#i feel like i'm gonna start rambling bc i feel like this is stupid. someone come say something nice to me 😅😅😅😅
lonepower · 10 months
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  ――☀️ on first and fierce affirming sight
                  of sunlight, sunlight, sunlight ☀️――
(xps/vroid/gamerip/model mashup/render-that-i-drew-over of the Traveler's Specialest Princess<3 blender is still The Worst™ but i'm learning to grudgingly tolerate it since it can convert literally everything.)
P.S.: please don't tag this in a way that implies there was more than one destiny game, because there wasn't and pretending otherwise makes me very, very sad because I wish there was (but there wasn't). thank you!
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satoruxx · 1 year
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✧ PAIRING: gojo satoru x reader | 0.6k words
✧ SUMMARY: this is a coping mechanism for today's jjk leaks so...SPOILERS AHEAD, blood, mentions of death, ANGST, gojo centric, vague af, hints at canon manga events, he goes back and forth between his past and present self, overall confusion bc he doesn't understand what really happened to him, it's bittersweet ig, idk man my emotions are all over the place rn
✧ RHEYA'S NOTE: looks like it's a trend for me to write a gojo drabble every time the leaks fuck me up lmao. somehow after weeks of writer's block i managed to spit this out. here's part 1 from back in june when the neck slice happened. this and part 1 don't connect all that much but it's sorta hinted and i wrote this as a continuation. this can be read alone tho. whatever i'm so fucked up rn i'm gonna go back to crying...
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satoru thinks there's blood in his mouth. he can taste it, metallic and coppery as it fills his pharynx and seeps into his throat.
he tastes it even when his body is free from scars and sunlight warms his skin.
it’s comforting, he thinks, the feeling of carefree youth he hasn’t been able to experience in almost ten years. the grin that's stretching across his face makes him forget the blood.
he’s choosing to focus on them instead. focusing on the faces he hasn’t seen in so long. he’s not really sure what he’s telling them, but satoru has always been good at rambling about things like death.
for a second he feels like a teacher, preaching about dying alone, but then he remembers that he’s probably still a student. young and stupid and carefree.
but for some reason, the expression on suguru’s face makes him feel oddly nostalgic.
satoru likes this. he thinks he’d like to snapshot nanami’s expression. it's strange, but it feels like he hasn’t seen him in a long time.
but that’s ridiculous because he’s still a student. he’d seen nanami in class the morning prior.
something about that is wrong. he can’t quite put his finger on it.
he’s in the middle of annoying principal yaga when he catches sight of you.
you're making a face, one that he’s never seen before. it’s half angry and half wounded, like you’ve never been so hurt in your life. the expression unsettles him, and somehow he knows it’ll haunt his nightmares from now until the end of time.
your features crumble, and satoru notices you’re going in and out of focus, so he tries to blink you back into clarity. it doesn’t work.
briefly he wonders if you’re even real.
you glare at him, eyes shining with tears and every bit of hurt in the world.
“you promised.” you hiss, shoulders drawn high and taut as your body trembles with something he doesn’t quite understand.
promised what, he wants to ask, but he finds that he can’t open his mouth to speak to you.
the taste of blood comes back again, pooling in the back of his throat. metallic and coppery.
you bite down on your lip, hard, before turning away from him.
satoru doesn’t know how to reach out to you because his body is rooted in place. it feels like his brain isn’t connected to the rest of him, neurons firing but muscles not working in coordination.
he inwardly curses.
when he looks back, haibara is grinning at him in a way that reminds him so much of someone else. he briefly thinks haibara would suit pink hair. when he catches nanami’s tired eyes, something in his impassive expression tells satoru that he agrees.
there’s a fleeting silence, and the sound of a clock ticking quietly scratches at his brain. he looks at suguru, who’s smiling at him knowingly, skin clean of any stitches, and satoru decides he should commit the sight to memory.
there’s a restlessness in his stomach now, and he feels his torso burn.
he turns back to look at you, the taste of blood now extremely strong on his tongue as he watches your figure slowly start to fade from existence.
for a second, he smells smoke, unpleasant but oh so familiar. he remembers the sound of medical textbooks turning and the echo of an annoyed first grader’s voice. a few barks of a dog follow.
through the taste of blood, he can smell bedsheets. he can smell overly sweet coffee in the morning. he can smell the shampoo you use.
he closes his eyes, smiling ruefully to himself.
you’re right.
he did promise you after all.
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vainvenus · 6 months
hey freaky ppl. my request is really simple bc i need to recover from this angst fic i read of sejanus LMAO
so i was thinking of peacekeeper sej and covey reader, but the way they meet is completely different. he would catch the reader sneaking off over the fence with a bag of supplies.
i’m thinking that someone at the covey had gotten ill and the reader was met with the task of gathering herbs needed outside of the fence.
i feel like sej would first be what any other peacekeeper would be and follow and be like “wtf are u doin” but then like he’d understand and let her keep running off into the woods and meadow. IDK I THINK THIS IS CUTE
⌲;꒰ Fence girl. ꒱
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Pairing :: Peacekeepers!Sejanus x Fem!Reader
Synopsis - Sejanus catches someone sneaking over the fence and tries to do his job ( he doesn't).
Includings :: Covey member!reader, sejanus hating his job AND being bad at his job, he has a soft spot for (everything) reader, horrible first impressions, mostly fluff, this is kinda short
An :: Sorry this took so long...jumping from fandom to fandom is NOT for the weak
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Sejanus never truly wanted to be a peacekeeper, yes he wanted to help people but obviously not in this kind of way.
Peacekeepers were often cruel and stern, they stood their ground for what they stood for and their morals were aligned in a way that didn't quite align with Sejanus's.
But it was far too late to turn back, he already was at twelve and already buzzed his curls so he was stuck here with a job he hated. Not much could be done.
And Sejanus did try to do his job, he tried to be like his friend Coriolanus who was stern and took the job very seriously but of course, there were times where he struggled.
Like right now, he was frozen with confusion as he watched a girl with [h/c] hair scaling one of the fences. She had a dark brown bag around her shoulder. His brows furrowed even more as he wondered what was she doing.
But then he had to remember his job and how what the girl was doing was very much something he had to report.
No one was allowed beyond the fences because one, it was seen as dangerous because they were made to keep wild animals.
And two, it was seen as rebellious since at some point if anyone was able to get far enough they could leave the district and start their own life far far away from all of this mess.
Sejanus looked around, slight panic wavering in his eyes as he realized he was the only one who had noticed the girl climbing up and over the wall. She was almost out of his sight, her dark green skirt blending in with the scenery.
He cursed under his breath as he started to climb up the fence, hopping over it and looking in the direction of the girl. She seemed to be in a rush as she looked around the field.
"Excuse me! You know you're not allowed to be here, right?"
His voice seemed to have startled her as she jumped a bit, she looked him up and down quickly. She clenched the brown bag as he eyes glanced to the gun he was holding and he saw how she tensed up, her eyes growing wide.
She looked scared– no, terrified. Like a rabbit behind hunted by a fox.
That was another thing Sejanus hated about being a peacekeeper, no matter what he was always going to be feared because of that stupid uniform and the firearms they had to wield while on patrol.
It didn't matter how gentle he was as long as he was in uniform.
"Please...don't hurt me."
"Hurt you? I..I wasn't gonna- look, you're not allowed to be past that fence. I won't report you or anything, I swear. But you could get hurt or lost-"
"I know where I'm going." She had cut his worried rambling short, grip tightening on her bag.
His brows furrowed in slight curiosity. "And just where is that?"
"There's a few herbs down from here near a river." She replied. "I need to get them for a friend of mine...she's sick and we can't exactly afford medicine at the moment." She murmured the last bit but loud enough for Sejanus to frown.
He knew he shouldn't. He knew he should have done his job and escorted her back over the fence.
But of course Sejanus's heart always won over his brain so before he could even stop himself he had said;
"Alright. You can go."
A warm smile had spread onto the features of the girl in front of him, her eyes glistening with hope as she uttered; "Really?"
Sejanus nodded, looking over his shoulder just to be safe. "Yes, really. But, I have to walk with you and you need to make it as quick as possible."
"Deal! I'll be quicker than two shakes of a lamb's tail." She giggled and Sejanus couldn't help but smile as he followed beside her.
As they walked, Sejanus took small glanced over at her. Her sense of style didn't seem to fit twelve, everybody remotely dressed the same with mostly dull colors or neutral tones but she had a much more lively pallette with splashes of red, orange and yellow.
"Starings rude, you know."
He quickly looked away, pressing his lips together in a thin line as she had cracked another smile before laughing and playfully hitting his arm.
"I'm just playing around! Jeez, for a peacekeeper you sure are sheepish." She hummed as she looked up at him and he glanced back over at her.
"Yeah, I'm horrible at my job I know."
"I'm not complaining, just glad I got one of the good ones." She smiled before she realized they were near the river and she crouched down near one of the nearby trees.
Sejanus watched as she pulled out a small jar and began picking dark purple berries, careful placing them into the jar. He tilted his head a bit while he watched her like a curious child.
"Elderberries." She spoke and his brows knitted together before she continued to explain. "Help with the immune system. We crush em' and brew em' into a real sweet tea."
Sejanus nodded as he knelt down. "Can I help?"
"You really are different, hm?" She tilted your head up at him, giving a teasing smile. "Kind, thoughtful and helpful? Are you sure you picked the right job?" She asked as she handed him one of the small jars and he shook his head.
"I wanted to be a medic." He said as he carefully picked the berries, putting them into the jar and the girl beside him hummed in amusement.
"That's surprising. What made you change your mind?"
"A friend. I'm only here because of him, oh and a little bit of rule breaking back home.." He sheepishly admitted and she giggled, standing up.
"Well you are just full of surprises, huh?"
Sejanus shrugged with a smile as he placed the jar carefully into her bag. "Guess I am."
As the two had walked back to the fence, Sejanus had picked a perfect spot where there was no one on patrol at the moment. It was like she had never even went over the wall.
He helped her over it, giving her a small boost up before climbing over it himself and he dusted off his uniform as he placed her bag back in her hands and she hummed a 'thank you' as she put it back over her shoulder.
"Y'know, I hope we meet again. Under better circumstances, of course."
"Me too- wait, I never caught your name."
She giggled, turning on her heel. "I never threw it!"
It had been a couple of weeks since his run-in with that [h/c] haired girl. Weeks since and he hadn't seen her again, he hoped that meant that her friend had gotten well enough that she didn't have to sneak over the fence again.
He was still thinking about her as he sat with Coriolanus, sitting at one of the tables as he was watching Lucy Gray perform. He was never as wowed, mainly because unlike those in the capitol he grew to already appreciate music.
"Whoops! Coming through, Blondie!" A familiar voice giggled as a girl with [h/c] haired brushed past the two to set some drinks off at the table next to them and Sejanus's eyes widened.
The fence girl.
He immediately stood up and walked over to her and as soon as she had turned to face him her face broke into a smile which he copied.
"You again!"
"Me again."
She gave him a skeptical gaze yet there was a playful smile on his face. "Are you stalking me?"
"Yeah. And it was just so hard because you never tossed me your name." He sighed like a damsel in distress, shaking his head.
She had giggled, holding out her hand. "[Y/n]."
He shook it, keeping a gentle yet firm grasp on it. He thought that maybe being a peacekeeper wasn't all too bad now.
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drpeppertummy · 3 months
ok this is kinda long & rambling & not really what i wanted it to be bc my brain was half hanging out the entire time & i was too impatient to wait for it to squeeze back in
"Are you sure that's enough potatoes?"
"Shut up," said Alfie as he chopped up the last potato in the bag, and Marsha laughed.
"Hey, I just wanna make sure you're not gonna leave the table hungry," she teased, slipping her hand between the undone bottom buttons of his shirt and giving his soft belly a friendly squeeze.
"You're gonna be the one leavin' hungry if you don't watch it," he said, turning to plant a kiss on her cheek.
"Hey, you two, play nice," said Max, clacking his tongs at them. Marsha and Alfie exchanged a knowing smile, then engulfed Max in a double bear hug, drawing a grunt out of him as they squeezed him tight.
Some people might have supposed the chances of Alfie leaving the table hungry were slim to none, given that he'd eaten a few donuts at work not that long ago and lunch not long before that. Those same people would likely have been unfamiliar with Alfie's appetite. Marsha supposed he could have eaten half a bakery and still been hungry for dinner. Fortunately, there was plenty to go around tonight: a hefty chicken, a big pan of broccoli, asparagus, and squash, and an enormous pot of Alfie's famous mashed potatoes for good measure.
Despite his still-slightly-full stomach, Alfie's appetite was perfectly intact, and he put himself together a nice big plate before joining his partners at the table. His belly rumbled. He was far from starving, but mashed potatoes were a weakness of his, and he'd been thinking about them all day. Sitting down with a big scoop on his plate, he gladly dipped his fork into it and took a bite.
"You would not believe the idiot day I had at work," said Max, cutting a bite of chicken. "Somebody decided to let a live lobster loose in the hallway. You know who had to go wrangle it?"
"I like the mental image of you wrangling a lobster," laughed Marsha. "Get someone to record it next time, I wanna see."
"Please, it's probably all over Snapchat or whatever the kids are on anymore."
"Imagine that. Our Maxie, a star," grinned Alfie, patting him on the back. Max rolled his eyes.
"And what'd you all do today?"
"I didn't wrangle any lobsters but I did have to wrangle a cat," said Marsha. "This dumbass brought him in without a carrier. Like a cat's gonna sit patiently in a waiting room full of other animals."
"People are ridiculous," said Max, shaking his head. He turned to Alfie. "How about you, what'd you wrangle?"
"Just Leon's decrepit Nissan," said Alfie. "It broke down in the Dollar General driveway, he and that bitchy old queen he's always got on his arm had to shove it all the way up the little incline."
"He still has that thing? How has it not just fallen to pieces yet?"
"Because he keeps bringin' it to me! I am so sick to death of that stupid car."
"Hey, he's keeping you in business," said Marsha.
The three went on chattering away as they ate, and Alfie was so caught up in the conversation that he managed to clear his plate completely without even realizing it. He looked down at the empty plate, surprised, then, after a moment of consideration, got up for a sizable second scoop of potatoes. He was far from hungry now, but the food had yet to lose its appeal, and there was more than enough left in the pot; it only made sense to have a little extra.
"How are you not full yet? I don't think I'm even gonna be able to finish what's on my plate," said Max.
"Oh, do you even hear yourself? Alfie doesn't get full," Marsha teased.
"Well, take the rest of mine," said Max, sliding his plate over to Alfie. "I'm stuffed."
Alfie's stomach capacity was impressive, but the extra potatoes alone were enough to fill him up after starting the big meal on a not-so-empty stomach. He could feel the waist of his pants beginning to tighten around his belly, but that wasn't going to stop him from finishing off Max's scraps. It was only a little bit, after all; it would be silly to put them back with the rest. And besides, Alfie was never one to back down from a challenge, even if it wasn't really a challenge at all. Despite the heavy feeling swelling in his stomach, he went on eating.
It was rare for Alfie to really feel stuffed, but as he finished off the last few bites of Max's dinner, he found that feeling growing closer. His belly felt taut and packed, bulging out firmly now against his jeans. He was glad to be done as he scooped up the last little bite of broccoli, feeling utterly stuffed and ready to quit, when Marsha's plate suddenly joined the other two in front of him.
"I think I'm done," she said, leaning back in her seat. "You can have the rest of mine."
Alfie held a tentative hand against his belly. It pushed out impressively against his shirt, sticking out so far that it pressed against the table when he leaned forward to accept the plate. There wasn't much on it--Marsha's appetite was considerably bigger than Max's, albeit still smaller than his--but right now, those few bites of chicken and potato seemed like an enormous amount. Still, it was in front of him, and it was only a tiny bit. Reluctantly, he picked his fork up again and got to work.
Getting through Marsha's leftovers wasn't easy, but Alfie managed it. Each bite stretched his stomach just a little bit further, and the pressure building inside his belly was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. He was so concentrated on putting away those few little bites that he didn't even notice Max leaving the table to retrieve the gluten free cake he'd made the night before.
"Ooh, fancy," said Marsha, admiring the shapely dessert.
"Figured I oughtta put somethin' together since we were makin' a nice dinner." Max cut each of them a small piece and distributed the plates. Alfie's overstuffed belly let out a soft gurgle of dismay. If he hadn't been out of space before taking Marsha's scraps, he certainly was now. His stomach felt drum-tight, pushing out round and firm and straining the waist of his jeans, and he half-doubted he'd even be able to get up from the chair. Still, he couldn't resist at least a bite of the dessert. Max was an excellent baker, after all, and the slice was already cut.
The first bite of the cake, though delicious, went down hard, and his stomach groaned uncomfortably as it struggled to fit it. The second bite was even more difficult. Finally, after forcing down a third bite, Alfie set down his fork and leaned back in his seat, his round tummy bulging absurdly out in front of him.
"What, you're not gonna finish?" Marsha gave him a perplexed look. Alfie shook his head, resting a hand on his belly.
"I can't fit another bite," he confessed. Marsha looked surprised, then amused.
"Why, Alfie Shannon," she teased, pointing her fork at him. "I didn't think that belly of yours had a limit!" Alfie halfheartedly stuck his tongue out at her, then slumped down in his seat, both hands sitting atop his tummy.
It wasn't until the three of them finally got up from the table that Marsha and Max realized just how much Alfie's belly was sticking out. He felt heavy and sleepy, weighed down by the enormous mass of food stretching his stomach. Still, he helped clean up, albeit moving a lot more slowly than usual.
"Poor Alfie, look at that big belly," said Marsha, giving his distended tummy a gentle pat. "Go lay down, we've got it."
"I'm fine," said Alfie, but when she insisted again, he didn't argue. His belly was aching now that he was up and moving, and he wanted nothing more than to sprawl out on the couch, which he gladly did. His round tummy stuck straight up from his stocky frame, the lower half exposed between the undone bottom buttons of his shirt. With a soft grunt, he reached down and unbuttoned his pants. It didn't do much to relieve the pressure, but at least the jeans were no longer digging into his skin.
It didn't take long for the other two to finish straightening up the kitchen, and they were soon sitting on either side of their mouthy little partner. Marsha lifted his head to lay it on her lap, and he looked up at her, a rare softness in his dark eyes. She smiled down at him and placed a hand on his belly.
"Y'know, you're pretty cute when you're too full to mouth off," she said, patting his tummy. It made a heavy thumping sound, packed solid after the enormous meal.
"I'd say the same to you, but I don't think I've seen it yet," he said, nothing but fondness in his voice.
"Hey, watch it or I'm gonna start squeezing."
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itz-wanderer · 2 years
I've realized and I've known that writing contents about yakuza series or even judgment series is scarce and I'm pretty sure you guys noticed that already. So here I am gonna try my best to write about them (BCS I LOVE THEM ❤️❤️) and mostly it'll be headcanons but that can change over time.
Plus, this is the first time I've written a headcanon so Idk if this gonna get much likes or not, so I'm just testing the waters. Also,, forgive me if it's kinda out of character bcs I'm still new to writing these characters. 😭
I hope you enjoy!
How they act around their crush (Kiryu, Nishiki, Majima)
Kiryu Kazuma
- People would describe him as a cold person considering how he lacks of expressions. But they should know he has his own soft side, a side that he only shows to his crush. At first, his friends, especially Nishiki would notice his different behaviour whenever you are around. He starts to stutter occasionally around you and if you stare at his face, he’ll likely blush too which ends up with Nishiki laughing and teasing the hell outta him! Sometimes, you would eventually catch him looking at you with a genuine smile on his face as well.
- You can see him getting tongue-tied or accidentally saying something stupid. Definitely regrets that the next second he realizes what he just said, but manages to save himself. And it surely is hella cute to see a man like him struggling to find the right words!
- He’s very appreciative of you, which shows a lot through his subtle actions. When you were out with him on a date for the first time, he was being awkward, indicating he never went out on a lot of dates which only made him cuter. But there was a moment when your hands brushed against his and you could feel him tense up at the sudden contact but he finally gave in and felt more relaxed as you slowly laced your fingers around his. He did it all with a serious expression but that’s his charm, isn’t it?
Akira Nishikiyama
- Nishiki may look cool and badass on the outside but it seems like he can be a little clumsy or awkward as well, especially around you. Not being able to hold eye contact for too long and scratching the back of his head while trying his best to answer you.
- But only when he once thinks through twice and gathers his words to give a witty reply. He can’t always look like a stuttering loser in front of you right? After that, he shows up to you with his signature confident smile.
- He would often ask if you’d wanted him to accompany you, whenever you needed to go somewhere. Basically showing that, that was his way of indirectly asking you for a date.
- He had all your schedule memorized, so he had more than enough time to plan something whether it’s him bringing you flowers out of nowhere or treating you to lunch, dinner or anything you wanted.
Majima Goro
- The mad dog of Shimano shows you his soft side? He doesn’t show it to many people, that means you’re special for him and surprisingly, he’s a very good listener too. When you’re feeling down and you need someone to talk to, he’d always try his best to take out time for you and listen to your rambles.
- People know him for his crazy personality but to you, he’s a true gentleman. You might notice him being overprotective over you, especially when you two are walking down the streets together and men would stare at you, he definitely made sure to reply them back with an intense piercing glare as well.
- He may or may not hold your hands when you were walking down the streets together, but he never forced you to have any physical contact with him if you were feeling uncomfortable; any slight hints and he’d catch it within seconds.
- He remembers your favorite foods and sometimes he even shows up with your favorite snacks in his hands so you both can enjoy them together. It’s a huge moodbooster for him when he sees your eyes light up everytime you share your favourite snacks with him.
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zeref96 · 6 months
Is it just me or i feel very bad for uenoyama
Ppl will go "stop bringing uenoyama in yuki posts" but will constantly bring yuki in uenoyama posts "ppl who said uenoyama deserves better are so stupid" and ppl will continue to trash on uenoyama whenever yuki or mafuyuki is involved im just really tired that uenoyama constantly getting sidelined for a dead character DESPITE being the mc
And MAFUYU omg throughout the manga his ASS did not DO EFFORT despite that UENOYAMA helped him through his grief, open up his feelings, finishes his dead ex's song, comforted his feelings and WAS ALWAYS THERE FOR HIM WHEN HE IS AT HIS LOWEST, and HE DID NOT GIVE ANY RETURN FOR HIM, the fact that its ALWAYS UENOYAMA THAT WILL ALWAYS DO THE EFFORT FOR MAFUYU and HE DID BOTHING TO CONTRIBUTE TO UENOYAMA,
Also OMG THE FANDOM IS INSUFFERABLE due to the CONSTANT UPBRINGING OF YUKI WHILE SHITTING ON UENOYAMA MAKES ME SO ARRRGH bc of that he and the fandom made me stop shipping mafuyama in general atp just give mafuyu a therapist atp,
personally when people say that in another universe that mafuyu and yuki will always be together but to me in another universe uenoyama will find SOMEONE who TRULY LOVES HIM AND TO DO THE SAME EFFORT TO HIM
sorry for the long ramble i just want to let this out
Anon I feel the same, the fandom loves to indulge in hypocrecy 😃 the fact that there are people who are trying to blame uenoyama for not able to communicate to mafuyu his problems and constantly blaming him for everything while mafuyu is this innocent boy who can't do no wrong bc he is sad his abusive boyfriend died is so annoying and they are acting as if mafuyama is perfect and truly love each other when it's always one person doing the effort and trying for the relationship so for me it's not surprising that ue thinks their relationship it's doomed because mafuyu doesn't seem to bother about ue, we still don't have any panel of mafuyu comforting ue or reassuring him about his feelings it's always just vague words but never truths also the fact that kizu couldn't even bother to draw new scenes for mafuyu and uenoyama or it's always drawing mafuyuki when that man has been a hindrance for the manga and mafuyu's character is so shameless, I'm just gonna say that even if yuki was alive his relationship with mafuyu is doomed bc that man was toxic and manipulative who loved to isolate mafuyu from the world, a relationship like that had no future even if he was alive but at least ue's character would have had a different future at least I know he would've taken more of the spotlight and be his own character than just being the "what if" kizu is writing, I really kind of hate his new design too bc people were saying he has the same hairstyle as that dead man when in reality supposedly his new design is for akihiko but anyways I want him with long hair now because the fandom ruins everything and I'm so happy people are starting to realize that mafuyu doesn't care about ue and had never bothered about his health or anything related to him even when ue was trying to talk to him, we just need more people to start to notice even if the wrong ones are loud, the majority of the given fandom are weirdos and love traumaporn that's they are so fixated on mafuyuki and refuse to acknowledge ue's character and his role in the story also I really hope mafuyuma breaks up so mafuyu can go to a therapist and heal but watch kizu make uenoyama apologize for having insecurities and doubts about himself to mafuyu, watch kizu make ue swear his undying love to him and carry again their relationship because mafuyu is so sensitive and has trauma and loves his dead ex, watch her insert yuki again to make him the spotlight and mafuyu a victim and the fandom start calling ue names again bc he is not a therapist.
I just want kizu to prove me wrong and make mafuyu chase after him instead of ue always doing the chasing for someone who doesn't prioritize him or value him in his life.
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spurgie-cousin · 3 months
Hi spurgie. I don't know if you remember me, but I was the anon from 2 years ago who had their first kiss at 25 and subsequently started dating him after. Well, last night he broke up with me, and I just don't know what to do. I feel like it came out of nowhere, but he feels he drifted too far apart from me. This was my first relationship, and it might sound naive but I truly thought it was forever. I know I shouldn't but I feel stupid to think someone could love me for the rest of my life. I still love him so much. What's worse is he was so kind and gentle about it. I wish he wasn't such a great person. I wish I could hate him but I don't. We still wanna be friends, and we share the same friend group, but it's gonna be really hard. I don't want him out of my life but I'm really hurting right now. I know I shouldn't hold onto hope that we might get back together in the future, but right now I can't see myself with anyone else (again, naive, I know). Sorry for the ramble, I just don't know who to turn to, and you've always been so kind.
Aw well first, I'm so sorry ❤️ breakups are always hard but the first one always hurts especially bad. I can't emphasize enough how normal those feelings you've described are though, they're not naive at all. Thinking about past breakups I've been through or sat with others through, it's big grief for a while, combined with that hopeless "I don't ever want to be with anyone else/no one else will ever be as good as them" feeling, combined with fighting the adjustment to someone's role in your life changing, and it can be a rough ride ngl. I know that sounds daunting, but it did help me a little in the moment to know many, many other people have felt exactly how I felt at the time bc when you're in the thick of it, it can feel very lonely and isolating, so I mention it just in case it's also helpful for you to know that.
My best advice for the first couple of days is just to ride it out and feel whatever it is your feeling at the moment, because it is kind of a grieving process and like grieving you need to get the big feelings out to be able to process it. Keeping your mind busy is also really helpful, it's ok to wallow for a while but if you get the chance to do something pleasant, or even just sit with someone instead of being alone, I found that super helpful. My last big breakup I spent a full 2 weeks at my parents house and in my free time I just sat with them (and cried on them lol a LOT) watched movies, played board games, etc. Even just having a conversation on the phone when the feelings start bubbling up again can be very cathartic.
Right now it might feel like you will never feel better, or never find anyone again (or want to), but that's just part of the grief and as impossible as it might sound, that starts to fade faster than you think it will. I know you mentioned you want to stay friends and I don't think that's impossible but it's probably a good idea to avoid seeing them just for the time being, because that can be like picking at a scab on a healing wound y'know? It can be confusing and stressful and hinder the healing process, at least in my experience. Same for communicating.
But yea I promise it gets better ❤️ this relationship not working out does not mean you are impossible to love forever at all, it just means that this wasn't the right person to do it, most of us just need to do some trial and error before we find that person. And tbh I think people who have been through trial and error can ultimately end up in healthier relationships, because experience makes you learn more about yourself/what you are looking for in a person. Be kind to yourself for now ❤️ this too shall pass, it will be ok.
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royallygray · 3 months
Psst Royal
Do you wanna rant about anymore soul horizon lore? I would like to hear about soul horizon lore if you wanna ramble :D
Also would you like to read the essay I wrote about llkau Pearl's psychological truama and manipulation from her mother?
yes I am always down to rant about soul horizon lore. also YES I WANT PEARLS PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA HEHEHEHEHEHEH
Anyways hello. I am normal sized again wow.
Okay so personally--FUCK I HAVE A MEGA STUPID ASSIGNMENT IM GONNA NEED TO DEAL WITH THAT IN SOME AMOUNT OF TIME--i have recently been obsessed with soul horizon divorcée quartet.
Scott and Cleo are canonically married. why did I do this, you may ask? tax benefits. and they were living with each other anyways. and also idk how marriage licenses work but it makes the pay a whole lot like even-er because Scott's a doctor and Cleo's a teacher
Well they're a college professor. idk how much more college professors get paid and I am too lazy to google it
hold on actually
ok so according to the first results: 96k to 300k per year which makes the second result so fucking sad like. the second result is 30k-97k a year. like. rip
compared to high school teachers: 45k-100k per year. Jesus Christ. and then the second result is 38k-46k.
rip teachers honestly
330k-630k. Yahoo. scott has it good. he's a surgeon because... I said so. he's like a surgeon but also a doctor. I think. mostly a surgeon tho but I am going to call him a doctor for the rest of this because in my mind he wears the coats. like a lab person. with cyan hair
Well. It starts in elementary school. I... don't actually have lore for Cleo and Scott for this part but I do for Pearl and Martyn! So Pearl and Martyn are the same age, and they went to Evolution Elementary and Middle. They're in the same building. People just call it Evo
Also Jimmy barely made it through that school bc the year after he graduated it got shut down bc it was hosting cult activities. hmmm. weird
All the Evo gang went to Evo Elementary. shocker. And Lizzie.
And then they graduated, and they went to Hermit High Academy. Which I love. All the Hermits are there, except for Joel and Skizz (THEY WEREN'T HERMITS WHEN THIS STARTED AND ID ALREADY DONE THIS BACKSTORY), Cleo (she was at EEP), Gem, and Scar.
Also EEP stands for Empires Education Program. I love the EEP. All Empires people went there.
The two significant years-
hold on hold on hold on. okay. so.
Year order. we need this
also my sibling once told me that I text like someone with ADHD and I cannot help but feel like that's relevant here.
hello it is now a completely different day and place (I'm at the kitchen table and it is midnight)
(It has been thirty minutes I'm in my bed again and I am going to fall asleep. I need to take my meds. I have now taken my meds. now if I wanted to I could just fall asleep. I'm gonna keep talking here.)
In the Empires Education Program (which is referred to by people who want to mock it and also the attendees of it as the eep. Others say Empires or E E P (separated letters)) there are two years of people attending that we care about.
Everyone that was in Empires or SOS, minus False, Pearl, Jimmy, and Gem is part of the EEP.
The secondary year we care about (the grade below) has Oli, Owen, Mog, Eloise, and a few others unnamed (prolly from Witchcraft) because I refuse to make this class smaller than Magic School Bus's.
Everyone (minus Pearl, Jimmy, and Gem) in Empires S1 is in the first year of EEP. The second year has everyone else (minus False) that was in Empires S2 and SOS.
The primary year we care about (the most plot relevant people are here) has Scott, Cleo, Lizzie, Joel, Shelby, Katherine, fWhip, Pix, Sausage, and Joey. You might notice that Cleo is in here, and they are not part of this group. Cleo is in here because I said so. Also I needed a place for her to be besties with Scott. And Cleo would be a great addition to this crew, just saying.
... genuinely it is a completely different day and I am in a separate building and I have no idea what my ultimatum here was
Anyways. Martyn is a vigilante, Pearl's a villain, Scott's a doctor, and Cleo's a professor.
The funny thing that I'm absolutely in love with is how they semi get along. but mostly don't.
see. Scott and Pearl had that whole scene where Pearl literally ran out of magic and started ripping it out of Scott's soul. Magic is part of your soul, so it comes from a similar place as your soulbond.
And so Scott and Pearl have a well justified rivalry. And also after they broke the soulbond -- OH I JUST REMEMBERED THE REALLY FUNNY SHIT -- they both became Worthy, Scott significantly earlier than Pearl.
I still gotta explain the Worthy thing dammit
Anyways the really funny shit is that normally, when you reject your soulbond, you essentially function exactly the same as a person without a soulbond except you've got a weird tattoo, and you will die at the same moment that they do.
EXCEPT the divorce quartet are part of the Eighteen (which irl are just the life series members), and this means that the rejection doesn't work. It works at first, and Pearl and Scott have silent minds for the first time ever, and then they hear the slight whisper of the other one's voice and just. they're suffering.
It's funny as fuck, imo, because I'm the sadist author that makes the characters suffer. hehe
essentially, the telepathy hurts more after they rejected it than before. And also they also have the normal consequence of "if the one dies, then the other one dies too" which normal soulmates don't have.
But because of the rejection not working, the four of them realized that they're Winners. And they all figure out that they're Winners because Pearl believes that Mortality mythology (aka life series canon events) is real.
And Martyn was like "hah Pearl you're crazy"
and Pearl straight up goes "Jimmy's the Canary"
and the three of them stare at Pearl
because EVERYONE has heard the legend of the canary. It doesn't fucking matter who you are.
And Cleo's straight up like "holy shit"
And Scott knew the entire time bc he shares a brain with Pearl except he semi didn't believe it but he knew that Pearl believed it
But now they figure out that Scott is the Stars (2nd winner), Pearl is the Moon (3rd winner), Martyn is Mars/water/The Tower (4th winner), and Cleo is Pluto/fire/Death (6th winner).
And then perhaps Grian just walks out of the house and is like what're y'all talking about.
And then Pearl just stares at him. because she remembers what his soulmark is.
It's the sun and the earth. which is the missing duo of winners.
and Pearl is like. Grian. You're a winner.
and Grian's like "wtf are you on"
"like of mortality mythology"
Scott: so is he the sun or the earth
Pearl: probably the sun. have you seen that face
Grian: wtf
Martyn: welcome to divorce club, Grian
Pearl: Martyn stfu
Martyn: yeah I'm scared of you so I will actually do that
Also Martyn and Pearl are besties
also I gotta write the scene where they divorce bc it's actually rly cute. not like Scott&Pearl and Martyn&Cleo but like. Scott and Martyn are cute. And Pearl and Cleo are cute. And Cleo and Scott<3 and Martyn and Pearl are like besties. so.
they. them. they're the perfect combination of like. a lot of shit. because all of them are morally gray.
hey that's almost my name
My name is actually a play on the phrase "morally gray", fun fact
Since Pearl is literally a villain. Martyn is a more hero aligned vigilante. Scott and Cleo, while being civilians, do actively help Pearl by giving her potions and shit since she and Martyn can go to the Nether to get the ingredients, and Scott and Cleo have a permit to brew potions.
Like. Scott and Cleo are like passive and will not get outed in the grand scheme, but technically they break the law daily. And I love them so much for that. Like. They know WAYYY too much to be civilians. Not even JOEL knows as much, and he's the motherfucking husband of Riptide, who is the sister of Scarlet AND Sparrow. AND the Canary.
Anyways. Um. If you want to ask any clarifying questions, I would be more than happy to answer those.
This was rly incoherent and I'm sorry abt that but y'know :D
THANK YOU PERI @periwinklepaint FOR THE ASK :D :D
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 11 months
hii, I really admire ur ship w/ red!! I think ur gushes are so cute and the effort u put into ur s/i's and everything is just so cool. ur pokemon shipping general is just amazong to watcvlh second hand and actually was one of the things that inspired me to start playing the game ^_^
I'm just.. a teensy bit confused (new to the fandom so sorry if I sound stupid) red is one of the MCs for pokemon fire red so how did that inspire I to ship w/ him? or is he also featured in an anime/book/something else that I'm not aware of? just confused bc I feel like theres sm I'm unaware of since he has sm fanart😓
sorry for the ramble, I just really love ur ship!
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ANON IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THIS I KICKED MY LEGS READING THIS ENTIRE THING HUHUHHHU TYSM 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 im super glad my ship got you interested to check it out!
ill explain, i gotcha!! this almost feels like me gushing but it's me geeking out because im really enjoying myself with the pokemon franchise heeheheh I was also flustered myself when I tried to relearn pokemon again but you get used to it!
okay, so red actually exists since the first old game (red blue green), but his design was a little different. (he had black hair, and his outfit was slightly different)
but that game got a remaster later and it was called fire red/leaf green! and his redesign included him having brown hair and that's his most iconic design in the modern time! keep in mind that this red only exists in video games and sometimes anime but it's more ash centric (I only ship with the VIDEO GAME one)
now skip to several games, in the game called sun and moon, red reappears but he's a fully grown adult! and that's MY HUSBAND GRAAGHHFT 💥💥💥 he's not a playable character but he's someone you can battle!
what inspired me to like him is a long story, and I don't wanna make it suuuper lengthy because it mentions another media and ANOTHER media so it can get confusing - but to keep it short! I never knew he had an adult design so when I checked for myself... I was INSTANTLY IN LOVE i thought he was SO CUTE and i loved the way fanon treats him in fanarts and I ate it ALL. but for a short time I put him aside because I also fell for steven st.one at the time and he had more content than red (red is underrated sadly) but when my classmate offered me to play sun and moon with his 3ds, I was floored and excited and knew I was gonna get super giddy n shit and it kinda dragged me into the red mindset again and here we are EHEHEHEJEJEKE
yes that's about it!! im so happy you enjoyed appleshipping as much as I love red 🥺🫶
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venusaria · 8 months
I'm terrible at coming up with prompts to send people, but I just wanted to say it's nice to see when someone is able to come back to a hobby they enjoy! Do you have a favorite d gray man character?
(I haven’t typed in so long so this is easy my most poorly written post I’ve ever typed 🫠, but hopefully it’s understandable. This is also not gonna have spoilers just because I haven’t read d.gray-man in so long I actually forgot a huge chunk of the plot, but I still remember bits of it)
When it comes to writing wise, I personally feel like the Earl would be my favorite, because he is probably the best written character besides Allen walker. It’s hard to explain it, but I think that out of all anime/manga antagonists, the Earl has the most unique role and lore in all of anime/manga, just because of how unpredictable it is, to where I was very taken aback about his plot twist.
I’ve never read a series that uses an antagonist in such a fashion, to where D.Gray-Man as a whole stands out to me, and I think that personally the way that his character was used was very well done.
When I first read the series I’ve never thought much of him as “Ah, a character wanting to destroy the world blah blah blah”, hence why when I first read D.Gray-Man back in 2017, I never cared for him. It wasn’t till after the Noah’s Ark Arc that started to make me more invested in the Earls character, especially when the 14th was introduced. And when his backstory was revealed, I was very shocked yet invested just because of how it was introduced and why it was so important to know about.
Ima ramble but the Earl is my favorite
I also like Tyki because he’s hot and stupid ahshasksksk
(When I reread DGM I’ll remake this post but with everything I forgot about bc I feel like it’s something worth pointing out)
(I’ll also do a teer-list of my favorite characters after I reread it)
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escudofracturado · 11 months
Meta: What do you associate with your character (like, songs, images, troupes, ect)?
OOC// Note: We're gonna talk mental health here, so maybe skip this if you're not feeling it. Also I talk a lot idek if it's all super relevant but I don't shut up.
I sometimes struggle with these but ig it's a time to ramble about my characters kinda day lol. I have a bunch of songs on Milo's playlist that remind me of him and his past and his whole vibe. Which his whole vibe is the theme of like hope versus hopelessness. I'm mean and ruined his life as he was finally beginning to get more of a grip on his mental health and life in general- when he was really starting to feel hopeful about the future. Because it's an interesting point, when you become more aware of your mental health, and you start to recognize the patterns, start to understand the effects, but you can't help it, or you want to self-destruct, or you don't care enough to do the things you know will help. Milo's a very personal character to me, more so than Arden, honestly. You know, all characters have an aspect of yourself in them, but I did dump a lot onto him, and so much of his history involves themes that I love and really get to me.
Anyway, trope-y wise, (and apologies bc I never know the like specific names of character tropes and I can never get through the massive list on tvtropes to find em) you know, widely speaking, he's kind of a combo stoner/skater/gamer, but he's also very like 'the heart of the group' kind of character. He has a lot of love and kindness in his heart, and he cares so much about people- more than he does himself. He always wants to cheer people up, cheer them on, he'll be there to listen and support and will make himself look stupid if it gets someone to smile. He puts other people before himself. A bit of comic relief/sunshine boy/soft boi/defender of the innocent. He's been through some awful shit, has felt miserable, and he doesn't want that for other people. I think of, like, Garfield Logan (aka Beast Boy) and Joker Moreau from Mass Effect.
Songs that stand out to me: TALES OF DOMINICA by Lil Nas X, Achilles Come Down by Gang og Youths, Lost in IKEA by CLIFFDIVER, Dungeons & Dragons by Jenny Owen Youngs, A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley, Loser by Sueco, If it's True from Hadestown, Last Hope by Paramore, Mood Ring by Lorde, City by DBMK, Numb Little Bug by Em Beihold, Control by Halsey, A Burning Hill by Mitski, and The World Is Ugly by My Chemical Romance.
Images: Brambles, scorch marks, goofy smiles, a group of friends being young and dumb, sharing a joint, emotionlessly lying in bed, sitting with back to a wall curled up and crying, taking a protective stance in front of someone, late nights playing video games, gripping a sink with both hands while looking into a mirror, razor blades, a parent yelling at a child, a comforting hand on a shoulder
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caramel-clowns · 2 years
what is your "official" [using that word loosely] review of it?
im gonna assume you're talking about the new monster high movie i mentioned earlier, if you're talking about the horror movie i apologize bc I'm semi stupid, also if you are talking about the horror movie i'll also make a post about that bc i have a lot of thoughts on the IT movies, ALSO I LOVE THIS BC I LOVE REVIEWS SO MUCH!!! i love ranting about stupid movies and ranting about things in general! feel free to ask any opinion on movies or games!!! now introducing, my VERY shitty review of Monster High: the movie (spoilers i guess) so the story starts with clawdeen, who is a werewolf, going skating, shes wearing a hoodie and stuff to hide that shes a werewolf because she doesnt belong in the human realm or something i cant remember tbh, eventually she bumps into someone and its revealed, whoopsies, she runs off home where we meet her dad (who is a human) and apparently its her 15th birthday or something, she tells her dad that she got accepted to monster high but hes kind of ehhh about it at first bc like they are against humans/half-humans eventually he gives in and she can go, woo meets frankie and draculaura who shes roommates with, meets deuce too bc romance i guess, apparently her mom was like a well respected person at monster high (her moms dead) so principal bloodgood asks her to perform a speech, also has some talk about the school being anti-human and stuff, however clawdeen feels like she belongs at monster high and is kind of nervous bc she's not fully human clawdeen discovers that when shes scared/nervous she begins transforming into a human they have a talk about jekyll and hyde in class at some point, big reveal is that the teacher who taught that class is hyde's son, hates monster high and wants to destroy it and humans because they killed his dad, stuff like that, enough with the bad summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ all around the movie was like an average disney channel movie tbh, girl doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere, finally finds a place where she belongs, conflict, stuff like that things i did enjoy were the friendships between frankie, draculaura and clawdeen, i thought it was cute and sweet non-binary frankie was something i also liked a lot! however i am quite sad about no lesbian clawdeen (also about them making her and deuce like each other but we'll get to that) i did like a lot of the outfits actually! frankie had outfits i would totally wear, and draculaura! very goregeous (fuck you Grammarly for correcting) the music wasn't awful, none of the songs stuck with me really but they didn't burn my ears i guess tbh i thought the set looked neat too things i did not enjoy however were the relationship between deuce and clawdeen, they didn't officially start dating or anything but it has been said they like each other, i didn't particularly feel any chemistry between them they fully removed the rest of the wolf family, did not like that some of the makeup was kinda eh but that might just be me being picky, the makeup around deuce's eyes looked very orange, and draculaura's makeup was a bit too toned down for my taste but yet again, might be me being picky ghoulia yelps in this movie- she wasn't a major character, only appeared like a few times however i didn't like that they made her talk, idk just didnt really sit right with me? the villain twist at the end was lame, they have a jekyll/hyde character in the monster high universe???? do jackson and holt mean nothing???? but i saw the twist coming, idk if they wanted us to see it coming but like i saw it idk its 2 am and im rambling, yet again please tell me if im rambling about the wrong movie! maybe i'll actually be well rested then kindly ignore how shitty my reviews are i was mostly spewing out words
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noblechaton · 4 months
theory crafting ramble based off very little evidence time
ok SO I've loved the faint bits of Krypton lore we've gotten from this show so far and given the way Jor-El casually talked about Brainiac it's safe to assume that they're going something along the lines of the "Brainiac is an AI found/invented and used by Kryptonians" route but I'm very curious as to if the "And he breaks from their control and turns into an insane supervillain monster machine" part of that origin for the character
this mostly stems from how they've portrayed Krypton less as a peaceful planet and more of a conqueror with Jor-El even calling it an empire in this premier so I'm thinking it'll be less that Brainiac goes bad and more that he already kinda is by design - his primary function was likely to take worlds "in the name of Krypton" - but there is no Krypton now, and supposedly "no other Kryptonians"
now obviously this is wrong as we the audience know given that there is one lil detail we didn't get much on that I think is gonna play a role - the Mysterious Warrior Who Loves to say Kneel from the S1 finale. I believed this was Zod when that happened bc. well. duh. and I think there's still a solid ~80% chance that that's the case as it obviously makes the most sense - Zod persisting through the Phantom Zone or such, coming out of his cage and working with Brainiac to "restore" Krypton - or, at least, a Krypton - is kinda classic stuff at this point
but. what if it's not Zod in there? if Krypton was an empire that went into constant wars for control and power, as it seems, then it stands to reason that telling others to kneel and enforcing his will onto them wouldn't be a trait just one General would have - it'd be how most Kryptonians would act
with Jor-El being proud of Clark's kindness being a detail from this premier I also noticed, something that tells me he had either been a good man or changed his ways at some point. I feel as if it's possible that Jor-El's warning of Krypton's doom in this series wasn't from some natural disaster, but from battling far too much - he'd warned of getting into a fight with that which brought Apocalypse to the doorstep, and went unheard until the...Dark side. Arrived. not my best work but basically they tried to fight Darkseid despite Jor-El's attempts to bring Krypton out of its bloodlust and lost to the point of near extinction, is my guess
so who is it in that armor, if not Zod?
it could still be him, of course, and I'm sure that's what they want the audience to think - but I'm not as sure as I was.I suppose it could be Kara, who we have no known location for, but I doubt they'd have her leave Earth just to come back in such a way - though there is precedent for some ~evil~ Kara stuff, to be fair. but who else?
well if Krypton was an empire that ran off bloodshed and war, it would have needed rulers - and maybe Jor-El happened to marry himself into a royal family, one that had standing in a council or such. and maybe he was starting to sway his wife's perception of their world's actions when they went too far - maybe the person in the armor is a Lara Lor-Van (or whatever they call her in this series) who'd started to see the error of their world's ways just before the end, through her innocent son's eyes just before he was sent away, and who survived Krypton's end, then went mad as a result?
or was otherwise revived/remade/repurposed as a means to give someone else a purpose?
Brainiac is never portrayed as stupid - he'd know Krypton is gone, he wouldn't be bottling planets up for no reason, in the name of a dead planet; he'd do it because he wants to, now, his systems having gone beyond those that showed doubt in the planet's final days. but he's just a machine - however many bodies he has, they can be destroyed.
what if Brainiac installed Lara - or some twisted version of her, perhaps, made this way either via recreation or red kryptonite or such - as "leader" of a Krypton that no longer exists, which would play into his "programming" to dominate and capture other worlds, that isn't just his programming anymore, which a damaged Lara wouldn't know? what if Brainiac is using Lara in a Zod-like role, manipulating her for her power, using her to make conquering worlds easier, while seizing control over the universe ultimately for himself? so that when Lara comes into contact with Clark, they'll fight - but she'll see her son, in time, and snap out of it - which only makes Brainiac step into the control he's always had; Lara loses her bloodlust, and that Brainiac cannot abide
no idea how Kara fits into any of this just yet but I imagine her reveal will possibly show Clark more on how Krypton was more a warrior world than anything else, she'll be the key in showcasing more of what Krypton was, what it might have become, and how it ended - there's even a chance that this includes a reveal that it was Brainiac who led the Kryptonians into a fight he knew they couldn't win, just to see them defeated - betraying them, in essence, to usurp the throne they'd made
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moonoo-yaps · 9 months
ok anyway I'm here to yap now I guess so here's my opinions on some games even though nobody asked
ok so I usually play blind playthroughs and recently I've gotten two games (one of which I've seen the beginning to but it's not rly that big of a deal I think)
gonna start with omori and I've heard a lot of good things about it (and I'm only like 2 and a half hours in so take that as you will) but personally idk if I like it that much??
like the main story I enjoy I wanna go more into that but I feel like this would've worked better as a visual novel/puzzle game or something? like the combat is repetitive so I don't really enjoy that aspect at all 🧍 it just feels slow and pointless
there's probs also minor details that I have mixed feelings about but otherwise it's alright?? idk again I'm not that far in so idk how I feel (also bc obviously there's still details that I don't understand yet so it would be unfair to say anything about those)
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the other game I got recently was signalis and I've already seen my cousin play a bit so I was already interested because I like the atmosphere and stuff (even though I'm a coward) and also puzzles are fun??? yeah
other than being constantly terrified because actually playing is so much scarier than watching it I'm also fighting for my life because I don't usually use guns so ammo management was never a thing that I tend to deal with 😔 not a good time for someone that panics easily and wastes a bullet smh
last time I accidentally missed an item walking around (because I'm a FOOL) so now I have to walk across the map to figure out where the hell this thing is because of my own sheer stupidity
anyway I feel like this game is pretty good(?) like it's in the style of an old school kinda game and it really captures the eerie vibes (the music is stressful as shit and kinda grating but it's PERFECT for this kinda atmosphere since it's meant to be an uncomfy place- and I love when games are mostly quiet bc then it rly just hits you when enemies appear and ughjfnnsnd sound design)
also again, even though I'm a coward, I really like the way that horror is presented in this game bc I actually like the genre itself- just that I don't like cheap jumpscares especially since I flinch rly easily fjdndnfnd :(
it's lowkey a jumpscare when enemies suddenly start moving toward you (especially the first part ughdjdndkjd) but it's not necessarily something that's just jumping out of nothing to scare you (which I fucking despise) the horror mostly comes from the general sense of unease that the environment gives yk
like the game is scary even knowing that there isn't really anything apart from running into enemies (there are some instances where you're out into first person which is SO unnerving but so far nothing has happened which is arguable more concerning like why is it doing this actually)
and again I'm only partway through so take this with a grain of salt but I love the vibes sm it's hard to put into words fndndnfndn idk horror as a genre is really neat and it's interesting to see how it's depicted
the first person thing can also be like- it's almost giving a false sense of security so that later it can hit me with a(n arguably cheap jumpscare) or maybe it genuinely isn't going to do that and it's just to put you on edge
idk I feel like I can ramble about horror as a genre for hours but I'm also a bit afraid rn so uh hehe
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I don't think I have as many negative things to say for signalis compared to omori but that's also bc I don't play these kinds of game often so I'm not used to these elements
omori doesn't rly feel as complex I think?? (GAMEPLAY WISE NOT THE STORY) again I'm just yapping so this means nothing but the rpg part is rly simple to the point where it can get tedious kinda
it's mostly just the combat that annoys me since there isn't rly much to it?? and even the follow up attacks give like a moment to react and the first time the game shows how these attacks work it doesn't pause to let you process it properly and you're basically guessing what prompt to hit to do something that you don't even know anything about (you can read about it AFTER the fight ig, but also idk i just personally don't like how its presented)
I didn't rly touch on it but omori is also horror (psychological tho so not the same kind) and I don't have anything bad to say about it? like part of it is supposed to be funny and lighthearted specifically so that the psychological horror hits harder idk- the start doesn't really have that much yet but by the end I'm mostly just gonna be sad :(
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imissthefire · 1 year
well gods damn it all, I'm in part 4 finally and haven't said a word since I started, but hrjskajdks I have so many thots and feelings. under the cut because it's meaningless rambling but if u feel like reading then that's chill
First one being WHERE IS MY BABYGIRL (I know I get him soon but I'm still annoyed that I've had to wait so long and I miss him) second, why the FUCK is pelleas. Like. Just why. Why he? For the first 2/3rds of his presence, I wanted to drop kick his ass to hatari but eventually he went from being a fucking loser (derogatory) to a fucking loser (affectionate) and now... yeah. it's my first playthroygh, I could not save him and was unfortunately very upset by his dumbass sacrificing himself without reading the fine print. And then mommy almedha finding out her dumbass precious son died for naught but also it's fine, he was clinically stupid so it wasn't an unforeseen scenærio. Can't believe iz*ka found The Most Pathetic Little Guy and said "yeah, yeah, he's gonna be the next king" like I know he wanted someone easy to gaslight and manipulate and all that jazz but holy mother of FUCK could he not have found somebody with like even an ounce of confidence or self-preservation 😭 it did work out tho for almedha tho seeing as her aggressive need to mother hen the hell out of a child paired very well with how helpless and less-than-with-it pelly was. If only her son was a genius mage with a hunk of a bf and not a pathetic limp noodle mage with a lowkey cute crush on miccy, but alas, this is my first playthrough therefore those dots will remain unconnected ✊🏼😔 but got damg. Also, insanely silly of kurthy to be all :( I love my sister and dead brother who sacrificed everything for our nephew who is now also dead :((( when he's actually very much alive and well, like, two tents over. Crazy stuff, man, truly.
And damg don't even get me started on how fucking stressful drafting the armies was because I spent over an hour on it and I just got to the 2nd chapper with the elincibarn army and I realise now that I made a Big Mistake because they're so underpowered 😭 I made so many mistakes drafting that but at least I was locked with tibs AND ranran, both of whom have been pretty great so I have hope that between them, elincia and the LBGs (I assume b*stian will join us at some point (I need to complete the LGB(E) gang, it's imperative to our success)) things will be manageable.
Meanwhile, I put too much thought into the silver army or whatever miccy's is called and it was Still Absolute Ass! Slaysala carried along with skrimscram and mordy (and a shit tonne of olivi grass) the majority of the battle. that feathery slut only got hit, like, maybe 5 times? Powerful birdy, fucked up morally but also fucks severely on the battlefield so I'll forgive him and trust him bc he can't really betray us given how almost everyone else has been dwayned (rock) so they can't really buy his treachery. I also think he'd have perchance just enough self-preservation and sense to NOT side with the same ppl trying to kill everyone, thus nullifying the possibility of saving everybody, which includes Kilvans, which is actually quite understandable. It gives a bit of a sov rudolf vibe in that rudy knew that with his little green-haired secret prince with a brand that complicates his life without him realising it for like 17 years who was whisked away at birth/a very young age to live like a peasant voiced (in english) by kyle mccarley (gatekeeper must have one hell of a backstory) that along with his antithesis (anthieseses if you will) would unite zofia and rigel but in order to trigger that unity, he had to lean hard into being a bit fucked up and evil etc etc this isn't what that's about tho, I just am trying to justify why I think naenaesala isn't a completely iredeemable piece of garbage idk idk bottom line, rudolf had to suck but it was for the best of his people and naesala is a dick but does it with his people in mind and I think that's understandable. Doesn't justify or excuse his actions, but it sure gives important perspective to them. But anyway, everyone else in the silver army is lowkey dogshit ahaha I'm Fighting For My Life with these units, man. Snaki has been decent, (her lesbian mums do be pulling through as well) but she's also for some reason got the absolute worst luck with getting hit when enemy hit rate is <20% and either dying or coming damn near close. I know mages are squishy and aren't supposed to get hit but bro, she got hit by a 3% and fucking died when I was nearly through the map 😭
On the flipside, fortunately the gmercs and friends slay absolute penis, ike and soren alone can take like a dozen men at once (in a fight) and come out pretty much unscathed. sor's real good at dodging and having flare AND adept activate almost every second hit, so homeboy's keeping himself going easy peasy. And ike's just out here throwing his giant sword at bitches, also healing, but hella dealing (damage) ugh, power couple and neither get range locked so they can kill every last one of them which is quite nice. I'll send them into the fray and they have their cute little support *klboomph* bonus so they got that avo and other stuff idk I didn't look at it that hard.
I will say tho that the combining of the inventories was an absolute blessing holy shit man, I was fighting for my life between having next to no funds in any of the armies and running out of shit but having extra of what I need for one team on another and vice versa. truly a blessing that I can just hand stuff back and forth, only issue is i can't snag anything if it's with someone in another of the armies but I just keep units I'm not using on a map unarmed and empty-handed otherwise. Works out pretty well if I'm being perfectly candid, friend. Anyway, I'm gonna leave my absurdly long update at that otherwise this would be even longer and worse. Since I know babygirl shows up in ch3 with miccy and the gang, I apologise in advance for the impending thristposting. I'm holding myself back from being horny on main over several ppl but stefan, man, he just *chef's kiss* makes my brain go buckwild.
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just imagine enjou getting jealous of how the other abyss lectors and heralds kept flirting with you ever since he introduced you to them. but when it was getting too much, he just decided to fuck you in front of them, giving his buddies a free show and kept taunting them how much they'll never get a taste of your pussy since you're only his to breed.
hi hi anon!
ooh this is actually really interesting nonnie! so enjou actually might do this bc word got out how he has a human darling, and his fellow exegetes are rather curious themselves so he just ends up bringing you along to shut them up, whilst keeping you close to his side bc he'd rather prefer that they not rip you to shreds. what they don't expect, is how much of a pretty little human you are. the exchange is brief and rather rushed, but you're grateful for it and just want out rather quickly. so when they start approaching you, speaking in rather gentle and borderline flirtatious tones, you feel so awkward and puny and enjou is having none of it,,,
nsfw below!
" you're rather cute y'know-"
" what made someone as pretty as you stick by enjou?"
" you're so cute and small, like a rabbit."
it was endless.
ever since enjou had introduced you to a good handful of his fellow exegetes' so they'd stop bothering and pestering him about how they'd heard he had brought back a little human companion with him, they hadn't left you alone. consistently crowding around you, brushing your hair with their sharpened claws, tracing the smooth lines of your skin with their clawsー
it was like they had no shame.
they were either oblivious or purposefully ignoring your very clear signs of discomfort and your attempts to swat their touch away. seriously, weren't they supposed to like, hate humans, or something? you'd thought they'd be fighting over who got to rip you apart or something gorey like that, but no. they'd whisper deepened and distorted words that heavily leaned into flirtatious territory while towering over you.
sometimes enjou would have to accompany you himself, and even you could see that he was at his wit's end. each time you told him of their rather flirtatious remarks or their soft touches, you swore you could feel the room becoming hotter, and it was evident that he was utterly pissed, but was keeping it in together just for your sake.
" ...they haven't said any other weird things right..?"
" hmm, like what?"
he pauses, thinking to himself, and you tilt your head out of curiosity before it finally clicks in your head.
oh, so that's what he was worried about.
" enjou, i'm not gonna cheat on you."
you crawl into his lap, making sure to face him and caress his face gently. instinctively he places his hands on either side of your hips, keeping you steady and firm on his warm lap.
" i really love you, y'know? you're so charming, funny, and adorable; sure you can be pretty stupid sometimes, but that's why i love you enjou. besides--"
you lean in close to the side of his face, ignoring his protests of him saying " i-it was one time okay?!" and lower your voice perfectly to a more sultry tone.
"--your dick is the only one that can satisfy me anyway♡"
he loudly chokes on his words and you start laughing at his rather flustered state. seriously, he was so cute-!♡
" awww, why're you so embarrassed enjou?♡ you weren't embarrassed last night, especially with how hard you fu-"
" ghhh-!"
you let out a noise of surprise when he uses one of his warm and yellow hands to cover your rambling mouth, clearly still embarrassed. it doesn't stop you from laughing behind his hand, enjou abashedly looking away. your laughs soon trickle down to small giggles, and you hold your hands up in mock surrender and he removes his hand. you flash him a smile whilst tilting your head.
" hey ( name )?"
" yeah?"
" i've thought up of a way to get my fellow exegetes off your back, would you care to listen?"
you blinkーonce, twiceーbefore letting out a happy sigh of relief, and you pat his shoulder eagerly, eyes sparkling in anticipation.
" do tell, enjou."
" hmm, well.."
you let loose shrill and garbled moans as yet another orgasm was pulled out of you, further drowning you in pure lust. enjou lets out heavy groans as his thick and swollen knot slams against your plush pussy lips, creating wet smacking and squelches that fill the still air. after thrusting up into you and chasing his orgasm, he finally shoves his knot past your velvety folds and into your awaiting cunt, and you let out more drawn-out moans, though this time you have a stupid smile on your lips. f-finally, you were stuffed full again...!
" shwo bwig enjouuu, your dick's sho big...you're all the way in my stomach..♡"
you can't help but stare down at your swollen belly, perverse excitement filling your every fiber and your grip around his broad neck tightens. you're being fucked full with enjou's thick and steaming cum, being bred like a whore until his balls are emptied completely inside of your womb, and you fucking love it; it's like your pussy was made for his fat monster cock to fuck and fill to his heart's desire. and you wouldn't let anyone else touch your cunt--
not even the abyss heralds and lectors hungrily eyeing the two of you down, frustration and something akin to jealousy clearly exuding from them. you don't care enough about them to pay attentionーyou're too focused on enjou gripping your pudgy thighs as he shallowly rolls his hips up against you, emptying out his nth load inside you. you don't even know how many times you've cum at this point, you don't even care; you just want enjou to keep on fucking you until you pass out.
" mmnnhhii-!?♡"
you let out a whimper as enjou starts pulling his thick monster cock out from the confines of your pussy--first his knot, then the rest of his huge length--purposefully dragging himself against your oversensitive walls. with a wet squelch, he slides himself out completely, his now limp burnt red cock stained white with your mixed juices. you let out shaky moans when his thick cum starts to heavily gush out of your swollen pussy lips and onto the ground below, letting out resounding and wet plops.
" see fellas? look at her pretty cunt, it's all full of cum, such a nice sight isn't it?"
enjou purrs at his fellow exegetes, nuzzling his face against your hair and you let out a small moan of happinessーhe feels so warm and comforting against youーbut your moans start becoming louder as enjou's huge cock twitches back to life and starts rubbing up against your swollen folds once more. he's twitching like crazy, heavy globs of pre-cum leaking and soaking his mouthwateringly thick head with a creamy white. you can feel yourself drooling as enjou brings the head right up to your eager and dripping hole.
" look, she's cum already but her pussy's twitching like crazy. isn't my ( name ) the cutest?♡"
he coos lovingly, and you feel his chest heave with chuckles as some of the heralds and lectors groan in frustration, some voicing their frustrations of not being able to have even the slightest taste of your dripping pussy, and even you can tell that they're all hard. their huge cocks are all standing up to the sight of you being fucked like a whore in front of them and being used as a breeding holeーsomething they could never have.
" now, look closely, look at how happily her pretty pussy swallows me up♡"
" unnnhhhfff-!"
with a breathy sigh, enjou swiftly pushes his huge cock into your cunt, thick erection rubbing up against your oversensitive walls and you cry out, mouth stupidly hung open and your tongue lolling out as moans start freely spilling from your mouth. you know you look like a slut like this, but you can't even bring yourself to really care and instead pour all of your focus into trying not to cum once more just from being entered. as if sensing this, enjou lets out more chuckles, and he peers over your shoulder, looking down at the tummy bulge his huge cock has made.
" isn't she so cute?♡ she's so small yet she takes my big dick so perfectly. it's like she was made to take huge dicks♡"
" mmnnhhiii-?!"
' i'm barely fitting you in! ' is what you want to say, but enjou starts slowly pulling and pushing his hips, sliding his huge cock back and forth into your plush walls, and you faintly hear some of his fellow exegetes hissing and groaning, clearly becoming more and more pent-up just from watching you. you squeal and cry out when enjou suddenly slams his huge cock deep into your pussy, heavy and swollen knot smacking against your velvety lips. he repeats the process, slowly dragging his fat cock out of your wet walls, before slamming himself back in.
" uhH!♡ Uhgh!♡ uhh!♡"
you're drooling like crazy now, barely holding back from pervertedly grinning and cooing for enjou to fuck you stupid, but there's a part of you that doesn't want his fellow exegetes to see even that side of youーit's reserved for only enjou's eyes to gaze and marvel at, not some perverted abyssal monsters drowning in their carnal desires.
" HHhHhMM--NG!♡ e-enjouu-f-feelsh shwo gwood..!!♡ 'm gonna break...!!♡♡"
" you won't-hmmnngg-you won't break ( name ). you're doing so well, taking me so well..♡♡"
he says it a bit louder, knowing damn well it's setting off your frustrated audience, but what the hell, you'll let him have his fun.
" 's too much...n-no more...gonna really break..!!"
your mind is going blank, any strings tethering and keeping you from going utterly cock drunk, and enjou isn't making it any better. he keeps purposefully rubbing his thick erection up against your abused g-spot each time he slides himself in and out of your tight cunt and pressing himself upwards, prodding his monster cock up until you can feel that familiar and addictive tummy bulge forming once more.
" look, my dick's too big for her tiny cunt, you can even see the outline♡ i'm almost reaching her womb..♡"
true to his word, enjou slams up into you, perfectly angled to rub up against your puckering cervix, and you shriek, eyes watering from the overwhelming waves of pleasure that washes over your small body and you drag your nails against his skin and your toes flex and curl. y-you're really gonna break..!!
" it's okay," he softly whispers reassuredly up against your ear, quiet enough to where the others won't hear him," you can let loose now, i won't let them touch you, darling.."
and like heavenly perfection, you do. you feel a sloppy and perverted smile spread across your pretty lips as you gaze down at your audience, no longer caring if you look like some kind of bitch in heat anymore. your moans become louder as enjou's thrusts become much deeper and faster, grazing your cervix much more now. and above it all, you can hear his fellow exegetes murmuring amongst themselves as they watch you become utterly cock-drunk, and you can practically hear them salivating at the lecherous sight.
" see? she loves taking it deep. she's squeezing me so tightly, i'm gonna cum already. you like it when i fuck you like this, don't you ( name )?"
" y-yesh, i love it!♡ i love it when you fuck me with your big dick!!♡"
enjou chuckles mockingly at your audience, purposefully stretching their patience and self-control, and you can't even bring yourself to be angry. it feels so fucking good, and you can finally get them off your shoulders without pestering you anymore, so...!!
" say..( name )...want me to cum inside? want me to breed your little pussy in front of everyone?♡"
he asks it like he doesn't know the answer already, but you know that he just wants to rub it further into your audience that they'll never ever get the chance to have even the slightest of taste of your heavenly and delicious pussy, because you've already chosen enjou and he'll be the only one to ever breed your pretty little pussy. and you want that more than anything in the world.
" yes~!♡ breed my pussy!♡ cum lots inside me to your heart's desire! u-use me as your breeding hole enjou!!♡♡"
a collective number of murmurs and choked groans arise from in front of you, but all you can focus on is how enjou purrs from within his chest, clearly filled with perverted satisfaction at your lewd display and pure arousalーyou're his and his alone to breed and fuck full with cumーand you can feel his huge monster cock throb erratically inside your wet walls.
" that's right, you're mine to breed and fuck, my precious little wife♡"
he punctuates that with a harsh and wet thrust of his knot against your swollen folds, and you let loose even more loud and happy moans. your pussy is dripping and leaking like crazy, barely able to contain both your and enjou's juices mixing and sloshing together. the wet movement inside of you is enough to drive you crazy, but you want to fucked further until you pass out.
" hwurry up enjouu..fuck me stupid already..♡ want your big dick to breed my tight pussy..!!♡♡"
" of course...i can't leave my precious wife unsatisfied now can i?♡"
enjou pushes his huge and swollen knot past your swollen folds and right up into your eager and awaiting cunt.
" unmhh♡ mmnnhh♡ unhhnn♡"
f-fuck, how long had you been like this? a few hours..? there's no sun or moon and you can't even think straight anymore, much less try to come up with how long you'd been fucked on enjou's monster. y-yeah, it must've been several hours..
he'd been fucking you like this for so long, cumming inside and breeding you like he'd promised he would. you'd smile if you weren't so damn exhausted and on the brink of passing out. even now, he was still pounding into your oversensitive and stuffed pussy, although much more sloppily and slowly, clearly having nearly emptied out his entire load into you. you couldn't even cum anymore, you were long since past that point; now you were just a hole for him to use and breed to his heart's desire.
and his fellow exegetes could only watch as enjou kept fucking you for hours, putting you in different positions whilst describing how fucking good your tiny pussy felt around him and how nice it felt to empty his cum into you. they'd all jerked themselves off the sight of you being fucked, fantasizing about having a taste of you, but you knew, even in your fucked out state, that it hadn't helped them, not one bit. not like you cared anyways.
" sh-shit..'m gonna..s-so tight..!"
with a final thrust, enjou shoves his huge knot past your oversensitive and swollen folds and you weakly moan, a faint throbbing of pleasure building up in your core as he spills the last of his thick and steaming cum into your overflowing womb, some of it already gushing out in creamy rivulets. he lets out low groans, satisfaction clear in his voice as the last of his cum leaves him. after a few moments of gently rolling his hips into yours, his huge knot finally deflates, and he begins to slowly drag his now limp cock out from your cum-stuffed pussy.
" mmnnhhii-!♡"
with a swift tug of his hips, his thick monster cock slides out, limply hanging between his legs, but he pays little attention to that. instead, he thumbs open your puffy folds, exposing them to hungry and depraved eyes.
" heh, look, she's all stuffed full of my cum. i'll bet she'll get pregnant soon, i'd be surprised if she doesn't."
you feebly whimper at his words and your hole flutters rapidly, trying to close around nothing and keep enjou's cum inside but to little avail. enjou sighs out in satisfaction as he watches his fellow exegetes tremble and hiss out in frustration, knowing damn well that his point was clearly getting across. you lean your head back against his chest, heaving out deep breaths as you calm yourself down, trying to keep your vision from becoming too blurry.
" well then, i do believe we're done here. now if you'll excuse us."
you softly whine when enjou's grip on your sore and tired legs loosens, and he hooks an arm under both of your legs while using the other to support your lolling head. flashing his exegetes one final look of indignation before he glides away with you in his arms. you feel ready to pass out, and enjou's comforting warmth isn't helping at all. he softly chuckles and glances down at you.
" would you like me to draw you a bath dear?"
you peek at him from under tear-clumped lashes and weakly nod, nuzzling into his toned arms and he hums.
" wanna cuddle after?"
that gets your attention, and you stare up at him with excitement and expectation, and he breathily laughs, finding your happiness endearing.
" love you ( name )♡"
" mnn..love you too enjou..♡"
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