park-markjin · 2 years
I have always struggled eating healthy but i really want to.
I can’t stand any sort of vegetable. I gag whenever i bite one. I’ve tried mixing it in with other stuff and all that but it doesn’t really work. Is there any way I can learn to like them without forcing myself to eat them?
submitted by /u/L1xxin [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/eMjkocO
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park-markjin · 2 years
WHY can’t I stop FARTING!!!
I (18F) have no idea where to go. This is such a recent development and for the last couple weeks I have been having the most VICIOUS farts. It’s several times a day. They are LOUD and NOTICEABLE and throughout high-school I hardly ever did! But now it is constant!
I go to the gym, and for pre-workout I only ever eat a protein bar. My general diet consists of a lot of things like avocado toast, eggs, paninis, fruit smoothies, pasta, veggie sandwiches, butter chicken, chicken or vegetable soups, etc. I eat what is healthy for me and I like to get a good balance of all of my food groups. My diet has not changed much (other than the protein bars I eat 2-3 times a week) but this is every day!!!!!!! It won’t stooop!!! I am tired of having to conceal farts and leave the room so people don’t notice.
I can provide more in-depth details of my diet, but ingredients I commonly use are;
spinach, strawberries, bananas, mozzarella, pesto, hummus, Greek yogurt, chicken, pasta/chicken sauces, cilantro, bean sprouts, onions, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, skim milk, cucumber, bell peppers, eggs, ciabatta breads, naan, and some herbs and seasonings. These are ingredients I likely always have in stock.
submitted by /u/rubbernickels [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/4qctepg
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park-markjin · 2 years
Gluten Free Foods List
https://geunesint.com/gluten-free-foods-list/ Gluten-free foods are foods that are generally consumed by celiac patients. Celiac disease can be characterized as gluten sensitivity. It occurs as a result of an allergic reaction of the small intestine to a protein called gluten. It is a chronic allergy and there is no cure. The diet that celiac patients will follow throughout their life is; It is a gluten-free diet.
submitted by /u/Outrageous_Sound6490 [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/go0cWGw
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park-markjin · 2 years
How to avoid losing muscle in a calorie deficit?
I’m currently doing a calorie deficit. Before I started, I was 91kg (200.6lbs) with a lot of undesirable fat due to me being 5’10. I gained a lot of muscle along with this fat, and I want to maintain it as much as possible.
I’m currently eating around 1,800 calories a day, and I’m wondering if theres a way I can go lower without sacrificing muscle, as I really want to get rid of the fat. I’ve been keeping my protein around 130-150 grams a day, should I be getting more?
submitted by /u/Ok-Iron6980 [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/faqCNxs
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park-markjin · 2 years
I wake up every morning craving the greasiest/most disgusting fast food ever.
Even though I have plenty of food at home, I have this massive compulsion to order a ton of fried crap on UberEats. Sometimes I wont even finish it, I’ll have a few bites and just be disgusted. And because it’s McDonalds it tastes awful after an hour of sitting outside.
I’m wasting money and destroying my body, but I can’t understand why. I’m also wasting any progrès si make when going to the gym, which I do about 3 times a week for strength training. Typically when I do this I wont have lunch but just a snack, like some hard boiled eggs or some fruit, and then ill cook diner after. Nothing fancy, just some meat, rice and veggies.
It’s just these morning cravings that are killing me. It’s like I’m not able to get out of bed unless I know my two sausage mcgriddles and hash browns are on their way.
I’ve seen some things online mentioning stress and anxiety could be a factor. My sleep cycle is a bit off but im not sure how I can regulate that without using other substances.
Should I try eating a larger dinner? I typically eat until im full, not really counting calories or portion sizes.
submitted by /u/4UTOMAT [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/v9R6TjN
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park-markjin · 2 years
How to deal with hunger after coming home from a 12 hour night shift? I'm always starving but don't want to eat and go to bed. Any advice?
submitted by /u/Junior-Ad2818 [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/xtzeB96
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park-markjin · 2 years
How could reduce my orexis?
At most times of my life, my appetite is usually very good. It seems like I have a stomach that will never be satisfied. The most torturing time of my day is when I finish my lunch or dinner because a modicum of food seduced my orexis 😅 I just keep eating cookies or other after-meal desserts to fill my stomach.
So, how can I change that kind of situation? I have been confused for years.
submitted by /u/Fresdottir [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/NmYJuiB
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park-markjin · 2 years
low blood pressure
I have 80 over 51 (low blood pressure) I have been dieting and I can't stop dieting, because I am afraid of getting fat again after starting to eat what I usually ate a day,I am 16 years old (male) and I usually eat 1700 calories a day I am 183cm and my weight is around 65 kg, I know that I am slowly becoming underweight but I am afraid to eat again cause I was told that my body will slow it's metabolic rate because of my dieting. What should I do?
(Also I don't do any sports because I hate doing it....😅)
submitted by /u/Snow_Fox44 [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/BwEHjC3
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park-markjin · 2 years
Is it alright for me to eat big for breakfast?[also Help in diet control]
I usually eat 2 slices of bread with peanut butter and fruits and milk
Today I happened to be really hungry so I ate my normal breakfast except + A big avocado and a cup of ice cream😅 and that ain't healthy, so I'll skip dinner today since lunch is big as well
I eat about 2000 calories everyday but I'm about 14 and my maximum calorie intake should be 1700 though I have a really big appetite, how do I control this?(I do a moderate workout, 30 min abs but I'm trying to get results and am worried that I'll just stay the same shape since I'm eating sm)
submitted by /u/Internal_Variation_9 [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/jkLNEtY
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park-markjin · 2 years
Should i be concerned if i’m eating over the daily goals of vitamin c, vitamin a, sodium etc? I weight 257 pounds and am 18. I only eat about 2,000 calories a day compared to 6,000+ a few weeks ago. I only have been eating healthy foods like grilled chicken, mixed fruit, etc. This is my first week doing this and just don’t want to mess it up. Any ideas?
submitted by /u/Rvnxz [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/VGbLepv
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park-markjin · 2 years
Is How Full You Feel After Eating Based On Mass, Volume, Or Calories?
submitted by /u/ethanm831 [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/dMEzDlm
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park-markjin · 2 years
1st day and I’m already lost !
I weight 121kg , a male, and my height is 177cm , i made a target for myself to lose 30kg to 35kg for this day to 30/12/2022 which is the end of this year, i have about 8 months to achieve my goal, the thing is I don’t know what to eat? How much calories should i cut from my daily intake if it’s about 2800 cal ? And how many grams of protein should i take? 120g or just above 85g of protein? Can anyone help me make a healthy diet to achieve my goal ? Putting in mind that I started going to the gym and weight lifting workouts 👍 and i dont want to use protein powders or anything like that in my diet
submitted by /u/NeverFeltAlright [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/UPx6sd3
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park-markjin · 2 years
Dieting while your partner isn't
Any tips for dieting while your partner isn't? The smells are killing me! I switched to huel but they're still eating cooked food...
submitted by /u/joecarvery [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/flnKi8d
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park-markjin · 2 years
How do I control myself around tasty snacks?
Whenever I have 1 cookie I have to eat like 20 because it’s not enough
submitted by /u/Doidoi26 [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/iTbcva5
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park-markjin · 2 years
I can't cook at the moment so what can I eat that's healthy
I broke my ankle June 14th I'm still walking with a walker. I don't have motion back in my ankle so I have another surgery on May 5th to hopefully fix it. However because of my walker I can't cook. So what can I eat that's healthyish? We've been doing takeout for dinner and I'm starting to feel guilty about eating bread and fried food all the time. I can use a microwave. I can't stand in the kitchen for long or my legs hurt. So what can I eat that's a little bit more healthy? What's a healthyish cereal? I know I can eat salads and grilled chicken instead of fried. Any more options? What are some quick fix healthyish lunch options as well? Thank you!!
submitted by /u/Nice_nees [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/e2dwzEl
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park-markjin · 2 years
On a calorie deficit but stopped losing weight
I’ve been on a calorie deficit for months already and have lost around 70 pounds and I weigh 195 pounds. I’ve noticed that I’ve been stuck at that weight for a couple of weeks now. I also do high volume weight lifting. What should I do to keep progressing to keep losing weight?
submitted by /u/Better-Offer [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/f2TCiWL
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park-markjin · 2 years
transitioning off keto
I've been strict high protein keto for roughly 5 months. I've lost 65lb and am now around 190lb 15% bodyfat. I would still like to get a little leaner but am wanting to transition away from keto. While it was effective and beneficial, I know that it's not sustainable long term. My plan going forward would be to stay in a calorie deficit and replace my fats and some protein with carbs, adding 25g a week. I'm currently eating 5 meals a day, about 3 hours apart. Would I be correct in thinking the first place I should add in would be breakfast? Then my next meal, and so on? I know post workout is a primary spot to have carbs, but with my work schedule, that would add a hefty dose close to bedtime. I train 2-3 times a week lifting heavy, but the specific days aren't consistent. I fit my training sessions in where I can.
5'11" male 30 years old if it makes a difference
submitted by /u/Hammjodf [link] [comments] from Diet & Nutrition https://ift.tt/aDOtWRn
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