#i feel like i should learn a bit of Portuguese. i can speak a bit of spanish and am trying to actively learn French
lazycats-stuff · 10 months
I had read a fic of yours where Batson was Australian, I don't know if you have other requests like this but if you accept, make one with Batson being Brazilian and he likes football, carnival and who likes to listen and dance to music by the great diva Anitta
Okay, that's cool. I never really knew a lot about Brazil, but I love learning more about it. Bruce is really mister worldwide lol.
Summary: (Y/N) is Brazilian.
Warnings: none
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According to Jason, Bruce has become mister Worldwide. Why, I might hear you asking? He, as a playboy, sleeps with a lot of women. One of those women was a Brazilian model and the two had a son together. Bruce took a DNA first because he didn't want to take any type of chances.
It wouldn't be a first time that a woman tried to claim that a kid was his, but wasn't. Turns out, DNA came back telling him that (Y/N) was his son. Thankfully, the woman was very understanding and Bruce sent her money every month and he would visit when he could.
Unfortunately, (Y/N)'s mom passed away when he was a teen and he came to live in the USA with his father and half brothers. It was a little bit weird at first, a new city, a father who is a vigilante, his brothers too, a butler who is their handler so to speak...
Either way, it was weird, but he was happy to be here with his family. That was something that he thought that Americans were lacking sometimes. That feeling of tight nit love and family. His family, including grandmas, grandpas, aunts and much more lived within a walking distance from him.
Okay, that may sound like Americans don't share that same sentiment about family, but (Y/N) didn't really see it. It may that in Brazil that is just amplified by 10 or it could be something else of course. However, his family is tight knit and very loving.
(Y/N) didn't think that he would have that here in America, but hey, he can't really complain can he.
However, there is a single thing he will fight until the day he dies. His fellow Brazilian men and women, his brothers and sisters would agree. Soccer is not football. Football is football, you play with your feet. That's why is so popular.
And that's why Europeans and Latinos went nuts for it. Honestly, (Y/N) watches every game with Brazil's national team, even if Bruce had to pay more for the program. He has the money. He can't let his son suffer, can he?
Also, American Football should be named American Soccer, because the ball is never on the ground. (Y/N) will die by that statement and he will fight everyone he needs to fight with to prove it.
Until his last breath and last drop of blood.
One thing he loves more than anything, alongside the football of course, is the famous Rio de Janeiro carnival. He made Bruce and the rest of the family go every single year with him. Thankfully, he still has his Brazilian passport with him.
And the family has a translator for when they go, because not a lot of people speak English, only in bigger cities and popular tourist sites. It's fun to see (Y/N) speak his native language with so much passion and everyone has decided to learn it to talk to (Y/N).
(Y/N) was proud and nothing but supportive, even though at times they were butchering the language, but it's always the thought that matters. And Portuguese is an easier language to pick up. (Y/N) even had some rewards for them.
Every time they could hold a some what correct conversation when it comes to grammar and vocabulary, they would get a dish from the Brazilian cuisine. It's the famous Feijoada and it's just (Y/N)'s favorite. Everyone loved when (Y/N) made it and it was with his grandma's recipe.
That's what motivated them to learn, because even Damian swore by that dish and he loved it the most. Bruce and the rest loved it, it was different then the rest of the American cuisine. Of course, (Y/N) introduced them to another dishes, but everyone loved the Feijoada.
(Y/N) knew it.
One thing he loves is listening to Anitta. He loves her music and they would often find him dancing while he was cleaning, dusting, vacuuming and other times. It made him happy and Bruce found (Y/N) humming the melody and the lyrics every day.
Everyone soon knew the lyrics to the songs and the melody. And besides, they are all learning Portuguese and it was fun to learn it that way. Dick found her songs great and listened to it during his workouts and Dick loved it.
And one thing that Bruce was proud of was the fact that (Y/N) didn't decided to assimilate. He still has his values and he wasn't afraid to say that he is Brazilian. If he has an interview he is often found correcting people and he is not afraid to say it.
Due to the fact that he is not afraid to say he is from Brazil, people of Brazil have claimed him and whenever he comes, they just shower him with love. He is extremely popular and Bruce knows he shouldn't worry about it, but still.
Bruce worries about his children all of the time, especially when they are in another country, especially on vacation. (Y/N) often told him not to worry and did Bruce listen?
One thing more thing that made Bruce love Brazil more than anything in this world is the fact that they take their hygiene more than some Americans do. (Y/N) said to everyone that during the summer he would take 3 showers per day sometimes.
Damian found that interesting. Brazil is a humid and hot country, considering that it's a tropical country and the heat is often unforgiving.
(Y/N) said that the shower made him slow down and think about relaxing. He often clears his head and feels less stress afterwards. He has explained the shower routine, but still, the family they don't really understand it, but hey, as long (Y/N) is happy.
And one thing that Brazilians love doing that Bruce found nice was the way that they are affectionate. Kisses, hugs and touching. Of course, with consent. (Y/N) understood that not really liked it, but his family loved it.
Damian would often get picked randomly and hugged from behind. Damian would often grumble about it, but he loved it. Bruce loved the hugs and the rest loved the hugs too.
Bruce was just happy that one of them was normal emotionally. (Y/N) was trained in martial arts to protect himself, like everyone, but decided to not be a vigilante. He just couldn't be and Bruce respected it.
(Y/N) was their safety net and nobody would have it any other way.
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gabbysthoughts4thots · 2 months
I feel like I should introduce myself so here we go…
Hi! My name is Gabrielle but I go by Gabby! (Only way to spell it I swear🙏) I’m 18 years old at the moment, and was born and raised in the U.S. My mom was born in France, raised in both France and Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), but is ethnically from Benin. My dad was born and raised Cape Verdean, and lived in France for 20 years before meeting my mom and moving to Massachusetts in the U.S. I say all of this because my heritage is a big part of me and how I can ultimately relate to a lot of people I meet online!!
I speak fluent English, maybe 60% Spanish (depends on the region), 45% French, and am learning Portuguese and Cape Verdean Creole.
My interests are !!Formula 1!!, which I randomly got into because I saw a video of Carlos Sainz playing football (soccer) and got hooked, football (soccer), which I also randomly got into at the same time😭😭, sometimes MotoGP, a liiiitle bit of indycar, and various other things that may pop up on my page from time to time.
I mostly post about ManCity and Portugal player Rúben Dias and formula one, but to be honest I post anyone or anything that I feel like posting about in the moment😭😭 (plus a bit of gossiping is always fun)
That’s basically everything about me for now! If there’s any questions my inbox is open! Bye bye!!🩵🩵
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
My 2c
Lich from Adventure Time, smash or pass
SPOILERS for that new show.
I've only watched a bit of Adventure Time. I did catch its debut, and I have a bit of a funny story about it, so humor my long-winded rambling.
So, while we did have Cartoon Network here when I was a little girl, it was in English. And part of the reason as to why I wanted to learn this language so soon was because I loved the shows on Cartoon Network. I remember coming home from school one day, and Adventure Time was on, right? Well, it took me about like five or so minutes for my brain to catch on and for me to realize that I was, in fact, hearing Finn speaking in Portuguese. I got really mad because I preferred it in English, but I coped and seethed about it, as one does.
Anyway- All this to say that I used to watch it occasionally, and I did catch the first few appearances of the Lich, but not much else after that. I did think they were metal though.
I'm not watching the new Fiona and Cake show, mostly because I'm not a hardcore fan. But I do inadvertently catch bits and clips of it on YouTube- Which led to me finding the clip where GOLB or whatever its called just fucking turns him into a block.
And that in turn led me to watching some clips about the Lich in general. I have to say I find it really cool that they're essentially meeting the first Lich, the one that got his wish granted and obliterated all life. Very neat. A bittersweet ending for him however.
Part of me feels like they don't delve enough into his character. He doesn't need to be a character with 300 layers and very deep motivations or inner workings, but I wanted to see a bit more, you know? I feel the same way about the Nowhere King from Centaurworld.
They're both great villains, and perhaps what makes both of them really work in the end is that we only have a bit of screentime for them. They're used scarcely, but effectively.
Anyway, that's definitely a smash from me. I want to be the special little mortal that makes him change his mind and say "Okay, one of them can live." because I'm Mary Sue material like that and everyone should love me unconditionally.
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asterrrrion · 1 year
I'm french and I'm also an Ace Attorney fan.
The thing is, I have NEVER before today interacted with the french part of this fandom, I've never even seen screenshots of the french translation before today.
And let me tell you, my shock when I learned that they changed the name of Miles Edgeworth to Benjamin Hunter
I have no idea how that name is perceived in English speaking countries but let me tell you : in french it does NOT send Miles Edgeworth vibes. (Could be worse : his name in Portuguese is Eduardo. I laughed over this for 30 minutes.)
Like there's no way I can buy the Apollo remaster now, how am I supposed to take him even the slightest bit seriously??
Some names are good in french, Larry to Paul is a great transition, Lotta to Eva is good and I approve of Ron being an Henri, Gaspen Payne being named Oscar makes me extremely happy, Simon to Raphaël isn't that bad of a change even if Simon is like also an actually perfectly respectable french name (weirdly enough Raphaël is starting to grow on me, seems like an edgy name now that I've finished reading Balzac).
But Vérité for Trucy ?? (Vérité literally is Truth and has never been a name in any circle ever) mean come on, Trucy sounds at least cute.
DeKiller's John Doe being transformed into Alonso Bistro feels criminal (Alonso Bistro isn't an equivalent to John Doe, it's 1) not an actual name and 2) it's literal translation is Letsgoto Thepub), and in a general way the emphasis on puns way more than in the English version kinda pisses me off. Like Dick Gumshoe is funny while actually suiting the character, Dick Tektiv is funny but less so and also the Dick part is untranslatable.
Another thing that pisses me off !! They don't actually translate names that could be translated easily ! Like Apollo is still Apollo even though he should definitely be called Apollon (to make the ridiculousness of his name actually come across), why bother translating Edgeworth's name at all if it's to give him an english surname ? Why's Pearl still Pearl if she literally could be called Perle ? Why bother translating Joe Darke into Joe Sinister dude you could've just said Joe Sinistre and it would've been ten times funnier. Why ruin April May's name by saying Masha Vril even though Avril is an actual name even if it's rare ?
Worst part is though : they changed Klavier's name to fucking Konrad. That one I'm afraid I can't forgive.
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In which Emi takes after her mother in more ways than one.
(For @rabbit-harpist , but also anyone else who wants to read it)
(Also on ao3)
There are university brochures scattered all over the dining room table, a sea of bright colours and photographs of smiling young adults. Most are Mexican establishments - they do live there, after all - but there's a couple from Lucie's old home of Switzerland, Diego's Brazil, Jeffry's America... A scattering of places under one roof, just like their family.
Emi is leafing through one, while Lucie looks at another, a spreadsheet with the local crime rates and housing costs also up on her laptop.
"What about here?" Lucie asks, passing the booklet over to her daughter. "It looks pretty, no? And it is very good for programming."
"It's too far away," Emi barely looks at it, same as most of the rest. "I want to stay close."
"You're good enough," Lucie knows Emi's been fine traveling before - surely the problem is the grades? "I know you can do it."
"It's not that," Emi looks down, and to the side, fingers flexing uncomfortably against the paper. "I want to stay with you. To help."
"I have your fathers," Lucie promises. "And if I need lady help, Abuelita is here."
"Not like that," a bit of a snap. "With your investigations! I know I need to learn to program better, but I speak French, and Portuguese, and English, and Spanish, and I can run, and I can hide, and I'm a very fast reader! I know I'm not old enough yet, but once I turn eighteen..."
Lucie's response is immediate, instinctual, soaked in blood and in fear and in all the things that have happened.
"It's too dangerous," Lucie says, and all she can see are the corpses of friends she has made. "You can keep helping with the planning, but you are not coming."
"Why not? You do it all the time!"
"It's not safe! Do you think we want this for you? To see you loose limbs and eyes and your life! You could be something, Emi! Why would you throw it away to end up in some monster's stomach?!"
"Because I want to help! You're out there - you're all out there all the time - and I'm sick of being helpless! I'm eighteen in six months! I've been training, practicing! I can do it if you let me!"
"Emília Sophia da Silva," there's fear in Lucie's spine, fear she hasn't felt since the eighth time one of them nearly died, fear she didn't think she knew how to feel anymore, not when the tenth passed and she had not recovered - fear that comes out as a snap and a shout. "You are /not/ getting more involved than you already are! You never should have been involved in the first place!"
"Well I am involved now! And you can't stop me! If you won't let me join your team, I'll just find someone else's!"
"Why can't you just be a normal child and stay safe?!"
"I stopped being a normal child the day I watched my father die!"
"And maybe we just want to give you a normal life! Just wait a bit longer! Until you graduate, until you find yourself at least!"
"I thought you of all people would understand!" Emi screams back, voice finally cracking. "And I know who I am! I've always known who the fuck I am!"
"You're seventeen! No seventeen year old knows who they are!"
"I'm /your/ daughter, aren't I?!"
Lucie freezes.
Emi watches her for a moment, before turning and fleeing. She leaves the door to the dining room open, but cracks the handle into the wall as she throws it to the side.
One, two, three...
A door upstairs slams shut.
Lucie burrows her head in her hands, and she screams in frustration.
She screams, and it becomes sobs, and Benito answers. He whistles, leaning on the doorframe, watching her cry.
Lucie takes a deep breath, wipes her tears, turns to him, "you heard that, then?"
"Well, yeah, I think the neighbors did too. You too really don't know how to be quiet, do you?"
"Not now, Benito," Lucie keeps herself in check better than she expected she could. "Not right now."
He comes over, sits down, picks up the brochure Emi had been favour and starts flicking through. It might have taken them all a few years, but he has learnt how to be quiet.
Lucie takes her time, hisses her frustrations through her teeth. Stupid child, foolish child, why can't she want things a normal child wants? Why can't she just want to go out to the club, get drunk, fall asleep on someone's couch and have to get to lectures in the morning?
"Why can't she be /safe/?" is the frustration she verbalises, the one at the root of it all.
Benito grabs another booklet, starts flicking through that instead, "she's your daughter."
"She's your daughter too," Lucie doesn't even have a pencil to hand, so she threatens him with a finger. "Fuck this. I'm getting wine."
She goes to move and fetch some, only for Benito to reveal he's been carrying some the whole time. She snatches the bottle, takes a couple of mouthfuls, and hands it back.
Benito uses a glass.
"You know what I mean, though," Benito swishes his glass - and, ah, he just wanted to be dramatic. "She's grown up surrounded by this. Just like Luis isn't escaping the mob, she isn't escaping the Order."
"I just want her to be safe," Lucie gestures to her legs, to the scar peeking out from Benito's sunglasses, to the photo on the mantle where Jeffrey has a broken leg. "What sort of parents are we, that we can't keep her safe?"
"We were never going to," and Benito has shifted, taking on that quieter, reflective voice that Lucie hates because it means he has finally decided to talk sense. "The moment her father walked her into Pancea's office? She was never going to be safe again."
"She's going to die," Lucie whispers. "I'm letting my baby die, if I let her do this."
"And you're killing her yourself if you don't," Benito finally drinks some of the wine, almost two thirds of his glass in one go. "Pancea killed her father, the Order saved her mother, and gives her the chance for revenge."
Lucie is fairly sure it isn't about revenge for Emi, it's about the fact her parents keep going back into danger, and she's at home and helpless and...
And Lucie understands.
She does understand, she understands so well; she could have stayed away, Benito, Jeffrey, Diego and Luis could all have stayed away, but they didn't. They didn't, because still hunted they weren't safe. They didn't because the others were going, or because they couldn't live with not knowing, or because hunting the monsters makes those under the bed less threatening, or...
Lucie likes to think they joined the Order to save people, but she knows it's a lie.
They did it to save themselves, to save each other, and because when the world had decided they were nothing they /refused/ to accept it and they demanded to leave their mark.
"When did you start making sense?" Lucie asks, but she knows, she knows, and she knows why too.
"About when Abuelita kicked it into me," he laughs.
It wasn't.
It was with blood on his hands and screaming for help, it was in nights huddled under a closet praying nothing would hurt him, it was when the other cell in the city were wiped out overnight, and it was Benito who had to autopsy the corpses.
Lucie leans over as much as she can; Benito shuffles over, lets her rest her head on his shoulder.
"Sounds about right," she says, and she breathes, and continues. "Maybe it would be nice to have Emi close? Abuelita would like her to be able to come for family dinners."
"Exactly!" Benito's grin picks back up, and he gestures with his glass. "And nobody says no to Abuelita, not even in her old age."
"Oui," Lucie shuts her eyes, and sighs, and adds. "... I should go apologise."
"Finish the bottle first," Benito passes it to her. "Let Pizza Boy calm her down and Diego talk it through with her first."
He isn't a pizza boy, not any more - but its comforting, perhaps, how the nickname sticks.
She takes a glass this time. Benito half-fills it, and she takes the time to sip it.
Cheap shit, of course, because it's still fucking Benito.
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ownedbybooks · 1 year
A studyblr/bookblr reintroduction
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Hi, everyone! I'm Mimi and this is my side blog focused on reading and studying! (for old followers: yes I'm rebranding myself)
About Me:
I'm Brazilian and in my late 20's.
I'm a graphic designer who's currently working in retail.
My current hobbies are: listening to music, reading, learning new things and playing The Sims 4
I speak Portuguese, English and I'm currently learning French.
About The Blog:
I've originally created this side blog as a bookblr only, since I wanted to be part of the bookblr community and needed more people to talk about books with me. And it did amazingly well! (my main blog is @herslowness )
Unfortunately I've been very absent in the past few months. Since I've want to comeback here and I feel I need to focus a bit more on my studies so I can grow professionally, I've decided to rebrand my blog to be a bookblr & studyblr blog.
I've known the studyblr community for about 10 years now, and I have already been part of the community with numerous studyblr blogs before. So I can say I'm used to it and I've learned great things from it (like the bullet journal method!)
My Goals:
For now, I want to create a habit of studying and reading everyday.
I have my own personal profissional goals, but I feel like they won't come true if I told someone about it (the only one who knows about it is my mom, who gave me the initial idea).
My current (and more specific) goals are:
To finish a pattern making online course I've bought at the begin of this year.
To finish all the challenges from this year's MLI, that I've joined.
I have other specific goals that I want to do, but I feel I should (re)start by finishing this itens on my current to-do list :)
I'm looking for active studyblr/bookblr, so consider rebloging and/or liking this post if you want me to follow you!
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vai pra puta que pariu
se fuder
enfia no cu e gira
corno desgraçado
these are all cuss phrases u can use for Xavier :)
(you can ask for more tho)
go to the fuck
fuck off
stick it up your ass and spin
bastard cuckold
broken into fuck
I'm fucking dying. These are all Google translations so they're almost certainly not contextually accurate, but if they're close
oh my god
'Stick it up your ass and spin' is definitely my favorite, but 'go to the fuck' is a close contender.
Generally when I write foreign languages in English text-for one, I normally don't because I only speak English fluently and I'm not going to feed long lines through Google Translate, but in general I feel like if you're going to have a 'foreign' language (by which I mean any language other than the one the story is written in) in your text, it should be pretty self-explanatory what they're saying even if you don't have a translation. Unless you're trying to do something with languages, obviously, like how Lord of the Rings pretty much exists to show off Tolkien's invented languages. But say like, in GoT-in Dany's chapters, they're speaking multiple different languages, with her speaking Common the majority of the time, learning Dothraki to communicate with her husband and speaking Valyrian in the slaver cities. Yet 99% of the time it's relayed to the audience in English-the grand reveal in Astapor where she switches from Common to perfect Valyrian is said in English and only stated to be said in Valyrian, because her speech would have lost a lot of impact on the page if every reader had to translate it, or get the translation at the bottom of the page. The only time I can think where her speech was relayed to the audience in a different language is her 'a prince rides within me' speech, and at that point enough Dothraki words had been sprinkled in that we could recognize the gist of what she was saying even before she translated.
That's kind of what I go for when I write characters speaking other languages. There's no direct translation for Xever's curses, but that doesn't matter because we can tell through context clues that he's swearing at Bradford. It's some extra funniness if you do put it through a translator, but it's not at all necessary.
Also Xever is pretty fluent in English by now (good for him, he almost certainly grew up only knowing Portuguese so that probably wasn't easy) so the little bits where he gets frustrated is probably the only place where his Portuguese slips out. So in short, I will definitely be using some of these, thank you.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
What sorta languages do your NSR cast speak? Although we know DK west and Zuke speak Malay but everyone else… hmmmm
I would say a majority of the cast, if not all of them, speak Malay to some extent. If they can't speak it they can at least understand it since I like to think Vinyl City is in Malaysia and everyone who interacts with DK West knows what he is saying.
So like, either Tatiana, May and Eve all also know Malay, or the language we hear in the game (English for me, other languages are for other people) are just for us and the "canon" language they are actually speaking is Malay. Either way though, I see everyone knowing at least some Malay.
And I guess I would say they all know English as. English was probably everyone's second language if it wasn't their first. So that being said, I'll get into specifics (Gonna try to put them in order of when they learned, so first one should be their first language unless I forget and mess up lol. So last language in the first sentence is their last learned language they can confidently speak, though it might not be fluent.)
Mayday: Malay, English, Hebrew and some Korean and Hindi (she's learning)
Zuke: Malay, Arabic, and English. Probably trying to learn Korean
DJSS: Swahili, English, Malay. Some Spanish, Koran, MSL and KSL.
Sayu: Malay, English, Chinese, Tamil, Hindi, Japanese, and Vietnamese (all of these were more coded into mer than mer learning them naturally.) For a language Sayu is trying to learn merself: Korean
-I feel like the rest of the Sayu Club would also know all the same languages as Sayu just from being coded with that knowledge beforehand. So They all share that, but I will give languages they want/are trying to learn as well.
Aoi: German, Russian, or Swedish
Haru: Korean or Thai
Yua: French
Renho: French or Spanish
Remi: English, Hebrew, Hindi, Chinese, Malay. Some Japanese and Korean (also JSL)
Tila: Tamil, Chinese, Malay. Some Japanese and Korean (also JSL)
Dodo: Japanese, English, Malay. Some Chinese. Some Korean JSL and KSL
Sofa: Vietnamese, English, Malay, Chinese. Some Korean. JSL and some KSL
Yinu: Spanish and Zulu. Decent at English, and some Malay (still learning a lot, her English is much better than her Malay). Very little Korean because she is just starting. LSM. Only a few signs or phrases in JSL and KSL.
Mama: Zulu, Spanish, English. Some Malay and Korean (not the best but is trying to use it more and more). LSM. Some JSL and KSL.
Papa: Spanish and English. Knew only a bit of Zulu. LSM
Neon J: Korean, English, Malay. Some Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese. KSL (can't see anymore though, so only sees it when 1010 sign because of robotics). Braille and Korean Morse Code (I think this is called SKATS, or a version of it is).
Rin: Korean, English, Malay. Learning Arabic. KSL, Braille, Morse Code and Binary code. Some JSL.
Purl: Korean, English, Malay, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, French, Spanish (both Mexican and Spain) and Arabic. Some Vietnamese, Swahili, Zulu, German, Thai, and Tamil. Learning Ukraine, Gaeilge, Filipino, and Italian. Knows few words in Greek, Hebrew, and Portuguese. KSL, JSL, and MSL (trying to learn sign language for Russian and Malay as well). Can read Latin and is trying to speak it more. Braille, Morse Code and Binary Code. They can also count to 10 in all these languages plus a bunch more.
[Purl has a special interest in languages, so they have been trying to learn as many as possible and will use them whenever they can, which happens a lot in a place as popular as Vinyl City]
Zimelu: Korean, English, Malay. Some French. KSL. Some JSL. Braille, Morse Code and Binary Code.
Haym: Korean, English, Malay. Very little Hebrew and Hindi (just picked up some words from May and Eve really). KSL and some JSL. Braille, Morse Code and Binary Code.
Eloni: Korean, English, Malay. Some Japanese and Chinese. Actively learning Greek. KSL, JSL, and some MSL. Braille, Morse Code and Binary Code.
Dew: Korean and English. Knows Malay, Japanese, Chinese, and Vietnamese from coding (similar to the Mermaid Club). Learning Spanish. KSL and JSL. Morse Code.
Maragold: Korean and English. Malay only from code. Learning Spanish and MSL.
Carna: Korean and English. Malay only from code. Learning swear words in other languages (any language that Purl knows that others wouldn't since they won't understand what fae is saying).
Eve: Hindi, Hebrew, English, Chinese, Malay. Some Korean and JSL.
Tatiana: Russian, English, Malay. Knows Spanish and French but is very rusty in both those languages.
Kliff: English, Korean, Russian. Some Malay, French and Spanish. Morse Code.
DK West: Malay, Arabic, English. Some Korean, Russian, and Japanese. Probably some KSL. Would know Malay sign language.
Cyril: Japanese, Russian, English (Brit), Malay. Some Korean.
Noa: Japanese, English (Brit). Morse Code. Some Russian words.
Asa: Japanese, Hebrew, English (Brit). Some Russian words.
Rei: Japanese, English (Brit/Aus). Some Russian words.
Elivy: French, English, Spanish, Russian. Braille.
Quida: Spanish, English. Some French and Russian.
Joust: French, Arabic, English. Spanish and Russian (rusty with those two though).
Martha: English and Korean.
Aria: English and Korean.
Esther: Zulu and Spanish. Some English. Few words in Malay.
Braam: Zulu and Spanish.
Alyona: Russian. Some English.
Matvey: Russian. Very little English.
Nova's Mom: Swahili and English. Some Malay.
Nova's Dad: Swahili, English, Arabic. Some Malay.
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everydayclutter · 2 years
keep bleeding, keep bleeding love
Summary: Bukayo just wants to heal Gabi.
Pairing: Bukayo Saka/Gabriel Martinelli, Fabio Vieira/Gabriel Martinelli
Set sometime at the start of this season.
As usual, set within my supernatural/superpower au.
I'm blaming @sophpisticated for giving me the idea about what Fabio should be in this au XD jk you know I love you bestie.
There's a reason why healing magic is one of the most complicated branches of magic, as Mikel and Hector always say. You don't just wave your hand and recite a spell and poof, your wounds gone. You need to have at least basic knowledge of the human body, know the extent of the injuries, and understand exactly what you're doing there, lest you'd botch it and the person you're supposed to fix ends up with a reversed knee or something. But despite all the warnings, there's also another reason why Bukayo insists on mastering it anyway.
And the reason happens to be a Brazilian, three months older and two centimeters taller than him, who plays on the opposite wing of him and goes by the name of Gabriel Martinelli.
Gabi is a nice kid, a talented footballer, and a great friend. But he was born with a rather sinister superpower – the ability to control and manipulate blood. Only his own, though, not others'. And to utilize it, he has to get the blood out of his system – in other words, he has to cut himself.
Thankfully, Gabi's power allows him to force his blood to clot, so he wouldn't bleed to death while using it, but it doesn't alleviate the pain, and more often than not, leaves him with ugly scars. Usually Mikel or Gary O'Driscoll, their club doctor, helps to heal the wounds, but Bukayo wants to be able to do that too. He wishes to be the one Gabi can rely on to heal him whenever and wherever, the one Gabi can trust to keep himself safe, the one who can protect Gabi when things get ugly.
So Bukayo does his best, asking Dr. Gary for private lessons, squeezing every knowledge out of any spellbooks he could find, even rooting for some old papyrus that Mo secretly keeps in his possession, and he thinks he's starting to make good progress at it. (The fact that he has angel blood in him might help, though).
But then the 2021/22 season ends and summer break rolls along, and with it comes Fabio.
Fabio is small and slender, with slightly droopy dark eyes and goatee, and an unfortunate destiny of sharing the same last name with a certain Arsenal legend. He's a bit shy, but also kind and funny, and after spending some time with him Bukayo decides he likes him. And he also happens to be a centaur.
Now, Bukayo has nothing against centaurs. He's never met one before, but he knows they're amazing creatures, powerful and noble, and Arsenal are lucky to have one in the team. Centaurs also happen to be very talented in divination and healing, and Bukayo's already excited imagining all the healing tricks he'd be able to learn from the new guy.
He doesn't realize that Fabio could just easily take over all the healing job himself.
Now Bukayo looks on as Fabio kneels beside Gabi after one particularly horrifying battle, muttering ancient spells while Gabi's exposed wounds stitch themselves close under his command. And he sees the expression on Gabi's face – gentle, adoring, infatuated.
And it strikes Bukayo like an arrow stabbed right into his heart.
Gabi is in love.
He's in love with Fabio.
And judging from the small, lovesick smile on Fabio's lips, he feels the same.
Well, come to think of it, why shouldn't they? They've been almost literally attached on the hips since the day Fabio came, they speak in more or less the same language, Fabio can give Gabi the one thing he needs the most… Bukayo can see why Gabi's falling hard for the Portuguese.
Taking a deep breath, Bukayo turns around and starts to walk away.
He resolves not to disturb the happy couple, no matter what. He might be in love with Gabi, but he definitely can't help whom Gabi's fancies lie on, and he'll do anything for the Brazilian's happiness. Even if that means killing his own feelings. Even if that means seeing Gabi smiling together with Fabio for the rest of his life.
Bukayo's so deep in his thoughts that he doesn't hear the sound of footsteps behind him, nor does a familiar voice yelling his name. He's only snapped out of his reverie when someone tugs on his arm, followed by Gabi's soft voice, speaking to him.
"Bukayo, can we talk?"
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justpassingbii · 1 year
plot bunny
So I had a new plot idea. Just a thought I found interesting but anyone can feel free to take it and use it, just let me read it too 🥺
It probably fits in for any fandom, it was just thought up as a (reverse) harem setting (or at least for multiple pairings side by side) and I thought it up as a MDZS fanfic so I explain it in that setting further down.
TW: period typical racism/homophobia/sexism, slavery is a big plot point and all the issues it has, like potential non/dub con (nothing happens but it is mentioned and other characters think it is normal and what should be happening)
I tried tagging it properly but do let me know (kindly)
The basic idea was:
an AU set in the age of discovery (yes I am european fam, even had to look up the name for this in english kkkk) with an OC/reader insert that is financially Independent from their family and is very eccentric in their spendings (yes they have a family but for some reason the family does not interfere in their business. bonus points if OC is a woman since sexism was a thing at the time)
now characters from canon are being sold as slaves (not all at once, just the one first and then keep them coming and adapt to the fandom/character) OC was established as rich and eccentric so they buy the character and take them home but (not so shocking) treat them very kindly.
Now I'll describe this as I thought it up but again, I think this might fit in for any fandom/characters and I would really like seeing other people's take on this
OC is rich and has a family but is independent from them. I go so far as to think she is the main source of income and status for them, despite some of that having established before her. So she has her own house and does her own spendings and her fam can´t publicly interfere but they do some bashing behind her back (and to her face cuz she is a softie, especially for the family) but she will still try to stand her ground to do the things she wants and they let her cuz this is how they got their wealth and fame so far.
She is at the market and sees slave traders and is going to move past until the foreign looking (they are all foreign, it's why people decided they should be slaves - eww - but this one looks different from any other slave and is even being marketed as such). She decides to take him in so she buys him and brings him home. She speaks a couple of languages (I am making it be an unusual thing for that time but she is a language afficionado - ignore my projecting pls) but not his so another plot point is her personally teaching him and learning from him.
It's Jiang Cheng. He is moody but nothing if not adaptable and quickly resigns himself to playing along for his own sake until he can figure something else out. She takes him home, lets him bathe and gets the servants to bring over picture books and the most basic reading and writing learning books and tools. She starts personally teaching him.
Some more projecting and the OC is portuguese but speaks english so she tries to tell him only she speaks english here but if he wants to learn that or portuguese. (haven't quite decided which one he chooses and further down the line I decided they also have their own sign language system - a mix of pt sign language and other signs). She goes through the classes with him and even tries to learn some of his in return.
Cute moment when she introduces herself and he does too but she struggles A LOT with the tones for his name and he gets her to call him just Jiang, and he calls her by her first name (she insists and he isn't fully aware of it until later)
She teaches him some basic cultural stuff like how to greet someone (as in the bowing, the language stuff will come a bit later, she is on the more basic but key stuff, so basic nouns for a while).
She also lets him pick his own clothes. She calls over a servant, gestures for clothes and points to both the servant's and his clothes expectantly until he decides to keep his clothing style. She take shim to the tailors and I am playing on the assumption they have their own fabrics for clients to choose from in there so she lets him pick the fabric for his main outfit but they also get him some "normal" ones. He picks purple obviously, and she lets him, no matter how expensive purple fabric actually is - she is rich so she should spend it, no?
(this paragraph has mentioned/discussed dub con but nothing happens) Last character specific point (or at least that gets really developed for the first character that appears) is how everyone expects that he will be a sex pet (I am sorry) so a room isn't prepared for him - he is expected to sleep in her bed and with her. He is taken by the butler (who is period typical and therefore not very supportive of all the progressive shit she does and how she does it but hasn't been disrespectful so far) who lets him get washed up and then has him kneeling on the floor in her bedroom waiting for her in just his pants. She comes in, sees him there, touches his cheeks all tender but with a very obvious sadness in her eyes. She kisses his forehead and takes his hands to lead him to the bed but tucks him in, and then gets in herself (let her do a speed run of her nightly routine, baby deserves her -limited - skin care). she lies next to him and even holds his hand but nothing more. they wake up cuddled to each other but nothing happened other than that forehead kiss and hand holding (*~kya~* lol) and nothing happens the continuing nights.
Now onto more characters (that part was long cuz 1 gives a lot of setting and a lot of things are explained now because they will be very similar for all characters and 2 I love JC, if you didn't know)
I thought of letting Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian come next, caught as a pair. She is once more out and about, with JC, and he spots them. He tells her and she buys them, gives them a similar treatment, she has JC to explain the things he already knows and things go a bit smoother with that extra bit. JC tells her they are a couple so she gets them the room next to hers. JC keeps sleeping with her cuz the alternative is to sleep next to that couple and we all know they like their "everyday" (he also really likes sleeping next to her but will never admit it out loud). I havent developed much for these two so far except that I wanna play with Wangji's mommy issues so....
She is a bit keen on physical touch but not keen on crossing anyone's boundaries so she goes slowly. Hand holding is mostly for outings in crowded spaces (there are 3 guys now but she holds hands with JC and one of wangxian who hold hands themselves and problem solved) but she opens her arms wide open to express intent to hug and holds her hand next to the body part she wishes to touch (arm or face, dont be perverts - yet) and only touches if they acknowledge her intent and allow her (not moving away from her or pushing her away/pushing her hand to where they wouldn't mind/actually want her touching - no perverted shit *yet*). Wangji is actually keen on this and one time she caresses his face and he calls her "A-niang". She is clueless so far so she tilts her head and Wangji, emboldened by this, points to her and repeats it, before pointing at himself and saying "baobei". she understands this is something about how to address each other so she complies and calls him "baobei", not noticing his red ears and the shocked faces on the other two. Include a scene of WWX and JC confronting him about it and he is unfazed, in one of the language classes she still insists on personally giving, LWJ tells her and she doesn't mind either, whatever floats their boat (she is SOOOOOO into all of them but the whole master-slave thing makes consent an issue so she has decided to NEVER do anything with none of them - she can't even be sure if even if they initiated it, if it was out of a sense of obligation or because they really wanted her)
On the topic of forms of address, after trust is established and feelings, LWJ calls her A-niang and she calls him baobei, JC calls her a normal nickname for wtv name she has and she calls him A-Cheng at first and later on (after the A-niang incident) she calls him Cheng-ge (he is flustered cuz it never happened before but he is indeed older than her so she says it's only right), WWX is A-Xian/Xianxian and calls her Jiejie/*name/nickname*-jie.
Later on come 3zun. Kinda wanna separate Lan Xichen, he arrives first and Wangji recognizes him so we all know now she has to buy him too (and traders start to see she only buys this type of slaves and this might become an issue, and also now she has 2 similar ones and they think they can finally start to understand her preferred type - joke's on them hehe). The others help him blend in, etc etc, he has the gentlest vibes and maybe later on can be a bit of a right hand man to her (as well as JC because I say so and he is the one that has been with her the longest). Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao/Meng Yao come later but together (yes NMJ is still alive, I need his himbo energy). They are at odds with each other anyway and as she is trying to buy them, she hasn't brought enough money on her to buy both so she tries to bargain by trying to trick the merchant into a buy 1 get 1 free (throwing in a bit extra above the normal price for one so its more like a discount on the second one) and oh the mental implications this has on JGY that OC is gonna deal with.
Also just thought that Nie Huaisang will have to come looking for his brother but he at least is smart enough to come as a master himself and not a slave so he becomes her esteemed guest.
Other peripherical thoughts include her family visiting and the guys seeing the strained relationship and becoming protective of her, talks of releasing them/them escaping, thoughts of them bringing in different ideas that she capitalizes on (if one of the ideas evolves enough she might let the guy that came up with it be in charge of it), slice of life shennanigans, what pairings and they interact how (otp, 3tp, moretp ?), the servants not being understanding or not sharing in her views about the boys and being fired, reference about how she bows to them too low (she is the master and they her slaves) but even after they explained to her she souldn't bow so low, she insists even more on bowing like that, to show she sees them as her equals, how she wants kids but doesn't have a husband - men don't want her to keep her power and influence (period typical shit) and she would ruin her own reputation if she had a kid out of wedlock so she has resigned herself to not hving kids.
Possible other plot points include pressure for her to marry, business competition sabotaging her, attempted assassinations/kidnappings, one of the boys acting out in public and the consequences, her household staff messing up/messing with the guys/with her, a time of some business issues because cultural and societal views on her and how they overcome them.
anywyay, if you read all of this, please have a chat with me about this, I am having some huge brainrot with this.
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Hi Allie, I think I have seen you answered some questions about your experience in England recently and know that you are actually from Brazil. Do you speak English as a mother language or just learnt it in school and only use it on the internet or on studies/works? I ask this because I only use English on the internet and read the news and still I have so many unknown words to learn... I have also learnt another language in college, and I am really into languages but I just do not feel like remembering all the vocabularies. I would like to know your experience in languages since you speak both English and Brazilian Portuguese. If the question sounds too personal to answer, please just ignore me.
Hi, darling. No, it’s okay! I will be happy to help. I’m going to answer under the cut because that's a long one:
So, the thing is… I barely spoke any english until I was like 18, I think?! I learned a bit of english at school like everyone in brazil but, honestly, what we learn is not even enough to form a coherent sentence, is it? I think the internet (but mostly songs and video games) helped a little bit when I was younger as well but I never really felt interested enough to *actually* learn a language.
What pushed me to finally learn it properly and for good was my ex. He speaks surprisingly very good english since he was younger, so that motivated me a lot. So honestly, I just decided to put a lot of effort into it because I thought it would be something useful in the future for me. And I know it sounds cliché saying that but what is going to bring your english to the next level- especially in terms of vocabulary - is to really immerse yourself as much as possible. What worked for me was to do everything I already did in portuguese also in english. So… books, podcasts, movies, songs, youtube, twitter, etc etc. Really, everything! Learning a new language as an adult can be really tricky, it’s not easy, so the only way of building a solid foundation is to get in touch with it as much as possible. I never really learned english properly, to be honest… like, actually studying. It was from reading and listening to other people talk. Plus, I also travelled a lot during that time, so it helped to improve my speaking a lot as well. And then my ex was transferred to England and I wanted to do a postgrad course there so I had a goal in mind and I studied for the IELTS test and I did pretty well!! And obviously living there and going to uni made my english 100x better. I barely spoke any portuguese while living there. I think one of the main reasons why brazilians can’t speak good english most of the time it’s because we’re lazy 😂 we look for other brazilians to speak portuguese, we try spanish before trying english. And not doing any of that and immersing myself as much as I could was the best thing I did. And of course, university helped a lot, especially with having to write stuff on more of an academic level.
Right now my life is really confusing when it comes to that hahaha I’m back living in Brazil for four years already, and in the first two I completely stopped practising, I was soooo rusty!! When I realised that, I immediately tried to get back to the things I used to do before. So I *never* see anything with subtitles in portuguese, always english or no subtitles. I only read books in portuguese when they’re originally in portuguese, otherwise, I *always* get the english version. It’s the small things and the consistency, to be honest. Coming back to blogging also helped me so much! Now I talk with you guys every single day, so I’m always practising. It helps a lot! It’s important to practice expressing yourself in english and not only listening and reading it. My speaking, though, is kind of rusty because I don’t really practice as much as I should but oh well 🫠 Sometimes I use english at work, but it’s not something that is really required at my job, it’s just a convenience I guess. So I just try to make good use of it in other areas of my life as much as I can. I know sometimes is harder because it didn’t come naturally to me as it did for some other people.. I see younger people online now, and everything is so globalized! It’s so much easier to practice and learn it. So my advice to you, anon, is simply: practice practice practice! Especially if you still feel like you’re weak in vocabulary and you’re learning it as an adult.
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kulemii · 2 years
If and when you ever feel up to it, I would like to know more about Maria and the relationship dynamic between her and Masato. What kind of parent is/was she? Etc.
I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!! There should be more Maria info out on my blog but I'm too hard on myself. Anyway, I've touched on this before somewhere but that was last year and I know lots of details have changed for both Aizawa and Maria. I'm still working on my Maria backstory too and once I square that away I can get back to rewriting Aizawa's.
Anyway, Maria and Masato had a very interesting relationship! If it weren't so codependent, I'd go so far as to say that they had a good, healthy relationship! They were honest with each other, they supported each other, leaned on each other and truly loved each other. But they might have leaned on each other too much, I think- for different reasons but the result still wound up the same.
After the life she lived, Maria found no merits in letting people in. So majority of the time it was just her and her son. She felt that he was her only friend. She wasn't happy in her life but she did find her happiness within him. So long as he was happy, healthy and well taken care of, she felt that inner peace that she lacked most of her life. She'd do anything for him and if she was ever put in a position to, she would've risked her life to spare his without hesitation.
[Note: Although she found a friend in him, she always encouraged him to make friends of his own, his own age, simply because she would've hated for him to grow to be as lonely as she was. She wasn't territorial over in the slightest. She wanted him to thrive.]
She had lots of hopes for her son. That he'd grow up big, strong (and he did), perhaps get a good, respectable job and someday, raise a family of his own without having to wear himself down the way that she did for him. As an Brazilian immigrant, she was sort of harsh on him, wanting him to work hard and never take his life in Japan for granted.
He was always lucky. He'd say it himself. Good fortune always had it's way of landing itself in his lap whether he sought it out or not. He always sort of believed that if God was out there (raised Catholic thanks to Maria but not really practicing) he was repaying his mother for the hell he put her through by way of him.
Growing up half-Japanese wasn't easy on him, when he was young he often got bullied because he physically stood out so much. He originally had a little bit of an accent as well, what with Portuguese being his first language (and him initially learning Japanese from people who didn't speak it naturally). And Maria, bless her heart, kind of didn't help the situation because in her efforts to help him live a more authentic Japanese life, she unintentionally almost made him feel like he should be ashamed of his Brazilian roots. She'd refuse to speak Portuguese with him out in public, she sent him to school with more Japanese style lunches (not her forte), she encouraged him to behave more like his Japanese peers.
She didn't do this out of malice. In her mind, she thought that she was protecting him. Perhaps, curtailing some of the bullying that he'd receive and minimized the awkward attention they'd get when they'd go out for like, groceries but it didn't quite work like that.
This gave him some identity issues that still to this day he has to work through, but once he was old enough to make more of his own decisions, despite what he'd gone through growing up (be it by fault of Maria or his peers) he knew that he was proud to be half-Brazilian. And he wanted her to be too.
He very rarely went against her. He had tons of respect for his mom but It's not an exaggeration to say that Masato grew with some resentment toward her for this. He most certainly did. There are things about his blood that he never got to appreciate because of her 'protection'. Sure, he could've discussed it at length with her after he'd become an adult but aside from a few snide comments here or there, he found that there were more important things to worry about. Like, her health for instance.
Later, when Maria first got sick, Masato took those years as his opportunity to repay her for all the years she'd taken care of him. He made sure that she didn't want for anything. He allowed her as much independence as she could handle but once it came time for him to become her full-time caretaker, he dropped everything to put her first. Nothing in the world could've been more important than her and her needs at that time. He'd even begun to neglect himself. Though to him, it didn't matter. He knew she'd done the same for him all his life. He was a great son to her.
Drama and heartbreak aside, when it all came down to it, when they felt that they had no one else, they always knew that they had each other.
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noircartoons · 10 months
hi! 25 and 8 for the flirty ask! 😊
hii!! thanks for the ask, i was trying to find the same game on your blog to send you an ask back but there were so many rbs i assumed you werent doing it anymore :( tho if you are, then 8 and 25 back to you because theyre super cute!
8: what’s something romantic you wish someone would do for you?
Nô- cut roses from a rich person's garden to give them to me, or a date where we're both doing grafitti art in a hidden corner all alone and we're laughing at how shaky our lines are and how much we suck at grafitti
Efêmero- Love letters❣️❣️ Scented love letters with flower petals inside the envelope, always arriving on my mail box in the same day of the week so i have a day to look foward to the most...
Crow- going to a ruin in the middle of the woods together and exploring it. or being gifted a small black vintage lock box with a lock of your hair and some of your teeth inside.
Pierre- learning to dance together so we can always dance anywhere that has music and steal the show
Ofélia- ...Being gifted something that reminds you of me.
25: vague about someone you like romantically or platonically
Nô- its easy for people like me to lie to themselves, saying they're a predatory animal, looking for a prey to bite. what a ridiculous lie. to feel so fragile and weak within your human flesh that you escape to this humancentric notion of what the nature is like. i wont say i know it myself. but i know what i am. i was a scared animal that bit everything it thought was a treat. i was shaking and whining and growling. you, you were the only one to make me feel safe. when i bit you, you found not betrayal but pleasure. i learned to use my claws and fangs to love you. i learned to keep my head high to look at you in the eye. you think im hard to impress, you think so highly of me...im the one who should be trying to impress you. i can only hope to do my words justice and bring as much safety to others as you brought me
Efêmero- Romance, Platonic love, all of it feels like it looses meaning in front of you. I've been told the importance of words, i've been even told my importance was in the way i used my words. I don't think they're as relevant as they're made out to be. No, i could describe you and my feelings for you with a thousand different words in a thousand languages and hope they will suffice. I can buy a beautiful ring to put on your finger and hope it will suffice, to show others what i feel for you. To show you what i feel for you. At the end, i can see, how little any of this matters. I'll bring your hand to my chest, and make silence so you can hear the beating of my heart. Does that suffice as a poem to you?
Pierre- someone that can't be described with words. when i'm by your side, feeling the wind hit my face sharply and hearing you say one of the words in portuguese i taught you, i feel more alive than i have ever felt.
Crow- hair golden like it holds the sunrise all to itself, watercolor eyes like the home of the wind that carries birds and leaves, a laugh that could make one forget of all that is rotten in this world, a soul that holds more colors than my box of paints, yet holds a pain that speaks to me. it hums a melody so familiar, a silent cry of a child that i've seen in the eyes of so many adults i've met. for them, i will talk, for them, i will laugh, for them, i'll set them free.
Ofélia- The wine that pours on my cup reminds me of the sea we've bathed in together in my dreams, though you will never see me. Grasshoppers bring the sound of the night, they fill in the silence that would be filled with your laughs or your moans, their sound is agonizing enough to make me want to rip my ears. The moon shines the same color of your soul, but it is too fragile for someone as rotten as me to hold. Let the smoke of my cigarette fill the night with a deep fog, it is better if you never see me, my love, that way i will never hurt you.
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pourlabeaute · 3 years
♡ Becoming my dream girl ♡
Thank you @2pretty for your amazing guide ♡
My dream girl is an improved and elegant version of myself. She practices self care on her daily basis through every single attitude and decision. She isn't dramatic or exhagerated, she's perfectly balanced and thinks before speaking anything that could destroy her peace or others'. She manages to keep up with all her college activities and business tasks while looking put together, awake and beautiful. She's smart and studies every week day for both college and work but still taking weekends to rest and find balance. She has the ability to prep beautiful dishes, she's very body-active, learned Spanish in some months by herself and has a lot of money invested so she can get her family a house. She's full of an elegance that comes from within and she shows a bit of it through her social media by sharing a sneak peak into her lifestyle.
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♡ 15 facts about my dream girl ♡
she studies at least 1:30h every week day.
she knows how to start the day and she takes the weekends to slow down, rest and to prepare for the coming week both mentally and by scheduling actitivies.
she never misses any appointment and she does everything in advance.
she is well spoken and has etiquette.
she's always put together, head to toe and a beautiful bright smile.
she knows how to keep her house clean, organized and beautiful.
she is fit and has a great body control because she gets active at least three times a week.
she speaks Portuguese, English and Spanish.
she has saved $20k and she has built up the best investments.
her wardrobe is full of versatile pretty items and she wear everything with grace always expressing her true self. She doesn't have any defective or useless item on her wardrobe.
she never puts herself in danger, she always takes the best decisions for her own comfort and safety.
she knows how to balance thoughts and she thinks twice before starting any discussion that may destroy her or others' peace.
she keeps in touch with her family calling them every Friday and visiting her mom every other weekend.
she knows how to make beautiful and delicious dishes.
her social media are clean and they only add up to her elegant manners.
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♡ Becoming her ♡
♡ Every day habits
Always take an uber drive when you go to unknown or to unsafe places
Get the groceries mostly online so you don't come home with heavy bags
Face washing and shower every morning followed by a nice and healthy breakfast
Study at least 1h for school and 30 min for business
Schedule and set alarms for every appointment a day or hours before it's due
Daily teeth care
Think a lot before saying anything that could start fights or disagreements
Always practice making beautiful dishes, even for simple meals
♡ June (1, 2, 7)
I will focus on getting used to having classes and to study again. So I must study every week day and be consistent on my morning routine. I must keep balanced my work and my studies so I really need to schedule everything on my work. I must start getting my body active again. On the first 2 weeks I should save 2 days for either working out, dancing, stretching out or to do yoga. Then I must add one more day. I will take Mondays to clean my apartment.
♡ July (5, 6)
Time to focus on getting furnitures I still miss, especially for the living room and for my bedroom. I will save 1k in my currency for that. I must get decor items for both and to make a little comfort space in my bedroom. My hair always annoys me because I usually feel like it's not put together and it messes a lot with my overall look along with my nails, I get to change that. My teeth are quite yellow and I'm hating it, go back to a beautiful bright smile lady. I'm dying to get my nails done but I keep on saving it for later so I don't spend money on nails. This month will require a lot of money but I'm ashamed of my apartment's look and I don't want that anymore, I want to be proud of it.
♡ August (10)
I'm hoping now that I started to slowly get new clothes on June, along with makeup, but this is the time to make it more intense, to get more at once and to throw out every item that I feel ashamed about whether because it's old or because it's defective.
♡ September (8, 15)
My birthday month and break from college, so I expect using my free time in a productive yet relaxing way: improving my Spanish. I will already have built a nicer enviroment, willl be already using better clothes and looking put together all the time, so I can also start focusing on my instagram, start making tiktok videos and maybe a Youtube channel.
♡ October (4, 14)
Time to focus on good manners and to work on creating beautiful meals. I will learn these mostly from Youtube videos and blogs, but traditional books won't be left behind if I can have any.
♡ November (2, 3)
A month to work harder on scheduling and doing things in advance so I can exceed 9 and make it $40k instead.
♡ December (1, 3, 9)
The last college semester has come, time for the last exams of the year so it's important to study every day and to get things done days before due. A hard month for business so both schedules should be aligned and I will end the year with more than double the first goal.
known sources: 3rd pic, food pic, 1st and 5th pics, 6th pic
my updates: click here
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gorillaism · 3 years
Yooo! Could I please ask a headcanon for the Band having a s/o or crush that's bilingual? (If you want a specific language: Portuguese but its ok if you want to keep it general)
Thank you a lot 🤗💖
gorillaz with a s/o that’s bilingual ( separate + ace )
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a/n : tysm for requesting!! <3 i didn’t know if you wanted ace as well, so i just added him too 🏃‍♀️💨
reader : gender neutral
warnings : a little bit of flirts, tiny swearing
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— 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐭 ( 2D ) 𝐩𝐨𝐭
this boy wishes he were you 😩
stu thinks that you’re so cool that you can speak another language besides english. he even asks you to teach him. poor boy cannot pronounce the words right.
stuart is literally so dedicated about learning another language though. you forgot about stu wanting to speak another language for months and months, but you hear him actually say a couple sentences.
you both mock murdoc in another language so he can’t decipher. 👀
he cannot say swears in another language though. he just tilts his head with an adorable look and goes-
“what does that mean??”
since noodle is literally fluent in all languages, she teases you behind stuart’s back and relentlessly floods you with sentences in another language such as-
“you and stuart are a very, very cute couple.”
“when is the baby coming?”
“bleh, i did not need to hear that.”
stuart isn’t fluent as much as noodle. he constructs baby sentences. so, with that being said, he will constantly ask you what you and noodle talk about.
i’m 90% sure that as soon as stu becomes fluent, after a week of not speaking the language, he’s already forgetting how to say a lot of words.
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— 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐨𝐜 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐬
okay, so murdoc isn’t white. we should all know by now right?
he’s probably bilingual too and can speak spanish, but only when he wants to confuse people. maybe he’ll straight up call someone an “uptight prick” or “a pain in the arse” with a fake smile and hope they don’t understand him (which most of time, they never know).
he thinks that the fact the you’re bilingual is very cool, but he doesn’t take the time to learn your second language. he has no patience at all for that.
murdoc flirts with you though 🕳👨‍🦯
“mmm, you sound rather sexy when you talk like that y’know...”
he may not care enough to learn the language, but just for you, he will learn how to say pick-up lines and suggestive sentences.
if you ever try and tease him, his secret weapon is noodle. he will remember key words and report back to her and force her to decipher.
“they said something like ___, ___, and ___. what the hell does that mean??”
“one of those words is translated to ‘annoying’, so figure it out yourself!”
yeah, murdoc would only learn the language unless he has to (i.e. you say mean things so he of course has to learn how to surprise you and retaliate).
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— 𝐧𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐥𝐞
you both gossip since she’s fluent in every language!
you talk about the weather, cute clothes, how annoying murdoc is, etc. <3
she thinks you sound adorable when you rant about your day in another language. noodle absolutely wonders why people make your day go bad when you’re literally a precious jellybean to her.
if you mix multiple languages, she’s fawning over you.
“that was adorable!”
“what was?”
“you mixed languages! do it again, please??”
murdoc will always barge into rooms without knocking and will judge you for whatever you do, so when watching tv, you always make sure it’s in a different language rather than english so murdoc won’t know what’s going on.
you and noodle mayyybeee decide to prank others by telling them a sentence in another language means something entirely different in english, but they just won’t know.
because of this, 2D has called an interviewer an “ugly, rancid cow” on accident that was meant for murdoc but 2D was also present in the room and he believed you two nonetheless.
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— 𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐥 𝐡𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐬
russel probably treats you just the same as anybody else at first. it’s just another cool thing you can do, which he is super in awe of, but he doesn’t go out of his way to tell you that that is wildly amazing.
after a bad day, he’ll probably want to curl up in bed with you and want you to cheer him up in another language, and then ask you what you said.
if you have bilingual friends, he will honestly get a little jealous and that will probably be his motivation to learn your other languages. he doesn’t want to be a third wheel!
russel will probably underestimate learning another language and get discouraged since it’s taking so long, so please cheer him up!
“(y/n), it’s taking so long. it’s probably going to take me months just to hold a conversation!”
“don’t say that! i really think you’re improving, honey.”
please give russel some one-on-one lessons. he just wants to spend time with you and make you proud :(
when he becomes a novice in speaking another language, he will definitely spin you around in triumph <3
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— 𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫
you being able to speak more than one language makes ace a little more than jealous...
he feels very insecure. he just thinks of himself as a guy who plays bass and does mild crime. that’s literally it. although, ace would never tell you this.
ace likes the thought of you teaching him. it would make him feel better to know he can do more than 2 whole things.
“really?? you’ll teach me, toots??”
“of course!”
it took him like a month for him to hold up a conversation that was five sentences worth bc he can’t pronounce anything properly 😩
he has to leave sticky notes on things so he remembers what they’re called in another language. he labels a coffee maker, this bass, even some of your clothes... he needs all the help he can get-
will never tell you this but he thinks your voice when you talk in another language sounds hot soothing
he is a person who finds it funny to learn how to say “poop” and “pee” in another language 🚊🤸‍♀️
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fandomwriterstuff · 3 years
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“We’re a well-oiled team of military-grade kindergarteners,” his best friend, and the only other human on the ship who would understand what kindergarten was, continued chastising him and his companions. “The level of education and training among the three of you eclipses that of the entire rest of the members of this operation,” Annabeth continued, pointing her finger individually at himself, his pilot Jason, and his Chief Science Officer Nico. “You know, I’m not that surprised with you, Percy, but you are our XO so you should really be more responsible,” he winced at that, still feeling a bit of imposter syndrome at being the Commander of the USS Olympus. “Jason, shouldn’t you be piloting a ship or something?” At that, he saluted her and did an about face before scampering off to get into more trouble. “And you, you’re definitely way too responsible to have gotten mixed up with this Seaweed Brain and Sparky, so what’s in this tomfoolery for you?”
Nico, the only Neptunian on the ship, shifted his large black wings self consciously under the scrutiny of their Chief of Operations. Percy, as the Commander of the vessel, felt obligated to protect his usually stoic and well-behaved… acquaintance? Di Angelo was reserved, almost standoffish, and resented anyone who tried to stick up for him for some reason, but that didn’t stop Percy’s stupid seaweed brain from doing so. Hence the acquaintance. Percy was 99% sure Di Angelo didn’t consider him a friend. But he was nice to Percy and a great officer, so Percy considered him his friend.
“It was my fault, Annie,” he used her childhood nickname carefully, not knowing whether it would soften her up or piss her off more. He was hoping for softening. “It was just another one of Jason and my dumb ideas that we thought we would need a scientist to help with, and we didn’t want to piss off Leo by involving him in it. You know how he is about his engineer and warp cores and whatnot,” Percy held his hands up placatingly. “Leave Di Angelo out of this, he has sciencey things to do, isn’t that right?” Percy side-eyed his companion who (not surprisingly) rolled his eyes.
“I try not to get involved with human pranks or even Jovian mischief, but Officer Grace and First Officer Jackson were about to be meddling with my linguistics team. It isn’t my duty to tell my superiors what to do, so I sought out the next best option, supervising and ensuring no lasting damage was done to the physical or emotional state of the linguistics team. Now,” Here Percy held in a smirk as Di Angelo shrugged. “If they caused interference with the machinery of the ship, that wouldn’t be my expertise, so I allowed it to happen and-” Percy held back a laugh as the other male started speaking even faster to get everything out as Annabeth turned redder and redder. “I’m very sorry about that, truly, but I had no control over the situation.”
“No control over the situation? You three broke our LIT machine and now we have to go back to Earth as soon as we pass close enough to fix it. Soon enough nobody on this ship will understand each other,” the woman across from them crossed her arms and Percy shrunk back a bit.
“I want to make a joke about a machine being called “LIT,” but I feel like it isn’t the right time,” he muttered. “I know the Linguistic Inhibition Technology is important, but most of us have a working understanding of at least one other language, so it shouldn’t be a huge issue, right?”
“You know it works by connecting to the implant technology in our brains, so as it shuts down one by one, members of this ship from spaces stations and planets far and wide will have no clue why they suddenly can’t understand their XO, or their Chief Officer, or their best friend. So you better explain this. And you have to tell them that we’re going straight back to Earth to fix it because no nearby planets have the same brain implant tech as us. Damn Terrans and their brand name technology copyrights,” Annabeth grumbled and finally turned around to walk off.
“Hey, you’re Terran, too!” Percy shouted after her, but she just flipped him the bird.
“She can do that?” Di Angelo asked, side-eyeing Percy.
“Yeah, she’s been my best friend since we were twelve. As long as she doesn’t undermine my authority in front of everyone else, I don’t really care. I’ve done way worse to her,” Percy laughed at the other man’s frown. “Nothing bad, just pranks and things of that sort. Maybe when we get back to Earth we can show you where we’re from. You never set foot off of the training grounds while you were in school.”
“I would… like that,” Di Angelo paused and gave Percy a soft smile.
“Great,” Percy patted the younger male on the shoulder and made his way to the Command Center.
Percy sat himself down in the rotating chair and pressed on the comms device.
“Gooooood evening crew of the USS Olympus, this is your Commanding Officer, Percy Jackson, speaking,” he smiled at the engineering crew that was scuttling by, only for one of them to pause and look at him like he was speaking a different language… Whoops.
“There was a malfunction with the Linguistic Inhibition Technology and we will be returning to Earth henceforth to repair it before the damage becomes problematic. You may experience glitches with your implant technology and may revert to only understanding your first language and those you have studied extensively. If somebody looks like they’re not understanding what I’m saying right now, please escort them to the linguistics team in Science Bay 3. Carry on. Jackson, out.” He clicked again and the mic turned off.
He sighed, this would be one of his bigger mistakes. They were supposed to be exploring, but they couldn’t do that if nobody could speak to one another. One trip home couldn’t hurt him, and he was sure Annabeth would be happy to see her father.
It wasn’t until later after the Chief Officer meeting when someone finally asked Percy about Earth. For many of the non-humans on the ship, Earth was a place to get education and training to go out in the star fleet, and they never set foot outside the campus grounds, just like Di Angelo. But people had stopped asking him questions because Earth was basically “Space Australia,” as Annabeth had explained to him. The adaptability of humans and their need to pack bond astounded many and horrified many others. So, he stopped talking about home.
It was a new member of their ship, Novax (a Vulcan who was a part of Leo’s engineering team), who asked him about it first.
“I hear Earth is 75% made of pure salt water, and is filled with animals of all kinds. Do you have a favorite water animal?” he asked Percy excitedly.
“Definitely dolphins, though they aren’t underwater creatures. Like humans they need oxygen to breathe, and come up for air very often. My favorite actual underwater species would have to be a hippocampus from Neptune. I’ve always wanted to go and see one, but my human anatomy prevents me from going on-planet,” Percy explained and sipped on his hot tea.
“There are a million creatures in the ocean and you pick one that doesn’t breathe underwater?” Clarisse grunted. His Chief Tactical Officer was a brutish Martian, but very specialized in weapons. “And your second favorite isn’t even Terran.”
“What else do you know about the ‘ocean’?” Novax breathed, leaning forward.
“Eh, not much,” Percy shrugged.
“I’m not sure I heard that correctly, maybe my LIT unit isn’t functioning well,” another member of engineering asked, Nyssa. “Your planet is 75% water and you don’t even know what is inside it?”
“I could tell you about the people who spend their life learning about what survives in the deep depths,” Percy looked up, knowing he had all of the non-Terrans hooked on every word. Even Di Angelo had paused in his note taking and was staring wide-eyed at Percy. “But I don’t know if you’d want to know.”
“No we do!” Nyssa exclaimed. “There are people who dedicate their lives to a place that’s literally not navigable by humans, the main inhabitants of the planet?”
“Well as you said, most of the planet is water. Which means that coastal communities are filled with fisherman, whalers, swimmers, and more. I could tell you about some of those. I could also tell you about the scientists that spend years of their lives building bots that can’t even come close to withstanding the pressure at the deepest depths without imploding, or I could tell you about those that do come close,” he shrugged.
“What happened to those?”
“The video feed cut out after only seeing multiple rows of sharp, jagged teeth,” Annabeth answered, her sharp grin frightening those who hadn’t noticed her. Some forgot that she was Terran, because she was also half Minervan.
“I could tell you about whales. Beautiful, they come in black and white or grey or blue. But they can be as big as almost 100 feet long. That’s as long as most pirate ships. And they could fit about 400 average sized humans in their mouths. You don’t want to cross one of them. And they only live on the surface. The things that live in the deep,” Percy shuddered for effect. There were no Neptunians on the ship, so there were no natural water dwellers there, so all of his rapt listeners were shocked by this information. “There’s the anglerfish. They light up the dark with an antenna on top of their heads, and the light lures in prey. But it’s so dim elsewhere that you don’t see their big sharp teeth until you’re right up against them,” he murmured. “Giant squids are almost as big as whales but not nearly as peaceful and beautiful. They have eight arms and two tentacles that could wrap around any boat and crush it.”
“Ten limbs?” Nyssa whispered, clearly disturbed.
“Plus, the Portuguese Man o’ War,” Percy shrugged nonchalantly. “Also known as the floating terror. It’s like a big blue jellyfish that sits innocently on top of the water with huge blue tentacles that sit just underneath with a sting strong enough to kill a full grown human.”
“Don’t worry,” Annabeth grinned that shark grin again. “Percy won’t tell you about the stories of the old days. He doesn’t want to scare you.”
“That was the not scary part?” Novax gulped.
“Anyway, I just got notified that we’ll be back on Earth in a few days, so brace yourselves,” and with that, she stood and left them all staring after her. When the door clicked shut, Percy had all eyes back on him. He shrugged.
“Don’t look at me. I wasn’t going to tell you about the kr- nevermind,” he stood. “Di Angelo, with me,” the younger officer stood, back to business and was at Percy’s side again in a moment. “Clear your schedule, you’re spending shore leave with me, pal.”
“Great,” came the deadpan reply.
“Don’t sound so somber,” Percy rolled his eyes. “I’m just going to show you the beach and maybe a good gay bar. You need to let off some steam my dude.”
The other male reddened.
“That is so… That is…” he huffed. “Highly inappropriate.” he glared down at the ground and Percy felt a little bad, maybe the guy wasn’t out? But it was clear he had a preference for males. Oh well, that foot was already in Percy’s mouth.
“Fine. But I will be attending and I am a great dancer so you’re missing out,” he winked at the flustered officer and made his way back to his cabin. It would be an interesting few days.
He made a plan with Annabeth. Day one before shore leave, Percy would spread a rumor to Novax about the kraken. Bigger than a giant squid and meaner. Known to crush entire pirate ships in the olden days.
Day two, Annabeth would mention sirens to Nyssa. Hideous creatures that could lure you in with their voices and lead you to believe you were bringing your ship in to everything you ever wanted, when in reality you would crash your ships and then drown.
Day three, Percy would tell Leo about the Megalodon. A definitely very real shark so big you couldn’t even imagine it. Percy shuddered at that one.
“But, there are some good things,” Percy was speaking to Nico Di Angelo from his Commander chair, in ear shot of some of the participants of the conversation a few nights prior. “Mermaids, the siren’s nicer cousin species. And the lost city of Atlantis. Known to be a great and bountiful city, lost to the sea and cursed by the gods to be stuck down there forever. Some believe it still exists, but it’s within the Bermuda Triangle.”
“What, pray tell, is the Bermuda Triangle,” Clarisse sighed.
“Hard to explain. Ships just… go in… and they never come out,” Annabeth shrugged. “Planes go down. Ships wreck. People who go in don’t come back out, so we don’t know if Atlantis is really there or not.”
“That’s… terrifying,” Novax whispered as he walked by.
Percy was sure he had created a healthy fear of Earth’s oceans in his crew. And he meant to, because while he loved the beach and swimming, he did want to make them shy away from the depths. They wouldn’t do well to explore it.
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