#i feel like a fucking 'born in the wrong generation' kid for saying that lmao but yeah take me back to the weird 1800s fantasy world
misskirisame · 1 year
#it's a really bad night for missing my source material#i hoped a year ago id be feeling better. now we're here and im really not#am i ever going to get rid of this ache. it hurts so fucking much. i just want to see my friends again#it's days like this i want to just uninstall everything social media wise and cut everyone off and then never come back to the internet#like i swear so much of my misery spawns from the people i meet online and how my life is in general#i want a simple life again so badly. back in my home in the woods not really worrying about shit too much#i mean yeah i had issues but god it wasnt like this. it wasnt anything like this.#moments like this also make me hate being a system kinda. not really but also idk i want my own life again. but also idm at the same time#bro idk#we'd all happily live my life from before tbf LOL if i did just go ahead and try to shape things different to make myself happier.. hm yk#idk. idk idk idk. im just unhappy. horribly unhappy. even the fucking modernity of street lights and shit bothers me now.#i hate trying to sleep and hearing loudass cars outside and i hate the artificial lighting CONSTANTLY#it makes me appreciate that we lived in the countryside previously that much more. ya bitch actually had a natural sleep cycle to rely on#and it was like that back home too...#i feel like a fucking 'born in the wrong generation' kid for saying that lmao but yeah take me back to the weird 1800s fantasy world#i hate it here#i vent a lot on this blog i apologise
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occasionally-victor · 23 days
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bwaah ghost au spiderbit; you can see i kinda lost motivation on this one a bit lmao welp
in this au people that die peacefully leave like. normal ghosts. the "transparent floating person maybe with some quirk" type of ghosts. idk whether make them move on to some Otherside or are they just still hang out in normal world - probably a bit of both (alive people usually can't see those tho). the people who die from some sort of cruel death or at the moment of death have A Lot™ of negative emotions? their ghosts are Fucked Up and Kinda Dangerous™ and less person looking. the nature of it is Unknown™, but those ghosts considered "cursed" - which entails that the curse can be lifted and the ghost can be granted peace. those ghosts behaviour is in fact totally targeted towards ridding themselves of that curse HOWEVER it's usually slow. have i mentioned those ghosts are Fucked Up and Kinda Dangerous™? yadda yadda there are people who specialise in helping those ghosts get rid of their "curse" because otherwise they can do a lot of damage before doing it themselves.
this au was kinda born after thinking what would the actual ghosts of cubitos look like, and then deciding to just make a seperate thing from it
!roier was still abducted, but here it's by some fucked up people who wanted to experiment on humans - he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. take a wild guess how he dies (idk body gave up after weeks of horrifying experiments or something). ghost!roier is surprisingly Not That Dangerous™ - mostly scares encountered people and also seems to bring the rat infestation to every house he is seen in. barely floats, in general looks like a walking corpse that slightly glows, rarely seen on street as seems to hate light (most of it, at least), rats do follow him a lot. doesn't seem to talk and in general also feels constant sickness and disorientation. moves between places a lot, so not many actually seen him. the commonly used name in reports is "Blinded man" (as his eyes are very much hidden behind the cloth constantly)
spiderbit were very much married in this au and well, you could have guessed, !cellbit didn't take the news well at all (authorities eventually found whatever that underground lab was and yknow the bodies). mans left his work at flower shop, became basically a complete shut in and then one day theirhis apartment was on fire. the fire part actually nor because someone set it in fire or whatever - it's because some ghost can be "born" uhh with very real impact on normal world let's just say, and in this case the very first thing ghost!cellbit did was to set the place on fire👍 not cool, because the fire was white, which is very notoriously very hot actually (the whole thing was brief tho - the only thing affected was the apartment) (the cause of death is very much grief induced heart attack btw). the heat from ghost doesn't appear right until the flames themselves are touched - while the burn itself is nonexistent, the pain is very much is. moderately aggressive, seems to have a soft spot for kids (as in, avoids them and in general seems calmer around them). often noticed around various flower shops and other flower related placed (looking for something?) - in a places where his sightings were reported often found ashes of already burn flowers (a specific flower does seem to be burnt much less tho-) (flowers actually can completely distract him - seems to be stuck in place until they finish burning - ideally not be there when that happens). the blood is real, but it vaporises before it hits the ground most of the time. the common name in reports is "Whiteflame ghost"
the way to lift their curse is for ghosts be reunited - the nature of their curse does kinda force them to be "physically" inseparable as to not return to their cursed selves, but it's not like an issue for them at this point.
will i ever expand this au? probably not tbh, but maybe.
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writing-hat · 10 months
Was rewatching Hands of Time because I wanna get Nya right for my fic (I know I won't but this is an attempt), and I am suddenly remembered of Karlof.
Why is there a metal master? Isn't Cole supposed to be the earth master?
So! Here's why Cole can't metal bend - at least not now, not in this universe, and/or not in my head
Everyone has their own opinions! And this is just me speculating I guess! You can skip if this bores you lmao
Okay for those that are reading my insane and ridiculous overthinking that makes sense for me but might not for everyone cuz I can't explain shit (also cuz yknow this is a lego show for kids all of this wasn't thought through lmao)
So Metal Bending from ATLA is something that always makes me go insane because it is super well brought up AND built up. Because, yknow, Toph is a fucking badass and she's the best actually no contest here I don't take criticism- BUT BUT it's something that somehow feels expected because of how well she handles her powers and how it works when it comes to earth benders
Now for Cole, and earth masters in general, this wouldn't work in my mind, because I feel like the ninjas powers work more in a- "magical" way?
NOW YOU KNOW ME, this does not mean magic doesn't work with physics of our world, yaddi yadda, yknow how crazy I am when it comes to powers being handled with a price, and actually thinking of physics (to an extend, I didn't major in that for a reason LMAO). But it does occur to me that the connections between powers work differently in Ninjago compared to ATLA
This is also why Nya wouldn't be able to blood bend in my mind (EVEN IF THAT'S FUCKING COOL and I want to see content of it always and forever (are there any content on it actually harrass me if there is I wanna see that)), because she's not that kind of close to water, but she is close to it in an other way?
How would I explain that. Hm.
So like imagine a path, and it bifurcates in two different kinds of fields, but it still started from the same branch. Here, one becomes the bender of the matter, reaching potential as badass as blood bending, while the other masters it, understanding how it works to its fundamental, going as far as fusing with the element itself ; it's what makes it so that fire benders can bend lightning, and why that can't be for the ninjas/masters. Because it was never meant to be that.
This comes with the idea that the "Illusion of Separation" is a thing in ATLA! Which, I think would also be the case in Ninjago IF the FSM hadn't seperated them (the powers)- but I still don't know how to explain my thoughts there, other then to say the FSM had all powers before and there's no way he didn't use them at the same time or make them fuse (yknow aside wind and water of course) but he stopped that when he decided to pass it on future masters? something?
And that's why Karlof is the Master of Metal. It got seperated.
(doesn't that mean it can be brought back together? Lloyd I'm looking at you)
ALSO! I think what's taken into account here is the differences between metal and dirt, rocks and such. The chemical/physical differences, how iron is but a mineral in most cases incrusted too deep into the rock before brought back and used to make pure iron (or something idk the exact names) or used to make steel (with carbon levels being too high but yeah this goes to deep I'll stop now) (also if I'm wrong please tell me I'm not a scientist and idk that much on the subject (I think that shows))
More so, Toph's powers and bending works with WAVES! Cole's doesn't (yet, because if he can actually cause earthquakes then O BOI)
Not only that, but they are all born with those powers, and it's hard to master. But for the ninjas, they're "on their own", in way that the generations before them didn't get to teach them shit before they poofed out, and those that are left behind are people that were as clueless as them- looking at the Smith Parents, or even Wu! Who prbably has to learn everything from his father's scrolls because the FSM is a piece of crap actually (not sure how he's handled in the books but rn in my mind he is a piece of crap with how Wu and Garmadon react to most things (that's another talk a bit more Encanto flavored (generational trauma yknow)))
Also, there's the fact that it took so long for the show to show us Cole control the earth from a distance! Usually, his powers are associated with strength- which is in my opinion a huge waste of talent, BUT AT THE SAME TIME IT'S REALLY COOL! You know what I mean?
BUT COLE, even if he doesn't bend metal, there are other things that come with earth powers, things I CAN'T WAIT TO write about, but won't speak for here since I'm still working on it (also they might actually suck but Idc I'm having fun lol)
I wouldn't be surprised if other people found about these abilities tho. Y'know it's the internet! Lots of people think of the same thing
But uh yeah! I guess that's it?
Thanks for reading, and see ya!
(Also if you think I'm wrong about some things, which I prbbly am, or if you wanna add things, correct some of my stuff and all, you're welcomed to do so! I'm always open to being told I'm wrong LMAO)
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friedchickenluver · 11 months
I feel like it takes a while for the general populous to warm up to Zuko as Firelord and that’s mainly because of the last 100 years + his fathers reign didn’t really do anything to help the situation but he later becomes the people’s firelord and that’s with the help of his wife he drags him to charity events and with the backing of team avatar.
Now, Zuko was raised around politics but there’s a period about 5-10 years within his rule where he staunchly disagrees with his advisors mainly because they’re still brainwashed and under the spell that Ozai started with “restoring the fire nation to its former glory.” He later ends up just starting over and picking a new cabinet making sure to have at least one representative from each nation to chime in for rebuilding efforts.
Let me tell you though Zuko hates celebrations for himself and his achievements but when it’s his wife’s birthday and don’t get me started on their children. It’s like a national holiday the parties for them are magnificent.
As far as how powerful he is? Behind every great man is a far greater woman. A lot of his plans he runs by his wife before taking it to the advisors because she just knows that they’ll peddle him bullshit and depending on the day Zuko will agree so he can leave but she’s here to shut that shit down.
Now I know we joke that Izumi, the twins, and baby boy are spoiled. But I’d like to think that Zuko does take the time to bring them up as humble as possible and that’s thanks to Iroh having a big part of raising him and when they were settled in the earth kingdom for a bit. -🧚🏽‍♀️
HEAVY ON THE STARTING NEW PART . he got fed tf up with those old dudes who cared not about the country, but power and Zuko was like “fuck this shit, these mfs are UNFIXABLE.” (😂) he fired everyone after the first years of his reign because they actually began to like piss him off . Except two, which are my OCs Midjair and Indy, who were both apart of Ozai’s secretary and Zuko ranked them both up to major advisors . At first they were so traumatized from Ozai’s serving time and had some of his ideologies engraved in their head . but eventually they both showed that they were fixable and so Zuko kept them .
He’s so hellbent on making sure everyone has a say in how things run between countries and within the Fire Nation itself . I feel like he would also renovate a good portion of the castle just to make it look less depressing and intimidating .
He absolutely despises his own birthdays, like everyone including his wife will like beg him to allow them to throw a party or something for him . she’s trying to loosen him up some because he’s such a hard ass it’s basically impossible to gesture him into having some type of fun . BUT FOR THEM, oh the whole nation is going to hear about it, you should’ve seen Izumi’s sweet 16, they had to plan it a year in advance because she’s so extra like her mom . Their birthdays or him and his wife’s anniversary will be like week long events the whole country is celebrating, including endless amounts of gifts and cards, etc .
And of course Zuko would have to run down over major decisions he makes with the advisors, because as politics is mainly still a male predominant occupation, he needs an intelligent women’s opinion to make sure all side sound fair and just . And if those men ever try to convince her that her opinion is wrong in any type of way , oh she WILL shut they ass down before they can utter another word . Zuko knows it’s best if you never try his wife like that . LMAO
The kids are definitely spoiled like they just so happened to born in the right family because they get almost any and everything they can ask for . But zuko will always be quick to teach them that life is beyond anything more than material possessions and wants and needs, he will take them on visits to hang out with iroh just so they can get a slice of his wisdom . Because it’s important that they learn all factors of life before they have to guide themselves on their own journey . (🥹)
At the end of the day, Zuko will always be regarded as one of the best looking Firelord history has seen for a while . And even in times of doubt his family will always be quick to reassure him that he’s doing great and they all love him .
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Ideas for the sequels:
Ahsoka finds Korkie and his Wife(tm), learning that he was a descendant of Obi Wan, and bonding with that family as she does her Not Jedi Shit. The Kryze family has a baby girl. Ahsoka checks in on them when she can. The kid is force sensitive! Amazing. Good thing there's a new Jedi School being built and--
The two Kryze parents Perish(tm) around the same time Luke's new Jedi school fails.
Ahsoka takes the child in as her own and teaches the girl everything she knows about the force.
That girl? Rey Kenobi-Kryze.
Her storyline would still consist of struggling with identity and trying to find some sort of family because you can't tell me Ahsoka Tano wouldn't have attachment issues after everything she's been through lmao. Rey wants something that Ahsoka just straight up can't give. (Think Master Shifu and Tigress from Kung Fu Panda type of dynamic between these two lmao.) Plus, Rey's got a lot of shit going on in her lineage: Mandalorian, Jedi, Dukedom. What is she? A Kryze, a Kenobi or a Tano? Rey would totally struggle with who she is, and the kind of person she wants to be and what she is expected to be. Instead of being a "nobody" she would feel that extreme pressure to be "somebody" because of her lineage.
Rey is terrified of being a "nobody." Yet she craves it more than anything, which adds to her horror and shame.
Finn is the one that gets the "nobody" storyline that Rey had in the OG sequel movies.
"Oh, but wait," I hear you say, "do you mean the character who was stolen from the 'family he will never know, 'given a number instead of a name, and raised among thousands of others just like him for one single purpose?"
Yes!!! I do!!!
And don't get me wrong, Finn becomes a Jedi. But Finn gets to figure out the kind of person he wants to be and how that fits into becoming a Jedi. Joining the rebellion was an accident. Finn chooses to become a Jedi. He chooses that.
Poe is the glue that holds them together. He's the one that grounds them and gets them out of their own heads. He's a war hero, he's a brilliant pilot, but his storyline would be learning about the responsibilities of leadership. He's a damn good pilot, but the rebellion has a dozen of those. What the rebellion needs is a leader. A new leader for a new generation. Poe struggles to fill the shoes Leia left for someone to fill, and he feels the weight of her legacy for sure, but what is the alternative? Not do anything? Give up hope? Let the New Order win? Not gonna fucking happen on his watch, that's for sure.
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
Rey was born great. Poe achieved greatness. Finn has greatness thrust upon him.
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demcnsinmymind · 10 months
character info sheet.
Name. Aza/thoth
Name meaning. Blind idiot god, nuclear chaos, mindless dreamer, the deep dark et cetra
Alias.( ses ). see above, other fun names people have come up with : parasite, darling (that does turn up a lot somehow lmao), Azzy, demonic hitchhiker, little friend. Really. people are so much friendlier these days!
two pictures you like of your character.
okay, this one is a BIG one, since it pretty much started this entire idea.
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I know I shit a lot on the second movie but this scene from it is just outright pivotal on my blog. The way Sean acted this scene, that second where he seems to realize what he's doing and that it's wrong, but then something instantly changes in his body language and he strangles the kid that much harder, followed by him saying 'he made me do it, I'm sorry' - that was the moment the possession idea was born. So in a way, that is a picture of the entity that's messing Collingwood and Lance right up.
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Second one is not really a picture, but a very flashy video. The first minute of Clark's Winter Linn video has always been the visual representation of what I think this thing 'looks' like. No generic tentacle monster bullshit. But a thing that constantly shifts and changes in 'patterns' that don't make an real coherent sense. But picture that on a scale of a freaking galaxy.
three headcanons you never told anyone.
once again, I feel like I've shared sooo many headcanons already lmao
My version of it isn't your typical muhahaha evil. Hell, at times, it might even do something good, like getting rid of its own cult and such. I play entirely into the concept that it is chaos at its most basic and pure and entirely its own thing, doesn't adhere to any religious or natural law or black and white mentality, really. It isn't even that -smart- and cunning either. Don't get me wrong. It'll make your head spin with its sudden shifts in moods and ideas. It is outright scary how utterly unpredictable it is. It is disastrously flipping gi-normous with incredible power. If it bothered to gain all of them back and develop its full potential and everything that its cult wants, I'm talking universe ending OP type of power and knowledge. But the fun part is that it has no interest in that just yet, if ever. Frankly, it finds almighty power and omnipotence quite fucking boring and utterly predictable. All it cares about is mindless consuming and observing and manipulating. It will kill people and destroy things if it feels like it. But given its psychotic obsessions and the likes, it actually is fairly chill for the most part. Truth be told, it kinda enjoys snacking on powerful villians and evil peops/supernaturals more than your run at the mill normal human 9-5ers, no matter how many of them are really out there. Why go for bulk fast food when you can enjoy a lil well done gourmet diner you get handed in a very secret shady celebrity restaurant?
Once again cannot overstate enough how freaking obsessed this thing is with Lance. Jealous and clingy to the absolute fucking max. I go back and forth on how it'll handle his eventual death. Sometimes I like to think that it 'cares' about him so much it might just let him pass naturally eventually, really let him go so he can be at peace one day. But more and more, I come to the conclusion that it won't. It eventually will try to find a way to literally keep him forever. I'm talking, he gets taken out by a bullet or something, it'll bring him back. And it'll keep bring him back over and over again until there's nothing left to be brought back. That, or it'll go the vampire route with him in the verses I have for that. Meaning that it'll force some vamp to turn him for it so he'll be immortal and stay with it forever.
I just find it generally very interesting how they tick. I make it a big point that this possession isn't forceful or like your typical uncomfortable imprisoned in your own body type of deal. Eventually, it's almost elegant and respectful in a few ways, and obv very tight regardless. It is talking to him all the time. Comments on everything, constantly suggests things or makes fun of them. But it will respect his autonomy and privacy many times as well if he wants for it to be so. Eventually, he'll reluctantly turn it into a two way street and start talking to it a lot more as well, even ask it for its take on things since it knowing literally every last thing he does with the addition of its 'outside' perspectives can paint a pretty fucking accurate and scary picture. That's the point where the lines start blurring and they distort each other. In a way, it's scary how natural it all seems and how well this dance of theirs is choreographed. For the most part, it's because it's genuinely fascinated by the way he ticks and thinks, and because he produces so many struggles and doubts and emotions all by himself. It just has to lean back and enjoy the show. Or he gets to lean back and let it handle the shitty/risky situations without having to fear for his life anymore.
three things your character likes to do in their free time.
people watching 2. talking to people 3. reading. people's minds and the likes. or books. maybe a diary or two.
three people your character loves.
that's it. there are no three people.
two things your character regrets.
1. not stopping the lobotomy. Don't get it wrong, that level of fear and insanity was one of the biggest feasts to date. But the thing is - now that it's with him and ever so obsessed, no matter how much of a constant and easy food supply his trauma from that really is - it doesn't want as much of a scratch on him. It doesn't want him in physical pain. And if you ever get it started on the fact that he almost died on that table and that they almost ruined everything with that. If it wasn't for the fact that that attack and ritual was what made the possession possible, what made him able to host it, then it would absolutely undo that one.
2. Any time it's decided to let him talk to someone for longer than necessary, and where that results in him caring about those people, those caring about him, and them putting doubts in his head about his relationship with it. It's constantly and awkwardly trying to find the right balance between making him happy and getting him to like it more because of that, and keeping him from being too happy and interested in other people than itself.
three phobia's your character has.
losing the boy
that's it. Other than that it eats fear for fucking breakfast.
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Bea & Fraze Pt.4
Fraze: [I love this peak romance for y’all, hence I shall keep it going by having him actually hold her hand after he’s taken this cigarette to eventually stub out when y’all have eventually smoked it down to a nub with this back and forth, running his thumb over her knuckles exactly how he kissed them on what I’m gonna say is the other hand, nbd]
Bea: [you can’t close your eyes this time, instead purposely maintain eye contact and don’t look down at your hands that are now clasped together because not acknowledging it is the ultimate form of acknowledging it in this moment ‘ready?’ like this was a scheduled break and y’all can continue your lil walk on home]
Fraze: [readjust the flower in her hair like that is something vital you must do before continuing and it isn’t just that you literally can’t stop touching her in the softest ways now you’ve let yourself properly start ‘born it’ because he’s that bitch, ready for anything ever, no fucks given]
Bea: [a nod of approval because absolutely vital in our opinion too ‘will think I’ve joined them’ at baby Roali and their hippie vibes but obviously you look nothing but classic beauty as per]
Fraze: [‘take it out before then’ could be purely in a not getting caught way but it’s really this is just for me and you and nobody else way, which is in his eyes plain as day, as is the unspoken but keep it though]
Bea: [‘they’d only want some’ as if these flowers are, like the cigarettes, something we’re not sharing with any of the others because how we feel, not soz to these gals at all, pick your own huns]
Fraze: [an unimpressed noise of agreement, because it’s true, they would, looking at you too Thomas, and none of you are having any bye]
Bea: [looking at him and giving his hand a squeeze ‘secrets safe with me’ ‘cos we’re not going to let the world know how romantic you are, mainly because we can’t but we’re also just not that bitch]
Fraze: [‘4 kids max, yeah?’ which he’s saying as full shade to the little ones like it should just be y’all + joeray at the most existing, but that is actually the number of kids y’all have if we stick to our evil plan of giving you a dead baby, so I’m fine]
Bea: [raising both your brows like oh ONLY four, is it? ‘Easy for you to say’ like you’re not the one pushing these children out, thank you lol ‘I don’t get why your mum keeps doing it’ imagine if Tess was restarting now with Rocky, oh my lord]
Fraze: [the biggest smirk like oh come on don’t be a pussy without actually saying it because he’s not trying to get beaten up by her on this walk back, a shrug at Tess’ life choices though because we could get into why but that’s heavy and we still have time to just be before we have to step back into the fam drama]
Bea: [pushing him with the arm that is holding his like ugh, typical boy ‘why do you want any?’ as a genuine question]
Fraze: [‘why wouldn’t I?’ as genuinely because this boy is bigheaded and thinks he’s great and would slay and tbf he’s not wrong]
Bea: [when you don’t wanna go over the general state of affairs because that would be patronizing and depressing so you just give a look that you hope conveys as much lmao]
Fraze: [‘come on’ like that’s all the convincing she needs, because not trying to seriously in this moment ‘half as smart and pretty as you, well decent odds’ because literally half her so]
Bea: [making a face like idk about that ‘only half the odds I have’ like I personally would not be taking them nor betting on it, but obviously this is all said playfully because yeah, you’re not about to do any of this right now]
Fraze: [just nudging her playfully ‘I’ll get what I want’ like it’s a given that he’ll win, echoing what she said before, rudely cos she said we but you know]
Bea: [‘don’t worry, I’ll save you from that fate’ like it’s that bad of an idea and we’ll never let it happen, winking at you like you’re so welcome]
Fraze: [‘can’t save anyone, you know that’ cos I can and will bring this line back again even though he said it earlier in this very same convo, I don’t care, tucking her hair behind her other flowerless ear just because]
Bea: [‘just myself’ ‘cos done it before and we’ll do it again, literally, folding your arms]
Fraze: [unfolding her arms and wrapping his around her, resting his head on the top of hers again]
Bea: [have this hug moment lads, you’re not in a mega rush here, put your arms around him too so he knows this isn’t under duress]
Fraze: [just the quietest happy sigh anyone has ever done but very important that he’s doing it because she’s hugging him back]
Bea: [‘I bet [Amber Heard] talked to him today’ after we’ve been in this hug as a, we’re going to deal with them too, if not ‘save’ them, vibe because y’all have a sneaky plan you’re executing]
Fraze: [pull back so she can see your face and know that as much as you are grossed out by that you’re also buzzing about it because god bless baze who really do think this plan will work and they can save joeray with it, my sweet summer children]
Bea: [rolling your eyes but more at them than at him like yeah, I know, ‘cos this girl is clearly her own kind of unhinged and that’s not even covering joeray, makes me lol ‘cos he is clearly gonna get with her but I can’t say much is achieved with it, Ray is too far gone girls]
Fraze: [she is, but I get y’all wanting to have hope, because you’re all so young and there really would be so much time to turn this around if she was even slightly like y’all but alas, anyways, start walking again, it’s all you can do]
Bea: [get your phone out and be texting this gal getting subtle feelers ‘cos you are that bitch and it is something you can do in this moment]
Fraze: [be peeping because we know you care and want this plan to work too]
Bea: [obviously happily showing you, whatever this gal is saying and however far she’s gone with her hoe mission today]
Fraze: [openly judging her with his face and whatever swear words or whatever he’s saying in response cos she is unhinged and we’ve always said that]
Bea: [shrugging like I know ‘she’s a slag’ clearly true ‘so is he’ like it’s a match made in heaven, ‘cos we all remember when Fraze freaked out about his ex gf before she was]
Fraze: [an unimpressed noise again because he’s judging you both now but nodding in agreement because they are for that reason and the reason he said at the time which is they’re both cray]
Bea: [just tell him some of the mad things she’s told you at swimming ‘cos clearly that type to wanna chat all about how wild she is]
Fraze: [‘dunno how you’ve stopped yourself drowning her’ because she’s clearly annoying af purely in this re-telling]
Bea: [‘when we’re in the pool, I can’t hear her’ ‘cos a huge appeal of swimming is that you’re shutting off your senses for however long you’re swimming lowkey lol so shut your mouth and focus hen ‘locker room talk isn’t as much of a lad’s club as we’re led to believe’ rolling your eyes but you at least find it amusing or you wouldn’t tolerate it]
Fraze: [putting his hands over her ears for no reason except to touch her because you wanna, carefully so you don’t crush the flower, but like yep I get it, shut off, letting her go after a sec and playing with her hair then]
Bea: [putting your hands over his mouth like fyi that’s where you need to do it if you want me to shh but you did also stop talking when he touched you so not really]
Fraze: [doing it just because you wanna see how it feels and what she’ll do, being immediately !! with it like you are about to kidnap her or something lol, because no chill or treading lightly here, me being reminded of joeray and screaming, oh the contrasts and parallels]
Bea: [not you fighting him ‘cos if you’re doing this it’s not a game ever lmao]
Fraze: [we love to see it, nobody more than this boy, fuck him up gal truly lol]
Bea: [just here kicking and letting our head fly, only thing we’re not doing is screeching ‘cos then people would think this was for real and might need to get involved lol]
Fraze: [imagine if you literally witnessed a boy carrying a girl kicking and screaming down the street, oh lads you send me, soz they are having too much fun rn]
Bea: [you must look like you’re playfighting enough that the passersby are staying out of it ‘cos truly]
Fraze: [or they’re assuming you’re only playfighting cos you’re literal children but yeah]
Bea: [regardless, tah for not ringing the cops everyone, we’re just vibing]
Fraze: [eventually you’ll have to put her down and once again makeout with her because too into how much she fought you then, which isn’t exactly better in terms of being extra, but you won’t get arrested for it anyway]
Bea: [kissing you so aggressively to carry on the mood ‘bastard’ like it’s another pet name here that you’re trying on]
Fraze: [gripping her hips throughout this entire makeout as if he’s gonna pull her underwear off and they are gonna go at it right here and right now immediately, but obvs not actually, such a big hot lol when she calls him a bastard cos love it, kissing her as aggressively so she knows it]
Bea: [making noises that are essentially wordless ? but very much in an, oh yeah, what are you gonna do? vein, like we’re not wondering, we know what you’re acting like you’re about to do and we’re only questioning you to further this play]
Fraze: [me like DON’T you DARE sir, knowing damn well that he will because he’s getting egged on by her and is that bitch who can never back down ever, where even are y’all, have some decorum please, but no he doesn’t, please at least have the sense to only pull them down a little bit so the whole world doesn’t know about it, it’s not st paddy’s and you can’t be feralling that hard in these streets]
Bea: [me like you know this girl and yet you can’t back down either yet, okay, we’ll just be here then, soz you’re too similar in that regard, just LOOKING at you ‘now what?’]
Fraze: [mhmm, backing yourselves into corners always because you can’t be the person who backs down first, like now, he’s absolutely gonna have to touch her, there’s no alternative, you’ve walked right into it and all we can do is pray for a quiet street or hope y’all have some privacy somehow]
Bea: [the most you can do is hold onto him and pull him into you too so there isn’t space between y’all for anyone to see anything really, which we are doing the second you touch us]
Fraze: [obviously then putting his fingers into his mouth to echo the antics of when her fingers were in his, not even doing it to put on a whole show, though it lowkey is a bit of spectacle just cos he looks hot doing it, you just want to before you touch her again]
Bea: [‘I hate you’ ‘cos so sincerely want to do this right now because of all the things you’re doing and how you look doing them]
Fraze: [‘you love me’ as sincerely, while doing the absolute most like see, I told you/I knew it]
Bea: [‘you’re a prick’ as seriously as you can muster when you’re trying not to totally give in to the sensation]
Fraze: [‘yeah’ and his face in the smirking emoji af because can’t help but be the most smug he’s ever been in the face of how hard she’s trying not to lose it]
Bea: [‘you know what I want’ like why aren’t you doing it, even though we all know why, turning our face away from him moodily]
Fraze: [using his other hand to turn her face back to his, gently in contrast to how he’s been doing it when shaking her head all those other times ‘I ain’t that much of one’ like I can never be that prick who puts you in the kind of position where you’re my mother and having babies left and right at such a ridiculously young age]
Bea: [doing a big sigh which could be purely like yeah, tell me about it, pisstaking energy but it isn’t ‘cos we’re also just overwhelmed by it all]
Fraze: [giving her the softest and quickest kiss he ever has ‘and I know what else you want’ aka more out of life than just him and this, because even at just having turned 13 he believes with his whole heart that she could do better than him if she wanted to, as a fact not a sob story]
Bea: [gotta pull your pants up and get yourself together because this has become awkward through neither of your faults but it has, start walking girl]
Fraze: [you too hun, you gotta]
Bea: [one way to get you home lmao]
Fraze: [otherwise we literally never would]
Bea: [at least no one is batting an eyelid to you running upstairs to change because you cannot be smelling how you smell rn, gonna need to take a shower honestly but that’s not something we can contemplate with only 2 bathrooms so spritz yourself in perfume and hope for the best with your change of clothes too]
Fraze: [we all know it’s all that hair that’s the issue but mcvickers are checked out and joeray are doing much worse clearly so you’ll be fine]
Bea: [if Ray is here then we know the girls are already fighting lol]
Fraze: [luckily she probably isn’t because I feel like she tries to avoid being around baby Rocky at all costs thanks to how that mental illness has hit and she thinks she can hear him crying constantly even when he isn’t and that he’s looking at her with evil intent or whatever though he clearly is not, so you’re welcome you get to avoid that]
Bea: [soz there’s no more evidence of your plan working then lads but now it’s gone awkward I feel like we’re going to go to our room and do our homework for a sec, after at least saying hi to Tess so she doesn’t think you’re in some mood she needs to come talk to you about]
Fraze: [valid, he absolutely won’t be doing his homework ever lol but you can go to the shop and steal everything you could possibly want if you didn’t on the way back to keep yourself amused or kick a ball about in the garden or something if you already did that sir]
Bea: If you were still planning to take him out to avoid chores, better do it before the sun goes in or she won’t want you to
Fraze: I don’t wanna if you’re not coming
Bea: It’d be weird now
Fraze: then I ain’t planning on it
Bea: okay, can you kick your ball against another wall then
Fraze: [of course he’s kicking it harder against the wall she just asked him not to, oh hun]
Bea: that’s mature
Fraze: least I don’t pretend no different
Bea: how does that make it any better?
Fraze: than you reckoning doing your homework makes you dead mature? I dunno, you tell me
Bea: You’re the one that thinks it, I’ve never said anything remotely like that
Fraze: nah, I don’t reckon there’s a difference between us
Bea: bold claim
Fraze: calling you as immature, not bigging myself up with it, like
Bea: no, I get it
Bea: that doesn’t mean we’re alike
Fraze: have that and hold tight to it, if it makes you feel better, babe
Bea: I’m good?
Bea: you’re the one being weird
Fraze: You’re the one hiding, come out if you’re good
Bea: Why? 
Bea: we aren’t going anywhere
Fraze: we can
Bea: no, we can’t
Fraze: with that attitude I’m not taking you nowhere
Bea: that’s enough adventure for one day
Fraze: like I said, change your attitude and I’ll see you on whatever day the new one sticks
Bea: Stop trying to tell me what to do
Fraze: Stop fronting you give a shit about school after sacking it off to spend most of the day with us
Bea: it isn’t going to become a regular occurrence 
Bea: I only did that ‘cos you’d been ignoring me for ages before 
Fraze: and now I ain’t you’re gonna do your homework, yeah?
Bea: When I need to do it, yes
Bea: dunno why that’s such a mad concept to you
Fraze: it’s a bullshit excuse, I dunno why you reckon I’d let it stand when we both know that
Bea: being around you isn’t an option
Fraze: being ‘round me isn’t optional, end of
Bea: so I can’t have five minutes to deal with what that means now?
Fraze: I’ve not stopped you
Bea: you’re moaning about it
Fraze: you messaged us so don’t start on me
Bea: oh whatever, stop kicking the fucking football right at me, it’s doing my head in
Fraze: you can tell me what to do though, can you?
Bea: I’m asking you to, you’re clearly under no obligation or I’d have punctured it by now
Fraze: go ahead, might calm you down
Bea: you’d only find another way to be irritating
Fraze: [do stop kicking this ball at her]
Bea: couldn’t you try showing your brother how to kick that thing?
Bea: idk what they’re doing but it’s worse than when Ray plays her shit music
Fraze: Made up that you’ve not properly lost your sense of humour 
Bea: he must have good coordination 
Fraze: borrow Ali’s stage and put on your own family talent show, fuck do I know what he’s good at
Bea: You understand the concept of dancing, surely
Fraze: he don’t, you can’t call it that, them cunts beating each other up to music
Bea: Oh, no, I meant the brother even you forget you have
Bea: not the big one or the one that’s barely out
Fraze: then you mean the other sister I’ve got, should’ve said
Bea: Yikes
Fraze: loads of us, need to be clearer about which fucker you’re fed up of
Bea: we can just assume it’s everyone, but I’ll survive, not going to put my own dramatics on about it
Fraze: charming
Bea: like you feel any different
Fraze: about you I do, would’ve said that was a given
Bea: don’t say you aren’t sick of me right now, easiest way to let me know you’re bullshitting
Fraze: [just throw all the surprise gifts like her fave sweets you got for her at the shop at her door, in their plastic bag, much like how you were hammering the football against the wall, gotta let you know that included is one of the random magazines newsagents always have especially in the era, and this one is about houses and idk probably decor and stuff but the point is there’s a house like the one she described wanting in it which is why he stole it]
Bea: [waiting and then trying to open your door as quietly as possible about this because do not wish to be perceived, then giving you time to go through this bag properly]
Bea: you can come in, if you want
Fraze: I don’t want
Bea: alright
Fraze: nah, it isn’t
Bea: I don’t know what you want
Fraze: you’re bullshitting, that’s what you reckon
Bea: you’re the one who told me to be smart
Fraze: I didn’t say turn back into the same headcase as before and give us nothing but grief
Bea: nice
Fraze: whatever, you’re pure winding me up for fuck all reason
Bea: you started it
Fraze: and I’ll finish it, always, keep this up and it’ll be easy for me
Bea: fucking go ahead
Fraze: What the fuck’s wrong with you?
Bea: call us a headcase and threaten to chuck us in the space of a minute 
Bea: definitely a me problem
Fraze: you’ve been off with me the whole way back, from then it’s been a you problem, yeah
Bea: because we’re back, this is real life
Fraze: and?
Fraze: You’re the smart one, I shouldn’t need to break it to you everything what went on before we were back was as real, Bea
Bea: so you’re finding this all so easy, are you
Fraze: I never said it was easy, but what the hell is the point taking how hard it is out on you?
Fraze: we’re meant to be a fucking team
Bea: I feel like it’s written on my fucking forehead
Fraze: One of the girls in this house would cut you a fringe
Bea: I wouldn’t let any of them near me with scissors
Fraze: just as well it’s bullshit then
Bea: it’s not, it’s obvious
Fraze: to who?
Bea: everyone, you’re even worse than me
Fraze: It’s been obvious to everyone I’ve been in love with you since I was [however old they were, I can’t remember because we changed it]
Fraze: what’s happened? 
Fraze: no cunt under this roof gives a shit how I feel
Bea: nothing ever happens
Bea: someone is gonna get hurt
Fraze: Probably, but it won’t be you or me, and not ‘cause of this
Fraze: stop wrecking your own head
Bea: if everything goes to shit, then getting rid of us is an easy fix to those problems, me and you, how Ro is
Fraze: it ain’t gonna come down to nothing like that, they’re not like that
Fraze: but if it did, you go, I fucking go
Bea: if she went into care, she’d never get out
Fraze: so we don’t let her go in, whatever it takes
Bea: she’s all I have left of before
Fraze: I know
Fraze: we’ll figure it out before it gets that bad
Bea: I make up for how she is by being good
Bea: if your parents reckon I’m fucking you up then there’s that good grace gone
Fraze: We’re not gonna get caught, never
Bea: yeah?
Fraze: I swear on all them little fuckers lives, you can trust me
Bea: okay
Fraze: I love you too much to fuck up yours
Bea: it wouldn’t be your fault, I’m the one who can’t not feel like this about you
Fraze: I can’t either, you know how hard I’ve tried
Bea: maybe if I’d tried harder to let you
Fraze: don’t
Bea: you haven’t even seen headcase, like
Fraze: no, I ain’t ‘cause you’re not, there’s fuck all wrong with you or how you feel
Bea: shrinks always say that but they don’t mean it
Fraze: they don’t know you, I do, I can say it and mean it
Bea: I just don’t know how to hide it
Fraze: We barely need to, we’re already only here when we’ve gotta be, the rest’s school and out doing what we wanna 
Bea: don’t you get tired?
Fraze: yeah, but what good’s it do us?
Bea: that’s what a home is meant to be, where you get to hide from the rest, not a place you have to avoid
Fraze: that’s what ours’ll be then
Fraze: I can wait
Bea: that’s going to take a long time
Fraze: it’s worth it, I don’t care
Bea: if you’re there, that’s not nothing
Fraze: I’ll always be there for you, no cunt can stop me
Bea: sorry
Fraze: don’t 
Bea: I just hate lying, like it’s wrong
Fraze: It ain’t lying if nobody asks us and they won’t ‘cause they’ve got their hands full, like
Bea: suppose so
Fraze: and we know it’s not wrong neither, none of what we’ve done or are gonna do
Bea: it just looks bad on paper, for them
Fraze: it isn’t getting wrote down nowhere, not this time
Bea: or talked about
Fraze: exactly, I was a kid, I didn’t know no better, but I do now
Bea: it’s normal, to wanna talk about it
Fraze: I’ll talk to you if I’ve got fuck all to say
Bea: will you?
Fraze: ‘course
Bea: you’re not much of a talker
Fraze: I don’t feel the need to make a show of myself like the rest, I ain’t sorry for that
Bea: me either
Fraze: if it needs saying, I’ll say it
Bea: alright, alright
Bea: you’re the perfect amount of talkative 
Fraze: alright, calm down
Fraze: read your magazine or something
Bea: quite the brush-off
Bea: I’ve already seen you dump someone, I know how savage you are
Fraze: it’s you turning me all red here, shut up
Bea: and you wonder why I was hiding in my room
Bea: where are you now?
Fraze: I’m going to mine
Bea: can I come in if I share my sweets?
Fraze: deal
Bea: [wait ‘til you hear him open and close his door before coming or you’ll meet him on the landing and can’t possibly be looking that keen lol, knocking too]
Fraze: [coming to the door and opening it for no reason whatsoever when you could just tell her to come in, but then you don’t get to pull her in by her sleeve/wrist if she doesn’t have long sleeves so we get why you simply must]
Bea: [you really gotta, soz, we will accept nothing less, happily being pulled into this room because we missed you during our freakout and no longer want to be spiralling, throw these sweets onto his bed with your other hand]
Fraze: [leaving this door ajar so it doesn’t look like they are up to anything sus and so they can spy on whatever anyone else is doing with their comings and goings in case they are in fact getting up to things and don’t wanna be caught lol, but for me it’s the way his other hand is immediately touching her hair and ear where the flower was earlier but obvs isn’t now, then her behind the ear lovebite and the one on her neck]
Bea: [resting your head against his hand and doing a sigh like you’ve been holding your breath this entire time, cupping his face so you can touch that jawline lovebite you gave him, before lightly tugging on the earlobe you got too ‘hey’ said like an apology because it is one, obviously, we’re speaking quietly but not straight up whispering which would sound sus should anyone overhear]
Fraze: [shaking his head at the apology tone of that hey, like the don’t of earlier, because she doesn’t need to apologise, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on the top of her head how he likes to do]
Bea: [making a noise that is like a BUT without literally saying the word, still we’re hugging you back, running our hands up your back and across your shoulders]
Fraze: [making a shh noise to her but noise but really softly not like stfu, picking her up and carrying her over to his bed, sitting her down so carefully so said bed doesn’t make a single noise, at least that’s his excuse he’s just actually being soft rn, picking up the sweets once she’s been put there, moving them to his bedside table which is a lil bar cart, so that bag doesn’t be loud either if they move about on this bed, and putting one in his mouth, all without taking his eyes off her]
Bea: [getting yourself comfy, propping up the pillows so y’all can sit and chill, likewise not looking away ‘cos unable to, didn’t even want a sweet ‘til you decided to be so hot about it ‘aren’t you gonna share with me?’]
Fraze: [idk what her fave sweets are but regardless he will be kissing her and sharing that way by moving this sweet back and forth between y’all’s mouths, nothing else would be acceptable rn I’m soz, so hopefully it’s a boiled sweet kind like his and not something that’s gonna be really sticky and messy lol]
Bea: [I can’t remember if we ever said but it should definitely be cherry drops vibe because that’s the energy and will serve us now lol, when you aren’t allowed to be loud about this so you have to focus all your energy into making it the most dramatic kiss of all time ‘cos you’re so into it]
Fraze: [I don’t think you have ever said but regardless that’s a mood and what it’ll be from now on, love that for y’all, oh the absolute drama of this kiss is really it, not at all casually as if you haven’t seen each other for months and years, his hands could not be more in her hair either, both of them, I’m sure she probably put it back up when she got changed and he’s absolutely pulling it down rn]
Bea: [here digging our nails into your arm, that we’re holding onto to steady ourselves, clearly, because no other way to adequately get across our !!]
Fraze: [meanwhile he’s getting across his !! by pulling her on top of him as if she weighs literally nothing at all, which we know at this age is lowkey true but still a hot move nevertheless]
Bea: [the quickest of glances towards the door before reaching under whatever you put on and unhooking your bra, tucking it under his pillow because you wanted him to have it]
Fraze: [all his focus going on looking back and forth between his pillow where she just stashed that bra and her because that happened so quickly we can’t believe it did/can’t believe it did because we’re so into it and her, as if to prove she really did that, obviously touching her, first over whatever top she’s wearing and then eventually also under it]
Bea: [pleased with your reaction and doing a hot lol to cover up the moan you wanna do about him touching you, shamelessly rocking your hips back and forth against him, putting your own hand under his t-shirt]
Fraze: [equally as shamelessly moving to meet her movements, still using both his hands to touch her boobs up but also adding his mouth to it, doing kisses against the skin of her collarbones, chest and stomach that he’s uncovered because of how hardcore his hands have made her top ride up, random about whether they are hard or soft however he wants]
Bea: [reaching desperately for something on his bedside table, eventually finding the remote and putting something random on the TV for background noise that you aren’t going to be asked to turn down like you might loud music but we gotta have something right now]
Fraze: [even though that was a smart thing to do, reacting like when she was doing all that shit with the remote you’re annoyed her full focus wasn’t on you and immediately then switching y’all’s positions up so he’s pinning her to this bed and she can’t possibly move nbd]
Bea: [trying to reach your head up to kiss him, enjoying the struggle and the anticipation it brings ‘Fraze’ the neediest you’ve ever sounded]
Fraze: [when you have to kiss her SO hard about that because DYING at how she sounds and the fact she’s never sounded like that before, likewise pulling at her clothes like they’ve personally offended you rn by being so in the way, thank god that background noise exists because the bed is definitely making some of its own with how much moving he’s doing and how deliberate it is]
Bea: [the happiest noise into this kiss for how hard it is, sucking on his bottom lip and then his tongue, pushing your bottoms down and pulling your top up, so you’re still clothed and can put them right fast but they’re as out of the way as they can be]
Fraze: [‘do you know how much I fucking need you?’ like he’s mad at her, his voice actually hoarse for the first time because he’s so !! in this moment]
Bea: [nodding and running your fingers across his crotch ‘when are you going to show me though?’]
Fraze: [the frustrated af noise as he glances towards the door because sincerely wants to rn and is genuinely wondering if they could without getting caught but like, it’s clearly not even dinner time yet is it so realistically I doubt that]
Bea: [yeah, you really should wait lads but we get it, neither of you wants to ‘think of how good you’re going to give it to me because you’ve been made to wait though’ because all you can do is think about that]
Fraze: [when you are thinking about it so you’ve gotta put your tongue in her ear SO indecently, don’t mind him]
Bea: [stifle your GASP on his skin, giving him a lovebite literally wherever you’ve landed before kissing it better, so over the top ‘I need you, every night’]
Fraze: [pulling her head to his so dramatically and kissing her with the !! she just expressed a second before because so mutual ‘all night, you can get your sleep in [a lesson we know she hates] and still be a swot’ saying swot like it’s a term of endearment/something indecent here]
Bea: [‘I can’t pay attention ‘til you’ve fucked me like I need, there’s no room for anything else in my head now’ kissing you back and having to touch you because we can’t not]
Fraze: [saying her name in response to it all, so quietly but with so much feeling, kissing her head indecently because we love everything she thinks and we need to make that blatantly obvious]
Bea: [‘you love me too much to let it be a problem, yeah?’ like you actually gotta ‘there’s loads of places we can go in school’]
Fraze: [a nod because he do, as he takes his dick out and positions it so that it would be inside her rn if not for the fact she has a clothes barrier stopping it ‘tell me’ a casual list of everywhere they could and therefore are gonna hook up in school please lol, imagine getting caught there, oh lord]
Bea: [biting our lip as we shamelessly look down at what you’re doing, moving so he presses up against our stomach where the skin is exposed, fucking you slowly against our tummy as we list every place we know of and what times each one is free]
Fraze: [the freedom of being a quiet bitch as standard meaning he’s just out here making noises that are EVERYTHING but nobody else is aware of, love that for you boy]
Bea: [couldn’t be any more heart eyes than right now ‘I’m in your bed’ because can’t deal]
Fraze: [when that physically makes him react so dramatically, purely involuntarily, out here fully almost doubling over about it, not at all casually because cannot cope either]
Bea: [‘I’ve wanted to be in it since we got here’ going faster, spitting to help with the friction ‘cos no fucks given with how turned on we are right now]
Fraze: [manhandling this gal so she’s really reclining and comfy in this bed, pushing his thigh between her legs and really doing the most to try and make her die like he’s dying atm]
Bea: [rewarding you with some silent but !! reactions, facial reactions doing most of the work there, grinding yourself helplessly against his thigh whilst carrying on what you’re doing]
Fraze: [fighting so hard against every urge to close his eyes so that he can STARE at her and catch all these reactions because simply must]
Bea: [‘I wanna be yours’ so sincerely ‘cos we’re dying]
Fraze: [‘you’ve never been no other cunt’s’ as sincerely because we know what happened when she was a kid but that’s so different to this and it’s so important to verbalise however he can in this moment ‘you’ve only ever been mine, me and you, always’]
Bea: [‘I love you so much’ leaning to kiss him and as a result pushing yourself against him harder, making you shudder]
Fraze: [‘I’d let you do anything’ so sincerely, literally the most sincere he’s ever been about anything ever, like fucking kill me I mean it, do anything is really being meant and expressed in every sense though like she’s free to do anything with her life, all of it]
Bea: [having to do a hot lol ‘don’t challenge me though’ ‘cos we’re still trying to behave even though things have obviously escalated here and we’re all living]
Fraze: [‘don’t hold nothing back from me’ cos he truly doesn’t care how cray you are gal, lowkey staring her down about this so she knows how serious he is]
Bea: [nodding like okay ‘I trust you’ and putting our hand in our pants to then use it on you, not before offering it for you to taste it]
Fraze: [oh how dramatically he’s gonna do that, god bless, love that y’all have totally forgotten where you are or that anyone else exists here and now, just wilding]
Bea: [watching you do this in slight disbelief, slapping your face lightly as if we’re checking you’re real and really here right now]
Fraze: [pinching her, just to do it as a hot move because we all know it’s somewhere indecent instead of like her arm or whatever]
Bea: [saying his name, moving your face into the pillow so it isn’t too loud but also so you can be !! with it]
Fraze: [obvs pushing her face into the pillow more so it’s in there as much as it can possibly be without suffocating her because it’s hot and will keep her quiet but also because he wants his pillow to smell like and be as covered in her as it can be]
Bea: [‘I’ll cum on your leg if you keep playing rough with me’ a legitimate warning as well as an FYI, biting a corner of this pillow]
Fraze: [his hand going from the side of her face and jaw to her neck when he’s egged on because ofc, don’t choke her to death, be careful please, just experimenting with this though]
Bea: [getting noticeably wetter and just swivelling your eyes to look at him like SEE]
Fraze: [it therefore noticeably getting to him how into that she is, just every reaction so involuntarily more !! all of a sudden including LOOKING at her like well damn I hope I don’t cum first and rn all over everything about this]
Bea: [‘you need my mouth, take it’ and opening our mouth up so eagerly for you ‘show me how you’re gonna fuck my pussy’]
Fraze: [of course that’s the only encouragement he needs to be absolutely feral about this, being rough about it to keep up the vibe and choke her a lil bit a different way + really push her into this pillow some more but also because he do be that frantic, like do actually desperately need this thank you, as well as to prove to her and keep her thinking about what that hookup is gonna be like]
Bea: [replacing his thigh with the other pillow so the way we’re going to cum isn’t wasted because it’s going to be A LOT, that’s not to mention the mess of makeup and spit that’ll be on this other pillow now, doing the most to let you choke us, pushing you further]
Fraze: [thank god we’re being kind and not letting y’all be caught by anyone who could be bowling out of their rooms or coming up those stairs rn cos the fucks y’all don’t give and won’t until you’re done in a sec, oh lads, it really is day 1 and you’re already slipping, I love you]
Bea: [clearly everyone is busy making dinner or playing but honestly, that door is open and the fucks you don’t give, god bless, catch us here turned on by the fact, shamelessly]
Fraze: [that’s obviously part of it, if you weren’t y’all would have closed that door nobody said you had to leave it open in the first place, meanwhile I’m just here like how the hell are you meant to recover from that and get your shit together enough to go for a fam dinner soon, I’d simply be too dead and could never]
Bea: [good luck because seriously, how do you just pretend that hasn’t happened and that things are different]
Fraze: [at least this boy will be STARVING and can focus on shoving all the food into his gob when the time comes, cos yeah, a madness, for now though in the immediate aftermath just hold her really tightly however y’all have collapsed and died onto this bed]
Bea: [‘can I kiss you?’ ‘cos he came in your mouth and you wanna but he might not, breathless still as you’re asking this]
Fraze: [kiss her in response because it’s the only acceptable one]
Bea: [just melting into him even harder, good thing you’re skinny af because we are literally all over you]
Fraze: [‘you look so fucking pretty’ no notes, the state of both of y’all and yet he means it with his whole heart]
Bea: [nudging his face with yours, pressing your cheek against his like no, you]
Fraze: [‘I dunno how you can still’ with a little hot lol like genuinely in awe of how great she looks given the absolute mess he’s made of her and because other gals just are messes in comparison, especially in this lawless era of bad makeup and fashion choices]
Bea: [oh gals, the orange foundation with a tidemark on the neck, and all over the lips, no brows and spider lashes that were popping rn for chavvy leaning girls, then the absolute SWEEP of helmet like hairsprayed hair for the girls who wanted to pretend they were scene/emo leaning, looks were not being achieved but we’re all about the classic beauty and do not care for your trends so you’re so welcome Beatrice/you boy that she isn’t trying to make you love her looking like that lol ‘you thought I’d look shocking?’ giving him a lil push like oi but we’re loling too ‘don’t I always look good?’ when you know you do so you can say that with utmost confidence]
Fraze: [push her back, gently, into the pillows as if to say, a state like they are a state now maybe, which we all know he’s the opposite of mad about even without it being blatant af on his own face, looking at her before nodding ‘the rest of ‘em look shocking next to you’ shamelessly shading every gal at school or that he’s ever met, not soz huns, it’s true]
Bea: [when you’re not too proud to love that as a compliment, soz to be toxic but we aren’t at all, rubbing vaguely at some of these makeup stains on the pillows but only in a way that’s making it more blatant, how stains do ‘I don’t look at other boys’ ‘cos we aren’t interested in any of you, that is true]
Fraze: [he’s likewise a toxic king who will be blatantly buzzing that she thinks other boys suck, not soz, smirking emoji af once again lol, touch her face in a way that’ll do damage control on the makeup that’s left on if there’s like a mascara smudge or whatever but you’re also just doing because you want to ‘don’t need to to know they’re gonna go nowhere’ dragging everyone shamelessly once again, in a lot of cases where’s the lie but we’re really tarring everyone with the same brush here lol]
Bea: [‘probably’ ‘cos we don’t even care what other people are up to, only focused on ourselves here, not about a competition with some random kids in your school who might also be smart or ambitious; touching your face in the same place as if there is makeup to clean up on you too, then touching his lips like actually ‘you can tell you’ve been kissing’]
Fraze: [echoing that sentiment with a shrug of his own cos yeah, the only reason people matter at all is if they are in his way for any reason, don’t care if you flop or fly soz everyone, touching his lips exactly where she just did as if by doing that he’ll be able to feel and see the evidence, then hers just because, living our best lives living dangerously here and loving any and all evidence that every second of this actually happened]
Bea: [only smiling when he touches your lips back because hard same, even if we’re saying ‘it’ll go down’ we’re saying it like we hope it won’t ever]
Fraze: [‘I don’t want it to’ saying that because hard same and it’s so true before he kisses her really hard again like nope can’t let that happen I’m afraid]
Bea: [lifing your head from these pillows to kiss him back with as much energy, shaking your head like me either, not yet ‘what’s the time?’ amusingly between kisses as if he has had time to look either but you wanna know how long you’ve got before dinner]
Fraze: [look over at the alarm clock I put in your room when I created it on the polyvore like thing, still kissing her on her neck and shoulder as he peeps over it to see and tell her, unlucky for y’all I’m sure dinner is very much looming by this point and you actually need to get your shit together]
Bea: [making a grumpy lil noise about it but also going to get up because you do need to sort your face and if you are seen up here, be seen coming from your own room or the bathroom or whatever ‘see me out’ as he opened the door for you when you came in, attempting to pull him up off this bed too]
Fraze: [get up because there is no chance she could pull you off the bed if you didn’t give her that help, so gently pushing her towards the door, until she’s standing against the frame of it after having been lowkey pushed into it by you to one side of this open door, then wrapping your arms around her for the final time in a while, just taking a moment before you know she’s gotta leave]
Bea: [hugging you back SO tightly because very much could have stayed here for so much longer but that isn’t a reality hence we’re not going to long this out and act like it is, you gotta get used to how it is and how it has to be, hence we aren’t saying bye or anything like that because you’re still in the same house and could still be together just not in this private way, all we are doing is LOOKING at you as we leave]
Fraze: [mhmm exactly, hence don’t pull her back by the wrist like you did at the very start of this when she was trying to leave that house but do leave an adorable kiss there on said wrist for the peak romance before you let her go, returning the LOOK the entire time]
Bea: [looking at your wrist so hard now but still, go girl, back to your room, but sending him a picture of a heart you’ve doodled on that exact spot now you’re back at your desk doing your homework again]
Fraze: [send her a pic of you eating another sweet because she left them on his bedside table so it’s like you gotta come back and get these tonight now before I eat them all]
Bea: spoil your dinner, you
Fraze: Worked up enough of an appetite that I ain’t worried
Bea: That’s alright then
Fraze: better than ⚽️
Bea: do I believe you mean that? 🤔
Fraze: why would I say something I don’t?
Bea: There are lots of reasons why someone would
Bea: but you should know better that you don’t need to
Fraze: like I said, it’s me you’re talking to not any other cunt
Fraze: I do know better
Bea: does that mean you’re going to spend more time with me than you are kicking a ⚽️?
Fraze: yeah
Fraze: I ain’t swearing the same for 🥊 though, not yet, like 
Bea: there’s plenty of things I can swear I will prioritize over you, don’t worry
Bea: how embarrassing if you didn’t know me like that by now
Fraze: I’m not, be your loss if you didn’t pick us, babe
Fraze: and you know that by now
Bea: doesn’t feel like a choice
Fraze: nor to me, never has
Bea: unsure if that sounds romantic or the complete opposite
Fraze: I can be romantic in loads of ways you are sure of
Bea: I don’t need romance no more than you do
Fraze: I don’t need no hints, I know what you want
Bea: yeah
Bea: thank fuck
Fraze: I can eat fast as well as, you’re welcome for it
Bea: show-off 😏
Bea: I’ll make sure we aren’t interrupted by having a proper conversation with your mum at the table, like
Fraze: cheers, taking that one for the team is pure class of you
Bea: it’s easier when I have things to say she might wanna hear, not always bunking off like today
Fraze: I heard it was a proper one off, not something you’re gonna make a habit out of
Bea: mhmm
Bea: someone has to behave
Fraze: believe it when I see it
Bea: you wish
Fraze: you’re smart, you don’t need us to tell you you’d get more out of behaving badly with me
Bea: if none of us show up to school, reckon they might actually bother to call ‘em
Fraze: I go in
Bea: you know I’m not talking about you
Fraze: it’s about time someone bothered to do fuck all about them
Bea: I don’t get why no one has
Fraze: christ knows, too much trouble for any cunt who’s supposed to to put themselves to, only get paid for it, like
Bea: lucky for them I’m already smarter than all the staff on the payroll
Fraze: lucky for ‘em that ain’t hard
Bea: as long as they don’t try to thank me with concert tickets
Fraze: least you could sell ‘em on to somebody else thick
Bea: with thicker eyeliner, yeah
Bea: we can take the money and do something better
Fraze: deal
Bea: 🤝
Fraze: Blood, spit, or both?
Bea: gonna make me think about that and spoil my dinner?
Fraze: thinking about that’ll help you get through it
Bea: maybe
Fraze: no maybe about it
Bea: you’re gross
Fraze: you love what I am
Bea: I love everything about you
Fraze: and what I can do
Bea: why are you teasing me
Fraze: I’m giving you loads to think about, that’s different
Bea: I don’t need no hints to guess what you’re thinking about either
Fraze: we’re too old for guessing games
Bea: too much times been wasted before
Fraze: yeah, it fucking has
Bea: how do people wait, to do what they want to do, why
Fraze: I reckon they must not know what they want in the first place, or they’re too pussy to go after it if they do, when
Bea: I only do it when I have to
Bea: if I was some prodigy child, I could be at Uni already but my social skills would be even more lacking
Fraze: well cheers for not being, it’d be a real test of social graces I ain’t got
Bea: if I was practising my fake smile, you’d be gutted
Fraze: there ain’t much you could do to gut me, other than going for it with a knife or whatever
Bea: dinner ain’t going to go that poorly
Fraze: not ‘cause of me
Bea: nor me, we know what we’re doing
Fraze: shame no fucker else ‘round here can say the same, but story of our lives
Bea: awkward how long they’ll all be playing catch up, like
Fraze: they’ll never catch up to us
Bea: I’ll take not stressing over them every minute, for a start
Fraze: I’ll distract you every minute, end of
Bea: and I’ll make it mutual, you can trust that
Fraze: I’ve not doubted you, whatever else I might’ve
Bea: you’re constant, like nothing else
Fraze: I’ll take that
Bea: other things I could say, you wouldn’t want me to right before dinner
Fraze: I’ve told you to hold nothing back, don’t force me to keep repeating myself, we never drank enough for it
Bea: maybe I like how it sounds too much, the idea I don’t have to
Fraze: try it out then, see how much you like saying what you want to, how that sounds
Bea: that sounds like a pandora’s box sort of situation
Fraze: sounds like the name of a strip club
Bea: I bet it is
Fraze: or a shit band they’d listen to
Bea: you can ask Ali about it, right up their alley, or at least Joe’s, he’s more pretentious in his taste
Fraze: if I’m ever that desperate for something to say ‘round the table, do get the knives out and fucking end it all
Bea: alright, I’ll keep your death wish in mind
Fraze: I ain’t got one, just my limits
Bea: you’re adorable
Fraze: shut up
Bea: rude
Bea: you wanted to hear what I had to say a second ago
Fraze: you weren’t wanting to wind me up a sec ago
Bea: why don’t you like adorable?
Fraze: I’m not Rocky’s age, not that he is, but other cunts would reckon it
Bea: now you’re just being mean
Fraze: nah, honest
Bea: he’ll grow into his ears
Fraze: don’t bet on it
Bea: quirks make you interesting to look at, anyway
Bea: he’ll be fine
Fraze: easy for you to say when you’re that fucking easy on everybody’s eyes
Bea: so’s you
Fraze: it’s different, you could be a model, I’ve only grown into my ears or some bullshit
Bea: I don’t have the patience for that bullshit
Bea: and you know how handsome you are
Fraze: I know I could give less of a fuck, it only matters how handsome you reckon I am
Bea: I tell you all the time, you look like you could be on a screen in black and white
Fraze: I’d tell you the same but the world’d be robbed not seeing you in full colour
Bea: I miss getting to kiss you when you say things like that
Fraze: she ain’t shouting up the stairs for us all to come down yet, we’ve got time
Bea: okay, so come here
Fraze: [do obvs, sneaking for the pure mood of it even though you absolutely do not need to because clearly everyone is busy, has not knocked has just quietly come in and wrapped his arms around her from behind where she’s assumedly still sat at her desk, spinning the chair around if it’s a wheely one, pulling her body into a swivel type move if it is not]
Bea: [letting you do a quiet GASP about this because the thing where you’re almost expecting someone TOO much that you end up being shocked when they show up because of that anticipation being met before you know it, tilting your face toward his and parting your lips but not making the move yourself]
Fraze: [make that move sir, and not only that kissing her in such a !! manner that his hand at her throat lifts her off this chair slightly, not by much and only for a sec because we’re not at feral levels of fully picking her up with that move jc style or anything yet but still]
Bea: [the noise that is pure !! because was not expecting that at all but are so about it and you being more confident in what you’re doing, kissing back as if you need to attach yourself to him to not fall here]
Fraze: [really gotta make the most of every second here as y’all know dinner is looming and I’m sure joeray are gonna be bowling in if the rule is y’all have to be back for it so out here doing the absolute most with the limited time y’all have left]
Bea: [I imagine that’s the rule as well as having a curfew after dinner y’all have to be in for, seems like the basics and we’re definitely getting towards that o’clock, hence the urgency of this makeout because gotta go be in front of this fam and test how it’s gonna be for y’all]
Fraze: [mhmm hence making out frantically til the last possible second aka you hearing joeray coming through the front door and then this boy is bowling downstairs like he’s that hungry he simply must go annoy his mother/ask her how long it’ll be]
Bea: [at least you have an excuse to linger up here because we know you aren’t rushing down to dinner, won’t make Tess shout for you but when she inevitably has to for the younger kids you’ll hear and be down, with some composure lmao]
Fraze: [we all know he’s eating whatever dinner is literally 10 seconds flat like that teenage boy stereotype which is real as much as it’s also an excuse today and then leaving the table to kick his football at whatever wall is nearest where the dining table is located/ the patio doors if they are, for that throwback to when he was annoying her earlier because simply must even though the mood is entirely different this time] 
Bea: [when you’re the type of hoe, aka you feel obligated, to help Tess clear up because imagine that Fearghal probably has to leave for work at this time unless he’s doing a day shift ‘cos makes sense, so this boy just out here making the most noise and pissing his mother off undoubtedly lol, just looking at you through the doors/window like SHUT UP]
Fraze: [I imagine he’ll stop pretty immediately anyway and come in and take baby Rocky to actually be helpful, he just had to get that reaction and the throwback in first lol, god bless, don’t mind this boy just looking iconic and capable taking care of this child because god meal times and the aftermath would be so chaotic]
Bea: [you know JoeRay are trying to slink off immediately and the battle to either let them or nag them to stay and do something Tess is casually having to pick every day lol but not lol ‘cos honestly what a nightmare; imperceptibly shaking our head at you because we got the reminder in what you just did there, before telling Ro to go get her homework like a bossy bitch because y’all are kid kids so it won’t be anything taxing so you may as well get that out of the way]
Fraze: [mhmm, it isn’t really an excuse because arguably mcvickers must have dropped the ball a long time ago where joeray are concerned but I get why y’all especially have rn because the levels of exhausted they would be atm with the unplanned arrival of baby Rocky, I feel for y’all, I do, at least you can take this bub away from the homework station that’s being set up and it means baze don’t have to die from the proximity because we all know you are]
Bea: [yeah like honestly girls, there’s a lot more going on that you should recognise but a lot of teens go through depression, not to absolve y’all, but you think it’s a phase basically and it’s just gonna be shit because everyone’s teen years are shit really and then they’ll hit an age and be normal again and not seemingly hate your guts, so I get it too, this happens; for me its the way we always tell Ro what to do and hope the others follow suit but we wouldn’t dream of telling them to do anything; lucky for you baby Rock, you don’t need to do nothing but vibe, you two could even go back out because it’s spring/summer so it would still be light and warm enough]
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adhduskull · 3 years
Bro danny phantom is so cool n stuff, infodump man!!!! Just,, yeet ur feelings about it. I love fanart n stuff of danny so gimy ur thoughts on it!!!
Well, so first off I have a whole sideblog for it @superphlyduskull :3c if ur interested
Second this is straight up like. The most invested I've ever been in a fandom tbh, it's the first time I've posted anything and the first time I've attempted fanfiction!! (tho I haven't finished or posted anything yet) I recently thought up a headcanon that ghosts see more of the light spectrum than we do and that thats also how they become invisible, by only reflecting light humans can't see. I'd like to make a little fic abt it I think! Maybe one where a bunch of bugs follow him around bc I think it'd be cute
I think what really gets me about this fandom is the potential for worldbuilding. The show did close to fuck all in terms of exploring its own lore, but there were hints everywhere of how the world might work, and it's SO FUN to play with!! It leads to so many interpretations that are all equally plausible! Plus the huge amount of AUs inspired just by the source material... the way it lends itself to crossovers super easily as well, considering Clockwork has sent Danny into a different universe in the show (yknow, to stop the timeline where his family and friends and teacher die because he cheated on a test, eventually leading to him destroying the world...... there are some interesting morals in the show)
The angst potential is also insane, and I'm actually interacting with angst a lot more in this fandom than I usually would bc its so beautifully handled a lot of the time. Between identity reveals going wrong and the Guys in White getting a hold of him and Vlad being a shitbag to Danny being the GHOST KING
Ghost King Danny is probably one of my favorite AUs, I think partially bc its really fun to explore how insane it is for poor Danny to be saddled with this huge responsibility, and also to see how much power that gives him? Like on the one hand thats too much for a kid his age to handle and I feel like I might be projecting a bit since I was responsible for more than I would've liked from a young age, but also it reeeally spices up identity reveal scenarios and can save him too much grief in others bc depending on the take, a huge amount of the ghost zone has his back!! Like uhhh No, you are NOT going to mess with our King, [insert possible antagonist here]
It's also super fun to think of what ghost culture might be like, as well as just how ghosts work! We see glimpses in the show, but again, nothing is explored much? I love the universally accepted headcanon that ghosts have a vital organ called a core (though how it works varies greatly from person to person), and the idea that there are multiple ways a ghost forms (like from a being dying, or just forming from ectoplasm and strong emotions or big concepts, or being straight up born??). I've also seen the idea that a lot of ghosts don't really mean harm to Danny and that ghost culture is generally more violent bc they're not as squishy as humans!
Also!! There's gonna be a new graphic novel which is sick as hell! We don't know much more than that, but hopefully Nickolodeon doesn't mess too much with the creative team, because I'm really interested to see where they take it (especially since I think bitch fartman doesn't have any say in decisions? I'm not sure on that tho). Either way it's new content and I'm excited to see where the fandom goes with it too!
I have also realized the reason I don't infodump much is because I'm terrible at explaining things and trip over my words and am hard to follow lmao, particularly in person. You'd think that as an actor I'd be a little better with words but naaah lmao. I need to rehearse them for them to come out right apparently
Anyway idk how coherent that was but if u ever want to hear me ramble about dp feel free to send me more asks! Esp on my sideblog, I'm Always down down yell abt it!! Thank u for sending me that ask btw, it was really nice to do a bit of infodumping!!!💜💜💜
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shanastoryteller · 3 years
Questions about outlines: How detailed are they? Are they the same level of detail or do they vary? How do you make your outlines? Chronologically scene by scene? Or do you come up with the scenes that call you and then come up with smaller filler scenes to fill in the gaps? Do you have outlines for each chapter? Or just for the larger general plot points? Do you try to complete the outlying before starting the fic? Or do you add to the outline as you go? Sorry if this is to many at once
lmao okay i got several asks about outlines but i’m just going to answer this one because it’s ~comprehensive~
every writing teacher i’ve ever had has hated my outlines. my friends find them incomprehensible.
if people are going to look at my answers as ways to do their own outlines, i have to say: that’s probably not a good idea
i don’t write outlines a majority of the time
i don’t write outlines to plan a story i’ve already decided to write
i write outlines primarily as a way to exorcise story ideas that i want to write but don’t want to actually commit to writing (answer prompts are another way i do this lol)
now, some things do get outlines as a way to plan and organize. survival is a talent has an outline because it’s 400k and spans six years. child king had an outline. needy’s body had an outline. 
b u t
i’m currently writing rotten work without an outline
lynchpin didn’t have an outline
hope is the thing with feathers didn’t have an outline
never grow a wishbone only had an outline for the first couple of chapters 
an invincible summer didn’t get an outline until like. chapter 4 of 6. 
i just. uh. think about what i want to happen and then hope i remember to write it down. even when i do an outline, i’ll deviate from it wildly, and not update it to reflect that, because i know what i’m doing (ha!)
so! with that in mind, let’s go! 
How detailed are they? Are they the same level of detail or do they vary?
they vary! but honestly - not very. sometimes i’ll write out a paragraph or bits of dialogue that are important to me, but most of the time it’s just broad strokes of what i want to happen, or a mechanism of how something complicated happens. like i have several paragraphs in my siat outline dealing with necromancy books, but like. two sentences on how they actually occur in the story because that’s just something i’m trusting myself to figure out when i sit down to write it.  
 How do you make your outlines? Chronologically scene by scene? Or do you come up with the scenes that call you and then come up with smaller filler scenes to fill in the gaps? 
I try to put them chronologically, although sometimes that’s a little hard (in siat i have several scenes that i know will happen, i just don’t know when). that is something i will go back and edit on my outlines, is if i’ve changed the order the something happens i’ll go back and copy and paste until my outlines is in the right order. but only if the outlines is something i’m actually using to write and the story is longer than a couple of chapters. 
because my outlines are so very not detailed, i just write down what it is that i want to write, like the reason i’m going to write this or want to write this, and figure out the rest later. i’ll fill it in later - or i won’t! because most of the time i don’t use my outline to actually write the story, and i use it more as an idea list, so if i don’t know what happens between scenes or i find it boring i just won’t write it down
like, for example, here is my “outline” for won’t even plant a garden in it’s entirety 
weep as a woman
“you weep as a woman weeps.” “and how is that?” “as if the future rests on your hips, and you must walk it forward.”
crowley and eve were friends. cain killed abel with the flaming sword, and crowley begged them to say it was with a rock instead
crowley was raphael the painter and fucked michelangelo
crowley was there the night yeshua was born, was friends with mary, helped raise yeshua?
crowley and anathema and joan of arc
i ended up dropping most of this and crowley ended up sleeping with both eve and yeshua as the major plot points. i don’t explain stuff, really. i know what i mean so i just don’t bother to get very detailed most of the time. 
Do you have outlines for each chapter? Or just for the larger general plot points?
siat i divide up by year, and i think i did it by chapter for the last two chapters of build your wings on the way down, but otherwise it’s just one long list. i do my chapters based on words counts rather than content, so outlining by chapter doesn’t really make sense for me (siat is always around 15k a chapter, and everything else  i do these days thats multi chapter is around 8k because that’s the best, but ngawb was 5k a chapter and i think for child king it was around 11k a chapter)
Do you try to complete the outlying before starting the fic? Or do you add to the outline as you go?
I’m constantly adding as a i go! my outlines are never really “complete” they’re just abandoned. i write down what i think will help me and tend to ignore the rest. sometimes i just. talking to myself in my outlines when i’m trying to think something through. 
my outline for child king is under the cut because that’s one that’s a good mix of stuff i kept and stuff i threw out. DON’T JUDGE ME!! bad ideas don’t get written because they’re bad!! it’s part of the ~process~ 
child king
Summary: “A child king is still a king,” Deaton says softly. “A child king is still a child,” he snaps, but he knows this is an argument he’s already lost.  – Stiles is a born alpha, and after the Hale fire, things get real complicated, real fast.
Stiles’s mom is the last remaining human from a pack that was destroyed by hunters. John is the one that helps her after, so he knows everything. When they move to beacon hills she doesn’t feel the need to say anything to the hale pack, because as far as they’re concerned she’s just a human, and she doesn’t want to get involved in pack business. But then stiles is born with red eyes. The doctor is quiet and scared john and Claudia freak out, but it’s because he’s a werewolf, which is a relief to parents because they thought something was wrong with their kid. Maybe they don’t know he’s an alpha, only that he’s a wolf? Or they know and they keep it a secret on purpose
Claudia is the one to approach mrs. Hale. She tells her that her son is a born werewolf, but that she’s not interested in joining their pack. Her husband is a new deputy and they just bought a house but they’ll move if they have to. “he’ll need a pack one day. It’s safer,” she says. “if he wants to join you one day, I won’t stop him. But that’s not a choice I’m willing to make for him.” Mrs hale agrees that they can say separate as in exchange for the sheriff smoothing over some ruffled feathers no and again. They agree. Claudia to sheriff “we’re going to have to move one day. Our son is an alpha, and he’ll need to make his own pack.”
Stiles is seven the first time he snarls at his mom, eyes flashing red, and she freezes. She’s got the pack instinct, it doesn’t matter that hes her kid, hes still her alpha, so its hella awkward. John can see how this will quickly spiral out of control if they can discipline their own kid. But stiles is the one to back down first, apologizing and doing as he’s told. There are careful power structures here, and this is the beginning of differentiating between stiles the human and stiles the wolf.
When his mom gets sick, stiles offers to turn her. Hale offers to turn her. She refused for Reasons that I have to figure out. Maybe the politics of it? Wanting to protect stiles and not wanting to become part of the hale pack
The fire happens. John ships stiles the hell out of dodge, because there are hunters about. He snoops around enough to figure out it was kate argent, but theres not really anything he can do about it
Scott knows about everything, and tries to tell his mom in a really akward way that they should trust stiles if they’re ever in danger, but she just laughs it off. Except when someone breaks in and threatens her with a gun, and she manages to make a phone call, it’s not 911, not john, but stiles, and she doesn’t even know why, regrets it as soon as it happens. But then stiles shows up and breaks both of the guys, eyes glowing red, and then calls his dad and scott to take care of it, because they’re humans, so they get human punishments. Melissa is told everything.
Scott has a bad asthma attack and, and Melissa asks about the bite. Scott is itching for it. He wants it so badly. Stiles has already promised to turn them when they turn 18, and Melissa knows that. She asks if theres a reason to wait, and the answer is nah, not really. So he gets the bite. Stiles being like uh psa punishments cant include scott staying away
After hale fire and stiles gets back, he’s shocked that hey just left, and that they left peter behind. He starts visiting peter several times a week. He tells his dad that they should pay for his medical care. They have a fuckton of money because his mom inherited all the pack wealth, and john doesn’t touch it because that’s stiles’s money, that’s werewolf money. But this is a werewolf thing, so he agrees. “his pack left him dad.”
Stiles bites Erica when they’re 14. Some point in middle school stiles wises up to the Isaac thing and tells his dad he needs to arrest his dad, or stiles is going to kill him, and he’s not even a little bit joking. Stiles hears Isaac crying while going by the house? In johns squad car. Makes them pull over, then bursts into the house. John goes with it because his son’s eyes are red.
Some point after the hales leave, things start trying to move into hale territory. Some wolves? Stiles smells them, and ends up at 10 years old telling them to fuck off. This how scott finds out? He’s with scott and his dad. Deaton is facing off against something? Panics when stiles intervenes, but stiles goes wolfy and red eyes and is like. This is mine now fuck off. Looks at the hale house, and finally says, we have to take care of this. We have to. But they don’t own the house or the land or any of it. They do … something
Stiles ends up having to deal with a lot of crap real young
Stiles has scott and Isaac when peter wakes up. Stiles is there, and peter isn’t crazy because he wasn’t abandoned to die alone. Stiles says he can stay, or he can go, not trying to pressure anything. Peter chooses to become part of stiles’s pack, because his family is either dead or abandoned him. Peter ends up moving in with them as he finishes healing and to get used to being in a pack and with stiles. It’s very strange for john, but it’s a werewolf thing and he’s trying to be supportive. After a couple months, stiles tells his dad that having peter is a relief, that there’s finally someone who knows things, someone older who can support him as a werewolf. Peter acts as his second, and he finally has some degree of authority that age has lost him. Stiles has peter take care of the hale house. Peter and stiles have the conversation, where peter is like the hale land is your land now. You’re the alpha of beacon hills. He does what stiles directs him to.
Isaac is living with scott under stiles’s direction ish. But lots of Melissa. Isaac like I don’t wantto be afraid anymore, I don’t want to hurt anymore, and stiles is like. Okay. We’ll fix this. But he doesn’t bite Isaac until he goes to a shitton of therapy and has mostly sorted himself out. For isaac’s fifteenth birthday, he bites him.
Erica is spur of the moment, it’s something that all instinct and very little thought. OR they’re dating and it happesn? Erica’s parents suck. Stiles doesn’t want the balancing act of being boyfriend and alpha.
Jackson is so fucking desperate to belong to something. He nags and nags and nags and finally stiles bites him at least half to shut him up.
“dad can I talk to you about something weird and uncomfortable and a little creepy” talks about crush on Lydia, and how he’s not sure if its because he has a crush on her or if it’s bc he thinks she’ll be good for the pack. Lydia joins before Jackson, and she’s the one that pushes stiles into it. Lydia and stiles are not dating, but she’s clearly high in the hiarchey.
Boyd? Just like. Shows up. Idk.
So by the time laura and derek show up, stiles’s pack is: john, Melissa, peter, Lydia, Jackson, danny, Isaac, boyd, Erica, deaton (who’s acting as emissary but is training danny). Maybe bring in some later characters, like malia and kira and cora. Ooooh maybe the twins show up before they became alphas, still run aways and looking for something else? Stiles takes them on. Stiles finds malia early on after the fire
Peter is willing to forgive derek but he has a lot of shit with laura. Stiles agrees to let laura and derek stay and not be part of his pack, although laura insists she doesn’t need his permission. She snaps at peter to come home with them, and he looks at her like she’s insane. He says there’s no hale pack, and if there was, he’s not interested. He’s a stillinkski wolf now. Cora too maybe? Double blow. Peter owns the hale land, and he makes it clear the day stiles turns 18 he’ll be signing it over to him. Stiles is known by the surrounding packs.
Stiles has to somehow defend the surrounding area, has to make it clear he’s his and that he’s not willing to give it up. It’s valuable land. People are going to come looking for it once people figure out it’s abandoned. When deaton finds out stiles is an alpha, he goes around as an emissary to the surrounding packs. Saying that its under stiles now. He’s known to them so it goes mostly uncontested. This is when he and the sheriff have the child king conversation.
Stiles tries really, really hard to be a good alpha. That means controlling the territory, and working with other packs when members go rouge or something goes wrong. He’s thirteen the first time he goes to lend a hand in a fight, and it’s young, it’s too young, but he’s an alpha. He has to do this, to maintain the peace. And the thing is – stiles is good at this, good at not pushing, at not using his status as a crutch or an excuse, instead as a tool.
Maybe this is why no one cares for laura’s excuses. As much as laura wasn’t ready to take on the responsibility, she was an adult, if only barely. Stiles is a literal child, and in her absence shouldered it all. So even if she does technically have a claim, none of them are willing to honor it. “if you kill alpha stiles, you won’t have allies, you’ll have enemies.”
Allison and argents. Stiles brings his pack to kill kate. Gives peter the chance to do it himself, and is so very proud when he says no. but instead of letting her go free, stiles crushes her throat. “revenge would have been trapping you all in here and setting the whole thing on fire. Justice would have been making you watch as she burned alive. This was mercy, and don’t you forget it.” Scott is hella in love with Allison, but he knows this comes first. Her mom is full of hatred, but stiles more than makes it clear that he has no problem with killing her too.
Stiles sees derek soon after. They’ve already gone back and forth a lot. But he and laura weren’t there. Stiles tells him what he did. They have a ~moment~
Derek wants so very much to join stiles’s pack, but he doesn’t want to lose laura.
Something finally convinces laura to take the plunge and the stillinksi pack is one happy family
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 291: The Endeavor Pamphlet
Previously on BnHA: Dabi showed up atop Gigantomachia’s back and was all “you’ll never guess who I really am!” and the readers humored him and were all “who?” and he was all “TODOROKI TOUYA” and we were all “WOW └(・。・)┘ OH MY GOSH I WOULD NEVER HAVE GUESSED”, except for Shouto and Enji who were GENUINELY SHOCKED. Anyway so Touya was all “and guess what I’m doing right now!” and before anyone could even try, he was all, “STREAMING MY EMMY-NOMINATED MINISERIES ‘HELLO, I’M EVIL BUT ALSO TRAGIC AND SEXY, NOW LET ME TELL YOU ALL ABOUT MY DAD WHO SUCKS’’, THAT’S WHAT.” And everyone was all “oh my god” and Touya was all “ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪” for basically the rest of the chapter, and that’s pretty much it! Oh, wait, except for the part where he also doused himself in bleach in a fit of pure theatrics, which is actually pretty much the main takeaway from the entire chapter really because it was just wild af. ANYWAYS.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi introduces Baby Touya, the world’s most enchantingly sweet character, and is immediately all, “I sure can’t wait to tell you guys all about how his fucking jaw burnt off.” Thankfully he doesn’t (YET), and we cut back to the present pretty quickly, where Dabi explains how he took all of his brain cells that should have been used to stop him from pouring bleach over his head, and instead put them all toward his big brain plot of releasing an elaborate video detailing Endeavor’s various abuses and crimes, and even throwing Hawks under the bus as well because WHY NOT. He then leaps off of Gigantomachia’s back (like I said, no brain cells) all set to blast them with a Prominence Burn, only to be stopped by none other than THE LEGEND HIMSELF, MOTHERFUCKING BEST, PRETTIEST, NICEST, MOST OUTSTANDING MOTHERFUCKING JEANIST. Who’s no doubt outraged by the crime against hair he witnessed only moments earlier. GO GETTIM JEANY BOI.
so I haven’t had time to answer any of them because this has been the stupidest week, but I just wanted to tell you guys that I received no fewer than nine asks about Dabi’s hair. which, in a week filled with election memes and tumblr’s most cursed fandom briefly rising back up from the dead, is a pretty impressive feat for him if you ask me. like, I know I was making fun of it basically nonstop, but it sure did generate a lot of discussion so maybe I should rethink my opinions on Dabi’s PR strategies now, idk
anyway. it’s Saturday. time to catch up on this shit. let’s see how fucked the Todorokis are
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“thanks for being all right” the fuck
who allowed this child to be so cute. I’m serious. who signed off on this
how could a child this adorable possibly want to murder his equally adorable baby brother. please, your honor. there must be some mistake here
guess how prepared I am to read all about Touya’s tragic past. mm. that’s right. zero ready. none ready
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listen you guys. I just want to take a moment to appreciate that Horikoshi Kouhei did one of two things here. either (1) he planned it out FROM THE VERY START that Touya would be born with red hair Because Fire Powers, but would then have his hair turn white due to trauma, thus making the Dabi/Touya connection very slightly less obvious, although Let’s Be Real Who Are We Kidding. OR, (2) the anime got it wrong and gave him red hair, and rather than allowing this plot hole to continue to exist, Horikoshi took it upon himself to concoct this elaborate storyline and pretend it was never a plot hole at all! in which case I sure hope someone at Bones is sending him a VERY nice Christmas card this year. got this man sweeping up all your messes for you. you’re just lucky he has some sort of wild compulsion to address these things
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FATHER AND SON. how sweet. :| still zero percent ready for any of this btw
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and Enji’s smiling at him. he’s so proud of him. but then Touya won’t be able to do it, and Enji’s gonna stop training him, and Touya’s gonna feel like a failure and keep pushing himself in order to try and win his dad’s affections back, because that’s all kids fucking want, all they want is just love, that’s fucking it, you couldn’t just give him that?? and then he’s gonna immolate himself fflkdlskfh THERE YOU SEE HORIKOSHI, I KNOW THE WHOLE STORY ALREADY, YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THE WHOLE “SHOW THEM THE DEAD DOG” THING YET AGAIN YOU PIECE OF SHIT
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I keep pressing the emergency stop button but this industrial tragedy machine just keeps on chugging along anyway, I’m pretty sure this thing is not up to code
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:| I am so sorry sweet boy, Horikoshi is only getting started with you
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but he wasn’t actually a child to you, he was just a little puppet child for you to live vicariously through!! and then you went and did the same fucking thing with Shouto afterwards and never learned your lesson until just six months ago!! fucking hell, Enji
so now he’s all “Touya is dead, that’s an unforgivable lie” fflkdhflk motherfucker does he look dead to you. if you really think that, tumblr and twitter have got a little over five years’ worth of archived theory posts to show you
oh shit Touya’s countering with “it’s an unforgivable truth”, which, damn. I actually think Horikoshi’s dialogue is one of his weaker points as a writer a lot of the time, but that comeback was snappy as fuck
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actually guys, now that I’ve seen how ridiculously fucking cute baby!Touya was, I can almost understand why Shouto and Enji never put the pieces together before lol. any passing similarities would have easily been dismissed on account of he’d need to be at least 10x more adorable in order to get the full resemblance
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gotta say, so far The Endeavor Pamphlet is just about as spicy as I could have hoped
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(ETA: Natsuo’s face as he watches his beloved dead brother come back to life only to literally and metaphorically set everything on fire in one fell swoop is :/. why must you do this to me Natsu. can’t you see I’m trying to throw a Welcome Back Jeanist party here.)
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btw I neglected to mention this last week, but yes I do recognize and appreciate that this is Can’t Ya See-kun himself whom Horikoshi has chosen to be the face of this existential crisis which the general public is about to experience. rip CYS-kun
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excuse me. putting aside the implications of Dabi sharing this context-less murder video of Hawks with the entire world for a moment, I just have to pause for a sec here, because when exactly did he get a chance to edit this all in?? complete with voiceover that seamlessly ties in with the prerecorded footage of him with DNA test results sans shirt?? you’re telling me this motherfucker, with all the smoke that was in the room thanks to his own quirk, somehow got a PERFECT SHOT of the PRECISE MOMENT when Hawks drove his feather knife into Jin’s back, using his MAGIC CAMERA THAT HE I GUESS HAD THE ENTIRE TIME IN THE POUCH RIGHT NEXT TO HIS BLEACH BOTTLE, and then immediately somehow got this very next shot as well FROM AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT ANGLE
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and this after I just wrote that whole long paragraph positively GLOWING about this man’s ability to plug up a plot hole. jfc. just scratch out every damn word I said lol. just forget all of it
are you fucking kidding me, the footage was from the cameras Skeptic planted on Hawks??
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that’s... actually... okay you know what, it still doesn’t make any sense in the slightest, but the determination to address it nonetheless... just, dammit... I feel like I’m constantly at war with myself over whether or not I want to shake this man’s hand or slap him lmao. whatever, then!!
anyway, since Shouto and Enji can’t actually see the damage that Touya is dealing to the hero industry even as they speak, Touya is taking it upon himself to give them the highlights
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I think it’s a testament to how much Endeavor cares about Hawks that he managed to zero in on that comment even amidst all the craziness of his eldest son returning from the dead to announce how he’s been carefully plotting their destruction for years and years. like, he heard “Hawks” and his face immediately went like that. you think he’s worried that Dabi did something to him? because he’d be right to worry lol
so the Endeavor Pamphlet narration is now explaining all about how Hawks totally killed the Number 3 Hero Best Jeanist as well! yep... he sure did... totally...
Hawks, that is. lol. not Jeanist. NO, JUST MY POOR HALF-DEAD WINGLESS BABY SON
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interesting! we suspected as much, I think, with the clues that Ending dropped, and the little flashback right after the name reveal. still not clear how Dabi found out about it though!
looooool okay here we go, breaking out the heavy-handed holier-than-thou shit now
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you know, I do find it interesting how trying to model themselves after All Might’s noble Symbol of Peace image has kind of ended up being the heroes’ undoing here. like, I could write a whole essay on this, but what it basically boils down to is that they were all trying too hard to be perfect. All Might went out there and did his thing and was amazing, and so the powers-that-be built an entire system centered around this seemingly-infallible person, and they acted like the system was infallible as well. and so most of the population ended up becoming complacent over the years, and meanwhile the people who were unfortunate enough to fall through the cracks understandably wound up disillusioned and perceiving the heroes as these false idols
anyway, but I think one positive takeaway from this is that the new up-and-coming generation of heroes represent a breakaway from that system. like, imo what we’re witnessing is the downfall of the Perfect Hero, and the rise of the imperfect hero. and this new generation doesn’t shy away from their failures or pretend like they never happened. they pretty much can’t pretend, because their failures are all right out there in the open for everyone to see. Bakugou Katsuki, just to name one example off the top of my very biased head, has had his own personal character journey basically play out right in front of the media’s eyes. his humiliation at the sports festival, his kidnapping by the League, and all of the fallout afterward. this isn’t someone who can ever go out there and convince the world that he’s perfect. but what he can do, instead, is show the world that he’s trying. that he’s trying with everything he has to do his best, to be the best. rather than this untouchable godlike image, it’s instead the image of someone painfully human who is nonetheless striving with everything he’s got to keep moving forward, flaws and all, and work his way to the top
and ultimately I think that’s going to be a much more positive image to send out to the world when all’s said and done. because rather than merely inspiring awe, heroes like that inspire people to take action themselves. or at least that’s what I hope! and not just Bakugou, but the others as well. we’ve got Shouto, whose own personal trauma is being aired in front of the whole nation even as I sit here ranting. we’ve got Deku, who cries at the drop of a hat, and who fought to become a hero despite being quirkless (and I think it’s only a matter of time before that eventually becomes public knowledge as well). tl;dr because I’m getting way too long-winded here, but these kids have effectively been humanized in a way that the old generation never was, and I think that’ll go a long way towards building trust between them and the people they’ll someday be protecting, and inspiring the next generation in hopefully a much healthier way
anyway so where were we. ...oh yes, Dabi was explaining that heroes only protect themselves, and is presumably building up to his grand conclusion of “therefore you should all just let the villains take over and burn down the world”
omfg. YOU GUYS
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so now Dabi’s leaping off of this ninety-foot-tall gargoyle man like that’s a normal, smart thing to do. unless he can fly too now? saw his dad doing it back at Fukuoka and was all “hmm”
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lol he and Deku both look so determined but they’re basically sitting ducks. their “oh shit” faces do look remarkably like their “TIME TO SWING INTO ACTION” faces but don’t be fooled, they have one good arm and about six pints of blood left between the two of them. looks like this one’s all on you Shouto
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y’all. can’t even talk right now, my brain has completely shut down lol. just. ...
  °˖✧◝( ̄▿ ̄)◜✧˖°
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moxfirefly · 4 years
Okay, I was recalling today the story of my aunt who had triplets, but the worst part of the story is that she had several ultrasounds and in all of them it appeared that she would only have one child, I would like to ask for one where s / o is pregnant but everyone thinks it's just a baby and when they are born they realize that there are three, how each boy would react to this.I know it sounds kind of silly so if you don't want to write I understand.
Ufff I see this being pretty damn cute so let’s get some cute turt!dads headcanon’s here
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Listen boy thinks he’s got everything figured out, probs did the ultra sound himself but he totally misses it
So come delivery day which happens at the crack ass of dawn like he’s just coming in from patrol
And it happens, your water breaks
Donnie hasn’t gone from dead tired to AWAKE™️ so quickly
It’s a whole ordeal, you’re rushed to the lab, everyone’s helping out but you just want Don
Lads never been this scared in his life but he’s so focused on making sure you’re safe and the baby is that once that kid comes out he doesn’t register that there’s something amiss
Splinters already grabbing that grandkid and just Feels™️
That’s when Don notices that...there’s another one?
Ok now he’s actually freaking out but he can multitask lmao
Somehow with kid #2 in one arm he notices kid #3 and that’s when he loses it
Wow he helped make that? 3 whole precious babies? He’s a mess of emotions and so are you
Please picture you ko’d on the bed with two on you and Donnie next to you just as ko’d and one little bundle on him
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Listen are we not aware this man will probably almost faint if not he will?
He’s already Nervous™️ not just cause he’s gonna be a dad but he’s worried for you, this won’t be a normal pregnancy and he wants you and the baby to be safe
He refuses to let you lift any above a pound. Honestly he follows you around and just does everything for you
Also let’s be real your water breaks cause the two of you were getting pretty frisky
Oh he’s a mess when you start getting those contractions any instance of pain and discomfort just absolutely makes him feel like crap
He apologizes for putting you through this, you almost laugh if you weren’t busy pushing an entire kid out your hoohaa. But man when that kid comes out and Raph sees them
He holds that little thing and he’s just pleased as punch just so much pride that he almost misses the commotion that continues and Donnie saying “oh?”
And obviously that catches Raph’s attention and before he can scream at his brother what’s wrong he just pulls out another baby. Raph feels faint right then and there.
Leo basically holds him up when kid #3 comes
Once you’re safe and everything settled he’s just smitten, he’s looking at all 3 of them and telling you they got this or that from him and you. He’s so ready to lay down his life for them right then and there, it’s just instinct. These 3 kids are gonna be his life.
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Ok this lad knows he’s gonna be great with kids but obviously when you tell him he feels so fucking worried and nervous
Truly fascinated with your changes, totally hands on in feeding you whatever crazy food craving you get
Was a M E S S when your water broke boy seriously thought you were dying
Cries along with you when you’re getting your contractions. Listen he hates seeing you in so much pain. He also never expected to see one his ‘favorite places’ like that
But once that first baby comes like omg he is just mesmerized. He gets handed this squishy gooey thing and he’s in love right there and then
So when baby 2 and 3 show up he’s just ovwhelemed in the most incredible way. He’s got a little gang of misfits and they are part you and part him. He’s got a little family and those nervous jitters throughout these months melt away.
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Honestly if he could give birth so you don’t have to go through this pain he would
Also mesmerized by your changes but lowkey concerned over your cravings
Loves massaging those sore ankles and just generally making sure you don’t hurt yourself
Your water breaks when he’s out handling some gang fights for the cops
That man R A N like he had never run in his life I mean he broke some fucking record cause he got there a sweaty panting mess when baby one was starting to come out
He doesn’t even have time to be mad at himself because he’s on you and he’s seeing that beautiful little squishy thing and it’s in his arms and he’s a mess of sweat and tears
He doesn’t register that you’re still pushing and in pain and then there’s kid #2 and his eyes are wide as saucers, he’s goes over to see it wiggling about on the little bassinet and that’s when he sees Donnie go back in and there’s kid #3 and that’s it, his mind is absolutely blown and he’s SCARED but so in love
He’s sits that night on a bed with all 3 of them while you sleep on another bed and he’s obsessed with all the little details here and there and right then and there he’s knows that for them and you he will set the world on fire if it meant protecting them
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
Hi Yume! I wanted to tell you that I love all your writings and that you are a truly fantastic writer! Sorry if I seem indiscreet, but I'm curious to know what pushed you and / or pushes you to write your sinfics. Don't feel pressured to answer at all, everyone has their own reasons and everyone has the right to write what he/she/they wants. Sorry for the inconvenience and be safe and remember to drink enough water!💕 (In addition English is not my first language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes) Hope you have a good day! 😘✨
Hello~! ♥︎
Don’t worry, Darling (〃ω〃) I don’t feel pressured at all, I’m actually pleasantly surprised that you asked this question! You’re going right into Yume’s origin story now lol (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
I started writing fanfics myself when my taste was getting a little too…specific.
I think I mentioned once here that I get easily bored this is such a mean word, I’m sorry of anything I was once interested in if they’re not constantly doing things to keep me entertained lol So, I used to read A LOT of fluffy fanfictions, once that makes you rot and squeal— no smut, just very pure vibes (U w U) You know, like the typical teenager that I was lol I couldn’t even read any smut at that point because I view them like the ✨spawn of the devil✨ and it ✨corrupts✨ the characters I loved or something 👁👄👁 and also probably because I was a minor But oh how things have changed…Yes, I was that pure kid in school who didn’t know JACKSHIT about anything sexual \(//∇//)\ Bruh I remember covering my eyes every time I see a pp in my science textbook lol ☠️
…To tell you the truth, Yume once wrote a now completed fluffy fanfiction of a certain show and posted it on Wattpad _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): Yeaahh, I’m not gonna elaborate more on that but the fic is still there with a million views holy shit and it’s still haunting me every night that it still exists.
But then, I started getting bored of fluff because— it’s just the same trope over and over again and yeah, yeah… (c" ತ,_ತ) So, I decided to expand my taste a bit more and boom, look what I found— The ✨yandere✨ trope 👁👄👁 Ever since then, I became OBSESSED with these kinds of fic because with these kinds of fics— It doesn’t really…give a shit about what is wrong or what is right so, you can literally write anything you want with it (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡ It’s the kind of love that persistsand I love it because you don’t know where a yandere fic can go most of the time, you know? That keeps me hooked and wanting for more! ♥︎
And finally, when I turned legal— HAHAHA, We all know where this went lol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I started reading smutbut not just any kinds of smut, no no…yandere smut(O w O) And that was a start of a beautiful friendship— ♥︎
So, I started wanting more, yeah? I discovered new kinks and realized I…liked the most fucked up ones?? Lol Even I don’t know exactly why I like Non-con so much— When I see a fic that doesn’t have any non-con in it, or anything fucked in general because im hornii I get less motivated to read it lol Maybe because I was so sick and tired of seeing two characters falling in love that seeing only ONE character fall into an unrequited love is so fucking spicy and a lot more interesting to me— like, where is it gonna go (O w O) I’m interested!
Bonus points if their love never gets returned through out the story and they become even more obsessed with their Darling until they decide to just…snap and neglect fuck everything else— HAVING DARLING IS A MUST (╹◡╹)
So, yeah— I basically read almost all Yandere Non-Con fics in existance at this point (°▽°) But it just wasn’t enough to quench the thirst in me and I was honestly disappointed because there was always this one fic idea in the back of my head with very specific yikey tags that I wanted someone to execute but never found one in my time of reading fanfictions (;_;)So I just kinda…started writing them on my own lol the ultimate fine ill do it myself moment lmao At first, it was just for self-indulgence and never to be revealed in public because the content is so yikes, yknow? I have that fear of getting judged like— Why would anyone like these kinds of fics…lol
And then, the pandemic came and I was bored as hell— I discovered tumblr and decided to just fuck it, what’s the worse that can happen lol Thus, Yume was born and I was soo happy to see Darlings saying that they like my fics! (๑>◡<๑) And I finally felt liberated like, holy hell— I wasn’t alone with these kinds of kinks lol I started to not give a damn anymore and write whatever the hell I want, pushing my dark fantasies into each coming fics that I actually started calling them…Sinfics lol im a sinner and im proud
And I think that’s what pushes me to write more lol I absolutely LOVE talking with other Darlings who shares common interests with me!
Sorry for the long post, by the way~! But at least, you now know just a little bit more about Yume, yeah~? ٩( ᐛ )و Love you all, as always ♥︎
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transsexualhamlet · 4 years
asmr i psychoanalyze hide for fun
a lot of these are just stupid headcanons but a lot are also how i feel that’s just the way he is so
I know no one will read this it’s so very long but hello he’s my comfort character
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(the words are under the cut bc THERE ARE SO MANY WORDS)
thoughts: It’s funny because most of the characters that I really love are just fucking idiots. So stupid. No thoughts head empty. And like at first glance you’d think the same with Hide, he’s got the look of a real dumbass, but he’s actually a really smart person? He just kind of, hides it. He did say he was like allergic to books once (it’s the adhd, king) but that doesn’t change the fact that he emotionally is actually a very intelligent person. It’s something he’s humble about because I don’t believe he really identifies with the intellectual crowd or sees himself as particularly above average, he just finds it easy to understand things. And he doesn’t ever use it for his own advantage even when it would be totally fine to do so, he pretty much always uses it to help other people and I think he believes if he used his strengths to help himself it would be, like, selfish. Which is a problem of his.
gemder n brand of gay: A lot of people in yonder Fandom like to see kaneki as bi and hide as gay but nah fam you’re off. Honestly I do not care about his Date With Rize in the slightest, that man is a homosexual. Hide is the bi one. (it’s not like this is a requirement or anything lmao i am just Saying also i’m bi and i’m projecting) I can also say with confidence that date with Rize was the only date Kaneki’s ever been on and he was definitely lying to himself. (i just, don’t know how you could look at Haise specifically and for one second think he has ever seen a boob) Hide’s the one who’s probably dated people before and he actually knows what’s attractive, he probably just doesn’t discuss that a lot with Kaneki since the bitch is Closeted and hide knows this. It’s funny because Hide canonically has two dads. Like I think that kind of explains him tbh. Bitch has good parents??? He’s the only one but we love him for it. U know Kaneki spent more of his life at Hide’s house than his own.
And as to gender, like obviously hide’s a guy, but i think he’s one of the few cisgenders who could like... tell you why. He’s well versed in those kinds of issues and has just thought about it a lot I guess? He’s comfortable in his skin and with a conventionally masculine appearance but he could tell you what Boy TM means other than yo macho man dude bro guy
personality type- ENFP-T: I took the fucking test for him and it was like... so easy. Took me ten minutes. 
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basically what this means is it just calls him out as a fucken loud ass sunshine boy who has very many emotion and cares way too much about his friend
love how this part of the description describes kaneki and hide perfectly
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biggest strength: he’s so good at helping people?? Like I can honestly say if some random person started rambling about their relationship issues to him I’d give him 10 minutes before he had a perfect solution, he had the person crying and being comforted in just the right way. He’s the perfect medium of confident and caring and he’s not just a fucking ray of sunshine on accident, he’s like, mob psycho 100 style actively working to be nice and compassionate. He’s very aware of how his actions affect people and he always knows just the right thing to say, what to do, when to just let things go or when to say them. And Hide will forgive, literally anything, even if someone does something really shitty to him he’ll realize it’s the product of like, unresolved mental issues or something and seek to fix it instead of cutting the person off. It’s... really good for everyone around him. But well,,, not great for him, see below.
biggest weakness: bitch does nOT leave room for himself. Although he is generally a confident person and isn’t very insecure, he knows he’s giving too much of himself and simply ‘pretend i do not see it but in reality i do’. He’s never put himself first and feels more worthy when he makes someone else happy, and it’s really not that visible but it can take a pretty big toll on him. He’ll feel anger and frustration for his problems but eventually he will end up blaming himself for anything that goes wrong and will just resolve to Try Harder. (which, mood) He does problem solve well and he tries to come up with the best solutions to issues but the fact is he just does not prioritize his own happiness within those solutions. He gives too much and it’s fucking killing him.
what he likes most about himself: Although he does have issues obviously, I don’t see Hide as someone who has particularly low esteem of himself. I think he pretty much thinks he has himself figured out and therefore other people’s problems come first. He generally does, think fondly of himself, because most of the time he can fix people’s problems so he’s yknow, a good person. I think he likes his ability to enjoy life and live in the moment, and he likes his connections and friendships with other people. He values emotional connection and he likes that he can easily create and enjoy good vibes. He loves being the one who everyone just... goes to for a good time.
favorite things: I think I heard somewhere that he enjoys dumb american bands without really understanding what they’re saying which seems very on brand for him, but I’m gonna perscribe him some other stuff too. Obviously he likes bright colors and comic books, and places where he can have fun with other people. He generally likes college, even though it’s like, school, and unlike kaneki he actually had a good childhood and he enjoys the places he spent time and formed good memories, he has Nostalgia TM (see unbelievable by owl city hmmm he vibes to that he was born in 1996 or something right i can’t google things) he also just really likes to just, fix other people’s problems but we’ve covered that. 
what he’s doing right and what he’s doing wrong: Hide is doing his best. He’s no less flawed than any of the other characters in tokyo ghoul, it’s just that his strategies tend to involve 100% less murder. Ok no, let me rephrase that, Hide is flawed, but i meant like emotionally, he’s not a war criminal like everyone else. He may seem at first glance like, just, perfect? Sorry for being a simp lmao but I feel like from the outside he’s just got it all together right? He knows what he’s doing and he’s super nice and helpful and smart and humble and just doesn’t have any visible flaws? He... tends to hide any evidence that he would ever be struggling. And that’s not very sexy of him. He feels it would be a burden on others to show pain or ever say he can’t take something on (if someone asked him to do something he’d do it even if he was already mentally at capacity etc) and that’s something he needs to work on. The good thing is that if they got to a point where after Kaneki’s Character Development they got to just... like, be happy and not be separated and everything Kaneki would be good for him because he compliments that. Hide helps him because he needs a lot of like, mental counseling lmao but now that Kaneki’s gone through a lot of that his eyes have been opened more to the fact that Hide hides his problems from Kaneki so if they could just bE HAPPY this is an issue that could be resolved
insecurities: I think Hide kind of believes he’s not allowed to be sad. Cause it’s like, not his job. He’s the source of happiness for everyone else, supposed to have everything together so he can fix everyone else’s problems. he’s not allowed to be in pain or feel bad for himself even though he knows “Boys Can Cry” it’s like, yes boys can cry, not me tho haha lmao it’s not about his masculinity it’s just he’s like “yeah but kaneki’s had it worse” so like if he finds himself in a bad place, he feels inadequate and like... fundametally broken. and it’s. Like. I felt that but also like king that’s not how it works
goal in life: I think he wouldn’t really be able to answer that question. What the truth would be is that he probably wants to do something grand and important that helps a lot of people and kind of changes the world. But he might not really think of it that way, since he’s usually focused more on smaller more isolated issues and he has no idea what he wants to do as a career. He admires activists and people who put themselves at risk but it probably makes him feel inferior that someone else is Doing Something About This Big Problem and he’s just sitting there riding around on his bisexual bike and being in college. (I’d like to say he’s probably changed majors at least a few times,,, that man was like “oh yeah lmao i’m gonna be a comic book artist” but someone said something about how he’s a good therapist and he’s like “brb kinshift i am now a psychology major” lmao.) (hello i am projecting but i’m right) He sees a tumblr post about some issue somewhere and he hyperfixates on it for days until he sees another post about something worse it’s an issue. But I think what he ended up doing was what he wanted to, even if he never recieved any recognition for it the internal sense that he was doing something Right TM in the eyes of history would probably make him cry
how he was raised: I can’t really say much to this because there’s barely any canon on this and the canon that does exist I have completely ignored other than the fact that he has two dads. Bro tbh? He didn’t need any tragic emo backstory I think he had a great childhood. Honestly he’s probably a rich kid. Not super rich but he’s not struggling man. Not gonna lie to you I think the only reason he went to Kamii was because he wanted to be at the same college as Kaneki who probably got a scholarship. Hide, didn’t. (it’s not like he’s not intelligent but I don’t really think that his grades are his biggest priority, the only time he ever pays attention in class is to give kaneki the answers when he’s gone) 
What irks me about the random lore drop in the last chapter about him having a CCG dad that died or whatever- it kind of ruins the whole point for me. Personally I choose to believe he had nothing whatsoever to do with ghouls or the ccg before all that happened to Kaneki. He probably had correct opinions on them, but only like, in theory, it’s like straight people that are like “yeah ofc gay ppl valid” but they’ve never really had any personal experience with any. So when he gets involved in that- the fact is that the only reason he was... was bc of kaneki. It was never more complicated than that to me. YKNOW, SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST, NICE, OK? 
And I think for me that the fact that he could actively choose to be nice and be aware of all these problems when he’s practically got every advantage in life is a lot more important. He didn’t have to be poor or have a dead parent or have a shitty childhood for him to be really genuinely good. I don’t think he’s ever been bullied or anything, but he can still be aware that it sucks to be bullied. I think he was just... raised right. I think his dads are probably pretty fucking baller for him to be such a bro. They taught him the right shit.
General philosophy: Hide is one of the only people in the series for whom the dynamics of right and wrong are not hard to understand. He’s never been required to pick up a weapon or actually truly fight in the CCG, he’s never been really mean to anyone. Of course I can say he’s probably decked a few ppl that made fun of Kaneki in middle school, but haven’t we all. The thing is that though he’s never suffered at the hands of others, everything that’s hurt him he’s gone in fully consenting to it- he can still understand and forgive what everyone else has done. Like bro he’s the literal only one around who’s not like a literal war criminal, but he’s not going to think he’s better because of it, because he understands that if he had been in their circumstances he couldn’t say how he would have turned out. 
That’s why I think it’s so important that he never really had a bad childhood- he’s not better than them for turning out without any blood on his hands, because he was never required to. And he knows that and he goes through every day with all these people who have and is conscious of it. He can’t ever say he’s incapable of hurting other people, because he would have said that about Kaneki before all of it happened. So he’s quite politically correct compared to Kaneki and the others but he doesn’t see things that way.
relationship bullshit: i mean bro i know this is a serious post about like psychological and emotional things but i felt the need to discuss whY does everyone write hide as a bottom I mean like sure he’d bottom if his partner was a top but this is simply not the case with kaneki look at him. Hide. Service top. I rest my case. The man’s the biggest switch ever but when he’s a top he’s a nice top. I think Kaneki needs that to be perfectly honest. He really likes to take care of people. Also kind of off topic but his love language is quality time he just wants to play video games wit da homies and he might fall in love a bit
I find it genuinely funny how much i cannot get away from the tentacle porn on the god forsaken archive of our own just looking at the tags i already know it’s so out of character haitoheoihesdsdsa and don’t get me started on the vore
how kaneki sees him vs how he actually is: One of the biggest problems in kaneki and hide’s relationship is how in the beginning, Kaneki didn’t really understand at all that Hide could be hiding anything from him. Kaneki’s not good at picking up clues like that in general, but the fact that he was hiding so much himself didn’t help at all. Hide gives off the vibe of someone who has no inhibitions and shows every side of himself without hesitation, and Kaneki really does idolize that. He didn’t realize that Hide could possibly be suffering or imperfect compared to his vision. He sees Hide as practically an angel, and that’s exactly how Hide wants Kaneki to see him, because he doesn’t want to burden Kaneki with his own problems since he believes they’re not as important and they would make Kaneki sad. Kaneki knew Hide wasn’t as oblivious as he seemed, but he didn’t really understand what that meant until too late. The good thing about Kaneki’s character development though is that it then helps Kaneki understand that Hide was suffering because of him and he didn’t want Hide to hide it anymore (lmao). If they’d only executed that point well that could have been really good but well that’s what fanfic is for
how he sees kaneki vs how kaneki actually is: This one’s a lot more difficult, because well. Hide’s very good at knowing exactly how people are in their hearts, compared to Kaneki. But there are definitely some things that he’s not super up on. He wasn’t around for a lot of Kaneki’s development, so most of the time I think he still believes Kaneki doesn’t want to see his pain, which is, simply incorrect, Kaneki would obviously not be happy to hear it but it would tear him up inside to realize he’s been oblivious to it the whole time. He’s grown a lot more mature since he spent most of his time with Hide, and I really think Hide could benefit from being able to open up to Kaneki the way he is now. And well. I think his biggest misconception has to be that Kaneki enjoyed women lmao
the most him thing i’ve ever done: listening to a happy upbeat song and visibly bopping while also uncontrollably sobbing
miscellaneous headcanons: 
-he’s a morning person lmao. Motherfucker gets up at 6 AM and Kaneki is like PL EA SE NO
-what he finds attractive is like. twinks and girls with hair in colors that don’t exist and ppl who don’t know what gender is
-He likes Imagine Dragons lmao you can see by the next point
-his coping mechanisms are mostly music and other people tbh he’s like “oh i am having emotions? disgusting” *goes to a party*
-he plays dnd and he mains a warlock i don’t make the rules
-he doesn’t look like someone who would do that shit but he probably knows how to use tarot cards
-idk how but that motherfucker is so neurodivergent i can smell the hyperempathy on him look at that man he has so much adhd
-he’s fully aware that his fashion sense is terrible and continues to wear more and more ridiculous clothes to piss kaneki off
-this man has tungle dot fuck. Look at him. His url is probably something along the lines of my ao3 username lmao
-he can see the forbidden shrimp colors smh
-this bitch likes mob psycho 100 and the promised neverland, kaneki keeps telling him to watch death note and he’s just like n   o hhsdfhhfdshdfshdfs he probably kins tpn emma
-he doesn’t know how to drive lmao he bikes everywhere and he lives in tokyo
-i am once again thinking about how he was in a play with kaneki and kaneki was the main character and he was the spicy side character that’s not a headcanon just. that
songs that are, him: 
-Stand By You (Rachel Platten)
-Luck (American Authors)
-Love (Imagine Dragons)
-If I Lose Myself (One Republic)
-Stardust (New Politics)
-Secrets (also one republic)
-Flaws (Bastille)
-100 Bad Days (AJR)
-I Lived (another one republic lmao)
-Battle Scars (Paradise Fears)
-Rise Up (Imagine Dragons)
yeah he definitely listens to this shit lmao
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piracytheorist · 3 years
A ridiculously needed defense of Mia Winters
(and I say ridiculously because I don't particularly care for her as a character. But I care for Ethan, and I care that he went through so much shit to save her and never gave up or even thought to, so by extension Mia needs to make sense to me so I need to have a clear image of her in my mind to justify Ethan's ridiculously brave actions in re7, and his devotion to her in re8. But also because my experience watching the show Once Upon a Time and engaging with its fandom has taught me to not hate on characters when they're not fully fleshed out and their bad actions are not adequately explained, especially when said characters are women written by men. And considering that Ethan himself is not fully fleshed out in re7 either, it's no wonder Mia's character is suffering)
So. I'm not here to tell people they're wrong to hate or even just dislike or distrust Mia. That's not my point. But if you do continue to read after the title, you're checking in on your own accord. And my main gripe with people hating on Mia is that they seem to dislike her character when the game itself didn't give much of a good basis on her character in the first place. So yeah, being a woman myself and having seen how fandoms work, I do tend to get a little pissed when people (no matter their gender) are so ready to hate on female characters for no good reason.
Now, I'm not saying Mia is a saint, far from it. RE7 makes clear she holds a lot of the responsibility for what happened, and she even accepts that. But she's also been given redeeming qualities, if you're willing to look for them.
The first glimpse we get of Mia is of her sending a happy message to Ethan, then immediately after we see her admit her wrong and warn him to stay away from her. There's a reason we even get the second video, and that's called setting. The writers wanted Mia to be shown as protective over Ethan while also accepting responsibility from the very first moment - and it's something that repeats itself when we do find her. She apparently has no idea she asked Ethan to come, she self-harms in an effort to stop hurting him, and even through Eveline's control she manages to tell him to leave her.
(like idk why people take lightly the fact that she fucking banged her head on a wall, giving herself a concussion, all in an effort to protect Ethan from what she knew she had turned into but leave it to a fandom to underplay self-harm I guess)
But that's only from the beginning, and from the confused POV of Ethan and a first time player. In Mia's flashback, we see that she'd been given orders that should Eveline get out of control, she had to be eliminated. Now, Eveline had grown fond of Mia, and she was super powerful herself. Taking a powerful being on your side and using them to be on top? That's a super villain origin story if I ever heard one. But Mia doesn't even consider it, from the first moment that civilians are getting in danger, she's ready to eliminate Eveline.
And that's when the first holes start appearing. For what kinds of wars did Mia know that Eveline was made for? How long had she been working with The Connections? Was it before or after marrying Ethan? How did they approach her? How did they know she'd be okay with making a bioweapon to assist in wars? And as herself, how deep was she willing to go in terms of human experimentation?
That's all stuff we have no way of knowing, and frankly any answer, from one extreme to the other, can be assumed. For all we know The Connections approached her, and before she had even realized she was assisting them in creating Eveline. So in general I feel it's kinda unbased to jump on the Mia Hating Train so easily when there's so much missing from the whole story.
Though again, I’m not here to tell people what to like and what not to like. It’s just that I feel there’s a bit too much focus on how Mia is such a horrible person and the true villain of the story and like, it’s getting super tiring, entering fandoms and seeing people being so fucking pissed at some characters. Like, ok. You can’t like everything. But it feels like some people are trying to make that everyone else’s problem.
And the victim blaming is not helping, either. People say all of what happened in re8 is Mia’s fault because she didn’t tell Ethan the truth about what he is, and like. Are we fucking serious. Like I see people call Chris dumb for not explaining the story to Ethan from the beginning, and how it could’ve made things much more simpler if he had, but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone call him the villain of the story (if anything because without him being cryptic we wouldn’t have had the story in the first place). He had his reasons to be cryptic, and if you pause your hate train for a moment, you’ll realize Mia had her reasons as well. We don’t know how long she knew that Ethan was all mold - she wasn’t even conscious during the moment Jack killed Ethan in the first place to see how serious the injury was. For all we knew she only noticed while being pregnant with Rose, or after she was born - so we can’t really blame her for not speaking up. If anything, considering she did realize it and still she stayed with him and knew he and his feelings mattered (”We matter, Ethan! You matter!”) is a big thing. She also seemed to want to tell him, but like, how do you even begin such a discussion? Ethan also saw that she was troubled; you can’t convince me that they were like this, with Ethan knowing she was holding something from him, and Mia knowing and knowingly having a child with him who would definitely be infected by Mold, for three fucking years.
Like at some point you start going like “They can’t have shown us such a fucking toxic relationship and expected us to feel sad for Mia at the end.” But like, people do believe that yes they intended them to be so toxic and Mia to be such a horrible person and for us to just shrug at it, so of course they would blame everything on Mia and not like, idk, Miranda, who was actually the one actively harming the entire Winters family. Or that Rose getting kidnapped was because Mia had been working with The Connections, and that’s how Miranda found out about her, and I’m like, y’all can’t separate butterfly effect from actual blame, can you? Ethan and Mia decided to have a kid two whole years after the Baker incident - when they felt they were safe, on the clear from whatever could be chasing them. They were on witness protection, the newspaper Ethan looks at in the beginning says that Ethan and Mia’s whereabouts are unknown; they were understandably feeling safe to move on with their lives, until someone from The Connections found where Mia was, and through them Miranda was able to learn about Rose. That’s an entirely different concept from Mia being careless or carrying the entire blame for Rose getting kidnapped or Ethan being self-sacrificingly determined to save her. But of course, let’s hate on Mia and then seriously ship Ethan with the villains because they have redeeming qualities and Mia doesn’t ig
I don’t know. Maybe I’m a bit too jumpy of people hating on female characters. But on the other hand, it says a lot that I don’t really care much for Mia or her character, so it’s not like I feel defensive because my fave is receiving hate. If anything, Ethan is my fave, he gets much more uncalled-for hate and I just shrug that off because who gives a fuck about them haters right. But with Ethan... I feel that the hate he receives is mostly because he subverted expectations; he’s not your average trained badass who knows what he’s doing and remains calm through anxious situations, he’s the exact opposite, and people hate on him for not being the former like... you’re missing the entire point of Ethan purposefully being clueless, panicking, saying cringy-ass quips, and honestly, your fucking loss lmao. With Mia, it feels like people choose to see the worst in her when there aren’t too many things to see. And knowing stuff about the world of gaming, it’s fucking telling. In the world of fandom, that’s just fucking annoying. I hate stuff too. But after a certain point you learn to not make your biases everybody else’s problem. Or at least you should. What would I know, being here hoping fandoms could be calmer places.
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yourfinalbow · 3 years
hi lol this is totally random but based on a harry potter post you just reblogged and you can completely ignore me if you want, but do you think snape deserved better, or are you a quote unquote "snape apologist"? I'm genuinely curious cuz I've come across a lot of different opinions on severus. Again, feel free to ignore :)
This ended up way longer than it needed to be, and I apologize for that lmao.
Hi! Hmmm I have many mixed opinions on this. First we have to talk about which Snape. Book!Snape is actually kind of an asshole, and not in the fun way. (Way more than I remembered.) But but but Alan Rickman!Snape I like a lot.
And no I'm not mentioning Snape from TCC. That was not Snape and that world was not Harry Potter.
Snape is an interesting character because of how flawed and layered he is.
(Putting a cut because it's so long, and tw for non-detailed mentions/reference to abuse, as well as both trauma and death.)
He wasn't born in a very good household, which I can definitely see as being a reason for why he is who he is. (A reason, not an excuse. Those are two extremely different things.) You look at Sirius, who also came from a horrible household, yet he managed to dig himself out of the mud and make his own path for himself. (Though I have many angsty headcanons for the thoughts he has and being afraid of what he will do and in turn his own mind. WolfStar solidarity. Neither one of them know what they are truly capable of, and both are completely afraid to find out.
Ahem sorry I got a little distracted there.
During the Marauder's era, Snape wasn't a good person in general, but he tried to be nice to Lily. (One of the only exceptions he made.) That being said, (sorry, going on a tangent again), it does not excuse what the Marauders did. As much as they are, in my humble opinion, JK's greatest creation, they should be held accountable for both the prank, and dangling Snape upside down. (Though Remus does make a few good points in their defense later, it's still not an excuse.) Two wrongs never make a right.
Snape doesn't deny Lily's claims at him wanting to join a supremacy group, nor does he say he isn't friends with Death Eaters.
It's clear through the flashbacks we're given that Snape is apathetic in the face of innocent people dying, but once again Lily is the exception.
Dumbledore defends Snape by saying it wasn't his fault that Harry's parents are dead. I actually semi-agree with this. On one hand, he was directly at fault, but on the other hand he had no way of knowing. As a severe Loki apologist, I do not blame Loki for Frigga's death. He may have led the dark elves to her, but he didn't know it was her she was sending them to. That's the comparison I make in my mind, and so I don't completely blame him like other people do. (One could also make the argument that Sirius is to blame. Sirius, who is 100% my favorite character in the entire franchise, gave the secret keeper job to Peter, thinking it would be safer with him. However, he had no ill will or malicious intentions towards Lily, James, and Harry, so I don't blame him.)
All that being said, Snape not only would have been fine with random people dying, he also didn't care whether or not James and Harry lived.
For context:
(Dumbledore is speaking, right after Snape comes to him for help.)
"You do not care, then, about the deaths of her husband and child?" They can die, as long as you have what you want?"
Snape said nothing, but merely looked up at Dumbledore.
He has a strange relationship with Lily. He obviously loves her, but not enough to want to stop Voldemort from killing the two things that bring her the most amount of happiness. It's clear he doesn't care about anyone except for Lily. Which on some level, I can understand why. When people have traumatic childhoods, they tend to hold on to a person that was there for them. Sometimes it can be the hands of the person who caused them pain in the first place, but other times it is another person who was there for him. He holds Lily's opinions of himself higher than anybody else, and he holds Lily above anybody else, and I think this can be attributed to some sort of trauma response, which is why his love for her is so unusual. That doesn't mean I think he should be fine with killing innocent people.
On the topic of trauma, I think joining the Death Eaters was another response to this, as well as a result of what kind of family he had.
Similar to both Harry and Voldemort, Snape much preferred Hogwarts to where he lived, and such the castle became his home more than his house ever was.
The Death Eaters could offer him something he had never been offered before. He belonged to something. In his own, twisted, traumatic mindset, he might have even almost seen the Death Eaters as a family. Not consciously of course, but there was definitely a feeling of belonging they gave him.
And there's something to be said about the fact that many serial killers in real life come from an abusive family. I don't pretend to understand the minds of someone who can do something so vile, but I have watched enough Criminal Minds episodes to know what they long for is control.
So being apart of this supremacy group, even though he was a half-blood himself and undoubtedly didn't entirely share Voldermort's racist beliefs, gave him both control and something he belonged to.
It's not an excuse, but it's a reason.
Alternatively, you can look at it through a quote from the most recent episode of Loki.
"It's part of the illusion. It's a cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear."
So it's also possible that when he was a kid, he thought being a villain was the only way to prevent others from being one to him.
Ok sorry, back on the chronological track.
So he agrees to change sides and work with Dumbledore. (Who must see just how distraught Snape was over Lily's death, to trust him immediately.)
Snape spends most of Harry's time at Hogwarts humiliating his own students. He particularly calls out Harry and his friends a lot, but I can definitely see this being a defence mechanism. He assumes Harry is James and reverts back to what we talked about earlier. (Becoming the villain so nobody else has a chance.)
But but but, he does a lot of good throughout the books. Snape mutters the countercurse, saving Harry from Quirrell during the Quidditch match. He then actually referees at the next match, preventing anything from happening altogether.
In retrospective, we see that he spends most of the first book helping Dumbledore by protecting the stone, and helping Lily by protecting Harry.
Now I could go through and list the goods and the bads of Snape throughout the entire series, but I have neither the time nor the patience, and I think you get the point.
(Except I would like the mention that Snape becomes a double agent for Dumbledore in book four, and risks his life every single day by constantly betraying Voldermort, and never once does he use this as a way to double cross Dumbledore. This was actually probably really hard on him. You can assume that having to pretend to be a Death Eater means he had to do some despicable things just so he didn't blow his cover. If he really has changed by this time, which I would like to think he has, is a lot of added guilt to live with.)
(I would also mention that he tried to save Sirius in book five, but... *falls on floor dramatically* I don't want to think about it.)
Severus Snape's time comes to the end in book seven. At the hands of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, his death is a valiant act of sacrifice. Protecting the living and defending the honour of the fallen.
So, he has done a lot of bad in his lifetime, but by the time we as readers get to know him, his fundamental set of beliefs have begun to change. Through the eyes of what started as an eleven year old boy, you can definitely see that even after this he wasn't necessarily a good person.
And that's because his good is behind the scenes. He's good on a larger scale. He's chosen the light over darkness, but in his everyday life he's still the scared, traumatized little kid he's always been.
And him being this way has reasons, but these reasons are not excuses.
Sorry anon, this kind of turned into a long winded review of the entire character. I know that's not really what you asked, so I'll sum it up in a final few sentences sentence.
Yes. I wish Snape had gotten to live. Not because I'm necessarily a "Snape apologist", but because I find his character interesting, and seeing his reaction to his sacrifice could have been a really good read. Also Harry coming up and thanking him would have been really touching, and as a cherry on top maybe we could have gotten to read Harry apologizing for his father. Maybe even Snape sharing memories of Lily?! (Sorry that might have gotten a little to fanfic-y.)
That being said, his death being a final sacrifice towards the good of everyone, and a final testimony to his change of heart, was -- and I'll give JK credit just this once -- good storytelling, and a good way to end it.
Also I like movie!Snape because fuck yeah he's just so awesome.
If anyone has anything to add/take away, or they just want to discuss the wonder that was Alan Rickman, let me know! (Ask/Comment/Reblog/Etc.)
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You got any trans man dean headcanons? 👀
I don’t know when u sent this so sorry if I’m answering late!!!
Also I just have the basic bitch set of trans dean headcanons tbh but they make me go feral so I will repeat them!!
- lazurus rising when cas brought dean back he put him in the body he’s always deserved (the mirror scene lives in my head rent free baby!)
- teenage dean stealing testosterone from hospitals and pharmacies when he had the chance bc they moved around too much for him to have a stable prescription pickup plan
- John being pissed for awhile that dean’s not his “perfect little girl” like he thought but getting over it bc dean is so determined to emulate him to prove his masculinity that it just makes him a better more fierce hunter and protector so John gets over it in like a year (Dean’s always been Like That anyway,,, in the grand scheme of things it’s less Distracting to have this small ongoing conflict that John just calls him Dean and does the passive aggressive “you wanna be a man? Act like it.” bullshit you know how it goes)
- Dean knowing he’s not a girl from a young age (like probably about 6) and teaches Sam to call him Dean and that he’s his brother from the time sammy can talk (Sam doesn’t learn Dean’s name is legally Deanna until he’s starting middle school)
- Dean binding in his teens by wearing those tank tops that are like skin tight but also stretchy material? With the built in bra part? he wears two of those under all the Normal Winchester layers and it gives him the flat chest (what isn’t flattened completely gets lost under his dad’s leather jacket he wears to school every day)
- it goes without saying but Dean, age 7, cut his hair for the first time in a shitty hotel bathroom mirror by trying to copy a dude in a shaving ad in a magazine (John didn’t even notice for three days)
- Dean gets top surgery after sam goes to Stanford when he’s supposed to be on a solo hunt (he tells John he’s hunting something but really he’s recovering at Bobby’s)
- Bobby, we are not surprised, is a good father figure and shut that shit down when dean explains that he’s just gonna hole up in a motel once he gets his surgery (“Boy, do you know how fucking dirty motel linens are? I am NOT letting you die from an infection and most certainly not leaving you Alone for months defenseless”)
- Dean using makeup to make his jawline a little sharper and more square even tho the iffy food situation growing up made sure he barely has any roundness to his face to begin with
- on the flip side dean playing up his fem features to use as a distraction when he hustles pool
- dean training his voice by trying to copy the sound of his favorite singers voices (and John since he hears his voice most consistently)
- dean knocking the shit out of transphobes (the comments don’t even have to be directed at him, he hears them and it’s ON SIGHT no question)
- dean acting like a womanizer bc that’s what Men Do and it’s all just literally part of his carefully constructed hyper masculine image bc it’s so so difficult to pick up anyone when what’s under theclothes don’t match what can be seen on the surface (Cassie is the first person he sleeps with and he’s so terrified but she doesn’t care holy shit she doesn’t care?)
- Dean chooses to keep his name close to his birth name bc that’s the name his mother gave him and he doesn’t want to disrespect her by completely changing it
- On the topic of dean’s hyper masculine image he constructs it from a mix of John and from the action movies he studies religiously when he has the chance (this is what boys like this is what every man dreams of being I have to like this too-) even tho he has enough action and violence in his actual life thanks,
- Dean not being big on faith because he can’t imagine some higher power choosing to make him be born in the wrong body and make him work so hard to fix it himself like life wasn’t hard Enough
- Dean being so immensely pleased when word gets around the monster worlds about the Winchester Brothers,,, the validity of your reputation being cemented in the way you’ve carefully crafted it to be
- Dean rationalizing that it’s okay for him to spend time and energy on making sure he’s presenting masc and getting the body language and mannerisms down because it helps him be better at his jobs as protector of his family and as a hunter (men are thought of as stronger/scarier, men are taken more seriously when interviewing locals/victim’s families, more authority is afforded to men)
- dean almost shooting a man in a bar bathroom when he’s fourteen and just needed to deal with shark week stuff real quickly but this drunk decided a “teenage girlie only has one use in a men’s bathroom” but dean just knocks him out and sprints back to the motel (dean doesn’t use public bathrooms after that if he can help it)
- dean not knowing the word transgender until he finds it in a library book while he’s supposed to be researching but really he’d heard the slur and needed to be clear on why it made him feel so icky so he was looking it up in the dictionary and he’s like Oh that’s Me
- Bobby doesn’t actually meet Sam and Dean until after Dean’s cut his hair for the first time and Sammy can only say half words (most Dee, which is good enough for Dean) so one of Dean’s first impressions of Bobby is him asking John “didn’t you have a daughter?” and John just giving a tired sigh because he’s too busy with the hunt he’s here for to try and get into it but Dean butts in with “No, he’s always had two boys, I’m Dean and this is Sammy” and Bobby doesn’t comment on this little high pitched voice or question it much because he’s babysitting this kid for the next two weeks and he doesn’t want it to be a hostile two weeks (and it never becomes a problem because by the end of week one Bobby never even entertains the idea that Dean isn’t a little boy)
- After Dean gets back from Hell literally the only thing that trips Sam and Bobby up (aside from that he just resurrected lmao) is that his shoulders are more squared and he’s just built more like he should be (see previous point about cas rebuilding him as he should’ve been!)
- Dean never having much money but he still donates to queer charities when he can (makes a point of it in June especially)
- Dean hangs a trans flag in his room at the bunker (and one in the dean cave too)
- The insane validation Dean feels at being called The Rifhteous Man (also the fact that Heaven Knew he was a man all along but didn’t lift a finger to make that any easier to show the rest of the world adds to dean’s general hatred towards them tho)
That’s all I can think of right now but just!! Trans Dean!!!!
Thank u for asking friend!!!
(@bowie-boy I am tagging u bc idk if u will see this post so hope that’s okay!!!)
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