes you want to open it like you’ve never wanted anything else in your life… but you’re also afraid. Adam gets sucked into this feeling and almost opens the door when Blue and Noah cut his hand and he gets thrown back into his body. They said he just went blank, and quit blinking, then he quit breathing, so they panicked lol. GOOD FRIENDS.
They move some rocks. The leyline is so happy, Noah is able to look SOLID and human. Not even a smudge. This cute thing happens:
They staggered back toward the trail. Blue’s arm was linked around the back of Noah, and her fingers grabbed Adam’s T-shirt so that they were one creature, a drunken six-legged animal.
Suddenly Adam remembers it was Maura he saw in the cave, and he tells Blue. DUN DUN DUNNN!!
Okay but seriously though, what about the comet and what about the court case MAGGIE??
Persephone calls Adam to have a one last psychic training session, and its at a general store on some rocking chairs. Adam is trying to get some information out of her. Like is Maura alive? How do I save Gansey’s life? But Persephone is all dreamy and just wants to talk about the number 3. And how significant that number is. Then, she vanishes, and Adam asks the clerk if he came here alone or not. And she says he’s just been talking to himself this whole time. 
Oh my god Chapter 41 is NUTS. Blue races home to find Adam and Calla getting ready to do some scrying in the reading room because Persephone is missing. Adam, who doesn’t trust anyone, tells Blue “I’m trusting you” — and Blue and Calla hold his hands. Blue is going to amplify his power and Calla is going to keep an eye on the thread to make sure he doesn’t get lost. If your soul strays too far from your body, you die. Adam’s eyes go completely black. And for a moment, he speaks WITH Persephone’s voice calling out for Maura. But then his voice comes back, calling for Persephone. Calla is finally like “alright, pull the cord” and Blue has to let go of him and sever her energy so he’ll wake up. 
“Cut him off,” Calla snarled. “I know you can. I’ll pull him back!” 
As Calla used her free hand to press a thumb to the center of Adam’s forehead, Blue frantically imagined what she had done to pull the plug on Noah back in Monmouth. Only it had been one thing to do it while Noah threw things about. It was another thing to do it as she watched Adam’s still chest and his empty eyes. Another thing as his shoulders sagged and his face fell into Calla’s waiting hands.
She tried to visualize the white light pouring down to strengthen them, but it was hard when she could see Adam’s body sprawled limply across the end of the reading table. Calla slapped his face. “Come on, you bastard! Remember your body!”
It takes a minute. But when he comes to, he says Persephone is in the house. Around some mirrors? So they race upstairs and they find Persephone between the two mirrors and she is DEAD!! WTFFFF!!!
Gansey and Ronan arrive late because Gansey’s phone was off and Ronan never answers his. Gansey leaves Adam with Ronan on the porch (after saying some very sweet things to the effect of “It’s not your fault, Parrish”) — and goes inside. Calla is SO UPSET. He says he’s going into that cave and he’s going to get Maura back. Calla is like NEAT I’m coming too. He leaves the psychics in the kitchen and goes upstairs to find Blue sitting on the floor by Perseophone’s bed. And we get this adorable scene:
It was against the rules, but Gansey crouched down beside her, one of his knees against her back, one against her knees, and hugged her. She curled against him, hands balled up against his chest. He felt a hot tear slip into the dip of his collarbone. He closed his eyes against the sun through the window, burning hot in his sweater, foot falling asleep, elbow grinding into the metal bed frame, Blue Sargent pressed up against him, and he didn’t move. Help, he thought. He remembered Gwenllian saying that it was starting, and he could feel it, winding out faster and faster, a ball of thread caught in the wind. Starting, starting — He could not tell who was comforting whom.
“I’m part of the useless new generation,” Blue said finally, the words right on his skin. Desire and dread lay right next to each other in his heart, each sharpening the other.
Maggie just… wtf. Beautiful.
Gwen kind of spins into the scene and speaks in songs and riddles. Says something about how Artemis taught her how to borrow people’s eyes. That’s how she spent the last 600 years. She says some riddle about a tree at night and Gansey asks Gwen to come with them to the cave.
Earlier that day or later… I can’t tell:
Adam and Ronan stand badassily in Colin Greenmantle’s field until he notices. They come out there and exchange some threatening words like “I know what you are” to each other, and Adam produces a Manila folder. 
Oh fuck is THIS how it goes down? Is THIS the plan, boys? I thought they were going to anonymously give it to the police or something. This is ballsy, but I have a bad feeling about this. Okay well they tell him that if he’s not out of town by Friday, everything in this folder comes true. Colin is especially unnerved by Adam, who has the same regal, far-off look as Piper who has been staring at the mirrors in a trance all day. The folder contains a CHILD’S SEVERED HAND in a baggie, and tons of emails, photos, texts, etc painting him as a murderer and pervert. Holy shit, game on. 
Colin…to my complete surprise…looks at the folder and is like HAHAHA YEP. Fuck this. Fuck all this. Clearly those boys have the Greywarren and know how to use it and IIIIIII no longer care. Honey! Get your coat. Pack your bags, we’re leaving town.
But Piper says NO. I hired two thugs and we’re driving out to the boonies to enter a cave, because I’m having visions about doors, they’re calling me, and we’re fucking going in the cave. Colin comes along, hoping he can convince her to stop it on the way, but they end up running into Jesse Dittley guarding the cave and she fucking SHOOTS HIM. Gray shows up and tries to stop them, but Piper is in full on badass mode and takes him hostage. Colin and Piper get in a fight, and then she tells him to just leave. Go run off like a coward. AND HE FUCKING DOES JUST THAT.
Alright, so the Gansey gang also enters the cave on the Cabeswater side. Calla stays in the car to keep time with Matthew after Blue begs her. Adam is at the front of the line with Ronan behind him, because they figure Cabeswater is more keen to protect the two of them. Ronan also brought his ghost light, one of his dream objects. Gwen is singing her crazy songs. They find THE PIT and Adam and Ronan opt to go in and check it out first. They’re like… full on besties now. Ronan even squeezes Adam’s arm when they’re looking down the pit as if to say “Don’t fall in”
When they get down there, they find some hornet nests (EEK!!) and between Adam’s magic and Ronan’s dream powers, they transform them into birds. I did not know this was something they could do. But NEAT!! They’re Gansey’s magicians. I think it’s the same Cabeswater magic that manifests your thoughts. 
Okay so then they go get the gang and bring them down there, and they find a massive room occupied by hundreds of animal bones - just standing on the ground, fully in tact and suspended upright. Some of them are from animals that are extinct or thought to not exist, like UNICORNS and primordial beasts no one has ever heard of. Gwen says some shit like “If you cannot wake these beasts, then how do you expect to wake my father?” — and Adam hatches a plan to pull his leyline magic toward Ronan, who has his weird dream object no one can look at, and Blue can amplify, and Gansey can point the rocks accordingly. They almost pull it off, but it’s not working. Then Gansey says, with authority, “Wake up” and the skeletons become real animals. YES. I think Gansey’s magic is… commanding things. He is the group leader, after all. 
The animals start stampeding toward the exit. Ronan and Blue manage to hop on the backs of some of them, and they hop out of the room before Gansey, Adam, or Gwen can follow.
Ronan and Blue adventure! LET’S GO!! They’re in a room with a cave lake that doesn’t make any ripples when you throw stuff into it. Ronan is so done. “Hey, I have an idea! Fuck magic. Fuck this.” — When Blue looks into the lake, she sees her mother’s dead body. Ronan pulls her back, saying it’s a trick. He saw his Dad, even though he’s buried in the ground. 
This is sweet. 
For a moment they remained that way, Ronan holding her as tightly as he would hold his brother Matthew, his cheek on her shoulder. Every time she thought she could go on, she saw the face of her mother’s corpse again. Finally, she pulled back, and Ronan stood up. He looked away, but not before she saw the tear he flicked from his chin. “Fuck this,” he said again.
Man, fuck this cave for showing these kids their dead parents. 
Blue remembers some nonsense Gwen said about mirror magic, and how people (witches?) with their particular ability had mirror powers. So Blue thinks she can walk across the shallow lake and be okay. But it’ll swallow Ronan if he goes in. So she has to go alone. He gives her his ghost light, which is super sweet because that means he has to sit there and wait there in the DARKNESS.
Holy shit. So Blue makes it across the river and finds a small chamber with the creepy red door. The door that holds the sleeper we are definitely NOT supposed to wake up. She finds ARTEMUS there, kneeling and looking worse for wear, then also MAURA BEHIND HIM!! She’s alive!! And she is not okay. Apparently they’ve been down there for a very long time, trying to resist the door. It’s so bad, they can’t move. Blue is okay. She hears the door tempting her, but she is a mirror, so it’s not as bad. She ties her parents’ hands and is determined to get them out of there. 
But then Piper shows up with one of her thugs and Mr. Gray in tow. They exchange words. Piper is truly awful and very stupid — going for the door that is probably promising her fame and money. There’s a scuffle, and for some reason the cave is COLLAPSING while everyone is fighting. I forget why it’s collapsing. Maybe from the stampede. It takes some effort, but Blue and her parents make it out safely, along with Mr. Gray. THANK GOODNESS. 
Okay… but what about THE GUYS?? MY BABIES?????
It jumps to a week later. Everyone made it out okay, yay! They gang is dropping Malory off at the airport. Adam picks at the scabs on his hand and thinks about what Persephone told him:
She had told him that there were three sleepers. One to wake, one to not wake. One in between. The others thought that Gwenllian was the one in between, but that didn’t really make sense, because she’d never been asleep. So he didn’t know if it was true or not, but he sort of liked to believe that the third sleeper had been him.
So that’s interesting. Maybe the third sleeper was Adam’s psychic ability. 
One is definitely Glendower. 
One is maybe Adam.
The third is some kind of bad no no we don’t want to wake up. 
Alright well in the epilogue, Piper wakes up in the cave. And NEEVE IS THERE. FUCKING NEEVE. And Neeve says “Hey, wanna get out of this cave? Help me wake them up.” And Piper is like “Fuck yeah!” And they OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR. FUCK!
And this?
The sleeper wasn’t human. Piper wasn’t sure why she’d expected it would be. Instead, it was small, and black, and shiny, with more legs than she’d expected. It was powerful. Neeve said, “We have to do it at the same time to get the fa —” Piper reached out and touched it before Neeve could move. “Wake up.”
And that’s the end of book 3!!! 
As always I’m finishing this book like “HAHA I LOVED IT! I THINK? What happened???” — like some of those parts felt rushed. I wanted to see the courtroom scene, but understand why that was cut. (Would have liked to hear the results of it, anyhow!). Still curious about the comet and raining blood lol. And the 3 headed monsters that were spilling out of the cave? What were Gansey and Adam doing while Ronan and Blue were trapped in the room with the mirror lake?? Is Artemis just like, out in the world now? Is it going to be weird with Mr. Gray there. 
Well all the same, I love this book. I love these characters and their severely strange and often scary adventures. I love the relationship emerging between Gansey and Blue. I love the relationship emerging between Adam and Ronan. I love Noah. He’s scary and adorable all in the same breath. They’ve got their group dynamic DOWN with the king, the mages, and the mirror. Everyone is starting to realize their powers, even Gansey, whose power is inspiring everyone and being POSITIVE. EXCELSIOR!
There’s one more book in this series and I’m not ready. AUGH. Here we go. 
Deadass Rating: 7.5/10
Unofficial theme song: “Cosmic Love” by Florence + the Machine
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reikuto · 3 years
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WARNINGS! — cursing, mentions of blood
CHARACTERS! — kaidou, saiki, nendou, haidou, aren
CONTENT! — fluff? sorta?
A/N! — tried to make it shorter cause i feel like all the writing in my previous posts might’ve overwhelmed people but i don’t think there’s much of a difference rip asf
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KAIDOU loves watching fantasy/adventure movies! ugh, the dragons, the magic, the epic sword fights, he just loves all of it! his eyes are glued to the screen every second of the movie and he will hush you if you try to talk. no commentary allowed, he needs to focus on the story. if you couldn’t tell, he’s very serious about his movie watching experience. if you guys happen to go to the movie theater, he will leave it thinking he is a literal god. will shout for dark reunion to come after him if they dare. (feel like he’d be a fan of the narnia franchise, lord of the rings, arthur and the minimoys, enchanted etc.)
SAIKI loves watching si-fi/action movies! they just feel the most relatable to him in terms of all the science fiction and y’know, him having like, every single power known to man. he also feels that they all have the most interesting plots and even more shocking twists. you find it really cute when a scene catches him completely off guard and his mouth just forms an small ‘o’. lowkey gets really hyped while watching; he’d stand up and gets closer to the tv, place his hands on his hips in frustration, or literally teleport out of the room when he can’t believe something just happened. you find it all very amusing. (feel like he’d like some wierd ass fucking movies like sharknado, snakes on a plane, sharktopus vs pterocuda, etc. because they’re so random that he can never predict anything and that excites him. you however are very caught off guard by his unique choice of movies)
NENDOU loves watching comedies! they’re entertaining and hilarious, what’s not to love about a classic comedy? except, spoiler alert, he’s extremely picky with his movies. like, if that shit doesn’t have him laughing in the opening scene, it’s over, he’s completely lost interest. which is usually what happens, because he has a varying sense of humor. on that note, if the movie does suit his standards, this man is laughing up a literal storm. his face gets all pink from how hard he’s cackling and he slaps his thigh like a doofus. even if the movie isn’t quite for you, you’re usually laughing with him because his laugh is so infectious. (i think he’d like shit like super bad, grown ups, neighbors, etc.)
AREN loves watching psychological thrillers! something about them just really fascinates him. like, horror movies are ok, but they can get repetitive at times. you could be screaming in his literal ear from the bloody axe murderer that just popped up on the screen and he’ll be sitting causally beside you, watching the scene unfold. but with psychological thrillers? this boy is on the edge of this seat the entire time, knee bouncing up and down as he watches the characters interact. he’s the type to get very invested in the characters and get really pissed when they die. he just enjoys movies that make him think and like, reflect on what he just saw. (probably enjoyed parasyte, midsommer, we need to talk about kevin, hush, etc.)
HAIRO loves watching feel good movies! ugh, he thrives off the boost of energy he gets when he watches a great film. let’s be honest, he 100% loves the feel good sport movies in particular. gets heavily invested in the characters and their stories and most definitely cries while watching their struggles. when it comes to scenes where characters have to score a winning point or something, he gets out of his seat and starts yelling and chanting. if they do win, this boy is jumping all over the damn place, practically roaring. (most definitely likes the blind side, bring it on, soul surfer, the karate kid, etc.)
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Alright it’s time Critical Role Campaign 3 Episode 1 Thoughts:
-Oh God it makes me so happy to see them back at the table together
-that ad was surprisingly normal... is sam okay?
-ah there it is
-not gonna lie... that was actually kinda catchy
-sorry matt it’s a thing now
-european store? great news for us... not so great news for our wallets...
-starting at level 3... so everyone should have their subclass already... cool
-imogen, human, sorcerer for laura
-laudna, warlock/sorcerer, for marisha ...looks like a vampire?
-security camera birds... that’s cool
-ahh bureaucracy... good thing beau isn’t here. she would have punched that woman in the face already... and she would have deserved it
-read thoughts? abberant mind sorcerer maybe?
-okay laudna is great
-ashton, earth-genasi, barbarian for taliesin
-ashton is a mood
-Fresh Cut Grass, Warforged? cleric for sam...
-oh my gods it’s the Ash Holes!!!!! yes i know they decided on crown keepers but i like ash holes more
-i’m kinda sad that opal isn’t with them... she was my favourite
-dorian is clapping for the pilot... that immediately makes him my least favourite character in all of critical role... WHY DO PEOPLE DO THAT?!?
-wait didn’t aabria give them like a billion platinum? and several super strong magic items? that seems like a real problem for balancing
-wasn’t he still wearing the earring? how did fearne do that?!? i had someone rip off an earring once and belive me you would notice that... it hurts... and bleeds... like a lot!!!
-okay they’re fighting furniture now... BEAUTY AND THE BEAST PROTOCOL EVERYONE!!! yes that’s a Oxventure reference
-channel divinity: sympathetic binding? so F.C.G. is a homebrew subclass?
-feels wierd to have someone rage without travis cheering them on
-gravity build? ashton is homebrew too?
-travis is here!!!!
-so travis is... just some old dude?... he didn’t even get a character portrait
-a spiritual tomato... never change sam... never change
-”I’m gonna fuck the rug” - marisha ray 2021
-F.C.G. can take the damage for his teammates? that reminds me of my Oath of Matyrdom Paladin
-bertrand is level 5? So he’s probably just temporary right?
-okay lisa just told me that Bertrand is from some one-shot from Campaign 1 but apparently he was level 18 in that... confusing
-SAM!!!! just... why?
-INSIGHT CHECK!!!! Oh i’ve missed that
-and he stole the fucking earring! AND GOT PAID FOR IT!!!
-We’re only at the break now?!?
-i just love these first party meetings everyone is always so awkward and mistrusting at first
-lisa just cheered when marisha said that Laudna is from whitestone
-wow travis is really trying to make this guy every stereotypical old person ever huh?
-orym seems like he’s already regretting everything
-so dorian basically just went: “anyway here’s wonderwall”
-this is already so much chaos! and we’re only in episode 1
-you know i never thought about if warforged need to take a shit
-okay apparently they don’t... they just vomit out what they can’t process
-what a fucking cliffhanger
Final Thoughts: What the Fuck! i was not ready for any of that. these characters are great. I do feel like bertrand and maybe the Ash Holes aren’t going to be permanent members of the party though... Imogen seems genuinly nice which is rare for DnD characters, F.C.G. is... well... sam..., Ashton is really cool and i really wanna know what laudnas whole deal is she’s my favourite so far. anyway i already can’t wait for the next episode
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Five years ago, the women on this site who treated me like trash over loving Labyrinth and shipping Jareth/Sarah were almost always obliviously consuming Radfem propaganda, or were out and out Radfems/Terfs themselves.
They were the types of people who casually threw the word “pedophile” around against grown women who shipped an adult Sarah with Jareth, aka literally one of the most popular ships for women in fandom for 30 years.
Pretty much invariably, these women had serious sex-negative anxieties, which included a severe paranoia about any and all kink and fetish, and porn in general. I saw a lot of shocking, fear-mongering propaganda surrounding sexual expression. Pretty much invariably, their method of approach involved immediate personal shock-value attacks on anyone they perceived to be “bad.”
Today, you can look at the way some people react to other popular so-called “problematic” ships and recognize the same toxic, fear-mongering rhetoric coming from women who consider themselves regular, trans-inclusive feminists. Sometimes it even manifests in the words of very well-meaning people (including myself here), who feel the need to talk about specific issues that pertain to their own experiences of trauma and oppression.
The people who shit on Labyrinth often seem to not really be able to comprehend that the Goblin King, like the film itself, is canonically a representation of a teen girl’s psyche, a soup of fears and anxieties and desires and dreams. He’s not a literal human adult preying on a literal child, and to read the film that way seriously undermines the entire point of the film. 
When I (and people of many fandoms) say “This is fiction, calm down,” I’m not just saying it’s not real so it cant hurt you and you can’t criticize me. I’m trying to call attention to what fiction actually is - artistic representations of feelings and experiences. The Goblin King is Sarah’s fiction. Therefore, he can be anything she or any woman who identifies with her wants him to be, including her lover when she’s grown and ready for such a thing.
I once took an alarming dive into Beetlejuice fandom to see what content was there (the cartoon was a favorite when I was little). Chillingly, what you’ll find is an extremely wounded fanbase, with a sharp divide between the older women who had long been shipping BJ/Lydia because of their love for the cartoon series (and whom were previously the vast majority of the Beetlejuice fandom), and a massive amount of young people riding the wave of the musical fad who had decided that the entire old school Beetlejuice fandom was populated by literal pedophiles. 
I saw death threats. Suicide baiting. Constant, constant toxic discourse. It did not matter how the BJ/Lydia fandom dealt with any particular issues that would exist in their ship, in fact I’m certain that the people abusing them cared very little to even consider if they were trying to handle it at all. The only thing that mattered was that they were disgusting subhuman scum asking for abuse. If you have at any time reblogged recent Beetlejuice fan art or content from fans of the musical, you have more than likely been engaging positively with the content of someone participating in toxic fandom behavior.
Nobody is really sticking up for them, either, as far as I saw. It’s really hard to imagine how painful it must be to have such a large group of people explode into into your relatively private fandom space to tell you that you are evil, vile, and deserve constant abuse, and also you are no longer allowed into the fandom space to engage in it’s content. But I think there’s something very alarming indeed about this happening specifically to the BJ fandom, and I’ll explain why. 
The pop-culture characterization of Beetlejuice, which is heavily influenced by the cartoon series to be clear, has always in my mind been a vaguely ageless being who matches with the psychological maturity of whatever age Lydia is supposed to be. He’s more or less like an imaginary friend, a manifestation of Lydia’s psyche. In fact, I would argue that i think most of us who grew up with the cartoon or it’s subsequent merchandizing before the musical ever existed probably internalized the idea as BJ and Lydia as this ageless, salt-and-pepper-shaker couple beloved by the goth community, similar to Gomez and Morticia. In each version of canon he may be a creepy ghost in the literal sense, but any adult who is capable of identifying literary tropes (even just subconciously) would read cartoon!BJ as an artistic representation of a socially awkward outcast girl’s inner world. Lydia’s darker dispositions and interests, which alienate her from most others, are freely accepted and embraced by her spooky magical friend. BJ/Lydia in the cartoon were depicted as best friends, but to my memory there was always an underlying sense that they had secret feelings for each other, which I identified easily even as a small child. In fact, their dynamic and behavior perfectly reflected the psychological development of the show’s target demographic. They are best friends who get into adventures and learning experiences together, who have delicate feelings for each other but lack any true adult romantic/sexual understanding to acknowledge those feelings, let alone pursue them.
Though I haven’t seen the Musical yet, I’ve read the wiki and I would argue that it embodies this exact same concept even more so for it’s own version of the characters, in that Beetlejuice specifically exists to help Lydia process her mother’s death.
This is not a complicated thing to recognize and comprehend whatsoever. In fact, it looks downright blatant. It’s also a clear indicator of what BJ/Lydia means to the women who have long loved it. It was a story about a spooky wierd girl being loved and accepted and understood for who she was, and it gave them a sense of solidarity. It makes perfect sense why those women would stick with those characters, and create a safe little space for themselves to and imagine their beloved characters growing and having adult lives and experiencing adult drama, in just the same ways that the women of the Labyrinth fandom do. That’s all these women were doing. And now, they can’t do it without facing intense verbal violence. That safe space is poisoned now.
Having grown up with the cartoon as one of my favorites and been around goth subculture stuff for decades, I was actually shocked and squicked at the original Beetlejuice film’s narrative once I actually saw it, because it was extremely divorced from what these two characters had evolved into for goth subculture and what they meant to me. It’s not telling the same story, and is in fact about the Maitland's specifically. In pretty much exactly the same way two different versions of Little Red Riding Hood can be extremely different from each other, the film is a different animal. While I imagine that the film version has been at the heart of a lot of this confused fear-mongering around all other versions of the characters, I would no more judge different adaptations of these characters any more than I would condemn a version of Little Red in which Red and the Wolf are best friends or lovers just because the very first iteration of LRRH was about protecting yourself from predators.
I would even argue that the people who have engaged in Anti-shipper behavior over BJ/Lydia are in intense denial over the fact that BJ being interested in Lydia, either as blatant predatory behavior a la the film or on a peer level as in the cartoon (and musical?) is an inextricable part of canon. Beetlejuice was always attracted to Lydia, and it was not always cute or amusing. Beetlejuice was not always a beloved buddy character, an in fact was originally written as a gross scumbag. That’s just what he was. Even people engaging with him now by writing OC girlfriends for him (as stand-ins for the salt-and-pepper-shaker space Lydia used to take up, because obviously that was part of the core fun of the characters), or just loving him as a character, are erasing parts of his character’s history in order to do so. They are actively refusing to be held responsible for being fans of new version of him despite the fact that he engaged in overt predatory behavior in the original film. In fact, I would venture to say that they are actively erasing the fact that Musical Beetliejuice tried to marry a teenager and as far as I’m aware, seemed to like the idea (because he’s probably a fucking figment of her imagination but go off I guess). The only reason they can have a version of this character who could be perceived as “buddy” material is because...the cartoon had an impact on our pop cultural perception of what the character and his dynamic with Lydia is. 
We can have a version of the Big Bad Wolf who’s a creepy monster. We can have a version who’s sweet and lovable. We can have a version that lives in the middle. We can have a version who’s a hybrid between Red and the Wolf (a la Ruby in OUAT). All of these things can exist in the same world, and can even be loved for different reasons by the same people.
I’ve been using Beetlejuice as an example here because it’s kind of perfect for my overall point regarding the toxic ideologies in fandom right now across many different spaces, including ones for progressive and queer media, and how much so many people don’t recognize how deeply they’ve been radicalized into literalist and sex-negative radfem rhetoric, to the point where we aren’t allowed to have difficult, messy explorations of imperfect, flawed humans, and that art is never going to be 100% pure and without flaw in it’s ability to convey what it wants to convey.
This includes the rhetoric I’ve seen across the board, from She-Ra to A:TLA to Star Wars to Lovecraft Country. We don’t talk about the inherent malleable, subjective, or charmingly imperfect nature of fiction any more. Transformation and reclamation are myths in this space. Everything is in rigid categories. It is seemingly very difficult for some of these people to engage with anything that is not able to be clearly labeled as one thing or another (see the inherent transphobic and biphobic elements of the most intense rhetoric). They destroy anything they cannot filter through their ideology. When women act in a way that breaks from their narrative of womanhood (like...not having a vagina), then those women must be condemned instead of understood. Anything that challenges them or makes them uncomfortable is a mortal sin. There is an extraordinary level of both hypocrisy and repressive denial that is underlying the behavior I’m seeing now. Much like toxic Christian conservatism, these people often are discovered engaging in the same behaviors and interests that they condemn behind closed doors (or just out of sheer cognitive dissonance). As an example, one of the people who talked shit to me about Labyrinth was a huge fan of Kill La Kill, which to my knowledge was an anime about a teenage girl in like, superpowered lingere (hence why I stayed the fuck away from that shit myself). Indeed, they even allow themselves plenty of leeway for behavior far worse than they condemn others for, and create support systems for the worst of their own abusers. 
Quite frankly, I’m tired. Instead of talking about theoretical problematic shit, we need to start talking about quantifiable harm. Because as far as I can tell, the most real, immediate, and quantifiable harm done because of anybody’s favorite ships or pieces of media seems to consistently be the kind that’s done to the people who experience verbal violence and abuse and manipulation and suicide baiting and death threats from the people who have a problem.
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hanawrites404 · 4 years
Wynne's Diary - Sacrifice
Immolation, hecatomb, oblation, renouncement, surrender, resign, cede, waive, forgo, forfeit, abdicate, relinquish,
This array of words I just mentioned above sound different and unique but carry the essence of only one meaning. That is, giving up on something essential of yours in exchange of something or someone equally or more than dear to you.
Sounds like a good deal, right?
Well you are a fucking lunatic then.
Because unfortunately, I don't think so.
I find sacrifices stupid and a waste of energy and potential. Not only do they deprive you of your true aptitude of survival but they also make you greedy of attaining the better good of others and turns you into a masochist if you overdo it.
If you are sacrificing for others, first it weakens you and second, you might not even get repaid for it so it's better to consider it as a loss than expect people to be grateful and return the favour back.
And if you are telling me that the safety of the one you are giving up your necessities for is enough for you to be happy, you are fucking twisted.
I consider Asra as one of the twisted ones. He offered half of his heart to the Devil and had to wait for 9 years just to bring back a dead person he somehow adored so much.
When he told me his story of him and the dead person he sacrificed his heart for at the Lazaret, anger and turmoil consumed me. I still remember how I subconsciously yet deliberately raised my hand on him to slap his face hard enough to leave a red mark.
I even remember how intensely I was trying not to break down that day..............
I yelled and scolded him, pulling and pushing roughly and doing literally everything in my power to make him feel guilty and realise his mistake of sacrificing for such a useless past, but he didn't even flinch a bit. I was shocked to see his resilience and courage he mustered in front of me that it left me heartbroken and questioning his stubborn conscience.
Just who in the world was this 'apprentice'?? And what type of spell or magic did they cast on My Dear Asra??
Because I don't think this is love..........
This is some kind of wierd obsession...........
...........Or am I just getting jealous.............
Who knows...............
Signing off,
Wynne Toprak 🍋
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sadbastard-bug · 4 years
Guess what I'm going to do that no one asked for!? That's right!
Im going to explain my DA, Y/N the wierd markiplier world.
I just wanna get the thoughts out! Fuck this is so long i-...
Slight warning for unhealthy relationships but who expects theses guys to be healthy?
The da grew up as a poor country kid who worked thier whole life to get into a good college. Eventually they succeeded and landed in one of thier states best colleges where they majored in law, this is where they met damein and actor who lived on the same dorm floor. They three were a trio for thier whole time there. Over time da started feeling those not so straight thoughts for damien. Da also met the guys before him. William and da got along well both seen as strange, celine however not so much
Weather they got off on the wrong foot is unclear but the two have a strong distaste for one other. Celine didnt quite enjoy how cutthrought da was in thier practice and da thought celine was messing with things she shouldn't (magic ya know?) Anyway this did cause a bit of unease in the group till they just decided to keep the two separate.
The last year of college da confessed to damein and the two got together much and soon celine got with mark. So now the two are even more at odds. Scince das dating celines brother and celine is dating das best bud.
Anyway years go by and the group all do great in thier respected fields, damein and da get secretly engaged (gay marriage is a no no in the 20s as we all know) and move to the rim of the town. Life is sweet until bam! The tragic cheating plot.
Once da finds out celine broke thier best freinds Heart and their fiance coverd it up thier quite angry. Da spends days with mark making damien a bit jealous until he finally get da to give mark alone time. That time leads to the entity influence and the party plot.
Party plot we all know. They arrive, people die, bodies get snatched and da is trapped by dark in a mirror. But there aren't any entities in the home anymore..leaving the da truly alone. They spends years trapped repeting the party in thier mind trying to justify why anyone would do something like that and break. Left over demonic house magic and da pure emotion leads to da being the new entity, left alone they plot revenge against everyone..
Then one day an unsuspecting man wanders in, da steals his body, drops thier title going to y/n and sets off to find actor. They find him and after making some soft lie about how they got out convince actor to let them stay. While staying with actor the begin thier own revenge.
They convince actor they've forgiven him and feed into his god/hero complex only making actor worse but y/n can deal. Soon y/ns got actor convinced that y/ns his willing love interest. (Y/n does still care for everyone but they're trying to repress that under all the hurt) actor and y/n are now a very unhealthy power couple going on to many adventures where y/n tricks actor into thinking hes leading when y/as really calling the shots.
Dark and y/n meet again throwing y/n into a wierd emotional state before they start playing jerk.
So to put it simply....y/n was hurt by two people they loved deeply and while they do still care for them, the demonic magics got them caught up in thier revenge. Really though y/n just dosent want to be left again. They convince actor there together so hell never leave and feed his ego to keep him happy while the run off to play snake and mongoose with thier ex dark. Fighting thier want for revenge with thier feelings.
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pangtasias-atelier · 4 years
This is not ask about kinks (No offence btw i don't which word to replace kink with). in previous ask, you said you didn't like the canon of Tormod and Muarim origins right? so i would to ask what type of canon would you give them if you could? I also like ask, if the Tellius saga ever get a revamp/remake, what would be biggest wish fullfill? for me its Tormod reclassing into a melee class / Laguz Army to availability more...
Oh, it's okay! No worries lol, this is a kink blog after all.
As for Muarim & Tormod, I would honestly just prefer it for Muarim to have literally found Tormod out of nowhere and took him in. Like that's just so much better than the wierd little dynamic of Tormod basically being the son of Muarim's ex master and Muarim taking him Tormod in when the noble house falls.
Honestly, my biggest wish fulfilment would just be getting supports in RD. Like, that alone would be so beautiful. Hell, they could even keep the mini supports and make it so that those are a super small in battle bonuses.
And although a remake with both games would be phenomenal, let's face it, Nintendo is a company and they are as greedy as all hell just as every other company so they'll be their own remakes
Though there's a lot more to help RD. Even though it's already really damn great imo. But if the legitimate fixes, I'd say this:
Fix availability. Tormod, Muarim, and Vika really have no business joining for like 3 chapters before leaving until the last 6 chapters with their stats from part 1 lmao
Also, BALANCE. When people say RD is the second most unbalanced game, they mean it. The difference in usefulness in characters is astounding. Also, Dawn Brigade still in tier 2 classes while Greil Mercenaries are already hitting tier 3 is ridiculous and pretty dumb
Laguz gauge. It's not terrible but I still feel that PoR gauge would work much better, especially with olivi gras and such. Also , Laguz being locked to single range hurts them so much since RD is pretty enemy phase heavy.
Weapon balance. Magic is pretty bad and also had terrible caps. Laura has amazing speed growths but can't take advantage of it since her caps are awful.
Difficulty balance: Part 1 shouldn't be the most difficult part of the game when there's three more parts after it.
Writing: part 3 aside, (I don't know how to fix it without making Pelleas look ever worse than he already did by signing that blood pact lmao) part 4's writing kinda comes across as a generic "series crossover game" it's not bad and it also serves in showing tensions between characters. But it also highlights favoritism, Skrimir praising Micaiah while ready to murder Naesala. And also Pelleas getting off the hook easy from Tibarn.
And as for personal wishes:
I wanna save Zelgius. He's by no means this innocent character people love to paint him as, but it bothers me that you can save Lehran but not Zelgius
Change Pelleas's "death" scene in part 2. The fact that the only difference is suddenly getting the option to have Micaiah jump in the way just feels so cheap. I will say Pelleas' death is kinda just a punch on the first playthrough since the option kinda does give some false hope to sparing him. And it ultimately becomes a complete waste. (though Pelleas does get forgotten afterwards sadly)
Give more screentime to Skrimir and Sanaki. The two are great characters as is, but it would've been fun getting a chapter or 2 with them to help solidify their arcs.
Also, give Pelleas and Elincia some more screentime
Ike. He's great and I love him, but godamn is he just this absolutely perfect child that can do no real wrong and everyone praises him so much. Granted, his growth was already in PoR but still. (Praise Micaiah's lines dissing Ike, it's just such a great fresh view in seeing how the losing country sees the game's hero after that other FE games don't do)
Speaking of Ike, it honestly would've been cool seeing him get a more supporting role instead of just blindsiding everything and taking over. But that never goes well in games. Look at the fandom with Micaiah lmao. (And also Tales of with the Symphonia sequel)
Stop the whole Astrid x Makalov thing. I just hate the ship lmao
And that's just for RD sjdhsjnsksb it's really obvious how much I love Tellius. But admittedly, they're all nitpicks than any actual true flaws.
As for PoR, it's been so long since I played it, but it honestly has like no real narrative flaws that I can find? I just vastly prefer RDs ambitious scale of writing vs PoR's take on the whole basic FE plot.
As for gameplay stuff
Balance magic a bit, lightning is too good. And that not, bring back tier 1 light mages and also bring back dark magic.
Give us Maniac Mode!!
RD's improved UI and models alongside the skills
Make knives way better and let Sothe promote. Unpromotable tier 1 classes is the worst idea ever. Unless you're a dancer, you should be able to promote.
Let Laguz weapons rank up
Give Elincia more screentime. I love her and like yeah, not every women needs to be this badass warrior, but the Nyna archetype is just so done at that point. (But hey, she still turns it on it's head by the end. And so does Pelleas)
And that's all I can think of really.
Again, I'm such a huge Tellius nerd lmao. Though I currently believe FE6 will get remade first. Tellius is still too recent, and intys probably doesn't wanna touche the incest plot shit in FE4 and FE5 also has to get passed up for a remake due to being in Jugdral.
God this is so fucking long sjdbjsvavsvs
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hellobrockie · 5 years
Some very long Rambly TROS thoughts
Holy fuck there is so much wrong with this movie.
Let's start at the beginning. Kylo tracks down the wayfinder/holocron crystal thing that will lead him to the sith homeworld. We learn that Palpatine was behind both the Snoke and Vader voices in Kylo’s head-basically the dude has been manipulating him for 30 years. Kylo states very clearly he's gonna kill this motherfucker. This is very in line with the Last Jedi- Kylo wants to destroy everything- the Sith the Jedi the Resistance- because he’s tired of the constant push-pull of rejection and manipulation. BUT THEN HE DOESNT KILL PALPATINE???? At first the film argues that he doesn't kill Palps because Palps promises him the big FINAL ORDER fleet? Okay...but I don’t think Kylo really gives a shit about a big fleet of ships when it's offered by the fucker who has been scrabbling his brains for shits and giggles. Once the ‘Rey Palpatine’ thing comes to light, we are lead to believe Kylo went along with the whole final order plan because he wanted to kill Palpatine together with REY???? Ahh okay? 
So now we switch back to Rey. She's basically a jedi, cool. And I guess the Skywalker saber just fixed itself, with literally no scars or anything. A great visual representation about how this film feels about character development that happened in The Last Jedi. So Rey breaks concentration and fails the courses. According to the film, this happens because sheisapalpatine. If you had two brain cells you would realize Rey could be upset for normal reasons ...like that in order to the Resistance to win she’s going to have to put Kylo down like a dog. Its kinda cool that Leia is her teacher (more on that later).
Soo then we spend the next hour on a pointless adventure with the Trio™. Which would be fun, if they were ever established as a Trio. Arguably the real trio might be Rose-Finn-Poe. More on Rose later. Here is a list of incomprehensible things that happen here:
Kylo reforges his mask. Because Reasons? The knights of Ren. Because Reasons?
A handful of force bond scenes. The first one actually isn’t half bad. By wearing the mask, Kylo is rejecting the intimacy inherent to the connection because he is about to  defile it. Grabbing Rey’s necklace is a physical and emotional violation. It's the first time he has ever used the connection for personal gain.  The other connection scenes mostly just play around with the two of them being able to pass each other stuff. They lack the careful editing of TLJ connection scenes. Disclaimer: I’m a pretty hard core Reylo and these scenes really lacked the magic they previously had.This might be un-purpose Kylo is clearly pretty lost as this point.  Dull, lacking in heart like so much of this film. 
Kylo becomes a cartoon power ranger villian spouting Palpatine exposition and attempting to create suspense by almost catching the trio a couple times. Some of the dialogue is almost Revenge of the Sith Anakin level awkward.  It lacks both the unstable angry energy of FA or the sad tired boi energy of TLJ. 
Rey makes force lighting because I guess she was upset and it's a genetic ability now???
Poe gets a female love interest, becuase hes heterosexual. HeTeroSeXUal.
Poe and Finn flirt for a whole hour while Poe checks out some new chick and Finn now has a harem thing kinda. 
Poe is now a spice trader. BECAUSE YOU KNOW HE'S THE HAN SOLO OF THE TRILOGY. Let's just forget that TLJ establishes that Poe is his own character, probably loyal to the resistance since birth. His parents are rebellion alumni.
Two death fake outs. I don’t know why they had to give 3PO his memories back. He lost them at the end of the Prequels and R2 loved him anyway. Chewbacca capture was a missed opportunity to get some resolution to him shooting Kylo in the gut. 
Hux is the spy. Lovely. He is the ultimate weak bitch. Tbh the most consistent character development. Arguably my favorite detail on the entire film. Perfect execution. Domhnall Gleason is a gift. 
Now onto Endor. Endor has so much potential and squanders most of it.
Finn meets other people who left the stormtrooper program. Cool. Weird how it's tied to force sensitivity. I like the idea of the force putting Poe and Finn in the right place at the right time, but I think to imply people’s ability to escape slavery is tied to force sensitivity brings us to the problematic terrority of the sequels. Also the only one who talks to Finn is also black. And Clearly has a romantic vibe. Okay…..
The Rey Palpatine thing is made explicit. Even though anyone will half a brain figured it out 90 minutes ago. More wierd implications…..who would agree to fuck an old man Palpatine? So Rape i guess. Rey’s parents were normal...is this some kinda side material hook to read more about them or some shit??? Kylo refers to Rey’s parents as ‘filthy junk traders’. He's right. THEY SOLD HER INTO FUCKING SLAVERY. However Rey’s parents are good people??? WTF THIS IS THE JEDI COUNCIL ALL OVER AGAIN.
 Soo Kylo destroys the wayfinder to force Rey to work with him. Anti-Reylos will often get their panties in a twist about how it’s an ‘abusive relationship’. This is the only scene that really comes off as manipulative- in a way it never did in TLJ. Partly because they play up this idea of power-hungry Kylo (which has little basis in reality. In FA he just wanted to make Snoke his daddy. And TLJ Kylo is just soo fucking lonely) rather than sad boi Kylo trying to hold onto someone. Damn the TLJ throne scene is soo careful with getting that energy right, balancing the heartbreak with a little gaslighting (sorry off topic).  Then They Fight. Kylo doesn’t even pull out a saber at first because he literally has no intention of killing her. Rey fights because she's mad. Leia decides to intervene at this time, which is weird because Kylo still has no intention of hurting Rey. Apparently Leia sending Kylo a text is enough to freak him out. THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN THE TIME FOR FLASHBACKS, MAYBE A ‘YOU’RE MY ONLY HOPE’ TO TIE HIM BACK TO HIS NAMESAKE. 
Instead Rey gets him in the gut. She then heals him, something that should have been really intimate. This would have been time to kiss him in that wistful ‘ I wanted to know what it would be like before I exile myself forever way’. This is one of the scenes that desperately needed more breathing room AND GIVE KYLO SOME FUCKING DIALOGUE YOU COWARDS. Healing him combined with Leia stuff should have reduced Kylo to a pile of tears. I think he would find it completely overwhelming that someone thinks he is worth it, worth a part of their life source, worth their final breathes. 
Oh woah surprise Han Solo. This kinda works for me because unlike robot Leia and fairy godmother Luke, Han looks alive. Plus Han is only a memory so Kylo has to save himself, make his own choice. Aww fuck this got me the closest to tears becuase he looks so fucking sad about the fact that he can’t go home. Damn you Adam Driver and you’re big weepy eyes. His mother is dead and I don’t think he ever truly realized that she wanted him back. I guess with the way things went with Luke, he just assumed he was unwanted. Even now, Han is the only one of the 3 Ben can really imagine taking him back. Who knew Han was such a softie.  At the same time there is something so unintentionally sad about the fact that Ben’s whole family can become force ghosts and not a single one gives enough of  a shit about him to show up at the turning point of his life. 
Also the implication that Ben turns to protect Leia’s lifework is strange. Leia’s legacy is the Rebellion, a democratic senate, a planet wiped off the map, NOT SKYWALKER JEDI #2 JJ!!!!! Ben doesn’t even interact with any of the larger powers at work, he just saves Rey. 
Also while Ben’s guilt and shame about killing Han (his true sin) keep him on the dark side, this doesn’t address the 8 million other reasons he left the light. Also why do Leia and Rey never discuss this???? His own fucking family repeatedly rejected him because of his ‘Vadar-ness’ which is ironic considering…….
Then we cut to Rey’s fairy godmother-esque trip to Ahch-To where she arms herself with all of the Skywalker’s personal effects:
Mad that Rian Johnson denied you that ESB fanservice call-back of Luke being able to pull his x-wing out of water?? Don’t worry JJ has got you covered. 
Mad that Leia didn’t have lightsaber? Don’t worry JJ has got you covered, Leia was always prepared to be a back up to Luke because she doesn’t have her own perspective or anything or like a whole fucking political system to run. Also she stopped training because apparently completing her journey would end in Ben’s death...ooo SmArT foreshadowing that Rey using her lightsaber will end in one dead Ben boi. 
Leia and Luke ALWAYS knew about Rey Palps. Which is funny because they threw their own flesh and blood in the trash because he seemed kinda Vader-y. I guess it's wrong to judge people by their bloodlines unless its your own bloodline. I can’t even. 
There is no mention of Ben at all- even though Leia and Luke both died for him and Rey put her whole heart into saving him.  
Now to Exeger or whatever again. Almost two hours in and we’re back at the planet we were on in the first 5 minutes.
Spaceship stuff happens. Take out your checklist to get those pilot and ship cameos. Ooo look its The Ghost! OG trilogy pilot! Lando is there! WOOO! Poe’s girlfriend lived somehow! 
Ben’s last words are ‘Ow’.
Palps wants Rey to kill him because I guess that will make her evil? Since when does killing people make you evil? I don’t think killing Palps to save the world in the same as ‘striking your enemies down in hatred’ or whatever. 
Oh Hey Ben is here. Palps doesn’t care much I guess even though trolling Skywalkers is his whole life’s passion. 
Palps drains the life out of Ben/Rey. They don’t die. Ben goes flying into a pit. Rey has to face Palps alone because I guess even though Ben/Rey are stronger together and are cosmically linked the lone jedi thing will happen anyway?? Is feminism about doing everything on your own rather than building meaningful connections with your equal partner. Honestly only Men would think a women has to do everything alone to prove her worth, Rey has been wanting allies and family her whole life LET HER HAVE IT. 
Also okay sooo Palps did technically kill Rey’s parents and she had about a whole 5 minutes to think about that. Multiple generations of Ben’s family have been tortured by this guy, so I think it would be rather cathartic to see him play a bigger role in the end of Palp.
Rey enters the Avatar State. Cue more fanservice cameos (I love you Ahsoka, but you said it yourself, you ain’t a jedi). In another backhanded slap to TLJ were back on the TheJediDidNothingWrong line of thinking. Anakin is present ...I wonder if anyone else is interested in talking to him…...
Rey dies. I’m not sure why. Palps legit sucked the life of her and she lived, but the Avatar State killed her. 
Ben crawls out of pit. Damn Adam Driver has legs for days. He heals Rey, its kinda sweet but it's also really really weird that he hasn’t said anything. Not saying we need an over the top love declaration but even his emotionally constipated parents managed to get an ‘I love you’ out. 
Ben saves Rey. The thing Anakin thought the dark side would give him the power to do. Interesting bookend. Sad that my boy has such low self preservation, he gives her his life without hesitation. Why do we have to die for other people? It’s much harder to have to live for other people. To move and grow beyond the past. To try and be our best everyday, even when its hard. Isn’t that real redemption? 
Ben kisses Rey. Awww. Its missing some of the elements of a big romantic drama kiss, which I would be okay with ...if it was followed up with a big romantic kiss with a sunset on a new planet before the credits roll. Alas this does not happen. The audience is somewhat befuddled since their had been almost no dialogue referencing their emotional connections. The ‘no one knows me./I do.’ dialogue from the trailer did not appear in film. 
Ben smiles. It has all the boyish charm and innocence Anakin wished he had in the prequels. Aww he really has never kissed anyone. I wonder when the last time he smiled was. HAS THIS MAN EVER HAD A GOOD DAY HIS ENTIRE LIFE. I am emotionally moved until approximately 2 seconds later….
Ben dies. There is no funeral. No mention. Rey doesn’t shed a single tear. This dude literally gave you his life without hesitation. Is Reylo one-sided? Or at least not equally felt? Ow. U The Resistance doesn’t wonder what happened to the Supreme leader. We know at the end of TLJ Luke became a legend, I do not think this happens to Ben. 
The Resistance parties. Cue Return of the Jedi film reel. Poe and Finn are heterosexual. No resolution to the stupid ReyFinn force sensitve thing. Two women kiss. It will be cut out of the Chinese release. 
Rey buries the lightsabers on Tatooine because you know Luke lived there and Leia once wore a metal bikini there. Rey choose the name Rey Skywalker. Which is interesting because she didn’t get along that well with Luke. She finished her training with Leia Organa Solo, Princess of Alderaan who just happens to have been a result of a sperm donation from Anakin Skywalker. She found a father figure in Han Solo. She loved a guy named Ben Solo. I’m not saying she should name herself Rey Solo, but it certainly is better than Rey Skywalker. I mean it's almost like a person's worth and ability aren’t dependent on either a bloodline or acceptance into the galaxies most powerful family. Rey nobody would have been fine.  I’m not going to get into the feminist angle of a self made women tying herself to the legacy of a man. Cue theaterwide groaning. 
Twin suns. Cool. I liked them better in The Last Jedi.
Rey has a yellow-ish lightsaber and maybe made out of her staff. Wonder where she got the crystals from and why they didn’t introduce it earlier. Possible implication she's going the way of the ‘grey’ jedi? idk some Jedi have yellow actually. Ahsoka had a yellow one. Not sure since this film is back on the JediwayisBest bullshit. 
We see Luke and Leia's force ghosts. Ben’s last word was ‘ow’.
In Summary, some odd implications:
Rey Palpatine is quite possibly the worst idea of all time. Worse than midichlorians. The highest level of fanboy pandering and Rian Johnson erasure. Rey has a lot of very real things to be angry about - her rough childhood, the deaths of her mentors, loving someone as dense as Ben Solo, having to come to terms with the fact that her parents didn’t love her. 
Return to prequel-esque thinking on slavery. Apparently it is not that bad if you sell someone as long as you do it with LOVE. 
Making Finn force sensitive is not character development. Its just half assed pandering and additional exposition in a film filled with exposition.
There is some truly awful dialogue in this film. Its shot composition and editing is so sloppy compared to FA or TLJ. 
The force in balance means killing everyone on the darkside. 
Rose is completely sidelined. She is the only Asian character on screen. She is seemingly replaced with a black woman who has a similar background to Finn and is a scavenger like Rey. Yikes. Why does this feel like an anti-interacial relationship thing. 
Said Black women Jarrah talks to Lando, another black character in a bizarre dialogue that vaguely implies all black people are related. I might be really misreading this, but its weird. I would have liked her to talk to Rose instead because female solidarity. 
FinnPoe is played up a LOT. But we are also repeatedly reminded they are attracted to women. This does not feel like woke Bisexual culture. This is pandering without making a commitment. 
Rey’s worth as a character is related to her connection to powerful people in the Star Wars mythos, not her own traits. 
Ben’s character resonates really strongly with abuse victims and outsiders. His lack of dialogue strips him of a lot of his agency.  His estrangement from his family is not resolved. Vader, who arguably did a lot worse things gets a whole dying monologue and force ghost thing. 
Oh hey C3PO said the festival is every 42 year old….OG came out 42 years ago. heh.
In Summary:
Watch the Clone Wars animated series
Fall in love with Ahsoka
Watch Star Wars Rebels or at least all the episodes with Ahsoka and also the series finale, it's got some cool force stuff in it. 
Think about the cool force stuff in Star Wars Rebels and the cool force stuff in The Last Jedi. Woah.
Apply all this cool force stuff to your own personal version of the Rise of Skywalker
Wait for clone wars finale Feb 2020
Rinse and Repeat
Peg Kylo Ren
Oscar Isaac is the Captain on the FinnPoe Ship. 
The Last Jedi was the Best One. Fight Me. 
Find the fanfiction where Rey tells him what a good boi he is which reduces him to a puddle. Find the fanfiction where he cries during sex the first time, the second time, every time. Find the fanfiction where his force ghost gets a hug, where his family welcomes his back. 
Read Fanfiction:
What I would do instead:
Delete Rey Palpatine
Ditch the mask. You have a fucking Oscar nomiated actor hiding under it. 
After the Endor part, have Kylo join either Rey or the Resistance. Personally I think him hitching a ride on the Falcon would have been wonderfully awkward. And maybe give some closure the calling Finn a ‘traitor’ thing. This is fanservice-y, but no more fanservice-y than the rest of the film. And maybe finally answer the question of who does/doesnt know who Kylo Ren is. Would like a verbal declaration that he identifies as Ben Solo or least Ben or something. 
Ben can still die I guess but maybe give him some kinda funeral. Or reuse the golden dice symbolism. 
Slow everything done. Let the audience feel sad, feel happy. Oh and cut out those fucking death fake outs. 
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 11 months
I’m still getting over the feels from the idea of the wholesome yet sad song for Sliver and the knight of dawn(Lilia too of course) and that made my mind think of well. Island princess AU for Sliver 😀💧(he’ll be more of an island prince but still), I’m not sure how it’ll work but Uhh please use your writer magic on this
I'm a fucking wizard! I can blow shit with magic! :D
Oh that would be a fun au to add to the pile :3
For Barbie movies, I believe I have like 3 aus, so this would be the 4th.
I have:
The 3 musketeers au(Riddle, Vil, Azul and Silver are musketeers: one smooches the royalty, one is a successful model, one tries to make his father proud and one just wants to serve justice)
The swan lake au(Fiddle, but make it a romcom)
Mariposa/Fairytopia au(Idia sets on an adventure and our lord and savior Bibble is also there)
So this would be the 4th one :D
Lilia is a washed up sailor that lost hope of ever be found or escaping this island.
One day, he sees a ship. In hopes he could be saved, he tries to alert it, but the ship comes closer, revealing to be half sunken and with no one on board.
No one, except a small baby.
The ship remains were good for nothing, but Lilia managed to salvage some fabrics and wood to help him in his new goal: raising this baby.
So Silver grows up to be a fine man, taught by Lilia how to speak different languages, survival, combat and many more other skills. Silver also learns to communicate with animals and is just a kind person, so kind that no predator had the heart to hurt him.
Entering Kalim, exploring and finding the island.
Being curious of Silver and Lilia, he wants to take the 2 back to his palace. Silver is skeptical, but Lilia wants his son to have a bright future, one which the Palace surely can give it to him.
Also Silver's animal buddies: 2 parrots(Adeuce), one crocodile(Sebek), a wolf(jack), a (lavender)red panda(epel) and 2 predatory birds(the shroud bros, but only ortho is actively involved)
Of course, Kalim is surprised to find out that Silver could talk to animals. Others were surprised that this boy, who lived all his life on that island, was so well mannered and even knew how to write and read.
We get introduced to the Asim king and queen. The queen had a marvelous peacock(vil) who seems to be suffering of some illness.
Silver proves his worth by bringing Vil back to health.
Meanwhile, Lilia pleads his case and story to the royal couple. He was a war General from the thorn valley who wanted to know if his country was alright at least. Or if the war was over. He presented his old crest and his journal, which only proved more his credibility. His only goal now was to assure to his 'son' a good place where he could earn his keep fairly and have success, just how any parent wishes gor their child. The Asims see potential in Silver's abilities and so, they decide to hire him as an animal keeper after Lilia gets news of his country's status.
Silver didn't know about this exchange at all.
Meanwhile, he and Kalim bond together, Silver sharing his actual vast knowledge about different things. Jamil, Kalim's assistant, is always there too, gradually warming up to the idea of the 2 spending time together, Silver posed no harm to anyone.
Things tho, seem to get a bit wierd when Kalim is informed of an arranged marriage. His fiancé was Riddle, the son of the Queen from the queendom of roses.
Riddle was clearly not happy about it. While Mrs Rosehearts saw Silver as a thorn in her side of marrying her son to a rich kingdom heir.
Silver does get to bond a bit with Riddle, that being when the redhead says that he doesn't want to marry Kalim. Kalim was a great guy, but Riddle loved someone else. Silver says that maybe Riddle should follow his heart. This wasn't a matter of politics, but matter of love.
The 2 become friends too :D
Which is why when Riddle finds out of the plan of poisoning the wedding cake from his mother, he informed Silver about it, bailed him out of jail and admits that he wants to call off the engagement.
In the end, there is the happy ending for everyone. Because of the wedding being an important event, royals from all around the world gather, including the knight of dawn and queen Maleficia. So bad it was called off seconds before the ceremony :'3
It is revealed that Levan managed to reach with his diplomacy mission in time and now there wasn't anymore war. :3
Silver is very conflicted about the bio dad reveal, but Lilia encourages him to try and give him a chance. It was revealed that initially silver was sent on the sea with his mother to protect him from the horrors of war. Like it was a very reasonable motive and no one could predict that the ship would sink with Silver as the only survivor.
But still, a happy ending :D
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dachi-chan25 · 4 years
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I had books that I either loved or hated so idk maybe I need to do another unhaul to ensure I read books I'll actually enjoy.
1- OtherEarth (Otherworld #2) by Jason Segel
So this was a big disappointment. It started out fine, but I had this bad feeling about what the twist of this book would be about 50% into it, and then the twist comes and it was just as bad as I feared. Honestly I don't even know if I wanna continue with the last book, I have it but honestly I can't say I am looking forward to it, it wasn't just the plot that fell down but the characters felt pretty inconsistent and yeah not a fan.
2.- Fireborne (The Aurelian Cycle #1) by Rosaria Munda
The only thing I knew going into this was that it was inspired by Plato's Republic and that it was similar to Game of Thrones, so maybe that is why I found it pretty underwhelming. Like yeah I could see why it was based off the Republic with this system of education (tbh I still found it pretty basic and very much alike to other social systems I've read in other YA books) and there was some intresting tid-bits but not enough to keep me intrested. Now the characters, I liked both individually (unpopular opinion but I liked Annie more, I thought she had real potential but it was wasted because the moment she and Lee have this romance her character completely lost herself on thinking about him and what he did all the time) but I do not think they worked together romantically. There is some potential drama for book 2 but I am not intrested in reading it.
3.- The Mistress (The Original Sinners #4) by Tiffany Reisz
This book was so good. Yeah it was super predictable, but the drama tho. I really loved Layla, she gave us an outsider's insight on Søren and Nora's relationship, and she is just the sweetest that I instantly knew she and Weasley were gonna get together. I cried at that last confrontation scene with Nora and Marie Laure and I am so happy that Nora is back together with Søren because they are truly a good couple despide everything.
4.-Gods of Jade and Shadow - Silvia Moreno Garcia
I LOVED it. Ever since I saw the cover I was sold. This book I feel like it was meant for me. Like our protagonist Casiopea Tún is a dark skinned mexican girl of mayan descent in the 1920s who meets one of the lords of Xibalba and goes on a quest to help him retake his throne???? And on the way he falls in love with her so much he is about to forfeit his divinity to have a chance to be with her. I just, it was so beautiful, I felt my culture was really represented here, and it's so wierd to see the 1920's represented in Mexico I don't believe I had read something like this before and I will read anything Silvia Moreno Garcia writes from now on. Hopefully we will have a second book for this because that ending makes me wonder what adventures Casiopea will have.
5.-Little Gods by Meng Jin
This book blew my mind. The structure is perfect for the themes . Su Lan was a truly fascinating character though I felt very sad about her, always wanting to escape her past and thinking she was so undeserving for anything good in her life and still fighting to go on. The ending was so good, and all the cast of characters made an excellent conection between the past and the future.
6.- As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
Yeah I am a pretentious ho. I was very intimidated by this book (and anything written by Faulkner really) and I was really having trouble understanding the book at first because the prose is so particular (there are sentences that read like Shakespeare, some are almost Biblical stuff and then most of the dialogue is this very coloquial english with very poor ortography) and as English is not my first lenguage I struggled. But then we get to Addie's death and all this odyssey the family goes through to bury her, and it was so beautiful and exciting. I especially loved everything about Addie's chapter, she was so much better than her husband and she deserved better than what she got. I really liked Dewey Dell and Darl. While I hated Anse Bundren with a passion so the end really made me angry like waaaaat this selfish asshole gets everything he wanted and then some??? But I got why it made sense for the book. So I definitely recommend this, but my advice is to let yourself glide through the book, do not try to understand or make sense of it as you start it because then you become frustrated like it happened to me at first but it's a really beautiful book so I am really considering reading more Faulkner.
7.-Chosen (Slayer #2) by Kiersten White
I enjoyed this book so much. It's a very easy read and we get some growth on Nina and Artemis. I liked the idea of the Watcher's Castle being a refuge for inofenssive demons. And omgggg I fangirled SO hard when Oz, Harmony and Clem appeared (my fave characters, like literally I only need a Spike cameo in these books to be completely happy). I really wanna see Nina meet Buffy in real life and ahhh I am excited for whatever the next book will bring us.
8.-Out of Salem by Hal Schrieve
This is perharps my favorite book I read this month. It felt so relevant to things that are happening in the world, but escapist enough to bear it. For starters I love a good urban fantasy setting, and this was it. Z was a great non-binary protagonist (the fact the author is also non-binary also helps) like it was pretty original to make them a zombie when necromancy is viewed as wrong in their society and they get discriminated for it even though they knew nothing about how it happened to them. And their friendship with Aysel (lesbian muslim werewolf girl!!!) and Tommy (shapeshifter boy) was amazing. Like the way this book translates real life bigotry and social injustice to this magical creatures was truly amazing I recommend it to everyone of any age. Especially middle graders as this book is meant for that age group and I feel this is an amazing diverse read for that age group.
9.-El murmullo de las abejas de Sofia Segovia
Realmente este libro es precioso, soy una super fan del realismo mágico y este libro realmente me toco el corazón. Aunque he de admitir que entre a este libro sin saber nada, y bueno que este libro pega diferente en el 2020, yo no tenía ni idea que este libro nos presentaba la Pandemia de Influenza Española de 1918, y bueno es bastante triste leer todo lo que paso cuando nosotros estamos pasando épocas muy similares. Simonopio es un personaje divino, poseedor de una sensibilidad y una inocencia verdaderamente fuera de esta mundo, y la forma en que la familia Morales lo adopta y lo abraza tan profundamente dentro de la familia es realmente hermosa. Fue muy difícil leer acerca de Anselmo Espiricueta porque puedo ver de donde venía todo ese odio y esa ignorancia que terminaron en tragedia y no puedo dejar de sentir lastima por él a pesar de todo el mal que hace durante el libro. Recomiendo mucho esta lectura.
10.-Riot Baby by Tochi Onyebuchi
A book so relevant in our current times. So powerful and impactful even if the book is pretty short. We get to see how the systematic racisim at work. We get to get a glimpse of this awful reality through Kev and Ella, two gifted siblings that have lived this experiences in different ways and they cope with this in vastly different ways.It was such an intimate read I cannot begin to describe how angry and sad it made me, but also very glad I got to read it because we need to keep being aware that this is the reality for black people all around the world and they don't get to shy away from it so we shouldn't either we should see, learn and fight as hard as we can to change things for the better.
11.-Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
I re-read this book to have it fresh in my mind before the new series airs on July. And I liked it better now than the 1st time. This world is so scary because I see so many realistic elements it shares with the present. I felt a lot for Lenina (for everyone who lives in this world really) because she wanted more than what the society had to offer yet was so deeply conditioned as to what was right that she could just supress her emotions with soma. This book is of course full of racist and sexist stuff (cuz woman and indigenous people can never win) but I feel it helps to get a feel about how fucked up society is as a whole. In the reservation woman are subjected to the usual slut shaming and gender roles we get in our society while in London we get a world in which woman are judged for not sleeping around and being happy and infantile. Like it seems controling woman and their relationship to intimacy and sex is always a bit theme is classic dystopic books which makes a lot of sense given it works like that in the real world too. Same thing with indigenous people being treated as savage to congratula te ourselves for being so much more "civilized" never stopping to think how deeply fractured and flawed this may be. We also get explotation and brain washing of working classes and all that fun stuff. Really and amazing book eerily accurate tho.
12.-Brick Lane by Monica Ali.
This is the story of 2 very different Bangladeshi sisters with very different temperaments making their way through life. Nazneen is a very dutiful daughter that marries the man her father picked for her, moves to London, though her husband doesn't make her happy she tries very hard in this foreign country with so many desires of her own she wishes that she always supresses because of her upbringing. Then we have Hesina, she was always beautiful and runs away with a guy she was in love with, later he abandons her and she gets jobs and loses them because different man keep making her fall for them to abandon them later. Different as they are this 2 Sisters keep relying in each other through letters. I thought it was very moving, and I really liked the ending for Nazneen while Hasina left me feeling worried and unhappy.
13.- Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
I was very hyped for this book and I am so sad I didn't like it. I just didn't feel the world building was cohesive (we have space travel but we don't have baths??? And rapiers as weapons??? Most of it felt like aesthetic decisions) the characters felt very one dimensional to me. And the plot was all over the place, just when I thought I knew what it was about it takes another turn and introduces so many generes but it did not feel natural at all so yeah I will not be reading the next one.
14.- Luces de Bohemia de Ramón Maria del Valle Inclan
Me pareció una obra maravillosa. Definitivamente captura el espíritu creativo bohemio.
15 .- Don Juan Tenorio de José Zorrilla
Yo adoro el Tenorio, sin embargo si que he de decir que prefiero la versión del Burlador de Sevilla de Tirso de Molina pues siento que el final es más adecuado. Me parece que aunque la prosa es hermosa Doña Ines pierde mucha agencia en esta versión, me recuerda mucho más a Angelina de la obra "El Honor del Brigadier" que la versión que hizo de ella Tirso de Molina, definitivamente se romántiza mucho más está figura de seductor canalla en esta versión, aun así es una historia arraigada en México, es una tradición para mi verla cada Noviembre, este año me temo que no será posible así que disfrute muchísimo leerla.
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