#i feel like a childs alphabet book
six-demon-bag · 2 months
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𐌋𐌄Ᏽ𐌄𐌍𐌃𐌀𐌓𐌙 𐌌Ꝋ𐌍𐌔𐌕𐌄𐌓𐌔 HERCULES (2014)
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witchygirlgray333 · 1 year
Some topics + prompts for your grimoire or book of shadows
books you want to read
local folklore / mythology / legends
the wheel of the year
plants you have in your house or garden (their care, properties, uses, draw them etc)
theban alphabet
days of the week and their correspondences
write about a deity you worship / are drawn to
draw art for / of a deity you worship or are drawn to
colour magic
the elements
write about the crystals you own (draw them, write their properties, correspondences, uses, how it makes you feel etc)
how to make your own crystals
your birth chart
your sun, moon and rising sign
natural medicine (as a chronically ill witch I love natural medicine NOT AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PRESCRIPTIONS! for example I take all my prescription meds and then if I'm having period pain I might drink some raspberry leaf tea)
positive affirmations / mantras that you connect with
how to manifest
history of witches
deities in a certain pantheon you're interested in or drawn to
write about a spell you've done (how you did it, why you did it, how you felt, the results of it, what you would change if you did the spell again etc)
write about a dream you've had
tarot reading tricks and tips
moon phases
zodiac signs
family tree
poetry / songs / quotes you connect to (i like to find ones that make me feel powerful or witchy, or remind me of certain aspects of my practice. a song i like for this is rhiannon by fleetwood mac and i'm going to post more things like this regularly on my page)
feathers and their meanings
simple everyday magic
some ideas for the next sabbat you plan to celebrate
tarot spreads you like
write about a tarot reading you've done (any prep you did, the deck you used, the cards you pulled, your personal interpretation of the cards based on the art and how you feel, the meaning of the cards, how the cards relate to the questions you asked, final reflection on how you feel the reading went)
interesting mythology
tree of life
glamour magic
money bowls
crystal shapes and their meanings
grounding techniques
cord cutting spells
essential oils
types of divination
planets and their correspondences
angel numbers
witchy wishlist
go to supplies and ingredients (herbs and things that you use regularly)
favourite crystals
working with your inner child
if you've had a really good or particularly insightful meditation session it can be nice to either draw or write what happened and how you felt during it
witchy arts and crafts and diys you want to do
altar ideas
read a witchy book / watch a witchy video and take notes
write about your ancestors
witchy things to incorporate into your daily routine
what is a tower moment
witchy reset / self care days
the history of the area you live in
how to make your own incense sticks
shadow work
shadow work prompts
ok, that's all the ideas I have for now and I hope that helps someone! I'll be posting some pages from my grimoire and some more prompt / topic ideas in the near future which I'm really excited for.
P.S. please remember that everyone's practice is their own and you should do what feels right to you while respecting that other people have their own beliefs (as long as they're not hateful).
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elixrr · 8 months
ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛꜱ ☆ ɢᴇɴꜱʜɪɴ ᴍᴇɴ
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ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴡ. ɪᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜ.
ꜰᴛ. Genshin men (via alphabet)
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: Movie nights with the modern genshin boys <3
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: Headcanons! I love! Headcanons!! I'm writing this before I write for any other character so.. I hope I have enough tags available for everyone 💔💔
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— Albedo would usually watch something more educational, but when you're with him, he's open to most things. Usually, when the movie's not too dramatic or action based, he'll lean onto the arm of the couch and let you lean on him. It's basically the same when it's action based and/or dramatic, even with horror movies, because no matter how gorey it gets, Albedo would remain unphased. He'd let you hug him if need be, though.
Educational, though? Lay your head on his shoulder and fall asleep if you want, but he's taking notes.
— Unphased by any movie, but amused by your reactions and/or commentary. He physically could not care less about the movie. Sometimes, it's interesting, but most of the time, his eyes are on you, his phone, or a book. He would only mildly care if it was My Little Pony or something, but other than that, he doesn't care. Alhaitham would only agree simply because you're cute when you're invested. Especially with horror films. When you're scared, he just loves to tease you.
He'd let you hold him most of the time, but when he feels a jumpscare coming up, he'll "leave for the bathroom," but just secretly watch your face when it comes up, internally laughing if you jump at the sight.
— Please, he would be all over dramas. Ayato already loves watching people's faces as he pulls the strings, but to see other people do so and see the result of their actions with so much drama at detail? It's delightful and heavenly. He wouldn't be super straightforward with it, but he'll definitely chuckle or smile deviously when he sees a plan in action. Still, sometimes he'll turn his eyes away from the television and look at you, especially when you're invested.
Immediately, he'll tell you to put your arms around him and cuddle with him while you both watch the movie or series. It's a very comfortable way for him to enjoy the television tension, all the while enjoying and basking in your presence.
— In all absolute, pure honesty, I don't know what he'd be into. Baizhu would definitely watch whatever you put on, but he'll probably like watching dramas or movies with some sort of injury or medical condition because he'll definitely make comments on the things that the character(s) do. He'd probably spontaneously sit down and turn on the TV to watch something he found interesting and then invite you to join him, though you'd probably invite yourself in anyway.
By the way, you'll probably fall asleep mid-movie, especially if it's a documentary, but that's because his voice is extra soothing when he makes comments. It sort of... puts you to sleep? Oh well. Nice voice :)
— He's so invested! It's adorable <3
Whenever Bennett hears the words "movie night," his reaction is akin to that of a dog's when they see a treat. He'll cheer, yipee, and then he'll hop onto the couch, excited for the movie and to snuggle up with you. He really liked action movies, and while he doesn't mind romance or dramas, he'd prefer if it was more intense.
Still, don't let him near horror movies. He'd absolutely crumble just watching one. Bennett would cling to you and nearly begin to cry when— of course, mid jumpscare, thunder strikes outside, and the lights go out. Good luck out there, because you'll have a terrified, teary Bennett clinging to your arm as you both try to find a way to fix the issue.
— I feel like... when Childe sees a cool move in an action movie, he would immediately tries to replicate it, but add 10x more pizazz. He would also critique how someone uses weapons or how someone fights. Other than that, he's just there to sit down, lay down, and hug his love to death! Childe would be very unphased when seeing any gore, heavy or not. But when he watches a Pixar of Disney film that's wholesome and has the most bittersweet, tearful ending, he might start crying. He'd play it cocky, acting like he doesn't care, but at the end, he'll go quiet because there's a little tear trickling down his cheek.
He'll never admit defeat, though. No way he's cried to these movies more than you have!
— He does enjoy movies, but he does explicitly ask that they're not on super interesting topics or that they're not too exciting. Otherwise, he'll literally lose himself. This also includes horror films that feature ghosts. Chongyun still remembers when he'd watch little childish cartoons as a kid, of course, before he started training to be an exorcist. He would watch simple little children's shows, and once his friends came over— only to see Chongyun running around and getting all ecstatic whenever he would answer a question right from the cartoon.
Once, you wanted to tease him, so you had Chongyun close his eyes as you selected one of his old favorites. He'll open his eyes to see the character that he once deemed as his superhero. Chongyun hasn't ever let you near the remote after that.
☆ CYNO ☆
— He's definitely going to sleep through movies. No matter how interesting or intense the plot is, Cyno will always fall asleep during the most important climaxes of the movie. He does his best to stay awake, but because of his job and because of his semi-lack of interest in the movie, he's drifting off anyway.
Sometimes, when you're watching a horror film with Cyno, he'll stay awake to comfort you, but on the occasion where he doesn't, have fun fending for yourself. He's not going to wake up 100% if you scream or yell, and the best part? Sometimes Cyno is awake, but he doesn't do anything because you're adorable when you cling to him.
— He's chill with anything as long as it's not My Little Pony or any straightforward kids' movies. Actually, Diluc would probably find himself invested in Marvel movies or the batman series. Any action movie would have him sit up, rest his chin atop his hands, and stare intensely at the screen. Diluc nearly starts glaring at it, but you know that it's just his RBF. He would probably have you sit on his lap or something, either that or you just lean your entire body on him, and he'll sit there, unphased.
Also, if you ever watch a horror movie with him, rest assured, Diluc will pause the movie if you get too scared. He'll let you take a break for a bit, get some tea or hot cocoa, and then he'll resume. If you don't want to watch it anymore, he'll advise you to put on music and go into another room because he'd like to finish the movie.
— Freminet would love things from Pixar, Disney, any fantastic fairy-tale or wholesome story. He won't force you to watch if you don't want to, but if you're willing, he'd be so giddy inside. Freminet would never tell you, of course, but if you took your eyes off of the TV and looked at his face, his eyes would glow brighter than the screen.
He'd cuddle with you under blankets and watch the movie, but he'll also be holding Pers close to him when watching, and he'll probably give him a little (gentle) squeeze whenever there's a depressing point in the movie. Oh well, he'll have his best friend Pers and you, his lover, to be there by his side when things get sad. There'll be a happy ending to look forward to anyways, right?
— He's really fine with anything, except for horror movies. Trust me, Gorou will lie all he can about his taste in movies, but you'll never miss how his eyes glow when something sweet or wholesome comes up. He doesn't mind action movies and dramas, but when a wholesome moment in the movie shows up, his excitement is parallel to that of a lonely dog finally seeing its owner again. Gorou would let you hold him, and he'd hold you too, and as long as you're into the movie and holding him close, he doesn't care what movie you two watch.
...Until a horror movie starts playing. He says he doesn't care; he swears it. Yet, no matter how many times he tries to convince you that he doesn't care, he'll always shriek at jumpscares. He'd jump at the slightest of scares but scream at bigger ones. Be careful and try not to let your ears explode!
— True crime. Murder mysteries. Documentaries. No questions asked. Heizou would absolutely research movies and anything interesting when you announce movie night, and he'd find the most appealing thing to watch. If there's nothing interesting that day, which seldom ever happens, he'd just play something dramatic with a lot of action, and he'd hold you close while being super reactive about each scene.
Heizou would be such an English teacher about it. Anything remotely eye-catching or eyebrow-raising would be the highlight of the movie until the next interesting thing happens. If you don't mind, great! If you do, shut him up with kisses. It works every time. Sometimes, it works a little too much...
☆ ITTO ☆
— It's either he watches something super fantastical and wonderful with you, something that pumps him up with pure unicorn energy, or he watches something intriguing... and falls asleep halfway through the movie. Oh, and of course, Itto will always somehow manage to fall asleep on you, regardless of your height. It'd be nice to hold him, but he's too jumpy for that. He fiddles in his seat, gets loud and excited, and to be honest, you're probably all for it. If not, a quick lecture and a kiss will do the trick for a good five minutes or so.
Still, it's wholesome when Itto gets all melted and almost gushy when things get nice in the movie. He wouldn't like romances, but with something like a Pixar movie, he'd definitely start tearing up— albeit he would never admit that. It's also quite peaceful when he's asleep in your arms. You get to finish the movie while he's sound asleep, either on you or shoved to the side of the couch (lovingly).
Oh, also, don't watch horror movies with him. It's all he'll ever be able to think about for the next two weeks.
— Kaeya would watch the movie– he doesn't entirely care what movie, but he'll only watch it to wait for the perfect moments for flirting with / teasing you. That's if the movie isn't too interesting to him, but he likes having an excuse to see your flustered face. Kaeya enjoys seeing your eyes tear from the screen and find their way to him; it's extra amusing to watch.
But he still relishes in your presence. Though he may never show it, being around you makes him feel complete. Kaeya can be real around you, and he can finally let his guard down without a drink or two. He loves movie nights, as they're just an extra excuse to spend some time with you.
— He's such a romantic movie guy. Kaveh wouldn't be too into action-based movies, but he would absolutely love dramas. As long as the plot doesn't suck and it's dramatic— extra points if it's romantic— he will absolutely love it. When cuddling with you and holding you close, he'll be pointing out key information or anything intriguing that happens, or that is said. Something about the drama fuels him, and if he would allow himself to, he'd start kicking his feet around with pure excitement. But he'll control himself. For you.
Anyways, Kaveh and horror movies could go two ways. He'll be cocky at first for both ways, but he might end up terrified, screaming to terrifying things and clinging onto you in fear for his life. But there's the rare chance where he's so invested that he just looks possessed by the movie. He'll sit up straight with both hands on both legs, and he'll just stare blankly at the screen. It somewhat scares you, but he'll snap out of it if you say his name. Albeit he'll revert back to his usual self, terrified of everything after his mini trance.
— He's so chill; it's unreal. Kazuha would be invested and whatnot, but he wouldn't be super surprised unless there's a huge plot twist. Quick note that he would genuinely be the best cuddler in this list, and if you don't want to be held / hold him, then that's okay, too! At some point, though, he'll let go of you and just watch the movie when it gets really intense, but you can hold him whenever that happens. Kazuha would also have a lot to say about... anything, really. He's big on commentary, but his voice is so soothing that you simply don't care.
Fair warning, though. Should there ever be a sad moment where a character loses their best friend, Kazuha may go quiet, depending on how sad the moment is. If it's dramatic, extra sorrowful, then he will absolutely stay silent until something else catches his mind.
— Kuni would make fun of your movie taste half of the time, especially if he finds them distasteful, so he'll usually pick the movies. He wouldn't automatically cuddle with you, though, and at most, he would let you rest your head on his shoulder, or he would let you hold his hand, but he would not move an INCH during those times. He would also be rather... stony faced when watching movies, except for times he'd gag at romantic scenes or complain about how there's too much gore.
If you fell asleep during a movie, Kuni would watch only a minute or so more to see if it catches his interest, but then he'll pause and turn off the TV to hold you close to him secretly. He thinks you're adorable, and he thinks the movie is irrelevant in comparison to just being with you.
— He'd watch most things, and he'll be extra open to movie genres, as long as he's with you. Lyney wouldn't mind if it bored him because he'll have you to hold and keep him company! What better than to be snuggling with your own lover than... watching a documentary on how paper is made. But whatever, he thinks, he'd take this over children's shows. Also, he'd be really expressive with whatever happens in the movies, like in dramas, he would be shocked at plot twists or suspension build-ups... he would also be quite scared and horror movies that he would find scary.
To be honest, Lyney wouldn't really find most horror movies scary, but when it's on a topic he's somewhat sensitive about, and especially when it's a psychological horror movie, he would be scarred for a few days. No more carefree magician Lyney for the time being, you'd suppose.
— It's hard to tell what he's into. Neuvillette could like court cases or mysteries, but maybe he would like to watch something that takes his mind off of work. You're well aware that Neuvillette seldom ever gets the chance for a break, so watching something wholesome might be up his alley for relaxing, especially with you. Just be sure he won't cry at super sad scenes; you might have to skim through the movie first. Otherwise, you'll get an upset lover instead of a relaxed one. By the way, he wouldn't, again, be too into horror movies. They're scary, maybe to you, but he's somehow unphased by the terror. He'd only feel for any lives lost at the hands of the antagonist(s).
Anyways, I can't see him being too into cuddles like other people would be, but he wouldn't mind hugs or hand-holding. He'd let you lean on his arm or shoulder if you're tall enough, and maybe when you do, you'll be lucky to feel his tense shoulders relax themselves for once.
— Loves loves, loves commentary, but will quiet down when something big happens. Thoma would be expressive. He'll show he's shocked when he's shocked; he'll show his sorrow when there's sorrow. Funnily enough, he won't say much when something wholesome happens in the movie, but he'll definitely smile and/or chuckle at the sweetness.
Just beware: he likes theorizing with murder mysteries / horror movies. If Thoma feels like this or that is gonna happen, he might blurt it out loud. Or maybe if he thinks the ending will go like this or perhaps like that, then that will also be spoiled, too. If you like commentary, great! If you don't, politely kiss him on the cheek and make it known.
— He's so critical, it's everything. Unless Tighnari genuinely likes the movie, any flaws in the acting or in the plot that he finds, he will comment on. He almost lectures the screen on how to make the movie better and how to make the plot more effective / attractive for the viewers. He'll even throw in some sarcastic remarks here and there, but when it gets good, it gets good. If you like the movie, he'll shit on it just a little bit, but he won't really care or judge you for it. Just don't force him to watch something like Dora. Otherwise, he won't trust you on movie night selection for a while.
Tighnari isn't crazy about cuddles while watching because most of his attention is focused on the TV, but he doesn't mind romantic gestures like, say, holding his hands, or maybe even running your fingers through his tail, sometimes it gets him to quiet down and just watch the movie. It's soothing, you're soothing, the couch is soothing, and he isn't. Well, for watching movies he isn't.
— He's drunk and watching Frozen with you, no questions asked. Venti would absolutely love childrens movies, not just because the plots are near harmless and easy to follow, but because there are usually songs and good sound tracks to them that he could sing along to, and with a breath that smells of wine and a heart full of passion, he will sing: “Let it goooo, let it gooo!! Can't hold it back anymoooore–”
Anyways, when Venti recovers from his fun little goofy private concert, he'll plop back down on the couch and just wrap his entire being around you. He'll hold you so tight, but it's Venti, so you don't mind too much. He'll say a few things here and there, express a few opinions and theories on the movie, but not too much. Just enough that you know he's paying attention to the movie and not just you, but not too much where he bombards you with a little detective hat on his head, and he starts analyzing everything. Not that you would mind, though... Right?
— He seems like the type of person to watch things on criminal cases and whatnot, but honestly? Wriothesley's down for anything. He finally has a break, and he wants it to be spent well, so he'll watch whatever you want to watch with him, but he'll always give his second opinion before the actual selection. He doesn't care what genre to be honest, he's really only there because you're watching a movie with him and he gets a good hour or so of time to just cuddle with you while watching something. Just, if you want him to stay awake, listen to his opinions and select something that the both of you would enjoy. Also, don't fall asleep either because he may or may not fall asleep with you, too.
That fact alone is really sweet, considering the things he might have to hear as a prison guard. Wriothesley would hear the inmates sneer at him and insult him either to his face or behind his back, and having to go through that every day as a job can be rough every so often, so just being able to watch something nice with you in his arms is quite the refreshment.
☆ XIAO ☆
— He's not a big movie person, and he's already well picky enough, so be wise with picking movies! Don't watch horror movies with Xiao, but don't watch something too comical or dramatic. Something more mundane may suit him, strangely enough. He's not too big with romance, but something wholesome like a Hallmarks Christmas movie would bring the slightest and most subtle of smiles on his face. Your presence is honestly one of the biggest contributing factors, though.
Xiao would 100% enjoy the movie more if you're expressive. Not over the top where you jump out of the couch every five minutes, but as long as you're not stone faced and you find yourself smiling or tearing up at times, it makes things a little better for him. Your smile is infectious to him, anyway. So, key tip? Smile when something sweet happens, Xiao will glance from the TV to you and see your smile, and his heart will immediately swell with pure adoration.
— He always looks forward to movie night. Not just because he can watch movies and cool films with you, but because he's written and read so many romance novels that he's just trying his best to recreate them. Xinqiu would pick old romantic movies or (occasionally) horror movies whenever he felt like being smooth. Of course, horror movies seldom ever work out because one of you ends up jumping on the other, eyes filled with tears and lips trembling like there's no tomorrow.
It's fun, though. You know Xinqiu well enough that you automatically see through his plans whenever he picks out a movie. You enjoy messing around and "innocently" making him improvise the plan, catching him off guard when you make the first move or do more romantic gestures. Eventually, you'll just kiss him and say that you simply want to watch the movie with him normally, and he'll agree... for the most part.
— He's an oldie, old-fashioned with his way of holding you when you're both on the couch, watching whatever films pique your interests. Zhongli's willing to know more about how movies are now, so he'll usually let you pick the movies for the night, and he'll watch the nostalgic, old, heartwarming ones on his own so to not bore you. But if he finds out you're into them, then he'll let himself pick the movies occasionally, and he'll watch them with you. Still, he doesn't watch movies too often. He'd prefer to do things that involve more interaction, but movies can be quite nice.
It'd also be a great idea to not watch any horror movies with him because he's just... stoic. Throughout them. He'll comfort you if you're scared, but he'll wonder why people like horror movies when watching them. Unless it's based on real cases, then he'll be interested. Zhongli will be sure to hold you closer to them, though. It's nice for him to know that you're with him; you love him; you're safe here with him.
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Sam Winchester NSFW Alphabet
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I needed some Sam recently so why not an NSFW Alphabet :) enjoy :))
Rating: MINORS DNI 18+
A= Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Sam first thought after sex is you. How you are feeling, are you sore? etc. He is very sweet and makes sure to cuddle you for a little while before cleaning you up and giving you anything you need before even thinking of himself. You come first. Always.
B= Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and their partners)
Even though he might not like to admit it. He is very confident in his body. He is most confident in his hands. Mostly because of how his fingers have an effect on you.
Sam loves everything about you, but if he had to choose he loves the way your hips are curved, so it is easy to grab you ;)
C=CUM (Anything to do with cum basically... I'm a nasty person.)
If you gave him an okay, he would always cum in you. The way it drips out of you turns him on more.
But, if he couldn't that way he loves seeing it on your tits or face.
D=Dirty Secret
Sam loves when he comes down your throat as you give him a blow job.
E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they are doing?)
He may not be as experienced as Dean but he is experienced nonetheless. You will know everything about his past before you have had sex for the first time, but let me tell you he definitely leaves you wanting more after every time.
F= Favorite position (Goes without saying)
Missionary- him between your legs, your legs around his waist locked together. Up close and personal. He loves seeing your face full of pleasure.
Doggystyle- Remember when I said he loves holding your hips? He loves this position.
G= Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? or are they humorous)
He is mostly serious. It's a very serious moment of passion and intimacy for both of you.
I= Intimacy (How are things during the moment, romantic aspect.)
His hands never leave your body, he is very handsy and grabby but he always never leaves his lips off your body.
J= Jack off (Masturbation head canon)
It's not often that he does, in the line of work he does. But, when you are separated he may get one or two out of thinking of you. Or even calling you for help ;)
Sam loves being dominate towards you. Choking you and edging you.
He also has a bit of a breeding kink. Just the thought of you being pregnant with his child makes him more turned on.
L= Location (where you guys would do the deed)
Sam is a very private guy, so any place that is private like his room is ideal.
But, he has taken the impala for a spin...if you know what I mean.
M= Motivation (What turns them on, or gets them going)
When you wear nothing but his shirt and he sees you with a book, immediately turned on.
N= No (Something they wouldn't do, or turns them off)
Anything that would bring you any pain. You are his love and seeing you in pain is his worse nightmare.
O= Oral (Do they like giving, receiving, both?)
Sam is an Oral god...he loves giving it and watching your face come from pleasure and knowing he is the one doing it.
He loves when you give him a blowjob, it gives him another time to relax.
P= Pace (Are they slow? Fast and rough?)
It really depends on the mood. He can certainly go rough and fast but if you requested gentle and slow. You got it.
Q=Quickie (Their opinion on it, how often would they have one)
Sam is a quickies fan even though he doesn't do them often. But, if you and him have time for a quick fix he is all for it.
R-Risk (Are they risky?)
In Sam's line of work, the risk is dangerous. He don't need it in the bedroom.
S=Stamina (How long can you last? How many rounds?)
Sessions with Sam are so hot and heavy, yall be lucky to have three rounds.
T=Toys (Do you guys own toys? Do they use them?)
You guys own a vibrator which is rarely used, You guys both can satisfy with what you get from each other.
U=Unfair (How likely would they tease)
Let's be honest, You would be the one that would that would tease. But, when Sam had enough of the teasing he would definitely let you know.
V= Volume (How loud are they)
Sam doesn't make much noise but expects a lot of heavy breathing. Low growls and grunts.
X=XRay (What's going on down there)
Sam is a big boy, and I don't just mean his height. You can expect that he is bigger than average.
Y=Yearning (How high is their sex drive)
Despite him big majorly quiet and hiding behind a book, Sam's Drive is higher than you would think.
Z=ZZZ. (How fast he would fall asleep)
He would fall asleep a bit after you did.
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flowerandblood · 8 months
The Knight & The Judge
[ modern Frollo • Aemond x Esmeralda • female ]
[ warnings: dubcon, sex content, smut, angst, domination and humiliation kink, description of physical and mental disabilities, prejudices against disabled people, aggressive behavior, violence, swearing, trauma, mention of an accident with fatalities ]
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[ description: After a car accident, his brother has to deal with the consequences of what happened, and he, as his protector, does not know how to help him. His sister comes up with the idea of hiring someone as his carer who will be able to cheer him up and occupy his mind. It turns out, however, that the girl he hired charmed not only his younger brother. Obsession, self-destructive behavior, verbal and physical aggression, sexual tension, dark, malicious Aemond. ]
Author's note: This story is a request, but I decided to freely use what I liked in the book and Disney film to create a new, disturbing story taking place in modern times. It is intended to be uncomfortable and will contain scenes that are at least morally questionable, in my version "Esmeralda" is not Romanian. This story will also include motifs from Jane Eyre, which was a separate request. My story will also touch on the problems of people with disabilities, so if these are sensitive topics for you, I advise against reading further. You have been warned.
Part 2 − The Sin & The Penance Part 3 − The Doubt & The Delight Epilogue
Main Characters Moodboard Aemond NSFW Alphabet
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
On that day it seemed to him that the whole world had turned against him. His coffee machine had broken down, there was more traffic than usual on the roads, he was sure he would be late for work, and his brother had woken up in a mood worse than always and cried all the way to the centre.
"I don't want to go there. I-I'm scared of some of those kids." He muttered under his breath, swallowing loudly, whooping with tears. He looked at him in the mirror, feeling a squeeze in his throat every morning when he left him there, but saw no other alternative.
He still hadn't recovered mentally after what had happened five years ago and, according to his psychiatrist, he wasn't ready to attend a normal school until he gained more confidence.
He did not want to force him to listen to unpleasant comments, however, he felt uncomfortable himself.
The centre was huge, classes were taught in different groups of matched children, however, there were times when Daeron encountered kids with a spectrum of disabilities other than physical and was simply afraid of them.
He tried to explain it to him, but how was a child supposed to understand these complicated, sometimes even uncontrollable behaviours and screams?
He swallowed hard, leaning the back of his head against the backrest, turning on the right indicator with his hand, driving into the car park of the building where he would leave him for the time he spent at work, during which he studied and had various extra classes with children with problems similar to his.
However, was he to surround himself all his life only with children who had mobility problems, who had no arms or legs, who suffered from paresis or lack of feeling in their limbs?
Every time he thought about it he wanted to cry.
He turned off the engine, staring dully ahead, hearing his mother's screams again in the background of his mind as his father fainted behind the wheel and drove off the road into the other lane – he felt once again that hard crash with the big truck coming from the opposite direction that crushed them.
They were only alive because they were in the back seats at the time, Daeron, however, was not as lucky as he was.
Compared to what happened to his younger brother, the glass that smashed into the left side of his face was nothing.
"Mrs Thomson said you can't spend all day at home doing one-to-one tuition. You have to see other children." He calmly repeated the formula he said whenever such a situation arose, opening his door, heading for the boot of his big black SUV – the car dealership had told him it was the safest and biggest model they had.
He took out the small wheelchair that had been put together and unfolded it, driving it closer, to the back seat where his brother sat, opening it – he looked away, unable to watch his brother's weeping face.
"I'm already late for work. Please. I promise we'll play FIFA' 23 together when we get back. Hm?" He muttered, and Daeron nodded, pale, breathing loudly, using his hands to move slowly towards the wheelchair onto which he shifted the weight of his body, hissing loudly as he lifted his legs onto the special supports.
The bones of his little legs had been simply crushed then – he continued to grow, the rehabilitation was hard and caused him great pain.
He would have preferred it to be him who suffered like this and not an innocent child, but God, who he wasn't sure he still believed in despite the deep faith his mother had always instilled in him, decided otherwise.
He closed the car and moved with him to the main entrance, pushing his wheelchair forward. When they got inside they were greeted by a lady they knew very well, several of his friends waved to Daeron, one of them was paralysed from the waist down, the other was missing one arm.
He swallowed loudly, thinking that his brother had to watch someone else's misfortune every day, himself for sure feeling like a cripple, like someone defective, someone who was a burden, even though he loved him the most in the world.
The cruelty of the situation left him with a clenched throat, so he would usually only throw him a few words to say goodbye, stroke his head and leave, only by the car tightening his fingers on the base of his nose, his healthy eye burning from the moisture that gathered under his eyelids.
As he always did in moments of breakdown, he started the engine, selected the number of his sister phone on the display under his dashboard and, turning on loudspeaker mode, started backing his car as he tried to drive out of the car park and drove ahead towards the national prosecutor's office.
"Hello? Aemond, did something happen?"
He heard Helaena's soft, sleepy voice. He knew she was still doing overtime as a doctor, overworking herself as much as he was and thought that he had woken her up after the night shift.
He felt remorse for not being able to handle it himself, although she always reassured him that she would always help him as best she could.
She got Daeron the best possible physiotherapist so that he was even able to take a few steps in the last month while holding on to his supports, however it still caused him great pain, the doctors said his bones would continue to hurt as long as he grew.
Perpetual undeserved suffering.
"I don't know what to do anymore. He says he is afraid of some of the children, those with intellectual disabilities. I know it's cruel, but fuck, I'd be scared of some of them too. Do they have to see each other in the same building, pass each other in the corridor? Shouldn't they be separated somehow?"
"God, Aemond, they're not animals. After all, they're children too." She said with sadness and resentment – he clenched his eye, sighing impatiently, trying to focus on the road again, tense.
"I know. I know. I really feel for them, but it's bad for his psyche. He recently asked me if he was normal, if he too would start shouting and babbling like them. That sometimes they are aggressive and the carers have to drag them away from him and his friends."
"It's horrible. Maybe he really should go there less often?" She asked sighing quietly, he heard her rise up on the bed with a quiet creak of the mattress.
"And what, he's going to sit at home with some boring old teacher? How will I know that no harm comes to him in my absence?" He asked resignedly, hearing silence on the other side for some time.
"Maybe find someone who won't be very distant in age. Someone who won't just teach him, but play with him and spend time with him. Someone old enough to be responsible for him and at the same time young enough not to feel so distant. Someone joyful." She replied, and he rolled his eyes as he drove into the underground car park of his office building.
"Joyful? I am supposed to pay someone to be joyful?" He sneered, shaking his head, his sister sighed again.
"He needs it, Aemond. We're all tired, and he's a child."
He hung up after a few minutes of further discussion, telling her he had to go, grabbed the case folders he'd just brought in and headed for the underground lift. He pressed the button showing the floor he wanted to move to when a woman's hand stopped the sliding doors, which opened a moment later.
Alys smiled broadly at him as she stepped inside with a confident stride – her high black heels emphasised how slender and long her legs were, her fitted, waist high pencil trousers and black blazer with a beautiful white shirt underneath highlighted both her confidence and her attractiveness.
He remembered the last few times the thrusts of his hips had pushed her into her desk, bent over and helpless, with firm, wide buttocks on which he tightened his fingers as he panted heavily, watching what he was doing to her, rooting into her again and again, thinking with mockery and amusement how easy it was to make a mere whore out of such a proud woman.
"Good morning, Mr Prosecutor." She said softly, contentment and calmness on her face, several of their intense close-ups had clearly left an intense mark in her, not just physical.
She liked the violent and determined ones, he knew that – she hid her age well and apparently decided that this was the last moment in her life when she could reach for what she wanted.
"Good morning, Miss Rivers." He replied calmly, uninterested in her ambiguous look, apparently suggesting that she wouldn't mind if what happened between them was repeated a few more times.
He was all about the sex. He was frustrated in this aspect – his artificial eye, although perfectly colour-matched to the other and the still clearly visible scar from where the glass pierced in, were a source of his complexes and shame.
He knew that no matter how perfect a professional he was, it was his appearance that made the first impression.
In the courtroom he still struggled to be taken seriously so much so that his cold, calculating, ruthless nature began to frighten some – his judgement and questioning was harsh and lacking in compassion.
He knew exactly what he wanted and strove to get it.
He preferred them to fear him rather than pity him.
His superiors quickly appreciated how skilful a lawyer he was and his ability to bring cases to an end and push whoever he needed to, hence he quickly moved to the National Prosecutor's Office, where more responsibilities and more money awaited him, which he could spend on Daeron's rehabilitation.
As he sat over the files he thought hard about what his sister had told him and decided that he would install CCTV in the house and then hire someone on a trial basis to see if it made sense.
He put up an anonymous job ad not wanting anyone to recognise him, described briefly his broad expectations and his rate per hour.
It turned out that dozens of people responded to his ad, just as he suspected attracted by the sum he had quoted, but he didn't know how he was supposed to sort them to choose the ones that seemed best to him. He began to read their answers, figuring that already from them he could deduce what types of personalities they were.
I am interested. My phone number is below.
Reject, he thought, clicking the red button informing the message sender that his offer was not accepted, and began to scroll further.
I am a carer with 10 years of experience. I have already cared for 14-year-old Mike with cerebral palsy, Adam with….
Reject, he clicked again.
He had no intention of making his home a second centre for the disabled.
He felt frustration and rage when he found that most of the messages were similar and just as empty in their tone, nothing convinced him about these people.
He knew Daeron wouldn't want to stay with them, and neither would he.
He stopped at one of the messages that looked completely different and blinked.
Good morning! I saw your ad and thought I would speak up. I'm a student, I'm studying costume design at the Faculty of Fine Arts. I'm looking for a casual job and I really enjoy working with children, I teach dressmaking as part of the teaching section of my university classes. I think that helping your brother with his studies at primary school level would be no problem for me at all, and I would also be happy to come up with different extra-curricular activities with him. Even if you decide not to hire me, I would like to sew your brother a costume of his favourite super hero, without any payment of course. You would just have to give me his measurements. I don't think anything makes kids his age happier!!! My warmest regards and I am sending my email below.
He looked at her message not too sure how he felt, at the same time being impressed, on the other hand feeling the seed of uncertainty and extreme caution characteristic of him when it came to his approach to newly met people.
What if this was a psychological tactic to make him believe her to be innocent and unselfish? To make him subconsciously choose her because she was the only one offering him something for free? If it was just her free promotion?
He chose two people reluctantly, but kept coming back to her message, trying to imagine her, seeing some crazy painting student looking like a hippie.
Maybe this was just what he needed? He thought with regret and sighed heavily, opening a new window in his inbox, writing her a short, brief email to appear at their house in a few days' time.
He was going to interrogate her.
The young man before her immediately made him uneasy – he had the impression that he smelled weed from him even though he had taken a shower, so he must have been smoking like crazy, and he had no intention of letting anyone who might encourage him to use any stimulants look after his brother.
The other girl was very frightened – his questions clearly startled her and made her uncomfortable, it frustrated him that she was barely able to make a sound. He thought she had something to hide, that people who have a clear conscience don't behave this way.
He thought with resignation that all he had left was a mad artist.
He sighed heavily as he heard the bell ring suggesting that someone was standing outside the gate. He walked over to the intercom and opened it, seeing in the small monitor a petite girl with dark, slightly wavy hair tied up in a ponytail.
He thought in disbelief that she was dressed for a job interview in a white turtleneck, dungarees and trainers, a fabric floral back on her back.
What the fuck, he thought, opening her door with a cold, indifferent expression on his face.
"Good afternoon." She said softly, a wide smile on her face. Before she walked in she wiped her shoes on the doormat, which pleased him. When she came inside she wanted to take off her trainers – he looked at her surprised, thinking she must be crazy.
"No, you don't have to. You can stay in your shoes." He said lowly, pointing towards the armchair, indicating to her with his hand the seat on the couch next to him.
She sat down in the seat he showed her, looking boldly straight into his eyes, her cheeks rosy with emotion.
She was clearly a tad nervous after all, he thought, musing for a moment that she had incredibly long, dark eyelashes.
"Do you have experience in working with children?" He asked immediately; she blinked and corrected herself in her seat, as if prepared for the question.
"Only in terms of working with them in sewing workshops." She answered simply, without any further explanation, which pleased him.
She was letting him draw his own conclusions, rather than imposing them on him so as to present herself in the most favourable light.
"My brother has mobility problems. How do you imagine helping him, for example, if he needs to go to the bathroom?"
"I think he's old enough that he can tell me himself what he'll need help with and what he won't, and what he'll feel comfortable for me to help him with and when he'll want me to leave." She said without thinking, shrugging her shoulders as if it was obvious. He squinted, intrigued that she was allowing herself to say unthoughtful things in front of him, as if she wasn't afraid of the consequences they might bring.
"And your studies? How will you have so much time to come here?"
"From what I understand, I would be expected to turn up on Tuesdays and Thursdays from eight in the morning until sixteen. I have practice classes then, the costumes I'm sewing I can bring with me and finish them while he's eating or watching something, maybe he'll even like it and want to practice with me?"
"What will you do if I don't hire you?" He asked dryly and she looked at him surprised, a light smile on her face indicating that his words didn't worry her.
"Then I will continue to work in the café. But my words about the superhero costume stand. Even if I can't work for you, sir, I would like to meet him and give him something. Children can be so brave." She said softly with sincere, bright joy and some kind of pride, as if Daeron was her brother and not his, something in her innocence, something in her attitude endeared him.
He could smell a lie a mile away, she wouldn't be able to pretend so well even if she were an actress.
These reactions were natural, she was saying exactly what she was thinking about.
"I will contact you once I have made my decision." He said indifferently, getting up from his seat and pointing with his hand towards the exit, suggesting that their conversation was over.
She stood up and smiled, undaunted by his behaviour or the length of their conversation. Both of them flinched when Daeron appeared in the living room, pushing the wheels of his wheelchair with a light flick of his hand.
"Good afternoon. Who is this lady?" His younger brother asked him, obvious curiosity on his face. He swallowed loudly and glanced at her – she answered nothing but waved at him vigorously, Daeron smiled shyly and waved her back, embarrassed.
"No one. I needed to talk to her." He replied, opening the door for her. She said a polite goodbye to him and his brother, waving at him once more, Daeron waved her back again, looking at him with questioning eyes as he closed it.
"I like her. She seems fun."
With no other choice, he decided he would give her a chance.
The first day she was to be left alone with Daeron he was all nerves despite the fact that his little brother hadn't seemed this excited to him in many years. He told him about his toys and the cartoons he was going to show her.
"First the lessons. Then two hours to play and free time." He replied dryly, tense, glancing at his watch, thinking with rage that she only had fifteen minutes left, that she was sure to be late or not come and leave him in the lurch when he had already cancelled his presence at the centre's classes.
They both flinched when they heard the bell ring; Daeron said, moving briskly forward in his wheelchair that he wanted to open for her and indeed, after a moment the girl he had hired appeared on the doorstep of their house, smiling and content – her cheeks flushed again, her dark hair loose, pleasantly framing her bright face, on her body only a black top and tracksuit shorts as it was a sunny, warm spring morning.
"Good morning, Daeron, nice to meet you!" She said with fondness and satisfaction in her voice, extending her hand in front of her, which his brother shook confidently. Daeron moved ahead of her, glancing over his shoulder at her.
"Come, I'll show you my room. I'll explain everything to you." He said, rolling his wheelchair up to the door, which was located on the ground floor of their house so that he could move around easily. The girl nodded, pulling her trainers off her feet, saying that she will come to him in a minute.
He took the opportunity to walk up to her, towering over her, and she threw him a quick surprised look.
He thought her eyes seemed even bigger than before, he wasn't sure if they were blue or green, both colours blending into one.
"You are to take care of him. I want you to go through all the material that was prepared for today. Only two hours of free time, no more. Behave responsibly and only call if it's really urgent or if something happens to him." He said matter-of-factly, and she swallowed quietly, nodding quickly, clearly horrified by how close he stood and how cold his voice was.
Good, he thought.
He wanted her to be afraid of the consequences of her actions.
He sat in the office all day terrified, stressed and unsure, trying to focus on the file in front of him, while involuntarily still glancing at his phone, checking to see if she might have called him.
Was everything okay? What if something had happened but she was afraid to call him? Maybe he should go home and test her, see what was going on?
He thought he would go mad if he didn't, so he left work an hour early – Alys threw something at him as he walked past her, probably something about a meeting or an evening out together, but he didn't answer her, heading for the stairs and the underground car park.
He drove forward, trying to calm himself down, thinking about how oversensitive he was, that surely everything was fine.
He pulled up in front of their house hearing music in the distance, wondering if any of the neighbours were having a party outside at this hour.
However, as he pressed the key to the gate and it slowly swung open he saw in disbelief the girl he had hired riding with lightness and grace on roller skates in his driveway to the tune of the Scissor Sisters song Don't Feel Like Dancin. Daeron laughed out loud, spinning beside her in his wheelchair, both of them wearing elbow and knee pads, in addition to his little brother wearing a bike helmet on his head.
What the fuck was that supposed to be?
He got out of the car, furiously slamming the door, his brother wheeled up to him briskly, his companion spinning slowly around them on roller skates – she raised her eyebrows with a smile, seeing the look on his face and waved at him.
"Look how well I dance, brother!" Exclaimed Daeron, spinning the wheels of his wheelchair around his own axis again.
He, however, instead of looking at him grabbed aggressively the arm of his carer who was doing another spin – she nearly fell over because of his tug and caught him abruptly by his jacket in an attempt to catch her balance.
"What the fuck are you doing? Is this what I pay you for?" He growled and shook her hard. She stared at him with wide-open eyes, her lips slightly parted in accelerated breathing from fear, her face red from exertion, strands of her hair stuck to her cheeks.
"Let me go, sir. I will not speak to you like this." She said warningly, her brow furrowed. He pressed his lips together noticing that something had changed in her gaze, suddenly confident and angry, ready to fight if necessary.
He felt that look in his trousers, he'd never had the urge to slap a woman's ass as hard as hers before.
He glanced at his brother, who was looking at him in horror, only realising after a moment that the song had long since ended and there was a tense, awkward silence around them.
He let go of her arm, seeing with satisfaction that he had left a bruise on her skin in the shape of his fingers – she massaged at the spot, furrowing her brow.
"You're fired. You're irresponsible. Good thing I came back earlier." He said with mockery and fury, walking over to his brother, unbuckling the helmet he wore on his head. Daeron burst into a loud, uncontrollable sob.
"I don't want to. I don't want to, I don't want to go back there, I want to stay with her. It's my fault, I told her I wanted to dance, please, please, please, I want her to stay, I don't want to go back there." He babbled, running his hands over his shoulders in some helpless, childish pleading gesture from which he felt a squeeze in his throat. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, her gaze fixed on his little brother, sad and resigned – she was leaning over, untying the laces of the roller skates that had once belonged to his sister.
"Something could have happened to you. You could have fallen over and hit your head on the ground." He replied coldly, kneeling in front of him, unbuckling his knee pads.
"But I had a helmet on my head. After all, normal boys fall off bikes and stairs and they're fine! Nothing would have happened if I'd bruised myself a bit, I'm not made of glass!" He burst out suddenly with a fury he had never seen in him before, burying his little face in his hands, all red from tears and despair.
"I won't go back there, I won't go there tomorrow, if she doesn't stay, never, never again, I'd rather kill myself!" He whined out loud, falling into another attack of hysteria in recent months – he had trouble catching his breath, his lungs were wheezing all over. He took his face in his hands, but he closed his eyes, not wanting to look at him.
God, why?
"Remember what I told you?" She asked walking up to his brother in just her socks, kneeling beside him, grasping his hand. Daeron immediately fell silent, looking at her with wide eyes.
"That boy who calls you Quasimodo is just mean. You are my Phoebus, you have his beautiful hair, humour and valour. I'll sew us costumes and we'll go to the carnival ball together. His jaw will drop when he sees that you came with your Esmeralda. What do you say?" She asked softly, and he looked at her in disbelief, wondering if that was the reason his little brother didn't want to go there.
That boy who calls you Quasimodo.
He felt a twitch in his throat and swallowed loudly, his brother nodding quickly, drawing in air loudly, his eyes full of hope.
"Promise?" He asked in a trembling voice, and she smiled broadly, sincerely, squeezing his small hand.
They entered their house as his brother calmed down; he told Daeron to go to his room and leave them alone, which his brother eventually did with great reluctance, crying for a while longer, not wanting to say goodbye to her.
As soon as he heard the door close behind him at the end of the corridor he slipped his wallet out of the back pocket of his trousers, took out a few banknotes and threw them on the table in front of her in a careless gesture.
"Get the fuck out of my house." He said coldly, looking her straight in the eye. He saw her lower lip twitch, the pain of humiliation in her gaze, her eyebrows arched in disbelief that such words had left his mouth.
He wasn't paying her to make a circus of herself dancing like some fucking Esmeralda, exposing his brother to danger and injury.
He pressed his lips into a thin line and trembled with rage as she took the money and tossed it in his direction, the banknotes flying scattered around his feet.
"You could dress up as Frollo for the carnival ball, sir. It would suit you." She said drily, turning away tensely – he moved behind her, feeling anger buzzing strongly in his veins at her words.
He grabbed her by the neck with an aggressive flick of his hand and slammed her back against the wall, her voice stuck in her throat in horror, her big, bright eyes open wide in disbelief.
He took a step closer to her, feeling her warm body quiver all over in his grasp, digging his fingertips deeper into her skin, finding with delight that she was obscenely soft.
"Do you have anything else to say?" He asked in a low whisper filled with threat – she shook her head quickly clearly feeling the situation was out of her control, obviously fearing if he was really going to do something to her.
"No, are you sure? I'm listening to you. Tell me something else interesting about me." He said softly, encouragingly, moving even closer to her, the tips of their noses almost touching.
He could finally get a good look at her and he found curiously that he still couldn't tell what colour her eyes were, now slightly reddened from tears of fear.
She shook her head quickly, not making a sound; all he could hear was their quickened, raspy breaths, her hand touched his wrist as if she wanted to make sure he didn't strangle her.
He was somehow delighted by how delicate, long and slender her fingers were, feeling a pleasant pulsing in his trousers at the thought.
"Look at you. So silly. Because you're a silly little girl, aren't you? You would benefit from someone teaching you a lesson. No? Then apologise and I'll let you go and pretend I never met you." He said calmly, her whole body quivering with terror.
"Never." She said quietly, and he felt involuntarily that his lips curved in a dangerous, satisfied grin, his fingers clenching tighter around her neck.
"You're asking for trouble, Esmeralda." He muttered lowly, her nostrils twitching in accelerated breath.
"I will report what you are doing to the police." She said dryly and he smiled even wider, feeling her tremble all over as he leaned over her ear, his nose sinking into her soft, flower-scented hair – he closed his eyes and savoured the experience for a moment before whispering something she froze from.
"I am a prosecutor −"
Her hand clenched tighter on his wrist, a moan of despair escaping her lips, as if what he had said had really shocked her, as if she was only now realising what she had gotten herself into.
"− and I've never lost a case yet." He whispered in her ear, sliding his face lower, to her jaw and then to her neck, pressing his full lips to her skin, leaving wet, hot marks on it. He heard her draw in a loud breath.
"− w-what are you doing, sir? − no −" She whimpered, he felt her lift her arms up in a defensive gesture, trying to pull away from him, but he pressed her against the wall with his body, letting go of her neck, his erection throbbing hard in his trousers, pressing again and again against her stomach.
She felt it, a terrified cry escaped her lips as his lips pressed tightly against her neck – he began to suck painfully hard on her skin, wanting to leave her a crimson reminder of himself.
"− how did you put it? − who do I remind you of? −" He asked tauntingly, running his rough tongue over her red skin, feeling the veins pulsing rapidly under her soft, warm skin.
"− I'm sorry − I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry − please, please let me go −" She mumbled out in despair on the verge of crying, her voice trembling all over in terror, her breathing raspy and uneven, her small hands clenched on the material of his black turtleneck that he wore under his jacket.
He gasped at her words, sliding his mouth lower, repeating the same process, rubbing against her with his hips – his cock was all swollen and hard, pulsing with pleasure, his hands roaming down her back, sliding at last to her buttocks where they clenched.
"− look at you − so you can be polite after all, hm? −" He asked softly, lowering the material of her tracksuit shorts a little, his large hand grasping her plump, firm buttocks and slapping it hard – she clamped her lips together, trying to hold back the whimper that squeezed its way down her throat.
"− that's what I thought − turn around and let's get this over with −" He murmured, soothingly massaging the place that was now pulsing from his slap, grinning as she did so wordlessly, tears of helplessness and fear on her cheeks.
"− please −" She muttered and he sighed softly, sliding the material of her shorts and underwear down, revealing what was underneath – she shuddered and wept quietly as the tips of his fingers ran over her swollen folds, focusing their pressure on her sweet spot hidden between them, digging into her fleshy skin in circular, calm motions.
"− shhh − this way it will be easier for both of us −" He explained in a soft tone of voice, as if he was telling her something obvious, as if it would benefit her in the future and teach her something.
He heard her shy moan full of fear, then another, a tad louder as his fingers sank more firmly into her skin. He licked his lips at the sight of the wetness that began to leak slowly from inside her and slapped his hand with a short, rough movement into the space between her thighs.
"− quiet −" He ordered, and she pressed her lips together, stifling whatever wanted to come out of them. Daeron was far away, locked in his room, but he still preferred him not to hear anything, and he didn't have the time or desire to take her upstairs to his bedroom.
This situation, her bent figure and her lovely buttocks pushed up towards him, suited him completely.
"− good girl − see? − it's not that hard −" He murmured pleased with how obedient she was despite the fear and terror from which her whole body was twitching. The confident movements of his fingers were accompanied by the louder and louder click of her moisture, her cheek pressed against the cold wall where her hands were helplessly trying to find support in this position, her eyes closed as if she just wanted to wait it out.
She opened them when she heard the sound of his zipper being opened – her lips pressed together with difficulty as he guided the fat, swollen head of his throbbing cock against her opening, leaning with his free hand against the wall just above her head, trying to force it between her tight folds with the motion of his hips.
"− wider − that's it, there you go −" He exhaled as she opened her thighs a little more and he spread her wide on his cock, feeling her muscles gave him a wonderful squeeze – he sighed loudly, surprised at how pleasurable the sensation was.
"− fuck −" He hissed out, clamping his hands on her buttocks, spreading them like a ripe fruit; she squirmed in discomfort as he forced her to take him deeper inside her, filling her so much that he felt like he was going to rip her skin apart.
"− barely fits −" He scoffed, moving his hips back and forth with a splat of her moisture dripping down her thighs – he heard her begin to pant along with him as he deliberately rubbed against her lower wall just above her very entrance, teasing the spot inside her from which her whole body was quivering.
"− here? − do you want me to fuck you here, little one? −" He gasped as he stretched her skin enough to fit all of him inside her, rooting into her again and again with increasingly brutal thrusts of his hips, digging his fingertips into her buttocks, looking at the spot where their bodies joined, at her muscles clenching against him greedily in panic, sucking him inside.
"− please −" She cried out, squeezing her eyes shut, her lips parted in disbelief at how pleasurable and terrifying the experience was. He sank his hand into her soft, dark hair and tilted her head back, burying his nose in the hot skin of her cheek, speeding up, stretching her weeping folds with a loud, lewd slaps of his thighs against her buttocks.
"− use full sentences −" He commanded, his other hand from her hip slid down between her thighs – she squirmed helplessly as his fingers sank again into her fleshy skin, sticky from her moisture, teasing her clit with circular, slow motions.
"− here − fuck me here, sir −" She mumbled with difficulty in a voice trembling with exertion, her cheeks all red, the beautiful curls of her dark hair clinging to her sweaty face – he felt with satisfaction that her hips began to respond to his eager thrusts.
"− good girl − that's my good girl −" He breathed out with a quiet groan of pleasure, seeing and feeling her walls squeeze his fat cock at his praise – he licked his lips thinking that Alys had never responded to him the way she did, so frightened and aroused at the same time, relying only on his mercy, his goodwill.
"− you understand that this is necessary, don't you? − that you need to be taught a lesson −" He muttered, feeling that he was losing his temper, thrusting into her so fast that he was barely slipping out of her, slamming into her again and again, his cock throbbing with desire, signalling to him that his peak was coming, her wonderful scent filling his lungs.
"− y-yes − yes, I'm sorry −" She mumbled out –he wasn't sure if she was saying what he wanted to hear or if she really believed it herself for a second, but she clamped her eyelids shut and spread her mouth wide, helpless, girlish, sweet moan of relief burst from her throat as she came, sucking and squeezing his cock, soaking it in her moisture. He sighed in relief when, after a few desperate, deep slaps he spilled inside her, feeling the wave of hot pleasure shake his body.
"− fuck − oh, God, little one −" He muttered, their bodies involuntarily moving for a moment longer, wanting to prolong this surprisingly shocking experience, both of them panting embarrassingly loudly, her body trembling all over – if his arm hadn't been holding her around the waist she would have fallen for sure, her legs completely numb.
He looked down at their joined bodies, his half-hard, throbbing manhood sinking into her again and again, all sticky from his semen and her wetness.
He swallowed loudly, sliding out of her slowly, realising now what he had actually done to her – he heard her quiet hiss of discomfort and sigh of relief, her face flushed from exertion and tears.
"− are you all right? −" He asked in a trembling voice, quickly zipping up his trousers, her shaking hands slipping her underwear and shorts back onto her buttocks.
"− y-yes −" She mumbled in embarrassment, horror and disbelief, not looking at him, in some automatic gesture reaching for her trainers, putting them quickly on her feet.
"Come back on Thursday as we agreed before." He muttered, feeling the rapid pounding of his heart and the panic rising inside him, a complete void in his mind.
What had he done?
"I can assure you that you will never see me again." She whispered in a trembling, broken voice, quickly put her backpack on her back and walked out, slamming the door, leaving him with complete silence, remorse and horror.
He pressed his forehead against the wall, hiding his face in his hands, and burst into tears like a small child.
How could he treat a strange, innocent girl like this?
What if she didn't take her pills, what if she got pregnant?
How could he have been so irresponsible?
What if she really does report it to the police?
I'll destroy her, he thought with a bitter certainty that, after a moment, turned again into terror, regret and shame.
He grabbed his phone quickly and dialled her number, wanting to beg her forgiveness, but she didn't answer. He sat down on the couch and drew in the air loudly, devastated, not recognising himself, realising what kind of man he was.
He laughed desperately, shaking his head, thinking with painful amusement how well she had judged him.
He didn't even have to pretend.
He was like Frollo.
Author's note: Many of you may believe that Quasimodo is the best and most worthy of imitation character, not Phoebus, and this is true when it comes to the book, but I assume that if anything, Daeron at this age has only seen a Disney fairy tale, in which Phoebus is a handsome man with a noble heart. The whole idea of this scene, in which the heroine says that he will be her Phoebus and she will be his Esmeralda, is that Daeron wants to see himself not only as a person with a disability, but as someone handsome, a warrior that a woman could love one day. It's easy to understand how children's minds work and why his works this way, and his "Esmeralda" only wants to help him become the person he wants to be and encourages him not to give up on these dreams and this self-image.
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lawchwan · 6 months
love alphabet (law)
note: i found this alphabet template but i can't find the original creator since i found it. if anyone knows, please inform me so i could credit.
Disclaimer: its mostly sfw but P, K, and Y, as p and y are nsfw and k is suggestive. also, i tried my best to keep it as gender-neutral as i could but some may be referenced as fem... but the majority is gender neutral.
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crossposted in ao3
A = Affection (PDA, what sort of affection they give)
as many as one would say about him and pda, i’m also a firm believer that law is not a big fan of pda. however, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t enjoy showcasing his love for you. everyone has a love language and law has one, and its quality time. your mere presence calms him down, so he puts in the efforts to incorporate you in all activities he’s in in the modern universe, and all adventures in the canon universe (as long as you’re not injured and are nowhere near in danger).
however, he’ll only do any form of pda if he’s feeling jealous and possessive and sees someone trying to make a move on you, so it's not like he minds it, it's more of his comfort.
furthermore, he’s EXTRA affectionate in private. I’d even argue that he’s much more clingy in private than he is in public. he’ll never showcase that clingy whiny side of his in public and if you so mention it to anyone, then trust you’ll lose all privileges.
B = Babies (Anything you want about babies)
for law, I don’t believe he’s the type to want kids. I don’t think he’s against it, I just think he’d rather have pets/plants than actual babies. I can see him being a cat dad honestly.
but you best believe that if you were to have his kid, he’d be such an attentive and overprotective father and if anyone ever so lay a hand on his child, he’d sure cut their limbs into pieces. (both literally and figuratively)
C = Cuddles (How they cuddle or are cuddled)
it truly depends on the mood and who initiates it. if you saw him lying in bed or on the couch and you got on top of him, he’ll just wrap his arms around you as you lay on his chest. he’ll probably also have a book in his hand, so in true law fashion, he won’t say much so he’ll just do the action more than say anything.
simultaneously, when you lay on the bed and if he’s really tired due to work, he’ll just groan and pull you into him and let himself lay on top of you with his face nuzzling on your neck without suffocating you. you’d simply ask him how his day went and he’d just grumble back an “nghh” which means ‘I don’t feel like talking, let me just lay in peace’ and you just simply rub his back as he falls into a slumber.
TLDR; he can be a baby when he’s tired
D = Darling  (Pet names)
He's not the biggest pet name guy but he’s the type to call you “babe/baby” if not by your name or how he’d call you “(y/n)-ya”
E = Enamored (how hard do they fall when in love)
you know the trope “they fell first, he fell harder”? I feel like if law was a trope, he’d be that.
law is nowhere near affectionate or emotional, but once you came into his life, you’ve impacted him in ways no one would think of, and yet you’re all he thinks of. he would even “subtly” mention you from time to time, and he wouldn’t notice how much he talks about you until Shachi and Penguin call him out on it and make fun of him for it (and he’d be in denial about it of course)
“y’know, (y/n) would love this necklace because it has their birthstone on it and I know how much they—“
“We know, bro, you’ve talked about them in the past hour.”
“NO, I DON’T!”
F = Firsts (A first on anything you pick)
if one would ask the two of you how your first kiss went, you’d get different responses from you and Law; with you finding it adorable and endearing, and him finding it embarrassing.
you two were in his room, alone, and watching a movie that you two have been wanting to watch but never got the chance until now. but despite the desire to watch, the two kept glancing at each other (mostly initiated by law, but he could never admit it), one hoping the other to just make a move.
law was never that experienced so he was nervous. using his knowledge from his time as a medical student, a little bit of his general psychology course, and the shows and media he consumes, he just went for it, and to say he went in deep would be an understatement.
although you were shocked at first, you kissed him back but you noticed that he suddenly went stiff and didn’t move as smoothly as he first did, so you pulled away and asked him if he was okay. and he looked at you like a deer in headlights.
“… I froze, didn’t I?”
law refuses to retell that story and is embarrassed every time you mention it.
G = Good Morning (How do they wake you up)
you’re dealing with an insomniac man, you tell me how it goes.
no, but in all seriousness, he’ll be very groggy so he’ll probably be the type to oversleep, so you have to wake him up. but if he ever woke you up, it’d probably be if he accidentally made his presence loud and you crave him.
but if you two happened to oversleep, then you got Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo barging in, yelling, and jumping on the bed to wake you two up like they’re overgrown children.
(in the modern universe; he’ll just push them out and glare at them to get out. meanwhile in the canon universe; he’ll simply use his devil fruit powers and just switch them out with specs of dust around the polar tank)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs?)
oddly enough, for a cold individual, his hugs are warm and soothing to have around. again, he doesn’t give out hugs to anyone except you and maybe Bepo, but with that fact, his hugs just hit different with you.
he rarely asks for it, and he’ll give it to you if you want it… however, remember how I said he’ll participate in doing PDA if he’s feeling possessive? yeah, you best believe he’s the type to hug you from behind as you talk to the individual in front of you.
think like this:
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I = In Labor (Labour and Delivery)
oh, you’re highly blessed to have law by your side. As a doctor, he’s very much prepared to take care of you while in labor and knows how to keep calm in your delivery process.
but deep down, as your boyfriend, he’s highly concerned and scared for you and your baby.
suffice to say, underneath that stoic, calm, and collected doctor, is a very scared man who wishes he could get rid of the pain of his significant other.
J = Jealousy (Are they jealous? How do they handle it?)
I’d say Law is a very secure guy in his relationship and once you’re in a relationship with him, you’re expected to be loyal to him as he is to you, so he has nothing to worry about if you fulfill that promise.
however, he does have his moments where he needs to step in to showcase to the person in front of you that you’re off the market and that you have a boyfriend who’s not afraid to cause chaos for their sake.
I’d say he’s more possessive than jealous.
K = Kisses (How do they kiss? How often?)
oh, his kiss just hits differently as much as his hugs.
while he hates PDA (or so he says), he is the type to give you a quick peck before leaving somewhere for an entire day, whether privately or in front of people. just a quick peck on the cheek or forehead in public, on the lips in private.
speaking of privacy, his kisses are also very loving in private. he loves to get into full-on make-out sessions with you on the bed, sometimes it does get sexual, but other times you two can’t get each other off of each other.
L = Loyal (How loyal are they?)
the law would kill for his crew, and you’re as special as his crew. law gives me the vibes of “I’ll take a bullet for the one I love, and if I survive, I’ll kill whoever tried to hurt the one I love” and it's a big claim since law is a very distrustful person and doesn’t let ANYONE in his life that easy.
so if you ever thought of breaking your loyalty and betraying law in any way, you’re practically dead to him.
M = Memory (Their favorite memory about you?)
when asked about your favorite memory, you’d say “Your first kiss with him” and he would yell at you, “NO!”
all jokes aside, his favorite memory is possibly when you two started working together. he can’t pinpoint why, it's not like you guys met under the best circumstances, but when you two started talking and getting to know each other through work, he started to get enamored by your presence and just wanted to know more about you.
N = Never! (Dealbreakers)
breaking your loyalty to him and you deliberately expose his vulnerable side to other people. Any betrayal is a big dealbreaker to him, but these two would set him off. like I’ve mentioned above in the loyalty section, do either of these and you’re dead to him.
O = On the Rocks (How do they make up?)
law is not the most emotionally intuitive but that doesn’t mean he’s not emotionally intelligent. While Law is not the most talkative, he does try to communicate with you and you two mainly hash out your problems and apologize if needed.
however, law is a levelheaded person, so as long as you don’t pull any dumb stunt like a certain someone, *cough* luffy *cough* you’re fine.
P = Playtime (Any headcanons on sex)
While Law’s not the most vocal, he’s the type to let out groans and slight whimpers in your ears when he reaches his climax.
and while he enjoys being dominant during sex, he does want to tap into his submissive side sometime in the future (which includes pegging), but his pride wouldn’t allow him. maybe it's a trust issue thing, so once he can trust 100%, he can reconsider
Q = Quiet Time (How do they wind down?)
just simply having your presence calms him down, especially when you two cuddle on his couch/bed, that sure puts him at ease.
R = Rapture (What makes them happy?)
your judgment-free perspective and your ability to hear him out without outright criticizing and mocking him makes this man feel so at ease. and with your loving smile, it sure makes his dopamine levels go up.
S = Soulmate (What do they think of soulmates?)
I don’t think Law would be a firm believer in soulmates. I don’t how to explain it but he never came off as someone who believes in such things due to him feeling like each time he gets close to someone, he loses them. so finding a “soulmate” doesn’t sound like something he’d be interested in.
however, with having you and his crew, he believes there’s something deeper to it, just like how he felt with Corazon… but he’s afraid that with that deep feeling, that would mean he’d lose you guys…
it's very complicated and he can never give you a direct answer, so oftentimes he’ll either say no or I don’t know.
T = Together (What do you like to do together?)
lounging around and reading a book together. sounds very typical of law, but what else could he do? he’s not the most extroverted individual and he certainly doesn’t like loud environments so having some quiet sessions with you is ideal for him.
U = Unyielding (How do they handle interlopers in the relationship?)
law is the king of being unbothered and masters the art of not giving a fuck. not to toot his own horn, but Law is hyper-aware that he’s good-looking and anyone would wish to be in your position. while he doesn’t see what you and others see in him, he understands that people do fawn over his intimidating and mysterious aura.
so he does get girls (and sometimes guys) to throw themselves at him and try to get in between you and him, only for him to embarrass them by apathetically rejecting their advances. no amount of luring could ever get to him as he would just hit them with his signature scowl and roll his eyes at them. his love for you is THAT deep.
meanwhile in your case… I’d be a broken record so go back to the jealousy and the whole PDA discourse.
V = Vulnerable (Are they vulnerable often? How do they handle it?)
law is not always vulnerable, thanks to his pride, trust issues, and trauma, but when he does become vulnerable, you better keep that shit to yourself and bury it in your grave. That's an oath you need to keep.
you’ll see him sometimes start tearing up and talk about how much he misses his family, old friends, and Corazon. his face would become red due to his crying as he pouts and starts to talk about his feelings.
you’d comfort him and eye him with a loving and supportive look. he would make eye contact with you through teary eyes and witness your look. that look solidified his trust in you and how comfortable he is talking about his feelings.
W = Wedding (Wedding headcanons)
law is not a big celebratory person, but he doesn’t simply want a courthouse wedding. not because he doesn’t want it, but because he knows that his crew would pester him for it and you would just laugh at their arguments, even if you don’t mind having a courthouse wedding.
so he’ll just have a small wedding, think kind of a backyard type of wedding where only the closest people are in attendance. while it's not big, you two would wear your elegant wedding attire and you two would shine together.
he just loves the small intimate ceremonies where all his favorite people gathered around and no one to disturb this beautiful moment.
X = (E)x (How do they handle exes? What do they do if they see them)
law is not that experienced in relationships so it's not like he had many exes and if he were to have one, he’d not acknowledge them if he saw them from afar. if they did walk up to them, he’d simply just apologize and walk away. it's not that law is not confrontational, it's just, what the hell was he supposed to do? the relationship’s done, there’s nothing to reignite.
I feel like Law’s the type who would not go back to his ex, even if he fell hard for them and still has slight feelings for them.
Y = Yearning (What do they do when they miss you?)
he’ll never admit it, and no matter how many times you’ve caught him, he’ll still not admit and deny it, but this man takes your clothes and/or pillows and constantly smells them until he sleeps.
it started with your pillow from your shared bed. you left to hang out with ikkaku and you may have lingered a bit longer than expected, and you came back later than you should have. you expected to be lightly scolded by law as you walked into the room, but instead, you were met with the sight of him sleeping with your pillow (and your discarded hoodie from earlier?), wrapping its arms around it like how he’d usually do with you.
it was an adorable sight, and when you call him out on it he’d be like “Huh? What are you talking about? I probably moved in my sleep” Yeah sure, Jan.
furthermore, law has stolen your panties previously. when you were gone, Law, unfortunately, caught himself in a position where he desperately needed you. he eyes down at the imprint between his legs through his sweatpants.
he palms it as he hisses out a light cuss, wishing you could just walk in and take care of him, but he knows you won’t be here anytime soon. so he’ll take the closest thing to having you, he gets up to your drawer and fishes out your lace underwear.
he stared at it as he went back to his chair and he proceeded to palm himself through his sweatpants once again. he gripped your panties as he lowered his pants and boxers, revealing his hard cock, gasping at the air making contact with his sensitive skin.
he cusses at himself and calls himself a pervert for doing what he’s about to do as he wraps your panties around and starts to stroke it.
little does he know, you came in earlier than expected and walked into the hottest sight you’ve witnessed.
Z = Zzz… (Sleeping headcanons)
law is a small spoon, argue with the wall. he loves to lay on your chest as he enjoys the sound of your heartbeat (no pun intended), while he wraps his arms around your middle. he also loves it when you stroke his hair, it makes him go to sleep almost instantly as you see him roll his eyes and began to let out a tiny snore as he falls to sleep.
he sleeps like a baby all in all, and you love to take care of him.
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characters are owned by oda. i will not tolerate nor accept translation, reposts on other websites, or plagiarism. divider made by mmadeinheavenn.
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yourpenpaldee · 4 months
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I don't usually put myself out there as it makes me nervous. But I've been a lurker for way too long, and it's about time I step out of my comfort zone. So, hello! I'm Dee (she/her), twenty-two, and have found my voice with storytelling.
Writing has always been a passion of mine, and continues to be the tool I turn to when I need an outlet to freely express myself. I have, unfortunately, hit a rough patch with consistency, and I'm here to bring all of that motivation and inspiration back. Especially since there are one too many WIPs sitting on the backburner, and they're all calling my name.
As someone who loves to dip their toes into every genre of fiction, I will read anything that peaks my interest. However, when it comes to creating, my works usually fall under romance and mystery. With practice, I intend on branching out into other genres I don't write often. There's a lot to explore in the world of writing, and I don't want to limit myself to only two categories.
Creating this blog provides me the space I need to accomplish the many goals I often dream of achieving. I acknowledge that it all starts with the ability to hold myself accountable. To show up for myself. To become comfortable with the uncomfortable. Putting myself and my projects out into the world is only the first of many steps, and it feels quite liberating.
I aim to use the voice I've found to not only contribute to the progression of POC representation, but to touch on several topics that remain heavily stigmatized in today's media. There’s a joy that runs through my veins every time I see someone like me on my screen or in a book. I feel seen, heard, and proud. I feel important. But as a creator, there’s that itch that can only be scratched when I create. When I make something that lets the next person know that they’re not invisible. That they're valued, loved, and appreciated. That's what I hope for when someone reads a project of mine. For them to feel the same rush of joy flowing through them as it does me.
Wow, I’m a yapper. I'd like to close this intro off with some fun facts, so here are some of my top five favorites with sidenotes because I still want to yap a bit more about the things I adore.
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And that concludes this introduction on me and this blog. I would love to connect and befriend other authors, so please don't hesitate to reach out as my DMs will always be open! I'd love to support and read your works, so don't be hesitant to share them with me if you'd like.
I hope you all will enjoy reading my works as much as I enjoy the process of bringing my ideas to life.
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divider creds to strangergraphics ♡
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squadmuse · 5 months
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
It takes a while for Rafael to open up and be truly affectionate with you. He’s slower than most, but still a gentleman and spoils you whenever he can. As your relationship progresses however and as Rafael feels more and more comfortable with you & your relationship together, then he is extremely affectionate towards you and absolutely cherishes you. Cuddles, kisses, hand holding etc. you name it, when Rafael treats you like this, you’re The One for him.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You and Rafael click quickly as friends and have a great friendship together. You’re an Assistant United States Attorney while he is an Assistant District Attorney for Manhattan, and can usually be found in each other’s offices having lunch and a catch up. He loves that you’re snarky and sassy like him, and unafraid to stick up for yourself & victims and survivors. Rafael is a great friend to have, he’s always a phone call away, with the greatest advice and shoulder to cry on if needed. He loves surprising you with tickets to a Broadway show, museum tours etc.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Rafael isn’t the cuddliest at the start of the relationship but he melts easily after a while with your hugs and cuddles. He isn’t used to affection unless from his Mami or Abuelita. Rafael loves hugging you from behind, cuddling on the couch or in his home study & office after hours.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Only when Rafael knows for certain that you are The One 100% will he want to settle down fully. He didn’t have the nicest home life due to his father and has had his heart broken by people he loved & trusted. As he has been a bachelor for years, Rafael is adept at cooking & cleaning but takes his laundry to the dry cleaners. His house is pristine, but he longs for the day that you & him are married with a child playing with their toys in the living room.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Rafael is a gentleman, somewhat old fashioned yet distant at first so he would likely break up with you face to face. He thinks it rude to do it over the phone or to ghost someone especially if they’re someone like you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
You and Rafael are together for a while before he decides to propose marriage, as he wanted to be certain you were not going to break his heart or leave. You’ve moved in together after a couple of years and Rafael knows you’re not bothered by his wariness & past. Once he proposes, you marry within the year in a quiet close knit ceremony at the Catholic church nearby as a tribute to his Mami & Abuelita.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
As he was abused physically and emotionally by his own father and had his heart broken before, Rafael is gentle and kind towards you. He might be less so at the start, accidentally screwing up or putting work before you, but after a while Rafael becomes an open book to you. He’ll never ever raise a hand or fist to you, and he never curses or swears at you, but sometimes he does snap or bite when he’s stressed.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Rafael hates admitting it but he loves hugs, he’s so touch starved and loves getting to collapse into your arms after a long stressful day. He’s very gentle with his hugs, rubbing your back as you rest your head in the crook of his neck. Sometimes he hums a song at night.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
As said before, Rafael doesn’t say I Love You for a while but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t show his love for you. He struggles opening up, showing himself truly and being vulnerable with anyone, and when he gets to that point of being vulnerable & comfortable, then he says it quickly and doesn’t stop saying it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Rafael does get jealous but it is down to the insecurities he has himself and not about you, he’s been dumped for other guys before and he knows how incredible you are that Rafael always wonders — why did you choose him of all people to be with, what is so loveable about him? Rafael will busy himself with work more often when he’s feeling like that, but he also gets possessive to an extent and makes sure to let you know how much he loves you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Rafael Barba aka Makeout King. He is almost timid at first, scared that he might’ve crossed the line when he kisses you that first time. But his kisses are electrifying, intoxicating and downright sweet at the same time. When he’s fully comfortable with you, Rafael can’t stop kissing you and will kiss anywhere he can on you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Rafael doesn’t have much if any experience with kids, especially babies. But he isn’t against them, and he loves getting to teach them things, whether it is some basic Spanish, a fairy tale book or some random facts. Rafael worries about hurting children, having seen how his own father acted and behaved. After a while, Rafael does get more comfortable around younger children as you have nieces, nephews and godchildren that all end up calling him Tío Rafa.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Rafael hates mornings, and only brightens up when you suggest showering together to save time… although you sometimes end up rushing out the door after too long in the shower together. In the kitchen, Rafael makes a beeline for the professional coffee maker that you bought as a birthday present for him and makes a very strong coffee for himself and a cappuccino for yourself. Usually, Rafael has prepared his briefcase & outfit the night before. You make sure he takes some actual lunch with him also.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nighttimes are spent together either in Rafael’s study (he brings his work home now that he has you, not staying extremely late at the office) and you end up working together or talking about work, life and each other. Rafael gives you a massage while you pour him a small glass of his favourite scotch.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Rafael is very slow to open up and reveal things about himself. You met Lucia by accident, as you had dropped by his office at Hogan Place to talk/argue about a case that each of you were certain to have jurisdiction over, and there she was when you greeted him with a “Rafi amor…” - needless to say Lucia hated that Rafael had been hiding you away from her. You try so hard to make Rafael realise that his traumatic past doesn’t define him or who he is.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Rafael is usually very patient with you, and especially with you compared to others. He tries so hard to not get angry or even irritated by you, but when he’s had a bad day at work or having one, every single thing anyone does seems to annoy him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Rafael has a giant brain and incredible memory, but sometimes when he’s stressed out with case after case, he does end up with things slipping his mind and he hates it. Rafael is also able to remember things you’ve said you have liked in passing or in conversation, even months back but he remembers it and buys you whatever it was.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Rafael’s favorite moment in your relationship was when he brought you to his Mami, Lucia’s home for the first time for Sunday lunch & dinner. You and his Mami got along instantly, and he was amazed at how quickly his Mami liked you as she was usually overprotective of him. It was that day, seeing you laugh and smile with his Mami, that Rafael knew you were The One and that you fit in perfectly with his family.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Rafael is very protective of you, and would have an armed escort following you around if he could. He’s had people blackmail him in the past and death threats against him, but Rafael doesn’t worry or care about himself, his main focus is you. Rafael likes knowing how protective you are of him in return, how much you love and look out for him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Rafael puts a lot of effort into dates, anniversaries and gifts, only the best will do for you in his eyes. Both of you work as attorneys and have long hours, but Rafael will spoil you with an anniversary trip to Gstaad or The Bahamas, a nice bottle of champagne or wine, a nice pair of Christian Louboutin heels etc. Every day however, he does his best to be an excellent boyfriend or fiancé or husband and enjoys just being with you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Rafael can get hyper-focused on work and ends up working himself thin and bare. At first in the relationship, he would prioritise his Mami & Abuelita over you and while it didn’t bother you, he did it a lot until he realised that you were upset. He works long hours too, and sometimes your hours don’t match up or your vacations either and Rafael is a man on a mission when it comes to his career and will at times, prioritise that.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Rafael Barba is very vain. He has his hair and beard styled & trimmed perfectly, has complimenting colours in his outfits with ties matching pocket squares etc. and he hates it when he starts going grey (but slowly comes to love it too when you let him know how hot you find it)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
When Rafael has let you into his life, his heart and soul, he feels very incomplete without you there and wonders how he became such a man — but he realises it is because how he loved you, you are & were his soulmate.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Rafael loves taking you dancing, and shows off his move to you on the dance floor. It helps his anxiety and insecurity by showing off, doing fancy little moves to impress you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Rafael doesn’t like anyone who is demanding, too high maintenance or clingy, and he doesn’t like abusers or alcoholics. Also anyone who doesn’t respect his position, his Mami & Abuelita is out the door ASAP.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Rafael can be found some nights asleep at the desk in his study, and you always wake him up as you know he needs to sleep in bed because of his back. He also loves that you have a ton of cosy blankets & quilts on the bed, it seems to help him sleep much easier.
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yumeka-sxf · 4 months
Japanese Linguistic Observations in Spy x Family - part 4
Part 4 - Furigana and double meanings
I discussed in Part 2 how Japanese is comprised of three different alphabets: hiragana and katakana (together referred to as "kana") which represent pronunciation, and kanji which represent meaning. With there being over 2,000 kanji in common use, as well as various ways to pronounce any one kanji character depending on the word it's in, children learn kanji gradually throughout their school years. So manga and books aimed at a younger audience will typically have kanji "translations." These are comprised of small kana called furigana which are printed to the right of the kanji to show how to pronounce it. In the below panel for example, the one word that has a kanji is the 嬉 in 嬉しい. The furigana shows that 嬉 is pronounced うれ ("ure") to make the adjective "ureshii" (happy).
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Sometimes manga authors will use furigana+kanji in creative ways to convey different meanings to words that specifically suit their story/characters. This alternate way of translating kanji is called 当て字 (ateji). One way of using ateji is to help introduce fictional terminology. In SxF for example, Ostania and Westalis are made-up words, but Endo assigns them their own kanji: 東国 for Ostania and 西国 for Westalis. The second kanji for both of them is 国 which means "country," and the first kanji for Ostania is 東 which means "east" while 西 for Westalis means "west." However, to differentiate them from the actual words these kanji represent ("toukoku" and "saikoku," which mean "eastern country" and "western country" respectively), Endo writes out their pronunciations in katakana next to the kanji. You can see this in the panels below.
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Even though they're not real words, by assigning them kanji that represent what they are – "east country" and "west country" – even without any context, Japanese readers get more information about these terms than English readers do thanks to the use of kanji and furigana.
Another way manga authors can use ateji to suit their needs is by telling readers to pronounce otherwise normal Japanese words in the "language" they want. For example, the word used for "codename" in SxF is 暗号名, which is a real word that is pronounced "angoumei." However, when we look at the furigana that Endo assigns to it, he specifically tells us to pronounce it like the English word "codename" (コードネーム).
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Since SxF is a series that takes place in a fictional version of Europe, Endo must have found it more fitting to use English for specific keywords like this.
While the above examples are fairly common throughout all manga, especially those that have a lot of fictional terminology, Endo also gets creative with using ateji to form double meanings that lend insight into the characters' thoughts/feelings. And we get one of the best examples of this in the very first chapter:
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This is the scene where Twilight's saying that he became a spy to create a world where children don't have to cry. The word for children, 子ども, should be pronounced "kodomo," however, the furigana is telling us to pronounce it as じぶん (jibun), which means "self." By creating this double meaning of Twilight saying he'll make a world where children and/or he himself doesn't have to cry, points out in a subtle yet poignant way just how much Twilight's trauma as a child shaped his determination to make sure other children don't have to suffer the same fate. It's a brilliant way of showing a deeper side of the character that he wouldn't outwardly show.
A similar example occurs in chapter 49 during the cruise arc, in the scene where Yor is guarding the room at night, thinking about how she was dragging her feet during the Barnaby fight. Her last thought during that scene is wondering what she's fighting for, however, even though the word used is いばら姫 (ibarahime), which means "Thorn Princess," the furigana tells us to pronounce it as わたし, which is the "I"/"me" pronoun that Yor uses.
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The ambiguity of reading the word as "I" or as "Thorn Princess" emphasizes how she's struggling with her Thorn Princess identity at that time. It can almost have a different meaning when reading it one way or the other. For example, reading it as わたしは何のため ("For what reason am I [doing this]…) or as いばら姫は何のため ("For what reason is Thorn Princess [doing this]…) gives the impression that she's trying to distance herself from "Thorn Princess"…that she's unconsciously seeing herself and "Thorn Princess" as different people.
Another example that's not as deep but still interesting is from chapter 87, where Sylvia visits Fiona in the hospital and tells her not to push herself so hard, even for his sake, with "his" referring to Twilight. The kanji used is 黄昏 (tasogare) which means "Twilight," but the furigana translation is あいつ (aitsu) which means "that guy/that person."
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This is a clever way to use kanji/furigana to indicate that Sylvia is indeed aware of Fiona's feelings for Twilight by having her not refer to him by name, but also informing the reader that she definitely knows who she's talking about.
I also find it interesting that all three of these examples are spoken from a character we're viewing from behind. I think it's just a coincidence, but still interesting 😅
I'll wrap up with one more example from chapter 58, where Loid notes that his understanding of Bond is lacking, just like Anya. Once again, the word for children, 子ども (kodomo) is used (Loid likes making double meanings with that word, doesn't he?) but the furigana translates it to アーニャ(Anya).
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I interpret this as him saying he needs to understand children better, but he specifically means Anya (even though he doesn't want to admit his particular yearning to understand her).
If you're wondering how the anime handles these ateji, it seems to vary. In the anime version of the chapter 1 example, Loid says the correct kanji translation "kodomo," but in the chapter 49 example, Yor says the furigana translation "watashi."
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The anime seems to use the reading that would make the most sense if spoken out loud by the character.
I haven't read enough manga in Japanese to say that this use of furigana+kanji to create double meanings is a common thing, but even if it is, I'm sure Endo has his own unique style of doing it. I know there's more examples in SxF that I missed, and unfortunately I don't have the time to look through every chapter to find them. But if you happen to come across any others, feel free to let me know 😃 I may amend this post or create another one if more interesting examples pop up.
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ejlovesvi · 10 months
Can you do a fluff version of the Johanna mason x reader
note: yes i can indeed! enjoy!
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pairing: johanna mason x fem!reader
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, johanna being in loveee
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
she adores your authenticity. she loves how you never let your personality change even through tough times or with other people. she needs something secure and familiar. you’re what she needs; a person to love who won’t change or go away.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
your thighs (mentioned in nsfw alphabet), and or your eyes. she loves when they crinkle at the edge when you smile. but she also loves how they glare at her when she’s done something wrong. she lovesss your eyes.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
i think she’s a bit hesitant when it comes to cuddling because she worries she’ll hurt you or cross a boundary she doesn’t know about. but once you assure her you just want her to cuddle you she does just that. she likes to spoon. it’s always alternating between you two of who’s little spoon. each day it switches.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
i feel like she’d just wanna do something chill. like eat dinner, drink a bit, watch a movie, and then fall asleep cuddling. that’s her ideal date.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
she’s not best with her emotions, as we all know. most times she snaps at you from her overfill of emotions. she immediately feels guilty but instead of apologizing she leaves the house or locks herself in the bedroom. after about two hours she’s calmed down and she’ll apologize and hug you, begging you not to leave her. you always reassure her that everyone handles emotions differently and you won’t leave her just because she’s having an overload.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
she doesn’t want a family. she just wants you and her. i think she’d be too scared to raise a child, afraid she’d either hurt it and or it would be killed off early in life due to the horrible conditions of the world.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
doesn’t get you gifts much, it’s not her love language. however if she’s feeling generous she’ll pick a flower from the ground and tuck it behind your ear. she thinks she shows you her love enough in different ways, and you’re fine with that.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
she’d hold your hand whenever. it’s just muscle memory at this point. walking down the street, cuddling, reading books together, while making love. all of it.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
she’d go fucking feral. like hijacked peeta feral. from having to experience the hunger games TWICE she gets ptsd and immediately jumps to the worst conclusion. she’s hyperventilating and panicking until you reassure her your fine. it could be something as small as a cut from chopping vegetables to scraping up your knee.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
she’ll joke around by slapping your butt at the most random times. placing cookies in the oven? slap. cleaning the windows? slap.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
she likes to start soft and slow then increase into a makeout sesh. afterwards she’ll get all flustered as if she didn’t initiate it.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
acts of service and quality time. she’ll help you with simple tasks like folding laundry, washing your hair in the shower, finding lost items. you could literally just be in the same room as her and she’ll be content and comfortable.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
getting to sleep together after the quarter quell and rebellion. after months of worry, chaos, and death you both laid in bed together for days, not leaving each others presence.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
losing you and being tortured by snow. there’s many nights she’ll wake up thrashing and screaming. when you wake up and comfort her she shakily tells you about how you either died, snow held you hostage, or snow held her hostage again.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
most stubborn person ever. she’ll refuse to admit she’s wrong at any point. even if she knows your right and she’s wrong.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
babe, your name, hot stuff, baby.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
she literally could just sit across the couch from you and be content. just you being around her is enough.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
every breath you take by the police. i’d like to think you’d have a record player from the market and had gotten a vinyl of the police. the song is lowkey creepy but she relates to it because she loves watching you.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
it’d be hard for her to tell secrets at first cause she’d question the repercussions but when she knows she can trust you she’ll answer any questions you have about secrets.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
i think you two had known of each other’s existence before her first games because you two went to school together but you didn’t talk to her until after she came back from her games. you guys became friends not too long after and she immediately fell in love with you because you never gave up on her. you two danced around a confession for at least a year or two until one of you spit it out.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
she’s a little stunned and taken aback, feels sad but stays quiet. she tries her best to calm you down but if it becomes too much she’ll either storm out because she thinks she can’t help you or she’ll simply cry and hold you.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
she definitely likes to show off her axe skills. even though a part of it reminds her of the games she’s always down to show off how precise she can throw an axe.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
she would not want you to fight a day in your life, unless of course you had to do it to survive. she’d rather do the fighting for you because she doesn’t want to risk you getting hurt, even if it puts her in an unsafe position.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
i think when it comes to you and the people she’s close with she can easily read emotions. the only problem is her not being able to handle them as well as she’d like to.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
nothing too crazy because that just isn’t her jam. i think you two would be doing a loving domestic task together like washing dishes and she’d just turn to you and ask to marry you. you’d be a bit shocked but stutter out a “yes” anyway. she’d nod and remind herself to buy you a ring later.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
when you scratch her back lightly. she loves the feeling of your nails trailing up and down her back in a loving manner. it calms her down right away.
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mackandcheezy · 10 months
The Taste of Power (Young! President! Coriolanus Snow x Reader)
​​A/N: In honor of the holiday of eating here in the states I bring to you Coriolanus the munch 
Tell me Corio isn’t an absolute munch. I have yet to meet a man with mommy issues who doesn’t devour pussy like it's their last meal on earth. Except Corio also is for sure torturing you too. 
So you’re just minding your business reading a book, or talking to him about your day, or anything really. Until he gives you that one look, you know that look after a while. His eyes get heavy and thick, half lidded, pupils blown. Your taste is a drug and Coriolanus Snow was a self proclaimed addict. 
“And then she said-- hello? Are you even listening to me,” your mouth starts to curve upwards, because you know you're about to not only see god but jesus too. 
“No” and with that he’s off. Falling onto his knees because, sure he could carry you to the bed but he wants you now so he will have you now. He lifts your dress with such ease ripping the delicate lace, protecting his prized possession, from your form. He’s careful not to rip them though, is he needy? Sure. But never anything less than a gentleman. He makes a show out of carefully dragging them down your legs, making an effort to drag his finger from the inside of your thigh to your ankle. Carefully lifting your feet out of them and back onto the floor like a parent undressing their child. He folds them gently, maintaining eye contact as you start to give in to the feelings he’s stirred. 
You can feel the desire starting to set every nerve afire. The hand he's placed on your lower back to lead you into the bedroom feels dizzying. And with nothing there to collect your excitement your thighs have begun to become damp. 
Corio wastes no time striping the rest off the moment you’re inside the door, not even bothering to close it. With a quick look the guards usually stationed at either side of the door make themselves busy elsewhere, not wanting to risk the anger of a jealous President Snow when he knows others have enjoyed you in a way just for him. Throwing you onto the soft linens is effortless and within moments his jacket is off and shirt halfway unbuttoned. 
He begins placing small kisses along your knee. The bruise from where you fell just a few days ago, a random wrinkle, right in the middle, placing as much attention as he would to the place you want him most. 
“Corio please-” the anticipation has you hot even with the windows open and the late fall air blowing in. 
“Patience is a virtue, you’d do well to learn it” He picks his head up just enough to give you a satisfied smirk. He could cum right here right now with you whining like that, but that’s just mean, so he reluctantly begins making his way up your thigh. Taking in every dip, curve, and line. 
“You taste good, but I think I’m ready for dessert” carefully he repositions himself over your cunt placing his hands firmly on your waist digging his fingers into the soft flesh. 
He takes a moment letting the hot air of his breath land on the sensitive skin of your lips before licking a thick stripe from bottom to top. The sensation has you lifting your hips for more, but it's never quite that easy is it? Corio makes a show of slurping up all of the wetness you’d built up from the anticipation, making sure not to waste a drop. 
He heard once from a much older capitol man who had a slew of whores for the weekend that the best way to treat the clit was to spell the alphabet with your tongue. But Corio much rather preferred to claim you in these moments. He knew you’d never know what he was spelling but he enjoyed making it a game for himself, “Coriolanus Snow’, “You’re mine’, “Good girl” as many things as he could come up with. 
The best part of the game was when he finally ran out of phrases. Because that's when the real show began. He pulls off your body, leaving you mewling for more. Soft gasps escaping from how close he had gotten you. Multiple times, yet always going slower when the breaths became more labored. He strips the rest of his garments, leaving them on the floor like trash. 
He swipes the tip along your folds a few times until you’re squirming for more. Only then does he thrust inside of you in one full motion. He takes a moment to savor the feeling of your warm cunt wrapped around his thick cock, and allows your walls to adjust before going full force like a wild animal. 
Only once inside of you does he allow his resolve to fade and his true intentions to come out, and like a man starved he takes you. Hard thrusts force you into the headboard, the constant banging keeping the tempo like a metronome. White blurs the edge of your vision everytime he reaches the tip of your cervix. 
“You’re so fucking pretty laid out for me” he whispers in your ear, one hand on the headboard and the other behind your head. 
When the movements become shorter, and harder, and words become nothing but broken moans and heavy breaths, that's when he allows his lips to find yours. It’s messy and gross, and nothing like the way he kisses you when you cook him a meal or lay out his clothes. Its tongue and dripping saliva, but here in a cloud of wet moans, pre cum, and saliva, its perfect. 
He allows his warm seed to fill your tight hole, pressing a hand to your stomach as he pulls out. He never says it but you know what he is waiting for. He pulls out gently, pressing a reassuring kiss to your forehead. 
“You are my everything”
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kaivenom · 3 months
Could you do fluff alphabet with Malakai?
Malakai Mitchell fluff alphabet
(My first time doing this fan fic format, i am excited, maybe i even wrote a little to much, but yeaahhhhh, Heartbreak high boys appreciation, pleaseeee)
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A= Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
Everything, if someone was pointing at him with a gun and obliged him to say what he loves the most about you, then he would rather die. He is the type to end up looking at you at school for an hour with a dreamy face.
You love love is smile and his laugh, all that little expressions he makes while laughing is just what makes you fall in love with him even more.
B= Baby: do they want a family? Why/Why not?
He wants a big family. in fact, i picture him like the type of husband that says "just one, i would like to have a mini version of us running around" and then when you have your first child goes "well, it is alone, it needs a brother or sister" and then goes "three is a lucky number". After that you must stop him, three is enough, but you both love them equally and with all your heart.
C= Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
In any form possible, he is a very versatile person. If the situation gives head in chest vibes then he is all for it, if he sad then small spoon, if he is tired then he just plumps himself on top of you... And the list goes on, if there is a bed or a comfy surface to lay on and you are, then he will be all over you.
D= Dates: what are dates with them like?
Funny and romantic. He always wants to do something dynamic that you both can enjoy. Going golfing or just watching netflix and chill, depending on your moods. For him datee are moments to pass with you, so the place and the when doesn't matter, it just the look on your face that gets him. Sometime she gives you a little gift when the date starts (ussually food).
E= Everythings: “you are my______” (ex. my life, my world…)
You are my light.
The reason he gets to school when he doesn't want to see his classmates, the reason he get's up when he feels sad... He thinks you light his life up, so what better nickname for you? You always make him see the positive thing in everything, even when you don't say anyhing.
F= Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
It could be said, the first time he saw you, but that maybe could be the time he got infatuated. The first time he knew he was falling for you was when you both needed to do an assigment together. It was a whole afternoon to get to know each other while you both did the work. It was the oportunity to see you and to be seen by you, and he couldn't get enough of it.
G= Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
Yes. He goes jumping like a kid to get in front of you and open the door, then grabbing the bottle to fill your cup, having his arm always around you to "protect" you and many things like that... a true gentlmen.
H= Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
The more hold the better, if you don't like physical contact then you will have a hard time with him. If he isn't holding your hand with finger interviewed then he will be playing with them without thinking about it or running his fingers thru your hand. He really does it without thinking, he could be talking or something and then suddently have his fingers connected to yours.
I= Impression: first impression/s.
You thought he wa cute and he thought he was being a nervous mess (which was true). He tought you were beautiful and wanted to talk to you, but when he wanted to talk he got nervous an became smiling and laughing like a little clumsy mess. You laughed to that because it was cute and you both ended up being clumsy messes.
J= Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
Little and innocent pranks, like putting cream or hidhing things, short and innofensive pranks that can't get you mad at him. He knows how to read the ambience and when he sense it's time to return you the book, he does it.
K= Kisses: how do they kiss?
Slow and sensual, he likes to take his time with you. He likes to savour everything about you and your lips. He can spent hours making out, just enjoying your lips against his without needing to go any further becuase he can express how much he loves you thru these actions. His hands travel all the way thru you body at a slowly pace, accompanying his feelings.
L= Love: who says I love you first?
Him, without doubt. He gets to excited when he has a crush and sometimes gets thinks too fast, but he really loves you and needed to say it.
He also has the little fantasy of someday, it happens the moment were you both say I love you at the same time.
M= Memory their favourite moment together.
When you defended him from a racist. Like we saw and the show and we know that happens on real life, people are a little to much of a haters. On one party he starts get called bad things by some people., but he decided to ignore it. You saw how bad it was affecting him saw you striked back. They throw drinks at you, a fight was almost started and you two needed to run away from there. It was dangerous, to say at least, but he coudln't keep his eyes off you while running (which make him almost fall a couple of times). He knew he was crazy for you that time.
N= Nickel do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
He doesn't really have the money to buy everything but if he could, he will. He likes to spoil you with everything you need, want or can, or even things you didn't know you needed before. If he can't buy then he will try to make it.
O= Orange: what colour reminds them of their other half?
When he sees red, he thinks of you, always. It reminds him of love and how much he cares about you. It demostrates his devotion to you.
You don't really have a color that reminds you of him, maybe green or yellow but it's always the mix of a lot of colours that gets in your mind. When you see a splash of colours on a graffiti, a painting or anything, it reminds you of his outfits. (we know he mixes every colour and pattern)
P= Pet names: what pet names do they use?
Every one of them, sometimes he is being serious because he is a little clumsy when he likes someone but other times he just wants to make you mad.
"Honey, give me a hug" "My little sweet milkshake give a kiss" "Love" "Baby" "My sweet honey girlfriend" and al combination you could think.
Q= Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
Rocking chair. It is weird and he won't tell anyone, when you discovered you were stunned. His grandma had one on the house and he just likes to sit there and swing back and forth, he could do it unconciously for hours. While reading a book, listening to music, being on his phone.
Fun fact: it's not the first time you catched him on the chair while passing thru the corridor and getting scared thinking he is a ghost or something.
R= Rainy day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
Listen to music, videocall if you aren't on the same house, eating a lot and even cooking, obviously binge watching some series.
Rainy days end up being a mess if you both stay inside the house, but there are sometimes were you both go out in the rain. You like the breeze and being together under the umbrella. He likes doing walks and maybe you get a cold afterwards but in his eyes it was worthy.
S= Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up?
He is good at cheering other people up but not himself (like we saw on the show).
When you are sad he likes to make you forget about it with a cake or balloons or some goofy idea that makes you mad at him and not sad about the matter. If you want to talk seriously, then he puts the serious mode and gets into supportal psychologic boyfriend.
When you want to cheer him up, you need to talk to him seriously and then pass to the cake. When he gets sad he isolates himself and gets really catastrophic, so cheering him up means talking about the matter and making him think or believe that it's not that much of a problem.
T= Talking: what do they love to talk about?
I think he likes to tell you random facts he just discovered. Without previous warning, you were sitting on the couch with your phones and suddently he says:
"Hey, you know that this scene in ....." and you have a good five minutes of random facts.
Your favourite ones to listen to are related to movies and tv shows.
U= Unencumbered: what helps them relax?
Just chill with you on bed and watch a movie while he rests his head on your chest. He tends to fall asleep due to how relaxing your heartbeat is to him. It is really funny to you how he snores a little and his mouth opens a lot.
V= Vaun: what do they like to show off? what are they proud of?
He likes to show of his athletic skills and it's very proud about it. The other thing he always like to show off is you, obviously, he is the type of boyfriend to kneel in front of you and praise you in front of everyone.
W= Wedding them, how, where do they propose.
Next to the beach, minimalistic but with all details that represent you both. Obviously since his maori heritage there will be a lot of cultural things around the wedding. I think it will be a lot of white and gold everywhere around.
He will propose in one of those trips you do to hike and be in nature, because i think he is a lot into hiking weekends. There will be a waterfall behind or something like that, just idilic and just the two of you.
With the ring there are two options, either he got really crystal freak and choose every gem that represent you or he either took a couple of twigs and braided them on the moment because he couldn't wait more to marry you.
X= Xylophone: what’s their song?
"Fantasy" by Mariah Carey.
He just thinks that the fantasy thing and all about that you are a dream came true and appear on his dream every night just makes the vibe to his feelings for you.
Y= You are the ______ to my _______ (ex. the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You are the stars to my moon. It sounds a lot like game of thrones Khal Drogo and Daenerys thing but since he saw it on the show, he got super romantic and obssesed about it.
Z= Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would get?
He wants pets, obviously. I picture him having a golden retriever to match his energy. If you often have to deal with a charming energetic boyfriend, now you have to double with his dog double.
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thefirst3chapters · 5 months
Overanalyzing the Danes family again and thinking about how they react to change:
Liz appears to have an affinity for material objects. When Luke goes to Liz and TJ's place in S7, they have lots of Renaissance faire decor, supplies for making jewelry, quite a few other decorative items, and what appears to be a sizable Beanie Babies collection. That could just be their style, but it's interesting that Luke mentions in S4 that Liz has ended up in situations where a guy leaves with her belongings and clears out her bank account. Perhaps having a lot of physical things around her that aren't very expensive and probably aren't family heirlooms makes her feel safe and gives her a sense of control when everything else changes. Those things might not be as likely to be stolen, and if they go missing she can acquire more.
In S6, Liz tells Luke after a successful run selling jewelry that she doesn't know what to do with all the money, and Luke's suggestion of putting it in a bank hadn't occurred to her. Maybe when Liz came across some money she liked going to thrift stores and getting as much as she could afford. I'm picturing her finding yet another lava lamp or doll and saying, "I feel a connection with this one, don't you think it belongs with us?" while four-year-old Jess, who has been dragging around Curious George Learns the Alphabet for months, stares at her blankly.
Most of the things Jess seems to value are sources of ideas (books and music) or have a clear practical purpose (his clothes, watch, and car). One notable exception is the bracelets he has in addition to the one he temporarily keeps from Rory, and there's that ring he has in AYITL. Maybe there's a story there, and it's possibly an interesting connection to Liz's interest in jewelry (cue the everlasting Gilmore Girls theme of being like your parents even if you don't realize it or try to resist it). Twice we see Jess moving out of town with just what he can carry, and it happened offscreen when he went back to New York. Luke points out that Jess doesn't have much when first gets to Stars Hollow, but he doesn't seem to mind and says that Liz will send the rest later. In that episode, Liz tells Luke it will be that Friday. When all this stuff arrives 10 episodes later, there is of course comedic value in Luke's frustration at being trapped by mountains of boxes, but it's interesting that there is so much, and Jess doesn't seem to care about most of it. Did Liz think Jess would be comforted by this in the way she might be? Even with the extra space when the addition is built, a lot of those things realistically would not have been kept. Jess doesn't seem to own much besides books when he's in his New York apartment either.
Liz is more gregarious than Luke and Jess, but she also appears less affected when people she loves are absent. Liz calls Luke to see if Jess got to town alright in his first episode but famously doesn't ask about Jess going back to New York for the holidays. In S4, Liz is happy to see Jess both times he is in town, but she doesn't go out of her way to find out where he is or if he's okay. In S6, when she projects her concerns by telling TJ that he's going to mess up their child and throws things at him, she tells Luke that TJ left her like all the guys before him, but she's calm about it because of her "new come-what-may philosophy." Luke's the one who intervenes and gets TJ to come back while Liz is busy making new friends, and then Liz is glad to reconcile with him. Maybe Liz's apparent ease with all of this and her inclination toward meeting new people is how she's gotten through all of the losses she's experienced. She's predisposed to moving on.
Jess isn't social by nature, and as a teenager he's extra resistant to being around other people. However, in the two examples we see, once he gets emotionally attached to someone, it's for life. Being estranged from Luke and Rory affects him deeply and for a long time, and when he reconciles with them he makes it clear how important they both are to him. When he's working at Truncheon, he and his co-workers are friends, and he's conversational enough to be a successful businessperson in that environment, but April still notes that "men in this family aren't chatty" when she meets him.
For Luke, the circle of people he likes being around is small, but to those people he's extensively loyal ("Once Luke Danes is in your life, he's in your life forever"). The absence of someone he cares about clearly distresses him, and he tends to seek solitude in response. His apartment isn't cluttered, but he seems to have kept high school trophies, and he has a strong emotional attachment to things that are connected to his family: the diner, the "William's Hardware" sign, the boat, and his grandmother's bedroom furniture. Luke's life has been a bit more stable because he's the one who stuck around to take care of his parents and run the family business, and he's often hesitant to accept change. When metaphorical storms uproot Liz and Jess and take them elsewhere, they have contrasting coping mechanisms that they take with them while Luke stays behind and tries to hold down the fort, and eventually Jess finds stable footing and is able to help him. Or something like that.
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firstdivisiongirl · 11 months
Hey I am a really big fan of your writing and I love it it so much
This is the first time I request anything so please bear with me if I did anything wrong
Can I request Law with a fem reader that is his girlfriend but he keeps feeling he is not enough and starts distancing him self from her and acting cold because he feels something bad will happen if he acts like him self?and when she confronts him he denies anything wrong which makes their relationship grow cold
Angst to fluff the more angst the better please
Hi @phsycochan! I am so happy to hear that you like my writing. Thank you for the kind words. I am so happy that people like you are turning in a lot of Law scenarios. He's one of my favorites. I love writing for him, but I never do for some reason. I hope you enjoy this!
Law x Female Reader: Distance Between Us
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He let you into your life.  You were his girl.  But, he wasn’t acting or treating you that way.  He was treating you more like a stranger.  One that he’d pass and never see again.  This wasn’t the Trafalgar Law you knew and loved.  You wanted the distance between you to shrink.  He’d listen to you, right?
To him, you were his everything.  You were the girl of his dreams.  However, he never felt like he deserved you.  Everyone he loved died one way or another.  He wasn’t strong enough to protect them, so how could he protect you?  So he kept you far away,  you’d be safer and happier that way, right?
You had asked him why.  But, he ignored you.  You told him you loved him.  But, he ignored you.  The distance between you only grew.  Finally, after months and months of this, you decided to try again.
You walked into his office.  But everything was a mess.  His usual neat desk was covered in papers.  His organized bookshelf was a complete disaster with books clearly not in alphabetical order.  The bags under his eyes were as large, if not larger, than the day you met.  What happened to him, you thought.
“What happened,” you asked, breaking the icy silence between you two.
He went back to his work, “nothing.”
“No!  Something is wrong.  You treat me like I mean nothing to you!  What’s going on?  You can’t treat me like this?”
“It’s better this way!”  You could see the vein on his forehead starting to protrude.
“NO IT’S NOT!!!!!  Look at you!  You’re a mess and…”
“ENOUGH!,” he interrupted your speech, “I’m not a child.  I can handle this on my own.  I don’t need you.”
You ran out of the room crying.  You both sat there, wondering what you could have done differently.
Three months have passed with the same coldness between you.  You two could barely look at each other, let alone be in the same confined space.  So you made the hard decision to leave the Heart Pirates.  That’s how you got to where you are now.  Everyone on the crew was so sad, especially Bepo.  He wanted to believe that you and Law would work it all out and get back together.  
As everyone said their goodbyes to you, Law was inside.  He wanted to respect your decision, but he knew he really messed up.  He kept hearing what Ikkaku told him before she and the rest of the crew left to say goodbyes.  “She fell in love with you because you were you.  You were so worried about losing her that you caused her to leave.  Put on your big girl panties and tell her how you feel.”  Ikkaku was right, so he ran out of his office before it was too late.
You were about to leave when you heard someone yell.  “Wait,” Law yelled, running up to you.  When he reached you he kissed you passionately.  It reminded you of the first time he kissed you.  The magic was still there.
He continued, “I’m sorry.  It’s my fault.  I was just afraid of losing you.  I didn’t mean any of it.  I love you Y/N.  Please stay.”  You nodded your head, tears streaming down your face
It would take time and effort, but the two of you would try.  This distance between you was finally dwindling.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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im-an-anthusiast · 1 month
Who, me? 
Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Anthusiast, Ant, or perhaps Felix. Not as far as legal documents are considered, but what are you, a cop?
Yours truly is a queer in a homophobic Hellhole, so, yes, I am Gay AND European. I'm a he/they/it bisexual with some gender fuckery going on. You can honestly tell all this simply thanks to the fact that I look like the mafioso of the Alphabet Mafia if it was a real Mafia.
I either talk like this, this being the most pretentious Fuck to grace this Plane of Existence, or like God's silliest, most pathetic, whimsical plaything. I tend to monolouge, rant, or both.
I have quite a few obsessions interests!
Writing! I write poetry and about my WIP. I even have a Masterlist!
Blood, flesh, and the cannibalistic, anthropophagical consumption of it.
Insects, especially ants!
Roleplay and acting. I also highly enjoy Systems, so I adore TTRPGs. Pathfinder 2e and DnD 5e are personal favs.
bideo bames. I hold a special love for RPG and FPS games. My favs include Warframe, Baldur's Gate 3, and Fallout: New Vegas.
Visual Novels and Interactive Fictions. Cove my beloved.
Mythology and folklore are wonderful. I'm especially big on Greek mythos, but I love all of em. Japanese folk tales might be the most immediately concerning. The Farmer and the Badger, man...
I quite enjoy reading.
My beautiful partner!!!
I enjoy some Media
Grew up on the Skulduggery Pleasant series
A Monster Calls is my favourite ever book. Made me bawl.
Love the Mistborn Series
Absolutely adore the Godkiller series. It legitimately feels tailored for me
Magnus Chase
Demon Road
Dimension 20
Game Changer
dropout.tv content as a whole
Red vs. Blue (where do you think I got my name?)
In my life and work both I am plagued by these motifs, and thus mention them (too) often
Blood, flesh, scars
Self-harm, self-sacrifice, self-destruction and related tendencies
Gold, talent, being good enough
Obsession (itself)
Familial trauma
I use tags sometimes btw
#signed; fa - writing tag
#Felix's Friends - dedicated poetry tag
#Felix's Fashion - outfit tag
#ant talks ants - insect rant tag
#my flesh eating son and #yeah albion; #maxwell minnhett my son and #maxwell my dear and #maxwell my beloved; #santi my dear thing; #erin my dear; #calixte my sweet little child; #thomas dearest. - oc tags. that I'll clean up. eventually
Lastly, though most importantly, these are the people whom I love with all of my heart
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stuckinapril · 6 months
Do you have any poetry recommendations? The poem poll made me realize that I like. ONLY know Iraqi poets. Like the only non-Iraqi poet I can name off the top of my head is Robert Frost
i'm literally hooked on poetry. even on days where i can't sit down to read a book, i try to consume at least one poem a day bc it keeps me sane. it actually does. i recommend signing up to one poem a day newsletters--those have been a game changer for me. as for recommendations, my favorite poems change every week, but current faves (whose authors i regularly go back to/are a good starting point) would be:
elegy for my sadness - chen chen (Who invented the word / “ennui”? A sad Frenchman? / A centipede? They should’ve never / been born. They should’ve seen me / in Paris, a sad teenage / exchange student. I was so sad / & so teenaged, one day my host sister / gripped my hand hard & even harder / said, SOIS HEUREUX. / BE HAPPY. & miraculously, / I wasn’t sad anymore. / All I felt was the desire to slap my host sister. / See, I was angry in Paris, which is clearly / not allowed. One can be sad in Paris (I was) / & one can be in love in Paris (I was not), / but angry? Angry in Paris?")
a pity, we were such a good invention - yehuda amichal ( "A pity / We were such a good / And loving invention / An aeroplane made from a man and wife / Wings and everything / We hovered a little above the earth")
like a small cafe, that's love - mahmoud darwish ("I say to myself at last / Perhaps she who I was waiting for / was waiting for me, or was waiting for some other man / or was waiting for us, and did not find him/me.")
bible study - tony hoagland ("Who knows, this might be the last good night of summer / My broken nose is forming an idea of what’s for supper / Hard to believe that death is just around the corner / What kind of idiot would think he even had a destiny?")
mother and child - louise gluck ("Why do I suffer? Why am I ignorant? / Cells in a great darkness. Some machine made us; / it is your turn to address it, to go back asking / what am I for? What am I for?")
america, america - saadi youssef ("We are not hostages, America, / and your soldiers are not God's soldiers... / We are the poor ones, ours is the earth of the drowned gods, / the gods of bulls, / the gods of fires, / the gods of sorrows that intertwine clay and blood in a song... / We are the poor, ours is the god of the poor, / who emerges out of farmers' ribs, / hungry / and bright, / and raises heads up high...")
the duino elegies (seventh elegy respectively) - rainer maria rilke ("Not only the devotion of these unfolded forces, / not only the paths, not only the evening fields, / not only, after a late storm, the breathing freshness, / not only approaching sleep and a premonition, evenings... / also the nights! Also the high summer nights / also the stars, the stars of this Earth! / O to be dead at last and know them eternally, / all the stars: for how, how, how to forget them!")
the endlessness - ada limon ("How was i supposed to feel then? About moving in the world? How could I touch anything or anyone without the weight of all of time shifting through us?")
psalm - adonis ("Open my memory and study my face beneath its words, learn my alphabet. When you see foam weaving my flesh and stone flowing in my blood, you will see me. I am closed like a tree trunk, present and ungraspable like air. Thus I cannot surrender to you.")
the war works hard - dunya mikhail ("The war continues working, / day and night. / It inspires tyrants / to deliver long speeches / awards medals to generals / and themes to poets / it contributes/ to the industry / of artificial limbs / provides food for flies / adds pages to the history books / achieves equality / between killer and killed / teaches lovers to write letters / accustoms young women to waiting / fills the newspapers / with articles and pictures / builds new houses / for the orphans / invigorates the coffin makers / gives grave diggers / a pat on the back / and paints a smile on the leader's face.")
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